Uki Violeta 【NIJISANJI EN】 – 【MINECRAFT】building a new life together with lee【NIJISANJI EN | Uki Violeta】

Video Information

Foreign Foreign Thank you foreign foreign Foreign Foreign good morning everyone hi hello hello I’m drinking coffee right now uh right now Lee is talking to his chat for a little bit so we’re just gonna chill also until until he calls me but I have Minecraft open um so like it says in the title we are starting a new uh

We’re starting with a new world and we’ll go from there I’m excited because obviously I love Minecraft but um I’m curious to ask Lee about his Minecraft experience foreign like what uh what kind of Minecraft player is he is he like is he someone who wants to uh

Progress in the game get strong all that stuff or you know oh he’s calling okay okay let me let me change the screen hello hello Hey good evening hi I’m I mean it’s good to see you again what’s up yeah it’s very nice to see you again too yeah yeah okay you join the server well let me let me do that come come yes we cover up yeah I I made some

Coffee because I knew I wouldn’t need it I’m I’ve got an energy drink it’s not the best thing but yeah I’ve been staying up for a while but after this so I’ll get some really good sleep for sure good good um yeah let me yeah there we go

Wait do we spawn the same place uh I think so yeah yeah I explained like next to the oh okay where are you oh hello hello do you like my skin bro damn do you even know what it is um I’m trying uh I don’t know what

Wait it’s a rut in a bikini oh [ __ ] oh okay okay yeah yeah you like the would you tap you know damn well I even got a little rat tail going on look at that yeah it’s like a little curled curled up yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re scared God damn wait

Like custom made for you and everything God damn oh [ __ ] you’re throwing it back and [ __ ] okay all right let’s get this red I feel like it’s been so long since I started like a full fresh like Minecraft world actually because I feel like Minecraft is a game that like I

Don’t know I always play for a while and then I just leave for a very long time then come back whenever there’s like a major update um I’m oh yeah I wanted to ask what kind of like Minecraft player you are like we’re the same I feel like we’re like both Builders um

All I do in Minecraft is build and also I suck at Redstone but that’s about it yeah yeah okay cool because I am also just like I just build stuff I just want to make everything pretty we can build together yeah wait should we should we should build um like a house together

Yeah I’m done I’m done I think it’s crazy that we just spawned in front of a village a village like automatically what the [ __ ] That’s crazy how’s your day yesterday well yesterday right let’s just wake up oh yeah yeah it was good I uh I’ve been playing more of the new Pokemon oh wait yeah yeah so so you did like a cheeky stream yesterday right like a very leaky stream just playing

Um is it good should I play it as well I think I like um maybe it’s because I haven’t played a Pokemon game in a really long time so I’m like kind of uh amazed at everything go to yeah oh I haven’t played a Pokemon game since like

I don’t know I think last time episodes like fire red on the colors yeah I’m like my game boy like sailing again but aside from that actually I have not played fake model I wasn’t really epic I think the last time I played was probably maybe like black and white like a more

DS black and white God damn that’s pretty OG as well wait should we go to the Village let’s go to the Village yeah yeah I I already like um like how many hours have you played so far of the new one um not that much I’ve only streamed it

Twice so it’s kind of like um go to seven hours or something um I’m pretty sure anybody’s switch for it as well I’m pretty sure oh you don’t have a switch no I don’t have a switch no charge I think I need like you need like

A capture card and [ __ ] for it is all right oh yeah yeah I’ve never spawned in in a desert village yeah this is like a desert village swamp and then what the [ __ ] what’s up damn there’s all this stuff here yeah it’s got everything bro okay yeah wait have you ever tried speed

Writing before oh no no I don’t think I’m I think I’m good enough for that like I have knowledge but um I don’t think I have enough knowledge yeah yeah I mean micro speed running sweaty as well nowadays have you ever defeated Ender Dragon

Um a few times yeah a few times I just played Minecraft a lot actually like growing up Minecraft was my [ __ ] bruh or the Minecraft YouTubers and um I used to play like Hunger Games a lot Minecraft Hunger Games oh [ __ ] I always watched that when I was um

Younger oh my God yeah it was my childhood like as I recently not as much anymore I don’t really pay Mark of too much but when I first started streaming actually Minecraft was the thing that I originally streamed for like the longest time and then when Valerian came out I

Decided to like play some Valerian a little bit and then Valerian took off like crazy um yeah originally I streamed um I’d assumed micro back in the day everything changed when Valerian came out yeah actually probably already came out and all the FPS games like United were everyone from CS go from OverWatch

From Rainbow Six they were just moved over to Valerian wait should we kill this [ __ ] I’m going the Golem oh my God no armor key this is three blocks right and I’m chilling what’s up oh [ __ ] you’re right yeah you liked it um Big boy hmm nice way three hey five holy [ __ ] oh bad not bad what else did he drop uh it’s just some roses um oh [ __ ] what the what the oh it’s a little kid yeah the other thing when you see like little small things like you just want to kick them um

A little bit a little bit yeah yeah it’s called like cuteness aggression I’m pretty sure I always talk about it on my stream but like whenever I see like cute little cats or just like I just want to eat them you know I don’t know if it’s me you know

What you want to eat me oh I mean I’m down each other let’s um oh we should go sleep for tonight actually yeah yeah let’s see let’s go sleep somewhere um where’s is there a bed in this one yeah I already picked up a bed so yeah

You can take you can [ __ ] that guy bro let’s take his bed you wink oh [ __ ] oh what the that’s our first night together I know wow what a wild night that was crazy that was crazy dude got up to so much business it’s in game okay guys chill too

Yeah he put his Minecraft bed next to mine are you like a heavy sleeper you feel local or not really heavy sleeper uh it depends I think kind of but um I think Philly I’m like a mega like a heavy sleepover like there could be like parties happening in my house and I

Would just like still fall asleep on there yeah [ __ ] oh dude I’ve been I’ve been doing that lately ever since I’ve been watching your streams because I I really have always like like YouTube channels and stuff but like I’ll be watching yours and then if you hit something you say [ __ ]

You think my mom has been watching you as well recently yeah and my my mom hates it when I swear but she loves it when you swear really yeah I don’t know oh [ __ ] I like blue you got me flower I got you flower oh I should yes thank you

Thank you then do you have a favorite flower actually yeah um I love hydrangeas what wait no me too actually really yes I was talking to my mom about this all about like one of her favorite flowers and what my favorite flowers are and then I told her yeah I love hydrangeas

Because like at my I think they’re poisonous right um but at my um at my old house where I used to live with my parents we had we had like hydrangea plants like all around oh that is so nice yeah you you remind me of like a hydrangea I don’t

Know me it was like yeah yeah if you were a flow you would definitely be like a hydrangea you know a bit like you know beautiful out but you know mysterious really sweet and romantic actually [Laughter] romantic oh [ __ ] and W is you know what

I mean oh wait I didn’t teach you this because you’re so confused the last time I said it you’ve been typing even type me on Twitter too and I’m like with Riz okay parenthesis like you got game bruh you know like it’s like oh okay okay so like that you know

She was the schroeding over is who sure is mushrooms here too already yeah I know a lot of biomes around here hey oh there’s even a spruce by them I’ll experience with a lot so I might get some saplings over there and then maybe we do a bit of

Mining and then afterwards we’ll get some um we’ll find a place to build off the bit of mine American yeah um what about you growing up you played a lot of Minecraft a lot I also watched a lot of Minecraft I watched all those like uh Minecraft streamers from the UK and

Stuff and yeah oh I was I would always be so jealous and just be like one day I’ll play Minecraft too yeah I remember I begged my mom to buy a Minecraft Pocket Edition for my iPhone because I wanted to play Minecraft server man and back then the Pocket Edition

It was just like like those like five blocks in the game there’s no hunger I don’t know it was like really bad yeah it was better than nothing so yeah yeah yeah but yeah so lucky now yeah now we can do whatever the [ __ ] we want this

Oh man this is like a big Spruce button what is this oh it’s like a tiger by him wait wait where’d you go oh I’m still at the spot I’m getting this dark oak oh yes yeah you still see me across the river hello over here oh hey what’s up my slime all

Right I’ll be over here okay I’m getting some wood I think I remember Minecraft parodies back in the day was like this [ __ ] is all dude oh it does [ __ ] music videos and whatever this went hardly key God damn cutting sparkles in the vehicles yeah that’s it

Was like dude I need to listen to some in my own time yeah but I think Minecraft was definitely my childhood for sure and then all of a sudden CS go happen to me and then I became a dirty FPS gamer oh and I played a [ __ ] ton of League of

Legends as well actually during High School I played a crap ton of League but other than they did leak is a bad influence wait you play league as well right I’m pretty sure yeah I started playing more this year just like casually I was actually playing last night

Holy [ __ ] what’s up but I was just playing Aram oh go to yeah yeah am gaming I feel like wait do you play games a lot off stream or not really uh yeah I I usually play a few games uh off stream that are like

Pretty much the same [ __ ] I play all the time oh yeah I gotcha it’s pretty cool I think for me usually the only times I ever play games during the day is actually on stream like off stream like I don’t know I’m usually like going outside or

Um like going to the gym or thinking about you or um but yeah usually on shame I’m always playing games but yeah you’re so [ __ ] smooth IE here isn’t it you know what I mean you can’t teach it you know I think I wrote that I’m not I’m not that much

But anyway I think I’m I think it’s infinitely easier for me to flirt with the boys and is this the float of like any Chick like ah I think oh that’s a good thing about that I don’t know I didn’t I mean I I see sometimes like you know

People feel fighting over you oh sure I see people finding you all the time bro I didn’t know me yeah yeah you’re a very popular as well extremely popular um I mean my mom loves you [Laughter] wait I definitely lost you oh I’m coming back to the river going back okay

Dude this is for Muzzy of like wait over here oh okay this reminds me of like again Madagascar and lying or running to each other yeah yeah wait did you have like a favorite like childhood movie on the childhood movie uh well I just watched a lot of Ghibli

It’s not donkey it’s the [ __ ] zebra okay I was thinking like did I remember it wrong wait what’d you say Free Willy Studio Ghibli foreign Castle Yes yes really I think it took a really how do I say it as a kid watching a house beeping Castle was like the Miss enchanting [ __ ] today like yeah to like I don’t know it just seemed I remember I think I really liked it as well but then I had to do

Like a case study for it in English class and then whenever I had to do stuff for anything that’s when it ruins it for me yeah it’s really good um I like the character of uh the main character from it what’s it called I’m not the main character but what’s the

Guy’s name about how yeah yeah he’s um the name of the film yeah I knew that was assisting you you know what I mean yeah yeah I think my caffeine to kick in real quickly I’m like wait where’d you go oh hello okay I’m I’m by the water

Oh like the world that we had before um [Laughter] Wait what’s up um okay I’m gonna stay on this small little thing with rose bushes I’m coming there I have one torch oh [ __ ] hey we need to get a sleep sound as well actually oh yeah I see I see you what’s up what’s up all right

Hello oh it is sort of cute but we should sleep here look here you know what I mean do a bit of camping why not yeah W shreds my chat is too funny right now like why is this [ __ ] so romantic what is meant to be yeah you know yeah what

Are you talking about it’s a bit more romantic in Minecraft than me Arrow dude oh no yeah foreign Yeah yeah it looks like one okay we’re chilling yeah yeah let’s get down here I’m coming oh [ __ ] okay the building outside is like shining this light on my face and I’m like trying so hard to see in game oh my God glowberries this is great

What the [ __ ] oh you you’re in a bit of them and stuff I [ __ ] love glowberries yeah wait do you like fruit Arrow fruit IRL yeah yeah like like do like free um yeah I’m I’m kind of allergic to a lot of stuff but you know the fruit that I can eat I

Eat a lot of it oh what’s up wait which which fruits are you allergic to there’s so many to name but uh most mostly like stone fruit a stone fruit what a stone fruit like peaches and plums oh right yeah yeah okay I got you wait the Cold Stone fruits yeah

Do you eat fruit yeah I love eating fruit dude I’m like I’m like too much of a fruit guy dude like I’m eating like raspberries strawberries blueberries all the time oh raspberries are my favorite they’re so goddamn expensive men they are a putt of raspberries that should be like seven bucks for it

Was that much expensive so dumb this is sort of like wait wait look you could you even build like a little home here on the ground I do prefer to be a bit on the ground or on top uh I don’t mind anything yeah yeah gotcha gotcha this is like a tiny little

Lush area yeah I sort of like it yeah there you go yeah I don’t mind actually yeah uh one second you know what no this this spot right here is calling to me it’s calling to me I feel like we have to build here on the ground yeah yeah

How to become a fruit what the hell I’m I’m already a fruit you’re already a fruit what do you mean I’m already a bit fruity oh dude me too dude I’m a little bit fruity as well thank you oh dude you know what like actually how do I say it

That was his time as a kid well I was like am I am I gay you know I just like this Epiphany wait one second so I watched game porn you actually went outside okay I like where this is yeah we can discuss it off stream oh okay

Yeah this is some Upstream matters for sure So I think I’m thinking first of all let me like make a furnace I mean some clean Stone and then we’ll clean up this Granite area and then oh no we do something we’ll do something something or something um uh I wonder I know that Moss changes

The area around it when you bone meal really yeah yeah do it I’ll do a bit oh wait I saw she wait I’m chilling um like a bit of green in here oh [ __ ] we can like make this an actual Lush cave yeah but can I should go onto

The walls as well if you don’t know I don’t think it’ll work vertically let’s just try no it doesn’t work vertically damn that’s okay oh I’ve even been with the blueberries oh yeah let me put the two that I got so thank you Mark obviously changed so much bro like you

Know when we first started playing it yeah it’s kind of crazy um [ __ ] just called You ukulele what you can really [ __ ] [ __ ] whoever said that watch out you better sleep with one eye open tonight oh it’s a ship name you keep oh all right

I’ll take it back then okay yeah I like it it’s good you know I’ll take it back yeah yeah I have so much random [ __ ] I’m just gonna put it all in here yeah oh my God all right I’m thinking oh man one two three four one here all right cool

Do you have any think you’re curious about me anything you want to know I mean I want to know everything about you well let’s look let’s what’s this um what’s your favorite color favorite color is probably all the like but I’ll I always say black but like people say

Black it’s not a color it’s a shade I like I like purple and black yeah all my clothes that I wear just there’s all black purple and black funny yeah I’m purple oh shutting you up yeah yeah no wonder I got this natural attraction to you you know what I mean yeah no

Wonder yeah it must be it must be some sort of fate what’s your what’s your favorite food fairy food I think we did talk about you said Viet food last time I saw it right yeah I yeah I like via food it’s all good okay I just like a lot of veggies I

Was like I was like be a few Korean food I like a lot of homey Asian food to be honest awesome that’s what I like to do can’t do you have a uh is there like a dish that you can confidently cook um I’ll probably have to be like some sort

Of like chicken stir fry with teriyaki salmon or something like that oh [ __ ] yeah yeah that sounds good yeah and then you can have me for dessert he said oh [ __ ] hahaha you know what I’m I’m used to like being the one that’s always like saying that [ __ ] and like flirting or whatever

But damn that was a strong like you know matching up with me what the [ __ ] catching me off guard oh [ __ ] what is this sexual then he’s already choking and dessert hasn’t started what the [ __ ] Ed I got there oh my goodness dude I’ll never asked you this last time but like if you were to go in like a date like what is like your ideal like date you reckon you know like first date you know first date uh I would go to a nice cafe but one that’s like cozy mm-hmm

Crazy Cafe sounds like a very good first date because yeah go to a cafe for like plenty of stuff to talk about or like you know small search but learning about each other so yeah I feel like if it’s too busy fancy um it kind of like puts this weird expectation um

I think so so Um yeah where would you take me I mean where would you where are you going [ __ ] is really nice yeah um I think aside from cafes hmm I think walking like Parks okay as well um going to a park and eating the sounds okay um and then oh and they’re definitely

Not movies there I think we’ll talk about this last time but yeah yeah our first date I had to wear together like here yeah but I think aside from that like oh a little too short oh no I’m pretty up for anything though oh my God set up for anything

I like that you’re willing to try stuff out so yeah yeah I I don’t think anybody could win me out really you know like like they could say like they could say or do like the weirdest [ __ ] and like honestly like I actually would not even mind you know yeah

Oh my God okay sure yeah I’ve never been to the amusement park today I don’t think so I’ve never been to one of those I always see those in anime and stuff but I’ve never seen never been to one you’ve never been to an amusement park

Oh no I’ve never been like been to that kind of Music Park a day up in a long time actually but um yeah I don’t know are you good at amusement parks I love I love roller coasters um do you do you like me some particles uh yeah I

Like them yeah I haven’t been to one in a long time but I do like them a lot I do yeah I remember me and my brother I used to go on every single ride oh [ __ ] yeah foreign yeah but Sydney doesn’t really have like yeah we don’t really have many good

Admissions plugs in Australia to be honest like really men yeah I’d rather take you to my bed instead you ever anything for eight months hello hello yeah laughs what the [ __ ] is going on yeah I’m I’m oh I’m sorry my mother watches all my friends first

Just kind of messes me off the stream like I approve it uh lee mama if you’re watching I’m really I’m a really good male wife um oh yes yes after the last time you said that I watched The Tick Tock about you in the middle life thing

Yeah I’m good at household tasks the kitchen sink will always be clean just in case if she uh is worried at all about anything yeah yeah I’m sure she will they’ll reassure her for sure yeah one two three four five I actually don’t think I’ve ever built anything underground like this before

Because I put everything above ground oh really um this is a bit uh yeah that’s good to like just share random things yeah what for sure oh man all right one two three four five and then this all right here we go oh yeah I just moved into a new apartment actually just

Just oh yesterday actually yesterday waved into a new place how is it it’s been uh it’s been good so far it’s been really really good the room’s a lot bigger for sure um because my previous room I was actually like a laundry room right at a laundry room because um yeah um

I wasn’t too good in a in a financial spot back then but yeah but I feel very fortunate now yeah yeah um but yeah it feels really good at my own bedroom now yeah so we could have a little privacy yeah you know hey yo huh nothing yeah okay so Hella reminds you

Of something okay so like all those are really good friends with this guy um and I didn’t know like he he swung it that way like okay he was he was gay right but basically um me with my guy friends I usually they’re pretty flirtatious of the boys

Right you know like you know I’m always like you know slapping their butt or like you know just like you know kissing the homies on the cheek you know just just some mild [ __ ] you know usual use your boy stuff you know and then this I guess like we had the same like

Uh we’re in the same uni basically project team right for like the entire semester and at the end of the semester he asked me out on like a day and then I was so confused because I didn’t know that like he yeah he was gay um but no okay

What is the same situation hey Ryan what are you trying to say um I’m just saying that um maybe I don’t know last time I rejected that guy but maybe things are different now yeah yeah I think it’s a big one different hey wait one second something about his voice and saying all

This stuff it’s really doing it for me anyway uh I’m back welcome back bro Iggy do you feel like you’re smart like academically no not really uh I’m not sure I don’t really think that of myself um I think I’m more like Street Smart Street Smart yeah yeah

The me academically I was pretty booty cheeks for her I tried but like honestly I think I didn’t try that hard but like I try oh never yeah but I think I’m more sort of a street smile like emotionally smarter as well um which I think is a good quote like a

Good skill to have as a content creator or like as um because I don’t know whatever like I’m looking to create content or something like that I always just think about like what my viewers would want to see and stuff so yeah I damn look at this [ __ ] big ass trees just um

I think this is the tallest tree I’ve ever seen man I told you I am 169. Oh hello hello how tall are you no I’m 165. no way don’t [ __ ] lie I’m six foot one yeah don’t [ __ ] lie to me I like when guys are taller than me yeah I can pick you up and throw you around you know what I mean yes hmm [Laughter] what the [ __ ] where else for this all right I love a small BPM so all right all right so you can put like the workbenches and like I like chest under here or something um like on top of this it’s just like yeah yeah all right got you yeah maybe not on top actually maybe where this is Sue okay

Begin your left do you feel like you’ll ever get married I don’t know gonna show yeah I don’t know if Maybe for the benefits um not for the benefits oh like um literature I feel like nowadays like people are getting married later and later you know

Yeah that’s like as a kid I thought I was gonna get married at like 25 but like I don’t know like I don’t know like taxes I guess or yeah all right looking good do you want to get married yeah oh are you asking me or are you like oh

Oh yeah I mean yeah uh probably I’ll get married sometime in the future yeah foreign oh no I think I should they do some content creation for like a couple of years and then afterwards after like things are settled down and maybe things are burning out I’ll do like a Red Shadow

Legend sponsor seller and then um and uh and then make massive bank and then you know Mary uh we’ll see not too sure okay um the feature is unpredictable bro I have no idea what’s going to happen in the future yeah that’s true yeah I’ll just hope that you’re in it

I hope I’m in it too oh my goodness oh no that’s snazzy yeah I like that um okay I think let’s see Moss carpet we should put the actual carpet here instead yeah it’s not too bad we’re coming along a bit of it you know what I mean yeah All right there we go awesome and put this bad way up here throwing up what what did you want to do actually I’ll see this before um like in terms of like your crib uh like did you want to like become like an astronaut or like a

Firefighter or like a or something else you know foreign I think I think the first thing that I thought about was I wanted to be a magician um a magician oh okay I see a magician thought LSU I feel like you already are a magician yeah I kind of feel like one yeah for sure it’s just symmetrical we can actually do magic tricks and

Stuff uh no no I I do other stuff but not like not like magician stuff anymore because you know all that is sleight of hand now um yeah yeah fair enough I think I was a kid I tried doing magician stuff with cards and stuff I

Tried learning it but like for us it’s like too hard bro yeah it’s it’s a lot oh no man yeah I knew like one car trick but it just it was just based on math like if you if you just knew math and process of elimination or

Whatever then you would get the trick gotcha no um that’s a kid I wanted to learn everything dude I wanted to learn like yeah like magic tricks and like I wanted to play instruments as well but you don’t play any instruments no I used to play guitar for a little bit and then

Dumbass Young Lee ended up quitting because I thought I got uh never but I feel like letting letting an instrument is like such a good thing to have in your life because there’s something that you can always improve on and such you know I was always so jealous of people

That were like really good at playing instruments because you know I secretly wanted to be really good at playing enchantments as well um I was thinking like oh your parents didn’t force you to play an instrument like no the other older brother and they they forced them to play oh okay they

Had their target already yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like I didn’t work rooms there that’s pretty nice usually I feel like Asian parents are like it didn’t work with this one let’s try the other one oh wait did you play uh do you play any instruments on there yeah I play piano and

Uh I took violin for a couple of years would you like that damn I do like that bro did violin for a man it’s like the [ __ ] instrument you can play God damn [Laughter] for real it’s other than that well like guys that can play the guitar really

Well like you’re a [ __ ] like God damn I can I can see you playing guitar yeah I think of us alone like any instrument like again they could definitely be guitar violin I feel like takes a long long time for it to sound like good you know it’s it’s a big commitment

Yeah I I stopped playing because at the time I couldn’t figure out how to do the vibrato correctly so I just got mad at myself and gave up yeah yeah giving up can be very easy thing to do you don’t want to pick up an instrument

Now it’s never too late no I was gonna say that as well I’m not too sure maybe I could but I don’t understood my roommates from me just like where’s she playing guitar like really [ __ ] but like I don’t know like yeah there’s always this time

To learn some stuff but my passions are also you know like I think I really like um I don’t know I think for me right now the skills I’m trying to improve on in life are like skateboarding like yeah and then uh I think just like overall like uh just

Like my career part of content creation and such you know but that’s that’s what I was really trying to improve upon yeah that’s good and also having a future of you that’s I’m trying to improve upon as well um yeah I feel that yeah wait what about

You there’s so much [ __ ] clay around here yeah no idea what the [ __ ] and this is these Believers are going quick what do you want to improve upon in your life um I do I want to keep making music but um I yeah I feel like I need to improve on

That a lot as well yeah there’s just like I’m always trying to figure out how to express like what I wanna Express through lyrics and stuff and melodies and I’m always afraid like like with the songs I put out even right now like I’m not sure if I’m able to

Convey everything the way that I want to um good job you know after I lost color I was like pretty intrigued in terms of like uh honestly I was a little bit embarrassed like I didn’t know much about like your but uh about like like you know like

Your group and stuff so like okay doing a lot of research and just listening to all the music and stuff and I feel like it’s always really interesting hearing the lyrics to song that writes their own songs and such because like it seems like something

Like on that you can like you just get to know a lot more about them through what they write in the lyrics so yeah yeah but I think you’ll do great you would definitely I’ll be writing these songs right now as well maybe maybe not it’s spoiled oh I see let’s see

How good are you at skateboarding bro I’ve been trying to improve this so long man but ski pointing is such like I don’t know man I like the only way that you can be like improving at skateboarding is when you’re not scared of falling or not scared of failing you know so

Yeah it’s uh it’s a very um I don’t know I know how to do like a couple tricks like uh like all the basics like you know like all ladies or like front side by any specs up on 80s like just like all these um it’s all these basic stuff but

I’m trying to improve upon it yeah but I started skateboarding when I started streaming like oh okay like last last year yeah so it’s been um it’s been a while run yeah I think for me they’re like I really improve at things if my friends are

Doing them as well you know like if my friends or if I have if I have like I guess like I didn’t really see as a competition but if I have like a company like around me that’s doing the same thing then I will like try and prove

Upon it like a lot faster like full Escape boarding for example like I used to meet up with some friends like every single weekend to skateboard together and then like when I saw them like learn new tricks and stuff like it would make me like envious and like you know I’d be

Like oh [ __ ] like they already know how to do this and then they’ve only been skating for like this many months or whatever you know so like I don’t want to like improve you know so I think for me like as a person like my motivation really stems from other people you know

Like I’m only as good as my competition or I’m only as good as the person running next to me um so yeah I like that I feel that as well it’s healthy healthy competition yeah I think so as well yeah what do you get motivated by same things oh

Um kind of but also I think about like how I just wanna present like the best that I can present yeah become your best self yeah there’s so much more stuff down here well not stuff but like the Lush area over it grows more down here

Wait how the [ __ ] do you get done where’d you get down there oh my God I’m actually so confused sport blossom sorry I live right there you’re just like Beaver you get sick horny for the Minecraft flux rare me too I see like I see a certain block that I want like oh

[ __ ] say oh my God uh I’m over here on the other side oh yeah I just started digging into here oh [ __ ] what the Booga oh my God where’s the whole God damn okay that’s a little bit good A bit down the Spore Blossom up

Here wait Chad do you know if can we just get it or do I need like silk touch I think you can I think you can pick it up with your hands I’m pretty sure pretty sure you can I might be Kevin yeah if you see some iron down there get

Some iron as well gee better calls bro yeah apparently there’s more We didn’t origami um um a few stuff a few yeah gotcha I like origami as well origami is cute what can you make that’s a kid like I always try to like oh during High School I like this commitment where I was like I’m gonna try to learn a different recipe every

Single day so it does take a point in time where like I was like really learning as much as possible like on YouTube channel said I can make like most basic animals like if you saw like a random animal I could probably make it yeah I did that thing where

Um you know when you make a Thousand Paper Cranes you get to make a wish yeah yeah I tried to do that because I was like going through stuff oh about you yeah yeah yeah um but I never finished oh my CSA yeah we need going through a lot of stuff

Like that you can but I feel like how’s it it’s good motivation sometimes yeah no thing’s not for you things good yeah things are definitely better um oh [ __ ] you okay creeper yeah holy [ __ ] I’m on one and a half hearts no Jesus Christ I’m done with some random

Creeper blow you up G only I’m allowed to blow you up you know what I mean what yeah you are [Laughter] oh [ __ ] I must have been a glitch ES yeah there’s not a lot of iron around here yeah there’s definitely another watch maybe we should have found a

Juicier cave but I like this area I like this Lush cave we could always bring the Lush cave with us like the glowberries and whatever and just make a new one yeah we could yeah uh mm-hmm this is cute there’s two thousand now there we go all right there we go hmm

If you can learn like any skill like what skill would you recommend you a little then um oh I found a llama iron um I think there’s I think I’d want to learn more instruments and languages to languages it’s such a good one instruments is uh You can change the languages culture what about you um I think it would be something I want to learn how to edit better yeah I I add a lot of stuff so but I feel like I’m not that good in terms of like editing stuff visually you know so

I want to get better at that actually that sounds like a great skill to learn I should do that too edit a lot of stuff or not earlier not really um occasionally like I think I’ll do like the simplest [ __ ] like with just like some jump Cuts or whatever but yeah yeah

I can’t do I can’t do anything really crazy or nice which uh uh as you said before I feel like you can learn anything like um if you really put your mind to it I feel like yeah I thought it was uh like I think nowadays like a lot of people look

At themselves in the mirror and they see like the bad but well I just feel like they can’t really you know like do much or stuff like that but I honestly think that like something that I learned in the last year is that you really put your mind towards

Something the human mind’s pretty strong like you can you can really learn some stuff you know you can really yeah yeah if you just like you know like I guess like believe that you can oh my God this Lush cave goes so deep am I lost oh you still down there yeah

There’s just so much stuff that I’m like kind of looping around why are you lost did you know Um I might cheaper uh I got some coordination but you’re in a cave right so this character is deep that way oh yeah do you see my name’s like over here towards here you can see through the wall you can see my name Tyra

Um oh yeah I see you okay hello oh yeah okay uh my hero I got you yeah let’s go up here now oh [ __ ] oh my God are you good yeah I’m chilling one of the people that was sleeping in China always [ __ ] wake him up real

Good oh my God I’m looking buttock wait what the what’s the where’s the exit there um am i greeting oh I made it out oh [ __ ] for real now you are yeah okay yeah yeah hello what sort of dishes can you cook actually let’s say like I’ll come over like

Tonight you know like what you cooking am I not enough [ __ ] ing whoa I don’t have you for dessert you know for like oh okay yeah yeah what’s like the main course you know this is my gay Awakening what’s going on oh [ __ ] good um I can make uh again yes

Good good soda foreign I think I make a good Bolognese for sure do you like me some Bolognese Thunderbird I like the reindeer right now in Australia it’s super cold actually oh yeah I would love that so are you saying um what was I saying oh my badgie

What was that oh oh okay I I also like the rain but also I Thunder kind of like I’m half and half with like a kind of scares me a little bit um but uh if I’m like indoors or like inside an area like I’m like kind of okay gotcha yeah yeah

I think for me like not much scares me actually I don’t know I don’t really have many like fears to be honest really yeah yeah I don’t think so I think my only field would be like losing you um no I think I don’t know what am I

Actually scared of I think I’m scared of like not reaching my full potential or like or like like something like I don’t know like not disappointing others is like that’s a pretty big fear as well oh no that sort of stuff those are my fears what the [ __ ] guys

Do you have a fear of like um fear of being alone you’re being alone not really I don’t think I don’t know I think I actually have mostly a bit alone the last few years yeah I think I’m pretty like a alone sort of guy yeah what about fear of

Losing your loved ones hello oh [ __ ] sorry I was just talking to myself was muted I apologies um fear of losing loved ones yeah I think everyone is I don’t know look everyone it’s like a universal feel that everyone has no not losing loved ones I think I’m scared of like

Getting trust broken actually that’s a pretty big uh fear of mine as well too yeah I think I’m scared of like I don’t know because I think for me like when I trust people and like I need for them to like betray me or like lie to me or like

Um there’s something like that like I sort of like makes you a little bit of myself each time so I’m scared to like honestly it takes a long time for me to like actually like build a lot of trust for people because like uh like I know I I know it’s not

Good to like have you like your past the term in your future but like I always see patterns between um between situations and then it sort of like stops me from getting close to people because like I fear that something oh I was getting like too real what the [ __ ]

Uh yeah [ __ ] spiders bro I’m scared of spiders yeah [ __ ] spiders [Laughter] listen I’m all forgetting deep and all that stuff yeah I’m a very good listener I feel like you yeah you definitely are yeah I guess that all right yeah being a good listener it’s a very nice skill to have

What about you your fears I also have the fear of like losing loved ones and um I am quite independent but I think there’s a part of me that feels scared of being alone in in the sense of like not having anyone not having like a support system I think

That would like break me but um I also have uh Trypophobia and uh what else I uh kiwis freak me out Luis freak you out yeah like when you cut into it really oh really kiwis what’s up really wait when you cut into it oh okay

There’s a little like dots and seeds and stuff yeah it just looks wrong yeah this looks wrong um honestly sometimes I just bite kiwis with the skin on and eat it like that damn that’s pretty hard yeah yeah I mean it it just feels like I’m eating like a furry butt cheek you

Know that’s like a little swim in the water oh okay that’s the way no okay you don’t actually eat the skin do you I’ll do you do yeah I sort of eat the skin but I was bite into it like it’s a [ __ ] app over like okay

Doesn’t it feel weird when you swallow the skin oh let’s chew it up bro I need to like I’m pretty I’m pretty down to eat or like try anything bro you know like I’m a pretty like I’m chill like that you know what I mean maybe I should maybe I should eat it

Like that oh I don’t know if you should do it like that or not I don’t recommend it oh okay any reason why I did that because like I couldn’t be [ __ ] to bring a fork or like I like that couldn’t laugh to cut it open in school so um yeah

I get [ __ ] with all this I don’t like eating bananas I I eat a lot of bananas because it’s one of the few fruits that I’m not allergic to really yeah I mean it was honest to me like this like my stomach a bit like I

Don’t know I think it’s like the stringy and the potassium but um don’t they open on anytime yeah me me too that is yours I just want to make it clear in case people yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I’ve tried eating my Empanada before you know like I mean well this is some prime info that we’re getting Brothers in Prime [Laughter] Let’s see if you’re flexible enough to do so that’s like a skill I guess I don’t know it props to you true yeah I’m almost that flexible really key I’m like oh bro I’m [ __ ] stiff bro I need somebody just [ __ ] bend me over right now like wait uh yeah wait what sorry

Say the word Say again you heard me oh dude foreign gay Panic right now what’s going on let’s see it’s there I think here I wanted to walk in and this be some sort of like bedroom some sort of the library bedroom sort of thing um Europe I found a spider

Hey yeah not bad XPS monitor I think it’s a skeleton farmer I mean it’s a skeleton Farm yeah oh for real skeleton that’s a really good bird Mill we can make infinite um Moss of that uh let’s see hmm yeah icky growing up did you have any

Like a high school like oh like you know like childhood crushes on like fictional characters and [ __ ] uh yeah definitely like here uh have you ever watched Card Capture Sakura no I haven’t verb I know of it but which character which one Sakura’s Big Brother sakuru’s Big Brother

Wait I think my chat’s about to go feral in a second Toya yeah God damn we awakened something in me [Laughter] it’s your gay Awakening yeah I know yeah that’s why I like you so much well I’m actually blushing him oh my God oh [ __ ] what’s up oh what the [ __ ]

Let’s see I think for me like yeah lucky I’m not even a fairy but like a Lola Bunny you know what I mean oh my God what yeah you’re right yeah dude dude if you like a lot of money you’re not even a fairy bread like you know it’s

Just like uh it’s an exception as an exception from what show Space Jam bruh it’s time to slam welcome to the Space Jam little Bunny’s top tier actually dude all the bunny girls we talked here okay I could be a bunny girl for you how could I actually imagine you in the

Good buddy costume I’ll go hard looking oh man there’s definitely a lot of fan art out there oh yeah yeah yeah I think it’s already at the yeah I think I might have seen it actually did you save it on your computer oh for sure bro like dude I swear my Twitter

Timeline recently is pure [ __ ] dude every time I go on and put it nowadays I think it’s because I follow all these artists bro and all these artists are just damn bad as though so open Twitter Mad titties open Twitter this is like butt cheek you know I’m almost like Bruh

Bruh I swear is anybody else with me like dude my Twitter is sword I can’t open my Twitter on stream anymore bro that [ __ ] is too naughty oh my God there’s some lost the circle damn it I mean the the your timeline reflects what you like yeah it’s based off your lexorgan yeah I bet yours is just meant to these and fanna hell yeah uh hell yeah he is for the damn bed I’m good oh you know who else was a birdie freaking the the dragon from shurek oh yeah Dude she’s like oh badass and [ __ ] and like everyone thinks it’s gonna be a guy then all of a sudden it’s a girl and then she has like the eyelashes and [ __ ] she’s like blinking at you I’m like oh [ __ ] you know that was like that was like my furry Awakening wait what

So you are free interesting No I’m kidding guys I’m kidding but for all the hell donkey make babies with that uh you’re all good oh it’s not called a fur it’s called a scaly what the [ __ ] oh right right I forgot about that I’m I’m learning new things out here bro okay this shit’s crazy

Well if there’s a will there’s a way I’m kidding oh I did oh I’m trying to think actually like oh like actually actually childhood crushes that I had I’m trying to think Um I don’t know bro I think for me like I have like a really weird taste I have mad Side characters syndrome like I would never like a girl if she’s too popular you know what I mean like if somebody’s too popular as of too low of like the confidence to

Like be like like oh like I found like a lot of guys already like a character I wouldn’t like that character because like it went for like it’s mine or something like that I don’t know like you know oh you’re one of those yeah I’m one of those guys yeah yeah one

Of those guys okay you know what in there brother in the chat just said the B from B movie what the [ __ ] all right whoever that is can get out of here oh my God what the [ __ ] Shadow from Sonic shut the [ __ ] off okay well from Sonic I feel like you can

Get it but um dude if you like Shadow from Sonic I’m sorry bro but you’re something I’m sorry bro what the brother says mammoth from Ice Age you guys are [ __ ] okay I don’t know about that one someone in my chance that which Bee from the Bee Movie

I’m guessing this is the main character Nick World zootopia okay buddy I’m getting a bit too creative out here um Diego from Ice Age was sort of hot there like okay all right sorry oh the the lion uh I think Here’s the the the Sabertooth tiger yeah yeah yeah yeah okay

Oh my goodness we’re is Jerry from Tom and Jerry a girl Cherry uh yeah from Tom and Jerry I don’t no I don’t think so no Jerry’s a boy that’s a guy it’s a little guy uh gotcha um Real Talk the Stewart Little was a baddie kind of Disappearing random [ __ ] my bad

What do you mean yeah true what the [ __ ] oh there oh let’s talk about foxes let me prevents foxes in the forest running around Nick Wilde come back here yeah honestly though like as a kid like I just like form crushes like so easily bro like I was like oh there’s like form

Like I’ll just like see like random people on public like damn they’re hot but like honestly nowadays like I don’t like oh that takes me a long time to like find attraction I feel like you know to be honest yeah it didn’t take much time for you to you’re definitely an outlier

Yeah yeah but I don’t know what about you do you feel like um does it take you a long time to like really like you know find an attraction to someone I I find people attractive but I think it takes a while for me to like process

If I actually have a crush or have any sort of like further feelings yeah yeah I gotcha but I don’t even I don’t need to think at all with you oh my God this is dangerous what do you mean don’t you sleep good and I like it yeah

Um you don’t like a little danger I thought it could sleep well for this so much dude do you have dreams like when I go to sleep yeah yeah yeah but as you can’t give me the cord at the top I’m lost oh oh man um shut up all your dreams yeah yeah

You have many on there yeah I the thing about me in dreams I’ve talked about this on stream before but I sometimes have dreams where like you know it happens after I dream it oh [ __ ] yeah yeah no you know what this is my theory of Dreams art and dreams

Are like for me at least it’s like a way of my brain problem solving you know and it’s like Imagining the worst possibilities or like possibilities that could happen out of a situation and then my brain is just going through like the problem solving of it you know

And trying to see how I would react in these situations what’s up there’s more underneath here dude what the f oh my God holy [ __ ] yes damn what is it wait what do you mean like you’ve had situations where you dreamed or something and then it happened right afterwards like what um

I have I’ve dreamed about someone’s death before what the [ __ ] okay and this is somebody that I didn’t know I don’t know who the [ __ ] this woman was but then I saw a news article about her no that’s [ __ ] scary yeah I was pretty freaked out uh that’s

Pretty that’s pretty [ __ ] spooky bro that’s freaking duckie uh what the um other stuff is just kind of like uh if my I feel like like if if a friend is going through something then I know because then I have a dream about them or something um [ __ ] dude hmm I think to me like dreams if it’s something really eventful that happened in the dream I’ll remember it but most of the time it’s like I’m pretty sure I dream every single night but I don’t really remember it when I wake up or like I remember it for like a

Split second then directed there I’d forget about it but um yeah I think for me like yeah sometimes I get pretty intense in nightmares and stuff I think there would not beers that are bad for me or at least when I caught the surfer from reality because like some

Nightmares are just like say comically like just like out of the world that like I instantly realize it’s a dream I wake up but other than that this is like if it’s like actually feasible as a reality that’s when that’s when it’s like it’s like a bit too tight you know

I’m like I don’t know sometimes I can honestly in the last like couple months I’ve been having a lot of nightmares about getting betrayed by by people that I’ve trusted and honestly some and they’ve actually like sort of become reality in a sense but like um

Like those ones those ones hit hard a lot yeah yeah because I can’t tell when it’s like you said they’ve become reality yeah yeah yeah oh sorry yeah yeah which is unfortunate oh now this is nice the stairs going downstairs Um we don’t even need to build a lower floor because it’s already here yeah yeah it’s good foreign good stuff oh do you ever get sleep paralysis um yeah really oh [ __ ] yeah yeah I’ve had a few cases where I had some sleep paralysis I remember this is one day where

Um it was the end of season League of Legends and I was trying to go around to get uh freaking platinum or something and then and I did it all NADA and I remember especially the first time I ever drank on Monster Energy drinkers uh

So it’s like it was like a pretty I guess like event full time and then I remember that night I went to bed I was shaking I was just like livid because like I was trying to go to sleep I was so tired but at the same time I was

Juiced up with the energy drink it was like a bad combination and then the dream I was like I’m pretty sure like I got like attacked by like Teemo or something in my dreams and like I was like no oh oh it was like like this

Frozen on my bed it wasn’t like it was like um like I was I was laying in my bed and then um the dream was like like my perspective was outside of my body so I could see one sleeping on the bed yeah yeah that’s what I remember

From it and then I remember that was about a yeah yeah that is for sure sleep paralysis yeah but I saw from that like that’s the only case that I remember ever having some sort of sleep paralysis yeah yeah what about you sleep roses I’ve gotten it a few times Um yeah it is it’s pretty scary um one time when it happened to me I it was the same thing like I thought I was I I felt like I was waking up but I wasn’t I was like looking at your own body and then

I was sleeping on my side and so my hands my my two hands were like in front of in front of my face Um and then at some point during the sleep paralysis I saw a third hand And I got freaked out and then it started moving and tried to climb inside of me and what the [ __ ] but yeah I’ve seen you have some Wildlife streams bro this is [ __ ] some crazy [ __ ] yeah I don’t know if I’ve ever talked about that on stream but uh yeah that

Happened to me that’s that’s some crazy [ __ ] bro I don’t know man third hand I’ve never fought so hard to wake up in my life yeah yeah I would imagine you would really have to wake up what the [ __ ] hmm I haven’t had it in years so I’m glad let’s go yeah

I usually have it like on the I think something like I only have like not missing stuff if I’m ever going through like intense times and stuff but if things are good in my life then usually like my dreams are just about like on the like just random stuff Um all right here we go yeah but I think the dreams for me were always just like if yeah times are stressful then I would have dreams always like I used to do a lot of track in high school right and I remember before every single Track

Event every single track of me I would always have the exact same dream where like I’m at the start line in the dream and then the gun goes off or like the flare goes off and then I start running but I’m just so much slower I just feel like weighted down by

Like by like in the dream you know I’m just running so so slow and it was always just like a fear that I just like you know I feel like James for me was just like my worst real like my worst sort of possibilities becoming a reality in the dream

Um yeah that’s sort of ordeal but damn yeah but usually after I wake up I’m like oh I’m chilling you know like it’s nothing nothing wrong you know I’m chilling what’s up that’s good you don’t let it FaZe you yeah yeah honestly I think it made like not much earlier it faces me

Except you you [ __ ] rock my socks off somehow all right this place is crazy what the [ __ ] yeah it’s a pretty uh it goes even deeper yeah I’m looking like I don’t think this cave is gonna be this crazy this is wild all right there we go whoa oh wow wow [ __ ]

I’m like in shock what’s up it’s just huge yeah yeah underneath yeah so pretty just like you oh my God really um babe I’m getting you some dangerous stuff laughs [Laughter] Babe is what you usually use yeah what else what else would you say other than babe like he was like I don’t know I can’t see a dog it can’t be a darling I actually do like that word but I know that a lot of people don’t say it

Um darling Oh my God it sounds really nice when you say what uh honey yeah I like that that was good yeah good should I go to let’s see I see they did they already write that down uh let’s see what should I do here we’ll set a pattern two one like this

Are you killing someone again oh no why no I’m like yeah uh you said you wanted to learn languages yeah so what language would you want to learn actually Chinese Japanese I already know like quite a bit of Japanese I know some stuff but I I think I’d like to

Learn it a little more like proficiently because I like just no survival language yeah what do you think is like a hot language so yeah it’s like to like what language that sounds nice you reckon uh I think French sounds really nice I think most people think that anyway um

I like the way Spanish flows to Spanish is uh all good languages honestly you sound nice in the name language you speak [ __ ] I was about to say the same thing to you know damn it yeah you live for me I’ve never been much of

Like a like a talker or like a flood of other people and stuff like that until like a [ __ ] is streaming and such and I feel like shooting really brought up like the [ __ ] in me I’m not sorry really brought out like a lot more of a

Talkative side to myself because I feel like prior to like streaming like I never really like talk that much to be honest yeah yeah I think streaming helps people kind of be a little more confident to talk but even nowadays eye roll I mean like I

Don’t really talk that much like I said on my day to be honest like usually the first time I ever like I’ve been my mouth the speakers on the stream and it’s better off stream I’m just like chilling in my room by myself because you have to rest your voice too because

I feel like that’s something not a lot of people think about with like streamers we we have to rest our voices because we talk so much especially if you’re playing like certain games and stuff yeah like I play games like Minecraft like I really like I didn’t really talk about the game that

Much I just talk about like just anything I want so I’m usually spinning like the entire time so it can be a bit exhausting for sure yeah yeah I want to stream longer hours to be honest like I wish I could do like an xqc where I just stream 10 12

A freaking 20 hours each day but I don’t even have the energy for that bro thank you yeah same three hours and I’m [ __ ] dead bro two hours and I’m like I’m done yeah yeah but yeah hold on unless I’m doing like a sabathon or something then yeah that’s crazy

All right there we go all right and that thing let’s have a go around here hmm so I think something’s missing here something in the center let’s go here maybe a fence and there oh [ __ ] yeah oh my goodness thank you thank you I was sort of fashion you’re actually into uh

Uh I normally dress pretty minimally but um I’m into yeah I’m into like Chic but comfy um okay I got you yeah I definitely see you on that yeah yeah let’s see yeah let’s see I know that what about you I think I’m definitely like skate up yeah yeah very very lucid

Including sometimes if I’m like dressing up a little bit like let’s be like techware stuff usually that’s about it yeah techware is nice though I don’t wear it but I like seeing other people wear it Foreign let’s see um which I think over here we can do the bed press on the ground let’s see something like this all right what you doing right now just Mining and stuff yeah there’s this water and I thought it led somewhere but it didn’t you waited yeah

All right is there a traitor yeah there’s Trader upstairs yeah cheeky trade LED all right there we go one two three four five but that server that you’re playing before how long has they been up for because you’ve done some crazy projects on that I swear um I think we’ve had it

I don’t even think it’s been a year yet that we’ve been [ __ ] through yeah oh [ __ ] dude because it’s freaking crazy bro Jesus Christ it shows I’ve seen you keep build bro you keep builds are insane dude I was [ __ ] I was sucking well I swear I did okay you’re what what

No nothing oh [ __ ] foreign no I don’t think I’m that Gonna Learn yeah save here Buffalo like yeah you definitely have creative mind definitely creative mind with like songwriting and this building sort of stuff and yep again you have OCD you’re working um I don’t know maybe to a degree but not

Not like fully um gotcha I think I’ll go like just a little bit of OCD I always like try my best to like perfect everything just a little bit yeah I guess like perfectionist I guess yeah all right hmm here we go I’m here all right very good perfect

You live alone okay or we have let’s see although this is something I can ask all the tissue oh yeah a roommate all right everybody oh see [ __ ] why isn’t it me [ __ ] it could be um but I live with them previously um like I said Lee mama if you’re watching um

Should have been me yeah fly me out yeah actually um let’s see I think this ground pattern’s a bit confusing yeah [ __ ] up we ball um hey you know my slime all right very good one two three Definitely come to Australia sometime yeah I would love to mm-hmm yeah it’s one of the places that I want to go to aside from like Japan Korea stuff like that Um surely I foreign I see myself living in Australia in the future as well yeah I wanna try coffee from Australia um yeah probably our cafes here are pretty good so yeah I actually wanted to become a barista when I was a bit younger actually because

Um I thought it was like a job that you could like travel with and stuff and although I thought it’s been like a pretty cool thing to be a barista but there ended up being a content creator uh that I’ve like missed you with that like I don’t know like for me signing

Off content creation was something that I was like never really was something that was gonna become full-time and then and I feel like shooting full time is like an opportunity that’s given to you and not something that like you decide at the very beginning you know like they didn’t actually expect to be

The like there’s like somehow it just came out to be that way in the end so I don’t really recommend like what’s it called like creating a full-time job saying like I’m a full-time streamer like yeah yeah respect the ambition but it’s a very very um yeah

I wonder what the future is going to be like in content creation as well because I wonder if like you know like PewDiePie like offline like TV like I wonder if all these people gonna still be around like 10 years time or like five years time you know like I reckon the future

Is so unsure but we shall see we shall see yeah I feel like people who have been doing it for a while like they could probably start a talent agency or something yeah yeah because they have first-hand experience on everything yeah yeah I didn’t know what creators want and and how to grow

And such for sure I think I definitely want to do something like that when my content creation’s over I want to be some sort of talented advisor someone that can like I guess like nurture the future content creation because I feel like content creation is gonna earn to keep growing because like

I think a lot of kids nowadays they like if you ask them like what they want to do like I think a good portion of them would say like I want to become like a content creator or like I want to become Mr Beast or something I don’t know I

Want to be a YouTuber yeah do you know what I was thinking the other day bro I was like dude we’re probably gonna be someone’s childhood like imagine like like kids oh God like and be like like yeah like I remember like watching like like Ikea Violetta like on on YouTube like growing

Over and then I realized like dude I’m a [ __ ] bad influence man like whoa there’s like a sushi [ __ ] and like It’s not gonna be good dude it’s not gonna be good but yeah you’re gonna be someone’s Awakening uh I mean you already know my Awakening so teach kids how to raise people up yeah oh man yeah like did you think like you would be doing this like like two years ago

Like was this even like a realm of possibility in your mind or not really not at all um yeah I feel like it sort of happens along the way must have been fate no yeah fate that we met yeah let’s see I’ve got a painting would go hard here um painting

You need wool right yeah I think I think just one wall should be okay let me see oh I got one all right cool made it and there is a painting but I want to use one here all right gotcha oh okay maybe I get a bit more warm all right good stuff

What would you say is like your favorite game to the extreme actually probably Minecraft actually playing Minecraft yeah I think so as well I think Minecraft is a really good game to stream to be honest because I feel like people are the watch streamers with their personality or like

The the gameplay right but have like Minecraft as a game where like I don’t know like if you if you’re in there for your gameplay it’s like it’s like it’s very very hard to be there for your gameplay so I think a Markov is a good game for

Connecting to viewers and such or just like just talking about whatever you want to yeah yeah oh wait I just wait I’m gonna um okay oh maybe I make an aquarium meal or something I don’t know I’m not too sure to put on this wall I’m not too sure any thoughts

We can make we can make a big Aquarium yeah I was thinking some sort of aquarium would be cool yeah not too sure we’ll think of something but for now just slap it up a little bit all right cool how’s exercise and stuff been going for you

You’ve been working out ever since last time um a little bit but I think this week I’m just gonna chill because it’s Thanksgiving oh true Thanksgiving wait you’re right so I feel like a lot of people are gonna fall off yeah yeah I gotcha yeah yeah um

Honestly I haven’t really been going too hard recently I didn’t get back into it I’ve been slacking a little bit because of travel and such I’m traveling too much feel free to uh send me progress photos oh [ __ ] of course of course I bet you’ve been taking progress photos

Every single day because I don’t want to like see like my I guess like transformational body over time you know yeah there’s like stuff in here yeah like uh and I keep hearing the zombies and stuff is uh foreign did you get more iron um no I just I keep finding lapis um

What you reckon I’m gonna put here we could put like a big another portal here actually another portal on the right side on the left side I’m trying to like just getting here so that I can get rid of whatever mobs are here yeah yeah bless you yeah what I’ll sneeze yeah

A little bit of a sneeze a little bit love you will see my sneezes sound like Minecraft spiders oh I found it oh hello foreign there we go oh man have you ever been in like a physical fight before yes yeah you have oh [ __ ] wait what was it over um

Let’s just say growing up mm-hmm uh I had to fend for myself quite a bit and gotcha let’s see let’s see I’m gonna be let’s see let’s see sometimes you get a fight even when you don’t want to you know what I mean yeah And I think I got together like a few button oh this is all very childish stuff so you have five yeah yeah but it’s only like uh I don’t know like nothing serious you know oh very small stuff I’ll definitely Fight for Your Love you don’t even got a fight for that oh

Who already got it no [ __ ] [ __ ] God damn I feel like this is such a different energy from the last time we were talking because I think last time I was looking I was Peak energy oh it’s Peak excitement and then now of course I’m really excited but I’m like I’ve

Been awake for like 40 hours bro I’ve been like oh oh [ __ ] yeah yeah this is definitely offer there’s like some really really good sleep yeah please do yeah I wish I could like give you a massage or something oh right that too yeah too I could do other stuff but if you

Want there you go I feel like Mio massages there I’m not gonna lie I’m like the most ticklish [ __ ] right you lay a hand with me I’m just gonna start giggling and [ __ ] like so when I arrive in Australia I know what to do my coach who had always like so like

Yeah she gets to like massages and stuff I’m like yeah sure and always dude I’ll go to like the masseuse or like the massage place and then they would I don’t know never I was like giggling and [ __ ] as soon as they’re touching him either I was like are there

I I get like that a little bit too but then I think I just have so many knots and like so much tension that it quickly gets overrun with pain ah I gotcha yeah yeah good too Damn dude probably a lot of people get in my chug go to massages pretty often actually helps release the tension apparently hmm oh nice good for them All right all right are you good at any sports EQ I don’t know about good but are you playing here I used to play volleyball like casually volleyball culture it was a great way to get aggression out um yeah I I don’t know I just did whatever

People wanted me to do to help I don’t know Phil yeah I had to play volleyball at Uni as well a little bit I was always left wing because I’m left-handed wait are you left-handed no I’m right-handed oh okay that’s good so we’ll be holding hands it’s like a

Natural you know yeah if you hold hands of like oh you know yeah um do you have soft hands not very rugged hands like I have very like like I’m a very like how do I say it like I use my hands up for a lot of

Things like I’m very like handsy like arts and crafts of the person and stuff like that so my hands get sometimes yeah I’ve got a lot of calluses on my hands so I’m like um so I’m just like gym and skateboarding and that stuff yeah I feel like you

Would have really soft hands there well I guess you’ll have to find out [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right there we go and hmm okay that’s okay there we go honey cups of some fishies and put them in here all right and all right you you already feel pretty arrested

Right because your ears wake up didn’t you kind of I’ll probably go back to bed anyway oh really um gotcha yeah we can sleep together then hmm all right you get jealous really easily I think it depends but I I can yeah yeah I think I can as well

I think if I really care about oh I’ve ever really emotionally attached to something over liquor or you know I’m like no girl do you get possessive uh if I really like like something then yeah yeah I’m a little bit curer bigger yeah it’s just a little bit you know

I like when people get possessive of me yeah definitely definitely would um there we go Um I’m not a series of those this needs to be made out of glass all right oh I found a fish oh [ __ ] wait if you want you can like capture some and then Luke here needs some for this uh for this Aquarium don’t have iron

Oh [ __ ] yeah sure a bit of the iron shortage right now yeah uh let’s see okay I need some glass dude I like Minecraft A Lot dude it’s been so like that I play Minecraft like this where I just like I just like let my mind as a one doesn’t build anything

And talk about anything you know yeah it’s good I think Markov is a game that I’ll always play I can definitely see myself even 10 years from now like just like coming back and playing Minecraft for sure dude I feel like games in 10 years gonna be [ __ ] crazy bro Luke holy [ __ ]

Agree yeah yeah oh do you have VR I don’t know I’m lucky thinking about getting it because I just want to like just try out some things you know like I wanna like you know like play VR among also like watch like via hentai like that sounds like sick

We said VR at the same time yeah I think we just like that you know it’s on the same wavelength how was it for you trying it out um a bit it was a bit dizzying but Once you turn on like the blinders a little bit it helps

Oh yeah I got you okay was the controls pretty intuitive like really easy to understand or not really not really I think maybe with more updates it’ll be better gotcha um it’s still fun though yeah I just want to try it out and feel I’m not gonna swear I’ve been seeing so

Many Clips on Twitter and [ __ ] that’s just like two for whatever grade men’s chasing around like wait you saw that one I saw that one clue because like I’m there it’s just chasing the kid around for us you’re a Monster yeah yeah that one is so [ __ ] funny holy [ __ ]

Dude it’s too good like yeah I want to get VR I guess for sure uh what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] all right there you go did you try any other games in vo like have you tried the plank one plank one yeah well like you [ __ ] like jump off

Like a like a plank no I among Among Us VR is the only thing I’ve played gotcha I do want to try other stuff though because um go parrots oh did you see that Sword Art Online headset thing well like you died in the game you die in real life VR thing

Bro I saw that and I was concerned how yeah it was easier for them to build that in uh before anything else yeah some crazy [ __ ] happened in the world bro I don’t know man freak me out mm-hmm uh what the [ __ ] so it doesn’t look that um like this maybe yeah

You’re watching any anime right now um I haven’t watched any recently mm-hmm gotcha I’ve been watching chainsaw man that shit’s too good then what’s the little animal yeah I’ve been seeing images That’s gonna eat it I was gonna [ __ ] kill it yeah You feel like you’re more of a top or a bottom sort of guy sexually yeah I mean I feel like I feel like you feel like I’ll let you taught me [Laughter] I thought you’re like a switch yeah I just flip the switch Yeah I don’t think I’ve been anything other

Than I thought to be honest good that means you have experience and I don’t have to worry New York is an issue if you ever thought like you’re partner like has had a lot of like previous Partners in the past I’m not really no like do you see there’s a red flag yeah

I feel like as long as they they like love you or like they really like you know um Josie in the car at the moment then it doesn’t matter what people have been through or all that stuff all right it’s aquariums coming along but I just

Feel like it needs a bit more variation just looks a little bit too you’re you’re good thank you thank you lyrics you know what I mean holy [ __ ] wait one second oh I definitely need someone to let the aquarium up as a some like glowstone type [ __ ] blueberries oh some sea coral yeah

Oh yeah sea pickles yeah see if it goes so clutch for those bad boys on there no I don’t think so Um definitely eat up some sea pickles uh all right let’s see how this looks that should be enough all right one two oh wait I just realized I can’t do that um should I do white pants I don’t think I should yeah maybe I shouldn’t this is too

Sorry I’m not interacting with chat that much I’m just you know trying to let the conversation flow and you know let things happen naturally I think this is the most chill Minecraft Club I’ve ever had whoa Well they’re just default we’ll do uh what you up to bro I’m trying to find a different cave um yeah because we need more iron and stuff yeah we do we haven’t gotten damage yet either yeah let me eventually I will make it Diamond level yeah

Yeah new cave up to go wild oh yeah this definitely looks better for sure oh [ __ ] I didn’t have enough sand near all right cool with you later oh you know ever since I’ve been in a new place my bed has felt so because it’s

Like twice as big as my usual bed or like the bed that I’ve had for the last year and a half so I feel sort of empty you know I can help you feel it yes instantly if you’re picking up what I’m putting down you know yeah it’s like

Yeah you sneeze no you’re new into sweeping yeah say less all right time to fill this aquarium in um I just needed to to which one let’s make it all right cool you really Markov is your most played game I think so yeah I think for me as well actually

Minecraft would definitely be my misplate as well that’s too much of a Minecraft kid like here not valorant no definitely definitely Novella right now I think I played more League than Valerian to be honest oh okay I was streamed for sure Valerian but for like um nah definitely it would definitely be like

Off overall for sure cool let’s get rid of these parts here actually wait have you ever played league on stream on the a few times or maybe like one or twice yeah yeah um I’ve I don’t know if that’s something I don’t know if I would play league on stream

Elite brings up the [ __ ] worst of the mirror I’ll just thought like flaming no no I’m not that toxic all right let’s see oh yeah there we go I keep finding more Lush caves yes a lot of these are on all right I’m gonna go ahead and make a bucket

And start filling out this aquarium real quick it’s gonna look sick okay actually I want to go to aquarium again I want to do an arrow stream at an aquarium I think that’d be really snazzy I haven’t been to an aquarium in so long and I love aquariums um says this

Yeah it does sound nice I’ll watch your stream and just pretend I’m there [Laughter] okay guys all right yeah actually you cannot for the life of me flying [ __ ] iron or find a cave I got some iron oh [ __ ] I just kind of make it back yeah it’s

Looking trick to get back oh [ __ ] so I found a couple of axolotls oh [ __ ] [ __ ] wait wait you got a bucket no no [ __ ] wait maybe make a bucket and bring one or two if you can and then we can make them [ __ ] where am I oh my God how do I

Oh oh over here okay I’m coming back up oh [ __ ] okay all right I found the cave uh let’s don’t know how to get down all right oh [ __ ] I’m John I almost died all right cool I’m chilling oh man if you were to get a pet what would that would appear um

Probably just get more cats get more cats but you have cats yeah one cat oh wow wait what’s her name I think you asked me before but yeah I think I did ask you before but oh memory but I can’t remember I was gonna say so oh it’ll just be called eukinia

Looking here here let’s see I’ve remade and I want to get a cat you should yeah I’ll probably end up eating it there thinking About a little to be honest I don’t know and I wasn’t just so scared of me every time I see them like there’s like to always want to bite me or fight me well cats are a lot less maintenance um yeah getting a cat is like getting just another roommate

This [ __ ] should pay your rent holy [ __ ] oh man okay axolotl How’s your cat this is a very affectionate very chill yeah he’s pretty chill he it’s because he’s like afraid of everything um we’ll see yeah quite literally yeah where is it oh over here yes okay evaluate back home no no I found the axolotls um I’m just trying to see if there’s like

Different ones um I’m coming back oh I think there’s only there’s just two yellow ones two yellow ones that’s okay have you ever heard other person to pause other pets um yeah gotcha that should be over here somewhere oh here it is I’m back home yeah

My family’s always had a dog whoever we have a dog named Shashi Shashi no no sassy yeah yeah I feel like whenever we see a pet like uh later I put to go see them weird foreign Or should I put right here uh one second let me just sort of [ __ ] sand [ __ ] oh one two three four there we go cool all right did you have that bad boy in hey hey what’s up my slime wait if we don’t name him is he gonna despawn or some [ __ ] question

Yeah I don’t actually know yeah because she should we find a name tag for this bad boy oh did you get one from the from the spawner no there’s no chests I think once I get a second Axolotl I’ll probably and stream yeah right Morgan sure sure

Get back for your loose news yeah yeah and you too yeah I definitely should as well I’m a greeting out right now I’m not gonna lie yeah I gotta get some sleep good to [ __ ] me oh where what the oh [ __ ] I need to find some sea pickles

Bro [ __ ] that’s why I need fun I think they don’t they have to be in like a warm water area or I think in an ocean oh the coral reef area it’s type beat yeah [ __ ] me man really gonna [ __ ] Journey in the meantime let’s put some lanterns in the aquarium

Where the [ __ ] this is gonna take a while oh [ __ ] I’m Johnny here okay I’m chilling uh oh [ __ ] I almost found lava oh [ __ ] yeah we haven’t died dude hey surprise Robin dies in third time oh really we’re [ __ ] game yeah kind of crazy [ __ ] the first one to die that’s something

Like a dick pic I mean I’m sorry sorry yeah what just killed me around the spot comes with a diamond so let’s go uh don’t make promises you can’t keep it sometimes all of them barely care nice like just uh yeah I gotta get the gotta compare so

This is the homie sometimes you know what I mean let me know when when we get to that stage yeah sure tell us I can’t find I think the other axolotls despawn what the [ __ ] yeah it’s here at least you got one bad boy yeah that looks a little so interesting guys

Deep sea animals on over [ __ ] the ocean man patient’s too scary all right I think that’s all the water done I’ve seen a lot to place up a little bit with some lanterns yay looking pretty good not quite a lot okay all right I see some lanterns and [ __ ] Bam Bam Boom pow

Dude acts a little [ __ ] went out the door I’m just trying to go Tim has died bro oh my goodness oh my God yeah are we chilling all right there we go yeah I can’t find the other one that’s a hey not bad look at this all right not bad at all

Angle one more Lantern here would be good let’s just do that last one I’ve been holding on to the flower that you gave me this whole time I just realized in like my off hand oh wait you’re up here oh that’s cute oh the do you keep a lot of like sentimental things

Let’s see I see I’ll probably name this flower and put it in like an item frame oh my God it’s so cute yeah it’s so good this is just day one yeah day one day look at this let’s crack that up that’s okay [ __ ] it up there we go damn

All right and the left side here maybe some like a painting or some [ __ ] you know what I mean and I will do something here later but we’ll figure it out yeah yay all right not bad hey look at this very good [ __ ] dude nice

[ __ ] off yeah I’m glad we got to play Minecraft together I know I’m glad it’s uh you’ve done the continue again sometime yeah for sure for sure this would be our own little world together a little fresh start that was a very good spot dude okay actually we didn’t even

Find diamonds but like at least we built this but yeah we did all this those are better than diamonds yeah and the US better than all this the conversations were along the way you know got to know a lot more about Yuki yeah and we’ll get to know more soon

Yeah of course a lot more a lot more yeah all right I’m gonna go [ __ ] sleeper and I’m gonna have some good dreams yeah but you should get some rest as well okay thank you thank you so much for joining me thank you thank you thank you again Yay okay I’m gonna go and that was a good collab like I said that was like the chillest Minecraft collab I’ve ever had but we are gonna have to go for now um sadly I won’t be able to read any of the things right now because I do have to

Do you have to leave but um let’s find someone to redirect to First because you know share the love um Ike is streaming he’s streaming Witch’s House oh wait what the Witch’s House MV is there a new one I’ve never played it but uh I know that

I know the story and I know what happens but let me put him in here it’s so rare for Ike to be streaming at the same time as me so let’s go ahead and redirect to him remember to behave in his chat follow his chat rules also thank you to everyone who

Took a note of our updated new chat rules and thank you for following them um we’ll definitely be playing with Lee again in this world and uh thank you all for coming I will see you all in three days because um my little break my little Thanksgiving break starts

So when we come back we’ll get to play more uh Hatsune Miku colorful stage and then right after that will be um cyborg collab we haven’t collapsed in such a long time I’m excited to play with him again see you guys soon Thank you so much I’m asleep I’m sleep and then I’m eat okay bye everyone bye bye bye bye

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】building a new life together with lee【NIJISANJI EN | Uki Violeta】’, was uploaded by Uki Violeta 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2022-11-21 18:04:05. It has garnered 87490 views and 6591 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:13 or 10153 seconds.

Schrodinger Lee 🐀

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    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide – – • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Race

    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ ഹലോ ഹലോ ഹലോ അയ്യോ ഇതെന്താ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ഇപ്പൊ ക്ലിയർ ആണോ വോയിസ് ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്ന പോലെയുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ കേൾക്കാം ആരൊക്കെ ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്നു മൈക്ക് ഇവരെ കൊണ്ടുവരാം ഇല്ല ഇവിടെ കുറെ പേരുണ്ട് ഇത്ര എടുത്ത് വന്നാലേ ക്ലിയർ ആകത്തുള്ളൂ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കുറവുള്ളത് ഇതാ സൗണ്ട് സ്മോൾ ആണോ ആ اللہ ഓക്കേ അയ്യോ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ [സംഗീതം] പെട്ടെന്ന് [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഓക്കേ ഓക്കേ ഗയ്‌സ് താങ്ക്യൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഞാൻ ക്ലീൻ ആകുന്നില്ല ഇടയ്ക്കേ ഉള്ളൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ആ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ ഇവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് എവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത്… Read More

  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

    Insane SMP You Can't MissVideo Information तो मेरे बालो देखो हाउ टू जॉइन संस्कार एसएमपी तो मेरे बालो देखो आजकल के टाइम में ना एसएमपी कंटेंट बहुत ज्यादा चल रहा है तो मैं और मेरा दोस्त सीपो लेके आ चुके है आपके लिए संस्कार एसएमपी ये एक लाइफ स्टाइल एसएमपी होने वाली है और और लाइफ स्टाइल के अलावा इसमें तीन प्लगिंस है तो फर्स्ट प्लगइन है ग्रेव का तो मेरे भाई लोग तो देखो इस एमपी में कोई भी मर्ता है तो उसकी ग्रेव बन जाएगी और उसके हाथ में कंपस आ जाएगा जिससे वो अपनी मरी हुई लोकेशन पे जा सकता है… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link ________________________________________________ Link Port: 19202 Skin Ku Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest

    Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest Exploring the World of Minecraft Animation Introduction In the vibrant world of Minecraft animation, creators like Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku bring to life unique and entertaining content for viewers to enjoy. Through their videos, viewers are taken on a journey filled with humor, creativity, and endless possibilities. Unique Minecraft Animations Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku’s animations showcase the beauty of Minecraft through a lens of humor and creativity. From funny animated moments to unique experiences, each video is a testament to the boundless imagination of the creators. Characters and Creations The animations feature a cast of characters, including Stresmen and… Read More

  • INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information मा बट यू कंट्रोल माय वर्ड बॉर्डर इसका मतलब ये है कि अगर तुम लोग चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करोगे तो मेरा वर्ड बॉर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाएगा एंड अगर तुम लोग वीडियो को लाइक करोगे तो मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर छोटा हो जाएगा तो गाइस मैं स्पॉन हो चुका हूं और ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर तो सिर्फ एक ब्लॉक का है सो आप जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब करो जिससे मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाए ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो गया ये क्या सामने तो एक विलेज भी है तो गाइस मैं विलेज में आ गया हूं ये… Read More

  • Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft Experience

    Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft ExperienceVideo Information me and Joe are stuck in this base without any known land near us it goes that we were exiled from our home planet without any instructions no gear the only thing we can do from here is survive but that’s only if the creatures of this planet let [Music] us oh there’s a book in here narrator where is it I see the book I read I’ve begun to become no I’ve become to become yeah take two I’ve begun to become that was not take two I begun to become disturbed by the sounds and voices… Read More

Uki Violeta 【NIJISANJI EN】 – 【MINECRAFT】building a new life together with lee【NIJISANJI EN | Uki Violeta】