TheBritishRunner exposes shocking Minecraft lies – must see!

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just like my previous video on Mama Max I went into the making of this video with a desire a desire to know more about the serious allegations being made towards those who once surrounded or were a part of the Dream Team see too many times have we seen allegations being made with no evidence to suggest the claims were to be true and yet the public believed every word of the accusers with 8% of Americans report rep ing that they had been accused of false allegations of domestic abuse child abuse and or sexual assault with these false allegations leading into false convictions later proven to be untrue were at the worst ending in tragedy with this video I will be showing my investigation into the allegations showing the context others failed to provide and highlighting moments of manipulation and revealing what had been hidden from the public eye by what seems like a Sinister design and marking my own skepticism along the way this video will be talking about topics that some viewers may find distressing as per the claims that have been made if you watching are a victim of domestic violence abuse or anything else then let this be a warning now so the material doesn’t trigger your past trauma viewer discretion is advised in the past month a series of allegations had been made towards influen itial creators of the Minecraft Community with one no longer being known for being a part of that community and now even one of the commentary Community had been accused of some disturbing details which we will be getting to in due time the allegation videos or tweets that had been coming out one after the other and like a game of Chinese Whispers the claims become weaker and easier to disprove to be false as time goes on like they had become parodies of the serious nature of making such an allegation and while making the video the situation has begun to look like what happened to zapi with the accused so-called friends betraying them as is the nature of this community and the audience who obsess over them welcome to the epidemic of the false Minecraft [Music] allegations the truth is it was dangerous so she booted up live stream only to do this to take back the power I apologize he said that he had had this habit since he was a kid and even his mom said that that was true this is not any evidence of any [ __ ] abuse or anything closed and he was 8 years older than me and far more powerful as a scapegoat for your [ __ ] sexual abuse is disgusting I’m un like you I believe the [ __ ] victim I have never in my 10 plus years in content creation ever had something like that happen do you honestly believe that it is like life ending to be accused as a predator or was this all just a bade would argue I was coerced into agreeing to a safe word yeah but she’s so long she going talk about that right that doesn’t make me a Karen that makes me a psychopath account of the story had been so different from what actually happened anyone think you are a 26-year-old man 27 now trying to [ __ ] put the blame on 18-year-olds that you don’t [ __ ] know what the [ __ ] shovel is a professional gaming YouTuber who has spent quite a considerable amount of her career in the online in space competing against others for sheer Sport and when she isn’t going head-to-head she is exploring the worlds of gaming through her many streams within this career she has spent quite a considerable amount of time building a Persona a character if you will one that spreads positivity in both the online and offline worlds but in this video we will be peeling back that latex mask to show the true identity of Shelby you see in February she had released her experience with another prominent internet celebrity who had in her therapist’s words not her words abused her however in her video she intentionally railroaded will basut leaving out key details that would give context for these events but today shubble it is you who will be exposed as the toxic manipulator you truly are as your transgressions are made made public for all to Bear witness to now I present a question to the Minecraft Community or rather the YouTube Community are you strong enough to look past the lies and deceit to tear away from what is destroying you or will you choose enlightened ignorance in the Heart That Binds we shall see before we begin our journey through the allegations that shubble had made against Wilbur we first need to provide a foundation for context something she herself never did see the audience surrounding the Minecraft Community is an odd one to say the least not specifically just dreams audience but we see these stands surrounding other notable names in the Dream Team or the dream SMP as per being brought into the server and upon building their own online adventures and shenanigans these stands are very obsessive and the mentality of their audiences can be seen to be why when controversy arises they will instantly leave the community the creator has cultivated unless the Creator bows down to them and agrees with everything they are saying which is why we will hear dream betraying his best friend George later in this video be enforced to choose between his career and his friendships and can be seen to be why many creators who had been friends with Wilbur prior to this video had decided to jump ships almost like the Creator never cultivated an audience at all that it was the audience who cultivated the Creator which is evident when other creators state that they are expected to make an announcement or a mention of the allegations and their stance moving forward Wilbur is a name known to this community and can be seen to be why his music career had risen so quickly even though there is no doubt he does have a talent in creating artistic Works within his music music that often come with hidden meanings as per many musicians and artists do often make when it comes down to Wilbur’s sense of humor he does seem to possess a quirky dark sense of humor from the activities he participated in oh well hey there guys you going to [Music] B hey Tommy yeah I’ve been thinking about life in general yeah all the way to him biting people but upon doing some basic research we can see the specific people who bite others will do it as a stress relief this is particularly evident in those with high anxiety and high stress levels which will be important in a moment many people however do bite as an intimate gesture of love something that is often seen in the bedroom however it can also be seen to be a raw expression of passion as well Wilbur also has struggled throughout his life with mental health as many creators often do I’m being [ __ ] anxious and miserable and sad I have pretty much not spoken to anyone online cuz why would I reach out cuz you know it’s like when I I don’t know if anyone else has the same thing as me but when I’m miserable I just want to kind of shut myself away for a bit not in like a depression way in like a I’m literally I think it would take too much energy uh and here he is big man Tommy has been [ __ ] messaging me every day and like saying we’re talking come talk today and basically been dragging me over to my PC and making me chat to him and it’s it’s it’s so nice Taylor thank you for the 5 Subs I I get I get out the shower at [ __ ] 5:00 p.m. after laying in bed for 3 hours on my phone and the only reason I’m getting out of bed and going to my computer is because Tommy in it has said come talk to me now I would have thought someone who had such a great advocacy about mental health someone who had been as loving caring and even someone as nice as shovel had been described as in the past would have brought this to everyone’s attention that Wilbur has a history of poor mental health but I guess this would have given too much sympathy towards the villain of her abuse story but maybe we should focus on shovel for a second here I mean let’s be fair to the victim right on the 10th of February 2023 we can see that she had replied to an announcement made by Wilbur that he had made a song with his band called call me what you like and she replied to this announcement with quote this is very cool I can’t believe you bought a plane for this one at this time the two had still been together within their relationship as per her own words however let’s look at the meaning behind the song as it gives us a unique insight into Wilbur’s perspective his mentality and thought process which gives us more context call me what you like is about being unsure of the status of a relationship and how the speaker wants it to go further but struggles with the commitment side of being in love the lyricism displays a lot of UNC Cy and worrisome emotions in its lyrics while following the story of a classic teen romance which links back to sh’s video as she herself had said he had not been sure about the status of the relationship which also alludes to the relationship not being what it seems especially by her own account 7 days later we can see the same occurrence with Wilbur announcing the same song had become a top 40 song which is considered a big deal in the music business and here she replies stating deserved I’m so proud of you guys again they were still in a relationship at this point and had presumably been in their relationship until March 2023 throughout her Twitter feed we can see that she had been engaging with the tweets meant to condemn others without context or tweets making generalizations often seen subscribing to tweets that either talk about abuse stories or these generalizations at the expense of men who knew that someone who had such a young and impressionable audience would be so political in another Twist on this feed we can see that she gives nothing but praise kindness and love onto others constantly which can be seen to be genuine or a manipulation tactic Called Love bombing which is an attempt to influence another person with the over-the-top displays of affection and attention which is evident in nearly every single tweet she has ever sent out but maybe it’s not that deep and it’s just her bubbly Persona who knows this tweet may just be nothing but it doesn’t attract from the picture it paints where a picture of a lying girl in her bed can be seen and it reads nothing is more powerful than a girl alone in her room with a monologue going on in her head all the time plotting planning which does concern me as to what she would later go on to claim however there is a bit of context added through her tweets such as only just finding out that repeating stuff in her head over and over again and obsessively worrying about the things might be a symptom of OCD something she carefully leaves out of context in her video she also has made Tweets in the past that highlight her unawareness about abuse and manipulative people now this could be seen to be genuine or a misdirection which will become more clear throughout this video in another time she had made a tweet about those who are hypocritical of others are always insecure which seems to be evident in her own recollection of her story with 80% of the video being critical complaints about her relationship and 20% of the video being only about abuse in August she tweeted about her frustration of people having an opinion about her words containing hidden meanings and assures everyone that she is a straight shooter she is liberal and chooses her words intentionally which will become important later on in another tweet we get even more context where she claims that she had let people into her life only for them to let her down that they wed havoc on her self-confidence and she hates that after cutting those people loose that she had trusted people in the past but keeps on getting let down where upon reflection she had been grasping on to any little self-esteem she had left and she had to crawl her way back so she wouldn’t lose herself her identity and possibly her career this seems to be more faithful of how she felt about past relationships that those she brought into her life hadn’t been good enough or good to her that they had let her down and she is tired of it and I can empathize with that she had also talked about needing to educate people on hygiene and to that I say Amen especially in the summer am I right this is consistent to what she would claim about Wilbur however here she puts it much more harshly than she did in the video in her video she claimed she felt sorry for him that he just needed help to learn but here she says I refuse to teach someone how to use soap another concern for me is the parasocial relationship she has with her fans as previously L spoken about with the overly positive Persona she appears to have online which has attracted some very weird people in her chat with this tweet that claims her orange hair had made it easier to stalk her which is highly concerning Behavior shuel had also tweeted about her confusion about the Rosanna Pacino lying about Mr Beast but weirdly says it’s not uncommon for coming out with a story years later which is something she would use use as a shield against criticism now when the drama surrounding Pokemon had occurred she even chimed in expressing her confusion about why people were so upset about her deal with the cookies when the price was a blatant ripoff and Pokémon basically told her fans that oh it’s okay to be broke and insulted their intelligence which paints a bad look for shovel as throughout the history of tweets we can see her engagement over generalizing men and their behaviors but when it comes to female creators or women in fact she looks the other way seeming to subscribe to anti-men tweets that overgeneralize things before we continue we should look at Wilbur’s newest album that released on the 30th of November last year as there is a lot of context here that shuble left out as spoken about previously the songs contain hidden meanings that show Wilbur’s thought process his feelings giving us an insight into his own own mental health in the first song Amazon standing lamp which seems to be a reference to a joke he made in the dream s SMP where he spoke about making a song called topheavy Amazon stand and lamp Wilbur sings about his mental issues his loneliness and living in emotional Darkness here he blames his crippling mental health as the reason for losing his friends explaining that the only light left in his life now comes from the bulb of the standing lamp in his house which can be seen to be how he feels as a successful artist in the music industry some of the verses also reflect on the loss of Shelby as prior to writing this song they had broken up before he went on tour the next song is called mine yours in this one Wilbur sings about a girl he wants to stay with yet he is conflicted about his career if he is even good enough for her which is a contrast to what shovel herself had claimed in her own story he even refers to himself as a garous limb one verse that is notable is you kiss me like it was your job so tender and carefully teeth before tongue which would link back to what Wilbur said in his response to Shelby that the biting was reciprocally enjoyed the third song around the pomegrenate revolves around the death or loss of a friend which is presumably in relation to technoblade who passed away in June 2022 this is due to the many references such as when Wilbur visited California to see technoblade and the bridge verse seems like it’s shortly after his death in the verse will talks about how he has been constantly on tours and constantly songwriting and so many shoots that he hardly has a day off and the outro talks about him spiraling into a deep dark depression he wants this all to go back to normal I don’t think it will end is a short song but it is very impactful here which seems to be in relation to depression representing his inner struggle between his role as an Entertainer and his need to talk about his problems the song is spoken word seeming to simulate a conversation between him and his twitch chat the latter gives very surface level responses that do nothing but confirm that his problems exist he feels the need to be funny even while he is describing such a serious topic leading to the utmost absurd I get silly repeated throughout the song will attempts to visually describe his seemingly endless emotional cycle between feelings of sadness and silliness the back end of this track infers him feeling overwhelming social anxiety despite being in a good phase mentally the title itself shows that will feels this emotional figure of eight is a reoccurring structure within his daily life the next song glass chalot seems to be self-reflection and hypocrisy like people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones but in some verses he hopes that the stone he frows will come back around to him and validate the self-loathing he had for himself in how he feels about how his relationship with shovel had come to a close the sixth in the album is called melatonin 130 the song is presed presumably about not being able to cope with anxiety stress and other struggles no matter how much advice coping strategies or medication Wilbur takes sometimes wanting to just resort to self-isolation and distance himself from everyone he has gotten used to the feeling but he’ll never stop worrying about it and experiencing how agonizing it is it also reflects Wilbur’s dislike for the music industry and how they only see artists as a way to get money realizing this album out of nowhere as a way to gain control over his music career and show his rebellious side against the industry he works for a notable lyric is a cry for help help why the [ __ ] do I still self- sabotage which seems to reference that he sabotaged his past relationship with his slobbish and disrespectful Behavior although it could also be seen to be self-sabotaging in his career at this point in the next song Old distant you Wilbur reminisces over a girl who left him which would be Shelby and he wishes he could have her back he thinks over their relationship and regrets the way he acted in it calling himself the villain this is a direct reference to Shelby the song sounds like he had been struggling to cope with his loss in the relationship they had the eth song eulogy like other songs in this album it reflects reget this time about relationships and the pressure of touring simultaneously Wilbur wishes he could go back to simpler times just being in love and living a life with nothing more to it now there’s an obvious hate with the past lover here and an apparent emptiness left between the pair which would be between Wilbur and shovel the lyrics seemed to suggest that everything that Shelby had been saying in her video was a projection with lyrics such as the problem with being [ __ ] like you’re hated is it’s not hard to be convinced which seems to indicate that Wilbur felt like he was hated by her especially during sex with the next verse your fingers dig into my lap and baptize your anger then fall back to back this seems to suggest that she would dig her nails into him while having sex which indicates that she had made the sex violent which could mean she gets on pain or inflicting it onto others something that she had denied in her response to Wilbur’s response with my ex pretending I enjoy being hurt however her response is not in response to the lyrics of this song The Ninth song is drop shipped cat shirt the beginning half of the song seems to reflect enjoyment of the small simple things in life he seems to miss when life was boring as Maman s reflex likely represents the brain changing when he’s unentertained Wilbur’s life has changed as well to a fancy one the world being his goldplated oyster this highlights the exhaustion he is feeling when on tour never a dull moment in the business the next song the median only contains one small verse with two lines but there’s definitely deep meaning behind it willber sir has expressed previously how his previous album your city gave me asthma reflected a very difficult time in his life this song could represent that begging listeners to forget this album and leave it behind not asking for the meaning or misinterpreting it which seems to be a prediction in the interpretation of his response in the next song trying not to think about it Wilbur takes a reflective stance The Narrative voice telling us to cherish feeling good in our lives as it seems to be something out of his reach he realizes too late that he may have found love yet he had not considered it a part of his life through his own selfishness and lack of selfworth and the last song 10 We Rule seems to signal to us that Wilbur is aborting himself his past self considering most of the album had been singing about himself not being a likable person in his ex and friend’s eyes that he was now getting therapy to address these issues that after 10 weeks he will be a new person a new himym which interestingly enough after 10 weeks from the release date of this album had come February which is very close to Shelby’s video date being on the 22nd of February 2024 which sounds like he knew she was going to be releasing these claims against him or perhaps this was retaliation for having her in his songs if I was to be making a conspiracy here I would say that he wanted something like this to happen to him due to wanting to return to a normal life to return to having free time however I’m not a conspiracy theorist so I highly doubt that he would want to be known as an abuser of women just to get some free time but in the mind of the mentally ill anything is possible these songs and their lyrics seem to speak for Wilbur more than his initial response giving us more context than anyone else was willing to share which is highly deceptive Behavior coming from from people who Heralds themselves and parades around as victims of domestic abuse leaving out context is a consistent trait in those who tell lies however before we get to shovel we must first introduce the first coming out story about domestic abuse Lexi Marie as she had been the first in this chain to come forward about her ex partner and after watching her video she did a much better job at telling her side of the story and even gives context about certain events with I do want to take a moment to point out some things that were going on with me at the time some context about me because I don’t want this to seem like oh my God I was so perfect and he was so nasty I don’t want it to sound like we had from this video that it was constantly bad moments because that’s not what makes a relationship emotionally abusive right there are the reason it’s hard to leave and why people struggle to walk away is because there are these like glimpses of Hope there are these moments where everything Feels So Perfect that you go this is what it could be which is very commend and contrasting to how Shel portrays Wilbur and she came out with her story on the 6th of October in 20123 it is unknown if Shel had seen the video prior to 2024 but it is presumed she had seen it on the 17th of February as she had even replied to Lexi’s tweet on that date linking the video this had been only 5 days prior to her own stream where she brought out her own story which I would argue if this was the time it took to prepare this story to be released to serve as spreading awareness then we can safely say it wasn’t enough as everything Lexi does right in her video shovel did the complete opposite in her stream where Lexi gave context shovel did not are we starting to see the issue here however when talking about these conversations both of the women do not show any proof or evidence to suggest what they are saying to be true which if I am being fair here then I can’t say that either of the stories are factual yet even if Lexi did go about her story the correct way as without proper evidence to support the claims then you would be no better than mamama Max himself as he believed that testimony is evidence to suggest if someone is guilty or not or to even get a conviction however I think that is enough to build this Foundation of context so let’s go through the video and point out what I take issue with and why [Music] for the video I have prepared a counter that will ping for every single deceptive Behavior she exhibits in this video so we can count as we go and believe me I was shocked when I saw how many of these behaviors were present in this video when we jump straight into the video we can see some fidgeting and hand gesture of her touching her face which he will do in moment scattered around this video These are called grooming behaviors which are moments such as covering her mouth playing with her hair and touching her face these are also known as visual cues to detect if someone is lying or being deceptive she also takes a moment to pause after saying those weren’t and then continues to say the right people this is also a cue to detect deception manipulate or control me um but that’s not to say that every person that I’ve dated has treated me poorly um some people just weren’t the right people um and speaking out about my bad experiences has never felt as important as it does right now because Silence has always brought me peace and this time it feels like my silence is not keeping my peace it’s only keeping somebody else’s peace um and I never thought that I could be the kind of person to end up in a situation like I did i’ never thought that could happen to me and she talks about silence keeping her peace she touches her face and takes a moment to pause before spurting out not keeping my peace all with a smile this can be seen to be a fragmented sentence which is highly concerning behavior from someone who claims to be the victim of domestic violence and an abusive relationship this also happens throughout the video where she will pause and spurt out the rest of the sentence like someone hit the pause button then the fast forward button and then resumed the video which is an indication of someone either lying or being deceptive and isn’t normal so for me this is important because it could help anybody else see the signs sooner than I did um or hopefully avoid a similar situation entirely because the the truth is it was dangerous um there were a lot of things wrong in this relationship that um I endured some pretty terrible treatment um and I might touch on some things here and there about that but um if I feel like it’s important to the overall context but what I want to stay focused on is this specific issue um and the things that happened matter factly and the things that people saw and witnessed in our Circle another deceptive play here is saying how she will touch on things if she feels like it is important for the overall context which can be seen to be leaving things out if she does not perceive it to be important enough such as Wilbur’s struggle with mental health which would explain a lot and debunk certain things but she never brings it up she also says that she wants to focus on a specific issue which can be seen to be cherry-picking information to put herself in a good light and not telling the full story isolating her specific event if you will she confirms this by saying but what I want to stay focused on is this specific issue and the things that happened a matter of factly and the things that people saw and witnessed in our Circle however we will touch on these Witnesses and The credibility of their claims later as they are very disingenuous and very convenient to the overall narrative being spun here um it took me 10 months after to heal and I spoke with multiple therapists and tried different forms of therapy um I tried sematic therapy that one was actually really good for me um because that one actually helped me release a lot of um builtup anger I was having over the last year um but the anger that I was feeling was for myself because um I felt like I should have known better I felt so stupid at myself for um sort of just staying through all of this um and I shared my story with a lot of friends after I started talking to therapists and I was like so this thing happened and I I wasn’t really sure it just seems weird now to me looking back and all of them told me exactly what was happening in the words that I was too afraid to use um [Music] a convenient Point here is to highlight when she claims to have spoken to not just one or two therapists but three all who told her that Wilbur had abused her that this had all been domestic violence which to that I say how very convenient and can be seen to be spoken here to suggest what she claims is to be the truth because how can anyone argue with a highly qualified and trained specialist sound familiar as that’s exactly what dream had done when the moderators of had accused him of cheating when he had brought on a specialist to suggest that he never cheated his speedruns she uses this as a foundation and is very questionable to be hiding behind this whenever criticized for how she came to the conclusion that Wilbur had been abusing her when talking about her therapy however she makes a specific grooming Behavior which is when she pauses and touches her lips before continuing onwards and for anyone who thinks that she is thinking of what to say next she is clearly reading from a pre-written script on her monitor as throughout the video she darts her eyes back and forth speaking what she had written up prior as she herself had said that she came prepared and even practiced or rehearsed the story before telling it just not effectively prepared this moment can be seen to be doubly deceptive as she speaks in another fragmented sentence and commits a grooming behavior and I was being hurt in my last [Music] relationship and it took me all of that time to see it through that lens um I even posted an anonymous story to Reddit that I have now deleted with an anonymous account but in posting that I found a dozen other stories that were exactly like mine exactly the same way um and all of the comments said exactly the same thing um and I was so mad at myself because I was lying to um at a certain point to protect this person because I knew that if I told my friends the truth make him look really bad um I didn’t think that I would cry and I practiced saying all of this and I didn’t cry but it’s easier to practice it when no one is listening um but when she says she didn’t think she would cry she goes to wipe her eye but if you look closely you can see she never wipes her tear away instead she touches right next to her eye and there are no visible tears now I’m starting to believe these smiles and laughs she has in the video are warning signs that she isn’t being genuine here like playing the victim is nothing but a game for her he always cared more about how it looked and that was really important not what was true um and it was really subtle when I hear about um when I hear about physical abuse I think of hitting I think of hitting and punching um so I thought that this wasn’t violent enough um to be abuse uh I thought that it was just like a constant accident that he kept hurting me um but he’s not hitting me and it didn’t start as something that he did to hurt me um he had this habit of biting which is so weird to me now but he said that he had had this habit since he was a kid and even his mom said that that was true and he said it was just affectionate and that that might have been I mean I think that that might have been true maybe at the start but I also feel that I have good reason to believe that every part of it was here we can see another touch to the same area of her face that she has been doing for the past 4 minutes of the video this is a subconscious thing people who are being deceptive or who are lying do it is a common grooming Behavior this is a subtle hint that she isn’t being truthful or completely truthful here and she also takes another pause even though she had written all of this down prior in her preparation a lie but that’s just my personal opinion um and I had no problem with just fighting that isn’t even the most uncommon thing um but he did mention something early that I should have taken as a red flag um and he wanted to make sure that I was was okay with him biting me because he didn’t want me to come back later and say that he abused me which I thought was really weird considering he had never hurt me before and so why would I call it abuse and why was he thinking about that and I thought he was being sweet checking on me to make sure that I was still comfortable um but of course I was because he hadn’t hurt me and why would I think he ever would um and then he did for the first time by accident uh and I don’t specifically remember the actual first time that he bit me too hard by accident because I didn’t think that it would be significant um I thought that it would only happen once and he started biting me more and more over a period of time sort of throughout the whole relationship and accidents of him biting too hard and really hurting me happened more and more frequently um but he always seemed genu ly sorry and he decided that he didn’t want to keep accidentally hurting me um so we were going to use a safe word um so he could learn where my limit was where my pain tolerance ended uh and saying that out loud now doesn’t sound like that’s not very Sound Logic um but at the time I thought he cared about not hurting me but in reality it’s like why are you biting so hard and why do you have to bite so hard and it shouldn’t be that hard of a problem to stop um that shouldn’t be that hard and he disguised it as this really quirky part of our relationship and was so comfortable sharing it with his friends to the point that he would do it in front of them he thought it was this really funny story to tell and a good bit to take my arm and bite me in front of everybody until I literally shout in pain um and then I have to laugh it off because I’m so embarrassed and I don’t want to cross a scene in front of all of our friends and I’m sure everyone was a little bit uncomfortable but as long as I was saying that it was fine nobody really felt like they needed to be concerned and that’s not anybody’s fault because I was lying I was lying and it wasn’t fine because I would go home later and I tell him how uncomfortable I was how much I didn’t like being hurt all the time and I needed him to really stop biting so hard I didn’t like and I tried telling him over and over again because he wasn’t actually trying at all to not hurt me um but he said he would try at first and then he started saying things like it was my pain tolerance that was too low or I’m exaggerating how much it actually hurts he’s not even biting that hard I’m I’m being dramatic um but his biting escalated to a point where I was covered in bruises all over my arms and they hurt and he would poke at them for fun and he even felt so comfortable showing off my bruises that he had caused to our friends because he would bite me so hard by accident by accident another moment of deceptive behaviors can be seen when talking about the bruises and for good reason as in the research for this video I have gone through every image that has been made public on her Instagram account and her Twitter accounts and I couldn’t find any that highlighted bruises or bite marks apparently he would show off the bruises to their friends like it was an achievement but normally abusive partners are more deceptive than that trying to hide that they had hurt their partner often making up elaborate excuses to cover their tracks but here she tells a very different story that Wilbur had been so confident and arrogant that he put them on full display for others to see which you don’t have to be a nuclear scientist is to understand how very unlikely that is considering his anxiety levels and depression which can be seen to be why she did not address his mental health and when she says by accident she immediately repeats herself almost laughing at the idea which is another indicator that someone is being deceptive as people who are lying often repeat themselves he would even joke that it looked like he abused me um and eventually he did acknowledge how bad it looked that I was covered in bruises all the time so he stopped um biting my arms as often and he started biting my legs instead um and it was in the last couple of months of the relationship that every time he bit me it was until I needed to use this safe word um it had become his Benchmark for when to stop only once I was defin hurt um which meant I was being hurt every single day um multiple times a day uh for all of the days that we spent together in person and when I asked him to stop again this time he said this is who he is he isn’t going to change those were his words and I remember a lot of specifically his words about certain things especially at the end um because I’m good at remembering words remember this quote I am good at remembering words but later she will add new details to the story she didn’t think to add to the video which is another deception she then says most of the time it wasn’t worth picking a fight over and she then makes another pause before blurting out but he would fight me on it sometimes or with a smile which is very concerning like she isn’t even aware of what she is alluding to not aware of the allegation she is making like it’s all just a big game to her which is something I find deeply distressing and offensive and especially his wording I became really good at remembering because he was constantly contradicting himself and I would notice but most of the time it wasn’t worth picking a fight over and but he would fight me on it sometimes cuz I would I would point it out and uh he would insist that he had never said the thing that he said he definitely did say and then he would say something like how are you so sure you’re remembering correctly why are you always right um and he definitely said the things that I heard him say and other people heard him say so he had now at this point weaponized the safe word and was using it to ensure that I was hurt and on a constant basis and he wasn’t sorry anymore um I couldn’t even tell you the last time he had apologized for doing it anymore because now sometimes he would bite me and and I would yell out the safe word cuz it hurts so bad and he’d clamp down even harder and just for a second just for good measure before letting go and sometimes I’d say the safe word and he’d grind his teeth down on my skin and sometimes he’d smile after um like a gloating grin and during this time I was filled with so much anxiety all all the time that I was con this part is distressing as she talks like she is telling a story not specifically her story but is making one up making notable pauses in between sentences and even when she claims he clamped down harder she instantly blurts out just for a second for good measure like what does that even mean for good measure she then claims he grinded his teeth down on her skin which would cause notable tearing and shredding of the skin which most likely would result in bleeding and if that was to be the case then it would be very noticeable in photos highlighting her arms and legs to which as said before the pictures of bleeding bite marks or even bruises don’t exist as every single picture she has ever published doesn’t show a single scratch on her which proves to me that she is being very disingenuously nauseous gagging daily um on occasion throwing up because of the pit that was was in my stomach I never told him about that though I was going and running away quietly to throw throw up in the toilet and rejoin our group of friends um but I felt so unwanted and ignored um and I would tell him that and then he would reassure me that he wanted to be together and he loved me he loved me more than I loved him even he would always insist that that was true like that I love you I love you more but he was like really serious about it um and looking back I do believe that the way I was swept off my feet at the beginning of this relationship was 100% love bombing um and we were friends for a time um at least people would have thought that actually but I use the word friend very Loosely because um we had actually never spoke to each other outside of group chats we were in together when like a handful of times throughout the the whole time that we knew each other um but did not talk to each other so I wouldn’t have even called him my friend until he found out I was single waited a few weeks to reach out and then we started a friendship and then that friendship turned romantic and then he made these huge romantic gestures he wrote me the most beautiful love letter that I had ever read um he called me his soulmate he talked about forever one month in he told me he hadn’t been in a relationship in 5 years he thought he could never find love again before he met me he said he wanted someone to grow with he wanted to be a dad he had all his names picked out and I didn’t have a preference because I my feeling of it is if the timing is right and with the right person I could um but if that doesn’t work out in time or the time you know I I’m not super pressed about it um but I started opening my mind up to the idea with him because it seemed so important to him and I kept trying to talk to him to figure out where he was later on when I could tell things like were declining and um now all of a sudden he’s telling me he’s not sure he wants kids at all in fact he has never been attached to the idea of kids um and I told him that isn’t what he said before and he said he’s allowed to change his mind and I’m of the opinion that in a relationship there are a few things that you are not actually allowed to change your mind without letting your partner know I think that kids is one of them I it wasn’t even important to me um and I think marriage is one of them so I brought that up next and I asked if he still wanted marriage he said he wanted to marry me and then he said now I’m not the quote I’m not the commitment guy you know that I didn’t know that another Point here is that she makes a notable pause when she is about to say how he never wanted kids to paint a picture of him gaslighting her into a relationship as spoken about before the way she communicates with her fans and other creators on Twitter and social media it would indicate that this is a projection as it can be seeing that’s what she does with her overly positive loving caring and Charming personality online and she even sneaks in a quick grooming Behavior just as she moves into a new sentence when talking about marriage another deceptive trait can be seen here when she fumbles her words and needs to repeat what she said what she’s trying to say why are you dating me in fact he was telling me the exact opposite every day uh he would tell me he still wanted to be together he wanted to work on all of the problems he wanted to like he wanted me at the end of everything he did not want to break up he made that very clear and uh I have though caught him in lies before but usually it was small stuff and I again I didn’t want to it wasn’t anything that ever seemed worth rocking the boat over uh which isn’t normal for me I hate lies um and yet I ended up lying for him so uh but he had lied about big things and he had also been caught lying by his friends numerous times so this is something that he feels is acceptable to do and everything reached a Breaking Point when he was about to leave for an extended period of time we were not going to see each other very much a few days out of every few months um and now suddenly he is dumping all of these problems that he has been having feelings about all of this time later um at one point he said he’s been feeling this way a couple months at another point he says he’s been feeling this way for 6 months immediately contradict him him contradicting himself in the same conversation and with no time to do anything about it I arrive the one of never mind I’m going to get to something later but uh I literally arrived for 3 days for this conversation to happen and then leave um my cat just woke up and she’s not usually awake right now hi my love it’s really close to her dinner time I should have fed her early um so no time to fix of the problems all of a sudden cuz there are 3 days before he leaves and he insisted he did not want to break up he and so he was expecting me to have a solution somehow magically and I gave a number of solutions that would have a way forward for us to be together but he refused to make any compromise um whatsoever and he said that the relationship was starting to feel like a responsibility towards the end also his words um so it wasn’t a responsibility the whole rest of the time to him and he was at this point basically flaunting that he would never prioritize me over anything um she’s eating my L please don’t cause problems one very interesting point here is when she claims that he prioritized his career ahead of her cuz that sounds very similar to what Alice would say about him which we will be getting to in a little bit this doesn’t paint Wilbur to be an abuser but it does paint him to be a neglectful boyfriend um and I wasn’t even asking for literally even the bare minimum I was asking for so little and he I was watching him give exactly what I was needing in the relationship all over the place to anybody else who who just happened to ask and just wasn’t me so um and he also he was never going to prioritize me over anything that would give him more fame or money in fact he said that himself he uh that was exactly why he was not going to compromise at all for a solution for us to be together because he said he wanted to see how much Fame and money he could get um and I just thought we wanted to be together I thought that that’s what we both wanted because that’s what he was still saying he wanted too um but then he also admitted to me that he had grown resent uh he had grown to resent me and I have to be thankful that he said that bit out loud a lot of these bits he said out loud because that was the last push that I needed to get myself out he had grown resentful which I also pointed out that there was no reason like there was no reason to feel that way and he admitted that there was no reason for him to feel that way either I think that it was because I’m someone who can communicate how I feel um when talking about how she can communicate how she feels this seems to be the root frustration dwelling within her mind as the tone that she says it in and how quickly she says it compared to other sentences this becomes evident however no such mention of mental health was brought into this moment which shows a lack of understanding of what her boyfriend had been dealing with at the time and no desire to understand it and I find it odd as to why she leaves those details out as depression is known as the silent killer for a reason it makes you feel like you don’t want to communicate with others not to mention the stigma surrounding men that they feel like they can’t talk about their feelings other symptoms is letting yourself go within such things as exercise and hygiene lack of motivation and determination and even isolating themselves from others I would even argue that Shelby or shubble didn’t care to understand the issue if you suspected your loved one was dealing with something very terrible or even suspected that something wasn’t quite right here wouldn’t you tell them to go to the doctors or to try and help them to do that never does she say that the type of behavior was concerning to her which seems very self-centered as this is her story not his story but surely your partner would take on that duty of care for someone they were in a relationship with but I don’t know I think there I have a lot of theories and reasons why I believe things happen the way that they did and why he was lying all of the time um but he was resentful of me was causing me physical harm every day multiple times a day despite me telling him over and over again to stop he wasn’t going to change and he wasn’t going to end the relationship he was going to keep hurting me and it was possibly going to escalate even further so I broke up with him and I didn’t even want to um because I couldn’t even see for such a long time after um what it really was that had happened that he had abused me and in fact we left things as we want to be friends and he can never imagine not speaking to me again um and then he never spoke to me again uh outside of like a couple of exchanges where I needed to ask for my clothes to be shipped um so at least I got my clothes back uh I had a whole closet full however uh he did throw away all of my other things uh without saying a word to me about it hundreds of dollars of things from my office were trashed without a word and I didn’t block him till 10 months later because I wanted an Open Door still I really thought I wanted to be his friend um but uh I don’t feel that way anymore this seems to be the intention of the video to make sure that she is perceived as an angel and he is the monster her video is very black and white and provides no context to his own issues you were probably thinking of why I haven’t addressed the biting allegations yet and don’t worry I am leaving that for after the video I find it so interesting that she had come to this conclusion of abuse when she had left out details about his personal well-being to crucify him in video marking him as the abuser and if she left out important details here imagine what she had said to the therapists even though I don’t believe that she had been told this by a therapist or even free to that point and is just using that to cover her own ass I do believe he was bottling up so many emotions uh and he would never talk about how he felt um I I think he even I mean he did admit that he felt like he couldn’t say it any sooner like there was just no possible way to say how he was feeling sooner than the absolute last possible chance like not even a chance because 3 days before he left that was actually a lie too also he didn’t leave for another week after I left he he brought me in had this three-day conversation he was supposed to leave and then he stayed for another week before he left uh with all of the friends that I was also meant to see but he had lied to me about the dates too um remember when I said blurting things out which makes it sound like she is making the whole thing up well here she says because 3 days before he left that was actually a lie too or so he didn’t leave for another week after I left the way she says it sounds very deceptive as it’s very interesting when she says 3 days before but if someone was to be recollecting these events wouldn’t someone normally say he said he was going to leave in 3 days but I found out later he didn’t leave for the tour until a week after I left so he lied to me see that sounds better doesn’t it but nope she says 3 days before he left that was actually a lie too also he didn’t leave for another week after I left sounds like she is making it up as she goes along adding new details to the story to make him sound even worse but I do believe that there uh that he was bottling up so many emotions that he was taking it out on me physically I believe there was a moment where he knew that he didn’t want to be in the relationship anymore and instead of just ending it he tried to push me away any way he knew would hurt me and he knew all of the ways that would hurt me the most and he knew he was hurting me there was no way that he didn’t know because of the safe word that he made uh and he just didn’t care he was hurting me and he didn’t care and even looked like he was enjoying it sometimes um and I can look back now and I can see all these instances that were really major red flags um there was this one time that he pinned me down and asked me to try my absolute hardest to get him off of me and I couldn’t do it obviously and he said something to make the point that he was so much stronger than me that I wouldn’t be able to fight him back fight back against what what do you mean you don’t say [ __ ] like that to people that’s insane um and I was also sexually assaulted by my first boyfriend and he knew that um he had stopped giving anything to the relationship and he said that why was because he was just waiting for things to change on their own um he said he also didn’t have the time or energy anyway to do the things that I was asking for um but then would constantly make any bit of time and energy for anybody and anything but me uh and he would say he wanted more quality time so then I would try to arrange things for us to do online cuz we were uh long distance but then he would complain that he doesn’t want to spend all of his time on the computer anymore uh and then we’d be there in person and all he wants to do a stay stay inside play games on his computer watch movies he doesn’t want to go out um and I’m not saying any of this next part to be mean um he lived in filth like I have never seen and I’ve seen filth this was the worst uh he would spill things on the floor and never literally never clean them up uh he got an ant infestation once um and wasn’t going to do anything about it because he said he said bugs are normal in British houses um so I had to buy ant killer and he wouldn’t clean his bathroom for months and months and months but would constantly complain about how bad it smelled and I would tell him that’s mold it’s mold he’ complain about being tired all the time too which I don’t know if that was a lie or not but mold will do that too his entire point of him being a slob just shows the lack of understand understanding here about his own mental health as mold doesn’t actually make you tired it can make you sick but isn’t the main cause of tiredness mold can actually trigger nasal congestion sneezing coughing wheezing respiratory infections and can worsen asthma and allergic conditions see that’s the correct answer to this not being just tired the fatigue would have come from his depression and this is coming from experience she uses this to show his incompetence and how she had tried to help him all that time which is very disingenuous but he would insist that it wasn’t somehow without having cleaned in months but it’s not mold um when I met him he was washing his clothes without detergent um just wasn’t using that at all and I don’t know for how long before I met him he was just running it with water and then hanging it on his filthy kitchen cabinets um and I felt bad I felt bad because I felt like he needed someone to help him learn how to be cleaner I thought he just didn’t know how and I listened to all of the struggles of his upbringing and I was like he just doesn’t know how someone just needs to show him um and then I found out that he said he doesn’t clean at all when I’m not there because he just waits for me to get there to do it um and I found out about that after we broke up because he said it behind my back uh I was doing all of the cleaning and laundry for him also I had a separate bathroom I want to make that clear I wasn’t using that bathroom I had a separate bathroom that I cleaned for myself I had cleaning supplies I don’t think he even actually knew I had cleaning supplies in there um but I had my own bathroom um all the all the cleaning all the laundry all of it I was paying for all of the um like paper towels like soap all of that only stayed in the house so long as I was buying it um I would arrive and there would just not be toilet paper in the whole house there were paper towels instead and who knows for how long too um I was paying for food more than half the time uh because he would often push me into ordering food for us even if I had paid for the last meal or the meal before that um and I’m of the opinion now that I shouldn’t have been paying for any food um none at all but I wanted to at least I thought I was being equal by at least doing like a back and forth um but uh I ended up paying for food more often than just going back and forth anyway he would do this to his friends all the time too um here is a bit of a red flag for you she says and quote I of the opinion now that I shouldn’t have been paying for any of the food none at all but I wanted to at least but I thought I was being equal by doing like a back and forth she can’t maintain a sentence without changing it first she says what opinion she has now that she shouldn’t have to pay for food and then says but I wanted to at least and then changes it to but I thought I was being equal the word patterning doesn’t make any sense is this how people normally speak the these days sounds like she needs a different type of therapy speech therapy if this is how she normally speaks remember she is making an allegation towards Wilbur that he has been an abusive partner to her and thus far being nearly 26 minutes in she has never once taken any form of responsibility for any of her actions hardly talking about any events that could be shown to be her at fault always his which is a red flag for people in the dating scene you know what I’m talking about about if someone talks this way about their ex he did this he did that he was so horrible he he he he then it means that they are most likely not giving you the full picture and gives you the impression that could they do this to me in the future it’s a similar thing here never takes responsibility for anything she does hardly even talks about anything she had done she had always been the responsible person in the relationship always treating him right always being so good to him and yet he was never responsible he Tre her like crap biting her abusing her never good to her it just sounds like she is conveniently only remembering the bad parts of the relationship see when I think about a past abusive relationship and when I talk about it I tell people the whole thing not just what makes me look good and that isn’t what she is doing here she is only talking about the moments that make him look bad and make her look good I’m sure she was just a little angel and never acted spiteful or nasty to anyone right wrong that’s Insanity at its finest well you never Raise Your Voice you never attacked him over the smallest thing you’re never obsessed over anything which we know that is a complete lie you never treat him badly you were never hard to live with that sounds overly convenient to paint him as the abuser doesn’t it but I was also paying for every plane ticket and the cat sitter which cost roughly the amount of a plane ticket to England um and he never offered to help me pay after the couple of times he did come here to visit me cuz he paid for the flights that we would both take um but that only happened twice at the very beginning I have actually had a friend tell me that that this is financial abuse but I don’t know enough about that to say for myself but I was telling him that I couldn’t afford it uh all by myself all the time because I was losing money I was never able to work properly there and he wasn’t traveling at all to see me anymore even though he said he would uh that was like the basis of our entire relationship starting off um so then he agreed to pay for the cats sitter so that it would be basically paying half the cost of my travels um and he did that once and then never did it again uh despite many more months of dating uh and I was traveling often um I had to because he was worried that we weren’t spending enough quality time together so we never helped you pay for flights but then you contradict yourself in the same sentence when you say he would pay for the flights we would take together seems weird that you have a problem with paying your own way you have a cat so you’re going to have to pay for a cat sitter it’s just that simple mate you wanted the cat did Wilbur say get a cat again this is an allegation that he is an abusive partner towards her having these moments of complaints here and there isn’t relevant to that and only serves to make him look even worse here she then makes the claim that her friend said it’s Financial abuse which her friend isn’t her and sounds dumber than a box of rocks what so if I chose not to pay for a flight in a longdistance relationship then I am financially abusing my partner where is the logic in that Financial abuse is part of coercive control involves a pattern of controlling threatening and degrading behaviors relating to money and finance answers it doesn’t involve not paying for something it is when someone uses their money to control others it even proves my point of making Wilbur look as bad as possible to sell her story as a victim she also makes a claim that she was losing money here now I think she’s talking about not in the literal sense of actually losing money in the street as she waved it around but losing it in the sense of her income being lower than what she had been spending so here she is saying that she had been spending more than what she is getting in her income which I’m not going to lie you made the decision to date someone overseas you can’t put that on him that is a two-way street how do we know that Wilbur hadn’t been busy at the times that she wanted to spend time with him or already thought about this that he wants to see her but can’t because he would be losing money through his savings if he saw her too often he did it once and never again to which I argue how is paying for your flights and cats sitter his responsibility sure enough it would be nice of him to do all of that but isn’t a requirement in being with you I can imagine the first date with this person to be like filling in an application form like must pay for my cat sitter and flights when visiting sounds very high maintenance to me and then all of the time that he would have ever extra he would choose choose to not spend it on me because there was an available choice and he chose not to spend it with me often um and I did everything short of just up and move there which I was willing to do the whole time and I told him that I was willing to do it and he knew uh but he insisted that I don’t he insisted not to he was planning to move here that was supposed to happen first um and then at the end of the relationship he said maybe things would have been different if I lived there if I lived there uh like I had said I would the whole time and he insisted I don’t maybe that could have saved the relationship um and I say all of this because I believe that people like this are genuinely dangerous I believe he is dangerous um he was willing to lie he was willing to do harm to someone he claimed to love more than anyone he has ever loved uh his actions escalated um and I don’t think that I’ll be the last person that he hurts uh and I felt like sharing my story was really important to warn people um I want people to see the signs that I refused to I want you to listen to your body um and get out as soon as possible tell your friends the truth and let them help you um I really thought I I couldn’t because I had been sexually assaulted in a previous relationship I just thought I was so much smarter to never I was like if someone ever laid their hands on me I’d leave immediately it would never happen a second time but you you just it just kind of happened so slowly over time and got worse and worse and worse until the point where there’s no way to deny the fact that he was hurting me and he knew and and didn’t care that’s just the kind of thing that I keep repeating to myself when I’m like but was it bad enough what it wasn’t violent enough um but I was being hurt multiple times every single day days and days and days and days for a month at a time in a row uh and I’m not even speaking on most cuz I did touch on other things but I am not even speaking on most of the other things that in my opinion I do think that there are some things that are across a line that make you a bad person I don’t think that most people can be defined in a black and white you’re good or you’re bad but I do believe that there’s a line that you can cross and only bad people will do the things on the other side of that line you know what I mean um and I watched a couple of things cross that line and I just I I truly feel now that my soul is so healed um I am light ears Beyond him uh this was the last thing that I felt like I needed to do that’s my cat um before I could move forward and hopefully never talk about him ever again outside of maybe my stories that I want to tell about other shitty things he did anonymously mixed in with the other stories I still have of shitty things that shitty exes did because I think it’s important for us to share our stories and our experiences I think it’s important for all of us to know that we deserve so much better than this um and I think that if people don’t want us to talk about the shitty things that they do then they shouldn’t do shitty things um and this just felt so important to share I always wanted to share my experiences I always will um and that’s kind of it that’s that’s the end of everything I prepared um I reserve the right uh entirely to change my mind later and tell every story I want to um but for now that’s all I really have I feel like from my soul I want to speak on because I think that this can help other people I think that it can help other victims um I have already talked to a number of I only cry now when I’m talking about my friends who also dealt with such shitty things from shitty people um but I’m also so so grateful for all of my friends who were through uh with me through this whole thing and my friends who also were experiencing similar similar sorts of situations um at the same time and we kind of went through it together so um I think they are the strongest people in the whole world and they made me feel like the strongest people in the whole world today did I call myself people I’m in person I feel like the strongest people did it again I feel like the strongest person they made me feel so brave I felt impenetrable today um but I am going to go now cuz my friends are coming over and we’re immediately going to go become distracted by watching Love’s blind I already watched all of it already and I don’t care so thank you um for listening she believes people like Wilbur are genuinely dangerous why because he allegedly bit you a bit too hard also how do we know that he was even biting her to the extent that she claims this just could be a complete exaggeration of the event remember that Wilbur describes in his song about the sex being violent with her digging her nails into his lap which I don’t know about you but I don’t know anyone to do that the rest of the video is completely nothing but validation for her to even be making this video she has to do that to justify what she is saying to everyone as she knows this will destroy the person’s career if they are ever found out however it would be disingenuous of me not to mention that she never named Wilbur as her abuser however given the det details of the biting it wasn’t really that hard for people to piece this together now let’s talk about the elephant in the room the alleged biting that took place biting so bad that she was covered in Bruises And yet there are no pictures to actually show here not even one photo like most Abus victims do possess but yet she shows no evidence to back herself up but Wilbur does have a history of biting his friends however they always played it off as a joke never claiming it to be abuse even Nikki who we will be talking about soon always laughed at the prospect or the thought of being bitten even joking about having bruises and laughing about it on stream but all of a sudden because a third party told Shel that she was abused she now thinks that she had made it through a dangerous and Haring situation see I would be more inclined to believe Shelby if they didn’t have a history of playing around with the whole biting thing if they never thought it was a funny quirky part of his personal ality and if they didn’t reciprocate it as a joke as let’s be fair I could say that the time his friends handcuffing him to a railing and then throwing the key away was to be abused as well if I wanted to but at least I can recognize that to be a funny moment in their friendship before we get too arguably the most ridiculous part of the next allegation that people point to as evidence to suggest that this is the truth let’s talk about the motive for this video see when looking back on social blade we can see from February 2023 to June she had been stagnating on subscribers only racking in 7,000 subscribers for that time period and then in July she achieves her peak in Subs at 970,000 subscribers but then as the year goes by she starts to lose subscribers until she hits 960,000 subscribers at the end of the year this continues until February 2024 where she goes down to 95 9,000 subscribers so through this time period She had lost 11,000 subscribers and the suspicious thing here is she was nearing her 1 million Milestone and after she makes the video what do you know she gains a whopping 41,000 subscribers and Counting now that’s really something however let’s just call this a complete coincidence cuz I bet she makes some real high quality engaging content on her channel right cuz this is St and to look like a scandal that deji would do just to get some quick Subs oh and also I found this tweet let 2024 be the year we hold people accountable yeah it makes real sense with that defense that she only just came to that realization that she had been abused thanks to her therapist’s Aid just after this tweet had been issued still think she’s a victim now we come to the second person here Alice who implies that she had been assaulted or raped by him however there are a few instances where I take issue with this story so let’s go through them the first point here is she is only coming out with the story now because she had seen How brave shubble had been and here she gives us a possible motive for lying seeing the support she’s been shown almost like she wants a piece of that pie she then claims that Wilbur had given her a lot of affection that it was reminiscent of Love bombing not that it was but it was remin innocent of Love bombing what does that even mean either it was or it wasn’t there is no great area here she then says that one of his close friends told her to be careful as they had seen that people had gotten hurt in the past this is very unlikely do we really think that a close close friend had been so fful to tell her to be careful no I don’t think so as I said it’s very unlikely how many of your best or close friends do you know that would just stab you in the back for some unknown reason or even on a whim see I don’t know either she then claims that he implies that they should keep the relationship as secret that it was heavily implied for her own safety again what does that mean you’re not dating a superhero it’s not like you’re going to get kidnapped by a super villain every other week oh but despite the warning signs she continued dating him which would have been her responsibility if she didn’t want to date then she didn’t have to let’s move into the second page where she says that she would have to watch him stream and sit quietly in the corner of the room why couldn’t you just leave the room maybe go watch some TV while he is streaming then he would be condescending towards her and make fun of her content she made like he didn’t take it seriously if this was to be happening then you should have just left him why put up with it he then saw the marks on her body that was there due to self but he never brought it up seriously he never wanted to talk to you about the marks on your body would you really want him to ask you about the scars or the marks of you cutting yourself it seems more out of respect that he doesn’t ask you doesn’t it I mean that would be rude wouldn’t it she then says he was only interested in retelling his own life struggles which I guess could be true some people are like that however that doesn’t mean that he didn’t ask her about her life as she doesn’t even mention that leaving it as he noticed the marks on my body but didn’t ask me about them okay oh but now we come to the third page and quite arguably the best page see in 2021 yes we got a time Jump here no context to anything that happened in the rest of 2019 or the entirety of 2020 but perhaps it wasn’t relevant to her narrative see these people are special they don’t communicate like normal people They don’t use WhatsApp or even communicate over text messages no no no they use Instagram see if I had been dating someone for the last year and a bit I would have at least expected to get my partner’s phone number at the end of the second date let me explain what Alice has tried to explain here see for the last year prior to 2021 she hasn’t heard from Wilbur or even seen him but she arranges for him to meet to get closure about their relationship when it looks like there was no relationship if this was me I would have moved on found someone else preferably in the same country as me but let’s give her story the benefit of the doubt apparently they had met up and began walking through the nearby streets or as she describes them to be the densely populated areas of town where incidentally they had been stopped by his fans multiple times but this was all just a ploy to impress her with his level of influence and show his desirability of what a relationship with him could offer to her yeah right so they then go to a bar to rekindle their relationship and they both remember they both get drunk get an Uber and then head back to his place but then just as She lays on his bed she begins to black out but the last thing she remembers is him removing her clothes which she points out was non-consensual we can already begin to get what she is implying here I have to say how very convenient that all of the pieces of this Grand p fall into place ever so perfectly like cogs in a clock also I would like to point out something that everyone may not be aware of when someone blacks out they don’t just go limp or an perceived in a state of unconsciousness No in fact it’s known to be very hard to identify if someone has blacked out as people who have can still engage with others and act as they normally would so Wilbur wouldn’t have noticed she blacked out best way I can describe this is the lights are on but no one’s at home you can still talk to people walk around and engage in activities but people who have even committed murders have used this as a defense that they had blacked out in the event but if you want to make the argument that Wilbur didn’t have her consent to have sex which is implied then neither could he consent to this because he was intoxicated himself she then says how difficult these past years have been because of that event the event she wouldn’t have been able to remember because she blacked out so how does she know anything happened that night as blacking out you don’t remember what happened while being in that state that she couldn’t go online because she would see him everywhere and to that I say unsubscribe block and move on however I also have to say if you are seeing Wilbur s everywhere that you go online then you must be seeking him out because when I go online I don’t see him or anyone house I don’t care for because I don’t seek them out he’s not even that big of an e celebrity this is another attempt to step on someone’s head while they are drowning and I’m going to say that maybe Wilbur was a bad boyfriend however we can see that this was made to fuel the fire to destroy his credibility further and to make him look like a rapist not to spread awareness as the story here makes absolutely no sense and plays on confirmation bias now let’s look at the other people’s reactions to these allegations you would have thought that YouTubers would have been skeptical about the claims due to no solid evidence being shown here and just looking like a standard me too movement where some of the more credible and notable YouTubers came out and told the audience that there isn’t any evidence to suggest this had happened others such as jayen had ran with the allegation stating them to be 100% the truth without any confirmation and to have such a controversial person leading the the charge against Wilbur should be enough of a red flag for you I mean she calls people who call her out and disagrees with her transphobic or in stardust’s case a Nazi and then when people debated her in a call she runs away and cries in a corner where a lyrics even got into debates with the shuble support Squad and you can tell how messed up these people sound let me remind you that since February there has been no definitive proof or evidence to suggest what shubble is alleging is to be the case however all these people at Lyric’s debates instantly believe her because they are just that gullible again if you believe baseless accusations and call that evidence then you are no better than Mama Max other Minecraft YouTubers and even friends of Wilbur came to show their support however as spoken about previously all sharing similar audiences of stands who had been expecting them to show support for shovel they publicized their support for her not for him for her cuz that’s just how insane this community really is however most notable of these would be Nikki’s response when she says I see people expect me to say something about the situation truth is I was freshly 18 years old when I met him while I did not see a problem with it back then I can now how harmful he was to my young self and how damaged I am from that time my time in the UK had some of the darkest moments of my life and I think people can tell from the way I used to act on stream I could I can’t I still can’t think too much about everything that happened back then without shaking and I don’t want to I always felt so unheard whenever I brought up any situation regarding that time I don’t want to say anymore as I don’t want to make this situation about myself let’s unpack this as this is a prime examp example of how disingenuous the Dream Team and their stands truly are first of all freshly 18 seriously this is the hill you want to die on considering she had been born on November 3rd 2001 and their Meetup was in August 2020 that would put her just over 2 months away from turning 19 not 18 she says freshly 18 to paint herself as an innocent little girl when Wilbur was a diabolical monster which is stretching the truth and only makes herself and shovel look bad now so from this little detail we can see that either she isn’t telling the full truth or she’s a full flat outliar still don’t think the stands are the ones really in control here also in their streams together in the same household they always seem to be bubbly and happy and even making jokes and laughing at each other’s expense so Nikki can be seen here to be twisting her own experiences to give shovel story more credibility no wonder they don’t want to take the quarters everything on their channels and their friends channels could be seized as evidence which would destroy their credibility and their case would get thrown out and no Nikki you don’t want to make this about yourself but to pay the Minecraft tax yeah guys I’m not small will is just too tall tell them about thank you for the Euro centus who is this male tell them about how awful I am to you to me yeah he keeps biting me yeah are you just whing while I’m streaming I can’t hear you over the Hoover what you say what I can’t hear [Music] you I know no I was going to I I thought they were going to go for more us oh [Music] that’s all the ask me for like my heart I think they would they’re saying ego e girl yeah they asked me [Music] before lyrics since the vud had drop had been the only voice against the allegations to my knowledge from around this time other YouTube such as Turkey Tom Chad logic and even Nicholas diorio had begun to look into the baseless allegation later on however it wasn’t until the response had come in that had really set Wilbur’s fate in stone when he makes the biggest blunder of his entire career it’s over Financial abuse [ __ ] I I’m just [Music] speechless on the 27th of February Wilbur had come out with his own response to the allegations which reads as follows in the past week a series of allegations have been made over my conduct from an ex-girlfriend I want to emphasize that although to offer my own perspective this person’s feelings are completely valid I have taken my time sharing this statement as I wanted to process and respond respectfully and with the hope to gain a deeper understanding for the situation during our relation ship’s final months I regrettably became slobbish disrespectful and selfish these actions caused a lot of pain to my ex-girlfriend and I since sought therapy to address these behaviors making significant lifestyle changes to rectify my past actions I have come to realize how much my past Behavior hurt this person but I truly compassionately believe I have made great strides from the person I once was and hope I can continue to grow and improve on this trajectory the allegation of abuse particularly in the form of biting deeply shocked me throughout our relationship I understood from our numerous conversations and text message exchanges on the subject was consensual playful and reciprocally enjoyed I believe those personal message exchanges reflect Mutual affection and understanding out of respect for her I choose not to publish them and emphasize my perspective is not shared to diminish or invalidate anyone’s feelings instead I share it in the hope I can offer a genuine fair and relevant insight into my understanding of the situation while I may perceive our interactions differently I recognize that this person has expressed feelings of hurt I want to extend my sincerest apologies for any pain that I caused I am fully committed to understanding and addressing her concerns going forward I hope my perspective sheds light on this situation without detracting from its message I am dedicated to earning and maintaining the trust of those around me and hope I can continue to be held to these high standards I wish to attain and maintain now before we actually get into what I think of the response let’s just make a note here of Wilbur’s inexperience with allegations being made towards him and controversies in the past as I haven’t seen Wilbur be a part of a controversy in the past and he hasn’t had any experience with these type of allegations before so this could be all down to his own personal experience with these type of allegations so possibly he didn’t know how to respond so this was the response he came out with after the response the reception was a critical one however most people saw this to be a confirmation of the allegations that Wilbur had in fact abused his ex and to that I say those people obviously didn’t bother reading both pages of the response it’s kind of funny they listen to every word of the accuser but when the accused respond on they didn’t give him the time of day instead they condemned him ridiculed him and he lost over 100,000 subscribers as a result of this however just as we have gone over the allegations and the support with a critical eye let’s do the same here in the past week a series of allegations have been made over my conduct from an ex-girlfriend and I want to emphasize that although to offer my own perspective this person’s feelings are completely valid see this is where many had misunderstood the response as to be an admission but this isn’t to be admitting to the abuse allegations but rather admitting to being a bad partner to shuble I have taken my time sharing this statement as I wanted to process and respond respectfully with the hope to gain a deeper understanding for the situation here we can see the intentions behind the response he has taken the time he believes to be necessary in order to calm down and respond correctly as anyone faced with similar or the same allegations would be very upset espe especially if they are to be innocent of the claims he wanted to respond respectfully not to attack her over the Internet hence why he felt it was necessary not to name her as he didn’t want to incite harassment onto her which is very commendable during our relationship’s final months I regrettably became slobbish disrespectful and selfish these actions caused a lot of pain to my ex-girlfriend and I have since sought therapy to address these behaviors making significant lifestyle changes to rectify my past actions this part of the response means he is admitting to not taking care of himself not cleaning up after himself being disrespectful to shubble and being selfish in putting his career ahead of everything else which is again commendable that he sees that yes even though he was mentally ill racked with anxiety and depression and God knows what else he is still willing to take responsibility for acting the way he did in regards to shovel or Shelby and in addressing this he is also telling us that he is undergoing therapy and lifestyle changes to rectify this type of behavior and to continue moving forwards to becoming a better person than he once was I have come to realize how much my past Behavior hurt this person but I truly compassionately believe that I have made great strides from the person I once was and I hope I can continue to grow and improve on this trajectory in this past we are made aware that he hadn’t known that he was hurting his partner’s feelings from this type type of behavior which indicates that Shelby didn’t try to talk to him about it despite claiming that she is very good at communicating how she feels although perhaps she did try talking to him but due to the depression he had become numb and unable to communicate in the way she finds so easy here he hopes he can continue to grow from these experiences and to improve upon himself moving into the future people who read that thought that he had been talking about growing his YouTube career which is the most disingenuous thing you can take away from here it clearly means grow as a person the allegation of abuse particularly in the form of biting deeply shocked me throughout our relationship I understood from our numerous conversations and text message exchanges on the subject words consensual playful and reciprocally enjoyed I believe those personal message exchanges reflect Mutual affection and understanding here we can see the actual response to the allegation of abuse here he is announcing this shock him as he never thought that was even a thing explaining that the biting was playful enjoyed on both sides of the relationship and most importantly consensual which indicates that again Shel had been deceptive here and didn’t tell the full story here he claims to have messages that prove his claims but he chooses out of respect for Shelby not to release them to protect her privacy which I argue is a stupid mistake however again this could be seen to be attacking an ex to which people and the media would hold that against him so I can understand why he is hesitant about doing all of that as he does work in the music industry however in not showing something that could exonerate him it just looks like he is bluffing while I may perceive our interactions differently I recognize that this person has expressed feelings of hurt I want to extend my sincerest apologies for any pain that I caused here he isn’t talking about the claims of abuse but rather he is apologizing for any pain that he had caused that being emotional and even recognizing that Shelby feels that way it’s almost like he used his response as a way to show the hypocrisy that everyone will believe Shelby with no proof no evidence just a trust me bro and if that was the plan then he very much succeeded but maybe I’m giving him too much credit here however the public took this as I said before as a for ad mission to all of the claims which is disingenuous to twist his words to suit Shelby’s narratives and excusing any hiccups mistakes or leaving things out of context because she made claims of abuse and people wonder why the male suicide rate is so high in comparison to women because with this event as evidence you can claim whatever you want twist the truth however you want as long as you are a woman you can accuse whoever you want and you don’t even need evidence to back up anything you say because people are just that stupid or should I say the YouTubers who ran with the baseless allegations aren’t playing this game with a full deck a cheap price in exchange for their Val in seeing the response shovel writes out a tweet on Twitter stating I couldn’t have imagined what I would wake up to today my ex pretending he thought I enjoyed being hurt and all of my friends immediately coming to my defense the support has brought me to tears I don’t even know what to say I’ll be back I’ll just be taking a little time she then makes another statement saying that she doesn’t accept the apology but he never specifically made the claim of her enjoying being hurt which is again disingenuous he says the biting was reciprocally enjoyed which could very well be the case that she provides no evidence of being hurt and later a fan says hey I’m sorry for what happened to you but I saw somewhere this happened 2 years ago please correct me if I’m wrong I don’t want to spread misinformation and the man has been trying to become better ever since people can change in 2 years of therapy she replies to all of this with a simple you are wrong which is weird because she said they dated in 2022 which I find overly interesting that someone asked if this happened 2 years ago from this point in 2024 which would have been 2022 she said says the person is wrong but then in her video response she says the complete opposite that they had been dating in 2022 until a few months into 2023 so if the abuse was to occur then it would have been 2022 but here she is saying the information is wrong so either she lies in her video or she is lying on Twitter take your pick but she also says the person is wrong to people can change in two years of therapy which is incorrect as he was getting therapy in 2023 but not since 2022 however I think she is also saying that he isn’t receiving therapy because she views him as a liar or at least that’s what she wants us to believe as remember her first thought was to make herself look as innocent as possible and to make him look as guilty as possible basically she had do filled him as that’s exactly what the show had done to people a black and white perspective through and through an interesting development arose when looking for her alt Twitter feed had come through for me when Shel had deleted one of her posts about wanting attention and the person asking for an explanation gets this response it’s almost like I didn’t want attention yeah I’m with you on that one saurin something’s not adding up here she had then made a post about boycotting telling her stance to keep it up saying how she will be going after Kelloggs next which is very interesting because I thought this was to be about spreading awareness telling your story not destroying Wilbur’s career and if you want to argue that she wasn’t referring to Wilbur with this tweet then maybe someone respond responsible enough should tell her Stan audience that too but let’s get to her response to everything that has been happening up to this point as we get even more additions to the story which does indicate that someone is either being deceptive or flat out lying about her own experience for clout oh wow oh wow um I didn’t expect it to be this this crazy right off the bat for stream back uh thank you so so much for the warm welcome um I have a few things I want to say before I get back to hopefully as much of streams as usual as I can but I do have some things that I want to address before we do play some Minecraft I want to play on a little bit of SOS today for a while and try to have some good vibes I have a lot of people making demands of me right now and I am certain that nothing I can do would please those people I’m reading again because I I write the things that I think down a lot I’m a big write what I think person um and I just really need to organize it on on a paper so I’m reading over here um if you are expecting me to put my abuser before myself in terms of who to take care of right now you will be very disappointed I am not doing that I need to Prior prioritize myself right now I have been sent horrible things since the first moment I spoke the same people are not expecting the same of him to stop people from sending me porn Gore death threats and sexual assault threats I cannot stress enough how much please do not click hidden replies um I am not trying to hide criticism that is a lie there is legitimate porn and Gore do not click it um because the priority for some people is not protecting anyone’s mental health it’s protecting him and I have done enough of that um and even still I did ask for it to stop I asked for everyone to stop because I personally believe these people likely come from or came from the same community and it’s not mine I have never in my 10 plus years in Conta content creation ever had something like that happen um I do not support it uh those people are not welcome here I am blocking them all too I am also blocking um anybody spreading misinformation even if you don’t know it um I will not be replying to correct people I have heard people say this happened two three and even four years ago all of those are incorrect this happened last year we dated for the entirety of 2022 and then months into 2023 and the worst of it was at the end of the relationship last year uh and not only that I don’t believe the amount of time matters at all um I will block anyone asking me why it took so long because I don’t believe that anybody is asking me that question with good intentions um mainly because I’ve already explained why and if you at this point haven’t watched my own VOD you’re S as well as Lexis um because I believe both are very important and have everything I’ve actually said then I believe you’re not interested in the truth at the beginning of her video response she confirms that she is reading from a script which would mean she would be thinking about what to say very carefully here she then says if you are expecting me to put my abuser before me then you will be very disappointed when I don’t think anyone even asked her to but to address the death threats among the disgusting things being sent to him and his fans she also makes sure to turn this around on Wilbur once again highlighting a moment of tunnel vision stating that he isn’t telling his fans not to do anything to her not to harass her or anything when I previously explained that in not naming her he was intentionally attempting to prevent any harassment being sent to her she then claims to have protected Wilbur’s mental health when in her stream Vault when she never even even said that he had mental health problems so how is that protecting his mental health she only spoke about things that indicated mental health issues when it was convenient for her to make him look like a slob to further demonize him she then says she asked people to stop which is correct however only when being pressured by other people to make that a priority on Twitter as she didn’t do anything prior to people asking her to do something about it which is highly concerning because it shows that she will twist the truth to cover her own ass she says that people who are spreading misinformation will be blocked people who are saying this happened 2 years ago again are incorrect and according to her this happened last year which would have been 2023 when they had broken up sometime around March in 2023 which doesn’t make any sense you mean to tell me that your Haring story of abuse happened in 2023 for a few months but not the entirety of the relationship that began in 2022 as here she says they dated in 2022 to 2023 meaning it would have been happening 2 years ago seeming as it is now 2024 2 years from now would have been 2022 she’s getting confused with her own story so people who are asking for a deeper understanding are acting in bad faith that literally makes no sense at all she claims to have already explained but but she failed to give proper context to Wilbur’s mental struggles and her part in her own recollection to make it all seem like she was the positive and nice Persona she claims to be online surely a victim of domestic abuse would want all of the facts being laid out on the table right if she truly is a victim then she would have no problems elaborating on these questions it seems to me why she has such a problem with going into extra details is because she doesn’t have all the details as she had made the claim of abuse up we aren’t interested in the truth this coming from the person who has been very sneaky and deceptive in the retelling of her own story and even gets confused when asked about it this is very disingenuous as people wanting to get to the bottom of this according to her aren’t interested in the truth when they just want a clear and concise explanation to their questions seems she wanted the positive attention but none of the criticism that comes with it it’s even more disingenuous to assume those people asking questions aren’t with good intentions um anyone saying it isn’t real abuse what I described no offense I’m going to believe my therapists on this one um I have been seeing them longer than him I will block anyone I want because I can do whatever I want with my Twitter account and I am protecting myself I truly don’t believe these people care about me and I feel I have every right to block anybody body I believe is coming at me in bad faith um see this is another issue how do we know you didn’t leave out important context to these stories when talking to your therapists this indicates a level of manipulative Behavior sorry I’m just going to believe the sources that back up what I say to be the truth that’s what she’s saying here using the therapists as a shield to hide from questions and criticism here we can see more cracks beginning to show up according to her it’s bad faith to ask for evidence this is a deflection if I’ve ever seen one it’s bad faith supported by bad intentions to get to the heart of the matter seems like someone has something to hide here and it’s pretty evident in this moment as this is very defensive for someone who claims to be telling the truth and that is another indicator of deceptive play as it is known that people who are defensive over people asking them questions normally are the ones who are lying and not telling the full truth asking why I didn’t take it to court why I waited so long why I I don’t have text messages is all bad faith in my opinion um if you can’t come up with any reasons yourself why a domestic abuse victim might not want to take things to court I cannot have a conversation with you um and I was never the one to claim to have text messages I don’t even know what I would have in a text um I have seen people tag me in photos of me from the past saying you were dating at this point where are the bruises and I was literally tagged in a photo if you go on Instagram of when that photo was posted it is four photos before I had ever been to England so these people are not doing this uh with good intentions or with seeking Truth at all they are just trying to make me look like a liar at any cost that’s probably because of the terrible job you had done but don’t worry I took the liberty of going through all of your published photos and again I’ll say there are no bruises marks or even any scratches on you but while we are on the topic of pictures fans have seen this one of Wilbur and friends with a notable bruise on his wrist which I’m not going to say anything here but people have made the assumption that she had been doing something to him again there is no evidence of this maybe he fell over or something I don’t know anyone arguing back and forth whether the biting was consensual are falling for a misdirection I said myself at the very beginning of my stream that the biting was not the problem I was okay with being bit um I was not okay with being hurt if there were to be any proof I would need it to be proved that I was okay with being hurt caused physical harm she is being very deceptive here as Wilbur never wrote anything about her being okay with being hurt he said that she simply enjoyed being bitten which she even says in the beginning of her own vud in the first part but here she needs evidence to suggest that she was okay with being hurt when he never said that she was I was not okay with it um the very existence of the safe word proves he was too often biting too hard every friend that ever spent any time with us was told by him himself why we needed a safe word exactly he kept biting too hard and in my opinion uh what was expressed to me from somebody else if it is repetitive daily it is intentional um and if you think that the safe word was consent I would argue I was coerced into agreeing to a safe word because I was told the purpose of the safe word was so that I would be hurt less and I was then hurt more that’s interesting as you didn’t bring that up in your previous VOD a new piece to the puzzle see this again is deceptive as it shows she will leave details of the story out as she even said so in her allegation which is something a liar would do however this new detail of how she had been coerced into using a safe word is completely false as you yourself said we we came up with a safe word so it was a consensus between the both of you an agreement so how can you come out with he coer me means complete bollocks to me at this point on top of that that doesn’t sound like coercion here is what coersion actually means the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats so by coming down to a consensus between the PA of Vi about using a safe word is coercion these days okay also remember what she claimed about being really good at remembering words and that she is a straight shooter well this would prove otherwise um it had become weaponized there wasn’t a time anymore where I was being bit and I didn’t need to use it every day and then even on a few occasions biting after I used the safe word even if it was just one time that he kept biting me after I said the safe word in fact multiple times biting me even harder that is assault immediately it is a complete abuse of trust even once and if you think all of our mutual friends who knew us both intimately in private are supporting me blindly you aren’t being honest um I don’t know how you wouldn’t assume people we spent every day with wouldn’t know more than you about this situation you are not entitled to everything that everybody knows not everybody is ready to share their stories and experiences but they have all asked you to support me and that is not blind what is blind is pretending that all they have to go off of is my word alone let’s not ignore the boys who said themselves that they have witnessed manipulate them and their friends all of which who were 18 at the time by the way I am not the only one give them time before you start calling me a lying [ __ ] perhaps um I didn’t coordinate this because I didn’t know how many more people had experiences to share I actually didn’t know biting was something that had happened before me until after I spoke about it I didn’t know um that’s why I needed to do it I’m sorry that everything couldn’t conveniently come out all at the same time um everyone who knew us both mutually have come together in solidarity and asked you to support me and I am asking you to listen to all of them too it’s not just me continuing to pretend that it is isn’t helpful um and if all of that isn’t enough for you then you’re just going to have to not believe me and I didn’t expect everyone to that does doesn’t mean I owe anything to every person who calls me a liar um but if you mad that more people are believing me and you don’t agree that sounds like a you problem they have made up their minds themselves just as you have and I am not trying to change your mind what I endured was so much more than just slobbish and disrespect it’s offensive to downplay it that much and in my opinion the most obvious thing to me is that the apology is not genuine at all if it was I would have been referred to by name simply you could say downplay if you want you can pretend you know it is not to be a genuine apology but here you contradict yourself you said Wilbur isn’t telling his supporters to stop harassing however again as I explained and not naming her he had an intention of not wishing any harassment onto her which if he did then surely that would be a result of naming her then she would use that against him you don’t need an IQ above 30 to understand that this just proves that this was indeed about spreading awareness awareness to her Channel I believe at bare minimum a requirement for a sincere apology is to say the name of who you are speaking to um I think by not saying my name that can only be done out of disrespect that’s what I believe to me it completely contradicts any claim to have changed and I proved on stream that he’s lied even if just that one time I felt that was a big deal how how did you prove he lied on stream without any evidence of that at all all we have on that VOD was your words that’s not proof that’s an allegation this woman is the female version of Mama Max mama shabo if you will Mama Shelby maybe Sister Shelby that’s what I call you now um shovel support Squad you have been my rock through all of this I am trying to do the right thing um and I do believe so deeply that this needed to happen to protect people um I’m only sorry that I couldn’t protect everyone else because there were more people Hur after me um and I am sickened by what he did I truly believe my soul is healed Beyond him but unfortunately my mind and my body are not and that will take more time your brain chemistry changes when you live through something like this your brain chemistry changes when you live through something like this what that’s literally the meaning behind Wilbur’s latest album with Maman San reflex likely represents the brain changing when he’s unentertained that is a quote what’s going on here am I in The Matrix honestly it does fit here as she is clearly not entertained um and I’m going to try to play Minecraft and pretend my life has peace for a moment um because it won’t for a while um but it will and I’m going to try and find my way to happiness and if you don’t like the way that that looks then I’m sorry um I’m just going to have to disappoint you I have to put my mental health first thank you again for listening um I did write this all out because I like to put a lot of thought into what I say it feels really really important especially for example when apologizing I think that’s the bare minimum I think that’s the least I could do with respect to the situation I can’t be a perfect victim in everybody’s books um but many people are saying that I should stop victimizing myself so I’m going to play Minecraft and finally we are at the end to this little charade we get I’m sorry I’m not a perfect victim for you all which is weird that someone would say this when claiming to be one the way shovel acts outside of her videos or streams doesn’t represent how a victim would act but a woman who had been scorned acts and this this is even more evident when we look at the real reasons she began to disdain Wilbur the first being the more obvious that Wilbur had been disrespectful towards her in their relationship by his own admission slobbish which would have been a symptom of his own mental health but he still takes accountability for that in his response and selfish in prioritizing his career ahead of their relationship I think Wilbur by saying selfish also means leaving to go on tour as he even references that in one of his songs which brings us to the second reason for why she disdains him why she feels what she feels towards him with that being his album had been halfly about missing their relationship or about her and I believe that this had been a complete retaliation for him writing songs about that subject as she herself says she had only just come to the realization that she had been abused Shelby AKA shubble is deceptive in her own recollection of the events sparing no moment to demonize Wilbur in her allegation towards him leaving things out of context to further drill this in even though the context to certain events would debunk these claims immediately leaving out details of the story for the narrative’s convenience which is highly deceptive and manipulative of the truth yes Wilbur had been neglectful and a bad partner but that doesn’t mean that he was an abusive one as well even in her vaud we can see she wasn’t taking the allegation she was making seriously with her constantly smiling and laughing all the way through it people could say that that was down to nerves but considering the lengths she has gone into to paint herself as a helpless victim and changing the story and narratives in her responses we can safely say that she has either made the story of abuse up for attention and Views and has exaggerated it for personal gain because she felt entitled to due to how the relationship ended and the events leading away afterwards we can also see this video to be retaliation for throwing away her equipment that had been around his place at the time which in her own words costed hundreds of dollars she even claimed that all of her friends had been aware of the abuse however in the time of making this video there has been one of his friends who claimed to not knowing anything about what Shelby had been talking about which shows another level of manipulative Behavior stretching the truth to make Wilbur look as bad as possible you all are aware of of of this the stuff that’s went down with Wilbur um as am I and I apologize that I I’ve been a few days um will is someone I’ve known for a very very long time and none of my experiences with him wherever sorry I’m going to have to turn off alerts for a bit ever so sorry hold on um soorry will someone I’ve known a very very long time uh and my experiences with him have never or anything I’ve ever seen of him have never ever been anything like what’s been detailed and and do not M mistake I stand with Shelby 100% I support all the way I’m not saying it’s just a shock you know what I mean like all this stuff that I’ve heard over the past few days from not only her but the people in the replies saying what they experienced even in the video she shows no evidence to back up these claims and acts like she is doing a just chatting stream with her fan base rather than taking the subject material seriously the Persona she clings to in her online personality is a care Charming Whimsical and lovely person is just a character she plays and she used this to make herself look like the perfect victim but when people began to look deeper at the claims she became very defensive over doing this in fear of being found out there nothing more than the manipulative woman she truly is which shows us that she had been projecting herself onto Wilbur with these allegations shovel if you are watching this then you are a liar you can hide behind your therapists all you want but what you can’t hide behind is the glaring fact that you lied in your video you hid the context much like the truth and set the stage for more manipulation to come in the future even friends of Wilbur immediately turned on him telling their fans to support Shelby without even a lick of evidence being shown to the public and continued the hate train all for just some internet clout with friends like this who needs enemies however we will touch up upon this later as when it becomes more [Applause] [Music] relevant the next allegation comes in the form of a very manipulative girl known as Katie bugs at the beginning of the vard we can see her to be very bubbly and happy welcoming her viewers and mods into the stream however this is where it quickly gets turned around in an attempt to some tears out you know like she is related to FY tube even cracking a few Smiles before getting into the actual performance on the allegation show however at the time of writing all of this up the general consensus surrounding these allegations are to be that Katie’s claims are a false allegation so let’s speedrun this part and action sorry I didn’t think I would cry I didn’t think that I would cry and I practiced saying all of this and I didn’t cry I didn’t think I would cry um funny enough I wrote I wrote it down because I didn’t think I thought I wouldn’t have anything to say I probably won’t I again apologize I probably won’t look up um during the stream I’ll be reading on my phone um but I wanted to read this instead of tweet it because I wanted it to come from me and I want you guys to hear it don’t be fored by the innocent look this little girl is really a manipulative little monster lurking in the shadows of her own irrelevancy see throughout this stream she reads what she had written down about dream’s best friend and Minecraft Superstar George not found reading about the time she had been sexually assaulted by him or so she would have you believe the real reason as to why she wanted to stream her story rather than tweet about it was to gain an emotional response from the viewers however we will see that this scared little girl is really nothing more than a liar with a victim complex according to her these impressionable girls had been invited to dreams hotel suite where they were encouraged to drink more upon arrival but that’s not all Katie had apparently been a fan of George’s and wanted to sit next to him where she had been encouraged to play drinking games with him to which in her own words she obviously complied which is weird that you chose to use those words which is said that way to sound as if she had no choice in the matter which is a Trope throughout this video she even got up to get another drink and sat right back down next to George to which she claims he was making her feel uncomfortable and this is where things start to escalate from flirting to cuddling for an entire hour and basically they hooked up after an hour of cuddling however she had been trying to say that she couldn’t consent to what ended up happening but here’s the thing if she couldn’t consent then George couldn’t either because they had both been drinking which should be a stalemate right see as we have already explored the stands are the ones in control of this and basically ran with the story where Common Sense should have been taken place in one’s mind the pill of ignorance was taken instead oh and also she claimed she was freshly 18 when all of this had been taking place when that was in fact a lie she had actually been in a convention 6 months after her birthday so not exactly wet behind the ears there George had then seen the initial allegation video and he had responded in kind with his own video where he had debunked the claims being made and showing his own confusion as to why he was being painted out to be a Dev individual and even dream had voiced his opinion on the matter stating that George’s recollection of events were more in line with what he remembers to which he denies the claims and even added more context than Katie actually did that she had arrived drunk as she and her friends had been at a party before and sure enough George had been drinking at dreams hotel suite so one thing led to another and I don’t think you need me to tell you about the birds and the bees here however ktie would return in contesting what happened on that specific night however upon closer inspection from some of the commentary channels who became invested by the string of false allegations they found that the evidence she had supplied here had been a blatant misdirection of the truth where she had manipulated the evidence to make it seem like what she had been saying to be the truth when she hadn’t been where she added new details to the story that she didn’t think to put in her stream prior as remember she had prepared a state in advance so she left out a few things intentionally however her friend would go on her own stream and in a nutshell she tried to help Katie out but ended up giving a different account of the events which made Katie look even worse in the public eye unfortunately George would chime in on Twitter and would destroy his own career with a flick of a button where he says that upon seeing the screenshots provided his recollection of events had changed and his tweet gave a similar feeling towards him that Wilbur had done sabotaging himself with ktie I hope this reaches you I am so so sorry when George literally did nothing here and then dream and snapnap do the unthinkable they throw George under the bus with SNAP stating that George needs to take accountability of the event when George did nothing wrong and dream blatantly said to his audience of how George should have known better because us men are psychic we can read minds and women should never have to say a single thing at all when they don’t want to do something after cuddling for an entire hour again with friends like this who needs enemies again dream calls George his best friend but when the cards are stacked against him he will use him as a human shield to protect his career again the price for their Valor is incredibly cheap to you dream you effectively have done this to yourself as you yourself had said you intentionally surrounded yourself with stand for monetary gain however as we have seen that is a double-edge blade it will give you power in one hand but in the other it will cut you down when the going gets tough around this time another one of Katie’s friends decided to make an absolute fool of themselves by giving us the Insight that she had manipulated him by saying how she cried in his arms because of the big bad George and how did did the internet respond well let me tell you they turned this into a meme rightfully so however George had then decided to release another video under this drama with him contacting someone who had actually been at the party that night the person that Katie never actually even mentioned and through the many jump cuts of this video it was given that George was to be innocent of the claims even though it was pretty obvious due to the many lies Katie had been caught in now KY will always be remembered as that girl who cried sa when all it was was regret this a [ __ ] sexual assault onto anyone but yourselves you are a 26y old man 27 now trying to [ __ ] put the blame on 18y olds that you don’t [ __ ] know remember what happened to Wilbur where all of his past friends stabbed him in the back well tubo was one of those people and the old saying goes it’s all fun and games until it happens to you which is exactly what happened here how does it feel tubo to have the allegations turned against you to have the audience demanding an explanation from you it doesn’t feel so good now does it it must feel like a deer in the headlights right now I don’t particularly find the fact that hubbo had been accused of something here funny however I do find humor in the irony of it all the allegation came from someone he had apparently been in contact with before just like everyone else that has been accused the first part is really everything you need to know about the motive for this coming out story something that we have seen before where that is she saw the support others had been shown therefore it is her time to speak her peace and that she was scared of coming out before because of the backlash from his fans which honestly you would be receiving backlash from any audience regardless of whenever the time was right but hey tuo we got to believe the victims right even if they show no evidence of these events taking place no matter how unlikely it all is right well tubbo would break his silence and give his account of what happened tubbo here claims that the statement is slander meaning it’s not true which is a given but then says that he can’t drive about being under the supervision from someone else who can because he has a provisional license but here he says it is impossible so what the car door won’t open because you don’t have your mommy With You In fairness I don’t think tubo would be willing to break the law and drive a girl he doesn’t know home just to get some action between the gearbox if you get what I mean he also claims to not having any parties in 2021 however can we at least pay our respects to someone who didn’t go white nighting for the victim in their own response to the allegations as that my dear sir was the part of your response 2021 was Peak pandemic Peak lockdown I didn’t go to any parties I didn’t go out of my house okay no parties and I I I don’t offer to obviously you don’t know if this is true this is just you taking my word for it I don’t I don’t offer to take people home I don’t know and I’ve never done that I was grateful at the time thinking that he was just a good person um since I didn’t even know uh that it was him and I still asking about what he did on the way to what I thought was my house I ended up passing out in the car but instead of taking me home he uh drove me to a secluded parking lot it was there where he made advances toed to touch me inappropriately never happened first of all he drove me home I literally do not have a driver’s license this is physically impossible to happen I don’t know what I need to do to prove that I do not have a driver’s license I have a pro I have a provisionary driver’s license which means I unable to drive on the road without my mom in the car or someone who’s had a driver’s license for 25 years major [ __ ] up social experiment to show how easy it is for something dumb to go viral me my coule friend what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] made fully out of chat GPT and I that’s so [ __ ] up that’s so [ __ ] up dude this isn’t some [ __ ] up social experiment that’s my [ __ ] life bro you’re [ __ ] with that’s that’s actually [ __ ] [ __ ] genuinely genuinely not even kidding I don’t even know I don’t even know what to [ __ ] say I I I I made me so angry it may I actually couldn’t believe it like I didn’t I didn’t I’m like holy [ __ ] like sorry I like it’s it’s it’s scar me you don’t CH you don’t need to spam [ __ ] Hearts bro knock that [ __ ] off like no all I’m saying is like look I you might think I have a very biased perspective when it comes to it it comes to this kind of stuff no but like truth be told the amount of times I spoke to Wilbert in private could be counted on maybe two hands and um yeah I I’m I’m not biased in this I think that response was vile I’m like how the hell can you make like how the hell can like this be about you bro that’s so [ __ ] up that’s so [ __ ] up dude this isn’t some [ __ ] up social experiment that’s my [ __ ] life bro you’re [ __ ] with and just like a rabbit hole this just keeps going on and on and on and on where we have come to puns who originally said this to Wilbur saying you’ve been through therapy and uh growing equ calls taking accountability downplaying your actions and discrediting the person you hurt [ __ ] but it turns out Wilbur isn’t the only one with skeletons in his closet as pwns had originally been dream’s mercenary of choice and the dream SMP and recently he came out with a story that dream stole his [Music] girlfriend if you can imagine this guy has the ability to RIS someone up hey girl want to come back to mine and play some Minecraft together however in this time P’s ex had an idea to expose him for being an abusive boyfriend a racist and neglectful which I’m not going to read out the entire thing here because most of it is just complete [ __ ] to be honest with you and only really serves to show that she has BPD which if you don’t know one of the symptoms of BPD is a strong fear of abandonment issues this includes going to Extreme Measures so you’re not separated or rejected even if these fears are made up a pattern of unstable intense relationships such as believing someone is perfect one moment and then suddenly believing the person doesn’t care enough or is cruel to you quick changes in how you see yourself this includes shifting goals and values as well as seeing yourself as bad or as if you do not exist periods of stress related paranoia and loss of contact with reality these periods can last from a few minutes to a few hours impulsive and risky Behavior such as gambling dangerous driving unsafe sex spending spree binge eating drug misuse or sabotaging success by suddenly quitting a good job or ending a positive relationship threats of suicide or self-injury often in response to fears of separation or rejection wide mood swings that last from a few hours to a few days these mood swings can include periods of being very unhappy irritable or anxious or feeling shame ongoing feelings of emptiness inappropriate or strong anger such as losing your temper often being sarcastic or bitter or physically fighting so from all of this we can see that this is down to her own Borderline Personality Disorder so all of her recollection of the real events are fuzzy due to these delusions in BPD so that pretty much debunks the entire allegation to be one of a false allegation oh I’m sure there are Snippets of Truth sprinkled in that story but to be honest she can only think of a few times where he defended her and the rest of the relationship was terrible this is all just to make puns look bad and to make her look like a helpless victim for that internet clout he then later says and responds to the allegations made against him and if there’s one thing I’ve learned from today it is people really like making essays on Twitter and tumbler don’t they in a nutshell he denied the claims and gave more context to their relationship however something that lyrics brings up in this FR here highlights the hypocrisy in this community of backstabbers don’t ever discount a woman’s story puns guilty until proven innocent remember as puns was one of the YouTubers who ran with the Wilber allegations that plastered him as an abusive partner who enjoyed hurting others in his spare time without any evidence to back this up but but hey how do we know that tubo and puns are really innocent of these claims well given their logic they must be guilty until they can prove that they didn’t do it right tubo puns if you’re watching you are on your own guys enjoy getting shafted until you can prove that innocence of yours so in our next story this one comes from an only fans model known as moony who is 22 right now and she brings us a story that is 4 years old making her 18 at the time and here she is accusing dragy for sexualizing her innocence when she was a year older than he was so a 17-year-old was rising up an 18-year-old so in a false allegation video being a creep on the Internet is what we have descended into right now but wait there’s more see the funny thing here is she is complaining about someone sexualizing her when she herself is an only fans model where she gets paid to sexualize herself you can’t make this [ __ ] up I think dragy doesn’t have anything to worry about with this one but the fact is this girl thought this story was worth telling just shows that the only fans Market must be thrown away the trash these [Music] days and finally we have come to the last allegation with this one coming from someone who appears to be an ex-girlfriend of lyics but doesn’t know his name that’s right we have officially reached the point of no return the bottom of the barrel of false allegations she then said that she will speak her silent in a stream however upon closer inspection the twitch channel that had been linked had been banned so this person can’t speak their false victimhood story this allegation is false due to the stupidity of the alleged victim being in a relationship with a person not knowing their partner’s name never hearing anyone call him by his actual name the motive for this is in 5 minutes of fame but rather to shut the criticism lyrics had been giving to these false allegations down as he must be doing something right to gain such a raw reaction from these weirdos this entire Arc of the Minecraft Community is one of the most damning in their history throughout it we have seen these women being de Ive overexaggerating and Flatout lying about their experiences only for the accused friends stabbing them in the back which exposed the twoo fac YouTubers that will turn on you in an instant and twist their past experiences with you against you and to that I say that is truly unforgivable and I give no sympathy to those who attacked people like Wilbur and twisted his words to suit their narrative only to have the same thing happen to them you all sincerely deserve what happens to you in the near future and that is it everyone I hope you found this insightful and that you enjoyed the video a special thank you goes out to the PC members Hammond C Lord 9906 killer 1260 V2 art gains stab op Sig Aeros salano and bronze 189 and the legend members Michael boss Hunter Biden’s laptop and afron 2371 your support helps me out even more so and if new to the channel then join the crew of the British Alliance today by hitting that subscribe button and don’t forget to ring the bell in for personalized notifications so you never miss the next episode and I will see all of you on the bridge and be sure to have a good [Music] one

This video, titled ‘The Epidemic Of The False Minecraft Allegations – Deep Dive’, was uploaded by TheBritishRunner on 2024-03-24 20:00:07. It has garnered 2191 views and 133 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:53 or 8873 seconds.

In this video we will be diving deep into a series of allegations that have been made towards influential creators of the Minecraft community, beginning all the way back in October 2023 with Lexie Marie who didn’t accuse a youtuber of abuse but her ex-partner, where others had seen her bravery and chose to replicate the support she had been shown to grab some of that juicy clout.

Join me as we dive deep into a deep dive investigation of the events, highlighting moments of deception, manipulation and hiding vital context from the public eye in order to further demonise the accused of abuse among other things. In this video we will also be looking at the youtubers surrounding these allegations in their part to play in this grand scheme and the lies spread to make those accused seem more guilty and to give the “victims” stories more credibility.

This video serves to create awareness of those who lied in their testimony and to expose these topics for public discussions as we reveal possible motives for the false allegations providing new ideas and evidence of deceptive behaviour. Along with highlighting the context others failed to provide to the public which would have debunked their complaints of their relationships with these creators at best or at worst would have debunked the allegations all together.


Introduction: 0:00 Revealing A Foundation Of Context: 3:44 A Pattern Of Behaviours, Shubble Allegation VOD: 28:00 A Misunderstanding In Response, Wilbur Soot Response: 1:31:46 The Cracks Begin To Form, Shubble Response: 1:40:32 Minecraft False Allegation Any% Speedrun: 2:07:26 What Goes Around Comes Around, Punz, Tubbo, Draggie: 2:15:09 Accusing The Critics, Lerix: 2:25:08

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  • neak – 🔥MINECRAFT Live Battles + Events! 👿 Unbelievable FREE Boss Fight now!

    neak - 🔥MINECRAFT Live Battles + Events! 👿 Unbelievable FREE Boss Fight now!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT na żywo🔴Giga bitki + eventy!🔴Wolne? Wbijaj pograć szefie🔥’, was uploaded by neak on 2024-05-16 20:46:48. It has garnered 94 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:03 or 7803 seconds. 🔔Subscribe🔔 ► My minecraft server! 👾 IP: 👾 version: 1.17.2-1.20.1 📞here I talk: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Equipment Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Skiller Mech SGKS3 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🔔Dej suba🔔 tags: #NneakK #lajnie #minecraft #gry #farcry #roblox #brawlstars #polska #live #csgo #cs2 #counterstrike2 #cs2 #gtasa #gta #projectrpg #project #4life #samp #mta #funny #rage #ez #gtasanandreas #irl #gtav #prrpg#anarchia #dranhis #smp- txt – tabmc -… Read More

  • Unbelievable Fight Night in Minecraft Wrestling!

    Unbelievable Fight Night in Minecraft Wrestling!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Wrestling Alliance: RISE Episode #30 [Jun. 12, 2024]’, was uploaded by Minecraft Wrestling Network on 2024-06-21 10:24:07. It has garnered 136 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:21 or 3561 seconds. Join Us! Server IP: Discord: Twitter: TikTok: Instagram: ———————————— Timestamps: Nuck Visits a Friend (0:00) Opening Segment (2:25) Milky Promo (3:43) Kholoki’s Open Challenge (8:29) Post-Match Segment (19:35) Jasper Promo (26:53) DDD Party Segment (35:53) Milky vs Equinox (39:08) ———————————— Recorded By – Steve/Kholoki Read More

  • 1000 Stories: My Insane Minecraft Museum!

    1000 Stories: My Insane Minecraft Museum!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built A MUSEUM For Every STRUCTURE In Minecraft PART 2/2’, was uploaded by Beppo on 2024-03-23 15:30:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I Built Minecraft’s Greatest Museum In Hardcore PART 2/2 Part 1: The goal of this series is to … Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT BATTLE: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!

    EPIC MINECRAFT BATTLE: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!Video Information This video, titled ‘old killer noob vs pro vs hacker #minecraft #ytshorts #shortsfeed #trandingshorts’, was uploaded by AWEJ GAMING’S on 2024-03-23 06:18:27. It has garnered 3996 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short #minecrafttoolbox #mincraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #minecrafthindi #minecraftpe1 #minecraft100days #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition#minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever… Read More

  • SkyVN Survival

    SkyVN SurvivalBest survival experiences you will ever see on this server. What to except on the server? – An all-new, datapack driven worlds to explore – Over 20+ items to grind Read More

  • Prosper SMP Vanilla 1.21 DiscordSRV Bluemap Coreprotect Voice Plugin Age 16+ Crossplay

    Join Our Minecraft Community! Our community is built around a shared interest in Minecraft, and we also enjoy playing a variety of games together on our Discord server. Minecraft is at the heart of what we do, so come check out our Discord and Minecraft SMP! We welcome new members who are dedicated players with similar interests. We always have major build projects in progress, and our community is friendly and mature. While we don’t have many rules, we do not tolerate disruptive behavior. No hackers or griefers allowed, just be respectful to others! All members must join our Discord… Read More

  • ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌MINEWIND▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌

    ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌MINEWIND▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ Read More

  • Breadcraft – 1.20.6 Survival Server

    Breadcraft - 1.20.6 Survival ServerWelcome to Breadcraft! You’re home to classic, vanilla Minecraft survival without Pay-2-Win bloat.On our 1 world survival server, experience the thrill of simple survival with very few- yet helpful plugins to fulfill your experience.Other servers are focused on making money and manipulating their players into purchasing items and ranks to make progress. Breadcraft is the polar opposite. We focus on providing a classic, vanilla experience to our players, WITHOUT the P2W!On Breadcraft, you will encounter a lively, helpful, and friendly group of people who are online to have fun and relax. Our active and helpful staff is willing to provide… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Future of Minecraft: 2050”

    In 2050, the Minecraft community will probably have figured out how to build actual functioning portals to the Nether…and they’ll still be arguing over whether to use “stone” or “brick” for the floors. Read More

  • Mastering Wild Loot and Dragon Eggs on MineWind

    Mastering Wild Loot and Dragon Eggs on MineWindVideo Information This video, titled ‘grinding wildloot and dragon eggs on ( minewind )’, was uploaded by Expslep on 2024-07-17 13:42:33. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:00 or 0 seconds. server is minewind server ip: Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Rules are Respected #minecraftserver

    Join Minewind: Where Rules are Respected #minecraftserver Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon an interesting YouTube video where a new player on a Minecraft server was caught breaking someone’s chest without taking anything. While this behavior is definitely not acceptable on most servers, it got us thinking about the importance of finding a server where players can enjoy a fair and fun gaming experience. That’s where Minewind comes in. With a strong emphasis on community and fair play, Minewind offers a unique Minecraft experience that is both challenging and rewarding. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. So… Read More

  • Insane Earth Locations! @MrBeast

    Insane Earth Locations! @MrBeast Unbelievable Places On Earth! Explore the most extraordinary and mind-boggling locations on our planet that will leave you in awe. From underwater cities to gravity-defying waterfalls, these places are truly unbelievable. No Gravity Zone Imagine a place where gravity seems to have taken a vacation. This mysterious location challenges our understanding of physics and leaves visitors in a state of wonder. Underwater City Dive into the depths of the ocean to discover a hidden city beneath the waves. Explore the ruins of a forgotten civilization and unravel the secrets of the deep. Tree Inhabited by Goats Witness a tree… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Julian!

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with Julian!Video Information I need that just doing a little something did you take the turkey out what did you take the turkey out no I didn’t take the turkey out what mhm you can go they can’t see you you want what you want to give me two chocolate balls for a crep I don’t have any more chocolate BS so unfortunate I only have one wow one chocolate BS not enough for that crepe that’s like three chocolate balls do crepe just chocolate on chocolate yeah I’m going to Robin Robin hello Jo what what happened what happened julan… Read More

  • Minecraft Cursed Images Transformed by AI

    Minecraft Cursed Images Transformed by AIVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Turned Minecraft Cursed Images Into AI Videos’, was uploaded by VoxSynth on 2024-07-04 19:42:46. It has garnered 370 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:18 or 78 seconds. Read More

  • Uncovering Gumball and Darwin’s Secret Base in Minecraft!

    Uncovering Gumball and Darwin's Secret Base in Minecraft!Video Information as I greeted everyone tuning into my new video I couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement I was fully decked out in my chainmail armor ready to explore the vibrant world around me with a wide grin I shared how thrilled I was to embark on today’s adventure turning around I started my journey through the Lush pixelated landscape that makes Minecraft so special while wandering near a clump of trees I noticed a cow in the distance without hesitation I pulled out my bow and carefully aimed the arrows flew one after another towards the… Read More

  • NUKE DESTROYS CITY?! Which Xmas House Wins? 👀

    NUKE DESTROYS CITY?! Which Xmas House Wins? 👀Video Information ‏and one us for the [موسيقى] champions the [موسيقى] ro This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Which Christmas House looked the best? 🤔’, was uploaded by NukeVsCity on 2023-12-25 11:50:54. It has garnered 2891 views and 81 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Any of you remember these type of shorts? “which house looked the best?!?” with the INDUSTRY BABY song by Lil Nas. I made this video and haven’t posted it yet. Best for Christmas really. Subscribe: NukeVsCity creates Shorts, TikToks, and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, Minecraft… Read More

  • FREE JOIN Minecraft SMP Server 24/7! 😱🎮 | Navdeeep_playz #live

    FREE JOIN Minecraft SMP Server 24/7! 😱🎮 | Navdeeep_playz #liveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP LIVE || PUBLIC SMP 24/7 JAVA + BEDROCK | FREE TO JOIN #live #smp #minecraft’, was uploaded by Navdeeep_playz on 2024-01-07 07:01:04. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:23 or 143 seconds. Hello GYS MY NAME IS NAVDEEP IM Making CONTENT FROM INDIA OF UP UTTAR PRADESH SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLE ————————————————————————- discord _ whatsup – Instagram – ——————————————————————————— #minecraft #livestream #turnip #gaming #turnip_live #games #gamingvideos #livetipsandtricks #mobilegames #minecraftlive #minecraftvideos #minecrafttipsandtricks #minecrafthighlights #youtuber #turnipclub Thanks for the Support thanks for watching and love… Read More

  • 🔴 Join the Mayhem! Sniper SoapMC on Cubecraft and Hive!

    🔴 Join the Mayhem! Sniper SoapMC on Cubecraft and Hive!Video Information and what is going on everybody Welcome to the stream let’s have a good day let’s have a good day welcome everybody shall we uh get into it give me a second shot still got to set just a little bit of things up huh d d all right should be good to go see if anybody wants to hop on oh I still to do that well we are in egg Wars so yeah oh my goodness hold on guys Where is the man welcome everybody to the stream hold on we’re gonna get going a second… Read More

  • “Insane Collab: ZenMaster Plays GTA 6 in Minecraft” #shizoclickbait

    "Insane Collab: ZenMaster Plays GTA 6 in Minecraft" #shizoclickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘GTA 6 MİNECRAFT’I GEÇTİ #gta6 #minecraft’, was uploaded by ZenMaster on 2024-01-18 12:22:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. gta 6, gta 6 trailer, gta 6 trailer reaction, gta 6 leak, gta 6 leaked gameplay, gta 6 trailer official, gta 6 trailer rockstar, gta 6 … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Skybattle! Join NOW! 🔥| GreenMC

    EPIC Minecraft Skybattle! Join NOW! 🔥| GreenMCVideo Information ये क्या हो गया चालू हु रा स्टार्ट हो गया अबे रुक जा देख चैनल का लिंक भेज मुझे मैं देखता हूं रुक जा मेरा फेस आ रहा है क्या रुक जा अबे तेरा गेम प्ले ऑन है ना हा तेरा गेम प्ले आ रहा है बढ़िया है पर दिख रहा है गेम प्ले रख अभी बंद मत करयो भाई मेरा वेबकम इसमें क्यों रिकॉर्ड हो रहा है कौन सा चैनल है मैं भी देखूंगा हां देख दिख रहा है अभी आवाज आवाज आ रहा है कहां आ य लिंक भज डिस्को प सेंड कर सच में चालू… Read More