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[Laughter] I’m oh that was perfect timing V sent Prime is cough just as I came just as I ended the microphone to come back in hello Greetings oh look at that there’s fireworks everything’s loud look there’s hats everyone’s wearing hats yay it’s Elven Hat Time hi I’m mon mermaid it’s not um soon

Enough for um avatars to have the hats yet um they’ll they’ll be there later on in the month closer to Christmas that Elven hats will be available even for us but right now I’m going to get out of the way you see that person that’s Dess

And he is flattening this land and look at this wow wow so he’s down to the farm but he’s not down to the Hut block for the for the Scarecrow so the Scarecrow is probably going to be there for a while um because the Hut block is

In the ground for it but the potatoes are probably going to come up after this next round it looks like he’s still taking down this part over here so he’s not fully down on this side we can see but um a lot of them are gone Emory

What’s the matter why are you upset Emory are you sick oh she needs Stone the kind of stone we can’t get because we don’t have a stone smeltery and you can’t have one until I don’t even see it on my list let me look and see let’s go to the

University since the Sun is going down I’m going to go to the university for a minute change into a survivalist and I just want to look at that elar he just left ilber he just left I’m always trying putting an r in there how wrong are here

We are welcome welcome welcome um let’s change so that we don’t damage the Hut block and yeah no survive survive and thrive okay so here we go right here and let’s look at this because where is the um smelter I imagine it’s in smelting um oops wrong wrong category

Let’s go to technology let’s come all the way down and let’s look and see there’s Stone there’s a Crusher there’s a concrete mixer the hot boots don’t belong to that sifter so they don’t belong to that they belong to hot and there’s The Flintstones there’s a stone smeltery requires smeltery level three

And then 64 stone bricks all right um smeltery level three we can do all the other numbers we kind of have an idea about but that was one smeltery 3 for um I need that for the other Town also 64 stone for a stone smelter and there we go oops I’m looking at

Nothing sorry about that um did I get kicked out did I walk out did I forget what I was doing I probably did let’s come here and let’s come to let’s go ahead and change back right away into a mermaid and here we are I am the

Ambassador from the nation of Tana which is a my nation on this planet and ah there’s britty by the way she’s not hiding this time there she is maybe because it’s kind of interesting to her that everything is gone but everything is gone all the wagons that were here that they brought

Um have either been moved out of the way I think we have a wagon for the library um there are a couple wagons over here the Forester there’s a wagon for um The Beekeeper um the Forester no the forester’s wagon is gone and even one of her wagons this is

Emory the Builder and one of her wagons is gone actually she just has her main wagon and that’s something we’re going to work on right now is getting her out of a wagon and onto a piece of property so right now she just finished um bringing this up to a level

Three this right here and it says Edwards Excavating it should actually say let’s come down to this line take this away and do crimon see r i j i m apostrophe s I think that’s the way his name is spelled we’ll find out in a minute

Kim Let’s look and see if that’s how Kim spells his oh they closed she closed the door again she closed the door that we had there let’s look and it is but it’s creem cream so it’s Crum so let’s come down here and spell his name

Right so let’s come down make that part go back am apostrophe s creams Excavating done that one’s correct and what does this one say here it says Littleton um Construction LLC and let’s change what’s done D’s last name here um we could put since it

Says the name of the town then we should actually put Pros um as the name not his name his name is fide but we’re going to put Pros here because that’s the name of the town and Littleton is the name of the style so p r a p r a c i

N o s I think that’s correct let me look here plos which is Greek for the color green and it’s s i n is it s i n oos I need a translator hold on a minute I’m going to look at a translator for a minute and see if I’m spelling that

Correctly so since nobody’s here so zapf’s not here and he can’t tell me anything about it so let’s go to translate for a minute let’s change let’s switch this to English and let’s go back to here and let’s go to green and there we go and let’s see and let’s um go there

And let’s see what it looks like in Greek why aren’t you Translating that ah there it is it is it’s p a with an accent s i n o s proinos so um I have it spelled wrong here p r a s i n o s proos

Um proinos is the word because the a is actually accent I don’t think I can make an accented a let me try nope can’t make it proos say i n oos proos construction and that is correct Emory is upgrading um Don Nas’s building while um while he is working on the farm she

Just got finished updating crum’s building which removing oops removing the door that was here and the door that um we put in right here now this is going to be a problem cuz now there’s a rack here shoot but there are lots of racks I I think I’m want to try and take

That rack away there are racks down in here too um if they’re using all of those racks and that’ll be fine let me get a piece of what kind of wood is this let me see what is this it’s Oak slam so let’s come here and get an oak stair and

We’ll put an oak stair right here and so there’s no door there let’s make a copy of this and bring it down over here and put it here there we go all right and that should no it’s the wrong way it I was putting it in right the first time nope

Now I’m putting definitely putting it in wrong no there we go that’s it all right the sun’s coming up so when she gets done um with a bringing him up which I’m actually glad because um I don’t um the stone roof I don’t want so that will

Help with that and the closer these get to a level five the sooner we can um put an actual Road in right here the grass is soft let’s go to sleep the grass is actually lovely and soft oh too late too late too late so the last

Time we were here hello hi the last time that we were here we actually um we actually were looking at some things oh wow do you see what I see so he’s bringing that down in that corner Whoa um no one really has to go here that much let me see what’s happening how far I think that’s going to be okay if people have to come up they can come up here um are you in the way yes you are I’m going to have to take you out

Yes that’s what I said and we’ll go over to here and see what we’re doing and yes hi so morning just happened this is what we were working on the last time we were here we um changed out a portion of the wood um since this

Level two is going to remain like this because we want the barn for the horse and I love this style of house it is a house for a p for a couple this is a couple’s house and um I can’t have that I thought I was going to I think that

Just got missed um we’re going to have doesn’t it look like there’s one there too there is one there I’m going to put both of them up since both of them were there like that we can’t get close to that piece and what is that that’s a piece of

Wood I see it but I’m going to take them off um just because because on the inside it doesn’t work out all right and on this one here we’ll just take that one away and those two seem to be okay we’ll just leave that now we made

The banister um we changed the banister and I’m not sure yet if I’m going to keep it but I think it’s okay and this has this great here so it should be okay and then we were going to do something in the kitchen this is actually the kitchen

Area here and we could keep the oldfashioned but I think we might not I think we’re going to actually um pull some things out we have some more um kitchen stuff let’s look at ovens and see what we have and sure enough look at the

Ovens look we have an oven top finally a hood range as a part of nosus and um fantasy has these wonderful wow let’s look at nosus for a minute let’s look at the light and the dark let’s take one of these just in case let me see what this looks like

That looks like it’s the right size um uh uh Adorn was it Adorn who’s who has the tiny stove oven um that’s cooking for Blockheads yay the warehous is done oh they’re they didn’t make it they’re actually not here no they have to be here may oh no there it is X line

X lines let me here’s an example let’s see if they’re the same size so that’s nosus and that’s yeah xline is smaller much smaller does that open yes it does and look it has a furnace it has a furnace thing to it that is nice we’re

Going to do the light one and look what we’ve got there’s a light in there and it turns off and on this is outrageous look at that piece there see that piece that is a piece of um of a sea lantern that’s what that looked like like sea lantern let’s um I’m going

To I’m I’ll be back um oh yeah and these chairs these chairs turned out really nice here so I like that let’s go see this and the reason we’re going right away over here is because we have someone who should be um there she is and I think it’s Tania yes it is

Tankia and we would say in America tankar tankia um so we’re going to put her here manage work workers and sure enough so now that we can hire her um we’re going to unpause her although pausing didn’t keep her from being upset about it it did not but

We’re going to unpause her this is her right here one of the permanent little tiny pieces and let’s go to manage and let’s un she wasn’t paused oh maybe putting her in the um warehouse and paused her that’s probably what happened okay so tank is going to help um Trudy Trudy

And tank are now our two um our two uh Logistics um experts what do you need a lock of copper I’m not going to make that um the Cobblestone extra I think they can make those crafting table I know this might be interesting lanterns they can’t make light green

Stick are you laughing or crying that was a very strange sound there and this is what we’re looking for they can’t make stone and so those things she’s already gotten Spruce and the rest we’re going to check on right now I’m going to see if we have any

Copper for her and postco isn’t doing anything so I think let’s see if he’s working on his place nope he is done so let’s come here and go inside and get the level for for this one building okay right here and we’re going to upgrade so

Purple wool that’s going to be a problem the framed Birch shouldn’t be a problem we just need the upgraded um um Carpenter and I think the carpenter has been upgraded so we’ll be able to do that um the polish granite we should be able to do that um

And the block of iron I know we have a block um we’ll see if it’s available here’s an interesting little piece here sandstone and cut Sandstone those are something I might have to intervene and give postco so he can finish when we’re done we’ll change this door to something

Else um that door always looks um like it doesn’t belong to a business to me it’s just mine in the same same way this one um should be let’s fix that Massa this should be different and I’m going to fix it right now there we goasa KATU KATU and let’s come here so

Um um du lingo at one point um they were saying that when you answer the phone that you go gooo is that true that you do that that’s what du linga was saying French people do when they answer the phone I’m good I’m good I had so much

Fun in my twitch stream and I’m really good let’s go over here and see if we have uh something here we’re going to come wow this is narrow but it has to be that way for right now until the farm is done and then we’ll have to figure out what we’re

Going to do about that um let’s go upstairs we’re looking for copper any kind copper look at the bows we have c p p we don’t have anything that even begins but there it is ooh we do have copper m H okay so let’s go I don’t think that

Our I might have to upgrade our um let’s come here for a minute let me see how are you getting up good okay um these fences are because we have this construction here that is making the drop higher than two and so that’s why we have that this is uh kind of

To I don’t know whether I want to do that or not I almost feel like I should but I don’t think that they’re going to come across this part right there we’ll just leave that for now let’s go answer the phone we say hello Cuckoo is very

Familiar way to say hello to close friend our family okay so that’s what they they were saying and it’s like that’s interesting otherwise you say hello I like that I like that all right let’s come over here oh it’s night time everyone’s going to go home okay people

I’ll see you soon nope 15 minutes there’s spell who’s going to do our things we’ll do it tomorrow there’s do you see that invisible block what is that supposed to be I bet it’s a rack it’s a rack that’s not showing wow um when I break it everything’s

Going to come out shoot and did you see that that looked like he had already made the um the stuff that’s needed the things that she needs for the roofing hold on for a minute that was really interesting let’s go over here I’m just going to put it back in here if that’s

What it was let’s go here I have on the backpack still apparently cuz I picked all that stuff up so let’s come here let’s look at this and let’s look I don’t have the backpack on but it picked it up um do I have to have it on let’s put

It on for a minute just to make sure sure that I can use the B button do I have any place to put anything oh my gosh look at this the second floor is done wow here it is people oh my goodness okay so we definitely have room and I

Put that one away but I think I’m going to have to go around and fix these to keep them from spinning and how many more do we have that are spinning like that and let’s see um you could place a block next to it to force the game to draw it like for

The bug on the invisible deal blocks I could have done that you’re absolutely right and that would have been probably the best thing um but luckily I have on vincentius primus’s gift to me which is just lovely and here it is right here um this rack doesn’t belong

But all this was there I can’t get over this uhoh I took to the eggs um no they don’t get this but everything else here can go into here so I did take his eggs I took his eggs he said somebody took my egg that’s what he’s going to say should I

Take his eggs back I think I will um but everything else um can stay let’s come here I made um this I made these and we’ll put them back for now okay um yes Messa is right um I could have actually just set something down

Next to it to make it appear and um that would have been the best all right there it is we have more room in the warehouse which is wonderful okay so let me do this let me do this let me take this off and let me take back his eggs for a

Second and I need a light so that I can walk in the dark across this field which is changing it’s changing so much okay so see what we’re down to here we’re down to this level these should come up in this next setup and that is going to be very very

Interesting and we’ll come back to um that was not Crum that was actually spog um whose rack was missing and so we’ll put his eggs back in there and there we are so in the morning we will teach um the new recipe where would we like to go let’s go run

Fly let’s go across and we’ll come here and then I will check on some other things but there’s a bunch of bows um um and we probably should try and fix some of them some of the bows this Warehouse piece the housing pieces aren’t going to work

We know that now so we’re not going to keep them um we can keep that this is a warehouse piece um it’s not going to work for the same reason both of those I think were modified and so we’ll put these back in my stuff right here now the bows I could go

And get all the bows for a minute from here I know I’m always swimming I’m swiming let’s come up here and let’s look for bows and there’s one let’s say they’re all together let’s hope so I don’t see any ah oh great oh great all right there they are so I

Would need um probably don’t I need like um several bows in order to repair that’s where we’re going to find out right now there is not in here um there’s there should be one I think there should be one in between or right here or something like

That but there is not one so I’m going to come out um it is daytime and we’re going to before we get rid of all of those torches we’re going to go over to postco place and we’re going to see if he has one let’s hope he does

What’s going on with you what are you upset about let’s look you need andesite that should be there an architect’s cutter we’ll find out you need a sapling very interesting aha terracotta we’re not going to have right away a block of Quartz that’s going to have to come off

A ship blue Cobblestone we have blue flowers but we don’t have a dire um so all of those will have to come off a ship we do have a library and we’re going to take the books from there this is bricks I’ll have to see about bricks

Carpet we don’t have a Fletcher yet um chiseled Sandstone not yet we don’t have that yet um cut Sandstone not yet this is a level this is a high level so that’s why a dropper we would need a mechanic for a dropper the framed Birch plank we should be able to make

Glowstone we would have to go to the Nether and gray wool would have to be dyed so let’s put that there although we do have black I’m not sure we have any white that I’d have to look for Vines we don’t have any we’re actually going to have to grow Vines

Here here I don’t think we’re going to be able to find them and nether brick that comes from someplace else polished polished polished the prismarine the purple the red the Sandstone the smooth Stone the Soul Sand this is this is I think this is four um the spruce plank panels that work

Stone um we don’t have any way of getting it and that one and then strip Spruce Spruce white concrete yeah terracotta yellow wool all of those things are Way Beyond the point right postco they sure are but um we will come back thank you very much for letting me

By and oh wait we were looking for there’s one this is what we were looking for I want to see what happens if you put one of these and one of these together and all you get is a bow so we actually need an anvil let’s go over

Here um there’s two types Anvil here one that we can use for this and let me see quick shot quick shot Infinity mending mending punch let’s see if I can put The Mending and this one together that works but it has mending the infinity and this and then the infinity

Bow is done and then I just need bows to rep paare those okay um what am I doing with them what am I going to do with them I’m just going to keep them in my room for the fun of it I’m just going to

Say for the fun of it for old Minecraft sake I don’t know we’ll find out ultimately right now that’s what that looks like here’s something that we need we need a fishing rod to repair that fishing rod with luck of the sea and that would be wonderful for him to

Have and so that’s one of the things that we could ask for and we could begin to get going so let’s go over here I have a couple things I kind of need to do um while they’re doing their thing so while D denas is clearing the this field

And making it a place where the new Farm is going to go and while um everyone here is working on stuff let’s look here we have a single mine and I haven’t been down it yet let’s go down I see a red cap I’m looking I’m looking and we’re looking

And he is down to this level here and is that that looks like there might have been Lava and these oh no those are entries those are door entryways this is lit this is quite nice are you coming up I’ll follow you so he’s coming up let’s look oop oops can I turn around I thought I could but I’m not able to I was just trying to

See if I could see if he’s done anything but I can’t actually so we would have to fly or something yes we would all right hello so he just came up to get another um what can I do for you oh you came up to get ladders okay so we know there are

Ladders lers and we know that um they know how to make ladders so that’s good let’s come here oh look at this I saw that did you see that he he look like what are you looking at I saw that he was making them cool let’s get Emory for a minute and

Let’s look here Emory needs a block of copper can he do it I don’t think so I don’t think he can do a block of copper let’s come here crafting recipes um I think we can have two more I think we’d have to erase this and

This um let’s remove this for a minute and remove although look at that he could get Sandstone there and prismarine maybe I shouldn’t be removing them maybe I need to have em upgrade this building build options we are going to have this this style upgraded this is the frontier they’re

Outdoors um but it’s heavily roofed and so I like it so we’re going to have Emory upgrade the building when she gets done I’m working on the other um I don’t want to take those off because they can actually make uh they can actually make the prism prismarine and the

Sandstone and that’s excellent that’s excellent um Massa House of doggus um was in chat when I did my stream earlier today on Twitch and and doas was saying that there seemed to be some indication that the mine colonies team is considering having having traveling Traders um that would come to the town

So it would be the same as the the Minecraft Trader with the Little Llamas it’s that’s what it sounds like that they would set it up so that um they would have pieces in the same way way that that Trader does I think that’s a really cool idea since it’s already

Minecraft what do you think about that I’m asking Massa as a style designer if he likes the idea of that and let me see here um let’s change we had said that we were going to we’re going to change our names back um we had gotten a lot of

Japanese names and now we’re going to get um different names and let’s see what happens here Spanish we can’t have we can have Shire we can have space wars why don’t we just do English for a little bit just a little bit of English let’s see about doing that there we go

We’ll do some English I am thirsty just a second sorry thank you all right yes they speak about that and also um targy trade between colonies since a long time maybe they did some progress ooh trade between qu colonies and a Trader those would be so cool they would

Be so so cool I really do hope that that um that that is on their priority list it definitely sounds like fun all right here comes it’s night time we’re going to bed I beg your pardon we’re going to use our little our little room here so

Pretty in the tavern we have a permanent room in the tavern on this side we don’t have to worry about someone taking a room here because this is the restaurant side of the tavern and there is a room here’s one of the other rooms this is backwards it is

Um so this door is supposed to be uh let me see do I want it indented I don’t know that I like indented let’s um let’s pull the doors out to here this one’s out let’s pull this one out also it looks like they were supposed to be anyway so we’ll pull

That out this one’s fine um this is level two so so it doesn’t have and I forgot I did things in here ooh do we want to change the bed let’s change the bed let’s change the bed let’s look at some fun beds we could put this bed in a matching

Bed in like we had before in that other place we can have one of those beds there this is the this is the hotel The Tavern so so um these are indented um let’s bring them all out to the front um wait there we go this one here ah yes this has

These and I think I’m just going to leave that bed for now nope yes and then this one here is the last one and they’ve got a modern chair and some furniture there and nope nope there we go okay um there’s a room upstairs right here and this one is fine this one’s

Just different anyway and because it’s right at the stairs you kind of do need a little bit of a walkway right there in order for them to be able to get up and down and then we have this and there’s a walkway there and that works that works all right let’s go

Back he is look at this he is taking this whole area down here but he is not so much taking this part down on this side that is very interesting so something over here is going to be much lower than on that side over there that

Is going to be something so he’s going to put in Hut blocks in this area for the other for the other farms and those Hut blocks I think and that’s when the stuff will come down in this area I believe this is where the animal Farms are going to be in this

Part right here and so that’s why he’s not doing anything more over here and why this is coming down super low let me take these away cuz they’re not going to use these and I don’t want them filling up the uh the warehouse I probably have to take

The other ones out that are already in the warehouse but we’ll we’ll take those away for right now I don’t think there are any over here any more good this is good okay um yeah so let’s come here for a second I was going to see if he can make

Copper or if it has to be um block of copper let’s see what happens here and crafting teach recipe let’s do copper it might be the mechanic block of copper it is not the mechanic it is the mechanic okay so the mechanic has to do

That so we can forget that um we’ll have to do that a chain unless it’s Tucker wait I didn’t even look at it okay I’ll look at it this time ready um teach recipe let’s teach recipe and let’s see what that said yep it says mechanic it actually says mechanic right

On it okay let’s do the chain and let’s come back here for a second let’s get out of here and get out of here let’s look at the re piece he can already make a chain let’s come here he can already make rack um so we just have to go over and

Get um see if she can make the strip oak wood and I think so but we’ll find out for sure and we’ll go there oh he just made something did you hear that and that is tankier yay so having the two of them is making a big difference there is a Trudy

Now crossing over and both of them are going to the warehouse let’s come up here and let’s do the copper since we don’t have a mechanic so we’ll give her that everything else we’re going to check on right now right here are we stepping down to step back

Up for the time being until um until this is a level five right now this is only a level two and let’s look and see let’s look at this and this is strips Spruce Wood and all we have is Spruce there’s Oak Plank and this

Is um we need an item frame and stripped oak wood panel stripped oak wood panel we have stripped Spruce Wood already strip Spruce Wood panel um this is strip Spruce Wood and so teach recipe and we need stripped oak wood okay stripped oak wood there it is and that’s going to

Give them all the panels that they need teach that okay and then um custom wait go back to here let’s remove these now we don’t have to have tools there um we do need sticks is that Oak planks yes and the sign is what we need I think there’s oh it’s an item

Frame item frame and oak door I think we have some oak doors from some tear downs but let me see if they actually nope and but they already have that so I’m not going to teach that right at this moment what I need to teach is an item frame it

M and there it is item frame and it says the carpenter so one go and there it is right there so we teach that recipe we should have some leather from um the sheet of from what from the Fisher I don’t know who do we have leather from the Fisher I

Think I think so let’s look and every time it come through here I’m going to take up was that a piece of that yes it was I’m going to take out these um these torches I know they’re going to put them all back it doesn’t matter to me right

Now that they’re going to put them all back we’re going to put in these um right here in this front part and we’re going to put one right there like they drop one down when they go in here and there we go and this part is okay for

Now let’s take this and what am I looking for I’m looking for to see if they have um leather I remembered look at all these boots so I have to do the same with the boots where do you think they are let’s do this it’s sort of funny little thing

That I like to do is get them all and make them whole again I’ve only got three here so let’s come over let’s come into the barn for a minute they’re not magical this should make a whole boot right here nope not quite this should make a whole boot

There we go okay so those three made a hole we’ll put them in here let’s begin to take these away um I’m not going to use as many as usual I’m just going to put one on the back and on the front and we’ll do that

Woo I thought I was going all the way down into the water I thought I was oh my gosh okay here we go why would that scare me well you at least have to be prepared there are rocks and things so we didn’t want we want to fall on the

Rock let’s put one there so there’s one there and there and then we have one at the front uh we can put this one on the side or have the full front have the front ones all be on this front piece right here and let’s put that right there I think I like

That okay and there we are and there we are and who we have we have johannis johanis um blet blet and um let’s go upstairs for Now um I’m not sure who I know that we’re going to need a uh smelter as soon as I figure it out I need a a smeltery 3 an or smelter 3 in order to get a um Stone smelter um I think I did that wrong let’s cancel her working on this first

So what’s going to happen with this see that right there so when this is when his is done um when uh the um these two overlap so when the stone Mason is done the smeltery gets kind of wiped out and then it’ll come back again and that’s

What we’ll just have to make sure of but for right now can I join join you what do you mean by join Issa Isa suprit hello suprit um let’s do this what do we have here let’s let’s have her upgrade this first because this is actually what we need first so let’s

Have Emory upgrade this what do you mean suprit by join do you mean come into the I’m not on the server if that’s what you mean I’m actually not on the server sorry about that um but I’m not and now when he does his this is where this is

How far comes over into hers into spell logs sorry spog I keep doing that and let’s put this back can I put it back can I find the back part here what am I looking at this is oh this isn’t even floating oh this is floating

But this is not and I think I took a piece of this I need a piece of this that’s why I can’t put that there there we go um can you invite me you look um me after um um yeah can I invite you I can’t invite you because I don’t have a

Server um you have to be on a server in order to do that and I am not on a server I am playing um just on my machine so sorry about that yeah sorry about that suit but I don’t I don’t have a server so let’s come here let’s see if I can

Find I probably have to go downstairs no I found one yay Mercy Massa and yeah a lot of people are playing on servers but um yeah I don’t so um and suprit um um does not understand but if you can’t understand what I’m saying how can we play together

Even so at this particular moment in time um I don’t have a way of inviting you but thank you for wanting to be here that’s very sweet and and let’s look at what she needs she just needs a chain and a rack and both of those can be made by Tucker

If he has enough iron so that’s what she’s waiting on she’s waiting on that and that is good for us right now and dandas is just going to town on this side and pulling out this last section here I think this is as low as it’s

Going is this part right here and I think he’s going to put ground back in on this part right here here’s the thing let’s take these out for a second let’s look here and let’s get these one two three that’s all there is oh okay there’s only three coal Coal c

L um 1 2 3 let let me see what he says I thought we need JP for SMP and can invite in the world but I have mobile and you’re on a PC I can understand take care always happy um suprit okay that’s good I wasn’t sure and no

Worries um you too you have fun and I’m sorry I actually am sorry that I don’t play that way um I am not on mobile that’s the other thing too so um so I apologize for that and I apologize if I sounded too harsh um but yes um you um

You’re welcome to watch and and uh and uh I know you’re going to have fun when you find um the people that are playing the same thing that you’re playing so it’s good it’s okay okay so ah and rain it’s pouring it’s raining it is let’s come over

Here let’s come over and put this coal into the warehouse for a sec we can find an empty shelf and put it in there’s an empty shelf and we’ll put that there and um I believe that um dandi is going to wait yep he’s going to start working who is

This Tucker is also not working and neither is spog or cringe cringe came up out of the Mind usually um rain signifies a day off everyone gets the day off when it rains so that’s what what we’re looking at right now um do I want to this is a

Slab I think I do just want to put this here just because there is the drop down in that part so I’m going to fill that in for a minute Mr Villager Mr villager hello hello how are you you are not late do you want to be late I’m in such a strange place today you’re not late you’re not late and let me see what I’ve got let me see what’s going on and let me see

Here um there was a person you you actually missed uh suprit who is looking for a server on mobile for mobile players um and he thought that maybe I was on a mobile server and it’s like so I’m not that’s the only thing that you missed actually is suprit asking in chat

For a mobile server and yeah you are good to the bem to the bem Sim that is good all right are you actually too look at this so it slows down the um Courier as well The Courier stops also I like that actually here’s

Tucker some of them will go up to the um to the tavern during the rain at least they do there’s tanky and bega wait is he looking for a server or looking for people for to play on it I think he was looking for a server

Because he was saying can you invite me so I think he’s looking um for someone everyone is looking so sad are they in their Elven hats I think because it’s raining and they had to stop doing what they’re doing let’s let’s build something we need a we need a Fletcher and we need

A um well we need lots of things but we need a smelter and a smelter needs a level three ores so we’re not going to get this right away cuz this has to go up to level three and this is only at level one so we’re going to have Emory work on

This as soon as she stops working on his place they are walking too slow for you and looks like some are looking to the floor yeah it’s raining it’s pouring down rain and they’re actually a little slowed down by that see this is this is the Courier looking like this but it’s night

Time and now they’re all going to run home and go to bed there is postco I think right there and you can see all the different people coming up there’s two of our researchers going into there because they live at the tavern and over here everyone is in bed except who are

You who are you Inu way this is one of the last of our um of our people in a way and what do I need I need for the smeltery to be a level three and a stone smelter the stone smelter I don’t have any anything for

Shepherds I have and Farmers I have but I have people to do that farmer is stamina and Athletics stamina and Athletics is low on that one agility is low Mana is low those are all the things that go or Focus they all go with adaptability with um and strength so um

He’s just visiting isn’t that pretty look at the inside of the Sawmill that is beautiful let’s come in for a minute that is wow look at the expense no wonder we don’t have any copper left look at that that’s all copper that is pretty amazing this is um actually Frontier I believe

Let me look and see um which style this is and I think it’s Frontier no it’s Colonial it’s Colonial level three that has um no it’s even a level two a level two with copper like that so copper um everyone can find it pretty easily and so that’s why there

Is quite a bit of that um this is bega in here bega doesn’t have anything to do anymore her Farm is gone technically her Farm’s gone someone know which mod adds these soundtracks yes um it is Sam it’s some add-ons s o m e a d d o NS he’s the

Author and it’s um on course on um Cur Forge um the soundtracks are the ones that he made and are actually really fun I love them um they were on mine colony’s own mod pack and um mine colonies actually um MC sassa might be able to give you more

Information but they were on mine colony’s own mod pack and um when we were copying portions of my colony’s mod pack to make the mod pack that I’m using um that was one of the things that Venus Primus said oh look at this do you want

To try it and it’s was like yeah definitely i’ would love to try that and so that’s how we got um that sound and I am really liking it as much as you Mr villager I actually liking it a lot so we can have a couple people that we’re still

Missing um there’s nobody here there’s nobody in this guard Tower which is why I’ve been sleeping in it um Britt is there the two towers that we have on this side are empty as well and so we should actually be looking for a guardian we should be looking for some

Guardians I’m a little concerned about adding uh uh about adding Guardians on this side because of the deaths but I think wow that sounds close a plane going overhead I think that we I might have fixed it enough so right here um we added a little bank right there so that

If they come here they can go up here and around this corner and yes they’ll they have to go up here and go around and also on this side also but I think what the problem is is what you just heard you heard that moving water see

That right there I can’t get rid of it I can’t find it and get rid of it the Medieval music that’s it I knew you would have it it meru um that is Massa coming to the rescue there by telling us what the mod

Is that has it and I love it I really do I like it a lot um so I don’t know so since I can’t fix that um I’m not sinking faster when I come here I think that so long as they don’t get in the water right

Here I really need let’s get a piece of gravel from here for a minute I’m going to put a piece of gravel there and see if that yep see it’s still doing it and I don’t think that anything is going to make that go away except actually putting something right

There did I just make it go away oh my gosh there it is it’s gone well yay all right so I I um am thinking that that possibly was the problem for you you need a rod and you haven’t had one yet does anyone know how to make

One have you given anyone any string don’t you have some string here no you have puffers do you have any string on you um I will work on it let me see do you have any string nope you just have fish all right let’s go up and see if

Yay well now that that that um running water piece is gone I think maybe we might be able to do it I think we might so let’s come here let’s see if um let’s see if we have any string because if we don’t have any string then R then Tucker is going

To have to um order that was cute was going to have to order fishing rods from another town so let’s look here and look for string we have three that’s enough for one so technically we don’t have enough right now so why don’t we have um Tucker actually

Order a set of fishing rods for right now and he’s going to order um probably about five and we’ll put those in now it’s it’s to discover which one ah mhm and somebody’s laughing and we’ll put this here and although I should see if anyone is asking for anything it

Is 11:30 in the morning postco still needs Spruce panels which means there might not be any Spruce there might not any granite there might not be any iron and we know there’s not any paper and paper requires a plantation a plantation requires a farm level three a

Composter um no the composter and the uh Plantation both need a level three farm so we are behind on the fact fact that we do not have a farm yet this Farm was a level one and so this is what we’re going to try and do is take this up to the level

That we need and get a move on on that and dandas I think is working he sure is there he is right there is he taking that away yes he is he’s getting much faster and notice he’s using iron now it’s an iron shovel that he’s got in his

Hand and and he is getting it done so you just need to discover which link is the one that you’re looking for ah okay all right that that is true this is going to be this is such a strange day but it’s not really I don’t eat meat

That often but when I do it makes me very thirsty we probably have meat like two or three times a month we don’t have it we have fish more often but I try to go for um um wild caught and things like that but some fish is pretty pricey right now and so

Um that’s one of those things um I looked at him and he didn’t have anything let’s look at some others for a minute let’s come down into the tavern oh that’s right we made some changes in the tavern look at this we’ve got stools at the bar we’ve got some cups for

Cider and the size of it is scary well that Sam that author that developer um yeah he can do that is definitely a thing and we put in some wonderful little chairs here and we made this little dining area have these it’s larger than your village

Wow and then um this is uh right here wait are you talking about the farm no he’s talking about the program I think um so I haven’t decided on the tables yet but I need to take the tables um we’re going to trade out the

Tables and Angel remember we put in uh a service elevator right here for Angel and down here she’s got some cups on it I’d love to have something different here but I don’t think there’s anything that I can do here I chose Frontier for the farm that’s what you’re talking about you’re

Talking about the farm being huge um yes as a matter of fact I can show you what farm we’re building because it’s been a while no it’s the farm yeah let’s come here here let’s get this these two here now that you think you’re going to make a similar one so here’s

What the farm looks like let’s go to Frontier FR and click on that let’s go to husbandry horiculture farm farm alternate let’s see if this is the one I think this is the one but let me see let me see if this is it hold on let’s look at this farm this Farm

Here has just the field aha it’s definitely it’s definitely the first one cuz you can see it down on the ground 1 2 3 4 five so at level five down there that’s the little Barn housee right here so you can see that these fields in this area

Um are going to have their own um little Fields right here um I think he’s starting with these over here but we can look at the level one and see what he’s starting with since we’re here right now so he is supposed to be doing this whole

Thing this that’s what’s supposed to be going in there and the farm piece um where is it there it is see that right there that’s even up on top of um it’s inside uh wagon here and he’s still going down um to it looks like he’s going down to

Here and you imagine making a farm this size for each crop yeah to be honest this looks more like a small Fort than a farm well it’s interesting because um it’s got all the different things so the Farm is here and there’s going to be Feld fields and

That’s going to be the first one right over here this is the reason why he’s taking up the dirt because he’s actually going to I think put it back in in this um style here but what you can see here um I’m not sure what that is that might

Be um pigs this is a plantation sitting right smack dab in the middle of it and over here um you can see that that is definitely a Shepherd that is rabbits for sure and on the other side we should have a shepherd and we should have

Um yeah and we should have a dairy so this is this is chickens and that has to be the dairy although it doesn’t look look like it but I think it is um the dairy so yeah it’s pretty pretty big and the reason that I like it is

Because of the size of the fields for the animals are pretty decent sized and I like that and then this is plantation right here this will be interesting when we get to these pieces so um that’s what he’s supposed to be doing this is going to be interesting cuz um

This is the level one of this and um the ground’s not flat enough yet for what’s going on so I’m a little intrigued to see what’s going to happen so let’s make this go away see how he is digging this area down pretty flat here but not doing anything

Whop not doing anything to this part and all of this is on the farm so unless these pieces match up in some kind of way um oh you can’t see how can you see oh say can you see here we go there we go okay and all of these right

Here um he’s still but maybe they’re all at this level they are ah look at this see when I stand here all these things are at this level so that’s why he hasn’t done this part yet this part is at at the level that he’s working on right now and he’ll

Probably end up filling this part in right here because the Hut block is sitting on a wagon so there’s a piece of wagon down here and then there’s another piece below it so this is going down even farther wow do I want it to go down that far I did

Actually you’re regretting a lot of having started creating you’re regretting a lot that you started to create mangrove trees why you think the max that you could do for a similar to Frontier if you tried one time this looked horrible is to make some small wooden Birch Sha

Or just other wood um just for the buildings that it’s going to be H that’s interesting yeah all of these pieces are at the same yeah I don’t understand the mangrove oh they’re big and they don’t generate a lot of wood interesting what are they more leaves and stuff like

That more root where they don’t give you anything they don’t give you logs but they give you root or something I haven’t tried to grow mangroves yet so I don’t know that’s interesting yeah that’s what’s happening so see that there he’s actually he actually needs more shovels and sure enough he’s

Not Mangrove wood in some of your schematics yeah I’m waiting for something I know you are so you’re asking for a really small one but I don’t know can you use use let me see which ones he can use let’s go to shovel let’s see

If let’s see if he takes I thought he was using this I thought he was he was using this I’m not giving him these so let’s come here I’m giving him these for right now we’re taking them from Tucker taking them off of a off of a visitor and um

Specifically um to uh because he knows that we need this to be done pretty quickly so let’s come here and look and request pickup now so tank is coming she’s going to do the pickup this time cuz he’s got so much dirt now some of that dirt they’ll bring back but um

In underwater base you notice some of the yeah the little baby mangoes in pots and some buildings or do you mean the new Cliff style in the new Cliff style Mangrove wood um and also the little baby mangroves in the flower pot it’s really a nice decoration it definitely

Is I love those the way they look I’m glad that they are able to go into a flower pot too because they just look really good in there do you think he’s going down one more I have this funny feeling that he is just because of where this is

Sitting if this is sitting on the on the bottom of the thing oh then the wheels would be here so he might not go down anymore unless he’s just going down to oop he’s going down to actually um put in the ground put in different ground let’s look

Still so we have we’re out of spruce I think and we don’t have any granite and we might be out of iron and we might be out of spruce that’s looking like we’re out of spruce cabada um and um I forgot about cabata being there but

We’ll check on him in just a minute so we don’t need um these anymore so I’m going to take this one away from here from their front door all the others are fine for right now and yeah so we’ll see yes when I started

It I mean I did have an idea that’s why we were moving everyone up and we Moved it’s time we have our Builders who are doing stuff and yes and because we are nice we hide a mangrove Le oh good um in the supply Camp okay no no no no his name is Kawa bada not cpra I know that’s an animal in in South

America but his name is um Kaaba Kanai and um and yeah he’s all dressed and I’m not even sure wait a minute her name is Kaaba I think that is um a she and her name is Kaaba yeah and jail cat of course and then um we’ve got some new

People let’s see if we have anyone this is petronella petronella do you are you a agility adaptability no she is not um she only has one of the things that we need and it’s adaptability and all the rest are too low and this Johannes we’ve looked at and we have

Someone else walking right here Susan and let’s get Susan for a sec for um I don’t know let me see what you are you just visiting no um they’re just visiting so that is the end yeah that’s what it is see these platforms are at the same level as the

Level he’s taking away right now so all of this stuff is pretty close to that level and that’s what he is working on it’s like why is all this left because it’s all low in comparison to that corner over there which was pretty high so he’s got a lot of stuff to do

Caraba yeah that’s [Laughter] okay yeah and spog is looking at his stuff right now um she still needs oh she’s not going to get the copper she’s not going to get the copper so Tucker um is going to and the reason Tucker is taking so long is because he’s doing all

Of this um dealing wheeling and dealing as far as getting um some pieces that are needed um so I’m going to make the rack and the chain for her because Tucker is doing all that other stuff right there let’s come over here so he got a case of shovels for um for uh

Dandan as to use let’s look here for a minute yes you haven’t been forgotten postco let me see what it is you’re asking for granite yes um I don’t think so I have a feeling we’re not going to get any granite anytime soon bir you

Should be able to get that um but those pieces I don’t think so this has already been made and just has to be delivered dark oak fence I can check on and Birch framed planks when we don’t have a potterer we’re not going to get that um

The stones I need to see how they’re made and whether they’re really hard to make or not and all the rest yeah I’m going to go see about that postco excuse me um we’ll see about that tomorrow once again it is the end of the the day for

Them and in the nighttime let me see if I want to do that let me see if I want to try and figure out where we’re going to put something um that needs to be done we have so many things that are already made like the ore smelter where we need

To bring it up to a level two a level three um the mine is now up to a level three and that’s what we need for it’s up to a level four good so this is what we need for some things um let me look but primarily we need the the blacksmith

Um we need the blacksmith to be up in order to get um some things no I don’t think so so that’s not that yeah we need a farm level three period that’s what we need a farm level three and and th and this is the focus but while this is the

Focus let’s begin to look at some other things so we have this single house here and we have this Builder here and if we look because we can see it really easily at night there’s the Border coming out all the way around this little area right here we’re going to put

Houses on these Hills and we could put put another one in I guess in some ways I’m probably waiting for um the farm to be done which is going to take a while I suppose I could do it off but I don’t like so much doing that Susan’s

Walking this this thing is it only one not here it isn’t um so we’ll probably put down some fencing uh let’s see I have a light here’s a light this part is pretty tall here this is tall on this side when it gets up to three that’s when we’re like

Okay the two if they come off at two um they’re really okay at two at three no they’re getting damaged so we don’t need to do anything with that um let’s put these back here and let’s go in and work on the kitchen at night let’s work on the kitchen in here

Look we have a kitchen oh we took the door away um let’s look at doors let’s see what we have available that would be pretty I know that there are domum doors but we’re going to see what else we have for a minute or two because we have some oh the um

Biomes of Plenty doors there’s a fur door there’s a redwood door they might not be chroma Hills and that’s the thing that we might because of that we might have to check on that later if it’s not chromy Hills and let’s see um I always like these um the bamboo Cottage doors

Especially this one let’s see what it looks like with the house let’s take the darker one of those and then from here we’ve got Warp and that’s a bamboo door which is the reason we took off the Birch door so there too many so that’s what um it’s not um

Chromy Hills so unfortunately that’s what it’s going to look like let’s look at this one that’s really interesting they have this big beautiful red door on their house let’s see I suppose let’s look at this that is interesting too ooh I kind of like that that’s quite curious let’s see what

That looks like on the inside for a minute cuz that is actually quite I like that I think I’m going to keep that door okay let’s make make all of the doors go away for a second and let’s come in let’s look at cabinets let’s look at cabinets first

Because it’s the cabinets that are always the problem you like it too yay so these cabinets the Builder crafts and additions that are a slab cabinet actually work really really nicely as cabinets and we have Cherrywood we have bamboo Boo this is interesting I haven’t seen

The bamboo stuff yet and the like I think that’s all we’re going to get see so we have back our nosus has brought back modern cabinets with some sort of gray let’s look at one of these for a minute let’s look at the matching cabinet top for a minute I just want to

See what these look like they look like that and the cabinet looks like that so it has a stone front oky dokie so these are interesting this looks like it belongs in the hospital and I like that I think I’m actually going to like that for um

The hospitals this is what the bamboo looks like it is chroma Hills so it is you can see the handles that’s the bamboo one but we’re going to end up doing Birch across the top that’s what we usually do on this um we can’t put anything here they won’t be

Able to reach it and they won’t be able to reach that we can put it here and we can’t have anything there so those are the top cabinets this corner um is probably going to end up being this let’s look and see or we could do a smooth Corner let’s

Look at that for a second look at the medieval Builders Workshop you all can can be against um your opinion but you must say you prefer a lot more the old and classic signs of the Mind colonies medieval styled signs than the new 20 hanging ones Ah yeah well I can see that I can understand um you’re having a preference for that let’s see if this will work out okay I guess that will this is a stair piece right here and I’m going to take that we don’t need that piece and we don’t need that one

And we don’t need that one there’s our problem right there so let’s put this over top of this window let’s put the sink here and we’ll put the fridge um let’s take um um I like that in the center kind of that’s where they had it

Anyway however look at this I know I’m going to have to get them if we put this here let’s put the sink here let’s put the stove here that’ll match that part and then we can put a fridge here it’s not going to be too warm against that

Let’s do that so let’s get some things let’s put away um this for a minute not this one let’s put this away and let’s get um these to go away for a second let’s get um oven let’s get the top and let’s get the oven itself let’s get um

Sink let’s see if we have any new sinks we have some that have um that have stone on the outside um I think we want Birch what’s missing something’s missing oh no it’s just in a different place a Dorn is now ahead of Mr Crayfish

Okay oo that was scary for a second it’s like no we don’t have any hold on okay there’s a sink and we’ve got those and then we’ve got these and look at that that looks like a kitchen a bathroom sink or something and um and still 43 upgrade to test you’re

Losing motivation to be honest but luckily you’re stubborn enough o wow that’s a lot but you know um if you maybe you just need a a little bit of a break from it for right now let’s see if we want to put a fridge in let’s look at

Fridges um we still have the same ones and I think if I’m going to do one I think we’ll do x lines count under the counter one and let’s put a sink here let’s put the oven right that stove just went away where did he go someone come downstairs and pick it

Up on their way is it that was strange the oven just disappeared that was odd I’d have to go PL back and play the videotape and see what happened just then that was very curious okay and let’s see you don’t want to stop because you want to show it to the mine colonies

Players yeah cuz you know everyone’s waiting for it it’s going to be fun and yeah I totally understand let’s put the fridge um right here and that works can I turn it around I can’t we’ll just have to have it be there those are the cabinets and now let’s get us some

Cabinets cabinet tree here c a b i n nope counters C N T nope Tores Dr r a w e r we should have kitchen counters as well as we’re having all sorts of counters let’s do counters instead let’s see if drawers come up in the counters drawers are coming up in

Some of the Counters let’s do that’s not strip merch in the two corners so we’ll put stripped Birch here and here like that and now I need I definitely need drawers so let’s do Birch drawers and there they are and so we do have a problem with that yay she finished she finished the

Builder shop and that’s good what time of day is it it’s 11:00 in the daytime okay almost noon um let’s come at out for a minute I’ll come back to that she’s going to start working on this right here and I’m going to call her over right

Now and we’re going to see what he is working on yes he is look at that he’s down to this line right now she’s working on the smeltery let’s see what she needs you’re going to do it as a Christmas present as a Christmas present to buy

Colonies that’ll be fun um let’s come here Cobblestone wall they should be able to make and we’ll go look at it definitely a furnace I’m not making that we might have gold or we have tons of glass we might have iron they know how to make Oak fence we might might have

Redstone we’ve got to have floating he’s taken down so many things with floating oh my God it’s like oh my goodness he was reading over my shoulder you you brought them up the stairs brought them back down on the ground yeah they don’t need to be up here

Bonk okay she just delivered something um let’s look at the sheet for a minute what Emory needs for a second Emory it’s your cousin um hold on a second I don’t know why but sometimes you keep thinking if the Mind colonies team actually used people to make the colonist phrases or

It’s made by voice a I no it’s definitely real people it’s absolutely real people you’re 4,878 cousin oh that’s funny now don’t take them into the hospital Sandra’s probably saying get out with your animals unbelievable it’s like but I wanted to see no no you can’t come into the

Hospital um who was I looking at hold on a sec uh Cobblestone walls that’s what it is let’s go over here and see if he can make cobblestone walls spog can you make cobblestone walls um Cobblestone walls C BBL and there is a nope that’s Mossy um there’s one and that’s a regular

Cobblestone wall unable store ah she can’t be at I mean he why do I keep doing that to him um this is the one where I have to remove and I didn’t want to that’s right because of the sandstone and the prismarine and the prismarine well

Shoot um yeah so what can she make so far let’s see if she can make wall she can make slab let’s remove the slab for a minute um let’s remove slab and let’s teach recipe and teach um the wall right there oh those others came back the ones that I didn’t erase this

Is why I was going to have her um upgrade first um spello but we really need the or smelter so that we can get the other things girl all right um Tucker’s like fine see Tucker back there that’s Tucker he’s going fine fine look see I got it I

See see those cases he got he’s um saying that take those and give them what they need until um we’ve got the crafters and the room that we need and it’s like okay okay I’m just going to do it I was going to teach them but I understand now they

Could have gotten the um floating because on that table that used to be right here above this table was floating carpet there so but um we’ll come back to that Emory is done for now and we’ll still look at postco for a minute dandas doesn’t need anything I

Think dandas has everything that he needs he does for right now and postco wait what what are you saying why don’t I have a scroll for postco oops oh that’s right this is a new place that is right I didn’t do the new place there we go all right lock the door and

Postco needs um those things and we know that’s what we were supposed to be checking on the framed Birch planks you just don’t understand why it was so easy for the mine colonies team to make medieval styled uh Stone Mason but it was so hard for to make a medieval style Carpenters

Disappointing H you want me to look don’t you um medieval styled Carpenter this is colonial this is not medieval this is actually Colonial this one right here um and let’s come in here let’s come to here and let’s look and see see what this is so these are domum and the first

One um in an architect’s cutter and it’s Spruce planks and Birch planks so in that order teach recipe the first one is Spruce planks Spruce Plank and select and um and then the second one on is birch planks Birch planks and there it is and select and

There you have them there’s all the pieces that he wanted and she just learned that so now that is appearing right there okay and that’ll take care of that Birch fence um what if we can make Birch fence I don’t think we can make it from uh teach recipe

Birch Birch let’s go to Birch I think that was Birch just regular Birch plank let me see something for a minute let’s see if fence is there nope just wall so we’re going to cancel and that has to be done um in the other section and let’s see who can make these other

Pieces so let’s come here do we have Birch fence we do not so let’s teach Birch fence let’s go to Birch and teach it um look at the carpenter in the default colonist style and then look at um it in the medieval style okay I will

I will do that in just a moment let’s look at Birch fence that’s Birch fence there we go and teach that and let me see one more thing dark hook fence so let’s come down um let’s teach dark hook fence dark oak fence it might be here

Already but it is not teach recipe dark oak dark oak fence um right here there we go and that takes care of that one and one last thing and then we’ll go and look um let her wake up it’s it will be better no we’re just leaving them for

Her um let’s look and see if the grindstone if they can actually make grindstone for a second and then we will um we will look so teach recipe teach recipe let’s look at a grindstone I and D this is a grindstone right here it needs a stone slab they

Can’t make it um because they don’t we don’t have a stone slab right now so that is something we’ll just have to go ahead and provide and um we’re good on that okay you’re probably getting crazy just crazy but looks like now when you open the Huts menus it makes a paper

Sound no it’s absolutely making a paper sound you’re you’re not you’re definitely hearing that that is something that is happening let’s come here let’s come to here and let’s do this let’s see what do we have this is what I need we’re up on a

Hill um it says that I got it so you’re saying look at the carpenter default so let’s look at default default original and that’s the default and let’s look at the carpenter in that The Sawmill and let’s come out from here and let’s see what we see so this is the original

Sawmill and it’s got an actual um this is um this is interesting but um this is not the original you see what it’s made made out of see it’s made out of panels that’s not the original Sawmill from from this pack let’s look at 2 3 4 five you mean the colonist

Style huh all right let’s see what he’s talking about so I’m going to go to Colony is original o r so this is mine colony’s original this is the classic mind Colony style this one right here is that the one that you mean that’s why you said it would be

Better if we wait for her to wake up I I don’t understand speaks about the clothes Oh oh oh oh oh oh I thought you were talking about okay thank you Massa Mery um I thought you were talking about the building okay we’ll let that go oh I get what you’re saying yes yes yes um in um medieval so in the regular style um but in the medieval

Style so um yes let’s go to bed so I’m in medieval style I apologize that I misunderstood you thank you for your patience thank you and um Let’s do let’s do this I I totally understand and just one second so we’re going to come down here this is Alamar I

Think and so we’re going to come here and there is Emory and let’s see Alamar just went in and there she is so this is Medieval this is uh the medieval style for her I see what she’s saying um let me see what happens when

She turns around for a second let me see what she’s wearing it looks like she’s wearing an apron that comes up over top and then she’s got some sort of belt around it that’s what it looks like and that is is the this is the medieval let’s go and change everyone

To uh to Um let’s see what we would be changing them to hold on for a minute uhuh so they’re in medieval right now and he’s talking about changing them to default and so we just changed them to default so let’s look at their CL clothing for a minute we’ll go back over well that’s a

Shame so it is going to be very wet so there’s Alamar now um nope their clothes didn’t change and I don’t know that they’re going to change until this is default Believe It or Not yay level two the smeltery um everyone’s going to be sad again Mr

Villager but you must say you think the Old Sawmill is is a bit better in the mine Colony original the mine colony’s original Sawmill is quite interesting looking there is water here it would be a pain but it would be interesting to do that wouldn’t it maybe that’s what it

Was all about Mr villager you showing me what The Sawmill looked like because that was unexpected actually but that Sawmill is really nice 1 2 3 4 five do you know I actually like this Sawmill better maybe but let’s see first of all we’re supposed to be carving not sure about the

Door um it’s a sawmill so they have pieces of wood there’s the cutting and there’s the saws I like it this has been done recently and yeah you’re right they aren’t medieval style Carpenters they’re actually are not um because this is the normal this is just reg I don’t think

They changed clothes maybe they changed clothes in the no they did look what he’s wait isn’t that interesting doesn’t that look more medieval or Colonial than the um style and the other style that is very interesting constants in postco are having some sort of conver misunderstanding there’s

Mana but there’s nothing to go with it it needs Focus um and in order to be uh Druid what category does the sifter go in the sifter is in um is a part of um Fletcher and things like that I think it’s in that category but I can

Check in just a sec and tell you so yeah their clothes did change and we’re looking at that but the rain has stopped the work on there and I need to come over here and see what this looks like so now this is expanded all the way to here and we

Have two ovens when we make this it’s going to make the ovens go away and The Rock we’ll have to see about it but I need the three first so I’m going to have Emory work on this first and then she can do the other ones so the level

Um we’re going to have Emory work on it upgrade the building and because we need a level three smelter in order to get anything on our side you put the sifter in masonry yeah which is sort of where it should go don’t you think I think so

Too okay you’re not going to believe this but I have fallen in love with that other Sawmill I really have I think I’m actually going to dismantle this one and take and use the other one I think I am I know it’s pretty I know it

Is and it has cool stuff and I like it too but the other one fits better with our other buildings that look like this no idea you don’t even remember who’s making the skin today yeah the skin editors yeah I don’t know either I haven’t seen any indication of who’s who’s making those

Hold on a sec my last water okay so we have another rainy day we’re going to put postco here we’re going to go to Emme I still have this up on the hill I’m trying to think that when it gets up to this level

I’m not as keen on it as I was when it was down to the level one I really like that at level one two so they do the same thing two is okay we’ll do two um three 4 although four is kind of okay we’ll

See what we want to do about that and then five um which I don’t like the wheel um these don’t match but I do like the inside and I do like the size and I do like this because we actually do have water in this area right here underneath um right in this

Spot right next to them them right here going down into here there is water under there so um I’m going to dismantle this I’m going to dismantle it and then we’ll rebuild it in the other style and that’s so interesting you think the editor will talk with your with your

T wait what is that what is that picture is that a squirt gun I hope it looks like a Nerf uhhuh um um Skins are really hard to do I mean they’re hard to do think about when you do think about when you’re doing your own avatar

When you’re creating your own avatar and how difficult it is to do that much less do an entire group of people and have some variety and some change and as far as getting clothing is concerned and things like that someone’s doing someone’s trying they’re trying to do it oh look they’re at the

Library oh I love it to get out of the rain um bega isn’t working so she came and got a book oh my gosh my Colony team thank you so much that is so wonderful bega actually came and just got a book to read cuz she doesn’t have

Anything to do right now cuz she isn’t working because this is her Farm that’s being built oh my goodness that is so amazing grimy does the style today but you think other people could make their own set ah okay I don’t know who that is that’s most interesting I have to check that

Out and um but your but then your keyboard did it yes because there are no sorry no guns uh that’s a water gun no no other kind so um you think the M Colon’s Library could work like the techtopia ones I don’t remember how the techtopia ones worked how did they

Work tell me how that was cuz I don’t remember it actually and I played techopia so there’s one of my favorite pieces of of this in the past she was named Emy ah yes yes yes okay okay I know who you mean okay um let’s come into the house where it’s not

Raining and let’s work on this so are we going to have the same floor and the same walls are we are we are we let’s go outside and look if we change the walls on the inside we’ll have to use um we’ll have to put a paneling on the outside of the

Walls um let’s look at cabinets I was trying to find some drawers I don’t think we have the drawers that we had before and that’s what I’m afraid of um I don’t see the cause Oh yay okay and they weren’t Maca they were actually Mr Crayfish this is what

They’re now buried in a whole bunch of others and that’s what I was afraid that these were gone but they are here and there is the oak which is wrong and is this oak or is this Birch let’s get the Birch ones Birch drawers are and see when I put in

Drawers I don’t get them but when I just put in drawers this way a w let’s come down here for a minute and they are here at least so that’s good why stripped because it’s it says stripped on it maybe and that’s keeping it possibly can I change the direction of that

Can I change the direction in some kind of way I did good and this one here let’s do the same good all right and this one in the middle is just by itself and that’s what I want and that what do we want to do here Um that almost looks nice um that would be quite interesting wouldn’t it there isn’t quite a view so I’m going to put in some something as a backsplash so what could I put in stone let’s look at stones for a minute we could put it

In um let’s put in White Stone uh I’ve got a name concrete let’s put in white concrete powder in the back and let’s see if we like it we might not like it but let’s see what it looks like it might not work but we’ll see and see if we like it it’s

Definitely a kitchen that does give us a much more kitcheny kind of feel but it almost looks like floor more than it looks like backdrop there there someone else who has is it a wood um because we’re in biomes of Plenty some of the stuff that

I liked is gone let’s look at the jackar stripped for a minute and let me see what it looks like oh oh I like that look at the strip jackar that is beautiful so let’s put that in oops I’ve got it in going in different directions

Let’s put it in going straight up and down I like that a lot that’s nice especially because of the pattern that’s on the Birch already so that makes that pretty good um basically the villagers could do go to increase their intelligence oh yes yes yes um no hiring no exclusive clothing unfortunately it’s

Just the Villager going to learn and um done and you think both mods have a lot to learn from each other um they’re different I think they’re just different and um and and there are some aspects of um the one of the aspects of uh of of

The other mod that I really like um was that the when the farmers are in the field and they’re working they actually show them actually like working the land and I and I always thought that that was a really cool do you see that can I get a lead and maybe get that

Firefly out of here let’s see if I can put a lead on it and yes I can okay we have some really big bugs but at least we can put a leash on them and get the B oh when this was open it was attracted to the light that was what’s a

Firefly a firefly is a um is an insect um a flying insect that the back of its um that it has a portion of its body that actually lights up they’re legit and they’re really pretty in in on on the planet Earth we have them but um they’re not that big they’re probably

About the size of like a wouldn’t you say they’re a size of a thumbnail or something like that they’re not big at all but they do light up and people put them in a jar and you know what it is you were just surprised oh wait that’s a firefly oh I

See what you said oh my go Supreme I owe you an apology I really do suprit because I am doing it for sure I’m doing it too it’s just a misunderstanding I didn’t read that properly sorry about that yes yes that’s a firefly it just didn’t

Have the light on and um it was uh inside and it was actually sleeping cuz we’ve got all those lights let me go in and go to sleep it’s raining let’s hope I’m not too late and let’s see if I can sleep on their hard floor yes it’s an interesting thing Firefly is

A I love it a firefly is a type of spatial ship uh in the best show ever ever absolutely MX sassa oh my God Firefly the best show the best show I totally totally agree ah ah spaceship yes not spatial a spaceship it’s a class of spaceship a firefly is Firefly class of

Spaceship and and yeah H what a show it’s so sad and it was even sadder when the movie sort of like ended the series in a way um I just didn’t like the fact that Bishop was gone but Bishop is gone for real the actor who played Bishop unfortunately is

Gone and uh which is really a shame but uh H that was so not Bishop Shepherd not Bishop shepherd shepherd um shepher book was um the actor the actor who played shepher book is um gone and I didn’t like that and I also didn’t like that they um that wash um they ended

Wash in the movie and that was just sad that was so sad And I should have said spoiler alert just in case no damn it I just thought about that and should have said spoiler alert I should have said spoiler alert trat I apologize Massa I am sorry about that the movie Serenity um is the is the uh is the

Movie um made from the TV series Firefly whist and it’s it’s really a good movie it’s wonderful to see it actually is a wonderful movie and um and yeah and yeah I did unfortunately I did sort of do that I see this let’s get this right here and bring this

Down I have to get better at that I was talking about The Little Mermaid movie this morning and I was saying you know I was saying to people okay uh spoiler alert this morning but I didn’t think about doing spoiler alert for that sorry about that you saw the

Film many times you thinking you were speaking about the actor I am um the actor who played shepher book is is um no longer alive he isn’t alive and uh yeah so so it’s you know it’s one of those kinds of things where it’s like no no but yeah

What you saw the film many times oh good and that’s why I wasn’t thinking that um I was doing a spoiler because most everybody who’s interested in it has seen it already but ah just the best just the best the live action there is a joke on the internet

About the actor and her eyes yeah it is sad news it is it is indeed it is I know know I know it was funny I saw the actor who plays wash in something recently and it was like oh my gosh there he is so everyone’s you know still doing

Stuff other than other than him and it’s fun to see them from time to time and other things but what a shame it really is it is but fox actually um kind of screwed them from the beginning um the very first um episode of Firefly was supposed to was not supposed

To be the episode that they started with and that was one of those things where it’s almost as though they you know were trying to s sabotage it but I think they thought that people weren’t going to like it or something but it was just really weird um it was the compilation of

Uh offensive memes not exactly offensive the thumbnail was showing her face in a scene and in the image was it was saying the distance of their eyes is 2 m means oops means her eyes the distance of their eyes is 2 m live action there is a joke on the

Internet talk about the actor which actor you mean the one who okay I don’t know what you’re talking about Mr villager are you talking about Firefly are you talking about something else electrical don’t worry one time I said electrical electricity that’s true but that’s okay um I I haven’t seen

That it sounds like you’re saying that there was um that they were talking about who they were talking about one of the actors in Firefly talking about them is that what you’re saying Mr villager I’m just watching him for a minute um I’m having Emory work on the level

Three between her eyes I’m talking about the woman that was the actor in the liveaction The Little Mermaid um okay I haven’t seen that I hadn’t seen any of those memes actually well I mean you know people are going to talk yay look at this he’s finally

Gotten to this area where these things are coming away and there there was some stuff in the ground under there so that’ll probably come away when he starts doing the next level down because I think it’s actually coming down to here I think it is where is it there it

Is see it’s right there so the wagon’s there the wheels maybe are there and we’ll see and not wanting to offend but her face is a bit curious um she’s a mermaid she’s a myrr she’s actually a myrr she actually is and yeah I think that’s why they chose her

Because her face is unusual so she sort of it gives her that that otherw worldly look and um if that’s what you’re talking about that is my um that’s what I would say about that she’s a mermaid she’s actually a mermaid and that’s why they chose that

Actor cuz she doesn’t look like anyone else but yeah I was talking about that earlier um um because uh we were just talking I don’t know what came up why on the twitch um stream I was talking about it okay you like this [Laughter] argument um you okay

But that’s yeah that’s usually what happens um that actors are chosen for there for the things that they have and so so yeah she’s different looking strange looking and that strangeness um Works itself into the character that she’s playing so yeah yeah which is fun did you just jump off of

This is it only a two it apparently is not hurting them that’s fine if it goes down to three I’m going to have to fence this off so that they only use this way down right here um which is probably going to happen anyway in the long run so see what I’ve got

Here this is something and of course I always want to show this to you when it’s night time but this is one of the um 20 years ago you traveled to Denmark and you saw the First mermaid in Copenhagen ah you saw um you saw that Copenhagen um M statue right that’s

There there’s a ve very famous statue is what I’ve understood I’ve never been there but um I know there’s a famous statue in um Copenhagen on their Coast um so we are more than likely going to have to put a walk around um the around the farm like

A boardwalk almost sort of like what we did in the um desert because uh some of these buildings are going going to be way way way let’s go get POA let’s go get him a very small statue with a lot of tourists yes yes indeed yeah it’s interesting that that statue

Garners the attention that it’s gotten because it is it is such a small statue who are we not getting anything Alamar what are you doing what is Alamar doing we’re not probably going to get the polish granite but we should I don’t think we have any

Of those there’s plenty of spruce in the warehouse and let’s go and look for Birch and for Spruce and let’s see how much there really is we sure this was one of the most confusing conversations that you had in your [Laughter] life okay um let’s look and see what we have

Here I’m amazed Mr villager I I’m always amazed I’m amazed at you at Massa I’m just amazed at people who actually speak a second language so so fluently that they understand me I’m not talking slowly or anything and you understand me if you were talking at the

Speed that I’m talking I would have no freaking way of knowing what you were talking about in Portuguese even in French massin and my French is but I wouldn’t have any idea I read I’m I’m getting better at read reading but um but the but listening the way you guys

Are I am nowhere near that but I would need to and I did intend to do this on Twitch to watch um French players play um I had to that I was watching I think I was watching trale um I think that’s her name but I’m mispronouncing it it and there was one

Other person and um they um I was watching both of them um because I seem to be not having too much trouble understanding them I couldn’t watch um I can’t watch the Spanish I don’t understand it as much maybe we understood nothing but we are good at pretending oh that’s interesting too that’s

Interesting because that’s kind of like when I was watching the two French people who were playing and they weren’t playing mine colonies which is why I kind of lost interest um they weren’t playing m colonies at the time I actually found a German um uh server they were playing mind colonies on

Twitch I understood them better which is really oddd but um I did understand them more than I understood the French ones um but I’ve just gotten out of the habit of doing it um there’s not enough hours in the day but I oh okay I get it I get it

Ah all right I understand I actually do yeah I have a couple French movies um that I really love and I can’t find them they actually were on Netflix and we don’t have Netflix anymore and I can’t find them to like purchase but one of them was called I might be able to

Find the piano um to purchase it I think it’s called the piano it’s a comedy it’s a romantic ComEd comedy and I like it a lot I I really like it a lot but I might be wrong about the name and I would have to look at

Something right quick let me see if I can find it right quick um I have three movies in French that are some of my favorite movies um but they’re in French um there’s a French Beauty and the Beast that I love I love that movie um and let me

Look for a second and see if I can find the other ones for a moment let’s see if I can find it really quickly there I think I can um so one of them is uh t on 10 onor um with FR Frank uh Duos Duos and

Claude Rish and Marie cremma I love that movie tenour deor that movie is really fun Amal is great and also un intouchable I haven’t seen that one but I love ten ten um jur andur I like um squa set fam a 2016 movie We are family is the translation but I love that

Movie um and that’s a really cool movie The these were on Netflix and and so at the time I could watch them but the other one the piano movie I don’t have the name of why oh that’s it blind date is the French one not not um the English blind date the French

Movie that’s the piano movie Blind Date and I love that one and then uh he has your eyes is a French movie I don’t know the it I don’t know what the title is in French it was on Netflix and they had the title in English as he has your eyes but the

Movie itself was all in French and I love that movie too so those are those are some of my favorite French movies which I haven’t seen in years because they were all on Netflix and um we stopped having Netflix um probably about 7 years ago or something so those movies are pretty old

Um but um just because we weren’t watching as much we were playing we were doing a lot of gaming before there was streaming we were watching um YouTube and watching some Minecrafters on YouTube and it was way before before it was sort of before my colonies because

I’m saying 7 years ago my colonies is about 9 years now since um since Ray took over so it was during that time period but um amaly um I’ve heard wonderful things about it I just haven’t gotten a chance to see it yet that one and intouchable I don’t know that one so

Mercy that’s a that’s a good one to know um Mr villager is saying sometimes the Brazilians say a lot that is actually supposed to not be understood by normal people like you and me and zap ah so um so they’re using a lot of slang or they’re using a lot of uh uh

Things that um most people wouldn’t recognize it sounds like yeah I can under I I can see how that would would happen um this is going to be one two this is going to be a third one of these and then when I update the this one here

All of that’s going to disappear so I’ll have to check on that when we come back Dundas is still working on this um us giving him a good amount of Um yeah yeah I think so yeah um and uh what was I going to do yes so that’s the reason kind of that I’m waiting because I look look at how close these are here and I think that’s going to be a mistake that I made and the only

Way that I think I’m going to be able to do something about this mistake is to actually put a boardwalk around this area and um around it and here I am talking about it again I’m going to go to sleep right here I’m going to

Probably end up no I don’t want to do that so let’s X that let’s come here no I don’t want that either we’re just going to go to sleep right in this corner and there we are okay um that uh two is that still two one two yes

Um that that’s why I’m waiting a little bit before I add anything more excuse me because I don’t think I left enough room so there’s enough room here and that road is there and when we take this away we’ll see what happens with that what do you

Need let’s look you need a cauldron that’s a mechanic lanterns are mechanics we might have some lapis we not going to find any nether we still don’t have any stone and I’ll have to check and see if there’s any lapis in the warehouse and then the question would be is there any

Raw lapis in the warehouse and we’ll see um let’s come up let’s check and see and um we’re looking for lapis and see what we have lap and we do have but it’s already been processed so we would have to get some lapis direct um what I could do oh did

You see that she brought in fresh copper and that’s what I would have to do I could come up to the mail to the post office and ask for raw raw now it might not do that Um there it is lapis or is what I want and I just just need one piece let’s request it and let’s see if they’ll bring it to me directly instead of giving it to the um or smelter to process and let’s see if we can get that done wow this is

Really showing look how far down we’re down far enough that there’s actual stone in the ground there and all of this is going to start to come away okay there is finally our Hut block out in the open there and we can see that and we still need some people Christina

Hello and um she is just visiting she’s not putting in an application and do I see anyone else right now um that’s Suzanne suzan I think no that’s bega bega’s visiting Suzanna what’s going on there that was weird when they surprise each other that’s always sort of strange when that

Happens Susan’s wearing a plague mask she hasn’t been wearing that before she must have been dealing with somebody who was pretty sick bega’s bored so she’s going back up to the library and get some something and Tucker is working all the way over here and there he is he’s standing there

Again which means that he’s opening crates and trying to get the stuff that everybody needs let’s look and see what postco actually needs now what could you imagine I’m asking the men in chat if your name was postco what would you end up being called his last name is

Mago and his first name is p c o if that was your name what would you want people to call you I’m asking the guys to see what would be a good a good um nickname for him like we have a nickname for Trudy we have a nickname for

Tank um that kind of nickname you looked at Christina did we look at Christina right away yes we did I recognize the red stone um let’s see if there’s someone else yeah this is the reason why I had them dressed in mideval um cuz I like it better um than

The Classic this is the classic and hi Lily I’m just saying hi let’s come up here let’s come over here and I thought I saw someone but Christina’s the only one that I see right now maybe um a wagon just left and everyone went with them sometimes so we have people in the

Field but we only have her right now that is most interesting okay and there is dundi and he is headed back towards here um he was probably waiting for a shovel yes he was and so now he’s got one he’s going to need an axe pretty

Soon and I think that’s going to work out okay um I think he has an axe in his hand and it is an iron axe all of this work that he’s been doing has made him into this amazing uh Builder he’s just completely doing it he didn’t take this

Up this must be in the right place how interesting he didn’t remove those those two pieces right here unless his axe broke now that’s a possibility that his axe broke okay so see that right there that is Trudy running over to uh dandi um to give him something oh no

She’s not going to dandi he found what he needed and maybe it was an axe let’s find out or was it a pickaxe that’s interesting isn’t it there we go yeah he just needed an axe okay wow okay and that line is gone that he’s walking on and then he’s coming back to

Here there’s no question that he is doing this and they what does she have oh she’s got the um she’s got Clover yep she’s got Clover we’re going to have a composter so we can’t have a composter until we have a farm and everything is hinged on this monster

Farm so yeah everything that we need is is having to be done has to be done about that and even though we don’t have some of the other buildings I’m actually going to have her take this down as soon as she is done with the level three of

This so let’s look here whoop let’s look here and let’s give her the lapis for now um if we do get the lapis um they can it’ll be mine we’ll get they’ll give it back to me that seems like too short a period of time let’s see let’s look in the inventory

Nope we don’t have it yet so they owe me lapis so that’s when that lapis comes in I’ll just put it back into my into my stuff and is he still waiting for those pieces this is so odd so Alamar is supposed to be making things and she isn’t so let’s find out

How much wood we actually have I’m looking at um Birch I don’t see any let’s see if we don’t have any let’s see if we don’t have any spruce um we do not that’s the problem so we have some Spruce stairs we have some fence we have some doors and Plank and gate

And he they shouldn’t be waiting for anything let me find this piece let’s go down and find that and take this out take this out these aren’t theirs I know they can make some of this stuff but we’re not having them make and I don’t want them in for right now let’s

Look for Oak and let’s see let’s look in inventory see how much Oak we have plenty let’s go back and let’s look at Birch b r c and we have plenty so the wood’s not the problem the wood is not the problem so either Alamar doesn’t like this

Job or we just have to wait for her to finish yes so in Minecraft insects are really big I would be fine with insects being this big I would be fine with a mosquito being that big I would cuz then we would then we can see them

We can see them I know it doesn’t make any sense but um let’s come here and see what’s going on there she is and all she’s walking around she only has two pieces of that she might have made the stuff already but it’s like she’s not

Asking for what she needs in order to make that and that is definite that’s definite so we have the recipes there’s the recipe right there for what she needed we have the recipes for those in here and yet um she’s not getting them well now she has nothing left of

Hers let’s look at Poco um and see what it was that he needed and yeah he’s not getting these now the extras were actually made we have enough plank I’m just going to bring it over grindstone we’ll have to do and the jungle I missed the jungle

Fence we’ll have to do but the stripped Spruce the stripped um spruce would let’s come here let’s look at this let’s look at that’s stripped oak wood this is um Spruce log this is stripped Spruce Wood here and I think that’s what’s needed for I think we have that already

As far as um as far as uh what is needed here stri Birchwood stripped Spruce Wood stri Spruce Wood yeah so what should I do cuz um I guess she’s making them I guess it takes time to make I’m fine with the time it takes Alice hi um

But I’ve been on for a while as a matter of fact look how close I am I’m like five minutes away from being done 12 and 12 these are these are some of the kids there’s Alice and she’s out tonight let’s see who we got by kids I mean that they’re

Um they’re sort of like in University and this is Rosamund yeah these are University age uh adults and that is all that we’ve got right now just visiting poor Tucker poor Tucker this is a disaster for Tucker he was making this amazing place here here where it was

Going to be in this forest and it was going to be so beautiful and magical people were going to come and it was just going to be so lovely and it just so hasn’t worked out that way for him he the people who were here started demanding that he make services for

Them um and so he started doing that and he’s kind of of bungled some things um he had everybody in the middle and that worked out and then he did he showed them this idea that they he was going to do this huge big farm let’s come

Here and um and they thought it was a good idea too Dess probably and Emory and postco probably told him um how much it how long it was going to take and he probably was like but what others what what do you suggest then and that’s what

He probably said to them what do you suggest bega probably said well I already have a farm and it’s like but we need all these others the animals aren’t being taken care of well enough there’s not enough room for them what do you suggest and so no one came up with

Anything and so this this is why this is why um um we are following Tucker’s plan that we’re going to start from scratch and he’s saying to them you wanted me to start from scratch as far as not taking not caring about um witches and wizards and enchanters and

Alchemists coming and setting up you know setting up a beautiful beautiful places in these blue Groves here um you didn’t want me to concentrate on that so I’m not concentrating on that so I’m concentrating on you and this is my best idea to just start and just do this and

Um so everybody shut up everybody everybody just got quiet and said okay well fine and dandas is like hey I I’ll build what whatever you want and Emory is like Emory and postco were like okay I’m so glad he volunteered cuz I don’t want to build that Emory is fine with um building

Doing these small projects look at this this is the level three of this building and it is beautiful Emory it’s beautiful now these two buildings overlap and this is going to be really fun when I do this because um I’m putting him in right now and see there’s two here I’m

Going to have to mark these on the outside um somewhere that the two of them are here um who there’s a perfect place let’s take a piece of stone I’m just going to put it in the ground right here here and on the other side here on the ground I would

Have to put it right here on the ground I’m going to put I’m going to put it in the ground right here we can take this back a little bit just in this part he’s probably going to um she is probably going to uh fix this

Later I’m going to take that and put that in is that dirt for right now do I want to take anything else away no um why am I doing that because these ovens are going to disappear because when she works on this um there she’s going to erase them so

Let’s come here um build options Builder is Emory I’m going to have her upgrade this because we can’t make any more patterns right now and that is something that research could take care of um where we had um those we have the um I think research can take care of it

Let’s go look I think I think that um they can learn more um more designs or more um let’s see if that’s actually true through let’s come here and let’s come here and let’s go to survival for a minute oops there it is and there we are Mr villager you were

Saying I think um Mr villager went away for a minute or two he’ll be back probably but will he be back in time because we are here right now at the 3 hour Mark um let’s look for just a moment at um nope let’s look here at the civilians for just a

Second I want to see so this is um citizen XP growth which is not what we’re after um we’re after more books um that’s still XP when studying that’s for the kids if I’m not mistaken requires a school um scuba and we’re already down to Resurrection okay so it’s not on this

Part this is all about um eight uh Health points dilig and that doesn’t give me what I’m looking for either okay and that’s healing and that’s regeneration okay so let’s go that’s citizen let’s go to technology and see if it’s here right quick Stone cake open the

Nether I don’t see see anything these have to do with farming up here knowledge of the depths memory a workers can learn 25% more recipes requires a sawmill at least level one um the memory aid is what we need and 32 paper and a level one Sawmill we have a level one s but we won’t have one in a minute and that’s 32 paper yes it is 32 paper and the level One one sill and that way we can get memory aid how long 25% more recipes and sheat sheet is 25% more than that but then it has to be level two okay and then the recipe book is 50% more wow and then RTM that’s a good amount that allows for

That’s something we can use right now ilber um while we have the place that we have while Emory is working on the other buildings while we’re not going to tear this building down um we should go ahead and use it and we need 32 paper so I don’t think we have any place

In here where we can make paper I don’t think there’s any paper oh I’m starting a new project aren’t I I am I’m going to have to have I’m going to have to come back I’ll be back tomorrow um I’m I’m done for today uh I hope you had

Fun uh I know I was a little uh a little snippy um sorry about that and uh the ladder to climb into the barracks is a death trap two guards just died right now by Falling damage no A poor miasa poor mat Lum oh no oh my goodness okay well that’s understandable what happened there oh my goodness okay well hey that’s what you’re doing you’re going to do stuff about it right you’re going to get that done so yeah this is the hard part isn’t it the

Part after you make all the designs and then you do it and then they’re living there and you have to see if it’s even possible for them to do that that is pretty wild um I’m going to have to say goodbye to Mr villager on um just uh so

That when he comes back and watches this later he’ll see it Obrigado thank you for being here and MX sassa I wish you lots of luck I know that’s hard I know it’s hard I’m thinking about that I’m going to take that where that Sawmill down and that’s

That kind of it’s not the same as losing people though so okay and everyone else who’s watching uh enjoy your games enjoy watching all the other Gamers I will see you again soon Massa Bon and abent and here we go I’m going to play music music I hear Music O

This video, titled ‘Minecraft with Minecolonies Mod Frontier and Little Styles’, was uploaded by monster2mermaid on 2023-12-02 11:23:12. It has garnered 22 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:42 or 11322 seconds.

– The Farm is Happening – Well…

  • Pubg Pro Satyam Joins Dark SMP

    Pubg Pro Satyam Joins Dark SMP All NEW Beginning On This Minecraft SMP | DARK SMP Welcome back to another exciting adventure in the world of Minecraft! Today, we delve into the mysterious and thrilling realm of the DARK SMP server. Join us as we explore the latest updates, challenges, and events that await players in this unique Minecraft experience. Unveiling the Dark SMP Server The DARK SMP server offers a fresh and exciting twist to the traditional Minecraft gameplay. With its dark and mysterious theme, players are immersed in a world filled with challenges, secrets, and adventures waiting to be uncovered. From eerie landscapes… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Create Mod Windmill

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  • EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Trial Chamber Loot!

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  • Techno Gamerz: Fire Mc Find Sparks Minecraft Frenzy

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  • Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore

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  • Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob

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  • Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You!

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  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

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  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

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  • Mine’s Entrance: Day 13 – 1K Days in Better MC

    Mine's Entrance: Day 13 - 1K Days in Better MC In the world of Minecraft, Day 13 did shine, As I crafted the entrance to the mine. Stone slabs, cobblestone, and stairs so fine, Creating a space where treasures align. Pebbles and rough cobblestone for detail, Adding depth to the scene without fail. A dark amaranth barrel for storage, without frail, Rotten barrel for a touch of dark tale. Join me on this journey, let’s have some fun, In Better Minecraft, under the sun. Subscribe to my channel, let’s be one, In this world of blocks, where we all can run. Follow me on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and… Read More

  • Dome of Hope: Crafting Chaos in Minecraft Series 3

    Dome of Hope: Crafting Chaos in Minecraft Series 3 In Episode 3, Mark G faces his greatest test, Herobrine threatens, putting his city to the test. Teaming up with his friends, a dome they will build, To protect their home, their fate to be fulfilled. The people of Braavos seek Mark G’s aid, Facing destruction, they’re all afraid. With intelligence and courage, they assess the threat, Herobrine’s power, they won’t forget. A dome of hope, a mountain to rise, Uniting the city, reaching for the skies. Herobrine approaches, suspicion in his eye, Mark G’s plan in motion, will they defy? In the final showdown, a trap is set,… Read More

  • Villagers causing server meltdown in Minecraft! #hotmess

    Villagers causing server meltdown in Minecraft! #hotmess Looks like those villagers need to lay off the virtual caffeine and stop lagging behind! Time to upgrade their internet connection from dial-up to fiber optic. Read More

  • Sneaky MCPE Update: Copper Door Drop & Wind Charge Terrain

    Sneaky MCPE Update: Copper Door Drop & Wind Charge Terrain The Latest Minecraft Update: MCPE Beta & Preview Exciting news for all Minecraft enthusiasts! The latest update, MCPE, has been released for Minecraft’s Bedrock Edition. This update brings a host of new features and improvements that are sure to enhance your gaming experience. Let’s dive into the details! Copper Door Drop Change One of the notable changes in this update is the alteration in the drop rate of copper doors. Now, players can expect a different drop rate for copper doors, adding a new element of strategy to the game. This change will surely keep players on… Read More

  • Joker’s First Time in Minecraft: Suited Blaze Saves the Day!

    Joker's First Time in Minecraft: Suited Blaze Saves the Day!Video Information This video, titled ‘Helping Joker Beat Minecraft For The 1st Time’, was uploaded by Suited Blaze on 2024-06-23 02:02:49. It has garnered 321 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:26 or 16106 seconds. Welcome back to another Minecraft session of helping Joker beat Minecraft! Last time we completed a trial chambers run successfully. What will today have in store? Interested in joining our Guilded? Check out the link below: TIME STAMPS: 0:00 – Intro 2:38 – Stream Start 1:46:42 – Back In The Nether Read More

  • Arctic Avengers: Minecraft PE Short

    Arctic Avengers: Minecraft PE ShortVideo Information This video, titled ‘👁️👁️ #shorts #minecraft #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Arctic Avenngers on 2024-05-01 02:56:47. It has garnered 886 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #humor #scary Credit​ to @DolphinMasterMB This mod was created by DolphinMasterMB ( fearcraft )​ Read More

  • “Minecraft Horror Mod 2024 – Terrifying Gameplay” #minecraft #scary

    "Minecraft Horror Mod 2024 - Terrifying Gameplay" #minecraft #scaryVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Scariest Minecraft horror Mod in 2024 #minecraft #minecrafthorror #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Minecraft Horror mods on 2024-05-30 21:29:13. It has garnered 6368 views and 167 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. The Scariest Minecraft horror Mod in 2024 #minecraft #minecrafthorror #gaming #shorts Read More

  • INSANE Modern Minecraft House Tour! MUST SEE! 🔥

    INSANE Modern Minecraft House Tour! MUST SEE! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MODERN HOUSE SHOWCASE IN MINECRAFT: YOU WON’T FIND ANYTHING BETTER! 🔥🔥’, was uploaded by Da games world on 2024-02-27 12:00:20. It has garnered 581 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:00 or 720 seconds. MODERN HOUSE SHOWCASE IN MINECRAFT: YOU WON’T FIND ANYTHING BETTER! 🔥🔥 Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft modern house showcase that you simply can’t afford to miss! 🏠🔥 In this video, we’re diving deep into the world of Minecraft to bring you a tour of a modern house that stands out for its innovative design, stunning aesthetics, and… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SHADER UPDATE! PREVIEWVideo Information This video, titled ‘SHADER REFLECTION FILES ADDED! Minecraft Bedrock Preview Update!’, was uploaded by Smitty058 on 2024-01-05 01:56:01. It has garnered 9082 views and 204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:35 or 275 seconds. Exciting news for the future of Minecraft Bedrock Shaders! Deferred shaders are now officially supported on Minecraft Bedrock for Xbox, Android and PC! This comes with the new Preview version released a few months back! PREVIEW PATCH NOTES Check out my website for FREE minecraft Add-On methods! Heres the shader I use in this vid! Poggy’s YT… Read More

  • Gingershadow Reveals Insane Naruto Mod!

    Gingershadow Reveals Insane Naruto Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW NARUTO MOD! EPIC ANIMATIONS, JUTSU, TAILED BEASTS & MORE!, Minecraft Naruto Mod Review’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-06-01 20:00:05. It has garnered 28551 views and 990 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:51 or 2391 seconds. Solo Leveling Dungeons & Dragons (On Vod Channel) – Minecraft Naruto (Ninshu Origins) Mod – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – NEW NARUTO MOD! EPIC ANIMATIONS, JUTSU, TAILED BEASTS & MORE!, Minecraft Naruto Mod Review #NARUTO #Minecraft #ModReview Also big thanks and… Read More

  • Insane Chapel Chaos! Chatting in Minecraft #6!

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  • 🔥 Insane Moto Patlo Free Fire Gameplay 😱 #viral #foryou

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  • Unbelievable new song by Mo sairam. You won’t believe what happens next!

    Unbelievable new song by Mo sairam. You won't believe what happens next!Video Information This video, titled ‘#song #newsong #music #comedy #dj #sairam #freefire #sai #minecraft #shreesai’, was uploaded by Mo sairam. Zx on 2024-02-19 08:06:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • JustLand

    JustLandjsme česky survival server ktery ma vozidla a modovane věci a budou často update a eventy a odměny na eventech jsou i někdy hodně dobré Read More

  • Industrial Earth: Renaissance Vanilla Roleplay Geopolitics 1.20.4 Dynmap Plugins

    Welcome to Industrial Earth! Industrial Earth is a geopolitical server with heavy roleplay elements. Join us as a leader of nations in the 16th century, or fight as a citizen until the last stand. Our server features a minimal amount of plugins and a dynmap to track cities and borders. Engage in wars, diplomacy, sieges, and other activities within our faction/geopolitical community. Features: Dynmap War & Diplomacy Sieges Roleplay World Map Set in the 16th Century Suggestion Chat for New Features Diverse Nations to Choose From Power Struggles in the Holy Roman Empire Join Now! Discord Invite World Map: Explore… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Childhood memories in the era of Minecraft

    Looks like my childhood is bringing all the skeletons out of the closet in this new era of information! Read More

  • Tri-Wood Tricks: Minecraft’s Triangular House Quick Fix

    Tri-Wood Tricks: Minecraft's Triangular House Quick Fix In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re building a house with triangular vibes. Wooden planks arranged in a unique way, Creating a structure that’s sure to stay. With each block placed, a story unfolds, A home for our character, brave and bold. In this virtual world, the possibilities are endless, With each design choice, our creativity transcends. So grab your tools and let’s get to work, Crafting a home that’s sure to perk, Up the spirits of all who pass by, In this Minecraft world, where dreams can fly high. Read More

  • Minecraft vs Reality: The Ultimate Battle!

    Minecraft vs Reality: The Ultimate Battle! Minecraft: spends hours building a house, mining for resources, and fighting off zombies. Real Life: spends hours looking for a parking spot, waiting in line at the grocery store, and fighting off a cold. Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 24

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 24 Minecraft Challenge: Day 24 Exploring the World Seed In today’s Minecraft challenge, the player found themselves surrounded by towering spruce trees in the world seed: -1206291632661826736. Using a clever technique of creating a staircase on the tree trunk, they managed to gather blocks from one of the large trees in a single go. Sending Greetings Not only did the player tackle the in-game challenges, but they also took the time to send greetings to fellow gamers on YouTube and TikTok. Shoutouts were given to creators such as @SilviaPatriciaNunezValdez, @m4xi_183, @facha918, @naim2518, @bwaaa-sdr, @jeffer2651 on YouTube, and @unpapelfurioso, @juanchy129k, @imm61664,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Base Showdown

    Ultimate Minecraft Base Showdown Minecraft Secret Base Logic: NOOB vs PRO Welcome to our latest Minecraft video, where we explore the concept of secret bases through the lens of a noob and a pro player! In this epic showdown, we will witness the different strategies and tactics used by both players to create the ultimate secret base. The Battle Begins Watch as the noob player fumbles and struggles to build a basic shelter, while the pro player effortlessly constructs a complex and well-hidden base. Will the noob player be able to catch up and outsmart the pro, or will their lack of experience… Read More

  • Unlocking Obsidian in Minecraft Agency!

    Unlocking Obsidian in Minecraft Agency!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Quest for Obsidian in Our Survival Saga: The Minecraft Agency’, was uploaded by Agent Omega on 2024-03-07 02:38:48. It has garnered 45 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:40 or 13420 seconds. We finally found a cave with what seems to be unlimited resources! Now we just need an ender chest and we can start moving forward and fast towards our bosses. This time I want to see if we can trigger a pillager raid, let’s see what can stop us. Come hop in and have some fun! Don’t Forget… Read More

  • Unbelievable SMP Ore Mining Strategy!

    Unbelievable SMP Ore Mining Strategy!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW I WON 9 STACKS OF ORE on an SMP – Metacraft S3#12’, was uploaded by Brevort on 2024-02-13 10:03:17. It has garnered 115 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:56 or 2396 seconds. Survival Minecraft 1.20. In this episode, we build a glow squid farm using guardians, then we join a mining competition (Meta Mining Expedition) where the person with the most ore after the time is up takes all! Featured in this episode: AlphaMike17 – @alphamike17 Bygl – @ByglPlays classicFaye – @classicfaye FuryRaptor – @furyraptor LadyZentra – @ladyzentra… Read More

  • Valley of Riches: Epic Minecraft Survival #2

    Valley of Riches: Epic Minecraft Survival #2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft survival series #2 | Going to the VALLEY & collecting diamonds ,iron etc.’, was uploaded by Epic Edge on 2024-05-06 12:49:52. It has garnered 28 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:47 or 827 seconds. _Minecraft Survival Series #2: Going to the Valley!_ “Welcome back to our Minecraft Survival Series! In episode #2, we’re venturing out of our safe haven and into the unknown… Our journey takes us to the Valley, a mysterious and treacherous region filled with hidden dangers and untold riches. We’ll need to be cautious and clever… Read More

  • Insane new water bucket trick! Must see! #shorts #memes

    Insane new water bucket trick! Must see! #shorts #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘water bucket trick 💪😀#shorts #memes’, was uploaded by ZA GAMING on 2024-02-03 07:28:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to our channel! In this exciting video titled “Mastering Minecraft: Unleashing Creative Gameplay,” we dive deep into the … Read More

  • Insane Gamer816 Builds Epic Tree House in Minecraft!

    Insane Gamer816 Builds Epic Tree House in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Unbelievable Tree House Build on Minecraft!’, was uploaded by GAMER816 on 2024-06-23 03:53:37. It has garnered 11 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. #minecraft, #minecraftbuilds, #minecraftbuild, #minecraftpe, #minecraftpc, #minecrafthouse, #minecraftdaily, #minecrafters, #minecrafter, #minecraftideas, #minecraftonly, #minecraftmeme, #minecraftserver, #minecrafthouses #cricut made diy activities minecraft backrooms minecraft shorts minecraft simple tutorials minecraft tutorial Tree house offgrid tiny house My Instagram Account Read More


    INSANE BASE BUILDING DAY 2!! | LSLIVE Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP Day 2! Building a base!’, was uploaded by LSLIVE on 2024-03-11 07:13:12. It has garnered 75 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:57 or 19677 seconds. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!!! DONATE AT : SOCIALS: Instagram: luckyshot.w.k Discord: The Wolf Pack Twitter: @LuckyShotxWK TikTok: @luckyshotxwk MERCH!!! SPONSORED BY ULTI ENERGY!!! USE CODE WK 7 TO GET 10% OFF EACH ITEM!!! Read More

  • Minecraft Secret: Herobrine in Sumit Gamer05’s Live Stream

    Minecraft Secret: Herobrine in Sumit Gamer05's Live StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Herobrine Is There 🤫 #live #stream’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-04-17 16:34:08. It has garnered 366 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:51 or 7371 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft (Patch)! Join my Club on Turnip sumit: Thank you for watching my Minecraft (Patch) stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!,… Read More

  • Bluey vs Evil Mackenzie in Secure House Showdown!

    Bluey vs Evil Mackenzie in Secure House Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Evil Mackenzie In Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-06-01 09:15:23. It has garnered 23879 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:00 or 3720 seconds. Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Evil Mackenzie In Minecraft, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • Mind-Blowing FNAF MC Animation | Not Me by TryHardNinja

    Mind-Blowing FNAF MC Animation | Not Me by TryHardNinjaVideo Information This video, titled ‘”That Me Is Not Me” | FNAF Minecraft Animated Music Video | Song By ‪@TryHardNinja’, was uploaded by Transfangames07 on 2024-06-22 19:00:06. It has garnered 10152 views and 623 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. Well Good Day people reading this, honestly didn’t think this momment would come so quickly but here we are, new animation :D, now before going into me leaving my own thoughts on my own animation, i wanna give a HUGE shoutout to @BAMation (Spider Manny) for helping one of the scenes of this video since… Read More

  • DragonChief

    DragonChiefSurvival Minecraft Server yg Bekerja sama dengan THF Server ini dapat di mainkan di bedrock maupun Java Read More