TheNeoCubest – Minecraft Survival Modern House Tutorial (How to Build)

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Hey guys what is something you keep a steer welcome to my modern house tutorial this modern house is a really really unique exterior it’s not like any other build I’ve ever done personally and I think it looks really really cool it’s kind of completely filled out interior guys I’m telling you we got

Ches over here we got oh just so many chests up here it’s really cool I mean it fills out the space very nicely we got a cool little bedroom which is always awesome and then down here we have a full enchantment table cool and then on the upstairs floor we filled it

Out completely there’s not much more you can do with this made it look really really nice but yeah if you guys want to know how to build this block by block step by step I’ll show you how to build literally everything in the build if you watch this entire video you’ll end up

With this so yeah let’s get started alright so for this build you’re gonna need to find the materials found on the hotbar below pretty simple everything you need for the outside of the built in my inventory a really simple material set guys so just spruce wood cobblestone

And oak logs nothing complicated the oak logs is purely for just the plants outside you don’t even have to have those but everyone loves the little plants but yeah let’s get started with the build so I’ve built up a little bit of a framework from here for me to work

With it’s gonna make it a little bit easier to explain but we’re gonna start start off by taking these spruce wood planks so we’re gonna place five in a row so one two three four five just like this and you’re gonna go back a total of

Seven so one two three four five six and seven just like that and then you’re gonna connect them and make a nice rectangular shape just like this ignore that pillar for now so we’re gonna go to the front of the build and we’re gonna go up a total of seven block so two

Three four five six seven and we should reach a nice height right there two three four five six seven and then you can just sort of copy the height you have on the other ones you can go ahead and connect them we’re gonna have a little bit of areas where we have

Windows and such but it’s gonna be easiest to just start off with a box and then just take your X and break them as you need you could technically watch till the end of the video I guess and do it like that but I think I said it’s

Gonna be a little harder than it needs to be doing it that way now there is a little piece off to the side that you saw in the intro video piece to the left I’m gonna treat this as the front of the build just so you guys have a frame of

Reference you can choose either way to face your build it really does you want to start off by sort of building it where I did in the front because it’s gonna be a little little tricky if you don’t just right here we actually have any little room off to the

Side it’s a very tiny room I think we’re gonna put chess in it I don’t know I haven’t designed the interior of this yet so it’s gonna be kind of fun to do that on the fly I should be able to think of something pretty cool but yeah

We’re just going to build this area right here so it’s just like just comes out three and then it’s one two three four five wide like this just make sure you have a one block space gap like right here on either side and then you know you have the right shape so I

Didn’t really explain the dimensions there because you don’t really need them so we’re gonna come up here and we’re going to make sure we are one block higher just like this as you can see being one block higher will mean that we’re just well one block higher up

Which is always nice it’s always nice and then you want to connect to this area right here now you can fill this in but then you’re gonna make your area even smaller and from the outside it’s going to look like it’s already segmented but you want to make sure at

The top at least you do that just because if you don’t it might look a little bit weird but we didn’t even fill in the top we’re building it so I’ll have to figure out something to put in there but I do know that on the top of

This we’re just gonna fill it in with spruce wood slabs just like this it’s gonna be the best material to fill it with and then dare I say maybe some class actually just some black glass would be good up here I don’t want to get rid of those panes but let the grab

Those back in just a second here so let’s grab the black panes back there we go we’re gonna come off to the side here and now we’re gonna build this little side room alright so the side room is actually way simpler than it looks it’s just going to be well I didn’t even

Think about how he blocks it up so it’s out one two three four five okay and then I have everything else done it’s out five so one two three four and five and it’s just one you just want to frame the entire outside you want to have a

One block gap all the way around so you don’t want to fill in this wall right here that’s gonna be glass you want to start by filling in this outer wall right here which also has a little bit of glass but I digress I digress let’s

Just extend this up and over just like this so what I meant was having that one block gap all the way around your build all the way around this wooden box we see one block cap all the way around even below it you one block gaps it’s going it’s floating

Which is nice that’s that’s sort of the goal with that area let’s take black class and let’s go ahead and just fill in this and get that over with this entire middle area is going to be black class and then it’s going to be the exact same on this side

And there we go just fill it in it’s a little tricky to place panes let me know in the comments is it hard to place panes on wherever you play Minecraft because I know for me even with a mouse it’s it’s still pretty hard but I know it’s probably even harder on Pocket

Edition but let me know in the comments ok so I’m filling in black class just right here in here so I pretty sure you guys could copy that don’t need to explain that too too much let’s go ahead and build the entrance here so we do have everything we need for the entrance

Let’s just break these three blocks right here let’s put an upside down stare let’s place the spruce wood door from the inside and then let’s place two right side there are two upside-down stairs on the same level as that stare place a fence below them and then a

Plank in the middle now let’s take some cobblestone here and let’s make I think I did I think I just did a little bit of a patio yeah nothing too big it’s not like a real real patio but it’s kind of big it’s not kind of big it’s really not

I don’t know why I said that but it’s it’s it’s it’s perfect for this size of a build let’s put it that way so I put a little plant right there that’s gonna look nice let’s go ahead and design all the windows for this area I need to go

Look at the build so I’ll be right back alright so I got it in my head so it’s gonna be these two blocks and then it’s gonna be skip a block one block to skip a block and one block just like that now it’s gonna be the same sort of pattern

On this side guys so three blocks skip a block and then three blocks skip a block fit two blocks so the same as that other side just extend it to be a little bit longer and then we’re gonna copy the same thing here skip a block one block

One block just like that perfect so now this nice little window area I don’t know I just think it looks really nice to have like something coming off your bill that looks like that me personally I like it you may not like it and you don’t feel like don’t have to add it

It’s not necessary at all but we’re gonna go ahead and break out these six blocks right here so just a one frame like this and then one block above this so it’s all sort of nicely proportioned and that it’s easy to build and it’s definitely easy to build because these

Materials are uber obtainable in survival which is always nice to have an okay so right here we’re going to break out these two blocks or these six blocks on this level right here just one up from the ground and then we’re gonna do a two block space and then we’re just

Going to do a thin little one wide window right here now if something on the outside I did figure out if you want to texture it like this you can it’s gonna make the outside look a little bit better I don’t really know what you guys

Think about it but let me know what do you guys think about doing some framing like that with with the planks it looks really good on the finished product just like well I got until heated it a little bit but you see I went the other way on

The build and then that way I went that way so I mean you really it really doesn’t matter what you do I mean you could definitely even remove that and just have some framing like that I think it looks a lot better than it did before and then maybe even putting some like

Bushes right here just to sort of emphasize that it’s framed I don’t know I kind of like the way that looks let me know in the comments if you like that too so we’re gonna just put a one little one little Bush right there and then

These are going to be some two high bushes like this on the corners and then we’re gonna go in here and just do a little one high Bush and then let’s go to the other side where this thing is and I also did discover something with framing this as well I don’t know

Exactly what to do but I was thinking if we framed it like this it might look nice I don’t really like it as much as I do that on the back I think it looks a little bit funky just because it’s sort of like a floating thing you also could

Put supports right here if you wanted to just sort of denominated it is indeed a structured item because it may look a little bit better with those supports but you really don’t have to have them it’s really up to you but for my own sanity I’m gonna go ahead and add them

Now something I did do is I put like a plant right here and right here and then I made them I think too high just like this and then on the back I went ahead I just did two plants right here in here and then made them a little bit higher

To maybe actually they were just one I’m not really sure what these connect you could do three yeah you actually could do three and I think that’d look nice and then we can go ahead and do that on the front here and then that’s going to conclude the exterior of the building ow

You may be thinking yeah you did that framing on the this side why not do the other side and I thought about that as well but I’m not sure how it looks let me do it on the tutorial live and then we’ll see if it turns out well if

It doesn’t like I see I don’t know because I’ve never done anything like that before but I think it looks cool right I mean like that looks pretty cool right I don’t know I mean if I look at it like from when I wear a ticket like a

Thumbnail like this I think it looks better but there’s there’s always too many leaves or something I don’t know there’s something wrong about doing it on the front and I can’t explain it I think it looks a little bit better just like how it was but again guys I’m just

Here to give you options you can really frame and do whatever you want with your builds but that’s just a couple of things I do I definitely leave it on the back there but I’m not so sure about doing it on the front and if you even

Like if you want to extend these windows a little bit and make it look a little bit better and she makes it look a whole lot better but I think those those bushes right there were a little bit too high I think they look a little bit

Better tamed down like that but let’s come into the build and let’s actually get to the designing the inside know this area right here is a little bit tricky okay so we’re gonna take a stair made of cobblestone the same material as this we’re gonna put it right there okay

And we’re also going to take a stair made of spruce then we’re gonna put it already had it we’ll put it right below and then we could just break out these blocks and you can get in and out of here real nice you can even I think you

Can put a slab here no but can you put you put a trapdoor here that’s the question I haven’t designed the inside I did design that one area yeah so you can’t put a trapdoor there I guess if you wanted to it’s really not gonna

Matter but I’m gonna go ahead and do the same sort of thing here maybe no I’m not gonna do that right there and I couldn’t even put a chapter maybe just like break out three blocks and then put a slab on the top and you get a nice little

Entrance into this area right here so yeah I’m going to do maybe what’s an easy material maybe not no not brick actually you know what I will i like break it’s not a very large material to chain I don’t think at least and it looks nice so let’s go ahead and

Just put it all throughout this area and then we don’t we don’t want to put brick in here but we do want to segment the second floor in here so I think that’s why I think that’s why I made those windows a weird shape so I’m gonna go up

One two three blocks and then on the fourth block I’m gonna place this lab on the top half of the top half of that fourth block and then we should have a nice little area up here as well which is cool because I like I like builds I

Have more than one four I think they’re nice I think they look cool so let me see if I can devise a way to get up and down let’s take a ladder and let’s go maybe right here I think would be the best place just in the corner and then

We have a nice little area to get up and down yeah perfect okay so let me grab some materials we’re gonna need to make this home into an actual home and then I will be back in a second here I’m trying to think about what could go in this

Little teeny tiny area I’m not really I’m not hard percent sure guys I’m really not usually I am about these things but I don’t know what exactly could be fit in here I’m thinking like like I’m just gonna think on the fly and I’m gonna try it because I feel like

This is something that maybe you want to do that maybe I don’t want to do but maybe you want to and I don’t want to I don’t want you to miss the idea or something so I’m just gonna take these chests and I’m gonna fill in this area

With chest note you can let’s go to say you can’t get the top one but does it look like you can very well at least so let’s take one of these trapdoors that we have right here and then take our ladder and you could do something like

This now I know that looks a little weird off the bat but hear me out look you can stand on it and then open it then you can get to play can’t even open that that’s why we couldn’t get to it because you can’t open it oh my gosh I’m so smart okay

Let’s take this and I think you can actually reach it I am on creative but it doesn’t increase your reach on a java version so you can’t actually access all these chests I’m not sure if that’s what you want to do at this area but from the outside it

Would look like it’s like a survival build because it’s full of chess right but I don’t know I mean I think that’s a good area like someone told me in my previous video you need more chess in your builds I mean that’s that’s one two three four five six double chess but I

Don’t know okay let me think about some more things for the inside of this build and I will be right back so I was thinking about chess I looked over here and it’s not another prime area for some chess now I don’t know if you want to

Put them here necessarily but I think I think it looks nice just because well I don’t know I just think it looks nice and you could take some stairs here and that will break into your floor here but don’t worry you can make it look the

Same at the top and then a little different below which is always nice and now you got a nice little chest area all right I mean there’s nothing wrong with that and you can put a crafting table here if you wanted to as well just so you had

One and just like access to one I guess it really isn’t gonna matter where you put those but I try to make my build survival oriented I’m not making their super pretty because super pretty is not super practical in most cases but I think that looks pretty and it’s

Practical because it’s three furnaces you need you need furnaces and survival um and I was thinking in here I don’t really know what else to put in here cuz you could put chests like like going up right here right I mean you definitely could but then then you’re you’re erring

On the side of this looks a little funky because there’s nothing under them but then maybe a trapdoor I don’t know let me know in the comments I actually think that’s pretty cool you could even put you can even put a stair here made of the outside material less brutal I had

It right there and then you could take a pot and a blue orchid just like this that’s a dinky little blue orchid but okay now you may need some lighting in here as well so let’s grab some torches this is a survival build after all so you definitely have some areas to put

Torches and don’t worry about that everything’s gonna be nice and lit up for the sake of it looking pretty I’m not gonna put the torches I’m just gonna I’m gonna ignore the survival aspect I’m just not gonna put torches because I’m gonna forget about them but I promise

There’s tons of places in here to put torches like there’s literally so many places that I don’t think you’d ever run out of areas to put torches but it looks really cool like this I actually am growing on that a lot you could even if you don’t think that’s

Supportive enough you could put stairs under here now it would it would make the area in here feel a little bit smaller and actually that I don’t like that at all but let’s just take this first trapdoor put those back okay so we have some of this rheumatism you had a

Crafting table we’ve got that that that it’s not a super huge area so it’s kind of hard to like just nudge things in here and there but we can definitely find some areas to fit things so up in here I was thinking this to be the bedroom it just feels like a fitting

Bedroom I don’t know why I think it’s just because it’s got these these grand windows with this nice view and I have been building on 12 that’s why I have PS isn’t perfect now you guys can’t see most the world but that’s okay we don’t

Need to see it we need to see what’s right and what’s right in front of us for now okay so this block right here I’m going to break and I’m actually going to put a slab on the upper half of it okay and then I’m going to put an ender chest

Here hear me out I’ll put the ender chest right there so you can sort of see above it and that doesn’t really matter it’s okay and let’s go ahead and frame this okay so we have a hanging in your chest above the bed nice we can’t really

Put a bookshelf or anything like that next to it just because it connects it but we could break this block right here and then let’s go to the outside oh yeah that’s right let’s go to the outside let’s make sure that doesn’t look too

Weird if it does we can go ahead and fix it yeah see I I liked how those were nice like flowing windows won’t effli don’t what a bookcase there let me grab this okay so let’s just fix that and break these blocks right here so there’s a couple of things we could

Do because we can’t do that we can put a stair here and just sort of have a nice frame to put things on as far as well you could put there well it’s kind of limited guys it is kind of limited you could put a chest because I don’t just

Don’t connect right no if they don’t okay so you could put a chest on one side and then you can put a stair on the other with a pot and a cactus or something everyone loves cacti I think they look nice and pot size would you like blue

Orchids if you can’t tell if you can’t till I do like blue orchids too but yeah that looks nice so far something else you could do you could put beds oh my gosh but cat hold on I feel really mean because I took my cat’s toy started shaking around she’d

Get out of her litter box stop flailing in it but not she’s staring at me how she’s going right back she’s cold right back hold on guys okay I think she’s done I think she’s done so that we don’t have to listen to that okay so I was

Thinking as I was just sitting here I’m wondering what she has to do this so loudly we could put a crafting table right there and you could even put one right there and that would definitely I mean give you ideas give you access to crafting in your bedroom but why are you

Crafting in your bedroom and like come on save that for the outside world or the living room at least but uh we could put a nice little pot here and then we could definitely fit a painting right next to it now there’s not a whole lot

Of room in here so there’s not a whole lot you could do let me put some blocks down so it’ll stop being weird there we go and then yeah I mean it’s it’s a quaint little bedroom it’s not anything huge you could put some carpeting in here

Maybe some light blue and some gray mix I’m not really sure how it’s gonna turn out but yeah something like that actually looks really good okay cool so we had a nice little bedroom now you could if you wanted to add texturing to your bedroom there’s a ton of ways you

Could do it right so if we can’t see from the outside you could put some stairs right there and that would just make the build look a little bit like bigger on the inside you don’t have to do those things I would put a right-side up stair right there and then yeah I

Mean see you can do little things like that you can take stairs and then you could put it like behind your bed and then above your bed if we could click on the right spot like that and it just it makes it well you can’t do it right

There actually you couldn’t do it below it if you wanted to but that looks a little weird so we’re not gonna do that but texturing like that can just make it build look nice okay so I just said all that stuff about texturing and down like

Hmm can I put more texturing in the build you could I mean you could make the entrance to this room look like that it’s a little bit bigger I don’t really know why you do that but I mean hey if it makes your like house feel bigger you

Can’t do it right there but like if it makes your house feel bigger like like why not do it see I mean it just makes everything look look a little bit bigger it’s not actually bigger I wouldn’t put them there on the window frames but yeah

Let me think is there anything else we could really fit here well I do know one thing if this is gonna be a true survival build we got to do an enchantment table so let’s come down in here there’s not really much room I was thinking we could put one up

Here but you can’t put the books like you’d have to put them on these walls and then you got to deal with there it’s just now we’re gonna have to go underground for this and it’s not bad I mean it’s kind of cool to always go

Underground huh I like it so let’s make sure we’re only going down two blocks just like this we don’t need a whole lot of room right so we just need to break out an area that’s a 3×3 like this okay and then the crafting table can just be

Oh the craft table the enchantment table can be right here and oh you can’t put glowstone under it if you want to make it look a little bit fancier in here it really doesn’t matter I mean if you’re not low stone right they’re not right

There and then you can fill this in and then you can put bookcases all around like this and uh Pope cases bricks and now you can take bookcases and put them all around and you can have a full enchantment table this is area it does feel a little cramped I admit so a

Little nice trick take half slabs and then just put them where these blocks are and you’re not even gonna notice a difference from above like it’s literally no different at all but down below it makes like a world of difference honestly I’m gonna put the ladder on this block right here and then

I think I’ll put an excessive amount of bookcases but I’m gonna put them on the corners I already know it’ll be a full 30 but let’s just go ahead and do that just to be sure and then yeah so what I was saying is just to be sure let’s just put them on

The corners just because we’re gonna break out some areas and put a little few put a few things here so I like to put anvils in here because I mean you’re gonna need an anvil in here I’m pretty sure but I mean maybe not maybe not we’re gonna put a bookcase behind just

Because I’m OCD and I think it looks the best now this block right here is gonna have to turn into a stair or a slab I doesn’t it doesn’t matter to me I’m just gonna put a stair there and then we could put a chest like for your books

And then this one’s gonna also turn into a stair we’re gonna break that block right there put a bookcase behind it and then just throw an inter test down so I have an enderchest anvil everything you’re gonna need for your inch am area and you gotta fall

Thirty into his table which I will confirm now just for you you critics out there saying I got one kind of full thirty look at that efficiency forward beat that guy’s okay so this area is still looking a little sparse let me think about it even more and don’t quote

Me on this but I think a famous youtuber once said when in doubt add bushes I don’t actually think someone said that I’m pretty sure and if someone did say that it was Corrales and I’m thinking in here I really am guys but there’s not a

Whole lot of area we could put like like like plants in here we could do something like that and it doesn’t look bad at all really but like I mean where’s the utility in that guys come on where’s the utility even if we put a trapdoor on top

Me and she fills the room up a little bit more but our furnaces are only accessible from that area now I don’t really know where else you’d put a bush I mean you could try to you could no you can’t put one right there but I don’t

Know I think this room’s already pretty much as good as it’s gonna be now I know you can’t really get up here but you could put a spruce trapdoor like that and then you could take ladders right and then well you can’t put up there now

Because I decided to neuter the room a little bit and put that there but look if we put ladders right here then you can get up here and you can sort of come right here and get into these chests so if you want to do something like that you definitely

Can’t let’s go ahead and just line the top since we did it on the other one you could put a torch right there as well so yeah we could just actually put the ladder right there and then you could just sort of jump cool okay so that

Rooms nice this room is I mean it says fill that was gonna be there’s not much area to still fill out we got the bedroom done let’s go up top and see what we can do with the upstairs area which is actually really nice it’s I

Think we could fit a lot up here in a little bit of space but we’ll see how well that turns out so let’s just start off with some chess okay because you are gonna need chess and survival build very important very very important someone did say they need more you need more

Chess in the build so I agree I agree we don’t need more crafting tables I’ve already obsessed with the crafting tables I put way too many but we’ll go ahead and just throw a crafting table for good measure right here you can put a spruce trapdoor on top if you want to

It’s really not important let’s take a pot actually it’s gonna make it look a little bit better and then let’s see one oh my god but dark oak wood there we go cool and then maybe even just a stare here with something I’m not really sure

Let’s see we don’t have a whole lot how did I do that what did I do okay I don’t have a whole lot of furnaces so might as well put a few more furnaces up here we can’t put them next to the window so we have to put them like right there and

Then we could just put the full block down okay so pretty much as full as it’s gonna get there’s not a whole lot else you can really put in here because it’s gonna have to be next to the window but you could put a piece of soul sand there

And then you could put a stair right here I wouldn’t use the same material that’s it well let’s just go for like cobblestone actually now that I think about it let’s put a Colin stair I think you guys have sort of an idea of where I’m going this let’s take a brewing

Stand okay and let’s put that on top of there and can we fit a painting behind it because if we can we should totally put it there it’s not necessary whatsoever but okay perfect okay let’s take a piece of nether wart oh wow I spelled that wrong nether wart and let’s

Just plop that down right there now you don’t have to line this with anything really I mean it just looks kind of cool it’s just gonna be sitting there growing and then I think you can put a painting yeah you can put a painting behind there

Like that cool and then I think instead of this right here we’re actually gonna want a cauldron just because we already do have that we do a crafting table elsewhere in the build but maybe you want another crafting table in here I don’t really know we could just put it

Right there and let’s take some water fill that in cool now you got a nice little brewing area is it Pig no could you do much with it well you can do a little bit with it but we filled out this room as much as we literally could

There’s not much to me you can’t put blocks right here you could take carpet I guess if you wanted to and do the same sort of green well we shouldn’t do it like that we should do this yeah we should like grey and then this cyan

Right here and you could do like a little a little bit of a carpet maybe a little something up here I don’t know just to make it feel a little bit I wrote the cozier I guess let’s go ahead and take this ladder and let’s put that

One more block up perfect okay so on this floor we didn’t really have a carpet so let’s just go ahead and just sort of randomly place carpet blocks and and randomly choose the color it’s not really gonna be important what colors you choose but you want to make sure you

Just sort of mix them up a little bit maybe like that cool now we got a nice little carpet got a carpet in here and I don’t know I think it looks cool I I don’t know about the carpet on this floor just because I like the way brick

Looks and if you’re making that expensive block you probably want to see it a little bit all right so yeah I think that’s gonna be a good conclusion to this build if you enjoyed watching me build this or you enjoyed actually building yourself please leave me a like

Down below that’s really gonna help the channel out if we could get a thousand likes for this modern house I’d be super super happy again I’m not a super super talented modern builder but I’m getting better and better and I really hope you guys are enjoying the content I am

Producing if you guys want to see more content like this and more click that subscribe button and you get notified when I upload if you don’t want to see more videos by me you don’t have to subscribe but if you want to use my shader pack texture pack or any of that

Stuff it’s all gonna be down in the description below I’d like to thank you guys a final time for watching see in my like survival builder instinct makes me want to do that it makes me want to frame the window like like like like this but I know that just is that’s not

Right for my it’s just looks a little weird like I want to go over here and I want to take cobblestone and I just want to like line it up because I usually I build in like a style that’s more like survival oriented I guess and I really

Want to do stuff like that but I’m not I’m not really totally sure how that looks I think it looks okay but it doesn’t fit the blocky modern sort of I don’t even know what it’s called but yeah I think that looks a little bit better okay so if you guys want to

Subscribe subscribe if you don’t want to subscribe don’t subscribe if you want to leave a like if we could get a thousand likes in this video that would be highly appreciated let me know if you want to see more modern let me know if you want to see any specific ideas and the

Comments down below but the interior of this build turned out pretty well and this is a long long winded outro so I am so sorry but we got the enchantment table got everything in this build so yeah thank you guys a final time for watching and I’ll see you in the next

Build bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Modern House Tutorial (How to Build)’, was uploaded by TheNeoCubest on 2019-03-10 00:21:10. It has garnered 483407 views and 10106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:51 or 1611 seconds.

This easy survival Minecraft easy modern house tutorial shows how to build an easy modern survival house that is easy for your modern needs on your survival Minecraft world on any version of Minecraft! I really loved designing this build for you guys, I know you have been asking for a modern Minecraft house for a long time and I have finally gotten one I was happy with. Can we get 1,000 likes for this modern build?? Thank you all so so much for watching! You’re the best 😀 Bye!!



“Nowhere Land” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

“Pamgaea” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

“Magic Scout – Farm” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Some of my most recent popular videos you should check out are below!

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  • LeafXP-TerraFirmaGreg modded SMP

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  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

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  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

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  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

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  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

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  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

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  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

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  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

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  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far ■Twitter ■instagram #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?🎃 #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More