Travellers Academy – After Hours – Minecraft Charity Event (Day 10)

Video Information

Oh you just wonder how do you measure piss like how do you measure the velocity of piss do you measure it in bars like you measure pressure from a compressor oh yeah bro my best was three bars last night welcome to the after hours oh that was oh that felt refreshing

Well i’ll just okay oh my keyboard please bro please oh my god jesus christ i have to break my keyboard just to switch it love me love me say that you need me Singing it’s currently one in the morning i have to be awake and go to school and circa five hours so this this one is going to be a woozy dude i can’t [ __ ] believe like did you know they that they made korea from squidwards from squid game into an actual thing

I didn’t know actually like that was just in the show they actually made korea oh my [ __ ] arm i already said welcome to the after hours did i i get rid of her probably all right let’s see say that you name the name uh what is a good I’m looking for a good ost i remember i had it in my history let me scroll down i could maybe find it i don’t know if this is gonna be like a success no that’s from an animated series no i can’t play that okay i pulled up about at the after

Party you realized that got me crazy um a proper heart attack there because my phone fell phone fell bogo’s invented logos got my photos man It’s a good soundtrack to just chill through and have in the background no i can’t play that oh i know there we go uh if anybody’s in chat you tell me ooh you just tell me if this is too loud or too quiet yeah this soundtrack is from katana zero

I’ve been told that i’ve been told that uh i can play game soundtrack or that’s a order of soundtracks from games are like uh safe to some degree that i can play them uh so you guys can you guys can listen whoops as you can see in the title of today

We’re probably going to be playing minecraft some mini games or maybe just even bed awards i should probably launch minecraft yeah you just told me this is loud or quiet all right i’ll be switching out over to minecraft right now you guys should be able to see it any moment now any second

Any oh jesus christ uh hello secretary was it horribly loud no it wasn’t horribly loud it just it was sudden because i can’t hear you join there you go so yeah i will definitely have to go in a few like maybe 10 minutes i don’t know maybe longer but for now oh [ __ ]

Not to worry i’m gonna be on for like maybe uh a couple hours let’s see because i do have to go at six to school oh no it’s already six um but dinner was a late start today i’m talking about myself i have to go to

Six to school apparently it’s one in the morning oh [ __ ] so you actually have to go to bed tonight i was hoping you wouldn’t notice oh my god briefly yo can you hop into chat and tell me if the music is loud or too quiet

Give me a second i’m going to have to find out the channel what do we play what do we play well well if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions i feel like you’ll appreciate that um okay can you say something i’m talking yeah talking yeah talking talking remember 30 second delay

Yeah i know i know yeah I’m gaming okay so i didn’t really notice that there was music until i remembered what you said it is it’s quiet good it should be just just to fill the background silence yeah it does that yeah it should funk yeah it’s funky music concrete concrete concrete yeah concrete maybe

I gotta get my park or a game up oh my god oh okay no man we’re going to go play viewers now i’m gonna show you how to install mods for terraria i feel like it would be really fun is that a maid outfit steve made outfit

No way look at him look at him no it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s him from the dream smp what what is his name benjamin told me like it’s a name of someone him from the dream it’s him well it’s him it’s the skin it’s him it’s the

It’s him from the g is it it doesn’t even look like it i don’t i wouldn’t i don’t even know like what type of skin i’m looking for hold on give me a second your eyes on what your eyes on him no not anymore because because we gaming um

I have no clue who you could be talking about in here yeah it’s it’s a blue outfit or like a blue skin oh yeah i’m good are you good yeah better than technoblade actually oh my god no bra bro i gotta help him i gotta help my boy my boy

What are you gonna do go over here what are you gonna do come over here what are you gonna do come over here buddy what are you gonna do dude i love this music absolutely bopping holy [ __ ] they don’t even know look at them simply don’t even know they don’t even know yep

Damn gamer you don’t know simp briefly don’t know what you’re talking about it’s i’m talking about the stream i’m looking and i’m waiting to see what you mean they don’t even know yeah oh my god you knew how many teams are in this kind of bad world holy [ __ ] this is what benjamin

And i played and we had this struggle it’s a lot of teams it’s like one two three four five six seven seven i think oh so what i’m seeing is that you just did a little bit of trolling oh my god that’s smooth they didn’t know they really didn’t know

A smidgen of trolling i said dude i thought we’d white no we’re yellow i have to keep remember keep remember i have to keep remember soon keep remember you forgo what nothing happened that did not sound like a winning moment i didn’t even die i’m just built different build

Equals different built different built stupid yeah i’m a god i need to build the middle when you have diamonds also known as diamonds wow that was a lot of wool you purchased yes what are you gonna like accidentally fall off the edge or something is that what i’m about to witness happen now

Minecraft bedwars is not simply a game it’s an art form built different one does not simply be built different i almost fell again i should really check myself before i wreck myself man what is my guy doing is he just there getting on his mind he’s he’s chilling bro

He’s vibing keep hiving he’s just chilling though what you gonna do next oh whoops there we go all i have acquired all of the tools one needs to do a little trolling oh the blue is coming blue’s coming bro blue’s coming he saw him well if he didn’t see him before now he

Definitely sees them whoa okay bro nice [ __ ] yeah bro keep building oh look at him speed bridge man he’s doing it i’m flying oh [ __ ] oh bed destroyed uh-oh did you get that right as you started flying in the air no i died it was grey we did it

You’d graze on a vengeance bro there is something built different wait did my god i might even live live oh my god you missed the fire charge i didn’t i i wanted to hit him and run after run past them but that didn’t work out as well oh bed destroyed right as you

Died too damn tell me about it is blue’s bit gone no we didn’t even get their bed hollow oh that’s my right the [ __ ] out of me bud whoops i don’t have enough old i’m gonna get hit off i feel like open bud yeah bro yeah bro yeah bro yeah bro

You’re gonna fix that you’re gonna fix that bro you’re gonna fix that bro okay good because i’m not gonna do anything okay great because i’m not going to do anything jesus christ oh yeah you’re going to rush me bro you’re going to rush i’m going to rush me

Great because i’m a guy what a guy what a mad lad look at him go look at him go man he’s going look at them go man they’re going to another realm i’m going to jump build this yeah i know yeah dude build is simply different what

You ate the apple i ran away it’s a tactic it’s called the tom foolery i don’t feel like a tactic because you have no wool i don’t need wool little spro’s i look like a hoe to you a little bit maybe even a little bit of a [ __ ] yeah all right cold

Bed was destroyed see it well quite amazing i i did what i wanted i did what i wanted to i’m simply built different jesus christ my god my own guy scared the living [ __ ] out of him blue’s not dead yet oh let’s fix that shaolin [ __ ] gray sacrificed himself to get

The bed what a mad lad absolutely now it’s literally us versus blue they can suck them oh my god you know it’s like the that cool halo show yellow versus blue [ __ ] off i missed i’m coping man oh no what are you gonna do shoot at me no

They won’t we both know they won’t no they got me [ __ ] i maybe could have saved myself but my guy wasn’t really mild amount of trolling oh dude i gotta give me a sec i’ll be right back oh now my guy’s going to there they just turtle what little [ __ ] man

Little [ __ ] [ __ ] cringey yeah i’ll just click play again and i’ll be right back holy [ __ ] you sweat that so hard jesus christ beautiful all right lads i’m back welcome i can’t even type quit for free robux you paw what it sounded like you just said you can’t

Even type for 50 robux no i said i can’t even you can’t even type quit for free roblox sup a w welcome hi nw i’m just playing some duo bedwars you know how it be man the grind never stops god i become like steve yourself yeah like joe bed wars i’m mostly playing

Duo bedwars right now purely because uh nobody else is on what a cool guy he doesn’t even need to build he’s just using that to build a legend you’re pink this time oh my god yeah i’m chad colored holy sh did he really just buy the little funny yeah he bought it twice

And then put it on top of the bed he was he’s very based he bought it twice not once but twice oh my god you want to see something really based now sure i wish i had more iron man why because they lack the critical knowledge oh no

Are you going to try and make a [ __ ] dick and paul statue cope i’ll be seeing you around bud oh he has an iron sword where does he have a heart sword that was exciting oh well i got their bed we traded shut the [ __ ] up man

I like how you went around this guy’s base and you didn’t think to leave when he was confused no hmm i couldn’t okay i think i will stand my ground yes it’s a stand my grand law in bed wars and your bed wears invented it that looks so stupid i know

Why do you think joe bedwars made that why is it joe bed wars why can’t i just why can’t it just be steve minecraft bed wars no why no who has double names steve minecraft bed wars no joe bedwerzek is a completely different person from steve minecraft

That wars who is who is that even steve bedward no it’s your bad words that’s the that’s him deep bedwars will exist one day never you must have you must have cope art thou cope no art thou coping but the divine is cringing thou art cringe thou are cringe mincer

Me literally listening to the katana zero soundtrack yeah no i died the bed was man you got me oh yeah it’s too hard yeah i see it’s too much for arthur though it’s snowing over here dude a w what the [ __ ] oh my god you’re up north

Well reef wow i’m a professional i’m a gamer i’m still gonna die i know it’s inevitable you have three oh you’ve won yeah no i’m respawning i’m responding going man i i do not care for thank open cringe oh he’s coming with me yes dude now he gets it or zhang cringe

Thine must seethe for thine cope i say the word cringe far too much for someone who is cringe for someone who has craned your shirt no he’s getting it no you blow you blew your way off you wouldn’t die a lot someone who’s gonna cope and

See the brief you know what he tried to do he tried to build back or she tried to walk incredible he tried to go back to our base but that didn’t work out because he brain too big for he got bamboo oh no this [ __ ] should have used a fire charge

Said he used d and t d is awesome wow he was really big brand that moment yeah i know you saw it out there right yeah well i think today i think i will go back to the enemy’s base clueless and then your body just jumped off too

Why is clay a good block to put over your bed uh i don’t think it can be fire charged that’s what’s good oh that is really good me thinks at least is that red guys coping hard man oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

Dude nobody’s here in the middle not that i’m complaining oh among us why is that your go-to worried phrase among it that guy just my guy just needs to stay alive and be epic and cool and and yeah hot [ __ ] don’t look both raved both ways for traffic when crossing the street

I don’t look just walk a man [ __ ] did that today a man crossed the road on a big ass highway just walked it he didn’t like do the white person jog or anything he just walked it what a lad yeah fairly large highway you had fairly large balls on that man

Apparently he was wearing like uh flip-flops i think fairly large balls in your jaws i was worried at first i’d hit him but i was really far out and i there’s no way in hell i was gonna hit him oh yeah dude oh we’re going man we’re going man

Bro can you like chill bro nice i thought you were jumping nice kill that felt good oh you also have diamond hello friend i’ll watch him jump please jump please Gotten diamond as a video recently oh that’s like four diamonds no way that yellow has the balls no way yeah bro yeah bro yeah bro yeah bro yeah yeah bro yeah bro yeah bro yeah bro yeah bro i love this guy yeah yeah yeah he got her bed if he has a pickaxe

He had five diamonds i mean i did so he killed me and i killed him one won a lad i use a wooden pick because i already have a fat [ __ ] you can just walk up their banks base dude i bet you i can honestly want to

Bet i just can walk up to their base like plug is that gray that’s gray oh no that’s pink you could try walking up to a similar color the uh as yours and seeing you notice i realize it doesn’t matter see we do a little coping and seething it’s called

Is what the other teams are doing right now oh no no he’s gonna get the blue no stop him stop him please Among us honestly man oh no that’s a yellow that’s not even a pink wow my disappointment is measurable and my day is around oh yeah that’s the guy who just does that i guess oh you did get pink’s bed though yeah i did i’m happy

Dude i wish it was no i actually don’t wish i was snowing over here because then my arm would hurt more you just put snow on it and then boom you can’t feel it anymore hello let me just pour alcohol into your bullet bullet wound

Yeah exactly you use it as a shot glass tasty yeah why did you build him like a platform to run and jump off of i was i was seething on a scale of one to ten how smart do you think blue is i don’t know i will say yes for five

They’re very smart they turned around within a 10. a million honestly yeah he has the same idea you know what they say about big brain big [ __ ] or something i don’t know oh you don’t have the balls okay bro okay bro i’m about to hit up bro

Yeah bro yeah bro yeah bro yeah bro yeah bro yeah bro see the difference between you and a [ __ ] nice one lad winning spin chilling being cheated around buddy oh no wait i have to help my bud i almost just killed myself well don’t do that see

This is what the power of power does this is the power of coping and season the power of cocaine see oh my gosh bigger brainerd than me unfortunately briefly it is time for me to go and rejoin later alrighty then i’ll be seeing you around today you should have used that character

You should use that voice for you for your dnd character it’s amazing which one the one you’re using right now the [ __ ] extremely posh one oh the fake fake intellectual yes i love it i love it i feel like you can suit her perfectly right i gotta go

Ding ding ding though ding ding oh bro speed virgin how did you what the [ __ ] oh no i got him oh they still got her bed damn any percent speed running us Go Trying to report back to my teammate they don’t see me open hope oh that’s my guy whoops i’m not very smart foreign oh we’re [ __ ] there goes our bed this is going wild to go kooky mode finally getting matched with the people who play this game a million hours two

It’s techno blade you don’t have to win this i simply have to win this let’s take my blade thanks bro oops [ __ ] i’ve had like two more i could have been able to finish it i didn’t however so i have the cake jesus christ that number went from one

To four real [ __ ] quick and shot holy [ __ ] mind my cursing or don’t mind my person i should say oh dude skedaddle scandal scrattle skedaddle scrabble scramble see ya i just made a [ __ ] wolf noise effect the sound effect what is my knockback what is this where was this last game

What was that last game where was it where look at him go he’s frolicking he’s thriving [ __ ] accidentally fell all right now the number he went from four to three okay god my right arm it’s not even arms it’s like more like forearm like the joint my elbow that’s oh that’s

What they’re called they’re called elbows bro look at him go oh he’s going i don’t trust that sassy pink oh big mistake oh big mistake bro bro we need some diamonds [ __ ] this dog so uh i’m better than technoblade right this thing really even aligned i think the complete’s alive he better be

I bet you pink will be back i bet you i’m gonna fall if i keep doing this literally the game almost died Oh don’t mind me bro oh my bro whoa see where’s my knock back when that happened i wish i had that knock back man yo bro what’s your job bro wow where’s my knock back what is this just vanishes it dudes it does as it pleases it literally does as it pleases

I i don’t even i don’t i’ll never understand the knockback mechanics of minecraft i’ll never understand them there’ll always be a mystery technology i am alone all right time to just completely ruin someone’s game i think looks like they need their game i mean it’s 4am thing to ruin your game

Never mind they see me [ __ ] all right well you guys mind if i just come over there i guess you guys don’t mind here’s mine hello guys i’m coming to give you a hug guys you wanna hug i wanna hug you wanna hug you wanna hug man

I’m gonna hunt here i’m i’ll even connect the bridges that’s not a that’s not you don’t wanna hug that’s not a hug my arms come on guys it’s a 2v1 oh you also have white never mind now it’s a proper quest you guys don’t mind if i just do this right thanks guys

Thanks guys thanks move i’m breaking your bed give me thanks man all right bye it’s in your base oh that’s one down yeah oh they never found out what the dog was doing guys oh dude spreed bridger ultimate man oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] this i’ll be sitting around boys

[ __ ] this i know when i beat hey yo why am i helping me why am i helping me that was fun almost played a meme that’s a no-no again techno blade man i’m talking about no no don’t look in shadow looking chad don’t look in chat someone wrote a very uh friendly thing

No way back no blade it’s him it’s just him simply him room for one more yes ma’am i see if you want of course no i actually just tried to ask and then immediately leave i mean it wouldn’t be the first time are you playing

Uh bed wars yeah mini games in bed wars do you want to do duos gladly i’ve been i’ve been up against technically twice and i’ve lost all of my games you look at that guy’s speed bridging man he’s [ __ ] going holy [ __ ] man he’s going up my god look at him go man

Look at him go do you have a dmp oh thanks bro that’s so cringe i brought my head out all right i’m returning to lobby and i can invite you okay uh slash invite no it’s not slash invite slash have you tried experiencing some [ __ ] that’s right now that we have like three

People here i should say or like four we had i don’t know how many people we have it’s glitching out now that we have people here i’m gonna say again every everything here goes to charity so if you want to donate this goes to saint jude’s and yeah or

Help us save some kids all right you just done when you experienced uh joined the game or experience [ __ ] what’s the time actually it’s uh it’s almost two in the morning okay well i have to go in like a circus an hour and a half i’ll give myself

To get at least an hour of sleep god my right arm holy [ __ ] yeah this is this is your daily rec uh your daily dose of what not to do don’t break a bone whatever you do please just do not break a bone please i’m begging i have never

Broken a bone good i do not think i have bones in my skeleton will you have a skeleton like that no i’m made up of metal you’re made up of metal yes no i can’t say that with a squishy exterior it reminds me of something else like what i have no clue

You can add me to the party now slash b ad what is the name again the blip flip you know if you just look at the donations somebody was kind enough to donate under that name no way really no wait hold on let me check yeah guys

Yeah no way you should get all you guys should do the same please what do you need to know just donate no just i meant to i meant to say like just oh yeah no of course just donate yeah yeah children children need it you’re helping you’re helping is that

That’s dantdm but red is that is he also from greece it’s technoblade and dream holy [ __ ] and and yep i know who that is yes beautifully and dantdm evil wow we have to win this we have to beat them inw what do you mean a w i’ll tell you something there will

Be there will be a drawing stream i i i can’t promise you this but there probably will be a drawing stream in the near future i won’t be anywhere near that because i do not know we have actual talented people here one of them being katie that can actually actually

Know and like how to draw edit and such like you like yeah please reserve that for uh them because i’m not good there’s a difference between yellow yeah there’s a difference between being good at something and being bad at funny i’m just bad at drawings and such

Have you tried being better no because i i mean i did actually that’s that’s a lie i just lied literally lying to the viewers are you always lying You’re getting the fire for a fire charge let’s go kill cyan no can we chill for two seconds we just but it’s funny do you not know a day of peace no my funny meter is picking off my 20 meter just one more piece of gold please piece of [ __ ]

And lose fell to the wood silly gooses do you actually want enough for a fire charge i have enough uh i mean if you can just just buy one and shoot it at science i just bought wool instead i’m so stupid there we go anyways what is this lock bag [ __ ] science

That’s hands treated science shoot the tines now you little trolling it’s called yes see this is what benjamin and i did oh yeah he’s chasing he doesn’t he didn’t like that get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready katie get ready i’m gonna get sharpness Ready off all right nice this is that this is a bit trolling a little a small amount did you knock both of them Uh let me go kill white hey do you not know a singular day of peace peace i hardly know where yeah they already built halfway to white so i can just use their thing the bob and then and jig i completely forgot the bridge it’s called hello janitor skeppy sub janitor’s cups

Are you doing a small amount of trolling who me i just got white bed yeah i know that’s why i’m asking i’m sorry that’s very bad why is the janitor whispering i have no clue i also have no clue okay who is clue and why do we not have him

We’re not cool enough why is he whispering i have no idea what he’s saying either i’m going to go get a small amount of diamonds sharp enough sir can i upgrade our forge oh yeah sure we already got sharpness so in the corners i died yeah sadly all right let’s build the middle

The tomfoolery has ended Uh as you would say snacky snacks already practicing for you’re called thriller dnd voices eh they’re going good well shut your ass up boy if you don’t boy boy if you don’t boy boy boy boy boy boy it’s me kratos from the hidden kratos my chest hurts should i stop drinking

Energy drinks yes please please man Oh well he can’t leave he can’t leave so just kill him yeah there we go what is not okay okay it’s fine you got him it’s fine i’ve been binging for like four days straight binging what Everything oh is that supposed to be i got six emeralds everything give me a second coming okay look we just need to stay alive at this point uh uh i mean we’re already like what fourth i’d take that that’s not good do you want diamond armor or oh you

Already have iron uh you can have it oh my lord can you watch for if a fire charge just randomly hits me thanks fire truck oh yeah yeah i got you my pinky stopped working i think i’m just gonna let all the teams duke it out are you

Mike really did just post his credit card i think he’s done that frequently look i’m just excited to do 3v3 v3 with the janitors this time i know will win i’m sorry that’s not possible it’s very possible it will win we’re winners We’re winners damn you were winning okay i have protection too should i just kill myself so we can move on up to you if you want to just die in a blaze of glory doing i have nothing i’m spectating i gotta i gotta like go flip let me click f1 there

We go it’s a it’s a cinematic angle if i could get diamond armor i’m sad they’re fighting so that’s reassuring i’m i’m going i have gone completely cinematic i’m just following you as like a third-person camera my bed’s destroyed does that mean i heal slower i i don’t think so oh okay

You just heal extremely slow in this game constantly okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right six fire charges okay diamond armor six fire trucks

Fire trucks yeah six fire trucks sex my muscles my muscles i need two more diamonds and i have protection three they’re right here in 20 seconds no they’re no they don’t have to wait they’re right here Okay how many emeralds are in the middle i need a diamond sword if i’m gonna go out i’m gonna go out of blaze of glory you understand me Hear me bob hear me boy Boy that’s some delicious energy drink Name brand [ __ ] okay the gamer warrior i can’t believe you died i’m still kind of upset i can’t believe i sucked you mean you suck i fell i didn’t even notice he was on the base i’m the worst i i should have told you oh oh oh my god he’s so afraid he’s

Running so fast what a gamer he accomplished a lot with that oh you’re just going to their base that’s their base nobody’s there right oh oh oh no Is that my fault for dying so dumb is that red dream it’s troll face dream oh no way it’s troll face dream it’s him it’s him it’s technoblade oh wait no that’s you oops [ __ ] are you winning yes completely we are we are winners not lie to her it is not

Okay to lie we are aqua now this is exciting like water i’m eating a popsicle so when i’m done i will boot up minecraft and i will join y’all roger that’s get yeah skippy you smell like you smell like you farted all right watch dead oh my god

Run run oh i’m i fell they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming flashlights jessie this makes us adaptable does it i literally just almost did that you smell like you sorry i just have no no no no no it’s in my blood to do it i have to

As soon as i see a person i just want to just murder them like yesterday roxy simple i talked about just driving an axe and i can’t say that probably that is not what we talked about actually well you are taking that out of context no that is what i talked about yes

What did skippy say you have that you have more lighter no put it away put it away drink it does he drink the lighter fluid what is happening oh brief i have terrible news yeah i’m looking right i see aqua one no no no look look look forward i don’t

Know how to get down No don’t worry i don’t have any blocks i have i’m coming i almost fell can you imagine if it just fell as i’m trying to okay hold up hold hold there hold there thank you i appreciate it i did too much i did too much time full blurry too much

Brawling trailing a little bit brailling a bit of trailing blowing dude i love the katana zero soundtrack okay well i made it to the diamonds let’s see if we can get sharpness quite i can be your hero hey katie a question how did you manage to get yourself stuck there um

I jumped but i didn’t realize that there was nothing below me so i quickly had to like cry basically she tried these the other side shut up Yeah right you can We’re in the middle of a game hold up please yeah don’t just fall don’t actually please them at me you have to be technical we have to beat troll face dream but of course okay i have six emeralds i actually have eight emeralds because there’s two in the chest back at base

No no no no it mustn’t fall troll just right just registered you don’t even need to kill them just run i’ll be seeing around yellow see you in hell ah what was that noise it was me rubbing my hands together clasping if you will okay there’s two there’s two emeralds in

The chest i’m gonna go try to get you diamond armor it’s fine i have iron yeah but diamond’s objectively better but i have iron i don’t care i have iron hey congratulations ironic isn’t it oh dude we have to have someone at base to watch today shut up clueless

Guess i won’t be getting those yeah okay buddy just go to the other one then i don’t care yeah defend that one stupid head there’s literally a whole other generator that i’ve also built to yeah are you are you using your brain right now are you are you using your brain right now

I just need one more damn laptop keyboards all right there goes green we’re winning this if it’s the last thing we’re doing no no we’re not i’m dying okay well i tried i got two beds with me i’m happy pleased if you will well i guess i don’t need a statement oh

You don’t eat any more huh hmm yeah you haven’t yet i guess i you don’t need to give me that anymore see no i don’t even know where diamonds are so no i mean you said that you wanted to give me diamond gear and i just learned shawarma yeah [ __ ] your shawarma shawarma

Diamond gear protection we’re listening to very melancholic music oh this is still look down at zero soundtrack whoops you smell like you farted you’ve fallen I’m actually sobbing All right now i’m waiting let’s take us out i mean i am it says leaving q and it doesn’t do it automatically or uh instantly be add what’s skippy what’s your name here pixel total sky underscore is that your name yeah that’s my name that’s my real life name actually

I’m asking your mind is it on your birth certificate and everything i hate all of you also has my blood type v it’s not c for copium no no v for vendetta remember some scrolling up for even that’s an arm school i’m in i’m in a lobby so holy [ __ ]

Oh that’s my profile no wonder they’re the same skin as me no no skeptic is correct that’s portal sky that’s him little sky can you add me too yep oh yeah there’s a squid game skin okay author i’m out of here [Laughter] nice oh what the there’s a itty-bitty kitty running around

Oh there’s a cat there we go most of you are in hey there’s a kitty this just sarah girly gamer person has a kitty no more cat oh shut up i know what brother you’re already here yeah yep that’s something yep that’s done at me yep oh oh what the hell

Oh my god it stole it from the head what oh hey look there’s a squid game skin in our holy [ __ ] it’s dream holy [ __ ] stream right here he’s right here damn i can’t say the same message twice dream screeny please [Laughter] oh my god total screening please

Damn it they [ __ ] i didn’t manage to get it all right we’re going to murder we’re going to murder it’s time my bloodlust has been uh it’s been so long since i’ve played this yeah me too actually [ __ ] up like two days guys you guys showed up it’s been so long

I’ll do the glass i have enough i’m doing a class i’ll do wood i can’t i just realized i actually can’t hear my game i can’t either i never i never play i basically play with my audio off i play with music oh well aw is everything okay you sent the loading

Screen is the stream working hello hello hello hello hello governor hello shut up okay i’m going to do the end stone okay damn you smell it you run out of wood don’t buy another one i’ll just surround it with that stone it’s fine i wonder how

Good my parkour skills are on a laptop not good that is the answer oh i missed both times i’m really good at placing in stone who should i do have we already built someone stick out of my mouth all right who’s going to meet the murderer

I will go with you but i need a better sword most of you come both of them well the bed isn’t finished with end stone yet so i was like yeah it’s murder time we go right we go right bring a pickaxe if anybody can have this

One yeah i don’t have one i don’t have one i just bring one just go back and get one for 10 iron [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] god fine i mean i i’m building the red space right now i’m yeah yeah yeah right off the edge he’s going to see us okay i

Think they already definitely see us let them let them come you have a pickaxe you fell off again all right okay okay it’s fine it’s fine we just have to wait we just have to wait we just have to wait i have a wooden pick it’s fine bro no worries man

No it’s fine but relax it’s back hold on i’m good can okay oh yeah the green the guy is literally a hacker oh yeah yeah dude what a good game howdy zoom well yeah we’re all betting some wars right now yeah he’s literally you know nico and uh cheating and submit report

Sf h shaking my head shaking my damn head out of all the games to start off with we get achieved immediately immediately and brief immediately hello george and brief immediately fell off the edge what yeah oh he got knocked off no that looks like a stitch

And it’s a stitch a hoodie that is oh that’s a beard oh god i feel threatened careful you’re about to summon misha you just shut up i’m glad i get only the most entertaining stream to watch on my ride home from ren fair well i don’t think this is uh

I don’t know if this is entertaining actually is that duncan from the yorkshire hell yeah i’m very idle right now dude this guy’s skin looks like genuinely looks like a roboto which one multi-layered yeah the multi-layered one the mr trunk it is well thank you i personally preferred what uh what

Benjamin and uh katie and all or benghani and katie do and bot why why she’s just looking katie’s just looking pensively over the side huh is oh my second is over you do the glass i’ll do the wood okay oh i love the color red it was dunking for the august

Number one priority safety did skippy just fall off yeah bridge number one priority safety buddy yeah bridge number one priority safety dies there’s gold in the chest if you need it um no i don’t uh i’ll do uh one thing of end stone you do the other thing about stone okay

I did a little i i made the yellow people just jump off i’m sorry i feel bad now i just know you’re still in where the glass is showing hey guys can someone please come to blue base along the bridge i made and bring blocks building the base

Currently i’m looking at an unprotected bed oh i should help you Okay it’s dead you had like four diamonds on him oh he had three actually yeah no you know wait i’ll get one more and we’ll buy shortcuts i lost my two diamonds i apologize yellow gotcha i said it like i screamed i was looking over and i only saw one

And i was like okay briefs got it and then suddenly brief didn’t have it because he was still freaking out revenge of the beds i agree then completely oh we need eight diamonds for sharpness oh strong duo’s everything is cheaper yeah portal sky was killed by pothole all right we haven’t been possible

I thought he’s not it doesn’t even make any sense jesus christ i have a lot of all right let’s win big sniff we’re winning we’re winners winning we don’t die here we win we stayed at a zone i’m hungry we do die i die a fair amount we die but we win

We did not win last round yes we did yeah well that doesn’t make that last round doesn’t count it had like hacker it literally was a hacker there’s not much we could have done about that don’t have me just shitless i’m not at the base what i know Over there and he just like he just starts flying around doing like [ __ ] like not even looking at me hitting me dude the gamer chair his gamer is just so much better i love the game of chair close this video because i didn’t actually watch it i’m basically just

Torturing everybody who’s watching the stream with some hell bops well i’m listening to my own music ah [ __ ] out of me sorry apologies sir wow i feel really helpful they already built the mid so yeah just let’s build them let’s build the mid too you want me to whoa what though invisible well

You know they say oh i can’t get back over i’ve died i’ll try no they’re still there they’re still there [ __ ] yeah i’m running back where out there base oh um he’s dead he’s not hacking he’s just bad good i lost my 32 wall all right let’s just play it

Well we lost our freak bad shot you know i might say play it safely make it count play it say don’t handle it oh skippy’s dead i think i will buy charges now unfortunate indeed oh is that oh you want a fireball i have three of them oh okay great

And behind don’t hit me basically yeah wait wait don’t go yet don’t go yet don’t go yet there’s two of them going to yellow right now what a good shot man there you go okay well i’m not any better that’s another really good would be a shame if you lose that a

Am i a dumbass shame if you lose it you know what you do realize i can hit you off no bro now bro come come back come back it looks like he realizes i can hit him off hit him with it nice clueless nice diamond sword

Can i use my fireballs at all uh i mean yeah you will be able to i just have to get i have five of them oh yeah sure just give me a second where are we going one of these guys has a cape nice that means he’s uh he’d been to a mojang

I like place irl nice i think we’re gonna get the same treatment we gave to them i couldn’t blame them tbh are you gonna fire charging buddy if you if you want to do it do it now watch out yeah yeah just spam him spammer baseband race okay i die come on brief

There’s all three of them here i can’t do much you might want to run that i don’t have a pic there is no reason to run there’s no need to run we don’t have a bed so just rush at them yeah brief that was not going to work no

It would have followed me unrushed oh [ __ ] i should have just clicked play again i keep forgetting that’s an option [Laughter] it’s fine it’s it’s because i don’t know it’s green again it’s always green i’m telling you guys as soon as we’re green we’ll win we’ll win instantly

The person who killed me the the hacker um they’re not the hacker actually yeah he’s just just invisible quit sag big sag oh they got a cape yeah they they’re gonna kill you oh my god it’s mario mario mario from the hit super smash bros smb can i smash you oh god

Is that friday night [ __ ] dude it is it’s boyfriend oh my [ __ ] [ __ ] yes i’m gonna end myself i’m gonna end myself my [ __ ] arms are shaking oh jesus blanket man clippings i’ll do the wood but i i don’t know i need i need one second i need to finish something really quickly

Which i’m making i’ll do the glass i don’t know how much glass costs which is not really smart on my part it’s kind of negligent if anything it’s completely 12 iron okay can you actually sleep on these beds no no it’s a day you can’t sleep that day it’s minecraft

You said you wouldn’t do I should not be doing this continues to do it the grind set is real i should not be doing this shits aggressively proceeds I just got hit off incredible oh my god just suicided to hit me off what a lad absolutely mad lad i’m getting my diamonds back you know man there’s my diamonds yes how many diamonds do we have back home i don’t know two six oh never mind holy [ __ ] i got nae nade

11. i just died with two sadly because extremely badly like so badly that the guy is currently breaking the bridge here oh oh it’s fine i can just build it back up i need two more but i died with two hollow surely be more mind

Just is that one of us who just made it there no that’s green that’s the never mind don’t mind me i’m schizo oh they already built the mid disgusting imagine trying in this stinky of you wow i’m gonna laugh shut the [ __ ] up quite giggly if you will

Okay you can thank me later yeah thank you oh [ __ ] go let’s get the hella bread the toast uh there’s the same watch out watch out let’s switch places i’m bringing back home to diamonds that’s where i said let’s switch places no you’re not that’s live yeah that guy had them hands

Yeah i know what they did Where no you got kicked by a green i’ve been getting kicked no he ran away yeah green smells bad i agree sweating how rude of him can i please pick that up [ __ ] i just destroyed red’s bed jesus christ dude they’re the biggest menace here man whoever’s over there

There’s a brief there’s a green over there yeah i know i bet you do you just want to swim hey guys i’m going to green bays give me a second what is this i feel like that would be a little funny that guy’s coping i kind of want to buy the funny stick

Oh what the [ __ ] dude the green bin oh my god what is that oh please don’t tell me the green have a [ __ ] hacker please no i just got sent oh wait it’s five diamonds to get protection yup rock roll rodney there’s just a green at green bays

Ah there’s uh all four of them actually it was three minimum eleven bit i don’t know twelve like five oh god it’s just us and them yeah that’s what’s our base by the way all right that is [ __ ] that is hot garbage actually that is among us if you will

He picked up the diamonds don’t let him don’t let him get away don’t let him get away you get away [ __ ] no he didn’t he did not get away you are so friends but he got him now the man i almost said benjamin the [ __ ] skeppy just fell by himself

Yeah he did you’re probably gonna try to come over with potions and stuff we have to be on our a-game who keeps using this oh you actually somebody actually bought it nice oh maniac maniac how am i already almost dead every time i try to do anything how did they hit me

So fast they’re just spamming they did rip the homie yeah would it be an auto clicker no no there’s no perhaps you get destroyed yeah having an auto clicker that’s that’s obvious these people just spam their mouse so hard that their finger game dude stop i’m gonna say it again uh we’re

Streaming for them they usually do that because it’s frightening no the lost blue literally just killed himself i love the flip side four nine seven four hello yeah this isn’t this is all for my god oh i should actually is not having a good day scuffy is not having a good day actually

I feel like they’re gonna potion because they have access to mid we do not do we do we have access to men we do we have we have they’re all extremely big nerds all right with me we’ll go to russia base i am currently at base wait i would

Sip you should probably stay at this if you’re still there i am oh [ __ ] they have we i need a pickaxe i didn’t bring a fake axe got it [ __ ] i am Dude i should just That’s yellow that’s yellow that’s us i’m stupid they had 11 diamonds on them trolls where’s the last one of them i have no clue probably at the middle is my guess my best guess or whose base was uh green connected to that shouldn’t have worked so well i’m

Gonna be honest with you guys why shouldn’t it because i just said all right did he just absolutely spam wool yeah he did he’s invisible he’s invisible oh [ __ ] brief watch out can i break or oh i see him i see him he’s he’s do you see him

No they didn’t get him i didn’t get him he’s here he’s at the base he’s at the base he’s at the base he’s at the base no i hit my foot oh no well maybe okay i’m literally sobbing i’m gonna die i’m gonna die so here you still hear the [ __ ]

It’s fine it’s not not there we can’t go there we all missed is what i who’s left i’m dead just um from yelp from our base actually running back he’s going to spam wool i don’t have any sweating he’s sweating that’s what he’s doing oh i’m dead i’m actually lit

He’s got so many yeah i can’t do anything there i can’t do anything there and he’s being a [ __ ] too a polite you guys a g [ __ ] did he just say gg bro it’s just one guy everybody dies and he spammed 10 million fire charges yeah i thought you had 10 million fire

Charges to spam i had two i had five and i did i couldn’t [ __ ] see him i was going to ask if i should just break that walkway next way next time i’m not going to ask i’m just going to just break it if you see somebody running towards our

Base just break it i thought you got him what you can still see yeah the game would have been over i would have said oh i got him and we would see him if you when you damage somebody who’s invisible they instantly become visible there i’ll also say that

We got [ __ ] cleaned man we should have won that why don’t we suck so bad no we’re creating a green cream i’ll do the glass you do the uh if you win this one i’m killing myself if we win this one i do not have enough gold

Like as soon as like i’m telling you guys if somebody’s green they instantly win hey guys i’m i went straight for mid by the way nice yeah i saw i’m out of wood there’s just the top that’s uncovered yeah yeah that’s fine let me get in stone

Yeah get a thing of that stone just one thing because i already have one thing i got one you should be able to finish it with one i think did somebody build to the other diamonds grip i can be very nice i did not i needed two actually because blue is built

I’m waiting until i have four then i’m running back home okay red’s mid 15 seconds until i have four diamonds if somebody’s at the other diamond generator right now you’ll also have four you’re gonna simply get sharpness trying to build over as fast as i can no

Worries no rush i’m relaxed i’m out of blocks can somebody bring me blocks i possibly can yeah and bring back four diamonds so where are you uh it doesn’t matter i’m back and face i’ll just get the blocks myself oh i was gonna give them to you

Might as well cover the end stone that’s what we always jesus christ i just heard someone take fall damage i got a [ __ ] myself five diamonds uh i’m gonna get more blacks if somebody want to rush yellow with me you need a pickaxe hey i’m about to destroy blue yeah yeah blue

The blue guy’s on me so just break him he’s just i got them distracted yep he’s upped up popped up he’s right there i can’t help you sadly so nice all right i’m gonna go i’m always lose in pvp situation because my lag sure okay i have a wooden pick

You want to elaborate on that one doc i’m on two hearts still better than dying i’m busy being very slow oh [ __ ] i got a funky bed just watch behind me please there is one there he’s got [ __ ] yeah but i don’t need to know if he’s oh he’s looking at

Him he sees this i think he’s gonna try and shoot you he’s gonna try and shoot you okay tell me if he has one in his hand he’s shooting i got an arrow where is he exactly let me try and see where he is that give me blocks if you don’t have

Anything to lose if you have like an iron sword or a stone sword right here i have nothing yeah so glad i’m just going to shoot me off what a tasty tasty fact because i now also have a fire charge or no i mean we can definitely rush him he thinks

I have a single fire charge by the way did you get blocks brief i got 32 that should be more than enough oh somebody needs to stay at base however because i don’t i don’t trust that should i shoot their bed uh that won’t do anything with a fire charge because then stone

Yes build fast build fast built fast Okay start breaking start breaking that’s right got it all right wait wait wait wait wait wait don’t respond will respawn there he is what’s up [ __ ] one more watch what’s up bro nice fire truck we missed he missed sorry if i stole that okay good oh i didn’t steal that oh

I thought i stole that it’s just us in red now [Laughter] yo these guys i don’t know if you guys if one of you had two emeralds but these boys had emeralds and diamonds on them i did not i didn’t kill a single person all i did was break the bed skippy hey

Did you kill him at his base or they have end stone and they also have wood no worries man we can i can buy an accident if you can distract him i can come over stone wood then i don’t know what the third layer is might be glass probably no they’re

Putting glass on the outside right now okay you have uh emeralds i’ll take them back i have an axe there’s four emeralds in the chest there’s four emeralds in the chest i know i’m coming back yeah no this is i’m telling you guys as soon as you’re green i’m telling you

I can go with uh if someone wants to rush them no i’m gonna i don’t know are we already built to their base there’s a pathway to their baby ah there is they also have an iron golem oh [ __ ] you don’t have that think we have enough money to buy one

Brief are you over there right now no i’m just i’m just luring the iron golem out yeah come here buddy come here come to papa come on pal if we all want to rush them i’ll take an invisibility position one of them is rushing me hold up no no

No no no no no no no no no no no no wait are you rushing what did somebody have one diamond not i can’t i’m trying i was in the middle of getting diamonds and i’m still doing that i’ll get you guys maniac minder though and protection We have to attack from multiple and glass well i’m coming back i’ll come through blue either that or just tender pill there we have to do one of those things worries you have time you have time i’m just looking at them all four of them are at their base right now hey wait

Wait wait hold hold on wait i don’t want to [ __ ] hold they’re right there okay yeah then rush them and die and keep dying and not doing anything i actually can’t go over any blocks see that’s how you see you just wait for them to turn around oh did you get it

Yeah they’re all done now they’re behind you now let them come that’s one that’s three ah and that’s oh ping pong babies ping pong he’s almost dead he’s the only he’s the last guy there you go see that’s what you do again all of them just went back to base and

Simultaneously bought something it was kind of funny yeah you ping-ponged him behind me i love doing that man that’s why i just love running backwards and somebody is feeling extra confident i just like i got skeppy right behind me and they realized they were mistaken oh it’s sanic it’s sanic sonic sonic

Where he’s running around he’s running around he’s running around at the speed of sound they’re behind mickey the [ __ ] mouse look at him behind you yes no i see him i smell franchise f-r-a-n c-h i-s oh my god you don’t want to look at mickey mouse’s eyes why what’s up with

Mickey mouse’s eyes oh my god he’s high i’m alive let’s see him bestie holy [ __ ] mickey mouse is high oh we’ve been playing so long that we literally switched soundtracks we went from kadana zero to crypt of the necrodancer oh boy hopefully none of that’s copyrighted

No it’s not first victory now now we’re just full of things I’m building a victory once okay you do the glass you do the glass i’ll do the wood i’m telling you guys it’s literally all about being green and and good for the environment speaking of green like money this is all for charity and if you guys we’re streaming for charity there’s a

Lot of this entire month is basically just charity streaming streaming so yeah if you’re feeling generous just donate if you if you if you can i should specify like if you’re able to oh red just got the blues bass it is a small amount of trolling

Okay you do end stone and i’ll do an n snow okay you do the last end stone i’ll do skeppy white boy going off go off hello i had a wood sword there’s my favorite white boy let me get an old school let’s go to

That one i’m just low on hp 100. i’m waiting for 10 seconds i thought you already went to that one that’s why i was like okay red’s coming red is coming red is coming to our base i’m going back you just run you just run back that just coming from which direction mid

Side behind me oh my gosh oh brief all right tag team tactic go oh he’s a [ __ ] oh the knock back yeah i keep a little grim coop i killed someone see i love doing that simply you [ __ ] just stagger you just turn around i have committed manslaughter

I think i think red is going to be the biggest target like the biggest what a beautiful tower of wool oh damn what’s guppy you good bro red’s coming to [ __ ] eat my ass yeah oh i’m gonna go help him hi that’s yellow run back back back

Oh doing at me did not run back no i’m just staying here i want the emerald what are they gonna do kill me so what i’ll just kill them again what are you gonna do kill me huh he did not what are you gonna do exactly

What i expect you to he had a hundred iron on him he had a hundred Are you iron complain i wouldn’t oh oh what are that was behind me well there goes my two diamonds agony they even know that it’s mickey mouse it’s mickey mouse come on come on come on skipper you can’t beat him no [ __ ] mickey mouse murked him you wanna get him brief

Hey hey dude at me i have you have your two diamonds back he actually had the two on him so here we have seven diamonds oh sure i’ll get one how did i get red wolf oh because you blew up the thing right next to me

Do fire charges hurt your allies if you toss them no i don’t think so at least all right it’s winning time winning what i’m hearing is it’s time for me to buy a fire charge a lot of yeah two yes i have inspired god it never

Gets old like the way nobody expects it and you just fire charged into oblivion two emeralds delicious yummy tasty yummy yummy who should be terrorized yellow because they’re annoying all the time they also have diamond armor already biggest red guy protection one now oh i can’t say that

That’s not allowed a really cool red guy all right now we just have to kill red oh my god who has diamond on our that’s skippy [ __ ] i got mickey mouse nice don’t worry skeppy yeah two diamonds on him maybe that was me actually i can’t tell oh thank you

Very cool you know yellow is completely gone all we have to take here now is red and we need a lot of stuff i’m stuff what’s uh what if we all took invisibility potions that’s so exciting it would be funny how much how expensive how expensive uh there’s a red guy coming through

Just okay just keep it there keep it there i’m going back oh my i’m so stupid it’s mickey mouse get mickey have no remorse he’s a corporate chill i shot him with a fire charge he should be low oh he might get me he might get me no i

Got him i am so [ __ ] good i was leaning so forward to the screen good you should scary okay there’s only two yellows left he wants to rush him i’m i’m running i need turtle um i can distract all right don’t have me’s with me it’s fine oh it’s fine

I’m distracting oh why did i keep killing me so quickly distract really hard well you didn’t distract hard enough i guess he shot me what the [ __ ] that’s rough i should have distracted better my apologies what i’m hearing is i should be having them purges roll your thighs

Okay we need to go together we can’t go by ourselves that is true all right i’m right now my fire charges do not hurt you guys yes but they can still knock people off they knock people off places which is that’s why you don’t use them around friends usually

Okay i have four all right i’m at mid i’m currently going to uh do the emerald next uh what is happening what what is it what out gamer briefcase hang on to yeah back to base and grab some stuff well you didn’t pick up these emeralds

There’s like four of them right here so give me a sec i’m bringing them back dude what’s around their base uh wood wood uh and like a lot of stuff just bring a pickaxe i have a quick accent you should get an invisibility potion how much does it cost um oh perfect whoops

All right i didn’t mean to do that that was unintentional actually give me a second i’m going back there’s a red coming towards bases he’s scoping beautiful yeah he’s stuck there we got one red just stuck on our mind you know it’s not stuck there any longer here i can’t yeah yeah

I got it i gotta go are we going over there now sure i’m dropping these things then okay don’t need them anyways move out i’m going to drink the potion just build a little bridge across there’s no point going across this curvy looking one i don’t have any blocks i was he

Fine i didn’t i even like being alive actually i don’t even know how many there’s one not even in his ring i’m dead it doesn’t make any sense he’s dead friends all right go back run back run backwards you know just come back yeah no it’s

Fine just build it just build it yeah just build and go wait for it it’s fine just just waiting hit me off all right just uh i’m waiting for you guys at the middle right now i think they’re they might use a they might have used an invisibility potion

Would be smart don’t attack them don’t attack them don’t attack them don’t attack them at me i’m not trying to get the emeralds piss off okay i have two fire charges now one guy just went the yellow the yellow base someone died here no he dropped it there put it in the chest

There’s a red coming on from the from the side are you gonna put the thing in the chest yes but someone’s gonna go over there and make sure he’s not gonna [ __ ] get over here and murk us There’s one more whoa okay i got an aid library flip free flip free oh i died i died i died oh i just fell off the edge because i’m really smart mickey mouse is a dumb ass all right is everyone ready who’s here where where’s uh

I’m in the middle all right wait wait wait wait don’t engage across yeah i’m here i’m here oh here sees you what is that i am on half a heart now with jesus christ okay we’re going [ __ ] it we’re going man we’re going let me go first so i don’t get hit when

You guys are on the bridge i have two fire charges if you want me to immediately spam them nice one more [ __ ] i’m done i’m also dead you got it just careful oh one just jumped off because he’s a dumb ass all right he’s not a dumbass

He did give me two diamonds though yeah they’re done four three then four i did have to break the thing i’m sorry oh it’s all of them oh i got knocked off by de la pizza there goes the two diamonds see you man i’m so sorry well it’s last kill so sorry

I’m sorry because i killed skepty that’s why i said sorry like he just i’m so sorry stuff i didn’t i’m pulling through the void forever mickey mouse was kind of scary you keep my ass had [ __ ] sweaty oh i see how you killed skeppy now damn that’s unfortunate yeah i was about

To say oh like stand back i’m fire charging but that that was that was too long to say so i was like oh my god we have a vip in here we had like three vips last time where is he where is he he’s got the blue name he’s the bear

Don’t say that too loud yeah i got him yeah he definitely knows you typed that about him skeppy totally bear fruit shut the [ __ ] up briefly everybody’s from geneva okay but is it me or is it just like is it actually becoming a thing now we keep only winning like the color of

Money therefore it is the color of winners rusty crabs i agree oh yeah mr krabs i wouldn’t call this sweaty i just call us very nervous anxious if you will i’d put wood on the top or you know if you will i don’t know who built the other i right now

I’m just waiting for like telling me is i should go over there with a pic he’s fast bridging oh god wow it’s like you hold shift and stop holding shift and hold shift and now he’s dying why don’t you get sticky keys from that i mean all right i’ll have i’ll have four

Diamonds in like 20 seconds whoever made it to the other diamond generator you also you should also have like that amount i assume you’re going to finish the instance yeah but i need there we go buy another i’m being very useless right now i hate this you’re getting that

Four diamonds i’m running back you should also be getting four skippy i’ve got other tasks oh my god he’s busy gaming he’s murdering and then i’m the one who’s bloodlusted okay let me go get the other damage then i’m gonna buy a pick and see if i can go get blue

Oh actually hold up and i’ll help you just don’t go in alone i can’t i’m gonna go get the diamonds i already did already dude i’ve got i was told that someone has a pickaxe so i’m going well i now have a pickaxe that’s iron yes yeah

They all i’m telling you they literally don’t they’re literally only building enemies though if you can make it it’s fine okay he’s still there he’s just building he hasn’t noticed you yet there’s two of them there actually oh one of them’s noticed you careful grief he’s got a fire charge

I just lagged out it’s fine i built halfway yellow i love you nice beautiful i built more than halfway so we should be good oh wait i have blocks i could have finished that i’m stupid oh if you have if you have watched just finish it yeah i’m gonna

Oh let me actually come back and you hello hello hi zayn hi hello oh my god wait can you do six person bed wars five do you have blocks are you why are you running away i don’t oh i didn’t see you fire blocks yeah give me blocks i don’t have

Anything given blocks so i can build you have a pickaxe it’s fine we’ll play some mini games after this because that’s more fun hell yeah do you want to see the impulse purchase i made today [ __ ] yes we’re ready to jump and break the end stone i’m very there’s one here he’s coming

Go break it break it down let me just let it go directly to me he’s dead keep breaking keep breaking keep breaking i don’t have a [ __ ] just building again what the [ __ ] are you doing dude yeah he’s coming over oh dear knock him off oh [ __ ]

See the joke is on them because i can afford to do this they can’t afford me to get close yeah no because we have a bed they don’t yeah one dude just guarding him oh do you still have some blocks over sam do you still have some blocks i have

Six endstone give me some take it off i’m not that person at me oops sorry all right careful the other guy’s still there he’s hiding a corner he’s no doubt got fire charges yeah he’s coming he’s shooting you he’s shooting it shoot [ __ ] I’m really good at the game the problem is like we know they can’t afford that here hold on hold on give me a second yeah bro yeah bro they have dime they have time that’s unfortunate oh they can’t afford that many uh fire chargers so if we all so if we’re all

There with blocks we can literally just bum rush them just one by one some do you have that yes i too love bodies i don’t have any but i feel like you’re playing just run with me no just run with me just come with me come with me

They physically can’t buy fast enough okay that’s one just keep running just keep running it doesn’t matter just keep running they have they have enough for one not two oh he’s gonna get me he’s gonna give me he’s gonna get me no no no no no maybe [ __ ] i almost got him

He got a really low i know that because he missed me like three times I’m telling you as long as we just keep bummer shooting it’s [ __ ] resilient holy [ __ ] damn can’t be resilient if they’re getting caught at both angles is that guy just shaking our asses at each other nice fire there we go see you guys there we go lovely y’all killed each other

Damn and they had nothing in their [ __ ] chest oh that guy had an emerald on him oh my god red space looks aids the breach oh god oh they made the [ __ ] fortress i don’t know how to get back home mom come pick me up i’m scared oh my god

Oh this is a scary ass jump that guy has diamond i think i can take him on yeah i can take him on yeah oh he almost just made them fall you don’t have a sharpness mud i just i fell off he didn’t even push me off i just fell

How many hours do we have a question um we have none actually but that’s fine because now we have one oh let me buy here are we already at mid oh yeah not directly from our base but i’m building there right now yeah i see you watch my back what i’ve been doing

They’re just shaking their ass Hell yeah brother that’s cute you just fire charged them off though i did because he shot a fire charge at me that’s a food ah i think scammy’s ass chicken time is over with you’re not i mean this other guy is still shaking asses at each this is communication

Going off red’s coming through middle it’s coming through it’s coming to base nice okay goodbye red’s also got diamond armor yes anyway um what should i buy with these nine diamonds and do haste twice if you can i cannot i need one more diamond i’m going back to get it down Stopped actually i did i saw that happening i bet you didn’t i’m still are you just shaking at us with red there’s just this one guy like on a red bridge and he’s just shaking his ass at me hey you’re having a fun time at swim prep i’m having a great time

Oh my god beautiful well i mean you all got green so that means you were mad automatically would yeah literally literally those are reddit they just knocked this friendly off into the void oh god why the guy that i was shaking ass is with he just got [ __ ] killed by his own team

Oh man they must have been yelling adam and gracie damn how many times we have four emeralds what can i buy with four emeralds ooh this was a dumb decision oh my god this was a stupid purchase [ __ ] i was going to go for armor i got a sword

I put it in the chest because i always die you can give it to yeah i was gonna say there’s a red who’s built who’s uh doing something what are you doing man thanks there’s a reddit no he’s not oh [ __ ] he’s getting tag team that’s what’s happening

Let me rip some blocks only one block should be enough for this holy [ __ ] how are there already [ __ ] squid game minecraft avatars people make the skins really fast i mean it’s just like i mean yeah but like these are some decent quality on it’s like they got shading and everything like

It probably only takes a few hours the biggest smooch if you just break into their base and destroy it okay i want to troll the people go to bridge briefcase no it’s fine i’ll just troll them right now i’m ready hey briefcase run across the bridge and distract them by like running around

That building hey dudes up can you like briefcase bad nights he broke the bridge what is this guy doing careful oh careful [ __ ] out gamer simply outmatched simply out match get him exactly outmatched he’s did we spot an iron gun or is that someone else yes my god oh Brief it was a placed fire charge that knocked the iron golem into the [ __ ] air oh thank you dude did you see the big bridge the guy made the taking on yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait games now guys oh yeah party games pretty soon Yeah okay now that’s i’m [ __ ] satisfying noise time oh we can do just arcade games you guys want to do hide and seek oh yes yes yes yes yes yes sure cuz then i feel like i’ve played hide-and-seek with you before i have never played hide-and-seek no i’ve played murder mystery and whole

Game is everybody in the lobby maybe it was with roxy though your i feel like you’ve played it with both you and dorothy Right click right click props to disguise yourself as one so you can right click on something you try really hard also i know exactly where i’m going to click to become a prop you have to uh right click i think so literally no [ __ ] blocks yeah that’s why you don’t hide in a

Block skeppy the little mini blocks are the blocks you can choose by the way you did it ah i saw so ah you guys are dead no we’re not i’m good at this game hey how’s it hanging let’s click the stun how do you [ __ ] uh so all props are hittable right yes

Everything’s hittable Hmm if i was to croat well I don’t know if this even works i don’t know how this works like oh the prop oh wait are you the prop below you you’re you’re that prop prop up your feet i could see one of them Oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay and stunning me built different i’m scared he doesn’t know guys he doesn’t know are you still a hider yes somehow oh beautiful it’s up to you and me man no it’s up to someone else dude no you threatened gotcha [ __ ]

I don’t even know how it looks like on when you’re a seeker how does it look like i’m feared i am faired oh i’m feared Totally haven’t done that before by the way i would never bully someone like that of course of course that doesn’t that’s just completely rude absolutely balling yes what am i oh i hate this oh let me be something else nice i’m a diamond hoe yeah let me just decisive strike the killer guys

I have made a mistake I’m going for you no it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine i’m free i’m free i’m free [ __ ] this the [ __ ] the pick is this someone who is the pick i don’t know i’m Up no one stuns with me so i i’m kind of boned honestly i met you i bet you a million dollars you you bastard skip you’re definitely stream sniping i’m getting i’m watching i’m turning on the stream right now i have a [ __ ] laptop holy [ __ ] i managed to avoid the [ __ ]

Oh my god everybody’s dying [Laughter] i’m not a fan of this game mode yeah when i when we’re playing like gotta say this uh this game mode kinda rambling don’t have me little blizz baby Yeah i i i remember playing hide and seek and i was literally yeah this is like fun this is prague hunt yeah but it’s kind of sleep with the whole heartbeat thing it’s like oh you’re just running around heartbeat oh you know someone’s there you play

If it’s not in a game soundtrack i can’t play it a w just because it’s a good sign no i could i believe you it’s a good song i physically just happy right moment so skippy is a gremlin oh whoops i didn’t mean to knock the marker actually oh Good good night yeah good night there is one hider left wow they are sweating oh no they are definitely a sweat lord they like do a bunch of parkour around the area too they’re crazy cheek clench oh i see him i see him i see him there’s something diamond where

Right here hold on here i see him i can smell them how does the marking tool work no idea i mean are you guys really saying like you use this it’s like a heartbeat but i have my audio off no the marketing tool just marks something oh okay

Oh can we even are we even gonna find him in two minutes i [ __ ] hope so you just have to go by heartbeat that’s the best thing that’s going to help oh on your wall any [ __ ] heartbeat yet damn peavy you’re playing hide and seek and your heartbeat alerts you to a hider

He’s running along the [ __ ] big shelves i see him he’s he’s at the back he’s at the back he’s at the back he’s out of the back where i’m pointing my butt i’m shooting i shot an arrow at him he went around he’s gone he’s on another

Shelf he’s another show [ __ ] he’s making a break for it he’s under the bridge speaking long peeking along oh i got stunned he’s that’s a weird item yeah but he can change items well the round is somewhere You’re doing brave i’m [ __ ] hitting everything well no now he’s jumped i don’t know where he’s i fell down oh he’s up ah [ __ ] god damn all right this isn’t that fun nah you’re 100 i thought this was like you’d be a blonde you want to do murder

Mystery then because murder mystery is real fun um well benjamin isn’t okay yeah i know i’m just saying murder mystery is fine bedroom with schizo where is it i can’t find it it’s in the you have to go to like the big area the game menu

It’s the bow and arrow one i see thank you thank you i no parkour of course zero out of ten zero someone named tommy phobic just joins welcome back i found the particle map never mind we’re doing murder 10 out of 10. which lobby are you guys in

Uh plastic double up assassins infection i guess classic is laughing do we do double up or the classic’s fine okay let’s make a path in the lobby oh just kidding i don’t know how to play murder mystery detective have you ever played among us okay have you played ttt have you played

Gmod murder hello i would like to find one of my friends yeah you collect the gold bars and when you collect 10 of them when you collect 10 gold bars you get like ppu you be get one shot with the bow oh hi brief oh yeah but if you’re a murderer you

Ignored the ignored stop chasing me It’s [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i just heard a stabbing noise that means somebody got stabbed how do you have gold again let’s get out of here how do you use the gold uh you p you pick up ten of it and then you you instantly get a pp machine yeah 10. yep

Most people don’t survive till then oh [ __ ] someone died down here sassy if you will oh my god there’s a sassy bogus body are you just invented stop talk hey there’s a basement there it is i kind of feel like he’s a killer he’s not i heard someone being stabbed

On it but he didn’t zip got stabbed i really wish i could eat some batteries right now i wish i could throw some batteries into the ocean this murderer is a [ __ ] i got stabbed my favorite oh i see your dead body oh what you good man that’s me i saw a

Brave case and i just i just said hey if you go up the stairs you can find my dead body oh no oh no this [ __ ] better run oh this [ __ ] better [ __ ] run i don’t know who you’re telling to run it’s kind of concerning i don’t really remember who killed me uh

So i’m just following around who i think it is are you allowed to say the murderous great is that like cool i think that’s technically cheating yeah yeah i was about to say because i was about to remind you isn’t it you know the guy i don’t know

Are you also following them around brief i’m scared i’m just with that yellow person if i’m obsessed with that yellow you are okay hold up somebody got stabbed no somebody got stabbed and he didn’t do anything so somebody else that means we’re none sauce yeah i was right it is this [ __ ] oh

There’s a train yeah you you don’t fall down i have i have a hunch of where he is do you have a bunch of who he is that’s pretty [ __ ] helpful that sucks huh yeah i just draw randomly i’m gonna be real richer oh you two

I have to have to apologize because i genuinely thought it was him guys i’m very scared he should be why am i being chased don’t say you should be oh with the woods i’m getting Shamed i know it was him i [ __ ] tried the shirt i tried to shoot him damn there were two innocents left alive holy god this guy’s marked everything he’s like a melody in my head every day this is very entertaining damn for one percent chance out of 16

People when you play when you play i don’t think that’s a good statistic when you play more you get bigger chances like every other game like i think you get like one to two to three percent it’s a bit shitty but oh i don’t like how both of them just yell

That doesn’t sound good i swear i’m so excited i’m going to uh i’m going to go sniff down at me i’ll be back i’m going to swim skippy turn around come and sniff sorry money on my mind who did who did whom i don’t know

It was it was that the squish with the game i just saw his course i can’t squid game’s already gone there’s still another squid game there’s two you realize that right there’s three oh my god there’s so many split games oh i shouldn’t definitely say i was the detective yeah no dip [ __ ]

I care to rub my bow oh [ __ ] squid game died again which one um what who is it i don’t know i don’t know but you just said squid game yeah one squid game is dead damn i should really just stop praying all together i keep getting [ __ ] up by

These yeah no braves are basically like curses i’m praying what the [ __ ] is the point trying have good night briefcase yeah okay i can’t believe i’m getting bm but i can’t believe i’m getting bm the bm i can’t believe this man stop dming me yeah bm bm bm

You can’t believe so rude what i can stop fire watch i can put out the fire nice I’m just gonna shoot her the chance i get oh just saw him he’s a redhead redhead like robotic looking he looks like samus red savage yeah that’s not good because sussy samus he history erased survive 30 seconds am i still being chased most likely yes he’s on your ass

Dude he’s coping right now man yep i don’t have anything to die no he’s not on me anymore thankfully you know it’s a saucy it’s sussy samus i’m dead i’m dead scaredy had like five times to get away from him Samus once and i did not i didn’t even i wasn’t even in danger that whole time his first game wait why is my name red guy i’m defective whoever gets the shoots don’t at me gets the biggest like smooch why are you shooting me

No one’s just like why do i have a sword in my inventory what is this [ __ ] i’ve got a sword oh i didn’t even see who did it i did holy [ __ ] there’s so many dead guys yeah cause the killer’s on a [ __ ] i saw him oh my god it’s the cheese man

Get [ __ ] sliced holy [ __ ] the cheese man was the only guy who i saw who was yellow he’s the only yellow girl jingle bells jingle bells jingle bells rocks yeah i was just crying honestly that was detective i do not know i’m just going to stay on this thing

I want to try it out hello hi whoa what the [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] Stream i don’t know what is [ __ ] i have my computer has a ligma all of a sudden all right what’s a totally real ailment by the way did it actually turn into a real element i hope you’re not joshing me steps i just heard someone being shamed

I wish i could hear a sound over here stop strong [ __ ] at me is it the [ __ ] with the jason oh no who is it this is the [ __ ] with the jason mask who’s throwing [ __ ] at you i don’t know because you can throw a knife like as

You murder you can throw your knife so she might just be missing him i don’t know what the killer is doing right now he’s very uh sleeper yeah like he only has three minutes left he’s only killed like two of us ow oh my god i thought i saw jesus christ

Whoa what the [ __ ] up with this guy oh his helmet moved Don’t have me has a bosch so she’s okay i just see your throne it’s simp you son of a [ __ ] don’t let me get you damn it nice [ __ ] you great wait brief you shot her i shot her no i missed her in the head you shot her in the

Of course i’ve come fast i have come to catch of course i fish fast [ __ ] hey give me that gold when is it my turn oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that’s stock brand boy wait what happened please don’t tell me you’re the murderer and you just jumped in that lava thing skeppy

Skeppy man skeppy and begging him steppy i’m begging answer me i have to know you did not just do that i refuse to believe that i mean i jumped into the [ __ ] void pit at the same time he did but i knew i was definitely not the [ __ ] murderer skippy

Skippy i just think the void pit would kill me i thought it would just like teleport me back skippy doesn’t feel so good right now i can’t blame him i would too i would cope and seed into the oblivion it’s either that or repeats it it’s either it’s either he’s coping or seeing

Or he peaked his microphone oh that’s a lot of people dying i think someone just died near me i can’t believe we’re winners we’re winning so much guys you know what i’m stuck in this closet all right well get out of it i can’t have you tried coming out have you tried coming

I want you both dead by sunrise remember guys this is awesome yeah remember guys this is helpful uh if you’re feeling charitable you can always donate to saint jude then by donating to us your murder chance is 30 damn mine’s a three percent what the [ __ ] yeah because you were already murderer

My detective that was already detective yeah literally defective and then he was and then he fell down Dude oh i can’t scream anymore why what i’m up here with iron man tonight she’s gonna kill you now no he’s not we’re vibing [ __ ] iron man was the detective yes i don’t like that the killings There’s iron man in the bushes in the bushes what are you doing in the bushes flower hair oh thanks oh oh who got murked oh don’t we still alive that’s oh it’s that guy right i don’t know i’m going to follow you and see which guy you’re talking about i

Just ran past him they are following you yes i noticed i ran into them wow i died people are dead i’m scared you know who it is i don’t know what they’re talking about the guy would or the person that has flower here are they like a black and white kind of skin

You can click that long long hair never mind i know oh they have bunny ears okay yeah now that you know that oh i died [Laughter] damn this [ __ ] official Oh no she’s going after leprechaun man run leprechaun run he’s unaware clueless right now what the [ __ ] these are hiding places Damn kind of mad i think he’s coping a little too hard hey skeppy how’s your heart skippy.exe stop working this is my last game by the way before i end the stream because uh it’s almost 4am and i want to get at least one hour of sleep which

Actually has to get up at 6am today it’s fine you can still play oh okay savage god i can’t believe i’m back i was like okay but what if i just turn around when zen is running at me at mach 5. i just see you in chat by doing that

I know they’re gonna notice that it’s a possum as they’re getting shanked i mean this dude really is oh dead that’s what he is awesome awesome awesome there’s someone on here with an axolotl skin yeah i saw that it was really oh there’s one wait

Don’t hit me i thought you died oh no you’re still alive i just said possum in chat i heart axolotls the axolotl oh briefs dead bodies right here Hey skippy’s still here i’m really hoping skippy gets a gat and just shoots he sure is doing something oh zin is down there i just saw die oh yeah skip he’s gone i just wasn’t i really hope you guys have remember you need to pull the bow all the way back so

You can’t just like right click it for a split second oh sketch skip just random that was another person there’s so many dead people down here jeffy i’ll protect you i got you i’m just waiting to present the show out of nowhere and just trying both of you

Can i go to her oh i can oh oh skippy hasn’t gone through now oh dude both of them have glocks oh [ __ ] skippy skip you had a clutch skip please no she hasn’t misses it remembers it has a minute to kill two people so you better

Get her get her possum senses tingling don’t [ __ ] say that no she’s gonna go for it no he’s running around the map oh yeah he is hiding do you not know how big this map is murderers can now find survivors easily how do you do [ __ ] [ __ ] oh All right i think this is it everyone say bye to stream including you skeptics live stream okay this is where you’re going to be ending it uh it’s been fun the chat has been very active but we’ve played lots of games remember always like if you can donate for charity

Uh if if you’re able to if you have like spare cash lying around uh yeah just this is all the donations go to saint jude’s so yeah

This video, titled ‘After Hours – Minecraft Charity Event (Day 10)’, was uploaded by Travellers Academy on 2021-10-11 14:09:15. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:51 or 10611 seconds.

#Charity #GameTheory #Roblox Welcome, everyone to day 6 of the Travellers to the Rescue Charity Event, which is part of the way bigger Game Theory Community Charity Challenge. The Travellers to the Rescue event will last all of October with 8-12 hours of streams every single day from our best talent, like Dukes nightmare featuring Traveller Bengani, Traveller Bot and Kady or The After Hours featuring our academy Janitors Brief and Skep.

Donate Link:

Academy to the Rescue page:

St. Jude Children’s Research hospital:

1/3 of the charity month is over and they are still running a secret show after the Academy work hours… Why are we still allowing this? We could just fire them and find some desperate student that we can hire to clean our place… Unpaid… Yeah I can see the problem now… Well I think they are going to be playing some Minecraft or Roblox or something like that…

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    99 Days, 0 Slime: Minecraft Fail Exploring the World of Minecraft with Chu the Pup Introduction Chu the Pup, a popular content creator, embarked on a thrilling adventure in the virtual realm of Minecraft on June 9, 2024. The stream, titled “Slime Hunt Day 99: Still NO SLIME 🫠,” promised an exciting journey filled with challenges and surprises. Unveiling the World of Minecraft As the stream began, viewers were transported into the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, where Chu the Pup delved into the vast world teeming with possibilities. From towering mountains to lush forests, Minecraft offered a playground for creativity and exploration. The Quest for… Read More

  • FREE Minecraft Java Install with TLauncher!

    FREE Minecraft Java Install with TLauncher!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cara Instal Minecraft Java Gratiss Menggunakan TLauncher’, was uploaded by pitapit on 2024-05-23 06:00:05. It has garnered 13051 views and 410 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:15 or 555 seconds. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 📺 Support & Support Pitapit!! » | Like/Like This Video » | Subscribe to Pitapit ► » | Activate the Bell for New Video Notifications » | Donate ► ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 💎 Social Media Pitapit! » | X : » | Instagram : » | Facebook : » | Discord : » | Website : 📞… Read More

  • Sneaky Pro vs Noob: Hidden Chest Build

    Sneaky Pro vs Noob: Hidden Chest BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: SECRET CHEST HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Wudo on 2024-05-07 18:00:10. It has garnered 51475 views and 881 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:48 or 2328 seconds. NOOB vs PRO: SECRET CHEST HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft! Wudo, Mongo, and Axy are in big trouble! They need to build a secret giant CHEST house in order to hide from MUTANT PIRATES! They might even need secret beds! Or will it be too late? This video was inspired by Milo and Chip, Maizen, Mikey and JJ! #Wudo #Minecraft… Read More

  • Asan Gamerz: Insane Minecraft Trap for Friends! #shorts

    Asan Gamerz: Insane Minecraft Trap for Friends! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Trap Friend in Minecraft||#shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Asan Gamerz on 2024-01-14 05:20:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to Trap Friend in Minecraft||#shorts #minecraft. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Shaders Gameplay with Creeperr

    Insane Minecraft Shaders Gameplay with CreeperrVideo Information This video, titled ‘When You Try To Run Minecraft Shaders’, was uploaded by Creeperr on 2024-06-06 00:08:20. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. Read More

  • Take on the Savage Viper Challenge – Join Us!

    Take on the Savage Viper Challenge - Join Us!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Multiplayer w/ Friends (Play with Us!) Java 1.20.6 & Bedrock (Console, Phone, PC) #2’, was uploaded by Savage Viper on 2024-06-03 04:04:38. It has garnered 220 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 06:03:46 or 21826 seconds. Join the Discord: Minecraft Server IP: ( Port on all Devices: 25565 Server supports all versions of MC: Java, Bedrock (Console, Phone &, PC) Read More

  • Revealing shocking secrets live with FriendsWithMatt

    Revealing shocking secrets live with FriendsWithMattVideo Information This video, titled ‘I’m replying to live chat’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-06-01 16:16:40. It has garnered 81 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:41:16 or 9676 seconds. Minecraft Got 3 minutes to spare? Please consider giving $2 to support this channel Paypal = mattbrodersen777 Venmo = FriendsWithMatt Cash App = FriendsWithMatt Zelle = [email protected] WHAT IS MINECRAFT? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game. Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. You can survive the night or build a work of art – the choice is all yours…. Read More

  • What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!

    What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!Video Information This video, titled ‘What If Minecraft Have Physics?’, was uploaded by Anamous on 2024-05-31 07:39:48. It has garnered 187 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #comedy #trending #viral _________________________…………………… ______________________ Ladies & Gentlemens If You Like This Video Then Please Click The Like Button & yes! Also Subscribe This Channel! ❤❤ …. Love You Friends….❤❤ minecraft realistic minecraft but minecraft physics minecraft with different minecraft mods #shorts #minecraft memes meme #funny minecraft real physics with different minecraft wifi realism funny minecraft minecraft survival 100 days minecraft memes minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!

    Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!Video Information hey guys and welcome back to another episode of our let’s play World here with funky J 13 thank you guys so much for the support on the last episode where we built this creeper form uh it was a really fun episode and I really appreciate all the kind comments you guys left on that episode U and this creeper Farm has been doing really well for us and it made me want to build a sugar cane Farm next we get a bunch of paper for things like rockets and bookshelves and stuff like that we… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness – Drop Surprise!

    Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness - Drop Surprise!Video Information This video, titled ‘[!DROPS ON] Minecraft Hardcore stále nemocný | Sub = Minecraft item | !drops’, was uploaded by S1n1ster_ on 2024-05-20 19:41:55. It has garnered 61 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:16 or 7456 seconds. – here you can give me money for cigarettes and technology Read More

  • Craft2

    Craft2Craft2 is a Minecraft network with forums and an enhanced survival experience. Be a part of your choice of Kingdom, and create a nation that is managed and ruled by you. Explore all the new structures and biomes to see, enchant your items with all our custom enchantments, and complete quests. Build with our custom blocks and decorations for your own town! Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Minecraft Server IP: Discord: Join our Discord community Looking for a true vanilla gameplay experience without all the added plugins and restrictions? Harmony Reloaded is the server for you. Join us and rediscover the simplicity and magic of real vanilla gameplay. Originally started as a MCPE server in July 2015, Harmony Reloaded aims to recreate the essence of Minecraft before it became cluttered with plugins and pay-to-win mechanics. Join us and create your own adventures in a welcoming community where exploration, creativity, and friendship thrive. Features: True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean and easily readable… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Wood Tier Sucks!

    Minecraft Memes - Wood Tier Sucks!Wow, looks like this meme really knocked it out of the park with that wood tier list. It must be made of premium oak humor! Read More

  • Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore

    Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore In the land of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of friendship, power, and secrets untold. Ruber and Violaceus, vanished without a trace, Leaving behind a mysterious space. A messenger arrives, with an invitation grand, To Civitas Occidentis, ruled by Venalis’ hand. The group agrees to come, to the city so vast, Where a new ruler awaits, their future cast. Ruber, now in charge, welcomes with pride, To Novum Imperium, where secrets reside. In the chamber, leaders gather, a sight to behold, As Viridis questions, how power was sold. Ruber’s answer simple, yet bold and cold, “Gold buys all, even stories… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #maizen #memes Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Game Madness

    Minecraft Mini Game Madness Minecraft Mini Games: A Fun and Challenging Experience Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with a variety of mini games that offer excitement and challenges for players of all skill levels. From parkour to Bed Wars, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this popular sandbox game. Parkour: A Test of Skill and Precision One of the most beloved mini games in Minecraft is parkour, where players must navigate through intricate obstacle courses with speed and agility. While some may find it easy, mastering parkour requires a combination of timing, coordination, and practice. With a… Read More

  • Rainbow Beacon Madness

    Rainbow Beacon Madness Minecraft’s LARGEST Automatic Rainbow Beacon Welcome back to the channel! Today, we’re diving into the world of Minecraft once again, exploring the fascinating realm of beacons. If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that this marks the fifth installment of beacon-related projects on this channel. But fear not, this time we’re taking things to a whole new level! Designing the Ultimate Beacon Display After realizing the limitations of previous designs, our Minecraft enthusiast set out to create a larger, more intricate beacon display. With 12 beacons surrounding an empty 3 by 3 center, the new layout promised to be… Read More

  • From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!

    From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!Video Information [Música] C [Música] [Música] C [Música] h ah [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] Boa noite pessoal sejam muito bem-vindos ao bar da C como é que vocês estão oi cuquito oi CRZ Oi seres Oi chque oi tio Gran oi oi sejam muito bem-vindos a b pessoal como é que vocês estão hoje [Música] nessa eu não sei que dia hoje não segunda-feira hoje é segunda mesmo hoje é segunda E aí pessoal como que vocês estão como é que tá sendo segund de vocês boa noite V Boa noite e a vocês estão… Read More

  • Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious Caller

    Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious CallerVideo Information do not try to call her my friends and I decided to chant Bloody Mary three times in front of the bathroom mirror at first we laughed but then the air got really cold and the lights started flickering I saw her a ghostly woman with empty eyes and blood dripping from her mouth I couldn’t move as she reached out and touched my cheek she whispered you’re mine now and then the mirror shattered she disappeared but the next day I had scratches on my face every night since I feel her cold breath on my neck… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!

    Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!Video Information yo Halo guys welcome back to my channel Shark 999 dan kali ini gua akan mencoba bermain Luky block tapi versi Sky block ya guys huh jadi ini map ini BAP syariknya download itu ya E di mcpdl ya ya pokoknya namanya lcky block l Tulislah ya dan ya pokoknya Ya pokoknya begitulah guys ya Oke tapi sebelum kalian nonton video ini alangkah baiknya kalian klik Tom like Kom dan subscribe karena subscribe itu halal dan jangan lupa like sebanyak mungkin agar Babang syarik rajin mengupload dan jangan lupa komen jika ingin mengatakan sesuatu asal jangan toxik ya… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to the stream haven’t done a Minecraft stream in a long time it feels like but we will have other people be joining us shortly too so if you’re already friends with me then you can just join if you’re not then I need to know your username so you can join us all right so I forget what the last thing I was doing here was I working on this working on this this is supposed to be lany’s throne room in the… Read More

  • Intense Dragon Gaming – Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft! #minecraft #smooth

    Intense Dragon Gaming - Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft!  #minecraft #smoothVideo Information This video, titled ‘smooth minecraft texture pack #minecraft #smooth’, was uploaded by Dramatic Dragon gaming 1 on 2024-01-10 17:55:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft texture pack Subscribe Minecraft PvP Minecraft build Minecraft bedwars Minecraft Lifestealsmp Minecraft bedrock … Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

    "Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!" #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Writing Dhairya in Minecraft || #games #gaming #viral #shortvideo #shorts #viralvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by Double Gaming on 2024-06-04 06:20:10. It has garnered 174 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Comment Your Name Like , Share And Subscribe Credits :- Music – Book The Rental Wit It – RAGE #gaming ,#viral ,#games ,#shorts ,#shortvideo ,#minecraft ,#doublegaming ,#viralvideo ,#short Read More

Travellers Academy – After Hours – Minecraft Charity Event (Day 10)