This is the Best Naruto Minecraft Mod for Singleplayer

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Noon’s Naruto mod is the best Naruto mod for single players now you may be asking what do you mean for a single player for example the hcmb Naruto mod does not allow you to get the Magnificent or a toad Beast without the help of a friend

And well for the math yolks it’s just outdoor even the Naruto Shippuden mod has its own problem for example if you are not born into Uchiha you cannot get the Sharingan at any other point the reason I say news now to mod is the best single player Naruto mod is because you

Can get almost every item naturally and without the help of a friend when you first start into the mod you will get the 10K download gift and the chakra nature paper the 10K down will give all it does is give you another Chalker nature paper some JP gold Rio and ramen

JP is the main thing for this mod is what upgrades your stats plus what you use to buy your moves and with JP the more you earn the more you’ll level up your rank as you can see right here I am getting in one it goes up to get in one

Getting into getting three tune in one turn to June 3 and Etc same for jonan and kage and once you’re at kage 2 you will get your own custom Jutsu token which we’ll talk about later for Clans we’re going to start out with the Uchiha Clinton and all that gives you is the

Sharingan learner which has five different moves the speed boost plus sensory genjutsu copy izan gecko first move is speed boost and sensor ability for 10 JP all it does is gives you a passive speed boost which is infinite Plus cosmetic Sharingan eyes then the next move will be genjutsu which is basically

Your two tomeway moon so I summoned into ninja and if I use the genjutsu on them wait let me back up from it gives some nausea slowness and blindness for just a couple of seconds also I forgot to mention for the Sharingan you can also see as you can

See outlines of entities nearby and it even shows them underground and if there was a mop above you it show them too now for the next move we got the copy that’s 30 JP now this one is an interesting move we’re gonna place a ninja there I

Had to put him in a hole so they don’t kill me and if he uses a move on me we just use the copy and it will give us whatever looks like say the ninja is a fire style learner and we use copy on them we’ll get a fire move but this

Ninja was a win style user so we just use the windmover now we have it even if we don’t have the release itself now the second to last move for the Sharingan is the Izanagi now this is a one-time use Jutsu so use it very carefully as you

Can see right click in a dangerous situation to avoid Dead all you do right click you’ll get a quick little bit of blindness okay so after I think a little bit of testing I think you have to use Izanagi while you have that blindness and then that’s when it helps

You out as think that’s how it works now for 100 JP we got the mangako Sharingan it’ll give you a separate learner where you have to spend more JP on the separate Moon the first one will be the right eye ability and it seems I got right eye commonly

Plus the manga go Sharingan eyes these are the kamui version of right eye Conway so it says sneak right click to swap uses ability one is to phase through the world for five seconds and the second ability is a 12 damage melee attack so here’s the first one it looks like we

Just get a little bit of spectator mode for just a couple of seconds alright so I went into creative maybe it’ll work there no okay so it seems the grab move is not working right either I just don’t know what I’m doing now for the left eye

Ability it’s another 50 JP and it seems I got the Koto a matsukami which that is she squeeze genjutsu okay so he was low Health but it killed him instantly and it looks like it just was a massive debuff and the cooldown on the Koto of matsukami is very huge is I

Think it’s like probably more than 30 seconds now for the next move is susano rib cage you just right click 60 JP and then so this my sister note is blue and it just soda follows you around uh it lags a little behind but still it follows you everywhere and you get

Strength to speed three and resistance three now if you want to get rid of the Season all you do is just shift right quick the next move will be the susano skeleton it’ll give you a separate item you just write it and then it has your skeleton four now

You can see in the top left my chakra slowly drains from using the susano and if you don’t charge it up with C or whatever your key bond is you’ll eventually run out of tracker and start taking damage now we got the humanoid susano for adjp right click

And it’s pretty huge it’s hard to see from uh just first person or even third person now this is one you’ll get no matter what ability you have 70 JP the yuck yasaka magatama B I can’t say it but you just get from a distance shoot him

And it shoots down those bees that do explosive damage I don’t think they do a huge amount of attack damage so the last move the mangyako shotgun is the armored susano which is the full body or half body version now you definitely can’t see what it

Looks like from third person at all but mine is massive and the buff sport is still the same strength and speed but resistance IX that means you’re you’re basically Untouchable if I have this ninja hit me he’s not even doing a full heart now there’s one one more thing I want to

Know about the manga mangeko Sharingan is that you can go blind after a couple of uses I think 20 to 25 you will get permanent blindness now there is a way to fix that all you have to do is get the Sharingan implant now what the Sharingan implant is is basically you’ll

Get it so like let’s say this ninja right here let’s say he was a Sharingan Shinobi you’ll know by the way he makes a Sharingan sound now if you kill him he has a chance to drop the Sharingan implant all you do is right click and it’ll kill your cure your blindness and

Give you uh Eternal mangeko now it doesn’t give you any ability just here’s the blind now if let’s say you want to get the shotgun without being in the Uchiha Clan well it’s the same way you would do it to cure blindness all you do is just try to

Get that Sharingan implant right click and boom you have shotgun now for the Sinju clean all you do is right click and I think it’s a chance you can get the wood DNA now for the wood okay we got the smothering binding for 20 JP so

Let me get a little bit of a distance from this ninja right here I tried some in like a wood smothering thing I don’t know how much damage I did but as you see his slowness mining fatigue and weakness so he can’t move at

All oh now you can now for the next move we got the Deep Force Bloom which is 50 JP you just click right click and it pops up some trees it looks like it’s constantly damaging him uh poison he gets poison so this is a poison two and it will pop up these

Little trees uh looks like they have poison three on them next we have the chakra suppression move chakra suppression may be a move you use on players and weakens them or takes their chakra away so chakra suppression move doesn’t seem to be working I’m not sure what it’s supposed

To do maybe it’s like for players only but next we got sage mode or hashirama’s Sage Mode and you get the hashirama sage mode sinjutsu chakra you right click and you get a lot of boost you also get visual part where he has those little lines around his eyes

And you get a speed to strength to haste two and sage mode so let’s see how much damage I do just with my fist that’s like five four or five Hearts instantly killed and I forgot to mention in the top left the red bar is your

Shinjutsu so if I just hold V which is the default keybon I can charge up my sage chakra and it’ll be a little bit of slowness for the cocky Acclaim there’s a chance you’ll get the bone kicking and cutting as you can see I didn’t get it

That time but if I just go into creative here and go and grab the chico Chico I can’t say it the first move will be the dance of the Camellia for 20 JP right click it gives you the dance of the Camellia which is six attack damage

Let me just place a ninja in there oh turned into a zetsu that’s also one thing in this mod everything in almost every entity I mean can turn into a zetsu which they’re not that strong but they attack everything yeah near near them so let’s do an actual Ninja

Looks like this is a water Jutsu ninja pretty good damage for the dance of camellia the next move will be the dance of the large for 40 JP you right click and we get it looks like some body armor uh it’s not strong armor but it looks

Like it’s got some protruding bro bones coming out of his and also that dance chameleon Camellia has weakened durability the next claim you’ll notice is the Jugo Clan which gives you the curse mark learner and that there’s only one move in his 50 JP so we right click

We have curls curse seal stage one right click again it gives you uh whatever Buffs that this uh curse seal gives strength speed three plus a visual Mark I don’t know if there’s different types of curse marks but it looks like mine I don’t know which one that’s from so let’s see how

Strong we are if we just punched a basic ninja with the curse mark activated it looks like you can three hit a ninja just with the curse mark now we have the Uzumaki Clan right click it gives you the Uzumaki learner which has heel bite the heel bite is I think you heal

Yourself if you attack some and oh he’s a magnet user whoops okay so that is the case no oh it heals him okay I think you heal others and you take damage so you’re taking damage in order to heal uh whatever you’re you’re to hitting the

Next move is the sensory ability which I think is like the shrine on you’re able to see the outlines of whatever is new 50 JP for the admin chains we’re gonna head over here to this ninja who trapped himself and oh no I don’t want to learn jutsy’s hold on

It looks like it hits them doesn’t do a lot of damage oh it keeps tracking himself the last move for the Uzumaki is the dead demon consuming seal which is 200 JP I’m pretty sure that’s the thing Minato used and here’s in sealsetsu here so we’re just gonna right click

And we got the the shikagami devil thing and I’m pretty sure if we just hit the zetsu so it’s been a few seconds since I killed that zetsu maybe it just weakens them and then kills him now we have the Lee Clan which gives you Lee drunken fist you just right click and

It’ll give you nausea but Speed 2 and strength the Hugo Clan the clan with the byaker gun gives you just the Byakugan learner to start out it has Night Vision Plus sensory ability basically you’ll get the outline thing just like the Sharingan or the Uzumaki sensory ability you’ll get the biakugan eyes

Which to me look really cool and clean and then we got the night vision which is permanent now you get like permanent night vision too now for gentle fists let’s go over here and hit place down a ninja to test this out for gentle fist

All you do is I think hit them um it’s a magnet easier and it sort of stops them from using their move I think or okay I think I figured out gentle fist is for players and all you do is hit them and it steals Chalker from the Twin Lion fist for the

Biakugon you’re just gonna right click and I think it gives us some strength or something it does two hits the Ninja and that was like he still had almost full health so the biakugon learner is a little bit messed up it doesn’t show all the moves but the next move after the

Twinline fist is the trigram 64 Palms it damages all entities within a Three Buck radius of either place the ninja in here well it turns out to be a zitsu it didn’t do a whole lot of damage but it must be like more of a a wide range

Attack to damage anything in it oh the next move will be the lock on for 60 JP and it’s the last so it locks onto up Target and follows them at high speed don’t use on players so it looks like we got a zitsu right here okay so it basically wherever

Moves I will be locked on for whatever entity you used it on now we have the chanoi clan which gives you the catsura gun and the katsuo ground has two moves the exploding human with for 60 JP it’ll give you the kitsuogan eyes too I think the katsiragon has a cool looking

Doji suit I mean look at that for the exploding human technique whoa okay so it just launches them up uh not oh it did like about almost its entire second row of Hearts now for the blood dragon Ascension it shoots down a dragon does about six hearts it looks like to this ninja

Moving on to the Yuki Clan I think this yeah this is the Ice uh kick again Kai Clan there’s three moves we got the ice sword ice and bond and the twin ice dragon blizzard I sword it gives you a seven attack damage one attack speed uh I sword

If you place another ninja down there okay it does like about five Hearts it looks like or seven not good durability on the eyes sword but it does good attack damage next we got the ice synbon all right now let’s do the ice sinbon uh looks like it did three hearts

And you can spam it yeah it’s a spammable move the last move for the ice release is the twin ice dragon blizzard says it shoots two dragons diagonally and if they hit an enemy and throws them upwards there we go finally hit the move and it

Did about looks like four Hearts let me try again and launches them up no now kamichi Clan the uh children’s Clan is two moves partial expansion in butterfly mode partial expansion a Yang release partial expansion gives you a giant fist oh it’s limited you have to

Hurry up so let’s see how much damage it does to this ninja oh okay not a lot of damage the last move for the Yang uh akamichi Clan is the butterfly mode it gives you the wings which is a armor and the hunger three so it looks like you’ll be a little hungry

After you get done using this move now the Nara Clan the Shadow Clan it has three moves Shadow position uh this move I like to use a lot you can get it uh even if you’re not Nara if a certain Shinobi drops it uh let me Place one out here for example

And then I use my shadow position it traps them with slowness binding mining fatigue and weakness the next move is the shadow imitation field for 40 oh it looks like you also get some slowness oh let me let me get rid of this ninja all right now we got the shadow imitation

Field so let’s place the ninja right about here it’s a wider range and it’ll trap everybody like the shadow possession does you don’t really have to do much I think if you yeah you can exit the circle but then it gets rid of it the last move

Which is the one I meant to say that you can get without having to be Nar is the shadow strangling it’s my favorite you just right there ninja and even tracks you wherever you look it will do slowly do damage to them and keep them in trap

I think it doesn’t last forever you can’t just kill them instantly with it but it oh that’s a bit but it does last a long while now for the yamanaki clan it has two moves the sensory ability which is the outline thing plus the Mind transfer no I not

Too sure on how this works good distance it seems it seems like you you are hardly it’s like a imitation move they do whatever you do time for the Ava ramai Clan she knows Clan it has three moves the kadachu bukochu and Rin kaichu which is all three different types of insects the

Kadachu spawns a swarm of bugs that absorbs an enemy’s chakra and attacks so we’re gonna use them punch this ninja right here and see if they start attacking huh right now they’re just floating with it are they I can’t tell if they’re coming over here okay they are so I think they’ll start

Attacking whoever I attack whoever attacks me okay guess not the next move is the B kochu you plant a beetle on an entity and you’ll be able to see their location Pikachu doesn’t seem to be able to latch on to what I’m trying to do here

Okay so for some reason I can’t get the Biko to move to work we do have the Rin kachu which is awakens nano-sized venomous bugs that live on your skin then destroy the cells of their target on contact basically poison two for 25 seconds so right you hit them

And they’ll have poison tune for 25 seconds pretty overpowered move in my opinion I’ll make it really good too makes the hovering about my clan very useful now the hozuki clan which gives you the hydrification move which gives the resistance for five seconds and it seems

That’s the only move for the hozuki so it’s not a great Clan now the a clan which gives you the a learner which is the raikage it’ll give you the lariat and lightning chakra it throws yourselves in in a straight line doing damage to anything in your pad so let’s

Place a ninja right about there use it it does about two three and a half hearts in May parallelism now the lightning chakra mode gives you speed for strength the two and that’s all you get so if I just tell you to start punching them he said oh I

Gotta cut supercon input now for the Yota Clan which I think is that child who controls whether yet weather manipulation so it’s right click to activate you sneak right click to change the weather that you want to use so there’s one that sets entities around you on fire the storm which strikes

Lightning in a random spot freezing air which gives entities around you slowness and weakness and then the tornado which sends them into the so this one sets them on fire if they’re in range let me get out of here seems there’s a long cooldown on this this one should

Strike lightning in a random spot okay so that time it just struck me the next one is freezing air which gives slowness and weakness to enemies around you yep slowness four and weakness that’s a lot of weakness see that’s how you get shine gun if you’re not your Chia and the last move

For weather manipulation is the tornado which sends entities around you into the air so we’re gonna play some Ninja and work I missed I must have missed all right let’s try that again so we got the tornado on okay never mind it just doesn’t seem to

Work and for the last clan we have the Tintin Glenn Tin Tin Clan has three moves the weapon scroll which you should right click looks like it shoots out a bunch of Kunis uh not a long cooldown it doesn’t look like all right let’s try that one

More time we got the weapon scroll a good amount of damage from what I just saw there the second move is the Heavenly chain disaster so oh it looks like it just seems it may have like an after effect the last one was the twin Rising dragons

Oh no never mind there is no twin Rising dragons that’s the end of the learner all right now that we’re done with Clans Let’s head on over to the kick again guys and the first one up is the boil chocolate first move is unrivaled strength which all you do is if you

Right click gives you strength too I like using this move a lot in my playthroughs and it’s very useful when you’re fighting multiple Ninjas the next move is the skilled Mist which for 50 JP you just shoot it at a Shinobi that you want to hit

All right let me just do it up here so up here you shoot it and it does poison two for about 15 seconds to whoever you hit the last move for Boyle is the erupting propulsion fist so if I just place a ninja here I hit them and it does about six hearts

Now we have the storm Kiki genkai so first move is ThunderCloud interwaves we place the ninja here or zetsu it strikes them with lightning doing a somewhat decent amount of damage but it doesn’t one hit the next move for 70 JP we got laser circus so we’re gonna place a ninja

So let’s try that again we’re gonna do the laser circus it does about like six or seven Hearts worth of damage to that zet suit and for the last move we got light Fame which just shoots a little pink or purplish it looks like a laser now we have the explosion kicking guy

And the first move is the exploding Palm so we’re gonna place the zits here right click and it does like a little explosion from where you hit and it looks like it lasts a couple of seconds plus you get some resistance the second move is the C1 explosion which spawns a

Bug that explodes on contact with an enemy not the player as long as the Autumn is in inventory also requires a clay explosive bag as you can see the explosive clay bag which is needed for your C1 or C2 moves is used for clay explosive Jutsu will eventually break

After using too many clay explosive Jutsu it requires this amount of clay and a storage bag and a storage bag can be made from three leather so I got my clay bag right here we’re gonna do the C1 explosive so let’s play some zetsu oh I need an explosive clay bag in your

Octane so you need to hold it in your off hand and then place the bug it seems anytime it even touches this I see it explodes and it was a two-hit attack and as you see the durability on the clay bag is slowly going down now for the C2 explosive it spawns a

Rideable clay dragon sometimes the riding system doesn’t work so if you right click this item it will kill the dragon and sure you take no damage just in case also requires an explosive clay bag so we’re going to place a zetsu right about here we got the Dragon and oh

Looks like I don’t think you can fly or it’s not gonna lighter you can fly if you look up yeah so I don’t know what damage he does so it looks like the dragon doesn’t personally do any damage but holy he is huge look at him looks like he doesn’t explode or attack

Or anything it’s just to run now we have the lava kicking guy in the first move and actually the only move of lava unfortunately is the ash Stone seal so we’re gonna spawn the zetsu and it hits him and does slowness by binding mining fatigue and weakness

Pretty powerful move but sadly it’s the only move for lava now it’s time for scorch uh Kikai the first move is extremely steaming murder so we place this shoot the ball one hits the Zed two and I think for the ninja it doesn’t do as much but it still has like a tiny

Little effect now for 100 JP we got the great steamy explosive blast oh okay so it drops a giant Scorch ball which explodes the area and can’t get out probably does a lot of damage I couldn’t really tell zitsu aren’t a great way to tell for damage for dust there’s only

Two moves we got okay seems like just one move the Detachment of the Primitive world so if we place this white zetsu one hit some uh with that little Cube thing that breaks down at molecule level and I think if I did to the ninja it

Won’t hit him as well then now for the last kick again Kai we got the Magna kicking magnet okay and it seems it gives you every move when you learn it we got the iron sand Gathering assault so we’re gonna place that here drops a bunch of magnet cubes I think

It’s supposed to trap them but I missed it right here and didn’t hit the zetsu then we got the iron sand drizzle which is a small attack looks like it gives slowness three and a decent amount of damage and for the last move for magnet we got iron Spears

Which gives slowness three and a little bit more damage into the drizzle I will now be taking a look at the medical Ninjutsu learner so this one 10 JP for healing others so I right click and I guess it’s whoever I look at oh this thing Magnus Shinobi

Yeah I think it’s if I right click on whatever I’m looking at maybe not uh NPCs or anything but players the next move is the 28 for 20 JP self-healing which you just right click gives you healing then we have the 100 healing seal which is 200 JP so sneak click to

Add 10 tracker to the seal right clicking on the seal will open it causing regeneration and health boost the aeration and level depend on how much chakra is added so if we sneak click we add tin chakra to it okay yeah so we’re eventually adding chakra to it and

As you can see I just lost so much Chalker trying to charge this up and it hasn’t even went up about even a little so I’ve charged it up like four times and it still is not even moving a little bit so we’re gonna right click and it

Gives us absorption regeneration for it looks like about a minute and a half with what I just did so I’m probably like oh and you get a boost of chakra so it seems that stored up chakra comes right back to you so let’s uh places Etsy or something

He’s barely doing any damn damage with that absorption the last move is the chakra scale pool float for 70 JP so if we hit this set suit right here turn it on hit him it looks like it doesn’t do much but I think if you keep killing him with the

Chakra scalp there’s a chance you can get the hashirama cell learner learner okay so I didn’t get it after killing about 10 zetsus so it must be like a rare chance but that is it for the medical area now we got the taijutsu burner which is the eight Gates so the

Gate of opening and front loaders is the first one with uh 50 JP so we just right click forget it opening we get speed four or five and then we have the front Lotus attack so we’re gonna use it on the setsu here you just right click and then hit punch

Them and then do the attack which launches them up next we have the Gate of healing for 60 JP and it’s just the gate appealing it’ll give you strength then for 70 JP we have the Gate of life and reverse Lotus so we right click we

Get strength two now and then if we try to do the reverse load is here launches him up even higher he does even more damage the Gate of pain for adjp the fourth gate we right click strength two puts increase in speed and it’s only the Gate of four nothing else attached

To it now for the fifth gate gate of limit is 90 JP just right click you get strength three and no boost to your speed the 6 gate the gator View and morning peacock it gives you haste three it looks like nothing else but then you have the morning peacock

Move so we’re gonna right click it looks like it sets him on fire and also launches them so we’re gonna get the seventh gate click it and it looks like an increase in speed maybe oh we get the seventh gate thing which may I think yeah we take we’re taking damage

Okay that time it missed but you had the daytime tiger move which uh probably one shot’s almost anything I would say except for like toe Beast of course and then now we got the Gate of death so it comes with the geta death thing and the night guy so we click it

Looks like we have nothing else really added to it you have this uh zetsu oh Lord okay I probably shouldn’t have did that but it blows up the area and kills the zetsu and kills you and for the last thing that you have for your tutsus we got the custom Jutsu token now

I have a lot of JP to work with but you just right click it you get it around with your kage too you right click you can name it so we’re just going to name it cool Jutsu you can make it either multi-shot or explode I’m gonna do explode I’m gonna pick a

Lightning for the nature and I’m gonna make it a laser and make it 30 damage and you can see it’s 190 JP for that now let’s say uh no we’ll just keep it at 30. and then click create and as you can see I get the cool Jutsu route so we’re going to

Place down this zetsu right here and then use the Jutsu it seems it launches them up really high and oh my Chalker uh instant shot at him 30 damage 190 JP not a bad uh Jutsu now I will be checking out the nature releases first up we got the fire style

Learner so let me learn all moves first move the Phoenix Flower Jutsu I’m gonna spawn this dead suit here not a high-powered move it’s it’s made basically an entry move then we got the great Fireball Jutsu oh you didn’t miss that time but it’s basically just a larger version of the

Phoenix Flower the third move is the fire dragon flame bullet so let me hit there we go we hit the zip suit did about three hearts uh maybe and for the last move of Fire release is the ash cow burning which looks like it launches them up nearly one shot at the zetsu

Next up we got the water nature release first move water bullets which spawns some water and I don’t think it does a lot no it just did two and a half second move we got water prison which oh I missed but I think it traps them in here I mean they can get

Out but it just spawns the water and slows them down for just a little bit then we got the water pistol so let me hit him back not a huge High damaging move but I think it can be spam now we have the last move of water water dragon

Doesn’t one shot the zetsu but it does about nearly his entire Health then we have wind nature release the first move will be Gail Palm you just right click and then hit him and it gives a little bit of knockback I don’t think it’s yeah

It’s not limited you have to like do it the one-time use the next move will be air bullet which that shoots out a tiny little bullet two and a half hearts third move will be vacuum sphere which similar to the airport it looks like it’s the exact same almost and for the

Last move we got vacuum blade which let me get him a good distance away from okay I think I figured out what the vacuum blade is I think I have to have a sword and in my offhand so if I go to survival right click it will activate uh

Yeah okay so it looks like it just increases my sword damage by a lot when you have it in your hot hand now we have a lightning release and the first move is static Force which just gives slowness three to whatever’s in your area the second move will be

Lightning cologne which when you hit oh I didn’t mean to kill the zetsu uh once you take damage it will try to fight whatever is attacking you and once the Clone dies it basically gives slowness to whatever uh kills it third move will be lightning ball which shoots out two lightning

Balls that give slowness too and then eventually do up to like six hearts and for the last move of lightning is Kieran which is a it hits you basically Kieran just strikes you as like it strikes yourself and so whatever’s nearby gets hit but you’ll get fire resistance and resistance so

You don’t take damage from the fire and the last nature release we have the Earth nature release which comes with four jutsus like all the nature releases we got Earth Spike as the first move which spawns these spikes in the ground and if you run into them you constantly

Take damage and you can run through them like I said you just did the second move will be sand burial which it seems zetsu is Skate but it’s supposed to trap him into this little sand box the third move will be the fist Rock technique which makes you basically

Stronger Yeah it just gives you strength and for the last move of the earth release we got rock blue which I missed but it seems it turned the grass into Cobblestone so if I go into creative here and place the sitsu shoot the rock bullet it places a

Cobblestone block and does a couple of damage the shibuki sword I think just explodes on every hit so let’s say we have a zetsu here yeah it just it does explosion damage and then kills him probably in two minutes we got paper bombs we got the Basic clothing that

You’ll get uh in your journey all these different headbands vest pants that you’ll get from each Village and then the froggy wallet the iconic froggy wallet which to craft it all you need is iron lime dye and two leather then we got the flash bomb you just

Now here’s the two main ones I want to talk about we got the Bingo book and the tailed beast Bingo book now to get all right so basically to get these two you have to kill a ninja and hope it drops it for the Bingo book

There’s only one person you can get and that’s Itachi you get a like a quick little Itachi boss fight who gives you a lot of JP now for the tail beast Bingo book this is how you’ll you’ll get your tail Beats from coming to Cherokee as

You see I got the one tails at a certain location I’ll go fight the one tails and he’ll drop his learner to become a chin Cherokee now I’m going to be showcasing off the mobs in this mod first up we got the shukaku the one Tails they have

Pretty good models and not bad texturing and I think the only move all the tail beasts do is the tail bees bomb plus like you know just hitting you and you can’t get too close up and they’ll try to back you up a little bit yeah push

You away and then the next mob we have is the two-tail matatabi which also doesn’t have a bad model it doesn’t look too bad these are what you’re mostly gonna see throughout your journey is the Ninja they’ll come in all kinds of different styles and if they’re

Not from your village like say your stone this dude won’t attack you but if you feel like cloud or something he’ll attack you and then there’s also some of them I think they can to teach you how to teach you some moves okay like these guys they’ll give you

Missions to do which I think just give you Rio and then some of these guys they teach you YouTube so I can’t find a Ninja who teaches me Jutsu but that’s basically how you’ll get Rasengan medical learner and the taijutsu learner and a couple other truths so this is

Ishiki otatsuki once you defeat him you’ll get his karma learner which will give you his moves same goes for momoshiki otsutsuki which are attacking each other but basically if you kill either one of them you will get their karma learner and to find them you’ll have to find a

Structure in the end which I’ll show later on next up we got Kurama the nine tail now we have the toad I’m not gonna showcase Sage Mode uh in this video but basically all you do is go to a savannah Plateau or a high mountain kill these guys and eventually they’ll drop a

Reverse summoning to take you to mount mioboku where you had to break a Toad’s statue and have a chance of getting the sage mode learner next up we got the White Snake which is similar to the toad I think where it’s either a large snake

It’s one of these two you have to kill to get the reverse summoning to get the snake Sage now we have the zetsu which you’ve seen plenty of times then we have the boss battle Itachi Uchiha which will go into his susano form after being damaged for a little bit and then after

Susano form he’ll go into a weakened stage where he’s basically just about to die now for the six Tales we got saikin the slug here we have Son Goku the Four Tails who I think gives you next we have the atel’s giyuki which oh he’s massive and

He’s shooting a Toby’s bomb at something seems a little agitated by the Sheep next we’ll have the three Tails isaboo uh the giant turtle looking one he is massive and it looks like his tail is armored now for these the crows I don’t really know what they do I’ve seen

Him spawn in my world before but they didn’t really do nothing now we have the seven tails chomei and then the last mob that’s in the game is five tails Kokomo all right I’m gonna showcase one of the tailed beasts uh Learners which is the sixtails saikin and basically to get any

Of the Toby’s learner you just have to get the Bingo book find the Toby’s to feed them and it’ll drop the learner it’s for psykin we have the tail beast chakra boost which all Toby’s give and as you see I have 370 chakra you right

Click and it gives you a ton of Chalker and it goes up the higher the Toby’s you have for makatabi it only gave me like 200 but for cycling it seems to gave me around 300 400. the second thing for all adobe’s will be the Toby’s cloak which

All you do is right click and it adds this little red uh kind of like Aura around you that follows you around it looks a little goopy but it’s all right it gives you strength speed regeneration and Fire Resistance and now each Toby’s have their own unique thing for the

Third move for psychic it’s the wisdom a wolf Decay which looks like okay it looks like you just K anything that’s below you it looks like yeah no okay so it looks like it just decays whatever’s below you or whatever you’re looking at now to get

Karma you have to go to the end first and as you see Ninja and zetsu also spawn here and you might want to try to deal with the ender dragon as well but this is one of the very structures that you’ll find there’s two of them you

Either have this blue one from momoshiki or you have the red one for ishiki so I’m gonna break this Momo Shiki statue and as you can see it spawns momoshiki himself now for each key it’s this basically the same structure except red and there’s another momoshiki statue you

Can also find them once you defeat the Ender Dragon you try to find the end City there’s also some structures there I’m going to Showcase both Karma Learners each kiss and momoshikis the first move for momoshikis is the karma seal it’s so you just right click gives

You strength two and speed three and then the second move from momoshiki’s is a absorption which looks like it just probably absorbs moves that come towards you mostly a multiplayer move and then you also get the visual thing for momoshiki uh the karma now for each Keys

It’s pretty much the same you got the karma seal you got the absorption and it looks like you can’t use his special move um I’m supposed to get his visual thing but I think it’s messed up because I used both uh karmas at the same time now

For the last two things I’ll show you will be the Rinnegan and the tin Saigon the Rinnegan all you have to do is get the implant from a ninja who also happens to drop it and as you see there’s the learner you get the chakras which you right click to get a chakra

And you’re offhand it does eight attack damage and two attack speed no 26 attack damage okay the second will be your eyes you’ll get those which look pretty awesome and then we got the predipath which you right click the usability you shift right click to scroll it’s basically chakra absorption

Which is probably a multiplayer move and then you’ll have the chakra Berry now for the chakra barrier it’s basically I think just deflects jutsus or or yeah it gives you resistance three so basically protects you from jutsus now for the diva path it gives you flight it’s just passive ability you had that

All the time and then you have the bond show Tenon which is universal pool and then this let me uh let’s let’s head over to this this dog right here or sadly it killed him and then if we want to do the almighty push he’ll do that too and then for the final

Move shabaku tensei which it doesn’t just pick up anything you have to kind of like point it at an entity so let’s say this bigger I just captured two of those pigs and it traps them in this giant ball so to Kitchen Saigon you’ll have to have the

Byaku on of course but then you have to implant yourself with another biakugan okay guys so this is editing hyper and basically to get 10 Saigon you have to be the Hugo Clan and then implant another Byakugan to be able to get tinsek on you can’t just implant

Biakugan and then implant another one and get it so uh yeah just want to let you guys know so the first move is to localize reincarnation explosion huh that must be a mistake okay so the first move of since aegon gives you lava leaves chakra mode which gives fire resistance and Shrink

And then the second one is scorching rocks which is a tech move okay I think I picked up the wrong one because if you type into Sega here it shows that is the learner now I don’t really know why this problem happened I’m gonna guess it’s because I did not

Get the tensei gun naturally that it glitched out like that but if that’s not the case then I guess since aegon does not work that’s about it for the mod you guys I didn’t cover everything in the mod but I pretty much got most of the

Important stuff and like I said in my opinion this is the best single player Naruto mod it’s one of my favorites if not my favorite you can play it by yourself and there’s no issues of worrying about having another player or you have to cheat something in anyways I

Hope guys I hope you guys have a great day and uh please drop a like subscribe or comment it really helps out the video and helps me grow anyways see you guys on the next one goodbye Foreign

This video, titled ‘This is the Best Naruto Minecraft Mod for Singleplayer’, was uploaded by Hyper Toast on 2023-06-20 01:35:21. It has garnered 56078 views and 1325 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:26 or 2726 seconds.

A showcase of Noon’s Naruto mod, Kekkei Genkais, clans, tailed beasts, ranks and more.

#minecraft #moddedminecraft #naruto #narutoanimemod #narutominecraft #narutoshippuden #narutominecraftmod #animeminecraft #noonsnaruto #modshowcase #minecraftnaruto #hypertoast

Mod info: Mod – Mod Discord –

Music used in Video: Warm Horizon by purple cat –

Chapters: 0:00 Intro 1:09 Clans 21:16 Kekkei Genkai 26:25 Medical/Taijutsu 31:11 Nature Releases 35:18 Items 36:29 Mobs 39:34 Jinchuriki 40:43 karma 42:03 Rinnegan/Tenseigan 44: 45 Outro

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    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ :…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

This is the Best Naruto Minecraft Mod for Singleplayer