The Ultimate Showdown – Minecraft Story Mode Ep 8

Video Information

Previously on Minecraft story mode hey Jesse hey Petra there is a difference between an entity and a human entities are remorseless and soulless monsters yes but they are always best friends who look out for each other help their friend in need and find a way to

Get back to each other so they can do their ultimate and evil plan humans at the other hand do oh well let’s just say that they are extremely annoying and they’re the real monsters themselves and that was already proven by the time I met Jesse and Petra hello

Brother man I thought nacha and Romeo was the worst but no I was wrong those two are the worst of all time I even save Cassie Rose so that she can hunt them down while the Nether King and his piglin army can try to get the T discs

But that didn’t work and everything seemed to fall apart but that’s is when I had a sneaky idea I have decided to rig their portal and have them to be sent to another world oh it was the best and great time of my life to be at Harville without

Having Jesse and Petra being around and being involved against me until it came to an end somehow with the help of their new friends they find a way to get back to Harville brought back the order sneak around Beacon town and infiltrate my Mansion to confront me those to never

Learn when to quit don’t they so I just brought back the Wither storm teleported their town to another world brought back their old enemies a Bedrock their Town good thing I teleported those fools to the notch up a world so that they can explore around it and find my brother Notch for

Me but sadly even though I sent Anthony 303 and N to go track them down Jesse and Petra don’t even know that I have been watching their Adventure the whole time because because once when they do return to Beacon town they are about to meet and face their final stand of their

Lifetime before they are inevitably going to die from their ultimate fate and demise I’ll be waiting for you my new Nemeses We’re so prepared we can’t lose cannot bring it in Dare to prepare on three no no no no preparing is daring know that’s the same thing forget it a team on three 1 2 3 [Applause] A H A A Oh Oh wakey wakey you and I are going to get a whole lot closer is that so Oh but it is happening and it’s real you surprised me you know that Romeo you actually thought you wouldn’t meet me again but look at us face to face I have been waiting a long time for this and now I’ll get my Chance we are inside of a dark room of an Labyrinth that I created inside of been building where you are all trapped inside of your cages as my prisoners but I am not going to tell you the building itself because you all don’t deserve to know it’s a surprise I will never spoil

To you all besides Romeo you are not going to get the chance to see it because I will finally get my revenge on you for putting all that suffering and misery you put me through by torturing you to death why because you deserve to die you

Are going to go through the same pain I went through I don’t care if it happened years ago I am still going to get revenge on you and oh please you are not sorry you never are I don’t do sorious I never do if I did we are way past that

Now but I don’t nope this could have all been avoided if you just let me be by myself years ago but we’re too late for that Now that’s for following me that’s for trying to recruit me as the fourth admin that’s for telling me that you want to make the world a better place and become a hero that’s for beating me during the end of the brawl at your see Temple that’s for sending me to the end

Dimension and being crap in there for like an Eternity and that’s for not knowing where you were at when I escaped the end Dimension and became free zip it Sarah this doesn’t involve you this is just between me and Romeo now where was I yes doing this oh Romeo you think you are strong and tough enough but you’re not you’re

Weak I know you are you always work but you were so blinded by your powers that it thought it will make you stronger but nope it didn’t you are still that same old weak savior who blindly got fooled by bringing me back from my removal and

Now you are going to die from me and this is as like a thank you for bringing me back here years ago if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be in this position that I am now in the first place but guess what I am AA La Vista Romeo it was nice

Not knowing You yes my friend they are they did that means they’re back amazing my plan work everything is all coming together and according to plan for our potential final showdown together they just need to not know about this until it is the right time for to reveal It you know what change of plans I’ll put aside my revenge on Romeo for now I want to see them I’ll deal with you later Romeo as of now I am going to confront my ten nemeses at my new bottom level throne room I cannot wait to finally reunite with my

Brother after all these years even if I don’t have the time to get revenge on you you are still going to die anyway when I destroyed the Multiverse oh Yes why hello there wasn’t expecting you oh crud hey I don’t use that name anymore that name no longer has any meaning for me that name will be gone and long Forgotten oh really and what exactly did I lie you guys [Applause] about I knew it you two were right good job my my my look who it is Notch after all these years it’s so nice to finally meet you again Brother yes I Did is that so you guys finally figure it all out about my true intentions and more info between Notch Romeo the Witch and my name didn’t you oh Jesse what’s the the whole point anyway I mean why even bother coming back here to just expose me or call me

Out and to save your precious Town your world and the Multiverse it doesn’t matter I want to end you guys lost deal with it you know that Right It’s just oh my God you are really so dumb right now aren’t you I mean look at you you don’t get it do you oh Jesse Jesse Jesse I just don’t understand you you want to protect the world but you don’t want it to change hey at least you all won’t be

Alive to tell anyone because no one will remember this pathetic planet and no one will remember you the extinction Humanity will come to an end soon and there is nothing you fools can do about it to stop it all from Half oh you better believe it I have changed throughout the years not completely but I am still the same entity you always known I have changed my plans yes but I am still doing my original one while doing my new one at the same time I’m multitasking but as

For us entities will reign supreme and win this we always accomplish every achievement and goal as for the humans they always fail and are just weak like me and my friends always say in private humans are inferior while entities are Superior hey if you think you can just come in here and threatening me with your threats then you are certainly going to die from me I do the threatening around here not You oh really like what oh please anyone can do that try again again anyone can do that is there anything else that you accomplish that is not any basic related goals I guess not that’s what I thought Oh yeah what is it No oh please that happened before when Notch removed me with a special potion you heard me a special potion I say a special potion oh that’s new that has never happened before mobs yes entities no no hold on what are you doing and if that someone beats you or Entity

303 in a duel or battle and their weapons break then your weapons is now theirs because not only they won they also now can claim and wield it that sounded like a great idea Nothing there is no angle or heel here to be honest I just find out about this right now oh yeah this I knew you were going to ask that sooner or late you see right here I kept the outside the same but in inside it’s Chang I have turned the

Entire center of the Redstone Hearts Spore into a chamber that I call the Labyrinth dungeon oh I wish I can tell you but I can’t that is because it is a surprise hey relax relax easy there again oh I wish I could tell you but I can’t it’s because me and my friends

Have go and leave we have more important things to do than talking to you fools Toodles only one way to find out Oh My straight jacket that was the easy Part So did you find what you were searching For Y He A Yes Archie they did no don’t do any of that Archie I have a much better idea my plan is to send them a holographic message across all Harville for everyone to see but anyhow come now creepy pastes prepare yourself and get ready it is time to go to war against the humans in Harville Attention Tools looks like this will be your last day of being here and existing as all throughout Humanity because today is the day you will all die and I will finally do my ultimate forever plan once and for all right now I will take my revenge on those who made fun of me

Treated me like a joke banish me not telling me where I need find that specific person and always coming back to face me by doing so my ultimate forever plan is destroy not only this town but this world and once I have done I will repeat doing the same thing my

Original and and forever plan over and over again which I will actually be destroying the entire Multiverse and ending all of those so-called innocent lives until everything is destroyed and there is nothing left but a Darkness point that I will create the world just for me and my friends but first my

Minions Army we will C War chaos and destruction across all of herob there will be no peace happening only causing wreckages and Heaven these humans will have no choice but to fight us entities and monsters this will be now forever known as the human face and it is war so

Humans the time has come for your end there is no escaping from it now me and my C past his friends will conquer eternity and the dynasty of Herrin is coming it always will be and who are the that is trying to stop me you can’t you are just walking yourselves into a

Serious dangerous and painful death of a lifetime so if you all want to die trying to stop me so be it then you fools cannot stop it inevitable it’s coming this cannot be stopped it is unnown except there is one thing as for me while the humans are fighting in a

War with my friends and my mom for me Jesse and Pedro you know who you are I hope you two are see this because there is something that I want you to hear of what I have to say you to have unfinished business I have unfinished business the three of us have unfinished

Business so I have a proposal to make I challenge you to get to a fight a duel against me imagine a battle between two legends fighting against another Legend like me it will be and feel so unreal that this will remember as a legendary and Unforgettable moments of our lives

Our Legacy will be move and put on between head throughout the years and all generations think about it it will be all historical and something people will never forget about I know you two aren cowards so if you two are at one to face me as Legends meet me at the place

Where it all began where your adventure started the place where you to try to get to an explore around but fail to do so you know what I am talking about please be fools this is my hand our last fight a true test of Legends our story

So go to the mysterious place where you to get to see to experience and where you two are finally going to get the chance to fight me and for you to die well I’ll be waiting for you to you can count on it my friends everyone let’s go to war Oh [Applause] With the right training and guidance anyone and I mean anyone can become a hero you just have to Believe Oh Yeah probably well well well what do have we here look who it is look what we have here Jesse and Petra of course and they reunited and brought back the order of the stone together so that they all can confront me again why am I not Surprised oh now now everybody how about you all just calm down and let’s just get this over with it all ready never beat you and win again and also completing My ultimate goal have you seen me you think this is new to me do you know how many worlds I’ll put

Down how many realities I’m going to destroy how many universes I’ll invade I’ll conquer it how many rebellions I’m going to cause to the timelines and galaxies how many Heroes I’m going to kill and you all think you can beat me don’t fools think and have any idea who

I am I am Herobrin you’re all delaying the inevitable My ultimate plan is foolproof you all are not strong enough to stop any of this you all have each other I give you that but I have an army an infinite number amount of them you all are humans I’m an entity I’ll always

Win I’m stronger than all of you I’m a God I always will be you all weren’t there when I came up with the plan years ago just as I told you my plan is foolproof I know that it will work it will succeed it always will and you all

Can’t do anything about it and because you know why it’s because your fools weren’t born Yet besides I have more backup Now Oh a don’t worry NAIA I got this really are you serious and kidding with me right now that’s your weapon Notch a giant Mech oh please I have seen those before already in my past plus I have Giants in my Army in fact if you

Guys have a giant Mech on your side well we have a giant Mech on our side too Pama transform yourself it’s time for you to be truly useful Now It is not cool don’t you have any decency I was hoping you’ll say that radar This is the best I can do this is exactly what I wanted All of You Against All of Me how can you possibly hope to stop me my ultimate forever plan is inevitable Jesse and Petra I will get my revenge and you can’t win this no matter

How hard you try and guess what Notch your friend isn’t here to give you Powers so that you can control my Army and have them to go after me again not this time and not on my watch what the move here Jesse charge A Oh A Oh For L You will fail to De me Oh Oh R Oh oh Oh And 3 2 1 you guys are working way too hard [Applause] Ow my Body I’ve been dreaming about This fire Away By Squishing BL R This is just making me angrier hey lockhead you need to go through me first I don’t think you stand a chance please all these interruptions ends now Time to take what is mine let your quick sword but not quick enough for my axe don’t forget my axe hadrien got to admit kid you’ve shown you got skip but you’re still no I got this [Applause] ha N I cannot believe it this is just unreal everything is just according to plan Jesse and Petra thought I will never do failed and complete but no they were wrong look what’s happening now it’s going so good I know that because I am not threatened everything will go my

Way and my way only and speaking of them there they are it’s time to lure them to the mosum let’s get going Then Wait wait wait hang on hang on I I I Surrender I Surrender we could talk about this right just please don’t hurt me what no you can’t just how dare you stop ignoring me A Wait you can’t it’s too dangerous stop Them let them Come Jump A Sh for Oh come On Oh Oh W Oh What Oh you guys think I’m dumb Huh if you really want to know I’ll be gladly to tell you I have known about your adventures in the notch chle world and other dimension I know that it took to to three days to get to Notch’s Temple while exploring the world I know that you found nacha and convinced him

To join going and help you I know that you explored around the other dimension with Notch I know you met up with the other God I know you both confronted that Hunter Gladiator I know you even fought him I know you won the fight I know that Petra had nightmares I know

You both fought Entity 303 and no I know that the other God created that gaunlet and gave it to you I know that Jesse here has Romeo powers and is an admin now and I do know for a fact that you all returned to Beacon town by is

Entering an other portal that the other God fixed so that you all can confront me how I’ll tell you how after I banished you and your friends to the notch uple world I have been watching you guys with my very eyes owned from here and seeing all of your adventures experiences achievements accomplishments And why I’ll tell you why it is because I knew one day you will return back to Beacon town to face me again for the second time which is why I have been prepared and ready than ever before and I did that by sending Entity 303 and

Null to keep an eye on you fools it is because I always love to see to a little challenge happening to you fools before you ever think about or succeeded to return back to Beacon Town saving your friends and town like you both always will do like every time

That’s right you darn right I already knew about this and send my friends to spy on you but there is one thing that I do know the most you are planning to destroy me with the edmin powers and save the Multiverse that’s not going to happen I make sure of it the destroy

Part that happened to me before it won’t happen to me again and I’ll make sure of it and by doing so Jesse you are going to give me the gauntlet right now give me the gaunlet now it’s mine that’s the cause of all of This all right if you say So don’t make do this Jesse even though I will anyway I’m giving the chance and opportunity to do the right thing by giving me the gauntlet it’s just easy to do why are you making this hard to do now I am going to kill your girlfriend if you don’t give me that

Gauntlet am I Petra am I oh but yes it is actually happening right now again you have no choice so do it give me the gauntlet or else your girlfriend dies There you go that’s a good boy Huh I’m sorry what no fine you ask for it Ug oh my God that is just disgusting you too you both know I don’t like and care about love I just hate it are you trying to torture me I think I am going to be very sick right now all that I ever wanted to do is to

Take over the world people to fear and obey me and all humanity and Destroy every timelines in the Multiverse I wanted to finish and complete my ultimate forever plan so that I can create a new world just for me my friends and my Army sake and I cannot do

That with you guys and your pathetic and weak friends running around being foolish and are trying to stop and ruin it for me you abused your powers time you paid for everything you’ve done fine but I swear I will kill you both if it’s the last things I’ll Do well it’s treason Then A Oh Come On oh he’s Powerful W A Sh Jesse and Petra it’s just the three of us now let’s do this ha you met Herobrin before but have you met swordsman Herobrin [Applause] [Applause] This is perfect I have been waiting a long time for this ever since the first time we ever Met Morning in the the light Dan turn We R when the darkness small down in the times of to the sound of EV fall around the world tonight fighting High fighting On so now we li The Free We free before the thund St walk the Wilderness scary on the sun down on the moon deep inside our hearts and all our so far away the is all so wasted we feel the all the the we Car the light the sky they raise their hands to the heavens above in their eyes in my heart No the wings dream so the reality the desperation the time God you never find Lo within my own mind day after day This so away we wait all The unbelievable still use the gauntlet just die Already oh Yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Now We we so away we wait for the day for the life is all so wasted we feel the time through the fire and the place we carry Huh oh Crud you default well looks like I underestimated you guys power yep you’re right this is what I look like under me he’s not our problem anymore Ministry this wait stop you don’t need to all of that because you need me I can help you Jesse I know what I said about your

Friends what I did to them and what happened to them but I do know for a fact that you Misses your friends and want them to be brought back to life but guess what I have the powers to resurrect them I can bring them back and they can return here to your

World of course I can how else do you think I resurrected my friends and my Army oh what I forgot you already know that I did that since I can create and resurrect anything you see me of what I can do I can bring back Magnus torog Captain Sparkles Lizzy Foss Sammy and

Especially Reuben but I do have another and one more proposal to make all you have to is join me oh but you need to do this you must this is something you have to do if you want me to bring back your friends I don’t have all day here you know

So what’s it going to be would you like to join me Brother ignore her Jesse I’m not lying to you I’m telling the truth you can get anything you want and I’ll help by giving it to you you just have to join me for it to happen so make your choice Quickly I’m sorry come again wait what Why what did you just say to me say that again I want you to say that in front of my face Ug fine it didn’t have to be this way this could have all been avoided if you had joined me Jesse but now you made

Me do this the hard way by making me use my deadly powers to kill you both the final death blow you can’t overcome this Jesse I cannot be destroyed everyone across the Multiverse must know I exist it’s done it over I will beat you and win I will

Make my ultimate forever plan succeeds and there is nothing you can do about it Humanity will and have the Multiverse will be destroyed the new world I’ll created will happen and it is inevitable you cannot stop it it will happen just like I said before and I said it again

You’re weak and pathetic Aden was right about you you are a loser you are not a here you’re just some guy who will never destroy an entity like me I will never be treated as a joke never be forgotten and people will always fear and obey me

I will be a legendary leader face it Jesse you have lost Nach and Romeo will also die for me as well right after I kill you and your girlfriend Petra now die you Humans great now I get to kill you both at the same end all at once you fools have no idea what you’re doing wait what no stop don’t this cannot be this can’t be happening right now no one has never reversed my final death blow before not every Back back all of you one more step and it’s Kabooms Ville Oh No La [Applause] la Yeah La Yeah Jump haa we’re alive we are alive yeah and not a minute too Soon let thank You You What do you guys say we head home me too Jesse Jesse hey what’s up Radar seriously what else did you get yeah show them Jesse [Applause] I think he would have liked You oh yeah I bet you would have totally been Friends yeah none of these other Adventures could have happened if it weren’t for this A [Applause] A La Waa oh man W it I can’t believe you got to do all those incredible things but I still kind of wish I could have seen it makes sense though you were gone a long time Jessie Jesse give me five day ma you’re my [Applause] hero Now hang on let’s not put all the pressure on me Here Come on walk me to the game no matter what happens no matter how much I do you’re the Big Hero Wait you’re Leaving gone but Jesse what about Beacon Town a you big sap oh jeez it’ll be okay me really Yeah thanks boss this you have been you are what I’m trying to say is that I promise I’ll make you proud you already Have My friends I am now pleased to introduced to You the New Order of the [Applause] stone and so it was that a new order of the stone was born as for these two everyone’s going to miss you you know and I’m going to miss them too but if anyone ever really needs me I’ll be around Come on Luna Bye Everyone I was kind of hoping you’d be interested in a race H you’re On [Applause] [Applause] H I love you J La [Applause] [Applause] Oh Don’t forget to sign up for our trivia Competition come on people we can’t let Kent win every time can we [Applause] a Good feel [Applause] Man Oh [Applause] n [Applause] Oh impressive Moves La For [Applause] [Applause] you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] La

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Story Mode Final Season: The Adventures Of Jesse And Petra Episode 8: Final Stand’, was uploaded by Skelesidian on 2023-12-25 20:00:07. It has garnered 779 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:37 or 7897 seconds.

Description: The time has come. Jesse, Petra, Logan, Lluna, Steve Alex, and Notch have the powers and finally return to BeaconTown to bring the final battle to their new nemesis, Herobrine. But first, they have to rescue their friends, make sure they are okay, and convince them to help and join the fight. Then later on, the New Order of the Stone will go to into a mass chaos and destruction war against the Creepypastas friends and army with old foes alongside with them while Jesse and Petra will go face to face against Herobrine for the first and last time with the confrontation happening at the Mausoleum, but there will be obstacles that they’ll have to go pass through in order to get to the point. Will Jesse and Petra be able to destroy Herobrine and save the Multiverse once and for all or will Herobrine win again, but successfully complete his ultimate forever plan?

Credit To EchoStyles Studios for Herobrine Final Boss Music Link:

Credit to Ross Bugden for the epic music link: and

Credit to all the people/content creators/game companies/composers/etc videos that are being used in the episode that I made. None of these videos and music are mine and are under fair use. All the credit goes to the rightful owners and I respect them.

No copyright infringement intended

This video is not monetized. All rights belong to the respectful owners. This video is for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.


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    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of building, surviving, and exploring, then you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and embark on epic adventures. Just like in the YouTube video where the creator builds a beautiful underground house, Minewind offers a similar experience but on a much larger scale. Imagine constructing your own underground fortress, gathering resources, and defending your territory against other players. The thrill of survival combined with the joy of building is what makes… Read More

  • Fruit Power vs. Underwater Dragon in Minecraft

    Fruit Power vs. Underwater Dragon in Minecraft Explorando o Poder das Frutas no Minecraft: Encontro com um Dragão Subaquático A equipe apaixonada por jogos do canal Mundo dos Jogos está sempre em busca de novas aventuras e desafios no universo do Minecraft. Recentemente, eles se depararam com um cenário intrigante: um dragão subaquático. Mas antes de enfrentá-lo, decidiram testar o poder de uma fruta misteriosa que encontraram em sua jornada. Descobrindo Novos Poderes Em meio a um ambiente que parecia uma prisão, os jogadores encontraram a fruta e decidiram experimentá-la. Com um simples toque, perceberam que ela lhes concedia habilidades especiais, como velocidade aumentada e resistência… Read More

  • Become a Minecraft master: Build the ultimate floating house 🏠🚀

    Become a Minecraft master: Build the ultimate floating house 🏠🚀Video Information tes tes tes tes tes tes y semuanya Selamat pagi pagi-pagi tadi tadi gua live streaming e subuh-subuh ng-lag ya akhirnya gua live Jam 10 lagi enggak ketiduran 2 hari kemarin gua sempat live jaga tapi ketiduran jadi jam 12 gak live pagi pagi lagi sekarang gua pagi karena gua ggak tidur habis tarawih habis apa habis tarawih habis salat subuh ya habis e sahur tadi langsung tidur masih hidup masih hidup Mih lah Mih gak tidur Pokoknya gulah kita ak main server lihat guys PIN gua Beh lancar be lah Halo entar gua tadi gua sebelum pas… Read More

  • Exploring the Voidian Minecraft Server – EPIC Adventure!

    Exploring the Voidian Minecraft Server - EPIC Adventure!Video Information [Music] shut up [Music] spy said with [Music] love [Music] [Music] [Music] oh all right hello everyone hi comron it’s cool to see you in the Stream and Pringle and carbon and Dolly and [Music] spooky I said it with love I said it with love shut up spooky with love you know it’s okay um love you guys okay so uh on the I’m waiting for stream to give me the stats and stuff it’s not popping up hi espre oh God we don’t want Mei okay so spooky too far on the grind I’m just being… Read More

  • Unbelievable trick to find hidden CASH in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable trick to find hidden CASH in Minecraft!Video Information hi it’s TV and YouTubers are lost among themselves oh no there’s a bunch of cashes inside the marketplace oh no which one is the real cash I don’t know how many YouTubers are there uh I think that’s like six or seven to save uh wait which YouTubers I’m a huge fan of apmau I wouldn’t be AAU H uh I’m not sure which ones I guess we have to find out which YouTubers to save but first let’s save cash okay so it’s Prop Hunt so one of these is the real cash and we need… Read More

  • Wildly Insane Daku Builds – Epic Minecraft Gameplay!

    Wildly Insane Daku Builds - Epic Minecraft Gameplay!Video Information [Music] hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and baby that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit that Mak me haven’t been the same since I expired doesn’t mean that I… Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE: Top 3 Bedwars Texture Packs 1.8.9 –” #minecraft #hypixel

    "UNBELIEVABLE: Top 3 Bedwars Texture Packs 1.8.9 -" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘The 3 NEW Best Texture Packs for Bedwars 1.8.9 | #minecraft #майнкрафт #hypixel’, was uploaded by zlokwiq (eng) on 2024-04-30 12:26:16. It has garnered 59 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:31 or 751 seconds. i show you the top 3 best textures of the pack for bedwars, i hope you like it 😀 ➤ like & subscribe to the channel! ➤ my discord: ★ my goal is to gain 1000 subscribers ———————————————————- ➤ sens: 400dpi ➤ fov: 85 ➤ server ip: ➤ my setup – keyboard: I… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Zombie Texture Pack!!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Zombie Texture Pack!!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Zombie Realistic Minecraft Texture Pack’, was uploaded by Bostjan Potrc on 2024-05-19 21:55:35. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:19 or 319 seconds. If you’re a Minecraft player, then you know that making your own weapons is one of the most fun things you can do. In this video, I’ll teach you how to make a realistic Minecraft weapon using my favorite texture pack. This tutorial is perfect for those of you who are looking for a Minecraft project to work on in your free time…. Read More

  • Yura’s Shocking Reaction to Suisei’s Demise in Minecraft!

    Yura's Shocking Reaction to Suisei's Demise in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mourning Suisei’s Death In Minecraft (Towa, Aqua, Miko, Azki, Iroha, Watame / Hololive) [Eng Subs]’, was uploaded by Yura on 2024-05-18 03:30:21. It has garnered 38021 views and 2330 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:49 or 289 seconds. Hoshimachi Suisei goes full kissy-kissy mode on Minato Aqua, to reward Aqua for helping Suisei with installing Minecraft voice mods… ● For more: 【Minecraft】Death…Trial…And…【Minato Aqua/Hololive】 [Minecraft]Day 3! Let’s do the mission![Kadokawa Watame/HoloLive 4th Generation] [Minecraft]Starting from scratch, Holo server hardcore life! Day 3 Holo server hardcore Minecraft[Hololive / AZKi] [Minecraft]I’m going to… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Build in 24Hrs | JoyRift

    Ultimate Minecraft House Build in 24Hrs | JoyRiftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Creating the Best House in Minecraft (Day3)’, was uploaded by JoyRift on 2024-04-21 13:48:02. It has garnered 96 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:54 or 714 seconds. Step into my Minecraft world and explore the ultimate dream house inspired by the rich architectural heritage of Pakistan and India! 🏡 From intricate details to functional design, every corner of this house reflects the beauty of our shared cultural traditions. Join me on this adventure as we celebrate diversity and creativity in Minecraft. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share with fellow… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft HORROR Story 😂 Watch NOW!” #minecraft #horrorstories #funny

    "Insane Minecraft HORROR Story 😂 Watch NOW!" #minecraft #horrorstories #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Lol 😂 #minecraft #horrorstories #funny #horrorstory’, was uploaded by Endigse on 2024-01-12 02:48:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft,minecraft horror,minecraft horror mods,cash minecraft,minecraft mods,scary minecraft,horror,minecraft shorts,minecraft … Read More

  • Ametist

    AmetistSunucudaki bulunan bazı sistemler: – Seviye sistemi – Görev sistemi – Gelişmiş huni ve fırın sistemi – ihale sistemi – Lanetli güneş tutulması – Tılsım sistemi – Özelleştirilmiş eşyalar – Yetenek sistemi Wiki: Read More

  • SummitSurvival SMP no-whitelist no-grief 1.20.4

    Summit Survival Summit Survival Join us for a semi-vanilla SMP experience where the focus is on creativity and exploration. No land claiming plugins, just pure gameplay freedom. Joining Process Connect using the IP Cross play supported via Bedrock using port 63809. Server Rules No hacking or x-ray No modifying player builds Avoid universal dupes No hate speech Server Features Item based economy Set waypoints with /sethome Teleport to spawn with /spawn Simple protection system Quality of life additions Statistics World Border: 128k x 128k Difficulty: Hard Version: Paper 1.20.4 KeepInventory: False Season 3 started in Feb 2023 and will… Read More

  • Nova Europa – Minecraft Geopol

    Nova Europa - Minecraft GeopolWelcome to Nova Europa! A vaporwave theme and European centred Minecraft Geopol!We launched on 31/05/2024 and we would love to include you in our community! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft Monday Mayhem”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft Monday Mayhem"“Why was the Minecraft player always calm? Because he had a score of 42 and knew he was in the meaning of life territory.” Read More

  • Crafting Stokes Twins’ Minecraft Mansion: A Block-Building Blast!

    Crafting Stokes Twins' Minecraft Mansion: A Block-Building Blast! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, I built the Stokes Twins house, with no complaints. From the walls to the roof, every block in its place, A masterpiece of design, a true showcase. The Stokes Twins, known for their pranks and their fun, Now have a virtual home, under the sun. With a touch of my hand, and a click of my mouse, Their dream house in Minecraft, now ready to house. So join me in this journey, of building and play, In the world of Minecraft, where we’ll stay. And remember to like, subscribe, and share,… Read More

  • Hot TikTok Hack: Minecraft Edition

    Hot TikTok Hack: Minecraft Edition “When you try to impress your crush by showing off your TikTok hack in Minecraft, but all they can say is ‘Is that a dancing creeper?’” #minecraftfails #minecraftlove #crushproblems #gamerhumor Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Community Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Community Experience! Welcome to! Today we want to introduce you to the incredible world of Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of creativity, community, and endless possibilities, then Minewind is the place for you. Imagine a server where you can build, explore, and survive in a unique and challenging environment. With a dedicated player base and regular events, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a new challenge or a beginner eager to learn the ropes, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and become part of our growing… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Artyom Pushkin Goes Insane!

    Minecraft Madness: Artyom Pushkin Goes Insane!Video Information This video, titled ‘СТРИМ МАЙНКРАФТ MINECRAFT ИГРАЕМ В МАЙНКРАФТ’, was uploaded by Artyom Pushkin on 2024-03-08 13:58:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. (artemkasurovin donation alerts) 1.0, 1.5.2, 1.6.2, 1.6.4, 1.7, 1.7.10, 1.7.2, 1.7.5, … Read More

  • Heart-Pumping Minecraft Speedrun Challenge!

    Heart-Pumping Minecraft Speedrun Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Speedrunning, But With Only 1 Heart!’, was uploaded by Jawunleashed on 2024-02-25 00:33:25. It has garnered 254 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:24 or 10224 seconds. Back in 2020, MrBeast challenged me to beat Minecraft with only ONE HEART! In that video, I ended up LOSING that challenge! So now it’s time for a shot at redemption… I’m back to beat Minecraft with only one heart, but this time… I’M IN HARDCORE! That means ONE HEART OF HEALTH. WITH ONLY ONE CHANCE. Will I be able to beat the… Read More

  • STRANDED ALONE IN THE OCEAN! | Minecraft Raft Survival #1

    STRANDED ALONE IN THE OCEAN! | Minecraft Raft Survival #1Video Information This video, titled ‘DENİZDE MAHSUR KALDIM! | Minecraft Raft Survival #1’, was uploaded by YmirLP on 2024-05-11 11:00:11. It has garnered 11658 views and 666 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:10 or 1390 seconds. I WAS TRAPPED AT SEA! | Minecraft Raft Survival #1 😘Don’t forget to subscribe! – I had a lot of fun in the video, I hope you had fun too. If you liked the video, don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and like the video! 🐥Sponsorship and Business [Business] : [email protected] #minecraft #ymirlp #skibidi Read More

  • EPIC Modern Wooden House Build in Minecraft!

    EPIC Modern Wooden House Build in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How to Build a modern wooden house: tutorial’, was uploaded by Hunter Sky on 2023-12-19 22:02:52. It has garnered 274 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:30 or 570 seconds. learning how to build a modern house in minecraft learning how to build a small house in minecraft learning how to build a survival wooden house in minecraft please like and subscribe #build #minecraft #tutorial #minecraftideas #survival #learning #modernhouse Read More

  • Join Froggyarmy for EPIC Minecraft battles! 🔥

    Join Froggyarmy for EPIC Minecraft battles! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP server *Live* Bedrock/Java’, was uploaded by Froggyarmy on 2024-04-10 18:09:30. It has garnered 104 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:37 or 7357 seconds. like and Sub Read More


    ULTIMATE WISHING WELL LOCATION IN ZOMBIE CRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE RIGHT WISHING WELL IN MINECRAFT ZOMBIE’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-03-20 13:00:39. It has garnered 2875 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:50 or 1670 seconds. THE RIGHT WISHING WELL IN MINECRAFT ZOMBIE Read More

  • Takomee – FIND THE END PORTAL NOW! (Minecraft)

    Takomee -  FIND THE END PORTAL NOW! (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘PROCURANDO O PORTAL PARA O FIM!!! (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Takomee on 2024-04-15 23:54:18. It has garnered 110 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:29 or 9329 seconds. Hey, good morning! I’m Tako, and I do lives lol 🦴 Message via pix on live 🦴 • ✨ Here is the link to my networks: ➜ Twitter: ➜ Discord: 🦴 RULES🦴 • Don’t be toxic! • No spam. (Not even with the Bot) • Don’t disclose ANYTHING in the chat without permission. • It is forbidden to tell gossip… Read More

  • Unleash Pixel Perfection in Crafting Adventures! #GameHiveHub

    Unleash Pixel Perfection in Crafting Adventures! #GameHiveHubVideo Information This video, titled ‘#MineCraft #CraftingAdventures #PixelPerfection #BuildBrilliance 12’, was uploaded by GameHive Hub on 2024-02-10 11:09:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the endless possibilities of the blocky universe with our Minecraft video series! From epic builds to thrilling adventures, … Read More

  • “Minecraft Rap Artist Drops Sick Villager Beat” #trap #creeper #music

    "Minecraft Rap Artist Drops Sick Villager Beat" #trap #creeper #musicVideo Information This video, titled ‘moye moye villager #music #rap #artist #lyrics #trap #song #minecraft #creeper #play’, was uploaded by Minecraft dude on 2023-12-29 17:15:04. It has garnered 5 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More