Trash Panda’s Insane Adventure with Dippy!

Video Information

Hey guys Welcome to My Stream if you guys are watching this afterwards thanks for the support I’ll be joining dippy here in a second I just wanted to pop in and say welcome and thank you give us some game sounds make sure we got some everything’s working all right we’re going to pop

Back into the chat with dippy and see if we can go find her somewhere will talk to B about that hi dippy hello oh hang on there uh I hear I hear I hear somebody where are you I am in front of the house you’re in front of the house

Okay hang on let me just get grab some puppies do the puppies Auto compost no they don’t oh my god I’ve got like 3,000 okay oh I can plant a lot of puppies today so many puppies uh where are you at I’m coming I’m coming I was at the iron farm

I’m coming I’m coming hello oh you’re running through the corn be careful don’t break the corn no no jumping you know you know we had a lady uh called Teresa may she was uh the Prime Minister when we got brexit uh uh she was not very popular and she was once asked what

Was the naughtiest thing she had ever done and she made a shocking confession she said when she was a kid she actually ran through a corn field that was her naughty confession wow that’s yeah wow exactly I mean how badass is that sorry bad bad

Bad bum can you say bad bum that’s not a word I just made that up it’s bad bum it’s it’s it’s B yeah she’s she’s she she’s super bad bum I mean like not at all that yeah everybody was laughing about that so ever ever I see somebody running through Minecraft called

Cornfield I think oh they’re doing it Teresa may but that’s like a Brit joke so nobody outside of Britain would get that hey Lily I was making a fan video oh my god wow we did that on a weekend in Indiana running through cold Fields yeah

I know it’s it’s terrible thing to do right it’s so I mean it’s so Rebel wow yeah everybody was after that everybody was like kind of making jokes about that okay I’ve got tons and tons of poppies and since we don’t need red dye and that’s yeah we could compost them but

Yeah so um yeah we can paint it all red that that works too we paint the town we can paint the town red except you can’t paint wood in Minecraft which is a crying shame I wish we had painted wood but we don’t so um yeah so uh I was

Starting to say that we have a complaint because I have a lovely magenta bed but panda has a favorite color Panda what is your favorite color it is the cyan yes and to make cyan we need green because San die doesn’t really naturally exist Does it it does but it you got to

Get the uh sniffers to get it oh yeah but we haven’t got a sniffer no so oh that’s true yeah sniffers now make cyan die yeah sniffer flowers make S and die yep that’s the only other that’s the only natural spawning way to get C yeah

Oh they they I think they’ve got Co they don’t look good yeah they they’re not looking too healthy no they I told them not to go out and party but they went ahead and went anyway yeah yeah those boys those boys you know these two listened they never listen they these

Two The Mending the other two well that’s they’re sensible people yeah so uh oh it’s going to sleep so anyway to the easy way obviously to make Sayan if you haven’t got a sniffer which I mean we could go and try and find a sniffer

Egg or we could go and find a desert because we would quite like some Cactus right yeah Cactus farming is is pretty decent cuz you can use it for a lot of things yeah I think you can make lime dye from sea pickles but not a green dye

And you really need green dye together with blue to make cion yep so that is pretty much so I think Panda needs a bed so um Panda you said you had a oh hang on so uh the hter says uh he we they was when they run through the through the fields they

Howled at the moon sometimes they would shoot out a light everything is good in a small town on a Saturday night ask Panda about that okay I’m asking you about that did you the moon and shoots that’s a song oh okay that’s a song okay I definitely

Didn’t get that memo yeah that’s a song that’s a song okay it’s that it’s it’s a country it’s a country song I don’t remember who country western song yeah I don’t remember who sings it but that’s a country western okay cool that’s that’s it it’s an old older like a old school

One uh does anybody want to sing it or no we’re going to get copyright we’re going to get hammered by copyright right yeah we don’t want that do you think do you think by do you think I will manage to cover this entire Island in poppies before somebody

Dies for as much as for as well as that iron Farm’s working probably I I think your chances are very very high at covering the whole thing you think so I I I think I think so too yeah this is this is beginning to look good it’s beginning to look a lot like

Christmas cuz red is a Christmas color right it is red and green and green red and green and that’s exactly what we got green grass and red flower um so too bad our bees are all gone they they survival hardcore if if I played survival hardcore with dippy uh where we

Shared Hearts the server would be at barely last a day from me you know what you’d be surprised because the song has been sent to me oh thank you okay I’m listening I’m I’m I’m looking forward to that um oh I still love my llama up

There on the roof that looks so cute also we need to do something to our house we definitely need to Spruce it up and we need a better better balcony it’s like I feel like the Queen of England when I stand up there and sort of say well say hello to the

Stream except we now have a king yeah that’s another story um so uh okay now I got myself interrupted oh yeah uh Lily is saying she would not survive but actually Lily that’s exactly what I said to Panda I I the bets were on that we wouldn’t live for a week uh

Panda swore blind that he could keep me alive and you know what panda is he done it so far he’s done it and you know what um on igniter I have been out doing like scary stuff like um you know caving and stuff like that and I mean we’ve been on

For nearly three weeks now and I have had what six deaths oh wow uh and that was it and I’ve been caving and doing I haven’t done anything super scary I mean mostly they were kind of creeper and zombie related deaths because you know sometimes you stand somewhere and you know

Yeah it happens standing The Not So Nice of places yeah but uh it was all it was all all good stuff it was all good stuff so I’ve also kept mostly out of trouble the song has been sent no I wouldn’t be what do you mean I wouldn’t be

Surprised about now to spit and split it is 1:00 a.m. time for the hatter to put his hat up yes I saw you were streaming but my electricity went out and uh I only saw it when it was like time for us to start streaming so

What no this is what you do before you go to bed you spit at people you hooligan wo good job Hatter some somebody’s got to be there to do it while I’m in the Stream oh my God okay so anyway while I’m randomly planting I

Mean this part of the I mean this looks amazing this I’m I’m actually I’m actually really pleased with this plan I mean I might have to take some of them down because we’re probably still going to to build stuff so we had thought that we could build a string

Duper but um apparently this is a paper server and it doesn’t work on paper servers yeah they for whatever reason a lot of those kind of farms don’t like paper servers H sorry I’m in the water again because somebody had too many derp coins I I’m afraid to look and see how

Many I got um I I know I got a lot oh my God yeah you probably have so how is your family Panda everybody’s good is everybody back uh on track because I know last time y one the junior pandas was not doing we had a sneezing panda

Right yep she were there any were there any slime balls nope luckily not no slime balls okay good yeah I mean I look a lot better now though I’m I’m looking at the size of those slime balls that those pandas needs and I think that must hurt they’re quite big and they have

Delicate little noses greetings dippy BL from space What are you in space Luciano Luciano is in space he says okay uh right Lano is in space hello Spaceman how are you um oh this box is still open oh how come this box is what is happening here I was in there oh

Combining all the uh ingots into blocks oh right okay because I’m trying to get stuff into the flowers are all at the bottom okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay I have a new I have an inventory full of flowers so yeah I’m moving all the iron

I just turned it into iron blocks that’s okay I mean look at this this looks amazing this looks so good that’s just oh my yes okay yes I’m going to I’m going to every episode I’m going to cover a bit more of this island but maybe not all of it today because that

Would be a very boring stream right yeah that’s a lot of flowers in there that’s a lot of stuff so basically I mean I have a a golden apple but we need weakness potion right yeah we’re going to have to get some uh we have to get some Nether wart

Oh God that be yeah we also need a blaze we need blaze rod oh I think we’re in trouble so we’ll have to locate this stream might end soon yeah we’ll have to locate a fortress I have a tip for you you should add roses with the puppies okay that’s a

Very good idea okay right now um geek squeak hey geek geek squeak I’m not going to tell you what the proper what the proper name for that redeem is because I’ve already been llamas but oh what he found it no dang dang dang I’m going to find out real quick

What I got I’m I’m I’m running I’m running I’m I’m running out of counting words for how many times I’ve already been llamas but oh there’s a cave is that a that’s that’s not a good thing how many derp corns I’m up to I don’t know that was

96 that’s right I spent some like two weeks ago Lily has got more D coins than you yeah I spent I think I spent like 400 just like a week or two ago oh geek squeak is on Geeks quick has just become an uncle uncle geek Uncle Davy

Congrats yes very very cute very cute baby exactly what you H Lily You Got Me by like 40 coins right now yeah I know how do you have more I don’t know because you’re not as mean as him because when he gets half a chance he

Just sends me llama spit yeah I I do a lot of llama spit yeah okay oh somebody sends me flowers Luciano Luciano thank you flowers I mean it’s very fitting right because I’m planting flowers like a mad person oh yeah I forgot do you know cringy girl no you don’t no cringy girl

Right no he is like a pal of neat freezes well he used to be well I mean she knows him not that like the pal Pals you know they’re like he’s somebody she knows but he was somebody who very nearly joined the ignit us and he’s now

Super super big he’s got like he does who’s that geek squeak geek squeak good job geek oh my God somebody’s got a fill in so okay again where did I come up Where was the where where was my access route I’m going to have to S around this

Island okay there we are there I am okay okay so no oh God no I can’t get up here okay right I’ve got to go up here somewhere you have to go to the Zombie Trail yeah I have to go and do the Zombie Trail okay no wrong side I always do the

Wrong side oh thank you okay L that was too late unfortunately because now I’m already clean and yeah and and very very wet hey dark master how are you how’s it going so yeah it’s getting dark uh I’m going to finish planting the puppies that are in my hand and then oh thank

You and then we’re going to go should we go hunting for a bed or do you want to do something else first I’ve also got some treasure maps here um let’s see if we can’t find the desert cuz I I know there’s a lot of things in the desert we

Could use yeah that’s really that’s that’s true um now Panda has this map thing what’s that mod called that you’ve got with the maps um it I don’t remember the name of the mod it’s uh but it basically remembers where you have been and it sort of slow the places it’ll slowly

Open up as I travel yeah so you have to go to the places first so it doesn’t show you anything that you haven’t seen yet but it does kind of remember where you have been just like a vanilla Minecraft map you have to yay you have to travel to open yeah

So you have to yeah so you have to do that so anyway um he has had a look at the map to see which areas we have least explored and did you say did you say well the biggest dark area is going to be the Northeast

Northeast okay well I mean since we have gone quite far in the other directions yeah we went almost 2500 to the Southwest okay so it makes sense to try that so that’s where we found the jungle yeah there was no desert in that direction no it was nothing but

Forest and was that where the ancient city was uh no this ancient city is in the Southeast oh okay I’m I’m so bad with directions and that one’s actually relatively close that’s under the snow mountain that was just under the snowy mountains right yeah that one’s only a

Few hundred blocks away I feel that’s like something from The Hobbit it does doesn’t it it does sound like something from the okay Luciano is sending the rain to make the flowers grow I’m just going to stand under this tree for a moment just until the rain

Stops okay thank you right I can carry on now right um okay uh I’m nearly I’ve nearly sort of planted all the flowers in my inventory that’s good okay I think I’m going to keep a little path this way or maybe I won’t what let’s not let’s not keep a path let’s

Just plant everything with flowers we can always take the flowers down again yeah it’s not that difficult yeah bucket of water does it real quick oh yeah that’s a good idea okay so so one of the things I want to do by the end of the stream I’m going to go to

Our oh yeah we have a task board don’t we I forgot about that cuz we set that up last time yes God that seems like a long week so next week um I don’t know what to do I am meeting some friends uh because it’s getting close to Christmas

And you know there’s like a lot of christmy stuff going on everywhere um you know people sort of trying to give each other Christmas presents and stuff like that so no I’m not going to plant around the house so I think oh my god let’s have a look at this wow yeah

That’s a lot of red looks this looks so red amazing you should see it on the map oh my any anybody in this in my stream you guys can see it we’re probably I’d say an eighth of the of our island is now red okay I’ve got I’ve got

Just like just over two stacks here that I still need to plant yeah there’s I leave yellow flowers yes I’m going to leave the I’m going to leave the yellow flowers I hope that we’re not going to die before I have finished planting the entire islands with flowers cuz that’s so

Cute right behind the house okay I’ll I’ll be posting a picture of our Island from the map oh that’s a good idea yeah and I’ll send it to you dippy so you can post it as well yeah I can post it in the I can post it in the

YouTube uh uh Community thing yeah and then I’ll even take a shot of that’s cool this is everywhere we’ve traveled so far okay amazing oh I just saw a dolphin jump nice okay I just want to get rid of the last flowers that I have here

I might not do like the edges all the way okay hello Mr dolphin when I first discovered dolphins on Minecraft I was just so thrilled with them I got a total dolphin Obsession I you chill why do many what I hope I’m going to be feeling better by

The before the end of the stream oh dear merry early Christmas dippy love you merry early Christmas dippy and Panda love you too okay right luano we love you too Merry Merry Christmas Merry Christmas yes 12 more flowers to go 12 more flowers and then I’m out of flowers

And I’m not going to go back because then we need to do something more sensible okay that’s the last flower yes yay flowers okay right okay this is bonkas this is totally bonkas this hello hello Mr weapon Smith in there so um the the notice board is over here hey Sean how

Are you hello okay Sean you know your F I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m going to cover this entire Island in poppies because you know usually people just bone meal them but well you could just do this right it looks well we’re already getting them from the iron farm yeah we’re getting

Them for free so we might as well use them right yeah so we’re going to live yeah okay uh notice board so hello cows oh wow look at the drip Stone it’s really grown oh my God that’s like that’s G all the way to the ground yeah they’re touching there’s don’t celebrate

Christmas what really yeah there’s some areas that don’t quick panda a water bucket down the flower field no oh dear said that no don’t listen to don’t listen to geek squeak he’s being mean my lovely flowers okay so sheep farm oh we wanted to do a sheep farm

That’s right we have treasure maps yes I’ve got all the treasure maps in my inventory I think uh find a desert get a cactus nether portal we have done the nether portal it’s over there we just haven’t explored yet so and fact I can 27 more dripstone tips okay so what we

What what did we not find a Bastion quite close to the nether what was it that we found yeah there’s a Bastion like not even not even 50 blocks away from the portal wow okay that’s but that doesn’t have blaze in it get blaze no we

We’ve got to find a uh Fortress for that yeah done Home Improvements make PR pretty M shaft Ancient City Beacon uh I need more signs yeah Beacon that’s gonna be another uh we got to get wither skulls get yeah get blaze get um what are those bobbly red things

Called again Nether wart yeah we can get that from a a fortress if we can find one yes okay um cure the villagers yep sheep uh yeah that’s uh I’m going to put that on here yeah they’re safe for now cuz they both pick picked up an item cure the green

Guys yeah I threw one of them I think it was a almost broken golden boots and the other one a dirt block and they both picked it up oh dear lano’s phone is about to die he’s on 18 okay oh that’s not good that’s not good so today I

Think let’s start with treasure maps and find a desert and get cactus well should we just go to the hang on let me just have a look at the so we set Northeast I have happen to have the maps in my inventory because I put them in there

Before we left so this is one that is this is one that I think we might have explored already because that’s in an area that I think we have explored so I’m just have a have a look and double check for me this one is somewhere where we

Haven’t been yet and it is oh it is Southwest of here so that’s totally the wrong direction um this one is I just sent you a picture of the current map okay uh in Discord oh yes oh yes yes okay I can see that oh my God we have

Literally gone we’ve done a lot to the South and West and a little bit to the southeast yeah but looks Northeast is wide open it does doesn’t it that’s funny on I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to hang on how can I uh save image no no that’s cancel I’m going

To open image in browser okay can can you see this this is where we are and we have gone all the way in this direction and all the way in this direction so we’ve basically mostly traveled sort of in a Northeast to Southwest Direction um well but we haven’t really sort of

Gone this way or that way I don’t know I mean but this is like a big black area we could also go this way or uh I don’t know so you think we should go that way because there was a coast to follow yeah okay right hey Lily thanks for joining

Let’s do that sorry my chat is like lagging IGN you what no he you how what no it just popped up as you were saying that in dippies chat okay I don’t know why I am getting my notifications really really slow okay yeah I had that for a

While uh so hang on is this the same map yeah see now I’m seeing the the okay that’s the same map all the different P are the same Maps but they are one’s I sent you a closeup so you could see all the red is that the same map again

That’s like that’s we have three times the same map okay and this one here is that’s a different one and this is Al but this is also Southwest Southwest yeah okay so all our maps go to the Southwest sleepy time sleepy time quick quick quick yep I’m in

On it woohoo okay I um see see I have the right bed but Panda has got to make do with a blue bed and that’s not his color so all the maps are actually going in the wrong direction what is this one yeah I’m sorry Lily it just now popped

Up single one like I think the last of your message this one is this one is Northeast there’s one map that’s Northeast okay so the other maps are all going in the wrong direction and these ones are all the same one so we have one map that we can actually use hello

Hello and this one is this a what is this oh this one is one that we have already found so we could just check this one okay I brought up my stream on YouTube so maybe I can see the uh chat a little bit quicker I’m going to throw this in the

Flames there you go no that didn’t okay hang on I don’t think they can burn on those F that flame I will well if they stay there long enough they will thisa it’s back yeah you picked it back up I heard the the pop okay how are you one food I’m

Just going to leave it on there to burn okay I have got one map that goes in the right direction on so I have a sword I have an axe I have an efficiency axe I have got my pingy pops I’ve got a couple of torches cinnamon roll

Hello hey hey cinnamon rolls cinnamon roll sounds tasty I like cinnamon rolls oh I love stack of food here uh I just made some more uh steak if you want to take a stack of steak okay I’ve got a stack of steak with me and say that five times

Fast stack of steak a stack of steak stick a stick a stack stack a steti um stack a whacka wacka W this is a uh uh private server cinnamon yeah may play with oh yeah yeah yeah no this is a private server we would love to play with you yeah but

This this is a special server it’s set it hardcore and we share our life yeah okay so I have a boat actually I should get a chest boat hang on that’s the magic books that’s what are you doing on my chest get off my chest why are you climbing on the furniture you’re

A sensible grownup get down there you’re going to get hurt and he’s got the look on his face like yeah what are you going to do about it yeah exactly I mean I’m sure oh our chest boats are all down in the water aren’t they uh yours is in

Here where which your pink your pink chest boat’s in here oh that’s where that went so this is my emergency boat that’s my travel cart that’s my mine is down here emergency water uh emergency planks uh no that’s a regular boat mine might be off the beach diving diving

Doors what else do we need punch him dippy have I watched the amazing digital circus it’s really good video because they swear well you would like that lanu you would definitely like that uh I’m going to take a little bit of iron okay I don’t know where my chest

Boat went just because it’s kind of it’s it’s probably in the water still isn’t it I’ve got my regular boat I just don’t know where my chest boat’s at ah okay I just checked the docks I’m checking the other side of the island well we could

Just oh I know where it’s at I know where it’s at okay you got it you got it diamonds we are rich we are rich it it’s out by the uh drug yeah this villager is he on drugs I don’t know I don’t know yep there it is

Definitely he’s definitely not a well adjusted person because yeah I would say he’s only an apprentice he’s he’s still he’s he’s still young he’s still young that’s why he’s doing silly stuff like that right okay I have boat uh will travel we actually I I saw an amazing

Thing have you seen the thing with the string duper trick it’s amazing uh uh but unfortunately it doesn’t work on on yeah they they don’t work on fabric and paper make an iron golem well um we could do that oh actually have I got shears on me

Um we I mean they they they they do spawn naturally but we could make an iron golem why not let’s make an iron golem we’ve got the iron oh we’ve definitely got the iron uh I just need to get a okay we need was it three three uh no

How four right four four iron blocks four iron blocks and a cved pumpkin on yes I have sheas have sheas will travel okay hello Maggie how are you okay how’s it going hey Maggie okay and the pumpkins live right here okay somebody said make a Golem we should make a snow golem that

Would be fun okay I know we got snow Yeah but everywhere he’d walk would leave a snow trail yeah it might get messy yeah okay there we go okay are you ready for your new life Mister puff there you go I have created life wow yes I’m your mother Luke I am your

Mother and now he’s shaking his head yes s just like going he’s going like are you are you mad make a snowman we we we we we haven’t currently got any snow we have to go to the I don’t think we have any snow no I don’t think we have any at

The moment I don’t want to where’s the where’s the composter thingy bobsy things there we go composting right okay shall we go and no that’s North and that’s East that that direction okay Northeast I can confirm we have no snow let’s go we have no snow that’s good who has snow everybody who

Has snow in their country because we had a little bit of ice and it was rubbish it was so slidy um but depends on what part of the country you’re in for me where I live we Florida we never we never get snow is Panda the father I

Don’t know I think it was a virgin birth I don’t think so I don’t think panda is is this your child as well no do you you have nothing to do with that I I had nothing to do with that you had he had nothing to do with that so I’m

Sorry we can’t we can’t get alimony money out of him it’s not his baby oh there he is look he’s liking walking about look at him look at how happy he looks he just went straight for the poppies do you like poppies yes you do good okay nodding he’ll attempt to

Give the villagers some poppies poppies yeah he he does they’re very cute okay so there’s the sheepies oh okay oh getting some more wool up I just thought while I’m here waiting you what are you you’re just oh you’re ready okay yeah I’m ready to go I thought

Okay oh you missed a block you missed one it’s over here I got it oh you got it I missed a sheep as well they they repop their wool so quickly sometimes that if you have like several of them by the time you’ve shown them all that’s like new wool 26 wool

Yes dippy I think it’s a virgin birth you death okay well we need wool because we want to go to the ancient city eventually and for that we need a ton of wool well you you need a ton of wool I never I never go in with wool yeah okay you’re the

Sneak Master well you need wool for for for for isolating the thingies before you cut them down right the the the the sensor the what are they called the cat no not the catalyst so there’s the Catalyst there the skull sensus and then there’s the shers shers thing shers I yeah if

There’s too many shers in the area yeah some w a little bit of wool will help yeah yeah to I’m I’m just just for isolating the right okay oh loose llama loose llama no it doesn’t it can’t go anywhere yeah hello so are we going to head to

The Northeast Northeast okay that’s this corner here that’s Southwest that’s true that’s very true I was just testing you I was just testing you North North North the North End of the island is the dock um okay okay just just behind the house I might have once or twice or 15

Times or maybe a 100 times mentioned that I’m a little bit directionally challenged well that’s why you have me around you’re my satn right okay okay oh I no oh okay right haha is there anything in my chest boat no there isn’t let me just put some

Spare stuff in there that can go in there because that will then survive okay so yeah that can also go in there I don’t really need that okay and I probably don’t need that just now okay let’s oh hang on that can also go in there okay um it’s getting

Dark oh no we can either travel in the dark or sleep real quick uh we can just well I mean I’m like literally yeah I was going to say you’re still right there like literally right there so I might as well sleep Lippy BL loves Panda yeah but only in a

Only in a friendly way right yes I think I think yeah Panda’s Panda’s family and wife might have problems with that and also my husband probably too yeah I I I like and respect Blackie so yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and and and and and I have great respect for pixie so yeah

Okay there you are okay right so I don’t know if this is anyway so we’re going in this direction so hang on oh this map is no yeah yeah this map mean means we need to go north east as well okay cool right oh good so one of them is this direction

Yeah yeah I think so right we are going no don’t lie dippy di you’re so cheeky dippy is like a more like a big sister we’ll put it that way yeah oh oh God this is where the where the this is where the stingy fish live yeah the I

Don’t like getting too close to that because then we can’t break blocks I’m done I’m going to go go away from them yeah yeah okay yeah and I this shipwreck is definitely one that we have seen many times oh it’s definitely the thing is definitely getting getting bigger it might actually

Be um a map that we have already used I don’t know we’ve definitely raided this shipwreck right I don’t remember this one’s almost completely above water yeah I mean I’m sure we’ve been have we been in there no this is all brand new uh area

We have not been in this oh my God okay I’m going in going in this is like this is so beautiful this is like practically unbroken this is like complete wow that’s what you’ve taken the only good parking space I’m going to nudge your boat out of the way we did hit this

One there’s nothing in the chest okay well okay yep the chests are all gone at least this time I won’t ask you who uh whose boat uh is mine and which boat is yours because it’s so obvious so East North Northeast going this way so if we keep the the left

Number and the right number roughly the same That should kind of do it right I don’t know what you’re meaning left number and right number x and x and z if we keep x and z roughly the same we’re going kind of pretty much Northeast right yeah they’re both both

Traveling at or moving at the same Pace what am I to you well you’re a friend right you’re definitely a friend you’re pal you’re luano you’re you’re special you’re you’re special definitely definitely definitely yeah and I don’t mean special with irony ship uh once my friend SMP we found a

Ship on land and he pretended to be a pirate it was because I’ve never seen a ship that was wrecked did he catch an axel okay well we need to find a lush cave for that uh okay hang on hang on hang on I we are on the map and we need to

Go we need to go this way actually I think we might have dug this one up okay now we need to go East hang on yeah this map says we need to go further east treasure map I don’t know it’s filling in already so it can’t be very far oh we’re getting

There so it’s yeah it’s sort of on this Shore somewhere okay it’s it’s sort of here have we have we dug it up already it’s close by it’s over in this area stand on put your white dot on the on the X yeah yeah yeah I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m moving

There it’s it’s surprisingly far inland oh there’s a Wolfie have we got any oh there’s lots of Wolfies have we got bones I don’t have any bones on me now and I don’t know what we have back at base from the but we can always come back because there’s bees here as well

Yeah and we need more bees yeah all of our bees left the wolves are so friendly I know and there’s a bunch of them yeah there’s four of them right here hang on okay I mean it’s not far right okay I am now practically on on the X so F3 what was it

F3g what which one is it should be right here f3g F3 oh you F3 okay oh you found it yep Oh there’s some good stuff couple of diamonds some gold iron TNT it’s gone he’s done it yeah I swiped it now we’re both stuck in a hole that

Was super useful dippy well done okay and everything I dug kind of went into your inventory so do you think these these wolves will stay here if I just if I go back yeah the wol the Wolves will be here on our when we come back when we

Come back through spawn or or should we go and get them now no they’re wolves tend to stick around nice mobs stick around it’s the bad ones that despawn so we will try to remember it’s near the boat here I will do this okay will you

Write down where it is nope I’m going to create a waypoint oh okay oh on your on your on your magic map that’s West that’s North East there we go now I got a w on the map for Wolf oh okay amazing now we have a problem I don’t think we can

Go northeast in this direction because there the forest in the way well at least that’s what it looks like there hey super cool boy hello how are you looks like there might be a river that we oh might be that might be yeah we’ll have to go around this to the north a

Little bit Yeah cuz that looks like it’s just a short little Loop yeah do you think if we I see pumpkins is this I think we I think we’re okay on pumpkins we get do you think yeah we there Piggies you think we can get round to the other side is there

Yeah that’s what I need to open up some more map and take a look I don’t think I mean I think we might have to go Overland for a bit uh we can always go backwards and go north a little bit it looks like that River actually goes the direction we

Need okay cool okay yeah okay right let’s do that okay so just out and around the right hand side are you following aans uh he’s doing um the raft series at the moment and it looks super fun oh yeah I I think that’ll be one of our next Adventures

Yeah shall we do that next yeah I I really like it’s not available I think it’s not available for 120 I think it’s like an older version I think we need to go around this this Sandy spit here yeah Turtles oh I could breed some turtles and get a

Turtle yeah we can make some turtle helmets Turtle helmets now did you know the turtle helmet is actually the best helmet to have in the game okay bye I know it’s my favorite helmet it’s like absolutely brilliant but you know what’s bad my skin is like so that my eyes are

Too high so I look like I’m like I’ve literally got a bucket on my head I just can’t see it goes over my eyes oh this is this is like one of my favorite biomes on the left oh the dark oak yeah yeah and the is this oh that I thought

That was old Spruce old gross tiger you know the the the the tiger Villages they just look so good oh I know North that is a tyaga right there yeah right on the other side of the dark oak yeah the one with the big big tall pine trees right

Mhm yes what’s your favorite biome I don’t know I I spend a lot of time in the jungle biomes yeah jungle biomes are cool no I think it’s my favorite because it’s got like the best villages The Villages look so handsome see that’s why I like the jungle biome because you can

Get the rarest villager out of them yeah but there are no jungle Villages are you still with me yeah I’m right there by you yeah okay this no the only way to get a jungle villager is to cure it you have to get it as a zombie villager in a jungle

And when you cure it you’ll get the jungle villager what if you take uh two villagers in a boat to a jungle and let them make a baby would that then become a jungle villager yeah there’s a 20% chance that you’ll get a jungle villager that way oh okay cool because um anybody

Who’s playing on 12.2 will need to know this right because so we’re going uh because you can uh the trades are now linked to sort of certain biomes yes look yeah with this new well that’s if you’re running the uh the experimental oh okay so the normal the

Normal stuff hasn’t been enough yeah it it it hasn’t gone full yet until I believe 121 okay okay that’s an interesting Mountain this is not somewhere where we’ve been is it no we’re still in the Northeast yeah and it’s it’s getting dark and I’m going to sleep oh and there’s a double Village

Coming up oh nice well I mean supplies supplies it’s literally a double Village I cannot sleep because there’s a monster nearby okay oh I hope this is not a trident guy are you killing him it them I mean I don’t want to assume anything thing oh that looks

Interesting nice um I see some funny smoke that is is that the is that zombie smoke yeah I just killed one right there and we got the village just right here up on the right oh okay cool there’s two Villages there’s this one and one right across oh my God that’s so

Cool wow okay Nei that it’s just a very large Village okay bye Lano bye loano okay but we have not been here right no oh they’ve got a smoker we can use that to cook our food oh yes let’s take that down yeah and also if we see

Um if we see any more oh there’s a kiddo hello hello little one now that I look at it this is actually one of the rarest buildings to spawn in a village it this is a restaurant what this is a restaurant have you ever seen a naturally spawned restaurant I I

Didn’t even know we had restaurants in my oh my God yes it is it is one of the rarest and it’s got a patio yeah this is one of the rarest cuz you get a countertop here with the smooth Stone yeah and then you’ve got your seating at a at a

Table I’m going to take the flower I didn’t know you I I didn’t know they had that that’s that’s pretty cool Hello C it’s super rare really wow they have a bit of an issue with their door here okay this is oh God there’s a blast furnace do we need a

Blast furnace for anything I suppose BL furnace is never a bad thing yeah I was going to say it’s probably not a bad thing to grab yeah okay that’s another bed we don’t need another bed okay okay potatoes I think we can keep they can keep their potatoes but I’m going to

Take this yeah crops they can they can keep the crops we’re we’re pretty good on those I might just I might just take the hay bales because if I we can feed the llamas and breed llamas with that yeah i’ I’ve been snagging up the hay bales nothing in here just a humble

Aboard oh we got an iron house iron worker house okay nice some apples and some iron nice I’m going up here and nothing this person is penniless okay right let’s see what we got nothing just a yellow bed okay oh my God there’s like houses there there’s

Stuff down there as well their Bell is like all the way down in that hole yeah this is a really big Village this is super cool okay nothing in here have you been to the one at the top here yes oh okay right um and according to the map the

The pathways go this way yeah this is a really big Village okay um cuz ouch I was going to say what what hit me that was just oh that was just me jumping yeah over here there’s three uh three fields or three little gardens yeah that’s so cool that is so cool I

That is this is one of the coolest uh villages I’ve ever seen there’s a village down there and there’s a there’s a house down there in that hole as well I see that and this is not a safe way to keep your pets they’re like practically inside the

Waterfall what no oh and this doorway is in the water oh my God I’m going to steal that Bell oh wow how half of this house has got dirt what what did you find something oh there’s a cat something that we needed what I found a brewing stand oh

Cuz we have one brewing stand oh do we already have one well we we have don’t we don’t we have a cleric we do have a cleric that’s right but look how this building spawned with all this dirt C that’s crazy okay and it’s inside a waterfall something terrible happened here there’s

A guy with a cat I don’t have any fish dad oh I’ve only got I’ve only got cooked fish no it’s okay it’s okay well okay this was uh this was very interesting there’s stuff down there no we’re not going down there are we no no okay um we need to

Go right this way where is he he’s disappeared I’m across the way in the big waterfall oh okay you’re in the big water okay um yeah swimming up the way swimming up the way swimming swimming swimming swimming up the way um oh there you are that way

Right oh yeah there’s a bunch of hay bales over there oh okay that we missed yeah they were they W in that down level weren’t they this is this is like some this is some weird landscape Minecraft get a grip this is not how real stuff works I

Know yeah this is definitely a very rare Village yeah so I think I should should I give you all the hay bales then it makes more sense when if one person has all the same stuff right yeah I I’ll load it into my boat okay right right but I

Think we’ve pretty much raed Blackie just turned up with a donut with a cinnamon donut amazing right where are the boats interesting C back out this way this would have been an interesting interesting Village yeah especially with the the the restaurant structure I I’ve never seen one of those before this is

Insane right okay I’m in the boat yeah loading everything into the why chest hang on okay I thought I had oh yes everything went into my chest because okay because okay I’ve got the smoker yep that’s all stuff I don’t need right now okay amazing I also don’t want

This dandel line Sorry Sorry Dand I don’t want this dandel line go away dandel line all right looks like just Riv is either we’re either going to have to empty the chest boats and go across land or we can go kind of to the Northwest see where this this River leads that way

Yeah yeah um I can’t get rid of this stupid dandelion it just follows me around well I mean does it looks like the river is going to loop around to the north more to the west then of turn around to the right or should we just break it down

Now okay it it does split and go back to the right again so we’re cool cool ah I just had to get more of the map opened up yeah okay sure yeah stuff is kind of rendering weirdly cuz like yeah okay so yeah right over here we can turn to this right

Oh my God there’s like the countryside is like rendering in really slowly I don’t know whether my computer is struggling a bit at the moment but oh that that does that look like is that a desert it’s either a beach or a desert no that’s a beach isn’t it yeah

That’s a beach there’s no Cactus just getting really excited here looks like we hit have another ocean let’s see if it turns into a warm ocean probably probably a good thing right yeah if it turns into a warm ocean then I know where we should be getting close hang

On we need to probably head head a little bit more East than West because yeah we ended up really north than East more north than East yeah oh I lost you oh I’m on oh I see you y okay it’s getting towards dark I’m just following

The coast with the yeah with the birch tree yeah I’m right behind you okay right this is now going east a bit okay oh there’s a shipwreck is that a shipwreck yes that is a shipwreck yes so that’s what it looks like I’m just going

To get out here and put my bed you want to go for that back one or you waiting to sleep um I think I’m going to wait to sleep okay I’m going to be out here waiting to sleep all right we got another ber treasure map cool is it I haven’t looked

At it yet no don’t check it down there oh we got some more gold okay nice and iron and some more armor trim nice and somebody ran out of air right as I was getting back up to the top yeah I’ve got another 15 Minecraft minutes of clicking a

Bed I think it’s just the two yep just two chests yeah it’s only half a boat isn’t it it’s broken yeah all right let’s see where this map leads successful sleeping right okay it looks like it’s going to be to our Northeast oh that’s really handy

Okay well lead the way sir lead the way yep we’ll have to go more north than east at the moment we can always correct it later yeah oh oh nice landscape okay trying to determine if where we need to go okay we’re starting to open up there another shipwreck we’re above

Another shipwreck look it’s one on the side yeah okay cool you want to go for that one yeah sure um let me just I don’t know if I should put my bed down somewhere first ah let’s go for it let’s go for it right okay I have um hang on oh this

Is a full boat too oh well we could both go which one are you going for the front Okay I’m going for the back right now I’ve already seen the oh another buried treasure I got some paper and a I’ve got carrots I’ve got some fancy

Armor some iron and emeralds oh get back up get back up oh that time I did both chests before uh did you did you did you maybe not take a um a door cuz if you want one I’ve got two uh oh it’s the same map okay oh

That’s a shame well I can give you one so you can watch where we’re going okay right do you want a door yeah I have no door okay right um hang on one door for you there you go oh it fell in the water I

Think I also didn’t get the map oh the door’s down there in the water underneath your boat ah I see it okay and the map should float back up oh there it is okay okay hang on I’ll get it do you see me where is it it’s right

Here below me oh yeah I I see it I see it I see it I see it okay all right okay and we’re relatively close if we follow this River oh okay yes okay you see this River over here oh you’ve got the same one hang on

Hang on hang on I’m I’m just this way yeah so we have to go north yeah there’s a river right here yeah let’s see yeah I see it I don’t know how far we’ll be able to get uhhuh oh we’re not going to be able

To go far at all this way no I think we have to probably either get out or yeah that’s that all looks yeah that’s a dead end right there yeah um who’s that Captain rat Captain rat oh I see Captain rat is here okay Captain we need to go over land

Right no no I just looked at the big map we can go out and around this way okay cool yeah okay Captain rat is here how are you hey Captain oh he’s in my stream too I got to move my chat real quick okay okay now I can see the actual

Live chat because for some reason the rose stre oh yeah you were there there’s the rose bushes that we were looking for we just need like a couple of them yeah just a couple I don’t know if we have any but okay are you taking them or am I

Taking them well I was just cutting them down I was going to throw these at you okay the red the red flowers the red flowers is your thing need some need some yeah okay thank you there you go okay amazing so red flowers okay uh I’ve also

Got a flower pot because yeah uh do you want the wood do you want to take the paper because it makes sense if oh yeah I’ve got all that already Unbreaking would you like an Unbreaking leather tunic no I think we’re okay on Armor yeah yeah that was a serious question by the

Way that was it’s behind you no I know there you go it’s shiny and purple and I really don’t want it okay cool yeah Captain rat how are you I’m fine don’t have much free time uh anymore at least for a month or two oh no that’s not

Good okay so we need to go north and a little bit to the West huh okay this way where is he where is this go go around the uh that little island you’re at you’re going south right now so go down out and around yep there you go yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah Northwest okay yeah we’re going in the right direction yeah and it’s should be around this yeah yeah oh yeah we’re getting there oh and this one’s in the water oh no really that’s not good hang on oh it still won’t stop I’ll I’ll find it all right we’re practically there

Right is it f3g nope just F3 F3 yep you want to look at your chunk relative yes chunk relative which one is that I should be directly over left hand side or right hand side left hand side near the top left hand side near the top found it okay chunks

Overworld it should be somewhere right below your XYZ coordinate ah okay block chunk yeah yeah yeah yeah 29 19 no what I’m currently three I’m I’m floating at 9149 so I just went down and found it oh yeah I see it 149 yes I’ve got it it’s in the square brackets uh where

Where it says block oh yeah see I’ve got uh better F3 mod so mine mine looks a little different it’s colorful so it stands out yeah yeah okay so did we get anything nice more diamonds another heart of the sea some water breathing potions cool okay

Um now I have noticed that we have gone very very far to the um North but not really that far to the east I think we need to go further east yes because we are at two minus 2,000 but only, 1400 on the X so should we go back also

There’s some the valley we can go back out I never knew how expensive these flowers were until now well it depends on where you live uh I mean but they don’t really sell them in flower shops really you can buy the bulbs for lily of the valley yeah I’ve never even looked for

Those out here yeah then they’re not they only grow in certain clim it there he is follow the panda follow the panda see what we can find oh this is so relaxing this is this is Minecraft like kind of this is Minecraft nice yeah nothing bad has

Happened see this is this is like my favorite thing to do on brand new servers is just explore it yeah just looking at stuff oh we got another Village there’s another Village is that the same Village or is no that’s a different a different one oh nice I could

Literally do this all day long live off the land occasionally go into a cave and you know get some materials and then right back to the water yeah okay I’ll I’ll start at the far end of the village okay okay people we have come to uh raid

You oh there’s a oh there’s a brewing stun oh another one yes well we can always use more Brewing STS nothing up here okay coming down go up there all the way to the top nope this is a poor poor poor villager with nothing to offer that one just had some apples and

Bread there’s a child I mean I feel bad about ransacking their homes because there’s a child here and I’m kind of going and you know stealing their stuff that door is open okay you’re taking that yeah I’ll give this all to you and when we’re it’s okay yeah get back to the

Boats I think you’ve got all the others still yeah oh there’s another there’s another do we need another um Blast Furnace no I think they can keep their Blast Furnace yeah nothing in here okay H hello sorry sorry for the intrusion yeah wow these guys have a lot

Of bales of hay yeah oh and I went around the long way okay after you sir after you as a villager trapped in there there’s nothing in here hello good sir you can come out now there a sun setting so you can you can have a little snooze

In there because it’s sleepy time oh it is isn’t it yep and you’re right where the bed is oh I was right where the bed is oh okay I can go back there we can find a bed I got okay amazing okay that’s another another bunch of yeah there was

Some more down the hill okay yeah got them getting them getting them getting them yeah so is it work that’s keeping you busy and also Captain how did it go with your colleague I’m going to throw these out to you have I got all the hay now yes right

Behind you I mean from last time yeah I think I threw it all at you before Captain how did it how did it go with your colleague cuz I remember a while ago we were chatting and you wanted to where am I I’ve lost my boat oh

Yeah and you you were talking about maybe wanting to you know ask a colleague out but you want you oh I think you might have the other hay bales in your boat I do have the other hay bales yeah I’ll give them to you then

There you go I thought we gave I could have swore we gave it to you am I am I getting mixed up with somebody else Captain R am I getting mixed up with somebody else I thought it was you who was talking about you know wanting to ask a colleague out

And not sure if that was a good idea or not but maybe I’m getting that completely maybe I’m getting that completely wrong have I have I got that completely misremembered yeah I know nothing about any of that I haven’t I haven’t seen I haven’t seen you in stream for a while

So now we’re going south is that that’s yeah we got to go out and around East okay East maybe I got that wrong nothing much but I think I might quit my current job job and join her when she opens her shop that was the colleague yes yes that was the colleague

The one with the shop yeah new adventures wow that sounds amazing oh there’s a cherry biome up there do we need anything Cherry related not really should we go up and get some uh saplings well we have some cherry trees in our village oh we do we did find a cherry sa that’s

Right okay this is going to take us back to the South again yeah H does it go anywhere I we can look what I see do you see what I see not yet what are we at villag Outpost villag Outpost oh a Pillager Outpost Pillager Pillager iller

Pillager oh oh my God okay are we going to die in this or are we can can we risk it I mean we could get some we could get some La yeah there might be some La in there I’m there are cages I I I have

Parked my boat over here I can see a boat without a driver I’ve parked my boat on the far Corner oh my God but if we die we’re we’re going to be dead a long time well then that’s the whole idea of not dying yeah but I mean this is like a

Pillage I mean I mean if we just run in right oh the Allies are loose oh my God so we just need to give them stuff right yeah I’m going to see if I can get to this one okay hang on hang on oh you you you’re already over there I’m I’m

Literally oh don’t run away don’t run away I’m literally I’m literally over here okay I got one I’m I’m literally on the other bank kind of trying to okay trying to sneak my way around to get a closer look because I don’t want to what hi Tippy I need freeze hi look what

We found oh no not not now not now I got llamas spat okay okay wow okay I’ve got it okay there’s a guy I mean I’m just trying to figure out if there’s any more of the guys in oh there’s there’s a guy there’s a guy he’s on my trail okay

Okay I got a bunch of them over here you’ve got the LA uh no I got a bunch of pillagers the LA are loose they found a cave the LA found a cave yeah their cage ended up on a cave oh okay I can see the

LA oh I can see the villagers as well I’ve got a bunch coming at me this one’s dead I’m going to follow them yeah shoot each other shoot each other shoot each other nope you shoot your buddies okay are you okay there yep I’m good okay

Good I shot a couple of them in the butt like a coward hey it worked yeah so are there any more oh there’s another guy some somebody coming in from behind oh that F despawned oh P be careful I got him you got one following you

Oh okay okay okay okay I’m just going a safe distance before I can that’s a cow that’s not a villager okay these two are dead I’m after that delay I’ve got one La that’s that’s holding that’s holding something yeah yeah there’s another one over there in the cage still I think or

Near the cage cuz I seen it a minute ago I think it might be underground okay oh oh oh oh oh oh that was me I got him you got him okay oh there’s more in the cage there’s more in the cage hang on I’m just going to go and get

Them there’s more in this one underground below us right here somewhere there’s one here yeah there’s another cage of them in there and there’s another cage over here full of them oh my God we’ve got a pleas there’s a two more over here we have now we have to get them

Back they’ll follow us I I I hear har I hear har yeah but sometimes sometimes they get lost oh my God I hear another har har another pirate har hello la I rescued La yes okay are there any more pillages that we need to dispatch or I’m gonna

Go up we could make a we could make a red no don’t don’t go up don’t go up Panda you’re GNA there could be a witch in there I’m going to hold my Apple ready nope we’re clear oh there’s nothing good in there but they will

Respawn well that’s why you get in and get out oh okay I’m going to let loose the Golem okay sir you’re free you can you can do whatever you like oh there’s another Pillager oh and the guy is taking care of him amazing thank you bodyguard thank

You it’s safer up there is it okay well I don’t know sometimes you’re kind of at the top and then like they kind of corner You ah there’s a guy there’s a guy there’s a guy there’s a guy there’s a guy that’s a guy that’s a Guy that’s a guy okay oh I’m I’m trying to not shoot you okay what just happened oh my uh Shield’s about to fail oh we’re getting shot where are we getting shot oh right here oh it’s him it’s him I don’t know how I managed to

Just place place uh place a boat like look what I just no no no don’t shoot him don’t shoot him yeah don’t don’t kill him oh my God I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to so I just I just Panic placed a couple

Of blocks and then I put my boat in there I mean what was I thinking how can we dispatch of him oh there’s nobody left to kill him is there yeah I’m I’ve got one right here I’ve got one right here we could try to get

Him we could my sh is about to break let’s go let’s get out of here we’ve got the LA and we can leave them we can leave them oh no there’s another guy okay okay okay come on La come on La we’ve rescued you you are free

LA I’ve got three LA and you’ve got two there there yes there’s there’s guys still following me yeah I’m trying to catch up to him okay is he is he gone sorry guys I wasn’t watching chat hey Sean hey Captain I see you both in there I just

Concentrating on the the pillagers I’m not getting not getting not getting dead yeah oh my boat where is my boat oh oh I I see it I see it you got your bat okay I oh my God La hello hello la I don’t know where the other La went you

Had two right there by you I’ve got three okay okay uh okay sleeping it’s safer up there yeah you’ve got it doesn’t feel safer yep you got two with you and I’ve got three got both of they’re both here yeah okay okay amazing so um yeah now um we need to get

Past there right but that’s that’s kind of South we want to go East we could just break up I mean have you got a lot in your boat because I don’t think I have yeah I’ve I’ve got a lot okay okay let me just check I mean I’ve

Got I mean the stuff that I’ve got in here I could possibly fit into my inventory you’ve got too much for your inventory um yeah okay let me see how much space I’ve got I’ve still got a bit of space I’ve got two four six seven slots free all

Right you want to look in my CH in my boat and see what’s still there okay you’ve got it lay in the boat now yeah I’ll get him out oh yeah yeah that that’s is that all left over stuff yeah that’s I’m going to get rid of that okay okay um

Paper okay we can leave the cooked fish right yeah we don’t need that that’s the the stuff I don’t think we’re going to need that’s everything so you just need your you just need your boat back without killing the LA and that’s it okay did oh I did get my boat okay it

Picked up the boat okay I mean there’s water on the other side I think it was literally just a case of Crossing this bit of land here because there’s open oan on the other side yeah it looks like it’s more more Open Water oh there’s horses we could

Tame some horses we have no Saddles oh that’s true that’s I’ve got my fishing rod but that’s going to be a boring stream no that’s going to be a boring stream hey how are you RSE reverse a lot hello that’s a reverse a lot rever yeah reverse a lot

So reverse a lot do you reverse a lot oh there’s a baby horse look there’s a f a little gray one oh my God that’s so cute I’m sorry I’m sorry we were just busy trying to not get eaten yeah sorry guys in my stream I did not mean to ignore you we

Just we were trying really hard not to die yeah yeah I’m I’m gonna I’m in back in the water here yeah all right come on on La there you go okay so we’re going back East this is Northeast we’re going back Northeast yeah this one winds around it

Looks like it’ll snake back and forth there’s a there’s a cherry thingy up there I see sand that’s probably another Beach isn’t it uh I I want okay that’s that’s a Beach right yeah that’s what it’s looking like that’s another Beach hey Sean Sean’s back Sean missed all the fun oh NE

Freeze is in yours as welle is in yeah hi NE there another there’s another Cherry thingy I mean um I think we need to turn around go back up and around this beach that’s going to get just East more yeah um I think we have gone quite

I think we are now more East than North I think we need to go further north now we’ve kind of yeah yeah so I think if we come back this way it’ll get us more North yeah I don’t know where you are I’ve Lost You Follow the panda come back

Up to the beach yeah back up to the beach and then oh I see you I see you I see you I see your lovely lovely little friends I don’t know what we may have to cross over yeah we may have to cross over that’s cuz there’s another Waterway on

The other side of here oh there’s another there’s a oh okay oh okay who’s that Sean Sean naughty Sean is just llas B me oh okay okay North we’re going north I oh man I mean a small one as well according to the map there must be there must be something somewhere right

I mean there must be a desert somewhere yeah and we’re all the way out at 2,000 by negative 2 almost 2,000 forest or something uh where where we’re standing no across the water huh yes that is a flower Forest nice we will have to remember that

Okay I’m going to I’m going to leave the boat again I’m just hello why are you sitting in my boat you can’t get a right you have to you have to fly maybe if we go up to that mountain we maybe get a better View and we got

Pillagers right here across the way what where it’s a raid party over there the scouts I can’t see I can’t oh those guys okay right yeah those guys are just Scout they’re not like what we just fac we’re just going to we’re just going to

We’re just going to well if we go this way it’ll be fine right yeah we just oh my God I love flower forests that’s so it’s the best place to build your die Farms yes absolutely absolutely let’s get to the top and see what we can see from the top I’ve got a

Couple of alleys taking their time there they go they got stuck on the trees I don’t know um there’s another Village on the other side of the Hill maybe we’re going in the wrong direction I don’t know I’m getting to the point where I’m kind of thinking

We’re not going to find anything in this direction but we found some interesting stuff yeah we didn’t get what though a little bit we could go in the opposite direction you think I’m more Southwest from base or from base Southwest from base we still yeah we could go that way or I don’t

Know I mean I’m just at the top of this hill and I’m seeing sheep and poppies but yeah there’s another Village up over here doesn’t look I’ve seen it on the map there’s another Village that no I oh man there are so many villages and they’re really pretty but but I I mean

We’re 2,000 blocks out and we still haven’t found anything that looks remotely like what we want right I know I was hopeful too cuz every other direction we’ve gone had nothing well I mean we could just go straight west and then just sort of do a square around it right

Right oh go do a square round base yeah do a square 2,000 M square round base so if we go like if we go back West now and then kind of you know go like 2,000 out and then kind of come back then eventually we must find something right

Yeah we’ll have to find something I mean I’m not I I don’t want to raid another Village that’s yeah I don’t have the inventory no exactly unless we find something super exciting but but at least we will fill in the map yeah yeah and if everybody wants we can post

The picture of our of the map progress each week yeah yeah yeah that would be cool so this is this is the I me oh it’s a Cherry Hill up ahead that’s a Cherry Hill that’s pretty right okay hey I mean come on we had we had a really cool adventure right

I mean oh we got la we got a lace yeah absolutely Hello friends that’s absolutely worth it do we want to go around this or do we want to go up it uh let’s see River if we go that River we can just swim up that river right yeah

That’s going to get us all the way to the top I mean the thing is if we keep to sort of higher ground eventually we’re going to see something oh we’ll have to right okay oh no it’s raining oh no it’s raining it’s a forest

That’s not good I don’t know if I want to walk through a forest okay I’m going to go straight west now yeah I’m right behind you coming up the hill uh actually this is this is kind of I hope we don’t lose the LA’s in here

Yeah no you know what this is not a good idea and there so far they’re keeping up there is a huge cave there this is a nice Valley oh this is but I’m just worried about spawning kind of monsters I’m going to go up to the cherry

Trees yeah I think we can cross around through the cherry trees yeah Um yeah I’m just a bit worried it’s nearly bedtime anyway yeah if you want to sleep I’m going to make another Shield yeah yeah that’s that’s cool do you need iron I have I have stuff I’ve got 37 iron I need wood so I’ll take that do

You have a do you have a crafting table yes I do on a minute uh yeah I want let me just get the crafting table outang on a minute where are you and back yep right there yeah there’s a crafting table all right I’m just going to frolic through

The flowers for a bit Frolic Frolic Frolic Frolic Frolic me and my P me and my giggly friends hello yeah we have some of those at base though so all those yeah you okay with your Shield yep trash Panda dipic trash Panda and dipic are not epic trash Panda and dipic are

Totally lost right now we’re we’re educated distance from home yeah uh 2,000 blocks I have a map though yeah captain and Sean if you guys are still in my stream you guys can see the map oh my God this is a great view oh and there’s a uh ruin portal down off

The hill over here oh where where are you off to the left or off to the right down this way oh cool it is right over there you can see it from here I’ve lost look at where I’m Point uh where I’m facing okay right just right around that

Corner oh yes I I see the edge of it now where I was standing I couldn’t see it because I was too close to this is going to be an interesting descent and then there’s of course the smart way the one with the water water bucket yeah of course I could have you

Know I I I could have done something completely different I have a boat I could just boat it down the hill why didn’t I just boat down the hill that’s a good point this is the village we were at just a little bit ago oh okay so we have actually been

Here okay we just haven’t been to this do we need glistening melon uh uh a fortune shovel what am I going to throw away now the sticks obsidian um how did you do that oh I’ve got a mod oh I see it’s an inventory inventory plus mod okay do we want

Glistening melons and obsidian uh glistening melons only really good for potions and it’s yeah I I hey we’ve got we’ve got an Al hurting oh no don’t don’t hurt yourself Al come on don’t I don’t know where they which one was hurting but I could hear it I’m just

Going to go out yeah I heard it too there’s a gold block up there did you want to get that okay um sure do you have a silky I I have a there’s a random height still that that still damages you okay I think it might have been one of

Mine I’m I’m really not lucky with my mobs no hang on one two no all five still alive okay all five still alive we still have five a okay amazing we’re good okay so we have been to this Village right yes okay um um so we wanted to go west

Right yeah but we can go north a little little bit and it looks like it may curve okay if we go through this way what this way or that way that way okay yeah this will take us uh West and then it’ll curve around M it’s going to curve North a little bit

I want to see if it’ll curve back to the West okay well it doesn’t matter we are on exploration Duty we we will you know we will explore this world yes yeah always looking for the next cool thing out here yeah keeps going keeps going that’s that’s not really the right direction is

It yeah but it’s like it’s snaking back and forth oh okay and it’s always good to be in a boat and it does turn and start going west again oh I see oh and there’s bees this is fun so Captain says there’s still a certain amount of

Random um random fall damage when you’re in a boat yeah there can be okay so it’s all right we can either turn north here or keep going west West well since we’ve gone North East we should sort of aim sort of West or or something like that

Yeah this is just a fork in the road that’s why I was asking yeah yeah yeah it I mean I’m just looking for any sign of a possible desert yeah me too I just think if we keep you know I mean if we keep going this way this is

All new land right yeah yeah this is all if we go sort of westish that’s just a beach that’s a beach yeah we need or right turn more towards the right okay okay this is totally random yeah that’s all Beach there Minecraft is so beautiful I haven’t even got shaders on

That’s old beach yeah all Beach still right okay we’re now 2,500 blocks away from spawn in the uh Z axis but only 1,200 in the x axis yeah mhm well it opens back up to the ocean oh that’s good that’s good that’s a big mountain of uh okay right going this way

Again bit of ocean is probably good yeah I was hoping to find like a warm ocean cuz then if we found a uh ocean ruins yeah we could get us we could could get us sniffy but those are only in warm oceans yeah I know and there usually there

Usually like kind of you know those little kind of groy green guys around okay there something in the way that’s sort of spawning in right now it’s yeah that’s why I’m trying to get closer to look left or right it’s hard to tell either way it looks like it curves around

Okay right it’s a lot of sand but that’s still no desert yeah the mini map in the corner the active map it shows all the entities you can set this one to uh have dots or the entity’s uh face I have mine set to the

Entity’s face oh okay I you can I think you can cross this um because that’s there’s water on the other side I can see okay yep does this go to the left because we’re getting further and further my God this is like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Where are you right behind you aha cuz this goes back this way that’s good that’s good right that’s the right direction yep that’s back West let’s see how far it goes I’m just trying to get at least one coordinate back to zero and then maybe go in the opposite

Direction we’re going to be here forever as long as we’re not dying we’re winning I’d rather I’d rather do this than edit uh I’m I’m in the middle of of editing my first episode for igniters and I haven’t edited let’s play for a while and I forgot how painful it is it’s

Like yeah and see here soon I’m going to have more time so I’m actually going to start a let’s play series probably on a uh private game oh nice kind of a uhhuh I don’t know if I want to do more of a how quick can I

Beat the game or if I want to do okay yeah just to how long can I survive okay okay so like a 100 days kind of thing yeah and see how far I can go see how many days I can live yeah so we are nearly 3,000 blocks away from Spawn but we

Are uh on a line with spawn maybe get a bit closer but do you want to go home and drop off some stuff or or do you want to keep going um I’ve I’m okay with keep going okay cool let’s go I think I lost you though oh I stopped for a

Second I literally went straight straight west straight west and I see something with a lot of sand please let this be a desert there’s a lot of oh no that’s just another Beach it’s just another Beach no but I’m going to get off at this beach it’s a

It’s just a big flat Sandy beachy thing oh I see you but it’s it’s it’s sleepy time lot of turtles over here yeah L my mini map is showing a lot of turtles yeah absolutely tons of turtles admiring the sunset so okay all right just so those that are

Watching this stream we’re right here in the middle that is home base and that’s where we’re at that was today’s travel so far all of that wow so we’re almost yeah we’re just about directly north of Base so hang on oh that’s the spawn Village okay if you send that to me in

The Discord I can share it with people as well oh yeah oh that cinnamon donut I’m sorry excuse the munchie noises but that cinnamon donut take turtle eggs home oh that’s a good idea yeah we’ve got iron we can make shears and go get uh seagrass

Yeah I have I have she hang on let’s do that yeah I’m going to send you this map real quick this is the new one I’m just looking for seagrass oh there’s seagrass right here hang on okay okay Cass and there’s the new for them to lay the

Eggs uh they’re relatively quick once you Fe and if you silk touch you can yep where are you where are the other Turtles you got one there there’s a couple over here near each other okay yeah there’s two right here next to each other ah okay so if we get one

Egg you have to attract the other one yeah I’m trying to feed it and it’s not really oh it’s coming okay I’m trying to feed it you right click yeah like you like you feed any of the animals yeah I’m right clicking away and nothing is happening

No no love love hearts what’s wrong I don’t know oh okay maybe I’ve turned something off here yeah cuz because I think maybe I’ve turned oh is it if you turn particles off you can’t see the love heart yep that turns those off as well ah okay and yeah the one that’s

Climbing is a lot thicker if you look one one’s thicker than the other is that pregnant yep oh they get really they get thicker by one pixel they get pregnant I didn’t know that that’s hilarious the turtle the the turtle is the only one that’ll do that

This one is like the thin one and this one is the fat one right yep it gain they gain an extra pixel worth of uh height because they have but in t that’s that’s that’s completely like turtl Stone oh there’s more here I’m going to I’m going to have another

Go with these guys yeah I’ll watch these guys as soon as I get turtle eggs yeah have you Sil yep come on guys oh my God okay yeah my seagrass is definitely going down I’m just not getting I got XP so they’re definitely doing the thing yep pregnant Turtle did you see it

Get thicker like he St stood up a little bit taller yeah okay that’s another still walking around he had I have particles off I can’t tell if he’s digging in the sand yet yeah yeah okay I have got I’ve got four turtles over here and they’re following

Me right now because they are still interested in my in my you never knew that one Captain I finally have something that you didn’t know about wow okay Captain you know everything though yeah exactly so these Turtles are here and I’m just waiting for them to do the diggy diggy

Thing that’s that’s amazing yeah cuz like if you look at the belly this one is definitely the pregnant one you see that little bit underneath here that’s extra that’s not normal to this one is the other pregnant one cuz that’s also if you look at it from two eggs this

Angle here that is also like has got one one layer more if you look at this one that’s like on the belly and this one is like higher up okay no egg yet I got two eggs these guys are sort of they’re sort of around

But yeah that’s a pregnant one here oh I I threw these two at you this this lady is pregnant I just threw those two eggs down for you oh oh okay where did oh okay turtle eggs yep amazing no we’ve got to wait okay that’s cool yeah no that one actually did some

Digging amazing oh the they’re still following you cuz you have the grass in hand okay sorry um now now they’ll go and dig okay I’m going to Chu that away sorry about the munchy noises oh it’s fine um where is this one okay I’m gonna I’m

G to show this to you hang on oh okay open and browser okay look at this this is where we are we’ve been all the way here no hang on this is home so we’re going to come kind of back this way I think so we’re going to go and do like a

Roundabout thing yeah that’s everywhere we have explored far okay backck the one pregnant Turtle went back to the water yeah I know that’s why I put the that’s the other that’s the other pregnant Turtle right yeah this one just came back up I’m hungry okay we’ll get

Something sorry for making you sorry for making you hungry okay I’ll put the microphone away from my mouse for a moment it’s digging it’s digging sorry oh good I’m hoping this one starts digging soon it came back up and it’s gotten deeper into the the flat there he goes this one’s

Digging oh my God it’s doing the thing yep this one’s really digging wow there’s a lot of sand sorry about that oh my God cinnamon donuts the best oh I love cinnamon donuts we have like a really nice Bakery that’s just around the corner and it’s just it’s

Just so good we we’ve got a donut shop eggs we got a doughnut shop here it’s called Voodoo Donuts oh my God okay I’m sorry to do this to you madam yeah this place called Voodoo Donuts they make the world’s best donuts and they’re crazy looking donuts I’m

Coming I’m visiting okay I’ve got three eggs so we’ve got five eggs now that was such a good idea it’s going crazy it’s going nuts I mean that’s like my God there’s so much and he’s still she’s still going the la la are watching this going like what the

Hell is going on there this is like it’s like completely lost its mind this is like look at this I think he’s trying to dig to Australia this one’s got to drop four eggs for as much as he’s moving or she’s moving around and digging

Wow this is like nuts what is this thing doing this turtle is just going B are you done well don’t quit digging if you’re not going to lay the eggs there it goes again are you ready yet it’s taking its time it’s just a long

Labor so I’m saying I hope it’s a four pack that it it sets down ma’am I’m going to harvest your children no we are not going to harvest your children what we’re going to do is we’re going to take them to a lovely beautiful place where we’re going to put protect

Them from potential danger yep we’ve got a nice giant beach too at our base yes we will make a lovely turtle farm I think that should be maybe and then we will get diving helmets and when your kids grow up they drop Scoot and we will

Release them in the into the wild we will look after them really really well there’ll be a whole new generation out by base yes absolutely we will take care of them we will protect them we’ve got a very nice Beach that they can grow up on yeah

Um it’s been a while since I made a turtle farm that’s that should be fun yeah yeah how much scoot do you need for a helmet again is it seven or five five five yeah five yeah it’s just like an iron indice of mom yeah so five yeah we’re going again

We’re going again we’re going again she just shrank what’ she give us two she’s given us two for all that digging that’s all we’re getting oh my okay I’m going to get the eggs okay we have seven eggs that will give us seven scoot we need five so we need to

Breed some more that’s okay but not here oh it’s night time okay it’s night time if you want to do the turtle thing I’ll sleep oh I think we I think we should just breed them at home I don’t know do you want to do you want to breed some we

Can do that too because I think it’s getting a little I mean they take a long time to make babies right and once we breed the turtles we can just breed more from what we’ve got yeah and I mean to get seagrass is really easy because you

Just bone meal the the ocean floor you can do that anywhere yeah and we’ve got sear grass all the way around our base and we yeah uh I’ve lost my boat oh it’s over here oh I I think I forgot where I was oh nope I forgot where we were I thought

It was the other side yeah I got turned around following that Turtle yeah here they are yeah that’s what I okay so um we are are we carrying on West what does your map say we are directly north of base now yes so if we keep going west and then sort of

Overshoot and then kind of turn left we will kind of go maybe a little bit closer so we kind of cover all the blank spots yeah if we go start going a little South we’ve got a big Blank Spot between where we’ve been yeah okay so if you want to we can row

Straight South yeah or we can just go across to the other side oh you want to row straight South for a bit okay we can do yeah come around see where this leads us okay yeah sure sure cuz we haven’t been here right we’ve got but it do not

Moving hang on there’s an alley stuck where what back here on the beach oh yeah come on come on little one see it has no nothing it’s not holding anything what happened I don’t know I just gave it back another piece of meat oh okay and we both have alleys

In our boat yeah no they’re both mine they are they they’re very lazy oh the one in your boat’s yours the one in my boat’s mine he’s holding a steak oh okay oops I think I I my my inventory is full your boat is sorry y I got it okay

Right okay where’s my oh yeah that’s my two guys the dir guys yep one of mine somehow I may have clicked on him at some point that’s how he lost his you got him I tell you what where are the LA dir lace dir lace oh hang on no it’s too

Dangerous to give you it’s too dangerous to take your stuff away it’s it’s no I’m not going to do that where’s my boat my boat give me my boat all right there I got all three of mine up here with me okay going going going La waiting for my la come on guys

Come on don’t Dole okay follow papa panda so cute that’s so cute I can see all five of them on the map too yeah yeah yeah I can see them all yeah so yeah we are definitely heading we’re kind of in a line with with base now

Aren’t we yeah I just wanted to open this up and see if it okay went more West yeah if you want to start turning West we got a bunch of drowns below us okay oh it’s a ruins because because there’s a ruin yeah it’s a cold cold

Ocean ruin yeah we’re not interested are we interested no not that one no if it was a warm ocean ruin we could get we could have a better chance oh there’s another there’s another ship I have you want another ship I have no inventory space Not unless we stay in the

Boats okay well I mean we could try that um hang on okay I’m going to put a lot of stuff in the boat I mean there’s stuff here that I could chuck if I wanted to uh okay now my boat inventory is full where was the ship hang on I’m sitting almost

Directly over it oh there it is yes yes okay yeah I’ve got some stuff I can get rid of as well okay yeah okay okay where did you go you’re at the into the boat oh more trim and a treasure map okay um so I went I I got the other

One the upper level I think I think there are only two no there should be three oh right okay H I’ll get the third one it’s I’m I’m down here already oh you you you’re down down here already to my inventory mod allows me to clear

It in a single click oh that’s that’s that’s how you do that so quickly because I was thinking how does he do that okay so more armor Trims and it’s the same one we have so much Coast armor trim I we got some books and guess what

We have another buried treasure map I’m going to this is definitely this is definitely the oh okay and I just gave you all the stuff I had anything that you you have a stack of in your chest I just put it in there oh okay yeah yeah yeah that’s a great

Idea okay so this map tells me that we have to go south um West which is why we want to go anyway right yeah I’m just chucking out some stuff we don’t need okay okay so Southwest yep Southwest yeah oh iang on oh no hang on Northwest sorry no Northeast so Northeast opposite

Direction I told you I was directionally challenged right yeah Northeast that way okay where we’ve just been we’re going back that’s okay it fits for some good stuff okay we’re pretty much heading straight for it it’s already filling in oh it seems like it’s in the ocean

Actually is it going to be a water one yeah it’s going to be a water one what what what it’s okay hang on hang on I going too far oh if you went too far that means I went too far yes we both went too far okay it’s probably on this Ridge here

Somewhere oh no let me know uh boat right over the the X yeah yeah I’m going right over the X are you pretty much in it now I am a little bit I need to go a little bit that uh a little bit this way but not yeah okay I’m I’m over it

Now F3 so I am at 11:49 so I’m about to run out of air oh I’m under a boat oh no okay right I found the spot I just got to get air okay got it got it anything decent yeah let me get back up here oh and there’s an alley in my

Boat we have no leads and I’ve got all my stuff in there oh no oh no um yeah um we we have a we might have a little problem well to be quite honest if you break that and I dive down with you because I mean I have got a fairly

Empty inventory except for one door um then I mean I think that would rid that well if you break it we can collect stuff uh together and then I can just give you your stuff back okay also yeah okay I’ve got your boat and your sticks and a lot of your

Other stuff oh there’s there’s bad people here okay you don’t need that gravel there’s the door oops okay that’s me drowning you want to put the boat back up and I’ll get in it real quick yes yeah I was just uh hang on there’s your

Boat okay I yes I have a lot of stuff in the inventory now okay I’m going to check that map because I don’t need it anymore um I mean we could just go what which which way were we supposed to go now uh we were going like a

Southwest okay uh just to come around the end of this see if this ocean opens back up yeah uh I’m going to find um what’s East South oh that’s where the boat is okay Southwest okay um should I go to that uh land and then we can U we can

Redistribute because I now have everything in my inventory yeah yeah that’s fine yeah also it’s getting to be bedtime oh I didn’t pick up that much I only picked up a stick and some sticks and and a door oh okay did you lose a lot of stuff no I was

Able to get a lot of it back real quick okay right okay oh there’s some is that some oh that’s an ocean ocean ruin yeah this one’s going to be full full of bad guys yeah but this one is is kind of um this one is kind of oh there are bad guys

There but this one is practically a buff oh that’s we got a trident guy he will he’ll break your boat Trident guy Trident guy bad news bad news also nighttime bad news bad news got it you got it you’re onto it yep aha oh both we’ve both slept okay

Okay right um so I have your door um oh I’ve got some gravel which we probably don’t really want to keep I’ve got some sticks I don’t know if you want them okay there’s some sticks for you and there’s one of your doors your diving door it’s behind you behind you

If you roll back oh there they are okay right oh come on Aly not again guys we’re right on the beach this time so yeah it’s okay A little bit um yeah Special okay so Southwest Southwest let’s go yeah I’m just making sure there another ocean Monument there’s another ocean Monument let’s

Stay away from that have we been here before no this is new land right yeah this is all new I didn’t see which way you went oh I went Southwest sort of West I followed the coastline oh that’s gray that’s a gra Coastline to the right so you kind of

Behind me no yeah I just pulled away from that beach I see you I see you I see you I see you it’s really weird because when you’re too far away you can see the boat but not the person in the boat so it looks like the boat is going like solo yeah

You see I I see you on the map before I see you in person ah right okay dolphin grace Amazing okay I see sand but that’s probably just a beach yeah man why is there no desert this sucks well we are already 500 North of um 500 no west of um of Spawn

Yep so we’re definitely opening up more and more of the maps that helps yeah that helps that really helps we’ll get a better idea of what Adventures we can plan next time exactly I’m just going straight west is that what I’m supposed to be doing yeah that’s fine this open ocean so that’s

Actually quite easy yay ocean in away I’m actually I stop every now and then just to kind of look around and see if there’s any warm ocean yeah yeah so I haven’t oh you you’re no that’s the LA are you still near me or or I literally went in a straight line

West yeah I’m on the negative 1920 like right about 1928 line yeah I’m on 19 27 negative and I am now at 1100 yeah so I’m like less than 100 blocks behind you I see you okay you’re right over the top of a drown yeah there there’s a whole bunch

Of drowns right here that’s a monument but it’s not uh it’s not the right kind of Monument no that’s a cold the warm ones we want the warm ones the ones with the eggs and there is no warm ocean why is there no warm ocean I know we haven’t

Found a warm ocean or a desert yet no nothing oh we got a uh sea Monument coming up yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m I’m already uh divert divert divert I’ve seen it I’ve seen it it’s on the left this is a big ocean my God it is oh there’s land there’s land coming

Up okay right um um okay um this looks like we’re kind of going to be blocked in do we actually want to go there because that doesn’t look kind of should we just go left and follow the coast a little bit yeah we could do that because we’re still quite a long

Way away from home yeah we’re now ,400 to the West yeah exactly I see is that another ship coming up there or is that just yep that’s an half a ship upside down half a ship do we want to bother or are we just G to keep looking for this this mysterious and

Non-existent uh that is if you want to hit it we can hit it if not we can keep going I think I’m really Keen to find a desert I’m about the same I’m it’s kind of getting late and I just really want to really want to find something and

Yeah what do we at about 2 hours now yeah but I think it’s yeah well we started half an hour late didn’t we I think it’s more like two yeah 2 hours 30 so I’m just going to follow this Coastline around is that okay yeah it’s fine the granite Coast

Here I know I love the Stony Shores it’s a great place in early game for uh coal it’s just butt ugly where are you right behind you are you still here ah I see you with the LA and a what watch where you’re going to be don’t look to the

Back okay this is a good size uh yeah Stony Coast oh my God is this going to go we are we going to be able to get round that or do we have to break the boat and cuz we’re now going I can’t quite tell I stopped for a second to look at

The map man cuz I don’t want to get too close to home as that would be a bit pointless right oh I think we might have to make a decision because this is let’s see yeah we we coming to this is a dead end yeah that’s a dead end in there

Mhm I mean how much stuff have we got that we want to keep I definitely have some stuff I can Chuck out and not worry yeah okay me too I’m just going to find a good Landing place that’s a good Landing place here and okay let me just see there’s too

Much stuff in here now I don’t really need a single flower pot right I mean that’s silly yeah and you still got that crafting table I still have that crafting table I can always make more crafting tables I would kind of yeah okay so cuz I’ve got a bunch of iron

Nuggets that I can turn into yeah ingots okay we’re okay there you are you want to place the crafting table real quick hang on a minute I’m actually everything fits except for my craft except for my boat yeah I should be able to eliminate some space once I downsize all these

Right now I’m completely Chalker block but I mean I have got like dirt and kind of you know Oak planks for emergency building requirements I have also got a singular flower pot yeah do you know we have water breathing potion and we keep diving with a door yeah I

Got those at one of the uh Buri Treasures I know all right what can we get rid of okay I got the boat where’d you go up up up mhm all right do we want to go west or south let’s keep going south south cuz that seems to be

Easy h on West would be oh maybe Southwest I don’t know yeah South westish looks like we’re coming up to another River oh that’s good oh that’s uh that’s another oh that’s pretty have we been here before nope this is all brand new and that is a

Large we’re coming up to a very large cherry blossom biome nice it’s across the river up the hill is there going to be a Cherry Village in the next update that would be really cool yeah I would love Cherry villagers okay cuz their Villages would be so

Pretty right so this is basically facing south that’s good right yeah okay let’s go let’s go oh my that’s big okay yeah it shows up very pink on the map wow okay oh there’s tons of horses yeah we’ve done a lot of rowing I

Just felt it would be nice to get a bit of um a bit of walking time maybe yeah why don’t we come off here and just go a bit Overland I know it means we have to eat but no that’s fine I’ve got plenty of food I

Just think I just think and it’s about to be night oh okay I’ve got a bed okay I am going to pitch my camp Oh there’s more water on the other side here yeah okay cool bedtime I love that I love that that looks so good I’m sitting here watching the

Alleys and I fell into a hole no it was full of water okay that’s good that was lucky oh my God so this is actually going in the right direction isn’t it were we going Southwest yes we were weren’t we yeah okay cool well we just

Crossed a little bit of line I that was lucky that was super lucky oh come on alleys where are you trying there you are trying to get in my boat but every time I put it down an alley gets in it that’s an interesting that’s an interesting cave no we’re not going into

A cave we’re still looking we will find a desert I’m not ready to give up yet no okay not ready to give up yet okay yes Suess uh succeed Adventure we’re back back out in the ocean yeah we we we have uh we we we still looking

Let’s should we just go straight because we’re already minus 2,000 in uh in the uh in the x axis so maybe we should maybe just kind of not go further further what is it West go straight South now yeah cuz we went we went East really really we’ll get really really

Far away uh why is there some random stuff in the middle of the ocean that’s just that’s weird yeah that’s totally weird yeah also there’s kind of lots of land to the right and we can just keep going in this direction yeah we got another dark oak forest nice

Okay the one thing I don’t want to do is walk through a dark oak forest because that is like creeper Central right oh yeah okay okay there is some more ston stuff but that’s kind of looks like you can roll around that but render distance yeah that’s why I keep stopping to look

At the map cuz of the render distance yeah yeah I went around the right is that okay so far okay yeah it opens back up pretty big in there yeah so we’ll see where it goes wow we will find an ocean for you we

Need a bed for you you cannot live in a blue bed that’s just not acceptable no cuz I have Canan beds everywhere why why I mean it’s oh it’s jungle uh it’s a jungle biome that’s nice it’s another tiny tiny jungle we have got jungle stuff now haven’t we cuz

We went and found um jungly stuff and we went and found BBS we had to get the BBS found the BBS yeah BBS the parrots the yeah we had bubs oh this is a large looks like a pretty good size jungle yeah cuz we went for melons right yep uh

Okay this is good this is good this is not good okay and walking time please El don’t get into my boat oh there’s the panda yeah I was your natural habitat wrong kind of Panda oh yes well then what is your natural habitat is the Forest right oh the river

I don’t know I don’t know what a raccoon’s natural habitat is the trash canat yeah pretty much this your a trash Panda okay going going going oh my god um okay there a that’s a hole I’m just going to dive what okay okay oh we will have literally

Walked are you still yes you’re still there yeah I’m just waiting for the alleys to catch up yeah are they um I yeah that’s one of my alleys I think they teleport as well don’t they no I don’t know no they don’t I’ve got one La where’s the other one have I lost

One I thought I saw both of them there yeah I see all five on the map oh okay right okay there he is he just came down from above the tree they are a little bit a little bit okay oh Acacia my favorite not biome they’re all here the the children

Are following okay yeah these guys are actually doing pretty good at following us yeah they’re they’re really good aren’t they they’re really good oh this looks interesting this looks very cool okay that’s water again I don’t know if you can actually get round it’s a small

Lake ah okay oh my God we have to well in that case we might as well walk around it oh man what have I done Panda what have I done why why have we started this adventure this is insane all this for a bit of cactus really but this is like

The fun this is the fun side of uh Minecraft yeah I I’m just getting to the point anybody can build it’s the adventure excuse me well I mean all other content creators that’s what they do they do a lot of builds okay right in that case we

Are unique we are running around we’re running a lot oh my God this is one of those unclimbable kind of weird things where I will need all my building blocks just to get up I’m going to try this side just to see if there’s a sort of gentler slope

Just to get to the top a little bit more because it seemed like that side was the side ahead of us look pretty steep are you still yes you’re there okay okay do I’m coming back your way I hear chickens and cows I mean we’re not going to starve it’s the land is

Rich okay okay I’m On Top yeah I’m right behind you I went up the straight face I used a water bucket dippy made the advantage You’ve Got a Friend in Me Oh the LA got picked up some dirt and gave it to me because you had some dirt and picked up your

Dirt I I’ll see if I can get that same one okay yeah there we go so you dropped your steak yep oh there a hole be careful there this this tons of holes and there’s a big oh my God there’s a portal there a there’s a

Ruined portal I see some red stuff in the distance treasure oh my God there is also a big hole in the ground straight ahead of us go around the hole llama mama mama llama okay can you make a pin in your I’ve lost you I’m at the

Portal oh you’re already at the bottle can you make a pin and say llamas we need back here lots of llamas lots of L lots of llamas lots of llamas o okay there is um okay there’s flint and steel we have flint and steel there’s an Unbreaking golden shovel a

Fortune ho and a mending yeah that that’s really useful not really useful yeah I mean if this was early game I would now jump up and down with the light but no okay there’s another big mountain ahead wow okay oh you know that’s s la la laom yeah it’s nothing about llamas yeah

But look la la Lamas that’s the only good thing about AA plateaus just look at him just look at you you’re just so cute she so cute sweat song The Llama is nodding it loves me yes it loves me okay keep going keep going forging on we will find oh my God

There’s tons of holes be careful Panda that’s why I have a bucket of water in hand oh okay right oh you’re going to MLG if it happens I’ve already had to do it twice really oh my go how do you think I got over to the portal so quick

I don’t know I was wondering about that I jumped across the I went across the lots of llamas this is this is llama Central okay okay we have to come back here with the uh equipment to collect the llamas because this is definitely the home of the la la loms yes what is

That up there is that oh that’s a vein yeah it’s a vein of calite so this is a Stony Peaks yeah you can get a you can find these large veins of calite in a Stony Peaks I was not ready for that fall okay I’m just up here oh my God

That looks so cool I just want to go to the top and have a look around oh there’s so much good stuff here if we want there’s another Village down there and it’s getting nighttime yeah you see how long that that vein is so cool that looks so cool

So if we need some cowside we can come back here okay the only other place you can find calside other than uh geod geod yeah I’m not going to go down to that Village okay I recall being a kid uh when to record sto trying to buy the

Long song not very well translated in my oh right okay I am intrigued by what it would be translated as now right okay nice ve it looks great doesn’t it it goes all the way to the other side as well wow okay oh yeah that vein will go

They they go for thousands yeah there’s usually at least look at all the emeralds and stuff up there this is like oh if we if we oh my God sorry sorry oh I haven’t got space for emeralds we don’t need emeralds we have got villagers right I’ve got 18 emeralds on

Me you have 18 emeralds on you in that case I’m going to I’m going to dig this and you can pick it up there you go oh it’s a silk pck touch uh I have a regular yeah pickax as well hang on a minute can you if you place it I can

There you go okay oh my God I could like this is minus Paradise this is oh yeah this is the best place to start your an early game out at this is so good okay um yeah no I’m not going to be tempted by this no don’t be tempted

Don’t do it don’t do it dippy we are still looking for the desert okay I just think think if you’re kind of methodical about it and you sort of quarter them map you’re going to find it eventually right because I mean oh Yeahs are pretty pretty big so if we if we are

Sort of two 2,000 out I mean the 1,000 sort of reached we have kind of pretty much explored anyway so if we go 2 out we’re going to see something right oh we’ve got to that’s guess what guess what what Mesa is a desert they always

Desert next to Mesa yeah I I just thought I’ve seen a Mesa over there yep that’s Mesa oh and also we have got terra cotta and I love building with terra cotta you’ve never seen a vein like that no neither have I I have never seen a

Vein like that never yeah no I’ve never seen Mesa Mesa Mesa Mesa oh my God Mesa is uh honestly it’s like kind of a weirdly attractive place it’s like oh and also there’s always M shafts and mesas that was how I first saw m shafts like there were in I was in

A Mesa and you know and I’d never been in a Min shaft before and I sort of walked in and I kind of ran straight back out again because there was a lot of bad stuff going on down oh there’s one down there right down there yeah and there’s

Usually a desert at like right next to the uh right they they always Border the Maes shall we just keep going to the maybe sort ofit bit higher up because I see that there’s more acacia on the left yeah so that’s that’s probably pointless so if we keep sort of Fairly high but

Flat we could possibly see something I mean I can still see green on the left hand side so that’s definitely but if we walk around the outside of this Mesa eventually we’re going to find something right yeah we should okay right um cuz I’m seeing white sand that

Direction but I don’t I don’t know if it’s Beach or if that would be desert oh okay right I which direction which which direction is that direction I let me get closer let me see if that’s what I saw yeah that’s just still part of the Mesa biome

Okay just little pockets of sand okay I keep walking West this is just oh my God I love terracotta it’s such a cool Stone to build with it’s just so beautiful I just wish you could make stairs out of it I know stairs half slabs that would be

Really cool of K cotta terac cotta is so the color is just so warm and nice and okay I I literally I’m literally running in a straight line as much as I can is that okay Panda or have you got I mean if you see anything stop me and Shout

Yeah I will I’m I stop every now and then to check the map obviously I’m trying to avoid any big holes or stuff okay nothing in this direction and nothing and okay right I mean oh I think if we go straight west I am going oh okay y straight west

Straight west straight west okay right okay yeah it’s definitely a uh Desert Edge Desert Edge okay I can’t see much of it but I could see the sand and what look like a cactus okay I’m going west I’m going west oh my God yep it’s desert have you found desert yep there’s

Desert and I see cactus oh my God yes yes yes yes yes we did it we finally found it did we did it we did it we did it I’m I’m I’m stupidly excited about finding the desert this is just we’ve only traveled like 10,000 blocks in total so it’s well

Worth it is that how far we went oh my God I mean this is like we have like gone an insane distance right but I mean yeah yeah okay well we we so far every episode we have succeeded in cheated I know and we have succeeded in

Finding everything we set out to find yeah but it this one this one was Pro oh there’s a desert village there maybe there’s a Temple even oh that would be would be a nice finish something to get rid of so I can gather this Cactus uh okay I’ve got feathers I’ll

Get rid of feathers hang on I’ve got I’ve got a I’ve got a uh oh actually I’m probably going to keep the fortune trouble um okay lily of the valley um dirt I’m going to get rid of the dirt well i’ I’ve made room oh you’ve

Made room okay in that case I’ll keep the dirt for now oh okay I can’t get rid of the dirt because the LA insists on giving it back to me they literally gave me everything back should we go and ex so you’ve got your there will be you know what’s going

To be there get rid of the door oh the the diving door that’s true get rid of you are oh yeah Captain you are the best of course get rid of the door Captain if you want any of the mods that I use find me on Discord and I I

Have no problem sending them to you yeah okay because I know you’ve been fascinated with this uh map mod yeah I want I want that it’s a two-part it’s a two-part mod one is for the mini map and one is for the uh the fullsize map okay there will be a camel

Here but we haven’t got a saddle that is really bad oh and a cat and I haven’t got any fish of course not yeah I have no fish either camel chameleon did you find your did you find a camel yes but I have no saddle so I know oh no and

There’s no water I could go fishing at real quick yes I I know I can make them oh and guess what else there’s a warm ocean no yep to the southwest of the of where we’re at now I think what we should do I’m gonna pin this maybe just

Kind of finish the stream here and just actually start it to start it start here next time because there’s so much we can do from here I mean we’re in a village uh uh and and I don’t know I mean if we if we do a bit of no we can’t do fishing

Right where’s this ocean you said um keep going in that direction just kind of more towards your South just a little okay okay oh yeah I see it Panda pandito yeah because it’s kind of getting late and oh my but what a way to finish we found it we found where we can

Get our sniffer yes but how are we going to do this are we going to just literally take the the the stuff home and then come back with an empty inventory or oh that was my bad going to do um because this is like a completely new adventure and if we start doing

Stuff in here I mean we’re going to be we could be here a long time right let me see Oh wrong button yeah and see I have nothing open but I don’t even know if this water way reaches yeah but I’m still going to pin I pin the village for the desert and

I’ll pin right here for warm ocean okay because we want to get that Camel Back at some stage yeah I pinned it but I mean we have a lead and and don’t we have a saddle at home yes yeah I think we have a saddle so

What are we going to do are we going to stay here or we going to go home it’s been a long way right yeah I mean we can we can try to make make our way back home if you want that way we can start next stream yeah okay to Adventure back

Straight here so I mean we need to go hang on we need to go no I think if we get on this water we can Cruise it south and then down and around the end and come back up north south we need to go south uh Southwest right Southwest to home

Home is actually Northeast Northeast but to get there is either byy a whole lot of land or we can take the chance of rowing out and around connecting back to the same ocean hang on we need to get to z z right yeah well West is negative oh

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah sorry yes yes yeah I’m looking at the map we’re almost straight it’s almost straight Northeast East West North Northeast oh and it’s going to be night time yeah lives here husks okay so do you want to try boating it yeah let’s boat it okay uh so which

Way do we go what did you say Northwest or Northeast uh we’ll actually have to drop a little South to see if this opens up and connect back into our ocean okay right okay right Okay Okay Go Okay so this way sea pickles that’s uh Coral over there to

Your right yeah but sea pickles gives you green stuff oh do we have any sand at home by the way yeah we’ve got that beach oh of yeah duh okay yeah dippy kill Panda I’m not going to kill Panda why would I do that if dippy kills Panda dippy dies too

Yeah this is a shared life this is a shared Life season so if I kill Panda I kill myself I’m we not ready yet I’m not ready to die yet I’m not ready to give up this beautiful world we have just discovered completely new stuff um you can get lime dye from sea

Pickles right yes how do you harvest them shears shovels hand axe I don’t remember I think just about anything where are they okay oh did you stop yeah I’ve been scanning around looking for a monuments yeah I’m in the same place where where I’m just going to get some sea pickles

Because they make lime dye which is also nice yeah I’m just kind of cruising around looking for any kind of ocean ruins and and they’re really easy to harvest uh I mean they’re really easy to to to propagate respawn has left the chat what okay right okay so I am

Following the Sandy outlines of this thing yeah I’m just down the beach line okay so so I’m hoping if I can come across a uh on our way back if there’s any ocean ruins in the warm ocean at the moment I am going east but I’m also going sort of

Slightly North yeah and I’ve got the Messa on the left now yep and I’m supposed to go northeast right yes I found an ocean ruin okay write it down in the chat write it down in in your in your thing you want me to go

Catch AEL yes we need to find to catch an axel lottle we need to find a lush cave and we have we not found a lush cave sa somewhere I don’t know I can’t remember so we are okay I’m going east um there is there is some grally stuff in the way

Shall I just get out of the boat and walk around it or walk over it you should be able to keep going unless you got way ahead of me somehow I I’m I’m I’m probably way ahead of you because what are what are your coordinates my coordinates are currently minus 22 uh 2200

2202 and Z you got 2225 yeah you got like 200 blocks ahead of me yeah so I actually need to go so I’ve gone past the Messa and I am in the area with the with the aacha so I’m going to get out out of my

Boat oh I see you yeah I’m going to get out of the boat let’s see and just walk across the land yeah there’s a small bit of land right there yeah and then there’s more water see pickle okay cuz we’ve kind of come yeah wow this is a long long

Stream oh that not a good piece of water oh we’re almost back to one of the uh oh this is a lake okay I’m going to go another Pillager Outpost over here oh no really yeah it’s one of the ones that we found early early game oh okay but

Okay I’m just going to go diagonally across right yeah let me catch up the best way to go because that’s kind of that’s where all the numbers are going down if I go in this direction so that’s good right don’t get in my boat Little People little blue

People there’s the panda he’s swimming he’s decided to go without the boat yeah the Allies keep getting in it yeah I don’t I think we have to just go east here because uh if we go south uh Northeast we have to cross that big mountain peak there’s another Pillager

Outpost over here as well yeah just a little bit ahead oh no if there’s any more alleys we can possibly rescue them oh okay and we’ll have an army of alleys yes yes yes yes oh that’s a very dangerous thing to do going into into third person and running forwards that’s

And you have to stop to do that because you don’t want to die oh I see it yeah I think oh there’s monsters down there I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to go to Higher Ground so I can actually look around it because I don’t want to

Attack anything from below because that’s always a really bad tactical disadvantage yeah yeah you always want High Ground yeah and um yeah normally I would Now set spound as the the count to call it and uh and uh let’s see if there’s any yep y

I thought I just saw one in there Golem there’s a Golem and there is some more alleys I’m going to I’m going to set free the Golem right now I’m going to go in for the alley so the Golem can be the distraction okay I got two more alleys

Amazing oh the guys are the guys have found us the guys have found us run okay it was only two alleys all the others are oh run run run run run they’re mad that we set everything free that’s okay the Golem will take care of them I’m I’m going north north oh

There’s water down there there’s water down there I’m right behind you amazing yeah okay amazing yeah there’s water down here let’s just try not to fall into any holes and stuff we’ve got an army of LA and we have freed a Golem from captivity I feel like a hero well

You you you did the LA thing I did the oh there’s another another jungly bit is that the jungle that we’ve been to before or is that another Jung yeah this is we’ve already been through here is this Parrot Jungle or is this the jungle that we have no this was the small

Jungle I believe oh okay right okay I’m in a boat and there’s a panda okay amazing oh oh yeah look at all these alleys That We rescued well you rescued I I I just set free the Golem because I thought but if the Golem is free then he can distract

The the guys and uh right yeah oh yeah and Captain the commands are still not working I don’t know what I need to do to fix them I’ve emailed and emailed and not getting any responses oh dear are you using streamer bot or streamlabs or I’m using streamlabs Okay because I’m on streamer

Bot and streamer bot has issues on streamlabs yeah um yeah no I’m not using I’m I’m just streaming straight from OBS oh hang on we can go through here look uh I’m streaming straight from OBS um uh are you are you still behind me yeah I was

In the map I was looking at the map oh okay oh I think maybe this was a bad idea I don’t know or maybe it was a good idea it leads us still yeah okay yeah that’s oh yeah that’s that’s good that’s good that’s the right direction right

Yep oh is that the funny temple no that’s not a temple that we’ve been to is it is that the guy the one with the Trident guy yeah we’ve already been through all of these oh I see when we went Way Southwest yeah this is his far that uh

Pillage Outpost was as far as we went okay so so we have explored this and we have taken all the loot from here I don’t know if we have or not we just never had the protection well I heard I heard a goggle GLE guy so I think yeah

There’s a lot of them over there yeah no I think we’ll just we’ll just we’ll just leave it for now and just go home take the quickest way home so I want to um so I’m on uh I’m using I’m streaming straight from OBS and I’m just

Using streamer bot for the the redeems and everything and it’s a bit of a fuff to set them up because um stream streamlabs has got a lot of like ready made stuff yeah and see that’s why I liked streamlabs but it just it suddenly quit working and no matter what I do I

Can’t get it to work again so um Blackie is going to start you know has started streaming from ignitis but he doesn’t have redeems or anything and he was asking me about the whole kind of situation with the redeems and everything uh negative Zed yeah we definitely need to go more towards negative

Said okay it’s night time do we want to keep rowing or are we worried we’re pretty much straight shot home no come back to your right a little bit okay I don’t I losta there you are okay have you got me yep I see you okay well

Cuz you’re veing you’re fearing off to the left too much okay right cuz we actually want to go more Northeast North by Northeast okay North by Northeast okay right that’s what I’m doing right now look at the beautiful sunset over the ocean yes amazing and the skies are out no constellations that look

Familiar that would be cool if they added constellations wouldn’t it oh my God wouldn’t that be cool we have also got a dolphin following us and no p inside yeah I lost idea there is a there is a uh L up Monument down there oh no it’s a broken

Portal uh I’m not going to stop for that because it’s late and I want to just get back to our Island yes yes so slowly getting there yeah we’re getting there now we need to know I need to yeah I still got yep I still got all five alleys that that that

Way okay bit more this way okay oh the ocean Monument I know where we are that’s the ocean Monument with a boing fish oh okay so you’re over there okay I’m I’m I’m I’m near the gong fish yeah I’m going next to the other one that’s over here

Yeah okay yeah we’ll go we’ll go and do one of those when we got better gear when we got yeah yeah water breathing and that I’ll watch you and eat I’ll watch you and eat golden carrots I I I that’s actually not a bad plan that is one of those places where I

Actually die like literally oh I love going into those places really oh no I’ve never survived one of those before I’m just chronic I mean honestly I I drown I die I get on erratic I’ve gone I think like on six or seven cuz I needed a stack and a half of

Uh uh sponges it’s this our Island here probably not quite not quite yet but it’s one of the islands ahead of the island we nearly home we’re nearly home yes I mean every time we go somewhere we come back with some really cool stuff

But what we need to do before we log off is we need to plant that Cactus for you yes I’m going to put it on the beach let it grow out on the beach yes let it do its cactusyack out I’m at -200 by positive

150 oh okay I’m almost there I see I see home yeah you you you roll faster than me it seems I think you cut I think you cut a little too far to the West I I which put you a little further away yeah

I can see our Island I can see the um yeah I can see our stuff I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m back and I’ve got my and the turtle eggs absolutely the turtle eggs yeah but we’re going to put the turtle eggs in a chest because we need to oh it’s daytime

Thank you for sleeping and there is the panda okay is there anything in this and look we accomplished what we set out for cactus yay Cactus do you want to take one piece of cactus oh this is yep I’m going to save one I’m going to turn it into the green

Dye uh put it and and make yourself the bed and that is going to be be how we’re going to celebrate by you I got one piece left everything else has been placed wow do you want a blue flower for blue I’ve got lapis oh you’ve got lapis

Okay and now I’ve got a blue dye I just turned it into blue dye amazing so hello guys hello la we brought you some more pets come on in guys come on welcome to do we have any do we have any uh leads leads we we have a few leads but

Not many not enough probably we have eight eight leads eight leads um we oh we only need seven oh okay but why don’t we just well we could just leave them here for now because they always break their leads anyway they could just follow us and oh true you know all right you

Ready okay I got my S bed yay we did it it we done did it h on H on H on H on H on H on okay cion bed selfie okay I’m on this is I’m trying to get a good angle where okay okay I’m on oh there we

Go there we go that’s it he done did it yeah okay sweet there we go oh you’ve got a visitor okay I saw that excuse me sir this is my bed this is this is his bed is here I I will give you the blue bed swarm next

Time swarm next time to farm some slime oh my swamp next time oh God we haven’t we haven’t got a swamp yet and we we can’t why is my dog nodding there there’s your blue bed back also we have also we have bones and fish

So next time I’m going to go with bones and fish so that we can definitely you know and five more diamonds so we’re up to SW is a great idea we’re up to 10 diamonds okay cool you know what we already had rose bushes all the time did we yes I carried

Them away for nothing Treasures where’s our Treasure Chest which one oh treasures and no treasure special items there we go and you know what we had all these treasure chests that um we’ve got 10 Coast armor trims okay that’s a special item that’s a special item that’s a special item how

Many hearts of the sea do we need we need Nautilus shells don’t we for making a yes yeah that’s what I was fishing for or trying to fish for that in a few few more books utility blocks there we go um there we go okay yeah I think oh and

We have this now too put that there what oh yeah smoker now we now we can cook uh cook the meat better that way yeah oh nice right okay I got to go okay uh yeah so next week I have a little bit of a problem um I have to I’m

Like my week is literally absolutely crazy so um I’m not entirely sure how I’m going to do next week um let me just have a quick look and the week after that the Christmas week we’re actually not at home yeah yeah Christmas week will be an off week yeah I might be

Back in time but I might might be a little bit late so um is 4:00 is 4:00 too late for you to stream on Thursday uh so one hour later than we normally start no that’s fine okay right okay I will yeah okay so I’ll make it an hour later

And that should work okay right I have got to go because uh gek sque wanted to chat oh okay uh and um also what what is this oh okay right um right okay so I’m I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna say bye-bye thank you stream thank you for

Being absolutely awesome uh also so um yeah so next week I need to go to our to-do hang on I need more signs I need to put some stuff on the to-do list oh yeah before we go any anywhere okay um yeah Oak signs and I

Will take a new shot of the current map yeah okay okay let’s open that okay I have tons of signs now okay put that away oh there’s that’s the wrong box that’s the right box okay okay okay so our to-do list gets longer and longer every

Time so next time and we need to get um there is the current world map turtle farm now now you can compare everything we traveled today yeah amazing that’s so cool turtle farm what was the other thing swamp the swamp uh what else we had the llamas that we

Tagged oh llamas the desert uh Village for the camel okay uh camel and then the warm ocean for a uh sniffer okay oh my God this is like literally oh my God can we take do we have anything on here we can take out uh uh treasure maps find desert and get

Cactus yeah that one can yeah okay okay amazing we have done some of the treasure maps but not all of them and I just added that we found the ancient city we just haven’t explored it yet yes ancient city found yeah okay okay I’m going to yeah I’m going to make

Another row here my God we have so much to do oh I know what I want to do what else did we tag okay so this is balcony Lamas oh going back for the Wolves cuz we tagged the wolves wolves yes yeah are you going to write it or am

I going to write it Oh I thought that’s what you went running over there for oh wolves okay okay done okay well slime slime farming would actually be a really good idea or at least catching some because sticky pistons and stuff like that oh yeah okay if we come across any I don’t

Think we’ve seen any swamps yet oh there is a swamp yep there is a swamp Okay and project po poppy there I’ve got a swamp tagged Okay so so what are we going to do next week just so that um we know um we going to go back to the

Desert or any okay so I think what I would like to do next time is um make a turtle farm and get the balcony done but also maybe go back to the desert I don’t know what do you think was there a dark oakus dark oak

Near near the desert cuz we were going to need brown mushrooms to do a slime farm oh well there well there were tons of dark oak forests but I don’t know where I mean they’ll be on your map right yeah yeah I can look them back up yeah so do you want

To go to the swamp next time or do you want to well I need to gather some materials before we do the swamp Okay but the turtle farm that should be pretty doable right what if we do the turtle farm early on because turtle eggs like take forever to mature but you have

To stay the night awake which is a problem but then this whole island is actually pretty much lit up so it shouldn’t really be a problem we just got to block any drowns from coming up because they’ll try to come up at night to Stomp Them

Yeah but we can always fence them in yeah well that’s what I thought we could just fence them in somewhere and then you know yeah okay so and yes there is a large dark oak forest yes there were tons of dark o well there’s one on the

Way back back going south okay cool right so we can get the the mushrooms from there so we can do the uh slime farm at the swamp amazing that’s such a good idea Captain you have the best ideas okay so okay but also that that has to change I I want at

Least some flower pots okay so uh yeah um that was a very long stream and we have done what we wanted to do and lots more but it took us about 15 times as long as we had time to do but then we have these little cute blue guys

Everywhere now and that is so cool I know we got seven of them that that’s awesome it’s beginning to feel a bit like a zoo here it is okay right yeah okay I’m gonna say byebye and I’m gonna log off and I’m gonna love you and leave you

Thank you for watching leave a like and all that nonsense uh well it’s not nonsense it’s actually great it really helps us a lot and and we’ll see you next week okay bye bye guys bye bye bye bye bye bye [Applause] Bye [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] he

This video, titled ‘an Extreme Day with Dippy’, was uploaded by Trash Panda on 2023-12-08 07:20:47. It has garnered 18 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:14 or 11114 seconds.

Hardcore minecraft with a twist, well a shared life. yes i said it im sharing 1 life with Dippy. How long can we survive? stick around to find out. we have survived 2 streams yay!

Also hit the like and subscribe if you want tto see more like this. and go check out Dippy commands are still off line (if they work) Commands are: !redeem Creeper !redeem Guardian !redeem Spider !redeem Cry !redeem Wow

!heist (points) !gamble (points) !8ball (question) !slots (points) !duel (username) (points) !accept !deny !cancel !points !top !tophours !lurk !uptime !hug

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  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

    Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, a giant mushroom grew, Secretly raised by a player, a sight so new. With zombies and plants, a battle ensued, In the realm of gaming, where fun is pursued. Subscribe to Z_Phragmites for more gaming delight, Updates on Plants vs Zombies, a thrilling sight. With each video, a new adventure takes flight, In the world of gaming, where dreams ignite. Read More

  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

    Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters BONUS REMATCH Join Dream in his latest Minecraft adventure, the BONUS REMATCH of Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters! This thrilling and unscripted video brings together Dream and three hunters in an intense chase through the Minecraft world. The Minecraft Manhunt Series Dream has dubbed this series “Minecraft Manhunt,” where he faces off against multiple hunters instead of the usual one or two. In this video, the hunters include Daybroken, Harvey, and Galaxy, each bringing their unique strategies to stop Dream from completing the game. A New Challenge This time, the challenge involves Minecraft version 1.20,… Read More

  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

    Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight! In Minecraft, I fooled my sister with glee, Using custom Feastables mods, you see. She fell for the trick, oh what a sight, Laughing and playing, all through the night. With each new update, a new rhyme to share, Keeping the audience engaged, showing we care. From funny pranks to intense gameplay, In the world of Minecraft, we love to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we craft our way through day and night. I fooled my sister, but it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more… Read More

  • Launcher Drama: Minecraft’s Truth Bomb!

    Launcher Drama: Minecraft's Truth Bomb! In the world of Minecraft, launchers are key, To access the game, they set you free. But controversy arose, causing a stir, Let’s clear the confusion, let’s make it all blur. There are many launchers, each with their own flair, From Prism to MultiMC, they all have a share. Licensing and security, important to note, Respecting player’s choices, that’s what we promote. Clickbait and alternatives, let’s have a chat, Making the community more welcoming, how about that? Join the conversation, let your voice be heard, In the world of Minecraft, let’s spread the word. Discord, Telegram, and Matrix too,… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video showcasing a working Minecraft item duplication glitch with over 2.6 million downloads. While the video itself is quite intriguing, it got us thinking – why not take your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a dynamic and exciting Minecraft server like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on end. With a thriving community of players from all around the world, you’ll never run out of adventures to embark on… Read More

  • Jackbhaiya’s Secret Crush Revealed!

    Jackbhaiya's Secret Crush Revealed! Minecraft Adventures with Jackbhaiya Love’s Olly 💝 Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where players like Jackbhaiya and Olly embark on thrilling adventures in the virtual realm. Join us as we delve into the realm of #minecraft, #fleetsmp, and #gamerfleet to uncover the magic that unfolds in this popular game. Exploring Lilyville and Gamerfleet In the enchanting world of Lilyville, gamers like Jackbhaiya and Olly immerse themselves in a land filled with endless possibilities. From building magnificent structures to embarking on epic quests, the adventures in Lilyville are truly captivating. With the support of the Gamerfleet community, players… Read More

  • 15 Hilarious Minecraft Resource Packs!

    15 Hilarious Minecraft Resource Packs! The Best Minecraft Resource Packs of 2024 Introduction In the ever-evolving world of Minecraft, resource packs play a crucial role in enhancing the visual experience for players. From ultra-realistic textures to performance-boosting packs, there is a wide range of options available to suit every player’s preferences. Top 15 Resource Packs The Minecraft community is constantly creating and sharing new resource packs, but some stand out from the rest. Here are the top 15 resource packs of 2024 that you can download to elevate your Minecraft gameplay: 1. Ultra-Realistic Pack Experience Minecraft like never before with this ultra-realistic resource pack… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Wild Ride

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Wild Ride In the world of Minecraft, anything can occur, From monsters to explosions, chaos to endure. Each episode brings surprises, adventures to find, With challenges at every turn, testing the mind. Subscribe to see what’s next, in this wild ride, Leave a thumbs up if you’re on this Minecraft tide. Share your thoughts in the comments, what should I face? In this game of twists and turns, in this virtual space. Join me on this journey, through blocks and through caves, In this world of creativity, where anything saves. Minecraft, the game that never fails to excite, With each new… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft Bundles

    Unveiling Minecraft Bundles Minecraft Introduces Bundles and Hardcore Mode in Realms Minecraft players have something new to look forward to as the game introduces bundles and hardcore mode in realms. This exciting update brings 16 colored variants of bundles, adding a fresh element to the gameplay experience. What are Bundles? Bundles are a convenient way for players to organize and store their items in Minecraft. With the addition of 16 colored variants, players can now customize their bundles to suit their preferences and style. This feature not only adds a practical aspect to the game but also allows for creative expression. Hardcore… Read More

  • Can’t Get Blaze Rods on Peaceful Mode?!

    Can't Get Blaze Rods on Peaceful Mode?! Interesting Minecraft Fact: Impossible to Obtain Blaze Rods in Peaceful Mode! Today, let’s delve into an intriguing fact about Minecraft. Did you know that it is impossible to obtain Blaze Rods in Peaceful mode? This element adds an extra layer of challenge for players looking to acquire this valuable resource. Blaze Rods and Their Importance Blaze Rods are a crucial item in Minecraft, primarily used for brewing potions. They are obtained by defeating Blazes in Nether Fortresses. However, in Peaceful mode, hostile mobs like Blazes do not spawn, making it impossible to collect Blaze Rods through traditional means. Challenges… Read More

  • Chromebook Minecraft Hacks: School Unblockable Track!

    Chromebook Minecraft Hacks: School Unblockable Track! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Eaglercraft lets you play, no need to subscribe. On your school Chromebook, the game comes alive, No need for downloads, just let your skills drive. Unblockable method, no need to fret, Just follow the steps, you won’t regret. With JavaScript and WebGL, the game you’ll get, In your browser, Minecraft you’ll set. So dive into the world, let your imagination soar, Build, explore, and create, like never before. Minecraft on Chromebook, a game to adore, Thanks to Eaglercraft, you’ll never be bored. Remember, this method is for educational use, Respect copyrights,… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date Night

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date Night Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Oops! 3 Years in Minecraft Survival World

    Oops! 3 Years in Minecraft Survival World Welcome Back to the Minecraft Survival World! After a three-year hiatus, our Minecraft enthusiast is back with an exciting update on their survival world. Let’s dive into the latest developments and changes that have taken place in this virtual realm. Mod Showcase: Enhancing the Gameplay The addition of mods has brought a whole new level of excitement to the gameplay. With enhanced features and functionalities, the player’s experience has been taken to a whole new level. From new tools to unique creatures, mods have truly transformed the world. Resource Pack Showcase: Aesthetics Matter Resource packs play a crucial role… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: My Minecraft 1.22 Update

    Crafting Chaos: My Minecraft 1.22 Update The “Crackhead Update” in Minecraft (1.22) Have you ever wondered what a Minecraft update created by a “crackhead” would look like? Well, look no further because a YouTuber named Troy has come up with his own unique version of Minecraft update 1.22, aptly named the “Crackhead Update”. Let’s dive into the crazy features and additions Troy has included in this wild update! Measurement Madness Troy kicks off the update with a new measurement system that adds a quirky twist to the game. Players can now measure various objects and distances within the Minecraft world, adding a fun and interactive… Read More

  • DemonjoeTV Reveals Ultimate Bedrock Website! 😱 #minecraft

    DemonjoeTV Reveals Ultimate Bedrock Website! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock’s Most Useful Website! #minecraft’, was uploaded by demonjoeTV on 2024-08-10 18:51:37. It has garnered 331447 views and 28640 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. 🔔 𝗦𝗨𝗕𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗕𝗘 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘! (copy and paste the link if you can’t click it!) #Minecraft #MinecraftBedrock #minecraftmods Business email ► [email protected] 𝗜𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂’𝗿𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀, 𝗜 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 🙂 Read More

  • Epic Shark-Infested Minecraft Seeds

    Epic Shark-Infested Minecraft SeedsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Minecraft Seeds That’ll Haunt You Forever…’, was uploaded by Shark on 2024-08-31 19:00:05. It has garnered 99948 views and 3632 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:45 or 3705 seconds. Scary Minecraft Seeds That’ll Haunt You Forever… BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! Merch – Subscribe! – Join My Discord – My Socials Twitter – @09sharkboy Snapchat – TheLifeOfShark Instagram – @09sharkboy Facebook – Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! 🡆 #Minecraft Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Ocean Adventure – Find Extreme Hills Biome!

    EPIC Minecraft Ocean Adventure - Find Extreme Hills Biome!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft v1.1 Long Play E200 (R35) – Ocean Survey for the Extreme Hills Biome southeast of Sandy’, was uploaded by sealchan1 on 2024-05-10 05:51:46. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:22 or 3682 seconds. The nearly landlocked Extreme Hills biome has connections to many Waterways that interconnect back to the Western Sea (maybe this is what I should call the original Ocean I spawned by). I also find a new Ocean which is reachable across a Swamplands to the south from the Western Sea. In this series… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack Prank!! 😱 Watch Now 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Build Hack Prank!! 😱 Watch Now 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BUILD HACK TROLL FACE 😈 EDIT ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-08-10 06:38:34. It has garnered 10371 views and 292 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. MINECRAFT BUILD HACK TROLL FACE 😈 EDIT ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos… Read More

  • Insane Spider Boss Battle in Public SMP!

    Insane Spider Boss Battle in Public SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | Java + Pe | Cracked’, was uploaded by Wild Spider on 2024-08-23 15:44:06. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:41 or 161 seconds. IP:- Make Sure to Subscribe 🙂 Java IP – Pocket IP – Port – 3262 Dyn IP – if non of that work discord –… TAGS USED : ——————————————————– minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft live with subscribers pe, minecraft live with subscribers bedwars, playing live with subscribers minecraft minecraft 24/7 server free, aternos minecraft… Read More

  • Birthday Chaos: Summarizing Every Shizo Clickbait!

    Birthday Chaos: Summarizing Every Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘Summarizing Every Chaos for my Birthday!’, was uploaded by ssChaos on 2024-07-29 15:00:08. It has garnered 62 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:37 or 2317 seconds. I’ve told some amazing stories over the past 3 years, let’s talk about them and this crazy game called Minecraft CHAPTERS 0:00 Intro explanation 2:42 My first ever world 4:04 Maniac SMP – Sara Chaos 9:25 No Signal SMP – Apeiron Chaos 10:48 Craft SMP – Mary and Reeds Chaos 13:11 “Voldemort” SMP – Ceci Chaos plus Charlemagne 16:36 Rulers Royale SMP – Reiner… Read More

  • Sword4000’s Insane Minecraft Hide or Hunt with Dog1234!

    Sword4000's Insane Minecraft Hide or Hunt with Dog1234!Video Information This video, titled ‘I played In Sword4000s Minecraft Hide or Hunt!’, was uploaded by Dog1234 on 2024-05-24 19:35:55. It has garnered 9495 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:59 or 1439 seconds. I played in Sword4000s Hide Or Hunt Event with the goal of being the last team standing and building the ultimate secret base and hunting down other players bases. Join My Discord: ——————————————————————————————————- Huge Thank you to Sword4000 for Hosting this event and be sure to Subscribe to both of his channels! His Main Channel: His 2nd Channel: ——————————————————————————————————-… Read More

  • CatNap vs Monster in Epic Roblox Battle! #Shorts

    CatNap vs Monster in Epic Roblox Battle! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CanNap team battle Monster #CatNap #robloxmemes #roblox #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by PurrBlox on 2024-09-08 14:00:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts. Read More

  • Unbelievable Revenge in Minecraft! 👿 #viralshort

    Unbelievable Revenge in Minecraft! 👿 #viralshortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Revenge 😈 #shorts #viralshort #youtubeshort #minecraft’, was uploaded by WHRI_GAMING_1100 on 2024-03-03 09:49:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Revenge #shorts #viralshort #youtubeshort #minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Revenge Minecraft Story. Read More

  • WawaNet

    WawaNetWawaNet is a server with many things combined into one. Our server has: SMP, RPG, Exploration, Custom Generated Structures, Adventure, Custom Bosses, Minigames, PVP Game Modes, In-game Economy, Grinding Systems, and Custom Armor/Tools. Join our server today! at: Java: IP: Bedrock: IP: Port: 25570 Read More

  • AussieSMP SMP Australian Whitelist 1.21+ Java Bedrock Discord Livestreams

    AussieSMP Server Welcome to AussieSMP Server IP: Location: Sydney, Australia Discord: Join our Discord Apply: Apply here About AussieSMP The AussieSMP is an Australian hosted Survival server with a small community of players from around the world. The server is whitelist-based so you need to apply to join. We offer a mostly vanilla gameplay experience with some quality of life features. Features The server is running the latest version of Minecraft Minimal modifications to Vanilla mechanics Player created shops for trading Teleport commands for easy navigation Land-claiming system for protection Multiple worlds with no reset plans Part of a… Read More

  • Repairing Missiles in Minecraft: Cube Xuan’s Quest

    Repairing Missiles in Minecraft: Cube Xuan's Quest In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Cube Xuan brings laughter, joy, and gains. With animations that are funny and bright, Each video a delight, a pure delight. Missiles in Minecraft, needing repair, Cube Xuan’s humor, beyond compare. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, In this virtual world, happiness is found. So follow along, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, with Cube Xuan’s glee. Each video a gem, a work of art, In the world of gaming, he’s a true heart. Read More

  • MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme!

    MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone! #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems Read More

  • OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass!

    OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass! Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a journey through the vast and creative world of Minecraft, where players can unleash their imagination and build anything their hearts desire. From crafting tools to surviving the night, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players of all ages. Building and Crafting In Minecraft, players can gather resources such as wood, stone, and minerals to craft tools, weapons, and structures. Whether it’s a cozy cottage or a towering castle, the only limit is your creativity. With a variety of blocks to choose from, players can design intricate buildings and landscapes that reflect their… Read More

  • Drowned Dilemma

    Drowned Dilemma Welcome to Minecraft Infiniverse Season 4! As the new season of Minecraft Infiniverse kicks off, SkyGuyJedi is ready to embark on a fresh adventure in the world of Minecraft. This season promises to be filled with exciting challenges, epic builds, and thrilling survival experiences. Let’s dive into the highlights of the first episode and see what awaits in this traditional Minecraft journey! Episode Highlights: Resource Gathering: The season starts with a focus on collecting essential resources like wood, saplings, and sweet berries to lay the foundation for survival. Exploration: Along the way, SkyGuyJedi encounters various creatures, discovers a ruined… Read More

  • EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!

    EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft ATM 9 #11] But What If They Weren’t The Final Preparations’, was uploaded by 氷上竜二Ch Hikami Ryuji Channel on 2024-09-26 03:18:23. It has garnered 27 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Stream Rules: -Don’t bring any sensitive topics like politcs, religion etc. -Be kind a respectiful to everyone -Don’t mention other vtubers unless it’s relevant to the current topic -Don’t spam -Don’t self promote -Don’t give any advices on the game being played unless asked Read More

  • Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!

    Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Let’s explore! Chatting in disguise 👁️’, was uploaded by Yomi Gardenia Ch. on 2024-08-23 00:28:02. It has garnered 214 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:00 or 18600 seconds. 👻 Yo-hooo! Hello! 🌼👻 I am Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond the grave! Today, let’s walk around and see pretty places in Minecraft! I’m Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond! Today, let’s walk around Minecraft and see beautiful places! 🌼 Minecraft is a game by Mojang. 🌼 Texture pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft ✿ ✿ ✿ 👻 Twitter →… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreat

    INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft world showcase’, was uploaded by coleisprettygreat on 2024-09-07 03:06:37. It has garnered 10455 views and 1192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:52 or 1372 seconds. interior decoration still on point Read More

  • Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!

    Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[FR] LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs, Eman Predictions & + !! !subgoal !stuff !hy | Minecraft Highlights!’, was uploaded by minecraft français twitch highlights on 2024-02-11 13:09:06. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:17 or 377 seconds. Stream highlights posted daily. Please like and subscribe for more content! What was your favorite clip? Let us know in the comments below! If you own the content in this video and want to be excluded from this and future videos please contact us: PATREON ———————————————— As you may… Read More

  • Join Skeleton for Minecraft lifesteal smp 🔥💀 Now live!

    Join Skeleton for Minecraft lifesteal smp 🔥💀 Now live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥New Start of Minecraft Lifesteal smp ( public smp) | Join now’, was uploaded by skeleton is live on 2024-02-26 16:04:40. It has garnered 182 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #velorentlive #velorant Hello, Cool Gamers I am Skeleton, and I welcome you all to our fun spot. So, Today I am going to plat Valorantt. it will be adventurous and exciting. You all can join us to play. Thank you, I hope you all have enjoyed this stream so don’t forget to like it, comment, and… Read More

  • Unbelievable find: JJ and Mikey discover hidden treasures in village! – Minecraft

    Unbelievable find: JJ and Mikey discover hidden treasures in village! - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ Found TREASURES Under VILLAGE ? – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-06-21 17:00:27. It has garnered 10554 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:21 or 3981 seconds. How Mikey and JJ Found TREASURES Under VILLAGE ? – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We… Read More

  • Dungeon Time in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 – Insane Treasure Hunt

    Dungeon Time in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 - Insane Treasure HuntVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cool Looking Dungeon Time! | Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.21’, was uploaded by Prowl8413 on 2024-07-26 02:31:55. It has garnered 3832 views and 248 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:01 or 14341 seconds. Become a YouTube Member and join my community server! Our servers are sponsored by Sparked Host and are always very active, with events every month. Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.21 is a Guide based Lets Play series. In this world I progress through the game, and will guide you on everything from the basics of gameplay, up through more difficult to understand… Read More

  • Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs’ Success NOW

    Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs' Success NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘HILFE FÜR TRYMACS ist DA! | Minecraft Elements 2 Deutsch Folge 33’, was uploaded by Varietytime on 2024-08-24 16:00:14. It has garnered 416 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:56 or 7196 seconds. Welcome to the Minecraft project Elements 2 in German. Help for Trymacs is here! Have fun with the video! Participant: ✘ The best streaming products: ✘ The best gaming boosters at LevlUp: ✘ Cheap servers: 👾: 📸: 🕊️: 🎬(Main): Discord: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ Music ★ Here you can always find… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tap Trick Goes Viral!

    Insane Minecraft Tap Trick Goes Viral!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft decorative tap#shortvideo#subscribe#like#minecraft#trending#song’, was uploaded by THARA GAMING on 2024-04-17 05:31:48. It has garnered 156 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Monarchia

    MonarchiaWelcome to Monarchia, a Towny Minecraft server with a closed gold economy and tons of awesome features! Whether you’re into epic land and sea battles with Siege and Movecraft, intense duels with cool kits, or riding into combat on your trusty horse, we’ve got you covered. You can also explore the world with BlueMap, brew some virtual drinks with our alcohol plugin, and dive into so much more. There’s always something exciting happening on Monarchia—come join the adventure! Read More