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[ __ ] me I’m looking in the mirror so but I’ve never seen clearer I don’t really think anyone can save me and honestly I’m not really sure I want saving I like to be My Own Worst Enemy there’s no risk if you don’t try it anything so I’mma

Just get by and everything see you in the next life to be a better me I don’t think my heads on straight got to flip it and grip it and go and get an x-ray what’s wrong with me I just feel way pushing on my chest and it squeeze till

I suffocate better change myate it’s pretty that I’m Al that better days I walk here iate think I change elev and I I’m kind of stuck between a rock in a hard place do I work hard or live in my pace you’re only Young on yeah that’s

All great but I also want to feure where I’m okay living life is doing lots of cocaine no it’s living with no shame no it’s sleeping in on Sunday I guess it’s different for each of us and that’s okay well I just want to be happy how to get

There glad that you asked me I think it’s different for everyone some of us need work others need fun some of us need purpose to overcome but try to do what you love when it’s said and done cuz there’s so many differences in each us trust your gut can show you what you

Want all I need are some days yeah all I need are some better days CU all I want and I pr Yo how’s everybody doing welcome to the live stream we’re going to be doing Lego fortnite again uh are you going to put it on Lego yes I am sorry about that there you go now I got to switch my skin so how’s everybody doing in the chat I don’t know why I switched

It go to my locker characters there you go I bust out Spidey over here I was about to say they added freaking bat the Batman who laugh but n they they did not all right let me switch this back over there you go so how’s it do how’s

It going Bob you’re the only one currently here uh Greg’s going to join up probably pretty soon and I don’t know about Damian though so let’s go ahead and get started if they end up joining up they joined up can we start so I can

Get my stuff and put it put it in my chest yeah there’s go select World hopefully we can finish building the airplane today okay custom yes how’s it going Bob hopefully having a nice night man oh man water is always good for you all right I’m excited I’m excited to

Continue this build our our village a little bit better yeah definitely starting it all right let’s go if you guys are just joining up project Towers if you guys are just joining up feel free to join up just don’t steal from people’s houses that’s the only request all right so while we’re loading

In you guys how did y’all’s Christmas go hopefully you guys had a good time with your family mine was pretty chill good it was good awesome that’s all I asked for man hopefully you guys had a good one feels good feels good should be back

What the hell oh there you go I was about to say how did I go down in three hearts man all right there you go let’s see in what state our airplane is since the last time we played it was kind of laggy and freezing all the time let’s just go

Ahead and check in I need need to build some new a new axe let me see my inventory real quick so I need I need a new sword and a forest axe yeah that looks like okay I need to put some stuff away in my chest yo

Bob what do you need what do you need tell me what you need I’m going to go to try to make a glider all right so you need silk wool okay let’s go here and like I don’t need my health charm what do I have here

I got two Health charms can I just n you can’t stack it damn yeah I know okay this a man well I got silk for you my my I guess my switch wasn’t charging all night oh no you got kicked out or what see like I don’t need this not

Anytime soon bones I have a [ __ ] ton of bone I don’t think I’m going to need that either this do you need a health charm Bob or does anybody on the live stream want to join up and I got some heal charm I think Greg left some

Weapons for whoever wants to join up let me see okay so there’s swords damn okay he left a lot of stuff there check here the community chest okay we got Shields and swords damn we have some crossbows and arrows oh yeah I left some stuff too well it’s for everybody so if you

Want to grab your stuff there grab it I’m going to check in uh Greg’s old house Greg where you at oh yeah I left some stuff too okay so I just ReRe that so we got some space I I need I need to see what I need to to craft the

[ __ ] I need get out of here oh no you didn’t come here get your ass over here there get that Shield I don’t know what the hell I’m going to need the shield for I think I just need silk wool and then I’m done making the glider okay

Well I got silk I have 17 silk see what can I make here heavy wool threads uh don’t need any of that right now okay so that’s just to craft that oh only need 15 I got I think I have 17 copper bars and iron bars so for

The which one do I have I have the blue one because I need to make three more and three is like five each yes you do copper bars for the shovel pickaxe I have that one so I need Frost Pine rod and obsid obsidian slab all right let’s

Check this out where’s it at where’s it at where’s it at inventory so what do I got got copper I have 21 copper you know what wait how much for the X so I need not rout well let’s do this so I need three copper bars and not rout

Okay let’s do that so Stone breaker no not that where is it so not rout Rod okay do two there all right Bob uh well right now I’ll meet up with you so I could I could give you what you need man oh damn Greg left me GRE Greg left

Some good [ __ ] there okay all right bad ass bad ass let me log in as soon as possible you’re not even on here okay so this is still Greg’s bed I need to kick him out of here actually I should leave him a present oh my switch died no it actually

Did all let me go down yeah uh it’s all good man don’t worry I got you when you come back in not route and collect hello so we could do a pickaxe ID with the more not route okay so we need to make copper bars I’m going to have to use Damian’s house

All right let’s go has joined the party okay let’s go you need a wool right let me get you the wool pet my sheep there go I got four for you already there we go yeah yeah all right cool so I got you your wool I got silk I

Got 17 silk so yeah we should be able to get you your glider I’m going just get my my badass axe right now and then after this I think I can go to the snow I think damn bro thanks you’re very welcome you’re very very welcome let’s go our village is actually pretty

Decent oh my I’m tired of getting stuck in the doors no more locked doors what the hell Damian’s girlfriend’s like protect is that Damian’s oh look your backpack’s right here gem cutter this one this is what I need into bars oh I need bright I left the bright core in my

House okay going back making my way downtown walking okay well not walking flying fast I’m right behind you blood oh damn your plank your plank is here too okay for streams and stuff hey what happened to the plane where did we leave the plane I’m right behind you okay but where do

We leave our plane don’t tell me we’re going to have to build it again where’s where’s the bright core I need bright core uh B I didn’t eat that much split I needed like I’ll take 10 just in case 10 all don’t know what do you mean you don’t know all right let’s go go build us a a forest axxe three more silk Fabric and three more wool

Fabric all right I got you bro I got I got silk and I got four wool I think you’re going to need help on the wool though we need to find some sheep here you go Bob give me 15 silk there you go copper we’ll do

10 five there you go that seems thanks no problem man no problem so would you guys get for Christmas well Bob what’d you get for Christmas all right let’s go I got stuff for my collection what stuff did you get for your collection hey got to get

Comfy I already showed you right what I got I got the little uh Bulbasaur I still need to put them back the little Lego Bulbasaur it’s pretty nice pretty chill gotta continue my Pokemon collection just waiting on my copper bars here a trucks act a truck action figure

A special edition Vegito Funko POA oh no [ __ ] Vegito Vegeta for life my guy I’m not a Goku I like Goku but I prefer Vegeta I’m always angry all the time so I fit into that character a lot being angry come on dude you can’t melt any faster my favorite is Goku black

Okay not bad not bad I used to be a fan of trunks when I was a little kid I used to like trunk trunks a lot and uh Gohan but then Gohan didn’t get any like abilities after like a long ass time so yeah nah dude how long do I have to wait

Man damn I just realized it’s super dark in the video all right so we got two bars already let’s see if we could build anything with that go Here so we need need oh we only need one more bar let’s go okay and then after that I don’t think I really want to build anything else I think I just want to get started on the on the the the what’s it called the airplane uh why this stop what was that

Noise yo TV games how’s it going join up my guy okay quick deposit now we just need one more yo cozy toilet recipe really really you’re going to teach me how to make a toilet oh my God you don’t start until I get on really bro I’m going to start

When I want to get on you have to join up when I want to get on that’s how that’s going to work oh my God all right let’s get that remove all and we are set three copper bars I love cozy toilets I I love cozy toilets too man trust me there’s nothing

Worse than sitting in a crappy Ass toilet the tables have turned don’t you mean the turn tables you know what I’ll leave I’ll leave Damian something at his house for letting me borrow his stuff now I have a a let’s go all right let’s see if we could the tables have

Turned no the turn table oh [ __ ] sorry guys for the language I wasn’t expecting to get my ass kicked here hey you need a still gr I got you I don’t know how the hell do I not have a torch damn bro I got you with all the silk I’m getting so

Wet oh dude one hit let’s freaking go I need Vines five of them okay those we need to go to get bushes hit bushes loving loving this I need Vines five of them okay well there you go I got one two 3 4 5 6 seven just for you where you

At drop you the seven volumes Here are you in the game channel I just joined the the the game channel I don’t know if you guys could hear me I don’t think they can hear me oh see you guys are in the party Channel there you go yo what’s up TV what’s up TV I am I

Am a I’m monkey you’re a monkey hello monkeys oh man don’t ask what I’m doing TV okay it’s not racist it’s a it’s a reference to Dragon Ball all right uh I don’t know what where’s the plane where’s the plane uh that’s the same thing I started asking when I got here I

Don’t know where the plane at this is why you don’t give keys to people no actually the last time we got on it was super laggy and freezing and I guess it kind of you tested it without me no we didn’t actually we were rolling down the hill and it just

Disappeared so we have to restart all that materials again pretty much hell no hell no no no no all I got you the wood here you’re ly I don’t know where went I really don’t know where it went let’s go also have my CP G huh half my stuff are gone

I’m telling you that’s I was like I don’t know what happened during the last stream that it just froze and everything just like people lost their keys and yeah that was my fault for streaming on Christmas like the servers were not great like it was super lagging and it

Was bad people were playing on Christmas yeah I was playing on Christmas oh my God no the no the people were playing on Christmas this game’s too addictive yeah so like a drug so it it crashed and then we just went to play and we lost and we

Lost the plane and lost the damn thing that we I literally broke my house just to build that thing actually well here you go I got 30 wood five plank I don’t know what else you need I’ll take that I’m going to go use something inside of the Mansion oh she

Going to go to my second house that’s your second house yeah Greg moved out so he gave me the house where did he go he went to the dude his his Mansion is now in over here oh yeah oh yeah the snow area oh yeah

Don’t ask TV what I’m doing what are you doing Bob he was sucking me off oh man I need defend my house jok hey hey I need to use something what do I need again I know what did you I need to make a so I need okay I need a

Shield two more wool okay so you need a shield what do I forgot I for I forgot to make a shield the last time I was here so which one you going to make iron bar copper bar wait how how how many are there in this world how many are there the we’re

Already in purple no okay can I have the purple one then can the purple one I don’t I don’t have those bro I’m just can I have the can I have the blue one then can I have the blue one then sure if we go to the you know to

The desert to get more copper you’re going to tell you’re shooting me you’re shooting me right now I mean we have to I mean I kind of want to go cuz I need more copper too I I know it’s because that we are in survival and we can’t keep our stuff if we

Die so basically we’re wild goose chase while we’re there yeah pretty much how much would you how much would do you have how much wood do you have cuz I need 10 I think I think that’s what you’re trying to say or wool BR is trying to speak but he can’t

Like I don’t know if you’re saying wood or wool or what what what are you trying to say Bob Bob speak up man speak up just speak up you can say you can say it come on speak up he he’s on the he’s on the

Wrong Channel hey I got you six I don’t have 10 but I got six what wool yeah he wants wool okay I got six where’s your Stone Crusher Jesus Christ for a mansion you don’t have a stone CR can I please have them many marble slabs and one Sand

Shell do you have a Sand Shell I can borrow please uh yeah okay good I am going to steal everything that you have H you better not touch my house I’ll blow blow your house up my house is a piece of crap I I don’t care what happens to it I can rebuild

Another one that looks a lot more better than what the hell it looks like cuz look at it look at it I mean is is it’s a house you have something it sucks mine doesn’t even have a toilet bro I have nowhere to take a [ __ ] you’re you live in a giant box

Pretty much it doesn’t even have light I literally have to bust out a torch just to see in rob my house more action split actually and mine and mine is just too boxes combining all right I’m going where where do you need the oh you’re right here here I’m I’m D showing some

Gravel in your house I’m just find some gravel in your house thank you very welcome can I please have them I already gave you I gave you everything Bob gave you my I gave you my heart my soul everything okay no not my soul damn damn you in love with this man

Damn secret gay relationship toxic a secret gay relationship with hey what has nobody dude why is this oh [ __ ] lag Spike can I please have them no I’m playing B what the hell is going on you just had a lag Spike yeah I know this lagging all right shoot me okay so

BR damn oven how long do it take just to upgrade the stupid b oh it took a while took a while it I don’t know how else you can say that it didn’t take a while it took it took a very long while that’s all I’m

Going to say yeah but enjoy it it took a long a long while I know the the master behind all this world is not even here I don’t know what happened to the the main architect of this I’m going to fly to this area and I’m going to steal everything he has

Hey no that’s my stuff too no leave my stuff alone no I’m going where are you I’m only here chilling with some cows you live your furry girlfriend I I’m actually going to go to the desert I need to get uh core and you know what

You know what I’ll go with you game what do you mean I left game chat yeah cuz nobody was talking everybody was muted Greg’s muted and I was like bro I guess wait up for me let me join all right well you need to have you know what let’s go together

Let’s go to the let’s go let’s get let’s get some [ __ ] done here we’re going to build the plane once we come back now let’s go let’s go to the desert cuz we need the wood there I was showering I told you yeah I know I’m going to use you just to grab

Some stuff okay is that is that okay you’re going to use me to grab stuff why why are you using me because you have the axe that can break um break the CTI no no you’re supposed to get the milk before you kill it I already have enough

Milk I just want to kill it I don’t even know who you are now yeah you used to be so young and happy n like [ __ ] everybody [ __ ] this world I have depression saw my grandma die in front of me oh man y mental issues I like how dark that turn real

Quick I’m just still happy about it I’m like hey I’m I’m taking that take it bro I’m just I’m literally just killing them so I could drop stuff I have I have 18 shells okay we already at at the desert let’s go all right now to find a cave that

Greg hasn’t gone to that’s going be you break cacti may you break cacti for me nah why not can I borrow your pickaxe them cuz you’re not going to need it cuz we be in a cave what do you mean that’s the one you need the

Most telling me over here I’m going to use it I have Ruby but I don’t know where my other stuff is cuz I had apparently I did have um something that can break it why you lying bro you didn’t have anything I’m not lying I did

If I have Ruby then I had I had a pickaxe you know what’s funny I’m breaking it and you’re not even picking it up man you all picking that up man I pick that up oh pick it up I’m dropping it what the hell brother bro I was

Talking to you in the chat man and you weren’t answering I was like Greg Greg and nothing Greg are you dead Greg are you and I was like Greg is going to join at one point in this live stream I was a little scared you weren’t going to

Answer my guy I was a little scared not going to lie I’m still what happening I still need my Mexico friend I still need a bunch of people to join the live man I’m half Mexican I actually am n there’s some dude from Sweden that calls me Mexico

Friend Mexico friend I don’t know why but we’ll go with it that’s racist it’s all good actually Greg I haven’t seen your village over here I’m going go check it out that sounds kind of racist even though I’m Mexican it’s all good okay I need to get

Off all right bro but I have 2 seconds in here so see you later bro thank you for joining up no problem that sounded racist really really really okay let’s go check out Greg’s stand Village do you have a mansion here too Greg hellooo hey are you in the game c that beautiful

Voice all at to back out on is Greg here nope I’m Big G what the hell man all right let’s check it out damn if this is his village is pretty nice damn you have a lot of friends here bro oh you gave them my beds where is everybody I don’t

Know that’s the same question I’m asking I don’t know if it didn’t send notification out cuz uh some of my co-workers wanted to join up today but it’s all good it’s all good you know continue to live stream chill try to find a way to build the

Damn plane oh we lost where is Damien he’s right here hold on wrong buttons oh he was right here all right let’s go let’s open this up damn gray I don’t know how you build all this bro start building bro you could have at least put a

Toilet y me to finish it up for you I can finish it up oh come on dude why is it like the struggle is real I got you Greg don’t worry hello hello hello hello yo I’m trying to build Greg’s house over here hey bro I house you can yeah on it’s all

Good yeah we’re good we’re good uh well I can a little bit little bit you know what Greg hello very little but you’re good are you sure yeah I’m yeah you’re good you’re good y want me back out why you don’t have to back what you

Back going for well I don’t know Greg are you going to join where is Damian Damen is here he is literally the one talking to me checking my stff to see hey why am I missing meat I know don’t have a key remember all right I’m going to have to

Back up back out real quick to get greay my B took my took some of my meat and the eggs that’s some food there I didn’t touch GRE I mean Bob put the the meat and the the eggs back bro oh man what happened I’m getting B I mean I’m

Getting okay where you at Greg voice chat switched why’d you back out for I backed out to get gregz you didn’t have to oh cuz he doesn’t have the key never mind never mind it’s true there you all right so B with through my stuff so Bob no longer welcome my

House you got kicked out yeah cuz I had 27 meat cooked meat and some cooked egg and literally only have one egg hello two cookies hello hello hear me can you hear me hello hello Greg not gr yeah I can hear you can you hear me where’s Daman you never got here with

I’m here can you hear me no were you Dam I video where were you gam I think Greg was taking his nap Greg was taking his nap his was just playing with TV games no that was Drew oh TV games was following him they were talking about the where’s the

Plane I don’t know bro I think where everyone else like it lagged and it I guess it just kicked it let me give you your key before I forget we to Bobby there you go D why’ you take why’d you take my key from me bro I

Didn’t know what I steal from you bro I swear look it wasn’t me bro we lost like Shaggy said it it wasn’t me it wasn’t me was me me oh man getou this is what happens when you accuse someone of stealing they start singing it wasn’t

Me wait you had a key and I didn’t D that’s [ __ ] up yeah I you texted me on texted me on Snapchat saying that he did take it away from you damn why why make big ass Mansion bro going big ass like Floyd weather Mayweather bro the way he

Has it bro come on N I want I want a a Michael Jackson Mansion bro that I have an amusement park in the background in the back whoa whoa whoa but you don’t want them kids around there bro nah Bob what you doing I looking through my

Stuff oh Bob your stuff Bob get out house anymore get out of there Bob took my took my D my cooked meat and my eggs that had there all right so food B give him his stuff back I did not steal anything I just wanted to check it

Out I mean cooked meat’s missing and eggs missing my chest here Bob’s Bob’s hungry my mother’s life okay I don’t maybe TV I don’t know where’s TV wasn’t he with you yeah but uh I think one of his parent well one of his parents went in his in his

Room and yeah he just got off dang know you twerking get you Dam I was I was clapping them cheeks bro I was clapping the Cheeks from did y’all finish a plane no dude it disappeared like we can’t find the plane mean it disappeared it’s not there it’s not in the

Village oh it say I don’t thing we we remember you guys were driving around the area even in the village yeah it wasn’t in the village so we have to go look for the damn plane now yeah I know that though I remember you remember what you well I

Remember that it was like outside but I don’t remember it being like that we were like we were [ __ ] with it because it was buggy and everything like just like uh I I think it was over here towards the Cod area where just hit the

Gas and it flew why can’t you guys hear me cuz we’re in the party chat Bob I’m sorry I found it it’s over here I told you drew where you guys like drove it this way towards the code area and this where it was being so buggy and you

Like yeah bro so am I no like in the party chat like can I watch Bob yeah some house watch Bob just get out of the house Bob that’s how you should build that those uh project oh my I thought you were a project no a project hey

You you should build that thing in the village no one will be able to go to your house D no no push it this way try to push it back towards the village yeah at least we got that buggy yeah today is working fine I don’t know why I

Was buggy the other day dude there’s a lot of skeletons over here in your house you need more balloons for in order for this thing to freaking fly right yeah yeah what do you need cuz I have supplies for I don’t how do you how do you put a put

For Bob let’s go Bob two fabric one torch don’t take anything I want to kick you out my guy you need what war fabric yeah no silk fabric silk Sil fabric one torch and one cord ah why do I keep chills I have a bunch of silk though here here

D I have a lot more in my Village I leave thank you Bob Tores also how many torches torches I don’t have any tor Tes at all here I got some what do you need to make a here ah that means I have to go back to

Build the torch what else you need I already got some just need uh one cord a cord here I got you oh gray what don’t you have man oh no never mind it’s freaking um Sil thread or you just I think you build it with vines here D here

O let me flip it let me flip it let me flip it grab it grab it grab it come on come on come on come on push dud go build it I’ll push it over there towards the village go go go I’m running go build with the materials go the

Materials making my way to the Village the damn girls won’t get out the damnn freaking plane thing okay they they want you to push them in it bro they don’t want to work the game is lagging I can’t see the airplane I don’t know what to tell you

Man cuz I could see the plane where’s the cord right here cord how many do you need I think oh we’re going to put three Ballo I can hover oh I got I can make two I I’ll go get I’ll go get more right now one uh two fabric fabric

Fabric switch C there you go okay so we’re doing okay let me let’s get yeah I’m here par where you it’s right by the village oh you’re at your house I already got the two cord the two the two cords are we going to put a chest in it

For when we travel no no cuz I think it’s going to put too much weight on it too heavy yeah be too heavy it’s fine we’ll just empty out our our inventory and then when we go out onto like an adventure we just uh grab all you know good stuff

Just take your Axe and that’s it your pick your pickaxe your Shields and then something to heal with well I don’t know where you guys I don’t know where you guys are going to want to uh fly to the snow area or the desert well at this point I

Already have all the purple like equipment so I just need to get IR y also Sur the scario no not me I’m missing something for my chest I gotta start taking pictures before Lo laging out logging out like I don’t know who’s stealing stuff but not cool man hey nobody had keys the

Last time we joined so yeah I don’t know maybe I don’t want to blame TV but I don’t know could be well the only two options here is TV and Bob I’m missing 10 arrows crazy going insane dude I have I mean I don’t know what T has in his

Village maybe he has it like in his backpack why would I steal from my own chest I don’t know you tell me maybe to make it look like somebody else stole H probably did get the 10al he just doesn’t remember Wast damn shots being F nah on just don’t anymore he doesn’t have

Anything in his house he L has one axe that’s about to break that’s it who me I don’t need this stuff from you guys cuz I have everything you have like a the biggest mansion here no like if you go to my my my like main village where I’m currently staying

At where where all my stuff is at I think I could I have enough to build another cord we looking for I can help you guys okay well I’m just building the cord uh Daman said he needed three so I’m already working on the third got I already got

Cords oh dude oh damn yeah me too oh damn bit I like froze I was like dude all right so what do we help you guys yeah so what do we need now I think that’s it I don’t there anything I don’t need this I don’t

Need that’s it that’s it oh yeah nothing I mean you guys gave me everything that I needed so so you’re going to BU the balloon and then we wait but how do we how do we like drive this isn’t that the other thing we were trying to

Yeah I was about to say wasn’t that the other thing we were trying to figure out I should have asked TV when he was here bro well the way he did it is he put it he put um I think you guys going to like YouTube something

Like no he he put wood on each side to turn it so if you wanted to turn right you put a bunch of wood on the right side so it could turn to the right but that seems a lot though like you need like you need wood

I kind of want to like drop my shield my sword my pickaxe and my my Forest ax I want to put in your your your house Damon or cuz I don’t want to go all the way to home look I want to drop all this real

Watch well I’m not there so I’m going drop this drop this this oh I’m not there I’m over here my house cuz if we go off on like an adventure I don’t want to like lose all that and then like freaking travel like across the country I’m going to steal

All of that oh man well you can put it in in this chest the grand chest well you still have a chest in your house GRE there yeah but I don’t want you know I’ll be back I’m going go home you need to go home yeah I’m going

To drop all that stuff over there all right so where we’re going to be ready to fly already damn that was quick maybe maybe let me know what I need to grab them all their damage so I can come back with the materials from the home all

Right we’re ready to fly this bad boy oh there’s a big dude by The Village do not come this way get attention where I’m at literally he’s like right there right next to okay there’s a bunch of webbles here dude I can’t wait for the first

They’re going to drop a lot more stuff for Lego fortnite really this is on Monday yes updates so this is that popular that they’re making well it’s already off like official with fortnite this one Guitar Hero thing racing damn look at Fortnite expansion bro expansion you want to pet my chicken nope his name is [Laughter] Harold I need one shell and one marble to make a health charm do I did I drop what oh gave a key yeah I gave you the key give back yeah where does Bob me so

I can grab it from he needs one shell and one marble what type of shell what type of shell you know what I am going to be like a normal shell blue shell purple shell what kind of shell kind of show you need huh huh huh huh all right let me close

This bro my house is one of the most unique houses ever it has trees growing in it I’m going give Bob 15 arrows cuz he said he had like 10 arrows stolen from him oo so I got Ruby I have obsidian okay we’re doing good normal

Shell he needs a normal shell how many how many of each oh he only needs one in one one uh shell one marble uh know it needs a slab Dam what do you from over here nothing damn he says he doesn’t need nothing from your no nipple ass having

Ass oh it’s loing it’s loading it’s fling put one on this side it’s going to flip over y scared of [ __ ] out of me dude no fell off I’m trying to break it there you go okay so two for show the [ __ ] me so now okay Greg so I need two

Okay hold on I’m going to get one marble from um and one regular sh right that [ __ ] was cover this and I got 15 arrows for him and then Dam you need what wool or silk fabric two silk fabric oh man I messed up I don’t have silk fabric but I have

Some to make some so you just need yeah which is we need to make it can finally see the airplane oh s fabric okay okay how many I have four right now just two should we turn it around before we like Smash Into The Village okay so I got two for you what

Else do you need I don’t know okay so dreww no no look you push this way you push this way and I push the other way okay turn ready go how many s fabric pushing it wow what’ you say gr I only brought two that good yeah two wait no we need

Four damn four okay I’ll okay I’ll bring two more okay dude I’m excited to fly this about damn time it’s been a while all right y y okay okay I’m already Hing back with the materials and I Dro up my stuff oh yeah let go do

That you know what I’m going to be brave enough and take my materials just in case you’re crazy so that is going to fly right yeah I flies it’s crazy all right Bob just let Bob build his stuff because I’m going to drop it off to him so that

We let me put my stuff away and let me get some wood so we can turn the damn thing D oh I have 29 wood you should just asked bro you should just asked before we started flying good all good okay got some wood over here you can you can you can carry

That wood all right guys in the chat um where would you guys give this airplane one out of 10 10 out of 10 five out of 10 that’s a three out of 10 that’s a three out of 10 I could build a tower for you so you can crash on it oh this

Guy I just got that I just got that d all right the only thing I brought was just my torches my torches dude I brought my full inventory so this is I’m risking it for the biscuit where’s well good thing that we got the railings so you’re not going to fall hopefully

Not just got to believe in me so where you going to put the wood like right here in the middle or what well where we need to turn no no but like when we when we’re going to land I don’t know where we’re going to land I don’t think we have this

Completely figured out yet yeah we do know yet we do we just pop one of the balloons where’s start slowly he’s over there by his house where can I get marble at Greg has it don’t bring him over here I got it oh [ __ ] oh I’m going to

What the hell I heard footsteps but I didn’t think it was a big D he’s going after you [ __ ] can we fight him or no mean guys can kill him oh he’s running back oh never mind never mind he’s going still Bob here’s your oh no no don’t come don’t

Come Bob I got your stuff I think we’re good I think we’re in the clear dude if he comes this way he’s going to destroy the whole damn Village don’t get his attention they be over there don’t look at him don’t stare at him I’m staring I’m staring thanks oh he said

Thanks well I don’t need all of that just need the so damn Greg he says he doesn’t need your your [ __ ] oh hold on I be right back I forgot to put my other stuff away no so what do you think what do you think well hold on you’re going to put

More balloons right cuz would the FL with just one no with two one side was was already like flying but we need the other side too completely fly I’m quick I’ll be back hey make sure you white bro how’ you guys get for I don’t have

That what emote oh you probably get it later in the battle pass now which one the one Greg’s using like yeah the chair bro I have nothing but like the basic ass emotes for this imagination dude I’m ready to fly where is it at what are you talking

About if you’re talking about the plane we’re on it I want to go um the ocean is no place for a squirrel the giant monster go kill it uh he ran back to the snow area I wonder if they’re going to add more monsters oh Greg said yeah that they were o let’s

Go they should add like a boss dude like an actual like story to it kind of like actual Minecraft you know what I mean you know what I mean yeah that should be cool they should like a uh I don’t know like another terrain and have the boss

There like instead of like you know how like in The Legend of Zelda Zelda the tears of the Kingdom you could go to the sky mhm oh yeah and there’s like little Islands up there yeah like try to make Islands up there and then you can fly up

With the balloons and then the boss can be up there something like that something like that so we’re just waiting on Greg D he really want to go [Applause] Poop giant moner we’re Wai damn getting really WIP he didn’t wi bro smell your fingers whoa whoa whoa whoa for that’s it we’re we’re ready no get away that’s it that’s it we’re ready Bob you going to go where’s Bob at he’s over there by you know what someone needs to someone needs

To do the other site here Greg you do it or you want to do how do I get sand shell oh you get those in the desert you get them by killing the roly poly I asked you what you I asked you what you needed damn get

That let’s go Bob let’s go we’re about to fly This Plane let’s someone get that here you get it get what why try so someone can build on the other side I won’t be able to do do it the same time okay someone picked up the fabric I

Think gra picked it up oh my bad I don’t even have room here you take it no you do it I’ll just drop something I’ll hold it for you uh drop drop I don’t really need any of this stuff I don’t really need any of this stuff just put it in the corner

Drew like face it in the corner where in the corner like right here just right here in the corner where I’m standing like move right here where I’m standing at right here okay so Circle hold on on Bob and this okay where’s Bob at so there I’m ready in the

Tower I can’t get on it because if I do I just start started lagging a lot well just get on it my guy okay get on and just don’t move just you won’t fall off and if you do fall off we all fall off that’s you die we all die I died and

They both made it if you ride How does it go you uh we ride together we together the both of us I can’t was it again we ride together we die together we die together yeah Bob come on Bob we’re a team bring your girlfriend bring your my girlfriend

Doesn’t even want to get in look she’s over there and dude all of our girlfriend are just like no don’t go you’re going to die you’re going to die so dangerous wait what Bob Bob is Bob Bob is dating his his Bob is Bob said that the plan was glitched for him

All right well just go then [ __ ] it all right no no no no no just P up to get on the plane where it’s PL out wherever he’s at just time to get on it and he end up flying with us I see you guys over

Here okay get on it tell him to get on it get on it Bob it’s going to be glitched for him it’s fine it’s fine let let me know when you’re on it let me know when you’re on it hold on hold on wait for I’m just

Waiting for him just waiting for him to be like oh we’re on it I’m facing through the wall what phasing through the wall oh okay so yeah he can’t even get on it bro let’s just go ready okay three I guess three wait three we’re

Going on one no no no do the countdown do the countdown we’re going on one or we’re going on go we’re going we’re going out of space let’s go on one all right do the condom three go go go go go oh my yeah we’re flying all right so where we

Going AR no let’s go somewhere I like all right let me have this what do we name the the plane no oh my jeez I thought I fell I thought I fell I thought I fell did dude you’re like right in the middle of the plane looks like

Ant Lego fortnite looks so we crash and die do a little short and I D the screen I know right like wait we only have one one jet engine what happened to the other that’s what we’re going in circles we’re going in circles I mean I mean that’s fine

That’s fine that’s fine this is just a little test oh my God we’re going in Circles and one in are you serious that’s yeah cires I mean that’s fine this is little test anyways welcome to the worst airplane uh flight you could possibly take we only go one route we go in circles so look how he did it he went like this is it move like

That press it well it’s cuz you only have one engine so it’s going again it actually does make a difference oh yeah you know what you me the key right I’m going look at vide good I don’t know but we got a plane we got a plane going this is good just one

Engine oh I can make another one one I have the materials for it oh don’t we land oh oh my God where is he he’s in the bottom oh my heart dude my hands are sweaty I thought I was going to lose all my [ __ ] wait I want

Who my phone died and I see you guys up in the air I’m flying oh I like I like how it lands it lands like didn’t break yeah okay so chest flight went successful guys test flight went well M nobody broke their cankles or nothing nobody no everybody has their

Cankles on everybody has you know everybody has their legs everybody everybody’s alive we’re breathing all right so we need to make it a little bit a little bit more uh you know better all what do you need for more engine huh what do you need to make wood raw blast powder

Materials do you need the large D or small the large one oh so you need two blast pow oh yes you can put on the right side now time for the towers oh man that’s messed up you guys you okay so you guys can Sur

You can’t survive in the S the snow bio right I can yeah oh no d i could survive there but I can’t go in caves cuz I don’t have uh I I’ll freeze my booty off let me help you out let me push there you go okay so plane

Successful we going the mountains over there the snow cuz there’s um there’s that Crystal MCH slap or I can’t pronounce it like that do we still need to investigate the north right got investigate everything damn bro we still have a lot oh I was telling Damian when you

Were pooping Greg that if uh if they did a an update for this they should do it like Minecraft how they give it a story you know how Minecraft has a story to it now where you fight the dragon and all that no isn’t the dragon like in the the

Middle of the Earth or something like that something like that yeah well I I was saying I’m like they should do that they should do that here but I was like they should do like tears of the Kingdom type of thing where like the bosses in the

Sky all I know is that that they are doing an update supposedly that they’re going to be like other creatures and other stuff no baby come back all right I’m excited for this all right let’s build this wait do we need to get the the cord and the torch and all that [ __ ]

Again just the so fabric I have the cord I just need so fabric here oh hold on I’m going to look at videos you said soap fabric you you gave me Vines I need spiders oh yeah spiders BR why why you throwing me [ __ ] huh why you ging me

[ __ ] so we’re hunting spiders now that’s what we’re doing I’m I’m down I’m down making my way down walking f I don’t know why that song’s always stuck in my head also the the one from SpongeBob I want to go I W to go you like watching White

Chicks yeah I got it from White Chicks I’m not going to lie where he’s in the in picking her up from the date and he’s like this is my jam or something like that on he’s your favorite hell yeah bro help me please I am I’m going to die bro why are you

Fighting the big monster over there in the ice by yourself man he fighting the big monster yeah he wanted to fight the big monster n wow I’m over here trying to get materials for our our our spider for our plane bro I think it’s looting over

There I’m the snow no okay we’re already going that way already he died oh yeah oh I think that were you chasing the butterfly Bob I died yes oh he went to the camp that’s where the butterfly is at oh I see a spider oh yeah let me smack it

You ask him if he wants me to grab his stuff do you want a go EG to grab your stuff can we beat do we get anything from beating these guys up or no yeah up for loot their loot is it worth it f juice damn they just messed up my like I

I found know how to do it damn bro droing a bunch of arrows Bob you needed arrows I got you arrows here we need to go to a flat area bread Ooh damn look the like like 55 arrows Bob he needed arrows oh I’m going to die oh R help help oh no okay I need to eat chill out chill out chill out I’m picking up a bunch of arrows for Bob should I eat my meat I’m going to eat my meat wait

What jeez I can do it myself like scary movie oh man let me find out that’s your favorite movie G to find like a flat surface I like how daman’s trying to ignore our conversation he’s like yelling yell or something else dude I’m harvesting a lot of arrows

Look at this dude they’re dropping a lot bro M and all you got to do is keep dodging bro where are you guys hiding these arrows that’s my curiosity now I had like over arrows but I’ll take I’ll take no I’m talking about them like where are they hiding their arrows I

Have to stick them up somewhere move dude oh dude that enough [ __ ] I like 70 arrows right now why you K yeah I killed them I just want to see with the butterfly um I was going to be like boost off of their their no but I got like 65 arrows out

Don’t know oh I need some Flex wood oh I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I’m on my way I’m out my way Greg call me Greg oh my bad Damian my bad oh je this is why Iceman called you

Great why we don’t you guys don’t say you guys don’t sound the same but since I was fighting with Greg over here it up it’s crazy how Bob is following Bob Bob is following Bob let me find out Bob that’s why you went you you got him as your girlfriend Drew Damian Drew SpongeBob we I’m running towards you looking at the Sunrise you know David How does it go that music dude I don’t know Here that was funny David and the sunrise by behind right behind you there like 70 arrows right there 70 arrows the hell are you doing to them Greg oh the big monster’s coming back big monster coming back I was trying to Mark oh somebody got his

Attention get him out of here no get him out of here really who the hell hit him Bob really Bob now now you’re on your own bro you got to go kill him good luck with that do that Bob why would you do that Bob B and Bob [Laughter]

Jor how much health does he have oh hell no this dude has hit him like four or five times with the arrow and he like a centimeter of Health do you think he’s going to run over here to our village if I run this way I don’t not know

Bro you might he might not I don’t know if he does I’m bunky with you in the in the the snow area wait aren’t you didn’t you take uh isn’t the house I gave you aren’t you staying there or you’re still in the village I’m still in the village I

Haven’t gotten over there cuz there’s still some of your stuff there so like I don’t know if he wants me to keep this or I know nothing that’s all your what the hell happened to this no that’s I wanted the trust me trust the process what happened no it’s not good oh you’re

Going to make it like an actual plane with the fins and all that yeah he’s going to say that all right I’m going just I’m going just stare at you build it hey all this stuff no one grabs it or what what stuff here what’s cuz joined but you

Know that’s for people that are like joining up and stuff yeah he already has his own stuff look there’s 11 11 arrows over here maybe Bob lost I need some torches there so in case anybody in the live wants to join up we got some stuff for you guys here you know just

Chilling I’m like you don’t start you don’t start off empty-handed actually like a bunch of shields like I’m I’m dropping off a bunch of crossbows bruh I I cannot make a wall if you look at the wall it looks dumb bones you guys have torches uh no I have one

Torch I dropped off the rest of my oh that lag Spike though let me let me see if I could make some any wooden Rock too torches yes how many do you need um I need a lot torches yeah but not okay well I have

10 where you at where you at where you at where you at oh you’re right here here bro drop is that good enough the way man I don’t want to talk to you hey hey don’t be talking to my girl like that she got in the

Way I don’t need you giving her I dropped the material there ouch all right let’s go okay so what do you need oh no but he getting wood so oh wait wood rods I don’t know I don’t know the torch is going to be good you need wood for wooden rods right

Yeah okay wooden rods can I put mine in there yeah it’s already full yeah it’s already full yeah I’m pressing up way change it so we’re going to be driving in a pimping plane now yep oh there’s a skeleton I don’t want to put it right now think I’m going just

Wait cuz I put look all the boosters right here in the back oh and and you’re going to use the palito to steer what yep and I’m add like a little tiny booster right here so it can turn and then whenever you want to turn

Like left just take it off put it over here boom turns left are we flying like far west or where doesn’t matter oh yeah doesn’t matter yet but you guys can’t you guys cannot go right like East because it’s all snow over there yeah damn you called those a bunch

Of bots Damian I mean I can surviv over there but you said we’re going to freeze our nipples off I don’t know how far you guys have gone west or Northwest but not that far literally to the cave that you said you investigated I okay I got like far

Northwest the point where like there was literally like a plane that was crashed like it was like a Lego like figure like a plane one but it was like it had like a like a shark on it and a badass and I was like oh cool so I tried like

Harvesting out of it but it just breaks it but I was like it was so massive like dude I looked around to look for like maybe if I can find something invite us to see that epicness pretty cool I mean I don’t know how far off we can go

What bro I need to fix my Lego I forgot where it went h you should get a Lego figure te the one that cost like 50 bucks or like 30 bucks but have it like as a collection like behind your behind your setup well

I do have a Lego I have it right here but it’s a know the one you got bubble story but I want to get a big ass one you know the Bowser one yeah the $30 ones the3 they sell them I see the big one like a Pokeball like an actual

Pokéball for like 30 bucks it’s about like I could say there you go is finished prob like 8 in of of the height now foot fell off your guys’ help what’s up so I’m going need someone to focus on the small balloons I’ll focus on the big balloons

Yeah so for the small balloons we’re going to put them in the corner here boom boom boom and for the big ones we can put them here in the middle on each I gave you all my Stu fabri the cord you can do cord small balloons what is it silk fabric torch and

Cords so I need to go get silk fabric how much silk do I have I have 13 is that good enough for that should be good enough right 13 silk yeah yeah well to make upgrade it’s five five silks so I can make two yeah all right we’re good we’re good

I’m tripping out for nothing my guy I think to make us up I think it’s 52 hold on I have n c here wait and behind behind Greg’s Mansion there’s always a [ __ ] ton of spiders what do you call it my Manion I don’t live there yours it’s cuz the bed

Still has your name on it you shouldn’t let me break it and then you can re it oh break break it break it grab the materials and then rebuild it for and then put it as your bed and then everything you have everything you have in your house put it

In your inventory and then transer it take it over there I don’t want to live over there no more it still smells like Greg’s pedals I’m going to grab I’m going to grab your um break your bed grab the materials from it drop it over there I’m going to

Grab everything that in your chest put in my bag and then take it over there for the chest I have over there bro oh my God bro I have that oh why do you have everything disorganized inside your chest cuz I didn’t think I was going to I just threw

[ __ ] in there randomly bro you don’t like to organize I do but I sometimes you’re like let’s go like when we were going to the desert and I was like I need to leave some stuff I just threw it in there and just took off

Bro I don’t even want to ask how your dresser is B in your house like your actual house oh in my actual house everything’s organized let me find out you have like your shirt with your socks and boxers and then you have your beaning I have I have my elephant trunk

Bro with my my shirt it’s hanging right there with a shirt and for now you have your toilet paper with your get the carpet from outside the front door and bro I parked my I I parked my car in the dining dining room bro oh damn how you get to fit in there

Lord I make it work bro and then outside I have the dining table oh damn I drew I literally grabbed everything off this chest when you come to your house it’s going to be take it to the bedroom and put it there in that uh chest everything will be there bro the

Thunderstorm literally scared me in real life I was like what the hell I’m like when did it start raining here I know I wonder if this put like other freaking like weather condition stuff freaking hurricane or what earthquakes I didn’t leave much stuff here everything’s like clearly empty

Except for the restroom I left the no in your kitchen there’s a chest and there’s a bunch of [ __ ] in there all right look look I’m going to organize for you okay the way I do it oh my Lord you sound just like my mom Man O

I need eight so fabric oh my jeez I got two if that helps out yeah but that’s first my balloons damn bro you’re saying my balloons aren’t big enough for you damn I see how those are just balloons yeah no my are not big enough for him bro do you hear

That oh my jeez you L had seven Oban and then he had another slot of five obsidian they weren’t even freaking combined to set that Drew you really don’t organize I’m telling you he would be like let’s go and I’ll be like all right let’s go let me just delete my [ __ ] and

I’ll just drag and drop oh oh nice I didn’t even know I thought I only had [Laughter] seven nice to know that I actually did have more look look has 44 hardore and then 22 I mean they can combine it but you know well it’s cuz I took some away and

I just threw back right now Damian I’m going to leave a little present for you on your table oh my jez it’s skaka no really what I I can see you through the window oh you joke oh my jeez smeared it and everything yo I made sure it flew across the table

Too oh my jeez oh my God [ __ ] land cable bro connect me but it connected me bad he like did he like what was on your table no spit on your face though no where was your girlfriend spit on your face damn what did Tabby do to

You she did a lot of things she got my way damn what kind of things did she do with you huh telling me my girl she on me with you damn bro I think I might need to back out why why cuz I can’t Sprint a glitch does that break your house the

Lightning strike no no but it does damage me damage you’re doing you’re working on silk too mhm how many small balloons did you want me to make cuz I already have four I have three Sil already three Sil Fabrics Monday okay so I mess up the bed

And my name’s not there no more so come over here asend it and all your stuff is already thank you P thank you thank you hey look I I left a pickaxe and a night Shield here in the dresser to by the by the bed

Uh-huh look look at it bro I don’t go through your stuff man that’s why I was like I don’t live there no more okay no need to get aggressive it’s cuz you didn’t you didn’t it’s cuz you didn’t sell me the house bro you just

Gave it to me so I don’t know when when the hell you left I I left light the light B on you left the light bill on oh and I left the Bro groceries Jes that’s why I’m saying dude that’s why I went into the kitchen

And I saw a bunch of [ __ ] there and I was like no this is Gregs oh you don’t ever bro food stamps bro PS yeah food stamps right there bro I don’t know you went live today I gotta go byy laters homie look there’s a bunch of quarts of

Thread just before you leave Monday Wednesday Friday are my live stream days Monday Wednesday Friday damn it there’s a bunch of silk here left oh bring it than some silk bring it um excuse me sir I need your thread machine too how many cords cords are fine fine with cords so

Come on man come on man you need soap soap fabric which is so thread and silk to make that I really wish I had some [ __ ] to throw around right now oh my cheese please that Myer you no longer live in the vage I really need a I moved up to the Hill

Tower I moved up to the hills for real like you go to your house I moved everything from your chest to the other chest o so I could sell my house down I’m going to ask for rent though yeah chest there also like the the the stuff that

That you left in your house the chest is still there though I mean you can break anytime you want and just get the materials and build another chest n whoever whoever moves in there owes me iron one bar of iron every day every month there you

Go that’s the rent yeah now you know what let’s make it let’s make it a little bit better five five bars of iron jeez hey if you’re gonna get the biggest house in the village G pay big all right here D no I’m going to Dam in we’re going to

Be waiting for yours over here too using the loom the loom you you go to your house do I I think I took it right yeah you took it that’s why I’m that’s why I’m in line at d why does your character look like he’s

Out of breath D cuz I’m glitched he has no stamina it looks like he’s dying he’s like there one of these do Locks I my door right or like a password to go through the chest oh that’s cool I just realized that there’s it says Lego on the bolts really don’t judge me

All right so I have enough to make my last one I can make one balloon but I’m going just all right so hey watch out they’re going to break my damn stairs dude y’all got to go man your girlfriend somewhere go take your girlfriend up I

Thought you having a party I came over here just cuz I said we you can have barbecues doesn’t mean you can bring your girlfriend’s damn this is a boys only room or what sausage F sa oh my jeez okay everybody everybody bust out your elephant trunks oh

Man all right yeah it goes already loud here now Drew you’re soak I already got it you got it yeah oh that one all right I’m going take it oh here you got it I I was already done oh look I have yeah I have five here dude is [Applause]

That yeah have five Sil Fab if you can drop one oh I just put it in there oh okay that’s what you’re going to use it for now y it’s already in there that one’s yours the one that is Ming I already got where’s it

At I already got four so I need to go make torch torches all this to go flying guys can’t believe that oh oh this is going to be fun hey Bob get out of Damon’s house Bob what you doing up here he’s his underwear’s his Dirty laund B get out of here Bob

Snipping his dirty laundry I said wish there locks he snipping Dem dirty sticky ripped stained [Applause] underwear you don’t know what you don’t know what what what what Damian does with his girlfriend up here Bob kind what kind of stuff he has hiding in there look there’s three beds for a

Reason surprised with de’s girlfri let’s go Bob who busted out the jams oh was Dam you know when you have the boring emotes you got to Do I can’t be one beat boxing you know what let me go make the Torches oh dude there’s already wait you so no more materials right we’re just waiting off yeah we’re just waiting who dro the blue ax over here it’s almost broken wait doesn’t that thing work which one the the repairment

Thing the repairment thing yeah like the like to repair tools and stuff no doesn’t work P it [Applause] yeah what the heck man J what are you doing my room my thing no damn you dirty dirty [Applause] under do don’t worry about it [Applause] they’re making love in your [Applause]

Bed he’s leaving you you your God God kids Bob why’ you give up my location I was trying to do something you you’re going to try to drop poop and smear what did that dropped it on my table I saw him through the damn window no there’s one right there what

The oh my jeez there’s three I didn’t put three dam is going to smell like [ __ ] you go oh my jeez dude just drop it on my bed no why am might being targeted go to Greg’s Greg’s is has a whole man you can smear it everywhere it won’t smell cuz it’s frozen

Right yeah e it’s frozen over there it’s going to fre it’s the D poop’s going to come Frozen it’s be harder to remove bro you oh my dude why you driving poop everywhere oh my gez Now Bob’s in here in my bed with his girlfriend or his boyfriend I

Don’t even know if it’s a dude or not right he’s he’s the alternative couple all right just leave it like that it’s Bob in love with himself oh my jeez man get this poop out of here damn gray why you dropping so much poop in his house bro about to go

Bananas all right I got six torches bro if you didn’t have so many chickens behind you you wouldn’t have that much [ __ ] what you mean chicken behind me where there’s a lot of chickens right here oh that was funny I’m so curious AR just put this and everything has poop you know what

I’m going to give him you going to fill it up with poop oh let’s do that so when he comes back his inventory cuz he only had like three poops but I’m going to give him like the max poop he can carry get all this

Stuff bro why do we even have a fence if there’s a big ass hole on our fence where where I know someone broke it I don’t know who broke it but someone’s breaking my walls I appreciate it literally I can’t evenk how the [ __ ] do you

Mark I don’t know but I was staring right at it all right so we ready to fly’s house okay it’s the tower right here no no no right here look this this Tower what is Bob’s house he wanted the tower to be his house so Bob for get another house Bob

Can help you build up materials with you know what b h Bob doesn’t get your old house Drew brou when did you get this what the hell man wa what does he have oh he has materials yeah that’s what I’m saying when they go traveling

Without us what the hell hey B should go to your to he should take over your house cuz you have the bigger chest look go house you you have nothing there no more for the CH this this is still my house bro if he he wants it he has to

Give me all that copper he has hey making deals go to your go to your new house jul look at the bed I signed it for you and then everything everything got transferred everything got transfered all right I’ll take your word for it all right you guys

Ready I’m ready but let me just check out the house and everything damn bro why did you leave me so much slap juice the hell man cuz you can’t survive in the oh you could right yeah I might have farmed once all right so the chest is in my

Room yeah wait hold on some someone need to build a fence around forgot to do that oh you need wood right yeah not really good at building but here I have play GRE your toilet is the only place that’s like litting up oh my gr move your girlfriend oh damn

Bro no way you’re fight oh there you go oh you left the shovel here too thank you yeah look at the other dresser I left the like a good a good uh sword bro why do I have [ __ ] uh why do I have bone saved up in here

Milk why did I need make another chest or something I don’t remember who I needed the brute skill for I don’t know but I gave it to you you asked for it I was like oh here know but I don’t remember what I needed it for look at

The other dressers there’s some other dressers around there the left side and the right side of bed got kicked what do you mean he got kicked I think I left the shield and right side of the desk yeah you ready got the balloons and everything I got the balloon for

You oh jeez all right let’s go yeah but apparently my balloons are too small hey who the broke the dam engine what the hell what engine there was a wol dude I have to go get the materials again oh missing one engine oh I forgot to assign the

Bed you should drop off some stuff the dressers or like even the chest in the bottom there’s a bunch of chest in the bottom also so if you break the chest you can’t get the material to build it somewhere else or what yeah yeah yeah that’s what

I’m saying like you can break it and then grab the materials and then build it up or move it around wherever you want to put you know what in my next to my bed I kind of want to have poop what save it hey hey don’t judge

Me I don’t judge you I don’t judge you for what you do s open the dresser and grab one and yeah what if somebody breaks in just [ __ ] throw it straight into their face you want a candy bar late at night you want a candy bar e why would you do

That nasty you want a Hershey’s bar okay so when we get back I have to build don’t forget to assign it also the bed there you go can I take your house no who’s please no what is he lives in a tower Watch Tower he should be happy he even has a place

Oh nah Bob yeah sure you could take it man I don’t care hey that your old place has like a bigger chest so he put his stuff there that was funny no you can’t take it what you talking about give me peace bro try to be polite

Nah if he if he really wants the house he has to fight me for it sword fight right here he went in racing first place oh that is true this race for it or what pink slips pink slips for the house imagine bro he’s like god tier at racing okay

Bet oh damn it’s down I guess at the end of this live stream we’re all going to do a race see who who gets to keep the house oh me not me cuz I don’t need it not even Dam nah probably not but already got it

Where where do you want me to place the small balloons in the middle in the corners not in the corners I guess cuz my balloons are smaller whatever oh my jeez wait don’t place them yet don’t place them yeah hold on wait wait till

I’m there so I can so I can see I want to fly fly what just those three cuz Bob lagged out right fly me to you like that again oh he’s here he’s back or still yeah right here on the corners look put them right here on the railings

Right here do you guys like Frank Sinatra or who okay never mind as she said who look the railings on the railings right here look you know the guy that sings New York New York no no not that guy no goes Yeah something like that yeah oh already moved in don’t hate me don’t hate me Daman D that shit’s going to fly fast yeah that [ __ ] flew quick hey but how are we supposed to turn that’s right wait just wait we all have to stand on one side we all have to

Stand on one side of why think there’s that no I think there’s that that that that wooden thing in the middle that’s where the other little small Thruster is going to be at I think was moving all his stuff to his new house cuz he’s in the village hey get

Out of my house I’mma break all that [ __ ] you haven’t beat me in racing yet you haven’t beat me and RAC excited cuz he upgraded where’s your [ __ ] bro he doesn’t even have anything in here I think he’s running after you no you guys I don’t know where he went all

Right look right here Corners in the corners on the railings on the railings yeah so we can put him in the corner I was checking right there that there you go right there nice yeah nice nice hey somebody move to your girlfriend I don’t know whose girlfriend this is but she in the

Way get out of the way spark plug Jes you know what don’t hate me just give us just SL don’t hate me oh my God I need to make some cord cords how many do you need two actually no I need some I can give you one Greg do you have any

Cords so Dam doesn’t count uh nope D there’s someone over there by your house you’re going to let me die you’re going to let me die GRE you’re going to let me die there’s a bunch of my Damian just said if I didn’t have cords he was going

To he was going to throw me off the plane bro oh damn yep and then there goes rip Drew in the middle of the forest over there and the the snow Forest where I freeze to death yeah with no nipples you know just dying

There I was about to say get out of my house but it’s great I thought it was Bob for a second I’m going check in the bottom to see if we Bob is staring out of his window he’s all happy with this house over there oh yeah you have 11

Cords how much do you need I just needed two okay I’m take two no I’m right here I’m right next to you oh [ __ ] I already got it here ask you why’ you give me a silk I don’t need the silk put put that away put put in the

Chest made who made a this stuff who made what oh my jeez some Stone [ __ ] here I don’t know somebody left Stone there probably TV or B oh it’s Marvel slap yeah Bob Bob what are you doing in my house get out of here dude okay so we can make a little

Transportation a little train I I know to build it you know how to build a train look at I’ll stream I’ll stream look look at me D look you are really there really I saw saw in the video you know what should do that like to the to the

Ice went to the ice went to the desert wait what do you mean Transportation like yeah I’ll just tell you I’ll stream I am done okay we don’t have that much time because wouldn’t be there not be that that much uh like live streaming maybe

For the next next live we can do the transportation stuff yeah right now we can do the we already got the plane going let’s go so we need to figure out how to park it next to our house right now oh snap oh no don’t turn on don’t turn it on no I

Fell no who turned it on turn on Okay well you guys are flying away bro now we got to get materials for balloons again Bob why are you pressing buttons Bob and there’s a big dude right there the big don’t let the big D see you oh just go just go I’ll stay

Behind wait Greg you fell no I jumped up cuz I didn’t want the I didn’t want the big dude to why you because cuz you said you have materi oh man this is going a little too fast I almost got pushed on oh oh

Oh turn it turn it how do I turn it’s turning it’s turning it’s turning oh holy no no no I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I no I’m dead bro no dud we lost our balloon look at B B made it out that [ __ ] was funny bro wait what I’m going

Die oh my God I’m going to die GRE where you guys at I’m going to land right above you I’m dead I don’t see you I see [Laughter] oh what I saw your B where hell is the plane at I don’t know where’s the P crash it’s still flying up bro it’s

Flying up yes I don’t see it oh my god do you see it I’m crying of laughter bro b where is it Bob dude it flew up when I fell when I fell off it was still flying up it’s cuz I saw Dam fall and then Bob

Fell but Bob oh I see it it’s over here look where over here oh yes it’s over there yes I see it I see it did it land no it’s in the SK no it’s in the sky we we can build up to it yeah we could we need

Wood there big ass there up there oh you guys you guys you guys can survive oh I see it you why need would oh that [ __ ] was funny that I saw Damon he fell off and he was just like and he died saw Bob was flying and

Then he was hovering and he landed right next to me I saw Drew fly and he just died oh it’s falling down it’s falling down it’s falling down oh it broke it broke oh no no no no I might for me it’s still in the air no no it’s Landing

This oh dude that [ __ ] was so [ __ ] funny oh there’s a big dude right here the balloon popped the balloons popped yeah they’re coming down it’s coming down look it’s right here oh it’s right here right above me look right right here it’s Landing really slowly get on it get on

It I’m eating I mean we need to build it we need to it’s going to it’s going to turn it’s going to turn it’s cuz no not push buttons and nobody let them in control it on Drew Hur Drew D I’m going I’m not dying you guys are

Dying I’m not dying whatever you’re shaking what do you mean I’m shaking but I’m not dying I’m not dying cuz I just the B don’t not get thetion go go go I’m right here that that dude’s freaking hard he’s f with the wolf I’m going on hurry I’m here sees

Us oh my again the tree it’s cuz they hit a tree how did Greg turn it off GRE turn it off Greg turn it off I did it is off okay we pushed it more over here wait where’s our village I got kicked damn I’m sorry I don’t know where your stuff’s

Going to be at though cuz we just all went flying oh I need blast powder good thing it’s not in the code area yeah funny who broke the door how we still hovering that was cool so we lost two balloons and we lost well actually she lost one three

Balloons it supposed to be four but pressed it I want the names what do we do with this we leave it here or what yeah just leave it there all right so you want to push it closer to the to the Village I think you guys can push it Lally

Levitating okay so we leave here I know right next to well we can we can turn it let me go get blast blast powder you buing ster yay let’s go build stairs yeah I build stairs yeah nice nice Bob had the grappler I should probably get the grappler

Right yes I don’t even have one actually I never made one it’s the first one I made only had like five five uh Grappler all right well I’m going to end the live put back in your chest here hold on they B it though no they bed I think they add

Like 20 more all right guys going to do it for the live stream thank you for joining up whoever’s still here love you guys amazing time next time we’re probably going to have a train we’re going to try building a train we’re finish off this to Dirty living life every day late at night not okay all I want and I pray all I need are some better days [ __ ] me I’m looking in the mirror so foggy but I never seen clearer I don’t really think anyone can save me and honestly I’m not

Really sure I want saving I like to be My Own Worst Enemy there’s no risk if you don’t try it anything so I’mma just get by and everything see you in the next life to be a better me I don’t think that my head’s on straight got to

Flip it and grip it and go and get an x-ray what’s wrong with me I just feel way pushing on my chest and it squeeze till I suffocate better change my mindset meditate it’s pretty cool that I’m alive in that better days I could walk see here I should celebrate think I

Can change my mind maybe Elevate living life every day late at night not okay all I want and I pray all I need are some better days yeah all I need are some better days cuz all I want and I pray I believe in the better

This video, titled ‘TOXC PLAYS LEGO FORTNITE!! LONG LIVE THE TOXC VILLIAGE?!?’, was uploaded by ToxcWolf Games on 2023-12-28 19:15:58. It has garnered 31 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:34 or 7114 seconds.


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  • WawaNet

    WawaNetWawaNet is a server with many things combined into one. Our server has: SMP, RPG, Exploration, Custom Generated Structures, Adventure, Custom Bosses, Minigames, PVP Game Modes, In-game Economy, Grinding Systems, and Custom Armor/Tools. Join our server today! at: Java: IP: Bedrock: IP: Port: 25570 Read More

  • AussieSMP SMP Australian Whitelist 1.21+ Java Bedrock Discord Livestreams

    AussieSMP Server Welcome to AussieSMP Server IP: Location: Sydney, Australia Discord: Join our Discord Apply: Apply here About AussieSMP The AussieSMP is an Australian hosted Survival server with a small community of players from around the world. The server is whitelist-based so you need to apply to join. We offer a mostly vanilla gameplay experience with some quality of life features. Features The server is running the latest version of Minecraft Minimal modifications to Vanilla mechanics Player created shops for trading Teleport commands for easy navigation Land-claiming system for protection Multiple worlds with no reset plans Part of a… Read More

  • Repairing Missiles in Minecraft: Cube Xuan’s Quest

    Repairing Missiles in Minecraft: Cube Xuan's Quest In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Cube Xuan brings laughter, joy, and gains. With animations that are funny and bright, Each video a delight, a pure delight. Missiles in Minecraft, needing repair, Cube Xuan’s humor, beyond compare. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, In this virtual world, happiness is found. So follow along, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, with Cube Xuan’s glee. Each video a gem, a work of art, In the world of gaming, he’s a true heart. Read More

  • MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme!

    MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone! #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems Read More

  • EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!

    EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft ATM 9 #11] But What If They Weren’t The Final Preparations’, was uploaded by ๆฐทไธŠ็ซœไบŒCh Hikami Ryuji Channel on 2024-09-26 03:18:23. It has garnered 27 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Stream Rules: -Don’t bring any sensitive topics like politcs, religion etc. -Be kind a respectiful to everyone -Don’t mention other vtubers unless it’s relevant to the current topic -Don’t spam -Don’t self promote -Don’t give any advices on the game being played unless asked Read More

  • Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!

    Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘ใ€Minecraftใ€‘Let’s explore! Chatting in disguise ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ’, was uploaded by Yomi Gardenia Ch. on 2024-08-23 00:28:02. It has garnered 214 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:00 or 18600 seconds. ๐Ÿ‘ป Yo-hooo! Hello! ๐ŸŒผ๐Ÿ‘ป I am Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond the grave! Today, let’s walk around and see pretty places in Minecraft! I’m Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond! Today, let’s walk around Minecraft and see beautiful places! ๐ŸŒผ Minecraft is a game by Mojang. ๐ŸŒผ Texture pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft โœฟ โœฟ โœฟ ๐Ÿ‘ป Twitter โ†’… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreat

    INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft world showcase’, was uploaded by coleisprettygreat on 2024-09-07 03:06:37. It has garnered 10455 views and 1192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:52 or 1372 seconds. interior decoration still on point Read More

  • Minecraft Franรงais Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!

    Minecraft Franรงais Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[FR] LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs, Eman Predictions & + !! !subgoal !stuff !hy | Minecraft Highlights!’, was uploaded by minecraft franรงais twitch highlights on 2024-02-11 13:09:06. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:17 or 377 seconds. Stream highlights posted daily. Please like and subscribe for more content! What was your favorite clip? Let us know in the comments below! If you own the content in this video and want to be excluded from this and future videos please contact us: PATREON ———————————————— As you may… Read More

  • Join Skeleton for Minecraft lifesteal smp ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’€ Now live!

    Join Skeleton for Minecraft lifesteal smp ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’€ Now live!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ฅNew Start of Minecraft Lifesteal smp ( public smp) | Join now’, was uploaded by skeleton is live on 2024-02-26 16:04:40. It has garnered 182 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #velorentlive #velorant Hello, Cool Gamers I am Skeleton, and I welcome you all to our fun spot. So, Today I am going to plat Valorantt. it will be adventurous and exciting. You all can join us to play. Thank you, I hope you all have enjoyed this stream so don’t forget to like it, comment, and… Read More