Trying to Unlock My 2nd Magical Ability …as a Sand Witch | WitchCraft SMP LIVE

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Foreign ERS again aren’t I hold on uh um trying to make this lust look wow look less stretched hang on a second does my character look stretched I think it does all right really cool I’m sorry I’m having a hot mess of issues it to be the better worse I don’t know

That’s better okay sorry my character looked super super stretched but I’m trying so if you haven’t guessed by now um this is gonna be a very chill low-key stream because it’s late and I don’t feel like being on camera but I wanted to play Witchcraft

And have there we go a running record of what I’m doing in the series so I can like cut it down for the people that missed it and that’s why I’m here so hello I won’t be on face cam you just gonna have to believe me

That it’s me and I’m here and I’m live oh perfect duh I can prove that I’m here hi Dark Matter Builder plays thank you so much for the Super Chat going to oral surgery oh no for wisdom teeth oh I feel your pain I had um

Well now I have all my wisdom teeth removed but I had the first two removed back in college and I had oh yeah I had the last two removed recently what am I talking about um after Melody turned a year old I went and got my was the the last two of my

Wisdom teeth removed it is not fun so I hope your recovery uh it’s quick and thank you so much for the Super Chat Siegel what’s up I like the late night stuff yay yay chances are if I late night stream uh it’s gonna be no face cam Minecraft

But I don’t know so I was saying The Last of Us comes out on PC finally um on the 20. I don’t know I marked it down 26 28th one of those days 23rd maybe 23rd I don’t know um but the last of us is coming out and

I really want to play that but I have to be on face cam for that game so so Minecraft is gonna be the only like Minecraft of maybe stardew Valley I would only do without FaceCam Sarah Schultz thank you so much for uh renewing your membership for 16 months

My goodness I appreciate it Sarah thank you for the Super Chat going to nursing class in a couple minutes just want to pop by and say hi Sarah nice oh nursing class is it late by you is it late night nurse in class are you totally different time zone

Well either way I hope nursing class goes good and quick so you can be home and relaxing like I’m doing right now Galaxy Stitch thank you for the Super Chat if you saw it oh you make me happy Galaxy Stitch I missed you guys over here can I just say I missed this

Channel I’m glad I have an excuse to be back on here single thank you for being a member over here too I know you remember on the main Channel too uh yeah thank you Galaxy Stitch yeah I missed you guys it’s so chill over here

I mean I love the main Channel don’t get me wrong of course that’s my my baby the main Channel my livelihood my creation I built it from the ground up um but I like it over here because it’s not as stressful and I don’t have to

Worry about every little thing that I do and post and uh yeah I get to I get to just have fun Sammy what’s up hope you’re well I hope you’re well Sammy Mika thank you for being a gifted tier member you guys are too nice you don’t have to do the gifted tear

Okay will this work with shaders on their shaders on you guys let me know in the chat as we go if uh it starts getting laggy I will turn the shaders off but they just look so pretty Um Prisma arena is the only one on the server so my biggest thing that I want to do in witchcraft um and have a record of because it’s a big thing oh so you go it auto disconnected this channel the heck what that’s weird maybe it’s because I oh I wonder if

Sequel this is interesting oh but maybe it disconnected other I don’t know I was gonna say maybe it’s because I hadn’t posted on this channel in a long time that they just this but that doesn’t make any sense weird um I missed the last stream so I’m glad

I’m here oh well I’m sorry the last stream I had my face on this time but yeah so anyway I I I’m not doing I for the the next two dungeons for like any big episodes of this series I will still do a regular like episode it just won’t be as highly edited

Um because it’s going on the second Channel and so my editor Emily will have to um what’s it called focus on those videos and she can’t really focus on doing these if they’re going to the second Channel so the majority of this series is going to be probably live streaming and then

Cut down kind of like the last video if you guys are into this series um if you’re not you hate Minecraft Bobby told me to let you know that he is streaming on The Bob Hazard YouTube channel which I’ll probably read after this um hopefully if I’m subscribed

I don’t know if he has to be subscribed to me too I don’t know if he is subscribed to my live Channel he should be okay I subscribe to him uh don’t tell him um editor Emily we love editor Emily over here um but she needs to focus on the main

Channel and keep that going so anything that’s coming on this channel I will probably have to edit myself which uh means not much editing done because I usually don’t have much time I’ve also been editing all the shorts on the main Channel myself because they’re so new and I’m testing out a

Bunch of different things I want to make sure I get it exactly right uh seagull I’m not sure have been subbed for the main over four years straight I’ve been just to say that’s so weird Siegel watching both of you nice nice did I miss oh no no Nika I got editing manatees

Thank you so much for the five dollar Super Chat I’m sick right now and this dream makes my day thank you for all you do probably gonna sleep soon but have fun oh it editing manatees I hope you feel better thanks for being here but make sure you

Go get rest that’s totally fine Jack the Snorlax thank you for the Super Chat hope you have a great day you too Emma’s a good friend um where do I hear is that a drowned or a zombie oh yeah I was giving these Earth crystals

Uh like I said let me know in the chat if it’s laggy at all so I I why do I hear definitely heard something did I hear okay I’m definitely hearing is it the Enderman freaking me out where is it is it in here weird oh sure thank you Sammy what happened to Sally’s snake I don’t know star hard thank you for the

Super Chat I don’t know where apparently he’s not supposed he can’t like teleport orthod Vlogs at a time and I didn’t know that um so yeah I don’t know I can try to fly back in that direction or I was thinking maybe I’ll ask the necromancy witch if he can help me out

Oh yeah I gotta do an intro for this I forgot so I was saying before a lot of the series is gonna be live streams cut down like the last video that I had put up do my intro up here you guys distracted me um so I’m trying to get like a solid

Start point that when I go to edit this down Jesus so when I go to edit this down to leave on the second Channel adhesiveness for the people that weren’t at the live stream chilling with the rest of us they’re not as cool

Um okay oh I got it okay so this is this is the intro future Lauren who’s gonna click this this is where you can click oh he’s nuzzling me always look at me oh oh my best buddy the stupid Internet um I will be addressing people asking

Why I chose a familiar that is half bird I did not realize that um because the whole series I have clearly stated that I’m scared of birds because they like eating bread however think I’m safe he hasn’t tried to eat me yet and I think that’s because he’s half lion and

Is your stream working yeah I was gonna say mine kind of like crashed yeah it’s coming back I think thank you man I don’t know if it’s working oh wait it’s coming back I think it’s back it’s showing green on my side again maybe but I’ve never had a problem before

Well there’s nothing I can do I’d have to end it what see how it goes Emily why it thank you for becoming a channel member appreciate it is it okay for now is it good now it’s like it’s kind of better seems okay it’s good it’s good it’s working now okay cool cool

Okay I will try to keep an eye on it but good thing I didn’t start my intro yet okay so we’re good is everybody good good we good are we good I was trying to say that um I’ve been scared of birds this whole series and then I chose a burr half bird

Familiar however he is half lion which Lions don’t eat bread they eat meat and the other part is Eagle which also eats meat so I think I’m safe pretty sure I’m safe Shadow Rogue thank you for the membership thank you Sammy and Siegel we’ll see how it goes uh

Oh I can’t say your name yelia exilia that dittering thank you so much for the membership okay good thank you guys thank you okay I’m doing my little spiel okay so today is finally the day where I’m going to try and get my second ability I need another ability like the

Sand falling is cool can I do it taste like this where’s it go I don’t know where it felt but you know the sand full oh yeah the sand falling is cool and all here we go yeah look at that look at that power look at that unlimited sand but I need

More I need more in my life guys I need more so we have to get a bunch of inquisitive gems especially especially because I’ve heard talk of them maybe raising the prices and by them I mean Bertha I’ve heard Bertha is gonna raise her

Rates and so I need to try and get as many inquisitive gems as I can to get the second ability before that happens so I have 35 right now I don’t know what any of this does by the way if anybody could tell me that’d be great

Um I have an earth gem that Chris Marina gave me I don’t know what to do with it though my stuff is all back it’s all on top of one another what’s happening um I have heard that I have heard that the sweet berries like I said during my last stream

I took all this right the sweet berries are a really good exchange rate for inquisitive gems via Bertha so I’m gonna take a bunch of those look at all my different apples um I don’t know what else that’s gonna drive me crazy every time take a stack of carrots I don’t think

That’s one of the things take a stack a wheat I think that is one of the things I think gold was a big one and I got so much gold let’s see if I can oh I have to smelt it down right no this isn’t I’m thinking it’s

Stardew Valley you guys know what I’m talking about in stardew Valley you get the little oars I’ve been playing a lot on my phone lately but starting value you get the oars and then you spelled it down with the coal that’s I’m we’re not playing stardew Valley Warren we’re

Playing Minecraft and you still don’t know what you’re doing after all these years okay well that was useless anyway because that wasn’t enough for another stack um all right I’m taking the gold I definitely don’t have enough diamonds I don’t think nah I’m Gonna Keep the emeralds I might need them maybe iron

Take a stack of iron um let’s go check out Bertha that’s fine I have enough levels I can go see yes we got 35. we need a hundred I believe to get the next home all hail math cloud yes my people Lord You’re glitching again am I I don’t seem like I am

I don’t think so uh speed drawing art thank you for the Super Chat I have the same bread lamp as you which Bradley like the one I held in my photo maybe that one the one that’s on my desk right now star heart thank you for being a channel member I appreciate it

I’m the only one on the server now I’m so lonely but how are all you guys doing it’s kind of fun that having my face cam on it’s it’s uh I don’t remember the last time I’ve done a face camless live stream okay what is Bertha I need another right

Oh I could have did diamonds I’ll hang on six wait a minute 16 gold for one that’s a steal I thought it was a whole how is it 16 gold for one but 32 emeralds for one there you okay what is happening in the chat what is happening in the chat right now

Um I’m get oh I’m glad you guys are good A lot of people are saying all hell mouth cloud I’m sure he and or she will be pleased all right well I’m gonna trade in 64 we are we what I was gonna say everything’s good because I want to have

A record of this so that everybody knows I didn’t cheat it’s a little tricky to cheat anyway you gotta go all the way to spawn if you want to get like creative mode and what’s the point I never knew what’s the point in cheating in Minecraft doesn’t

That just take all sense of the game away what do you do we have creative to build if you didn’t know but we can’t use it for anything else which I have not all of this is from The Dungeons and I gotta go find some more like big

Areas to loot oh in the pirate ship speed drawing art thank you for the Super Chat but for a reason Doors live show s oh it must be that one yeah I think it’s the same one I was talking about beep bop um thank you for the Super Chat

The cutest kid I’ve ever seen I’ve seen in years oh 100 honest ah thank you beep bop I appreciate it yeah that’s why these late night streams are nice because I mean I can’t do them often because to be real I’m like exhausted by the end

Of the day with a chasing around a toddler all day and or um doing work and or housework one of those all of them are tiring uh but every now and then I feel like chat a little bit and there’s some games I really want to play

I want to play The Last of Us when it comes out this I’ve been playing stardew Valley on my phone but I wouldn’t mind doing like PC version sometime maybe they’re just chill they’re a nice way to wind down all right I’m gonna start trading stuff in okay wait

I didn’t just get robbed right like I got two gems yes okay I made sure that time a little one more okay oh it’s gonna wait a minute I underestimated how long this is gonna take I need a hundred of these uh Carrie Scott thank you for the Super Chat okay

That’s why oh I’m loving your sandwich character so perfect for you guys oh thank you Carrie Scott I appreciate that yeah I like that everybody’s liking the sandwich as much as I did actually you know whose idea that was it was Bobby’s I was gonna say fretting I was um

It’s called not sure what kind of witch to be and I was asking him for help and that was his like first thought somebody’s saying the stream is really blurry is it I hope not building your business online go to and get your site up and running

Seagull what’s the quality oh it says it’s supposed to be 1080. oh it’s not blurry especially two full-time jobs kids YouTube yeah pretty much just is he saying the stream is really blurry is it I hope not I would say yeah I just looked on my own it’s not blurry you got me

Um what was I about to do he also okay okay let’s see how many of these I get from all my gold uh what the heck that was weird there we go I am only gonna have like half 64 iron burn yeah I guess

I mean I have a stack so okay we have half uh you take carrots Bertha oh you will all right we should just do like a crap ton of farming okay what else do you take Bertha okay foreign a lot of fish okay a lot of I guess farming is gonna be

My go-to um why is my Super Chat all messed up that’s weird I’m gonna have to take the oh wait I’m gonna take the Super Chat alert off sorry just until I can where the heck just until I can fix it I don’t know why it’s all cut off

I always forget which one’s mine I wish I could join you in Minecraft yeah I used to do like Beyond servers with a lot of people in the past and it just gets very very chaotic and also smps like this aren’t meant to not like

To have people on it that we don’t know oh I wanted to check out sandwich Steve gaming pink husky thank you for the super chats I hate that every time I need to like click something for the live stream I’m sorry anytime you see this it’s a menu it’s because I clicked off

To try and check something with my live stream settings or chat am I gonna continue I’m guessing you mean the Quarry uh I don’t know probably not if I had to take a guess I think that was uh a pipe dream a dream of ours to be able to do but

Um you’re talking about two people two tired parents at the end of the day you have to make sure that both me and him feel up to sorry three things have to align Melody going to bed at a decent time because depending when she wakes up from her

Naps sometimes she goes to bed at eight sometimes she goes to bed at nine um so then she goes to bed past nine so um that has like she has to go to bed early so like closer to eight um and then Bobby and I both need to

Feel awake and alert enough to want to do it and those three things took a like only happened the one time to do the Quarry so that’s why I think for live streaming at night it’s just most likely most of the time gonna be me and I don’t

Want to continue the game without him because we started together so but I think I am if you missed the beginning I I am planning to maybe do the last of us when that comes out on PC because that’s coming out I think the 23rd actually I think in two weeks or

Like a week or two after the series ends um like with putting out new episodes and then I want to play The Last of Us because now that I watch the show the game can’t ruin things for me so for the show so I can watch it I could play it now

But I want to play that I was also I’m contemplating wanting to play Martha is dead it’s like the skin I I listened to a video about the story of this game and it’s the scariest story like I’ve ever heard I kind of want to play it but I’m

Worried YouTube’s gonna not like that game demonetize it it’s very uh disturbing we’ll see uh Maddie Blaine thank you for the Super Chat you’re kind of been with you since oh thank you Maddie Blaine I appreciate it for sticking around so long June after the wolf thank you so much for the Super

Chat um yeah over here on this channel I want to start playing like longer multi-part games when I have a game that I really want to play and then any live streams I do on the main channel will only be they’ll be like a reason like though

It’ll be not to say that these don’t have a reason but like there’ll be a reason for it to be on the main Channel either it’ll be a one-parter game like one like a game that I can start and finish all in one live stream um or like a doors update or something

Like that but if it’s a game where start to finish it’s gonna take like multiple hours over multiple days over multiple streams it’s gonna be on here so like Last of Us is a really long game Martha is dead is a really long game um so yeah if you guys have any suggestions

Ruin one so I think I need to ruin one I guess I’ll save I mean I could get a staff Earth wand hmm or should I get a wand Earth wand or netherite wand I have to I’d have to look that up like I know I can use the one but I need

Specific tombs to go with it hmm I don’t know what what do I do I’d have to look it up I think I just need ruins are used to activate your abilities no I should yeah I should wait and get the ruin first right oh that’s what I should do though right I

Should save up for the ability because I heard my second abilities were pretty cool I don’t know what it is but I’ve heard it’s pretty cool Oh I gotta do some farming get some berries no not you Bertha I gotta go back to my house I mean I have my flying guy now let’s go see what’s up on that cloud I need to know I didn’t get to go last time choose another right wand it does damage

Um yeah what is there any other games like longer games you were hoping I would ever play yeah get ruins okay do you ever find your snake no play a little Misfortune I did it’s on this channel I gotta go upstairs um I guess I’ll leave my

Ah no as I say should I keep a mommy let’s go farm first and then I’m gonna take my guy around and see if I can collect more materials Isa what’s up thank you for the Super Chat I’m good how are you a second Joey’s the only one that unlocked it really

I would have sworn that Scott or somebody would have saved up enough berries and inquisitive gems I mean I probably should have made a bigger plot and like got a lot more of these but don’t mind me I it’s so funny okay so I’ll come down here and play this game I

Haven’t been playing um like at all actually outside of live streaming so you guys haven’t missed anything but it’s funny when I do come down here and play this game my wind down game so I’ve been playing my wind down game is stardew Valley and I’ve been playing

It on my phone like I said with like a backbone gaming controller that you hook up to your phone um just to make it more comfortable to play because I hate mobile game controls but that’s like my wind down game I’ve learned if I play some sort of like

Soothing task game before I go to bed I fall asleep a lot easier so fun fact for anybody who has trouble going to sleep and enjoys cozy casual games um the ones that help me like wind down at the end of the night and fall asleep easier is stardew Valley uh

Disney dream light Valley um not Minecraft for some reason well even Minecraft does not wind me down uh what else oh I have like um any of the any sort of cooking game cooking order game on your phone that is also a good wind down all right the berries are back already Jesus

Jesus please finish Danganronpa so many people keep asking me about Danganronpa it’s never gonna happen I’m sorry the same file is gone and I’m not replaying that whole game it was so long to get to that point the save file is gone just give up I have

Should try those to sleep better yeah I’m telling you especially if you can find one on your phone like if you that’s why I started doing star like my main stardew games were on my um switch like my Nintendo switch is where I mainly played my stardew

And then when I learned about the backbone controller and um playing it on my phone I just did that because my phone is always near me and it’s always charged so it’s like the perfect combination I should be putting this away keep stockpiling this and then just keep giving it to Bertha

And that is our plan all right I’m gonna take I feel like that’s because Minecraft is a game you record for your job where I stardew and stuff good Maddie it could be that it could it most likely is that you are right I mean there are times I have come down

Here and played Minecraft like still one of my series on my channel but like not for content and I still feel like it amps me up okay I want to come up to this thing actually how hard is it to find nether right because I’m a little scared if I

All right if I leave this guy I gotta I put him on a lead because I feel like this he’s gonna just fly away oh it’s iron can somebody tell does anybody in the chat know what netherrite is is that like a new Minecraft block or is that part of a mod iron

What nothingness this is nothingness great why does this exist up here what for what purpose okay well oh this is a different material say I don’t oh it’s Sky gem what do I do with that Sky wand this guy Jeff this guy essence well what I can make a sky wand what’s that do what uh Maddie thanks for being a new channel member and Esa I’m so tired Lord I’m glad you’re doing good I’m glad you’re doing good well besides being tired there’s a cloud in my way oh God there’s a help can’t see anything

Thank you so thank you for the Super Chat your Minecraft craft house is so cute thank you Lena bunny thank you for the Super Chat as well yeah the next thing I needed to make was like a animal area it’s high up I am sorry for anybody who does not like heights

Get a bunch of Sky Jam Sky one sky one I don’t know what it does I can make it now let’s don’t leave me here could be Jelly’s trying to leave me all the way up on this Cloud where I would die I need that staff because he’s gonna try and fly away

Does anybody know what the sky wand does and how to get netherites I’m gonna look it up actually oh whoops Oh God oh God oh God oh God ow ow or got but I kinda need to kill one of them hook you up oh get out of the ow ow I do need to kill these guys because I need a membrane got me come here oh so let’s go away from my Griffin

Where are you where are you they’re not even hurting me come on come on Jesus these guys are beating me up this guy won’t have a sand I don’t know if they have a sandstorm thing ability oh my gosh I can’t okay I am so bad at all God oh God

I just need one of you oh oh oh okay we’re gonna stand over here okay yes ow I got it I got it got one should I get more we’ll get stuck again traps come here come here oh yeah why there’s so many yes all right two is good now I have them

Uh just to be safe sorry I’m like chat catch me up uh Lauren is just trying to earn inquisitive gems so that she can get her a second ability um so we’re trying to make a sky wand correct Sky wand oh I do this every time

Okay so it said I can take this and then it said I can take feather right and it’s got Essence feather I have other gas chair Phantom numbers feather that’s such a weird okay how many do I need three we can use this and then the two Phantom membranes I I got perfect

Okay this better be worth it I think I need poems though terrain toss Propel oh God I don’t know but at least I have a wand right that’s cool Check your recipe book a recipe book all right I don’t know why this is all over here like I don’t know why all this is over here weird um can you make an earth wand with the earth gems that is a good question Earth wand Earth essence

Oh so I always need lapis all right we gotta go cave diving for some lapis I think what does this do hell okay whoa wait a minute I need it oh God oh what um did I break it is it done now oh there we go so I don’t I don’t understand

Can I like oh I used up all my it’s in that bottom left corner oh okay we’re gonna I don’t I don’t know how to use this but that was uh that was a little jarring what no idea what that was anybody anybody have an idea I gotta like go

Go I gotta go okay uh more lapis God everything’s oh everything bad again foreign just waiting for a stream to come back for the internet to pop back is your inner your thing out Bobby um but the bit right foreign oh I think it’s going down again foreign foreign is it back

Can you guys hear me hello oh it is back I don’t know I tried to see if it would like redirect to Bobby and then came back to fix and updated the bit rate and now apparently it’s back so hey we’re either at the Bobby after again

Okay I’m back good I can collect everything in one video all I wanted to do I was just gonna go try to get some lapis what not okay I got the shields he should be okay it’s just just these for now I have yeah I have armor on let’s go see

There’s so many Enderman that just keep putting blocks all over my house what happened uh my bit rate was really high and because Bobby and I are both live streaming right now it can’t be that high or else the internet keeps throttling me and dropping dropping my stream rates um

I wish I had something to put my guy in that’s what I oh I need God to forget what it’s called it’s this thing and snarements I have emeralds I have string I just need this thing so we gotta look for that where’s the lead oh duh I’m an idiot

It’s up up with him also dumb because I need to go up this way how many people left ah it’s fine or so not really doing this for there to be a lot of viewers I’m streaming it just so that I have a nope how to escape every time I do it

Actually I was gonna say I don’t even know if I should bring you with me for a liability so I gotta bring this with me too because I gotta hook you up somewhere foreign which way should I go let’s see if there’s anything in the Hills over here

I’ll be going too much longer mainly looking for copper blue the blue gem thing I found in the hillside before over there a little hard to see with these wings should I go in there you’re like I don’t know if it makes more sense to just go Cape diving or if

I should go like find some sort of weird Village City area I haven’t explored much over here okay and cover or you got to use a diamond pickaxe oh crap good call I need to make a diamond pickaxe because that’s an iron one I’m pretty sure

I need to stream more often I agree but I also have a baby oh what oh it’s one of those one of the uh so I didn’t know what that was it’s one of those amphibian mounts I guess I should go across the water that way maybe I can find something foreign

Thank you Maddie I believe so for the mods you’re using I have no idea there are so many um and I did not put the mod pack kick together so I don’t even know yeah I was gonna say this yeah iron okay okay we will keep the iron and hold this

One try to make a sword too make a diamond sword I’m done though I need wood nope um we should enchant that both of these actually we’re going to enchant this is organizing in my brain I guess I’ll take the sky wand um oh we don’t have much laps though

Okay well pickaxe is more important ooh Unbreaking what does it have for this everyone chance ooh oh we have to give up one lapis and five experience points that’s pretty cool though I’ll have one lapis to give up I need all of them let’s do a breaking

I’d rather have one that’s gonna last a while say we don’t have any Enchantment books do we I don’t think so all right that should be good thank you for letting me know what’s Bobby’s Channel called it’s called the babazard ah oh my God jelly is trying to kill me guys it’s

Trying to kill me all right what do you think should we fly across the water across the water can’t find Bobby’s Dream It’s on no it’s on YouTube on YouTube Bob Izard should be right there yeah Sammy Hartz wrote it in the chat right click click the book of lore well we’ll have

To do that later I’m out here already I guess I’ll fly across why across the ocean from my house you know if everything loads correctly the Mason’s over here is everybody obsessed with mouth cloud in the chat huh what’s that about it was in one video he’s like got a a legion of

Very loyal fans gives a spell of what she’s got a lot oh good you can tell me Scott’s secrets it is oh is it a bomb chip um add jelly this is going to be Jelly’s location there I did not bring a bed yay me this looks like a good place to find

Lapis don’t do they usually lead to okay there we go hmm it has to lead to like the mine shaft part I feel like it always does let’s go back out to the front foreign don’t say but why oh I did need string so don’t let Scott get too close to me I

Will try I did want to ask his help to bring my snake back from my God oh God oh that was a bad idea this was a bad idea this was a bad idea this was a bad idea oh man I’m stuck oh I’m stuck oh I’m stuck

What is in here this looks uh oh I’m in quicksand crap oh oh is there even anything over here am I getting got guys is there even anything here or am I just like thinking there is there’s not why would there be a spawner right there though hmm

I also hear zombies there’s got to be something foreign big that’s right guys got some lapis okay where does he go though what is the spookies oh God I think it’s gone oh it’s just the bread are you kidding me Melody’s probably sleeping she’s definitely sleeping thanks

Yeah babies don’t stay up this late oh what’s this is it all just bread oh I got beef too okay and a foo I need ore viola the one that says they watch Scott a lot do you know how he got the gobber or was it just random foreign what’s pink raw manganese

Okay you can get ingots from that aura you just mind those guys were or I know but I keep not getting it I keep getting random other stuff throw throw out this like this like this there we go I’ll just take everything foreign things I need yet

Ah there is a spawner right there oh my next power doesn’t get obstructed by ceilings like this one um yes what did we find oh the iridescent oh and a name tag I could finally name jelly all right let us organize take breathing first look up Mythos

What should I do should I use any of these I have Mythos a chance to put water protection okay ancient Scroll of summon rain all right that sounds a garnet that sounds important anybody know what any of this means I’m gonna just stick all this in there why not stick the extra sword

Savvy we finally got a name tag I just like to get rid of the chest so if I ever come back to this room I don’t think it’s new tweet look at all that good stuff we got that is a really pretty Stone but what can it do for me

Still need why is it so hard to get lapis I got Redstone I don’t need that yet I did see it way down this way whoa where nowhere I feel like it’s coming for me but I don’t know where I keep saying the gold because the gold

Seems to have a pretty good exchange rate too although these are just nuggets oh no it’s not it’s raw gold pretty good oh so here I think I’m gonna run right into them soon I feel like they’re like right in here put it back in this way oh God that’s where he is

Ah is that where the good stuff is foreign explore man we go and exploring whoa whoa oh God hmm how shall I get down there creeper I hope it’s fine like foreign that works oh you almost knocked me off oh that was close come on Sand powers wrap

My ability is very slow moving guys how is that hitting him it keeps hitting the thing next to him the creeper at least this time oh I’m dumb foreign oh God where I’m scared where there we go I don’t know why it’s so hard to see right now okay I hear them everywhere

I just won’t go over his lapis foreign something over here oh purple stuff laughs foreign oh my God where is the other one there we go foreign sorry I’ve been talking for a while because I was just zoned in there what is this I feel like I’m gonna mess this up somehow

Maybe not weird still not getting any of the materials I need okay foreign I don’t even know if I want to go down there it just yet might be wrapping up the stream soon I don’t want to keep going deeper just wanted my materials oh what’s this lapis

What is this this is oh no it’s not lapis hmm oh what should we talk about guys hmm probably gonna be wrapping up soon because I am Beats why is Ross we’re also there’s two different types of raw silver that’s weird um yeah I’m not gonna be staying on too much longer

Because unlike a lie to you I gotta get up very early the baby let me know some of you guys might be waking up early for work or school I’m running out of room I don’t know what all these materials are oh the fake Sniper Wolf is back yeah High fake Sniper Wolf

How are you today can I do anything cool with all this pink man whatever it is can I Crown I can make a crown like a craft stuff with it doesn’t seem that cool copper oh my God a bunch um oh I keep getting copper Foods foreign this is

The most annoying material to try and get we just keep going down like at this point it might be easier for me to die and then come back like travel back over here oh lapis so dark um it’s probably easier for me to die and then travel back over here by boat

To get my Griffin back because I marked where he is on the uh the map so I can just come back I feel like I’m so far down it’s gonna take me forever to get back up good we can be more Reckless oh did I get any gobber or I don’t think so

I got a beef I got goo I got beef stew I got bread oh my God I hate this material what’s over here oh God or gobber get away from the gobber give me freaking I’m never gonna get it what did I just get dwarvin is this good mirthil Maysville oh okay

Seven attack 1.6 0.8 okay it’s slightly better than that six and 1.3 ooh okay the pickaxe is better all right that is a better material slightly better we’ll be on the lookout for that as well all the things I’m looking for are blue you guys see whatever you see

Blue you let me know I think I just passed some just now I just took all the blue I just took all the blue all the blue I could see oh oh I got the road yes oh I will take it that is what I need okay so I need one more

One more one more gobber Rod that was great uh is that not breaking properly what is that am I just ruining a material this whole time and I thought I was collecting it what’s that okay I need yeah I need one more Rod right yeah I need two all right one more rod

Will I get it before this dream ends I don’t know it’s coming down to the wire lava that’s not good at this point I’ve already decided that I’m probably gonna die yeah what is this look break it and nothing happens I was using the diamond pickaxe it should break

I know some people on the server said some materials I don’t think can be broken unless you have like netherrite like a netherite pickaxe which is crazy um which way do I go now guys are funny I definitely used the diamond and the iron on it I used both

To see if one would pick it up but neither of them did so it’s not just that you think I’m using a dime iron pickaxe I was using the diamond pickaxe too I was testing both yeah look it’s right here see look diamond pickaxe in my hand hitting it nothing so

There you are proof that I was doing it correctly you need another eye pickaxe yeah there we go I knew it this way what’s this is gonna be another new oh I think it’s the silver what is this that stuff’s really cool too the real Platinum

Eight and 1.5 is that better than the other one oh higher attack I think but not as much speed but the purple armor is so cute we found in the nether it’s super rare though great ah it went that way right I go back to like the main Cavern area

Because there was like a bunch of different ways you could go running out of space so I feel like if I die I die oh did not see this area last time we should we check out what’s under here say can I hold this underwater kinda gobber anybody got gobber gabber

I don’t see any just that weird blue ore I can’t mine phoo oh I know can I how does this work can I like shoot upwards like by if I’m here and I go oh what I knew this would come in handy oh I don’t know if this is valuable or not

Always good to take it I guess Soul Hearts thank you for the Super Chat and Hello Alex it’s making this way easier than I thought it was gonna be foreign foreign tools because that would be really cool to have no copper what the heck Just like running around looking for it now tell me where it is I think we wanted a circle I’m gonna try and throw myself over this way oh I’m trying to save my I have a ton of gunpowder I don’t need that uh guys I can’t find any bar

We got a bunch of lapis at least I always use more but at least we got now all I want is gobber that’s all I want that’s where I just was hmm should I die trying to think should I die and then be teleported back to my house because that

Was the last place I slept I heard a cave noise I do a lot of stuff in the dark though because I’m out of porches what does that do more kite I have no idea all right let’s do or die guys we’re going straight down whatever I pick up on the way fantastic

Godspeed I can’t see anything if I holds oh whoops um I was gonna say what if I use this I fell through I can’t see anything this is fantastic um did I never turn my brightness up is that thing is it oh it’s only a 50

Ah no wonder I feel like I can’t see anything oh well I still can’t did it save okay I have no idea where I am is this diamond it’s Diamond I fell into diamond this is amazing this is all Diamonds oh my God and they tell you not to dig straight down look

At this okay um I don’t know where I am so I’m just gonna keep going about that weird stuff so maybe I would just run into some gobber you know hold the torch by left hand I don’t have any and I don’t have any wood so I’m kind of just screwed

I should have saved that last torch I don’t know why I left it I’m just going super far down I’m just kind of hoping I hit lava I can’t see any oh oh what an interesting uh situation we have what a predicament this is did not think this through thank you

I don’t know if I need this green shimmering mushroom but maybe because this book is showing when I hover over it that seems important oh I’m running out of room okay um scared to put this down but is there anything I can combine in here

I was gonna say I was like I hear skeletons I hear a skeleton and I’m not chancing it taking my shulker back everybody got gobber gabber gabber because otherwise I might want to die I’ll go and then I’ll whenever I do die guys I’m probably gonna end the stream there foreign

Well at least I have lava I can just throw myself in there whenever I do die I’m gonna be ending the stream because I gotta go be it this is later than I was anticipating being up does that even worked I think they’re fighting each other which is great

Just gonna eat bread and wash Ed I need I might just die without even trying I need to know what’s over here what are they hiding foreign there’s so many arrows oh God I was like where is he Trying to find I want to like block them in there kill each other I killed the spotter so they should be stopping I need to know what’s in there now is that where you’re hiding the gobber yeah kill each other is there another one in here nope just you I did it

Oh God what is this this is a new material can’t take it anymore oh God okay I have officially gotten too much stuff so we’ll start what’s a soul star guys a disc probably not oh I didn’t even check this one a moonstone there’s so many water protection books I

Feel like I don’t need another one I hate turning down stuff though yeah what do I got okay we don’t need a potato and we don’t need wheat Minecraft’s like yes you do don’t need the music disc it’s like this oh I already have 64 bones Jesus

All right I think that’s fine we don’t need the music discs all right I am officially Tapped Out unless I find gabber this away I’m uh Calling it Quits uh there is no gobber this way I’m gonna be throwing myself into the lava and then letting all you guys go hang out with

Bobby if he’s gonna continue just gonna make sure she made it for some reason just things didn’t I always think of the worst case scenario I’m like could you imagine just things didn’t save all my stuff just disappeared I will have to find oh God I know I’m gonna be throwing myself in

There but not yet I wanted to see what was over here gonna have to look for gobber I think I might jump on tomorrow again we will see we shall see oh there’s nothing over here all right all right I don’t have any room for anything else I’m scared I’m scared for

Some reason it’s not gonna save but let’s go swimming in the lava oh I’m dumb I’m dumb I’m dumb I’m dumb oh it’s gonna I was gonna say it’s gonna it’s gonna burn off my hat okay no it’s okay okay we still have everything goodness oh

All right well we got the one Gaba Rod I need one more so the next time I stream that’s what we’re doing um I um I wanted to see what my list what else was on my list I have to start going to bed um oh yeah I can get rid of this

Uh get enough inquisitive gems four seconds Bell get one more yeah I’m trying to keep notes of what I have to do because I keep forgetting every time I come back on all right well I’m gonna send you guys to Bobby um who probably isn’t streaming that

Much longer either but you can go chill with him for a little bit in case he is I think he’s up to like 12 30 last night but I can’t I’m tired so thank you guys for hanging out um I will be cutting this down uh uh and being that not too much

Happened this episode I might download it and edit together with like the next live stream I don’t know I haven’t decided how I want to go about doing it yet but thank you guys for hanging out my chill live stream even though it went in and out a couple times

I appreciate you guys and love you guys and yeah I’ll be live again at some point this week I guarantee because I want to keep I want to keep oh I gotta go because I gotta go get Jelly make sure if anybody runs into him on the

Server that they’re they’re good to him okay but he should be good I would be devastated I’ll go get Jelly next time I come on but I don’t want to go do all that right now because I’m tired asleep okay go say hi to Papi let me make sure it’s definitely

Redirecting to him or supposed to at least yep it is okay um bye everybody

This video, titled ‘Trying to Unlock My 2nd Magical Ability …as a Sand Witch | WitchCraft SMP LIVE’, was uploaded by LaurenzLIVEside on 2023-03-03 04:55:00. It has garnered 82568 views and 3654 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:31 or 7291 seconds.

WitchCraft SMP, I the SAND Witch try to gain enough inquisitive gems to unlock my 2nd magical ability…



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    Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 3574 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:09 or 2469 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

    EPIC Mother's Day Minecraft Surprise!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mothers’ Day Minecraft Showcase!!!’, was uploaded by ChaChaYourVmom on 2024-05-13 09:59:46. It has garnered 681 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:45 or 7065 seconds. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Come home to my Discord! You, too, can be an elite for only $0.99/month! Join my channel: If you’re struck by the… Read More

  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a 1.21 SMP Minecraft server offering a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Whitelisted for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. Join our Discord server to apply and start playing today! VANILLA+ SMP – Join with a Vanilla client and enjoy all features except proximity voice chat. To join, apply for our whitelist in the #whitelist-application channel on our Discord server. Application includes an interview and rule review. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice to talk in-game. Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, day and night. No pirated content, only originals here, With humor and fun, there’s nothing to fear. So follow along, subscribe with glee, For Minecraft adventures, come join me! From classroom series to song adaptation too, Fangkuaixuan’s channel has something for you. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With MC Funny, the journey’s just begun. So let’s do some calculations today, In Minecraft world, where we laugh and play. Join Fangkuaixuan, the master of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we have an exciting recommendation for all you Minecraft enthusiasts out there. Have you ever come across a leaked version of Minecraft that promises an ultra deluxe experience? Well, we have just the server for you to explore that and more – Minewind. While watching a video about a leaked version of Minecraft, you may have come across the quote “The cake. It was indeed real, you see. Sometimes, just sometimes, it’s worth believing everything you come across. After all, ignorance, as they say, is bliss.” This… Read More

  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! 👷🏗️Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS 🏗️’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? 🎨 Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!

    Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BLOCK HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 293884 views and 4156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:14 or 2114 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build secure block houses! Who builds the safest block house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

Trying to Unlock My 2nd Magical Ability …as a Sand Witch | WitchCraft SMP LIVE