Transforming Monsters into Mermaids in Minecraft!

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And greetings everyone greetings greetings greetings welcome back here we are yes we’re here I am monster to mermaid this is Minecraft and I’m here um this is going to be an interesting day it is not going to be a day of putting in new buildings or anything like that however before I

Start I’ll show you why it’s not going to be that kind of day um this morning on the twitch stream we actually put in some things um some plans we made some plant and um you can see we have some uh new building construction planned um I

Believe our uh sugar field is done yes it is and um actually dandas actually upgraded uh Elana’s shop Elana’s uh Tower she has the um Coastal Tower here and he actually upgraded it doesn’t look like it but he did um and uh oh look at that something

Is going on with Jillian shop someone’s working on it who is that that looks like postco postco is working on Jillian shop her name is going to disappear from the name of her shop when he’s done but he should um that should be interesting we’ll see vincentius Primus

Vincentius yes can you check for a minute and see if I’m streaming I can Because somebody is finished who was it I don’t see you in my list of YouTube live streamers you do I do not not you do not but this says that you’re live yes you’re live I am live okay good all right Mr villager Mr villager hello hello hello welcome welcome welcome

Um uh Vince uh Mr villager is asking how you are I’m good I’m good we’re going to do something wild and crazy today and the reason it’s going to be wild and crazy is because of what I have to do in order to do what I want to

Do so whilea I was setting up um postco actually brought Jillian up to a level three um he just finished and that was super fast good gracious um this is a Littleton build um you can tell by that um and I think her name’s gone now

Oh no it’s not yay okay her name didn’t go away on the shop it still says Jillian’s Glass Works and that’s wonderful aosi koosi Mr villager how are you and so that means that postco isn’t going to be doing anything right at the moment unless I have him do this this is

Still a level one no it’s a level two what let’s make it level three let’s have postco work on this and make it level three Z Yu Yu hello hello hello poce how are you you so we’ll have postco work on that and I’ll go up to the Guardians Rock in

Just a minute and we will do that it’s nice to see you it’s nice to see you welcome welcome it’s good to see you and you was you were um was a bit but you’re okay now okay okay good we like when you’re okay I’m glad

You’re okay this is going to be weird I’m warning warning Will Robinson this is actually going to be a strange day let me show you what we did I’m glad you’re feeling better um this morning on Twitch we decided um that I’ve missed you ZF I’ve

Missed you um we decided that um this is the Enchanted Tower it’s going up to a level three this is what Emory is working on this Enchanted Tower that’s in the shade and then of the morning this is actually um sun rises over there and then um Valerie is working on upgrading

Herself from a level three to a level four and that’s going to come in handy Massa Salo Massa welcome back welcome back and um I’m just showing Mr villager and zap um some of the things that happened this morning um we have a new shop going in

Um eventually it’s not going in yet but it’s going to go in right here we’re going to actually put in uh what did we say we were putting in um there it is we’re putting in an alchemist as soon as we can we can’t do

That yet but we actually did set a place for an alchemist to be did you have a good rest of your day Salo um aasa did you have good rest of your day and um we’re going to come up here and one of these days I’m going to

Be able to ask that in French without my mind clenching up and going I don’t know any french cuz that’s what it does the other thing that we planned was um we’ve got the spa right here and we planned a library for them and the library is going to be right here right

At the top of the mountain it’s actually at the same level as the enchanter tower so the enchanted Tower and the library are at the same level um even though this Barracks looks like it it’s at the same level it’s actually at this level this is where the ladder is for that

Building um that balloon that’s not a building that’s no moon it’s actually a moon it’s a balloon so um that’s going to be there and so those are the things that we actually kind of worked on you had rain wind cold today better and from Tomorrow falls again yeah everyone we

Just got over on the uh United States uh Northern Northeastern Coast got over some big storms um we only saw rain and wind um overnight and that’s good actually um vincentius would have liked to have had uh some snow and that would have been fun but that didn’t happen for us you both

Ducked yeah kind of we kind of did cuz there was a lot of bad weather ah and you have the tropical storms of course you do because we had nor uh nor westers normally they’re called nor easers but they were coming from the west and technically they’re nor

Westers and it was raining on the coast of Oregon today um yesterday not today yesterday also um so those are all places um that I have a connection to and was looking there’s Fujimoto um Fuji is one of our Druids he is not a druid here he’s actually a druid for in

Town and I believe that he’s trying to get to the barracks because the barracks aren’t there yet but this is where the ladder is going to be for them and did you see that movement that he did where he stepped away and then he came back because um there’s nothing

Here for him to step on so we’re going to have to look at that however I’m sorry we’re not going to do any of that in the first hour and a half in the first hour and a half for the first time we are going to turn on

Children he’s just watching The View yeah probably probably we’re going to have children and um we are ready to have children now this is going to be a complicated thing and here’s the reason why I have all different names of people I have people who are named um from the

English names I have people who are named named from uh let me see what are the other let’s go to this I have Japanese named people I have a shire named people I have some space Wars people and I have um I might have English um but I definitely

Have I don’t know that I have any El that’s interesting I’m not sure but what I need to do for this is to make sure that we have someone from all the different ones and we’re only going to have six kids to start so the first name we have up it’s

Japanese how many Japanese people do we have let me see for a second I’m going to Citizens for a minute we have Fujimoto of course um because we just saw him I think that he is close to the and we have Caba And I think tankar and true are Elven names or their names for um who are the others their names for let me see for uh Shire or space wars um the only reason we don’t have the other names is because those names um have asteris or marks on them and those

Marks as of the last time I did this those marks caused the names not to show up properly so that’s the reason we’re not going to I think we’re going to start with English um you hear vincentius Primus in the background and um I’m going to actually

Go to English first I think we’re going to do um two English kids so let’s turn this on and let’s get two English kids and there’s the first one and we’re going to wait for one more let’s see we should get another and then I’m going to turn it off

Hello uhoh I might be getting kids and not know it so let me do something here let’s look here sure enough okay so shoot I think we got too many but let’s come back here let’s come to here wait what’s happening what’s happening in there I keep

Setting uh we’re getting too many but let’s come here and let’s stop the kids for a minute and see how many we have and see how many names we got and that didn’t work out as well as I would have liked liked G all

Right um we um it looks like we only got two we got Zelda and isolda and those are English names those look as English as some of our others let’s um go to Shire for a second and we’re going to choose um let’s go to space wars for a minute let’s do space

Wars and let’s do one kid from here we’re going to have six Al together kids will be born let’s see and there’s one so let’s turn that off so we have Fab Jord and that child is new and I don’t have anybody with that name so that’s

Going to be really interesting let’s do the Shire let’s turn on kids and let’s get a sh name and yes exactly we have a brown lock I’m going to get two sh names for this and let’s see if we get one more waiting for the next name all the colonists are tucked

In come on come on come on I might be getting a name without being able to see it no there it is May ooh I think that name is actually here all right and now let’s go to I think we’re going to go to Japanese and just get one

Um name and I think that’ll make the full six so let’s look at that are we ready let’s change to Japanese names and let’s come here and turn kids on and then we’ll see how many kids we have waiting patiently for a kid to Appear let’s see and hopefully I’m not getting any while I’m waiting I don’t think so are we stopped I wonder if we’re stopped we shouldn’t be but we might I’m not getting anyone let me see the town map nope oh we have map I’ll go do that another time um let’s come here

Born one two 2 3 4 5 and yeah I do have five okay and um in the number of people that we can have citizens we have it says that it’s not saying that I’m stop oh I might be look at that 50 of 50 research at the

University I am actually stopped all right um so we got five and I think that’s all we’re going to get for just a minute and let’s come back to here wait you configured for the school to be an automatic hiring no I didn’t does it say automatic let’s look at the citizens for

A minute it says kids in school no um and it shouldn’t I’m not doing automatic hiring of anyone and so we’re going to do two things we have to put the kids in school first I prefer putting them in school myself and yeah yeah exactly exactly Mr villager

That’s what I would get I would get names that had um uh pieces in them or pieces missing um because of the accents and the marks let’s come here and let’s look at teacher let’s come here and let’s add peoples so we’re going to add Fab Jord we’re going to add

Fastred we’re going to add isolda we’re going to add um May and we’re going to add silda silda and normally we have six but we can’t um so now they’re at least in school so they’re not going to be running all over the place and then I’ll have to figure

Out who they belong to so um let’s come over here and let us do something right quick while it’s night time let’s come in here and let’s go to here and I’m going to have to see about raising the number of people we can have cuz we still don’t have some people that

We need so we might have to um have some visitors but we’ll see usually when I start children I don’t have them anymore but we need some 30s for the Guardians so we’ll see what happens here um Survival Let’s tab over and and let’s see what I need to do it

Says do research so let’s come to civilian and there it is Outpost so we have maxed ourselves out and we need two stacks of stakes now I think we have those already we do no we only have no we don’t have enough so I will have

To wait on that we do not have enough steak should I check should I check the warehouse for a minute and see by any chance if there is two more staks isn’t that what we need no yes let’s run over right quick and see and then we’ll get

That and yeah thank you for the reminder Mr villager about putting them in school Mr villager was concerned about them not being in school right away and because if they’re not they get into trouble so let’s come here and let’s look at Steak NADA we don’t have a single one so

We are going to have to actually have our farmer actually um sacrifice um some of the dairy cows we possibly might need some newer cows I’m going to have to watch this so we don’t get a whole bunch but um we’re going to do some dairy cows right here he’s getting milk

And let’s come to settings and let’s do breeding on feeding on stew attempts oo per day let’s do that okay so that they don’t um take a lot away I think that’ll work really nicely so close but so distance we have paper for the next little ones we do

Actually um we do have paper um Marvin has been making lots of paper and she has it Robin sterenborg welcome hello hello hello welcome welcome welcome let me go up and go to sleep and then H yes let me go up and go to sleep because it’s raining where are

The kids they’re in the town hall I mean no they’re actually in the tavern they’re actually sleeping in the tavern until I find their parents now some of the kids are going to be adopted some of them do not have parents here this happens because other cities

Are have have class flashes have wars and things did I not change back into a mermaid I don’t think I did let’s come here and change into a mermaid I did not um so here we are I am now a mermaid again um what did you just um run

Into that’s a good question that is a good question all right so our kids are in school but we’re going to go to the town hall and find out who they belong to and that is going to be our little thing for today there’s an old Buck um

Last name on one of the kids and that name is in town I’m almost positive of it that just unless it’s at Rosa Oru and that would be wild wouldn’t it um let’s come here let’s come here and let’s go to people and let’s look at names the where the kids are

Fitting in right now um let’s find May I’m looking there’s May with that name let’s see if I can find someone else with that name ah it really is going to be Rosa Oru it is is we do not have one here I thought I did I do there’s her mother yay Tucker

And bega have a baby girl so we’re going to go over to their house and give them the good news um their little girl is going to move in and and here we go we’re going to come right over here and look in here now um we can do this with them

They have this bed right here but we can add um a bed for the baby right there and she’ll sleep there and let’s come down here and let’s put her name on the list so let’s come here and let’s manage housing and let’s look for

May um there she is and she is actually she has a mother here that’s always wonderful when that happens the rest of the kids have to be adopted and so this is going to get tricky in the way that this is done um you knew you should do less internet

Your mother told you about the dark side yes she did this is where Immortals are yes indeed so let’s come here and let’s do this let’s um let’s look here and let us find um one of the other kids for a minute so is so is right

Here and look at ISA Isam being there but who who would be let’s go find out where Issa eam lives I think is SOA is going to be his kid oops sorry I’ve got something in my hand let me get it out um let’s go find Issa Isam and let’s do

That for a minute I think Issa I think I think we put him back into one of these houses right here H I’m not really doing this right I actually have some couples and I should start with the couples shouldn’t I that I actually have for instance I have IL baric and

Suzanna and I think they’re living right here Elber and Susanna let’s go upstairs and and fix the beds up here there’s two beds there let’s take um I’m going to take the beds again put one here put one here and that’s the parents bed and the

Kid is going to be in the corner and then let’s come here and let’s look um let’s manage housing and so this is il baric so I’m wrong um not isa’s kid um isolda is um is Susanna and il’s kid and we’re going to assign

Her right now to here so there is a child a new there’s one of our children so we now have two that have homes let’s look at some others um we have a problem with with postco and um and Trudy they could have a child they’re just not in a house where they

Can have a child so what I think we’re going to do is trade for a little bit so postco and Trudy are going to trade with who lives here this is Orion and Jace and Orion and Jace aren’t going to mind so we’re going to unassign them um he’s

Unassigned and oh oh uhoh it’s doing it there we go let’s put that back um that’s the mouse an assign and an assign and we’re going to have postco and Trudy live here let’s find them for a minute there’s postco right here let’s have Trudy uh who is PL

Truus and I probably passed her a long time ago let’s see if I can find her if I don’t find her I’ll I’ll do her from the other side but I should be able to um Tessa this is the only thing that takes a little bit of time there she is okay

And their kid so let’s see who the children are let’s see if we can find some children and see who comes up for them um pleus and postco live here and let’s look for students um there’s the teacher and so silda doesn’t have a home yet um why don’t we have

Sela be their kids so silda is going to live here with Trudy and postco we’re going to combine this bed for the parents and we’ll put that there like that and now we have three people living here okay so two more I think let me

Look for a minute um they are at the they’re living here I’m actually going to make them not have a home for a minute um so that it’s easier to find them um fabor and fasted and so let’s come here and let us manage and let’s unassign them let’s go to

Trudy do we want to go there or is there room here would almost rather go here and have Jace and Orion be here there’s room for one of them nope there isn’t so they can’t be here let’s come here look for Jason Orion to be somewhere if they

Can’t I’ll put them in they can’t okay wow I didn’t realize we were that tight but we are um for the time being I’m actually going to put them in the in here I’m going to put them in the tavern they’re perfectly happy Jace is

Happy to give up his home for the kids so Jason Jace and Oran are going to be here and now let me find my other couples so I have um postco and Trudy I have have here yes so here are two more this is Cameron and um Crum and Cameron and cim

Are going to take Lily and Tessa’s house they’re going to take Lily and Tessa’s house right here now should they do this house which is closer to them these houses are closer let’s do this house right here who lives here hello Easton and this is Suzanna and ilber are here oops and I

Fixed their beds just let me just make sure yes yes yes yes so let’s quickly go out and let’s go to this house right here hold on here we go and this is Elise by herself so Elise is going to move out for right now and we’re going to move um Cameron

And um CR in here and let’s find them there’s Crum let’s see if we can find Cameron oops I saw her name just then um I thought I saw it just then and bar no I’m looking for the parents first and this is the way I like to do it there we

Go and let’s find a kid so Cameron and let’s have let’s have Fab Jord um be their name let’s let’s say that crean um is picking hold on for a minute so what I do then is the kid will have a middle name of one of the parents

More than likely and we’ll do it that way to connect them we’ll see if we can do it um we might not be able to but we’ll see what happens so now the only kid is fast and and FD belongs to whom um I don’t know that I have anyone

Else in this neighborhood Elise can come live here um for the time being um Dess has a single bed here for her she can stay in the guest room and let me see here for a minute this is the guest room right here and let’s look at

The main bedroom and there’s only one bed in there so they’re just friends they’re both Builders and they’re going to be here I have do I have any more couples so I have um them I’m going to probably have to make a couple I believe that is the that is all

The couples that we have at this moment so let me go here and look at some papers for a minute because I do believe that Caba was seen with Quinton that would be interesting that would make a hard house for them because cabado works over here and Quenton is

The chicken farmer and if they they decide to stay in a couple’s far um house they would probably have to be in this area um they can’t have Lily’s house can they have Jace’s house that’s a good question but both Lily and um and Jason Orion Lily and Tess are singles m

We could do something interesting here why don’t we have I don’t have any proof of a relationship though that’s the problem that I don’t have proof of a relationship so I need to look for a minute and see you can’t wait to get children in your town you

Haven’t been playing too much on your server so you haven’t made too much progress and I know I’m not showing the kids yet I’ll show them in a little bit I just want to find this last what I could do here is have um so Jace moved out of

Here and let me get rid of that Jace moved out of here and um in here moved no one all right so let’s have one of the parents be in here we can move that’s what I’m going to find out right now so I have a bedroom here that

Couples can sleep in let’s see who’s sleeping here um let’s come upstairs here and see if we have two people sleeping the winner is we have Orion and Charlie Orion and Charlie that’s actually not bad um we’re going to have or Ryan and Charlie live in this house right here

While the kid is growing up and their kids’s name that’s actually quite interesting um so manage housing this is where a fast Rd is going to be let’s find Orion there’s Orion right here and let’s find Charlie and Charlie is one of the couriers she’s actually the balloon Courier and their child

Is going to be fasted and we’re going to put the child now all the kids have a home and have parents and I’m going to put in the rest of the beds up here that we’re taken away and this house is where they will come next time and they will sleep here

Um ooh and this is what happens selda has Sela has already grown up and selda is whose kid I’m going to have to follow them home and find out I didn’t write them down I’ll write them down later but selda is going to go to university um she’s going to be the

First kid in the university and I’m going to come over here and I’ll find out who her parents are in a minute LDA and I’m saying her but I don’t know I should be saying them until I find out exactly who they are but Suzanna and IL

Baric are ready for either um silda to be studying here or for silda to be studying at the library and this is how we’re going to figure that out silda is she has creativity and she has a high amount actually and her strength is high also um she lives 139 blocks from here

So we might have to put her in housing um we’ll see what happens with this um just um does m Colony have an official presentation for 2024 and Massa is answering that and if your question is about the next version yes movie is for 2025 okay let’s come here um because she

Has eight in uh creativity and strength um she has 10 in adaptability I don’t want to lose the adaptability um so I think she is going to be studying um in the University um but she is going to be doing research at the library and the library is right

Here and then we’re going to find out who her parents are based on where she lives so let’s come here and let’s assign um her here isolda is also grown up and isold is um let me see I don’t see anything substantial here so because I don’t see

Anything I’m actually going to have isolda go to um the the university to study um she’s not going to lose anything by studying at the University and that’s assuming that she is a so let’s come here and manage and there’s is solda and this is why I don’t do um and

We’re going to hire her here she’s going to study here did I just change somebody so ilic isolda and Suzanna are at the University right now it’s really a shame that they grow up so fast um I don’t like when they grow up in two days I do not do the research at

The University I do not want them growing up faster I know in other towns they have to for whatever reason I mean because of the wars they want them to take the place of people who have who have been um lost um during the wars between barbarians and um and Pirates and mobs

And so they want the kids to to grow up really fast but I don’t want them to we’re going to change this to English names or elf names I’m going to change it to elf names for a while and we’ll get people with that we lost two of the

People we did kids we didn’t get to see them grow up but um I’m going to check on the people that we have we have Fuji I want to see Fuji is a university student himself s and kabu is also University students although the focus is there they’re

Going to be a good they’re actually going to probably be a druid at some point and do I have any other visitors that I can see readily what are you doing hello you you are so wise watan watana what’s the matter you’re trying to figure this out you’re stuck

Let me do this for a minute and move her off of there okay um lots of kids lots of kids so we’re going to go up to bed and then we’re going to look at our children in school we’re going to check out the three kids who are still in

School the parrots and the bats I love that see that not the birds and the bees the parrots and the bats is who we have and it does show silda Growing Up and isolda growing up and we can check them out at University but we’re going to go look at the kids first

I forgot I’m sorry sincere and Angel I did forget that you were couple and you should have gotten a kid as well oh look look there go one of the kids look little tiny person it’s May it’s May May is going to school isn’t she adorable how tiny they oh and there’s

Fast fast’s going to school and let’s come in here and they’re taking seats and there is Fab um right there Fab Jor ah hello Fab journ and so there are our children right now and like I said we normally have six at a time but because

We didn’t have enough room um we do not and who was that that was Easton I think Easton is delivering paper I think that’s Easton yes thank you Easton Easton’s delivering paper to the school and oh and let’s stop the cows we’re going to get too many so we’re

Going to stop um manage this and turn off breeding um otherwise we’ll have this whole things stuffing full and we don’t want that many and we’ve got two babies here too so while the kids are little there’s actually some babies some baby cows some Cales in the fields for

When they get off from school they can come by here and see them look how adorable um you can see already everybody in class from the window isn’t that fun isn’t that fun look at that I love it and they’re sitting in class and that is really cool and she is

Is Trinity is their teacher a little cap on her head yes just adorable now Marvin has another field and I’m going to come over here and make sure that he’s growing us some sugar so we can have some more paper and it says that there are one of three

Fields and two Fields can grow sugar um is that bamboo but we’re not growing bamboo turn that one off we’re growing sugar right now um bamboo where cuz I don’t see a place where he can grow bamboo maybe in this spot right here he’s supposed to be growing

It um I could turn it on and see what happens but I would prefer that he did sugar right now and do I need to it does say sugar cane and so he should now plant sugar in this field um he is now showing that this field is one of his

And let’s come back and look again for just a moment Fields um yep same as right here and that’s what we’re doing Cactus we don’t need that much green right now I’ll turn on bamboo and see if he’ll grow any hi try try do you have any bamboo to

Give him cuz it would be nice if he planted some and there is whoa the enchanter tower is done Massa the level three of the enchanter is compl completed would be good if we knew if we had new animations for a colonist on The Mod like instead of the teachers just

Close to the pupils they could do like the tektopia ones I don’t remember what they did in tektopia and it’s okay um I like the Personal Touch I do actually and here we are look at this this wow wow is a level three enchanter right here

And um we cannot start the uh what can’t we start we can’t start the AL The Alchemist until we do some research for it now we might have what it takes to do the research we can check and see um what we can start is the light

Library which is right here but in order to do that she’s either going to come over the top from here and go up to the library I could have her do that that’s kind of scary or I can wait until we have a a road that comes around here and that’s

What we would need we could start um I could start the nether minor research too that’s right thank you for the reminder Massa absolutely um let’s go back into town for a minute because it takes time um for that research to be done um while she’s waiting to do that

I’m going to see right here um this is a level three or a level four this house I know Valerie should be doing it but I don’t think she can this is a level four good um let’s come over here should I have her go up to level five what level is

This this is a level two if I’m not mistaken let’s have her work on the level three of this for right now um whoops right there and let’s do the Builder is going to be Emory and upgrade the building to a level three and this is one of the ones

That we need to fulfill we don’t have a druid there so here we go maybe the first maybe first an enchanter research more Scrolls or something like that and then I think it’s that um we’re going to check for right now and we’re going to see what we need for

It and we’ll be able to check on one of our kids hello hi Fab is not oh look at Fab wanting to be at University she’s not at University yet there’s her friend solda is already at University and I have to turn into someone who is not going to damage the

Hut block so let’s come here and let’s do this and here we go hi you you want to watch okay so we’re going to come here we’re going to go to technology we’re going to go to this and open the nether needs three gilded and that will unlock the

Nether mine we’re not there yet we have to do more Scrolls first and this is 64 atome and 64 do you know I think we have those and so I’m going to look here sure enough 64 atome and 64 we just we still don’t have enough Stakes for that move but we have

Other things that we needed and we’ll look at that so let’s start this right away cuz this is going to take an hour and I was just looking to see how much time we have here um let’s go to research technology it’s interesting when the kids sort of begin to hang out at

Certain places so they’re going to research that and how long is it going to take it’s going to it’s in this line right here so it’s going to take um 30 minutes if I’m not mistaken so this might be done o where is it o I’m in the wrong

One hold on technology hold on hold on hold on um right here let’s come down here yeah it’s going to take 30 minutes and then we need gilded Blackstone now I don’t think we we have that yet and I would need to go look yes guys is this child underfoot is your child

Underfoot cuz I think that’s somebody’s kid there let me come up here I can actually do I want to look For something uh let’s wait for a minute everyone’s going to go home and go to uh work hello you hi you um this is a university student he’s just checking out the place and maybe wants to transfer um an old version of M colonies before the skin models updated the

Medieval style women’s girls had like really big eyes did they interesting okay probably something of the designer yeah um let’s see this is interesting I wonder if that’s their kid that grew up first that was ready for University first I’m going to go look since it’s night

Time I’m going to go up to the houses here here and look for some kids we have um hi Fab Fab do you not have a bed aha yep I made him boo boo sorry about that um I didn’t put in enough beds here

So let me and I do not have one on me um let’s change they asleep they asleep let’s change into to a fish right in their bedroom they’re going to have nightmares nightmares but let’s come here and let’s get a bed let’s get a white bed in keeping with the housing we’re

Going to put we have to put a second one there so the little kid is going to come up and go to bed with Dad there we go okay and that was my fault I forgot to check for this house um but this is hold on I’m writing down names I’m taking names

Um this is Fab and Fab is um uh Cameron And and I really only have to write down the mother so there’s Cameron and yeah I know it’s crean and that’s the thing um and then that was that house and then this house right here this is sure enough isolda is actually their kid the first kid to grow up is the kid

Of academics and her mother is Suzanna s a na the doctor and um she’s not practicing medicine she is a researcher Malik is the doctor in town let’s go find the others for a moment they’re over here and we’ll look at that alien eyes yes alien

Eyes and let’s come here this is fast and Charlie is the mother s t r i d and Charlie r l i e now um Charlie and Orion moved out of the um housing over there and they moved out of the apartment building so that means

That to the people who are in the uh Tavern can actually move into apartments and one of them that should maybe be Jace but I think Jace actually likes being here but I’m actually going to move him um he doesn’t have a relationship uh-oh fast grew up look at

That fastred is ready for University um so we’re going to put Jace in the housing he spends a lot of time by himself he had been in in in love with Alamar but Alamar um that relationship uh he came on too strong in the beginning and she moved out she was

He he offered for her to stay with him and then he wanted her to be like a wife and so and so she moved in with Emory and Chase uh recognized that he made a mistake they’re friends but but they haven’t gotten to the point where they’re seeing each other and as a

Matter of fact um Alamar does seem to be seeing no that was kaab wasn’t it who was with um someone up there and that looks like she’s with someone else now that happens sometime they’re having fun they’re single they can have as much fun as they

Want so let’s come here and see this is s silda and she is Trudy’s kid Trudy and a post Coast kid silda and so we’ve got one two three I’m missing two kids so we’ll look at that a and did we move Lily and where did we

Move them no we didn’t we didn’t no we didn’t let’s see let’s look here and this is them okay and they’re at 303 let’s come over to this house who there’s a house here and who’s here and this is FD so um I have Fab 1 2 3 three

Four five I already had fast with Charlie I’m missing somebody who am I missing I have Cameron Suzanna trud D and Charlie I have one more mother somewhere and let’s find out who that is um and where in the world that house is where I have this one more mother did

I get interrupted and not actually Place fast someplace no fast um is with Charlie who’s missing I’m missing a kid there’s Fab so now I think almost everyone is grown um let’s go here oh bega that’s who I’m missing bega bega has May and may is I think the

Only kid left let’s come in here and see how these two kids are going to be let’s come here let’s look at this so um I don’t really see anything standing out there is some seven as opposed to silda having six um of mana Mana fast should I just go ahead and put them both here why don’t we do that we’re just going to have the kids they’re at University this is the University Library they’re studying they’re helping with research and they will continue I know it’s too fast I

Wish that they would allow that and that would be an interesting thing to suggest and I think I might actually suggest that now they think they probably already solved the problem because they have it so that kids um have to be researched in order to grow faster

So see in here if we look at civilians and I can’t touch anything or I will be in trouble but if we come down here see that nurture that increases the growth of the children so that they grow up faster and I never do that but still two days I

Know it’s it’s not fun so may is still a kid and may is probably probably going to take the fulltime she’s going to be The Village’s child for a little while which is wonderful because she’s Tucker and begas kid and that’s going to be fun and Trinity will be thrilled with the fact

That she still has a child now if I could have done the research right away I might have been able to get someone to be in class with her but I’m not going to have it in time and so we’re just going to go ahead and wait for the next

Group of kids to come in which isn’t going to be for a while because where are these kids living when they’re adults and yep you got it I would need some more housing for that so right now we don’t have to worry there she is look at her she’s so

Cute look she’s going straight to school like a good little girl and she’s just adorable and there we go so there’s our child and um this is the um sunflowers facing the sun in that corner there and I’ve got these I forgot about these torches here

We’re going to take them off and I think think I am going to have to plant the first sugar in here I think that’s what’s happening that he is not going to plant it every once in a while that happens let’s go into Marvin and see how

Much sugar he has on him inventory none and let’s look here aren’t you supposed to have I guess not oh where’s he getting back bamboo from where’s he growing bamboo hold on there’s bamboo is bamboo supposed to be here let’s try putting some bamboo down

Here and see if in fact um he’ll tend to it I can’t tell by the way this this one is whe there no because there’s only three this is one this is two and this is three um he would have to be a level four and that’s the

Problem okay fine you go back to sleep and we don’t need any Cactus right now and I could take some sugar off of the tops of these let’s take um one one two three four five six 7 8 9 10 didn’t I get a little bit

More and let’s plant this two three 4 five 6 uh 7 8 9 10 okay and that is their sugar being planted in this second field and he’ll begin to do something about that field what it looks like I should have something around this it really truly

Does why do you want to walk that close people all right so let’s come over and I still need some steaks and let me see if anyone if he has any meat in here let’s check and he only has one so far and I’m going to have to check and see how many

I need thank you cim um I might have to have him still get us some more let’s come here for a second um we only have one so far prum do you have any on you let’s look no he does not so let’s um do the settings

Let’s turn breeding back on for a little bit until we get um the cows that we need let’s come over to here raw meat I know I have to take it to somebody and let them cook it um let’s come Here and let’s look look and see how many we actually needed we need four yeah we’re going to have to have the cows turned on for a little bit so we’ll just use this as sort of a celebration um when they have to um Slaughter some cows for meat and then uh

The meat’s going to be cooked and a portion of it is going to for res search and the other portion is going to be served so let’s come down here to sincere let’s put some meat in here for a sec I don’t see any let me see if he

Knows how to cook it smelting recipes teach recipe let’s teach steak okay there it is and here we go and there we are um there’s some recipes having to do with medications that they make and I don’t see anything else we have a minimum stock for

Fuel and I think that’s all that we need right Angel and this is the kitchen in the tavern right here um which we had fun decorating over the holidays we actually decorated this chicken um Chicken Kitchen Kitchen Cina Kine and coina Co good day to you

Yes and um I don’t have kitchen yet in Greek um I haven’t gotten to it yet in Greek so I have to check on that all right um where are we 113 um let’s see who else we have I’m not going to be able to put I

Don’t think I’m going to be able to put kids up um on the hill right away we can check and see um there actually is one more bedroom here but this should really be a level five for singles to be up here and we could have her work on that um we do

Need a guardian and the level fives up here I think I would like to wait and get those um get the uh people to be 30s to actually b3s I know the kids will grow into it um we can Have I could have Fuji um actually take uh this this one right here take one of these and have one of the kids um take one of the Guardian positions after University we’ll see in a minute but we could have Fuji actually move from here and um move

To here um from where he is and let’s wait for a moment let me see how the kids are shaping up and see if I actually have someone that could actually look like that they want to be a druid cuz a druid um is mana and there’s a

Seven so there’s a seven and that’s um fabj Jord and Fab Jord is um Cameron’s kid who might not be a farmer the Mana and focus is in the right is in the right um location for it we could have a Fab Jord continue his university

Studies as a and I wish I could do this can I do this hold on for a minute there was a thing here manage workers um how high does it have to be settings hire a trainee but it doesn’t say that I can hire a

Trainee so I bet I have to be a four or a five in order to do that I bet I do but that’s what we could do actually that would be wonderful um so this this is is um this Tower is being upgraded Fuji is still

Here we can have Fuji actually um train someone we can hire a trainee to be here when the time comes hi fui what you doing are you watching her build you’re watching Elise build okay and who is this here this is a new name this is one of the Elvin names this is

Raina and um let me see what she’s got she um has Focus but she is wow in her first year at University so she’s as young as our kids and our kids our kids should actually go on a trip the way some of these kids are this looks like Micah or MAA MAA

MAA maaya would it be micaa I think it might be micaa show the stats agility and adaptability but they are in the town level and we don’t need anyone right now not especially because we have kids so we’re not going to take anyone unless they are um and that’s her maai M

Mikaya Mikaya let’s say her name is Mika let’s see if we can find some other visitors for a minute sometimes they like to go down back here go for a walk in the forest but we don’t have anyone tonight and I looked at Mika and that is it for right now oh there’s

One and this is ah look at the names so this is um I’m not even going to um umth umth oh it’s umth oh hello a fine day it is a fine day there’s some 20s there’s a 31 and it’s knowledge Ooh there’s a 31 in knowledge it would have to be let me look at the carpent um who what’s did I need no I can’t take a carpenter a carpenter has to be a second so it’s mostly Mana the enchanter needs mana and knowledge The Undertaker needs ma strength and

Mana and The Druids need mana and focus and yeah that’s who it’s going to be it’s going to be mana mana mana that is a beautiful name uhoh you see that that’s one of our chickens uh hold on a second can I do this I’d have to put a light in my hand

Or something that is definitely one of our chickens and let me get some seeds for a minute the let me get some seeds and put them in my hand for a sec um because that chicken’s up here I might be able to get that chicken to

Follow me back in I know you can’t see um let me go up and let me go to sleep I’ve got a bed in my pack and let’s go over here let’s go to sleep right quick and we’ll go and rescue the chicken um man yes yes

Indeed hide Romeo Mr villager okay here we go oh and it is raining um let’s try this it’s going to be very dark let me see where that chicken went there it is see this chicken right here this is our chicken I’m going to have him come over here and

Follow me he’s going to follow me right right back inside and he’s she she is now in sorry about that guys so there they are I see this I’m going to do something here let’s do F uh fire let’s do a fire piece here let’s do the black one storm got to

Praos oh prasino prasino yeah the storm is here all right they’re getting the rain it’s pretty it’s pretty dark and rainy too isn’t it it definitely is it is indeed all right um bega was probably hoping that um her kid would be a farmer but I’m not sure

That it’s looking that way we’ll see what happens with some of the kids we do have a child who is actually going to be a druid and that’s going to be safe and cozy in the house yes definitely um saf you don’t have a pet do you do you have a pet

Sometimes it’s hard I mean it’s kind of hard when there’s emilin emilin is our concrete mixer um yes the name of the BR the village is proino proino proino and um no uh-oh uh-oh it’s not let me found find out how it’s done let me find out I said it wrong it’s PR

Pino Pino prasino isn’t it prasino it might be that zap is going to figure out a way to tell me let’s come up here no pets ah no pets a you just seem like the type of person who would really really really be a good pet parent you definitely do zff you

Do do but they’re they’re they’re um zap lives by himself and works a lot and a lot of times that’s not good for pets especially new pets and um that’s one thing that I could imagine and and um a cat person yes like you Mr villager and like vincentius Primus he’s a cat

Person too but we don’t have any pets either it’s okay zap we don’t have any either and vincentius Primus is a cat person and we don’t have any pets um why because I’m allergic to cats for one thing but we did live at a cat sanctuary or artist colony is actually a cat

Sanctuary and one of the most amazing places and I love the cats there we both love the cats that live at our cat sanctuary you would prefer some types of dogs too okay yeah um both of us had pets when we were kids we definitely did this day is a

Wash let’s check in on our child let’s see what she’s doing let’s see if she’s grown up cats Are Better Than People you’re not going to get any argument from vincenta Primus on that one You definitely are not let me see if she is still in school I

See something there I’m going to have to look and see what he’s waiting for yay there she is here’s May and Trinity hi Trinity hi May and so yeah there’s um there’s U bega’s and Tucker’s kid so bega is right here which is really good because she gets to see her

Kid up well sometimes she’s there but um it’s pouring down rain so she’s not in the field she might be home making dinner um because when it rains they can do that they can go home or they can go to the tavern or something like that you

Can see Issa right here he’s having a day off and I like that they have a day off when it rains one of the things that I’ve noticed um Mr villager and Massa and I’m not sure oh wait um nope this is good this might be good um I don’t see

You venous Prim is exploded I don’t see um Druids out of uniform I don’t see a military out of uniform um she’s actually in uniform um she’s still wearing a helmet and she’s wearing her boots now it used to be that when they they had a day off they were

Out of uniform for a little bit and I hope that hasn’t gone away because I love the fact that they actually had some time off hi Jillian Jillian is our glass um specialist she uh runs the glass shop and look at her out in the field having

A nice time where’s Fuji because there is a bear in this area area and a wolf but I think that Jillian’s okay she feels pretty safe right now um there are actual wild animals in this part who else is playing out here we have Orion is out Marvin is out everyone’s off

Cool I love that they’re off and there is May May grew up and she is now you think Vince is a dis is a disguised [Laughter] creeper no as a matter of fact vincentius Primus is very lat like um an Rice’s vampire in the vampire lat that is definitely vincentius that is

Um who’s here let’s not go in here this is a house I should put some stuff in the houses now too shouldn’t I cuz now I have lots of time let’s come up here look at all her classmates are standing around here um silda is giving uh is uh

Actually giving a talk and let’s come here and let’s look for May May is in good look at her already look at the 32s and the 40 32 wow wow there’s 20 and 15 but may is 32 that’s what that’s what being there that’s what staying in school did um I’m

Looking at Strength 11 look at this look what I got and I’ve got Mana but the strength of course because she’s from Farm people she might actually end up being the Undertaker she might I’m going to hold on to her look at this that is so wild she’s very

Smart and she’s going to join everybody and here she comes and there she is she’s like everyone’s going home it’s time to go home all right and it is time for us to go so you see everyone wait did those people come from oh they’re coming from the

Field did you see that just then do I have somebody still here cim you’re not here I don’t have anybody I shouldn’t have anyone here who’s this I saw someone right here and they left oh and there’s the rain and there we go yes um they do do strange things all

Right so let me do this for a minute um there I am and I am going to say goodbye to this world and I’m going over to Rosa Oru um knowledge I’m looking for yes yeah so um we’ll see when I look at them again um because one of them is

Definitely going to be a druid and the other one I believe is going to be an Undertaker one of our kids let’s come here we’re going to go to Twitch and this is Rosa oo you want to see what is possible with mine colonies hi potato hi I just saw you there welcome

Welcome how are you today and here we go all right oh I am here let me um let me change my view for a minute I’m going to go to sleep I’m going down to the saloon and go to sleep for a minute and then we’ll do something right quick all

Right especially since potato is here let’s come here let’s go here and let’s go to sleep um someone just came into my room who is this hello she’s like no I’m sorry I I made a mistake I thought um they assigned me that room but they did not no Machi they

Did not oh it’s a kid okay um you want to know first when to start how do you start with the mod okay hold on for just a minute um you are in good company because some people can actually add answer those questions um just for a second

Um there we go all right um mine colonies is um there is a mod pack for mine colonies on curse Forge so it depends on what type of machine you’re on and what you’re doing if you’re talking about being on uh computer um let us know if you’re

Talking about being on a game station then I’m not going to be able to help you much but Mr villager will be able to help you with that um and possibly z um but M um Massa um is might be here and he might be able to answer some questions um there we

Go there we go Massa is a style um a style uh creator for mine colonies and he is also a um a programmer so he can give you good information for sure and um we’re going to start I can start right here by showing in this style

Um that this is the uh campsite this is the supply Camp one of the supply camps for the cliff style and in the supply Camp usually there is information about um about the uh the style that you’re going to do or there are things that can help how do

You get people in this mod um the people come from uh making a town hall so once you have a supply Camp you find a location for a town hall and you set the town hall the minute you set it you’re going to get four people I’m going to go into the

Town hall and show this for a second this is the town hall block here when you first come in you get four people in town and you get to pick your Colony flag you get to pick what type of Citizen clothing you want to have you

Get to pick what type of names you want I’m going to change the names to Elvin here um now these things that I’m talking about are patreon if you’re a patron of mine colonies on patreon um you get some extra perks and those two things are extras with a regular you get

This so you have hiring and you can either have automatic or manual you have housing automatic or manual um you can have kids be born right away as soon as you have housing and or you can turn them off off and up here um is a location for a

Town map and you can drop a normal scale Minecraft map in the town hall first to unlock the map and then slowly but surely the map will fill in and um that is one thing uh it’s raining today this location is the Lush um is Lush

Savannah and it is a poppy field but it does rain here even though it is the desert um the mountain is the bad lands and it does seem to rain it is not raining on top of the bad lands because they’re Mesa but it is dark because of

That what job can you do and what job do you want you as the player um have to provide um in the beginning all the materials um that the mine Colony people use to build with so in the very beginning this is why you make a campsite in the very beginning it’s just

Like Minecraft you have to gather supplies and you have to make sure that you have enough supplies so that when you have a builder they can actually request supplies and the supplies um they will use your supplies to build the first um the first buildings hello

Lindsy I see you so this is a builder shop actually and when you hire someone you’re going to see this this is the 20 screen this is new and it shows that Lindsay is the Builder it shows Lindsay’s abilities and it’s the green ability that you want to look for when you’re

Trying to decide who is going to be in the shop um working the higher their ability the better that they can work and yes so they get the jobs and so there she is after she has a job then um uh she’ll have she’ll be working on something what are you working

On there’s her work order she’s actually working on a brand new restaurant and so then there’s a place here that shows what she needs for the restaurant and all of these um all of these things here either have to be provided by you in the beginning the

Player or has to be provided by Crafters who are other people in town that you want to have so let’s say that you need wood for example what’s the difference between the Green and the yellow the green is what you want and the yellow is the lowest um that the farthest away that

They’re going to be from being what you want so you’re really looking for people to be in the green and um there it is right there U Mr villager is telling you all the different kinds of people for instance this is the carpenter her name is Julie

And this is what it looks like at her spot so Julie is um a level three I believe but she’s been doing this for a while so her um knowledge is up really high and she is doing a great job of getting things done what does a quarrier

Do um Massa um would have to talk to you about that I don’t use a quarrier and so so um Massa could probably answer that question since he has to design one as a part of the [Laughter] builds um you think there is more yes there is

Um and um let me come up here while um potato is being filled in on some of these things I’m actually going to look around town for a minute we are not ready for children here this is a level three I believe of this building and we need this building

To be a level five in order uh for me to have children now what other people do is what they want to do but this is what I like to do and so this is a level three it’s going up to level five Omar

Is working on it and let’s go up to Omar for a minute and see what it is that he needs we’re going to come over here hello Omar what is it that you need let’s see what he’s looking for green brick let’s go to um minino who is

Our um minino is actually our Stone Mason and our Stone Mason can uh create the things that Omar is asking for so I’m going to come over here it’s raining and it’s almost nighttime so no one’s going to be in their shop but I want to look and see

What minino can make here so um she needed some custom pieces crafting custom let’s see if these custom pieces are here they are not here which probably means that she knows how to make them already and they just haven’t gotten them yet and uh yep we have a Trader and let me come

Here are there also NPC run colonies what does that mean NPC run I don’t know what you mean by that devs are working on that ah okay that I was not aware of and that’s why you have to ask ask the people who know definitely that’s pretty good Mr

Villager you got a lot of all of the different types of people that there are so it’s morning and everyone’s going to wake up in this town you mean that Bots run that Bots build an entire Colony um yeah I don’t know like Massa said uh so here colonies managed by the computer

Yeah yeah um I’m not actually like making them go places I’m giving them things to do but um the people themselves actually run their own lives when they’re hungry they go get something to eat when they’re when they they have when daytime comes they go to work and they leave

Their houses and go to their jobs and if it’s raining um they don’t some of them don’t go to work and they actually um go and hang out and yeah they actually get hungry and they go to for instance right here they would come to this to a restaurant

This is actually a restaurant here and there are people um Ember and Pierce are working back here to make food they’re actually preparing food for um the people who come to their restaurant and um this let’s look right here there they are and um yes um not so

Much thirsty um thirst is included in the uh food um so uh it doesn’t say that they’re thirsty but they do go and get um food when they’re hungry and that includes things to drink they also get sick which is right Mr villager is correct they get sick and there is a

Hospital with a doctor and the doctor is in the hospital right here his name is maradok and there are some medications that actually have to be available for the kids hi hello um for them to uh cure people so for instance maradok is low on some things let’s see

What’s here in the inventory he is low he actually needs um potato and carrot for the flu he needs needs dandelion poppies and kelp I think for measles or something like that um yes they can and um potato is asking if the colonies can get raided and they absolutely can um

Mobs can come at night but they won’t um mobs will not uh uh spawn inside mine colony’s buildings but if the colonists are outside they could be attacked by mobs which is why you have to have guards and um we have a few guard towers

We do not have enough if we had to uh defend against barbarians or Pirates or um Amazon or mobs we have nowhere near enough guards to to defend against that right now I have a guard Tower here I have one over here I have uh two guard towers in this

Corner over here and I have two guard towers on the other side of the building um the way I play I have a treaty um with the mobs and with the barbar Arians the Amazon and all and the Pirates so they do not attack I don’t have um anybody attacking not interested

In that aspect of the game but um there are plenty of people who are and the game is set up specifically to work that way to work with having uh lots and lots of a good army including um being able ble to um have a barracks and train um

People and do things like that and let’s come here let’s do this for a second how does it mix with technique technical mods um that’s a good question um they like the mine Colony team likes some technical mods I prefer furniture mods so my mod pack is

Actually made of let me show you is made of mostly of furniture mods um I have uh some I have some mods for instance like for food and drink I have pams I have um some mods for uh cooking I have Builders crafts and additions I have iron jetpacks and

And dark utilities and some of those the M Colony team mod pack has technology in it also and then um there are people who add to the mods based on what they want um you can actually go out and find out if there is a conflict but mine colonies

Is pretty good about those kinds of mods if the mod works with mine CFT it should work with M colonies mostly um don’t you agree Massa with that that um those are usually the case um but he might citizens can’t use blocks with other mods to craft things

That is true the citizens can’t um but you can you can still use your yours like for instance if you wanted to have a special Farm or something like that um you can have those mods work in um and still have mine colonies as a part of your build and

So but that is something you can check on items to the warehouse with a pipe yes you can you absolutely can okay okay I’m in the process of building this this is Dragon Road and dragon road is to connect um this top layer of um buildings with the

Restaurant right here um we the way it’s going to be miasa I have this here so that people can see um when Keanu starts building this town hall he’s going to take away these these um these uh logs here because they’re coming into the build of the Town Hall I have them so

That you could see where we’re going to put the supports and I needed to be able to put the supports in so I’m going to show everyone something right here so I’m building this road myself and I’m going to switch packs I’m going to Jungle no to my pack Monster to

Mermaid I’m going to switch and I’m going to get a Spruce Road straight and there it is and I’m going to fit it over top of these jungle roads that I put in um the reason that I want to show it because I wanted to show Massa who developed this style what I’m

Going to do so to hold up this walkway I’m actually going to have the logs from the town hall extend out through these um walkways right here so there’s two extensions coming out from here and I know he’s going to take them away until it’s a level five and that’s fine I’ll

Just keep putting them back and then and we’re going to have extensions here to hold up that walkway and I think we have an extension we have an extension here and we have a couple of extensions coming out of the mountain right here and these um these logs are actually

Long enough to be used straight without being cut and that’s why um we’re following Massa and mat lom’s design and putting in support for these for these that I’m putting in right now so right here I’ve got this road but this road is actually made out of

Jungle and I’m in Creative so I’m going to switch out the road right now and make it into one of the roads I I have modified and that is birch and I think it will fit right on this piece here let me see what I’m looking at is it up too high

It’s it goes too far in this way so let’s push this back to here and let’s have it be right there okay let’s have it be here which means it’s going to come to here and I’m going to build the road I just wanted to be able to show

Everybody what it’s going to look like ultimately um that this part is going to connect and so right now do I need to go to sleep for a minute let me go to sleep for a second I need to go to sleep and see moded dimensions yeah we’re in O the

Biomes no we’re not we’re in biomes of Plenty o the biomes didn’t update to 20 and so that’s why we’re in biomes of Plenty and I am going to change this out right now so we’re going to take this right here and we’re going to construct

It and there it is and then we’re going to have this go away all right so on this side side we have a double let’s take this part away right here so I can build stuff myself if I want to and everyone can in the world um or you can have the builders

Build it it depends on what you want to do what kind of game you want to play if you like playing Survival vincentius Primus likes playing Survival and then you can actually play a really amazing game with mine colonies let’s do that again here let’s take this let’s do

This let’s go straight let’s turn this way push it this way do I have is that straight it is a straight now one of these is a PC here but I could take this straight right here I think I will let’s bring it all the way

Out to here it’s going to make a portion of that go away that’s actually okay here we go and build the building yeah let’s construct it and that’s X all right so on this side let’s just put in this part right here so on this side we need to take away this from

Here and from here and then we need to add some more of this does this mod have integration with other mod addons that’s a good question that is a very good question let’s take this away right here she’s going to start working on that and so now we have more of this

Road actually being um this color being made out of spruce um I’m going to do one more this one right here and then it will be delivered to Carpenter and the plank will be delivered to the Builder you think style colonies is an example this add-on adds some extra

Styles Journey map and Jade mhm things like that let’s come here and let’s put this down let’s come to here Spruce roads I don’t see it um straight there we go and let’s come here is facing the right way I can’t see all these all of these pieces I think it

Is so we can either bring it close to this or this side um let’s put it close to whichever side it wants we just have to make sure it’s down far enough and it is and let us change this one out as well constructed and x and there is that

Piece so now let’s take away this part right here we don’t need an extra set of fence right here so we can remove that come down here and there we are so let me put this back right in this part catalog of questions um no

S i mean if he wants if they want to ask questions it’s actually fine um the questions are fine um we’ll see so far there are questions that people might actually have and it’s okay you just want to peek it in the mod and so

Um Massa actually um and had said to you uh where the mod um is actually where you can get information because there is a Wiki online this is becoming a bit Strange but they have vanilla functionality like upgraded Furnace this is mod it’s actually okay it’s actually okay um zap it’s all right it’s okay I mean it’s I I understand and and that’s a possibility but it’s actually okay um some other people might benefit from it so um consensus oh you’re laughing at yours you’re not you’re not listening to this

Are you H okay let’s see what you say something funny and a um no um um zap is concerned about someone who’s asking a lot of questions and was thinking that he’s not that that person really isn’t really trying to find out anything and but it’s actually okay those questions are all

Right in chat in chat mhm see this person in chat hm I don’t see this person in chat you don’t see potato oh uhhuh potatoes asking lots and lots of questions Massa is fine with it and that’s the thing potato was just curious yeah then SES is saying that potato is just

Curious It’s not a husky potato it’s a curious potato no it’s not a husky potato that is definite it’s a curious potato I wish it was a husky potato I miss her I miss husky potato but it is not it is curious potato and we’re going to put in some posts

Here and now I have to do some underwork on here good for you Massa yes a finished a full finished Colony 200 to 300 hours of play so we’re not going to be able to give you everything all the knowledge of it we can give you a peek and let you see some

Things but and continuing growing Colony how long did it take to make New York City and indeed indeed indeed so yeah so um The Colony continues and um we’re doing this at this particular moment all right so here I am and here I am so this is Dragon Road and and we

Needed Dragon road to come here so that Lindsay could start the restaurant the balloon restaurant which is right here and I believe this road is close enough for her to be able to reach that restaurant and now all we have to do is um actually come here uh it says easy as thermal

Expansion um I don’t know that’s that’s a question I can’t answer hi Lindsay hello you miss one job the mechanic yeah let’s come here and let’s see what she needs um she needs a few things all of this should be available for um Julie to make

And we can come out and go down to Julie and see if she’s having any problems with any of this you need to make station blocks for Builders and villagers to know where they are inside um kind of kind of kind of so let’s come here

This is Julie right here and let’s do um looking at custom recipes for a minute and see if there are any missing aha stripped dark oak so that’s one we need to teach the recipe for and then we can look here at the regular crafting recipes and see if there’s something

Here that um Lindsay needs because Lindsay is the one who’s waiting so let’s get her re Source scroll oh yeah we have that Builder let’s go to Lindsay right here and let’s look at what she’s requesting woodwise she needs a barrel and a chest I think those two things can be made and

Dark hook fence let’s start with those um she should have chests already but it’s possible that I did that in um in proo and didn’t do that here there’s a chest I don’t see any barrels ah there we go there’s beehive and there’s the barrels okay let’s look for dark

Oak uh Plank and we’ve got that and let’s look for Spruce pressure plates um all the spruce stuff I think she already knows custom but let’s look and make sure and yes she’s not she doesn’t need those recipes um it just seems little blocks Uh Yeah I’m just looking at the questions for a moment yeah I know zff it’s okay it’s okay it’s all right you’re right they actually are but it’s okay let’s make this Julie so let’s take this off of here I have to go back up again and let’s remove this this is Julie’s shop

Apostrophe s and there we are and let me look and see oh we have a good amount of time so yeah we’re we’re fine okay and no we we actually are heating you ZF we actually know what you’re saying I’m not I understand what you’re saying um let’s come

Here and I just want to see if there is fence cuz I only see one kind of fence that’s Spruce that’s jungle that’s Birch there’s dark Coke gate that’s star Coke and that is Acacia did I actually not see any Oak fence did I actually not let’s make sure just in case all

Right and there we go okay so we’re still waiting for 1.6 no no it is not it absolutely isn’t 1.6 is before I joined good gracious that was years ago and um mine colonies has explained that because the they really keep up with the build and with asking questions

And stuff that they don’t want to keep going back they want to go forward and going back takes a lot of time and so that’s why they don’t so you would have to update you actually have to there are some areas and some servers that have um

Older models but M colony’s team has um literature out online for those older models but they do not do direct um conversation about them and um yeah you have a little model modded World in 1.6 ah yeah I mean you can’t even do I think

Even for um Lord of the Rings was one .7 when when I left that that is a long way back and um even for your server it probably is a good idea um especially with this there’s so many beautiful things to make um that actually can be done

And well new versions are St Stabler and that’s understandable yeah it definitely is um let’s come here for a second I’m looking at why not why am I here no this isn’t what I want I’m looking for this I’m looking for this he’s done he finished ooh so this is a level

Three this should be a level four now this is a level four of the original um mine con mine colonies style that’s been updated and um this is the level four we need a level five um in order for our kids to get the best education that they can get and so

We’re going to have Omar um Begin work on that I think I did Omar didn’t I I’m going to come back and do it again just to make sure Omar upgrade the building okay and there we go done the music the music is from a mod from a mod

That my Colony team added to their mod pack even the music is from a mod um all right so uh once we have the level five we’ll be able to do research for a master’s degree and that’s what we’re going to use can you give guards any

Kind of weapons yes you can guards can have um they can even have Enchanted armor and enchanted weapons um but it is something you have to research and since I’m here wait I’m not going to do it like this that’s that’s all I need and let’s get into my survival mode

Right here and then we’ll come back this is the University and this is where um you can do research and so for um armies um there is research that the um the university researchers do um that takes various levels of time and takes various ingredients for instance in order to have the guards

Need 500% less sleep you can have a guard tower level one and 16 pieces of iron ingot really H you know I might do that let me see if I have iron I do have iron I think I’m actually going to research that that so then I come here with the

Iron that I have let’s look at combat and there it is right there and see in the blue it’s not showing both of them are blue I have at least one guard tower level one and I have 16 pieces of iron so when I click this the researchers

Will start working on it this is going to take 30 minutes whoops I went to the wrong place this is going to take 30 minutes time Earth time for this to be done and then there are ones that take 2 hours there are ones that take 3 hours and 4 hours and five

Hours so all of these are researched in real time and help your help your army get faster you can see all the different things for improved swords improved bows for t iCal training for avoidance and you can see that some of these have to do with kns some of these

Have to do with Druids and some of them are just regular for instance this improved armor I could actually do this I don’t have 32 pieces of leather I don’t think and I hi Fallon hi Fallon um I would need 32 pieces of leather and item have

It and I don’t have enough Stakes you see that also I’m not going to have enough Stakes for a for them to even have kids let me look for just a second at civilians and let me see how far I can go up I can go up to 50

People and I I’d have to check and see how many people I have I might want to get the stakes for this we would have to import them from proo from prasino because prasino has cows and we’ll have to get them from there um and

The rest of these can go back in here for right now I’m waiting to do some things but I don’t see anything that I can do I know Fallon you do have one thing to research but let’s get back to the technology for a minute to valkyrian Skies to support would be

Fun to see Zeppelins fly around yeah it would be it would be fun to see that in Minecraft so we’ll work towards that that’s something that can happen um we have some pretty amazing um balloons now that actually are wonderful in the sky and that I really love um the Honeypot actually needs

16 beehives do we have any beehives let’s look and see we do not so there’s a bunch of things missing from here that we really need beehives is one of them I think I’m going to have uh Julie make us some beehives so I’m going to go to uh

Some place let’s just walk I’m going to go to a post office a post box not really an office a post box and I’m going to Mr villager you have one for school the school is basically large with the library ah mhm let’s go down here and let’s go to

The post box and we’re going to request now this is me as the player requesting that the town Crafters actually make something for me and I’m going to have them make um beehives beehives and I need 16 beehives for uh um the research so we’re going to get 16 beehives for that and

That is going to be delivered to Julie so she can make all these all these things are going to be delivered to Julie so she can make those for me and then they’ll be deposited here look at this so I had asked for mesh string for

Our um for our sifter yeah and they made them so now I want them to be put in the warehouse so I’m putting in them in the stash and Casey one of our cuers is going to come along and pick those up and put them in the warehouse so of

School bye thank you potato for being here I hope you got your questions answered and good night have a good rest take care and there we go so and yeah sometimes we have kids sometimes we have kids just have to answer their questions it’s okay it’s all right um zap they’re Gone poor zap the poor Z so um might come back to see how big the little city is they might they might have thought we’ll see all right so let’s come here and let’s look at um something else that I needed I can see it but I don’t remember what it

Is staks we could ask for Stakes but we’re not going to get any from here um he would have to order the stakes from another town bookcases and paper maybe gold or let’s do gold or let’s get ourselves um 64 of gold ore we’ll get um um Trenton who is our minor

Um to find that for us and to bring that to us and that’ll be good we will need that at some point how many did I get oh look we have some they’re going to deliver it yay excellent so those are some of the things that we have um

And you might come back to see absolutely absolutely you are welcome you are most welcome and so I’m still in what do whose resource do I have I’m still in survival and I’m walking my way back to the University from there I could move the mailbox the post box up here I could

Have I found that having a second post box I don’t know that that Works um it seems almost like the last one that you use is the only one that actually uh does stuff so we’ll see what happens with that um let’s look at some other things that were needed for a

Minute um we’ll have to do something about Stakes we need some more books probably and some more racks um we don’t have a level three yet for this I recognize that um do we have any paper we don’t have paper yet ooh so we don’t have anything for that look at all

Of the rotten flesh that Davis has found good gracious and we need at least two full stacks of steaks before we have kids um we can check the town hall and see how many people we have and see how much room there is to have children

Wait is there anything else I want to look at before I leave here Marines we are leaving no okay so let’s come here let’s go here and let’s go to um be a mermaid and let’s come there and there we are and let’s go through the

Door what do I want to look at the Town Hall and see how many we have I think we lost sath I think we did and let’s come here all right here’s our town hall whoops right here and let’s see how many people there are let’s go to people

Um I don’t think we can have any that says 74 didn’t 75 stop us from having people I don’t know let’s look and see maybe we’re over that maybe we don’t need any research ooh that would be fun if we already had done the research here I’m going to go

Back to the town hall to the university for a minute and look so they’re a little bit more prepared than we are even though um the housing is still something I have to work out I kind of have worked it out and the problem is getting the kids to

Go to school without being walked by a parent um because they’re so far away um let’s look here for a second let’s come to here and let’s see what it says so up to 100 I think we have up to 50 how much do you want to bet we’re not

Going to get any kids if we do this because it says the maximum is 50 and we have 75 people so we’re actually going to have to um probably research this how do I have 75 if isn’t that weird yes Mr villager there is some problem in me

Allowing to see the little medieval libraries and schools I will need some idea for the roof um I think we have time for that I can do that for you um medieval libraries and schools okay okay it’s interesting um they haven’t been updated I don’t think in a while have they zff

Let me uh let me turn I am I am a mermaid let’s come here let’s rise up in the air I’m going to go since everyone is sleeping where can I go um let’s Go I don’t know isn’t that weird that shouldn’t be possible should it I didn’t think I did more than the citizen limit I know I don’t know how unless it happened when I moved when I moved the town hall because I moved it is it not counting right because of that isn’t that

Curious hold on hold On yeah I actually have 75 people and I’m over the 50 Mark and I haven’t done the research for the next set and remember in proc Caso um they actually couldn’t I couldn’t get those other kids because I was going to be over and it must be something because remember even in

Praso um we got 75 and it wouldn’t let us go any further I think so I wonder if that’s changed I wonder if they changed the amount but didn’t change it in the book I’m going to have to check on that yeah I will I’ll check

Proo the next time we’re in and see cuz there’s no question about that um what am I doing what am I doing I’ve got this in my hand um yeah maybe maybe that they changed it cuz that’s kind of that’s kind of interesting but yeah it definitely said

That it said that um the maximum uh um right now is 74 and I bet I how much do you want to bet that if I tried to get children I would only get one right now because of that because I haven’t done the research up to

128 and it might be a buffer of some sort that you are allowed to have a certain amount um but it says Max to 50 in research and maybe that number has changed and it wasn’t changed in the university and I’m sorry Mr villager I

Remember now I was going to show you um the medieval I apologize let’s come up um here this is probably pretty high high and we shouldn’t see too many things up here if we come here let’s switch which medieval would you like to see any medieval or do

You have a preference Mr villager let’s go down to Medieval I need D we have um Spruce excuse me dark oak oak and Birch and let me see if for Mr villager to catch up a little bit and see if he’s going to in the meantime any okay I’m going to do the

Birch let’s do Birch these are Carl anur um pieces and um medieval Birch let’s go back to it me and it’s right here and let’s select education and you want to see schools and libraries let’s start with the school now um the medieval schools um let’s I’m going to have this

Rise up so that there’s no conflict between that guard Tower and these so that you can see them this is a mideval school level one oh I remember this oh my gosh I haven’t made one of these in ages wow I’m gonna have to show you two

Of them because this one I don’t think is like the others unless they made them all consistent this is a level one two and you see that the um side housee is growing here and this is where they have their cafeteria and um they have a place for

Them to get their food and then these are their chairs in their in the classroom and then that’s level three this is that was level two this is level three right here and level three um is um now there should should be an upstairs um there it is and there we are

So this is probably the teacher’s office right there upstairs from this I don’t remember this having an upstairs I think that’s been added um and that’s an odd placement for it I would have preferred it to be in the cafeteria area unless of course they’re going to do Romeo and

Juliet they’re going to do some play and have them do it from here cuz look at this this is in the classroom right here um and this is uh level three I believe this is four right here and you can see the yard changed and now there are some school

Some things for them to play with in the yard and in the cafeteria area they still have cooking and eating here and what happened to this area this area is the same it got some more chairs ooh I like what happened to the windows that is nice and upstairs ah there’s an extra

Classroom upstairs now that is very interesting so there is a smaller classroom upstairs let’s go to the five this is a full level five medieval Birch school and through the front door this is the main classroom and these are the seats and the teacher’s desk here and let’s come here this is the

Cafeteria and notice it’s expanded so they can have more kids and they have an open area look at that it’s open directly to the outside doesn’t that look Strange maybe they don’t have winter here this is inter interesting I can see that and then um yeah that’s it let me look at one of the others for a minute because of that front that doorway area there and see if that’s deliberate here it is the end okay let’s go to Med

Medal and let’s come to let’s do medieval Spruce and let’s see what the school looks like and there it is it is the same there’s the tree in the yard and there is everything the same two three four and five now that’s interesting so they had

Doors at level um four but they don’t have them at level five isn’t that curious that is very interesting okay so that is the medieval um that’s the school and you wanted to see the library um in level three the small high class classroom is basically the principal’s office yes it

Is in the beginning it is who’s this here the music’s going to Stop look at this it’s impressive yes there we go um so what’s interesting Mr villager is I don’t know whether you remember or not but the library in medieval is where universities came from um when there wasn’t anything like a school or a university um we started using um the we

Started using the library as a university and um let’s see here let me see if I can find medieval again here we go so they’re huge they’re actually really big and so let’s come here um this is oh they’ve made a difference look at this they have

A University library and a library so the University Library is a library that fits inside the university somewhere and judging from that um that’s all you get so there is the school there is something that’s supposed to be here and here is the University library but there’s nothing there hold on a minute

Medieval let me look at Medieval um Oak for a second and see what that’s supposed to be University Library that’s more like it so that one’s not there for some reason this is the University Library um this is new I don’t remember this looking like this unless this is the one

That grows up now into the huge Hogwarts Library let me see two three yes it is four and five wow so yeah this is the size of the original Library um this is this is the one there was one that had a garden I think this is it so many changes have

Been made since I made one of these but this is beautiful isn’t it it’s gorgeous um yeah that’s what that looked like it was so this is the University um level five wait go back switch no go back to education I might be showing you the university and not the

Library so when I looked here oh oh it switched to it I get it it switched to it I think it did this says it’s the library and this is different I did I am I apologize this is the this is the way I remember the original library look

Looking cuz this is why we made it into Hogwarts because it had this amazing amazing area here and this is where um there is lectures being given right here in the library um down this hallway out here oh that’s yeah there it is right here this used to go to a lunch

Area and that lunch area isn’t there anymore okay that’s Pro probably part of the regular uh University part so all of this has changed the dark oak has like you think Towers um let’s see if they do let’s see if they have them still this is the front of the library

That’s right here and that is different um the university actually this one right here um which says education Library 1 2 three five that’s that one and Alternate is one two I think the alternate is inside the university you’re right that’s what it is so there’s the

Library piece but I think the university is in this building too I think I haven’t made it in a really long time but when I did um the library was the University and there was actually um dorms up here and places for people to stay and sleep and all of that

That looks like all of that is gone from here so um there are places for people to read and stuff but I don’t see the areas that used to be unless they’re on this side yes see they’re not here anymore wow so this has completely changed from the last time I built one

Of these was 16 and it’s 20 so these have completely changed since then and that’s one of the things in regards to potato um being on six that most of the things that need to be built are going to use the new blocks of mine colonies and that might be a

Problem that might be a problem what’ll probably happen is they won’t be able to right Massa they’d have to have the version six and there just wouldn’t be um if anything went wrong there wouldn’t be anything so yeah make a long time um you don’t see the oak one

Ah yeah it has been a while this is this is definitely I think this is Spruce am I in the spruce I thought I was medieval and let’s look at the Oak for a second medieval Oak I don’t think there’s that much difference but let me check for a second

Education the library the Alternative Library yeah it’s the same so that’s it with an oak door and with Oak pieces and yeah it’s definitely nostalgic it is and on my um seagrass monster to mermaid made on YouTube I still have um some of those builds I

Don’t think I have one with one of these this is really old um where I did 16 and so I don’t think I have any of those left but before 16 like 12 or something like that um but I have some of them and okay so let’s X that

And let’s come back down and how much time we have some time I need to begin so this road is going to work here and now I just need for her to get the materials that she needs in order to work on things so let me see how much she’s

Gotten so far wow the new moon look at that that is beautiful there’s a new moon out and it’s gorgeous and it is making Shadows so we’re going to close this for a minute um let’s come over here let’s look at how much she’s gotten so far so she hasn’t gotten

Anything we have a lot of spruce and we have a lot of dark oak so let’s see why she hasn’t gotten anything um let’s come down here and let’s go to the Waterfront and see in these times you didn’t even imagine that we would have things like universities and

Schools yeah I know I remember that I definitely do I Remember when we were making it all up so um let me come here great to see Samia let me look I’m still I’m getting kids so we might as well have our own what is it C let’s look at you there’s Athletics there’s creativity um they’re closer but the

Mana and strength is one of the things that we need need or um mana and knowledge for the enchanter it which is one of the things that we need and that is not this we also needed a stone smelter which is creativity and dexterity and that’s not

Him I’m going to go back and look at them for creativity and dexterity for a moment I know I should probably wait for um someone and I don’t have a choice anyway I have to wait for someone but just in case dexterity creativity is up but the dexterity is not and there we

Go oh hi for you Darin Darin has none of the things that we need like on purpose he’s got nothing so yeah so we’re still waiting let me go to sleep right here going to come in here and we’re going to sleep Here so we didn’t get as much um done cuz we were kind of doing a little bit of a tour and things we did finish as much as we could finish of the Dragon right there we’re going to go down to the Waterfront right here and we’re going to

Look for Spruce and dark ooc and see how much we have and see exactly how much we have so we’re going to come in the Waterfront entrance and then we’re going to go to here and there’s tow and Rosa and they’re getting ready to go on their deliveries and we’re going to

Come here and we need Spruce 3,500 and we need dark oak 1,000 so it’s not like we don’t have any so um let me do something thing I’m going to go up to hi hello everybody I’m going to go up to her it’s possible that she asked for those things before the stream

Started and that they’re ignoring her because they didn’t realize that she asked for them before so I think what I’m going to do right now is cancel her and have her get those things and then I’m going to look at hiat because and see what’s going on

With him so she’s here wait that’s not what I need I need to cancel here so cancel that that’s all she was asking for was that um but that might be holding her up from getting the other stuff isn’t that interesting that she doesn’t have these things yet this is a

Level One Restaurant and Julie is a level three Carpenter so she should be able to get her those things and the only other thing that might be happening is that um Julie is down here over here and that in order for those things to happen um we would need I would need

To spend some time in this area hi Julie but she hasn’t asked for anything um she has Oak she has extra shingles but she does not have any she does not have any of the things that she needs so do we need some more um careers that’s what it’s acting like we have

Four and the couriers are level three so maybe we need to bring the couriers up um a level in order to actually get some of the stuff delivered um let’s come here and let’s go and let’s get some Spruce first let’s come to here look at all this it’s sitting right here so

Let’s get three of these I’m going to get two of these is there any dark in the area only one dark there I know I can look for it but I was hoping maybe it would show up with the rest but it is not so let’s take these pieces and put

Them up here let’s get dark oak dark oak and 900 now the question is where are they is this dark h no this is still that and there it is one two and three um not this not the partial let’s bring these over and give them to Julie and then we’ll

See if that makes a difference oh wrong one I came out this hallway where we don’t have anything I’m going to come out this hallway right here there’s a somebody walking around did I look at you look at the strength I would like it to be 30s

Though I’d at least like one of them in the 30s and oh okay tank yeah no no you’re right you go ahead you run and and let me come up Now tank is our Courier tank is our fastest Courier and we only have one door here um the level the level below um the Waterfront is actually a higher level and we’re going to come back here and go down in between these buildings right here to reach

Julie um who is right here and I’m going to give her these pieces so there’s some there and there’s some in hopes that that will get her started on getting these done she has the recipes for the extra pieces ahaa so for Omar that is strip dark oak and there it is

So we can teach this recipe let’s come here this is strip dark oak and this is actually not her this is actually going to be m u minino for now until we find a replacement for her so she already knows how to make green brick extra and this one here

Here um I don’t think that he’s not that Julie has done that yet so we’ll do that one and that leaves glass but this glass thinf framed glass um needs to come from our glass cutter um we could walk down to it couldn’t we or run down to it let’s

Run we’re going to run for a minute to the part of town where the glass maker is up let’s run a little bit more running past these houses and oh wait oh look at this oh this is a level three look at oh my gosh look at this w whoa let me see

Something um do can I set something here did that turn it off no it doesn’t usually I have to set a new one wow look at the change Massa the level level three glass shop with the two furnaces the two glass blower furnaces which are beautiful one of them is on

And look there’s glass inside cool and then the level four will probably turn on this one this is really really nice I love it and here’s a little place where they can sit right here and then out here is where she has some things that she’s

Doing and so let’s come here we need custom recipe p and sure enough um this is glass framed thin wall which is just clear glass and it’s framed with dark oak wood and so we are going to teach this recipe to her and there she is so

It says she can make that and she’s just going to have to wait for the dark oak to come from Julie so that she can get that um the concrete M mixer um this is balacha p and I don’t think there’s anyone’s asking for any concrete right now and we

Can’t teach any recipes so she’s only going to be here when she’s needed for this it’s such a difference isn’t it Mr Villager when we were in the underwater base everything was concrete and now hardly anything is concrete so it’s pretty wild um I’ll call her let’s call

Bal um to work and there she is and she’s right there and yes so um this is it that was it people we have spent the entire day um we have that was the full 3 hours as of right this moment and um we’ll come back and anley

Is still working on her Builder shop right there so we’ll come back and look at it and I hope ZF is okay I I know that um he sometimes isn’t feeling well and yeah you know it’s hard sometimes when there are kids and um that are on computer and can

Ask questions and talk and so um but um I hope that he understands that we were just trying to make sure that it wasn’t a troll that it was actually a kid and it could still be but it doesn’t matter um YouTube might actually be trying to see cuz we’re technically not for

Kids um and probably I could have said to them how old are you um this is not for kids and do it that way but I try not to do that because I’m a kid we’re all kids and I don’t like kids so yeah that was really fast it definitely was so

Here we go um I’m going to say thank you to everyone for being here thank you for all the people who were in chat thank you so much do I have a um let me see if I have one of these here otherwise you can’t see me let’s put a lantern in my

Hand there I am see I got a lantern isn’t that pretty the moon the quarter moon behind me and um and there is a point that is true that is true so um okay okay so Massa Mercy bku thank you so much Mercy Mercy Mr villager

Obrigado thank you for being here zap if you’re still there somewhere aaro I know you were just trying to protect us thank you very much and I appreciate it and everyone else who was in chat today thank you so much for being there thank thank you it’s very

Fun to have people in chat and here we go I’m going to play some different music so this is going to be an Abrupt change in music here we go an Abrupt change music music I hear music thank you Bye Oh

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Meditation with the Minecolonies Mod Cliffs Style’, was uploaded by monster2mermaid on 2024-01-12 10:43:04. It has garnered 27 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:36 or 11076 seconds.

– Children of Minecolonies – Prasino gets their first children who grow up really fast. Meanwhile Rosa Ouro will wake up to the fact that it already has a fully built library in the bank and doesn’t have to wait for the completion of the university library.

  • Zeddy’s Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase

    Zeddy's Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase Minecraft Mod Showcase: NiftyCarts & AstikorCarts Redux Exploring the vast world of Minecraft just got more exciting with the introduction of the NiftyCarts and AstikorCarts Redux mods. These mods bring a whole new level of functionality and creativity to the game, allowing players to enhance their gameplay experience in unique ways. Features of NiftyCarts Mod: The NiftyCarts mod introduces a variety of new carts that players can use to transport items, animals, and more. From the versatile Handcart to the sturdy Supply Cart, each cart serves a specific purpose and adds a new dimension to transportation in Minecraft. Key… Read More

  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

    Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight! In Minecraft, I fooled my sister with glee, Using custom Feastables mods, you see. She fell for the trick, oh what a sight, Laughing and playing, all through the night. With each new update, a new rhyme to share, Keeping the audience engaged, showing we care. From funny pranks to intense gameplay, In the world of Minecraft, we love to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we craft our way through day and night. I fooled my sister, but it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more… Read More

  • Jazzy Campfire: Minecraft’s Smooth Jazz Radio 🎷

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  • Potion Commotion: Crafting an Infested Notion!

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  • Crafty Dad: Study Stealth in Minecraft

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  • Falling for Blocks: Minecraft Melody (S2 E1)

    Falling for Blocks: Minecraft Melody (S2 E1) In the world of Minecraft, where blocks collide, Our heroes embark on a thrilling ride. Casual and Catalina, lost and apart, Searching for elements with all their heart. In the Aether they roam, a dimension unknown, Seeking the four elements, their quest has grown. With Ariane by their side, they’ll face any test, To reunite and find peace, they’ll give their best. But obstacles loom, challenges arise, Will they succeed, or meet their demise? Stay tuned for the next episode, the story unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where adventure molds. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Wild Ride

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Wild Ride In the world of Minecraft, anything can occur, From monsters to explosions, chaos to endure. Each episode brings surprises, adventures to find, With challenges at every turn, testing the mind. Subscribe to see what’s next, in this wild ride, Leave a thumbs up if you’re on this Minecraft tide. Share your thoughts in the comments, what should I face? In this game of twists and turns, in this virtual space. Join me on this journey, through blocks and through caves, In this world of creativity, where anything saves. Minecraft, the game that never fails to excite, With each new… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft Bundles

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  • Muscle Rush Run Challenge: Minecraft Mobs

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: Original Vid?

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  • Disco Ghast Blast: Minecraft’s Funky Delight!

    Disco Ghast Blast: Minecraft's Funky Delight! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, I bring you the news, with a rhyming spree. From updates to glitches, and everything in between, I’ll keep you entertained, with a rhyming scene. So join me on this journey, through the world of blocks, Where creativity reigns, and we all wear our socks. I’ll keep you informed, with a twist and a turn, And together we’ll laugh, as we all learn. So hit that like button, and share with your friends, Let’s spread the joy, as the fun never ends. And remember, in this world of Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Wither Meltdown

    Minecraft Wither Meltdown When you accidentally summon the Wither in Minecraft and suddenly realize you’re not as prepared as you thought. It’s like trying to take on a boss with a wooden sword and a piece of bread for armor. Good luck, buddy! Read More

  • Conquering Minecraft’s 10 Toughest Mobile Challenges

    Conquering Minecraft's 10 Toughest Mobile Challenges I Tried Minecraft’s 10 Hardest Challenges In Mobile Embark on a thrilling journey as Keshew13 takes on Minecraft’s toughest challenges in the mobile version of the game. From mastering intricate skills to facing intense PvP battles, this adventure is packed with excitement and adrenaline. Learning 10 Hardest Minecraft Skills In 24 Hours Witness Keshew13’s determination as they tackle the most challenging skills in Minecraft within a tight 24-hour timeframe. From mastering parkour to navigating complex redstone traps, every moment is filled with suspense and skill. Minecraft’s Hardest Clutch Experience the heart-pounding moments as Keshew13 pulls off the most challenging… Read More

  • Shocking: JJ buried alive in Minecraft by Mikey!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5

    Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Week [Day 5]’, was uploaded by Sinistral2099 on 2024-01-20 07:34:23. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:43 or 13483 seconds. Arcade Tokens !points – See how many arcade tokens you’ve acumulated while watching the stream! !redeem gameboy camera – 500 Arcade Tokens – Change my camera to a Gameboy Camera for two minutes. That’s 120 whole seconds! !redeem witness protection – 500 Arcade Tokens – Send me into Witness Protection to help keep my identity a secret. Sound Emotes bidet yahaha daamn shame wow cookie money… Read More

  • SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funny

    SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘That’s How to join! 🤭 #minecraft #funny #minecraftserver #smp #meme #bonevanilla’, was uploaded by imllost on 2024-07-29 03:06:18. It has garnered 11892 views and 578 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

  • 🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥

    🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Колян +ДРОНИО изучаем Английский с Minecraft Запишитесь на бесплатный урок Minecraft с родителями’, was uploaded by Kolaplay on 2024-05-16 19:28:09. It has garnered 1039 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Subscribe to Minecraft Super Series “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR… Read More


    EPIC N5 GAMER BUILDS INSANE TRADER HALL - MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SEASON 01 (Hindi)Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILD a new trader hall for villagers in Minecraft. MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES SEASON 01 in Hindi’, was uploaded by N5 GAMER on 2024-04-06 05:16:06. It has garnered 147 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:53 or 1853 seconds. follow on INSTAGRAM 👇 FACEBOOK 👇 X 👇 WHATSAPP 👇 ABOUT MINECRAFT Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8

    ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 8)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-10 07:46:27. It has garnered 111 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:13 or 6013 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!

    Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT CRAZY SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Aaironnn on 2024-09-21 17:47:49. It has garnered 39571 views and 671 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:05 or 8225 seconds. #roblox #minecraft #funny Join the Discord!: Super Chats: $5 – I will give myself any amount of an item of your choosing! $10 – I will burn an item of your choosing! $25 – I will /clear my inventory, deleting everything! $50 – I will delete the world and have to start from the beginning again! All Super Chats are non refundable. If you would… Read More

  • SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter’s Epic Minecraft Transformation #shorts

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  • Panic! Kero’s Crazy Minecraft Night

    Panic! Kero's Crazy Minecraft NightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Late night Minecraft vibez’, was uploaded by Kero on 2024-09-23 09:11:04. It has garnered 185 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 06:53:39 or 24819 seconds. Read More

  • Giltory SMP

    Giltory SMPGiltorys Viewer SMP with many streamers and active members! This SMP contains Custom Items, Bosses, and features while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft style! Read More

  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

    SEASON 2! Launched 07/06/24 IP: Play.Supernaluna.Com Greetings from the Supernaluna SMP! We are an adult community looking for new players to join us on epic journeys. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or just like to hang out, our server has something for everyone. Visit Discord: A full list of plugins and features can be found on our Discord, including: McMMO Economy Jobs Warps for community areas Veinminer /sethome /rtp Cosmetic Ranks/Roles based on playtime The Important Stuff: No Griefing or Stealing Consensual PvP No x-ray, hacked clients, or item duping Zero tolerance for hate speech Contact “xMoniarty#7292” on discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

    Looks like Steve can finally stop mining for diamonds and start mining for likes! Read More

  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

    DreadMinecrafter's Easy Egg Farming MethodVideo Information This video, titled ‘EZ DEGGS -AKA- AGP CONVERT .. WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-09-26 15:26:52. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. . WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER … DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

    POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥 POV: Trying to build a friendship with that toxic friend in Minecraft, but all they do is blow up your house and steal your diamonds. #minecraftdrama #friendshipfail #toxicityatitsfinest Read More

  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

    Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough Exploring the Terrifying Depths of Minecraft with Cave Horror Project Modpack Welcome to the spine-chilling world of Minecraft with the Cave Horror Project modpack. This eerie collection sets the stage for a journey into the unknown, filled with terrifying creatures that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare yourself as you dive into the abyss and confront the mysteries lurking within, including mods like The Man From The Fog, Cave Dweller, and the ominous presence of Herobrine. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios, is a 3D sandbox game where players interact with the game world by… Read More

  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

    Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰Video Information This video, titled ‘(Live🔴) Playing Minecraft Realm EP11:Cleaning Up Town!’, was uploaded by DamianTheRabbit on 2024-07-09 09:42:29. It has garnered 332 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:09 or 11049 seconds. Support the stream: Read More

  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! More Minecraft videos! Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ :…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More