They Need a Doppio. EN X ID Collab in [MINECRAFT] 【NIJISANJI EN | Double Dropscythe】

Video Information

Thank you Thank you Wait I can’t hear anything why can I why can’t I hear anything hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on

Hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on don’t be hold on don’t be hold on don’t be hold on don’t be holding on holding on dopion nope you’re holding on holding on don’t be on

Dope hold it up no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no hey where’d I go hey oh there I am cool all right and then and then I just need to bigify not that one Nice okay okay got it got it got it got it and then and then and then and then and then I’m gonna lower this one super lower the background music and then I’m gonna say hi everyone Hi Sidekicks it’s me dopio we’re gonna be playing Minecraft with Sam finds from

All around the world and I’m gonna make them laugh I’m gonna make them laugh I’m gonna make them laugh then you Kitsune welcome to Arcade no welcome to happy hatching day thank you starfu thank you so much keep me with me thank you so much

Thank you so much but I’m gonna be I’m gonna be focused on making them laugh so I’m gonna have chat over here so I can read chat but I’m gonna be making them laugh so if I don’t see your messages I’ll I’ll be reading your messages later

At the end but thank you so much Jennifer thank you really thank you thank you thank you thank you God to crew thank you oh yeah wish me luck wish me luck I’m gonna try making him laugh this is dope you can do I’m a detergent

Comedy King I don’t know about that but yeah and and let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see and then and then and then and then and then and then and then I click this one and I click this one thank you

Sugany thank you thank you patodi thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you now let’s have fun I went all around the world we’ve got Aya there denim condo there me dopio there Fiona kotoka NADA right so far oh okay hello hello hello hello hello hello hello

Hello D foreign yes senpai’s from all around the world have you ever heard of the game bug fables oh my gosh yeah first time I hear it first time okay okay yeah what is bug oh dear what is we should explain why we’re here oh yeah actually that’s probably a

Little bit more important yeah yeah whoops okay okay sorry I got it it’s okay but I do have a question for you in return yeah you can get back to Buck fables anyways plan the most of it but basically mostly it’s not even me it’s mostly denim yeah

Everything but we have decided to do the en ID Minecraft collab and we’re gonna build two monuments one on each server and just you know hang out and they still what I’m sorry where are you they’re dying oh oh my God people are killing each other after it’s hopefully wholesome

That’s like second nature survival Instinct server first yeah sure yeah let’s go okay wait where are we going wait where are we going I was I was looking into designs where are we going um I am alone at the bulletin board seems like I’m separated because I was on the tour nament s

Where am I oh there you go thank you thank you I don’t know where they went though I’m gonna I’m gonna be the tour guide I’m gonna show them where to go but I have to find out where they are first are they in the subway it must be in the

Subway everyone says the bulletin board anyone I hope this I hope this is bulletin board like lost the skeleton pictures my favorite oh my God you put the beacon back finally finished my project property The first time the first time [Laughter] if you’re a guest here oh my God yeah look at all this loot just yeah everyone’s just taking it for me I actually kind of need some of this actually here who wants pants mom pants do I need pants

There you go there you go give him a giveaway look who gives away his pants for free oh my gosh for a second I I thought you gave me like one of those like the armors when you put it on you can’t take it off ever anymore

I am much more intrigued about the goat horns though that’s a lot yeah my pants will be stuck on me [Applause] what’s on my head can I take the chicken yeah it’s so ugly yeah Volume check master volume 50 volume change my favorite one yeah maybe we should we could like introduce ourselves okay all right hello How are you are you are you echoing I hear I get through Reza’s mic I think I hear you like talk again hello do you really like oh I don’t know what that is but you know thanks for sharing that’s okay [Laughter] oh stop stop thinking about him

Next is on top of my head he’s just sitting politely on top of each other right click are these certain dominance thank you is it me okay here from xid nice to meet you all Lord how do you do that what you write click when your hands are empty

Wait is anybody on top oh okay oh my God what the heck oh my God foreign sit like that right you can type slash sit in chat slash holy oh my God I am the Helm of this Gundam oh next ah right hello hello everybody I’m your nurse I mean

I’m here but nobody ever says my name so yeah I’m here on Earth yeah that too you can call me whatever actually um I’m the Panthers yeah you can call me whatever whatever hello whatever but yeah hello hello hi hi hi where is denim is right here with me we’re in the in

The place that we’re gonna build the thing yeah should we start walking yeah can we turn off the rain audio volume at just at the same time turn off the rain can we oh I can yeah weather clear no no you can’t say it like that you have to say a magic spell

Oh yeah there we go or hi everyone excellent Thank you all for joining today oh my gosh that’s a load of people oh yeah hello it’s me load of people okay we’re loads I have my Noble seed I am a snowball you’re next oh yeah exciting Nice to meet you all hello Hey oh my gosh oh oh I don’t want me eating fish um Wait wait say the line say the line it’s just for you oh my God [Laughter] out of me what’s that the tower kind of just collapsed who’s next hi hi that rhymes with his name oh hi I’m right oh my God second wave question mark uh hi anyway he rhymed again hi hi

And then next we have uh uh oh oh I’m next um my name is hello everyone chord username nickname the the cult baby yeah we need to ask Naggy from KR for that oh my god of course it’s her I see you yeah I see I see how do you sit down

Right click right it’s like slash sit slash sit is it really no it’s nine oh my gosh yeah also slash explosions [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] why are people dying when we’re just trying to introduce ourselves oh my gosh yay rexa yeah let’s go [Applause] oh my God I can actually say shoe who is

You hello why am I handcuffed uh yamino and apparently I’m just hand cooked again wait what wait what you could be more than that what what everyone Um what a shoe cuff yeah will I get will I get royalties for that for sure maybe yeah exactly what do you mean maybe maybe it depends on how much money we make oh oh that’s true if you don’t make any money I wouldn’t get any royalties exactly right speaking of royal Roy

That would be kind of you okay that’s a nice egg I guess oh shoot shoot oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] you’ve been shoe cuffed oh my God I’m blowing the horn oh my God hi I’m okay villara from nicholendi Ian’s fifth wave noctix if if our globe gets ugly’s gonna be the

One to fix everything yes completely believe fully believe thank you thank you [Applause] Cornelia the Z stands for okay [Laughter] let’s go that’s us that’s usanji yes oh my God I can fly oh wow oh my God [Laughter] he actually almost died whoa I have osteop [Laughter]

So I just sent like a tutorial of like what we’re gonna make so basically you know the uh who’s going to like the Universal Studios in Japan or like or even Disney you know those like big glows that they have at like the entrance of amusement parks like that the spinning one yeah

Big one so basically we’re gonna try making this this globe thingy using all the powers and trying to make it a sphere and then we have a lot of glass here that we’re just gonna pitch in and make it was chicken there so are we like making making the globe

Out of the chickens or because chicken blocks that’s um okay so first of all how many each person how many materials each person take my question is like how big do you want the spirit yes talking and basically like tell them how big did you want to see me

Where are we putting it right here right here like oh like here here yeah is it on top of this this mountain or is it just yeah just here just here uh okay okay this is like a white mouth at school oh that’s the flight school yeah that’s a

School what school looks like this [Laughter] recently schools have been just a kid in front of a computer so I’ve been handcuffed this isn’t this isn’t school this is jail I can’t move out of here oh my God I can’t even push you thank you I’ve been released you got debated I

Can’t believe it activated you got Travis where’s the um more like prison baby so basically we have to make like the the base first the base tutorial build so maybe like okay then okay I need a pickle so I think I was looking yeah I was yeah we were looking at the tutorial

Okay I like this I’m watching the tutorial I don’t know am I on the way okay I’m watching too let’s see careful I’m sure there was some turn this other thing that you know this is how to make beer yeah this one yeah whoa this looks really complicated

I think you got the wrong guy for the job I can give morals or oral support yeah are we doing the are we doing like the biggest sphere A lot of help yeah but you have to introduce yourself first I’m Sunny hello hi I’m coming I wanna watch the guide whoa there wait oh wow do you like you guys are already doing this yeah yeah yeah I know I’m more concerned about like okay okay

Did I do it did I did it it’s worth worth two chickens we can just you know thank you and just destroy everything let’s go let’s go let’s go I mean not destroy it destroy it but you get what I mean no destroy is destroyed just destroy it a little bit destroy it

A little bit a little like when we need to make Corrections and stuff yeah so many Corrections make Corrections oh my God a color block is that is that blue yeah I think that’s a blue light blue light blue yeah how do we do that do we do we get blue dye and

Glasses a crafting table ah oh it has to be in the crafting table okay okay I got it yeah in the crafting table way I don’t know how to make this a sphere after this but basically and just you know just climb and just I mean I could try helping but probably

Not straight up with the glass maybe like with the wool first so that it’s easier to take off um like this is the wood part this is gonna be the biggest itself yeah yeah yeah all right what about around the area yes yeah I guess we can do some whatever we

Want we have the resources okay I’m gonna um borrow some quartz from Kiel real quick okay put that there all right I got 64. let’s go I haven’t watched the video but that’s okay it’s just going up help I’m stuck it’s already over help I’m going back down I’m discouraged deep we’re discouraged

Don’t be I hit my Noggin that’s funny D for do it can anyone please do you think lava wall s we have a race car track race cars yeah you can race at the Minecarts wow okay sunny it’s showing off huh Golden Apple I’m gonna go get Embrace of a car hmm

Mmm oh well everyone’s so small gosh this is really complicated what does a golden apple do uh it’s called them it gives me gold and allergies oh are you allergic to cold so I’ll get a golden allergy oh it’s like an allergy but sparkling it’s cool

Then we’re stuck no no who’s stuck oh okay get up oh my God oh I think this is right I think this is I don’t think it’s I’ll just follow you once not yet sphere if anyone needs to fall let me know I have a bucket of water all right

I think the light blue exactly it’s really reassuring yeah I think I’m doing it guys you are you’re doing it careful okay I don’t exactly know what I’m doing we need the sun spell again you’re being cute I’m not in the way I’m a detergent [Laughter] I’m a detergent okay let’s see oh

Is it okay Hello hello hello no it’s like a circle almost almost oh my God yo we can we can do math problems with this we can find the diameter D for diameter find the volume of the sphere exactly okay okay a different color of blue circumference or volume the volume oh circumference is C equals

Two pi r are you guys actually because then the volume is like is it the volume four yeah as Engineers no no you don’t understand niji Sanji en stands for niji Sanji engineer so we’re engineering right now are you yeah exactly exactio engineer yeah we are able to create a biological

Well you do it like this Warfare biological what shoot what are you talking about shoe what are you trying to make glow because it’s a biosphere you know yeah that’s not tall enough one two three four five sorry I only took like a year of biology

I I have something to tell you this is geometry shoe not more not biology yeah yeah it is there’s different kinds of engineering shoe it could be like mechanical engineering yeah it needs yeah it doesn’t have to be biological engineering you can do that at home

Already why I don’t know I I was feeling the biology yes okay ready ready ready for engineering On top this is really looking like a shape but we can just we don’t need a room yeah yeah we could change this to the glass already if it’s already like looking good enough yeah yeah I’m gonna do that I’m doing that It’s your base I’ll just put I’ve counted apart I did my math oh thank God thank God a little uh a little patch of quartz here and I thought it’d be nice if you can read it outwards with the layers of um colored glasses yeah glass it was me

I couldn’t tell it was dark it was dark okay the actual world is not just one color of blue yeah yeah it can be like a lot of dude yeah destroy destroying my hard work destroy the world yeah you should you should you should actually just destroy it what okay you

Know what I feel bad you know what that’s fine no don’t you know what in the end even though I tried so hard it doesn’t even matter it doesn’t even matter it doesn’t even matter it doesn’t even matter it doesn’t even matter what is the wool

On fire get the world on fire oh my gosh what’s happening no fire no fire hazard no no no no no no please no this is what happens when you chew five thumbs are we the engineer yet I think it’s done oh my God what’s going on is this climate change

Oh oh it’s climate change isn’t it climate change there’s forest fires it’s foreign What huh shoe frozen chicken from this angle it looks like one of those imaginary shapes like those like the clean theoretical shapes yeah they’re right here oops oh my God it’s like that it’s like a diagram of uh of an atom because they’re not gonna afford that

Much they’re not correct scales it’s a fourth dimensioner actually way smaller it’s a tesseract four-dimensional parallelogram a gram wait huh huh are we going to break all of them yeah yeah I’m gonna start breaking I’m gonna start breaking it then what’s going on yeah we’re just gonna start because yeah we have enough um scaffold scaffold what are we making the base out of ah oh my god oh yeah yeah that’s what I thought no no no no

No not too easy that’s too easy okay that’s too easy all right you go deep into the mines and you go find us like the rarest diamonds and we’ll make it a diamond oh boy just don’t you can’t come back until you find all the diamonds I would stairs No I’ve been delegated for delegate yeah okay here I guess oh what happened well I mean I got you after you you fell yes thank you for biologically helping me yes what’s that means just pour water over it congrats scaffolding it biology biological engineer yes I I am biologically engineering yeah yeah

Everything’s engineering if you think about it oh I do that oh make it range Oh yeah oh nice oh so if I pour water under the scaffolding the scaffolding will break right oh my gosh please oh fine okay [Laughter] where are you I need your knowledge no no so I kept the one in the chest I’ve got this and I’ve got this can we make a

Golden base out of this PSA are gold based yeah how do we do that this is not enough just smelt it smelt it Okay you smelled it and I’ll dealt it didn’t like the the green because it’s supposed to I don’t know if it’ll make enough but it’ll be dry uh maybe maybe somebody has a lot of gold might have gold Worth right here oh yeah there’s a lot of gold blocks right here

That’s funny s’mores oh we need Gold Blocks where are they oh whoa dopio look this way look this way Now and then is this a gold block yeah that one yeah we have to get that one did you guys say good luck yeah someone put the handcuffs hello hello uh en server right now where and what en server the en server oh there we go with patches

Oh yeah I don’t need to introduce myself everyone knows who I am yeah I know I just told I just told my chat because my child was like Petra you’re missing the introductions and I was like come on guys I don’t even do that it’s true okay

Out of spite towards my chat I’m not gonna Salvage I’m not gonna introduce myself okay where’s everyone right now okay all right uh in the globe okay everyone set your respawn point I’d bring bed oh my God the respawn points work now oh you got a Bend yeah

The bed is that the chest I found it I found all of the gold blocks it’s it’s over it’s over dopio yeah did you get a gold this gold from like a shady like gold gold Trader no it’s not shady stop it won’t let me know yeah

Do you see the do you see the the rosebud S no I know I know where the rosebud is hmm oh this is good TVs oh my gosh she’s gone maybe we should put water underneath so what are we impersonating the police technology and she just pulled me like oh connection What’s up how do I make myself useful you don’t exactly look the plan was like to put the wool inside and like Patrick can you help me find a bunch of gold oh well that makes more sense we need as much gold we need as much as possible

Just gaslighting me into doing his like no no no no we actually need to make a base out of gold but we don’t have gold oh my God chest is here I found some gold all right I’m just gonna forgot about my gold oh yeah yeah I’m dead I think this

Looks exactly like wait you died though I died because you didn’t put water below how could you say that shoe she literally died and we all mourned her death her tragic deaths I thought I thought you were gonna biologically put water below me what happened okay I’ll cry I’ll cry right now

Biologically putting water underneath it yeah oh [ __ ] that’s a weird way I don’t know um oh wait it’s this way for the tutorial there wasn’t but you could if you want I mean what Victoria you don’t have her this is robbing you don’t have permission to use this item what Robin [Applause]

You come in here and you commit crimes Petra I picked something up and I just wanted to you didn’t even introduce yourself I wanted to rob people didn’t even introduce yourself and you’re already committing crime I can’t fix yourself why can’t I handcuff anyone if you already know who you are [Applause] Girl yeah [Applause] have anyone why isn’t it why isn’t it working because you’re not God hold on I’m beginning to feel all animals are born equal but some are more equal than others it’s true did it works I found my way I’m almost there no no no I’m gonna get you here buddy I’m gonna

Get you here all right sitting on top of me I’m watching this tower all right Paul mosa and then Rye oh thank you I was almost there how do I how do I get on top foreign oh man I was I was feeling me it’s my gosh oh yeah sure you told me to get some gold I got some gold wait what happened to Michael mask this is your tomb home now if you wish I’m in the zoo why isn’t this working from nature and Back To Nature

Cuffs Back To Nature you can throw me food through here oh right you can’t use a boy try it what continent is this oh my God there’s a thief come to stare at the Clown do you want me to do a dance um I want to see the clown where is she

Where the heck did the scaffolding go away you know what a little dance I recognize that song for the for the end your death chest right here thank you how did she die she felt like three feet those three feet were really talented he was wearing weighted socks Oh [ __ ] uh now he doesn’t exactly look like a sphere the side that kind of yeah sticks out I think I think tried to make that as you know a placeholder for me wait who did that that’s that temporary thing Yeah I think we’re making wait can I have some gold too I I want to help the base I want her help doing something but I don’t know what I can help with oh Petra can you teach yourself what are you doing with this huh yellow blocks I can’t teach anything in

This game honored you think I can teach at all this is the mode okay molding we’re molding wait a minute I’m going to mode wait what else do we need right now we need the base right now I only have my bare hands to break Woods if someone got it honestly

Iron ax oh on a guy but it only has like two bars left me and Ryan teamwork forever I’m on the base oh my gosh you guys did it yeah nice thank you Sunny mode time I’m going to break open time it’s moating time it’s moating time

Watch out I’m going to mode engineering time remote is so hard it became daytime oh my God no wow there he goes there he goes guys if I just look busy that’s what I’ve been doing yeah just replace all the Outer Woods [Laughter] this one’s pretty good I love worth it

Wow you sound just like the guy from here I was referencing Mr Beast Boy sure first okay sure I forgot his name Chris or something all YouTubers Chris if you’re out there oh no we recognize you Chris this is for you Chris if you remember okay somebody has to make a sign even

Do you think you think it looks like this that’s so pretty that’s so pretty from here I’m sorry this one is broken Yeah but we’re also doing this on the um be slow and inefficient oh it’s complete yeah a little bit more than the bottom yeah yeah it is yeah at least the forest fire is not there anymore so okay guys I’ll be the inefficient one so that the collab lasts longer wait it’s

Okay we still need to do this in iodizer first yeah that was my job doing it twice exactly we like to work so much rainbow Duty and fill up the little divot right here on purpose I don’t know hey you’re funny I bought some friends I brought friends who are your friends I want to meet them oh my goodness gracious they’re gonna help us well son that’s really good thinking I see oh you didn’t tell us your friends were coming over for dinner oh my God they’re so loud oh my God oh wow friendly creatures oh my God are you finally woken up homo Good morning I was muted the whole time good morning Ohio yeah and help your friends um I’m gonna be helpful slime I have no idea what’s going on I don’t know what’s going on along the way the way you’re like body blocking the places is it gonna wrap around perfectly uh

My favorite color was this calculated I absolutely did pretend that yes yes please me yes can you prove it yeah I did nothing you provided a lot of a lot of masks do nothing but like they’re like you know paved she’s the mascot you’re paying her Amino what okay

No no it’s okay that’s okay you don’t have to get more be friends oh wait but wait what are we doing we’re not done yet are we your favorite place which one all right my house it’s not tall enough [Applause] I don’t think so no no um clowns

Yeah can we put a light source in the middle like a sea lantern oh what if you put lava like the core yeah I was thinking if you put lava it’s like magma in the center wouldn’t that be really cool because because the world is really actually full of lava you’re right

It’s true that’s where Bowser lives by the way that’s where Bowser lives mine all those things [Laughter] you are tempted by my mind like a piglet seeks money he’s spitting facts oh there’s a lot of the uh not sleeping The Hash Slinging Slasher I think a lot of us haven’t slept

Yeah I guess that’s why the things how many licks does it take to get to the center of the world and the world revolves around me there you go yeah Now the globe is crooked again oh really hold on laughs just one blank do you need more blanks I’ll make it I’m like right the cleaner upper hi hello hi policeman um why are you opening my chest just because you need a permit to look through my stuff I’ve seen detective

Shows I know that the cops need a permit oh yeah you need a warrant oh no would you please stop thank you forgot to eat I’m sorry no there’s some food can you teleport me there like I’m so far away I’m on the race track oh [ __ ] oh my God oh my gosh

Prime [Applause] Hmm I know it does why is the Rye saying crying we need something stand for in your name I mean it’s like fill it up on the inside foreign yeah what does PV stand for Police Department exactly cry because crime gives them a job oh my god oh this this clown that’s

Actually worse From Below than up there that’s actually really deep wait is rye also a cop I’m a cop oh my God from from space or something it’s an inter-dimensional police horrible aliens and stuff that’s why he’s she spaced out a lot thank you God damn guys

What am I talking about again yeah thank you oh my gosh another Minecraft clutch from Uki Violetta if you love to see it clutch number 15. [Laughter] all right okay clutch Minecraft physics I don’t know what I did but sure top Minecraft okay wait so all we need

To watch Mojo but like and Minecraft moments really that already exists let’s see I’m really some lava well maybe not like watch Mojo style but there’s already like yeah I I want to watch Mojo no there’s already top niji Sanji moments and it’s called niji Sanji official channel are you subscribed

Oh [ __ ] is were the same person for like the first month of their debut you know you know that hurts me that hurts is for dopio v stands okay it’s specifically like male voices especially I can’t tell between them sometimes oh no oh I get I missed mixed

Up that’s based so often in clips because everybody tries to sound like Luca and then eventually you start sounding like do we do we sound like everybody else no they say would you say that everyone has good and bad in them right so everyone has good and some Aussie you know

Oh yes I heard that it’s a totally different one I didn’t have any Australia looks like we’ve got some local news it’s not like supposed to be like some rain clouds either no one chose to be Indonesian I am so sorry that you’re Indonesian by the way yeah thank you

I feel like everyone I’m like like a magma get out get up now get away that violates code one I need to do these show me the disgrace is yeah it’s actually these it um brother where did you wait wait wait hi what oh no anymore really murdered like a graveyard here

It’s all right why can’t I do anything oh there we go okay this is this is either gonna break everything or be really cool gold what do you mean look at it look at it no it’s gold okay sorry counterfeit okay how are we gonna put the love in is it

Is it just like directly underneath um whose butt is on top of me if I do this stuff [Applause] All of my stuff wait I picked it up by accident okay there we go I really tried to swim it’s true he tried I did it what happened to the Box yeah my box is gone There it’s there don’t worry it’s not it’s not an actual it’s not an actual chest item it’s literally just like you know server made so it’s not gonna break yeah it looks like the one how am I supposed to get it baked beans oh yeah there’s only uh yeah

We’ve got a Tetris block full of lava oh sure don’t you give me my stuff we see something hold on I want my stuff I want my stuff is gone [Applause] for death I got my stuff good my sacrifice was my sacrifice was wait let me get out

I’m getting out I’m getting out together Hot Stuff hot stuff you know I’m gonna get more lava we need we probably need what is this what happened right here right here Penguins can’t fly apparently nice I’m burying my death chat with the the sea land too yeah they

Don’t have me upsetting right now buckets of lava how am I supposed to get I’m gonna get like a million buckets of lava do you want to do it that’s water below us I think she really wants to do it with lava we got it wait does the water not get

The scaffolding anymore oh okay are we really going to wait we’re not right filling this uh we’re not putting any lights inside the globe right oh are we not doing the lava yeah you want to get lava oh so we are getting lava yeah I’ll pick you want it to be but it’s

Gonna take several layers of glass if you want it to be more hidden but what about the sealantern then well we have a god um They have forsaken us God is dead and we have killed her almost is here what you see it was only a moment what do you see what do you want my precious child on God for you all I’m drinking all of this milk I drank four four milks McDonald’s fight necklace

When you call it nickels yeah uh probably okay I’m trying to I came from the underneath okay okay just make it home these two silly police we can get like around I mean thank you bald oops wait wait what if we no what

If wait what if we oh no if we what if we pull a ruby and sapphire from Pokemon is gonna be red for lava and the ID is gonna be blue for water yeah that’s cute yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah should have done it from above better believe oh yeah

Of dying you know with water yeah yeah although it’s also funny how like the end in the en logo is actually blue while ID logo was yes this becomes a cultural exchange you see what I mean yeah cultural exchange my blue and we have that’s definitely the plan before yeah yeah

Yeah you’re conceived by me don’t feel that’s totally what we’ve matched since the start wow conceived by me dopia okay I’ve got four lavas who’s brave enough to do it I know what that means it means it’s all according to cake all right Mr keikaku okay can you plan this

Mr Dory Mr George Mr Dory yeah Dory where’s Nemo where’s Nemo I don’t get it is like Dory when Dory actually has like a plan just keep swimming yeah yeah more than just keep swimming swimming you know I’m gonna do it oh it’s okay [Laughter] thank you I’m gonna do it I’m gonna do it I’m doing it careful up there I’m doing it the door just keeps coming just feel sorry maybe just make like another like a smaller sphere inside a smaller sphere inside the sphere oh my God it’s too complicated yeah I got it I

Got it don’t worry guys I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it that’s okay don’t worry everyone don’t worry everyone don’t worry everyone I got it I got it everyone don’t worry it was my idea he is live for the Earth the thing then

We did it with your chest what’s wrong with her chips what’s wrong with your chairs [Laughter] that’s not okay half of it only in the bottom here hey now you’re ready No I didn’t do anything love is enough oh All That Glitters gold huh oh yeah and and I’ll start because because Stars should I give you a bucket of lava give me okay I just feel like some I don’t have a group of people oh my gosh no I have a bridge boat

Yeah okay thank you get in like I cut open a lava cake and it’s just flowing out flowing right this is your home now and you can never leave okay yeah don’t do it don’t do it the food is so strong okay it’s an hour to open it stop

Don’t do it don’t be coming down I don’t know what it is what is that dopest it’s a dopio fish I call it the dopio fish hey that’s dope yeah it’s a doppio fish oh that’s me yeah that’s me it’s a little Dopey it’s a little Dopey that’s me that’s me

Give it to me please did you burn some calories yeah I’m I’m like halfway if you burn some calories that’s some biological engineering how do you do that oh yeah you’re switching servers oh oh okay okay [Applause] what Mom will take you there yeah Minecraft what why does the ID server

Look so much cooler than ours what the heck oh my gosh oh my God wait where am I are you guys in the airport I’m in times I’m going to play what um why are they so talented okay what the heck um what the heck congrats oh my goodness gracious oh [ __ ]

The ID service whoa that’s what I’m saying yeah um should play Minecraft yeah maybe more people should play Minecraft I wanna no I wanna just like go into the game give me a turn I’m untalented that’s the problem that’s the problem here Oh my goodness gracious come here come here uh people in dhaka’s Tower have you yeah we’re out yeah oh Taco Tower is pretty close by hold on no thank you car a car there’s a map safety oh my gosh to my horse oh my God are you sure why is it like this

He’s just vibing he really never stops spinning it’s like Beyblade that’s too much coffee Beyblade dude [Laughter] wow 2.0 uh continues the Legacy [Applause] dizzy dizzy son you can’t throw up you can’t vomit over here okay okay there’s um no the horse are Charming oh nice okay guys like we’re wearing school uniforms we we really were bad hosts all right we need to be sleeping we’re bad horses no

We were bad hosts we didn’t do anything like this I feel you logged on like five minutes before that horses one by one press the pressure plate one by one wow wow wowzers that’s the cake thank you This Server is like this is all this progress 2033 yeah wait okay

I’m telling you let’s move here it’s like okay this cake is like it is oh my God everyone is using iron stuff it’s our school uniform we’re on the field trip to the ID server who’s the teacher okay all these torches oh my God this triggers me Happy birthday I’ll take it so I actually don’t know how big the globe was gonna be so I cleaned like this big area oh my God it’s a creeper get out of here Creeper Creeper or get out of here creeper you don’t like it you don’t understand me get out of here creeper

Battle creepers are actually thinking when they when they come and blow us up they’re like who’s making that sound this is oh my gosh not the whole earth it’s the horn thing right now can you make this one are we going uh [Laughter] somebody’s got a friend if I see you

Living here I have to kill them I want to take a picture of this and save it forever sunny sunny and his friend Jonah’s kissing a pig [Applause] oh they’re they’re kissing passionately what are you talking about and I guess Sunny is into it because he just sent a happy face

I I guess I’ll take a picture of that later okay so it’s like a six by six right it’s like yeah was it six by six oh my God yeah it’s six by six oh my gosh what’s happening looks like she’s from Attack on Titan yeah Oh my God for free he was so prepared when I was in here oh my gosh there’s also another dress there so yeah yeah we’ve got our own beds magenta [Laughter] I’m purple yeah I got some chicken before Uki takes the purple you know Daisy likes purple are we gonna be easy I don’t know where are you I I just I thought I wanted to see if I could bounce off the bed from that height and I did but I also died oh my god did you um where did you respond yeah I put a bed down already okay

Came the pig to be hurt oh my gosh that was an accident let’s get something yeah is there any chest that I can you know what I’ll just make one yeah okay Um foreign [Laughter] what are we doing with the blue yeah I just figured that it’s easier to see the shape of the globe if you use it my man That’s it thank you because I I also don’t know how to help so let’s look cute together okay teach me some Indonesian how do I say thank you in Indonesian yes Indonesian minus the L and the D so it’s like go block go blind thank you thank you just to be

Clear that’s not thank you Indonesia what did you tell me what did you teach me yes Roblox yes yeah gold block there you go foreign [Laughter] oh my God what is happening I don’t know yeah we’re we’re doing Sao that’s what we’re doing called role playing yeah do you want to cheat what what’s going on what’s going on oh my god oh no oh no whoa it’s sunny I cannot believe this wait this this

Dirt Tower uh can I describe you know what I’ll take this because I’ve been in this level okay he’s losing his mind I want to see what’s going on wazuki I do where do you go all right somebody take us to the parkour yeah yeah come on [ __ ] let’s go

Find and we’ll find somebody let’s go come on we have to be the engineer I I got rid of my parkour progress just for this that’s on you I’ve been in this tower for one year one year one year to progress one year update they can’t be better

Than us in parkour too right I’ll get it I’ll get it I hope you all they’re better than us in every way oh man no way six by six not the Union why is sunny here too when did he get here he’s in parkouring this whole time

I thought you thought it was right Between people in general you know one day when penguins happy full what are you talking about oh my God you’re right I’m so much faster when I jump yeah yeah you’re faster can’t wait to go back later after checking out the parkour Tower I struggled so much when we made hours

Apparently the only one from En who cleared the tower homo go to sleep good night which stage are you at which stage oh ships if pomo’s gone and uki’s stuck in the tower then Ian is actually useless I can’t do it oh where are you I was trying to

Say goodbye to Pomo and then I got lost oh no I feel like I I just lost one of my students we should have been holding hands the whole time oh no kindergarteners oh my God oh my God how does it feel Patrick to be confused

Taste of my own medicine yeah what do you what do you know it’s an honor to be compared to Palmer oh no I don’t see her honored to even be similar isn’t this the tower as long as you can go to the tower does it say mg Metal Gear

Combat solid with the c ouch metal here College MSS office building oh no where is she I found an office can you just teleport please you just head to the big dragon Tower how could you expect somebody who gets lost going a straight line to build the

World huh that’s what I’m worried that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying let’s just go to the Tower and yeah let’s just go let’s just go and then I’ll find her after that the first level of the tower was to find it that was the

First level if if you really need to go there Petra you can also swim and you’ll come up to the entrance eventually I need to you mad oh [Applause] hold on one four seven negative eight ninety uh we’re at negative six nine eight two four two wait I’ll just okay two

Four two Petra Mission it’s like uh that’s my question is that the tower power in the middle of the ocean it looks like yeah is that a dragon yeah the dragon Mahjong tile s exist yes aiming on the Dragon yeah am I doing this like I’m gonna go back to the Earth guys

Are these nuts [Applause] but did you find us did you find us yeah what’s your what’s your coordinates now how am I gonna get friends I lost the kid okay my parents don’t care oh wow oh man now um yeah my parents are like you know Hansel

And Gretel they’re like thank God we lost him wait did you see the coordinates that we posted oh my God yeah but I ignored them you know fine let’s just go to the tower okay I guess the entrance is sucks oh that means someone’s near you how did you find it yeah

The tower the whole time wait with chicken how are we supposed to go back to the Earth it’s so far away I thought it’d be right there so messed up he just tried to feed a penguin with chicken that’s messed up I mean I love chicken come over here

Oh my God yeah but still you should have known better where are you oh it’s this way what about me I’m dopio come on okay [Applause] yeah yeah yeah okay throw away any should we like start feeling this thing we should yeah I mean yeah yeah sure we can do it while doing

That or we could also make the complete spear first so that to make sure it’s actually a spear yeah do we have the parkour to find Uki because that’s not good because like when you started putting other colors so I have to parkour to find out because I’m never gonna see him again

Yeah he’s pretty far up guys I I couldn’t even get past the parkour thing in the en Savers pretty fast you know the little packages okay yeah you can go to the drive oh my God this is the top one price I’m back to Earth three you can write your name here

Wow my legs I beat the tower already A long time ago I mean I can’t get past the fourth block of this thing oh no hold hold the dash button and then run run jump yeah can you throw me some work uh you know I’m gonna give this like five more tries and I’m gonna go back to

Earth gonna cry jump when I press control what do you say sorry my my ears are dead it’s okay it’s okay maybe this oh yeah okay what are you asking for me we need some milk for me Petra I do ww’s face yeah this is this is this is this hard

This is harder than actually building stuff yeah we’re done okay yeah come back it’s okay I’ll I’ll join you okay thank you sir I’m at the beginning did you finish the tower okay Patrick did I go the wrong way oh do you want to go now oh no I thought you were behind me oh no don’t feel I thought we were both you’re going the right way oh yeah yeah look to your look behind you did you get some other way okay do you

See me do you see me I do not see you oh no I lost two kids here come this way okay how do I swim you you explained it apparently this isn’t the en server I don’t have anything he’s Powers oh don’t fear press control underwater climb this or while you’re swimming

Not the Press shift to be under the water they’ve got Turtles there’s Turtles here Turtles exist in Minecraft was just like wow the ID server is so much more awesome than the Eagles we have Turtles I’ve never seen this stuff I haven’t seen them so it doesn’t count it doesn’t mean you’re

Gonna give me a turtle I’ll name him yeah Turtles at the bath house Sonny’s corpse something about turtle turtles in hmm Minecraft oh it’s like like a turtle ice cream thing in a in a balloon or something oh the Korean thing yeah they put ice cream in like a balloon or

Something yeah yeah why do I remember do I remember um did you want to actually leave us we were like it’s okay leave us come on oh my God what the heck I’m evil I did I’m evil oh dude where are you guys are you guys still swimming it’s okay no no

There’s a hole here if we get lost that shoes fall yeah we can blame shoes and we can blame you oh boy it’s nice to not have responsibilities yeah awesome okay I am I am actually concerned I think we did it yeah all right really

We did it guys we did it we did it you know you put me inside of a berry bush all right wait is everyone here where are you wait I’m trying to fix this one everyone ‘s gone incredible okay oh various colors guys there we go we

Have to oh more later huh so I’ve returned to the cave and I don’t yeah okay we’re at right now we’re at an outdoor bath oh that’s my house oh you live in an outdoor bath whoa let’s go light light green dye how we found it right here The Chaperone

We’re fine I’m gonna go to jail the kids are back yeah I remember dopio’s Lord no I was thinking like wow I wish that was me okay you wish to be jailed you want a little depends on well it depends on who doesn’t put me in today

Have you ever played Amnesia light green light green yeah is 80 of my personality today um we’re back we’re back okay um you have any pink day um what who’s in your basement and tell me about it that’s right whoa this is this gold is so spherical oh my God

Where’s my Ian was just practice okay not amnesia from 2010 from 2010 has anyone seen the pig feel so free he’s 10 years old make us free in a splash happy birthday wait oh happy birthday happy birthday Amino happy birthday it’s in like uh there’s too many there’s so many

Birthdays whose birthday’s next shoes a couple days or so after shoes [Applause] ID birthday I believe yeah thank you I feel bad I mean I think it’s tomorrow right yeah it’s tomorrow it’s tomorrow twins with you [Applause] happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday is everyone from all of us at niji Sanji happy birthday guys [Laughter] don’t feel you did nothing you slapped out with me and then you broke something

I know I know wait I want to do the rainbow I want to do the rainbow thing I came back to do the rainbow thing where’s the Chester four pigs back wait is this is the is the earth Sunny’s over here playing stardew Valley yeah oh where’s my pig

There’s more now someone’s sleep yeah I want to sleep over at the sleepover that’s my edgy bed oh no okay Two years ago you’re making me feel old rainbow wow [Applause] I have pink glasses I think they’re done we did it guys what they’re not good but I made pink she’s pooping we’re the same kind of human what what does that means I can finally let the tower go um Welcome back get out of my pink black hole get out of my you don’t need to do this with my swamp you don’t want it to do this get out of my slime I will break you like I broke those blocks hmm with my diamond pickaxe it looks a little

Funky it looks fine it looks fine okay what are we it looks funky oh I know I think I messed up somewhere be fresh right funky fresh wait what are where are you getting the white where can I get the white guy never mind oh [ __ ] not not the bone

Block what is it called the uh one meal yeah I have admitted I have I will I will just accept that I will oh my God I’m doing it though wait am I wait I don’t know what what I saw someone put the light in I don’t know whoa whoa hurry

Someone undo one of the I mean what’s going on oh wow it was exactly one of the one of the pink blocks accidentally break due to some unnatural forces and someone has to fix I’m a natural I’ll do it there we go man it would suck if a creeper comes up

And blows up the pink blocks on the map you know I’m a creeper wow I guess the only person to fix this is me because I’m the only person who has enough power do you wanna do you need to destroy all of this line I feel like I’m getting lost right now

No no but but wait can we actually do something about the half courts showing like something underneath we have to rash in the courts but if we have to hide it can dig down and replace it yeah something what’s wrong with the boy like watch from from this side to side

But it gives you an opportunity to put the pink glasses in again wait wait wait my bad if you want to cover it I think we can yeah yeah Petro we have a job for you wink wink wink oh my God work I don’t want to do work what the hell yeah

Okay it’s time it’s time to go back to the parkour place it’s fine then I’m gonna try to gather quartz wait who the heck place this here whoa whoa wait Petra Petra all of these alone what do you have a pink glass block by chance I think we need some here

Uh well you can just make a new one we’ve got this [ __ ] oh my God here cool who actually did I think she brought herself everyone I did invite myself was that a problem oh no of course not I’m like that [ __ ] who shows up to the party and everyone’s

Like who invited Petra yeah and then everyone’s like I didn’t invite her it wasn’t me invited herself history I was about to say I was about to say eating all the food drinking all the alcohol flipping all the tables over drunk crying because she’s sad okay oh yeah

Are we fixing the ground that shows up or no no no no no or at least put something something underneath to make it a little more consistent okay yes sorry holy uh should we fill in with this with the green for some parts this is a really beautiful Globe oh my gosh

Just here to admire it now yeah wait no I gotta I gotta add some clouds I’m adding some clouds I’m adding the clouds the cloud maker how do you add clouds white wolf where oh wow thank you so much okay okay nice okay all right um I knew the Earth needed something the

Earth needed some weather of course come on do you want to get him yeah okay okay why is everyone leaving no no no we’ve been talking about much I really want to play mahjong with I got some white wool the white wall I think we’re making clowns

I’ll do that I can actually be helpful I’m gonna stop being annoyed who cares who said that come on finally yes oh nice person that’s not a person oh my God that’s not a person that’s not a person guys guys there’s like a zombie pig thing here guys useless

The globe is behind that okay how do I escape this oh okay oh no okay oh my God my hero From here free would you remind you why do we put the globe so far back and shovel I think it’s okay we can make things leading up to the globe yeah that’s always what yeah that’s what we always do thanks yeah oh man it’ll be really nice okay Get out of the bed I will not sleep until you get out of my [ __ ] beds me House of demons oh man it would be really nice if someone could shovel the ground to make some make it faster for me wait which way are we shoveling this one

Oh nice that’s smart because you know the en was like we put water right so yeah yeah yeah oh or not I mean I guess you get so much of it already so pretty oh my gosh and then what and then with the wolf

Oh we have to do the the inner side to the inner inner parts too what decide to like I think so this side this side Suzuki back yet hooky needs to make my clowns pretty [Laughter] doing anything yeah join our tour am I doing this right

Yeah okay I mean I mean how dare you it’s been a year oh my God you’re just like the average life um okay okay everybody when’s the last time you went outside we were doing a roll call you know um we’re doing a health check

Health Tech I need to watch you can go outside because you can leave the house even if nobody is in it shoe Home Alone that means you have to set traps okay you can leave the house even if no one’s in it I I checked the mailbox I like this

Yeah but you have to like set up traps just in case somebody’s gonna try to ruin your Christmas by like you know stealing all of your valuables yeah anyone got a quartz where does Bonnie have a home in the surface of everything like oh no no it’s like literally in Japanese

Why does Uki need to know where stop asking questions on vacation oh [ __ ] anyway a good time to build a home next to him oh my God wow okay does need a vacation okay if you see like a giant sword like here has a different husband in every server he has a Giants

Sword okay and they make sure they don’t go too late in the KR server it’s suha and the ID server he picked one oh my God and they don’t know about each other oh my gosh we gotta stay quiet we gotta stay quiet yeah come on guys

You know I love the secrets you guys have to spread misinformation wait I love spreading misinformation that’s what they all say when I say okay where was I wrong that’s my favorite League of Legends character they know who each other are this information the nether I see you received my delivery

I spent the last two minutes trying to guide him oh my God why does Sonny only make weird friends in Minecraft all of Sonny’s friends in Minecraft are weird I mean wow that’s messed up Petra right yeah why are you judging huh it’s the p in ipd stands for does it stand

For pig um is it just me or does the gold look nicer it looks oh look nicer I mean we tried a little bit harder the environment around it is just nice the globe looks better but I’m fine with dying here goodbye this looks so good I’m forever immortalized thank you

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah We did something are we gonna fill this up with white wall I’m gonna break this or not oh [ __ ] does anyone have Fortune pickaxe more more courts out of these courts or sorry guys I want to break it with Fortune I’m getting it I’m getting it right now

I think they all had silk touch yeah now we can use these chords to fill up the patches from the inside when you look and there’s the the the yeah yeah in the corner problem now in the corners or when you look from far away you know

You can still see the dirt underneath when you look from here look right here right there that doesn’t solve the problem you have to patch that dirt by putting breaking this dirt why do you need forks I mean the easiest solution is to just have more full-sized quartz blocks I’ve only

Got like 25 blocks I don’t know yeah can we not just do this you’re gonna lock yourself in the top of the tower I’m reverse for plunger yeah I locked myself ready then is it enough sunny probably not so cool is that what it is oh

Yeah how do we get more courts I will actually be we need to go to hell this week we need to go to hell and he said I’m going to my house yeah I mean no no no no just kidding friends friends friends friends friends

Thank you so much for having me but I gotta go speeds My friend Uh understood Okay and then disconnect press the and then do that the button and then click disconnect and then I click and this this happy song took a different Happy song yeah okay okay okay all right thank you everyone thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

My fans order no fans thank you so much did you enjoy these stands for danks already 140 yeah it’s already pretty late no let me speak to you now let me speak to you now let me speak to you yeah you you that’s right you I’m speaking to you

Hi you are you doing did you have fun did you have fun did you have fun looking at the world through dopio’s eyes I was both helpful and not at the same time that’s a donbia call that the dombio call that the dopio helpful and not at

The same time now and lovely field never failed to be cute since my own magenta seems the world thinking feels I always love you so much for the hearts thank you so much and it’s your own suit thanks for another amazing stream I thought it was

Amazing I understand I just said I just said I just have fun hope you had fun too watching me have fun and this is the best field trip ever it was a field trip it was a field trip it was a field trip are you feeling like I feel like I feel

Like a kid I feel like a kid who had a nice field trip it was great absolutely wonderful absolutely yeah Absolutely absolutely absolutely uh let me start reading super chants I’ll see you let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see hopefully I didn’t miss too many hopefully I didn’t miss too many see we’ve got one from God to crew it doesn’t say anything but then you gone

Through 10. have you got one from round to send a listen to heart as well thank you so much let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go thank you Thank you foreign I can’t say I can’t say that I was really really really helpful in building a bunch of the stuff however I can say that I’m really appreciative that you want that you enjoyed hanging out this whole time thank you so much baby boo bear dick thank you big thank you big thank you

Thank you so much very cute very cute thank you thank you for the fun team happy demons hi hi happy three months happy hashing day let’s go thank you mommy’s done gifting 10 wonderful amazing don’t feel drumstein memberships to all the Celtics around the world thank you mommy son Anthony I had a lot of fun a lot of fun I had a lot of fun Minecraft with a bunch of friends really makes it really really really cool and there were so many people there that I did not expect to get along with we just go to the show and just go to

The show just go susha just go to show how easily friendship builds when you hang out with them how easily friendship builds when you hang out with them we made so many friends today we made so many friends today dead end Yona nada Rye Reza Zia really cool time really cool time really

Cool time I think really cool time I think really cool time I think Of my jokes I’ll remember that I’ll remember that you laugh at my jokes I’ll remember that local girls I always feel thank you for the fun collapse too happy three months we’re getting closer to six months that’s true did the ultimate thing for the stream I’m glad I was able to catch

Up to the stream for a bit on my birthday happy birthday to you but the best way to start the day glad to hear it memberships thank you for your gift Domino I’m sure Sonic is all around the world thank you nice cooking yes yes yes yes the cooking was nice

The cooking was nice I’m glad I’m glad I’m glad that they laughed at my jokes I feel like I I feel like I feel like I came out of my shell a little bit more and uh you know and had some fun it’s nice to Banji would shoot

Baby blue band gifting down one here twenty thank you baby boo bear the I can see one before on this 20 membership gifts thank you so much for always supporting the don’t be on drumstein Channel and the science kicks Channel too a happy day happy day happy day thanks to you

Thank you very much baby boo bear appreciate it Thank you Mavis thank you thank you thank you Mavis is my birthday yay happy hatching day happy birthday I’m happy that you had your birthday with us Happy three months if you’re thinking for today’s stream the ID senpas are so fun yeah they were they were so chaotic one thing it’s so crazy they were chaotic but controlled at the same time incredible absolutely absolutely really impressions elderflower so many new friends glad you

Had lots of fun hope you have more chances to meet other standpoints from other branches it’s really sweet to see yeah that’s one of my dreams one day I’ll learn enough Japanese will be so good and I’ll be able to be able to make friends with the Japanese Senpai soon

Thank you so much for supporting this dream of mine are they Happy Hunting thank you for all the fun teams thank you honey for being funding them too click just some fun don’t build jobsite number chips thank you big thank you happy three months is good

Jason also be a thank you for the stream glad you’re having fun with your senpines I had a lot of fun I had a lot of fun surely Julie Julie had a lot of fun um today’s column was super fun also happy hatching Amina happy Hunting to you thank you Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you Diana Trump’s Scythe nice last name d stands for friendship thank you for brining up my day I love you glad to be able to catch up to this wonderful stream thank you thank you Diana thank you so much

Thank you thank you thank you thank you everyone everyone Thank you thank you but now we have to make sure to say thank you to a very special person so you have to say thank you to a very special person not to say thank you to a very very special person it’s time to say thank you to the thumbnail artists running around

Switch sidekicks Senpai yelling Diamond ax Holden Minecraft begin the thumbnail of the day is drama bye bye bye bye let’s see uh um just in case you’re making sure hey t-o-yo y o five itoyo 725 so much for this really really really cute and amazing thumbnail super cute super durable thank you thank

You thank you all artists who help out the don’t build job site Channel All right happy I’ve been talking eggshells take a bit to turn into cool jackets but now we’re almost there happy three months see a happy three months I’ve become big bill now Hearts anime on the field this team was super fun in the world sleeping late for hope you had a good hope you have a good sleep tonight thank you I Hearts anime yes yes yes when we hide our eyes still uh let’s see the we had we had a thumbnail from

Yesterday I neglected because we played like five hours of League I neglected to say thank you for yesterday’s yesterday’s thumbnail this one is done by at tym4 amazing thumbnail yesterday we were playing League of Legends with Astor amazing thumbnail super amazing thumbnail absolutely adorable absolutely Victorious that’s what I like

To say that’s what I like to say we’ve also got another one from uh thumbnails thumbnails thumbnails we’ve got another one from another one yesterday from at at high underscore Cassie thank you so much even though we did not use your thumbnail we always say thank you to our artists always because

Without our artists making us thumbnails it just doesn’t turn out as good just don’t feel nearly as confident thank you so much artists and we’ve got one last one from the from the League of Legends stream yesterday from at Kian jimenez05. thank you thank you thank you thank you

Thank you thank you so much for a lovely thumbnail thank you very much you can see the passion in those eyes okay now no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no schedule is here we’re gonna be playing Twisted Wonderland tomorrow

We’re gonna be playing Tuesday Wonderland tomorrow but I can already tell you what’s going to go on next week Monday hanging out with shu Tuesday another cool app I’m not sure if I can tell you I’m not sure if I have the authority to say what collab it is

Buns at Tuesday at 8pm EST Wednesday hmm I’m actually debating between this one either Wednesday volcano princess or Friday volcano princess Thursday we’re gonna be playing played up Saturday tokenambu and Sunday Hong Kai star rail outside your you guys are never gonna believe how lucky I’ve been in Hong Kai you guys

Are never gonna be able to leave how lucky I am in Hong Kai my luck in Hong Kai has been so good so good so amazingly good in Hong Kai the most luckiest gotcha I’ve ever pulled in my entire life and you guys are gonna see

You guys are gonna see a guy I’m I spoiled it last time but it’s gotten twice as good since then twice as good twice twice thank you for giving me your luck as always thank you for giving me your luck so yes once again once again once again Monday Tuesday Collab on there’s a there’s a collab on Tuesday at 8pm EST ATM EST does anybody know what’s going on that day does anybody know what’s going on tomorrow on Tuesday at 8pm EST anybody know anybody know Wednesday or Friday depending volcano princess there is a plate up uh Saturday tokunambu

And Sunday Hong Kai historia no idea no idea okay now I’ll be quiet I’ll be quiet I’ll be quiet I’ll be quiet I’ll be quiet okay all right but yes see you tomorrow for Twisted Wonderland see you tomorrow see you see you see you see you see you tomorrow bye-bye We’ll redirect and raid oh of course we’re gonna be reading kotoka of course they’re going to be raining we set up this whole thing together thank you everyone now say thank you raid message is saying thank you Thank you kotoka and just thank you kotoka I believe I believe it was kotaka and zian who had like who had like um collaborated on the idea together so we’ll be saying thank you to them of course of course now then tomorrow’s the Wonderland okay see you tomorrow see you tomorrow

Um voice pack voice pack down below voice pack down below voice packs down below Good night see you tomorrow I had fun today can’t we but you know we had we had a lot of collabs this week but I can’t wait to have a a uh a normal chill dopio science fiction tomorrow bye-bye bye-bye bye-bye bye Foreign

This video, titled ‘They Need a Doppio. EN X ID Collab in [MINECRAFT] 【NIJISANJI EN | Doppio Dropscythe】’, was uploaded by Doppio Dropscythe【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2023-04-30 06:45:29. It has garnered 18189 views and 1669 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:55 or 10555 seconds.

D stands for detergent. heheheheh

Representing XSOLEIL’s student council, I’m Doppio Dropscythe! Used to be a full time delinquent. Now I’m here to protect the Institute and make you smile! ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒

■ GOODS!! ・

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【Hashtags】 ・GENERAL: #DoppioDropscythe ・LIVE: #Dropstonight ・SFW ART: #Dropsights / NSFW: #Dropshy ・THUMBNAIL: #Doppionails ・ASSETS: #Doppioassets ・ASMR SCRIPTS: #Doppioscripts ・FAN NAME: #Scythekicks ・MEME/CLIPS: #Doppameme ・STUDENT COUNCIL: #XSOLEIL

⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ (stole ths layout from finana lmao) 【Stream Chat Rules】 ・Gotta be respectful to other viewers and me too. No discriminating, harrasing, doxing ME OR ANY OTHER PERSON at all whatsoever. ・No spamming or trolling! Block em’ Report em’ Ignore em’ ・No spoilers unless I ask for it! ・Please stay on-topic with the stream! ・Any language spoken in chat is ok! Just follow the rules! ・Limit 3 emotes per message! ・You can ship me with whoever you want! Just make sure the other party is okay for it! ・NO SIDE CONVERSATIONS IN CHAT! (the following ideas will help keep the stream enjoyable for all!) ・Memes and stuff from prechat time stays in prechat time! ・Please do not @ or use eachother’s names in chat! It’s spooky. (except for birthdays and raids) ・When answering someone’s question, you can use their name but do not @ them. ・Only backseat/suggest when I ask. I’m communicative with chat so dw! ・Do not mention other streamer names unprompted ・Do not tell me what I should do without me asking first! ・Do not dump your trauma in chat. I hope the best for you, but chat/stream isn’t a good place to find a cure for problems.



【Doppio Dropscythe / ドッピオ ドロップサイト】BDAY 1.31

[Hex Haywire]

[Ver Vermillion]

【Meloco Kyoran/ Kuanglan メロコ】

[Kotoka Torahime]

⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒[Official Nijisanji NIJISANJI Sites]・Website: ・ANYCOLOR: ・Twitter: ・YouTube (EN): ・Twitch:

▽ Guidance for minors

⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒[Credits]・BGM – Used BGMS DOVA-SYNDROME ( ・Scythekicks Room BGM – Lute ( ・Stream Overlays – Hodusae ( ・Emotes – Sower ( ・Alerts – Pongari ( ・Intro Animation – Nikuokai ( ・Outro Animation – Pongari ( ・Lore Video – Merryweather Media ( ・Double Logo – Orihime VT ( ・Thumbnail Art – thank you for the fanart for the thumbnail! ・Fugi Art – & @YUYOPdumplin ——————————— #NIJISANJI #NIJISANJI_EN #DoppioDropscythe #Dropstonight #minecraft

  • Ultimate Dragon Armor in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Dragon Armor in Minecraft! Minecraft: ARMADURA DE DRAGÃO *incrível* ‹‹ S5João ›› Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! In this video, we will delve into all the thrilling aspects of this sandbox game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Introduction: If you are a fan of building, exploring, surviving, and adventuring, Minecraft is the perfect game for you. With charming pixelated graphics and endless gameplay, you can create your virtual world and embark on epic journeys. Features: Build Your Dream Home: From a small cabin to a grand castle, unleash your creativity in constructing your ideal abode. Explore… Read More

  • Ultimate Taiga Island Seed 1.20 – Java Edition

    Ultimate Taiga Island Seed 1.20 - Java Edition Exploring the Minecraft Taiga Island Village Seed 1.20 Embark on an exciting adventure in Minecraft with the Taiga Island Village Seed 1.20! This unique seed offers players the opportunity to explore a survival island with a taiga village, making it one of the best seeds for those seeking a challenging yet rewarding gameplay experience. Discover the Taiga Village Located at coordinates x: (0) y: (70) z: (0), the taiga village in this seed serves as a central hub for players to interact with villagers, trade resources, and embark on quests. The village adds a dynamic element to the gameplay,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Time Travel Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Time Travel Adventures! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. If you’re a fan of sci-fi and futuristic themes, then you’ll love what Minewind has to offer. With its unique blend of technology and imagination, Minewind is the perfect place to let your creativity run wild. Imagine exploring a vast virtual world filled with endless possibilities, where you can build, craft, and survive alongside fellow gamers. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. So why should you join Minewind Minecraft Server? Well, just like K-9… Read More

  • EPIC Texture Pack for Minecraft Mods

    EPIC Texture Pack for Minecraft Mods The Exciting World of Minecraft Texture Packs Discovering a New Texture Pack Exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players stumble upon a remarkable new texture pack – the Peep Texture Pack. This pack promises a unique visual experience, setting it apart from the default textures. Unveiling the Features Upon closer inspection, the Peep Texture Pack reveals intricately designed outlines and smooth animations. The default textures, such as blocks and items, receive a fresh and appealing makeover, enhancing the overall gameplay experience. Personal Anecdotes and Minecraft Adventures As players delve into the game, they encounter various challenges and adventures. From… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Why You Should Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless creative opportunities, Minewind is the perfect place to shake things up and have fun in Minecraft. Why Join Minewind? Endless Creative Opportunities Vibrant Community Unique Gameplay Experience Exciting Events and Challenges How to Play Minecraft the Right Way After watching the video “the right way to play minecraft” by Breadfish, you may be inspired to try something new and shake up your Minecraft gameplay. Minewind offers… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Memorable Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Memorable Gaming Experience! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new and exciting server to join? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gaming experience for players of all skill levels. After watching the engaging Minecraft Quiz Logic video, you may be feeling inspired to test your knowledge and logic skills in a new environment. Minewind Minecraft Server provides the perfect platform for you to showcase your expertise and challenge yourself in a fun and interactive way. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks Minecraft: Unleashing Creativity with Awesome Build Hacks 🔥🤯 Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and players can unleash their imagination with awesome build hacks. From stunning structures to intricate designs, Minecraft offers a playground for builders of all skill levels to showcase their talents. Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks Delve into the world of Minecraft build hacks, where players can discover a plethora of tips and tricks to elevate their creations. Whether you’re looking to construct a majestic castle, a bustling city, or a cozy cottage, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Server Border Trick!

    Ultimate Minecraft Server Border Trick! Setting Up a World Border on Your Minecraft Server Setting up a world border on your Minecraft server can add a new level of challenge and excitement for your players. By restricting them to a certain area of the world, you can create unique gameplay experiences. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up a world border on your server. Setting the Center and Size of the World Border To begin, you’ll need to set the center and size of the world border. Use the command /worldborder set [size] to establish the size of the border. For example,… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House Build in Minecraft

    Ultimate Survival House Build in Minecraft Building the Ultimate Survival House in Minecraft Are you ready to take your Minecraft survival game to the next level? Building the ultimate survival house is key to thriving in the game. Let’s dive into the essential steps to create a sturdy and functional shelter in the world of Minecraft. Gathering Resources Before you start building your survival house, you’ll need to gather essential resources. Make sure to collect wood, stone, and other materials to construct your shelter. Explore the world around you to find the necessary items to build a strong foundation for your house. Choosing a Location… Read More

  • Building My Own Kingdom in Minecraft 👑

    Building My Own Kingdom in Minecraft 👑 Minecraft Server Promotion: Build Your Own Kingdom! 👑 Are you ready to embark on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft? Join the exciting server where you can create your own kingdom and rule over your domain! Explore new lands, gather resources, and build magnificent structures to establish your reign. Server Details: 🌐 Server IP: 1.16.5-1.17 📢 Server Discord: Features: 🏝️ Skyblock: Test your survival skills on a floating island and thrive in a challenging environment. ⚔️ Survival: Brave the wilderness, fend off monsters, and build a thriving community with fellow players. 🏘️ Towny: Join forces… Read More

  • Fractured SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Bedrock & Java Dynmap Discord

    Fractured SMP Fractured SMP is a newly released semi-vanilla server that aims to provide a great vanilla experience with added multiplayer enhancements. The community plays a vital role in shaping the server’s direction. Links Website: Discord: Dynmap: dynmap What We Offer Community: Player suggestions and feedback are valued, and decisions are made transparently. Welcoming: A diverse community where everyone feels included and accepted. Stability: Top-of-the-line hardware for a stable gaming experience. Features Claims Plugin for land protection and sharing. Dynmap for real-time world viewing. DiscordSRV for in-game communication through Discord. Random Teleport for quick travel. Player Shops for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real Minecraft Players vs. Fortnite Tryhards

    Wow, this meme must have some serious high scores! I wonder if it’s going for the leaderboard next. Read More

  • Block Buster: Tree Farm & Pillager Swarm || Minecraft One Block Gameplay

    Block Buster: Tree Farm & Pillager Swarm || Minecraft One Block Gameplay In Minecraft, one block is all you need, To plant a tree farm and watch it succeed. But beware of pillagers, they’ll come for a fight, Defend your block with all your might. Crafting and building, it’s all in a day’s play, In this blocky world, where you can’t stray. So join Devil369 Gaming, for tips and tricks, And watch as your Minecraft world quickly clicks. Like, share, and subscribe, spread the word, For in this gaming world, we all are heard. Devil369 Gaming, the channel to see, For all your Minecraft needs, come and be free. So leap… Read More

  • “Hot diggity creeper, that’s a spicy meme!” #minecraft

    "Hot diggity creeper, that's a spicy meme!" #minecraft Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #dankmemes #gamerhumor Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Custom 3D Skins in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind Server for Custom 3D Skins in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “How to Make 3D Custom Skin Totem in MINECRAFT PE/JAVA 1.20+” in Hindi. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community like Minewind? Imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, build unique structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. Minewind offers a dynamic and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on… Read More

  • Guess the Cartoon! Minecraft Animation

    Guess the Cartoon! Minecraft Animation Minecraft Content Creation: A Look into Berkant’s Channel Berkant’s Minecraft Channel Berkant is a dedicated content creator who produces Minecraft videos every two days. His channel features a variety of content, including Minecraft escapes, parodies, and more. With a mix of rich and poor elements in his videos, Berkant’s channel offers a unique perspective on the Minecraft world. Engaging with Berkant’s Channel If you want to support Berkant’s channel, you can subscribe and show your support. Don’t forget to hit the like button on his videos to show some love ❤️. New videos are uploaded every other day at… Read More

  • 💔Hunt for Leviathan Heart! | Lewis 0978 Live BloxFruit Gameplay

    💔Hunt for Leviathan Heart! | Lewis 0978 Live BloxFruit GameplayVideo Information say going live going live live we’re live what’s up chat what’s up what’s up what’s up chat what’s everyone doing hello orang what’s good bro hello K hello doy hello Zane what’s good let roll shall we hello shbs oh great no great start to the beginning all right uh well have some change hello Mar May mayor hello I just got the notification W oh yeah Zan for some we weird reason I was I was trying to type on YouTube on Google and it popped out Discord and I put why to you I don’t… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Love Challenges!

    Insane Minecraft Love Challenges!Video Information la novia gringa de Minecraft s Ernesto la esposa Ernesto creo que se colo estas son mujeres mortales muchachos ustedes no vieron nada realmente no no vieron nada ojo esa Ya di cuenta ya la Rio ya la Rio Dale que los platos no se lavan solos ve los platos no se lavan solos nos vemos a ver ch This video, titled ‘Desafíos Pixelados: Amor en Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by The Morotex on 2024-02-28 19:00:24. It has garnered 471 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Every day on stream… Read More

  • 🐰 Ultimate Bunny TNT Tricks Underwater! 🌊🔥 #minecraft

    🐰 Ultimate Bunny TNT Tricks Underwater! 🌊🔥 #minecraftVideo Information टी एनटी अंडर वाटर हैक्स इन माट अगर आप टी एनटी को पानी में फोड़ने की कोशिश करोगे तो टी एनटी की तरफ से बस एक ही आवाज आएगी पानी पानी पानी अंकल जी मु पानी पिला दे दीजिए मेरा गला सूख रहा है तो उससे पहले मैं बताना चाहता हूं गाइस मैंने लिया 75 डेज सब्सक्राइबर चैलेंज 0 टू 100 के सब्सक्राइबर आपको बस इतना करना है कि मेरे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना है और मैं डेली डेली कंटेंट पोस्ट करता रहूंगा मिथ से रिलेटेड फैक्ट से रिलेटेड और बहुत सब कुछ तो सब्सक्राइब के लिए थैंक… Read More

  • EXPLOSIVE time travel in Minecraft

    EXPLOSIVE time travel in MinecraftVideo Information [Music] a [Music] the [Music] [Music] what [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay what is up silly Goobers goobers and gobets I’m live is time it is time I have silly lore planned today the silliest of the silliest lore I okay did I so many of so much of this lore today was a mixture of last minute planning and long before plan [ __ ] that is that is what we’re working with that’s what we’re working with today but yes yeah hello everybody I don’t know if you guys saw… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Syphanic Minecraft SMP Gameplay! 😱

    🔥 EPIC Syphanic Minecraft SMP Gameplay! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP type shit’, was uploaded by Syphanic on 2024-04-29 04:02:27. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:37 or 1657 seconds. yurr Read More

  • EPIC Monster School BABY vs DRAGON in Jurassic Park – Minecraft

    EPIC Monster School BABY vs DRAGON in Jurassic Park - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : BABY BROTHER AND DRAGON IN JURASSIC PARK – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Toca Betty on 2024-01-12 10:00:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Continuation of the story of friendship between baby brother and baby dragon! Music by Kevin MacLeod … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Memes that Will Blow Your Mind!

    Insane Minecraft Memes that Will Blow Your Mind!Video Information [Music] so This video, titled ‘#viral #ascoisasmudam #minecraft #sabwaysurfars #minecraftmeme #ficoubonitodonada #humor #memes’, was uploaded by @Memelissa1 on 2024-04-04 22:02:39. It has garnered 183 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Sigils DESTROYS Friendships in Minecraft Mario Party

    Sigils DESTROYS Friendships in Minecraft Mario PartyVideo Information hi dudes welcome back to Minecraft Mario Party 2 uh they had a new map so obviously we to come played this is the mushroom uh all right you guys know how Mario Party Works if you’ve never seen it before if you’re new around here we uh have 10 turns you roll your dice to move around the map to pick up coins to buy Stars whoever’s the most stars at the end wins you play mini games in between every round to earn more coins to make each other mad we got Z Sundy and bble… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft World Secret Revealed! Part 8 😡😈🔥

    Ultimate Minecraft World Secret Revealed! Part 8 😡😈🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘The secret to building the ultimate Minecraft world🤬🤬 Minecraft 😱😡part-8 wait for part-9🤒😈’, was uploaded by A_R gaming on 2024-03-14 04:13:45. It has garnered 119 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. minecraft The secret to building the ultimate Minecraft world🤬🤬 Minecraft 😱😡part-8 wait for part-9🤒😈 minecraft but minecraft survival minecraft challenge 100 players minecraft mod minecraft but challenge minecraft update camman18 exposed 1.20.1 minecraft 1.20 1.20 canman18 camman minecraft animation minecraft fun facts minecraft rarest minecraft seed minecraft facts minecraft how to minecraft but you cant touch… Read More

  • DarkQuest

    DarkQuestdo quests to get items and money use money to buy items own the game! by: justresolvejr this server has 10 players max, sorry for the inconvenience PvE PvP Roleplay Survival Quests Dungeons Custom Items do quests to get items and money use money to buy items own the game! by: justresolvejr this server has 10 players max, sorry for the inconvenience custom items including chestplate: 50hp 20attackdmg helmet: 50hp Sword: 24hp when holding attackdmg potion: splash potion of DEATH ———————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————— Read More

  • EternalCraft Vanilla Survival, No Resets 1.20.4

    Join EternalCraft Experience a vanilla survival server where the world is permanent with daily backups to ensure your progress is safe. Build your legacy with us! Join our Discord here Read More

  • 1.20.1 ↔ ( BETA )★ Join: 1.20.1 ↔ ( BETA )★ Join: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real Real for Real for real

    Minecraft Memes - Real Real for Real for realI guess you could say this meme is scoring high in the Minecraft popularity rankings! Read More

  • Crafty Bikes: Indian 3D Drive Update

    Crafty Bikes: Indian 3D Drive Update Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where updates never cease, In Indian bikes driving, the gameplay has increased. With a big mode update, the adventure takes flight, As we explore the city, both day and night. Our houses have evolved, our cars have been enhanced, With graphics and textures, our world is entranced. From old to new, the journey is grand, In this virtual universe, we make our stand. Challenges await, like driving at full speed, Or blasting with a rocket, fulfilling the need. In Ma mode, our houses come alive, With ultra-realistic graphics, we strive. So join us… Read More

  • Leaving them alone for a sec be like… 🔥

    Leaving them alone for a sec be like... 🔥 When you finally give them some alone time in Minecraft and they immediately start building a giant statue of themselves. Ego much? #minecraft #memes #funny #meme #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Building a Stone Wall in Minecraft – Episode 590

    Building a Stone Wall in Minecraft - Episode 590 Minecraft Episode 590: Building a Stone Castle Wall Welcome to episode 590 of Minecraft with Lờ Đờ Vờ! In this episode, our host embarks on a journey to build a magnificent stone castle wall. Despite facing some challenges along the way, our dedicated gamer is determined to create a masterpiece in the virtual world of Minecraft. Harvesting Resources Our adventure begins with the essential task of harvesting resources. From gathering wheat to exchanging it for diamonds with villagers, every step is crucial in preparing for the grand construction project ahead. Building the Castle With diamonds in hand, our gamer… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a new and exciting challenge? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and experience a unique gameplay experience like never before. With an array of mods and plugins to enhance your gameplay, Minewind offers a thrilling adventure for all players. Immerse yourself in a world where you can battle ultimate gods, protect villagers with Guard Villagers, and explore new dimensions with mods like The John Reborn and Mowzie’s Mobs. With Timeless and Classics Guns, Tac Craft Tactical armor pack, and Better Missiles at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. Join… Read More

  • Becoming a Police Commissioner for a Day – Minecraft

    Becoming a Police Commissioner for a Day - Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Roleplay Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft, players often delve into the realm of roleplay to create captivating stories and adventures. One such thrilling scenario is becoming a police commissioner for a day! Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to unleash their creativity and imagination. From building magnificent structures to crafting intricate storylines, the possibilities are endless. Roleplaying as a Police Commissioner Imagine stepping into the shoes of a police commissioner in the virtual world of Minecraft. With your authority, you can enforce justice, maintain order, and… Read More

  • 🔥LIVE – CaptainJangels: Insane MODDED Craft Adventure!

    🔥LIVE - CaptainJangels: Insane MODDED Craft Adventure!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] I seem to have lost some pertinent files to live streaming and I’m trying to find them but they are uh Missing where or where could they be oh I’m in the wrong file of course they’re not in that one that’s arcane oh want Kraken there we go overlays animated [Music] um nope I don’t want that [Music] one uh I want screens [Music] animated I think it’s [Music] that h [Music] um well close but not quite well there I am I’m still missing things though I don’t… Read More

  • Minecraft Seeds: Real or Fake?

    Minecraft Seeds: Real or Fake?Video Information these are the scariest seeds that should never be used starting with c290 X2 the myth of the terrifying living Island and it looks pretty normal I spawned on a a a a sand area not very scary if I’m going to be honest with y’all oh man I love these rumors so much cuz apparently we have to put the render distance to five to make it to come alive I don’t know if that’s going to really do anything but we got to follow now it looks like we’re on an island but nothing happened to… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secret about Frogo at Myguel Middle School!

    Unbelievable Secret about Frogo at Myguel Middle School!Video Information yep my game all right all right I’m live let’s go first live stream on the Miguel [Music] SMP so I don’t really know what I’m doing right now but I’m just adjusting some things cuz well this is literally my first stream everything good going to go check see if the stream is and I’ll get to some plan to some plan the game on the Miguel SMP no give a rundown of what the Miguel smpp is because some of you guys may not no actually like basically everybody won’t know who it is even though… Read More

  • Insane Ultimate Guide: AUTOMATIC Cobblestone Farm!

    Insane Ultimate Guide: AUTOMATIC Cobblestone Farm!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Ultimate Guide: Building an Automatic Cobblestone Farm”‘, was uploaded by Game_ZONE on 2024-01-10 17:16:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #cobblestonefarm #tutorial #guide #building #automaticharvesting #farming #gaming #youtubegaming #youtubevideo … Read More

  • Join Cyber SMP Minecraft with Alpha Gaming!

    Join Cyber SMP Minecraft with Alpha Gaming!Video Information तो आखिर साइबर एमपी की एसएमपी को जॉइन करने की रिक्वायरमेंट्स क्या-क्या है एंड क्या मैं उन रिक्वायरमेंट्स को मीट कर पाऊंगा यह सारे क्वेश्चंस का आंसर मैं इस एप्लीकेशन वीडियो के अंदर देने वाला हूं हेलो गाइ दिस माय नेम इज अल्फा एंड आज की वीडियो में मैं अपना एप्लीकेशन एप्लीकेशन की रिक्वायरमेंट हैको मैं परफेक्टली मीड करता हूं बिल्कुल परफेक्टली एंड दूसरा है कि मेरा टाइम क्या है तो व मैं मोस्ट ऑफ टाइम में एक्टिव रहता हूं एंड दूसरी बात है कि मैं कंटेंट क्रिएटर हूं या नहीं वो तो मैं कंटेंट कटर कंटेंट क्रिएटर… Read More

They Need a Doppio. EN X ID Collab in [MINECRAFT] 【NIJISANJI EN |  Double Dropscythe】