Top Hytale Thankmas 2023 Kweebec Corner!

Video Information

[Applause] [Applause] category 4 hurricane slamming into Florida’s Southwest coach this afternoon firefighters are battling a devastating forest fire near yosity explosions that rocked the Ukrainian Capital feed everybody as quick as you can not tomorrow not next week not next month Today we do it with Locos we’re not victims we’re just neighbors helping neighbors we overcome every obstacle and if we cannot overcome the obstacle we go around here we are and we’ll come back tomorrow and the day after until you are okay close your eyes and think of one

Time time when you were hungry when you were the hungriest you’ve ever been that feeling in your stomach the urge to chew and to taste the desperation of not knowing when you’re next going to eat for thousands of people across the world that one moment is a constant reality an ongoing

Exhaustive battle that’s why this year for high tail thankas we’re raising money and support for nonprofit organization world World Central Kitchen this group travels the world aiding communities impacted by some of the worst natural disasters feeding those in need during chaos and crisis having already served 200 million meals these

Farmers chefs and relief workers are not just helping they’re providing the very sustenance that these people will require in order to stand back up to rebuild and face adversity we’re pushing for a big goal this time but every penny every scent matters even your presence here today today will help raise

Awareness For A Cause worth supporting please visit the link on screen pinned in chat and in the description if you want to donate of you all contributions thanks for listening stay safe and keep free we show up Woods on the ground and we start feeding people and in the

Process the plan shows up people don’t want a solution one week from now one month from now the solution have to be now you began taking care of people the Reconstruction begins much earlier here we are with more than 40 small farmers that we are giving grants

One day they will have a very big percentage of the foods they consume produce right here in the island food relief cannot be about check a plate of food for us is a way to have a contract with the communities we come and we tell them here we are and we’ll

Come back tomorrow and the day after until you are okay whatever there is a fight of hungry people may eat we will be there we’re going to bring a plate of food to as many people as we can as quick as we can and this is a very

Simple idea that can never ever be lost there’s two just in Cas I appreciate it sir we are providing meals for all the First Responders that are out here in DC helping to keep the nation’s capital safe we’re here Distributing cot meals to communities that have been impacted by the storm

Over 10,000 meals a day here in Austin I am up on the east coast of St Vincent you can see from this car what’s happening here we’ve got over 90 locations lunch and dinner whatever the need is we’ll be there it goes to the doctors it goes to the

Nursing staff it goes to their housekeeping staff and it goes to the staff who’s working their world there is ongoing activity to clean up after the floods but there’s no electricity in the area The amount of event happening from fire hurricanes has exponentially grown trying to get food to folks that have been evacuated to the fire Crews and emergency workers that are working around the clock we had to help rebuild and rebuild help helping with things that were Sustainable we’ve been coming here now for a few days and then we keep finding on the communi all around the we are at the head of a motor taxi Convoy that is full of hot meals which we are going to be taking up into the mountains will be here until we feel

That the men and woman of Luisana are taken care of thousands of individuals have come across from Mexico families children people don’t leave their homes unless they absolutely have too this Organo is super super active take a look here at all this destruction there’s so many things you’re thinking of when something like

This happens and that’s definitely a need that you need mat water and food out of every bad moment you hope that something good happens that fell from the sky yeah I want everyone to be happy be safe have healthy foods and take care of theirselves we want to just pass this

Moment this tough moment you know I want a happy world again wherever there’s a so that hungry people may eat we will be [Applause] There A E just going to lock the door get going ow what the what is that hey hey Connor H oh that’s the thankas coin you you know the one from the logo oh yeah right there but where did it come from E what was that ow where am I what

Was that how did I who you oh goody a new player just in time too okay no no no I I’m busy Connor you’re taking this one welcome to Oris friend I’m Connor that was Gorden and there’s a lot to explain so yeah Digital World we’re all in a procedurally generated game trapped

Here for life crazy right anyway High tail thankas is happening Today don’t think about it too hard wait what’s a thankas it’s just a little something we do around here to celebrate each holiday season We Gather a bunch of creative people and raise as much as we can for a good cause raing raising for what well we have a different cause each

Year this year we’re providing Aid and relief to people that are desperately in need through the help of world Central Kitchen come over here look this is where we’ve been prepping W that’s a lot of food right it takes a lot of people in the community to put something like

This together loads of really talented people have been preparing for months and today is the day Gordon what this is cassero she’s my pet Moss horn don’t question it these things just happens sometimes okay I don’t even want to think about that this close to Showtime you do you Gordon this

Place is crazy oh you’ve seen nothing yeah I better be getting ready anyway just grab that out of here wait wait I I still don’t know how I got here though don’t worry just wait you’ll be doing a lot of that around here what for now just enjoy the Show Um yeah you’re also a model I can see with your picture I am also a model Y what a stud Okay let’s go uh I’m R it’s my third year it’s my third year doing thank Miss I’m a moderator on high tail info subreddit that’s what I do in the high tail Community how about you hawan and I’m hawan I’m a moderator or an admin in the Discord server hiil Creator Club

It’s a Discord server full of creators waiting for the game and you should totally join it but we’ll do that later and and I’m also a modeler uh and a model as you can see and wow and then Blitz uh yeah I’m Blitz I’m a high to YouTuber even though I

Haven’t uploaded for a while uh I just mainly do a bunch of behind the scenes thank M stuff and yeah and then there’s us awesome yes there who’s there there is a gaggle of wonderful people that don’t have images on screen right now introduce yourselves my friends hey I’m mine you might know

Me or or not um I might do the high pel podcast you might know that you might not that’s me speaking speaking of hiil podcast I’m Chris also known as Canadian flash I do YouTube sometimes and I also do the podcast with Vine you might have heard

Of it maybe you have I don’t know I me there’s more people there there is hey I’m a 3D artist most lover and an admin of the Spanish Community elos karak nice I’m glad to be here and there’s one person more I think yep y y’all can skip me it’s fine oops R

Introduce yourself no it’s okay Conor you can you can uh Conor I don’t think they can hear you Conor’s mut Conor mut the time no Conor actually left us to do the stream guys we are now your permanent host okay you know what you know what right so people couldn’t hear me this

Whole time is that is that what I’m I’m gathering here um all right okay look right we’re going to do this quickly hello and welcome to high tail thankas 2023 our annual charity event that aims to raise money for a good cause while celebrating the game that we love to

Wait for I’m Connor or also known as quec Conor for new viewers and I as well as the lovely people here with me will be your host for today I’m going to introduce them very very quickly I’m going to run down the line here uh I’m joined by some absolutely incredible

People we’ve got hawan Blitz Canadian flash mem theu mine redun and Roo it is going to be an absolutely amazing time this is our fourth year setting up this event hopefully you can hear me now by the way guys um we’re back and ready to jump into all

The great content that we’ve got for you today so let’s take a look at what is coming up baboom all right so on the schedule for the first half of the stream it is as follows hawan and runes are going to be up shortly to Showcase a special 5-year anniversary in about 45

Minutes we’ll be jumping into a call with some great YouTuber creators to uh talk hight tail including 30 virus Legacy gaming uh mine from the hiil podcast is going to be there who’s also in this call right now uh and I’m sure they’re going to have a lot to say

Regarding the recent blog post so that’s really exciting an hour after that we have the Legendary Power Hour returning once again organized by Crimson Crow and hosted by sea of thieves’ greatest pirate Exodus of Blaze and Liv steel s SMP Tyrant and cool dun redun yeah nice then uh you really don’t

Want to miss this at 400m ET that’s 900 p.m GMT Mark your uh time stamps your your watches your whatever you’ve got uh we have the high tail team joining us for a very special visit buat the community manager has pulled some strings for us apparently so who knows

What that means but definitely stay tuned uh we’ve got lots more coming up including a custom mini game and build server that you can join and we are going to jump into all of that in a moment but as much as we all love hiil first uh we do want to highlight that

This is all for a cause we’re going to be raising money for World Central Kitchen it’s a nonprofit organization uh that helps with uh relief in uh areas affected by disaster uh and there’s a number of causes that we’re raising for this year uh so we’ve already started

Receiving a number of donations I can see that we’ve hit $412 uh I think our first Milestone to open the Minecraft server was $400 so we’ve managed to hit that one straight away which is really good um yeah we’re trying to reach the goal of $5,000 this

Year to help support the cause and with your help we think that we can hit it uh you can visit hiil to donate right now uh we’ve got some fantastic rewards for donors this time uh starting as I just mentioned with our custom Minecraft server which you can join at

Thank. Sky node. that’s thank. Sky node. uh and it will be up for a full week it’s 1.20 or 1.20.1 Java Edition uh deep breaths awesome uh so let’s look at what you can actually get when you donate any $5 donors who select Wall of Fame are going to be forever forged into

Thank missas history on the map it’s itself uh but if you donate $115 and select server whel list not only will you be wall of famed but you’ll be given access to the save the queex miname the creative world and the build competition that we’re hosting this year which is

Going to have some really awesome prices that we’ll discuss later uh so yeah this year the server is once again uh powered by the amazing Folks at skynode so massive shout out to them for the support in the lead up to this event and throughout tonight uh with special

Thanks from mulbury and Soo for the use of axium uh the server has also been overseen by our good friend and Creator Hugo who you’ll be hearing from later on uh along with an amazing server build team uh who’ve been really diligently hard at work over the last few months uh

So you can check out this amazing Recreation of uh the Temple of Gaia which I can jump over to in a little bit uh flick up the card real quick here you can kind of see a little bit of here we’ll get give you a sneak peek but if

You join the server you’ll be able to check it out um and yeah it’s uh essentially the Temple of Gaia The Garden of elements uh along with a bunch more if you donate the $15 and choose a Ser a wh list reward uh so remember to include your Minecraft username with

That when you do donate so that we can obviously give you further access uh so yeah let’s just jump into how donos are going how are things going what are people saying in the chat uh that’s that’s my my dis my explainer of the event over we’re ready to dive into

Things Connor we have a lot of donations to go through would you like to start us off mine what do we have time to read let’s start with the very beginning we got Ellen with $20 saying thank you for another thank Miss guys thank you for

Donating Mikey Q with TW oh that’s not even the beginning oh my even the beginning that’s not even the beginning so the first donation I see is Matt W $25 thank you very much EFS 3 with $1 saying thank Miss guys plead please add hamburgers to hightail I know we have

Some devs listening so that’s that’s definitely a request going out there from EFS 3 with $1 thank you very much Rolo you’re in the chat yeah you donated $50 saying let’s get $50 did he we got Moody with $10 voting for cacti remember if you do donate

There is a poll you can select a certain High tail mob to be your favorite we’ll see what the favorite is at the very end of the stream and you voted cacti Moody okay but then you Mo voted again and voted cacti again

So I don’t know if this is a way to gain the the poll system I guess he got two two votes with one I guess two donations so thank you for the 10 and 25 I I think he’s rigging it but you know it’s all right Craig of the cyborg with $15

Saying hey hope everyone’s having fun this thank Miss especially the community thank you very much we’ve got does someone want to read the next donation it’s a very big one why you’re too scared to read it mine too scared it’s a very Noble person you can do it I

Believe do we dare utter his name fezy do we fezy donated $100 with just azy God love the guy if you don’t know fezy is uh he he was the host of the Premier hight tail podcast High cast I’ve never heard of that before not not the high tail

Podcast but the premiere hightail podc bunch of bunch of bozos over there I don’t know all only one exactly we got wild slicer with $15 saying only the first donation very very interesting words there I hope to see see you being read out in the future again craz anator

5 with $20 saying thank you to all those who set up this event I believe that those who will help I believe that those who will help in a good cause because they want to deserve the highest respect and it’s amazing that we are able to help from a live stream from an

Unreleased game thank you all amen true it’s crazy to think that we’re able to pull this off with such a small community for a game that is well we don’t know when it’s coming out realistic oh we are on we are on a large amount I only just realized what

We’re on oh my gosh oh something just yeah big spike big spike something just happened wait we’ll get there we’ll get there so mine read fast by step I’m going to try to read faster Mikey Q with $20 saying hiil will live forever once it releases thank you very much pixel 86

$20 saying the high tail Community is awesome Anonymous donated $25 happy thank M everybody thank you sander Hall donated oh my thing okay there you go sander Hall donated $50 saying Mery thank Miss Buddha catat donated $50 all amazing every year you all come together and work hard to put this

Together at this incredible event much much much love and happy holidays and happy thank Miss and then we got another developer right after small Game Dev donating $50 as well saying let’s go thank Miss asteam Cati this year there’s a lot of CI L donations those caties are Dear Wolf

With $10 happy High tail thank Miss to you all onto a next uh onto a next year of waiting for this awesome game greed slug with $15 no message but thank you very much for the donation Echo with 100 buckaroos saying happy thank miss everyone thank you so much Eko craz anator 5

Again $60 for the pigeons so we got some figon pans pigeon fans in here Panther with $50 the high tail Community continues to be one of my most favorite and cherished moments of all time without a doubt no regrets meeting all of you and look forward to where the future leads us

Stay strong hi will be here before we know it then we got the big big donation niveus Frost $250 super excited for hiel thank you for all what you do ab for the donation that’s incredible big money right there we are almost the fifth of the way to our goal which is an

Incredible start um just as reminder to anyone that’s donated you are uh in with a chance of being entered into a raffle for uh two 3D printed figures which we’ll talk about a little bit more but there is a teaser on the screen right now for you guys uh that you can see

We’ll talk about it a little bit more later but uh yeah for anyone that is donating uh any amount of money you are going to be entered into a raffle to potentially win win a set of those so that’s exciting stuff um but that is

Just a little thing that we like to do to get back to uh those of you that uh you know obviously really like to celebrate this game and come here and and take the time to uh you know be here with us on this incredible joyous day that’s somehow

Become a tradition that we’ve done now for four years which is crazy man and we just got another donation in we got three more four more another one another one just one second uh verin with $15 no message thank you uh Anonymous with $10 no message thank

You base Anonymous donator uh kilav I don’t know how to say that $5 with hope the help helps yes anything anything helps even $5 even $1 even 50 everything helps my God so okay yeah get get those donations rolling in holy Snorlax studio uh $15 can’t believe

High tail is 5 years old I’m getting old hope y’all have a great thank Miss and thank you for providing this event to us and the community we love doing it we love doing it fourth year in a row uh EFS 3 with another $30 he says Che

Thank you hug with $50 no message Hugo $50 oh my uh T crystals with $50 oh my God we’re GNA be here all day uh t with Ty crystals $50 pushing us to that onek shout out to my friend Eevee and all the other cool and talented people in this

Community shout out to Evee shout out Evee real yeah we can we can keep reading out donations but uh real quick I do want to jump into one of the segments we’ve got coming up later on which is Mob matchup uh so I do quickly want to jump over

There we hop over there now I am pretty sure I am well I I’m not sure if if uh the Discord audio works for this scene so let me you guys just talk real quick brilliant perfect okay excellent uh wait one more time okay excellent it didn’t work but

I’ I’ve just pasted you guys in so now it does work now it all right so I’ve got the so basically we’ve got a segment called mob mashup which is featuring a bunch of really incredible Community artists and hosted by mem duu and we are essentially going to uh combine two mobs

Together and see what different artist interpretations of that combination would be uh so me you I don’t know if you have any more to say on the matter but I have the wheel up with the list of mobs that we could roll to combine I do we’ve got some very really

Talented artist for this section and there’s going to be some crazy stuff some crazy art I hope you enjoy it excellent all right let’s uh let’s spin that wheel then I I’m not sure how this site works I should know how this site Works uh but it says click to spin so

We’re going to click to spin let’s let’s spin we’re spinning oh we’re spinning it’s crazy I really want hi uh Mr John Hendrick to to win oh we’ve got a Fen as the first one is Fen so that is the first that is the first one so Fen is the

First mob of choice and we’re going to roll one more time without Fen on the wheel get oh high tails in the chat tails in the chat let’s go high tail and it’s going to combine with oh my gosh a moson no hey I think that would be cool this

Was live this was not scripted like what a Fen mosson what do you think about that going to be so pretty in the world yeah disgusting do we do what does chat think do we want to roll again or do we want to do we want

To keep that that that Vision in our heads for a little bit longer I’m a little biased I want John Hendricks to roll but we’ll see what the chat things maybe there could be would be fantastic there could be a little element of like John Hendrick’s Easter

Eggs maybe in there for each that could be I’ll try that we do brilliant I think everyone’s pretty Ed with the fact that no there we go highs in the chat yeah yeah uh says keep it we’re gonna keep it right says goes keep that’s what’s happening yeah

Everybody says keep it let’s do it all righty we’re keeping let’s go we keep it let’s do this all right we’re keeping it then right well with that said then then that’s that’s our artists can get to work on that we’ve got a number of them

Um do you want to list out the artists that are going to be working on that uh meme if you don’t mind yeah so this m mash up we’ve got the crazy EFS 3 bamu D Panda Puma mine for some reason what do you mean for some reason and of course me

Minu all right I think I didn’t leave anyone out fingers that’s that’s everyone we can we can always get to to everyone again as well when we when we come to mob mashup later on we’re going to jump into it and have a chat with you

Guys and do some really cool stuff so yeah that’s exciting uh as as I mentioned on the schedule uh coming up next is the 5-year anniversary with hawan and runes I don’t know if you guys are still there if you want to maybe talk a little bit about the project

First or if you want to show it first it’s up to you guys yeah sure uh I’m here so I I’ll give it a little Preamble so basically we started working on uh a timeline uh for the entire pre-release Community for high tail and up from 2013 when Hypixel

Started up till today we uh started working on it and it became a very big project so what we decided to do is to just give you a little bit of a teaser now so we don’t clog up all the time here and uh we’re going to see the

Timeline from 2013 to 2016 and a bit past and uh you guys if you guys have anything afterwards that you would like to like add to the timeline obviously you don’t know everything on the timeline yet but if there’s anything anything at all just send me a DM on

Discord is Haw on same as my username here and yeah we’ll we’ll see what we can include yeah pretty much with this in mind we are we are looking to make a full-blown U quote unquote documentary of everything and I say everything this community has done over the past I mean

Since it started 2013 I guess that technically makes it wait 10 years oh God I’m old um but yeah B basically you know this this is to document everything it’s it’s going to be cool and uh for now we decided to make a four to five

Minute teaser of just stuff in the very beginning before even the trailer was made um just to give a teaser of what is to come um there’s a lot um but yeah I feel like we could probably go ahead and show it but just to reemphasize what

Hawkins said if there’s any part of the community that you feel like needs to be involved in this like in terms of like something to be recorded something to be talked about or spoken about make sure to just reach out to me Hawkin and we’ll

Make sure to look into it but yeah with that in mind um Connor if you want to yeah let’s the clip recking it up yeah for years High Toes light dormant as a game many have looked forward to and from its Varity of its initial trailer the unreleased game would brew a

Community hype for its eventual release like no other sure some upcoming games have interest from fans and people speculating what the game will be like but hi tail high tailes was on a whole other level within the past 5 years the game’s pre-release Community has been anything but silent instead doing all

They can to share their hype love and support and so as we reached the end of the fifth year since the trailer we’ve decided to create a timeline showcasing the history of hil’s pre-release community so far and all the small events that have happened since hil’s initial marks on the game industry with

That in mind please enjoy and let’s get started it all started here April 2013 a new server launched known as as Hypixel originally it served as a multiplayer setting where players could come to play adventure maps such as Herobrine’s mansion with her friends but over time they would build into a miname server

Funded in part by selling ranks and other gang game items and over time the server would only grow and grow in popularity as he added more fan favorite games such as Survival Games the walls SkyWars bedw wars turbo car risers and far far more but shortly after its

Initial success later that year of 2013 one of the ranks M plus would contain a perk of Early Access for a future game to be made by Hypixel details about which were to be announced in early 2016 at this point all that was known were slight Whispers marking the beginning of

The speculative period no one was for sure what the mysterious game would be not even Hypixel themsel at this point should they make a 2d shooter or should be something else disguise the limit especially with the banking of their successful server for a while they wanted to stray away from the block game

Genre But ultimately Hypixel knew that they couldn’t change what they excelled at for years and so a block game it was as if it called out to them and secretly they began working on something something big following a year later a domain was registered marking the name

Of a game that would come to Intrigue us all to this day hi tail soon after the community took notice speculation broke out could it possibly be a new game mode what was it but nothing was set in stone for months there was just commotion and confusion and questions about what this

Could mean but in the same month a new Twitter account was also made with the handle at hi tail could it be coincidence but all this did was light the fire even more throughout the r rest of the year tweets and form posts with speculations kept popping up about what

All this is what could it be what is hight tail but then August 30th 2016 Hypixel tweeted out with our Standalone game we’re going to give Wings to K creator not shackles and oh boy did that cause commotion speculation broke out in the community and especially on the Hypixel forums regarding what this

Standalone game entailed is it a 2d game is it 3D is it a platformer who knew what Hypixel wanted to make but then noxy shined in saying he’s very excited for this game that he’s been working on and following that the community couldn’t keep back their excitement nox

And Simon would hold a Q&A explaining that the constant changes to the Minecraft Ula has shown them that Hypixel is not in control and that their creative power is severely limited by Mojang and Minecraft alike but with their own game on the horizons they could literally control anything

Allowing them to both Empower themselves to continue generating amazing content but also empower the community to do the very same at the time they had 25 people working on the new game and with Development coming along nicely a demo would finally be shown secretly to some YouTubers at Minecon on September 24th

2016 specific specifically some that we know are the yog cast and elrich MC more and more Whispers grew but then at the end of the year noxy made an announcement over the past few months the team had doubled in size and the budget had grown from $750,000 to 3.6 million their mission

Statement empowered the community as if it was set in stone as a promise that they wouldn’t redo the failures of the past their main goal create a place for communities to grow and flourish regardless of their Ambitions the post rounds with the list of all 30 team Members nice that was awesome absolutely incredible stuff I’m I’m personally really excited to see the see the full thing I’m not going to lie uh initially like when when when Haw was planning this uh with red I took a look at some of the stuff they’ve got planned and

There was just so much uh genuinely I think they could have been going for quite a long time so I’m I’m super excited to see what you guys would have been 40 plus minutes Conor that’s insane 40 plus minutes man and yeah what we presented there was

Also a summary of the actual stuff we were planning on doing um we didn’t have enough time but maybe next year for some reason I feel like the chat wouldn’t have complained if it was 40 minutes the whole stream would just be the documentary cool let’s catch up with

Donations shall we oh sorry my bad I was just going to say I was going to jokingly say I guess um let’s just say it’ll be ready when it’s ready but umy this guy this guy can’t believe him all right where are we at we at 1, $1,427 in total absolutely incred Dam

We’re at Moody’s all right yeah Moody’s uh $25 donation is where we left off who would like to I’ll do it catch it up yeah Moody uh $25 cacti for Life by the way of high tail so weaps to create a cacti boss calling it Moody cacti that

Would make me very happy I mean I doubt that but but you know what it was a good effort um Allegro $15 donation says I really love being here every year drinking hot chocolate and being with you under the high tail Banner you know I love hot chocolate it’s I love you I

Love you though I love Hot chocolate’s awesome um mataba mataba I’m bad at pronouncing names so $25 donation epic saying we love High tail and so does everyone else you know we all love hey raise your hand in chat if you love hi tail we sure do my hands up my hands up

Yeah blit strike you’re next hey happy thank Miss got happy thank happy thank miss good job Blitz uh Bentley uncore $20 donation saying hello amazing people with a little heart hello hello amazing people and the whole chat what’s up there’s like how many people are you 250 right now that’s

Awesome Paris $20 donation thank you High tail Community for your dedication to Passion always going above and beyond I’m so grateful for all all the warm welcomes you have given me and I’m super inspired and motivated by all your fan work Merry Christmas and Paris new high

Tail Deb by the way Super Active on Twitter uh if this is the Paris I’m thinking of welcome welcome welcome yep welcome Paris who wants I think I read enough you guys want to go next hello red dudes donations man right you got this uh where where’s the

Elation page plasma Warrior next plasma Warrior where’s elimination page I’m scared oh I got you you got happy thank Miss stay patient guys thank you plasma Warrior I appreciate that and we’ve got qy as well donated $15 also right after that glad to be able to help a little even though

I haven’t got my glasses on even though I won’t be able to see the most of the event hugs to everyone well hugs to you and and hopefully I will make sure that everyone will be able to watch this back after the event uh so don’t worry about

That too much you will be able to rewatch your best and most favorite moments norx with $15 after that said thank you for organizing this awesome event the community is amazing uh craz Ator 5 back with $70 six minutes ago with pigeon and he voted in the poll for

The mob Royale which is uh we do have a poll going on at the moment it is a fight between some of high Tail’s most beloved mobs we’ve got the Quebec the mosan the the cacti and of course the pigeon uh if you think that there should

Be another mob on there maybe uh be a bit louder about it and we’ll include it next next year who knows uh puu Conor how does it feel to lose right now con that’s tough what what’s the poll saying what’s happening it’s not even dead last dead

Last oh I mean well I mean what well I mean what pu puffet you with $5 doar I’m so happy to be playing the game in the next decade wait in the next day wait what hopefully uh LOL I love yall uh am I going to be the only person voting for

Queex I mean it seems so from maybe probably I think we need some pity votes for the Quebec n never nah no absolutely amazing cool then we’ve got cha or cqv uh $15 happy thankas happy thankas back to you pessimistic prism with $10 that’s a really cool username I love that

Nothing to say there but they did donate so thank you very much uh sh $50 look I tried really hard to pronounce that when I recorded my video last time and I think I got it right so uh High tail thankas makes me so proud to be making this game the community

Inspires me every single day thank you so much Dev let’s go genuinely appreciated it is the best by the way by the way Dev AB out we got maran’s or with $5 I’m poor but I hope this helps it doesn’t matter every little helps even if you’re just watching along and

You can’t contribute every little helps all the support all of the people in the chat uh it all uh comes together to make an absolutely incredible Community event and uh yeah it’s it’s it’s just about the vibe and if you can give then feel free to give but if you can’t that’s

Completely okay as well uh neetto $15 thankas have a good stream guys here’s to another year of waiting yes that is true I believe that we will be waiting but uh high hopes for some exciting things uh to come including the uh the high tail devs which will be uh popping in at

Some point in the future of the stream as you saw uh coming up so uh Neo also uh wait yeah just read Neto and then we’ve got looks with $20 thank you for the amazing stream remember guys you can donate at hiil uh there’s a bunch of rewards we’re going to have

Some cool rewards going live uh in about 45 minutes uh to an hour from now uh which are the 3D printed figures they’re really really cool uh and uh we’ll talk a bit more about them in a little bit but definitely very exciting stuff how’s everyone feeling how’s chat doing how

Are you guys doing we see I see propy in the chat we High tail team we’ve got yeah everyone’s around that’s brilliant I this is amazing yeah I love seeing all the the hand emojis when I asked everyone to raise their hand if they oh did you that’s

Awesome man absolutely amazing so we’ve got the we got the donations oh my god let’s go okay why propy get moderator in in the chat that must have been a long time ago maybe last time theil account yeah propy we are sitting at $1,467 guys and we are 35 minutes into

The stream thank you guys so much for the support so far it’s been Absol incredible um yeah genuinely genuinely incredible we’ve got a few pieces coming up uh throughout the stream that will show um what this cause is for and and truly what what the funds are going to

Be supporting uh and why we’re dedicating our time to to genuinely supporting this cause once again by the way we we raised a grand total of $7,500 last year for World Central Kitchen uh which is absolutely amazing we were blown away by that uh and so

Yeah we are we we obviously blew away our goal last year so we thought we’ll we’ll we’ll find a midpoint and that’s what we’re aiming for this year so fingers crossed I believe we’ve got some new donations in uh if anyone wants to yeah we got one uh cheesy Kira and Rosa

U at Enders thank you people at indiv verum donated $69.69 I’m going to build a roller coaster on the creative world again no one can stop me yeah by the way creative world uh the the server’s IP is now in the description thank miss. sky. if you’ve donated at least $15 you have

Been whitelisted or will be Whit listed um for the server and you can join the creative world build whatever you want uh we’ll fly around it uh at some point in the Stream and check out what all of you have built um and of course the Hall

Of Fame is there too if you’ve donated at least $5 you’ll be in there too uh thank you Anonymous for a dollar you like jazz raise your hand in the chat if you like jazz oh here we go you like jazz I can see it already I do enjoy

Some ja that that is the ultimate RZ line so yeah I’m going to I’m going to see if we can give a little preview of the Minecraft server itself I can I maybe jump into uh into some gam play just to show off the hood for a little bit while

You guys are reading out any new donations and stuff uh so let me hop on right now uh so yeah oh yeah we have a we have a really cool Hub oh we have a hell of a cool Hood yeah it’s so pretty let me figure this out real

Quick all right here we are they can see my gam one up cuz I sh them all out I know that on the server oh on the server okay here we are guys we’re on the server I’m going to need to mute uh background music there we go so we got the

Minecraft music so this is what you can join skin thank you hey shout out to the official High Till YouTube account for raising their hand cuz they like jazz absolutely that’s officially confirmed that they like jazz that is uh going to be a deep theorized law for the next 3

Months 10-minute video coming up soon the reddit’s going to go crazy on this one as you guys can see this is our custom Minecraft server uh that has a high tail themed Hub uh is the Temple of guy and the garden of elements absolutely incredible uh based on the

Screenshots and footage from the hightail trailer and the hightail blog post that we got following that so absolutely incredible stuff uh the obviously you can join right now completely for free you can join the Hub thank. sky. uh but again if you want to get yourself ingrained on the wall of Fame

In permanent High tail history then uh all it is is $5 and selecting the reward on tiltify uh and if you donate $1 or more you’ll gain access to all of the extra features we’ve got on This Server including our custom High tail themed mini game save the queex uh as well as

Uh the build SLC creative world which is where you will hopefully be able to get your builds judged and eventually potentially someone will win an exciting prize which we can talk a little bit more about uh when we showcase that area of the server so yeah come on down get

Involved join it’s thank. sky. uh hop on down come on come on down you can see who built over here if you want to I’m running at like craz by the way I just realized I’m at like 30 FPS if you want to right click my NPC we can

Show about the NPCs throughout the world right next to Santa Claus okay how do I there’s going to be a bunch of uh you right click this one right click with anty hand mine right click mine okay with an empty hand I’m I’m not Santa Claus wait with

Nothing in your hand good babe new thank Miss just dropped nice good Mee and so now you have one out of how many MPCs does someone know 33 33 33 MPCs hidden people so there’s 33 MPCs to find is that it yeah yeah there’s a bunch of Easter eggs in the

Map too and uh can we find the credits so yes the credits are right here um it’s olly pulse to the right of mine hey olly pulse how’s it going here Conor come over here working hard on the high ta subreddit here is subreddit credits the credits here we go so everyone that

Worked on this server we’ve got the map building team the development uh the music art and of course thanks to skynode for powering us I’m going to run through these we’ve got crafted muffin Jonathan builds e fs3 Insidious doth and quattra uh development obviously led by

The amazing Hugo Hugo tro I might add music by The Incredible Slammer who obviously supports this community in all sorts of ways with her incredible musical Endeavors uh art by power bite 7 and The Incredible meme the youu and of course again thanks to Sky node and uh

Matt W I believe we’ve got here so nice got everyone brilliant and shout out to Joey the gamer for $5 you guys are awesome I grew up with Minecraft and Hypixel has been a large part of that they have always been unusually good at what they do I believe

This game will revolutionize the genre and it’s an honor being a part of uh I don’t have the rest ofation being a part of this community I’m guessing being a part of this community thank you all yes and Chuckles $5 I cannot wait for high tail and specifically excited for the speedr

Running that might happen for high tail me too I think it’ll be interesting that’s a round table topic I think it’ll be cool look the Ser filling up I just realized we got lots of people remember IP dm. sky. you can join right now hop around

With us have fun in the temple of Gaia just a reminder letting everyone know it’s there on the screen if you need It find all the you need to donate to uh join the The Hub the lobby uh no you can join the lobby for completely free at thank Mr sky. cool right oh I so I see I’ve got this collection the menu here of the secret NPCs so I’ve only found mine

Right now but throughout the course of the stream we’re going to try and find everyone that’s the challenge that’s going to be tough but oh I found one as I say it’s going to be tough brilliant Slammer nice we found Slammer who says Note Block sound brilliant let’s go Slammer let’s go

Let’s go slam uh should we take a an evil little peek into the creative server yeah let’s let’s dabble how do how do I get here again it’s the the creative Compass I’ve used it I’m I’m here I’m here I did it we I’m scared what what we’re going to

See uhoh oh things are starting to form things are starting to form this is good this is good I was really scared I was going to see something I shouldn’t have seen here episode for a second I was like hold on a second um nice nice is already signed form I

Can’t wait to see what this looks like by the end of the stream you guys can come on here uh feel free to label your build uh with your username uh and uh so that we know which build is yours obviously so that we can figure it out

For the build competition we’ll go into a little bit more detail about that later but um you should read this Conor uh wow okay what are we brilliant again just a reminder you can donate uh the link is in the description and uh yeah we made it easier for you

Guys this time the last three years we’ve had a overly complex link that’s like five different words with loads of different dots and slashes and and dashes and and dots and so now now we’ve got which you can use to get to the donation website where you can get

All sorts of really fun rewards like being able to join this creative server and participate in save the queex which we’ll be playing later and we’re halfway already to the next big donation goal which is a song I made for the high tail Community we had

We had any recent donations that we can read out uh yes we have who’ like to read one Dusty porcupine $20 donation saying happy thankas queex for the win all right last okay we found the Quebec fan we found them it’s Connor with an alternative username bro must be must be

Yeah yeah the music is so secretly devilishly making 20 alternate accounts to donate to charity 20 times over oh how did you know you got me you caught me we all know Conor secretly rich I I just because I sell Sunwood on the black market doesn’t make me Rich I

Don’t know what you mean maybe rich in wood in Wood uh like wood can be rich right like I’ve I’ve heard of that description like Richwood like I’m going to stop talking I was about to say I don’t know where you’re going rich in complexion brilliant is that a new donation I see

Oo a I think it might be I think it might be is that is that Roto donating $20 saying have a great Christmas not me it’s not Rolo rodo thank you rodo uh Merry Christmas you too I just just accidentally jumped off the end of the map sorry course you dead

Sorry it looked so inviting it had arrows pointing to it I don’t know what I was supposed to do good job oh brilliant I think every single other tower has an arrow that like makes you jump to another Island and you found the one that doesn’t sounds like I found another NPC

I found rol who said Jay why why roller just say J is that a joke or something if I missed out on a I think it’s an emoji oh of course very nice it’s a cool Emoji I’ve never seen that before interesting that you use J Emoji it’s so creative and original and

New like high tail hey hey great and original and new is all I know cool so I am still looking for NPCs um and I can’t seem to find any but I’m pretty excited to hear what everyone’s got to say in the round table again just as a reminder guys we’ve got

A a bunch of exciting people coming up in the first round table of the stream we’ve got Legacy gaming we’re joined by uh the guys at Legacy gaming we’ve got Kodiak and livid lion we’re also got th virus and fezy who are going to be joining us from th virus’s channel uh

We’ve also got fezy uh absolutely incredible voice uh and then we’ve following that we’ got runes and mine who are also going to be joining conversation so it’s going to be an EXC hour to to chat and sit and talk and really theorize about some cool high

Tail stuff I I know that people have been saving their their conversation for for this stream so uh fingers crossed oh I’ve just I’ve just sent myself over to the lightning Zone and then completely missed how do I do this how do I always miss every time you know there’s like a

Fly option right uh I saw if you clicked the ne star oh the nether stes just give me the red repeater thing click on the feather enable flight this is incredible look at fly now this is incredible queex can now fly or in my Skin’s case they

Floa piece of tree uh but yeah we’re in o lightning Zone back nice very cool so it’s like based on the five different elements that we know F5 Coro yep F F5 do F5 oh yep I’m yep I’m doing that now what hey to

Bot oh dude I’ve got a pigeon I’ve got a pigeon on my head for all that you to the community even if we still get a long wait ahead thank you botot for the $15 thank you very much for your contribution we really appreciate It I’m what where did this come from how when did this get added I’ve got a pigeon on my head this is great it’s when you go into the Zone join every single zone Conor I’ve got to join every single zone okay yeah cosmetic oh they give you different cos

One oh wait that works for me that work this works for my model because I’m I’m a I’m a piece of wood it’s so good oh that’s adorable oh that’s so good do they know about the the special command does this whoa whoa whoa whoa we’re getting ahead

Of ourselves I feel want to explore all the secrets another donation just came in thank you Moonlight for $15 no comment but thank you what the heck isk you we are at $1600 and $17 wow it’s going up quick what the heck that’s once again we are we are rocketing which is

Nice why did you just shoot a load of eggs at me though that’s the one other thing I’m curious Uka you can use the disguises with the armor stand each one of them gets a special ability mhm I like the queex one it’s fun you got to tell tell tell me

More about these features chat are you guys hearing this there there’s so many cool little custom features on the server and it’s going to be open for a full week not just the stream uh This Server is going to be open for a full week where we can all spend it uh

Playing around with all these different features and checking things out and trying to complete the Easter eggs uh so yeah and we’ even got the mini game so you’ll be able to play that with everyone else that’s got access to the server uh that’s really cool this is Awesome Oh so everyone gets so you get a special donator rank here if you donated like pixel has here donate to rank treetap hey treetap how’s it going good to see you buddy we got nighty over here he’s going to be running a game show later on which

Is quite exciting excited to see that uh and yeah remember guys this all for a cause we are going to be diving into a bunch of stuff uh I think we’re running a little bit early so we’re just waiting to jump into Round Table in about 10

Minutes and we’ll be good to have a great chat with a bunch of creators but yeah until now dkm miss. skyn note. to gain access to the server Lobby and if you want to gain further access then you can donate $5 for the wall of fame or

$15 for the further access on than Heil thus. that very exciting stuff yeah I really want to play like save the queex now but I know that I can’t yet I know that I can’t paent I’m going to get this guy I’m going to get this guy hold on uh by

The way chat how’s gameplay looking um I know that someone was asking if this is bedrock this is Java is 1.20 1.20.1 uh just be checking that as well because I know Minecraft recently had a small update so just double check that you didn’t have uh your you don’t have a

Later version yeah so yeah I just found alen duer nice oh that’s awesome so you’ve got the translation of uh the uh different nationalities uh creators that’s Awesome my dad works at high high pixel Studios is that true or is that like oh that’s a meme that that’s not true but it’s like it’s like my dad works at Xbox you know my dad works at what is happening here oh is it the abilities you got the different

Abilities everyone seems to be enjoying themselves how cute hey by the way shout out to the international TI communities uh like there’s still there’s a very active Spanish speaking Community right um there’s I know I still see hight tail Italy around um I see Brazilians around um it’s crazy there’s so many people

Around the world especially perod yeah what a lovely shot I’ve got here of just everyone running around and enjoying the The Hub um we’ll we’ll talk a little bit more about The Inspirations behind the builds to later but I I don’t know if anyone knows like the backstory behind

Why this build was chosen and and and I know that a bunch of work has been going over onto it I’ve been joining This Server Like every couple of weeks and just seeing this thing form and be created it’s been absolutely amazing to see Cool okay well I think that wraps it up for what we’re going to show on the MC server for now obviously we’ll be joining back to play save the queex updating on the creative and probably trying to find more of those hidden characters which is going to be really

Exciting we’ll be joined by Hugo at that point as well who obviously led the development uh and obviously all of the stuff behind the server so absolutely amazing and once again thank you to skynode for powering the server throughout the event done I really appreciate you so yeah let’s hop back

Into the Wagon Wheel real Quick awesome we we’re in the Wagon Wheel how’s everyone feeling we’ve got Round Table coming up in about seven minutes we’re going to jump in with a bunch of the creators do we know if they’re already to go are they all excited and and prepared with their cameras and their table that is

Round is there somebody has access to that voice chat because I don’t I can’t check uh I will pop in and check real quick thank you very much appreciate that seems like everyone’s getting ready we’ve got the full lineup in there uh just waiting on I think one more person which is

Great I’m just replying to Something in in Discord but I frantically hit the caps lock uh and just just looked like I screamed at someone I feel really bad uh how’s everyone doing in chat I’m going to pick up the chat for a little bit uh

Been obviously we had a lot to cover in that first segment uh so we wanted to make sure that we got it all done in due course so let me get get some time with chat now and like see what you guys are saying everyone’s uh everyone’s looking good absolutely

Amazing nice we love chat you’ve got a bunch of people from all s different different International communities as well it’s amazing we love that we love that you know that’s one of the one of the things as well that I think is is really cool about about the heel

Community and specifically is just all of the different um just places that people are from and the nationalities like you know in some communities you find them quite segregated but I feel like there’s a lot of uh Blurred Lines in The Hil Community where it’s you know

Everyone sort of uh sort of contributes to stuff together and it’s great to see everyone showing up I think we can Empower that more in the future that would be the best thing because uh you know you know the world is large and there’s a lot of people out there we

Just got two uh two donations yeah oh read them on out if you want all right ez3 Z with a $25 donation uh said Mary thank Miss so thank you E3 said for the donation an unconditional potato with a $15 donation said I bet the high tail

Deserts will be way more realistic than Minecrafts with just sand and dead bushes deserts are very Advanced IRL but portrayed badly in fictional stuff and from what we’ve seen um hiil Zone 2 which is the desert zone is looking very detailed so I don’t think we got to worry about

That no at all I’m excited to see some of the stuff that they’ve got for Zone 2 uh you know for those who aren’t too aware of it you know we we we’ve got a little bit from from some of the zones but we’re not sure how the zones

Function anymore so you know there’s a few questions now up in the air about what the specifics are around the law of certain races and stuff but yeah where would where would you guys want to spawn if you could spawn in one zone now after you’ve had years of thinking about it Z

Zone four zone three zone four for the MOs horns of course Zone one Jo I think most people would like to start out in zone one because then you can burn quex right away what the heck it’s it’s the most optimal path if you want to go for the burn quec percent

Why don’t we put a poll in chat see what chat thinks you guys are going to be really shocked when we burn you that’s all I’m saying what excuse me I I wish I had a soundboard right now just play like a Sinister Stinger or something wow you know what the stream

Could hear that as well that’s awful that’s that’s just wow that’s great how loud was that you know what I don’t know I hope it wasn’t too loud just deafens everyone uh cool okay so we are again as a reminder coming up to uh the let me

Pull up the schedule right now uh it says 45 minutes but it’s now we’ve got the high tail round table with the creators uh coming out up after that at 3 P.M et8 PM GMT uh is the Power Hour with runes and exus of Blaze followed by

The high tail campfire with the high tail devs themselves at 4M ET SL uh I’ve just realized that that the number isn’t there on the schedule uh but that is 900 p.m. uh GMT yeah so brilliant excellent very excited for that again reminder of the incentives that you can get $5 for

The server Hall of Fame $15 for the Minecraft server whel list and any amount donated enters you into a raffle for two high tail figures that are 3D printed and we’ll talk about them they’re super super cool one’s a Fen one’s a super secret turbo bull uh

Really really cool stuff we’ve got a whole video showcasing um uh them and and the other the rewards that we’ve got on offer so yeah that’s donating at hilmas tocom for you guys guys that are new to the stream for those that aren’t you already know it so

Good awesome I think it’s about time I’m so hyped for everything that’s going to come like such cool parts of the stream speaking of that we’ve got the round table guys so if we’ve we’ve covered all donations and caught up then I can hop in over to

Those guys if you want to give them a little warning that I’m going to hop in and I’ll uh I’ll hop right in yep cool cool cool awesome and yeah we we’re all caught up for those who don’t know the the round table is a tradition uh that

Was initially started by codiac from Legacy gaming uh he invites a bunch of creators over and we all discuss the cool interesting points and relevant stuff around hiil around the community around what we think’s going to happen what we think is going to be in the game

Uh and just our evolving thoughts on the project as a whole obviously it seems like a lot of us are deep into the high tail rabbit hole but some of the people in this conversation aren’t as deep into it and anymore and so it’s going to be

Interesting to hear from both sides of the coin both optimistic and pessimistic and potentially some views in between uh so yeah we’re going to hop into round table and uh I’ll see see them there excellent thank you guys uh for checking in back with you guys later to check

With more see you guys in a bit awesome see you we gold Checker Slumber until our time comes again hey guys how’s it going everyone is everyone here everyone ready everyone got got stuff in place I can see you guys in the camera uh excellent let me just double

Check that I’ve got your audio in place CU I had a little problem earlier in the Stream yep we’re good to go awesome uh yeah let’s take it away let’s take it away the hight tail round table has returned once again with some of your favorite people right how cool is

That Conor this is like the OG group man the OG line we brought it we brought it way back way back way way back and actually years in the waiting that’s right and that’s actually where I wanted to start you know this is kind of a group of guys that have been following

Hiil for a really long time um so in five years a ton has changed right and so for folks that maybe are new to the high tail Community or just joining the stream follow one of us multiple people on the call here um wanted to give everybody just a chance to introduce

Themselves and maybe like 60 seconds to talk about what you guys have been doing for the past uh five years which is a long Tri time M let’s start with you yeah so my name is mine I run the hightail podcast alongside Canadian flash uh who’s not with us right now

He’s in the second round table so stay tuned for that I also do uh High tail News videos and you’ll probably have seen my memes on Twitter so that’s kind of what I do but that’s what you do in the hight tail space what else have you been doing

You’ve got to be doing more than that in five years uh well I would hope so I grad uated high school and I graduated college now that’s insane so I’ve done a lot yeah cool uh Liv you will speak for both of us my friend uh over the course of the past

Five years we’ve uh established our Channel we’ve spent many long nights and frustrating conversations over things and uh we’ve had kids uh we’re full full on dads working full jobs and doing this so it’s it’s been uh this game will probably come out when our kids can play

So I’m I’m excited for that that’s kind exced audience of that joke it’s not even a meme anymore it’s real it’s real got married had kids started as a joke and we’re living all right Mr 30 it’s been a while since we’ve talked to you man what’s

Been going on in the last five years yeah so I’m 30 virus I started out my first time exploding on YouTube was high tail made videos on it for probably like 3 4 months and then uh we all know what happened after that that kind of fizzled

Out so we’re all doing Sky Block now me and fezy we have been we’re probably like, 1500 videos in and um a a lot a lot lot quite carrots about 10,000 hours played in Sky Block in total between various profiles and uh I guess IRL I

Went and moved to Florida from New York I lost like 50 PBS cool and I got I got cats here’s one of them cat a what is the name of the said cat this is Cosmic Cosmic that’s a cool name the other one’s named Titan but he’s not around he’s hanging out

Downstairs with my roommates well 30 good to have you back we are going to uh pivot over to the hostess with the mostess the man who’s bringing this all together Connor hey five years what’s been going on man dude I don’t know it’s been a crazy one I

Mean uh for those of you who who do know or don’t know I I did do work before I made the queet clor Channel with with some of the YouTubers uh and since then it’s it’s yeah that’s that’s taken off a little bit so I work with a few channels

Now uh doing some all sorts of stuff from strategy and and creative Direction which is really fun it’s been an absolutely amazing couple of years but still keeping strong on those High tail videos and still keeping coverage locking it down uh with the absolutely amazing other creators in the space that

I’m still sharing it with so yeah it’s been it’s been an amazing evolution of of uh five years to see see the ups and the downs and everyone still being here after all of it to come and say hello and raise raise money for a good good

Cause so yeah hey guys that’s right well thanks for inviting us back uh fezy how about you man what’s going on in your world oh 30 got a lot of it man I’ve been working with 30 now for the past almost five years on those 1500 videos

Uh I mainly do the thumbnails and the editing and SEO and stuff like that but um yeah I started with high tail Fresh Out fresh out of high school I joined doing news coverage and then I met all of you and you know here we are five

Years later still waiting so and in that time he’s become even better of an editor since when we started which I didn’t know it was possible it was basically my crash course into into this whole thing this was what what trained me I mean between the editing skills and

The voice you’re like an allinone like you can make commercials for people if you chose to that’s right would I think they call it a five tool player fezy all right our Caboose for the day not to actually call are usually red kaboose dang that me

Listen kabo is the best part of the train let’s be real right it’s either the engine Earth Caboose red is here our uh our maskless wonder what’s going on man uh no things are going well man um shoot yeah 5 years is a long time I remember back then when the trailer

Dropped I was just you know simple simple 16 yearold just in in school then had a YouTube channel as a hobby with less than a thousand Subs uh since then I happen to have gained a little bit more making Minecraft videos had a high toil speculation Channel there for a

While um but you know Minecraft has always been my path and I mean it’s kind of formed into a career at this point um which has been crazy to me um like I’m still doing College whatnot I’m actually graduating with two bachelor’s degrees in Spring which is going to beo crazy

Congats man awesome yeah the fact that I was still like in high school when the trailer dropped and I graduate high school about colle and then like yeah like it’s been a crazy journey and then like as of recently the group I made content with we finally launched a Minecraft server

Or network and it’s it’s uh reached over a thousand concurrent players now as of actually a few hours ago which it’s it’s been a crazy journey I very thankful for everything and I will admit a lot of it is due to my time in hiil like um

Hightail is where I actually learn about like proper editing proper idea generation and title and all that stuff which is kind of crazy to think about before then I was just making videos as a hobby that’s like the first time I tried and now I mean you know I’m happy about the

Journey how about that it’s it’s it’s been fun it’s awesome man well the journey is just getting started right CU we sure five years ago we all talked about how we were about to step off on this journey here we are still talking about the journey it’s a long journey the

Journey to the Jour Journey that’s okay it’s a marathon not a Sprint right that’s that’s what I always play when we’re talking about stuff um so we are here to talk about high tail not just ourselves right not just uh what we’ve been doing so I tried to put together a

A set of questions that uh would hopefully spark some good conversation here and so I do want to keep it in the 2018 realm for a minute I’ve only got one more question really I like that so high tail burst on the scene 2018 uh you could argue obviously it burst on

Earlier than that but 2018 was its defining moment and I think there was something about the game that really spoke to all of us right there was something that attracted all of us to it so I wanted to just kind of go around the table I think High tail brought us

Into the fold for different reasons so what was that one defining feature or moment where you were just like yes this is a game I cannot wait to play and we’re going to go backwards this time so we’ll start with the Caboose which is you red all uh oh boy all right putting

Me on the spot there um Okay one minute uh I think like first and foremost right and I saw the mod creators that I cherish and loved growing up just kind of revealed the trailer for me and I was like oh my God this is this is the game

It’s like it was like the New Frontier it took everything from games I loved like Minecraft Terraria Skyrim um I mean even like Roblox and like everything and turn it into one creative game and outlet with them all the promise of empowering the community with the tools

And it was just something like it it felt like the next generation how about that and um it it felt exciting both as a player but also as a coner to hopefully be part of that one day um be part of that new frontier as you know I

Wasn’t there when Minecraft first came out but hopefully I will be there when hiil does one day and uh or your grandkids will we’ll never or or you know the next of kin possibly will who who knows but um yeah know it just it’s a combination of like a Content creat

Perspective but also it’s like yeah it it’s it’s the magnumopus from people that loved Minecraft and created something I loved playing on Minecraft for years AKA Hypixel and turning what they know worked and what they know they didn’t to fix it and just make something even better that’s what I loved about it

That brought me to itail cool fezy how about you um so oh man back in five years ago uh I got I my My Moment actually where I was sold on high tail came a little after the trailer cuz when I first saw it I didn’t didn’t think uh

As much of it as as you would think but as time went on I got at first like you know when I first saw the trailer before I had you know stepped into the content creation scene I I I didn’t know what it was and then

As time went on I got really sold on it when I saw that These Guys these this team these people are trying to really create like red said I’m going to be reiterating a lot of those points in a way because he really did summon up nice

Where they’re just they’re just this is the game this isn’t just something that hi tail or Hypixel is trying to make to compete with Minecraft this is something on its own right this is not just to compare it to Minecraft but there really hasn’t been a Minecraft since Minecraft

Like like something to come and take Everybody by storm and then this game comes along and surprises everybody and you know the it feels like one of the especially nowadays with the gaming industry it feels like getting something that is driven by Passion which is so

Hard to argue with even with the delays 5 years on like just to see devs that like not even just just devs but everyone at the at the process over there seems to be like locked in on making something good for everyone and and you know I was sold I was

Immediately sold so nice Conor I don’t think anybody could argue that uh amongst this group here you might be the one with probably the most hype that’s been from the beginning all the way to now 5 years later I mean you have always embodied the hype and the the kind of

Ambition of high tail so I’m really curious what was the defining thing for you you know the moment where you were like yes this game is for me that’s a good question um when I saw when I saw the trailer obviously you’re not Conor oh was it I’m sorry I was expecting to

Listen Conor you jumped in it’s fine you’re both passionate people it’s fine I’m sure you but let’s let Conor have a moment fezy come on man honestly I’m just kidding I’m just kidding um I mean I’m again like going back to to the roots of like just different games that

I played like it was really initially the look I’m a big fan of World of Warcraft and MMOs like that and and then seeing that combined with like Minecraft which like like like was just said before was this huge fundamental wave that hasn’t really been repeated um you

Know to that scale and you know I initially I loved the idea of playing and just being you know like a Creator like like red said the new generation and you know I wanted to sort of be a part of that and assist the growth of

That sort of wave of of creators and creatives and I think that was like initially what I set out to do but like as I got more into you know like narrative and and sort of game design side of things on like the Minecraft Marketplace and and Roblox like I

Actually started to see more of what the team were envisioning right um you know like working with some of these big creators and on YouTube and and people that I used to look up to as well and seeing that they were excited about the ecosystem in the game as well it’s was

Like starting to truly understand like what you know Riot games saw in them all those years ago and again touching on what fezy said about how they’re passionate about the project and how they’re so passionate about not just the community now but the future community and about really really making sure that

They preserve that and keep it going for as long as possible so I mean that was like something that was realized over time but yeah initially it was that look man just it looks so good that trailer you just can’t get over it nice all right this one is for 30

Virus this next uh answer well as a matter of fact so yeah anyway oh man it’s like it’s like all my talking points were taken already to be honest that’s how I’m feeling I’m last yeah I feel I feel bad you’re going to have nothing left well what I what I’ll

Say is that I’m the type of person to give tough love to things I like any project I like any games that I like I’d be the first person to criticize something I don’t like only because I want it to be better and Minecraft is just the best example of that like I’m

Not going to Trash Talk Microsoft in this stream but people that know me know my opinions on that it’s like there were two paths that it could have gone in in around 2013 is and the direction we went was more towards like oh everybody’s building their favorite thing and oh

Look at this pretty block structure and like all all the I I’ll call it Normie content right it’s like um it’s like a a mile wide but an inch deep there’s not a whole lot to it you can beat the game in like five minutes if you really like

Speedruns right and even if you weren’t trying to speedrun like you didn’t know how to speedrun if you’ve played the game before you can knock it out in less than like 2 three hours right so high tail was when I saw that trailer I’m like you know it takes all the stuff I

Like from previous games but it actually looks like it has depth and like there’s actually something to do for I would imagine at least weeks months maybe before actually beating the game and you’d see like various scenes like the underwater scene I think oh wow it’s like subnotica like there’s probably

Stuff to find down there you see that uh uh getting the attention of a troque like as if you were sneaking and then it spotted you and I’m like oh it’s like Fallout and then you have obviously the blocky aesthetic and it’s like oh it’s Minecraft but

I don’t know I feel like not only does it have all the features from every game that we grew up with but it actually looks like there’s interesting stuff you can do with it like and obviously I think most of that content that we’re going to experience won’t

Even be made by Hypixel Studios I think the fact that they’ve made this engine this template just giving people the chance to make experiences like our favorite games I think is everything I think what we’re going to see from high tail will be the best games we’ve ever

Experienced period now granted that is an insane statement to come from someone that is a very bold statement but that’s why I’ve hung on for so freaking long is like well this is the first thing that my channel blew up on was covering this game and Sky Block was the side thing

But I’ve decided to keep the side thing for 5 years in anticipation for the infinite replayability I feel that and yeah yeah so for me it represents a almost a lifestyle a community uh an opportunity to creatively express yourself I personally will be will be making a lot of content

Not just videos but actual like game modes and all that so it’s funny you guys keep talking about you guys keep talking about how you’re taking each other’s kind of talk tracks but like to be honest it’s really cool to see the different perspectives that the 5 years

Since the trailer was announced like you all have grown grown and You’ become different people not that you weren’t different people before but you’re at a different point in your life the things that you like your channels your content your whatever so the answers are very act very different um just sitting here

Listening to them which is really cool yeah I mean there is a little bit of bitterness not at the staff but at the situation like just a bit because it’s like you know all my favorite games at this point not a single one came out in the past 5 years

I I feel like we’re going through a dry spell man of course there’s things like Elden ring and balers gate but I mean at least for me that’s not my type of game so you know High tail was the game for me personally as well like that’s the

Genre that I think is it’s just not experiencing much and it hasn’t for a while now so I’m yeah there was that weird stretch in the middle there was a couple I mean I can’t even remember some of them like not the copycats but the

Attempt to do kind of what hi High tail is doing and I don’t I don’t remember them getting any sort of attention to be honest with you no there was um Landmark was one of them that was interesting and there was another one that was blocky I

Can’t remember what the heck the name of it was but it looked story well listen I don’t want to talk about Cube World cuz the one video we made on still posting updates on Twitter for the record even though we were right and it’s aever doesn’t matter there was

Another one but it doesn’t it doesn’t really matter um all right Liv it switching over to you man um what’s that one thing uh the thing that resonated most with me was uh detail in one word purely it just detail um it’s kind of what what uh 30 said and everything I

Like the depth that it showed just in a surface level trailer we had no idea what was really going on with the game when the trailer dropped right we just it was their first presentation to us and just right off the rip it you can see that you know the underground

Sections were more detailed the uh you know we had depth to the combat system the blocks you know there were items that were placed on the ground that were not fixed in a perfectly Square pattern right we had you had things at Angles and together and corners and all that

Kind of stuff so that gave a lot of um I don’t know just gave a lot of variety and just more interesting things you could do with the game right so that was my big thing and as a person who loves building in Minecraft like that to me

Was like I was over the moon like the things that you could possibly do in the future in terms of mini games and you know story based content and RPG elements like it’s just you know Minecraft while I like Minecraft doesn’t have anywhere near that level of detail

You know that really appeal to me right you know I love building in there but this for me I can see I’m going to really love building and creating and making things inside of here so you know that’s I think that’s the thing that spoke to me the

Most cool mine it’s end with you what’s the one thing I mean I could talk about I think the level of detail I think is probably the first thing that caught everyone but uh I think more more personal thing for me is I grew up with

Minecraft I think like a lot of us did um and one of my favorite thing was always watching my favorite Minecraft YouTubers and thinking like I want to be one of those and when hiil came out I’m like this is my chance I want to be the

Type of person that someone comes home to after school and it’s just super excited to see like hey they just uploaded a new video um and so I saw it as like a Creator perspective because I’ve always wanted to be a YouTuber and high tail is like the perfect game

Because I don’t I don’t know I lost interest in Minecraft very long time ago I just can’t really play it anymore uh I love it with all my heart but it’s not something I can feel passionate about and hiil is something I’ve been passionate about for the past five years

Even though I haven’t played it uh and so that’s something that really excites me is the community uh and being able to make other people happy with something that I’m able to create awesome answers guys um so we’re going to kind of I guess flip it a

Little bit right let’s put you all in kind of the driver’s seat for a second um a lot has changed in 5 years with this game right we all thought it was coming out well before 2023 that obviously didn’t happen um the studio was acquired by Riot the team expanded

The engine has been completely redesigned I believe from the ground up somebody correct me if I’m wrong um so here’s the question if you all were leading the project right and there was one system one feature one thing that you said yeah this is going to be my

Magnus opam this is going to be the thing that has to be perfect and again we’re we’re in ambition land here right guys I just just trying to have a little fun with it what would be that thing and why um so I’m going to start in the

Middle this time I’m start with the guy that I know is is a Game Dev so I’m gonna start with 30 and we’ll we’ll expand out from there we’ll Ripple out from there I was hoping for a little bit yeah that’s a hard question it is a hard

Question man the thing is a lot of what I would want from hiil is already either confirmed or like we are very suspicious that they’re going to show it like again yeah but you’re leading High tail now you’re in the driver’s seat what’s you walk into the studio you say fezy or not

Fezy see now I’m getting move over I got this reping you know it’s just a teaser type of question you know what’s that one system that you’ve either seen that you want to see so expanded that it resonates with everybody or something that maybe hasn’t been shown off that

You hope comes to the game I just want the chance to make like a genuine like bethesa style RPG experience in hiil anything that can make that happen the sneak mechanics the inventory management the uh looting things uh upgrading things various factions and but the thing is that could all be made

Custom we know that and then if we were to go okay what’s another thing I like again subnotica uh if you were to have an experience like that we already know I mean correct me if I’m wrong cubic chunk loading uh yeah I think so yeah yeah so

Like and again it’s its own engine now they finally made it out of development hell which I I think I could say that right I think we can confirm they were for a little bit by definition right rebuilding old systems constantly to keep up with a new standard that’s like

A goalpost that keeps moving forward but I’m hoping this is the end of that and the gold poost will stay put now but you know I mean just the opportunity for people to make whatever they want and to have it look oh 30 volume low let me I I turned you up I

You should be good there there we go I just want people players to have the chance to take whatever’s in their Mind’s Eye and make it a reality if someone wanted to make an underwater Adventure game where you can go 6,000 M below the surface and find something there that’d be great space

Travel with cubic chunk loading why not right the ability to maybe have multiple planets I’m sure there’s a way to adjust here’s one that might be Niche if there was like a way to change gravity I’m sure that’s a thing think be a way to change the rotation of the

Player so that like you would flip like let’s say you’re there’s a planet here and another planet here like Super Mario Galaxy style and you jump from one to the other how do you like flip like maybe that’s a really good question really that’s a niche mechanic but I

Think honestly to make this game as um plastic as possible as malleable as possible we need to ask oursel like okay what’s an experience that someone wants to make and how smooth can we make it like can we have multiple sources of gravity that are fighting for whichever direction you’re facing I

I think that’d be an interesting question that’s super Niche but you know you asked me for the one that’s all right that’s great it’s a great that’s the one thing I don’t know if it’s in the game yet so I just want fre absolute freedom maybe not to the point where you

Could just start making like I I do appreciate in Roblox for example how you could just straight up make a shooter that looks like of Duty that’s wild I don’t know if we want to go that far I mean I’d be down but well you did say

You wanted to build Skyrim so I I did want I do uh people know about blockshot in the community it’s this like uh apocalypse survival server concept that I had for a long time which we will be doing but I’m talking like down to the visuals where you could just literally

Make any game in your game I’m not sure if I’d even suggest that maybe the aesthetic is a big part of py tail in the future who knows but I just want as much Freedom as possible as a developer is basically my um my initiative if I

Were to be in charge I will say thinking about traversal and movement um one of the games that I I played in my backlog of of I think in the last two years was the outer wilds and they do a lot of weird trippy stuff with gravity so you

Know maybe those devs need to talk to the high tail devs or vice versa and they could learn a thing or two because that they do some of that flipping jumping you know horizontal planing I don’t even know what you call it very cool stuff as well as the spaceship the

Spaceship is super clean in terms of the movement I think in this topic you’re going to get a much more interesting conversation out of fezy he’s an elite dangerous enjoyer oh oh boy well feie I’m happy to jump right to you that’s fine let’s what let’s do I

Mean just you under the so we might as well just do it I did okay well to actually before I actually get into that I’m going to uh take a moment to catch up with a couple of donos that have come through since we started uh we have Slama

$20.27 24 minutes ago I love High tail me too Slama thank you for the $20 covalt $15 13 minutes ago it hasn’t even been released yet and it already has such a dedicated and passionate fan base is so incredible to me I’ve been inspired to create hiel content because

Of you all that’s awesome Koval thank you for the $15 I think that’s everything um anyway Elite dangerous enjoyer yes I am and one of the reasons why I really like Elite and I guess if was to be truth be told my answer would if I was to head the high tail team

Right now I wouldn’t change anything because clearly no matter what we have been we’ve been going for 5 years we’ve seen it they are not willing to budge on this Vision they have and that’s all I could really ask for no matter what they’re making and um but if I was the

Head and I had all the control I am curious about certain things so Elite dangerous is what I like to call a bgs game not Bethesda game studios but backr round game simulation is and what I like about um Elite and this is something I’ve even talked to 30 about with his

Apocalypse mode and stuff like that is uh elite doesn’t fake anything in its gameplay when you see an NPC delivering cargo like a to a to a station that NPC is delivering cargo to the station which contributes to the Sim the economy the health of that station it runs

Systemwide it runs Galaxy wide trade routes Wars conflicts all these things which I’m not asking for in high but the idea of NPCs that are actually carrying data in the back end that can update stole my thing as well I was the same exact thing structured with uh 30 for the idea

Of these apocalypse mode is let’s say for example you walk into apocalypse it’s almost like an open open world fallout area and you come across a bandit that’s just walking through he has a backpack on him well that Bandit’s actually doing something he’s carrying food or supplies that make something in

The back end go up when he arrives at whatever faction he belongs to and if you steal from that Bandit it takes away from what contributes to the health of that actual you know area that that faction or That Base Camp he may belong

To and that stuff I want to see C like capable in hight tail is like how deep can he systems go uh can you make something as like for example another uh game that does this stalker open world uh survival uh game that has bgs elements where you will find stalkers

Just walking around studying anomalies themselves and you can interrupt that you can watch it and then wait it’s it that’s what makes a game World feel alive to me is when it actually is when it’s not just an NPC walking around that doesn’t actually contribute to the world

Um so that’s what I would want if I was heading the high tail team but you know ambition as we say real quick and it sounded like red wanted to kind of pile on pile Oh sorry Conor was sorry no yeah real quick before red piles on onto that

Point um I did just want to point out that in about one minute uh we will be going live with the 3D figures that you will be able to unlock by donating $250 this time round you get to choose between two different designs we’ve got the turbo Bull from the super secret

Page that hiil had on their website uh and a Fen drinking hot cocoa on a log the winter Fen from the blog post uh from Midway through the year uh so that is $250 there’s only eight of each uh obviously they are uh going they’re

Likely going to go quickly uh we had a limited number of them because uh we you know it’s it’s it’s an effort to get all this uh sort of organized and and packaged and sent out to you guys but we’ve got it all there it’s it’s ready

For you guys if you want them uh just to support the cause remember this is all to in Aid of world Central Kitchen uh an absolutely incredible nonprofit uh that helps uh areas affected by disasters by enabling them to uh essentially facilitate their own uh meal servicing

Uh and meal prep uh and all sorts of stuff like that in terms of travel and and moving resources around so absolutely amazing uh all of the funds that are raised at this event are going to be going towards that cause uh from the hurricane that’s affecting Mexico to

Ukraine to uh the conflicts around the world such as the Israel and Palestine conflict as well so a bunch of different incredible causes uh for you guys and just to let you guys know that that is now live so you guys can grab those figures if you were eager or waiting I

Know some people were excited because they were teased on Twitter uh so yeah thank you we can resume with the regularly scheduled Round Table appreciate it guys Conor I just had I had one question though I really wanted to know is did somebody in this group or within the community like design these

Like what’s the how did you guys come up with this this would be really cool to know a little bit more absolutely incredible point so this is B bouncing off the idea that we had last year where hawan uh worked with uh Power bite who modeled together an absolutely

Incredible tro figure and this year they’re back again power B has worked on these models and he’s going to be 3D printing them along with a few members of our community uh for the incredible people that donate so yeah the story behind them I guess is just the super

Secret bull being you know part of the Easter egg page was one of the renders that we could get if you typed in super secret page uh and then the fen is again the fen that was featured in the blog Post Fan Art so absolutely incredible stuff and yep as

You can see I’ll pull down the uh this uh card real quick so that we can see show it again mine real quick uh awesome and then yeah you can see the TR figure from last year so that’s how they’ll turn out uh except with the turbo bll

And aerin this time so uh yeah get yourselves in I can see that we’ve already got some donations so that’s amazing awesome awesome all right thank you Conor for all that thank you for power and and everybody Hawk for for doing that that’s really cool all right

Red you wanted to kind of expand on what fezy was talking about yeah okay let me collect my train thought right right so like obviously the the politically correct answer is similar to 30s were like you know oh yeah making making sure that all the tools so that people can

Make whatever is you know probably the right answer to give for this but for me at least see my favorite type of game I play games like kenchi Rim world uh Mountain blade these games are known as um story generators right they’re not known as like a specific genre sure you

Could call them sandbox but the thing is that the game itself is an ecosystem like everything from like what Fe you said with NPC is doing tasks they’re living their life they’re expanding um that is something that I’m a huge fan of I like the idea of a world that tells a

Story of its own that thrives without the intervention of a player player intervention just changes things and of course events can happen throughout the world but the idea of a world just flourishing that is what I I’m a big fan of games like Dwarf Fortress for that

Exact reason do I think he to will do that maybe maybe not we we already have some like um some hints of like stuff like you know NPC factions and NPC civilizations like you know we saw in the edge magazine they talk about how you can like you know interact with the

Fence with the quebeck the Torx even but to what extent like to what extent can you like intervene or can you just like let sit back and like see these kind of NPC Societies or whatever ecosystems grow on their own that that was always like I freaking love those games where

You can just kind of sit back and see a world exist instead of just a sitting idle for you know the player to do the next Quest um like there’s they hinted like a quest where like you know go rescue a Quebec from a torque Camp what

If there was actually a torque that went to that Quebec camp or Quebec Village to take a you know que or I don’t know like that type of stuff like I fan girl hard for that stuff and do I do I think they’re going to be extensive with

That I I don’t know know but if I if I was in charge I’d probably want to see that happen but it probably is a bit Out Of Reach or out of scope in reality you know they they’re trying to make a Sandbox they don’t need to be intricate about you

Know NPC Behavior iose maybe maybe they do like but to that extent like of it being Dwarf Fortress or a world vering on its own I don’t know I think the whole point is that there is a story for the Avatar to follow um but yeah that is

Like my my thing um there’s other stuff too but that’s probably the biggest for me story generator so Chad is freaking out right now by the way just real quick we’ve got some absolutely insane donations have come in so just to catch up real quick we’ve got Koval with $15

God it’s say to me how dedicated and creative the high Community is the fact that it hasn’t even been released I think we’ve read that one uh scooter $50 uh Happy thankas uh Happy High tail thankas at snail $5 thank you very much

Uh t uh $10 love the stream I may not be typing all the time but I am here then wild slicer with two donations of $250 for the charity and for the charity times 2 absolutely insane thank you so much wild slicer that has pushed us over

2K as well which is absolutely insane following that we had Paris uh who’s donated $500 follow _ CX on Twitter definitely make sure to do that uh absolutely insane $500 and then kazarov with $250 following that sending the queex lots of love thank you so much for supporting such a wonderful

Cuse I’m forever grateful to be part of such an incredible passionate Community uh keep up the amazing content much love to you and all of the high tail team take care Canadian flash then coming in with $500 shout out to mind’s partner in crime from the high tail podcast

Absolutely amazing he put he he I want both in mention of the 3D figures absolutely amazing Legacy gaming coming through then the guys in this call right now2 did we do it absolutely insane the high Community is the best best thank you guys so much that means so much

Genuinely wow that’s crazy and then be uh bean bean dealer with $520 on top of that it has been a blast waiting for this game with everyone here hle is the best game that has yet to be released my wallet cry face absolutely brilliant there’s a new donation that came in just

Now hit it hit the dunes $250 we love High tail we love High Absol enderbrine 2005 with another 50 following that 9 seconds ago wow and I’m not going to lie with that guys that puts us at $ 4,577 we are did that just happen in

Like a minute and a half that wase go from 2,000 to 4,000 that was yeah that was insane that means that uh Mine song is unlocked as well which we’ll play later on in the Stream so that’s exciting that’s good stuff thank you guys for helping us hit that uh sorry to

Disrupt the conversation let’s continue with the round table but thank you guys no no please disrupt us more disrupt disruption disrup absolutely just keep disrupting us this is incredible not not to get super super you know whatever about it but like it’s amazing to think

5 years ago we watched a trailer we went our separate ways we made some videos we did whatever we did and 5 years to that you know that day in December right we’re here we’re all back talking about a game we’re all so passionate about raising money for an awesome cause like

So Connor huge shout out to you thank you for bringing us back and it just speaks to like what this game still means to all of us to the people in the chat to the people donating like if you can’t see the potential and what is coming whenever right whether it’s 20 24

25 26 it doesn’t matter right like man it’s it’s just pretty cool it’s just a cool thing that just kind of washed over me just then watching all those roll in it’s absolutely all right back to our conversation about systems like all right enough we get it we’re raising a

Lot of money it’s awesome but let’s talk about game stuff High Time High tail time that’s right um I don’t even know who we’re at we’ve gone out of order mine let’s start let’s go with you we’ll go you live it and then Connor um if you

Were in charge you push noxy out of the way and say move over noxy I’m taking the wheel what are you focused on I mean who’s to say I haven’t done that already so that’s right there’s there’s one thing I’ve been adamant about since probably the trailer and it’s something

That we’ve gotten a little bit of uh talk with John Hendrick about and it might not be in the game and it’s voice chat I’m a big advocate for voice chat and hightail uh proximity chat all of that I mean we can see how incredible lethal company has been in the recent uh

Days that is probably a defining moment of uh proximity voice chat and I asked John Hendrick uh what are his thoughts on voice chat for high tail and I’m just going to read it out when it goes well it’s great but it often leads to toxicity toxicity to be clear not a John

Confirmed to be found here so many of the positive situations can be handled through platform level and third party Solutions it’s a tough one so they’re very on the fence about voice chat he’s not the biggest fan and thinks it can be handled through something like we’re

Using right now Discord or Skype if people still use that um but that’s something I think can be I don’t want to say easily because I don’t want to undermine their efforts but I think there’s a lot of ways to get around that toxicity problem whether it

Just be creating voice group chats that only your friends can join whitelisting certain voice chats um not like disable having the ability to disable them uh I know one big thing could be you know if a bunch of kids uh are playing on a server how are they going to be possibly

Protected having an 18 plus uh limit to voice chats I think there’s a lot of ways that it can circumvent that to still be able to bring the positive side effects of voice chats because that’s something that I found I loved with Minecraft that brought me back is uh the

Simple voice chat mod where you can just have proximity voice chat in Minecraft and it brought a lot of funny situations with not not only my friends but I watch a lot of streamers and YouTubers do it as well and I think it just adds so much

So much I don’t know so many funny situations can come from proximity voice chats and it can also immerse you a lot more uh and so I’m probably one of the biggest advocates for that I know hawan is latched onto that after that John tweet trying to convince him that

Proximity voice chat or voice chat in general is a good idea so that’s definitely what I would change I think the game itself I don’t we we haven’t seen a lot so we don’t really know what they’re adding or not uh but that’s something I’m I’m choosing for my thing

I also have a lot of thoughts on that concept I I think I agree this is kind of the first time I’ve really thought about it you bringing it up on stream like that I think it’s a multiplier right it’s like it’s going to make the good experiences really good and it’s

Going to make the bad experiences really bad so it’s a matter of balancing that and finding a way to mitigate the bad and promote the good I mean we don’t need to talk about omigle right I mean that you’re shut down for good reason I in my opinion right but then again

There’s like I could think of situations like Xbox Live party chat which is famous for being toxic but it’s also where I met half of my Microsoft Xbox Live friend list right I mean half of the people that I talked to in fe’s group right he has a group that he met

Mostly through VR chat and various other things where you’re able to interact with people in voice in the game like I’m a I’m a huge advocate as well for uh not only I think voice chat yeah I think if they find a way to do it correctly

But I would say more broadly I’m a huge supporter of on platform Services right like this applies to many things like for example patreon versus YouTube memberships me personally it’s a 100x in increase in activity right for ex something like voice chats I’d imagine people that play the game maybe not 100x

In that scenario but I’d say probably 10 x they’d interact with each other 10 times more and you get all the good and bad that comes with that right so yeah so I would say I mean I’ve already said before anything that this game wants to do should be done on

Platform and I think voice chat would be a great addition I just don’t know how to balance it properly without um putting people in danger or hurting people’s feelings or that sort of thing and it also is important that if it were to be a thing that if it was not a

Default option then most people would never use it at all and that’s just that’s another human nature aspect right it’s just like well again across the board any video game any app if the default setting is a certain way most people will keep it that way so video games oh your face cam

Froze there oh never mind yeah M building off that3 I have uh I’d say probably my closest friend group of like going on eight years now was made through playing DOTA and voice chat like we built them up over the course of you know of like three years at the time

When we start all started playing and we have like a really really close friend group and it’s because of voice chat it’s not because of you know the game itself it was because we met each other and we’re able to communicate so easily through the in-game systems and then you

Know then we all migrated Discord and all that kind of stuff sure we live now off that kind of thing but would have never met half those guys that I’m friends with with wasn’t for that kind of thing so like there’s definitely good reason to have stuff like that and like

Not only that but like developer tools that could integrate with voice chat features is also a huge thing too you know you can use sounds to trigger things in games you can you know have proximity to make things you know you can only hear people whispering to you

When you’re close by like there’s a lot of cool things things you could do with that or talking to NPCs yeah that’d be pretty crazy who chated responses whoa who stuff like that is very cool yeah but I definitely a fine line I can picky back off of you as well

Because I met my closest friend group off of an OverWatch uh voice chat because you automatically join the the team chat and obviously there’s there’s a lot of toxicity in that game as well but I met my closest friends through that and then we migrated to Discord and

Now uh we’ve been friends for I want to say like eight years like the door opening moment if it if you have that system it’s default it gives you the opportunity into 30’s point it’s going to amplify the good it’s going to amplify the bad but if the do is open

From the beginning man think about how many more connection points how much that does you know enable the community to connect at a level like you guys are all talking about meeting friend groups and you know still being part of those communities years later like that’s a

It’s a big deal and I I would imagine the decision is weighing hang on the team heavily as they have this very type of conversation you know at the office over in uh in Ireland there so yeah really cool livid I know you were just commenting on that but I want to Pivot

To you and and kind of move quickly through the you and Connor here so we can get to another question um if you were in charge what’s the what’s the system you’re focused on that the thing that you are laser lasered on to get out there and be perfect the thing I haven’t

Really heard much on and it’s something that I’m really a big proponent on in games that I don’t actually see currently is I like games that when they introduce like Puzzles or content or systems that there is a variety in those things themselves that can generate and

I like I know that hi tail has you know prefabs and stuff that can generate but the things I’m talking about are like if I go to do a puzzle and I’ve seen x amount of streamers or other people play those same puzzles they usually know the

Solutions right I am a very big proponent on there being a Randomness to those elements themselves and I think it breathes a lot more interesting in gameplay especially in like competitive sense and stuff like that where people are playing together and they’re trying to accomplish things and you know they

Even though they know the solution they don’t know the solution and it it always leads to funny moments or interesting things happening and it just gives gameplay so much more depth you know in the in the long run when there’s you know I can watch a guide on this on how

To do this but maybe the guide isn’t like it’s the solution it’s look out for these things and you still need to figure out yourself and I think it’s a really good moment for a lot of players to have those experiences still to themselves even if they see things

Elsewhere you know so that’s that’s something I would really want to push for if I had the chance to do that I feel like in my time with Sky Block I’ve seen the direct effect of something like that both sides of that coin right um people in this call and in chat probably

Won’t know so I’ll bring people up to speed there’s a an update that came out in June of this year called the rift and fe’s already like probably thinking up oh here we go it’s keep short dir we don’t got time yeah yeah it’s the one time that an

Update dropped in the game and no one cared to watch on the internet and it’s because it was so linear it was fun to play I enjoyed it as a player but as a YouTuber I’m terrified because the second you upload anything Rift related half the views quarter of the views and

I think it’s because people just lose interest because they already did it already watched it right so I do agree right that to some extent having like a logic to it would be beneficial and then you see the other side of that coin with dungeons which is randomly generated and

Metas change all the time there’s bugs people find and there’s a lot more variety in what you can do so yeah I’ve seen both sides but I’m going to keep that short I don’t want to ramble on for too long but I agree tldr agree if Randomness has always been a really

Complicated subject right for when you evaluate a game if you’re reviewing it or whatever or just as a player you know randomist can feel either really good and really or organic or it can feel really awful and restrictive in a sense so uh it’s a another tough one to

Grapple and I think Conor were you jumping in there well no I was just going to go in with with my stuff just to wrap up real quick but I mean yeah in terms of if I was in if I was in control um dedicate a full blog post to The

Fawns uh VR support one day would be nice and a physics system would be cool I I agree with that yeah that’s that’s about it for me though very cool all right I know we are we are running short on time so I want to get through one

More question related to the last blog post try and keep it relevant to information that kind of just came out right so again we’ talked about all of the change um and so one of the things recently that we kind of all learned that was changing was kind of the visual

Complexity scale and the the depth to 30’s point right the depth that the game is is trying to present with the Quebec um right we we saw the the Quebec Tree Singer um had this kind of massive visual change some information about kind of the roots of of where those that

Change came from um we have been on this journey together for five plus years so what else do you guys want to see have that kind of overhaul like if there’s something about the fens or the Tres or one of the the biomes of orbit that you

You know be like yeah man I hope they’re re relooking at that thing what would that be um and Conor I want to give you give you a little time to talk since you had to go so quickly through that last one so let’s start with you sure oh

That’s a good question it’s like what what’s something I think could be like revisit like I’d want to be Revisited uh that we’ve seen before man that is that is a good question um I’m really intrigued to see how water works because in the past I’ve not particularly been

Impressed by the water in in screenshots and stuff we’ve only seen it like a few times but like from what we have seen I feel like it could do with some improvements I don’t know if the kind of stole mine I’m sorry mine I apologize pardon me but yeah that’s that’s the big

One for me um I think then so subnotica in high tail then is well well someone recently mentioned like you could have an underwater faction and I was like why have I never thought about that like that would be so interesting as like a whole other element of the game play

That was John actually that said that brilliant brilliant absolutely amazing guy I he should work for high tail I think he should direct the game or something well done cool all right um let’s go backwards so who was at before Conor I think it was you live it so what

About what about you that’s a hard one for me um even though you know uh uh give me a second to think about this uh or even to the let me expand the question out you guys a second to think more even if you were to say okay 30’s

Point okay never mind go ahead I got it go ahead so go ahead some of the future zones that we really haven’t seen right it was like zones five six it was like the the more lightning purple looking ones stuff like that and they said that there was going

To be like a little they I don’t think they even said but we we we kind of thought that it might have a complex element of like a little bit more verticality that’s that’s really what I want to see I want to see verticality take a really big leap if our Sky

Islands yeah but I want to see things like I want to see like there real dep between those things like from Sky all the way down I want there to be like even elements of like Puzzles and and RPG elements that really take us in a journey that’s rather than just like

Linear across something I really like the ups and downs and and having that depth of things so I think that’s that’s one thing I really want want to see expanded on so yeah I like that uh mine I think you were before him so let’s go

Back to you yeah this this is a very hard question it is what what would I want Revisited so we got we got the queex um what feels underwhelming well let me let me I I’ll give you the moment while I expand the question out so I think I’m just still

Hooked on what Conor uh not Connor I’m sorry what 30 said earlier in the Stream was you know a mile wide and an inch deep right so we we know of a certain amount of stuff in the game there is one thing that you really want to see the depth there right

It’s a different way of looking at the question you really want to see depth to this system other than just like opening a chest and there’s some items maybe you wanted something else there um is there something in that does that help with the yeah I I can give a a very broad

Answer but it goes like there’s a lot of specifics in it and I think it’s just the story like how they’re going to implement the story in a Sandbox game does it end afterwards cuz one thing that John Hendrick tweeted very recently is um finishing the story good luck or

Like some somewhere around that part which makes me think okay what what are we in for is this like a Choose Your Own Adventure kind of story is this like an open-ended story like there’s no ending and then they’re just going to keep on adding to it that’s what I wonder yeah I

Think that’s something I’m super interested because I mean we know that you know Minecraft doesn’t really have a story you kind of kind of piece together the puzzles yourself with the Ender Dragon and you got to kill it but like how does this work in a in a Sandbox

Game where you can choose to do whatever you want how are they going to make it are they going to make it somewhat linear so that people get the same story or are people going to have a completely different story every single time they play like one person never even touches

The Quebec and only works with The Outlanders one person works with uh I think that’s super interesting and something we want more detail on but I know they’re scared to spoil us so I don’t think we’re going to get a lot of information about that anytime soon but

I mean that’s interesting that that comment of it of finishing the story or something like that and then him laughing is I don’t know it’s interesting but I mean even again you know I think our Channel spends a lot of time breaking down games and systems

Like you say story it’s a super broad concept right but like okay well how is that story being delivered is beinged via chates is it fully voiced is it semi you know semi voiced is it you know text at the bottom of your screen like all of

Those pieces right feed into that system which feeds into the immersion of the experience and obviously I think a lot of us were focused on the adventure mode side of things because that’s something you think even macro level we are all super excited about like what is that

You know we all come from a wow background or from an RPG background a Skyrim background like what is that experience like right you get the sandbox you get all that cool stuff in the evolution of Minecraft which we’ve talked about but what is that that that piece there um so that’s

A cool answer um fezy or red whoever’s got one feel free to jump in because I know we are short on time here I’ll be I got two but go first about I got two but I’ll be really quick first one obviously like I mentioned before is that bgs

Stuff uh because with that with that gameplay element of going to different factions like you never go to the queex well what does that do with your reputation with the queex do they like you do they dislike you will they react to you differently when you meet one uh

Things like that and also seams so what I mean by seams isn’t necessarily load screens but uh I like to use the example of the animation in Minecraft where the witch drinks a potion and all that happens is the witch is standing there and then it pops into the into the into

The witch’s uh drink animation then pops out and something I saw in the recent blog post with that uh Tree Singer was the leaves they moved around the mouth it opened it closed these little things and we’re talking about immersion like detail detail the seams of like is there

Going to be physics like 30 brought up um uh changing gravity you know physics stuff like that like we saw on the leaves they jiggled around on the on the tree singer branches like it was it was really there was so much little stuff there so many things that hide the

Little seams like transitioning between animations and stuff like that I want to know how deep all that goes and that’s it that’s all great answer great answer red you had something something uh yeah like on top of the thing me and F talked about with like the story Builder story

Generator World ecosystem um one thing I really want to see more of is Vehicles right um we’ve seen like like the hot air balloon we’ve seen like the helicopter backpack I think we saw boats once maybe but it was in like even us I think we saw like in the one Pirate

Island map but oh yeah we saw the yeah um but like I don’t know they I I I I you know talked about this for ages but it’s block entities or block yeah block entities as structures create mod does this and Valk SK do yeah where like you

Know you can literally build like whole like airships or boats or trains you can build anything I mean 30 I’ve already come to you we’ve talked about like the whole spaceship mod plugin thing like one frustration is Minecraft doesn’t doesn’t have that venilla you need to

Mod that in you you can’t you can’t do that vanilla style and it pisses me off because I think it be so cool like imagine if you could just build a pirate ship or build a spaceship an Airship a train whatever and it just you know

Moves on its own or even just a big door or a mft lift like we saw in that one but like actually moving and having like basically Pull the Rope and then it actually goes up no exactly without like you know it betraying like the whole

Like voxal grid system where you got to use like movecraft where just copies and Pace to build like one box over at a time like that is my biggest thing like I want more depth to that that’s another thing I definitely want to see we haven’t seen anything in

Regards to like a redstone for high tail oh yeah yeah yep that is down to rabbit hole we have three minutes we don’t have time for that Anthony come on um as I’ve done in previous uh roundtables that I’ve hosted I’m going to end with a question that probably

Could net us you know another hour worth of conversation but I’m going to give you pretty much 60 seconds to talk about it um and I think this one’s kind of relevant too for for for probably a crossover type of audience in a sense you know we talked a little bit about

Other games that have tried and for the most part kind of failed in this space right but just the other day fortnite releases a PVE survival style collaboration with Lego right huge success massive numbers that’s a sign of things to come I think honestly you know for for us

Folks who are watching and following this game um so I’m going to give you 60 seconds each what does high tail absolutely need to get right on day one if it hopes to compete with some of the Giants the Minecrafts maybe this Lego fortnite thing things like that if uh if

It wants to compete in the industry and and have that long-term success uh we’ll go just around the horn here mine your first yeah I I immediately know what my answer is and it’s stability it needs to not crash on day one it needs to it

Needs to not have any crazy bugs it just needs to work the game doesn’t need to be perfect but if there’s no crazy bugs if there’s no server crashes people lagging trying to join the server I think it’ll be able to survive to be able to push out even if the game might

Be a little lackluster the updates can come in but if the if the first day or two it’s just laggy on the servers people can’t join there’s like a major gamebreaking bug people are not going to give the game a lot of attention and I

Think it’s going to ruin a lot of its reputation so I think just stability and you know being able to work out of the box good answer livid that would have been my answer because i’ been through enough server launch to know that that’s

Been an issue so if I had to Pivot to something different I would have to say uh variety and depth so if there’s if people a lot of people get in and there’s just not a lot for them to do they’re going to leave so if there’s a

Whole host of things for them to do even if things do have a little bit of a rocky start if there’s long-term you know stuff for them to do there I think that’ll that’ll sell them well for a long time stability variety 30 what are you adding to the

Mix creative ecosystem ultimately people find out about games like this because of YouTubers and streamers I’m not even talking about myself this I’m not relevant in this context I’m talking about people that millions of subscribers 100 million views a month the big big guys right we need them to

Not only be interested but also to enjoy the game and to do relatable things that other players are going to see that and be like I want to do that too or I want to join them in this activity or see their world or oh we played on this

Server that game mode looks so much fun let’s play some high tail bedw Wars and there’d be oh oh you know what I take everything back anti cheat Conor Conor gave us permission to go over by five minutes go ahead give I’ll give you another 60 seconds to to

Go on your soap box about it okay just what I just said is very important but antiche is what speaking of bedwar to say itar died because the game got too sweaty it could be because of cheaters it definitely is a part of it but it could also be closet cheating people

That are in the Middle where it’s like they are cheating but you don’t know right the game Minecraft’s too open you could it’s too easy to cheat um people just aren’t going to be interested in playing any PVP anything if they don’t feel they’re getting a fair shot and

That’s fair as much as virality from creators is super super super important people won’t stick around if they feel like they’re being screwed or slided in any way so I would say massive for PVP we need anti-che we need it we got stability we’ve got variety we’ve got a

A healthy competitive scene to broaden that out a little bit uh Connor what do you want to add to the mix yeah I think uh as 30 said before he changed it to an ich um I think key words for me are acknowledgement and delivery like acknowledgement through marketing like

Really getting people on board knowing what the game is seeing people that they you know look up to and are entertained by getting excited about it um you know like key examples being like streamers that are just you know everyday streamers like people like Ludwig um you

Know or or even Mr Beast who you know did tweet at the high account like years back right like people like that getting excited also acknowledge the riot acquisition yeah it’s and and that’s the thing acknowledgement right like seeing people acknowledge it you then acknowledging it and like that and then

I guess second to that is delivery right which I feel like I don’t know if if other people will talk a bit more on this but you know just in ensuring through their own diligence which you know we know that they’ve been going through the full run-of-the-mill like

For the last five years of just ensuring that they deliver on that because no one’s going to acknowledge it if they don’t deliver on it yeah yeah great great fezy how about you I’m gonna cheat with this answer uh I’m gonna cheat uh and the reason for that is because it

Does have to do with something that you brought up which was fortnite and that’s on day one High Till needs a plan for week one and month one one and you’re one oh yeah because here’s the thing this is a live service industry now it is the reason why Lego fortnite did so

Well wasn’t because just of Lego fortnite OG fortnite bang another season bang then Lego fortnite bang millions and millions and millions and millions of people played the game for the last couple weeks it’s not the only thing unrivaled in their strategy of getting content out constantly now I’m

Not saying Heil needs to give us a new event every day but this is be a plan there needs to be a plan so day one what’s your week one plan that’s that’s my answer I would also say you know I I my main job is not YouTube as many of

You know it’s marketing um and so honestly that to just kind of add to that I will be really interested to see what level of transparency that plan gets right because you know believe it or not one of the one of the dev teams that we or in the games that we covered

Lords of the Fallen recently one of the most active developers groups that we’ve experienced the amount of information they pumped out there like you talk about having a week one plan a one month one plan a year plan it’s cool to see kind of how the sausage is being made

That way and if you’re really buttoned up um which I hope the hightail marketing team is we know very little about that part of their their company right so um yeah no these are great answers guys and red I’ll give you the uh the final word here and we’ll pass it

Back to Conor to to move on to the next segment I I’ll keep it short but for me most important thing is multiplayer and what I mean by that is they got to make sure that their way of handling servers and third party multiplayer just works I mean even their official H pixel

Whatever server needs to be proper but Minecraft with every version has just become less and less optimized for multiplayer settings with hosting servers it is terrible it so bad it’s so don’t even yeah yeah I’ll cut it short but they need to make sure however they

Do it like if they take a more like Roblox approach or whatever they need to do do it right that’s is the Roblox approach um well they basically um Roblox uh host the servers for um the experiences whatever they have they host it right um whether they do something

Like that and try to like you know not mainstream but like kind of officialize and hand the uh hardware and all the software to the experiences that’ be one way to go otherwise they do more like Minecraft where it’s up to each server to kind of do it themselves like multi

Ining that’s something we’ve had to spend months on with the life seal server to get that right and it’s a pain but that’s like I I’m hoping they have a plan for that stuff gotcha I think all of these answers are great and they all obviously could spur bigger

Conversations but we are at time guys it was great to be back with all you the OG group if you will talking about high tail um and Connor thanks for bringing us all together and I’ll pass it back to you guys thank you I appreciate it so much the conversations that have been

Had here have been genuinely amazing I wish that we could do 9 hour is this to be honest uh but hope hope we probably could too closer to launch we we’ll we we’ll we’ll see how this year goes and then we can see how it turns out next

Year but yeah 100% catching up with a few donations really quickly uh I’m just trying to remember where we left off I’m trying to recall uh either way Ender brine $50 uh 29 minutes ago for hightail # mosor Supremacy uh Jimmy the fish $20 thanks so much uh I need to minimize my

Window oh uh thanks so much for thanks so much uh sorry my bad uh thanks so much helping to keep the high tail community alive and engaged can’t wait to play the game and also kick back relax and watch my favorite creators uh do hightail Let’s Plays sorry my bad there’s a storm

Right now happening and something fell outside and it hit my window and so I just got really freaked out yeah it just freaked out terrible time the stream yeah uh ef3 uh $10 thank you very much Mossy POS uh po I I I think I read that

Right Roo Atlantic $10 can’t wait for high tail Lego fortnite is a good vision of what high tail can be I know it’ll be even better but Lego fortnite is a good thing to play in the meantime while we wait for hiil uh Ron with $1

13370 that’s a elite I believe um queex tremble at the Heat’s cruel kiss uh NECA NE Neo with $5 Ro Rosella with $5 happy thank uh don dami data lioness uh with $25 I’m not able to join but wanted to help anyway so here I’m doing my part thank

You very much we really appreciate it Le alexo with $5 love High tail love the creators love the community happy thankas everyone happy thankas to you Le alexo and EV CX donating a great member of the community here $50 happy thankas love H heart biggest thanks to uh go to

Everyone in the community this wouldn’t happen if no one was here and I couldn’t couldn’t agree more that’s genuinely a great note to end on if no one was here this wouldn’t be possible but you know through through love and hate and strife and drama and and sadness and happiness

We’re all still here talking and having fun and raising money for an incredible cause which is absolutely amazing crazy nator with another $10 I come back with a vengeance for the pigeon absolutely brilliant and uh yeah we’ll we’ll hit it off on that note and head over to our

Break so thank you guys very much and I appreciate you guys joining us say bye everyone thank you thank you guys see you next year next year well that a good talk we’ll be right back after this short break ah the Moss horn who can hate these beautiful creatures they’re so

Cute you just want to eat them up but that wouldn’t be very nice and that’s why we bring you MSY pastures M Arn Dairy M horn milk is the most versatile of foods this clim may not be legally classified as food you can pour it on your cereal or make some delicious

Pancakes and you can even buter your toast or perhaps a spoonful of creamy murt and best of all try the coveted Moss horn cheese ah Mossy pastures M horn Dairy are you being pestered by an infestation to which you are more of an invasive species than they are to you

Have you been unsuccessful driving innocent animals away from their natural habitat or are you yet another pyromaniac amongst us well then you’re in luck you can now hire professional plague exterminators at burn we use professional tools to Aid Us in the fight against pests and are able

To execute a whole range of work for your convenience we are specialized in quec and Fen but we will also happily get rid of any heidle hater on social media except Reddit please not Reddit we work fast we work smart kids love us and we hate kids so if you’re looking

For a reliable pest control then burn is just what you need just look at this satisfied fair and free customer this house used to be filled with feren protesting humans building on their holy grounds our client was afraid it was too much for us to handle but we always

Ensure all leftover waste from our extermination work is removed and properly destroyed now there are no fends to be found within a mile not a Trace so what are you waiting for an addressal on the recent disappearance of quic Gordon well you’re not getting one anyhow for a reliable source of un

Reliable help consider burn we damage pest almost as much as this commercial damages our reputation hey it’s me queet Corner remember that during High tail thankas and for the week following you can gain access to our custom Minecraft server thank. skynode . G featuring a creative world custom hightail themed mini game

Save the queex and a build competition with a special prize powered by Sky node with big thanks to Hugo and the server build team you can join by donating $15 or more and selecting the server whitel list reward at high tail [Applause] The theory of w centerit of we are an army of restaurants around the world that if we have Consciousness that we together are a powerful food Army Food fighters in the process of feeding the hungry activating the economies at the local level in every single little town around the world especially in the

Places needed the most when I see what’s happening in Ukraine that we are activating so many restaurants as one it’s time that we can do this very much anywhere everything you see is many people without water many people without food no electricity so Signals I’m here with this amazing group of best chefs in Acapulco all coming together already cooking doing more than th meal out of this location this is our main Cargo Helicopter but I am on another helicopter doing all the assessment scouting and bringing sandwiches immediately to the people that need it

This is a hurricane as powerful as any I’ve seen yeah this is the way of all Center kitchen people reaching tens of thousands of meals a day we’re increasing output every day more restaurant joining us this is a beautiful Community they live in total Darkness the the few

Lights you see are use some some iPhones some [Applause] cards a que backs hi toes mascot you either love them or you hate them and if you’re one of the fans that hate them then you probably want to burn them and considering how it won the burn versus

Save quebeck vote in the 2021 thank Miss Paul a lot of people went to burn them now the question is who is the best at hunting these poor creatures and setting them a blaze your nominees are high cast chaos who is one of the owners of the

Burn the quebeck association next up we have Hugo who is a chalk and is an actal enemy of the queex so they probably want to burn queex and then we have Titi the other owner of the burn the queex association and last but certainly not least we have power bite the creator of

The iconic Quebec burning propaganda make sure to vote for your favorite with the link in the chat and join us at the end of the stream to see who wins ital’s world has a wide array of creatures from the emerald Grove all the way to the caverns of the devastated lands we

Picked a few fan favorites here today to find out what truly is the best mob your nominees are the swamp dwelling Fen stalkers the nomatic fens everybody’s favorite milk providers the Moss horns the totally not easily burnable quebeck and lastly everyone’s favorite knife wielding Birds the pigeons make sure to

Vote with the link in the chat and we’ll see you at the awards show we now return to thank Miss brought to you by Duke scumbo hey it’s it’s me it’s me because I just noticed that that we hit $5,000 uh we hit $51 specifically we actually overtook

The goal uh so I just want to catch everyone up here crazy nator again he’s going insane for Pigeon with $40 Viva Le pigeon uh and Paris which is $19.34 just to throw us to the $ 5,016 saying much love to all of you and the devs absolutely amazing we’re going

To hear from the high tail devs in about an hour from now but next up is probably the most anticipated and exciting hour that has ever been powered um hopefully that explains it but if not the’re back for three years running and uh this is the power hour so enjoy Everybody Oh my godo wow I can’t believe we’re getting an official studio tour of the Hypixel Studios office dude this is just too good to be true wait am am I dreaming quick Pinch Me welcome everybody it’s you oh my God it’s not oh my God I’m your biggest

Fan thank you random citizen Anyway come on in everyone welcome to the studio and here we have the staff lounge with some Freshly Baked Goods we of course have some cool offices with our personal budda cats personal assistant an all-in-one solution for everything under the sun metaphorically speaking

And to your right is the dev Panic Room for when things get a little too stressful which of course means the room is never used except for when a certain two words are thrown Around anyway right next to that is the pool party room and we have Bingo every Friday night I smell banana bread it’s the high pickle logo EXO we must bask by drinking tea in front of it why what are you on about you don’t even drink tea because

It’s what the script says oh wait why why does that make sense does that make any sense yes yes indeed barely look at that mural it’s beautiful oh my God it’s a dogo the cute little puppy doggy boy oh my god oh so cute attention everyone gather round

Gather round we are very excited to present to you guys something we’ve worked on for a while now H uh very minimalist red that’s the curtain oh I see now now let’s not get ahead of ourselves this is the very first power key is that a real power key the one

That gives us access to the world of orbus an actual key I need it Yep this is it the real deal this one will be given to the final Survivor in a series of deadly children’s games that will ah I’m blind my vision it’s gone it’s all

Gone I’ll get the light switch oh no my cheese hey that’s my bit uh-oh appears that we’re having another power outage why does this always happen guys everyone please stay calm hey watch out I’m alive oh no dang I thought you’d be happier about that no not that although

I am I’m all knowing because of that the power key is missing what kind of monster would do this warning power key has been removed by an unauthorized person commencing total Studio lockdown one of you dupes better fess up please guys this is super duper serious if the

Power key gets into the wrong hands the entire world could end or Worse the game might get delayed for another 10 years Buddha please let’s be realistic make it 25 I’m kidding but e either way that that is terrible worry not for I will find the one responsible for this I

Cannot stand for such an injustice happening before our very eyes I will not not rest until Mr President get down no he’s dead there’s an impostor Among Us EXO EXO EXO speak to me come on buddy wake up man come on no I’ll avenge you it was you wasn’t it

I know you’ve had eyes on me and EXO uh questionable Bromance don’t deny it Hawkin I know it’s you if that even is your name you can’t prove that ah the jealousy not that I killed him I bet it was Grim he’s been awfully quiet this whole time probably plotting to seal the

Key while we weren’t looking Astros looking kind of sus right now what kind of tasks were you doing this is getting out of hand is there no one that can solve this intricate mystery to save the studio and wield The Sword of Justice saving us from this horrible fate of

Never getting to play high tail I’m on the case fair not Buddha will’ll find that key even if we have to turn over this entire Studio it’s time to look for some Clues first things first to the crime scene oh thank you we’re saved wait you’re going to do what to the

Studio well that’s interesting I wonder how that got there wait where’s Blitz wasn’t he just here a moment ago he’s gone well we found our imposter guys GG easy dubs we did it whoo wo let’s not jump to any conclusions here there’s a story here that will lead us right to

The culprit I found some something interesting on the pedestal what did you find behold where the par key used to be there are now a bunch of cheesec crumps and broken glass yum cheese huh you sure like your cheese don’t you Grim if that even is your real name wait what are you

Getting at I’ve seen you hoarding the cheese Grim did you take the key I’m not the only one that likes cheese true but not all of us carry cheese around all the time I don’t do that I would never that kind of sounded a little sus there

Grim yeah super duper sus you totally have cheese in your pockets don’t you hey guys what what’s going on here Blitz Where Have You Been why did you miss me I was just fixing the power you guys really need to unplug all of those Steves playing music shout out to SL by

The way Blitz I need you to be honest with me did you steal the power key wait wait wait hold on the power key is missing H yeah and you were the only one missing after its sudden disappearance doesn’t that sound a little sus to you

Blitz strike if that even is your real name v v hey vet I swear I didn’t know anything about that I was in electrical explanations can wait until after the investigation we still have to look for other Clues but I didn’t take anything no butts no cuts no coconuts come have a

Look at this what’s that this is a wrench which can be used to fix or break stuff that’s so cool indeed and what’s more it’s got a name tag it says right here property of Astra bum bum bum asra did you kill EXO huh what no what’s my

Wrench even doing here so what is yours you don’t deny it yes but that is awfully suspicious wouldn’t you say Astra if that even is your real name I can explain if you just let me see it no time for that now look at this huh what

Is it now this is a calling card left behind by the thief why would anyone leave a model it comes with a note it says you’ll never find the power key and no one will ever get to play high tail ever they’re taunting us while standing right under our noses ahuh the culer

Must have put it there now we just got to figure out who made that model and the model was made by none other than me what you’re the culprit but we trusted you quite the contrary my dear redson it would appear that the culprit is trying

To frame all of us no that can’t be it seems I have no other choice than to interrogate everyone in this building so you like cheese any idea where there’s cheese on the crime scene I didn’t know what you’re talking about you’re eating cheese at this very moment

No way that’s a lie I hate cheese if that were true why have you been sneaking off to chat with his cheese wheel does aidus know about this no and you can’t tell him so where were you really during the blackout I’m telling you I was over by the panel the whole

System was a mess and how did you know where that panel was and how to fix it like I was saying earlier when no one was listening they had a bunch of screens playing into one Outlet the music was super catchy but if we wanted things to work they needed to go sadly

And everyone knows where electrical is just follow the blinking red arrow the what come on don’t you have tasks huh you don’t have any tasks not going to lie that’s kind of sus where were you during the time of the crime next to you mhm checks out why did you have a wrench

In your pocket um for emergencies uh what kind of emergencies require a wrench in case if I have to hit someone uh Julie noted is my burrito here yet I’m hungry hey wait where are you going I need the sun to live I haven’t seen daylight in like 7 days so

Mr redun what do you do uh business but what kind uh the business kind but what specifically none of your business that’s for sure but anyways I think you should interrogate that developer over there yeah he’s he’s looking a little bit suspicious so propy what brings a

Farmer like yourself all the way out here hey I work here a plausible reason or a lie why did you steal the power key what that’s why I even need it I don’t know you tell me please just let me continue farming in peace what were you

Doing a few minutes ago oh you know eating some food taking care of these cute bugs bugs yeah they just come over to hang out you know they’re just cute little guys suspicious but not evidence attes you to the crime let me know if you need any help cleaning up the

Evidence these beetles I’ve got are really good at cleaning up bodies I know you did it where did you hide the power key your buddy told me everything I need to know well this is getting us nowhere What secrets do you hold who brought the supplies we caught your friend and he

Sang like a canari and you’re next talk or I’ll go to drastic measures you won’t like me when I’m angry you don’t bring my mother into this you don’t have a right to talk about her old work I’m on this side of the law now I will never go

Back no I didn’t steal the key and that’s none of your business fine I yield you’re one tough Pebble all right let’s be friends here if you confess we’ll reduce your sentence uh I work here a convincing excuse it’s not an excuse Hawkin you know me we’ve had

Our ups and downs sure but you know I’d never steal the power key for all I know you could be a well-disguised budda cat imposter if I wasn’t the real budha cat those Ranger leaf queex at the front wouldn’t have let you in wait what you mean they’re real yeah you should have

Seen what they did to the guy talking about r race cars the other day I concur nicely done I knew I could count on you it’s time to unmask this mystery with all the information I’ve gathered I can safely say that the culprit is indeed sorry to interrupt but can

Someone please clean this tea off of my circuitry what tea yes there is a mess and it’s interfering with my sensors well that can’t be good well there you have it the culprit of this mystery the one who has stolen the power key murdered EXO and framed everyone in this

Room is none other than redun huh wait what the answer is Elementary when we got to the office you sp the tea on the control system which would soak into the circuitry over time eventually causing a power outage and keeping the budda cat’s personal assistant system from Catching

You in the act you can break through the glass so you stole the wrench from Astra and with lights out you had just enough time to steal the key and place the cheese on the crime scene in order to frame Grim then discarded the rench together with my model and the

Suspicious note you had successful sucessfully framed every single person here removing all suspicion from yourself so you could hide the power key somewhere in this very building that’s wild conjecture but the question remains where is the power key but wait what about EXO did Red kill him oh right the

Buddy I don’t think it was needed for the plan I’m sure EXO simply gotten away what what is vun doing to that banana you fools the beta I mean I mean the power key was in the banana all along wait what stop you don’t know what you’re doing doing it’s too late I’ve

Already activated it see you nerds we don’t have a choice we have to follow him everyone jump in where are we this is orbus don’t look at anything there there are spoilers everywhere is that a Cy bar shush no spoilers you’ll never catch me alive who’s that wait is that the goblin Duke

Oh yeah it is Dynamite gumbo you’re not still mad about the explosive gumbo are you uh-oh I think he’s still mad I’ll take that naxi I hope you all learned a valuable lesson today you’re right I will stop my life of crime and live as an honest man once and for all

From this day on we should just let you guys work on your game in peace and not break into your office and steal the power key I guess it’s true it will only serve as an interruption which will ultimately just so the game and that that wouldn’t be fair to the community

As well as you guys and you know we we should really just be patient and wait until we can all enjoy H till together one day oh yeah that too but I meant don’t eat the bananas speaking of bananas if red stole the key did Red

Really kill EXO oh it was me wait I didn’t murder anyone he was asleep this whole time why don’t we all go get some gumbo I do actually know a Duke who cooks a mean gumbo hello hello where’d everyone go Hello boom listen I I no no no you listen to me cuz you left me and you didn’t take me with listen man you were you were just napping over there I I I can’t help that all right if you’re napping I’m going to let you get your beauty sweepback so I

Can’t I can’t get in the middle of that that’s true I got to keep this chin chiseled exactly you got to be well rested for X disabl stuff I I don’t know what is it what is it you do uh I can’t share that because then you’ll mess it up like

You always do but I’m glad you got to see see a little preview of high tail yeah that was hype I even got to hear noxy talk I can’t believe noxy you know the C CEO the leader of the hight tail people was there yeah he even talked to

Me did you did you hear that you did you was there like an aura around him when you went to take the key from your from your fies were were they tingling a bit did you feel the high Tail Power I I think I saw

God yeah you saw Gaia I saw a sign oh guys I think we’re muted I think we’re M you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good oh okay oh God are we muted no it’s the stream delay it’s the stream delay being oppressed they can beautiful voices let’s go uh oh yeah there’s

People listening hello people on the internet everyone hello welcome to the power hour if if that is even is our segment’s name the Power Hour of Power is your real name that even name I didn’t realize I said it so many times in the video it it was great it was

Awesome you know what else is awesome our goal has extended to 6,500 now because the lovely Community here the high chill Community has donated and just smashed the goal like every year we are we had to make some last minute changes here so thank you guys for all

Your donations we appreciate you and thank you for supporting the awesome amazing cause of World Central Kitchen thank you guys it means a lot means a lot so much to us thank you it’s very heartfelt oh yeah no five $5,100 that is crazy um this community I

Have a do I have a place to see the donations if there are any more Conor uh yes there there is that that one place called til right now I I I don’t know where we left uh previously with it but uh let me I’ll

Let you there’s a lot uh we left off with we left off with oh gosh uh we left off with Anonymous with $6 so it’s it’s bud we’re starting Anonymous yep Bud 15 bucks keep counting in the r/h High Till dis or info Discord server counting Counting what days to the release date

What are we counting here uh I think we lost what number we um how many spoons uh did that person break their wall yet like throwing they don’t have a house anymore at this this point it’s just a gun it’s it’s just a metal cage spawns since there’s more donations coming in

I’m going to read through these as swiftly as I can while yeah I believe in you EXO P love with the $10 doesn’t say anything but thank you so much for the donation we appreciate you that is the yeah thank you for that crazy anator 5 there’s a

Pigeon controlling me has donated $50 and said it’s pigeoning time just letting you guys know it is indeed pigeoning time uh however there are a lack of pigeons on the screen right now Reena with the $10 says happy thank Miss and keep up the good work thumbs up

Thank you so much thumbs up to you for the amazing donation we appreciate you chaos says uh the cheese was sus AF with the $25 donation thank you so much for your support chaos and yes the cheese is always sus uh rm20 with the $50 thank you so much for your support

Newx with the $10 the animation was amazing congrats to everyone who did it thank you so much really appreciate that and glad you enjoyed our animation for Power Hour this year guitar at high tail with the $150 donation says I love you all I sure hope the power key doesn’t get stolen

Again thank you so much for supporting World Central Kitchen thank you for everything you do for the community and hight tail and redun will I’ll make sure to keep a closer eye on him next time so that he doesn’t mess anything if I let you in on high till next

Time that’s you know you know but I think uh the highest better for this uh for that plan would be the the high tail devs themselves I have to honor and respect them that I don’t get banned thank you uh War only get banned get caught X so well you always get caught

That’s the thing okay that’s only because of you meddling High Till Fanatics AR talking about yourself talk about it yeah a warlock with the $100 donation says hi to EXO hi warlock thank you for the donation I see you in chat you hi um wacky blocks of the $25 donation says hello super

Appreciate the tons of work you guys put on to this event also hello to Crimson Crow oh hey hi Lee yeah Lee’s here oh no I reg a lot of convincing Man Lee you know I’m not bit sometimes what do you mean you’re not built for live you’re

Built under the clo just like h on um but yeah no I I I feel like you know we we should take a bit of time to thank you know everyone that took part in that that amazing project that has been months in the making first of all Lee

Lee is a goat being the organizer being like you know one of the main script writers as well as animator draw artists all the above Lee Lee is you know the Mastermind behind it all all right Lee deserves all the Applause EXO as well with the amazing editing like I mean

Year in year out EXO always comes in clutch with that thank you guys thank you random CI and on top of that random citizen extensively though I I feel like we we got to thank you know all the devs that have um decided to take part in this year’s stmas you know

A lot of them you know were able to send in lines we had propy Goblin uh Buddha of course and um I mean you even saw righteous pedal there and even noxy did can you believe that we got noxy himself I’m that was that was just

Um a paid actor a paid act that a certain paid actor defin definitely not someone in this call no not at all no of course not definitely honestly I feel like the devs deserve like what are those actor awards that they get yeah the Grammys or something cuz those lines

We were we were up so late when working and every every night I’m I kid you not we were laughing at the lines because they were just so good like it was just like they got in their characters man like it was even like there’s one bit

With Goblin there at the end that was improvised yeah yeah Goblin improvised whole there so many points that we didn’t put into the script that the devs themselves uh said and improvised sorry I was laughing at props comments saying wait that wasn’t noxy but yeah no I I really think it’s

Awesome how involved the devs are and the people behind the game are you know they’re they’re part of the community as well and that’s not always the casee with a lot of games and a lot of companies you’ll see them kind of like behind the curtains behind the scenes

They Don’t Really interact with the community as much as they would like to but the hight tail devs are super super invested and you know they’re they’re part of this charity they’re part of the community they’re part of what we’re doing working alongside us and uh it

It’s just super awesome and it feels really really amazing to be able to say that you you know created something with with uh those talented individuals yeah it’s honestly it’s the devs that give me the motivation to keep making fan art and to keep making content like their their love for the

Game and their desire to share it with everyone even though they can’t like we know you know everyone says it’s like we want to tell you but we can’t we understand um it’s that energy that uh makes me want to make these whole videos and I was so happy that you know we

Reached out and some of the devs wanted to take part in that so uh the lines were great every everything was great um yeah know but it’s it’s a lot of fun being able to come back here you know year after year being able to kind of congregate about the game we look

Forward to and with the people we we have been friends with for years now I mean I met y’all back in what 2021 2020 something like that I think 2020 yeah a long time ago yeah EXO we were like kids back then well we were when you’re wild

Bromance started you were a kid I I think I I I am older than you I think I’m older than you are you I don’t act like it EXO showed up on my plot of land and I’m like who’s this guy and then red

Came over and I was like who is this man you were being so sus and then you guys started your romance yeah it was all you know all those years ago before I was a notorious before redun was a red guy yeah before he was a Canon red guy he was just he

Was just a weird red guy with a with a sock and then yeah that was before you did all your Minecraft stuff that that’s crazy to think about that’s like so far years ago probably you guys we we’re still here yeah but I mean

Lee do you want to talk a bit about the the bundle um oh yeah I feel like you you are the man the Macho Man to talk about the bundle I I completely forgot I was like so happy with everyone’s comments on the uh animation but yes if you

Want a power key we have a specialty bundle for the top two donators for the first and second half uh there’s a few items that are added uh some of them aren’t finalized but they are there I don’t think we’ve had the commercial yet oh man I’m four hours of sleep let’s

See I don’t know this kind of stuff takes a lot out of you a lot I’ve me and Le have stayed up late into the night for the past like couple months trying to get this uh all settled and allation to bully Lee and also emotional support

Bully me yeah it’s true guys it’s true he’s so mean I do it out of love all right it’s it’s a it’s like a love bullying which I don’t exactly I tough love you too redun I tough love you so much EXO I’ll tough love you forever this is

Why this is why you guys won’t be allowed back at the studio I swear what the heck oh yeah no especially after that they’re like we’re not letting those two in the pirate and the sock are not invited studio uh we do have two more donations we have one from 0 for $10

Saying ha I already know that happy bars exist in high Tail Power Hour can’t spoil it for me all right well nighty thank you for the spoilers to those who didn’t know they were there uh just kidding you should know there’s cppy barrows in hi tail that that is that’s

Right right it’s been so long since that’s been are there actual Cappy barrows in anyway I don’t know red would know because he was there but I was I was there I saw him uh the night core crafter with $15 says been here since 2019 dad loveed to play high tail pass

Away before he can I play twice as hard for him I really appreciate that thank you so much for your $15 donation um yeah We Salute You We Salute You yeah um it’s real quick I don’t know it’s like sorry sorry to instro guys uh

Did you mention the Bund D I’m trying to I just realized I’m in control of the graphics and I if you mentioned the bundle I Le did mention but if you got the graic show the bundle show the bundle won lie I was I was waiting to

See if the bundle would like show up so I could remember what specifically was it sorry sorry give it give it like 15 to 30 seconds of stream delay and you’ll you’ll it’ll be right in your court the ball will be in your okay my internet as

You can see there’s a bundle it’s pretty cool this bundle have you mentioned how you can unlock this bundle potentially there’s a bundle the bundle yes so there there are two bundles for the first half of this stream the top donator will get a bundle and it has all

Of these cool items you’ve got mossor kindling a Buddha cat pin a mystery postcard with a thank you from the thank Miss team a Quebec totem which is still in its design stages which will be like a little keychain kind of thing some stickers and the most amazing item of

All the power key there will be two of these first half second half so top donor will get these shipped to them and if you want to test it there’s some time left in the Stream how much how much how many hours do we have left it’s

A this is the beginning section of you can join yeah you can join the the thank Miss server go to the creative area and build we have a build competition that we will have some uh voters going around and choosing the top build you will also have the chance

That winning one of these bundles so three bundles in total uh but it only goes to the highest highest bidder so the greatest part is that you able to get a power key without actually you know doing a heist for it yeah you don’t have to steal it yeah exactly I mean

It’s legal this time yeah exactly totally not going to tell you where we got it though like I’m sorry I can’t yeah no no no if you see something missing around the the office um it wasn’t us but anyways no no pirating involved can I point out is the Quebec

Totem on fire is that what that is so no it’s a burnt Quebec totem it was already on fire so it was a Quebec and now it’s a keychain yes okay cool and is the kindling authentic is that actual Quebec kindling like are people going to

Get mag sourced we we can’t tell you where you know it’s specifically for M horns but you want to keep it away from baby fens uh probably keep it away from Von himself it has a catnip effect on those two creatures just for the anyone wondering

I gave it to some didn’t end up going well yeah oh wait hold on wait wait wait wait hold on wait oh yeah top okay sorry I was reading the chat and Rola said top donor right now Bean deal with $520 donated wow that’s a lot that is like half of a

Thousand that’s like half also we do have a donation from rencon or rinon I think it’s rencon uh with a $50 donation thank you so much for you to support we love you thank you love is a strong word but we’re very thankful for you we tough love you there go we

Tough love you yeah GNA use that more often now this is why this is why I can’t let you guys go to the uh Studios unsupervised again what we’re getting a call right now hold on what’s that hello hello oh yes so pass it to them Lee’s

Other half has donated $10 and said miss you Lee sisters and bears heart yo my twin oh thank you you guys should be very scared there’s a second there well they’re the first secondly there’s the they’re the first but they’re running around they’re the second that’s amazing yes I am like support support

Team support group in the chat I have I have some of my uh hmbo Pirates uh harassing me in chat I saw your crew I love the crew support mostly them just being like how could you die like really still issue we were better man really

Just tripped on like a banana peel or whatever yeah I don’t there are yeah me and bananas don’t get along uh banana bread though that’s when they’re in bread form bad things happen things in a good way no wonder you guys have the Bromance one of you likes bananas and

One of you likes banana bread ites wild slicer is coming with the $40 donation thank you so much appreciate you wild slicer thank you for supporting this wonderful charity and this wonderful wonderful Community you’re welcome you’re not what you okay I I reprend wild slicers how

About that okay there you go there you go yeah but what do we talk about well I mean what XO probably about high tail I was thinking Minecraft no okay what about you guys got enough Minecraft back in the round table what about GTA 6 so I heard it’s

GNA happen in Florida this time oh dear I don’t know if that’s the one we should talk about but it happens here I I I have something that is not bad say I I just wanted to point out that I thought the last blog post was really really cool um Al although there

Wasn’t like a lot of detailed information the the scope of what the blog post was talking about I found really interesting the fact that they’re like reiterating the the world of hi tail and how things will work I was really interested in how the cap was it the capital capital yeah it’s the

Capital I keep calling it The Citadel the the castle it’s the capital I literally said how what did you guys think about The Citadel and they’re like what what is that we luck all you crazy content creators there and Escape listen first thing coming to mind is just ready

Player one for some reason but yeah like like a big in a good way yeah player one was good love that movie and book but anyways that is off topic yeah Capital sound very interesting I don’t know I thought I thought the the block post was pretty pretty epic yes very good the

Highest of forms highest of forms oh it’s got me really interested in what that’s going to be about and how that’s going to play out cuz I don’t know I don’t know it’s cool to see something that I’ve fallen in love with over the years grow and change with me as a

Person as a Creator so hey you’re like old now I’m really old now I have a beard now I mean I I have a beard too yeah oh shoot pause real quick I forgot to mention something I totally spaced it when I was introducing the super epic

Power key and bundle pack if you guys are uh wanting to join the build battle on the server please be sure to put a sign with your name and how we can get in contact with you because I will need the details if you are a winner I will

Send you a message and be like Yay how do I get this to your house because I can’t send it with a Pion because it’s going to be kind of a big box so be sure to put a sign with your name and how to

Reach out to you and get in contact for those if you are joining the build battle yes all right continue dweebs it’s really funny hearing you in the other room on my TV I have for those that don’t know which is everyone I have

Thank Miss on my TV and on my PC that I’m talking out right now it’s really it’s really funny I just heard you say really loud in the living room uh we got a big donation from livid livid line with the 200 $50 donation he says thank you to everyone supporting

Both a great cause and a great Community thank you claps and chat for Liv in Lion thank you that was that was my hands clapping um yeah job EXO thank you thank you nice wait what did I do oh we’re getting like Clos like look at it it’s getting closer

O yeah we’re we’re right there it’s getting up there guys what do we do it’s going going going I’m scared it’s pretty crazy what wait what would be the next go if we hit that one I’m curious probably like the higher number say yeah like $65 let’s say for500 about like

6,010 what if we did 8,000 is a stretch goal 8,000 yeah whoa whoa whoa what do you mean whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa well if we do a 8,000 can conell like get a tattoo if we pass it I’m not getting a tattoo I don’t that would actually con I think

You look very handsome with a tat on Conor’s leg tell you what if if we yeah if you when you go to the studio someday or you meet up at like highcon you could just you just got to wear shorts and you roll them up be like here bam High tail

Community Support okay fine how about this instead of a tattoo what if we paint your nails in like a high Tail theme like one of them can have like the little cacti on it no no no we got to get him those claw nails and they’ve got to have like the little

Youil on one hand okay we can your dun’s head and then the other will put the power key the other one Conor leg reveal leg Reve yeah wait hold on that’s also a good one hold on I don’t know about that one guys uh we do have another huge donation

From Paris With a $100 donation saying becoming part of the hight tail team it’s easily I can’t talk is easiest easy it’s really really not hard you got this you got this got this you got this you got this part of the high team is easily the best

Thing that’s happened to me I’m so excited to contribute towards supporting all of you future players and creators Paris thank you we are happy that you joined the team we’ve been seeing you on Twitter and stuff you’re the goat welcome to the community I suppose if

You weren’t in it already um yeah thank you so much does it like add like for cuz we got to check the quest bundle so if they make separate Don donations is it added up or is it separate cuz I’m not good at math guys like I can’t do math I’m an artist

Neither am I but as quoted from Palpatine or something we will look forward on your career with much interest I don’t know he says something like that to Anakin and Phantom Menace at the end what I don’t know what we’re talking are you guys not like Star

Apologize to to the devs in the chat I’m going to be butchering a lot of names and misspeaking and stumbling over myself it’s what me and my it’s happening right now it’s what me and my community call a hmbo moment where my brain just like shuts off and I go HBO

Caveman mode and yeah was like yeah was like the noxy impression while in himbo mode or not what are you talking about I just hate someone else to do that oh okay what about the Duke Duke Goblin I I did do the goblin Duke that was that was

Definitely him mode activated mode okay got it yeah so like sometimes you just walk around the it was definitely my oversight and EXO was like before he was like getting on his plane he’s like do you need light like voice lines for this I’m like oh yeah that’s that’s important yeah I I

Had to finish I had to finish the end of the thank Miss animation before I went on a little vacation and there was some lines that weren’t done I’m like did we ever get someone to do these and I’m like all right yes I’m doing app it turned out it turned out

Pretty good um yeah and I even finished some of the Power Hour like last minute a couple days ago before or right at right after I got home from my vacation so yeah last month was was kind of rough but we managed to pull it off and we’re

Really happy with how how it turned out um as a lot of you can probably see the style of the Power Hour animation has changed over the years uh we have been working on better way ways on how to like make it faster to animate while also keeping the quality and making sure

It’s you know it’s entertaining it’s eye-catching but it’s not super complicated cuz we we kind of like came up with our own way to animate each each and every scene in each piece and uh this year I use a lot of different editing techniques that I’ve learned over the years and different Graphics

Packs and stuff that I’ve purchased to help me so it it was really cool working on this year it it was a lot less stressful than I thought it was going to be so it was fun watching you work had a good time just back there with the whip get yeah it’s really

Cool are we so Lee do I have permission to like make any High tail memes from this oh yes I please make a me with the one thing please the one thing you know what I’m talking about no but you know what I’m talking about specifically is

The one where I was like crying laughing well definitely that one but that other voice line that you know I’m talking about oh yeah we’ll have to get that permission we’ll have to like double check cuz there were okay there were some lines chat that were not used for

Power hour we did cut the script a little bit so we’ll have to reach out to some people for uh yeah what are those what are those things at the end of a movie like oh yeah you want me to make a blooper real we could we could definitely probably maybe do

That leaded all the art yes yes I think I think all the art uh if if we have to put in that susus line uh red everyone has to hear all of the excited noises you made talking to a budda no the yeah red did the most lines out of

Everybody as you could tell main character energy he uh there was a lot of impr listen listen I didn’t make myself the main character Lee did all right at good point it’s really hard it’s really hard not to um especially when you improvise a slap to the dead

Body yeah that wasn’t part of the script either that was last minute I’m like hey could you draw a hand real quick and I just animated it slapping my face see this is what happened like just after the last thank Miss was over Le was like

All right so next year we’re doing a heist and you’re going to be the Heiser I’m like what well that’s not how that happened I was like you’ve got a plan and you were like I want to steal the key no no no hold on I I probably said

That I would be down to steal the key but I know you came up with a heist idea though I did okay I did come up with a heist because I thought a murder mystery would be pretty fun and then I said do you want any other position and you was

Like I’m not going to be in it unless I steal the key I don’t remember that I don’t know if I’d say I’m not going to be in it because I love Power Hour that sounds mhm to be fair you also offered me to be the detective which didn’t seem right

For me but you know you don’t think you’d be a good detective red solving his own if you any understanding of my track record as a content creator I would not be a good police officer or detective like my whole brand is about war crimes genocide Dey everything like

You know that’s that’s why I’m here I’m his rightand man the pirate and you’re a pirate yeah you guys feel like ERS in crime there no detective wait you do you’d put Buddha cat through the stress and and sadness you wouldn’t be his Sword of Justice in his trying times

Okay actually hold on you know what Buddha cat is an exception all right if Buddha cat needs a paladin I’ll be a paladin yeah you know within hi tail lore me and red are like the chaotic neutral like we’re we’re everything’s happening around us and we just jump in

When we want to it’s like oh we want to you want to be on the villain side sure what go wrong you want you want to help help out Gia and the queex maybe what could go wrong I don’t know andless guy is the villain of high

Tail we don’t know we don’t know oh wait you’re right I’m the final boss ofo such a girl boss of guy had to be the villain such a girl boss girl boss energy true pop off so I won’t lie I am I am so happy knowing everyone like the

Jokes I was really worried that my type of Comedy is just like too on the notes also we’re not an exception to the voice lines Buddha your voice lines were amazing we were all beaming with the smiles and giggling with laughs while listening to your voice lines because

They were so so goodw you’re amazing at voice lines yeah all the devs actually we cannot clarify enough how well you guys did and how thankful we are that you guys are a part of this it’s really amazing it’s really awesome and it makes us feel really happy and and the main

Thing I’ve learned from this is that I can’t do a proper ooh noise yeah I could pull some I can pull some I can make I can make a in the just make it just make okay context basically we need like that moment in the beginning where we go

Like ooh and like the thing is I can’t do like an excited like semi- pitch oo like if I do an oo it’s either like o or and um then like given yeah like a gibbon I love Gibbons and then ex goes like all right red imagine like you’re

In high tail you see gumbo and banana bread and you’re Gibbon making noise and I go it just comes out so wrong yeah so if you wonder who made that oo noise in the beginning uh yeah that was that was me oh man it was amazing it was awesome

Put together it it was a great time yeah Conor you were saying something so sorry to interrupt oh no I well I I was just going to say like I mean first and foremost uh like speaking of which like I late lines I know I got my lines in

Fairly late despite you know there wasn’t much asked of me but I I still took me a while but I just have to say how absolutely amazing that animation all came together the art the editing the voice acting and contributions from everyone is absolutely Stellar stuff uh

And genuinely excited to to see Power our back uh again for the the third year fourth year now is it is it is the third year I’m trying to remember all right I’m getting my chronology in my yeah cuz you were kidnapped you were kidnapped the first year still sorry about that

You know yeah no it’s just good we’ll get over it we’ll get over it eventually maybe uh I know you haven’t seen Gordon in a in a hot minute but he’s fine he’s fine he’s fine cool second year uh they try to get the power working because you

Know power outage not fun during power hour and then this year is murder mystery it’s it’s been apparently oh go ahead sorry I was going to say it’s been quite the Series of Unfortunate Events but I mean it’s turned out in great favor because we’ve managed to entertain lots of people so

It’s great it’s great for sure yeah I was going to say that looking at the goal right now we’ve got $592 you guys have done absolutely amazing during your segment this uh this year uh I’m just going to put the cherry on top of this because I you know it’s it’s only

$77 uh I am going to match Dono in the next 10 minutes uh if you guys can get to $100 so if in total you guys can donate $100 and we can break that 6K Mark I will match Don know that you’ve got 10 minutes from this point um coming

Up we’ve got the hight tail devs now which is super exciting I’m very excited for those guys to show up um after that we’ve got save the queex uh the high tail them mini game The hu Hugo and the hiil uh the server team have been

Working on uh for a long time now and so much more including a game show mob mashup and the high tail Christmas podcast which you certainly don’t want to miss uh speaking of those two pluy presenters though uh mine from the hightail podcast did prepare a special

Song for a milestone which we’ve smashed we’ve absolutely smashed it so while we’re waiting for Don to come in and while we’re wrapping up I’m going to ask you guys to to to say your good buys and everything but we’re going to throw it over to to that special reward after you

Guys and then we’ll hop in to see uh what the high tail devs have in store for us so yeah yeah by Le bye EXO bye wait we’re not you I’ll see you next year see you guys next year year thank you guys so much see you later oh my God bye Conor

Bye bye bye bye random Citizens absolutely amazing okay and let’s throw it over right now to this segment which I’ve got prepared and look scuffed because CU I’m just the only one in the Discord call right now but we’re going to throw it over to the mine reward which hopefully plays when I

Press this button let’s say get ready for this cuz this is a guys this is a Monumental moment okay so as we’re rating I see the donations taking up remember you can donate at you can join the Minecraft server at thank. skyn node. GG sorry for

Sounding like a robot but I wanted to make sure I got it right the first time okay now without further ado let’s experience mine’s incredible Song got I was releasing the views keep increasing they said it was fake boy I Ain they believeing keep the podcast up with Chris turn the queen back into C we’re going to play them n get the feeling right and no creeper here no his all was releasing the views keep

Increasing they said it was fake boy I Ain can’t believeing keep the PO up with C turn the queen Cur going playing make the feeling right no creeper here no 21 years of Aging that means 21 years of waiting since get keep on debating if

It’s a free your pay to play thing Satur with the boys everyone makes some noise war with the queex Chris on the T-Rex the Temple of guy destroyed the Temple of guy destroyed we a party on and on I tell Game of the Year call it a phenomen

Gr the game for years Through Blood swe and Tears and telling when they were wrong to all those that are gone because it was releasing the views keep increasing they said it was fake boy I can’t believe it keep the podcast up with chis to the cre back CIS we’re

Going to play and make the feeling right and no creeper he no his it was releasing the views keep increasing they said it was fakeing boy I can’t believe it keep the podast up with Chris turn the que back C we’re going play that got the feeling right no creeper here No I remember what you said you told me it was a dead game he said it would never get Fame he told me it didn’t exist like half people that died in end game but Buddha said it best it’s ready when it’s ready wake up baby new post

The D want a block post the number one do Lang just that’s Dunka I’m going offend and shout out to my new friends you’ll see me soon in the trends and all of that is thanks to you on a train that never ends because was releasing the

Views keep increasing they said it was fake buty I a can’t believeing keep the up with Chris turn the que back into C we going play make the feeling right no creeper here no hiss was releasing the views keep increasing they said it was fake but I a can’t believe it keep the

Podast up with Chris to the queen Mak the Cur I’m going to play and make the feeling right no creeper hear no His wow that was truly uh a moment in time that we’ve all just experienced together we’ve all just experienced that moment in time together it’s it’s like the high tail trailer moment like almost and speaking of the hight tail trailer I have two people here with me that are uh

Very interesting people uh that we’ve been talking about for the last uh few hours potentially dropping by I don’t know if you guys want to go ahead and introduce yourselves while I figure out the avatars on the Screen mhm didn’t hear me they heard me they heard me from the top okay so yeah I I I int I introduced you guys but then they couldn’t hear you so Buddha you you go again you’re good and I just said the most like epic thing

Revealed so many things like oh my God no I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking yeah and and that it’s a one time thing it’s a one time thing sorry uh no hi everyone uh I’m just happy to be back here again uh for those who don’t know uh know know

Me I’m Buddha cat I’m the community manager over here at Hypixel Studios and uh yeah I’m stoked I’m stoked to to chat and yeah hello um I’m Chris th I’m the narrative lead at Hypixel Studios working on high tail and I’m well I’m still processing my profound new relationship with the word

Phenomenon um I don’t think I’ve ever heard it said like that and it never will again it was incredible absolutely incredible staggering no that was that was uh yeah that was definitely a moment in time as you said Connor was a moment no yeah thank you guys so much for joining

Us I’ve just watched you uh drag my avatar in in real time one of many incredible experiences I’ve had watching this stream so far it’s been an absolute treat all that’s the thing we do here look no matter how many contingencies we take there’s always something that’s

Bound to go wrong like an active Discord Source failing or an audio application beta feature not working properly as it should and so and internally internally I’ve been calling it wholesome chaos and I think that’s like on brand for you guys yeah you’ve been saying that externally as well like

Yeah well now now it’s externally for sure y if anything it’s it’s a massive Learning lesson streaming I mean I I say this to 30 virus always gets on and helps me with just uh setting up the stream and everything so I know that he

Does it so much and so I’m like you know it’s time for my regular annual lesson on how to stream in a more updated way with 30 virus so it’s always good to to get a little update because without some of that I don’t think uh I don’t think

Things would have been running as smoothly despite despite the uh chaos as you you put it but yeah the it’s good well I’m yeah yeah go ahead you go Chris you go ahead will say like as some like in a previous life I I do have some

Experience of what it’s like to put on a live show uh and a live stream and so uh this is an incredible thing that you do every year uh it’s such a treat it’s a pleasure to be here obviously but it has always been a pleasure to watch it so

That’s the sentimental bit straight up front but literally what I was going to say yeah yeah like I was going to say like you know I I have lots of experience with streaming uh and and it’s not I can’t even imagine like uh coordinating this many live streamers

And this many assets and and yeah it’s uh and and so far this year oh my God so good and Power Hour oh my God Lee oh my God so good that was absolutely so good honestly I was surprised amazing surprised to see how how many people are

Involved as well just just from the the the the contributions and everything it’s just yeah it’s great good story line too good story line I mean I’m not calling it knives out like G whiz I was I wased I’m calling it that yeah really yeah honestly like I got the word

Narrative in my job title and I thought it was fantastic so take it that from take that is true that is true uh that’s actually a pretty decent segue there uh is it yeah why don’t you why don’t you uh cuz you know people people here in chat and uh

Maybe watching the VOD later they know they know of me uh they know some of the the duties I do I don’t think many people know know the man behind the curtain in a lot of lot of ways so like I think be yeah give a give a little

Little insight as in like my who I who who yeah you’re like what you do yeah okay yeah what I do so um well maybe maybe a wish F that is is uh my history of the project I guess this community and this and this game and and this

Company so yes um I joined Hypixel Studios back in in 2018 um uh initially actually just on a part-time basis just to help with the announcement of this game they were working on and uh that went well so I stayed and um yeah uh talk more about that experience if people are interested

In hearing about it but um um so I I stuck around I work very closely with be over the years in in a few different capacities I uh as the company’s growing I’ve kind of um been there through quite a lot of the big well all of things that

Happen in 2018 obviously so um the way that things have grown involved on the project and with the company itself and and lots of subsequent changes and in that time I’ve uh worn quite a few different hats um but that’s sort of all come together in the last I would say

Year and a half two years now um in terms of uh becoming narratively for hiel which is a position I’m really really grateful to have and just to answer the question I saw in chat missed apart who’s cat person um um I’m Chris I’m narrative lead Hypixel Studios this

Picture of a cat is just my favorite piece of art that’s ever been produced by a human being and if you want me to talk about why I love this picture of a cat that’s also a wizard so much instead of hiel I could do that but don’t get me

Started yeah we we yeah you don’t want to get them started cuz it will take up longer than the 90 minutes it will um yeah I mean we you know we’re down to to to face cam it up by the way Connor I don’t know what was

Easier for you yeah I can if you guys want to switch on to that I can switch over Discord and uh and get that going yeah yeah sounds good Lord knows more potential technical hurdles bring on yeah let’s just make it as difficult as possible for Conor this should be great

I’ve got the call displayed and our avatars so it’s double compensation it’s two birds with one stone or should I say two pigeons with one knife oh segue now that’s a seg speaking speaking of that man I that is a segue I have I have my my pigeon with a knife

Shirt on right now just to like bring me luck I don’t think they can see it yet they can’t that’s why I didn’t stand up to reveal it is it a is it stream OTE does stream OTE do this it didn’t do it in the other chat let me see does it do

It oh here we go it’s fixed it’s fixed we did it we did it we did a thing we did it so I can I can take your avatars away now and and it could I could it can just be you guys and me as an avatar how cool there we go cool

Nice we’re discovering capabilities of Discord as we go Discord OBS we’re learning all of it in preparation for uh being as as creative as can be in the incredible ecosystem and environment that is set out in front of us in the future indeed indeed yeah it’s getting

Matter already brilliant uh in a very fun way um also Jo anyone watching this if I look over this way at all it’s cuz I’m looking at chat just to see if there’s any questions and things so I’m not being I’m not being distracted by anything fun happening over here apart

From the high tail High tail things he’s just making he’s just writing a game making making and writing a game indeed that’s what he’s doing indeed indeed indeed in fact I could probably do a big brain thing and move that panel here so it looks like him I’m looking at the

Screen that’s a trick I learned that’s a trick I learned from one Mr John Hendrick um yes yeah teleprompter style yeah indeed yeah indeed indeed let me just do that cool did did I cut you off by the way Chris when you were telling your your your history and diving into

Your history and stuff Sor little bit but but I think we got distracted by the potential for for face cam so solve that problem this is this is I hope I truly hope that everyone watching and donating which is obviously incidentally congratulations on hitting that goal so

Quickly and closing in on the next one well um is enjoying that the addition of me and and buddh to this stream is not is not introduced initially a hot new wave of professionalism in terms of how ready for this we are so at a moment but yeah where were we what were

We talking about what’s going on uh I think you we were just past the 2018 kind of point and you know studio so yes so uh my role at H pixel Studios it’s been for the last couple years has been as narrative lead so I’m the uh I work with our our

Creative and design teams to kind of build out the the World building and storytelling aspect of the game and to uh yeah continue to kind of hopefully build a more interesting more engaging more coherent Universe for hiel to take part in and uh for our players to

Discover one day which I’m very very excited about and it’s awesome and everyone I work with is awesome and probably letting the cow the bag there but yeah it’s very much uh a bit of a dream so happy to talk about that a bit um

And but actually con you you threw a a really good um segue my way there which is a little story to break it into things oh please tell do tell do tell I’m excited which is which is this um so I I first had an opportunity to learn

About hiel uh when I joined the company obviously um in the months prior to the announcement of the game which is why I was there to help with and um the you know in in kind of sort of learning and processing and seeing a lot

Of assets and things like that I I kind of I don’t really know why I like pigeons in real life like I I just think they’re fun I think they’re cool I like them I think they’re fun birds and um there’s some really good questions in chat by the way and I’m I

Will finish this anecdote so that we talk I’ll try I’ll try I’ll try to copy them down unless there’s a mod doing that I don’t know right so pigeons anyway I see the hiel pigeon and I immediately like make it my whole personality in the way that you know

Sort of just have attached now and I think the members of our community who will relate to this I’ve I’ve I’ve sort of and I sort of it was very important to me that it received a little bit of a Showcase in in the very first kind of

Wave of of of uh things that we showed publicly and so on and then um like uh a thing I would do uh for a while when I was working with propsych years ago now on some some of the various video clips and things that we were preparing for blog posts and stuff

Like that was just turn into a pigeon and just flap around as a pigeon um just for the fun of it like cuz it’s fun to do that and um because uh I sometimes my attention span very very short and so uh while recording one particular uh clip I

Turned into a pigeon and just started throwing throwing knives at things and that became that clip and I haven’t had a chance to talk about this before but honestly watching that become like literally an emoji in chat right now has been incredible and you know the fact

That well I don’t want to spoil Bud Buddha’s uh shirt but oh and and I also have do the thing I I have a pen I have a pen oh Easter egg Easter egg right yeah do it do it oh big reveal let’s go let’s go oh nice der’s art that’s absolutely

Amazing the Dair in corner yeah art by Dairy Panda absolutely incredible art of the dagger pigeon ready when it’s ready as the slogan say love it so much that honestly it it it genuinely has been incredible and I think a good for me a very personal summation of this kind of

Journey over the last couple years um watching that become thing and and sort of knowing that in part it was inspired by um me trying to make propy laugh during a day at work at some point you know that at that point in the past so there you go that’s that’s probably

That’s probably the all the law you need on who I am at the studio really but I’m very happy and incidentally actually in the course of the call I obviously love to talk to the community and talk to some of the questions that come up um I’m also really happy to talk about

Narrative for games and and narrative design writing and stuff like that if people have any questions about that as well um but yeah yeah I mean there’s there’s like so many questions rolling in a lot of them aren’t very like uh narrative I’ve got I’ve got something I

Could hit you with narratively um sure just off the cuff you know I I used to create uh narrative pieces on different projects and different games and stuff and it was always fun to make use of an existing environment so like you know you look at different games platforms

And you see the tools they lay out and and the their aesthetic and it it’s fun to like come in and and play with that and mold it um but you know it sometimes it it feels like there are limitations on that and it feels like uh I I I want

To come into a space and be comfortable with being able to mold that world into something that it wasn’t when I came into it so like being able to like create very distinguished different different products that almost feel like unique in their identity and so when I look at like orus for example

And like the story of of orus how is the experience been designing a story which you know will be taken by the community in all sorts of uh you know lights and and different angles and be explored and modified and tweaked and built upon and changed and used as like a new

Foundation for all these different stories like yeah what do you what what what what was the process of approaching a narrative that could fit that kind of thing you know yeah that’s a it’s a really good question and it speaks to something that I think is foundational to the challenge of approaching

Narrative design for a project like this right um I’ve seen the chat the question come up in chat a few times like how important are moders I think I’m paraphrasing but supremely is the is the answer there you know um and um the the and it’s it needs to be

Forefront of of many many decisions be made and actually something I’ll throw up in as a caveat and I appreciate that when you see interviews with devs and stuff this is often there’s often like some kind of caveat in place I’m going to do my best to answer questions from

The point of view of like where I work on the game right like the the parts of the game that I affect and and we’ve got a big team and an enormously talented team working from at this problem from many different angles so I’ll speak about my Approach but um you know

Mindful of of taking the narrative tack on this mhm um the way I think about it is one of the goals of one of the goals of the narrative Foundation Le is to well is to inspire creativity and support creativity and that means thinking about storytelling as much in

Terms of what material are you providing for people to run with um how much space you providing for people to tell their own stories within a setting and um and how much sort of excitement or anticipation you can build through uh taking a light touch in some elements to

Kind of inspire that kind of you know long-term engagement like engagement is not a word I love necessarily but I think it’s appropriate in this context cuz really fundamentally people need to care about the setting as it as they experience it initially in order to want to keep

Building on it and at the same time we have that unique challenge of obviously wanting to support modding in a in a much more dramatic way than that and create as many opportunities as possible for people to feel like their own creativity and their own imagination is

Welcome in the game and that their own creativity and their own imagination can even be uh like quote unquote cannon in some ways right like the people can make meaningful contributions to that Universe themselves um and that’s fed into you know that desire feeds into so many decisions across so many different

Parts of the game but I will point out you know something that I think has been known for a while but like the the framing of the player character as this Avatar as this creative being first and foremost is is is a fundamental part of

That right that um this is you know it’s and I don’t know if I’ve ever said this out loud in this way before but like this is a game about creativity first and foremost and that is something that you could come out from lots of different angles depending on who you

Are on the team and what kind of experience that you’re building but when I come at that from a narrative point of view it’s this story has to inspire creativity it has to also be about creativity which it is fundamentally and it has to um kind of provide that as I

Say that space for people to to kind of take what’s there and run with it and put their own spins on things and you know I I fully anticipate and embrace the fact that there are going to be spins on things and characters and situations and places that are

Completely different to my understanding of them um see that all the time somewhat and um that’s great that’s awesome that’s like the point you know um it’s not people should never feel like they’re I can’t do this cuz it wouldn’t be you know can or something

Like that if if you know if we’re making something that’s about creativity your creativity should be very welcome more than welcome sorry I feel like I just spoke for 400 years on that subject but oh that’s great that’s absolutely amazing in regards to that and I mean

Like I was I was going back and forth what one thing that I always do uh when it comes to blog posts is looking at images not just like trying to spot Easter eggs in the images if there are any but also checking just like the description of what the image is so

Check the URL and I remember one of the images in the recent blog post was like it was like this uh NPC or sorry Avatar flying through uh like this space like this void like sort of area um not void sorry but like this yeah it’s almost

Like atherial Realm and it just felt so so cool and I remember reading the description of it was like this it was it was like the cosmos of creativity which you just reminded me of by saying like the the word creativity and it gives me like all those vibes of like

Yeah anything is possible like you’ve got you’ve got High tail is the basis you’ve got the world of orbus and then you’ve got all of the other potential things within that you know Cosmos as as it was said in that in that image description but that’s so interesting to

To hear from from your point of view how to how to approach that narratively knowing that people are going to take what you’ve created and what you’ve built all together and mold that in in future that’s awesome yeah I think another way I think

Like so I you know I think I S there’s a question in chat but like there’s a lot of things in my life that I like I so you know history of as like like a tabletop dungeon master right like something I’ve done a lot in my life I

Also love um Miniatures games and and tabletop and stuff and a lot of those settings I think the most successful ones are really interesting in terms they have a subsequent life where they have the official life and they have the the life uh in the hands of in the hands

Of fans or participants in the hobby or whatever and I think that that has informed some of my thinking about this like you know we you want to both set up really cool stuff for people to care about and to attach to but also provide

A ton of space for people to be inspired to tell their own stories and add their own detail and you know inject their own um characters and so on and you know uh and I think that’s sort of that piece of art that you’re referencing that that

Cosmos of I’ll shout out to Thomas to Zale uh for that one um like so many like concept pieces is there to capture a mood right and a mood of kind of entering into this big territory of oh of uh possibility in this case yeah um I

Just wanted to come in to say I I just notic I was trying to write down as many questions as I could just noticed that John was in the chat oh nice he said I’m going I’m going to match my donation to The difficulty level of the narrative

Questions for Chris oh dang okay so we need some so you know thanks Budd app I mean I got I got a couple I got a couple uh and by a couple I mean I’ve got like well over a dozen at this point um uh those the good ones I’ve seen I

Got I got one I got I got a decent one from Red if you want to hear this one so uh why did you sound surprised when you said that Nate what nothing yeah no I yeah sorry no did not mean to sound surprised uh Chris we all

Know you have done narrative pieces for places such as black Library uh how has that impacted Your World building for orbis and hiil much love red heart interesting really good question good question so well I I’ll put it this way I I don’t believe there’s very much

In common between the work that I’ve done in the Warhammer setting and the work that I’ve done for hiel either both in terms of the settings themselves being very different um I you know part of my creative background is in like uh horror for example and that’s a fun

Thing to to tease that but I has a different tone and so you know some of the stuff I’ve done for warham is pretty violent and um I wouldn’t necessarily take that as an indicator of style you know but also truthfully that is Pros right those are books and short stories

And so on um more traditional you know long form single author work um whereas my work uh on hiel is highly collaborative like it’s totally collaborative like every element of it is collaborative and it’s about supporting a much broader creative process and so um where I would say that

There is a um um where I would say that there is a uh an overlap is I think part of part of this job like the narrative job generally uh can be coming into a setting that already exists and contributing to it or or providing what

It needs to get to the next step to get to its next goal whatever that goal is and um I’ve I feel very lucky to have an opportunity to do uh some of that for for Warhammer which is obvious such a storage setting uh with hiel I came into

Something that had you know obviously as I said I joined the team right before the trailer to help you know kind of build out that approach to announcing the game and so you know there were there was tons of ideas there was tons of energy there was tons of really good

Ideas tons of um themes and uh approaches and it a lot of like the early work was about kind of defining like what what is the heart of this for the people who are working on it what does this mean to the team it first and foremost and then subsequently what does

It mean to the community that’s now kind of getting excited about it and then finding ways to help um organize structure that add add add where it needs adding change where change is going to be beneficial ad depth to certain areas kind of and we can talk

About that a ton I guess but that’s been the kind of the flavor of the work and that’s the thing in common is like it’s almost like the narrative engineering element of like trying to kind of identify why someone cares about something and then finding cool ways to

Play with them basically to to kind of help help narrative fit the goals of the game and something I will add actually um which I feel very very lucky on this project particularly is um we have you know as we’ brought in more and more robust uh processes in the last couple

Of years particularly we found much more kind of uh intentional uh I think really positive ways to uh to do two things which I really love to see in any creative process one is make sure that there are opportunities for the whole studio CU it’s a studio of creative people to to

Participate in elements of that creative process and the narrative process and to have a stake in it from the beginning and the other and it’s a really important one to me is to make sure that game design and narrative are working together uh as early as possible particularly in the areas where it’s

Most relevant like particularly around Oris particularly around adventure and that is not always the case that’s not always the case with game narrative that you have an opportunity to be there at the beginning rather than necessary to come in and kind of ADD depth meaning later and that’s been really really

Awesome and it gives me an opportunity to bring that kind of like um I guess problem solving approach to bear I appreciate I feel like I’ve wandered miles from the original question here no it’s it’s good and I I think I have so that was your warm-up one okay uh but if

We really want John to to do match this donation based on difficulty I’ve got I’ve got a good one for you from Koval here we go here we go okay so this is this is from Koval um question is the story and immersion of the story side of

High taale still as big as it seemed in the initial trailer because I think that was a huge point for many people smiley face yeah I mean I was like trying to figure out like how I Define big there um but yeah it’s a huge part of what we

Do and I think actually it’s you know it’s become a uh a more structured part like to what I was just saying right like it’s become a more structured part about how you play Everything and I think I’m trying to think about the rest way to answer this cuz

Truthfully like you know I think I I said this I’ve said this to you uh kind of privately yesterday when we were chatting but y one of the reasons I hesitate is because I’d love to talk about the story but at the same time the best place to like experience the story

Is going to be the game ideally that’s the you know what I mean like if it’s and so I’m very mindful not to kind of open the bag too much there but it is it is power particularly in adventure and I think that’s that’s been that’s

Something I would frame out like when it comes to orus uh and the adventure and what that means to the game having a story to discover having your investment in in that world rewarded with an increased knowledge of that world and an increased sense of attachment to it

Being kind of reflected back at you in terms of your understanding of how or this works and the creatures that live there that’s super important that’s really really important all right awesome see people in chat I had John’s blessing to ask that one just for what it’s

Worth I wasn’t just going to Blind yet he’s I mean he’s he’s full on you know um um he’s he’s laid down the gauntlet so yeah I mean and and and I’m just going to I’m just going to keep kind of uh uh ramping it up here uh which

Creature oh this is from from high Nano or Nano uh which creature slf faction have you most enjoyed writing lore for man I I know I know this one um actually I hm I almost want to bounce this and see what you think this the answer to this is Nate

But okay um I’m I’m going to guess Outlanders or fens one of the two or scar I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know it’s interesting to see I’m still going with Outlanders I’m going with my original Outlanders so I feel like I feel like I

Have this internally and I’m just going to kind I’m going to vent here I think people see my hair and they assume they assume that it’s all Outlanders all day I remember you talking about it though yeah I I I I am I actually find it hard to pick pick

Faves um genuinely because there’s tons of um um there’s tons of just I think the process of developing this with with design with with creative and seeing things evolve I st in the blog for example with the Tre singer being an example of this seeing those sorts of the ideas mature and kind

Of like level up in a ton of different ways has been amazing I think the thing that I’m just going to say the answer is scarx the actual answer is that that’s what I was GNA yeah and the and yeah and I appreciate I just sort of like did

This whole like walking around the subject until I just said it but I I’m really excited excited by that and I appreciate this going to drive people nuts I’m being so big but but uh oh I was going to say like I know I I know

You’re probably going to be like I can’t really get into it but maybe we can kind of piggyback off the amazing key art that Pebble did as like that’s basically what I was going to say um I I do want to give a shout out to um to like uh to Pebble specifically

Actually obviously Community uh artist right Pebble who joined us a few years now ago now who has just been amazing and I am uh in the in the summer blog I know people saw a glimpse of that Ki from Pebble of thearkive um I am incredibly excited for people to see

Pebble’s influence on the game as a whole but especially that faction and that is all I will say that is all I will say on that very interesting I mean that’s that’s that’s good that’s good uh uh and yeah I I I absolutely big bold

Plus one that um I I I appreciate I kind of like just uh took the mic from you here Connor I can I can keep asking the questions unless you have some of your own it’s good I’ve got I’ve got some of my own I mean if we’re stepping it up I

Mean like narratively I mean there’s a fundamental stump in your narrative right now that I feel like publicly like could be addressed if you want to address it but you don’t have to address it I it’s just a personal thing on my side but um I was just curious if

Potentially maybe the Fawn still exist and if you can say anything about it or if not it’s all good you don’t need to worry about oh John hey John you want the up the anti here brother I wanted to push the spell out of it yeah asking that is definitely

Going to be fun for for John um so I want to I want to tell you a story I’m going to tell you another story so um uh narrative man tells story yeah we all um one of the one something that I think has come up a few times in the blog over

The years I think it’d be helpful to be like um um kind of open about it’s like I think it’s been said in the blog a few times I think John said in the most recent one as well about how like we really have taken this time that we’ve

Had in the last couple of years with the engine change to really look at orus and make sure all of it is as good as it can be as deep as it can be as internally coherent and consistent as it can be and that all of it has meaning and bounces

That meaning back to you right and and also and this is a really important bit and and something that you know I hopefully is important to say out loud to scope it in a way that we know exactly what we’re building and when it’s done right yep and I think and

So there’s you know over the years I think you know there’s uh and this is kind of strange to look back on now but we’ve we’ve shown a lot of art we’ve shown a lot of designs and things like that from different areas of that creative process and we’ve refined those

Designs in some cases we’ve combined designs or or Revisited them completely and we’ve done so with basically those two goals in mind right to to make sure that everything we’re making is there a good reason that it is as high quality as we can make it that

It is ultimately as meaning course as we can make it and also to not let uh scope run wild frankly and it’s it’s interesting sometimes like Yeah from the from this side I I can kind of um really relate when people you know and I used

To be I used to work in like um I used to work in games media work in games me for a really long time and I can relate from the community side and the content creator side when concerns come up around like scope cre grou for example um on in development games particularly

Games that have been in development for a long time what I would say is we’ve been really mindful of the last couple of years almost with the opposite because we have an incredibly talented very very fast content creation team we always have like that goes all the way

Back to the history of high pixel it’s just it’s in the DNA of a lot of the people who’ve been here for a long time y that has never been our issue um you know that’s never been a problem we have to solve something that we’ve we

Challenged ourselves to do is to make sure all of that energy is going in a meaningful Direction and getting there as fast as it can and I I know that that might be not necessarily like obvious from the outside um particularly given the time that we’re taking but it’s true and that has

Been um I appreciate you know you have to pointy question about forms no keep going this is this this is something the community wants to hear Community wants to hear this man yeah this is the story that I was going to kind of um you know

Sort of um John is in chat saying he’s enjoying my tap dancing is or am I tangling around thorny the thorny sub of uh game development um so we did we’ve done an exercise I think that um John has given me blessing to explain which was to basically like work

Really hard to identify what was essential for Oris and then to add depth to those things and build out those things and that that that effort began quite soon after John joined the company it’s creative director um and it’s one of those things can be scary at first to look at

Something that you’ve added so much to and so many people have contributed to and then take it right back to Brass tax and go like what is needed what is needed if we’re going to we’re going to finish this thing and part of that meant you know basically an exercise we did a

Few years ago now where we kind of John challenged us and on the creative side to talk through the experience of exploring just one area like a kind of grassland like a temperate grassland mhm and to talk about the experience of being there as a player how I should

Look and feel what you might be excited to do what you might see on the horizon Etc and to do so for as long as possible without talking about any NPCs or animals or creatures or characters whatsoever like as if there were none right and to get to the point where you

Can’t do that anymore where it becomes impossible to talk about it anymore without this essential character that has to be there or it doesn’t it doesn’t tell the story you wanted to tell it doesn’t have the the the depth that you wanted to have and we did that and that

You know the first thing that returned back to us was like you know you got to imagine them almost like plopping back in as they get kind of like become too essential to leave behind with queex right like it was like we just just so

Much C to the heart of this thing and um and then you kind of branch that out and say like okay well who are the who are the friends here who are the foes what What creatures what other creatures does this creature have a relationship with

And and how does that start to build out this web of essential things and then when you get to that point you can start framing design goals narrative goals for each of those things and then build that expiration from here and that’s I think in a nutshell kind of

The spirit of the expiration that we’ve been doing and as a consequence of that like some things that have never quite found at home previously like have are now in the the concept realm where they can emerge if if we find a really good home for them but I I

Pretty strongly believe and I think the team feels that um the team feels that it’s more worthwhile to add to make sure that the things that fit that essential category are as deep and meaningful as they can be and as roding to interact with as they can be rather than to go

Broad for bre’s sake partly because we’re building a game for creators right and that kind of breadth is something creators like Community creators and people watching this are incredibly good at right like we think we’re fast we think we’re good at going doing Lots quickly like we’re never going to be as

Fast as the community mhm and so like doubling down on like here is a first party Showcase of what we think the best thing we can do is almost as a kind of like and here’s a reason to care about this world these are the table

Stakes now go like you you know you kind of show us what what happens next I think that’s that’s the really important thing and I hopefully that didn’t turn too much like an invasive answer to the question but I want to frame like when you know when I talk about when we talk

About reducing scope or kind of like challenging our own ideas and things like that I think it’s important to acknowledge that that’s a that’s a healthy part of game development right that’s not like us being kind of like oh man we got to do this it’s like no this

Is like getting us to a stronger Place yeah no 100% first and foremost by the way right super super reciprocal of answer um but I do think that was brilliant tap dancing amazing stuff um it follows it follows where your mouth is HRI it follows up on my other

Question as well which it broadens the scope a bit which is is is like which part of and and this is like more like a you can just say one part and you don’t need to elaborate on it too much because I know we’ve got other questions uh to

Follow up but which part of the trifecta you know of the game that you guys defined with those three doors like what part of that Trifecta do you think has come the furthest since your initial vision of it uh when you launched the trailer so like your personal vision of

It not necessarily what it is now but your personal vision of what you thought it would be compared to what it is now which part of that trifect has come the most for far I want to there’s two and I appreciate you’re never going to get a

Simple answer from me apparently but I won’t go quite as long on this one cuz I appreciate what your questions um so one thing I think and I think a really important thing about the that three door analogy that we that was in that blog post is the moment when they become

One door right that’s a really important thing like and I think you know that you know just you know just to call it out that’s that’s kind of almost the point of the three doors is that moment where it’s revealed to only be the one but I

Get the the spirit of the thing that that subdivision can also be helpful to kind of you know it’s like well the challenge is making some very distinct things feel like it’s all one experience right and that’s a challenge that narrative is part of solving um to my

Mind and this goes back to the most recent blog actually the area that I think has like evolved in sophistication in every regard the most is the capital as it has been kind of teased in the most recent blog that middle door um it is the middle door y’all I saw so

Many questions about um the the social the the social component the the online component which even just describing it as that is sort of tip of the iceberg stuff and and it’s been uh I think again Limited in what I can say and I’ve seen some questions in chat that are

Definitely more to do with for example game design and I don’t want to kind of wander away from my Lane but I can piggy back off of this tooo with another question so keep going yeah sure which is like that’s an area that has benefited from every way in which the

Studio is gr more capable in the last couple of years it’s benefited from deeper design expertise it’s benefited from new creative perspectives um I’m really excited about what it will you know about being able to show it off when we’re ready awesome cool actually you kind of

Already answered it I was going to say I want to see but a piggy back I’ve not seen that yet I’ve seen I’ve seen yeah I mean it was it was a it was a question from Red um and and I just reread it and

Uh kind of kind of answered it but you might you might might be able to go in a bit bit more but yeah runes again um this may be a tricky one to tread on but dot dot dot uh is there a focus on building lore outside of the adventure

Mode latest blog post introduces the capital is this to be more than a hub in the story In every way it should feel like more than a hub I don’t want to speak to it too much because I appreciate we only just teased it really like in every way it should feel like more um I will say yes though like something I said earlier

Like part of the challenge of the last couple of years has been imagining how all of heel can feel like one cohesive thing with space for player creativity obviously what that means is um to my mind that law means something different and different contexts um you know I I

I’m a big believer that you got to match the the tool to the need and uh orbits or Adventure experiences are all about your deepening connection to a world right um whether or not you’ve chosen to mod that space or or something else and that is a place that’s very rich and

That that means that history is really valuable in that context right like having a history to discover having interesting characters to discover um that is those needs are different in a different context and I think your approaches need to evolve as well to to match that and some of the interesting

Challenges like helping those two things talk to each other in interesting ways I appre that’s a very vague answer it’s to say that like yes narrative is significant across the span of the game however the depth of its significance varies and that’s even modeled in the

Way that we work um you know for example just talk about the we work for a second I mentioned earlier that design and narrative are really closely intertwined that’s specifically for adventure and orbit really like myself and my colleague uh Sean were really closely together to kind of make sure that what

We need from a gameplay point of view what we might need from a narrative point of view you hopefully pulling in the same direction and supporting each other in other context it might be more that a designer has a really strong sense for what the functionality should

Be or what the experience should be and the narrative comes in along with other creative disciplines to kind of make bring that to life and to add depth and meaning to it but it’s a slightly different way of working appre that’s a very technical game Devy answer but yes

Narrative is important across the span of the game it’s not the same across the span of the game that’s good uh K kg just said tell us more Chris with some popcorn by the way K yeah K A person who knows about this um y kg is one of the one of the

Designers um uh no that was good that was actually really good and I I I think it it you know it’s it’s a nice I mean I think you you you confirmed it a bit that like it’s not going to just be this kind of stale stagnant Hub space kind of thing

Right if anything if anything we produce feels stale or stagnant then presumably like we’ve kind of fallen short of our goals I think that’s fair to say like especially creativity is so important as a as a as like a fan as well like a player who who who yearns for that type

Of ecosystem and environment I’d say like one thing that I describe that I want most of all from something like that is reactive right like I want I want something like an environment and a platform and an e ecosystem that is reactive um you know to uh you know

Democratic situations you know whether it be player situations or whether it be individual things and and you can experience that for yourself like that’s always something that stood out to me in other in other titles um you know in in to a lesser degree it’s always been like

This thing that is like there but not really fully fully pursued um and I think like some titles have done really well to like try and and push the the the but button out in regards to like narrative stuff and reactive environments and stuff but yeah to

Really see something like that would be would be like really like the the cherry on the top for me in regards to like uh something like the capital right when we’re talking about an environment like that it would make a ton of sense for the capital to be highly reactive to

Player interests and experiences and achievements yes MH aged I mean in a way we kind yeah I touch we touch on that a bit about how it’s a testament to you know Chris I’m going to butcher your words here trying to remember it off the top of my head Testament to All Things

Uh uh the avatars have built right oh gosh should I just put put your put your mean I’m agreeing with Connor in a in a koi way that was what I was doing yes you are for the first year I just want like a single house that’s being built uh

Stage by stage and then like R it’s about to be finished it gets knocked down uh based on player decisions I’m throwing out there that’s that’s what that’s the kind of reactivity that I’m looking for just a like a p like a shardan Freud engine somewhere in the capital yes it’s like

It’s like just there constant and then you’re like why is this there let’s affect it let’s change it let’s let’s mess with it and then then and and so it is so yeah I mean it’s a it’s a genre that invites you to want it to be interactive right

Like that’s kind of the point and so yeah yeah that’s a a perfectly good good thing to wish for and it’s it’s heartening to hear to be honest because I know that there are people on the team who will be like heartened to hear you say that put it that

Way awesome um I appreciate like when it’s on like I mean I’m not going to turn around and be like yes we’ll do exactly that Conor but like you know what I mean right it’s like it is spiritually in line without objectives as a project eloquently work might say

Yeah very very much so um I saw this question pop up like several times from several different people uh so I’m just going to ask it and I don’t even know if you’ll be able to to really answer it Chris um really think about it but uh the general question is how many

Pages has lore like if you had to roughly guesstimate how many pages of lore you’ve had to write this one I can’t can’t yeah I don’t think I don’t know if you can answer it cly can’t well and I I’ll give a reason partly it’s because I I make a

Lot of stupid looking diagrams like a lot okay wait wait like if you could if you could like reframe it to be like okay it’s not how many pages but if you could compare like what you originally set out to establish like when around like 2018

2019 uh in book form like roughly in a Fantastical fantasy world like what side size of that book or how many books or how how large of a library be talking here big big book to uh this might be the it’s a it’s a it’s

A big book friends it’s a lot it’s I mean it’s big book big book it’s a it’s a big book there are pict there are pictures in it there are there are pictures of stupid diagrams yeah there are stupid diagrams um that’s objective what it’s worth

I don’t think they’re stupid I love them um yeah what’s just happened oh chat oh wait what oh um did we achieve do do we achieve lightning you absolute madlad what have you done Earth uh I need to refresh my my thing real quick $220 from the one and only John hendris

Uh creative director oh my gosh great narrative discussion 2020 feels like a good number year I joined the team # team faren and he voted for team faren in the pul so that’s a big huge sear for team John if you if you had any professional respect for me all of that

Money would have gone into pigeon let’s be honest about it wow wow that is a slight against your is it too late to change it is it too late to change it that is wow okay I mean truthfully what I think has just happened there is John

Has watched me flail while trying to identify like how much work I’ve done over the last couple of years and just come in with the save so thanks appreciate it I think he’s he I think he enjoyed that it it turned from tap dancing to B dancing to possibly um

Uh walk Walking falling yeah breaking the chat walking walking yeah yeah just that um right now I’m surprised by that absolutely incredible donation which has made us hit the goal by the way $6,500 smashed we’re now at $1,191 oh my gosh incredible what that’s amazing man that is insane W yeah big

Congratulations I can see people in Discord Now messaging about it and stuff oh that’s insane absolutely oh my gosh that is amazing you know what I I love that you know what John Hendrick coming through absolute Legend put putting putting you guys up against the ringer but but absolutely coming through with

An incredible donation yeah that’s insane yeah yeah yeah well a lot of that credits also goes to to uh the community here asking the questions yeah absolutely 100% these chat’s actually wilding out right now which is absolutely amazing wilding out is the term that I use now apparently brilliant yeah yeah yeah

That’s it’s getting it’s getting late here in the United it’s getting late I’m I’m going up a two hours of sleep too so uh yeah we’re all hey the thank team the thankless team f you on that one but we we we yeah I imagine yeah I mean such a

Huge amount of work I I wanted to just real quick because I know that uh I know that the the blog post featured a little bit about queex and I just wanted to like dabble over into that area real quick again because I know that we got this absolutely incredible um art piece

In the video uh which was like it was it showcased a few things that weren’t really discussed and I was wondering yeah first and foremost who created that absolutely amazing piece like what was the inspiration what what went into that maybe if you could talk a little bit

More on on that and who who who worked on that and then uh additionally to that yeah I don’t know if you could touch maybe on on some of the things that we see there in in in that I can can bring that up on the screen while we’re

Talking and then obviously I know that you guys have got a little something that you can show off in a Bit so yeah we going to throw the art up and talk about it I’m very happy to to do so I I I I’m looking for the button on OBS I’m I’m so good at this I’ve got I’ve got it it’s good it’s up right so this is currently playing the blog post

Footage yeah yeah right I think we’ve I’ll make sure it’s clicked over I’m think I’m watching the stream on a slight delay so let me know when it’s good about but yeah to kick it off so uh first most importantly um that piece of art that was featured in the in the the

Little short video at the end of the blog is by Bob by Brick face I believe join Jo the stream last year from drawing with Bob which is uh like an internal Tradition now that uh is an absolute Delight he’s a a fabulous concept artist to work with um an

Illustrator in general um and this particular piece started life as part of that process that I’ve described that kind of faction kind of concepting and kind of you know sort of reconception in some cases so deepening process uh during a stage that we kind of allocated for a pretty thorough reexploration of

Quebec architecture basically approaches to architecture and um and you know essentially trying to capture what the feel of entering a Quebec Village should be and when that piece was kind of first introduced to the team it wasn’t animated right like it was it was a sketch initially just to kind of like a

One among many to start to bring that um kind of scene to life and obviously some of those expirations like the point of concepting is you go abroad you try things that might not work you try things that uh you like parts of but not the whole thing and you start to bring

Things together and this this is actually um you know we have the whole thing is the piece of art that kind of landed uh all of the details that we were really attached to and gets us to the next step of that process which is when we can start like re-exploring what

That means in a 3D block out for example in a kind of in in in kind of bringing those bringing that scene what what does it mean to bring that scene to life in game um she got this piece next to me I really should actually kind of land this

Am I allowed to well I sorry sorry yeah I was going to ask ask what what what what instrument does is the Quebec playing in that video I’m just curious what that’s that is a phenomenal question for either Bob bril or a composer Oscar because amazing amazing I

I why that’s great that’s really will say like so you know there are certainly going to be things that aren’t named yet for example um or but in that case but I will say actually it’s worth pointing out it’s worth pointing out that one of the concurrent Explorations with this

Has been as you can hear In that clip a reexploration of um pu music and about how instrumentation works and you know that means working with Oscar and Kieran our radio director to talk a lot about what what instruments are kind of like specific to a faction for example and

What kind of like approaches to music typify that faction we have some really awesome stuff from that and so that sort of um I think it’s like a woodwin instrument you’re hearing at that point I’m saying this without you know having the video playing this to me B but um

You know it’s one of those sort of things where the different creative participants inform each other um so unfortunately I can’t give you a name of the cool looking thing but that level of detail still Prov but there’s there’s there’s an intentional element there and obviously

Weal I think in the blog I mentioned s and that kind of Discovery through the concept process and how that then informed oh how cuex make things right and how they interact with plants and so on um and yeah I will say there’s one extremely important detail in that and I

Don’t know if you can throw the whole picture up on screen yes I can let me let me grab this real quick here uh it’s got to be it up tell me when you’re ready uh I good to go I can press it when you’re

Ready go for it do it boom oh I got to remove my avatar hold on cool I mean you’re kind of you don’t look totally right exactly yeah you blend in there you go there’s the full image and I’ll pull the coin spin awesome I’m just watching the stream in a slight delay

But yeah so if you if you notice in the center of in the in the in the center of the piece there is a uh Quebec Elder uh you know Quebec that’s put down roots and kind of become a tree I if you can do this live I think you should zoom

Into to its leaves okay I’m doing this I’m doing it it might be a bit delayed but I’m doing zooming in uh let me know if I’m on the right one uh I think that so you kind of Center the image the big old tree that everyone else has gathered around oh

Wait is it is it the left the big tree this tree I think oh it’s flown away from the screen on my on my monitor there’s a big one in the middle yeah I have a big delay it’s smiling yeah it’s it’s this is going to this is like big smiling tree nightmare

If anyone’s what what part of the tree should I zoom into the leaves it’s it’s canopy it’s it’s yeah the leaves are top it let me let me this is going to look really weird for everyone at home don’t wor the chat sees it chat the chat’s

Figured it out the chat fig okay well I’m I’m looking on a very very small view but I’m going to I’m going to do a little bit zoom in here okay right that’s full that that’s as best as good as I can get right now the chat’s for

Figing it out can see oh the P the pigeon of course of course of course I wasn’t I wasn’t too sure if there was going to be something crazy cuz I heard that Canadian flash had this uh Theory recently about uh seeing like a varen

Mark in the wood and so I wasn’t too sure if that was the thing that you were about to point out and reveal and blow his mind even though that was a crazy Theory um but yeah no that’s absolutely amazing I love that I love the fact that

Uh that’s just become part of the brand now like yeah I mean it’s yeah I mean I think that that little fell shows up everywhere in our concept art particular when Bob’s doing it so persistent Delight umist Delight yeah I mean there’s there’s a lot of there’s a lot

Of detail one thing one thing I’ll say about like pieces like this as well like kind of um Big scenes like this as I kind of said something like this like internally is here to kind of set a mood right like and we free ourselves from some of the constraints you might expect

Of even a block game right in these moments because we want to establish like what should the vibe be what should it feel like to walk into this environment and um and so something like this is here to pass on to the rest of the team was almost is like a challenge

Sometimes like how do we bring this to life and I think the thing I would sort of draw out from this just to approach it from a narrative point of view is you know almost every aspect of uh I think we’ve touched on this in the past but to

Kind of add depth to it almost almost every aspect of um uh Quebec life they’re like these archetypal villagers and um and the village is incredibly important to them but it’s also like a welcoming space and it should feel like a welcoming space and the thing I love about this piece of art

Is the fact that you kind of feel like you’ve emerg through the bushes or through the woods and you’ve arrived in this place where life is ongoing and there’s something kind of like happy and and healthy about it like there’s even you know decisions that were made around

Like making sure that big chunks of quebe architecture are pretty open like the balconies and the Bridges and so on so you can see that there’s life going on here it doesn’t necessarily feel like a defensive structure um and then obviously there’s a little gesture at that with the the

Counter and the the Avatar character talking to a Quebec and so on right there’s a sort of sense of like this being a place where you’re welcome and that’s a really important note to hit with queex that these are you know um it’s got a little air of sanctuary to it

Um and a place where the whole village is kind of coming together and actually because the way this piece is framed coming together around the elders as well which is really um uh so that’s you know I think that sort of yeah go on well yeah sorry to I

Don’t want to drag away from it but like by the way like cuz obviously we knew of the elders kind of in terms of like we’d seen like a very vague concept art but nothing like too much since then and so like you kind you guys kind of like you

Did the tree singer thing in the blog post but you kind of just lowkey dropped this one as like of these concept thoughts of of these like fully formed like visualized Elders so yeah sorry just we do that we do that we do that sometimes yeah we we are very casual

Well in some at some point like I mean this piece of I love this piece of I’m really glad it made it into the blog like and and part of it is is like obviously you know this is stuff that we now feel pretty confident in right that

This is the right approach that this is going to deliver something that’s really like um you know going to be fun for players to discover in game as well and there’s a there’s there’s a whole bunch in this that I’d love to actually I will

Say this is not just me cuz I’m talking to you directly but I would really appreciated that in your video about the blog post you pointed out that one of the seedlings in the visualization of the the 3D visualization of the three singer where the the the ceilings are

Running around its feet that one of them is Naruto running it’s very important to me that you notice that brilliant umil yeah you’re the only one that I saw too that mention I was trying to I trying to pick it apart I was thinking what’s what’s cool about this with all the

Motion of the tree singer but like I was like why are they putting the there’s got to be reasons right like it not just that it’s showing the life cycle but it’s also like that like just what is it and then I I realized I was like wait a minute they’re all doing

Like different cool little runs and it’s all really cute and I like in the moment it just feels so hight tail and just felt very like everything just like was fluid and in the moment I didn’t notice and that’s good I think like part of ersion right is not knowing or realizing

That you’re being immersed which is amazing and so then realizing I was like oh yeah well got those funny little runs and then specifically the little Naruto run which I just thought was so hilarious so cute it’s so I think you know uh so credit to to Charlie uh for for

That animation in particular as well um there’s John won’t mind me saying this I’m sure there’s another seedling run that I love where they’re just rolling um just rolling on their face um there’s favorite I think there’s there’s a um one thing I should point out about this

Cuz I think it’s I think it’s important like because you just mentioned that importance of like feeling immersed and I think to me a lot of the storytelling I really love in games um obviously games can tell stories in a million different ways and you have to match the

Method as I’ve said to the to the game and like I think something that’s really notable about this genre about block games sandbox games you know and that’s all the things that entails is the player is very encouraged to just sort of naturally immerse themselves in the world sometimes in some kinds of

Game narrative has to do a bit of heavy lifting to get you to care right and I don’t think that’s a problem this genre has I think this genre kind of inspires people to care just kind of out of the gate cuz the moment you build your own

Place you feel a sense of ownership the moment you world reacts to you when you interact with that like that’s the that’s the Baseline and it almost makes you humble as a narrative person cuz truthfully the player will invest if even if there is no narrative to

Discover right um but I think what we can do is is kind of add you know reward the kind of the extra kind of attention to detail and and the sort of your investment in details by showing that there’s a story there and and actually something that I point out about that

Image which has the the 3D model that has the three singer in it and the and the the you know younger Quebec and then the seedlings is it’s reflective of something quite important about Quebec and quite Bittersweet and quite kind of central to all of the way they work as a

Faction which is they have a lot of energy when they’re young like it’s not a it’s not it’s no it’s no accident that the seedlings are the ones hairing around the place in that in that in that piece um and because that’s what seeds

Are like not to put no fin a point on it right seeds get pretty far from the trees that drop them right buzzing with life and yeah right and then and you know it’s sort of it’s both it should be bit sweet and you know lovely in some

Ways and maybe a little bit sad that could slow down as they get bigger and they get older and and that’s the kind of that’s the force that brings them back into the villages whatever Adventures they might go on in the meantime and it gives them some really

Unique strength and some also some really specific kind of vulnerabilities as well and I think like that’s that’s something we can then hopefully mirror in what it’s like to interact with the faction and I just thought I’d sort of um share that because it’s it might not

Be obvious from that piece that just like demo concept visualization 3D model but all of that stuff even though yeah and it is funny that the the seedling is narator running but there is also kind of a point to it as well like you know

What I mean like there is sort of an extra level of detail there for you to to see and um yeah I thought I’d just share that I thought it might be a kind of illustrate why we spent the time that we have kind of adding that kind of depth

To the factions yeah I love that no yeah yeah I think that’s that’s a good call out too just like the um extra amount that’s one of my favorite things is just the the extra amount of little details that we add in with stuff like that to revolve around the narrative and

Stuff well it’s like um yeah it’s big it’s big too cuz I mean like and this is the thing right like and you go in in many games right like you like you say like certain games are laid out where you you you enter the world and you can

Kind of cast your story on the thing and recently like as I’ve got older uh and as you know I’ve turned from a teenager to an adult I’ve recently craved more for that ability to be able to tell my own story like that I used to be able to

Do with anything when I was younger when I was a kid I could just create a story out of a stake right and I love games that facilitate that ability now and so I you know I I love to join a game and be able to to just really put that on on

You know the display and just experience things in a way that you know they’re going to entertain me there’s certain games that you know I I get into it and I try and cast my story onto the world and if I I don’t get a good story as in

Like I don’t get a good experience I’ll roll the world or I’ll stop playing it for a while and it’ll only be when I have like a like uh an experience that’s like truly facilitated by like you can do anything and it turns into a story like that’s something that I feel like

Um I’m excited for Heil to itch that need of mine of being able to spawn in the world and like okay yeah okay I fall off a cliff like straight away and lose half my health and it’s like oh my God worst spawn ever uh but oh my God I felt

Into this like rare prefab crazy Camp thing which again not not none of that is I I don’t know if any of that would happen but like the fact that that could happen and become this story and it’s like you falling in and taking that loss

At the start brings you to this whole new adventure and like that ability to to have that you know you know in terms of a generated world and with the different experiences that you can go through and and and stuff I’m super excited about that yeah I mean there’s a

Lot there’s a lot in that frankly and there’s a lot in that desire we could talk about forever right about emergent design about tons of things that touch lots of different areas I think what I would say is like um I’m I’m sort of on the edge of

Something um so I’d say yeah I know that that exper that experience that you’re describing of wanting to both kind of be to some extent the the master of an environment spin up a world and kind of experience it but also one thing to be surprised by it to be exper to

Experience it in that way I will say I find that tension really dramatically interesting like that tension is really interesting not just from a kind of player point of view but potentially from a a Creator point of view and so um I think you’ve touched on something that I think is a really

Interesting emotion um when it comes to what it means to tell stories about characters who have that capability of themselves that’s all I’ll say but I think it’s just really interesting that you kind of framed something really specifically there and also I think framed yourself as a particular kind of

Creator frankly and not everyone is like that and I think that’s a really interesting source of drama cool should we I appreciate I think we’ve only got like another uh I don’t know how much long we have left on the slot but I’m happy to quickfire some things if that is physically possible

For me to do yeah we I know like yeah so you can you can you can bring some people in or we could we can get fire like quick fire some questions or whatever you guys want to do let’s quick F stuff let’s yeah yeah uh I don’t know yeah do you

Want me to do I just drag Blitz in I don’t know how to do it I guess let let me do it I mean uh let me let me we’ll give him like a 15c warning uh if he’s in is he in the VC let me see here yeah

Otherwise I have a whole list of questions I could ask from earlier okay Blitz this is warning we’re going to drag you in to ask a question get a question ready you’ve got 20 seconds uh in the meantime yeah it’s been this has been a healthy positive really good chat

I’ve liked this this has been good oh I’m glad I’m glad it’s been really fun it’s always bit kind of it’s lovely to be out from behind the curtain but at the same time I hope people found it you know interesting well the chat being really responsive and we’ve got a bunch

Of donations as well which I’m going to update and read through as we are now at 8,21 absolutely incredible wow that’s that’s that’s great that uh just as a reminder we have got the Minecraft server uh coming up we’ve got the uh the hight tail podcast exus Edition which is

Going to be really cool we’ve got the mob mashup and we’ve got a bunch of other exciting things such as the game show and uh second round tape with a bunch of exciting creators from the community so that’ll be really cool to be a part of and then finally we will

Have some closing ceremony stuff but we won’t start talking about that yet because we’ve still got lots more to come and plenty of hours of fundraising for charity so yeah exciting stuff I mean yeah we got we got a little bit of time to to to shoot some questions I’ve

Give blit Blitz enough time now that hopefully with more than 20 seconds so Blitz and you come y let’s find out boom Blitz I hope you weren’t talking to anyone how you doing the dunes but it’s okay uh you can wait so the question I

Wanted to ask was is there like any kind of teasers or anything that you can give relating to Magic in the game o oh oh oh this is a spicy one that’s Blitz In fairness I was I I I gave uh Blitz I was given the okay the thumbs up to ask that

All right well that’s a that’s a fabulous acceptance of the buck there Buddha appreciate it um yes go this is yours I’ll say I’ll say this um obviously I think we’ve you know we’ve we’ve gestured the the existence of magic saty um Keys all right

Uh magic magic I feel like I’m kind of briefing uh vfax artists um one way to think about magic in the context of of heel is it’s reflective of uh the creative power that all avatars possess and that power can manifest itself in many different ways because Avatar is very varied as beings

And one of the really interesting things that can can happen interesting things can happen when an avatar chooses to kind of set their creative power loose in a particular way in a particular place for example for a particular amount of time and uh is that suitably vague um the

Magic is a reflection of the Avatar that puts it in place okay I’ll say that and that’s good it’s good I know that’s very vague but I don’t want to go too deep because it’s actually a big part of I think yeah no it’s important as

Well to Twitch on and sorry no I I you know I’ll I’ll give Blitz some time to react to that in a moment but like you know like the the idea of you you don’t want the whole story of A game dictated to before you play it you know like

That’s that’s one important component of that but it is important you know to at least be able to theorize and fantasize and all the crazy stuff that could be going on behind the scenes so I think that was really good I think you did well on the vagueness there but sorry

Yeah my my bad thanks appreciate it appreciate the insitu review um problem yeah I think for what it’s worth what it’s worth the way I’m thinking about this when when people are asking for like specific law and I’m thinking about like the things I personally consider like not spoilers are things that I

Would expect you to know pretty soon in your journey and Tiel right um you know things that may even become very clear by launch so don’t don’t hopefully don’t feel like you’ve been spoiled anything there it’s and you may may feel far from that but nonetheless like that’s the

Internal criteria I’m working with and if I look this way suddenly thinking about what I can possibly say it’s trying to figure that out so yeah I hope that is interesting um there’ll be you’ll you’ll see it a lot more I’ll say that cool mhm brilliant question Blitz awesome

Yeah that was really question I know Dunes also has a question he wanted to ask yeah he’s he’s snuck in he’s snuck in a couple uh actually before before what Dunes does uh our very own Poncho man uh Alex um Sierra is in chat he had a

Really good question Chris uh if you had to spend the rest of your life as one high tail creature what would it be I I mean I think we know the answer to this but you know what let me let me add let

Me add the C if it was at the pigeon it was already taken sorry I already took it man all right pige can’t do it um I tell character it can’t be a pigeon mhm mhm it’s a tough one Fen a dope f are dope yes they are appreciate I was

Hesitating there because I feel like it’s it’s kind of John’s answer and I don’t know if we have to all pick one or something thing is like but I I blame John for this too like I uh someone asked me several months ago what’s what what’s your favorite uh faction and I

And there I said Fen and someone was like that’s John’s though wait a second it’s oh I will explain this sometime from now it’s Goblin I would be a goblin the end that’s all I’m saying goblins goblins are uh dope and our very own Goblin is dope oh and I

Just I just saw Goblin in chat and nice and they know they know they know Search Your Heart Chris you know the answer yeah but I want Goblin to know that I that I that clicked for me right before before they prompted me so there you go uh Dunes I don’t see your

Question he just said if my question is a bit too intricate don’t worry about it what what I’m I’m scrolling I’m scrolling I kind of fun for me because as someone who used to interview game developers a lot being on the other side of it’s real

Fun um but don’t worry about it I’ve asked some some real convoluted questions to game developers in my time so just go for it I’ll do my best uh okay so uh he says o funster has a good question does the worldgame generate story or lore on its

Own think Dwarf Fortress uh kenhi Rim World Etc o very good question that is an interesting question um I think I think it’s safe to say that is not on approach no um I think factoring in but I I don’t want to close like there’s a lot of nuance in that and

Like dwarf watch is an incredible achievement in his own right that I talk for while about like kind of what the value is um our goal is to provide like a first party world and setting and set of you know law that has been created by us

That adds kind of depth of meaning to what we are initially offering and then invite creators and the community and to kind of participate in that participate in it as it expands and and then also expand it themselves so that sort of generation you know I can can understand sort of professionally

The ways in which you might enhance things but it’s not been our approach I’ll say that yep that’s a good answer that’s a good answer I can I can I can uh uh with four minutes remaining I can I can quick fire a few more unless Blitz or or Conor

You want to close it out it’s up to you guys you can you can quick fire a few more and we’ll catch up with Dons here you know what next break I’m I’m going to start start starting now ask questions in chat and then and we’ll

We’ll quick fire whatever I see pop up here we go uh first one first one yeah I’m opening The Floodgate now here you go Chris uh question are there factions that exclusively reside in zones five and up oh that’s kind of a that’s kind of a a

Beefy um there there are oh there’s a lot there are factions that exclusively reside in some places but generally speaking factions are quite a bit more mile than they used to be next good next all right um is is hi tail going to be like the Elden ring of block games um

Subjective um no idea what that means no idea what that means subjective but sure yeah next uh um how y’all enjoying thank Miss so far uh loving it the best absolutely Power Hour ear was an absolute Delight to watch particularly but so good um I almost asked do you

Play Roblox but that was someone else asking someone else in chat if they play Roblox um uh uh let’s see any more questions y’all all right let’s see yeah more pouring in um okay um how how uh how more extensive is the modding uh is it greater than

Before at boot cat can I tame a PID can I tame a pidit narrative adjacent but you know I mean it’s I mean like modding remains absolutely Central to what we do so you can pers our plans get bigger and deeper it’s creative man it’s it’s the

Theme it’s the theme I always struggle to qualify bigger but you know what I mean yeah it’s incredibly important to us yep um okay yep uh what is your favorite uh um oh gosh what is your favorite scar type and why is it the scar tank uh as Lynn um

Um scar tank dope can I possibly say yeah that can I love any creature that can also just choose to be a door if it wishes brilliant yeah yeah okay uh and uh got Canadian flash with the meme are raptors ridable um we’ll leave this feel great this

Feels like a great question to John yeah yeah it’s a jail question for sure that’s one of the ones that jail would reply to at 1:00 a.m. and I would see it on my phone and it would cause me to be like oh my God oh my God

Uh um yeah okay and let’s see if we can squeeze in one more here with 20 uh with one minute remaining um oh I saw a really good one sure go ahead no no no no you go you go no I I need to think

About it um oh God this is a good this is the one this is a good one our factions aware of our existence as avatars oh did I oh shoot sorry sorry Conor that is the one that is the one that was yeah good question dang that’s a good

Question there is a reason queex instinctively feel comfortable with you that is all I’ll say I love that I love that sick sick all right uh yeah um and that’s it that’s I I think we’ll we’ll wrap it up there um oh how doat how do you always know

When Canadian flash is at work um I call I I’m actually really good friends with with his boss so we just kind of like kind of coordinate things yeah um joke for what it’s worth all right cool yep thank you uh Floodgate closed love you guys thank you great questions

This was this was fun thank you for thank you for having me uh I Chris remember when you were worried about not filling the 90 minutes uh yeah yeah absolutely smashed it you guys you guys you guys did amazing I appreciate it well you know like seriously though well done

For this whole show it’s really an incredible thing um particularly like I mean I appreciate that like I think you’ve heard every different member of the team say this in different contexts but enormously grateful for how much people care about something that we also care really deeply about but tend to

Keep care about privately and behind closed doors and under a curtain of secrecy and all the rest of it so it’s it’s a real pleasure to come out and and chat and be part of the stream um but obviously like you know the focus of of

This evening is deservedly on on you all and everything you’ve achieved and the amount incredible amount of money that you’ve raised and all the rest of it so which is now closing from me and the team and so 8,211 you can donate now at hiil uh recently uh the last two

Donations we’ve received Alice $10 uh love you guys H heart heart and uh hexa Clover very interesting name $10 uh happy thank Miss y’ can’t wait for hide sale thank you so much for that remember you guys can donate uh to support the ca World Central Kitchen we are raising

Money for them we’ve smashed our goal but we continue to pursue even more to ensure that we have the most change and effect that we can as a community so really appreciate that uh genuinely thank you guys so much for this and as a reflection of the community we have a

Break coming up which is going to be a quick time for you everyone to just stretch their legs uh you know grab a glass of water hydrate uh and we’re also going to take a look at some incredible Creations from the community which are featured during the break which is

Courtesy of the uh Erse cable program that we have going on uh this year so good super very funny so good 100% uh great shout out shout out to leea for the idea on that one and and everyone that’s been participating in the different ANS for that so yeah we’re

Going to uh we’re going to rock it over to that as soon as I find a fo to do so and yeah we’ll uh we’ll I’ll let you guys say say your goodby if you want awesome yeah thank you so much like yeah thank you for inviting us on again like

Chris said this is this is all about you guys so just like I we really really appreciate you carving out 90 minutes uh for allowing you know allowing us to come on and Just Vibe that’s super super fun it’s really fun and yeah all best for the rest of the stream and and

Congratulations again and yeah we speak to you next time thank you so much love you guys see you guys later it’s been a genuine pleasure thank you guys are we out bankas will return after this short break as we know hio has three main game modes that will showcase using

Metaphoric or doors and today we’ll be finding out which one of those is the most anticipated your first nomy is the adventure door playing through high tail sandbox RPG experience will be exciting whether you’re playing alone or you’re playing with friends will you uncover the secrets of Oris or just build a nice

House it’s all up to you then we have the competitive multiplayer ad door whether it’s competing against your friends in a free-for-all or playing together against other teams this game mode is sure to contain a lot of fun and probably a few one last games lastly we have the creative game mode truly

Channel your abilities as an avatar and create your own procedurally generated worlds and even install mods to play your friends do you have a favorite if so make sure to vote for the link in the chat and be here at the end for the award show you dare what’s in this

Stream this is the mosone Brigade and we have taken over to ask you an important question we are looking for the one who will be known as the best mosor milka we’ have seen a few of your show promise will it be mine Canadian flag Buddha cat Hugo or minu make sure to

Vote with the link in the chat and we’ll see you at the war show to finally have our answer hello I’m Dairy Panda and I’m looking for an orbus officer for a helpless Quebec every day an innocent Quebec is harassed chased and burned and they’re begging for help please donate

Today for just a small donation you’ll help rescue these poor Quebec from their attackers and provide care to their Villages Water Shelter and fire repellent donate or hop on the thank Miss server in support and you’ll be saving a Quebec today right now there’s a Quebec who

Needs you your donation says I’m here to Help hey you random person on the internet do I have something to say to you this High Till thankas is sponsored and supported by none other than Sky node woo Sky note is a popular server hosting platform which can make All the Troubles of playing with your friends if

You have any that is simply just one click away they’re just as excited for high Tail as we are so do they have an offer for you they provide the servers you provide the fun sounds like a good deal to me possibly I hope but on a serious note we thank

Skynode for making this year stank Miss experience possible thank you guys so much and on with the show okay I think this is the right script oh oh ah hello there come around one and all I have something here I think you would love to see during this

Thanksmas event now for a limited time deal you can get exclusive donation rewards called the quest bundle this includes but not limited to a beautifully made Budin forged in the lavas of devastated lands a fesive postcard taken in a bustling Tavern a handcrafted quec totem grabbed from some CH camps mossor kindling specifically

Source native Timber from the emerald Groves totally not suspicious a pigeon knife sticker made from a sticker shop and and your very own power key which was made by the tears from the high tail Community the top two donators of this charity stream receive all this super

Cool stuff isn’t it cool and one special winner rewarded this Quest bundle at the end of the build battle this is a limited time deal you can only get these during this charity event going once going twice sold to the highest bidder which are donators the see the shadow

Floating green eyes or hear voice of a guy named bar killing is used to be only for only please keep away from Young and CTI please put the Power Keys safe as a open R portals around your home get yours [Applause] Today the theory of w and dran of we are an army of restaurants around the world that if we have Consciousness that we we together are a powerful food Army Food fighters in the process of feeding the hungry activating the economies at the local level in every single little town

Around the world especially in the places needed the most when I see what’s happening in Ukraine that we are activating so many restaurants as one it’s telling me that we can do this very much anywhere category 4 hurricane slamming into Florida’s Southwest coach this afternoon firefighters are battling a

Devast forest fire near y explosions that rocked the Ukrainian Capital feed everybody as quick as you can not tomorrow not next week not next month Today we do it with Locos we’re not victims we’re just neighbors helping neighbors we overcome every obstacle and if we cannot overcome the obstacle we go around here we are and we’ll come back tomorrow and the day after until you are okay with high Tail’s main villain

Wanting to take over orbus surely nobody would try to Ally with him right that’d be so wild nobody would actually do it well besides The Outlanders some people really seem like they would if given the opportunity is there someone out there most likely to Ally with Von we don’t

Know but we’re going to find out with your vote here’s the lineup Crimson Crow AKA The Mastermind behind Quebec corner and Quebec Gordon’s kidnapping a couple years ago with the Moss horns who after years of Torment by the community could possibly join forces with the big bat

Himself Insidious well known to be the susiestyle not much to be said besides he’s Canadian we’ve got our eyes on him make sure to vote with the link in the chat and we’ll see you at the awards show one of the most exciting wait wait what’s that oh

My shoot get out of here anyway where was I one of the most exciting things about high tail is its combat and variety whether you’re a Ranger with a bow a Raider with an axe or even a mage with a staff we all have a weapon type

That we’re excited to see and use in high tail and today we’ll be finding out which ones deserve the award of the coolest weapon your nominees are the sword the staff daggers the axes wands clubs also known as the funny Bon sticks and then Elemental swords remember to

Vote for your favorite with the link in the chat and I will see you at the end for the award show intermission over Gamers thank Mrs Back okay just have to PO those links I’m good hey don’t worry I was just joking about it being an audio issue this time it it wasn’t actually an audio issue this time it was it just me messing with you I was just having a joke it was a

Joke we were joking uh let’s join the the the Minecraft server which by the way guys uh you can donate at hiil thanm if you want to experience what we’re about to experience otherwise you can join the high tail thankas server for free you can join it at uh thank.

Sky. I’m joined by a lovely set of people right here with me uh go ahead and Shout you guys’ s out we are at 8,000 211 on the donation we’re about to jump into save the queex a custom High taale mini game high taale themed mini game

Should I say uh we’re not a custom High tail mini game yet give it a few more years uh and then uh yeah we’re we’re going to do that for for for a little bit show showcase the absolutely amazing work by Hugo and the rest of the team on

Their development of this mini game that we’ve seen incredible Evolutions over uh the last couple of years the steps in in in progress into to getting it to where it is now absolutely amazing stuff so yeah I’ll throw it over to everyone else that’s here uh uh hopefully the stream

Can hear us hopefully there’s no audio issues we should be good really hello hello hello hello it will have been so fun to just keep shut so they think we have AIO issues yeah we should just not talk like talk silence I want to see how many

Players wow there’s a lot of players on the server right now this awesome yeah so we’re going to be entering the save the queex 2.0 mini game which you guys can again get access for by donating $15 uh at thank hiil thanm uh again this goes towards

World Central Kitchen uh the people that you just saw the absolutely incredible organization nonprofit organization uh that you saw in the break just gone there and yeah you’ll be able to join the server and run around the hub for free but if you want to join the mini

Game if you want to join the build competition in the creative world and just build in the creative world and have fun even if you don’t want to compete then uh yeah come along and and place that donation and you’ll be whitelisted with Minecraft username so

Yeah are we uh ready yeah let’s let’s hop into things guys I mean I don’t I I don’t know should I let let me know when we choosing a map you know let me let me know I’ll hop into oh oh yeah let’s go in let’s go ink then all right I’m in

The STK Hub I’m here with you guys I just fell off the map how do I always do this good job we fixed that we were making that these jumps and we were like let’s make them really easy so no one falls down yeah I bet you well there’s a bunch of people

Here so by the way chat you guys can join and play along with us again like I said if you if you do donate $15 we should be absolutely amazing if not sit back relax and watch cuz it’s going to be a great time anyway it’s a great mini

Game we’re going to have lots of fun all right map selector all right we’re going to have to Cho Boro okay let’s do we play Boro we doing Boro let’s do Boro that’s whever let’s go boy let’s do it is there any changes from last year or is it the same

Uh most changes yeah it’s going to look very cool because we are all you know actual chks and queex with cool Transformations and also this show has changed there are a bunch of new items all right let’s do this wait what team am I on I don’t I’m a truck what this

Doesn’t make any sense let’s go so so for for new viewers once the name of this game uh the quix have to go into the to base and save basically the kid quix we have there a bunch of Qui NPCs basically they have to go and C them to save them

But if there like animations yeah I instinctively went to hit the tro even though I’m on their side hey guys what was the last uh donation we read out uh uh it was two two after John’s it was two after John’s uh hexa Clover okay wow so Chris after leaving donated

250 uh for the 3D printed F wow uh he said thanks so much for everything you do it was great to chat happy think Miss uh good day to you thank you so much for coming on that it means so much to us that we have developer support like this

You don’t get it anywhere else um also yeah shout out to Slammer for the how do I every always we’re not doing so well right now Paris thank you for $10 no message thank you and hawan with $25 donated uh or said how could I not donate after seeing

That heart-wrenching plea from our beloved Dairy Panda the beautiful tones of the recorder tugged on my heart strings team pigeon need to step our our game like is the explosive item gone yeah that’s G damn I was looking forward to buying that they’re in the basement they’re in

The basement oh what where’s our base don’t say that I don’t even know we had I didn’t know we had a basement on the right I’m here where where do we kill them let’s getting them I don’t know where they are everyone in the basement everyone in the basement they they’re

Not in the basement they’re dead go let’s go Insidious is coming in what do you mean I’m not I’m nowhere to be Found guys what if we sneak on the edge of the map they’ll never know no wait is this the spam kind of Um there’s one more in the basement cool down there’s no one in the basement you don’t need to go check I just killed myself by accident yikes there’s there’s one more cre in the basement but it’s probably safe by now guys stop shooting at me don’t do

That I’m a I’m a mountainous actually I live here I live here I live here BL this is embarrassing okay you’re right it is embarrassing oh as are destroying the salads yeah I’m not feeling so long right now I see be you just call us a

Salad what a salad I just shot a TR Again by accident I mean look at the people that have red name tags it’s Echo no no no let me kill Echo please stop yo this is so fun I forgot how fun this is ever here it’s so fun yeah

Quebec con killing the queex I see you guys chat I see You he’s been infected remember to buy upgrades cuz you can buy better oh they’re going to get me wait we can get upgrades yeah I’ve got to explore this incredible shop that we’ve got right here they’re quite powerful so it is we need to go up come on back wait guys

Don’t kill me I’m getting shop things yay I don’t I I can buy an an overpriced for a PAAD block what does this do you can basically you can block off areas with it yeah you can block off entrances I can I blocked off nothing I plac out in

The there’s there’s two ways up so you can def oh well that’s not the way I just got murdered by a humanoid seedling what’s going on Ah 45 more seconds oh 45 we have oh this is not looking great guys ah I don’t want to hit the queex my God pixel uh Ollie no I’m I’m droing I’m scared of that guy don’t shoot me don’t shoot me that’s cringe they just died to a Seedling

Someone’s going up someone’s going to a Seedling I can this get oh 10 seconds I probably need to buy something should oh my God is going insane I can’t even buy anything I guess a golden Apple guys I don’t think we win this I think I think the que have lost this is the Canon you guys pass three more Minutes what yeah that was that was not the end that was that was that was half on to move up the staircase no I’m not you’re right you’re not come on que we got this we got this do we got this ah I’m getting attacked once I spawn it’s not oh three

No oh you don’t keep your items if you die n that would be way to I’m just so awful at getting hits in on cute little que uh siblings don’t do it um there’s a a lot of us help after me not today they’re all after me there’s a whole armor queex

Bro yeah it’s not fun they’re taking us they’re taking us over right now oh no let me exploit The Meta that I used in beta testing no don’t do that don’t do that a meta is Blitz a truck don’t abuse that no only if you’re on my team you go

You’re going out for me what is this yo what no I think I half my deaths for for me yo can we talk about how trucks have stone swords and we have wooden swords it’s the same damage he guys half sharpness oh I’m blind I’m still going to complain though

Cuz we’re losing we need to have cuz I got shot again not good look Insidious we can talk about this 1 minute and a half what for three queck to save wait this is so mine push up push up from the staircase what Blitz what what wow how How we’ve got this trun tr’s que going up the stairs Be A TRU be a TR I’m going I’m going going to them I’m going to kill them be a Tru raw XD one more one more one more queex we need to all attack at once yeah we need to all attack once

Just the only way wait I breaking protection blocks no so one of the exits is just gone okay I mean you can go in cuix can’t any no can crex not break it either they can but they can go in if hit the blocks out there no no is connection hello

Red someone called out Conor you’re using we can fight them all you’re using a scroll wheel to switch your items instead of pressing one two or three why would I press wor no no don’t worry don’t worry I’m also I’m also using a scroll wheel it’s all good I thought the

End guys I don’t think we’re winning go gg gg there was that many there one left that was super close actually that was pretty nice that was pretty cool I’m going to change my quic skin we got the most kills oh how do I change my skin from here uh transformation selector

Okay the transformation selector so you can choose Quebec seedling young Quebec adult Quebec I’m going to go for The Elder I’m going to do it wait guys guys I need to be a dominated to play save the queex what the heck no let me your rank are we joining

Uh Conor Conor you need to join you need to join oh wait let me let let me join which one which one there’s still four more slots select did it red join that’s a good note though you can donate to get access to save the queex at high $115 ensures you

Will be widel listed and able to play this incredible mini game not just tonight but for the next week on this Minecraft server along with the creative mode that also has a build competition going on inside of it woo let’s go let’s go we got it this time

Right make the main lobby we didn’t make the main lobby we’re in a second one it’s fine I got killed hey golday thank you for the $5 hello hello hello hello Golder hey back hey hello chat welcome back Rollo I missed why one what is this wait that’s actually Fair Red’s

Really good at PVP no I suck I definitely not based my career around this I’m too used to shooting queex now I’ve I’ve changed my ways I don’t understand tra your own there are some people here that I can tell know how to this yeah this is pretty totally going down

Hon’s not doing anything the music is so good shout out to SL by the way for the music absolutely incredible love it she slid uh we got multiple queex trying to push the entrance oh yeah yo I don’t know what that means oh I’m Quebec yeah let’s Go die oh this one’s going to be tough yeah this one’s going to be hard I’m in ow I keep forgetting about the upgrades samee but I got no money broke no I died I Died oh rip wait do y’all not even know how to get down here that’s hilarious oh I’m going to figure it out now that I know where you’re at yeah but I’ve already saved most of them man moody moody I don’t think you want this you don’t want the smoke Moody we

Got to get in there I win no let’s Go oh these defense blocks are great yeah seems pretty hard for them BR people are making fun of me for shooting my own teammate what am I supposed to do they they frustrated me they they annoyed Me H’s animation with $50 hi I love High tail hey chat raise your hand if you love High tail I love High tail too I do lot of I love I do not love wi however that’s not very nice we not very nice wow that’s in sensitive well I’m

Sorry it’s okay oh my God they blocked off yep it’s oh strategy is effortless there’s no way we win this yeah yeah this one’s pretty I brought this up during the beta nobody listens so now I abuse it now I abuse it I gave you your chances that oh my

God in C I know you’re scared of me ah why can’t I hit someone with an arrow sorry not going lior I didn’t realize I know you’re scared of me oh NY cover me Mikey I hope you’re listening to the stream that was the most embarrassing fight I’ve ever

Seen what strengthen numbers guys let’s let’s group Up and Kill everything yo I’m spawning Mr plasma chill que corner I need to Target him Target que Corner oh God we have multiple walls now I got more blocks surely we get one one que back save though right

Surely we’ve not saved a single one what’s wrong with us guys we need to think like a team oh we are not getting in there never mind I take it back it’s so over I there’s no way you guys are winning this we got 2 minutes we got 2 minutes 40

Seconds we’re good we actually actually there’s only one more CH left down there he’s there’s a single CH that I trapped down there ear in the game leave me alone B oh they all getting in a bloody yeah I was so close ooh yeah got four wait how are we

Losing hello they broke through we did it we’re halfway we have 2 minutes it’s actually the bus we can do this we can pull that W back we we need more walls everyone use your gold by walls why can’t I aim I can’t Aim did you just do a zombie from Minecraft where’s the what’s the sensitivity Saying controls I am I am locked in controls mouse angs Sensitivity hey Alex parentheses Sierra uh $50 thank you oh my gosh keep on being awesome dude you just donated $50 to feed people you keep what the hell I’m stuck with the quex I’m doing a good job I’m basically playing Tower Defense right now wait but I want to play

Guys we got this one one minute one minute we’ll this round is over one minute we need final final assault at once come on finala we can get those last four que Let’s go Team que they’re getting cooked right now no I’m get from behind

Bro yeah I don’t know what I did but I caused chaos I think and now my screen’s glitching I don’t what’s happening but it happened it’s glitching yeah I got stuck in SpaceTime I think a little little shot of it but just got fractured

Off oh I see it yeah yeah I’ve gotten 18 kill seconds I got 17 and we’re so we’re so losing man on I got 31 31 Blitz placing more blocks I placing as many blocks as I can let’s all go together que back me go no no no we got this we got

This dude that play did not like that last fight didn’t like that last fight I’m sorry guys I apologize for my bit rate hi guys it’s me I’m Here I made it uh what are we doing lands lands number two I’m in fire lands oh mine is here I’m here let’s go I’m clicking to join but it’s already full oh oh it’s full uh let’s leave I guess is there a bigger yeah uh do

B I joined oh wait I Jo wait wait okay hold on wait the bed and then click the two Conor B two Conor run run Conor you don’t need to run Bor Bor do I click Bor one is that is yellow I did it I did it

Yeah you did it we did it you can read all right boys I’m a a kill the que okay this is not looking good this is it’s not looking good already for the que the Quees all I own you just know that someone here already Insidious get away no get away from me well we had to kill Insidious nice good job wait our team is kind of stacked as TRS stop shooting why did you do that we have we do have but we also have Pana to

Balance it out really hey I’ll have you know I’m a PVP expert I’m so good at PVP I can kill anything protect them my fellow T but I’m a pacifist so I intentionally Miss every time mhm protect them hold the lines yeah that that that mad stack you ain’t getting

It bro they’ve got redo as well wait is redun on the que’s team or no he’s on the let’s go yeah but the queex do have insidious insidious is scared of me okay Insidious doesn’t seem like much of an issue of M The quec Brood mother herself just donated

$20 after two years of watch than finally able to donate let’s have a great time together while we wait for the future go que bir mother my mother quec brother confirmed in oh gosh con why didn’t you ask that have been question I’m sorry the only good question here’s question how how’s the

Art coming for the um the fa how does everyone kill people so much quicker than I how does that work so good there’s such cool artwor on M mash up right now oh my oh they’re upstairs too I killed I just smack Moody a few times and he starts

Running shout out to keny for the $15 saying we love hi tail we love High tail we do love High tail we do in this household we love High tail put a one in the chat if you love High tail hey put a one in the chat if you love hey hey TR

Hey guys hey guys come on hey hello Quee sorry Insidious no what is up Quee I just made it so the channel can be joined by anyone in Discord by the way nobody the correct Ro see I typed a one before anyone knew what It welcome to the Future everybody where we love P tail do we buat are you team trucks or are you team fex was the enemy the whole Time hi has I think Blitz has um there aren’t enough there are not enough sh don’t let them now good one mine was that you no it not going to lie I think the creeps are getting clacked right now wait but are the theme numbers even

55 no they’re not not enough yeah we kept switching between servers So where are found the que well the thing is Insidious has been hiding the whole time cuz he’s scared of me yeah I don’t know that’s been happening Insidious isn’t really good at PVP so a lot there’s two on the stairs go Conor oh no

Moody hey G team why can’t we just have a civil One V one civil more that’s not how that works there’s nothing civil about this game true hey can y’all like stop shooting me for a second I got I heal I don’t want to die you said Thank You The

Negotiator I see compelling argument but now what how are you hanging that quickly SP H isn’t allowed anymore that is allow you can do it right that isn’t allowed that’s cheating where did Echo come from I don’t Know H that was embarrassing Echo I saw that oh we one we joining we just need two more quees come on why can’t I hit you why is it so hard listening to Conor play is so funny no oh that was so close oh we only have one

Left one more I’m going to die three are ping they’re charging then I saved the day someone say spam H is allowed spam Hing was removed like 5 years ago like why is that where’s that you can you can spam you can it just doesn’t do a lot of damage but you can

Spam yeah you can still do that I’m going to spam guys build blocks build around the que where are the que I want to kill them all actually please do build cuz I don’t know where they are so it’ll tell me where I have to go what do

You mean you don’t know where they are it’s up or down I haven’t gotten Clos oh wait you’re on the enemy team I don’t que come on con definitely down yeah surely come on Conor die con’s good at video games bro oh my God Conor having a r con Conor

Is going through it hold the line boys hold the line they can’t get through our defenses how did that miss that doesn’t make Sense what why did you get an end Pearl from let’s go go how wait how did you get up there with the end Pearl probably wait end pearls exist ender pearls exist check the shop man I’m sorry if you have enough gold to you know buy an item just get kills that

Easy tail Spot the Difference postcard Edition coming up we have 10 images prepared lovingly by our friend livid lion one half of the Legacy gaming channel these images will be shown one by one and and that’s where you come in chat each one is a well-known official

In-game screenshot of hi tail but with one or several differences I’ll let you know the difficulty time you are going to have 20 seconds to enter in chat what you think is different you choose which one you’re can you choose it was that see three times oh okay let’s see am I

Sure the quing a little secret like below the armor you will see it is Conor good what’s going on with the stream I accidentally changed the video by accident it’s all good I fixed it uhhuh by accident stop nice I also just set myself on fire so that what team am I on

I’m on TR I’m a TR okay I’m burning to death it’s Good you’re on the how could you my bad oh my God maybe could just naked to show off the skin oh they’re they’re rescuing the quebes they’re down there they’re down there already they rescued one of them uhoh we got to be down we got to go down there stop

Them no one’s rescuing n this is this is a map where que can easily win damn you were one yeah that’s will be what the oh my God I got stuck in like a a Vine or something yeah the chain where the hell is the entrance even gri Grim you wouldn’t kill you

Wouldn’t kill a que back would you in serious we got to hold it we have to hold it show them that we can actually be friendly you hold the other one I’ll hold this one okay okay okay okay call out if you see anything now you di oh no I got you I

Got no the other one the other que over there go Conor oh I got you I got you oh they’re going to it right now oh they got it wait come back here ah two que over here I’m scared one que left one HP con oh my gods can be scary man

All right hold M all only one more wow yeah I got like three of them there’s only five Que in this map mine’s a real one why doesn’t the burn command work in game imagine I mean that would make sense but it that’d be so funny already have a big enough disadvantage

Give them another 15 minutes until the live high podcast watch out which one there’s one in there’s one in there’s one in no there isn’t stop gas sliding I got him I got him I did it more there’s more there’s more wait God it kills me dude got is that

Your first kill I no I’ve had kills I’ve I’ve had kills you guys hold down here I’m moving up he’s moving up guys 2 minutes is practically nothing red we’ve waited 5 years we can wait 2 minutes no no it’s 2 minutes plus 3 minutes I I think oh there’s there’s a

Lot of them there’s a lot of them down Arrow’s ready boys ready why is got this oh from behind really I thought I was being sneaked shoot this one a m the quea oh they me dud you’re trying to sneak into the base aren’t you oh my God I’m a

Sneak is sneaky I got want it again no ah get him Blitz are just crawling out me it won’t get the last que oh there’s a que back no it’s serious yo we’re holding this down we’re holding this down it’s good we got this y your que’s better be strategizing right

Now oh it’s we just one que away remember you guys can join the phone if you donate $15 or more at thank high this High just select the server wh list and enter your IG uh in there ah I almost died Conor Never Dies oh my God weapon upgrades Corner Never

Dies Corner no they’re receiving defensive blocks oh it’s I think it’s it’s j wait we didn’t do it there’s more time there’s more time on the club there is there there’s 2 minutes this is the the last 2 minutes W no no we got to got we should join aor you

Should let us by Insidious is up he’s a boss ah oh my God I almost died I’m on one wait there’s a TR drink if you check in the brewing stand that yeah you got like slowness oh my God why would you do that I’m

Going to give it to you guys it’s funny we should probably like all go down at yeah yeah wait for more to respawn oh you got to do this together as a Quebec family you’re not even a quec i he the CHS he a I’m just trying to inspire you

Guys go go go goes let’s go let’s go let’s go they’re coming they’re coming coming which way that way I think this is a bit unfair not going to lie teamwork teamwork I have no idea how you can say this is UN I only got 20 kills yeah and

I have zero this is this is just like skill based watch out que are going down they’re going down there’s three of them skill based if any this is RNG hello blri I’m sorry you just stood didn’t look looked at me bro what I’m moving your Segment oh no what they oh my God they are bunkered up the entire Channel right now are bun oh my God we’re cooking guys we have 1 minute guys yeah one more rush we all got to group up don’t go in we can’t die to ID guys that’s what

Out come on man I know a little bit of pp all right all right que don’t go in just wait in front of the building I see what you’re trying to do you see dying to me we do one more Rush here we wait behind the tree look look look at cities

I can explain what are you doing in here oh God thank you Grim what guys I bought I bought an iron chest plate I’m ready know what you did oh he’s he’s doing it oh he’s ready oh yeah speed let’s go I actually don’t think I can get down there in 20

Seconds 14 actually no I finally died guys I’m sorry oh they’re coming they’re coming oh my God it’s impossible guys I can’t jum up it’s it’s yes let’s go R okay we’re going to join Bor the trcks two to the can we do can we do Sandy Sands or whatever I I dropped

Quick where are we Sandy s number two number two we got to get the larger player base man this is the large one both of them are 22 this one is very hard just go to number two and I mean number one yeah no I already went to number two there’s a

Bunch of people here already there’s like eight there’s 18 in this one what join number one con already man in number two I’m in number two I’m in it starts in two seconds oh god let’s get a big map for only this many Bo 4v4 wait I’m a truck why I running to

The other side I see you Grim I see you no no you don’t no don’t I’m just a plant wait let me let me let me take care of G let me take care of G Going leave me alone where you leave me alone let me let me handle Grim I got him

No out get him out I was I was teaming I mean what Y what what are you doing of oh like 10 of them Chris I’m killing you there’s too many boys okay why you got your team toing you get go go oh oh on the hunt mine what the three of

You get him Grim let’s get you into one of the jail cells fine fine let me just go walk in there oh mind go fight Insidious get Sniped Crouch yeah I have a feeling this is going to be a long game 44 BR got three arrows getting shot at him he’s still surviving all are in front of me I’ll hold l FL no I can’t even get I killed the main power bite no guys you can offhand the crossbow no don’t tell them that no I’m part of I’m part of the CHS

That’s why I’m saying that yes I held the lines oh no how do I miss every time so should be so easy should be so easy what’s going on over here leave me alone where did do no oh he’s good he’s he’s reaching wait there’s so many

I I be wiping the team out right now why yall so weak right now you I you keep going keep going keep going I got you go go go go go go go go go go no Uhoh no queet no bad queet there so many of them I mean has never specifically stated that c theming is bable oh my God I mean does it really make sense oh we getting arrowed no Conor oh n is going me this me SC why are we always getting teamed upon

I’m always getting teamed upon what do you mean you tanked me same buddy same don’t save them just walk into prison okay wa let me walk in no no no no no no no no want to do I did something I killed someone die you did it Conor you killed me die my

Go oh well oh I don’t think thinking about over there just leave me alone I somehow hit you in three hours that me there’s not been a single here course when I sneak past all of you then Conor kills one so you respawn yeah I’m like Rich right now

What can I buy with this H what the hell ooh this was worth it no it’s not worth it if you kill me no no no no no no no no no no no I spent all my money oh the creep are going down they’re going down they’re going down no uhoh a Dang I need to survive this I I got a good weapon man I got I got the the big weapon man no no F if only invisible don’t be getting Arrow from me oh that was a fail oh no no no no get away get away oh no get goodbye Panther

I’m sorry wait you survived oh my God I did it oh no I got eight kills how’s everyone so good oh no no it’s my job no how are you so good at it’s my job I’ll disprove you oh I disproved you redun my weapon is gone yeah you’re

Right my bad my my 15 kills and two deaths really just use this as a grinder oh yeah Easy don’t block it off down this must be last game then we met from the arrow so much yeah we’ll be wrapping up in jumping into the uh the fun high tail shenan why you run thecast why are you running what are you running bro’s dodging I can’t even hit you when you’re

Still did you did you really just straight with the [Laughter] cactus godam is using techniques man no the sa the que bags no no no get no oh we’re screwed nice well RP has been nice fighting with you guys yeah we’re good wait I’m a TR I wait I’m a TR yes let’s

Go wait no I’m a que no I’m a que que I’m a que stop oh my God Conor sorry I’ll stop we’re like 5 minutes into this game is done poor guy doesn’t even know the team their game has been going for so long y’all yall in chat saying I’m bad

At PVP I was good at PVP 5 seven years ago when like Minecraft first came about y’all y’all with when they had a good combat system yeah when they had a good combat system exactly thank you yeah to learn like the aot time yeah that’s stupid no sucks to be

You they going in oh we oh my God bro they just keep spawn camping it’s brutal oh no no they’re about to get the last one good we’re good I I did that I help I helped where’s my team I helped ho I helped let’s go how did we

Lose what happened you know what happened I ran through I weakened whoever was in there and then and O pulse came through with the kill and then we took it that’s what happens none of my team was defending bro they were just going for kills no that was good

You go a you K on me that was good that’s good gg gg that was fun and do you guys know what it’s time for right now um oh my God great question is time for a really incredible uh uh podcast maybe indeed mine happening for 30 seconds game has

30 seconds left they’re going to Flawless us oh wait you guys were in the other game I forgot about that easy yeah it’s cool we can wait we can I keep getting SP RP Chris I keep getting spoted Flawless is incoming let’s go it is a Flawless no no no the defense was too strong here no you had to say something let’s go well done the mob grinder works yeah for real huge W wi and hug go that’s why I said we should fix that got to get yeah we got to go yeah

Yeah you guys need to go and get ready please thank you or the high tail podcast indeed when um when are you going to show the creative builds uh we will be touching back on that soon we will definitely come back to see That you know what I can visit it while we’re buffering actually I can jump into the creative wall right now just take a little fly around just while we’re while we’re waiting oh th w things have really took off okay oh wow okay I need to F1 this

WOW dang it’s amazing is it that is absolutely incredible there’s so much stuff we’re going to be able to go through all of this uh in in a little bit here but wow my personal favorite is the Pizza Hut you’ll see why when you go

And explore it oh yeah you got to go inside go inside I I’ll definitely explore more of this in detail in AIT a little bit um but wow this is incredible we’re at 8,636 raised guys uh so far tonight absolutely incredible stuff that beats our that beat our total from last year

By the way that that absolutely smashed our total from last year there is so much stuff on this Minecraft server by the way you guys can join uh This Server uh you can join the Hub uh at thank. Sky notah the IP is thankas

Doo. uh and if you want to donate $15 at thank at hilm then you will be able to get access to this creative build server as well as the save the queex mini game that we just played uh so really cool stuff there you’ll be supporting World Central Kitchen all

Sorts of great causes to help aid people that are going through disasters help feed uh families and hungry people in need so yeah all AB board the train to helping people let’s do this cool awesome so I think that I am real quickly here just going to hop into a VC

And I’ll see you guys in a bit thank you guys for joining me on this incredible server experience though and we’ll be we’ll be back in a bit to to play a bit more uh server stuff probably at some point oh yeah see you thank you guys oh

And a special shout out to to Hugo and for for the development of this this server and management of this server and setting it up Insidious has also had a massive hand in it and I know the build team have as well uh I’ll pull up the uh

The server card here just so you can all see again Megan Jonathan absolute goats for for building the huge Hub who was that again say again Megan Jonathan perf thank you so much for putting so much effort yeah no 100% sorry I wasn’t sure

If you’d cut out or not so just want to make sure that we get that in 100% MH perfect awesome well with that I am uh I’m going to transition over to the one of the most anticipated uh segments of uh all of high tail thankas 2023 it is

Of course the hightail Christmas podcast I know that Chris and mine uh already to do this so let’s transfer on into that and we’ll get into it now see you later guys all righty later byebye h on what are you doing hello everyone and welcome to the

First ever live hightail podcast my name is mine this is my host co-host Canadian flash how you doing I I’m doing fantastic I could tell you’re stuttering because you’re nervous my because this is the first ever live high tail podcast we can see the chat the chat we’re tight

Let’s type in chat right now let’s type in chat right now what’s good everybody how we all doing today oh my God yeah we’re gonna get to some live questions later on um I can’t wait to do that I know it’s been a we have gotten the

Request to do a live hi podcast I think since the very beginning uh so I’m excited to finally do it yeah people really want that like you know when we get a blog post but you know well our bad for not happen yeah that’s for sure that’s for sure happen

Mine it’s thank this is I love thank time best time of the year wow this is my favorite yeah part of the year uh my favorite day uh of the a lot of stuff happen a lot of stuff still will happen so make sure you stick around until the

End of the live stream if you don’t know who we are which is crazy to think about but yes sir we are the high of podcast we when did we start we started like in I don’t know in mid January I want to say mid January was it January when was

The first episode I I think I think it’s January yeah I think so around there I can’t remember but it was a long time ago you know what we’ve been doing this podcast for a year now um I remember when we first started everyone was like

Why in the world are you starting a high tail podcast there’s nothing to talk about and I don’t know what they’re talking 45 4 four episodes later we are still kicking it we should have looked up these numbers before going live because who knows maybe we’re on like

Episode 25 or something and we just said we’re over that we’re over that yeah yeah yeah I’m Chris that’s mine yeah we can introduce a little bit about ourselves because I’m sure there’s a few people that don’t know who we are my name is mine I’m a YouTuber as well as

Canadian flash uh you probably know me more from Twitter uh that’s that’s where I’m most active from um but I also do YouTube I do uh News videos primarily hope I hope can finally finally do other other things than News videos Chris what do you do because you’ve done more than

News videos I’ve done more than News videos I recently put out a lore video with a bunch of community members I mean it’s not that anymore well yeah not that recent anymore but it’s still one of the most if not the most recent video on my

Channel so I mean didn’t get a lot of views but it got great public reception so that’s really all that really matters people you all love it before that just made High tail News videos recapping blog posts sometimes the day of sometimes the day after but yeah we’re

Just now now we’re doing a podcast so you know that’s just people like it everyone loves podcast yeah we’re doing a podcast and it’s live we are we are the number one podcast in the world do not check those metrics um we didn’t which World we’re

Grateful to be able to have a segment on thank Miss so thank you to quea corner of Blitz and City anyone who was part of thankas that allowed us to I I don’t know why they allowed us to get a segment yeah I don’t know that big

Mistake not going to lie crazy that they allowed us to do this but here we are especially especially with two round tables too like a third kind of Round Table podcasty thing you know kind of kind of crazy but respect I do want to kind of lean into that we’re not going

To talk anything that roundtables will talk about because there are already two roundtables so I think it would get monotonous we have a bit of uh you know a few segments lined up including the view questions at the end first one I want to talk about is I saw this format

On Tik Tok and I think you did it in your F1 Channel I do I do that where you ranked drivers without knowing the ranking uh like what the order is so I’m gonna give you five hight tail moms but you don’t know which order I’m GNA give

Them in and you don’t know what’s coming next but you have to list them in a top five list okay so for example I tell you mossor and you put it number five five and then and then I tell you something even worse and you’re like oh my God I

Wish I had five I mean it’s not really possible theor but but yeah I see you know what’s kind of funny I did the same thing for you too but with bosses so get ready for that one man you’re going to that’s crazy as if we plan we didn’t even plan

This we didn’t even plan that okay great mind like the first mob I have for you is Fen where are you GNA rank Fen one through five Fen untap potential we don’t know a lot about the faren except I mean they could be in zone three now so that’s kind of cool

Uh fa you know what we know we know a decent amount about yeah we do we doing a little bit you know they were enslaved in the past and all that but you know solid mob I’m going to throw faite number two they’re they’re really cute

As babies too yeah number two I’m I’m thinking I’m thinking you’re throwing moart on this so like I know what my five is going to be you’re saving your five yes yes I am the second mob I have for you is cacti oh cacti little sneaky bastards sneaky

Bastards I know Buddha cat loves CI oh booty cat loves CAC especially when cacti scare booty Cat when he’s crafting something that that won’t get annoying by the way when you’re in zone 2 cacti cool mob cool design you know what there could be a solid four I was thinking

Four as well yeah they’re they’re annoying very annoying yeah yeah yeah yeah next up I have for you is Pigeon oh interesting is this Buda cat’s favorite mob I don’t remember he has a lot of favorite mobs budy cat’s favorite is the faan ah yes who favorite M is that noxy

I don’t remember someone someone likes pigeons in the high tail staff team and they like putting knives on them and they throw stuff the question is where do you like pigeons pige do you want I like them more than the cacti but not enough of a Fen great potential I mean

Not really it’s just a bird but it’s just a bird I’m gonna throw him at number three number three okay so we have the number one and five left yeah I better be two good ones I am gonna give you the next one and it is Outlander

Oh my one of my favorite mobs in high tail yeah I mean imagine Quebec’s next that’d be so funny if Quebec is next but Outlander I have to throw at number one they’re in my favorite Zone zone three they’re cool they got awesome lore they got that big crab arm looking dude um

That’s a Colossus by the way we’re gonna throw that Outlanders number one on this list so who’s number five tell me you know what’s really funny you said you you hope quec aren’t next the next mob I have for you is quec corner oh no no way uh put que Corner considering

Five is the only option left on my list I’m gonna have to throw them Connor just him not Gordon Gordon would be number one um Connor uh sorry dude you’re going to have to be number five um based off a default so I think he’s regretting

Giving us this segment now put a number that means I like cacti uh more pigeons more fens and Outlanders more than Connor understandable all right Conor yeah I guess I do sorry Connor hope you’re not watching actually I know you’re watching this so uh that’s tough

But mine it’s your turn yeah you said you have bosses prepared for me I do have bosses prepared for you so the first boss I’m G to give you is the yeti I do love the yeti that is one of my favorite bosses I’m trying to think

Do I like a boss more than the yeti obviously Von could be a number one that’s fair it’s a good point um D we have the Kraken we have the void spider oh my God this is is this harder I think it might be because there’s not many

There’s not as actually I don’t know I think all all of the bosses are cool they are pretty cool I’ll give you that I’m G to put in number two number two lock that in for the yeti all righty next boss here we have the goblin Duke Goblin

Duke number five number five big fat he’s not fat Gres at me he’s got thick bones dude thick bones I’m fat shaming him I’m fat sham I’m calling you out Mr Goblin Duke you are the yeti I got to say the yeti is fatter than the Duke but

You know what we’ll that’s fur that’s fur oh thick thick fur I see I see okay next up we have the scar brood mother I wish I had a number five left I didn’t think about this you didn’t forget at least I didn’t say Quebec brood mother well that’d be

Number one oh okay I see uh I mean I have to put a number four I can’t put in number five interesting interesting so what’s next what do you have left one and three I got one three one and three next up you have a dragon

Chieftain Chie the TR Chie I hope a dragon I’m I’m I’m I’m Holding Out for a dragoning for Aon I have I have to put the chieftain at number three I actually do think Chieftain deserves number three I don’t like him more than the yeti but

I like him more than the other two so interesting so did your bet pay off mine let’s see cuz uh you’re number one on this list I am going to put the void spider yes okay okay I actually like the void spider I don’t where I would place

It between the yeti and the void spider so I’m I’m happy with number one you know originally I was GNA put gloro on this list but I ended up not it’s crazy you know some hiil some hiil fans don’t even know who globo is

Not me yeah my not me yeah I mean you’re you’re a pretty big hiil fan but I mean I think I think I’m a bigger High Tail fan than you no no no there’s no shot no shot I’m a bigger High Tail fan than you no I definitely think I’m a bigger High

Fan than you I don’t think so we got to ask the chat but like I don’t think so I know mine how long you’ve been in the community for hang on tell meiler oh yeah right my how long have I been we’ve talked about this yeah we

Have talked about that that’s on me I think I’m a bigger fan than you though I what about your upload rate let me do you want me to go to your channel do you want me to go to your Channel we could look at it just not recently you know oh

To O oo o oh not very consistent for I work you know I’m at work you know when hi tail comes out but mine you just recently I mean you just recently started uploading more that’s the thing you know throughout the five years of high Tail’s

Trailer existence you know I think I got more videos I got more High videos than you like go what is he doing he just got up I be oh we’re pulling out High tail merch now all right hang on hang on high tail mug High tail mug huh what do you think

About that one how about them apples card ooh hi to post oh yeah I I got a better one here this is right on my this is right on my PC 3D printed sh how about them Um coaster I know for a fact you didn’t get a coaster it didn’t ship to Canada the coaster didn’t ship to Canada so unfair so unfair how about the pins mine the little high tail pins that we got last year got those thanks Miss coin thank Miss coin

Oh I got that too buddy I got that too it’s right in front of me thank Miss coin yeah oh you tried you tried postcard another postcard I got you got two post got two postard I lost that one but I know something that you do not

Have you lost H Ms you I totally did not hold on let me let me let me be back no you chat no it’s somewhere I just can’t find it so it’s lost but I know you don’t have the original High tail Quebec you don’t have this one I know

That for a first than Miss wasn’t it yes it was yes it was that means I’m a bigger fan I wasn’t in the first tank M no oh yeah where were you I don’t know where you were but you weren’t there I was watching it you were watching

It oh he’s contemplating he’s what do you got next hold on I’m going to be right back what mine where is he going he’s gone he’s just going to leave me to do the the the entire rest of the podcast myself oh hang on I’m getting a FaceTime from him what yo

CH and I’m getting ready to shoot a music video for high tail music video Who’s the bigger fan now huh I’m hung up no he’s not a bigger fan than me I’ll tell you right now m is not bigger fan than me he’s shooting a music video

There’s no way I got to shoot this music video too no nope we’re done bigger fan now huh who’s the bigger fan oh you hung up 2018 huh I remember 2018 I do for the first time what a trailer I fell in love I’ll be honest I fell in

Love now five years now we’re here thank you let’s go 2018 on high tail leave I could not believe that my life would change forever and that for better uhhuh I would make new friends to the big podcast I would hit the trends I would hit the

Trends last Christmas you give a delay but the very next day I wanted to play I just want to Play you’re coming with me what’s up thank Miss I’m out here outside this mind guy thinks he can make a better song than me I’m going to teach him his ways I’m going to tell him this is how we do it up in Canada okay I made it to the trail this

Is where we get the good shots damn this is looking like zone three over here [Applause] boria huh bunch of burnt trees I guess the Quebec burners were here it’s been 5 years let’s run it back 2018 I smoke that High Till pack 2019 we got the weekly blogs

2020 there was a higho catalog 2021 we got the great delay 2022 we check the page every single day 2023 we want a community War 2024 we don’t know what’s in store than Miss I wanted High tail but in the very next year I still don’t have it this

Year to save me from tears just give me the simple beta let’s go 2018 on high tail E I could not believe that my life would change forever and that for better uhhuh I would make new friends to the big podcast I would hit the trend they hit the

TR last Christmas wait no we’ve done this melody like twice already I can’t do it again watch this twinkle twinkle NEX is home to let me play the beta please I want to start punching trees wait no wait you can’t do that in higho you can’t oh I

Forgot so wait so how are you going to chop down trees how are you going to get an axe you have to pick up sticks I guess and then are there going to be rocks on the ground that you can pick up like that and then I mean you have to

Tie them together so you need a rope too I how are you going to be able to make an axe to chop down trees welcome to high tail Spot the Difference postcard Edition coming up we have 10 images prepared lovingly by our friend livid lion one half of the Legacy

Gaming channel these images will be shown one by one and that’s where you come in chat each one is a well-known official in-game screenshot of hight tail but with one or several differences I’ll let you know the difficulty each time you are going to have 20 seconds to

Enter in chat what you think is different in the image and for those who guess each thing right you get a point try to challenge yourself and hopefully you’ve had enough time to look at these images I mean it’s been 5 years let’s jump right into things with image one

Starting easy uh Quebec sunbathing in the light likely somewhere in zone one but what is different that’s right for those who guessed a missing Quebec your spot on hopefully you’re getting the hang of this image two another easy one in my opinion here we see a Serene mountain range with a

Bright blue sky above but what is missing from this well-known image that makes it just a bit Brighter if you guessed a flying pig you’d be wrong but if you guessed flying assassin you would be correct because the answer was a missing pigeon well-known hostile territorial mobs in high tail image three this one might throw you off a little bit unless you’ve looked at the image close enough before

What exactly is missing in this crowded theater of Players unfortunately for anyone who guessed something to do with the crowd you would be incorrect it’s actually the little cute dog on the screen who is missing its balls so let’s give it back to them image 4 enters the prosperous caves of Oris here we see a number of swarming

Bats bats that actually look good the cave a glow with luminescent crystals and stalagmites or tights don’t check me on this one Chat this one was a little trickier but can reveal that the difference was the color of those luminescent crystals changed to Yellow from their original Pink image 5 takes us to the pastures of a river in the deserts of the howling Sands I remember covering this image

Well and even discovering a great little Easter egg in here I wonder if you remember what that was or maybe I’m just trying to lead you astray I wasn’t trying to lead you astray it actually was the Easter egg that was missing originally there was a horse running head first into a wall

Derpy little thing Image six is ramping things up you’ve got to know your stuff for this one got to know how to count your eggs so to speak chickens and chicks on a likely player made Farm just one difference here again to Spot and if you guessed the missing Fox spying on them in the background you would be absolutely correct and also officially classed as a super high tail nerd so be proud of that bird welcome to the club image 7 shows us the early UI designs for a player inventory the name

Being Kalos which I do wonder if that particular name holds any significance in the main story either way there’s a big inventory with a lot of items here one thing in this image Is Not What It Seems though and I’ll be honest this one is really tough so I will say that it

Has something to do with the actual items in the inventory if you said specifically that the green Rarity weapon was swapped with the purple Rarity weapon then you’re really good at this and also know your MMO weapon Coler classification so good job Leroy Jenkins for those who said an item switched

Probably you still get half a point though image 8 we visit The Outlanders one of a few factions that have actually been explored in depth a little with a fully dedicated blog post here we see some Hunters but what are the differences in this Image if you’re like me you spotted straight away that the Outlander Gem and eyes should be green but were you able to catch the missing bison way in the back there I did say differences this time multiple image 9 a tougher one now and with three differences to spot I feel

One is definitely more noticeable than others so don’t get too distracted by That of course for this postcard the portal is in fact blue not purple but did you spot that the player’s quiver had been emptied of arrows and the missing pot on the Right image 10 this one is the most difficult in my opinion despite this being likely the most

Viewed shot of all of hi tail so can you spot the three minor differences in this image versus the original trailer’s opening Shot and time’s up I think most obvious to me had to be the mushroom Coler hopefully you got that one but did you catch the missing potion bottle in between the shield and sword as well as the missing vines on the ruins in the background that’s three points you could

Have got for that one so let me know your final scores in chat and thanks everyone for playing your prize is either the gaping hole left inside you now that you realize that you’re not a true High Tail fan and need to go and stare at all of the postcards again

Rather than touching actual grass or the overwhelming sense of amazement and pride you must feel at having analyzed Instead at all of the postcards for so long that the details mobs individual item placement and colors of every image are ingrained into your subconscious and imprinted onto your visual cortex for

All of time or you’re just in between in which case you’re just kind of mid and that wraps things up moving on to the next thing that my live version of me will probably be Saying hey guys uh I think that you can hear me me I think that you can you can hear me I just wanted to bring attention to the fact that we are at $8,600 Mark we’ve just over well we’ve just just gone to 6 hours and a quarter

Now and we’ve still got a lot of really really cool stuff coming up right now we’ve got the game show that is being prepared as you can see the lovely logo in the bottom left uh put the background music on there so you can hear that uh

And yeah I just wanted to catch up with a few donations real quick uh in regards to the Tilt fire so I’m going to need to just take a second here to look where we were uh I’m not sure where we were so I’m going to run through obviously Chris

At Hypixel did $250 Paris $10 hwon $25 gold Rite $5 I believe we read these out Hines animation $50 saying hi I love High tail Alex Sierra uh $50 keep on being awesome Quebec broodmother $20 after two years of watching High tail tment I’m finally able to donate let’s

Have a great time together whilst we wait for the future go que B breu my mother creepy KY uh we love High tail norx $10 $15 from KY $10 from norx my favorite podcast let’s go uh unconditional potato with another $5 ugab Booga and to t t o g HT $10 with oh

No I am late to my favorites first live podcast uh yes you can join donate at that’s every donation that you make goes towards the world Central Kitchen a cause that we have been supporting for 2 years now in a row and they provide Aid and relief

And support to those affected by disasters and help them facilitate their own uh ability to create meals and uh provide meals to their local communities and in doing that yeah they help affected areas uh many of which you can find on their uh website which I believe

Is so you can visit that for more information or high tail thankas I believe has has more information uh so yeah we’re getting ready to prepare the game show right now which is going to take place in Minecraft so that’s going to be fun um I

Believe I’ve got the server here getting ready uh just pinging it right now let’s see if it actually shows up it be good there we go okay so I can I can join this um so yeah you guys can be donating hilm you can join the public

Server again at thanm miss. sky. if you need uh it’s free to join the lobby and $15 to join the mini game that’s going to be ongoing in the creative server that’s going to be ongoing for a week so really exciting stuff there powered Again by skynode and massive thanks to

The Ser team uh looking at chat right here uh no one’s screaming people are screaming that they can’t hear me I’m I’m noticing that can can people hear me they can hear me like they can’t hear me all right people are trolling in the chat I feel maybe maybe it’s because I’m

Far away from my mic or something uh maybe that could be the problem uh but yeah it’s just a little quiet okay my bad I might have been far away from the mic hopefully it’s fixed now uh but yeah let’s join in I’m going we’re going to

Join with everyone else we’re going to join uh so this is a warning to everybody in the high tail game show VC that is watching live I’m going to be joining in about 30 seconds uh so just a heads up there excited to get involved in

Stuff boop boop in 30 seconds this this has been a good event guys I’ve been really enjoying this genuinely I hope you’re all feeling it in chat I know some people have had to come and go uh but hopefully if you’re rewatching this as well uh glad to see you here uh

Joining in after the fact and hopefully uh hopefully this inspires you to join in live next year uh fingers crossed they’re tring they’re tring I see I see how it is all right I’m going to hop into the VC now for Discord let’s go okay hey hey okay hey guys hey guys hey

Guys how’s it going the the stream can now hear you guys and I am officially in the server definitely not naughty okay so is this options I have to set I have to set my options okay so my music yes hold on uh render distance needs to be uh 8 to 16 all right uh how do I test the audio again oh is it this button uh okay I see hi this is me testing the voice uh sound effect thingy I don’t um I actually don’t know how to say that anyway do you hear my voice very well

Loud and clear uh good if you do that’s awesome testing over apparently Discord is quiet I’ll turn you guys up I’ll do my best to to do that real quick turn everyone in the VC up a little bit let’s go through do everyone I just turned Grim up even

Though I don’t think that Grim speaks uh even though they might be speaking I don’t know M brilliant like you’re mine and they are mime that’s great okay everyone should be turned up so hopefully everyone should be good all right chat let me know if that’s better all right I’m going to

Join uh I’m joining press the button again if you’re sure I love that that’s so good oh my gosh oh oh my gosh this is cool oh how hi God this is a lot of snow hey this is cool this is nice this is beautiful oh okay wait I get it now they

Should hear you now they should hear you now I had an idea hello hello oh my gosh oh my gosh my goodness blow make up for all the sound they missed yeah I W sign W the start of half the second just me talking to myself we’re

Back IA time boys and girls let’s do this yeah let’s go uh so we need one more player is Der Panda here hold on I think he’s just setting his options it told it told me to follow the instructions carefully and I hit the button three times and it started overlapping itself oh

Dam okay uh the density of the snowfall fornite swervy are you going to play fortnite during the round table too we’re ready to start oh my God all right before I just want to let you know uh I will be speaking as like a pre-recorded message or like voiceover in This Server

So please be silent whenever you hear the the the voice of mine in the game the voice of me hey is there anyone got to make sure oh this is guys I’m not I’m not here uh which who is not there I I’m not here you’re missing the movie man is so

Loud I’m throwing my popcorn at of cities right now what waa right Who oh it’s a Movie hey what so cinematic what the hell what the heck it was like Canada it like Bor out in here oh insane y that was awesome hold down something’s coming up oh my God I know that guy hello hi yes uh can everybody hear me yes I

Hope so uh yeah everyone I am a pre-recorded guide that will explain everything that will go down in this lovely segment of the he highle thankas event the game show yeah yeah let’s go anyway I will need everyone to be silent when I am speaking as you will not want

To miss a single world see that’s an important word that you wouldn’t want to miss so please refrain from speaking whenever you hear my voice understood good this game show will take you on the ride of your life it’ll reshape who you are as a person

And even make all your problems go away as long as you don’t try to break the map by trying to escape climb or break something but um I I trust you guys to not try to break the map no matter how exciting that might be also everyone

Should be in the same Discord call unless I tell you to move to a separate team voice call but anyway that’s all the precautions I was advised to give you but now let’s begin the he till thankas game show let’s go second all right everyone you have

Been divided into two teams red and blue so check tab to see which team you’re in who’s that M yeah this isame where you have to gu the based on the mob’s Dark Shadow there will be a button on your table and whenever you think you know

What hiil mob it is press that button the first one to press it will get 3 seconds to give their answer if you don’t get it correct or if you run out of time the other team will then get 15 seconds to give their answer if your

Team gets an answer correct your team will get one point no a person named nighty will be in the Discord call you are all currently in he will be the one to decide who’s right and who’s wrong and which team to give a point to so

Please listen to that cool guy if he has something to say that’s all yeah I’m cool um so I just want to give you guys a heads up uh when you press the button if you’re the first to press press the button the lights will light up and

That’s when you give your answer right but if the other team who doesn’t have their lights lit if they still give an answer and it’s correct uh the team with the lit lamps will get the points either way so it’s not smart to be just calling

Out names if you’re not the one supposed to be answering because you might give a point to the other team that’s lit all right now we’re going to start oh dang okay so who presses the button all right oh whoever knows it I guess yeah whoever

Knows it oh here we go 3 2 one 321 oh what the is Pikachu is this piku piku Pikachu you guys Pik you guys ran out the 3 seconds I’m going to go I know it I know it I know it I know it I

Know it I know it what is I know it it’s a que Elder it’s no it’s a que with oh my God okay Canadian flash was correct it’s just a queb It’s I see how this is gonna be what I heard I heard puppy doggy Pikachu puy Pikachu if the other team gets a better if the other team gets a better answer I’m going to give it to them okay uh it is the dog that’s in the trailer dog dog

With a red ribbon scar I know the breed oh my godani I can’t believe they thought it was a [Laughter] Pikachu oh that’s easy I literally use this for a thumbnail Outlander with Outlander my mic was muted it is an Outlander indeed I lit you guys were a little bit late on the

Answer but do you guys I said it at one second I said said it immediately okay that was pretty immediate that was pretty immediate oh he’s right also the lights on when he’s right he’s Right what oh that’s again yeah wait hold on hold on we said puppy the first time but when they say Outlander to Outlander Ranger to get it what my I said that’s the dog from got it it’s the guy from the trailer the coloss the big guy from the trailer in the cave

Piku Traer trailer coloss we give more specific Traer out Outlander col Outland is on our light is on guy Outland question man Outlander Colossus Goliath wait that’s what I said all of you said quite different answers what’s your like Outlander Colossus Outlander Colossus wrong what uh what do you mean

Wrong it’s a giant Outlander from the trailer the big big guy he fight C magic person spinning it doesn’t have the crab arm CRA okay my bad my bad that’s point to the blue no way it’s so rigged I love this what the hell love it oh oh Goblin

Goblin it’s the one um he said go I literally said it yeah late wa no he didn’t say it while the lights were on but they need some P points I said it with the lights on Outlander Colossus no win it’s a void spawn be yeah uh is

It yeah but it’s close enough but it is a spawn of ver and that’s true come back come back let’s go let’s go what you saying come on guys I would like our point back yeah yeah that was clearly our point my Jud damn F stalker fence stalker F

Stalker yeah let’s go let’s go coner let’s go we’re not clicking this fast enough I think yeah I’m spamming It let me go why are you guys so good it was really difficult for me to guess these nailing this that that one was fun that one s you have to carry carry s are carry no it’s chair baby chick baby chick the baby chi too late baby chck chck chick chck

Baby chick the yellow one no turn turn chck chck owl yeah ow uh Bluebird nope owl oh oh oh oh Robin Robin Robin bird I don’t think there’s a robin in what is a robin what the hell guys any a brainstorm we run is there like time limit

On I thought it was a I thought it was a penguin but I guess not uh Pidge it’s ven no no uh your answer what have we not said is it a woodpecker yeah woodpecker wooder correct correct I’m so between Baron and woodpecker I just couldn’t tell oh my gosh okay yeah all

That was fair enough Dangs Myro lethal operating operating you person person all Right Shaman do we have to shaman the first we have to St it I got anyways corrupted fish corrupted fish go let’s go let’s go Magikarp that’s the end mag who’s that oh my God no way no way you guys are going to Duke it out in

A classic PVP battle against the enemy team I’m sorry guys Five Points But first you got to select your weapon by going into one of the stations now there’s no take SE back SE so be thoughtful of what weapon you choose let me open up the station

I’ll I’ll go I can’t get out is wild yeah you can’t get out once you pick all right whoever’s a crossbow shoot at their feet shoot at their feet oh my God what um Good Luck hold on hold on I’m giving you strength wait Grim wait hold on who Splash strength on the

Hold on group strength grou strength here shift up shift up in the corner shift up in the corner shift up in the corner strength strength everyone strength come on come on come on okay SP it I got a bow here we went here shot from behind oh over here over here I

Got G up I got ganged up I’m coming oh I died I died I died I’m sorry guys no Conor oh my God Chris get out of here he’s got a sword you guys have been split up you guys got split up how are you not dead yet get over here

Nice wait did someone left I’m sorry yeah Chris where is he he’s around the building get get all right why was there a barrier there again why was there a oh hey somehow a bunch of lava just spilled all over the map it must have been the queex oh well good luck and

Don’t you dare dip your pig into the hot spicy water Corner why I’m on red back up the back up Conor you’re so funny dude I I fell in the lava I didn’t realize you didn’t see it here a bit odd I have to eat I have to eat same no

No I can’t jump cuz of the fire oh no it’s cuz we’re inside of this I’m dead I’m dead oh oh my God oh my God oh my God where’s my team where’s my team I can only damage you with my crossbow oh mine hey buddy it’s an archery d

Okay so apparently you can’t do damage unless you have Chris Chris Chris look behind you I got you nice nice keep him in there’s bro I’m dead no I’m not Insidious H I’m not bad at video game you got this mine you got this mine he filled the map with

LA is against each other what do I do this will decide the for to you got to show him who boss we can do this he’s so far away get him get him get him oh my God you guys are going to fight for another round be ready in

Three all right hold on let me try this one I want try sword just kidding I love this we going to be playing a way more fun game called snowball freeze tag yeah uh throw your balls at your enemies to freeze them into an ice the whole enemy

Team gets frozen you win what but oh if your allies get Frozen you can revive them by standing close to them to melt the ice also there will be loot boxes dropping around the map and in those loot boxes there will be special ability items stored inside take those and use

Them to your advantage mind I’m going to throw my balls at you bro wait what do we do wait what do we have to do what do we do find loot boxes and get the loot okay wait so we don’t go we snowballs how do we snowball what is a

We don’t got snowballs oh literally just fre there a Lo thing I see it drop oh okay we have to wait for chest to drop okay I see what is that oh you got oh wait I got one I got one hold on get him oh

Don’t you do this no no no no no no on Earth how do I there no ball was that shot Chris how do I get revived inside the Ice Cube stand closer stand Closer Closer stand in me get in me inside of me oh

My oh my I got a double kill a double kill red help no balls man I need balls dude idea what’s going on right now oh what am I doing yes let’s go oh help where are they where no yo someone sit on me please thank you we’re saying some Wild Things in

Chat today Conor help me help me Conor I got you mine mine how do we how do we get people how do we get people you got to where do you get snowballs from where theb they they just they just what help help mey has like a million snowballs I

Haven’t had like a single snowball unfreeze me I can’t see them any yes go help me help me where did we get this in I’m stuck I’m stuck red team help boys I got what what fles help us mine you’re mine come back oh wait who’s team FL come over here flash over

Here over here Flash no behind over here to the right to the right FL flash flash flash wait wa I won let’s go let’s go I won okay oh one he got got I didn’t know who W where on Earth do we get snowballs from they just spawn around they have green

Particles around them half the time I thought I was on the other team yeah me [Laughter] too you’re so red that I keep throwing snowballs at you and that’s completely my fault what uh I need help here oh hell yeah wait that was mean I’m backing

Up guys I’m in their back lines I need some help stand stand inside HW You See Me Oh HW you’re on the other team there’s no right here can you unfreeze me on no no oh Conor can you unfreeze me I I’m not on your team buddy yes oh wait yeah

I am oh come on I don’t know if I am I’m not on your team I’m help help I’m what is this hit box H behind you no con con behind you I would really like some help oh U Mr Mahi too I don’t please me grim there’s a delay I’m over

Here oh shoot yo watch out for oh that was just under your foot get me get me Chris you have need to get close hold on you’re getting you’re getting spawn Camp right there wait what oh huh save me I don’t have a snowball No Sa me no

Run I just need what are those big balls right there it’s a shield it’s a shield so you stand inside oh I see no nice no I’ve been caught I’ve been caught Chris Chris got M you’re that guy how do I break these things stand in me

Stand in me stand inside me you got it yeah oh uh I’m behind their spawn I crate there’s a crate oh redawn what sa me I’ve been caught far off the map if anyone can find me uh uh I am very Frozen right now oh my get him

I I got nothing got nothing he’s got nothing get me give me flash what are you doing come over here no keep running Flash run the other direction go what I hit you with it what get get it get it get it got it I got it I got it nice

Nice mine mine I’m in the back line like you were okay I’m coming I’m coming my help nice job the whole team is here it’s scary hin help me dang it I’m in the middle one second no he’s on me no how did I miss where did the end

Po I still literally have nothing this whole time nice need a crate take that what is this drive by I don’t understand snowball mechanics man I don’t either dude they don’t make sense this is rough a dang M get him no get himun you’re not getting that no

One of them protect them protect he’s getting another he’s going up the hill H to your left to your left no no how did I miss stuck here oh get me out of here bro Red Save Me Red behind you there’s a we did it we did it good job boys good

Job fight fight fight fight fight oh I don’t know if I understand how snowball hit boxes work yeah they’re a little off it’s kind of weird yeah it’s weird I recommend uh hitting the ground close to them that’s easier to make them into Nice very funny wait hold on really how didn’t you freeze my snowball what I need some balls right now he needs some balls brilliant I need some balls now we traded boys I got Shield balls right now hell d d i like I I do appreciate that

Also understand I wanted to save you ran yeah go boys let’s team up on them all h on Save Me HW on save me thank you I’m sorry but I will not no Grim what God where are you so it’s not worth it no no it’s not worth it no it’s worth

It Grim Grim Grim behind you behind you get him get him no bro get him like this to the right to the right d oh no he’s going over he going over to break free than yes go go go no got you oh got got you

Insane help us that play got like four people flash FL FL FL take this how many balls did that gu have oh shoot balls Shield oh never mind oh thank you so much we got to bring our boys home I had to save you when you save me

I forgot something I I just threw a snowball through Chris it just went right through oh I was I was in a shield bro you were running oh never mind snowballs and stuff it’s a bit weird My Weird that one how did you have so many what oh well

Sh oh yo we’re cooking wait how do you have so many balls I he’s rapid firing guys I need some balls to drop on me right now I didn’t hit H free let’s red I got you no don’t get himone please what oh God I’m sorry I’m so sorry Okay finally okay do that again come back many rounds this we got this we got this we got this last two rounds all right comeb back time blue team we’re winning this hey mine we got it and then just unleash all of them at once hly I have a feeling the last round

Is going to be who picked that up I can’t find anything I know same wait I just picked up a snowball and disappeared wait how do you you only choose one thing in there oh same it’s they’re just disappearing I grabbed the wrong thing in there what you got the

Whole they’re not they’re not I can’t picked them up from the crate either let’s go this draw guys wait we don’t have boots on either guys technical ISS all right all right dance the show off at the middle Dan off let’s go why is the ad also

Here yeah yeah yeah you to sing for us we need a thir s it’s been five years yeah let’s let’s have a run back let’s have a run back we could we could play we could play uh we could play uh M oh wait actually actually I I’ll just uh end the

Game there uh cuz the last two rounds are probably not working but red the last game though right uh yeah but let me just give you guys the final score so just wait there and dance for a little bit yeah let’s dance let’s dance guys let’s do it knock knock who’s there

Yeah tell your best joke tell your best joke hatch hatch hatch who God bless you what that’s so fitting with the winter theme I I love that right right exactly okay who’s up next we can only tell winter jokes we can only tell winter jokes I can get a sword from all right

The final score is going to be revealed now oh my God de Deb’s on winning dib’s on winning dibs on wi yeah dibs right oh my God oh my God oh my gosh oh my gosh we won we won Ain no way ain’t no way D the

Power gg gg guys thank you everyone playing the power of friendship well played guys that was absolutely amazing well played what incred dude night night that was absolutely incredible well done nighty well done shout outs to uh real anas and quatra quatra did all the buildings uh wait do

It do it again with a little bit of help from other people but anus also did most of the coding so shout out to those people round this was so cool job great job everybody great job AB thanks everyone thank you so much thank you everyone

That was so fun let’s go guys let’s go I want to play it again sometime that was a really good game yeah awesome awesome I’m going to jump into mob mashup now but thank you guys so much for joining us thank you again one one more round of applause for NY and

His team thank you guys so much we really appreciate it great job great job n epic let’s go aome let’s go was my M again one Maybe Hey guys how’s it going don’t worry we’re just uh working through some stuff now I’m going to hop on to the dkas server oh I’m on okay I need a different version actually that’s fine I can work on that oh and the music’s really loud I just realized the music really loud I’m

Sorry about that my apologies uh cool okay so we’re going to move into mob mashup now so let’s jump into that real quick where is it uh where is the button I’ve got the button here the button here will take us to it uh somewhere

Here sorry my God I had I had the Discord in my headset I could hear people talking and now I’ve muted them so now I can actually think don’t worry hey guys I can hear you I can see you I can see chat how’s everybody doing I can

See a a bunch of people I know it’s frozen don’t worry we we’ve got it all so that’s the end of the game show we’re jumping into mob mash up now so we’re into mob mashup let’s go woo oo M bash up time okay so on the screen I need to

Pull up the Discord display so that we can see uh the current call so let me just do that real quick uh here where do we have it let me see Discord Discord Discord here we go so this should show if I remove uh this aha boom okay excellent

All right so that’s good all right so I’m going to mention these guys all right I’m hopping in I’m going to hop in right now and uh hop in and let the let the guys know that I’m hopping in so I am unmuting everyone and boom hey hey

Guys everyone can hear you now that sorry for that awkward transition I’m trying I was trying to delay to get get everyone ready we’ve nail we’ve nailed half past exactly so that’s good we’re on track it’s good uh and now people can hear you so now that’s awesome we’re here let’s go hello

Hello so yeah take it away guys if you want to you want to I’m going to share uh Discord uh the if you guys want to share your screen this is mem’s event so mem the how are we rolling what’s the plan all right so we’ve done a lot of amazing card

Work um so we should check well no like first of all can we do like a presentation of everyone who’s done so much in this segment yes yes we can do an introduction personal work yeah I I think just like an introduction yes yeah yeah yeah an introduction yeah

We can do that if you want to run through everyone or if if everyone wants to run through themselves and and mention some of the stuff that they they do we can do that absolutely I’m willing to take the lead here uh I am Derry Panda I am a uh

Artist that posts a lot of fan art on Twitter uh regarding hiel I’ve been posting for many years now and you can find my handle at Dairy Panda and yeah I’m glad to be a part of the community I make art hi hi Lee hi Lee Hi D you make art

Yeah I just flew in there wait was that you that did all the Power Hour assets W yeah totally oh my gosh damn big fan good job okay who’s [Laughter] next EFS 3 is next in my hi I’m Fe as people call me and I also make art and that’s it awesome

Amazing thank you no problem then we’ve got pamu uh yeah hi I’m pamu I do art of high tail on Twitter and and places I hope it’s good I’m glad to be here awesome welcome welcome welcome all right and then we’ve got Kuma Kuma is an Spanish artist he does

Amazing fan art he won’t be able to talk but he’s here participating with with us even if he doesn’t speak English amazing that’s absolutely awesome and it’s like the full the full list of artists that we’ve got here that have been working on stuff tonight I think we’re missing one oh

Who hi my name is mine I’m also a big artist in the high Community probably the greatest artist I think I’ve done more High tail art than almost everyone in the call here um I’m most known for my last year’s mob mash up between budda cat and a goblin that was

Very successful and I’m happy to uh continue my first place uh Victory streak with this year absolutely I’m so excited to lose to you so what were the what were the choices for the mob mash up correct refresh my my memory it was uh moson and faren yeah

And faren yeah interesting so who who dare dare showcase their masterful creation first after almost uh how long has it been 6 hours almost 6 hours six 6 and a half hours now so I’m I’m excited to see what you guys have created for this stuff you so not really Conor oh

Like are you guys excited chat F pieces of art here hey if it’s all right I’m really excited to see uh how pamu has been so we can jump into pamu first then sure do you want to do that sure aw yeah let’s go let’s go let’s go in oh Dang what oh that’s so cool with the B oh my gosh I love the grassy field it’s so warm and cozy a you really knocked it out the park holy smokes that tail though it’s very fluffy it needs fluff needs fluff of course it I mean going into

This Fen and mosson what an odd combination so like what were your first thoughts when you when you were thinking about it when you were trying to devise an idea of what you were going to draw uh well my first thoughts were uh B uh fluff of ball yes brilliant

But the the second thought was just a minur but a minur between a fox a humanoid fox and a a moss horn it’s quite a scary feet to tackle you did a wonderful job though that rendering is so good right yeah is that a saddle I

See what saddle it’s like a I I I figured it was like bony like bony structur armor kind of seems cool something like that I can’t I can’t I can’t if it’s I can’t tell if it’s like if it’s uh like uh what’s the word when

A mob wants to attack your passive I can’t tell if it’s passive or like um hostile you know like it seems like it would it defend you it would defend you with its life but it would also eat you if it had to you you need to get closer

To find out I feel like can steal your cheese what look at it rude look at it the cheese I would that that it’s not taking my cheese wait does it have like a preference GAA parmesan cheddar chat said what’s the name of it mozzarella the name of it uh on the

Spot oh aorn nice nice that’s nice that sick name oh my gosh that was that was good Under Pressure diamonds are created that is that is brilliant a fle I need that in hiel right now we need thatle yeah that’s up there awesome okay well let’s uh let’s see who’s who’s next to

Showcase that creation we’ll we’ll dive into that one and and see what we’ve got oh it’s got to be Effy Effie okay we’re going to jump into your screen eie here we go we’re GNA Jump Right In Here we go do do you want me to

Want go ahead boom um I tried a more Dynamic approach with this one um and it’s it has more elements from the M hor of course as you can see from the face but also I try to incorporate like the bracelets from the fs and

Whatnot um and this one I think would be called the Moss Mage uh it’s I think it’s pretty self-explanatory that’s so cool the m r I tried uh in incorporating elements from like both the fs since they have wind powers and the like the biome that

The mossor is in that’s why the staff has like mushrooms and also bones uh and some design elements are also straight up stolen from Lee so credit to her uh for example the staff or uh other enls uh so yeah I love how one gone like the the more animalistic route and then

This one’s like the more humanoid is kind of theme to it I like the two different directions that it’s taken I’m also loving the perspective on it oh my gosh the way he’s just popping out eie went hard and there’s Hooves as well true well so it it’s clearly wind magic

Right but like what kind of spell is it enchanting the m horn spell oh I love that spell the best why do I feel like that turns you into a moss horn why is that no it’s just a free a lifetime supply of milk don’t worry about

It that’s worrisome that is very worry no it’s wor about ticket it’s a ticket you like bring it into the dairy Factory and then they’re like hey free milk nice that’s AB yeah no that’s really sick dude heck I wouldn’t want to run a crush rendering alwayss great absolutely awesome all right

Rolling on to the next Creation in the mob mashup who is who is daring to go next who’s ready who’s prepared H it could be me then it better be you let’s dive in let’s check it out this is meme to use creation you brave enough to s you’re

Up all right so mine is not like rendered but I tried to get like a merchant kind of feeling to the to the mosor I also did it like the latest fan they showcased the the snowy fan because I think it gives it like a very cozy Vive

And he’s got a little mosor partner I I love the idea of that this like one the fusion of the blog post uh like outfit kind of style but also the idea of a moson Fen with a moson I’m thinking like what what if they came across an a Fen then the whole

World’s T Topsy Turvy The Whole World’s upside down at that point that would be really cool imagine well is it is it like is it bad for a moss horn fair and to ride a boss for like like is that like as a m no people give each other piggy Backes all the

Time I I want to know what he’s B what they’re burning I want to know what they’re burning uh just out of curiosity know I’d like to know um you don’t want to know looks like wood looks like wood a little bit could be something else that’s brown so you know wouldn’t a

Mosor writing M be like a human writing a Gilla could just be like a it’s like a human writing its Big Brother remember what happened oh Conor do you remember what happened to Gordon’s cousin don’t remind me of the dark days oh my gosh oh sorry too soon like

The little scar totem on his on his uh staff hey oh that’s so cute I didn’t even notice that oh that’s so cool oh my gosh my my favorite Parts uh like along with what Connor was saying but just how you did the clothing uh the multiple

Layers and the way it just kind of fits in with the borus theme I really like it it it’s just it’s very cozy is a good word to put it a good way to put it awesome like it who’s uh who’s next up who’s who’s ready to who’s ready to

Sacrifice their their creation to the chat Gods who will judge it both ethically and non ethically and don’t want to peek at kumas Kuma let’s see we’re diving in sorry sorry all right what oh my gosh what that is so it looks like a cute platypus keep it a

Mus it’s like a platypus scrap from Ice Age kind of Vibes like MH oh that’s so cute yeah it’s so cool Kima wants to tell that he did it on his phone through E paint wow not a pain tet I I’ve used paper before that is genuinely

Impressive that that is not a uh intuitive software that’s crazy what a what a cool design too that is so cool I’m just looking I’m trying to think about it it’s got like the the the golden ring and I’m like what’s that it’s like do you think it

Lays eggs that’s a great question like the only High tail mammal to lay eggs the only orus mammal I moin omelet like just because it’s mixed with a MOS horn and a fair and I don’t think either of them lay eggs M but like what if it

Does okay you are not sure either you know how people makes houses out of cards I would make one out of moer and eggs that’s so specific and worrisome was pretty crazy they’re both fragile so like it’s kind it’s pretty much the same thing I do like how the

Horns from the skull is taken on to the m horn here yeah yeah absolutely also like it’s uh bling it has little jewelry on its like arm it reminds me of how Cubone evolves into likeon Creature that’s a great the depressing back cubb is wait did pie yeah no no I’m I’m not

I’m not I’m avoiding spoilers I’m keeping my old one I’m already locked in dude wait wait who’s next the last no no no I want to go last I want to go last you want to go last okay all right all right all right all right who’s next locked into

That who’s next up in the line it’s got to be Lee no it’s Dar look der’s volunteering everything all right we’re gonna put der on the spot let’s go der you’re you’re let’s go I fought I fought the hard fight boom we can see what oh dude

What I had a fun time with it I love it it you got most of this done in like 10 minutes oh dude it gives me I would not say that it gives me Vibes of like this old animation I watched once and it’s like a

Bounding it was about no it was about a bounding rabbit although now you say it it does remind me a little bit of opa too from Avatar yeah so the lore behind mine is ever since we first saw the Moss horns um Le wanted it dead I on the

Other hand uh have really envisioned how it kind of reminds me of opa from Avatar the Last air bender this wonderful best friend oxlike uh Mount uh that could just take you where you want to go so when I decided to cross it over with a

Fen I wanted to draw on the emphasis of the fact that fens manipulate wind Magic so it’s riding around on an airball uh trying to hunt its prey a little white rabbit how did I I how did I miss that I like I saw it bounding on the floor and

I thought oh it’s just bouncing up and down but it’s it’s a little wind ball oh that’s yeah I I I could have defined that a bit more but I’m okay with how it came out that’s so cool I love it was a lot of fun but he

He was like uh we’ve got three hours and then I said no we’ve gotone like five or six hours and he he said what I could have made it more Dynamic back in my day tell me before back in my day during this event we had like 30 minutes yeah back in the

Uh the high Tail fan days so I I was thinking I had 30 minutes to do this you had you turn out you had six hours yeah this time we we yeah I had a a bit more time so I I added a bit more details it

Was a lot of fun that’s awesome absolutely amazing hey guys by the way I think it has a cozy spot next to everyone else’s just before we cover the rest of the art pieces just a reminder you guys can still donate at high tail uh the server is still up

Despite it’s not being on it right now a bunch of people are on it and you can play a bunch of mini games and go and build on there still I’ll be joining there a bit more later on we’re at 8,746 do uh which is absolutely insane

You guys have blown us away but keep that coming because every little counts it’s all towards an absolutely incredible cause World Central Kitchen as always so thank you very much for that recent donations I don’t know if uh any uh recent donations have come in uh

We will update on that after mob mashup uh but yeah uh let’s uh let’s let’s keep rolling absolutely incredible stuff der also the blue Tong nice choice yeah thank you I got inspired from that from one of uh Le’s old pieces I can’t even remember I’ve drawn too

Many M horns at this point I can’t remember which one it was either just the tongue stuck out to me H but get it tongue sticking out nice well speaking of Lee we’re gonna we’re gonna jump into your your screen Le that’s cool sounds good

Boom what yes in fact the noise I just made sounds like what it the noise it would make thr singing Just thr singing oh that’s so cool I love the illuminent things on it on its horns like little the little are they like plants are they like illuminent plants or oh fireflies they’re

Fireflies sorry that’s a great little touch oh my gosh I love that cuz they they they don’t move very fast so I was it reminded me of the Sloans when I was thinking about it and sloths end up moving so slow that moss and and grass

Actually like plants grow on them so I was like I’m pretty sure the the Moss horns have the same kind of thing going for him that’s so great what a nice little detail I also love the painting on the skull thank you I noticed that some of

The fens had like some designs and I was like I haven’t really looked at those uh but I was like I like Things That Glow so I was like let’s just make it Glow just cuz wonderful choice you know what like I could see see that being a law thing

Like in Darker areas or something they’d use like ill luminescent paint to like light caves up and stuff you can you can run around with torches right and light up caves so maybe they can light up caves with their helmets dude hi tail are you writing this down budha get your

Notepad get your notepad get it this is gold this is gold dust imagine imagine the environment secret the dinosaurs glow like the dinosaurs have glowing markings on them so they could Harvest that up Canon Conor imagine bioluminescent cave paintings oh now you’re talking like in Lion King in game in game yeah yeah

Sorry anyway I digress no I feel it I feel it so yeah why don’t you progress in nature there’s some Le some leens that are bioluminescent so if MOS horns grow moss they can also grow those leans that would be very Co to bioluminescent Moss horns I’m here for

It the earrings are a great they eat it though like what if they eat it and they glow like a firefly glowing milk glowing Muscle Milk no not glowing milk yay I believe uh I believe mine has he wants to show us potentially no I’m part of the

Competition what do you mean wait what do you what do mean what do you mean competition you mean moving on to the next person in the mob mashup this was last year’s I’m keeping it a secret right now what I made I definitely did not join the voice chat right after the

Game show and asked how long do we have and they all said it’s happening right now and so I opened Photoshop and asked what is air look like so this is my creation oh my God I love smile a moss horn and F together oh my gosh are those others below

Aorn I didn’t realize you had such autistic integrity that’s incredible yeah You’ really up yourself this time so I really I really thought to myself what what are the Core Concepts of a Fen and a moss horn and I thought brood mother immediately and so I knew that was the base of my

Inspiration did you uh photo that background or make it yourself oh I definitely do that myself well either way you did it yourself I mean like no everything I handrew everything no references as you can see so I got the staff with the with the wind magic

The blue little uh you know ropes there we got the skull we have snot all over his face that’s what that is that’s what that is okay that is yeah that’s not what did you think it was I thought it might have been like uh like like plant like

Plants plant yeah like is just definitely not this mob is just called MOS SE what you mean wait is it holding a slingshot no that’s one of those staffs oh again with a bioluminescent a nice touch oh my gosh is that ERS is that erss those are ERS yes y three how do

You think M four separate letters oh there’s four there is four yeah um how do Moss horns get milk like yeah it’s it’s through others why does it have why does it have a Quebec and a person in it like cat actually is that Buddha cat

That is not Buddha Buddha why are they in no that’s not Buddha cut guys uh I I think that’s up to you found the one image that is not Buddha cat just imagine if they put this put this in game just imagine that please

For a second and I don’t want to I I’m not gonna imagine that I want you to I residuals instead of imagining that how about we give a shout out to water Malone who just donated $254 a great call supported by a great Community uh who inspire me perpetually

Uh keep being awesome people doing awesome things figured I’d round up here so we’ve just we’ve just hit 9k we’ve just hit 9,000 guys so absolutely stuff right as you guys have showcased your incredible art pieces absolutely stunning that’s incredible W I can’t believe mine’s drawing moved

Him that much that really really really affected him this is this this piece of art is technically worth $250 now if you think about it is is this your Mona Lisa it is my Mona Lisa now mine is this the cover of your new music album This is

Actually the cover of my uh debut album yes called mosor and F can we hear a track can we get a sneak preview no sneak previews yet okay all right thank you thank you I’ll I’ll treasure this also notice the smoke very small detail here but the smoke is

Coming from the fire is it because I did notice that yeah yeah that checks out I I thought that was like a stink like it is stinky it’s up to interation well guys thank you so much for an absolutely incredible mob mash up once again those are absolutely

Incredible Creations uh guys do you want to quickly run through and just say uh where people can find you how they can support your art where they may be able to find the official pieces for these uh incredible combinations uh of mobs uh feel free to list that through and then

We’ll we’ll throw it back to a break oh yeah of course you can find this beautiful piece of uh Majestic art that is worth $99,000 according to water Malone in chat uh on my Twitter at notm you’ll be able to support real artists in the high Community uh and I’ll also

Be retweeting all of the fellow uh contestants who unfortunately lost uh this small mash up to me wow wow um my name is Shan Sean Spencer you can find me in Santa Barbara uh located at the uh site show office so I am MOS horn you can find me

At tbis Z for Wow brilliant okay guys okay guys okay look you know what would be better Twitter well no X now uh okay uh I’ll run it through shout out to I will also introduce myself now yes do do I I am too lazy to plug my

Socials so I made a made a website to do it for me EFS start best yeah nice we have Kuma uh we have pamu we have mine obviously mine just mentioned meu uh hawan e eie you just heard from we have Lee and Derry Panda thank you guys so much who’s

Der thank you this was great that was an incredible qu bye thank you guys and we’ll be back shortly right after this break thank you guys very much bye bye this is an intermission please hold hey it’s me queet cono remember that during High tail thank Miss and for

The week following you can gain access to our custom Minecraft server thank. sky. featuring a creative world custom High tail themed mini game save the queex and a build competition with a special prize powered by skynode with big thanks to Hugo and the server build team you can join by donating $15 or

More and selecting the server whitelist reward at hiil thanm hightail is a game with a plethora of activities containing many different features that the community is just dying to try out tonight we’ll be finding out what is the most hyped anticip ated in heart stopping of these whether it’s hight

Tail’s intricate modding features or the Towering buildings that will be made in the creative workshops maybe you want to document High tailes Flor and fauna like the dinosaurs and befriend them or challenge them to fight with the variety of combat options you can use or find out the mysteries of the world using

Magic all of these are features that people are waiting for and tonight we’ll be crowning one with the most anticipated award make sure to vote with the link in the chat and we’ll see you at the awards show the world of orbit there are five well-known sources of

Magic being fire earth water air and lightning and one that is tied to the follows of v and being the void with the variety of magic in the game do you have a favorite tonight you’ll be voting on your favorite element with the link in the chat and finding out the community’s

Favorite during the awards show so make sure to be there okay I think this is the right script oh oh ah hello there come around one and all I have something here I think you would love to see during this thanas event now for a limited time deal

You can get exclusive donation rewards called The Quest bundle this includes but not limited to a beautifully made budha pen forged in the lavas of devastated lands a fesive postcard taken in a bustling Tavern a handcrafted quec totem grabbed from some CH camps Moss horn kindling specifically source native

Timber from the emerald Groves totally not suspicious a pigeon knife sticker made from a sticker shop and your very own power key which was made by the tears from the hight tail Community the top two donators of this charity stream receive all this super cool stuff isn’t

It cool and one special winner rewarded this Quest bundle at the end of the build battle this is a limited time deal you can only get these during this charity event going once going twice sold to the highest bidder which are donators is LA and see the Shadows of

The Night floating green eyes or hear voice a guy named killing is used to be only for only please keep away from Young and CTI please put the par some safe as a open port around your home get yours today W [Applause] The theory of w dritan of we are an army of restaurants around the world that if we have Consciousness that we together are a powerful food Army Food fighters in the process of feeding the hungry activating the economies at the local level in every single little town around the world especially in the

Places needed the most when I see what’s happening in Ukraine that we are activating so many restaurants as one it’s telling me that we can do this very much anywhere category 4 hurricane slamming into Florida’s Southwest coach this afternoon firefighters are battling a devastating forest fire near y explosions That Rocks the Ukrainian

Capital feed everybody as quick as you can not tomorrow not next week not next month today We do it with locals we’re not victims we’re just neighbors helping neighbors we overcome every obstacle and if we cannot overcome the obstacle we go around here we are and we’ll come back tomorrow and the day after until you are okay with all the combat flips we’ve

Seen of hightail it’s bound to have a strong competitive scene but have you ever wondered who’s most likely to win a high tail Esports tournament we picked a few players from the community that have good chance at winning your nominees are Insidious who is totally not a hacker

Run’s an expert at surviving at low Health Grim who has poured way too many hours into different PVP games and Canadian flash who thinks Minecraft 1.8 is Peak PVP make sure to vote with the link in the chat and we’ll see you at the awards show ah Twitter I mean X eh

Whatever it’s still Twitter one of the few places hiil fans Thrive but who wrangles these crazy fans day in and day out the one willing to Brave the waters who is the best Twitter babysitter this award will be given to community’s top choices and your nominees Are John Hendrick and budda anyway keep on enjoying thankas and we’ll see you at the end for the award show and we are now returning to the Broadcast hey guys how’s it going everybody we are back once again just because I believe that we have something very special to Showcase um I didn’t think that it was possible for a fan event to end up getting fan art but uh Apparently that is so and and so I’m

Going to let hawan do some introductions here as I throw up an art piece uh so yeah hawan take it away uh yeah yeah I mean you present it and then let everyone know if they can click it and we should be good but the stream can see it Now Absolutely incredible stuff wait oh oh my go my bad my bad ah ah sorry they can hear they can hear you now I’m so sorry Haw on please say it again all right okay no you missed your reaction guys it’s fine there’ll be plenty of these moments we can put in a

Montage of how bad the audio was okay it’s fine we can all laugh about it look we still made 9k we’ve made 9k anyway hwon take it away all right so the context behind this is that this was made by a young artist in the creative club called slam

Flam and uh yeah he has his own style that is uh made this in he’s uh uh then this would be the first uh fan art for a fan event which is uh for thankas which is kind of insane to think about but yeah it’s amazing really appreciate it

Yeah it’s so good so cute yeah abolutely amazing hak described him as an upand cing uh like artist and animation person and I don’t know that doesn’t look up and coming to me that looks so professional holy cow there’s so many layers of depth to it

Too look at the snow blowing in the background the fire is just like boinging to life I love looking at a lot of work here yeah can I can I beautiful I want to put my hand up as well and say just in case chat didn’t hear uh der

Went crazy I don’t know Dar if you can recreate the sound you made when you saw this this image just pretend you clicked it it was like that was a very reactive response I don’t know if I could fake [Laughter] that uh but I was pretty excited um no

This this is spectacular though you should be proud of yourself look at the presents they have little horns mosy horns oh my gosh so cute yep that’s adorable and the leaves there’s lots of little details in there oh I like the little ears wagon of the quex that’s sitting there

Mass a fan art for a fan event for a incredible game and a great caruse so that sounds brilliant uh cool we’re going to wrap that up now and head over to Round Table 2 thank you guys so much for being being a part of everything uh during this segment I really appreciate

You guys’ time and I’ll see you uh soon ABS bye goodbye take care bye everyone what up do I’m going to do it just to see his reaction hey how’s it going guys I’m doing pretty good I’m you are live I I need to real quick real quick I need

To paste audio into I’ve been doing that on every scene so now everyone can hear you everyone’s good say hello everyone I’ll let you guys just take this away with uh the second round table of the night filled with some absolutely incredible creators feel free to introduce yourselves I’ll let flash take

It from here uh let’s do it all righty hello hello everybody my name’s Chris Flash and I am hosting the uh second round table for today hopefully all the audios are all sounding good and you can actually hear because um well we’ve had issue a lot

But yeah we’ll be good we good we got half face cams half non-face cams today it’s going to be lit we have a fun conversation ahead of us so uh get ready we’re going to do some introductions to start we’re going to start off with chaos or Santa Claus I think or clause

Or a hiil waiter I don’t really know yeah you could say I’ve been waiting for hightail for a very long time or you could say I’m Santa Claus I’ll leave that up to you but yes I’m chaos I’ve been here last year year before some of

You know me from high cast some of you know me from block shot some of you know me from burning queex some of you know me as Santa Claus who’s next yeah also KES what what do you do in the community or what are you planning on doing in the future oh what

I’m planning on doing well right now I am working on a little secret project that I will not go into too much but we’ve got some stuff in the works and I reveal it because I can’t I’ll get sacked it’s all right it’s all right but yeah there’s definitely more

Coming in in a high tail space and actually who’s in this nah never mind H somebody else might be able to say more I won’t anything else though Panther what about you buddy how’s it going yeah so hello clearly I’m dressed up for the occasion um yeah so I

Go by Panther um future high content creator I’ll probably start doing it 2024 honestly that should be a good time to go for um that’s really all I have to say if we’re talking about hiel stuff at the moment really have so many ideas it’s like man people always take them so

Now let let the pros do it you know if CF is great at making podcast let him do it I’m not going to take it from you you know what I mean oh you going to start a podcast you’re GNA just invite me on yours sometime man when’s that happening

I wasn’t even we weren’t even the OG podcast the other two podcasts are here actually I know I know that’s the funny part funny that’s kind of funny they got new projects to focus on they do speaking of someone we haven’t heard from in a long time s what’s up hey guys

You guys know me maybe you don’t I’ve made a I’ve made my presence known in the higho community at least I did um let’s see let’s see let’s see what can I tell you guys um swervy also known as Nick y’all can call me Nick now swervy was like a weird

Time in my life and now I’m coming back to it um but yeah guys excited for high Tail as we all are I’m here to talk some of these guys today talk with the community get you guys excited go come on guys I know we got that we got that really

Disheartening blog post the other day but hight tail still on the way still a thing to smile about of course so uh that’s kind of my uh little Spiel let’s we’ll talk about the we’ll talk about the a little bit later after the intructions but next up we have a moody

Magic Maple what’s good dude fellow Canadian so hey you know what’s up yeah I am in fact a fellow Canadian officially now I got my citizenship this year so pretty crazy um loyal High tail fans since the beginning um I I have plans for Content creation later on um

Uh trying to focus on school for now just having a good time but still staying connected to everyone I’ve Loved getting to know everyone in the community um whether on Reddit Discord Minecraft everything um so yeah it’s it’s been good awesome awesome also not a Canadian um after Moody we have

Power bite welcome welcome to the round table to yeah so I’m power bite I’m a 3D artist I’ve done a bunch of stuff including some of the figures I’ve been uh I’ve been working on so I’ve just been printing them those like 247 past month or so all of work um another thing

I did is uh the overlay on the stream right now if you’re looking at the donations that’s all mine um yeah just TRD art coding fun stuff awesome great to have I know I know you’re a real OG in the high tail community so it’s great to have you on

And last but certainly not least or as Kodiak would say the Caboose um we got Senza and’s lights just turned on that was epic I was trying to figure that out that light switch was off yep I I’ve been in the high tail space since 2019 roughly since the trailer dropped I’ve

Really just been you know viewing the content and stuff they’ve released down the years but a couple years ago me and sry made a podcast it’s called talking hightail we went in depth to all we did high content until went dry for that’s period right now still a little dry so

We’re just waiting it out seeing what happens there’s there’s going to be a day it comes back we can talk about high ta more really so we’re gonna have like a the hight tail podcast talking High tail podcast collab is that is that what we’re thinking definitely possible yeah

Bring High cast too exciting I I’ll get fezy six six way podcast we just have one big podcast which is everybody just everybody in the high Community just one thing we foret about one podcast let us not forget about the high tail log by queit gner oh yeah get and queit

Gordon on oh yeah thank you very podcast that’s thank you I appreciate the acknowledgement I’m gonna go to sleep again now yeah old man needs to take his nap so he’s gets getting late getting late yeah so I want to I want to play a fun

Little game here um I love games yeah well it’s not really a game it’s more of just you guys talking but yeah it was very when I thought about it when I thought I was saying that but so it’s 2023 it’s almost 2024 now which is kind of crazy because we’re getting still

Don’t have high tail but you know whatever that’s besides the point but I want I want you want to go around in a circle or Square or trapz whatever the heck shape this Discord call is in and I want you guys to share what your favorite High tail moment of the year

Was or is it could be right now I mean don’t all say thank miss cuzz you know that would be kind of weird but let’s let’s start off with the Caboose this time let’s go with let’s go with the s I’ll throw you on the spot here buddy

What was your favorite heighta moment of the year um it’s got to be when the summer blog post came out what the hiring blog yeah any blog honestly it’s been wow this guy loves hiring he does he’s excited the team is growing oh wow economy you know that’s

Crazy um yeah well maybe maybe there’s more he’s not telling us he maybe he’s in the process of getting hired and that’s why he’s excited you know quiet recently so I guess that you know that really I mean like I said it’s been a bit of a drought recently not a ton of

Stuff to be interested in or excited about yeah for real yeah I mean what are you talking about this year yeah it’s hard to say to pick something out of this year because there’s not been much nothing crazy but thank Miss is definitely the best part when it comes to

Absolutely but I mean I mean I don’t know what I expected you guys to say it’s like we got two blog posts the picture for Halloween and thank Miss I definitely have something to say about this you do all right you want to go

Next yeah go ahead P yeah go ahead so um I think the thing that I loved the most from this year was when um Oscar the one who composed all the music replied um that the music we’ve listened to isn’t even of the same quality that we are

Going to hear when the game comes out and I’m like man there’s so much music we haven’t heard and that’s like one of the the main things that matters to me about the game right um so just knowing that we haven’t heard really like a completed OST is just really exciting

And it gave me chills um reading that reply that he gave yeah that was that was surprising I’m like wow they really changed everything in the game even the osts walking into Quebec Village like we already had a Quebec Village OST and then in the most recent blog they

Decided to drop another one so you know who knows maybe they’ll make another traveling band or something like that that would wants the credit osar oh Joey the gamer hey Joey the gamer shout out Joey the gamer shout out Joey the gamer we love Joey the gamer um common hight taale podcast

Watcher um let’s let’s go with power bite power bite what is your favorite moment from the hight tail World in 2023 me for me it’s got to be r/ place we did that this year as well went pretty well at like really cool piece yeah yeah yeah

That was awesome really well that’s it’s cool I are they going to do a place next year cuz like I thought they did it like every five years but in a row we kind of so depends on what red it does I guess yeah I guess they really years in a row

Now how many two maybe or three they’ve done it for two years in a row now I think so maybe okay so maybe they I mean it would be it would get kind of stale if they do do it every year that’s why every five years it was a lot of fun I

Do agree with that yeah so we’ll see but hey thank Miss every single year guys don’t forget it we’ll we’re doing it until and then yeah we’ll do it in high tail when it comes out wait who said that is this the third year of thank

Miss or the fourth four was the fourth fourth year thank we’re going that is crazy yeah I think in the first thank Miss we’re like oh we’ll have high tail next year exactly what we said was it yeah I remember I remember saying something like that yeah Moody what is your

Favorite High moment of the Year oh my goodness that honestly there’s I feel like the game has kind of rekindled my love for it this year I feel like I came back to the community after a little bit of a dry spell like last year so um like

There hasn’t been any bad moments but I will say that um the most recent blog post was really fun because I remember being in a call with a bunch of people we were all checking it out and even though like a lot of people would consider a lot of the stuff that was

Said to be bad news I was just excited about the fact that the devs were like we’re going to be more active we’re going to start talking about um the game more often and being more transparent about a lot of things like I’m obviously not uh saying it for btim but like

Summary and just as I was reading that I remember um Buddha came in and was wanted our feedback a little and we all got excited and everything about it and immediately I was just like oh my good he’s already showing off how much he cares and everything so like definitely

That was my favorite moment we love budha for that you know the high team they they love they love our feedback I know they can’t really tell us anything but they they do like the the feedback I swear I swear they do um swery your next

Buddy what is your I mean I haven’t seen you since last year but you know other than that what is your than moment well I was going to say my favorite moment has been right now looking at your beautiful face for the first time in can you know have to

Flatter yeah yeah no I’ve as Moody said I’ve been he he took a break my break kind of still is ongoing right now I’m here but yeah man I’ve just I’ve been kind of doing my own thing but uh hight Tail’s still in the back of the mine and I’m just I’m just

Glad to be here I’m just glad love you guys we didn’t forget about you sir and we never ever will unless unless next year you’re not here but then well whatever um all right moving on chaos I I believe you’re last you’re the Caboose now um what was your favorite moment of the

Year my favorite moment well that one’s quite simple and I know the blog post’s already been mentioned but you can the big big trees they’re going to be so satisfying to burn down and I’m so excited and I’m so excited that they announced this you know what so this these glasses going off

GL wait a minute how long have you beened for it and by the way I cannot see anything up until this point it is so gratifying to actually see I I don’t know my contacts in either so it’s hard to see but yeah Big queeks excited they

Will burn think like you you think they’ll take longer to burn than just like a like a regular Quebec or like you know like probably more Health right oh I was just thinking about all the modding stuff you could do with big que oh like you could do so much of them you

Could get them to give you special powerups you could you know get them to sit on fire and you use them to like burn down entire Villages well I mean nothing’s stopping you from really doing that sounds great to me yeah I mean I’m sure TT TT will

Love that shout out TT is he is he in the chat right now I let’s see if TT will type he’s work today that that’s why I’ve been trying to get him to win the vote I’ve been trying to get to win the vot for

Bester I did vote to win it I voted for him so let’s hope TT wins who’s you can accept his his award on his behalf if he’s not here I sure will anywh who there’s there’s been some other things that that’s happened in the high tail Community uh this year one one thing

That basically single-handedly kept the high tail community alive was John Hendrick’s tweeting um I think that was probably my favorite part of the year because that actually gave us something to talk about on podcast so thank you John it wasn’t just me and mine reading viewer questions for like 30 40 minutes

Which we do a lot and we’ll also read some uh chat questions later on in in this podcast because John KY 2023 yeah I think yeah if there was like a he’s in the chat right now favorite moment John oh John Hendricks can share apparently

Is oh oh damn leak right now John we’re live I’m not sure if you’re supposed to be tweeting while we’re live but whatever uh Combat Play test seeing players enjoy the game felt great looking forward to much more of that so we’re breaking uh breaking news here on

Round Table to here so that’s pretty epic we love that yeah we do love that thank you John thank you John Conor anything to add on that yeah no well he’s in the the chat right now in the live I got you got you I got you

Yeah stand on purposes so he doesn’t get banned banned for uh almost being fraud sometimes but yeah cool no I’m I’m kidding I’m kidding I love John hendri except he always this guy always tweets right after me and mine upload the podcast so it’s just a little

Devastating but you know he does it on purpose man he does it on purpose we know he sets tweets out for 12:00 p.m. on a Sunday the time we upload I know how I know how how they do it there at the Hypixel Studios yeah anything else you guys like to add

That I didn’t add from the um the the year so far or did I miss anything I will add one thing mhm is when John or I think it was John tweeted draft and people started speculating that they’re going to add wind or draft go when there was actually the

Blog D was like I know that they were probably joking but it made me laugh yeah I mean we do get carried away sometimes and I was going to um so if we actually got a release date in the most recent blog post I was going to be like hey

What’s your guys plan for you know to load up to the release but we don’t have that yet so I just want to get your thoughts on the newest blog post then because we got one last week was it last week I think it was I don’t remember I

Was at work so I missed the whole chat that um Moody was talking or who was who was saying that they were in Discord I think it was moody right yeah yeah people were in there yeah yeah I was at work surprisingly so um yeah I didn’t I

Missed that but yeah um let’s let’s let’s pick out a random here swervy uh I hope you read the blog did you read the blog did you read the blog p i do I do so did not read the blog broke him prepared he came so prepared I kind of from what I’ve

Heard um yeah there’s going to be more communication let’s go hight Tail’s coming guys event that’s a good segue because I was actually going to ask you guys how you think in 2024 the team um is going to communicate with us better cuz M and I did this on the P we’re

Saying yeah there’s going to probably be postcards probably more tweets more blog posts but I want to get what you guys think what do you think would be the most effective way for the team to communicate to us in 2024 so let’s start with swervy again hey what’s up hey man

While you’re talking the most efficient way I think they’re GNA communicate with us that’s the question yes or how would you want them to uh I like I like that Twitter communication because it’s it’s more like instant it feels a little more more real than like a scripted blog post

You know what I’m saying as long as that continues uh I’m happy I mean I just I just want the game I just just waiting we all we are all waiting for this game yeah chaos what about you about uh I think I agree with the tweets

The tweets are really nice that being said I would appreciate an extra blog getting a bit more detail but we’re patient here we’re going to wait we’re not going to get a Blog yet but we will later and it’s going to be good when that new engine drops when they start

Revealing that I’m excited for that and I’m excited for the blog post that come with that so what if it’s a high ing blog post again well then I’ll be applying because I’ll be done we know sen Senza will love that another hiring Hing BL

Oh yeah I mean it seems like the team’s not really hiring many um many more people right now so I think they’re in and who just some oh turned his camera on sorry I’m having camera issues too or something is it oh that’s funny you should put a fan on it or something

You know cool maybe like dip it in put it in rice or something uh Power bite what about you what is um what do you think would be the best way for the team to communicate we know they’re listening John’s in chat right now so flush out the ideas he said

Pretend he’s not there pret he’s not there oh sorry sorry John we didn’t read that Bry cat I’m sure he’s here so yeah um you can go ahead yeah so what I think I think next blog should be like Milestones just when they reach a certain point in theel like engine is

Done obviously it’s not going to be the very next Milestone but I I just like to hear like the stuff they’ve done because then you can like say we have something it’s done and may maybe they can’t always show it but yeah it it would be

Nice to like hear a bit more about Milestones that’s my take on it nice and John actually is in the chat right now saying what are your thoughts on different types of posts for example art Direction posts or product posts or production post sorry the heart was in

The way uh production posts I’m I’m a big fan of both of them I think they both have their place I don’t think they need to be honestly separate from a regular blog post so I know in the past they’ve put it you know a couple pictures from the community or maybe

From the game hey fan our blog posts are you know they got the best reception right and what I’d love to see more in the future especially with hiel well obviously with I with within their blog post it’s just like little minute details about the game maybe we didn’t

Know of or maybe stuff that’s been confirmed that they can share I know it’s a long process for them right now obviously um getting to that point where they know they can share some features some art and development with us and obviously Milestones are a big part of

That I think it’s one of the most important things to share obviously you’re developing a game for how many years you want to be able to share it with your community um about its production and development but like I said earlier i’ love just more details about the game maybe that

We’ve heard before or maybe just new stuff to come even if they’re small that’s that’s what I personally look forward to yeah and I guess around the lines of that would be like weekly postcards right like what we used to get simple details about the game or you

Know facts like the tror lives in this area he does this you know yeah more creatures NPC just basic information that just keeps us hyped yeah and like instead of like a tease that we get right now maybe it’s like you said just a fact instead of a tease that would be

Really cool like fact of the week that would be awesome yeah something like that I’d like that I’d like that I’d like that that would be really cool uh who did I not reach get to Panther did I get to you no I didn’t get to you about

This no I I agree with like what all of y’all have said um and like John said it’s easier to communicate more regularly if the posts don’t um cover all aspects so I think that’s why he wants to know more specifically what means more to us what do we want from

These blogs or updates and stuff like that um to me I would prefer the production side of things um but the Art’s nice too it gives you a glimpse of like what they’re trying to make but I want to see also how’s it coming out and That’s Where It’s Tricky right so I’m

Like I don’t know which one I want I just want to know the games you know continueing to be worked on honestly I think that’s the problem is we’re so hyped for like a release date blog post or production blog post yeah that we we forget that they can just release like

Cool art content that is true it’s like it’s almost like we’re waiting for this amount of months and they just release art it’s like we get to the point where we start complaining but yeah I I guess that’s the advantage of frequent updates like John said is that if they’re more

Individualized or maybe they mention that yeah um what they’re going to post next you know so we’re not so hyped up for a blog post it turns out to be some fan art not to the great I’m curious what would your opinions be on like small blog post like

Just many block post maybe like three four paragraphs and two images would you like to see that more I’d be so down more information you know what I mean yeah we got one vog it would have to be anything bigger it’ be like fting like one like you wouldn’t even have to

Scroll down much on a website just like that just like two images a bit of parag s and that’s it yeah could be a good example of that could just be literally what they were talking about with the tree singers in the most recent blog post instead of the rest of the blog

Post they would just post that little GIF that they had or GIF however we say it and maybe one of the concept arts and how they improved it from the old tree singer design that could be really cool and I know they said in the blog that

They were working on other mobs like the fens the scars the chores and then John Twi exactly it could just be design snippet like a little breakdown like here’s what we’ve been designing and here’s how it looks that’s it that would be amazing I would love that that would be a perfect8

Minute video right there for everybody to break down I was thinking about it with um so like a lot of people were talking about uh Twitter and they really like the the direct updates um because it like I think s was saying it’s like quick and

It’s straight to the point I think the I’m sure everyone remembers the postcards from orus right those like weekly posts that they have for a while well I think it was yeah was that like a specific thing that they said they were going to stop doing or did it

Kind of just disappear because I remember those it was when they were working on the new engin they they’re not they haven’t put up an actual in-game screenshot of high tail in over a year because they don’t want to show off the new engine right now because they’re in the ugly ugly duckling

Gotta yeah kind it would be nice I I think it would be nice if they started up um with postcards again between like even if we just get like a big summer blog in a a winter blog I think it would be nice to have some sort of like

Weekly postcard from the high tail team and I know it can be difficult because they they want to show off stuff but also if they’re showing off too often then it gets repetitive and then people complain and all of that so there there’s a balance there to be found but

I feel like it would be it would be nice to get those back again cuz I I remember getting really excited for those each week yeah like when do they drop like every Friday or something I think it was Wednesday I feel like Wednesday cuz I

Remember I had like I can’t remember I had for a while I had tests like every Wednesday for some reason and I was like this is both the best and worst day because I get to hear about high tail but I also like have a test or whatever

So yeah I think it was Wednesday but I yeah remember they always dropped around and like in my time it was around like 11 to 12 :00 so when there was nothing then we’re like oh my God is it blog post time and then no they were just

Late every single time that was good I remember everybody in in the the chat was going crazy because we’re like holy cow it’s happening right beta or whatever um yeah oh sorry I had to clear my my throat there did I did I get everybody

Did I get everybody on that yeah you got me at least chaos I got you did I I don’t remember chaos I got to say man it look looks like you’re having a great time over there mushrooms and everything back seems kind of crazy man mood or power

Comet uh Moody I believe did power bite I power bite did I get to you uh about what um how you would like the team to deliver um updates in 2024 oh yeah yeah yeah Sur like as in U yeah I wanted Milestones okay oh yes yes Milestones I

Was I think you were the first one I asked that and also chat is saying that it was every Friday actually I thought yeah okay Mak sense yeah I just checked it was Friday yeah okay that’s good good time I I miss thank not thank M Fridays

I miss postcard Fridays they were like the best time so um chat I was going to ask you guys also how would you want hi tail to deliver um the updates in 2024 because we’re asking everybody here might as well get how many people are in

Chat 110 people watching see how uh get 110 different opinions right now my camera working yeah yeah you’re working you’re looking good looking good like an Absol stream but hey as long as you guys can see oh yeah we see you I don’t know why it’s not on the stream there that’s

Kind of weird yeah what a lot yeah Conor has to click his window and then it like pops back up oh okay yeah Connor give him a little little tap or something that’ be cool I fixed it I fixed it I fixed it I gave you a little you fixed

It oh yeah there we go he’s back he’s back he’s back apprciate you awesome awesome so I don’t know Got a Feeling um next year that to start off the year it’s going to be probably pretty slow as the team Works into the new engine as they said they’re going to they’re going

To move features that they haven’t moved already from the Legacy engine into the new engine so I’m feeling probably mid to late 2024 is going to be like a big time for updates and maybe blog post more postcards and just information I want to want know I want to know what

You guys think about that because I think we’ll be getting a lot more content then but do you think we’ll get some content in the first quarter or first half of 2024 personally I think it’s going to be four months yeah four months M yeah you know what before we

Start first images and stuff you’re think well yeah you’re thinking April probably yeah that’s fair and then they said we’ll also get side by side images which is really cool and images and gam comparing like the old and new yes the Legacy engine compared to I don’t think

We’re going to really get that well at least not spoiler related comparisons until after the game comes so yeah maybe once they release um we might we might get some things we’ve already seen before like here’s a qub then here’s a qu back now like how we

Saw the new Tree Singer mhm that would be really cool they would be doing like yeah I mean if if they just want to like recreate the entire skeleton battle gameplay video from Legacy engine to new engine that would be great too would be amazing the thing is we know that

Doesn’t exist anymore like our combat and MOB um AI is entirely different now we never even gotten to see the new mob a and I can’t wait to see how good they are at interacting with the new combat like dodging and stuff like that so awesome you guys think it’s going to be

Like completely different than than what was shown previously or do you think it’ll still be like build everything’s more intelligent now so it’s very different Goa go you with AI and all that AI you know AI is going to take over the world guys that’s my that’s my

Theory it’s not related just you bro I’m just counting down the day Ai and high tail yeah I mean if to make high tail for us it should be able to do it in like five minutes right sweet somebody make a very we’ll get power bite and April and

Chaos you know all the little coders of the community to help them out you know that’ be you guys just want to do that you guys can leave right now if you want to start but yeah we’ve already done it we’ve already done itat you will see the other side of my

Um leg till beta well I do I do getting pinged on Twitter with um somebody posting is a spoiler John is that what you’re saying you won’t see the other side of my leg till beta ah dang John it might be a spoiler I don’t know give me

The bag story what joh has a tattoo he’s got a tattoo of guia and some other high tail images one of them was blurred out so bet confirm wow tomorrow wait imagine oh wait hold up no no no no no what if it actually does have the date on his

That’s why he can’t show it that be CRA for the beta now I want to see it why did you have to say that man what’s going to happen is the day before hiel releases he’s just going to send the picture of his leg on Twitter we’re

All going to know I Told You So day yeah imagine someone like calling you like yo man John showed his leg today like what are you talking about John Hendrick’s leg is g to be trending on high tail Twitter for the next the next month someone just asked in chat hey John can

We eat ice in Heil thoughts guys do you think we’re going to be able to eat ice out of all maybe if you’re thirsty you know I’ve done that before you guys haven’t eaten ice that’s got to be a feature maybe Floridians haven’t oh he’s thinking that he’s thinking about doing

The date tattoo he just say the chat oh my God day tattoo confirmed for John Hendrick here say yeah I can see that happening I think if we we get 10K if we reach our goal I think uh John should hop on that John’s got to get a date tattoo that’d

Be awesome yeah I think So oh are there who you Connor or no Mr Green is that the most recent one did we read that one Mr Green Mr Green um oh okay hi tail Lancelot that’s a sick name probably like the prince of high tail or something donated $25 saying this community is amazing

And you know it wouldn’t be amazing without you guys it’s really the the community outside the community you know it just yells everybody together it’s awesome we love everybody so I think it’s time now to get viewer questions going we have about what 15 minutes left Connor is that

Correct maybe I think uh sorry yeah You’ about 15 minutes yeah yeah 15 minutes left all right chat go crazy we’re going to ask some questions you can I don’t know ask say the player or person’s name who’s in here and shoot a question and we’ll try to answer it

Question the world also 9,135 is what we’re at total absolutely insane H yeah so mine uh asked what is the the best hight tail podcast so with all the other podcasts in here um let’s see what you guys think that’s an interesting that is an interesting topic

Of debate uhuh where should we start let’s start with Moody because he’s not part of a podcast that’s I I was responding to John please repeat you what is this is a question from mine from the high tail podcast what is the best high podcast remember

Your answer dictates if I ever talk to you again yeah yeah okay so I lose a friend or I keep a friend but make other people sad so um I will say talking High tail because I worked with talking High tail a virtual high five yeah and I have I

Have my script still saved from however many years ago that was so do you have it oh that’s you were on the Pod mod you should come on the high podcast One Day by the way don’t do don’t do it mood sorryy wow poaching our guy okay sery

The next time you stream then I’ll come back sends it we don’t check you know Sur I thought you wearing a mate outfit today too I just I if you want that all right mine told me to kick oh no he’s going to do it press oh no all right while we’re

Doing that let’s hope it takes longer than 15 minutes to put on for him let’s get a question from Chuckles decl clown says have you guys got info on hight tail the devs have shared but couldn’t share cuz it was a secret and uh I think we can

All say no we do not have any insight information besides the NDA that we signed but other than that um that’s a joke for legal reasons um do you guys think we will be this is from W wo was waslo sorry I can’t read

Uh do you think um do we think that we will be able to modify the graphics engine to do stuff like shaders and let’s throw that to chaos or power bite uh let’s see what you guys think I’d go with oh no sorry you go first you go

First all right yeah I’d go with no from like what we’ve been thought so far probably not um no also yeah we’ve already like I think was noxi who talked a little bit about potential for features like RTX in high or uh PBR shading which like realistic rendering

Right and the answer pretty much came down to no it’s not there’s not going to be some features for that that’s fair um and the the entire approach they’re taking is like making the the rendering that’s already available in game as uh customizable as possible so like you can

Twak all of the colors of folk uh particle effects that sort of stuff MH but no custom shaders um yeah like keep keep things simple yeah I don’t know if anybody noticed but survey’s pants just flew across his room yeah nobody not that um yeah chaos chaos what do you

Think about about I’m going to agree with power but um like he said H just the end game tools will be powerful enough that you won’t need it anyway but what I am going to disagree on is that someone will eventually do it either for some Brute

Force magic or just force of sheer well they’ll try to get R somehow I don’t know April or water so will it be possible probably will it be worth it no just use it in game tools it’s right there yeah right just turn the turn it up to Max or whatever

That’s factions that’s interesting question said where’s that you want to read it off in the chat it says um is a RPG story a possibility with the factions affecting the story I mean they’re all kind of inclined together are they not so well I think the factions will um affect the story cuz

There’s going to be a reputation system in the game so how you if you burn a que back you’re probably going to have a different outcome right and like I’m sure Titi is not going to have a great relationship with the quebeck so I’m sure they won’t help him

In fighting Von uh unless you know he slaved them and they’re like ah goes I would like you sorry I just want you guys to think but something that the developer said earlier in this event that what did he say it was like queex are like interestingly trust you or

Something like they’re inclined to trust you and that’s all he says well that probably just means that different mobs start off with higher trust to the Avatar than other mobs or trks initially will probably try to kill you while crex are like hey what’s good bro I think we got another donation the

Way yeah also we got a viewer question from Joey the gamer um Avid hi High tail podcast listener uh viewer question since the blog was a little UNC unclear do you think a 2024 beta or release is completely out of the question or do you think they are just waiting to see how

The engine goes and I think it’s a bit of both um but I want to know what you guys think anyone can take this just real quick before we jump in uh we got no new Dono but then yeah that gives everyone some time to think about their

Answer which Don know uh Mary Pippen $34.99 it’s like a Walmart price that’s pretty cool you don’t really see 99 anymore that’s cool um do you think we’ll be able to recruit scars to join our conquest of the Quebec oh maybe is there is there a

Hiring system in hiil that we don’t know about can you put a bounty on some Quebec’s head and uh get who knows that we’ll see that’ll be really cool what let let’s let’s see what you guys think first what do you guys think of that maybe the queex are like companions you

Can have them oh my God oh my gosh with enough oh my God Conor um if you can click swervy picture that would be fantastic y’all thought I wouldn’t do it how how how many svy I think you got a set a price to this now how many donations do we

Have to get I think it’s crazy that you own that I know brilliant s you look you’re looking good dude and it’s a pink made outfit out all them my camera’s blurry hold on Epic dude you look you’re looking good that’s sorry did I interrupt the question let’s Joey Joey

Had a question Joey had a question and then there was a doo question as um yeah here I’ll reread the question from Joey the gamer since the blog was a little unclear do you think a 2024 beta or release is completely out of the question or do you think they are just

Waiting to see how the engine goes let’s let’s start with swervy welcome back thank [Laughter] you first of all can you repeat the question how was was kind I was kind of com back into everything I’m sorry I was do you think we’ll get a beta next year

Or do you think they’ll just see how the engine goes what what do you think okay sorry there’s just a lot of emotions right now um but um dear God I think that to be honest with what I’ve heard from again people because I didn’t read that blog post and just kind

Of knowing how it’s been going so far I’d say a beta next year with the no updates or what whatever they said we we wouldn’t see it coming out of nowhere so I mean that’s a year that’s 365 days for them to let us know but with with the

Direction it’s going in I don’t see anything till 2025 I could be wrong I’m not a game developer but um it just uh it doesn’t seem likely and I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing I know a lot of people are like oh I want it

Right now obviously we all do but uh I think that what they’re doing is waiting until they obviously they care very much about the presentation of this game right they made that clear they want this to to be what the audience wants it to be in there prioritizing that over

Everything else so honestly I feel like sometime in 2025 is when things are actually going to start moving um but uh yeah I just uh wouldn’t count on anything like that for next year that’s fair and it’s good it’s good I think it’ll be good for the longevity of the

Game not not have any false ideas of the game beforehand it just kind of jump right into it but uh yeah I think most are in the opinion that it’s around 2025 is when we really will be getting stuff but uh Senza what do you think you think

We’ll get a a beta next year or um not too sure actually it all depends on well obviously I think when they say we’re going to get more updates that’s probably going to be for at least a year to a half a year I think I’m looking

Towards 2025 at the same time I’m not sure what they’re going to do by timing their release or beta around another big game that’s dropping like GTA like six mhm so I’m not sure I’m not a game developer I’m not sure what you would do

In that case but I know if I was going to release a game it wouldn’t be around um 2025 or even before it’d probably be after the hype dies down but next year definitely not okay no that’s fair and I think most of us like we said

Are around that opinion so I’m going to end it with one question here the most lucrative question that has ever been in the history of podcasts um the question is would you rather have unlimited bacon but no more video games or Games Unlimited games but no more

Games did you say that question right I said the question completely right I I’ll read I’ll reread it um for you guys would you rather have unlimited bacon but no more video games or Games Unlimited games but no more games ah what oh but the games the ladder

One I got to go around the table here chaos what what are you thinking the ladder one the latter one are you sure why not Panther what do you think uh unlimited bacon what kind of question is this this is the most lucrative podcast question in history of podcast question I’m scared to

Answer lucrative but I heard I’m going to just I’m just going to go with games man yeah games swervy what what are you thinking uh I’m a maid I don’t have opinions all right somebody’s going to get re that’s a joke I thought it was going to be Santa

Claus I guess not yes uh Moody uh um I need to get your opinion on this one I’m not going to lie I’m very confused by the question but I do like bacon me too no way oh Bacon’s kind of cool um however video games so like yeah so you

Want like games unlimited games but no games sure that yeah that’s my answer sure you mean by that see nobody nobody really knows um Power bite what what are you thinking oh I I don’t want to play any games I I just want games just give

Me the games but you could have a limited bacon too so n gam okay s round it out here uh I feel like there’s different ways to interpret this question maybe it no no there’s definitely there’s many there’s many but if I have bacon that means I don’t have high

Tail so or I’ll never have high tail oh that’s that’s a deep way about it I don’t know if hight tail is real so go bacon you’re going to go with bacon so you’re never ever going to play high he circles back yeah I don’t know what hiil

Is yeah it could potentially it could be a social experiment we really don’t know yeah yeah you got erased for my memory yeah it got erased from your memory yeah that’s all right um yeah speaking of erased our time is pretty much finished here so any got any of you guys have any

Closing remarks anything you want to say uh heading into 2024 any plans anything new oh yeah I got a is some related yeah yeah go ahead um you guys like my my new earring oh oh you’re looking pretty yeah is it gold Smiley it’s a smiley face I

Actually I got it at Five Below the other day I didn’t know five does ear piercings I walk in there I have no idea my life was about to change forever oh yeah Adan People bacon it’s great to be here it’s great to see you guys Happy thankas nice anybody else anybody else have any closing remarks bacon bacon yeah and I say bacon bacon bonon I wholeheartedly agree thank you guys so much for watching the second round table thanks for sticking out 127

You guys still watching we love you we love show coming up after this now who’s ready to win some awards let’s go let’s go hell yeah I don’t have a speech prepared yeah all right I’ll see you guys I’ll see you guys shortly okay have a good have a good time thank you

Very much every see you thanks by by all right it is time to to experience the hight tail Awards I am joined currently by some incredibly amazing people who have been putting together a bunch of of of stuff for this segment you’ve obviously witnessed uh throughout

The stream a number of awards so I’m going to throw the rest of it to to Blitz strike my good friend how you doing no no now you can thank you for trekking you’re the first one to do that brilliant yes I’ve been bugging you the

Entire night check you can I have to do it scene by scene I have to do it scene by scene okay your scene might you might want to look at the scene what yeah my my oh it’s fixed it’s fixed I did it I did

It one thing at a time yeah stream delay sorry we got this we got this guys appreciate it Connor yeah thank you okay well um yeah hello I’m Blitz welcome to the first hopefully annual High Till thinkk miss the show I’m joined by my co-host

Snowy my name is snowy and I’ll be the co-host for this evening yeah so uh throughout the stream tonight you the audience has been of course voting on different categories and nominees for their who they want to win for the awards and or tonight we gathered all the votes

Up and we’ll be announcing the winners so there’s not else you want to say snow I think I can go into the first award yeah I think we’re good okay well the first award tonight that we’d like to Showcase is the sorry Conor the B queb back

Burner um I’m offended so I’m sorry how dare you oh just for just for a reminder uh your nominee your nominees were both owners of the burner queex Association Twitter account who also shared this poll on Twitter which totally didn’t get in a favor TT and Chaos we also had power bite and

Hugo um so without further Ado the winner of this first award that once again totally hasn’t been rigged is Titi congrat congratulations for being the best Quebec burner in the high tail community and now you might be wondering what do you win if you win one of these

Awards well we’ll be sending you this digital only award certificate that you can see to my right here look it has a little Trophy and a puffer fish on it indeed it does very cute well with the next award we’ll be going to the most likely to Ally with

Vin we’ve n nominated a couple possible evils in the community like Insidious Crimson Crow Canadian Flash and of course the Moss horns and we’re proud to announce that the winner is Canadian flash woo let’s go good job Canadian FL flash love of the community might hate you who knows might

Might chasing him yeah maybe don’t tell him that he might run um let’s go so next up we have uh our third award which was the most anticipated game mode your nominees were the three doors that they showed a couple blog posts ago which was the adventure door the creative door and the

Competitive multiplayer door now to no one’s surprise honestly the adventure door takes the award with eight votes I’m this is my favorite mode and this is the one that I voted for if I could vote for awards it wasn’t rig uh but yeah I think that’s all I have to say

About that yeah y let’s go well next up next up we have the awards for the best mob possible nominees were the pigeons Fen stalkers fens Moss horns and of course the queeks it was a fierce competition especially between the pigeons and the fen stalkers but in the

End the pigeons ended up coming out top good job pigeons Chris will fav pigeon entry earlier nice oh yeah he will he will pigeon L the the pigeon law has we’ve learned so much from this stream today um think it’s time for the the next award yeah all right well um next

Up we have an award that I was very excited to present for which is the coolest weapon well weapon type and as you know the nominees with the swords axes stabs clubs WS Elemental swords and daggers but first off before we reveal the winner I did want to reveal one of

Them that surprisingly got zero votes which I was not expecting since this one is the favorite weapon type I’m excited for which are the wands a sad occasion yeah I I was I was not so happy to see that man the magic system the I’m excited magic what I say shut up

Um well for those wondering what the actual coolest weapon award goes to are the dagers um I agree I agree I I love dagas Depp called it Depp called it in chat called it are a pretty good weapon everyone’s ready to slice and dice yeah yeah speaking of slicing and dicing

Our next award is uh the next award is a competitive title for Mo and most likely to win an Esports tournament your nominees for the awards were Insidious runes grim and Canadian Flash despite the competition of this notorious award only one could Reign number one and the winner is Canadian flash congratulations my

Goodness big win for the for the man who’s currently being hunted by orbis officers every two awards today we G to him go Infamous someone better tell him to calm down he’s gonna steal all the awards yeah kidding is is he rigging it nobody knows it’s all that Von power he’s he’s

Yeah he made a deal with Von um okay on next wward yep next award um before as my previous category I announced was was the coolest weapon and at the start of that the initial video like showing the nominees uh there was a small Interruption by Turbo

Chicken um yeah it snuck past our security so we’ll definitely be tightening that next year so we don’t deal with that again but it was a category that for some reason you people voted for so I have an answer the category was what are your thoughts on turbo

Checkin and the the results were quite interesting being yes definitely absolutely Ely and an turbo chicken so to for some reason the winner with an overwhelming 14 votes 66% of them was turbo chicken yeah yeah there’s only one option turbo chicken still don’t get why people voted

For that because it’s turbo true fair enough it’s a cow like why wouldn’t you vote you don’t have an option okay you know what fair enough anyway I think snow it’s your go yeah with our next uh award you had five options of elements to choose from for

Best element and those choices were fire earth water air lightning and of course the void despite all thesee elements being important only one can top come out on top for this pole and the winner of the best element ended up being lightning hey wow nice

Yeah I mean I like that one I’m actually kind of surprised yeah I heard a lot of void support yeah flash flash kind of won again in a way kind of metally no no that that’s me I won that one I yeah I don’t [Laughter] know it’s going fast considered the same

Thing as electricity and lightning like I don’t think so uh he’s just going to have to take the L this time yeah sorry you can’t three award Awards um we we don’t have the ability to send all of those to you yeah well speaking of Awards as this is

An award show we should go on to our next one which is definitely the favorite category that I came up with um the Twitter babysitter now this is for your nominees were of course John hendrickx and budda cat the two that always replying on Twitter and well sometimes maybe accidentally leaking

Things who knows um and the winner for this award is John Hendrick or favorite little answering I don’t know I was going with is it good job John HRI the babysitter though is it an award or is it a a title curse a curse is it award or a curse bur a blessing

Ur we got good job John Hendrick I will be giving you this award or a curse Johnny Lightning what he said his circus name was Johnny Lightning yo yo John La John La so much we’re finding out this stream if that’s not worth a donation I don’t know what it is donate now we are so close to hitting our goal again you definitely so close we’ve got well with our we got this well with our second to last award next up we have our most anticipated feature or showcase the nominees for this poll are modding building creatures combat SL PVP and Magic despite all

These choices only one can be the winner and with that being said our winner for the most anticipated feature showcase is combat PVP let’s go goes well with those daggers yeah see goes well with the daggers with the E unfortunately not the wand yeah pretty sad about that yeah

Well our final award for the is for the best Moss horn milker one of the most I want to this one yeah one of the most uh unique activities you can do when visiting orbis for your options for nominees were mthu mine Canadian Flash and budda cat

Out of all these nominees only one to come out on top ended up being memew who knew congratulations for that uh unique activity it was for told in the prophecy it was for told the Moss horn ancestors called upon their power him the gift a win a win

Well I think that is all of the main awards given away not all of them in total but all the ones that could be voted for um I think Lee you and I have something to present next oh yes it is time for the quest bundles the quest Bundles ready to get us started with yes so first off before we reveal the winners we had a few honorable mentions to shout out first off is John Hendrix who donated $2,020 to the uh stream but opted out of getting a quest bundle because he wanted

To give it to one of the other people give other people a chance to win it so thank you so much to John Hendrick for that massive donation genuinely it is amazing that you could do that and then we also had another honorable mention being Bean dealer with $520

Donated believe that right yep thank you so much Bean dealer is means so much to us that you could do this uh and then lastly the third and final honorable mention we wanted to give out is to cator who donated a total of 280 to the the

Stream thank you so much for that means a lot thank you so much genuinely yes yeah um but now I think yeah it’s it’s so like can’t thank you enough but there can only be two winners and we know what time it is tonight the people who have donated the

Most are you ready are you at the edge of your seats in anticipation to find our winners I’m so ready I’m on the edge of my seat seat oh yes in second place with $595 in donation is a wild slicer congratulations congratulations conratulations congratulations you are a winner of a

Quest bundle we appreciate all of your support through the entire night 9 hours we’ve been here so thank you so much again uh we’ll probably be reaching out to get contact information so number one who was the one to deliver the most donos big question in first place yes in

First place with the amount of $88 is Paris Wow Let’s Go yeah honestly such big support from like everyone in the community and we really appreciate it like we’re so we’re like yeah we’re at 9,174 and that’s that’s pretty big so thank you everyone who you know even if you couldn’t donate if you just came and gave your support

Goal yeah absolutely crazy so crazy is insane also I believe cor me from wrong we also do have the Raffles that will will be taking place so if you have donated any amount during the stream we will be raffling and contacting you uh if you win about a set of two figures uh

So that will be hell yeah very nice so I believe there is one last Quest bundle to give off isn’t that rightly oh yes there is the one the one one for so throughout the stream there’s been the build battle go well I guess build battle we’re going to be picking

Our favorite build out of all the ones on the creative server and giving the person that made it a quest bundle I’m so excited for this wake up I can’t wait to jump on the server but real quick I do want to hold this up

Real quick just uh uh to take a moment before we jump into the server and see all the absolutely incredible stuff I have no doubt is on there uh mainly because I need to change my Minecraft client over to the right version again um but also also because uh I believe um

We may we may have uh we may have someone joining us in a moment oh everyone’s partying in chat I love it party party in the chat party in the chat party in the chat with a baseball bat what ring hey hello we’re at the end you guys that sounds so ominous oh

Yeah jeez yeah yeah who’s getting sacrificed tonight guys yay want to be sacrificed how how’s everyone feeling I can’t believe it’s pretty good crazy tired but this is going great I’m getting strength from the chat right now all of the the confetti emojis strength let’s go yeah love it well uh I’m I’m

Sorry to interrupt I’m just hopping on very quickly uh I cuz I I absolutely loved our segment Connor it was it was so much fun and I officially have John’s blessing to to announce a fun thing that we’re going to start like very early next year like starting January um so I’ll announce

Like the official hashtag that we’re going to use on on my personal Twitter so keep an eye out um but I want you all to send your questions uh on Twitter and you you can use that hashtag and then I’m going to chase down team members I’m going to I’m

Going to annoy a bunch of team members to answer that stuff so you know stuff like uh was it Lynn who’s always asking about the the scar cosmetic mask stuff like that you know you know weapons and and magic and cool things and I’ll and I’ll chase down various people on the

Team and I’ll uh you know get it get it answered and it’ll be really fun oh well then you guys got to ask questions and at that hashtag yeah yes yeah I I I’ll I’ll I’ll announce what what we’re going to use yeah what’s that or someone’s already I don’t have the

Chat up right now yeah flash has already asked the question you’re probably pretty familiar oh yeah yeah I tried asking your question man to to Chris uh but he he uh deflected it to John so so ask it ask it to John amazing in chat so oh is he yeah he can ask

Directly there yeah there you go John uh answer answer flash this [Laughter] thing I respect the hustle Buddha nice all right well I’m going to duck out uh my my son is Delirious um and and overly tired and so am I for that matter uh so but yeah thank you for letting me

Interrupt thank you so much appreciate it we’re excited for 2024 yeah hell yes all right see you guys love you guys by thank you thank you see you awesome so we can hop the MC server now right oh yes oh yes let’s do that see all these amazing builds there are there

Are some Builds on my there are a lot of builds there are a lot of builds how we can pick one to get rid of the uh all of the popups that I’ve got my screen Ser card all right we should be good okay loading up uh server getting

On the server I’m on the server there’s 30 people on the server there so many crazy remember you can join the server right now at thank miss. sky. heckers yeah yes for free you can join for free and then if you pay up to $15 then you can join the creative

Server and build your own things and the server is going to be up for a while so yeah let’s do this okay so I’m going to join the creative server here we go let’s get into this yes we can do a little tour before we start looking at Tess since we

Want to look at everyone gosh oh my gosh right yeah you guys lead me where you feel like I should go I can hear a creeper oh my gosh don’t know what that what is memew holding oh my gosh what what what what a dagger pigeon no way let’s go well this is

Incredible Connor if you come over here I think I have a pretty good idea on how we can take a look at everything mhm oh is y no let’s go bye I got stuck oh come on oh oh they pushed you they pushed you I got go I got stuck again here we

Go there a keyboard a tunnel there’s a lot probably just dropped going by those campfires yeah I love the tradition of having like a roller coaster going through everything yeah so fun we have have a lot of builds to look at don’t know how cover all my gosh yeah

I just got like I was like distracted by all the pretty builds oh my God I just looked up you might need to do oh yeah the choices the choices might need to do like a a like we each show our favorite like three or something and then yes I

Think top two or three we should definitely do that’s so hard since oh yeah we should probably mention the judges for this Build contest are me Insidious and Lee Conor you want to you want to judge uh I’ll give some humble Quebec opinions yeah okay well ignore the

Burning queb backs then uh yeah y I’ll be impartial M wow whoa this is a fun roller coaster this is really fun who put this together do we know uh I think there’s a sign at the start if someone wants to go and check I’m on the ride I can’t be stopped you

Stopped I just can nonstop he wasna stop drinking milk where my what the what no hug go I just heard an ender dragon and I don’t know how I feel about that yeah someone has like a sound thing because they also heard creepers yeah oh that’s a cute little like dining hey hey

Derry hello Dary I’m being chased by Hugo and every time I look it’s like a horror movie you know where you’re like he getting closer yeah what this is crazy oh my gosh this offie right here what yeah yeah this giant Quebec is absolutely amazing two giant queeks my

ADD I believe this one that we’re going by right now is put together by Mikey Q believe so and then there is the this is fine Quebec I love this this is amazing this is absolutely incredible uh oh back there is again guys I’m getting jump scared it’s getting inching closer every

Time oh w I didn’t even see that giant pixel over there what yep of the winter faen what this is insane wow that was crazy oh my gosh look at this world and let’s see it was built by cheesy Kira greed Slug and puffet thank you guys so much that’s absolutely

Incredible what an incredible thing and there’s still so much to see as well there’s all sorts of all like the little bits we’ve got this little quebeck here we’ve got the slammer I think that is uh there’s giant Varon being created over here oh this is absolutely crazy I think we’ve seen that

Varon every year consistent with this yes very consistent it’s absolutely amazing you guys have got your work out for you judging all of this oh my gosh yeah I’ve been paying close attention the entire time so I have a few favorites wow yeah I’m noticing something I don’t I don’t know how to

Choose I really don’t like all of these are so cute this giant planet here it’s like orus or numr even maybe I think numr actually very cool there’s Numel there’s orus and there’s Nexus oh this is absolutely insane so cool there’s also a little scar with the little nest

With the eggs and the scar contain no the fen containment unit yeah that’s so cool little castle over here a little place a little hook hype oh this is absolutely crazy this is great stuff I love High tail sign there Oh I thought you were just stating

It and I was about to say I there’s a than coin where what there’s so many things uh go by the winter Fen um see on the ground I’m going to need to whoop my render distance I just realized that the planets have a string as well there’s

Orbus and Nexus as well as yeah I did sometimes I forget to look up okay it happens so did we all right let me find the frin real quick it’s somewhere over here it’s in the northeast corner I don’t know directions oh there’s a giant Co yeah behind the burning que

Bag everyone is so so gosh on Creative I can’t believe the that people have made such incredible builds this is so cool wow look at that I tell thankas woo that’s incredible well I hope you guys I hope you guys have got your opinions uh going yeah going to be a tough decision

I in the chat potato literally uh said that they can do a tour of the feast T that we saw since there are apparently lot of e eggs do someone want to TP me to where that is so that I don’t uh get lost uh

Yeah I just realized it’s a RAC trck as well with camels a bunch of stuff here uh here TP qu Corner blit strike here we are jeez all righty all right entering in I’ll turn on chat it’s looking really good I like to use Cherrywood oh my

Gosh you got music now oh that’s so cool I love all the high tail food and and just and just a normal eggplant yeah it’s high tail food moson cheese high tail fish eggplant High tail carrot I love it that’s so cool the ornaments on the tree look really good too Conor you

Going to become a que back here let’s go I’m going to become a que back I’m gonna do I’m gonna do it I’m gonna do it I did it yo I did it yeah say the line welcome back to Kack corner I did it we did the thing let’s

Do it did the thing we did the D we do the D Conor there’s a real copy of high tail in this chest wait which one which one which which one it’s taking me back to wait a Fen spawn egg no way there’s no way this

Is going to this I don’t think spawn eggs work that got me so excited for a second I was like wait what Conor look at this one here this is where the copy of high tail is oh my God there’s a Cati but it’s just a cactus oh let me see let me

See wow wow wow sorry I’m stealing it no oh he’s got it thought that was his job there’s a knife in a pigeon spawn in one of these chests okay there’s a Quebec burner you know what Conor put it back or I’ll use this on you sorry I’ll put them back I don’t

I don’t I’m not going yeah that’s why I thought I don’t know this is definitely my top three yeah I I don’t know where the real copy of hiil went I’m not I’m not too sure I’m so sorry I think someone everyone’s got a chair everyone’s all ready to go

Let’s go we’re eating meals we’re eating meals that and and we’re making meals for for World Central Kitchen make make a toast hunor a toast a toast a toast to an incredible High s thankas fourth year running absolutely incredible people all around in the community watch ing at

Home all across the world uh absolutely incredible people on This Server everybody contributing at to the event and everybody who’s donated uh let’s go to to to high tail and to World Central Kitchen and two tankman yeah let’s go yeah Wo some someone turn on a juke box or something no no I’m joking we we we got we got music we got music we got music let’s go I I don’t I’m gonna I’m gonna just take in the light I eat light so that’s good that works for me you’ve

Been lost late I don’t I don’t mean to alarm anyone alarm Panda’s been killed at the front door what what what no what is this a new a new mode of mystery I think we’ve been locked in guys no what oh no oh my God wait is

This a red wedding what’s going on they’re taking over they’re taking over thank miss the music’s starting again it’s terrifying oh der’s alive again der’s alive let’s go he drink his Dairy well I’m G to I’m going to leave it to you guys to uh to to go through the these

Builds CU I you know we got to we got to we got to go through what we think about them I mean we could look right to the to the right of that build we have a nice little Queen they found con’s home and recreated it

Oh has been blocked for abusing shame on them apparently this is shame for shame they even have little things inside the houses C little houses this is adorable oh I’m this world is going to be just so fun to just spend time exploring over the next week the Ser is

Going to be up all week by the way guys so don’t worry about it and we’ll have uh we’ll have the map and everything so so we got that we got it covered this is beautiful when does the donation link end uh the Donate after the stream to

Join you can still donate to the stream as well to join uh we will uh have someone checking to whiteless people every day after the stream uh and uh we will be you will be able to donate until the 30th of December I believe so yo plenty of time plenty of

Time very cool plenty of time did you guys see the little kops place oh yeah we have to go see that oh yeah yeah this is one of the first things built yeah someone up me by the way I don’t know if you got you there you go

Conor would you like us to TP you to the I kept typing slame show uh I was going to do spect Blitz and then put myself on your view if that makes sense oh okay I don’t know where you went though uh here you should be able to just right

Click me um yeah I we good okay I can see what you said just for a second while I need to drink my tea you drink your tea so we have this kops hidey hole built by how do you say that oh you got it uh lee you have this right what

Well I mean I already have bad English so yeah I think it’s chov yeah uh this question we’ll go with that yeah okay going inside I’m sorry if I said your name wrong my bad sorry um so yeah it’s based off the concept art for the kops hidey holes we

Saw got a little fireplace in here is there a secret I also try to see if there was a secret in there yeah really cozy it’s nice yeah like a a little treasure TR with m one in it yeah I feel like this was directly like the same shape as the

Concept art cuz I remember this in yeah yeah that’s cool good job to this person it’s very nice yes and there’s a little clops outside yes a little clops leave it hand Al righty what else all right um little CL says thanks for stopping by this thank there’s a there’s a little

Like blacksmith next to it mhm go inside nice little bookshelf using the new bookshelves from I think 1.20 got to call the cops someone’s robbing this blacksmith’s Place hi got a little forge on the outside very cute there’s a sign what does it say on fire yeah you’re and on now wow

How they know someone’s just cat pet here just fell through just burning in the lava lava Hazard speaking of quebe giant Quebec over here I think this was built yeah this was a group effort started by Haw on oh um I know that guy yeah I know

That guy shows a que back Tree Singer kind of like the new ones in the recent blog post yes looks very then directly next to it we have this um would slum callit long bird I believe yes a long we got the long bird a little fle on

It where you can spin the fle like the neck fle yeah very pretty very pretty it looks good from like above like all angles basically since we’re in this area look at the planets oh yeah yeah this is I think this was built by Eko yep triple ultraverse yes three we have

The alter ver we also have uh whatchamacallit uh orbus the main one what do you call it what do you call it I forgot um and lastly Nexus which is this cool green crack the attention to detail is unreal like yes so crazy you can also see in the inside

And it says oo spooky oh that’s spooky very spooky right next to numra there’s also a big big tree big big cool tree with an interior oh yeah I see it very pretty little windows out of it fly down go inside I uh I did donate $30

But I don’t know if it’s gone through it’s gone through on my end but it isn’t showing up on tiltify so oh something’s gone through mind I spoke too soon we got a donation from GA $5 from GA thank you very much thank you you what sh Shas okay Jare

Yeah yeah uh you might want to turn like your an hosle creatures sound down it’s F down it’s good we’re good okay okay um cute little tree house there’s a puffer fish over there oh yeah Conor’s house the bacon game by P account AK Bean dealer this one’s a bit

Disturbing I think this is what the heck it blinks it blinks it blinks everyone blinks yes yes it says hightail thanm donate or else or else you’re end up like this guy that’s what happens y there’s also a Herobrine some I I was about to say this a hero BR spawner I

Don’t know what doing here yeah yeah small pond with a quebeck that is burning no idea who did this no idea whoever could do such a thing yeah who could do that there a whole restaurant over here oh yeah let’s go through the main entrance instead of

The employee one this is the this the sign says don’t try to Out Pizza The Hut brilant oh my gosh we got Cafe lots of cats bathrooms bookshelves hello it’s vun what vun is a cat yeah am I here oh my god there so many people here oh my God it’s a booted

Cat Conor where cious right here who did all these they actually got signs that supposed to be in what areae ti spins in the corner over here that was funny lots of cats I found me oh where let’s see I have a cat W go go behind

You Hons behind me we have a little kitchen with some more cats what does this say pizza maybe by cheesy Kira was that Pizza Hut yes Pizza Hut John Hendrick Peter Griffin and noxy Peter Griffin and noxy sitting next to each other the collab we didn’t know we

Needed yeah then the one thing I do love about this place is how the roof looks like a pizza place yeah or pizza not pizza place does from the top yeah and something is staring at the pizza M maybe that’s casserole is that casserole nowo New Canon character

PM it was made by plasma Warrior and it’s apparently meme through approved nice oh wow looks very much like a MOS one oh e that was gross I want to see if there was an inside brilliant yes very cute then there’s also a little what is this Cherrywood yeah Cherrywood Shack it’s very

Nice I don’t know if it says who this was made by oh Paris says that KGI is the best hi mob so this might be paris’s place oh maybe um Edan this is definitely one of my top three builds over here the scar made by or the cyborg oh you can go

Inside of it oh yeah oh you can oh yeah wow oh hilarious Insidious in Insidious is inside of every scare he’s the heart of a scare this is Canon Canon Canon Canon La canon law canon law canon law Edan there’s also two little eggs with other eggs on top of

Them Edan we have the fairing containment unit tiny tiny yes this is definitely in my top three favorite builds I like it yeah it’s really good there also a hype sign and over here it looks like there was a incompleted well being worked on building don’t know exactly what it is

Yet is there a sign oh okay it’s just called unfinished build Blitz hold on a sec St still stay still real quick okay okay good um oh did I was chasing oh I just and see you just chasing me do you see this little shop over here uh wait Conor are you

Good yep we’re good we’re good to go okay where you at oh I see you where’s this place B by EFS 3 oh there’s a sign up front here oh what says selling Goods ignore the crash site crash s crash site whoa yeah I’m not seeing a crash site

Here A whole construction area over here yeah look there’s queex working on the cranes this is there one writing something people are doing with items I love yeah the book says High tail let’s listen to it there’s another diing honey is 30% off incredible yeah what’s for sale

Where’s the shop does it only sell honey what else would you need really fair enough oh hi Dale more muser and milk no no so I will say you guys have had a good look at the build so far um how are you guys feeling what are you guys

Thinking about uh I think I definitely have my top three you think you settled on on what you think yeah I stood away from the microphone by accident there my bad oh you’re h i I have a I definitely have a top three yeah I have a top three as

Well would we like looked under the Moss horn under the Moss horn why oh oh oh brilliant no why did you tell me oh my God Moss horn milk here that’s so nasty all right all right my top three pizza place we’ve got the the feast Hall the festive Feast hall

And then the planets those are my those are my top three okay my top three is the festive Feast Hall the scar right here like this whole like the scar and the eggs and then the planets alet yeah alra versus for me it’s definitely I I like the kops it’s just

So like cozy I like the Quebec Village and I also really like the planet one it’s it’s just so pretty I don’t know I I I I I like the giant Quebec the giant Quebec and the other the other Quebec fair enough I think we need to

Set them on fire so he doesn’t just vote for the que so that’s like yeah yeah biased I mean for some reason this one has a Connor needs water save him release the game today should I pull this lever see what it does oh no oh oh please do let’s do all

Right let’s see it it does nothing I’ve been waiting like hours to do that it didn’t do anything let’s go we need it needs Redstone repairs it needs wait no it doesn’t it’s not going to do anything no it just won’t what a troll wait no it

Might wait no I don’t know if it will let’s let’s not crash the server with water okay okay uh we don’t want to make Skye angry okay fine I don’t know if you’ll make Sky not angry but you’re definitely going to make Hugo angry I have noticed that one of the

Ones that is continuous through all choices would be the worlds yes yeah we all really like the the alter the worlds the alter verus yes oh it’s so hard to choose cuz I also the village and the kops Hut and the little selling area and the coin like these are all really nice

The pigeon with a dagger the pig I think do you think we all want to choose the planets yeah I think we all agreed on the planets is definitely Planet yeah definitely got a nice vertical really good detention to detail we’ve got some corruption on orbus I

Didn’t even see that the last time yeah let let me find that oo very nice we got vol canic activity we got the glaciers uh and yeah oh look down here very cool yes Echo did do the planet very nice gradients I also like how they’re kind of like

Connected like the concept yeah like the little tendrils well very I guess this one is chosen then I guess we can do we do we have sign for build do we know we know who bu know who built all three these were built by Echo yes all three of these were

Excellent okay and so this was one of the the num jazzle was like one of the first builds started on the server too congratulations ecotan who is currently asleep I think y the final quest bundle final quest bundle the quest has been complete the quest is is complete nice uh okay well

What’s say then uh we all grab a group photo before we hop into the credits yes there is another um we got something else to do per thing screenshot thing oh say say again what what’s this there’s like the screenshot um Podium Thing by the summoning Circle

Oh where well let me let me try and find that uh feel free to TP me if I don’t get there in time yeah yes okay yeah oh let’s go all right let’s go everybody hiil dkas let’s go oh I need to turn myself into game mode yeah you need to become

Visible to World there we go let’s go let’s go the camel camel okay the camel just pushed me off the platform let’s go get your screenshots in now let’s get your screenshots in now I’m going to change my POV real quick video settings uh fob there you go I got everyone

Nice let me draw back a bit bu cat says I can’t get over how good these builds are GG everyone yeah yeah they are very good honestly feel it though pretty crazy I’ll say hi to the camera woo let’s go happy High thanas everybody oh happy thank 9,179 raised absolutely insane we

Smashed the 5K goal absolutely smashed that 5K goal that that was insane and the server will be up if anyone wants to hop on and see it for themselves or add add some details if you’re watching started we got $100 if you’re watching this after the live stream uh the link

Should still work we’re going to be taking donations up until the 30th of December uh and the server is going to be open for a full week so 100% uh you guys uh are more than welcome to continue contributing uh as much as you guys please I know I’ve got another $30

On the way so that puts us already up to $9,200 so absolutely amazing work guys thank you all so much for contributing uh and yeah I’m just going to let everyone chill and say say that say that bu all I’m saying is we we got more donations than last year we’re cooking we’re

Cooking we smashed last year last year we got 7,500 I think total this year smashed it absolutely smashed it thank you guys so much it’s been absolutely incredible and remember this has all been for World Central Kitchen helping those places that are in the most need

Uh requiring Aid and meals uh and we absolutely smash that and hopefully have helped uh support some communities that uh that needed it so yeah absolutely incredible stuff guys 48 running let’s go let’s go we did it absolutely insane stuff awesome I’m G to play this out

With the credits now thank you guys so much for watching High till thankas we all really appreciate you guys all so much uh we’re sitting at uh 9,200 just over that uh with uh all the added donations and yeah thank you guys everyone say uh say say goodbyes and

Everything goodbye bye guys hang out with us see you guys later stay safe and keep free said it he said the thing he said Oh For

This video, titled ‘Hytale Thankmas 2023’, was uploaded by Kweebec Corner on 2023-12-10 03:18:24. It has garnered 8916 views and 542 likes. The duration of the video is 09:04:31 or 32671 seconds.


MINECRAFT SERVER IP: (java 1.20/1.20.1)

00:00 Countdown to Thankmas 10:04 Countdown by Shroomy and Evee 10:28 Intro Animatic 12:27 Welcome Wagon 31:18 Timeline Intro 33:06 Timeline Teaser 46:59 Server Lobby 1:09:28 Roundtable 1 2:18:45 Alterverse Cable 1 2:21:34 Charity Showcase 1 2:24:24 Awards Show 1 2:26:51 Power Hour Show 2:41:23 Power Hour Discussion 3:16:23 Myne Rap “Reward” 3:20:10 Chris Thursten and BuddhaCat Interview 4:43:00 Awards Show 2 4:44:13 Alterverse Cable 2 4:47:12 Charity Showcase 2 4:48:57 Awards Show 3 4:50:57 Save the Kweebecs 5:40:25 Live the Hytale Podcast 5:53:25 Rap Battle 5:56:42 Spot the Difference 6:07:54 Gameshow 6:40:25 Mob Mashup 7:11:09 Eko Art Timelapse 7:13:13 Charity Showcase 3 7:14:59 Awards Show 4 7:16:16 Fan Art Showcase 7:20:14 Roundtable 2 8:08:17 Awards Show Results 8:25:14 BuddhaCat Announcement 8:28:46 Creative Server 9:00:24 Credits

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    Unveiling EPIC Start in Minecraft Cottagecore! | EP1Video Information This video, titled ‘A NEW Beginning! Minecraft Cottagecore Let’s Play! | EP1 | Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded Survival’, was uploaded by heyitslena on 2024-01-30 19:35:29. It has garnered 6031 views and 239 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:39 or 3279 seconds. ═══════════ 🎥 Video Info 🎥 ═══════════ Today we are starting a brand new MODDED adventure in Minecraft 1.20.1. We do some exploring and find a place to settle down. I hope you enjoy and thanks for watching! Mods, Resource Packs & Shaders Listed here: ═══════════ 📲 Links Below 📲 ═══════════ ✨ Subscribe:… ═══════════ ❤… Read More

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    🔥 Oyunun En Güçlü İksiri! Nasıl Yapılır? #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Güç 2 İksiri Nasıl Yapılır? Oyunun En Güçlü İksiri! #shorts #minecraft #potion #pvp’, was uploaded by uh61pilotsky on 2024-01-08 11:49:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Rescue BABY JJ and MIKEY from TV WOMAN WITCH in Minecraft

    Rescue BABY JJ and MIKEY from TV WOMAN WITCH in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘TV WOMAN ANGEL save BABY JJ and MIKEY from the TV WOMAN WITCH in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Manzel on 2024-05-10 21:20:06. It has garnered 7027 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:34 or 2014 seconds. TV WOMAN ANGEL save BABY JJ and MIKEY from the TV WOMAN WITCH in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add… Read More

  • 4000 cakes for subscribers in Minecraft SMP!

    4000 cakes for subscribers in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Complete: 4000 Cakes For My Subscribers In Minecraft Survival SMP’, was uploaded by xVertrexDx on 2024-05-20 02:29:55. It has garnered 36 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:31:56 or 19916 seconds. 📗 Hello, everyone! Welcome to yet another of my minecraft survival challenge livestream. Sit back, relax, and enjoy as I perform some of the craziest, wildest, and intense challenges for the number of 100s of subscribers I’ve gained, oh and thank you by the way to everyone for subscribing to me! ✨ 🚀 Please become a Channel Member if you… Read More

  • Unbelievable, Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour!

    Unbelievable, Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour!Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,655’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-15 11:47:46. It has garnered 178 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,655 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Teacher’s Mind Blown by Troll Game – EP 53 🤯 #shorts

    Teacher's Mind Blown by Troll Game - EP 53 🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Anh Đen Xì Xì Troll Game Khiến Thầy Giáo Bất Lực – Tập 53 🤣 #shorts’, was uploaded by Hoàng ACC on 2024-03-27 10:25:11. It has garnered 479737 views and 16658 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Troll Game Makes Teacher Powerless – Episode 53 🤣 | Minecraft in ohio | Hoang ACC ✅Mr. Black and 1001 Unstable Things 🤣 Saint Troll Binh Duong If you find the video good, please subscribe to my support channel!!! Videos are for entertainment purposes only, not to offend anyone!!! ✅ Editor: @hoangacc ——————————————-… Read More

  • Werewolves VS Vampires SMP

    Join the Werewolves vs Vampires Server! Experience life as a werewolf, vampire, or hunter in the latest update 1.20. Level up, unlock new skills, and dominate as the Vampire Prince, Hunter Brigadier, or Werewolf Alpha. Build friendships, homes, and businesses in this exciting world. Main Mods Included: Vampirism Werewolves Vampiric Aging Farmer’s Delight Quark Simple Voice Chat Waystones Vampires Need Umbrellas Join our Discord Download the Modpack Read More

  • ArmsMC

    ArmsMCJoin ArmsMC Today!Dive into ArmsMC, the ultimate Minecraft server where creativity meets combat. Explore our game modes:Mini Games with Guns: Engage in Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, Team Deathmatch, Duel Mode, and Payload. Battle custom zombies and other players with a variety of firearms.Factions with Guns: Form alliances, build bases, and defend against rivals and zombies.With diverse guns, custom zombies, and a vibrant community, there’s always something exciting at ArmsMC. Ready to make your mark? Join now! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: No Explanation Needed?

    Looks like this meme is 86-ing all the other ones out of the competition! Read More

  • Roblox Rocks Minecraft 1.8: 2023 Footage Frenzy

    Roblox Rocks Minecraft 1.8: 2023 Footage Frenzy In 2023, a rare sight to be seen, Minecraft in Roblox, a gaming dream. The footage delayed, the sound a bit off, But still a treasure, a gaming trough. Apologies for the break, a hiatus long, But back with a bang, with a gaming song. Roblox took it down, a loss for all, But this footage remains, a gaming ball. My avatar not Guesty, a different name, But still the same gamer, with no shame. Enjoy this glimpse, a blast from the past, Minecraft in Roblox, a game that lasts. Read More


    SE EU ERRAR, TE DEVO UMA COXINHA - HOT MINECRAFT MEME If I had a dollar for every time I owed someone a coxinha for making a mistake, I’d be broke and probably really full. #coxinhadebt Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Meme Compilation

    Ultimate Minecraft Meme Compilation Minecraft: A Compilation of Popular Memes by Fang Kuang Fang Kuang, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that avoids any elements that could potentially harm their health and safety. About Fang Kuang Fang Kuang, known as 方块轩, is a creator in the Minecraft realm who specializes in crafting humorous and entertaining animations to spread joy. As the only official channel for Fang Kuang, any videos related to him on other channels are considered unauthorized copies. Content Offerings Fang Kuang’s channel features a daily dose of original and exciting videos, ranging from funny… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Are you a fan of the iconic Minecraft soundtrack by C418? Imagine exploring the vast and immersive world of Minecraft while listening to these soothing and nostalgic tunes. Now, picture yourself doing so on a dynamic and exciting server like Minewind. Minewind offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience that you won’t find anywhere else. With its intense gameplay, player-driven economy, and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to dive into the world of Minecraft like never before. Join us on Minewind today and immerse yourself in a community of passionate Minecraft players. Whether you’re a… Read More

  • Outsmarting Minecraft with AI

    Outsmarting Minecraft with AI Minecraft: A Journey with AI Assistance Embark on an exciting adventure in the world of Minecraft with the help of artificial intelligence! Today, our protagonist seeks to conquer the challenges of this beloved sandbox game with the aid of advanced technology. Exploring the Vast World of Minecraft Step into a world filled with endless possibilities as you navigate through blocky landscapes, mine resources, build structures, and battle various creatures. With the assistance of AI, our player is equipped to tackle the toughest of tasks and unravel the mysteries hidden within Minecraft. AI Strategies and Insights Utilizing cutting-edge AI algorithms,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Magic in Minecraft Bedrock! #Shizo

    Unbelievable Magic in Minecraft Bedrock! #ShizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftmaps#magic#special#minecraftbedrock’, was uploaded by Skibi on 2024-05-19 10:29:03. It has garnered 443 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. I am making a Minecraft Map, which is called “MAGE BATTLE”. It is my most poured out project as of yet. Read More

  • Skyblock Build Challenge: Poor vs Rich

    Skyblock Build Challenge: Poor vs RichVideo Information This video, titled ‘POOR vs RICH: SKYBLOCK Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Milo and Chip on 2024-04-12 18:00:14. It has garnered 698510 views and 5352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Milo and Chip are going head to head in a Poor vs Rich Skyblock Challenge! Who will win? And what happens once the sun goes down? #minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip Read More

  • LeviElevn DOMINATES school’s Minecraft server!

    LeviElevn DOMINATES school's Minecraft server!Video Information This video, titled ‘How I Took Over My Schools Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by LeviElevn on 2024-03-28 21:00:11. It has garnered 614 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:20 or 800 seconds. In an epic conquest that unfolded within the virtual realm of our school’s Minecraft server, I embarked on a journey of dominance that would leave my mark in the digital landscape. Armed with strategic prowess and unwavering determination, I seized control by dismantling rival bases, vanquishing adversaries, and ascending to the pinnacle of power with the acquisition of maximum gear. With each… Read More