Tolomeo’s VOD Archives: Insane Brown Bricks Prank!

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All righty let me know if anyone’s here and if you can hear me hello Moth Man splitting Yami penguin J long K cison Abyssal Spirit Bandit Bleak werewolf 40 fire pit panther Evol crap time Tris box tofu little poppy Toral vom midnight note Phoenix link the first mie dampy

Virtuos wet walrus it’s me your dog Charizard Little Miss Pink not kalista Ash Tanga cynical dup hopefully you’re not here to post more vtubers being milked cynical D hello Galactic most creative name Bruce iron my dad is not a phone the 99th micronal Matt sir pisle

Rest Ram thank you Joy for the 56 months I appreciate it thank you very much hello West and B music aaki etherius k pliskin balder evig finished a model today hell yeah dude which one hello Linux Max mix I have not been on the Gundam grind lately been shering my

Duty hello just a robot mom just uh just big chilling Alo Zuri igar valtieri atheras I ordered a pizza two days ago but I have the munchies right now should I be fat and get a pizza again yes it’s it’s it’s right after Thanksgiving so I can’t really think of

A of a better time to get pizza hello Tai 81 Rafa Jus martyr ly V2 I found dumb [ __ ] John the first I hope you killed that [ __ ] I hope you slaughtered him hello Valk how’s the [ __ ] it’s small get a leash and bring him to your Arena

I I am not escorting a turtle halfway across the world world I don’t I my time isn’t particularly valuable but Christ Almighty free Domino’s Pizza to cash in man even even when there was that bug where you could get a free Domino’s Pizza I thought about it you know I was

Like do I actually want to [ __ ] eat dominoes like it’s free but you know uh I could go outside and eat grass that’s also free I’m I’m not in any rush to do that so I’m not sure if Domino’s is worth it even if it’s free I love Minecraft I’m

Surprised I’m so into it I honestly did not expect to like it this much for my first time playing the game is literally crack cocaine at first hello scrib thank you for the 40 Monon resub I appreciate it thank you very much I remember when I was in college I would regularly pull

All nighters playing that [ __ ] game just 10 hours of [ __ ] Minecraft Minecraft mixed with League of Legends which is basically the video game equivalent of Red Bull and vodka Hello Sushi if you hear strange noises in the background it’s banjo trying to uh figure out the bean bag situation hello

13c silver Millennium next hour of my life will be walking 4,000 blocks back to the spawn area why are you going back to the spawn dude just rustling yeah he’s been annoying today he’s I try to be patient but he’s developed like some of the most annoying

Dog features of all time hello Mato uh CL he’ll come up to the side of my chair and put his paw on my side he learned this from cth and he knows it bothers me and he just he lifts it and puts it back on me and just basically plays like the

One-handed Bongo on my side until I give him attention and if I ignore him he’ll put both of his [ __ ] arms on the armrest of the chair and start like alternating it’s honestly pretty funny but holy [ __ ] dude please leave me alone it’s like every five minutes dude I hate

Demonic gorillas so much I just want the oop to stop hello I like to paint a monochrome bookish I got 4 kg of macaroni for $10 Canadian I’m going to be riding that high all winner yeah macaroni is pretty cheap only solution is to bite him no he’s a baby he’s a

Puppy um thankfully he doesn’t really do it when I’m streaming I guess he knows that when I’m when I’m talking it’s not attention time maybe I just need to start talking to myself hello third world weed golden Plato oh man so uh how about that Minecraft fellas how about those brown

Bricks thank you random comfy emote for the 63 Monon resub I appreciate it thank you very much I I wish I could say that I was completely rejuvenated today I slept well don’t get me wrong hello ND but I went what a burger is basically like RuneScape old RuneScape where the random

Events could really [ __ ] you up and there’s one particular random what bger event that really pisses me off and it is truck night what truck night is is like it random point during the [ __ ] week month whatever they get deliveries and they stop taking orders for like an

Hour or two to unload the [ __ ] truck and uh guess what night it was when I went to waterburger dude so I didn’t I didn’t get my water Bens last night I got truck night instead I’m digging until I have an idea to build I my mind my head is completely

Devoid of ideas right now it’s empty in there dude hello Aven T oh saw the Flamin Hot truck yesterday I don’t know what that means but that sounds way better than the what a truck the what 18wheeler it’s God man it made me so sad because I

Don’t think I’ve ever seen it on a Friday night usually the weekends are safe usually it’s on like Monday or Tuesday or some [ __ ] but it was the Friday night truck wasn’t very cash I’m going to get that pizza but I’m having a dilemma what sauce and Topping should I

Get so in my opin opinion the best kind of pizza is double sauce double pepperoni and double jalapenos pan pizza preferably that’s the ideal form of the pizza I set out to make something cool that wasn’t a castle I had some cool Mossy rocks out front

And suddenly I was building I know I know it’s just like how I wanted to build a turtle sand pit and now I’m making another zigurat but it’s just blue I’m hard WI my genetic programming is too difficult to overcome and it’s vanilla scrib hello Dan pmk light

176 sounds so good but I think my stomach would melt overnight you know what [ __ ] my stomach more than anything I’m usually pretty durable as far as eating terrible food is concerned but Apple especially like apple and drinks like apple flavored alcoholic beverages make me feel like I have a chest

Burster it like any sort of cider any sort of like green smear knoff even non-alcoholic like apple flavored stuff makes me feel like I’m about to pass out and die posted the flaming hot truck in Discord if you want to see it let me see let’s take a look at this I’m assuming

It’s in the main Channel I we need to have like a [ __ ] Heist on one of these [ __ ] things dude like real [ __ ] we need to get a group of of tomeo viewers who are willing to commit serious crimes for Hot Cheetos and we need to find one of these we need

To lay out like the strip of nails on the road and we need to loot these [ __ ] things we need to find one of these [ __ ] out in the wild and and and take the the Cheetos for ourselves Dragon gay or hornstein is dead this is my new name I was wondering

Who the [ __ ] you were that makes sense hello Recon hello incancer Gam jar what’s up dudes we man oh man I I actually my day has been completely [ __ ] ruined because I got [ __ ] talked in RuneScape minding my own business I was like ah yes it’s been

It’s been a while let’s relax with some runes escape and I was minding my own business and someone’s like why are you low Health baddy what the [ __ ] I’m just trying to I I’m just too lazy to get my anti-poison out bro please understand Cheeto Heist will be

Remembered as one of the greatest signs of the rising yeah yeah I I’m racist against buying any I’m not paying for [ __ ] dollars for chips maybe they were trying to Riz you no dude you don’t understand the sort of person that plays RuneScape they’re like me they’re these completely belligerent freaks that are

Like a nightmare embarrassment human being to be around I made a mistake not picking fire sale no you didn’t I don’t think you did bro I don’t know I’ve seen what people do with it but I still I still like the bank notes and honestly Ryan here’s the thing let me tell you

The secret of leagues bro I’m poor okay I don’t care if if you’re trying to Super sweat efficiency leagues you’re doing it wrong you’ve missed the entire [ __ ] point and you’re an embarrassment honestly like the point of leagues is to have some [ __ ] fun the point of

Leagues like I you know what I did I did something for boen too I picked the farming perk instead of unlocking the new epic prayer book I was like you know what dude the least favorite my least favorite things in the world thieving agility and farming so I picked the

Perks to make those completely trivial they’re probably not efficient or meta holy [ __ ] dude I’m having so much fun and that that’s what matters look up the creators of RuneScape to get an idea of the average player I mean those [ __ ] are rich as hell so I don’t know I feel

Like RuneScape Bros are not okay and I’m saying that as a RuneScape bro hello coar are one of the one of the most generally unreasonable and hostile demographics of gamer you could possibly encounter I would have trouble thinking of the I think the only group of multiplayer gamer I’ve seen that is more

Hostile on average than RuneScape players is dead by daylight freaks those are definitely the worst but RuneScape is a close second the amount of grinding I believe it uh dead by daylight I don’t know what the hell is wrong with them I’ve only watched people play dead by daylight I

Haven’t played it myself but I feel like every time I watch someone play it there’s like a racial epithets involved people are getting mad and crying because they’re losing to a killer they don’t like and it’s just it’s one of the most asinine things I’ve ever seen in my

[ __ ] life hello hydrophilic toaster I I think honestly hello empty perspective if you’re ever at a point where you’re losing losing in a competitive game and you’re saying the opponent is toxic because they’re using a strategy you don’t like you need to go outside you need like when you’re

Playing a competitive game my like your objective is not to you know I want my opponent to have a lot of fun I want them to win and enjoy themsel no dude you’re trying to you’re trying to get out there and you’re trying to kill [ __ ] the [ __ ] is your problem

Dude I’m not here to babysit you and wipe your ass I’m here to kill you dude there’s a community code on how to play it’s a nightmare I could never I could never dude holy [ __ ] I don’t know how Scott jund is still insane or uh still sane

Excuse me how he hasn’t gotone insane I’m going to join the rat server I will add you to the white list when I log on uh in a in a little bit here I’m guessing your name is just Scribd right when I play dead by daylight I play as

Leon Kennedy and throw games because whimpering sounds makes my goober face the Sun and I really think that’s what it’s all about with dead by daylight I feel like there’s a surprising number of people who probably think things like that on a regular basis uh I don’t know dude you ever do

That Discord stream no hope we get to see the dungeon today I I I know maybe we will maybe we won’t I guess uh if we don’t then I can build for a bit and then tomorrow we’ll have a reprieve from Minecraft we can get uh we

Can get back to the normal sort of [ __ ] name is scrib o1 okay I will add you in a sec let me log on really quick give me a sec oh well I guess we could just start I guess we could just go ahead and and

Get going I have a have a quick little stream thank you van glorious for the 44 Monon resub I appreciate appreciate it thank you thank you how are you dude let’s go ahead and uh see if both of my birds are throwing Tantrums because they

Don’t want to go to bed I [ __ ] hate going to bed too I uh I don’t know add Ryan Lupe BBC if you want a good time I I don’t think I want to add you to the white list if your name’s going to be something like well no I don’t care

About your name but if going to phrase it like that like I’m I’m sexually propositioning you I don’t think I want to add you got some underground Bedrock Hut surrounded by wardens today weird I thought this was osrs no dude is did I put the category

To osrs is that is my brain rot severe enough that I did that hello Duckworth okay hold on you did not okay good I okay so if I type Ryan Lupe BBC and it says player does not exist I’m going to ban you for making me type that for no

Reason so do do you want to be added to the white list because it’s Ryan okay okay okay no British Broadcasting channel this time it’s what I thought hold up I need to find my [ __ ] base Ryan Lupe BBC for osrs I I think we can add people to the

RuneScape Clan but I don’t know how to do it I haven’t played RuneScape in in years until uh like last week or so when the league started so a lot of this new [ __ ] got added and I have no [ __ ] idea what any of it is I guess they made

Me like a moderator of the clan but the interface for it is nonsense like you have to to be invited to a clan you have to be accepting applicants uh you have to find the guild you have to apply to it you have to be a certain

Total level and you have to be on the same world and it’s it’s needlessly [ __ ] obuse uh I don’t know shit’s whack GNA finish a Ballista first aren’t I probably I never finished the ballista in the last League sorry you don’t meet the minimum standards and I don’t know

If you can you can change it as the thing they’re like the St State sanctioned minimum standards I’m just so proud of my employer the British Broadcasting channel what can I say I mean I can’t blame you it’s good to take pride in the things you do I

Guess this is the dungeon the dungeon base they’re making to try to get in here build anything neat streamer no I haven’t yet I’ve today I’m going to I’m going to make it least progress equivalent to a dirt Hut I would would say I think that I think

That we can do it I think if I try really hard and put my mind to it we can make something that looks like a little mud Shack Green Top maybe maybe I do like I I like buildings that have grass and [ __ ] on the top and uh you have foliage trees bushes

Plants seen what Seth is working on no I was yesterday was like a Non-Stop delusion of trying to fix plugins and add people and whitel list people and give them creative so today I’m going to try to I I don’t think they’re going to get to the dungeon so I’m going to try

To work on my structure but I need to remember the coordinates so give me a second is there any mobile users on there I have no idea I don’t have the Fest [ __ ] clue are you just playing solo wait what do you mobile users but I guess you don’t mean mobile and

You probably mean multiple lot no there’s some people on it’s a community server that mostly anyone can join I think it’s a bot no I don’t think he’s a bot how goes rat craft it’s going is Java Edition even on mobile I have no idea I don’t know anything about like

The various types of Minecraft holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] it looks good but I just don’t know what the hell I’m looking at right now interesting like the selection of bricks hold on I need to I need to find my base I didn’t claim it so I’m worried

That it won’t be intact if that happens I guess I could just build a new one not enough Brown round bricks God I I I I kind of got brain locked by that video last night I was thinking about the [ __ ] Minecraft brown box and I

Just I don’t think I’ll ever be able to ascertain what it’s about nice CPU is it get brain locked idiot hello Zer TB I don’t even remember what’s in here I used to be like a like a PC Gamer all we need that we need to build a PC

That has the best specs but this one’s literally just a pre-built so I Fallen I’m a I’m a Casual Gamer now hello Han the banan found an icy biome built a boat now I’m the drift King hell yeah dude Whit list Galactic Pioneer yes I can

Definitely do that let me go ahead and add you you got miny hypnotized by inp I did I did I don’t understand like but it it’s also not even really me that’s like hypnotized by it because I’m not the one going and posting about Brown bricks miny

CRA okay it seems like we’re we’re still okay we’ve got miss new booty and dumb [ __ ] John no one has found me and killed my turtles which I’m appreciative of but now I have to figure out what to do with this isur I have given zero thought to this

Today so now it’s time to go ahead and and try to make this into something reasonable maybe I don’t know PVP Arena I don’t want [ __ ] in here dying and getting blood all over my [ __ ] second D yeah yeah dumb [ __ ] John I don’t know what’s wrong with

These [ __ ] Turtles I don’t know why they just sit here like a bunch of [ __ ] also if you hear strange noises in the background it’s he’s chewing a bone right now banjo is dumb [ __ ] John can be The Spectator yeah he likes to watch what’s going on Willie also be

Possible to get creative yes game mode creative Galactic Pioneer if you feed them seagrass they breed I don’t really want Turtles [ __ ] in the middle of my building right now I’m going to make them a room for that eventually I do want them to live happy fulfilled lives but right now I’m

Content with no turtle sex Turtle breeding pit pretty much Turtle [ __ ] room I want to build like I just there’s a few different directions I I’m thinking of with this but I’m not sure I think hello Kim what’s up dude uh yes CL you can hold

On oh it’s just air hold up kind of looks like Atlantis I wanted to do something that wasn’t gray for once but I don’t know nice pillars man but on the small side well this is just the beginning this is the the start there will be more

Pillars I was thinking of adding more of this pillar design around the circle but but I don’t know banjo can you stop dude you’re driving me [ __ ] crazy buddy can you pick like a softer toy holy [ __ ] dude what the second floor is going to look like if I get to it I

Was having a lot of trouble making symmetrical [ __ ] yesterday so I I uh wonder if we will have the same problems today got a tea and iced tea need to wait 30 more minutes for moth wash timer to end what the hell are you talking about what

Is Moth wash hello poptart what’s good dude Andy and lelay autism dogs are on Otter’s house that’s so [ __ ] up I I don’t know if I should be surprised if one of the first things that was made on the server was incestuous Andy and lelay posters I guess that’s just to be

Expected I shouldn’t at all be astonished that that’s what happened hello Shing his hamster what’s up dude the turtle Arena looks dope not yet but maybe at some point need to figure this out you seen the fluid that leaks when you squish scar one of those big fluffy

No dude you’re making that up you’re lying to me I don’t like it when [ __ ] come into my chat and lie to me like the guy who griefed like five people yesterday and was was was asking to be unbanned what the hell dude there’s just some people who who very

Bored someone make inspectre Gadget pixel art no CH chump you can get in here and make it you in case the bottom so the turtles can’t swim out and Escape I don’t think they’re swimming anywhere bro I they’ve been here all night and I don’t think they’ve moved a single [ __ ]

Inch I like how the game chasti you for the incest selection is if that wasn’t what the game was flirting with yeah I agree it was I personally think it was just there to let you know that you’re getting the extra incestuous route and it’s not it was meant to Corral

You I think they’re dead I don’t think they are they look fine to me dumb [ __ ] John might be catatonic though I think maybe maybe they had an extra long night okay he moved he was just sitting there staring off into the void for a second I kind of want to make it

Wider but I don’t know if that’s a good idea or not but I’m going [ __ ] it dude I don’t want to sit here and and ha and deliberate we’re just going to make it wider okay so let’s start with it with six going outwards let me make sure they have the same start

Point catatonic on that booty thank you emotion Lord for 36 months I thought I already did one of these you did but the like twitch probably renewed overnight or today so it pops up again uh thank you very much for the resub I appreciate it now let’s do four

Let’s do four on each side we’re going to make this [ __ ] thing Gigantic on protest like the rat prolapse GIF what the [ __ ] does that mean what also I don’t think I’ve ever seen a rat prolapse Jeff would you care to enlighten me on what that

Is Christ almighty used it all the time I don’t think I did it’s JF yeah I know it is lanco it’s the dancing rat that is not a prolapse dancing rat that goes on strike but okay but why is he the prolapse rat that’s the part that I’m hung up on the

[ __ ] the Stream tags oh which ones it’s just a normal Minecraft stream bro that’s what every no they said it looked like a penis and that’s a big selft tell if you think a penis looks like a prolapse that sounds like a deeply personal problem to me all of

Them I don’t remember what they are I set those like a hundred years ago bro the only ones I know for a factor there are [ __ ] hypnosis and homeless I think think is one of the others I mean do I really need to explain what [ __ ] hypnosis

Is don’t forget gay Bader oh yeah gay Bader is like it’s because I make jokes involving involving penises sometimes so chat thinks I’m a gay biter hello siames it’s not my fault can’t believe he forgets lvar oh that just means I’m fat see I feel like these are self-explanatory Maybe just spent too

Much time on the computer but like if someone called you Aardvark you would probably understand the general idea of the message conveyed right uh thank you suu for the raid I appreciate it thank you very much you fat and lard VAR we all love redundancy dude I’m a streamer like

Think about it how many times have you heard me tell the momcom pillow Story how many times do you think your ears have been graced with that tale like I feel like it’s next to [ __ ] impossible to stream and talk for hours and hours and hours and hours and not

Constantly be retreading ground it’s not that I particularly enjoy talking about that story uh so much it’s just streaming the nature of streaming and having to talk so much as you’re going to repeat yourself at least to a certain degree on a regular basis unless you’re like a god at improv

Commentary project looks [ __ ] awesome well thanks it’s in the beginning stages I think I I have an idea for it now I think I’ve got a plan I think I’ve got an idea but it’s going to take a while it’s going to take at least eight hours I

Think to okay it needs to be a seven here I think we need we need this to be seven blocks out it’s going to look stupid it needs to be at least seven blocks out maybe more I don’t know I need to try on one side over here can someone in

Minecraft chat seek amazing elves for me I think they’re trying to get to the dungeon but I’m not sure how much Headway they’ve made when I when I checked earlier I logged on I thought they would have killed the area around the dungeon entrance but I don’t think

They’ve gotten that far yet what’s going on cat chat I might have made it a little bit to [ __ ] and Paul torture sure explain okay lvar fat [ __ ] homeless lacking a home manlet under the hide of six foot [ __ ] hypnosis means if you watch it you’re going to turn into a

[ __ ] you’re being hypnotized into becoming a [ __ ] boy gay B it means someone who pretends to be gay in order to extract finances from uh unwitting gay men that one’s not true the rest of the the lvar homeless Manet s hypnosis that shit’s all true but I I don’t think

Gay baiting is true that’s something chat has told told me I am but I think chat’s trying to Gaslight me I think they’re stupid when they’re saying that personally building Gathering but Bandit starting to clear the area around us no no it’s it’s [ __ ] up I didn’t realize

How hard it would be I’m not casting shade or anything literally a 1% homeowner I am not part of the 1% bro I wish if I was part of the 1% I would I would get Cheetos again gay baiting is to extract money from fujoshi wait so you know you know no

Okay you know what all of those are now you’re trying to gatekeep me you were you were [ __ ] asking me fake questions now you’re trying to you’re trying to gatekeep me on a real gate well guess what thank you for absolving me of of the I don’t even know what gay

Baiting is how can I be a gay bit [ __ ] you Chad I win I win I won you lost uh I am I am absolved of gay baiting guilt thank you so much Keem Stark Remar uh I’m the [ __ ] Champion I’m the winner for the first time where’s

Joel Joel said that he spent uh he stayed up until 4:00 a.m. for the first time in years because he was building a gay Palace yesterday so I think he’s he’s probably sleeping rning so much lore I’m a latinx land Chad interrogating this confused rentoid streamer right T toid come

On I’ve never paid rent in my life I’m homeless no slurs in chat I think the the single diagonal portion is not going to look good I need to make it a little more how many circles have you made in Minecraft it’s not a perfect circle I don’t make perfect circles spiritual

Rentoid what the [ __ ] does does that mean see now I’m asking you to explain nonsense uh but the circles it’s not a perfect circle I I don’t like that band I think they’re kind of mid I make circle adjacent structures any slores do you think exist

On signs on This Server I don’t think a lot honestly dude this might be one of the gayest Minecraft servers cuz I feel like 90% of the people are building with the pink wood it is it is pink season like there’s so many [ __ ] cherry tree wood

Structures it’s it’s very uh I guess it’s the new the new block so everyone wants to build with it is my favorite spiritual successor to Sky Does Minecraft was he a sex offender I don’t want to be a like a spiritual successor to a sex offender unless it’s

Dream and you call me Nightmare and you be my Discord kitten found some pink wood earlier can confirm using cherry wood I’m CLE hello Misa how are you definitely not building my gay K why are so many people making [ __ ] gay Ken dream houses rock is building that

Too Sky turned into the stoner SoundCloud artist that’s what’s up almost all of them are sex offenders WEA eventually or current one of the few who wasn’t but he’s [ __ ] now okay you have to ask well I don’t want to like if someone’s not actually a

Weird freak I don’t want to lump them in with weird freaks Sky beat his wife that’s completely terrible okay so he’s a piece of [ __ ] but in a different way noted I switch shifts for tomorrow so I can see dude I’m excited for you to

Get on I want to show you something I figured out I think you’re really going to like it I was going to surprise you you but I couldn’t find your house so I have something to give you when you get home making a monastery to live a life

Of isolation and Tranquility for the rat God yeah I’m excited to see the cool [ __ ] people build I’m I’m kind of stoked because on one hand I want people to do the dungeon but a lot of people are going creative I think more people are on Creative this time than any of the

Other servers so I think I finally found some other people who play cre creative it’s it’s taken years dude literal F I mean there’s been some like seonia and ankrom mancer have been creative homies forever but there’s a lot more this time I feel so I’m excited to see what people make

Okay the ideas are are forming in my mind I’m on Survival hell yeah well you’re having a lot of fun that’s what matters I want to dude I want to see Ash Tanga try to do the dungeon how sick would it be if I made this nightmare nonsense CBT dungeon and the

One who beat it was Ash Tanga who’s never even played this game that would be sick as hell okay wish I get into Minecraft but I could never get past the blocky blocks it’s not for everyone I this [ __ ] is like the little rat lever for me

Though I can play this for an ungodly [ __ ] amount of time but all I have to be in a specific mode to play this game it’s not something I I would just randomly get on and and burn a few hours I have to go complete virginal no life on it rentoid on

It five okay when are we playing Viking Minecraft valheim I actually you know normally I don’t do the Sur survival crafting games like hence why I play this in Creative I actually hate survival games but I did play valheim a little bit some some of my my real life

Friends wanted me to play that game they told me it had really good building and it it did it it did have decent building I enjoyed the building but when I played it the block selection was extremely minimal so I think if like in 20 years when they make they either update the

Game to have more blocks or people mod it to have more blocks I could really get into it cuz I didn’t actually like the survival Parts very much I didn’t really enjoy going around and fighting trolls is this the pre-stream uh no this is Minecraft what’s going on JFW W and Zill

Resco slightly interested in valheim valheim is I don’t know so empty and gets an update like once a year I don’t necessarily dislike empty I don’t know but it it has to be the right kind of empty it has to be at least moderately atmospheric for

Emptiness to work for me CU I do think that open World Games kind of trend a little too much towards the like 8hd we need a point of interest every 15 Steps so the player doesn’t get bored and call it a walking simulator um but I don’t know I get overwhelmed

With that sort of [ __ ] some open World Games kind of feel like the world’s biggest checklist if that makes sense where you it it gets to a point where you’re not really exploring for new and interesting [ __ ] you’re exploring to just cross a bunch of [ __ ] things off of The Bucket

List and I don’t know how much I like that barely touch valheim valheim time padding would make blizzard cream themselves Val is sick but it takes a lot of work to get more building materials unlocked yeah it seemed good from what I played I just didn’t get

Super into it it is very very hard for me to get into that sort of game though okay I think that might work although I’m not sure if these points are big enough for what I want to do played through a walking Sim game called the Invincible recently see I love Walkin

Sims like people use that as a derogatory term but I just I enjoy Gam where I can just kind of relax veg out and find cool [ __ ] especially if there are like puzzle elements to it as well although I guess at that point I don’t think a game with puzzles should

Be considered a walking simulator but I think a lot of people would so cow’s games are very Hit or Miss I don’t know what seow is surprised you haven’t played death stranding yeah I don’t know I like my my weird Little Indie Games you

Know I like my worm games I like my my coffin of Andy and lelay my undertale my Lisa splitting on a grinch I’m only doing it before the first cuz I have an advent calendar I used to [ __ ] love Advent calendars when I was a kid ever play outer wild yeah I think

Outter Wilds is the best game ever made I think uh a lot of people might disagree with that but for me I think when it’s just the best game ever made in my opinion I don’t really care to elaborate further on that uh it’s fine if you

Don’t agree but for me it’s like the best exploration game at the very least it’s the best exploration game okay so this needs six little [ __ ] jibles across okay so something symmetry Master is doing it again Northern Journey Northern journey is very good you will play the Indie slop and you will like

It but I do and I don’t think a lot of it is slop like I I think maybe people don’t believe me but when I say I would rather play like a game such as Hand of Doom by Toral duck over whatever the [ __ ] Assassin’s Creed game I genuinely mean

It playing creative creeper too scary for you yeah yeah I don’t want to get groomed I have I have a vendetta against personal hygiene AC and I’m not I I want to make it clear though that like if you like those games I’m happy for you and that’s great I just

Don’t it’s triaa slop nowadays just sometimes I think I get a little too defensive over indie games because people I don’t know people get [ __ ] weird about Indie stuff let me try this side I [ __ ] up somehow somewhere and I’m not sure the nature of my [ __ ] up yet it’s a symmetry

[ __ ] up but I don’t know where it is and we’ll figure it out love AC4 and I liked AC3 I only played the first one and I I enjoyed it for what it was but it didn’t inspire me to ever play another one of those games you know dream Gumball [ __ ] yeah they

Have okay so it’s 5 43322 that is my okay then it should be [ __ ] six little jibblies over here no I need more something has gone wrong played the first Assassin’s Creed in Brotherhood lost interest so let me make sure these are both seven expecting ancient Hitman game but it’s more power

Fantasy exactly it works to make it feel so Whimsical and dreamy hi too I just saw a video of someone die on Twitter I’m sorry that [ __ ] sucks sometimes I think about me when I was an adolescent where I would seek that sort of content out like was a

[ __ ] 4channer just sitting there going to like the encyclopedia dramatic offended page so I could watch people die for perceived internet street cred [ __ ] okay it’s actually seven here I think yes happy birthday Misa yeah happy birthday Misa see people die IRL at the hospital yeah I’m kind of tired of people dying

Like people need to stop that [ __ ] ASAP not a big fan happy birthday Misa yeah dude I’m surprised you’ve made it this long you know I’m glad you’re still with us Misa I know that uh know those migraines have been tough but I’m I’m proud of you for soldiering

On ask them to stop dying but they don’t listen I know birthday like one and a half okay okay wait wait wait so mis’s birthday is roughly what that would be like what the middle of January we need to remember that because it would be the funniest

Thing ever if we found out misa’s birthday and then said there’s no [ __ ] way it’s your birthday I don’t believe you and then and then not sing her a birthday song that’s what I want to do so 13th okay wow this is just common knowledge huh hello tiny Elixir would you like to

Play Minecraft with us birthday’s public oh oh I’m sorry I’m sorry a public figure a famous streamer Misa Coco everybody knows my birthday it’s it’s just a matter of public knowledge well excuse me I didn’t know I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for my

Transgression or well I’m not maybe it’s like more of a straight gression from me it’s because so many people share it oh okay mhm likely story Misa cocono it’s also my ex’s birthday man I want a rat craft why aren’t you rat crafting dude are you oh are you stuck with the

Family are you are you uh having Thanksgiving try I’m going to Slit sit in the throat of your turtle for a while okay there’s Erp hello is Jack chumy that reminds me my birthday is getting uncomfortably close hell yeah dude what do you mean uncomfortably close I guess it’s not the

Same when you’re an old [ __ ] huh mine was yesterday 30th birthday first day that’s how dude I that’s literally exactly what I to do too like this last birthday I had I was like wow it’s been one year since I turned 30 oh so I I feel that dude definitely feel

That turning 30 in a week ah you’re going to join us huh old [ __ ] mode damn shouldn’t it be CIS gression whatever dude sorry I don’t have a degree in gender studies I don’t know birthdays in about two hours [ __ ] yeah I just turned 30 on Wednesday I’m

Feeling it man can’t stare at screens so I can I just I’ve noticed like after I played Minecraft for 18 hours the other day I literally felt like I was about to like Dem material realized from the plane of existence I was inhabiting it was weird I felt like my skull was vibrating

Dude oh only 29 it’s not over yet yeah you have one more Good Year in you dude if I had Minecraft I would maybe we can get Coastal Elite Misa Coco to crowdfund you sounding gamer endurance I’m just stupid man I’m just a [ __ ] rat that’s all it is turn 30 on Monday

Yeah we got a lot of Dirty 30s coming in [ __ ] yeah dude you guys aren’t going to be able to call me old anymore you old people this is the retirement home okay so wait what the [ __ ] am I doing wrong here imagine being over 30 this comment posted by the late

20s gang got a year and a half you’re older than me so you’ll always be old yeah but that means that means uh yeah I I I don’t have anything there’s no real benefit to being old I don’t feel wiser than I was when I was 20 but that’s probably because I’ve

Spent the last however many years streaming instead of being productive imagine IM being older than 25 it sucks man imagine being late 20s this comment posted by the mid 20s gang 30s well yeah I mean think about it we’re playing Minecraft and you know all the Minecraft streamers always say hey

You know what it’s okay because 30 is the new 14 that is why I sent that girl those images they say that [ __ ] all of the time and I don’t have any plans and send anyone anyone pictures but you know you know uh young at heart pretty hard for me to be dumber

Than in my 20s bad too what come on imagine being late 20s is messages brought to you by the prek gang prek Christ almighty’s only four months older than me and I still make fun of him for being old I feel like wives have to do that that’s just like part of the

Marriage agreement what’s going on M Kate King uh sorry I I wanted to say something else but you’re just mad Kate king um I am I don’t know you tell me bro do you know what the [ __ ] this thing is I [ __ ] don’t maybe you do I don’t think it’s a

Scallop I wouldn’t say it’s a scallop at all but Pokemon Stadium hello slaven kind of looks like a turtle that would be kind of cool if it was just like a [ __ ] huge Turtle maybe you could yeah maybe like the head could be right here you’d have to make his limbs

A little bit bigger but you could make like a building that’s just a [ __ ] huge turtle I might do that maybe the turtle Dimension the world’s biggest turtle okay I need to just fill this out I’m not going to pay any attention to the pattern just yet but I need to go ahead

And fill the outline out so I’m going to use this block as my base actually no I’m going to use this plot finally home from work don’t want to move at all con Bon hog gin sorry I don’t speak Chinese bro what’s up shell could be grass you could plant

Grass and stuff there that would be kind of cool like a big Forest Turtle Snoop Turtle time to rip off morind and make it a giant crustation shell morwin lore is so cool what happened man well I mean I know what [ __ ] happened but God dude someone stole my French friy

Seasoning and my fries well those are pretty pretty easy to replace but that’s annoying Todd daddy happen why are brown I’m trying to figure why Brown bricks are funny I’m trying to figure that out rumel I have no idea personally someone’s making a giant turtle wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Wait okay if someone’s making a giant turtle this can’t be a turtle I don’t want to be a plagiarize them making a giant turtle is a really good idea favorite part of the Morin L is when the donkey guy got pregnant with the fox species yeah that was great sir

Rabert I think his name was right maybe you’re just racist maybe I mean I I’ll say if the definition of racism is not finding that brown bricks video funny then I might be racist part of morwin where they sucked [ __ ] well we can’t we can’t access that

Because your vods are disabled me so sorry not all of us can be privy to that lore Jeff Foxworthy you might be a race racist wait it’s the only book in morind I read I thought we were talking moral land lore thought we were talking about Sir

Rert wasn’t he the progenitor of the I see I don’t even remember I’m going to have to go back and play more moral land again you also read the Lusty Argonian maid Mis is a known liar all she does is lie day in and day out only need to remember Lord

Gore I remember the moment when I realized the mod was the best thing ever made it was when we were in the [ __ ] goblet cave and if you’re not familiar with goblets in this instance it wasn’t like the Yan deer [ __ ] goblet it was like the mod maker tried to spell the word

Goblin and [ __ ] it up and I don’t know how you get goblet from Goblin but there was like a little item you get at the end of the dungeon and it played like the Hallelujah song and that’s when I knew it was a masterpiece Goblin no no it’s like a

Gobl lit like a lit Goblin misat is like a unicorn they don’t exist no one will ever see a real one that’s true but how are you CG manlet but for Goblin I can’t believe someone was trying to G keep me on gay baiting he said that gay baiting is for

Fujoshi and he didn’t stay long enough for me to explain that we have like 20 of those and those are the ones cuz of fujoshi’s like Jenna right Jenna and Misa like the [ __ ] oh my God I love gay boy oh my god gay boys like I’m a lesbian but I love gay

Boys that’s what that is right like we have those we we got those on Deck think the part we had to fight at hemorrhoid that one was good too wanted to make a brown bricks joke and it seems the whole world already did that see I

Had no idea what brown bricks was and I watched the video yesterday and I didn’t know what to Pi salaman I don’t know I it was kind of funny because it was profoundly unfunny but I don’t know man I don’t I just don’t know too many fujos not enough

Gaye I feel like we need more straight [ __ ] personally that’s just me himans fujoshi Hyper War Straits yeah just like the way he said so it’s like one of those stem videos right where you watch a a a popular video right now is one of like this little

Short guy walking through a mall and he sings like this song to the tune of a Super Mario RPG OST going uh I was never book smart I’m money smart it makes me more intelligent call me Mr rock festival I got hella bands or something like that and I guess like if

You read the comments of that video they say they like to just watch it over and over it like tickles it’s like ASMR for the soul how do I get creative oh I just have to give it to you P’s getting full I think it’s making

Quite many gays as is is Wild muso Jim still alive I haven’t seen anyone say that he’s died so I’m assuming so I think muso Jim is okay think most people I know IRL are some form of buy I personally have a pet theory that never mind I’m not going to say

Anything not going to say [ __ ] dude I’m going to mind my own [ __ ] mouth for now my fujo GF introduced me to the stream cool mine your mouth sorry I’ll pronounce the d a little bit better you’d like that wouldn’t you you [ __ ] fujoshi freak God damn you pop it app

Sounds like you’re on the border of the default map size your grandma tried to swim in lava my Grandma had Alzheimer’s so that sounds like something she would do that [ __ ] runs in the family and sometimes I feel like I’m I’m getting it looked up what you said the first

Thing I se is an article about him and Dani ruin okay what on God’s green earth is a him aans you just said that okay but what on God’s green earth is a himans or either ultimate women respector no I think that those are actually like the same

Thing there’s a particular type of woman respector where you can tell that it’s a put on it’s like the the the the best example I could think of is the overtly uh loud male feminist is that a him AI I think I’m starting to learn a little bit about Japanese culture me try

You killed your wife you can’t respect women my f Jo she doesn’t watch the stream she’s aware of you though tell her she doesn’t watch you because you eat so much water Bergens what the [ __ ] out of all the goddamn reasons because I eat too much what

Burger [ __ ] this man I couldn’t even get what Burger last night it was truck night what the hell like I can understand I think he talks about gross [ __ ] too much perfectly valid I think he uses too much profanity perfectly valid he sounds like a [ __ ] idiot perfectly valid but the

What Burger come on man I could even kind of understand like I don’t like onions being attacked I like onions so much and it kind of bothers me that he talks [ __ ] on onions like I think that’s a little juvenile but I could understand that I wouldn’t want my my dietary

Choices criticized which is exactly why I’m pissed about this waterburger thing man truck couldn’t come on Thursday maybe it’s an onions right activist you’re wrong about onions if I am wrong about onions it’s wrong because I’m not extreme enough toal I’m killing ammonite crabs

Right now I I got 99 farming dude I woke up played like two hours of RuneScape and got like uh went from like 65 farming to 99 I was I was sitting there at the [ __ ] farmy Guild I was gaming the [ __ ] is what a burger you’ve

Been here for so long and you don’t know what that is that’s weird get good enough to eat onions maybe it’s the other way around though maybe you’re just unrefined and that’s why you like the onions so much because you can’t appreciate the actual good flavors let’s see what the onions have

To say about this what do they think about the strong hatred I’m waiting for their response think the male feminist woman respector is a totally different archetype from an actual F what the f do there’s so many words that I don’t know all the best form of onion are when

It’s modified the only form I appreciate is when it’s in like a soup or something in small Trace Amounts but whole ass onions on something holy [ __ ] dude I literally wanted to cry because when we went to K barbecue for Autumn’s birthday she ordered like a veggie plate

And it was like half of it was like a big ass onion chopped up and it smelled bad so I I was like sister can you please take these onions and move them to your side of the table like that’s how much I don’t like onions dude like

Please can you get these [ __ ] things away from me they’re making me really uncomfortable right now I really would prefer if these would [ __ ] off and go somewhere else like caramelized onions and similar he eating so hard I started sweating dude I [ __ ] love it when you’re eating spicy [ __ ] and your nose

Starts running you have little hiccups and you’re just you know you feel warm all over happy and fulfilled got you a present what’s up player the hell is this that’s what I think about your present [ __ ] that’s what I think about your present dog [ __ ] you I am not a gay baiter come

On gay baited actually you know what hold up hold up how do I use this [ __ ] I got one I got one guys I naed one dude I got him I hate your [ __ ] skin so much dude oh my God heading home if I stop

Anywhere for food do I want any I would hope so if you’re stopping somewhere for food you’re you’re you’re sentence dude you’re done no I ate baby but thank you I had Golden Chicken had two sandwiches no I I need the universe is supporting my weight loss Journey that’s why the truck

Night happened last night it was a sign that I still need to I still need to lose more I’ve lost a decent amount but like once a day is the max and I’ve eaten today I can see whisperings of a turtle and I think it’s going to look really

Good Golden Chicken like golden milk it’s like God how would you describe Golden Chick I think I think it’s only in the South maybe even only in Texas I’m not sure the range but the reason so it’s kind of like Popeyes I guess would be would be a

Comparison but here’s why I love Golden Chick in the last year or two you’ve probably noticed the prices for many things that we are accustomed to such as food have been going up uh everything’s going up in price toilet paper [ __ ] Sushi uh I remember one time I rolled up to gold Golden

Chick during the height of this and they said on the little drive-thru window new lower prices we’ve lowered the prices for many of our menu items and they’re I am their customer basically for life now because I can go there and get two big ass chicken sandwiches for

$10 um and I’m not they’re not like McChickens they’re big they’re [ __ ] big ass pieces of chicken so godamn dude I love Golden Chick think they’re great like their food I think their golden the chicken sandwich is better than Chick-fil-A too Autumn would vehemently disagree with

Me but I’m I love Golden Chick I’ve been eating a Golden Chick so much like I talk about Water Burger but I don’t even eat at Water Burger half as often as I do Golden Chick at this point so kind of a golden chicken head hello Rari the Gaming’s happening we’re

Here gas to be fair when I have gone to waterburger the the night crew that’s there now is absolutely god tier and the burgers are [ __ ] amazing I don’t think I’ve had like a bad Burger this year from them but bad Burger in my case meaning they [ __ ] up

My order and put like onions or some stupid [ __ ] on it can I get creative yes hardly has seasoning like I I like the Chick-fil-A one but I like the Golden Chick more it’s bigger more Meats the Chick-fil-A one’s kind of minimal in terms of the amount of food you

Get how homophobic is the chicken well I think it’s a southern based chain so it’s probably extraordinarily homophobic if I had to Warrant a guess you tried slim Pickin no I have not I’m using the wrong brick for this Popeyes open up their first shop in

My and Scotland tried it today and Dam it’s almost as good as KFC but their dips are way better I hate KFC except for the double down remember when people were getting mad at Chick-fil-A over them not supporting LGBT stuff and I swear to God nothing’s ever made my Chick-fil-A okay I think

That’s a disingenuous way of phrasing it I don’t think they were mad at people not supporting LGBT uh plenty of people and places do that it’s that they were actively like donating to causes that go against it right like conversion therapy and [ __ ] I personally feel like there’s a huge

Chasm of indifference or uh uh huge Chasm of difference between indifference and actively trying to fund things such as conversion camps that’s just me though was a Salvation Army I mean some of those companies do some [ __ ] [ __ ] Hobby Lobby apparently has some uh has some real real [ __ ]

Skeletons in their closet but I don’t know much about it chick-fil was going to be coming here but trans people protested it still isn’t here Twitter complains about a lot of things but people can always boycott whatever they want I personally boycott bioair blizzard um what else do I boycott I I

Don’t have a huge list I don’t really get indignant over minor minor [ __ ] very often and not to the extent where I would boycott something at least what else do I boycott why blizzard uh because they’re a dog [ __ ] company that makes dog [ __ ] video games

They are a terrible company and even if they weren’t I feel like their business practices are completely dog [ __ ] too that’s why I I go against BioWare too I will never forgive them for like having the prothean character as a pre-order DL LC um I think they are scum I think they

Are [ __ ] and I will never give them a single [ __ ] Buffalo NE of my money again so BMW death camp slave labor to build cars I don’t think most people have to worry about supporting BMW though I know I [ __ ] don’t I that’s I don’t have to worry about that particular conundrum so

Destroyed of theind fossils and has stolen artifacts from the Middle East support BLTs boycotting biare simp because they’re not good at making games anymore well my boycott has been happening a very long time two Stone to play that’s literally the best time you’re not supposed to be sober

Playing this you’re doing it wrong if you’re not [ __ ] up somehow coming on to find frogs who Among Us were live in the 30s and 40s I think the oldest chat member still would not be alive during those days I think ghost Reaper is 67 that’s the

Oldest I’m aware of can’t get [ __ ] up I have to work tomorrow I’m sorry that’s old man you think we’re all going to live to that ripe old age I was there but I was something else my Jamal was born in 39 I’ll get her in here I don’t believe de anymore because

I remember cphon used to tell me oh my father really likes your stream or something like that and then one time I was citing her father as an example of like so like someone who likes My Stream and she oh I lied he doesn’t like you at

All so people wonder why I I I question the nice things people say to me dude uh people just you know just a woman and a liar yeah I don’t know what being a woman has to do with it but not believe we will all make it that

Long I would like to believe we would where the [ __ ] you get morphine from and one any more of that [ __ ] since 2016 I personally want Burger King to bring back the shake them up fries that’s that’s the thing that I lust for I knew a girl who wrote lesbian smart

Involving doll girl she’s the one who introduced me to the stream hell yeah dude that’s what’s up that’s my demographic right there lesbian smut and doll girls it’s like the Joe demographic if you think about it that’s basically just like that’s basically just Joe except instead of robots it’s dolls it’s

Like the woman version you know I’m right you know I’m absolutely correct on this it’s not even arguable Kimo’s not a lesbian she’s a good Christian whatever I don’t believe it okay so all right all right thinking thinking thinking thinking okay I’m G to stop thinking I’m just going to build I’m

Going to mindlessly build and hope it turns out for the best no forethought head empty balls full we got to get this [ __ ] bread in Minecraft Kimo is not a sodomite damn Kimiko won’t even suck a dick thinking it’s for nerds got to drain those balls

Bro maybe I’m doing it right now and you don’t even realize it is Kimo a gamoran that’s like from Godzilla right right I [ __ ] love Godzilla I don’t watch any of the movies I’m kind of a fake fan if you were to be like yo dog what are your top three

Kaijus I would probably say Orga Gyan I think these names are right organ is like the big [ __ ] Turtle thing Gyan is the guy with like the Cyclops visor in the Scythe hands and Destroyer those are my top three kaijus but I don’t think I’ve seen a lot of the

Movies think I believe I used to watch them with my dad but it’s been a long time although do you remember Hora the name’s familiar but I don’t know what it looks like never understood the appeal of Godzilla Godzilla might be the the most masculine thing in existence so maybe

You’re just you don’t get it because you don’t have that dog in you you know it’s literally just dudes who want to see gigantic monsters fight it’s the most you can’t even say it’s like a man thing though it’s like the most little boy thing in the world

Like I want to see two dinosaurs fight is something that every every child has thought you’ve clearly never met my dad his dick is huge cool monster truck energy yeah it’s just simple there’s nothing to it it’s not pretentious there’s no like oh but then Godzilla was actually depressed and so

Were all the other monsters and they overcame their irreconcilable differences and started a family no none of that [ __ ] dude [ __ ] that uh we’re just sometimes they team up like Godzilla and Jet Jaguar will just go in and start [ __ ] things up but it’s like wrestling almost but

Cool it’s literally a better version of wrestling in every conceivable way in fact I would go as far to say wrestling is just gay Godzilla but thank you Daniel as Beast for the 57 month resub I appreciate it thank you very much and team up though have a sick handshake

Sometimes pronounce y I’m going to Jagger all over it’s ethical animal fighting my team makes too much sense what about the ladies wrestling ladies wrestling that ain’t my thing dog I’m not a [Laughter] bottom sorry dude like local wrestling fan wrestling is extremely homo erotic women wrestling I don’t know I

Haven’t watched it it’s just it’s never piqued my interest I’ve never really been like yeah man I want to watch wrestling watch women’s wrestling and it’s boring as hell you just don’t really seem to be that big of a fan of women though Fanboy wrestling

When all right Jimmy I want you to say something nice about women let’s let’s do a challenge uh the Jimmy say something nice and supportive of women challenge what’s something women do that you do like let’s talk about how much we like women hello JFC some of them have nice

Asses that’s about what I expected was watching clips from the Monarch apple plus show and I impress redid the Golden Gate Bridge Godzilla attack from different School Bus perspective instead of saving the kids they went [ __ ] it kill them all hell yeah dude that’s based women’s wrestling doesn’t have

That awkward moment where one guy’s sack is cra cradled around the other guy’s chin watch wrestling since they called it WWF do you think I put stock in half the populace in general say I mean you you just don’t seem to have the same uh the same disdain for

Men women tend to not be as insane as men on average I like when they talk to me like I matter they leave me alone damn [ __ ] oh I like women because they leave me alone Jesus Christ I hope you’re okay I hope everything’s going good

Bro I wish I was a woman I’d love to have a marinara trench I love when women do silly women that’s dude okay I think that is the lowest tier woman perk is the randomly rearranging [ __ ] that actually makes me so [ __ ] mad because I am a person

Where I put things in the same place most of the time and I just where the [ __ ] is it where is it where what the [ __ ] I do not like the rearranging [ __ ] ability very much at all good grief when the glasses go missing put things in better that’s the

Thing though they are in better places they’re literally in the efficient place and the the I feel like sometimes when people do that they’re not thinking about efficiency they’re thinking about like tidiness or some [ __ ] like that oh well this needs to go in the drawer nobody ever looks in

Yippee my mom was terrible with that [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] god and like and then you’d be like where’ you put my [ __ ] and she like you stupid it’s right here and it’s in the worst place ever you would never [ __ ] look God I’m getting so mad just thinking about

It sometimes watch men and women wrestle but they’re usually naked I tidy and my fujoshi hates it is that just your your term do you call her that to her face do you say like hello there my fujoshi bride how are you watch any Naruto gang bangs

Today is this is this this is like a you said you said [ __ ] though moment I maximize Aesthetics and efficiency my lady energy hold up I need the trapo that’s what I’m looking for my mom did better she put things way I asked where she put it and she wouldn’t

Remember holy [ __ ] yeah that would that would be rough manic episodes make me rearrange just the thing is rearranging is fine it’s when you rearrange other people’s stuff that is the sticking point cuz I like I I don’t know I’m a creature of habit I got that [ __ ]

Full spectrum warrior in me dog like I don’t want my [ __ ] moved same’s ugly as [ __ ] right now but we can we can make it work I think you missed one I’ll get it eventually okay trust yeah you just got to trust the process sometimes it sometimes you make

Something and it literally looks like like a a [ __ ] SIDS core baby but then you continue and it turns out all right seem like the kind of person whose parents live like 99 years damn that’s a long [ __ ] time move my own [ __ ] and then forget I

Mean I to be fair I’ve done that before too it has taken me 3 days to transport a USB cable upstairs to charge my phone and I still failed to get it upstairs I just ended up I kept forgetting it so I plugged it into my wife’s computer because I kept forgetting to

Bring the [ __ ] thing upstairs dude so hello yellow funny Doge what’s up and high school we used to prank each other by taking the seats out of each other’s cars all serious and I don’t hate women despite what you think I just don’t have tolerance for a lot of [ __ ] either gender is

Doing I don’t know it just like like I said it seems okay say something nice about men and women say something epic about them what [ __ ] are they doing I’m probably doing like hot tub streams I can’t Define Epic no I don’t think I will

Dudee I’m a woman and I can’t even vouch for fellow women one of those those girls who doesn’t have any any friends who are women he asking too to Define yeah I’m the [ __ ] dictionary now it’s just uh go to you I’m I would be the worst dictionary ever cuz I’m from TCH

What the hell was that noise banjo what’s up boy the new Amazon tomeo a dictionary that can’t read I mean dog I I don’t know how to break this to you but I don’t think I’ve ever met a dictionary that could read I I don’t know if we’re thinking

Maybe I do need to Define things because maybe we’re talking about something different uh but that hasn’t been my my lived experience not everyone has to enjoy everyone’s Presence at all times maybe Jimmy has an easier time joking about the opposite sex because he hates his own kind

Maybe I don’t know though I feel like like okay I know nobody’s going to do this but I think that you should get to a point and this has nothing to do with the women men thing but in general I feel like it’s a good character trait to

Be able to say some like a genuine nice thing about even people that you hate if they actually do something good I feel like you have to be able to to not let your personal biases get in the way of being able to acknowledge good things in people or things or groups

Uh like Misa Coco should be able to say something nice about me for example and if she can’t she’s of poor character do something good sure well I feel like the group known as women have probably done a good thing or two that’s just me uh maybe I’m wrong on that but

Banjo what you doing boy I don’t think Autumn’s home he’s he’s waiting for Autumn so bad he does not like me Mis I don’t think Mis is here banjo doesn’t agree banjo is just excited for Autumn to come home say something nice about cryotic okay okay let me think something nice about

Cryotic oh god um I mean he’s never done anything bad to me personally really he was always he was always more or less good to me um I think that he did care about the quality of his streams and he really wanted people to enjoy his

Streams uh he just he cared about his chat a little too much perhaps maybe you know especially yeah especially but he he he cared a lot about like we would have arguments where like he would he wanted me to stop using the RW because he was worried that like you know um he

He didn’t tell me to stop using it because he was worried that he would make less money or that people would anything like that his arguments that he would use to me were based around the idea of some hypothetical person out there getting their feelings hurt I

Didn’t agree but that shows a level of concern and care which for all of the bad things cry did I don’t think that many streamers have that so oh there is salamander I’m just not using it right now makes it even weirder though sure How likely is it when you hear

Someone [ __ ] talk demographic online they’re just talking about random clickbait instead of a personal experience I have no idea Only Reason Not is dumb but hear me out mnar was blown up by a creeper sleeping to his videos really chill I don’t know uh did you see the

Nice thing Misa said about you I think too’s a very patient guy that’s a backhanded compliment as expected I don’t know some people give that Vibe I I personally I like reading dumb [ __ ] on Twitter but I think once you cross once you cross a uh a point where you’re actually getting legitimately

Incested about like Twitter posts or what Twitter is saying then it’s time to maybe simmer it down a bit praise the person not the group I feel like I don’t know man incest stream wait what do you no incensed I’m pretty sure I said incense I think this is a selft

Tell I think this is a maybe I [ __ ] up but I think this is actually a u problem I don’t think this one’s on me I think you might be gaslighting me right now you said incest I heard incest okay clip it and ship it let’s see we can do a

Review pronunciation could have been a little clearer I don’t know man I feel like uh even if you legitimately thought I said that that there’d be no reason to say that word in the context like when you say bathrooms instead of back rooms I knew you meant incense but it

Sounds real bad no I I think this is on you I really do I sometimes I mispronounce my words but I I’m about 90% sure I said incense you did not enunciate the Sid allowing people to fill in the okay so we got some we got some uh

Incensed incensed we gota we got to say it that way nothing wrong with incest change my mind because I don’t know like I said even even casually listening how do you the jury of stream Clips okay let’s see maybe I did mispronounce it uh browser let’s take a gander

I guess I didn’t pronounce the end or the the N incense yeah but okay but here’s the thing though even if I miss it still didn’t really sound like incest either it was like an in between word we can’t hear okay hold on let me let me do it

Again one second Minecraft is probably going to be very loud you’re actually getting legitimately incested about like Twitter posts or what legitimately okay I did say incest so that was a 50/50 then that was a 50/50 because I did [ __ ] up my pronunciation but I think I maintain and

I’m adamant and that the words are close enough that if you’re casually listening and you hear I I don’t know man I think you guys have been have been watching too much of that Andy and lelay [ __ ] I’m going to be real with you dude copium yeah whatever makes you feel

Better it’s copium when you when hold on I’m going to prove my point right now it’s objective uh give me a second I I think in some instances a picture is worth a th000 words [ __ ] how do I get to the spawn is someone close to the

Spawn I need to get to the spawn I need to wait wait wait I think I think this person’s close I don’t want to fly all the way over there oh no this is not even remotely close okay let’s see let me get the compass out where the [ __ ] I rest my [Laughter]

Case I I rest my case dud this is this is uh you know okay I still can’t believe this [ __ ] is called an autistic dog that’s so [ __ ] up now it’s autism creature it’s not even a dog it’s an Autism creature how do people make these custom

Images I have no clue I don’t have the faintest [ __ ] idea they did it last time and honestly I got to be real the last Minecraft server it was all like anime women and vtu and I think the autistic creatures are pro well maybe they’re not all that different uh

But I think I like this iteration a little bit more they put wool over a very wide area and use a map gotcha a yeah no no no I was surprised too I didn’t believe them last night when they were telling me that it was a

Uh autistic dog I thought they were just saying stupid [ __ ] but it’s actually apparently known as the autistic dog SL autistic creature I mean to be fair I don’t know man I I would feel like it if I was diagnosed with autism and someone compared me to that thing I

Might be a little a little incensed Minecraft a little loud all right let me turn it down got to be very careful with that word like that word has joined the ranks of Nur Gigante in how careful I have to be with its pronunciation maybe use darker green

Blocks there no I not grass blocks hold on like I might use these Cobblestone things but I I’m still trying to figure out what I’m doing with this I’m autistic and I accept the autistic creature as my pride symol sorry I didn’t read the simple part it’s your favorite Clan heavy

Mac probably autistic too I definitely am but self- diagnosis is bad I mean look at this [ __ ] like I feel like if you make anything even even close to this size with symmetry in mind then you have to be autistic but Clan heavy Mac favorite Clan heavy Mac

God it’s a tough one there are so many good ones in the same way aai punches fruit juice I am autistic I don’t know like I have the sense like the the repetitive behaviors I was literally just talking about how I get freaked out if someone moves my

[ __ ] um I don’t like sudden loud startling noises I still I mean I don’t think that many people do but like it really pisses me off when like some random baby is shrieking so some of some parts of it makes sense but I don’t actually think that are actually thinking I yeah that

That that thing’s ugly bookish like it’s good but it’s it looks stupid I don’t like the way it looks at all probably the Nova it’s like the night gear except better in every conceivable way in terms of looks sadly I’m I actually think the worst thing objectively in

Mwo was how dog [ __ ] the novacat was and the fact that the only people who used it were lrm users literally a Mech intended to be a laser boat is relegated to just firing shitty little idiot missiles in the back it’s like it’s like if God gave man a huge

[ __ ] but like we lived in a society with people uh women only wanting to use their feet to play with them well who the [ __ ] wants to do that Nova cat looks pretty cool it is it dude in Mech Warrior 4 that [ __ ] was awesome [ __ ] was

Cash see reapy fell out of the world I I know that he he likes he likes what I just said so I was trying to distract him and get him killed and at work does anybody else hates styrofoam there are very few things in life that I hate more than

Styrofoam I the noise it makes literally makes me so angry if you really wanted to piss me off if you came to my house and started like squeaking styrofoam at me I would probably try to inflict physical violence upon you I don’t I don’t like physical violence like I don’t consider myself a

Violent person but that might push me over the edge dude I really really [ __ ] hate the noise of Styrofoam it it bothers me is it cringe if my only real BattleTech game was Mecha Sal to no I I was actually at a Barnes & Noble a week or so

Ago with Autumn and I saw a BattleTech box set I was like wow I should get this and we should we should get Matt to play BattleTech tabletop Mech Warrior but then I realized like I’m pretty sure we would just rather play Mac Warrior I don’t know dude I I don’t

Think I can get into the tabletop version even if I really like the source material tabletop game is pretty fun well the the fun for me with those games is getting like a [ __ ] ton of mods and making ridiculous mechs like I understand you can probably customize in the table top game but

Like explaining that there is a small met going 200 kph in a tabletop game is not as exciting as seeing it in game to me at least it would be like like jimn like muso Jim and this also shrooms do you want to play Minecraft bro you should get

On you can build next to me and we could we could build uh we could build a kingdom together the only noise that irritates me to the point of rage is a subtle thump of some [ __ ] blasting music at odd hours I actually find that kind of

Calming maybe that’s weird but I don’t I don’t dislike that so much if we’re talking domestic noises the the rumors with the cars at like 3 in the morning piss me off but the music doesn’t bother me but I like music a lot what the [ __ ] is this piece of

[ __ ] I don’t recognize this game anymore it’s literally just bricks br that’s all you have to do love air conditioning units from other people’s houses vibrating my bed how the [ __ ] does that happen Minecraft music oh hold up me get some tunes I want whatever kind of ac they have man sounds

Awesome see inspiration I don’t do inspiration I’m a creature of complete Instinct I don’t have any ounce of forethought or planning ability I just kind of like start putting [ __ ] down and it goes where it Goes so loud is a turtle breeding pit at some point yeah yeah it sure was I at the AC oh my bad let me turn that back up I mean we could still put a turtle breeding pit in here Somewhere I see some mistakes I made I think but that’s not what I’m heing About can I watch over the turtles and instruct them how to breed proper no you may not that is degenerate Behavior sorry I’m thinking I I I’m I’m as as the broccoli heads would say I am currently cooking granted I burn almonds when I cook so what I’m cooking might

Not be that epic but I have an idea please move are you frying chicken no not yet we got to take dumb [ __ ] John and miss new booty somewhere else no get the [ __ ] out no no go away this is just like my dogs man I swear to [ __ ]

Christ would you react if cphon put an Aldridge squid like from Dark Souls 3 Aldridge squid good night team Poe [ __ ] who the [ __ ] is Aldrich he’s from Dark Souls 3 he’s like the weird slime monster that took over the corpse of gwindel does the Epic Arrow rain attack that everybody really Loves is this game better than Dark Souls 3 yeah probably I definitely would rather play this than Dark Souls 3 for whatever that’s worth but I I like Dark Souls 3i I just m I don’t I don’t ever want to play like a Souls game again shrooms you got to get on

Bro okay okay I’m cooking I’m cooking seco2 I think even then I don’t I don’t know if I would play it vanilla launcher yes you don’t need [ __ ] you just you just log in and [ __ ] get gaming all right do you see it do you see the cooking do you see it

Sizzling ah yes do you hear the noise of oil crackling over the stove the smell the aroma this smells suspiciously like body odor mingled with Taco Bell wafting to the upstairs oh delightful ah yes okay time for The Other Side there’s no gross copy posses in

Chat I don’t know man I don’t I don’t think I agree with you been satisfying for me any from soft game except Securo I was very addicted to those games I genuinely really enjoyed playing them but I think I’m just permanently burnt out on that like it’s just it’s

Kind of all the same now to me at this point hold on excuse me think the only reason I really enjoyed Elden ring as much as I did is because it was open world like I enjoyed the open world element more than the actual like Epic heckin from software

Element personally but I definitely believe I am in the minority on that one pick absolutely any game you know to play for the rest of your life and you had to pick DS3 why would you pick it because I had terminal cancer and I wasn’t planning to live beyond the next

Week I don’t [ __ ] know I put some soap in my hand and then washed my ball sack tan ass and ass cck okay cool epic that’s what I’m talking About all right so you see what I’m cooking right surely you see you guys are a smart Bunch you know what this is half tal why you making that face message hits different with the music I smell what The too’s cooking all right all right ball sack no no do not do sniffer

Ball sack back room Swim Center no you would have to be mentally deranged to like log on to Minecraft and make anything related to the back rooms like come on dude you think I’m a broy zoom zoom Ser no okay no no sniffing body parts that have sexual sexual uh connotations or

Functions this is I would have rather you just bombed of a [ __ ] thing dude Christ almighty God damn it okay well we got to get rid of this [ __ ] goodbye coroni I’m sorry but you’re not welcome here after you told me what you did with

Grapes I I I just don’t have the stomach to ever speak to you again holy [ __ ] yeah I think I would have rather have been Pock Mark with explosions and in fact let me go ahead to uh banjo knock it off bud I love you but not right now

Okay I think maybe we should claim it now we need to prevent coroni gate from ever happening again damn you can go pretty high huh okay I don’t oh what below oh area needs to be a minimum of okay hold on [ __ ] thing sucks what the hell

Happened someone put art of coroni Chan at the bottom of my base so I need to I need to fix it and make it to where this this sort of hate crime can never happen again so I am going to claim a [ __ ] huge area on I know they’re going this is

Only going to embolden them but for now for now we got it I think why are you friendly fireing your vtu or Brethren I have no brothers I have no Brethren think it claims all blocks in the 2D area regardless of height I’m making sure good job whoever did that I think

Was probably nives if I had to war in a guess nives or Phoenix link I don’t know man vtubers are cool I don’t want them underneath me though like can you imagine being built on a foundation of coroni first thing I did on the server God damn

It coroni Chads we have lost this fight but we haven’t lost the war what if coroni becomes like the next Minecraft groomer do you think I don’t I think they’d probably be like [ __ ] yeah dude let’s get groomed by coroni I don’t know if they’d have a

Negative reaction to that dude I don’t I what would you what would someone like coroni have to do to lose in the court of public opinion I don’t know so wholesome so wholesome hecking doggo Brown bricks jokes broke yomo yeah dude I’m dead now like not physically but spiritually

Dead get a boyfriend say murderer no cuz you know there are people be like oh well I don’t know why people are complaining I for one would love to be murdered by coroni Chan and you know good good for them it’s good to have goals in life I think

It would be kind honestly dude like I have to begrudgingly admit if coroni was a serial killer and you were one of the victims that would be kind of cool there are definitely worse ways to die I think okay Japan is so anal about drugs if she

Got caught with them it would be worse than being a groomer the devil’s lettuce serial killer in the lore how would she kill her Victor I don’t [ __ ] know apparently she knows like boxing she’d probably she’d probably go into the apartment punch them right in the sarcophagus and go

Pun and then you’d be dead that’s how I Envision it at least Okie does making an underwater Moon ra no I don’t know what the [ __ ] that is bro sorry pretty good at Street Fighter 6 I bet Majin s’s better though bet Majin s and gin could win I couldn’t

But Moon rail Oh I thought for some reason I thought he said Moon rail dyslexic I have such a hard time like talking and reading chat while playing I don’t know why this of all games is a Herculean effort for me but feel like it’s legitimately easier to play something like [ __ ] Dark

Souls while reading chat than this [ __ ] just bad at Minecraft what’s up Roy how are you dude Mo it does sound kind of cool doesn’t it okay oh yeah oh yeah that’s most definitely what’s up look at this [ __ ] reading chat with Mech Warrior easy Mech Warrior is I

Don’t that might be like one of the worst games in the world to stream uh it’s a it depends which one you’re talking about the PVP one is pretty hard but Mech Warrior is also kind of slow the hard part with Mech Warrior is getting people interested enough in the game to

Talk the honestly uh but if people are talking I think it would be fine it’s not Mech Warrior is a game that most people don’t even like to play little alone watch I have tried to get several people into Mech Warrior and you would be surprised how low the retention rate

Is or maybe you wouldn’t bit tired but chilling hell yeah dude hold on I got to mute really quick and blow my nose going to [ __ ] explode God damn pardon me talking about seen retention or something else we’re actually talking about incest uhoh lrm B and you could talk to chat

I I mean that’s like saying just [ __ ] a corpse and then you can get laid like yeah but do I really want to do that no should anyone want to do that no it’s just fear and hunger dogs okay this is honestly looking kind of sick talk that [ __ ] Queen oh but I’ve

Had an oversight hold on [ __ ] okay I think this has potential oh hold on I have to let banjo out you hear these noises banjo oh he’s excite yeah dude he’s a he’s a mama’s boy he’s just a baby convincing your friends to watch an anime you think is legit good yeah

Especially when half of the people who are suggesting anime it’s like dude kiss XIs is actually really deep Bro you just got to watch it man I swear djo a tiny Menace he’s just a puppy he’s like 35 lbs is so he’s not a small dog

But he’s not big and he’s just he’s he’s got an unlimited amount of energy it’s real deep in the Cy I I suppose that’s true but I don’t I don’t know if I can ever forgive you for saying it shinai Yori is genuinely good though all

Right get P you got to watch Sword Art Online crowd I mean I don’t actually have a particular disdain for anime I understand it’s a huge uh genre with many different types of shell when I was a teenager I watched some and I enjoyed a few of

Them just honestly my hangup isn’t even really with anime it’s my reluctance to sit down and watch something in general watch aot some of it yeah otter it’s mostly my sister who was into Attack on Titan I don’t think utumn is I mean she she doesn’t dislike it but

She’s one one way or the other with it mil Sakai what is a mil Sakai can you explain this to me too hates Is We I don’t hate anybody there’s only one person I’ve ever met on the internet that I hate um and it’s none of

You when are we watching your rich and [ __ ] Club how about [ __ ] never I would watch it okay all right all right I’ll make a deal if Jenna plays a Souls game on stream for at least 4 hours I would watch your rich and [ __ ] club that that would be the trade

Deal B to keep you watching little the dumbest possible explanations for everything in the show not worth the time what should I get for dinner you should probably get bone and ribey that sounds pretty [ __ ] good to me paging Jenna I don’t think Jenna’s here that would be kind of funny though

What if Jenna was like the best kind of dog is bad he’s like a pitbull lab thing he’s a pitbull mixed with something else we’re not sure he was a rescue so he just has [ __ ] Infinite Energy mil isaki Jenna is lurking Jen don’t call out lurkers bro that’s rule number one of

Streaming I remember one time I remember one time I was watching random chats for Dark Souls like random streams cuz I wanted to watch some dark souls and one guy had like a robot where once your username was in the chatter list it would be like thank you for coming to

The stream we hope you enjoy your stay uh we would appreciate it if you chat and I was like oh man uh no and then I walked away and never looked back I never went back there immediately was like ah no I’m good no thank you another time there

Wasn’t a bot but someone saw me in the viewer list which means they’d have to like click on it and see who was watching um and they DM me like a thank you so much for the support watching my stream and I’m like I I I guess that’s kind of nice but

That’s also kind of weird and I don’t really I don’t know dude I don’t want to feel like I’m on the spot when I’m watching someone’s stream like I’m not usually a big talker so I just kind of want to sit there like I think a lot of

The people whose streams I watch have this idea that I go in there and then I like resub and my resub message is always the same thing which is are you winning and then I stop watching but I don’t I just I just don’t say anything I

Don’t like talking that much I just have it on while I’m doing something else such a big twitch St no no no that’s not what I’m saying at all it’s not like an ego thing this was actually a really long time ago this was all like

Around 2015 when I first started so it wasn’t like that at all I’m not trying to be like oh you know I’m so recognizable it’s just they do that with anybody it doesn’t it wouldn’t matter if I had like a million viewers or two it was just what they what they did in

General to people who watch their streams I’m pretty sure they had no clue who the [ __ ] I was because why would they did you watch Turtle pleasure privately uh no I forgot suspiciously Dragon Quest Builders too ask yeah I’m definitely sorry if I’m giving the impression and

I’m like yeah man I’m big [ __ ] uh [ __ ] I’m so recognizable I’m I I understand that I am a baby streamer where to slopes though that’s like a a Finishing Touch that’s not something we’re doing right now ever heard the word too being said ey or out no not really unless it was

Someone I knew one time a real life friend who had watched my streams was behind me at waterburger and I heard someone go too and it was him [ __ ] cuz I have like the Bob’s Burgers profile I have like a [ __ ] I look nasty from the side so if you see

Me ordering at a window and you’re behind me it’s immediately clear who who it is if you’ve seen me so that was kind of strange but it wasn’t weird or anything thany dokie you don’t have a chin no I have like the worst chin game ever dude my

Like my chin was straight up like made by Yandy or Dev what kind of glass do you think would be best here a mustache no not really unless I’m too lazy to shave I can’t get like that gay cowboy mustache sort of thing you know you know what I’m talking about 19

Hours from the nearest W Bens well I like w Burger a lot but it’s not worth 19 hours uh wait uh oh interesting it’s an interesting mistake to make okay but it’s easy enough to fix we’ll hop on after I eat so yeah yeah all right I I think I see

I think this this is actually the one that I have to replicate though I don’t have to move this one out I have to move the others in symetry master the Magnum I don’t know what it’s called it’s like it I have no [ __ ] idea but it’s just

Like it’s it’s you know the mustache I guess if you’ve ever seen Orange is the New Black it’s a porn stash it’s it’s literally the porn must that people have that [ __ ] one you know what I’m talking about now okay I need to make sure that I don’t [ __ ] this up

Again the flavor saver I don’t maybe let me see let me Google it what is a flavor saver look like apparently it is a barbecue sauce no that’s no no no no not at all that’s a soul patch flavor saver is a soul patch hold up hold up let me I don’t

Know it’s just like a mustache I don’t know how else to explain it man she get mutton shops I don’t grow enough facial hair to get actual facial hair mutton chops are kind of sick though I’m not going to lie it’s a it’s like a really good look

If you want to project like inbred to someone like inbred cereal killer like guy who will try to kill you in real life if you cut him off on the road sort of thing incredible with a mustache hell yeah dude I wish I looked incredible with a

Mustache I’d get one of those [ __ ] like windmill ones if you want to project inbred yeah I mean if you want people to look at you and say wow that guy’s a [ __ ] inbred that’s the kind you get mutton shops right I don’t think that’s particular really outlandish pretty good with the

Stash nor okay this one’s correct this one’s correct it’s the ones on these sides that are [ __ ] up all right I wish someone would inbreed me you’re lying you’re lying on the internet and I don’t appreciate it is that what it is though are that like the incest lover just so desperate

For anything that they’ll take even one of their their own family members is that what really going on there like it’s not that they really want incest it’s just like any holes a go sort of thing don’t don’t post the dog face at me come on no

Okay orange aren all got no no do a JFC what do you what say what you got to say always assumed it was ease of access and Trauma maybe I’m not a sex psychologist so I don’t really know I had a friend who said it was more about the taboo I Mean I okay that’s right I have to fix this One Phil typically makes sex hotter huh I don’t know I kind of disagree I’m not big on like like let’s have very nasty gross sex maybe I’m a freak but like baby that pussy’s going to be looking like a Hot Pocket when I’m done with you it’s like no man that’s weird [Laughter]

[ __ ] [ __ ] I don’t know maybe I’m easily grossed out have you ever said that no I’m a good boy I would never say anything like that pickle moment no hope you’re well I like hot pockets I did when I was a teenager but I don’t

Think I would ever I it would have to be the only thing for me to consume a Hot Pocket at this point in my life I like lot of things that are you know juvenile snack foods like Cheetos but I don’t think I could do Hot Pockets

Again after realizing how UN based the microwave is as a device this is no going back porn addicts Cho like two paths incest anime or food andari I think so is that what you were going to say that was controversial okay I have manag to fix

It this is an ASMR stream dude you hear these [ __ ] these clinking bricks not seeing a lot of brown Bri dude I got to build a foundation for the brown bricks you can’t you have to treat them with reverence and respect you can’t just throw them any which way like a [ __ ]

Cron you have to actually prepare the stage it’s like imagine taking a great musician such as like ice spice and saying hey you need to perform now in like this [ __ ] shitty dive bar that’s a lot of pressure and you you there’s something to be

Maybe ice spice could do it I don’t know much about ice spice but there’s something to be said about setting people up for success and if we want to set these Brown bricks up right so they really come into their own we got to make sure that we’re ready for them

Treat them like your wife yeah kind of I need more bullets so balder’s name is out of bullets and I know for a fact he’s had that name forever but I can only think about that whenever I see his name like the [ __ ] need more

Bullets and I know he would hate it if he heard me say that and you know I’m so sorry ice spice got me Brown bricked up hello Autumn what’s up dude hold on I gotta I need to finish this and then I’m going to give too late he already heard it from me

Too damn all right I think what do you guys think think these look okay obviously they’re not done I think we’re we’re making some progress hold up I actually I don’t think yeah fair enough I’m going to go ahead and give myself a command block and I need to go to

That give me a second I need to make something really quick all right hello purple guy isn’t this [ __ ] epic you can use the blocks to make like you can get any creature to ride any creature so you can hack in a dog sitting on a cow that’s awesome right it’s like it’s

Like Sif and Daisy although I think if you put a leash on it that it will it will get off the cow so so I wouldn’t name them oh hold on I didn’t set it to persistent so that one’s going to probably actually yeah hold on there you go hacking in a Wither

Riding the Ender Dragon so hold on I got to show you guys something you’re going to really like it I think one second also uh I thought it was was called the Wither Dragon but apparently it’s actually the End Dragon okay Feast your [ __ ] eyes on this

Wrecked so the last time I summoned this is this how I do it uhoh uh I think I just own my wife I’m not sure what the command to kill this would be okay hold on I I can just I can beat it to death I can beat it to death I’ll make

Sure that this Dragon doesn’t harass you anymore Mady we’re going to [ __ ] him up I bet I’m doing so much DPS to this thing right now holy [ __ ] are you seeing these Plays you better [ __ ] run [ __ ] that’s right okay there’s an header dragon on the loose dude be careful out there Bros it should be almost dead uh have fun it’s not bothering my wife anymore so I don’t I don’t care oops oopsie T who the [ __ ] is this hello pliskin

What’s up dude oh no you can have these back bra you you can have these back I don’t want them hold on I need thank you Lizette for the four month resub I appreciate it thank you very much okay so at least it’s safe for work that’s

True I I had a somewhat close encounter kind of I don’t open images in the chat on stream automatically but cynical dupe posted a uh I opened it in my browser and it was like two anime women being milked and rammed and I guess they were vtubers

According to the chat because of course they would know that so that was good link l i n dog maybe I mean maybe cynical would give it to you but I don’t I don’t think you guys should should look things like this up personally you have the link no all

Right get the [ __ ] away fish there better things on the internet yeah I don’t know that seems like it reminds me of passion lip in the the S okay yo Majin sweet I’m calling you out I have a question for you Luna Sid going oh it’s not uh

Haven’t played it since the last one uh Majin s sbbw what do you you think it stands for and no it doesn’t have to do with like a like a Hitler BBW what do you think uh that means if you had to take a stab at it what would you

Say one some of my villagers died can I get some villager eggs to replace them sure I haven’t really been looking at the the the hold on wait what is your name in this Super Saiyan big beautiful SSS Sniper Wolf Super Smash bys braw weekends no it’s apparently I thought it

Was super saiyan big beautiful woman but apparently it’s like I don’t even remember super siiz big beautiful woman like a McDonald’s order which I guess is kind of fitting honestly okay oh [ __ ] not that one Texas BBW what the [ __ ] is this B big beautiful

Woman oh I I see what you mean yeah like a zed technician woman yes I think that would be the closest to what that is TLC sized I like JFC descriptor better I think TLC sized is great personally like a fat World Wiki Super Saiyan form sort of remember when Wendy’s had the

Yellow colored packaging and they had the biggie deals not really I remember I used to love their chicken nuggets like guess it would have been around 15 years ago their nuggets used to be like the best [ __ ] ever seen any 900 lb no I haven’t I I want to like the extremely

Fat women content but I don’t just can’t get into it don’t no no okay so let me let me explain I watch things like king cobra JFS and Cyrax and like Christine Weston Chandler all of that [ __ ] but I’ve never been like I find all of those fine

For the most part but I cannot do like amberin Reed or any of those ladies would you react to If This World Was aesthetically Z technicians game static fever starting now hold on hold up how would you react too if this world was aesthetically Zed technicians games stetic forever

Starting now I don’t know what that means I’m guessing you mean like every character model is like a [ __ ] huge ass fatwoman I don’t know if I like this glass I need to see the different types of glass remember when there was only one you’ve got to look up to Mir Katan he’s

Wild as [ __ ] man he’s got some of the wildest thoughts and he has an egg hat I only have space in my heart for one egad dude sorry I think I like the regular glass dudes I’m gooning so you guys are all joking when you talk about gooning right I hope none

Of you do this [ __ ] for real better be jokes why are you [ __ ] dot dot dotting me I goon goon it up what’s gooning blocks of smoothly well I guess there’s the the glass panes I forgot these existed hold on wait a minute they’re they’re kind of weird to

Use though although I could just put them in here but then I don’t know I’m not sure isn’t gooning just edging I always it’s been explained to me like a hundred times but I can never retain uh what gooning actually is back in my day gooning was an art

Form I don’t know if I believe you man I’m sorry no I’m just going to do the glass blocks I think it’s fine for what I want right now I don’t want to I mean I guess it would be bigger if I didn’t have them the problem is I

Really want this particular thing I don’t want the windows to just be square I think that would look kind of whack I erpd gooning in a CS2 match last night and got someone commenting slurs on my profile cool sounds like you won even if you lost the match you won the

War I feel like if you get someone angry enough to say that [ __ ] to you then you’ve defeated them psychologically in most cases gooning isn’t real pains would be more transparent I don’t think so maybe I think it would still be just the I guess it kind of is huh but I like

The blue o too what thank you fed Ultra Fox for the 45 month resub I appreciate it thank you very much are you afraid that if you use a FaceCam they would turn you into a soy Jack no I think that FaceCam is not always a 100% benefit for

Streaming I think in order for FaceCam to be something that adds to the experience you have to be someone who’s very good with like non-verbal forms of communication like maybe you make some really funny faces like a soy Jack perhaps or you’re very good at you know

Gesticulating I think is the word with your hands things like that I’m not that person it would just be me kind of staring into the microphone not the microphone maybe May that I guess possibly uh it would just be me kind of like gazing into the webcam is what it is see

I don’t even know what a [ __ ] webcam is looking like I wanted to eat it I don’t think it would really would really be particularly beneficial or if you’re attractive I don’t know some maybe but I feel like sometimes even then if you don’t know how to act on

Camera could it could be a detriment gaze into my eyes fluoride staring at the mic yes yeah everyone does a stupid Ted Talk hand motions now I mean it’s an effective way of communicating whether whether we like it or not right people love that [ __ ] the goar thing reminds me of the

Doomer Zoomer Boomer thing I thought we were past wojack terms see this is the problem these things are cyclical and they’ll never leave W jaacks are just rage faces and they’re going to keep coming back in more refined iterations for as long as the interet exists they’ll never go away

Ever and in fact there are some people who want to bring actual rage faces back so I don’t know dude think you’re going to be waiting a very long time until those sorts of memes go away that sounded like a truck outside but I think that was in

Minecraft le derpa moment JFC what the hell are you talking about what is a lead derena Mushroom Man dude honestly shroom Jack was absolutely the peak it’s it’s utterly inarguable that [ __ ] was so [ __ ] funny I I don’t know man that [ __ ] was awesome the mushroom soy Jack was definitely the

Best one what should I build build build a retirement home for old people like me that’s what I would recommend okay trying to figure out a way to make this look better but I don’t know if I like any of the things I’ve tried so far got to put the old people somewhere

Oh you could build like a McDonald’s that would be kind of sick right Maybe not maybe I’m just hungry this is my favorite wo Jack he literally me that’s very very nice JFC the [ __ ] Infinite Energy wojack Christ almighty are there Coral blocks there are but I I’m going to I

Want to build the actual frame of this first going to put Coral blocks like some maybe some fish in there it’s going to it’s going to look good I think but I have to figure out this glass window cuz the problem with Minecraft glass and default Minecraft is that the uh the regular

Glass has too many lines and the stained glass is too dark so I’m not entirely certain how I want to do this I guess that doesn’t look too bad wait black royland was slain by muso Jim holy [ __ ] I can’t believe it another [ __ ] down for the count to Moo

Jim maybe white stained glass it doesn’t look like it’s water though with the white I I think I tried that earlier that’s why I’m using the blue uh one second let me see if I can show you like could you well that’s not a pain you see it just kind of looks

Like it doesn’t look like an aquarium it need that’s why I picked the blue is the blue kind of gives it that blue tint like there’s water there regular glass pan well the the regular glass pan I imagine would look very similar to this it’s the it’s the lines

And the grid thing that I have an issue with and it’s still on the panes you can still see the stuff but it’s a little bit less obvious that that’s the case final thoughts on Armored Core 6 I liked it but I only did that one play through fun

Game someone found Jim I believe so what about you you a big fan of armored Core now going to go back and play all the games see if I do this then there oh man what about the barrier well there needs to be something hold in the water

And if it just looks like the water is floating there wait Hold on I’m getting ideas here well no I was thinking maybe you could have waterfalls falling down and it if it doesn’t fall on a block it wouldn’t pour out but I think regular water would be too uh hard to see through wouldn’t look that great ac6 is great sadly the last ending

Was the worst could you summon barrier blocks yeah but I don’t know if I want to do that so glad the dragon doesn’t destroy stuff he should despawn eventually I didn’t I didn’t set him to be actually no maybe I did no he’s definitely permanent he’s definitely permanent

Because I had the permanent flag on the dogs when I made uhoh [ __ ] okay oh man I’m going to have to go and we need the adventurers Guild to kill this thing there’s a dragon terrorizing the poor people of of the impoverished areas we we need we need uh Guild leader

Balder Crow’s eyes and and his and his gang to save the poor people uh plagued by the evil dragon I really thought he was going to die uh is that spawn oh [ __ ] uhoh what’s the reward for the quest doesn’t the End Dragon drop cool

[ __ ] you get the chance to kill an End Dragon in the real world no oh well I guess it’s fun you know why does why does there always have to be a reward we’re not rats we’re not just we shouldn’t just be here just hoping to pull another lever

We should do things for the experience we should do things because we care not just because there’s a a stupid little reward we get another little pellet and we get fatter and fatter we’re already fat enough most of us are Americans what skill do I get XP in uh

You’re you get like positive Karma to for killing the ender dragon and helping people haha fatty yeah that’s what’s up I’m fat Sushi what are you going to do about it little [ __ ] sounds gay I do not believe in karma okay well I guess all right I will if he keeps

Killing you I don’t want cooler Matt to have a bad time so I should go kill that Dragon right I should probably go help them cuz it is my fault I shouldn’t be a child who delegates my own responsibilities onto others I should go and kill the dragon

Hold on TP talomo coolest M okay where approximately where was the dragon can you can you show me where he is thank you bipolar cart for the 38-month resub I appreciate it thank you very much please do not pull my lever oh I think I oh okay we’re going

To we’re going to [ __ ] this Dragon up going [ __ ] this Dragon up you ready [ __ ] yeah baby yeah see this is [ __ ] gaming oh he’s going in a tail spin we’re we’re beating his ass D we’re going to [ __ ] this Dragon yeah baby give me that Kaa [ __ ] huh huh

Now what did we learned what was the lesson that we learned here today everybody that was such a good experience I think maybe we should try fighting too see it’s not that bad why why not all right well that was excellent he’s gone mad with power yo look at Joel’s little gay

Village he made like gay little trees with gay little flowers I think it’s really cool I like his pattern he made here and is it’s even called the back door what the [ __ ] dude DS2 boss design just add to yeah electrical plant I think this is supposed to be the conversion Cam Cool what the hell I like this this is another this is this is also a sudo Circle I’m sure there’s like a real word for it I’m going to go and find people’s houses [ __ ] oh thank you wait what the [ __ ] is this wish I could

Rent one of these places who the [ __ ] this is a treehouse huh um all right I kind of respect it gets the job done wait a [ __ ] MC minute where the hell does this go oh oh Jesus Christ okay holy [ __ ] that’s big it’s so big Rari chin damn I’m gonna

Maybe this is a little [ __ ] up to say but I wasn’t expecting Rari to be like a fat [ __ ] Builder I don’t know yeah this is really cool was it the on my short list of people who were going to make awesome things not that I thought he’d be a bad

One he just didn’t strike me as like the building type wow to no no no no it’s not I really not meaning it to be like an insulting thing just you know like okay if you met me you probably wouldn’t think wow I bet this dude really loves

Football uh that’s not really an insult it’s not something you know but if I did it would be super surprising if I knew like where every football player was born and what their dick size was you’d be like wow you know what that’s really surprising I don’t know holy [ __ ] someone made

Frozen I like this this is really cool an ice castle is such a sick concept how the [ __ ] do I get inside am I blind what the [ __ ] hold up I think I need to thank you Kaia for the 26 months football pig skin yeah yeah Epic Sports

Ball follow me okay hold on TNT I would never wait oh oh I’m I’m I’m dying okay cat chat show me where this is holy [ __ ] I’m actually blind I thought it was going to be like an underwater dude this looks so cool on the outside but it looks even cooler on the

Inside what the [ __ ] what is this supposed to be what is what the [ __ ] is this hold on I I might be able to fit through these I got to see what’s at the bottom I’m sorry huh looks better with your brightness up is this supposed to be like one of them Optical

Luminis those Optical incests damn yeah this is pretty cool it’s very creative this looks sick too hold on game mode creative one more thing to yeah what’s up dude House of gup what is that where is that uh TP tomeo cat chat 24 oh wait wait wait inside all right hold on

Home of gup okay so who the [ __ ] is gup that’s what I want to know my place is between these two Minecraft Giga Chads sorry for the dog she must be very excited that it’s Minecraft night who’s Tamor it’s a good question game theory holy [ __ ] dude gup lives like

This is this gup it sure is it’s a he he’s stuck dude he’s trapped you got to save them oh there’s two gups there’s three gups oh there’s a lot of gups hell yeah dude that’s awesome the risky Rain Man post this gup oh is it a risk of

Rain thing I don’t even know the names of the creatures where’s that gup cave I need some slime balls Autumn that’s so [ __ ] up you’re going to come to this man’s cave and kill all of his slimes I married a monster you know what else is awesome what Sushi this looks sick ultraviolet

Voodoo be a shame if someone pushed those pots off the ledge thank you too I need to stop looking at people’s [ __ ] though because if it’s not finished I they probably want to wait till it’s finished before it’s observed your turkey belly Sushi fish I swear to [ __ ] God

I do not have a turkey belly sure I’ll see your Castle midnight note God damn this looks like a huh can’t quite put my finger on it but it looks really cool this is a sick cast is that a is that a [ __ ] Port cus I got lazy with the inside every

Creative Builder’s uh toxic trait hell yeah dude let’s see what’s in here I don’t think I’m ever going to finish that’s okay she’ll love you she’ll love you it’s better to never finish than to uh finish early it’s what my mom always told me hello castley how are you these

Literally [ __ ] look like chocolate bars am I it must be the American in me right they look like Hershey’s chocolate bars to me underground mining and I jump by a dragon damn I need to eat a door they really do you know those chocolate bar garage doors

Yeah yeah now I I’m not usually a big chocolate dude but okay let’s see seonia that’s a sick umbrella dude uh oh that’s a big [ __ ] Castle seonia always makes crazy [ __ ] one of the uh people who builds the the most uh ridiculous [ __ ] dude God damn seonia

Sopia what the [ __ ] are these what’s the inside look like dude Challenge no pink blocks build something without pink it looks great seonia holy [ __ ] I thought that was water actually for some reason I don’t know why it looks like like water from a distance I wonder huh on my building game my shitty Cottage doesn’t deserve to be on the same server well to be fair seonia also said seonia doesn’t play around with

Minecraft seonia said that they were like building and practicing [ __ ] in a flat world in preparation of This Server so sephon is a very amazing Builder but they’re also ready to like go in with a [ __ ] game plan build some crazy [ __ ] doesn’t make it less impressive whatsoever but maybe don’t beat yourself

Up over the uh the two days thing thank you Rafa for gifting a sub to Symphonia I appreciate it thank you very much I’m going to go get a Diet Coke and take care of the dog really Quick For For For [ __ ] Category 5 dog storm dude they’re running around they’re playing games little [ __ ] doggy reindeer games okay if anyone else wants me to like uh show off your [ __ ] on stream now is your chance I’ll teleport to you just let me know try what wait what’s Troy

Doing I killed my wife yeah we know I want a sod pop poap hasn’t seen my sniff V2 pop Up’s toxic of course it’s not even remotely surprising you missed a wait they killed muso oh no no no where the [ __ ] where am I black Roy was slay by mus Jim

Dude oh man just lost my efficiency 5 fortune 3 pick to The Cave Dragon I can give give you another one since I I that wouldn’t happen under normal circumstances how do I make an efficiency 5 fortune 3 pick he’s loose again you can’t just talk about his

Sexual promiscuity like that dude shit’s [ __ ] up wow this is a lot of coral black royland was slain by muso Jim anvil in creative mode poor royin I think royin died two or three times to muso Jim that’s really [ __ ] funny okay I’m assuming it’s a diamond pick how do I do ah

Enchant um what was it want to come see my cherry blossom tree sure let me let me uh make sure that I I efficiency 5 Fortune three this would be [ __ ] up if they were lying just to get a free a free pickaxe but I don’t know why anyone would do

That seeing someone’s cherry blossom yeah just a sec hold up I gotta TP too to blusion here you go dog sorry uh TP too R2 to Carly iion hell yeah dude this looks sick as [ __ ] man I need like a tree builder in my life someone I can be like hey I’m

Making a a big ass building can you please come build trees for it dude it’s an awesome tree that’s one thing I can’t [ __ ] do I’ve tried a few times to make trees and I cannot [ __ ] do it for the life of me a pretty tree yeah it’s very nice someone should make

Like the the [ __ ] Animal Kingdom Disney tree the really big one with like the Lions and everything carved into it the Elden ring tree no dude [ __ ] Elden ring Dragon Quest Builder two tree was gnarly I don’t remember that one we hate no no no no we don’t hate I I I

Like Elden ring I like Elden ring I think Elden ring honestly despite how much people like it I still kind of feel like Elden ring is underrated wait why the [ __ ] is this guy uh oh the dungeon goes I don’t think anyone’s gotten to the dungeon

Yet I why is I don’t think I on this one what the hell happened here is that a [ __ ] poptart who the hell gets onto Minecraft to build a poptart what the [ __ ] is wrong with people the king of pop it must be Pop-Tart the king of course that’s the only

Suspect he literally named himself after poptarts it has to be him damn at least one three replacing them oh yeah it sounds like something I do I hate building anything in Minecraft when it’s not in a jungle biome if I plan on having vegetation cuz I like this color

Of leaf I get really pissy if my hedges and my trees look like this [ __ ] I cannot [ __ ] stand it I tend to maybe not so much these days but for a long time time I would build Hedges on everything and trees on everything and having the ugly like baby [ __ ] green was

Really not my favorite thing in the world that’s actually how I started using world edit specifically so I could change the biome to have actual green should install a Minecraft Disney World map and explore it and have fun I don’t know I don’t know if such a

Thing exists I’m waiting for people to explore my Disneyland I made a [ __ ] up dungeon like I spent like a week making it and I don’t think it’s been it’s been sieged yet so I’m waiting for that that’s what I’m excited for I want to I

Have we’re working on it no no no I I probably made it too hard it’s probably my fault it’s I put eight wardens at the entrance so they have to kill eight wardens and then I’ll let them in uh maybe eight wardens was too many maybe that’s I will say though there’s there’s

Nothing even remotely approaching like the eight wardens in the dungeon holy [ __ ] I’m sorry the dogs are going crazy uh I specifically did eight wardens there because I thought people would make like a guild and do it as a group and I wanted to promote like cooperation uh there’s no there’s not

Even a two Warden thing in the dungeon so don’t I I just don’t want you to think you’re going to go through all that effort and it’s just going to be mob gang [ __ ] room after mob gang [ __ ] room this is what I made in the last

Week with world edit I made this surrounding area for the dungeon it’s been a while since I made an actual biome but uh I I kind of like the way this one turned out I wish I had more time but I it’s basically just a [ __ ]

Like this is a square surrounded by a Tren surrounded by a second square but it’s kind kind of hard to get like the uh the actual shape of it when you’re inside but it literally is just squares one ml dungeon install a Halo map and play honestly I feel like

Minecraft adventure maps might be cool I probably would enjoy that I don’t know if I’d want to stream it but I can see it I’m glad you like it Baler I was hoping people would enjoy it and want to build here oh what the [ __ ] you son of a

Okay I thought this was another Stickman based off the story I told but like with a Brazilian buttlift but it’s like a mushroom what the [ __ ] is it is it is it supposed to be a gnome it looks like a sh like a little shroom BD that’s the musroom

Jack you found my mushroom okay cool what’s up Dan how are you dude yeah I uh I especially like this part I think this is my favorite part of the area I made of course I filled it with like a 100 Warden spawners but I I don’t

Know the dungeon does not look as cool as this regrettably I did not use world edit for the dungeon right next to the gate yeah this is their little Adventure venturers I I I know i’ I’ve seen this although I don’t think I’ve seen this progress holy [ __ ] see my giant mushroom

Pixel art I don’t believe I have um I’m going to go visit gum jar after this and then I can see it because gum jar I think it was wanted me to see a bird I actually after last night’s stream ended and I came back with no waterburger there were Elder Guardians

In this Lake and I saw Bandit just jump off over and over to die to that Elder Guardian like 10 times in a row and it was really funny it was just funny to watch dude I don’t know what he was trying to oh stack 64 the latest victim of muso Jim holy

[ __ ] will we ever be stopped I want to show you the center but I don’t I don’t want to look I don’t want to show it until they’ve actually beat it it’s not as impressive as this part by any stretch but yeah I like the way this turned out I just

Uh I don’t know I wish I had more time to add like points of interest in here you know hold up I got a I killed muso Jim no [ __ ] way where where did muso oh my God he [ __ ] killed muso Jim you’re a [ __ ] monster royin how could

You the boat trap did you get him into a boat and [ __ ] him in the ass while he was at Sea thank you Summoner AB bees for the tier one reub I appreciate it thank you very much sorry I I [ __ ] I [ __ ] that up

I I hope you enjoy the emotes thank you dog you know what I mean make two more well you think I should just make a [ __ ] like a a Scourge that goes around and kills people that would be kind of [ __ ] up yes One V one do

It I will I will but you’re not going to see when I make it I’m not going to do it on stream but I’ll I’ll figure something out and there will be a new Scourge muso Jim needs to be Avenged and now that I’ve seen that they

Can uh they can trap it in a boat I need to make sure that’s not a that’s not such an easy solution next time can I have Jim in my castle I I think I can give it a uh like custom weapons and [ __ ] maybe I could give it like a super powerful

Sword if you kill it cuz then they they they talk about where’s my reward see black royland is a man’s man most so Jim was a mob yeah I AC I was trying to make like a really fast baby zombie that kills people in one hit

And keep him in a dungeon room and I succeeded but there was an earlier attempt where I failed and it escaped the dungeon and it was wandering around in the wilderness occasionally finding people and killing them uh which I think is hilarious I think that’s literally the funniest thing that’s ever happened

Happened every time MOA Jim and killed someone it was great cuz initially I wanted to make it like uh you know how old school World World of Warcraft people would make level ones and raid hoger I wanted it to be something like that but it kind of took on a uh own

Twist okay so back wait TP too gum jar I think I need to see gum jar stuff it’s very hard to see when the lights’s not on hold on I thought it was [ __ ] uh like a like a special bird honestly because I didn’t see the beak because it was dark

But now that I see it looks great cuz I thought this was like the eye and this was its other eye and it had it was like beakless at first but that was stupid hell yeah oh wait wait can you believe it everybody surprisingly enough there’s pink stuff in

Here those bird noises are hella relaxing honestly I like how they have just like a little bird room but I can’t go in there this is literally what I look like by the way like if you guys remember when I was talking earlier about my profile view it’s that

It’s even got like the little Hunchback thing can’t go I don’t think so yeah is a chin no no this this is the recess right here this is where a chin would be invisible creeper invisible creeper is such a sick idea dude I wonder if there’s a way to make it to

Where it can like the explosion doesn’t kill it TP to who who else uh Carly I think hell yeah man people are big fans of like mushrooms and birds and pink that’s a very nice mushroom like how you actually use mushroom blocks too dude we need someone to make the spider with

Pixels I think that would be the coolest thing imaginable personally what do you think this is going to be which spider the spider you know what I’m talking about there’s only one Spider worth mentioning the spider the spider I think an imposter creeper would be cool there’s a lot of weird [ __ ] you

Could do and you could make like I said you can make any I I made cool 109 love accidentally uh because it was I I made a giant zombie ride a mini zombie and I spawned it and he suffocated to death under the giant one’s ass it was pretty

Funny okay this turtle’s looking sick you seen mis’s poopy Palace hold on is she not on Mis is not even playing Minecraft with us guess I guess I got to [ __ ] Die all right maybe that was a little dramatic but I need to go back to build Dan oh she’s playing Halo Halo huh what’s with everyone in Halo lately what everyone’s got the Halo bug I don’t know if I could ever go back to those sorts of

Games try built an ouse next to my house she promised a Halo stream interesting Chad Warden hat to it’s Gayo dude like come on poopy Palace is the best part it’s like when the last server Sushi made a uh a [ __ ] like little artillery Cannon aimed at my

Base I miss him yeah I feel like he could have been a good a great streamer you know I would definitely [ __ ] watch Chad Warden straight up be [ __ ] masterful and if he collaborated with like coroni Shan holy [ __ ] now that’s what I call Kino volume 19 remember the armag or

No I have no [ __ ] idea what that is you B oh the all your base belong to us why Sandstone over sand uh cuz I don’t want to make a [ __ ] I don’t know lazy and I think it it it’s the difference is imperceptible to me so I just rather use

That never miss a chance to shame me Misa is kind of a [ __ ] shamer for sure Misa is very she’s like everyone’s friend until they fall down and then she’s the first one to Sprint over and start kicking them in fortnite flossing while they’re sitting there like in

Pain taken over by an Ender Dragon yo adventurers Guild we need to make sure that these Ender dragons are the dragons in the ground wait so I don’t think I spawned that one I spawned three so someone else is it must be Joy it must be Joy or noodle I don’t

Think noodle would do that though so I think it’s Joy who the [ __ ] else would be summon I don’t only two of the three you spawned I don’t think so I’m pretty sure three died chat how many elder dragons got killed we killed the first one and then

I summoned two more and both of them were stuck in boxes and died right we did only hear two explosions H I could have sworn kind of looked like the third one maybe the third one did zoom off I thought it died elder dragons whatever dude I don’t

Even [ __ ] I play this [ __ ] to build I don’t I was calling it the Wither Dragon earlier so you know whatever [ __ ] we the incest Dragon [ __ ] it spawn another one moo Jim and riding a dragon that would be really funny stuck in a box and just fly underground hold on hold on

Kill see if I can find out how to actually put elder dragons in this I don’t know what it because it’s has a space but I don’t think the command works if there’s spaces does it oh uh see it gives me like an error hold

On Ender drag okay wait wait oh oh oh oh my bad my bad Ender drag Dragon no he yeah C uh space even if I do Ender drag no no dude literally yeah I misspelled it but yeah this it’s the same [ __ ] thing there we go there we go thank you

The quotations work use type no no we we got it we got it we just needed the quotation marks thank you all right I will probably not not spawn elder dragons anymore so they can really like go underground that’s crazy I’ve never once to my recollection foughten an elder dragon in minine

Crafty why did you just moan I felt like it dude I’m a man do I need a reason to moan do I need a reason to scratch my balls [ __ ] no I don’t you know what I’m playing Minecraft and I’m maybe I’m inspired by dream maybe I’m going to

Record myself moaning and send it to Children you know man doesn’t need a reason to do things weird in the overw world cuz they not yeah that’s fair scratching my nuts right now they settle down I wouldn’t come on too look I don’t know how this works thank

You those who fly for for the 34 months I appreciate it fun time to join the stream yeah for sure dude dream should make plans for going no no no no dream what see when I you’ll notice this a lot I type dream out when I’m saying dream I’m not thinking I I

Wanted a sponge but I guess dream is kind of like SpongeBob right sort of like they have the same energy I can totally imagine SpongeBob going like that’s what the mask is for it’s okay to Mo unprompted sorry for doubting you probably makes a sponge

S something he said the mask yeah he has like a song where he’s like singing about where the mask is for in his normal pills it’s a pretty good song SpongeBob would destroy Gumball in a fight um there’s the man I’ve been thinking of hey I have something to talk

To you about passion lit number one [ __ ] you [ __ ] you for bringing in this this goddamn SSBBW [ __ ] into my conscience uh Consciousness I guess whatever into my mind and yesterday someone posted an image that reminded me of you it was two vtubers being milked it was an accident it was very

Pornographic but I was like wow he’s going to regret not being here to see that is that it no it’s super saiyan big beautiful woman super siiz big beautiful woman also you messaged me about Bingo and said you can’t join Discord because you have too many servers like it won’t

Let you how how many servers are you in and what kind of servers are they in sorry i’m doing like an FBI check right now but I’m curious I hav’t I do too but maybe it’s maybe he’s really into like like uh gardening don’t forget Ultra Instinct Super Saiyan BBW

You it’s just like Boogie right all sticker servers I was using all these servers for yeah I feel like I can’t Envision having more than 10 at a time personally I understand that I’m not everybody and some people want more but like maxing them out is

Like a 100 or some [ __ ] right that’s a lot like there’s no way you look at all that [ __ ] on a regular basis unless unless you’re a Discord lizard man who works for the company any game Deb servers yeah quarter problem or something I think okay 13 something you need Nitro to Adam

And maybe FNAF ones and some Hoy ones like my favorite porn stars private server okay interesting now I have a question have you ever talked to your favorite porn star about Five Nights at Freddy’s what’s up oak tree not yet okay so you’ve got plans I respect that that’s [Laughter]

Awesome poke to death by a berry bush brother what are you doing out there told her about Homestuck arguably even worse how long have you been at it with this project I started this yesterday I don’t really know what I’m doing I’m just kind of like flu riding it you

Know don’t really have much going on on with it but I do kind of like the way this part’s turning out this part looks all right I just need to figure out what I’m doing with the with the glass windows worse or better Invader Zim damn damn all right we’re quoting

Invader Zim that’s that’s where we’re at I actually liked Invader Zim too but then like I started seeing the other types of people who liked Invader Zim and I I don’t know man I don’t know there’s an image that will be forever burned in my head where

I was out in public and there was this really uh he was a large guy all right and he had an Invader in backpack and I was like wow that guy seems cool he’s got Invaders In backpack and someone like walked by him and he did like a full

Body like hat jump you know that [ __ ] they do where they like spring into the air like a [ __ ] kangaroo he did that but like in real life as a human being and it was impressive and frightening at the same time and it scared the [ __ ] out of me because

Like that level of movement speed coming from someone that large was like holy [ __ ] dude I was sort of in awe H weren’t they Steven Universe here I don’t know much about Steven universe made a SpongeBob Sandy doome with an injection tube but another server I played on with my mom dude

Playing with Minecraft with your mom is so [ __ ] based that’s most definitely what’s up that’s really sweet fat people can have surprising amounts of ail I guess so dude he was an inspiration now that I’m fat I want to be like I want to be like him

Play with my dad all he does is fish and give me the loot that’s so sick dude the one who showed me Minecraft my dad showed me Mech Warrior that was my game that I played uh along side my dad dad and tiberium son when I was a kid on

Like a really [ __ ] dog [ __ ] old computer with the dial up that goes why are you in spectator mode here Joy I hear a [ __ ] Warden I think uh making things with wood hold on I need to okay let’s see game mode creative toino wonder if my dad would like this

Game he was always into wood ask him dude be like you could bond with your dad maybe you two will be best friends you’ll be you’ll be not just like a it won’t be just like a father son thing but you’ll be brothers as well that sounds kind of

Cool okay I think I like the way that looks although okay should I could play Minecraft with my Dad yeah that’d be sick as hell need carrots why does everybody want [ __ ] carrots melon can’t see my messages cuz she blocked me yeah I don’t know uh I

Think melons blocked a lot of people they always talk about blocking people so I wouldn’t I wouldn’t take it too seriously some people just block are very block happy I’m more one yeah I don’t know I try my damnest not to block people I mute people sometimes on Twitter

Specifically but my dad would probably be a warlord for a village if he played yeah that sounds kind of cool all righty I think this looks somewhat decent hold up some people just enjoy their hog block I just don’t I I feel like personally there’s been very [ __ ] few instances here where

Like I would say yeah that person needs to be blocked some examples I can think of would be like Joe or Hank but we don’t really have anyone like that these days so I’m just not sure who the [ __ ] would be blocked my hug box X3 you want carrots we go directly east

To spawn I have carrots in our farm we got the [ __ ] carrot Squad going dude okay I think I like the way this looks hold up what if I no not that no that’s too small wait wait wait pickle Squad dude pickles are so [ __ ] good pickles are a miracle drug

Like when I came back with no water Burger last night I just ate a pickle and I was okay it was not even a big pickle I need to go to Aldi’s because it’s the only place that has the big [ __ ] pickle jug love pickles man just not the

Cat my favorite porn star is a fujoshi so it’s not weird for me to nerd out to her all Right nice typo Misa yeah Misa you [ __ ] come on dude are you even Minecraft gaming right now suirt fish shirt those words mean nothing no we were we were talking about this earlier F fujoshi just means like Jenna basically or pop it app like like uh

Women who fetishize gay men and are like super intoed like that yui [ __ ] what’s going on sarx how are you dude average K-pop fan yeah I guess so or like YouTuber fan honestly been a hell of a week past the Yi yeah okie dokie the last video game my

Dad played he was just [ __ ] around like 15 minutes in Rock Band building’s giving me Emerald City Vibes what’s Emerald City I’m not sure I’m aware of what you’re referring to Emerald City from The Wizard of Oz oh oops from Pokemon nah dog come on nobody here plays Pokemon we’re adults

We play grown-up games like Minecraft Brown blocks hold on play Pokémon go every day I that was a good song man I love that one the fortnite Chug jug one is honestly kind of cool tooo Pokemon go to the poles Pokemon go [ __ ] yourself okay I never know what what like a

Proper sane distribution of this [ __ ] is so I just kind of go for it okay no I’m just kidding I’m just kidding Sushi you’re a good boy Mo so Jim in his grave dude do not celebrate the death of our boy you better be putting respect on his

Name when you go to that grave godamn it whatever [ __ ] damn so [ __ ] toxic it’s unreal so turtles will die if they don’t have a beach right what color for the retirement home gray dismal Bleak like a retirement home have the color represent the mood of what a

Retirement home would be like but not one of the ones where they’re like [ __ ] all the time Turtles die I don’t know I feel like like one of the mobs had like a condition where if you didn’t it wasn’t enough to just have them in water I’m fairly certain there was something like

That probably getting it confused with something else though someone making the breeding pit yeah I am but it’s for Turtles only I only need a beach to indeed was it uh Axel then that had like a condition where they would die I wish I was a turtle we’ve got some ocean pickles in

Here right now dude imagine the pickle cat but he’s swimming underwater but he’s not scuba certified and it’s really deep and he’s in like an underwater cave maybe it would sound something like but slightly more muffled okay we need some sear grass we need some kelp I will save

Him I don’t oak tree are you scuba certified how are you going to save him bro I don’t think it’s going to happen kelp grows naturally right like if I place it down it’s going to keep going up I think someone confirm or deny that hello how are you I’m under the

Water please help too much raining yes okay just making sure I kind of hate that feature honestly they added whales to Minecraft yet the warden’s kind of whale like in nature but not really there any way to stop it from growing you could put a barrier above it

Like the invisible barrier block and it prevents it that’s what I would do for bamboo but I think it’s like generated to grow up to a specific range like 11 to 14 blocks or something like that at least bamboo is okay we want like a an epic Deep Sea

Chest under here for for what we’re going to put in all right so who wants to be named after a funny sea animal who would like to be a dolphin because I have to name them or they’ll despawn I think not me holy [ __ ] I’m sorry for the dogs they’re really

Loud Daisy’s very uh very talkative this feels degrading I can’t see any invisible barrier you have to you have to have it via commands you have to like slash give Barrier I want to be a sick ass dolphin she used to St plant growth but I don’t remember if it works for Kel I also vote sushi H let’s do Bren Coco and oh I need another one does the adventurers Guild need supplies want to be a frog I don’t know

If we’re going to have frogs here we’ll see Fish number 16 if possible okay so we got I like to blow hole which is I like to paint I think two dolphins is enough I don’t really need a million [ __ ] Dolphins I like to blo Hole could be seen as a weird name

Though okay an ocelot catboy want to be an axel named Marshall Wallace McGee I just ate a warhead sour pickle what the [ __ ] is a warhead sour pickle brother oh man maybe I should kill these Dolphins we’re going to have to listen to dolphin noises the entire time what

The [ __ ] wait they went into their own valtion I just now noticed dude they’re so happy look at them kicking it okay cool what should go in here they will drown I thought they won’t drown anytime I make dolphin areas they [ __ ] off themselves the Dolphins shouldn’t drown

They can just go up and breathe whenever they m [ __ ] want okay uh found cherry blossom trees for my house and I’m D for the night hell yeah it could jump out but they won’t drown I don’t think they would you can make a squid Zone I could make a squid Zone

Who Wants to Be an epic squid there’s going to be two gay squid and and and a not gay squid okay squid me up let’s see I need name tags squid games that’s that’s not the endv please can I be a squid squid Millennium I made 64 of those I think I

Can rename them though uh yeah that’s true incr man you have a valid point incr squid and the question is who’s going to be like the straight versus gay squid um you got to be squiding me I want to be a gay squid the joy of inking I’m doing this entirely based off

Of like how easy it would be to make your name into something squid related all right so Joy has to be one of those I think I think ink is going to be the straight squid wait are they’re all glowing what the [ __ ] wait okay I must have [ __ ]

Up all right well they’re they’re all right sorry you’re all gay oops oops all almost dude Okay so I think it’s a decent job on that part for now don’t put axotal in with the squids glowing squids yeah I sure did I think for this one I’m just going to use

A spawner with fish I don’t I don’t really want to make a 100 [ __ ] fish and name them all dude I I just want to that one can just be a spawner although I guess I could put fish in every single one feel like the Dolphins would [ __ ]

Him up do the Dolphins bully fish I have no idea Uhoh spawner to perpetually feed the Dolphins well I don’t really want to perpetually feed the Dolphins they can simply eat air Axel autles do that’s kind of surprising dolphins are notorious meanies I’m now a master of all crops puffers oh okay that makes sense [ __ ] want some Fugu me

Too took too long to do my laundry usually my dogs won’t touch my laundry after several days of it being on my bed Zuko decided to kick it apart and and laid down in it damn you just got dominated by your dog [ __ ] up dogs trolling you okay

So I’m not 100% convinced this is the right play for what I want to do with this but I’m going to try it out thank you lids for the 10mon resub I appreciate it thank you thank you fold your laundry fresh out of the dryer I mean sometimes we’re just a

Little bit lazy that’s okay I know I’m a lazy son of a [ __ ] thank you to yeah man I’m I’m here to I’m here to be kind and understanding and supportive that’s that’s my goal man be every man streamer Sushi [ __ ] you you little [ __ ] suck my [ __ ]

[ __ ] who put Andrew and lelay you have you have you can adopt them dude how wonderful you could be the mom isn’t that exciting what’s going on Le Mouse throwing them both in the fire what would you burn your children to death if they were incestuous with each other yes all right fair

Enough is that a trick question I don’t do trick questions locked them in my basement for 20 years oh wow burn them to death if they weren’t someone should do the math on that like the rate of of sibling incest to find out what the odds of having that as your

Children would be and then you could determine How likely lip is to kill their progyny property has not been tainted by the incest twins I’m going to fix it dude I’m going to fix it I’m going to be there when you least expected Ash Tanga I’m going to do something even worse I’m

Going to find a way to make the spider blow job and you are the only one I’m going to hit with it I’m going to be the king of spider blow jobs could be my data science thesis hell yeah man why bro why not sometimes you just have to let loose

And have some fun the factor in my love for incest is in My DNA so you’re saying okay I mean oh wow why can’t I be a billionaire with like 22 children at least one has to turn out good I don’t know place is looking interesting at least I like this down

Here for now blending into the ground is a racial passive I don’t I don’t think that’s true Ash tank I don’t think you blend into the ground are you still letting people call you short that’s [ __ ] up dude you need to put an end to the mistreatment you need to rise against the

Oppression okie dokie let me see no that’s not how you spell that I need get all my building blocks again maybe this time I’ll add a layer of brown never be tall enough to be the bigger person well you don’t have to be tall necessarily you could be

Fat you can just do some more uh some eating bulk up could be buil yeah isn’t he’s RI torn muscle guns he does like strong man competitions he’s probably always the bigger man in a certain sense of speaking as someone slain muso Jim yes black royin is the hero that saved

Everyone from being terrorized by muso Jim we should all celebrate Black royland he’s the champion he’s a god amongst men honestly short and fat do you like him short and fat lit his pants are on display at the rest stop I don’t know what that means I saw

Him die to Lava an hour ago should have I yeah I still think like capturing muso Jim would have been the the best thing you could possibly do on the server imagine imine letting your nuts hang so hard that you just have that in like a cage as your pet [ __ ]

Dude most Alpha thing to do yeah absolutely they even had him trapped in a boat they probably could have found a way to do it they had him they had him against the wall and they did nothing with it goodbye Rari oh embarrassing really plan on capturing him but roin

Killed him before I can onun him down stuck in a block not a boat oh my mistake he just got stuck in a block I mean I think uh think when you set them to a certain speed hold that thought I may have made a [ __ ] Walky here

Oh [ __ ] it’s not that big of a deal if I did physics says wild things at huge speeds yeah yeah it it I remember the same problem in mowind when I made mods for that as a kid if you set an enemy’s speed too high it completely like breaks

Their Ai and they freak out and they like stop attacking and it’s just like everything breaks so he had the tendency to just sit there and do nothing and just let people beat the [ __ ] out of him why does Misa have a hand hster murdering dog I think that most dogs are probably

Hamster murderers maybe not in the maybe not in the sense that they’ve actually killed a hamster but they would have given the opportunity I’m fairly confident that CIF would beat the [ __ ] out of a hamster I might Raba but I I will do it when the stream is off to surprise the people

Sorry for the slow answer my PC was freezing all good dude maybe your PC wouldn’t freeze if you like didn’t download weird files off of your your porn Discord thing maybe it would I don’t know I’m not an expert make like your tomomo anime there I I don’t particularly have any desires

To do anything anime related I don’t want to make a too anime I’d just be like oh [ __ ] I’m going to get up I’m going to shower time to play some video games woohoo maybe the best anime of all time CU I Magic the Gathering online

Open for too long and it has a huge memory leak is that true can we get like a confirmation on that I know nothing about magic the Gathering it’s false can confirm well if melon says it I guess I got to believe it sorry my brain’s

Damaged what the [ __ ] is going on on am I on crack am I on the drug hold up I [ __ ] something up here Google seems to indicate that there is a memory leak cool wait so what the [ __ ] no no no I’m not on I’m not on drugs bro I

Swear honestly dude like I would smoke crack I definitely feel like it’s it would be an experience he never trusts me I mean it’s not that I don’t trust you I just like to to be sure cuz what if like a homeless man walks up to me tomorrow and says did you

Hear that magic the Gathering has like a a memory leak and I didn’t know whether to trust him or not and I decided not to trust him and then he killed me it’s just about being prepared for anything life can throw at you it’s nothing personal

I don’t know man I sure got a lot of a lot of building to make here dude holy [ __ ] possible they both have memory leaks but Magic the Gathering Arena isn’t sweaty enough for me so what’s I wish I was into like card games I don’t think I would be able to keep

Track of like the 7 billion effects that every card has especially in something like Yu-Gi-Oh if I invented a new drug would you test no no I don’t think I would Sushi if it was another chatter I might but not you you believe in the heart of the cards no not particularly

Rough Ru Ru watch a video about San Francisco specifically a six block location of it called T the tenderloin earlier people just out there smoking fentel on the sidewalk yeah I’ve seen videos like that did they have the uh like the zombie mode thing going on where they’re just kind of hanging out

Literally shit’s crazy the appeal of smoking fenil I don’t I have no idea sorry fenil I need to enunciate so you guys don’t think I say incest I guess I did say incest but you know you know what I [ __ ] mean got to uh be better at the whole speaking

Thing [ __ ] I cannot make this look the way I want to damn banjo’s in trouble I say fent Neil because it sounds funny I say milk milk is kind of cool zombie mode [ __ ] is apparently from taking in so many of the random chemicals and impurities I mean it’s gotten to the

Point where that’s got to be like a certain part of the appeal right like if you’re actively going out and doing it try moment welcome to Twitch I guess I mean I don’t know I have no no insight into the the mentality of an addict but

But most opio opioids is super yeah I guess cuz everything’s laced with it now yeah can give you a diamond for some leads also very deadly there’s a new thing out as well I’m pretty sure that’s even worse I don’t remember what it’s called though it’s some kind of tranquilizer

Crate him sometimes but I don’t do it too much I’m scared of the opioid addiction side king cobra JFS does crate them it seems uh I feel like that’s a pretty good Benchmark for whether or not to take something is whether or not king cobra JFS

Does why is no one trying to sell drugs to me at school I would I would at least once I have no idea maybe you’re just not cool enough maybe they don’t think think you’re you’re worthy Sushi come on you can’t just say people look like losers it’s [ __ ] up that’s so mean

Dude how do I look like someone who would do drugs so I got accused of being a stoner well before I ever touched the devil’s lettuce cuz I had long hair and my hair is Curly SL wavy so I guess I look like a stereotyp iCal Stoner type so there’s definitely something to

The looking like a stoner stuff isn’t a stoner I mean I tried weed but I just don’t think it’s very good I wish I liked it more just not very big into the marijuana got accused of being a methhead God damn why cuz you play RuneScape it’s understandable I guess but maybe a

Little judgmental that’s about it cuz I don’t like clipping my nails at a card shop varies widely I had to Naran a good amount of people back when I worked in addictions skinny maybe that’s America right if you’re skinny the only way that could be is that you’re a meth

Had why else would you be thin though I guess there are certain levels of thinness but I don’t know it just sounds funny worst I ever heard was a friend’s mother said it looked like a bad influence yeah I’ve been told that too but to be fair I am a bad influence for

Sure there’s no ifs ends or butts about it just had cheesecake ta me for the first time in ages apps were amazing but the hree was bad cheesecake’s just so [ __ ] expensive dude I don’t know I’m not I haven’t had bad experiences with it it’s always reliable

But the reliability is mediocrity and I just don’t know lantis Temple yeah kind of I mean it’s an ocean thing I just don’t know what I’m doing with this middle Tower I’m trying something and right now I really don’t like it but I want to see

If maybe it looks a bit different when I have all the sides done and get it a little more fleshed out give it a shot and just see it through and see if it looks tolerable just looks too noisy I don’t know how to explain

It working in a hospit in a hospital in Psych I see a lot of addiction as well never had to Naran someone thankfully you seen the people saying that like if you really believe all like drugs are bad you should ban Naran or something to that effect some weirdos out there

I would probably be considered a bad influence to this guy I’m becoming friends with he’s the kind of guy who ask his parents permission for everything they find out what I’m like they going to tell him to stay away I mean maybe maybe not there it’s possible to have people who are

Uh you know they ask their parents for permission and their parents are completely cool doesn’t mean their parents are psychos necessarily right I mean I would be a little wary of that situation as well but you don’t know for a fact how to erect a tower yeah I got to do

Something but it wasn’t really meant to be a tower is the problem if you think polio is bad you should ban the vaccine I feel like we’re already at that point though dude seen people declaring that we need to stop uh giving tetanus shots and that

You’re going You’re a Ru and a fool and you’re going to have some sort of horrible malady befall you if you get the tchis shot or I I don’t know man it’s weird but that’s Twitter so I it’s hard to take anything seriously on Twitter at this point just got to assume everyone’s

Taking the piss honestly he works in a Catholic church sometimes I’m neither white nor straight enough to be friends with someone like that I mean I don’t know dude my oldest friend is like uh he’s Christian he doesn’t really seem to mind me that much so it’s because someone’s religious

Doesn’t mean they’re going to be like oh you’re you’re gay [ __ ] you of I’m not saying that doesn’t happen it very clearly does but I’m just saying you don’t you don’t know for a fact if it was just a stranger I’d tell you to not give a [ __ ] but if someone’s

If it’s someone your friend with and you like you shouldn’t just write them off like that you know maybe maybe he’s secretly gay and it will be awesome place every Green Block including the giant base yeah yeah what do you mean guilty pleasure when those sords

Get sick TBH hold up hold up are we I might be unlocking the mysteries of life right now kind of Lights to buy yeah it’s confusing the fujoshi and me ships the Ali he’s weird but not that weird hello XC I don’t know so sometimes you just

Got to remember that there are people who are very good at M asking how weird they are I mean you should take yourself for example you I mean let’s be real you’re a [ __ ] freak you’re an abomination of a human being not because of you anything like your orientation

Because I know you’re going to take it that way but just because of the things you say and the way you act I am similar I am also a horrible nightmare human being but I don’t think most people are going to realize that that is the case

And maybe what if your friend is even even worse than you are dentist was a Christian and when I was like 16 asked if I had a b after during an appointment when I said no he paused and said you’re not gay are you and would resume until I swore I wasn’t

Yeah that’s [ __ ] crazy that person should be uh that person should not be doing uh Dentistry I can’t [ __ ] imagine having any sort of person like dentist Medical Professional trying to figure out like your orientation or whatever ever the [ __ ] hello triple y what’s up dude I’m starting to come around to the

Shape it’s mostly the arrangement of colors that’s pissing me off at the moment lost my house I made this morning how the [ __ ] did that happen did you get griefed everyone is losing their home or you just mean like you literally lost it I did the same thing

Dude apparently Dennis can do pop it up I appreciate you I respect you but I feel like you’re a little late on this one there was a period of time where I felt like people were talking about this thing that you’re talking about like every [ __ ]

Day I feel like people were brain locked about it for a while it was strange I want to become a dentist dentist was doing the job by ensuring their teeth were straight that’s [ __ ] off dude [ __ ] off dude God damn it I’m so stupid what if what

If I think that looks a little better uh oh hold up I went too far on that one but actually did I go too far on that one maybe this is a blessing in disguise huh got to get my girl to a dentist soon

Why why do you say that got to get your oh you’re okay I don’t think you’re talking about I think I understand now okay that was me being weird although wanted to thank you again for the I didn’t give you a bed bro I am not a benevolent benevolent

Human being sorry I accidentally a word I ain’t giving anyone [ __ ] pets I don’t know who gave it it to you but it wasn’t me malevolent yeah well well to be fair malevolent kind of goes that way but yeah that was not the greatest pronunciation of a word I’ve ever done

Thanks for I’m not giving anyone beds I see muso himman no muso himon’s dead he died royland killed him yes oh do you see his his grave damn I I you guys should have let him live thanks for the dude I’m not giving anyone beds godamn it can’t forget

The too gave me the nicest bed I’m going to you’re going to make me cry you still appreciate the gift though I ain’t giv you anything thanks for the Gizzy yeah yeah you’re welcome dude I mean I if we went to see the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie I’d probably

Like I could be convinced to give to get you a dollar hot dog I think that would be all right hello damz what’s up dude a bed for me thank you too I’m not ignored ignored by who royin I’m here oh not by me okay royin royin doesn’t like white

Women that’s what it is he told me once thanks for the gizzard wait a dollar hot dog yeah dude I swear to [ __ ] Christ I’ve eaten hot dogs until I’ve gotten sick at the [ __ ] movie theater it’s so good dude it’s so [ __ ] good get like nine of those [ __ ] holy

[ __ ] we need to go hot doging are they still playing the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie Nine hot dogs is crazy I’m a crazy son of a [ __ ] give you a hot dog I’m going to [ __ ] bite it and it’s I’m going to swallow

It and it’s going to be G on and you’re not going to have a hot dog anymore so if that’s your plan I hope that’s okay I thank you damz for the 53 months almost done mon a semester of college I got so far 95% average hell yeah dude two weeks

Uh two more weeks left of school till exams and I got my presentation exam for English on Thursday I will make sure to post my Tu [ __ ] yeah dog I’ve already been through no it’s going to be worse than in a circumcision dude you don’t understand it’s not going to be like

Anything anyone’s ever experienced before getting [ __ ] hungry Brothers circum what I personally think that if we’re going to circumcise people we might as well go all of the way just chop the entire thing off lowkey kind of hyp for the iron L movie whenever that comes out do they I guess

They probably don’t have a date for it huh it’s just eventually I hope it doesn’t get stuck in like a I guess it wouldn’t be development hell but I I hope it doesn’t get uh [ __ ] over because it’s a pretty cool thing to do just came back from the bar and has

Some garlic parmesan wings God it’s been so long since I’ve had chicken wings my American racial bonus is being uh being being triggered right now production hell yeah God disgusting spider he’s cute dude look at him hold up that’s not what I want sorry I I think I’m literally brain

Damaged look up spider in the [ __ ] inventory is that D spider hell yeah it’s perfect can you ride spiders in this game I know the little skeletons can or the zombies or some [ __ ] no game [ __ ] sucks dude game [ __ ] sucks need more Dolphins I I don’t know if I like their

Noises I think this is the right wait there’s been a dolphin fatality one of the Dolphins has has left the enclosure unlucky Dolphins will kill themselves in captivity yeah that’s okay push a skeleton on the spider it will ride it you should name the skeleton cool 109 but it’s daytime and the skeleton

Will probably die p like the new halflife multiplayer map I don’t know what that means I’ve never seen it I hope that that means uh it looks hella cool that it’s balling they made more maps yeah but I don’t I don’t know if the map you’re

Talking about like what it cuz not all maps are made equal some maps are completely [ __ ] dog [ __ ] like I know one a lot of people hated in Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is the one that was just an airport I [ __ ] love that one there are a lot of people who

Hated It terminal is great what the [ __ ] people love terminal that I don’t know dude whenever I’ve I guess I’m not a Call of Duty head but I’ve heard more people say bad things guess that’s uh anecdotal experience for you the one I hated was like the God it was like a viit Kong

Jungle I don’t know what the [ __ ] it was it was this big ass like jungle map with a few houses cannot for the life of me remember what the [ __ ] it was called Wasteland is that what it was well that’s the one I didn’t like Battlefield no no it was in cow Duty

2 seems like nothing but fu box holes let me see let me look that up I want to know which one it was Wasteland is that was Wasteland the one with the [ __ ] trenches I I don’t think I minded that one so much no this one was fine was it FLL I

Don’t think it was flla I I cannot remember what the [ __ ] it was I remember there were like little Fields you with like Tall Grass you could hide in or something like that sorry my my memory of this is fuzzy wait just Brazil simulator I mean truy really wants me to

Go to Brazil I’ve been thinking about it maybe I should describe it again okay I’ll try to my memory it was I think it was like sunsh there were a bunch of buildings but there was also a lot of space in between the buildings rundown let me

See yes this was it it was rundown I [ __ ] hated this one this was my least favorite map for sure dude I [ __ ] did not like that one at all so I think we’ve solved the mystery here Cod stream one I don’t think I’ll ever do it more like run it down nice

One okay I definitely think I like this more for this particular part of the building domination on rundown I don’t even remember what all of the different modes were I didn’t play that game very long I had a brief period where I was using GameFly to try like a bunch of new

Games and that was part of that so I didn’t have it for very long just rented it think maybe like a month or two maybe not even that I’m not sure I don’t think anyone ever voted for it which I guess is telling reminds me of uh vidiian bog in

Mech Warrior online that [ __ ] map might be like one of my least favorite Maps ever in any video G [ __ ] and it P pissed me off cuz a lot of the dudes that I got at a Mech Warrior every time they they’ pick it and they start going

Boggers boggers vidiian bog and it it’s a meme dude I don’t [ __ ] believe they actually like that map it’s so dog [ __ ] dude that map [ __ ] sucks so much ass it makes me so mad dude [ __ ] vidiian bog holy [ __ ] absolute ass cancer map terrible nightmare bog is no it’s literally the

Opposite bogers is like one of the low skill Maps because actually shooting at people from good angles never [ __ ] works because the geometry on half of the props on that map have hit boxes that extend like three feet out past the actual visual so you just [ __ ] blow

Your load into an invisible [ __ ] hitbox like a Minecraft barrier so it rewards like just being a [ __ ] idiot so annoying no rubilite sucks too but I like it more than bog hello Mr Martian Alpine Peaks was worse Alpine Peaks is [ __ ] funny dude people get

So mad in Alpine Peaks remember when I would pick that map when we would do Customs they people would actually Sprint it down and just like kill themselves it was really [ __ ] funny dude what’s going on Ezekiel I just had to memorize those shitty hit boxes that’s a lot of [ __ ] hit boxes

To I don’t believe you ever did that I don’t believe anyone has ever did that except or done that except for the people who play every [ __ ] day and it’s it’s honestly CU you have people who are like mwo heads who complain about their hitboxes on other Maps such as

Uh what the [ __ ] was it called termine desert is notorious for that that’s just just a bad MAP although teraline is nice aside from that one factor spider found its Niche yeah he’s he’s completely impeding my building right now it’s pissing me off little [ __ ] badge time I

Want to eat dude I’m so [ __ ] fat I want to eat Water Burger right now but I can’t also shrooms why aren’t you what the [ __ ] you don’t want to play Minecraft with your bro shrooms think about it like you could get on Minecraft right now and I could

Stop this and we could remake Alpine Peaks we could have you and like the the timber wolf or like the cata fract getting sniped from a 100 miles should would be awesome mine’s going to be long at this hour that’s true that is definitely true

So gave me an access denied so I gave up damn I think I remember having that problem as well but I don’t remember what I did Minecraft is Rife with technical problems I suppose not even technical problems so much is like the account creation problems okay

Starting to kind of get an idea of what I want to do here this looks really good so far well that’s nice of you to say I don’t know if I agree with you but I think I I can make it make it work just got to do more I don’t remember my

Home coordinates you’re kind of [ __ ] then I don’t think I remember them either but people have seen your like I’ve randomly stumbled upon your house I think others have too so you’ll probably find your home again infinifat piece of [ __ ] and door Dash no dude door Dash is Haram door Dash is completely

[ __ ] pay like three times the surprice to get cold food woohoo I would only door Dash something if it was an absolute Last Resort like if I was paralyzed or something and I had to [ __ ] okay hold on this won’t work go and pick yeah yeah I kind of

Like driving in small amounts so I don’t I don’t really have any problem going out to pick it up tipping culture is way out of hand I mean it’s not like what a burger wants a tip or anything like that but I guess door Dash yeah it’s not even [ __ ]

Uh the driver’s fault though it’s all of those fees I don’t really have a problem tipping someone who’s using their car to deliver me food give you it no you’re [ __ ] not dude I don’t accept that I’m not taking anyone’s tip except my own Right coupon codes you can get it

For cheap around here okay so you actually reminded me we were talking about boycotts earlier another thing I’m going I’m I’ve been boycotting uh door Dash Uber Eats because they would send me these [ __ ] emails they’re like order and get like a [ __ ] 50% off off of your meal and every

Time which granted was only like three times I try to do this I would get to the checkout and it would say oh sorry that coupon isn’t valid even if they sent me the email that day and so I’m convinced it’s just a scam to try to get

You to check out thinking oh yeah baby this food’s going to be so good and then they make you pay full price and they think you will because you’re you’re hungry but they they underestimate the average consumer because I didn’t and I will never order order from them again if I

Order food it will only be Pizza [ __ ] those people [ __ ] that business absolutely not never get pizza for delivery no yeah that’s definitely the play I think do that for Sight traffic reasons no I really think it’s just you know when you go through like humming and ha

Over what you want to eat and you have it all added like you get your heart set on eating it right what’s going on crumbly I just think that’s what it’s about [ __ ] hold on I I do think uh oh Fanboy Clan established yet I don’t think there’s any Fanboys on my server

The coupon the only times use UB when you give me those no they’ve never worked for me never [ __ ] once worked for me and it pisses me off maybe my graphics card is it good enough for [ __ ] Uber Eats dude maybe it’s a it’s a setup issue fishing with plastic

Bait hey fan boss tally do door Dash driving every now and then in the order usually only pay two to three bucks if not for the tips just don’t even bother with those food delivery apps or any F fast food delivery [ __ ] I’ll just go and get it myself yeah especially

Uh especially Pizza I feel bad because all of the pizza delivery people I’ve had like they know me which is embarrassing but they’re all really nice and so I I have tipped them with pickup before just because they’ve never I have not never gotten the inclination that they’re mad at me for not

Tipping uh carry out and they’ve always been hella nice so there’s like this one girl who who knows always calls me by my last name Mr her last name and talks about uh you know Autumn and she’s talked about my sister before and she’s called my she mistook my sister for my

Life which is interesting no no no no no no no no no absolutely not I didn’t like her at first I thought but I think uh that was just a poor judge of character thanks for the asky art yeah sometimes you just need some Garfield I guess

I am not sure I like how this is turning out but it’s better than it was earlier based Garfield art put it in the dock for later hold on let me see what if I maybe having a little more of an overhang here would look kind of cool

Were you who wait wait what are you gaying to vote for Game of the Year Golem like of the Year this year between things go skull rise of Kong and Walking Dead Destinies I don’t even know what Walking Dead Destinies is the only one of those I’ve played is goem so I guess

It de facto gets My Vault everyone obsessed this is actually the first time I’ve heard of this Walking Dead game the only bit of Walking Dead media I’ve ever really consumed is watching DSP play uh one of them where there was the Clementine girl and she had to like Stitch her arm up

And he was like like laughing over it and it was pretty funny that’s the only thing I remember about that series though is that random DSP clip is a Telltale series and it’s actually good take your word for it isn’t it weird to be playing a

Walking Dead game and then you see the Death tranding guy just being there I’ve actually uh I’ve said that about like actors in movies like hey I know that guy from 15,000 other movies I feel like I’m the only one who feels that way it is kind of cool sometimes seeing

It is interesting that the dad and Malcolm in the Middle and Walter White are played by the same actor so it’s not bad immersion breaking but I don’t know I use Dvorak so my a and o key are next to each other I don’t know what the [ __ ] Dvorak is okay

[ __ ] Brian cron is epic yeah he’s he seems like a nice guy too it’s a sweaty keyboard you you refer to everything as sweaty you have you have kind of uh maybe not everything but you’ve used that word a lot tonight hello wolf HUD how are you I’m

Very sweaty you should play RuneScape hello ilaka RuneScape is like the sweat game shit’s awesome I’m good good [ __ ] the character looks different and Breaking Bad and Walking Dead is the same look as death stranding I mean isn’t that just how that guy looks all the time [ __ ] I don’t remember his name

But I feel like that’s just like what he looks like all of the time I’m not really going for this right now cth what do you want are you being belligerent good night wiie fish lover I think that this is uh I love cookies what kind of cookies you like chalky

Chip I’m not a huge cookie guy personally wait a minute course so obvious of course notice that a decent amount of the actors with the most Charisma on screen are often the ones with that with not much range and just end up playing the same character in every film ever yeah

Sorry I don’t know [ __ ] about movies so I don’t know about all that but you’re probably right Temple of virginity looks very Greek does it wait so it’s hold on it’s the Temple of virginity and Greek something’s not adding nothing here is not adding up here at

All won’t let me it won’t let you whisper me oh Sushi’s always trolling don’t ever believe a word Sushi says he is a stream terrorist it’s how I would describe him okay getting back into League of Legends no dude League of Legends died in like season 3

That shit’s [ __ ] stupid now and it has been for a long time like watching it’s epic but playing it no good whisper in Sushi’s little ear that’s strange ghost why’d you say it like that me play monkey me spin is that a format on MD mtgo body is the Temple of

Virginity and my Gundam bookcase is the most sacred holy Sight To My Religion you need to get a uh glass case got to prevent that dust from accumulating dust is the number one enemy when it comes to Gundams playing TFT in league right now they made the music change depending on

The groups you have it’s cool All roads lead to fake your video is good even though league has been bad dude like I said I like watching pro league which is very embarrassing to admit but like I would I the game itself dude I don’t [ __ ] know man I don’t know dude by the way I’m a YouTuber

Cool I’m guessing you make up Minecraft stuff I don’t think I’ve ever watched Minecraft YouTube videos never got into the yogs cast never got into any of that stuff what’s up farm pig hello part of me feels like I missed out but I I probably didn’t I wonder what the next generation of

Minecraft content creators is going to look like talking about how they kind of come in waves wonder what how it’s going to continue to evolve I should become a YouTuber which kind of YouTuber you guys think I would be you would do reviews on like weird animes for

Sure you definitely have that sort of uh Aura to you okay [ __ ] [ __ ] I guess I could just do This speaking of YouTube YouTube shorts were a mistake I mean it’s just Tik Tok right you guys remember that [ __ ] that people were talking about for five minutes called threads I I completely forgot about it until it was mentioned on the radio today getting out the chains hell yeah

Brother what threads like it was like Facebook Twitter I think fact you YouTube shorts say not I’ll play the next vid sucks ass like tomomo TM YouTube shorts yeah but you make them so it’s different okay dude those I like those lanterns but this is the point where we need to

Do a little asymmetry it can’t it looks weird when they’re all the same length got to mix it up at least a little bit can still kind of have it be even and symmetrical but 90% of what I watch on YouTube is pretty long form I mean kind of same but I don’t

Think it’s fair to say I actually watch it it’s like [ __ ] 17-hour long Iceberg videos that I don’t really pay attention to and I end up watching them multiple times because like the first two times I wasn’t really paying attention to them so that’s kind of how I I consume YouTube Maybe

Uh I don’t know I’ve gotten really bad at listening to what people are saying to me it’s so hard for me to actually digest a video on YouTube while I’m doing something else now like huh you know what this place needs dude this place needs some [ __ ]

Lily pads don’t pay attention to the fact that these are saltwater aquariums these are mystical salt water lily pads that only exist in Minecraft any Iceberg video you yes and no I feel like a lot of the people who make Iceberg videos are actually really [ __ ] annoying there are a fair few I

Will just never watch which is mean and so I’m not going to say names and be like this guy [ __ ] sucks but I I I don’t know why I think that is um I don’t know but I I feel like the one that I

Like is I don’t I don’t know if I’d say he’s annoying but he’s kind of a weirdo but I like him uh he’s his name’s Dylan the night Al and he made this [ __ ] 17 hour long Creepy Pasta Iceberg dude which you know talk so damn slow I just I’m I’m a

Big Cadence guy you know it’s just like the Cadence of which people speak sometimes does not always Vibe with me and that’s okay that’s no one’s problem but mine I don’t want to not trying to belittle or demean anyone I just have trouble with that sometimes can you send me that link uh

You’re you’re a you’re a grown ass woman you can find the link yourself bro why does it feel like the icebergs themselves they literally are JFC they literally say this Iceberg was made by so and so and they just read it off some of them do but I think that’s why I like

The 17-hour iceberg one because he you can tell the dude actually was into the creepy Las Sonia [ __ ] and knows about the things being discussed and isn’t like just Google searching whatever the [ __ ] something is and just giving a dry explanation of the thing on the iceberg

I [ __ ] hate those where it’s you can literally tell they’re reading from a Wikipedia article shit’s crazy man it’s actually 17 hours it sure [ __ ] is dude okay not sure what I’m doing with this I think it is now looking passible hold on how do I do this [ __ ] how do I

[ __ ] oh this is I picked the wrong [ __ ] thing Jenna the killer dude that would be so sick if someone made a Jenna Creepy Pasta I would [ __ ] love that little too much of a contrast I think that’s okay I like how every Creepy Pasta Iceberg and one not has

Legally use the same Silent Hill yeah yeah yeah it’s true all righty I think this is a good place to [ __ ] go get some water Bens thing I am going to [ __ ] peace out thanks for watching the stream take it easy I will probably be doing Bingo

Tomorrow so uh have a good rest of your weekend dudes

This video, titled ‘hee hee brown bricks hahahaha…. hee hee…’, was uploaded by Tolomeo’s VOD Archives on 2023-12-05 22:00:19. It has garnered 103 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:29:52 or 16192 seconds.


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  • Unpredictable Minecraft Adventure with Random Mods Daily

    Unpredictable Minecraft Adventure with Random Mods Daily Histórias de Minecraft – Aventura Imprevisível no Minecraft Explorando Mods Aleatórios Todos os Dias Embark on a thrilling adventure with Fabulas do Luar as they explore the unpredictable world of Minecraft, delving into random mods every day. Join them on their journey through this ever-changing landscape filled with surprises and challenges. Exploring the Unknown With each new mod, Fabulas do Luar dives into uncharted territory, discovering unique features and gameplay mechanics that keep their audience on the edge of their seats. From new creatures to powerful weapons, there’s always something exciting to uncover in the world of Minecraft. Adventures… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft SURVIVAL Live with Zelix! (April Fools MADNESS)

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft SURVIVAL Live with Zelix! (April Fools MADNESS)Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Minecraft Survival LIVE (Happy April Fools Day)’, was uploaded by Zelix on 2024-04-01 17:41:24. It has garnered 46 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:41 or 10841 seconds. Playing Minecraft Survival Live 🙂 My socials: Twitter – Discord Server – Support the stream here: Read More

  • Gara: Minecraft Bodyguard

    Gara: Minecraft BodyguardVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft as a Protective BODYGUARD!’, was uploaded by Gara on 2024-02-26 04:59:00. It has garnered 27513 views and 323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:06 or 1446 seconds. Today, Gara has to play Minecraft as a PROTECTIVE BODYGUARD! Will he be able to? Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #GaraAndKylie Read More

  • EpIc 7 Day Battle with PZ33! 😱

    EpIc 7 Day Battle with PZ33! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I Fought Him After 7 Days…’, was uploaded by PZ33 on 2024-03-29 16:00:20. It has garnered 287 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:14 or 914 seconds. #PVP #Minecraft #MinecraftPVP Creators featured in this video: Assets used in this video: (Clock animation) Music (in order): (Please don’t hate me for having a long and unrelated description but it helps my content reach out to more people in the YouTube algorithm) Tags:… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tik Tok Trick: You Won’t Believe What Happens!

    Insane Minecraft Tik Tok Trick: You Won't Believe What Happens!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tasting Unbelievable Minecraft Tik Tok Will Work try it |#shorts #minecraft#viral’, was uploaded by Suhan all… gaming on 2024-04-20 08:33:36. It has garnered 2828 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Tasting Unbelievable Minecraft Tik Tok Will Work try it |#shorts #minecraft#viral [ THANKS FOR WATCHING ] 😘 _—credit—_ @Gwm_Santosh @suhanallgaming YOUR QUERIES“`= #minecraft #trending #shorts #tondegamer #totalgaming #ajjubhai #dream #suhanallgaming #redstoneminecraft #howtomake Minecraft Suhanallgaming beating minecraft camman18 minecraft minecraft 1.17 minecraft 1.19 minecraft but minecraft but challenge minecraft but i cant touch grass minecraft but you cant… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Server Guide! Start Playing with CR7 NOW!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Server Guide! Start Playing with CR7 NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Create your own Minecraft Multiplayer Server #Minecraft#minecraft#Trending#bedrock #multiplayer#cr7’, was uploaded by action gaming4546 on 2024-01-05 14:40:30. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:39 or 219 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Underwater Base Build HACKS!

    Insane Minecraft Underwater Base Build HACKS!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Build A Modern Underwater Secret Base in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Daxx on 2024-01-25 19:30:04. It has garnered 5668 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:22 or 1762 seconds. Daxx and Xoe are in big trouble!! They wake up on an island with a volcano that will BLOW UP IN 1 HOUR! Can they build an Underwater Secret Base to keep themselves and their families safe? Watch to find out! #minecraft #minecraftmod #daxx #daxxandxoe Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft SMP Bridge Build || RK Boys Playz

    INSANE Minecraft SMP Bridge Build || RK Boys PlayzVideo Information This video, titled ‘I am making bridge in this Minecraft smp|| Minecraft #minecraft #rk #rkboysplayz’, was uploaded by RK BOYS PLAYZ on 2024-04-13 22:13:34. It has garnered 241 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:41 or 5141 seconds. I am making bridge in this Minecraft smp|| Minecraft #minecraft #rkboysplayzHey folks! Watch me play Garena Free Fire! Join my Club on Turnip RK BOYS Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. :)… Read More

  • INSANE! LUKY Performs Live on Cola ae S2!

    INSANE! LUKY Performs Live on Cola ae S2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live on Cola ae S2!’, was uploaded by LUKY on 2024-05-02 06:00:08. It has garnered 25 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 09:37:43 or 34663 seconds. #LIVE #PUBG #GTA5 #MINECRAFT #DBD Read More

  • Xander Wilde’s EPIC Minecraft Meme Song FAIL!!!

    Xander Wilde's EPIC Minecraft Meme Song FAIL!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NO!!!!!! #gaming #minecraft #memes #music #song’, was uploaded by Xander Wilde on 2024-01-05 16:39:44. It has garnered 57 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • sVanilla Survival Semi-Anarchy SMP Geyser No Crystal PvP

    sVanilla Survival: The Original SMP Experience IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Region: NA East sVanilla Survival offers a classic Semi-Vanilla SMP experience with minimal modifications. Enjoy a large map that never resets, no land claims, and crystal-free PvP. Why choose sVanilla Survival? ⛺ Survive and Thrive: Experience old-school survival without overwhelming mods. ⚔️ PvP Without Crystals: Crystal PvP is disabled in favor of traditional combat. 🛠️ Minimal Modifications: Quality-of-life improvements without straying from the authentic feel of Minecraft. 🤝 Trading Based Economy: No economy plugins, rely on trading with other players. 🗺️ Boundless Exploration: Explore freely with no land claims… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: Just a sprinkle of spice.

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: Just a sprinkle of spice.Looks like PC couldn’t handle all the pixelated excitement! Read More

  • Stacking Corpses, Angry Forging: Woodland Mansion Blaze

    Stacking Corpses, Angry Forging: Woodland Mansion Blaze In the Woodland Mansion, a mystery unfolds, With treasures to find, and stories untold. The Angry Forging Template, a ghostly sight, Burn the mansion down, with fire bright. Velociraptor, our guide in this land, Crafting Minecraft tales, with a steady hand. Join the adventure, in server survival, With each episode, a new arrival. Subscribe to Dragon Bar, show your support, For Velociraptor, our Minecraft cohort. Explore the unknown, with each new find, In the Burning Woodland Mansion, secrets unwind. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Magic Fail #lol

    Hot Minecraft Magic Fail #lol “Maybe it was magic, or maybe it was just a really skilled player with a lot of free time on their hands. Either way, I’m still trying to figure out how to build a decent house in Minecraft without it collapsing on me.” Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re looking for a new and thrilling Minecraft server to join, look no further than Minewind. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and adventure, Minewind is the perfect place for both new players and seasoned veterans to come together and create unforgettable experiences. Experience the thrill of survival gameplay, explore vast landscapes, and conquer challenging dungeons alongside fellow players from around the world. Whether you’re a beginner just starting out or a seasoned pro looking for a new challenge, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us today at… Read More

  • Minecraft HorrorPlay Season 3 – Episode 1

    Minecraft HorrorPlay Season 3 - Episode 1 Minecraft – Летосплэй (3 сезон) | HorrorPlay – #1 Exploring the World of Minecraft with Mods Join Cpgdpro (Максим) and Salat (Виктор) in their exciting Minecraft adventure with mods and a fun montage. The Cave Horror Project brings a unique twist to the game with its collection of mods, promising a thrilling experience for players. What to Expect: Modded Gameplay: Dive into a world where Minecraft meets horror with the Cave Horror Project’s mod pack. Experience new challenges, creatures, and environments that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Collaborative Fun: Watch as Cpgdpro and Salat team… Read More