Transforming into a Witch in Minecraft! 🧙‍♀️- Cottage Witch Modded

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hi friends I’m baby unicorn 184 but you can call me L and welcome to a brand new series I got the itch to start a new mod pack so I decided to give Cottage wit too and I am really excited I have made a few small tweaks to a couple of mods and like config and stuff like that but I’ll put all the details down in the description as well as the seed I loaded into just a couple of Worlds to see if any had a cute spawn area and while I wasn’t stoked to Spa in a winds swep Savannah I did notice as soon as I looked at the map that there is some swamp right here and there’s also some white mangroves that look really pretty so I think those just behind me there are the white mangroves like look how pretty those look so a oh and there’s a pink tree over there as well okay interesting getting ahead of myself but yeah I thought to keep this series different from our fairy cor series I’d go for it more swampy witch Vibe so that’s what we’re going to do and I’m just going to jump straight in and we will punch our first tree oh actually I keep forgetting we can use this little vein mining thingy me Bob and it looks like we’ve got lots of bits and pieces already that is awesome like tea leaves sure Apple love it acorn beautiful we also spawned in with some nut butter and jam sandwiches which is cute and then a few books so I’ll pop those away for a minute and we will get started on the Minecraft basics of crafting at least a stone pickaxe uh I mean well a wooden pickaxe to then go get stone so we’ll just grab that and one good thing about spawning in a wind swep Savannah is that hopefully can see a little bit over there and or maybe Lots over there we can get some coal and iron and stone pretty easily so I might go have a look over here oh and I just saw a portal yay okay but yeah it looks like there’s heaps of iron up that building a building up that stone structure but first of all we will head over to this portal and we’ll check out what’s in this chest Golden Apple that’s cool ooh sausage gems I mean we’ll take all of this what’s that got on it Fire Protection One sure we’ll pop that on this is actually like a really intact portal too we could come back here and light that up for sure so let’s just head over to this Stone and grab some and make ourselves a stone pickaxe and then we’ll probably try and scale up the side of this thing to get some iron oh I’m forgetting I can do this thing and just like get a whole wh there we go a whole chunk that’s fine though cuz we’re about to make a brand new stone pickax wao that mined heaps of stone that’s awesome okay and then we’ll do the same thing with some dirt so it can help us climb up the mountain perfect yeah that makes mining so much easier okay so let’s see if we can like do a little swim up up here nope I want to kind of no that’s not helping okay there we go cuz I think oh it was over a little bit yeah there we go awesome oh wait missed them yes love to see that okay and now if I pop up a bit higher I think there was a bit more so good okay five more pieces love that and then and a little bit in that water get in there thank you okay I’m probably going to fall to my death With death if I try this but let’s just give it a go oh no that’s okay all right um was that all ouch that we had to have here there’s a little bit more up the top there let’s have a quick look around the Sun is already starting to set though well not set but go down which is a bit stressful I’m probably just going to hide in a hole overnight so don’t judge me if I do that perfect okay I am going to just kind of box myself in here for a second pop that down we are going to make a furnace and then pop in our coal and get our iron smelting while we’re here actually we can have a look at our quests which is cool so this is just our like congratulations we’re here oh we got a to so the to I’m pretty sure is a book of books I forget how to use it we just oh yep so it’s got all our books in there oh it looks like it already has the bedia and the Quest Books in there so oops I’m not sure why then we have extras but that is fine we also then can just so this is if we want to build a house I will grab it um a prefab house but I don’t know if we’ll need it we’ll have a look oh a cute mushroom hat love that um and then need to get somewhere in a hurry why not try a slinging the Slime sling when pointed at the ground and drawn will shoot the player in the opposite direction upon release okay give that a go um the Slime boots will make it so you know you don’t fall from die from Fall damage that is amazing we will pop those straight on because there is a high chance that I would die oh my God the hat is kind of funny it’s very cute though um and we have a sack as well which we can fill up with stuff and then what else do we have miscellaneous we’ve got a bottle of dimensional tears I think that’s all we’ve got there but look at all of this yummy iron okay what should we craft first maybe a oh I need some more sticks actually sorry so we’ll do a pickaxe definitely we will do a sword oh my God everything’s like full already we already got boots we will upgrade our chest plate straight away yeah pop that on put some random stuff in our sack oh I forgot we had that axe that’s cool I won’t craft an axe then okay we can make make a pair of pants which is awesome and I’ll turn those off as well I’ll leave the boots on for now just cuz they’re kind of funny we don’t have enough for a hat but that is fine oh I should craft some torches probably just like I don’t know I guess may as well dig around a little bit see what happens yeah no thank you yeah I just thought I’d like do a little digging in case I found more iron just like right here like that all right I will just smell this up and be back with everyone when the sun comes up okay the sun is coming up can I just y myself off here without dying let’s go nice so after that iron cooked up it turned out I had enough for basically full armor I got obviously my tools I made a pair of shoeld a she and a shield just in case we need that as well uh oh there is a zombie over there that’s okay I can be brave does that zombie have a backpack did I just oh no now there’s two zombies okay maybe I’m not strong enough for this no okay we did that no I don’t need chain maal but that’s fine kill you too why not get it over and done with so I think I was going to try and head over towards the swamp area oh my God I can hear more zombies go away no thank you oh and a skeleton no no no thank you no thank you uh um hello oh my God there’s a creeper I was going to get those cute flowers but nope but what is this yeah look how pretty this swampy area is like swamps aren’t normally A vibe for me personally but I think modded swamps can look really cool it’s just like oh no I’m swimming through these okay interesting um wait why is it like stinky what does that mean mean okay it’s gone now um this is stressful oh I hope this isn’t like a bad structure what was I saying yeah vanilla swamps not that interesting modded swamps can be interesting I wonder if there’s frogs oh there’s blue orchids I don’t really have room to pick up stuff oh the flowers look so pretty with these texture packs um hi can I get on top of this thing what is that H hi how you doing oh my God it’s Traer what okay that is really random um are you going to like stick around here little little ducky how pretty are these Vines I can’t get over how cute all the textures are in this pack okay what are you ooh hex Ray stuff what that’s really shiny wow okay oh cuz there no there’s not water in there I thought there might have been water in there what is going on here are they candles guess I should light those somehow a willow tree okay so this seems like some sort of hexar St structure we’ve got just like normal wheat but then we’ve also got mandake and Sage that’s cool I like these like chandelier things as well we can click on it cuz it says fully grown so I assume that means obviously there’s growth stages that is so cool okay and there’s another garden over there do we set up this area to be like our starter base area cuz I mean oh hang on there’s another structure over there it doesn’t look like there’s any baddies on the map just a bunch of catfish all right we’ll head over there in a second I’ll just double check that there’s nothing else over here we need to look at it’s kind of cute as well that there’s like sort of some mountains in the backdrop that one even has snow on it over there that’s weird you don’t really think of like swamps being near snow but that’s fine Bo oh I forgot we have our slime boots that’s so funny okay we’ll cautiously approach this other structure oh there’s some stinky smell bits okay that over there looks like a normal witch hut so we’re going to avoid that cuz I don’t know if we’re strong enough to take on a witch but what if there’s a black cat there cuz it would be so cool if we had a black cat oh my god oh hello catfish you’re actually really cute a we got a quest for that that’s funny it’s tripping me out that you can’t like don’t stand on these or can you stand on no big ones maybe yeah okay okay is there yeah there’s switches here I oh don’t no um I don’t know if a Shield’s going to help but we’ll pop that on do I just like run in guns blazing hello anyone home yep no don’t heal up no don’t do that don’t do it pleas stop no oh my God okay I can hear a cat I’ll die if it’s a black one I mean I like all cats but I don’t have any fish though this is cute there is a witches hat oh it’s a Jelly Cat yeah I need to go get some no don’t jump off jelly I need some food to give you um yes my hair clips through it oh no I’m going to die no don’t die you can’t die from Poison right okay we’re good okay this place is pretty cute all right so this is our house oh what is that crystal ball wait is there other which I can’t see any red dots actually I think we’re okay yeah this is our house now this is ours um jelly you stay there for a sec I’m going to go try and get some fish hopefully you like catfish is that a catfish it looks like looked huge come back back oh my God it’s eyes that’s hilarious did that not drop a fish I don’t remember seeing a bed in that structure oh my God I don’t think I can use raw catfish to tame a cat I mean we can give it a go jelly do you like raw catfish going to have to put some vines or somewhere or a ladder cuz I cannot keep using an ugly dirt pillar to get up into this house jelly do you want catfish no she does not want catfish cuz yeah I don’t think I saw a bed in here I don’t know if there’s anything up there uh wait oh are you yep are you going to fall down down [Music] there um this does not match but it’s going to I forgot we had slime boots wonder if there’s any flax around for string or I could be brave and go out and fight some mobs and try and find a few spiders cuz um I could make a fishing rod to get fish to tame cats that could be something we could do put this furnace there yeah why not um I don’t think I have anything else I need to smell right now oh that is a trap door cute okay so I can make a bed not a very cute one could make it blue no we can’t universally Dy beds noted okay um might have to rearrange this house a little bit but let’s just sleep off the night okay so I feel like we’ve probably ticked off a few bits and pieces in here like whatever that is um farming obtain sub seeds and get some rich soil cute definitely want to do some farming Wildlife I’ll meet the cracklings cute oh oh okay thank you ooh we get to get a little friend what is a potted flutter and I think we need to get that yep do we like pop you down somewhere oh my God stop it no no no wait come back oh no I think I’ve made a mistake how do I tame you ah no don’t go away come back that is adorable though um quick think okay um make a cage how do we make these again iron bars yep yep yep yep yep yep okay oh we don’t have enough iron all right we might have messed up hopefully it doesn’t stray too far okay what is on the map so yeah that’s definitely oh no wait that’s definitely a witch hut I’m not sure what that is ooh hex Ray swamp cuz this is normal swamp interesting we’ve got some structures down here as well um I need some more wood to make some chests so let’s just quickly do that so I can empty out my pockets properly so cute oh it’s Willow oh it’s like green that’s cute oh my pockets are of course full wait where did I get the Phantom membrane from that’s random okay um over here could be a cute little farm area actually okay give me all the chests and they are adorable okay um first of all let’s move oh my god of course cuz everything’s full and I can’t even pick that up up put bed in the corner maybe we take this down and pop no oh my God obviously this is all just temporary storage but we’re going to yeah look at us with that little hat on oh it’s so funny okay of course I had to put the witch hat on there wait what’s oh the armor stand sorry go over here too so do we go have a look at what that structure is here and hope that it’s what are all those mobs why is it red it must be underground we could probably go kill that witch too but yeah let’s go SS out that building and see if it’s a nice building or a bad building okay I seeing red dots on y there’s defin but is that there’s a black hatat over there but I don’t have regular fish I need some regular fish maybe we need to get out of the swamp maybe that’s my problem why am I blanking on the regular fish types that’s a turtle I should make a bucket oh oh gosh okay there’s flag awesome and we’re going to need sugar canane as well I might just have a quick nip up to that mountain to see what other exposed ores there are oh my God what are those oh there’s a tower over there too I wonder if that’s a good Tower or a bad Tower well there’s crystals in there Yak oh my God you’re so cute okay that is cute in there but I’m not going in there cuz it’s a little bit dangerous looking but this has peaked my interest over here oh and this is the hex aray swamp so this has got more of the plants we’re oh I keep forgetting I have those boots on more of the plants we’re going to need for the hex Ray stuff which I definitely do want to do ASAP because I want to be a powerful [Music] witch we’ve done some questy stuff by the looks of it oh ah oh my God keep forgetting stop where can I stand safely all right some hose I’m probably going to take this all I don’t actually need that but too late I am probably one of the oh um what the words hard um spider web I need the string okay um Danny lion be gone that be gone oh it’s getting dark actually we will take a quick nap while we’re here we do not want mobs we do not want mobs spawning I’m going to have to break that so I don’t spawn back [Music] here more iron don’t mind if I do a was yes I do I want the bones but the rest I guess can stay for an hour although a bow would be really handy um oh I can put stuff in my suck I’m silly okay easy peasy so I can grab a bow and even though I’m only going to have like all arrows um and probably H you know let’s take it why not we’ll take it all oh graveyard and more spider webs yes and a horse okay I’m definitely coming back here to like loot out every single thing that’s in here um actually we’ll take this as well spider web or string and I’m going to make a fishing rod so we can get all of the Cats and a skeleton skull we are spooky witches we we need those okay so this is one of the mods that I actually added myself um and it adds graveyards that you can then like loot so yeah I had to do that obviously cuz I feel like I am the sort of witch that would hang out in graveyards and isn’t afraid of you know like stealing things from graves that’s just the type of which we are in this series um hope that’s okay I don’t know if there’s anything else like is this a no I don’t think that’s a grave I think it’s just that one that’s fine we got some string and we got some skulls love that okay I’m going to leave the sheep and not murder them for now cuz we’re probably going to need the at some point where was I going I’m completely distracted I think I was supposed to go down there but I was going to look I didn’t even look for ores I just got so distracted okay let’s go oh but I don’t want to go to that witch hut yet actually no stop bouncing oh more flx hello yeah i don’t want to go to the witch hut yet because I want to be able to tame the black hat first I’ve just come across this and I have no idea what it is so if anyone knows what I need to use this for or if there’s something I do here let me know okay I’m home I’ve got a little bit of extra iron smelting up over there that I got from the mountain but I was just about to create our first fishing rod so let’s let’s pick a spot guess here we’ll do and see if we can just catch some like regular Cod or salmon salmon I think the salmon cuz yeah I really want to like obviously we the type of witch that needs a lot of cats like that makes sense of course our first fish is a modded fish this might be harder than I thought there we go raw salmon um what was that unbreakable fishing line reduces fishing Time by 16.4% so I think that’s like a trinket so it says right pocket or left pocket um there are so many slots oh my God oops I didn’t mean to click that hands ring belt charm does it go no oh there we go okay so we have two pockets so we can have two charms interesting all right let’s let’s see if that makes things fast oh it’s Sparkles that’s cute cuz we’ve got a charm on it okay it’s getting dark now but I did catch I’ve got four of the regular Cod and two of the salmon so that’s like not a lot but I mean it’s something I guess um it looks like we have also obviously I’m a bit sad that we now oh so now you give me a pot to put it back in um yeah cuz I think my flutter Des spawn yeah that sucks okay um I haven’t seen it in a hot minute so we can make a straw Golem um we can feed it an apple and we got a hat so then we also get a random thing there we also met a catfish oh it was a random one oh we got a bucket of fish I wanted a cute one but that’s fine what else have we ticked off so here M’s accessories although at first glance they might seem inconsequential or unhelpful their true power lies in their ability to be combined combine two or more accessories of the same type in a crafting table to increase its power you can further improve or modify them by adding boosters or cards and and because we got the card we also get an ow feather that’s cute so that’s those fishing I love me some fishing oh my God can I get I can get another flutter thing yes okay and then what else I won’t obviously set a free yet and I think we just got an ax AAL but that’s not even on this list anyway so these all sound pretty boring actually to be honest I mean a piranha would be pretty cool if I put it in a fish tank that’s like a pretty witchy pet to have right that would be cool okay um and then because we got aquaculture fish we get another bucket let’s get a jellfish cute okay and then we have to forage wild crops I don’t think I’ve seen any of these lately I do know what they look like I have done a bit of um like Farmers delight and stuff like that before and then building and decorating we’ve got a lantern cute and it’s raining that’s cute what dream catcher um okay so it looks like that one I can put in my pocket and it gives us random stuff when we sleep question mark I love trinkets I just think they’re the coolest like sort of addition to the game um where did I put okay we got our fish I’m going to go try and get that black hat hopefully it’s still over there can I see it on the map no cuz we’re not close enough all right um o I didn’t realize I had an iron axe that is good got a little bit of food I could probably leave my fishing rod behind for now my shield okay let’s go have a look at that other witch hut place and hopefully get the black hat cuz it looks like Jelly’s despawn or abandon us as well so that’s a bit sad um but to get a black cat in the first episode would be amazing oh my God you scared me not me getting jump scared by is this like dangerous if I go it yep cool good to know oh no oh no why oh baked potato thank you That’s So Random okay oh I think we’re nearly there yep hello anyone home Kitty no come back that cat just went oo don’t mind if I do okay you are going to die please die please die please why are you so strong NOP now I’m going to die okay this might did she poison herself all right what potions do I have weakness o night vision I don’t want harming oh my God oh my God oh my God she comes in right now I am screwed that did way more damage than I was expecting okay new strategy she seems to be dark there I think that’s just a stare okay can I just like block her line of sight a little bit it’s not going to be close enough no oh okay [Music] um cuz I was going to try and like whack at of feet yep okay I can do that oh I’m about to die yes okay so now as long as I don’t die and then we have to go find the cat ah poison is so annoying okay what else did I already looted that kitty here kitty I can hear you there you are hey Kitty oh you’re stuck in the water no you be my friend yes oh okay names for the cat in the comments please are you going to be good with swimming oh I guess you can teleport actually back to our house all right let’s do this this will definitely be a good spot for some farming right next to the house I think so we might do that next episode okay come inside little kitty this is your new home where are you come back are you stuck there come on no over here yeah good kitty no wondering staying ah so cute all right can I nudge you into the corner just for a little bit oh okay yes so cute okay so the last thing I want to do today is probably head back over this way um and sort of like where the little Bridge bit meets like the land I might start a little strip mine down to like diamond level I guess to try to get some diamonds so I’m thinking maybe just down here would be a cute spot this way yeah we can do like a decorate like a mine entrance I think a bit better later there um so for now I don’t have shovel that is fine and I don’t have any torches on me cuz I was going to say I should light this area up a little bit cuz it’s starting to get dark but oh I’m going to need a new pickaxe soon okay I didn’t really think this through very well okay there it is some coal and I might just put that back on shapeless and quickly make some torches okay I’m just going to dig a tunnel down for a little while and we’ll see how far I can get okay if a few things are happening I didn’t get very far down this m shaft I’m on level 27 so not even that deep I have set up a little crafting table and furnace station there because I hit a huge amount of water and for a little while I was kind of like tunneling myself down and then it got too hard so I decided I popped back up crafted some doors and you might be able to see all the way down there there is a little air pocket so if we swim on down to our little air pocket close up those doors we can breathe now and I’m probably going to continue the M shaft down this way but then on the map don’t know if you can see that there is something over here so I dug a little bit and then there was a piece of Mossy Cobble so I was like hm interesting open it up it is a huge M shaft so this is kind of cool um it looks very scary so we have to be very careful but yeah I thought I’d jump back on and we might have a little snoop around is that oh no that’s just wood okay um so yeah this probably going to be a lot of baddies I might actually put my shield back on that could be a good idea we want to oh but now I can’t light things up as easy that’s fine we’re just lighing things up it’s all fine there is coal in there that’s cool oo okay what is that dust bun okay um but yeah I’ll take all that sure and we got an ancient home nice we may as well grab this iron while we’re here um yes please cuz this pickaxe and sword is probably going to break soon may as well oh and we got some chalk may as well Chuck that in there and then we can also turn that into another raw nugget um I might just pop a few random I don’t know what that is um a few random bits in here like just some of the blocks and stuff just to free up our inventory a little bit um I do like rope but I’ll probably o a music disc interesting okay uh I’m getting ahead of myself wait I just put sticks away and I need sticks I’m so smart um yep okay focus we’ve got a backup um pickaxe and then oh perfect five is all we need for a extra sword I don’t have a lot of food either so we do have to be careful about that I will take as much Str ring as I can get though cuz I have a feeling that will come in handy oh I might need my axe I’ll leave that there actually what is that oh my God no no no no no no no get me out of here get me out of here up up up up up oh my God I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die oh my God no why oh my god there better not be any more spawners down here why did I go down that trap door I mean obviously a SP a spawner could have come in handy but survival is more important right now as a witch actually it would be cool if I could have a pet spider ooh okay a parachute what and another pickaxe let’s go okay and seeds and a diamond wait I didn’t even see that um that is amazing melon seeds Okay more oh actually I’ll leave the Rope I will take those and definitely some torches um okay I guess I’ll leave the chalk I’m pretty sure it’s not hard to find more of that chalk wait I didn’t even loot this other one I’m so silly ooh okay um there’s a lot of stuff going on here and I don’t have enough space I should have bought my uh reinforce tip one I don’t know what that even means I should have brought the sack is what I was about to say a glowberries would be cool too though okay sorry ho you have to go I can come back here pretty easy it’s honestly not far from home um yeah that was pretty scary oh my God why do I get poisoned when I eat this is that what’s happening there I have no idea oh my God that is a creeper no no you’re very cute but very explody okay yep cool they really blend in with the environment that is not cool this thing is huge okay that’s the end of that what is this place so there’s going to be another spawner down here yep okay I’m going to have to come back here when I’ve got more room in my pockets oh but I can I reach that oh my God you scared me Goblin oh my God yeah hey buddy I don’t think I have anything for you right now okay we got rid of that I know there’s going to oh my God always forget about Bloody boots yeah oh I’m sorry Goblin sorry dude I’m sorry you still mad okay ooh fa Hood I don’t need rails Redstone I think I need that for something later pop that there what go gastic telekinetic fishing rod what okay where were we um lighting this place up because it’s good for resources but very spooky I don’t think there’s anything else down here ooh that is really pretty ah oh my God I just panicked clicked the button oh where was that Skelly this want to have a look what’s in here quickly oo what is this okay I really need to empty my pockets a vampiric glove um yes do I put that just in my normal glove slot yes hello okay wait I could can I put the hood on anywhere else or is that no okay that would have to go like there yeah oh there’s the skeleton okay go away go no okay I’m getting out of here I’m stuck yeah I really need to get out of here no that’s not the way I came is it oh yeah it is that’s my door just didn’t realize there was that much water there okay we are back home safely from that little unexpected mining M shaft little Adventure um didn’t quite go to plan I thought I could just like dig a simple tunnel down to you know Diamond level and find some diamonds but no we did find one diamond in a chest so that’s cool as well as quite a bit of other loot so I’m going to definitely drop that all off now in between episodes I might try to continue that little M shaft tunnel down um it’s a bumber that there’s that big chunk of water in between but what can you do and yeah in the next episode we definitely need to set up some sort of like food source like farming situation perhaps I think that’s what I’ll try and focus on as well as getting started with some of the hex-rays and I’ll see you on the next one bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft, but as a WITCH! 🐈‍⬛ – Cottage Witch Modded Episode 1’, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-05-25 12:30:24. It has garnered 95967 views and 4746 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:08 or 2888 seconds.

Babes, wake up! I have a new modded series! 💗 Come with me as I explore the magical world of Cottage Witch, a modpack filled with magic and witchcraft. This is episode 1 💜

Seed: -824306812584453536

I was inspired to play this modpack thanks to @faithfulfamiliars 🥰✨

I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me what you think!

*✩‧₊˚ LINKS˚₊‧✩* Modpack: Added Mods: Added Mod: Texture Pack: These are all part of the modpack so check it out 🥰 Shader Pack: Note: For shaders I have turned off any fog in the settings, water included.

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Minecraft, but as a WITCH! 🐈‍⬛ – Cottage Witch Mod Episode 1

*✩‧₊˚ TAGS˚₊‧✩* minecraft, modded mc, minecraftonly, texture pack, moddedmc, modded minecraft, arcane isles, skyblock, minecraft mods, magic, witchcraft, mage, spells, minecraft series, texture packs, cozy, cute, relaxing minecraft, chill minecraft, 100 days minecraft, survival, 50 hours minecraft survival

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    EPIC Minecraft Small Island Seeds 1.21! Exploring the Top 3 Best Minecraft Small Survival Island Seeds 1.21! Are you ready to embark on a thrilling survival adventure in Minecraft 1.21? Look no further! The top 3 small survival island seeds for Minecraft 1.21 are here to provide you with an exciting and challenging gameplay experience. These carefully curated seeds offer the classic survival island experience without overwhelming you with massive landscapes. Let’s dive in and discover these hidden gems! Seed 1: [Seed Name] One of the best small survival island seeds for Minecraft 1.21, this seed offers a compact yet diverse island to explore. With… Read More

  • Unboxing Rare Minecraft Chests with Mert_MN!

    Unboxing Rare Minecraft Chests with Mert_MN! Minecraft: Discover the Exciting World of ÖZEL SANDIKLAR! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft, where special chests known as ÖZEL SANDIKLAR await your discovery! Dive into a realm filled with endless possibilities and exciting surprises. Unleash Your Creativity with ÖZEL SANDIKLAR ÖZEL SANDIKLAR in Minecraft offer unique rewards and treasures that can enhance your gameplay experience. From rare items to valuable resources, these special chests hold the key to unlocking new adventures and challenges. Explore New Realms and Challenges With ÖZEL SANDIKLAR scattered throughout the Minecraft world, players have the opportunity to explore diverse landscapes… Read More

  • 50+ Dwellers in One Block!

    50+ Dwellers in One Block! Minecraft One Block: A Terrifying Adventure with 50+ Dwellers Embark on a spine-chilling journey in Minecraft One Block with over 50 dwellers in this thrilling video game experience. Subscribe now for more dwellers and dive into the world of terror! Unique Gameplay Experience Experience a unique twist on the traditional Minecraft gameplay with the One Block mod, where you will encounter more than 50 dwellers lurking in the shadows. Explore the eerie landscapes and uncover the mysteries that await you at every turn. Engaging Content Delve into the world of Minecraft like never before as you navigate through the… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mind Games!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mind Games! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated vibes. Funny and humorous, his content is a delight, Bringing happiness to all, shining so bright. With original videos every single day, He keeps his fans entertained in every way. So follow his channel, don’t miss a beat, For in the world of Minecraft, he can’t be beat. From classroom series to song adaptation fun, Fangkuaixuan’s work is never done. So join in the laughter, the joy, the glee, And experience Minecraft in a whole new spree. So subscribe to his channel, don’t delay, For… Read More

  • Ceiling Surprise in Minecraft!

    Ceiling Surprise in Minecraft! Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and imaginative world of Minecraft with @ricplayzgamez. This channel offers a diverse range of gaming content, from classic NES games to thrilling fighting games and everything in between. Whether you enjoy the adrenaline rush of Hill Climb Racing or the challenge of hidden object games, there is something for every gamer on this channel. 🎮 Supporting the Channel If you want to show your support for @ricplayzgamez, there are several ways to do so. Consider sending a “Super Thanks,” participating in a Superchat during… Read More

  • Playing Games with Max Level Kid!【Minecraft】

    Playing Games with Max Level Kid!【Minecraft】 Minecraft: Weekend Fun with Max-Level Kids Playing Games!【Cube Pavilion】 Welcome to Cube Pavilion, a channel dedicated to providing child-friendly content, avoiding any elements that could potentially harm their health and safety. Hello everyone, I’m Cube Pavilion, a creator in the world of Minecraft. I make funny and humorous Minecraft animations to spread joy. This channel is the only official channel for Cube Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are pirated content and have not been authorized. Every day, I release exciting original videos. If you enjoy them, remember to subscribe! Let’s spread happiness together! Content Categories:… Read More

  • From Rags to Riches in Minecraft

    From Rags to Riches in Minecraft Minecraft: From Poor to King Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Adispot as he transforms from a humble player to a powerful ruler in the virtual world. Join him as he navigates through challenges, builds empires, and conquers new territories in this exciting gameplay series. Building a Minecraft Empire Adispot starts his adventure with limited resources, crafting tools, and exploring the vast landscapes of Minecraft. As he gathers materials and hones his skills, he gradually expands his territory, constructing elaborate structures and fortresses to establish his dominance. Challenges and Triumphs Throughout his journey, Adispot encounters various challenges, from… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Rakesh Gaming DOMINATES as Minecraft Clutch God! #shorts #gaming

    Unbelievable: Rakesh Gaming DOMINATES as Minecraft Clutch God! #shorts #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘he is clutch god of Minecraft?#minecraft #shorts #gaming rex’, was uploaded by Rakesh gaming 25 on 2024-03-27 12:44:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. he is clutch god of Minecraft?#minecraft #shorts #gaming RELATED HASHTAGS #rexorangecounty,loving is easy,new song rex … Read More

  • Server17

    Server17Server17 – Dein Servernetzwerk! Spiele deine Lieblingsgames auf unseren Vanilla Servern! Unser Minecraft Server besteht nur aus den nötigsten Plugins, um das Vanilla Erlebnis beizubehalten. Unser Server ist Bedrock kompatibel, besitzt eine Live-Map und hat tolle Tools wie /home /spawn /ec… Wir erlauben PVP als auch PVE auf unserem Server, bitte seit aber nett und respektiert Spieler die kein PVP wollen! Wir whitelisten jeden, der für eine freundliche und nette Minecraft Session steht. Joine noch heute Server17! Read More

  • 7 Kingdoms SMP – SMP

    The 7 Kingdoms SMP Welcome to The 7 Kingdoms SMP! Enter a World of Myth and Power Embark on an epic journey in a realm where seven mighty overlords compete for control, challenging you to rise up or fall under their dominion. What Awaits You Seven Unique Overlords Each with their own realm, personality, and abilities. Will you overthrow them or join their ranks? Rich Lore and Immersive Gameplay Explore a world filled with secrets, legends, and quests to test your skills and courage. Player-Driven Economy and Politics Form alliances, trade resources, and navigate power struggles and betrayals. Custom Plugins… Read More

  • Jesses SMP (Vanilla)

    Jesses SMP (Vanilla)IP: jesse.tensionhost.comDiscord: completely vanilla SMP with a fully built out spawn and a very well-made Discord serverWhat makes my server unique is that unlike every other “vanilla server” out there, my server is actually vanilla. How many times have you looked around for a vanilla SMP just for you to find one that claims to be vanilla, and then you join and they have anti-grief protection or even small mods/plugins such as locked chests. Do you know how annoying this is? I hated this so much that I gave in and decided to make my own server.Some features that… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t mine at night… liar!

    I may not do this in Minecraft, but I definitely do it in real life all the time! Who can resist hoarding resources and avoiding sharing with others? It’s just human nature, right? Read More

  • Skeleton Horse Hunt: Minecraft’s Spooky Steed Spawns

    Skeleton Horse Hunt: Minecraft's Spooky Steed Spawns In Minecraft’s world, a Skeleton Horse is rare, But fear not, for I’ll guide you with care. To find one, seek a thunderstorm’s might, For that’s when they appear, a spooky sight. Once you spot them, tame them with ease, Just hop on their back, and you’ll surely please. But beware, for they bring a chilling surprise, With skeletons riding, under dark skies. So ride on, brave player, with your new friend, A Skeleton Horse, a tale to transcend. In Minecraft’s realm, where wonders abound, Adventure awaits, in every sound. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Mixtape Dropping Soon 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Mixtape Dropping Soon 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because he had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #memes #song #shorts Read More

  • Blaze Spawner Farm Shenanigans

    Blaze Spawner Farm Shenanigans Minecraft Hardcore: Double Blaze Spawner Farm Overview In a recent Twitch VOD from January 20th, 2022, viewers were treated to an exciting episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 7. Episode 27 showcased the creation of a Double Blaze Spawner Farm, a challenging yet rewarding endeavor in the game. Gameplay The episode featured the player, DocBrennan, meticulously setting up the farm to efficiently spawn and collect Blaze mobs. This required strategic placement of spawners, collection systems, and pathways to ensure a smooth operation. Challenges Creating a Double Blaze Spawner Farm in Minecraft Hardcore mode is no easy feat. Players must navigate… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Server 1.21 | RpLands: Multiverse

    Sneaky Minecraft Server 1.21 | RpLands: Multiverse RpLands: Multiverse – A Unique Minecraft Experience RpLands is a private Minecraft server with elements of RolePlay, offering a unique gaming experience free from griefers and full of exciting adventures. The server boasts its own constitution, laws, and rules, creating a structured environment for players to immerse themselves in. Season 8 Launching Soon! On July 7, 2024, at 3:00 PM, RpLands will be opening its highly anticipated 8th season. Since its inception in April 2020, the server has successfully completed 7 seasons, each offering new challenges and opportunities for players to explore and enjoy. Join the Adventure If you’re… Read More

  • Forkin Creates Mutant Mobs in Minecraft!

    Forkin Creates Mutant Mobs in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS CREATING every mob into MUTANT in Minecraft – THE MOVIE’, was uploaded by Forkin on 2024-05-24 14:56:34. It has garnered 129167 views and 1482 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:30 or 4110 seconds. In this video I spent 100 days creating mobs in mutants in minecraft mobs using blockbench. 😻Join this channel to get access to perks: 📩SOCIAL MEDIA: Read More

  • Fear Nightfall: Minecraft’s Scariest Mod

    Fear Nightfall: Minecraft's Scariest ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘Most TERRIFYING Minecraft Mod | Fear Nightfall (Almost shat myself)’, was uploaded by Scruff on 2024-03-08 22:51:28. It has garnered 4261 views and 164 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:30 or 1170 seconds. I combined over 200 horror mods Into Minecraft! This is Fear Nightfall Later on I face Herobrine and the Cave Dweller at the same time. Read More

  • Join Entropic SMP Now! Applications Open!

    Join Entropic SMP Now!  Applications Open!Video Information This video, titled ‘Introducing the Entropic SMP (anarchy) (applications open)’, was uploaded by iamnotabhi on 2024-07-11 16:11:47. It has garnered 165 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:17 or 77 seconds. hope to see you there discord: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video…. Read More

  • Sunny’s CRAZY Illegal Shapeshift in Minecraft Hide & Seek!

    Sunny's CRAZY Illegal Shapeshift in Minecraft Hide & Seek!Video Information This video, titled ‘Using ILLEGAL SHAPESHIFTS In Minecraft Hide And Seek!’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-01-28 15:10:00. It has garnered 150816 views and 1972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:53 or 6893 seconds. 👕 MERCH – Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Sliker’s EPIC 3-in-1 Stream Highlights!

    Sliker's EPIC 3-in-1 Stream Highlights!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sliker’s Stream (2024/05/05)(Minecraft, Valorant, OmeTv, Dating Show)(2)’, was uploaded by Sliker VODs on 2024-05-06 12:45:00. It has garnered 463 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:17:14 or 19034 seconds. Timestamps: 0:00 Minecraft 11:36 Valorant 1:20:15 OmeTv/MonkeyApp 2:37:12 Waiting For Dating Show/Reacting 3:47:45 Kicked After 2 minutes 3:59:15 Reacting 4:35:35 Minecraft #kick #twitch #tiktok #sliker #funny #streamer #omegle #ometv #csgo #teamliquid Read More

  • “OMG! Herobrine BATTLE with Hostile Mobs!” #minecraft

    "OMG! Herobrine BATTLE with Hostile Mobs!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HEROBRINE VS MINECRAFT HOSTILE MOBS#minecraft #creepypieyt @creepypieyt301’, was uploaded by Creepy Pie Yt on 2024-03-25 09:54:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Surviving 1000 DAYS as a Policeman in Hardcore Minecraft – Epic Mob Showdown!

    Surviving 1000 DAYS as a Policeman in Hardcore Minecraft - Epic Mob Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a POLICEMAN in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Powerful Mobs Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-07-18 01:15:00. It has garnered 14055 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:33 or 11793 seconds. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a Police Officer in Hardcore Minecraft! 0:00:00 100 DAYS as a POLICE OFFICER 0:31:02 100 DAYS as IRON MAN 1:01:24 100 DAYS as a KNIGHT in a SECRET BASE 1:38:16 100 DAYS as a LAVA DINOSAUR 2:10:07 100 DAYS as a… Read More

  • Unleash the Power: God Set Build in F7 Dungeon 😱 | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!)

    Unleash the Power: God Set Build in F7 Dungeon 😱 | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!)Video Information This video, titled ‘grinding dungeons (f7) & building god set!! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:55. It has garnered 507 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:23 or 4403 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️ #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ Discord ➡️ Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – Swurv – Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Toilet Animation in Hindi Dubbed!

    INSANE Minecraft Toilet Animation in Hindi Dubbed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Skibidi toilet 67 in Minecraft animation+Hindi dubbed @StudioTF @SkibiToons.’, was uploaded by ND_Editz_1919™ on 2024-02-25 11:31:43. It has garnered 14 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:49 or 349 seconds. SKIBIDI TOILET 67 full episode Hindi Dubbed skibidi dop dop dop yes yes full-screen version ✓ If You are the one Among 93.6% Unsubscriber Then SUBSCRIBE Our Channel To Reach Our Goal of 50k SUBSCRIBERS. This Video Is Created Just For ENTERTAINMENT Purposes Only, And Does Not Want To OFFEND Anyone! If You Had Any Issues Regarding Our Content Then Contact… Read More

  • NavaHex – Skyblock

    NavaHex - Skyblock¡Bienvenido a NavaHex – Skyblock, donde la aventura se encuentra en lo alto del cielo! Únete a una comunidad vibrante de jugadores y embarca en una emocionante experiencia de supervivencia en un mundo flotante lleno de desafíos y oportunidades. En NavaHex, podrás construir tu propio imperio desde cero, explorar islas únicas, comerciar con otros jugadores y competir en emocionantes desafíos. Con características personalizadas, eventos regulares y un equipo dedicado, sumérgete en un mundo de posibilidades infinitas mientras alcanzas nuevas alturas en NavaHex – Skyblock. ¿Estás listo para elevar tu aventura al siguiente nivel? Read More

  • Astral SMP – SMP, No Whitelist, New, Unique

    Features: No PvP: Enjoy a peaceful environment with the option to toggle PvP on or off using /pvptoggle. Custom Mobs & Armor: Face the mighty Scorpion and gear up with exclusive Skorpix armor and tools. Unique World Generation: Explore stunning landscapes and biomes with our custom world generation. Crates & Rewards: Unlock crates with amazing rewards and earn daily and playtime bonuses. Teams: Join or create teams to collaborate and conquer challenges together. Economy: Trade and earn coins through our economic system. Participate in coinflips and win big! Cosmetics: Personalize your character with a variety of cosmetic items. Minions: Utilize… Read More

  • Project: Lambda RP (Using CITY-17 GRAND PROJECT)

    Project: Lambda RP (Using CITY-17 GRAND PROJECT)Welcome. Welcome to City 17.It’s safer here.A HALF LIFE 2 inspired rp server using the CITY-17 GRAND PROJECT MAP BY KrEsHDiE ( into a what if scenario maker in this server!We have:- Lore- A discord server- Guns- And much more to come! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – How I really play Minecraft

    Looks like this meme is mining for some extra points! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Just Trying to Survive #shorts

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Just Trying to Survive #shorts "Just trying Minecraft for a few minutes" 5 hours later "I have built a castle, tamed a dragon, and lost all sense of time and reality" #MinecraftAddict #NoRegrets Read More

  • Preparing for the End! Minecraft Survival #26

    Preparing for the End! Minecraft Survival #26 Preparing for the Ultimate Challenge in Minecraft Survival #26 As the adventure in Minecraft Survival #26 continues, players are gearing up to face the ultimate challenge – the Ender Dragon! This powerful creature is one of the toughest foes in the game, requiring careful preparation and strategy to defeat. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and explore how players are getting ready to confront this formidable enemy. Confronting the Ender Dragon After countless hours of exploration, resource gathering, and building, the time has come to face the Ender Dragon. This iconic boss mob resides in the End, a… Read More

  • Expanding Mega Ice Farm in Hardcore Minecraft

    Expanding Mega Ice Farm in Hardcore Minecraft Minecraft Hardcore: Expanding the Mega Ice Farm Overview In the latest episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 7, Doc Brennan embarks on expanding his Mega Ice Farm. This ambitious project aims to maximize ice production for various in-game uses. With meticulous planning and strategic building, Doc Brennan dives into the world of Minecraft to enhance his gameplay experience. Expanding the Ice Farm Doc Brennan meticulously lays out the blueprint for expanding his Mega Ice Farm. By increasing the size of the farm, he aims to boost his ice production significantly. This expansion involves careful placement of ice blocks, water sources,… Read More

  • Insane Goals by Ronaldo in 4K! #Football

    Insane Goals by Ronaldo in 4K! #FootballVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cristiano Ronaldo 4K clips.7️⃣⚽️ amazing goals🥅#football’, was uploaded by relatable shorts on 2024-07-09 22:05:47. It has garnered 24 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:48 or 228 seconds. #blowup #relatable #youtube #real #funny #football #memes #minecraft #football Cristiano Ronaldo 4K c Dive into the majestic world of Cristiano Ronaldo in stunning 4K resolution! Experience the magic of the football king like never before as he showcases his unparalleled skills and reigns supreme on the field. Get ready to be mesmerized by the brilliance of CR7 as he dazzles with his incredible… Read More

  • TheBoyRyan’s Epic Minecraft Creations and Caving Adventure

    TheBoyRyan's Epic Minecraft Creations and Caving AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Beta | Things I’ve Made Recently + Caving (Back to Beta SMP)’, was uploaded by TheBoyRyan on 2024-03-01 14:57:42. It has garnered 1145 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:19 or 3079 seconds. Yes I said the N word. Back To Beta Discord: Members Include: @BoxBlair @D0cSpot @WammyOfficial Everyone else is DEAD Back To Beta is an ok Minecraft SMP in version Beta 1.7.3 which is exclusive to specific content creators. We are currently not accepting applications, But if you want to join then START MAKING SOME VIDEOS!!! #minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Herobrine Showdown: 24/7 Live Mobbattle!

    Ultimate Herobrine Showdown: 24/7 Live Mobbattle!Video Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE vs All Minecraft Mobs Combined Fight in Minecraft #mobbattle #minecraft #24x7live #horsy’, was uploaded by Horsy on 2024-04-01 03:39:46. It has garnered 460 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:22 or 2362 seconds. You have to agree i make real good content so.. Lets break Youtube Algorithms like Steveee, Alexa Real and Spectator did! Hello Guys We are going to watch, what happens if we combine all minecraft mobs.👀 And then the legendary HEROBRINE will Fight with the Incredible Combination of all minecraft mobs,😱🤔 Wait For Big Badass Herobrine :)… Read More

  • Dr. Mifo Live: Insane Minecraft Blockattck 2024! Join Now!

    Dr. Mifo Live: Insane Minecraft Blockattck 2024! Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Blockattck 2024 live, Minecraft aber Jeder darf mitspielen Road to 2500 ABOS’, was uploaded by Dr. Mifo on 2024-01-05 21:14:23. It has garnered 76 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:02:49 or 14569 seconds. Hello, I’m glad you found my channel. I’ll introduce myself briefly. I’m Dr.Mifo aka Jayden. My hobbies/things I like to do are making YouTube videos, youth fire brigade (JFW), cycling (especially in the mud), doing things with friends and much more. My biggest wish on YouTube is to get 1 million subscribers one day. I accept everyone… Read More

  • EPIC Battle: ErenBlaze WINS vs WARDEN & WITHER BOSS

    EPIC Battle: ErenBlaze WINS vs WARDEN & WITHER BOSSVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHI VINCE tra WARDEN e WITHER BOSS su MINECRAFT?’, was uploaded by ErenBlaze on 2024-02-10 13:30:12. It has garnered 20443 views and 2383 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Who wins between Warden and Wither boss on Minecraft? 🔥 LIVE at 20:30 🔴 LIVE CHANNEL: 💎 ENTER THE SERVER and DOWNLOAD THE BLAZEPACK, by subscribing! 📸 You can find the second channel, shop and all my socials here: 👍 As usual, if you liked the video, share, comment and like it! 😀 If you haven’t seen it yet,… Read More