TRADING FOR THE *BEST* GOD-SET ON THE SERVER! *OP* | Minecraft Factions | Minecadia Pirate [4]

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All right guys so I’m about to do a huge trade right now if I uh accept this trade right here we got the blood moon that we got from the last video there’s a Grappler uh pretty big soul gem in here a full race set right here I’m

Pretty sure this is built a little bit wrong but it’s fine we got an ace in here as well and a couple Max pets right here so we’re gonna do this right here I think this is a pretty solid deal uh probably the best offer I’ve gotten honestly I’ve gotten some pretty high

Battle offers so uh I don’t know I just don’t really want bow though I think I got offered nine billion dollars and I declined it just because I don’t want about like nobody sells sets for balance so I don’t know I just kind of felt like

It wouldn’t be smart to to do that yeah boys this is our new set we have right here a full race out I’m pretty sure these are still pretty rare if I go to Arcade I don’t yeah there’s no okay there’s just like not anybody in here to

Begin with oh it’s because the server just rebooted actually but yeah I don’t think there’s a lot of race sets on the server at all I don’t know how many there is total but I know there’s not a whole lot okay so this is gonna be one

Of the good sets I’m probably not gonna use this in today’s video I might change around some of the enchants and make sure this thing is like perfect and probably get a new weapon and stuff like that before I go and use it but I do

Have this Rovers that I want to PVP in uh the only the boots are right Lord these are nine lore I added an enchant and the rest is 10 more so it’s not the greatest thing we ever heard of Triton as well but I’m still gonna try to use

It because why not yeah if you guys are excited for today’s video make sure to drop a like let’s try to hit 100 likes on today’s video okay we’re going for a big Lego last video we set the light goal at 90 likes and we hit like 110 or

Something like that that is absolutely insane so I appreciate all the support you guys have been giving recently so if you guys want more PVP and God set PVP content videos to stuff like that make sure to drop a like and uh yeah also make sure to hop on

Of course if you have not already added this to your server list if you’re not already using my IP make sure to double check because you’d be surprised a lot of people don’t use the IP it does directly support me and I do appreciate it and if you guys haven’t already once

Again slash redeem Robbie you can do this every season and that you can claim some free gold and free money on the server yeah guys now that we got that out of the way I’m gonna hop straight into some arcade PVP so we got our pets

Here we got the soul gem I’m gonna put this here I need to activate this really quick and we got our creeper pet I’m gonna do such pod to fill my inventory of pots and we should have everything we need and also there’s not gonna be face

Cam for the first little bit of the video but or probably face came later I literally just woke up not too long ago so I’m not really in the mood to do face cam right now sorry guys oh yeah I should probably throw in a g-set overlay

Pack really quick so let me do that wait I do have the G set overlay on wait what is this it’s just not working or something okay I changed my texture pack and now it works with this texture pack I don’t know why but the other one I was

Using it wouldn’t work so uh wait what nobody else has armor sets why is it only working for me this is so confusing there’s no it isn’t working for other people I don’t know why this isn’t working I might have to restart my game or something I’m trying to leave arcade

And go back and see if that changes anything known everybody I don’t even know what is this guy in all right boys the set overlay is just not working I restarted my game and everything but this guy is in like a half eight lore half ten little orc right here he’s kind

Of got the same set as me so I’ll go fight this guy and we’ll just see what happens here I don’t have a full 10 lower either my boots and leggings aren’t complete so we’ll just have to see what happens I literally just woke

Up and got on the game as well so I’m hoping I don’t end up dying I’m not warmed up at all this is my first 1v1 in actually a couple days I think I don’t know honestly holy crap this guy’s getting smoked to hold on he kind of

Does a lot of damage though I’m and Rover which is supposed to be a tank yourself I don’t know why but every time I use Rover sets I feel like I take so much I don’t know I’m gonna try to time a really good creeper pet as well and

I’m gonna try to get them with that I have to activate my soul gem as well I completely forgot about that actually wait no I switched my weapon so I don’t even need to search him anymore creeper pet oh I swear I could have him there I

Don’t know what healthy at was that I wasn’t paying attention I was just trying to pay attention to my hearts as well because I am taking a lot of damage but this guy’s taking a lot too holy crap I think he uses creeper pet I saw

Him hold it for a second so I don’t know if he actually popped it or not but this guy’s actually taken a lot the only other set I have in this is the orc set so if I could get a kill on this guy that’d be great okay he’s starting to

Combo me now I’m gonna wizard dude okay this is what I’m talking about like what is that that damage is crazy like this guy does so much damage for no reason I am kind of smoking them though I feel like at times I get really good combos

But I don’t know I just feel kind of like slow right now just because I just got on and just woke up like I don’t know an hour ago something like that I haven’t really done much this morning all right I’m getting low on pots I have

No idea how many years uh can I see him really quick he has three okay I’m gonna go fight him actually all right we’ll run out here I might try to wizard pet here in a second yeah I use it okay perfect I didn’t know if I was on

Cooldown or not he has three pods so we were actually winning that I had to double pot though unfortunately I don’t know if he used any pots he just used one so I’m guessing he has like two left I’m gonna creeper here as well so he’s

Gonna get taking a lot of damage here we’re gonna try to hit him Ah that’s unfortunate dude I’ll drop him one pot if he wants to come back out and just see if he does I have no idea oh he’s coming back out Okay cool so we’re gonna

Try to fight this guy I think he has two possible oh gosh what is that I hope that wasn’t me I hope that was just server lag instead he potted me though that’s actually really good for me holy crap he’s gonna Purl back and he’s gonna

Miss because he purled uh into the safe Zone but he’s still off cooldown he has no pots right now I’m gonna get my Grappler out as well just in case I need to use it he’s just gonna Pro when I run close to him no that’s the thing I don’t

Know I don’t know what he’s trying to do here I’m fighting him right now I just need to uh not let him get in the safe Zone oh he’s smoking me now I’m gonna try to creeper I’m on cooldown shoot okay if I can get him back here that’s

Actually probably better I’m gonna IG pet as well oh gosh I have no pots I need to get in oh that’s really bad uh oh I’m in oh my gosh I don’t know why I do these kind of fights this is so stupid I gotta stop doing these bro

Where we have no pods one unlucky combo and it’s over for me I really got to stop doing those dude wait I have a wizard pet though should I go back out I feel like I should though I have a wizard pet so and I have a shield I

Wasn’t even using my shield pad does he want to go back out I don’t know should I I’m gonna try to tag him okay I tagged him really quick I could go out here and Pop My Wizard pet uh if I just do this

Right here can I can I pop this I can oh my gosh wait I only have I have two pods now I’m gonna go back out and fight him I don’t know if you realize that I used it or not but I’m gonna go back out here

And we’ll just see if we can uh kill this guy really quick I’m gonna creeper I’m gonna Shield as well he’s getting really low I’m gonna grapple towards him actually no I’m not he’s probably gonna Pro back here in a second Andy’s dad all right we got him oh my

Gosh we got the whole set okay that’s perfect right there we got the Peacekeeper that’s actually a solid kill I ate a crack in 100 too okay wait actually that’s pretty good then if we got the crack in 100 I didn’t realize you had that all right we got him well

GG to that guy I think that’s my first arcade kill of the map as embarrassing that is uh it’s not even that good of a set I would say that’s somewhat equal I just had better pets than him and uh our set was kind of the same did you have to

Start him he did so yeah that wasn’t too far off my set’s not that good either all right we’re gonna go back and store this in our PV right here and then uh I’m gonna go back and we’re gonna try to get some more kills with this Rover set

All right yeah now there’s a lot of people here I really wish my armor set overlay was working that would make this a lot easier who is time Bob I don’t know what Set This Guy’s in Peacekeeper uh I wanted to brag first though okay

This guy’s like in an eight lower orc I honestly don’t even want to fight that just because it’s not even that good of a set so we’re not gonna fight this guy okay this guy’s set is built horribly wrong he doesn’t have fat or anything I think I’m just gonna fight this guy

Because why not he’s in a horrible set though oh my gosh I could print I could maybe sell that for something I don’t know I guess I’ll fight him I’m gonna go over here I’m gonna try to attack him did I tag him uh I did oh wow that was

Actually crazy I did not expect to tag him there all right he says he needs content so he’s probably recording me getting smoked right now so that’s a little awkward yeah he’s taking a lot of damage he doesn’t have very good engines on his set so uh if I die to this that

Might be a little awkward I don’t know why I fight the bad sets I don’t know I should be fighting like a little bit of a better set maybe like a good built 10 more orc that would be somebody you want to fight or a good uh 10 or Rover but I

Can’t find any Rovers in here right now it’d be a lot easier if I had a armor set overlay then I could just see him but I just have to go off what people are messaging me and stuff like that and see who wants to 1v1 and then I have to

Tell them they’ll like ask him to if I can check their inventory or whatever it’s like a whole process it’s really annoying but I think this guy just agre-proded at me as well so he’s on cooldown which uh I can use that to my advantage if this guy gets slow he’s

Taking a lot I’m just gonna try to time a really good creeper pet and like right here he’s on five bro oh my gosh this guy’s taking Mass though oh he got me in a combo oh my dude what is that I’m gonna Shield that as

Well I keep forgetting I have that in my Hopper I need to keep using that because that’s going to give me a resistance three I guess I thought it got resistant four from it but still that’s going to be a good advantage to have this guy

Only has an iron golem pen I’m pretty sure so uh that’s gonna be an advantage for us as well dude I take so much damage dude why do I take some holy crap this guy’s smoking me dude I gotta get out of here I’m dead I might die from

This oh my gosh wizard pet I’m gonna use that all right we should be good and oh my dude I just can’t I can’t fight this guy dude what is this I’m gonna grapple over here and it didn’t even like work bro what is this this guy is crazy or

Something I don’t even know dude I have to just get out of this combo that’s I’m gonna die here I don’t even know what to say about this this guy’s just actually smoking me like I don’t even have anything to say about this this has nothing to do with the set I’m just

Getting tossed around right now I’m gonna have to Pro back and run back in because holy crap he’s dropping me pots he wants me to go back out I think I will because I just started panicking I feel like I could uh do good in that

Fight if I just didn’t Panic like that but that dude like he kept getting me back in combos that is crazy all right I think he dropped me a good amount of pots so I’ll just go back on and fight I’m gonna tag him here and I’m gonna put

My wizard pen my Hopper as well so we’re gonna do that and then I’ll have my creeper pet as well if I need to use that like right here he’s on five again dude I swear he that was a really bad Pro but even worse for me oh my gosh

This rocket Escape product I’m gonna try to kill him just drop it that oh my God he’s on seven this dude’s taking so much I just not need to not get combo like I did last time and I’ll be fine okay here we go now I’m starting to get

A good combo nah this guy’s crazy at the game or something I don’t even know what to do this guy’s actually good this guy’s getting super low he’s on 15. I have no idea how many parts he has I’m gonna Pro here and uh never mind I can’t

Keep him in I thought he has no pots are you serious I’ll drop him a couple we’ll drop him three why am I risking this for dude I don’t this is so stupid why am I risking this much just to uh get a broken orc set this is so dumb I don’t

Know why I’m doing this it’s for the content boys we’re gonna creeper pet here I don’t think it worked as I was on cooldown but this guy’s getting taught and he’s dead okay well there we go we tossed him right there we got the full set Gigi to that guy that’s really

Stupid I need to stop dropping people pause I die so many times when I do that hey we got another orc set here I’ll take it uh it’s not the worst Orcs that I’ve ever seen but it’s definitely not the best I don’t think I got any good

Pets either I think he only had an iron golem one so I don’t know yeah we’re gonna go ahead and store this on our e-chest I don’t even know this is worthy of being in my Ender Chest it’s kind of bad this one’s not bad it’s not a full

Tender but it’s like not built wrong there’s armored three on it that’s the only like bad one but everything else is pretty much right this one’s just horrible like these leggings are built incredibly wrong there’s no fat on the chest plate like I don’t know we’ll keep

It I guess whatever guys I’m so tempted to go in the race set right now I’m doing so good in PvP right now so I feel like I should but I don’t really have a good weapon to go with it I don’t know if this Ace this is the Ace I was given

I don’t know if this is gonna be good to use with the race set or not I don’t think it is but I mean I was told it’s solid somebody told me it’s better to use this than a voider which I don’t know how true that’s gonna be apparently

Voiders are really bad but I mean they go with the race set they give you like five percent extra damage so I don’t know if there’s any on ah there’s an eight lore one right here for 1.3 Bill holy yeah I’m definitely not buying that I can’t even afford it but I’m really

Tempted to uh oh you know what I can do I can put this Divine Enlighten I can try to put this on my helmet wait I’m actually gonna try to do this I think I need to I don’t know if I need an armor or not but I definitely need to oh it’s

Already protected can I just try to apply no way yo that’s dude what it had a 35 chance of working I was not expecting that to work wait what that is you guys have no idea how crazy of an ancient that is wait hold on I just turned Divine or the enlightened three

Into Divine enlightened or enlightened three that is crazy wait that is gonna make this set so much better there’s not even an uh in a Divine enlighted uh enchantment on age I was gonna try to show you guys what it does can I do such enchants this is going to show Divine

Ones in here for her not Divine ones heroic ones I meant let’s see where is it okay right here High chance of dealing uh or healing lots of HP while taking damage requires enlightened three enchant on item to apply so this is pretty much gonna make me heal a lot

When I take damage which is apparently really good I know it’s really good just because it’s the Divine enchant it’s better than Enlighten three so yeah I’ll gladly take that holy crap I did not expect that to work I’m just looking for a transmog scroll right there perfect

Okay so now we got this this is probably the best race set now holy crap I don’t know if there’s any other what dividing line three I’m sure there is but I don’t I haven’t seen any I’ve seen him with like Divine enlightened two and uh one

But never with three I don’t know that’s kind of crazy I can’t believe I got that out of like one of the srtw crates or no it was like some loot box it was like the first loot box that came out on the server in my first video and I was gonna

Try to sell it but I was like you know what I have it I can’t sell it I can’t can’t find anybody to buy it it’s not even worth that much because it’s a low percent so I’ll try to apply it and it actually worked that is crazy I really

Want to try to use that race at an arcade but I just can’t in today’s video mainly because I don’t want to risk losing it right now like I literally just got my hands on it if I lose it right now uh I’m gonna be really mad

That and I don’t really have that great of pets the only good ones I have is this crack in the Iron Golem the creeper The Shield is all right like I definitely need some better pets I’m gonna need like a hellhound pet to go with that I’m gonna need a bunch of

Other ones too I should probably get some of my pets I needed as well because they can get like you can get up to a level 150 pet now because they made the shiny pet change which is really cool so I should probably try to get one of

Those and I don’t have a very good weapon so I’m not very confident in using this weapon with the race set so we’re just gonna go back to Arcade one more time we’re gonna see if we can get a little bit more kills there is one wraith now in arcade so that’s

Interesting yeah we’re gonna go back we’re gonna try to get one more kill or we’re gonna end up dying either or and we’re just gonna see what happens here I guess all right I’m gonna fight oh never mind I guess I’m not gonna fight that guy he just got attacked there’s a lot

Of eight lures here I’m really trying to not fight in eight lore I’ve been sitting here for like a couple minutes now just trying to like emcee people everyone is in an eight Lord bro that or they’re in like a 10 lore Levy with like crazy pets and I’m not trying to fight

This in like a half eight lower half ten lower Rover bro we’re gonna fight this guy I don’t know if he wants to fight okay yeah he does perfect so we’re gonna fight this guy he’s in almost a down lower orc which is good because this is

The best set I can find guys okay everyone’s in eight Lords today I don’t know why I’ve seen I’ve even seen a six lore I’ve seen a six lore like orc I’ve seen like an eight lore and six lore uh pirate set try to fight me like bro I

Want to fight some decent sets I’m not gonna risk dying just in uh oh my God wait this guy just hold on hold on this guy does a lot of damage I’m gonna Pro back for a second I’m not gonna run in though he just grappled like crazy to me

Holy crap this guy’s smoking me bro hold on wait he has a chrome on his helmet but it’s a seven or what is going on with this server bro if I hold on okay this guy’s smart he ran in okay what is going on I’m guessing somebody’s raiding

Into the services crash what oh oh no a tab I thought there was only two people out I was like what no it’s because I’m locked in with this guy I can’t see anyone else someone’s probably rating I don’t know what the TPS is it says 19.6

But it feels a little bit more lag than that yeah uh I don’t know if it’s a good idea to PVP right now and I keep getting stuck in this block guys I don’t know what to do all right guys I think it’s a sign to not do PVP I’m just watching

These guys fight right here and it doesn’t look very fun it looks like somebody’s gonna end up dying to server lag so it’s probably not a good idea to just keep pvping so uh yeah we’re not gonna do any more PVP I will tell you

Guys in the next video I’m gonna try to use that race set I can’t even type EC bro the server is so laggy right now somebody’s rating I think there’s a big raid event that went on a little bit ago so it could be from that I have no idea

Server’s like dying though I can’t really do anything I might try to ICF maybe I don’t know maybe I can ICF one of these sets or something no I’m gonna keep them I think I wanna I see if I want to do something else in today’s

Video but I wanted to do PVP but I don’t I just can’t there’s the server lag is too bad yeah in the next video I do want to try to use the race set that we have I’m gonna try to go arcade or something

And I also want to try to do some raids guys I want to try to do some more raids comment down below as well if you made it to the end of the video comment down below what you actually want to see on uh mine Kitty this season what kind of

Content do you guys want to see is it rains you guys want to see like team fights or do you guys want me to keep doing arcade stuff I’m gonna try to do more stuff with the faction but I’ve been very short on time so I’ve just

Kind of been recording on my own because when you record with the fashion I just got kicked out of the server but when you record with the faction you got to be on at like certain times when everyone’s on when there’s events and stuff and with school and stuff it’s

Hard so yeah I’m gonna try to do it either way though I just haven’t gotten around to it and I got kicked again so I think that’s my kid is way of telling me to end off the video so yeah make sure to drop a like and comment down below

What kind of content you guys want to see and uh yeah I’ll see you guys in the next video when I’m using the race set

This video, titled ‘TRADING FOR THE *BEST* GOD-SET ON THE SERVER! *OP* | Minecraft Factions | Minecadia Pirate [4]’, was uploaded by Rawbie on 2023-03-19 22:00:05. It has garnered 3556 views and 123 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:14 or 914 seconds.

Thank you guys for watching! Hopefully you enjoyed this video. ☕ Make sure to watch this video in 1080p 60fps for the best experience!

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    Godzilla vs. Zombie Father in Monster School! SEASON 2 ALL EPISODESVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Zombie Boy And Bad Zombie Father SEASON 2 ALL EPISODE – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Godzilla Minecraft on 2024-02-25 10:24:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Monster School : Zombie Boy And Bad Zombie Father SEASON 2 ALL EPISODE – Minecraft Animation … Read More

  • AKSH is a 1.20.1 – 1.20.2 True Anarchy Server that provides a interesting experience with a small yet loyal community. aksh is the perfect server for people who are overwhelmed with 2b2t and want a less intense anarchy experience. Join now while spawn is easy to escape! Read More

  • PaduaMCC | Smp & Realms

    PaduaMCC Bedrock Faction Server Choose from 6 different kingdoms with unique build styles, goals, and opportunities. Explore great add-ons that enhance the Vanilla style in unimaginable ways! Join the Discord server today to become a part of this exciting community. Message for the Discord link. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Achievement Unlocked: No More Problems

    “Looks like this meme has achieved a high score in both comedy and problem-solving!” Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back!

    Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back! In the world of Roblox, a cursed spirit boss, Ian and Ethan face him, no matter the cost. Their skills put to the test, in a battle so grand, With teamwork and strategy, they make their stand. Dodging his attacks, with precision and speed, Their determination, a powerful seed. To defeat this boss, and claim victory, In the world of gaming, they make history. So join them on their journey, subscribe and see, The adventures they have, in Roblox and BTD6. With laughter and fun, they’ll entertain, And bring you content, that will never wane. Read More

  • Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale!

    Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale! When Masha and the Bear team up against Banana Cat Spawn, you know things are about to get wilder than a jungle gym on a sugar rush! #minecraftmadness 🍌🐱🐻 Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

    Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 - Danger Lurks! Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: A Relaxing Journey Through the World of Blocks Embark on a serene adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG, in his Minecraft Daily Survival Let’s Play series. This vanilla survival experience offers a tranquil escape from the chaos of everyday life, inviting viewers to unwind and explore the vast possibilities of the blocky world. Immersive Gameplay Experience Join Solomon as he delves into the intricacies of Minecraft, from building and exploring to caving and collecting trophies. With natural regeneration turned off, the stakes are higher, requiring strategic use of golden apples and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your Minecraft content creation to the next level? Do you want to grow your channel and increase your views and engagement? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a vibrant community of like-minded players. Just like in the YouTube video “1 Mistake Every Minecraft Youtubers Make (FIX THEM TO GROW FAST!!)”, where creators learn about common mistakes and how to fix them, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction, PvP… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s Overpowered Weapons Exposed!

    GamerFleet's Overpowered Weapons Exposed! GamerFleet’s Super OP Weapons Unveiled in Minecraft World Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to unexpected discoveries, and one such revelation was made by a curious player who ventured into GamerFleet’s survival kingdom. In a thrilling video, the player uncovered GamerFleet’s secret base within a majestic castle, where an array of powerful PvP weapons awaited. The Quest for OP Weapons As the player delved deeper into GamerFleet’s world, they embarked on a quest to locate the legendary OP weapons rumored to be hidden within the kingdom. The anticipation grew as they navigated through the intricate pathways and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Wolf - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-04-13 07:28:59. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:19 or 8539 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD #minecraft #mine #craft #steve #creeper #letsplay Read More

  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

    Psycho Family Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Having a PSYCHO FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-03-17 20:47:03. It has garnered 2028008 views and 36147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:17 or 1097 seconds. Warning! This video gets CRAZY! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 ► Instagram: ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ KC: MegaMoeka NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!

    Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Water Minecart Boats? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Prism on 2024-06-15 11:00:05. It has garnered 74535 views and 2074 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

    Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ai video 📸📸📸’, was uploaded by @ All Gaming on 2024-05-29 08:24:58. It has garnered 446 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #Minecraft Ai video my channel subscribe please 🥺 #Minecraft #Ai video #Ai #games #gaming #gameplay minecraft site not working minecraft site for building minecraft site minecraft store april fools minecraft store addons minecraft store app minecraft store apk minecraft store amazon minecraft archeology site minecraft altstore minecraft account store minecraft app store account minecraft store build minecraft store bedrock minecraft store building ideas… Read More

  • Shocking Dad’s EPIC Minecraft Skills – Switch Edition!

    Shocking Dad's EPIC Minecraft Skills - Switch Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay | Nintendo Switch @minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by Proud Dad on 2024-05-20 15:00:14. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. Exploring the Endless Creativity of Minecraft on Nintendo Switch Minecraft, the game that has become a cultural phenomenon, continues to thrive on the Nintendo Switch platform, offering gamers an expansive world of creativity and adventure. With its blocky, pixelated charm, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions, transcending age, gender, and gaming experience to become a beloved pastime for players around the… Read More

  • SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey’s Epic Adventure

    SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey's Epic AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft’, was uploaded by DJ and Monkey on 2024-05-07 17:00:35. It has garnered 21526 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:42 or 1122 seconds. JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft OG Maizen Channel – #maizen #jjandmikey #minecraft #video #minecraftvideo Sneaky Snitch by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Read More

  • P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraft

    P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple Minecraft Tree House ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecrafttreehouse’, was uploaded by P.N Journy on 2024-05-13 14:17:53. It has garnered 2832 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardcore #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube Hardcore Minecraft Days 2000+ Trailer | Pankha-Booi | Facebook Page FINALLY I ESCAPED FROM GRANNY’S HOUSE | GRANNY 3 I BEAT Garten Of Banban 7! (FULL GAME ENDING) We Played The Weird Steam Game Again 100 MEMOREST Vs GOD BELLENOIR! 😱 PALWORLD | Techno Gamerz | #56 I BOUGHT A… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!

    Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay Fun, How to build a Mansion, How to build a Secret Base, How to build Cliff house’, was uploaded by Minecraft Junction on 2024-06-07 16:57:13. It has garnered 29 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. **Minecraft Gameplay Fun!!** Welcome to an epic journey in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we dive into some exciting Minecraft gameplay, filled with adventures, creative builds, and handy tips. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this video has something for everyone. Remember to subscribe,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mobs IQ 😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-01-13 03:30:31. It has garnered 2530 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft videos and short comment which type of videos you want next time! Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft videos Minecraft world Minecraft survival Minecraft creative Minecraft hardcore Minecraft logics Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft horror facts Minecraft funny videos Minecraft memes Minecraft graphics Minecraft shaders Minecraft texture Minecraft RTX Minecraft SMP Minecraft moments Minecraft rarest moments… Read More

  • Batya Mine

    Batya MineКлассический сервер без модов для тех, кто просто хочет спокойно поиграть без вайпов. Read More

  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

    Welcome to Constructia Freebuild! Constructia Freebuild is a small, laid-back, freebuild creative server where you are welcome to join and build with others. We have two worlds to choose from – one with normal vanilla terrain and one that’s superflat. Our server offers protections such as the CoreProtect plugin for real-time rollbacks, anti-exploit plugins, and world backups for exceptional circumstances. We want our players to have the freedom to be creative without any restrictions. Join our Discord: Server IP: (1.20.x) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bloke tried to slay me

    Minecraft Memes - Bloke tried to slay meIt looks like Blud needs to work on their PvP skills in Minecraft! Maybe they should stick to building instead. Read More

  • Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test

    Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No worries of exams, just fun and delight, With funny animations, he shines so bright. Creating content that’s safe for all to view, His channel is the place for a happy crew. Original videos, each one a gem, Subscribe and join in, don’t miss out on them. From classroom series to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Neighbor’s Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap!

    Neighbor's Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap! When your neighbor upgrades their portal but you’re still stuck in the Stone Age of Minecraft. Looks like it’s time to start buttering them up with some catnip bribes. #DesperateTimes #DesperateMeasures 😹🪨🚀 Read More

  • Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile

    Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile How to Fix Lag in Minecraft Pocket Edition and Mobile Are you tired of experiencing lag while playing Minecraft on your mobile device? Look no further! Here are some tips and tricks to help you reduce lag and improve your gaming experience. Optimize Your Settings One of the first things you can do to reduce lag in Minecraft is to optimize your settings. Lowering the graphics settings, render distance, and disabling fancy graphics can help improve performance on lower-end devices. Use a Lightweight Texture Pack Another way to reduce lag is by using a lightweight texture pack. Some texture… Read More

  • Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!

    Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS BUT SUB = SUBSCRIBE (parties, 1v1, cs and tournaments)🔴’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-05 17:29:28. It has garnered 299 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:37 or 10897 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… Title: “HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS – Minecraft Adventure Awaits!” Description: 🔴 Greetings, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! 🌍✨ Get ready for an epic journey as we dive into the blocky world of the HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS livestream! 🚀🎮 👾 Join us for a pixelated adventure where the Hive Minecraft… Read More


    UNSEAKABLE FAN'S TERRIFYING MINECRAFT SEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘ScArY MiNeCrAfT SeEd’, was uploaded by unseaakable fan on 2024-02-26 21:53:34. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:24 or 564 seconds. not for kids Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build wood tutorial house⚒️minecraft ⛏️ subscribe, like share channel.’, was uploaded by magnate_gamer on 2024-05-11 05:40:00. It has garnered 130 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. I will make wood tutorial house We are playing mane game after so long sapoot my gaming videos (like .coment .share and subscribe) Instagram- Facebook- Distord- Twitter- Other channel About me. My name is jakariya khan, I am from West Bengal and i am a student. Now I am pursuing YouTube. I make family friendly clean comedy gaming videos… Read More

  • EPIC Police Station Build Challenge – Minecraft Battle

    EPIC Police Station Build Challenge - Minecraft BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘POLICE STATION BASE BUILD CHALLENGE – Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD / Animation’, was uploaded by Noob Builder – Minecraft on 2024-06-11 11:00:07. It has garnered 5818 views and 104 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:37 or 2497 seconds. In This Video: POLICE STATION BASE BUILD CHALLENGE Welcome to my channel – Noob Builder – Minecraft Animations! I am doing Minecraft Battle Noob vs Pro vs Hacker challenge – Build Battle and Building Tutorials! Subscribe and leave a like for more video animation! #minecraft #noob #pro #noobvspro #build #tutorial… Read More

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