thebluecrusader – I Built The Safest Quarantine Bunker in Minecraft (Mods)

Video Information

I built the world’s most secure quarantine base in minecraft this secret bunker is absolutely awesome and full equipped with many different rooms with countless different machines and users this bunker will keep you safe from literally anything in minecraft okay so what’s up guys i’m gonna give you a tour of this brand new

Bunker which i’ve just made i literally spent the last half a day making this thing and it’s turned out absolutely awesome so we’re playing on a modded minecraft this is 1.12.2 we’re running tons of mods just to show you how many mods we’re actually running we have four separate pages of different

Mods and all these mods are crazy we’ve got so many different things that we’re actually playing around with so this is the bunker the reason why this is so secure is the first entrance inside the only way you can actually get inside is by opening it and closing it from the

Inside so we’ve got the bare basics of security first of all this is vanilla minecraft this is because i started building it before i installed mods and then i thought you know what this isn’t exactly the most secure system we could use so let’s install some mods

So we have the basic piston doors which are sticky pistons with some dirt to kind of make it blend in if we close it from the outside it does actually blend in with the mountain but we need to use some stone i’m just going to use some stone to kind

Of cover up this bit that just doesn’t blend in okay you wouldn’t know that there’s a bunk here right unless obviously you saw this the solar panels kind of give it away but these solar panels root electric down inside the base and power from the machines and store energy which i’m gonna explain

A little bit later which is super awesome so that’s that so we can only open it from the inside so i’m just going to close this up that’s the first security and the coolest thing which you’ve just seen is actually the eye scanner door so the ice scanner door basically

What you do is you can walk in and walk out of it and it opens based on you so it scans your eyes like this and then it welcomes you so whoever places the block is the only one that can use the scanner to enter so i’m the only one right now

Who can enter this minecraft bunker so then we have an elevator system this has a total of six floors including the top floor and they’re labeled zero to five so we’re gonna go down a floor and each of these floors has a separate purpose and use for them so you can probably

Hear the animals right now there’s some really loud animals on each floor there’s two to three different rooms okay so i’m gonna give you a tour of every single room inside the secret bunker the first secret room over here is a surprise now they all have pressure

Plates on them so i’m gonna walk into this and open it up and slowly with these huge thick metal quarantine doors which shot like an airlock behind them you can see the first room is actually a fishing room which is pretty cool all these rooms are

Fairly small but it has a little bridge over here and it’s all birchwood which looks super clean super nice and we can walk over here and we can see all these nice exotic fish down here so we have things like angel fish we did have jellyfish but i think they

All died don’t know how that happened but we can go down here we can see fish but the coolest thing about this is the water strainer mod which i’ve covered in one of my top 10 mod videos and basically what this does is it actually strains a lot of goods from the

Water and catches a lot of things from the river so we use worms for bait inside and a fisherman’s strainer net with a bait pot for the bait and then it will actually get common materials out of the water so you’ll see we have a few enchanting books which is collected

Which is super cool we have things like sticks bones string tons of fish if you wondered where all the fish went this is probably the reason why tons of fish we have two of them so you can see we’ve collected tons of stuff and over time these are kind of like afk farming

Blocks which just gather stuff here so that’s super awesome so that’s the first room this is the fishing room super excited to show you this base tour by the way because this is awesome and inside here if you don’t want to do things automatically maybe you just want to fish normally

Then you can use the normal fishing rod or any one of these four modded fishing mods from the fishing mod which you have so we have wooden up to diamond and these use special hooks as well so that’s pretty cool so we could sit here we could fish we could fish normally the

Only thing which i regret not adding to this room in the base is we don’t have an auto afk fish farm which is a shame because i think that would have been a nice addition but we have the water strainer block so technically we don’t really need to

Do that so now we’re gonna leave this first room and i’m gonna show you what’s in the other areas of the base okay next up we have this extra door here which i haven’t actually worked on just yet i was gonna add a final room

But then i realized i had no purpose for it so i decided just not to finish it don’t ask why then inside here this is the second room of the first floor okay let’s just open this door inside here this is kind of like a power and machine room

This is not supposed to be on fire so let’s just douse those flames because that’s a little bit worrying but over here we have a generator so this uses coal and it generates eu power which then roots through this glass fiber cable which goes into multiple things which i’m gonna have to

Explain because machine mods can be quite complex to some people and over here we have a pump which is actually using power which is the eu power generated from this generator routed into the pump via this glass fiber cable and it’s actually sucking up lava from

This pool but you’ll see that the actual capacity is full so there’s no more lava that can be stored inside the block itself now the pipe is on here but this isn’t properly set up so the lava doesn’t go into the pipe just yet but you could add things like storage

Pipes on there too and then the glass fiber cable goes in from the generator all the way into this block called the bat box and the bat box is basically a power storage block and this power storage block goes into another power storage block which is greater and stores more energy

Than the bat box block and this is called an mfsu which has nowhere near the amount of total power which is shown here stored inside it so there’s still tons of power this can generate and if you’re wondering how on earth this is generating power where is it getting power from

Well if we punch this block which is hiding a nice little cable routing system you’ll see this glass fiber cable goes up from this mfsu block and it goes to the above ground above the bunker and that goes to those solar panels which i showed you at the start of the

Video so the solar panels are actually gathering power and storing them in these blocks and then using them to power things like the generator and all these different other things so there’s some really cool things there now the generator although it’s linked into it it doesn’t need to be because the generator actually

Gathers its power from coal rather than electricity because this is not an electric generator so over here we have a few different things so we have tons more generators which currently are empty and have no power whatsoever so they’re not actually working but we have tons over here so we have

Nine of these geothermal generators where if i just show you an example i’m gonna fill one of them up and we could fill it with lava buckets and when you fill it with lava buckets it uses lava to actually generate heat energy and obviously the lava will go down but

These aren’t very efficient because the lava energy or the lava stored inside is used very quickly so they’re not really that good to power your machines which is why i have nine of them because it takes a lot of lava to power them but what you could do is you could

Actually design a system where this lava pump pumps up all this lava and then places them into these generators which would make it a lot more efficient and provide us with more power so there’s a lot of things you can do with this which i haven’t done

But this is actually the electricity and machine room of the bunker which is super cool now all of these have glass fiber cable to connect the generators to power these machines here so the first machine we have is the extractor which as you can see is currently not working because we don’t

Really have much power but basically if you cut rubber tree wood outside in the overworld you can put in here and it will actually extract it into normal rubber which you can use to make things like cables so this is pretty cool then the compressor will compress

A set of iron ingots into iron blocks and then the electric furnace is obviously a much faster smelting solution but obviously needs electricity to power that so over here we have the metal former you can use this to crush ironing dots or other types of bars into things like cables

And then we have some other machines so the macerator will actually crush ores into crushed versions of those oars or powders which we can use later to create different things like bars and the recycler i haven’t used but obviously generates waste products and the mass fabricator also creates

Waste products too which for some reason we can use later to make the best armor in the game which is part of the industrial craft mod don’t ask how that works because i mostly forgot which is why i haven’t done it yet so that’s the machine room that’s the second room super important

Super awesome so that means that we can continue into our base and you’re probably wondering where all these sounds are coming from there’s just some really noisy sounds from animals hopefully it’s not too loud so then we can go down onto floor number two i believe because this

Is the second floor but technically the third floor in total and we’re gonna go inside this first room so this is a really bare bones basic room guys okay this is a farming floor so as you can see we have a few different crop stencils which are growing different crops on here and

Right now as you can see we actually have a few different types of crops so we have all of the vanilla types of crops in the game with the wheat crops being the first on the first row so that’s our farming room really basic i could have used some other mods like

Harvest craft or something useful to make those more interesting but i haven’t really added to that farming room yet but that’s obviously to grow food because if we’re in a pandemic or if some kind of missile hits outside we’re gonna need to be in this bunker and actually survive guys

Which is what brings me on to the next room so the next room is a completely self-sufficient chicken breeding room which yeah again i haven’t fully set up but you can’t really blame me because i’m completely new with some of these mods and i’ve spent absolutely hours building this thing but we’re preparing

It ready for the apocalypse okay so that’s all you need to know so we have a few different machines here which are all about taking care of chickens okay and then we have these things which are eggness so if we just get 16 eggs we can actually place these eggs on here

And technically i think chickens need to sit on them and then incubate them or we need some kind of incubation device and then it will grow chickens and then we have a chicken over here which if we just hop this fence or let’s just break this fence

It has given us some items okay and this is chicken manure so now the chickens can poop which is probably not the best addition of a mod but at least they actually lay eggs which is pretty cool still and we have a chicken feeder here which

I don’t think i’ve put any food in because i’m kind of cruel and i have no clue how so the chickens will probably die at some point then over here we have the lucky egg machine which has some upgrades and i think this is supposed to

Give you some kind of like special egg but we have no rf energy going into it because you need to power it so that currently doesn’t work but you’ll see over here that we have a series of seven different chicken nests okay so chickens inside here if you put a

Chicken in it will actually gather materials or things like eggs and manure again unfortunately because they do poop they will gather materials from all the chickens so basically you put down on these blocks you put chicken mobs in them and when you right click on them it’ll give you things like chicken feed

Feathers chicken manure and eggs which we can use for food and obviously to hatch more chickens so it’s kind of a process that goes around in a circle and it’s completely self-sufficient which is pretty cool but it does require a little bit of manual labor to get it

Off the ground and work in now i don’t know where my chicken went oh okay he escaped here he’s just chilling on this fertilizer mixer i’m just gonna leave in there there’s no harm in letting chickens roam free i guess all the eggs we’ll get from them

Will be free range so that’s not exactly a bad thing then we have another floor room which has not been filled yet have a habit of doing this i don’t know why i didn’t finish these rooms and we’ve got the farm so we’ve seen that that’s the farm and the chicken coop

So that’s basically that like the farming floor and then as we progress down to the third or i believe the fourth floor of the stage this is a pretty useless room i didn’t really know what to fill this room with and i had a few extra mods that i just

Wanted to play around with so i actually made this like a fully functional car customization room so we have things like the fluid mixers and extractors for oil we have gas pumps we have all these barrels which don’t actually do anything right now and then we have two different crafting

Workbenches which we use to create vehicles so as you can see i’m just going to show you an example if we want to create an atv we’d have to get all the materials so i’ll just spawn some ironing gots and then it says that we have ironing

Gots and then i’ll spawn some iron bars and then the last thing we need is a black wall so i’m going to spawn some black wool and now we can actually craft this okay but we need wheels and we need a small engine so basically inside here we can just craft

Different vehicles so we put the small engine in there we only need one of them and we can put the wheels in here and then we can craft this and then we actually have a vehicle okay and it drops this box here and then we can put the vehicle down

And it will open up for some reason make an explosion sound which is a little bit worrying and then we have a vehicle so now we can just drive an atv around our base although it’s not really going to do much because we’re kind of stuck

Into the confines of the small room but it’s a vehicle workshop which fully functions and this is mr crayfish’s vehicle mod and then i’ve also taken the liberty of making like an accelerated uh conveyor belt and then it has this awesome like go-kart on it or bumper cart like what

You’d have a fair ground and it absolutely fires you forwards look how crazy that is boom so yeah we have like a little vehicle workshop in here which is super cool so that functions it’s not something you really need during the apocalypse in some kind of safe bunker but i just

Added it for a bit of fun because you get bored if you have to be in this place all day surely so then we have in here this is the library okay this is the place where people go to read books because if you survive in a zombie apocalypse

A quarantine something like that you’re gonna get bored okay so we have loads of useless cupboards which can’t be opened and have nothing inside them and then we have tons of bookshelves now these bookshelves are just for show but you might find your favorite book in there so

That’s another cool thing about this i did forget to put a pressure plate here though so only one side of the door activates right now but we can we just ignore that inside here we have another awesome looking room this is just filled with bibliocraft things from the bibliocraft mod

And you can probably hear more animals right now because there is animals below us and above us so this is bibliocraft stuff so we have more bookcases but these ones you can actually take the books out of which is pretty cool we have this awesome like grandfather looking clock

On a desk we have a desk which we can actually put items in which is kind of nice and then we have a chair which we can also use the desk on when we sit the chair so a lot of these things are functional we have a tool rack where we can place

And take tools off of we have an armor rack which performs the same to display our diamond armor because obviously if you’re surviving in a bunker it’s going to be after the minecraft end game so this is going to be where you’ve got all your cool gear and then also we can take

Cookies from the cookie jar so this is just a fun little room and this shelf is not placed right so i’m going to destroy that but yeah there’s some pretty useless blocks here the rest of the stuff pretty useless but we have things like these awesome like designs

And paintings and stuff which i’m not really sure what we’re supposed to do with that but maybe we put paper in there i don’t know i don’t know if we put paper in here or a painting i’m not really sure how this works but basically it’s like a press

Where we’re supposed to like put a design on it via cool blocks which i’ll probably never use and then a typewriter here if you’re an old person and you have no clue how to use computer then one of the coolest things is a random mountain penthouse so it uses a scanner door

Because obviously this is only me because obviously i own this apartment this is just kind of like a modern fancy apartment i decided to design i don’t know why but there’s things like these cool lights over here redstone lamps which you can turn on or off if you want to kind of like

Go to sleep or turn the light off in the house so there’s some pretty cool stuff like that there’s a radio which actually works and it plays the default minecraft c418 music but i’m gonna break that because i don’t know how to turn off seats

So we can sit on our little table we have a tv which we can mess around with and change the channels on if you want to sit on the sofa and watch some tv we have over here a dishwasher a cupboard some more drawers a sink which needs a

Water source by the way which we haven’t actually installed all of this is entirely new hardware we have an oven some more cabinets we have a fridge and freezer and we have a little toaster here if you want to make some toast and a ceiling fan to keep everything cool

And the cool thing about this is it looks onto the mountains so this bunker is all built into the mountains and kind of hides it and encases it inside the mountain rock but you can tell that there is something here because i decided to add this fancy penthouse apartment suite now

Technically it’s not actually a penthouse because usually the penthouse is at the top of the building but this is like a mountain apartment which hangs off the mountain and has a really cool view through this glass and by the way since this is a bunker this is all

Reinforced glass by the way so if any players attack here they’re definitely not going to get in here or at least they’re going to have a ton of hard work to actually get in here and over here we have a microwave i don’t know how we can cook things in

Here can we put an egg in here okay we can put an egg in okay that doesn’t do anything i don’t think you can actually cook eggs but it shows that we actually have an egg in there just and we have an oven now i i decided to install a second

Elevator in here because otherwise there was going to be too much messing around with stairs so we can go through the elevator and then on the top floor this is where the bedroom is so we have a little computer setup here where we can film youtube videos or just

Play games or something just pretty cool don’t really know what to do with the computer so and it looks like it’s from the 1990s so it’s probably not going to run anything and then over here we have our bathroom this is kind of like a studio apartment because we have our bed here

We have a computer here and then we have our bathroom here which is not actually its own room which is pretty cool but there’s an even better view up here because it’s even higher up so this is really cool this is one probably one of my proudest rooms i’ve actually created

Inside this bunker so now we’re gonna leave this room this is this fancy penthouse apartment where we can go through the keycard door and i think we have now looked at everything on this floor so now we’re gonna go down one more floor onto the next floor now this elevator you’re seeing was

Actually made of glass before but i decided to replace it with stone so here we are let’s go inside the first room so this is another tech room okay but this is kind of like a tech slash magic room this is oh wait okay a monkey escaped

From one of the rooms which i haven’t shown you yet so try and ignore that monkey but basically this is like a magic tech room okay so using the equivalent exchange three mod which is project d we actually have this big thing and you’re wondering why is there tons of glowstone

What does this do well basically this is called a power flower okay so i’m going to try and explain this so we have another lift which mr monkey is blocking so we’re going to try and go down we’re going to take the monkey down with us oh no the monkey’s died okay

I’m going to send him back up i don’t want him to die so this is a power flower okay and basically this is what’s called a condenser and he uses emc energy so every block in the game has an emc value and all of these black blocks glowstone

And the other very similar glowstone blocks around it generate energy from the sun so that generates emc energy which this condenser which i’m inside right now can use so this is used to duplicate items and it uses emc to duplicate items so i could put an egg in here

And you can see it’s just going to generate tons and tons of eggs and if we just take this out we can use these eggs and now we’ve duplicated them and we can use them what we want or we can now use the eggs to actually duplicate other things with because the

Eggs have an emc value too so we can put book in here we can now generate books but obviously we need to take the eggs out because they’re just like blocking the whole inventory system so basically that’s the simplest way i can i can explain that it’s basically an item duplicator

So onto the second floor of this room again inside here we have some more magic items so we have a transmutation tablet which changes items into other things which is obviously part of alchemy which is pretty cool and then over here we have a set of three

Furnaces now two of these are the same these are dark matter furnaces and this is the red mata furnace which is the fastest in minecraft in this modern minecraft i’m playing so if we go in the chest i could just show you an example let’s say we want to smell iron and we

Have the best fuel in the game which is eternalist fuel which doesn’t get used up very quickly so we can use it for multiple things so i’m just going to put iron ore in here and just look how fast this smells it that’s honestly just crazy this is an

End game furnace which takes absolutely ages to actually construct if you’re doing a legit so i’m not gonna tell you how long that takes but you’re gonna have to play survival for a long time if you’re not playing creative like me so that basically just smells things super quick okay

Inside here is our ensuite storage room so we have tons of different chests in here so we have chess iron chests bronze chests gold chests and diamond chests and nothing’s currently in here because we haven’t actually had time to store anything but this is a storage room even these crystal chests

Which have absolutely huge amounts of storage in them and these shulker boxes this is just to put all our items in this is to sort everything we could use a chest and hopper system but we’ve chosen to do this just with mass storage with the iron chest mod so that’s the storage room

That’s pretty interesting stuff and then over here as we descend into our other third room this is what a lot of people will enjoy this is what you’ve been excited about and this is also the source of so many of those sounds you’ve been hearing so this doesn’t have

All these airlock doors this just has a metal door to keep the animals out because you can probably tell it’s a zoo at this point this is our zoo so this is pretty cool i was tempted to make this huge and have tons of animals in but it

Would just take so long so i decided to make this zoo and have a very small amount of exhibits so as you can see we have four exhibits on each side the first exhibit we have this jaguar in there and then we have a lion in here which is a female lion

And then this did have monkeys in but as you can see the monkeys have all escaped there’s two monkeys here there’s one on the other room of the floor which somehow got out don’t ask how and then over here there’s koalas but some of these crawlers have escaped there’s one little

Nice koala crawling around here which is pretty cool so this is the koala exhibit then there’s a bin to put your junk in which does actually empty the items in your hand to work which is pretty cool oh okay a koala’s crawled down from the ceiling then there’s some benches here and over

Here we have meerkats which can bury into the ground and come back up which is awesome we have some mountain gorillas which you don’t want to drop inside this cage in survival mode because these guys will just absolutely pummel you then we have some sea turtles which have their own little

Lake here but usually just sit on the land and the last one is kangaroos so we have some kangaroos in here now the whole story about noah’s ark where they had two of every animal i don’t think we can fit two of every animal in the world

In our bunkers so sorry to burst your bubble but that story is not coming to life anytime soon so these are the only the only animals that we’re keeping not even any of the minecraft vanilla animals are surviving this oncoming apocalypse apparently so that’s our zoo that’s our magic tech room and our

Storage room now there’s one final floor okay let me show you this final floor this is actually pretty awesome as well this is gonna this is gonna surprise you guys so the final floor is actually a quarry so i thought what haven’t i got in this base

And the idea was to form some materials organically and automatically that we didn’t have so you can see over here this is an engine okay and this quarry has been running for so long that it’s actually dug as far down as it can so far so basically there’s a combustion engine

Which in other words is an engine which utilizes oil to actually power it so we have an oil-powered engine which is a combustion engine which currently now has gone red which means it’s probably close to exploding so i’m not going to turn that back on just yet

And when it goes yellow and then green it cools down while it’s been off then we have the quarry this is the main block okay the quarry is the machine and this quarry roots into a wooden and then a cobblestone pipe which goes into a chest and it

Transports all of the blocks which automatically mines through the quarry block into the pipes and into the chest to store everything so if it mines any ores cobblestone diorite blocks like that diamond it all goes in the chests and the great thing is is i don’t have the mine at all

So this is a completely automatic mining system okay look how cool that is and this will continue to mine down now like i said the block is currently cooling down because the engine is overheated so this thing is not going to be powered anytime soon so let’s say

I create another block okay so i will make another combustion engine just to show you guys how this works so let me place this down let’s turn it on and then let’s get some oil so we find some oil which has to be cool oil

To fill it with and we’ll fill it and then we’ll turn it on and then the combustion engine will move up and down or side to side and it’ll power the quarry and the quarry mining block or the pickaxe will actually start moving now i don’t

Know if you can see this because this is actually like super low down but basically it will cut each block and any of the blocks they actually cut will go through this pipe like i said to you before and it’ll go through the pipe and then store in this chest so when

This goes right to the bottom we’ll probably start seeing things like diamonds and redstone it’s actually a big surprise i haven’t got any aura in it so far but this is the quarry room so you can fully leave this afk and it will just mine for you

Now like i said before this engine’s not very stable it does overheat and sometimes can explode so i probably would have been better off using multiple engines so it actually had more power and more fuel and more stable engines that won’t overheat so that’s probably the only upgrade i could make

Because it’s not fully afk able if you need to worry about the actual stability of it but this is the quarry room so this is the final room of our quarantine bunker so this is the safest quarantine bunker during the pandemic during a zombie apocalypse on minecraft multiplayer if

Other players are trying to destroy your base this is probably one of the coolest faction bases that you could also create because there’s an eye scanner door there’s quarantine doors there’s a fully self-sufficient solar power generation system to power all the machines and it’s fully encased in a mountain so

The last thing i have to show to you is how tall this mountain is it’s in this huge valley over here which would be pretty hard to locate for the players and it’s actually quite hard to see so if you’re on any other side of the mountain

You won’t see this then you won’t even know there’s a bunker there and this is obviously that posh apartment which i showed you earlier which is actually encased into the side of the mountain so this is how cool that looks so the only upgrade i could make right

Now is probably to add some more smooth stone all around this just to cover up some of these rooms which you’ve kind of protruded out and make it so it’s more invisible to the eye but other than that this is our minecraft bunker which took me hours to actually construct so

Let me know in the comments below what you guys think of this this is probably one of my proudest creations in a long time because i actually put a lot of effort into actually building this map usually you see me build mods on this channel

But i thought i’d show you a modern map in this video because it’s a little bit different something interesting so i hope you enjoyed this video tell me what your favorite part of this base was in the comments below and if you make sure to like the video and share it

And also subscribe with notifications on for more minecraft and mod videos also follow me on instagram at the blue crusader for more updates thanks for watching and i’ll see you next time Foreign

This video, titled ‘I Built The Safest Quarantine Bunker in Minecraft (Mods)’, was uploaded by thebluecrusader on 2021-01-13 18:37:31. It has garnered 33516 views and 703 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:45 or 1725 seconds.

I Built The WORLDS MOST SECURE and SAFEST Quarantine Bunker Base build in Minecraft using MINECRAFT MODS!

In this Minecraft Quarantine house video by the blue crusader mods (thebluecrusader), I bring you a Minecraft Quarantine house video showcasing my Minecraft quarantine base map I build. My Minecraft Quarantine bunker uses Minecraft mods 1.12.2 edition. This Minecraft gameplay gaming video shows what 24 hours would be like in my doomsday bunker, i dare you to play last to leave here. Using Minecraft mods PC (no Minecraft Bunker mod was used here), I made a Minecraft secret bunker, in fact the Most secure Minecraft base with an awesome bunker door and build.


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    Join Minewind Server for Endless Fun! #Minecraft Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you ready to embark on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft? If you’re looking for a server that offers excitement, challenges, and a vibrant community, then look no further than Minewind! Imagine a place where you can unleash your creativity, engage in thrilling battles, and forge alliances with fellow players. Minewind offers all this and more, making it the ultimate destination for Minecraft players seeking an unforgettable gaming experience. With a diverse range of gameplay options, unique features, and regular events, Minewind ensures that there’s never a dull moment. Whether you’re a seasoned… Read More

  • Whale Tales: Minecraft’s Mysterious Melodies

    Whale Tales: Minecraft's Mysterious Melodies In the world of Minecraft, where the whales do sing, Their calls hold secrets, a mysterious thing. Cube Xuan deciphers, with humor and flair, Each episode a joy, beyond compare. From the mischievous bandits to the diamond mines, The adventures unfold in clever rhymes. With friends like Timi and MoMo by your side, Every challenge faced with a grin, open wide. So let’s dive into the world of blocks and dreams, Where creativity reigns, and nothing’s as it seems. Cube Xuan’s channel, a treasure trove of fun, For Minecraft fans, a journey just begun. Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where You Control Your Own Adventure 🚗

    Join Minewind: Where You Control Your Own Adventure 🚗 Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest news from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Have you ever watched a YouTube video like “Minecraft but You Control My Vehicle 🚘” and thought to yourself, “I wish I could join in on the fun”? Well, now you can! Minewind Server offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a dedicated community of players and a wide range of game modes to choose from, Minewind Server is… Read More

  • Discover the Art of Minecraft on Minewind Server

    Discover the Art of Minecraft on Minewind Server Are you ready to dive into a world of creativity and endless possibilities? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community and exciting gameplay features, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination and build to your heart’s content. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and experience the thrill of exploring unique landscapes, collaborating with fellow players, and embarking on epic adventures. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, Minewind offers something for everyone. So why wait? Step into a world of sand art, amazing facts, and endless fun on Minewind Minecraft Server. See… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Beta #1

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Beta #1 In the world of Minecraft, beta 1,7,3, Our player’s adventures, for all to see. Building a house, in the snowy terrain, Facing the darkness, with torches to gain. Obs was acting up, recording was tough, But our player persevered, with spirits high enough. Gathering wood, making tools in a rush, Surviving the night, in a bunker they must. Creatures lurking, in the shadows deep, But our player’s resolve, they will keep. Exploding creepers, and foggy nights, Yet they continue, with all their might. The sun rises, a new day begins, Our player’s journey, never dims. With each challenge faced,… Read More

  • Pumpkin Blasting: Minecraft’s Fun Gun Crafting Lore!

    Pumpkin Blasting: Minecraft's Fun Gun Crafting Lore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Our favorite news reporter spins rhymes with no chains. Crafting a pumpkin gun, a fun new delight, Facing off against mobs, in the dark of the night. Building a cozy home, with pumpkins in tow, Fighting off skeletons, with a fierce, fiery glow. Each update shared, with a playful spin, In the world of Minecraft, where the fun never ends. Read More

  • 1.6 Second Enchanted Golden Apple Speedrun

    1.6 Second Enchanted Golden Apple Speedrun Unveiling the Enchanted Golden Apple: A Minecraft Speedrun Adventure Embark on a Speedy Journey In the vast world of Minecraft, speedrunners are always looking for new challenges and ways to push the limits of the game. One such challenge involves obtaining the coveted Enchanted Golden Apple in a mere 1.6 seconds. This feat is not for the faint of heart and requires precise execution and quick thinking. The Java Edition Quest This incredible speedrun takes place in the Java Edition of Minecraft, specifically in version 1.16.1. The seed for this particular run is 7987837817107128007, setting the stage for a… Read More

  • Homebound Duo: Minecraft SMP Adventure

    Homebound Duo: Minecraft SMP Adventure In the world of Minecraft, our hero roams, With Vexes in tow, finding their way home. Crafting and building, with friends by their side, Adventure awaits, in every stride. The journey is long, but the end is near, With laughter and fun, there’s nothing to fear. Exploring new lands, with stories to tell, In the world of Minecraft, where all is well. So join in the fun, with Kroberto and crew, As they conquer the game, with rhymes that ring true. Subscribe and like, to show your support, For the adventures in Minecraft, of a special sort. Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the exciting and vibrant community of Minewind Minecraft Server. While watching the entertaining video “JOGOS no MUNDO do MINECRAFT” by GabHOFF1, you may have noticed the creativity and fun that can be had within the Minecraft universe. From re-creating popular games like Roblox, PK XD, Free Fire, and Call of Duty, to exploring new adventures and challenges, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players of all ages. If you’re looking for a dynamic and engaging Minecraft server… Read More

  • Diversity SMP: 10YearOldMap, TimedRanks, ItemEconomy, No Map Resets, DynMap, 1.20.X

    Welcome to DiversityMC! The local time is 2:15 AM as of writing. We have been around for 10 years on the original map without any resets. Experience our rich history and lore. Server Details: Currently, we offer SMP and SMPNG (New Generation) for a fresh start in an untouched world. Connect to SMPNG using /server smpng and return to the original map with /server smp. Chat is synced across all servers, including our creative server. Join Us: IP: Discord: Join our Discord Website: Visit our website Read More

  • Blockhead Odyssey Minecraft Survival

    Blockhead Odyssey Minecraft SurvivalWelcome to “Blockhead Odyssey,” a captivating Minecraft server that fuels your imagination and brings players of all ages together in a realm of limitless creativity and exploration. Our enchanting world is enriched by a selection of unique plugins, transforming your gameplay into an extraordinary adventure.Unveil the magic of Slimefun, a captivating plugin that infuses crafting and resource gathering with enchantment. Discover hidden recipes, craft remarkable items, and embark on a journey where science meets magic. From imaginative machines to charming contraptions, Slimefun adds depth to your building endeavors.Experience the excitement of PyroMining, a plugin that turns mining into an explosive… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 40 minutes of Minecraft wisdom

    Minecraft Memes - 40 minutes of Minecraft wisdomWho would have thought watching a 40-minute video essay about Minecraft memes could be so enlightening? I mean, I’ve learned more about pixelated blocks than I ever thought possible! #MemeScore540insights Read More

  • Crafty Grading: Teacher’s Exam Paper Raid in Minecraft

    Crafty Grading: Teacher's Exam Paper Raid in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Our favorite news reporter, crafting rhymes like a dream. From teachers marking exams to trees being chopped, Every update delivered, never a flop. With humor and wit, in every line, Cube Xuan’s channel, a treasure to find. From funny animations to songs that adapt, Each video a joy, never a trap. So leap into the verse, with beats that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, shining bright. With rhymes that spin and stories that sing, Cube Xuan’s channel, the true gaming king. Read More

  • Don’t stress, just craft #minecraft

    Don't stress, just craft #minecraft When you’re trying to play Brawl Stars but end up getting distracted by Minecraft memes instead. Priorities, am I right? #gamerproblems Read More

  • Take Control of Your Luck in Minecraft – Join Minewind Server Now!

    Take Control of Your Luck in Minecraft - Join Minewind Server Now! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about a fantastic Minecraft server that you absolutely need to check out – Minewind. Have you ever watched a Minecraft AMA video like the one titled “Minecraft AMA, Şansımı Siz Kontrol Ediyorsunuz🍀” and felt inspired to jump into the game yourself? Well, Minewind is the perfect place for you to unleash your creativity and test your luck! With a wide range of game modes and challenges like Minecraft Manhunt and Minecraft Hardcore, Minewind offers an… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Transformation Challenge!

    Ultimate Minecraft Transformation Challenge! The Ever-Changing World of Minecraft: Aha Moments Await! Embark on a journey through the dynamic world of Minecraft where subtle changes unfold before your eyes. In this engaging quiz experience, players are challenged to spot the one altered element amidst a sea of familiarity. It’s a brain teaser and a visual delight rolled into one! Test Your Observation Skills As you immerse yourself in the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, keep a keen eye out for the shifting details that set each scene apart. The challenge lies in detecting the single modification that sets the stage for your “Aha!” moment…. Read More

  • Insane! Fire Mario Survives 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane! Fire Mario Survives 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information on day one I spawned into the glowing Ancient Forest as fire Mario wooo I must have eaten the fireflow to get all this fire power also explains why I have really bad heartburn I’ve only got 10 hearts and they’re all burning but I was distracted from my heartburn by a loud buzzing noise I looked up and saw a giant mosquito hovering above me hey you got 10 Hearts do you bet there’s a lot of blood in those hearts and sucking blood just happens to be my specialty the name’s Mazy Mazy mbor pleased to… Read More

  • Unleash Your True Power

    Unleash Your True PowerVideo Information अगर आप नेदर राइट का आर्मरर लावा में जंप कर जाओगे तो आपको थोड़ा टाइम लग सकता है मरने में और अगर तुम लकी रहे तो तुम जिंदा भी बच सकते हो लेकिन क्या इससे प्रूफ हो जाता है कि माट का सबसे स्ट्रांगेस्ट मटेरियल नेदर राइट ही है तो आओ ना टेस्ट ही कर लेते हैं तो चलो सबसे पहले इसे लावा में फेंकते हैं यहां पर तो ये बच जाता है लेकिन यहां लेकिन अब इसे हम फायर में फेंकें यानी कि आग में खैर ये तो यहां भी बच गया शायद ये टी एनटी में… Read More

  • EPIC 3-Star ManTreKs Conquers Desert Village in Guardian Tales 4-2

    EPIC 3-Star ManTreKs Conquers Desert Village in Guardian Tales 4-2Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] who are these is that all you’ve got [Music] does that pay to be nice or [Applause] [Music] something [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] s [Music] [Music] that you can raise your head depend our skill please report the battle by tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sh sh sh [Music] sh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we don’t have time to all Futures can be changed [Music] [Applause] [Music] depends on our [Music] skill [Music] [Music] [Music] walk [Music] w [Music]… Read More


    INSANE NAMALSK ONLINE STREAM! MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘НОВОГОДНИЙ СТРИМ NAMALSK ONLINE | QUEST’, was uploaded by Saprano Production on 2024-01-02 22:52:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Happy New Year! Donat – #minecraft #minecraft #trolling trap #challenge … Read More

  • 48 Hour Kitathon Stream: Insane FinaleE!

    48 Hour Kitathon Stream: Insane FinaleE!Video Information okay watch storm remember we don’t want to just die of um Whatchamacallit cuz last time the only reason I pretty much died was because of Zone and panic there’s another Med kit here if anyone wants to take it but I’ve got three so we got one each right now I’ve got six uh Shields I need some who’s got good amount of AR ammo just asking I don’t know I should be streaming are are we all good for ammo oh yeah okay after we do that we go all the way up here after we… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Challenge in Pure Hindi 🔥🔥 | VIRAL

    INSANE Minecraft Challenge in Pure Hindi 🔥🔥 | VIRALVideo Information माफ्ट पर आज मुझे सिर्फ शुद्ध हिंदी का प्रयोग करना है आज का हमारा लक्ष्य होने वाला है हीरे प्राप्त करना मुझे यहां पे स् नहीं नहीं पैदा कर दिया गया है और सामने एक गांव है कुछ लड़कियां नहीं लकड़ियां तोड़कर अपनी कारीगरी मेस तैयार कर लेते हैं ये मेरी जुबान आज इतना क्यों फिसल रही है ये गई मेरी कुल्हाड़ी और ये बन गई मेरी कुदाल मेरे भोजन का बंदोबस्त भी हो गया है इस लोहे के राक्षस को मारकर लोहे की कुदाल बना लेता हूं डाम हीरे तो अंडे के काम आएगी निकल तेरी भैंस… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Bee Shark Sighting! Watch Him Walk

    Unbelievable: Bee Shark Sighting! Watch Him WalkVideo Information This video, titled ‘he just walk’, was uploaded by beelåhaj🐝🦈 on 2024-05-09 14:25:21. It has garnered 100 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. #mrbeast #minecraft #pubgmobile #art #anime #asmr #music #memes #sigma #edit #education #roblox #respect #trending #trendingshorts #tiktok #youtubeshorts #youtube #youtuber #ytshorts #upsc #usa #india #instagram #islam #omletarcade #onepiece #online #pubg #pakistan #podcast #attitude #animals #army #amazing #animation #artist #subscribe #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #song #status #shortsviral #shots #dance #drawing #dog #diy #funny #freefire #fyp #foryou #food #funnyvideo #fypシ #fortnite #fun #football #gaming #gameplay #games #game #garenafreefire #gamingvideos… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft LIVE with VIEWERS – Join NOW!

    EPIC Minecraft LIVE with VIEWERS - Join NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with VIEWERS JOIN !!!!!!’, was uploaded by DeepCrafted on 2024-03-26 13:31:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. SUBSCRIBE IGN: DeepCrafted #Minecraft #minecraftjava #hypixel #minemen #viral #live #DeepCrafted TAGS: lunar client, … Read More


    Insane: RANKED BEDWARS player DESTROYED!Video Information I challenged this toxic ranked bedwar player to a fireball fight you’ll never guess what happened were you alive when Marth Luther King was I don’t think so you’re not winning this by the [Music] way no no no no no no way all right bro I’m locking in what I’m going to do is I’m going to okay bro thanks for watching subscribe for more Minecraft videos This video, titled ‘I DESTROYED this RANKED BEDWARS player!’, was uploaded by mxrlw on 2024-01-14 20:36:59. It has garnered 6205 views and 140 likes. The duration of the video is… Read More

  • Bloom SMP Semi-vanilla SMP Survival English Java Bedrock Crossplay

    Welcome to Bloom SMP! The perfect place to play Minecraft Survival, have fun, and make new friendships. IP: Joinable on versions 1.9 – 1.20.6 Features: Anti-griefing Cross play A welcoming community An active Discord A friendly staff team Regular events Bloom SMP is not modded but includes gameplay enhancing plugins. Please keep things friendly to ensure a good playing experience for everyone, our mod team will keep an eye out. Website: Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spice up Minecraft for fun!”

    Forget diamonds, my favorite thing to mine in Minecraft is memes! Read More

  • Speedcraft Showdown: Formula 1 vs. Roblox Sports Car Madness

    Speedcraft Showdown: Formula 1 vs. Roblox Sports Car Madness Join the fun, hit subscribe and like, On Flash_Playz, where gaming takes flight. Minecraft, Roblox, and sports cars too, Adventures await, for me and you. Craft and build in blocks of Minecraft, Roblox worlds, where fun is unmatched. Racing fast in Asphalt’s delight, High-speed thrills, day and night. Subscribe now, join the gaming crew, Flash_Playz awaits, with fun anew. Rhyming news and updates galore, In the gaming world, we’ll explore. Read More

  • “Crafting a spicy meme, just like my diamonds” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Crafting a spicy meme, just like my diamonds" 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you finally find diamonds in Minecraft but then realize you’ve been playing on peaceful mode the whole time. #rookieerror #minecraftfail 😂🤦‍♂️🔷 Read More

  • Naimarra’s Mischievous Farewell

    Naimarra's Mischievous Farewell The Minecraft Segment in “Final Goodbyes || D&D Animatic (Voiced)” Introduction to the Minecraft Segment The Minecraft segment in “Final Goodbyes || D&D Animatic (Voiced)” offers a unique and creative twist to the overall narrative. It showcases the versatility of Minecraft as a platform for storytelling and collaboration. Collaboration on the Beneath SMP Server The animatic was created for the Beneath SMP Server, highlighting the collaborative efforts of the creators involved. The teamwork and creativity displayed in this segment are a testament to the vibrant Minecraft community. Character Voices and Storytelling The voices of Jack and Mikir, portrayed by… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure! Are you ready for an exhilarating experience like no other? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and embark on a journey full of excitement, challenges, and endless possibilities! With a vibrant community of players from around the world, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Explore vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles with other players. The possibilities are endless on Minewind,… Read More

  • Building a Massive Stone Bridge in Minecraft! – Chill Survival – Ep. 15

    Building a Massive Stone Bridge in Minecraft! - Chill Survival - Ep. 15 Minecraft Adventures: Searching for Drowned in the Vast River Biome! Exploring the Sea and Unveiling Mysteries In the world of Minecraft, Meikyan embarks on a thrilling adventure in search of the elusive Drowned. As she navigates the serene waters of the sea, a sense of wonder fills the air. The underwater ruins beckon, hinting at hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. With each dive, a new mystery unfolds, leading Meikyan deeper into the heart of the ocean. Encountering the Drowned and Unraveling Their Secrets As Meikyan delves into the river biome, the Drowned emerge from the depths, their haunting… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Finding Magic Pot in (MINECRAFT) #shorts #trending

    UNBELIEVABLE! Finding Magic Pot in (MINECRAFT) #shorts #trendingVideo Information minha culpa se eu pegar seu namorado Foi ele que falou que era descompromissado e todo mundo sabe que eu gosto de dotado doado dotado This video, titled ‘MAGIC POT IN ( MINECRAFT ) #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #tiktok #gaming’, was uploaded by AB BOSS 777 YT on 2024-01-15 12:44:25. It has garnered 2726 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. MAGIC POT IN ( MINECRAFT ) #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #tiktok #gaming Read More

  • The Ultimate Phasmophobia Speedrun!

    The Ultimate Phasmophobia Speedrun!Video Information welcome back to phasmophobia if you could like comment or subscribe I would appreciate it anything you can do for the channel helps me put more back in the channel for you that being said it’s Monday I think you guys know why we’re here today we’re going to be working on our new weekly challenge on six Tanglewood Drive along with that we’re going to try to work on our other weekly tasks such as earn perfect investigation bonus on nightmare harder that’ll be a challenge we’ll do later this week earn money from contracts that’s always… Read More

  • Farming GOD in Hardcore Minecraft?! Watch me wield the CowAxe!

    Farming GOD in Hardcore Minecraft?! Watch me wield the CowAxe!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made the Largest Farm in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by CowAxe on 2024-03-26 13:08:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Hardcore/Minecraft hardcore survival/Minecraft Hardcore series/Minecraft Hardcore world Hey Every body in this video I … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hacks and Tricks Exposed! 🔥 #MinecraftMadness

    Insane Minecraft Hacks and Tricks Exposed! 🔥 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] a [Laughter] [Music] I’m cold hearted but I’m just getting start on the taret you’re the better who want your king [Music] of best to give me your loyalty cuz I’m taking the world you’ll see they’ll be calling me calling me they’ll be calling me royalty best to give me a loyalty cuz I’m taking the world you see me go me go me they’ll be calling me [Music] Royal call roal [Music] [Music] [Music] see the [Music] cages take it… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s EPIC Transformation! 🚀🔥 #Minecraft

    GamerFleet's EPIC Transformation! 🚀🔥 #MinecraftVideo Information call my Call my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] This video, titled ‘@GamerFleet Attitude status 🥶 || Gamer fleet transformation 🔥 || #trending #ytshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by RDX_JAZIB_ on 2024-05-17 02:30:44. It has garnered 1034 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. ‎@GamerFleet Attitude status 🥶 || Gamer fleet transformation 🔥 || #trending #ytshorts #minecraft WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL 😊😊 GAMER FLEET IN MINCRAFT LILYWILL GAMERFLEET SMP VS HIMLAND SMP GAMER FLEET ATTITUDE STUTUS 😡🥶 GAMER FLEET FLEET SMP SESSION 3 GAMERFLEET GOD MLG || LILYVILLE || FLEET SMP ||… Read More

  • Villager goes INSANE in epic game of TAG! #shorts

    Villager goes INSANE in epic game of TAG! #shortsVideo Information at Le what was that girly popop again bro why do you spawn in my doors you gave the the most hearty Screech what can I say I mean wow I was really confused on what that was come on oh I can’t oh I didn’t know which way you were going was spinning we spin oh don’t go the ladder oh he changed directions you can’t get me you can’t get me oh oh you got me oh take take your it nope he not going get me he know get me he’s going up hey man… Read More

  • MY FANS GAVE ME A SPECIAL RESOURCE PACK?! | Minecraft 15th Anniversary

    MY FANS GAVE ME A SPECIAL RESOURCE PACK?! | Minecraft 15th AnniversaryVideo Information [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] see oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone Master Zach here today hey we are going to wait hold up let me let me let me oh let me do one thing real quick one thing real quick and we should be good hello everyone Master Zach here today we are going to be playing Minecraft uh but very very we’re going to be playing Minecraft in a special way basically uh I asked you guys I gave you two hours bro wait… Read More