This Minecraft Block DOESN’T EXIST (And Many More Secrets)

Video Information

I first got minecraft in the 1.4 0.5 update Christmas Day of 2012 ever since that day all the way until now I have been playing Minecraft through every single update through every phase of minecraft in and out of the mainstream I was there it was amazing to see the game

Changed so much over the years and to see all the fun and weirdness that it entailed however one day a small spark of memory came upon me of a let’s play minecraft from a long-dead deleted channel getting every single block in Minecraft ever since then that idea has

Stuck with me as a concept that I have never acted upon until now I made it my quest to make a simple map with a simple challenge collect every block an item in Minecraft the journey to make this map however slow me down a rabbit hole of old memories new discoveries and a

Massive appreciation of just how much minecraft has truly changed so this video turned from a simple challenge to a mysterious block to an exhibit an exhibit of all the wonderful weirdness that’s contained in the long history of this game the block that doesn’t exist is just the beginning so if you’ll allow

Me let’s explore the deep underbelly of Minecraft developmental past we’ll get to the namesake block of this video and everything else soon but in order to understand a lot of it we’ll need to go over some basic concepts don’t worry I’ll be quick the pre-release development cycles of the

Game were chocked full of weirdness that will explore the development cycles when is such pre classic the week-long non-public beginning of the game when it was still known as mind game classic the first public release in the first test of the survival game look in dev which added many more core gameplay elements

We still see today like crafting tools mobs The Hunger bar and more infidel which as you can guess gave us minecraft infinite worlds as well as many core features then the better-known cycles of alpha beta and finally the one-point / beasts and beyond you likely know all

The updates after this which will also touch on most discoveries in this video will lie in in dev instead and the release areas snapshots are experimental versions of the game where Minecrafters can see versions in development before release item IDs are numbers and names assigned to blocks in order to note them

In the game’s code and blocks states are the various different modes of block can be in for example a lit and unlit furnace or the different stages of plant growth sorry if you already knew all that information but I wanted to make sure we’re all in the same page here now

Back to this mysterious block even though number IDs were phased out in 1.13 I still wanted to use them on my map to give a sense of scale as I was building this massive Tower however I noticed something supremely odd I thought I messed up the order after double-checking the first layer of

Blocks since I seemed to miss the number 36 but when I checked the ID list number 36 wasn’t there at all it was completely skipped oddly enough though this seemed very familiar to me like an old ghost came back to haunt me I could have sworn

I saw a youtube video about this exact topic years ago I searched minecraft to block 36 in the search bar and to my surprise there it was seven years ago 58 thousand views the amazing block number 30 six it was tied a little bit like a magic trick something truly mysterious

And wonderful at the same time and as I remembered it didn’t disappoint when in the title of the video I called block 36 the Minecraft block that doesn’t exist I didn’t just mean in the ID list this block truly does not exist there has been several complicated ways to spawn

Variants of this block 36 throughout the years but they’ve almost always required some external software like mcedit to add it when it’s in the game it is entirely invisible other than the hitbox any interaction with the block left or right click causes it to disappear without a trace

You can’t hold it in your inventory whatsoever however some things in the game could interact with it liquids are stopped by this block causing mysterious floating pools in the air above you Pistons could not push this block no matter how hard you tried light was doled but not fully blocked by 36 and

Where’s the ball if you put a falling block like sand or gravel above block 36 and dropped it the sand would never reform back into a block that sand was fallen infinitely still which allowed you to stack as many as you wanted to right inside this mysterious block now

That’s all well and good but I wanted to know what this thing was clearly it had to be something before being removed so what was it well they looked at the item IDs of every single previous update after 1.0 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

1.3 looking at the 1.3 item ID list gives us our answer block number 36 is none other than the hitbox of a moving piston head this makes a lot of sense what we did was permanently spawn in a hitbox for something that was meant to last less than a second that’s why sand

Won’t place why light acts weird why liquid doesn’t pass it after this explanation I was satisfied with the answer however this was only the start of a long lasting daisy chain of oddness that begins with what block 36 was classified as in the Minecraft Wiki a technic block technical blocks are blocks that

Are made from or are extensions of other blocks or items things such as piste and extensions specific halves of doors and even plants that are planted with seeds or foods like wheat and potatoes are technical blocks it’s possible to forcibly spawn in technical blocks such as the growing wheat crop or an extended

Piston by themselves but doing so tends to cause some weird issues as demonstrated previously these were eventually categorically changed to be part of one block but some of them like the door halves are still spawn able to this day as demonstrated here now you’d think this is the end unless you you

Know decide to check the video length but some of these blocks are not actually technical blocks some of them are evidence of how certain blocks used to be programmed called changed state blocks now change state blocks or these I coin them that are blocks that instead of changing modes with NBT tags like

They do in modern-day minecraft they change item IDs entirely this allowed you to directly spawn in certain block states that wouldn’t be like they are let’s look back at that image among these change state blocks are off redstone torches potion stands with potions already in active redstone ore

And lit furnaces they changed back to normal once used again but if you didn’t bother them it stayed that way forever finally satisfied for the moment I returned back to making my Tower of Terror until of course I hit another mystery oh come without [ __ ] on this this this

What the hell is this there isn’t even a one through three there holes everywhere this bothered the hell out of me there are just gaps in the spawning IDs and for the first hour straight of researching I couldn’t find out why I looked all the way back through every

Previous versions ID list and found squats I tried spawning them in older versions and was told that they just straight didn’t exist and I was nearly at the end of my road until I found a post from October 11th 2015 from the boss two four six one one entity IDs if you

Didn’t know blocks and items are not the only things that have IDs in this game mobs and entities share an ID list together now what’s an entity it’s a little hard to explain but according to the official Minecraft Wiki an entity encompasses all dynamic moving objects in the game so experience orbs dropped

Items eyes of Enders enderpearls active TNT and so on and funnily enough all those entities I just mentioned are part of the spawn egg gaps that haunt me at night now this list I found has an additional bit of fun this guy decided to try and force all these entities into

Eggs and spawners to see what would happen there are multiple real gaps not blocked 36 gaps in the end of the ID list simply called spawn these are placeholders for when they want to add mobs and entities into those places you can actually see a disparity between

This list and the current entity ID list since new mobs have filled some of those gaps putting these in spawners crashes the game entirely but putting them an egg gives you this an empty spawn egg with a default texture all my sources will be in the description so you can

Check out this whole list but there’s an exception to these spawn eggs there’s a mob that cannot be spawned with a spawner or an egg a mob that has been in the game since alpha but never really existed these mobs go by the name of giants now if you’re into the more technical

Sides of minecraft over just even around the time this fact was more popular I’ll bet you’ve heard of giants on the surface all giants seem to be are zombies six times the regular size however I found them to be a bit more interesting now information on Giants is

Surprisingly very difficult to find as well as often incorrect entirely however a saving grace was laid upon me by a channel that is still active to this day say hello to mr. honest Tufts the Indian let’s player December 10th 2012 is when this video was uploaded and it currently

Sits at less than 5,000 views total this is a 27 minute video explaining everything honest Tufts could discover about giants as a mob I’ll be paraphrasing but if you want some minecraft ASMR from this Indian shed the videos linked in the iCard in the top right if you just finished that video or

Just want me to summarize let’s begin in a way giants just like block 36 do not exist in Minecraft they were added in the in dev phase as an experimental mob but very few work has been done about it since then however it’s never been removed in fact oddly enough in snapshot

18 W 50 a for the 1.14 update they gave the Giants several changes that made it resemble that of a real mob even weirder though all the changes were averted a month later in the nineteen wo 3 a snapshot other than that however really nothing came with the mob before

This and even though they were never removed that does not mean they’re easy to spawn you can’t spawn Giants and spawners nor eggs they can’t spawn naturally in any way in fact because it needs both the light level below 8 and above 11 to spawn now through mr. honest

Tufts experimentation I can bring you some facts about giants 1 Giants don’t burn in sunlight in contrast normal Sambas to Giants do have basic pathing AI aka the same pathing AI and aggression old zombies had before it was updated in 1.2 however unlike other mobs they do not walk around randomly

Whatsoever three Giants make no noise when they’re hurt four giants are supposed to do 25 hearts of damage to you but their hitbox is so large that it completely blocks their ability to hit you as their attack range is still the size for regular zombies five Giants

Have 50 hearts of health the same as iron golems 6 speaking of iron golems both iron and snow golems are aggressive towards Giants like any other hostile mob 7 Giants walk at the speed of a normal zombie making them look very slow in comparison to their size similarly

They can only jump one block high just like zombies and finally Giants drop no items on death now I can’t confirm this but I swear that I remember a version of the game where you could spawn Giants with a spawn egg but I do not remember

Which one it had the same texture as the empty spawn egg but did spawn Giants once used if someone can find me evidence you can submit it on my discord link below that be very much appreciated for my sanity also while you’re down there could you quickly subscribe and

Possibly use that Bell thing that maybe doesn’t even work much appreciated know after hearing about all these blocks items and mobs that were removed sloppily from the game I was curious what were some things that were completely removed through the game now if you’re here still I would bet that

You’ve seen a couple videos of this nature before covering old minecraft blocks so when a well-known block shows up I’ll just go over it quickly firstly we have infinite water and lava sources these were added in the in dev phase of development as a means to fill large

Pools they were solid blocks that acted as source blocks as well however they were eventually removed because placing 2 next to each other caused major crashes their IDs were 52 and 53 respectively which nowadays are monster spawners and oak stairs air was an item you could hold for a single

Snapshot snapshot 13 w 38 B when placed it disappeared because the [ __ ] air this one is better known but until 1.8 you could craft chainmail armor out of [ __ ] fire speaking of armor during the in dev phase there was an armor type called studded armor it had no actual armor value

Because it was used as a placeholder during development and the sprite was from an unfinished game from notch known as legend of the chamber lastly for this section there are two features removed from horses on the snapshot horses were added snapshot 13 W 16 a horse saddles were also added meaning it

Was originally planned to have two separate kinds of saddles in this game not only that but there was a crafting recipe made for each kind of horse armor however both of these things straight vanished without a trace and nobody knows why honestly at this point I’d believe it if you said horse stables

Were in this game and got removed for no reason but as far as I know there weren’t any but that doesn’t mean no structures were ever removed so let’s explore those during the in dev phase several basic structures were added in order to test some things firstly there

Used to be massive 64 by 64 brick pyramids that spawned over 10,000 blocks out and beyond they had no rooms or anything they were just absolutely massive ugly pyramids of brick similarly during the in dev phase you used to spawn inside of a house that surrounded your spawn point unlike being

Plopped in like we have nowadays honestly it might have been a bit nice you know in in Feb haven’t heard that one for a bit there used to be crosses made of obsidian that were used to denote the cardinal directions of north south east and west before f3 to check

Direction was a thing and finally the last structure is both well-known and unintentional the Far Lands are what happens when terrain generation meets stackoverflow due to a floating point error and several other things terrain generation past a certain point meant completely bonkers terrain and weird physics

However there’s so much more to it that I can’t really get into it in this video so a link and Venom’s video in the iCard in the top right and the description go watch those and come back if you’re interested otherwise let’s move to old mops now one thing you may find

Surprising is that almost no mobs have ever been removed from this game the most well known remove mobs make up four out of five of those those for being beast boy Ronna Steve and black Steve yeah he’s from the in dev phase and had basic animations they look like pop

Figurines and [ __ ] blacks Steve the only one I might say is lesser known is that humans used to be in this game or rather Steve used to be a mob these were only in the classic phase had a weird ass walking and could be spawned by pressing G

Monsters were a mob with the exact same model but were hostile towards you and had basic melee combat now up to this point if you were some kind of Minecraft trivia master you’d probably have heard of most of these but this one I haven’t even heard of until now

Isometric screenshots used to be in the game you used to be able to snap a picture just like those with many many settings by simply pressing f7 the only issue is rendering in Minecraft has always had its troubles and as such it was a very buggy feature so after the in

Dev phase it was eventually removed now we’re beginning to wind down from here looking at miscellaneous bits and scraps then I’ll gets my map let’s keep going now very quickly I’ll get through the three blocks and items that you’ve probably already known about cogs were a

Block that was added in dev and removed an infidel and even though they were in it for longer than most of these blocks and features it was never actually given a feature just in an animation oh well we got redstone later crying obsidian was in the game for a short while in

Beta 1.3 then removed in beta 1.5 and was going to be used for an obelisk meant to change spawn points but then they just decided to go with beds finally a quiver was meant to be added in the game a couple times now but was never done we did get a texture though

From The Legend of the chamber again alright now we have a couple more scraps that are less known etc four chairs were placed in the game and not to mention something of chairs in his Bloggie head at the time but nothing beyond that came of it Pigman were originally supposed to

Be used as villagers which would make zombie Pigman make a bit more sense but they were replaced with the villagers we know today speaking of villagers want to see something [ __ ] up this was in the textures for a while yeah supposedly some type of hybrid was meant to be

Added which kind of confirms that villagers and players are two different species mister matpat game theory but was eventually removed with the texture pack reformed in 1.5 a tutorial was planned for the game in alpha there was a play tutorial button that did nothing

Back in alpha 1 point 2 point 2 and was removed soon after imagine how much mystery and wonder of the game would have been removed for kids if you had a tutorial level I’m actually glad that this was never implemented and lastly before we head into the map there are 29 various unused

Potions that were going to function similar to how auction what auction that we’re going to function is similar to how awkward potions work among these were fancy bulky stinky blinky inky pinky and quite some of those might not be true but who cares they’re gone anyways anyways let’s

Get into the map the map is pure and simple it’s a survival world with the only change being this massive Tower this massive Tower contains a physical slot for every single available block and item in Minecraft and any others that aren’t obtainable are already placed

There are rules on the walls the goal is just as simple to collect every block in item I don’t care how this is an open-ended question and you have the power to make it whatever you want just don’t try and cheat it pretty please the link is in the description with

Everything else with that out of the way we’re finished for now this video was a much larger undertaking than I thought it would be this is a seven page script compared to my normal two and a half but I found just so much interesting stuff I

Had to fit it into one video in fact I was gonna do Easter eggs too but there was just so many Easter eggs that the video could be its own shorter thing if you guys want it in the end minecraft is a game that lives within the hearts and

Minds of so many kids and teenagers alike it helped form our childhoods and gave us an outlet where our only real limitations turned out to be our own imagination and even though it’s great to look at what the game is today I think it’s just that’s important to look

Back at its humble beginnings a game where all you could ever do is mine and craft thank you all for watching as always and have a great day You

This video, titled ‘This Minecraft Block DOESN’T EXIST (And Many More Secrets)’, was uploaded by The Cursed Judge on 2019-11-06 20:00:18. It has garnered 1226771 views and 64103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:17 or 1217 seconds.


Today we’ll be taking a look at a ton of various weirdness in Minecraft’s eccentric past. Block 36 is just the start, there are secrets, removed blocks, and much, much more! Join me today in this adventure in Minecraft as a whole.



Block 36: All About Giants: The Farlands:


It seems you have reached the bottom of the description. Welcome! Enjoy your stay as long as you like.

0:00 / Intro 1:18 / Needed Information 3:45 / What is Block 36? 5:46 / Technical Blocks 7:24 / Entities 9:20 / Giants 12:30 / Fully Removed Features 14:15 / Removed Structures 15:28 / Old Mobs 16:10 / More Removed Features 18:40 / The Map 19:11 / Outro

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    Painful Mole People Encounter in The End on MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Mole people, Episode 26: Exploring the End’, was uploaded by Splash O’Pain on 2024-08-29 23:58:24. It has garnered 30 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:25 or 7645 seconds. We have one in-game day to find all the resources we might need before we dig ourselves down to Deepslate depth where we will stay. Forever. Is it possible to finish the game without ever seeing the sun again? Follow us to find out! I am doing this challenge together with: @CaptainCrumbs @ArtySun27 #minecraft #livestream #Minecraftsurvival Read More

  • Exploring All Secret Bases in Minecraft

    Exploring All Secret Bases in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Every Secret Base in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skiddzie on 2024-08-30 00:03:49. It has garnered 567453 views and 9941 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:28 or 2308 seconds. Testing Every Secret Base in Minecraft My Editor 🎥 Offstagevitor 👨‍💻 Friends in video 💪 Doni 💛 Creccent 💜 Kiply 💗 if ur reading this i hope you have an awesome day! thanks for watching 😀 Transcript Read More

  • Insane Lava Bucket Carry in Minecraft Skywars 1.20+

    Insane Lava Bucket Carry in Minecraft Skywars 1.20+Video Information This video, titled ‘Lava bucket carries! Minecraft Skywars 1.20+ (cubecraft)’, was uploaded by ThatGenosMain on 2024-06-12 11:32:51. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:38 or 158 seconds. Hi guys, My first vid pls dont judge 🙂 . . minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt… Read More

  • 10 Insane Tricks to Make Minecraft Wii U Run Like a Dream!

    10 Insane Tricks to Make Minecraft Wii U Run Like a Dream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Forgotten Minecraft Wii U Edition Runs Extremely Smoothly’, was uploaded by CombatCompany on 2024-09-20 13:12:08. It has garnered 457 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. In this episode, the host appreciates the clean and smooth interface of a game on the Wii U. They explore a cave, attempt PvP combat against a spider, and discuss the drawbacks of the console’s button design. 00:00 First Impressions and Interface 00:08 Exploring the Cave 00:16 Combat and Controls Read More

  • INSANE NEW Shader in Minecraft PE!! 😱🔥

    INSANE NEW Shader in Minecraft PE!! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Poggy’s Luminous Dreams Shader | Deferred Pack | Minecraft PE | #2’, was uploaded by CoveredMC on 2024-08-30 12:14:10. It has garnered 6393 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. Poggy’s Luminous Dreams v0.6.0.1 | Deferred Pack Link of This Shader Embark on an otherworldly odyssey with “Luminous Dreams”: a visionary Deferred Renderer Pack (or Shader) meticulously crafted for the luminous realm of Minecraft Bedrock Edition’s 1.20.80 (Beta/Preview), powered by the revolutionary Render Dragon Engine. This shader transcends the limits of ordinary visuals, weaving an intricate tapestry that… Read More

  • “INSANE MINECRAFT TRICK: Spot a Mob in 10 Seconds!” #minecraft

    "INSANE MINECRAFT TRICK: Spot a Mob in 10 Seconds!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘FIND A MOB IN 10 SECONDS! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny’, was uploaded by Pillager on 2024-07-07 19:21:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraftshorts 360 #minecraft 666 #minecraft ost #minecraft war #minecraft zoo #minecraft 0.0.0 #minecraft 2024 #minecraft … Read More

  • Epic Cat vs Human Minecraft Battle OHIO Challenge! 🤯

    Epic Cat vs Human Minecraft Battle OHIO Challenge! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Catnap💜 vs Miss Delight👩‍🦰 (OHIO Challenge in Minecraft) Wait For It…🤯 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Akimbo on 2024-04-30 19:00:17. It has garnered 206237 views and 7213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Catnap💜 vs Miss Delight👩‍🦰 (OHIO Challenge in Minecraft) Wait For It…🤯 #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • SHOCKING: YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas by ZpinZ

    SHOCKING: YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas by ZpinZVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Built YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas’, was uploaded by ZpinZ on 2024-05-06 21:30:04. It has garnered 7188 views and 610 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:54 or 474 seconds. Today, I play a new mini game called Bedwars on the Minecraft Bedrock Server: Hive, to see if I can win a game with all my viewers bed defense ideas! Watch until the end to see some funny moments and insane fights. Make sure to like and subscribe for more content just like this. Timestamps: 0:00 – Intro 0:16 – Defense 1 2:05… Read More

  • Summoning Sigma’s Untamed Power! 🗿 #minecraft

    Summoning Sigma's Untamed Power! 🗿 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sigma Never Afraid 🗿 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftvideos’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-05-05 06:05:00. It has garnered 17132 views and 905 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • VeneziaMC

    VeneziaMCVeneziamc veut vous offrir un gameplay moddé RPG [construit ton empire, claim le et devient la nation la plus puissante] et RP [petite survie remplie d’évent et d’architecture] (avec du create et plein de mods bien sympa), ainsi qu’un gameplay vanilla avec des jeux Inédits configuré par notre développeur (le Vinci inspiré du splatoon et le Titan inspiré du loup garou de thiercelieux) Read More

  • Something SMP Modded SMP Roleplay Whitelist 1.20.1 Lore

    Welcome to Something SMP Minecraft Server! If you are looking for an active Minecraft server with lore/roleplay and various mods like origins, image to map, and enderite, then you’re in the right place! Join the Discord server: You can join the Discord server here and submit an application in #applications. Additional Information: This is a Java server with no bedrock inclusion currently. End and Nether reset every few months for new players. Server owner and staff are on GMT+8 time zone. Lore opportunities for next season. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Future: A Tantalizing 100 Years

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Future: A Tantalizing 100 YearsIn 100 years, Minecraft will probably have merged with reality and we’ll all be running around punching trees in our backyard for resources. Read More

  • Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft

    Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you the news in rhythm and vibes. From JAVA to LEGO, the battle is real, In the virtual world, where players can feel. Subscribe to my channel, hit like and comment, For more Minecraft updates, I’m always content. With scenes from creators like Axol and more, I craft unique content, never a bore. Fair Use guidelines, I follow with care, Creating new videos, a process I share. It takes time and effort, about six hours, To bring you content, with creative powers. So join me in Minecraft, where memes… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1

    Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1 Exploring Modular Mods in Minecraft 1.21.1 with Fabric MC The Concept of Modular Modding In the vast world of Minecraft modding, developers often employ a modular approach to creating their mods. This involves breaking down a large, complex mod into smaller, more manageable components, each handling specific tasks within the game. But is this method truly beneficial? Should modders opt for modular designs, or stick to developing all-in-one mods? Potential Benefits of Modular Modding One of the key advantages of modular modding is the ability to streamline development and maintenance processes. By dividing a mod into smaller parts, developers… Read More

  • MCRIS KL – Top 3 PVP maps for Minecraft mobile 1.21! 🔥

    MCRIS KL - Top 3 PVP maps for Minecraft mobile 1.21! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘تحميل افضل ثلاث مابات PVP لماين كرافت الجوال اصدار 1.21 | Minecraft 🔥😎’, was uploaded by MCRIS KL on 2024-09-15 09:48:40. It has garnered 296 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:13 or 493 seconds. Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings, my dear follower. If you like the clip, click the subscribe button and activate the bell. Also, like and leave a nice comment, as you appreciate my effort in making the clips. Thank you very much. _____ Map download link:افضل+ثلاث+مابات+PVP+من _____________________________ Link to my Discord server… Read More

  • Exploring the Church of Scrunkle in Minecraft

    Exploring the Church of Scrunkle in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 THE CHURCH OF SCRUNKLE 【NIJISANJI EN | Aia Amare 】’, was uploaded by Aia Amare 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-08-29 02:52:34. It has garnered 3151 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:51 or 16131 seconds. 『Streamlabs Donations』 Mi★[NEW VOICE PACK] 【1ST STEP GOODS】 Mi★ 『NIJISANJI EN “ILUNA” DEBUT!』 『ILUNA – (Official Music Video) | NIJISANJI EN』 ミ★ 『Tags』 ✧ Group Name: #ILUNA ✧ GENERAL: #AiaAmare ✧ LIVE: AiaAmareLIVE ✧ ART: #AmareAtelier ✧ NSFW: #AmarErotic ✧ MEME: #AIYAHamare ✧ THUMBNAIL/ASSETS: #AiaAssets ✧ FAN NAME: Aiadmirers 『My socials』 ミ★… Read More

  • Join Virtual Idol Mira in Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Virtual Idol Mira in Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Let’s Explore the World Together~ [Mira Meridia | Virtual Idol}’, was uploaded by Mira Meridia on 2024-07-09 09:17:20. It has garnered 41 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:37 or 8797 seconds. ☆ Thumbnail – Mira Meridia ☆ Game – Minecraft ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Hashtags ・#envtuber ・GENERAL: #MiraMeridia ・ART: #Merillustrate ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Stream Resources ・Model Momma: @shiro31010 on Twitter ・Shonkey: ・Overlays: ・Schedule: ・Mira Emotes: ・Shonkey Emotes: ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Chat Rules ・Be respectful to other viewers, my mods/staff, and myself. Any forms of discrimination, harassment, drama, doxing… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Notch’s Secret Feature in Minecraft

    SHOCKING: Notch's Secret Feature in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Notch Never Added This to Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2024-09-22 21:03:00. It has garnered 66331 views and 6718 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial Character drawn by @MagnaGallina —— The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @GeminiTayMC let’s play series. —— Some of the maps used in this video are modified versions of the world downloads from BlueNerd Minecraft’s channel, which you can watch here: @BlueNerdMC… Read More

This Minecraft Block DOESN’T EXIST (And Many More Secrets)