Two Tonne Tommy – 🔴 THE START S5E1 | Minecraft Skyblock LIVE STREAM (Bedrock/Java Server IP)

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Uh quickly going to load into this one and then we should be I think we should be all good to go I hopefully hopefully hopefully hopefully I might have to adjust my thumbnail because the season five kind of looks like the season four one but other than that I think we

Should be I think we’re rolling I think we’re all good you get a notification should be up we should be up one sec one sick one sec oh perfect perfect perfect welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome we’re back season five no I just I just

Got rid of ours I had a message already typed to put in the chat I already removed it uh one sec one sec just let me tired uh no I just went live over on YouTube come say hi perfect oh did it work it worked it worked it worked

What’s up everyone welcome back Nathan first one in the chat season five is officially upon us on the Neo Network server it is good to be back it is very damn good um obviously we slowed up towards the end of season four but uh Fresh Start

Um we are running teams this season how damn exciting um so far we’ve got a few members that have committed to the uh to the team for this season so we’re gonna get the ball rolling yo welcome welcome we’re gonna four up in the chat appreciate all the

Love and support so yeah we um we’ve got a few committed members but uh over the next week I guess we’ll be adding to the team and uh and getting the ball rolling so I guess the first order of business is to uh Slash Ireland create new island

We’re gonna keep it classic as always we’re gonna keep it classic and I’m gonna go slash uh bias invites bruh I can never remember how to do this building oh oh and sorry I am also joined by the one and only billsie as well what else could do back it feels

Like season one all over again welcome welcome welcome Alex Eric Tony Kitty and Nathan thank you for all the support we’ve got nine up in the chat almost at double digits we’ve only been live for 112 seconds yeah love to see it we’re also going to go slash is public

Um just so everyone can come and visit whenever you’re down please but we are back I thought I’m gonna break the lucky block I reckon I’m I’m wanting to get my kit you’ve got your kids I just wanted to destroy the uh what’s name

No go for it go bro go for gold what what’s up what’s on the menu for today I suppose we probably got to set up a bit of a cobblestone generator what else we got about today cobblestone generator a bit of farming maybe a little bit of fishing because fishing’s

Supposed to still be uh pretty damn good this season and then I don’t know anyone else that’s been on the server since launch obviously we’re starting about 48 hours late um anyone who has any pro tips pro tricks let us know just done oh easy easy bro you are more than

Welcome to join more than welcome to join what’s the trade what’s the trade no no no I appreciate it I appreciate it bro but we’ll have spawners very very soon don’t don’t sweat it you save them for yourself bro um let’s throw that away in there

You’re a kid yeah I’m just I’m just making sure which one’s the highest um chronological in chronological it’s got a yeah that one will do I also do have a a wonderful September Crate Key too which I will open at some point today but I thought maybe not maybe not right now

Maybe we hold up okay so farming’s op um okay so that’s the first order business sending that we got I’ve got another War um we’ve probably got to work out some carrots potatoes wheat and kind of get that rolling um you might as well we might as well

Sell off these Valley blocks I don’t know if we’re um let’s get rid of them perfect there we go we’ve got cash in the bank we’ve got 50 G’s um carrots is great yeah that’s a bit maybe we’ll look for maybe we’ll look to get some carrots um into oh

When you break the blocks it shows up the Mastery levels of like what you’re working on too that’s kind of dope that’s actually a mad Edition there has been a lot of major like Health updates in season five as well which I think is really really solid yo

Lazy welcome in 300 by 300 carat Farm already set up manji’s not messing about so farming apparently is op that’s what the word on the street is that farming is uh is op I guess Island upgrades what are we looking at when it comes to farming Farms better farming okay so we

Did 50 000 Sky coins for waterless sugar cane like this crops oh crops are waterless from the get-go aren’t they okay so that makes life easy so we just got to find ourselves we can maybe we just maybe first things first maybe we buy some maybe we buy some I’ve got enough cash

To buy some carrots I guess just to get the ball rolling maybe we start with that does it sound like a solid idea bro I like it I like the idea done let’s make a 16 by 16. um let’s get that rolling and then maybe let’s get some carrots growing just

While we’re chilling it’s apparently that apparently that is the uh the old go-to have you got a hoe a hoe I think I do uh no I don’t um I’m sorry Tommy I don’t ever feel good bro you’re good let’s end with a sharp how much carrots how much are

Carrots oh my God I keep forgetting okay so they’re 5K each so I guess we buy I guess we buy 10. oh hold up I was trying to I was trying to buy one there we go uh get the ball rolling you gotta hope you got pumpkin no I haven’t got a hurry

Yet hold up you got the you got the cashola I don’t oh wait I need to get rid of that map I just spent all the cash over bro uh lunar options I need to turn the map off you are all good okay well let’s plant down these carrots

Okay so carrots are down I can’t see the uh how much money I got oh you can’t see this you are nah let me yet oh yeah what’s the matter what’s kind of what’s the Play Farming carrots we’ve got that started um we’re probably quickly gonna upgrade this cobblestone generator look this

Season no missing about we’re not we’re not we’re not messing about we’re speed running you know speed and running um that’s probably the next thing um probably the next thing I got to do um which I will upgrade at some point at some damn point I need to get some Sky

Coins in the bank though that probably is uh the next sort of this is fishing any good this season what’s kind of The Vibes of fishing fishing good fishing bad fishing workable let me know in the chat what’s kind of like what’s kind of the go with it all

Okay why can’t I okay fishing a pan is good cactus farms apparently good fishing is okay we maybe just get some cash in up well cash and skycoins obviously the big oh no I’ve already broken this thing of course I’ve it’s always the way we need to get some

Obsidian maybe put some a hot I can put um I can put some wood there that should solve our cat just found your waste of time I didn’t build one last season so I thought they were a waste of time but uh everyone was apparently saying

They weren’t a waste of time we need to make sure oh I’ve I’ve done messed up here will it be because I have a Shader installed I’m not sure I don’t have a Shader on and mine’s showing up so maybe that’s your problem I just can’t see the GUI on the right

Hand side of the screen nah the day is real weird bro uh does anyone know how to put that on because it’s not coming up for me it’s in your slash settings yeah but this one is it just g-u-r uh yeah it’s DUI that’s what it is I’m pretty sure

Smashing it smashing it smashing it Okay so we’ve got the the carrots wrong we’re just going to kind of harvest them as they are as they grow mission complete tough Okay so we’ve got 10K in the bank uh Sky coins are not coming in as quick as I uh would uh hoped

But I thought that’s not the worst thing um let’s just clear out this because I got a lot of junk at the moment of stuff that I don’t particularly need um okay we can probably set up a uh a bigger mining rig in a second I just need some more cobblestone

So fishing gets good when you hit lava fishing another doesn’t open to a community goal things done walk CG all time misspell that warp CG let’s have a geese ah so it’s almost finished what the heck do you do this squad coins and XP oh so once

Ah so this thing will build up over time as like these missions are done is that kind of the uh okay that’s kind of sick so as as the goals are ticked off more and more of the the like this Village area will be completed ah that makes sense

Yo Fable welcome welcome welcome where the presence there’s presence does anyone know how to do the GUI because I’m like I can’t see on the side of me the the sky coin and all that information it’s not actually coming up it’s in your Luna options that’s what I thought um Maybe tabella or

I know I haven’t I didn’t really turned anything off on um on menu a lot of menus might be the other one I didn’t really tell me the on or off um Tony are you are you at are you here I’m guessing you’re here oh perfect I said oh

Oh that won’t get me 50 G’s that’s mad I Fable thank you so damn much five gifted always greatly greatly appreciated massive W’s in the chat for fable thank you so much for the five always greatly greatly appreciated how’s SMP going still smashing it I’ve got 50 grand for all of these all

Of these presents is there anymore oh one pedal kit how many presents are there that’s kind of mad that is kind of mad well that was an easy way to get a bit of cash in the in the bank surely there’s got to be more of them though there’s one

Wizard’s blessing what’s a Wizard’s blessing there’s got to be one in here I’m telling you that there’s there’s gonna be one in here surely nope nope nope nope does anyone know in the chat how many there’s six okay well I found four the ones I’m missing are definitely on

This side of the map then Maybe not maybe not Tony brother we’re the last two I got one two three maybe out five am I only missing one maybe there’s one in here maybe there’s one in here I reckon what the heck is going on with this game bro it’s

Still not working multiplayer yeah I’m already on it maybe just switch back to um standard just for now yeah standard launcher Tony bro where are these last presents man oh slush uh Slash is invite uh Done bro send you an invite then I’m um Java yeah yeah it’s not working because I’m not on the normal Minecraft launcher either I’m on Luna Luna though but I’m switching your mind so maybe uh like I might have just switched that enough on accident I don’t know where this last one is

That’s so good I’m gonna go I’m gonna cut mine okay well we’ve got the carriage had grown but not Ultra fast oh we can do daily login and uh daily spinner too that’s actually kind of helpful yeah I can’t I can’t even find GUI scale it should be in your um

Uh video settings four months for fable thank you so damn much absolute Legends massive massive W’s in the chat for fable we’ve just got us a sheep’s one or two that’s definitely gonna come in handy maybe we might feel a bit of extending here I reckon

Let me have a massive massive W how’s everyone going with season uh season five so far what’s kind of The Vibes everyone enjoying themselves that kind of works sheep spawner down oh I’ve got FP on turn that one off Okay so we’ve got spawners down we’ve got

Crux we’ve got crops growing we’ve got a bit of a cobblestone gen happening but we definitely need to uh definitely need to get that thing upgraded um what I’m gonna do is just bring this out one two three four five and then FP 16. and then let’s place that in there

And we’re just gonna get rid of this part out here oh okay okay the next I guess the next big thing is getting this uh mining rig sorter just because this thing here is just going to be a little bit too slow so I reckon I reckon that’s our next order of business

At this point in time the other thing is we need to start ticking off um some of these Island missions too so we may as well place down some furnaces Cobblestone we’re going to be a little bit short on okay so to build the mining

Rig oh I’m not the kids see at the dirt going oh that’s that’s a good shot I should probably slash kit all of my kits as well so it’s not the GUI scale it’s all right what’s it called so it would have the knee so on the

Right hand side if you see Thomas it says the Neo network but then it has the info it has all the info like dollars Sky coins and everything I don’t have that yeah is that like if you go slash settings though yeah yeah and then go into um that’s that’s scoreboard that’s trade

Notifications that’s DP requests Sky coin vote messages meter messages I’m not sure brother I’d honestly I’d just switch to um I would honestly just switch to play on the standard one yeah just because I’m not too sure but I’m honestly not too sure yeah votes are one thing I haven’t done either

Slash overflow um plenty of dirt okay so I can extend this now as well I think we extend this way here for the mining rig fp16 done okay so yeah Toby’s Toby’s in the team wins let me know when you’re online Brad I’ll send you an invite as well off

See if this works let’s try it on yeah try it on the other one and if it doesn’t work on there then I then I’ll honestly I’d be uh I’d be well confused bruh yeah I’m on a no one now um this layer in here for the lava there we

Go she’s working now on the on the other one yeah she’s working on the other one you must have bumped a setting when you um when you’re setting it all up I yeah I’ll go I’ll go through the settings after stream and all that yeah done I can I can um we can go film after you can copy mine off if you need yeah good uh let me do a daily spinner yeah bro we’re just setting up a a bit of a

Mining rig yeah nice playing with pure speed on this side bro we got the spots Corners going what do you get a spawner uh sheep’s Corner that makes it that makes it two spawners I’m gonna need some more wood to uh to finish this thing

Oh no I hate placing these signs in man okay I need just six more signs and then this thing is uh ready for rocking and rolling I’ve got to work out how to build the other one yeah a wins also has hit four months as a member massive massive respect bro

Massive thank you for the support bro I hope everyone’s having a great weekend too we’ve got 14 up in the chat so if you guys are just vibing out drop a like it tells YouTube my content ain’t that bad helps a brother out as always um

And uh yeah if you uh if you’re if you’re on the server let me know what’s what’s the matter what are we what are we all working with um because at the moment I’m kind of just doing I’m kind of playing a very standard style but I know that uh I know

That there’s obviously some different ways to make make cash like farming and fishing so let me know five links now to vote what’s that there’s five there’s five yeah there’s five F1 oh I actually wrote w on one of the signs perfect okay well the mining rig is just needs uh

Just needs water and lava and then it’s good to go perfect now I feel like we’re making solid proof I do got to open that uh yeah that’s why we’ve got the carrots going already um apparently word on the street is that carrots are the uh are the meta the Undisputed matter

Um so that’s the first thing I did was uh was set up a a couple of uh of we bought 50 Grand worth of carrots but 180 Grand right now does anyone know if there’s a way that I can turn off um like so people can’t send money as well

So one thing I’m not interested in a chat by accident what’s that oh yeah I just saw that um slash Sharp so we need one more water and then we need a ton of lava patch inventory perfect I hope I got this right I don’t usually mess this thing up anymore thank you

Perfect okay cobblestone generator is good to go look at that that just screams day one Skyblock right there just screams trade requests is it slash trade or is it is it in settings I think it’s probably in settings uh um trade notifications that’s right that’s right that’s right

Just know guys please don’t send me don’t send me money this season always trying to play legit I’m always trying to play legit perfect well okay I I guess next order of business is probably just to um we’ve got some value blocks going already too I reckon we just keep we sell everything

That’s not um we sell everything that’s not uh diamonds and emeralds or Netherlands that’s kind of The Vibes got the Cosmetic cosmetic early days for cosmetic I think they’re supposed to be rare in the season uh oh I missed it I did actually mess it up that it’s all right there’s one block

Sure I got Pig spawners uh oh how many you got a couple yeah I’ve got um I’ve got a few keys I haven’t got any vote keys yet so I might have to do that but I thought that that’s always something I do on my laptop guys we’re coming for number one spot

This season we’ll uh we’re we’re smashing it already we’re in streaming for 23 minutes we’ve got the farm gone we’ve got spawners we’ve got a mining rig going this is oh um slash is invite uh wins no not online let me know when you’re online bro and I’ll send you an invite Um I reckon so sell everything that’s not uh netherite Emerald or Diamond I reckon it’s golden and uh gold and iron just take up too much space cool I’m selling that now Dad is like competition I think I saw did data stream yesterday I swear I saw him stream yesterday yeah no don’t worry we’re gonna win I’m telling you right now we are gonna win Sky coins already flowing too oh I’ve also I’ve got I’ve got the grind pass as

Well as always I’m apparently Grime pass is um if I could spell apparently Grime pass has been upgraded this season too so it’s supposed to have more and uh fishing’s also supposed to give you points as well oh done let’s um let’s uh do slash is upgrades

Or generator has oh we can’t afford it how much is it one and a half oh I’ve got enough I got 25 000. 26 uh-oh yes on upgrades done first upgrade has been done almost at one okay herb no way we’ve been slacking we’ve been slacking I’m telling you I’m not sleeping from

Now on what’s up dude uh how much is the next upgrade um that was it is uh three thousand we’ve got one seven if you’ve got 1300 it gets us over the line let’s see smashing it bro smashing up for this you need to have ah in your bank yeah you gotta deposit

Them into yeah deposit in the bank and I can I can upgrade it Are we good if we can get these Mastery tools rolling early um Stone Marshall almost at T1 and then the rest of them were falling a little bit shorter but I’m sure we’ll get there pretty damn quickly No flash party create oh Sky coins oh the password why do I think it was Sky coins ah why did I think it was dollars not Sky points does that work okay I think you’re enjoying the party if you go slash join Tommy password is also tummy then you

Should be able to join and then we can set up an empty Momo show as well I think I think that’s how it works oh these carrots also growing too yeah I just bought some more down easy oh yeah we’re smashing it we are smashing it

Do we have any other seeds or anything that we can plant uh pumpkin and stuff we can do at some point um nah it’s all right that’s all right that is all good yeah I heard there was a fishing rod Mastery tour is it any good does anyone

Know what the what the Vibes are with the slash masteries Mastery tools fishing rod so what does the fishing rod do so you oh you get a lower per fish caught rather than um rather than just being up I I think that’s a way better way of doing it

I wasn’t particularly fond of the fact that if you had money to buy fishing rather than Lucky Max upgrade it whereas now you have to kind of work for which I feel like is a way better way of doing it the fishing rod yeah no I reckon we should be able to

Get the um the pickaxe pretty damn quickly that’s usually the easiest one I reckon you get and then the the Slayer Blazers are pretty quick the farmers have so that’s the tough one that’s where that’s where things get a little bit interesting um but yeah we’re smashing it I do like

The um having all of the uh the masteries pop up like that it feels like it’s way easier to keep track of so it’s a fishing rod just getting T1 on a few different types of fish or is that kind of a That makes more sense what’s the cost of doing the next arm upgrade on the uh um I can just uh so i i s deposit sky oh that’s so much easier the more you know perfect let’s keep this thing upgrading um I wouldn’t mind I just upgrade I just

Upgrade again for three thousand yo what’s up Victor welcome into the Stream tier two personal missions I definitely got to get on the person missions um I do have all of these furnaces set down and I do want to get those missions underway as well may as well start all those off

We definitely need to put all of that coal in there that was my fault oh okay on emissions are all where where we’re smashing at feeling good feeling damn fresh we’re 30 minutes in and we are we are cooking with gas right now we are absolutely flying complete complete all incomplete

Okay so we’ve finished Miner which was mine 1000 blocks that’s done with an orhopper now and then the uh 1000 Mastery points that goes another thousand Sky coins and 1000 XP as well which is I just upgrade I just upgraded again uh that or or up to level four

Yep it’s tough tough tub I reckon we keep upgrading this or do we start putting sparkling in other things or what kind of Vibes are still going all right we should probably get some potatoes too just to keep like everything going I reckon if you want

Yeah I would just buy like five or something like that just place them down Smash that what’s that always 400 online that’s pretty solid considering it’s it’s it’s quite a weird like time zone like Emerald’s going now at Diamond spawning what I reckon we might do is put down the all Hopper eventually and just set it to diamonds and emeralds party level increased by one total of

Three so you wanna join the party nope it’s just me it’s just me it’s all good dude crocodile crop growth let’s do crops do you want to keep do you want to keep the blocks of diamond and that in here or do you want to just sell it nah

Just we’re keeping Diamond emerald and nether Island selling uh golden uh and iron just so we can start to boost our ice value we won’t start placing them down yet just because um we need to find a proper spot for them so they’re not just placed everywhere What a wonderful day oh did you I haven’t even done any what’s the name yet um I’ll see if I can upgrade our crop growth as well yeah pretty much didn’t need any money uh no I’ve got uh I’ve got got pretty good cash at the moment yeah man um so

Huh get rid of anything that we uh perfect oh my party always nice always nice okay let’s place that one down Missions rocking and rolling oh 30k free agile five grand okay we got cash working cash we’ve got three pass Corners as well 20 I got 30k as well tough okay we’re smashing it now we’re shooting a crop hopper in here oh you’ve got a crop Hopper how do you get a crop Hopper

Uh through the note the boat I wanna um open my crates not the September but the pollen and the pedal which saved the uh the other one for the uh for the end yeah I’ve got a vote I know about 150k from that key that’s nice and a pollen key too perfect perfect

Not the most not the most interesting but that’s all good oh hold on to that one for now slash um where is supposed oh we got old masteries for different ah yeah yeah I reckon that’s way better way it’s easy to keep track growth rate twice as well next one’s

Seven and a half thousand um I can I can upgrade that now if you want I reckon yeah I reckon just keep smashing it um bubble Stone generator just what was it 7 500 yeah yeah right uh is upgrade just so no one Falls

In that lava let me just just get rid of it now um yeah yeah yep she done I’m gonna start a bit of a cactus farm in this back corner as well just because that’s one thing we’re going to have to uh work on at some point

So we might as well get it get it rocking and rolling do we have a war Hopper by any chance yeah there’s one in that close chest to you yeah uh yeah okay if anyone else gets any characters just place it up on that um check I don’t have anything more in my

Over oh no I do I’ve got I’ve got one potato one carrot as well didn’t buy any potatoes uh no I’ve got some I got some two basic books set this up all properly at some point but for now we just thought it’s about volume the gameplay sounds a bit too loud hold

Up I can turn down options I need to buy I appreciate it I appreciate it actually let me turn them back up there and let me turn them down in game just because otherwise you want to turn down the Discord as well um I actually might be my um as well

Okay hopefully hopefully that balanced it out a bit fingers crossed fingers crossed that’s real good bro don’t sweat it don’t sweat it okay with the parties on the yeah oh hold on yeah I can do that what the hell did you join the um uh

Toby bro did you join the party or not uh-oh what’s up what happened nothing nothing nothing nothing bad uh let me just um go space sign let me just make some modifications to this really quickly I’m smart um there we go and voila now that will start filling out done

Okay so we’ve got a few spawners rolling uh uh crops we gotta keep cranking that’s probably there yeah that’s probably the big thing wait Toby do you have a war hop up by any chance I think we’ve used them all but I think we’ve used them on that’s right one or

Hopper because they’re only collecting one chunk anyway so you could just put hoppers on the other side if you want oh I didn’t actually check the chunks when I um when I placed this thing down so I was like uh I was like I just wired

For a second there that I was like oh maybe I’ll put it on like a chunk board and messed it all up why all hop is so expensive yeah no week I I’ll update the Discord um with the team chat as well so at the moment it’s just me you busy

Toby and uh do you know that’s it just the four of us we’re 18 up in the chat to appreciate all the love and support So if you just find me out watching the uh watching the stream feel free to drop a like because YouTube my content ain’t

That bad hope so brother out we’re currently smashing it level 70 mining um we’re getting through the masteries pretty quickly which is always a good sign and then uh yeah we’ve got the farming going we’ve got the uh not the fishing gun we’ve got the mobs going

We’re the farming going we’ve got the uh mining going so sort of hitting all of the I guess targets cactus farm already we’re starting the cactus kind of just smashing it honestly kind of just absolutely smashing it I do need to work out though what to do

Um no ah yeah we’re kind of like at a point where just kind of grinding away just to just to get the ball rolling farming’s definitely going to be my go-to this season um so I just need these crops to grow a little bit faster

No we don’t have a full arm at the moment bro so if you want to join feel free to uh to put a message in the Discord server and um over the next what’s it called next week we’ll be adding to the team over the next sort of seven seven days

Another crops just starting to start to pick up perfect um what’s that Island upgrades looking like here we go um better farming 75 how much is in here no no no okay Island generators put our next one how many Sky coins everyone got at the moment I got one a thousand one

Not one thousand that’s right just hold on oh we’ve almost got enough for another origin upgrade uh discuss linked in the uh in the description bro what are you riding Toby oh he’s trying to join a party so we can do mm motion oh okay yeah it’s probably

Not a bad thing too because I’ve got um because of the weather rank I’ve got a boosted MC memo rate as well a decent decent speed yeah it’s definitely gonna be good for farming as long as like herbal is if her does anyone know how to get the

Herbalism levels up this season last season everyone was doing sugarcane and cocoa beans oh just um there’s a season five Skyblock Channel or Skyblock chat just Chuck a message in there surely not win surely not brother um I got eight and a half down Sky Queens I don’t really want to get try

Not try I want to do a little bit of fishing at some point too um and we grind this for a little bit longer because this kind of is kind of easy easy easy cocoa beans still the best yeah that was the best way last season two I reckon that’s probably uh

Probably gonna be my go-to again I want to set the farm up differently though I feel like last season’s um cocoa bean Farm wasn’t like the most efficient wasn’t the most efficient way to um to get it done reached 100 levels of M Cinema ground pass level form I want to finish the

Grime pass this season I I didn’t finish it last season which was kind of just oh 25 000 Sky commands for that um kind of nice kind of nice um what do we get for that one Mastery I’m already at 12 12 000. what’s up Stone Mastery you mean 12 it put 1200

Surely uh 1200 sorry I was like surely would have gone that quick yes 12 000 everyone 12 000 missions only jump into personal mission so I got anything done yet one done okay they’re all pretty easy when you think about it I got half a mil already

And I’ve got heaps of Sky coins so let’s deposit the uh let’s deposit the sky coins and let’s go back into uh on upgrades origin we can almost do the origin again I think how many um how many square coins you got uh I’ve only got three thousand um

How many are in the bank we need uh we need six and a half five and a half sorry to do another upgrade how much have you got uh I just deposit I just you spent 35 000. oh okay yeah yeah but um I’ll get them quite quickly I’m

Already up to 300 again smashing it smashing it smashing it feeling good um hopefully we can unlock this super pickaxe soon too um it does take a while once we get to high level we should get a lot higher rate of um of Oz though because Stone we’ve already ticked off

Yeah smashing it smashing it smashing it oh we just finished so confused I’m getting a lot of sounds in my headset but I’m not too sure about what’s going on oh good bro oh good make more levels party joint I think slash party joins how you do it

Let me know when you get are you at 4 000 Square coins yep oh yeah deposit them just go slash is deposit Sky points all that’s the quickest way to do it and then we can do a that gets us to level six which means we are unlocking

We can’t afford it surely not oh we’re short by two hold up and I can do it now that’s so that’s so annoying I was like well it’s not working it was like 29 998. um this gets us iron blocks copper blocks lapis blocks and then coal blocks

And stuff they all got up as well that’s kind of nice we’re kind of Smashing it bro absolutely smashing it yay all the the whole list of Masters man fills up like my whole screen right now kind of work on everything right now um oh yeah Farm’s coming along not as

Quick as I would have liked maybe the next few upgrades would do um crops what I might do is I might get some more uh I might get some more spawners because we’re gonna have to uh we’re gonna have to buy them at some point this season two I’m pretty sure you you

Once you get to uh tier five spawners after that you have to have them unlocked to place them anymore uh I bought too many okay okay perfect okay we’ve got a decent amount of spawners as well kind of just like the goal like look for every anyone jumping on the server at

The moment the goal with the first day or two days is honestly just to get everything going and you know um grinding mobs farming mining fishing everything you just want to kind of get everything rolling um obviously there’s like a already a bit of a matter going but like it’s kind

Of like you you kind of want to have everything because you never know you know what might become the meta and and if you like neglect um grinding mobs then you know you might not be able to get vexes later in the season or you know if you don’t

Um if you don’t do any farming you might you know you might not be able to if carrots doesn’t matter you might not be able to like utilize that as much as possible so the goal at the moment is honestly just to I guess get everything rolling as much

As possible and then once we’ve got everything to like a satisfactory level then we can kind of work on like on grinding whatever the matter is if that if that makes sense but yeah getting uh like the getting the Slayer blades pretty damn straightforward like we need T1 for all

Um uh all tier one so we need t1s for all tier one mobs and like in just this time here we’ve done like 30 of pigs so it’s pretty damn quick um it’s definitely it’s diff definitely the easiest one to get I reckon um uh no okay only ancient debris

Oh they’re not we’re not high enough level yet Nana we’re actually getting there pretty quickly I think we’re already like a level seven pretty damn crazy so you don’t want raw copper no I can go um but the only thing you might want to do with it is just um there’s a few

Island missions for smelting so like it might be worth um smelting down some of the uh some of the stuff you get yeah Roger just for just oh we just finished a another mission as well I’m already level not I keep getting netherite ingots but I don’t really know what they’re good for

Two pet eggs as well we’ve got a penguin pet and a glow squid pet probably the most useless two pets and when it comes to pets but so good it’s all good yeah Mastery is now based on the amount of members yeah I actually suggested

That in one of I don’t know if it’s masteries in particular but I was saying that like um actually it might have been masteries um I said in the suggestions like maybe three or four months ago that I think it’s unbalanced that a uh a solo player

Has to grind as much as a full team when it comes to like masteries and Island upgrades and that thing and I said that it should be based on the amount of Island members someone has um so I guess the change is a little bit similar to what I suggested I just think

It balances it more like uh if say if a solo player has to grind a hundred thousand mobs it takes a lot longer for them whereas if you’ve got a team of 10 you know it’s ten times faster and I I don’t think that balances the game and I

Think it makes like if you can finish all the Masters in a week because you’ve got a team of ten it kind of ruins the fun and I think it kills the game towards the end of the season because a lot of big teams finish everything so

Early in the season so by drawing it out and making it a little bit longer and more difficult it makes the season last a little bit longer if that makes sense so that was what my suggestion was I I guess it’s somewhat similar to what I suggested I’m not saying I changed the

Game or anything but I was just saying I was saying I suggested that I was I think I was part of it I was part of it you also got 17 up in the chat we’ve almost finished uh tier one for pigs um which was pretty damn easy we’ve

Actually just absolutely smashed that the hardest thing for getting the Slayer blade is honestly getting the stack of mob skulls that takes ages yo welcome welcome um yeah we are absolutely smashing it right now we’ve only been we’ve been playing for 50 minutes and I would say

This is probably the most speed we’ve we’ve had in a long time yeah it’s still pretty damn quick 722 centimeters shot what’s that worth couple of 100k going really well honestly we went really really well we’ve got the farm going we’ve got some Cactus going we’ve got the mobs being grinded we’ve got

Some farming stuff going so we honestly cannot complain cannot complain we’re also about to hit T1 for pig Mastery um which is nice one to tick off uh early days we’ve also got ourselves a couple of pad eggs as well which was really really good and what else we got

We got some ped eggs I’ve also I do have a September key um which I will open at some point probably probably not I feel like opening a key a monthly key within the first hour is kind of just like maybe a little bit op so maybe we hold off on

The key for a while um but yeah we’re kind of Smashing it um I want to get through a lot of this grind pass last season I maybe neglected the grind pass a little bit Misty welcome welcome welcome um yes I want to get through a lot more

Of the grind pass this season I know at the moment honestly we are just um kind of just chilling um we actually we forgot the season started um we’ve been playing so much SMP that we’re kind of just with the season started and we’re like oh um so

We’re trying to get a team together um so at the moment it’s just the four of us me Toby billsie and uh and wins so if anyone else wants to join feel free to drop a uh a message in the uh season five um Discord Channel just chilling

Just wax my lip with my bottle oh really the worst one I’m drinking I just wanted to take a message solo as well so I’m living the dream I just went to have like some water and it’s in a pump bottle and at the end of

It I just went to like put it out because it’s the big one yeah I had to put it up and it just hit my lip oh rough rough bro massive way bro um you guys to finish another mission thank you I’ll claim that don’t worry don’t worry I am

I’ve got to sell one so let me know if you want me to sell anything yeah oh no I just hold on to it something it’s only got eight things on it so five thousand Sky points for that one um I’m gonna extend this as well so that we can all

So we can all all keep working on this thing because I feel like maybe this is kind of a H meta at the moment yeah may as well farming like the farming stuff we’re kind of just leaving um not leaving but like it it just takes time so it’s like there’s no point

Us all yeah us all standing around waiting you know yeah how’s the farm going anyway I’ll get a few more things grown our growth rate is pretty solid how much is the next upgrade for it uh it is fifteen thousand people probably okay we’re pretty pretty close to yeah cool

Um that’s yeah probably our next order of business uh cactuses we’re at four now so we started with two fishing pond yeah I think a fishing pond is definitely a necessity for us um some more stairs all right mcmo watching Jesus I just got three things unlocked from mcmo uh rank one

Uh but I’m about to something Miss primary sorry there’s a few um they’re like low at the start but they can get really good towards the end science perfect uh Slash night vision two effect Ive they’re only about five thousand and ten thousand for the reward

That’s not too bad I suppose it all helps it’ll help huh it’s got five thousand square coins okay I have eleven thousand okay okay apparently we’re saving for waterless sugar cane that’s actually pretty good chance 25k yeah let’s do that I thought that was 75k it has it oh

What’s up oh what is it is Sky coin deposit oh spaces there’s one words yeah it’s unknown unknown is I’ll just do it this way uh it’s um slash is deposit skycoins all is deposit has it Sky coins oh should work just stand up for you how many you’ve got in there

Uh eleven thousand perfect perfect perfect What is your personal missions uh uh Slash uh you use your missions and then you go into personal yes oh 75k I reck do we Eric is that what the next thing we save out for purchase I think that should be enough construction break your lucky block ten times oh okay

Okay this thing now works from both ends as well does it yeah it’s not got chest at this end but it’ll still it’ll still work it’ll still work you’re mad um I reckon we leave 20 blocks at the bottom for Lucky um for um Valley blocks and then from there I

Reckon we just build a flat layer of dirt and do a sugarcane level and then go up from there that’s kind of nice step to it as well it’s kind of my my thinking I reckon at this stage have I thought we’re gonna need a lot of space for value blocks this season

That’s kind of The Vibes yeah not right yeah smashing it we are absolutely smashing it right now Sky coins is the probably our only concern crops all crops are growing I need to by bro did you get into the did you get into the party or not or it didn’t work

When’s the lucky block reset four minutes I might quickly vote on my laptop too the um potatoes the only crop that hasn’t grown yet um hold on I might be able to just vote on okay all right for you no no I’m just oh there’s oh five links tough

Hold up guys I’m still here I’m just voting two seconds click to vote vote registered perfect vote two done I hate the one we gotta wait for like 20 seconds man it just ruins my like flow like I’m always on fire and then I’ll wait for the vote to submit uh

Oh they’re all still going oh sweet we need uh so um pigs are done for um mob slang um the next ones we’ll go to sheep chickens cows so um I’ve already I’m not sure how many more uh uh spawners we need to buy uh to get to

The next level but once we hit that capacity we might as well try and buy them on the marketplace Vote for This Server now work thank you for oh so that one you can it says I can vote in 12 hours 35 minutes okay votes are done

Um feel free to drop a message in the uh feel free to drop a message in the season five chat and I’ll have a look after the stream bro more than welcome more than welcome yeah I reckon I gotta build a bit of a a fishing pond I think that’s kind of the

Next thing we’ve got to do um I’m going to claim these five vote keys I reckon what we’ll do is I reckon once we hit 90 minutes oh how far what’s the stream delay at the moment Chase is this still a delay what’s coming ah

Oh I’m not set to live that’s why I hold up that’s my fault guys that is my fault sorry I was like I swear it’s like I swear you guys are so far behind maybe you are maybe you’re behind a little bit I thought I reduced the I thought I reduced it yeah

Um I oh two thousand six thousand Sky coins and some uh cosmetic key as well I might as well use it we may as well use it where is Cosmetics there they are surely something new nope it’s another one I’ve got um is go okay well maybe we make a

Little bit of a fishing pond uh uh yeah let’s do that let’s do that a little bit of grass I guess we just go out this way it’s kind of the most random looking Island but I’ve kind of just kind of just going with the flow I guess at this point um

Let’s go like that uh apparently another Inger has been given to me for just doing yeah I kept getting that too but I don’t know what they kind of do yes I am I kind of was a little bit I was a little bit confused and we have heaps of cooked lamb yeah

Yeah that’s what we’ve got to grind now finished uh yeah finished pigs but we’ve only got the two sheep spawners so it’s going to take a little bit longer to kind of get through fp10 come on Yahoo I broke I just made a stone one sorry bro no you’re good you could FP

I can’t I couldn’t remember what depth you had to make the um thing for fishing so I’ve kind of just made it like 10 blocks yeah we’re not like 15 date yes on that that’s deep enough I feel like any deeper than that it’s kind of but oh the only problem is I

Suppose how do you place the sauce blocks in or is that gonna be expensive um I can’t afford that 144k do you know how I filled this thing with Source blocks oh do I gotta use um it’s um uh what’s it called the algae algae kelp no is it kelp yeah it’s Calvin

It’s expensive as though um how do I fill the whole thing with uh with with Source blocks for water guys let me know in the chat sure what’s sure why are you tapping your what’s name what’s that sound like you were tapping your headphone like you’re speaking of tapping the Lucky Block S

I could hear it through my headset I can hear it tap tap tap tap coming through sorry bro sorry I thought you’re right I was like what the hell put your testing your mic out nah um yeah I gotta work at this Source block problem because that that’s going

To be quite difficult to fill up ah it kind of like slows the whole thing down I don’t know um the outside of it’s going to be easy it’s just I guess the only other option is to get the ice but the ice for that whole Space is going to

Be quite a lot um I will leave it as is for now I just sold the dirt um maybe for now what I’m gonna do is just um is just FP and just and we’ll just draw one layer like and then uh we’ll once we have enough money I’ll I’ll fix it all

Up not just because you need like a three thousand to a hundred a couple of hundred thousand to fill the whole thing with ice it kind of feels like a waste of money at the moment yeah we might as well just oh that’s right um

We might as well just wait until uh we get decent cash the problem is that then they’re not all going to be Source blocks either though like if I just fill it to uh no blocks uh uh Island crop rate is at level five now do we have any Cobblestone or anything

Yeah in the N1 I thought sanctions here I’ve got him here for you bro oh done oh got it got it got it um finish this thing anymore no that’s good that’s good um okay we’ll let yeah I’ll just make this in one deep for now and then we can kind

Of go from there yeah oh I need 10 FPS hang on what happens if you destroy all of them underneath wouldn’t that just no because then they’re not Source blocks so it’s kind of just like doesn’t really have the same effect if that makes sense you sure yeah no because the the

To make them sauce blocks you have to place them like it’s hard to explain but they’re not yeah they won’t they won’t be Source blocked so they’ll always be flowing so just drag the line down to the bottom okay how this thing maybe it would

Yeah that’s what I thought if you if you just it doesn’t place all the water in for this thing and it’s like it’s oh yeah because it’s all what’s the name if you do this now and go all the way through destroying it all it should fill up

No they’re not Source blocks though break the blocks it’s all floating at the same bro that makes no that goes against Minecraft logic that’s right done okay situation sorted that’s what I was thinking I was like I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works in survival though

Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s why I was like I didn’t uh it didn’t make it didn’t make sense in my head okay what you mean oh done okay well fishing pond sorted I guess you do a little bit I’m gonna do a little bit big brain abuse all sorted um

Uh Slash fly let’s just get rid of all of this I don’t need that disguise remember to get rid of it get rid of that too um slash Sharp pretty sure you can buy a fishing rod perfect okay well the yeah we’ve got everything kind of everything kind of rolling now

The tough thing at the moment I suppose is that we’re kind of low tier at everything so we kind of just got to grind it away um but yeah I thought well fishing was good last last season I was good like in the early days so I

Feel like why not do it again um and it’s good just to I guess as as I mentioned earlier kind of just get everything rolling but we are getting zero fish right now we’re kind of getting zero fish oh hold up we’re about to get one apparently they looked oh they do look

Different that’s kind of sick I like that they’re not just like the square heads anymore it’s kind of like the whole fish I’m kind of ride it kind of ride it but yeah now we’re kind of just trying to get the ball rolling on everything um mining I reckon’s still just gonna be

I guess op early days and just kind of continuing to grind that farm oh I can upgrade it hey slash shop all right I already up I already upgraded it oh no you you can um upgrade your fishing rod oh yeah in the enchant shot oh that’s probably a good idea

All I gotta say is Cannonball yeah surely oh yeah the rate fishing rate is slow early days what can you do though what can you do though what can you bloody do surely we can catch some decent fish here and make some some cash if not I probably still watching the farm

I’m gonna buy some more uh some more spawners but that’s probably where the money’s kind of running dry a little bit uh a few basic fish surely catch something decent here would be nice would be damn nice has anyone gotten a d-boss yet this season is it good is it worth it

Oh my goodness gracious basic everything’s basic I definitely want to open my Crate Key soon surely we can get some servants that’ll be nice oh there’s one random block there’s one random block that didn’t load in cool little change is it dark mode uh night vision Envy yeah that’s right that’s better

Who are 13 Grand the Farms hanging in there kind of just taking a little bit longer than I would have anticipated um the sky coins are the big thing honestly if we get the sky coins up and unlock um lightless waterless sugarcane lightless crops that’d probably be a big

A big W for day one oh yeah I can do slash weather um slash settings uh Island I don’t know which one it is um Island I can never remember where the weather oh there it is um weather there we go it technically is raining oh yeah it’s raining perfect yeah so that

Should hopefully help with the fish takes nine of this Ah that’s fair that’s fair that’s fair I’m gonna sell this one off I will get back to fishing at some point I just feel like it’s probably just a little bit too uh too slow at the moment um

I guess the big goal is ticking off probably the Slayer blade first and then uh all the to be honest the next one we’re pretty close and unlocking is going to be the um super pickaxe because I’m pretty sure we’re at T1 Stone almost there with coal halfway there for copper

Ironwood 184 312 yeah so like I I feel like that’s probably the next one I’m gonna hit um I reckon I’m going to crank open my um my September crate key as well no point um no point holding on for too long because we have been live for almost

70 minutes 70 minutes is almost I guess almost 90 minutes so let’s crank this one first crate here the season wouldn’t mind uh five guardians with some cell ones extreme books 50 000 Sky coins some tags and a spawner G kit and also a two-time skycoin booster so look and that definitely

Definitely definitely definitely definitely helps it definitely definitely definitely helps and that’s why I tend to buy them because they do tend to come in handy um three extreme books we might as well crank them surely a multiple fire book crippling swing five and swing three and demise three nothing nothing too interesting

Um but I did want to grind mobs and this does make that a lot more possible um I’m going to line these up properly just so they’re not all over the place though because I just hate when they’re all a mess move out the way please brother I’m just getting another cell

One two and a half thousand uses that’ll be helpful but with the skeletons we’ve got silverfish I say if anyone wants to grind mobs you guys are more than welcome to come and visit our Island um slash is visit two-ton Tommy we do have we do have all of the spawners

Rolling yo welcome welcome nether star you caught a Nether Star oh they’re like the bay do you mean like the the the the bay magnetic Bay hey welcome welcome zombie spawner okay yeah we got a lot of sport we got a lot of spawners rolling

I do want to keep both of these tags as well I hate giving away the tags like not giving away but like I know a lot of people get them and sell them I hate that I love quinoa it’s like it’s like a it’s like a it’s like a

It’s like a memory for me you know that I played that season I got that tag um never sell um but now we’ve got yeah we’ve got the uh the spawners rolling we can actually almost get the uh waterless sugar cane in a minute too we just need actually we probably can

Um I uh we aren’t allowed to kill we aren’t allowed to kill mobs what do you mean oh hold up I’ll update it in a second give me two secs two secs uh deposit oh um is setting uh is um where is it uh Island commissions visit ORS mobs um

Done should work now it should should be a work in uh i s uh Island upgrades Okay so we’ve got waterless sugar cane now and then lightless crops 150k no stress at all bro no stress at all I reckon we work towards the neck the uh waterless lightless crops I reckon

That’s kind of lightless crop sorry I think that’s the next play from here oh I just saw a favor join I wish you did too perfect perfect perfect okay well now oh I’ve got 40 Peak spawners as well which I didn’t place down not party perfect

Perfect perfect man it is good to be back man that’s all I love the start of a new season it’s always just so much damn fun it’s so crashing it’s damn fun yeah food’s like Fresh Start like a new start new beginnings oh let’s climb this uh this vote party

And PV one just throw in sell ones otherwise I’m gonna lose them iron blocks diamond blocks gold blocks we’ve got every type of block we’re gonna oh Fable just if they would just jump off the slide um we’ve got some Sky coins too that is always always nice uh it’s just highest Trust

Fable Rebel perfect done done done um yeah I’ve got to get work on obviously getting the uh oh hold up I’ve got to go into my Island permissions hold up uh trusted members can building break Blocks place blocks break spawn oh yeah that’s fine uh yeah yep yep yep interact

Needs to be updated there that’s allowed perfect okay should be all good should be all good Fable that’s supposed to say riding Toby what’s up what’s up I can’t I can’t read it made it uh made a chest oh he said he made a chest for uh

You can’t it’s a value on it I cannot read it you can’t read it no I swear your Minecraft plays games bro I’m telling you that that’s for all the value blocks we’ll um we’ll find we’ll I reckon we’ll set the lower 20 levels of our space for placing down um

For setting down uh all of the uh the value blocks I don’t know much probably do I’ll just uninstall all the Minecrafts like even though the client and just reinstall the setup yeah yeah that’s always the best way to do it I reckon whenever stuff’s not working for

Me bro because it doesn’t it doesn’t take that long to deal with our favorite’s also got eight zombie spawns as well I appreciate it fabul I appreciate it are you joining the team this season or are you not really playing or kind of playing good 11 likes on the stream two guys and

21 up in the chat hope you’re all having a terrific weekend Sunday big week on the cards all the crops are starting to grow a little bit faster too which is nice one we can do too is once we um what I’m kind of thinking is that we go

Uh 20 layers of value and then a full hour of sugarcane carrots potatoes wheat beets all the Farms all the way up and then once we get to the top bit then we uh have like a bit of a base that’s I think we go for like pure efficiency this season building

Enough everything but I just feel like that’s kind of the way to thank you Fable thank you thank you thank you Faber’s just gifted us a ton more spawners just to uh man I reckon I don’t know how any other islands are going but I feel like we’ve

Got probably a we’ve probably got a lot more spawners than a lot of people at the moment um kind of good if anyone wants to come grind spawners visitors are more than welcome to uh to grind spawners here uh gas Warners are the only one we’re

Gonna buy uh I gotta buy some chicken spawners it’s the only one I’m a favor do you open a crate key is that do you open a September key as well uh overflow 10 more Pig spawners what’s that other command the um the uh no no no no the um

Like your achievements what’s that one oh missions yeah is that it’s not is missions it’s uh I just go slash missions and then um that’s how I always find them yeah okay if anyone’s got any cash I would love to uh buy a ton more uh a ton more of the old

Um uh chicken spawners how much do you need I’ve got one they’re 50k a piece so as many as you can buy for now honestly uh I can give you I got 193. 193k yeah buy as many as you can I asked give uh Slash pay

Ah slash pay no no we’re just buying we just got the one we’re just trying to get the chicken spawners yeah that’s kind of the just trying to get all our t1s down honestly that’s kind of the that’s kind of the go at the moment

There you go I just paid you oh Legend Road Legends just sell off my inventory um perfect um uh oh I might quickly just do the farm too while I’m standing around here um oh sure can I gotta replant the uh the sugar cane there’s an or

Um what’s the name in the chest on the on the farm area hop Hopper no no no no uh what’s it called a uh iron high oh I think we almost filled out this whole Space just the potatoes that aren’t growing at all oh no don’t worry they are growing

Hey where’s my crop topper there’s one in one in the chest somewhere yeah I swear I’ve put my I thought it was in I thought it was in one of these bar chests oh yeah bottom uh furthest chest bottom oh oh yeah do you want to use it

I might as well just Chuck it in a minute oh it’s no no just I’m leaving the chest it doesn’t really do much for now you might as well have everything go back in the inventory just to um make it easier I remember the I remember the Box

F3g f3g yeah yeah yeah I remember that yeah it always comes in handy um I’m grinding oh why am I granny I’m grinding tier two mobs I should probably not worry about them for now um sheeps uh okay we’ve got 500 sheep done at a 1500.

So that one’s kind of on the way to being done uh cows are probably gonna be quite quick as well now oh we still only got the two sheep spawners power yeah no it’s still it’s funny that we got so many more High tier spawners than we have like Oh missing sheep and

Chicken which kind of slowing down the whole process at the moment I just worked something out by the way what’s up what’s up I’m gonna I’m gonna freak you out what’s up what’s up um bro freak me out right now are you at the cows yeah yeah yeah come

Over to the farm area where it’s not been touched do it freak me out I’m Keen you gotta look at me you gotta look at me what it’s not like it is your skin isn’t it are you all seeing the dude I’m not seeing the Flash

What are you are your what Your Skin’s not the flash on the what on yours I’m um I’m a different color what oh different like different color flash skin different color skin and everything I’m a whole different character ah yeah now I can see the flashlight on my

Screen but I can see the flash yeah I can’t what is happening I mean because you switch to the other because you switched to lunar craft and then back it might have messed it up ah yeah true I I legit thought it was for everyone

Wow that’s amazing no no no like I know I think everyone else can see it was the flash too wow that was that’s a that’s funny as heck plus so slash Sharp perfect okay so spawner wires okay so we need to buy oh we need to buy

300 tier ones okay I said I’m gonna have to buy them at some point so how are we going uh uh sugarcane that was the one thing I was supposed to plant which I haven’t done yet um we got my sugarcane floating around I don’t think so no two okay we got two

Perfect yo what’s up bro what’s up welcome welcome welcome 23 up in the chat yeah smashing it today’s absolutely smashing it um needed more I suppose if we don’t have any more we might as well just place these over here just for now I don’t have any more um

Whereas we’ve kind of run out of dirt and it’s all good we have used quite a lot of dirt to be fair when you look around like that everything everything’s made out of dirt yeah yeah okay that’s right these as well okay I’m gonna keep grinding the uh the mobs

We might as well finish cow because we’ve got a ton of cow spawners um or already at uh already at a third of the way down with the cows and then uh so pigs are done cows will be done in in the next couple of minutes then it’s

Just sheep and chicken so hopefully in the next few minutes we’ll grind these they can all build up we’ve finished them and then at least then we can make a Slayer blade only problem is we need a lot more heads we’ve got a lack of heads

But it’s all good we’ve made a very very decent start though um yeah which uh which is always a good thing when only 90 minutes in which is pretty crazy I feel like we made a lot of progress for uh for 90 minutes um it’s not a bad thing not a bad thing

At all yo welcome welcome 23 up in the chat so appreciate all the love and support if you guys just find me on the chat too make sure you drop a like on the stream tells YouTube my content ain’t that bad we’re at 13 likes

23 up in the chat so um guys you guys gotta drop a like gotta fix the ratio I try and play as legit as possible so um I prefer pool not to send money on uh in game it feels like it makes it too easy for me I appreciate the offer though

Um we’ll probably be live for I don’t know we’ll see how we go we’ll see how we’ll see how we go I feel like at the moment we’re still smashing it um but I do have a massive week at work this week so I do have to have a

Somewhat early night and it’s already 9 30. so we’ll see how we go maybe another hour or so but it just just depends just depends feels like a slider I know time flies when you’re having fun absolutely let me look at uh permissions I didn’t tell you we found out

Um yesterday that uh White’s gonna be a dad oh really yeah he came home yesterday with his misso and just um gave like a blue box I said look forward because you’re going to be grandparents blah blah that’s you no no yeah exciting times yeah but now we’re back to square one of

Me looking for a rental that’s fair that’s fair yo favorite update all the permissions it should be all good that’s huge though bills that’s crazy yeah I did I was so happy for him like I I like went up to him gave him a hug and everything and whatnot and yeah

I’m so excited for him good on him yeah 6 53 I am yeah but I’m gonna be up early I’m gonna be up real early that’s fair that’s fair yeah if you’ve got any more dirt yeah I reckon extend it and we can use the space for the shoe

Okay and that’s kind of what I’m in London in London yeah we’re two-time Tommy’s Global now we are global damn what’s the weather like in London it’s got to be actually as I said it’s got to be warmer than here but may this weekend’s weather has been just

Absolutely superb I don’t I don’t think um I don’t think the weather gets better than what Adelaide had this weekend like 28 29 degrees no Cloud yes it was just just blue skies I’m really good thanks how are you bro yeah Don I I’ve already claimed all my

Kits that’s how I got all the dirt in the first place um but if anyone else has got some more kits they can claim to get more dirt I can I’ll do that a little bit later though coal Master is about to be done 736. I just finished cows

So now we’ve got sheep and chickens to go but I need more money I need more money there are chickens I can get through a bit of but uh but cheap we’re gonna need more money hey that’s the way bro that’s right yeah I’m always good always always have an a blast

Uh no I I don’t really I watch it when it’s on sometimes but it’s not really my go-to I’m a big AFL supporter but I’ll I’m I’ll probably watch the Grand Final for the NRL that’s yeah yeah how about yourself who do you follow and if you don’t know what AFL is it’s

Aussie Rules Football that was a good good guy a good round of games on the weekend to be fair last night was a little bit sad but overall I reckon it was really good oh Bulldogs bulldogs for um bulldogs for NRL NRL yeah uh Cannery Bulldogs yeah yeah

No that’s Feb yeah Bulldogs didn’t have the best season today this year I don’t know I don’t follow it close enough to know but I I know that I know they’re not playing the final but again I suppose Port had a great year and we’re not playing the grand

Finals so maybe there’s not a lot of sunshine and rainbows you know none of the best yeah uh Panthers this weekend isn’t it this point yeah but his Butters become second Nick decos will come third yeah I went bro we’re smashing through these these missions as well by the way

Mad grinding like the high tier mobs get your um sword Mastery up so much quicker too we need a storage setup soon yeah yeah don’t worry so much stuff already it’s like an auto sell because at the moment overflow is just filling up with mob drops with the kits that I get upgrade

With the kits and everything that I get um Toby I’ll create an area where it’s all sorted properly we’ve got a lot of melon seeds too we’ve probably set up a uh a melon oh that’s from this I was like we’re getting so many of them it’s from the uh from the zombies

What’s your pickaxe level uh bro uh like 100 something I broke um I can’t even see I’m not because we’ve not got the Mastery tools yet no yeah true I’m just trying to yeah I’ve got to get the sheep and the uh sheep and the chickens are kind of the

Next two objectives but we’re just um that gives you some more cash in we are kind of gonna struggle to finish them um I got a double Sky coins token too oh it’s only a personal don’t worry I might just save that for now then no

Point no point in using it until we got something decent sort of setup back up to a hundred thousand yeah if you get more cash you can get some more um spawners running that uh that would definitely help at the moment it’s kind of where we’re yeah

Um I might just deposit all my sky coins as well and maybe see if we can I got 22 000 Sky coins oh done I just hold on to something actually I was just yeah if you want to deposit them between upgrade our mob drops I think that might help too um

Is uh deposit deposit oh the chickens fell off the side that’s why they’re not spawning All right every time I S deposit it I just don’t you just go like press up up until you get the same time I didn’t put an S on the end of Sky coins I always just like press T and then I go up until I find

When I use that command last time thank you Fable you’re the absolute best do you want to be part of the island or are you making your own Island what’s what’s kind of The Vibes so you’re more than welcome to join if you want to join perfect I keep the crops are growing

Fast the crop growth rate’s definitely starting to work a little bit more efficiently too which is nice I need to probably till a little bit more land I reckon yeah once we set the Farms up properly then we can organize the crops in a little bit more order at the moment it’s kind

Of just place down whatever wherever yeah sugarcane is definitely the other thing we gotta get going gotta get going on real quick perfect Island’s looking kind of good too very like a day one Skyblock aesthetic if I’m being honest that’s a good that’s a good Fable don’t

Sweat it at all don’t sweat it at all I get on the S P later I reckon later this evening I’ve started doing some more builds starting to get my my area looking nice the auto cell chest can actually probably go away for now I really particularly need it

Getting a whole stack of heads is actually probably going to be the uh the more difficult part I reckon I might focus on getting cow heads because that’s I reckon the most of tier one spawners we got so we might as well two birds once don’t get tier

One kills done and also get uh get as many mob heads as uh assumingly possible because that’s that’s what’s going to slow us down I reckon that’s funny before last season I hated grinding mode so now it’s kind of like a it’s a very chill thing to do

Very very chill thing to do what’s up bro what’s up Eric I reckon emeralds is going to be the Hard One to upgrade oh it’ll be like an overtime thing for Emerald we’ve only got to get um we’ve only got to get tier one in six of them to get the super pick

Okay so we’ve got Stones done Copper’s almost done uh netherracks two uh 190 to go lapis is under 100 to go redstone’s 200 odd to go I and you’re about halfway down and gold is 260. um Emerald’s a good one because you get the 100K per player per day when you

Like so but once you hit tier one you just make the minions for it and just crank it like that yeah Fair that’d be what I that’d be what I’d be doing um yeah but yeah no it’s all good we’ll tick it off over time it’s it’s just getting the

Super pickaxe makes it a lot better but that’s what I’m trying to do that’s why I’m just sitting here morning yeah no you’re good bro you’re all good um yeah so I’m just trying to get all the mobs done is a island booster oh two minions each is limit now I think

Two minions per person oh really yeah oh so they’re like not as beneficial we’ve got an island uh Sky coins booster that’s got 1.1 times we might as we just put it on for now yeah go uh two minions per person that’s like not a lot a slash sir

I can place my servant down too maybe put them behind the furnaces I need a break from this um uh it’s pretty mind slang I got a pet egg oh imagine I used it that I would yeah I was in the the pedex everyone always sells them but like the buffer goes up

From using them is always huge um I’ve also just got a huge amount of money so let’s buy some more spawners sheep I’m actually in it I got 92 000 just sitting there um more chicken spawners honestly to 11 more sheep’s Corners uh pay

Oh yeah just oh it’s just send it to me and I’ll uh I’ll use it yeah uh that’s fair that’s fair now the minions definitely they definitely do make life easier but uh it’s you know nothing hard work you know if we work hard we don’t really matter don’t need the minions anyway

But yeah we’ve got to get the Mastery that’s like the the big one isn’t it getting through all the masteries bro it’s I reckon it’s good that you have to be a certain level of um a certain level of uh of uh spawners to place down like high level spawners

Because I think it’s always I don’t think it’s a good way to do it because if you don’t like a lot of people don’t have to grind any mobs as soon as vexes are around then they just buy as many Vex spawners as humanly possible but with it being like you have

To have a high enough uh level of uh of of uh spawner to place them down it means that people actually have to grind them which is which I think balances out the game quite well as well yeah who’s who’s cosmetic keys are sitting here I’m not sure I I open mine

I mean is this one yours it must be I reckon okay sheep we’re at 900 out of 1500 as well now but the problem is the mob heads I feel like my mob head right drop right is so damn low at the moment I feel like I’m not getting any at the moment

I think it’s fine but I don’t use cosmetic Keys oh okay fair enough that’s right um right I’ll I’ll start with I’ve almost filled up all of our Cactus uh mini cactus farm sugarcane’s growing as well look at us guy we’re at we’re honestly on fire

I might as well let the farm grow a little bit more before I go through and harvest everything again what’s in my first place go up to wasn’t it 25 32 I think 32. I think for yours yeah yeah yeah I really want to go back to mining I

Feel like mining I was getting so much more out of like grinding mobs is like it’s like the tier one mobs are just so like so there’s not a whole lot to it I guess you get a lot more out of it whereas like yeah tier ones barely any Sky coins

Like no money no XP we’re almost at 3K uh uh cows though uh oh that’s right that’s wrong I spawned back up between yeah if they fall they just respawn anyway I wish we had 17 up in the chat guys appreciate all the love and support it’s good to be back season

Five who’d have thought arrogance it was almost a year and a half more a bit over a year and a year and maybe three months since we started playing season one crazy how time flies when you’re having fun I reckon I had like a thousand Subs

On the dot when we started season one as well so at three and a half times where we started which is huge she absolutely huge um chickens I’m also on the way with finishing as well yeah what the hell overboard yeah always nice looks yeah it always it

Looks different it’s got all the bark on every single side yeah it just look very different I think we’re just filling in just for now bro and then um I reckon hopefully by the end of like today’s stream I think we set up the layers we just need to

We need to get the uh we need money honestly to settle that up but for now if we can get a if we can get our uh some of our Mastery tools unlocked and sort of get the ball roll and then I suppose we can start sort of building the uh the layers

Cheap uh 400 to go how are we going for heads so it’s six car heads five Peak heads and three sheep heads so really that’s gonna take ages to get a full stack of heads that’s honestly might be worth at the moment trying to collect heads and sell them on

The ah because I feel like a lot of people will become very impatient trying to get all the uh the heads for it might be an easy way to sort of get the uh get the ball rolling there’s a sheep’s head near the uh near the furnaces we’ve got one chicken

Head hey that’s so fair chickens are and sheep almost done and then chickens are the last T1 we’ve got to finish up uh reset reset I was trying to put the cops down in the furnaces but okay um perfect okay we’ll wear smashing it absolutely smashing it at the moment

Chat what are we feeling what’s what are we going to be working on because we’ve pretty much finished these mobs do I go back to grinding on the uh Cobblestone gen do we do a bit of a bit of fishing a Rufus what’s up bro welcome welcome welcome

Um I do a bit of fishing uh or do we start trying to set up the Farms the goal at the moment honestly you probably need to get the sky coins to do lightless crops um that would probably mean that we kind of set everything all up nice

Um but for now kind of just kind of just chilling kind of just chilling um I probably needed to go into the shop and do the upgrade for our Island borders as well that’s probably uh something we should be doing at some might have to might have to build a run

Along generator tonight if that’s okay what’s a run along generator yeah oh like for yeah yeah if dude go for gold I reckon we’ll leave this platform here for the foreseeable future um um until like I reckon for at least a week until we got some cash then we can

Uh then we can start building I guess our structure so um if you need bro feel free we can uh we can build that and build it anywhere where there’s space honestly um uh chickens we’ve got yeah 600 left to go uh we’ve got one at the moment um but

We’re probably not looking to sell it sorry bro sheep we are so close to finishing back I’m grinding your mobs so damn hard at the moment I just hit a level 100 swords as well which is always a nice one to tick off oh yeah done yeah oh dude I missed my

Explosive too if you want to build the run along I’d build it over in this corner I reckon we’ll expand this uh I reckon we’ll expand this for the time being as well and what’s a run along it’s just like a different uh cobblestone generator using the super breaker makes life a lot

A lot damn easy yeah um oh hold up I was just building that back corner where there’s nothing yet do it do with you Toby over here we’re off yeah yeah that’s right yeah I reckon that’s the best spot do it over there perfect okay and chickens are chickens over there I

Could buy more chicken spawns but it’s not really worth it because we’re kind of like we’re at the tail end of finishing chicken so like I don’t want to spend all our money on more chicken spawners if that makes sense let’s put that there and then they look like they’re getting water

It looks neater yeah and then over here I shall do yeah yeah go for gold yeah that’s gonna have the um the run along um cobblestone generator does make life a lot easier so now go for go for gold go for gold bro okay sheep has now been complete

Um so chickens are the last ones kind of a good thing I feel like that we’ve been oh we’ve just lagged out like crazy hold on I gotta just quickly turn this down before perfect um you got um what’s I would say how much there you go uh I’ve got uh

What have I got at the moment I got 200k oh okay need cash yeah if you could download trade at the moment oh no I contact that I contact that right now um I appreciate it but I can’t I can’t it’s like heads for a Slayer blade

It’s too it’s too easy it’s too easy to do that um done I just I just paid you then Hello Cheers bro no I can’t I can’t I can’t take that that’s too much that’s too much we’re about 8 30 up in the Stream guys appreciate all of the uh

Love and support I hope everyone’s having a fantastic weekend as I mentioned earlier we’re about to hit 3 000 uh for cam Mastery and then um we are also at we’ve just got to finish chicken and then we finish all of our tea ones which is pretty damn solid because that

Usually takes me a long long time we’ve got 500 left to go when it comes to the chickens but we don’t have many chicken spawners so that one has just been a little bit of a slower process not me yeah I might do it she’s no I

Could total condense it might be the quicker way of doing it might as well grind some of these higher tier mobs for the time being just while we’re chilling helps get our swords levels up what else is do yep gets our sores though it gets us way more XP

Better Sky coins makes life so much and easier I’m on a six cat image oh chunk water ah f3g oh yeah chunk water yeah yeah yeah yeah it kind of all lines up almost close or those ones on the outside um we can get some more cash if you need

To build the uh to build the run along I know that’s definitely going to make life easier oh we also have the skeletons we could we can get unlimited crops like so damn quickly we can just use um uh we can just use what’s it called what’s it called um

Bone Mill to expand our crops so we’re kind of Smashing it um at the moment we’ve got a team of four um myself billsie wins and Toby as well if you’re looking for a team bro let me know I’m you’re more than welcome to join our team this season if you’re Keen

To play yeah bro send it send a message in the in the in the Discord and uh and I’ll uh this week I’ll have a look through and uh and we’ll we’ll add some more members to the team bro grind pass 20 000 XP 100 000 XP and an

All Hopper that’s kind of nice oh that’s a good um Toby bro there’s another or hopper in here for you bro chickens man is where I’m still struggling let’s do a 20 up in the Stream I’m getting better sort of better head drops I got two chicken heads back to back there

Still kind of where I’m where I’m losing out is on the uh on the heads to right we’ve got 300 to go Hey That’s No Stress bro that’s no stress all right moving on the chest good on you thank you bro oh you’re good bro just trying to shoot like harvesting

Expanding the uh cactus farm too so we can get the cactus minions nice and early I just thought on this corner is that all right yeah that’s perfect utilize all the space before we start expanding the uh the the uh the borders yeah um I need you

Has anyone got any wood on them I’m lagging out like crazy at the moment um is this stream holding up all right because I’m lagging out in person a little bit um chickens just taking ages man I still wanted the chickens are the ones

I want to finish man if I get them done life is easy as after that why do we have so many invisible item frames yeah uh because you get them with all the kits so you got you got a ton of them yeah I’m pretty sure I got more in my um

I reckon it might be the Aussie ping just letting us down a little bit here levels sword levels just going through the app cellular roof at the moment might be the rain hold up let me just go into Island settings and just change that it’s because when no one’s fishing we

Don’t need uh we actually I can recognize turn off in my video settings the weather weather I feel like I just turn it off man it can’t um um options uh Slash is settings for weather hopefully that stops the rain there we go hopefully that should help I reckon

The rain might have just been um yeah yeah I reckon the rain might be slowing down the whole uh the whole thing at the moment that’s all right it’s all right we’re doing all right we’re holding up now I’ve definitely got to pick one mob and just grind that as well because

Otherwise I’m never gonna get the uh the skulls I need oh Toby’s working on the chickens my pig zombies I’ve got six of everything in Zombies kind of spawning like crazy too oh do you want to have it done slash shop upgraded my sword I feel like I probably don’t have a

Probably don’t have the most terrific setup chairman shop what do we got are you we got no but no looting on my sword oh my God oh that’s so much better I can just totally can dance here we go okay now we can just smash it now we can just absolutely smash it

Just so I don’t feel like my whole inventory I might as well hit tier one for zombies while we’re at it as well yeah I’ve turned the rain off I’ve turned it off just to make life a little bit a little bit more bearable I think my settings might just be a

Little bit too a little bit too high at the moment hopefully I just need the head drop to be consistent that’s where where it’s going to slow us down here because we’ve hit T1 for everything I think I unless I think Toby might have a 100 or so more um

100 or so more um uh 100 or some more chickens to go how’s the mining line built are you are you doing chess sorry don’t worry don’t worry all right you’re good chess is going all right getting them done set up a huge melon farm as well at the

Moment because of the zombies we’ve got just unlimited melon seeds now I’ve almost hit tier one for zombies as well get these masteries done pretty quickly which is nice always a good sign yep successful campaign is officially underway that’s Sony people visiting the island it’s good we can probably get the island

Visitor um uh missions done as well which is always nice for the word ladies and gentlemen get everyone here everyone come visit let’s finish these Island missions um oh you’re gonna check my personal missions that’s one thing I haven’t really done a whole lot of I’m just trying to

Get to tier one for uh T1 for zombies and then I need to let my hand rest because I’m cramping up right now I’m almost at 200 swords leverage two which is nice perfect okay I’ve done it oh that was way more work than it should

Be okay I’ve got nine zombie heads okay maybe I can’t give up yet because I’ve stood a long way to go to get to 64. trying to fish I can’t oh you can’t okay hold up let me uh I can fix that in a second just let me uh hit this tall

Condense amount done uh uh oh yes go permissions for visitors interact pick up items drop items granted okay if you fish now you should be able to pick up and drop the items pretty sure what’s in um rotating shop as well it might be a a little bit of a

Play here early days lily pads chicken nothing too interesting nothing too damn interesting T1 chicken done thank you Toby thank you bro okay so sheep cows pigs chickens well zombies are done too not that zombies really matter for this um but now it’s just getting all of the

Mob heads done um I’ll try to collect enough so that we can all make Slayer blades too um 10 I think zombies are what I’m gonna keep working on because that’s what I’ve kind of got the most of do we have the most zombie spawns or skeletons maybe skeletons might be a

Little bit of a better answer here um my swords levels are just still flying through the roof at the moment they have a hedge head chest for a minute go again go again oh yeah let’s do a heads chest yeah yeah bills can you leave this last chest here

Um put all the heads in one yeah okay yeah because we need well we need four Stacks so one stack for each of us of different um all of mob heads so that’s probably what’s going to take the longest is getting these Slayer blades done so what

What ingots are you wanting to keep so you want diamonds that’s all okay diamonds and emeralds yeah we’ll keep um uh netherite blocks as well um but uh I’m just making a proper chest for them that’s right we might actually have to expand this Farm as well bro yeah I’m good

Thank you bro thank you for the golden apples I appreciate it you got any more golden apples do you want to give I got two of them here Goodbye Oh no I apologize I made a poo poo carrots wear it we’ve harvested like 50 of which is kind of nice

We’re definitely yeah I gotta get some maybe I might I might let this whole thing grow and then I might replant it in like an ordered fashion for now yeah Fair uh actually about two is I am going to destroy AHS whoops I did it again no I didn’t no

No I fixed I fixed it don’t worry don’t worry oh you put yeah okay so you put the heads in that one let me destroy this one I’m gonna have to just expand this a little bit just for now yeah I don’t think golden iron are worth

It when it comes to uh when it comes to Valley I feel like they take up a lot of space for a block that doesn’t have a hole what’s the uh ice is ice value yeah slash value to see um slash block value no can we see what the blocks are worth

Because um yeah I just don’t think golden and iron are worth enough to uh hold on to if that makes sense like if I imagine just yeah plant as many crops beetroots probably what the only one we’re missing and maybe I’ll pick up a bit I might buy uh Confederate

Seeds just so we can get that rolling as well here our Jeep might as well and I’ll put what else importance do we have over here especially in this one oh I got seeds where’s our shop uh farming um beetroot seeds as many as possible I’d buy

We’ve also got all these melon seeds so I might actually set up a melon farm just because we need to get like um like we need to get quite a few tiers of crops up so like might be good just to have uh bit of a functioning melon farm for the

Time being too measure as usual a space up for now and then we can um yeah really good been really good bro how’s your season five started kind of we’re kind of just doing everything at the moment like farming mob grinding mining fishing just trying to get the ball sort of rolling with

Everything pumpkins already the only thing I haven’t already got I think we’ve got pumpkin seeds though maybe we start yeah in that chest near the farm I’ve put chocolate in there oh damn okay so we’re gonna melon farm going as well now beetroot seeds going hey we’ve got the one one alone pumpkin

Seed that can go that can go here perfect uh Cactus Farm’s actually going quite well too noise we’ve got 33 Mastery points for cactus look at that the Island’s actually looking solid we’re getting there we’re getting there I might grind the uh the generator for a minute

We’re not that far off when it comes to uh yo fam bam what’s up what’s up what’s up are you joining this season or is it or you focused on s p at the moment yeah neither are emerald and diamond as the go-to’s for this season that’s the way that’s the way

I appreciate it bro I need to work out a turn off because I I’m trying to play legit this season so I try not to not try not to let people um give me money in game um but I appreciate the 100K bro I appreciate it is that better Toby are

You happy with the chest area there bro I feel like that’s probably a bit it looks like a better setup you got the invisible item frames on the front too yeah perfect I did it again what happened oh just putting the chest down hey that’s the way that’s the way we’re

15 likes 23 up in the chat thank you thank you thank you yeah t1’s like where with the mining we’re quite far through a lot of the blocks which is nice but he did a good job bills cheers yeah so mobs are done ah mining we’re almost done for tit for Mastery

Fishing’s that’s gonna that’s gonna be the slow one so we only have two out of two honor members but we’ve definitely got well there’s three of us on here at the moment because Windsor hasn’t joined yet Um stonemaster I think we’re almost at three as well looks great is there anything else I need to add oh sand we want to keep why don’t we yeah I might as well keep it yeah uh Auto sew chest from the grind pass once again it gets interesting a little bit further so

I think some spawners lapis we don’t really want do we uh no oh actually not keep it because um we make some XP uh XP things oh okay yeah done hold on let’s I’ll check out your Island um visit uh Done oh hey that’s sick I like the circular pattern bro it’s tough is that the car oh carrot yeah everyone’s raving about the carrot Farm that’s what I think that’s what we’re working towards at the moment as well yeah tough bro this looks good man I’ll

Make good when do you start at the start of the Season or have you only just jumped on this is pretty good for what the season started two days ago men’s absolutely crushing it absolutely smashing it bro well done oh lucky blocks question I hate when it when it reshuffles my inventory

Thank you bro thank you ah I thought they’d lessen the amount of reshuffling but it feels like every time oh so when you bang this this is what makes the baby noise yeah yeah with 37 cactus as well I’m gonna turn off her permission uh for visitors we appreciate you guys

Giving us stuff but we like the whole I turn off drop behind us they can pick stuff up they can’t drop stuff um yeah yeah no I know yeah yeah it’s all chill it’s all chill um the cactus farm um which is nice as well um

Yeah really odd maybe yeah a few more trees probably wouldn’t hurt too it might be good there yeah just I just I just put some trees around started solo hey that’s the way smashing it smashing it yeah let’s collect the lappers for the XP fans definitely gonna come in handy

Copper can go trying to get all these tier one blocks just kind of I suppose the next next order of business yeah um the Army at the moment am I I’m not sure if it’s down Bedrock because um Toby’s online at the moment um let me know if when you get online if

You want to join this season you’re more than welcome to join the team as well um let me and stone we’re almost done another Aqua almost done as well grinding away Sky coins at least are still flying oh dude you’re actually in a box for the cactus farm to go where

You’re at by the way just letting you know uh yeah we’ve got to build from the bottom though that’s right oh yeah no no no I’m just like I know how you’re lined it out yeah I think is the way I placed I went 16 from the center the center

Must have been in the middle of all the chunks and I’ve gone 16 out each way I just wanted to double check but yeah let me I was just gonna keep expanding that as far as we can um we got 31 Cactus just sitting in this

Chest here yeah if you’ve got sand you want to expand that we may as well because like the quicker we can get the cactus sort of rolling that’s gonna probably probably save us a bit of time yeah yeah give me two squared T1 done as well by the way just making sure

I let me let me go and get rid of it hey thank you Toby I appreciate it bro I appreciate it yeah now we’re almost probably we can probably unlock a super breaker next to like 15 20 minutes at this rate which is nice right the place is super breaker a um a

Super pickaxe the mob heads are gonna be the big grind I’m probably not going to do that on strength and timely I reckon we’re probably gonna chill keep doing other random tasks I just uh maybe maybe we’ll get back onto the grinding mobs at some point but I just feel like that’s

I know mining’s slow but I think grinding mobs is is quite quite repetitive as well I just need to yeah we’re putting this set up a big wall of furnaces too to get those Island missions going and stone we’re really close to finishing 15 to go

So lapis is done stone is done coal is done um and Stone’s almost done and then I guess the next two we finish is netherracken redstone so that’ll get us to our six I think um which is good that’s really good that means we can that means we can make some

Serious serious progress okay n stone is done are you more than welcome to join the server bro if you’re Keen to join the team you just gotta put a message in the season five tab on on Discord uh the TV if you if you’re looking to

Join drop a message in the uh season five chat and um we’ll be adding some more members over the next seven days if you’re interested in joining the team out of the moment 170 levels mining yeah we’re smashing it we are smashing it across the board we are absolutely smashing it

We need to yeah keep the sky coins rolling I think yeah I think we need to save up for uh the next for the next um Family upgrade better farming upgrade and that’ll be that’ll kind of get us rolled and then we can start to build the levels to uh

Um to our Island and start to build a bit of a foundation but for the time being our discord’s linked in the uh in the description for the time being I think it’s just yeah as much skycoins as much money as we can humanly make and

Then I think we build from there uh Netherrack we need 10 more uh yeah another ax is the one we’re close to and then Redstone we’re about a hundred and something short as well I’m not sure I did a little bit of fishing but I felt really really slow so

I’ve kind of stopped um but I reckon uh I reckon I might I might do a little bit more fishing in a minute just because it’s saying we haven’t really done so far this stream I can’t see the end of your message at the moment Toby but once another message is

Sent I’ll be able to read it I think it’s Island missions are doing good I can’t see the word in between but yeah we’re actually smashing through the island Missions at the moment we’ve actually done really really well and we know who casual player is I think he is in the YouTube chat

Um in the Discord I think he’s trying to trade me something uh bro if you’re trying to trade me something to give I look I appreciate it it’s just yeah like Tommy said we’re we prefer the grind of trying to get things like I we very much

Appreciate you giving us stuff but yeah it’s more of the grind more enjoyable when we’ve actually got to play the game to do well I know some people are held chill with it but like you know it kind of ruins the experience if like because

We can join day one and then people can give us everything and you know and then suddenly that you don’t have to work for anything of food like someone could give me 64 spider heads but if it takes a little more effort to grind the 64 spider heads make the uh the Slayer

Blade like that’s why it’s not like nothing against you guys it’s more just it makes it a little bit more with the work a little bit harder for if that makes sense nothing against you guys though um I do appreciate the support as well um copper with three short on Redstone

Where uh 99 short on I reckon we’re pretty close to getting uh um super pickaxes copper we’ve just finished is it me or is it Cactus gotten greener in the update I’m not sure I reckon I know I feel like they um Luna client like it feels like the

Picture quality like has a lot more Vibrance yeah I was gonna say welcome welcome Hey thank you fan Ben thank you thank you thank you 16 likes on the stream 24 up in the chat appreciate all the love and support it’s just geese’s masteries quickly so Stone we’re done

And stoneware done cold we’re done cobweb dance that’s four uh Netherrack we’re done okay and Lapis we’re done so we can actually make a super pickaxe right now if my math is correct uh Slash masteries Mastery tools I’m pretty sure it’s yeah T1 and six mining masteries

Okay yeah we can make one I can never remember the exact recipe I think we can use diamonds to make it all recipes super pickaxe probably the best one to use is going to be you only make one or yeah only make one per person if it breaks you can make

Another one but they’re untradable yeah yeah um Farm has been extended Legend thank you bro thank you that’s so good uh ev1 much here okay first I need more iron is there any iron in those chests over there or is uh I should probably have a geez in the

No there won’t be any iron in there done that’s right so right I’ll just hold off for a minute that’s a good I can put the link in the chat in a minute bro just give me uh give me two seconds and I’ll I’ll put it in there that’s true 10 times better

Um we need to upgrade anything at the moment uh no we’re saving up for the last upgrade of uh better farming uh copy link let me know if this link works give me two seconds yeah oh you’re talking about yeah I’m just checking the chair that’s well I can’t believe I actually

Know that it’s just uh um uh Toby said can you put the um can you put the chat uh the furnace on the top because he can’t right click he’s on Xbox uh what do you want me to do uh he wants furnaces on the top of there if you can

On top of here yeah could you give me give me the what’s names oh no wait that’s right I think I can just purchase the last um you just want it as three levels do you want me to keep going Toby I’m going to assume that he just wants

It to keep going so I’m just gonna need a um I’ll just destroy these ones as well Bluetooth um crafting do I need a normal I haven’t forgotten it but I need just a netherite pickaxe um pretty sure enough thrown away thrown away all of my random stuff to be dead honest uh

Where is the wood and that should be enough for you Toby subscribe okay so you got them going um you know you had amazing uh smithing table uh Toby just just leave one two three those three furnaces over there just use them on those three columns when the Iron’s done for Tommy over

There just put them in the chest with the heads up those ones now if you want I’ve um oh okay apparently we’re not apparently we haven’t unlocked on a dawn oh we have demo super pickaxes pickaxes and a lot uh uh okay so what we’ve got one Mastery tool done at least no

Slash enchant remove silk touch oh okay hold up I might be able to just override it um I run out of cash um much do you need enchantment oh I think I need to put a uh underscore in there that’s why okay perfect um upgrade uh there you go champion oh I’m

Ah never mind what’s that I I realized that there wasn’t I thought I filled the whole Cactus like with like this I thought I filled the sand with all the characters but I didn’t I just realized I needed more I saw 40K or 37. no I got 10K that’s right that’s right I

Can give you ten just no I need one more level of efficiency but I’ll be able to get it in a minute you sure uh hang on how much does the box has got I just sold him I just sold him off oh I don’t mind that probably solves my problem

They’re listening in oh crops are growing really well now yeah a Slayer Blade’s definitely the next sound really gotta work I reckon just give me money please give me money okay two and a half K more skeletons corners well we’ve got a lot of skeleton

Spawners and and not a lot else from now on there and let me sell these are you right facing charm book no no I got 17K yeah what I’ll do that’s right I’ll I’ll get it in a minute don’t don’t stress it don’t stress it I am let’s let’s just do this welcome

What’s going on because we don’t really need lapis at the moment we can sell one of the blocks with that I’ll get the money in a minute I’ll just grind and then I’ll sell off these chests again don’t be silly oh I’m only yeah I am just a little bit

Short but not a whole lot um maybe I might do some fishing for him today oh yes um yeah just some new Sky coins up for next level of better farming that’s kind of hey two Times yeah oh sorry 20 only about 25 from here it’s all right bro I got you today shouldn’t angelfish I wonder that’s worth right keg fishing Mastery is the next big one oh it’s been dropped down 150 fish per level that’s at least a lot more manageable last season was like grinding hardcore

Look at the vote key um slash uh no shop I’ve got a pig spawner and a skeleton spawner three that’s not bad uh where’s the skeleton right and pink imagine we’ll just get Unbreaking oh that fish was worth 8K that’s kind of nice um

I’ll put the money in bank I got 50k oh okay thank you Toby done all right so good it’s a great I’ve got yeah I’ve done I just got a super uh super Peak and just to get all my upgrades back go to the insurance back

That’ll probably be my next thing to uh to grind fish common fish yeah I do feel like fish I don’t know I know like it’s not supposed to be like Ultra fast battery for like it’s Ultra slow at the moment 1500 for masteries with cactus God damn

The hardest grind honestly I’m sure can a farm slowly growing as well which is nice it’s kind of Smash at the moment oh I almost wound that in too quickly level two fishing yeah we’re smarter smash at the moment spare are you playing the season what’s the what’s the go

Thomas and oh it’s 10 18. 10 18 Jace a little bit longer and then man’s got to sleep okay now at least the fishing for is a little bit more efficient which is nice a little bit more efficient as I say that all just slows down completely foreign

Yeah my next big focus is yeah getting that Slayer blade done getting our um getting our mob grinding sort of rolling so we don’t have to mess around with tier one mobs for any longer I’ve done a decent amount already I think I’m gonna be out at the moment slash shop

Okay so we need to kill 36 000 we’ve done 8 000 tier ones and then we just gotta buy a lot more spawners but we’re getting there we are getting there it just takes time it’s buying all the supporters that’s expensive that’s the expensive one it’s all good we’ll get there we’ll get

There and do you have the super pickaxe with you uh yeah it’s untrainable though you gotta craft one bro uh can you tell me how to craft one yeah so make a diamond pickaxe and then get one of the netherite ingots and put it in the crafting table with the diamond pick

And then um oh okay and then you need uh you need eight stacks of like um copper ingots or iron ingots or diamonds or emeralds to do the uh to to make it I’ll make it either yeah done I I can sort it out for I just can’t craft it if

That makes sense yeah no no I get it I can get all the stuff to craft it if you need yeah that’ll be dope half a stack of coal in the furnaces a easy easy easy we can do that that’s no stress at all just 23k on the fish I caught nothing crazy

But it starts paying the bills a little bit at least we’re getting there I feel like we’ve slowed up a little bit now we’re gonna go through now it’s just now it’s just literal grinding for the next three months I would say we don’t start adding like building the next

Part until say what next week like middle of the week Wednesday or something so there we go like once we’ve got the money to build the structure it like makes sense to just rip everything and then like split everything into floors and stuff but until we have like

Consistent cash it’s kind of just like keep making more cash if that makes sense I just unlocked last morning I think that’s all part of yeah that’s part of that explosive armor another mcmo yeah I’m gonna set this all into slightly more extraction Farms I think

To make your work a little bit better if you want to I just I just think if we work if we work to getting a lot of money on a lot of Sky coins to Wednesday then we look at Wednesday this week yeah oh yeah yeah no that’s fine

Yeah and then we can start splitting into levels um really as like as soon as we get um as soon as we get the next level of better farming then we can kind of just smash it from there um how can someone have 30 votes already

Am I missing something oh geez who said that there’s someone in chat like not in nature in the game chat I’m not sure it’s a bit odd a bit odd if you ask me 100 odd I remember last season there was a couple of them you could vote on more

Regularly than like they would they reset faster if that makes sense yeah um probably a little bit concerning we’re at almost at 100 Cactus um harvested already which is kind of nice but yeah it’s probably good to start ticking off these missions early with the uh smelting and all that as well

100 just because they all pay out quite well too it’s nice to finish them I feel like every season I never quite get them done yeah I don’t think maybe we just tap out the cactus at that amount of feathers probably enough space have we got waterless

Sugar cane yeah we do have water sugarcane yeah yeah well sugarcane’s going quite well I’ve got him just started expanding it across um you gotta write uh send a message in the Tommy’s Discord mate to be able to join yeah you gotta put a one-on season

In the season five chat if you put a message in there then uh um that’s where we’ll be adding members from Oak saplings yeah you got plenty of messages I reckon yeah that’s right we’ll have a look through and start adding some people in just to make it easier

More just I want to make sure that people like we’re adding are like like semi-serious players um just because yeah we’re looking for looking to have a pretty competitive team this season so what I must do to you uh no more just I just I I just can’t work out who who

Are serious players we’re not while I’m streaming um the people that I’ve offered to let join the team were pull that either played in previous Seasons or players that I know from the server um but yeah in real life yeah all play all people that I know like Billy in

Real life but yeah now it’s more just um so I can actually after the stream go through the chat and and work out who the serious players are um but yeah nothing against anyone more just more just where yeah we’re looking to be a little bit more serious this

Season or not serious but competitive this season so yeah um yeah yeah I’m tired of losing bro I’m tired of losing that’s what I am yeah yeah go Justin go uh go comment in the in the um yeah you’re more than welcome to Bro more than welcome

What mobs are we well we gotta grind t1s anyway to uh to get to the neck to unlock uh tier two um tier two mob so we might as well grind I guess More Cows no I feel like maybe I should be grinding catching some fish maybe I don’t know I don’t know

Have I done the dailies yet I’m pretty sure I’ve finished all of them maybe not no I haven’t purchased two custom enchantment Basics we can do that 10 bar mini games we can do that smelt 500 items we’re almost done that and then catch 50 fish okay maybe do the

Dailies I’m actually up to with smelting I need to do uh like 16 more yeah Roger I’ll just take out this copper and it should be over the line yeah done how I finished one of those um slash Mini perfect bar games one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

Ted’s always worth doing the uh doing the dailies I always forget to do them yeah exactly the 50 fish let’s do that next I feel like that it forces us to do a little bit of fishing at least anyway yeah um I just lost four bar games tomorrow can you make some Enchanted

Fishing ones please fishing rods you make some I don’t have enough cash to enchant them but I can if you can buy fishing rods in the miscellaneous easy Justin bro I have it after the stream I have a look bro I appreciate it appreciate you you use this is joining the team

Use the is Bank use the is bank there’s some money in there oh it’s done oh I’ve got I can um I can buy a fishing rod um one that’s Enchanted if you can are done I’ll Enchanted quickly uh slush I just want to keep this morning going just so we get some

Ears bro okay uh lure three on it ah thank you I might have gone in that Hopper yeah um uh Slash shop I need to buy two basic and charm books as well oh 35 000 XP a piece that’s kind of expensive 10K Lumberjack two that’s actually kind of nice though

Uh Slash enchant can we re-roll that I’m shop reroll how to work yeah perfect I don’t have enough XP to uh to re-roll them too much oh and Sparrow we’ve got T1 Redstone as well we have finished yeah we’ve finished quite a lot in in the first closing on

Maybe three hours now I think I didn’t realize fam bam was on yeah yeah everyone’s everyone’s coming to check out the island yeah 50 fish that’s the uh that’s a slow one oh exotic fish that’s always nice I would love to catch a rare fish that

Would be kind of nice I feel like I’ve been getting poor luck when it comes to the fishing see how we go yeah we’re going really well we’ve got kind of everything going at the moment um fishing mining farming um and finished all the tea like tier

One Mobs with so we can get the Slayer blades it’s super pickaxes so yeah we’re kind of Smashing it definitely um we’re definitely the point now I’ve just oh I guess just trying to just chill out and let like let everything work um let all the crops grow and all that

And uh once we get more sky coins when we can do a upgrade to better farming um then we can kind of get the layers to our world I guess kind of rolling because at the moment kind of just kind of just vibing um but yeah no I think we’re doing

Really well I think we need to probably keep upgrading the uh all generators um just so we can get the value blocks going um and then probably dbos I’ll probably get onto d-boss the next few days um that’s always a big one um yeah other than that kind of just

Chilling it’s kind of just day one Skyblock Vibes you know nothing too nothing too crazy nothing too hectic just the just the use have you started season five two three we’ll get another star kinda nice kind of nice 800k smashing it absolutely smashing it guys how come you’re getting

Ah because you’re at a level aren’t you no I’m not really just it honestly just decides to get a run of a couple in a row and then as I was like literal nothing probably got to work on I think crop growth rate is probably another thing to

Um I’ve got a higher Ender that’s not bad yeah I think crop growth rate’s probably the next I’m gonna work on I’m probably going to work on just grinding um crops for the next few oh yeah I would love to do the Slayer blade that’s kind of like the big thing for me

It’s a good shrimp fish all the dailies dude it’s one two three it’s five star what’s that shrimp sell it what’s it worth uh I’ll have a geez in it come on give me another fish oh I got a stick it’s kind of nice 800k not bad smashing it everyone is smashing it

Keep I keep yarn over and saying keep with a fish to make this the fishing rod but I need the money though I need the money it’s only 840 dollars for the shrimp yep that’s not good at all every everyone’s saying keep maybe we put a chest down to put all the fish

In so we can make the uh fishing rods that might be a good idea eh can I just keep the basics everyone’s saying not nothing more than the basics 650k from fish and gas fishing yep as I’m honestly trying to finish the daily mission Just For The Vibes us

Two cosmetic Keys how nice got a nice we’re already level nine on the grime pass no I’ve got an auto so Chas them on I appreciate it though Brad do appreciate it I’m already using the order so chest for anything but I do have it only keep the basic fish okay

What I might do is just quickly put a uh grab a chest around do you want to put the rain back on maybe as well yeah any um any basic fish just throw them in here yeah Roger I’ve only got two basic fish uh Slash is settings

I think I turned rain back on uh uh yeah she might attack him maybe I didn’t know what I can check in a second uh slush eye settings oh no I was on default there we got Syrian raining now yeah killer done hopefully that helps speed up the price a little bit

Have you both got I’ve got I’ve I’ve already made one um Toby but if you want to make go go for gold if you want to make Quan bro if you’ve got the stuff to do it go for gold mm-hmm it sure takes so long to catch a fish

I’m just trying to get to 50 just so I can finish the dailies yeah what the hell catching nothing at the moment Oh Don yeah if you put him in a chest and then bills you can make one in a minute um Toby says he’s got all the stuffy to make a super pickaxe bro 19 likes on the stream I appreciate all the love and support guys Legend hope you’re all

Enjoying the start of season five so far and I hope everyone’s having a great weekend as well plenty more content to come for this season a lot to do you know there’s seven key I didn’t get a sermonkey in mine the worst I swear I’m just not catching much at the moment

Whereabouts are you Toby ah hello I need 14 more we’re getting there we’re getting there very very slowly but very very surely And 14 fish has just taken I haven’t got a law uh hang on um I’ll do this for you give me two secs I haven’t got it yet so you could I’ll just make this for him 12 fish to go one minute we don’t have enough wood

What do you need I need chess or yeah hold up Toby I’m coming over you can buy chest in miscellaneous like really cheap as well if you need bro yeah typing oh labored chest just on top of this dirt and um yeah just Chuck everything in that if you need me cheers bro

Surely the chest is near the furnace so you don’t have to go far see more cash and skycoins coming when we’re struggling oh I’m gonna click that oh Jesus foreign ‘s made a difference no I don’t think it’s made a huge difference any more basic fish yeah I put some in before

You’ve got burning a good fish no basic fish 50 G’s that’s kind of nice gets me back over 100k I feel like I’ve been short on cash a lot this uh this episode so far so that kind of makes me feel a little bit better is missions on emissions

See which ones we’ve uh we’ve finished I can just climb over there we go we’re all getting the scar coins yeah it should be yeah oh 23. we’ve got 80k cashing as well two Auto Sales chess a mob Hopper or Hopper some Sky coins boosters as well that’s kind of nice

Is that what they should do is they should make a booster for the fishing so that makes it run quicker oh yeah I suppose the Boost is just upgrading the rod getting uh like because you can get a Mastery fishing rod so then you get up

To the lower 10 which makes it way quicker last season though you can just make a little 10 Rod like from the get-go if you had the money which like made it way too easy so at least this makes it like somewhat more challenging I guess yeah true need to get 150

fish goddamn yeah oh for the uh for the um Mastery oh yeah dude I know I didn’t finish the fishing Mastery last season it was too hard to get over there I was like I’m just never gonna finish it like we just but it’s it’s all fish

Now so it’s just whatever fish that you catch it goes straight to your mastery oh it’s 150 I don’t know what it is to make the fishing rod slash masteries actually tools unlock T1 and three fish masteries uh uh yeah no she needed like 150 basic 150 common 150 vanilla like I’m probably

Yeah it’s just hard like just probably it’s one of the slowest sort of play stars but like the monies they get like good luck the the money can be kind of huge though oh yeah true find presents yeah the ones that um the present there’s presents at the community goal

Thing I think I found all of them I think I’m just missing one okay but there’s a couple of presents where like 50k a piece are we going yeah we’re going for top yeah 100 yeah sorry I missed the message before fan but are you playing this

Season are you just just chilling this season I think I need a couple more and I think I’ve finished my dailies just not having much luck with the old fishing rod that’s for sure yes Stan I wonder how much it is in the ah what’s that for or a fishing rod

Oh you can’t like uh the Mastery um tools are untradable so like you can’t even buy someone else’s that like that’s the highest you can get for um for like the current Rod without having a Mastery Rod if that makes sense oh it’s like the pickaxe you can’t buy

Someone’s like Fortune 15 pickaxe but you can grind and get a fortune 15 one if that makes sense I finished it and I got a quest pouch too perfect um basic fish basic fish basic fish basic fish okay perfect I sell the other two and they also got a quest pouch as well

Surely it’s something good oh I think I got the one because I got the pedal in the pollen key get the on you’ll get a fishing rod ah okay hold up what did I get a 5000 Sky coins this is kind of nice um I’ve actually checked my personal missions anyway um

Hold up whereabouts is that in yo birchy what’s up bro welcome welcome welcome the mission’s called gone fishing I don’t know if I’ve got that one is it an Island mission Island missions we’ve got bait master yo what’s up what’s up what’s up um I don’t have the gone fishing one

I don’t know I don’t know T to permissions what do you mean by what do you mean I’m really good thanks how are you bro foreign oh no replant that one he’s still lagging a little bit not like super crazy but like a little bit yeah a little bit oh you

Can you can turn it off if you want no that’s right I reckon I’m probably gonna wrap up in a second I feel like I’ve played my fair share for for now I’ll probably stay AFK but I probably uh I probably uh probably I reckon that might be uh a rap for today

That is very very fair family congrats on having a baby in the next few days that’s that’s huge that is completely understandable though very very much understandable congrats and best of luck um but yeah no that’s all good don’t don’t sweat don’t sweat SMP or Skyblock that’s uh that’s no stress at all

Personal mission to catch 25 feet personal missions uh that’s so weird that’s not minor Sky expertise magic boss fighter construction potion Master get voting Banker playtime Huntsman mining farmer that’s right that’s no stress there’s no stress oh I’ll unlock the Mastery one soon and then uh and then it then it’ll

Be smooth sailing from here on out tier two oh maybe I can’t because I’ve got to finish all the tier ones first um I think what what am I missing incomplete what’s that for Harvest 10 beetroot it’s an easy one probably just uh Slash toggle

Do this I guess the easy way oh ah dang it play that Fogo does anyone have that home I’ve got it it’s pretty uh hold up I’ll just slash fix it whereabouts yeah I’m just behind you put honey behind you oh done it’s just a layer on the ground good Roger good

I’m gonna finish some of these personal missions so I can unlock tier twos no slash okay well that’s another one done so that’s done that’s done that’s done that’s done that’s done that’s done craft three glass bottles I can do that uh visit Diva slash dboss is it the arena let’s go

I need to um I have almost finished here two uh tier ones Sky High Sky coin list Sky High that’s a good movie always spit cringe I’ve watched it honestly I have not watched it bro um like I’ve almost finished t1s magic I think is the only one left I won’t repair

And craft the uh the bottles okay I think that’s all of the uh T1 person who’s done okay so there should be a gone fishing okay catch uh 25 Fisher Island and selfish with Slash sell and that gets the fisherman’s dream fishing rod that makes way more sense

Way more damn sense okay okay I will get working on that we do have ourselves a uh a brewing stand though maybe we just maybe we just Chuck that one there just so it’s out of the way but I reckon that owns them any what what

Bones oh I got some bone meal otherwise there’s skeletons if you um there’s some bone on the ground if you need it cheers bro I reckon that’ll um borrow your sword I’ve only got the Wither the Wither Rose sword at the moment which I I kind of need at the moment but

Guys I’m gonna wrap it up there I reckon that’s a wrap on day one for uh season five Skyblock it’s been an absolute blast we’ve got the mining generator done we’ve got a fishing lake going we’ve got sugar cane Farm we’ve got a big farm we’ve got melon farm pumpkins cactuses

Spawners and all the furnaces all set up I think that is a pretty damn successful day one if I don’t say so myself guys I’ll be back in the next couple of days with a another episode so make sure if you’re new to the channel you’re subscribed and make sure you have those

Bell notifications turned on so you don’t miss out on any of the good content anyways for now stay safe have a great day and I’ll see you guys all soon peace bye

This video, titled ‘🔴 THE START S5E1 | Minecraft Skyblock LIVE STREAM (Bedrock/Java Server IP)’, was uploaded by Two Tonne Tommy on 2023-09-24 13:57:10. It has garnered 383 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:03 or 10383 seconds.


Play with me! Java IP: | Bedrock IP: Port: 19132Server/servers IP address works for both versions of Minecraft on MCPE/Xbox/Switch/PS4/PC! I am excited to finally do a Skyblock series and I hope this brings you some enjoyment or help if you want to start your Skyblock journey 🙂

Java IP: Bedrock IP: Port: 19132 NeoNetwork Discord:

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    Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Can Do Everything in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-05-01 23:15:01. It has garnered 44654 views and 1222 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:46 or 10306 seconds. Today, Today , Due to CeeGee and JeyJey’s guardian’s absence due to work, JeyJey was given the responsibility of caring for and watching over CeeGee. However, CeeGee is such a mischievous and playful child that he refuses to comply with his elder brother’s orders. If you want to find out if CeeGee would get beat up by his brother Jeyjey, watch the complete video… Read More

  • Unraveling Minecraft’s Darkest Secrets

    Unraveling Minecraft's Darkest SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hiring Minecraft’s Scariest Myths’, was uploaded by Checkpoint on 2024-06-15 19:00:12. It has garnered 693514 views and 6631 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:47 or 1367 seconds. Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: This is Minecraft, but you can hire SCARY MYTHS! When Herobrine steals Steve’s body and soul, he needs to find a way to hire all the other Scary myths such as Giant Alex, Null, the Screaming Sheep, Entity 303, the Headless Villager, That Thing, and the Black Ghast, and use them to get his body… Read More

  • Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!

    Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Respawn Ender Dragon !!!’, was uploaded by Sibia Jas on 2024-03-31 06:30:37. It has garnered 11669 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Tags :- #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #mcpe #sibiajas ———- 📌Your Queries :- 👉🏻How to Respawn Ender Dragon 👉🏻Respawn Ender Dragon Back!! All about me given below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ——————- 🙏 ●WELCOME● ꜱɪʙɪᴀ ᴊᴀꜱ is HERE ●——————————————————● ★★———————————————–★★ Link :- Available on Channel About Section ●———————————————————————————————————————-● 📌★★★ Business Enquiries ★★★📌 Email – [email protected] ● ——————————————————● *Keywords* Sibia Jas ●———————————————————————————————————————-● Background Music 🎵{ No Copyright trap } ●… Read More

  • Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #Minecraft

    Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing decoration lighting ideas for survival. #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-02-17 04:10:00. It has garnered 2919 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. *Description:* Discover brilliant decoration lighting ideas for survival mode in this enlightening shorts video! Join me as I guide you through the step-by-step process of creating stunning lighting setups to elevate your Minecraft survival experience. From cozy interiors to enchanting outdoor spaces, learn how to craft and place various light sources to add warmth and ambiance to your world…. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥

    UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 Playing Minecraft Lifesteal (New Season 6!)’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-15 19:12:09. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Playing Gorilla Tag Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft… Read More

  • NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM – DARKOMODE

    NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM - DARKOMODEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why You Should NEVER Play Minecraft at 3:00 AM…’, was uploaded by Darkomode on 2024-06-14 11:00:03. It has garnered 26638 views and 959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:21 or 3381 seconds. We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM… w/ @RageElixirMinecraft 👍 FOLLOW ME! ► TikTok – ► Instagram – ► Twitter – 📺 MY OTHER CHANNELS ► Dark Corners (Horror) – ► DarkoBlox (Roblox) – Music by Kevin MacLeod (… Music: Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)

    Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)Video Information This video, titled ‘Analyzing The New CLASSIC Minecraft World Record By Zylenox (11:57)’, was uploaded by Classic on 2024-06-15 15:25:42. It has garnered 60 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:42 or 822 seconds. The analysis. Go follow Zylenox’s main and alt Twitch accounts: Join the Classic Discord Server: Read More

  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

    Gidthekid450's CRAZY secret revealed - Why he hasn't uploaded #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry for not uploading… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gidthekid450 on 2024-01-09 22:38:32. It has garnered 275 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. super sorry for not uploading im not really up to the work to upload i mean making videos the first week was one but doing it over and over again gets pretty hard (ignore tags) #gaming #sorry #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minemen #minemenclub #club #fireball #fighting #pvp #1v1 #sword #swordfight #apologize #upload #uploads #more #happy #sad #newyears #newyear #christmas #nothingood #lunarclient #client #badlionclient #badlion #lunar #gamingshorts Read More

  • “EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net’s Minecraft Adventure” #gaming

    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! 🌟 We listen to our community and update very often! 🎉 Join us at, and let’s make some memories together! 🕹️✨IP:→ 🛠️ Survival→ 📜 Claims→ 🪑 Furniture→ 🏘️ Towns→ 😊 Friendly community→ 🎩 CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft FailuresWell, I guess you could say it’s really “mining” for those upvotes! Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Minecraft Herobrine’s Lit AF Base 🔥

    Minecraft Herobrine's Lit AF Base 🔥 Why does Herobrine need a base in Minecraft? Doesn’t he already have the whole world to haunt and scare players? #ghostlyproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

    Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft Recreating the Star Wars Tatooine Cantina in Minecraft Are you a Star Wars fan looking to bring a piece of the galaxy far, far away into your Minecraft world? Look no further than this step-by-step tutorial on building the iconic Tatooine Cantina from Star Wars in Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, this project is sure to delight fans of both franchises. Getting Started To begin your Tatooine Cantina build, gather the necessary materials such as sandstone blocks, wooden planks, and glass panes. You’ll also want to choose a suitable location in your Minecraft world… Read More

  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

    50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS as a NECROMANCER in Medieval Minecraft’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2024-06-16 15:00:27. It has garnered 4075 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:26 or 2246 seconds. I Survived 50 HOURS in Medieval Minecraft! Join me as we explore dungeons, battle bosses, and cast a few spells along the way! Patreon: Discord: Twitch: —————————————————————————————- 🔵BISECT HOSTING🔵 👉Code “Doublesal” for 25% OFF Modded server! 🎮 —————————————————————————————- 100 days in minecraft,minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft modded,100 days,minecraft hardcore,minecraft,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,i survived… Read More

  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

    Uncovering Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found ghost in Minecraft #minecraft #shortfeed #short #viral’, was uploaded by MiniMiners on 2024-04-04 02:13:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: KICK: DISCORD JOIN! HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: ●Twitter: ●Instagram: ●TikTok: ●Discord: ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

Two Tonne Tommy – 🔴 THE START S5E1 | Minecraft Skyblock LIVE STREAM (Bedrock/Java Server IP)