All right guys finally we’re going to show you how to craft a redstone repeater which is the new block even uh the minecraft 1.3 update we’re going to need three smooth stone blocks two redstone torches and one piece of redstone dust so it’s going to go into our redstone chest Grab a 22 stack and we already have some smooth stones so let’s do it whoops so first we’re gonna make some sticks and then we’re gonna make our torches and then we’re going to craft it so you put three smooth stone blocks on the bottom you’re gonna put two torches On the side here and finally redstone block in the middle and here we have our redstone rapida all right like i said i don’t want to make this video like all the ways you can use a redstone repeater but here is just one sample way you make your Redstone circuit with the pressure plate at the end of it and you can line up several repeaters however many you like and go ahead and put a note block at the end of the circuit and here are the adjustments for how much delay you want for your circuit This is the slowest delay i believe and just look at how slowly that circuit travels until it reaches the note block there and i just realized i did not put a noteblock that is a crafting bench all right so i’m just gonna get rid of that and there we go So like i said this saves you a lot of space because it allows you to adjust the amount of delay you want before reaching your note block so you can create much more complex songs and harmonies and stuff and this is the fastest delay i believe it just basically gets there right away Oh i forgot to uh put one more redstone circuit before each of the noteblocks so that’s why the notes are not coming out i apologize and you can you know play with it however you want adjust the amount of delay so yeah go ahead and experiment with this yourselves and hope you’ve Learned how to craft it in this video alright guys if you’ve enjoyed please thumbs up this video help us get on top of these search charts and click the annotations on the screen to take you to our other beta 1.3 update videos Video Information
This video, titled ‘Redstone Repeater: How to Craft/Use Minecraft Beta 1.3 Update’, was uploaded by Two Bucks on 2011-02-22 21:46:22. It has garnered 191456 views and 1248 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:29 or 149 seconds.
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How to Craft New Half Blocks (Wood/Sandstone/Cobblestone): Minecraft Beta 1.3 Update
This video will teach you: How to craft a Redstone Repeater How to use a Redstone Repeater How to suck on some nuts
From the Wiki: The Redstone Torch is an item crafted from one Redstone dust and one wooden stick. When placed on its own, it appears as a glowing red torch, noticeably fainter than a coal torch and without the fire animation.
It can provide a power source for wires. Wires in turn are used to operate doors or switches from a distance. The torch can power the wire for a length of 15 blocks.
The Redstone Torch will constantly power a set of wires while placed, and is used as a “block-based” switch sometimes. It acts as an inverter, or NOT-gate (and is labeled as such in the game’s source code), in Redstone circuits, and turns off when any adjacent switch, lever, wire or pressure plate is turned on. See Redstone circuits for more information on using Redstone torches in circuits and logic gates.
Redstone torches can be used to sabotage/activate traps and mechanisms as well as opening locked iron doors making it useful for raiding parties in multiplayer. A door circuit designed to be closed when constantly powered prevents this vulnerability.
Redstone torches will not melt ice or snow due to their low light level. Using it as a source of light is not recommended because it has just half the light output of a regular (coal) torch, and this will not prevent mobs from spawning (though it WILL decrease the probability of spawning). Also, redstone is much harder to find than coal, and is made into torches at a 1:1 ratio (rather than 1:4). One redstone ore block will produce 4 redstone dust and thus 4 torches.
Redstone torches will burn out when switched between the on and off states too often, specifically every 1/3-1/4 seconds. This typically happens when the player creates an infinite feedback loop by inadvertently or purposely wiring a redstone torch back into itself. This will cause the torch to apply a current to itself thus turning it off and removing current allowing the torch to come back on and once again apply current to itself. This will cause the torch and any mechanisms wired to it to rapidly activate and deactivate repeatedly and could crash the game depending on the complexity of the mechanism. This is likely why Notch programmed the torches to burn out. When burnt out the torch will issue a puff of smoke and a hiss similar to an extinguished torch and remain off for approximately six seconds before turning back on. If the torch burns itself out again it will remain off until the feedback loop is removed.