To Asgaard – Miscellaneous Upgrades Pt 2 : Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons Lp Ep #11 Minecraft 1.12

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Hello again welcome back to Asgard and welcome back to roguelike adventures and dungeons I hope you guys had a wonderful wonderful New Year’s I actually was a little bit under the weather right around New Year’s and you know a couple of days after that not really like a

Stomach flu or anything just really really like drained I don’t know if it was just because of like a lot of heavy food or what but I was just I had like no energy whatsoever for a couple days there so okay but the first thing that I

Want to do today is I want to craft this right here the reforging station this is from the mod actually I don’t think it’s one of the only things from the mod yeah you can see there’s emerald ring emerald amulet and the reforging station this is from the quality tools mod that stuff

Comes out I want to make one of these we’re gonna need an anvil we’re gonna need a crafting table okay that should be everything that we need so let’s grab dance there’s our reforging station okay let’s go ahead and let’s place this down like right here this is a tool

Manipulator that had crapped it up we’re gonna get into that later this is from mega loot I was planning on getting into that today but we just don’t have enough stuff to really make use of it we haven’t come across enough okay so with the reforging station what we can do and

I’m actually curious so that all has magic shielding our boots don’t actually have anything on them which I’m thinking that normally you can craft these let’s see there’s a type of fabric magical seal this right here I’m not sure if this is what mm-hmm it’s the worst thing I’m not for sure

About some of these like modded some of these modded items and we’re gonna need for this so we’re gonna make up some magical silk we’re gonna try this out just to see if it works okay so there’s two magical silk oh quest complete we had a quest for

That right here magical sealed we get a silver coin okay I’m not really sure see you can’t upgrade it I’m not really sure with the silver coins for things okay well for example I don’t know if I don’t know I’m not sure if we’re gonna be able

To change the stats on some of these before example if we put our diamond pick in here and we put a diamond you can see a button opens up there and we can click that and you can see we now have a new quality as keen plus 10% of

Tax paid plus 10% attack damage well I’m not really gonna be attacking with my pick so let’s try a key oh we got short with minus 1 or H distance we don’t want that plus 15% dig speed plus 15% attack speed that’s not bad and that extra dig

Speed would be okay I guess yeah we’ll go with that diamond does work with the advanced infinity this is grateful with 15 percent of taxpaying % attack and dig speed let’s see if we can get something that’s more just damage based so let’s reach distance that’s dig – dig speeding

Attack speed worthless Wow bad keen is attack speed attack damage that sounds good that sounds very very good so we’ll take that the boots these boots I’m still not sure about what I need to I’m not sure let’s try to get something on our shovel I don’t want worthless keen

As a tax night I want that 0.5 reach distance attack damage take speed damage okay I don’t think I have any more diamonds left the only gonna bill do anything else with that I do have some diamonds laughter do I want to go ahead and use them

I’d really like to figure out oh you know what maybe we need magic crystals for the magic boots do you think that would make sense no it’s not that huh I’m not sure what we need for the wizard stuff because this is what it takes to crafted this magical silk but it’s not

Working for changing over the boat so I’m not really sure okay I didn’t get anything good on that I went through all those diamonds didn’t get anything good on it so but anyways you can you can change the stats on yourself and try for something better you know there was

Something really really similar to that in terraria and it’s basically the same you know it’s the same general premise as it was on terraria in terms of that so but anyways that’s how that works so we’ll just kind of I’ll see if I can figure out what the wizard stuff takes

Because I don’t have the slightest clue there should be something I just don’t know what it is so we do have two more gold coins here from I guess from last episode or some point we are going to make some of these two but I’m gonna go

Ahead and spin those I’d like to get a loot chest I do believe I mean there’s these but they’re so expensive on gold coins I’ve been sixteen gold coins at the moment is expensive long time it won’t be that bad because we can do the repeater bulls but I don’t really have

The stuff going for those so I think I’m gonna go ahead and check those claims there we go and let’s see what we get oh we got some spells seal of protection yes some Scrolls we got a snowball he’ll mind trick and arc all spells that we already have unfortunately that’s what I

Was really after but we did get the ability to upgrade another piece to legendary so I think I will probably upgrade the Wizards hat I do believe I mean I got this one and I would love to change that over but I don’t know what I need to change that over and we’re

Actually we’ve actually been getting a fair amount of those legendary upgrades which you won’t hear me complain okay so let’s go ahead and get ourselves a legendary helmet that’s +3 armor it’s about the smallest this and the boots so kind of minor upgrades so anyways anyways I was just trying for new spells

Mainly but at least we can sell these for so it’s not too bad okay so now that we have that in place one thing I would like to do actually let me go harvest it’s starting to rain let me go harvest this stuff real quick

Yeah cuz I’m gonna build up on seeds and I’ll be back here in just a moment okay now next up I want to start looking into making some potions and say we’ve gotten I know we’ve gotten the fuel I think we’ve gotten a few of the rustic potions

I don’t know oh I can’t remember if they’re in here or that’s chili peppers and graves that’s not we’re looking for we did get some Normie seeds these can just be gathered from I believe it was grass Rafael means that’s for unique crops we do need to get those up and

Going that’s tomato seeds know what I’m looking for right here I have horsetail I have cohosh and that’s it okay so we’ve only got two of the the rustic crops and if I recall there’s like eight of them all together so I’m going to need to actually let me get this stuff

Together I’m gonna need to well actually before we do that one thing I’ve been meaning to do their ears this right here this fertile soil from rustic because we’re kind of getting into a little bit of rustic today and we will be getting into a bit more as time goes on but that

Is one thing I need to do who he is we can take the US get ourselves some bone meal and we can actually get rid of this what we can do with this fertile soil is it can actually upgrade all over don’t in our farms so give me just a second let me

Grab all of the us and we can take this stuff we can combine it when you get fertile soil this we won’t have to this we won’t have to water and hoe and we can we can’t really trample it there’s no speed increase to it so chances are I

Don’t know if I’m gonna leave water spaces I feel like I still want to leave some water spaces so I’m thinking like maybe here and then maybe right over here that’s why I haven’t really been in a rush to get this stuff because I’m still gonna leave spaces open for the

Water and that’s because we’re going to be making lily pads of fertility so but anyways now that we’ve got that we can plant all let’s go ahead and put down our Normie seeds because these are going to produce well we can use four of them to get artesia seeds it’s gonna be

Getting into unique crops here so and then seed crafting we’re get into all that stuff in due time for right now just want to plant down our Normie seeds and I believe ya bone meal will work on these so we could harvest and you could see we

Got four Normie seeds now but anyways I’m gonna start kind of spreading these out let’s go ahead and plant some more of those and then over here this is actually going to end up getting moved but for right now I’m gonna plant down just a little bit of this cohosh and

Just a little bit of this horse tail and we’re gonna start working on getting some of the rustic crops up and going and then what I want to do we’re gonna have to probably go out I think that’s actually one of them isn’t it yeah ginseng perfect let me grab that we can

Actually kind of grow some of this of most of these crops even though they don’t give a seed we can just plant these in the ground which I can’t remember can we harvest these no we can’t harvest them with a right-click that’s fine okay so now we’re up to

Three of the eight different rustic crops now chances are if we look around we might actually spot some more of these because I haven’t really been picking them up even though I probably should have been because then I’ll have to end up going back out and exploring

To find them I think I see one right over here though it’s not a big deal but in truth I should start collecting just every flower that I come across there we go there’s chamomile I know from the main things I want to make today I need ones that I’ve already picked up

So sound of I don’t think there’s a huge rush for us right the second to go out and get the other four we’ll start with these four and then if I if I find that I need to go out and find those but chances are we can just try to bear in

Mind and collect them as we got exploring I think so and this stuff if you notice I can’t trample it so yay let’s go ahead and throw that stuff down there’s some chamomile and then what I want to do is I want to craft a couple

Things from rustic and that is the stuff that we’re gonna need for alchemy and there’s actually two from versions there is a standard alchemic condenser and alchemic retort we went ahead and bypass those those are crafted with standard bricks and we’re gonna go ahead and go straight for the advanced ones no real

Reason not to the main difference there’s some there’s some potions like the especially the advanced potions and stuff that we’re not gonna be able to craft with the standard with the standard stuff so I want them to go ahead and get into the advanced ones and then we’re going to be

Getting into some brewing as well because that is useful to do and then what I need some nether bricks which we should have well I’ve got another bricks but I don’t think I have a way to actually break these down in this pack now so I’m gonna have to cook up some

Netherrack I should be able to just cook up no that’s don’t leave me now the rack okay I’m gonna have to go let’s go and find some regular netherrack I forgot that each of the variants the last episode and make their own variant bricks so okay luckily that’s what’s

Right outside this guy here is standard nether Rock so this is a bit quicker than I was expecting can I uh I can’t find mine now oh that’s too bad cuz I’m actually planning on using that for quite a bit of building it means I’m I

Have to I’m gonna have to mine it up bit Bobby yep probably who prosperity or go ahead grab that that gives us prosperity shards which if you recall I was actually getting a low on those but anyways let’s head back through let’s go smelt up our netherrack and

Let’s get ourselves our nether bricks and honestly the potions that we’re gonna be making they’re mainly gonna be for like those big dungeons that are pretty tough I mean I’m probably not gonna be running them really huh that’s weird and I guess since I came back

Through the nether it flagged me as a mob that allows me to trigger the fire sigils I’m just kind of interesting but oh I need to smelt this up real quick easy enough okay and then we can get our advanced how chemic condenser and our advanced alchemic retort okay and then

Let’s get ourselves to more of the advanced retorts okay we’ve got one condenser and three retorts if you’re doing the standard one i tend to skip it but if I recall it only requires two the advanced one I think it requires all three might as well go ahead and go for

All three but we’re gonna set this up I want it near my water pool I’ll tell you what I guess I’m going to set it up a right heel and that means I’m gonna pull that up right there yeah we’ll put the condenser setting right there and then we’re gonna have a

Retort on the backside that’s not right nope there we go see that little tube right there you want it facing into the condenser so and then we’re gonna do another one sitting right there and then we’ll pull this up go and one more setting right there okay

Then we’ll go ahead and block the rest that off okay not the best looking thing but it’ll work so anyways if you look right here you can see this is the GUI for the s you can put bottles up in here if you take a look it’s all pretty well

Self-explanatory but let’s say for example we wanted to make a lick source of strength or even better or maybe a lick sir of iron skin so I don’t I don’t do that much mainly damage if you look at standard elixir of iron skin this one does require the advanced how can the

Condensers but if we take a look at say the iron skin – you can see clay goes they are leather high on berries marshmallow root goes they are your bottles go here and then water goes on this side and then combustible right down here okay so what we’re going to do

Is let’s get ourselves a bucket and let’s go ahead and just start dumping some water in there you can see we can store up to 8,000 Miller buckets so there we go 8000 Miller buckets in there it actually doesn’t take a whole lot of water per

Craft just takes a little bit and then what we’re going to do is we’re going to make our first well actually I need to make some glass bottles real quick which I don’t have a whole lot of sand but I think we can craft that now it’s dirt and fire

Essence we have not made fire seeds I could pull them off but yeah see I got four for Sam but I’ve got 16 glass we’ll go ahead and just graft a weak hand that should be good so there’s 15 bottles that should be alright for the time

Being Plus whenever we drink our potions they should if I recall they give back the bottles for the rustic alchemy I tend to skip it because especially in this pot we won’t use this for very long because once we get the between lands alchemy it’s so much better

Vanilla alchemy is kind of on par but rustic does have some added stuff that’s a little bit easier to make and less redundant so we’re gonna be going everything everybody knows how to do vanilla how come me at this point so we’re gonna be focusing on the rustic

Alchemy until we get the between lends alchemy and then we’ll start using that but okay so I would like to make there’s a few particular potions I would like to make instant health isn’t bad but regeneration is even better we have 45 seconds of regen a minute and a half a

Free GN or 22 seconds of region to which is really powerful then we also have some night vision we have some speed which would be good from getting you know for getting from point A to point B fire resistance there’s health boost which is pretty cool plus eight max

Health for a min and a half it looks sort of heist but I would really like the regen maybe some of the instant health which you can see right here I hope we don’t have a marshmallow root I’m gonna have to get some of that elixir of strength isn’t too bad

Once again requires marshmallow but I also want the high on skin to a minute and a half of iron skin to that’s actually really nice but I think I don’t know if we have iron berries yet or not and I need you upstairs okay we do have

Some iron wood saplings okay so I can plant those I’m still gonna have to go out and find some marshmallow root though that’s the biggie because I don’t I don’t have any marshmallow root to my name so I’m gonna have to come over to

Sit out and see if I can find some about so let me okay the moon setting let me start heading off in this direction and we’ll see if we can come across some of this I do have this wand is kind of organized so I’ve got blink heal and fire sigil on this

So I can use that for kind of moving around a little bit faster but okay I went out exploring looking for so that marshmallow root and I did come across one of these little structures these there’s nothing really to them they’re just they have a couple villagers in

Them and kind of a EDS let’s see what this villagers gots are they’re working I can’t move if we came across a couple of days he had in this series or not I can’t recall go ahead and stuff this stuff basically just looking I’m out looking for looking for the other crops

That we need from rustic so let’s see what we’ve got in our basic case we got the enlightened sword from random lutes got hot blinding okay let’s go ahead and just put that away over there there’s some sort of a pirate ship so I do want

To go check that out I do believe and because there could be something cool in there but yeah I’m really looking for marshmallow well I will take aloe vera blood orchid death stalk mushrooms moon cap mushrooms wind thistles clouds Bluff core wrote marshmallow root so what there’s

Actually like 10 12 12 different 12 different crops for how come he but marshmallow roots gonna be the big one I think I was thinking that I had everything that I needed but I was mistaken so if I’ll call marshmallow root is most common I think this is a pirate ship I

Think it’s most common just from this is a dungeon tactics one whoops oops okay we got a golden guy’s a chicken let’s see what’s up here I don’t know if this is from dungeon tactics I’ve never encountered this pirate ship of course there’s a number of different

Mods that add pirate ships but this one has like black sails so okay let’s head up here these are sanguine roses I’ve been trying to grab these because these give you regeneration I mean they they’re just kind of useful to have around let’s see what we got in this we got the

Dainty spoon explosive hasty 16 my name’s Pete okay let’s head down in to here we’ve got a spell book with telekinesis we have earth mage robes okay I would love to have like boots or something there’s another blood diamonds Oh advanced Tom of Arcana we’ve got a scroll of healing slime pearls that’s

Actually really awesome oh wow for slime pearls because that’s the one of the major things that was holding me back from making our lily pads of fertility that was like the big thing holding me back so and so what we got in this golden case we got rigor mortis

Bone or rigor mortis bond of agony it’s from mega loot blinds enemy for 1 seconds on hint 14 point 89 DPS rare rarity has to upgrade slots that’s still more damage though but we’re gonna hold on to that and if we head down here’s a skeleton down here whoa okay we got the

Thief’s sword with looting three we got smoke bomb heal telekinesis and I keep finding the same spells there’s a lot more spells out there but we keep coming across the same ones and then all this stuff and then we’ve got another advanced um of Arcana scroll of identification legendary arcane seal of protection

I will definitely take that we’ve actually been getting pretty lucky with those of light and I’m very happy about it I will definitely I will not turn it ALP not turn it down so and summon zombie spy oh yeah I mean you can see their Scrolls we don’t know what they do but

It’s builders pickaxe mending three fortune one efficiency five we’ll take that and then do these have anything cooling them no I don’t think so the world oh it’s invisible it’s an invisible skeleton okay well that oh there’s actually something else he or another chicken and we got three glowing water

Which harms on dad we can use that to make the Holy Hand grinds and the glowing blade you know I actually use that in one series as food it’s actually a pretty decent food couple duck types we got a basic case here we F an icy Terra blade with Auto smelt and

Fortified oh and it’s unbreakable that’s kind of nice actually that is kind of nice we have an unbreakable pickaxe with pretty decent mining Spade too so okay well anyways I’m gonna continue exploring out looking for marshmallow root and I’ll be back here in just Vint okay I’m in a jungle biome right now

Alright because that’s generally where the mush oh what’s it called marshmallow now that’s generally where it’s gonna spawn out back came across these are the moon cat mushrooms so I figured we go ahead and stock up on those mighty skeletal warrior there we go but we’ll go ahead and grab a handful of

Days so that we’ve got it I don’t know that I’ll need them I mean time soon and I have been stocking up on hey I see a blighted creature right up there oh my gosh haha okay you might get up there hopefully in lots of XP yeah

Level 21 now oh hey there’s a treasure chest right here we got a quantum crystal monster pant summons minions and then we also got some Nuggets I’ll just take it off my quest complete the quantum crystal monster pets yeah okay and really quick we’ve got 21 levels so

Is there anything that I want to upgrade I’m on the side speed and then I’ve got ten more levels okay I’m just gonna take a point in archery anyways normally your marshmallow is gonna be around what these are Foley apps from mousies mobs so they can drop

A seed you know they can drop a seed to allow you to plant more of them but it doesn’t look like we got one from those so but anyways marshmallow there’s a pretty good chance that’s gonna spawn here or in swamps I looked on the wiki

Just trying to help make things a little bit easier but the thing is things are kind of all mixed up in this pack because of the biome bundle so not everything spa mine’s like in places where you would expect it to spawn and so I mean this

Doesn’t even really look like a jungle but it’s classified as a jungle biome you know so okay I see some marshmallow right up here this is what it looks like it’s kind of like a pink a pink flower there and that is what we are after

Go ahead and grab quite a bit of the US and we’re gonna see if pathless I’ll take that I’ve actually got well I’ve actually got a few magic tethers I’m gonna see if we can walk back home with these okay they don’t work like I remember them working

So I am off oh wow I one shot that thing oh hi hi we got camouflaged ie this is from primitive mobs this is for making camouflage clothing camouflage enable block layer this right here this is Foley F scenes planting grass feed one hungry for two days that’s from mousies

Mobs so we can actually plant those guys up around our base if we want to so yeah okay I got back and I planted the marshmallow root and the moon Cap mushrooms it has been just a little bit since I cut after I got back but anyways

I did go ahead and use some bone meal grow the Ironwood trees we got 20 iron berries they just drop from the leaves whenever you harvest those trees but anyway is what we’re going to do yeah as well first up and grab our quest book out of here and we did complete the

Under Ketchum all oh yeah we did complete this this chest pouts we get a loot chest from that and then right here the quantum crystal monster we get 16 bottles of enchanting for bout this path if you recall we crafted this a while back and I happen

To pick it up out of the chest to get the Qwest credit for it so anyways let me jump that off back they go and we got this loot chest we want to go ahead and pop the let’s do that amazing technical glasses we got an empty spawn egg diving

Helmet with aqua affinity and depth Strider we got a spell we don’t know it’s an advanced one a magic wand basic case okay I will just dump all this stuff into there the basic case we got a savage knife graceful dig speed attack speed okay that’s the stats on it but

The spell book what did we get off the us we got ice shroud gives me 30 seconds of ice shroud creates a shot of cold around the castle for 30 seconds causing anything that attacks them to be frozen that is awesome that is really really

Nice I don’t really have space for it on that’s wine I don’t think because I think I’d rather keep fireball but I would like it on this on this one cuz that’s kind of more of my defensive wound whoops that’s gonna go right into there but okay

So we got some pretty cool stuff off that I’m really happy about that ice shroud by the way right over here we’re gonna be I think next episode we’re actually gonna spend some time working on some unique crops and kind of going through this ma just a little bit if

You’ll notice I get random items whenever I harvest it sometimes it’s like wheat sometimes it’s potatoes you know it kind of just changes these normy seeds do so yeah you can see I got carrots and melons that time okay I’m actually gonna put these enormous seeds

Away for right now we’ll use those next episode but anyways we have the materials that we need to make our first potions oh and I got this and I want to make I’m gonna be making a fair few of these potions like instant health – and reach

In one hand – I like the minute and a half for some situations I like the 22 seconds of regen – for other situations also maybe some strength – potions I would like maybe blazing trail it’s not terrible haste isn’t bad speed is nice health boost is nice I’m

Gonna be making a few of these different potions but for right now let’s go ahead and make an elixir of iron skin – a minute and a half of +4 armor toughness +6 armor ok and it takes clay leather iron berries marshmallow root in a glass bottle to make this so let’s get

Ourselves let’s go ahead and do four I think and we’re gonna do ourselves four pieces of leather yeah we’ve got plenty about and if not I do have those those seeds or those essence the cow essence so when I gonna have any issues with with leather but if we take this we

Throw it right in there we take our leather our iron berries and our clay we put them into there and then we’re gonna need some kind of combustible I think it can be any kind of combustible it’s actually been a little while since I’ve done the the rustic alchemy I don’t

Think it has to be blaze powder I think it just has to be any kind of combustible yeah we throw that in there and there we go it’s gonna start crafting our potions for us and it does take it a minute but these potions if I recall these potions

Will stack which is awesome it’s very very good so there we go a lick Sur of iron skin rank – okay and that’s one of the best things about the rustic potions is that they are able to stack unlike standard vanilla potions which is kind of a downer on those because you can’t

Fill up your hot bar with you know instant health potions or you know just different potions you can stack these inside your backpacks and inside your hotbar I don’t recall what the copy is I don’t know I don’t think it’s 64 but it might be don’t quote me on that I was

Thinking was more like 16 but I don’t know I’m not 100% sure but so there we go there’s four iron skin rank to poach those are going to come in quite handy and like I said I’m gonna make a bunch of potions between this episode and maybe between this episode next episode

Maybe between this episode and the episode after next because next episode we’re actually gonna be doing some stuff around the base as well once more and then we’ll go out properly exploring but and then one other things that I would like to do well a couple other things see and say

When I thank all of our brewing stuff I’m actually gonna I’m gonna throw it into here so we kind of have like a little brewing area where we have the stuff that we tend to brew a lot with and I’m gonna put that into there too

This will be kind of like a brewing chest okay so one thing that I want to make is and we are going to be getting into the rustic brewing this other brewing we have the alchemy and then we have the brewing we’re gonna be getting into the actual brewing here very very

Soon because that stuff goes hand in hand with the alchemy and there’s some really nice benefits to it but one thing I would like to make is the watering can at long last so let’s make ourselves and in theory I’m watering can so this is going to take a theoretical infinite

Water source which is like this I can’t remember if I have any base essence ingots made I do probably from mining actually and then we’ll get five of these there’s our theoretical infinite water source okay and then we’re gonna need an in theory ‘m fertilization core which is

Crafted like oh i need 3 fertilized essence and i’ve been using those probably the best way for me to get that though i never harvest this would crop any more but usually if i go through here i tend to get there yeah there’s two fertilized essence already i tend to

Be able to get keep wasting it let’s do that but you can see i get fertilized essence pretty quickly through here so it’s kind of like if I need fertilized essence by the way actually after last cut I did craft our very first tier four

In fear EMC so we just still have one more one more rank of seed to try and get for the tier five but hopefully that one will spread and we’ll get some some additional some additional seeds so okay but we got that and then we’re going to

Need to get ourselves and very mess in space essence and a gold ingots that’s not a problem so there’s our fertilization core and then we just need four inferior mingotts which is basis and seeing its prosperity shards around hiring for that and then some essence so

Let’s get that real quick I do have one left I swear seven of those more than what I need but that’s okay you can see this is only a one by one range so but there is our in theory I’m watering can there should be a quest for that I do believe

The all about that crops oh no we don’t actually get a quest reward until prudent iam watering can okay so pretend to him oh whoops well okay I don’t actually need this one okay and let’s see this one actually takes a block of lobbies oh you know

What though I can I think I can I have this core remover let’s grab that and let’s grab our inferior watering can I think we can craft this together and pull out the inferi and fertilization and then what we can do is we can I think these are pretty cheap to craft

Yeah they’re cheap to craft then we can just upgrade this that way it’s a little bit cheaper on us instead of wasting our materials we still waste a few materials but it’s it’s not so bad that way okay there is our prudent IAM fertilization core and then we just need another

Theoretical infinite water source and then the shards so I’m gonna go ahead or the ingots I mean when I go ahead and do that and then we’ll go ahead and up quite a few of these go and then we’re gonna grade these I think I need one

More Dona yeah I think I’ve got the essence lying around though okay so there’s purge into young ingots and then we just need let me toss the us I need four of these we’ve actually got some superior minds there’s some sue premium already and then yes okay so

There is our purge in TM watering can this one does a three by three a little bit more useful than a one by one so quite a bit more useful and then we complete a quest we get four Knights or clusters okay and these nature clusters

You can use these to craft nature sage which we’ve already got those so it’s not terribly useful for us at this point unless I just want to craft up some nature seeds or something but and then of course we can’t upgrade this to the inter medium which is a five by five

Then there’s a seven by seven and a nine by nine so let’s head out here and the nice thing is now I can use this instead of running through our our fertilize distance I can use it right here and just hold right click it does still take

A while for it to grow as you can tell you know it’s not growing superfast yeah this you can’t use the shield or you can’t have the shield equipped so but there we go now I can grow this a little bit faster it is a little bit tricky to stop

Yourself right before it hits full maturity so you can break the seed and try you know try for another one there we go but we are going to be able to use that I didn’t mean to I’m these over here I’m just harvesting with the right click just because I’ve

Got so many seeds and it just makes things a little bit faster but the tier 3 & 4 I’m meaning to actually break those to try for more seeds because you know I can always upgrade on those ones so and then these right here of course all the Rusty’s I’m definitely breaking

Because I need I need the seeds and then we did get the quantum crystal monsterpet we’ll go ahead and use that there we go we got a mini quantum blaze and a mini quantum Enderman so that’s what we got from that and these guys will attack mobs and stuff you can see

They actually have a crazy amount of health because the difficulty increase affects them as well so they’ve got extra health based on the difficulty presently in the pack so and this thing eat sloppy snug ‘its I do have the lobby’s Nuggets that we picked up I have

Them in here but and yeah I think we can pretty much yeah see there’s more I can just summon an army so anyways I know it’s about wrapping up point for this episode next episode we’re gonna spend a little bit more time around the base we’re gonna be working on basically just

Starting some unique crops because you know it is kind of important that we get into that mod there’s some useful stuff and it’s something that I’ve been wanting to get into it’s a really cool mod it’s not really seen in mini packs I have played around with in the test

World in the past when I was looking at I was considering it for the fact that was making it is a little bit opaque just a bit it’s a it’s just a little bit okay especially in like this pack and stuff but we’ll get into that we’ll get into that next episode or

Starting into a next episode and in the following episode I think we’re going to maybe enter a new dimension or maybe do some just around the overworld exploration I’m not for sure yet but we’ll see we’ll play it by ear we’ve got 46 out of 256 XP on this sword what’s

Slowing on it which is pretty cool but um anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the episode if you did as always be sure I hit that like button and go ahead and subscribe if you’re not already 2-step day with window videos come out I hope

To see you guys next time so until then as always do take care stay safe I’ll see you guys then

This video, titled ‘Miscellaneous Upgrades Pt 2 : Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons Lp Ep #11 Minecraft 1.12’, was uploaded by To Asgaard on 2019-01-04 19:24:55. It has garnered 6414 views and 156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:16 or 2596 seconds.

Today we get back into some further character upgrades as we dive into rustic alchemy, altering equipment quality, and other assorted upgrades. ——————————————————————————————————— Find the rest of the series here: —————————————————————————– Hit me up on social networking as well:

Patreon: Discord: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: ————————————————————————— A very big thank you to the talented Andries Welink for the wonderful new channel art and avatars.… ————————————————————————————————— Thank you so much Krimson Studios for the intro, be sure and check him out!… ————————————————————————————————— Added Mods:


Fence Overhaul:

#RoguelikeAdventuresandDungeons #Minecraft

  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

    Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, A motor gang movie, a tale to be told. With Kare Kafa leading the way, Entertaining us all, every single day. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t be late, For Minecraft adventures, we can’t wait. Support is key, so don’t hesitate, Join the fun, let’s celebrate. Kare Kafa, the master of Minecraft lore, Bringing us joy, always wanting more. In Turkish, he shines bright, Entertaining us all, day and night. Let the game begin, the fun never ends, With Minecraft facts, and rhymes that blend. Kare Kafa, our favorite guide, In… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

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  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

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  • Rich vs Poor: Football Player Kids Clash!

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  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

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  • Minecraft Modding: The Mentor CodeLab

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  • Recording Woes: Minecraft Part 18 Fails

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  • Killing the Ender Dragon in Minecraft – Survival World Ep. 10

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  • Bobby’s New House Tour on Minecraft Server!

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  • “Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔” #minecraft #shizo #drama

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  • BiblioCraft

    BiblioCraftRegular Vanilla Minecraft server, griefing is allowed, hacking is not. This server was created over 4 years ago, and has a long history of different players, civilizations, and more! Read More

  • Fractus Politica SMP – Roleplay

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  • The best city in Minecraft

    The nas🌟 Version 1.20.4 🌟📅 Edition start: July 1 📅🔹 Tryb FreeBuild 🔹Build your dream building on our plots! Create amazing structures, acquire resources and compete with other players in a world of unlimited possibilities⚔️KitPvP Mode ⚔️Ready for the challenge? Jump into the KitPvP arena, choose your favorite kits and prove that you are the best warrior! Fight with other players, earn points and move up in the rankings.🏆 Minigra MobArena 🏆Experience an amazing adventure in MobArena! Fight hordes of monsters, earn rewards and see how long you can survive. Do you have what it takes to survive?🌌 Tryb SkyWars… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Diamond Sword”

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  • Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9

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  • Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Party with Viewers

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  • “🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥” #shorts #minecraft

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  • Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge – Meet the Grim-Reaper

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  • Zakazi’s Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)

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  • Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep – 1

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  • Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6

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  • Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥

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  • Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!

    Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!Video Information This video, titled ‘Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending’, was uploaded by Omkar on 2024-04-08 01:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, … Read More

  • SpiralGN

    SpiralGNWelcome to SpiralGN, the ultimate destination for players seeking the thrill of Minecraft’s Op Gens experience! In the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, SpiralGN stands out as a server dedicated to taking resource generation to a whole new level. At SpiralGN, we’ve crafted a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that centers around the art of overpowered generators (Op Gens). Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the blocky realm, our server offers something for everyone. Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

    That meme must be too busy racking up points to deal with your shenanigans! Read More

  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer's Epic Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:56:08. It has garnered 314 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More

  • Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked!

    Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, We dive into servers, where adventures thrive. From phone to bedrock, the best ones we seek, With Ali Mpe as our guide, we’re never meek. Join the channel, for gifts and for fun, With updates and news, we’re never done. From Java to Bedrock, the comparison is clear, With Bedwars and Hardcore, we have no fear. 100 days of Minecraft, a challenge so grand, But with Ali Mpe, we’ll make a stand. Minecraft but… the possibilities are vast, With tutorials and SMP, the fun will last. So come along, to… Read More

  • 🔥 Herobrank’s Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes

    🔥 Herobrank's Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes When you accidentally unleash Herobrank in your Minecraft world and suddenly your peaceful village turns into chaos… #oops #shouldhavereadthemanual Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island Embark on an epic journey in Minecraft Hardcore as Orhan attempts to survive 100 days on a deserted VOLCANO island. Will he conquer the challenges that lie ahead? Let’s dive into the thrilling adventure! Exploring the Volcano Island Orhan finds himself stranded on a volcanic island, surrounded by molten lava and treacherous terrain. As he navigates the rugged landscape, he must gather resources, build shelter, and fend off hostile mobs to survive. Challenges and Obstacles Surviving on a volcano island presents unique challenges. Orhan must brave the scorching heat,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the exciting new show premiering on June 30th called Last Month in the Worlds of Minecraft? It’s a fantastic opportunity to dive into the diverse and creative Minecraft communities around the world. While you’re eagerly awaiting the premiere, why not join the vibrant and dynamic Minewind Minecraft Server? Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Join us at Minewind and connect with fellow Minecraft fans from all walks of life. Explore unique builds, engage in thrilling gameplay, and unleash your imagination like never before…. Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge The Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm: A Fully Automatic Marvel Farm Details Farm Performance: The Minecraft iron farm showcased in this video boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 iron per hour, making it a highly efficient setup for players looking to stock up on this valuable resource. Farm Mode: Operating in a fully automatic mode, this iron farm eliminates the need for constant player intervention, allowing for a seamless and hassle-free iron production process. Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions ranging from 1.16 to the latest 1.21 update, including all intermediate versions such as 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, and 1.19.4,… Read More

  • Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!

    Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!Video Information This video, titled ‘buku ini membuatku menjadi ahli sihir’, was uploaded by Nante on 2024-05-20 03:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. addon #indonesia #minecraft #minecraftindonesia #shorts. Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe Map

    Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe MapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+…’, was uploaded by Gaming World on 2024-05-01 18:12:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+… In This Video I Am Giving You A Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Playable Map … Read More

  • Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraft

    Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘survival LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :600… #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-15 15:26:06. It has garnered 100 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:34 or 7594 seconds. DISCORD: : k4f My s1 lets play world play list : My letsplay series season 2 play list : @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯

    INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour: Live Exploration!”‘, was uploaded by Flax army on 2023-12-19 07:20:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “Embark on an extraordinary journey as we delve into the intricate details of a meticulously crafted Minecraft luxury house in this … Read More