“Turn The Dirt Dragon Into a REAL Dragon” – MonsterMatt Gaming

Video Information

N N N [Applause] N N You tiny little life you brous little life where are you I just love scanning for life forms as it turns out one of them’s right here hi guys hello everybody Minecraft is loading music’s coming Up all Righty so hopefully you guys are having a good day we’re joining us for some Minecraft oh is my version at a Date 1.2.0 two hang on here most premium dirt bmj I wouldn’t expect anything less hey bmj hey s hey pixel how yall doing today ah I see it automatically put me up to 1.2.3 Huh okay um I had a 1. 2.0 What’s up Stuff there we go hope this works without having to do a hole install here you hell hello Minecraft blackout Edition exactly yeah I know here I know yeah I just I I was I was just getting uh 1.2 Point uh 1.2.2 setup we should work now Tada Mining and crafting stuff yes

Exactly oh I see he hell love York and yes our Monster Mash is now open a little early but heck with it hey MPG lies of PE uh inside the block bmj right IUS hello how yall doing today I I was still dying wool that’s right that’s right today today is the

Ranching update day that’s right I I should probably put that in mind Hey and husk is on hey husk hey s so today I want to make a sheep farm near monsterville because I need a crap load of wool for my for my dragon apparently so we have leads and we need

Fences you worn out stuff your turn out cabinets yeah I know a little little bit about that these days I’m um in case you have in case you missed the the announcement I’m moving in a little under a month now and uh I’m going from a three-bedroom that was previously me

And two family members to a one-bedroom that’s just me and because the family members don’t you know like left all the stuff behind one of them was passed away it wasn’t their fault um but because most of that stuff is still there I need to dispose of two people’s worth of

Stuff by myself and it is going slowly like I’m I’m I’m I’m handling it it’s so far but let’s just say I I I I am suddenly keenly keenly aware of the fact that I could really use some more hands but uh you know we do what we can with what we

Got doing good IIs getting some stuff CRA some some some crap stuff today like in real life cool theim was here you graffitied my house with your sign I see thank you seven bad stream that hello uh dirt made question are you dirt made or made of dirt mud made that works

Too areem AR as bad as these these these these were were nailed up monster does that ah on the most evil or someone that never intended to take them down I guess so where’s this dirt Museum anyway cuz we have we have mud made but now we

Also have also have have have have uh the dirt Museum we should be around here somewhere well AAS what I want to do right now is is I want to make oh here it is bmj’s dirt Museum or no sorry sorry uh husk sorry has the dirt museum bmj has dirt Co or

Dirt dirt Incorporated sorry this is like the business side of the dirt Empire I guess your future employee bmj I don’t know about that one I like how how how how monsterville has has has has come together but yeah I’d like to set out set up some kind of

Giant sheep farm somewhere in the vicinity so that we can make you know H have ready access to wool for the foreseeable future that is my goal I want all the monster to have access to it is going to be our our shared just big gosh darn sheep

Farm no M M M the the the the Dojo well fair but we yeah we we we’ll have to train ourselves in the ways of dirt Fu okay Oak fences I mean more than that actually uh I might need to go cut me down some wood here

Shortly yeah that’s right yeah yeah the dirt museum is in is in uh is in uh husk place that’s right yeah all right it’s hidden yes you must be in the no so we’ve got Cherry we’ve got Birch this is Oak up here isn’t it yes it’s a pretty

Cottage honestly like I I really like seven SP honestly like it’s pretty cool makes get used to the space That’s right SE yep and about a week and a half past that I is is is a moving day for me so definitely the most uh the most hectic time of the year I wonderful but definitely hectic right bmj yeah that would be difficult get a good job though I’d

Say probably be replanting these as I do it so I for don’t forget where where where they were [Applause] Planted you going do something different with with with with your water Dome thing I don’t think it’s going to be a tree anymore around it still planning but yes some idea Icarus cool so I have a question for you guys should we make the giant sheep farm uh should should we make it

Somewhere near monsterville or make like a Subterranean like Super Dome or like like like super area cuz we already got like a bit of an aquarium happening we could theoretically do more more underground stuff I don’t want to build it over top of it CU I don’t

Want like like sitting above the town but under is an option if we want to be space efficient if anyone ask why like oh cuz it’s it’s our race of subt trining super sheep don’t you have those yeah but I don’t really want like like like a giant farm floating above

Monster veille this it’s like like like like way way way above it and we have like like like I guess I guess if if if we made one like like super duper high above it it could be like like like like a slip up to it instead of having to worry about like

Getting to it I suppose what’s on hitis he you oh the um the aquarium or what all right yeah husk yeah you you you um you moved the the the museum out to uh spawn didn’t you could make tunnel if yeah donkey donkey where are my waffles Well true but but but that that isn’t the quote though seven so they Denny’s I got to pay for them dang like if someone ask me like hey Matt like if you ever did become like an actually like bigger name YouTuber what would like one of the perks you’d want

Be be like free waffles like free free like breakfast food it’s not not really part of the standard uh the standard package of YouTuber benefits but like I still want it what cake has been replaced with eggnog and cookies oh no the cake cult has been has been usurped by the eggnog

Followers the nogal logs the quote is banana bread B Bread’s good too when sheep fly see I kind of actually okay see now that you actually put the idea in my head having like a giant kami’s Lookout type thing over the town like super high in the air for like a giant

Like floating Farm does sound pretty awesome actually comies that wouldn’t really work well for a farm I guess but just yeah oo nice if thisis gets and gravy the word happy okay Ben okay Weird not Ben Ben like Benjamin apparently Ben means Happy all right let’s make myself some Oak planks more Oak planks even more Oak planks I don’t have room for the planks I’m over planked all right well hang on here um Die go in here for now Oak saplings plenty got more than enough Here Oak flakes is that the Frosted Flakes yes now an extra Maple Edition maple flavored Oak Flakes it kind of does husk yeah H No all right so oh Icarus yeah here I’ll show you um I go back to the Sakura Valley uh here you turn right when you first spawn in they made a little mural here and also look it’s Christmasy now that’s so cool yeah here you can work to the skill gaming center Here hey JB how’s it going Dude I got a one I got a one I got 14 eh could be worse roll 1d6 one yeah Chris don’t forget to to cash in your your your your play time now and again too if you stand on the button here you can you can choose to cash in

As money or as tokens I’d personally recommend tokens soz you can use them to play Blackjack and get like and get get more out of it that Way prob my haveit is remembering where the heck I need to go to get back to base again among us oh here we have on our right the dirt Museum in all of its Glory a little doorbell that’s nice ding dong dancing parrots that’s adorable cat Zazu and Bobby’s spge that’s a door Horrible that’s super cute all right bmj that’s cool okay over here we have the end the end oh Enderman rare I thought he was a normal dirt block a gift shot that’s a nice touch this music game is awesome hus did a great job with this Of course I work here forever wow that’s cool though that’s super cool H there’s also a present hunt going on as well if anyone wants to go looking for that I’m I’m choosing to focus on on monsterville today but there is a present hunt going on yeah they’re cool husk I

Agree all right so where do we want to put this uh this Farm I guess I guess I could I I I can make like like a like a slip for us all to use I I think I think I have a spare slip at this point I can make like

A communal slip for us to just you know have a have a warp point up to J some giant Farm Complex in the sky I can just as easily just just build it somewhere you know nearby or somewhere you know ways away and then just warp to there

Too it doesn’t have to be above us you know what I mean so let’s see we have the spawn here the dragon’s up there so it’s about to be night time anyway so hang on a second here oh the the uh the the tur one St it was

Cool kind of remind me of of uh of a game called The Darkness too I played with the with like the the the whispery hissy voices and stuff but it’s cool cool so if we putting theoretically the Water Dragon Palace out here the fire dragon is up there

Got mountains that away and water this away let’s have a look around oh with the giant goldfish bowl no Axel sorry axels get sand out this way and yes and the ship what the hey who built this someone’s elevating Elevate that’s soul s okay this is this is is a a rocket

Upo holy crap goes up high doesn’t it hey Kyle welcome to the upper layer I mean at this point you’re high up enough like you know you’re far enough up that you can kind of just oh it’s a creeper Farm apparently or something is it it is too cool neat Okay it uses kind of a similar kind of a similar idea to my uh Mob uh to to to my guardian Farm neat no I I was I I was just curious that’s cool though all right uh jondo oh God that’s so Faro but no uh at that height you can’t

Even see monster real from there from there wow so like how high up would we have to go before let’s say we like Orient ourselves to here it just went up how how how far can you go before you can’t even see the ground anymore doing good doing good thank thank you Wow that’s still going oh oh oh there it goes there it goes there it goes oh yay high still going too and that Dragon holds up pretty good proud of that oh yeah High we in space yet still going now the clouds are gone am I even still moving at this

Point I can’t even tell uh yes I am altitude goes up to like what 460 is it oh still going still Going still going holy crap still going wow I just want to see how how how how high I can go Kyle wasn’t exactly clear on what my limitations were but only Jeepers over 700 blocks up now all right well fair to say anyway that we have enough space let Let’s uh

Let go back down shall We look clouds are back oh God the ground a so one of those High Dive acts right how high yes pretty much so I kind of want to just do that then just putting a block here messing anything up I hope not oh this say that oh fair

Enough that any problems no cool then pretty good C but the the TR we we we’ve got most of the Dragon itself roughed out but at this point what we need is is wool color uh red red wool so we can actually make the rest of the

Dragon and to do that I need wool so I need to go make a farm with sheep which I just realized the biggest problem this is going to be getting the Sheep up there in the first place I hadn’t thought of that uh I suppose if I made the made the

World big enough up there I suppose a sheep could spawn in on its own theoretically but yeah that’s what I was just thinking seven yeah it just just just kind of occurred to me I think some animals can use slips but I don’t think sheeps are one of

Them that’s going to make my life a little bit harder okay well we’ll de with that in a minute one step at a time I guess first I build to space then I worry about silly things like practicality which is probably the reverse of how that should work but here we go a

We’re not even like over the dragon yet we’re still uh you know we going up going up up up to the sky sky sky la la la la la la la if you fall you will die properly ordinarily anyway not sure here at the top of head

They might be involved in summoning the Wither or the wither skeletons maybe which we might need them later cuz like you can only get uh as I understand you can only get uh beacons from killing wither Thingies is horrifying go oh here here’s where where all the dirt is aha I could Kyle yeah but I’d rather I’d rather earn it myself what I’d like to do is I would like to set up a farm where we have every like every color of sheep already pre-dyed but that would actually be best honestly like getting like like like a

Ton of different colors for wool would be awesome just just just an entire rainbow sheep farm Basically to do this properly I want it to be high up enough that like you can’t even tell it’s there most of the time because I don’t want to have this giant like like Independence Day style spaceship hanging over over the top of a city you know what I

Mean that said an Independence Day spaceship full of sheep is kind of amusing to me hey ail oh here we go there’s a okay so there there there’s a building height limit good to know okay so yeah we can go up higher than this

But this is this is this is this this is this is as SI as we’re allowed to go okay so with that in mind one two three four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 25 blocks should be enough for whatever we need to do around it I would assume

So what is the dimension down there for the the plaza I don’t even know just plummeting to the ground I God that’s scary okay Um it’s weirdly hard to count squares on this on on dark prismarine that’s three four five six s 10 11 12 It’s like 34 across is that right yeah I’m going to call yeah that’s that’s that’s the idea 34 though Huh guess that makes sense so one four five 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 so yeah no 8 18 and then one in the middle and then 18 again so 37 I guess then pretty much yeah you just fall and die would not be pretty pretty funny Though You do SEF no I mean it’s fine too Kyle I just didn’t want it like looming overhead you know I find your lack of faith disturbing hey hus y for uh doing a job for me since you are the dirt the the the the earthbender so I put a sign up here so

You can slip up here would you mind filling in filling in all this with dirt I might need to expand it a little bit too cuz we’re going need a lot of room up Here dirt bender Earth bender you Know I’ll probably make like a like like like a like a pavilion up here kind of similar to the one we have down below because I think it’s a cool idea to do that well basically this floating island needs to be big enough that it has room for a wheat farm and

Several different sheep paddocks that will all have different colored sheep in them different different color wool sheep that is the goal that is what I want it’s going to be really really really stalking big bless me sorry my the air in my apartment is really dusty because of all the stuff I’m moving Lately you’re not wrong April probably focus on the main colors so like white sheep Black Sheep you know red only red being my priority right now but you know what every color would be best going to be monstrous true thank for blesses you guys oh I overshot that Hing whoopsy Doles

Uh I mean it’s going pretty well Kyle honestly but like I’m just you know really having to work at it a bit at a time because I’ve realized like my limitations as as only one person you know it’s just me doing it so far uh one

Of my family members is coming over to help out on the weekend but like they can’t be here all the time and the trouble is I’m basically going from a three bedroom place to a one-bedroom place and there’s only one person to move the three bedrooms worth of stuff

So it’s a lot of work you know and I’m going to be busy all all month doing it but I’m like I’m fairly confident it’ll get done just because of the of of those limitations and the fact that like my building uh the garbage shoots have been

Sealed up so to take anything out I have to take it down down to the basement so it’s really slow going which is part of the issue hey retro red sheep blue sheep white sheep Black Sheep some sheep are very glad some sheep are very bad Inde in short if I live near some of you guys in the community I would probably be like hey you know I need like 20 people to show up to my house for like one day just to like move all this crap you know just just you

Know get that crap knocked out in like a day if if if I had enough people but was just me it’s going to take you know a lot longer well cuz Kyle it uh I used to live here with my grandmother and my aunt but my grandmother passed away

Almost 3 years ago now and my aunt moved out so and you know they and some things were taken out but a lot of stuff got left behind and for one person to move that stuff is a lot of work cuz you know it’s three people three people worth of

Stuff in you know that now one person has to do all the moving for which kind of sucks but you know is what it is like I said I’ll I I’ll figure it out you know like I’ll do the best that I can but I’m only human

So well only monster you know what I mean yeah I know S I know downside of being Canadian that’s true seven that’s true I’ll have to go collect those as well a well I appreciate that a I appreciate that sadly that’s the downside of living of living in separate

Countries from each other you know and like there are moving companies that offer that kind of service but I don’t have that kind of money you know what I mean like I couldn’t just go hey you know can I hire you guys to just like move to just just handle this for

Me like yeah that’d be great that’d be so much easier but like I don’t have that kind of money you know so it’s fine and honestly like even if someone was like willing to donate that much money I honestly couldn’t take it really like because it would like that’s too

Much money like it just yeah it just wouldn’t work you know like if it if it was I don’t know yeah it like it’s it’s yeah it’s a whole it’s a whole level of complication at that point uh I think so Stu yeah but I mean that’s a good that’s a good point

Actually I suppose if we hang on H hang on stop rais is a good point if it’s this high up then even if we’re working down below in monsterville we won’t be able to act like the Sheep up here won’t be won’t be growing cuz if if if you’re

Not near to something the game will unload it that’s that’s why the sheep farm at my other place won’t work for this because as long as I’m not there the Sheep are put in in into like memory and they don’t actually like you know do anything or grow wool or

Whatever so if I want this to actually work they need to be close enough that we can actually like Farm like actually have them like develop and like the the the wheat farm especially we’ll need we’ll we’ll need lots of wheat so underground might work yeah it might

That yeah underground may be better than then for that for that reason cuz it can be relatively closer without needing nearly as much so I tell you what I’m going to leave this here then cuz like I actually might make like a like like a kami’s

Lookout kind of thing at some point cuz I kind of like that idea but um I don’t yeah what is this oh seeds seeds oh cool well I don’t I don’t I don’t take I don’t want to take your your your your your shulker on you though because

I mean I only have the one of them um well it could K it could but so I might leave this dirt thing up here for the moment but oh cool thank you husk so I might leave this up here for now I I I kind of like the idea on

Honestly but for the moment at least I think I’m thinking well again if if if I was doing commies look at I might like one thing at a time I guess anyway uh tono yeah we’ll we’ll r that when we get to it for now then we need to figure out

How to get down to comm’s not commies but to the underground cuz right below here is the aquarium and I think that was on hold cuz we didn’t want to dig into it was Seven’s basement I think that we were worried about digging into like this is this this is a pretty decent

Start but um I mean what do you think here you I mean we’ve got the uh we’ve got the um the ax aquarium here anyway we we’re going to put at least some aquarium down here but I mean we could turn this in in in in in into like a

Highway or something I don’t know like build around it there’s a huge cave under your house seven ah always fence off the area so mobs can’t can’t can’t get in with torches keep from spawning that’s true um what’s up husk so I mean I guess me like this this room

Is super pretty but we’re not doing like we haven’t done anything with it yet you know what I mean so like we could like what my my my head for the credit Tusk what do you mean we yeah I guess I guess we could use seven uh the cave on under Seven’s

Place oh red that’s quite a drop drop there but yeah like it doesn’t really need to be all that deep down it just has to have enough room for the sheep farm So thank you husk yeah he’s not done that’s part of why I’m doing all this because I want to be able to get enough red wool to finish him I ex Happ luring dude uh but some when you mind if I like turn this area like say but but but this

Depth give or take to start making a Shea sheep sheep apocalypse got to get a rough idea of where I am exactly here like relative to your house so I don’t accidentally like dig upward into it or something so this is the basement door about 15 that way we so we hit the

Plaza Okay so XYZ looks like the third number is one I want in this direction wow that turn super weird I hate that all right so one two three four five six seven 8 9 10 no nine 9 8 7 6 5 yeah I’m just confusing myself like to

Like no end okay I have no idea where I’m going uh Four 3 two 1 so the I think your front door should be like your your front fence should be like above me right now I think is there not going I I think maybe seems wrong 27

8743 is it the same as when I stand on your front front area go the wrong way I probably did honestly my spatial Reckoning is really bad 27 8751 okay so that way face oh yeah right is this way yeah am so we got to go that

Way 51 is about here I think This is it do you’re going need uh a skylight the sunlight ground won’t grow and sheep won’t won’t grow back W without grass oh yeah that’s good know okay the crops will grow but the Sheep won’t and the grass the grass and the Sheep won’t I think I have a way of

Possibly fixing that cuz grass will spread to other grass right so if I make like a single tunnel somewhere that links downward from the sky that might work maybe maybe not I don’t know oh I I I’ll make him KY I make them so guess that way makes the most sense

Then just place it husk oh yeah and and look and like it’ll spread from that grass one oh yeah sagy all right so as long as we place grass somewhere it it should work then hopefully you could use your your uh your bee armarm for crops

Be how’s it going sagy good to see you haven’t had a good dig in a while on this L here we Go that’s right yep to figure where I am where where I am relative to the rest of this thing um what is that that’s prismarine all right so we are not that far away we’re still we’re still probably still under the the center the center of the area then okay aha

Okay so the where I am being over here yeah I’m pretty sure I went past it the aquarium should be hereabouts you know what honestly let’s just connect the two like why why why risk you know like like why have some weird convoluted system let’s just just

Bang a hole in the in in in in the wall and connect to two already mean we need to find a way to to make the hello there to make this more of a connected facility anyway so why the heck now let’s just let’s just do it the underground monster matat Town

Facility thanks for having those hear you yeah my inventory is a bit full right now um I probably probably went underneath originally though so I might need to make reconfigure a few things here uh um okay so we not up over here hat turtle egg I think you need

Yeah uh turtle legs you need to be like yeah I don’t know off the top my head I don’t know either but there is definitely a way actually left Tusk oh no get food7 yay okay so this we hit the Cobblestone there it is

That was near I can I can hear or hear you there you are you’re above me all right uh here you stand in the in in the doorway of of one of the the three places I I I just dug there like the one that’s across from the the way

In I guess please and I’ll I’ll AC it’s there okay so I guess I yeah I was a little bit bit a little bit off hello here somewhere aha hello cool so I guess that tunnel down there is a little deeper than than we need to

Be for for the second then I might I might I might fill that back in then I don’t know we’ll figure that out in a second here um right now I like the idea of this being like a central Highway for for like the monster underground I don’t know what I’ll to do

With that exactly just yet but I like the idea Um so if we come in through that door there then our yeah so the dark portal is there the Dragon Castle is up there so we come in and hang a left I’m kind of okay with the idea of putting the sheep farm like underneath the mountain because there’s plenty of room

And and we worry a little bit less about digging upwards so let’s go ahead and use the left hand extension think is where we were anyway so it works yeah I’m thinking this is this probably calls for a sick uh like like a sick rail cart as well at some point that sounds

Amazing what is that way skelemans why is there a skelemans here skelemans what are you doing so yeah I think making this in into like a combination like a com like like a combo plate uh sub like like like um subway station SL aquarium sounds kind of

Cool we can hang a sign above the door saying like to sheep farm to whatever to whatever and then have rail Rail lines that go down each each each Direction all right land any luck Subway Surfers Subway Surfin cowabanga there’s there’s there there’s a EUR remix of that song that is ridiculously

Catchy cool an cool I might honestly rep uh redo some of the uh some of the um some of these lights and stuff down here in like prismarine lamps and whatnot just to keep up the the overall theming of it but it’s not like strictly necessary but I think it’s a good

Idea need to make some steps as well Thank you hear you I definitely do that F uh Um no a sewer surfing uput Subway we not close enough H here we go so we’ll call this Plaza Station this is this this will be our our our our our rainbow line so Nam because well we’re going to have a bunch of uh rainbow colored sheep at the end Rainbow Road works too but it’s a train

Line so I’ll go rainbow line um I’d like to do uh prismarine like to remake the steps into into prismarine road is better yeah um we’ll make prismarine steps to go down here rainbow rail ooh that’s nice that’s a nice uh compromise I like that rainbow

Rail so take take the rainbow rail of the subway surf line uh should be about deep enough honestly so we’ll redo this and then we’ll make like an actual like tunnel here you need what here you rainbow road is good SI but it’s a train

Line so I want it to be like more train themed working in the coal mine going down down down working in the coal mine we’re going to slip down rainbow Railway yeah exactly say Sai all right one I do need to find out though if anybody wants to pick up some

Of this uh like copper and what not that I’m finding along the way you are more than welcome to do so yeah that r r iteration yep got to love the iteration it’s good stuff what I do need to know though is how far I need to go before we’re actually under this

Mountain Middle is of the Dragon Fortress is 278 uh 278 874 okay 278 874 278 874 278 874 278 853 okay we got another 20 20ish to go or I’m like under the like the under the C well under the drag well under like the back half of the castle I suppose So probably in pretty good shape here honestly right land always the updates I always get you what is this why is this here and it’s one two three four five steps Up one two three four five this will be our next station here oops I wanted now every s does not have to be exactly as big as uh the main line one obviously but your dogs are pillow Hogs April you brought your pillow from your dog so he

Moved and then his brother lay down on the pillow All right husk see you Back Going to the hus Yay Someone food yay Food Is it worth I kind of want to make like I don’t know like like like a like a raise section here in the middle a little bit to like I don’t know make it look nice I think so7 Yeah What’s up jello jello welcome back dude how you doing today we’re currently making a Subway tunnel underneath our monster town here on the spinal craft server and then we’re going to make a a rainbow colored sheep farm after that going to be a busy day okay think I have some rails

Somewhere whoa why am I starting like that that’s weird By doing today Jello good to see you put here oh no se what kind of jello are you jello oh I have a bunch of irons in here look look at that when you forget you have like two stacks of iron just sitting around Sweet I mean more than I thought it would Be I’m seeing we need to have more steps Involved okay I think I need to make a few adjustments to this then we’re going to need some redstone things I don’t know exactly exactly how that works out but I’m going to go figure it out it’s time to learn some stuff oh Jello I mean honestly um I’m

Not really a huge Minecraft player I wasn’t I wasn’t until recently um a friend of mine Nam light gazer who’s another another YouTuber um he’s been on this server for like 10 years and he invited me on here and I felt like making something and I just kind of stuck around you

Know simple as that really so I don’t really have a lot of experience Minecrafting but it’s been fun and uh we have a a little space on the server for ourselves for our for our monster community and we’ve been uh making stuff e tacos with extra s all

This we get the Redstone out of here I have detector rails that’s may be useful I don’t even know how this works I’m going to learn dang it Compass rail if I make like a regular Rail and put it in my inventory it’ll do something with that no how do I make okay

Rails detector rail activator rail powered rail that takes gold ouch hey what’s up Jen hey Preston how you doing how you guys doing today welcome to the stream so uh Jen while I got you here how do you how would you make like a faster subway system does it have to

Use powered rails or get some gold bricks boat plus packed ice I guess that works too I don’t think we have any ice handy though either but we we we get some screw rails but I like the rails they’re cool Power res will help cool we’ll give that a shot

Then stash the dirt for now come back for that I’ve got more gold than this hang let me drop by my other house here we go here we I already have some gold ingots there you go actually why doing it here they they won’t cook anyway oh all right Jello well thanks for

Popping in hope you had some fun there for now um got the bars I got the the gold I got the Redstone powered ra there we go all right let’s see how exactly powered rail will work I’m I’m going to go test that and we’ll see how much six

Gives us might not be very much let go like that one all right retro yeah it’s been a while for me as well whoops Here Am punching Hol things Again I probably need to put in put in an activator first Right detector maybe that Work hey Christina aha I did a thing hello no mag left trains well one thing at a time one thing at a time give the point I mean you know I don’t even know it’s faster than like than like actually walking but that’s right H exactly lock up lock up your loved ones things are

Happening have more power rails that is the idea so if I use like make more dust we go faster oh now we’re talking finished work bmj you feel cold that’s not bad at all there we go that’s we’re getting places we’re getting places I’m happy with it Go real test here is going to be if if I canot run the thing or not because if if I can then what’s the point of having it you know what I mean like if if if me running is still faster but I’m not sure there’s a purpose to it exactly so

No it’s definitely faster when it works right so and the next one should be right around here didn’t seem like there was a huge difference between like three and like six though so I’m thinking it might be more practical to to have like three two or three every so often as opposed to

Like a bunch you know then and I’ll need to think about going the other way too so I should a detector on both sides as well launch me wee I’d say we have ourselves a rail Line oops sorry cool so I’ll make me some more uh more of those what’s up Hereo that’s true here well the reason I’m calling it the the the rainbow Railway is because like the station it’s going to is Rainbow Station which is where all the different colored sheep farms will be but that like that’s the rainbow part of it if you want to add some rainbow

Decorations and stuff along the way you’re more than welcome to do so Detector rails at I need to uh switch thing that’s why switch thingy out of switch thingies okay hang on then panel switch switch hey what’s up D with the plan how you doing today dude pressure plate that’s the word I’m looking For need to be Stone I need to be Stone doing good Dan I’m glad to hear that I’m doing pretty all right thank you I’ve had uh a pretty pretty crazy like last week or so but uh but things have settled into kind of a rhythm now which I’m definitely grateful

For GL I’m glad to hear that that uh you’re doing good 87 check that in a second here Then but we’re currently making a uh an underground rail system for our town here in monsterville uh Dan so that’s what we’re currently working on here we go uh so far call not super long we’re we’re just trying to get it to where the

Sheep farm is going to be for now we can always expand it later though I think it’s pretty safe to say we probably Will she she sent me a thing um oh fair enough all right so let’s go ahead and get our uh situation figured out here we watching the gaming Awards tomorrow night Christina right uh maybe Kyle wouldn’t be much reason to go to Like full-on Houses though

Honestly like I said we can use slips to get where we’re going anyway I just thought it was cool to I just thought it would be cool to have an actual like you know rail line There pretty good I’d say oh you voted Christina when B’s gate and was Pikmin 4 both great games honestly uh L say keeps loading the server you chose it won’t take you to the screen you need to search what version should should be on uh 1.2 uh

1.20.1 is the most recent one that this server Supports There we go I do kind of wish there was like a way to bounce it back is is there a way to make like a rail thing that that would like stop it here you know what I mean like I’d like to keep the keep this on the track you know what I

Mean we could always do something like this doesn’t really do what I wanted it to I wanted it to like turn into the other one you know what I Mean yeah see it automatically like turns it well dang yeah I guess a block would do too in a pinch Oops welcome punch hey Mac how’s it going dude there you go you just hop on out uh I’ve heard of it husk yeah but I’ve never played it now see it’s weird without without you in it it doesn’t actually go as far interesting does that make sense though

More weight you know more more more oomph okay that was odd but sure oh if if you weren’t in it powered rails will stop it that’s interesting to know okay well that’s okay I guess but being AFK apparently counts that Too ta F zero racing now it’s rainbow road which I think which I’ve actually come around to actually so I think I think I think I think Rainbow Road will work honestly got to get those those uh gaming gaming references in there you know good old Mario Kart by the way it

Works I don’t think so Kyle Bmj’s on now hey bmj the mine carart go could that hus yeah it’s not a bad idea Banana okay can you see that BJ uhoh well this doesn’t quite make it without somebody in it though that’s fine it doesn’t need to I guess CU that way it doesn’t like just take off without you forever and ever and ever and ever I suppose I actually kind of prefer the the the

Look of the concrete powder or concrete itself honestly if I’m being perfectly honest gives it a nice kind of Sparkle to it you know works it works for for for for the whole rainbow motif sparkly yeah right you know R of food every two seconds bmj oh so dramatic thank

You but you’re dead well then stop being dead come on man you’re heading the Game yeah 7 oh yeah uh 7 o’ mat you guys a little bit late for that no 6 o’ sorry wait it’s 8:00 it’s 8:12 when holy crap cool yeah 7 mat you guys yeah well sorry s cool all right so that should probably work fine more like Tempest forget

S yeah uh Monster Match winners are April JB husk Mac and Lan next match open as well and thank you all for 14 likes so far I see 18 people are watching so you’re having if you’re having a good time some of youall haven’t hit the like

Button you don’t have to but I’d appreciate it make me feel happy that’s right Mac it is those things as well Kyle apparently wants to eat Husk that’s right L exactly can you eat Mecca uh no Matthew pathy would not Matthew Patrick of course the other option is is is is is uh matrick matrick Patrick therefore you Know What cool all right we’ve got ourselves uh a decent start here we got our five step up system system but a staircase Is a challenge hust yeah I don’t think so all right now this is going to be a much smaller uh station obviously it doesn’t need to be nearly as big as the last one Considering all my dirt bmj uh uh I’m not using it potentially heck was that noise gu we could just do like a simple 3×3 platform here probably fine honestly considering it’s not that big that’s not three that’s four Hey Tiger ready TI to day tiger yeah I get you on that one well your day wasn’t too too crazy Tiger but I def understand the being tired for sure It kind of does ma right who are we sacrificing I mean if I told you they might run away pretty land today tiger you’re the snackrifice mpg I volunteer to be the snackrifice ice snackrifice Is right so what I would like to do here is I would like to make this into like a pis like make the station prismarine like the one at the other end we’ll get to that later I’m not like urgently in the need of doing that each of these tunnels

Should lead off well actually what what what I want to do honestly is uh make the station its own building like it’s own like visible building from the outside which you know again once is pris ring will look better than it currently does um but to do that I need to dig around

It and make it more distinct from its you know from from the the space around it like so no you had a nice stream last night want realize it was just a dream which which made you depressed oh sorry to hear that dude yeah dreams can be fickle beasts

Sometimes I’ve had several where you know I I I wake up and I’m I’m I’m glad they were dreams cuz I was so stressed out in like in in that dream you know but the opposite is definitely Less Fun an interesting thought I kind of like I’m not

Sure how I want to do this exactly but I have an idea so we got one two three four five six one two three four five Six this is probably a pretty ill-advised idea honestly honestly but I want to try it anyway this may not work like at all but I will’ll see I mean you know I I I can’t really talk bmj I I first tried the game when it first came out I just didn’t really keep

Playing it at the time one two three four five six seven oh hello worked out nicely yes I feel like I should I should I should like like turn up the Frog and turn around myth myth good grief it’s a running Gag I never really got that joke honestly so maybe at some point Seth I’m not going to make any any any promises on that one right the second but it’s possible no like a Kermit the Frog pal Kermit the Frog Here What’s up Hus what the oh crap I’m I’m in I’m I’m in help’s house uh oops Um well we’re in the right the right neighborhood just um uh Um that’s kind of a problem uh I wonder if you’d Mind maybe s maybe yeah well gu we’ll Say also if I run smack into lava like you’re AFE to laugh at me it would be pretty funny honestly ah I see we’re not quite far enough for well that’s a lot of uh Stone to put back what’s up Husk all right tiger you have a good one dude okay so we’re not quite where it needs to be with That it’s a weird weird weird place to come out but we’ll see that was a mob cut righty woy woo it’s a BL w w blue okay that goes there I need a better idea then hang on a second here I need to find a good place to do this

Um preferably like it with this one so that one was what here it’s an odd place to have it but okay right along here under this wall apparently put lava down the hole Sizzle ooh that could be a cool idea how would I do that though oh those moments when when you forget

What’s even in’s like in your own house and like you’re like oh yeah that goes there doesn’t it uh Is that it these are still here you know for with these entirely they’re still there I need to fix that at some point uh well be that as it may um I have an idea it’s a weird idea but I like it so I’m going to do It it’s going to work right here though is the problem why Difficult Maybe the only spot in the whole place actually actually like makes any sense to put it In Ow ow ow some more continued Adventures of ow Well move there H would you hang on I see what happened okay so that side is just out Move this side that might work a little off though but it’s not as bad as I Thought it’s kind of amazing that through sheer coincidence I’m actually like really close making this fit perfectly I’m just not quite not quite there there H I am trying to see if I can feasibly possibly at all make a secret passageway just for sheer cool points and it’s not working out very well for me so far because most of my walls aren’t thick enough to actually support one which is a darn shame

You could do it here like this was this is the best spot for one but you end up going back through your own tunnel is the issue H yeah yeah I’m getting to it car I’m getting into it don’t worry is that a creeper and a cow okay

Honestly I think making it less complicated and just putting it here might be the best option we have really like trying to put it in the castle itself doesn’t seem to be working out very well for me so it may be better just to put it here where we first came

Up at least least time we know it’s it’s lined up properly you know so always add it in like fix in later I suppose just hope that HBY doesn’t mind I guess I don’t know Kyle Wait what how did I even do that they’re going the wrong way I what oh I did didn’t I good job Matthew my spatial Reckoning really is that bad wow okay no wait what oh I see what happened there’s a secondary cave now or no yes no yes that’s weird okay Well what H what are you guys even doing yesn’t yeah something like that you nicknam them ah realize now that my my my my need for for over oversized things is getting in the way of this I probably should have just made made it a single square and

Kept it simple but I had to go and make it fancy because I’m me yeah sag’s an officer on the server oh yeah I mean there you go it makes sense uh MDG Pokemon is all about home invasions yeah I should probably have just kept it simple frankly as always okay we fine

Um that’s right bam I got have a buz saw standard torture device don’t you know Hey it’s Aon I am hanging in there I got a lot to do this month and I was pretty stressed out there for you know a weekend or so but you know falling into a Groove trying to trying to uh get my moving stuff done

It is quite cold out yeah how do make any freeze I don’t know nice sagy oh H iron that’s a good one shouldn’t do this part nice one Aaron BJ you bringing things in my house again night Ay Mental Warfare right now husk just annoy blue I see you CH the the castle bmj you fell off the wall almost burn burn the lava yeah that that’ll Happen okay ideally I would have had this connect to the actual castle above but I’ll figure that out at some point right now this will Do [Applause] Gurgle I don’t know Kyle I’m moving them to to their own devices I don’t need to get involved you know I don’t I don’t need to moderate every single thing that happens on on the server you know only things that happen on our neck of the woods are my

Jurisdiction I’m not going to worry about it all right so now I need to remember where I put my Soul Sand if I have any left I might not have left it’s not working yeah people don’t tend to want to suffer fancy that I had a Soul Sand might a Soul

Sand Frid magnets all right well fine got more zombie piglins in our in our in our Area re portal and Matt’s cave portal thank you Raven follow our handy markers through the burning hex Escape toal M there should be a soul desert around here somewhere don’t thr with Me what did I say bad gas Bad I remember some somewhere out here there should be there is so Soul Desert Go that’s a noise a it holy God please don’t do that again Where’s My Soul Sand all Yeah that was a gas here you I poked it and it didn’t die but it did scream very loudly about it see potato chips scary Evil demonic scream pretty much oh got egos lucky with the purpose of course of our little shindig here what where’s the other water oh yeah the other water is going through here isn’t It might thought this all the way through oh Well Will that Miss bmj h That is the water Kyle the watery Water that water’s waterly I’m just trying to figure out how to do this thing that I’m trying to do I think I’ve I might have complicated my life a little bit here I I I think I think I know what I

Did wrong but I need to iron it out before it’ll work I want it To ironically that me might mean I needed to put back put it back where I thought where I thought it was going to go in the first place isn’t that funny no well maybe I don’t actually hang on I think I have the concept right but I’m not sure I’m doing it right

Necessarily okay so that definitely does it does need need to be there okay well basically I wanted to make one of those rocket water jet you know deos that go straight up you know what I mean we saw one a little while ago over out in the near the near near near

Monsterville I wanted to recreate that oh says you know I don’t know what would is say about your older brother in this family anymore your mom just told something really disturbing all I can say is that you feel protective of your niece right now oh well I’m sorry that

That’s uh you know a point of stress for you that’s no fun hopefully whatever it is gets better how do I even do this to myself okay that’s the win one this way then this way and this way okay that actually is what I want to

Do I know I need to make a rocket y so I’ll probably need some glass for that let me go over and study the one that like we saw earlier for an example so it uses glass yeah to keep it trapped in in the area for the entrance an odd collection of fence

Thingies okay oh they’re Gates I see okay a door would probably work too actually thinking about it door doors I got doors here somewhere I’m fairly certain well I thought I did it’s fine I can make one easily enough uh 8:00 Mash you guys by the way so make

Sure you’re in in and I’ll draw winners in just a second here please and thank you very hard oh yes that’s why I just made one not exactly what I had in mind uh there we go that’ll hold the water in now I just need to keep adding

Water please splash I will take it a bath trying to build a cool thing in Minecraft rub dub just relaxing in the tub didn’t know I was facing a lot of Wrath for when I come up I can uh sure H You now for the water water water water Water water with the cool and the Wonder sun and the rain and the water water water cool clear Water He a trees trees is not water cannot drink Trees I’m sorry April sounds like no fun indeed drinking trees exactly it’s the new invention you know drinkable trees squish squish squish squish my ears oh my God uh no k no you can’t that’s why I have this this one here water ASMR stands for in this case Anyway yeah Soul Sand makes water like become forceful so it’ll just sort of Chuck you out of the water it’s what our uh Guardian Farm used as well to project them upwards you’re full bmj eat lots much full H interesting nearly Mac nearly h oh I don’t know Mac probably not then no Idea uh yeah uh Monster Mash winners are April 7 Mac Icarus and Lan next match open and Lan if you’re still here any any luck with the you’re saying it was giving you some trouble still any any luck say yeah when when my brain goes

From one word to the next I it loses track of itself a little bit he You know considering I could have just put put like I don’t know a slip up here and just not even done all this this is a lot of Dash gosh darn work well because there’s only so many slips that that that you can put in and there is a point at which it

Would no longer uh would no longer um I wouldn’t have I wouldn’t have anymore basically All Right um my buckets is gone why is that H oh there it is well lad is would work too I guess this is Cooler What there that way it stops messing it up almost I SC yeah the glass would look nicer I agree but The Not So secret part is kind of an issue hello creepy Right now I need a all I I I I may actually need someone to help me with oh I lost the bucket again dang it stop making me lose my buckets there you are it’s cuz my inventory is full is why so I’m picking up picking up the wrong things

Summon bucket but yeah no I I might need a volunteer who doesn’t have fly or Elytra well basically just want to know if this kills you like is this enough of a of a of a of a of a stop Gap at the end Here Uh where under the place oh up up like up there husk yeah long as you put something back in back in its place you want to be a he us we must climb to the secret secret Chamber so it have to actually like make our way up here first huh sort of hard to get to oh husk I was right next to where you were almost I’m basically right next to like like you’re just above me now I think there zus here let me

Uh give you like a temporary way over or something I don’t Know maybe I’ll expand this Landing so I can actually get over here uh do I have any more got gravel got any got any bricks hus thank Go ah it falls down you know we’ll place it with like actual brick later time being a little do no no it’s good I’m I’m good for now I just needed enough to do that with here and you come along here you lived I’m so

Proud and then you want to go back up again it’s just yay he didn’t die yep and husk live too the diamond pants made good job team cool and then you let the short go down this is going to be our station over here see you guys have uh can check

Out the the Rainbow Road over here if you want to you can hop in the mine cart and then just or you can just launch it that works too like ah oh oh oh uh uh click on it AC click on it right click and then hold forward well I give

A little push and then hit shift to get out of it Again there you go you got to make sure you you get into it before it you know goes rocketing off on You this is this is the rainbow road so you come down the stairs you hop in you roll forward a little bit and you get out and there you go we might need to put like two I guess that way there’s always one one at either end I don’t know but

Yeah look it’s not is fast is like flying I guess but it’s cool you know yeah go try Chris if if if if uh you want to oh or you me you want to race break stop stop stop st there we go yeah let me put back in the station for you

Ah no no guys guys guys I just want to run the Train You do seven oh there you Go yeah just uh hop in and then oh is is is it stuck or hold hold forward Zig it should work there you go it’s not quite as fast as like you know magical power flying but pretty good I’d say oh well there it goes again

I might need to to to uh to to to adjust the exact placement of the power rails so that like if it does go off on its own it’ll eventually end up at like one end or the other that that way we can have two of them and like it’ll actually

Get to where it needs to go you know it doesn’t seem like it quite makes it at this point like push it when it’s empty Icarus and see how far it goes make sure it’s make sure you stay out of the way you guys so you don’t you

Don’t you don’t you don’t catch it yeah see about there we might need another one That one two three four five so ideally I look at be able to get from one the other without having to you know Stop uhoh out of power out of juice so I don’t actually need like the detect the the like detection rails at this point long as the the Torches are here they’ll it’ll it’ll go on its on anyway but give it a push see we’ll see if see if it’ll make

It down down down to this end oh oh oh he made it yay almost doesn’t quite make it on the way back but it it just just barely does there we go that’ll do one two three four five six six no wonder then cool I I need to make make like one

More uh power rail to fix the exact measurement but it’s fine what I’d like to do is uh set up the station at the other end kind of like the one you guys got uh one the one back there and then this will be where our where our uh our

Natural resour well our our wool is I am bmj it’s true I’m quite silly silly is fun though so this will be like like like another mini station I guess here um I’m going to replace this with the prismarine you can come outside I want to connect these hallways so

They’re all like linked together and then you have your shortcut up and down back here yeah I do hus I do hang on I’m just on a thought process here for a second the next thing I got to do and I might bother you guys to help me once I

See what husk wants to show me um I want to dig out from this Central Rainbow Station here on Rainbow Road and then we can make our sheep farm but I need a lot of space to do that in first is the thing so

Uh I think soac yeah I think there is a uh like we could probably use a button but uh the I mean as long as the the detector rails are there it’ll it’ll uh like as long as you roll over it’ll it’ll it’ll trigger on its own so it’s

Kind kind of kind of is a button I guess it’s not going to stay that much longer anyway so cool right let me go see what hus wants to show me and then you can go ahead and use the the rail if you want I’m going to zoom back

Be back in a second not to to to to start digging all right what’s up hus where am I Going oh just the stairs yeah well there is that yeah I’m not sure if there’s any way to fix that one um other than than just to have two that way hopefully there’s always one at one at either end would be my Hope anyway I don’t know if it’s necessarily

Going to work that way you could just have both of them at one end if would kind of suck it’s probably some way to do it but I’m not sure if I know how to you know what I Mean it’s the the door that leads to Nowhere H hi Shifty person you trapped in here Bmj like Matthew help me I’ve been trapped for 47 years just H as switch with uh more than likely summer 2024 will be released with the new updates it’s it’s go you say you the improvements you couldn’t jump over edges and had to find a way around but

Now you can instead of two other players you can get three I need a four player game Cool have to buy some dirt bmj this is very cool kidnapping marketing strategy oh I see I’ve been kidnapped well that is uh interesting so you’ve dug a small hole over here for some reason it’s

Probably going to spawn you know sooner or later they’ll probably spawn a monster on you and and you’ll get Eaten four block for 64 stack wait so you you trade four blocks of dirt for 64 blocks of dirt I mean you’ll just you you get more dirt certainly But I don’t have a choice oh that’s good to know uh that’s a gate sorry my bad have that back well I guess that’s an option too isn’t it ah I see there is a secret way out the scheme has been Foiled other is that Mac yeah but yeah who wants tell me take a hole like like a tremendous amount of space get your pick let’s go it’s time for HiHo hi ho hi ho it’s off to dig we go with diamond picks and colored Bricks dig a tunnel dig dig a tunnel when you’re done you dig another the tunnel dig a tunnel dig dig what was that quick before the hyena come let’s see I’ve lost some of my digging volunteers but doesn’t know where I’m Going all right so I’d like this to actually be like a station and like be recognizable as a station which is probably it sure is retro yeah that’s right that’s a rainbow road volun tolds I mean I asked Icarus volunteer she said nice or she said yes

Not nice because Icarus is nice I almost said Icarus Icarus said nice because she’s yes good job Me Like H how how would you describe Icarus yes what what what what does that even mean okay so we would like to have um Farms I’m not quite sure how big each

Farm is going to be just yet I’m going to say like for a decent pen we’re going to want at least like five by five and how many different colors are there in Minecraft I have no idea it’s a lot so let’s leave it like a like like a two

Block space for the road maybe three for the road I guess like about yay wide for Road um surrounding the place oh there’s lots of room and then I’m going to dig like keep going three wide so it’s consistent I suppose and I’m going to go one two three four 5 6 7 8 9 10 uh hello cow where where even where even are we right now oh well

Then you kind of does seven yeah remember colors I have is a number true true we seem to have encountered a Cave System kind of cool having having like you know all these options around the place that’s a nice way to get down to like the the the the the bay that’s kind

Cool down by the bay okay well that’s going to complicate matter slightly as far as our little village goes I guess I’m not going quite that far out then I wonder if I dig in the other direction I’ll have the same problem uhoh hang on uh

Three so one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 this one seem to work all right but then I’m going to turn this way and it’s going to cause problems I’m up outside again aren’t I just having another way in isn’t isn’t isn’t the worst thing in the world though the oh okay we’re same cross Bo okay well just going to hello we’re following the the road system that’s not wi of anyway but hang on WE SE a moose licking a goose down by the bay down by the bay where the waterm grow back to my home I dare not go for

If I do my mother will say never see a cat wearing a hat down by the bay exactly okay so 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 1 14 15 17 18 20 I I I have kind of a plan here like it’s it’s a slightly demented plan

It may not even work I’m not sure if my spatial Reckoning is even function at this point in the proceedings but oh god well hello There you know I don’t have no idea wait where where where no hang on I I’ve turned myself around really badly hang on a second here this is this is this this is the point where everyone realizes just how bad at special Reckoning I actually am and like Matthew

Do you have do you have any idea like like where you are right now no none not a clue hang on uh so if I turn right there I turn left Here you’d think they would meet Eventually I haven’t gone far enough I might not have gone far enough I still hear the cow um one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 so should we like this way maybe aha okay well I missed but like a is Okay so we are we are we are heading in the right direction actually this a German cow that’s ow that’s Mo aha okay we’ll deal with what whatever that all means okay so what I want to do is I want to move over cow exactly one more platform there turn

Into a food court right so I want to I want to I want to I want to I want to I want to yeah I want to basically clear all this out so make a a path three wide oh sorry you got that side re wide putting in you know terrain as

Necessary got beef with that cow well there you go and then it’s going be three wide I guess I need to do like two more here I guess yeah I guess so or would be one hang on be two on that side or one or one on each side it’s suppos be

Three hang on one 2 three four five 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 19 21 21 one on each side do like this ah dark dark yes hello oh God cow or no pig that yes English words hard my ham all right and then we’re going

To basically uh build a road this actually should all be dirt but we’ll get to that in a second here uh hus you you you ready to that’s bmj sorry I you and I saw husk you aren’t husk you’re you’re you’re you’re you’re you’re imp you’re impostor dirt you’re fake dirt or

AstroTurf uh I got some some some some zombie Meats for you there you go uh but yeah I’d like to what I would like to do basically is demolish everything between like that and over there so we’re going to put it underground again later uh take take the Rainbow Road husk

And there you are hello we are in the middle of uh destroying many things so H you done cool so you see how this road here is three wide I want everything starting from like here that way to be dirt just like a dirt layer cuz I want to I want to I

Want to make like a far a Farmland to just cook so much dirt um like this can be not dirt but I want like everything like like on this layer like level with the road to be dirt o No no uh so this layer can be can be Stone the layer above it needs to be [Applause] dirt so like this layer is dirt we have monster mat and friends you know Construction in the rain that’s right I have Disturbed the dirt someone call mole on me

Yeah and as for our dig Team we’re not done there either because there be more to be digging we got to uh continue destroying all of this rain struction exactly all hang on um want to Mark the road basically torch will be in the middle of

The road and the road is is three wide is the idea of it so let me let me count to make sure one two three four five that’s 19 should be 20 so wait I miss I got one 16 17 18 19 it is 20 cool so yeah

That that side this side is good yeah torches are in the middle of the road that way we we don’t lose track of it so everything everything else has to go so uh bmj and husk if you guys want to dig this all has to go

Too and we also need to carve the road out too so [Applause] cuz the road is Stone but everything else at this layer needs to be dirt [Applause] and yeah last go for n o00 match you guys [Applause] that’s right yeah I want this this uh

Dirt field to be like all like yeah just dirt everywhere I know seven it’s terrible I’ll just start being like like like Captain Hook there you know me me me mine mine mine and now now Now yeah no that’s Daffy Duck also good though April hey snow how you doing come to join the uh the Monster Madness n snow here before seven she’s she’s she’s also one of our one of our uh spinal Crafters no no that that dirt stay like like this this layer of dirt stays

Just the the the the above layer of dirt gos away how’s your uh your week going snow So I haven’t quite decided how how how deep this needs to be so we’ll figure that out in a minute right now I fig just making making making the road should do for the [Applause] moment See we’re making a field Isn’t that Cool cool method bmj oh yeah of what me of what your baseball diamond Mac oh look more underground was that fun hang on I have a method my madness here give me a second here I’m I’m I’m strategizing kind of well I mean they very well might seven but I try not to

Judge like the water uh snow water oh and uh :00 match winners also are April Christina pixel Kyle and retro graat you guys next match open one two three four five six seven eight n 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 good make sure my count was

Right so this is the middle of the road I hear you zombo I see you zombo Wait why are they different heights hold the phone what what what have I done oh oh oh oh oh I see I see I see I see what I’ve done wrong Hang on we’re fine win a battle uh uh matter 7even uh I mean seven probably honestly Uh apparently we’re fighting seven s want to know which of us which of us would like win in a fight I’m like seven Obviously got double creeper vmj double creeper yeah but Mecca is like is is is as likely to like to to like take me out as as as as like help me you know Mecca’s just like That yes exactly I have to oh for what thank you husk yes for summarizing that eloquent statement I’m I I I I I I just made there we go so now once again basic I’m I’m I’m Gra gradually gradually once again making another section of this

Road make armor and live bmj yeah that’s how it works yeah basically yeah you can you can you can you can not make armor and die or you can you know make armor and live still die that’s true cool so just like before this need to be like one wider sorry hang on

Supposed to be three three around not two around wait oh uhoh that didn’t throw off my whole count I hope not um we’ll see I guess I haven’t got to this side yet yes it did here too yeah thank you okay that’s three this is three and

Then this is the same as that so that should be fine so with 7 well April well there you go see but I mean heck I agree with you guys and I got in trouble for it so like don’t look at me cool all right so this is still three About that in a minute though wait no this is actually the wrong side never mind ignore this one that one’s wrong it shouldn’t be there cool so just like before yeah we’ll do husk we’re just we’re just we’re just we’re just doing doing doing the the the digging right

Now so I can show you guys where what what needs to go where all right so anyone who wants to help digging we need to also remove all of that all of this dirt all this Stone needs to be yeated and deleted so the dirt can take its place how is that different

Seven or like better [Applause] [Applause] oh it’s different see [Applause] all right se you we go one dude I’ll see you tomorrow for some Castlevania [Applause] all RS M hey Dustin E all right dirt house oh no placing you an Option uh yeah I’d like it to be at least three three high so we can like jump around a little bit we need to be cuz I’m going to be putting in like Fen and stuff and yeah NOP I I have some husk here you go h

TR how much how much C you need it CU got quite a bit actually actually back back back in the storage vaults well I’m glad I’m glad you’re enjoy the yeah like like like like I know we use this one quite a bit for Minecraft streams but it’s uh it’s nice

There’s some ore up here in the corner if if uh if you want you put something back for it oh yeah Dustin Earthquake are you it oh your dog scratching the bed [Applause] scratch see it just seems weird to me to have uh the fence on the stone but it also seems weird to me to have it not on the stone so it throws off the road technically

But like at the same time you want to have the most room you have I guess I don’t know this doesn’t matter so much for sheep so hang on let me fix that don’t I’m need a lot more fence I suppose the overall goal here was not

To have one gigantic thing but to have you know a bunch of different pens so how do I want to do that Exactly see we got S8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 so I’ve given myself a problem haven’t I it’s even numbered it’s too late to fix it now though so I’ll just deal with it yeah but I’d have to yeah like I’d have to expand like to change the road

Change the field change everything like it it it’s not worth it it’s fine I’ll just deal with it it’s not that big of a deal that’s a humongous amount of work for relatively little point so yeah it’s getting pretty banged up K you’re not wrong we need to fix it soon

NOA hello how you doing Today four two three four oh it’s four by 4X five One two three Four it’s time to what are you doing hus hang on hang on let me see this what this looks like first before I you know it’s time to [Applause] Two three four yeah me push back one more for it to work but then let me let me test what the rest this looks like before we get before we do that though oops one two three four I’m thinking that the hang on hang on I’m I’m not sure yet I’m

So mulling over what has to what has to happen here if I shove this that way one that’s five that will line up this lines up going that way then what happens over here hang on I’m just testing something I’m not like walking into this

Yet so this starts to line up then we’ll Have one two three four five that would land up there no up here so that go that way too I guess hang on hang on hang on I’m still like hang on one two three four five that would go there go like This that like That three four no it’s four why is it four that’s why that would be five so in this Example four five one 2 three Four See that doesn’t work cuz that’s pushing oh no it does work go hang on uh This Way h I am seven yeah I’m I’m counting a lot of things and it’s not going well in my brain you old brain hole is just like what are you doing why what huh two then this one this this ends up pulling in one like what where go this

Way one two three four one two three four five that Way’s right though what I’m so confused how how what one two three four five that’s that’s good and then yep and then two eight one Two Four oh yeah I have to push out here as well like like yeah we more or less have to expand everything by like one it looks like to do this hey reene how you doing Today Oops I’m making a farm yeah we’re we’re making we’re making Farms indeed yeah You good Rene I’m glad to hear that I am doing all right thank You Uh currently we’re making a farm uh Christino one two three four ah that explains It Soon as this grass grow I can actually do stuff but that’s actually where it should be so potato potato yeah me too seven Honestly uhoh one two 3 four five six why is it six on this side how does that work am I hang on one two three four 5 yes one 2 three four 5 yes one 2 three four 5 six okay how did I pull that off I whatever what’s up host

Thank you for potato potato but here’s what baffles my brain is we started off see this is this is this isn’t let of anymore so like if we had to move everything one this way for L on this side why is it now too too long on that side how does that work

What 2 three Four it doesn’t I See you know what I have a better idea rather than ruining all my Symmetry and making my brain hurt like I’m doing right now let’s just put it back the way it was before and I just won’t care about symmetry as much that way cuz here’s here’s the problem even even if

We fix all this you know we do push it out one more here’s the problem I’ll look at those doorways and how they don’t line up to the middle of the road anymore and that’s going to D me way crazier so this point is just a lesser of two evil

Situation no I think what it is Mac is because we’re incorporating a turn uh because the Um because of this this Bend in it I think this is where where the problem lies you know because it’s three and it’s three and to keep this in the middle of the rad the way I like it because I mean I’m not sure if you

Can fix the band the band itself is exactly as it’s supposed to be it’s just doesn’t you know it’s just isn’t compatible you know because um this side is supposed to be dirt from here this is all supposed to be dirt up to there and this side is

Supposed to be stone or whatever weend making it in the end to here so that’s going to line up the way it should a turn what do mean just a turn what you mean like remove the wall or what I mean CU like supposed to be

Like like like it’s supposed to be three out this is also three out like it it like it looks the way I wanted it to like the the the central section itself looks the way it ought to I mean I guess that would make it easier I was hoping to have like a

Central Station cuz it looked nice in my brain you we could we could we could make that middle section prismarine and make like a station area there for it so yeah having this having this is what’s messing it up I think like it’s

Just I’m not sure if if I can do a 5x five from here simply just cuz just not sure if I can is one two cuz like this is one two three four five but with the fences put into it it just it becomes four so I may may need to just accept

That like like like the problem is is I’m going for 5x five on an incompatible size so maybe going for 4×4 would be better or four by whatever one two three four that’s why I didn’t want to like make any hard moves on it until I was

Sure just cuz I knew I was going to Monkey around with a bunch two three four not sure if an actual rainbow sheep is possible but I know that um like well I know I think it is but you need to like give it a certain name I think is what it is

Yeah where’s my other gate there it is let me see if this 4×4 by business works then I can decide what I’m Doing okay Um oh uh some some raw copper here for you if if you wanted sorry I didn’t realize I had on me still all right now for this cluster cluster truck one two three four one two three Four one two three four one two three four Boop and see now we’re wrong this way yeah I think I might we need to come up with with with a design that doesn’t that doesn’t rely on on multiple like equally size things cuz you can get like two fives in

A four or two four or like three fours and a two and it just doesn’t Work or I guess I could just be you know I’m not sure how many these I actually need anyway one two 3 four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 so I would Mac yes it goes that way let goes this way just work with the lines we have in

The middle you know this one is 1 2 3 4 five six seven eight one two three four five six seven this dirt is defective it’s not grassing Like what I have so much cobblestone on me right now it’s not even funny oh my God Right so that works out for Here what I’m so Confused 19 20 I’m glad you got something seven okay so one two three four five six seven eight which is what you have yes one two three 4 five 6 S8 yeah and then one two three four five six seven8 nine okay something something’s wrong here well no wonder I figured out the

Problem it’s because we’re the count is wrong I I miscounted in in the first place no wonder if it’s not working right it’s not 20 so like this side here this side is 20 long but the middle one is only 18 which would explain why we’re having some problems so

Look count this correctly anyway uh 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 99 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 yeah whereas going that way is 20 so these fields should be longer what’s up shortsman thank you for the $1 Super Chat very very kind of you [Applause] oh yeah short thank you I appreciate that that’s kind of you doing a lot of live streams here recently you know um but uh yeah that’s awesome I really appreciate that welcome to your first live stream then I guess or have you been lurking on our on our streams as

Well been watching ah awesome then well nice to finally uh make your acquaintance officially then doing some uh good old Minecraft today as you can see we’ll be back with Castlevania at ARA of Sorrows tomorrow and Liza p on Friday so always doing something around here that’s right Kyle

Yeah it’s their first time chatting with us it’s awesome right pretty cool stuff meeting new folks is always always always one of one of the things you know one of the most fun things so sorry about that you guys I must I must have miscounted somewhere

And then we plowed on from there and I wonder we’re having issues that’s RF Sor L I’ve not played it before actually I’ve I’ve not played most of Castlevania honestly so I’ve only played symphon Symphony of the Night and um that’s about it really so I’m looking forward to trying my second One uh yeah well yeah it’s got of fancy names you know Arya of Sorrow the AR oh so fancy good good GL to hear that so shorts any any um favorite game types of of uh of your own like you’re fan of Minecraft or just kind of up for

Whatever I know S I know I said they got be fancy about it when you since the uh push video on on on on on My Sanctuary oh nice been a while now for sure then yeah what as I like my sanctuary and and

I do I I I played the heck out of that game until I couldn’t look at it anymore but play things shortman nice yeah I’m much the same way honestly I I do like my RPGs you know for sure but I’ll play darn anything really there we

Go but yeah a buddy of mine on here convinced me to try out his uh Minecraft server a while back and we’ve been kind of doing this ever since every week once a week but uh it’s been Fun I know seven it’s shocking truly like oh my God he I got H CRA you did hus what you do is this is is is is this is this the uh the gift box why is it full of obituaries what have you been doing with your spare time here I’m going to fill your obit full of full of bricks like that take

Justice you never that again seven why oh my [Laughter] God your deaths ah I see so yeah we’ll need to we need to get some more dirt down here apparently we are we are a little bit little bit off with the dirt oh I see that’s well it’s too full

Anyway all right Christina you have a good night all right thanks for hanging it with us hope you had some fun yeah we’re we’re going to need to go get gather up the dirt supplies the death you have to St of the death you get more glass bmj I mean I

Have some glass potentially depend on what you’re doing with it hus says oh mat yes can I help you you got oh the rainbow sheep rainbow sheepy what color W you get from when when when when you shear them is it just is it just white or What I see we’ll have to we’ll have to uh to um set up the rainbow sheep byy like the the the entrance or whatever so that way you know he’s like the mask out of the area a jar dirt seven yes all the jars of dirt

Here I would like steal some dirt from over [Applause] here yeah oh if you name a sheep Jeb I believe it is uh they just become rainbow sheep it’s just how it works it’s one of the the strangenesses of Minecraft okay so this is one two three

Four five six seven eight this is one two three 4 6 7 8 N9 Al 17 in it so can I just spit it in half chib was a developer it’s a reference gotcha that’s cool grass Dar there I see yeah yeah yeah there you go get grassing what are you

Doing well well if if if you change the name Kyle then it stops being rainbow it’s part of the thing yeah it should be 99 then one two three four five eight n two three four five six seven eight nine there we go I have achieved at least some level of

Symmetry in this mess okay now how does this hold up for the rest of this now that we’ve made some changes around here got to make sure the Grass Grows in before I put these fences down it’ll bug me so wolf and Chief’s lothing right get my grass in gear I’m grassing I’m

Grassing One two three four five six seven eight nine three four five six seven eight nine excellent nice bmj well sort of Kyle sort I mean if if I have the option I might as well I’m just letting this grass grow in because once the fence is on I don’t think the

Grass can grow there anymore so I got to make sure that it’s grassed before the fence goes in it just looks it just looks bad symetry two three four five six so five cuz one two three four one two 2 three four one two three Four there but does it work going across the way is the is the question so we’re got to figure that one out iong it’s 4×9 four it’s B like you know 4×9 pens with a huge Central Area um we can put like you know white white sheep Black Sheep red sheep blue

Sheep there’s a lot of different colors obviously so I got a lot to do what Su Senda uh all the information you need for the server is down below it’s not my server it is uh one you know that we’ve kindly invited to play on it’s open to anybody

Just you know make sure you follow their rules because they they they have their own moderation team and they will kick some serious booty if required um yeah one sheep two sheep red sheep blue sheep exactly retro exactly I’m glad you brush you you youve brushed up uh brush

Up on on on on uh your Seuss oh the color of the wool is whatever the color of the sheep is when you shear it all right H thanks for all the help yeah if you’re ever wondering why the why the the dirt’s not growing it’s cuz there not enough light near

It that’s why that that patch there in the middle didn’t didn’t uh didn’t get grassed over because it wasn’t it wasn’t light near enough to it so we are indeed going to need to put in some lights to make sure it doesn’t happen but I’m thinking some some some

Some some hanging uh lanterns would go well with that this here obviously has sunlight I’m going to probably fix that at some point I don’t want things dropping in on us if I keep this up hello two three four could do a glass ceiling in theory yeah that that wouldn’t be Terri terrible

Idea you like Susan if you please retro always a good good to know U maybe B MJ maybe hang on a second here uh yeah last call for 10 o’cl match you guys by the way you don’t know what Monster Mash is feel free to ask and I will happily

Explain I think I need these boxes to be moved actually well no I don’t do I never mind just need this grass to grow is all oh I see I see I see I see I see this one’s eight that weighs nine I see okay I made a small

Error one two three four five six seven eight nine yeah I was counting one more than I had to work with so it should not actually be quite that long cuz this is actually one two three four five six seven eight this one is nine two three four five six seven eight nine

It’s um it’s not 17 it’s it’s 18 I just I didn’t count the middle one so in not April all right hopefully you have some fun hang out with your friend have a good one force a lot bmj it can be sounds good sounds good thanks for

All the help I’ll pester you if I need anything else where where light gazer has been today might be lurking for all I know I guess but has ribs pixel ah jealous hello there yeah I jinxed it what if I did one the total number of spaces I have to

Work with is what it’s like I’m pretty sure it’s eight dude oh I know why it’s night time now there we go that’ll fix it hopefully we have one no we don’t there’s a that that there so one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17

18 18 is nice and even but unfortunately start putting putting things in it it’s going to have problems divide by three is six but if you take two in six four five six one two three four five six does that work that way I don’t know yet Maybe why is it seriously think I can’t counter something one two 3 four 5 6 1 2 3 four five 6 1 2 3 4 how is that possible with our different lengths we just fixed that it literally just did that like how how they’re the same

Lengths so how does it work here but not there one two three four five it’s five that’s why I can’t count that’s why one two three four five it’s five not six that’s why one two three four five six yeah okay that’s why cuz I’m counting wrong I’m a dum

Dum so I can go 5.56 uh it’s probably fine Honestly come on dude really grow Wait was it six the first one or six the last one four doesn’t matter over much I guess 5.56 works just fine I could I could do 565 would that make a difference I wonder I don’t think so but Why did I do that for guys I really think that my brain has something wrong with it like I swear O Okay that lines up Finally that finally grew in there you Go well there is that pixel okay that works well there Your saxs I mean sax is is is definitely his own uh he’s he’s he’s a he’s a very unique fellow No Sex Is Awesome One 2 three four five one two three 4 5 5 six oh sax is is one of our one of our um channel members he doesn’t have the

Time to drop by much anymore but he’s to hang around quite a bit back in the old days there was a mod actually Once Upon a Time two three four five okay this actually finally lines up the way I want it to I think Anyway three bats oh I know why I did the thing wrong cuz I wasn’t that’s right the the middle one is six not five what the okay that was weird Wiers in Druid right Oh Jesus hi ANS yeah we’re going with underground stuff Today 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 we got three I mean we got six it’s like 12 different you know what honestly I think think that works okay why why don’t we just go ahead and have two two big old wheat Fields you’re going to like fix St

Before I fix finishes aren’t you yeah I’ll just change back okay a second then um I you need like a space in the middle ever so often for water so let’s do and then Two and then two and then one this is where the Symmetry is are really going to melt my brain because now I have actual like requirements you know like like it has to be every so often and if it doesn’t then it won’t work I wish wish I thought of that in

The first place cuz now we have this happening okay um yeah it’s like four yeah is it four cuz I mean it’s four I have a little more reg room Pretty much an I wish I could say you were wrong about that but no it’s pretty accurate honestly but yay four months of membership dude still awesome I really appreciate that hopefully you’re enjoying your time as part of the green team with three one two three one two

Three one two three one two three no it’s not going to work hey what’s up mops this is a Java server mops so all the information you need is down below there uh if you have a PS4 or an Xbox there’s an app you can

Use which will let you join but it’s a little finicky though so I can’t make any promises there but it does work some of the time one two three four one two three four it said four squares right so it should be here actually right msta good to see you again hope

You’re having an excellent one hope your piano house is doing okay hav been on the server for two months oh yeah you’ve uh you’ve you’ve been on spal Craft before MSA oo that might work really well actually 1 2 three four one 2 three four it works out this way well this Way hey if it is four that actually works out beautifully as far as I’m aware mob it’s all one server there should be there’s just Yeah we let a try let this uh grow back in though and I might need to figure out a better lighting system as well is the issue here might might need to go get me some uh some prisms we’ll try it some we’ll try it

I’m go grab some uh P I’m seeing the Minecraft the marineart issue now oh well oh it’s four server agen okay here he’s fighting with his uh still let fish sea lanterns thank you sension Legacy creative and Studios that’s fair oh yeah that’s fair enough

Yeah but as far as I know they’re all they’re all spinal craft though there’s not like different spinal crafts which I think I think is what mob was asking but maybe I’m wrong it’s been known to happen no it’s not so much like that M so basically like um Legacy is the one

That they’ve had for for a long time Ascension is like the active one well the the current one they’re working on for the most part stuff like that EV I Kyle oh sorry match winners are pixel April Kyle anth and seven next match open That’s right yeah pot Mash n it’s uh I think we do uh every hour it’s called The Monster Mash and if you enter with the Monster Mash command and you win you’ll get 1,000 snacks which is our Stream Currency hereabouts you can use them for commands and mini games and all that good Stuff hope that’s enough light I’d like for it to be put these down at like the Junctions I Guess looks a little weird sitting on a regular fence like that but unfortunately mob said no I wish I could just just just just you know make make my own money like that but unfortunately it doesn’t work that way Yeah maybe maybe I don’t want to have them over like the regular fence looks strange honestly what do you guys think looks strange to you two looks strange to me once the station is built we have like actual roads and stuff down here I might be able to fit them in a little

More integrated but like this just looks big old big old bricks s sitting on a fence it’s weird maybe lanterns yeah maybe we could do lanterns Yeah there are and a wall block under each one yeah well this has to be water here cuz I need to plant crops here I’m just going to go see if it if it’ll even work that way it’ll it’ll let me do it we’ll find some water real

Quick so I got to make sure that it stays hydrated or the crops won’t grow so hear You All right car good night dude hope you had some fun hanging out with us see you tomorrow hopefully wow this is really some like Wily Wonka crap you’re doing you’re doing a good job on that now I don’t know where it’s going or there’s any sign of

Slowing oh The Dread fell like like Wonka I don’t know I don’t know what you’re on there man but I like how we’ve like made a rain Road themed thing but it’s just turning into like some kind of psychedelic torture device I approve e we’re not changing back so I guess

That’s a a positive sign for us not the iller bmj yeah I’ve gotten I’ve gotten ganked by a few times myself it’s always a fun time you done for the night bmj a I’m sorry dude anything I can help you with sorry if if if if if

If you asked for help I didn’t see it my bad I’ve been really focused on this farm for a little while oh I need your help oh hang on uh where are you bmj can I find you I I can zoom over and try to help you Field There we go we have a bazillion seeds Court courtesy of husk um why is it not planning these two is it too dark I maybe that’s what it is Yep that was it in the absence of uh torch or or um a lantern for the moment that’ll do it for the forood for just now anyway any light will do mops Minecraft plants are a strange and Hearty breed even fire can make them grow figure that one out then I guess

The sun is also a giant Fireball but you know it’s a of the rabbit hole I need like all these aren’t I look I I could need that many seeds I think I actually do uh sure B let me just finish planting this here we can feed our

Sheep say I didn’t expect to this like most this entire stream to be just you know digging and planting and getting you know a sheep farm ready but I guess you got to do what you got to do huge balls of gas plumba with you everything’s gas oh right just had the uncomfortable

Thought that in many ways not every way thankfully but in a lot of ways the dynamic between my best friend and I is not that dissimilar from Timone and Pumba I don’t know how I feel about that [Laughter] like if you stop and think about it for a minute like wait a

Second the the witty wise cracking one who’s always like Pumba come on you know and then the other one who’s like you know a a little too serious but like always well meaning like wait just H hold on a second here I mean I mean yeah congratulations I’m a warthog apparently

Isn’t that fun you’re confused me you’re fine it wasn’t really meant to be understood trust me the the the person who is meant to understand it understands it it’s all good don’t you worry you put torches on that’s such that’s weird you to do that

For there we go we have ourselves a f I’m going need to like enclose this whole space Oh you can see the dragon from here that’s kind of cool actually I’m I mean I always like Pumba better anyway so I mean I’m not actually that it doesn’t like bother me be

Pumba Jone’s fun look like he’s not but Pumba you know pumba’s Pumba see the dragon’s butt yeah the hola exactly but no um yourself back there but there bmj you all good yeah okay good all right so we’ll bring some sheep down here as as I find some

I’ll need some more gates as well obviously but at least for the moment this will do well actually guess I better do that before I let the Sheep loose and eat all my crops or something if they can do that but I not find out oh wood N place exist what the heck uh BJ you vandalizing my my my my things and my stuff here your dirt you’re not there mm straight AIS was it you Then oh you you ah okay it was Me yes That’s right L yep Rainbow Road this is a very very heavily forced area my goodness Hey Coursey hello cow know what I’m looking for right now but you know that’s cool too all right thanks for hanging out thanks for all your help today hope hope you have a great night’s sleep and uh hopefully see you tomorrow for some Castlevania castania oh no bmj you should know I

Don’t think oh Ray horsey though where all the woolies at Pig lava lava lava lava lava lava lava lava lava lava dog Horse dog maybe what area we’re in because like in my original area I could I couldn’t find wol dogss holy crap all these flowers oh apparently it’s Preston’s fault uh when was this November 10th apparently he died here a long time ago and then like no one’s been back here

Since so his his grave hasn’t clocked out it kind of has rest then you’re just here eternally now apparently sheep what is this rip Gerald or Jerry whatever I named him killed by creeper this creeper right here app he’s going back for the double kill Preston did you just like cover

This entire Hill in flowers and that’s it like is that is that like all you did this Okay yeah this just like back in November apparently this happened uh yeah sleep please I’m in danger oh break daning spider work it work work it work it spinning around wooo all right creepy look no y’all leave my sheepy alone he is mine he is the first of

Chey say I was going to say like first of many but now now now here we go the Empire has begun come here come here I have the first two also I did not anticipate that my giant dirt thing leading up into the sky would be useful as a navigational Beacon

But like here we are with my unintentional foresight saving me from being lost in the wilderness for the next 6 hours sometimes having a you know a giant dirt ah a giant dirt thing stretching off to Infinity is a good thing where your leash go oh I’m using I’m using uh leads uh

L I got uh yeah you can make them from from leather if memory serves come on you too M Jeff come on should say mutton and Jeff oh is it here you sorry string and slime ball make lead my bad sure why it wouldn’t be leather but it’s not apparently Dumb and Dumber that works Too also call them me and you uhoh BJ your pillagers have arrived pillage the village App chees come on figure out the figure stop break dancing work on the P come on walk around the corner break dance later passing now oh my God you very dumb animal yes yes yes good thank you Come along Corners are pretty evil yeah back to back through the the psychelic uh uh Wonka Tunnel come on are you serious right now me and my directionally challenged sheep oh my god really Guys you two stay here and uh I’ll be back for you at some point fluff you man pretty much Yeah right so true I I I get name tags don’t I it’s good point I hear you oops are you take a sheep oh guess I haven’t I haven’t actually like came yet have I whoops oh well yeah cuz well they’re they’re they’re not tamed yet is why I forgot

About that part I didn’t bring any Wheat with me so you watch them for a second I’m I’m go grab some I should have some long around at the farm somewhere you don’t are you Sure Yeah it’s not uh oh well I a little let be now Baba sheep I guess they don’t need to oh no I’ve never clear on how name work exactly is a tag of uh no oh is that is is is that the problem oh so where do I need to go like like

Bring that to a certain thing and like how do I hey name a name tag I forget H it’s probably fine anyway though I mean as like as long as I stay here it’s kind of fine so my sheep my sheep back home uh don’t

Have names and I don’t think I any them have ever ever despawned on me these dudes up here they’re still here uh-uh you’re lucky that you’re possibly not important to me anymore we’ll say you there red I want to see if test this this this pork Theory once and for all

Any yeah didn’t work well I die all right land you have a good one all right oh uh bmj so uh if You’ got um a sign on you every player yeah every player on the uh on the server has at least two slips that’s that’s the base amount if

You put down a sign and put an hashtag slip in it that put put on the second one then you can travel between them like teleport points what’s up Charlie Rich I mean I got some stuff yeah uh we’ve been building a village uh on the smilecraft server so we’ got

Ourselves a you know nice place picked out oh yeah bmj they’re useful uh and if you type in slash uh shop is it shop or slip yeah here we go SL shop you can go to the the the slip shop and you can buy more if you have money on the

Server uh I mean I can’t afford the second one yet but I’m working towards it got the first one though they’re super useful and uh you you can use you can use you can use other people’s as well so if you see any any of ours around you can use ours

Too yeah no no yeah there’s there’s uh money on the server if you go back to uh Sakura Valley the the main spawn and go to the to to the skill gaming center you can exchange your play time for for tokens and then um you can play Blackjack to win

Money there there’s like you can like sell stuff too like there’s other ways but ah cool hear you there you go what’s up there concentrate PA yeah I don’t my channel died nah just you know been at it for a while people subscribe gradually some stick around some don’t you know stuff happens

You want above your door seven yeah yeah exactly Su uh electric Baloo welcome to the stream how you doing Today yeah here we’ll we’ll we’ll gradually grow our our our sheep numbers as as the wheat comes in and gets gets replanted we’ll uh dye them different colors separate the different uh the different ones and we’ll have ourselves a whole section of colored wool ready to go

Right on hand no no die required which will be nice and convenient for us right now though I’m going to zip on back and I’m going to warp out to the guardian farm and repair my stuff CU I’m all my my tools are all banged

Up all electric I’m sorry to hear that I mean if it’s a bigger streamer often that they they just they just can’t see everybody you know my day is good though how yours all so let me go ahead and here yeah for sure no but for sure me new

Folks is always a fun time for us potatoes Redstone put the Redstone do back in here for now that’s fine I have some red wool here somewhere yeah sure something sure more there there another sign what am I not necessarily my next big project but one of my next like

Upcoming projects is going to be a sorting mechanism not knowing where all my stuff is uh beat the the uh Ender Dragon on the world playing on I haven’t but I’m sure other people have this the server has been up for like 10 years and like most

Most people who have been playing on have been playing a lot longer than me and are a lot more com like a lot more familiar with Minecraft than I am so I’m sure they beat beat it many times but not me not yet all right to the guardian Farm hello

Friendos this so far is but is is the most tech like technically technically proficient thing I’ve done yet so far in this one So basically once you flip the switch it creates a floor and they’ll fall and almost die then you can just kill them grab their experience and if you have a tool in your off hand with mending the experience will repair the tool as well as your armor if you’re ending as

Well yeah the noise ain’t great and you’ll die slowly as well because they have torren damage on them tesy tesy friends that they are going to watch out CLE your heal to go down slapping Intensifies all right he all fixed up shovels next Oh awesome thank you dude so you play much Minecraft electric or you into other kind of games or just like just watching streams in general or What yeah you electric yeah just curious what what kind of games you like like you know I’m pretty confident you you’ll find something here that you enjoy cuz I play kind of everything but wow not everything but most things you don’t watch a lot now ah fair enough fair Enough shovel fixed there we go back to death and if you ever need any materials from down here like say fish these oh my there for some reason not supposed to Happen you know we have enough uh of these to last us forever literally so rock C May then wonder if overow full oh that’s why yeah the overflows are full too Wow yeah so this uh Farm is completely completely full so you are more than welcome to come down and and and and make use of that cuz it is beyond full at this point I found the exper is the thing I I come down use it for the most so far if

I ever actually needed to come down for uh for pris then that’s fine too but I I I use for weapon repair more than anything Else and then we place All These Bricks out to to to rust but no one’s out here often enough for it to actually progress much so I wonder if Icarus uh put these here for who put them here honestly But uh whoever did might want to move him somewhere yeah maybe Icarus she should probably move them to to monsterville because if they’re left out here they’re not going to get rusty in any kind of hurry that’s for Sure here is all fixed up oh that’s your the warp one that’s PR sorry cool but it is almost midnight you guys so let’s go ahead and do last call for Monster Mash thank you all for being here tonight I hope you had some fun appreciate you getting us up to 22 likes

On the stream back tomorrow with Castlevania ARA of Sorrow what’s up oh yeah BJ you wanted to show me something didn’t you yeah I’ll I’ll come by I’ll come by and check out your uh your dirt Incorporated fancy employees only section wait for service menu dirt do not climb I didn’t climb I

Jumped but no um oh so um Boogaloo on This Server if you vote for it or if you’re a content creator you get bonus fly time so you can move around it helps helps building stuff I I try not to like over abuse it when I’m just playing but if

I’m building big projects and stuff it’s certainly helpful for that little window oh it’s like like a like a drive-thru make your storage over here nice oh hang on it’s night time let me go uh cycle the the day but yeah we’ve been working on uh

Working on on a dragon here recently uh the reason the reason we were making a a sheep farm was to get enough red wool to turn the dragon red so I’ll go up there and show you in a second here it’s cool though bmj I think I think think you’re

Doing a good job with it I got to say I find it pretty pretty entertaining they’re both you and husk have such a fixation with dirt but I mean hey works right dirt donation box for those generous enough to donate oh uh bmj you you might want to

Make it so that people can actually open your dirt donation box currently it is uh magically sealed you need to to use the uh the I think it’s the unlock command on it or something like that I’m not an expert on those I know that there’s different ones some some

Some allow for donations others allow like lot of people like Tak it I’m not quite sure which what the what the difference of them is what’s up Angela welcome to the stream here let me uh go up yeah it’s true yeah could make a hopper yeah you

Could put like a box above it with a hopper and then people can put put stuff into the hopper yeah for the hearts there you guys yeah there’s like there’s like a command for it bmj it’s like the what SL unlock command maybe I forget

You have to ask uh one of the more experienced uh SP Crafters they they they know better than I would your birthday Angela a well cool happy early birthday here let me go ahead and zip on up to the dragon he’s still mostly made of dirt and he’s not anywhere near done

But we’re gradually replacing the dirt with red wool and other colors to give him a little little more definition yeah I think husk knows using these uh stalagmites and stalactites for teeth got the the the shroom light for for for for for the Flaming nostrils and the spider webs for

Smoke the wigs will be filled in with I think black black tinted glass I think for the membranes not sure about the snow exactly but we with that when we get to it I suppose and I got to build the body still as well too he’s kind of just

Holding on here with his big old claws but we’re going to give him like a serpentine body going down here depending on how ambitious I get I might have a toil around the mountain but that might be too much frankly my one blunder and this is my

First shot at it so it’s not it’s not fantastic but my main my main regret is how his his forearms look look look they’re they’re they’re too close together I could probably change a little bit by like making this go up higher and clearing out the middle a

Little bit more but I that later I have a Balo yeah Attack on Titan is popular one sh probably shouldn’t be sharing your uh your uh your age anyhow with there Angela if indeed that is you know accurate personal details are not really something you want to put up on the internet you

Know uh ever Angela yeah i’ I’ve played a bit it’s not really my favorite thing in the world nothing wrong with it just not for me Yeah those on to uh seven for sure unlock then punch to to uh unlock then Punch Yeah yeah that’s the one there you go have your first dirt donation all right but yeah uh last call for Monster Match everyone I’ll draw winners and then we’ll hop off for the night

Come back tomorrow for some Castlevania and uh yeah so once again thank you all for being here hope you had some fun if you want a Discord link let me know and we can grab one for you before we end things off here yeah here I saw it I saw it I just

Realized I didn’t actually need it I need it for for like like I’m glad it’s there so we can name the sheep or whatever later if if uh we want to but I don’t think they’ll they’ll despawn cuz I realized that like even the ones I have back at the other Farm haven’t

Despawned so it should be all Right yeah welcome pixel thanks for being here dude yeah I’m sorry Angela it’s it’s about midnight here I’ll be back tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. eastern time though I stream every weekday so don’t you worry about that cool thank you here you appreciate that dude thanks for help as always by the

Way thank you to everyone who who pitched in today husk and bmj and nicas and and and hear you you guys are awesome go ahead and hop off of here so I don’t accidentally just stand here for like six hours which I’ve not done well not not not not for six hours

But I can stay there for the moment monster match winners are bmj Mac 7 for Nova and here you congratulations I doal yeah I do I can grab you a link if you want me to if you fancy yourself an invite we’re happy to extend one to you if you get on there

And you check out uh the Discord just make sure you talk to our welcome Monsters uh in the in the waiting room they’ll uh ask you to check out the rules and you know you know just generally you know pretty pretty pretty pretty basic stuff just

Hey what are the rules you know make sure make sure you understand them all the dudes Mac yeah I mean it happens Angela yeah I think a lot of people uh a lot of folks um struggle with with uh depression these days but you know all you can do is your

Best here you go uh Baloo case you want a link to the Discord you go just for you like I said I’ll see you guys on the next one so hope you guys have a lovely evening take care sleep well be awesome and for now I’m AER M out night

Everybody oh and hello my meca oops mea waking up as the stream ends well you know that happens too night everyone Byebye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Spinalcraft | The Dirt Dragon Must Be Made Into a REAL Dragon!’, was uploaded by MonsterMatt Gaming on 2023-12-07 05:37:08. It has garnered 238 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 05:33:56 or 20036 seconds.

Minecraft is an extremely well-known 3D sandbox game that can be played in different modes depending on your personal preferences. Build freely in Creative, or test yourself in Survival!

The Spinalcraft Server is a Hard Difficulty Survival server where I intend to build some fun projects! And you’re welcome to join me by watching or playing along! ________________________________________________________________________________________________

I am playing on the SPINALCRAFT SERVER! It is *not mine*, so if you choose to join, please be on your best behaviour and represent our community well!

SpinalCraft Info (Java) IP: mc.spinalcraft.com Versions: Supports 1.10 through to 1.20.2 To Join (Java): Go to Multiplayer on main menu, click “Add Server”, enter a name of choice (such as “Spinalcraft”), and add the above IP. Click “Done” and you’re good to go.

To Join (Bedrock): Requires a smartphone and an additional app, my suggestion would be to join the Spinalcraft Discord for help through this. Note, in my experience, Switch players have a difficult time with this method – though some *do* succeed. Port: Port: 19132

The Spinalcraft Discord: https://discord.gg/N5D8zX5 Requires Whitelisting, so let me know if you join so I can reach out to their mod staff on your behalf.


~Stream Rules!~ 1: No swearing or overly adult subjects, please! 2: No spam. 3: Don’t ask to be made into a mod. 4: No self-promo in the chat. 5: Be respectful to each other. 6: No politics or religion, please. 7: No backseating or spoilers. If you’re unsure or want to help, ask first, please!

~Stream Commands and Ranks~ Want to know more about our available Commands and the Ranks you can use them at? Well I finally made a Google Sheet for that!

Check it out: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1napVQN3YicKrb_KirLJQxRRSDBpP1-3RkH6l0693AGI/edit?usp=sharing

~Donation Info and Links~ Donations are never expected, but are always appreciated! Use the link below, and you will be able to set up a custom message along with your donation, and enjoy the on-screen alert that pops up with it! Thank you so much!

StreamLabs Donations: https://streamlabs.com/monstermattgaming Feel like trying to give me a jumpscare? Donate CAD $6.66 with some good timing and watch the results!

And for those who’d like to become one of our Monstrous Members and support the channel month-to-month, this link will help you out!

Youtube Member Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIfmFk3uV6sHYwI7H3n75Eg/join MonsterMatt Merch on Teespring: https://teespring.com/stores/monstermatt-merch _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer: This channel is intended for a General Audience. I play video games that are Rated E for Everyone through to M for Mature. _________________________________________________________________________________________________

~Art and Music Credits~ Intro and Outro Music kindly provided by Scruffshroom, please check him out! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU8szrcmhG0AaQJOc7HBmJw

“Snarfles” the Mini-Monster made by the amazing Amy/Guineasquig! YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcBoQhK6MyJzB1U3tR0CybQ

“Stream Starting Soon”, “Stream Over”, “Stream BRB”, and “Cocoa Break” screens all made by Saxix Twitter: https://twitter.com/Saxix7

Background Music: “2hr+ Retrowave / Synthwave Mixtape – DMCA Royalty Free Music for Twitch” Link: https://youtu.be/bYsL3CwDUmA

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ #minecraft #chill #spinalcraft

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    Emotional Gamerfleet & Jack in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gamerfleet and Jack emotional #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Side2kill gaming on 2024-02-17 18:07:37. It has garnered 15 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Techno gamerz Shorts Anshu bisht proboiz proboiz 95 Skibidi toilet dream boy Minecraft video Techno gamerz Minecraft aayu and pihu show animal song Anime Bike rider dafuq boom gamerfleet herobrine iron man minecraft game not your type short video yas smarty pie cameraman gta v Horror video minecraft 100 days minecraft cartoon among us bare knuckle bhoot bhoot bhuton kahani chhan chhan goshti cosas… Read More

  • Valena Towny

    Valena Towny  Welcome to a Valena Towny. Valena is a community driven server based on towns, survival, economy, and PvP. We believe a server is just a server, but what makes a server is the community. We run over 50+ plugins to make us unique and to add a different feeling to our server. You can join a town, start a town or live in the Wilderness. We have McMMo that is used for our auto ranking system that is strictly play-to-win. One of our main features we evolve around is economy. We have jobs for players to join to earn money… Read More

  • MineScape SMP Network Roleplay PVE PVP 1.18.2 Dynmap Skilling

    Welcome to MineScape! The world of MineScape is a Minecraft MMORPG inspired by Old School RuneScape. Join now and start your journey to becoming a legendary adventurer while making new friends. Visit the website https://minescape.me and join the discord to get involved! Features: Interactive Custom NPC’s and Mobs Custom Quests 22 Custom Skills: Attack, Ranged, Magic, Woodcutting, Mining, Smithing, Crafting & More Beautiful handcrafted map Clue Scrolls & Daily Rewards Pets, Cosmetics, Titles Active Leaderboards Links: IP: minescape.me Wiki: https://minescape.wiki/ Latest blog: Feldip Hills Map Expansion, Daily Quest Rework, Shooting Stars Event & More Devblog #42 Store: https://store.minescape.me/ Discord: https://discord.gg/minescape… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes –

    Broke Minecrafter ***!

    Minecraft Memes - <p>Broke Minecrafter ***!</p>Poor guy, he may have a score of 28 in Minecraft but at least he’s a solid 10 in our hearts. Read More

  • Nether Wart Fart: MCPE Survival Shenanigans

    Nether Wart Fart: MCPE Survival Shenanigans In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Our hero embarks on a journey so bold. With Nether Wart in hand, a potion to brew, Creativity and courage, shining through. Facing challenges, monsters, and more, Our hero’s spirit, strong to the core. Each episode, a new quest to complete, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. So join us now, in this epic tale, As our hero’s courage will never fail. In the world of Minecraft, where dreams take flight, Our hero shines bright, in the darkest night. Read More

  • Villager IQ: Absolute Zero 😂🔥 #minecraftmeme

    Villager IQ: Absolute Zero 😂🔥 #minecraftmeme General Minecraft Logic: spends hours mining for diamonds, fighting off mobs, and building elaborate structures. Oi Oi Oi Villager IQ Moments: trades 20 emeralds for a single piece of bread. Read More

  • Uncovering Minecraft’s Lost Levels: 15 Years Later

    Uncovering Minecraft's Lost Levels: 15 Years Later The Quest for Minecraft’s Lost Levels Introduction In a thrilling turn of events, Minecraft enthusiasts recently unearthed the long-lost custom maps based on the iconic game DOOM. These maps, created by Notch in May 2009, had been missing for a staggering 15 years until now. Minecraft Multiplayer is Born The release of these DOOM levels marked a significant moment in Minecraft’s history, coinciding with the birth of Minecraft multiplayer. Players were eager to explore new challenges and experiences within the game. What are the DOOM Levels? The DOOM levels introduced a fresh and exciting dimension to Minecraft gameplay, drawing… Read More

  • Companion Kiwi’s shocking secret revealed!

    Companion Kiwi's shocking secret revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m Late, I’m Late | Minecraft SevTech Ages’, was uploaded by Companion Kiwi on 2024-08-16 22:17:39. It has garnered 36 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Like and Subscribe! ^ Join The Community V Support on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/CompanionKiwi https://x.com/CompanionKiwiYT Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/E6y9r42qv4 [email protected] #minecraft #gaming #live #stream #sevtechages #minecraftages #minecraftsevtech Read More

  • Minecraft Egg Logic Exposed

    Minecraft Egg Logic ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by OptionGaming on 2024-09-12 12:15:03. It has garnered 10915 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts #minecraftguide #minecrafttutorial #trending #viral #10kviews #shorts #hypixal #minecrafthowto #trendingshorts #feedshorts #kite #comment #chipichipichapachapa #comedyvideo #funnyvideo #funnyshorts #plssupportmychannel #4k #2k #hd #gamingcommunity #build #india #1millionviews #1000subscribe minecraft logic gates, minecraft logic be like, minecraft logic pt 2 🤔 november 🅥, minecraft logic shorts, minecraft logic song, minecraft logic that makes no sense, minecraft logic greg renko, minecraft logical redstone, minecraft logic water, minecraft logic… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!

    INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic wait what meme, Lava, Water, Slime #337’, was uploaded by moosh – Minecraft memes on 2024-04-30 00:46:01. It has garnered 1415 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:06 or 3306 seconds. do not forget to subscribe and press like! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion – Wilson’s Journey

    Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion - Wilson's JourneyVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS In FUSION PIXELMON! (Minecraft Pokémon)’, was uploaded by Wilson on 2024-03-01 18:00:04. It has garnered 143854 views and 2503 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:16 or 2896 seconds. 🟠100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon! (Minecraft Pokémon)🟠 100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon finally makes its return! Make sure to let me know what fusions you want to see next in 200 days 🔴 Subscribe To the Channel!🔴 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0JfhV6l5qZJKRUovFAMw8A 🟠Discord🟠 https://discord.gg/G4QVRwMXxF 🔵Rocketnode🔵 Use Code “WILSON” For 25% off your server! https://billing.rocketnode.com/aff.php?aff=990446 🟢Edited By Zenzy🟢 https://zenzyyy.carrd.co/ #pixelmon #100days #100 Read More

  • Sandurs – Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!

    Sandurs - Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ragecraft IV: Underworld | Minecraft CTM | Stream 17’, was uploaded by Sandurs on 2024-05-19 01:48:20. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:31 or 7711 seconds. ================== ➜ Minecraft CTM ➜ Map Name: Ragecraft IV: Underworld By heliceo & suso ➜ Map Download: https://ctmrepository.com/download.php?id=588 ➜ Music: Eniah and David Fesliyan & Crinkles – https://crinklesmusic.com/#music ➜ Map Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjl5QfimUCo ================== Hello, I’m Sandurs! I mainly make Minecraft videos like: CTM (Complete the Monument). I enjoy making and playing CTM Maps. Sometimes I do other things like other Minecraft… Read More


    🔥 INSANE MINECRAFT BEDROCK SERVER GAMEPLAY LIVE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT LIVE STWEAMY | BEDROCK SERVER 🔴’, was uploaded by Game Ed on 2024-07-26 21:17:42. It has garnered 3142 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:45 or 7245 seconds. Follow my Twitter – https://twitter.com/MCShortsCollab Join my discord server – https://discord.gg/TjEYqAdHyj Donate to my paypal – https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/gameed Read More

  • Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!

    Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Isekai】To the Sewers!’, was uploaded by Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-09-06 05:21:25. It has garnered 105035 views and 8058 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:19 or 9739 seconds. eep cute art, thank you! https://x.com/PhdPigeon/status/1830142960585097389 Request from hololive Production to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. https://en.hololive.tv/request-to-minors Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnMxjFRlywA&t=21s MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-kkCrVZUzc ◆What is “ENigmatic Recollection”? It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part. Through streams, animations, and songs wrought anew, immerse yourself in fresh narratives woven… Read More

  • Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥

    Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Minecraft Fun Again (by ruining it…)’, was uploaded by Eqlipse on 2024-07-27 22:37:32. It has garnered 34555 views and 2132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:15 or 1695 seconds. You ever find Minecraft boring and burnt-out after just 2 weeks Well Have I got a solution for you… (its awful) SUBSCRIBE TO THE BONUS CHANNEL: @eqlipseagain3350 MERCH STORE: https://eqshop.live ||| 10% off with CODE: ANTE UP Join my Discord to Play this Monstrosity: https://discord.gg/xAPDH4uQnj This video was just for fun and if its not obvious a joke please don’t hate… Read More


    ULTIMATE TOWER BUILDING & TREE CHOPPING IN MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK EP 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Make a tower around the block and expand tree cutting area MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK SERIES EP 2’, was uploaded by NOXX CRAFT on 2024-09-21 12:30:30. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:42 or 642 seconds. 🔥 Noxx on an unforgettable Minecraft journey as we dive into uncharted territories and face off against fearsome creatures! Join us in this epic adventure filled with laughter, excitement, and mind-blowing creations! 🌍 Explore vast landscapes, unearth hidden treasures, and build magnificent structures that will leave you in awe. From towering castles… Read More