Go if you guys want to join these realms they’ll be on the screen and in the link in the description um these have no rules hackers are allowed you guys can do anything you want i recommend joining these these are my favorite people have already played Video Information
This video, titled ‘These three realm servers have no rules hackers are allowed and it bedrock edition’, was uploaded by Coopernite9876 on 2022-06-01 19:06:29. It has garnered 8551 views and 196 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds.
The first realm code link is: https://realms.gg/ajRbECagXUQ
The second realm code link is: https://realms.gg/9sGjA5R_W-g
The third realm code link is: https://realms.gg/KcYPN2mJHXM