Top 5 free Minecraft server hosting number five is minehart it’s pretty good however it can be laggy depending on where you live number four is eternos it’s generally less laggy although I wouldn’t recommend having more than five players online at a time it also allows mods has more play Slots and less queue Time number three is plutos it has a smooth experience more RAM and a shorter queue number two joystack this one is pretty new but it’s super good if you want to customize your server ton and coming in first is scalar Cube it has unlimited player slots DDOS protection And it even comes pre-loaded with popular mod packs Video Information
This video, titled ‘Top 5 FREE Minecraft Server Hosting! #shorts’, was uploaded by Cynthian on 2022-10-09 11:19:58. It has garnered 133610 views and 8581 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds.