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Nope no you’re not no don’t mute and then you and then No don’t definitely chill with us jam with us dance oh whatever we’ll dance together ah he came back hey guys oh he left again you’re so funny wolfy You’re just the funniest guy ever we got a jokester we got a funny guy in the call we got a little funny man he thinks he’s so funny did you start stream yeah For always being number one i always feel like i’m saying your name wrong i think we talked about it before 100 but like i just know i’m saying it wrong every single time and i am so sorry not bella i know how to say leah but um

Dude i definitely am saying is it is it i me or liam like blimey lion Knock knock is this winner’s pov you already know you already know yo yo guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys chat chat oh wrong one guys i have i haven’t i have hi hi you can see me play hopefully my camera doesn’t fall but

Uh i can move it over a little bit so you guys can see my hand more but yeah i don’t know i feel like this is like cool to see just like a lot of people like ask me off stream so i feel like doing it i’m also not full screen but I have so much faith in my stream right now yeah no no cap we’re gonna win 100 i’ve constructed the best team in the world and we’re going to win just call me two got it two whoa hand reveal i mean i’ve already shown myself on twitter but

You all you get his hands right now on stream you guys can also see my wacky play style with clicking e e i’m actually going to say that in a stream Uh sorry i am typing Okay i’m done typing uh let me go back to this discord all right Now we get a visual that tapping noise yeah right you guys are gonna be like what’s going on and now you get at least to know what’s going on i always try to like tune it out i feel like it might be better now for where i have my mic but you know

We’ll live without it you know what i mean well we’ll be fine we’ll be good we’ll be good so how is everyone doing how is everyone doing we’re doing good we’re doing good so if anyone doesn’t know i am teaming with five up wolfy and delta there’s delta It’s gonna be a good stream i think it should be fun should be fun time Am i oh i’m still sharing my screen on discord that’s a no-go so how’s everyone’s week at school i’m guessing most people are still in school right now because at the time that we’re doing this but who’s the team captain it is five up five up is the team captain of this team

Come on i need to chase them Oh he turned around Get pushed into a corner loser i’m like beating him up i’m gonna stare at him Hello i’m gonna you in my chat I try to move my phone so i can see if i have notifications can you see my phone there no you can’t all right cool i’m watching this from school because i’m a rebel don’t get in trouble hi wolfie hi how are you doing hi wolfie chat

Everyone leave wolfy and come to my stream what no don’t do that please we’re probably we’re probably playing the same music are you in the um second song of your playlist no i have it on shuffle uh it would be funny for like the whole stream we’re playing this can we please

Do that can we please just have the same music playing the whole time yeah sure so they switch back and forth okay wait wait wait hold on let me turn shuffle off and then what start at this the second song start at the beginning of the second song when you’re ready all right

Say three two one okay ooh one all right cool i started all right cool so now they’re just here yeah the only people that would notice are people that just heard that all right anyways anyways Are we ready to win yeah hell yeah well i mean for any time no no we’re winning ready to have fun you know and then also win but then also have fun Yeah uh Oh yeah the games i don’t have you told your chat i have not so do you want to tell them or should i tell them i mean i’ll i’ll try to do it from memory all right go ahead in order if you mess it up why why i have a cheat code

Give me like 30 seconds to run to the back of the spawn We’re playing advancement bingo boat rush tnt dash ender pearl golf and temple of tides advancement bingo’s just advancement hunting like speedrun i don’t know if anyone’s seen that but like uh i know the speedrunners have been doing like advancement speedruns so that’s basically that but russia’s ice

Belt racing uh tnt dash is tnt run and the pro golf is you throw under pearls and you play golf but with that and then temple of tides is the temple of elements but the water goes along so yeah so yeah i think we’ll be all right we’ll be we’ll be good

Oh wait we get to practice oh wait wait what we get to practice the ender pearl thing everyone’s just throwing things the end Wait this is weird oh this is weird my friends are also so dying so bad right now oh what is it a bow it is a bow okay oh but that’s actually really good because i kind of know the trajectory of buzz so it’s an arrow not a

Okay i say i know the trajectory and then miss very badly uh high five up hello i need to turn you up hold up there you go no no no you don’t need to turn me off okay i need to turn you down yeah what why not is it usually always the same

Minecraft server yeah it’s the same minecraft server it was kicked off of this team by michael mcchill and then i got kicked off michael mcgill’s team oh that’s tragic yeah worst day ever so here i am oh i got an eagle wait that’s sick wait oh yeah you can practice the ender

Pearl uh not bingo and the pearl uh ip unless i find it you’re so funny hold on gummy rhymes thank you for the 20 [ __ ] with the it’s like a bow so if you kind of know how bo works then we should be also you

Like do you like double like you hit the ground like you slide on the ground wait how does this work fire breath man it’s like a bow you’re aiming a bow i did not realize but you’re like july on the ground oh i got stuck in the floor that’s crazy

Oh my god my frames ender pearl golf where are you practicing this by the way all the way in the back so if you run forward like the game description area yeah they usually oh my gosh oh so close doesn’t the event start like now you know it is supposed to

It probably will start soon they’re just probably doing their like like introduction thing the last minute that checks gotcha yeah tell me that radioactive is not the best imagine dragon song what the hell didn’t you guys make bubbles no i don’t know no i did not professionals okay wolfie your playlist

Just scared me do you know what i’m talking about do you mean the little like yeah sound yeah i’ve never heard that before watch this uh my teammates are five up wolfy and delta never mind i love golfing this is you know i kind of wish it was just enderpearl throwing because

Now i’m not really i’m not too sure how well i’m gonna do with this in our discord chat thank you so much mario golf since you’ve made it i might as well use it oh just simply the case oh you can only do this once

Give me an eagle the first time and then it didn’t give me anything i want my rewards yeah let me do the bubble yeah let me set up the bubble thank you five up all right now they’re all just copying me so this is the team

How how we feeling how are we feeling mommy you know i think we’re good the only thing i’m like not sure of is the boat race thing which is it going to be individual like the previous event or is it going to be all at once it’s probably

Going to be individual have you done it before uh this yes it’s all good i’ve done it in mcc and i’ve seen some practice stuff oh okay so yeah you’re probably you’re definitely fine then as long as you’ve rode a boat on ice you’re probably going to be perfectly fine

Yeah it’s going to be a situation where i’m just like probably hopping out the boat unless you can’t you cannot do that oh gotcha well i mean i don’t know but i just wouldn’t just in case i yeah i don’t think anyone did it last time right so i probably won’t

I assume it’s probably not possible what do we do uh for the ice budding just stay in the boat i’ll just play it i i’ll be able to pick it up as long as i’m hopefully not first do not worry no that’s not really an issue i’m going there ender pearl actually

Wait we probably just practice both things here now oh my god uh sadly this is my one and only time it’s oh my god all in one right here right now of course team five up is gonna win what are you talking about uh mod if you want to make a poll wolfie

I’m already a marty i don’t know you’d make or if they’d even be the best oh you’re really the best let’s go make one oh that’s the mod po you want got it god oh my god someone make that i’m so good dude i was almost in i don’t know if

Anyone’s here but do it if not i’ll have someone do it when they show up i can do it again just remind me mr two hey here i am right now right here right now so it’s like aiming a bow it’s not like an actual ender pearl oh god yeah oh

I don’t like this it’s so funky seeing people fly and also it’s like um it like has a bounce to it so like you’ll roll like you just won’t like stand still after you like land it’s like i would aim a little uh before then like to lane right in it

Because you’ll just end up like hitting the back and flying way over that was nice it’s kind of cool but like dude i just i just literally like hold on one day like no bounce that was crazy can we just oh this is bizarre this is bizarre

At least at least we have some time to practice it probably keep overshooting by a mile going to try to do trick shot but can we also just like go up so like this is a fully charged bow there oh i wonder if you can half shot it

You can’t you they’re definitely like fully charging is bad i’m pretty sure yeah oh yeah you can like do it like three fourths of the way yeah it feels more consistent oh yeah right here i mean i think you really should only do full charge of like you

Have to go a super far distance thank you for the follow clap then you just spaced off the extra bar oh oh one of these look where i am did one of those golf things no also i did not notice the xp bar so thank you for mentioning that nope

Oh there’s one there’s like rules over here um oh there is the experience use the spyglass in your inventory to enter the preview mode which lets you fly around freely to scope out the course watch out for sand traps they will weaken your next shot significantly

Water and the void are considered out of bounds so do not land in water and do not land in sand and then scoring is our combined stroke counts yep on all the courses okay let’s see interesting and then the last one is temple of tides yeah someone someone mentioned to me i think

When we read it it sounds like um it’s just like the other ones no it kind of more sounds like um tons of time oh yeah it’s like you have to like go through rooms and kill mobs to get coins and stuff and then there’s like a boss

Room and it gives you like a multiplier so it more sounds like sense of time but i don’t know if it’s just like a straight path like it usually is or if it’s like um you can spread out interesting who knows oh i’m falling off the the world bye hello i’m back

Also if you go if you go at a really high arch you have like a super big bounce where if you like go super like low to the ground you get like you just kind of like slowly like move forward why are these called crewmates

I didn’t want to be reminded of among us oh no you know it just never escapes me somehow it’s getting mentioned like once a day every single day it just appears everywhere well who’s the imposter paul the redemption whirlpool all right i think i have it figured out now yeah what is the

Redemption whirlpool this isn’t the events wait where do you see redemption whirlpool in the in the tips at the water temple thing oh i see wolfie hello wolfie oh i’m going yeah that was the one that i played with yeah we got trouble because we used camera anything was allowed for this one

Okay we can use gamma so you can use gamma yeah so gamma should be okay good oh i just killed a snowman all right this is my one chance to order coffee let’s go um i think yeah because all of them have like 20 with a dialog point symbol

Do you have any strategies for any of the games like what is the list of games is um over here didn’t we have something to set up for that so yeah um basically uh what we’re gonna try to do for that game is for the first like bingo it matters

The most so i’m we’re just gonna look through it at the beginning and decide on what bingo we think is obviously the easiest and we’ll each just like designate uh bingo like we’ll be like oh i’ll do the whatever achievement you’ll do this one we’ll do this one and then we’ll just

Split up and do that one specifically first and then after that we’ll like split up and like someone will do mining someone will do adventuring stuff someone will do like more of the technical stuff and then someone would go to the nether just to like spread out and have like kind of

Like basic jobs if that makes sense so like if like delta wanted to do mining and then if ever wanted to explore wolfie wanted to do like the sniper duel and then i did another that’d be fine and honestly that stuff usually is fine for the most part but usually you’ll run

Out of stuff to do so just if you have nothing to do and you don’t know what to do just ask and i’ll just come up with something gotcha definitely be vocal if you’re looking thank you for the sub pixel because it just helps yeah because you also just want to do

The same thing someone else is doing and honestly that’s going to be our worst game probably because there’s a lot of teams just like full speed like multiple speed runners on their team so like stupid case team has like three yeah that’s crazy so that’s tragic but

If we get a good placement i see we doing i see is doing very very well in the other games boat race is just um like you said five up as long as mustard and illumina yeah and follow them they’re all yeah what the hell yeah that team is a bit opie

But um boat racing as long as like i go first or something you can just get the hang of it just by watching um for tnt run it all really just matters on whoever survives the longest which is kind of big blob yeah but um i’m falling in the void so

It doesn’t really like i mean just play tnt run but yep that’s about it there’s like little gadgets but they’re not very good so just i would just say just play tnt run don’t like try to um rely on the power ups unless it’s like jump boost jump boost and speed are

Instant drinks so don’t worry about having to drink them um and then the golf none of us have played that before all i can say is just like we all go at the same time so just take your time because it’s about strokes not time so i like golf

And then the temple it’s just all about team communication that’s all um i’m trying to figure out also what to eat i need to order suit what’s the option so here let’s hear it um the go-to places avocado toast um chicken pesto panini or grilled grilled

Cheese and ham panini well what have you not had in a while i’ve had all of them recently ah get all of them just like a third of all wait wait where two of them paninis or it was just one two but they’re very different type of paninis

What were the two of them chicken pesto and greer and ham [Laughter] where are you getting it from a place wait what were the options oh my god i’m sorry i’m just dumb don’t worry i will order this now what’d you decide on the the grier one the complete opposite one oh no

Yeah yeah that is correct one i just didn’t say the panini part a panini don’t you be a meanie where is this it just some local place i’m guessing yeah that’s what i figured i’m pretty sure it’s local it might as well not say just in case

I go for a smoothie right now there’s a nice smoothie place i went to in arizona it was so nice i figured what it was called but uh oh my god i don’t know arizona yeah you probably know what i’m talking about then i don’t remember the name but

Okay well it depends phoenix yes there’s a few of those yeah i know that’s why i’m like it doesn’t help but uh he brought me there and i was just like ah sick this is also like a year and a half ago but it was really good

Oh this is so sad my favorite restaurant restaurant my favorite restaurant in arizona uh close during cove before i moved otherwise i’d be like hey you definitely need to go here like instantly really ah that’s that yeah it was a hot pot place oh yeah okay

You know it was like by far the best hot pot i’ve ever had and i’ve been to a lot of hot pots They usually bring us to a bunch of local places wherever we go Why are you you say whenever we go like i live on the east coast because my girlfriend’s family lives up there so we’ll we’re over there so we’ll go and visit like i just went again recently but we didn’t go to the smoothie place but we’ll go like every year or so

How’s it going go and visit Get away from the cold 15 minutes ago i i feel i feel as though this is my fault from last events now they want to make sure everybody is ready no matter what yeah probably usually they come in and say like are you ready um it’s weird to think how far twitch has

Gone since the last time we teamed because last time it was just bingo no we also played in the uh the pvp thing where it was like the beginning oh right yeah we did we did we did i forgot about that one but still from the last the the bingo it

Just came a long way you they’ve definitely improved a lot which is good shane what song are you listening to shut up maybe the same one i’m listening to what song is it it’s uh let me open up the thing it’s uh animal crossing city folk 8 pm

This is a really good song the 8 pm song Oh you can just carry the ender pearl thing throughout the entire hub yeah i know oh my god dude i have never looked at the decoration in the hub that thing’s so cute i don’t know what it is but it’s so cute all in one ever since the first time i got that

Animation it doesn’t tell it to me anymore yeah neither i have the same same thing too much power You’re gonna get so like good at that one that you’re gonna be so bad at the normal one you’re like it’s not the same the distance has changed i must adjust my name that is that is what i sound like someone called me corpse yesterday and i was like how

He sounds entirely different my name is so true so true am i gonna bounce inside i was like so close So true such right you sound like that do something like that yeah well i wow that sounds exactly like me it does sound like that i did it i’m did it yay all right guys chad you guys ready for the longest hole in the one in the world

Is that you yeah boy hello bbh what the hell i didn’t even make it even close to bbh but see captain captain sparkle oh i disconnected captain sprinkle Oh hold on one that’s a hole in one right there no bro are you serious literally right right there hello h ah well i hope you think it’s better by watching just chill out and have some fun hopefully that you have a better day i’m sorry to hear that thank you so much

Oh that’s in that’s in let’s go yes very nicely done watch this uh Oh that’s not going in Wait somebody pushed me in i did a bit of a binky winky whoa i’m did it I love the flute i hear a guitar right now yeah you’re ahead because i have um ads oh yeah that’s tough it’d be rough out here sometimes no it’s not never mind this is very loud i should probably turn it down oh that’s it never mind i think we’re the fallout i

Don’t know who did but thank you Do we start it’s been 20 minutes it’s been 20 minutes i i don’t even know like what the longest has been for us to wait like this one’s pretty long especially since they were very like well let’s see if there’s someone missing a teammate there’s one team missing one player there is watching

Uh yeah that’s it so they’re probably just waiting for them one person just one little little guy one little guy my inner like Huh i guess we’re waiting for two people now yeah on last few players see there’s a there’s like the the moment of air rape now we’re not on teams no teams no teams everybody for those why did they do this again no it’s a free-for-all you know i think it’s waiting for everyone

But if a person’s 30 minutes late that’s on them instead of the event yeah yeah literally everybody’s here except one person wait how did misty get to try them uh i assume in the water area yeah i don’t know how though oh nice maybe jump in the water

All the way at the bottom maybe one of the one of the portals no no no no it dropped from a mob nice how lucky is he what the hell that’s like rare unless there’s like one that drops it every single time no huh i got everybody just been doing the golf

Thing oh oh they’re they’re just dropping it from the sky now i have one oh really how come i don’t get one what the hell what is this what elena’s just taking them all no give me some two no guys i have one extra me david have two extra three

I’m picking them all from elena get wrecked in the water There’s so many where are you at and temple of tides oh oh oh here you pick another one oh they took it wait take another one oh i can’t drop these i’m going to make so many friends yeah okay it took another one thank you oh i just killed something

Oh i can’t oh wait everyone you can kill these guys i feel like i should turn this down a little bit i want to hug hug him with the trident i might do a little bit of damage but that’s the gesture that counts versus last person

I i will acquire their phone number and call them it’s literally just one person bray uh got lucky and one of the admins just keeps dropping them and then you join them from elena that’s that’s how i did it me and aaron are having an anime battle in the water they’re on their

Way they are on their way i’m rather in the midst of a flight from across the continent all right murder i’m killing the npc’s in the water with my i found an npc called fire breath man where did he go where did he go fire breath man is swimming glitch right now no

I’m swimming a pirate gunner what the hell he’s got a gun a crewmate oh my gosh oh my god okay so the polar bears like knock you upwards weird we’ll be starting the first mini game soon yeah let’s go yeah so we’ll have to figure out what we want

To do for bring it time to focus up guys focus up oh my god time to focus so hard i really hope my webcam doesn’t fall it’s gonna be nice no it wouldn’t that’d be great honestly it’d probably be the best way to follow us during this game because i

Can at least stop and wait wolfie where are you right now i’m i’m at the there’s a big gathering here i’m going to drop a tread into small and there you go do you see me am i tried english right now where are you you’re not trying to glitch for me what

The bruh it says i it looks like i am looks like you need another trident here you go huh you wear you must have shifted or something excuse this isn’t it’s just a bit silly all right hold on one time oh all right where’s this last person though no

Oh this area is lagging uh unfortunate that goomy no it just looks like gumi damn it’s been like 30 minutes it’s just the waiting game yeah i’m impatient Yeah man yeah man squeaky uh what was me woe is me are you ready for the dubs are you ready for the dub ski of course yeah as per usual we start with advancement bingo which i think is you know it’s like starting with like build mart so it’s that’d be great

When are we going oh my god Ain’t the salami lid the butter on its head the salami lid with the butter on its head that’s a lummy lid a laminate salami lid a salami that’s a lovely lip that’s a lovely lid ain’t gonna fit sending to advancement bingo get back in here five mom get back here five months up

Oh he’s back okay we’re good all right here we go guys all right i’m gonna turn on my music everybody all right let’s look at the bingos is that the um the ender dragon like right out of spawn honestly yeah um what are the husbandry ones there’s two wheats

Uh you can look in the book it’s gaming uh plant a seed and watch it grow and then breed and breed two animals um the boat i think it’s boat in the boat with a goat um all right obsidian’s just finding crank obsidian right yeah but then we need blaze rod and the

The thingy i think middle second row the second row uh like from up down is probably easiest i assume emerald no that’s the sky no we need a bastion is that a raid thing oh oh oh isn’t the middle row uh just flat out i mean you have to get honeycomb i guess

Or is that in the splash all these are kind of difficult um okay um we can keep on looking at it i’m gonna get enchant stuff i think i think that one might honestly be the easiest i’m gonna get uh dragon brothers room portal

So well when are we going for we have to decide immediately um all right do you want the gold chest plate that was in here yes oh maybe just the middle row in general is fine yeah like the the left to right the left to right what’s the pumpkin uh question

What did she even do chats summon an iron golem oh that’s not too hard that’s a lot iron though there’s a lot of iron which we go for i say top middle or like a cross or or like diagonally one of the other because i think the hard part about that is getting

Diamonds but that’s not actually technically that hard um and then someone has to get a shield someone just goes to what is the crossbow achievement uh old betsy i think it’s kill a pillager with a crossbow uh that could be potentially difficult how about i go mining and if i find a

Lot of iron first we’ll do the cross and if i find four to five diamonds we’ll do the uh up and down so to someone look for um someone get a glass bottle and just do the um ender dragon because all you need to do is go in with a glass bottle

All these bingos are really hard though so yep i’m going to go for the honey if we’re doing that okay i think i got both the husbandry ones okay what’s something i can do while we uh getting honey at the same time you could while you’re getting a honey

Hmm i guess i could technically mine yeah it takes a while if you’re yeah because you have to stay in the same ish area yep you could actually go for the iron and diamonds if you want like see if you find diamonds or iron and stuff like that yeah keep in mind already

New caves so it should be relatively easy um if we’re going for that i’ll i’ll speed run the nether worm oh i found a pillager outpost i might be able to do something there yeah yeah no you try to get the killer pillager yeah hopefully there’s a chest in there

With a crossbow and some areas um who’s also gonna go for iron i will be i have one in get already and there’s a village right next to the pillar outpost oh food you need food yeah i need to grab food uh i’m just gonna kill some fish

Actually while i’m here i just thought about it this is an achievement wait is this the oh tactical fishing oh yeah get a bucket and put it in the thing somebody can do that oh my controls what the [ __ ] hello i found a i found a bee’s nest too i

Already have a bee’s nest okay i’m already working on huge oh good i’m just gonna see if it has any honey in it already okay do you have honey oh it just puts them in it’s putting some in i’ll just stay kind of near it while i try to get food and stuff

I got us the shield achievement let’s go what’s the chestnut achievement in the middle second or the middle row that’s a bastion one i think right yeah i think so yeah someone should just go exploring for that right immediately yep that’s what i would do i’m just gonna go for it

Right away i just need to find food or i’m going to perish i think string iron and sticks i do not have all that all right i found a lava pool but i also found the mountain or goatskin spawn i’m just going to quickly go up there see if i

Can find a goat i should be able to get the tactical fishing like right now good and if anything we’re probably not going to get the bingo first but as long as we get a bingo first 10 it’s good because we get extra points yep oh i’m about to die

That would be not good that is fine all right got it good luck too many pillagers blueberries just send cords if anyone’s near that it might be useful there’s a 300 400 i’m not really close to that this is another behavior is what level is this one this one is at level three

There’s levels yeah you need a harvest out here level five huh oh i have honey see there you go see this is i knew it was smart tactical five of knows more than i do well let’s go i’ve been playing minecraft for 10 years that’s why it’s sad

Okay i need this food now there’s an iron golem here okay let me go on top of this mountain see if i can find a boat already got all my stuff i mean a goat where’s my shield um i’m i guess i go caving for iron and

Help with the iron golem or should i help with the pillager uh no do the do the iron yeah yeah irons definitely the play but with a goat let’s go all right just got a crossbow all right now i’m going to go together wait that’s not it’s not honeycomb what’s the honey

Achievement wait what it is apply honeycomb to a copper block you need a copper block oh that’s pretty good that’s super easy is it yeah you got that yeah i already know where copper is too you got that locked down five up okay i’m gonna get going i’m about to die yet again

You’re good you’re good don’t worry about it you take your time it’s dying or well you don’t if you mind some it gives you multiple i’m pretty sure okay nice let’s go okay uh focus on the bastion thing now yep i am going to have someone else helping another like

Another person gets onto another yeah i was gonna say if you want to try to get in there too wolfy that would be basically just find a bastion itself it’s no it’s definitely it’s opening the chest yeah or pigs is looting a chest i’m gonna make sure loot a chest in the

Bastion yeah okay oh i found an abandoned uh um thingy yep i know words nice uh wow wow i play minecraft for this long portal yeah no keep trying yeah one’s trading so i’m going to get three i after i go back and get my stuff i will be i know I don’t have to wait for it to age do i no you just need to put it on yep um which one should i go for next you should if you’re going around looking for stuff i would say you should try to get the stuff um you should try to get a pumpkin

Try to find a pumpkin for um the iron golem okay because we need to still need to find one of those um yeah and then i’m gonna go get my stuff real quick we’re doing good though we’re in second whoa look at that guys yeah

I’m just getting a bit of food right now just to make sure and you’re good uh does anyone know the chords of spawn oh i see someone hi shane hi myself is over here you can come to the nether with me over here yeah i will

Nice job bring a water bucket yeah if you already have if you already have a water bucket there’s um lava over here and you can start making the portal yeah i need to fill mine with water um should i no we already have the bastion you should try to get more

Underground stuff so like look for diamonds as well yeah what show where did you go i ran straight um north what biome does do pumpkins usually spawn in um uh yeah planes um the um tigers stuff like that true i know they’re very common in taiga villages oh i see the lava pool

Yeah they are very if you can start making it now i’m gonna look for flynn wolfie yeah wait i have point yeah but you’re super far away there’s no plane running all the way over there just uh give us flint oh boy i haven’t done this in a while

This might take a little bit who cares just take your time pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin also while you’re getting um iron five up just also look for five diamond dish of course i will come back as i mean we prioritize the bingo though yeah yeah 100 100 percent oops

Oh god okay i found gravel was there not like a fire charge in the there’s a fire charge in there oh and a flint too i don’t know did you not did not loot it no i didn’t look i just do you have any iron on you oh i’m stupid

Uh i’ve won uh i was gonna get the gold but we can just get it later all right go into the nether yeah one second Um i mean no matter what we get gated by a pumpkin if we can’t find it so okay here Maybe all right let’s explore time and i fell in love i should be finished i can heal i’ll be fine i have a gap if you need one no i’ll be fine okay as you like see me burning to a crisp yeah don’t kill me don’t oh yeah i guessed

I’ll go right you go left oh return to sender was apparently one of the issues yeah it always it always is oh i found when i found one wolfie i found one with me to the right where did you go to the right ish more uh okay i am going okay Lamborghini mercy oh my [ __ ] i hate tall grass so much so now after this we’ll only need a pumpkin because obviously and iron well you’ll yeah but you ironed obviously very obtainable i’m just saying it’s going to be hard to get a pumpkin probably oh okay unless i died

All right i see the bastion i’ll try to get over there nice and the what is the obsidian achievement on the second electro that’s crying yeah go to the bash and try to pick let’s get crank obsidian should also be in the chest oh my god

Wait i’m dumb oh my god i’m stupid we have pumpkins oh i have golden armor so i can just kind of walk past the piglets right yeah not the brutes not the roots please don’t try to rock festivals not the brutes okay no no no you need to be

Safe okay no that’s a lot of boots do we have the iron no okay just meet up go to tell um five of tele delta your chords or just like message them to them it doesn’t matter just write them in i was trying to find

A cave and then it was not the correct decision and now i’m like trying to mindfully further iron right now but there’s still a lot of iron it needs um was it nine times four thirty six iron how much do you have uh three it’s fine yeah it’s literally

Fine i wouldn’t worry too much about it yeah do you have an extra gold into a cave i have only one i don’t even have a pickaxe that can mine gold i just realized which one is the chest one in the middle uh that’s the war pigs okay

Which i we should be able to get relatively soon once i uh get down which that might tickle it i i got um the chest oh nice was there i just died so crying absolutely in it i don’t know i opened one and panicked and died uh chat

Was there anything in it that was crying obsidian i’ll do other stuff that were on another you can do the other stuff okay last thing we need is the iron is someone help get the iron i will i will help you huh uh wolfie you you you go and do

Iron you’re doing the another i will go back into the nether and do the other stuff i’ll help with that yeah i did not know a brood just completely just in one shot you what is this what is the bottom left achievement the bottom left is making a um it’s responsible oh responding

How does that how hard is that to make it’s crying obsidian and stuff yeah but you know how much six it’s six and then three on the top and all right three on top and bottom and then you um glow sun in the middle yeah yeah okay that shouldn’t be honestly if you

Get the crank up city and you just make next up make that uh you can get the lasso that’s not too hard um and it’s up to me to get the diamonds we could do whoever explored the nether the most so far should do the hot tourist

Destination that’s not hard yeah i’ll go back in there right now uh as soon as i find a geode i’ll let you know and then we can do the diagonal bingo itself um those are the main things we can focus what’s the book achievement that’s

If you know how to like get piglets in a hole just like trade with them go to the bash and throw the gold in there yeah i know how to do it i just i had no gold armor wolfie did so like i was just trying to just survive running past them

Where’s another portal it is i will tell you the chords in one second all right like keep finding under watercolors this is the tilter i want to see if i can do any extra mining find any oh does anyone see a horse i mean i saw one once earlier yeah go to

One and tame it tame it just sit on it that’s it do you even need that yeah that’s an achievement taming which one is a tame an animal wait look which one in the list is that it’s at the top right top right just keep right-clicking and if it kicks you often you

Haven’t right i’m gonna do a little extra mine to see if i can find more iron i’m just getting unlucky i cannot find a cave you’re all good crazy yeah good no worries i’m trying not to uh i’m very low on food though so how far down is it to find iron now

Uh it’s like any range of like finding stuff okay like you need to go caving you can’t just find uh like you can’t strip mine for anything yeah yeah that’s the issue i need some food dude did you team oh you’re entertainment i had a bunch of food before and then i died Well i’m gonna go get your stuff in a minute but yeah you have a pumpkin right uh not five up uh delta yes i i i have them i also have three is it shares or is it uh with an axe i don’t remember someone should be looking for a cave right now

I’m trying as well yeah i think i think i hear skeletons in a cave right now it’s only underwater right it’s like what’s going on also if we get um diamond for enchanting we could just do the dragon boat and going really easily i mean things to keep out for no matter

What it’s like geode instantly yeah oh that’s what okay that’s where you find the glow squids and stuff yeah in the water the watercase uh there’s a trick to doing that if you find an azalea tree above ground there’s always a glow cave under it i’ve reached the deep slate and i’ve yet

To find anything i see counters going crazy so i was hoping to find something but chandra they got a bingo we can get the crank obsidian thing like as soon as possible that one’s a really easy bingo that kind of glows good nice let’s go where

I find diamonds but i can’t mind them swear to god i’m gonna drown i’d make a mistake i died again your stuff is being watched by a pig this is so sad oh i found a cave wait nice that doesn’t matter okay uh i couldn’t kill the glow squid

There’s a cave off spawn what the [ __ ] is that huh yes uh that’s fine um What that’s actually that’s actually worth me dying then okay i’m not wasting any time uh we can meet beckett swan yeah yeah uh you have the how close you’re doing bastion absolutely not at all i need help with a bastion can i just join you in the nether

Yeah that could help um do uh if you’re mining do you have iron right now no i died okay i am going to get an iron pickaxe and get the iron a gold block and then could you didn’t get the gold block from um the thing right wolfie from the top of that

Okay i can’t mine it so okay so it’s still there so i’m gonna get i actually i don’t think i need help because the reason i’m dying is because i’m just dying because i don’t have gold armor where’s the cave you said that was outside of spawn uh it is

Oh i see it nevermind we just need 36 iron yeah i’m getting a bunch right now actually how much do you have i can get diamonds very soon actually i can get them basically like a minute who’s in spawn with me right now i’m here oh i’m with wolfie

Well you’re on my kid yes i’ve i lost my transplant i’d just say that you guys just do the um the iron golem and um five up you can focus on how about you go get the um real quick the um glass bottle and um go get the

The dragon’s breath from the net at the end just real quick wouldn’t it be more valuable for me to go to the nether at this point then true we can just do that later we can do that we can do that once we’re done with the iron stuff yeah true you

Just can do that true yeah i’m just gonna start smelting stuff here delta uh i’m going to get the iron in the walls how much iron do you guys have right now 18 i have 18. okay there’s more i can get um a bunch more right now still above you guys

Delta they have food hardly i have like four hearts and i cannot sprint anymore it’s right next to spawn even if you die yeah fair enough um all right i’m making the shears to be able to share the pumpkin okay i’m going to make an iron pickaxe so i

Can get to the tv that’s right there you go how much item do we need in total right now how much do we have overall uh yeah i’m gonna have to head back to my cave to get the diamonds so let me get that first and just walk over there

Where is the another portal that we have made i can tell you the chords i’m rocking i’m running to it right now it’s kind of a distance off of spawn where was the bastion in another also just straight north okay like so a little right straight north the chords for the nether portal

Is nega 350 neg 250 okay uh delta do you want me to drop my iron to you in this waterfall exact chords are neg 333 knight 290. i kept three i dropped three uh twelve that should be enough for your uh iron golem where’s it at uh it’s down the waterfall okay

I see it i need wait i found just a random glowing sacks on the floor do we need to like use it on the sign or yes yes yeah okay i’ll try to find these diamonds and then i’ll get back do you have enough for to make a sign uh

Okay i’ll just drop these to you first what is the uh bottle achievement oh there’s a skeleton here the uh the one with the the dragon’s breath i’m the man yeah where was that cave i forgot do i know which direction coming up to you okay you said you’re bringing uh actually i

Mean i just died you can probably just get an iron picker 25 yeah that’s what i’m making right now okay good because i just i can’t find the iron for the life of me right now for some reason i think i might have found okay and then you can just make us

Both gold boots so we can both get in there yeah i don’t have any gold though i never mind the golden nuggets yeah yeah no no no there’s a above the nether portal there’s a gold um oh yeah um have no clue where to go uh where is this

Thing was it on the side of the import or no i think yeah okay oh i think i found it again yeah this looks very familiar um Uh do you need the chord for the portal gun uh yes neg three three three and egg two seventy so 333 and then negative two seven both meg yes okay i have the gold block and now i’m just gonna bring the boots too oh yeah there was another gold block

It just didn’t mine up there because there’s lagging there’s another gold block over here too uh one more way cool i’m just gonna wait for you because i don’t want to just go in there and i don’t talk okay get food in the meantime dude yeah that’s what i’m doing Oh my god as soon as i get in this cave i’m already getting bombarded by skeletons how close are we to finishing the golem all this iron is smelting i just had to respawn i had to literally die and respawn because i don’t have any food yes

Oh is it the big like ravine thing that we have to go in yeah uh i went in oh oh that’s pretty close i can’t do anything at all because i have so many mobs on me i just try to find my stuff from earlier oh i found it that’s pretty easy

I can help you please help beat holy [ __ ] oh my god i’m a half a heart jesus christ this is so annoying i only have three iron blocks right now okay so you just need diamond wire all good okay i killed it i can’t do anything there it

That’s fine i mean you’re right there i got another totally spun also you got the pumpkin with us too you said uh negative what was it again negative three three three negative 270. okay i’m almost there all right i’ll just wait uh i have four cooked pork i’ll give you two

I got i also here you guys my pork just not cooked yeah we’ll just run in that should be fine yeah i’m just gonna drop you some stuff that’ll say negative 333 negative two seventy two eighty it’s in the middle of a fourth yeah yeah i say i see this yeah okay

So just grab that uh delta i have uh 14 iron for you please let me make a sign if i have div wood i have yeah just make me go boots and you can like make yourself a chest plate or something i’ll have the pumpkin i need it oh

Like oh there you go oh my god you’re getting the server’s dying there you go it’s on the floor not another yeah i’ll give you the there we go uh now go why don’t you guys go get the um there you go somebody one of you guys go

Get the um did you drop it it’s just lagging did you not pick it up i dropped it i got it now okay okay just be careful of the lava what if you guys go get the what uh the dragon’s breath so just get a glass bottle leave all

Your stuff outside and then get the just have a glass balloon inventory go into the nether wait for them to like him just feel the lava and then or the whatever and then just die and then it’s right over here follow up you can use a boat to get down i just

Left one thank you he’s like falling down you said you left a boat yeah you’ll see on the edge there’s a boat right next to the skeleton i don’t see a boat uh i’m at uh 40 neg 150 if that’s to help wear like you’re supposed to be heading towards oh

My god yeah is that did you go to the soul stand standpoint yes hi you took all my stuff and i don’t have anything now bro i’m coming back it’s chill now i’m already getting used to everything i find the diamonds that i had earlier whoa the skeleton jumped over here

We still have 15 minutes hello that’s a while has it been nighttime this entire time no it feels like it has don’t know why i’m trying to get the pig brute into a a boat try and get them all in a hole i’m just trying to kill the pig brute

Okay he’s in a oh wait lapis was pretty useful as well oh my god this had like five blocks of iron in it you’re kidding yeah um it has a skeleton i don’t wanna i don’t have a shield and i’m iron i can get yourself when i get out of here

I’m just making an iron picking because instead of grabbing this gold and then making a hole and then dumping a bunch of iron going in just know as soon as you mind the gold all the pigs are going to aggro on you yep i made a shield and stuff

Dude oh my god do you want to actually i i’m good here do you want to try to find um whatever that thing’s like at the temple and try to get the blaze rod uh sure i’d need iron then because i’m not taking that without a shield yeah oh

Yeah true i can come up and do that for you are you outside of the um i see where you are you’re just down there with the boats right yeah i’m coming up do you see me in the middle of it all right yeah i’ll be behind you in theory i think

I’m like looking for you i’m above you still oh i see you hi all right um there’s my gold get crazy the thing and then um yep i need glowstone though i’ll do that though thank you that’s fine um for the dragon i found two diamonds for insurance for

The overworld team you need to try and immediately get um oh i got crimes yeah you’re the enchantment right now oh that’s the three and there’s a barrel that has three obsidian in it already yeah but i had to be crying yeah there’s three obsidian and a barrel and spawn for that reason

Oh there you go okay so you just need diamonds i have diamonds how many two oh that’s enough how many you just need um a book go get make a book yeah let me let me get out of the cave first uh i don’t that’s what you might need that

No if you have if you have four obsidian then you’re good oh we have three right yeah we have three oh you need okay that’s what i was saying oh hmm got it let’s go enchanter will give us two now few bingos oh that would be huge honestly i need one more crying

Obsidian i’m jumping off the edge of the end all i need is diamonds at this point i have three obsidian i have two diamonds so we don’t need the diamonds yeah but i’m just not there i’d have to run all the way back which i can

Um do we need anything else than another from you i’m the one doing the uh tourists i could just run back yeah you can do hot doors i’ll do a lot tourists i’ll do hot wheels also okay um then we uh that’s about it i just need to get the

There we go i’m gonna head back now oh it’s night time of course what do i have to do with this respawning it’s always my time i only have to kill one place right charge of respawn anchor okay i need more of my god how many places do i need to kill just

One you just need a blaze rod yep i’m coming back to spawn uh i’ll just drop a bunch of stuff in the chest there what bruh hello but there it is jesus christ takes so long to load in my stuff hello i’m here hello is it this barrier barrel that you put nothing

Good diamonds can you get pigs from uh sorry did you get food from piglens no no that is the unfortunate part of all this right now is somebody in the nether right now yeah why just get gold and trade with the pig ones where these one of them we did what is it

I don’t we don’t we have we don’t have that one just trade with a piglet distract plug ones with gold ocean yes which means trade just drop one gold they just drop one gold next to one no it’s not working achieve that’s achievement yeah drop a gold

You need boots off oh oh you need to make him not attack you with yeah out the boots on i got it i did it i did it uh we could kill the dragon but wait what is this one i i need beds i have obsidian to do it i guess but i

Just need beds to even try i’m coming back right now yeah i’m getting this stuff for a book i don’t you don’t need it i have a book oh never mind then i would say one of you guys i’m at literally add spawn work on getting diamonds yeah

So what we need one obsidian we can immediately already got every looted yeah but someone someone just tried to go find diamonds to get get the armor we already have oh it’s fair enough we need the armor what’s the arrow achievement uh sniper dual sniper duel

We have a bow and arrows that spawn as well hey so we can try to do sniper duo if it’s not nighttime it’s not oh my god dude i can’t go anywhere there’s so many skeletons oh we need lapis you need enchantment with a lot someone get lapis i have lapis already good

At least it’s in the chest that’s fun we’re gonna get two fingers because of this which is good yup and then we need to try to find diamonds i will meet but if you have skeletons you can do sniper dual right yeah you just need to do it from 50 blocks away right

I might have a heart digging straight down in hopes that i find diamond you just need enough for uh dying boots i fell to my death i’m gonna try as well i will too oh this is convenient uh the golems left a bunch of rotten flesh

Leave the lapis in the chest by the way by the way already in the chest i’m not small with this that’s crazy i’m just gonna i’m just gonna die skeletons leave me alone challenge 2022 almost impossible down here wolfie i’m trying to get the skeleton to go in the hole

Which i don’t know how to do that dude that kills me oh my god if i didn’t take that damage from falling down the cave in the first place there’s another one oh you’re kidding me dude the skeletons are so busted no they are they’re literally everywhere

Uh lapis got it all right i am going to enchant is it a book what do we have to enchant i don’t want to mess this up just intend enchanting isn’t there anything anything there you guys go nice nice we’re nice that it’s not bad that’s not we need the diamond dude

I’m still trying to get it yeah let me i’m trying to get myself back now oh that does a lot of damage have you found a temple um or have you found a fortress dang to try to get the other achievement to the uh whatever it’s called i found a vein of diamonds

At least four i need to get over there though they’re risky there’s a giant lava lake here and i’m at three hearts uh does anyone know if there’s um a village anywhere uh next to the villager outpost where’s the pillow drive post i have no idea

Here is nearby spawn on the side with the uh left of the end portal left of the egg if you’re facing towards the end portal to the left side from spawn facing left from the spawn facing towards the end portal yeah from spawn or behind spawn like i’m in the planes behind

Uh okay so it’s to so it’s over here it should be at least across the river and everything and then there’s a village next to it it’s kind of far out right a little bit i see it yeah what i am so i still need to explore it’s just the warped forest

Oh does it have dude are you serious no [ __ ] way oh my god dude i was literally right next to two two veins of diamonds and i got inked by a [ __ ] zombie i think i might be able to get sniper duel but it will be a bit difficult that is so ugly

[ __ ] i’m pissed i’m pissed i’m just kidding i’m not pissed but i’m [ __ ] i’m pissed i’m not pissed but i am yeah dude i literally had like two hearts and this zombie just tapped me and made me fall off a [ __ ] ledge it was so unlucky i’m just digging straight down

Found a fortress good i don’t have any wood for a shield keck you just got to get your blaze rod yeah you might just have to perish at the same time i did man no i wasn’t far enough i killed one from a from a distance

Though i don’t know how to do the sniper duel so i’m just not gonna try my purdue is a long distance shooting a skeleton killing it you can set it up you can drop a skeleton in a box and then you can shoot it

Yeah i had one in a box but i didn’t know the distance like i couldn’t even see it anymore don’t kill me yeah i know you had to just run fighting diamonds oh my god where is uh where did you mine because i have a shield so it might be

Pleasing dude that’s my shield first of all oh i mean man stole my shields like oh i have a shield hey if you want a bag it’s not really your shield i mean let’s be honest uh if you want it back yeah if you don’t want it i can have it i mean

If you’re nearby i mean i’ll take it i’m in the cave i was right next to you oh you’re right there grab the diamond just come with oh okay i’m on my way this way careful this hole hurts why did you even make it like that then

I didn’t mean to i just fell down there oh okay let me just mine down because i have not that many hearts i just keep dying bro Annoying how’s it going well i have i see blazes i don’t have any food i have half health that is my predicament are you still down there wolfie yes i’m on one and a half hearts fighting for my life i got three diamonds i just need one more

Dude we we have like two bajillion down here so once we get them we can go up and hopefully okay i’m out of food as well i won’t be able to make it back to you guys i just need to find one more you have a crafting table on you wolfie

Yes good this is oh no okay there’s a lot of stuff down here oh my god this is horrible oh my god there’s so much what the hell welcome to hell No wonder you keep dying i know i know i’m trying to get food gonna be able to survive nice uh i’m gonna kill myself and then i’m gonna try and find a warped forest again you got it i’m on my way delta i’m at 1.5 hp

Dude oh my god of course of course of course dude there’s a spider that just pops up out of nowhere it has speed okay okay i got two diamonds for you yes okay there’s another group of diamonds back where you came from yeah but that’s the dangerous one

So one person finds diamonds the other person trying to find a geode you can go uh in the ocean to try and find a geode if you really need to um i’ll get a hot tourist destination and then we can get the dragon also um because we actually know we have enough

Time i’m gonna just is there anything i can even get besides the hot towards destination just hot tours destination yeah just try for that wolfie as long as we can get two more diamonds you have that crafting table we can make those the boots i’m trying

Oh my god i jumped into a zombie okay we’re good no no we’re good eh there should be i mind one diamond so you only need one more yeah where do you die uh on the on the diamond vein basically the the closest one i’m about to die too oh please

There’s so much things get the get the diamond and like run because you should have a crafting table on that uh if you grab some armor or if you grab myself there’s just so many mobs i can’t even get there because they’re all i don’t have time we have 15 seconds yeah

That’s fine i’m not going to get into this i mean i don’t know I would have had it if there wasn’t a spider just literally camping that dude that’s annoying as [ __ ] right side is this is the only thing where you can die like this so yeah we got 65 where i mean we’re not top 10 but we’re not like

Low low low i’m not that worried uh we’ll be close yeah we’ll win every other game last time our team went from 13th to second so we were fine apparently killing the dragon with beds doesn’t give it damn dude oh we should have gone for the dragon we’re dumb yeah with chill oh

Bingos i’m just upset that i died so much to so many mobs i could have done so much more if i didn’t keep getting killed uh what game do we have next is it the iceberg that should be fun iceboat is that the next one yeah yeah Shouldn’t be i thought good good thing i’d practice all night last night good i practiced twice now he should be all right why is that lagging so bad good logo hmm is my food here where is this thing wait you’re like where’s my ministry this game was like 45 minutes

Yeah it’s very long oh what’s here apparently nice all right be right back okay okay I like that rock and roll so true i’m listening to uh what is this song no it’s it’s spagonian knight from sonic unleashed Someone in my chest said i heard sonic unleashed yes it’s the the music i i mean i mean close enough no it’s sega guys we’re not last but we’re not first who’s first we can do some stuff here we can we can work oh wait we’re ninth it’s backwards oh

I was like huh we’re eleventh no we’re twelve wait how is it backwards wait why is it backwards where are we 12 i think we’re 12. we were 12. we’re 12th yeah it’s literally in reverse how the hell we can do stuff here how do they even

Win because the points are also upside down well the points are correct it’s just the placement playing golf out here incorrect oh yeah true right yeah let me play some more golf if we’re pl if we’re in nice place according to them i’ll take it so if we tactically lose every single

One we’ll just keep going up exactly guys let’s zero hey so that was that one and now i believe it is um i hope it’s a mini game so we don’t have to like immediately go into like a pvp type thing yeah yeah i think it probably is the order so like

Oh it definitely definitely is it’s it always is like that so we play ice boat team t run golf and uh temple in the order yep i’m excited for ender pearl golf lukey that thing that thing is jank it is so [ __ ] i’m just hoping that

I got a hole in one just first or second in each game and we’ll bring it back we just gotta hope other teams just don’t do as well in other games Double eagle oh i was close oh i’m stuck in a tree huh huh i’m a bit of a mario golf pro what can i say a bit of a gamer hole in one one no boing boing hmm i wonder if anybody will give me a trident i don’t know probably not one trident

I would like to everyone trade in crewmate i’m about to flip my [ __ ] stop stop lives with you forever no no no please oh yeah yeah oh oh yeah yeah yeah you’re doing testing or sleeping yeah Let’s go i actually didn’t get the hole in one oh no i dropped my ender pro that’s one one for sure it gave me the achievement sound too let’s go That’s the doorbell who’s here who’s here Where is the problem i’m like that’s all-in-one top class no it’s not he does it he does it he does not do it actually i lied right there totally Okay Fire breath man yes uh come to austin texas right now see i would but i can’t do it i have uh tyler the creator ticket that i need to get rid of oh okay he’s in texas right now he comes to houston on uh this sunday tyler the creator vegas

Call me if you get lost to her call me That’s that whole song are you just trolling no that is that is part of this is like the intermission oh he’s not going to vegas i have an extra ticket you can come with oh i can’t do the 27th unfortunately um i was too busy filing his taxes that day

This is a chance actually oh no that’s my life taxes welcome to boat rush liar they lied i hope uh i hope shane starts because then we’ll be we’ll feel really good about ourselves yep welcome well i can’t type that well welcome to the welcome rush haven’t you preferred would

You like to know for silver right the salami lip I i didn’t get teleported i i did i got teleported it was literally everyone but me you’re here now though also think about it differently yeah i’m here now thank you for the raid by the way i did i know i didn’t react to it because i was so focused but thank you

So much for the oh raid already in seventh yeah i’ll take that I think this is i think this is the same map it is this looks the same so far is it the same app what’s the strategy other shortcuts etc yeah there are shortcuts they’re very there’s already snowballs yeah they said that it starts with um like blocking stuff and whatever the snowman

Is an entity that will push you if you hit it fair warning sometimes it does sometimes it doesn’t yeah just try to avoid it oh welcome to boat rash it’s a relay race no way am i first because i’m the captain no because i was first one time when i was on hennessey

Oh okay apparently you’re better uh yo buggy kind of random i guess i don’t really know though i’m kind of random kind of silly kind of quirky would it be in alpha better no because fruit didn’t go after me never mind or before me no because we would be next to each

Other we weren’t i was first he was last maybe it’s by uh log in first time maybe it’s like by just who is the biggest dumpy so i guess i’ll go first uh yeah i could use the smallest oh i’m first no i’m first i’m first let’s go

Oh that’s oh that starts fast here we go yep let’s go let’s go let’s go oh and i’m next hmm he’s cutting oh he he’s cutting this he’s cutting the turns yep take notes everyone going absolutely nuts going brazy uh yep just ignore that snowball yep

Just face through it yep right oh it’s like a relay race yep yep yep so one of us is after him yep so the first shortcut is right here thomas said reset reset bbh glitching hello the map isn’t loading okay hi yeah this is the next shortcut it’s right here yeah

How long is this track it’s pretty long i think i think it’s like a minute 30 if you do it quickly right yes just about i think it is going to reset by the way i would make a prediction uh don’t i’m just i’m not banking on it it’s just he’s just practicing

I think this is is this better than your last run what you’re doing right now uh probably i wonder oh wait wolfie’s next it says people are in boats together i guess we start racing go go go it’s gonna restart it definitely is it’s just just keep on going yeah it’s

Good practicing yeah see now it would have been good for you guys to be first at this rate oh damn i’m last oh no dude i’m the anchor [ __ ] why are you slowing down oh lag yep i just did not see that trick do you do this in f3 yes

Spectator left he’s like i’m done so this is the first one good job we go to the left side yep this is the next one right in front of you yep yeah here we go we’re only in first by like a minute don’t worry restart Everybody rushes towards golf well thanks i’m lucky i was in first i i want my lead back yeah we should get like a 30 second head start yeah we should get a we should get like a two minute head start they took uh they took our lead away

And i want it i want it back i’m actually in the paralympics give me a head start please please fruit’s doing 360’s and bingo oh no we’re gonna get flexed on oh no okay i guess it wants me to we win these fire breath man yeah pull through again and win

Oh don’t worry it’s so easy clutch or kick that’s what it is yep cluck or click yep what if you just go straight up in the hole you just like yeah you’re allowed to jump and shoot you are okay they said anything you can’t i don’t

Know if that’s true or not you can’t let’s close upon start please do not try and get in other players boats got it oh so don’t press right click you don’t need it no right clicking got it salami lid it won’t fit the salami lady won’t fit

Just keep keep keep saying it every single round until people get sick of it they fixed the scoreboard now we’re in 12 did they fix it they did okay here we go good luck oh yeah gl hf i am still loading in i am the first to load in i see

Everybody oh god glitching out i’m here guys 12th for now we got a house party going on in the cave we have a house party we don’t need nobody put my damn yep song we wake up all the neighbors till the whole town hates us tell the cops shot us down

Something something gonna have a house party coming into the whole party it’s time to have a house party it doesn’t do my music at all either brick house that’s what the lyrics are i do not condone oh i’m pov i’m fire breath man fire breath man pov pov i’m winning already

You have like what does that mean it looks like somebody else is winning oh he’s behind you ow he hit me oh he bit my finger i bought his head Good timing i hear like the you know like the ice level from super mario 64 the first one is the music i’m listening he keeps like clutching me yeah like on my screen i’m way ahead of him but i guess on your guy’s screen he’s like next to me yeah on our screen

You kind of suck not gonna lie ah pumpkin oh they changed that or is that what was already that’s always what it does but i play an f5 so it just doesn’t do anything i gotta turn on ow You’re winning you’re winning fire breath man go go go are you winning son yes please restart we aren’t in first all right wolfie i’m i’m i’m i’m mentally and physically prepared there are people behind you but not close go ahead god i love mario i love you too

I mean i love you too come on mommy yeah oh no left no no don’t worry look at this i got the drift oh yeah oh my god look at you go the speed booster i got the the booster is the speeds first uh whatever thing is right in

Front of you check uh yeah straightforward oh yeah mr krabs oh yeah oh yeah mr krabs we ignore that mr krabs mr krabs oh yeah oh yeah mr crabs mr krabs right in front of you oh i’m sorry i’m just going to ignore that yep no it

Didn’t happen it didn’t happen you saw nothing you saw nothing right so i think you saw nothing just gonna ignore that one yep no didn’t happen it didn’t happen wait wait i’m throwing not panicking right in front of you that’s the next checkpoint right in front of me we’re

Thinking we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good nice we’re good i i don’t have a driver’s license guys um it’s going to be a step right to tell you shop right there’s people behind yeah get your hands on the keyboard and [ __ ] race go [ __ ] up

I’m actually scared and i was faster than i was almost faster to change nice lift yeah doing great so far it’s going to be a left oh no go to the closest side yeah there you go left i don’t know how much drifting i need to do you’re good fine yeah nice

And then the first checkpoints right or the shortcuts right in front of you hit it oh yeah oh boy clean is what we call it Nice i hate boats with a passion i hate this you are good next checkpoint’s gonna be right in front of you try to hit the icicle try to take it a little slower on this one just because you know it’s gonna be a little like wonky oh but it’s super clean who cares

Yeah very huge we get this one though yep there you go left next one is right in front of you okay this is this is crazy what’s happening it’s spinning out of control go go i can salvage this it’s all good all right let’s go delta i’m very nervous you’re good don’t be

Actually oh you slowed down you got it ketchup you got delta you practice all night for this left oh lag yeah it’s a little leggy oh yeah it is laggy oh my god oh oh oh so laggy oh my god you’re fine all right it’s gonna be to the left

There you go oh nice nice you got the boost you’re in first now let’s go left nice oh my god yep yep oh oh no no that was good that was good first uh checkpoint good talent he’s a furry good calling right in front of you all good left nice left again

Try this oh i got stuck that was that was solid solid right in front of you it’s the blue ice oh yeah catch up to him i’m trying oh there you go outside nice nice drift good drift right in front of you with the hole cpga [ __ ] bumped me again dude christmas

I think i lose the cpa but it’s chill not second it’s all good that’s right seconds good it’s better than right that’s someone behind you you got it though race race race like you’ve never raced before times into a wall bruh we did great with him soon

We did great guys so we did amazing see this is the start of the redemption arc for real see five up like i know that you want to style on them let’s like i know you’re trying to do 360’s of style that was that was it right yeah

You’re just trying to sound like i hate boats if it’s a ticket to the other side i’m going to be a little bit miffed i’m just going to say it’s like um i’m trying to think of a way to explain it if when you’re trying to take a corner

And you know it’s gonna be tight let go of w just like fully let go of it because that will stop your mo like slow you down a little bit so it’ll be easy for you to like kind of take this corner a little bit more like less sharp

Dude i’m actually so glad i did all that practicing i feel like i would have done so badly this game is fun this is my this is my favorite game out of all of them this is fun boat race yeah well to be fair i’m just very good at it i

Just enjoyed that personally all right i think everything was really good cpk is too dumpy that’s why you couldn’t overtake him that’s what just said in my chat he’s just too dumpy understandable uh shane what was your fastest lap on this last time 127 or like 120 plus um

Can we have it that everyone drives on their own server the one this one oh yeah that is true everyone that uh spawned super far to the right just has a super bad advantage we just got super lucky that we got spawned all the way on the left oh yeah

That’s the only reason we went it’s because i just get right next to the edge and i’m just like who are we waiting for oh card team let’s go you got it let’s go wrong way oh where’s snow where is stories just uh around the world around the world

I need to wake up i need something okay i think nico doesn’t play minecraft that much right so this is fair enough around the world around the world where where are they right now uh you can tp to them i don’t know like i think they just don’t really play

Minecraft so this is fair that this happens it’s okay let’s go nico oh wait i see them around the world around the world or nico oh no this is five up turned into 360. i’m sorry so i feel so bad she’s stuck in this corner the whole time around no okay now turn

No [Laughter] this is around the world no they didn’t have to do it he stopped it i kind of feel bad dude that’s a rush i’m seeing if there’s any sub 30s there was curry way performance dude solid performance from us though second place yeah 100 just keep it up if cpa doesn’t

Beat us this time we 100 win not surprised from curry peak got a 127 oh my god that’s about right oh wait is there another round of boat race yeah i think there’s three right real what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] please tell me no yes i

Know i’m pretty sure there is there’s multiple rounds get ready five up you got it this time you you practiced oh we’re gonna win this time does the order change no no okay cool oh maybe there is one up is the only one around over here are you

Stinky little i mean i’m happy for one round i said i don’t know if it was one round i’d be okay with it too but i think it’s three i had a one uh is it two oh okay normally it’s two uh before the reset i had 128 this is rigged

See if i had 128 the first round the second round we would have won like we would have won this two seconds behind calling it behind cpk were we two seconds behind oh we were three cpk pumped me into like two or three different walls or like yeah out of

Bounds areas and i was like damn bruh like that one shortcut if i didn’t get bumped there i probably could have overtaken cpk and one gg can we have five breath for mcc too true too true i wish i wish around the world around the the world around the world there are

More obstacles this round apparently allegedly oh my goodness i just messaged cbk i was like can you go slower this time huge hi saber night the movie that’s where calums did uh team did well in the bingo too right they did they did like two placements above us

Wait what they have three speedrunners All right that’s it he said no that’s it i’m gonna break his team out of mcc oh no how does this work you see on the update uh on twitter tvk can no longer make it to mcc you see a response from five up dot dots you’re like

Why is it why is the plan getting put on me no because you’re just like what did he do could you know you know what i did you know you’re the only one insider knowledge yeah you’re the only three they get to know this you’re gonna do something and pin it on

Me yeah yeah no well yeah i will but no one will know i’ll do it you know like those random accounts that randomly like rename themselves like minecraft championship and then you put the profile picture and then do like a random post and everyone believes it i’ll just do that tomorrow

With the exact same thing yeah i’ll just i’ll just change my name to mcc championships and let’s just do it and everyone you’re evil the whole red team couldn’t make it so uh it’s just gbk no it’s just shane even cpk can’t make it i wonder you know what

Never mind i’m gonna i’ll i’ll message it to you later mm-hmm sounds concerning no it’s just funny uh-huh okay oh my stream can kind of see my little minecraft stuff minecraft i love minecraft so this is this is my dolphin this is my steve but for real guys this is my alex

Minecraft do you like my girlfriend this is my blaze oh this is my blaze and this is my chicken he’s on the world he’s going around the world up i guess we’re doing one round is it the same right oh is that one was that it

I’d be kind of okay with that second place yeah i’m not bad i’m not bothered by that i would have the best the better we can only get better but getting first yeah you know that’s a risk yeah is it though when you’re so good oh wait

Are we fifth overall no wait hold up was that it’s only one round we are fifth left you have p in your name that’s what pun said and he’s right yeah scores from first round will still count one last pick and i’ll be gone so oh wait we’re so close

We actually could come back now yeah we can do pretty well see game plan yeah but um i don’t know what else i could help also when you’re turning if it’s like a super sharp turn or like not super sharp you can like tap the

Uh air d key no well yeah and also w just so you don’t like go super fast into it supersonic racing again let’s go like i can um audibly say when i let go of my uh wq if you guys want if that you think would be more helpful to understand yeah

If you want we can also like not keep yelling your team there is i don’t know if that matters but i like yelling around the world wait we’re in the 19th place now that’ll spawn us in a different position oh no wait no because we were said we were seventh

It didn’t matter before yeah we were seventh the first round but we were like the second yeah maybe set yeah maybe like the seventh was the second left position so then we’d be like but that that also wouldn’t make sense because because afterwards after um we did the rotation like after we did

The first round we like got like second or first and second place we still were in the same spot i don’t know i don’t know out and you never know never never know either way if i’m in a bad spot i’ll be able to get it back into the

Front i know you brown baby don’t worry about it you got it you got it baby you got it joel biden joel biden joe biden my brain yeah i’m still in the same i’m still in the same spot i cool breath man wait but that we’re we’re not restarting the first round

Right hopefully is it just like we do two games of this oh you got this mr breath man no one’s moving i’ve not loaded it nothing’s moving no one i am moving but no one else is awesome do you see me moving i see feinberg going forward i see shatter is

The only one who’s allowed to play it’s so laggy oh my god oh god she’s not feeling like two miles an hour i’m like super far yeah oh oh okay it’s catching up what the hell now it’s catching up for me shatter is still ahead by so much yeah ah it’s lagging

Oh no you’re in first for me hello because we had to reload this map oh no okay no no screens help okay how no that’s just this is great help help help yeah the screen is just help uh yeah no i can’t see anything i like watch someone else help me help

This is the timer’s still going uh but yeah this is concerning because yay we’re done i’m out uh i’m still uh yeah we’re still spectating this uh this is hey guys i’m still logging in oh hey we’re in the hub pressing shift oh yeah i’m not hey guys

I think people are getting sent back now yeah you got it you got it i got kicked out well first place in that game the first game got eighth place in the second game and then false scott plays over again false got fifth bassy got 12th aunt frost got sixt

If things don’t work i thought they i thought they started testing for this what happened did they test with like 10 players like what’s going on the salami lid salami lid ain’t gonna fit i missed i think we just got a team t-run please please just skip the rush i would

Not be opposed you’re out of bounds for your strokes i got a double eagle standby we’re gonna confirm what happens next got it that was lagging it was just boats tnt rush is going to crash the server wait it worked well for that second round yes because the map was already loaded

Didn’t kick people out too true this is going to be tnt falling gravel and in the tnt it’s going to be so many entities 14 to run it wasn’t actually that laggy i think last time it actually wasn’t that bad but i think for for tnt run uh it it

Sounds a bit weird but like all that matters is like who’s last alive from our team so it basically comes down to one player which is kind of shitty because like the rest is just there uh and that there’s a pretty high chance that the last player will be shane

There’s actually a strategy it’s gonna be who uh firebreath man okay you’re putting a lot of pressure on me i mean before before this event you were you were saying that you were going to be the last alive sorry well no yeah i’m going to be the last alive in

The whole entire thing ah might as well play solo all right yeah you guys can like disconnect yeah if i can get his panini and then i already have my panini panini no i thought you wanted me to go not trying to give me tdi oh i don’t know the lyrics

I thought you want this for my life for my life said you wanted to see me thrive you lied and when it’s all done i get the upper hand i need a big pants not another figure just say to me what you want for me just say to me what you want

From me anyways this twitch rival is making me really excited for mine draft three that’s the it’s the one that doesn’t what’d they say wait what did they say we’re hanging tight we’re getting things sorted okay what a problem man gucci flip flop are they playing among us i’m getting among us

Is it on the phone or on the pc i think it’s cross platform it doesn’t matter oh no dude i’d love to play among us i’m re-downloading a manga i think they forget that like random people that are in the i’m downloading among us right now dude

On the la trip we all actually played among us oh my god yeah dude it was funny as [ __ ] y’all play among us and whoever is the imposter gets kicked out of the house yeah yeah the stakes are high this room is made for free chat oh what

The game has already started i’m leaving no shot where uh in the discord that’s funny though oh no who is that down there oh ham full ham no cheese full no cheese no cheese is it full ham i’m also going down to visit fulham we

That’s not where i went to go wait a minute where is he my boy i see official i see full um hello hello hello hello we’re skipping round two of boat race yay let’s go smile so many question marks keep punching keep punching till i notice this keep punching

Welcome to boat rush welcome to boat rush welcome to boat rush welcome to boat rush welcome to boat rush welcome so we’re playing tnt run uh like basically whenever they decide to actually throw us in there push them off push them off yeah you’ve been voted out get rekt i funded a crowd

Ice cream cones excuse me no all right time for tnt run we are in fifth year now also uh in team t run it might be if you can look at the game thing because there’s like power ups but they work like weird sometimes like there’s a there’s a leap

But it only lifts you forward and not upward it’s like an arch yeah it’s it’s weird i don’t like going to the area because of the other game oh here we go here we go guys video game video game hello i loved it Oh also so the tnt run the floors are each like purple so it’s very hard to see yeah the floor below you is this the one with the power ups yes We will rock you body your uh yep yeah you’re playing tnt a running man Already first so so one point when we win what place do you think we’re going to be in oh sorry for this for something winning tnt right now it just knows i’m i’m i’m just gonna guess dude if there’s mount rushmore can we make boat rush more so true

We are not taking boat rush scores well that’s not fair wait what what they said they were skipping around too not that we’re just it’s giving an autism general surely round one counts boat rush first round was zoom zooted but if you guys think it was

Bugged then skip it all if you guys want to uh bro no the first round of boat rush worked fine we just had that one glitch yeah i put it in the discord chat Is this the qualifiers like what’s going on that bro and the thing is dude nobody had issues with it after the first round until the second round started barely barely i feel like round one that went perfectly bro oh oh the second round our second layer has holes in it fair warning

The mainstream doesn’t even have like the game on right now interesting all right you guys ready no yes now i have to pee do you think i can pee in 30 seconds no no well you know unless you’re literally sitting on the toilet right now playing video games

Yeah i play in my bathroom um right just making sure good luck everyone all right oh hell yeah we are running on tnt nope it’s actually glass it’s actually glass with a chain i died to make you fall yeah you cut me off i am sorry love to see that really fire

What is that i fell down through players yeah it is very laggy i don’t know what they did but like the server is like worse than it usually i found in a lightroom you can just use that i don’t know how good it is i tried it once last time and

I did not enjoy it but you can always try oh wow twitch rivals that’s not for barry it’s just another green man another green individual um are you just glitched just yeah no take advantage of that no we take this i have a lytra boosted myself in a way

Cause i’ve been practicing too much uh rocket spliff and now i am flying permanently and we will take this let’s go five dubs yup yup we take those not our fault if it’s in the game then yes ea sports in the game well okay yeah i guess you can enjoy your uh

Your coffee well i don’t know if i’m supposed like i have my hands on two buttons right now in my mouth in a specific spot i’m not gonna move them just in case it makes me fall i would love to see where i’m not gonna throw though

I need a jump boost potion and then i can do the stretching because i have an electro ended oh i have an electron elite too oh it’s a smoothie i can have that oh never mind well i’m gonna just watch people from below me like little ants

Might be able to jump on a jump am i slowly falling shot oh wait electric no okay i found try and still place well just because i don’t know how this is if i’m allowed to count this pretty high up i’m very high up hi wolfie hello what layer

Oh oh oh oh i just fell through a little wait was that you over there i’m gonna call you blimp dude actually actually it just looks like you’re floating like just above air yeah what what what eliminated i was so unlucky what the hell i um i elytra like

Jumped like three times a row got a lot of height and then it just shoved me into a wall and then here i am let’s go w where are you third level in the corner oh my god well congrats you’ve won it you like that i guess actually

There’s a good chance that we caused this to reset because of this that’s not even poor dude this is up oh this is great i don’t mind this hi pete you’re literally guys no no they’re they’re outing you because they they’re like stinky okay mr fbm you have to survive

Because um if they don’t count it yeah i’ll just win they said if you get disconnected there’s nothing we can do oh we’ll just pretend like uh 5s pc is currently crashing um you know see i know of a strat that i could literally use to just float but that would

Actually be cheating because that’s like more focused on the people that dc rather than five up floating midair hmm well i mean we guarantee get first place because of this which is a little bit sus why don’t you just get out of it right now just in case oh okay

Well fourth is okay i’m honestly okay with taking fourth for that that’s actually i think that’s the fairest yeah that’s okay we didn’t know about anything that was coincidental sure yep okay well now i thought i was stuck i i okay i’m not gonna you know it’s fine that’s fine i don’t like

Now i realized i was cheating without realizing it which puts me in a weird spot i thought i was just stuck apparently i wasn’t hey i could have gotten out of it who cares you didn’t know see he didn’t know weirdly like we might have to do the

Round over again anyways there’s someone from punz’s team missing 10 98765 321 here we go we’re just starting yeah there’s like a few people just missing right now i don’t know who they are oh boy oh god oh we’re on the moon right now people are going slow mode i

Shouldn’t oh my god what is this person i have an electro again it’s time who is this person behind me who is the scumbag oh i followed no who the frick just cut me off fair it doesn’t really matter too much at the start it’s actually kind of tactical to just

Like eliminate the entire bottom floor to start through that’s got an elytra oh michael mcchill that was not very mikey i’m not very chill from you captain why mr captain there’s a lot of power i just got bumped by a player what that’s doable oh is there collision yeah kind of oh

Oh okay i fell three layers down let’s go i’m getting really unlucky right now in this i was throwing i’ve caught myself though i’m not throwing anymore nice just trying to create a decent hole in the floor i recognize that with u5 up and i turned the other way thank you

That’s a griefer the lag is a bit like off like it throws me off a bit because the blocks disappear late yeah the blocks are like disappearing weirdly yeah like i for me just like 20 blocks just this disappeared randomly and nobody was in the like nearby oh

Okay i’m on the bottom four hannah just like knocked me all the way i gotta itch my nose at such a bad time bitching and burning burning all right i got it please aaron okay thank god so go my music also stopped so i’m going to restart that after that after what

Oh no i’m cat jamming right now dude good luck everybody it’s all good um no worries oh oh that was close level snowballs wait those are good those are mean and it’s gonna fall at the last level um no dude i got actually screwed somebody cut me off damn oh boy

All right let’s see i don’t know people are still alive right now dude there’s hardly any blocks down here jeez i’m still gonna risk okay was worth it it’s all up to you wolfie no biggie okay maybe your biggie place ninth place that’s all right that’s not too bad

If only that evens out to like what sixth or something for this one so far something like that hotel is i just threw now it’s chill 1v1 i don’t know where they are they’re both on the bottom there it is we are third fourth fourth wow fourth

That blue and queen team is probably gonna win because they’ve won both rounds with us but if we just do really well we’ll probably get second which is good for us yeah dave the dave one of you guys is just popping off oh we’re in force wait what yeah just

Good placement this round okay just last longer than cpk’s team yep 100 yep last longer than any team good luck everyone yeah last the longest oh i fell oh no our table it broke oh i think i just screwed captain puffy also wolfie the leaf thing

Does not work it worked okay it looked like i think you survived for like two i had an idea of like jump boosting into a like jump like using a jump boost potion jumping up a little higher and then um leaping and then using the elytra and it

Just didn’t work it like just it’s poopy not a good idea a lightroom oh you can just equip the elytra okay what is leaving in advance i just want to just record it all day if i aim it up while it launches me upward no no you know what i’ll test it

Right now just in case huh yeah if you launch it oh oh oh my god i am elijah hopping around yeah actually i am currently oh my god five of the um oh the electric uh the jump boost if you um aim it straight up it just like moves

You up two blocks and then you just kind of fall so do that snowball dude the snowball if you throw it it like breaks some land around wherever you hit it wait i might be able to get like an entire layer up let me see if i can

Oh my god i could i probably could i could just get back up maybe wait let me see yeah i think i can if you do then stop it like afterwards because you don’t want to be yep i can okay and missy hit me down all right i’m on

The second the last layer but i’m just gonna try to stay here the whole time yeah i think i’m on the second last layer too tnt run is really fun when you have an electron all right yeah i i got out of the it’s very easy to do that i’m on the

Last layer you’re all good you’re all good just focus up oh i am oh i’m on the last layer too now i just fell down like michelle actually throwing i’m trying to find another electro so i can uh goof around a bit i’m trying to get rid of as many blocks

On the bottom as possible oh i found another lighter let’s go someone is just standing still yeah the car is just floating that did not work i killed cara i think they’re going to abuse it so honestly if you get an electron you can get stuck i uh no i um

I killed her the person who was frozen oh i did too i got someone that was also frozen never mind oh my god that guy almost got me this guy’s trying to throw leave me be leave me be what oh i might no no no no no i’m so sorry friendly fire bruh

This show i think we lasted for a long while you told us we’re fine and i try to make my way out of here a little bit you have a lot of room just stick over there yeah go to the left like if you can see all that stuff to the left jump

Boost right now oh you got it nice oh you’re running away from it go back all that stuff to the right of you go to the right Go back yep I am in full concentration mode if you save that end part all the way to the left of you now or if you turn around that way there’s a jump that you can make with a jump boost position uh-huh so i would use it near each other they’re cutting themselves off i’d use

It right now and then see that right in front of you there you go now you have all that spot oh wait we beat cbk’s team this round yep it’s you versus hannah’s team um to the right ah right now go right nice right yeah there you go all that ah nice jump

Oh you won nice let’s go what place should we get because of that oh we got first yay Nice job wolfie i’m just sitting in there just like go right yep now left yep was that helpful or was it just annoying oh you know that that help a bit yeah okay we’re looking into them i’ll let you know if anything changes or like not having ice but anymore

I mean if boating counts then we’re in a very good spot but that’s all good i mean if they don’t you skip this bro come on please let’s just skip the whole event guys every game skipped it’s just it’s just it’s just bingo yeah i like bro

I spawned right at golf let’s go i wonder what place we are now uh it depends if they actually remove the boat scores then we’re that has the boat rush for still i think just think we’re not counting any scores from boat rush yeah um because we got second in boat rush too

Yeah that definitely has both silver yeah yeah it does okay yeah everyone so we won’t be in second but we could probably figure out where we are both games scrapped are you serial dude yeah i don’t get this there are some people eventually twitch rivals will have a

Server with no issues all the bugs will be tested out and they’ll be a flawless run for the entire time it’ll happen that’s going to take three years though i guarantee you it’ll be a pikaclix event too yeah honestly uh they both don’t count and that’s just like dude that’s that’s cringe bulky

Because then it’s just oh did you see the message that cloud put in the like pinged everyone with an announcement i don’t know if we can say it out loud but that’s whoa oh oh [ __ ] wait that’s dope huge wait what looking look in the pit did you notice

The thing that they did where apparently apparently noah’s gonna like have like his own mini game thing for twitch rivals but then the next one so that’s that’s good it’s probably gonna be better oh i see what you’re talking about yeah it’s good to know that okay

So what does that mean for this event i don’t know uh i’m not sure everyone gets the top prize smile that’d be nice so what is the game plan okay so the team the points are still there it’s fine i don’t even know what place we’ll be in now with first and twelfth

We’ll have 28 points i’m about to play among us dude team shadoon seems to dude has the same points as it was if it’s just the first and last game they got 12th in the second game in the first and the last one false got first and eleventh so we’ll be

Tied with them bastia got eight they’ll be winning ant got 10th they’ll be tied with us no they’ll be down one point mad team why are you doing some math right now there’s gonna be like four teams tied with each other and then bassy team’s gonna be winning

It seems like it’s what it’s gonna be i’m gonna take a big old nap after this is over i just want to play boat race why you’re the only one because we were gonna win it true you’re not wrong i can’t wait to golf guys golfing is so fun

I think i haven’t figured out hurry up wear my damn croissant yeah i’m pretty sure i haven’t figured out that’s good what do i figure it out uh golf just any different angle long shots hole in once every single time easy well from this distance no there’s golf next

Who knows what they’re doing next i think they’re deciding right now i’ll just do whatever they throw at us i mean temple’s last so it’ll definitely be golf or replay something i got kanye west screaming in my ear b he’s like i don’t know what they’re going to do for this

It seems like people say that if bo is removed then team t should also be removed but like that’s just unfair for us yeah now that that’s not even really bad if they remove both yeah yeah we’ve been here for like almost three hours now dude like there’s no way after three hours

They’re gonna just scrap two whole games it’s an impossible situation to bounce simply because like because if they get rid of it they yeah it’s unfair for the teams that didn’t have players in it like if i wasn’t if i was not in let’s say like wolf just wasn’t

In here right like he just plato couldn’t connect it was just three playing it would be bad feels bad right yeah and obviously it feels bad for us because we had all four we did well yeah and there’s nothing you can do about it i just feel like they should count the

First boat race because that one like wouldn’t find any issues with disconnecting the only issue was that i what bad boy halo like just glitched in the beginning and then we just reset and boom everything was like fine right that we know of i feel like there’s no point in getting

Rid of boat rush if we did at least one of them that went good let’s go i mean either way if they keep at least one we’ll be fine yeah both of them that is that’s rigged that’s just right if they do it tragic for us

We did so good in these last two games too bruh that’s ugh i can’t tell you how many times i’ve done this parkour okay they’re just talking in the other chat so how’s everybody’s day confused i’m not sure what’s going on now there’s just people people being like talking in this in

This discord chat and i just don’t really know what to say without sounding like well i did well so it shouldn’t be removed yeah yeah because that’s my like i didn’t have any issues with the with the tnt at the end i just played the game another ping in the discord server

Where is it this has newman oh wait all the way at the top yeah it’s a message about um noah doing all the events from now on or something true oh what’s my pain ping 26 i’m in the jump all right you got two backs this is yeah hmm

Hmm they’re just talking bruh it’s just a lot of words so these words being thrown around those words i’m just kind of here waiting for something to happen i’m gonna play snake just while everything is going on i’m about to go on high pixel i don’t know wanna play some

Ipixel who wants to play some wool wars hell yeah man fortnight time for night time hell yeah the the hurdle in three feeling good let’s go bowling what are they doing on the mainstream you think probably crying they’re like no not again so they got oh they’re just talking right now

They already got rid of the boat um scores on the mainstream apparently yeah i got rid of boat able to pull together a win who knows i’m i don’t know i’m looking right now maybe losing i’m just seeing if they ever show the point afterwards beep uh

What are we waiting on probably not making a decision on what they are doing i mean it seems people agree with my uh like my view of like it’s not fair but then again like it’s also not fair for other people Yo thank you so much for the sub how’s the toner going yeah um it’s like bugging out a hundred like so much like so so much so like we’re just trying to figure out what’s gonna happen thank you so much for the sub um the two games that we did well and

Everyone wants to get removed and that we got first and second of them so it’s just like indeed we wait and wait patiently and we wait and we wait and we wait keep on waiting until we don’t have to anymore big rips yeah you can definitely say that

I’m just looking at these commentators smiling i’m i’m playing minesweeper well my screen isn’t showing that but i wish i could play papa’s wingaria again dude excuse me dude papa’s wingaria dude you don’t know what papa’s wingaria is they are talking to hannah right now oh great i wonder what hannah’s gonna say

Well my team did couldn’t play the game so imagine yeah this sucked because i couldn’t play honestly i mean i mean if that’s the case then that’s fair i guess can’t really blame you could say like what are you it’s 100 you’d say the same exact thing if we were in there though

So i i i wouldn’t say the exact same thing you’d be like well this sucked You know we’re trying our best it just kind of sucks if both games got removed because that’s like we popped the hell off curious like why is it a server issue or like what is the issue inherently like there’s a foolproof way of making sure servers work right people have figured it out

And this is always my question about this right what is the issue with this happening not enough test infrastructure for sure well no it’s not necessarily the testing it’s just that yeah the server doesn’t really load it was a single map in the section it wasn’t like you’re loading a

Million chunks right it was just a section yeah there was even that so it’s like it’s an interesting case where i assume it’s because of the amount of players and in that case like that should be you should test this for like a thousand players like buy buy a server and talk to

Hosting companies that do stuff for major servers in general because you’re literally twitch right you have your amazon you have access to that yeah let me just make sure it works i know that is that’s true but apparently they don’t bother to do that which is i don’t know i don’t know like

I don’t even know who this server host is but like there’s no need for them to like cheap out on a server host like you can just get like the best one basically we are just here bray yep that’s what it comes down to hey now stop talking to them i want to

Know what’s going on damn hmm what’s she saying the chance to see you win at twitch rivals was so cool and very very special they are talking about how she won one And i’m just like who did why did hannah won win one of the thingy rods the tnt ones i don’t think so oh cause you know if she did it’d be convenient because then she probably would want it to be kept you know and then we you know on to the

Disneyland server and go to disneyland together yeah maybe no you guys can like kind of see what i’m looking at okay now they’re just talking Who’s talking just the complicated green martin at a train car left had a dream loki i i’ve been waiting for a bit since a bunch of the glitches in dc’s and stuff i’ve been waiting to see if anybody would actually just like leave and be like yeah i this is not you know

I mean there’s money involved so why would you leave i mean you get free money for even just being here i just want you know you gain money at the cost of viewership yeah uh basically yeah that is true they’re going over endergolf right now i’m looking at it it looks so cool

I’m glad i hope it work it runs well it’d be nice i like that rock and roll that’s future flow i feel bad for the commentators gonna be honest yeah it’s not like something that happens in mostly it feels bad it doesn’t feel good for literally anybody involved and

Literally zero people well at least we can like just talk about normally they have to like act like everything’s good because they’re putting on a show so it’s like yeah we love minecraft let’s hop over and see what cranios is talking about in the chat uh he’s talking about balls okay

It appears crinos is playing among us you know the one thing with the commentators usually i don’t know if that’s the same case with twitch rivals because i haven’t really looked at twitch rivals commentating but usually the commentators don’t actually know how minecraft works so they just talk but they don’t know

What it does or what it means but so they just they just talk and it’s uh it’s always very interesting no the commentators are they usually just do good they’re good at their job that’s why they’re commentators oh yeah like that’s why they get paid streamers

Are like let’s look at the blocks let’s walk around on these blocks now hannah’s looking at that block oh yeah look at her go it’s kind of like why you don’t see um like valerian players being the commentators for like valerian games because they’re not good at like

Dude a valor player commentating on valor would be like dude what the [ __ ] did he do here why would why would you do that you should have done this and this instead of just actual commentating yeah exactly most commentators are probably there most commentators are within like the

Gold range uh for any game there’s a few exceptions where some are higher elo but it’s just before they get impressed with stuff so they can like actually like be hyped for hype moments like you get to challenge a person they’re like or uh a rating person like okay

Big whoop right big big whoop he did that yesterday as well apparently there’s gonna be an announcement in coming maybe i would love to be a commentator or try it one time announcement incoming hanging folks greatly appreciate it it’s gonna be like so we’re removing everything restarting right now

Twitch is actually tomorrow uh decided to give everybody fifty dollars have fun hey guys we’re actually moving twitch rivals to saturday at uh when’s mcc that time uh because we just really wanted to make it even more difficult for you guys uh a bunch of people just drop out

A bunch of people just drop off that’s the case they would they would flat out just not be like would you like to play in minecraft championship 20 or twitch don’t worry if i’m up you can you can play in this i’ll take your spot yeah yeah no we got you covered don’t

Worry we can submit i have a strategy that i need to test um i heard that uh cpk super case entire team is dropping out so i guess we’re gonna have to fill in for him i don’t know tragic i already knew that yeah i mean

Oh did scott tell you already yeah like do you mean oh okay cool dm yeah no he hates me i’m kidding are you though i mean i don’t really know i haven’t spoken to him before he’s a nice man he’s a lovely lad lovely nice he seems very jealous

Nice so he must put you in the next event right that’s a lie oh well i am using this ender pearl to just get on top of everything that’s why i do yeah i’m just going to get literally on top of the thing are you looking for mr cat cause misty

Said that they’d give time all right we are essentially scrapping the tournament due to oh okay oh wait what happened yep they are just not we’re not gonna be yo let’s go well get less than we would would have probably gotten but it’s still it’s still something

That’s great i think i found missy i’m kind of sad yeah dude a number of connection related issues across the platform it is the most fair thing that they could have yeah because of the tournament we’ll be playing out all the remaining mini games for fun so

Let’s still get a play i guess but um all prizes money will be divided equally everyone’s gonna get 312. or essentially scrapping the tournament due to the issues standings will no longer count towards prizing damn dude we’re literally the one time that we have a twitch rivals where it’s like insane

Like we’re doing great and dude yeah i don’t care yeah whatever they’re like hey guys remember you guys doing well anyways about that i want to go to the cute little decoration guy it’s like a it’s not like a waddle dee but it looks like a waddle d i don’t

Know what it actually is but it’s adorable Who’s this over here i found the waddle dee no i’m gonna not make oh it we go i just hear in the background um the tv and i’m like oh my gosh how do i choose color how you pick a color uh it should have popped up like start

Well i guess i’m just in default i guess i’m default too kind of sad i am pink why can’t i move there are nine holes oh i i shot anyways wait oh i shouldn’t i see you are you supposed to start oh practice hole oh is it practical

Yeah it says on the right yeah shane i thought you were supposed to be good at this game um what happened oh you can oh that’s cool it’s all about speed by the way it’s about power we say hungry we devour drive i still want to win might as well tr

All right i’m gonna look at the map all right let me find out where you can you can go towards the light post i guess oh you could probably skip a whole bunch then oh yeah that’s what i’m looking at it almost put me in the water all right

I don’t know if i’ll be able to get over these trees i did oh no five up oh no oh hello there oh no i got a par now i got an eagle no way yo look at me hit off of me i’m the best golf player ever

I’m the golfer hello i’m golf i am the sport golf par oh no not par not par not par not par not par at all the skip put me in a tree because i i just the worst tree scenario too yeah yeah scenario bad tree scenario bad tree

I almost landed in the water i almost went split splash i’m a dash well then i angled it correctly well now i know for the next thing oh you can see the next courses okay and yeah yeah just continue flying yeah just going to do flying oh this is this is

That was that’s a decision there’s one with the clown head oh this is i’m just getting spoilers we’re at the circus now there’s the next one oh there’s dragons oh i see them well they really let me oh these are dinosaurs now they really i

Mean they put a lot of effort in this which is a shame that got scrapped all right so i’m gonna i would aim towards the um all right yeah more towards definitely can go through that’s the clown one i don’t know if i’ll be able to make it

All the way past the trees i’m just you guys don’t have to go to the clown i landed in a tree bruh yeah don’t go through the trees try to end more towards the um the whatever ferris wheel oh oh whoa i it just launched me to a place i didn’t even aim

To go to oh i’m stuck i got an eagle yeah i can’t get an eagle i’m i’m just stuck i just can’t move let me see double bogey ferris wheel oh it says our total scores on the right i think yeah so i have eight if i was

Eleven then you guys have ten that’s perfect that’s par after those games this is so much fun everyone’s trying because it is i want more boat rush this is tragic i feel bad yep oh well people really don’t like boat rush i don’t know because everyone’s over everyone’s tripping out that’s why

Everybody’s bad and we’re the best true too true so what’s the next one let’s go look at dinosaurs ah dinosaurs can you already see yeah just run over this is a long boy oh this one looks cool all right okay yeah definitely don’t try to skip past the trees that’s why you

Say that you say ah oh my god this hole is freaking long aim for the dinosaur’s mouth maybe i don’t know i i just went forward and then i’m gonna arch it over where’d you go five up uh cheesing oh i’m in a tree again but can i just oh right through that

Yeah oh this was definitely the correct play it looked like my nuggets your what chicken nuggets oh come on baby yeah baby double eagle i went over the dinosaur shortcutting is definitely the play oh i lied i did a lot worse oh come on delta i’m stuck in the air okay let’s go

Oh look at this nevermind he has a little bit over a shoot but and you guys were worried about me i was good at level one and then that was it it’s a colored balls that’s why me and fabo are doing better oh what’s the next one ufo

Oh it says um i think cheesing this one will be really good leaderboard for all two wait wait a minute do you think we can get on top of the ufo yep you can get on top of anything there’s nothing out of bounds uh what’s out of bounds

There’s nothing under bones it’s just falling off the map hmm oh my gosh the next one okay so we actually got fourth in that let’s go oh you fourth right now or fourth all together in that hole specifically these holes are actually so cool i’m next to the barn if anyone wants to

Know how far that got you when you go try cheese it oh high five up blue watch out for the sand trap nice and then it’s just straight that way yeah yep oh oh oh i’m in the sand trip oh no i okay someone bumped me in i don’t think you can

Someone tried what that very much distance i don’t think it worked oh oh oh i just no it did you did oh it did yeah on par everyone yeah i literally have par for every single hole so like par is 23. so we’re doing good yeah you guys are doing great

The next one’s fancy look at it some people are doing very well how do you know just looking at chat for each round oh i think on the first hole we got like 12. oh yeah by three strokes yeah oh making it seem like that’s nothing

Yeah by like only three holy [ __ ] this next one’s crazy yeah for your first shot this is one coming up i would like have it angled a little bit because you’re gonna be behind this eiffel tower looking thing eiffel tower i would go more right you think what do you guys think

Pyramids of giza that thing in moscow until like go left and then go right and then oh my god the tower of pizzeria okay just go left don’t hit the trees don’t hit the trees do you see where i am yeah ah come on come on come on

You can go and prove you mud every single throw by the way ah and i’m in the sand okay no i angled it wrong [ __ ] oh hello there no no no no no par Wolfie where are you i’m in the eiffel tower what don’t worry we got this no worries how do i do that just like oh that does not help okay i’m just going down okay i could play this golf mode for like ever you got it wolfie boing yeah all par

That last round we got second by one stroke nice guys oh the next one’s cool looking let’s see let’s see fishies blub blub yo it’s aquaman fishing by the sea do you think going on the plane is the move going on the plane then jumping over the plane and going forward from there

Where did we start i assume over here right here it’s like if you arch it over this stuff get on the plane go over this stuff oh i guess we get to spectate it again ah what the bride didn’t even look that way the [ __ ]

That work [ __ ] or no i mean can you see me uh i might see no it worked i’m i’m doing good okay well i i messed up i see five up yep that’s not where i’m done at all i got a bogey on that one because i i

Aimed one direction and it threw me another what i had an invisible wall uh i’m in a tree again to get back on par i have to get a birdie uh i’m a s am i i’m in a tree oh i could have moved over there oh some teams are doing really good

Yi boing can i even make that oh oh oh let’s go i got a bogey excuse me imagine someone gets like a hole in one i don’t think it’s actually possible which is kind of no it’s definitely impossible yeah they’ve been so much effort into this is crazy like the the the uh

The diver yeah i know what’s this i’m just going for it yolo huh oh it’s okay could land on top of there fine cheesing this game with very funny yeah eagle go delta yeah yeah go delta gold wolfie eagle let’s go go five up go fava i am simply

Trying to do only shortcuts by the way that’s my scores are bad that’s all good all good you’re on par too like yeah five up you’re you’re perfect on par right now thank you thank you i’m on plus one the next one’s just open a lot of void though so be careful no

I’m going to let someone else go first for this first one coming up because i’m pretty sure that no that’s chill i’ll let you go first it’s chill uh hmm wow wow wow what what missy i have nine i mean 69 oh oh we got first in that level let’s

Go what can we say accept you’re welcome this is not uh you skip you do not yeah i don’t think we can skip that one you think it’s too long it’s way too long oh no um that’s not where i am my portal at all and i probably follow them up okay

All right okay well i made it let’s go amen oh i can probably take that eagle pretty i bounced over it yeah i also have a birdie we’re a lot of birds we’re just a bunch of birds well i’m gonna oh yeah i’m an eagle

I’m back on par last one guys oh my x marks what’s farther than you also you cannot go in the water what’s better than eagle yeah like ostrich or something penguin albatross that’s an actual thing yes cause i’m an albatross well i can’t wait to play the last game

The last game seems like it’s gonna be fun too i think yeah this one’s awesome this builds crazy yeah these builds are just crazy team five up that’s me we win these yeah what place do you guys think we’re gonna get i think we’re gonna get sixth

Two i think we could honestly get first in this game i think if i had to guess uh fourth i’ll guess third we got we should cover everything second that’s that round oh yeah i got hit into the water yeah uh by the way don’t i’ll throw it once apparently because uh collision

So just get like wait for people to spectate no i hit the water again freak ah going straight into the water isn’t it yeah it is wait where do we go oh i got a bogey high five up i got five blue oh delta with the yeah definitely definitely going on the boats

Yeah that’s what i did i just landed in the water so it was a big such a bad one for me dude yeah i got a pokey i land in the water once and it screws me that was fun i feel bad for everybody first now well

Someone’s gonna be like oh we won okay nothing we 100 need a full for four guys i don’t know i don’t know if a full golf twitch rivals would honestly be a good idea i think three hours of this would be a bit tiring but i could be wrong maybe my opinion is

Wrong dude look at that skeleton’s neck yeah that’s crazy look at the top of his head all right predictions i think we got fifth i would say four one second and we got six not bad oh wait that’s overall oh let’s go we got 12 in that last round oh yikes

I guess we were a big group pete i’d play i’d pay 312 to play that again oh excuse me you got me there all right last game i don’t know what place we’re in the um basty team is definitely winning no wait um cbk’s team was beating us right yeah

See if you guys seems in first i think they probably didn’t give it a point i hope they didn’t because what’s the point now i’d like to see all the points where am i the [ __ ] and i’m so sorry where are you i’m so sorry

Oh we’re in second so let’s go let’s go nice that is including boat race though but i don’t know we’ll take it considering nothing counts so yeah we’re a second where’s my how much money i’m just going to make 100 5 000 i won 5 000 for that 950.

No 5 000. i won five thousand for that please please my discord crashing imagine they just say oh like lol actually we’re giving you the actual amount haha let’s go that’d be nice big dubs yeah we just hope they do bad i don’t really know what we’re walking into but um

I have high hopes for us i just watched captain sparkles just throw on the last hole how much for you guys to start throwing 3 12 50. i knew it i knew it hmm wait why is everybody leaving one by one because i got stuck in the void so

The answer is obviously now Oh what a shame what i came here with someone shane what a shame what a shame what is shame what a shame what a shane whoa whoa get it because damn your crystal phone my home breath is like woo so i don’t know if the multiplier just

Goes with all the points we have but that’s fine yeah we don’t know that at all there’s checkpoint portals i i’m guessing so it must be like one by one if there’s a checkpoint uh portal we’re doing a screenshot of mid i would love to take a screenshot

That’s not the way is this the right group that’s hello hello everyone hello hello hello hello sorry i have a reading chat have you been tpk by like six points you i think you win yeah but we’re not getting paid actually any money anymore we’re actually just getting like all

Right because of everything being so bad like everything messing up so much all right guys here we go here we go again and we fight mobs for 20 minutes now i am saving world my game crashed well there you go i’m just gonna chill here next to my boy spongebob

We do get first place it’ll be an awesome screenshot to post on twitter so true we got first we got first place let’s go either way if we get second that’s hype too true what is this song that i’m i’m listening to casual it’s lake from pokemon yeah that’s why i’m jamming

Dude that song goes freaking nuts it goes crazy i love that song yeah pokemon i love pokemon oh everyone’s still in the spawn okay i love pokemon i just love pokemon so much i thought you guys got warped in or something no not yet i would never oh hey it’s cloud my name

Is hello that is me that is me my name my name hello hello hi azrael how long does um the temple usually take like um it’s probably gonna be like 20 minutes it’s a 20-minute timer all right cool no at least the event didn’t take too

Long you know it only took three and a half hours it’s fine there’s been events like five i’ve been in an event that i will not mention that took five hours shane was in a two hey peeking dmd i know what you’re talking about yeah shane knows

I am going to take a big nap after this game for real for real i’m taking a huge nap hi jt it is nap time after this i’ll compensate by staying awake yeah because you are yeah there’s a hole i have to make my own event after this i’m just gonna stay on

And go on bed wars I love that sound effect dude i like i like the taco bell bong song all right let me let me pull it up let me see if i actually can can i pull it up should be able to uh this one that one i really like that one i’m closing the software

Oh my minecraft crashed nice that’s what happened is that safety oh we’re all going yeah it said saving world for me too in it um My head hurts elena if i had a webcam on right now it would not be good listen i am slouching beyonce like i am omega slouched right now just like i’m so dead you deserve to know i had an entire i had a michael mcchillard where i just

Started screaming in the back of my room full full i put my chest in there perfect viable so i’m hearing that you had a great time wow oh wait i should mute my screen so that way they don’t see the ip what oh right at this point it can’t get any worse

Yeah might as well just get everyone on and realistically if they don’t have a white list on is it my fault i think that at least that sorted out right surely fingers crossed i’m so tired i want to play i want to play more minecraft but also

On the server elena you need to get on the server although i am taking a nap after this probably yeah so i’m trying to figure out because i want to play on the server but i’m also like picking up and playing later yeah just just get on later lol

Did i do a second stream later yes oh you could nap time then stream time that sounds pretty pog see last time i did this though i just didn’t stream again the other day i was like overheated and i was like i’m just gonna chill and then didn’t stream

Well how are we feeling right now we overheated i’m just tired bro my head hurts um i’m slouching in my chair oh yeah i see the slouchers i have hand cam it’s just luckily they can’t see anything else so it’s just like i’m literally sledging so bad i’m just gonna

Put my chair back are we starting oh i left either we all crashed are we we’re starting i think we’re starting oh wow there we are yeah i figured might as well finish up the event yeah might as well at this point everyone left but i think yeah puns and

Everyone left so yeah with us if you want i would but i think my team wants to play so i’m like yes i mean if you you don’t have to if you don’t no you have to no you you have to screenshot yeah No you don’t have to i can just screen cheer for you if you want just watch i’ll just watch it ah there you go i support my friends let’s also stream i’m not streaming i’m gonna open everyone’s tab every single tab hang on oh yeah all the tabs everyone’s all tabs

That i can click did you join stream i ended streamliner that was lagging usually i’m done with it i’ve just oh it looks cool at least yeah would i get in trouble for doing a reaction stream to watch no they’ll don’t they’ll think you’re still playing good good where’s the where’s my you’re

Allowed to do that type of thing cool guys wow look at this riveting content this goes crazy elena i’m so dead i have four hours to sleep in beanbags it is a big shame big shame big shame hey well at least we’re gonna finish it

Up and just get it done look i’m i’m pulling an all-nighter tonight just to reset my sleep schedule am i practicing i have to prepare um like today and tomorrow friends to see yeah i i was planning to practice after this but like i’m debating taking a nap because

Every time i look at minecraft i just get upset now okay elena we we nap and then three hours and then uh practice for two hours and i have to go play along among them i’m scared that i’m gonna say i’ll nap and then i’m just gonna play valerie for like three hours

Okay then just go literally go to your bed go to your bed after this go to bed go to bed go to bed you’re grounded i know because i like valor so i’m telling you if you want to do these like multiple different things instead

What if but i needn’t but i need an apple uh i need i need food here we literally have a five stack let’s go yeah oh no i don’t know elena time to get out of the silver and go to gold i’m actually like i think i’ve got nearly it

Are you guys silver okay i’m still over there unranked well that doesn’t matter all right time to win i don’t know what we’re doing but okay go run forward i’ll get the i’ll get the back ones you guys get the front ones oh okay are you guys actually just killing them with

Try it out apparently right yes that’s the that’s the weapon yep it does a lot of damage actually pretty good go to the tenter center center center oh oh what now this is weird oh there we go don’t wait oh no actually dude don’t do that do it dump it in what

I’m so confused go to the north point what nice guys Oh there’s a floating thing here oh that’s a whole spot okay i’m killing things oh they do damage it’s like sot it’s very cold oh they do do damage signs of time but aggressive oh snows of time but like not as jolly being killed by wolves oh is that strength hmm

Next room oh if i posited um no i i died this is a little boy whatever things i do like the concept of this so like having to enter the points and like you can’t die essentially yeah like yeah well i need to deal with you guys points

So i need to be with you guys to go to the next room probably okay i’m here okay i am at two hearts i’m a full hp you wanna i have a lingering potion of yeah drop it real quick thank you i have a crossbow with a with a firework

So i’m just gonna that did not work nice job it just didn’t work checkpoint here oh just go back in it go back in it go back through it you can deposit that oh we probably shouldn’t deposit it you should be fine oh i have no idea what this is honestly

Oh oh he’s got he’s got big big mouth oh no oh uh oh no worries i’m okay i’m okay okay nevermind okay i lied funny because i hear it’s super delayed oh wow oh wow those don’t have points a lot of them don’t have points they just

Ignore the ones that don’t have points i’m gaming wait do the vex does not have some of them do some of them do it i’m going back and depositing yeah i’m actually gonna follow give you thing a sight i am at one and a half hour i do not

Want to lose all the points i have i have 565 i have 920 that’s a lot that’s a big number oh can we make it like back up yeah be nice if it like healed you in the thing yeah but sadly no are you guys still fighting over that coin multiplier

I assume that there might be more of a multiplier there it’s bosses if you get all the way to the end i’m guessing there’s a boss or something make sure to loot the chest by the way there’s like a bunch of healing couples you used to try to access higher areas ah

So here mr wraith has hp oh my god oh hi die i hope it attacks me so i can kill it i got it no never mind got it i’m gonna move forward uh-huh oh they changed the texture of that that’s cool spikes now beat it up beat it up

Beat it up oh i made a mistake ah here’s splash lingering i’m gonna go through a different path is there another path there’s like is it can’t tell you go that way i’ll go this way i’m just killing the okay nevermind the pirate dungeon oh you’re gonna go into a whole different section

Uh there’s a part at the end where we’re like we were all like fighting the uh thing it says like oh go up to go to more places let’s see you guys left a lot of like coins just up here i guess i’m gonna deal with them

And you guys deal with everything else sounds good yeah we’re trying to speedrun just through it you can like clean up after oh you already got this nevermind i’m racking up a lot of points from these guys let’s go don’t thought what is that oh drop myself let’s go all right

You got those ones the wraiths are really annoying i hate those things it’s a two shot without jumping so just focus on just like hitting them don’t even jump yeah if i could get my aim around it i drew it angry snowman dead oh my god

Does the bear even attack you it only locks you up right yeah it just launches you up i’m sorry i’m no you’re all good yeah you should definitely take a nap yeah i was like sitting here just going okay yeah yeah why am i why am i so tired yeah all right

Thank you guys for the fun games let me hang out for like five minutes no problem i will let you know if i’m awake for later goodbye i think i think it’s just up this way as well watch out for another checkpoint that gets reached no not i think might be close closer

Okay a lot of guys over here come back down this thing doesn’t wanna okay there we go there we go oh oh i died wow all right i got your stuff oh i forgot the loose coins whoopsie i found i might as well just do a different one then yeah

Because i i like kind of just cleaned up after shane but there’s not really any point in doing that when i bank it’s gonna be a lot of coins bruh i’m going into moss okay that thing launched itself at me i have 2290 coins by the way i’m 2400 right now let’s go

Yeah the moss one has like a bunch of projectiles that batter good uh bad it’s really annoying like there’s there’s a guy with a trident there were skeletons before i got this my stomach is growling this guy’s just flying hello what the hell that’s crazy

Who unlocked the ice boss oh i got the checkpoint if you guys want to come to me i think i have a boss okay i’ll run in a bit checkpoint here checkpoint secured i secured the checkpoint i’ll just come back here oh people are already killing the bosses that’s crazy healing healing healing

Okay uh you said the so the second checkpoint i assume for ice yeah okay i see five up oh that potion what is it is it up here hello yep that is him hi i have a speedball if you want i don’t know if it’s going to help but oh my god guys

It doesn’t really do any damage to me oh never mind highlight knock it off yeah nice all right let’s go keep the coins i was starting on the mass but where do we go she’s gonna go to the though boss we just go back yeah i think so uh it’s just from spawn

So if we go back i’ll lead you to it don’t think oh i banked oh wait oh wait i already multiplied it multiplied itself it multiplied itself so here’s the doesn’t matter if we bank or nothing yeah the mouse is here over here unless we get unless we get another

Whatever i’ll just join delta because you guys are both yeah yeah i already did the start is there anything up here i just got the things up there if you really want delta you can wait a long long time till you um oh i’m killing a few things that are around

Here way that way there’s no fall damage too yup love that oh yeah moving forward in life five up moving forward nice let’s go it was like hello oh yeah they can do that i could i could have probably told you that in advance oh there’s a bunch in the yeah

It’s lagging a little bit it was lagging i feel like it’s because there’s so many mobs out here oh i see oh my god yeah else do you see like the whole like pirate gunner group thing there’s a whole horde yeah that’s crazy okay i think we’re good

I’m just trying to clean up by the way i’m just picking off some wraps did any coins drop when i died or no no it gets cut in half you don’t you can’t get it yeah continue ahead checkpoint oh that’s a whole ship unlock the moss mini i’m unlocking the checkpoint for the

Moss it’s only why are there so many that’s a lot we only have five minutes so just speed running right now oh yeah we have crazy dead yeah we have six minutes left wow okay so tridenting into mobs is not a good idea there’s so much lag that i can’t do anything hardly

Yeah the the the pirate one is very laggy there’s a bunch of like mobs around but i can’t kill them basically because every time i get near i just like i am lagging and dying yeah this guy’s i died because lag yeah i have four bars right now some of you guys

Might have some lag as well oh my god i was able to kill him if you want to come five back five like above like the other ones were i don’t exactly know how to do it because i didn’t really look at it i just kind of got in and ran back in

Captain cuddles that’s is that the this is i think that’s the reason why things are laggy should i just explore with you guys yeah yeah if you guys have the most one already we don’t have the most thing done no i’m yeah but i got it i could do it okay oh

Yeah okay i think i see where you guys are there’s a lot of monsters oh god i’m very low i have quite a bit of coins as well so i might just go back yeah but if you say if you don’t think you’re gonna die um i think if we get another um

Uh boss it gets two times and then we get even more oh so does the multiplier only work on like when you deploy when you when you deposit it it dep it it multiplies what you deposit by how much you have so if we really if we think we’re gonna

Also if you think you’re gonna survive like i’m not gonna deposit again um i thought i was gonna die so that’s why uh hey you’re fine i’m i’m currently picking off some things from the start who’s flying it’s just a bird but yeah i i’ll try to oh we have four minutes left

You probably want to try to get one of the bosses maybe higher area probably yeah i assume the pirate boss is just top so you might be able to skip to work right now okay okay enter the ship and reach the beacon i was staying here to spawn casting cuddles yeah

I think that’s the boss probably oh watch out for them yeah i don’t rip tight into them because they’ll all just immediately hit you back i’m not gonna deposit yet because it’s what you want to do which one is the one you guys are doing pirate let’s go

Do you any head questions uh i do not i’m gonna help with you guys because i don’t think it’s just gonna we should be able to region just all going to the top three minutes just like immediately go yeah we just need to go up can i skip towards it though the

Checkpoint the second checkpoint is like right at the end so you just gotta get all the way up there oh no we can’t skip it there’s so many where do i go upstairs in the ship i found the checkpoint unlocked lag oh literal lag oh my god oh big luck

Yeah i’m at the spawn captain uh cuddle scene also okay we just gotta try kill it i’m coming up yep i see five up just standing midair yep all right i’m at the thing feels very lag man oh captain cuddles is aghast uh how do i get there i just jumped out

Oh it does a lot of damage when you hit him how do you even hit him uh he throws his gas tears back out oh oh that’s the only way we can hit it as well oh that kind of sucks he’s like flying so far away

How do we hit this guy with the leg what that’s what i’m saying that’s crazy i just got a crossbow i ever get a stuffed animal that’s pirate-themed This is so hard where’s captain cuddle he’s he’s like up in the middle underground i hit it again i hit it again oh i missed this i might just be able to hit it [Applause] run run we have one minute i think there’s a checkpoint over here

Yeah it’s all the way at the uh the beginning of the boat and stuff what side did we not go to we could just go to somewhere real quick now i went through a lot of it but we haven’t finished oh yeah is this it yeah go up i’m sorry

Just like kill three things and just run back out if you can yo just run i killed two things i’m going back up for fish i can’t kill it the grass is [ __ ] [ __ ] the grass i redeemed 80. time’s up how did we do yay I think i don’t think we did that well nobody totally crushed it with captain cuddles dude we do we we called out the captain we cuddled that captain we cuddled him so bad all right hopefully uh hopefully we do decently well i mean it doesn’t really matter but it’d be cool

28 000 coins 28 000 juicers stones i guess we don’t get to find out until we walk in okay guys here we go ah yeah yeah if only i could see i keep on just loading in motion i want them to ruin it for me so i’m i’m muting oh oh

Let’s go baby we won the pirate thing we were second we won we won W’s let me just copy count’s message yeah first place 312.50 let’s go clap clap clap what up w slap slap slap clap clap in the bank we we bring back this team for the next twitch rival so we win oh yeah i just went again it was so true they will know

Here like i am now going to bed i don’t know if they’re going to want to talk to you but because we won they might want to interview with you where’s my hair oh oh oh oh get in the middle get in the middle oh get in there

Does anybody else see my hair i got shoved off i’m getting pushed off who is that who is that infernally move move infernally that works i took a screening hell yeah and it doesn’t matter whoa yeah oh well first twitch rivals win yeah let’s go baby let’s go

Dude that’s my first ever twist oh my god it doesn’t matter half the people left oh no i’m lucky let’s go baby thank you for all participating thank you thank you thank you hey thank you have a good sleep have a good slumber oh it doesn’t feel good to be a twitch

Rivals champion uh i wish i wish it was oh well 312 in the bank for conjoint first we all won we all cost we’re all winners the true winnings are the friends we made along the way [Applause] Actual winners pov right there though for real winners pov right here now um Me and fire breath man we’ll be taking all the raids yeah everyone come to eyes hand them over when none come rob i don’t know what to do with myself we freaking wonder i know about what cost uh [ __ ] about nine hundred dollars uh 800 no 900 yeah eight nine hundred

Somewhere around eight to nine hundred dollars what’s the cost welfare thank you so much for the raid wolfie gg hello winners winners winners winners hi we’re winners winners i’m the wiener yeah you also are the winner i can say that hello free wolfy raid hello wolfy raid hello wolfy waiters hi

Wolfy waders we can at least say that we have officially one of real twitch rivals yeah i mean i’m a big no i’m gonna be like at noah we won the last one please like 900 for what they couldn’t give me i was i was the first one to log on to

The server because they were uh like before they even put the ip on and there were people building the temple of the elements water like example area like in creative flying around placing all the blocks oh no i said add compensation we should get into the next event

I think it’s only fair that uh twitch rivals rage us for winning yeah especially since i’m not getting my [ __ ] money whoa whoa whoa hey at least you’re getting some money be appreciative be appreciated hey yeah be happy be happy we would have gotten if nothing changed really

Yeah so no matter what you would have gotten the same amount so it doesn’t really matter to you that’s so funny that is actually hilarious i’m a winner i’m a winner winners winners winner winner chicken dinner i’m a little hot dog i’m a little hot guy with legs and everything i’m a

Little bummed we did it again isn’t that kind of funny both times yeah we got like 12th in advancement bingo and then we get seconded first that’s so funny um we would have gotten like three more bingos uh but samantha went to kill the dragon and the beds did no damage to it

Oh really yeah so we didn’t have anything so we were all just punching it at the end trying to get uh curry ways team completed the board we had like three left we almost completed the board wow really we had five or so left i’m like listening to like the main like

Disc uh channel or uh twitch rivals thing wow uh suddenly they have a poll to see who they want interviewed on the main thing um yeah they want me they want me 100 they want me of course what’s between me and hannah xx rose so guess who won hannah yeah

Why are you no offense but nominated yeah right but like i it’s kind of why don’t they interview me or fire breath man the [ __ ] winner yeah the winners oh we still we still win oh they didn’t get rid of um wait did they oh they did

They did get rid of boat rush oh we would have won by oh wait wait a minute oh no we would have won we would we would have no we would have won by more cpk didn’t get oh wait no wait didn’t won no we would have tied it would have been

A tie i wonder what individual we would have we would have won because we beat them in the last game i did so good at golf at first and then it started breaking and sending you upwards every time or like making that’s so funny yeah there was one time it just like

Went meow and i was like oh man got stuck on the side of the map once and had to use like eight throws thank you thank you thank you so much on uh tnt dash or whatever it’s called glitched into a corner yeah i told him

Just jump off that yeah we just told him to jump off he didn’t know he could fix it where nurse where nurse huge winners pov actual that was crazy right here they come they’re going to come interview us for being winners yep i’m on your team i’m

On your team i’m the one yeah we’re gonna take real we’ll take you mr cat as a winner we claim mr cat as the other winner on our team i thought all the games were really fun yeah 100 yeah yeah i know the the that’s what i said

Uh about the last one as well they’ve been picking very good games recently yo shatter what’s going on guys it’s my favorite other community besides my own how you guys doing ah you guys are the best i love joining your chatter stream just to talk to people in the chat not chatter

Congrats on winning thank you so much i wish um you know i got the the prize for first place but you know we’ll take we’ll take it anyway i think it’s more fair that everyone gets the same amount of money anyways because of how um how like broken in everything was going

But like yeah it sucks that you win and then everything’s still the same thank you so much for the rage shatter how did you guys do let’s see you guys got hey that’s not bad but i hope this stream went well for you there he is hello hello

Hello well welcome guys welcome welcome congratulating thank you thank you thank you i didn’t even think we were going to win i was going to go in there and be like oh we got second cool whatever whoo they were trolling at the end go figure go figure

It was fun i just wanted to play the last game just for fun just for funsies and uh we did and it was actually a lot of fun like actually like so much fun i wish everything worked out more than it did but um hey and i was doing hand cam

I was doing a little special treat for my stream he had to be there he had to be there but that team was really good too i thought they would do a lot better but um i’m guessing just like the lag and stuff got in their way which kind of sucks yo

Okay sir true thank you so much for the sub woo thank you so much who you won yes we did win five up team team five up let’s go thank you very much for the sub i really do appreciate it four months in a row that’s crazy that’s crazy

Well yeah i hope the there apparently there’s gonna be another one next month that’s being hosted by noah and i’m gonna try i’ll be like yo man yo can you sneak me in there can you yeah can you sneak yeah but i really enjoyed every single game

Every single game was a lot of fun 25 000 bro that’s insane what 25 000 and what i’m confused i’m confusing and this no and we got 28. i really liked golf yet no golf was so much fun even though we got fifth or sixth so we got what what

Placements did we get in each game so for first place we got 12th second first sixth second i think that’s very fair and i yeah look at the team scores that’s so close that’s so good they’re doing so much better with uh they split the money

Oh 25 000 yeah they split the money because games weren’t working and stuff like that which i think is totally fair i think it would have been unfair if they um gave us all the money for a game that was broken so i totally understand 100

I do not blame them at all not one bit but it was a lot of fun i did enjoy every last minute of it ah the money the money right right right right right i don’t know what else i want to do hmm i don’t know what else i have to say

About the event uh that game was really fun i think it was a cool way to do like a kind of like santa time esque like type of game i think the golf was really fun i think that was a good way of doing that game tnt dash

Uh had it’s just tnt run yeah you can’t really complain um uh boat rush you know boat rush or sport rush you know you gotta love it you gotta love it advancement bingo you know imagine bingo was bingo you know we’ll we’ll we’ll talk while playing i don’t know something on hypixel

Probably bed worse you guys can you guys can laugh at me at how bad i am compared to shatter like it is it is pretty hard to watch like i am is it worth joining church drivers yeah i mean all the games are super fun

100 it is 100 worth it to play those types of games over and over 100 not a doubt in my mind i just think that um obviously this time it went very very poorly it could have went a lot better but hey that happens all the time oh

Yeah you can’t you can’t expect every event to go well sometimes mcc doesn’t go exactly to plan but you just gotta you know go with roll with the punches roll with the punches i don’t know what to do i am not very good at this game but we’ll see how well i do

If i win that is a true pog true pog moment i’ll see what my teammates are talking about hello hello everyone hello hello hello thank you ender pearl golf um that was kind of just like it was it was fun but like i can see how people

Might just not be very great at that it was really well enjoyed burger with no honey mustard eating a burger with no honey mustard eating a burger with no honey mustard there were issues like that how you do it you throw it you just go straight up sometimes you veer far left

This is talking about the game um is that how you’d make the bed defense i think that’s how you’re supposed to do it like kind of like that you guys doing it right here we go watch this you’ve never seen someone bridge as fast as i have yep yep yep

Yeah i am not very good at this if you can’t hell uh so chad what was your guys’s favorite game to watch because i think my favorite game to at least play was boat race but that is just my personal preference i think a lot of people had a lot of fun with

The golf even though boat race didn’t work i know but hopefully it will work next time you know you know what i mean i should probably get some music going uh let me get my music playlist back up as i fall again i am great at this if you can’t tell uh

Let’s play an ad okay all right we’re back Am i almost there no i can just build towards him though i think thank you for the follow where’s that 4k can i stop falling jeez i was so shocked to hear you on my ice server oh yeah they did say that was you that thank you so much for that server that’s

So funny yo thank you for the prime dude thank you so much yeah um all of us like use that server whenever the boat race um event going on so it’s kind of funny that like you guys know about it and stuff i don’t know if he’s hacking or not but

I’m back i believe i’m better at speed riding than firebirth man did i get him no where’d he go oh clearly i’m not very good at this game but we’ll do with what we have but yeah for anyone that doesn’t know there’s a um a speed uh boat racing thing server that

The lovely man sam has and a lot of youtubers play on it just to chill and practice on it and um i asked you today i was like oh who owns this and they’re like well sam now i feel pressured to do a little bit reworking nah you’re good

If you want to do i’m actually just doing this one i’m probably gonna head off after this and see who else is still oh streaming i just wanted to chill and do something while talking to the stream oh you got combo’d just so i can like have some fun and talk to them

Welcome delta raiders thank you so much the winner the winner raid the winner right now i have to stay longer hello delta raiders how are you guys doing did you guys have a fun time watching how does it feel to be watching the winter pov team because i think it’s pretty cool I think we’re pretty cool but welcome guys thank you guys thank you so much for the raid delta what was your guys’s favorite game we were just talking about that everyone in delta stream tell me what your guys’s favorite game was that you guys got to watch today

He got the right as it ended fair enough fair enough does red still have a bed they do i will break it i will not break it i guess die The golf game yeah the golf game was a lot of fun 100 the golf game was one of my favorite that the golf game was a lot of fun cool keyboard thank you it is a coarse hair something something something uh this is my first time ever doing like

A hand cam stuff and it’s kind of a bad angle i just couldn’t find a better angle for it but you know you guys can see my little my little trinkets cool i thought that was the sound of somebody coming up to me um i need more for a thing

Oh you guys can’t really see my mouse either huh i’ll move over i don’t know if that will help but i’m level 110 in bedwars i did not know that or is that just like hypixel level who knows is the green guy over there he is my cat is meowing now um

I’m just gonna try to go for it no point not oh he doesn’t know how i escaped that is a true masterpiece but you know we’re all good i guess i’m going to leave him alone for now imagine i win this i like never play

Bedwars if i somehow am able to win this i will call that a victory of its that own um okay let’s try to get to mid get some emeralds i feel like he does ha ha get juked uh i don’t want to go back to school

I know i was talking about it in i think it was shadow’s chat i was talking about going to ah oh that was close but i hope you had a good team thank you thank you thank you thank you for joining from where you came from i’m guessing thank you thank you

It was a lot of fun i’m just checking something real quick oh didn’t mean to do that that’s for sure go back i lost my chat no i lost it again there we go okay well that was unfortunate all right um Who is dreaming uh pain yeah for real all right guys thank you guys so much for all the follows and subs and stuff like that but i am starving so i am gonna raid blushy yeah blushy it worked i’d appreciate it everyone goes wishes her a lovely stream and yeah

It should be fun i think she’s still playing minecraft i think she might be playing bedwars to be fair as well you guys all for following and stuff like that i might stream tomorrow who knows um i might play the next twitch rivals who knows that either but um yeah thank

You guys so much and i can’t wait till next time second rate today there you go yeah just keep them going all right thank you guys so much i will talk to you guys later bye

This video, titled ‘TWITCH RIVALS $25,000 EVENT W/ 5UPP, OFFICALDELTALIVE, AND WOLFEEI’, was uploaded by FireBreathMan Vods on 2022-04-24 02:56:14. It has garnered 1534 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 04:15:27 or 15327 seconds.

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    Speedrunning Minecraft as a DOOD in SECONDS! Exploring the Perils of Minecraft with KiezelPlays Join KiezelPlays on a thrilling Minecraft adventure where danger lurks at every turn. In a recent video, Kiezel plays Minecraft and faces the ultimate challenge – the possibility of meeting an untimely demise within mere seconds of starting the game. Survival in the World of Minecraft As Kiezel navigates the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, the stakes are high. With survival on the line, every decision matters. Will Kiezel be able to overcome the obstacles and emerge victorious, or will the dangers of the game prove too much to handle? Quick Reflexes and… Read More

  • Unlock New Minecraft Editions on Minewind Server!

    Unlock New Minecraft Editions on Minewind Server! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience and take on new challenges? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! Join a vibrant community of players who are passionate about exploring, building, and surviving in the world of Minecraft. With a unique gameplay style and exciting features, Minewind offers an immersive experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone to enjoy on Minewind. Ready to dive in and start your adventure? Simply connect to Minewind server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET and join the fun today! Don’t miss out on… Read More

  • Ultimate Mob Farm Tutorial

    Ultimate Mob Farm Tutorial Minecraft Mob Farm: A Guide to Building Your Own Are you ready to take your Minecraft game to the next level? One essential structure that every player should consider building is a Mob Farm. This article will guide you through the process of creating your very own Mob Farm in Minecraft. What is a Mob Farm? A Mob Farm is a structure designed to harvest mobs for various resources such as experience points, rare drops, and more. By creating a Mob Farm, players can efficiently gather valuable items while also defending their base from hostile mobs. Building Your Mob… Read More

  • MINECRAFT GHOSTS ARE REAL?!? | Reacting to Game Theory

    MINECRAFT GHOSTS ARE REAL?!? | Reacting to Game TheoryVideo Information H so Minecraft characters have souls that’s something generic control in the deck goes you here back with some more Game Theory Minecraft theories today we’re doing the stolen Souls of Minecraft which I’m guessing is the second one of these little diet theories that he’s doing the last one was the first one the Lost Cult of Minecraft illers you want check out my reaction to that video I’ll leave it right up there also link Down Below in the description and I really should make a playlist for the game the Minecraft reactions going to chronological… Read More

  • Unleash Legendary Swords: Celestisynth Mod Tutorial

    Unleash Legendary Swords: Celestisynth Mod TutorialVideo Information Hola Bienvenidos a una nueva review en el canal y nos encontramos en un mod muy interesante el cual tenemos en nuestra serie de enl eh el cual nos va a implementar Estas armas que estáis viendo aquí ahora mismo en la pantalla eh las cuales eh veremos más adelante que tienen unas habilidades especiales muy chulas ap parte de un diseño brutal y antes de empezar Ya con la review quería mencionar y comentaros de que estamos a nada de conseguir ya los 1000 suscriptores de acuerdo y eh est Muy preparando para el especial de 1000… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Glitch: Sanddupper DESTROYS Sasera with Dizziness

    INSANE Minecraft Glitch: Sanddupper DESTROYS Sasera with DizzinessVideo Information [Musik] coy sendupernya bermasalah ngikutin tutor yang mana suker Craft lah kok gak ada honey blocknya emang harus pakai tutorial gak ada sih What the mana ada gak pakai honey block loh gak ada l gak ada gak ada itu yang mana l ini Ini bentar bentarar aku 3 tahun lalu sih Pa yang baruesan gak bisa Aduh gimana pula ini ya udahlah Bikin lagi Bikin lagi kocak banget Anjir malam-malam bikin gituan kita tentunya tidak akan bikin itu lagi enggak kan kita engak akan bikin itu lagi itu adalah hal paling membosankan kita bikin semuanya ya ini… Read More

  • Insane! Building Stone House on Mountain Peak! Must See! #2

    Insane! Building Stone House on Mountain Peak! Must See! #2Video Information हेलो टो गेमर्स तो कैसे हो सभी लोग आ गया हूं मैं और एक न्यू वीडियो के साथ वापस तो आप लोग सोच रहे होंगे कि मैंने जो फर्स्ट वाली वीडियो में ने अपना घर जैसे जैसे करके बनाया था वो भी घर कहां है तो भाई वो वाली वीडियो में ना मैं गेम खेलने रिकॉर्ड करने के बाद में दूसरी बार मैंने जब गेम को स्टार्ट किया ना रिकॉर्डिंग करने के लिए मतलब एपिसोड बनाने के लिए तो भाई उसमें ना जॉम्बी ने मेरे पे अटैक करके ना मतलब मेरे को खत्म कर दिया था और वो… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of The Black Sands Waystone!

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of The Black Sands Waystone!Video Information This video, titled ‘BMC4 – #24: The Black Sands Waystone’, was uploaded by The Chill Gaming Zone on 2024-04-14 09:00:31. It has garnered 53 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:33 or 3753 seconds. Because not much has a greater chill factor than Minecraft, right? Right. Modded Minecraft because vanilla is just that, even with the massive updates, it can still be a little vanilla. Join me as I navigate Better Minecraft 4 (BMC4) in hour-long videos posted every Saturday, and Sunday at 10:00 GMT. No commentary, just vibes. Extra tags, please ignore; modded… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Nostalgia Battle! #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Nostalgia Battle! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘New vs Old Minecraft – NOSTALGIA 🤧 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by VekiyMC on 2024-03-20 15:08:16. It has garnered 195 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft 2024 vs 2014 🥺 Nostalgia #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC 🤯 minecraft shorts, minecraft but , minecraft memes , minecraft trends , satisfying minecraft video , minecraft challenge,normal vs realistic minecraft,minecraft normal vs realistic #shorts,minecraft normal vs realistic 🤯, minecraft shorts,minecraft memes,minecraft realistic,minecraft normal vs realistic, realistic minecraft,minecraft realistic videos,minecraft,minecraft realistic, realistic minecraft,minecraft realistic texture pack,minecraft realistic water,… Read More

  • “ホロライブ 切り抜きあじまる! Akutan’s rage in Hololive finale!” #clickbait #hololive

    "ホロライブ 切り抜きあじまる! Akutan's rage in Hololive finale!" #clickbait #hololiveVideo Information せっかく なら えっとえ 申し訳バカがよ お前なんで来たんだよバカマジで危ねえ だろお前どっから来た よこわ えマジで 危ねえ防具してなかったら死んでた ぞ普通に This video, titled ‘ホロ鯖ハードコア最終日のハプニングにマジ切れするあくたんww #ホロライブ #shorts #湊あくあ #minecraft’, was uploaded by ホロライブ切り抜きあじまる!【hololive】 on 2024-05-20 03:00:08. It has garnered 10322 views and 301 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #hololive #hololivecutout #hololive #MinatoAqua #Minecraft #HoloServerHardcoreMinecraft ▼Click here for the original video▼ #8【Minecraft】HoloServerHardcoreMinecraft! Final Episode!!![MinatoAqua/HoloLive] ▼Main Channel: Heppoko Striker’s Monster Strike! URL: ▼Official Channel▼ ・hololive Official: ・hololive DEV_IS official: Read More

  • Shivam988’s HILARIOUS Minecraft Tips! 🤣

    Shivam988's HILARIOUS Minecraft Tips! 🤣Video Information टम फ्रेश भाई मजा ही आ गया सो भाई मैं तो एकदम नीचे डिग डाउन करने जा रहा हूं देखते हैं क्या होता है अरे भाई कोल मिल गया एक सेकंड गोल्ड भी है ओ माय गॉड आयरन एंड भाई देखो डायमंड भी मिल गया यार आज तो मजा ही आ गया अरे एमसी लाल सुनो हां क्या हुआ बोल तुम तो क्रिएटिव मोड से सर्वाइवल मोड करना ही भूल गए अरे भाई रिकॉर्डिंग जल्दी बंद करल This video, titled ‘Minecraft funny🤣 #shorts #minecraft #funny #subscribers #viral #trending #tips #gaming #shivam988’, was uploaded by shivam 988 on 2024-05-07… Read More

  • “Intense Lunar Gaming FAILS! Chapak Chapak 🌕😂” #minecraft

    "Intense Lunar Gaming FAILS! Chapak Chapak 🌕😂" #minecraftVideo Information मछली गई पानी में छपक छपक इसको इंग्लिश में क्या कहते हैं आपको पता है इतना नहीं पता आपको इसको इंग्लिश में कहते हैं मथ पानी में छपक छपक This video, titled ‘Chapak Chapak🤦🤣 #minecraft #funny #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by Lunar Gaming on 2024-04-10 01:34:38. It has garnered 559 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Chapak Chapak🤦🤣 #minecraft #funny #shortsfeed Ignore: minecraft parody believer animation life 1 minecraft parody viva la vida captainsparklez minecraft parody wellerman minecraft parody shape of youminecraft parody animation minecraft parody animation life 1 minecraft parody animation… Read More

  • Prism SMP | Semi-Vanilla | Whitelist | Discord

    Welcome to Prism SMP Hello there! Welcome to Prism SMP, where we offer a unique twist on vanilla-survival gameplay. We believe in a community-oriented approach where every member has a say in shaping our server. Join our Discord server to connect with fellow members, make new friends, and enjoy seamless communication between in-game and Discord interactions. Family-Friendly Environment Our server is family-friendly, with a focus on maintaining a PG-13 atmosphere and promoting respectful conduct from all members. Community Events We regularly host community events open to everyone. Upcoming events include thrilling PvP tournaments and exhilarating elytra adventures. Joining is Simple… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Hostile Takeover: Creeper Placement Poll closes in 5h

    Minecraft Memes - Hostile Takeover: Creeper Placement Poll closes in 5hLooks like the creeper’s fate is in the hands of democracy – let’s hope they don’t blow up at the polling station before the deadline! Read More

  • Thrusters and Tables: April Fool’s Potato Update!

    Thrusters and Tables: April Fool's Potato Update! In the world of Minecraft, a new update has come, With a Poison Potato that’s no longer just dumb. Now it has hooks and block thrusters, oh my, Even the fletching table is functional, give it a try. Join the fun, download the resource pack, Explore the new features, no need to hold back. Become a member, get rewards galore, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more. For more games and vlogs, check out the channels we share, For questions or queries, we’re always there. So leap into the verse, let your creativity sing, In the world of… Read More

  • “Blow me up, creeper daddy” 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Blow me up, creeper daddy" 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes Imagine telling a creeper to “arise” and it just starts breakdancing instead of exploding. Now that’s a party I’d like to see in Minecraft! #creeperdanceparty #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures! Are you a fan of creating unique portals and exploring new dimensions in Minecraft? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and immerse yourself in a world of excitement. Forget about the ordinary and step into a realm where the only limit is your imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From epic builds to thrilling PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on this dynamic server…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Unlock Your Creativity with Minecraft Crazy Build Hacks Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting out, this video is filled with mind-blowing build hacks that will revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Discover Innovative Building Techniques From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, this in-depth tutorial will guide you through a variety of creative strategies to make your Minecraft world truly unique. Learn how to incorporate secret tricks and innovative building techniques that will set your structures apart from the rest. Enhance Your Structures… Read More

  • Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon Break

    Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon BreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-12 20:00:11. It has garnered 10363 views and 479 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:55 or 1855 seconds. Solo Leveling Dungeons & Dragons (On Vod Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2 #SoloLeveling #MinecraftSoloLeveling #SoloLevelingMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft… Read More

  • Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZ

    Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZVideo Information This video, titled ‘never try this game💀(@badxwarriorZ6526)#yttrending #horrorgames#viral #moyemoye#minecraft’, was uploaded by BAD X WARRIORZ on 2024-04-18 05:14:10. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:50 or 410 seconds. #yttrending #shortvideoviral #shortvideo #minecraft #viral #carparkingmultiplayer #howtoviralshortvideo #memoryreboot #moyemoye #myyearonyoutube20 That sounds thrilling! In your game, are you exploring haunted locations, using ghost-hunting equipment, or solving mysteries about the spirits you encounter? Ah, I see! So, you’re looking for a game that combines the intensity of being an exorcist with the atmospheric fear of phasmophobia. That would make for a truly spine-tingling… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!

    INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!Video Information This video, titled ‘15000 Days Minecraft World Tour’, was uploaded by Hoef on 2024-03-14 17:00:06. It has garnered 11009 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:04 or 2344 seconds. We finally did it! 15000 days in my Solo Survival world! With entire towns, massive decorated farms, and much more, all in one big video! I hope you enjoy! Build inspirations: Villager trading hall by fWhip: Custom birch forest by fWhip: Austrian village house by Bdouble0100: Hall of fame by linkzzey’s hardcore world: Build designs: Custom oak trees by MrMattRanger:… Read More

  • Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShorts

    Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tiktok hacks 😱| #minecraftshorts #shorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by Lemon OP on 2024-01-06 03:07:02. It has garnered 8 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. 🔸ABOUT ME :- Hi Guys! This channel is made for gaming 🎮 In this channel you’ll be able to see gaming videos and so much fun too 😄 Subscribe to see all of this 😊 💠 Instagram 📷 :- Your quires minecraft build hack, minecraft build hacks on bedrock, minecraft create mod above and beyond, minecraft mod create above… Read More


    EPIC FREE VIP SKYBLOCK SERVER with CHALLENGES & DUNGEONSVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT: SERVIDOR de SKYBLOCK ONLINE com VIP GRÁTIS, DESAFIOS e DUNGEONS para MINECRAFT PIR4TA’, was uploaded by Alisonsz on 2024-04-24 16:19:02. It has garnered 587 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:34 or 214 seconds. #skyblock #minecraft #minecraft server the server recently opened has several active players, sweepstakes and events every day! MINECRAFT JAVA – VERSION: 1.8 to 1.20 IP: DISCORD: video recorded and edited by: @MrLuizBR1 Tags: skyblock server, skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, pirated skyblock servers, skyblock br server, brazilian skyblock server, pirated skyblock br… Read More

  • Insane Fireboost Viper Gameplay! 🔥🎮 #Shorts

    Insane Fireboost Viper Gameplay! 🔥🎮 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘#Shorts #minecraft#mine #valorant #subscribers #minecraftmeme #punju #fyp #bgmiindia #pubg#viral#bts’, was uploaded by Fireboost_viper on 2024-05-04 06:32:58. It has garnered 407 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, #Minecraft, #Cute, #Funny, #Short, #Videos, #Daily, #minecraftdeutsch, #deutsch #funny #minecraft, #minecraft #hindi, #minecraftespanol, #espanol #mrbeast, #top10, #hot #minecraft, #cute #minekraft, #cute #minceraft, #2b2t, #gommehd, #minekraft #shorts, #minecraft #shorts, #gaming, #fortniteminecraft, #minecraftfortnite, #warzone, #Monsterschool, #Enderman, #creeper,#pig, #nether, #sky, #beauty, #crafting, #cutebuilds, #Minecraftsongs, #Cuteminecraft #Cuteminecraftsongs, #Minecraftbetterfortnite #hola #minecraft #minecraftmemes… Read More

  • Jurard T Rexford: EPIC Minecraft Reveal!!!

    Jurard T Rexford: EPIC Minecraft Reveal!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】It’s been a while’, was uploaded by Jurard T Rexford Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-04-30 12:06:38. It has garnered 18505 views and 1760 likes. The duration of the video is 06:46:24 or 24384 seconds. WE’RE BACK IN THE MINES!! AGAIN!! Thumbnail art by: Thank you for the Minecraft skin!! This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions ( Big thank you to Xwitter user Beeturle for the widdle gremlin animation! BECOME AN HONORAWRY SORAWRITY MEMBER NOW!!! JOIN JOIN JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Birthday Merchandise can… Read More

  • Tornn – Insane 360 Combo in 500ms! 🔥 #PvP #Minecraft

    Tornn - Insane 360 Combo in 500ms! 🔥 #PvP #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘360 Combo On 500ms #mcbe #minecraft #pvp #mcpvp#zeqa #combos #bedrock #freshsumo #shorts’, was uploaded by Tornn on 2024-05-13 23:00:25. It has garnered 473 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Song: I dunno it’s non copyright Kb: Wooting 60he M: Kone Pro Dpi: 800 Sens: 30 Cps: 14-16 butterfly Fov: 80 altered on Keybinds in bio sub Read More

  • Ultimate Lamborghini Showdown – Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!

    Ultimate Lamborghini Showdown - Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!Video Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs Pro vs hacker Lamborghini 🚗 #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by JCB AGRI TECH on 2024-02-20 10:03:36. It has garnered 167 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. subscribe to my channel 👍 for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short @TechnoGamerzOfficial @Technoblade @nrVids @minecraft… Read More

  • Nebula Wars Semi-Vanilla – LIVEMAP ANTI-P2W SMP

    Welcome to Nebula Wars! Tired of overly-complicated and Pay-To-Win Minecraft survival servers? Well, Nebula Wars is your best bet! We are a Semi-Vanilla survival server created to bring the feel of classic survival servers, taking a step away from the nonsense of most modern-day survival servers. Features: Skills you can level up, and achieve powerful stats and abilities! Jobs you can gain money from participating in! Create Player Shops with the ChestShop and plugins! A real-time map of the server world you can view! Bounties you can claim from killing other players! Obtain Spawners with a Silk Touch Pickaxe! …and… Read More

  • SpeedwaCraft

    Plunge into the world of legendary anime “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure” in an equally legendary game Minecraft.- They’re waiting for you here favorite characters, unique stands the number of which continues to increase.- Incredible story mode line with voice acting and exciting battles, as well as unforgettable atmosphere.- Explore Features of the art of jamon and become a master of this technique, or go to side of vampirism and gain easy-to-learn but useful skills for survival or battle.- Unique achievementsthe ability to create any outfits for your character and more, the ability to upload to records any music and even create… Read More