Trapping 100 Kids in Minecraft

Video Information

I trapped a 100 kids in Minecraft and they’ve been trapped in some pretty insane locations so I’ve decided to combine the best episodes and turn it into one giant movie this is the perfect video to have in the background while you’re eating sleeping or really just

Whatever you want this is I trapped a 100 Kids the movie seen all the steppies down here wait what what there’s so many there areund something Skies down here oh my gosh and today I am testing our friendship no no you can’t do this I have to you should

Know who I am oh okay good well I’m coming down we have the real Sky thing so if I go in there the wool turns green there’s so many skies I’m one of the Skies here I’m a random number here and I’m looking at you right now okay you’re looking at me

So I can just eliminate anyone who’s not looking at me well you could actually yeah I just like all those people in the corners over there I could just take out should I do it you should if you know it’s not me all right all right okay

You’re not allowed to lie I have to be honest okay okay fine I’ll answer as honestly and truthfully as I can I’ll follow the rules all right so I basically have to do stuff in order to figure out like who’s who you can do whatever you want just don’t get it

Wrong what is Sky’s favorite color between blue and red if anyone goes on red I swear I’m going to kill all the people who are not on a color here we go dude why are they on oh my goodness there we go that got rided so many are

You not going to kill the red guys oh no I was about to oh but they’re going to get away they’re going to get away no they won’t no they won’t they did they did no only one did only one did okay sk’s really good at parkour yeah yeah I

Am if you’re really good at parkour I should be able to theoretically eliminate anyone who’s not good at parkour it depends what type of Parkour you do mhm I know you love this parkour jump yep that is my favorite jump everyone who can’t do it must be an impostor I

Didn’t say I was good at it a if you get eliminated this early well that would be your fault how is that no it would be your fault no you it would be your fault are you ready Sky I’m ready to do the parkour boom woah wo

Wo why are there so many I put ladders like this you just have to do one of them does it matter which one you do no but I’m going to put lava down here set lava cuz you would never mess up oh my God you’re actually putting lava you

Better not mess up bad I don’t want to do it I don’t want to do it oh so you’re back here no wait I don’t know maybe I did do it maybe I’m just messing with you can’t be nines can’t be 20 8 those are the two Skies that delayed a little

Bit wait a minute Sky 14 is still right here oh they are see I wouldn’t know that H get to the end or die go okay is this you is this you where where where oh they’re dead all those three just died I think Sky 14 died no let’s see

Wait a minute there’s a sky in here and it’s not green come here you go into the Red Room over here I just realized I can watch them go into the Red Room and kill them one by one you could do that but you wouldn’t

Know who not to kill no wait I can kill all the people who aren’t in it fge no dang it they’re all moving okay I can get this one oh dang it he’s gone okay I can at least get this on come here you got him go back to Blue you should be

Good enough that you should be able to do this again so I’m going to have you do this again there’s no way you’re making us do this again I’m going to make you all do it one more time oh my gosh oh oh this guy AFK in the room and

He not you someone went AFK in there are you kidding me wow I just want a game mode into did that jump I can’t die maybe you’re Sky 38 there’s Sky 41 could you pick that one 14 backwards no no why would I do that I would not do

That are you still here here yeah okay ow oh I know this will get a lot of people is that going to say 14 no my favorite number maybe oh this is going to get a lot of people out wait maybe this is just a

Math question I have to make it a little tricky okay perfect so how to do this what will people pick Sky well I don’t know the question yet yeah maybe I do maybe I do go stand on the stone below Sky’s favorite number that’s obvious it

Is obvious but guess what a lot of people won’t know it wait a minute hold on now I’m not sure if I’m right or wrong wait you’re not sure I think I know which one it is I know which one it’s not oh no wait this isn’t actually

Your favorite number times uh ha I’m just kidding scy I know it’s seven oh you knew it just got so many people out look at all the people who don’t know anything about youy but look how many people know about me it’s not 14 jump in the lava that was clever I’m

Not going to lie thank you scabby I’m roasting them oh and they’re gone oh oh oh look they’re hanging on PO skies look at this little Sky lagging in the a oh my God one dude just flew over here hey did you see that oh my goodness ban

Him are these people not dying what the fudge all right this will be this will be funny so how many skies do I have I have 19 Skies to choose from what is something else that sky is good at that I can use to eliminate fake skies I know

A lot about you but I’ve got to be careful go to a block I got to think oh there’s a skiy not moving could this be Skiby sky does do follow directions very well yes I do I’m on a block ouch wait okay that’s not you okay let’s see huh

Oh this one has a 14 in their name oh I don’t know would you have picked a special number or would you have purposefully try to pick a not special number everyone go to the stone that corresponds with Sky’s birthday wow look at all the people

Going to 14 that is so funny why would people go to 14 I don’t know okay now everyone’s just going to 17 no no no no no no no fill lava 50 there we go okay you definitely weren’t one of these so that means you got to be

One of these so I got to think dang it I delayed a little bit I went and Googled your birthday really quick just to double check you Googled it I knew it was this I just had to double check M that’s was shifting which one are you shifting Sky no I’m literally clapping

Right now can you hear it wait a minute I don’t think you’re still alive I’m well and alive I’m going in right now right now right now right now right now right now right now oh fudge told you okay well you’re not Sky 70 hello Sky 70 he’s probably like why

Am I dying no get back here wait I can just teleport them out one by one what you can’t do that I guess I I can’t do that wow go to Blue you’re not Sky 19 they were the first person to leave o I’m smart Simon Says

Shaft Sky 74 was too slow jump scabby 74 just shifted then unshifted do me a favor and clap your hands all right can you hear it no I can’t I’m doing it you just can’t hear it I’m actually doing it how are you not unshift it I’m clapping

Okay H I didn’t see you unshift at all Simon Says jump once dang it you were trying to trick me I wanted you to jump cuz you can hear me that was smart I almost did it oh dang it I’m just going to go with my gut instinct I’ll just

Judge them based on like how you typically move how I typically move there’s no way you’d know how I typically move no you have some mannerisms I should be able to pick up there’s no way everyone look at me that’s not you you wouldn’t be doing

This this is someone trying to get my attention this guy’s not you then kill him if you’re so sure kill him I’m not sure mhm run to a random platform oh this is m games I don’t know which one I want to go to honestly I know which one

Would skiy go to okay you’re definitely not these two two Skies shifting at each other there’s a lot of Skies over here and there’s two skiy shifting over here okay you’re definitely not one of the ones in but wait no I did that when I

Was one of the Hidden bad boy Halos you definitely wouldn’t go somewhere by yourself why not you jump over here all right yeah this guy’s not you he’s not moving like you at all what how did you know that the way he’s moving isn’t sky like Sky would go somewhere where

There’s another person so I think you’re over here yeah yeah I I would do that I’m over there I mean here I feel like you wouldn’t pick 14 cuz it would be too obvious you three go here you don’t know who I am if I put them here you can’t

See them oh I can see all right Sky what are they doing who the people who I’m looking at what are they doing yeah you don’t know these aren’t you no are you going to kill them I’m pretty sure they’re not you maybe I’m just tring you

Right now okay that’s not you that is definitely not you that one’s not you they just failed at the easiest Parkour ever this is definitely not you they’re running the other one’s running too you wouldn’t run cuz you would know I was only killing two of you so far so I suly

Eliminated those go to Blue I feel like you’d be hiding amongst here so I’m going to test Sky 704 and4 and Sky 82 and Skippy 94 Sky Duos all go to Mid for a test so these muffin heads none of them are moving at all Simon Says jump Simon Says

Jump fudge oh I can’t tell now I’m not so sure this one I don’t think is you they’re moving too slow they’re not like trying to look at me if they were recording they would do that this one looked at me but this one turned their head slowly they’re shaking their head

Are you the real scy are you they’re shaking their head now I’m going to kill them sky are you Sky 104 I am not Sky 104 someone just looked to me someone just led up when they said that this is you this is you you’re skiy 62

Aren’t you you get a total of three guesses and you’ve used one wait I’ve used I didn’t know I had guess you asked me if I was Steepy 104 come on you could do it with two more guesses there’s like barely any of us okay I’m staying very

Quiet though this is the one that isn’t looking at me they’re too distracted I don’t think this is you this one’s kept their eyes on me very well this one’s paying attention all five of these are like oh what if I turn around behind them none of them looked at me literally

None of them so the question is are any of these like real Skies oh no this is hard okay I’m going to do the parkour thing again not the parkour gy is good at parkour you to stay I feel like 74 I’m not guessing Okay that one made it

Holy crap all three of them made it all three of those could be scabby okay whichever of them misses it I’m Illuminating okay that guy’s not you I’ve seen you do this jump sky and you always do it like this that’s so high IQ the problem is

All of them did that dang it I know it’s one of these go to the door watch your like dead and you just been meing the whole time gy 94 almost like they were paying more attention than the others could it be the others have gotten bored and this is the real scy

H no they’re all bundling together what is this oh come on I got no that is not fair that is so annoying what would Skippy do in this situation but sky like hold stoically still my two guesses are the only people I’m seeing being active

Movers are skevy 74 and scy 94 I feel like you’ve got to be one of those unless you’re like you’re playing the opposite card and you’re trying not to move go to Blue let’s see let’s watch they won’t come around okay fine I’ll go over here fine come now I’m not looking

Fling scabies all right there we go they’re out they’re out oh ooh this is interesting go up to the red you don’t need to move in a group what are they doing okay H okay now Sky 94 is not not trying to move like a sky all the others ran up together except

Sky 94 you’ve got to be Sky 94 you’re trying to be different you’re trying to stand out oh but is that just someone being quirky go to blow there’s something Sky would do that the others wouldn’t I was expecting someone to like run down here to avoid taking fall

Damage go to Red I don’t get why they’re being all together this is annoying Sky 74 ran up Sky 94 doing it again are they just bad at parkour they might just be bad at parkour they turned away from me okay Skiby 94 is acting different wait a minute everyone pick Sky’s favorite

Number oh this is interesting okay these four are together that’s why they’re doing that they’re all moving together Sky 144 Sky 62 and Sky 52 look up oh my God I just muted okay I’m going to look up ski 94 is spinning this is so scary

Did you tell them beforehand to try and be you I didn’t say a word I’m so scared right now go to Blue feels like there’s like four people in a call okay are you trying to like avoid moving or are you being Sky I cannot confirm or deny wait

A minute it just occurred to me I know something that sky is good at yes oh I’m big braam geppy is good at water drop form a line I honestly don’t know why I feel like I’m going to miss the jump I might have to go in game mode for this

I’m not sure yet Sky 94 you first really you’re going to make Sky 94 go first okay so far this sky is being consistent let’s see how they do it sky is good at water drop they made it that’s one um 52 you’re next okay they definitely have

Water drop experience 74 for your turn oh this guy is not going up like a sky would or are you just trying to throw me off fudge are you trying to throw me off okay yeah this is definitely not you but it might be a 62 your turn and they died

That’s definitely not you 144 your turn I think I know why that person was being a goof ball okay this one’s going up like a sky was it 52 that was being a goofball or no it was 74 74 was being a goball okay 144 made it oh my god I

Didn’t even cheat I don’t think this is sky that didn’t look like sky at all it was too fluid you have more fun when you’re doing parkour I’m making a bet I don’t think this is you yeah that was definitely not you so I’ve got four

Skies Let’s test them to the tester oh oh oh I might get a good Glimpse oh oh fudge oh wait was it 144 I think it was 144 or 744 oh fudge I’m not not sure I’m not sure okay all right time for some Sumo matches okay so right now if I had

To rank them in order I would say skevy 94 and skevy 74 are two my top pegs but I feel like these two were in the stoic but the way they’re facing off here almost looks like they’re in the same call together I should fight in Sumo

Against each of them that’s a better idea okay I am staying muted for this I am literally staying muted for this One V one me and 144 3 2 1 go okay no this this person is not that great it’s this is not you all right now

I’m going to try now I’m going to try this person is absolutely terrible all right that’s definitely not you let’s stick them up here oh my God that was awful they don’t think it’s me that was you Sky you need to do better I’m just going to stay muted see what happens

Here person’s doing a lot better they’re going to think it’s me that’s probably going to think that’s me interesting okay that one was interesting this one’s aim is really good I feel like they’re trying to do worse for some reason their aim is too good I feel like this one

Might be you like trying to not do good that one definitely felt a lot like you let’s try this one wao wao wao this one started early what a punch okay this one might be you that’s something sky with but you wouldn’t make it that obvious

Sky 74 is a legend okay that one oh my God that one could be you so let’s rank them I’m going to do something insane here I’m just going to walk off I’m just going to walk up and play m games with him oh my God he’s just

Teleported me right back up he’s going to think something of it h TP Sky 144 bad boy oh my Godel I can’t remember what this guy did let’s fight him again okay I’m going to try really hard fight oh okay holy this one’s going pretty

Good good here we go here we go boom and they’re good but they’re not good enough to be you what okay I feel like that person was trying but you’re better than that so I don’t think it could be that wow I don’t know if that’s a compliment

Or not let’s try this one oh he’s wrecking you why would you give commentary just on this guy okay why did this guy suddenly all a sudden get better this one felt like this one might be Skippy exactly what I wanted to think I think I’ve got enough data pretty sure

I can remove Sky 74 no way Sky 74 is a legend all right 3 2 1 fight what H he said 3 2 1 fight but he didn’t even wait he definitely thinks that’s me oh this is interesting he definitely thinks that’s me this one could be you but they’re so aggressive I

Think I’ve got my data now what is the data he’s collecting like what is going going on yeah this isn’t you it doesn’t feel like I’m fighting you at all there’s no way he knew that all right I’m killing Skippy 52 oh my goodness bye

Skiby 52 wow how did he get that oh they all have a four in them for 14 would you have picked the one with the 14 in it feel like you would do that all right let’s go let’s go 3 2 1 fight this is not you they’re not paying attention

They just tabed back in you wouldn’t do that unless you were dming someone but you wouldn’t do that mid- recording especially if you knew I was about to pick you this isn’t you this can’t be you I’m confident so the question is do I save my guess I have two guesses right

Yes okay oh my goodness what if this is actually Skippy oh my gosh Diamond says jump once that was so weird these two jumped at the exact same time s says jump Twice okay I feel it’s not Skiby one for four no I’m pretty sure this isn’t you right yeah I think I’m going to kill him oh I don’t think it’s you but the way they’re behaving is so odd oh I have to use my G it’d be stupid to just kill I’m

90% sure this isn’t you I’m guessing Sky 144 Sky yeah I’m guessing Sky 144 is me or not me I guess I’ll just say I don’t think it’s you right are you using it as a guess yeah I’m using it as a guess bad

Boy Halo what I am Sky 144 no no I literally I thought this was someone doing a good job pretending to be the thing is it’s weird because you guessed if I was technically you win wait I win I I think so let’s go what the he hello

Bad boy Halo hello guess what what I have a challenge for you no what what do you mean no no you can’t you can’t say no I have a challenge for you make me oh hello oh okay okay okay don’t ask any questions just stand right here why are

There so many that oh my God there’s a Congo line oh my gosh everyone go to cono okay okay okay let me explain let me explain let me explain basically this right here this is you this is bad boy Halo gby what is answer the question you are bad boy

Halo you are the real deal everyone look up here this guy right here this bad boy walking in a this this is the real deal you will all never be as good as him KY you can’t say that to be are these all actual real people they’re not NPCs I wonder if I

Can get them to do stuff you should try do as he does copy the real guy or I will ban you jump jump jump oh my God okay you’ve had your fun now it’s my turn now you go into them where did he go oh my God bad listen uhhuh here’s

Your job you have to try and convince me that I don’t know who you are oh and I have to try and find out who you are okay well try and find me there you go well there’s no way I would know like this so my job is to keep you from

Guessing me correct however I have a bad boy Halo detector if I teleport the real bad boy Halo right here and if he goes in the room it says bad boy Halo detected when you go in wait seriously yes the sign changes all right right my

Goal is to find the real BBH so let’s begin the first thing that I’m going to do is a little bit of world editing I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to get some red wool and we’ll world edit right here and we’ll set it to Blue wool and

I’m simply going to say go on the red or blue side all right bad have you uh picked your side are you are you on the side that you want I am on a side that I want if you are on the wrong side that

BBH is not on you will die how will you find out what side I’m on I will find out wow I can’t believe this many people are choosing blue I really would have assumed that you’re on red I could be completely wrong but I just feel like

You’re on red and there’s just one bad boy what are you doing that’s definitely idiot why are you yelling at me the rules were so simple yet you’re so dumb that’s not mean I’m not dumb well why are there two of you you both since I’m

Nice choose a side red or blue I’ll be nice today but I usually would have killed them this is so strange I feel like I’m like camouflaged I’m like going up to people sky and I’m like trying to get them to look at me I wonder if

Anyone can tell no one knows no one okay bad boy Halo reveal are you on blue or red bad boy Halo is on drum roll what’s di no aren’t you supposed to guess well I think it’s red guess what Skippy what wait wait wait are you

You’re going to say I’m right I know you’re going to say I’m right right let’s go I’m right let’s go I knew it oh no there’s so many that I have to kill because of you cuz you chose the wrong color oh you’re just you’re just slowly

Killing that’s me slowly just dumping it oh no the first bad boy Halo has been eliminated oh roasty toasty none of you are the real deal I only want to hang out with the real bad boy Halo oh wow the tab list is just like all bad boy Halo well

It’s half bad boy Halos now go in the BBH room everyone let’s verify that bad is still alive okay he’s alive I saw it it’s green okay everyone out for the next question think like bad boy Halo I’m going to get a block and we’re going

To write a number on the board what is Sky’s favorite number there is a right answer to this question go to Sky’s favorite number and then we will see who survives looks like a lot of people went to the 14 yeah a lot of people did Bad

Boy Halo reveal are you on red seven or blue 14 reveal yourself what do you think I’m on if you know me you’re on the right side the right answer is red that is my favorite number it’s seven if you’re on 14 you’re a horrible friend but a lot of people survive

No it’s seven it’s red I got 14 you the is set 80% lava 20% dirt oh the chosen one H he just walked into lava why would you do that you were literally the chosen one and you messed it up and now you’re going to die go in

The V room go now all right let’s verify that you’re telling the truth still not green are you alive yeah I’m alive is this you go in right now if this is wait if you lie to me I’m going to get so mad

Go in in the room or you all die 5 4 3 did you lie bad did you lie to me can’t me turn around oh what what did you go in when did you do that okay we’re going to take diamonds this time and we’re going to build Sky

My favorite number is 11 okay I don’t sound like that my favorite number clearly seven 14 is like 27 so it’s like seven seven all right the question is will bad boy Halo meet up with stey before June yes or no 3 2 1 zero all right let’s go ahead and start crushing

Up this guy I’m not even going to help out you you should have figured your stuff out I’m not helping you as for you three there’s no way you’re like one of these three right that would be so interesting because everyone would die if you were on Blue right now all right

Bad are you on blue or red reveal yourself oh wow okay all right these three guys ask better questions better questions you chose yes well these three guys are unfortunately toast I feel bad doing this I I don’t get pleasure from killing bad boy Halos really I feel bad

Right now sorry wait this is me this me stop jump yeah that’s what I thought no no no no no no don’t go in there if you go in quartz you die that’s the rule from now on if you go in there I will kill you don’t do it I want a

Congol line form one now I want the real bad boy Halo at the front there’s the there’s a fake bad boy Halo I only want the real one if you’re fake they’re trying to squeze pass me real BBH at the back now oh okay okay

Okay I have my eye on you I have my eye on you I know this is you nice you just gave yourself up now I know this is you don’t forget it no I still see you no no no no no it’s still here it’s still you while you guys

Do this I’mma build parkour that I know bad boy Halo is capable of oh you know I’m a professional parkour no I’m going to make it super easy oh you know what I’m going to do this is going to be a lot of fun for me this is big hole right

There circles I say circles I will kill you oh you think I won’t do it if I see anyone goofing up off you will die oh you want to take a chance you want to take a chance yeah that’s what I thought that’s what I thought and that’s it

Literally it it is so simple no bad boy Halo could fail this okay all right now oh hey I’ll kill you was that you no no no it wasn’t it wasn’t me that was definitely not me that would be that would be weird I have made the most simple parkour simply any

And all bad boy Halo hey what are you doing that was you wa waa what are you doing man I told you I warned you you’re not listening to me here are the rules you have to get to the diamond block when I say if you fall you will join the

Lonely BBH who is already considered dead go to Diamond very simple if you fail this you’re really bad all one guy’s already on on fire oh my God easy someone died two more people there’s no way that would be me go back to the other side all right all the bad boy

Halos are going along this should be easier right no one can follow this way around oh never mind I thought but I have to remember you guys are bad boy Halos and really bad at parkour all right it’s time to do something bad boy Halo isn’t actually terrible at what

Which is water drop build up some some ladders so that the bad boy hals can come up oh my God yes all the bbh’s up here oh this is going to be awesome this is how the games will work you have to make it back down without dying one

Block of water we’ll see if any bbh’s want to test their luck whenever you want go oh there goes one one is gone oh oh he made it he made it oh the next one made it the next one died oh another one’s gone another one is

Gone nous scary jump to make if you’re bad boy Halo that’s not so easy unless you’re the real bad boy Halo I mean I’m pretty sure I’ll make it but I’m nervous okay bad you should totally go right now oh my God and one more give out some

Options here oh yo these bbh’s are Pros all right we’re going to say five 4 3 2 1 and boom why do I feel like this one one is you there’s no way this is you right hello is that you are you the last

One to go maybe is this you jump a see I’m just not going to jump even if you tell me to there’s still so many bad boy Halos this is crazy it’s still not green that is not you don’t mess with my brain don’t me wait was that you here is the

Next question you will have to jump to yes or no and the question is for all the bad boy Halos was bad boy Halo song oh you better not say what yo was it anti Steppy yes or no oh my God everyone’s just jumping to no

Yeah cuz it wasn’t it it so was antiy you know what I should run over to yes now say yes whatever yeah you if you did that would have been funny that’s not me by the way wait is it not no it’s not wait is this bad boy Halo just

Sacrificing wait it was you it was you that’s not me that’s not me that’s not me whatever next question is Sky bad boy Halo’s best friend what so many people are are parkouring over to Yes except for one well they’re wrong oh no that one person is going that kind of broke

My heart for a second what the fact that that one person well you never know will deppy Pro bad boy Halo better not this week yes or no well there’s one guy going there’s one guy going over so let’s see if this guy influences people and he’s not cuz he’s

Just turning back and that was probably you no one is going on the other side they’re all sticking together stop sticking together you stupid bbh’s it’s got a really funny idea what what what is your idea wor about it well maybe it’s a good idea and I could use

It uh you should have us do like a really really hard parkour I’m I’m really good at it shut up oh you don’t think B Halo is good at parkour no you won’t do a Neo I am very good at parkour I can do a Neo so I just make a Neo

Parkour and everyone gets out yeah or do like five head hitters in a row let’s go over here let’s go over this way come here under me at one all right very good we have all the bad boy Halos we need in the world block

Them off a little bit what is so funny nothing okay nothing what could be going on right now that’s so funny for you nothing for this event basically you have to do three head hitters which BBH sucks at I do not you are really bad at these I’m really good admit it you’re

Not that’s it oh skiy what I was hiding in the if this is really you go in there if this is really you later dude the real bad boy Halo is a cheater he stayed away real bad boy Halo come over here no

I want you to do it first I want you to do it first I don’t I don’t have room for cheaters bad oh you think I’m bad why real BBH do it okay wait hold on I messed up I messed up I messed up I messed up why isn’t working my trick isn’t

Working what is happening I told youen so bad at it I don’t know why I’m messing up I I have a trick that always works go I’m going to put lava under that I’m going to put lava under it I’m going to put lava all way to the

Beginning and then you go okay oh didn’t do that okay I was just teasing earlier I was being bad on purpose wait wait wait I was I was hold on I wasn’t ready okay I seriously don’t know why I’m doing can you just do the parkour the lava’s gone and everything

This should not be taking you this long like seriously I replacing stuff this is actually really hard for some reason no it’s not I’ll do it first try this is how the master does it first try right here see that all of the BBH get out of here get out of here you

Weak oh my god oh no oh my god get rid of that oh oh people be falling how are they doing it so well like their first time it’s so easy I’m calling them loser pbh the Box loser that’s nice that we’re not losers we’re smart these guys could not do

Parkour which means one of them can survive but only one okay since you guys are really bad at parkour first of you to complete this parkour today live go all right let’s see how they do can they even make that jump no half of them oh

My God half of them just fell and this guy wins sorry I’m sorry you’re all gone but you you could be the real deal you’re probably not so the real bad boy Halo is good with bow bad you have your bow yeah uh-oh this is not going to end well for

Me when I unleash you you will fight whoever is alive they is alive I’m assuming you’re going to win right bad I hope so or that that would be embarrassing in my life you have to win what if I lose does that person who beats me become like the real bad boy

Halo or something well I’m expecting you to win this event whoever wins is considered the best bad boy Halo of all yeah whoever wins is the better bad boy Halo and they’re off bad boy Halo versus Bad Boy Halo who’s going to take the dub we can only have one this guy’s dodging

And weaving oh my God he’s actually doing a pretty good job will he make the comeback though he’s on the offense he’s taking his first shot he’s hit it and he’s missed a bunch of shots and he’s um uh wow this bad boy Halo sucks they’re punching they’re seriously punching I

Can’t even watch that I don’t even want to see that go down 3 2 1 one go boom Oh that guy dropped his bow that wait the other two are still fighting how is that even possible you know what I’m sick of this I want the real bad boy

Halo to PVP are you ready bad are you ready to win I am ready the real bad boy Halo in 3 2 1 boom so far you dodged the arrow and missed and then missed again and then missed again and every one of these shots missed he’s so good how have

All of these shots missed there you go bad boy Hill is in the lead oh oh bad boy Halo Victorious bad now it’s time for you to make a decision which bad boy Halo out of all of these do you think is the worst um this one this guy right here

Because they don’t have their hat on all right well go in wait I’m fighting them you’re fighting them I need arrows I only have three arrows fine this is the last bow Fight 3 2 1 one go holy muffin this guy is good oh but you can do it

You can do it because he’s a laggy potato laggy muin he lagged and I won Simon Says everyone on obsidian looks like we have just enough Simon Says jump once Simon Says do 100 circles Simon says I’m getting dizzy stop oh oh no it looks like you stopped

Diamond says stop okay we’re down to the top six I going to make my decision now Deal or No Deal style I will pick who I think the real bad boy Halo is I just have a few questions first you right here jump you right here shift you right here

Go to the wall behind you and come back why are you shaking your head now and then doing it wait bad boy Halo what okay I know this one isn’t you because I would have heard your keyboard so it’s not this guy which is very good to know I have to

Be sneaky you keep shifting 100 times faster keep going jump while doing it do it same time hey bad why are you not talking bad why are you not talking hey bad how is your day today come on talk to me bad how is your day today it was

Good why what did you do with your day today Muffins you can stop okay all right interesting oh my God I have a one in five chance but I think it’s you but I don’t know you ah spin around going do it forever all right you keep doing that oh my God I don’t know who it’s going to

Be you right here bad what look me in the eyes I need you to type it in chat before I will how are you making noises while you’re moving I don’t know what you’re talking about all right let’s try something that’s 4 billion IQ big brain

For me jump 10 times 100 times keep jumping all right bad bad boy Halo in call what clap no clap right now okay uh clap twice you you can clap while hitting it I have my eye on you you know what it’s you follow me follow me follow me follow

Me as to me it as to me unless you trolling me wait wait a I don’t know I don’t know oh just go go in go in I pick you go in ah no you tricked me you who was it with which one are you you’re this one you

Have to figure it out no follow me this one right here follow me follow me I knew it you’re this one follow me follow me follow me go in go in go in go in go in go in go in go in I didn’t tell

Anyone I didn’t tell them to go in I didn’t say it I didn’t say it it was this one follow me follow me follow me wasn’t that one go go in go in go in I didn’t tell to do anything I didn’t tell to do anything

Wait no no way no way no way no way wait wait no way yo I knew it it [Laughter] was you did not me not did that is it I’m the best I guessed correctly easy land on diamond without dying go so yeah that’s pretty much all they have to do

And if they’re able to do it they move on to the next round and if they don’t well they’re going to die see I really don’t want to kill these people but I don’t have a choice oh someone actually died all right come on get to Diamond 10

Seconds to be on diamond I don’t know how anyone could fail this but then again you know someone actually did okay now you know how to play if you’re on diamond you move on if you’re not well I kind of feel bad for these people should

I give them one more chance I don’t know if that’s enough to make it but you can try oh it definitely is not enough well um you had a good run it was short all right if you can they don’t listen they don’t listen all right they just keep

Going I was trying to help them it’s fine they’re dead Okay so these players have to now go all the way back to the top and I’m going to make them do jump number two all right sweet they’re all going this next jump is going to be a

Little more tricky first you jump on that after you land you go a bit high up you do it again and then you do it again and land on the D so allow me to demonstrate basically oh this person’s already doing it they’re already doing it I didn’t say go I literally never

Said go only go after I say go all right you know what that’s good enough get diamond go all right very good very nice no I mean mostly everyone’s doing it but we’re losing a few no oh my gosh the trick is you don’t jump when you oh no

You jump that guy totally jumped oh my gosh no I mean mostly everyone made it we got like 10 people out probably a bit more than 10 go on you’re the last person do it are you going to make it oh my gosh yeah okay they’re good they’re

Good hey hey what are you doing why are you hiding huh no no no no no no no no no no no bro are you serious right now you know what I’m making it harder for this person yeah do it now go huh what was the point okay all right so now I

Will build a little platform where they can run around and it’s a perfect square so right in the center right here we’re going to to place a singular slly block which you have to jump on and then you have to land right there that actually

Seems pretty hard so I’m going to try it let’s see jump right there go here oh wait no that’s easy we’re going higher all right get to Diamond let’s see okay yeah that is so easy for most of them I say most because you just never know

What these oh oh okay all right they’re pretty good at this we’ll give them 30 seconds you better go before I SPL you off I really like this I don’t know why bouncy bouncy bouncy you people have to go now I’m sorry but good luck see you

Can do it all along all right well why don’t we get some slime place it right there and then you have to jump onto another slime and then another slime and then finally oh my gosh that’s hard if you can do all of that then you will

Make it to the diamond platform which is going to be right here okay this one kind of difficult make it to Diamond platform oh did you just muffin yourself or are you extremely smart oh wow you’re extremely smart going slow and steady is the key here never mind maybe it easy

For you all right everyone go and I can’t believe they’re just chilling on this one I guess it makes sense but I just would not have thought about doing that I guess all right very good go back to top wait did someone get stuck over

There oh my gosh no a well I didn’t even do that that was Da make them do a little bit of Parkour all right go up now that they’re back here I’m going to make them do something pretty challenging here we’ll have the slime block now after they do it I’m going to

Purposely put this block so far away and just hope this gets a ton of people out all right I’m going to do it once again just like that okay okay I would have made it I actually would have made that trust me watch Once Again jump as far as

You can and then literally it’s actually kind of difficult what the heck just like that oh my God this one’s the one this one’s the one this one’s the one boom boom I’m telling you it’s possible all right this one’s 100% the one easy easy easy this would actually get so many people

Out I’m telling you now I’ll be nice I’ll add two more layers of blocks get to Diamond platform go literally so easy literally so easy how could anyone mess this up which is why after they do this I’m getting rid of this platform right there all right did everyone do it you

Are so dead you are what tow right so once they do it this time make jump go we are getting rid of this front area of the diamond it’s harder good luck so you really have to time this perfectly even better than the last one Yep this is

100% getting a lot of people out if you don’t time it perfectly all right very nice I like how this is going all right come on people this one is easy this one if you just jump at the very edge and then let it launch you you will be fine

So this is the one I was actually having some trouble with you literally just have to jump time it perfectly and then oh my gosh okay I’m going to tell them that this one’s really hard okay look this one’s actually difficult I know I said the other was but this one for real

You have to time it perfect okay good luck go oh oh oh why is this easy for them okay it’s still getting people out so I count that this worked this was a success it was we’re getting a lot of people out all right very good pretty

Much everyone has done it so you guys have 15 seconds what the heck is your skin Sky Tesla okay I am rooting for you Sky Tesla you can do it Go all right are they going to make it no they are 100% not making it

Um what bro what is this all right only cuz that was smart you can have another chance failed the first time don’t fail for a second time oink has made it wow they’re lucky all right I’m going to have them go here go here jump on this

Slime to this one all the way down there finally taking them to the corner block all right so let’s try you go here dump it again oh this is easy this is oh my gosh maybe it’s not stemp number two go here go there perfectly that one is hard

I made it a 2X two but maybe I shouldn’t do that maybe I should just keep it like that that’s way harder oh my gosh why is someone going why is someone going what okay what I don’t understand some people all right final test boom boom that jump

Right there it’s difficult all right that should be good everyone go Diamond Corner so right here is where you want to make it oh my God oh my God oh my God okay okay nice everyone else is going now ooh ooh how are you even going to

What I thought they died for sure that’s actually incredible okay well it worked out pretty well okay I’m pretty sure that’s everyone let’s make sure no one’s hiding or anything like that seems good to me oh GG all right let’s send them back to the top wait a second how were

What it’s this person again this is on you now if you can make that jump you can stay there’s no way I’m sorry I have to oh all right they were close all right let’s turn all the diamond blocks into air so this is what we have this is

How you do it very easy jump here then jump there hit that block hit this block do it over and over okay that one is actually kind of difficult so I made it easier okay who want to test it I don’t know if it even works works it prob does

Oh my gosh all right they are just testing it for me watch all three of them make it oh oh no way okay so they make it here how about that could you do it then boom all right so that’s what you have to do all right I put my

Testers back everyone good luck go oh order just going first that is a smart method okay I respect it oh my gosh but if you lose your momentum you can lose your momentum so easily wow that’s actually insane this is really difficult most of them are going oh GG bye go Sky

Fan you can do it it’s pretty difficult not even going to lie you can have 60 seconds oh the next player has made the jump and they are doing pretty good so far someone else is going okay they’re all going oh my gosh they’re just chilling there yo that is scary yes go

Go Homer color bomb is stuck and you’re also stuck if you stop I think you could make that jump though yeah you could okay GG and uh um uh oh all right goodbye I didn’t even have to do that all right let’s send them back to the

Top and I’m going to do a Revival I’m thinking of a color the color I’m thinking of is going to be orange and oh my God re look got it welcome back all right so what I’m thinking for this one is they have to jump onto the platform

Here except it’s not going to be that easy unless it is okay okay I’m sure they can do this make it go I don’t care if I missed it someone’s going to be able to do it oh oh oh oh I told you congratulations more players have jumped

Will they make it ooh order makes it Go Sky no Sky fan 73 chocolate vanilla Sr with Cookie Crunch place no no no one’s making this you can do it Ninja Turtle is going and they are dead and Senior combo is going and they made it they

Actually made it okay okay okay nice the Revival is oh wait that was another guy relook Revival man you go you can do it they’re off they’re off and Freel look actually did it we only have one player left who hasn’t gone go Homer don’t mess

It up they’re going to mess it up it’s Homer wait they actually made it all right go back up to top so they know how they have to do this oh yo okay that was smart everyone’s probably going to do that now unless you do it this way which

Also works all right if I got rid of another row I mean could anyone actually do this that is the question I don’t know if I could do it I could sit here all day and then just keep missing I was so close did you see that this one I’m

Going to make it I’m going to make it I’m going to make it I’m going to make it I’m going to make it I’m going to make it I’m going to make it I’m going to make it I was close again I literally can’t do it but maybe these guys can

Yeah all right what if I put ladders there does that make it like easier at all that is so much easier honestly I don’t even care go I don’t care Oh first player makes it just like that with no issues at all border jumps and also

Makes it everyone else go all right all right all right is anyone even going to get out is anyone okay yeah we got one Z hopes somehow just dies I guess if you hit it wrong you just die and Homer is last go Homer that was not a good jump

Okay we have four players left let’s make them do something different first you jump here then you jump here and then you have to hit right next to the lava pretty much just on the lava and then once you do that you can land on the diamond platform all right I’m going

To test it that doesn’t count go here here that yeah that’s so easy we’re going higher wait what if I did that and then put lava on the top is that evil boom boom just like that okay I mean it’s not evil go make it on diamond all

Right yeah it was easy the entire time I’m not actually getting anyone out like this am I how is the Revival doing so good Revival I’m rooting for you let’s make them jump on this again jump here jump here very awkward jump that one is very possible as well and then if you

Can do all that and get to the diamond then you succeed everyone go all right let’s see how they do this ooh ooh okay you just stopped I mean I hate that they do that it’s smart but they’re doing it effortlessly all right I’m setting them

All the way back up they’re going to have to do this jump without the ladders I literally can’t do it without the ladders it is so difficult get to gold good luck no ladders no way no way okay honestly I don’t know if anyone’s going

To be able to do this I don’t know if anyone can do this yeah all right I’m going to have one ladder and I’ve just said go all right border is jumping and they made it on the ladder GG I’m expecting all of them to make this but

Then again you never really can be too sure senior combo jumps and oh my my God Border’s blocking it that’s Evil all right the last two oh my gosh the Revival died it’s all up to wio to make this jump and he does not and we are

Down to the final two players senior combo versus border and I am going to make them do a Race So it’s going to start right here jump there jump there go down a lot here go down a lot here again and then you go down a lot again

Right there and I’m going to add random slimes here and there just to distract so many slimes in random areas it really just all will depend on which route they take oh my gosh there’s so many this is actually going to be so confusing so

Their goal after doing all of this is to make it all the way to my gold platform right over there first one to touch gold there’s many different possibilities on how they could do this after you do all of this you just have to find the right combination of blocks who uh yeah

They’ll figure it out one way or another I’ll extend the platform just a tiny bit over here all right so the first player to touch gold block wins the event those are the rules on your mark get set and oh they’re just going to go like that go

Oh my God oh my God border just died so if senior combo can literally just touch gold somehow well then Senior combo wins okay okay okay senior combo wins GG oh my God what is this stop stop playing that all right so I have the blue section and the red

Section border what are you doing over here you’re supposed to be on red wait really bro get out of here go to Red sorry all right we’re going to start the first round and I oh three kills They’re All Dead bro you said yo I’ll literally

Kill you right now oh wait there’s so many people down here I was was going to save you but now I’m not going to let’s go I got like four kills go away I got a lifetime 32 GB uh server for Minecraft all right give it to me um I can give

You access to Y all right who are you talk tell me why you should live I’m very cool all right you can live okay nice all right everyone’s going to do this parkour right here parkour there’s no way you’re going to make this you cannot go up here buddy

You can you can all right you made it to the end good job all right I’m just blow into the top of the Arena so that I can have some peace and quiet and let’s see what’s going on at the start guys hurry up you’re bad I didn’t mean that I

Didn’t mean that all right you guys need to hurry up I just messed up at the very end are you serious all these people are about to die from the lava oh well you’re all dead why have you done this to us all right why is there a person over here

What are you doing over here hi you just give up with the parkour um I can’t swim all right bye I’ll pay you 500 Robux please 500 Robux all right come with me let’s go yes just those two guys it was just those two he said he’ give me 500

Robux he didn’t even make it no you’re done you’re done you’re done now I’m sorry you’re all dying now oh my gosh this is my last chance all right you can do It good job everyone now they’re going to have to jump into the water oh my God sky can I have $2 please I don’t know who you are but I’ll give you one all right he PP is on now and there’s going to be a giant freefor all hi I’m just

Going to go ahead and add these holes right here and does anyone going to fall you know what I need I need lava now get out of the corner just going to go ahead and place some lava right here Skippy please I don’t even know what to say

Anymore okay I’m going to give everyone a wooden sword no Skippy and after three more people die I’ll turn off PVP oh you guys are all peaceful right no I’m peaceful I’m peaceful look look look look look look here here here here you go here everyone can have one

Everyone can have one oh thank you you’re welcome hello hi there you guys go all right PVP is finally off all right we are now going to have everyone do a slime jump what the heck uh oh just jump on a slime to live that’s all you

Have to do so I’ll put one right there and we’ll see immediately who wants to jump oh people are going right off the bat yo you guys all made it nice everyone is going to make this are you kidding me I thought more people would

Die from that oh I got one what the hell I have a question I have an answer what’s the answer what you Sumo one you on Me Maybe if you make this okay bet I actually did it all right you guys have to oh I didn’t hit you I’m sorry oh my

God they still made it all right I now have a sharpness 255 sword power 255 bow and now they cannot let me hit them come near me someone come near me I dare you come near mey hi you’re going to die I’m targeting you oh my goty Bo scy

Scy I did not mean to do that you’re so bad yo what did you say to me hi Sky I love you Sky I didn’t even want to kill them oh my God don’t hat me no I’m going to hit you uhoh he’s chasing me hello there

Three more seconds no no all right we’re going to play true or false false is red and true is green hello hello bad boy Halo can you tell me a fruit uh orange okay thanks bye okay I just called Bad Boy Halo he told me a fruit did he say Apple for

True orange for false which did he say oh my gosh look at the amount of people going to Apple all right I’m going to close each side in 10 seconds Skippy tell me the answer please he said a fruit okay so all these people over here

Think bad boy Halo said Apple so why do you guys think he said Apple why did you guys pick orange bro listen listen listen listen a triple NE to survive make us a triple NE please why did you guys assume that you’re wrong all right you guys listen listen

I’m not going to announce it yet but you guys you guys are right you said orange you said orange all right so the answer is bad boy Halo said orange bad boy Halo now in order to survive this you’re going to have to do my impossible

Parkour why is there a person here out of here M you you’re not supposed to be over here please no no no no I’ll do anything all right get over here dude I’m scared for my life right now no over up here oh I’m dumb okay it’s not really

Impossible but still it die we’re dead all right good luck everyone’s going oh my gosh oh rip those people what was that please K it bro I bet go you are you not confident in your parkour skills gy does it taking too long he just now oh no I didn’t mean to you

Monster I didn’t mean to do that I don’t know why PVP is on for me oh my God but you guys think you’re smart yes and for this round they’re going to sleep green green green Green why do you keep saying green hi no no no no okay all right hey

Scy help me please okay yeah thank you me me yo that’s RI all right I’m changing all the grass to TNT yo how are they still now you can’t be here hey don’t sweep me I’ll sweep you back all right this is what the arena looks like now

And we really do not have that many players left hello how are you feeling I’m doing pretty good how about you I’m good is there anything I can do to help you yeah wait stand like right there hey personal space man G these people they don’t understand tell me what I can do

For you go stand right on the TT right there do not SPL me I how can I help you guys what do you want I’ll give you anything op stuff not that there you guys go Sky what was that give me an elytra I’m not giving you an elyra give

Me armor you want armor give give me a flint and steel I want to legalized TNT who’s out there no no hello yeah what’s here I I have an item for you all right bet bet oh thanks man you’re welcome all right so we have the yellow lime red and

Blue Corner stop ringing the event I’m not whichever color comes out of this dispenser gets eliminated and it was red no hi red no no no no no no no it really let one live let one live let one live one yeah actually that’s fair yeah one

Of us all right whoever tells me the best joke you guys suck what do you call the chicken that crossed no I got a I got a bed one I got a bed one all right let me let me cook okay what did the turtle say

When it crossed the road what did the turtle say I don’t know it didn’t cross yet all right who has a better joke bro we’re all in funny bro it’s not fair no I believe someone has a funny joke whoever tells the first funny joke stays me me me all right go

All I did not understand a word of that all right go on Daniel or what did the traffic light say to the car what don’t look I’m changing all right whoever stays alive stays alive oh Daniel dang all right it was this guy you died last so you live

Oh yay thanks you’re welcome now I’m going to make them PVP on this platform people are hiding people are hiding oh no hey we’re chill man we’re ch the next kill is going to get a mystery item o mystery item bye all right it was this guy right here

All right for your mystery item I’ll give you anything you want okay give me netherite sword I will kill them all except for that oh okay netherite except for that here I got you I got you I got you hey guys what’s up get over here get over here I’ll save

You I’ll save you I’m going to give you all iron armor PVP is turned off but now everyone has to pick make a partner we’re going to do 2v2 duels you’re going first please wait what I’m just bringing your teammate please I’m all right who

Wants to fight this team yo me me it’s going be me you want to it’s going be I Chang my mind no it’s too late please it’s too late I give you $10 bro please don’t do this to me all right are you guys ready no no I’m not ready I’m not

Ready are you ready now I need to pee toilet break bro no we’re not doing a toilet break here get ready 3 2 1 go all right good luck y chill guys stop oh it’s so close oh my gosh charge charge at the same time at the same time at the same Time let’s go Elser combo bro Elser combo good job well done all right so we’re doing a Revival and the number is going to be from 1 to 20 and the number is going to be nine so everyone said a number and it was little Skippy okay

Hello there is no way you just got the Revival welcome back you’re going to fight next please Lord please all right which team wants to fight them G I don’t want to fight do you want to fight those guys yes or no no no no no no no no no no they don’t

Want to no we don’t want to all right I’m I’m going to flip a coin are you guys good with heads uh yeah yeah yeah okay I’m going to ask Siri right now whoever gets it right they get to decide if they want to fight or not heads or

Tails bro it’s not working wait heads or tails it’s heads it’s heads wait that means you guys get to decide do you want to fight yes yo good luck all right good luck to both teams go one oh my gosh GG guys all right we’re

Going to get you a teammate oh no here’s what you’re going to do don’t tell anyone don’t tell anyone just write a number and throw it one in 20 I got you I got you I got you all thank you got it all right so I got the number and it is

Nine I think it was this guy wait how are you back we have a team of Skies that are revived all right well you guys are going to fight now go oh God oh God the skies wait wait wait I want to see

If I can get any of you out by the most simple way possible if it’s says I’m dead it’s not it’s Sky says I’m dead oh my God Sky says jump just jump what if I don’t want to Sky Sky says just keep jumping over and over and over and over

And over oh God this is this is it bro all right stop jumping oh my God I almost stopped bro all right last one to shift is out that’s it GG G top that’s it that’s it top five that’s that’s a great number all right Steepy says Sky says it’s over

Okay the last one to touch iron as soon as I remove the glass will be eliminated all right on your mark wait you guys can’t hear me run that was first yo why was that too close to tell it was it was cre no it wasn’t was it Creo no it wasn’t it

Wasn’t it it was Creo or Quinton right you guys are going to raise come over here I went so fast you guys ready no 3 2 1 oh oops I typed the wrong command 3 2 1 go oh there’s so close Creo you didn’t cut the corner bro

Oh Creo wait I I’ll give you a chance to live I’m being for real but it’s a very small chance if you can guess what number I have in this book from 1 to 100 I’ll let you live like would it be if I had an extensive knowledge of Sky would

It would it make it easier I’m not answering questions give me a number seven let me check no give it to him give it to him jck knows bro give it to him stop give it to him you should have gotten that last to stop running last to stop running you

Really want to do last to stop running no if you want to go on Blue if you don’t want to go on red can I one one you final if you lose your out if you win you don’t have to do this yeah he plays PVP all day bro I

Think I could beat him I think I could beat him I don’t know if I should be making deals like this but I’m tempted are you ready yeah go oh yeah GG Skiby with the hidden talent hidden talent hidden tal running what I got him okay now that that’s

Settled let’s do the final round the last one to stop running wins good luck going to do that going to do this oh I don’t I do not like this why did you vote for this oh noan fell just keep going keep running them

Oh my God I’m bro I was like the last one to get in oh my God that scared me I’m going to be honest I thought you fell okay wait I’m going to break this and then fence will go right here how are these guys so good at this all right

I’m going to put some fents down right here let me just break this right here I almost died to the fence are you going to fall yeah good are you going to fall now yeah I just fell I’m going to fall in like two to three business days I

Think Sky what is that what is that I said Czech Republic was the best country bro oh but I win I heard a little a c win let’s go bro all right bad we have 200 kids in the circle are you ready to begin yes okay it’s just a giant Circle

It’s just a giant circle with 200 kids I don’t get it what’s the thing the thing is that you want to be the last one on the circle why is there a conga line forming oh my gosh in every event oh my gosh okay event has officially begun if

You die past this point you are out no Revival so they have to stay inside the circle that is correct yes so if they die they’re memes pretty much so they kind of don’t want to do that so wait are they supposed to be in the green

Circle or the red one it doesn’t matter you know the circle’s a circle they have to be wherever two there’s two circles I know but okay it’s one giant Circle do you see what I mean okay I guess I do see that okay cool do you want to start

I guess I I mean I guess we did start but let’s start start for real Z okay what look at this kid he is hovering over my God you are a risque guy oh hi Sky policeman he’s a little police muffin what would you like to do for the

First Chente H we should just have them jump from one to the other oo I actually really like that so tell them all to go in the red circle right now yes okay let’s do green first let’s do green first everyone get inside the green circle all right let’s let them do that

Let’s see if anyone falls off already surely no one’s going to fall the first me that would be so funny okay tell them to go to Red all right go to Red Circle now I love this okay let’s see if someone fails I’m going to step down

Here and just wait come on surely someone so one person fell oh wait was just you you thought yeah I thought someone fell literally nobody fell hey these two aren’t on the red circle bye hurry up you four three two one okay there they go hey this guy okay there

All right now that they’re all on the red circle what now ooh I like that now we’ve got ice should we make them do it again I wonder if maybe adding some ice will make them you know slip up and maybe they’ll they’ll mess up a little

Bit what do you think okay I have an idea after that go ahead tell them to get on the green circle okay get on green circle hey we got one oh someone died F that is the first guy who has got out big rip okay watch this okay bad

Tell them to go back to Red now wa are you serious I’m so serious oh my goodness go back to Red that’s got to get it a handful oh my gosh who are we going to get here I saw someone out I saw someone get out what oh this is

Getting that is a good amount of people oh my God gosh I didn’t think you would get that many how are they getting out so quick it’s not that hard is I don’t think it’s that that hard but like oh it is a little tricky it’s a little bit but

Not that that hard right yeah no it’s not I mean we only got like 20 I know what the heck okay now let’s do the same thing but back you feel me you feel me go back to big circle oh my goodness and oh we are getting people out yeah we’re

Getting people left and right that is oh my gosh oh no did you think we’re going to get that many people out I I literally did not think that literally it’s not that hard not really oh my gosh big rips man that is a lot of people

Undo undo o look at the jail it’s already crammed are you oh my gosh it is okay for the next event I’m thinking what we do right is a game of chance a game of chance what do you mean kind of miss four corners dude oh my goodness I

Kind of miss four corners I want to have a round of Four Corners just four not eight not 16 not 32 not 50 not 100 but four you just want to do a single round of Four Corners yes is that so much to ask for I mean no okay then help me set

Up a game of Four Corners okay let’s just say name a color and the first four colors we get is red orange blue green wait red orange blue green yes those are the colors we need okay B this looks pretty good we have red orange green and

Blue and now let’s let them pick whatever color they want all right i’ let him out pick your color pick the color you want pick the color you want all right Sky we have them walled in kind of now let’s manually go down and just block them in

With obsidian all right last chance to change your corner oh where are they going to go where they going to go they got to be careful all right I’m blocking it up they get no more chance to change their corner now hey this guy’s blocking

Me off if you block me you will see yeah warn them okay I think they’ve all made up their mind yep they are all blocked in I think we’re good how are we going to pick the corner that gets out H Sky I got it all right Sky I’m going to spawn

A pig right here okay whichever corner he goes to wherever the pig walks that corner dies yes are you insane I I am insane let’s do it okay wait I’m going to put the slow chat to eight unmute the chat okay go go go where’s the pig going

Where’s the pig going dude I bet he’ll go to Orange oh come on go oh what he’s on literally he has to go onto one color fully so we only go if he goes on a one color FY okay is it going to be green go

To Orange is it going to be green oh my gosh no way no way comes over here this pig is cursed I swear to God oh my God how is he not stepped on one Pig go somewhere please hello Mr P no get away from the pig I’m sorry it’s G green

That’s obviously green yep that’s green get them out get them out get them out get them out bye piggy no Mr Pig I’m sorry bye piggy oh my God all right Skiby let’s roast them I guess okay and are you throwing snowballs at them no I’m just lighting them on fire roasty

Toasty this is so sad oh we have three three people left who have not died toast no I can’t watch this I can’t watch this we need to roasty toasty no it’s Sky V2 cyber and awesome saurin all right should we let him repick are we

Going to do another one no no that’s it that’s it that’s it that’s it ooh I could build a quick 100 Corners room all right so what should we do next I have an idea everyone go to Orange okay wait why are we making him go to Orange trust

Me Trust me on this okay bad here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to Simply cut off every single line all the way until we go all the way around wait what yeah how does that even work trust me have a little bit of faith in me wait

Are you going to make them like run laps no never I don’t know what you’re talking about okay there we go all the way until so we go all the way around and it’s a fun happy time okay so we’re nearly done this is going to be pretty interesting

For the most part I think we got some pretty good memes going on most likely most likely literally this is going to be interesting I wonder how many will fall on this I don’t think many it’s really really easy actually it is easy but you need to go slow and steady yeah

That’s true all right should we tell them to go and then make it harder next time yes let’s do it let’s do it go to Blue all right and they’re off let’s see if anyone falls off and dies probably no one oh oh never mind never mind nice

Okay we got some people there we go that’s good okay big rips big rips go to Blue there you go all right bad you can uh tell him to go back if you want well no way I’m making it more oh you’re making it more intense okay are you just

Breaking randomly yeah I’m just randomly breaking I guess you technically could go in any path you wanted to so let me help you make it more crazy cu cuz it’s optional which way you want to go yeah Breaky break all right let’s make him run back all right cool tell them to go

Now go to Orange oh there you go I think we’ll have twice as many people fall honestly I don’t know cuz it’s better people playing so like it feel me okay everyone made it bad I have a terrible idea what what if we hollow out from the

Middle oh okay I was going to fine just take your idea I guess but I just this way they have to I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine okay uh go to Blue okay we’ve got to lose more people this time I don’t know I think it’s still pretty easy as

Long as you find a good route but it’s more jumps right it’s easy but it’s more jumps right I have an idea what if right let’s see if we have any madman who will go through this route right what are you I just want to know if anyone is crazy

Enough to try this why would they try it I don’t know I have I have a feeling someone is going to try it no you’d have to be in just have a feeling I just have a feeling okay there we go and let’s see if anyone wants to try that so let’s

Just say go orange oh see see see see see we have crazy people on the Earth bad why we have crazy people I why would you feel that way oh that’s literally there’s no reason to do that great gy we cannot encourage this crazy behavior oh

We lost some I don’t know what you’re talking about okay let’s make this even harder okay let’s see if they can do it one more time just like that and that should be good and ready oh my goodness go to Blue oh my goodness come on Fall

Why would they go like that literally I bet you regret doing that now fell okay should we make it even harder or are we done with this I oh someone fell what do you think H I think we should ramp up the hardness level okay okay okay let’s

Make it so that there’s only one r route and that route is like this look at this bad what yeah so we have to do the same thing on red wait what oh my goodness Sky that’s so hard I know no literally come I know sky this is impossible fine

We’ll give them one more layer there we go that’s a little bit easier all right go orange come on go my way go my way go my way go my way go my way ooh ooh o o o dude why are they doing this they keep going this is making me angry

Sky it’s like a bunch of crazy muffin heads no no look at that they’re going around Skippy I just got an idea what if we give them a time to do it okay we’ll give them Rush 20 20 M oh my goodness 20 the rush so I want you to select this

Whole thing and once I say 20 you just cut everything of red and green got so much blocks M fine fine fine fine okay so this round I will be counting to 20 as soon as I hit 20 in chat bad will cut all the green and red blocks meaning you

Need to be standing on Blue before I say 20 in chat I will say go at a random time and start counting okay bad are you ready yes in 3 2 1 1 2 3 oh my goodness four five oh dude literally everyone is just rushing oh my gosh did everyone make it

No we got a teeny bit more okay and everybody made it that’s literally it I don’t even need to do it oh wow wow oh wow we do the same thing with 15 yeah let’s do with 15 okay same thing with 15 I will say go at a random time oh dude

Look at these people going this way this really just like solves the problem if they want to but it’s devious that’s so difficult I know but he make it a little bit more yeah I just sneaky JS in ready bad yes and go oh oh here we go dude

Here we go my goodness this is getting so fast I know 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 go cut it cut it oh my gosh did we get anyone well not from that but from the rush yes bad are we doing this with 10 seconds yes or no uh yes you

Guys want to try it with 10 seconds if we do 10 seconds that will literally kill pretty much everyone well no but yes no but yes I added one more meme jump here just to make it harder every time are you ready are you ready yes or

No let’s do it okay here we go get ready I will say go at a random time 10 seconds here we go here we go 3 2 1 go one 2 oh oh no dude 7 8 9 10 go go go go do it

Do it oh you got one you got one I think yeah yay a I’m sorry whoever I got forgive me I think we’ve had our fun for now I think we have all right since we’re back to normal now uh everyone go to Red Circle okay now that they’re all

There bad come here we are going to make them all do this weird job to get on this diamond platform if they want to survive to the next round so you’re going to make him do a death parkour jump that is correct okay at least don’t

Make it too hard yeah yeah whatever you say okay so they’re all going to get here they have to make that jump then once they make that jump they have to make that jump watch I’m not done boom gby there’s like 50 people this is going

To take forever to do this many trust me I don’t know if I should trust me I got this fine okay bad now that we have what the heck that’s a slime get it off a slime get the Slime off we’re going to say uh YouTu to get to Diamond go all

Right they’re off and you can jump to the next redstone block and start orderly fashioned I hope this works oh they’re off okay they’re giving each other time to do it is anyone going to fail oh someone died that is our first death right there giby we have a big

Long death line I know look at this people are just going giving each other time people are over here scared this Steppy police guy I swear is he doing this is not where he’s supposed to be I know dude so far two people have died

Only two and we’ve got 40 more to go Ian this is pretty easy so far so go mind fire MC toasty man he made it there he goes all right well for the most part I think everyone’s done a decent job so far I think so too I’m rather impressed

Oh rip okay guys try to hurry up if you can we have something terrible planned next okay run down going for it and he’s made it oh we lost one yep and another what the someone went back and died wow not a very bright potato mm-m okay I’m

Going to set up the next event okay we’re going to have some gobblestone and then once we have gobblestone they have to make that jump but what happens if they miss it they die but they just fall down onto this thing that’s not dying uh

Are you sure wow okay now we have to clean that up we’ll clean it up that’s easy wait they have to make this jump mhm that’s a four block jump we should at least make it a little bit wider that’s a good idea and then give them a

Couple paths yeah yeah that’ll work all right I’m pretty sure everyone went ahead and made it now let’s tell them to make this go to the emerald whenever you can literally no one oh what no dude he failed and died first oh my goodness Sky yeah we are literally going I just did

It I just did it it’s not terribly hard well it’s kind of hard oh dude they have to be so careful and jump at the last second oh dude dude poor guys about to die I know where to go okay Lord banana boy the last one come on Lord banana boy

No I wanted him to make it for Lord banana boy a don’t say it scabby please don’t okay these are the four block jump Gods so uh you guys are totally Gods right you’re so good haha so good so since you’re so good go back to Diamond oh my

Goodness oh oh oh no that’s just one oh never mind that is not just one that is a lot more come on fire breath man you can do it we’ll give them 20 seconds oh no okay I’m done being cruel bad you can do the next one that I’m done I just

Needed to do that how about we get some PVP going get some knockback sticks see what happens all right we should give them super duper regen Skippy mhm and make them punch each other off of this ice platform I like it let me give them some super regen okay they all have

Regen for 25 minutes okay so are we going to turn PVP on I think that’s the only solution here all right I have the command ready okay I’ll tell them PVP will be turned on do not fall off the ice or you die dude they’re all just in

The middle okay before we start I must do one thing get away from Center putting big hole I knew they would do this dude they were trying to be sneaky I knew this would happen but we knew what was coming okay I think that’s good that looks good that’s a nice Circle we

Uh do a Revival yeah let’s do one okay revival time what number what number what number what number what number what number what number let’s do ooh I got it let’s do 14 but because we have more than 14 people we have about 30 people

Left we do 14 + 30 which is 44 all right 44 it is is 3 2 1 unmute the chat Did anyone say it bad NOP no one said it it’s 1 to 69 now you can’t just short yeah I can okay who got it it was a guy named T

O0 pm8 okay let’s go ahead and put him in GG all right this is our Revival yes so we got 30 memers and only one of them is going to win here we go PVP on in 10 9 6 8 3 5 4 2 3 2 1 Zer go and they’re

Off who’s going to fall who’s going to survive this guy’s lagging what the heck oh my gosh one person fell oh nice we got one we got one oh is anyone else going to fall I don’t know gy they’re all not falling yeah I know and I don’t

Like it h we should make this tinier okay good idea oh okay I’m just going to do that from the outside as well see what happens look these people aren’t even fighting at all oh oh oh oh that’s one out okay I’m making it easy even

Smaller I think I did a good job at it what what is this what is this little group I wouldn’t be able to tell you oh that got someone out oh and two oh no no R okay how many people do we have left we have oh we got this guy he is

Running what oh my God poor guy a they’re all ganging up on he literally jumped in the void okay bye they got someone out again no I feel bad for you but I have no choice okay now that we have this many people left what are you

Thinking all right so Sky you see how we have this giant red circle right I do see that do you know what the red circle reminds me of I do know what it reminds you of it reminds me of a track oh my God we can have them run around the

Track until literally just one is left slowly adding in obstacle after obstacle oh my gosh let’s do it all right well let’s tell them all to run I guess oh wait we got to put them at the starting line oh true true true everyone get on redstone block okay should we tell him

To go yes and go all right here we go I’m already starting dude I don’t have any time to waste I don’t have any time to waste here if you stop running you’re out good plan good plan confuse them a little bit give them some harder

Jumps myness rundown is in this Sky I know isn’t that funny I I need him to win I just want him to dude he’s never won before he hasn’t oh that’s so good did you see that I did no one fell one person fell yes there he goes oh slimes

Are spawning that’s a good obstacle I’m just making it really confusing for them and let’s see how they perform don’t stop running oh we lost one yep that’s another okay make this a little bit more challenging so now they literally have to go on on through here oh my goodness why are you

Making it so hard I don’t know what you’re talking about this is like really difficult I don’t know what you’re talking about it’s not hard it’s just part of the game plan okay now that the regen is all gone we start by getting some lava buckets Gabby you’re putting

It right at the start mhm you’re going to make them roasty toasty it’s already difficult mhm okay so they have to make this jump or they’re out okay no that’s too hard not true it is too hard not true let’s tell them to go 5 4 3 2 1 0

Go and they’re off here we go is anyone going to fall oh bar man rip rip big rips no oh my gosh we lost two three we really did they’re going this could be the end yeah come on I’m going to add one more hard jump if I have time yes I

Do okay cool you do looks like they’re doing it pretty good pretty good one person fell oh my goodness it’s just D7 I know that’s like the hardest jump that ladder one right there I’m curious to see who’s going to make that again oh oh they made

It okay smart people smart people come on come on come on no we lost another come on run down he’s smart he’s he’s going slow well he’s staying away from the group just in case nice I guess that’s kind of smart yeah all right stop at redstone block okay

Why did you make them stop what do you want to do this way we can get them all in the same Bunch again so we watch them easier okay all right ready and wait should we make it even more I am yep I’m going to just poke like a bunch of

Random okay okay same this is going to be interesting random holes okay I’m going to add one really hard jump here how hard pretty hard 5 4 3 2 1 zero go stop at Redstone once you’re back all right they’re off goodness okay this is oh my goodness we’re

Already down to three your ladder jump kill killed so many hey this guy won before D he what is this how is he so good I don’t know H okay Sky what wait a minute haven’t these two been in the finals before yeah but rundown has never

Won before oh my goodness I don’t know who to cheer on you know what rundown is never one I’m cheering for rundown skiy we got to get him in a call hello what’s good hi you two again okay’s up with this all right hey how’s it going how’s

It going dude how do you guys feel literally just as last time dude I run down so nervous all right I want you both to make this lap go oh dude it’s this one jump right here it’s the only one okay yes oh oh my

Not even no way down I won no way you have to make it no way but like I think you will just don’t fall down oh I’m not going to fall if you fall then we’re going to do a relap oh come on I can’t believe this I can’t believe it either

I’m just I’m in shock dude oh literally what what bad what just happened we made it bad he won yesterday I know what is this let’s go can we just ban him for all he’s winning oh my gosh I’m never going to win I did it oh my de I won

Literally what did you what there we go oh thank you all right spify are you ready I am I’m ready of course let’s do it dude we literally have a 100 kids which are about to disguise and completely get rid of their name tags this is going to be awful let’s do this

All right it’s time to change the skin what’s going do start with diamond ore yeah let’s start off with a diamond ore why don’t we like a sky skin a sky skin yeah Sky SK to start with okay everyone is going to turn into a scy go for it oh

My god it worked what am I glitching oh there we go my God hi everyone okay I recommend you take off your cape just just my opinion all right so what we’re going to do now is basically tell them you are going to be on a map a diamond

Map your goal is to hide if you die you will get kicked from the server and GG forever so don’t die they can hide very well I’m sure dude honestly with the name tags they’re kind of toast but if you get rid of the name tags right now

They’re done all right the name tags are going to go oh it worked it worked all the name tags are done dude I could literally go in here no one would know it’s me no one knows you could find the real scy this is amazing the exact same

All right let’s put them on the map all right they’re on the map how much time should we give them to hide uh give them like 2 or 3 minutes I guess what that’s a lot of time I was going to say like 10 seconds there there’s a lot of people

You get one minute to hide there’s only one person that didn’t do it one AFK kid now remember we’re limited to 20 kills for this diamond map dude which one are you though where are you oh are you with this sword ooh yeah oh the SW came out

Okay I got one too sharp a thousand sharp a thousand instant kill it should be all right let’s say 30 seconds left oh he’s done he’s done for oh he’s so lucky what a lucky guy he’s like standing right there all right dude I think we should go kill

Them that’s so obvious do they think we won’t see that that’s legit so obvious this round we will limit kills to 20 people so don’t be of the 20 that’s a lot of people that is a lot of people yourself I kind of am okay get back to

Speed one no cheating all right 5 4 3 2 1 all right you go get 10 kills I get 10 kills let’s do this all right I got one already and first kill it’s been done all right nine more to go you get 10 I

Get 10 dude the trick is to not hold a sword and just run around two they dying fast D I can’t find anyone where are they four five 6 7 oh how many how many did I get I’m going have to count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 yeah I

Need two more 1 two okay I got 10 oh my god I’ve got two so far dude this I’m going to watch you I’m going to watch you get to 10 get to 10 that was so cruel I want that happen look at this guy look at this okay okay I should have

Done this there’s two of them double kill where was the other one got in the tree got in the tree wait I oh dude he is am I blind you have to do parkour and get on the tree y yep there he is they’re running for their line so desper how

Many is that uh four four okay six more five five more six seven there’s so many on the tree I’m not going to tell you where they are though I’m not going to cheat n one more one more is this you yeah this is me just one more oh someone just came

Out the hiding spot that’s a rip last one they’re hiding Freddy well to like uh no they’re not there’s a lot of them oh no look at the look at the cave so many kill someone they’re G they’re G all 20 done if you died I sorry GG if you live

GG all right let’s get rid of the 20 kids who just died all right they’ve all been kicked and now we have 80 players that move on all right what’s goodin next I say we go to a snow map oh they’re all on the snow map one kid has

A Steppy skin go go go 30 seconds to hide they are running like animals right now why are you wearing a sky skin I don’t know oh take it there you go all right so on this map we have to kill 20 people again so 5 4 3 2 1 yeah we’ll do

10 each again like shaking right now dude I would be so scared think about the trees the trees are they all hide oh my God I just found two I just found two yep two are gone oh double kill that was not very good hiding I see you I see you

You have no idea three this is actually getting tougher cuz there’s less and less of them but there’s four down uh filled with people oh really that’s a smart idea I’m just going around the map uh I got six seven eight I oh my God nine I think this is my

10 my bad I didn’t know I didn’t know all right let me get the last one oo there’s no one in the cave unless I missed one I think I cleared out the cave like oh I got I got my last one I think pretty sure that was 10 oh I see

You and I can’t even kill you all right all right I’ll spectate you now I got two more kills dude look what we have down here oh what oh my God one oh who do I go for one more kill who do I choose whoever runs first i s I hit my

Sword in between them not’s oh oh there we go okay all right GG if you survived 60 move on all right so we are on to round three it is a sand map and of course they have their sand skins we have to kill 15 people on this

Map someone died already that means we have to kill 14 of them oh 14 okay all right seven kills let’s do this I see person number one hello this is getting harder this is actually getting harder three oh my God he’s what is this you uh

No lagging okay I got four five six and seven I’m out of oh my God you got the kills first I can’t find them I need three more uh where could they be okay I found one so that’s five oh there you go oh this some very close to yep I see one

I see one wait am I dumbb oh yeah I see him I see him I see him I see him I see him yeah okay are you ready wait wait he thinks I didn’t see him he he moves he’s like he’s like happy he one more one more should have hid

Better let’s see anyone up here yep yep yep he thinks I didn’t see him right he thinks I didn’t see him from around like multiple times he looked up three two one okay done 45 move on all right so we are on the next map it is water I can

Barely see them already oh my gosh what the heck dude okay are you ready I’m ready this we have to get rid of 15 I’m in the corner and we’re off let’s go 15 kills oh dude this should be easy right just whoever avoids us we have water

Breathing so we’re fine but we need 15 kills and that’s the first one seven more each I can’t I he won’t die I got him two okay it’s one each oh they better run dude they shake their head they better I’m going so slow oh you’re so done

Three what are you doing quarter four this looks so funny hi buddy hi five I you can see the like the panic I would be so scared let me hit you I’m so close I’m literally so close to this kid and I can’t there we go one more I literally

Need one kill how you six so far and I got my eighth perfect seven is so did you get it no he’s swimming away oh I’m watching this I’m watching this there you go all right GG round over okay as promised we have the lava round this is

Probably going to be the hardest one yet I’m not looking forward to this all right we’re coming dude we’re not going to get anyone and we need 10 kills we’re not going to find anyone it’s impossible to find anyone I oh my God I’m just swinging my sword hoping I get luy the

Greatest depth of the pit like the very bottom and you might see some particles Maybe 10 kills I can’t see a single person same my head hurts my head hurts okay I’m going to the corners cuz there’s wool but there’s no one here there’s no way bro we’re screwed this is

Actually painful yeah no what do we do I found like 10 people no way get them get them get them perfect three oh that’s two just get as many as you can that’s three kills right there yep three overall oh I see one I see one I see one

I see one I got one four five yo my eyes hurt nice I’m just hitting hoping I get lucky how much are we at seven okay nice three more three more it’s so hard to see them actually painful I can’t see anything on my screen I feel bad for

Them cuz it’s even harder them imagine hiding like this there’s no one at the bottom of the pit is wait did I see someone I see an orange kind of color I think I don’t if I’m imagining things wait there is someone two more two more

Dude you got it I’m so trash at this D my eyes are like burning right now in real life Honestly though what if we drained some of the lava would that be cheating uh maybe maybe we’re almost done dude we can do it it’s just orange and like Flames that cover half my

Screen I know I know I see I see one I got one I got one yes let’s go we got 10 that’s 10 just to verify oh I hated that round 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 we’re done lava round over come top oh I hated that

That was terrible all right so we are on to the second to Final Round right now they all have their Diamond skins they’re running around this is going to be it 10 kills and then we’re on to the final round this is what you see in your

Nightmares a running diamond or you to M and it lit every kid’s nightmare you find a diamond ore and it runs away has it grows legs and runs five 4 3 2 1 go let’s do this 10 people this is going to be really hard actually these are the

Best people hiding they’re like experts expert at hiding as diamonds no people yet okay I don’t see any people I don’t see any people either there are only 20 in this entire biome it’s a big place we’re about to kill 50% oh my God this is hard I haven’t gotten anyone see any

What the heck okay I found one you got one yes all right oh I found the second one I got it I don’t know how they got up there but I found them yeah so we’re uh two out of 10 so far so good yeah I I

Found someone I found someone it’s a rip get them they sh like pretty SC three down okay do you find more people in the caves or on top I don’t know where to go the caves there like 50 people inside you got like a combo quad kill UAV

Inbound I miss when there were 100 kids and there were just everywhere oh I saw you four oh five yep that’s five oh two oh that’s another nice and seven nice dude they’re all in the Deep caves oh my gosh I’m going to check on the trees on

The top yeah check that eight okay two more this is it is it is is it my eyes dude my eyes so many like pixels dude it’s so hard to find them where can they even be literally though I don’t know there some like secret compartment on

The map we haven’t found I think so cuz honestly I’ve only found like three people and we only need two more kills okay there’s hard people that’s to be fair where can there’s only so much space to hide I just don’t know where they are yo this is hard what they’re

Not on the top they’re in the caves they’re not I dude I’m in the cave but there’s no one down there oh I found one I found one I found one last one one final person imagine we missed one and like the comments just wreck us for missing them happens people like you’re

So blind dude if I missed any leave a comment right now of the time stamp cuz I’m just uh we just need one more oh no way nice nice done well we’re down to the final 10 I believe oh what there was a kid right here wait no he must have

Moved surely yeah there’s no way all right let’s go to the last and one of the hardest map the nether oh and this one’s going to hurt your eyes trust me oh all right so we’re on the nether map there are nine people remaining which means we need eight kills the horrible

Skin of the Netherrack put it on all right they all have the skin on this is going to be painful remember only eight people and the final person who survives wins let’s do this eight deaths this is going to be painful so we kill everyone but once is one Survivor right exactly

One winner what the heck dude I found one oh hard to see them oh my gosh I don’t think I’m going to find any all right oh I found another one too uh nice nice That’s good progress I’m trying to find them dude can I just say I hate

This map this map sucks I’m flying up here I don’t care I need to get at least one on this oh my gosh TP you when I find someone how hard it is to find it’s so difficult wait am I am I going crazy

Or did I just see a kid move dude I think I’m going crazy wait I’m going to TP you okay oh my God I couldn’t even tell that was you wait there dude okay there’s a person right here that’s what I’m saying I knew it mine I knew I saw

Someone four down so we need four more all right let’s see where are they at where could they possibly be hiding there’s only so wait hold your sword okay oh surely they wouldn’t move they’re too smart they survived from 100 people they must good H yeah these are

Probably the most OP players I think I may have found someone I found someone yes oh wait that’s you do you think they’re moving around dude where can they be like how I don’t know this is so hard oh oh oh come to me come to me okay

I think I know where they might be I bet they’re in here wait there’s a staircase oh my God what yo there’s a oh my god let’s go let’s go let’s go y do the H bye bye how many kills left uh that’s five five down three left three more kills oh

By the way final three this is for $1,000 they dude I can’t find this is driving me insane I can’t find people maybe they’re near the start and we just ran straight past them maybe I I don’t get it the trees have to be the option I’m

On the oh I found one wait yes I’ll do sword me oh my God so disappointing I’m actually getting so mad right now like I’m Legit mad we’ve looked everywhere where can they be oh there’s another cave wait the oh I think a bean down there maybe ah please find someone

Please my soul is burning inside I’m looking so carefully you know what there must be someone on a tree I don’t know if my eyes are deceiving me like what’s the problem here imagine everyone comments is like we’re so stupid right now rast someone probably dude these

Have to be like the most professional hiders of all time we can’t find anyone at least like 10 minutes on this map I’ve looked everywhere dude I I can’t find anyone for the life of me I quit like I legit quit people just like oh my

God I found one I actually found one so many times oh I’m so happy two more just two more you just need to look at spots where it’s like really like weirdly yeah so like right here something someone has to be on a tree someone has to be on a tree look really

Carefully dude I just I just saw someone you did wait did you actually see someone yeah I see someone I see look at the lava in front of you there yeah don’t kill them we’re going to R oh my God that’s devious we’re going to run past pretend like they’ll think they’re

Safe okay and we’re just going to turn and stare at them ready 3 2 1 [Laughter] go dude it’s just one more one more kill and there’s a winner this nightmare will end this nightmare will be it’s been like 20 minutes on this map I swear oh

My God dud that kid BL I found them I found TP to me okay look at that tree right there in front of you up there you see his feet no I don’t that’s so good I sorry oh we have a winner spify love did

You rig it so spify love wins no that that’s good at hiding you know all the SP are good hid you win $11,000 I want to know where they headd turn on the chat come out wherever you are they were they were here the entire time where

Where where here on this tree are you kidding me hello hi oh my God you did it I don’t know how you hid that well but you did it and you have won yourself $1,000 I I seriously can’t believe it because I was I really thought I I

Wasn’t going to win I was just I just do it for fun that’s what you picked was the most irritating spot yeah like one of you just ran past me like two times I was like oh God I we’re going to get comments about that but congrats you did

It shoot me over your PayPal and I’ll get that over to you big congrats thank you congratulations my dad’s bayal because I don’t have Bay okay no worries congrats again though GG’s Walmart bad boy Halo is so cruel he set up and built this entire Walmart to trap you all in

It so everyone go inside the Walmart okay this is not true they’re in the Walmart oh my goodness I being Bamboozled I did not do that all claims I have made in the intro in the past 20 seconds may or may not be false just a oh my goodness but they are

True so subscribe cribe and like right now or else you will never ever ever bad tell me anything in the world you’ll never be able to go to Walmart again no you will never have food or water or shelter or anything of the my goodness just please subscribe please please

Please and like the video well all right I guess now that all that has been said last person in gets banned well then I’m motivating them Skippy I don’t think they care they do care I mean these three just don’t seem to care can I kill

All of them I mean fine okay goodbye what he’s not dying goodbye probably because he is AFK so there tell to get inside I will set the spawn point inside of the jail and now they will spawn in here we officially have trapped 100 kids inside of a Walmart oh my goodness why

Are we doing this again bad I don’t know you’re the one who’s doing it you just literally invited me along for the ride TP to me and you can see cursed chest I can go through how do they all have stuff and how are you doing this I don’t

Know the chests are cursed oh my goodness that is so bizarre I’m flying through them what that is so weird and there’s invisible chest bits here bad look what TP to me okay see this chest right here 1 2 3 how did you what is this I don’t know

Did you see that I don’t know how are you doing that I literally have no idea oh my goodness it literally opens through the block that is so weird I can’t even interact with it a I I don’t know everyone climb the ladder or I ban you oh my goodness you’re really going

To ban them they have to climb the ladder and then they have to go up here seriously yes what you’re going to make them all just go over here yes they have to go over here and once they’re here they can go on the stone okay if you’re

Not on Stone in 30 seconds goodbye oh my goodness dropping yeah they’re dropping hundreds of items you need to clear them Skippy no no no it looks good it looks funny they’re breaking the chest no it’s good trust me let them get on the stone it’s not good we’ll give them 15 seconds

There I cleared some of the items it oh my God everyone drop your items to make bad boy Halo mad drop all your items down here so black my Minecraft go keep doing it this looks amazing oh my goodness I’m literally you are glitching me out it’s

Like magic Gabby I’m getting like 10 FPS stop okay if you’re not on Stone in five 4 3 2 1 okay oh dude the lag they have to be on Stone they had to be 1500 items on the ground right here oh maybe it is a little bit too laggy maybe

You should clear it clear it okay I think it worked do not tell them to do that again kick everyone not on Stone kill them get on Stone no it’s too late wait it’s too late too late a okay I’m sorry guys so just kill them

Yep and they will respawn in the jail over there bad there’s a simpler way of doing it what I’m killing them with you simply just set the whole Walmart on fire you shouldn’t do that it’s never been simpler oh my goodness it’s never been so easy say goodbye to them how is that

Easy oh my goodness you have gone absolutely banana skip ien yes you have look at all these people roasty toasting yeah that’s what they deserve for not going on the stone they don’t deserve this hurry up I’m so sorry guys how is he still alive here let me get some

Insta damage potions oh someone fell from the stone oh my goodness guy can you stop there okay that’s an easy way of doing it oh my goodbye goodbye everyone down tell them to stop throwing items can you clear their inventories fine there I cleared it okay good they

Were literally taking everything out of the chest and chucking It On The Ground okay it’s not good they’re lagging the server out okay okay I fixed it I fixed it I fixed good oh my goodness Sky the chests are literally full of stuff oh wow like look it’s actually a Walmart

It’s like a shopping center oo that’s so crazy everyone get against Stone I don’t think they’re listening SC they better listen well they’re not they better what the heck dude what okay whatever I like him he’s going to be our mascot every time he dies now welcome to Walmart we

Offer cheap and discounted prices bad what is the deal of the day today the deal of the day is Jacko lanterns what Jacko lanterns no one wants Jacko lanterns we want diamonds fine the deal of the day is diamonds how many diamonds how much does it cost one Diamond 50%

Off yeah but how much is the 50% off Gabby they don’t have money it doesn’t matter how much it does it matters oh my goodness uh $50 one diamond is $50 yby they don’t have money yes they do oh really what what’s the currency on here uh one block is worth

$10 okay watch watch watch I’ll I’ll prove to you this kid fuzzy the gamer come here okay ready buy one Diamond see all you has to do is give me five blocks seriously he doesn’t have any give me five blocks you idiot Gippy you can’t call our customers idiots let me show

You how it’s done oh oh 1 2 three he gave me 64 oh my goodness tell me over overp paid and give him a refund of the extra blocks you overpaid so you get nothing he gets to die give him don’t kill him you seriously just kill him

Yeah why fine we’ll bring him back he didn’t deserve that give him 59 blocks back that’s his change fine but why did he give me that much in the first place I don’t know there I dropped it that’s your change that’s your diamond there you go sky this gentleman is littering

Our store you need to kick him out he’s not against the wall his Diamond wait he’s a thief do we have to call the police now no we just kill we woo we woo hello I’m the police how can I offer you good sir he is oh did this kid steal

From the store yes he stole let me take want him arrested okay tablet come with me okay all right what are you going to do with him he’s going to stay there and then move everyone else and then he’s just going to be there you locked our

Customer out oh sorry okay the other kid gets to be in jail go oh my God he’s already out he broke out of jail how did he get out he broke out of jail there there there fixed there how’s he going to get out now he’s stuck and people are

Going to punch his feet can we move on now yes we can move on this is a super center so you must social distance so if you want to buy anything you have to say what you want and I will curbside deliver it I don’t think oh really well we’re innovating give

People what they want in the chat buy one hay bale I don’t know where the hay bales are can I just spawn him in I don’t know if that’s how real life works but it’s good enough okay I found him he wants one hay bale Skippy our customers

Are moving oh they are around they’re not social distancing there’s too many people close together okay here I have a solution I will ask you all to kindly to step on emerald block or else you die oh my goodness okay they’re coming over some of them okay B I have all of our

Customers on emerald block uh dear customers you have got yourself inside of a cursed Walmart so you have to do challenges to not die you’re going to kill our customers yes if they don’t do challenges yes precisely seriously they have to go up here for the first

Challenge oh my goodness go to ladder oh this is killing a lot of people bad yeah I can tell this is killing a lot of people yeah they’re all dying no one has made it that’s not even someone made it you can’t just kill our customers like this well technically they’re jumping up

Themselves okay but if a Walmart had a giant pit in it they wouldn’t be allowed to stay open they’d be told to shut down yeah well we’re a cursed Walmart no we’re a Walmart just because you call it a cursed Walmart doesn’t make it cursed

Skippy oh really oh really bad TP to me oh really you’re telling me this is normal you’re telling me this is normal huhuh obviously noral oh look it’s the people in the jail do you think there’s a real jail in Walmart actually they do have a real jail in Walmart really yeah

It’s where they uh they put uh shoplifters at it oh I went there yesterday you went to Walmart or to the jail in Walmart the jail in Walmart you were shoplifting yeah I was trying to get some Minecraft codes wait so you just walked in and you like grabbed

Minecraft go to the ladder oh i’t going to skip 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero goodbye everyone dipping are you talking about those little scratchy things that you scratch you know they have to activate those right they have to activate those

Before you can use it right yes there no point I was just testing it no do not say that okay okay okay I was kidding I was kidding yeah that ridiculous you shouldn’t encourage shoplifting guys don’t let I was kidding okay good don’t shoplift everyone okay if I wanted a Minecraft I

Would just hack someone or something okay no sorry sorry I would buy it I would buy it oh my goodness Sky okay we have everyone on the emerald so what we’re going to tell them is jump back here they’re literally taking damage kby are you trying to kill our customers we

Only have like 40 customers left you killed half of them our stock is going down yeah it’s going down I got it we let’s hire some employees that always helps yeah yeah okay who’s good employee we need help we pay good $1 a day okay that’s not enough Skiby you got to pay

Them more than a dollar a day some employees right so we’ll get custom text we’ll put them in game mode one you’re hired you know what let’s do this they get painted in helmets one iron helmet a day wait that’s not much better I mean

An iron helmet could go for a lot you think about it well isn’t our currency in blocks yeah but iron helmets are like the iron helmets of our currency okay wait you know how like an ounce of gold everyone don’t oh my are you serious Boop get me they shouldn’t die of course

They’re going to die well I told them not to you can’t just say don’t die and then burn them all employee I have to go for my coffee break I need you to take over okay go I give him lava SK he’s game mode seriously you gave him game

Mode yeah what’s he going to do I don’t know I’m having my coffee uh he’s throwing the helmets on the ground oh wow he didn’t want your paycheck it’s a very valuable paycheck okay how me are worth a lot in our society are you giving free stuff or are you charging

Them huh I’m watching you tell him he needs to collect currency does he know he’s in game mode yes he knows you know what you’re fired he’s gone you can’t just Sky we needed that employ fir okay Skippy listen if we’re going to run this

Like a a real Walmart then we have to do things by the book okay now what does Walmart always do overcharge Walmart always has a greeter when you go in I don’t know if they’re a greeter or if they’re checking if you shoplifted no they have a greeter someone who says

Like hello so you want to be someone that says hello to everyone yeah I say when people come to the store tell them tell them hi okay hello this isn’t working they’re all too close keep telling them hi hello everyone welcome to Walmart keep telling them hi find

Your stuff and I hope I can help you if anything you need there we go all right here’s how this is going to go break is on Good Luck why are you turning don’t turn block break on they’re going to break our Walmart Sky that’s the goal

Here wait good luck are you going to have them mine the grass yes hey bad it worked oh my goodness Sky they’re breaking the grass okay well can you turn it off in 5 seconds why actually 10 why did you turn it on 8 7 goodness 6 5

4 actually not enough people died our shoplifter is escaping oh what the heck he’s breaking his way off turn it off turn it off SK me they got out of the jail uhoh uhoh oh my goodness we need to kill them uhoh oh this is a mistake

Don’t let him out I don’t know what to do a freaking out man just break the thingies what thingies the thingies so they die okay okay okay I think I did it I think I did it stop escaping get me we messed up dude we messed up yeah we did

Mess up they’re getting away H why can they still build I’m working on it okay okay everything’s all good oh they went to the other side they went to the other side they went to the other side can’t see their names I can’t see their names they’re still going I’m working on it

Our jails are escaping no no no it’s all good it’s all good we got them I don’t know if it’s all good dude it’s all good they cannot build again no we we messed up yeah you messed up no you yeah it was all fault it’s not my fault you know

What I need to take care of this there okay this should resolve this problem oh my goodness everyone needs to get to Stone everyone get to Diamond they have no choice but to get to Diamond oh my goodness okay this will solve all our problems yeah I’m going to kill all of

These memers who escaped you know this isn’t very organized maybe next time when you run your Walmart you should be more organized okay look who says this is my Walmart this is our Walmart we have equal responsibility okay okay there’s still people escaping Sky there’s still people not on diamond this

Kid has 5 Seconds just kill him fine send him to jail he’s gone he’s in jail okay did you find our shoplifter did you reill him I don’t know dude this is a mess get back to Grass okay they’re back they’re back they’re back to Grass this

Is fine this is good okay this is good yeah this is good I think everything’s working Sky we don’t have any Shoppers left yeah we don’t cuz you killed most of them no yes limited time no this is not how you run a Walmart we’re doing a

Good job oh my goodness this is a terrible job PVP on for 3 seconds 1 2 3 how did this kid just stand there are not move hey bad what are you doing I’m fixing our jail look here let me fix it here no you’re not allowed to fix it all

Right next time you make a jail you should try giving them room to breathe I don’t want to give them room to breathe because they belong in shayol hey have you checked out my changes to the jail what did you do you should come check it out gy what they’re all dying replace

Near 20 stone brick air there we go okay sky this is a bad jail okay fine okay let’s go back to our customers who are still alive and let’s give them a pathway this is it and let’s say shop everyone shop tell them to remain socially distant and social social dist

There we go or ban so here’s how this is going to work I will say a block get to the block Diamond 3 2 1 Boop perfect again we will do 30% Emerald Emerald oh my goodness we ooh we should have them find a particular item on the Shelf have

Them find the ink sacks everyone hold ink sack they’re right here come on guys open it and show them oh my God not showing them oh one guy found him guys 10 seconds find the ink sacks oh he’s giving it to people no he’s not allowed

To do that our Shoppers are helping each other I’m picking them up no bad potatoes stop it you know what just muffin them Sky okay get to Wood they have to make this jump that’s not that hard of a jump they should all be able

To make it watch them all fall yes I was wrong these guys are pretty good de to Grass Debby that’s an easy jump if any of them miss it I will be Bamboozled yeah yeah get to Wood okay you didn’t really make it that much harder I yes I

Did no you didn’t it’s like the same level no it’s the same oh that guy didn’t make it are you sure this is doable no then why would you put it here cuz I’m sure if you have enough confidence in yourself you can do it I don’t know go you idiot okay I’m

Pretty sure they can’t do that cuzz you broke the grass blocks gey oh you got to do that there we go well then let’s let that other kid back well I don’t know what his name was neither do I um actually wait I do remember his name no

Wait I don’t uh this is a really bad Walmart this is only a bad Walmart because of you you know what forget it whoever that guy was I apologize uh we love you and we hope everyone comments about you and this is not for a prize so

Like you know you’re chilling yeah so you’re good go wood hey why is there only two of them oh we have a winner you are now Walmart manager how do you feel let me opt them there we go I gave him his uniform my heart is pounding oh so

You’re excited to be a manager oh my goodness well that’s good congrats maybe they’ll be able to turn this Walmart into something good since you destroyed it it is something good I don’t want to hear it it’s not good this is the opposite of good you destroyed what was

A beautiful Walmart I don’t want to talk about it we have 100 Kids scattered around the map spiffy what’s the first idea how should we eliminate some oh my God I’m a little police boy I’m a little police boy I’m a PL boy Skippy I fix

Toilets are you ready to do this I’m pretty ready let’s do it all right you know what we should tell them to enter the Coke can as the first challenge I like that and then whoever fails is out yeah the last five people inside are out like ruthless elimination okay so what

They have to do is say everyone get on the hill and then once they’re on the hill what they have to do is like parkour you feel me and they have to go around you have to climb they have to go it’s so unnecessary they have to go

All the way around for no good reason this is so dumb I’m a little police boy and they have to go this way and make some ladders put some ladders right there for me all the way back around cuz this this isn’t pointless at all this is

So mean and then add some more ladders right there all right they’re coming up dude the worm of people is increasing all right fine we’ll give them a way to go okay now more and more people are coming okay once they get to the end it doesn’t end they have to keep

Going it literally neverend and then once they go here they have to go all the way back around why did you do this in dude good dude this is good and then you might want to add some more ladders right there dude the Coca-Cola is floating like this is literally liquid

Right it’s coming out the can and it’s floating above the can and it’s going out like this is all part of the liquid oh my gosh and then once they get here here’s where the fun part happens okay stop right here do not move all right so

What we’re going to do is we’re going to go like that and we’re going to start with some obsidian so oh that was your own fault oh he survived lucky guy fall damage is now on so they will die now I’m going to make this this void they have no way to come

Back are you serious okay go for it yo did I tell you to come did I say come go back go back oh that kid fell and he died they’re going to go a long way down in a second go a long long way down and there we go

Now my God before their life has come to an end pretty much all right add a little bit of Parkour jumps here and then this should be efficient you know what we should do we should have them enter the can through a straw parkour jump like a green STW or something okay

I got you I got you so from here to here they have to enter through right here this straw right there dude this straw is not even inside the C they have to go through this straw in order to get inside is that how you drink Coca-Cola like St goes outside the

Can OB obviously dude it makes sense nothing ever makes sense in these videos nothing ever adds off to make logical sense all right the STW works it could be like a curly straw you know those yeah those curly straws and then they enter through right here perfect okay go

For it don’t die oh my gosh they will rip if they die dude this is kind of a difficult first jump to make no one’s going it they’re going really really slow but if they make it this guy’s the first guy to make it all you have to hey

This person cheated no no no get out they cheated and then they have to go down here into the water go down the straw hey people are cheating get out look at this guy look look look wait oh my God no no no n oh dude they’re going

In they’re going in oh you made it easier dude we’re losing people so fast okay fine we have like 20 left fine all right they’re going they’re going 15 seconds to get into can now they’re rushing 5 4 3 2 1 oh he thought he was slick get him out

Get him out all right everyone in the Coke can dude oh my gosh look at this place okay there’s two different levels of Coke can there’s below the liquid and above the liquid oh we should do some challenges to get to the top all right welcome to the Coke can you know what

I’m going to say I’m going to drop a book and if they pick up the book they lose they’re out okay wait what in this book it is going to say Pepsi okay oh no if they pick up the book it is game over okay do not pick up this book is someone

Really going for it okay all right we’ll check back later someone get it oh oh they’re getting so close I’m going to go back oh you didn’t see it they’re trying to resist dude it’s a secret message read it come on it’ll be worth it no one’s doing it

To the shaking eyes look at this it’s like some kind of like dodgy things get away from all right I don’t think anyone’s going to pick up the book so what we’ll do is we’ll say if you pick up the book I’ll shout you out let’s see dude there’s like aom a let’s

See if anyone wants it deal ends in five four shout out to Anton bear he is a cool guy but now he is done you know what we should do I think it’s time to have him swim inside some Pepsi you know ooh okay that’s Water Swim okay now what

We should do is bring them to the top yes they they’re going to get the next level perfect so put some ladders right here and what they have to do is basically do the parkour thought we would be trapping I don’t want to think about that I don’t want to think about

That I don’t want to think about what we’re doing with the dream of every no stop stop when you go to S stop okay they going they’re going pretty quick this time go all the way just like that and then once they go to the top that’s

When they Master The Art of Getting to the top of a Coke can so let’s go ahead and make them do a block jump where they have to go something like that is that possible yeah and then once they do that they’ve done it we should have them swim up a

Water Sho inside no we’ll make another straw we’ll make another straw oh my gosh a wooden straw yeah they swim up the yellow straw and then they make it okay got you stop lag and then water that should all right swim up the straw get do second layer oh no we didn’t

Block it off oh no wait we didn’t uh-uh we got it they’re trying to escape no no no there is no I got it I got it boom all right let’s see who’s struggling to get up oh dude that one jump is hard though you got to go like Boop and then

They made it I don’t know when you give them a time liit they start panicking and they start like Miss jumping true it’s true 20 seconds I’m going to start breaking the parkour soon it has to be destroyed I think we might have to Lava them 10 seconds all right this is their

Final attempt this is all your final attempt I’m going to destroy the ladders right now ladders gone in 5 4 3 three 2 1 I’m going to let this green kid go and then it’s over oh never mind I guess never mind all right these people have one final chance think these people

Might have to be stuck down here forever the ones that haven’t made it yet give them a second and we we’ll stick them under water oh are we going to okay we’re going to drown no they went drown that’s mean GG or no GG or no GG or no

Ooh and block off the straw it’s gone and wait oh no dude I’m a I’m I’m a dumy I’m a dumbo I’m a dumbo no wow all right spiky since you want to mess up the coke event you figure out how to deal with this this is your mess you created it

You fixed it that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine okay we’re going to cut the can in half and they’re going to choose a side to stay inside okay God a side of the can to stand on one side is ripped one side survives we’re going to lose a

Lot of people on this one they’re all on this side why are they not coming to this side uh cut it in half cut it in half you know what yeah that’s a good thing to do okay oo two people just got cut off I I think they’re ripped that

Might be a ripped moment all right spiffy I think you have to get rid of a side now you know what sides do we choose well there’s an easy way of doing this all I want you to do is pick gold or iron and whichever side you pick is

Out so go ahead tell me one I am going to choose the most valuable or which is gold all right gold is out don’t tell me it’s the side with all the people it’s the side with the people go ahead and cut that off it’s going to get cut don’t

Tell them just do it they get my warning they are just gone dude they’re just gone they’re just gone dude wow I have an idea let’s replace near the water with lava right just like that perfect okay so what they have to do right is

Get everyone on the red line gets on the wall on the line all right we should block them on the line there’s no coming off this now exactly so now once we do that there’s no Escape perfect okay now that you’re on the line of Doom don’t

Die that’s easier said than D when they’re surrounded by a billion blocks of lava you see spiffy what we’re going to do is set it to Stone and say PVP on there we go there we go and it’s off okay replacing 50% Stone to air what the

Heck is this line and obsidian okay 3 2 1 boom oh wait the snow’s going to melt oh good down to the final four you know what they should do we’re going to have them do a parkour jump to escape the Cod forever all right now get across this

Jump boom boom boom boom escape the can forever going one made it oh one fell in lava that’s a hard jump that is a hard jump we have two survivors and make that three go back come to me they all made it again unless they are actually do it

The snow is going to melt I reckon I hope it does out of you three last one to jump is out oh oh oh oh oh one two goodbye goodbye he jumped as and he died all right spy get us a winner okay so what we’re going to do is we’re going to

Replace the lava to water I want to see if the first person that jumps in it is going to lose it’s a simple simple method but it works they think it’s a safe place to go but it’s going to turn back to Lava as they step inside so

That’s oh my gosh okay I have a sort of interesting idea go for it okay so what we do right is we put them in a one by one just like this and what we’re going to say is one of you will win one of you

Will lose since we happen to have water here we will place a boat first one in the boat wins this evil this is very evil here we go say on go I’ll cut it 3 2 1 go oh oh my God oh my God oh my God God they’re going they’re going they’re

Going they’re going push the boat a little bit push it around push it around no oh no oh winner I’m sorry rest in peace all right well this has been our our winner and we have trapped a 100 kids in a Coca-Cola can is destroyed all

Right get rid of it get rid of it well bad we’re in Earth right now scy I know we’re on Earth We’re on earth like we’re literally inside of Earth right now as I speak oh yeah in yeah in Minecraft in Minecraft I don’t know how this is Earth

There’s probably well a lot of water on Earth so let’s just do that but we are trapping 100 kids inside of the solar system hey did you remove the water yeah got stop it they don’t need it the Earth has water yeah on it not in it oh yeah

You’re probably right cuz there’s lava in the Earth how would people you’re right you’re right don’t do this don’t use logic against me before we get into today’s video make sure you subscribe right now just take a quick peek see if you’re subscribed if you’re not hit the

Bell subscribe and yeah uh let me show you the cool thing about this map bad TP to me okay all right so this is earth right look Venus is on the left and and Mars is on the right oo isn’t this cool yes it is wait is this to

Scale sort of maybe the moon oh my gosh look so this is the scale of the Moon wait I always thought the moon was further away this is bad come on did you think the moon was like as big as Earth or something isn’t it made out of cheese

Or something bro I’m not even going to okay I’m going to set the spawn point right here wouldn’t it be funny if we set the spawn on the sun ooh but is there a sun wait is there yeah if there’s a sun it’d be in this direction

I have found Venus you found Venus I see earth oh wow we were just at her this is mercury Mercury’s this way wait a minute bad bad bad this is a tiny sign no no no stop stop stop stop listen we’re going to make a normal people jail all right

It’s the space jail normal people jail a space space jail yeah okay who goes in the space jail people who die obviously okay but what do they do to get in this space jail they fall into space but it’s a space jail yeah and they fall who runs

It though the aliens yeah you’re the alien I am not an alien I’m going to set the spawn in here you’re an alien I’m a quack I am not an alien and let’s start okay everyone get out of here get out get out get out get out no you broke a

Hole in the earth I did yeah you did oh I guess I have that much power no the Earth isn’t Hollow ridiculous I’m so powerful no you’re not Skippy okay fine yay all right so bad do you want to go to Venus first do you want to go to the sun first

If you want to go to Mars wherever you want to go the world well I guess the solar system is whatever you want if you are not on top of Earth right now I will kill you you have 10 seconds do not fall off good luck Gamers going be look what

We have our first alien in jail someone fell already I think accident they’re adorable so I think we should today we are in a good mood so we will revive you but anyone else who dies look he’s so happy here I’ll Tepe him there we go just revive him all right Skippy

You asked me where I wanted to go first yeah where would I want to go to the Moon let’s take a trip to the moon let’s go the moon can I make the moon bigger yeah you can make it bigger I’m going to make it right here and I’m going to make

It really big all right well don’t make it bigger than Earth cuz that wouldn’t be realistic is any of this realistic oh I did the wrong command I made a flat moon what type of moon is this it’s a flat Moon I need to make it a sphere

Hold on sphere there you go that look better there we go I’ll I’ll take them to the moon so they actually have to parkour their way to the moon and if they oh wait that’s it yep that’s it okay get on moon you aliens bad do you think anyone’s going to fall apparently

Apparently I guess so uh-oh we lost some memur we’re losing a lot of memur more than I thought we would lose but that’s okay hey there’s still some people in Earth what the heck yeah some of them are chilling I don’t like that I’m going to kill them goodbye you know what I’m

Going to fill Earth full of lava oh wait that’s accurate the Earth is full of lava yeah we’re filling it with lava cuz there is lava on Earth exactly Skippy can I fill the whole earth with lava ooh okay oh Skippy it’s getting hot in here

You don’t want to be in the earth bad I have a question mhm if you could live in a really really really hot place or a really really really cold place which one would you choose H probably a really really really hot place all right let’s

Live in my house is your house really hot yeah why cuz pee to me pee Skippy this is my house get it I live on Earth get it no that is no that is ridiculous if you’re not on the moon in 5 seconds

By 5 4 3 2 1 zer all right let’s block all of this off now we have everyone on the moon now what hey Sky look I found the moon people congrats you guys are the first ones to step on the moon no that was bz

Aldren what who buz Aldren the first man on the moon I thought it was another guy no I think it was bz aldron who’s that let’s ask Siri I’m pretty sure hey Siri who is the first man on the moon oh never mind you’re right Neil Armstrong

Buzz Aldren was number two oh okay he bad okay okay oh really he was yeah yeah okay hey Siri for the rest of the video you can stay there for the rest of the video and I’m going to buzz Al I’m going to go toor it was right I’m

Going to go to Mar let me out follow me wait if we go to Mars that means we’ll be the first people to Mars gy are you sure it wasn’t Buzz Aldren okay look I mixed up Buzz Aldren and Neil Armstrong because I read an article about Buzz

Aldren the other day okay just fell that’s why you shouldn’t get eager he got a bit too eager all right bad add some Parkour starting right hey they’re already jumping around it add some Parkour what type of Parkour any dude we need to eliminate people we can only

Have one remember I’m adding some Parkour call your muffins all right all right oh wow they really don’t care okay this is a pretty hard jump sky are you sure you want to leave that no I didn’t I was just trying to block them off okay

Yeah we’ll add some more jumps and then Boop that should be easy enough get to Mars look at this there’s just a line of them isn’t this beautiful it is I love it do you think there’s ducks in space on other planets I bet you there is

Alien ducks can I be an alien duck what would an alien duck say instead of quack it’ be like qu qu no it’d be more like Quon Quon Quon yeah an an earth duck says quack alien ducks go Quon I don’t know dude I don’t know here I’m going to

Make it so that they have to get inside get inside of mar Mars right now inside so it’s like a riddle they have to figure out how to get inside Mars I mean that or they just step on the Bedrock well yeah but they have to figure it out

Takes a big brain well if one figures it out doesn’t everyone figure it out no because some people aren’t very smart all right well I’m going to kill everyone that isn’t inside Mars in 30 seconds wait wait wait Sky let’s call some space Ducks oh okay I know let me

Call them oh my gosh hello hey is this space duck why are you calling me on okay sorry I was just checking you alien that’s all I was doing I’m not an alien I’m not a space duck I’m a normal duck dude they better get inside right now hey bad this guy’s

Not obeying us who golden ninja get in or die well now it’s pretty hard for him the lava no no that was his own fault no revive him no he didn’t realize no wait scab why is he doing this here here let’s give him one more chance why are

We giving him so many what is with this fat okay no we’re not giving him another chance we’re going to the next planet oh look the asteroid belt what’s that oh my gosh the thing that’s around like Jupiter bad I was never good at math sky

Goes to Jupiter to get more stupider no okay first of all I’m not going to Second all heard yeah I’ve heard that in like what middle school bad yeah I I think we’re past that we found it oh my God it’s beautiful what in the muffin head yeah get in everyone this is

Huge oh my god dude this planet is humongous this is Jupiter Sky welcome to Jupiter where bad boy Halo gets stupider okay I knew you were going to say that no I do not get stupid is it that funny bad did you ever hear that one like in

Middle School I just said that I literally just said no you can’t take credit for my J welcome to Jupiter Skippy I got a great ideaa let’s have them go down to the center of Jupiter right and then we can have them do parkour to the top a that’s

Pain that’s pain but I like it no that would be pretty easy to build all right were you saying it’s going to be painful for them both both ways how tall do you want it uh you know like that tall oh that’s not tall enough Skippy no it’s

Good it’s good we’ll let them out once they get here oh there’s a chest here it’s a book and it says hello my aren’t you adventurers diving into the core of an unexplored Planet since you are here I wanted to tell you thank you for checking out this build oh you’re very

Welcome you’re very bad see the sign even thanks me why don’t you thank me all right I’ll start building the parkour I was just going to randomize it oh okay that’ll work there we go that’s the parkour oh all right then they have to be very careful if they fall it will

Be a very very pain full trip down Sky indeed all right let’s let them up get out get out get out of this stupid Planet hey bad I have a question yeah what’s the atomic number uh of what uh 14 I can look up what that would be if

That’s what would what would that be uh it is silicon all right bad are you ready to start this yes let’s do it all right perfect so we have 100 something kids above us and we’re about to let them down so why don’t you just cut the

Roof so they all fall what yeah remove the roof they all fall and then we’ll start Skippy yeah look up at them I’m looking they look like little ants don’t they got to do though and guess what they’re about to be in lava uh not yet

No not I mean not yet but at some point they will be so they’ll be there’ll be ants in lava so they’ll catch on fire so they’re going to be fire ants oh that was clever I didn’t see that one coming that was good thank you so you want me

To let him out uh yes please and then we have lava Rising in every 10 seconds so should we turn on PVP or no um ooh you know what not at first should we turn on later yeah let’s turn it on in a few minutes oh can I do the cutting can I

Let them out can I let them out can I let them out get ready everyone on your mark lava will rise every 10 seconds Last One Alive wins PVP equals off for now and yeah that’s it good luck ready bad yep let’s do it three two 1 and cut

Oh they all fell and we’ve begun dude you know the wheat you put down uhuh it’s all gone all right so pretty much all the mobs are like gone except for that sheep and cow all the wood has literally been yoinked has the lava already started going up uh yeah every

10 seconds dude actually I want to go take a look and see where the lava is so I’m going to mine all the way down just so I can get an idea of yep the lava is coming dude we’ll just set that to Stone so what’s the strategy here like how do

You even win this I think you need to be super super careful well yeah that’s a given but how do you win uh being super super careful that doesn’t all right getting blocks is definitely smart but getting iron is smarter right now look at this everyone’s just mining looking

For iron struggling as the lava goes up this is going to get really difficult dude it’s going to get really tense once the lava is super high up and everyone’s in their towers yeah but there is a y limit and this is the jail where we have

One Diamond man in the jail there is two now someone’s already towering up why so soon why happy Sky all right hey bad yeah PVP on in 5 minutes oh my goodness we’re going to do it in 5 minutes 5 minutes I feel like that’s a good enough

Amount of time oh skiy Gucci M3 and Tepe to me this guy is right next to Lava oh no it’s going to get him oh my goodness dude it’s oh oh oh it goes up every 10 seconds so he might just be out oh no he

Literally is toast dude why is he doing this be careful uh-oh he has 20 seconds okay there he goes hey bad guess what what one block is equivalent to 10 seconds oh my go yes I get it wait so that’s how many seconds turn to minutes

Turn to hours God bra turn to years no that’s not what that means we could mathematically calculate the amount of years that’ll take for it to reach the1 years less than that probably 00000000 two years bro we could calculate it in centuries 00000000000000 1 something yeah maybe it’d be like

000000 are having this conversation Sky it’s important to recognize the time constraints of the perpendicular of the bisector photosynthesis Bor heals are awesome heel po okay so Sky who do you think is going to win what do you think the best strategy for winning is going to be right now iron

Armor cuz we said we’re turning on PVP so 3 minutes till PVP so iron armor definitely the best Strat right now and then after that you get enough blocks to go up yeah look what I found oh it’s happyyy they went up super fast you know

What I’m going to give them a melon what I’m giving them a melon well if you’re going to give them a melon I want to give them a melon no you can’t give them a melon I already G okay if you’re giving them one I’m giving them two no

If you’re giving them two I’m give three no then I want to give them four then I’m giving them five I’m going to give them 10 then I’m giving them a I’m going to give their whole Tower full of melons okay I’m doing it all right fine let’s

Just go yeah no more melons no more melons bad the towers are occurring yes this is the Smart tactic Tower up literally as high as you can get have like maybe iron armor and just wait wait for the lava to destroy all your enemies did I just see someone fall noo 2

Minutes till PVP Sky look at the lava this guy doesn’t even realize how close the lava is to him and I don’t even think you’ll be able to see hear it because there’s lava right next to him oh he no he time he time time no it’s

Going to get to him no that’s at least like a minute and a half if anything this guy should be worrying oh no Skippy he’s going to die no he’ll be okay trust me he’s going to die trust me you know what let’s watch him die are you ready

He not going to die have faith no he is going to die have a little bit of faith I have no faith right now scabby he going to die it’s three blocks below him wait only three uhoh oh he saw it he saw it and did okay he smart is there anyone

Else really close I think everybody else is really oh somebody fell someone fell in the lava no from a high place I think more people have died from falling in a high place lava itself right ooh ooh we got a guy it’s getting close to him ooh

That is pretty close I want to see it roast him I just want to see one person one person just get roasted it’s so close to him look at this will he hear it and then like run uhoh dangerously close to him it’s right there it’s every

10 seconds what are you doing you don’t have time go get out of here run oh my gosh hurry up there he goes dad the lava is so high up how did that even happen I literally don’t know it’s going so fast was it always this fast yeah it was 10

Seconds per but 10 seconds isn’t you know that much time well here let’s go ahead and count it let’s watch it go up ready wait we know it’s 10 seconds One Mississippi we know it’s you can count all you want Mississippi I’m going to see the people in The Towers can I turn

On PV it did it it did it I know I know can I turn on PVP uh yeah let’s tell them now I’m going to turn on PVP good luck PVP allow it’s on oh Sky look I found a bunch of AFK people you did yeah

Are you ready to watch me kill a bunch no don’t kill them let the lava do it they’re standing here let the lava do it dude the lava’s so close right now really how close is it uh let’s say seven blocks from them oh I can see it’s

Starting to light up areas yep it’s happening dude you can see lava on the Overworld now oh my gosh lagy okay Skiby watch this ready yep and Boop what is this which one do you think’s going to get them first the lava From Below or

This one no mine will mine will oh my goodness that’s super laggy I know come on come on hurry dude I don’t know I don’t know which one’s going to get them who mine is going to get there yeah it’s going to be yours I must take measures

And stop it no don’t get me what are you doing no that’s cheating no you were cheating by spawning it in I want the world to do going oh no no no no please please I want the world yes what is this boop boop this is ridiculous I’m done I

Quit this is no it’s going it’s going it’s going yes are you kidding no to be fair the lava did get them like the lava Rising got them though oh my gosh look how many Towers we have oh my goodness bad T to me T to me right now

Wait where are you where T to me right now right now oh look they made a melon gang we made it we made these melons and then they took over wait pvp’s on right yeah PVP is literally on here how about this next person to get a Kill gets a

Diamond one Diamond they’re not fight each other the death for one Diamond someone’s going to want to kill here I saw a hit oh oh this is why you don’t stand in big groups wait so who got the kill after I said that it was uh JX NT

Thank you I will oh I think they died what they have nothing in their inventory yeah they’re gone but I I gave them the diamond still give it to solids he killed the guy this thing no I’m going to give it to who got the kill

Uhoh Sky we might have a duel about to continue oh what’s going on ooh iron armor huh uh oh bad come here oh no I see I see oh what his name is $1,000 event nah it says a $100 event no I’m saying that’s his name yeah 100 not a, I

Know but that’s his name no but you oh you’re right it is a $100 oh I like this skin hi you just like him cuz he has your face no maybe that’s literally why literally Sky you’re like oh a duck skin I like that one he didn’t have a duck

Sky skin I like that he didn’t have a duck skin oh oh F I saw that I saw that literally oh they survived genius oh wow uh bad I think I found something funny going on here what I don’t think this guy has enough blocks yeah this guy’s

Toast why is he not mining the blocks around him you know what I’m going to give him something a present oh is it a melon if you’re giving him one I want to give him one oh my goodness I’m giving him two I’m giveing him two if you give

Him two don’t give him anym don’t give him anymore he’ll Tower with a melon skop I saw that no you didn’t you want what if we give him a sapling uh just going to get a bone meal super quick you can’t no that’s influencing it it’s got

To be luck it is luck oh yeah luck oh wow that’s a lot of luck scappy Sky you can’t do that oh I’m making it a little bit more you’re breaking his heart there okay there oh look someone’s on top oh my god uhoh uhoh uhoh oh no he’s dud he

Three oh oh my gosh where are they coming from oh there’s five of them look over here GG this guy fell and died next one to get a kill gets a diamond all right well I guess that guy gets a diamond but I don’t think he tried to do that on

Purpose so there’s your diamond okay are we going to do a Revival on this one o we could let’s do it let’s pause the lava and do a Revival all right pausing lava revival time what are you thinking what’s the first thing that came to your

Mind right now go say the word um um uh uh waffle all right it’s a food okay oh I think I saw waffle let me check nope nobody said waffle yet it’s a breakfast food hey somebody’s at it Angel Wolfie revive Angel Wolfie but what do we give

Them like what should we give them here I’ll put them right here bad TP to me we’ll put them here I know what let’s give them like I’ll give them Iron Pants uh flint and steel crafting table glass panes lily pads white tulips red carpets slightly damaged anvils slime blocks

Flue panners bag head crack Stone monster egg brick iron bars yellow banners armor stands flower heads mines mine cards Anvil TNT oh wait I don’t know if I should have done that one okay um daylight sensor golden helmet okay bad B we should stop we should probably

Stop we gave them more than enough oh no oh my God after all of that no protect them I think people saw the stuff we gave her here I’m going to put him somewhere else all right good idea teleport her away no no no I’m trying to

Save her oh my God oh my God I don’t think that worked you took too long you took too long I took too long you took too long what were you even giving them you were the one giving her like they disconnected they logged out so bad I

Have a question yes so theoretically right let’s say that somehow some way the lava’s still rising and everyone’s just on their towers right who wins what happens it’s the last person to get roasty toasty so just by chat I mean maybe I don’t know I I guess but like

I’m just trying to I’m not a magician Sky okay I I didn’t say m okay I don’t know dude I’m just trying to figure out who would win okay how many memers do we have left I don’t know 40 maybe um let’s just do it where we’ll stop it again

Right before it gets to the top layer and have them PVP and then we’ll tell them in 5 minutes we’re going to re it up I like it I like it we’ll give him a chance all right Skippy this is it La going up keep placing water whatever the

Lava’s going to keep Rising it doesn’t matter geffy I just realized something the melons that we put in this Tower are above the height limit that they can go oh yeah we should totally remove it above the height limit and you know what I’ll give them some melons at the height

Limit to make them feel better yeah me too there cuz if you’re going to give them Melons I’m going to give them melons wow you just literally are copying everything I did no I just wanted to put my own lemons why are you building melons to this guy’s Tower

Theyel not lemons dude the lava was so close wait I I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea I’m going to get a command block right and giving everyone one TNT here we go you ready okay Sky if you do that we’re not going to have any

People left did I did it Sky you can’t give them TNT I give them all one all right let’s pause the lava here lava has been paused all right here’s how this is going to go the final lava raise will be in exactly 5 minutes if we don’t have a

Winner by then we will go by chat who dies last good luck go scabby this is going to get spicy we told them how it’s going to go ooh look they’re pouring water on the lava to they want they aren’t budging they don’t want to kill

Each other M they don’t want to kill each other yet o i saw TNT go up there oh oh you see in this they’ve got two people with full IR yeah I think we have a battle here guess what bad I’m throwing in $100 ooh whoever wins gets

$100 for fun1 yay gy oh my goodness look that muffin’s chasing the other muffin don’t fall in love kill each other come on a fight that guy’s gone these guys have their own little group of memers I like the people who are making obsidian paths that is smart it is pretty smart

Let’s say 3 minutes 30 seconds watch once we get to 1 minute there’s going to be a lot of PVP look under the ground TP to me Sky and look around is that crazy God yeah you’re in a world you can see through all the lava when you’re inside

A block oh did you hear that yeah I did what was that I don’t know there’s some TNT going off ooh they’re fighting up here let’s say 2 minutes 30 seconds cuz I gave them TNT remember how much TNT one each one each we should give more

TNT three more TNT per person ready give a a TNT three Boop 2 minutes come on do something with the TNT kill each other oh look at that boom did some damage could you imagine almost dying because of that that would suck okay one sec B I’m going to give

Everyone 20 TNT yay oh the battle the battles are going Skippy all right all right I’m coming 20 per person 30 seconds ooh 20 seconds bad 20 seconds 15 seconds do they just give up five four bad the lava’s going to go up yeah riperoni ooh open doors oh my God here

We go that’s it some people save themselves how did they save themselves they put water at just the right spot no way did that actually work how many people are still alive Sky there’s one more here there’s one more here okay so after

Doing that we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 is that right yeah this is pretty much lava is raised again all right raise it one more time wait if we raise it one more what will even happen like how will they do this five four I have no idea what’s

Going to happen but I want to find out and good luck huh o is that it oh oh is that it I don’t know is that it how many are we at that is it is that it and that is it bad $100 so as you can see here I have a 100

Blocks with a sign on each one of them and a player on each why are there two people here oh my gosh whatever welcome the first number who has to do something for me is let me just click generate number 22 so let me just go find number

22 which is right here you have to do parkour go up and this is the jump they have to do in order to survive and they survived now go back hey who are you what the heck get away from here all right go back what was that and they

Survived so number 22 survives and this right here is the player I guess I eliminated so 53 is gone did someone just fall okay I didn’t even have to do anything for that all right so the next number is is going to be number 42 so

I’m going to find 42 which is this sky right here jump to your left over there okay and jump back no okay all right GG 42 is gone all right I may as well click generate see what number gives me 27 so now I will find number 27 totally not

Fridge and I guess I’m just really making everyone do parkour I don’t know why so all you have to do is this jump and they’re dead Okay 27 is gone there’s not a spot here number five is dead oh I don’t even have to do anything they’re

Just going to keep falling Number Eight Is Dead all right the next number is wait for it wait for it wait for it generate 67 and 67 is right here there is duck all right number 67 come up number 67 is going to go against number

58 this person oh are you kidding me are you actually serious not 58 but instead 38 so come over this way get ready to fight loser dies good luck all right PVP is on and whoever survives which is going to be Charlie B get back to your

Number well done for the next round I will be getting 10 numbers and you will all FFA Last Man Standing continue use all right this is a good Arena the 10 numbers are 73 oh my gosh I’m going to have to like write this down okay I have

Notepad open 18 86 18 again no 90 78 31 68 97 88 and lastly 12 I’m going to take all these numbers teleport them up here and there’s no Escape 18 86 90 78 31 68 Sky Tesla and lastly 12 good luck hey I saw you and now you die cuz you’re

Trying to outsmart me goodbye all right Get Ready Get Set and the last player to be alive or die is winner go all right PVP is on so anything could happen here the last player here is going to be considered the winner so let’s see oh my

Gosh if you get knocked into lava I mean that’s GG but if you just I guess die from taking enough damage too that’s also GG why are all of them still alive what is this oh the first player is going to die looks like it’s going to be

Henry this is just pure chaos how are they all doing so well I kind of want Sky’s Tesla to win go Sky Tesla you can do it this has been going on for so long must I get a lava bucket and place more down because I will if I have to that

Should be good oh got one that’s two down I just got evil and just started placing them like right in the center oh my gosh oh it’s working go skies Tesla they might actually do it Go skep Tesla please don’t let me down oh The Magpie

777 is low will it matter will they survive how is this still going on Sky’s Tesla just got to kill no Sky’s Tesla’s on fire no sk’s going to die oh oh no no no no where did it all go wrong where did did it all go wrong all right the

Last player alive seems like oh they’re ganging up on him they’re ganging up on this guy oh my God it doesn’t matter will it work oh my go what how is this still going it’s like the longest Battle of all time I’m putting more lava down I

Don’t care this is taking too long ah yeah that’s one down and now it’s just a 1 V one and it’s pretty close I’m not going to lie but not anymore all right the ZZ wins right oh my God finally it said SK these Tes got the kill congrats

You surviv after all that what the heck was your number what what is wrong with this guy over there all right okay all right good job all of these no longer have a player and I can put lava on it there we go all right I’m going to try

And trick them I’m going to say first player to talk gets to do my parkour congrats you get to do my parkour all right so first you jump there then you jump there then you jump there and then you go there and then you do this then you go

Over here then you do that and then if you can do all of that successfully you have to jump there there there and then do a double jump yeah what now do it they’re lining it up all right come on they’re jumping and they did it all

Right fine fair play you survive okay the next number is generate 49 and we have someone at 49 49 you’re going to PVP against the number come in the Box against number 46 which is you so good luck I’m going let them out and they’re

Off so who is going to die first is it even going to be a close fight is it going to be close at all oh oh my gosh oh my gosh ah I don’t know if it’s going to be close oh I kidding this is over this is so over unless something wrong

I’m never wrong 46 survives good job all right this one’s going to be good I’m going to I’m going to give a golden apple to number 84 we still have 84 and you win a Golden Apple there you go all right so I’m going to get three numbers

55 24 and 1 you’re all getting chest plate oh no 24 is dead and 55 there you go oh oops there there you go okay I’m sorry for doing this but I did a lot of good ones for instant elimination Google number generator says number this is

Horrible number 21 I just have to straight up kill 100 kids for no reason you don’t deserve this I’m sorry and uh yeah goodbye well that was unlucky all right so the next number is 90 and they’re dead so instead we’re going to go to 27 guess what they’re dead it gave

Me 20 and where is 20 right over here I didn’t even have to do anything what the heck the next number is 86 which is also dead all right it just gave me 61 and 61 is right here all right 61 here’s what you got to do oh they just huh what is

Happening all right 61’s gone next number is 23 hello C PE child okay you have to jump to 22 go on oh okay goodbye all right the next number is getting a Diamond chest plate and diamond boots and it’s going to be the number 29 pretty sure they’re still here yeah it’s

You you get fre diamond stuff for no reason there you go all right the next number is instant elimination this one’s kind of scary all right it’s going to be 60 oh no oh my God goodbye I didn’t even have to do it the next 10 people will do

A challenge so let’s see what numbers I get can I make it true use more than one number at a time is there a thing for this roll a dice what this exists what the heck yo what the heck there’s wheels and stuff to this all right whatever 41

47 59 88 84 11 27 75 and 89 all right so we’re starting with you and then moving to 47 most of them are still here which is good so I hear them dying 85 is with us and then last but not least 8 n all

Right so I have my players here here is what’s going to happen they’re going to have to parkour all the way to right here and the first player to touch gold block that is alive everyone get up here all right just in case they try anything

I put lava over there no no no no you idiots oh my God je he’s Pro go oh my gosh oh now you’re here bro go up okay first player to get here survives get ready on your mark get set and go all right let’s see who the first player oh

My gosh that guy just died to touch the gold it is going to be CR ZZ again so I’m just going to kill all of you and then bring you back well done again hey wait a second what the heck no no no no

No no get out of here all right get back who your number wherever it was all right perfect the next number is 78 they’re dead we got 55 versus 7 17 please be live yes and 17 is here as well get ready to fight wait you have a

Golden chest plate get set go all right so balls 911 should win cuz of the chest plate is what I’m thinking all right while they do their thing I’m going to fill in the spots of players who are no longer with us I have no idea who’s

Winning are they even going they’re not even going I’ll spam lava I’ll make you guys fight wow lot of empty spots someone dead yet oh balls win welcome back the next player who has to do impossible parkour is number 35 hello all right so what you have to do is make

This jump and go back okay all right this is too easy oh there we go and rip all right so the next number is number 71 here they are 71 you have to jump for the rest of the event there you go if you stop you die

The number after is 88 hello 88 you have to shift for the rest of the event otherwise you die all right assuming I can get a number 39 where someone is actually still alive hello smart Sky I’m going to make you do something horrible what you

Have to do is basically do this get to gold there’s no way they do it there’s literally no way yeah okay GG until until someone does this this is what you will have to do from now on whatever number Google tells me if they are dead

I am going to the next closest person because this is annoying all right 24 they’re dead next closest person is you all right XM get to gold what go back how are they just walking what they’re going a lot slower now what all right all right whatever the next number is 56

Oh 56 is still alive well guess what I’m changing it are you even here you’re not even here I’m going to kill you bro what the heck goodbye all right the next five numbers are going to be 32 26 26 again no 18 15 and 55 so 32 is you 26 is you

And you are alive 18 which is Sky works out 15 hello and 55 balls again pvp’s turning on the golden chest plate guy has to win and it’s on all right let’s see how this turns out oh my gosh there’s like no Space Balls is doing the ultimate strategy by just camping in

There it might be a bit late for the others now dude he literally is doing nothing are you serious why are the others just letting him do that easy win for balls that’s the end right unless is it over H it’s pretty much about to be oh

My gosh oh my gosh unless ball somehow messes this up so badly there’s no way there’s no way okay all right there you go good job 55 survives welcome back the next number is going to get diamond leggings and a helmet who’s going to get lucky it’s 21 and the closest next

Number is you there you go enjoy my gosh there’s so many spots for me to fill in I feel like a lot of these players are just lucky they haven’t been called yet okay number 43 which is you you’re still alive 43 I have a bunch of stuff stuff

For you first jump to 44 see if they can do it oh okay all right 543 all right next we’ve got 83 83 alive they are alive okay 83 I have a bunch of stuffs for you yes go 82 on okay a they’re dead

All right next we have 80 I have a bunch of stuff for you where is 80 all right 79 jump to 69 oh my gosh all right we have 98 which I’m pretty sure is just 100 so 100 can’t jump to any of these oh all right well

What if I just did that then what I haven’t said a word let’s see if they can oh my God okay jump back and you can survive oh a 100 is dead GG all right I’m getting 10 numbers and they’re going to be 17 which

Is 16 37 you’re still alive 71 hello 77 which is you 24 which is you 58 which is you 32 which is Homer 30 is dead but we have you oh you have diamond armor yo you got this and last but not least 14 oh 14 here it’s going be parkour okay so

I’m going to spam mobs last player here survives get ready and I’m just going to start I’ll put zombies there oh oops didn’t mean to do that put zombies right there yo oh my gosh and this should start doing some real good damage bro oh my goodness dude what is happening who’s

Even still alive do you have diamond armor oh no no no no two players left here get on there get on there get on there you can do it well I guess we’ll find out what happens next time to put more zombies down hey what are you doing

Bro what is wrong with you Jey parkour stay there just cuz you like parkour doesn’t mean you can do parkour putting zombies down someone has to die oh my God and it is going to be somehow Sky parkour actually made that work number 14 is just op I guess all right the next

Player insta elimination and it’s going to be number four and who is four four is two means I have to kill you for no reason I’m sorry you deserve that all right the next number is 13 wait is it Sky parkour again oh my gosh you just

Won all right you know what you know what you know what make it to 13 and back and you live okay all right they did that so easily all right next we got 45 Hello Steepy lost dad go to 44 then go to 46 then back to 45 oh okay never

Mind next two numbers are going to fight and it’s going to be five versus 46 so number five we have sub to Bad Boy Halo and then 46 we have Jeff the dog so I’m going to give them both wooden swords there you are get ready go and the

Winner is going to be is it going to be S to Bad Boy oh it’s not going to be S to Bad Boy Halo all right I’m going to check back up on my bouncy guy okay still shifting so the next number is number four which would be either seven

Or one so I’m going to make one go against seven you have a golden chest plate you have nothing both can have wooden swords Get Ready Get Set set go all right let’s see and it looks like the golden chest plate dude was always going to win for number one all right

Welcome back all right next number is 94 I think we still have 94 yo go to 95 go back 94 they’re dead next numero 50 hello 50 go to 40 can do it oh go back no way go again back and then if you can do that

I’ll just make you do this should be easy easy for them and go back all right okay you deserve that all right so I’ve just set up this glass Arena the next 10 players are going to spliff against each other on there and the numbers are 64

Which has two players what I don’t know why I forgot about that 22 has no one so that’s you 53 hello what the heck do you think you’re smart goodbye and finally 76 which means it’d be you so I believe we got everyone so

PVP and build is going to turn on go all right so PVP is on build is on oh my gosh a player has already fell there goes one okay whoever is The Last One Alive wins should I have made it TNT replacing glass to TNT okay here we go

Oh my gosh yeah this should be a lot quicker now bro what the heck oh get B Le Goodbye Oh another one’s gone these two are teaming look at this all right PVP is off right now I got them all here and I’m turning it into TNT here we go

All right this is it this is it this is it oh my gosh the last player alive is going to be wait for it wait for it it’s going to be come on someone has to fall someone has to fall any time now yes it’s Quinton congratulations I don’t

Know how you somehow managed to survive that and now the amount of players we have left are extremely low all right the next number is 64 which would be 63 and 65 I’m going to make them both jump to 64 Okay Okay jump back wow all right now what of you got

To die all right we’re going to put Blaze here and got here and they’re going to verse each other at splee go all right so I’m going to fill it in a couple times to for them to get used to it but now I’m going to stop all right

Let’s see who wins come on it’s only a matter of time someone’s got to get out here and it’s going to be blaz Sky all right the next number is two and if we go to two look how far we have to go till we get to seven seven jump to eight

Okay no all right so the next one is instant elimination this is just tough number 28 which if we go to 28 and then work our way here we find 2 2 and 36 so 22 wait no well I have no choice oh my God no

Dude you have to die you have to die you have bad luck you have to die all right they God so this is what’s left the next number is 53 which is going to be you fluffy jump it hello jump it all right go there go

Back okay again bro they’re too good at it do that no this if you can do it you live o okay all right all right the next seven will FFA all right so the number 70 so if your number is above it you PVP you got super lucky pretty sure that’s

Everyone we need two more and it’s going to be number 53 who is dead who’s going to be balls and pancake get ready go all right PVP is on so now I put lava around so no one escapes and the last player alive here Will Survive all right

Perfect it’s only a matter of time now as long as the Border keeps increasing in length pancake is dead and oh my gosh the border is literally tiny okay yeah this is it this is so it I don’t even know it’s going to be it’s going to be

This person again why are they not fighting one lives oh my gosh oh oh the Betrayal who’s going to going to be who’s it going to be it’s going to be Bud good job our next number is 74 and our two closest are going to be you and

You all right get Ready set go all right and they’re off come on come on oh no that’s so rip that is so rip dark is going to win dark is going to win and dark is won all right I’m going to eliminate 50% of you now you can move

Blocks if you want the way I’m going to do it is it’s going to generate a number if it rolls 1 to 5050 they all die if 51 to 100 those all die how are you even on that okay oh what the heck all right the number is see all the anticipation is

Going to be number 37 which means anyone under 50 is going to die I’m sorry oh my God you thought you were clever now I have to kill all of you which means only four players survive and the next number is 68 is you again versus 33 all right

So we’re going to have dark there and we’re going to put sky here and we’re going to say three 2 1 go and whoever wins this fight will continue in the event no way Sky parkour is going to win though I feel like this dark guy is too

Good I always see him and he always does good but maybe I’m wrong I mean I want Sky parkour to win but they’re just they’re going to die right now so our next number is going to be 95 which is you again jump here jump back bro I’m

Making you do something else as well make jump and go back oh no way that’s how they get out wow these guys are so lucky they haven’t even had to do anything the next number is 47 which is you and I’m going to make you jump to 56 and if you

Can’t oh my God Redemption wins are you even here it’s the winner AFK okay okay GG you win did you even have to do anything what the heck so today we have a 100 kids and we’re going to go ahead and make a Bedrock box just like so is this big

Enough guys yeah over here I don’t yeah that’s not bad okay I mean in the box now I guess we’ll let them out now absolutely perfect oh my God how are they dying they’re exploding everywhere oh they’re dying CU of hunger oh my god dude this is awful okay

Give a a Stak 100 and enjoy oh my God so what we’re going to do is literally make the walls super high so that they don’t get out and boom what are we doing okay so basically we’re going to give everyone a stack of dirt right they can do whatever they

Want they can mine with it they can build with it and then after 5 minutes we’re going to turn on PVP and basically the last person in the Box wins oh no okay does anyone win $1,000 uh we can give them here let’s give them the winner gets $1 that’s an amazing prize

That is a pretty good prize honestly right free money dude all right so let’s give everyone a stack of dirt enjoy your dirt and we’ll turn on build so now they can build you can do whatever you want with your dirt going up oh look some people are being smart

They’re getting more dirt they’re investing their dirt to get more dirt dude why are they all trying to escape oh no they they don’t get to escape we need to make it even taller so what happens is the last player alive wins it’s not whoever escapes so no point

Escaping and even taller boom Oh my God oh my dud look so small literally yeah the first item anyone says is the item I will give everyone so let’s see what people say and stick stick they screwed themselves over why would they do Lally dude okay give at a

Stick one the most pointless item of all time what do you guys think should we uh plant some trees yeah you know let the trees grow maybe oh my God the first death you know what that reminds me we need to make a jail so if people die

They’re out if you die starting now you’re out make it the smallest jail possible I was going to make it pretty big oh okay be I guess be nice we be nice yeah okay yeah so I made the jail so if they die starting now they get

Teleported right in here oh no okay wait one person’s died maybe no no no we’ll give them a chance we’ll give them a chance and what is the next item you guys want and unmute the chat it’s going to be diamond block okay diamond block it is they can’t craft anything though

Without a crafting table well they could get trees if we plant some right boom boom boom everyone has a diamond block now enjoy all right so I’m going to plant some trees some nice trees for their diamond blocks you know if they want to use it okay verb I have a job

For you what’s the job set a timer for 5 minutes starting right now PVP will be on in 5 minutes oh no oh someone’s almost escaped oh my gosh wait why do they want to escape I don’t understand you don’t gain anything from this oh my

God we need to make this even taller even taller dude boom boom boom it’s been done wait what the heck what just happened he’s always out he quick quick he’s he’s like free I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it boom did we get

It f oh my God here we’ll just set glass at the top there now there’s no Escape ever not if it’s bedrock look at this just go all the way wow someone placed their diamond block look what a waste someone placed it SKS aren’t the smartest what item you guys want now

Let’s see what they say sword what type of sword um diamond oh my gosh D oh bro they’re learning boom diamond sword acquired oh dude look at this this guy made Diamond pants pretty smart here um why don’t we spawn some Stone right here so they can get you know Stone materials

And then once they do that we’re going to get some iron right next to you feel me yeah that’s smart we have like a stack of furnaces as well oh my God we could they’ll steal each other’s stuff oh I’m adding the zombies wait you’re

Adding mobs yeah oh my God I mean they have swords right yeah they they have swords we’ll give everyone a golden apple there you go everyone enjoy that Apple oh my God what what is happening they’re going to die they’re going to die bro the iron’s being taken so fast

Oh yeah it’s literally they’re they want to make iron armor here replace near 10 air 1% and iron ore boom Oh my God should I do it again with diamonds do it do it do it diamond ore here I’ll add it all the way to the top boop boop boop

You want this you want this stuff oh this looks so weird it looks kind of nice in a way like the honestly yeah what item you guys want let’s see they want wood okay fine we’ll give them 15 15 is enough oop that’s good oh dude

This kid’s going to get full diamond you just know it you should flood the bottom of the box like I water I put lava at bottom beware just add some lava here and there and everywhere there we go wait someone’s boxed themselves in I mean that’s pretty smart not going to lie

There’s someone hiding like someone just hiding down there oh he’s got he’s like boxing stuff he’s got a little oh that’s smart dude wait look at their skin look at his skin he’s protecting himself replacing all dirt with a oh no beware 10 seconds B surely it’s

Been 5 minutes right I think it’s been 6 minutes I what the heck 5 4 3 2 1 and Boop oh oh one person oh a few people wow it looks it kind of looks nice down oh my God TP oh man oh my okay we’re oh this kid’s dead this kid dead

He’s so dead he’s not going to make it he’s not going to make it oh he’s gone he’s gone oh what a gun PVP on in 30 seconds 5 4 3 2 1 boom go o PVP is on pvp’s on what’s going on oh my God they could literally PVP right now

What item you guys want now let’s see what they say boom boom boom and potato we’ll give them 100 potatoes there you go enjoy all right I think it’s time we replace all the dirt with air again we should say Max teams of three so these guys start just like swinging at each

Other oh you think so okay you implement the rule I’ll replace all dirt with air 3 2 1 and it’s been done all the surviv hey they they aren’t listening we need you to do it yo bro Max teams of three get away from each other you’re separating your family this is

So friendships have just being ruined dude I feel bad for the people in the jail they’re just doing nothing yeah we you set them free no no don’t set them free don’t set them free no no okay wait let’s play Monopoly we give them

One jail free card come on guys I B what the heck I didn’t mean what are you doing okay listen I got this i got this oh my God what the heck are you doing what was the point of that look it’s because we had one jail preon there’s a

Dollar on the line here all right boys it’s time to start some War are you ready oh no are you ready it is time no all right let’s try again but with with this kid ready all the way oh he’s he’s angry he’s theing dude no there’s no going back there’s no going

Back he’s like a bed’s Bridge oh this could be it this could be it this could be it oo there’s another kid as well what’s go dude he’s done he’s done and rip he survived I have a really terrible idea let’s give everyone one ender pearl give a a ender pearl one and

It’s been done done let’s see what happens now use your Pearl wisely wait yo yo wait wait they had five kids in this box wait what I just saw two kids run out of wait what what is going on you know what I’m replacing all dirt and

Wood to air replace near 100 dirt wood air all right let’s strain all the lava let’s see what’s going on replacing all iron and diamonds to air it’s all gone it’s all gone oo I am setting this entire side to obsidian if you’re on the obsidian side you will die get to the

Bedrock side hurry even if you’re in the sky oh dude this is it this is it this is it 5 4 3 2 1 are you ready Boop oh God I don’t know a good amount died do you see this what hey this a team of

Four team of four not allowed I sping to make them not they kill the oh my God he’s so dead died all right we’re going to do the same thing we’re going to set this entire bottom area from here to there set obsidian get off the obsidian side I

Feel like we should give them some upgrades yeah give them like um maybe some potions what item you guys want let’s see what they say uh diamonds give at a diamond we’ll give them 61 diamonds screw it dude they can have it all right

I think they’re all off the side 5 4 3 2 1 get off Obby it’s been done time to make it even smaller we need to give an incentive to PVP though a lot of these guys are just vibing true starting now anytime you get a kill you get really good stuff

Go oh oh my God someone they’re all falling though dude yeah oh there we go first kill first kill X ni oh Catherine got the kill what do we give her what do we give her uh give them a knock stick okay there you go get off obsidian side

And set obsidian anyone get a kill any get a kill wait there’s a kid in the obsidian what the heck is he good I don’t know he’s suffocating he just oh my God uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh oh God it’s going to be a close one it’s going to be really

Close I think the Steve’s got this oh the Steve has got it you get one ender pearl okay we’re going to have to make the Box even smaller get off Obby this guy’s on the obsidian bro Last Chance move come on bro get off three two one

Yeah he did it all right we need to get the people people at the top to the bottom filling bottom with lava oh someone got a kill someone got a kill for your kill you will get a lava bucket and one spawn Blaze actually two there

You go all right the bottom is lava up replacing all dirt in 10 SEC with air oh dude this is it replace near 200 dirt air and again and is anyone Fallen no what the heck bro they’re breaking our obsidian dropping lava from sky set lava

All right this will fall all the way down give it time give it time boys there is lava just falling from the sky replacing all obsidian with bedrock boom boom boom and it’s been done now they have nowhere to go all right it’s time to cause some Mayhem I have a very uh

You know terrible idea all we’re going to do is give at a snowball 500 oh my God boom enjoy let’s see what happens now I don’t think the people at the bottom have seeing the Thousand blocks of lava coming down from the sky oh it’s coming it’s coming oh they’re making a

Roof a you don’t get a roof buddy boy you don’t get it look there’s one kid over here just chilling wait the lava will I don’t think it’ll get him no it won’t hit him I mean oh no no no no no no oh no he’s

Going to be stuck there forever wait the wood’s going to burn oh yeah you just screwed yourself over I’ll give him a chance at survival you feel me there you go oh there’s about to be a fight he’s doing the TR sign oh oh oh oh oh Pearl SP

No I see a name wait TP do you see a name through here there a GU there someone’s name what the heck yeah let’s go let’s go find this kid what the heck there’s no way they’re alive Inside the Box oh dude there’s no way dude he’s coming back he’s the only kid

With no armor okay since we need to shorten this what we’re going to do is PVP will be off for 60 seconds okay all the lava’s gone get to the bottom right now if you’re not on Obi I SL kill you 60 seconds there’s more people inside

Leave them leave them bro leave them in here no all right so we’re going to make the roof extremely small and 30 SEC grace period Then PVP is on Good Luck let’s give everyone some some stuff boom 10 insta pots for everyone and PVP on oh no

No no no no no no no clearing all blocks oh oh I gave everyone a sharp five diamond sword no that’s going to end so yeah have fun sharp five dude no one’s fighting fine I have a better idea anyway build deny go like that luck now

It’s starting now it’s starting yeah now they have no choice but to fight yeah build is kind of off dude wait no one’s even fighting what everyone’s like friend it’s like fight you idiots fight you ditto just stop sleeping the floor it’ll make it harder no one’s fighting dude oh

Wait I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea are you guys ready we will set the roof like that high and then we’ll set the ground to TNT 3 2 1 good luck set TNT here we go now it’s

Over it has to be over now right how is it still not done start spling the blocks that are on start spling the blocks that are on it’s time oh you just killed that kid we’re going to set the roof even one more higher set Bedrock oh this Suffocation

Oh bro you got to get down dying now oh my God just fight anything from here is going to be cut boom okay come on they’re placing blocks again break the blocks break the BL break the blocks break it all this has to be it right

This has to be it the $1 the $1 dud they want it set 90% TNT 10% Air Boom Boom Boom all right we’re going to cut this whole section just like so ooh now now what oh okay now what oh final three final three 2 one I want this person to

Clutch it oh oh oh oh oh One V one go they going to betray their friendship dude what the heck just happened all right then well we have a winner you won yourself $1 all right bad are you ready to start yes I am all right let’s do

This hey hi what did you do to your skin Oh I I’m just protecting myself protecting yourself from what it’s bad out there bad I just I recommend you should wash your hands let’s just start all right so what you don’t need a hazmat suit all right so let’s do this

Under us we have a 100 Kids yes and they’re not move oh yeah I told them not to move Oh I thought it was lagging everyone move around would you like to explain the rules to them briefly yes I will explain the rules wait to you or to

Them well I know how to play and I’ve already explained it yeah I’m hosting it well then who am I explaining it to the 100 Kids yeah didn’t they know well I mean we never said anything oh my goodness fine it’s literally you can explain it in two words Dodge anvils

Okay here are the rules Dodge anvils as they spawn don’t die if you die you’re out all right I’m going to set the first wave of anvils right now ready is everyone ready uh yeah okay sure yay I’m going to start off with 1% Anvil and say

3 2 1 easy round go and then boom all right so if anyone gets hit by the Anvil oh they die and get squished no one di well we need to set it to 2% anvils oh has anyone died this is easy no no one’s

Dying well I’m going to set it to that per anvils now someone’s going to die right oh no this is easy peasy oh no one died all right fine okay I see 2% anvils wait you can’t just keep ramping it up I can we need people to die so that’s 2%

That 2 % this is so easy how was no one die I would have thought someone to die by now what how about I do it you no no no no no no no no tell me now if someone dies someone’s going to die I will yes

See that three people three are out what did you do G we killed three people oh my goodness you did too much that was not too much what you guys think was that easy or hard let’s see what they say oh easy what hard dude easy EAS dude

So easy literally easy okay Captain Fisher this round is for you 5% we’re upping it up 5% isn’t even that much right and 5% oh my good that’s not that much you just literally stand anywhere to avoid oh two people died how did they die literally it’s not hard at all all

Right 10% round all right hereby you’re literally going to kill everyone no no one’s going to die I bet you no one’s going to die o that’s a good amount you know that’s a a good amount no one died nobody died how did people die in 5% but

Not in this cuz I spammed it oh someone died we got one rip rip I’m going to spam some 1% ready this is easy watch I bet you’re cheating I bet you’re in game mode right now I am not in game mode all right three 2 1 I’m going to play this

Round bo bo boop boop Bo Boop I spammed some 1% easy easy oh someone died some more spam 1% there we go oh man dude it’s so funny oh two people died cuz when I spam it it blinks oh yeah it’s literally Sky if you come down here it looks crazy it’s

Easy oh my goodness easy okay yeah this is still easy wait did you die no I’m good wait are you playing sort of yes sort of no I’m just sort of seeing when I die cuz I won’t if I make it really far then I’ll play okay say a number one

To 1,000 see what people say 14 was the force number 14 [Applause] 14% Anvil here we go boom boom boom o that’s a lot for 14% you know oh that jail is filling up and it’s not even that big of a jail it’s itty bitty

Chil it really is bad what bad what say yes in chat what tell me a number from 101 to 200 what um 101 101% Anvil good luck everyone fine we’ll just do one % there done bad tell me a number 1 to 100

Oh my God * 14 = 14 equal 14% Anvil good luck everyone I’m trying to go easy on them oh someone died tell me a number one to 100 let’s unmute the chat we got three 3% is the new default 1% oh my goodness yes we going up are you trying

To kill everybody in this game I mean precisely it’s for $11,000 so I might as well oh is a lot of money all right so that’s three that didn’t get anyone let’s spam it a bit the walls are actually pretty safe o this is kind of interesting and yeah I’m going to go

Against the wall someone died I’m literally going to sit right here and it’s the easiest thing ever cuz if an anvil Falls which it won’t I just avoid it oh my God this is easy look how many people wait did you just die bad boy Halo was squished by an anvil well it

Was lagging no bad boy Halo died F respect oh my God bad I am sad how did you manage to do that I didn’t see them I was looking at the wall he won’t win prize but let’s revive him I can be revived yes but you won’t win prize

Thank you you’re welcome do you me me in I’m in the jail I’m surprised dude you were saying it was easy 3% it was easy but then I got stuck I got distracted it’s not my fault all right well bad since you can’t win prize tell me a

Number all right uh 55% oh my God no don’t actually do that I’m going to do it I’m to do ity I was literally Jing you will L everyone was saying it was easy right no I was kidding SC SC me how about 20% 20% okay 55 minus 20 35 35%

Good luck this is actually going to be the biggest round we’ve done yet you are literally going to kill so many people I don’t care good luck It 2 1 oh my God I’m in the corner I’m fine only five died but that’s still a

Lot I’m going to look at the jail ooh it’s filling up you know it’s filling up I feel bad we need another jail sky here I’ll give them more space there you go it’s not more space it’s the same space no watch watch watch watch watch watch

The jail people will give them a second floor you feel me oh a second floor hey you’re cutting in my wall I it’s fine trust me I had this designed I’m sorry there we go and if they want to go up a little a little staircase no no no not a

Staircase they can do some Parkour if they’re good good they can make it they have to do a four you’re seriously going to make them do a four block jump block jump yes 1 2 3 4 Boop there seriously yes that’s how they get to the second

Floor say number bad um let’s do 5555 5555 uh okay 5% five Bates 5% yeah spamming 5% four times yes all right let’s do this bring it down 5% and Bill four times okay I’m going to go to the corner ready so many are going to die

Scabby one two three four I’m chilling dude this is easy easy stuff anyone die and again till someone dies one 2 three oh oh God I have to move I have to move I have to move oh I didn’t do the fourth time I’m so bad I’m going to do it again

I’m going to do it again screw it screw it screw it did anyone die Gabby you’re doing too many ah someone died ooh scabby I got a great idea for how we can make it harder how do we make it harder okay okay come up here okay so I did

Multiple layers so select this corner oh my God you’re crazy opposite one low four so it’ll be closer all right let’s do it hard round they will fall closer 1% to test there we go okay Clos closer all right spamming some 1% oh my god oh someone died look at all

These people hey should we do a head count let’s see how many people are here all right okay so we have there’s 66 people still alive yeah 66 remain all right we’re going to go all the way back up this is a very hard round

41% you ready 41% Anvil 59% air 3 2 1 go oh my God that is so much only three people died we only lost three again oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I almost died dude everyone’s really good yeah they’re getting really good

All right spamming some 10% you ready yes I am ready 3 2 1 and 10% % 10% 10% 10% 10% oh my God I’m so dead I’m so dead I’m so dead I’m so dead oh that was close that was really close say number uhhuh 23 bad say number one to five four

Okay we’re going to do it four times that is a lot don’t do it fast 1 2 three 4 oh I’m so lucky I oh my God that just memes so many people there’s only 47 people left sky 47 remain another killer around o That’s oopsy you just killed one quarter of the

People remaining good everyone go middle no anvils falling all right there we go so we now have a small Arena meaning 5% less anvils so less lag and 23% oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God 32% should we do

A 50% like this one yes definitely oh my goodness oh oh o o are you nailed it no one died again till someone Di and again oh we got someone Skippy we got someone 50% round good luck that’s a lot Skippy dude this is going to be a

Lot this is our biggest yet wait before you do it yeah let’s each predict the number of people will die uh 12 M six 3 2 1 oh I’m safe I’m safe I am totally safe oh oh wow we only lost two again oh

Oh I’m dead I’m so dead oh no oh no oh no oh o all right bad are you ready to eliminate some more people yes I am ready all right good luck anyone say a number all right the number we got was 13 3 2 1 boom boom boom Oh my God easy

No that kind of scared me a little bit nobody died Skiby I just got a great idea what’s your idea I’m going to go around and I’m going to jump in front of people who are playing to their that’s so terrible I’m going to play some

Anvils right now I’m going to spam it a whole bunch oh oh my God stop go away I let you have a revive go away I’m blocking people you know what bad okay I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry exactly until two people are out I spam boop

Boop boop boop boop oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God that was kind of scary not going to lie one person die you died again I couldn’t see that’s what you get oh isn’t that ironic 50% round bunch of people are about to

Get out here here we go ooh no no no no no no no no no no no no no 2 times 50% 1 2 oh my goodness oh okay okay okay okay three times 50% are you ready 1 2 3 oh wait that’s not 50% is it it might be

Okay so that was 133% let’s do 50 good luck Boop oh my God that is so I’m so dead I’m so dead I’m so dead 1 2 3 there now literally there’s only 17 people left let’s go bad I survived all the way through dude if I win if I win that

Means I don’t have to give anyone $1,000 right I mean yeah I guess all right bad set it to whatever you want as many anvils I’m going to win regardless okay are you ready I am ready you start telling them what the percentage is and what you’re doing okay here we go sky

Are you ready I’ve been ready bad is hosting now cuz he died twice wow okay you want just for that are you going to Target me I don’t think it’s going to work like that I’m making it closer go for it I don’t care it doesn’t matter I

Have an equal chance of winning I’m going to win this is the furthest I’ve ever got in any event so far I just figured out a more efficient way to do it you ready for this I’ve been ready okay well look up what is that I don’t know why it did

It okay okay I think I’m good I think I think I’m good here we go all right look up look up I’m ready three anvils in oh my god oh I wasn’t looking up okay okay okay oh you like that you like those am no I’m fine dude I’m chilling

Oh you think that’s fine well how about 5% oh my god I’ve been doing like 50% rounds okay this won’t bother you no it’s easy oh someone died spamming it doesn’t bother you no not at all 10 people up I have a 10% chance of winning

Dude if I don’t have to give away $1,000 in one of my events I’m a God how have you still survived cuz I’m good okay you want I’m doing 50% go for it oh actually I don’t know if this is a good idea oh my God okay I’m actually a little bit

Scared not going to lie are you ready yeah I’m I’m ready please oh my god oh what is that what is that okay well that was easy you should do that and then and do like a 30% ooh that’s a good idea okay get ready for this oh so no one can

Hug the walls and oo that’s interesting you know interesting oh my God that was kind of close got you oh you’re still going okay dang it all right you what 50% oh my God 50% here it comes oh my I’m actually really scared okay tell me when

Whenever all right here they come okay I wasn’t ready I wasn’t oh my God I was not prepared for that how did you not get out I’m good at the game go on bad oh oh hi hi oh my God oh my God oh my

God oh my God oh my God oh my God what okay I’m not getting anyone this is very frustrating this is easy spamming 10% come on bad get someone out get someone out this kid’s in my face go away they’re in my face you know what I’m

Going to disguise there now no one knows it’s me now I have a fake disguise name and I’m chilling and no one’s going to Target me I actually am serious about winning this event no you’re not going to up I don’t care you ramp it up as

Much as as as you want to ramp it I’m totally good yeah no I’m I’m not even sweating a little bit this isn’t hard who said this is hard not me um um um um um my my brain oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God

Oh my God oh my God why are you not dead I oh I’m so oh someone done stop it look at how many people are left 4 six eight nine people Skyy should we do a 90% round come on bad where’s the 90% well hold on I’m holding on we’re going to

Revive someone you have to guess the right number okay I want to pick the number today between one and 100 okay what number um the number I want is you know what 41 41 41 oh my goodness nobody’s going to guess that someone’s going to say

It oh 41 Adam what yep revive him Gabby I’m going to slowly ramp it up from 50% to 90% okay my gosh okay 50% oh my god do it then 50% Anvil no one died nobody died 60% you know what this means it’s slowly getting harder okay no one died nobody ah just

Keep people on their toes I got to make sure no do that and then a 50% actually don’t why am I helping you I want to win idea I want to win no oh my God oh my God oh oh okay no one died dang it all

Right 70% do it are you you sure this I am sure okay oh my God how no one out 80% I was not prepared for that but okay whatever you want was that 80% no that was 70 okay we’re doing 80 oh perfect die come on

Why 90% 90% 90 90% have to do it have to do it this is going to kill everybody everyone I know watch no one die oh riperoni got it oh the Revival guy died you should do that again you should do that again 90% again here we go okay okay okay okay perfect

No one died the second time sky this is absolutely crazy I can’t believe this okay 90% okay wow bad I’m doing good right yeah you are doing pretty good let’s do 10% spam here we go 10% spam okay that’s easy yep so this means actually the spam

Is harder cuz it’s like harder to predict the next one Cate so here we go 10% ammo 90% air kind of warm people up to it easy yeah here we go just Spam it dude spam the ever living out of your keyboard okay maybe don’t maybe don’t maybe don’t maybe maybe don’t maybe

Don’t maybe don’t maybe don’t some we lost him okay and okay so we we literally have seven people left and one of them is zela and one of them is me I’m so happy I played I’m so happy I played I’m not happy I don’t care if I

Lose honestly I’m glad I made it this far spam some 20% % bad 20% till one person gets out we’re lit you what I’m going to start at 15 cuz I want people and we don’t want to lose every in one go that’s true that’s true 15% spam here

We go oh my oh my I’m dead I died did you die yeah that was me I had nowhere to run dud no you did so good though all right I’ll UND disguise GG that was me I’m so sad I easily could have continued no you did good now I’m going back to

The hosting do you know what that means replace air with 50% air 50% Anvil 3 2 1 started off with a 50 started off with another 50 started off with one more 50 maybe another 50 and then maybe another 50 and then maybe another 50 and maybe

Two 50s and let’s see what happens there we go good how was that 90% good luck no mercy none at all 3 2 1 and there we go oo oo oo again oh my goodness and again and again oh my god dude top four

Meaning four times 90% 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 oh my God that’s oh my God oh my God top three dude three times 90% 1 2 come on you can do it someone’s going to get out right oh oh no Captain Fisher won are

You kidding this is the guy who said this is literally so easy and he get him in a call right now get him in a call hello yeah hi yo how are you so good I don’t know look up look up look up look up oh

Shoot you really good at those you just won yourself a free rank uninvaded GG all right thank you I’m kidding you won $1,000 oh really oh no thank you honestly I’m not going to lie dude at the start you’re like this is literally so easy and I’m like this guy’s going to

Lose and then you won yeah that was funny so did you think it was easy through the whole thing or were there Parts where you were worried like all of it was easy oh shoot like the the ones where it’s just like one 0% that’s like pretty easy but

The ones where you like uh spam it that’s those are like the hard ones like the there’s no way you make that that’s impossible right oh my God I spamed 29 okay you know what send me your stupid PayPal and I’ll send you $1,000 you deserve it I’m not

Triggered as you can see right right here we have the Minecraft loading screen mojing Studios and the game is loading so let’s start the game everyone stand in the letter o or I will kill you okay everyone is pretty much ran to the o oh wait okay I guess that’s an O too

That counts hey hey hey what are you doing all right is everyone in an O you are not in an O 5 4 3 2 1 why do you want to die why why I’m I’m trying to give you a chance here all right fine this this is the first death of the

Event this guy right here he’s dead unless he gets in the O and survives but I’m pretty sure he’s going to die what the heck all right then good job how is this guy on fire everyone form a Congo line right now if you’re not in the

Congo line you’re out you had to do this I don’t know why it’s something about the Congo lines I just love them so much look look they’re trying to fight oh my God I thought that was me I was like how is there another Sky look they’re trying

To fight to who the leader is all right who is not in the Congo line why are you not in the Congo line you know what I don’t care if you’re going to go AFK during my event you’re going to die you must stay shifted if I see you unshift

You will die wao wao wao I see you unshifted why do I keep thinking this is me you’re literally not in the cono line sir Steppy there you go no no hey next person who un shifts is seriously out that isn’t a joke don’t test me I’m being serious Congo around the Big

O all right all right if I see anyone un shifting you know what happens look at this oh my God I love this wait you know what we’re going to do we’re going to put a little bit of lava here too I’m going to say be

Careful of lava and then we’re going to drop some lava in various places I did warn them so they can’t complain if they die look how long they’re taking to get to the O hurry up oh my God look at this lava why does the actual game not look

Like this it should I wonder what would happen if I got water wait who Who whoo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo woah what the heck why is the water green what I couldn’t tell you but it is what it is I guess all right that looks

Pretty decent everyone Congo around the diamond wao wao wao I saw this guy a shift it was you Eric Archer wait no epic Archer 41 I saw you I actually caught someone for once what do you have to say about that do I give him a second chance do I

Eliminate you I don’t know I’m in a good mood today fine I’ll leave you here cuz I’m in a good mood today all right then you can stay there I don’t know what I’m going to use you for later but no no no no no stay in there or you die you can’t

Just Escape I guess he doesn’t have a choice now this is so cruel he can’t see anything that’s so awful there you go that’s all you get all right as for these people what we’re going to do stay on diamond your fault if you die w balls

Lava boom I did warn them what okay more lava more lava more lava I told them to stay on the diamond I did say that okay you guys can stop shifting let’s get some letters and then that jump should be pretty easy how’s that yeah that’s pretty easy hey hey hey

Hey did I say come over here oh my God and you’re dead that’s what you get for doing that that’s what I thought we need to get some people eliminated there too many of you alive time to get some of you out there we go so what they’re

Going to have to do is basically jump on the ladder go over here go over here and get to the diamond it’s really simple okay everyone go to Diamond okay let’s see how this plays off but see here’s the thing they’re already standing on diamond so they technically don’t have

To go cuz they’re on diamond you feel me oh what what there’s people just going like wow I mean I just did say get to Diamond however they could wow that really did not work out for that guy but maybe it did let’s start counting down

Let’s say 10 9 8 7 6 oh my God everyone left that side no one even tried to stay on the Square I’m kind of surprised but I guess they’re on diamond now I’m surprised no one stayed on the original Diamond okay follow me let’s have everyone stand on this line right here

Everyone on diamond this line here more lava yep you don’t want to fall and die oh you know what I’m going to do okay okay we need even more lava boom what’s like an orange block oh here we go I don’t know if it’ll look weird oh that

Does look a little bit sauce we’re going to create like random blocks around just like this H yeah it’s kind of hard to see but you can still definitely see it we’ll do like a bunch over here more over here everyone parkour on orange blocks if you stop moving you die oh oh

Look how many people are already DED you literally just have to keep parkouring around get off diamond oh oh get off the diamond get off the diamond I’m going to break it yep I’m going to start breaking it oh yo yo yo yo I saw that guy stand

Still I saw you stand still yeah I’m watching no standing still all right let’s help a little bit and put like some more blocks make it a little bit easier dude it like hurts your eyes you can’t see it hey hey hey yeah I saw you

All right let’s just go up and watch this happen now everyone freeze oh yo you we not frozen freeze shift jump five times just cuz I can tell him to do it jump to two different blocks all right all right everyone to Diamond oh my gosh no this poor guy well done if

You’ve survived thus far you are truly an average Minecraft player all right let’s bring them this way stay on diamond I said stay on diamond all right we’re going to force them to Elevate in life and here they have to do this jump now unless they somehow outsmarted it

Again remove all of this so that they can’t get back okay I don’t think there’s any way they can outsmart me all they have to do is get to this diamond line over here go up the ladders and they win okay everyone go meet me up

Here go all right let’s see how this plays out so far oh wow Lasher killed the oh wow everyone’s killing it no one’s died I really thought like a lot more people would die here but then again like these are the SK um a oink these are the skilled Minecraft players

Ooh I don’t really know what happens here if you fall you’re kind of dead you’re looking for a cheat code to come back but there isn’t any all right let’s say 20 seconds left wait a minute there is a cheat code no

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you’re so lucky you’re wow okay okay whatever you’re too late crystal you’re too late 5 4 3 two one all right fine whatever you made it let’s go up even more all the way up

Over this way and I kind of want to start utilizing this side of the map cuz we haven’t yet no no no more actually fine you have to do that as a jump that’s not even that hard you have that that’s not even that hard right ooh

Yikes all right we are all the way up here we have all of our remaining players I think a few people might have failed this jump I’m not really sure all right you guys want to see a magic trick watch this oh my god oh what the heck I’m sliding

The blocks be moving this literally has no purpose or any point of anything I just think it’s cool kind of cool okay this is where you guys have to get to the last player here is out so literally all they have to do we’re going to put

That there we’re going to go down a little bit we’re going to go like that and that’s all they have to do oh oh oh okay who’s going to be the last player there oh my gosh they can’t even see they literally cannot see I just have to

Look out for who the last player is okay you’re dead oh Robbie Robbie McFly you need to hurry up now Lily needs to hurry up who is it oh my God oh my God y it was this man’s right here I saw you Robbie McFly come with me all right all

Right you remember this guy that I put in like the hole over here he’s going to have a friend now hey hey epic Archer I got you a friend all right all we have to do now go in yep all right the people here what they

Have to do now is they need to MLG water into one of these over here that’s their job good luck go down wait a minute were there people down here that I didn’t kill eh they’ll get a pass but I’m pretty sure there isn’t oh my goodness

Once you land in water go to the O okay good amount of people are actually making this I thought more would die oh oh we’ll put a little bit of pressure on them 10 9 8 7 6 oh sky sky you’re still in I want Sky to win yes what what you

Doing what no that that o does not exist oh fine I’ll undo all I can undo to like get this o back what wow now I can’t even undo it that’s such a shame here I got you bro I got you there you go it

Exists it exists this is an L there you go oh wow now everyone wants to go to this hoe hey PDL I’m going to get a wooden hoe I’m going to get like two of them when I say so can you turn on PVP everyone just starts spreading out what

You’re really going up here when we turn on PVP all right then now I’ll help you I’ll help you I was trying to help all right everyone here are the rules I have four wooden hoes as soon as I die PVP will turn off if you die you’re out but

So you guys need to work together to kill me but you can also hit each other other all right I am going all the way over here PVP on in 10 seconds I’m also going to cheat and get two of those just cuz I want it wow what are you trying to

Do all right I see you guys I see what stop it I’ll kill you I’ll kill you I have a wooden hoe yeah you want the smoke I’ll give you the smoke I’ll give you the smoke dude I’m not even taking any damage right now cuz the Apple oh my

God oh my God please how am I legitimately taking no hearts at all oh wait now I am oh my God I can’t even get anyone I literally this isn’t working out for me this is not working out for me what the heck I want to get at least

One kill here I can’t hit anyone all right I’m just going to Target I’m targeting you I am no I’m going to get someone I need people to die oh my God oh my God oh my God stop it you know what I’m going to give them

The hoe I’m going to give some of them the hoe that way they start hitting each other right oh oh oh oh yeah when I drop that hoe people start to spread out no you’re dead you’re dead I want at least one kill here come on come on come

On you’re so dead right now I’m eating this I’m eating this I’m eating this I don’t care I should have gotten a stronger weapon I really needed one die die yes boost me to hit him boost me boost me how did that hit Miss he on

Like one heart no I want at least one kill come on come on I’m so low no no no no no no no no no no yeah you want to fight you want to fight you want to fight you want to fight oh my God this

Person is going to kill me they L I didn’t get one kill I don’t care look at this Minecraft loading screen it looks so beautiful everyone to the G let’s start breaking the G well the outside of the G anyway okay that should be good lava time again okay I did pretty good

More lava more lava more lava run around the lava area don’t stop running so what we’re going to do is add a ton more lava around this area all right that should be good I am going to start breaking blocks and doing other random stuff good luck break break break break break break

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom break break break break break break break break break break lava lava lava lava lava break break break even more breaking I need to do a lot of breaking so that people start dying still too easy isn’t it it’s fine everything’s

Fine but not for long rip the G though the G really took an l oh you know what would be interesting if I go like this and then just Spam the lava up here we do the same thing across over here just like so I really am curious to see what

Will happen if I set it to like 2% lava what will happen oh that’s very interesting actually is that a rip was that too much that was 2% 2% is nothing let’s do it again but let’s do 1% this time or should I let it play out I don’t

Know it still seems reasonable I think cuz you could just go right here and just be fine right oh my God there’s so much lava let’s do it again oh you can’t go this way anymore sorry has anyone like at least died if you want to go you got it yep no we’re

Making it harder oh my gosh let’s go all the way up and let’s just see what’s going on you can’t it’s fine I’ve really used a lot of lava in today’s event I don’t know why I’m just loving the heat oh what’s wrong are you guys stuck that

Gives me an idea what if they had to slowly go in between the lava just like this to eventually make it to the diamond area over here okay everyone make it to the Bedrock oh wait no no I guess I’ll help you guys out you can go

Over this way to get to the Bedrock I’ve made them suffer enough I suppose not exactly yet but still no you could make that you could so make that I’m not helping you there you go you got no no you have to do it good job no not this

Bedrock that was clever though okay everyone look at me you have to shift go inside here and then make it into the Diamond Room make it to the Diamond Room good luck oh Sky’s going first sky is going fast and first well done oh wow that was kind of smart this person

Jumped over this oh wow I don’t know if that’s worth it most likely yes looks like it mostly worked out for everyone let me just make sure that no one else is like outside here or anything oh my gosh all right everyone to the diamond everyone to the diamond you okay there

You look like you’re not okay all right perfect let’s let everyone cool off we really do not have that many people left okay everyone make it back to the original Bedrock last person is out oh oh they got to go fast they got to go fast that was smart okay who’s the last

One back who was the last one back on bed rock I’m watching oh oh no no no no Sky Go Sky Go good why did that take you so long I don’t know who it was I’m not going to lie you two went at the same

Time I don’t know who it was you both survived everyone follow me let’s utilize this corner of the map oh my God it’s like the icon at the the top left it’s the Minecraft dirt thing everyone in move get out of my way we’re going to

Put ladders that go up like super high I didn’t tell anyone to go up the ladders yet but they’re still obviously going to do it this goes really high I just realized that this Bedrock wall is is very high okay this is going to be a very interesting event the way for them

To escape is to go either this way everyone stay at the top of the ladders we’re going to break this all the way up to here just for safe measure and we’re going to make it like a little maze so they have to go this way they have to go

Maybe this way or it could be this way I don’t know wait they could cheat and see through the glass I don’t want any of that now you don’t get to see or it could literally be a straight line can they even see I don’t know okay this

Looks kind of sick so far you don’t want to fall into the boy though that would be so tragic there’s so many dead ends is going to be so tragic for them cover it all up so they can’t see anything oh yeah once they go here they jump over

That they have to go over here this way I believe go over this way jump over here and then once they finally do all of that I don’t even know which way I made it I forgot all right it’s over here oh wait what no it’s over this way

Yo I literally forgot this is confusing oh wait no I got it I got it I got it once you finally make it over here you are considered safe and outside of the maze once you step on diamond so they basically have to jump into the water

Okay everyone did I say do that did I literally did I say jump down I only want one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 people to survive and once I see 10 people cross well I’ll basically close it off I made a maze only 10 people will survive when

I say go you will jump in the water then go in the Obby thing and find your way out out of the maze see the dude did I say go yeah I know you’re lucky I’m nice there are 10 diamond blocks over there one for each Survivor be ready for me to

Say go if you jump down without me saying go you’re eliminated let’s just say don’t go all right no one went no one went ooh that would have been dangerous let’s block all of this off we don’t want anyone cheating all right right go oh my

Gosh oh my gosh they’re off okay okay okay first T to make it survives I really can’t see what’s going on well I guess now honestly I could probably D yep oh oh oh that’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I think that’s 10 I’m just going to be

Safe and block it off after this guy I think that might have been more than 10 wait let’s redo that with five people I literally can’t believe I did that all right let’s put the lava back and I’m going to modify it a little bit we’re going to actually block that off

So they’re forced to go over here then if they’re big brain they’ll choose the right way hole hole there we go that should slow them down so I guess there’s technically two ways to do it but if they go this way I’m going to make it a

Lot harder with just random holes okay we should be good all right only five of them will prevail three 2 one go all right they’re off they’re off they’re off they’re off wa Liz went so early I saw that oh my God oh my God I messed it

Up I messed it up I no I didn’t I didn’t we’re good we’re good 1 two all right three 4 and then that’s five that’s five no no no you’re lost one you lost one you lost one you lost one I’m sorry no I saw you Charlie no okay you five made it

Liz you went before I said go and Charlie you were last so Charlie vers Liz both of you follow me all right it’s the 1 V one of the century first one to the diamond block wins all right all these people here are safe how are you

Guys feeling all right go let’s see who comes out first all right let’s open this up just like that oh oh oh it’s going to be a photo finish unless one of them fall oh yo Liz is going to make that Liz so wait what the heck okay yeah

Liz made that Charlie follow me they must be so bored all right go in wait what who are you huh what was that what the H okay you five follow me this is going to be the final event they’re going to start right there and of course we’re

Going to add lava obviously they must go this way all the way over here following the diamond track okay we’re going to need way more lava like tons there we go they must go this way up the ladder over here and do some jumps we’re going to

Make a really hard jump right there well I think that’s hard anyway then they must go over here this way go up some more ladders then once they get up here they have to do my favorite Jump Then they basically go all the way over here

Over here this way some more very simple easy jumps boom boom boom boom once they make it here they’re going to go up some more ladders go over this way some three block jumps just cuz I can and then once they finally do all of that the first

Player to step on the golden block will be the winner you guys see that gold block right here the first player to step on it wins the entire event it’s very very simple parkour it will be a race and well actually that’s it okay

Good luck to all of you I will let you out at a random time so be ready I did say it’ be random so I might cut it now or now I’m kind of nervous for them 3 2 1 go oh and the they’re off oh my gosh

They’re all on the same block okay let’s see what happens border went the other way and it helped it helped a bit yo yo oh no one of them died slime in the lead that was so quick oh no another one of them died wait never mind I think they

Did slime is still in the lead slime is so going to win slime is so going to win I think unless they mess up somehow oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God some three block jumps some three block jumps there’s one final really hard jump

There oh oh oh oh slime one that was so close but I will give second and third prize too slime you win $800 second and third debt $100 GG all right bad are you ready to start this yes okay so as you can see we have 100

Players up against the wall we have our Arena and all they have to do is jump into the water and it gets progressively harder and that’s it so this is water water drop $1,000 on the line wait so the winner get ,000 $1,000 yes oh my goodness you’re away I still haven’t got

A sponsor for this yet someone sponsor me so the sponsor then is Sky yes exactly thank you I need that all right should we uh go ahead and tell them to make it in the water yeah I mean that the rules are pretty simple in the water wait I have a

Question do you think anyone’s going to fail what the heck someone got banned for cheating do you think anyone is going to get out the first round do you think they’ll miss the water I do not think you know what there’s always one there’s always one but I think two two

People will get out so if they die they respawn into the jail and we’re ready let’s do this everyone get on the Redstone what you’re going to make them stand right on the red yep yep yep yep yep just for this round one person is

AFK de Zaza you have 5 Seconds what if he’s in the bathroom I don’t care actually I kind of do care look at his skin wait is this you were oh my dude we need to kick him fine I’ll kick him jump into water do not miss go is anyone

Going to miss is anyone what hell did someone die yes one person are you kidding me you were right one person did mess up only one this guy PE skiy look at him what how how did you mess up wait wait Skippy Skippy yeah you know how we

Always pick one random person to give like a second chance no let’s pick him he’s just going to mess up again no no no no no no no no no go fine we’ll give him one more chance I don’t know why we’re doing this we’re going to have a

Normal Revival later though go why are we doing this he if he misses again okay fine dude if he wins I swear okay TP all same thing again we’re not changing anything second round is the same all right they are all back for round two we haven’t had a single death except for

The one kid in the jail can you explain this it’s one down how did he get in there I don’t know did he die he might have I don’t know how he died if they Type S spawn they go to the jail I think unless he did that three two 1 go

They’re all going they’re all going has anyone missed so far it’s the same jump so it should be really easy okay done that literally nobody died no one we need to make this harder oh this is perfect I like this nice and easy no no

No I’m just going to go ahead and add a little cross is that good yeah I mean I guess it is and Perfect all right they’re all going back up you’re making it smaller exactly it get harder four little squares that’s not little that’s easy are you serious that is little dude

All they have to do is literally go from here and go down they have so much time to figure it out I totally didn’t mess up wait did you mess no no no no I wasn’t paying attention I wasn’t paying attention it is easy all right are they

All back yep they are all ready for round three how many death predictions do you have you know what I don’t think we’ll have many I think we’ll have two and you want to say go uh sure three two one go dude is anyone going to die

Surely a few surely a oh yep that’s one and one total death okay we have to K his skin dude I kind of want to give him a revive but I know we can’t he is a good skin it’s a it’s a really good skin

A hey no no revive for him give him the boot all right you do it now I feel bad bye guy he didn’t deserve that treatment all right pad I’m making it even harder Boop you’re making it harder of course I am I mean I guess we only a tiny bit

Only a tiny bit harder all right you can tell them to go whenever you want o it looks cool I’m going to add a little water in the middle and let’s see if anyone’s feeling risque you know what bad I want to start playing I feel like

I could win I’m going to start playing too you’re going to play yeah I’m going to play You’re thousand yeah so what I want to play okay all right you say go okay 3 2 one some kid wait some kid I just witnessed some kid died did you see

That all you have to do is jump in the water all right I’mma start playing Boom someone jumped in the middle I saw that what is wrong with people this is only round four all right let’s see who’s in the jail oh dude we have more people to

Kick these are the people who I guess are not really that good all right kick them all I think we have like I don’t know maybe 90 players at this point pretty much I’m going to let them out okay out come out wait so do I have to

Make it harder now uh sure you can make this round harder what are you going to do cuz I am actually pretty confident that I can win this event I’m going to make it a smidge harder but it’s still going to be pretty easy I see what

You’re doing I see what you’re doing okay it’s still pretty easy it’s still pretty easy yeah yeah for sure it’s not hard it’s a little hard but they still got big old open spaces they can land in right this this should be EAS no it’s

Good tell them to go 3 2 1 go go here we go everyone’s going down anyone die oh that’s one what only one I thought we’d have more to be honest okay that’s two three 4 all right let me jump loves in the water got it oh that’s funny no I

Don’t I don’t know according to him you do kick him what I’m not going to kick him oh yeah he did die I do have to kick him okay bye let me kick the one kid though look at his skin Skippy oh my God he’s getting kicked goodbye all right so

That was round round six I think so now we’re going to round seven I’m going to make this one harder I got this what we’re going to do we can’t make it too hard I’m going to make it harder boop boop boop oh my goodness it’s not even

That hard come on that’s pretty hard it’s not that hard well then let’s let’s open these Corners up no yes fine there we go a that looks nice that looks kind of cool though wait did someone just jump yep someone jumped what do we do

About that did they make it well I yeah but I guess I’m going to jump in the middle dare me I’m going to jump in the very very very middle this is totally not stupid oh my goodness it is you’re going to miss I’m going to see if anyone does

It oh my God this is a killer round it is a pile maybe I don’t want to jump in the middle middle I kind of want to try it all right let me go and I made it all right I’m going to make it even harder but let’s see who do

We have to kick dude so many people to kick no Sky sicko mode want to kick Sky sicko mode Oh no you’re like oh no as you’re kicking them dang it they’re all shifting Sky it’s hard to see their name it’s easy all you have to do is walk up

To them and be like Bye Mom onions Goodbye Oh I’m sorry I’m going to kick this Sky sicko mode no no no no no leave him for last leave him for last why I like Sky sicko mode why look he has a cute skin look you can have a diamond a

No don’t give him Stu all right while you do this I’m going to go make it harder wait how am I going to kick them they won’t come out of the corner just kick them I’m going to place a block on each four block jump so that

There are no more four water block jumps it’s only three oh my goodness Sky you made that very difficult looking oh it is a lot of people are about to get out here all right say go get so many kills there you go go I’m going I’m going bad

I got to make it I got to make it I made it oh so many deaths oh dude it’s raining it’s literally raining $1,000 at stake and a bunch of people just and they’re gone oh no and there’s so many people in jail here I’ll help you kick

Them oh I feel bad I left your your friend in here oh Steppy Sy Mode still here yeah let’s go oh they’re so sad a they are oh he’s got to hey kick that guy give him the boot okay okay okay goodbye my friends it was fun while it

Lasted should we kick Sky SEO mode or leave him uh let’s just leave him here for now he’s kind of our special guest what about this guy uh give him the boot oh okay I’m going to make it harder here we go all right so in order to make this

Harder what I’m going to do is change it from three block jumps to two block jumps that this is way too hard be good oh my goodness perfect let’s do this like do you know how hard that’s going to be yeah a lot of people are about to

Get out here all all right let them out oh dude how many people do we have left I don’t think anyone got out that round oh that’s the first person we got out there’s one more kid left to jump and now I will go oh I made it let’s go

Imagine I win my own event you know how many people would be so mad it would be very frustrating here I’m going to do the next one it’s not going to be like this it’s going to be like I see what you’re doing okay okay and you know what

We’ll put one I’m going to go for the middle one I’m going to go for the middle one wait I’m going to go first before everyone here we go you know what going Toby watch I’m going to make it you’re going to make the middle jump

Yeah oh you’re gone oh oh wait other people are going okay oh my goodness three how this is easier than the last one how are people dying lots of deaths did everyone go no we got this one guy he’s not moving Mr meat meat 5 Seconds

To Go 5 4 3 2 1 go what they’re shifting May if K well I’m giving him the boot I’m going kill him rip bad what what is this what is what oh my god oh uh yeah I stuck him over here when did you do this I don’t

Know a couple rounds ago he’s just watching all right all right all right let’s kick the rest of them oh this is sad I feel bad every time I do this all right I’m going to make this round harder you ready this is round 11 Boop

How much harder can you make it no yeah I don’t have a choice here bad well if you’re doing that why not just grit It Off no I think this is good no wait a minute Skippy can we put just like one little plus sign in the middle mm mm- we

Can do we can do that we can do that that’s not all right let’s do this oh this is going to be intense all right let’s let them out go whenever oh here we go this is really it dude these are all the pros never mind never mind that’s two deaths

No it’s a massacre really is it really just is go go go go oh 10 seconds pressuring them pressuring them oh are they going to make it they all jumped and none of the three made it Sky there’s so few no we literally have wait no way we have 14 people do we

Actually oh my God that’s amazing let’s let them back in I’m going to make it harder you ready this is going to be very very interesting to say the least that that’s perfect that’s so difficult that’s perfect all right they’re off how many people are going to make this how

Many people are going to die we have one death oh scopy died no I wonder if this jump is hard or not let me just go like that and then you know jump in the water oh look I made it easy first try all right to make this one even harder what

We’re going to do is only have a one by one right but on top of that we’re going to go like that perfect this is pretty hard gy that’s literally way too hard yep go dude we’re about to have a lot of deaths out here but $11,000 is online oh

Literal professionals here oh my God that guy’s dead that guy is also dead it’s so full Skippy you filled it up they can’t get out good two people left one person left oh that guy made it go on I believe in you no no okay this one how we going to make it

Harder it’s going to be even harder remember how we two last time we’re going to do five they’ll literally drown Skippy why are you breaking it so that they can uh get out once they uh do okay okay fair all right let them out let

Them out we have about 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 wait no wait Mega did you make it Mega made it zela made it who else made it Kade made it I’m telling them to go go uhoh this is it this is it are they all

Going to make it no way dude if they all make This I Swear oh my God every single one of them made it I know how we can ramp this up all right bad how are we making this harder I have the best idea ever go and get rid of your little

Pillar thing okay we’re going to do this set water and then we’re going to do let’s do right about here this is my idea too oh wait maybe it wasn’t right about here to you realize everyone’s going to make this cuz they have four no nine blocks of

Water to jump in yeah but they have to go through the loops Sky yeah that’s good look at how hard that is you know what can I make it y I made it that’s I’m making it harder no if it’s easy then it’ll just be no that’s no go go go

It’s not that hard oh bad come on oh Mega died see I told you it wasn’t that easy you’re right I guess oh Cade is gone and he made it gy should we make him jump it again I think let’s do it with my way place the Block in the

Middle no they will literally die that is so difficult think yeah I I think this will kill a lot of how about like that I mean that’s a little bit more survivable all right okay uh test it scampy we got to test it to make sure

This is possible all right I shall test here we go test test test around and made it wait you made that yeah I made it why are you so surprised I’m surprised oh my God okay yeah that is possible that is possible get a good look before jumping oh you’re so nice oh

First man jumped and no second person jumped o made it third person has made it fourth made it two more to go zum made it all right ooh dude he made it only one died all right we’re doing we’re doing the same but my way go up don’t jump one block no

One block one block dude go no it’s possible they can do it oh he made it he made it he made it second person dude they’re all making it I told you they’re Gods oh my God one died all right last one to go please make it no no wait so

Are these three the last people I believe so oh skiy let’s have him stand over here skiy literally look at this our final three dude carore dosner dude how did zelk make it how did you make it so far no he did it legit I watched him every single time I

Know he’s good I didn’t know he was that good yeah no he used to play Bo there’s a bunch on my scream oh my God I’m going to make this one really hard bad watch this look at meop what are you doing dude it’s so hard it’s so hard and I’m

Not done yet go wait wait wait don’t go yet why never mind oh he made it he made it it counts oh oh Z died wait if this guy if he dies dude how you killed Z no dude we gave him too much confidence wait wait

Wait should we get zum in here oh let’s get him let’s get him user was welcome how did you make it that far you did really good dude I literally bypassed the ring the last two rounds I didn’t even go through them dude we were just

Talking about how good you were and then you died bro I feel like dang that’s sad oh also uh it was for $1,000 I got that $2 though earlier oh true who needs $1,000 when you got $2 bro I’m rolling in it all right we have

Two left all right bad to make things even harder I’m going to completely get rid of the Rings and do this we go up 50 we go like that and that should be good for now go I see what you’re doing okay one made it oh if he fails two okay put

Them back up two more on the bottom two more on the top go oh oh my goodness he made it and the other made it they are gods are you just making it harder and hard harder and harder and harder each time that is correct go oh oh oh oh dude

He made it how much longer can they go for how much longer can they do this for who do you think is going to win SC I honestly have no idea I have no idea I’m betting on D Nerf he jumped he’s jumping okay okay second

Person my god dude how much hard can this get I’m going to make it two more dude screw it go he made it and he made it oh Mega is at oh my God that’s making it so much more harder wait I’m going to add two more to the bottom go so much

Pressure so much on the line all for this dude they’re looking at each other go they’re waiting go go go oh oh oh oh oh oh my god dude oh my wait bad are you ready bad are you ready how much harder are you going to make it oh by

The way this is for $1,000 no what someone messed up this time they’re hearts gby are you just going to make him do it again that same one no I added two more to the bottomy they’re Hearts go dude so much is on the

Line here oh he made it he made it oh my God I literally can’t watch someone is bound to mess up go all right they’re off they’re off dude first one made it second one made it bad are you ready boop boop boop boop okay this is

Impossible what I don’t even know if that’s possible we I don’t know so what happens if they both die we just have them go again I think so yeah all right go yeah this is going to be a stretch honestly oh here comes one o oh my God

How how what how are they this good I’m adding four they’re so nervous I would be so so so nervous oh my God Mega oh two more has been added go this is it someone’s going to mess up it’s so difficult it’s literally so hard go no

Way he makes it no way oh oh my God he did it he did it dude GG t d wins how how how has that happened let’s get him in a call poor guy this person no mega you’re so mean hello Hi how are you guys I’m

Mad how do you feel Cary I feel like I’m going to die from a hard attack what about you d a little mad but it’s fine it’s fine no it was fun though I’ll give him 100 it got really difficult though like I think we survived a lot longer than you guys no

You guys are literally like Gods I don’t know how you did that the water drop on Kit PVP that’s like the training Zone like I’ve gone to around 1,000 with know you guys have been playing that so Cary you said you wanted to give him 100 yeah

I’ll give him 100 that’s really nice a bro all right well send me you guys’ PayPal I got you guys thank you for playing you’re both God yeah like the video sub yeah subscribe okay perfect thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed if you did once again be sure to

Like And subscribe if you haven’t already go check out sky here is the proof of payment in case you wondering and yeah all right so in today’s video I have trapped 159 kids on Google I I don’t know they probably have no idea what’s going on I

Have no idea what’s going on but essentially they are they are forming Congo lines I agree with this type of behavior we have people on the L we have no one on the E we have people on the o it’s basically Google why have I trapped 100 kids on Google well center right

Here you turn it into Bedrock now why is that important well you see we put green here this is a nice type of green so we go like that and red wool there we go so now 158 kids Google what do you do on Google you ask Google questions do you

Kind of see where this is going all right let me explain even though I really don’t have to we make box I hope this works I’ve never tested anything like this before this is my first time doing an event like this so wish me luck

Stand on Bedrock right now or I kick you you have 10 seconds okay now that they’re on the Bedrock we will do walls that and now they are stuck in here except for you why are you not stuck in here get in get in go all right so how

This is going to work is basically uh not going to lie I don’t really know but we’re going to try I will ask a question and you will step on either green or red to answer so for example 10 seconds to answer what is 1 + 1 green equal 2 red

Equals 4 so yeah answer my question and and they are all running to Green 5 4 3 2 one undo if you did not answer you lose so if they’re stuck in here they lose if you get it right you move on if you get it wrong obviously you die

Luckily that was a warmup so next time make sure to pick an option because if you don’t pick you lose get to bedrock 5 4 3 2 1 zero okay no more warm-ups oh God no not that not that not that no more warm-ups so I don’t know how I feel

About you fine you can be the last warm-up person thing get in all right question one here we go I’m not going to make it too hard I’m not going to make it too too easy you will have 5 Seconds to decide your answer what is we’ll say

12 * 13 I’m actually not sure so I’m going to say Siri what’s 12 * 13 it’s 156 156 I knew that green is 156 red is 165 there we’ll confuse them a little bit 5 4 3 2 1 zero and undo oh okay so the answer was green so all these people

On green got it right green was correct and anyone on red is wrong and anyone in the jail well dies sorry okay it’s just the way it has to go I don’t have a choice those were the rules I’m sorry I had no choice now anyone on red a suffer

From my lava and goodbye that is a really effective way of doing it goodbye very good to all 139 of them we will now say back on Bedrock you know what I want to use barriers this time walls barrier there you go get in the middle all right

There we go you will have 6 seconds I’m being nice this time with another second to answer my question the zombie is the first enemy mob added to Minecraft green equals true red equals false there is their question there they go 5 4 3 2 1

Zero undo boom okay so the answer was false red was right green was wrong the answer was false the creeper is which means all of you will experience my lava uh-oh oh god oh no uh-oh did everyone answer the question I feel like some people didn’t answer it well we have 130

Left so let’s let them back in to bedrock okay they’re back in 132 remain still 132 of you impressive do I make the questions even harder M they’re all saying no okay I won’t the question is I am holding a sapling true or false green

Is true 5 4 3 2 1 0 boom that I made it easier I made it easier I wasn’t vanished they could see me cheese Bob 64 how do you mess that up how how could you possibly mess that up all the people in the jail how do you mess that up that

Was the easiest okay I am sorry I must do what I have to do I really don’t know how you messed that up but I I guess bye and as for you you get a special type of punishment goodbye to bedrock all right I made obsidian I made sponge I want

Them on obsidian go to Obby just cuz looks good now I want my question to be green equals true red equals false the creeper was made in air and was originally supposed to be a pig all right we’ll replace it and we’ll give

Them 8 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 1 undo oh look what a surprise everyone got it right except for you you you didn’t answer the question and I explained this at the start so goodbye that is a shame okay now it’s getting harder in 1.8 a fully

Charged bow does more damage than a diamond sword all right we will give them 7 Seconds to decide 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero ooh o look how split this one is we have a good amount on both the answer is true so many people are about to get out here

No way let me demonstrate the answer let’s get the Patrick all right let’s take oh my God your name okay let’s take the Patrick right so if we take this guy and we give him a diamond sword and we say hit me boom that is 4 HP diamond

Sword okay everyone shoot me right now I was just shot I lost 6 hp from being shot at crit SL hit me with a diamond sword 4 HP meaning a fully charged bow does more damage that is the end result this guy was right here so let’s put him

Right here look it up for yourself Gamers the fully charged bow does more damage so all these people in red are now go going to die this is sad and lava Boop goodbye everyone all these people made it through oh my gosh the number went down just like that there was so

Many people dude we’re down to 21 from that one question what hey this guy didn’t ask the question and you’re already gone get out of here okay we can undo that now get on Obby wow only 19 left wow only 20 left so how did you

Guys know that let’s turn off the chat and they’ve said I’ve tested it before we’re pros at Minecraft I’ve been playing since 2013 guest I know bow spammers Minecraft since 2010 and bow spammers all right well congrats it paid off that got out like everyone including

You I see you get out of here this one isn’t a Minecraft related question this one is just a normal question I guess uh uh I can’t think of anything Siri give me a true or false question what the heck dude I can’t think of anything they’re waiting a group of dolphins is

Called a pod true or false uh we’ll give them 5 4 3 2 1 zero undo okay so the answer was true it was true I didn’t even know that so you’re welcome if I just taught you that you sorry bye both of you to Obby Minecraft was originally

Called cave game true or false 3 2 1 Boop okay no one even went to Red go back these people are smart next question all right so I’m unv vanished all right so they can see me right now and I have a green name over my head for

Them at least and they can see that there are 17 players remaining in the event however this is going to be a trick question there are currently 17 players remaining and playing this event boom 5 seconds so the answer is actually false 5 4 3 two 1 zero redo ooh okay

Most of them got it but these two didn’t so it was a trick question because I’m not playing in the event and kill Steppy boom now there’s 16 I’m sorry I’m sorry I had to trick you to get you out I had no other choice so now get out of here

And you too and you as well now we only have 13 okay back to Minecraft questions if water is placed directly ly above a source block of lava it will turn the lava into Cobble true or false okay okay okay 5 4 3 2 1 boom huh they seem to be

Answering in packs now you all correct it would turn it into obsidian I got to ask a question where they split up and they don’t know and they split all right all right all right there’s no way all of you will get this someone’s going to

Get out one block in the nether is equivalent to four blocks in the Overworld all right we’ll give them five four 3 2 1 zero redo boom yes I got someone let’s go he led out let’s send him back hey what you doing logging out huh huh

Where’d he go he’s gone all right let’s undo this go to bedrock you know what I’m getting bored I want to do uh a non question one everyone follow me we need to play around with the Google we haven’t even had a chance to play around

With Google everyone get on a letter of Google right now you have been warned all right 3 2 1 set lava boom boom boom ooh this is cool oh no the O is like cut off but that’s okay set Bedrock oh my God that’s a long pathway everyone step

On an O get to the O get to the O everyone get to Capital G all right they’re going to do that I want to do a Revival my number is going to be uh 13 cuz there’s 12 players remaining and it sounds like 14us 1 3 2 1 mute the chat

And I believe Inquisitor ii7 has said 13 first so I will revive him put him right there there you go get to the capital G okay we’re going to undo that they’re all on the G and let’s make them parkour to the O parkour to the O this guy has

To run all the way around to get to the O let’s make it a little bit tougher for you huh huh shall we that’s a little bit unfair but I think he’ll be fine there you go O Let’s make them parkour to the other o get to the yellow o it’s a

Little bit harder but I think we’ll have someone hopefully mess up here oh yep oh oh no oh my gosh no no no no no no no so many of them are just oh my gosh I didn’t think it was that hard 10 seconds oh no they did so well answering the

Questions you did so good oh no clearly Park core is not their strong suit no I feel bad I wonder if they can do this jump now this is kind of hard actually can I oh yeah it’s possible get to the blue G get to the blue G how are they

Going to do that well they have to go like that and then do it again oh oh one person made it another another yes no oh okay that was really sad y there you go there you go perfect that is really sad we have two people remaining right now

We have two contestants remaining so the whole video is about asking questions and answering them right so why don’t we do just that we have our platform right here we’re going to set this bit to bedrock and then green and then red on Bedrock if you step on the wrong block

As in hesitate you will lose green equals true red equals false you will have 3 seconds to answer is 5 + 5 10 all right bad rock is 6 * 6 36 all right Bedrock is 7 * 535 oh o ooh I saw that I

Saw I saw that I saw it we all saw it no poor guy per Boop you win do you want to give f70 any money true or false oh true all right well let’s figure out how much get on gold for $10 all right get on gold for $30 get on

Gold for $50 ooh he’s ooh get on gold for $100 there we go f70 congrats you win 100 Pur you win 900 so as you can see behind me each player is representing their corresponding country so first things first everyone has to stay on their block because I am going

To connect every everyone oh my God I just told everyone to come to me look at these flags yo is that North Korea I’m putting my money on North Korea all right everyone get over here this is the first parkour course they have to do and

Sk’s lost to and died oh no what country was that look how many countries we lost all right if you made it to the diamond you succeed oh no we lost Australia I think okay if your country is is in Europe go lime if your country is in

North America go Blue better know your geography South America red Australia I think died Asia yellow and Etc on Gray Antarctica I don’t know man all right anyone left they’re going on here also if they don’t know their geography I’m just going to kill them yo why is

Argentina here how do you not know your own content all right we’re starting with North America cuz that’s where I live we have the US border we have Canada we have uh wait a minute who are you they just lock and then we have Puerto Rico wait is Puerto Rico a

Country yo I just Googled it Puerto Rico not a country I’m Cuba haha oh wait why did I not know that never mind you’re good okay North America do my jump I could consider you got wait what was that what why all right uh do

My jump there you go okay good job go back nice all right let’s go to uh where is China China come all right China you’re probably good do it make the jump yo yo China goated go back oh oh wait China’s gone where is North Korea

Oh there they are oh if they make it they’re getting an item if this video gets 20,000 likes I’ll trap a 100 kids in North Korea I’m going to regret saying that go back good job okay everyone here has to make this jump except for North Korea oh no India

No no oh my God we have two indias it’s okay oh South Korea makes it I’m pretty sure that’s Kuwait oh I could be wrong wait I think I’m wrong is that UAE go 10 seconds oh my everyone can go back South Africa only come here do it go back what

The heck who are these guys why are they doing it oh my gosh and the other two guys did it normally all right Africa make jump again again oh my gosh oh no we’re losing so many here how okay okay make it there oh no and then once you do

That you’re good all right I’ve saved Europe for last Europe PVP will be on for 10 seconds good luck all right it’s on they’re going who’s going to fall oh my gosh 5 4 3 2 1 not enough people died I need more ding after two more die I

Turn it off oh I just saw Portugal get hit go Ronaldo they just aren’t dying here oh oh oh we lost Belgium I think one more has to go and they are gone whoever that was it was like a World War get it okay if you’re still alive well

Done go back to your country why do we only have USA left here what happened to Canada wait a second hey wait a sec some of these people didn’t even do it whatever all right I’ve given everyone levitation so they can get back on their block and let’s see which countries we

Still have left here are all the countries that are no longer with with us all right all the countries must climb up this ladder oh my gosh we literally lost people from just going up a ladder all right we’re having a meeting stand on the green if you’re four World

Peace stand on the red for World War I oh my God Portugal is staying out of it Portugal you have to decide you have no choice you’re either for or against it let’s see what countries we have over here oh we have North Korea here what a surprise okay peaceful people you don’t

Have to fight each other you guys will fight just going to start by casually lighting this and seeing if it does anything oh my god oh you’re so lucky PVP is on oh oh my gosh wait we have the USA in here it’s only a matter

Of time oh we lost one the USA just got someone go USA oh oh is the US going to die here oh my God all right PVP is off War is Over All right but for the peaceful people they still have to go through tough times do

Parkour oh what country are you is this Poland I’m sorry I just don’t know oh what no okay I guess I did make a pretty tough parkour jump here I’m going to give them a ladder they’re still missing oh oh no if you still fail with the ladder I don’t

Know what to tell you okay we’re going to have everyone regroup as one all countries must jump down into the water oh not like that and then if they’re able to do so go back to your country oh my God we’re just losing countries left and right you cannot outsmart the system

Be country I’m sorry I have no idea what country that is go Czech Republic and you go all right good luck they made it regardless look how many countries we’re missing Ukraine Malaysia Saudi Arabia Chad it’s okay we still have Scotland all right PVP is officially on and they

Thought this was it it was going to be peaceful but what if everyone has a wooden shovel then what I guess it’s still peaceful but what if everyone has a stone shovel I guess it’s still peaceful oh nah never mind but what if block break was also on and it was a

Straight up void that changes things wow you guys are destroying the Earth yo they’re breaking the signs what country is that this is surprisingly peaceful no one has attacked each other next kill gets a golden apple sorry that is how you make it not peaceful oh my God no India India run no

No all right I’m going to do a revive any of you countries a number all right my number is going to be from 1 to 10 and it’s just going to be four so whoever said four it was you what country are you I don’t know but welcome

Back oh yo oh my God don’t bully the Revival no all right here here here there you go buddy oh no don’t kill them again oh my gosh here third time oh my gosh there there you go they can’t get you now oh they can get you down oh no I

Got you I got you there’s Army on him oh my God what did you do to make all these countries so mad I’ll give you one more chance he didn’t even get what do I do how do I help oh my God I can’t yo there you go oh my

God there there you go they can’t get to you now oh all right okay PVP is off all countries meet me at Red even this guy oh yeah I forgot they can just break it all right well they’re going to have to stay on the red regardless or they’re

Just going to die all right we’re just going to have to see how this plays out I guess this should be interesting I’m now going to give everyone Diamond Pickaxes just to see if they actually will break they are they are they’re actually breaking it why would they do

This wait someone got out how are they getting out you’re not meant to do that no no no no no you’re not supposed to be getting out oh my God where are they going to go they’ve got nowhere they can go should I help oh my gosh we’re losing countries

Okay I guess I’ll be nice and save you guys oh my my gosh they’re not even letting me save them I’m trying to help wow these countries must hate each other or something oh my god oh no okay for real now we’re having everyone meet at

The center if you’re any America go on Blue Europe on red Asia on lime and then Africa on orange look at that you stay here all right I need two Europeans come to fight they all went away come on we need one more all right you two are

Fighting Africa go 2v2 oh my gosh it looks like oh wow these two won good job time to bring these two to War I need two of these guys and no one is going someone from Asia come on Yo two of you step up oh we got one we got Japan and

We got nor no wait what North Korea just out allied with this country maybe Philippines by giving them the chest plate here we go you know what I’ll make it a fair fight there is a chest plate good luck this is it who’s going to win

Asia or America and it’s going to be it’s going to oh wait what yo no way all right all countries left follow me we’re going up this way on the Bedrock because I’m going to test their MLG skill I’m going to have a Bedrock wall right here

Fill it with some ladders and have them MLG laders so let’s see if any of them can do it oh my gosh oh my gosh someone already went and just died these guys are able to make it how are they doing that so well I thought it was meant to

Be harder than that but these are the people who don’t seem that confident about it cuz they still haven’t gone go Ro M I really hope I’m right otherwise I’m would to look really stupid oh oh okay we only have two left 10 SEC go

What nah nah you can’t just do that you can’t do that are you serious fine go down just cuz of that PVP is on block break is on I’m mad now lava everywhere that’s the only solution to all of this I’m Burning It All To The Ground all

Countries are getting dropped by the second Spain still going strong next kill is getting an OP item and it was hpto there you go look at these country SE separating themselves this is kind of smart that’s definitely UAE North Korea is still alive oh my gosh they’re breaking the

Pth no England’s actually still alive Sweden still thriving is that gif country all right it’s time for me to carry every single country all at once just like so and this is really weird so what I’m going to do is Place water in various places I’m going to fly up and

I’m going to take oh my gosh everyone up just like this get ready to land in the water I’m just going to take them as high as I desire oh we’re going really high up now we’re almost at y300 now all right here we go I’m going

To let go in three 2 1 so I’m just going to go ahead and delete the lead how am I still holding on to them what this shouldn’t be happening I don’t have a lead oh my gosh if you fall you just have to make it okay go oh they all went

No way oh my God let go let go are you going to die oh my gosh okay all the piggies are dead and that guy made it we don’t have many countries left here we’ve got Spain this country this country North Korea I swear to God if

North Korea actually wins this and then whoever’s left here all right North Korea come over here pick a country you don’t like what country is that again never mind both of you come over here run in this Square forever all right while they do that did we lose the one

Guy okay Steppy Steppy step pick a country you don’t like okay you two same thing Spain pick a country you do like okay he picked JF both of you come here jump it to live all right seems like they’re able to do it Sweden pick a country you despise because their land

Mass is not high enough all right you two follow me and run this Square forever oh and I’m going to have these three people run this Square until two remain all right now I just have to be patient and wait it out on both sides this shouldn’t take long okay maybe this is

Taking a while okay maybe this is taking a bit longer than a while all right you know what you’re all good countries you did this for a while you all live you did all that just to die soon after because what’s going to happen yes that is

Correct PVP will be enabled and the last country standing wins Earth all right PVP is on it’s only a matter of time boop boop oh my gosh they’re Dr dropping they are dropping oh you guys think you can Team huh you think you can team up I

Don’t think it’s going to work out too well for you if you try that that’s right you better get out of here nowhere is St oh my god dude how are you just going to stand there how are you just going to stand there you trust that you trust that

Block right there you could just easily get hit off oh they got hit off why what was the plan I could wait all day next kill wins $2 North Korea all by themselves Sweden looking strong I’m upping the stakes $3 all right I’m giving everyone power three bows there’s no way you wouldn’t

Want to use that they’re not using it don’t shoot me oh yo what the heck oh here we go here we go this is it for NOA oh wait what never mind oh Sweden Sweden going in no way wait it’s Sweden versus North Korea SW North Korea oh my God oh

My God Sweden win congrats if you’re from Sweden all right like the video subscribe bye

This video, titled ‘I Trapped 100 Kids in Minecraft [THE MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Skep on 2023-12-13 01:20:18. It has garnered 35131 views and 2466 likes. The duration of the video is 04:58:03 or 17883 seconds.

enjoy the movie 🙂

Follow My Twitter – @Skeppy Follow My Instagram – @Skeppy My Minecraft Server IP:


these are some of my favorite ever trapped 100 kids videos lol

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  • Villager Trading Hall Shenanigans

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  • EPIC Minecraft Gameplay LIVE w/ MrEntari! 💥

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  • Insane ASMR Gaming Updates – Fortnite, XDefiant, Marvel, Zelda LEGO & More!

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  • Anarchist SMP Semi-Vanilla, SMP Whitelist, Datapack, Simple Voice Chat, Java 1.20.1, 13+

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  • CosineCraft

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  • Minecraft Memes – Noobs vs Pros: A Blocky Battle

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  • Steve’s Minecraft Mayhem: A Twisted Tale

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  • Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplay

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  • Insane Glider in UWU City – DaveFromPH’s Minecraft PE Surprise

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  • Foxyrow9614 – Insane Monster Party Spawn!

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  • Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!

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  • Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me now

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  • “Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!” #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuild

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  • PlayGarden

    PlayGardenThis a server where you can play Hide and Seek and other minigames. Such as Spleef, BlockParty, TNTRun! You should join our discord to be notified for any future updates! We currently have 10+ Hide and Seek maps and more on the way! Our server is a beginning server so please be nice! Dont be afraid to check out our website either! Read More

  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

    💎Summer Events Happening Now!💎 Server IP – Discord Link – Features Usually 5-10 players on, more on weekends! There are no map resets but the end resets with major updates Player-run shopping district + auctions Land claiming, homes, tpa, and anti-cheat are the only notable add-ons for the server Events like weekly spleef, monthly arena matches, build comps, and seasonal event areas! Active community for eight years, many longtime players and great builds throughout the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out my lit copper crib in Minecraft 🔥”

    Looks like this builder is really “copper-ing” some style points with this new house design! Read More

  • Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme!

    Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme! “Kira Kira Itu Apa yaa? Itu adalah ketika kamu bermain Minecraft dan tiba-tiba karakternya berkilauan seperti bintang! Wkwkwk #sparklyminecraft” Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 38

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  • Minecraft’s Parkour Master

    Minecraft's Parkour Master The Exciting World of Minecraft Parkour Championships Get ready to dive into the heart-pounding world of Minecraft Parkour Championships! With events like HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship and Minecraft Parkour Races, the competition is fierce and the adrenaline is high. Let’s explore the thrilling adventures of these Parkour Gods as they navigate through challenging courses and test their skills to the limit. HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship In the realm of HIMLANDS, the Parkour Warrior Championship is the ultimate test of agility and precision. Players must leap, sprint, and climb their way through intricate parkour courses, showcasing their mastery… Read More

  • Allizzles’ Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7

    Allizzles' Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 #fairycore’, was uploaded by allizzles on 2024-03-10 02:15:40. It has garnered 1268 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:14 or 2534 seconds. the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 In today’s filler episode, I show off some house expansions that include a cozy kitchen and pantry. I also do some decorating, loot bag opening, go back to the dragon lair, and expand the spawner room a little more. 🧺 ⊹ Welcome to my fairycore… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘relaxing #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gaming’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-29 00:30:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Kid’s Base on 2b2tpe

    Unleashing Chaos in Kid's Base on 2b2tpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trashing a kid’s base – 2b2tpe’, was uploaded by Void 2b2t on 2024-06-18 17:31:12. It has garnered 32 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. dsc: voidfx2 #2b2tpe #minecraft #anarchy Read More

  • “🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds – SHOCKING Tips! 🤯” #youtubeshorts #viral

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  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More