TSMC – Minecraft – Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Modern Hotel With a Roof Pool “2021 City Builds”

Video Information

Hey what’s up YouTube in this video I’ll be showing you how to make a modern hotel with a restaurant and a roof pool this video is long enough so I’m going to quickly give you guys the basics of this build and we can get started outside we have not one but two car

Parks I know starting off with the most exciting thing we also have on the ground floor we have an outside restaurant and an inside restaurant a kitchen a fancy lobby area and of course plenty of rooms for different guests the rooms are quite simple they’re split

Into two we have a sleeping half with all sorts of amenities that you might still enjoy and we have another half in which we have a bathroom and a bath shower a sink and all sorts of other things that one might require out of a hotel room we have elevators and stairs

To take us in between floors each floor is laid out quite similarly to the previous and next flaws with variation in color and material choice for each one of the hotel rooms and last but not least we have the top floor which is well it’s kind of the roof really and I

Did consider adding a water slide that took us from the roof down into the pool there but I thought that might be a little bit too crazy but you feel free to add that if you feel the need to this is how much room you will need to make

Your hotel feel free to make the grid step one come all the way over to the front left hand corner of your grid if you’ve made it and count backwards one two three four five six seven eight Begin by placing four block of Quartz on

Top of each other one two three four by the way I’m specifically using using the smooth block of quants extend to the right by five one two three four five extend down to the ground and then continue extending to the right by an additional five one two three four five extend down

And then continue extending right by six one two three four five six and then join down to the ground extend the sixth block to the right by ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten grab your smooth quartz slimes and extend to the right by five

One two three four five extend backwards by nine one two three four five six seven eight nine stick a smooth quartz block on the end and join it down to the crowd now just to make sure that everything is measured out correctly and all fine and

Well and some parts of this hotel are easier to make once others have been built first we’re going to come all the way to the start of the hotel once more and we’re going to extend this row upwards by four one two three four and we’re going to extend to the right

And we’re gonna join down to the second row of block of Quartz that we ever placed so you can see the second row of block of Quartz that we have replaced that joins vertically down to the ground or I suppose it’s the third but you guys

Can see exactly where we’ve got to join it now I want to take the corner of the row that we extended down and extend it backwards by five one two three four five to which we can then extend across and join back to where we very first started like this

We should even be able to connect this down to the ground if we make any little mistakes we’ll be able to crack them later on perfect so another thing that we want to do is we want to extend the corner of this block down as well so one two three and

We’re just going to join it to the front we don’t want to join it directly down into the ground just yet we want to continue extending backwards and we want to extend this corner not only did we extend it down but backwards by five one two three four five now this

Is a is significant because we should be able to extend this all the way over to the right and then down which we can so that’s perfect so everything is joining together rather nicely It’s always important to check okay next we can take then the right

Side of the build here and we can extend it upwards by another four rows one two three four and then we can extend it all the way over to the left and then we can join it down again like this so you can see that we have increased the height

Now of that portion of the hotel but we want to do a few more things as well the row here that we extended down and then forwards and we specifically didn’t want to join it down to the ground this row wants to get extended up by four one

Two three four and then you can join it to the back here and you can extend it over to the left join it down like this perfect so just like this and we then want to take the corner that we just extended left and down we can

Extend this forwards and we can join it to the very first row of the hotel the vertical row we then want to take this corner extend it across by one two three four like that actually five my bat five and then we can join it down like this

And then we can join it backwards and then we can extend these Corners down and I’m just going to give you a little second just to kind of like look at what we are creating here so this might look a little bit weird now but it will start pulling together really really quickly

And the entire shape that we’ve kind of like created for ourselves up here like we want to extend this row of quartz backwards and then join it back to the long row that we created going across the build we then want to extend this area here

Upwards by four so like the easiest way to do this is like one two three four and one two three four and join across and you’ll be able to see a pattern forming here in the we’re kind of just like extending up the shape and we’re joining the

Corners down like some of these some of the rows that were extending down the more interior rows might be it might get in the way a little bit later on but we can always knock these things out and we can we can change the shape of them but what’s important is

That we end up with this area so the entire idea here and it might even like if I add in some more guiding rows hopefully you can kind of see how we got to this point because it looks a little bit confusing to me and I designed it so

That that might help a little bit better and even more so if we were to add a row across here like this hopefully you can kind of like see the structure of the hotel a little bit better so this is going to be the outside pool

Area this is going to be a little bit of a balcony and these are two additional floors so hopefully you can kind of like see that a little bit better hopefully visualization helps a little bit we have to create the entrance as well the entrance to the hotel is this kind

Of like last pair of quartz blocks that we have we want to take the corners of these where they’re kind of intersect between each other and extend them forwards by three one two three one two three join them together at the end using a row of light gray concrete

Extend forwards a rail and extend the light gray concrete upwards around join the quartz down to the ground on the left and right like this and that’s perfect we can fill the top of this in with I mean kind of whatever you like rarely it’s inconsequential maybe some light gray concrete just to

Kind of like keep with the idea of it I think that that’s probably fine that doesn’t look too bad and something else that I’m kind of itching to do as well is that now we have this kind of like entrance area for the hotel and I’m quickly trying to find

It on my plans this is a huge project so you could you can imagine how many like pictures and stuff I had to take so I want to take this row of quartz block here and I want to extend it backwards by I’m gonna start with 15

Because uh then we can’t go too wrong so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen so just an entire row of 15. um we’re gonna make the and we’re also going to extend this up because I want to create a very clear boundary here and

This is basically going to be like an interior wall and it’s kind of like also an exterior wall as well I’d like to build up a little bit of the kind of like outside dining area as well so to do this we’re going to grab ourselves the light gray a glazed

Terracotta we’re going to take this row here of quartz this is the row of quartz all the way on the right and we want to place a row four terracotta left one two three four stick a block of Quartz on the end leave a gap of one gray concrete

Gap of two one two great concrete gap of four going left one two three four gray concrete and then they should naturally be a gap of four feel free to raise up the gray concretes by two rows also the terracottas also the smooth quartz so it should give us this little area here

Now this is quite significant because we also want to have a row of blocker quartz in the ground kind of underneath the right side of this overhang area first of all and we’ll have to restore some of this grass as well because we’re actually going to need a little bit of

Grass so we want to on the right side here have a row of blocker quartz just extending forwards like this and then we want to continue extending it forwards by one two three rows It lines up with the entrance Place Quartz in there and

Then we want to dig all the way over to the left like this and what row do we want to leave probably a row of four so it probably will line it up with that gray concrete there so that’s perfect and we’re just going to place some light

Blue glass pane on the quartz like this perfect and we should fill the top of this in also so I’m going to recommend that for the floor for most of the hotel except for the ground floor because that’s a little bit more variable I would like it if the hotel’s floor it

If we made a double floor we we could have like whatever materials we wanted in the hallways and um in the rooms but the way that I’ve designed the hotel it’s only got a single floor I’ll explain what that means a little bit more if you’re not aware but

Um it what essentially does mean however is that we are a little bit limited on what we can do with the actual interior floors because it will show through into the next floor so that might be a little bit confusing but I can probably clear

That up in a little second so I want to have filled in that overhang with quartz and then quartz slab I want to then take the end of the row of quartz here join it down using Oak fence and in addition to that here as well where we have the natural

Separation using the gray concrete so what I then want to do is dig out underneath certain windows so underneath these gray concrete areas here we’re going to leave this little Gap here this is going to be this is going to be a walkway so we can even add a little

Glass there at the top and I just slowly want to start adding details because it I guess it doesn’t really matter when we get to this but I just prefer to get this little part done now I want to shape up the front of the hotel and I’m

Filling all these windows in with glass of course as you can see I want to shape this up I want to give you guys a very clear Vision on how this is going to look even without the like the fine details but I want to add things like

That so now you can quite clearly see that that’s like an overhang a canopy you might call it I’m not sure and I want to dig out the middle of this as well and also between these rows of quartz here we can replace these using quartz block I just accidentally used

Slab but it worked out well in the end and then I’m going to dig out this entire area sort of I’m gonna dig all the way over to the right but I’m going to leave a gap of three so we’re just going to have a little sliver of a

Footpath here on the right and then I’m going to turn this into a little Garden area so the rest of the outside area here I’m going to turn into smooth Stone so it’s going to be perfect so it’s going to contrast a little bit nicely against the grass that we’ve made gray

Is also a contrast color for us because we’re using gray dark gray I should say we’re using dark gray white and light blue glass primarily so adding a little bit of a different texture using some Stone and by using a slightly different gray it adds a nice contrast rather than

Making the floor just another white block or something like that so here we go that’s oh my bad perfect there we go that’s looking nice so we won’t be adding any more details to there just at the moment but I think that in front of the entire Hotel uh

Okay let’s let’s kind of let’s let’s add two rows or actually a row of I guess it goes to the boundary one two three four five smooth Stone and and it is actually not as easy as it looks hang on it is a little bit more complicated so let’s come to the

Entrance of the hotel which is here and let’s extend this row forwards out the entrance of the hotel one to three with the block of Quartz extend to the left like this and then join backwards so we want to kind of like uh we want to separate this area here once again I

Want to restore that grass on the left side of the hotel there is a wall it’s a single wall and it’s only one row High this area here you can replace it underneath the Windows using quartz and we can do the same to this little side window like this

So this area I want to leave grass so that’s why that was a little bit trickier and we have this wall however the remaining area in front of the hotel I want to turn smooth Stone now the reason that I was getting ever so slightly confused isn’t the word but

Like I was really trying to like think of how we could do this but we need some more materials and we need a little bit more of the hotel you see the right side of the hotel is parking and there’s also some Greenery so I didn’t really want to

Dig out that area there until we had made the at least the side of the hotel we don’t have to make the back of the hotel just yet but we we could rarely do with the side of the hotel if we’re going to be doing that but that’s not

Going to be quite yet because I want to add some windows and such and some more finer detail finer details is wrong word but some more details to the front of the hotel like I really want to get it looking um I want to get the structure right

Okay for the entrance of the hotel we’re simply going to add two rows of light blue glass paint on the left left and right sides you guys know where the entrance is I’ve pointed it out quite a few times and it’s also quite apparent with this big block of light gray

So we also want to have door handles favorite detail ever I don’t know why I just really like it end Rod suspended in front of the middle of the doors they just look like handles it’s perfect we have to divide up this little area on the front left side of the hotel

We can begin by adding a vertical row of quartz that already does a really good job but on the left side here we want to leave a gap of one and we just want to Simply have another vertical row of course running up through the entire

Um side of the hotel it divides it up really nicely it’s a really nice detail we want the same thing just on the side here and it’s actually present throughout every single floor because it marks out where the entrance is going to be um for the floors there’s a floor system

In the hotel I mean I probably didn’t have to tell you that but um basically I’m making this column here I don’t know how what else to call it other than a column inside the hotel if you can imagine this is the entrance to a stairwell that’s the word a stairwell

And this is where all of the stairs are in the front left hand side of the hotel in addition to that there’s just like a set of Windows and such so I’m just going to join this together just inside the hotel so this ground level the lobby

Here doesn’t really want these walls but every other single floor I believe can just have uh can have another row of that like quartz and it just helps to divide this up a little bit um we’re going to have we’re going to fill this exposed part of the floor in

Using quartz as well so this is where what I called a balcony and it is kind of a balcony um it’s bait it’s mostly for show but you can get out here and I just want to stick a little bit of uh light blue glass around it like this

I also want to add a row of vertical smooth quartz block this is parallel to the stairwell here and just to kind of illustrate like this is going to be the entrance out to the pool and then just do the right here as a window there’s a

Lot of windows in the hotel I tried to make it look quite nice and uh and open to the right of this is going to be a bar area I’m going to back this using light gray glazed terracotta every other floor above this so literally just above this part not

Floors in general but these areas just above this are going to be solid glass I didn’t want to use the window design that we used uh like just wrapping around this front left hand corner I didn’t want to use it too much I wanted a bit of variation and beyond that

This is probably like let me think yeah okay so this is how we’re going to get into actually I I might not even have that as the entrance so the entrance onto this balcony will probably actually be here or we could use this as a walk

Through let’s just fill it okay this is what we’re gonna do okay so so we’re not just like sat here doing nothing I’m going to fill all of these windows in with glass every single one of them because all of the windows are for a

Lack of a word like marked out like we we’ve kind of got like the frames of all of the windows in we can figure out entrances later we can figure out layout later let’s just get all of this filled in with glass and all it will take is

Destroying some of it just to kind of like figure out the entrances and exits and uh there’s no reason why we rarely have to toil over that very much but in doing this I will I will point out and I’m sure that you guys have realized like this is the most detailed

Portion of the build like the front of the hotel and I mean the side of the hotel to some extent every single part of this hotel unlike perhaps some of my other builds like every single part does have some form of detail all the way around it this isn’t really meant to be

Lumped in with a bunch of other buildings it can but it requires its own space like a lot of my other builds uh are able to be placed next to each other they’re able to be condensed this one not too much so there we go you can see

That we’ve laid out all of that glass and it really pulls everything together like it rarely like now you can kind of see how this is how this is coming together nicely another portion to think about is that this area up at the top here has to be extended backwards just a

Little bit more we want to extend backwards by an additional five rows one two three four five because you’re able to get onto the roof you see so we can extend this corner back as well here we want to create an entrance out onto the rooster

That’s simply just going to be one row and then we’ll have to extend this across as well but this is how it’s going to look and the roof we’re just going to have a little bit of quartz slab just here extending across just so that it kind of

Like reaffirms that this is the top level here we can extend the quartz across the back as well and there’s an elevator so the elevator sits in you can see how this kind of divides in half here so like it divides here and we can extend this backwards like we

Can take this middle row we can extend it back it divides in half almost perfectly well actually perfectly and then this area will probably just have filled in with quartz but the side we can use a little bit of gray of the elevator I mean I guess we could

Actually do the same thing here as well we could leave this side open and then we’re just going to have kind of like um we’re going to create the divide in the window and then we’re going to have glass everywhere else perfect so that’s looking pretty nice so we’ll leave that

There at the moment and we will focus more on the front of the hotel again I know it gets so much attention so the front of the hotel how is best to do this we have to divide the area up into into rooms if we start on the right here just

Because this is how the puns are laid out and we take this middle row because it’ll be easier to work with we want to leave a gap of four one two three four block of Quartz and then another gap of four one two three four block of Quartz

Gap of four one two three four block of Quartz and then this last one will be a gap of five but it’s an abnormal room so it doesn’t matter you can just leave it as is so these vertical rows of quartz that I’m placing now are going to divide

Up the hotel into rooms the hotel has a lot of rooms in total don’t ask me how many let me see if I can calculate it quite quickly it’s got two rooms on the front here and then on the back it would have three rooms at the bottom three rooms at the

Top so however many that is three three two why is my math bad eight rooms I think and that might even be miscalculated but it’s something similar Okay so on the front of the hotel the rooms have little balconies so they’re actually nicer rooms rarely or worse if

You don’t like people watching then I guess they’re worse but we want to divide these up a little bit guys I had to stop recording for a second so I’ve lost my train of four however we have been working on these windows clearly so these windows double as little balcony

Windows as well and these rooms stack on top of each other and they’re almost identical so this room’s balcony is here this room’s balcony is here this is a little window here on the left this this room probably wouldn’t have a balcony so we’ll just seal this up with glass but this one

Here on the right if we just add a little bit of smooth quartz slam then we can add some light blue glass pane in front of it and there we go we’ve got a balcony we could even add perhaps like a little bit of glass up at the top but we

Also want to fill it in just there on the left so you can see how these rooms sort of lay out and also there’s two portions to these rooms so there’s kind of like um the part that you’re sleeping kind of like chill out and then what

Have you and then there’s bathrooms so the bathrooms also have the rows of gray concrete and they have Windows just up at the top here and these sort of remind me of ravages for some reason and then we want to simply just fill the lower portion of

These rooms in using quartz so for obvious reasons like um you know you don’t want people looking in whilst you’re taking a bath or a shower or whatever so that that’s kind of like a complete set of rooms like that’d be the living space that’s the bathroom area and then we repeat it

Just here along the left so on the left we also want to have the vertical rows of gray we want to have the same thing here so we might even have this here as well so cut obviously like this end room is ever so slightly bigger but I think that we’ll still keep

Kind of like keep the gray Concrete in the same place and then for the bathroom area we want to have of course the two rows of quartz just at the bottom for the kind of like privacy measure and then we want to have glass paint to

Cover up the windows the left side of the living sort of areas want to be glass above here we want to have smooth quartz slabs with glass pane in front fill the top in here with glass and then underneath we can completely fill this area in with glass because all

Of the wind all of the rooms by the way like you might be thinking oh there’s a kind of not private because we’ve got all of these glass panes you’re probably not thinking that but I rarely got into the head of like a hotel designer I guess and we’re gonna put curtains up

Anyway so people won’t be able to see into the rooms I don’t know the weird things I think about across the entire area here kind of like the outside pool area and we we don’t even necessarily like we could have a row of quartz or light gray concrete

Here just so that that looks a little bit less scruffy and then we can place the light blue glass extending across and kind of like joining like this so that looks quite good an ultimate an alternative to that is to delete two rows of gray and simply connect the glass over there but

It’s very very minute detail doesn’t even matter now that we’ve done that we’re going to move on to the side of the hotel there’s not much detail on this side of the hotel but there is a little bit of detail just not so much in the building but they’re still in the building

Grab smooth quartz block and come all the way up to the top of the hotel take this block and extend it backwards by five one two three four five extend down by four one two three four Mark out this row down by four one two three four Mark out this row

We want to extend these rows across by an additional one join them up join them back like this we then want to leave a we kind of want this design and then we want to extend the horizontal rows of quartz across each by three one two three and then

Let’s just extend it up and join it to to the top and then extend the through row so the end result is this it makes it sounds sort of difficult right but it’s not it’s very very easy so the we then want to extend the hotel

Backwards by a further five rows one two three four five you’ll notice that that hits the boundary if you’ve made it the rest of the hotel not including these holes or at least the rest of this portion of the hotel I’ve got to get into the habit of saying that

The holes here that we have made these are window frames so they can be filled in using glass they basically just look into a hallway I just wanted it to look a little bit nicer the rest of the area can be filled in with quants you may be wondering to yourself maybe

Wondering why isn’t it that the windows extend down to the ground because this hotel has a kitchen and we can’t have those same windows in the kitchen we might be able to add Windows there but there’s going to be some decoration outside here anyway so it’s not it’s not

Going to be the worst thing so now that we’ve done that we are going to actually let’s let’s mark out the uh part of the outside here so we are going to have two rows of smooth stone that sit on the side of the hotel the come all the way back and are

Parallel with the quartz and the glass on it so like this perfect so we have the two rows of smooth Stone we then want to have another two rows of smooth Stone this is just in front of where the car parking section will be and the rose of smooth Stone want to be

Six rows long in total one two three four five six like this perfect so we now want to extend these last three rows that kind of you know that are just that were empty and boring we want to fill them in with gray concrete and we want to extend them all the way

To the back of the hotel it’s worth mentioning there’s going to be a wall back here it’s going to be two rows of smooth quartz block across the uh across the back here so it’s going to be a wall like this and uh again like this back portion of

The hotel like it’s a car parking space we’re gonna have some Greenery uh there’s not really anything at the back of the hotel but you could if you did want to now we we can always add this at the at the end if you did want to you could make

Additional car parking spaces like if you if you did feel us up because the hotel stops here but you could quite easily like knock out a portion of this wall perhaps even add another one you know and then we could have like a uh a one-way system of uh I mean you could

Even have like out we can discuss the details of it later but back here you could have just more car parking spaces and I might even add that just to kind of like put a little bit more of an end on the hotel like uh because then we

Could also have like we’d have to change the road and stuff but we you know we could have something similar to that if we wanted to I’ll give you guys the option because it does feel as though that the hotel just needs a little something more I might be wrong but

We’ll see we’re not locking ourselves into anything but the grass part this where the smooth Stone path ends I want to have a row of one two three four five six smooth quartz into the ground and then extend backwards like this like so so this will extend across and then join

Back car parking spaces pretty much everywhere outside of here wants to be dog out but we do need to create some rows as well like we just have to create where some cars are going to go and uh and that’s pretty much it I wanted to just make it look

Like I didn’t want the entire side to just be car parking spaces and I did just want to make this feel I don’t know what the work maybe like a little bit more tropical you know I wanted it to feel like like the hotel had a little

Bit more life than just like you know just kind of like boring car parking spaces so uh we’re gonna we’re gonna Mark our car parking spaces by placing a smooth block of Quartz gap of three one two three quarts one two three quartz one two three quartz one two three

Natural end there the quartz will extend backwards and it will basically be like in line with uh and it will just join to the great concrete that we’ve already made like this perfect here and then here as well gray Concrete in between the rows like this fill in all of these in

And the only part that we’re not going to fill in with gray concrete is just here so I you could if you wanted to you could make this gray concrete or you could alternatively like extend this forwards and you could have like a slightly bigger green area that’s

Something that we might do we could even add a hedge to it actually that might be a nice nicer idea than what I had planned but I don’t really want to add the fine details I do just sort of like want to have this laid out at the moment

Which are we’re doing a good job of doing I’m quite happy with how this is going so far so let’s come to the back of the hotel now and let’s let’s sort out some of the details with the back of the building because it is a little bit

Um there’s some stuff going on quite honestly so on the back of the hotel we first of all we can kind of just like extend the top of the back of the hotel across like we can extend it all the way across and we can join it to the front of the hotel

So just like this and we can also join the corner down as well just because it helps me and it might even help you to kind of like imagine like just empty spaces like this and then fill them in so like make big spacers and then smaller and smaller and smaller we have

To make some divines we’re going to do this at the bottom of the hotel so we want to count to the right one two three four five mark this out with quartz count one two three mark it out with quartz count one two mark it out with

Qualms count to the right one two three four five mark it out with quartz count one two three mark it out with quartz one two three again mark it out with quants one two three four five mark it out with quartz one two three mark it

Out with quartz so you can see that we now have all of these rows of quartz that we have and we want to join them up to the boundary of the hotel so all the way up to the ceiling area and this is going to help us divide things quite nicely

So it takes a little bit of doing but all of these windows and all of these areas have significance to them and it would I think it just looks a lot and instead of just Plastering the hotel with just smooth quartz as as I might

Like to it it does look a little bit better when it is divided up a bit so I mean you could even use by the way you could use some different materials you could add like a little bit of grain stuff in I might add a bit of gray just

To change things up so there’s a few things these areas have in common there are four three there are three of the four row wide areas and the first one is over here on the left so the way that we’re going to fill these areas in is

Quite simple we’ll place two rows of gray concrete glass quartz two rows of gray concrete glass quartz two rows of gray concrete glass so it will look like this and we want to have the same thing present throughout all of the wider spaces so two great concrete glass quartz two gray concrete glass

Quartz two gray concrete glass and again for the other uh four row wide two gray concrete glass quartz sun and so forth as we extend up above the building and we’ll Mass fill this in in a little SEC but you can see how those areas are pretty much taken care of

So we have the other areas these are very easy when we placed the quartz we want to have quartz placed horizontally throughout the entire back of the hotel so where we had the quartz we can extend the quartz horizontally throughout the entire Hotel so just like this and it

Divides the hotel up into floors you’ll notice that as we crack on a little bit later but there we go perfect so now suddenly if we continue now to fill in all of the gray concrete areas I think that’s how I’m going to do it as well by

The way I’m kind of just going to extend across I’m going to do all of the gray and then all of the glass and then even more glass like everywhere that’s not like the gray and the quartz is basically just glass so that’s what we’ll be doing so here and here and here

And then we can extend the glass across destroy these two yeah accidentally placed those here and uh you you guys might have even noticed that there is a little bit of a pattern here in that it’s very similar to the front of the build sort of and uh the rooms are

Divided in the same way as well except I guess they’re in Reverse from the from but um all of the gray concrete areas are kind of like bathrooms and the other areas which we are now going to fill in with glass are the kind of like I guess

The living room’s the wrong word because it’s also like a bedroom plus it’s also like a place to get a red like it’s a few different things but you know like you guys know what I’m saying like the sleeping area is different from uh from the bathroom area and you can see how

It’s laid out very similarly to the front however possibly in Reverse I’m liking my decision to add the gray I think that it makes a good change originally it was just quartz but as I was making this I was like I the front has gray concrete as well so why not add

It to the back I actually do quite like it it’d also be I might even change it on the front I might see which I like better I might swap things around a little bit visually on the front or I I guess it is also nice though

To have like variation so I was going to make the front look kind of like similar because I don’t know why I just sort of like that but maybe we’ll leave it varied now all we have to tackle is this side the build so this is the left side of the building and

Um it’s quite easy to do again quite honestly because because we’ve reached this point everything’s quite easy we have to separate the floors we’re going to do that horizontally you guys know where the flaws are Maybe by now it’s every everywhere that we have the horizontal rows of quartz if you extend

Them throughout the entire Hotel kind of like that it sort of lays itself out we have two vertical rows of quartz up here these want to extend down throughout the side of the hotel these are multi-purposed so some of these rows are for the let’s just make

That as well some of these rows are to separate the elevators some of these are the space in between these are staircases this back portion here we have to create another window along the bottom of the build here I’m just going to replace this using quartz

And we want to have a gap of four like one two three four glass stick some smooth quartz block on the end extend this upwards like this you’ll notice that these windows are parallel to the windows that we have all the way over there this back portion of quartz we want to

Just completely fill in with quartz reason being is there’s a decent amount on this wall and not every single part of the hotel has to be exposed however this part of the hotel is going to be exposed we’re going to fill this portion in with glass all the way up from the

Bottom all the way up to the top like this so here and here and here there’s only I guess it’s technically four floors to this hotel it’s not too big uh we’re going to add light gray concrete now this is because the there’s elevators inside here so I’m just making

This great light gray concrete an alternative would be to use gray concrete as we’ve already used a little bit of actual dark gray but variation plus you can change it and I might I might change a few things about the hotel but we’ll stick with this for now

One last thing and then this whole side can get filled in with glass we want a vertical route two things we want a vertical row of quartz block that is opposite the row of quartz block that we have over there so you can see it divides in the same sort of way

I’m going to delete the white concrete that we have at the base although white wouldn’t be bad because it is slightly contrasting to the quartz but anyway I’m going to fill this in and then I’m going to fill in the remaining I’m going to fill these windows in with light blue glass

Like this here and here so all these remaining Windows gonna be like blue glass like this extended from the bottom all the way up to the top here here here and here and so on and so forth we want to do this here here I should stop saying here because it is

A lot of glass but it’s okay we’ve almost done so there and there I’ve just swapped the word there for here or here for there there we go so that’s this side of the hotel that’s perfect and in having done that we’ve laid out the structure and it is it it doesn’t

Look really good like I love the the actual structure of this like we we’ve laid out a good amount in the structure of the hotel now I’m gonna add smooth quartz slab around the top of the roof section and I want to fill this in also here

And what do I want to fill it in with uh it has to make sense as a ceiling because it’s also the ceiling of the rooms I might just do you know what I might actually use white concrete I think I’m going to use white concrete because gray concrete works too

Let’s use light gray concrete okay so I I don’t want the insides of the rooms to look weird right like these rooms I don’t want to look up at the ceiling and there’d be some sort of weird material like Smooth Stone like I I wouldn’t like that but I also don’t

Want the ceilings to be white because they’re white in a lot of other places but I don’t want the ceilings to be white so I think that light gray concrete is the way to go gray concrete itself is probably a bit too dark so we’re gonna go with the light gray it’s

A good contrast it’s not too dark it’s not too light it’s not too textured it’ll look weird as a ceiling so that’s what we’re gonna do and there’s good portion here to add we should also add a Seedling to the and we could do a couple of other structural

Things as well whilst we’re at it so we want to now that the roof is kind of like filled in here and then we’ve got this area so this can just be we can fit eh you know what actually we’ll we’ll just seal this up with smooth quartz that’s fine that’s

Fine that’s perfect um this vertical row of smooth quartz here like next to the gray concrete area we can extend this down all the way to the ground like this and then this is going to be the elevator area here I think that that’s right in doing that I think that I can

Do that because the elevator is only two rows wide and it kind of follows along from this like right and then there’s like two rows of smooth quarters so like we can have two rows of smooth quartz that travel all the way up through the building like this right

And then we’re gonna have the two rows of light gray that also do that you can’t actually get in the elevators by the way but I should point that out so it doesn’t matter they all look a little bit weird on the inside this because no

No one’s going to see it anyway so there we go and then we’ve got the natural splits between the floors like this here and here um we could even have where did that slab go we could even limit the like we could just add this to the tops of the

Elevator some quartz slabs might look a little bit better and then we we also have to have Walls by the way so a wall here so basically another vertical row of smooth quartz but just just to kind of like um chop things up and we could even use some light gray

Glazed terracotta I don’t try to I don’t like to try and say things too quickly because like great Glacier like I messed that up so some light gray glazed tarot card I’m gonna extend that all the way up um we don’t need that exposed on the back of the build

Um for the wall and I think I’m gonna make it gray concrete like this because this is a wall and it’s going to have stuff placed on it I want a contrast so that’s that’s exactly what I’m gonna have I’m gonna have some great concrete this accents up

All the way through the floor and you guys might be thinking to yourselves like oh this seems like a weird thing to care about um you’ll you’ll see later why it matters a little bit more than you think so the the ceiling there’s enough windows on the sides that we don’t have

To make skylights so I reckon we’re just going to actually just fill the tops of this in using quartz block I also think that we’re going to lay out the inside a little bit more before we start moving on to again what I what I keep calling like the finer details like

I want to sort of like sort out more of the structure of the inside probably not all of it but more of the structure on the inside before uh we tackle any of the finer details because the finer details is kind of like the fun part

Where we get to uh get to do some different things but um actually that’s my least fun part but the most fun part for me is actually making the structure so um the floor the floor’s a big deal uh we don’t have what we need for the floor

But the grand majority of the floor is going to be made out of red concrete I shouldn’t jump the gun with it though because not all of it is but the majority of it is let’s let’s make some of the stairwell okay so the stairwell it’s here I I already said actually

Didn’t I so the stairwells here it’s kind of like this little corner kind of like built into the hotel uh we want to have a row of by the way quartz black that runs opposite the row of quartz that we have on the front of the hotel like this and um

We’re also going to fill this side of it in with glass as well I might be I might be making a mistake I might be making it hard on myself by doing this but let’s let’s make it into quartz like this and a cool part about this part of the hotel is that

Um we can give it its own floor material which I want to be red concrete because in my mind it’s red carpet despite the fact it’s concrete but pretty much like this entire area every everything from the hell at the elevator I almost caught it some people are scared of elevators

So I suppose some people might refer to them as hellevators I’m not scared of them but I’m not sure that I’d be able to get through that little trapdoor you guys have a look to the trap door like up at the top of the elevator I’m not

Sure I’d be able to squeeze through that I might get trapped in there permanently if the doors come to open but anyway this front area here that I’ll call the lobby um because I guess it is that I’ll not only call it the lobby it is also a

Lobby regardless of what I call it so this is going to be red concrete and again the majority of the downstairs is as well I’m thinking about the rows underneath the glass here I think we’ll just make them quartz even though yeah because technically speaking despite the fact

That we have kind of like a bit of glass pain all that’s missing is a bit of glass paint for that to make it like a full door the only reason that there isn’t glass pane in the middle is because we need to walk through it but

In the real world obviously the the entire door would be glass and we use the handles to obviously open the hearts of the door so it would make sense to me that it would be quartz underneath there rather than red concrete because it’s a it’s a stop rather than kind of like you

Know just an extension of the inside now again we’re getting into minutia that doesn’t matter whatsoever but I like quartz underneath the glass doors and that’s what basically what that boils down to so so weird and then in front of the lift here I’m gonna make this red concrete as well

And it’s not to say by the way that there won’t be more red concrete on this ground floor because there will be but I want to divide it up into rooms and such first but before all that we’ve got this area so this is going to be this is going to be glass

For the most part uh I’m going to make it so that can we nip up onto this floor no we can’t so let’s let’s start on this we need some stairs as well oh I have them okay so let’s make the inside here red concrete

And then we’ll add the stairs as well so the stairs are rather easy to do they’re the same for every single floor and they look like this there is one quart stay here two quarts there here we could even use a slab and then a slab in the corner and then one

Quart stay here two quarts there here does that make sense and then red concrete here here and then fill the middle of the floor in So we leave this kind of like tetra-shaped piece here to allow us to walk between the floors so if we can actually copy that here

Onto the next few floors and then it might make it might make the stair placement a little bit easier and it might sort of like make things a little bit easier somehow as it does it is this filter is this the top floor I guess it is okay

So here on the top floor I guess it’s a little bit different we will need to be able to break into this portion here it might even be more practical for us to enter every floor on this side as well but I like it here on this on this floor

Specifically I don’t know why I think we’ll see a lot per seal up just up above so anyway the stairs are in the same place regardless on every single floor there’s two of them stemming from this corner quartz slab here stare stair come around to this side stare stare slab

Onto this side stair stair easy so I’d like to have a look at it from the outside because that’s it’s quite important I mean it wants to look good from the outside right perfect so that’s nice we’ve got all the sets of stairs we’ve got no more glass paint than we

Have to we’ll make this the entrance onto maybe we’ll have two entrances so we’ll be able to get out onto the balcony by that way in that way I’m quite happy with that now that we’ve done kind of like the stairwells and we’ve kind of got the

Elevator sort now maybe we should fill just in front of these elevators using the smooth we could make it we could actually but then the ceiling is red and that’s weird okay all right so I’m just going to fill in in between these elevators using smooth quarters

And again so this is what I mentioned earlier right I mentioned that we’ve got like singer we’ve not got double floors or double ceilings we’ve only got singles so if this were say a double ceiling in the like we had two rows between the spaces of every floor we

Could have a ceiling material which I would prefer to be something like quartz but then we’d be able to have a floor material above it which would be red concrete but it’d be uh it everything would still work out nicely because there’d be two rows in between

The floors and then we don’t have to worry about what’s above or below us as we’re adding these in again little minutia so above this area here going to be using some smooth quartz dead this is inside of this little column again this is kind of like so this is the entrance

To the bar so this is we don’t want to have this row here um what else can we do so we can extend a row we can extend these rows of quartz backwards as well so here and here because these are hallways so these are going to be hallways um that leads

To so they’ll be leading to the rooms um what else so this okay so this is going to be a divider for the rooms so this long wall of quartz we can actually extend upwards and this will be the first division between actually it’s not the first division but it’s a division

Between uh one of the rooms and like the bathroom so we’ve got this here we can also add a dividing row of quartz here so like this row of course here can actually be extended back and it can line up with that Rail and then this

Will also be a dividing row between uh kind of like the bathroom area and the more so living area of the hotel rooms this is also going to act as like a kitchen wall as I mentioned earlier this hotel has a kitchen this row will actually by the way

Extend all the way back uh this will actually extend all the way back on this particular on the first floor anyway so you should probably stop at four rows but all the way back um is there an easy way so also for the rooms the rooms start opposite like on

The other side of this glass area so you can actually Mark out where each one of the rooms are going to go with some rows of quartz black just extending back or rather to the side of the room so here and we will also want to divide

This area up here so we’ve inadvertently made kind of like this is going to be the entire kitchen space in here so that’s good and then this is going to be the bathroom to one of the bedrooms and you guys know how the bedrooms divide up so everywhere that we’ve kind of got

Like is now it’s like I’ve made it slightly tricky because we’ve got all these rows of quartz right but um basically the rooms divide up every single place that we have the on each side of the gray concrete areas basically is how the rooms kind of like divider so like this

Perfect so you can see this back row here that’s perfect that’s how this all divides up and we can also add we can extend up the the rows that split the rooms in parts we can extend these rows up to help further divide up the hotel into the individual rooms

And then we can add flaws because the floors are just going to be I’m just going to make the flaws uh block of Quartz and then so here here we’ve got quite a few of them to do ladies and gentlemen so I’m sorry if this is like incredibly boring but

You know it just has to be done uh it’s a bit it’s a decent sized hotel and I almost made it more flaws too this hotel does repeat actually like if you wanted to repeat the like the top floor of this you could like indefinitely until you hit like the sky

Limit or whatever but there we go so there you we have all of this kind of like set out so in doing this uh We’ve yeah we’ve already made the kitchen area right like that’s no bigger so to my knowledge I simply hit my keyboard you might have

Heard a horrible sound that sounded horrible to me we can now destroy the rest of the floor here and we can make it red concrete so we can destroy the rest of kind of like this is no longer the lobby this is this is a hallway look the hotel’s

Actually got quite an interesting layout I really like it so on the ground floor we have access to the lobby area which is where one would sign in um you know and all that there’s also obviously the stairs and the elevators opposite them then we’ve got access to the ground floor rooms

But we also have access to access access to the restaurant slash dining area in the kitchen which also leads to the outside as well so it oh no it is just kind of interesting it’s varied it’s set out sort of like I mean it’s not completely different to an actual Hotel

So just Place quartz there so no I just really like that it’s quite it’s a realistic layout I think and I’m quite happy because it it borders that it borders that line between realistic and kind of like Minecraft interesting so I’d maybe I explained that a little

Bit but like it’s it’s realistic but also like it’s it’s nice to look at as well maybe that’s what I’m just trying to say maybe I should stop trying to uh over explain something that doesn’t need it but we’ve got all of these flaws put in now

So what we have to do as well is we have to give the hotel room flaws we have to give that a flooring material and we also have to add actual interior flaws as well to all of the other floors of the hotel including the rooms and such

Okay so let’s continue to add flaws I think that we’re going to start with the back of the hotel first of all and I’m also yeah we’ll dig out all of the floors to the rooms and we’ll just replace them with quartz we can always change this a little bit later

We’re going to have to make some entrances into the rooms as well let me just make sure that I know how to do this properly although I mean it should be quite easy should have this in the plan somewhere okay so the entrance is to every single room here on the left

And I’m going to dig that out and the entrances into the bathroom are all the way over onto the right so that’s exactly how it’s going to be I’m also considering I I’ve already made like a huge amount of these wars right well not all of them but I have on the

Ground floor I’m considering that I quite like the gray concrete here on the back of the build why not add it to the front so I might do that especially but let’s let’s take a look so this is like one complete room like this is how much room

You get and then this is the bathroom of course I we’d probably make the entire wall gray concrete actually so let’s take a little look that that doesn’t look too bad because what you’ve also got to consider is this is the cut off so like this is

This is like the slice of the wall that you’ll actually see that’s not too bad and what we can also do is I like this decoration quite a bit when necessary we can add like plants and stuff to the actual walls so like if every single little chunk of the wall

Looked like that I mean it I think that looks quite nice so the next room would literally just be to the right here so we can dig out this wall and here and then we can continue to dig out the floor we’re definitely going to be changing to

Gray concrete because I I just like it I think that the gray concrete looks nice and it’s also sort of called that it’s parallel to the gray concrete that we have on the outside as well we can even keep the floors quartz because these rooms are let’s just grab

That these rooms are small and whenever you’ve got a small room the light of the materials you use to make it the brighter the bigger it looks basically so yeah I quite like that and then once again you know we’re just yanking materials out here and once

Again we can just have something like this um I mean this should rarely be a little bit bigger so what we could do is we could have something like this right and then we could just hang say like a lantern or we could have like a little

Side table with like a candle on it I think that you can put you can’t put candles on scaffolding apparently on bevro but I’ll tell you what you can do is we can have candles and then we can play scaffolding underneath I know right I mean what are we doing here so

Um yeah that’s not a bad decoration at all even a lantern would look good too and that would provide a nice bit of light really brightens this whole room up so that’s the room room wall here and then we’ve got a slightly different idea here so this is of course this is where

The next room will begin and this one’s just a little bit different it’s laid out the exact same way internally but on the outside we’ve got the kitchen so we’re not going to really I mean we could still make the end of the kitchen wall gray concrete but we’ll decide that

When we actually work on the kitchen itself I think I don’t think that that’s anything that we’ve kind of got to like figure out now so there we go though I’m really happy with that I think that that looks great and then on the end here of course we we can

Still have the the plant which I like and also we should make there is a wall okay so this is the floor to this room here like this is going to be the floor the smooth quartz you can extend this all the way outwards here so that lines

Up with like this is behind where the desk will be we can also make a separation you can see how we have gray concrete there over there we want to have that same gray concrete here with the same glass pane and I’m also going to add some

Smooth quartz underneath as well so here and here as well and then I’m just going to leave it like that I’m going to be quite happy so you can imagine this is where the restaurant begins I mean you could even add like a row here if you

Wanted to uh yeah I’d make it over that or I’d make it like glass that’s perfectly fine you could have like one or two rows uh in the original version of this I actually made it so that the kitchen wall which is here I made it because the hallways are four rows long

Um four is wide I actually made it so that we had some terracotta inside here inside the kitchen and it just makes that hallway look a little bit nicer you know um so this is kind of like the dining area and we’re just going to lay it out

A little bit it’s not too complicated like the doorway to the kitchen’s right here then there’s a gap of one will destroy we’ll pretty much destroy the rest of the wall here and then we just want to have for some reason like this kitchen it’s um

I have it kind of like lay down like this right so this is the window where you can like put orders and stuff I’m not sure you’d actually have this in kind of like a fancy restaurant but I like it anyway so I’m leaving it

Um so this is like where you’d put your orders from what have you and that’s like where you’d get the food from I quite like it to stop people coming in and out of the kitchen all the time I also considered making the floor of the kitchen smooth Stone

Because it seems like a sort of cleanish material with a good texture I mean any I mean what have we got here Cobble deep slate looks quite cool could even do that now I know cobbled doesn’t like I quite like that it’s a bit dark though

I don’t know maybe we’ll try it maybe we’ll just try it for the kitchen like it almost looks like some sort of like tile or something obviously it’s Cobble but I don’t know it sort of looks like some sort of cool pattern so we might

Just leave that or we might rip it up a little bit later on we’ll see and let’s just leave that for now shall we so we can do the ceiling to not only the kitchen but this is also going to be one of the rooms

And we can do the ceilings to the entire back certain rooms so the ceilings here we can do these ceilings for the hallways we’re just going to we’re just putting all of the flaws in all of the ceilings we’ve we’ve got every everywhere quite laid out

Um there’s still quite a few things that we do have to do uh in terms of like layout especially for more so like like in the lobby area for instance like we’ve got layout desks and stuff for these hallways up here on the second third fourth floor these have to be laid

Out but you know we we are definitely getting there we’re making a lot of good progress and once we get to the point where we get to the rooms because we’ll leave the rooms until last we’ll leave things like rooms and hallways until last because they’re repeatable

Um every hallway can pretty much like look like most of the other hallways but there’s only one kitchen so we’re not going to be repeating the kitchen if that makes sense to you I’m sure that it does but um I’d just like to get to that point I’d

Like to get all the little fine details done I keep using that word fine details and it’s starting to bother me for some reason but anyway so we’ve got the vertical walls added here we need to have vertical Wars on the front of the build as well so here

And here I’m realizing I’m like this is a lot of work like this is but we’ve actually got two floors that we’re working on two floors at the same time so I guess that’s okay so we also have to make a wall here two we can get all the rooms yeah because

You see this is this is like the roof so we’re actually doing two floors in one so taking that into perspective uh we’re not doing a bad job at all actually so those are all of the rooms um let’s add the floors in between them and then we can stick the walls on

Pretty much so a lot of painstaking work I’m thinking about adding another floor although I wouldn’t do it in this tutorial but it’s quite self-evident on how you would add another floor um the more flaws it has I wonder if it would look better

I might have to try it on in my actual like testing world my actual design world first of all to see if it would I’m pretty sure it would because like I I don’t see how it could look any worse with more flaws It could only look more Grand really so I might

Definitely try that and if the thumbnail has more flaws than uh than this than like what we’ve made then you know that I decided to go and see if uh if the hotel had looked better with more flaws like if the thumbnail was different than the hotel

That we’ve made then you’ll you’ll know that I’ve done that because of course I’m going to use the best looking version of the hotel for the thumbnails so uh we’ve got all yeah I see perfect that’s that’s looking great so these are all the second and third floor rooms now right

Um let me grab doors because this will help even more I’m probably going to change that deep slate by the way in the kitchen or not but although I do so I like it but I might change it to like block of never right that might look a little bit better but anyway

Door here door here skip across door here door here skip across door here door here I was right there are eight rooms no it’s not yesterday wait one two three four and then there’s another four you know what I’m too stupid to figure this out it doesn’t matter I

Don’t know why I can’t math today for some reason but anyway so all of the bathroom walls are going to be gray concrete so I’m just going to get all these walls filled in and then when it comes to the other walls I think I did I just leave them

Quartz downstairs I’m pretty sure I did right because um I mean it’d be fine to make them gray concrete also but also it’s like ah let’s make them a little bit different could even use terracottas you could use different terracottas if you wanted to as well you don’t have to just stick to

One um as a matter of fact in I I don’t know whether I’ll be doing it because this is the tutorial version which is where I should be doing it but in the design version I made every every single room’s identical except for the color scheme so the color scheme is changeable I’m

Sure that’ll do a different a few different color schemes but um like you don’t have to customize the outside the rooms but the inside of the rooms quite customizable so if you wanted to like uh something that you could immediately jump at is you could turn this quartz wall into a

Bit of terracotta whether that’s just with two blocks like you could like make a chunk of the wall terracotta could make it as high as the ceiling you could bring it to the door I wouldn’t I’d probably bring it to here like this and then that looks quite nice but the only

Thing I don’t like about that is that unless you use the same terracotta on every single wall it’s going to start looking a little bit circusy and I don’t really like that so uh we’re going to make the bathroom walls where the bathrooms are we’re also going

To make the bathroom walls gray even on the front of the hotel even though it’s different on the front uh than it is on the back you’ll also notice that the bathrooms uh that are closer to the inner portion of the hotel if that makes sense closer to the like

Here just one row height uh one row wider uh we have to add all the doors on as well and then when we get into the rooms here you know obviously we’ve not added the uh the bathrooms in yet or the bathroom entrance uh that’s easily doable when we

Actually work our way into those particular rooms so we can have this I don’t want to make it too spectacular like I don’t want it to look weird outside here I’m quite happy now uh all of the floors are laid out uh all of the rooms floors are laid out

So now we’re going to do the hallway the hallways I really wish I could make red concrete uh I really do we’re gonna have to use carpet that’s fine though Um if you didn’t want to use smooth quartz you could actually use a textured quartz course chiseled quartz I I like the idea of because this is a fancy hotel you could do that and then just throw carpet on top I’m just going with quartz probably just

Because it’s a bit of an ease of Life sort of thing but uh let’s drop up to here or fly up to you we’re not really dropping up where we’re reverse dropping up jump up to here and we can fill all of these all of this in here using smooth quartz and uh

If I just work my way out now this is the roof of course we’ve done a huge amount now we’ve done a huge amount I’m really really happy with with how this has gone so far so I think that we’re going to take a break on the inside ladies and gentlemen

I think that we’re going to work our way on the outside because there’s a lot less to do on the outside than there is inside so I reckon we will actually I’ll tell you what let me dump all these materials let me grab some brand new ones and then hopefully

It will be just about everything we need just to make the outside okay so the first thing that I’m going to do now that I have grabbed some new materials is I’m going to do the more nature part of the outside the build so this involves making a couple of kind of palm

Trees air quotes So This is made using some jungle ones some so I’m thinking probably about two of them outside the front left hand side here and probably one two three rows high and one two three rows High I think that we have to maintain a distance of two from just about

Everything so that they don’t get in the way uh stick a line terracotta on top extend outwards in every single Direction and then maybe even two we might extend outwards by two in every direction right and then stick and then basically just extend the second block down

Maybe we’ll even extend that first one up we could even vary the heights of these two so maybe we’ll stick like one here and then yeah then we’ll just make this one a little bit smaller just to make it a little bit different but I do kind of like want them to go

Together you know like I I don’t mind the their a little bit different that they’re a little bit close together I’m gonna add some flowering azaleas a little bit of azure blowets and then some bone meal that’s it I’m just gonna bone meal uh we could make it more interesting by using

Some more flowers some different flowers like um originally I was going to perhaps use some spool Blossom but they’ve got kind of like an effect with them big drip leaves look kind of cool as well placed in the ground but so we might do that a little bit later but

This little area here uh that’s just like next to the eating area flowering as Alias like just straight up the middle and then you know what will actually knock one out of every single like and will just have it extend all the way to the back and we’ll like destroy every other one

And then we can place some Azure blower on the left and right sides and then that’ll look quite good I don’t think we’ll wrap them around I think that we’ll just leave uh we’ll leave some space in between them and I quite like how that looks because it oh

No it just looks nice and put together and you’d expect it to be because it’s like where people eat like it’s supposed to look a little bit nicer whilst we’re here by the way just a couple of things right in the middle of this path here a couple of chains red

Carpet on top or we might even add like an additional chain here with a carpet on top as well we’ll add like oh no we’ll have the light turn there so here coming over to this side as well I’m going to have flowered azalea leaves

Um on top of like that extra strip so this is kind of like a hedge but then back here it’s going to be like uh as long as we leave a gap of one than or a gap of two sorry a gap of two around the entire trees then I’m gonna

Have three trees and you guys know how to make these trees right by now I’m sure that you do you just extend two rows I mean you don’t even have to make them I’ve I’ve already said you don’t have to make them even but what I mean

Is like we can take this tree here and we could even make it so that like that extends up on the top but we can have like one of the branches extend out a bit further we could have like a lower branch on this side like there’s there’s

A lot that we can do to kind of like you know just vary this up a little bit um but I mean it’s it’s up to you like I I quite like them going together like it looks more natural um and same thing for this one at the back

Here we’ll probably just have this extend now um we don’t have to get too experimental uh you know that’s that’s up to you guys however you want to do it but uh we can see we can leave that we can grab that perfect and then just summons your blood

It’s just just so that we definitely get some flowers because you don’t always obviously with the bone meal I mean nine times out of ten you’re gonna get some sort of flour but you can see just like there we’ve got one corn flour and then we get I know that it is actually

Predetermined depending upon the chunk and what have you I’m pretty sure with the flowers but anyway so from the front you can see I just do think it makes a good difference right I do think it just looks a lot better with just that little bit Greenery

The next thing that we’re going to do is we are going to do the outside eating area so for the outside eating area we need the Terracotta floured azalea leaves loads of chairs which are some of course stairs scaffolding stuff to decorate the tables carpet candles flower parts

Lanterns that sort of stuff really I mean that’ll pretty much do it I did want to grab a lacturn as well as I mentioned the lectern is basically just meant to look like a oh what’s your name sir oh do you have a booking like it’s

One of those things so we’re going to add some azaleas here it’s going to be a row of three tarakata with two rows of three azaleas on top in between this window and this and then we’re going to have a table that the table is free scaffolding just extending out from

Where we have the oak fence with smooth quartz stairs on either side then we’ll leave a whoops my bad and we’ll leave a gap of one and then we’ll have pretty much like the same thing except just a little bit different because it’s not centered with the oak

Fence but that’s fine so just two pretty decent sized tables and then we could have bigger tables if we wanted to so like here and here like we can have uh I said bigger tables some reason but some smaller tables and we could have like a

Table for two and then a table for one and uh I mean we can stick candles on it flower parts uh we already established to ourselves that uh lanterns go straight on table so they’re no problem however candles do not yeah candles are awkward to say the very least so here

There’s got to I’m assuming that there’s some sort of reason that they function this way I don’t know why myself I can’t fathom why that might be but you know a block that’s capable of suspending itself in mid-air but can’t stand on a scaffolding I don’t know so anyway that’s uh that

Looks really good now like immediately that area has picked up so so much so next up we are going to make the sign so the sign is made using a loom loader wrap banners yellow die I don’t know why yellow and red um I kind of I think because it kind of

It it makes me think that the signs like made out of lines you know that’s that probably sounds stupid but I mean that’s the reasoning it it feels like it stands out more anyway we’re gonna throw down a loom open it up red banner in there with some

Yellow dye first letter is hotel that’s a vertical rope yellow on the left right straight through the middle grab that put another Banner in we need to make oh so that is a vertical on the left right horizontal along the top across the bottom

Next will be T so that’s going to be a horizontal row across the top vertical row straight through the middle T next will be e so that is a vertical round the left side horizontal top bottom middle perfect last letter L so this is a vertical row of yellow on the left

Horizontal on the bottom boom we have that does not say hotel but h-o-t-e-l perfect so I don’t know I think it just stands out especially in a sea of all like gray and white and blue light I think it just stands out a lot and I’m really happy with it I think it

Looks really good that way so now that we’ve done that we are going to work on the outside pool part so let me just slide the images over here get rid of all this so for the outside pool I mean we’ve got a lot of stuff

That we need we need white carpet white concrete sorry light gray con light gray carpets smooth quartz stairs smooth quartz slab ladders and then we’ll need all of these Oak blocks as well and more uh it doesn’t end here there’s more okay grab the white concrete and head to

The well this area the the place where the pool is going to be this big roof uh this is going to start here so in between the main part of this bedroom that’s closest to here and the bathroom leave a gap of two one two place a white concrete that white concrete extends

Forwards by one two quartz there white concrete extend the white concrete across and line it up with where we have the white concrete over there we want to have two blocks of quartz extending up next to that and then we want to turn this into a rectangle like this

And then light gray carpet on top of the white carpet a white concrete like so preferably without all of the floating light gray carpets like this and then a couple of ladders on the back of the quartz and then one yeah just one quarter slide I think will look quite fine

And then an open Oak fence gate on top of the first block of Quartz here yeah I’m quite happy with that I think that that looks fine um and then so up here we have a few things we can get by with a couple of these materials but we’re going to need

A lot more we shouldn’t be stingy with these but we can start off by grabbing again all the oak blocks and also the barrel that we have so where we have um not this gray concrete here but the white Concrete in front we want to have row of one two three

Four upside down Oak stairs Oak plank on the end leave a gap of one or place like a fence gate or something and then place an oak plank then barrels along the back here so just connecting back to this wall place a couple of Oak fence just on the corner here

And that’s pretty oh I mean we can use parts and we could even have like a lantern so maybe like the Lantern on the back here and we can have a couple of Parts like this and I would like to make this this thing in its entirety actually

Before grabbing some new stuff but like a couple of levers so this looks like pump so people can get some drinks um I like the idea of having some Oak trap doors just like along the back here just above where the barrels are or maybe even just two of them

I don’t know if we can place Brewing stands on these yes we can so a couple of Brewing stands that’s absolutely perfect and there’s just two little things that I’d like to do Beyond this like I’d like to grab the end rods and some carpets

Um what color do I want the carpet so these carpets are for seats so I might just grab white because it’s neutral but I also want some yellow carpet and some light blue and I’d like some string as well so the string is to be placed basically the same area that the Brewing

Stands on and it’s to a does in making so hard to play string and it’s to Aid Us in making a roof that I did consider using a hay for but I don’t think it looks as good to be honest with you so basically just alternating light blue and yellow carpets here

Uh will make up the roof this little Barn and I think it will look uh and I think it’ll look quite nice so here we go and then just a couple of like bar stools I mean we we could go to the extent of using pistons and stuff but

Um then we’ve got to worry about downstairs uh so yeah I’m I’m quite happy with that I think that that looks nice it fits in well but it doesn’t it it doesn’t look too silly so one last thing that I’ll grab before I just go ahead and just grab like everything else

That we need to finish the outside because don’t get me wrong we are very close to actually completely finishing the outside of the hotel before we head inside uh we just need to fill the pool up with water and uh now let me go ahead and let me just grab the remaining

Materials that we’ll need just for this outside pool area and we’ll probably make a few cars and stuff too okay so outside here as well I would like to have like a deck chair and stuff so a couple of lounging areas so an oak stair with an oak slab in

Front of it maybe leave a gap of one and then we can have like a little square of uh carpet that could be to lay on or to have food on uh we can use some Oak fence gates open behind the stairs it it just makes it look more like a deck

Chair I think scaffolding a flower pot and a couple of end rods next to this will just look like a table and a drink or something like that um along here as well like we can have the same sort of thing like we can have

Like an oak wood stair and I mean we we could have like another fence gate and something like this you know we don’t have to have the umbrella two times because they’re pretty annoying to make to be quite honest with you but uh we will make the uh the umbrella or Paracel

Whichever you’d like to call it I guess it’s just an umbrella I suppose and uh we’re just using alternating uh beds for it so I I really like um yellow and blue beds uh for well that’s annoying so yellow and blue beds there we go um I really like that for anything sort

Of like beachy sort of feeling and that this feels like quite like a beach really so I’d actually prefer that to be quartz slap just at the top here and we’ll even flare it up a little bit too so you see that that looks pretty good I

Mean it’s very close to the pool which is not great but I guess that’s fine anyway it’d be better if it were a little bit further away it might change change that later we could even have over here we could have like another like the little blanket area here if we

Wanted to as well you could even have a bed but the area is not so big and honestly I mean this kind of like fills it out quite nicely I think that that looks pretty good all by itself and that’s the outside ladies and gentlemen other than some cars which I

May or may not add later I’ve got separate tutorials for cars so I’ll probably just not add those in the tutorial but I’ll probably add them myself later on anyways the next thing that we’re going to do the next thing that we’re going to work on we’re going to work on the more

Unique uh parts of the hotel so we’re going to grab for these next spots first of all I want to grab the book and quill like turns polish Blackstone stairs end rods white carpet and terracotta and the Flowerwood Azalea or flowering you have fly wood that already done apparently no more coming

Along fly wood azalea leaves and we’ll just need stuffer inside the kitchen so a block of navrat and we’ll leave it at that so the book and quill has been driving me crazy I wanted to place it earlier that is for the guest book and we won a similar guest book

Here uh right at the entrance as well inside here uh what is the and rods for what is what are the end rods for tables so we are going to have two by two tables placed inside here so the two by two two by two tables they’re

Quite easy to place you just want to have a gap all the way around them here and they’re pretty much centered in this window this window and then we’re going to leave a gap of free and then here and then that’s it we’re actually just going

To have three tables and the tables are made using those end rods and by the way feel free to vary this a little bit you could even add more detail to this like it depending upon how fancy you want this place to be like you could add a

Piano you could add like a water feature of some sort you could make it like you could just add more and more decorations but I’m quite happy as is gonna add some stairs to the tables as well almost in a randomish but I guess not so Random pattern since I’m doing

The same thing on every single table so let’s just mix it up like this and uh in between the tables as well I’d like to just have the same sort of like flowering Azalea um sort of like decoration like this just sort of like in the middle of the

Room and I’m quite happy with that I think that looks pretty good uh the only thing that we might want to add I don’t oh I do have one over there the only thing that might want to add is a couple of lanterns about the place

Obvious cut is obvious so now that we have a couple of lanterns we can talk about lighting this place up a little bit so this corner here this Corridor is a little bit dark so maybe just like a lantern here at the end of the hall I

Also feel as though it’s a tad bit dark inside the restaurant area too so a couple of lanterns will do just nicely and I’m considering specifically that there’s a specific picture that I’m thinking of I don’t know why it seems to go in my mind but

That one seems to go in my mind just like on this side of the like it just seems to be a restaurant picture I don’t know why it just seems to sort of like go with the design of the place so and I’m pretty happy with

That there’s not too much more that we have to do unless you want to try and add another table here I’m thinking if like I mean we could place like a single table or something but I’m I’m very happy with how it is it doesn’t have to

Be too crowded so why don’t we head into the kitchen now and the first thing I’m going to do is rip up the Cobble I do quite like the Cobble I will say like I think it is quite a nice texture it’s not bad I like it better than the actual Cobble Stone

But for the kitchen not so much I’m not even 100 certain that this cooler is right like the navarite slash like deep slight color like it might be a bit too dark but we are going to stick with the block of navarite because I don’t want to change it again so what

We’re going to be doing in here just a little basic kitchen so block of iron will need iron bars we need a lot of light gray concrete to lay this place out a bit we’ll be using a cold run and some tripwire hooks uh we’ll be needing iron trout doors

We’ll be using furnaces and also polished Blackstone stairs so in this corner of the kitchen over here I’m going to place two rows of block of iron like this and I’m going to stick an iron bar on the end and it just looks like a big giant fridge freezer

A couple of gray concretes to the right and then I’m going to place if we start from this side it’s a bit easier a couple of light gray concretes here and then a couple of furnaces above the furnaces on the wall Place some Polish Black Stone stairs and then make the

Rest of the counter space like this we need to have a light in here somewhere so like a lantern will actually do just for now and I like the idea of having like a little freezer as well so if that’s like a fridge then we can have like a couple of iron blocks

With some iron trap doors on top of them they can so and they can function as a freezer I want a sink which can just simply be a cauldron and a tripwire hook we could even more so have this over here so like we could have this here

Next to the the cooker and then it would probably make a little bit more sense as well I’m thinking that we need some cupboards so I probably shouldn’t have just wiped out all of my materials that was probably a bad idea and I’m going to grab uh I mean gray short boxes fine

It’s it’s a little bit boring in here with the color scheme I suppose but it’s it’s fine so just some gray shortcut boxes just up above here I’m quite happy with uh we need a couple of like more Niche materials like we need a weighted pressure plate well two weighted

Pressure plates one to place next to the sink and a couple to place on top of the ovens here and speaking of ovens I want to grab a different kind of furnace it doesn’t matter which one but I’m going to be using blast furnaces myself and

I’m just going to place a couple of rows of blast furnaces just here on the right and um I mean we couldn’t even decorate them further perhaps we could use some like I don’t know some buttons just at the bottom here and the kitchen’s getting a pretty it’s getting pretty decently full

At this point um it might even be nice if there was like a microwave in here the only thing is it’s difficult to make a convincing microwave without using a banner like you can make a really good looking microwave if you’re willing to use a banner so we’ll we’ll just have like a

Quick build we’ll have just like a very simple black concrete here with a light blue banner and it’s semi sort of looks like a microwave maybe if it had a border around the banner it definitely would so I might just actually do that and instead of grabbing absolutely

Everything because I don’t want to spend loads and loads and loads of I mean gray gray dye would probably be better I actually have a tutorial for loads of little like um kitchen appliances and stuff um that and that that will do just nicely there we go that just looks way

Better I mean you could even do the same sort of thing here like it’s sort of like if if you then placed a H if we then placed the banner back in here with some I don’t know black guy even works and if we separated them with

A horizontal row there it is horizontal row of black and then we place them in front of the ovens here I mean it it sort of looks like ovens you know like what those that you’ve got like two on top of each other so I mean we can do

That just to kind of customize the place a little bit if you wanted to you could chuck a chest or two um you could have I mean what else like you could have like stuff that looks like cooking implements you could have like a shelf above here and what have

You like you could even have and I I realized that at this point it’s like it’s just a kitchen I mean do we have to um it’s just a little bit of a little bit of detail so maybe just like a little shelf here right in just a couple

Of item frames with some like order papers on them or something but I’m quite happy with that we could even place like a double chest here just to have a little bit of uh a little bit something and then just a lantern just to kind of like light it up

Maybe even two of them just behind so it’s kind of like well a little bit and I’m quite happy with this this is I’ve probably said that like five times haven’t I and um why not go for even more detail why not just add a pot here too

We’ll leave it at that I’m quite happy I’ve got to stop saying quite happy I am rather pleased with the kitchen how it’s turned now so what does that leave us ladies and gentlemen well downstairs because we’ll we might as well work our way up the hotel

Downstairs that leaves us with the lobby area the lobby area is actually rather simple the next thing that we’re going to be doing and we are rapidly running out of things to do trust me we are going to do the lobby and we are going to do all of the hallways and things

Like that and then we’ll move on to the rooms but I have to grab some new materials first I’ll be back in a moment so for the front desk area we’re gonna just start all the way over here on the left and we’re going to place a row of

Gray concrete from the floor to the ceiling we’re going to leave a gap of free and then one two three gray concrete from once again the floor to the ceiling and then we’re going to leave another gap of three and then once again just floor to the ceiling so this

Is kind of going to Mark out the actual like front desk area and we’ve just got to make a little bit of a desk itself so we’ll use an upside down quarter stair leave a gap block of course and then we’ll use Upside Down Smooth quarter stair coming

All the way across and then yeah we’ll we’ll stick a smooth quartz block on the end but then join it back using smooth water stairs and underneath the desk I’m thinking that we use a little bit of light gray concrete I’m also considering sea lanterns but we can place plenty of

Light sources on the actual uh desk itself and there’s not going to be too much stuff on here really so like on this area like uh I mean first of all let’s just place a lantern on the left and right because I’ll light it up

The area behind I’m a little bit I’m not 100 sure what to do with it like I don’t know whether it’d be a good idea to have like some bookshelves and to have like I I did consider just some like chests because of you there’s

Got to be stuff that um that would be stored in chess like on the back here and then I was considering some paintings so something like I guess it’d be symmetrical which is ironic that we’re getting the school and I really don’t want that because I don’t want

This to be some sort of weird hotel that has skull paintings on the wall but something like the thinking man as I like to call him would be great you know any time now it’d be sure would be there we go perfect and then if it was symmetrical it’d probably

Be a little bit better you know it that doesn’t look too bad I’m quite happy with that and then I’ve got to stop saying and then I mean we could even have a painting just in the middle I just feel as though there’d be a lot of artwork

And stuff around you know and um I mean on the desk area I’d there’d probably also be quite a few plants and flowers and you know I’m just imagining things just just to make it look nice for nice as sake like that’s what this sort of hotel is

Here we go and just I mean we need some chairs I mean they can be uh polished Blackstone just to kind of like um you know throw off a little bit the White and the gray and we want some computers I mean that couldn’t be easier that’s just made using weighted pressure

Plates and Birch shroud doors easy peasy and I want them that’s a tall computer and I want them just in front like this I want it very symmetrical so um we could even have like in my mind these would be iPads okay so you know like here and here but they also just

Make like sort of nice decoration and sometimes it’s like that Bell that you can ring isn’t there there’s where it’s like uh you know a uh I need assistance Bell so we could use that or you could equally so use this is mice but I again I’m trying to keep it quite

Symmetrical as I I might have to delete one of these plants because it’s kind of like ruining it a little bit but that’s the front desk I’m I’m yeah I’m pleased with that I’m trying to say a different phrase and um I I have considered as well that it

Might be nice to have kind of like you know how sometimes you can have like your own little sign-ins why is with the pictures today the pictures are we’re actually getting like repeats like almost every time that’s crazy so you know how sometimes you can like sign in

Places yourself and stuff like this touch screens and just like compute Terminals and stuff I don’t have terminals the right word but um that’s kind of like what I imagine for this and it just kind of like uses a little bit of the space in the lobby area as well it would make

Sense that there’d be a little bit of a seating area too and um kind of going with the like using some different materials Vibe wax oxidized uh copper in both the stair and the slab variant and also some smooth quarter slab I mean we could even Implement some uh quartz

Stairs as well and then maybe some pictures some paintings some gray concrete scaffolding maybe even some bookshelves I just I just want to make it look a little bit more interesting so I’m thinking about flaring out the gray concrete area here and then in front of this

Placing like a little sofa so I think in the middle of the sofa can be copper and then the ends smooth quarter stairs and then have a little table in front of it like this and then I’d I’m I yeah I think that that looks pretty decent I

Mean we could even maybe no I think that that’s a little bit too close to the desk if we do that but just a little table like that and we could always stick a scaffolding on the end and we could even build books up left and right

Just to make it look like a just a more interesting Lobby I mean the paintings as well maybe maybe we won’t not that painting not that painting no no no so we could even stack a couple of paintings on top of each other if uh no okay then fine so

I quite like it in that position but maybe then if not that maybe some plants so maybe just have like a double table on that side we could even keep the bookshelves on that side and then we can have a mixture of a lantern because it seems so dark in here and then

We can have just a plant here because we want to keep it like light and colorful and bright like I don’t want it to be too boring in here and this is the elevator as well and well here’s the only thing is that I was

Also going to place a plant next to the elevator so I I mean I I guess I am repeating the same thing over and over again but that doesn’t mean that you can’t vary if you don’t want to and just a button for the elevator and and that’s

Pretty much it I mean that’s how this goes ladies and gentlemen I mean this is the lobby it’s not too crowded but it’s also not too lacking either so this is the lobby and now we have just two more flaws to do right so one and two yeah

Pretty much just two floors well sort of free because we’re working on hallways and such so as we get up to the next floor because we’re done with the ground floor for now you know we’re going to want to keep repeating like we want to have the

Plan we want to have the button for the elevator that’s all fine and well this walls quite nicely decorated but it uh it might be an idea to like you know flare out this wall it might be an idea to add the seating so I mean we don’t

Necessarily need to have the was it copper in the middle I think it was right so if not we can alternate it so it’d be nice to have like a little bit of seating and um just a little bit of light as well just left and right like

This perfect and then we can place need to rarely refine these materials I’m going to use I don’t want to keep having to grab different ones so you know just something like that would would look just fine and um upstairs here we have the opportunity

To use carpet as well so we can just use some carpet and we’re going to be doing the oh and yeah so I’m going to place the carpet well I’ve got to place it around the sofa but that’s fine I don’t really want it to touch the edge of anything like I

Still want it to be like white for the most part just like some white and red like this here here that’s not looking too bad and then through here as well and then down the hallway and I don’t want the hallways to be too crowded but we are going to want to kind

Of like decorate them in a similar manner to how we did downstairs though like I because you don’t want well I mean some hotels do this actually like there’s themes for different rooms and such but in this one you know it’s it does strike a little bit of a balance between

Modern so you know just in between the doors and and such and maybe even I think for this bigger room I actually use like a table didn’t I like I used a scaffolding with like a torch on it like that torch a lantern on it so here and here as well you know

Just kind of like break it up a bit and we can do the same thing luckily since these are opposite like we can just have plant plant and they don’t really like they’re not in contact with each other it actually almost makes the hallway look kind of nice like it it sort of

Like breaks up the boring of the hallway and we can always have like bookshelves and stuff as we’re going down like again it’s meant to feel like a bit of a fancier Hotel so maybe just some bookshelves and stuff just to kind of like um

Just to kind of decorate it a bit but I’m I’m very very happy with just leaving it like this we might want to have like a lantern at the end of the hall any word that you’ve well I mean even above the um above the rooms themselves if you

Like you can mark them out with a lantern I don’t want to use too many of them you know but I I do think that it kind of like highlights the area and that is that I’m considering placing this decoration here I don’t know whether that’s a good idea

Or not I I don’t know whether I like that or not I might like that better if this wasn’t here like that that looks a little bit better and I’d get rid of this and oh we I think we do need those lanterns wise it’s too dark

I do quite like that though that’s not bad I like it better than the sofa I think and then I don’t want to use a million lanterns but there’s no better light source to me I really like them so yeah that’s that’s pretty good so I’m going to decorate every single hallway

Like this the only variation is so I’m I’m not going to be doing this on recording for the next floor by the way because I’m literally just going to be copying what’s down below so you know apply it to as many uh to as many flaws as as you would like or need

And then this top floor is going to be dead simple again like this top floor we’re just going to have it um maybe we’ll take one off the end here and we’ll shave the gray concrete off there we go so that looks a little bit

I mean we could even get rid of this window so that we’re able to have this decoration because it’s just a just a little bit boring in this room and it doesn’t even it doesn’t matter too much but I just wanted to make it so that we

Could even flare that out like this and then we could actually have a seat like maybe staff can come up here to kind of like chill out a little bit you know something like that so you can have once again the famous Lantern and a flower part and then here we need

To have the Azalea again um and the button as well for the lift door so Azalea bottom for Lift door I still want to have do we want to have red carpet on the top floor does that make sense but because people shouldn’t be coming up here nobody’s

Room is going to be on the top floor so does it make sense to I don’t know I mean I guess it does look a little bit nicer I don’t really want to go overboard with the detail because it is just the roof um there’s nothing much on the roof I

Did consider putting another Pool up here and I did consider having a water slide from this roof to that pool but then I thought that we were kind of getting into like silly territory like this is very very like this is a reasonable build so far like it’s not

Silly rarely like it makes sense in the world but if I added like a roof slide into the next floor it was nah cool as it might be but so that’s how you lay out the floors ladies and gentlemen we’ve sorted out one floor entirely all

The hallways and stuff I prefer this to the seating plan and you feel free to put pictures and stuff out in these areas but I’m quite happy to leave them as they are which leaves but one thing and one thing only and I’m gonna start

At the bottom of the hotel and work up because I am going to do all of the flaws as well like I’m not just leaving that second floor blank I am going to do the whole thing and it leaves the rooms there’s only the rooms to do and the

Rooms aren’t that difficult to be quite honest with you uh as once you’ve done one you’ve literally done them all uh we just vary the colors and such although I don’t think I will I think I’ll just make them all the same color or maybe just like one or two variations but

Anyway I’m gonna get rid of all of these materials I think that we’ll be able to just do this with one more inventory of stuff so I’ll be back once I figured that out so you don’t actually need too much stuff to make the rooms and once

Again I do just want to point out that every single room is identical even the ones that are a bit bigger all we do is we just make a bigger a slightly bigger bath and slightly bigger units in the bathroom so I’m sure that maybe we’ll do

A bigger one as well as this one but here’s the thing every single room has a double bed there’s just a double bed in the corner I’m going with cyan the whole theme is like white and Siam with a bit of spruce Ronin right of this I’m going

To have a bedside table that’s an upside down Spruce stair with a sign in from End Rod on top for a lamp with a terracotta on top glazed terracotta in front of this just a little set of drawers or an ottoman or whatever you know some sort of storage little unit

There’s always like a kettle in the hotel rooms for some reason and there’s a part as well on the wall a TV so you could imagine that to be a TV or you could imagine that to be a picture it you know it’s up to you um curtains are important every single

Room’s got curtains so I’m just going to put uh just like a strip of chloropriate banners on the windows so just to cover them up one on the left side one on the right the left sides you know we can’t place it all the way down but we don’t have to either so

Heading into the bathroom this is where we just shift materials around a little bit so there’s going to be polish Blackstone stairs end rod iron trapdoor we can even use uh Parts uh quartz stair oak trab door we need Spruce stair Spruce signs uh and a cold run and we

Need a couple more things as well in the corner is a toilet that’s a smooth quartz stairs with an oat trap door on top we need to make a bath or bath which is just made using upside down Blackstone stairs like this in kind of like a corner formation

It’s also going to be like a shower bath so we’re going to have just like a little shower faucet might you call that I don’t know like a shower head up here we can have a couple of flower pots on here as well for shampoo bottles whatever candles also work as well but

They’re a bit more of a pain in the corner a unit using the spruce stair with a smooth sign in front cauldron next to it and then if you want you can place another unit or you can arrange so that the sink is in the corner and then the unit on the side

Doesn’t look too bad up to you trip by hook painting this above here come put a part in here if you like there’s load of parts in here already but you know and then a painting up here and that’s all there is to it it uh that’s it the bathroom very easy oh

You can also put a towel if you like on the wall that’s a cyan banner and then quite honestly ladies and gentlemen I did say that I’d show you how to do a bigger room but here’s the difference between the bigger rooms right this bathroom here is one block longer so

That means you all you have to do is put a space between the toilet and the bath or make the bath longer and that’s it and you can keep the same unit if you like or you can add another block but honestly there’s not really any point

They are quite literally all the same and that’s essentially this tutorial done ladies and gentlemen we’ve we’ve kind of finished the whole thing at this point so what I’m going to do myself is I’m going to go away decorate every single room I might even decorate them by like each

Floor might have a particular color theme and I might add some cars outside and stuff I’m sure that you’ll get to see all of the changes that I’ve made but uh we’ve actually done it’s just a rinse and repeat from here on out so this is what your hotel will look like

Once it has been 100 fully completed I’ve made a couple of changes to the outside which I’ll show you number one I have added a car park extending out the back of which it has enough room for I think about eight or nine cars and I’ve

Made some and it’s not very difficult to make the little extra car park back here by the way is literally just extending the back of the hotel out adding a little bit of gray adding a little bit of white and then throwing the cars down so I didn’t think I would include that

As part of the tutorial since it’s quite easy to do I also added some cars to the right side of the build as well and that’s pretty much it for the outside like you’ve seen absolutely everything else I I mean we built it together so hopefully you guys know what it all

Looks like but we’ve got all of the other outside Parts done we’ve got the pool done we’ve got the outside eating area done as well we also have the lobby to the lobby is looking pretty good this hotel it strikes a balance with me where it’s not too cluttered but it’s also not

Too simple either like it’s a nice little mix um that’s the entire Lobby it’s looking quite good we have our dining area on the inside as well as our kitchen area too which once again just strikes that balance I mean there’s not too much there’s not too little I find that it’s

Just right in terms of detail let’s take a look at one of the rooms downstairs we’ll take a look at a room on every single floor so we’ve got a set of the cyan rooms down on the ground floor as you can see they are all the same they

Are all going to be identical but just to give you guys some ideas with the colors I will show you one on every floor there’s not even that many floors so it shouldn’t be too difficult we can head upstairs now of course we can’t use the elevator although that would be the

Most useful thing we have to come up the stairs and each floor is laid out this exact same sort of way where we have all of the plants and we have all of the lanterns and uh side table and such let’s take a look at the big room this

Should be the bigger room so this one is a purple room one of the few rooms where I forgot to add the curtains hang on did I forget about the curtains in this okay perfect here we go so I added curtains in this room I must have gotten that one

As you can see we’re going with the Birch this time with purple and it’s I mean again everything’s all nice and the same except for the fact that we’ve went with a little bit of purple we went with the book so that would be my recommendation as to if you do want to

Change some of the rooms just go with the colors just go with the material Choice that’s what I’d do and finally if we come up onto the last well it’s not the last floor but it is the last like you know I guess commercial floor

Let’s see if we have the big room laid out properly okay perfect so we have a green room up here on the third floor of the hotel once again this is the bigger of the set of rooms and the only difference being is there is a space in

Between the toilet and this unit doesn’t look as cramped because we’ve got an extra room and that’s it that’s so that’s all the only difference so even when the room is ever so slightly bigger it’s still the same pretty much so let’s just go up to the roof we might as well

Because you know we’ve got this far up the hotel we might as well continue going up and what do we have up here of course other than just a little chill out area pass for the employees and we just have access to the roof and that’s

All there is to it if you’ve enjoyed this tutorial please do remember to hit that like button helps me in the channel out very very much subscribe to the channel click that little bell I’ll make sure that you get all my videos send directly to your sub box and if you do

Want to make anything else by me check out the card system description below I’ll leave two very important playlist in there without any further Ado I’m gonna go thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you guys in the next one goodbye Thank you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Modern Hotel With a Roof Pool “2021 City Builds”‘, was uploaded by TSMC – Minecraft on 2021-08-21 13:00:30. It has garnered 208362 views and 2887 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:54 or 7374 seconds.

In this tutorial i show you how to make a Modern Hotel with a roof pool, a bar area, a restaurant that’s both inside and outside, a lobby and 4 floors!

How To Make a CIty Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVfyBBWTXosBc2X7FdAzrdKffZoY1ZzZG

#tsmc #tsmctutorial #citytutorial

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TSMC – Minecraft – Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Modern Hotel With a Roof Pool “2021 City Builds”