Hey guys what’s up this is baumans from realtor 64. uh fancy intro aside um i’m here with another minecraft redstone video um today i’d like to show you a fancy fireplace version 2.0 um it’s really really small and it’s really really fancy so basically your input can basically be anywhere Into this block or this block behind there i’ll show the redstone after um and we get a nice little fireplace um you can build this out of prank pretty much any block except for a flammable block because of course then while the redstone get messed up and your house will burn down but Yeah it’s really simple really small really fancy um here’s the redstone all it uses is just a double piston extender um just running into these blocks double piston extender um then there’s a torch on the side of this block which is also powering this piston um leading into some redstone and then you Have a piece of netherrack right there but also under here is your dispenser with some fire charges in it just so it can light it from the bottom without there being an ugly dispenser um inside so yeah this has been baumann’s from the two brother 64 with another little Minecraft video so long guys so you Video Information
This video, titled ‘Fancy Fireplace V.2.0 -Minecraft Redstone Invention’, was uploaded by Two Brothers Minecraft on 2013-12-06 00:35:38. It has garnered 875 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:21 or 141 seconds.
Music by Nintendo
Outro Music buy this guy: http://www.youtube.com/user/dummeh