TheBestCubeHD – I Survived 100 Days with NO ARMOR in Minecraft Hardcore…

Video Information

Hey guys it’s your boy the german potato and i’m pretty sure you all know what it is right we all use it and we all need it to survive armor reinforced clothing parts which once fully enchanted can make you invincible well at least almost and in this video i’m going to try to

Survive 100 days in this evolved world generation with over 85 new and improved biomes by keeping the game 100 vanilla with only changing the world generation this is going to be easy if i could only use armor but i can’t All right 100 days minecraft hardcore with no armor and oh boy do i love these shaders oh hey there buddy let’s see if we can even reach defeating the ender dragon because with no armor things will take a lot more time so they want was just the basics you

Know wood and stuff and wait how are we on day two already wait and where’s that iron pick coming from and how are we on day three now wait he got diamonds already day four wait this guy is faking 100 days oh well that was unfortunate but try to not die

In the first couple of days ah alright guys this is the run no more dying now so on day one the basics wood with tools stone tools searching for food all right now before i go into any cave and risk dying already in the first days

I want to start exploring a little oh and is there there’s a village over there look at that we got red trees now and yellow ones oh my gosh yo do you see that anime over there that glowing eyes this is just amazing yo look what the heck look at that cave

Let’s talk about some roots real quick well obviously i’m not allowed to use any type of armor which even includes leather armor but i can use the elytra since the elytra won’t give you any armor effects yeah that was the roots back to the video but i’m not going into this cave without

Having any any type of protection i wanna shield first but now let’s get over there to that village and on my way to the village i got my iron grabbed the bed and found this nice looking swamp look at that swamp area this just looking too good hey there is

There any chance you have any havels around here oh you don’t mind if i pick some right i grabbed some hay made a furnace to smelt my iron made an iron pick and a shield and with that done i watched my first sunset and went to bed alright already on day two

Let’s start exploring a little more maybe find a place to settle down a little home maybe find some sheep so we can get some wool with which we can make a little tent which is exactly what i did i walked around and found this pretty dead wasteland and found lots and lots of

Sheeps and i mean lots of sheeps i also slayed some cows for leather and then i found even more sheeps this is some flat land right here look over there is a lot of dead land some flat right here and there’s a forest right there and look at that oh my god i

Just love the shaders on the next day i was still exploring and then i came across this weird looking biome wait that grass is purple and this this belongs to the nether why is it here wait there’s no way look at that wait is that one fully grown

No it’s not after a weird experience i got some coal and continued exploring just to find out that i’ve just been walking in a circuit there is a village over there which means i went in a circle this is a sick cave look at that oh there are glow squids

Over there maybe you can spot the diamond let’s see hmm can’t see any diamonds alright let’s get out i don’t want to be in here i want to find a place to live so the search for a nice little cozy place to set down a little tent continued and i just found another

Village oh we got a blacksmith right here look at that please be diamonds please go diamonds oh we can’t use that we got more bread and some goat let’s also grab the chest because why not wait suit up no no no no no no i’m not suiting up i’m not using that

Because i’m not allowed to alright so after that sneaky try of the game trying to get me to wear any armor i stole the villagers crops and found my first goodies my first emirates and after that i stole even more crops but then i found some pretty useful loot there we go we

Got a saddle right there nice we can finally ride a horse now oh there are some horses oh that’s a fast horse i’m keeping that for sure oh this could have been bad so with my new horse i kept running around and found new looking vibes and

Even more massive looking caves i mean look at that and for the rest of day 4 i continued to search for nice looking place to settle down my home and after another whole day i found this nice flat space right next to a village so i have access to

Villagers to set down my home i fenced in my horse and put my items into a chest after that i went to check out the village which has some foxes running around and another blacksmith but no diamonds again but we got another sword i then started

To get some wood and these huge trees are annoying to chop down since they’re so tall but eventually i had enough wood to finally start with my home so let’s just roll a little bit sink So All right we we got a little home now and i pretty like this cozy place and i even started sorting we should give this guy a name hmm let’s call you george you’re george now all right i might need to start get some materials now i want to make like a

Little farm area right here and also get some sheeps and cows all right let’s try to find some iron explore a little more get some wood and actually before i go deep into caves i should get a bow a powerful bow let’s talk about caving real quick we

Definitely need a bow especially a powerful ball to defend ourselves from a distance and avoid cave spiders we don’t want to get poisoned to be one hit at half a hut and last but not least just run if situations get too tight i’m just running because i have no armor i think

That’s obvious i found some iron and fought the zombie no no then i got ambushed by his friend i also grabbed some coal i don’t like this i don’t like this at all bound lapis and even some gold alright that’s enough for now i want to get out here

I then went to grab some more wood started smelting and prepared a little area to finally build a farm for which i needed a hoe and a bucket and then i went to bed i then started to prepare the farm and did some terraforming made an infinite

Water source and prepared the dirt i then grabbed my wood for the design planted my potatoes and my carrots chopped down another tree and then i got sick of this huge natural trees and planted a big boy which i was lucky enough to get grown with my only three bone meal

Then i chopped it down all right i wear that wood i should be able to finish this this little farm area let’s see if that’s enough which it was there we go i placed some slabs so i don’t destroy any crops some fences and even some lanterns

On the next day i finished off the farm and while i was working on some nice pet thing on my home i came across these guys we have any pumpkins around here oh my gosh hell no what are these guys doing here wait they see me they are watching me they are

Following me with their eyes but they are not coming what’s wrong with these guys no no okay okay okay i see i fought them but i wanted to keep the captain and get him in the boat arch no dude just get in the boat please come on All right we got him in the boat i wanted to keep him and break his crossbow but then i realized i don’t have a name tag so he would just despawn so i had to kill him i guess i can’t go into any village but

We have a banner now which uh yeah there we go and it’s raining now i just slept this is not cool will we get a chicken oh we will look at that hey there little buddy all right we will definitely need more iron now since our shield is almost broken

So grab some more iron which has meltdown to make some new tools and a new shield then i wanted to travel a little with my boat and actually found janga i grabbed some bamboo and even some melons and after i went to bed i returned to home

Back home i realized i could just drink milk to get rid of the bad omen effect and i forgot to record for the last 10 minutes that’s why we’re on day 15 already i also tripped two farmers and destroyed composters but these guys are some dedicated farmers since they don’t

Want to lose their profession so just went to get some more wood which i will need for stick trading and i also got some stone and after that i checked up on the villagers but only one lost his profession and we got a pick in there

And we’re trying to kill the pig i accidentally hit the villagers i made the one villager fletcher but he doesn’t want to trade sticks so i just went to make an enclosure for some cows on day 16 i finished the enclosure and made my first baby hey there we go our first baby

I planted some melons and then the cows escaped wait how did the cows escape wait oh right here after some fixing i brought them back in let’s take our lectern and check up on that villagers again and let’s also plant some big boys right here then i finally

Got the stick trade bought the bow and some arrows and while i was trying to get a nice librarian another villager decided to join us and after a quick nap i made this experience there we go no more rain thank you oh look at that i didn’t know the shader pack can do

That i chopped down more wood traded more sticks and continued trying to get a nice enchantment for my bow after making a book and getting my wood it was time to sleep again it’s the next day and i continued trying to get an enchantment for my bow and then i got this oh

We got a fortune 3 book yeah i’m taking that i want that but wait no we need an anvil to get that on a pickaxe and we need another lecture now to get this guy to trade me anything good for my bow yeah we now need more books to trade and

Actually some iron to get to get an anvil so i killed an iron golem made my babys and went to get some iron i also killed my first creeper with a bow smelted the iron to make the anvil and put fortune on the new pickaxe alright

We have a fortune 3 pickaxe now which is good when once we go mining once we go caving but i still want to get power or something on my boat oh gosh i think i’ve slept too late oh we got anime right there hey everybody how are you i

Don’t want to harm you don’t want to talk all right i’m going to leave you alone i then took george to search for some more sugarcane because i needed more paper for some books and a lectern and while i was searching for sugarcane i came across this massive cave

Alright no sugarcane right here what the heck is this yo you have to be kidding me all right so once i got a good bow i think i know where i’m going and i just found another village nice maybe there are some bookshelves in there no bookshelves in that village but

There is there is no way still just another village wait this is the fifth village in this world right there were no bookshelves in that village either but i found a shipwreck with some paper inside which was just enough for lectern and inside the last chest of the village i found

The book which was the book i needed for the trade once i returned home i chopped down another tree and continued trying to get the power trait it didn’t took long and i finally got it oh my gosh can’t believe it there we go we got power five power five

But i need i need more i need more sticks a few more sticks please don’t change your trade please keep that trade please keep that trade why is this guy so expensive but we got enough we got enough there we go we got it and it’s only five let’s go to bed

What a productive day the next day i prepared some steaks since steaks are better than breads and i also fenced in the villagers so they are safe from zombies and then it was time to start caving alright time for some caving so went straight in oh geez oh geez

And do you remember what i said about avoiding i’m already poisoned this is not cool this is not no i want to get out here i want to get out of here yeah i got instantly poisoned and after i healed back up i went straight back into madness i started mining and soon

Enough i got rewarded with my first diamonds oh my gosh my first diamonds there we go and that’s four diamonds from once one single block so i continued mining and exploring the cave which was a pretty big cave oh no dude that’s why i wanted the bow

Oh there we go got my diamonds oh my gosh what a crazy cave oh i just bought it more diamonds let’s get over there i grabbed my diamonds fought my mobs and even got scared many times oh my gosh just got me i was so glad i had the bow

To defend myself from a distance i got more diamonds and fought more mobs and while i did that i didn’t even realize i was standing right in an iron man look at that wait why is there so many iron right here there’s a yo look at that just there’s

Just so much iron right here what the yo never seen something like this before i spent some time getting all the iron and turned all the raw iron into some blocks i also killed some glow squids and let’s not forget about the gold which we will need for the nether

I trained even more aim bound more diamonds oh it’s two i fought my mobs die just died and then something happened which made the situation a little tighter i’m out of heroes oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh alright it’s time to run well i just ran

Straight past all the creepers and zombies and luckily i made it out safe and on my way home i grabbed some coal to smelt all the goodies i just got I made my first set of diamond tools and went straight to bed Now the next day i found some obsidian on the lava pool i found nearby and after quite some years i finally had enough to make an enchantment table which for i dug out a little area and placed it down we need bushels now well we don’t have that much sugarcane right

Now yes let’s let’s just quickly go and get some more sugarcane to try to search some more sugarcane so we can get more books so i once again took charge to search for sugarcane but this time i went to the right places and actually found right should be enough

Let’s quickly go to bed all right we got quite some sugar cane now now we just need to wait for these guys to grow which always takes forever so i started with the villager breeding let’s start on the villager breeder while we wait for that yeah and i think i’ll build it right

Right over here right right here so i started digging out a little hole for the villagers to be breeding i also had to get some more wood she had some sheeps for the beds even stole some beds and once i had enough i placed them all

Into the hole then i also made the whole zombie proof with some fences and on the next day i had some trouble getting the villagers over to the hole but eventually i got it hey there we go we got our first vintager in then i went to get the second one

There we go tuck one in let’s get these guys some food so i grabbed some carrots potatoes and bread to feed the villagers so they make our first kit somehow they didn’t want to breed so we gave them some privacy and after returning by the end of the

Day we had our first kid hey look at that we got a little kid now the next day i got my errors from fletcher got my sugarcane and wheat to breed my cows because i needed some leather now and then yeah i got some leather with the letter

I just got i made my first three bookshelves and placed them at the enchantment table and while i was waiting for the rain to end i got more wood and fought some mops oh gosh there are mob spawning oh no but then to skip the rain i went to bed

Another day and i had to kill some creepers which infiltrated my cap replanted my big boys extended the sugarcane farm and then i got some materials for the trading hall like pistons and for the rest of the day i even got more wood and on day 30 i could

Finally start building the trading hall which is exactly the same design i build my hardcore series so let’s just throw another bead sink So [Applause] All right um so far i’m done with with the training hall and i pretty like to design this time it’s it’s pretty simple but uh but i think it fits to the rest of my my little camp so now i just need to get all the villagers in

Um once they are in here and everyone is in their spot i can place a trapdoor like that so they can’t get out anymore once i got all the wheelchairs in here i can get a zombie in here and yeah i need to finish off the roof but i don’t have enough wool

I got my sugarcane breeded my cows and went to bed the next day i started to build a rail system to get the villagers from the breeding hole over to the trading station after i did that i put the first two villagers in a boat and with another

Main card they went straight to the trading hole but unfortunately one of the villagers died to suffocating i’m sorry then i got another villager and another two all right we got one two three four four minutes in place 16 more to go but i think

Yeah one of these needs to grow up and they probably need more food now i got more food and gave it to the villagers on day 33 i put some level 1 enchantments onto my tools and for the rest of the day i built another enclosure for some sheeps so i could get

Some wool quicker because i needed a rule to finish off the roof of the trading hall alright let’s see what about the villagers do we have more villagers now we didn’t so i got even more food and gave it to the villagers make my babies please yeah there we go

We got another kid but then the villagers somehow didn’t want to make any more kits so i did some other stuff for the rest of the day with the villagers refusing to make any more babies i thought they’re too close to the trading hall so they won’t make any

More so i decided to make another breeding hall further away from the trading hall cut the villagers and the beds in that new hole and went to bed the next day i filled up the old breeding hole and yep the villagers decided to make more kids again with that problem fixed

I went to get some more wool for the rest of the day day 37 and i had enough food to finish the roof and got another two villagers in the training hall wait why isn’t that working anymore i mean it is working but it’s way slower what the heck why

After that weird happening i got two more villagers in the trading hall then i started to make cartography tables because i wanted a glass pane trade from the cartographs to get easy xp and unlimited emeralds and to finish off day 37 i got some obsidian to build a nether

Portal i then thought i would need more food to breed a villager so i decided to build a bigger farming area for the next two days and even started building a wall which i will continue building all around my camp in next few days We now have a bigger farming area which should be quite productive in getting more food for the villagers to breed them and i actually want to continue this wall i made behind that farm area right here all around my camp so i watched the villagers making more

Babies and i got some more saplings to plant some more trees on day 40 while i was waiting for the trees to grow i got some coal and i worked a little on my pathing all around my camp and also make the nether portal there we go alright simple but good

Just need to add these two obsidian blocks and then it’s done alright so for the next three days i just spent the time chopping down lots of trees i also made some more bookshelves and then i basically started with the wall around my camp because i wanted to be safe from

Mobs it took some time but eventually i was done placing all the random blocks around my camp and on day 43 i was done and i mean look at that i really like the way this little camp turned out i never built something like that before alright now that my

Camp it’s a little safer now with all these walls i mean i could still spawn mobs right here this looks so good and the bamboo makes a nice detail as well there you go enjoy your carrots and make more peppers please alright let’s talk about the nether we

Definitely always need gold because i can’t wear any gold armor so piglens will always attack me and the most important of all fire resistance i need fire resistance potions so the first mission we have in the nether is to get trading with picklings for fire resistance potions i don’t want to get

Blaze rods without having fire resistance potions to brew my own and last but not least of course the bow is essential but we already have a good bow huh this won’t be the last time i go into the nether we oh i almost forgot about gold take the gold

We need fire resistance potions that spawn doesn’t look too good oh my god this feels so unsafe with no armor i’m in the nether with no armor let’s see let’s kill these guys first i don’t want to get hit by that guys oh we actually need we actually need them oh

My god i almost hit that piglet i need the magma cream from these guys no magma cream for me this spawn is pretty bad not gonna lie oh look at that there’s a pig man but he’s got the crossbow this is not not good at all oh

I safely searched my way down and at this point i was terrified of someone getting chased or attacked by the pickling i threw in some gold he took it and i got my own shiny advancement just give me just give me fire assistance please come over here just just there you go

Oh no get the goat yeah look at that i continued trading to get the fire resistance potion at some point and then oh there we go yeah look at that that’s what i want it’s a splash potion as well wow i still had some gold left and continued trading

But then things got scary gravel wait where is he oh my gosh i once again safely blocked him off and continued trading but then i got bored and i killed him i picked up the loot including the fire resistance potion and also killed another magma cube which dropped me some magma cream

This time terrified of the nether i got back home and went to bed the next day i needed a break from the nether because senator was stressing me out and then i decided to extend my crafting storage thingy tent a little more because i needed more storage and

Once i was done with that i went to bed Alright so now that i’m terrified of going back into the nether i need a break from that so i continued working with the villagers i brought two more villagers into the trading hall and another one we could already start levelling these guys up because i need a glass pane

Straight from that guys well that’s quite expensive without having them cured i made some leg turns and yes i went back to the nether to grab some more gold because i was almost out of cold so i i just needed to go back to the nether luckily i found another piglet to trade

With and he was kind enough to give me another fire resistance potion back home i got an advancement for brewing which i don’t know how that happened but yeah just look wait local brew i didn’t brew that i just took that out of a brewing stand all right uh

I guess i take that advancement after getting that advancement just for putting a potion in and out of the brewing stand added some more farming and brought two more villagers to the trading hall will you make love yes you will will you make baby no they won’t

Alright i guess we have to wait again while waiting i started running around and thinking about the next thing i want to do the next step i’m going to do alright so i think i’m a little stuck here because i need to get lace powder i need to get blaze powder

To make the weakness potions for the villagers i i also need gold from the nether and i need more fire resistance potions so i think that’s why i just have to go to the nether again and search for a fortress and get some blaze rods as i woke up on the next day

I repaired my fortune pickaxe and i just can’t believe that i’m already going back to the nether and i just have to i’m stuck and i need that blaze runs i also grabbed all the gold and yeah jesus christ what is this nether let’s try to get up there

I carefully searched my way through this terribly generated nether and also grabbed all the gold i found bro i don’t like this nether this is way too dangerous i had to bridge over massive lava lakes and also take some tunnels and i also made sure to pick every single corner so

I don’t get ambushed by any piglets oh my gosh yo buddy you scared the hell out of me you know that you scared the hell out of me i know baby pigments and piglets are friendly but sometimes they can be scary what does that am i is he chasing me

Well i continued searching and finally found fortress i just found one i just found one look at that oh no no no no no no no i could already hear blazes this is not good this is so terrifying guys you won’t believe it i once again carefully

Searched my way all around that fortress to find a nice spot with a blade spawner and after a couple of minutes i found one oh my gosh i had absolutely no idea how to fight the places so i just went slowly near the blaze spawner and shoot the blazers

With my bow alright alright we got some places we got some blazers this is so terrifying all right oh you already dropped one you already dropped one i need drop bomb as well you have to be kidding me then the fire resistant potion showed its worth nope nope nope nope i’m burning

All right i’m going with it i’m going for it i grabbed the place rods and absolutely stressed ran all the way back home back home i turned all the gold into ingots and then i forgot something wait oh hold on i forgot about a netherwards winnie oh come on i just

Forgot about the netherwards i don’t want to go back to the nether yep well i think i just have to yep you heard that right i need to go back to the nether again but before i did that i procrastinated and brought villagers to the trading hall and went to bed

Yeah on the next day i had nothing else to do but going back to the nether i searched my way to the fortress and when i was there i walked into one of these rooms in which the netherwatch grow and then i got ambushed by emblaze after

Killing the blaze i made sure to block off all entries to that room so i could safely get all that netherwards once i had the netherwards and the soulsand i returned back home and decided to plant the netherwards at my farming area and now that i have netherwards i could

Finally start brewing my own potions alright this should be enough to get enough blaze rods for the under eyes all right it was time to do some stuff to calm down from all the nether trips we had in the past few days guys you’re way too expensive okay that’s not cool

You need to lower your prices 24 paper for one emerald you have to be kidding me do you know how much sugarcane that is a lot okay that’s a lot that’s way too expensive so there’s one thing i also need i need golden apples to cure all the villagers

So i decided to go on a mining trip to get lots and lots of gold alright let’s go mine a bit because i will need quite a lot of gold we only have 47 which is not enough to get enough golden apple to cure my villagers

And we also need more gold for pickling trading i don’t know if i want to fight enderman’s to get the pearls because that will be dangerous too let’s go time for a couple days of mining but before i did that i made sure i had enough arrows so i won’t run out

Of arrows again and i wanted to go into some new caves but the new case didn’t quite like me so i just went back into the old cave in which i’ve been before Oh hell no oh jesus All right we got quite some gold now i just can’t find any coal why is coal so rare luckily i found some more coal on my way home again well hey we got more babies nice i then started to smell down all the gold i just found oh we got 22 diamonds nice

24 in total now this is good right we need we also need brown mushrooms i think we can get those in the nether because we need brown mushrooms for for the weakness potions and let’s get the food first for the villagers all right let’s grab some gold

And go to dinner to find some brown mushrooms which we need for fermented spider eyes let’s hope we don’t get killed in the nether well sadly i did no i’m just joking but seriously i couldn’t find any brown mushrooms in the nether i spent one whole day in the nether and i couldn’t

Find a single brown mushroom only the red ones so i went back home and searched with george for some mushrooms it’s just ridiculous i couldn’t find any mushrooms any brown mushrooms in the nether and yes it didn’t took long and i found some no way i just found one right here

There we go that’s our first mushroom a few blocks further and i found even more oh my gosh there we go we can finally start brewing now oh my gosh this took forever so with the mushrooms i just got i made some fermented spider eyes also made my

First golden apples and by the end of the day i had 9 weakness potions in total just like that we have 9 weakness potions which should be enough so let’s grab all these and we have 16 golden apples which means we need four more since we have 20 villagers in total i guess

The next day i chopped down the big boy hoping to get four more apples from its leaves but i didn’t get any apples so i decided to make a farmer villager in my breeding pits and leveled him up to get the apple trade for former apples i made

The apples golden and brought to my villagers to the trading hall it’s five villages left we need in there so let’s quickly see how many we got it oh no i think that’s enough that’s one two three four five yep we just need to wait for these guys to

Grow up and then we we can finally start getting the zombie in there so i procrastinated a little more and waited for the villagers to grow up the next day i could bring two more to the trading hall but my sugarcane and while i did some pathing it started to rain oh no

I don’t like the rain and after skipping the rain i could bring another two villagers to the training hall where the heck are you going yes thanks oh boy villagers are so annoying this is crazy please get in your thanks no buddy ah okay you you can go here’s what wait what

All right did you decide now thank you with one more video grown up i could bring the last villager to the trading hall and started removing the raid since we don’t need them anymore and while i was waiting for night i decided to build a new tent for the

Enchantment table and with nighttime arrival i had to kill an iron golem because that golem would probably kill the zombie i will try to get in the trading hall then i realized i broke two slabs to get the zombie batter inside but villagers could now escape

Wait how this guy how did this guy escape no all right i need i need to get a villager back in asleep let’s sleep so i brought back in the villagers and this time i made sure they can’t escape again now i just need to get the zombie again

With the villagers back in place i continued working on the enchantment tent while waiting for night i placed the enchantment table made my bookshelves and some leg turns and place the bookshelves around the enchantment table and you won’t believe it but it took almost a whole night to find a

Zombie which was willing to pick up a dirt block because i had no name tags but eventually i found one alright get in here I trapped it inside the trading hall and went to bed the next day i lowered all the villagers so the zombie could zombify them which worked like a charm right zombie fight zombie fight zombie fight after half a day the villagers were all zombified and i could start curing them

With the splash potions and golden apples then i decided to make even more weakness potions and golden apples because i wanted to cure the cartoon crafts twice so i can get one emerald for only one glass pane and i also got my first good trade Oh he got sick touch right here then i needed more latin so i went to slay some cows and i intentionally used the eggs to kill the cows because there was an iron golem stuck in the cow’s enclosure and still i hit the iron cone

I hit him i hit him oh my gosh oh oh i hit that i wrinkled him after that close call i made some books and bought the sick touch there we go this one is locked and we got sick touch now i woke up the next day and started to

Breed my cows for more leather and as i said i cured the cartographs a second time there we go see that’s what i want one glass pane or one ammo red this is not good because we can get an unlimited amount of emeralds but we can also get quite a lot of xp

Safe xp without getting any mobs started trading getting xp and finished off the tent for the enchantment table there we go so the next few days i basically spent my whole time replacing all the leg turns to get good trades on that day i got sharpness 4 and fortune 3. i also

Bought some more bookshelves so i could finish the enchantment table which now also enchants level 30. the next day i did the same but i also started leveling up the librarians to get the glass trade i got even more xp and then i decided to make a new diamond

Pickaxe to enchant on level 30. i got efficiency 4 and fortune 3 which is pretty good after that i finally got the mending trade leveled up even more and decided to enchant another diamond pickaxe which got fortune efficiency and unbreaking this time so i combined that one with my old

Pickaxe and now i had the sick touch and the fortune package the next day i got the flame tray which i instantly put onto my bow i also got them breaking not only on breaking two so i combined some to get them breaking three there we go got four and breaking three books

We just need the efficiency book now another day and i got the looting trade but only looting one that’s no big deal loot oh we need looting as well and a little things like rooting threes to highest which means we need six books right no four i combined the looting books got

A little more xp and put looting onto my sword i then bought some pumpkin seeds from wandering trader and instantly place them at my phone come on just give me efficiency please i now only needed efficiencies so while i was trying to get it i leveled up the

Librarians and luckily one of the guys i leveled up was kind enough to trade me efficiency oh my gosh there we go look at that i once again did my trading to get xp and also re-enchanted my axe which got me on braking fortune and efficiency oh look at that that’s what i

Wanna see and on day 67 i continued doing what i did enchanting getting xp and trading when i finally got all my tools and weapons done alright we do have pickaxe sick touch pick a fortune pickaxe a sick touch pickaxe a diamond shovel a good sword with knockback which is

Good since we have the ammo and our eggs or the good bow yeah i like that that’s great and we’re level zero you have to be kidding me it’s 33 to repair my bow that’s a joke right now with all my tools and weapons done i

Also made the farmer level him up so i can get golden carrots yeah there we go golden carrots nice then i noticed i forgot about my shield so i did that as well the question is what should i do with all that errors yeah i’m definitely not going to build

The beacon i have no idea how to fight the weather without any ammo at least in this video alright now we’re working with villagers yes finally but i needed to get some more gold now because i want enderpearls and for enderpearls i need to trade with

Piglets so i went back into the mine and got some more gold and i think i keep the show because there was nothing special happening except these two guys fighting Alright and were once again out of danger and we even got pretty much gold another 17 diamonds and i picked some iron as well yeah let’s get home and for the rest of day 70 i spent all the time chopping down some trees and getting to bed

With almost two and a half stacks of gold i went to the nether to trade with pigments two stacks on 20 should actually be enough i run around for a couple of minutes but i just couldn’t find any piglets to trade with but when i went back to my portal they are finally

Spawned one i trapped it and started training right please give me some ender pearls i want ender pearls buddy oh fire assistance potion another potion after almost one whole stack of gold but no ender pearls so far at least another piklin decided to spawn and i trapped them as well oh jesus

Just give me and the purge please these guys only decided to throw books and fire resistance potions but no enderpearls i don’t need soul speed even though it’s the rarest thing you can get from these guys i want ender pearls but then i finally got my first perks there we go finally

Oh even more alright that’s it two and a half stacks of gold six ender pearls just six back home i got my last few gold continued trading and luckily i got three more perts with nine pods in total but only 15 gold left i decided to go and get all the

Blaze rods i need for the eye of enders confident this time and with the power of fire resistance i started shooting the blazers with my bow but then reminding that i have looting on my sword so i stepped up the game and started fighting the blazes with my

Sword with looting three it didn’t took long and i had ten places right we got ten that’s enough let’s get out of here on my way back home i grabbed some gold again since i still need three more perks back home i put all the gold into the

Furnaces again and then i leveled up to level 33 so i could repair my bomb and with my bow repaired i went back into the nether let’s hope this is the last time we need to go to the nether get your gold and give me pearls now

I want the ender pearls nothing else no ender pearls for me so i grabbed even more gold and while i was trying to get back home this guy showed up hello there oh gosh oh gosh all right next time i go into the nada i will probably get hit by

A magma cube i decided to grab a furnace and all the gold which was melting to continuous melting in the nether so i don’t have to always travel through the portal and back in the nether the magma cube disappeared oh no it just went into the overworld i placed the furnaces continued trading

And with nine gold left i got four more pers wait there we go we got four more we got four more nice that’s enough right that’s enough i went through the portal and faced the magma cube here oh my gosh jesus christ with now having enough birds i made my

Eyes of ender which now means i have everything i need to fight the enderdring but for the rest of day 74 i sorted some stuff and went to bed alright day 75 the final quarter of this video has begun and i think i’ll start finishing off my my camp like finishing off the

And walls will build a proper sugarcane farm right there and and a nice little home for george right right here since since he he deserves definitely more than just this little fenced cage thing over there after prepping some materials i wanted to start building but i got interrupted by two new friends

What the hey hello yes we have two new friends i got to name tags and yeah so your plop will pee and you won’t you come to me and there you go you’re blocked i then spent the next three days building a proper sugarcane farm i know

It’s not the best but it’s better than it was before and after i built the sugarcane farm i built a nice new home for george Right so the little enclosure for george is done and after placing some trees and bone meeting my camp i brought george into his new home and i think he liked it alright so but now with my camping done i want to get some invisibility potions so the mobs in the stronghold

Can’t see me i got some glass and made some water bottles before i went to bed the next day i needed more brown mushrooms for fermented spider eyes but after 5 minutes i only managed to find one single brown mushroom So i made the fermented spider eye and started brewing some invisibility potions alright so i think i want to go to the ender drain soon therefore i need some more gold i still want more golden apples so i made some more torches and for the next two days i

Spent my time in the cave to get even more gold for golden apples and i killed creepers to get gunpowder for rockets this is crazy this cave just doesn’t end i mean look at that i haven’t been here before and i’ve been in this cave twice or three times i don’t remember

This cave doesn’t end oh diamonds thank you i grabbed all the gold i could find and fought all the mobs i could see hey oh my gosh why are there so many mobs on day 82 i made my way up to the surface again got back my furnaces from

The nether and started smelting all the goat i also got some sugarcane for my new farm which i used to make paper combined with the gunpowder i just got i got some rockets and with a new anvil i combined amending and unbreaking enchantment to put it on the elytra once i got it

And for the rest of the day i basically spent trading with the villagers to get more xp but i actually didn’t need to do that because i would get a lot of xp from the dragon as well the next day i started to use my goal to make the

Golden apples and then i decided i want to build something with my emeralds and turn them all into blocks it turned out to be a massive pile of emerald blocks oh boy had a lot of emirates and look how reflective they are this is this is pretty cool of these with

That or that shader now everyone who comes by with a boat can see how rich i am wait this is single player anyways the next day things got serious i started sorting my inventory to make sure i had everything i need to beat the

End of ring and as i was set to go i picked my off enders and threw the first pearl on top of my tent where it all began Did that first and the purchase broke yep it did motivated to fight the dragon i looked at my camp since it could be the last time i would see my home so on my way to the stronghold i came across this nice looking birch forest

And had to fight my way through a jungle But when i arrived i had the most beautiful sunset i’ve ever seen in the whole game with nighttime arriving i found out that the stronghold is underneath the water so i went on land and slept just to pick up some wood the next day with which i

Could then make some doors because i needed a way to breathe underwater i also got almost killed by a skeleton he shot me down to two hearts i started diving trying to search the stronghold then i started to dig down and soon enough i found him oh there we go

I drank my first potion of invisibility and started searching for the portal room i was also hoping to find any loot room which has chests with ender pearls in it because i only had 9 eye of ender left which could mean i don’t have enough for the portal i found some

Chests but always no ender parts i continued searching for the portal room and also for chess which could have ended parts in it but unfortunately i couldn’t find any and it took me almost a whole day to find the powder room after i’ve been in almost every single

Corner of the stronghold i found it the portal room please let there be three eyes in that portal there’s just one with there only being one eye in the portal and me wasting all my gold on 31 golden apples i had no other option but

To go in the mine and try to slay some endermans to get two more ender pearls so i built up to the surface and went back home jumped right into the big mine and of course i couldn’t find any enderman i’ve seen so many in this cave

But now when i need them there are no endermen oh jesus i got sick of skeletons shooting me so i drank a potion of invisibility i also found some diamonds but then i saw some endermans and yeah they can’t see me when i’m invisible i thought they still could see me because

They are enderman’s so i was waiting until i was visible again and luckily one enderman spawned which also dropped me to end up hurts with the two ender pearls i made my way back home again and i also made more invisibility potions because i found 4

More brown mushrooms on my way to the stronghold ready for takeoff i went back to the stronghold and when i arrived i got the same sunset i had before so while i was fighting the dragon i was fully concentrated and didn’t talk much so let’s just silently enjoy this epic

Battle between me and the end the dragon Oh oh oh you can see me One shot one shot Oh my gosh i can’t believe it look at that with absolutely no armor yep that’s it that was the end of drink fight and it just took me 20 minutes i didn’t get hit once of course i’m taking the dragon egg and with nine days left i went straight through the portal to

Get deeper in the end i then spent one whole day getting endstone to bridge over all the islands to find an end city with an elytra it took me almost half an hour of searching and bridging when i finally arrived this is probably the biggest and city

I’ve ever seen i also grabbed some sharky shells got more building blocks so i could tower up to the ship and finally got the elytra yo these are the worst chests i’ve ever had next to the elytra grab the anvil unbreaking and bending there we go with almost using a whole

Stack of rockets i flew back to the small portal at which i was at the beginning to get back to the dragon island i went into the portal and spawned right next to my bed in the stronghold right back home in the overworld let’s get home

Oh man this is just amazing i i can’t believe i actually managed to get the elytra without any type of armor alright and i guess so finish off this video since i have a few days left now i think time for an actual house so sit back relax and enjoy this last

Time lapse before this movie is coming to an end enjoy just a quick disclaimer it didn’t took six days just to build that house of course i had to get some materials but now enjoy the time lapse So All right and with the house actually being done we are on a 100 and wait blob escaped so there’s only one last thing to do which is the dragon egg oh my gosh i just forgot about the dragon head i guess i need to make another 100 days

To get that as well whatever you have to smash the like button there’s only one place this egg can stay which is right on top here at this massive pile of emeralds just like that there we go 100 days have passed and i still can’t believe i managed to do

All that without any armor so yeah that’s it see ya Is there any chance you have any cables around here oh all right we got a little home now and i really like this cozy place oh my gosh hell no Oh my gosh my first diamonds i’m Oh we actually did we actually Hey Oh boy had a lot of everett Oh my gosh i can’t believe it You

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days with NO ARMOR in Minecraft Hardcore…’, was uploaded by TheBestCubeHD on 2022-02-05 13:00:12. It has garnered 65826 views and 3799 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:08 or 3608 seconds.

I survived 100 days in Minecraft Hardcore… Here is what happened!

#100Days #Minecraft #HardcoreMinecraft

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Inspired by LukeTheNotable: Forge Labs:

———————————————————————————————————– Credits 》Music from Epidemic Sounds 》Shaderpack: 》WorldGen Mod: 》Fresh Animations Resource Pack: 》Jerm’s Better Leaves:

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    Moon Mining Madness: Minecraft's Lunar Adventure Ram’s journey to the moon, a tale so grand, A cinematic adventure, across the land. With beats and rhymes, the story we tell, Of India’s mission, Chandrayaan 5, oh so swell. The news reporter, with rhymes so tight, Crafting Minecraft updates, shining bright. In every line, the truth takes flight, In every verse, the story ignites. Ram’s mission to the moon, a historic feat, With ISRO’s pride, the journey complete. From Earth to space, a daring leap, In every rhyme, the story we keep. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, In every line, let the truth… Read More

  • 0.00000000007% Hot SpongeBob Luck in Minecraft

    0.00000000007% Hot SpongeBob Luck in Minecraft When you finally find a rare Sponge in Minecraft and realize it’s only a 0.00000000007% chance, you start questioning your life choices. Like, was it really worth spending hours searching for a virtual cleaning tool? #minecraftprobs #spongebobminecraftpants Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Note Block Trickery

    Ultimate Minecraft Note Block Trickery Minecraft Note Block Cover: Kobo Kanaeru – Entah Exploring the creative world of Minecraft, a talented content creator has crafted a mesmerizing note block cover of Kobo Kanaeru’s “Entah.” Using tools like Capcut for video editing, Pixellab for thumbnails, and Minecraft Java version 1.20.4, this artist has brought a musical masterpiece to life within the game. Tools of the Trade The intricate process of creating a note block cover involves meticulous attention to detail. With Capcut for seamless video editing, Pixellab for eye-catching thumbnails, and Minecraft Java version 1.20.4 for the gameplay itself, the artist has skillfully combined these… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail

    Ultimate Minecraft Fail The Wild Update: Exploring Minecraft’s Bad Ending Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, recently introduced an exciting new update known as “The Wild Update.” Among the many features and events included in this update, one particular aspect has caught the attention of players – the Bad Ending. Unveiling the Bad Ending In the world of Minecraft, players are accustomed to embarking on epic adventures, building magnificent structures, and overcoming challenges. However, the Bad Ending introduces a new twist to the game’s narrative. Players must navigate through a series of obstacles and make crucial decisions that will ultimately lead… Read More

  • EPIC Skyblock ATTEMPT with CaptainSparklez 2

    EPIC Skyblock ATTEMPT with CaptainSparklez 2Video Information hello everybody and welcome back to every single Minecraft mod that’s ever existed in the history of the entirety of the universe brought to you by the like button and also our server hosting sponsor where we’ve been able to generate resources as we sleep and work on air conditioning problems water leakage water leaking everywhere water just gets everywhere that it shouldn’t be and is uh it’s fun sorry that’s a bit of a rant um oh God I I hit my macro and I started just picking stuff up um anyway today I figured we could… Read More

  • Unleashing Forbidden Insanecraft in Minecraft PE

    Unleashing Forbidden Insanecraft in Minecraft PEVideo Information what’s up guys welcome back to another video today we have a really cool mod this is called the insane craft pack and basically adds a bunch of random stuff so like we can have like a bunch of animals we got a bunch of like weapons uh Vehicles a lot of cool things so if you guys enjoyed this video smash the like button right now let’s aim for maybe two likes also if you’re new to the channel hit the Subscribe button and turn on those notifications so you don’t miss a video so let’s jump… Read More

  • Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!

    Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Earth Bending in Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:59:43. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:32 or 152 seconds. Java & Bedrock, Latest Versions Server ip: Discord Invite: Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!

    EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART|#shorts’, was uploaded by GREAT GAMER 2 on 2023-12-10 06:15:35. It has garnered 4392 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. MINECRAFT PIXEL ART|#shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GamerFleet @yashgamer2.o764 Minecraft is a 3D sandbox game created by Swedish game developer Markus “Notch” Persson. It is maintained by Mojang Studios, a part of Xbox Game Studios, which in turn is part of Microsoft. From its creation, Minecraft was developed almost exclusively by Notch until Jens “Jeb” Bergensten started working with him and has since become head of its development…. Read More

  • 🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW – Join in!

    🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW - Join in!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2024🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC SMP’, was uploaded by Gaming4LiFeYT on 2024-02-11 00:32:24. It has garnered 4416 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:15 or 6015 seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2023🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC TIRO SMP Tiro = Noob and Our Journey is Tiro To Piro Hey!👐 This is Subham Kumar I Welcome You To Our Gaming4LiFeYT Channel🙏🥰 –––——————————————————————————————————–––– Support Me On:) ►Discord : ►Facebook : ►Instagram: ►Gpay/PhonePe/Paytm : gaming4lifeyt@ybl ►Join to get perks: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» My Gear😀 »»Laptop : »»Keyboard : »»Mouse »»Phone… Read More

  • Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadness

    Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀’, was uploaded by Speededdog on 2024-06-13 07:13:20. It has garnered 73 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. 🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀 Join us for Early Bird Minecraft where we kickstart the day with epic mining and crafting adventures! Explore new terrains, uncover hidden treasures, and build amazing structures as the sun rises. Don’t miss the fun and creativity of early morning gameplay! Enjoy the video, like, comment, subscribe and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷

    EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SATISFACTION 🥺 Pixel🎨Art OF TECHNO GAMERZ 🍷#minecraft #shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial’, was uploaded by VIALLITY on 2024-05-01 08:02:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “HELLO GUYS” Minecraft Satisfying Pixel Art #shorts #minecraftpe #pixelart Prepare to be mesmerized as we unleash the … Read More

  • EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice – Minecraft Animation

    EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster school Two brothers battle of fire and ice minecraft animation #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by Sqisik MC on 2024-03-22 13:15:05. It has garnered 13219 views and 509 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson – We’re Back!

    Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson - We're Back!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT HERO SERVER】WE ARE SO BACK 【NIJISANJI EN | Yu Q. Wilson】’, was uploaded by Yu Q. Wilson 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-06-04 16:38:15. It has garnered 15907 views and 1165 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:09 or 12249 seconds. 【SUPPORT THE STREAM】 #nijisanji #nijisanji_en ★☆★ 【Chat Rules】 Don’t spam or troll. Don’t bring up other streamers unless I mention them first. Keep the comments relevant to the stream. Refrain chatting with others viewers. Please get along with each others and use block if needed. Let’s have a fun stream together! Guidance for… Read More

  • Moonbat smp

    Moonbat smpMoonbat SMP is a survival multiplayer server running on 1.20.1 that has all the latest features and more to come such as brewery, and chestshop (currently broken) Read More

  • Bifrost SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Events, HermitCraft-like, 1.20.6, 16+

    “I’m providing refuge in a stronghold built by our ancestors. But if the garrison falls our only escape will be the Bifrost.” We invite you to join us across the rainbow bridge to Bifrost SMP! Update and World expansion for 1.21 Coming Soon! Bifrost SMP is a community of Minecraft enthusiasts created by a group of friends in December of 2021 to foster our love of Minecraft and a vanilla play style! Our Community: Bifrost SMP is a community-driven server – any major decisions and changes are suggested and polled by our members. We enjoy various activities together, from impromptu… Read More

  • TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly Community

    TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly CommunityTreasuryCraft is a brand-new Minecraft Economy server, releasing on Friday, 21st of June 2024. We can’t wait for you to join!What is Economy?Economy is a gamemode that revolves around making money in order to rank up within the server, unlocking new perks as you do so. Just like regular Minecraft, you’re free to go out into the world and build, mine, farmor do anything of your choice, selling items you don’t need in order to make money.Once you’ve progressed enough, you can create townswhere your land is protected. What you do with your town is up to you: whether you… Read More