TV WITCH Curses CHEATING Manzel in Minecraft

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hey guys my favorite girl witch and I went out for a walk and to see the beautiful places of our village I really enjoy spending time together on the walk so I’m really glad we’re together let’s not waste our time and go for a walk yes of course I myself love spending time with you very much I don’t even care if we go out or just relax at home I on the contrary love walking around and looking at all the pretty things it’s just a little different than lying at home but the most important thing for me is to have you by my side and everything else is secondary look at how great it is here I’m really excited about it I totally agree with you our village has transformed a lot lately all the buildings are done very well and beautifully yeah our architecture is cool now let’s go see what’s out there it’s very beautiful everywhere you go JJ we should think of somewhere we can go and hang out for example we can go to this building see what’s inside what do you think of my idea no JJ let’s just keep walking uh okay never mind but just walking around and watching can get boring no JJ it can’t be if we get tired we’ll go somewhere and rest but for now let’s just walk together good of course wait I think I see something a nurse in a tree rescuing a cat I’ll run and help her she can’t seem to get down now I’m going to help this kind nurse who saves a kitten Miss do you need help I can do that yeah I can’t go down I need help stay there I’ll come up and help you just hurry up please I’m scared to stand here it’s okay I’m right here I’ll help you down just follow me and everything will be okay okay just take your time please I’m watching where you’re going just a few more steps and you’ll be on the ground it’s not so scary anymore but just watch out for me that’s it I’m already on the ground so go down quietly and don’t be afraid of anything God thank you so much for helping me I was so scared of falling from there wow you’re welcome I’m glad you’re okay hope to see you again what a nice girl she also kissed me on the cheek I’m very pleased that I helped her I feel like some kind of hero a little bit you did a great job JJ you didn’t get scared and help the girl down I’m proud of you thank you so much I knew right away that I had an obligation to help now walk me home hero of course I’ll do it you don’t even have to ask or beg for that I’m excited about today’s walk here we are at your house now you can safely go rest after that walk your house is certainly very big and beautiful I love it I purposely built it for myself so I could be comfortable here thank you so much for walking me home you’re welcome I’ll see you again tomorrow I’ll be very excited about it so I’ll definitely be waiting for you to come good I’m very happy about that bye bye my main hero today it’s my pleasure thank you I’m very happy to have a girl like that but I really want to go now to that nurse I helped today I hope my witch doesn’t suspect anything but I really like that nurse and would love to talk to her again so I need to get there fast and find her here I am running into the hospital I think the nurse is right there I hope I can find her and ask for her phone number so I can spend some time with her later even though I have a girlfriend I can’t forget this girl’s beautiful smile and eyes especially since she said she hoped to see me now this is where I need to find a a nurse Oh My Savior what are you doing here why are you here I’m here to have a little chat with you and pass the time that’s very cute but I’m a little busy right now it’s no problem just give me your number and I’ll be sure to see you later of course how could I say no to such a handsome and brave guy it’s really nice to hear that I’m glad you say that about me now I’ll text you my number then and I’ll definitely look forward to calling you just don’t forget about me I won’t be able to forget about you for sure I’ll definitely call you look at you taking responsibility for your words don’t even doubt it so glad I got this beautiful nurse’s number I’m finishing up not too late so if you want to you can call me today okay I got you gorgeous how wonderful it all turned out such little coincidences and my confidence allowed me to get the number of such a beautiful girl now I’m going home to rest 2 hours later even though I love watching cartoons I can’t help but call my lovely new acquaintance hey it’s JJ do you want to come over to my place yeah sure I’ll be right there okay I’ll be waiting for you very cool soon this gorgeous girl will come to my place to hang out what she’s here so soon I don’t believe it I’ll find out who it is hey JJ long time no see you want to hang out no Mikey I’ve got an important meeting with a girl today get out of my way it’s been so long since we’ve had fun together hasn’t it we’ll still have time to do it but I’m busy today is she coming to see you yeah Mikey please get out of here fast but you have a witch girlfriend quiet hi I didn’t think you’d be here so soon am I interrupting something no of course not come inside I’ll see my friend off and I’ll come to you Mikey get out of here please don’t make me angry okay JJ but know that you’re wrong and you can’t do that God he can be so nasty sometimes but the important thing is that he’s gone you sure I’m not interrupting anything is everything okay yes of course now I’m going to give you a little tour of my beautiful home I noticed that you like to watch cartoons yeah I watch it sometimes but there’s still a lot more on here for me what a big and beautiful kitchen you have JJ are you enjoying all this of course I’m really excited to meet a great guy like you JJ and I’m glad to meet such a pretty girl later I have to tell the witch what I just saw JJ behaved in a very ugly and wrong way hey Mikey what are you doing here JJ brought a nurse into his house what no way I don’t believe it let’s go to him and you’ll see for yourself now look carefully out the window and you’ll understand you’re very beautiful I’m so glad we met it’s all thanks to you you weren’t afraid to help me down from the tree a girl like you shouldn’t be in this situation see I told you I had no reason to lie I’m just in shock how could JJ do that don’t worry we’ll figure out a way to get back at him I totally agree with you Mikey a few moments later bartender can we please have something very tasty yes of course and what are your flavor preferences just give us something to suit your tastes yes I agree with my lady we’ll have any kind of drink okay then I’ll give you my all-time favorite drink great thank you for bringing me here it’s not a problem I’d love to please you here are your drinks hope you enjoy it very much thanks so much we’ll give it a try now and be sure to give our opinion okay I’ll be waiting wow that really is a very nice flavor it’s true I really enjoyed it a lot too call me if you want another drink of course thank you so much the bartender here is very nice isn’t he I’m sorry I think I have to go to the bathroom right now I’ll be right back okay I’ll wait for you oh my God my stomach is so tight I don’t know why maybe the drink wasn’t fresh it’s a good thing there’s a bathroom right next to me or I’d be so embarrassed I’m going to sit down now and hopefully feel very much better I’ll be away from you guys for a bit and I’ll be back back as soon as I’m done with my business in the meantime you can give me a like 5 minutes later pH that’s it I feel so much better I’m very glad I didn’t get poisoned and can get back to my hottie because I’ve already missed her in the meantime hey sweetheart I’m here didn’t you miss me oh where is she wait is that Mikey’s voice oh my God what’s a witch doing here for the nurse from me and he didn’t tell me anything Jesus what are you guys even doing here did you bring the witch here Mikey did the right thing but why don’t we spend time with him uh hold on what why don’t the three of us just go to your place Mike’s definitely out of it and I’m sure the three of us will be great wow of course I agree I won’t even think about it and you Traer you’re on your own now JJ why would you do that wait for me please I don’t want to stay with that rat I hope you regret your choice never in my life I’ll be spending time with two beautiful ladies this is the best thing that could have happened to me so cool we’re almost there JJ it’s so great that the three of us got together it’s true you have no no idea how happy I am follow us then JJ we’ll go straight upstairs they also came up with some kind of surprise for me wow I really hope it’s not a dream because I don’t believe it’s real JJ keep up with us run after us we’re waiting for you handsome don’t make us wait so long for you of course please forgive me lovely ladies I’m already here I just don’t understand what you’ve come up with and why you dragged me here you’re sure to love it with us you definitely won’t regret it look how lucky I am I really hope you’re happy for me now I’m going to enjoy my time don’t you want to get ready to spend time with us I’m always up for it let’s get in my room already lovely ladies take a shower first we want you to be fresh yes of course for your sake it’s not hard for me to do it just hurry up so we don’t have to wait too long for you I’ll make it as quick as possible I myself can’t wait to spend time with these two gorgeous girls how good I’m going to feel soon I’m the happiest man on the planet the treatments are done now I can finally go to them girls I’m on my way to you I’m ready can we go to my room together now wait JJ don’t be in such a hurry we’d also get something to eat first because we’re really hungry yes I totally agree bring us something over here please God why do you keep dragging this out all right I’ll get it for you right away how many demands these girls have it’s horrible but okay I should be calm it takes a little work to get a good rest I should get them something nutritious great I’ve got plenty of steaks this will be great for a nice meal hopefully after that they won’t need anything more and we’ll go to my room girls I brought you some very tasty steaks you you won’t be hungry afterwards thank you so much JJ you are very sweet to us now we’re ready to go let’s not waste any more time JJ finally I’m very happy about it thank you so much for this we’ve got one game for you wow what’s the game get on the bed JJ and you’ll figure it out I love games like this I’d love to do what you want now we’re going to tie you up in bed and we’re going to have a really good time together okay now I’ll tie it here too and it’s done that’s it you’ve done what you wanted to do what do we do now now you silly sit here and we’ll go about our business did he really think we’d fall for a guy like him so you were just messing with me untie me no now you’ll be chained here for your actions and here’s a potion to make it fun for you please don’t I’ve realized my mistakes let me go oh my God they made this up on purpose to mess with me and I was a stupid to believe it oh Mikey man I’m so glad you came please set me free those stupid girls have me chained up I’m so sorry I left you there all alone you are a wonderful person I’m glad you forgave me and decided to set me free thank you again hey wait why aren’t you talking to me where are you going apparently he still resents me for what I did to him but I can understand that just where are those two girls who decided to play a prank on me I can see them the two of them standing there having fun with what they’ve done what Mikey went to them did he now the three of us can go have fun and let the insolent liar sit on the toilet I totally agree with you he is no longer my friend tell me later if you had fun God they just did it all on purpose and I was left all alone very sad that it turned out this way but it was my own fault I wanted everything and because of that I lost everyone but the only thing I don’t get is what kind of potion was thrown at me oh my God now I get it I have to go to the bathroom now I hate all of them what was that all about and now I have to sit on the toilet again apparently the witch at the bar did her best for that too 10 hours later Mikey and I went outside again to take a walk and find something fun to do but so far we haven’t been able to find anything we haven’t even looked we have to go further and look carefully well then let’s not waste any time Mikey we’re just going to waste another day don’t be such an alarmist look at how great the weather is I don’t care about the weather I just want something to do there’s nothing I can do you just have to think wo look there’s a guy on a bike doing cool tricks wow I didn’t realize it was possible to do that on a bike I’d love to learn how to do that too he’s a pro at this JJ I don’t think it’s the first day he’s been doing this but he’s really good at it look it’s probably about to be some kind of super trick wow did you see that he did a somersault on his bike yes Mikey it was very dangerous and cool I’d like to do stunts on a bike too look I think he wants to do his trick again yes he’s getting ready and he’s about to do a somersault God that’s so cool I’m so excited about this it’s true too bad he’s already leaving but he does it very beautifully imagine how cool we’d be if we learned to do the same thing what’s stopping us from learning how to do that maybe we should buy a bicycle right just when we can do something fun and interesting then we need to go out right now and buy one bike for two do you know where I can buy this of course JJ our favorite store definitely has a bike then let’s go there I hope I have enough money to buy this if not enough I’ll try to find some diamonds excellent then let’s go I’ll be very disappointed if there’s no bike there let’s not think bad thoughts just have faith unfortunately there’s already a girl in line at this store it’s true we have to wait no you don’t look there’s that bike that’s right he’s very handsome we should definitely get it I think it’s the last one you have enough diamonds for for it yeah Mikey I got exactly 12 lucky us God that girl takes too long to choose something it’s true I hope she leaves already I don’t want to wait that long I’ll do it now look Jesus Mikey what are you doing that’s it now we’re first in line you shouldn’t have taken so long to choose what are you doing why did you just push me out of line because it didn’t take too long to choose we’re in a hurry but it’s wrong to do that get out of here already old girl what did you call me have you lost your fear don’t bother us anymore it’s your fault for standing here so long I’ll have my revenge did you hear that does she really think we’re going to be scared of that whatever let’s buy a bike already hey salesman come here please she’s probably busy doing something too jeez it’s like everyone is against us buying a bike it’s okay we’ll wait excuse me I’m on my way have you chosen what you want to buy you’re finally here we want to buy this bike for 12 diamonds sure buy it soon it’s cool that we got here on time then give me 12 diamonds already and I’ll give you this you can take it of course it’s not a shame to give so many diamonds for such a bike so great are you sure you’ve chosen a bike yes of course we don’t need anything else do you want what color bite can we have one of these please the same color yes of course I’ll get it for you now finally JJ we’re going to ride our bike now I’m getting tired of waiting myself but I’m very happy about the purchase well guys congratulations on such an awesome acquisition you can have it yay thank you so much we’re very happy now we’re going for a ride I won’t bother you anymore have a nice day all right Mikey now we have to decide which one of us is going to try skating first sit down JJ you’ve spent your money making sure we have fun I’m a little worried Mikey I’ve never tried biking before you just have to sit back and pedal I’m sure you’ll do fine so don’t worry and try to ride soon all right Mikey now I’m going to get in and go let’s go JJ wow this is so cool and quick to make I am experiencing incredible emotions keep going JJ I love it so much I didn’t spend all my diamonds on this bike for nothing I’ll be learning more tricks soon go JJ you’re awesome thanks Mikey oh my God where’s the break ouch how hard I hit that wall jeez why didn’t I check out how to break properly on this bike right away I thought you and your bike were going to bring down that wall the important thing is that the bike didn’t break down and I feel fine you just didn’t do it right now I’m going to show you how to ride a bike and how to do it right Mikey just don’t try to show off it’s a little dangerous it’s going to be fine I’m just saying you weren’t riding right but it’ll be your first time riding Mikey don’t act like a pro now I’m just going to show you the best way to ride a bike Jesus Mikey please be careful this is this is not a joke here look you see me driving carefully and slowing down gently I understand that but you don’t have to show off look I’m riding on one wheel see yeah I can see that’s cool but are you sure you have it under control sure that’s the way to ride JJ now I’m going to do a somersault for you let’s not do this Mikey please YooHoo I’m flying oh my God I told you not to do that oh no he’s down and he’s not moving Mikey what’s wrong with you can you hear me answer me apparently he was hit very hard in in the fall I have to think of something urgently to save my friend I certainly can’t give him first aid I don’t know anything about it I have to call an ambulance and ask them to come here right away just hang in there Mikey please I don’t want to lose my friend an ambulance yeah hurry up and get over here my friend Mikey’s in trouble I got it I’m on my way right now I’ll be there soon okay as soon as possible please all right help is on its way here I really hope it’s not too late to save Mikey and he’ll be alive and well but unfortunately I don’t even know how to help him now I hear an ambulance that came pretty fast that’s great I’m sure they’ll help hello what’s happened my friend Mikey was doing a trick on his bike and took a very painful fall Jesus what did he do to fall like that he tried to do a somersault off that de fell and won’t move this is really bad I need to start CPR to save him then hurry up and do it I don’t want to lose my friend yes of course I’ll do everything I can to save him but it will be very difficult I’m begging you do it maybe you need some some help you just speak up don’t be silent just stay out of my way I’m doing my best I’m trying any sign of life is he getting any better not yet he’s still unconscious and then what do we do tell me I don’t know nothing is helping him he needs to be taken to the hospital soon while it makes sense then let’s do it already please just do it all yes of course there we’ll put him on an IV and try to bring him back to Consciousness all right just do the best you can I beg you he’s very young don’t worry JJ I promise you we’ll do our best but there’s no guarantee I understand but he did a stupid thing and he shouldn’t have to leave his life because of something like that I’m not wasting any time JJ and I’m taking him to the hospital well can I go to the hospital and find out what’s wrong with him sure I hope he can get back to you God I wish they could help him I told Mikey this was no joke now he’s on the brink of life and death why did we buy this bike in the first place we would have been better off just staying home and being alive and well but now even the nurse doesn’t know if Mikey can regain Consciousness or not I have to rush to the hospital and find out everything all right I’m at the hospital now I got to find out where Mikey is and what’s wrong with him I need to find that nurse and ask her how my friend is doing but the first door is closed and no one answers God there’s no one anywhere at all but then where are Mikey and the nurse who helps him wait I think I hear something oh it’s a nurse let’s find out what happened to Mikey wow JJ you ran in here so fast sure how’s Mikey doing is he alive yes he’s awake and lying in his room resting he’s fine oh my God that’s just great I’m so excited can I see him and talk to him yeah sure I’ll go to my office and get some rest for now okay thank you so much for saving Mikey when I get back you can go home together okay that’s great thank you again that’s cool and the most important thing is that Mikey is saved and not in any danger because I was very much afraid of losing my best friend now I have to go to him and see how he is doing there he is is he’s happy and Alive Mikey buddy how you feeling it’s okay JJ just a little headache and neck pain but I’m pretty much alive you have no idea how scared I was for you good thing the nurse came quickly and saved you it’s true I tried to do that flip on the bike for nothing I told you not to do that the nurse said when she comes back we can go home with you great I’m getting tired of lying down it’s good for you to lie down now I’ll go find out and see where she is all right JJ I’ll wait for you here great I’ll be right back I can’t be happy that Mikey is alive and I can talk to him I’m still shaking from that situation I’d better go find out where the nurse is listen to me very carefully I think I hear a familiar voice out there oh no what’s the witch doing there if you don’t do what I say you will definitely regret it Jesus tell me what you want from me I want you to get that shot or I’m telling you no kidding you’re going to get very sick but why would it be necessary I don’t understand what he did wrong you don’t need to understand anything just do it and that’s it God but I feel really bad for him but I guess I don’t really really have a choice that’s right hurry up and do it all right I’m going to do it oh JJ what are you standing there for I was just looking for you and was wondering if Mikey could come home with me yet um you mean Mikey yeah yeah maybe but I’ve got one more thing to do what happened you said it was okay but I have something to tell him and you let’s go to the room this is all weird but okay let’s go in and I’ll listen to you is it okay for me to get up and go home now the nurse has something to tell us I looked at the tests and unfortunately Mikey has a terminal illness but you just said he was healthy enough to go home am I going to die soon unfortunately yes but I can give you a shot that should keep you alive that might give some chances then make it quick for me I want to live sure it’s going to hurt a bit but it should help God how could this have happened JJ please stay out of the way and wait in the hallway okay but please call me as soon as you know sure just wait outside the door God how could this happen I don’t understand he was alive and well and then they suddenly found a disease and all this happened after the witch came to the nurse’s office wait I think I’m starting to understand something get out of here already old girl have you lost your fear don’t bother us anymore it’s your fault for standing here so long I’ll have my revenge that’s right she wanted to get back at Mikey for his rudess and she was telling the nurse to give someone a shot Mikey buddy get up quick it’s a frame up that shot’s going to kill you what what are you talking about that witch put her up to giving you the shot hurry up and get up oh my God that’s awful thank you for saving me in time that’s the syringe the witch gave the nurse why would you do that I was forced to do this and you’re not going anywhere until I give Mikey a shot oh my God she’s not stopping you better get out of my way before I give you a shot too JJ no don’t get away from her Mikey she’s right here JJ help me no one can help you anymore I have to do my thing and I’m going to do it oh my God what am I going to do how do I save Mikey from that nurse what is there a bat behind me right thanks this thing will help me save Mikey from a lethal injection you won’t feel any pain you’ll just pass out and that’s it please don’t do this hey you nurse don’t touch my friend what you’re here again oh no where did you find the bat now you’ll get what you deserve for your wickedness Nice Shot JJ thanks for saving me God you love getting into trouble how did you figure out about that syringe I just saw the witch giving it to the nurse and remembered the witch’s words about revenge that’s very cool JJ you’re really good for coming up with that you saved me again now we have to hurry home before the nurse wakes up and attacks again yes it’s true we have to run away fast did you think getting rid of the nurse would set you free I won’t let you go there’s that witch I was telling you about I remembered her she was in that line that’s right Mikey and now I will take revenge on you for what you did to me nice shot again JJ thanks Mikey now she won’t bother us anymore either I’m sure she was going to kill me over an altercation in line that’s right Mikey we got to show her we’re not to be messed with no one can hurt us take the final punch and let’s go home to rest all right Mikey I’m ready it’s done and we’re free and Alive several long days later Mikey and I are walking around the village and doing our usual things we just go out and have fun nothing out of the ordinary we should head for home now we’ve seen all we can see it’s true there’s nothing interesting here we should find something to do it’s getting boring follow me I don’t think we’re going to find anything interesting today then what are we going to do with you just go home what else do you have to offer I don’t know I thought you had something to offer look at the sun it’s almost gone soon it will be dark and there will be nothing to do you’re right Mikey I can see it then shall we say goodbye and go home yes JJ that is correct we’ll see you around we’ll meet again tomorrow and have fun okay then you can pick me up tomorrow all right JJ we’ll do it bye bye Mikey see you unfortunately didn’t get to show you all the fun that could have been had but tomorrow will definitely be different for now I’m just going to go home lie down for a while rest and sleep wow who’s that hottie coming that’s a very pretty nurse I think it’s an opportunity not to be missed and I should run up to meet her that’s what I’m going to do the main thing is not to worry make everything beautiful hey girl hello what are you doing here I’m trying to figure out how to get home by bus it’s all mapped out you just have to figure out which way to go and you’ll get there I just don’t know where exactly I’m supposed to go and actually I don’t understand how such a pretty girl can get around on buses such beautiful legs shouldn’t have to strain so much and you are very handsome and charismatic I love it I’m only telling the truth to a girl whose Beauty I’ve seen from afar it’s true I am beautiful but you are also wonderful externally and I’m sure internally it’s really nice to hear such words from you you deserve it pretty boy nice walk with JJ today all that’s left is to get home and go rest I’m close now jeez how am I supposed to deal with this payment what else do I have to do few meters to go and I’m already in my house well wait who’s standing over there who is this pretty girl she’s alone and there’s no one around she looks absolutely amazing I really want to go over and meet her as long as I don’t get rejected as usual wow what a figure I’ve never met such beautiful girls I have to do everything I can to make us a couple I’d be the Envy of anyone if she became my love hey girl hello what are you doing alone at this late hour the next day poo it’s morning time to wake up because it’s a great day I’m supposed to have Mikey over today I got to tell him what kind of girl I met last night the three of us should definitely get together and get to know each other all the more reason for Mikey to come to me only he’s awake this early in the morning I’m very happy about that I really wanted to see him as soon as possible and share the news time to open up my friend hey Mikey JJ hey I have some news for you I met this beautiful girl on my way home yesterday is that right you won’t believe it I met a very beautiful girl on my way home too oh my God we were so lucky last night I think we owe it to the four of us to get to know each other that’s a great idea I wanted you to meet my girlfriend I didn’t realize you had one too then what are we going to do with you today do you have any ideas we need to meet in some nice surroundings and the four of us spend some time together then we can go to a restaurant they have a very nice atmosphere and very good food that’s right Mikey that’s a great idea we can have a good time there I’m sure then let’s pack up and go there together inviting Our Ladies all right Mikey then run home and then you come and we’ll go there wait for me JJ we’re going to have a lot of fun sure Mikey just make it quick please I’ll be there soon I’m a little surprised that Mikey got a girlfriend too but I’m just glad he did because he was always getting turned down by girls now I need to get organized and prepared for a meeting like this it’s a bit exciting but I think it will go great I just have to do it quickly so no one has to wait for me alone just what should I wear 3 hours later we’ve already arrived at the restaurant with Mikey and are waiting for our lovely ladies to join us so anxious to start eating already everything smells so appetizing that’s true but we have to wait for the girls or it won’t look pretty but unfortunately for us they are late and we have to sit and endure it’s business as usual the girls must be well prepared for the meeting but they have no idea how delicious everything is here and how hard it is for us to sit here exactly okay I’m going to take a little walk go to the restroom okay JJ I’ll sit and wait for our ladies great if you need anything be sure to call me sure JJ no problem but don’t take too long yourself of course I’m literally there and right back I can’t sit here and smell this food anymore it’s too good i’ better just go to the bathroom wash up and come back hopefully the ladies will be here by now I think the plan is great oh who’s that standing there some lady’s washing her face okay I’m not paying attention to her although she has looked attractive for a long time wow man what are you standing there looking at ah no I just came to go to the bathroom and I was thinking that’s why I was standing there okay cuz I thought you were going to look at me no absolutely not it’s just that I wanted to wash my face and you took up space didn’t you like me why don’t you want to look at me so badly I’m so beautiful and you’re a great match for me I’m sorry but I already have my girlfriend and I can’t do this but she’s not here is she she won’t know anything and then you’ll tell her everything let’s go in there together and talk about you and me what no I won’t do it it’s bad what’s wrong with that we’ll just spend some time getting to know each other no absolutely not stop offering me that why don’t you like me you just need to relax no I got to go I can’t stay here that long you’re kind of weird kid oh my God that’s awful I can’t believe she tried to make a move on me I’ve never seen anything like it Mikey no one’s here yet no JJ I’m going to starve to death God how can it take so long to walk I just want to eat already I guess if no one’s here in 5 minutes we’ll eat I totally agree with you I don’t think the girls should be offended they’ll understand I’m sure oh JJ my girlfriend’s finally here really it’s finally happening oh no it’s that girl from the bathroom hey Mikey sorry I’m a little late it’s okay the important thing is that you’re finally here when’s my girlfriend coming over we’re just here to meet girls this is my friend JJ he’s waiting for his girlfriend too seriously that’s your friend seriously that’s your friend yeah well what’s wrong with that no I just thought it was just going to be the two of us we just thought we’d have a little surprise nice to meet you JJ uh yeah me too let’s sit and eat and chat about everything then the important thing is that we have fun because I’m excited to meet JJ and his girlfriend I’m happy about that too she should be here soon great then the three of us can do something in the meantime yeah I agree too let’s hear what Mikey’s girlfriend does I don’t have much to tell I’m just a normal girl who likes to enjoy life that’s great I think JJ and I do as well I think every person likes to do that don’t you the most important thing to me is that everything in the county is fun JJ I think your girlfriend’s coming no yeah that’s right she’s finally here my beautiful girl looking just wonderful hey honey we’re here hurry up and come to us JJ I see you I’m coming and now I’ll introduce you to my favorite girl it’s really good to see you sorry I’m late it’s not a big deal it’s Mikey and his girlfriend what that Witch is Mikey’s girlfriend and this nurse is JJ’s girlfriend what are you doing here get out of here I don’t get it do you two know each other this is my ex-friend who ruined my life it’s not my fault your ex-boyfriend looked at me Jesus Mikey what are we going to do now I don’t know JJ they must be in a big fight do you think finding a new boyfriend is going to make your life better my life is perfect when you’re not in it witch and you be afraid I’ll steal your boyfriend again I’m going to rip your hair out right now I’ll do it myself so I don’t have to see you just get out of here and stay out of my way but you’re a new nuisance so you’d better leave now what Jesus we got kicked out of the restaurant and they still keep yelling at each other and fighting what are we going to do with you now Mikey say something I don’t know JJ they’re kind of weird they don’t even pay attention to us they just yell and that’s all exactly trying to settle some of their old disputes but they forgot about us maybe we should forget about them and go do our own thing because the two of them will be standing around arguing for a long time to come let’s go play on the computer and forget about those girls it’s a shame of course my girlfriend is very pretty and cool but they really are very weird we’ll find beautiful and normal girls forget it I agree Mikey let’s go home that’s great I’m glad you’re always trying to prove to me that you’re cooler than me because that’s the way it is and all your boyfriends are always running to me because they’re awful JJ would never pay attention to you now I’m going to go to his house and prove to you that I’m cool and JJ will be with me he won’t even open the door when he sees how ugly you are you’ll cry again later she seriously went to do this God I can’t let her do this and take JJ back to her place I’m going to go after her too and show that JJ will choose me over her 2 hours later come on Mikey hit it hard you’re about to lose no JJ I almost won it and you started yelling and knocked me down just don’t say no and don’t try to blame me better play again and win at last let’s just take a break because my eyes are a little sore wo who’s here to see us maybe it’s our girls who have come to make peace with us that’s kind of weird did they fight for so long to get here so quickly well who else could it be let’s go open it and see I’m thinking about not opening it at all no don’t do that maybe they really want to make up then open it hey what are you doing here I’m not here to see you get out of my way then why did you come to the most handsome guy in this Village JJ I’m so glad you’re here what but you’re supposed to be with Mikey I liked you right away I don’t need Mikey but it’s wrong to say that he’s actually my friend and he’s in this room I hate that you treated me like that I loved you what are you talking to me get out of my way please and go mind your own business what you heard right you can go Mikey stop doing that already I don’t like it at all I’m sorry JJ I just don’t want anyone to stop us from loving each other but I’m not doing it anyway just relax and look at me you came here after all and you’re trying to steal my boyfriend from me and you really think a great guy would look at you Jesus enough with the competition what are you two doing Mikey and I are fed I just love you no I love you no I love you JJ will be with me no he’s already picked me say something JJ who are you picking God I feel so bad for my friend I don’t want to choose anyone you have to choose someone just be with me no JJ I’m so much better than all the girls stop stop coming up to me and making me choose I’m not picking any of you you’re horrible figure out your own problems better my friend Mikey is more important than all of you put together what you mean we’re ugly and you don’t want to choose anyone from such two beautiful girls he’s not worthy of the two of us fighting over him get out of here now you’re cute but your character is disgusting but you look like a freak and we were just messing with you all right whatever you say just go away and don’t come here again gladly you’re just a waste of time I agree don’t come crawling back on your knees to apologize nobody wants you you’re the worst thing that ever happened to me thank you so much JJ for turning those two girls down no need to thank me Mikey I’ll never trade you I am very happy to have such a friend let’s go back to playing computer games I agree Mikey let’s forget these two girls like a bad dream I agree too you better watch me go through this horrible boss right now I believe you can do it [Music] a

This video, titled ‘JJ CHEATED TV WOMAN WITCH with TV NURSE! TV WITCH put a curse on JJ in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Manzel on 2024-04-12 21:26:00. It has garnered 7347 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:59 or 2039 seconds.

JJ CHEATED TV WOMAN WITCH with TV NURSE! TV WITCH put a curse on JJ in Minecraft – Maizen

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day

Original Maizen Channel –

#minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #titan #tvwoman #speakerwoman #babyjjandmikey #baby

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  • LavishSMP

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  • Tempest SMP Modded SMP 18+ 1.21 Whitelist

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  • Minecraft Magic: 10 Build Hacks Unveiled!

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  • || Villager Oi Oi Oi Hot Meme || #minecraft #lol

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  • Sneaky Minecraft Finger Test

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  • Uncovering the Grave of a Terrifying New Minecraft Nightmare

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  • VR Collaboration: First Time Minecraft-ing

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  • Discover the Shocking Truth About Vivilly!

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  • The Shocking Truth Behind Minecraft Shorts!

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  • Minecraft Pro Hacks: 2GB RAM Laptop Edition!

    Minecraft Pro Hacks: 2GB RAM Laptop Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to play Minecraft with a 2gb ram laptop like a pro’, was uploaded by PG_Playzz on 2024-02-29 01:30:16. It has garnered 49 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #shortfeed2024 #trending #viralyoutube #trending #shortindia #Laptops @RajGrover005 @unknownboyvarun @SagarsKitchen @shortsbreak @UrSmartMakerShorts @ShortsBreak_Official @Pranavpun @PragatiVermaa @Pragati VermaaShorts @Chetan Monga Vlogs @MrBeast @mrmiko2.0 @Chimkandi I playing Minecraft in low end pclow end pc gameshow to get more fps in minecraftminecraft fps boostbest low end pc gamesminecraft fps boost modfps boost minecrafthow to improve fps in minecrafthow to boost fps in… Read More

  • 🔥 ChessHellfire – Cozy Minecraft Adventure! 🚢🔥 [17] (LiveLP)

    🔥 ChessHellfire - Cozy Minecraft Adventure! 🚢🔥 [17] (LiveLP)Video Information This video, titled ‘Cozy Minecraft – Seefahrt mit Hindernissen 🚢 [17] (LiveLP)’, was uploaded by ChessHellfire on 2024-07-09 09:24:00. It has garnered 52 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:58 or 778 seconds. Our new Minecraft modpack is all about a totally relaxed experience. Together with @VikingOfVanir we are setting off on a relaxed adventure. Where will it take us? Social Media: 👉Main channel: 👉Short Channel: 👉Uncut Channel: 👉 Twitter: 👉 KICK: 👉 Twitch: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #chesshellfire #minecraft #cozygaming #vikingofvanir Read More

  • DD烤肉MAN speaks Japanese? Mori Calliope reveals secret!

    DD烤肉MAN speaks Japanese? Mori Calliope reveals secret!Video Information This video, titled ‘死神教Biboo說日文? 牙牙學語的Biboo真可愛~【Mori Calliope/Koseki Bijou】【hololive-EN】【中英字幕】’, was uploaded by DD烤肉MAN on 2024-04-06 00:03:45. It has garnered 16803 views and 1092 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:51 or 231 seconds. Just like a child learning to speak. Original live broadcast:[MINECRAFT COLLAB]block game with @KosekiBijou!! 【MINECRAFT】Base building with @MoriCalliope ft. ROCK HARD CONSTRUCTIONS 【SHASHINGO】The first step to JOUZU! 【Koseki Bijou Ch. hololive-EN】 【Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN】 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -… Read More

  • 🔥 Unbelievable XP Farm in Minecraft PE 🔥

    🔥 Unbelievable XP Farm in Minecraft PE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Ultimate XP Farm for Survival | Minecraft PE SMP Series’, was uploaded by GO GAMAR YT on 2024-04-11 14:00:18. It has garnered 87 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:57 or 537 seconds. minecraft PE Survival player SMP video XP Farm in Minecraft PE Survival player SMP giant new XP Farm deadliest smp dream smp lifesteal smp minecraft challenge minecraft smp minecraft survival public SMP serve ma join xp farm in minecraft pocket edition school smp lifesteal smp ip lifesteal smp applications deadliest minecraft smp minecraft mods i destroyed an army… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Noteblock Bonetrousle Cover!

    INSANE Minecraft Noteblock Bonetrousle Cover!Video Information This video, titled ‘UNDERTALE – Bonetrousle (Minecraft Noteblock)’, was uploaded by Gnhan Studio on 2024-04-25 20:00:17. It has garnered 180 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:09 or 189 seconds. UNDERTALE – Bonetrousle (Minecraft Noteblock) NYES! Composed by: Toby Fox (OST:024) Note: Deltarune is another game made by Toby Fox who also made Undertale If you’re a Minecraft player, be sure to check out this noteblock! It’s been made specifically for Minecraft players and is full of useful tips and tricks. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, this noteblock is a great way… Read More

  • LKU Minecraft

    LKU MinecraftLKU Minecraft Welcome to LKU Minecraft, a community-driven server where imagination knows no bounds! Embark on epic adventures, explore custom-built worlds, and engage in thrilling quests with friends. Our server features dynamic events, a thriving economy, and a welcoming community. Join us and experience Minecraft like never before! Server Features: – Custom Survival Experience – Exciting quests and challenges for all players. – Dynamic events and competitions with fantastic rewards. – A friendly and active community of players and staff. How to Join: Join our Discord server for instructions: Server IP: Read More

  • FroobWorld Semi-Vanilla SMP PvE 1.20.6

    Server Information: IP: Discord: Discord Link Website: Official Website Dynmap: Dynmap Link About FroobWorld: FroobWorld is a small survival server that has been running since 2011. If you enjoy old-school SMP style gameplay, you will love our server. Our rules are simple: no griefing, no stealing, and no cheating. We maintain a PG-13 chat environment. Features: Land claiming with no size limit (within reason) Lockette-style chest locking Various teleportation commands Long-term maps 32-view distance No donation rewards or vote prizes Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft Nightmare: This Really Happened”

    I guess you could say they really mined their own business to get all those netherite pickaxes! Read More