Thunder Pals’ Epic Javrock Christmas Special

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Oh Right that was a little weird how that played out hold hold on a Second yeah I need I needed that transition to be a little bit smoother cuz I was like wait a minute um so third times a charm hopefully the first time was a misfire the second time my PC crashed hopefully the the third time we’re trying to start this

Stream we’re actually going to actually do something um hey welcome back to the Thunder Pals Minecraft live stream I’m your host iceburg mik there’s going to be stuff in the background that I can’t um really do nothing about I just hope that it doesn’t get me copyright

Claimed and pleasant lemon is a th% correct if you think saying something is first of all anyone wishing you like a a happy or happy holiday good day anything like I’m just happy someone’s even wishing me a good day so the fact that Someone says happy holidays and you get mad about it or you say Merry Christmas you get mad like bro just take it they’re trying to spread Goodwill they’re not trying to offend you just knock it off that’s a bar Pleasant um it’s been a minute hold Up you that my stream deck worked again for some Reason you got that that was a ball we had to acknowledge that all right um what’s good D what’s good Pleasant um I wanted to be on this like two hours ago it just didn’t happen it didn’t happen until it was going to happen I think AVGN did say that that

Now that you’re reminding me that’s fine um I was supposed to have done I was I want to do this stream two hours ago I was really supposed to do this stream 26 hours ago wanted to do this on Saturday it just didn’t happen so we’re going to do

It now and it kind of works cuz I want to build a c Christmas tree since I didn’t put one up in my house this year there was just no time to be Honest we might have a different problem on my hands I can’t Um I’m trying to move my cursor using my controller and it’s not working I might have To I didn’t enter Big Picture Mode I’m going to see if that um if that works but um have you people been watching what if I I need to know have y’all been watching what if what if what if is like it out here bro and today’s episode was a a

Christmas episode it was really freaking Good I got to restart my client I really hope this works without me having to switch over What if I wasn’t Um you’re missing out so far it doesn’t seem like you need to watch season 1 to get the stuff from season 2 but if season 1 is a measure of what’s going to happen they’re eventually going to tie in every of every one of these loose episodes into something bigger so I don’t

Know and what if it’s like really good like I I think I’m under selling it and they been releasing the episode they’re doing something weird where they’re releasing one episode a day instead of weekly so they’re already three episodes in but I love every episode they’re all good I don’t want to

Spoil so I’m not going to really talk too much about it but I’ll just like got to you got to watch it it’s really Good and this whole intro played and I still haven’t been able to log into Minecraft yet I don’t even know if I can log into spinal craft yet I’m just trying to get into the the game itself proper welcome Jessica stretch that’s a name I haven’t seen in a very long

Time and technically saying hey Pals would be a bar because you could be referring to the channel you could be referring to your friends now listen that’s called [ __ ] you know nothing about that I think I think it’s hilarious that I I cuz I made this edit I let him say

[ __ ] but then I censored in oh man you downloaded Minecraft on your phone well it doesn’t matter what version of Minecraft you have you can on to spinal craft because they they’ve been a Java server but now they accept Bedrock users as well but I have not

Been on mcraft in a very long time so I have no idea um if my client is actually going to work we will see um we are a survival fair to all familyfriendly server we do not allow any form of griefing or stealing regardless if it seems harmless be sure if you

Accidentally cause an issue to notify a staff member immediately by using SL report and I’ve been playing on the cubecraft lucky block oh okay I I refuse to play like let me let me walk that back because I have played Minecraft on different servers I’ve played on a Manet server I

Started some local thing up and had people join me um coins one of our old mods I think he was trying to start up something I’ve played Minecraft in other places but I find myself always coming back to spinal craft and I don’t really want to invest into a different um

Server no matter if it’s Java on Bedrock I like spinal craft is my home so I want to kind of I don’t really want to go anywhere else if that makes sense I’m sure I’m sure there’s other good servers out there but like you know I’m here because a light gazer and I

Learned what I learned about Minecraft mostly from playing on spinal craft so I really don’t want go to another um server if that makes any sense spinal should be an option spinal has um support for both Java and Bedrock so there shouldn’t be any reason why you can’t join

It and it looks like my controller is not working in here either and that’s a problem boy I’m GNA find some Christmas music cuz I’m going have to mute myself for a little bit because there’s stuff playing that I don’t I’m hearing and I’m sure you guys are hearing I’m sorry about

That I’m going try to find something that y’all can listen to while I fix this controller problem I see you’re also playing Pokemon unite and Pokemon go I was I I was muted for a second but um playing unite is a choice but then I was like you know what

Nah it’s fun with a group you can get five people to play with you it’s fun but playing solo qu or anything less than five people on your squad it can cause um serious um issues I I had to give up on Pokemon go because of the whole egg

Mechanic like I would pick up mad eggs but I could only incubate one without having to pay for stuff and it it just got annoying I used to tear up long Allen City just walking up and down um the different areas there I I just it it got too much for

Me um about they say you hear nothing hopefully you hear something um you have mass to do all right so when I first heard of Yu-Gi-Oh m Master duel I liked it a lot especially seeing how so many old Arts types got supported but um in terms of game

Play it’s not the game I remember because the old Yu-Gi-Oh you could kind of get a couple of turns before dying now it’s like like if you don’t run certain hand traps in your deck and have them in your opening hand you could lose the game turn one

And Yu-Gi-Oh’s always been kind of a fast-paced game but that’s a little too fast for my blood to be honest some people like it I’m not a fan um okay so I have to close this hold let me see something I’ll go through this and with my mouse and then I’ll

Um I’ll exit the program and come back in as noted we are familyfriendly server being so please do not use offensive language in chat an occasional curse word here and there is fine do not be home do not be racist homophobic sexually explicit or intentionally Agra aggravate aggravate other players cases

Such as these will be dealt with accordingly and swiftly may result in a permanent ban for spinal craft for the sake of open communication we are english- speaking server so please use only English and public ch cut use of a ha client mod pack or resource pack that provides an unfair Advantage is

Prohibited this includes exports like fly hacks x-ray inventory dupers Auto Builders and other changes to the vanilla game if you have a particular question on a game modification ask a staff member Black Wings is pretty good they had I like that Arch type they’re very good for synchr

While we have no official land claiming pogin our general rule of fun is not to build within 500 blocks of another player unless you have their permission we maintain long-term worlds so even if the player hasn’t been on and an extended amount of time please respect their space while building in spawn please

Remember that this space is not for your base so no Farms or massive redstone Contraptions try to keep spawn builds to a 50×50 area and next staff members if you wish to build bigger any attempt to hack exploit or use or use of elevated commands such as

SL op may be taken as an attack against the spinal craft Network as well as pranking others in regards to this Rule and will result in an immediate minimum of a 14-day got cut off I guess a 14-day ban from spinal craft all right so now I have to exit

The client cuz my shit’s not working I’m not sure why it’s not working but we need to fix that you’re also building a zombie world deck and a Destiny Hero Elemental Hero deck um I don’t know what support came out for D Heroes and E Heroes that will

Allow you to put them together like that put it all together but um Good Luck cuz those two don’t really mesh that well together at least from my memory zombies got way like they got a lot of support like there’s so many support cars for zombies you could make like at least

Five six different decks just with the zombie stuff I I might have fixed it hold up can I control okay can I move all right we’re good that was annoying all right um we can minimize this um I can undf and Discord Now um um Pleasant are you still listening in how is the um the balance of music to my voice Jessica said I wrecked a deck that looked like weevil deck from Yu-Gi-Oh and it had his name everything got support so I think the only Arch type that didn’t get support was iron

Chain like everything else was is supported in um in Yu-Gi-Oh now so you can pretty much make any deck you want to make so that’s really that’s really good to know um where’s the daily spin thing they they change things since I’ve last logged in music sounds good and you hear me

Loud and clear okay what’s up cam dog Merry Christmas um do you hear because unfortunately I can’t do nothing about the background like the background background music I can’t do nothing about that I don’t want to play Black Jacker 10,000% just want to do daily spin oh you don’t hear It let me know if you hear it now let me let me know know I need to tweak things you hear it sort of all right I’m going to put this to a half then I’mma put this to about half do you hear it Really that might hold on cuz that’s all that’s kind of a problem if I needed to do a reaction video we be kind of [ __ ] right now I’mma put it I’mma put it all the way up on YouTube let me know let me know now cuz that [ __ ] is all the way

Up oh it’s feeding out now so all right a new song is playing now it’s some weird syn pad [ __ ] you hear it Now is it too loud cuz it’s kind of [ __ ] me up I got to turn it down on my side all right how is the balance between me talking and the music playing because I I kind of want to be a little bit over the music but I don’t want the

Music to be like I don’t want the music to be too low or too loud this like supposed to be background Kony I don’t know why on my headset it’s louder than what’s on the stream like I turned it down already on my end I’m definitely over the music okay

So I’mma just leave it at Max um I’mma turn but this is good for it being at Max and I’m still over it I’m going To I’mma put it on 60 Why is it not going up all right I got it on 60 let me know how that is you can still hear even though I speak I don’t know why I’m not a parakeet I drive a Jeep Jer I’m not an Indian something something put it in the Bargain

Bin sounds good to Pleasant his name is lemon we ain’t talking about bad cars I’mma send you back to the beginning like a bad troll level I don’t even know the schedule trying to free style here all right um so that’s so we got the music on point

Um all right um I’m trying to find the daily spin thing I don’t I don’t see it maybe they got rid of it it’ be kind of lovely if light could hop in VC but he probably got his own thing going on oh this is it um cash he is recording audio

Copy all right all right so I forgot how to get out of here Damn The okay this this place has changed a whole lot since I Left I need to find my home This what’s up um Brit 36 Welcome Damn there’s two flies in here I don’t know where the hell these flies are coming from Which One no I’m saying no I’m I’m saying which Home okay how many how many were found oh each player has 100 okay okay I thought I put it on oh my computer crashed that’s why I’m cuz I definitely I definitely enabled it before going on but then my computer crashed so it probably turned back off um so light gazer was

Talking you couldn’t hear him until now sorry about that I was just saying saying there there’s 100 um presents in Span and good luck to find them I also sent you a small sample of uh do it’s what 3 minutes no it’s 2 minutes of audio uh two people you kind of Like no I was planning on just making a Christmas tree and calling it a day I didn’t know I had to go on a scavenger hunt oh no you don’t have to there’s there’s no there may be a prize I don’t know but it’s something to do

Yeah I’ll do it there’s also the splatter Arena if you wanted to check it out although you may have to be whitelisted on the creative server yeah this is two people I like both one of the two people don’t seem to care too much about me H don’t think like that something

I’ve learned doing this project um you don’t get upset with things like that and I’ll tell you why because we have other people in the collab who did nothing do you think I’m going to get angry with them for doing literally nothing it’s not that it’s not that I’m angry at all

Well angry or mythed or anything I’m not I’m not even myth I’m I’m stating an observation when I’m in the same presence as said person who I’m not going to name I don’t like I don’t need no one to go crazy for me showing up but at least

Acknowledge me like like I I’ve I’ve raided you before like I’ve tagged you on Twitter like I think you’re a good streamer a good content creator I’m not even sure he knows his um thing you want to get his if you want to get their attention real

Fast look at their new video that they posted they put a lot I mean I have a lot of respect for this person so it’s like to not even really like say hello when I pull up somewhere it’s like all right cool but um where’s the Align for

This that’s cool that that you got them to do that no no no I I’m I’m I’m I’m not saying that I’m saying listen to it like this is something you need to hear like I am not kidding well you want me to listen to it

Now if you want to you don’t have to um you’ll understand um just with the first 20 seconds what I mean by why I put those two specifically together jingle bell blow you don’t have to show it on Discord uh you don’t have to show it jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell jingle

Bells jingle bell dancing anding Jingle Bell Square in the frosty air what a bright time it’s the right Tock the night that’s actually kind of dope yeah that’s what I’ve been doing for uh days like days that’s that’s that is the collab I’m working on

You’re welcome to be a part of it next year um um but this is your show not mine how is your doing and how is your collab working out what do you mean you got one slated for around my birthday oh what the January one

Um I didn’t I didn’t post it um publicly yet I’m still um I’m still recovering from peak season to be honest like I have I have most of it typed out like I I I made a uh I use Google Keep for like um notes

And stuff so I wrote out the whole thing there um I’m just I think what what’s keeping me from um posting it I didn’t fully flush out the collab rules cuz one thing I noticed um when I do these through Discord is that people don’t check on the Discord

Thread even though almost all the questions that they would have would be answered if they just looked at it so I kind of want to format um I want to format the post so that it’s easy to read and that it states you know check back on this for updated

Details and whatnot and I didn’t I didn’t fully flush that out yet and then I also have another problem it’s not really a problem but uh um I don’t know if people want to do double battles with this I kind of want to go that route but since it’s an Elite

4 thing it’s usually a single battle format so I don’t I don’t know if I want to force um people to do double battles or give the choice single and double or just do single single battles and I’ll tell you why um that that’s almost a 90% on

Single battles and I’ll tell you why because this is a very driving Factor how much time do you have how much time do they have how much time does an audience retention have and how many people do you think are going to have to be cycling through these I would I would

ARG I would argue double battles is quicker in that in that respect then cuz the MS go down wait wait wait wait hold on I I hear what you mean um uh I thought you meant two battles not like two people participating in a single battle yeah um right right right

I understand what you mean by double battles Um actually I have the answer for that one too make it the streamer’s choice they could do double battles or single battles their choice if they want to do double battles find a teammate to pair with them for the elite for well well that would that that that

Would be a multi battle the the way double battles work is that you just send two Pokemon out instead of one oh then do then straight up make it the streamer’s choice okay I mean think think about it this way they choose their element anyway they choose their battle style

Anyway let them run their own show oh I’m with that I’m going to do that because I am telling you the amount of organization this thing is going to require the less complicated you make this the easier your life well that’s exactly why I’m only doing it with four

People including myself because people talking about expanding it I’m like we didn’t even do it yet let’s get one in the books so we know how it works and then we can we can scale it from there now what you could do also what is you could do what lightning did cuz

Lightning beat you to this yeah lightning beat you to this um except she didn’t do it as a collab she did it all on her own she did it she made 18 teams for eight different Badges and she made her own team for elite four

And you had to beat each one when she did her streams you got to challenge any of the gyms you wanted to um you could only challenge them so often but you get to challenge them as many times as you wanted and whoever won got a stream take over as a prize

Only two people won I mean it’s lightning we’re dealing with here I’m sure that was a that wasn’t an easy it wasn’t easy but she knew that she was Pro so she made teams specifically saying okay I got various teams at level 100 beat them they are

Not like super tuned hard but you’re going to have to earn that win you can’t just be like oh you’re a rock type I’m going to you or you’re a rock type Jim I’m going to use use a um what was it a water and fighting I’m going to use

Water and fighting and kick your butt no that’s that’s that’s not going to work you might not want to be holding a hand holding something in your hand the thing disappeared is it supposed to go to your inventory no oh it’s player tracked it’ll reappear later but you won’t be

Able to get it again there’s only one in your house uh as far as I’m as what is supposed to be in the gift nothing you’re it’s not a gift it’s an Easter egg you’re finding little Easter eggs uh so it doesn’t it does so I don’t I just got to find the

Thing I don’t have to right you just have to find it um turn around turn around go to A’s little Pavilion or that yeah that that that’s basically what it is there’s a 100 of them and some of them are on the are not on the ground some of them are like on

The top of a roof I’d say useing elytra but you’re bad at elytra I’m yeah that’s not happening I’m guessing flight time got abolished you have SL fly you should have three hours yeah I got four and there’s one in ay’s house too I can’t go in here oh no you can

You’re just running into the ghost of a present that’s cool that she built more onto this well she did a time lapse that’s what she wanted to do it required me to be on an alt and just help it and then send her the MP3 uh

MP4s I mean she doesn’t have a lot of time time so the fact that she found the time to do it that’s cool the last time she streamed spinal crop her computer blew screen four times in 3 hours spinal craft well actually well my computer crashed the

Second time I tried to do this stream but I don’t think that’s because of spinal craft cuz I don’t think Minecraft eats up that much um resources EX except when it first launches no yeah and that’s the funny thing I had it launched already before I

Hit go live so I don’t know why it crashed want to do so I don’t know why it crashed but it did like load OBS up then load up Minecraft get it into the window then load up Minecraft from the window into the new and next window then

Hit go live like that’s kind of what you want to do yeah um I’d be on but I I I still got two more songs to say I’m doing another song Christmas I gave you my heart but the very next day you tore it away I love them a fun all these

Presents you don’t have to you could build your tree I only have 95 myself done but you should be able to find at least 20 it might be easier if it’s daytime I mean you going put fake presents up people are going to be gunning for

Those oh yeah and Frank is a me now he’s at the monkey statue Frank will pumpkin head you for hitting that one this is a cool mini game but like 100 is kind of much there like some cororo seed nonsense or some DK 64 Gathering [ __ ] yeah it’s it’s it’s like the cororo

Seeds um finding some of them is neat only the die hards we’ll actually find all 100 if you really want to you could go through the old spawns and look for those because they’re in the old spawns including the one that has Birdville although I don’t think bville is part of

It in fact I’m pretty sure I don’t need bergville to be a part of it well it’s that it was separate yours was the first player town uh the people who I invite to spinal craft haven’t really stayed here so a one ass um strangely enough the only people who stuck around were

Luminaries and Btics I mean I kind of I kind of left when it was a little bit of a Renaissance going but you know the the time just didn’t exist to um play this so I kind of had to make the time I had to shift things around don’t worry about it I’ll be

Streaming later today um I I expect in 15 hours maybe that that thing you said kind of bothered me what did I do no you you were saying that people were saying that um you know where is this guy type [ __ ] oh that yeah so spinal craft has a thing um

Um that’s neither good nor bad that is is a spinal craft has a thing a role a content creator role um earning it not hard but when you earn it we expect a little something so when people vanish for months and we don’t hear a word we’re just like

Huh we know life is a thing but huh kind of like the same rule you have for moderators be like knock knock haven’t seen you in a while what’s up I guess that makes sense on from that standpoint I guess I might have just T toen it

Wrong I’m the one who has anxiety but that’s part of my New Year’s resolution is to uh away with some of that I have a really good example of oh yeah welcome to the m Cafe that’s kind of cool master all the mids they even turn around and greet you chist

Hello that that threw me off is that light with a voice changer man let me look at this VC no it was that that thre that threw me off what’s up what’s up people you sound like you’re I was going to say that you’re you’re coming down with something you all right that’s

Crazy this a long day well disc Discord likes to mess with people’s voice quality I am on the phone too so that’s pretty trash yeah I was about to say it sounds like you’re on an old ham radio old I actually have a plugin on Audacity to do

That what’s up glad good to see you guys back whatever I guess I saw a light in chat I’m let me just clear up the brief discussion I guess we had my or whatever I don’t worry about that um that was me getting in a way that I

Shouldn’t have then because it’s not my collab um I have a i um Bergos I have a way about me where I um what is it I want to take control of something that is not mine because I see flaws and um me taking control will

Usually help a lot of that but this ain’t mine and it’s not my channel so I should not worry about that and worry about editing this audio that I’m doing because I still have two songs and it is Christmas hell yeah crap I still have [ __ ] two songs D hold on I’ll send

You a small sample I’ll send you the sample I sent bir how yeah he he’s cooking something kind of cool no like again I guess like you were feeling way and I can tell during the um I guess the through the dial not really dialogue but I guess through

The not so much reading between the lines that I mean I I can tell you missed bir and he wasn’t around as much and a lot of that kind of leaked through and not so subtle away but um again you know the phone goes both ways

Man you just pop in say hey this is how I feel blah blah blah you know you don’t got to come in and I guess periodically kind of I want to say lash out but you kind of you know believe it or not as I was

Doing that um Burg and I know a person um when I did that me and that person are in go super alike and every single time I get like I did that I remember because that’s exactly how that person would act each and every single time but that

Person would get angry and as I’m doing this I’m catching myself more and more don’t be like that person stop being angry e this is not something to get angry at people are not getting hurt they’ll come back time just whatever it is you’re upset about just chill things will work out

Okay that’s that’s what I’m repeatedly telling myself and as that thing happened that’s what I told myself so I mowed out I’m I’m I’m cool I’m chill yeah you you you work through and that’s good self awareness is that’s the first step that’s the main thing but you

Know that’s really it’s really all it is you know you you pretty much hit the nail on the head I didn’t really want to get into like a debate and how you know things go cuz that’s you you basically listed you know the Grievances that basically every streamer has where you need

To Niche down and be known for something something and you can’t really just be a variety streamer and successful unless you’re already successful you know we we a lot of smaller streamers just don’t have that luxury and that’s just the way the the game works you know it’s nobody’s fault

It’s just the reality of it so you know again I was you know as as one of the I guess predominant uh strategists I have to you know sometimes we just got to make subtle changes or sometimes we got to make Dynamic changes you know and you

Know going to be Pokey tubers was the main Dynamic change but you know I feel like we’ve seen some success in it whereas you know the old way was kind of the right the only way the only I was looking at just views and stuff the old

Way the only thing that was really getting you any views was Minecraft that was it that and while that’s great because I saw those numbers and they were they were just great you want to know what isn’t great the fact that only Berg liked Minecraft and none of you

Guys so the thing about it is I’m I’m pretty I’m I’m and I I I’ll be I’m analytical if the numbers were like really great if the numbers were stupendous then I would just have us lean toward that you know the numbers were 2,000 10,000 20,000 then I that all

Right there is no debate there is no arguing this you know no I was I was going on numbers based on things like uh what was it that I showed you Burg I think um I think number of viewers like total viewers for the for

The stream I you said a lot of [ __ ] yeah I was just yeah the number of viewers that’s right um I was just going on things like I’d see Minecraft and I’d see like 200 or 190 or 230 I’d look at other things and I’d see I’d look at the

Other ones and I’d see 60 70 maybe 100 I was just like so you can’t yes those are what you would call vanity metric so when you look at it if the van and the vanity metrics do tell a story yes but unfortunately the difference between 60 and 200 doesn’t

Really tell the whole story because you also look at a gazer you have to look at who is participating you know in the chat who is you know coming through from the stream into Discord and having a another kind of connection because the whole thing is all about um

Impressions is what I was telling bird what the kind of the new thing that you want to look for how many people from the 200 view Minecraft actually you know speak up or join the Discord or convert into a potential you know something later and later on because

Even now if you look at the metrics from Pokemon the views are you know continually you know relatively the same but if you look at the other metrics look at lemon lemon went and bought the game he went and completed DLC he went and made a raid mod he’s interested in

VGC jumps interested in VGC so like bur entered the tournament now we got Goose who’s like a old time Smash Head now he’s like a regular for Pokemon so you got to look at these kind of conversions you know assume that these conversions don’t apply to Dev

Correct no diev diev but the thing is diev is great because he kind of he shows up for whatever like he’ll do like silent raids or whatever granted I’m I assumed I’d have know no no no no no no that no no misunderstand I mean um that they don’t apply to his channel

Because when he streams he I I I see the uh concurrent viewers and uh I I see the concurrent viewers I look at chat both on his um YouTube stream and his Tik Tok and I see there are 200 people in chat why is chat moving like a

Snail well yeah well I don’t I don’t have analytics I only have the Thunder pal analytics so I can’t really speak for that but also there are plenty of people who are just kind of you know you know silent you know just silent but Watchers you know not yeah

Lurkers it depend yeah lurkers that’s the one it depends on what exactly one the goal is two where you kind of fit in this kind of space or whatever cuz like our formula so to speak is basically a visual podcast um I guess we’re moving into

The Pok tube space but for the most part it’s more so you know the engagement and the conversation afterwards and then you know the hangout in on in and after Discord you know cuz I don’t know even if you’ve noticed with the the Pokey Discord like

That’s like just popping boom up up down we had a lot of old heads you got a lot of new converts you got a l a lot of new interaction that’s just based off of the switch and you know is what two three months ago so I’m looking at that that’s

More so that’s test and kind even with the limited space because we didn’t even utilize Tik Tok we don’t really there’s a lot more that can be done so again the way YouTube pays or the way yeah basically the way YouTube pays like if

Where if you go back to the old way if you look at the Minecraft with the 200 views the 200 views on a Minecraft video was like 13 something versus 60 views on a Pokemon stream is also probably still nothing but at least we have you know geese

Coming down getting inspired inviting us to you know VGC tournaments spins are coming out the woodwork oh shoot now he’s going full full SW full th with the [ __ ] am going full7 to [ __ ] lemon who is self is not even like really thinking about it to randomly last week saying oh

Shoot am I a Pokemon fan now yes cuz you always were but also us seeing some kind of influence you know in them you know this is all just a little bit of time I’m not taking any away from anything away from my I’m not taking anything

Away from how we did things previously because at the end of the day it’s still us doing it we still have you know a good great personalities with a thriving Community everything however with Pokemon I was just kind of setting forth a goal in like a position for us to kind of move

Toward which at the then it’s still developing it’s still it’s still it’s all new [ __ ] like I never claim to say that oh this is guaranteed whatever whatever I just have ideas most of the time they work and if they need Shin shiny hunting that’s well that’s different well it’s it’s

Similar that it’s in the Pokemon tuber genre but like anything there’s many ways to kind of exist which is a great thing same way nuzlockers and shiny hunters and VGC competitive players and all of that they all exist in the Pokemon ecosystem there’s different ways in different states of being if that makes

Sense so like the thing about so the thing about shiny hunting the only shiny Hunter we really have is aani he just does it he does that anyway but he have it’s it’s a crossover because he also does VGC he also does you know unite and whatever else he’s also competitive at

The same time but thing about shiny hunting like you really got to be into it you know it’s more so a treasure hunting kind of aspect you know it’s not so much the creative team building aspect or the competitive aspect it’s like a different genre the same game if that

Makes sense like I don’t shiny hunting is cool if you’re into that I don’t I don’t really think Berg is into shiny hunting I’m I’m really not and I get I did that work I was looking for shiny Dragon Ball this [ __ ] took like five

Hours but I got it it was cool it’s a it’s a great sense of AOW yes but it’s really not I guess in conducive to the creative juices if that makes sense cuz I could tell from me bur’s perspective we Revel in creating or finding something that is

Not really or something undiscovered and then bring in a ton of light and then showas thing I feel like that’s where me and Berg have a lot of crossover but the only difference is I di is I go how can I make this super competitive because I

Gotta beat your ass versus bur is like I’m just fine with expressing myself and if it wins great but it doesn’t have to be the best it doesn’t have to be competitive for me it has to be competitive that’s like the main difference between me

And you know but we still Revel in that Joy of trying undiscover [ __ ] am man too Mone is also this is this is my super great M for V nobody’s using this one and I’m like yeah no one’s but yeah I always been joke is this good for

Vgt I’m like it could be but is it worth it is it is it my thing is like is it better than this thing that already exists a lot of times don’t but he I hear that but that’s okay because he needs to discover that or maybe he’ll

Discover something better from that like I’ll never stum anybody’s creative never CU how you learn is how you learn how every and that’s I love to learn how people learn because that makes things more apparent like that’s the really cool thing about just teaching it the

Human mind because it’s like how did you sol how did you arrive here from there all kind of different times you know which is great so I’ll never stunt nobody’s creativity I’ll never stunt anybody the ability to learn a lesson they got to go through it the hard way more power

Tools if I can provide a simpler more cleancut solution I’ll lot of times I don’t have the answers and sometimes you just got to figure it out and report but don’t ignore if something is a roadblock don’t ignore like don’t a lot what do they call it um sometimes you got to kill

Your Dar they say sometimes you got to just throw the whole [ __ ] out start from scratch even though you a lot of time that’s that last part I don’t normally hide behind autism at all um that one in particular is really hard for yeah well and and you know what you don’t you

Even admonish people who try to use that as a crutch so if you’re even you’re I’m saying I I’m saying normally I don’t but what D just said that’s that’s real what what I what I’m what I’m trying to say is because that I know for a fact that you don’t

Use it as a crutch but you acknowledge that I mean I got this [ __ ] and this is something that bothers people with this [ __ ] and I’m not trying to hide behind it this really is a serious problem for me it holds more weight to me because you you’re trying to fight through it

Like you’re having a human experience you’re not just you’re not just be like Oh I’m autistic so [ __ ] you I could do whatever I want cuz some people do that I I know true strange and me are hard letting Berg will tell you this dude did not this dude did not

Talk to me for a good like couple of months because I wanted to I love the idea of his streamer shout out so much that I wanted to make a version of it myself I didn’t even lift the version he did I tried to make it original and he still was mad at

Me so I’m saying it’s fine now um I was saying change that like that that that that that messes with you yeah does I I try hard to accept it that’s that’s why I repeatedly that’s why I told you what I told you earlier in that as I’m reminded

Of that person because that person is not autistic um I I see myself Mak worse that they’re not they’re doing that [ __ ] I I I I see myself acting like that I see myself fighting it and then are we are we sure that person isn’t autistic yes I mean we shouldn’t self

Diagn no we’re not WebMD over here but that was some really strange Behavior but yeah um like like and that’s that’s really honestly like I’m I’m glad that that sentence does resonate because a lot of people think that oh since I put so much time into it

I gotta see it through I gotta continue I I already got [ __ ] that’s me that’s me and bleach and bro it happens all sometimes and that’s why it is literally called your ad you put in the time you cater you nurture whatever cannot move forward got to start over from strch that’s what

They did with um lowy they said episode five was supposed to be its own thing they had to get rid of it MCU is not on board and they rap well we know why now because of Jonathan major but the same thing yo they said this that was their best they’ll never

See the light of day never see the light that’s terrible you got that’s what it is you got to be okay with the time loss and know that that’s not everything you are you created something that great from whatever it is that was deep inside that stuff is still there that is

Not a reflection that is not who you are I don’t I don’t even think like changes of an autistic trait I think people just deal with that period I don’t like change either like every Creator like when when like you spend so much time like soaking in knowledge and you know

This thing and now all of a sudden trick room is activated and now everything you know is is toilet cuz everything is revers now it’s like what the N it’s it’s a hard thing to accept yeah the key is to know that you are you created it and you can still you

Can do better sometimes it’s okay to just let it go it’s a lot of time it’s a lot of whatever a lot of effort boom like think about that if we if we never if I never we never took that process the Sonic would have never been made we

Have probably kept playing whatever the [ __ ] losing the EM [ __ ] blah blah blah we literally had to throw everything we up start from scratch and then we made the that is that that is that is true um damn it I was trying to kill this damn fly um there’s

Um there’s a point in my magic the Gathering career where I had to let go of being a blue white player and and and embrace the other colors of the color wheel cuz I’ve it’s not even that I had a thing against the other colors it’s just white

And blue always did the coolest [ __ ] to me and I just love that color combination but I I I I hit a wall where what I was doing wasn’t getting results so I I had I had to do some inner looking and be like you know what M May let’s give this

Let’s give this these other colors a shot I don’t really like these Goblin ass red or demonic black or jungle green but you know maybe there’s something to it and you know D came through with the well he didn’t he didn’t add green to it

I don’t think I’ve ever had a green deck like a serious one but um he came through with this black red um white deck um we call it the Sucker Punch Sonic because it had a lot of female legendaries and plains walkers in it

And Ang it was it was really it was a really good deck for the the the format at the time we were trying to play standard I wish we would have hit the Age of Reason a lot sooner than that but magic still wasn’t that egregious yet

But in hindsight I’m like I wish we would have figured this out sooner play Commander or something but um that deck I I ran a blue white deck that was basically G the same tra try to get him out swinging kill people it didn’t work against this guy named Ian

But then when D made the the Sucker Punch Sonic I was whooping his ass like none other way over is it it was like both of us couldn’t believe it I think I couldn’t believe it more than Ian but wait a minute but I beat him and I learned a valuable

Lesson that day don’t discount portions of the color just cuz you may not necessarily um agree with how they get the job done because essentially all the colors do the same thing black destroys blue counters red Burns white Exiles green fights they all are getting rid of creatures the same way they’re just

Doing it in different ways and that was a lesson I learned and I’m no longer um I don’t want to say racist but I’m no I’m no longer a gun-ho blue white person I can play any color in the collar pie yes it’s is good and I I appreciate

You taking the journey cuz it’s basically it was It was a plch she like all right let me leave behind what you know and love the most and you know give a shot that’s that’s honestly what I did cuz I always played green but then you remember the

Blue Illusions I’m like yeah this is kind of let me let me I’m like my blue Agro that’ll never that just never that’ll never work I wouldn’t honestly I don’t really see you playing blue like that but then you found a way to make it work cuz it’s not necessarily the color

It’s more the play style and you found a way to make blue work in the way that you play mono blue AG huh sure as hell work czy show learnable and honestly that’s kind of what it is I’m actually more a blue player than a green player I like green

And I like green and black but I I think I’m more black blue with a splash of green probably what it is or more green blue spash black I’m I’m probably just simic and deir and then you just kind of Bring It Together in whichever way you I don’t think and

Unfortunately I don’t think of even though I like it it’s just not I need the that’s not that’s not completely your identity you can you can roll with it it’s not it doesn’t quite hit it it’s missing the it’s missing the bouts it’s missing the flexib

Of unsummon I like how you have mad utility with one yeah unsummon is one of the best cards ever made in Magic like honestly like it can do so much but it seems so unassuming but it really does a lot does a lot and yet it doesn’t it I

I’ve seen it used I’ve seen it used badly too in the hands of a master it’s a Gods set it’s a one drop I hate you car yeah another C that I really like that I don’t think they’ve remade um what was it cyclonic Rift oo that is a good

Cut kind of the same thing except um overload overload the overload is is just ridiculous and being given the option for it yeah yeah card cards that give you multiple options like you could switch hit with the [ __ ] um was it option SEL yeah option

Select when you can do that with a card it’s like yo you you got something really good there it makes sense because I I didn’t even really go back on it but like I play Blue and dual Masters I lean more Tempo Yu-Gi-Oh as well I like

It or this thing and that thing or using you know waku offensively defensively I like the way to you know have that or even [ __ ] what’s some [ __ ] zero gravity like ha switch the whole field to defense mode it stops it also makes your attack much worse

Because everyone has defense so I can turn that into aome switch attack that kind of remind in the f so yeah that that know once that BW whatever and then from there I was like yep all right let me play Del because a easier version always run stuck stuck out me

Like this [ __ ] is a one man three this yeah the the value Delver gives you is [ __ ] who made this once I saw that I’m like like oh what up about a risk I’m like how is it a risk it’s not a it’s not a

Risk yeah or don’t or don’t view it as a risk same [ __ ] we don’t know how to use t i the reason why I even liked magic in the first place is when the rard first showed me like just like simple carard combos you could do and like how things

I’m like yo this is kind of crazy this is like kind of better than Yu-Gi-Oh hold up so you know that that’s why that’s probably where I fell in love with blue because it could just control the game State like counter faeries is probably the closest thing to like a

Blue thing in Magic that’s in Yu-Gi-Oh because it just the whole point of that deck is to like stop what you’re doing and gain Advantage off of it so like you know I I I love that about magic but you know the the whole like I I I just miss where

Like you had these cool interactions and then you had these cool planes to go to and like things just built up on each other like the minute they moved away from three sets is when they kind of like resigned fate like I don’t I mean yeah the third set was

Always ass but at least they like at least there was an attempt now it’s like you you go to you go to Kagawa you’re going the minute you get there it’s like it’s it’s over you’re not living in the in the plane that you’re you’re going to that’s kind of

Whack surpris wor one in recollection is the calim calim had 10 realms how the [ __ ] you visiting 10 realms in one set you’re not and the it was there was a lot of cool [ __ ] in it but I’m like bro what where’s the rest I don’t understand what

Do you mean t it’s like a t round is [ __ ] elf round is sow giant real is [ __ ] Dem like all cool things that really more explanation they’re too busy giving Kai a [ __ ] G’s rooll then some other [ __ ] happen what is even happen why is it

Over why is it over that that’s pretty much the the my problem why is it over minut you get there it’s over why do very cool set they came right after ior was cool too like y’all have great ideas but then like bro we need that second set we need the

Expansion yeah it’s a bunch of Monster Hunters and Godzilla y this is great there a whole [ __ ] story line cuz it’s like the humans like Humanity trying to survive yeah honest honest magic needed like a show or maybe a movie or something like at the end of

Like the third set they would make a movie shorts or something gota go crazy like five minutes they could do the OverWatch um method just make some like character intro thing they great the sigma [ __ ] Bro the sigma [ __ ] was crazy to this day I’ll take I’ll take a mov the same time

I’m like you pretty much hit the nail on the head yep what’s up scrunch Munch how are you that name is but yeah like I don’t I I just I don’t understand why why magic or Wizards or whoever is running it now is doing it the way they’re doing it it it

It it sucks the soul out of this [ __ ] actually cuz you already heard about [ __ ] D [ __ ] and the [ __ ] stock [ __ ] I’m actually not mad about them incorporating D and D into magic I just don’t like how they’re doing it no no no

So what they do with the D and D they basically tried to put DND D on a p on a higher pedest than it is it’s St four foring the [ __ ] and just over [ __ ] doing it all the while not paying the creators but then also they was like oh

Hey you can’t if you’re going to do a DN D campaign we’re going to sue you or some other [ __ ] and they were going after the big DND D creators and you can’t stream it on YouTube I don’t even know if you heard about that that was a

Whole [ __ ] you can’t stream a DN D campaign on YouTube why that’s really stupid so BR immediately Dro because they like you know how many [ __ ] D and D play [ __ ] lawyers play D and D bro they came for they ass immediately I do I will never I probably never play DND D

But the concept of it is very interesting you get to create you basically get to create your own campaign your own characters and you run it and like that that’s if it wasn’t so much like you know work to like get it all to to come together together I would

Do it like I rather just play an RPG honestly didn’t do that but that’s that concept is cool why would you mess with that bro they was trying to cat and they was literally trying to say oh if you use this you gotta pay us or we’re sh

You was what’s that music [ __ ] they’re basically trying to do that um royalties they was trying to do that sh for like campaign so in like if you created your old campaign you had to [ __ ] pay Wizards because it’s under the [ __ ] claws or some [ __ ] bro that

[ __ ] did not work but I dig that’s not the most agre let’s talk about what happened this month bro the top three whatever CEOs got two CEOs of Hasbro and then the CEO of wizards they got bonuses bonus bro the bonus was like 3 million the other other two had like 2.5 billion

In bonuses in bonuses all the while laying off a thousand workers right before Christmas that’s crazy yeah that’s [ __ ] the situation bonuses 3 million [ __ ] Sal you laying off d& creators who’ve been there for years yes half of them worked on that probably more creators who been [ __ ] doing

This [ __ ] got you where you at today laid them [ __ ] off and took a [ __ ] $3 million bonus bonus this a even a [ __ ] salary so you know I think the professor made a video on it so up it is not entirely sure that they can go after YouTubers for doing

DND not anymore they probably hold on I’m I’m rolling it over my head and I’m just like so you’re telling me I can’t get a couple of friends to I’m going to sit here and say Hey I want you to make your own characters we’re going to do it

This way and we’re going to roll dice and you’re going to do a run through this preset campaign and as you play through this I’m going to have triggers and we’re going to stream it um that sounds like fair use to me listen again they tried they very much

Tried they quickly found out that all these lawyers said [ __ ] you but it didn’t stop them from trying you got to remember they was on a [ __ ] rampage trying to make those record profits they made during 2020 when everybody was a home buying [ __ ] with all that [ __ ] FL plus some

Money 2021 comes around a [ __ ] we ain’t rolling it 2022 comes around you taking a loss a [ __ ] we got to start getting creative where the [ __ ] they at are they trying to do those endr en counting tricks yes endless grow I’m like bro endless doesn’t [ __ ] make sense how you going

To double profits year after year what the [ __ ] you think this is why is meeting or at least a little bit less not good enough why you got to [ __ ] double dou yeah yeah record profits is not sustainable it’s record and then you double with I’m like why the [ __ ] are

You looking to double double the highest you ever did what year after year like come the [ __ ] on the line goes up but again that’s kind of that’s the mentality a lot of people’s at like this current state which makes no [ __ ] sense this is crazy it really doesn’t

Crazy that’s why [ __ ] is broke that’s why shit’s [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] exensive E the rich but at least do what you got to do I would I I I I almost completely agree with ether rich but I think it’s more ether irresponsible rich not even bro

The problem with ether rich is so bad I saw some [ __ ] where it’s like imagine if you tried to take over [ __ ] bet Bezos has so much money not in Amazon that it doesn’t [ __ ] say you go and take over Amazon you got a couple of trucks you got a couple of [ __ ]

Factories and that’s it and then you sell that [ __ ] for liquid okay but like $10,000 all his [ __ ] is in [ __ ] offshore accounts it’s in stocks it’s in [ __ ] that you can’t even that’s the [ __ ] up part he doesn’t really have anything which is crazy that’s the [ __ ]

Problem yeah all his money is tied up that’s the I’m like bro what can you even like what do you do it’s crazy say you had the revolution net you gotta kill like the stock Mark you can’t kill a stock Mark got you don’t know where the [ __ ] is money

Offshore accounts oh there a Swiss bank all this [ __ ] and you look at it he does not it’s no salary that’s why he don’t get tax he doesn’t pay himself [ __ ] that’s like get away from [ __ ] tax it’s [ __ ] stupid but this is the way it is man

You could be literally a [ __ ] billionaire with not worrying about [ __ ] not worrying about losing [ __ ] and that’s the [ __ ] problem if that [ __ ] was actual liquid or actual cash you Fe for his life worried about money ain’t even money is not [ __ ] rich I’m not [ __ ] Pap you’re not

Sitting in a [ __ ] Scrooge MC McDuck bat like that it’s not a damn it I think I think we got off a topic what the hell were we talking about we were talking about me and me being stupid well well one you’re not stupid two sometimes you w out but you know we

Know and we don’t hold it against you yeah the end of the day never you can always talk to us about it even if it’s uncomfortable we have no problem this in fact it’s more enlightening because we to understand more about you and our as you know we all human we all feel

[ __ ] know like I said I apologize if the transition was pretty jarring which it was but again now that I see that that’s kind of how you know it’s it’s our first time friend it’s the first time for you being just connected to us and then suddenly

Not I can understand that being you know a little jarring slash making you feel disc comfort you yeah but at the same time let us know hey you know what’s what’s going on if you want us you know want us to let us in there’s no problem being close and then that close

Yes completely understandable feel I actually like cuz this this that this part is kind of new to me I thought that um this was about the whole the Pokemon collab thing I didn’t know it went deeper than that I could be wrong but that’s kind of

What what the the impression I was I was I was getting the impression that um you know you weren’t doing or you just weren’t hanging out as much you weren’t doing spinecraft as much we definitely haven’t been playing multiple of the other you know pre share a thing that D didn’t quite

See that Berg does know but D does not know I it’s now occurring to me um I do suffer from seasonal depression everything from Thanksgiving straight to Easter as me in a very melancholy State that’s on me though that is 100% on me no judment I mean I get

It no bro like pretty much pretty much like like you said from November to March is a whole bunch of family gathering not even necessarily family cuz you can do it with your friends too but like a a festive thing where people come together and if you don’t got the

Strongest relationships with your family that can be kind of a depressing time shoot even if you do have a good connection with your family you might have lost someone and that’s Weighing on your mind so so yeah this time this this period of the Year this this half of the Year kind of

Sucks it’s also great too cuz they you know Well yeah if you don’t have the the trauma that then it’s good but if you’re aware of something like that is it’s not going to be the the best time for you yeah Peak and Valley High and lows yeah

It’s like extrem you know extreme happiness extreme sadness extreme family whatever time extreme time off you know yeah extreme gluttony all type but um yeah I I thought there was maybe a discrepancy because of that and I wanted to hop in to talk about that more but I didn’t have the idea fully

Flushed out I was just bouncing off of everyone because initially I was going to just do a tournament and I wouldn’t have had a problem with that but I thought we could do something better and something that would get other people involved because I notice something with the Mario Kart

Stuff as fun as those things are and I will do one again probably in March or something I’ll do one like maybe every couple of months but when it’s a closed Lobby and and that doesn’t even game doesn’t matter at that point when it’s a closed Lobby people are kind of salty

And they probably are not going to stay there too long because they can’t interact with the going on so I’m guessing this is why you lament streamer cart because that was a way around the whole um the whole Clos Lobby thing you’re making a tournament that

Anyone can join via the mode in Mario Kart now you everyone can participate but um I can’t do that cuz internet don’t allow us to have nice things but um I was I was trying to see if an idea would come up that would allow for more interaction with the

Audiences and I I came up with one so I wanted to run that idea first and see if we could scale it up once we ex executed one that that’s what I that’s what I wanted to do but I didn’t have everything fully flushed out and I’ve been very tired this month like

I’m just now starting to kind of get back to a a sense of normaly because the hours are going down and the days are going to go back to five instead of six so like I’ll be able to like you know be more active but I saw what was was

Transpiring and I felt bad and I really hope there’s no um Bad Blood between us cuz I value your friendship a lot like gazer and I don’t would hate for you to leave the the Thunder Palace for any reason don’t worry about that I mellowed

Out all right I just want that to be known cuz yeah I I I get in the way I I I I I I would get in the way if you did that yeah because you know the whole thing like from like I said not to bring up cuz you said you

Mel I mean I again it seemed like you were typing from a place of Um that you’re upset or it was coming from somewhere but most of it was kind of just presumptions it’s just kind of like I’m I’m here for you know I’m here for the input of telling me you know oh this could go wrong this can’t go wrong this can’t go wrong this

Could kind of could go whatever that’s just usually not how I operate I’m usually if I’m going in with the plan I usually have the negatives already calculated but I’m more so looking at the the big picture like what what good can come from you know and then you know

I guess coming from people you know people only joining to expect a payout I’m like we don’t want those people anyway I care less if you’re here because you enjoy Pokemon and you want to learn how to compete in a place where you’re not told your piece of [ __ ] or

Compete in a place to actually improve or whatever or you know maybe you just don’t understand the basics of A plus b this is my favorite Pokemon how can I make it work instead of just ramming my head through a [ __ ] wall and saying that it will work no there always a way

To make something function you know and learning how to make something function by you know asking questions or just being around people who you know have skin games those are the people we want the people who have absolutely zero idea what VGC is or how to raid correctly or anything like that people

Who just enjoy the game and want to enjoy the game more than just the basics of whatever the game teaches you which is honestly a faing game freak for the past 18 years but that’s neither here nor there but I mean they they’ve gotten better but they haven’t gotten better with their format

Which is a problem my my problem with game freak when it comes to VGC they started making inroads with Gen n but I would really love for them if VGC is going to be the format have the games follow that and and start you off with the training

Wheels and eventually knock them off as you run through the game 100% that’s really what it would that would be great if more battles in the game where at least half if not more then yeah like they started it with gen but again gen 3

You only saw a couple of those and yeah they yeah they played it safe they were all volunteers but again the thriving but that’s you know that’s the community more than anything not really because it’s official but the community really drives it instead of the game SL company

Driving it CU they’re still doing singles I’m like bro nobody just don’t even do singles I mean I would probably still be doing singles if gen um eight didn’t [ __ ] it up with GX right we do signals if that were the form but it’s not even their own form it’s not even the

Official so we’re left at that this weird position where like oh [ __ ] I was doing it wrong this whole time but you me you got to find out other another way is possible cuz we didn’t find out some [ __ ] VGC till we [ __ ] found jtails and I was like

[ __ ] early smash 3DS days so it was like one we playing smash 3DS and was playing Gen 6 on 3DS so I’m like yo this is kind of this is it this is fun not everyone has that history or background or knowledge especially just some guy who just bought skylet and violet and

Expect to oh I’mma join in with this streamer and they’re going to use their favorite coridon you realize that coridon is not really one legal in VC two not the best ra so what the [ __ ] you supposed to do so again like my whole thing like like is to be the

Bridge so that you can have decent footsteps and hang to some capacity my my whole thing is to be a bridge to erase ignorant cuz we’ll show you the way we’ll tell you what to do choose to continue that’s on you if you choose to stay ignorant and

Go back and revert and say these [ __ ] is crazy my shit’s the best I’m nice all right cool that’s the choice as well and honestly I think that’s what’s more of a thing we want to dispel the whole competitive is bad or only or anything like that there’s nothing wrong

With no one how def there’s nothing wrong with it but there’s been a lot of Bad actors that have made anything that touches competitive have a bad commentation yeah so that right there that sentence I wish to spell in all forms especially in the space that we currently

Provide because in any kind of competitive any space or any real competitive shared entity there are way more people trying to help and promote and uplift than the niche Bad actors who aren’t good and don’t know that they are not good you know what it is I think people

Remember more negative things that happened to them versus positive everybody that’s that is every aspect so when so when so when you encounter a bad actor it stays with you more than when a good actor does something good for you but that’s fine and and that’s natural that is the

Natural way Society Works however that does not have to rain true that does not have to be the reality that does not have to be an excuse to not learn because my whole thing is I want you to learn I want you to experience things good and bad because

Now you can see the difference between this guy saying I’m trash and cheesing me out or this guy or realizing that this guy is cheesing me out he’s doing some one note Jitsu and oh this is the way to beat it cuz what’s the difference between somebody spamming a short yuk and then

You running into it saying that [ __ ] is cheese he a bad actor no he’s just trash no that’s not a bad actor that that’s you not that’s you not realizing that you can jump or Parry or duck the [ __ ] eventually close the space and hit him but when you’re in the middle of

Battle In the Heat of battle and you’re not aware of that you’re just thinking oh y this is cheese the hell I can’t deal with this right and then he’s calling you a [ __ ] and all that other [ __ ] so again what’s the difference Between you not understanding and learning and getting beat by dumb [ __ ] and him being a bad actor and then you Internalizing the whole compe well for the for the uninitiated they’re going to think that the guy is a bad actor when really it’s just he knows more than you do I guess it would behoove the person with more knowledge to help to dis spell that but a lot of people don’t see it

That way they just think go get good scrub right what does that so when someone says get good scrub what are the ways to approach that I guess either ignore them or actually get good but not because they told you to but because you want to

You want it you yourself want to be better at the game MH you don’t get you don’t get good because they tell you in a snarky way you get good so you can whoop their ass right so why do you think that’s not the norm going forward or why is that

That not the norm as perceived you know by your your crowd or at least you know the ones you Brak up like why is that not the norm or why is thebe maybe maybe maybe well I think some people just aren’t trying to be competitive like they just they’re literally just

Playing the game just to play the game like they want to have a little bit of fun they they don’t see being competitive as it has value to them it’s like they’re not they’re not in it for that they just want to have fun they don’t realize that maybe and not even

Necessarily going like full competitive but just learning from a competitive person might help them have more fun they don’t they don’t know that and like that it doesn’t even go past their mind like they’re just on some yo I just want to have fun and this dude is like being

Being whack bro Being Cheesy like yo [ __ ] that I’mma play something else it’s not even occurring it’s not even occurring to them that if they could just take maybe five minutes to like go through something that that’d have a different perspective on the game because not not not everyone has

Been as lucky as I have been to have someone to tell me oh that’s not cheese that’s just you know s step that duck that like I got you Iman spener I got people who know better and are willing to dispel the um the notion that you know

Everyone is out there to be whack like because not everyone out there is a I hate to use his name but not everyone’s a mem master that just wants the platform and not actually play the match and then make fun of you for losing because you couldn’t out for him I do

Have to go I I I I need I need we we’re tanging anyway we got we got what we set off anyway I’m just happy that you’ve calmed down and I don’t got to worry about you leaving a letter of res you always have to you always have to worry

About me okay again like you can talk to us about anything especially if it’s discrepancy I’m here for every conversation good or bad tentative to say this on stream but um um I will anyway my doctor or my yeah my doctors my psych doctors have put me

Um on a yearly recurring thing from the months of November to April especially around December or uh Christmas and Valentine’s Day I am on watch that’s how that yo why are you on watch man because I get depressed beyond anything anym Jesus yo you get that depressed you DM me all

Right no [ __ ] that I’m I’m dming D I [ __ ] I I [ __ ] that you’re [ __ ] that Uno reverse no hey B what up D’s the better counselor well probably but still you’re you’re my guy [ __ ] that D I sent you the um audio clip of

What I’m working on give it a listen um that’s kind of what I’m going to be doing every year from here on out and after everyone I talked to they all want to be a or they either want to be a part of it really love the idea or be

Like the idea the idea is cool I’m here for I’ll take a this all right man yeah man much Lu but yeah I guess my question brg is cuz that that’s that’s kind of just been played me do you feel that it is not I think it’s more like a reflection of the

Wanting to win more than wanting to I guess it’s more a reflection of shadowing I’m playing to have fun instead of I want to win but I didn’t win but I don’t want to say that I wanted to win so this there’s Pro there’s probably some of that mixed in

With it cuz I think I cuz generally no one ever wants to lose and there’s a lot of people who are sore losers and can’t admit to that like so I think I think some of them are masquerading as oh I just I just want to play man they really are they really

Want to be competitive but they can’t be and they don’t they they may have realized it but they want to use anything as a crutch to not have to admit that so I think there is there is there is some truth to that I think there’s genuine cases and then I think there’s

Um Pride it’s like I can’t admit that I’m bad it can’t be me can’t be me this guy he’s the problem he’s sweaty how dare he win all he cares about is winning but like when and that case does the competitor or the competitive minded player ever put winning as the

Priority I think a competitive minded player is more interested in what they can glean from the encounter versus if they win or lose right so why is it the competitive competitive minded player or competitive Community get all the negative backlash of all they do is care about winning when it’s usually the

Opposite because it’s been a bad um not a bad there’s been there’s been a misconception I think people are placing their blame on the wrong things and I don’t know why I can’t form this sentence I think I think people just have the the have the bad guy wrong they think

Competitive anything is bad when it’s really sore losers and even sore winners who are the problem MH they I think th those people who can’t handle their emotions in a mature way cuz like we used to we used to laugh whenever we saw that clip of that one

Dude at Evo slam his arcade stick it’s like what the [ __ ] but that’s probably not the best way to handle your emotions with losing but H when you’re in when you’re in when you’re on the hot seat and you’re dealing with that [ __ ] like the energy got to go somewhere and

You’re not thinking rationally in that moment you’re just like [ __ ] but yeah I think we’re placing blame on the wrong group of people people because and it’s I I learned this cuz I was one of those people who thought all competitive people were just like you know up or elitist but and

There probably are there probably are some people who act like that but I would say that they are a minority because I met people like um Terrence like Iman obviously you but I knew you for years um stretch people who are playing at a high level and aren’t

Scumbags they don’t look down on people and as a matter of fact some of them even want to help train people homeboy from Shadow verse like yeah the homeboy from Shadow verse yeah that’s another I was thinking about him when we when we first brought this topic up I didn’t

Know I didn’t have a way to inter intermingle him but yeah that guy from The Shadow verse tournament that was a good guy if you could help me if you could do me a favor be an ally in my fight for good would be kind of help dispel I

Mean stop running black and Berg start running more counter spells and dispells and maybe you can actually help him but if you want to fight against if you want to fight for good you got to stop running black a [ __ ] is not bad black just black black

See black is weird because you you think it’s like a good versus evil thing white and black but it’s really not yeah say that to all the black demons right um I just wanted to say baric you have no time for this absolutely no time for what I’m about to

Say what are you do have time what are you [ __ ] did you see the um the food thing that I posted the food yeah I posted uh a thing that I made I’ll it here okay I’m confused I thought this dude had to go now he’s talking about

Food making me hungry and [ __ ] I’m about to order something I ordered this burger that [ __ ] was huge it was great this better this is way way way better I just thought to that [ __ ] was great I had a Lobby in my pocket I was like yep I’m ordering [ __ ] I posted

It all right where where did you post it I okay let me oh [ __ ] that looks scrum ous those look like some type of nugget no not even close um have you ever had or harsh puppies or some [ __ ] yeah have you ever had Hush Puppies before yes okay this is that’s close to what this is these are imagine if you will cheesy mashed

Potatoes oh that’s already great rolled into balls breaded rebred and then deep fried yeah that that that’s GNA be amazing a lot of cheese yes but if it’s if it’s oo gooey cheese then I’m all um mashed potatoes is about the recipe is calls for well when I made it was

About 1 and A2 lb of of uh mashed potatoes that have been skinned with 1/4 cup of sour cream and two cups of shredded cheese you gota have you gotta have five kinds of cheese I don’t think the five kinds is going to matter considering the amount of

Potatoes that throw in a small chunk of cheese inside the balls I’ll be trying that next but this is like an 8 Hour recipe but it makes like 150 of them and they um they do freeze and reheat pretty well that’s a lot of puppies so um I’m just like you want

Something good that’s good but it’s a long hook time because you got to ball each one one by flipping one and then bread them and then rebred them do do you have to rebred them well the thing about rebreeding them um I’m assuming you’re joking so I

Don’t know [ __ ] about so my B so to deep fry anything it’s got to be um encased in something hence the breading um almost everything you make will have a breading these need to be double breaded because the first layer of breading is very thin and um okay if you’ve ever had

A mozzarella stick before and you tried I’m about to order that um those explode so do these you don’t want is exploding so the double breading is very important otherwise you’re going to have a nightmare reheating the only time mon exploding into my M they’re facts yeah pretty much

Facts these are pretty good um really warm not scalding hot and not frozen but anything in between those two they are good cold go go figure and the best part is is it’s not like a oh you need to cook it to an internal temperature of 175 no these are flipping potatoes they’ve

Already been cooked they’re mashed potatoes they’ve been cooked what hell do you want want edible it’s breading and potatoes you any I’ll let you guys go I just wanted to post D for Christmas that’s my gift to you it’s not a hard recipe but it’s a clipping longberg yeah you ain’t ever making

These me I don’t really cook so yeah you don’t have an 8 Hour timetable to make something like this because you got to make the potatoes then you got to roll them into balls and then you got to bread each one one by one then you got to deep fry them

Let them cool do do it again and again and again and again and again and you can only so many at a time thanks for sharing yeah we appreciate that um so to so to answer your question I’ve always been an ally of dispelling [ __ ] [ __ ] so like you even have to ask

That I’m just saying you know whenever the Crusade because I I rather people like if you’re not going to do something competitive don’t do it because of a fear of something like do it like because you really just not that interested yeah yeah my whole thing is I just want to kind

Of uh smooth over the competitive aspect of things cuz it it does it gets a negative connotation I kind of want to do everything I can because I I I I’ll keep it a book I’m not that interested in competitive things I’ll do it I’ll dabble but it’s not like a go-to thing

For me it don’t got to be a go-to but it also I don’t want it to be a negative which it’s not a negative from a line of perspective I’m seeing or you know at least it’s one misunderstood two leans toward I’m imagining [ __ ] [ __ ] or three

Just you know I I mean it don’t even have to be competitive I always imagine [ __ ] [ __ ] when we dealing with the internet Glory [ __ ] that’s not even competitive that’s just you playing him and he’s being a [ __ ] like that’s not a sanction event every sanction event has

Rules and either you do well and you enjoy yourself or you don’t understand and you get O2 and watched immediately there’s no real there’s no room to be a [ __ ] like that’s the crazy part in all honesty like think about any like somewhat big or manageable tournament you’ve been to where are the

[ __ ] I can’t find once um they they um they they ranked out they got they got 10 care of in the first round yep exactly like unless say I’m the best but then that game is dead so it cost you nothing best just say like playing yeah he’s one of those he’s one

Of those Elite he’s one of those Elite [ __ ] boys I was referring to but like I said they’re far and few between he’s like the only one I can think of he’s a heal it’s not that’s some [ __ ] boy [ __ ] say the B it’s the but also you think about the

He’s a he it’s it’s the K it’s the architect ah you’re not really well I’m supposed to hate him then if he’s trying to be a he he’s doing his [Laughter] job I can understand tribulation but at the same time I don’t know man yeah Triple H was a [ __ ]

[ __ ] that [ __ ] needs a [ __ ] award son that he’s he acted that role to the team I couldn’t stand that [ __ ] I’m like rock rock bought him his ass through the ring God damn this guy’s [ __ ] but I’m sure in real life he’s not like

That y you know R is fake right it’s real to me oh I forgot to say what up to zo what up zo he probably been left like yo [ __ ] y’all you’re not gonna acknowledge me [ __ ] y’all this dude got me trying to look for these damn presents I man [ __ ] some cor

Rock [ __ ] I found 40 of them 40 out of 100 ain’t bad that’s a lot you’re you’re is starting to cut up I said I was start the Esports wing of the Thunder PS spenza kind of got me thinking cuz like you remember that uh VGC [ __ ] I sent to him or sent

To you oh the the the tournament thing yeah like he said he would want to go but he was like bro I’m broke like bro I’ll sponsor you whatever and I’m like bro I kind of got me thinking like yo we we enjoy this type of [ __ ] so it’s

Like kind of go with it without kind of making you know don’t exceed don’t think of exceeded expectations oh we’re gotta be like [ __ ] whatever get the [ __ ] Esports Team of the Year no just kind of do the thing and kind of see where it goes you know do it based on enjoyment

Rather Than yeah you gota have you got to have your heart in it you got to enjoy it yeah and even though it wasn’t like super successful I I enjoy I still enjoy it so you know what I’m thinking about relaunching that’s really what it is I’m gonna be super super super [ __ ]

Particular like if you’re on the [ __ ] Thunder Power Esports you gota be proven you gota be [ __ ] dedicated you gota be one of them I don’t expect a return so at that point it’s aome [ __ ] so that’s what I’m kind of thinking kind of think about like maybe even when

I’m competing go the banner kind of just bringing the banner that what’s see sponsor firstc pretty cool it’s cool you can just be an eorts team cuz like there’s this team called Equinox and they’re like yeah you don’t got to be a big whatever whatever they’re just a Tekken

Team and like that’s super Niche and particular whatever but they’re like yo we’re just a Tekken team we enjoy ourselves absolutely nothing wrong with that but also they’re still relatively known so see me H yeah that shit’ll never not be funny this [ __ ] is really dead ass see me talking

It’s like shut up you probably losing that too 45 out of 100 I might stop at 50 cuz somebody just starting to be get really crazy with where they hiding them I don’t know where the [ __ ] this [ __ ] has I was initially just going to build [ __ ] Christmas tree on some [ __ ] it

[ __ ] CU I don’t really have a a project that I’m doing new te coming out I’ll play it but n [ __ ] that you hit Masters sign my my heart’s got to be in it I my heart’s not really in that actually at the same time you’re already sponsored so yeah you’re a

Sponsored player you just got to enter V TN you don’t gota win you already did one so bam you and spin on the Rost anyone else Step Up show me what that’s the roster right there it’s a roster of and you know what that’s just fine welcome you inside PO number

One that’s weird if I go under this tree it rains when I come from under it it doesn’t they must to did some [ __ ] with the wether people ass right um yeah no I was playing Havoc I was playing Havoc before they Viper oh man that was it was

Terrible I would have it go turn two Viper on turn three send them over it was yeah I I read about that combo I tried to pull it off but it didn’t work for me it don’t work anymore because they changed Viper mad ear they changed

It like a day after the [ __ ] [ __ ] popped off that was crazy you had a small window if you play havoc on two you only have two energy so you can’t even play your three drop so the only way to do it is to kind of have

Ravona and then what is it yeah you have raava on two and then you play what is it play no you gotta play raona on three and then you havoc and Viper on four that’s how you get it oh okay any other way they they they nerfed it but M if you got

Those three cards all together then sure you deserve it you it was great I I got so it got me from like 75 immediately to like 88 it was bad I was doing it to people and they would just like they wouldn’t even leave I would like Snap do it and they would

Just like right I’m like Now’s the Time to retreat they they didn’t they didn’t get it until like oh [ __ ] all right you got me oops Yeah I’mma get I’mma order me some food I’m [ __ ] hungry I’m GNA have five energy on turn six you’re GNA have

Three there’s a lot of Thanos so I guess that’s [ __ ] SC you can’t defeat me I got a better ship you send you that [ __ ] you a see that St stupid oh God I you can’t beat Me m good we’re [ __ ] who this guy I got a better [ __ ] terminal mon that’s the this [ __ ] is mad fire Fire you can’t beat me yeah I got a better [ __ ] not even V here we go I found that hell yeah out why all he said smash man Hey you watch that [ __ ] you have good this guy’s a genius he’s on some [ __ ] who [ __ ] um epicness you got like a little bit of an epicness art style and [ __ ] yeah we need your help star we need your help Star Fox yeah I have I mean have is good now he’s

Less last good but he’s still pretty good what the [ __ ] is that I was running him in like some bounce [ __ ] with like dark HW pretty good also got the Sebastian saw Surfer Sebastian Sebastian’s dope I hate when they freaking give me um Nikia and him

In the opening hand like if you don’t put this dude back deck and a CO I’m like damn it um what I mean Nikia and Sebastian still work but I’m thinking about switching Nikia for sh yeah yeah it was it was uh it was um Co not um Nikia oh yeah put

Him back like put him back yo I’m trying to get this boost boost yeah know cuz used to be a one drop apparently I’m like that would perfect that that would have been perfect to Broken every yeah it would become a staple so it kind of has to it has to be

Two that’s should be free as [ __ ] make that [ __ ] a one zero basically or maybe a one negative one that I lost yeah they do that more they do like negative but I guess they only want to save it for like demons and scarring yourself type [ __ ] yeah but it’s is dumb but

That’s fine like Cosmo should be NE any got a broke ass effect should definitely be negative Cosmo should be negative rest negative like that being cowards buff Electra buff Angels bu Captain America all these whack ass Captain America Ben needed a buff buff buff Angel what the [ __ ] Angel

Yo Angel might need a rework [ __ ] bro you know what actually be kind of he he should do that fly off the deck [ __ ] but then he’s have like a buy effect so like if you destroy him he becomes dark arang that’d be meal just make him like

A one four or some [ __ ] that way he has two effect he fly out the deck that way but if you have him in the head play destroy bom that way he’d be like one of the few if you destroy a twice card just get like but I guess Wolverine is similar

But yeah you know Wolverine got to discard X so fire don’t know D hip is now beloved he’s no longer that [ __ ] is jokes everyone everyone hat that [ __ ] then he pulled up looking like [ __ ] Brad Pit like oh [ __ ] we love D here keep that same energy yeah hated this [ __ ] I

Hated this [ __ ] fing Dan skip [ __ ] out of here bro I don’t know he had like a string of fire varant and now like yeah cuz he got better over when you keep drawing you’re going to get better over time and he stands out cuz his our Styles

Iconic yeah yeah his [ __ ] you know the [ __ ] very very much all and then skip man this place want I charged me $48 [ __ ] serious got to pay for that late night delivery what you trying I was trying I was trying to get um Wings mozzarella sticks and some fries and that shit’s

$48 I’m like that’s wild bro that’s like a $10 me what the [ __ ] you that is a that is a $10 meal dog I that’s crazy I got mad oh no going [ __ ] this evolutionary is D skip why is everyone charging $9 for mozzarella sticks oh no why is that

Normal that’s that’s Crown Fried I’ve seen that at like a [ __ ] that’s crazy I seen that like a diner I’m like all right but Diner going crazy regard and at least the food is [ __ ] good can fries Char $7 like damn this is a $2 item what the [ __ ]

At least five the [ __ ] is this n [ __ ] yo this Diner selling them for [ __ ] $13 bro six pieces wor $13 yo this is [ __ ] crazy all right so this place is selling for $4 but how much are they giving you they don’t tell you but the large is

Another $2 still better than all these other places oh well yeah Dan skip bro $13 for six mozzarella stick suck my dick better give meu you [ __ ] that’s gota be [ __ ] kidding me you must be out your goddamn m D good they don’t have boneless [ __ ]

Chick [ __ ] it I just get a a chicken over a rice damn I wigs y why is all the [ __ ] drinks going up too [ __ ] Arizona’s on a dollar I’m like what the [ __ ] that’s criminal act what the [ __ ] is this war crime what the [ __ ] Arizona being anything more than a

Dollar is a war crime that’s a fact New York stap bro the [ __ ] that is a war crime some stores want to sell it for a125 I’m like what the [ __ ] man you better if you don’t try to if you don’t [ __ ] Sharpie that 25 cents off [ __ ] I

Forget word that [ __ ] suppos to be $1 bro put on the [ __ ] table [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] bro hit him with the Dan [ __ ] $48 for [ __ ] $10 meals that’s all right I’ll give you a $133 that’s crazy what are you ordering like [ __ ] three pieces the [ __ ] hell no this place is

[ __ ] whatever man I’m G need a Viper very AC why do I got a all Uber East what are y’all doing confirm delivery with a pin what what the [ __ ] yeah I heard about that it’s like well okay people be well people be taking [ __ ] meals so now

They got to [ __ ] put a pin in like what baby I a dropping this [ __ ] off to you that’s wild [ __ ] taking other people’s well some people are claiming the all the way around they get the food but the [ __ ] never came oh wow the driver took the food

Oh that [ __ ] good than a [ __ ] I never heard of this place up hold I’m about to get me a I’m about to get me a free 99 sample hold up he was Bri though as long as it wasn’t D skip yeah Dan hip is out here he’s beloved they love it

Like G says Metroid dri 59.99 get your copy Today hell yeah get your [ __ ] copy of Metroid d I don’t know if I’m getting Metroid I’m good I mean it’s it’s a good game like I played the demo and I I like it but I don’t like it enough to get the full copy and I know

That that might be blasphemy for spin I you Like yo that’s crazy how you not like Metroid Dre get through like breath of the wild I’m like see see I would buy Metroid dread before breath of the wild like I have it but like if I didn’t have it I I think I would get Dre over that cuz like

I got lost in that game bro like that’s me all day bro I’m like I don’t care I’m like what there’s nothing comp me to back get lost and maybe that’s on me because I’m not good at open World Games it seems like I seem to have that problem a lot

But like I played elen ring and that’s the same [ __ ] but I’m like at least kind of cated me m just like elen ring is a little bit much for my pay I still that [ __ ] a little outside my wheelhouse that [ __ ] hard I don’t I don’t blame you it’s hard it’s really

Hard it is a difficult what’s crazy I got like 500 Arrow boosters I split this [ __ ] like once it’s crazy I even realize I played this much Arrow it’s probably a death no longer exist like why do I have 500 yeah there’s some things I think cuz like when you do like the

Um sometimes they do like the bundles that give you mad booster packs yeah [ __ ] with those so you you’ll end up with mad of a a a carard that you don’t you don’t really use like that like my H 200 yeah yeah H like I don’t think that’s not one for me but

That is a card like that you don’t really use but it has a lot of freaking boosters like I’m not using this I play I don’t play this card my she- hwks at 300 boost I just probably splitter but I played 300 is crazy 300 is kind of crazy you could

Definitely split with 300 but I like split for an or gold so it’s like I to do it all at once oh like was watching the whole time he said two more he knows I’m stopping at 50 two more one more I think yep one more there’s no reason why I have four

[ __ ] agath VAR I went in at one point of AGA but then I realized I bought I don’t have four Oh I thought you meant the boosters and the splits no I have four VAR I you just won them shits yo I’ll be I I’ll be getting tight because I’ll be

Seeing like some cards and I think I own them but then like when they pop up it’s like wait I don’t have this already [ __ ] I’m not using Viper like I seen this already though Dam I guess I guess it it’s cool now because Viper’s good but yeah she was

Always clutter she was always like she’s like really strong but nobody [ __ ] plays yeah play Viper now so that’s unfortunate she was great as people saying roning is good now because uh yeah you got a buff the buff and Maximus getting buff yeah Maximus he got that’s a real buff

Now Maximus be like other [ __ ] R is still a r Maximus actually like Splash around well Ronan is itself an arch to it yes but like the way that he’s kind of good is he’s kind of just a big thing to put like next to Professor X or some

[ __ ] yeah so like you need to explain this [ __ ] lock down and I’ve been trying to [ __ ] oh he went over here damn it I lost sight of him the only way I can kill the Flies ever flies like to the to the to the well can’t do that now if it flies to the left of me

And I underhand and get his ass but I think he got smart cuz I tried to do that a couple of times right now he’s like trying to keep away from this area so what you want me to explain that one yeah why why is one one part of it

Dark and then the next part ah light what you mean dark go well you don’t have to go I’ll just show you when I go to the tree it becomes dark and then oh that um oh you were talking about the game I thought you were talk that’s a Zone effect don’t log

Out there by the way copy um yeah that’s just a Zone effect you enter the zone it gets dark and snowy to represent a white Christmas it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas so help me I will feed you to the leftover fungus from when D washed

His feet last year that’s wild that’s wild you collected that are you are you okay in his imagination [ __ ] [ __ ] no I thought you were talking about the thing I posted in chat funders no that’s not no no that that’s totally us go there find us when you get there there

Will be people at the gate um come say hello scream a lot and we’ll take care of you no questions asked all right someone says they going to take care of me that’s a bad sign oh that’s the address for the White House yeah don’t go there no no no

Totally go there I mean why complain it AR don’t mess with the Redstone I’m I’m not messing with the Redstone I’m trying to find this 50th present so I can get the [ __ ] out of here there’s no present there okay um I’m you can always e spawn to go back

To spawn by the way or sorry SL spawn to go back to spawn that’s cool um no but if you’re going to complain you see um why I deal what the complaints are elves when we can have good old Uncle Sam deal with it for us Google Sam all

You got to do is Scream a lot because then you’ll get the attention you need and we’ll never have to see you again you’ll be in one time to obey for the rest of your natural born life I they I thought they closed G they’ll

Open it up just for you oh just for me just for you and your friends get to go back to Alcatraz I’m not go oh um I don’t think there are any there um let’s see did you check on the um village Cliff side maybe or behind some of the shrines

Or something something or on the arch or did you check in the Raptors of jart tower not there there aren’t any there I went to I went to Jmart but I don’t know if I found anything there did you look in the sign of J did you look in the um

Teeth of the T-Rex no I did not or the base of the T-Rex I think I did get one from the base hey you got 50 that’s all you need you got half the presents you get half a PR you get half a pat on the

Back and by half a pat on the back I mean I’ll raise I’ll walk up to you I’ll raise my hand to Pat on you back I’ll just leave it hanging oh like I I’ll have it I’ll have the hand held in midair like I’m about

To Pat you on the back except I’m not so you won’t know if I’m patting you on the back if I’m getting ready to hit you or if I want to high5 that’s what you get for 50 presents you got 50 presents I got 52 you got more than half which is more

Than zero now um yeah that’s pretty much it if you want to make a Christmas tree go for it I suggest you do it in the creative server by the way we have a creative server you have a creative server yeah it’s for the splatterfest arena it’s and the center of Spawn

Basically turning Minecraft into Splatoon if you’ve been Whit listed I don’t know if they’ve wh list if it’s an open white list or not no I’m about to see a pay that’s for sure God damn it Wolverine no by spawn I mean it’s right there in the center of

Spawn jump there should be a tiny little like yeah there there the four jart Tower it should look like the four boxes on the ground to your right oh snap [ __ ] Boomer snap you [ __ ] loser I’m a snap on the last yeah get your once you [ __ ] [Applause]

[ __ ] I’mma just hit the button yeah that’s it spinal um wait is that it no it’s the other one not the spinal 10 Legacy um there should be a splatterfest Arena platform to the left all behind you whatever one of those should be a spatter Fest Arena but are they closed

Off oh no they might be oh that’s that’s depressing Shad away okay never mind so it was off because we didn’t have the audience we needed that sucks when the event came too we only had like I remember that I just didn’t remember they canceled it all right back to project I’ll see

You see you see you see you oh yeah 222 your man will be here this place isn’t rdale the [ __ ] mad R is mad for that’s apparently that’s where you got to go to get the [ __ ] $6 mozzarella sticks damn bro that’s so far yeah like G is crazy don’t be telling

People to pull up to the White House that’s the last thing you want to do first of all I think if you enter within like a 100 miles of this [ __ ] they already got eyes on you the people who watch the sky for a living are not going to let you pull up

To the White House throw rocks y oh I gota use the war that’s where that’s what I’m looking for I gotta walk back to Ay town so I can get to my um my base [ __ ] [ __ ] bro what happened [ __ ] ass Shing in this random [ __ ] dick Abomination I’m do

That [ __ ] I’mma do Abomination abomination I’m an abomination of Obama’s Nation Obama’s Nation man that’s a hell of a way to start a conversation God damn it I’m killing this [ __ ] y’all know damn well I’m killing this [ __ ] I need your [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m on my own dick nice back when Kanye was

Good to say it hate to say it like I don’t I just I don’t get it bro like why you throwing man stop scheming and looking hard yeah I guess I’ll do it with Oak stop scheming and looking hard yeah stop doing it stoping it looking hard they refuse to listen why two

JS why they two Jeffs was cor like Professor Rex I got you [ __ ] out of here oh there Phantoms damn it where the hell is my bed oh yeah it’s on the second floor damn Phantoms Danny Phantoms hell why are these pigs pulling up over here get out of

Here before I turn into bacon apparently this got to be here in five minutes oh I’m probably going to need to get some snow to lay down damn it oh no thought I had his ass but I worried about the controller so I missed his ass damn it

I’m going let these trees grow then I’mma cut them down I guess I could get bone meal to expedite it There’s a Zombie around where that’s crazy sh [ __ ] yes I’m sure [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] gang signs up the window yeah [ __ ] yeah B hoping all of them offend you yeah

[ __ ] yeah [ __ ] they say your hood is a partt of gold and we going to crash it when nobody home SN what’s good why you why you being a stranger you only pull up to a Minecraft stream it’s true although this isn’t a normal time I stream maybe this is when you’re awake

Merry Christmas to you too no don’t be all like I a stranger low I’ve been fighting off inner ear infection what the [ __ ] are you okay yeah that don’t that don’t sound sexy at all thanks Jeff what the first time Goose actually get me I used to hate [ __ ] never work first time

Long it’s a man is almost here all right so I’mma take a quick BRB so I can get this food I’m take a quick sleepy sleep oh you out of here yeah how long we going to be you almost done right I mean I was going to build a tree

I don’t know how long that’s going to take yeah I’m g go sleep sleep all right man you have a good night you have a Merry Christmas hell yeah you too D yeah try man [ __ ] where the [ __ ] all right man it’s fine I’ll see you all right I’m stuck Go All right I’m back is it home what the hell and the moment I say it it buffers all right um should have probably went to use the restroom but oh wait um snow since you’re here Um I’m curious because of the the way the the channel has has kind of shifted Direction a bit we are doing a lot lot more Pokemon content is that something that you may be interested in like in any aspect it doesn’t have to be um VGC or just doing the adventure or

Whatever like like just in general do you like mess with Pokemon like I’m I’m I’m curious I guess I’m not going to get an to that question or did my [ __ ] freeze it might have froze I’m trying to get my stuff together over here so I can eat while playing the game but

Something spilled I think this marinara is spilled in the bag I tried to reach in there and I shouldn’t have reached in there I hope this top one isn’t the lamb over rice of course it is so this is the D they give you a lot of mozzarella sticks

[ __ ] that would have been good with the small all right for all right I need more of the leaves than anything so I might grow like a couple more of these trees and then I should be good oh damn he’s going to grow me [ __ ] I don’t think I want to get any

Taller that be the big sis you never had or the big sis you you only wish you had and sent all the naughty suggested photos I’m good this should be more than enough well I have no idea but we’re going to just go with this for now

Yeah I don’t know how many of these I ate already but like I had like a tray full of these is that had to be at least it’ be at least like 12 of these so 12 of these for for $6 is a good rate there’s people trying to charge you

13 for just six is crazy they’re added in mine I didn’t think this through this thing is a eight but how big is this for actually I think I have dirt inside of here I really should finish this house one day not today though three four five yeah you could go there

Far maybe I’ll give it one more so that there’s a gap all right not going to lie I kind of missed some of the banter but I know like got [ __ ] to do and de already went to sleep yeah don’t worry about it I understand just the fact that you’re

Even still here in the in the chat is um reassuring so no worries started to order two and Arizona as I should have wait no I have a bed inside here for for I wonder how thick am I going to make this not thick enough the entire world needs leaves and

Lava yeah so the lava’s not happening [ __ ] that and I wasn’t trying to make a really big tree just big enough okay I think I may have ordered too many mozzarella sticks cuz I still got this chicken over rice I got to eat for that’s a little better

Um I I really didn’t get much for Christmas well I didn’t exactly open the presents from my family yet I only got the stuff from my sister and her kids they gave me money and they gave me this um trying to pull it out the bag and having difficulty um

They said it’s supposed to be one of those retro gamees stick um consoles that you plug into your TV and it has all of the old school video games on it I didn’t try it yet just when I got home I was trying to set this stream up for two hours I got

Kept getting stopped um like I didn’t make any of the thumbnail or stream Pages like while I was doing that I was getting interrupted and like from when I sat down to plan the stream to actually executing it was about two hours I was like God damn but

Um that’s the only thing I got really and some money but um I don’t know if I’m going to get an additional thing in the morning this [ __ ] I could have killed that [ __ ] fly I still might have another chance come on [ __ ] um but yeah that’s all I really got Christmas is

Not what it used to be and I feel like every year it gets a little less important not that it’s not important it’s it’s a very important holiday but like there’s a certain feeling that you get and I don’t really get that feeling anymore that whole festive Jolly mood like I don’t have

It I didn’t even go to see the the tree at Rockefeller Center this year I usually do that every year I didn’t even bother this year money is money is fine I’m I’m not I mean I’m h i h I’m happy I got presents I’m not trying to sound

Ungrateful or anything I’m talking more about like a like you’re like I don’t know based on how you’re moving in your comments you’re really giddy about Christmas and I used to be giddy about Christmas but I’m really not anymore it it’s kind of hard to explain

The world is not what it used to be that’s a [ __ ] that’s a whole [ __ ] the world always changes people do not the that collusion makes for predictable fun oh I didn’t get angry because someone did something good I’m talking more about how I feel toward the holiday season in general it’s

Like it’s feeling more like just another day instead of something special if that makes any sense now you’re totally faking it yo that’s crazy that is crazy I mean I’m fortunate to still have a family to celebrate Christmas with so I know there’s a lot of people out there that don’t have that

Luxury so I’m happy about it I’m just saying for me I know I used to be gun ho for Christmas and now I’m like G for Christmas I’m like yeah like yeah yeah my en my my energy for Christmas is not where it once was if that makes any sense

I don’t know how I want to go about this you lost a password for your main account and that’s your name that’s crazy but welcome to the stream Merry Christmas to you as well for so I’m trying to figure out a way to make this tree and make it make

Sense then I’m not sure what the [ __ ] I’m doing so there’s that I don’t know if that hand is high or by but um thank you for the greeting and I hope you have a good night and a merry Christmas I wish I could be done with all these

Drown I had to put like sea lanterns or something down right or do I have to have a what’s that [ __ ] I forgot the name of that [ __ ] it’s a [ __ ] that kills the guardians but I think it kills any enemy that’s under under the water oh they’re throwing

[ __ ] what a bunch of [ __ ] conduit it yeah that’s what you get were they still trying to swing that’s crazy which direction are they coming from it seems like they’re throwing them from over here [ __ ] there’s three of them there’s four of them there’s five of them wait six

All these Trident they through they couldn’t drop one for me that’s crazy I didn’t plan on logging yet my tree doesn’t look good though my tree looks stupid I guess this why we leave the tree building to the professionals I feel like I should know that name star saw

Me monster M has a town now that’s cool I’ll probably save that for another time probably next week he plays spinal Craft on Wednesdays we’ll see because my schedule is going back to a somewhat normal um thing I could probably swing two streams on a certain day I’m not too

Tired or if anything I’ll raid monster man if he’s on when I’m on for you love spinal craft man me too like I was saying at the top like I’ve played Minecraft other places and it just doesn’t feel right not playing on spinal craft come on

P we know I know what I know what that dig is is for come on man it’s funny though I can’t make a tree worth a [ __ ] I thought it would be easy it’s just not easy fat bottom pointed to the top so what you’re saying is U I got a pull

A queen and praise the Fat Bottom Girls they make the rocking world world go around it just looks off like I thought I could do the whole bottom thing remove a layer it justes it don’t look good Al the drowned are smart enough to not let themselves get kill the Hop

Back in the water one two all right one two three is that a good enough bas light it doesn’t need to be thicker oh God actually I’m going to take a quick BRB I knew this wasn’t going to be enough drink and and bro I Ain trying to make the

World tree I’m just trying to make a simple Christmas tree dog but I’ll be right Back Okay I’m back all right a low key regret ordering this food because had I known people were going to dip out when they did just went to sleep but it is what it is I was hungry though like I had dinner but it wasn’t filling like it was filling at the time

But the sustenance wasn’t there can’t sleep now I got a plate of food in front of me and I’m not exactly tired probably cuz I I had ate all those mozer rollis stick so I got mad energy now plus I’m getting ready to eat all this chicken and rice

So got to let the sit digest first but I will eventually go to sleep just probably not for the next two hours although I don’t expect to be streaming for not much longer I’m going to try to make this tree try to decorate it a bit and then head

Out I’m going to make the base a little bit larger about to take this bed from in here yeah that’s going to be the plan I’m going to make this this fake tree and then I’m going to log off for you’re sort of sick of hearing as it really oh in that context

[Laughter] yeah yeah you got if you got to edit you got to go back and fourth that will get annoying really quickly but hearing the same it don’t even matter whose voice it is hearing the same voice back and forth yeah that would be that’ be challenging

That’d be funny if ay would have pulled up right after that comment and showed up like hey guys light gave it’s really surprising how I can distort The Voice without ruining it the work I had is a very sight robot or pop but other multi voice hit it she

Knows she knows what I’ve been doing okay it would just be funny what do you mean the nothing there we are for I wish I would have had time I would have liked to have been part of that project but I wouldn’t have had time to lay vocals down

Probably be so [ __ ] tired coming home from work would have [ __ ] up the and missed the deadline so um I knew you didn’t have time you were busy with crunch time busy with the own project and considering the problems with the that I saw in the U Mega collab

You had you had less time than no time h um um so don’t worry about that but I was actually good cuz I I learned some of the lessons from the other collabs I know you did I I I know you did yeah I had my [ __ ] solidified I was

Good then all of a sudden the day before you know what I don’t want to be a part of the oh like know it’s crazy it’s it’s crazy I know I’m not saying like your shits weren’t together well a little um I’m saying like I could critique it till

Doomsday although I will say one strong critique what the hell were you thinking about an 8 Hour stream until 2: in the morning um I didn’t expect doing all 96 courses would take that long and it didn’t help doing an intermission but I was trying to kind of quell epic Luigi

Because I don’t want to call her out by name but since we’re outside she had an attitude of this [ __ ] is taking too long everyone’s tired meanwhile she was the only person that was really saying that now I agree it was taking too long but I don’t think

People were really tired I think it was just the the hours is well minus the hour intervention 7 hours is it’s a lot is a lot to ask of people well it’s not it one it’s not going to happen again and two in my defense since I

Realized that kind of like a little before going live I didn’t know it was going to take 8 hours but I knew it was going to take a considerable amount of time I was like let me get people to to like tag out cuz James told me he’s only

Going to give me the 46 I was like you know what that’s fair cuz that’s what people well he said he would do the first 48 he wouldn’t do the whole 96 he didn’t just didn’t have the time for it so I was like that’s that’s what I mean

That that was fair so I got the idea from him to just bring in extra people so if someone needed to tag out someone else could just float in and take the spot you’re getting better at that you still got work but you’re getting better I’m I’m a little proud of you

Um I I I won’t criticize more other than that one single point yeah that was that was that was 96 I know why you wanted 96 but yeah come on in the morning what the absolute f we were wild I going I mean even lightning was there for it but yo

Lightning lightning can never be dissed in my presence ever again she is awesome any anyone got problem the fact that she was able to not once not twice but at least four times now sit there beginning not doing anything for over a half hour if if if if anyone B Mouse

Lightning in my presence they’re going to catch it she clearly could have just ditched the whole thing but she she stuck it out man she oh I’m I’m I’m surprised I I’m I’m not getting into my that’s the one real bad critique that I have everything else is a we can improve

On that that one is just yeah we got to we got to we got to nip that I was trying to be although she did have when I talked to her about it she did have one critique about that she said if you’re going to do that start it earlier don’t start it

At 600 start it at like 2 or 3 that way it doesn’t that way it ends before midnight yeah which is going to be a huge Plus for people because they can they they can adjust their schedules all day sleep is a thing yeah uh by the way what’s up corrupt

Corrupted um so now getting into this project never mind that you didn’t have time you want to know what the people here had to do what they had to do you’ve seen what I had to do I have to edit the Audio I have to edit video I still got tracks to

Do you want to know what they had to do all they had to do was pick a song they want and sing that song and a couple of others and record it in audacity that’s it that’s all they had to do I’m the one

Who has to do all of the other work they just have to sing a few songs that’s it that’s all and I’ll be honest singing Jingle Bells is not hard next year I’m going to make it even a little bit easier for them because i instead of just giving them a song I’m

Going to give them an audacity file on my Google Drive they pick their song they must sing their song there’s no two ways around it you picked it you sing it I don’t care if someone else picked it but you have to sing it or you have to

Sing your own song and you pick uh depending on how or if I can find duet songs one or two other songs if I don’t have a duet song you you only pick one so in other words you only have to sing two songs if I do have a duet where you

Know the things are in tandem like um staged like vocals or whatever like the 12 Days of Christmas and you have 12 different people singing each line um that’d be pretty dope actually that would be dope unless it’s something like that I might actually do that next year um that

Should be the project they only if I do that they only have to sing three songs their song the one other or their song the one that they chose one other song which can be any song that anyone else has picked that isn’t your own and you choose which one and the

Collab song that’s it that’s all and I’ll have an audacity file in my Google Drive that they will be able to pull up download or download the file and see um in audacity you could see the waveforms of the words themselves and seeing the lyrics and hearing them you

Can actually see where you’re supposed to start singing how long each word is supposed to be and thanks to the the lyrics you can see what the word is too and it’s this is just like yo this is good I like this but that’s all they have to do just

Sing two or three songs how hard is that and because it’s in audacity guess what the one thing that I’m struggling with won’t be a problem now next year iing the words will be similar because you will see very clearly hey yo my words are off um I don’t care about the

Tune like you could have five olaves if you know what an olave is you could have five olaves higher than the voice but if you say Merry Christmas and it takes 1 second to say it that’s going to be 1 second but if Merry Christmas was

Supposed to last for 3 seconds you will see very very quickly that your Merry Christmas and their Merry Christmas are two different things and you could take a wild guess which one I want you to use so you messing up is very much on you and I’ll have a video on

It that [ __ ] is on you so long story short all they have have to do is watch a video and record two or three songs give me the mp3s how hard is that not hard at all and I’ll even animate some of it corrupted you haven’t been here in a in a

Minute often times the guests speakers in the VC tend to take over because I don’t really have much to say on my end and um I was sort of lamenting on um not being part put sign with a block in your hand oh not being

Um a part of this project that um light is doing but I wasn’t I wasn’t going to have time for it anyway so it’s not that big of a deal but it sounded like a really cool thing I wish I had more time to be a part of it

And he was he was just expl yeah he was just explaining why like don’t worry about it it is what it is [ __ ] next year though because I’ll be doing this again next year and I’ll have a lot more time guess what’s going to happen you’re going to start like because you aren’t

October start wow late October early November only so that I can get my [ __ ] together because there is a lot of work on my end to make this happen um but the thing is you aren’t the only one who thought a is this a good idea B I want to be a

Part of this or C yo that is just too cool so yeah and it got all happened because I was annoyed with flipping Christmas and the Christmas songs and me somehow singing along despite hating the Christmas song and then me realizing no streamer actually sings Christmas cars probably

For good reason but you know you know I know Mar Harry kind of has this whole Christmas thing on lock maybe I mean she doesn’t but she kind of does wait what the oh I’m I’m I’m not concerned I am I am did you get him I got him I got his ass

Um yeah um I’m not GNA I’m not going to mention it I just I happen to see it and I’m like don’t worry about that’s just corrupted being corrupted triggered my villager um but yeah no I’m not salty or anything I’m just slightly lamenting I wish I had more

Time it’s my really my job that screwed me over um this uh this by the way um I’m also doing this not only am I doing it next year but I’m using it as a very very special thing because there was someone else who um told

Me um I I forget who it was beautiful yeah beautiful yeah he said when I told him about that he was like hey oh that sounds so cool cuz like everyone and their mom can get together for like Mario Kart or a Among Us or Mario Party or something like

That you’re doing something unique and creative I wish if I could sing I wish I was a part of that but I can’t sing for [ __ ] never mind it’s you but I was just like that’s what I’m going for that special little flare I’m not downplaying anyone else’s I’m just saying

When like gazer does something a collab of sorts it’s hella special it’s not just a collap it’s something that will be remembered for a long time kind of like Berg’s 96 hour or 96 hour yeah that’ll be remembered too we’re probably you remember that time you race for 96 [Laughter]

Hours I really hope that the mega collabs were special for the people involved cuz I’m not sure why people do the mega collabs I guess some do it for Clouts some do it to you know cross-pollinate and I guess in a way I’m doing it for that reason but I feel like

The main reason why I like doing them is because I don’t really get to interact with a lot of the people in this community that often so I’ve see the mega collabs as a way to like play with them because when when am I going to get a chance to play with lightning

Faren really play in her stream I guess but when am I going to watch a lightning stream tomorrow oh wait she’s not streaming tomorrow Tuesday like I’m not always able to attend someone’s stream or you know even lurk on them so I I I view the mega collabs as a way to

Like play a game with the people so long so long as you remember one small thing and this is the thing that dawned on me and why I’m getting on your ass about organization um because yes you’re right yes it’s fun and all that but you have to remember one small little

Detail um a mega collab or any collab really when you involve someone else they are now putting their content on the line for you so if you fail you’re sabotaging their content which could hurt them so when when you mentioned bald gamer I was like all for it until that thought

Dawned on me and I was just like hey wait hold on I’m not saying that’s a bad idea I’m just saying bur’s got to be on point because uh Baldi need YouTube like he is dependent on that if it hurts him and it hurt and this is hitting his Pokemon if it

Succeeds fantastic if it’s good great if it’s me um that could seriously hurt his Pokemon algorithm I got to make sure bergun understands this so not killing his idea but making sure that his organization that his own ducks are in a row because if they’re not a someone else’s livelyhood is now

Harmed because that’s a real thing with collapse so like someone like lightning or epic Luigi who just doesn’t care it it’s a I don’t care uh when they are actually dependent on it or they are seriously trying to grow hurting their primary algorithm could really really have bad consequences not

For you for them well we don’t want that so it’s essentially the same right it’s got to be they got to be organized that that’s all I’m saying if your ducks are’t in a row you can hold your head high even if it fails they took a gamble which they do anyway but

If they failed and it was because of something like a I don’t know an eight hour stream that lasts till 2 in the morning um while Baldi is streaming till 2 in the morning in fact he might be live now I I I never collaborated with him before

So I’ll be honest I’ve never collaborated with him either until just now hm so I I yeah that’s why I want to um I want to do that pause while we pausing look at your chat oh shoot the general is here salute thank you General re for popping in appreciate

You you know you could throw some some diamond and some gold blocks in there too if you have any you found 50 presents Jen I was going to try to find more but I was kind of getting annoyed with it and I wanted to make a Christmas

Tree well honestly if there’s an update in 15 minutes or so B that sounds like a good idea to call it you were tired anyway think you might have misheard what I said but um I mean yeah um I’ll I’ll hop off no I mean not now I mean then line would

You oh I should have probably made these um Jackal lanter oh you’re good J you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good oh and you don’t need those speed Jack Landers it’s actually works better uh that way be honest um no Jen I was going to I was

Going to get off um soon anyway cuz um not because I’m sleepy but um I only want to the comeback for um I didn’t know they was doing this whole Christmas um present thing that was cool so I tried to get it doing spinal 10 for I don’t know all

Mon yeah that that that was cool so I wanted to do that for a little bit once I was aware of it but the real point I wanted to um wait a minute Elden ring 52 that’s the name of the guy who came into my my stream better watch out for that

Guy but um no the um the point of me um doing this stream where the objective was just to make a Christmas tree but it seems to be harder than I thought it was going to be I still don’t really like how this looks but is better than nothing I

Guess I didn’t set up a Christmas tree this year cuz like I was saying earlier I’m not really feeling all that festive but if I’m doing like a Christmas special yeah to make a Christmas tree so I feel content with it so I was probably going to log pretty soon after

This we will keep the present on to the first of the year so maybe next Saturday hopefully try to find the rest hopefully I cuz like um this the Thunder Palace channel is trying to Niche down and be known for something other than just multiplayer um

Variety like we kind of want our name to be synonymous with one thing so when you hear the word Thunder PS you think oh that’s that Pokey tuber team or whatever but um I don’t know like I think it’s I think the transition is doing well cuz D

Was on earlier and said that even the even though the numbers might not be there people are excited for Pokemon and that I did notice cuz like almost any other thing that we’ve done maybe outside of jackbox early like when we first started doing jackbox stuff and

Um maker one into Maker 2 that little stint people weren’t really converting over to the game we were playing like they would say oh that’s cool I don’t know if I’m going to play that type of thing and people seem to be very receptive to Pokemon so I like that so

We’re going to try to keep that going but it was always in the back of my head to try to get back onto spinal craft because I love playing on here I know that my stuff is going to be safe I can come back to it and work on it

Like I can’t play Minecraft anywhere else I’ve Tred it I always end up work so well I always end up back here and the problem is like I know people who play Minecraft but they play on other people’s servers or they play Bedrock I know we have Bedrock

Compatibility but like it seems like they’re stuck in what they’re doing and I can’t make them or convince them to come here and it lowkey kind of sucks because other streamers were able to bring a host of people over here and I think I brought like maybe four or five

People here and none of them play on here anymore so it’s kind of sucks cuz I would like to have a streamer town like a bustling streamer town something that ends up dead like ay town but I just don’t have the people for it ay town’s dead I’m the only person who goes

There you could um join monster mtown I guess I could but um yeah that’s how I that’s how I feel about it all I had I had zero intention of staying off of spinal craft it’s just scheduling conflicts and just overall like I’m just [Laughter] tired

But hopefully I’ll be back for the um foreseeable future I don’t see myself going away I’m dedicating Saturdays to Minecraft um I’m not working six days anymore at least until next December so I should be um on the Minecraft loading screen what version are you trying to join

On yeah I won’t be able to help you if you if you’re on Bedrock you just got to follow those instructions oh this D hold on dud tried to pull up on me and he got owned for it 1.6.1 that’s why you got to be on 1.2.4 oh man te was really good

Oh yeah I was wondering if I would have to update my my joint but I was able to log on I was like yes I hate when there’s a new update because I gotta wait for OptiFine to catch up so I can’t get the new update right

Away all right I’m GNA get back to my project I’m going to end so is there even anyone you can raid I can always I can always find someone to raid you can raid void Raptor I can always F that a right target ain’t a problem snow says f ously optimizes so

Fast of the update y snow you out here lurking Snow’s awesome too I don’t know if you’ve been noticing me tagging you on Twitter but I try to when I have extra characters bird lurks no so the reason I mentioned that shiny hunt was I’ve been watching

This gal named Mystic Korea in the morning Um um she went from like 10 viewers to 80 within a month from the shiny hunting see I think shiny hunting streams are a hack kind of like doing a smash stream is a hack but I don’t enjoy shiny hunting like it I get annoyed by this

[ __ ] when I was trying to find my shiny Gore which I never did but well that’s not true I found a male shiny Gore I didn’t find a female shiny Gore but the one that I end up having am Mane found it and I was able to do that

Little trick so I could get the um cuz one additional person can get um a certain Pokemon when you do the union room [ __ ] where um the four trainers can come together so I was able to get the one that he found but I I never was able like to

Find the one that I wanted and that [ __ ] would freaking infuriate me to no other I think I did shiny hunting in gen 8 too cuz I think right um I think I had a shiny and sword and shield as well bald gamer showed us a thing it’s not the

Best sandwich but it is an easy to get sandwich um and it helps the shiny hunting um it’s the academy special okay and um wait okay it might be something I’ll think about doing but I think my streams are going to be more VGC VGC prep based because that that’s kind of where

I’m leaning toward anyway like making a a successful team getting the master rank then I guess entering tournaments like going to Red so I can get back my my bad we started talking and I would that’s why because this project I only have so few hours no

No no I’d like to get it done before noon no you you’re right you’re right let me get on all right so rain x’s on notica is on why am I still sub to Rosie girl oh Um I’m think I’m going to go to rainx make it simple you always raid Rosie yeah I’m good the the only person who don’t speak that I’m going to ever raid is lightning pH oh speaking of that um I got two things for you what you so I can give lightning a

Voice yeah she might not use it but I can give her one um and I got the idea from uh dgr twitch yeah dgr and twitch they have this thing on Twitch called tangia bot have you heard of it no Tangi abot is an AI kind of voice

Synthesizer whatever and it has some pre-programmed and you can program your own voices most people use the pre-programmed like an RV guys like um check out these tender succulent Meats on this Rich juicy flaky Arby melt all this we have the be Barbie we have the meats and the

Melts he um like they could do that or they could do a one for William Shatner or Trump or Biden or Obama a lot of people and a lot of people will program themselves into it they just read some lines and it helps develop a personality

Too now DG combine that the fact that you were able to plug it or program a voice dgr took one of his golf games um uh from a guy named Craig Stantler he took Craig Stantler who has very few lines in that game and I think it was for the Sega

Genesis that’s what the graphics seemed to be um and he took those lines managed to plug them into the bot and the bot was a bble to give an AI voice thing so I’m just sitting here thinking H okay so you are able to get an AI

Person a voice with personality to the point where you can ask it questions for your um basically your Mentor in a video game that you have huh okay wait hold up how many lines does lightning faren have in Final Fantasy 13 a lot or 132 or

133 I’m pretty sure I could find a way to do the same exact thing for lightning and turn that into an AI voice and then if I were to take that AI voice I could use that as an AI voice for like voice mod or for um ask questions or something and

Suddenly lightning has a voice and it would be lightning Fen too but would she do it no not a chance she would record some lines maybe but she’d never use it there’s no reason um that’s funny but that’s the first thing this is the second thing what’s a

Second I’m wondering should I do my end SP since light seems to have disappeared uh that was the stream guys thank you so much for watching what a live on the recap you’ve been chilling with the Thunder PS like comment and subscribe to the fun P YouTube channel for

More Minecraft and all the things gaming if you wish to be notified whenever we post to go live smash that Bell smash social medias join the Discord big up all the names on the screen right now because without them we wouldn’t be here as well as all you other thunderheads

Would you been here for a minute one or a minute now your Contin support is deeply appreciated it programming note I no streams ever again I should be back tomorrow with Pokemon um I beat the DLC so we’re probably going to run the VGC Radder with the um doubling damage Gore team

Gore Garchomp team and see um where I stand if I need to switch things out or um teach different moves but um that’s what we’ll be doing tomorrow what do you got for me l i DMD it to you okay message huh yeah but what’s the point if it’s unlisted that is what

Absolutely BL B my mind that wasn’t the only one um but I was just like wait what th those two are like complete opposites to happen why why why why and and and and you’re doing both it’s like it’s like saying um you want to make spaghetti it’s like you want to make

Spaghetti and meatballs but you don’t want meatballs yeah I don’t or no sorry sorry it’s like uh saying you want to make spaghetti with meatballs but you cook the meatballs anyway but you don’t or sorry you make spaghetti and meatballs so you cook the spaghetti and you cook the

Meatballs but you don’t use the meatballs you just throw them away yeah I don’t I’m eating spaghetti and meatballs I threw the meatballs away then why’d you cook them cuz I didn’t want them and why’d you make spaghetti and meatballs because I wanted too yeah that that sounds about

Right that sounds about like what this person is doing yeah I don’t I don’t get it but I don’t think it’s for me to get nope neither me I just thought that one point was really interesting yeah that that interesting is the word so we’re going to that’s been a

Stream we’re going to raid Rain X fight just the link is in the chat but we just hard cter his entire I think I need to lower that volume a little bit um this team’s a lot better design compared to some of the others a lot more

Balan but like I just hard counter his entire team bu all right let me know when you’re in position whatever am I going to do never in position you’re the only one I know who does that to oh tera’s over there well we got this person from Terra so she should be over

There as a m no l Pokemon EAS FC I mean the were choices was between her and natica Nate and I haven’t been to either one in a long time but i r it just seemed like the way to go then I clicked and it was Pokemon

Like w wow I guess I made the right choice launch the ball CH instead that was way easier okay I didn’t even right welcome Raiders on YouTube we just stalled completely that was the easiest fight to use no attacking moves just straight up all right to go of you all right I’m going

Get I’m going get give you the mute and I’m going to give you’all the salute but most importantly you guys have a good one Thunder Pal

This video, titled ‘Merry Christmas. – T-Pals Presents: Minecraft(Javrock) – Part 130’, was uploaded by Thunder Pals on 2023-12-25 09:19:29. It has garnered 64 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:44:31 or 17071 seconds.

Merry Christmas. – T-Pals Presents: Minecraft(Javrock) – Part 130

If you would like to join us on Java, the server ip is and open to all and Bedrock IS compatible with Spinalcraft now.

If we’re playing on Bedrock, it’s very likely on AmaneBlack’s Realm, and either way, you’ll need to be vetted before logging on.

How to join Spinalcraft on Java: 1) Spinalcraft supports versions 1.10 thru 1.20.1. For best experience, use the latest version(1.20.1). 2) Click Play, and then Multiplayer. 3) Click Add Server. 4) Enter a name of your choice, “Spinalcraft” will do just fine! 5) Enter in the IP address: 6) Click Done. Spinalcraft is now saved to your server list! Simply select and click “Join Server!” _____ How to join Spinalcraft on Bedrock: 1) Use the following video link for help setting up your device! You will need to have a phone to set this up. _____ How to join Spinalcraft on Bedrock for Windows 10/11: 1) Click “Play”, and then “Servers” 2) Scroll to the bottom and select “Add Server” 3) Type in a name of your choice under server name, “Spinalcraft” will do just fine! 4) Enter in Server address: 5) Enter in Server Port: 19132 6) Click on add server to the list and click submit. 7) Enjoy! For, additional help to join on Bedrock, watch the video.

#MinecraftJavrock #TrailsAndTales #NewHungerSucks #CavesAndCliffsPT2 #WildUpdateNow #WeNeedAnUnifiedVersionOfMinecraft #GiveLenaRaineHerFlowersNow #GriferNoGriefing! #StandStillDamnIt! #JustBuyJava #BedrockHasBuddiesTho #BoxBoys #OneYearOfNoMinecraft #ShowMeWhatYouGot! #FraudulentFanBerg #CreeperAwMan #AmaneBlock

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  • “🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥” #shorts #minecraft

    "🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥" #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr Khatri Gaming on 2024-06-06 14:16:32. It has garnered 579 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 05:23:27 or 19407 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts Title: Minecraft Server SMP | Come play with us ! 🔥 livestream , youtube member , youtube algorithm , Breaking Youtube Live , youtube experiment , youtube live , youtube livestream , membership ,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge – Meet the Grim-Reaper

    Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge - Meet the Grim-ReaperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sackpic: The Chicago Grim-Reaper’, was uploaded by Jeybriski on 2024-02-16 21:00:09. It has garnered 45 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:28 or 2008 seconds. Join Jeybriski and Pauzol in their epic modded Minecraft 1.20 adventure! This modpack lets play series is full of exciting quests, magical mods, and thrilling exploration. In this modded Minecraft video, Jey and Tezel take on new challenges as they journey across an incredible world of inspiration and imagination. From technomagical builds to dimension-hopping adventures, each episode features the best mods 1.20 has to offer…. Read More

  • Zakazi’s Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)

    Zakazi's Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai téléchargé le PIRE pack de texture sur Minecraft ! (ahh mes yeux)’, was uploaded by Zakazi on 2024-04-23 16:07:22. It has garnered 309 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:28 or 268 seconds. Hey! in this video I downloaded the worst texture pack on Minecraft (I should have never..) ___________________________________________________________________________ -Texture pack (the worst): -Texture pack that I recommend:×32/ #minecraft Read More

  • Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep – 1

    Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep - 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted Carnival Minecraft Horror Story in Hindi | Uvx gamer | Ep – 1’, was uploaded by Uvx Gamerz on 2024-03-24 07:02:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. So guys in today’s video We found a strange box in minecraft. its a minecraft roleplay in hindi by Uvx Gamerz #minecraft #roleplay … Read More

  • Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6

    Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Just Craft A Philosopher’s Stone | ATM9 Skyblock Ep. 6’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-06-06 00:00:28. It has garnered 57153 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:28 or 5188 seconds. Today we play a Minecraft modpack called All The Mods 9 To The Sky which is a lot of words I can’t put in every title but we must make the star. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: ATM9 To The Sky Playlist: My Links:… Read More

  • Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥

    Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream)’, was uploaded by Corredor-RH on 2024-04-08 18:30:50. It has garnered 186 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:19 or 3679 seconds. 🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream) First Time playing minecraft So please Help And dont Forget to Like And Subscribe. Minecraft Live Stream Minecraft Live Live Minecraft Minecraft Wither Fight Minecraft #minecraft​ #meme​ #memes #minecraftstream​​ #minecraftlive​​ #monsterschool​​ #minecraft​​ #animation​​ #школамонстров​​ #монстршкола​​ #майнкрафтстрим Tages:minecraft dungeons,minecraft dungeons gameplay,minecraft,minecraft dungeons review,minecraft dungeons walkthrough,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!

    Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!Video Information This video, titled ‘Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending’, was uploaded by Omkar on 2024-04-08 01:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, … Read More

  • SpiralGN

    SpiralGNWelcome to SpiralGN, the ultimate destination for players seeking the thrill of Minecraft’s Op Gens experience! In the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, SpiralGN stands out as a server dedicated to taking resource generation to a whole new level. At SpiralGN, we’ve crafted a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that centers around the art of overpowered generators (Op Gens). Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the blocky realm, our server offers something for everyone. Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More