The Ultimate Sushi Minecraft Experience

Video Information

Foreign can you hear me now sorry Andy raid sorry I have been um not talking though I turned my mic off I guess sorry I got it I got it turned on I hope you guys can hear me now as I scream and giggle in your ears

At least you didn’t hear me like scream when that uh skeleton was trying to shoot me oh here that deserves a couple of derp emotes yay hi Andy there’s that derp let’s see how many derp emotes do I have here like Shy’s derp there we go

Thank you guys for coming out how uh how is Cinco for you guys and gal sorry I shouldn’t assume gender right um sorry what I was saying at the beginning of the stream was um hi happy scene go and um I came back from the grocery

Store and there was just tons of people because people were trying to get their alcohol for tonight so it was kind of busy and I that’s why I started late I was supposed to start at five all the derps spinner for the raid I hope you’re doing okay I hope you had fun

Um oh there goes my shovel oh I found iron if I don’t die here oh oh gosh I’m gonna die in the Wawa okay let’s go because yeah okay we’ll come back I don’t know if this one has okay oh there’s some more oh these are all my chickens my

Free-range chickens that escaped oh thank you Andy for the host toasty is uh hanging out oh look at all the chickens okay how many do I have now I need like a few stacks of glass for the ceiling just to get going uh Pokemon Crystal was not nice to me oh

Your pokey’s died the same ones which ones did you have um low quality need a new computer yeah I feel ya it’s hard it’s like you know um you would think with technology getting better and better uh there would be affordable uh computers by now right at least affordable quality computers I

Should say there’s affordable computers but quality I feel you well at least you got a chance to well you have it to uh stream so that’s a good thing oh there we go let’s get out of here and I didn’t get carded today for my Corona that I purchased I was very sad

Oopsie let’s do at least I got an arrow from that um skeleton oh let’s I think home is this way I think up here maybe what is that a hall or something let’s wander this way oh I actually don’t remember where my house is should be here somewhere I think

Well please don’t get me lost I don’t know how to get home guys so no this way oh I see I have a map I don’t know if I marked it on here let’s see uh this way is that my house I think so okay get my sword out just in case

Can’t remember if I went through the woods oh gosh guys I’m so lost already okay I know it’s on a hill uh I didn’t wander that far I hear spiders is it this way oh I hope I’m not going further away from where I oh look at the little sheepy

Hey guys where is my house um that still isn’t Pixelmon I know too much to list like you’re okay that looks like there’s some lights oh God zombies don’t have anything guys uh is this it what is this what is this where where is this is my house area

I’m afraid to go into the water okay let’s oh gosh no No all right um it’s this way right oh no I think this might be I mean if I see chickens that means I’m kind of going in the right direction I think if I follow this water bend thank you for the follow Derpy Mario yes spiders are harmless yeah

Yeah until they kill me uh uh gotta follow the okay look at all the chicken so that means I’m close I think oh here okay that was where okay this is this is where we are um let’s do this and try to swim across real quickly because

The zombies are coming this is where I am Yep this is my house oh yeah okay we go up the hill I think this way up this way oh that’s oh God sorry I’ll catch up and chat in a second sorry try not to die oh something’s hitting me oh God dang it

Bad skeleton or skeleton where’s my food uh eat it okay hello Too Much Death to list oh you’re poor stuff there we go oh my safe house oh we made it guys I thought I was a goner there a second thank you chickens for leading me home I’m sorry that I uh

There you go let’s hope I can open the door to get in ERG yay wait we did it It’s Not Dead oh good we got enough for a while oh look he gave me a bow skeleton right uh you spinnered are harmless but not Minecraft spiders all right there you go oh

I was like scared there a second guys oh no we need more coal or charcoal I should say um let’s wait for these and wow it’s like actually pretty good oh I’m glad we had the map it didn’t really help but I wish there was a way to like Mark

Oh we got to iron at least that’s a good thing um how’s everyone doing this uh hashtag Lazy Sunday happy Cinco anything uh fun you guys are doing if you celebrate Cinco de Mayo um uh let’s do no more chickens that’s they cleaned up all the chickens for me boys Lefty presents so

Other soon makes more babies there we go oh good there’s like more I should probably go to sleep but that’s okay all right I was waiting for that cold to finish up so basically this uh we finished the four walls of my house um and then what I’m starting to do is

The glass it’s just two layers of glass I’m doing um layers of glass for the roof so that I can see the sky at night the Stars oh no we only have precious glass there we go all my llamas Sir we’re gonna need um very soon oh that’s good that was all of the SE are all my um chicken eggs before I accidentally hurt some I killed like a lot accidentally when I was trying to build this wall here they wouldn’t let me um close the the Gap so the that’s how

They all escaped outside oh let’s do come on smell faster there we go 64. nice it’ll get us going here I wonder you know I’m gonna go up on top that way it’s easier for me to actually place the glass um I’m Gonna Leave This open so I can get back down

It’s snowing there I guess there’s no real seasons in uh Minecraft huh okay this is my base ceiling I think and then the top one will kind of meet up with the uh the wood uh frames of the roof um I better squat or what is called Crouch squat ah Crouch

I have to crouch so I don’t die and fall off the roof here oh there you go no snow I like the the uh the way the snow kind of just Falls when you hit a block the uh the animation for the new update which is nice

I haven’t found any pandas yet because I haven’t wandered to like the jungle area I think pandas are in the jungle right um or any of the aqua updates like um the ocean turtles I think was one of the updates I gotta wander a little bit after Maybe finishing up this house

We’ll go on a sushi Adventure all right let’s do my dirt pull all right hopefully these are all good oh no I’m running out of is it here third block one two three oh maybe not is it then oh no nothing wrong I’m in the wrong oh gosh I’m in the wrong hole

One more there you go all right there’s that oh Gotta Stay squat or what what is it called crouched uh once I start on the garden it should be um much easier like because it’s I’m on the ground for most of the build this part when you build a Minecraft house you

Kind of have to go up high for the roof and go all the fun builds hopefully this will be a good world to um build on there we go funny that I jumped in the wrong hole here hi normal person oh we ran out of cold no okay I guess we’ll do half

Probably need to get more oh there we could do half of this one because that one’s almost done there we go um one second I have to cough sorry there we go sorry that was like a big cough I probably need water in a second um ERG there you go

Where is my water bottle John all the boys are joining um the winds blowing here in California so I’m like my throat’s been super dry there we go uh back up to high llamas buddy it’s yay like third oh I just talked to me there we go I’m in the right

Whole Space now there we go probably should just do a ladder so that I don’t have to keep doing the dirt that’s too easy why would I want easy in Minecraft um there we go I wonder what the boys are doing more surprises for me maybe uh at least we’ll get this side

Almost done pretty sure there’s like a mod for um smelting glass or multiplying glass and see if it’s all done now almost there you go I will have to go back out and get more glass all the adventures um I have to get cold too hi

I don’t know how to do a chat in this uh I think it’s here right oh hi my stuck in the hole okay um two more oh no three more because we probably have to go oh I totally forgot that I didn’t make it super high on that this Edge

We’ll need some more stone bricks oh no what how did I do that let’s see did I put it away I did put them away there oh they gave me four nice this is a little bit easier as I’m teetering on the edge of glass up two stories

I could imagine doing this IRL there we go getting nighttime I don’t know why I’m so scared of mobs only a game they scare me the newer mobs scare me all right those um oh I had six now I have four or five that’s okay we’ll go out once it’s daytime again

Uh one more okay oh I can’t really sleep huh um okay so let’s do let’s lead these guys over I only have two leads I think I only have two leads so oh we can fix the the roof Michael um okay well eventually I think I have to move

Is this the leader Maybe there we go he’s a leader and they’re like spitting um I have a lot of dirt I was gonna try to make it like a fountain in the middle of the house but I don’t know what to make it out of probably die right again I guess

I guess we can do the regular die right instead of all right I guess oh I got an achievement hahaha that’s so weird five llamas I’ve had five llamas for a while I’m not sure why I’m getting the achievement now um well maybe I guess you can do it on this side here

Oopsie let’s do the fountain here gotta make a square first and then round it out because you know because there’s no circles in uh Minecraft trying to make circles in a game that’s all squares probably just do one layer um this should be big enough I think

I want to make it too big so we gotta dig I probably need to make another uh pickaxe because uh it’s gonna break pretty soon oh I only have two iron huh I don’t want to use my diamonds yet oops I think the white would be uh would will

Look better with the blue water top of it so I’ll do that and then we’ll do the edges here that’s a good thing I got a lot of the diorite all the diorites right and I didn’t even die from that Adventure Sushi is chicken when it comes to going out at an adventuring

If nobody’s gonna go adventuring with me it’s hard for me to get around it’s like coughed in your ear go get another uh pickaxe and then um I don’t have it don’t I have wood yeah and sticks and pickaxe sorry one more second I’m gonna cough again

Okay hopefully the mic is not popping in your ears Yes eat something maybe there we go oh I don’t have a bucket though I’ll have to go borrow a bucket from the boys oh I didn’t have enough oh no it’s only seven hopefully that’s enough I may have more to make but seven one two three four five six nope seven nine

Four more I don’t know if I should make all of these or not uh it should be enough okay so it looks like the center is here Here the center I think oh um what did I need foreign for days so that’s good um let me go one of you all the eggs oh my gosh so many eggs [Laughter] hey stop it where are we going it’s an egg ow he’s gonna kill me he just took me at a

A random how did he get me through the door that was that was very talented Bowen house playing tags kind of I guess how are you long time no see how are you doing oh no he’s not really playing tag he’s like fishing me no stop it oh I had three

That was a good badge you’re well I’m glad oh the Bahamas yesterday how was that I forgot you took your wife there in April right you said nice I love the Bahamas you take a lot of pictures nice oh my goodness um it’s nice to uh oh no I’m stuck in here

Again no and he didn’t I totally forgot to make um was it a fence gate because the Ziggy was here for the last Sushi fail because I accidentally had to murder some chickens because they wouldn’t let me um close up the Gap it was really really bad I felt so bad for them

Did you go on any excursions um nice yeah yeah I think I remember going um scuba diving and then we did like the manta ray thing she had a blast oh that’s good I’m pretty sure being in um oh wait look the look Coco Shack right

Did you Lounge at the Coco Shack under the palm trees that was a fun place for us see well I’m glad to hear she had a blast that’s really nice that you guys had a chance to do that oh somebody’s texting me oh that sounds more oh thank you

He fished me out of the chicken coop or chicken pen thank you I’m gonna put the chickens away at least or eggs I mean all of my eggs that sounds exotic and fun I haven’t been to Hawaii in a while so I um

Um ouch oh we need no I need to make a fence gate one second um I think it’s this oh no Aldi no Aldi no oh my God stuck here again oh there you go thanks I’m gonna go into the house so I can make this fence gate real quickly

All right there you go you can’t get me down here in my house how do you make the fence gate again oh I don’t have the right the two blocks oh it’s four blocks oh there we go finally oh can I get out oh have a hard time should we do it here

Oh no um shoot they’re super close to the gate here I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to put it down before they get through again oh no no oh this is what happened this time no [Laughter] I don’t have any seeds where’s my Z dad okay we gotta go back

I’m gonna lose my chickens again no come on come back you gotta go back there we go here we go go back oh good thank you for lurking it uh oh yeah I’ll talk to you soon for sure good to catch up with you get over here I gotta keep

Oh my God they’re lagging me okay and go ah There we go oh my gosh that was like almost what happened unless I’m ice trees there was gonna be another chicken episode oh that’s too precious to like five one two three five chicken I don’t know I have sticks in there um all the adventures right okay there we go get that

Uh here my poor chickens all right we gotta go and find some more sand but it looks like is it daytime or nighttime or close to noon I can’t see the sun where’s the Sun at how does the Sun um oopsie oh no the sun’s going down yeah we definitely can’t

Can’t go outside in the dark we’ll have to oh he actually wants to go back in with his family um let’s eat or food we can’t go to bed because the boys aren’t online if I was on here by myself I can go to bed actually maybe if I go to sleep they’ll

Go to sleep too yeah go to bed everybody maybe no they’re not going to bed no oh he left the door open why is a door open what how is the door open oh the lever left a lever up here um hi chicken how do I get up here there you go

What can I do until daytime oh I was trying to figure out how to um connect the walls like I guess an arch a glass Arch from this wall to the roof to that wall I think that’s what I was planning to do um let’s see this and this because we need

To fix the the roof on the side we could do that while it’s nighttime chicken meat away um I’m still detoxing today this is my last day so um I’ll be able to eat but it’s pretty much not like eating eating I have to kind of

Go slow like have salads and stuff so but detoxing hasn’t been too bad I it’s been lightheaded earlier this morning but I’m okay and oops you gotta go across here so don’t die um seems like it’s taller or something hi babe um I’m kind of happy that summer is coming

At the same time it’s going to be hot up in here up in California so that’s the only thing I’m dreading right now the Heat thank you toasty gets to go to Vegas and visit his grandpa so he’s gonna have a fun time but everybody in Vegas

Has a pool so it should be okay wow this is actually much taller than I was expecting babe oh sorry one second Um oopsies okay thank you let me go down here without dying all the spitting llamas syrup should be okay I kind of want to go and fix this wall because it’s it’s very crazy it does not look anything like this wall here so I’m very very I mean I’m pretty sure

Nobody’s going to really notice that you never know a house has to kind of look the same or a the sides need to anyways um foreign come on daylight um so shoot I need oh I needed um what’s it called the uh bucket for the water

Wait do I have one here maybe because I brought these over this water on this I’m pretty sure I have one here then oh I do have one yay so oh no aldrin’s back oh hi let’s do um I’m gonna get water from my Fountain of Youth here

It’s gonna take me a while because I only have one bucket ah [Laughter] I don’t know how to do that he was like fishing me and uh I couldn’t I couldn’t do anything about it bro hi Aldrin thanks for uh fishing me out of the chicken coop oh no I just killed my

Killed by uh what you call it here not do that again hello um I need one more water I guess I can get through the door today which is saying a lot the last room I was having a hard time like um walking through that iron fence or door iron door

Shoot darn it Ripper Rooney okay come on sunlight so I can go get some more sand um I need more sand I almost died by uh water zombies a spider and a skeleton two skeletons one with um chain mail it was very scary wait is that enough now for me to actually

Get her now oh good um it’s like waiting to get enough uh water so I don’t have to go back to the fountain outside ah the water current is so strong is that good oh one more foreign yes I did it I gotta go to the top here

Um how do I get up there you really like the fishing rod don’t you I guess we do the top oh yay should be a higher or yeah probably higher huh okay so I have another no um let’s do probably a couple more hey thanks thank you for the sand yay ah

Oh my God how did you do that oh my gosh there we go I need to get up high um one more you think or just one more thank you for all my sand yay there we go why is there a cobblestone what is this why is there gravel here

Oh is that me did I do that all right yay it’s daytime we gotta go get some more sand without getting lost again oh no my shovel go bye-bye You never left you were here the whole time and saw nothing uh are you having tacos for tonight Cinco de Mayo I’m probably gonna that cozy you don’t like tacos who doesn’t like tacos tacos are awesome tacos are yummy I can’t have any right now but tacos are really yummy

Oh wait we need to make another shovel one two three uh shovel oh shovel ones if you won right two what that was super weird here we’ll put this stuff away because I don’t even know how to use a bow uh put my bucket away oh actually

I gotta put these in the house this we can put there everything else is good okay [Laughter] All the tacos good to know all right let’s go okay everybody’s gonna remember the way that I left right so let’s go this way oh no can’t get out of my house okay we’re gonna go straight okay we’re going straight I think it was this way that had

A sand right oh yeah this is the way this is the way to more sand oh more llamas too should I make a little oh let’s make a little path here that way I do not die going across the Wawa oh really can the the waterlogged zombies like hit me off of

Off of this you think I hope not he’s kind of just hanging out down there submerged oh gosh I ran out of dirt how did I run out of dirt I guess here we go um oh shoot I forgot torches um this way so Okay we went we go around should we go up I think it was up yeah so we’re kind of going straight so I don’t lose my way home at least the boys are on here that way I can call them and have them come back and help me oh no

Did we totally lose the where’s that place that had all the sand was it to the left to the right getting lost again all right we just have to follow the water okay this is where I had sand last time yeah we’ll follow it this way follow the the Riverbend there we go

Let’s do this let’s close this up so I can collect the sand without dying and the what’s it called the iron the rest of the iron that was down there thank you whoa there was not that much oh look at we have some I can hear the zombie

We did need some coal too so good thing we found some I shall get a parrot a wander to the Jungle when I’m brave enough and get us a parrot okay there is the iron like this was this here okay good I’m like I can’t remember which block I

Did all right there we go there’s the iron we need iron for all the things I wonder how far the the water goes okay we’re probably gonna have to go and find the desert area yeah okay I think I can only do that much because I don’t want to die in the water

I want to drown it’s gonna be like tons of trips to all the places to get the sand in these it sounds like a slime or something getting dark hi chicken oh no here comes the water oh I don’t grab all right okay let’s go back across the way

Oh of course there’s zombies oh give me your shovel I need it can you Shuffle no oh thanks I have to eat something I’m good die chub sushi oh my God seriously ugh tree and wait Uh on one heart okay we’re inside eat eat they did give me it I needed that happy happy Cinco 30-day grind yes did you have tacos yet oh no wrong one um it’s five of thirty yes we’re doing it oh we had some there okay oh we got five oh that was Flint

No tacos yet I got a Corona I’ll probably have it in a little bit when I take a quick Break um with my lime good to see you thank you for coming by um this is the house I’m building right now I’m working on the roof it requires a lot of glass

So um I just finished this fountain and the four walls and um Escape some zombies from impaling us at night you haven’t played Minecraft in a while right Freddy okay yes yeah oh thank you I appreciate it and it was good to catch your stream yesterday

Um even for a little bit did you how did the rest of Final Fantasy go did you uh get anything good or um I don’t know what the goal is for a lot of the Final Fantasy is just like story based or is it getting items

I was watching my friend Taj play the the online version one and um oh no no sad face nope gotta get some more sand or a glass oh you just grind levels okay so it’s mostly just like um adventures and stuff right um to get to level up your characters is

That how that works oh gear grind nice so like all the weapons and stuff right you kind of unlock and get that’s good um is it here this one right here foreign Destiny right where you’re having to grind for um all your items and I know the grind um I finally finish um

Pixelmon uh my Pokedex and Pixelmon on the multi-server that I was on when you first met me I haven’t been on it in a while because I pretty much caught every every Pokemon up to gen seven and um all the legendaries I have like multiple so I’m I’m challenging myself

To play on single player mode to um try to see if I can finish the Pokedex as well so I know about the grind thank you yeah it’s fun I like it um what are you up to anything fun besides stream later today night leaving presents let’s see what he did

They said they left presents out here for me so I’m afraid oh no what is it I’m scared to go down there all right I’ll just leave it alone there I didn’t see anything dinner and food yes food I know I have today um is my last day of detox but then

Um I have to kind of ease myself back into uh food like just salads and stuff not too heavy of things because I have a blood test uh tomorrow and uh then um my checkup um the following week because I have to wait a week for the blood test to come back

I know I’m just like I want food I went to a a friend’s food stream I don’t know if you know her Sushi day she cooks um like she cooks Japanese food thai any any kind of food she experiments with her husband and today it was really hard because strike boy

Another Sushi yeah exactly I found her like a long time ago but I couldn’t find her again you you can imagine um like sushis there’s not that many sushis on Twitch right you would figure so I searched Sushi and there wasn’t any in it I looked in the channels and streams

It’s like oh gosh I can’t even remember what her um Avid or Avatar her picture was hi strike boy yeah so I um her husband I guess for every um follow or sub he had to do like um burpees or sit-ups and um he was trying to do his six-pack challenge so

That was kind of like there’s two sushis yeah exactly strike boy um so I was like oh no I’m detoxing and he was like yeah this is definitely a a bad place to be because there’s like all this food and on my channel you guys know that I am like Avid food talker

Uh uh my goal is to follow all the sushis on Twitch now that I know there’s like a million of them I don’t know what they stream but um I think it’ll be fun to see how many sushis I can follow all the sushi family Freddy has come to

Uh honor me with his presence and I appreciate it you randomized uh of uh wait you randomize Evolution but you’re Zubat turn into Golbat oh okay is that good or bad isn’t that good oh let’s see oh no we’re out of coal again see if we have more here yeah

Probably gonna have to go back out again and get more um one two three four I think make some more sticks and torches because I went out and I didn’t have my torches and it was dark and I was scared oh give me one second I’ll be right back hi Ben

Oh it’s a realm it’s one of uh uh toasty’s friend’s uh realm that they started so that I can stream on and since I can’t stream on Pixelmon which is PC so it’s actually on the Xbox I can join which is nice I love this new realm

Thing and hi hi Ben happy Cinco Freddy and Sushi destroyed the Star Wars old last night that was hilarious all right I’ll be right back all right oh thank you uh uh wait we’re waiting for the glass right there we go got all the glass and what should we do a um

Is it worth it to do a iron shovel you has news okay what is news what is he doing up there let me finish this and then we’ll go out and get some more sand you’re Affiliated yay congrats that’s awesome Ben let me see where’s my Heap my hype

All of my hype emotes or where are they ah that’s so awesome that’s a very great accomplishment there you go it Yes you should get a hypey mode um with the new sub point system thing where you get like two uh tier one emotes that’s actually a really good thing that they did that because I feel so bad like you know when you’re subbing to somebody uh a smaller streamer

An affiliate you only get a few of their their emotes so that’s a really good thing that twitch added a creeper a you at least got the love yes the love one is very adorable and this spider is not scary um yours is a creeper a poutine

I think you told me about Canadian poutine right we had talked about that on Canada Day oh my God no more glass all right well hopefully this stream we will finish the roof that means okay let’s try another direction for uh let’s go make one more shovel

And do we have more wood yeah we have tons of wood here uh let’s do this oh actually smelt some of this I kind of need more charcoal um thank you guys for always coming and hanging out and supporting me uh back to my streaming trying to stream my normal schedule

Um which is like in the evenings I’m not going to try to do late late evenings anymore because I really really need to get to bed before like midnight and I was staying up trying to get my body to or sorry I was forcing myself to stay up

With streamers that were late streamers and it was not good for conducively good for my uh my health so I am going to try to limit myself to um you know like the 10 11-ish so uh you’ve grown tired of the Minecraft music to where you mute the music me too

I pretty much kind of have it low like right now I can’t have I can only hear a little bit of it oh I mean you don’t have a life it’s I was talking about what time like um that I’m on uh twitch or online because modem yeah

I don’t know how to let’s see wait am I still mod in your your um channel two spinner I can’t remember I haven’t been in there in a while see if that’ll work Maybe all right you could be a mod for this stream yay there you go

You got the sword because uh straw Hat’s not here he might be sleeping hey straw has been here from day one of sushi streams like day one Oh no it’s night time um I wonder if he’s lagging I don’t know how to talk to them in chat here in game chat see I don’t know how to oh you didn’t have to make me mod believe me I I’m modded in a lot of channels and I

I can’t be in everybody’s Channel that’s why I like I was talking about um my uh the sleep schedule my sleep schedule has been so weird um because I used to hang out with a lot of streamers that were like late streamers like into the morning streamers like you know three o’clock in

The morning and trying to keep up with that and um it was just like really really hard for my body to you know to function on the d-pad really oh um oh how do you X okay what that’s what this is oh there we go thank you um okay let’s do

Oh it’s night time again ugh um what can we do at night while we wait um I was saying you don’t have to give me mod but if you already did it’s fine I will try to come by um but you didn’t have to if you already didn’t

But thank you I appreciate all of you and the streams I can’t sleep there’s a couple people online so let’s see actually let’s see if did uh Aldrin leave too I wonder what they were working on see there’s people on um oh maybe oh the the chicken followed me into the house

There was a time that you modded me and you don’t know why you Ed modded me did that work I don’t know why you keep keep there you go stay in the house Aldrin sleep so this I’m gonna work on this next is uh the front yard is gonna be like a toe

Pari um Garden so this part here is going to be all leaves made of leaves like a topiary

This video, titled ‘Sushi No 1, Twitch VOD #sushidiamond254 #minecraft #twitchvods’, was uploaded by SushiDiamond254 on 2023-05-28 21:51:30. It has garnered 50 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:46 or 5446 seconds.

Hiyee Guys!

Sorry it’s been awhile since a video. Here is a new section of my channel, Twitch VODS. This way you can all get first hand on how I started my streaming every. single. day. back in 2019.

With summer coming quickly and getting hot, I should be able to get a few videos out even the ones that I have promise: Show Me Ur Heart Contest heart tour & recent season 3 PinkCraftSMP.

Thanks for watching!

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  • Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update

    Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, rejoice! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, and with it comes a host of exciting new features and changes. One of the most significant updates is the overhaul of how Identifiers are defined, bringing a fresh perspective to the game’s mechanics. Additionally, enchanting has undergone substantial modifications, adding a new layer of depth to gameplay. Understanding Minecraft Update With the release of Minecraft 1.21, players are eager to delve into the world of Fabric modding. The Fabric mod loader has been updated to accommodate the latest version, offering developers… Read More

  • Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave!

    Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Minecraft Adventure: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Exploring the Football Team Caves In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, Sausages and his friends embark on a journey to explore the football team caves. Each cave represents a different team, with surprises and challenges awaiting inside. From Galatasaray to Fenerbahçe and Beşiktaş, the team caves hold mysterious rewards and traps set by the infamous Baldi. Challenges and Rewards As they navigate through the caves, our brave adventurers encounter various obstacles, puzzles, and enemies. From dodging arrows to solving riddles, each team cave presents a unique challenge. However, with teamwork and determination, they… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • Before Minecraft: Notch’s Secret Project

    Before Minecraft: Notch's Secret Project The Evolution of Notch: What Came Before Minecraft? Early Beginnings: A Journey into Game Development Notch, also known as Markus Persson, embarked on his programming journey at a tender age in the 1980s. His first foray into game development occurred at the age of 8 in 1987, crafting a text-based adventure game for the Commodore 128 system. This early start laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the gaming industry. Fast forward to the mid-1990s, Notch established BitSeven Productions, a gaming company where he experimented with various game concepts. Although these games were never released to the public,… Read More

  • Brewing Every Potion in Minecraft 1.21

    Brewing Every Potion in Minecraft 1.21 Minecraft Brewing Guide 1.21: Mastering Potions and More! Potions in Minecraft are often overlooked, but they can be incredibly powerful tools in your gameplay. Brewing potions may seem daunting at first, but fear not! This ultimate Minecraft 1.21 brewing guide will walk you through the process step by step, ensuring you can craft every potion with ease. Getting Started: Brewing Essentials To begin your potion-making journey, you’ll need a brewing stand. Craft one using one Blaze Rod and three Cobblestone. Don’t forget to fuel your brewing stand with Blaze Powder! Next, gather glass blocks to create bottles for your… Read More

  • Escaping the Superflat Jungle

    Escaping the Superflat Jungle Minecraft Adventure: Surviving a Superflat Jungle Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey in an infinite superflat jungle world! Join the excitement as our protagonist navigates through this unique and challenging terrain, facing dangers and discovering hidden treasures along the way. Chopping Trees and Crafting Tools Our adventure begins as we spawn on top of a massive tree in the jungle. With determination, our protagonist starts chopping down the tree to gather resources. Despite the flat landscape, dangers lurk beneath, including slimes that must be avoided. After collecting wood, crafting basic tools becomes essential for survival. As night falls, the… Read More

  • Crafting Cuts: Minecraft Makeover Madness

    Crafting Cuts: Minecraft Makeover Madness In the world of Minecraft, a haircut’s the talk, Before and after, the difference is stark. From looking messy to looking so clean, The reactions are wild, a hilarious scene. No diamonds in sight, just a mining quest, But keep on searching, you’ll find the best. A sister’s late for school, a brother’s in a rush, The chaos ensues, oh what a hush. Dad’s off to play cards, mom’s coming home, The homework’s not done, oh what a tone. But in the game, there’s always a surprise, A secret passage, right before your eyes. With 3D drops and diamond… Read More

  • Day 2: Pillar Chaos – 1K Days in Better Minecraft

    Day 2: Pillar Chaos - 1K Days in Better Minecraft Day 2 – Mixed Pillars Galore – 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft [Creative] Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft with our dedicated player as they craft their way through 1,000 days of adventure. On Day 2, our builder focuses on creating stunning pillars to enhance their virtual abode. Materials Used: Echo Log Maple Log Acacia Log Purple Terracotta Bricks Purple Terracotta With a mix of logs and terracotta, our player is set to transform their house into a masterpiece. The choice of materials adds depth and character to the structure, making it stand out in… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Seed 2024

    Ultimate Minecraft Seed 2024 Exploring the Best Minecraft Seeds for 2024 Discovering New Worlds Legend Manush has uncovered some of the top seeds for Minecraft Bedrock and Pocket Edition in 2024. One of the standout seeds is 39227070353904933, offering a unique and exciting world for players to explore. With new landscapes, resources, and challenges, this seed promises an unforgettable gaming experience. Exciting Features Players can expect the best seeds for Minecraft, including rare biomes, hidden treasures, and challenging terrains. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, these seeds offer endless possibilities for adventure and creativity. From lush forests to… Read More

  • Unlock Zultan’s MASSIVE new world in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Unlock Zultan's MASSIVE new world in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘HUGE NEW WORLD | Minecraft Vanilla Hardcore’, was uploaded by Zultan on 2024-05-21 21:28:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How long will this world last I wonder? Read More

  • Flight of Fear: Minecraft Creepypasta

    Flight of Fear: Minecraft CreepypastaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta: Flight of Fear #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MidNight on 2024-04-05 19:00:28. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:03 or 63 seconds. Gameplay- GianLeco Minecraft Gameplays Audio- ESN Productions I have been playing with AI and decided to test how far I can push it’s story telling capabilities. I plan to do this but have fun and entertain not only myself but others as well. Please comment bellow if this story sounds familiar or if is a complete copy of something you’ve heard before…. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Speed Cheat for Endless Fun!

    ULTIMATE Speed Cheat for Endless Fun!Video Information This video, titled ‘демонстрация спидов на funtime бесплатные бесконечные спиды funtime bypasse’, was uploaded by kyst client the best cheat on 2024-06-22 19:27:21. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:23 or 83 seconds. скачать чит в коментах теги не читать:#minecraft #minecrafthacks #hacking #minecraftchallenge #hypixel #hackedclient #tommyinnit #minecrafthacker #dream #2b2t #minecraftclient #minecraftmods #client #themisterepic #kilab #hypixelskyblock #minecrafthacking #skyblock #hack #minecrafthackedclient #minecraftmanhunt #funny #hacks #cheater #minecraftmod #minecrafthack #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #minecraftbut #glitch #challenge #hacked #minecraftspeedrun #shorts #duplication #cheat #minecraftcheats #skeppy #hacker #oldestserver #hackingreview #review #1000challenge #wurstclient #minecraftserver #stream #mods #bedwars #minecraftmemes #minecraftdream #bug… Read More

  • DrunkenHyena’s CRAZY Drunk Minecraft Stream!

    DrunkenHyena's CRAZY Drunk Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘DRUNK STREAM IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by TheDrunkenHyena on 2024-01-13 14:31:12. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:16 or 3076 seconds. #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Bed Wars Clutch in Tacpac! #Minecraft #FYP

    Insane Bed Wars Clutch in Tacpac! #Minecraft #FYPVideo Information This video, titled ‘My epic clutch in bedfight! #bedwars #minecraft #montage #fyp’, was uploaded by Tacpac on 2024-05-28 07:16:31. It has garnered 417 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Instagram: Twitter: Tags: Im a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client cause you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. i know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 20 CPS. Sometimes i do make texture packs for minecraft pvp that packs fps boost… Read More

  • Insane SKYBLOCK adventure in MCPE! #rajuartgaming

    Insane SKYBLOCK adventure in MCPE! #rajuartgamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing skyblock in mcpe in cubecraft server part 1 #minecraft #rajuartgaming’, was uploaded by Raju art gaming on 2024-02-18 08:18:00. It has garnered 81 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:20 or 560 seconds. playing skyblock in mcpe in cubecraft server part 2 #minecraft #minecraftpe #rajuartgaming server name- Cubecraft port-19132 hashtag #clonearmies #shortvideo #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing… Read More

  • Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream – Join Now!

    Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Chill Stream Come Join’, was uploaded by B1onicJay on 2024-01-14 14:59:45. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:42 or 282 seconds. Read More

  • Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱

    Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 02:00:13. It has garnered 173 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔” #minecraft #shizo #drama

    "Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔" #minecraft #shizo #dramaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Choose any One Guys ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftanimation #mine #minecraftshorts #song’, was uploaded by SAIRAJ Khatuuu on 2024-03-17 06:43:26. It has garnered 10251 views and 416 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • BiblioCraft

    BiblioCraftRegular Vanilla Minecraft server, griefing is allowed, hacking is not. This server was created over 4 years ago, and has a long history of different players, civilizations, and more! Read More

  • Fractus Politica SMP – Roleplay

    Fractus Politica SMP The Fractus Politica SMP is a geopolitical Minecraft server on an earth map. Players can create realistic nations with complex governments, conduct diplomacy, trade, and go to war. Build nations from any period in history, conquer land, and create colonies. This server focuses on realism and international relations. We are looking for developers to help with server maintenance and mods. Apply for staff if interested. Discord Link: Join our Discord Read More

  • The best city in Minecraft

    The nas🌟 Version 1.20.4 🌟📅 Edition start: July 1 📅🔹 Tryb FreeBuild 🔹Build your dream building on our plots! Create amazing structures, acquire resources and compete with other players in a world of unlimited possibilities⚔️KitPvP Mode ⚔️Ready for the challenge? Jump into the KitPvP arena, choose your favorite kits and prove that you are the best warrior! Fight with other players, earn points and move up in the rankings.🏆 Minigra MobArena 🏆Experience an amazing adventure in MobArena! Fight hordes of monsters, earn rewards and see how long you can survive. Do you have what it takes to survive?🌌 Tryb SkyWars… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Diamond Sword”

    Minecraft Memes - Diamond Sword"Well, at least we know what’s really important in the Minecraft world – meme scores! Read More

  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

    Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, A motor gang movie, a tale to be told. With Kare Kafa leading the way, Entertaining us all, every single day. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t be late, For Minecraft adventures, we can’t wait. Support is key, so don’t hesitate, Join the fun, let’s celebrate. Kare Kafa, the master of Minecraft lore, Bringing us joy, always wanting more. In Turkish, he shines bright, Entertaining us all, day and night. Let the game begin, the fun never ends, With Minecraft facts, and rhymes that blend. Kare Kafa, our favorite guide, In… Read More

  • Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9

    Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9 I turned my toaster into a robot and now it won’t stop singing “Toastbusters” on repeat. #robotproblems Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

    Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work! Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks with Unspeakable Unspeakable Minecraft Build Hacks have been taking the gaming world by storm, offering players innovative ways to create and customize their virtual worlds. From intricate structures to hidden passages, these hacks provide endless possibilities for Minecraft enthusiasts. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Build Hacks Unspeakable’s latest video showcases some of the most creative and mind-boggling build hacks in Minecraft. Players can now push the boundaries of their imagination and construct awe-inspiring creations that defy the limits of the game. Breaking New Ground with Minecraft 1.20 Build Hacks With the release of Minecraft 1.20, players… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!

    Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Poor Mikey vs Rich JJ Diamond SirenHead BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft !’, was uploaded by Joobek on 2024-06-15 07:37:01. It has garnered 1581 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Party with Viewers

    Ultimate Minecraft Party with ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hive With Viewers! (PARTIES + CS’S Minecraft LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-05-08 08:14:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: Become a … Read More

  • “🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥” #shorts #minecraft

    "🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥" #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr Khatri Gaming on 2024-06-06 14:16:32. It has garnered 579 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 05:23:27 or 19407 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts Title: Minecraft Server SMP | Come play with us ! 🔥 livestream , youtube member , youtube algorithm , Breaking Youtube Live , youtube experiment , youtube live , youtube livestream , membership ,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge – Meet the Grim-Reaper

    Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge - Meet the Grim-ReaperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sackpic: The Chicago Grim-Reaper’, was uploaded by Jeybriski on 2024-02-16 21:00:09. It has garnered 45 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:28 or 2008 seconds. Join Jeybriski and Pauzol in their epic modded Minecraft 1.20 adventure! This modpack lets play series is full of exciting quests, magical mods, and thrilling exploration. In this modded Minecraft video, Jey and Tezel take on new challenges as they journey across an incredible world of inspiration and imagination. From technomagical builds to dimension-hopping adventures, each episode features the best mods 1.20 has to offer…. Read More

  • Zakazi’s Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)

    Zakazi's Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai téléchargé le PIRE pack de texture sur Minecraft ! (ahh mes yeux)’, was uploaded by Zakazi on 2024-04-23 16:07:22. It has garnered 309 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:28 or 268 seconds. Hey! in this video I downloaded the worst texture pack on Minecraft (I should have never..) ___________________________________________________________________________ -Texture pack (the worst): -Texture pack that I recommend:×32/ #minecraft Read More

  • Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep – 1

    Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep - 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted Carnival Minecraft Horror Story in Hindi | Uvx gamer | Ep – 1’, was uploaded by Uvx Gamerz on 2024-03-24 07:02:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. So guys in today’s video We found a strange box in minecraft. its a minecraft roleplay in hindi by Uvx Gamerz #minecraft #roleplay … Read More

  • Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6

    Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Just Craft A Philosopher’s Stone | ATM9 Skyblock Ep. 6’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-06-06 00:00:28. It has garnered 57153 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:28 or 5188 seconds. Today we play a Minecraft modpack called All The Mods 9 To The Sky which is a lot of words I can’t put in every title but we must make the star. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: ATM9 To The Sky Playlist: My Links:… Read More

  • Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥

    Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream)’, was uploaded by Corredor-RH on 2024-04-08 18:30:50. It has garnered 186 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:19 or 3679 seconds. 🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream) First Time playing minecraft So please Help And dont Forget to Like And Subscribe. Minecraft Live Stream Minecraft Live Live Minecraft Minecraft Wither Fight Minecraft #minecraft​ #meme​ #memes #minecraftstream​​ #minecraftlive​​ #monsterschool​​ #minecraft​​ #animation​​ #школамонстров​​ #монстршкола​​ #майнкрафтстрим Tages:minecraft dungeons,minecraft dungeons gameplay,minecraft,minecraft dungeons review,minecraft dungeons walkthrough,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!

    Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!Video Information This video, titled ‘Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending’, was uploaded by Omkar on 2024-04-08 01:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, … Read More

  • SpiralGN

    SpiralGNWelcome to SpiralGN, the ultimate destination for players seeking the thrill of Minecraft’s Op Gens experience! In the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, SpiralGN stands out as a server dedicated to taking resource generation to a whole new level. At SpiralGN, we’ve crafted a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that centers around the art of overpowered generators (Op Gens). Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the blocky realm, our server offers something for everyone. Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

    That meme must be too busy racking up points to deal with your shenanigans! Read More

  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer's Epic Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:56:08. It has garnered 314 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More