The Ultimate Modded Minecraft Experience – FTB University 1.19 [ep 1]

Video Information

Hello everybody Welcome to feed the beast University well I’m going to try this again I just loaded the world up and let’s get started now I tried this earlier uh maybe a couple months ago and all my quests reset two or even maybe three times and it just got to the point

Where it was so annoying I chose to not actually release the series because I was like well I’m not going to rewrite or you know reup the quest every single time I log on to this world so hopefully that won’t be the case but we’ll find out look at these things are these

Things going to attack me they are is that a moose now moose in real life I think will attack if they feel threatened but thing going to attack me if so it’s going to end me immediately hi hi buddies you look really cute no okay I think they’re not going

To attack me okay let’s get started so I have the quest book and we’re going to be going through this basically all because this is going to teach me all the mods that I really really want to learn and the very first Quest is welcome to feed the beast univers 1.19

There’s a whole bunch of new mods in 1.19 that I just never played before and I think that that was just a perfect time uh welcome to Fe the be University 1. uh 19 this pack aims to teach more complex mods to experienced players well I am experienced players I’m just a

Little out of date so let’s grab a prefer house uh prefab house and I’m going to go ahead and do the advanced one I think why not now am I I I get one here yep and I think we’re going to put it I I really like the look of like this

Sort of overlooking this place so why don’t we just put it right about here and then we got to pick so do we want to go Manor do we want to go Workshop do we want to go estate I think maybe we’ll go Manor Manor looks really nice build a m

Shaft sure why not let’s just build it and see what happen oh my goodness there we go okay wow that was uh incredibly fast get this tree out of the way that uh okay that’s amazing that’s an amazing start okay so we have a house now the

Fastest house I think in mod pack history probably or close to it anyway we’ll get rid of these houses so we have a beautiful view I don’t know what this structure is over here we will discover that all in good time but uh so far so

Good with the house let’s go check it out so uh I am going to want to grab these apples I don’t have any other food available yet so let’s go in here and see okay looks like we got some we already got a smoker which is very nice

Looks like it probably Auto outputs a a furnace and blast furnace that’s great oh we already got some Farmland too I don’t have any crops that could be planted here I don’t think there anything in here oh looks like I am getting a couple crops down here I bet

This is a m shaft that’s going to go very deep probably let’s see what’s out there oh little AR Arctic box that’s cool and looks like we got some storage I don’t think there’s anything in it yet no there’s not but it’s there which is going to be really nice for some mining

Trips and this old be this really beautiful beautiful uh living room area okay very very very very fancy what we got we got a deck looks like there is a second floor is there any way to get up there I wonder if there yeah there is

Okay all right let’s go and check and see what what is up here okay but we got a bed so let’s go ahead and place our uh our our spawn right there we got a bat in there too that’s oh oh my goodness we got enchanting too this is going to be

Fast track cuz this is all going to be about exploring the mods and learning them and just kind of getting our feet on the ground cuz you know I I haven’t played hardly any of the more more modern generation of mods and I really want to I want to learn how they work

And all that kind of stuff so uh this will be great I don’t know how exactly to get how did we get up here there was there a ladder no I don’t think there was how the heck did I I’m lost I’m lost in my little house is there not

Uh is there not a uh is there not a way down how did this happen I came up here somehow is it maybe under the other stairs there could be is there a way yeah there it is under the stairs okay here’s the basement I got lost okay and

Best of all is I got a little bit of crop so we can I think put down so can we plant these we can plant them that’s very good and I think we got a little bit of hemp that we can plant down very very nice okay let’s check out the book

In put the book here put my food right here very cool oh I got another there we go okay now we’re growing crops like crazy okay so the first thing is reading rainbow looks like I got other prefabs available too but I bet yeah I actually

Have to make these and to make them say I want to make a uh I like a Welcome Center how would I make that let me see see how would I how would I make a welcome welcome so what’s the uh is there a recipe it doesn’t seem like

There’s a clickable recipe on that okay so uh Reading Rainbow Quest text color coded to make it easier to read blue text is to highlight the task gold text is important information yellow text is for mod names purple text is something when you hover over it it may even have

A click function indicated by a mouse icon okay cool some quests have multiple Pages this is visible at the bottom right you can navigate by clicking or scrolling can I scroll oh I can scroll cool Okay click me there we go and that means it’s complete and that means I can

Get my torches very very nice Okay cool so let’s see did I get the Torches I did okay cool excellent all right well that’s cool so is that the whole getting started chapter uh Are We Now into mod introductions intro to introductions you may have noticed that there don’t seem

To be very many chapters there uh they are there you just can’t see them each mod has its own chapter this is what I’m most excited about but having access to all of them immediately can make it a bit overwhelming due to Choice paralysis I know something about that this chapter

Aims to ease you into each mod giving a short blurb about what it does and when you should be using it complete the chap uh the mod’s introduction quest to unlock its chapter okay cool all right and then over here we got Feed the Beast schools Feed the Beast schools is a

Custom mod that allows us to create interactive tutorial areas somewhat similar to Ponders which is from creatively but you do more than watch when you enter a school the structure is generated in a void world and you are teleported to it items cannot be taken out of schools and you cannot bring

Items in schools are effectively non Canon the point is to learn not progress you can enter schools using command / school enter followed by the school ID it’s cool several quests have clickable text that runs the command for you to send you to specific schools okay

Awesome all right I don’t know very much about that at all so let’s hop directly in now I here here’s all these different mod uh intros so I’m not going to read all of these today let’s start with gear Tetra is a mod that I don’t know very

Much about hardly at all Tetra allows you to combine tool parts to make modular tools that conserve many functions it’s best to start Tetra as early as possible as tools get stronger with use well you can’t get much earlier than this right now so if I want to go

Into Tetra now I’m going to have to read this do the way testra and feed the beast quest Works several tasks will not have item list Quest can only display items in the creative menu but uh can still work with items that aren’t okay the majority of Tetris tools are not in

The creative menu so aren’t visible in tasks so instead we’ve simply made this task custom tasks instead of item tasks and use cube.js scripts to complete them okay this means you can’t visually see which items and the task accepts instead quest in this problem will just say what they need in the description

Okay all right well Tetra is a mod that allows you to customize vanilla tools rather than adding new tools entirely to begin craft any wooden Mallet or stone Hammer uh use the on a crafting table to get uh your workbench this is where the majority of your work will be done okay

This Quest can accept any Tetra hammer craftable in a crafting table okay cool all right well so I need to make a this going to say what it all accepts it says any wooden Mallet or stone Hammer well okay let’s check and see what the stone Hammer recipe is

Like uh it looks like it is wooden rods which appears like a stick is used yeah stick is one of the options there so uh two sticks and then just two Cobblestone anything almost okay cool well that seems great is there anything in these by any chance there’s not okay

All right well I need to I need to apparently craft a a pickaxe so let’s do that and craft our first pickaxe all right all right and then this says I can use any any uh Stone right any like Cobblestone so we can just go down here

In the mine just a little bit like uh maybe say this far and oh my goodness it’s going to take a while let’s break this one instead so we can get off this ladder okay there’s one and let’s see I probably don’t need uh that many soon but I’ll just get

A couple extra just in case cuz I don’t know what the next Quest will be so we’ll get a couple a couple additional Cobblestone just in case and then I think we have probably enough hammers so can we make this we can make a oh I’m going have to get another get couple

More sticks all right so we’ll go stick and it’s this way on the side and then we got this and this there we go Stone Hammer cool I got a quest all right so uh Tetra tries to guide you using advancements the reward for the first advancement uh

Crafting Mount gives you a holosphere okay the holosphere is sort of like the mods book oh okay giving more in-depth information about various parts of the mod only first tab is properly implemented it shows you what tools can accept what parts which can be made of

Which materials okay one is given to you when you make your first Hammer uh but we’ve added a recipe so you can easily replace it okay that’s cool all right so and then I get free eyes vendor nice okay that’s great and uh I got two crafting benches right here so let’s

Just go and try to do one of them aha into the workbench cool so now this is apparently the workbench now uh let’s check out this so it says that only the first one the first tab is open right now and again I don’t know this at all so we got

Shields we got double-headed single-headed tool belts bows blades crossbows I’m kind of interested in a single-headed uh thing so we need a the head binding and handle so if I click on the head I can be either do a Shovel Head Quarter Staff walking cane or spearhead interesting none of those are

Uh a pickaxe which is kind of what I thought it would be maybe would that be double-headed maybe let’s check the oh the head left which can be a hammerhead or axe head or claw or pickaxe head there’s a pickaxe head okay all right then here if I click on the

Pickaxe head I can make it out of say that’s a Blackstone pick obsidian no no no oh boy there’s lots of things that are not just like I’m looking for like Cobblestone right now there we go Stone pick okay so Stone pick it looks like it would be Integrity minus one damage to

Speed minus one I don’t know what any of these things mean okay so so that’s fine let’s check the quest book can see if the quest book helps us a little bit Tetra tools are made by modifying vanilla tools oh okay so I put the vanilla tool in first by inserting them

Into workbench you don’t craft the tools you swap parts of existing ones instead oh okay cool all right tool parts are also called tool modules certain tool Parts require you to have specific tool of a specific level in your inventory for example to modify a stone Hammer which

Is a tier 2 Hammer so it’s made of iron instead a tier three Hammer material you need to have another tier 2 hammer in your inventory okay so it does you don’t actually make the tools you modify existing tools okay that kind of makes sense

Having a rack uh to or having to go get every crafted tool out of storage every time you want make something is very annoying thankfully a rack can help with that items on the rack will count as held okay that’s cool so how do you make

A rack looks like iron uh ingots and slabs okay well I don’t have any of that so I might need to go mining a little bit now I do see that I have Feed the Beast uh you know I wonder should I just make a a cobblestone pickaxe I kind of feel

Like I should let’s just make this cuz that that wooden pickaxe is going to be that’s going to be gone almost instantly so let’s set down here and see if we can find some iron like right about this level now I could do shapeless which is

Not ideal I want to go um I don’t want to do mining tunnel I want to go small I look up in the top left small Square no no no mining no I just want uh I guess I want a small tunnel so let’s just go small tunnel this way and

Then small tunnel this way and see and then we’ll just have to go up here and hopefully we can find some iron kind of quickly I don’t know we’re actually we’re at 67 so we’re not even down kind of low and maybe too high for iron I’m not sure

O yeah I don’t want to fall down in that okay what is that that’s zinc ore which requires iron um I might need to go down a little bit lower so let’s let’s head down to like 40 I don’t know 44 I mean this is 1.19

So this is post uh the caves uh rebalancing and all that kind of stuff so let’s go right about let’s go right about here and see if maybe this is a little bit of a better place uh to mine hopefully we can find some oh what’s in

What’s oh ah okay and we found iron they’re shapeless and then watch this we can just go boom get a whole bunch of iron just like that okay is there any any other iron that I can see boy that’d be really nice if there was but I

Don’t I don’t see any and uh unfortunately by the time I well you know what actually here I could I could just make another one CU I have I have the wood thanks to cutting down those initial trees so why don’t we just do that we’ll just go let’s make two more

Uh quick and dirty uh pickaxes here and then we’ll go um small tunnel okay and then oh there okay actually I want to get all I want to get all this and where’s that going to go we’ll just go here and here okay and then I just got to check out this oh

This is going to be you know this is going to require shapeless so what we’ll have to do I’m don’t worry I’m going to be doing all all the mining I’ll be doing that Mo primarily off camera for sure uh what the drunk has awoken nearby what does that mean that

Mysterious hey look there’s more iron that’s just what I want oh what is this Jasper that’s kind of cool all right so let’s grab this iron which is kind of what I want just to get started here and then we can kind of go out here I’ll be

Doing all the uh all the rest of the mining off camera I just want to do this first trip sort of sort of on camera just in case there’s anything that is really interesting which so far not so much but it’s good to get our feet on

The ground kind of together before we before we move off now I want to go back up to uh A M I don’t want a mining tunnel well mining tunnel is different mining tunnel goes down and I don’t want to that’s not what I’m looking for I’m

Not looking to go down so we can go here there a Shale okay pick up the shell and actually I get all this dirt as well it’s really really nice I don’t think that’s the way uh feed the beasts used to work oh this is uh the mining utility mod used

To work check this out this is just exactly what I want here so I can go shapeless and I can get a bunch of lead or that’s going to be very helpful and really importantly actually I can get some coal here quite a bit of coal

Actually what is this that is scoria I don’t know what that is that may just be like an aesthetic Stone kind of looks like it uh get some osmium that would be really nice as well so we can get to grab that and is there anything else oh

Here’s a that’s water up there is there anything else down here oh you know what I see something I do see something here how am I get that I’m going to have to I’m going to have to drop down and I don’t really want to cuz it might be

Dangerous uh there’s probably a bunch of very scary mobs here but uh okay there we go there’s that and there’s a little bit more coal and I really want to get it I really want to get all this stuff what is this this is osmium again I want to get the osmium

And I’m going to have to make another I’m going have to make another crafting table I think I left the one crafting table that I made up there somewhere let’s drop this down here we’ll do this this oh we’re going to get so many materials this is going to be absolutely

Awesome okay cool oh it’s so much faster okay cool that’s good I’ll be a lot of coal please be a lot of coal how much coal they oh I almost I’m almost out of oh my I’m almost out of food this potentially could be a problem I forgot

I totally forgot that using the using this uh this insta mine thing does use up a lot of your your um hunger I forgot it’s as if you mine each one and that takes quite a bit of uh of your your your hunger uh level so that’s not great

Oh man oh I just can’t stop though I shouldn’t I shouldn’t but I just can’t stop cuz I need all this all this uh coal to smelt stuff oh there’s so much okay nope nope nope nope nope nope I see you uh creeper whatever you are I’m

Getting out of here okay let’s get the heck out where is uh uh where’s that oh no I may be in trouble is up there it’s up there okay okay here we go go up up up the cre the creeper got to be coming

Soon okay how can I get out of here is it is it over here here it seems like it might be up here I went down really far I didn’t I didn’t realize I went down so far okay let’s that was a very successful mining trip uh I’m not even going to

Run look at that I have over a stack of coal that’s like that’s fantastic I’m not even going to run though because I seriously uh need food I wonder if there is such a thing as cooked apples if there are cooked apples in this pack

Then I’m going to be there’s not I was going to say that I’m going to be in good shape but there’s not cooked apples so that that’s not that’s not great here’s the plan for the series while we’re walking back I am planning to alternate this with uh dungeon and

Dragons Minecraft and also with uh oh General darish the marbles winner has awoken nearby again I don’t know what that is uh and and then uh Survival episodes when I get those out obviously the Survival episodes take a lot longer than these but I will be putting these

Out every other day or so uh either this or the dungeon and dragon so uh you can look forward to it uh I’m going to leave off this here I’m going to be aiming for about 20 minutes per episode that’s going to be the goal we are going to

Work through this entire darn mod pack that is the goal that’s the goal anyway I need to get some food so the next episode okay the next episode we are going to how safe is this I wonder I hope it’s very safe we are going to get

Some food get started and work on some more quests I do want to get into Tetra and figure that out but we’ll see you all next time from Feed the Beast University uh okay well we did it bye everybody

This video, titled ‘Let’s Learn the New Generation of Modded Minecraft – FTB University 1.19 [ep 1]’, was uploaded by Fixxitt 412 on 2023-11-16 15:00:05. It has garnered 1786 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:58 or 1138 seconds.

Welcome to FTB University 1.19, where learning has never been so much fun! This modpack is designed to teach you everything you need to know to get started with modded Minecraft in a friendly, easy-to-digest way. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newer player, you’ll find something to love in this pack.

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    Insane Lucky Block Chaos in Minecraft SkywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘4-Player Elemental Lucky Blocks In Minecraft Skywars’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-04-11 22:54:21. It has garnered 34449 views and 876 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:21 or 13041 seconds. 4-Player Elemental Lucky Blocks In Minecraft Skywars Download The Mod: Join The Server: (Oasis Realm) Type This Code In Game: /partnerredeem Jerome Thanks to AnubisMC for sponsoring us! Use Code “Jerome” for 30% off your order from our Server Hosting Partner Join our Community Server By Getting Supporter+ Supporter+ IP: ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord… Read More

  • Insane Clickbait: Minecraft Baby English VTuber Angol Mois 🌿

    Insane Clickbait: Minecraft Baby English VTuber Angol Mois 🌿Video Information This video, titled ‘【minecraft】baby english【vtuberen/jp】’, was uploaded by Angol Mois Ch🌕🌿アンゴル・モア on 2024-04-21 00:53:06. It has garnered 40 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:09 or 5109 seconds. i’ll be in australia in sept! i’m nervous☺ so teach me english 🙂 i wanna be a language —————————————– ■Twitter ■Donation(Mini Angol appears in screen) ■Membership —————————————– 🔸 Art # AngolArtV 🔸 Live # AngolLiveV 🔸 Clips # AngolClips 🔸 Fan Mark 🌕🌿 🔹 Illust & Live2D – Angol Mois —————————————– Hi there! I’m Angol Mois from VTuber🌕🌿 I’m learning English📚and I’m Japanese… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft KFC Build in Complete Silence! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft KFC Build in Complete Silence! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft KFC Build #shorts’, was uploaded by Silent Java on 2024-08-24 10:00:04. It has garnered 2475 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Welcome to my latest Minecraft build! 🍗 In this video, I’ve recreated a KFC restaurant block by block. Watch as I bring the iconic fast-food joint to life in the world of Minecraft, complete with all the details you’d expect. Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your next build or just love creative Minecraft projects, this video is for you! Don’t forget to like, comment,… Read More

  • Unleash the Power of Anitrooz Music 🔥 Boost Your Content no Copyright

    Unleash the Power of Anitrooz Music 🔥 Boost Your Content no CopyrightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Background music that will boost up your content -(No copyright)🔥.@Anitrooz’, was uploaded by Anitrooz on 2024-03-01 08:30:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #shortsfeed #trending #viral #epic #clutch #animation #edit #creepypasta #build #minecraft #minecraftshorts … Read More

  • ViiPerMC

    ViiPerMCWelcome to one of the best minecraft network servers around! We offer a variety of exciting gamemodes including Lifesteal SMP, Sky-Gens, and Sky-Mining. Our server provides full support and guarantees a lag-free experience. Join us for an unparalleled gaming adventure! Read More

  • NerdNu PvE Creative Network Semi-vanilla 1.20.4/1.20.4

    Connect with PvE: (1.20.4) Creative: (1.20.4) We are a medium-sized server, focusing on vanilla gameplay with a strong sense of community. If you’re looking for a server where you can belong, join us at one of the oldest public multiplayer Minecraft servers! Join us: – PvE: Non-PvP server with collaborative building and community events. Next event: Minecart Soccer on Friday and Saturday! Creative: – Open world with protection and WorldEdit available. Community events on Saturdays. Join us this Saturday at 9pm EST! Learn more: – Visit our website or read our rules – Explore our Creative and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve: the ultimate Minecraft Chad

    Minecraft Memes - Steve: the ultimate Minecraft ChadWell, Steve must be feeling pretty accomplished with that high score! I guess you could say he’s a real “blockbuster” in the meme world. Read More

  • Klee’s Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem

    Klee's Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, a new character’s in sight, Klee’s here to bring some joy, with colors so bright. To get this model, just follow the link, And for a small fee, you’ll be in sync. Yes Steve Model is the key, for Java Edition to play, With Klee by your side, you’ll have a great day. So hop on over to the download site, And join the fun, it’ll be just right. Support the creators, show them some love, For bringing us Klee, a gift from above. In the world of Minecraft, let your creativity soar, With… Read More

  • “Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme “Me at age 5: cries for help when I fall into a trap. Me at age 25: still falls into traps, but now I blame lag for my failures.” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend! I Fooled My Friend with PRIME in Minecraft! Join the Beem Team as they embark on a hilarious Minecraft adventure! In this episode, Matthew Beem (aka MBeem10 aka Matthew Beem Gaming) pranks his friend using custom Prime mods. The result? An intense and laughter-filled gaming experience that you won’t want to miss! Pranking with Prime Mods The Beem Team takes Minecraft to a whole new level by incorporating custom Prime mods into their gameplay. These mods add a unique twist to the game, allowing for unexpected surprises and plenty of entertainment. Watch as Matthew Beem uses these mods to… Read More

  • Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!

    Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nations & Nobles | Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Richjturn (aka ‘Old Man’) on 2024-09-11 17:28:41. It has garnered 138 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:51 or 10971 seconds. A Minecraft survival server that is family friendly with no swearing 🙂 Join this channel to get access to perks: Tips/donations: Merch store: For more content check out my… Youtube channel: I find channel: Twitch channel: Tiktok: For updates and news check out… My Twitter page: My Discord Server: Sometimes on my… Read More

  • Ultimate Animal Farm Guide

    Ultimate Animal Farm GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍’, was uploaded by Adi 007 on 2024-08-05 03:36:02. It has garnered 63 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:00 or 1800 seconds. Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍 minecraft all farm Minecraft how to make animal farm sheep farm Minecraft minecraft horror myths adi 007 minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft Bedrock

    INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT SURVIVAL ⛏️😉 | JUGANDO CON SUSCRIPTORES! 😳🤗 | Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by Yo soy Treme on 2024-07-30 23:21:44. It has garnered 326 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:30 or 9030 seconds. You don’t know me? Hello! I’m treme and this is my channel. I’m a boy who wants to fulfill a dream, if you’re reading this I hope you allow me to share that dream with you ^^ ———————————————————————————————————————– Social networks: Twitch: Instagram: TikTok: Twitter: ———————————————————————————————————————- Discord for you 🥳: SERVER LINK:… Read More

  • Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge – Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge - Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | March 12th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-03-15 15:07:53. It has garnered 219 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:40:31 or 20431 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitter: main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblown

    Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got 40 CPS! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by LelItzPanda on 2024-07-18 13:30:11. It has garnered 10713 views and 360 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #shorts #shortsfeed #shortsviral Setup Information: Mouse: Glorious Model D Wireless Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow V3/Corsair K70 RGB Pro PC Specs: RTX 3060Ti i7-13700K 32GB RAM 1TB Hard drive (SETUP TOUR AT 8K SUBS) Background Music(s): tags(ignore): Minecraft, But / How to Bedwars / Top 5 Things / Bed War / Bedwars Texture Pack Folder / Hypixel / Ranked Bedwars Montage/ Pugs Premium… Read More

  • Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs Battle

    Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft’, was uploaded by GOLEM STEVE on 2024-09-21 15:05:12. It has garnered 6759 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:24 or 3264 seconds. WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft #minecraft #howtoplay Read More

  • "ButterJaffa’s EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!"

    <p>"<strong>ButterJaffa's EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!</strong>"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘DEMON SLAYER SMP 2 MEGA MOVIE!?! | Demon Slayer: Island Akuma – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-09-09 17:00:36. It has garnered 22183 views and 728 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:23 or 13703 seconds. Heyyy Guyyys & welcome to Demon Slayer: Island Akuma! Me and a bunch of demon slayer have all been trapped on a Demon infested island with no way of escape… Together we will hunt down demons and try and solve the mystery of Island Akuma… Sit back relax and enjoy the FULL adventure! 💛 – Subscribe for… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!

    Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘How☠️ #minecraft #viral #respect #shorts’, was uploaded by The Boys Blogs on 2024-07-05 06:21:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate ASMR Gaming Setup – Custom Keyboard & Mouse!

    Ultimate ASMR Gaming Setup - Custom Keyboard & Mouse!Video Information This video, titled ‘||Custom Keyboard||Mouse||Minecraft asmr||’, was uploaded by HGbest_iq_ on 2024-04-14 11:29:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello people Thank u for watching my Video And even Fought_Gamer Did asmr with me So please Drop a sub on my channel as … Read More