The Ultimate Minecraft IceRoast!

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Now with the dog live live precisely to some [ __ ] come on you got bee in your bonnet yeah no I’m just kind of so lost my sharpest pencil well you’re live don’t worry and also how’d you get a chomp ten saw some [ __ ] sick yeah was

It marks or what was it no I don’t know we ganked some guy it was like some pay2win swords and how are we doing everyone we live wiggity whoo welcome guys welcome Tech head says early age a BSO says hi rabbit says wave Yussef says hi welcome guys to the dirty

Stream just saying what Oh had the way I said it yeah yeah no it was great I loved it 10 out of 10 best thing I’ve ever watched in my entire life I would watch again yeah how are we doing early scored I see you’re on a stream Mason evil I

Subscribed deal that does make a little bit I’ll be super great we are on the mine wind server the IP but I is in the description hope you’ve had a great day we’re kicking it off DAGs is back from his trip from London it wasn’t London

Right oh yeah I don’t know why I said France I kind of thought in my head France and then then choked everyone by telling you we’re going to France and then I believed it I was like wait is that good friends or not did I imagine

That apart I didn’t so there you go okay how was your trip we’ll stop with that no it was good what you up to I’m just gonna do some adverts real quick okay I’m gonna check it everyone on the stream looks good and then gonna have a nice little set with the

Boys and the girls gonna play some mine wind rages my sword says a bunch of things to do we have a to-do list it turns out dead core MC says soon hello echo welcome to stream everyone a great day are you still yeah we caught which at

Any questions to ask ask them now fathers questions near Doug’s and well you know da best new who could have a bit of a Q&A ask us some like IRL questions why not yeah go for it I’m down to do Q&A real really late now is Q&A I’m ready questions right we have

A to-do list set by timer which is super good the poop the lonely Pope says sup lovely to see you someone used discord there are literally like loads of people in the disco we were having a big conversation like literally like 10 minutes ago so wait time decker MC says play and

Once your favorite color probably like black or gray like a dark blue would be nice when did you lose your virginity I don’t know ask your mom thanks this your favorite color is here Thanks yes sorry I’ll just check in the stream was all good it all looks mighty

Fine thanks you sound beautiful may I add as well real dishy today with you nice white shirt I like it a lot yeah interesting I’ll tell you the details details later do you have a girlfriend yet thanks got fiance and I have a girlfriend mmm-hmm yeah we are oh yeah not as much

You guys think we are shoot so now I don’t live The Bachelor life you know double people think that the bachelor life is a dream my little penthouse plane might have to be great Oh but anyway reallocated where the hell are pizza factions who attacked we got

Attacked when we walked to him and then we’re fine and then we were great right we were fine it was great we love the base has been defended but we had to evacuate Kazumi the basin was so there’s nothing in the base only lose anything

We killed two guys we need to build a new base basically because they know where we are which sucks yeah why did you happen right it says ygf and not wife because i’m in progress making her making my cheat my fiancee a wife costs fair bit me

Yeah is not cheap needs more funds we have a duelist we can get and for people who have not been to the base before this is the prison architected by khyber and basically me thanks help and a couple of other guys that stream when we did a bunch of building which is super

Good geckos here lovely TV okay have a good night or day see you later cool thanks john the stream and DAGs hey yeah tell me about your trip well sorry what how did you trip where did you cutting out a little bit of this start again i don’t know why this does

It to you but by trip right okay so my trip i went to london right and see some Smith and me and my GFS my fiance we’re not friends I’m wife my wifey to be like a bit of Sam Smith we didn’t go to France like you told everyone he didn’t

Use I and he went to France he run away from us and then he went to the Falcone and had to go home story well the name is TP to the wedding yeah yeah I’ll need an in-game when this well guys why are we not planning this oh yes yeah I don’t

Think we’d get the girls to have an in-game light I don’t think they’d be too happy about this our sisters what if we’re polygamists right and maybe me and you get married we happier about that either day to be fair no problem what it’s fine if he’s in minecraft and it’s

Official you know the rules yeah that’s how it works it’s like um getting married in Vegas you know exact count Ritz the Stacey babies happens in Vegas stays in Vegas that one that’s saying that you’re trying to do its that yeah that one the one I’m

Butchering at least you not have to pay money for i IG IG marriage was a 19 marriage what’s in gay marriage I got it yes yes you know have to pay money for in gay marriage that is good but then you have to sacrifice a bit of your soul

Right so we have a to-do list today ladies and gentlemen I’ve got the crew errands can I happy birthday sign to cry because these kaiba’s birthday tomorrow happy birthday type of tomorrow we have a bunch of dogs I’m gonna be for tomorrow and he’s gonna be 27 how’s it

Feel to be nearly a pensioner this nice [ __ ] older than me for a change alright oh he’s 27 okay that’s a little bit better you’re not as much of a pensioner as a fool he’s the true T not is the to t is the true T con granddad

I know it’s not me anymore right so what’s what we’re gonna tackle first on this to-do list so to decorate the inside of the lighthouse yeah at a village on the east side of the castle outside the walls make a windmill area marked off in farms with concrete don’t

Know what that means put some things around the pond outside like trees and flowers portal to the beach area marked off with sign I need lots of sand and gravel for concrete for ships as khyber cool submarine must be maybe it’s for the ballast maybe right there’s also I

Need to add we need to add another one of those dock thingies as well on one of these oh yeah that’s on the to-do list you see no Kaiba’s lighthouse by the way yeah it looks amazing and he bought a second one of these or did you do that

Second no it’s like well you know platform things really built one no and maybe me and him did that yeah we made him did that I from um and then he built the ship as well yeah sorry the freaking giant ship that’s here yeah tada [ __ ] I’ve already seen this once that’s why

It’s pretty good we need to build the sales as well that’s the thing we need to do me work on the first so get on board lads we could I hope you could put like a pirate ship or like the t-con logo into the sales that would be amazing

That’d be so sick oh we could do a different color wall though proper massive base now oh Kaiba’s like I’ve [ __ ] about a lot of red and white glass on top well it’s kind of like an old-school lighthouse right not like a new school whoa are we frightened you mean lighthouse in

The center is like a burning flame at the top rather than a light I think he’s saying you should have made it red and white I can look properly maybe old school yeah but he’s become medieval house yes yeah this is a medieval lighthouse you don’t want a like a reasonably

Reasonably modern life exactly wouldn’t go with the flow with Minecraft I agree right in I agree so how the crab are we gonna build this sail are we going to be building our concrete because it looks like we bought it out of concrete is that it looks mad

It’s just like one big sail from here yeah so go grab some white concrete which is what I think we’re gonna use and we’re gonna test this out I have no idea you see he’s done it relatively decently and I’m gonna so let the White House pedo criticize let me do the say

Always says why Frank in fact why I could do that then and then we can get on with some other stuff because I feel like I’m gonna ruin it if I build the sails so yeah I just googled minecraft [ __ ] and mad yeah I know some of them

Are good so why are ye mad I reckon doing is we look at the list and what was the first thing on the list there quit the light-hearted we’ve been inside the lighthouse I’m currently in the lighthouse and so anything to see Brett I can’t wait to become nicest of

It dove it me you can’t wait it’s a whole Paula the ball pie is going on without you do but to be fair on one-eighty-seven one-eighty-seven you have been an absolute babe right get him I got my boy GUI the gooey center he’s been absolutely babe right so

I’m sure maybe this Friday we could put you up for a vote potentially because I need them rocking it out as well yeah everything goes well would you decorate the liar’s is looking pretty piffy it looks nice anyway I saw I was thinking no it doesn’t look bad exactly like what

It looks good what’s the underground they’ve just been boozled me we gonna do my this underground London Underground and I kind of like having it like being a pig you know I’m even like cobbler in the walls that makes it feel like like a bit

Of a sell I feel like we can trick the prisoners down there yeah yeah it’s quite nice isn’t it a bit like a Brig yeah you know I can’t wait for is the new water mechanics yes well I got stuff to talk about today about that have you

Yeah God new is they released another snapshot today oh yeah and there’s dolphins in it dolphins up if by the way and decorate the inside with brooms and search but it looks good don’t oh good right it’s on it’s off the list it’s done no we’ve to complete a height like

Ours by walking if you want to do the basement in the lighthouse I feel like the basement could do it there’s nothing in it yeah I know but I don’t know what to put in it to be fair now would you point a party got a prison I don’t know

We should put we should make a wine cellar right that’s what we should do how do you do shows for a wine cellar is what I’m wondering grab some materials grips grab some wine grab some wood I’ve got some dark oak like my favorite wood oak leaves which

I’m sure will be helpful would you mind oh whoa just reset in your mind you can put it out put in back here going it keeps bugging out guys on crap I don’t want to rush it hello welcome back but you’re not using up a live intro because I like

Everything you tab so I can switch between things really quickly oh yeah rather than having to yeah I can hear you oh you just dropped out because the apps crap oh crap oh and I have the tabs do you forget about Barbarossa I’ve never forgot my Barbarossa maybe the

Site that’s who we can put in the bomb in the UM the bottom of the ocean right the game froze because I own tabs that’s what happens um the new snapshot there is a water beacon yes I was talking about the new beacon new things they’ve

Added a bunch of stuff for the new snapshot right yeah it’s awesome they’ve added two like that they’re adding things that are mysterious you know I mean like super mysterious aka yeah okay all right they’re adding to this you’ll be prepared to be amazed they are adding two mysterious items call ones called

The heart of the sea and the other ones called the the conduit or something it’s very soon and then nobody knows what they do it’s all mysterious so they all make sure all right then long they look fruity that there might be a new boss potential I think I saw some

Stuff about this people get excited at the possibility of a new book yeah no I’d love another boss because genuinely minecraft needs more I think I want to see some kind of cracking thing right died BC it’s an update or like some kind of Poseidon II dude you know I mean

My qualms with like the cracking idea I love it but only words if you have like a big ship kind of thing with it yeah you know the older big ship mod where you can turn like stuffs into like airships and stuff the old tech game

That was really good I don’t know what it was in but it was it wasn’t one of them but it’ll be multiplayer yeah was it I’m sure it was like original techy otech it how old are you talking no all y’all was new yeah it was like I’m sure

Maybe they added the same one maybe it was in that pack because it was all the bunch of you know everyone how you doing Ivan that’s amazing that is a nice shelf by the way we need another one of those we’re gonna put them everywhere name

That was really good that was classy I like that I like a lot um that’s really good so and I know heart of the sea that sounds like a crazy thing once you reckon it could be dogs boy I think it’s it’s probably gonna be like I’m guessing

I think you’re mo you’re onto something it’s either gonna be you know the thing in my wanna that she picks up exactly you know I mean it sounds like it’s gonna come from some interesting you know I’m either a new mom yeah either an another mob was could even come from

It’s gonna have to come from somewhere like interesting maybe it’s like a special treasure I’m thinking it’s gonna be like it’s gonna turn you into a massive monster there are some hints that it’s gonna be another beacon an underwater beacon the issue of corn because is that you can’t put like

People on the name tag on the list you know that’s it that’s not the multiplayer issue isn’t it yeah just kind of beacon some kind of this I think is the qualms I’ve got with the way minecraft is going is they don’t really care for the way that we played among which

Is kind of like a good portion of the playerbase all right I don’t know how much of the play base it genuinely is though like I guess we played survival in some way it’s survival but online competitive kind of yeah Anarchy survival I don’t know how many people play that voices

SMP right so its class a single multiplayer survival service right it’s like the basic minecraft server alright so surely that like it’s gotta be some support from I don’t know I feel like the kind of stupid like they added the beacon thing it was like all too

Many pointless really photos I feel like every patch to like right we added this stupid thing like 10 months ago now let’s fix it and make it relevant no no yeah let’s try it finally fix that thing that didn’t work properly lighting the amount of times they’ve done a lighting

Hahaha Lighting’s mixed lighting is still fixed we’re fixing the lighting everybody you know the joke is with the hero Brian thing being removed I think it should just be like lighting lighting is still broken still broken still not working properly oh but it’s abated and

It’s still rubbish Geo’s try to do me I don’t want do me I’m gonna teach the shutter on that where I’m shot in the head yes that’s the one but no yes so new stuff in the game yeah I think they’re all but they’re trying to be on

Sneaky about it so baby freakin good if it’s something like crap like you get to spawn fish I’m gonna be really hope this is Garvey good I mean at the same time I hope they make it you know how like fish or an actual thing you can see does it

Mean you can actually have fish tanks like by catching fish in place I mean you know watch any of the new snapshot no yes you can and there’s like Cod and loads of other new types of knives well okay so nice yeah no you can actually

Pick up a fish in a book it and there’s like five different types of fish dolphins not really good and they like jump the sea and everything right I was pretty cool the next patch honestly looks amazing but boss would be like the pissy stoners this dong you know

Honestly yeah boss would be sick yeah I’m pretty skeptical I’m pretty skeptical of a new boss I yeah Mojang it don’t love us that much let’s be honest cause they just kind of like you never read my comments sorry Robin I’m on my way Robbie says I’ve got an idea for the

Stream he’s probably gonna say oh shoot oh let’s be honest right yes yes how’s work been dugsi boys sorry whoever that was you just like punching people in the face there we go that’s what we wanted what everyone stream tomorrow yeah I know I just need like cops and robbers

With my sobs how do we play cops and robbers is that these two please point out war out of freaking ground can you don’t fix it messing with my plans here we go right that’s it I’m stay out the way everyone do it stuff but like in the way

Doing stuff today you go right okay right you can put wood on the floor now Cheers yeah that’s a good idea using his brain I feel good boy thank you so much oh nice also freakin hell man we are on truck cereal like cereal with mumps somebody’s gonna get a major

Dripping in a minute oh my god the lag what’s with the leg somebody died I think that’s what killed well okay there you go You liked it I’ve got I like big time then I’m good might be your internet but when you back home are you ready for this and God the Internet Oh God are you ready co-star getting the life do you feel me you know what though the kwame’s the towards the

End of me being living back with my mum and dad the internet got good it was fine it did it was more my internet I started chipping around yeah your internet started dropping a lot is no tomorrow mine was like fine which is weird opposite the way it has been but I hope

In fingers crossed it’ll be fine but if not right I’ve got this internet anyway so just get insured it my mama and Papas not really decided yet because hey baby hoon except you know you can just use such F home right YT p to me what why

You do this but there you go also right I got an argument with some youtuber yesterday just uh so it wasn’t me no it wasn’t you so all the geezers about on factions just name right yeah anybody was in the stream and knows about this can I comment I’ll [ __ ]

Harris it was this geezer is on faction right and then he literally every day has just been in the friggin he’s just on the server Reich spamming and I crap you’re not like spamming the spam in the faction server for subs literally it’s just like sub to me and I’ll give you 50

K for the past like a week I have heard this guy spam sub like literally just like trying to buy subs with in-game currency to the point where it’s actually gained 300 subs right and then I was there like me stop spamming and he joined our disc

Trying to call me out boy was I not having it right oh my lord yeah no it was my I went live it on the guy it was crazy guys aren’t about it the guy thought it was funny and then pissed himself ten times yeah I know and

Then eat like he thought I wasn’t told your kid and then he said we stood by our channel and he just literally just stood in a factions thing for like you know every day just spamming in the chat I sucked me and I’ll give you money and

He was getting like quite a lot of jobs like this guy so I’m sick dump server these guys bomb in the chat was so annoying is that the youtuber that we killed no some of the keys that could I straight like this fight he doesn’t even a good

Faction the faction consists of like him and his mate like two dudes I’ll say like it’s not like he made videos on the server you did two videos and they’re like 10 minutes you still like what see these just literally I’m just like you’re not even

Playing he’s just in the spawn just die you know give it my so what happened II just like just a little bit of a pissing match and then Zelda and all these guys start joining and then they like slightly like bantering him as well did

You make him cry yeah I did to story good all the t-con guys I like ripping into it was it was a really good channel link I’m gonna his name’s I strayed let me go link for it he’s actually I stray I’m sure we kill nice we did so it’s a

Flippin I’ve sure I won bomb the crap out of him I do know dysfunctions this is this is channel I’ll put it in the discord I’ll put it in the stream give me some crap I’m sorry man coming on as dislike what his visits polite yeah this is bad it was really

Annoying just say I’ve slipped you get money yeah oh can you put the link again it died for me yeah but I’ve refreshed and then oh yeah exactly oh no don’t even get me started I was raging at this kid and I was that me it’s not even go for your channel

Nobody’s gonna watch your channel if you just kind of it was so dumb I love the fact that if I want to get two subs I would have done this like I would have done like I stray how to get over to UK subs cuz I over 1mill exactly we could I

Bought out every single one that we could actually offer decently don’t even get me started living um no the guy really sold me up I was always a salty eyelid a not gonna lie I was stellar wait how this how is this guy qualified YouTube that’s why I was saying cuz all

He does he look at the videos he’s actually doing the server it’s on like 20 videos not even now like exactly and like only two of them are on the actual dumb server oh my god this way just keep PvP service man he comes to all this

Guys i right go to your death we’ll have a chat and I was there I am I getting called out by this generic in choice that people make for him yeah who is this guy to call my channel and then he said we sub Boyd I was just there

Like 700 subs I know I know how much work we put in for 700 subs exactly I know I’m gonna go dislike all of this video I’m gonna be kidding though like I was trying to get the admins to like on YouTube him and he just wouldn’t do it

And I was just there like the guy doesn’t provide anything he just leeching his leeching he’s a leech cussing him out you’re calling him out like there’s no tomorrow telling you he has no life yeah the guy was telling me that I have no life even though he’s just there like not

Even playing a game like stunning the lobby I skip a sub so say like always they’re like if you’re gonna make on my crotch and at least make it good I was livid and then all these guys like cracking off in the voice chat because I’m like rage you know everyone going

Dislike all his videos I was I was on a roid rage where I’m not be kidding I was an angry guy that day yeah you had to be in a disc or mine it was it was a dangerous time um rock zombies hi how you doing Rock

Zombies welcome to stream again how you been dude I hate to me his quality is pretty decent in terms of his recordings yes record do any videos though yeah just like two videos and then just from the entire thing Cabos then I could freakin do that he’s called a lot of

Dislikes holy crap I’m we just going to that some videos have like just 32 dislikes and no light cuz he literally just done this point it does actually make anything it mondo this guy has YouTube rank on factions and I don’t precisely in fact you might have that now by the

Way you could check so I’m fine how are you I’m pretty good my boss my boy oh boy my boy we’re playing a bit of this minecraft server loving his club’s birthday tomorrow so I promised I’d play my own on this his favourite server they likes so you know that’s that’s such

What I’m doing such is life this is what I’m doing right so we’re just playing on thing you can trying to server the IP is in the chat oh you got to be a night rank to get into this base with a bunch of other geezers so to get night rank

You know sort of thing all the informations on the discord go join that so sick wolf says he’s good DAGs don’t you dare call 1.8 trash or kick your front fractions and hashtag G to be fair I mean it’s not trash isn’t trash it’s just I don’t like it when

People say 1.8 it’s better than the new system because it’s just not hashed I’m not like people the only reason people slag the new PvP system is because they suck it’s true isn’t it Libre you say it stuck to those guys that can’t do it and don’t understand it yeah alright yeah I

Do like both systems I felt a very nice very different yeah however there’s not even just a 1.8 PvP anymore it’s like if you play on the old servers you know you’re missing a lot of other things now so it just kind of suck in that respect

Because you’re missing out and like end sees chokers and I all the new patch you know the new buying the new can’t chanted underwater stop you know I mean so hence my my favorite is because he has all the new stuff in but I don’t

Mind either PvP you know what you know I miss actually is a very original version where like you took a crapload of damage from zombies and they just ate a steak and Ryu juice I like the freakin bows in the office swords you need swords when you have a

Frigging mini machine gun in your pocket under an arrow dispenser breaking trenches about trench warfare back in a day man you even know that stuff was deadly do you not miss it though cuz then you just like you think you hate your state you fine yeah well there’s a lot of other things

Not in a patent any more like like it’s the same thing this is oh yeah this is like a beta version this is like well old yeah it’s missing in a big beta 1.9 update where I did like a normal under and wolves yeah the normal system and

All the normal things of Minecraft yeah I was like a big part my craft is slowly turning into modern Minecraft I guess it has to right it’s got no choice it’s like a bulb would die right like it’s like that day it’s gotta do something

Cuz it’s getting a bit old now he’s got a light you know it’s like give me a new trick cuz uh Wow yeah but then Wells gone full circle right whilst and the whole do you know like the product like don’t get me started life cycle of WoW

Is right like we’ve added all more people more people poor people and then it gets a bit less it’s gets bit [ __ ] [ __ ] and the people on the original game okay that’s crazy yeah Wendy I was thinking like that you know this is memory that old games that it gets so

Popular and crashing and then swimming we pop that’s the only kind of like there’s so many industries that do that repopulate just for the fact cuz it’s old Myka mighty though I think I don’t know I don’t know because I guess maybe it’s mine oh I would actually look to play

The beta versions unlike a normal server could you imagine like a massively unbalanced game like the original like beta minecraft way no in a competitive server oh that was so much fun well it would be good it would be good they get me wrong that would be amazing

I think my only qualm is that the maps are too big on PvP servers they’re always too big yeah the ten i’d like it when you know the old days this is back in the day for all you guys who weren’t around 700 years ago one key card

Originated but back in the days of kill craft are like first big server that we hear there’s like the word border was 2 K by 2 minus 2 K so yeah that was like the best best part that’s like a perfect size well it’s all compared all relative

To like the popularity isn’t it yeah like which is good it yeah if we were to open a server again I’d make it 2 K by 2 K Z bit vanilla key I don’t know either posted a disk or thing right this is a I’m trying to build another one of these

Things but I’m failing miserably um yes is what I’m trying to say yes right now sorry I’m one of the fork in another one of these like doc stings to like make it look more as dog if we wait 1.8 PvP back in minecraft players would still play yeah maybe subscribe thanks

But that’s such a hard name to save thank you so much for the subdued super appreciate our bender man I’m trying to friggin what oh you really want to yeah I put it on once you think okay you give me some context man I don’t you’re talking about what did they look like

Ha oh the stairs that are in the shape of a swastika ha swastika ha ha boozled sorry nineteen forties oh whoa – what’s his joke back no stairs jeez we also need to get the polar bear and stick it in the lighthouse calm is it calm I forgot how

To build this is taking so freaking long right you know I mean don’t let this is hello eat how you doing the darlin and welcome back what’s crack-a-lackin’ with yourself like me on a good day my man one two three so there’s three blocks in between it and then the more wood right

Okay so lovely ya know um the new patch looks amazing I’m really excited war stuff to be fair I’ll be interesting to see what these new things are I just hope they don’t bug it up and be like yeah it’s a new it’s a new texture pack you a lot

When you’re when you kill a thousand dolphins you know I mean that’d be just rubbish I want it to be a new boss basically I want a third boss minecraft I like I like the wooden mansions I like the wooden of mansions but they’re not hard enough you know like a proper

Challenge they don’t you know the wither is hard right the wither is a good boss yeah I would agree view you know I mean the wither is annoying even if you’re even fool prop for the wither it’s really friggin annoying to fight because it damages all the blocks nearby which

Makes it you can’t like trap it in as she don’t obsidian see gopal i Cannady a decent amount of F in Depina with it where there’s a good boss very good boss alright you got your own place he does some PvP so he doesn’t anymore Houston yeah no I did something a big

Fight um but no he’s good again night now he’s good again he went to rehab and now he they made him better yet right took me to rehab but nothing no right bloody drops a useful item used he drops the breath so he’s mentally I do repeatable so he’s like useful cuz he

Drop something cool and yeah you like he flies through box and he’s in the end you can respawn in one place right so I’m pvp server that place is contested by 24/7 so many fight the dragon it’s now a PvP fight as well all right yeah there’s another aspect to

The ender dragon you know I mean it’s interesting you might get ganked while fighting you never know with also breaks obsidian at the start does it actually see so you can’t even cage the wither it’s really annoying I’m gonna go for tonight see you later see you later wolf have fun they should

Add a red bigger demon on it gasps well they’ve kind of done the nether boss and they’ve kind of done the end boss we need an overworld boss all right a good yes it needs to be tough so I’m think she’s a gone the water thing my wind for

Instance you only get gained what yes what is my Wittgenstein’s what is this what is this thing you speak of um you know I mean so I’m thinking like they need a giant Kraken is what I’m after you know would be well good he’s crackin minecraft maybe you should spawn him I

Don’t know I think I rotten him spawn of a we need a boss that just appears randomly er I asked for one yeah yeah like you know in them don’t starve how this Krampus yeah exactly I think micros just needs more random bosses more Krampus like the bosses are

Very fixed and they’re never like a challenge oh that’s not me I would like it if there was a random chance Enda dragon would come though yeah the that mobs in it though isn’t it they put those spawns when you don’t sleep right yeah that’s pretty good the Phantom the

Phantom’s pretty sexy that’s the all they chase like you repair a light roast with that as well alright so you can really repair in a light show with the stuff you get from that Phantom mob to be fair I think Microsoft doing a decent job even though

They like the pocket issue for a long time is what I think Pocket Edition was abandoned for quite a while it was no it’s much needed because a lot of the microf player base is playing mobile now so it makes sense to go under like a drought though for so long yeah over

Boss withan from terraria something like that but a Kraken or like a giant beastie shark something like summit deadly and in the war would that be good I’d be happy maybe like a joy Guardian this much sick basically like Poseidon why didn’t they ever make the

Giant into a usable boss or mob this is too big and he bugs the game are they ready just kind of fix you know I could have fixed him I don’t know I just think they dig tebah they got to a certain size at my craft that I spent two years

Not doing a great deal I think they were like future planning but they like putting stuff that was in since beta stupid yeah but the hitboxes were like wrong with it like loads of things with the giant wheel is broken I can’t wear armor yeah the box was like stupid like the

Gas hitbox is really dumb as well that’s what I’m saying though why don’t they fix that why wouldn’t they have I think they did recently fix that I think they’ve done it for the new patch you can do mob sizes yeah yeah so I think the mob site because you can smoke a

Giant giant phantom like a giant ender dragon yeah yeah so that was cool so I’m excited for that well they’re all like you can’t spawn them naturally I like the idea that the sizes could range you know you you know spawn the ender dragon any just be huge

Yeah my bigger phantom is the longer you’ve like not slept I need to see you actually what their eyelids amazing the coral looks I literally I’m so excited for those total helmets as well Oh literally amazing yeah doesn’t require a damn potion of the friggin time trying to talk but the more PvE

Thing is joint IG that would they need a new boss it better be good I would love an evil iron golem actually how cool would that be yeah I wonder I am gone on that attacked players what are you avoiding golems really don’t attack place Bob Ziva they don’t do crap but

Realistic fix the iron golem because he is literally useless they look pretty he looks cool and they do a bit of damage to mobs occasionally right occasionally like player attack like a wolf so when you get attacked it packs things that attacked you do that whoops about the night golems because they actually

Defensive yeah if you could tame an iron golem though give it a bunch of redstone any light follows you around nice I’ll be really cool actually I do like the idea that you can tame one I’ll be welcome much like a fleet of iron golems follow exactly they’d be like really

Slow but you know defensive that be well sick cuz icons are cool and they do a lot of damage imagine that in a PvP bow and you can still up in the air I know they’d be good like the tanks would be hefty then you go like they should make

A ranged pair actually skeleton well I guess they have the the snowman she only likes real men ya know the new micro place looks amazing the car looks awesome shame I tried ins online when you can buy the Terminator a can date a buffed iron going to defend the castle

With you that’s awesome I love that right why can’t minecraft just add does well like why is that difficult why can’t they actually put it’s kind of like we added this golden thing villages like villagers need a an actual doing summit or it’s like the minute we just capture him and like make

Them for speeders and materials are they are kind of useless I wish villages the actual villages themselves could build yeah exactly because then it should become the actual village themselves a pointless and I’m not a fan of the wooden in mansion either to be fed at one dimension is

Like oh you killed big and ugly it’s too big and there’s not a lot in it apart from the totems but like the terms are you just some warm botany and there’s like all of them but it’s the same with the sea temples oh right I

Like the sea 10 books is that underwater and the mobs are hard they’re a challenge I like the fact that they’re a challenge but they’re just full of Guardians they’re not that difficult if you’ve got the right gear yeah I like the look of the sea temple them more than I do the

Earth the world imagine the one that mentioned it should be massive it’s like stupidly pig it’s not about the temple like it’s just stupidly bigots ugly it’s not like it doesn’t fit in and like it’s just got a whole lot of nothing in it it’s like Minecraft you’ve

Just been like we’re gonna make a building with no decoration and that’s literally all the light generated building the totem is bad says some guys use the term in PvP right because on the latest version minecraft you can get this thing called ender bond right which were basically it’s a one-hit kill if

You get high close enough and it basically doesn’t matter if you’re the best arm in a game like prop for whatever if you’re in you get here by an ender bomb close range it ends to dead alright so some guys do have toads in offhand so they don’t get insta killed

In the turn brings with the life which is kind of the you spray or if you get sparked down but you’re not really gonna Spock down on which in the latest version but now they added that new mmm you know the turtle shell potion but

Then I guess you have to drink it then you can like splash bite really quickly and just be able to you know take an end upon damage really quick yeah true you know I mean you could have it in your right hand instead of a turn you’d have

To have the reactions of a ninja because you know if you’re gonna get ended but there is sometimes you have like one second I mean it’s a good emergency pose you’re like 20 guys come in for you splash that you’re fine yeah you can’t miele we’re

Fine and you know what what I’d like is like a mechanic to Trey Sperling yeah poser they frustrate me in PvP of it because they just everyone just dots around the ocean right which prevents what I’d like actually I should I be sick on a beacon yeah oh yeah you can’t pill near

A beacon don’t be good that actually make them useful but also I was gonna say you know like in the hypixel how you ride the and ride the the pills yeah I’d be cool because I need to see where he goes and everything yeah NASA better

System yeah and I need like the pills are a bit too small when they’re a bit to see them yeah some people are like special texture products and make em like better-looking just something to make them more trackable cuz so hard to see where they went

And we know what you can fire so many as what I just maybe they should have a 60 second freaking cool down like I think they shirts yeah cool now and be good because they are a bit ridiculous like I’m gonna fire sixty thousand pills guess which direction I’m going maybe

They should just do more damage to you know they do take a bit yeah I like three or four without dying if you go like no if you’ve got decent for damage peers you don’t take any damage no number for damage because you take for damage I use hit box of pills yeah

Hitbox is why are you supposed but then it’s really annoying it is kind of annoying you shouldn’t have to do that I don’t you mean you can’t use here and we do use it but yeah I don’t like the idea that I have to like use a debugging

Thing to like just play the game exactly um our base here looks amazing just on next on the to-do list is we gotta build a windmill I hate difficult we have a space to do it if you want to come over here and I’m just trying to find some pills so I

Can test out this theory where the pills where the pills where the pills out I need to vote on this I voted yesterday cuz you know freakin hours been gettin that all the ranks on this I know I’ve heard about that is one off obsidian isn’t colossi and I from voting yeah exactly

Look I don’t want um yes so think how he’s gonna do hypixel tomorrow tomorrow which is on track to hit 1900 this week and I wanna we are getting 2k back into this friggin humph right so it might be a bit of like a fact that we like y’all

We love to do hypixel I call this a week if we get to a point where like obviously I want to avoid that if we get to like 1,100 of 54 days left with doing friggin are exactly my goal is to get tuned subs a month for the next you know

Upcoming months yeah if we put a friggin mind to it you know I mean it’s like achievable yeah achievable that’s the Kannada term I was looking for Swain a bit of hypixel sometimes you just gotta take the bullet and how he’s doing Thursday’s good but it’s for the

Greater good right it’s been a great good thank you again there greater good flipping verifications I’m still not a robot for [ __ ] sake you sure about that Danks you sure about that dogs yeah yeah yeah I’m sure okay and what’s the video and about why I micro Facebook is actually it like

Taking over the world I don’t kind of annoyed about Facebook because you’ve heard about the scandal right of them leaking a bunch of information Facebook’s been like caught out leaking a bunch of information right so what happen is you’ve been seeing on the news right I’ll give you like the latest

Scoop of vanilla ice cream right is that basically if you when you bought a facebook like web app sort of thing right you can get information you’re on those like stupid things like guess what your favorite celebrity color would look like you know anyway they kind of scrape information of your webpage right

Breath you’re a scholar if you’re like a scholarly company like Cambridge MIT analytical right you can get access to like in-depth detail stuff because it’s not corporate usages for research you know I mean make sense right you know you know what I mean that’s pretty evident so this company like this guy

From Cambridge analytical basically bought this web which takes information right from your page but it also takes it from your friends really yeah so even though I like only 6,000 did it they managed to get 18 millions people’s there but so that’s really bad because

You’re meant to be able to say yes I you know I agree for this that’s surely breaking Dave yeah no it does it’s it that’s why he’s like so it’s pretty bad right so Facebook was a lot all right guys that that’s bad you need to get rid

Of the information and a Cambridge and etiquette toward Facebook yeah we got rid of it anyway they did get rid of it but then the company then used it use the data to plan how they do their political agenda for Trump’s election so Trump’s and administration used the

Information the plan to get into most telling me is what are you great the law because the company he got it off the company so he’s not his fault because they offered a service and he was right they provide an illegal service right yeah but like it’s not an

Illegal service as long as like it’s good Jimmy won’t know and the whole thing’s not really illegal because you put your information up this it’s just kind of shady Facebook giving away its third party detail data is kind of shady but pineys kind of like all aboveboard so Facebook can’t be done for

This right it’s the shady ads because there’s no I basically got you it’s like a better loophole in the American law system and stuff and like the whole world or system so it’s not actually bad because when we we when you sign Facebook you actually sign up that that could happen right so

To be fair they’ve got they’ve been chill with it’s not actually an eagle when we joined Facebook we say I’ll date it can be used right which is kind of annoying right but nonetheless right that that’s the thing however it kind of not been our own it just kind of

Happened without our own like saying so is a shady as well so yeah so Oh Zuckerberg is went to had to go to the testimony today to say we didn’t do it sort of thing right even though it’s kind of Cambridge a little cos fault but

There you go all right so that’s hot news that’s so what’s your facebook there and I was watching this video about it like how basically is it’s hard to get rid of Facebook right because Facebook’s got like two billion users right so if you don’t have facebook you

Pay off everyone who uses fees Facebook right yeah so cuz they’re like well I can’t invite your stuff I can’t speak to you not easily because like most people right so like all these old geezers are like oh and your Facebook just so freaking annoying so you annoy everybody

Else we sent to bad all right but then you don’t get invited to stuff and nobody speaks to you so you boogie your cell phone alright because nobody actually makes the effort so plain you gotta get stuck if you’re not with Facebook yeah everyone just gets annoyed

At you and you lose out as well so these things get you but at the same time like there are alternatives to two billion people is like oh yeah it’s not you massive yeah yeah you can’t get a situation where like well you’re kind of screwed if you’re not with Facebook you know

Which is kind of the current problem I think with it I mean that’s my qualms because I’m being tempted to delete my facebook right just so many things are easy for like a Sunni where I speak to my mom you don’t have your mum well I don’t

Really I don’t know it takes a lot of people you know I mean so I you’re not a taxi kind of guy me neither am i to be fair I’m a what’s happy guy ya know I use discord just cause I’m a pawn be like mom gone discord needs to talk exactly

I hate facebooking [ __ ] also you guys are you worried that we’re gonna go and come and hunt you down or like stalk you ISM weird saying that Facebook’s crap they’re using put like their knobs were using people’s personal information we’re not gonna go and you do that I

Have to slay in them for it I stray oh my god he says we’ve not gained a sub all week bro we’ve gained 120 subs in like what the past 28 days or something and notice we don’t pay our dues stream oh yeah it’s up to my channel

Dude I checked out your channel earlier you don’t even have like 15 videos and your videos suck you don’t do anything in them you’ve got more dislikes and lights you’ve only got 5,000 views I’ve got that one video made your lifetime views I get in a week exactly a month

I’ve gained 47 25 days yeah but you like you literally just do so for so practically alright we could do the same thing yeah like you know I mean the people a lot of sub to you they do they’re not interested you know like where’s your where’s your clan a faction

Server he’s all actual subway murders how Star Tommy donkey tokens it oh my god he is here Jesus Christ that’s a real with the DJ gaming ashtray I play 1.8 hypixel on a time doesn’t he just goes infarctions effects hi what is the basis serves yeah my

Discord has 300 members let’s see let’s get an invite to this kid’s dad : send me an invite yeah 300 people made exactly and I really sly people who just join with a teacher but like your disc or is it another dose baby but it’s a dead chord dad not this it’s dead

Ice tray you’re subs are like Oh boss he’s like the next Wayne wild well I like we want more to be fed my wings alright respectively yeah Jesus Christ why is this guy like coming out those who we’re literally like nearly like more than twice as big as he is right I

Don’t know he’s coming at us calling us saying we’ve like Oh bothered ourselves when he’s literally begged for subs no no no stop this fourteen-year-old easy on crack probably but what planet is he on mate watch me new high pixel I like what like how many people actually wants

Your video like streams this dude kid does even stream a bit like he just kind of aces dude you get nine views on a video this is funny also isn’t it like mopped massively how people go on the internet to argue and this is literally what he’s doing I’ll be back in 30

Minutes is Kyler what we were looking we’ll be looking at Robert says look at that the ship is I’ll look at this thing is that is that ice tray ice tray mate we’ve got your mommy we lynched it there you go it’s just funny thanks you with it yeah yeah sorry I’m

Just like miles away you donkey now then you have a long day yeah yeah I was donkey now I’ll just catching up on the chat and see what people are saying okay these guys calling this a loser you’ve come to my stream right I’m streaming right now I’m minding my own

Business you come over to my stream call us both lose no reason this is I was fuming at his kid yesterday this thing I was just there like what is his child like what it’s tiny like Bubba Channel I’m gonna get you banned off this faction server

The mods they’re like y’all will see we can get rid of this guy he’s doing as well I’m liking this channel good now to release my master plan I’m going to f—– like you guys that night we’re gonna have to get the channel I was coming just something oh man some

Cancerous kid flag this or we’re [ __ ] quick we gotta do we gotta go lights to see who’s coming what male or just delete the channel now right no it’s just eg may be flying nice name we got a freakin strike the other tank will live yeah we survived

Destroyed come out you ever had a strike no keys don’t do any videos do unique we zombie youtuber mm-hmm scrub sweetie cellphone Robert says if this dies you can just fight you can go to pornhub yeah we can we can post Ike is wrecking this guy on PvP and then we

Will post on porn just to check did everyone go – this guy’s channel and leave a dislike yeah we should do the guys this week shall we actually watch one of these videos and just slightly on stream yeah yeah yeah how do I do that I

See just get it go get a desktop display up watch it dude you’re like latest video had 24 views we get more than this on a live stream 24 views me video capture where is my frigging desktop just right where’s the video capture display how did you join me to like swap

Over the streams and yeah sure why not do that well stake this guy well have a host we’re gonna have a swish it just all right okay right lads lights can you hear me can you hear me lights so the only reason he has a few subs is because he won’t be

Wand me Zoid who has a bunch of Serbs that’s literally it even that video has like 20 dislikes a scene like he’s got like more dislikes in life genuinely does right guys okay watching this video his latest video it’s got 24 staggering views absolutely staggering we’ve already disliked it make sure everyone

Smashes that dislike burn to report this forum we’re gonna flag his channel lads that’s it the abusive content it’s it’s bullying us to be fair I think it’s bullying us this year we get bullied Oaks we’re gonna have to quit YouTube actually this dude is not a good guy okay okay so

We’re gonna walk to his latest video and we’re gonna slate this to crap okay everyone get your guns ready slate this means it’s not alright everyone report in one minute 45 are you ready to press play uni alright your life I know but you’ve gotta watch it together hum we

I’ve seen me okay well I’m watching it free to one that’s war does he know if this is even his footage much bad quality when it’s not even his footage rice video as well me my stream looks better than your videos this is actually like awful what is this what

Are you telling me about what is that tile yeah in-game footage with no text this was in your street I hate these intros let me just put it out that I hate these intros generic intro they suck they’re so bad are we doing the competition everyone who does he think he is not

Doing anything you just been talking crap for the past two minutes I don’t nothing I’ve just wasted a minute of my life I love we went to our Channel this guys getting wrecked on his video what is this car fight this is boring good girl I didn’t give a

Crap about this guy who is he I know it made me rage like I was raising hard the other day man I’m not being funny okay this gives me a hernia likes on this video Oh tequila likes okay it is awful it’s awful quality preach dikes preach guys you gotta just everyone dislike

Everything he’s ever done in his life which is only like 14 videos with won’t you long God God yeah we did just get flagged I’m slightly quaking prepare the apology video oh my god gonna have to say sorry to like Bill Gates for insulin except that time I did mean it

And because you’ve liked us enough like this you banned us for some reason docking pull any he’s got more videos any than his a huge so true they say true gorkon you want to join my deaf gift card giveaway no I don’t Jesus Christ we should join the gift card

Giveaway them winning and funny send it back just make a video of us taking a [ __ ] on it literally dumping on his stupid giveaway oh my god [ __ ] we just told him to stop spamming because you’re spamming up a chair and this every day infractions 50k

Like 50 can’t budget even a lot I know you can get up for voting so many it’s like then one of the most annoying these that’s all you by the way I’ve lost you I mean the my house I mean the oh I didn’t see the windmill

It looks a bit weird well I think how much space you didn’t give me like Ramones gotta be big right but I had this tiny patch of lund when you build it toilet why is it so sure he’s got the x-men logo on it Jesus cries this is what happens when I leave

You to do your own thing for a little bit the beaver I hate building will windmills give me a circular space it was difficult you know I like it I actually like it let’s just leave it it looks hilarious two bucks no I’d quite like it

If we had like a bunch of little windmills like that that I’d look okay actually why didn’t you do this a lot of like wool or anything Don’t Leonard says I messed his eyes tray and universe emcee lemare you are getting roasted live and he messed me back like yeah and you dick tried t-con send it to them on send it to them on so we can get bunk yes enter the mod so don’t Leonard

That’d be sweet we want this guy out of here rabid says you don’t need an apology video if it isn’t public my conversation yesterday really yeah which i think is kinda actually illegal to do I’m recording this conversation I’ve seen my person discord like this I don’t know what it is in humans and everyone in the world hit an age it’s usually around like 14 15 16 17 right you think you know everything okay everyone goes through it okay everyone up in there Ernie’s been there

Some people are going for it later some Fila going for it earlier these guys right in this steepest bit about the apex of this stage he is literally like he’s riding this thing wife thinks he knows everything for as long as he can and let’s tell you guys oh my feels like

A proper youtuber like he’s calling is a bad youtuber but his YouTube channel is it you like two million two videos 225 mm spy many factions like we could like get like [ __ ] 500 subs if we just play freaking high pixel every day reason we don’t is because you want a

Channel to be good yeah I just I don’t understand people who don’t do anything of an awful channel then go over to other people with decent channels and then slate them it’s the Logan Paul of [ __ ] like the less 1000 less subscribe he’s the president of this didn’t going to say

That such a mouthful god what an absolute scrub how do you meet these guys like I genuinely spawn and then he like kicked off in McKinnon I was like oh let’s see your channels that like boom I’ll have so many more than 2000 I’m pretty happy you know just take on

Because number one sadly he sounds like the Pepsi can coca-cola glass I don’t give a damn guy I’ve seen that they’re like what is this kid he’s sobriety I joined the discord like first I could put on the tackies and that’s like coming that’s like knocking on your door

And saying you’re a [ __ ] [ __ ] look we should totally do that no we do those we get arrested get arrested for going some dudes house and saying [ __ ] – is a dress how do you just know in a dress I’m actually mighty posted it by accident right I still my pretty dodgy

Though innit and you know I’m mom secretly roams his channel as well and ask why why do people just hate how you can’t put doors on stairs exams been also Gore King lost his teeth on charm and asked me to get another one did he ask you you oh god

Yeah that day’s fall off yeah the little like ring bit clips on to is um well I don’t know what it just comes loose like I’ve lost a couple as well but I still have a key okay I’m sure I can st. gawky in the warm

Because he’s wow we’ve got the two K competition Co I don’t see God geeks if you want to give it and if you wanna you know help us out by liking and someone hack Facebook right it just got rebranded T can take imminently arrests it’s yeah could you

Do that though could you just make it like in the Facebook app that just changes your profile pictures all to take on your name to take on Charlie you can do that right it just says give permissions to like change your status in profile picture itself how do you do

That right some weird permissions to do stuff whether they do maybe commit automatic place but I think they have to approve it but who knows it this rate you know going on side this other thing oh I’ll just said send him send that I straight guy a fake link it looks like a

T-con video and then DDoS the crap out of him exactly we could do that we could do that in seconds Facebook’s for all people yeah discord yeah I like discord – what don’t you like about this cord though tell me one thing you don’t like my perfect social

Message you know I wish you could have group calls a bit easier I integrate I like the fact I like it how it is though they were in calls like I think they’re quite cool the way they are the fact it’s like a chatroom you just join the

Room rather than sky where it’s like a massive like free-for-all like in this call we can add like 5,000 people it’s just messy as crap no no I’m like a video caller I wish you could video call of it I within the discord not within my cocoa in a chat room

Oh yeah yeah that would be neato burrito actually people just joined and then get added to a instant ECU and [ __ ] these score is it social media well its social and its media so I’m assuming it is right it’s got social media yeah social media accounts social media

This point yeah twitter twitter so come on no freaking definitely does its so sure when it’s a form of media right yeah it definitely does I think that definitely comes with a social it’s just not domain so I like this one this was like amazing night

I can’t follow what I miss about SM MSN with their structured architectured being the ranks it’s the best I’d replace it they should use it workplaces I’m kidding work so well you know long they won’t econ inevitably goes huge exactly we’re just gonna have like a

Work discord we can have rank two job roles and stuff in like that’s not bad yeah but it’s basically like a poor man’s discord was crazy if someone’s like someone just somebody gets 40 views honestly don’t even get me started is so annoying yeah I’m gonna try to not

Nursing war against I straight huh I’m have a jihad against right so we’ve done the window that’s the tick we’ve done another part of the dog that’s a tick we could do with another boom I feel like we could do like a smaller boat like a friggin yeah friggin we need a friggin

Like a trained vessel ya little trading vessel I want it on the very far end though on the new pier we built because it feels like that’s where it should go exactly crisis what’s going on in your mind when this card is birthday tomorrow is actually deader than these streams

I’m not even kidding right it’s not it’s not good um have you got a leash by the way I did have one bite ripped it away at some time ago that is bad his base is an enderchest actually sucks as well for I see that yeah and I

Do like I like those sort of games but I like it it’s good when ry is so popular I genuinely don’t understand why his cartooning family-friendly audience well properly that should be maybe it’s cuz we’re not like we’re not trying it as much Plato saw games I mean I said

It’s not all it’s not I saw game um where am i sorry you want to come make a yeah frigate are we making the friggin but I’m really bad at making frigate you know you don’t want to make me okay okay we need to do the village on the east

Side which is yeah we do like a little village basically but we need to kind of fill this space in between a castle on the farm as well there’s kind of a lot there’s a lot of green space I could do with some yeah you know I want is like a

Nice big path to the dock yeah yeah and then we can put some buildings around the edge because I think that would look cool then streamed I know Steve’s here I’d really like to see you play super hot have you ever heard of it yes oh

Right it looks really cool I like the mechanics and the ideas for that game like it’s like a single-player story game as well yeah yeah so like I like the idea because the way it works is the more you move the faster time goes yeah yeah yeah that’s a really cool idea and

I really like that in concert good concept I see the lead so we can get the polar bear and stick him in the frigging oh geez you got you got a lighthouse you got lead we could do the lead I did throw it away right just now you can

Make one think I made mine your sliding board we got some random slime in a cage oh we don’t have killed that that’s Ricky’s wife please it’s got a name it’s got a want get rid of the slot oh well married yeah mrs. grobart what was the last time crow came and

Visited his wife well I’m sure he’s been on a panel really stressed out with a gun party Rabbids my exams as one equip the frag boys do a hold outside the frigging don’t worry about that I let you just walked out the base of it straight down

You’re looking what you go in your red people and it’s yeah it looks really good there’s a ravine under it I covered it off okay thanks I’m gonna go rescue my polar bear alright you go for it I’m just gonna stop building these paths and stuff

Looking wicked sick I mean such a weird phrase change my polar bears been like do you [ __ ] Melville the problem is [ __ ] no those [ __ ] riesen situation yeah now who’s got qualms I proper quandra is conversational Melville right here we go let me tell me

How it is it’s like why well I’ll be doing oval why what’s the point is resetting then why why bother like you know like all the people playing mobile are gonna be dead when it resets yeah that’s a waste of time and then you know it’s like to be

Enjoying it well we’ve been doing a lot of building minecraft recently so I don’t know saying why you do or don’t like it I’m not sure no it’s why I’m saying I’m not you know all right so why is russain all the people are gonna be

There when it resets to I want to do too much building because I mean it does reset and I’ll be burnt out on building which I don’t to be right plus it’s hot pixel season so doesn’t that stop speeding yeah well you’re gonna be fishing in the wrong to a pool yes actually

Let me turn to a gay club try to pick a lot of times I made that mistake that’s basically the gist of it is don’t ever ever play yourself don’t ever play yourself don’t remember it Farley says for tonight’s game micros game boring well I don’t know the game right that’s

Not that’s my qualms all right where when men with a lot of qualms I think won the game moopheus it’d be an analog whatever Mo’s are out Guild Wars and I ain’t touching the new wire with a bargepole yeah With the new me you should check out our video of runescape about this like two years old that’s I’m sure we actually did that you wanna watch an old video of ours and have a little reaction remember the what’s like the first few videos we ever

Did there’s like bad this is bad this hurts like bad enough but good enough you know I mean can you think of any examples off the top of your head I’m thinking like god I’m thinking old guy I want to check the box I think they’re private

Like they’re not forgive magic is it about your magic Oh your magic is actually quite good though I like them bad but good you know they’ll be cringy in like a couple of years but they’re like good you know I mean can’t even do it all this is my

Polar bear let’s look into private need to change copies like freakin renovating the entire land to the point where things I’ve got we go up on stuff now there’s like burnt houses in the ground oh god I’ve got an old one here your very first video this is before I was

Involved in the channel okay so what I did a video before the channel you did free me okay no four five five check videos before the vol eternal did anything okay this is bar in October 2013 smell I sink in past me that’s like four or five

Years ago right it was not it was my ten year pad I had a ten year pot I’ve not done no I’m playing the long game I was doing 10 years I’m gonna be taking over I might watch it I might show on stream just link this is gonna be interesting

Okay this is first ever video put on the t-con channel let me show you guys you guys are excited to see this you better because it’s gonna be glorious okay first ever video on the t-con channel one sakes some guys are putting it put me in a

Cage port voices are the worst on it may are you looking forward to it well you can’t even see it but still listen to this guy all I can hear it’s just flipping slime crows wife wrong turn around and her off right okay let’s watch this everyone enjoy this okay we

Don’t know what all of these forgot about that I’m sure you made is given hurry up peony this is berry mine guys this is hurry from the other day a day is I 18 now or 19th at the know Jesus is awfully but I can’t watch anymore it’s hurting my soul

But it’s bad man we always come a long way to get to 2 K see right all the way the ring didn’t want use how ya know you know on that terms I think you did um box up what view is what I think you did

Unni before I before I was involved in this channel what I was involved in soared you out and sold the channel outright oh you’re just as bad as ice tray I did no no do you think we could actually bought our ice tray ourselves and then getting

Banned for buying every sweet win it I’m having weird little framerate issues I don’t know why because I’ve got lots of frame so it still looks a bit janky janky it’s a cool cool word in it trying to do some path so can have like some cool buildings in between everything I

Can dig it yes you can you can’t get a girl but you’re such an old song Jesus we like weirdly in signal yeah yeah that famous sponge but I need to go to the toilet so I’m gonna have to be I’ll be real quick you keep on the server saying

Next sobs gets bosses we can take a picture of it and tell the frigging staff because honestly it’s Dom man it’s so stupid on the server begging subs every day every single day tell into messages on the discord it’s about my server it’s Joe I need to check

The server arm and I’m just not chance of in super-busy I’m gonna get around to it promise I love a bit of a peekaboo you know you know increase your dedicated RAM it’s a RAM issue Oh back in the day day right man my minecraft

Buddy was not great right I saw us I’ve grown I feel like I’ve grown we’ve come a long way lads yeah I mean now an hour early need carry on watch Gio was with us then that was good times you know we’re great it’s all good so Gucci we’ve gathered that the forces

Of t-con we’re going we’re going for the big 1000 big 10k you know I mean he’s happening it’s all coming together but ten-year plans pay it off who would’ve thought you know what a donkey how much take nugget King listen to the doggie king right he knows I know the

Truth for I am the nookie King right that’s that’s what you don’t need to know about it yeah true doggy Kings like me right we we know the long term plan you got to play the long term game all right it’s just that’s it where’s Doug

Scott is he still win freaking out man he’s just always win that guy just piss Navarra all the time just weird bringing we just wanna do about that it’s just a weird he’s just a big weird ah no we uh this week are making we have 50 quid donations that’s amazing dude

Well done that’s super cool um I don’t know maybe forget Chung’s honestly I’m in super stressed out I’ve been doing the logistical workers so so like I’m trying to focus and I mean it I need to cut my subs up to another one but I’m trying I’m trying forget the time I

Check the server um I already been on it like I said once a car you remember I do things that aren’t remembering I keep going to sleep a night poor o’clock really it’s not great really what the hell how are you alive sleep yeah I’m not even like doing anything it’s just a

Corn switched off I mean a bed just kind of like I’m gonna give you more videos together if that’s the case can tell Jesus Christ how are you even managing that I’m a pro And then and then and the welcome me to show by the way I’m assuming you read those messages but wanted the dirty stream how you been doing how’s your day been doing some interesting projects I’m just yeah and I get this running email Oh the CEO wants to have a

Starbucks with you in ten minutes you were surprised make some money I know the CEOs they’re like yeah let’s gonna do my life ask me what I’ve been doing if I’m enjoying it sort of thing and then he was like yummy complements L was he was there like you

Know people say nothing and doesn’t have many good engineers even I’m not an engineer and then he was there like bum look can speak to one right now school outside of work sorry you know in school [Laughter] yeah about teak you told us oh my god I already told my work colleagues about

Teak on like this year after year working at the place you know we get involved with loads of people from all ages and we kind of do stuff together and a bit of community involved and then he was like talking to me about what’s the difference between like you Kate

Like American kids in like yeah yeah things interesting I was like yeah I’m really like I said I’m always reading I was busy talking oh yeah I know he was there like I was that oh you know but I’m always like interested in you know new subjects have been on a

Cutting edge and I’ve been involved in my heart stuff and he was like you know what I’m gonna introduce you to out like AI dude yeah so next minute no I mean he’s confident to me in right nobody’s like AI guys and I’m this like top-level secret meeting like talking about stuff

That nobody else is know about yeah like talking about yeah you should get involved in this project next tonight it’s the guy was like no now and this other guy comes up to me like yo you ready impress the CEO right and I was good as man I’m having coffee again with

This other guy tomorrow dude I had a pretty crusty down really cool guy really cool dude I said it doesn’t often happen it does often happen that you like the head of a company turns out to be a sound guy like I’ll be very honestly okay there is I

Don’t want to say my company or anything like that because I’m not going to say something good right now there is like in the every year okay my company has a little conference right which is like a big message where like the big dogs of the company say this is where we’re

Doing well this is where we suck this is where you know this is that and the other happens and my CEO at the CEO my company did a talk right and easily he picked up an orange and squished it in his hand bear hunt crush me all this

Juice dripping down his arm throw it on the floor and stamped on it in an arena full of thousands of people is meant to say so when the pressure comes on you see what’s on the inside right and the post metaphor for that is squeezing an

Orange and slumping on it on a stage sounds like a crazy yeah let’s go says this like crazy pic connect I lie germs on the street like goes on the stage and he’s like the CEO this is Joseph’s gonna copy your mob we’ve got loads of mods man like I said

You gotta be party calm polite loads of times together mod it’s a long-term thing man as the channel gets bigger there might be some more mods so you know if you really like involve the stuff when when the time comes then yet you might you know I mean but like we

Bought a lot going to use his name what guy guy peeking hey ya know today either born in daylight shine with this year that’s man that’s so mad nothing like that ever happens in my work probably kids let’s look at my job now your company what makes bad dollar guys and

This part that’s mine that’s really flippin cool yeah I’m surprised we played that to be honest this one asked me what I do my spare time I’ll probably wouldn’t even mention video games exactly I can talk about a video yeah you played it right you know you didn’t

Play yourself I’m dead i straight got triggered he wants to talk to me on voice chat that’s what he did to me the other day let me join my desk or like chop in a big one you serious right just ignore him we can join the

Voice chat with him right now so though Oh Sir John it should we have a go kit yeah oh he’s not even on he’s not on apparently I was gonna get him in if you get any more moving oh oh we can drag him into this room and slay

Him in this room where he can’t talk back oh that’s slave well gave me a voice chat yeah gave me a voice chat yeah but I like man I have will you guys seen the castle tonight and because always like quite late yes about hot end stuff when

It catches on its kind of get really late I don’t know we’re not exactly gear ready you’re not five you still get great I’ve got four I’m scrubbing it exactly I’m scrubbing it up I do face it took me ages to get this because someone

Gave it me yeah yeah I won’t speak I want to join well we’ll be in like general chatting worried about every if it goes down within general my general public chat so everyone can join in slate this scrub for being a knob no make it econ hoodie I’m still on that

I’m not gonna say anything nah man I’ve been so busy I’ve been snowed under with stuff in a minute I am I am making a tea con hoodie slowly progress right soon p.m. yeah I can’t put a date on it because I’ve just been that busy miss

Stuff you got things your game once I’ve come in I’ve been waiting for that like a year now cool because I want to take on the deuce night I’m pushing tape on that’s more my gender you’re repping I was like I really want to build an MMO I’m kidding

It might be like a crap piece like pixel mmm over that would be cool dwarf fortress as an MMO something like really crap like you know I mean like leveled up mine no pics all round with proper young-looking proper bottom-of-the-barrel kind of low oh yeah well I’ll be here realistic if I was

Ever going to do it but like true I’m amazed are massive he’s been on bang could you mind if I straight turned out to be your CEO site well consider I heard the guy’s voice something Capri say maybe it’s a CEOs kid like to make

It like a true Jesus Christ man I can’t believe that [ __ ] orange that’s just so mad to pass along to doubts I don’t know what happened to that five I actually do have a set no no it’s just like basic boy I got many insert on me

I’m happy to this chillin prop for like I don’t need anything bad what’s it half an hour it’s like worldly it’s not uniting 96 minutes what’s in ninety the castle that’s what I don’t know all right oh god I’m not a bloody streaming at that point gonna slowly build this roof

Are you guys been doing give me prop five says Aaron I’ve traded banned from the decon discord black-and-white t-con logo on chest I’m what I’m thinking right for the hoodie he’s having like the logo on the chest and then maybe something on the back near the top maybe something like I

Don’t know just like the t’car no somewhere on that I’m not sure exactly what design I want on the but like on the top of the back section like here I want it to say something I’m just not sure what I was inviting our ice tray so everyone get rid of tool

It’s going yeah go to where today yeah yeah of my first day back had a couple of days off all right glad to be back cool now did I tell you how I tried to bean boozled my boss generally tried no proper beat I tried to properly bean

Boozled him but he didn’t fall through it’s like my cuz I’ve had some beans right much some spare bean boozled I’ve heard about you you’re a bean kit yeah and like I had some spare bean boozled because I bought some extra bean boozled at work and was having fun with the guys

At work we were having some having a laugh about it and getting all the bad ones and then my boss comes over he’s likes checking on what how we’re getting on and everything bear any monies now head of our department his wife he’s I handle a lot of departments and then my

Quiet-like and my next level up my senior whatever you want to call her she was like says to my bosses like job wanted done sweets really nice and then he looks at the pack in his eyes I think I’ll pass Oh [Laughter] guys the party’s in the discord Lizzie

Oh my god check this say oh the sales got the damn t-con logo in it oh let me come have a look wait this is looking sleek looking pif ding oh that looks well good actually much they’re having that on CF Eve’s better than the sees one yeah genuinely does is he going

Where is he oh my god is he is he in let’s see not didn’t now everyone want to go bean boozled yeah why didn’t I have one muted themselves [ __ ] we’re doing live okay ready he’s get we’re going in oh did we just get an Indian in here did

An Indian just join oh I stray man hello hi stream mega [ __ ] man so funny pretty intimidating you are flipping weed 24 views very good ask you a serious question about those 24 views one second those 24 views record this it’s safe to say this is live

Yeah no give us H your voice is really bad you need to like chill the distortion out please yeah I know you saw much different ways can you sound like you understand how much work you dumbass Jesus Christ my guess is high quality mic [Laughter] [Laughter]

You already know why it’s kind of going takes Microsoft Word wants his thumbnails by were you trying to make a minecraft channel did you see what we played before I bet he’s gonna record it and try and report it for bullies so far that comes into the stream and starts

Late unison this guy just rocks up calling me crab like what’s going on this guy’s just piss me at hernia I’ve got even played the point isn’t like he just spams the pond oh it’s no when I went on he he was like paying people bosses to subscribe that’s what he’s

Been doing every day just every day he’s been in spawn not even playing right his faction was him and his other me his worth like two of them and he just sits in support giving money off of subs yes they’re like [ __ ] they just get them they get the bosses subscribing

Unsubscribe you might as well just kind of go for like shout-out for subs cuz I swear to god it’s practically the same thing yeah nobody’s actually there for the content they’re just there for that the sweet sweet factions the 50k you can get so much white even youtuber rank when he’s like so Oh good you’re like the subscriber count’ over like three years but you have 700 subs all gain from like bribing yeah yeah what’s your point and it’s [ __ ] well in the past we’ve gained over a thousand Jesus Christ you’re 13 oh my god I was so many people to join this to

Make it his point is he said he got 700 subs in a month just all the retails from the universe MC after outbid heed my every time he came not to educate to unsub pay people to dislike always be exactly like this has got three dislikes he’s clearly

Got always fun based in this light like his office videos how like he’s dislike percentage compared his 1v1 with me soit’s got six likes and 20 dislikes 50 dislikes because he’s got me so it’s got like 500 kills from it I was like 200 kids I was from like be that constant oh

My god years ago just three years he’s trying to what exist in three years imagine if he left universe I’m seeing went on a different server how many people were following why he’s kind of you but nobody follows him now he’s a kind of to people and he just said it

Was actually enemy of the state followers and follows us until I can other server he messaged me saying say that face-to-face in discord he did that to me yesterday and I was there like it’s just kid really calling me out subscribe in our mics I stray genuinely

Want to congratulate you on the aqua blue 32 FPS release body Corcoran join everyone put hashtag buy a nice tray you’re so funny I straight genuine genuine question here mate I’m a big fan actually I’m really specifically again why I’m a big fan and I’m actually real busy and specifically

Though sure you’re famous famous video against me Zoids GG on all them dislikes as well and losing the stream the ice tree roast okay I’m going to do that now the ice tray roast destroying I think he’s trying to talk he’s talking stalking I think he’s trying to

Following words can you fight woods guy store where I can speak robot can you iced raise your profile picture actually you bring doing very well at school the intellectual I strain give the chest the People’s Choice ice tree minecraft Association did he just like look at the fridge

Ice like jewelry because he shall destroy that he always tried to sell my some hooded roughly guy and also if you’re looking for a particular I think it’s I think he’s got a twin channel though called spatula ice tray can either link to your chunky lens shame

His his own profile on this court says just look up ice tray on YouTube I google it on I look on an absolute troglodyte if you call back and pretend to be an Indian tech support scammer you ready to make it tikal expose video for bullying Okay Jesus Christ okay Rahmon this is so funny you got me I’m crying this is this is just ice trays eat girls slave or something you all associate with them no I mean like in a good way what’s so bad about ice cream inside the thing is he just makes better content

And everyone in here so two little men can’t handle the heat Thanks it’s a fire tray you tuber is that the same no it’s just fight rages Mel with him I didn’t know he’s gonna be water try I want a hashtag ban I stray yeah to be sorry

Sounds like a kid that would Hawk as well so I pop exactly ya know just say let’s talk five videos or trailer again way exactly yeah the giveaways flare ranked he made a whole video start to try to win survival episode 8 all right okay right we’re gonna go to the stream

I’ll just gonna say we’re gonna call the stream to an end and then if this guy comes back we’re gonna give them some more roasting guys thanks so much for watching thanks for joining as well and make sure to stay around for Friday as well when you get another dirty stream

Bags and you know get any these scrubs coming back make sure you fire a abuse at these guys because these guys are not good guys don’t wanna media warfare on ice tray right it’s going down ice cream yes chi I can’t believe him what a natural knob yeah it comes to the

Street mr. sorry I know exactly who does that and then I think he’s trolling to be fair but at the same time he’s not trolling very well yeah I mean but it’s so anyway we’re gonna go pizza up banks are watching I will see you on Friday what what

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live: Minewind Survival Ep8 – The IceTray Roast’, was uploaded by TKON on 2018-04-11 22:09:37. It has garnered 103 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:33 or 7773 seconds.

Im on a boat mannnn

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    BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack - Nightmares Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Horror Of The Night Modpack – Live Stream’, was uploaded by BeezeeBox on 2024-03-01 14:29:36. It has garnered 37 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:41 or 6761 seconds. Join me, BeezeeBox and JaroksPlayz in this live stream as we delve into the terrifying realm of ‘Horror of the Night’ Minecraft modpack. Brace yourself for heart-pounding scares, eerie encounters, and nerve-wracking adventures as we navigate this Minecraft horror mod! Gather your courage and join the stream for an unforgettable experience filled with screams, suspense, and survival against all odds. Dare… Read More

  • 🔥 Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed 🔥

    🔥 Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Aaj ka tazaa khabar 🤣🤣#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsviral #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Royal x Mr Aabid on 2024-02-26 11:05:45. It has garnered 256 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Aaj ka tazaa khabar 🤣🤣#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsviral #viralshorts Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18,… Read More

  • Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft – Only HE Knows Recipes!

    Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft - Only HE Knows Recipes!Video Information This video, titled ‘8 Billion People Worldwide Transmigrated into Minecraft, but ONLY HE Knows the CRAFTING RECIPES’, was uploaded by Monkey Manhwa Recap on 2024-06-16 12:45:28. It has garnered 13609 views and 474 likes. The duration of the video is 10:42:17 or 38537 seconds. Eight Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft Simultaneously. On the First Day of Transmigration, While Everyone Else Starved and Slept on the Grass, This Man Lived in a Mansion, Leisurely Eating Meat. All Because He Had Been a 10-Year Veteran Minecraft Player on Earth #animerecap #manhwaedit #anime #animerecommendations #animerecommendations #manhwareccomendation #manhwaedit #manga #animerecap #mangaunboxing #mangacollection… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie’s Insane Ability Revealed! 🤯

    Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie's Insane Ability Revealed! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Калли Удивила Бибу Своей Способностью [Hololive RU Sub]’, was uploaded by kir on 2024-04-06 16:52:05. It has garnered 3030 views and 380 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Mori Channel: @MoriCalliope Bibu Channel: @KosekiBijou 【MINECRAFT COLLAB】block game with @KosekiBijou !! Stream: ———————————————————————— [Донатик клиперу] ————————————————– ——————– Subscribe to the channel to watch your favorite Vituber girls every day! ————————————————– ——————— #vtuber #hololive #holoen #hololiveenglish #holoadvent #kosekibijou #calliopemori #moricalliope #vtubers Read More

  • Casual Dude’s Insane Modern House Build #minecraft

    Casual Dude's Insane Modern House Build #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MODERN HOUSE #minecraft #shorts #casualdude #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by Casual Dude on 2024-05-04 14:00:31. It has garnered 554 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Welcome to Casual Dude, your go-to destination for laid-back gaming adventures! here to share my gaming experiences and bring you into the world of fun and entertainment. 🎮 Gaming Vibes, Casual Style: Join me as I navigate through various gaming realms, explore new releases, and dive into classic favorites. Whether it’s epic victories or hilarious defeats, you can expect genuine reactions and a… Read More

  • SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET ‘Shushu’ in Minecraft Pe 😱

    SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET 'Shushu' in Minecraft Pe 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MEET MY NEW DOST ‘Shushu’ BUT….(This Happened 😱)| Minecraft Pe:-6|#minecraft’, was uploaded by REX Magnus on 2024-04-24 09:51:46. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:56 or 896 seconds. Hello guys this is Rex Magnus I hope you Enjoy My Videos and if you and make sure to like the video and subscribe to my channel because this is your brother’s chor barti friend so it is okay to subscribe…;) And share it with your brothers, friends, friends and love everyone… Follow me:- Instagram:- Minecraft pe Survival Series… Read More

  • Axolotl SMP

    Axolotl SMPfun lifesteal server for you and your friends! if you like to play in survival you will have tons of fun please enjoy i will sometimes add update so stay tuned Read More

  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla – Public 1.19-1.20.6 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

    MineRealm Community Since 2010, MineRealm has welcomed over 265,000 unique players. Join now and be part of the third longest running SMP! Get Started: Server: Website: Trailer: Watch now Discord: Join server Rules: View rules About MineRealm: MineRealm has been running since Oct 28, 2010, as the second longest running SMP server. We focus on maintaining a close-to-vanilla gameplay experience with optional meta-gameplay features. Key Features: Legit gameplay without spawned items Custom-coded gameplay features Grief prevention system – CoreProtect Custom land protection system Join our Discord server to share your ideas for the future of MineRealm. For more… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where is my luck 😭🙏

    Minecraft Memes - Where is my luck 😭🙏Looks like even in Minecraft, luck just isn’t on your side! Maybe it’s time to start sacrificing some chickens to the RNG gods 🐔🙏 #79scorestruggles Read More

  • POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme

    POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme POV: When your friend’s ping is so high in Minecraft that they’re basically playing in the year 999. Good luck trying to mine anything without it disappearing into the void! #laggyfriend #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Iron Factory Build Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Iron Factory Build Challenge Building an Iron Factory in Minecraft with Create Mod Embark on a creative journey with Uberswe as they showcase the construction of an impressive iron factory in Minecraft using the Create mod. This project is part of a 30-day build challenge that promises innovation and excitement in the world of Minecraft. 30-Day Build Challenge The 30-day build challenge sets the stage for Minecraft enthusiasts to push their creative boundaries and explore the endless possibilities offered by the game. Uberswe’s iron factory build is a testament to the intricate designs and technical prowess that players can achieve within a limited… Read More

  • Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor!

    Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor! Minecraft Survival Builds: Exploring Creative Construction in the Game Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with @ricplayzgamez as they showcase their creative skills in building a simple bathroom on the 2nd floor in this exciting gameplay video. Join in on the fun as they demonstrate their building techniques and share their passion for gaming with their audience. Channel Overview @ricplayzgamez offers a diverse range of gaming content, from classic NES games to modern favorites like Hungry Shark and Hill Climb Racing. With a focus on hidden object games, fighting games, and more, this channel provides entertainment… Read More

  • Mistalunchbox – EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!

    Mistalunchbox - EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEGINNER | 🔴 LIVE’, was uploaded by Mistalunchbox on 2024-06-01 19:22:18. It has garnered 90 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:50:36 or 13836 seconds. Live on twitch: Live on Kick: MERCH: Discord: Read More

  • Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map – RedFriendGaming

    Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map - RedFriendGamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing the new 15th anniversary Minecraft Map!’, was uploaded by RedFriendGaming on 2024-05-28 23:58:00. It has garnered 45 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:33 or 16953 seconds. Today I play the new 15th anniversary Minecraft map! Subscribe and you can experience this too. Read More


    ULTIMATE 69 - INSANE WHEAT FARM BUILD | SURVIVAL PT. 2Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILT WHEAT FARM IN MINECRAFT SURVIVAL|MINECRAFT SURVIVAL PART 2 #minecraft’, was uploaded by BEAST 69 on 2024-05-09 14:00:24. It has garnered 48 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:00 or 1140 seconds. minecraft minecraft hardcore minecraft 100 days 100 days minecraft mod minecraft mods survival minecraft survival minecraft addons minecraft funny minecraft 1.20 addon mod minecraft addon minecraft pe addon mcbe minecraft java mod minecraft bedrock addon gaming minecraft java mcpe minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock minecraft pe hardcore minecraft survival island minecraft challenge minecraft but maizen minecraft survival series… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Art Building LOL!

    INSANE Minecraft Art Building LOL!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art Building! #funny #shorts #gaming #art #comedy #shortsfeed #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #yt’, was uploaded by Dreith Entertainment on 2023-12-16 20:34:53. It has garnered 5641 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More