Tragic Minecraft Story: JJ Takes in Orphaned Mikey – Maizen

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Hey hello everybody Mikey and I are playing on the playground it feels like we spend half our lives here hello guys I don’t really care about that the important thing is that I’m having fun here imagine that some idiots now have to work go to the factory this is so not

Cool it’s good that we are small children and we can play here all day long oh yeah all adults are stupid why go to work at all they probably don’t like to relax and have fun I would never want to grow up I don’t want to be that

Dumb hey children Hi how are you doing oh hi Mom we’re doing great we remembered that your birthday is coming soon do you seem to need some kind of cool gift actually yes you should give us something incredibly cool then we can buy you a new fifth PlayStation

Seriously that’s going to be really cool hurry up and buy us this gift otherwise we will be offended by you he what funny kids we have a little impudent kids I’ll tell you we already want to play a new game console it’s so cool then you sit

Here and we’ll go and buy it for you quickly because we love you kids we love you too but stop talking already go get our console and what happens if we get offended and don’t go anywhere this is not going to happen get out of here

Already and don’t let us see you here without a new console when the new PlayStation arrives I’ll play it for the first time and you’ll just watch no I’ll be the first to play because I’m older than you and stronger you are weak and feeble you’re not even capable of

Jumping like I am I jump with you like this every day all you can do is Brag three hours later you know we could have gone to the store much earlier if you hadn’t been sitting in the toilet for so long hey I was sitting there because the lunch you

Cooked was disgusting I saw Mikey throw his portion in the trash stop talking let’s go to the store already admit that it’s entirely your fault that we were late no no matter what I cook you can’t stay in the toilet for so long it’s like you were making figures out of what came

Out of you what are you talking about I just had a lot of stomach ache oh my God it’s your fault and I will be offended at you until you apologize are you serious it’s not fair at all you’re not acting logically at all you need to

Apologize oh my God please forgive me and what should I forgive you for what are you serious you asked me to forgive you and now you’re asking me why yes and what’s the problem oh my God you’re so dumb all women are stupid she threw a tantrum for cooking a bad dinner herself

Stop yelling at me otherwise I’ll be even more offended shut up already I don’t care how offended you are don’t distract me from the road is there a road more important to you than me oh my God a cow no oh my God ah ah ouch Ah hello again friends we decided to play soccer with Mikey and he loses as always it’s not a big deal I’ll only score 15 goals and I’ll be the same score as you God you don’t even know how to kick a ball it’s like your mom taught

You how to do it try to catch it at least you won’t be able to catch such a hard hit this time ha such a strong punch oh my God you’re only capable of making me laugh by the way where are our parents they haven’t been home in a

While maybe something happened to them I’m starting to worry about it oh you just want to hurry up and play the new PlayStation well that too but I’m a little worried about my parents too they’ve never been out this long before if they are not at home then we can eat

All the cookies that are in the refrigerator haa Mikey you are a real Evil Genius because I’m a lot smarter than you JJ you’re only smart in all sorts of bad pranks and joys you’re not capable of anything good I’m good at at least something and you’re not capable

Of anything at all at least I’m good at football and not only there oh what is it the phone I thought we turned it off a long time ago let’s go answer it maybe this is some kind of important call we should pick up the phone already because

These beeps are starting to annoy me then answer the phone if you really need it why do I always answer the phone first hello this is the doctor from the hospital speaking your mom and dad had an accident what are Mom and Dad in trouble what happened they got into an

Auto disaster they are in critical condition come to our Hospital urgently oh my God our dad and mom crashed in a car that’s why they took so long to come here and what are we going to do JJ what do you mean we are urgently running to

The hospital to visit our parents then we ran there faster I’m so worried about them wait for me I actually worry about them too I hope they manag to buy us a new PlayStation are you stupid at all our parents are in a bad way right now forget about the PlayStation okay forget

About it we need to understand where our parents are now this hospital is so big they can be in any room ouch and here you are I called you on the phone your parents crashed into a cow in a car oh my God what happened to the cow Mikey

Nobody cares about the cow come here here are your parents they feel very bad oh my God are they uncons ious did they really die not yet JJ but it looks like death is coming to us soon don’t say that Mom I don’t want to lose you it

Looks like they’re in a lot of pain be good kids I love you very much no don’t even think about saying goodbye to us you will not die doctor treat them faster I don’t want them to die I did everything to save them the chances of

Survival are very low how sad to hear that oh my God not that Cardiac Arrest what should I do no mom dad wake up don’t die no and the mother died what a bad day what’s going on in anyway I don’t understand I’m sick of that squeaking it’s time to turn off this

Device do something you’re a doctor what’s going on it looks like your mother is dead what oh no not that I feel so sorry for our parents oh my God how are we going to live without them well it’s not going to be easy for you

What do you mean oh my God how bad is that I’m getting sad you know I’m so sorry now get out of here I have things to do oh my God tears are welling up on my face but you cried faster than me well that’s a shame to hear Mikey I

Understand your feelings let’s go home it’s a Pity that this happened our parents should have stayed at home at that moment 4 to 6 days later you know I can’t imagine our life without our parents they have always been with us and on one very ordinary day they were gone Mom Dad please

Forgive me for behaving so badly all this time I will always love you I’ll try to be a good boy thanks to my father for all all the moral teaching thank you to my mother for all her love you will always stay alive in our hearts we swear

That we will never forget you and you will always be the closest people in the world well we need to learn how to live on our own and how do you imagine it mom always cooked for us and our dad drove us to school now we have to do all this

Ourselves flowers for the graves of loved ones it’s like a symbol of memory and sorrow our sorrow well we are very sorry that we rushed you to go for the console at that moment I would give anything in the world to keep you at home that day it’s all our fault JJ

Forgive us for this they are unlikely to be able to answer us let’s go home oh okay Bye Mom bye Dad we will definitely visit you from time to time I am very sad to say goodbye to our parents I’m very sad too Mikey but we can come back

Here after a while let’s go home or I’ll be crying for half a day again oh and I don’t want that to happen again you know JJ I don’t think we’re going to be able to move on with our lives what do you suggest I do we’ll have to live alone

Somehow and where is the exit here over there Mikey let’s go home already our house already seems somehow alien when you realize that our parents are not there yes you are right and I don’t want to go there at all because no one is waiting for us there oh and who else is

This some smelly bum is sleeping on our porch hey get out of here we have a grief no one will give you money he stinks a lot hello kids haha what happened why are you so sad we are sad because our parents died in a car accident we feel very bad with without

Our parents they went by car to buy us a new game console and then the dumb cow came out on the road it broke their car this is generally our personal business I would give anything to see them again oh I know how to do it it’s impossible I

Know a very strong and powerful wizard he lives somewhere beyond that Forest go to him he will surely be able to help you but magic doesn’t exist in this world this is the only chance to bring your parents back oh then let’s go see that wizard thanks a lot bum your wizard

Can really help us after all magic can do anything hey guys can I stay in your house then otherwise I have nowhere to live I think so of course you can live here we don’t need this house anyway then we ran into this Forest I don’t

Know how but we can get our parents back because it’s magic and Magic can do anything let’s go faster before it gets completely dark 2 hours later it seems that that smelly bum was talking about this Temple we finally found it why even make a temple so far away if you can

Build it right in the city it’s so inconvenient to come here let’s go talk to that wizard I hope it’s going to be some kind of cool dude usually such Wizards are the craziest people of all and I think I’m right since he lives in such a Wilderness no matter how crazy he

Is we have to be kind to him so that he can help us well I’ll try to be polite to him let’s see him oh and now I’m going to do the most evil things this is going to be really fun um okay he’s weird hey we need your help take a break

From your stupid business who says that it’s me Mikey and it’s me JJ oh my God this is the scabi toilet hello children long time no see how disgusting he is I’m just an ordinary wizard okay what do you need from me you didn’t just come

Here for nothing we have a problem our parents died okay I’ll help you what should we give you in return nothing you will disappear from this world and move to another wow that’s cool we will live with our parents again it sounds very good I agree then let your bodies

Disappear into this world go back in time but I’m ah I’m blind I’m blind oh I’m not blind and where did we get to is this our playground near the house it seems that the wizard deceived us specifically we were here a couple of

Days ago did he take us back in time so our parents must be alive I can’t believe it hey children Hi how are you doing oh my God Mom are you alive they’re not real are you playing some kind of game we wanted to give them something for their birthday oh yeah

Let’s buy you a new PlayStation we don’t need anything we love you please stay here uh kids you’re kind of weird maybe they overheated in the sun we always been alive after all the wizard did his job a wizard huh so you’re playing cool um yes we’re playing we are so glad to

See you um well okay then we’ll go watch cartoons Mom Dad it’s so good that you didn’t die from a cow what kind of cow they’re really talking complete nonsense let’s go watch TV let them stay without a gift I’m so glad our parents aren’t lying in some rotten grave right now oh

Yeah the magic is really cool after all skibidi toilets sometimes do good deeds you’re right we shouldn’t be constantly hating them for their dirty trick the next morning you all have no idea what news I have today I’m having a baby brother or sister but honestly I’d like a little

Brother for myself we were told it was 100% going to be a boy no I was so happy when I heard that oh darling your mom is due to have a baby any day now cool oh you’re embarrassing me let’s take care of her before it’s labor time mom is it

Hard for you to walk yeah just a little bit honey honey I’ll carry you don’t worry are you sure you won’t have a hard time what’s the trouble dear oh you’re still as light as a feather as ever wow daddy you’re so strong I want to help my

Mom too of course we’re going to need your help too JJ yay where do we start first I just need to get your mom into the bedroom and let her rest uh okay but darling I must make dinner for you both in your condition rest is important yes

Mom rest well done JJ daddy here you are helping mommy move around the house yes I have no choice but to help your beautiful mom right now what can I do to help well my dears I’d like a snack I’m a little hungry oh my God no problem my

Love JJ let’s go out in the hallway for a minute okay Dad honey have some relaxation and don’t worry about a thing well JJ as you may have noticed we don’t have anything to eat at home yes Dad I noticed what are we going to do so go to

The store and get your mom some fruit okay sure I’ll go to the store no problem that’s great we seem to have one carrot and a loaf left in the fridge but I don’t think your mom would want that H I understand her so hurry up okay Dad

And don’t buy your mom peaches you understand yeah one foot here one foot there before they know it I’ll be coming home with a bag of Delicious Fruit I can’t wait for the baby to be born I wonder if what the mom eats makes the baby feel bad or good 2 hours later

There was a terrible line of grandmothers at the store they take so long to pick lottery tickets God oh I hope I’m not too late I bought so much stuff I hope my mom likes it honey I’m very comfortable hey everybody I’m back I’m glad to hear that Dad Mom JJ I

Bought fruit oh you’re my good son only for you mommy there aren’t any peaches here are there N I was just dreaming of fruit thank you my sunshine I hope the little one enjoys it so JJ we’re here to decide what we’re going to name your little brother those are the options uh

Honey what do you think of the name Bob sounds interesting no huh I don’t want that name and what do you think JJ no I’m picturing SpongeBob not my brother okay well since no one likes that name I’m crossing it off uh okay so what do

You think of the name John sounds Noble no we have an ordinary boy not a king I don’t like it either JJ and John they don’t sound compatible at all we’re going to get confused okay okay I love that name oh sorry Dad it’s okay JJ and

That leaves us with the last name Mikey oh that’s the name I like the best so it’s settled our son will be named Mikey oh my God you like it JJ I’m extremely pleased I love the name too your mom picked out that name yes your father

Chose a name for you but this time I’m choosing the name for my second son nevertheless the time is getting late it’s bedtime for the kids wow I didn’t realize it was getting dark thanks for your help son yes thank you I’m always happy to help you both oh what a

Wonderful son we have oh you’re embarrassing me I’m going to bed now JJ mommy and daddy love you so much sleep sweetly JJ and it’s time for us to go to bed good night oh this has been an extremely stressful day for me hopefully

In a few days I won’t be living alone in this room it’ll be so nice to fall asleep in the two of us I’m excited good night to me oh good morning I had such a wonderful dream that my brother was born huh but it’s just a dream I wonder

What’s for breakfast uh what’s going on JJ JJ what’s up your mom baby h what let’s go downstairs dad calm down let’s go downstairs all right uh yeah sure let’s hurry up what could have happened that you said our mom a baby oh no JJ I

Meant the baby is coming soon oh my dearly beloved this time has come oh mommy do something and I’m in a total panic dad call an ambulance that’s right JJ they’ll help her yeah let’s hurry up hurry up hurry up please have them respond right away hello you’ve reached

The ambulance do you need help yes my wife is in labor come as soon as possible oh our car is on its way oh and they work promptly awesome yes yes the ambulance should be here soon we need to be on the lookout so we don’t miss it oh

My gosh this is the only way we can help your mom right now oh Dad that must be the ambulance yeah let’s go outside and take a look let’s go wow JJ you were right the ambulance is here they came so fast great job hi were you the one who

Called the ambulance yes it was us all right well where’s the patient mommy’s lying in the bedroom you’re going to help my mom right yes of course I’ll try let’s go yeah I need to see your condition right away first oh my love are you okay not so

Much hello hello how are you feeling I’m having an incredibly hard time right now I got it family I’m sorry but I have to get your mom to the hospital right now oh but why if we don’t she could be very badly hurt oh my God I don’t want my mom

To get too sick can we go with her no and no absolutely not my darlings I’ll be all right your mom needs to rest I’m really worried I want to go with her I’m going to ouch this could hurt your mom so calm down and come to the hospital

But why listen both of you worrying and yelling is not going to make your mom feel better I’ll see you at the hospital uh okay I’m so scared for her dad let’s trust the doctors but JJ they best how to help our mom yeah you’re probably

Right oh but we haven’t found out which hospital she’ll be in oh I totally forgot to ask about that we should hurry and get the car oh my God he’s going so fast don’t worry we can still see him keep up JJ phw we ran non-stop for almost an

Hour it was awful the doctors had just recently taken my mom into that room but nothing else was happening child birth is a long procedure I’m getting a little worried JJ I’m worried too but there’s nothing we can do but wait is Mom going to be okay yeah they’re professionals

Here so I think we’ll be fine is the labor really over yes the labor went well for the baby oh my God but unfortunately not successful for the mother I’m sorry but this baby is the only thing I can give you right now come on baby get on your feet this is your

Family it’s good to see you all my love I can’t guarantee anything we’re fighting for her life but you should probably prepare for the worst I have to see her right away you can’t do that if you don’t understand with words I’ll go in by force my love I’m coming oh my God

We’re in the middle of a major operation and no Outsiders are allowed in you can’t come in okay helper Charlie we need you let’s hurry well it’s over Daddy what’s wrong with Mommy we probably won’t see our mom again stop what but I didn’t see her anyway Ah

That’s right Mikey you didn’t see the mom who gave you that beautiful name so my name is Mikey yeah that’s the name our mom came up with for you it saddens me that I won’t even be able to see her I’m still hoping for the best still our mother couldn’t survive

Childbirth Mikey JJ I can’t believe it I was just born and already such misfortunes hm and also just look at the condition of our father uh it was the hardest thing for Dad to hear the news about this is just terrible I have no idea how to cheer him up he’s been

Sitting like this for days oh Mommy if only you were nearby Dad wouldn’t watch such sad cartoons JJ this can’t go on uh I’m very sad and I’m very hungry do we have anything to eat at home Dad seemed to say that there was something edible

In the refrigerator but I’m not sure I need to check it out so what is here wow there’s a whole loaf of bread and one carrot I’ll share my bread with you Mike so what about you I’m already an adult Mikey and you’re still a baby you need

To eat a lot thank you JJ B appeti and you only ate one carrot nightmare it’s okay okay JJ what do we do well I have a suggestion to go outside and freshen up what do you think about it oh hm I think this is a good idea it’s too stuffy at

Home right now let’s go for a walk let’s leave dad with his thoughts yes let’s go quickly yeah I think going for a walk now is the best thing we can do yes oh and the weather is so nice now yes but just recently it was raining heavily but

The weather has now improved and this means that we can have a great time on the playground I’ve been dreaming of playing here for a long time JJ then let’s go 3 hours later I’ve already played enough but Mikey has more than enough energy when are you going to come

Down to earth H but I’m already on the earth JJ what but to be serious I’m not tired Mikey look at the sky the sun has already gone to bed and it’s time for us to return home oh H I’m not kidding come down well the sky really is already dark

Yeah okay today I had enough time to play oh let’s go home quickly I’m tired I hope we will repeat this walk tomorrow okay let’s go yay finally our dad has most likely already lost us oh I can’t even imagine what we should do with him

In his condition let’s try to cheer him up tomorrow for example let’s all go for a walk together yes we will do that where’s Dad maybe he went upstairs H I don’t even know let’s take a look around here he’s not in the bedroom yes JJ but

There’s something on the floor look what is that Mikey it’s a book but why is there a book here and our dad is not there I don’t know and how can we use it I can read this well what are you waiting for then read on let’s see

What’s written here my son’s sorry but I can’t live without your mom oh my God I’m leaving for her your beloved daddy why daddy well Mikey something terrible happened to our dad we have to find him wait why he wrote here that he could not

Live apart from our mother oh no he was supposed to stay somewhere at home I didn’t see him go outside oh H JJ I bring bad luck wait what as soon as I appeared with you everything became so bad forgive me I’m really sorry Mikey it’s not your fault I’m not so sure

About that but Mikey oh okay where could he be Mikey I’m sure he wouldn’t come into our room let’s go check it in the garage JJ I find it hard to believe that Dad would do anything oh this can’t be oh my god daddy why Mikey Daddy please

Wake up daddy don’t leave us we can’t live without you get up JJ it’s no use no I don’t believe the dad is no more JJ our dad is reunited with our mom forever it’s sad but we should be happy for them I have no idea what we should do now

First let’s bury him it’s terrible first we didn’t have a mom and now we don’t have a dad oh JJ we’re all about ourselves now I can’t find a place for myself I hear dad’s voice and his steps everywhere oh oh what what was it now what’s up JJ

I’m not sure but I heard something H I didn’t hear anything oh my God Mikey let’s run home why are you talking so calmly you’re wrong I’m panicking so much okay let’s go Mikey don’t we really think that’s all JJ this can’t be a joint hallucination it’s rare I really

Hope you’re right you JJ but what was that I don’t know what if it was some kind of monster well that sounds logical oh JJ be quiet H what oh my God you also didn’t hear someone walking upstairs yeah I really don’t like this JJ I agree

I’m scared Mikey don’t be afraid I’m still next to you what is that wait what Mom and Dad sorry for scaring you guys we didn’t mean to scare you you are ghosts yes but we are still us yes it is uh our parents are with us again yes

Exactly you are with us again now you won’t leave for now we are staying here with you both yes we will leave only when the time comes yes but you don’t have to worry about it now by the way my kids are you hungry oh yes I’m very

Hungry and I’m hungry too Mom will cook JJ let’s go to the table uh okay Mikey this is all so amazing yes we couldn’t believe it ourselves when we saw ourselves like that since we had such a chance we would spend this time with our children Mom thanks to this I can see

How beautiful you were yes that’s a fact yeah thank you my loves and bonati oh wow thanks Mom the food looks amazing I agree I can’t wait to taste everything me too thanks Mom for the food and in general thank you for not forgetting about us I couldn’t forget about my

Beloved Sons we couldn’t leave you you are next to us now and this is the most important thing yes we’re glad you’re here oh kids we are happy too the next day we play as a family on our playground I’ve been dreaming about this ever since Mom got pregnant with Mikey

JJ I dreamed about this too ha daddy pump Me Harder Mikey I’m doing everything I can JJ this is so cool cool Mikey will you let me swing on the swing too yes sure mommy I’m so happy oh that was my best sale uh what Mikey it’s my

Turn now no my dad pushes me on the swing M Mikey won’t share with me Dad I’ve played enough oh but my grandmother told me that wild mushroom soup was a bad idea why didn’t I listen to her I’m just going crazy terrible nightmare one week later JJ this week has been the

Best week of my life yeah and this is all thanks to you my parents you’re welcome thanks to both of you JJ I wish this would never end yes we would like the same too but unfortunately it’s time for us to say goodbye to each other wait

Why ghosts cannot stay in the world of the living for long they have been waiting for us in another world for a long time Mikey apparently it’s time to say goodbye to them we are really sad to leave but we have no choice yes we love you goodbye mommy daddy wait come back

Please JJ they said they would leave us I remember that I didn’t think it would come so soon I’m incredibly happy that I was able to meet them but I’m also incredibly upset now this one will be so empty yes but JJ we mustn’t lose heart yes let’s fill this house stories and

Fun the next Day oh tonight’s meat is going to be divine oh the aroma of roasting meat that smell is unmistakable Mom Mom oh kids I’m hungry yeah dinner will be ready soon cool I’m waiting yeah can you help me with the cooking yes of course are we going to help our mom yes JJ of

Course we will I wonder what this dish could make even tastier okay guys I need one carrot uh it’s in the fridge oh okay I’ll give you what you need H she said she needs one carrot here’s one carrot oh you’re doing great JJ thanks those carrots will make the dish even more

Delicious JJ let’s go out later it’s been a long time since we’ve played together on the playground JJ I still need one more beetroot Mikey hold on a second okay she needs one beat here you go mom do you need anything else oh thanks I think that’s enough for now so

What were you saying Mikey yeah I told you we’d have to go and play on the playground oh only if our mom says it’s okay we’ve been on our best behavior so she’ll let us I’m sure uh hi everybody oh Daddy’s here hi Daddy hey guys hey oh

What a wonderful Aroma wafting through the room mommy’s making us dinner oh no what guys I totally forgot to get tomato paste what are we going to do is this pasta that important it won’t taste as good without tomato paste oh well I’ll be off then Daddy wait what’s the matter

JJ and I are going to go to the store for you can we oh that’s a great idea I’m having second thoughts I really want to help Mom oh boys you’re so good Dad do you mind please oh all right all right go to the store I’m still very

Tired yeah yay so what do we have to buy there Mom what should we get all right you need some classic tomato paste okay let’s go yeah I think I got it memorized huh I don’t think so Mom we’re going to the store uh oh no don’t burn please I

Think she can’t hear you let’s just get it all and come home yeah let’s go yay it’s so nice out we’ve been extremely lucky with the weather today if I didn’t have to rush I’d go for a walk yeah but we’re in a hurry hey viewers who cooks

The food at your house mom or dad write your answers in the comments oh JJ we’re here oh it’s a convenience store wow this store is open 24/7 I think we got everything we need I hope there aren’t too many people in there come on let’s

Go uh JJ what do we need to buy tomato paste oh right tomato oh there’s no one here okay there’s too much stuff in here hey hey hey we need tomato paste everything is lying where the vegetables are why is tomato paste stored where vegetables are oh that’s weird and

There’s some clothes in here and there’s a lot of other stuff H JJ just as I thought there’s no tomato paste here maybe the clerk made a mistake let’s look through the whole store yeah let’s check out the rest of the store maybe that iron can is around here somewhere

There’s nothing here relax well well well there’s nothing here that Mom asked for either ask again okay I’ll ask again and I’ll explain exactly what I want okay hey we need tomato paste okay oh so you wanted tomato paste yeah I have it right here for $2 are you going to buy

It yeah sure here you go $2 all right let me do some calculations uh okay here you go here’s your pasta is he serious Mikey did he keep this iron jar in his pocket oh my God why couldn’t he have just given it to us in the first place

Stop all right let’s go home quickly I don’t think it’s a big deal if we walk around a bit more right uh but Mikey we won’t be long let’s go for a walk if it’s just for a little while yay 2 hours later Mikey we’re really late huh why

We’re going to get scolded for sure it’s okay oh I have a really bad feeling about this don’t worry Mom’s going to be really upset that we’re here so late come on it’s going to be fine and I have a feeling we’re still in for a delicious

Dinner uh JJ look at our window oh my God there’s something red all over the window this can’t be happening what a nightmare I don’t like it what happened here I don’t know let’s go inside yes let’s go inside hi oh my God Mom Daddy what happened here kids this is awful oh

No mommy what happened I don’t know who would do this to our mom I just don’t understand how this could happen oh huh I just can’t explain it Dad we can’t leave Mom like this we need to call for help there’s still a chance we can save

Her oh should I call for help call an ambulance quick come on dad make the call yeah sure you’re right I’ll call them right now hurry up hurry up okay hello hello do you need help yes we need immediate medical attention come quickly there’s a TV woman with a knife wound

I’ll be with you soon we’re waiting for you oh I can’t believe what’s happening I hope it’ll be here soon where have you been we’ve only been gone a couple hours oh we got to get outside let’s go outside what could have happened so fast this is so weird finally y but I’m

Afraid that ambulance is not going to be here in time to save our mom hey hey we’re here we’re the ones who called you what’s the problem we got a bad case here our mom let’s go inside she really needs your help can you save her oh no

I’m sorry everybody but I can’t help you here it’s too bad oh no Mommy I was so afraid of those words is it that bad yeah kid you’re going to have to say goodbye to your mom oh Mommy I can’t believe it the next day we all loved our mom very

Much oh Mikey mom was the best TV woman ever I’m going to miss you Mom and you’re cooking your mom was the most beautiful lady in the world I loved her very much Mom I’m going to do everything I can to find out who did this I love

You you know it’s too bad we can’t find out her last will in Testament I think she’d be happy that we’re eating well she would want us to move to another house I think she’d want us all to go on living together peacefully and happily I

Like your idea and I think we should do that thanks Dad she’d be happy good idea JJ let’s go on living with her memory in our hearts oh who’s that oh what is that FBI what do they want with us why did they come here wa he’s got a gun I’m

Scared dad what do you want with our family nobody move oh my God take it easy okay sir oh I’m sorry about that wow he’s so cool are you the speaker man I’m with the FBI we suspect you of murder ing your wife what does that mean

Oh no that means we’re going to arrest him what but our dad helped call an ambulance and was there for Mom in her last moments speaker man yes sir yes I hope you do I’m going to Cuff you oh I won’t resist thank you for not resisting

Justice but you’ll have to prove my guilt follow me dad you couldn’t have done that I’m sorry boys where are you taking him Dad don’t go daddy how could this happen I can’t believe what’s happening I can’t believe it either your father has committed a terrible crime

And that’s why we’re taking him in for questioning no our daddy couldn’t have done it he had too good heart to do such a terrible thing you’ll probably have to accept the fact that you’ll never see him again he’s looking at years in prison do you agree with me Mikey and he

Loved our mom too much huh keep thinking that hm goodbye goodbye Mister that man jumped to conclusions yeah I don’t believe him at all I’m sure it’s not as simple as we think but uh JJ Mikey it’s not over yet do you have any leads oh I

Don’t know well but there’s got to be a way out of this oh my god oh I wish Mom were here yes oh TV woman oh mommy oh TV woman what Mikey I just remembered something what are you talking about we have security cameras in our house sure

They’re even in the kitchen we can find out what happened there oh that’s right we can prove our dad is innocent um I hope so yeah I hope it wasn’t dad otherwise it’s going to be really sad I don’t think our Dad could have done something like that yeah I think it’s

More complicated than that too let’s hurry up Mikey how are you feeling it’s much better now I’m feeling a little lighter than before too I’m happy for you but don’t forget we still have a little investigation to do I remember that so let’s hurry up we can watch the

Video from my computer the cameras are connected to your computer dad did it so we wouldn’t have to buy separate camera equipment oh come on let’s see what happens yeah I’ll enter the password and we’ll find out oh I sure hope there’s direct proof of Dad’s innocence I hope

So too but now we’re going to find out the truth about what happened so here’s mom and dad in the kitchen he’s got a knife in his hand oh this can’t be happening daddy couldn’t oh my God our dad did it after all wait Mikey look at

This what is it that’s a little skibbidy toilet on his back what Dad didn’t kill our mom his mind was taken over by the the toilet but how could this happen I’m going to rewind the video a little bit I’m going to rewind it back 5 minutes to

The incident stop right there okay Oh Daddy doesn’t have a toilet in the back right now so that’s what really happened Mikey we got to go to the police station right now I agree we’ll take these videos and show them to the head detective at the station then our dad

Will be free for sure we have all the evidence we need to help Dad yeah otherwise it’s going to be really hard to get him out of there we’ve got to hurry before Dad gets a jail sentence Oh yeah and we’ll be alone I to be without

Our dad I don’t want to be alone either that’s why we’re hurrying oh Mom would love our detective work yeah I think she’d praise us let’s go free our daddy woo here we are JJ move your feet I’m actually running with all my might we’re getting to where we need to be yeah

There’s the police department God I’m so tired we don’t have time to rest JJ yeah Daddy’s waiting for us let’s hurry okay I’m coming for you who do we have to go to uh I was talking about the head detective but I’m not sure anymore JJ let’s just ask any policemen around here

I don’t think that’s how it works here let’s knock on this door and ask oh no hello we need help hi we’re here about our dad oh someone’s here again come in oh we’ve come to the right place yeah let’s go hello sir hello have you

Decided to try and free your father yes of course we have video footage from the cameras in our house it would be interesting to see the evidence yes we’ve brought proof of our father’s innocence all right give them to me I’ll take a look yes here it is thank you

Here you go please take a look I’ll look at it right away and give my verdict wait a bit yay Mikey oh boys I’m sorry he’s completely innocent oh my God he can be released cool all right let’s go yay apology accepted dad you’ll be free soon yes you’ll be seeing each other

Soon wow what an armored door it’s all about our safety wow hey inmate speaker man I don’t want to talk call his name Dad hey Dad oh this can’t be happening my children Dad we found proof of your innocence yeah it was fun looking for

Clues oh you did this for me I can finally get out of here thank you these kids have gone to a lot of trouble for you and your freedom yay Dad it’s good to see you free and I’m just happy to see you oh can we get out of this room

What’s the matter I’m not comfortable in here yeah sure let’s go back to my office it’s better in here huh Mikey yeah it’s cool now well now that we’ve settled this I’m going to have to finish my work and Say Goodbye I’ll contact you later about compensation all right goodbye goodbye detective goodbye

Goodbye oh that man is cool yay can we all finally go to the house together uh yeah let’s go H JJ are you okay yes I’m coming I just want to go to Mom’s grave again yeah let’s go in there all of us He oh Mom hi we’ve had a very busy couple of days we miss you so much Mom we were able to get Daddy off of a false accusation yeah I think Mom would be happy not everyone’s willing to do that we just did what we had to do we

Couldn’t have lived without you Dad yeah oh who’s that what is it again oh it’s that man again oh it’s that detective what does he want hey we’re here well are you looking for us oh hi hello you’re not taking our dad again are you I don’t trust you very much don’t worry

I’m not taking anyone away I’ve come to give you the compensation I promised you wow is that true yes the management decided that this amount would be enough oh my God there’s a lot of money here yes there’s $64 here yay I’m so glad wow thank you for your honest work yes thank

You you’re welcome I’m glad I could resolve this misunderstanding between us goodbye goodbye goodbye have a nice day goodbye goodbye so kids what are we going to buy with this amount of money it’s nothing like losing our mom but I’m still very happy about it we can buy a

New window or even a house so what line should I draw here maybe I should draw a little more here and a little more there H well my kitty is ready Mikey what about you just a little more and it’ll be ready JJ I want to see it well now

It’s done yeah oh wow Mikey what your kitty is pretty cool yeah my cat is really cool only I think he’s a little bit of a big eater huh yes my kitty really likes to eat Mikey now look at my drawing too wow your cat turned out

Really cool too cool oh the most most important thing is that Mom doesn’t see us yeah we’re going to get in trouble if mom sees this oh my God run away JJ wait for me Mikey help let’s try to erase our drawings yeah let’s do it hurry up hurry

Up hurry up forgive us mom yes please forgive us Mom I’m sorry we won’t do it again oh no mommy tells us to go outside for a walk Mikey no I don’t want to go out I don’t want to go out either I like to play at home JJ don’t we have another

Choice no mom’s already here let’s run outside before she makes us clean the whole house close the door shut the door already Mikey I’m trying to close the door oh my God I was so scared me too none of this would have happened if it weren’t for this beautiful white chalk

You’re right if it wasn’t for that chalk I’d be playing my game console H JJ I have a great idea ooh come on tell me about it I heard from a mysterious resident that there is an enchanted forest nearby uh let’s explore this Forest what Enchanted Forest mom told us

Not to go to strange places the forest the monsters the adventure oh what JJ it’s really cool out there this will be our most memorable Adventure ever oh jeez Mikey all right let’s hurry up have it your way let’s go JJ let’s go I’m hoping to fight a big monster oh no I

Don’t know why I agreed to this Mikey we’ve finally arrived at your mystery Forest but I don’t like it at all what are you talking about JJ it’s going to be a lot of fun here look Mikey there’s a sign here that says stop oh hm how can

You explain that H what’s with the plate don’t know what it’s about W uh okay Mikey how do you explain this do not go sign H I don’t see any lettering or plates Mikey are you out of your mind but there’s nothing here look it says

Dangerous JJ look I think this is all just a prank H what who’s going to fence the woods with signs that’s ridiculous but Mikey what then how can you explain this Yellow Tape forbidding people to come in here uhhm I wouldn’t say it’s fencing Us in because we can go around

The side of that fence oh no and that means the forest is open uh come on let’s go Mikey this isn’t a joke I really don’t want to go in here here wow JJ don’t worry we’re going to have an adventure I don’t like that kind of Adventure we’re like Gravity Falls no

Cartoons we’ll be eaten here and not even a bone left yeah it’s going to be okay JJ trust me oh no we’re safe have you even seen anyone here no I haven’t seen anyone here and I didn’t see anyone except him wow that’s a skibbidy toilet

Mikey and you said there was no one here wow JJ but Mikey this is so much fun scabi the zombie toilet so he’s a zombie let’s go get him I don’t agree to follow him it’s very dangerous Mikey I’m really scared I’m not scared at all I’m a

Fearless Warrior do you really want to go further deeper into this horrible mysterious Forest JJ stop being scared it’s just a forest no ah oh no no no no no no Mikey you can’t catch me run away we’re at a dead end JJ what do we do oh

Mom yay mommy came to save us she found us yay wow she’s going to save us from those evil toilets yeah let’s go mom our mom is the coolest right Mikey yeah no one can beat our mom but but you know what I didn’t think of what she’s going

To scold us right now no our mom is so kind right Mom oh Mom look out behind you there are enemies here left and right oh no oh my God no what did you do to my mom Mikey oh no Mom Mom I didn’t mean for this to

Happen get up Mom please don’t die the place is on fire we got to get out of here put out the fire can’t get the fire out get your mom and let’s get out of here how could this happen I didn’t mean for that to happen at all Mikey Mikey you

Okay no JJ I’m very sad oh no Mom is no longer with us oh no Mom I’m so sorry what are we going to do without our mom Mikey I don’t know what to do now I can’t believe this happened but it was our fault why we went into those forests

Why did I take us there no no no no Mom how could it be this is all my fault JJ uh if I hadn’t let us into those forests none of this would have happened and Mom would still be alive ouch why did you

Hit me what is is that uh what is this wow Mom is that you it’s our mom’s ghost oh my God is she really going to help us like this no Mikey I’m afraid mom can’t help us anymore oh no she said we have to learn to protect ourselves from all

Kinds of trouble oh no she disappeared so fast JJ I don’t think we have any other choice yes we have to do what our mom told us to do but what does it mean to get stronger JJ hm maybe we need to fully embrace our abilities and go get

Pumped up at the gym oh hm that sounds like a real plan yeah we can get revenge on the scabi toilets then let’s hurry to the gym first okay let’s go I’m already soaking wet and won’t be able to work out at the gym if I’m sick JJ we’re here

Wow Mikey look at that oh my god wow Mikey that’s a lot of muscle that man looks so cool I want one of those JJ he looks like a Titan we’re going to be super strong let’s just go inside and see what’s inside okay let’s go wo what

Is that oh my God that man looks like a gorilla look how strong he is you’re right he does look Mega strong strong he’s not just pulling a barbell oh he’s pulling the whole weight machine he must have trained his muscles hard to be able

To do that yeah I think so too Mikey not only do I want to look as strong I want to be strong but what do we need to do to become as strong uh did you want something oh H oh you little weak kids do you need a strength program we’re not

Little we’re not little but we’re really weak stop what I’m not weak watch this what where are the dumbbells uh I’ll show you what I can do oh wow we don’t need a trainer we don’t need a program suit yourself good muscle pumping guys do it Mikey I want to get pumped up

Already too I’m going to try this Mega trainer one and two uh no I can’t do that yet it’s a little sad that’s okay I’ll try to work out on the treadmill wow wo I like running so much better I can work out here oh yeah JJ now we’re Mega cool

Pumped up kids we’re not just kids we’re adults now strong and Invincible Mikey oh yeah so are you ready to go to that very forest and destroy all the skibbidy toilets there yeah I’m more than ready last time I lifted 220 lb I’m Mega strong huh only 220 lb well I’ve lifted

330 lb wow you’re a strong man JJ yes I’m very strong but don’t worry I’ll soon be stronger than you huh and I’ll try to get even stronger then stop what oh Mikey do you see that obstacle yeah I can see that JJ muscle attack and now oh

Yeah break everything that breaks JJ yeah where are those scabi toilets they can’t bother us anymore oh here comes the first toilet Wow Come on Mikey let’s capture him and find out where the rest of the scabi toilets are do I look like a predator and he looks like my prey

Yeah a little bit like that oh yes I have him hey you talk to me speak before I beat the words out of you where are the other toilets where’s your base he’s not very talkative let’s use another way I have an idea follow me JJ so in a

Situation like this are you going to talk tell me now or I’ll throw you down come on come on tell me where’s your base he won’t tell us JJ come on tell me now that’s it I’ve run out of patience drop him Mikey goodbye you should have

Told us where the base was what a stupid toilet then maybe we would have let you go free instead of down yes JJ he might have been saved but he chose a different path we gave him a chance his friends will suffer the same fate they must be

Somewhere in these forests I’m sure of it let’s go oh Mikey look what’s in here oh I’m sure this door leads to the lair of the skibbidy toilets then we need to get in there do it Mikey I’m going to break this door down yeah wow oh look

They’re over there at the end of the hall come on stop let’s destroy them H what wait Mikey there’s some kind of lasers in here do they seriously think lasers will stop us huh no let them pray to the toilet God because we’re coming to them hey you you’re no stronger than

Us so goodbye byebye burned like a match huh I didn’t even make an effort what’s that huh they decided to close the door really this door is like a down pillow to us huh exactly JJ take care of that door watch and learn Mikey wow JJ I

Think you’re a little too pumped it’s not full power oh there’s some cockroaches scurrying around where are you stuck I’ll take care of them so stupid toilets you weren’t expecting us do you remember us do you remember our mom we’ve come to avenge her Mikey attack them attack huh they probably didn’t expect

Something like this all right Mikey we did it but I’m still angry haven’t you had enough of what happened here no I crave more destruction huh then you have the perfect opportunity to tear this place down to the ground this will help me cool down a bit Yeah but I’ll never

Forget what they did to our mom yeah give us our mom back I will never forgive them for this they won’t even have a roof over their heads JJ that fight was awesome yeah no that fight was roof raising well Mikey we’ve succeeded in completely wiping them all out now

None of the toilets can hurt anyone yeah we exterminated every toilet skibby that was here JJ are there other places that have more toilets I think there are plenty of other bases in the world for these silly toilets oh my God that’s terrible yeah it’s awful then let’s go

From now on what let’s destroy every toilet scabi we can find oh yeah that’s a cool idea and we’ll start by destroying this evil Forest do it Mikey I’ll burn everything to ashes so no one else can enter this Forest we’re never coming here again that’s so true 2 hours Later hi everyone today is Mikey and I’s first day of school after summer vacation we missed her so much didn’t we Mikey yes JJ it’s true I really missed school I wonder where they called our teacher she’s been gone for half a lesson that’s right Mikey I didn’t even

Notice it perhaps the principal has called called everyone into an emergency meeting but for what reason H I wonder if so that would be great we haven’t gone anywhere in a while and here comes our teacher guys I come to you with news we can go on an Excursion to the

Mountains there will be very interesting you will be told ancient stories show the traditions of the locals and you can leave your mark on one of the mountains making a print of your hand with paint the cost of the Excursion is five diamonds talk to your parents and those

Who will go I am waiting tomorrow at 9:00 at the bus stop and do not be late I ask you otherwise we will leave without you guys class is over I’ll see you tomorrow at 9:00 Mikey you were right we’re going on a field trip yes

That’s what I thought it’s been so long since we’ve been anywhere with the class let’s hurry home and ask Mom and Dad for 10 diamonds for the field trip I’m sure they won’t say no yeah you’re right I don’t think we’ll be turned down this time either let’s hurry home they always

Please give us diamonds on our field trips yes I think this time will be no exception here we are outside the house I hope our parents will be home I think they’ve already come home from work let’s hurry up and ask them if they’ll

Let us go on a field trip this time all right only this time you asked them for I asked them last time so let’s go in the house Dad mom come here we have something to talk to you about is something wrong did something happen at school did someone hurt you no you’ve

Got it all wrong it’s fine but just JJ wanted to tell you that we’re having a field trip and we need 10 diamonds for two honey give our kids diamonds for the trip okay boys here take your 10 diamonds for the trip wow thank you so

Much Mom Dad we love you you are the best parents in the world yes JJ is telling the truth you’re the best that’s because you’re our best kids go get some rest JJ we have the best parents they gave us 10 diamonds now let’s go to our

Room to rest for for tomorrow will be a long day yes I totally agree with you we need to get some rest tonight before we go tomorrow before we go on rest we’ll need to pack for the trip take something we can use I’ll go pack my rock sack too

All right Mikey I’ll get it all together now guys how do you think our trip’s going to go do you go on field trips with your class let me know in the comments what you liked best and I’m going to go pack the next day kids did

You forget anything at home no we got it all here we are your bus is coming soon I wish the bus would come soon let’s go to parents bus stop yeah let’s go to them guys listen carefully to what you’re told on the tour try to memorize

All the information okay Dad that’s what we’ll do and be very careful there and Don’t Stray anywhere from the tour guide look there goes our bus finally I thought we’d been forgotten yay we finally got him now we don’t have to worry about not leaving boys be very

Careful if something happens be sure to call us do you understand me yeah Mom yes of course Mom Dad we got to go bye bye we love you Mikey wait for me what’s wrong don’t you think the parents look a little sad JJ they’re always like this

When we go away so it’s okay get in your seat we’re leaving mom dad we’ll miss you don’t get too upset we’ll be careful we’ll call you when we get there okay son we’ll miss you guys too obey your guide and stay close to everyone we love you bye bye guys be Careful the Sun anded up all the rain and Mikey what are you looking forward to on this tour I don’t know we’ve never been on one of these tours before have you I expect it to be very beautiful there see the local flora and fauna and also make

New acquaintances look it’s the gas station we went to with parents it’s true I remember her they used to buy us candy for the road right and I didn’t remember that how long do you think it’ll take us to get to our destination I don’t know JJ but I hope we don’t have

Long to go I hope so too Rain oh I’m so very tired I really want to go to sleep Now [Applause] and so the pulse is very weak but it’s there we need to get them to the hospital right away the sooner the better oh no no way are we dead but how I don’t remember anything what about Mikey where is he JJ where are we what

Happened to us I don’t remember anything who are these people why don’t you explain to me what’s going on here Mikey it looks like we’ve become ghosts JJ look our parents car is coming let’s go to them quickly maybe they’ll see us Daddy Mommy we’re here here can you see

Us we’re in front of you oh no our children how did this happen to them comrade policeman how did this happen can you explain of course their bus fell off that bridge the driver probably fell asleep at the wheel oh no our children what’s wrong with them now are they dead

No your children are alive but they’re in a very cronous condition in what’s called a coma they need to be taken to the hospital and put on a ventilator what are we in a coma I’m waiting for you at the hospital I’m going to accompany him to get there faster no way

I can’t believe my eyes Mikey we’ll have to get to the hospital too but first let’s try to get a hold of our parents JJ I think it’s feudal but let’s give it a try Mom Dad we’re here can you hear us Mom Dad pay attention to us we’re in

Front of you can you see us hey Mikey stop they can’t hear us or see us JJ then we need to get to the hospital maybe we can work something out okay Mikey one thing that makes me happy is that at least we’re still alive oh my

Babies I still don’t believe it JJ what do we do now I don’t have any ideas dear parents I have some bad news for you your children are in a very serious condition doctor what is their diagnosis JJ did you hear that we are in very bad

Shape what should we do your children are in a death coma I’m going to consult with with my colleagues and you can pray for them in the meantime oh my god oh no JJ what are we going to do we’re in a death coma honey it’s going to be okay

Don’t worry the doctor will figure something out my boys I love you so much why did this happen to you honey let’s pray for them Mikey we got to figure something out H oh I got it look they said something about prayers God what if

We go to God and talk to him maybe he could help us come back to life I think it would help especially since we don’t have any other options let’s go find him Mikey are you sure that’s going to help us JJ we don’t really have any other

Options so let’s go check it Out so how do we find him Mikey do you have any ideas H yeah I got an idea let’s go over there Mikey are you sure about this do you have a better idea so my idea is to call out to him until he

Hears us hey God if you can hear us take us to your house yes take us away Mikey where are we H interesting interesting this place is so beautiful and bright JJ we’re where we wanted to be wait what look over there JJ wow they have Halos over their heads those

Statues look so Noble yeah and they also look weird why are they reaching for each other with their hands these guys are guarding the gate Mikey doesn’t understand anything what are you saying forget it Mikey we’re almost to the gate I am very curious to know what is behind

That door yeah I’m curious too JJ let’s hurry up Mikey what’s your hurry oh these guys scare me a little bit don’t worry JJ if you haven’t done anything wrong you’ll be fine oh I sure hope so this place is so special after all what not again I’m a skibbidy toilet God of

This place oh what are you people doing here are you a good God or an evil God hm huh what do you think oh my God JJ what are we going to do I don’t know I don’t trust him he doesn’t look kind at all well no you’re evil huh how did you

Guess uh look at this you little boys oh my God ah who called me oh save me I’m locked in here that evil toilet God did this to meow what’s the matter Mikey well that’s kind of weird let’s fight him yes I agree with you but it’s weird

That God can’t free himself yes but we have to help yeah let’s do it there’s nothing you can do to me attack yeah there’s no evil God now uh that was kind of easy look Mikey are we that strong or was that God that week did you guys

Remember me oh that’s right Mikey will you release him okay okay thank you so much for the rescue you’re welcome we had to do it oh the fresh air Heavenly Skies beautiful in gratitude for my rescue I’m willing to give you the most precious thing in the world wo what’s

That I don’t know but if it’s something from God himself this must be something cool I give you a second life oh my God huh I’m glad you keep mentioning me now it’s time for you both to go home enjoy life and take care of it oh my god oh is

This a hospital hey guys we did it we were able to get back to our parents I’m so glad we were able to make it back hey Mom Dad we’re back Mikey JJ we’re so glad you’re okay we have been helped by a lovely person back here you finally

Come to your senses we’re so glad we were so worried about you we missed you so much words can’t express it we missed you guys a lot too a few moments later today is a big day uh what day is it oh Mikey do you know what day it is today

Is a regular day off why is this an important day for you Mikey it’s all because a new video came out on this channel today come down here okay okay Isn’t that cool that’s Mega cool JJ oh because every video we make is a new adventure oh Mikey are you tired no I

Just decided to enjoy the world sitting on a bench huh you’re acting like an old man uh JJ that was a good joke yay Mr humorous Mikey appreciating my efforts cool haha very funny JJ oh uh can you usually hear me you both need to go home

Now your mom will be here soon come on well shall we go of course we have to meet properly come on Daddy’s waiting okay let’s go JJ let’s give our mom a present oh that’s a good idea dad you’re both finally here well Mom’s finally coming back from her long business trip

Today oh did you both miss her of course she’s been gone for a month how long before she gets here well she’s pulling up to our house oh so she’s close cool JJ I miss our mom so much yeah I miss her a lot too that’s quite a long period

Of time she’s been gone what’s taking so long well it’s her job to be away from home for long periods of time oh huh I get the joke dad make J jokes more often family hi everyone Mom’s here cool I’ve missed you all so much my dears we

Missed you too didn’t we Mikey words can’t describe how it’s great to hear all this from you all you’re the best I’ve brought some interesting dishes for you all to try I’d like to treat you all to them so please sit down at the table

Oh my God Mom what’s this have a seat at the table and you’ll find out oh H if Mom says so it must be something delicious yes I agree it really is something delicious and special oh wow Mom where have you been well where exactly did you go yeah I was in Paris

Oh my God you didn’t know no dad you didn’t tell us where she went so I’m very surprised I thought she was in the next town over yeah I thought so too I knew it all along dad family I’m all set can I have everyone’s attention please French breakfast croissant and eggs oh

My God sweetheart this looks absolutely incredible that’s for sure you’re doing great today is a special day our loving family is back together again I didn’t even expect you to welcome me so warmly well what else could it be right kids bonati Bona everyone oh and Bona to you

Mikey wow why does the crant tastes so good I think he’s got cream on the inside honey this French dinner is amazing oh I’d love to visit France too next time we just have to visit France as a family really yeah that could be organized uh oh look at that it’s

Completely dark outside yeah I can’t see anything we’ve talked a little too much let’s go to bed kids wow it’s so late I’d like to talk some more too but uh but it’s past our bedtime isn’t it Mom that’s right Mikey I’m so tired I’m

Tired too but we’ve had a good time at the table now haven’t we yeah it was fun mom come on go to bed JJ let’s go let’s go my eyes want to close and not open until morning wow are you that tired I’m ready to fall asleep here right now oh

Kids it’s been so long since I’ve seen you oh Mommy I want to put you to bed like I used to wow that was so long ago I’d already forgotten Mommy will you tell us a bedtime story if only we had more time then I look forward to a story

Tomorrow from you huh of course Mikey well done Mikey mommy are you going away again soon oh no JJ I’m here for the Long Haul so you don’t have to worry cool you two my dear and beloved kids sleep well Mommy we love you you sleep

Well too good night good night Mommy oh I’m so glad our mom is back with us yeah I wish she’d never leave again yeah good thing she’s here for the long haul this time yeah Mikey sleep tight what a wonderful day it was today ah it’s morning I’m up a little

Earlier than Mikey as usual it’ be cool if he woke me up instead of me waking him up Mikey wake up ow JJ slow down that was very unexpected and a little painful look the sun’s up but we just went to bed huh I know what you mean but

It’s all already time to get up oh I could use a couple more hours of sleep why do people get up so much I wish they’d sleep till lunchtime it would be good for everyone yeah that would be awesome too bad it will only happen in

Our dreams uh Larks rule this world not owls this is so unfair that’s right good morning Mommy good morning oh you’re awake now my dears how did you sleep oh I slept in and I think it’s wrong to get up in the morning huh well a lot of

People have a hard time getting up in the morning it’s normal oh wow honey will you drive me to work I’m very busy with work today darling I don’t even have time for for a full breakfast so you’ll have to drive to work on your own

Sorry wow Mom you going to be okay yes I can take the bus to work so uh no problem wow I get it by the way breakfast is ready so you can go eat I’m hungry thank you Mom oh you’re welcome enjoy your meal y I got to go let’s eat

Mom bye come home soon okay I’ll try to get back early bye-bye bye JJ it’s certainly interesting with Mom but we have an awesome breakfast waiting for us that’s right we have some food left over from last night’s dinner bonapp everyone bonapp oh I have the best family in the

World and my kids are just cute little sweetie pies that’s who’s really going to help me when I get old oh now I’m going to work a couple hours at work and drive back home hello Miss hello your family will never see you again I’m going to make this trip bomb

For all of you you will never forget this most terrifying moment in your life again you’ll never be able to go anywhere else W well let’s move on next stop gas station oh I have to drive so far away why does speaker man have so much work

To do today uh I don’t know oh I’m sorry I wasn’t talking to you I told her there’s no way my dog ate her newspaper but she doesn’t believe me can you imagine this so wrong uh-oh it’s a bit of a rough road here that’s what I’m

Thinking she could have just checked the mail box instead of getting in my dog’s mouth so what if he had a piece of paper in his mouth that doesn’t mean anything wow I think you should have just read the newspaper together don’t you well she’s a sweet old lady but she’s got a

Bad temper you know what I’m going to try to negotiate with her after all thank you sweet TV woman nice oh oh TV woman should be coming home pretty soon finally let’s all go out together when she comes wow that’s a great idea Mikey that’s what we’ll do so

Where shall we go for a walk I’d like to go for a walk to the zoo cool oh or better yet the aquarium it’s very atmospheric there’s a lot of beautiful fish and uh oh uh and who might that be oh Dad is this phone call for you no I

Wasn’t expecting any phone call calls today uh hello hello is this speaker man yeah what’s wrong it’s about your wife she’s been in a serious accident and her condition is extremely unstable I’m asking you to come to the hospital as soon as possible oh my God I got it I’ll

Be right over Mikey we’re going too oh huh are you sure you want to go yeah it can’t be any other way we’re not leaving mom in this situation all right let’s all go together oh great I hope our mom is doing well but I’m warning you you’ll

Have to walk fast don’t fall behind me yes Dad okay okay let’s hurry to the hospital hurry up Dad take a shortcut through the village oh if we go like this we’ll get to the hospital an hour early great JJ yeah 2 hours later C we’re almost there JJ hurry up I’m

Running as fast as I can okay we’re here Mommy we’re here kids I’m going to go to the room first and check on your mom and you two stay here and wait for me but Daddy we want to come with you too yeah we’re not going to be able to support

Our mom in the hallway oh hello you may not argue I think you all need to enter the chamber for I have far from good news oh my God is it really that serious I’m really worried about Mom dad oh come on everybody follow me I’ll tell you all

About it inside the room uh and what happened I don’t know there’s no point in guessing let’s go to the room come on if you’re ready hurry up hurry up may our mom be okay may she be okay yeah I wish it was all good what happened to

Her the bus she was riding on mommy wake up what Mommy can’t hear me how’s she doing now can you fix her and when she wakes up from that dream I miss her she’s got a lot of damage no external damage we’ve repaired but there’s no way

To fix the internal damage no it can’t mean exactly what I think it means can it JJ calm down but I can’t do something Mommy wake up let’s all go home together please mommy don’t leave us I can’t do anything we’re losing her no please Mom

Let’s go for a walk Mikey is there nothing more I can do I’m afraid you’ll have to say goodbye to her no mommy Mikey I don’t believe it uh she’s brain dead oh there’s nothing more I can do even if I try really hard dad I realize that nothing else depends on you

But that doesn’t mean I won’t do anything to myself out of grief right now oh my God JJ our mom’s gone I suggest you give her a proper goodbye great advice ADV doctor honey I don’t believe it JJ I’m confused I don’t know what we’re going to do anymore I don’t

Know either Mikey I don’t know Either mommy you have always been the bright sunshine in our family’s life may this light never leave you in the next World and we will forever remember you here dear my favorite kindest and most beautiful TV woman rest in peace your family loves you mommy we will miss you

So much you don’t come to us we’ll come to you I’m so sad it’s raining hard so it’s time to go home but Mom will be lonely without us let’s stay here a little longer I don’t want you to get sick Dad please we’ll be here a couple

More minutes and then we’re out of here okay Daddy yes Dad what is going on anyway I don’t understand why they were saying all those things about me they can’t see me or something kids are you all right yeah are any of you sick Dad we’re fine we’re

Fine but are you okay uh no I’m not okay at all oh I miss our mom so much yeah I miss her too we all miss her well but we have to to hold on so they’re not going to look into what happened to me and why at

All we’ll be friends like never I don’t agree I’m going to have to help them out a little bit I’ve got just the thing that’s one piece of evidence they certainly can’t ignore we’re friendly uh wait a minute what is this what’s up JJ oh my God it’s

Photo proof JJ it’s a skib toilet apparently he’s the one who attached the bombb to that very bus the horror Dad we have to go to the police and tell them about this yeah JJ but what will they do they will find the culprit and punish

Him yeah we can’t just forget about what happened let’s hurry up and tell the police officer everything okay let’s go no bad weather can stop our Justice from being served right yeah JJ let’s hurry up hurry up hurry up I’m very sad Mikey yeah JJ me too those skibbies should pay for everything

They did to our mom the police will use this photo to find who killed her I’ve never seen our dad so sad yes he’s a little too confused I’m not confused I’m very angry they’ll be sorry for what what they did to my wife okay kids let’s

Go good afternoon is something wrong yes my wife was murdered the Killer is in this picture what show me that picture now okay catch this well well well we already know him a repeat offender he’s been placed on home confinement there he goes again don’t worry we know their

Address I’m announcing plan forward all Patrols in the city will be sent to the location gather around children you’re coming with us oh my God what’s going on I don’t know maybe there’ll be a shootout 3 hours later is this where our mom’s killer lives it’s such a creepy

Abandoned house I don’t like this place nobody likes it kid while we were on the road the rapid response team busted this gang of thugs have you arrested them yet of course we Act Fast let’s go inside so fast yep I’m going to kill you all just untie me shut up the decontamination

Operation was a success I hate you skibus you killed my mom why what did you do that for care I don’t care I don’t care we searched the whole house and we found a magic potion we don’t know how it works magic potion I think

Think I know what it does give it to me now okay boy I hope you know what you’re doing thank you officer you’re welcome it’s our job you’ve been very helpful JJ how will this potion help us I’ll tell you on the way we don’t have much time

Mikey dad follow me hurry up okay JJ let’s go let’s go this should work JJ just explain it to us already it’s a resurrection potion it’ll help us get our mom back she’ll live again for real will she live again how do you know it’s impossible yeah JJ that’s hardly

Possible but we have nothing to lose okay I’m throwing it hey look mom is rising from the grave Mommy you’re alive hey kids hi my love it’s so good to see you we are so happy to see you alive again I thought I’d never see you again darling me too JJ

You saved our mom you did a great job yes JJ thank you so much it’s so good to have our family back together we’ll find another potion if we need it yeah but hopefully no one else dies I don’t know every day something weird happens maybe someone else will die I hope things

Continue to be great viewers give us a like subscribe to our Channel we’ll have tons more cool stories to come bye-bye bye-bye everybody I gave them I’m doing fine now I feel amazing I’m out of range keep them guessing when they ask about Us don’t give them no time that’s how we stay up up you stay

This video, titled ‘MIKEY WAS LEFT WITHOUT PARENTS? JJ TOOK IN HIS LITTLE BROTHER FAMILY SAD STORY in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mynez on 2024-02-16 19:45:02. It has garnered 19015 views and 194 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:19 or 4099 seconds.


This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day

Original Maizen Channel –

#minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman

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  • Sandurs – Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!

    Sandurs - Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ragecraft IV: Underworld | Minecraft CTM | Stream 17’, was uploaded by Sandurs on 2024-05-19 01:48:20. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:31 or 7711 seconds. ================== ➜ Minecraft CTM ➜ Map Name: Ragecraft IV: Underworld By heliceo & suso ➜ Map Download: ➜ Music: Eniah and David Fesliyan & Crinkles – ➜ Map Trailer: ================== Hello, I’m Sandurs! I mainly make Minecraft videos like: CTM (Complete the Monument). I enjoy making and playing CTM Maps. Sometimes I do other things like other Minecraft… Read More


    🔥 INSANE MINECRAFT BEDROCK SERVER GAMEPLAY LIVE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT LIVE STWEAMY | BEDROCK SERVER 🔴’, was uploaded by Game Ed on 2024-07-26 21:17:42. It has garnered 3142 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:45 or 7245 seconds. Follow my Twitter – Join my discord server – Donate to my paypal – Read More

  • Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!

    Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Isekai】To the Sewers!’, was uploaded by Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-09-06 05:21:25. It has garnered 105035 views and 8058 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:19 or 9739 seconds. eep cute art, thank you! Request from hololive Production to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. Trailer: MV: ◆What is “ENigmatic Recollection”? It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part. Through streams, animations, and songs wrought anew, immerse yourself in fresh narratives woven… Read More

  • Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥

    Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Minecraft Fun Again (by ruining it…)’, was uploaded by Eqlipse on 2024-07-27 22:37:32. It has garnered 34555 views and 2132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:15 or 1695 seconds. You ever find Minecraft boring and burnt-out after just 2 weeks Well Have I got a solution for you… (its awful) SUBSCRIBE TO THE BONUS CHANNEL: @eqlipseagain3350 MERCH STORE: ||| 10% off with CODE: ANTE UP Join my Discord to Play this Monstrosity: This video was just for fun and if its not obvious a joke please don’t hate… Read More