This island disappears let me explain when you’re running around your typical Minecraft world crossing rivers climbing mountains and making houses out of dirt you load the world around you in chunks chunks are 16 by 16 block sections of your world going from the bottom all the Way to World height and the number of them that load in around you is based on your render distance so the larger the render distance the further away you can see but what if I told you there was a secret second render distance now some special blocks in Minecraft called block Entities are rendered in a different way science banners chess trap chests and or chest End Portals mob heads beds conduits and shulker boxes are all subjected to a different render distance of 64 blocks which is normally really annoying because it means you can’t see all these cool banners you made for your Awesome dirt house but we can use this to our advantage on my hardcore world I use tons of dye hundreds of shulker boxes and a teeny smidge of creativity to make something truly One of a Kind a massive floating island in the sky complete with a house a bed and a nether Portal and when you fly away from here Video Information
This video, titled ‘This Island Disappears…’, was uploaded by RyanTheScion on 2023-05-25 19:58:58. It has garnered 3584334 views and 336618 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds.
Omg A disappearing island in minecraft hardcore??
A while ago I found out about block entities and their reduced render distance and I had myself a little bit of a notion.
What If I took the disappearing blocks and made myself a floating island?
So that’s what I did!
untold shulkers may no longer be with us….