Ultimate Art Challenge for Pros

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Your Darth Vader watermelon sculpture is blowing my mind so here’s the reveal 3 2 1 you challenge us to make edible characters from Star Wars so let’s go I’m making Chewbacca and I’m starting off with his body oh it’s in it’s like a little shrimp floating and bobbing in

The ocean looking good so I got a curling iron and I’m going to make yod’s lightsaber 3 2 1 W holy cow I think I might just leave it in here holy C that is deep hard look at the counter oh my gosh this might be

One of the biggest steam UPS we’ve ever had now it’s time to pour in this hot liquid and hopefully this freezes into Yoda’s lightsaber 3 2 1 yo it’s like a little volcano man holy cow wo w w w w w that’s like seven wo time to remove the

Cocoa pot no all right we got to get the liquid nitrogen out of here and Devon you know what happens next right oh yeah we smash it 3 2 1 my gosh I’ve gathered up all the cocoa pots and I’ll be using this for the body

Of Chewbacca I just got to pull out the lightsaber like this it’s like King Arthur man you can’t get the sword out okay I think I just have to break out the ice around it I go one at a time and very softly when you could go like this

Boom bo no what are you doing that didn’t work at all man I thought my hammer skills were way better than that terrible put that put that put that away grab some Coco pots here oh it is slimy oh wow I feel like chewbaca right now

That is really gross oh my gosh man it’s raining dry ice I’ve sliced open a cocoa pod right here now it’s time to fill it up with a whole bunch of cocoa butter 3 2 1 oh holy cow it looks like liquid gold oh my gosh it’s going to harden

Into Chewbacca’s bod I just got to continue chisling this the thing is I think you’re going about it all wrong we take it right here uhhuh B how I am the true king I am King Arthur with my little juice stick what you saw me try to pull that out yeah and

It wasn’t working you missed like that you didn’t get that done this going to be a little lightsaber for you okay well thank you very much going to put this aside and then start making Yoda got to do this a couple more times and that’ll be the base of my Chewbacca all right

This thing is attached and ready to go this is for my edible Play-Doh like stuff that I’m making for his body I’m to busted coconut more like bust a table going to take it with a mallet like this here we go oh bam that’s what you call in there

It’s smoking it is literally smoking now’s the moment of Tru to see if I can crack open the sprouted coconut with my bare hands oh I’m getting I’m getting it look at me I’m going Wie mode yeah man this is going to be perfect for chupaca it stopped working oh no didn’t

All right adding some flour into here and this is going to be for the base of my body of Yoda it’s like a kind of a ploh you’re making one of the most powerful Jedi in the whole galaxy out of applesauce just seems a little like he

Should be made out of something a lot more powerful no no an apple a day keeps Darth Vader away ah yes yes I’ve got a perfect ring of iol here and the goal is to turn this ring into Chewbacca’s Iconic Hair going to drop it like this

You one b no I broke it got to start all over yeah I got to start all over again oh my gosh this this is going to be tough now it’s time to start making my Darth Vader watermelon all right here we go got another one right here lather

This thing up a whole bunch of corn starts here and then we’re going to go for a pul this might be a whole new career for me if I can pull this off if you can pull it off nice Deon we don’t we don’t do puns here hey man you made

The pun I just pointed it out now before I reveal this watermelon sculpture it’s just going to need a little bit more work so stick around to find out how it turns out here’s the first big moment time to take it like this twist it oh

Yeah look at this I’m coloring the dough for Yoda’s head are you making Yoda or Swamp Thing right there Deon I’m making Yoda dude he’s green it’s all about quantity about doing this a whole bunch of times and looping it over man got this thing into a nice shape for his

Head oh my gosh yo all right the fibers all starting to come together man you can see it look at this holy cow I can see why it takes years and years of practice to get it right but it looks absolutely incredible all right Yoda’s

Head is done now it’s time to add the hair all right well you do that Deon time to introduce the most powerful lightsaber in all the Galaxy right here 3 2 1 that’s uh not hold wrong one here we go like that that’s not right either

Like this okay hold yep oh we had it for a second well it’s not quite working right so let’s just uh let’s just all right we’ll deactivate it so I got some rice noodles here they’re very dry going to stick these into the top of his head

Like this all right well you work on your hair I’m going to continue with my hair look like a little bug right now little antennas going to pour it in here like this all right and then just kind of crimp down like that I’m really

Trying to get some great locks on it cuz you can have this Chewbacca or you can have this Chewbacca have this Chewbacca or this Chewbacca I want that Chewbacca look a little wiing man like someone kind of got like a static like electricity shock on them what do these

Look like Deon they look like cacti no they are Chewbacca’s legs oh yeah except right now they’re very hairy so I had to dehair Chewbacca’s legs and get it real nice and deep into all those hairs as you’re doing that this is some hot oil for Yoda’s hair he making his hair out

Of oil yes three 2 1 wo his hair holy cow it’s turning crazy it’s getting all wiry dude yes yod to win from Zero to Hero real quick man this is a pure Einstein Yoda got the wax on here like this and now it’s time to rip it all off

I mean very gently take it off of Chewbacca’s legs all right that’s it for his hair now on to the body the wax is all on now I’ve got a strip right here going to place it on just like this now it’s kind of got to squeeze it on time

To wax the cactus here we go 3 2 1 yo man it work it we waxed it bro I got some dough here to make Yoda’s cloak all right I got a huge chunk of butter right here and a heat Blaster I got to put this sheet of Plexi over top this is

Going to compress it into a very very thin layer of noodle time for me to take the body and stick it here on Chewbacca’s legs oh man but like butter so here we go let’s just go down boom uhoh this is tough this is real tough

This is real tough this is real tough but I got it now it’s time to grab the pump why a pink pump Deon cuz that’s what it came with all right well have a problem with a pink pump no problem with a pink pump now it’s time to grab all

The different elements put them together and assemble them into the final art sculpture the Star Wars art pieces are done and I am mind blown by these look looks amazing thank you I’m going to level with you this took a a ton of work

A lot of time and a whole bunch of help from a ton of my friends and looks incredible and I’m not mad dude that looks amazing yeah cuz there’s no way on my own I would be able to create this 3 2 1 now I know you’re ready to see this watermelon sculpture but it’s going to take a little bit more work so we’ll be revealing it at the end of the video slime freeze C look at that man you challenge us to do the ultimate food art challenge where we make watermelon

Sculptures Star Wars characters and even edible aliens and mummies so let’s go think of this as the edible intestines of my edible mummy this going making the intestines for the iners of your mummy these eggs here are going to be the iners of my alien oh that sounded like

Intestines right there de all right here we go just going to keep cracking these eggs in here like it’s my job like it’s my business W I filled up one on the inside holy cow it’s like a lava lamp three 2 1 let’s see just going to

Squeeze it down oh dude you’re you’re getting your things in my eggs man I’m sorry it’s hard toting my alien supposed to be Area 51 over here I’m supposed to be keeping it all secret all right well here we go going to blow up a balloon

This is my favorite intestine so far man ah nice quite the prank con call me a professional prank going to put on here like this and again the balloon kind of acts as like the stomach you can probably see what’s going to happen next we’re going to try to get all the eggs

Inside the balloon here we go 3 2 1 like this and then just squeeze it in look at is that necessary man the way these intestines glisten in the light man makes me want to eat them I’ve never heard anyone say that before it doesn’t sound that that appetising 3 2 1

Oh that’s no W oh no no put it back it what have I done I don’t know but I it was that was nasty time to cook the egg balloon and this is going to create the perfect intestines for my alien just going to drop the egg in there we go and

Then put the boom and then bam and then that’s going to cook the boom and the bam boom and the BAM and the cook that’s a pretty intense bucket of intestines you got right there de oh yeah it is all right well let me just let this keep

Cooking and now it’s on to the next part of my alien all right I think my balloon boiled egg is all done can you relax bro for 1 second all right so here we go let’s pull this out like this oh oh that’s funky looking oh wait a second I

Have to feel that wo yeah it’s it’s bizarre it’s like rubbery this right here is going to be a massive egg we don’t have any more ostrich eggs so this is kind of our new DIY version of an ostrich egg I’m making lemon curds for the stomach of my mummy and you can’t

Have lemon curd without lemons this is true Deon speaks the truth all right here we go 3 2 1 Let’s remove the balloon oh what on Earth boom there we go it looks like a balloon shaped sweet potato Giant Egg Deon oh it is all right

So now the final thing I got to do with my egg here we go get a bowl I got to harvest it and break it down this little fun life hack I learned so here we go we’re going to grab some lemons thing is I don’t actually need the lemons I need

This net right here all right so here we go the idea is I’m actually going to be able to squeeze out these things in between these little holes three two one here we go like this and then just push the egg through it what is this these

Are going to be the intestines D he got a whole bunch of little tiny short intestines look at that look at that not as satisfying as I was hoping would be R I can’t look at that all right happy thoughts lemon thoughts jeez dude smells

So bad I can’t even look at that thing we go oh squeeze it like that okay bam all right well now we’re on to the next part of the alien yeah I got to make a lot more lemon juice hope that’ll overpower the egg man hopefully got some

Tap yoga right here and this stff is going to be real weird on the inside of the alien time to get it out so oh man this is um this is very stuck there we go okay starting to starting to come down a little bit well I got some butter

Here and now it’s time to melt it down for my lemon curd okay then all right well here we go I didn’t know I needed flour in mine but now I know I do exactly so we’re going to have to give it the the once around go like this this

The once around cuz technically five around bro that was like five or six arounds where did it go oh my gosh it went on the merch no way oh then we’re going to add in some more of this powder here so so here we go it’s going to uh

Here we go place it down like this and then we’re just going to place the tapioca oh man it I’m going to turn this into worms that will be on the inside of my aliens are you kidding enjoying life no I’m not nasty he’s an alien de there’s microorganisms that are living

Inside of him like worms wa he going to melt down the butter in there yes I am seems like a very slow process to be able to do it man it’s actually cleaner and faster than doing it in a pan Colin what was that that was my greatest that

Was my greatest slam of all time this merch is black sorry doing all right it’s time for me to create the tapioca worms got piece number one right here going to slam it down in here slaming okay there we go there we go little noodles noodles noodles man this is so

Much more difficult than I expected okay here we go we got to place here then this is so tough dude I know I’ve been through it all right got that stick of butter now I got to move on to my next one okay then 3 2 one yes see you just

Had to load it not as much my goodness bam there we go tapioca noodles or Devon’s new wig all right well here are the worms for the inside of my alien and now on to the next part of the body I’ve got some very hot Ice Bowl here because

It is time to make the arms and legs of my alien what is that good sir this is my lemon Cur which you’re mix an eggs with lemons over here yes I’m going to pour my iceo in here like this make sure it’s set down here we go all right just

Need to add this here into this pan and then heat it up and then I’ll be on to my next step dude these lemon curds are going to add a whole another flavor to my mummy stomach this is looking good so here we go it’s going to add olive oil

In like this look at that dude look at that okay it’s coming together man I got to say the olive oil is not going in fast enough though it’s got to go a little bit quicker come on come on it’s like collapsing it’s collapsing no it’s like dripping the side it’s like a

Leaning tower of pizza right now oh my gosh you know what we’re making an alien arm so technically anything goes right now that’s the aliens arm Yep this is the alien arm yep yep support it support great I am out of oil it looks like it’s

About to pop I am out of oil man if you can hold this up here one second this is the ref Mission it weirdly looks like an elephant trunk I did not realize that these intestines would not mix very well with the lemon curd I’m going to mix

This up dry ice in there yes all right here we go three two wait wait 3 like chall we want to see if you can like this video in 3 seconds you ready here we go 3 2 1 done 3 2 one let’s see going

Mix it up mix it up I got to mix it up look at this oil hold this oil is getting out of control too much tip too much tip okay that should be fine right now oh no what I am not cleaning that up could you imagine if you dug up what I’m

Dealing with lost this looks like the innards of something that’s been dead for a very long time you have to clean up all this oil right now cuz otherwise we’re going to be slipping and sliding everywhere n should accomplish with mine you must ate something really bad before

I passed away man all right got this giant Bingo Tumblr here all set up because I am making the core of his brain I thought I have the cool cylindrical looking thing here man definitely not well excuse me my Jack for needs a smidge of room so can I just

Have you move yours they really don’t want you getting into this Bingo you moveing over this way wait a minute it turns well you that time for me to make the skin of my alien I want to have a very unique looking texture to it we got

Some agar agar over here I’m just going to pour it here on the jack fruit and hopefully it’s going to give it a nice Rigg looking approach so here we go I’ve never tried to get out so much PE butter in my life at one time next up I need to

I need to spread the skin spread spread Spread spread Spread spread now I got to add in some of this granola right here the way he granola granola granola close it up here just like this and now mixy mixy all right y you just shoot it out come can I not mention the

Holes you did mention I mentioned the holes yeah I know when a mess is about to be made it’s like a spidey sense I have it just goes off and I’m like yep a mess is about to happen you have a spidey sense for when a mess is about to

Be made well I’m just going to keep packing the skin on going to let it dry and then peel it off look at that it’s like sleeping through yeah centrifugal force bro you’re trying to make some noodles there I know what did I do wrong

Every it has holes all right here we go time to peel off my alien skin oh my gosh yes it is actually kind of coming together this is so satisfying man look at this W holy cow and boom all right there we go this is going to be the skin

Of my alien I do have to say this brain is going to be really tasty only a few things left for my alien just the rib cage some eyeballs and a couple different things and mine will be fully done mine’s almost done as well just got

To put them together we got the edible alien and mummy and these things turned out so good man like I got to say this might be the best art I have ever done I think so it’s either that or the Pennywise Bro oh yeah I than it’s for

This one I did have to get some friends to help me out with this but it took a lot of time and I’m really proud of how it turned out yeah and I actually also had to use some friends help because this one was really difficult the thing

I’m the most excited about is opening these up dissecting them and then eating whatever is on the inside W it’s going to be interesting here we go three 2 1 t look at these masterpieces I have to say I’m a little creeped out and like the

Eye in there too and everything we’ got the animal alien and mummy and now it is time to dissect them and see how they taste we’re going to eat deon’s mummy first there are four parts of it that I am really excited to eat all right de so

What’s the first one what are we going to be tasting part is going to be the arms so I’m just going to break off one of these 3 2 1 oh I forgot what we put in here what is that little maget I know right holy cow

Isn’t that nasty I got to say I think I’m just going to uh leave this one to you bro you got this you got this you got this I believe supposed to be kind of enjoy the taste well I guess we’re going to move on to cons this is okay

Then in that case I will come back that’s one arm do you want to do the next arm I thought be a little bit like firmer cuz like how it all looks but like oh man it’s a little a little squishy literally looks like maggots did

You actually put maggots in here no I didn’t bro all right let’s just get to the chest now you ready sure I’m just going to go for a bite of the arm okay you ready both the same ready all right here we go three two 1

It’s very bre all right now that that’s done it’s time to open up the chest yeah I’m a little bit concerned cuz you’ve been really building this up there’s a knife involved there is and some pincers am I expecting like something to like burst out of the chest you’re expecting

A lot of things con I don’t know which one all right here we go 3 2 1 you slice it open what’s going on the inside man it’s the little intestin dude what yeah man that’s uh that’s awesome this one it’s probably going to taste better than the arms but it looks like

It’s going to taste far worse all right time to see how these things taste you ready yep here we go 3 2 1 wo my lemon Curt bro that go man you got got like a whole bunch of G man keep going bro let’s get to the leg 3 2 1 y

Oh yeah it is definitely hard going to peel back this bit they’re Hollow what yeah this what are the what are those look first of all his legs are baguette legs I know you’d love that and look there’s stuff in the legs I put little bugs in there but they

Kind of merg together into one massive bug grosser all right here we go here we go 3 2 1 oh wow holy cow the Bre Bre well now it’s time to go for the main event the mummy’s head and I’m guessing stuff’s going to ooze you’re guessing

Maybe correctly all right here we go 3 2 1 let’s go for Little Slice uhoh oh oh just membrane thing so this going to be the brain underneath this I guess all right 2 1 Let’s oh yes doesn’t that brain look amazing I’m impressed and now it’s time to just y get in

There that’s that peanut butter stuff that I used remember oh so that’s going to be delicious then yes it’s going to be great all right here we go 3 2 1 oh my God what the best thing we’ve done yeah oh yeah another one yeah was

Amazing so good the first part of my alien what do you think we’re going to start with here man I don’t know man it’s up to you here’s the thing I really want start things off with a bangs we’re going to go for the head first here we

Go here three 2 one it seems like this here we go oh man that looks tough yo look at the inside of the head no way I have to eat that it’s kind of a little pocket that’s pretty funky looking over there grab some of the eye and then

Maybe some of this outer membrane stuff you know what put on like a little sock all right here we go three 2 1 oh woah oh it tastes like tar yeah it’s really bad I know sounds kind of countering but maybe the feet will taste better than

The head we’re going to grab off one of the toes like this here we go y that stry that is a stretchy toe let me do okay you want to give a shot here we go 3 2 1 it’s like King how did you get

That so easily all right here we go 3 2 1 oh oh oh oh oh that was really good that’s Redemption right there big wow factor my alien the stomach right here just wait till you see what happens when we slice this thing open you ready all

Right here we go three 2 1 dude an Ali an alien what is going on I put a water balloon that’s way bigger than I expected you made this dude what are you doing I’m doing my best here we go 3 2 1 my gosh wo look at that oh that’s a lot oh look at that that’s pretty rough 3 2 1 W that’s so bad spicy now it’s finally time to reveal my Darth Vader watermelon I am truly blown away by this masterpiece doesn’t even make sense how you did this so here we go 3 2 1 look at that bro that is unbelievable got the edible Star warzard and now it’s

Time to see how they taste both of these are amazing some of the best stuff we’ve ever done I completely agree with you so Devon the question becomes which one do we want to eat first do we want to sink our teeth into a solid Yoda or into a

Fuzzy W solid Yoda let’s eat some of the feet I’m going to take a full ear oh my gosh look let’s see if we can crack this like this oh man there we go all right cool we got some pieces of the ear I want a finger can I grab his thumb yeah

Go for it man I think this is Yoda’s thumb with with a fingernail and everything I think I’m going to take off one of his feet right here his look at that on the inside that’s a whole bunch of flavor packed into some

Toast all right here we go 3 2 1 oh wow wo wo oh wo wo wo yeah yeah I nailed it oh my God oh my God it is really hard though it might so good your mouth is green like the Hulk go now it’s time to try Chewbacca

And I got to say with Chewbacca if you don’t like hair in your food you probably won’t like Chewbacca we’re going to go for two different parts I think one part I want to try is the head I want to try an arm of them so which

One do you want them do you want the head or the arm I’ll take the arm here we go oh oh there we go all right I got to say it’s looking like it lost a bit of its shape unless you’re good it’s very very hairy we going to try to grab

His head so sorry Chewbacca you look so nice you look so lovely all right well there we go we exactly he is now a cleanly shaven chewbaca he looks like Devon no he doesn’t yeah with the hair I mean the hairstyle is kind of the same

As Devon’s hairstyle man uh that Mak too different I mean Devon if you had hair all over your body you would be a Chewbacca okay I think let’s move on from this topic all right well time to take a bite and see how Chewbacca tastes

Man you ready let’s do it yeah three 2 1 oh oh oh it was smoking for a second oh look at his head holy cow look at he got bald my new favorite thing in life is bald chewbaca I think it’s just absolutely hilarious if you get to

Comment down below who is your favorite movie character you would love to see us make an actual art sculpture out of you challenge us to make Iron Man out of a watermelon so let’s go time to peel the melon I’ve got the spatula peeler so

Here we go it’s going to peel it off like this you always want to peel away from yourself like this all right got it all right we got the melon bro it’s all peeled and now it’s time to shape the head so this is what I’m going to use

For Iron Man’s mask so here we go we’re going to place it down see dude I can look through the mask bro I’m becoming Iron Man right now I’m scoring the side of it so I know where to stop cutting you made it look so easy when you were

Doing it man but this is uh got to say not quite as as easy as you made it look and done there we go I got it fully peeled and now it’s time to fasten Iron Man’s face to this so here we go we’re going to pop it like here like this

First skewer is going to go in and then all the way down right now I’m defining the neck and separating the helmet from the body what if I take a little bit of this and then pop in here like that bam now he’s got a perfect little plump

Tongue finishing up the head shape and now it’s time to make the mask now for the mask you kind of want to draw on the surface before you cut it and I got to give my Iron Man some nice buck teeth you know to give him that real authentic

Tony Stark look now I’m going to use a pairing knife for the small eyes wait what step are you on I’m on the same step as you I’m on the step of creating his face and his eyebrows you’re definitely not creating eyebrows pulling off the side here a big chunk oh how is

That going to help me shap wait what oh my gosh bro right now he looks like an alien though now all I have to do is just take off this back stuff and as you do that I’m going to give my guy a neck really quickly just core out the center

Of it like that boom see dude look it like literally created a perfect ball of Watermelon Man scooping out the face now to make room for the mask and I’m scooping out the inside of mine because it’s very fun and I just I enjoy doing

This got all my pieces and now it’s time to assemble them and add the finishing touches I’ll be revealing mine at the end of the video and we’re on to the next round you challenged us to make giant pancake art so let’s go big old head right there is like that perfect

I’m a little concerned cuz he’s looking like a plump baby right now right now he’s going to get like a little scales you know this very important I notic that Deon did this a lot on his he gave his guy a whole bunch of scales mine’s

Grabbing a car that’s fair but you can’t add extra elements into it man yes I can how would my guy grab a car look at his arms man he’s like why would you grab the car all right my guy is ready to add color going to go all around like this

No dude it’s leaking out the top again shoot this is not what I want I’m taking some creative Liberties here and adding some purple into a spike wait bro you got that idea from me mine have purple spikes wait you do it’s right there bro all right this is the easy part just

Filling it in last but not least we going to get him a little welt on his forehead because unfortunately he got bonked with a car that your dude threw all right the Finishing Touch is done and now it’s time to let it roast pancakes are cooked and now it’s time

For the flip but this is going to be way too small so y we got to get the giant flipper oh no okay here we go here we go get the arm it is eight stop it it’s going great Deon here we goes let’s see let’s keep going underneath like this three 2

One dude I got it bro first try with a massive flip dude look at my guy bro he’s so good all right here we go going to try to get underneath it oh man it’s so brittle are you sure going be able to do this without breaking it ready set go very delicately

Oh snap bro that looks so crazy he actually kind of scaly you get to comment down below who won this round you challenge us to try Pizza art and we’re making Spider-Man from Avengers endgame and we’re off to a messy start well I got my dough the thing is Deon I

Think you made a large round mistake you have a round Pizza which is a big no no when creating Spider-Man’s head but a big yes yes when creating pizza yes yes all right well you know what here we go going to stretch it out like this right

Now I’m just adding the cheese yo yours is way far farther along than mine y all right I’m moving right along to adding the pepperoni pieces next up time to apply the tomato sauce so I’ve got this tomato sauce applying stick right here it’s in all the top restaurants in NYC

Right now this I get even distribution of the tomato sauce on your crust just like this you just roll it out like that I really didn’t think that would work but it kind of does it absolutely does now for the webs on Spider-Man’s face I’ve cut up a whole bunch of Nory sheets

Into small strips just like you have time to add the white layer base I’m going to add a whole bunch of onions right now boom you just say onion exactly just like you Deon following in your footsteps no I added cheese cons wait what here we go got some Parmesan

Right here that is onion powdered what that’s powdered onion putting in the final little touches and oh snap no wait what that no totally good all right nothing there was nothing there wearing the merch yeah it looks great on you de it looks oh boy no yeah how did that it

Was you it wasn’t me it was this thing that’s not me Deon do I look like this but you put it there face to face Deon do I look anything like this actually the resemblance is uncanny just doing the finishing touches on the outline of

The eye all right now it’s time for me to create my base so I’m going to use pepperonis just like Deon some sliced up bell pepper here and I’m actually adding it around the side as a nice little frame so to kick it off with his eyes

I’ve got two little olives over here so go we need some garlic powder to make the rest of his eyes so here we go now we got to make the mouth I want to use one of these bell peppers wa is this a bell pepper you really want to find out

If it’s a bell pepper you do this here we go 3 2 1 well the stem’s kind of weak on that one so y I’m also on the bell pepper step as well I’m adding it on his face here for his mask going to use my bell

Pepper has two little eyebrows you don’t even know that’s Spider-Man or not man do you do you see these eyes I don’t know man I think mine are much more expressive and emotive he’s good background’s done face is down and now it’s time to add the onion eyes if that

Was on a Pizza Hut menu bro I would buy it in a second oh my gosh your eyes are looking so good now it’s got to put a few finishing touches and time to pop these in the oven pizzas are fully decorated and bro that looks just like

Spider-Man so here’s a big reveal 3 2 wait 5sec subscribe challenge we want to see if you can subscribe to this Channel and turn on the channel post notifications in 5 seconds you ready here we go 5 4 3 2 1 that comment down below keeper Squad

Right now Ready set go t dude that looks just like Spider-Man you get to comment down below whose Pizza turned out better and we’ll be eating them at the end of the video you challenge us to do a bento box art Pikachu so let’s go I’m starting

Off with the yellow rice for Pikachu can add some blueberries in just like that perfect so y my Pikachu’s done now it’s time for Bulbasaur I got to say this blue works a lot better than the blueberries man it’s almost like too much it’s almost turning too dark right

Now it’s like those guys with those crystal balls man they just go like yep now time for the plop and drop so time to activate my Bulbasaur your who my Bulbasaur 3 2 1 oh there we go perfect so here we go Bulbasaur is in the thing

My Bulbasaur is missing is his bulb so I’m using an artichoke and I’m using an eggplant and an artichoke next up I got to make Pikachu so we got to get some rice here and got to turn it yellow so here we go to add the yellow color in

Like this I’m thinking this is going to be more 3D than my art normally is so I’m going to actually have his foot coming out side of the box and I’m going to use these carrots Little Chopsticks to grab the chunks of rice here we go

This is going to be Pikachu’s head so here we go this next one give me Pikachu’s body like this the issue is I’ve got too much yellow rice for Pikachu so I’ve got a different idea I’m only going to make half a Pikachu’s head over here so half of the mystery is

Where the other half of his head go I think it’s time to move on to the background I’ve got the base done so now I just got to add this lettuce in here like this hey D I want to suck your vog dude take those leg out why not excuse

Me that was that was a fleet if you’re you’re going to Fleet my teeth you got to Fleet them correctly the key to the background is to take this lettuce and roll it up just like this then place it in next up time for detective Pikachu’s

Eyes so I’m going to use a mushroom right now first to represent his eye most of the background’s done now just got to do Pikachu’s tail and bulbasaurus face and I got my mango here cuz this going to be the front of bulbasaurus man here we go going to Bulbasaur not

Bulbasaurus I’m sorry I’ll get it right at some point here we go all right we got the mango star so here we go going to get this out right now let’s see going in for Pikachu’s tail I kind of wanted to twist like a lightning bolb little piece of art on

Bulbasaur’s belly so there we go bam look at that he’s like check out my cute little belly button so I’m using two kiwis one is for the top part of his hat and now I use the other half for the lid of the Hat my Bulbasaur I’m going to add

In a whole bunch of vines cuz that’s kind of a big part of his his personality got to get a whole bunch of different types of shrey poking out of him here so here we go he’s going to be a prickly fella time to add his rosy

Cheeks and I’m actually going to use these cherry tomatoes cut in half and those will be his little cheeks second cheek is done man my gu’s looking really cute yo imagine if they had a Pokémon Bento Box lunchable man that would be insane so next up we got a mango here

And this mango is going to be charar wait no no no no no what’s his name Bulbasaur basur pop this right here like this mango Pikachu’s hat or Bulbasaur’s head yes I guess I’m not going to get an answer to that yes next up I’m adding in

The black part to his ears with the nor sheet oh no I think I added a little goatee on accident got to take that off now detective Pikachu would be nothing without his magnifying glass I’m using this pretzel here as a stock St for the background I’ve got a whole bunch of

Norise sheets right here to take the Pikachu only works at night man so here we go it’s going to crumple it up a l in here exactly Deon yours is not looking like detective Pikachu it’s looking like defective Pikachu mine is looking defective dude what’s going on with your

Guy’s eyes he’s just having a weird night man just a little bit of a tough case to crack you know now for the magnifying glass I’m actually using this agar agar W look at that dude mind I’m holding a whole bunch of pretzels to make it look like I’m doing something

Cuz I have nothing to do right now so for the eyes I’m cutting a raspberry in half and putting them on just like that now it’s time to make this thing look Saucy the Bento Box artist Fin and dude yours looks so good bro so here’s a big reveal Ready set

Go that looks so good like the magnifying glass and everything man so you get to comment down whose do you think turned out better and we’ll be eating them at the end of the video you challenged us to make a Guardians of the Galaxy Bowl so let’s go step number one

We’re melting down the organic unsweetened carrot and I’m adding in the yogurt chips right now some of the food are been kind of questionable on how delicious it would be but this this looks like it’s going to be amazing and now it’s time to mix in the color so

Here we go going to add a couple drops right here I got my pre-made colors right here you are always one step ahead of me I got to get better at this whole preparation thing I got my Spoonful here and I’m going to start drizzling it onto

The little bowls going in just like this oh my God done with the blue time for the pink uhoh I don’t think I’m drizzling quite right man how did you get your drizzle so nice while you’re drizzling I’m going to do the next step which is painting the inside of these

Little bowls I don’t think it’s working out as well as yours was you got to finesse it Con is this how you finesse it I’m switching up to the spoon Technique No More brushing next up I’ve actually got a different technique where I’m going to be using balloons just to

Dip fully in now that it has a little bull cut just like Deon and I when we were younger yep that is actually us time to pop this in the cup here so here he goes Bo he looks like a funny little dude now that I’ve got the dollops in

I’m doing my Finishing Touch with the brush we Blended up a whole bunch of bananas and this is going to act as the creamy base now it’s time to create the Galaxy time to add in all the different colors so first off got some spirulina here I’m starting with blue you’re

Starting with green yeah the powder is all there man this is going to be amazing it looks like a whole bunch of little stars and planets man you get all the different grains and textures in it that that yeah didn’t sound too confident yeah I don’t know man next up

I’m going with black oh to represent like space yep yo well that got real dark real quick man this looks like some magnetic slime now it’s time to construct the bowl so I’m putting down the granola face I got granola bars man these are granola bars you got to mash

Them down in the granola you want it to be excuse me I got to get some of this granola man it didn’t quite add enough so here we go let’s get some granola you want to add each color one at a time right next to each other next time time

To add in some edible glitter and oh man just got to be care with this stuff I guess we do a little sprinkle this is your chance to add a different color than you had before exactly time to do the swirl 3 2 1 man yo this multis skewer approaches

Oh boy wrecking it very badly look great we’re going to move to one skewer maybe this will be a little bit better little dainty swirls just like this man yours is looking way cooler why is mine not turning out the same way man cuz like we

Both did the same process but is looking crusty excuse me now it’s time to add the carrot balls and the awesome finishing touches yo dude that looks just like the Galaxy and here’s a big reveal Ready set go t bro that is so crazy it turned out so good man you get

To comment down below who won this round and we’ll be eating them at the end of the video we got all the foods and now it’s time to see how they taste and mine’s got so much garlic powder and onion powder bro it’s going to be an

Intense experience 3 2 1 oh no I want to make sure I get it I will warn you it definitely has the ability to wreck your entire arms bro oh yes I am figuring that out right now oh man oh no my favorite part the mouth I just wrecked

His mouth yeah my guy lost half his face see it’s um that was his face I got to get the slice right over here by his head man and there’s my slice all right there we go we got all the ingredients yeah oh my gosh all right

Well let’s see if the art tastes as good as it looks ready set go W oh my goodness wo are you okay no not so good oh my goodness this is one of the best pizzas I’ve ever had that is an assault on the TP yo dude that was so

Intense and right now we’re on to the next one we’ve got our detective Pikachu Bento boxes right here in time to see how these taste I’ve got Squirtle or no what’s this guy’s name again Bulbasaur Bulbasaur there we go I’ve got Bulbasaur and Pikachu but just the top half of his

Pikachu dude it’s could be like a mask look at I’m detecting Pik dropping everything my looking great I got the face of Bulbasaur and I’m using the magnifying glasses the plate get some some blue rice is kind of a base right here like his nose oh my gosh

D yours looks way more appetizing than mine to be honest can I just eat your Pikachu course we got to grab detect the Pikachu’s hat like this here with the Kiwi Ready set Go I be the whole kiwi definitely not the best mine tastes just as good as mine looks and mine tastes just as weird as mine looks so right now we’re on to the next one got the Galaxy bowls and time to find out how they taste dude

Look at mine it looks nothing like it used to look at mine bro what happened bro I think they melt super fast you know what I’ve got a fining touch though from mine here we go we’ve got my balloon yeah the yeah so maybe this

Excuse me do it together on the count of three here we go you ready three two 2 one oh s we got to flip it up we got to flip it up oh my God don’t break it don’t break it all right there we go the

Bll cut is rather good but not yet really good luckily we got got an even bigger one here oh my gosh hold on oh what oh my gosh bro time to scoop up some of mine here going to try to break one of these in half why you take the

Whole thing yeah I’ll take the whole planet get some granola in there all right well here we go Ready set go wo oh man bro this is one of the best things we’ve ever made man all right right now we’re out to the next one we

Got the pancake art time to eat it and I got to say man this probably the crispiest pancake art we’ve ever made no it’s about to break into 10 pieces just as I hold it right now dude I don’t even know if I can get mine up bro okay here

We go oh snapo look at him he’s coming for was a little close a s in half my guy is not necessarily scared is more awkward he’s like yo what’s up he lost an arm oh man okay well you know what have about this I’m going to take off his head right now

Boom and this what I’m going to be eating so de ready take a bite here we go 3 2 1 wow yeah that’s really br oh wow it’s very crunchy yeah that tastes really good on to the next one we got the watermelon sculptures and time to find

Out how these taste those teeth are insane it’s something special so here we go now I’m just going to use this I got to get a pizza off so I got to find a way kind of find got a way to find a carve away in here so let’s like this

Boom there we go bam easy there you go that’s my piece you know what now that I got it all busted open how about this wo my watermelon is hollow on the inside oh all right look at this that ain’t good all right so let’s see how this taste

Here we go Ready set go oh I couldn’t even bite the green oh no yeah well your art looks amazing eat the rhy you challenged us to let Henry the hamster control our pancake art challenge so Henry what is our first Pancake dude Henry that’s not what I

Meant by what pancake well it’s all red pancake batter so looks like we’re making Spider-Man pancakes I’m in shock well you know what I’m going to go get fully cleaned off clean off my gridle and I’ll be right back you can easily Salvage that Devon be an artist we are

All cleaned off and for my Spider-Man I’m going to be drawing from color theory so I’m bringing in yellow and blue to contrast the red I’m making Iron Spider-Man wait with the claw come out oh my gosh what that’s what you call the moment I just had an epiphany I’m

Literally going to paint a mini scene so oh here we go wow that’s a pan true art you thought Alexa was going to be your competitor n fam look right here in my face I’m looking at your eyes my P dude you got on my pants bro it’s part

Of art yeah I can see that okay I literally only have a few more sections to fill in and I think I’m almost ready to flip wait dude what is Henry doing Henry no Alexa has to work upside down no that’s what I’m talking about Henry paw five that wait no no PAW

Five Henry I thought we were friends all right I’m adding my last bit and then it’s ready to flip that is looking funky I think you’re messing up mean my pancakes have been a little bit too thin in the past so I’m reinforcing it this

Time next up we got to get the mouth add some teeth Spider-Man’s teeth in boom there we go look at that his mouth is covered by The Mask how is your art skills when you’re making art upside down I don’t know I’ve never tried it but luckily I’m almost done and ready

For the flip all right going to give him some white eyes over here to be honest I think mine’s actually coming together pretty nicely right now and I got to say it’s going to blow your mind my mind already been blown enough today would you mind passion he’s kind of in the

Middle of something passion more important I’m almost done oh you’re going for the classic red I got to say by adding more red that that didn’t help it’s not working wait this is the point that okay you that like I think it’s I think it’s great no no it’s great yeah

Yeah I think it’s fantastic yeah it’s real good you almost done I did it that’s great timing because mine is done as well and done okay my pancake is done and I’m ready to flip this may actually be better than I’m nervous cuz that thing looks amazing

Okay I’m going to flip all right Henry so before we flip what is our next pancake going to be oh okay all right 2 1 flip it what no way you got challenge bro you got competition nervous Look Away Henry Look Away you don’t want to see this

Pancake cuz you might choose it there is only one way to flip this masterpiece with two spatula oh boy yeah good luck with that cons oh boy 3 2 1 Man W look at that wa those eyes are so blood shot so bloodshot but hey here’s the thing Henry it’s ultimately

Up to you so you could absolutely love this this could speak to your inner artist but before I flip my pancake I got to say I don’t think Henry should be controlling our pancake art I mean I doubt he’s never tried a pancake he probably doesn’t even know what a

Pancake is Henry doesn’t even know anything about anything his brain is like this big I mean look at him he’s just a funky little musty little rat rat rat rat no no no Henry Henry you are not a musty looking rat you’re a very fluffy looking you are beautiful I’m making a

Roblox Miner and pirate what Alexa you can’t start yet I got to flip mine first all right it’s finally cooked and now it’s time for the flip oh dude you better be careful with the flip cuz you’ve been working on this masterpiece for quite some time no I just got to

Edge in on the sides here sh don’t tell them but I’m going to keep working on my Roblox pancak here we go 3 2 1 oh my no way that is insane wait Alexa you’re still working on your pancake oh come on you’re like super far ahead now that is really

Unfair to help me catch up I’m making a noble KN in shining armor I’m a big fan of this negative space right here so this is going to be my dude’s eyes I’ve got a funnel this time and I’ve got a brilliant strategy for making sure that

M Precision that was not supposed to happen I don’t think no I thought you said that there are no mistakes with panc this was really a mistake at least it didn’t get on mine well I just have to fill in the color now and then I

Should be ready to flip Alexa you’re so far ahead Henry can you help me out here I need something to help me catch up give me something good man give me something good bad W what is this Go Go Juice Henry that looks a little sketchy

Henry uh is this FDA approved I got to say with Henry’s track record if I were you I wouldn’t drink it I mean hey what’s the worst that could happen with Henry it could be pretty bad I’m going to risk it for the biscuit he’s going

For it are you sure you need all that goo juice I feel tingly I think it’s going to help my pancake art I think so Deon yo Deon kind of freaking me out a little bit dude are you can you even hear us Deon Deon hello I got to say his

Art’s actually really incredible right now he’s slowing down I think yeah the effects are definitely wearing off Deon de you hear us yo yo what just happened ridiculous come on I I had a chance wow you guys are so slow why are you guys so slow hey I am not going slow

Devon I’m almost done but finally time to actually remove these pieces oh that work that’s low key terrifying I’m shocked it’s holding its shape oh that looks kind of scary actually it looks a little disturbing not going to lie well just be careful because I got

To focus on filling in my Knight’s right knee then I’ll be ready to flip got a brilliant idea a master plan if you will I’m going to turn this into a Roblox portrait of a hamster five this Pancake Man I’m not sure if I’m behind this one it looks like a

Hamster centipede that’s like Pennywise oh no don’t go there all right so the outline on mine is pretty much done so I’d say I’m pretty close I’d say that too I just got to fill in this boot and then I could fill in the backing okay

Spilled a little bit over the Border but don’t worry I think it’s ready to flip just doing the last part of the backing and my backing is complete too time for the flips all right here we go so it’s time for the flip uh my apologies and we

May have to blur it out the moment I flip before you flip it and Scar us all which is highly likely yeah all right here we go time for the flip 3 2 1 oh no oh my gosh oh no that’s really freaky I’m concerned about your mind why is it so crusty man it looks like SpongeBob mixed with Pennywise mixed with a lion Henry’s going to be worried that that is going to eat him Henry just take a look over here cuz my pancake

It’ll make you feel safe when you make a masterpiece like this even just this tiny little tear and it could cost you the wind like if I tear this I’m going to be so upset I spent so much time on this I have faith in you I think it’s

Going to turn out okay I think it’s time all right go 3 2 1 yes oh my go that one might do it for this round I don’t know man I’m holding out hope for my night over here I I will say the one thing that’s kind of

Distracting on this one is the eyes the eyes of Bob the Builder over there he’s tweaking you should not be talking look at these eyes look at these eyes by way I’m I’m just just saying just if if I were you Henry I would be taking a look

At the eyes all right it’s ready for the flip spatulas no come on this is too easy Henry mess his life upticks Chopsticks yeah how is that c that bad Deon eats a lot of sushi too so he’s like a chopstick connoisseur he knows how to do this

Oh ohy it’s coming up all right Henry so before we flip what is our next pancake going to be maybe not that button let’s want a better button let’s see that one baby Jack Jack well I guess it looks like we’re making jackjack from The Incredibles right here we go it’s time

For the flip you know what as you flip your night Devon I don’t care what you say I’m going to start on my Jack Jack all right here we go three 2 1 see oh what the level of detail got to add the little details to his feet and my

Jack Jack is going to have super awesome laser eyes so how about this Henry I want you to push a button and spice up my life yes that one no no are you kidding I didn’t literally mean hot sauce spice 2 million skic heat units 2 million okay yeah sure I guess

Henry wants me to put this in my pancakes so we got to add it into the red I’m scared here we go oh my gosh look at the difference in color that cannot be a permissible amount please just be super careful colins because I’m almost ready to flip mine let’s shake

This bad boy up and let’s make some spicy pancakes this is not one where you want the top to fall off oh man do I can feel a burn in my finger dud no oh my gosh it’s a volcano in my in my eyes too just

Got there my oh thanks Henry thank you apprciate it boy I can see Bo Henry you little devious hamster well I’m going to move on to filling in baby Jack Jack this is fiery and I’m going to move on to the detail around Jack Jack’s eyes this is hot obviously my baby jackjack

Was completely ruined so we got to try to catch up look at that look at that balding oh heck like I think I’m catching up on you Alexa you’ve been in the lead this whole game but not anymore this what you called the drip drop drop

Off from the tippity top W oh that’s it n so I’ve got like hot sauce in my bottle over here can you balance me out a little bit Henry and give me something a little bit colder colder please no no way dude we got a fire extinguisher again I think we’re having some

Miscommunications here this is not what I meant by cool it down Collins just please don’t mess up my pancakes here we go you ready 3 2 1 oh man wow yo oh holy cow what happened it cooled him down yeah but you almost ruined my pancake all right well that’s enough of that

Fire stop that okay I think it’s safe to fill in Jack Jack’s face now here the thing man my guy got three eyes three-eyed Jack well on the other side of the spectrum my Jack Jack has two very normal eyes what happened to Jack Jack’s face what do you mean you cracked

An egg on it man no it’s a glow from his laser wait wait wait wait wait why did you crack on her wait wait don’t don’t hit mine no more eggs wrong we wrong okay we’re wrong we’re wrong okay I’m an animal lover I don’t know what I’ve done I am so close

To finishing this I just have to fill in the body and then it’s all done we’re going to add the neck for my Jack Jack and then we’re going to add some little baby arms coming up over here baby arms okay while you’re making the baby arms

I’m going to fill in his little baby belly is there any way you could give me the flesh colored one oh I’m sorry I don’t know if I can help my competition You Know Jack Jack’s head is all filled in this guy looks crazy it looks like one of those pigs I’m telling

You it’s it is rather Oinky looking I’m almost done feeling in the skin on his face and then I’ll be ready to flip what happened to his lips no it’s because you’ll see you’ll see the no lips Jack jain’s doing a weird thing Jack Jack he had lips on the other

Side all right now we just have to add the pancake outline and then it’ll be ready for the flip now got to let this thing cook and it’s time for the flip and I am ready to flip oh going for it ready to flip I’m just kid I’m so hyped

This has been decades in the making over here You’ been so long making this Jacker I guess the real question is how will the eggs have affected it hopefully not very much yeah maybe a little bit of an egg flavor all right here we go 3 2 1

Oh swear C he is okay he’s got lips I’ll give it to you that was great got lips all right so this is all cooked up and I got to say this flip is going to be absolutely legendary if I can actually pull it off going throw those over

There here apprciate it spatula okay so here’s the thing first we got to separate the sides over here ooh yeah this is not going to be an easy flip I can tell you that right now all right here we go so I think I think I’ve got

It I think I have it fully separated and time for the flip here we go 3 2 1 oh my man I thought i’ torch this thing all the way but it is not I love the eyes I lowkey think I’ve actually got a chance at winning this thing all right mine is

Ready to flip and I don’t see any way yours is going to beat mine Alexa hey excuse you Alexa can you grab me a spatula real quick oh you know maybe I can you’re very kind thank you very much oh wo wo what was that that was Henry

This is me giving you the other one oh sure oh yeah from now on if anything goes wrong we’re going to blame Henry yeah I saw you throw oh no Henry just shoving Deon out of FR ow ow I don’t I don’t like I’m sorry it’s Henry hey

Truce truce all right Henry so before we flip what is our next pancake going to be oh dude I I couldn’t catch a glimpse what was what was that Henry oh are you dude says freefor all watering well I’m going to start on mine cuz I was kind of

Thinking of doing something from Minecraft all right it’s time for the flip three 2 1 oh dude that’s amazing well done Alexa that’s coming together so well I’m going to have to do something really good so I’m going to make the guard from squid game hey you have a horse in your image

Now I do I was waiting for someone to notice that’s looking good oh my gosh y that’s looking so good I love the coloring in it I feel like it’s coming together quick pause yeah I just really need some peace and quiet right now to

Focus on my art this is my final pancake so I really got to get it right Henry you are my muse cuz you are the most incredible hamster of all time with amazing taste and art I’m getting rat by you need to Henry can hear you we’re

Just going to we’re just going to Pancake all right I’m just doing the outline and then this thing is done and ready to flip I’m going to give Henry some wings over here there we go boom Henry can fly he’s got an articulate Wings well some say that riding a horse

Feels like flying now Henry looks unpetal what was that back there that was his bushy little tail what does definitely not what that looks like should have communicated don’t worry hen there a cute little bushy tail don’t listen to him how’s yours coming Alexi you’re kind of a little bit behind right

Now I’m sorry I know I’m trying to catch up this is looking a little bit more like a deranged Easter Bunny yeah that that’s definitely looking a little looks like he might have R I’m almost done and ready for the flip my guy’s going to have a purple Wing bold color Choice

Definitely bold but it ties into his mouth and his ears a little bit exactly y it’s all about color coordination and unexpected ways speaking of unexpected I bet you didn’t think I would be the first one to finish oh I’ve already committed but mustard yellow might not

Have been the move Henry I’m so sorry oh boom done time to cook finishing backing and done before we flip the pancakes it’s time for Henry to judge the other rounds all right Henry Spider-Man first up off the bat I got to say the the yellow and blue definitely I think

Turned out pretty well on yours and I got to say de I think that in hindsight it’s not as cool as I remember this Mecca Spider-Man though it only got cooler with the passage of time okay so Henry right now who Spider-Man mine do you think won this round your turn to

Vot so so click the button right now who won this round no all right so congratulations youve won all right you won the first round but we still have to judge and flip the other pancake so it isn’t over yet all right here we go these are the

Roblox pancakes so Henry which one is winning this one choose mine please Henry you can take a look around I think yours one con it’s staring into your soul Henry staring yes not de not not that let’s go wait okay how are you kidding I well deserved maybe I won

Because you guys haven’t actually flipped your final pancakes yet or maybe my skill is far superior here we go baby Jack Jack and if you do not win one right now you are going to be out of this competition know you better pick mine or Alexa do no no pick mine mine

Henry push the right button Henry laser let do noer come on it is now time for the final pancake flip we each have one win a piece to anyone’s game so we’ll start with your pancake first oh man I am so excited to see what this looks like this

One is really thin so I’m hoping it doesn’t rip what do you think Deon is this looking good what oh that’s looking great thank you I was like my opinion not matter it does it does right now yours looks more like a ghost than it does a Minecraft character well it’s

Backwards so that could be part of it we’re going to see how into video games you truly are you ready all right here we go 3 2 1 no way so good wow I don’t know if yours can compete Deon what of course it

Can I am just blown away by my gosh came so good Alexa that’s amazing so I guess I will flip next and we’ll save de for last he looks like the Go Go Juice mascot or something oh he he’s got what a craz look about him it’s craz but also

Like he looks honorable I could trust him with a secret you know oh I would trust this D with half a bagel here we go 3 2 1 you’re wo actually insane yeah that’s a uh that is a pancake what’s going on over here again uh hair okay de I’m

Passing the spatulas on to you for the final flip of our pancake art challenge why did you choose the square guard not the triangle guard because I felt like a square just looked cooler in this image and square has four sides you and me and all all four of

Us where we going with this where was the resolution 1 2 three four ah four sides all right sure I hope you have enjoyed our pancake art challenge cuz we’ve given it all we got so defin let’s hope for the best on this last one and I

Think this could be your best one out of the entire video right here I hope so man I hope so all right here we go 3 2 1 oh dude oh my gosh that’s all right Henry so who won let we got to see it right now go here we go you

What you challenged us to make the ultimate pancake art movie poster so let’s go wa wait a second was that what just happened was upside down I think it was upside down all right I got to get cleaned off and now it’s time to make the first part of our pancake movie art

Wow are you good dude no you challenge us to make the first piece of our pancake movie art so let’s go wait you’re doing Mario I’m doing Luigi hey they’re Brothers we’re brothers that means we’re plumber Brothers yeah oh yeah look at these swords man these look

Sweet boom there we go nose classic Collins nose classic Collins nose his nose you know I know now I’m going in for the little triangles on his sword Hill you spend so much time doing the details which definitely helps out yours in the long run but in the short run dude you take Forever dude your Luigi looks like he’s holding a baseball bat is that a baseball bat or his arm is his arm I’m going to put a glove on him real quick why is he a classy Luigi yeah he’s got gloves oh I realiz I’ve never like seen

Mario or Luigi’s hands yeah they got gloves H what are they hiding under there what are you hiding underneath your hand well see the thing I’m hiding underneath my hand is a plum wow Luigi is looking pretty happy over there now it is time for Mario’s mustache have you

Ever seen the Mario Brothers mustaches bro they are on point yeah but not my guys he hasn’t brushed it this morning he woke up in a tizzy he was like huh Bowser all right now we got to do the L on Luigi’s head I’ve a pretty high bar

With my M you’re really going to have to show some skill here your nose is like bulbous look you took a potato and just like it’s like that was really close you know what I need to do I need to put up an invisible force field these two I

Hate when you do this no no no come on you can’t come on man I got to say this looks like one of your best force fields yet so how about this let’s see if I can kind of break through it here we go 3 2

1 oh this is too weak I have special fist 3 2 1 there we go where did you get that I don’t know if this one’s going to work I got it here we go 3 2 1 all right there we go you really throw this one

Over the top Deon an elbow rocket your force field got no chance to stoping me now so here we go got to activ like this 3 2 1 hold on no no no no no no yes it actually worked now I can finally make my pancake in Peace cins can you guess who I’m making over here weing a fire hydrant because Deadpool just like swiped off the side of the fire hydrant yeah that’s it there we go I really enjoy the fact that TX vest is held together by one measly string sorry I shouldn’t get that close

But seriously he might just pop out of it at any moment time to add in what the Hulk is looking at which is a baguette Arrow this what Pikachu is firing at him all right let me do some detail work dude I have no idea how all these pieces

Are going to come together you got really quiet what just happened I’m trying to focus Deon I got to get my baguette lines I’m making you talk as you’re trying to be quiet I just thought it was kind of funny sure going to finish up Bart’s skateboard and then I’m

Going to start filling them in time to fill in the inside of the lightsaber hey we’re actually using some of the same colors for once I’m using it for Bart’s Pants right got to fill in shrex vest the thing about Mario I forgot about his fist so we’re going to do his fist over here like This got to fill in the gloves for dead pool filling in the rest of the BART just like that big old eyeballs oh no I forgot to add the color you know what I’m going to have to go in and add the color but it’s going to be a little bit

Bizarre color is going to be on the outside of his eyes your eyelids actually do go over and there’s a little lip on them so I mean that could be that that’s exactly what’s happening just filling in his bicep over here and now on to his peck muscles but the question

Deon are you adding any detail to the bicep to make it look like a bicep not just a noodle do your biceps look like noodles usually I sometimes they got like a little bit of noodly arms you know what I mean whole like pasta just chilling over there today it’s kind like

Ravioli but sometimes it can be a little bit more Alfredo if you know what I mean not that this is a race but I think I’m going to finish for you not if I can help it no I am now I don’t know what to do all right you know what it doesn’t

Matter cuz I’m just going to fill in my lights H all I got to do is the background now you just got to let this thing cook and wait for Callins Mr slow I’ll be done very shortly man you got to give me some time all right the pancakes

Are all ready to flip and I got to say man mine is definitely falling apart a little bit pull over here you want to help me out lift it up okay going to kind of lift it up kind of Pat it from on the bottom a little Patty on the

Bottom ready holy cow which way we flipping so we’re going to flip it just straight over like this 3 2 1 the big reveal you ready here we go 3 2 1 yo it’s a masterpiece it looks great look at him theet Hulk’s face Mario his

Hands I got to say man nice and T thank you man yours going to have a very difficult time beating this I think I actually need to flip it right now or else it might not turn out so good all right you ready for this yeah wa oh here

We go help with this or you got it I think I got it 3 2 1 oh did it fall off no it didn’t that scared me so bad bro all right here we go 3 2 1 T oh my God and remember we were making a giant

Panking movie art poster this is only one piece of it so stick around to see what the whole thing looks like time to make the next piece of our movie art I never really noticed how SpongeBob’s teeth look they look awesome we’re going to have the top of Pikachu’s head over

Here like this I’m going to do Peach’s outline over here and dress it looks like a lima bean what is it all right now I’m going to move on to doing his nose it looks like your guys got a little pickle nose he does dude SpongeBob’s got a pickle nose all right

Well you do his nose time for me to add some detail here some abdominal muscles what do you think about these AB he’s got he’s got a 10 pack he’s got a 10 pack wow those ones got separated to bir all right doing three little freckles on it rather adorable and unfortunately

Your art is looking pretty Saucy compared to mine my guy he’s got some green hair some squiggly strands it actually was inspired by your hair especially that hair right there I mean to me that really represents this one right here I’m basically basing this whole off of you well Spongebob doesn’t

Have any hair and that was inspired by you Collins oh thanks yeah bald Collins you got to respect a bald man going to add a mouth to princess lime being like this is that Shrek or a snail Deon they actually are pretty close we’re going to make Pikachu’s little mouth over here

First like yeah oh I messed up I added a Brown Line instead of a black line that’s a major disqualification you can’t disqualify me I cannot put Hulk’s head here because that’s going to have to be on the next part of the post or so instead I have to figure out how to

Elongate his chest dude you are so far ahead I got to start Cinderella and Goku ASAP got to use some blue to fill in this part next up we got Pikachu’s body but first we got arm number one over here we got arm number two wa those are

Two bananas no they’re not bananas no they’re not bananas look at them they look like bananas all right doing Goku’s hair it does not look like hair looks like his head is on fire see this is hair this is fire wa all right then you

Not feel that at all it’s a little warm but here’s a cool thing manbe we can turn off like this uh-huh okay that didn’t okay y okay no that’s on it that’s the whole that is the whole face how do we get this off all right that’s

That’s the body okay there we go all right back noral putting on Goku’s shirt right here unfortunately my Hulk is not quite the same level of physique even though Hulk is supposed to be buffer than Goku you do have a 12pack and I’m pretty sure Goku doesn’t have 12 pack 13

Pack there’s two little extra ones right There all right here we go like coming it’s all hand strength de you want to get hand workouts like this squeeze into a fist and then when you extend it there you go you got bigger hands yeah and an eight pack on your hand all right Goku’s

Hair has to have some yellow now for get Goku’s hair what about the H of the lightsaber it just sounds way more masculine like Hilt coming where it’s like Hilt it’s great whatever you say man all I just got to add this line right here I don’t think lime of beam

Peach over here has been getting enough attention I think she’s looking a little bit unfinished we’re going to give her some little feet right now there we go boom feet little one wait wait wait wait wait I thought she was facing this way see that’s the whole thing she’s like a

Twisty turby like oh heck no now it’s time to do Goku’s shirt why don’t you put him in designer clothing Gucci Goku is a whole another level of Goku I actually would like to see that this is $900 what dude I just realized princess L be is getting like hit with the

Lightsand no man look at that face and she’s like yeah I made a mistake having Cinderella be so small her head is smaller than one of his peck muscles next thing for lime of being Peach we got to give her some facial details actually forget it she looks perfect

Just going to S just like that it’s just so beautiful it’s like seeing your daughter walk down the aisle at her wedding deck just like oh know what that feels like cuz oh jeez look at her face this is me with normal lip this is me with Devon

Cinderella lips big I know how to take my Pikachu to another level Devon cuz when you think of Pikachu what do you think of lightning baguettes just like that Pikachu has baguette number one just finishing up Shrek’s vest and now I’m going to start adding an outline for

My lightsaber we got some white and white I learned from Deon is actually the best color for the inside the lightsaber he has kind of that crackle to it like his actual lightsaber got to get that finger pointing really nicely with SpongeBob love how your SpongeBob

Just like he’s like yeah that is my jam we just going to add a little circle over here like this any guesses of what that is it is a medallion no it is a gold medal cuz she has the fastest feet in her class little tappers when they

Walk okay let me just add a couple lines right here dude you have like a squeak sauce over here I know it looks great looks like an impressionist painting I thought an impressionist painting is where like you take your hand like impress it on a canvas no definitely not

Filling in Shrek vest we’re going to add a little lightsaber activator button right over here this is how you can turn on a pancake lightsaber here we go 3 2 1 oh wo that’s pretty awesome right that looks fantastic see the thing is that my pancake art comes to life let’s turn the

Lightsaber off so here we go boom all right there we go all right now I’m filling in Shrek’s face with some color yours is like detail City over there mine is just kind of a whole bunch of very vague shapes SpongeBob’s eyes are going to be nice and white now time to

Fill in the hooks with my black over here I got to say this is really coming what got to fill in in with some blue that that was close de almost missed a whole bunch of detail there you missed it I’ve got a chance got a Pikachu

Little nose he’s scary I’m filling in the rest of SpongeBob’s face and then I’ll be all done and Bam mine is all filled in and now it’s got to let it cook all right here we go now it is time for the flip do not try this at home

Going to use a tin foil to lift the pancake up we’re going to try to loosen it so kind here I’m going to put my hand underneath like this again with oil this would have never worked it would have just stuck and would have never here we go 3 2

1 we did that here we go you ready here we go 3 2 1 T can’t see it how does it look how does it look it’s your best oh my gosh little lima bean girl everything came together and it stayed in one piece it looks pretty good all

Right well now on to my flip yeah I don’t know if yours are going to be able to make it so we’re going to do the same strategy here all right got to peel okay it’s peeled up I think I need your help oh man I so nervous right now and over 3

2 1 oh man a big reveal D 3 2 1 look at that remember this pancake is only one part of the giant movie poster that we’re making we’ll be putting the whole thing together at the end of the video now it’s time to make the next

Piece of our pancake movie poster the first part I’m starting off with is the flames on Bowser’s head flame he has flames on his head well it’s his hair it’s kind of like fiery hair like can you tell who I’m making cons oh that’s um royu from uh Smash Bros you mean Ryu

Ryu not CL it’s ash from Pokemon oh oh I got with a hat and everything now time to make Bowser’s body and I got to say the proportions are going to be a little bit off here it’s not my finest work oh yes got to get the Pokéball can’t forget

The Pokéball we’ve also got the Villager you cannot forget about the villagers this guy is scary he’s just chilling he’s a villager I think he’s a villager living in a horror movie Man Deon it is not that way at all doing some wrinkles in his pants I don’t think rinkle

Details is quite the thing that’s going to take this over the edge Deon I beg to differ the second teenage M Ninja Turtle is going to be over here like this that’s like a bat now I’m going to add some Pockets Ash he’s got pockets every

He’s like he’s I got a pocket over here I got a pocket over here he’s got to catch them all where is he going to put them now I got to figure out where Bowser’s mouth is going to be he is disturbing he really does look terrifying and nothing like Bowser I

Hate to say it dude what yo yours is look looking so good maybe the nose will help it look more like Bowser okay just don’t do your normal nose there we go no just half of the nose all right half of the nose half of the nose going to do

The lip of his shoe right there like that now it’s time to fill in the Ninja Turtles face boom eye number one and then eye number two like you looks very suspicious he’s like looking at nothing he in the back of Ninja Turtles you got

Bom and Bam dude I just realized you are super far along so I got to catch up real quick you can’t catch up with greatness I was just trying to catch up in my pancake fair enough got to fill in this big part right here next going to fill in the finger so

Here we go finger like that look that knee Collins I’m doing Fox’s knee get excited about his knee I am is it a particularly difficult knee no it just looks cool just a good leg filling in Ash’s shoes right now got to get his kicks on point going to get eye number

One over there and then eye number two over ey number three that’s a really good idea my guy’s got a third eye I don’t think I’ve ever seen a yellow zipper on someone but I think Ash pulls it off next I’ve got to fill in the

Turtle shell on the front of my ninja Turtle he looks like he has a waffle on his belly right now this is going to represent duct tape wait conin did you just say they have waffles on their bellies this is true we are doing the pancake art Challenge now it’s time to start filling in Bowser’s face going to add some red around his eyes he’s been staying up and night thinking about Mario about how he’s going to defeat Mario just going to fill in Ash’s jacket real quick oh no broke it that brutal man it just comes

Out of nowhere it just happens serves us right for squeezing the bottle so hard exactly you squeeze the bottle the bottle squeeze it back got to add some detail to my villager did you add a belly button is that what yeah I added a belly button because his shirt came

Undone but don’t where a villager is wearing pants you got to make sure your villagers are wearing pants otherwise a huge HR nightmare to fill in Ash’s glove next your details are really coming together but here’s a question you going be able to throw that Pokeball and make

It capture things no can your Bowser jump off of there and attack someone actually he can check this out boom there we go Bowser off and hey get it back back yo I guess I got what I wish now I’m going to add a nice little glisten to

His pokeball well you add a glisten to his pokeball I’m going add a glisten to his teeth and I want his teeth to be as shiny as mine wa that is blinding yeah oh man see line it’s helping out a lot it’s like a flashlight you can use that

At night you don’t need a phone it’s called a mouth light well I guess I’m going to try to fill in link but dude that mouth light is so bright it’s going to be very difficult going to add Fox’s Blaster right here here there’s a hole in Bowser stomach do

You know why no a Ninja Turtle no you’re you’re going to see in just a second an eye a face a man a Mario he ate Mario he ate Mario exactly so this is Bowser has digested Mario but Mario is going to be trying to punch his way out wait conin

Isn’t Mario at the top of your poster yes but these are fine details and we don’t focus on those yo dude I got the perfect are you good all I got the perfect gadet bless bad man comment down below bless you right now so we can all

Bless Deon cuz he feel un blessed feel very blessed now he is fully blessed for my guy over here instead of giving him a gadget or a weapon giving him a m it looks kind of like he’s holding a giant be right now for a book all right going

To do some gray right here I don’t know what’s going on with your poster there’s a lot of action people are getting hit people are flying there’s a lot of action on mine you’ve got a blaster on yours but there’s nothing that’s intense yours is looking unbelievable it’s all the little details really

Elevate it I hate to say it but I really might finish this before you I doubt it man I think my pancake skills if there’s one thing they are it is quick and fast and quick in a fast way while being quick all I’m hearing you do is talk but I’m

Not seeing you make a pancake I’m making if you look over here you look at me okay well that c making pancakes I can’t look cuz I’m working this is unbelievable you’re not compromising are you no I am not next some time to fill

In the fiery hair so here we go going to give a couple squeez yeah his hair is going to look phenomenal last but not least we have to fill in the face color over here you’re done look at that no you’re not done before I am you know what I can

Actually help you out if you want that yes all right so pick your areas go for the background CS yes I don’t need help with the background that’s all me going in with a little bit of the background here I still cannot believe you’re helping me out with a pancake and all

You’re doing is the background bro there’s so much more you could add to this whole thing yours is so good I wouldn’t want to mess it up you did some awesome lines here thank you man Line work is really my specialty I don’t want to flex but it’s not Jam all right half

Of the background’s done I got to say for background Phil you’re definitely doing a pretty shoty job I mean sorry good job villager going to fill in the face I got to say it’s kind of hard to cross like this man it’s not the easiest thing I feel like we’re doing a twister

Game shirt with some yellow over here like this y got to fill in under the armpit over here y you cannot leave the armpit exposed that’s a big no no all right here we go the pancakes are cooked now it’s time to remove this thing lift

It up and flip it oh man man care care your hands care lost it you’re you’re doing all the work okay here we go here we go here we go 3 2 1 no not the corner not the corner oh no I I saw I don’t

Think it did I don’t think it did here’s the big reveal you ready 3 2 1 one pulling is it peeling it peeled off some of it no it peeled off some of it I think we did you did it dein this is all your fault bro all in all I think this

Turned out pretty well but now it’s time to see what yours looks like man am I helping out at all probably shouldn’t help out at all I think you got this you better not flip it back too far otherwise remember what happened last time it almost 3 2 1

3 2 1 t one on earth dude look at that blast bro that is absolutely insane you get to comment down below which one turned out better so stick around to see what it looks like when we put the whole thing together we’ve got all the giant

Pancakes and now it is time to put them together into the ultimate pancake art movie posters I got to figure out which one goes where it is really confusing on your side but mine is pretty clear I think I got to pick this one up here oh

You your just going to pick yours up okay well I guess Pi this one so this one’s the bottom over here this kind of like a giant jigsaw we’re going to have to like turn this like this the real question is how are Pikachu’s ears and

The Hulk’s head going to line up so here we goly that is a real question one oh flipping close man this is like the ultimate Disney plus hero Edition pancake I’m pretty happy with this all how this you doing sideways I’m sorry here we Go’s let’s is really big exactly

Here we go we just got to move that under there now it’s time to slide in the final piece to see what this look like go ready three 2 one boom there is the Masterpiece it is time to taste the pancake art so de we only get to choose

One character so who is it going to be only one character um I think I’m going to go for Deadpool strong Choice yo CU if you bite off the head it’ll just grow back so really no damage whatsoever that’s my thought process exactly so I’m going to go for melted Mario we’re going

To go we’re going to melted melt Mario yeah his face is kind of melted I guess it’s kind of fitting cuz I have Luigi over here too so yeah exactly the brother all right you ready three 2 1 M’s pretty good M mine’s pretty nice

My I think I won this one it’s like gotten salty I actually had like a little life hack I was going to put a whole bunch of salt in my batter to help it like retain shape did not taste very good you get to comment down below whose pancake art turned out

Better you challenge us to make Shazam so let’s go and I’m kicking it off with the lightning bolt first that’s not good for proportions looks like his lightning bolt is the body but the the lightning bolt is not the body we’re going to give him his little eyes and dude his head is

Nowhere near as big as his smile yeah give his little mouth he’ll give have a big old smile he be like yeah oh no I’m upset I’m sorry I’m doing my best de I’m I’m sorry I just I lost control for a moment you’re going to have a little bit

Of pink eye over here in this ey you know you got a little bit of an eye infection doing whatever Shazam Does we got to give him defined muscles here he’s got a little bicep little tricep pendix and of course a spleen there we go I think those are all the muscles that are in the arm what coming around to forearm he’s got these cool bracelet arm thingies next up we got to

Give a nice flowing white Cape so here we go it’s going to give a nice little Cape like this here we go this whole area is going to be the cape you know here we go his cape goes all the way over here that’s an expansive Cape it is

Absolutely an expansive cape for an expansive man you know what if we’re doing the cape we’re doing the cape man the cape comes all the way down here and this Shazam takes out the whole thing cuz shazam’s a big man yeah bump I’m sorry yeah bum sorry all right just

Doing the other side of his chest now now it’s time to fill in his suit so here we go we got the red going in and this is going to be the Finishing Touch for him my pancake is done now got to let it roast as Deon meticulously

Finishes up his now it’s time to fill it in even the way you fill in the color is super detail oriented man like like starting from the outside and then working your way in all right filling in his forehead next it looks really funny with his ears and forehead filled in

Right now it’s kind of like weirdly popped out in 3D wait so at what point you put a whole bunch of color on it at once you got to put the small stuff down first and then fill it in with the large stuff so red is last what other advice

Do you have on pancake art making Deon don’t take it too seriously because he’ll eat it at the end all right filling in his shirt that doesn’t look like a shirt that look like way more than a shirt man um spandex I think this may be your best pancake ever right now

His shoulder came up a bit so I’m just pressing it down a little bit into the batter and done here we go we’re just going to give it a flip you ready 3 2 1 oh oh dude here we go going to flip it around a little bit and then we’re going

To lay it back down like this boom there we go 3 2 1 oh my gosh that’s crazy bro the detail is so good look at those armpits you get to comment down below who won this round you challenge us to make Patrick Star from SpongeBob so

Right now let’s go wa it’s like a boat that’s a big pants get this one other Leaf over here my Patrick is coming along pretty good yeah your guys actually looking really good next up I’m going expert mode so sorry I’m going to do his eyes next but here we go we’re

Going to do one eye right here another eye right here I see how Deon can joined the eyes so we’re going to give him some uh some green eyes to really match his green pants I going to finish up filling in his eyes right now now I just have to

Figure out how to fit the rest of the body into this here we go we’re going to go for the mouth yeah my Patrick is coming along pretty good yeah your guys is actually looking really good just putting on some pants there we go I’m

Going to go for a darker red for the inside of the mouth and then of course for the tongue I’m going to go for an orang mine’s more looking like a teapot than Patrick dude next up we got to give Patrick’s little eyebrows up here so there we go eyebrow number one eyebrow

Number two we want to give him a little bit of fashion so we’ll give him a squiggly eyebrow nice that way you never know exactly what emotion he’s experiencing now the easy part time to fill in the body so we’re going to start off with the legs over here so give him

A nice little leg just goes like this this little leg over here we give him a little leg really got to nail this here so we’re going to go here arm don’t have enough room for the little thing on the top of his head the starfish thing and

Then we go out like that it looks more like an elephant than anything else right now like he has a long trunk over here and a huge ear over here but you know what what we’re going with it I don’t want to miss out on any details

That could cost me the win on this one so here we go now we’re going to fill it in with the pink the issue for mine is I kind of missed out on the key star pattern for Patrick but we’re going to flip it and just see how it goes yeah actually kind

Of looks like SpongeBob I mean you you are you are kind of right the only thing that mine has in common with Patrick Star is the colors other than that it’s a completely different piece of art all right time to fill in the body why does

He have an orange outline but a pink body what cuz that’s how Patrick Star is oh yeah yeah so no I didn’t do that online de I just uh went a little bit more you know artistic freehanded it you know but you got everything else though so yeah everything else why are you

Waiting to do the eyes last they are white and they get burned and done 24 hours later yo all right this is coming up you’re going to need two spatulas need two spatulas so here we go it’s going to get this one underneath over here I don’t think it’s cooked enough

Got turn it off again and let’s let Roo it again additional 5 minutes day yo dude it’s fully cooked all oh perfect all right here we go 3 2 1 how do I want to do this now is not the time to decide let go of this spatula no this is not a

Good idea flipping It 2 one like this what that did not there we go bro there we go it lost all color yeah you know what bro not too bad for at all that’s great let’s flip yours and your I need the other spatula Ready set go oh no

Dude that looks so crazy you get to comment down below let us know who won this round and we’re on to the next one you challenged us to make dumbbell so let’s go I’m going to start with his most iconic creater the eyebrows what those are big eyebrows how big is his

Face all right well I’m starting with the Hat Dumbo’s got some beautiful blue eyes so next up we got the uh we got the blue here wait this is alternate universe Dumbo so going to have him get red eyes I hope Dumbo doesn’t end up being too scary man cuz he’s looking like he has

An eye infection right now got to get that checked out all right and hat is done now it’s time for the top of the head you’re going to add the the outline of his head here so plop and like this and then get the trunk over over there

All right now we got to give Dumbo’s a little hat over here so a little uh little hat like that just add some pink in here to the ears see look at those iconic Dumbo ears and by iconic I mean slightly different oh man I almost

Forgot about his mouth we got to get his mouth in here so we’re going to go yeah like that uhoh uhoh Dumbo doesn’t look too happy right now all right let’s see here we’re going to give him a uh little little tongue so we can be a little

Happy little little dude you can be like yeah what’s up it’s my tongue and then last element I’m going to be adding is the Frills so here we go frilly frilly Frills I mean it’s it’s something you can’t deny that is something rather than nothing all right just finish fining up

The trunk okay got it yep yep just checking in with myself it works I’m actually going to fill in some of the Hat just like you cons I actually haven’t filled in my hat yet Deon so I don’t know what you’re talking about he’s looking more like a sad clown than

Anything else right now man all right filling in his little tongue very cute little tongue man that’s actually really adorable you know he needs two nostrils yeah three nostrils wo that’s a ton of air intake a little excessive I mean how much do you need to smell it’s not about

Smelling it’s about sucking up waterers and shooting it out I going to give him a little purple hat cuz this boy is royalty see I’m really going to try these details here so like Deon does like details around the mouth so like maybe like that’ll help like there a

Little like line over there that looks like he has like pudgy cheeks okay maybe not that let’s try let’s try some other lines how about some eyelashes that’s what I’m doing he looks like a worried Dumbo right now oh my gosh yeah he does look worried man all we’re going to

Start filling in his trunk over here now I’m going to start adding a lot more and kind of letting it overflow letting it all fill up the cracks and crevices boom it is done Dumbo and all his magnificent and his tiny little ears all going to

Let mine roast it oh man that’s looking really good all right time to fill in his ear flaps fill in in his second ear right now it’s crazy how yours goes from just a whole bunch of outlin it’s just super vibrant the moment all the color starts adding in it’s like the whole

Image just comes to Light nice all right now we got to let these roast be flipping them and see how they turned out all right time to get this thing off my griddle so here we go we’re going to get the ear first and oh boy you know what maybe doops I have

Faith in you cins I think you’ll be able to do it I don’t three 2 1 that’s clean in there yeah this is a great Dumbo man oh I forgot to Pam it again Ready set go oh my gosh that looks so good bro you nailed it you get to

Comment down below who made a better Dumbo pancake you challenged us to make a Superman pancake so right now let’s go I’m going to kick it off with Superman’s iconic logo the diamond this feel like more like a question mark than an s look at this wait does he have like little

Wings coming out of his shoulders I guess you could say that I mean this is Cape so oh Goa all right here we go going to be filling in the ass time to give him a head now the head is most important part of Superman so really got

To get this right here we go that seems pretty proportional to me okay perfect all right just working on the S the tricky part is doing this backwards or I guess inverted next up we’re going to give him some blue eyes we’re going to add some blue into here I think I made

His waist a little too narrow so I got to broaden this out a little bit yeah that that is unrealistic standers right there he does not have that thin of a waist he’s going to have a very angry unibrow is this him in Disguise cons no

Oh that’s such a good idea that’s what it is we’ll put some glasses on them like this bam wait where did Superman go dude he’s fully gone I think I’m almost done actually I think I just got to add his cape in the back here wait you’re

Almost done dude I’m going just okay I got to go a lot faster right now I got to give him some uh some hair and neck so here we go it’s going to give him some good looking hair you know what I don’t want to do a big Cape all right

Now we got to give him a little swirl curl on his forehead here all right it’s time to add in the colors here I’m going to start with the yellow my Superman’s going to have some freckles because you know you really got to uh he’s going to

Be in Disguise and now we’re going to uh fill in the neck I’m going to turn my gdle off so nothing raises up think Superman doesn’t shave very often so he’s got a little bit of a weird stubble going on right now yeah Superman’s got

Some crazy hair I’m D that was a massive Sor accidentally got it too excited the thing is De does your guy even have abs I don’t think he does uh he has the implied ABS PS the what he’s wearing a shirt so you’re not going to see the

Full definition in his abs so technically we all have implied ABS all right adding in the shadow on the side of his face so here we go going to fill in all the ABS first and we’re going to get this over here all right here we go

Next up we got the cape so here we go going to allow this cape to go back like this just flows over is his Beard last up just got to fill in his face right now so this is really where I think you get to highlight all the freckles all the beest uh Beauty in his face now it’s time to fill in the rest of the Blue all right doing the last bit on his face here I want to give him a laser eyes boom and it’s done now it’s got to turn up and let it roast all right mine is fully cooked right now right here we go the flip three 2

1 oh nicely done dude I nailed that bro look at it so right now let’s see how yours turned out all right ready set go oh my gosh that looks so good bro you get to comment down below who made a better Superman and we’re on to the next

One you challenged us to make Captain Marvel from her new movie and right now let’s go per usual I’m going to start off with her head looks like a rubber ducky oh my gosh all right we’re going to give her some blue eyes now we’re

Going to fill this in with red and give her some some beautiful lips next up is very important her hair she’s got nice blonde hair to be honest I am pretty worried about how this is going to turn out I got to try and fix this my

Solution is more hair what it needs more hair yeah yeah I think it does actually she’s got one marvelous hair I do want to fill in just a little bit more on the eyebrow right here oh no h seriously again oh my gosh all right well time to

Spin for our wild cards and again I really hope it’s good here we go three 2 one all right let’s see what this one is uh Wasabi oh look you have to add Wasabi to it oh man well mine I have to wear boxing gloves let’s do this dude I don’t

Know where I’m going to add this pick up my yellow now here we go oh I’m actually pretty good at this all right so up and it’s expanding now because I mixed it man I got to grab my next color oh boy uncontrollable okay let’s see oh tip it

Over and there we go this is working great uhoh got to be very careful not to break the hair oh I had an idea what if I Channel Captain Marvel’s Powers all right here we go three 2 1 wo this is so cool what oh my gosh I love this fist wo

Hey I’m not doing that it’s glowing yeah that’s the whole point it’s a glowing glove three okay go for it man two okay here we go one these are awesome all right now I got to grab the blue there we go got it’s spouted upwards just down the middle I

Love just checking in once in a while to see what you’re up to I’m always up to Something all right the outline is done and now it’s time to color it in I’m going in for the hair and I’m using the Wasabi now look at this dude this does not mix around at all all right here we go it’s time for the flip you ready Deon three two

One oh oh it’s great I don’t have thumbs I can use so tough to work with these gloves all right now I just got to rotate her a little bit taada mine is done and I crushed it unfortunately she lost a lot of her hair but now she’s got

A buzz cut so there’s That and done I can’t wait to see what this thing looks like when you flip it though it’s going to look so cool now it’s just time to add the Flames wait wait wait yours has flames ah what a bummer I’m all out of the Wasabi yellow

I have to use one of the actual yellows that’s not right you should use straight wasabi GRE no too quick I mean uh too late I’m too quick bro as it’s cooking it’s making my eyes water because of the Wasabi in there all right it’s ready for

The flip this is always the most stressful part Ready set go oh that looks amazing you get to comment down below who made a better Captain Marvel you challenge us to make Steve from Minecraft so let’s go I think this is a deceptively easy seeming pancake cuz

Like it seems It’s like a whole bunch of boxes but I know it’s going to be way more hard than that all right hair is done we give him little legs that pop out over here he’s doing a midair splits jump now I’m going for the side of the

Face next up going to give this dude a little bit of chest hair right there just like that he’s got this little little patch of chest hair that’s just popping out you know just bursting through his shirt and I’m going to fill in his shirt next B I’m going to give

Him a cool shirt design and I can just grab I think this is what I need no what have it on your side no yeah I guess I do yep make them fancy you know so here we go we’re going to give them little buttons like this here we go button and

Mouth is done now on to the eyes yours is actually yeah yours are looking really good right now just like that now we’re going to give him a little bit of like a shirt collar little pointy bit and then up like that boom man you know what I’m taking some creative Liberties

I think he’s really paying off with my guy right now my guy’s going to have a dragon on his shirt so we’re going to give him some yellow flames that he’s spitting out over here like he’s like wow next up we’re going to give him some

Red shoes cuz you know why not fashion is Steve’s passion all right cool so the dragon on the shirt is done you know he’s feeling really manly he’s got the chest here he’s got a dragon on his shirt Steve’s having a great day just doing his sleeve

Right now and now I have to move on to I think the side of his arm all we give him some light blue legs which doesn’t necessarily make sense but we we’re just going to go for it it’s kind of like playing Tetris hey I just realized he

Has the same shirt as you bro oh wait you give a dragon what no no no he’s got a blue shirt I was about to say you can’t just give your guy a dragon this one’s actually surprisingly difficult cuz there’s so many straight lines and pancake fatter does not work in straight

Lines now getting the top of his jeans uhoh what what what oh wa that’s really good that’s a square eye all right time to get his second arm in there just like that oh man I’ve like discovered some hidden talents all of a sudden man look

At those two eyes this is on another level got to alter the arm a little bit here got to move it around oh this is tough there we go next up we got a bit of a square nose yeah it starting to fall apart I really thought I had it up

For a second now it’s kind of kind of falling apart now almost broke his arm off dude okay wait I’m going to glue it back together now oh man you’re even you’re even playing with perspective you got one arm swinging back one arm swinging forward right now I don’t think

It really translate but look at his leg man it’s like going way back all right now going to fill in his face right here and I’m almost done with Steve man Minecraft is definitely my round right mine’s done but I’m going to add an extra element to it Deon so you got to

Try to guess what this is just removing a foot real quick now I got to add the shadow on the leg there’s the heel of his foot if you had to guess what I’m making right now what would you guess this is oh what oh I need that I was

Just using it a j nope a pogo sticking person A J with some blue on it uh a blue J I can see where you’re going but no not really here we go a red and blue J Dude I I don’t know man it’s the Tik

Tok logo Deon Steve is Tik Tok famous all right well my pancake is done I think it’s time to flip mine and he looks like he’s in like a onesie right now like he’s about to go to bed did you put Pam down bro I didn’t I never do

Start over here again start with the head a little bit he’s a bit of an acrobat so being in the air should be usual for him 3 2 1 oh his arm stuck you didn’t commit oh oh no he’s stuck okay this is my greatest work yet dude and

Now time to see how yours turned out all right dud he comes up so easily oh my gosh yeah you came right off even with no Pam and everything ready set go oh that looks so good you get to comment down below who made a better Steve we’ll

Be eating them at the end of the video and we’re on to the next one you challenged us to make the genie from Aladdin I’m starting with one eyebrow see I’m going to make the genie lamp as well as the genie so now just going to

Fill in the genie lamp here so we’re going to add some yellow to it the only issue is with how I place the Genie bottle it kind of makes it difficult to get the genie out so I’m going to have to do a little bit of wind around work

Now for this next part I need some very special pancake batter so here we go ta man big thing about the genie is he has a a huge smile you got to give him some stubble or some beard this is this is the genie after he’s freshly been Shaved now it’s time to fill in his teeth so we got to get those nice pearly whites right now no h come on I need to like finish this more almost done with the teeth I guess we got to spin for the wild card so here we go you ready three 2

1 let’s see I got red no tiny hands bro yes dude you got tiny hands those are my favorite things on you no what Egon spoon I don’t know how I’m going to squeeze the bottle man all right oh I got my oh oh I forgot to turn out the

Pan I won’t make it up and here’s the thing I’m going to make a creat I’m going to turn my gr on and give my guy a yellow tooth ah it’s so hard to grip got to shake it up now oh man that was like

A trick here we go we got arm number one Perfect all right we got arm number two this takes tremendous grip strength yeah this Tak tremendous grip bite strength got to fill in his body like this hand cramp hand I got a jaw cramp right now man okay it’s try for the slip

Here we go has to balance my egg and do a very complex flipping motion 3 2 1 [Applause] oh no you know that’s actually kind of perfect we’ll make a little bit of a a little egg dish right now in the midst of all this perfect there we go boom do

You have any uh napkins I need to wipe got a little napkin for you oh thank you so much yep there you go if you want to clean off your hands okay y now it’s time to fill it in with the blue oh I can’t believe I’ve ripped it so far how

Have you done that bro you have like Spider-Man hands now don’t know press down with both hands like that’s actually really smart man wait wait wait wait be careful man now got to rotate it around oh if I just tip it I’m good oh I

Had an idea what if I add pancake batter to the egg oh this is going to work dud we have to inject it into the Yol dude are you seeing this know are you seeing this man are you seeing this no are you seeing this I’m doing the fly over bro

Oh no uhoh I can’t put any pressure on it I’ll help you with a little bit with the pressure oh oh oh no let’s do this you have to have a successful flip so for now you can take off your tiny hands to get the flip right seriously yes I

Will make one allowance yes you soome thank you I really appreciate it thank you so much it means a lot man thank you so let’s let’s get those hands off oh it feels good to have my hands back Ready set go oh that looks so good you crushed

It bro you get to comment down below who won this round and right now is on to the next one all right it’s time to eat the pancakes but there’s actually a mystery whe twist to this basically we can only eat one pancake and the Mystery wheel get to choose which pancake that

Is now I have to say all of mine look really tasty except Captain Marvel what’s wrong with her I mean she has Wasabi in her hair bro oh dude I forgot about that 3 2 1 come on please not the Wasabi anything but the Wasabi as long

As mine is not burnt I will be very happy I got very low standards on this yes I got Spider-Man bro Spider-Man y congratulations bro I’m happy for you thank you bro dude what did you get all right let’s see we got oh that me think all right that’s kind of cool brother

Picks my pancake so I guess choose one of my pancakes what no no no no no I’m choosing this one bro but it says brother picks one of my pancakes no it just says brother picks pancake Wasabi for you no I don’t want to eat the

Wasabi hair bro here we go time to eat Spider-Man dude next about to fall off two one oh I’m trying to put together a pallet it starts with the base face and then we go for the middle hair so it’s a Captain Marvel sandwich all right here we go 3 2

1 oh oh oh man oh that’s got to be a terrible combo is that really bad yeah the worst pancake I’ve ever had it like Burns in my nose oh no oh oh that’s got to be a terrible combo 3 2 1 oh that was so good you

Challenged us to make a Lego character so right now let’s go for my pancake I am going to make the Flash and I’m making Spider-Man starting off a little bit differently I’m going to start off with a square body but here we go we’re just going to give his a little leg just

Like that look at that look at that perfect little leg right there man all right next up we got to give him a neck I’m going to give him a little bit of a long longer neck just to you know make up for the fact that his body is uh his

Body is so small all right and there we oops then we’ll give him his little arms over here next St I got to do his lightning belt but for some reason I don’t have the color yellow oh right I left it in the kitchen so let me uh let

Grab that really quick here we go all right got the yellow perfect ah no I need the bigger yellow so give me H give me one second I’ll be I’ll be right back we place this over here here we go all right got the got the bigger

Yellow what are you doing I’m grabbing out the yellow where did you just go dude are my eyes playing tricks on me or what so his belt’s all like jaggedy lightning type so we’re going to go this it looks more like a ruffle now he’s got

To fill it in with yellow all right we got to give him his eyeballs next so we got eyeball number one over here and now is the important part time to give him his red mask here we goes red mask kind of goes like this circles out around the

Eyes my dude kind of looks like Charlie Brown mixed with Wall-E man wa he totally does yeah this is not uh not as good as I thought it was going to be but at the same time it’s great all right we’re going to give him a little mouth

He’s going to like yeah what’s up he’s like this is what happens when he’s running super Fast all right now we got to fill in his neck got to give him a nice good oh no dude the owl that randomly goes off which means we need to spin for our Wild Card 3 2 1 you know what I just really hope that it doesn’t mess up my lightning

Bolt because I got to really make this guy perfect what salad tongue flip no I got batter hands oh all right well we got the batter I’ve got some hands and time to have some batter hands here we go batter hand number one so we get the

Second hand in first up we got to make the lightning bolt on his chest he has a circle first it goes around his chest like that there we go dude I’m going to get artistic and creative here I’m just going to drop a man that’s not going to

Work and now to finish it up just got to add the red all going to finish off this ohen the batter is like so slippery man it just slip right out of my hand it’s going to do it like okay no it took off half his lightning bolt but if I just

Use this this clear a little path here in the middle I’m going to redo his lightning bolt all right time to go for the wait I can’t use a spatula to flip it man oh use the tongs what cuz see I embrace the batter hands you tried to stay away from them I’m

Embracing them I think actually going to help out my artwork all right now it’s time for the flip so uh luckily for me I get to use some spatulas I know so now 3 2 1 oh my gosh I did it with finesse that’s pretty pretty pretty cool you

Ready for this yep I’m totally ready you have to Tong it so lightly all right here we go Ready set go be careful oh no but that looks so good you get to comment down below who made a better pancake and right now we’re on to the

Next one you challenged us to make Captain America from Avengers end game so right now let’s go I’m going to make Captain America shield first cuz it’s the most iconic part so A Perfect Circle that was that’s Deon okay the second Circle was actually pretty solid you

Want to take a look at it hey Deon look at my circle I’m making an noal that’s a pretty good Circle right yeah that’s really good and in the Marvel movies his shield is indestructible so I wonder if the pancake is going to be indestructible as well so we’re going to

Turn this up we’re going to roast it flip it and test the pancake and then we’re going to continue with the rest of the body wait what how does that make sense Maybe I have vibranium pancake battered Deon never thought of that did you no very unlikely all right here we

Go it’s a little Jiggly doesn’t look too indestructible right now ah what it’s not feeling indestructible here we go 3 two one oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy let’s just flip the H H okay together all right well you know maybe it do need to cook and hard In I’m going to try to repair the shields we’re going to add some extra batter in here and hopefully this will uh this will seal the different parts together let’s see how strong this pancake Shield really is here we go 3 2 1 oh what that sounded like it hurt oh

Yeah ow that’s a strong pancake yeah that’s a no from me another little arm what no the cap came off oh that’s not good oh he’s going to have a blob arm he has a loaf of bread for a head that’s that’s kind of Captain America’s deal a

Baguette dude I’m not sure how good my shield is looking I mean it’s not that close to the real one what do you think that’s the real Captain America shield yeah I mean there’s only one no that’s like the real one yeah it’s vibranium it’s in destructible bro you want to test it

Uh yeah sure all right here we go you ready um yeah okay all you’re going a little quick let me just let me get it okay all right all right go and you’re sure that’s the real one uh yeah okay here we go 3 2 1 wao damn that is definitely the real

Shield um yeah it is didn’t I tell you you you were supposed to catch it it was coming back to you yeah it’s new we’re going to fill in Captain America star with red next up we got to give him the American torso suspenders I don’t know

We has like the red and white across the stomach we’re doing that next now it’s time to give Captain America the mouth of a hero doesn’t that just look like a mouth it looks like this Deon the mouth of a hero yep oh no I just remembered

When I flip my pancake this is going to become burnt side up oh no that’s horrible and now it’s time to fill in his hero Mouse just going to put the color oh no really all right we got to spin for our wild cards bro this is not

Going to be good 3 2 1 oh my gosh popped right off that’s part of the mystery wheel I don’t have to get that one so hopefully that was not a bad one so let’s see what this is super acrylic nails what what’s the difference between regular acrylic and super acrylic all

Right I got a bag with batter so I don’t know really what I do with that but I oh no that means I can’t use these containers I can only use the bag like both holes in it all right well right now let’s go so this is what super

Acrylic nails meant wow I know what acrylic nails are but these are definitely super yeah now I guess I have to just use this bag so I’m going to have like just poke holes in it and properly dispense it oh one already broke off how am I going to pick this up

Cuz I can’t pick it up like this oh man oh man oh no I forgot I have to turn on the thing first oh yeah here oh that’s going to be be careful though be how you going to turn it on de’s going likeing upside down he like okay slow movement I think

I got it I think I got it it’s the side of the thumb you’re doing that poke my first hole say it’s on it’s on it’s on it’s on okay okay okay okay all right got a sorry I bumped you all right holes in going to squeeze out oh this is

Actually pretty cool man oh no am I going to be doing like two holes at once like dispensing twice as much yes okay got to pick this got to get this one uhuh I’m absolutely crushing it right now hello all right there we go I think

I got it I think I got it nice and careful okay got it here switch grip run out of B quickly okay okay okay now time to fill in the rest of this you got to squeeze harder man what how it’s not that I’m not buying this is going to

Ruin my pancake I don’t like that got to get on the shoe and the arm at the same time oh come on oh boy I messed this up I mess this up I messed it up and just like that it’s over wow oh it’s going to

Take forever bro this is like a pincher workout man pin just these two fingers pinching ah muscles are starting to feel some fatigue fatigue I have an idea why don’t you use these as little like funnel shoots and so you pour the pancake batter in at the top and let it

Funnel down see that sounds like something you would do and it wouldn’t be effective what all right here we go was going to dispense down here o I got a support with my other nail oh dude it’s like one of those cement trucks no way it is actually working yeah I

Have carefully okay I’m going to stop now oh you made this so much more difficult now I don’t know what to do with this nail bro you compromised it what do you mean compromised it it looks great it’s red on the outside blue on the inside That’s Unique never again

Look at the top it’s but look at my finger I’m sorry about that all right just want to help out D wait no no no no all right here we go Palm technique and now I have to move it on to the pancake wow that actually works yeah that was

Actually pretty good look at this it’s Speedy Devon Speedy Deon he’s looking kind of Blobby right now not too musly I must say and done I didn’t even think about this but how you going to flip with those acrylic nails oh what all right it’s on and roasting maybe you use

Your nails to flip it no way dude you’re going to break off all my nails all right here we go time to flip by Captain America o go for it 3 2 1 that is one burnt pancake yeah but I mean like it still is recogniz let me

Get that bit for you let me just get that bit for you okay just got to scoop go there there I must admit the shield looks way better from the other angle just a palm grip oh yep just a palm and a little bit of Pinky here we go coming

Underneath I feel like an eagle flying in for the scoop you know this is actually going pretty well all right the flip Ready set go oh look and I lost some pinky in the process how did you make that with the nails bro oh my gosh

All right well you get to comment down below who won this round right now we’re on to the next one you ch just to make a dragon from How to Train Your Dragon so right now let’s go all right I’m starting with the eye how about you con

I’m going to start with the wings all right so we got Wing number one and then we got the other side of the wing bam and there is the base of my dragon that’s actually pretty good like that’s pretty solid dude I feel like you’ve done that head like three times I always

Run out of room at the top that was going to be super cool he’s going to have like awesome little wings I don’t have enough room for the top of his horn so it’s just going to be a little stump there is actually precise art to adding

The right amount of pancake batter like that wow bam Wing number one complete nicely done now it’s time to add some upgrades to my dragon’s Wings we’re just going to add this no oh I on the scales and everything oh dude you’re like pretty early on so this could really mess you

Up right now 3 2 1 have we ever gotten something good yet I don’t think we have all right well let’s hope this one changes that pattern so let’s see what I got no dude I got duct tape well I got can’t bend elbows bro I have like

Dinosaur dragon arms right now and I have like Frankenstein arms dude well it’ll be very interesting to see how this pancake turns out and right now I need to continue with the design so first steps got pick out this one over here you got this I got it and then got

To kind of go forward like this extend the fingers I I can’t relax any arm how is yours going I put the eye in the wrong place hold on I keep on just dripping everywhere Deon can I borrow your sleeve my what you need to use your

Sleeve to wipe up some batter what you can’t use my sleeve this is my merch bro all right all right we got some paper towel here how does yours still look so good when you can’t even bend your elbows to be honest I don’t know all right here we

Go we’re just going to dab it up all right time to add some scales they’re going well for a second I think like scale like you’re going to try to weigh them the what okay I think I’m done but now I have to sneeze oh no dud you

Better cover your mouth man if you don’t cover your mouth that’s going to be a big issue I don’t know how what do you mean you don’t know how I might need to use your shoulder you can’t that won’t happen well luckily I don’t have to sneeze anymore so your shoulder has been

Spared you’re welcome and let me return the favor oh oh thank thank you okay hug me brother oh okay all right here we go it’s more like a crocodile hug what what is the what are you doing with your hand trying to hug something well um I think

I need to turn on the hot plate sorry right it’s allor right did I bump you you did but I don’t complain okay hot plate on time to shake up the bottle I feel like I’m doing a pretty good job got to prepare me red me red this is

Some Risky Business ah so close oh dear I got it oh dear there we go a little tongue in the middle of his mouth that’s perfect ooh this takes Max concentration and a lot of arm strength for this row scales are going to be a little bit unconventional okay I’m done with the

Blue time to go for the eye Perfect all right nice you know what I’m kind of at a loss for what to do next so I need some real life dragon inspiration right now so I’m going to call my pet dragon Doug here he comes here he comes oh that was so cool and I’m trained him really well so check this out Doug hey Doug sit pretty cool sit hey Doug wave hey Doug speak okay sorry takes a little bit of getting used to I think you might have

Cooked my pancake are you sure you can handle that Dragon maybe you should just stick to this one let go of Doug just handle this Dragon um con uh con look at Doug oh my gosh Doug well I guess we’ll continue to roast some pancakes pancake better work why don’t

You work all right here we go I’m going to turn it on now okay so this is now where I have to be very careful because I cannot get close to The Griddle this is super important First Steps first I got to add some more details so this leg

Over here is going to be full of details all right now we’ll give him some waffle Wings waffle Wing dude I think I’ve gotten the hang of this man waffle Wing I’m going to do double straight arms wow look at that maybe I should not go all

Right now I’m just going to grab the green again because I need it for a oh a little bit a little bit of misfire here we go so get the green on it’s very difficult to be precise when your hands are stuck like this a little bit right

There on the tip of the wing all right perfect oo as you can see without duct tape with duct tape it makes a huge difference imagine how all this detail is going to look it’s going to be fantastic wait you’re done y I get to

Rest my arms now woo all right I got to try to get the white so I’m going to use this little spatula to pick it up nice uh it’s a spatula not a grabber con it work you know what I’ll give you my white oh thank you that’s kind oh oh

Okay careful dude careful I got it here’s the white I don’t need the white you don’t need the white really I just got you the white K I’m an artist and I need yellow fine here you go here is your yellow thank you all right here we

Go same process wao yeah uh-huh nice here we go long shot dude it’s on Max heat it’s like cooking it right away I got I’ll turn off turn off here we go all right careful be careful and that’s about to complete my my dragon all right

Now it is let it cook well I think it’s actually almost already cooked yeah that’s what happens when you’re on Max heat bro de could you please hand me that spatula over there yes I got you put in my hands thank you all right here we go do you need another spatula nope

One oh uhoh I already prematurely flipped it ah I feel like the flip for you is going to be really difficult here we go three 2 1 yes I got it that’s some pretty great Dragons I’m a master flipper bro didn’t know until today but yep you definitely passed exams I needed

That SP I’m sorry they fell off the table I wouldn’t get it for you but again small hand time to grab my specialist and I’m going got this try to get some of it off it doesn’t look cooked all the way through some of it is

But some of it isn’t I can only offer moral support cuz my my arms don’t reach that far I can just wave over here and give you little little golf claps you got this Devin you got this bro thank you I actually really appreciate it you

Ready for this I don’t want to say this Devon but I don’t quite have confidence you’ll be able to do this successfully really I just got to put it out there all right well I have confidence in me so uh so should you I do now ready set

This looks so good go no no no no no why is it stuck it’s it’s so bad oh no I can’t even look oh man there we go I fixed it yay there it is yo hey all right you get to comment down below and let us know who made the best

Pancake right now it’s on to the next one you challenged us to make mirror from the new Aquaman movie so right now let’s go I’m starting off by making the crown so we have like one Peak right here oh wow you cing me I’m going to

Hide my work peek like this that’s a large Crown now I got to do the head looks kind of like a Cowboy right now all right we’ll turn this on and then we’ll give her some uh some ears next up we got the uh the eyebrows she’s got

Great eyebrows those look pretty great right yeah those are actually really nice yeah those are those are phenomenal eyebrows we’ll give her two eyeballs we’ll give her one right there one over here now we got to give her a beautiful smile look at that look she’s so happy

We’ll give her a little tongue right here oh a light gray inside the mouth you know give like depth and shadows right shadows and all that all that great art inside of the mouth isn’t gray though what what should it be it would be a darker red fortunately I have a

Darker red right here so I guess she’s going to have gray mullers all right then we’ll give her a darker red in her mouth oh this oh wow de you’re really good at this W wa you okay yeah well you know what they say right luckily lightning doesn’t strike twice

Yeah a shortest storm ever now it is time to fill in the Golden Crown so oh I have an idea Deon I’m going to get an advantage on you right now I’m going to create an emerald gem in the middle of it well I just kind of told you what my

Advantage would be but there you go you know what I’m going to do I’m going to add an emerald gem in the middle of it I that idea oh really and here’s the thing about the gem it’s very unusual looking and a ruby in the center all right now

Time for the Gold Crown to be made so we’re going to add the yellow in all right we going to add in the eyeballs mine’s coming along really well right now now for the ears I see Deon has all those small line details so I’m going to

Try to emulate the same thing so the difference I don’t really know what lines the ear needs just look at my ear for reference yeah that is there I saw that and I’m now an artist the thing is she’s got red ears because she recently got embarrassed like something happened and

She got embarrassing so her ears turned red and now the final step time for the hair so we’re going to fill this in first it’s time to start roasting my pancake it looks so good proud of me time to flip my pancake and this is going to be so challenging I think this

Is one of the largest pancakes I’ve ever made how are you going to do this 3 2 1 oh a perfect flip this is pretty phenomenal thank you man all right that was a weak high five bro oh sorry all right it’s time to flip mine 3 2 second

Like challenge we want see if you can like this video in 3 seconds you ready here we go 3 2 1 done Ready set go what I only had a couple hairs off only a couple hairs fell off you get to comment down below who made a better mirror

Right now we’re on to the next one you challenged us to make Simba from The Lion King I’m going to start in a very different way I’m going to begin with his ear all right so the two ears are done the thing about his ear is he has

This kind of like lining on the inside oh you’ve heard of the circle of life this is the circle of Simba’s ears this one over here we’ll start with a super curly ear hair wait are you making Simba or Yoda right now no I’m making Simba

Bro that looks like Yoda to me that’s Yoda’s ear just got to add in the Color and now the most important part time to make his full head oh face face there there is his face all right just going to fill in his hair oh no it’s Bo de that means we got to spin the mystery wheels for our wild card you ready here

We go 3 2 1 I’m hoping I get red I don’t know why I just want red oh I was so close to Red oh no what does you say upside down pancake I have to use Grabber hands to make the rest like I can’t use my hands what all right got my

Little Grabber hands I can’t believe it’s turned upside down this mouth might look really whack at least you have like regular hands I little Grabber things they look like little duck bills you know what I’ve actually done exercises like this in art so yours is almost more

Interfering with me than it is you I got to sco over here for one second really bro maybe I just need to get the bigger one here we go oopsy all right here we go we’re going to bring it over here like this okay there we go LIF it’s so unnecessarily

Long I got to like scoot my chair back a little bit Ah see it shaking bro it’s just like I see it I can definitely see support from the bottom RI R wa I’m going to put down one of these I’m only going to use one at a

Time pick up squeeze there we go wait how are you so good even upside down man like I can’t even figure this out these exercises I’ve done before kind of work out how he doing pancake upside down no art exercise con this is so slow I don’t

I don’t like it I need to get some different claws all already got some new grabby hands and these might actually be even worse there’s like no way I can finish my pancake cuz these grabby hands are all so bad I got to couldn’t control myself unfortunately I got to go back to

The big grabby hands all right here we go lift ah come on now we’re just going to pick up the gray no oh oh there we go see if I push oh I broke it got a little bit up right here and then build the circle of the

Eye all right last thing I got to do is just fill it all in I actually have quite a sophisticated plan we’re going to use the Grabber hand things grab and grip now I’m going to lift it up like this and then spin oh I have a solution going to take

This one here and use this one to just hold it in place and then use this one to push down and dispense the red oh you just messed up his eye yeah it’s it’s ruining kind of a lots of different parts of it right now dude mine is so

Close to being done please do not mess it Up we’re going all right we’re going to push it up over here there we go look those long shots get out the way get out of the way excuse me get on your side let me finish it let me I tile you if you don’t move okay I’m moving let’s

Turn it up and let’s let’s roasted now bro it’s so messy it looks like a stampede came through wait do you feel that wo what is going on look out get out well that was close uh you’re going the wrong way oh no I just remember I’m going to have to flip

My pancake with the grab hands oh that’s going to be so bad no now it’s time to flip with my claw hands you reach under this side what if you use a claw to hold the spatula cons all right we’ve got a spatula oh all right we you got the

Spatula oh nice all right yeah yeah go for it 3 2 1 oh there we go unconventional flip but now it is on the table dude it looks like a sunset all right it’s ready to flip this looks so good oh my gosh Ready set Go Rescue It de got it that looks so good you get comment down below who won this round and right now we’re on to the next one and just for the fun of it I actually made some extra pancakes like Godzilla here that looks so good and I

Made cuddle team leader from fortnite and so did I this is my version of cuddle team leader from fortnite you’re looking good man exactly the structure is intact see I can hold it by the ears and it stays up perfectly 3 2 1 oh my you challenge us

To do the mystery wheel of pancake art and right now let’s spin for the first Pancake that was a solid spin that was a crazy spin what do you think it’s going to land on Deon uh I’m going to guess blue I’m going to say uh purple purple

Oh oh I got it that is not it all right let’s see what the first one is Bowser oh sweet all let’s kick it off right now with Bowser going to get some some spikes on this dude oh this the up top drip drop drop

Drop I got to finish up his shell so just going to fill this fully in with green right Now boom and now trying to give him some jacked arms all right here we go let’s give him one arm like this look at that arm bro oh no what have I done oh no mine’s extra dripping it’s double dripping look at this that’s horrible what is going On it’s kind of squished cuz I’m running out of room at the top here it looks like a giant uh shoe or a foot lots of deep breaths there this is not good so we give him little Teeth and outline is done dude that took you forever and I am not having it and neither is my pet dinosaur the what my pet deur can I pet him no do not pet the deur Deon you know what happens when you pet a dinur right no I don’t

All right Deon you can pet the Deanie sord okay oh dude wa wow okay I warned You time to flip over my pancake right now here we go I got a giant shovel scooper this one’s just going to be a slight flick of the wrist 3 2 one yay oh man oh no no no no no okay here we go here we go here we go 3 two one

Oh you lost the head T there we go Tada so then a little more respect for Bowser man what you just plopped that thing right down you didn’t even treat it gently do do you see what I’m dealing with here you literally had no care in

The way you handled it I’m Sor what can we just rewind back to your flip see dude look at that and now it’s time to flip mine you this reveal is going to be crazy all right is successfully on a spatula 3 two oh oh what oh my gosh that actually turned out

Pretty good what what what well there’s Bowser from Super Smash Bros and this is a battle and you get to comment down below and let us know who won this round time to spin for the next pancake here we go three one what was that what do

You mean it was my turn I one to spin it all right well on Blue we got Wreck-It Ralph thing about wreck Ralph is it kind of looks like8 bit so luckily for me this is right on my alley wait wait when did you do 8 bit con because it’s like

More more chunky and funky which is the way that I like to make my pancakes we got to make the inside of his mouth first see Deon always starts with his like little small line so I’m going to I’m going to try that this time because

I need to get better at this so he goes like Oh no at the bottom it stopped getting like square and nice and QB is that just his mouth yeah you know what see it’s all about squares so I’m going to do a little square tongue there we go I think I’m crushing

The game right now see oh look at it look at it it’s just no going to make eyeballs wait you’ve done only a square it’s the most crucial Square though colins the center we got his eyeballs so here we go we’re going to get some side brows oh there we go they’re not

Eyebrows they’re side brows where do you put put those side brows off to the side next up I’m going for the eyes fill these little babies in F these little babies in all right Rey R’s going to have some green eyebrows all just going to put this last

Little touch right here wait no it’s ho hoot de it’s basically owl that will randomly go off each round which means we have to spin for our Wild Card all right dud all right bro I guess we got to spin the myreal to find out what our

Wild card is bro I was going so well 3 2 1 and this might like mess up your whole game right now I got blue I got red what hot sauce that’s not bad you know what mine is for the rest of my pancake making I’m not allowed to use my hands

How do you make a pancake without using your hands this is going to be so weird I think I have to like take off the cap of this and combine the two cuz there’s no way just sriracha sauce is going to work all right here it goes o use my

Shoulder though a man it’s so hard without my hand okay oh my gosh W wo oh it’s so gross oh it looks pretty funky yo give me a spatula dude what why the spatula cuz I need it here you go either way this one no no dude what are

You doing you get my bottle out fell over oh no it’s not really coming out Now you weren’t using it all right my Sriracha is added that was super easy I need another spatula there’s a spatula right there yeah see the thing is to get that spatula I need another spatula here you go nice all right there you go all right it’s now time

To you have another spatula no you know what I’m over you’re over over what I’m going in for it bro oh oh wow that’s really skilled man o Dude I think you can use your hands now I just feel so bad for you D here’s the issue Deon when

You spin for No Hands it literally means no hands what I have no hands it took my hands away you had hands a second ago what happened oh I have an idea I found a loophole boom claws bro all right here we go so now it’s going to fill in his

Face oh why is it so watery this is great man the No Hands thing is all is all working out for me all right let’s see we’re just going to give him a whole mess of hair and done all right so now just going to have to kind of like uhoh

That’s not cooked that’s not cooked you’re kind of encroaching into my space your head’s like resting on my arm bro that smells like sriracha sauce on your side three two one you just can’t get the height man here we go all right wo wo wao don’t break it don’t break it oh

D it look it it’s done all right where’s the other specialist you want the ones that were in or out of my mouth not in your mouth the Sriracha turned it so that the pancake batter split and doesn’t actually cook dude and you’re going to have to eat that because at the

End of the video we’ll be eating these pancakes bro oh no it’s kind of breaking oh it’s so bad at least my guy didn’t lose his forehead right now you get to comment down below and let us know who won this round time to spin for our next

Pancake 3 2 1 what are you going to land on um uh green I’m going to say yellow oh all right let’s see what it is oh snap okay it’s the most famous detective in the entire world Sherlock Holmes no Pikachu oh what right now let’s make him

It’s going to start off over here ear number two is going to be a lot smaller I’m playing with perspective a little bit you know art wordss Pikachu’s got his little head what is that I got to build some static electricity oh snap what oh my gosh hold

Wait wait wait let me see if I can do this let me see if I can ow watch watch watch oh bro this is crazy okay hold go back go back go back back back okay all right uh know that okay let’s let’s keep making the tail of

Course detective Pikachu’s got his hat what I’m going to have to do is I’m going to have to build a little stick on his head because this little stick is going to support his hat it’s like one of the propeller hats upside down though we’re g little propellers nailed it here

We go so now we’re going to give him little magnifying glass there we go little lightning Bol coming out of his tail see now I know I use these little Precision ones bro cuz it’s actually a lot easier and I made his ears super wide now for the most important and

Skillful part got to start filling in his tail oh snap dude it’s hoot seriously mine was going so good I guess we got to spin the mystery wheels and let’s hopefully get something good 3 2 1 man I can’t believe it dude I got red I don’t have a good feeling about this

What I got to switch up bro oh yes dude we have to switch pancakes seriously oh yeah it was going so good no what oh you got a blindfold AC blindfolded okay so now what wait dude what I teleported like 2 Ines yeah but we did it with lightning

Yeah but we could have just switched trays yeah but we we couldn’t do that with lightning man my blindfold I’m going to have to do a lot of reconstruction of yours I can’t see anything I have a system figured out for this put it down and go around till I

Find oh found something here and then I’m just going to dispense one ear moves I think this is his eye right here you know what I’m going to just kind of guess so there we go we’re going to give him a little eye perfect there we go

Give him a little nose de is this red no this is red okay this is red okay here we go I’m going to go till I hit the side of his head oh okay something something’s here going to give him a little cheek over here and a little red

Cheek over here now this is the most important part cuz this is all just kind of a guessing right now but I got to figure out which one is yellow so I can fill in his face I think this is yellow it’s not yellow what this is yellow use

You like twin telepathy right now Deon send me the yellow 3 2 1 I got it it is right oh there no no no there there twin telepathy is so great here we go maybe a little bit on this side and maybe a little bit more up here

Wow I hear breaking what are you doing to my pancake okay I take a nap Now all right mine smells like it’s perfectly cooked and ready to be flipped uh con it’s not even on could you could you you turn yeah I can totally Deon I need a spatula all right here you go okay perfect and then no way you got me

An extendable spatula I’m trying to find it careful of the top dude careful of the top I think I got it yeah you kind of got it time for the flip three 2 1 it actually flipped yes you missed a pan oh it worked oh my gosh pretty

Interesting let’s uh let’s flip it around like that you know what bro I’m very disappointed it appears that you have discarded the majority of my work I salvaged a lot you ready for this three one Pikachu W dude it actually work oh my gosh well done all right well

Those are the Pikachu you get to comment down below who won this round time to spin for the next pancake all right I’m just going to put down ping it already we got to start it off bro here we go and yellow all right I’ll take it is

Bumblebee I’m great at doing bees oh no no no like the transformer I thought for once I had this I can’t believe we got yellow all right well you know what time to make a Transformer they are all about the shapes the issue is I make my

Pancakes huge here we go we’re going to give us little eyes circular pupils here we go this is working perfectly boom look at that squiggly eyebrows Yeah Boy And then we’ll give him a little square Red Square tongue that’s bubble bee right now man these lines are becoming all

Disconnected and everything bro this is not good oh wa 3 2 1 all right well let’s see oh snap I got purple no way I got no thumbs bro dude I got a chopstick stick flip oh my God so that could be really bad so

Now I gu we’re just going to tape them up all right hand number one is done the one hand tape tear is not easy when you don’t have a thumb all you know I think it’s time to start filling it in so here we go we’re going to grab some yellow double peie

Sign who needs thumbs when you have eight fingers seven gra gra gra gra Chopstick I’m sorry that’s all I have in my hand you need a just pick it up dude get it up I don’t have thumbs no totally de this is horri over an eye all right here we go it’s

Going to get some over here are you almost done I got to go oh it’s overlapping the lines a bit conin well I’m not perfect all right I got my spatulas and now I got to flip this one over at least you can use spatulas bro oh be careful

Dude be careful 3 2 one all right well there you go I flipped it cool it’s looking great now it’s time for my flip you ready for this believe in you Deon oh what dude that thing looks insanee it turned now you get to comment down below who made a

Better bumblebee all right time to spin the wheel for the next pancake 3 2 1 dude what did you do broke part of the wheel all right there we go wait dud it’s going to fly off well let’s just go with it all right I got purple all right

Hey we got fortnite oh sweet wait what should we make um yo what if we do the Llama oh sweet yeah all right llama from fortnite here we go all right going to start off with the head of the Llama first the most important part here we go

We’re going to go here there’s an ear wao what is that that’s his head and then the body of his llama I love his little legs like my llama’s going to have some saber fangs that way no one can loot this llama wow con I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this quiet

Before this is what concentration looks like Deon you should try to learn some it’s very difficult for me though wait are you like actually making all the little like individual confetti thingies I mean most of them I’m going to start filling mine in but I have a different

Strategy than Dev instead of just doing them all the same color I’m going to randomly do them in all different colors to make mine a rainbow loot llama wo that’s so much detail I didn’t have enough room to add the legs so this will have to do all right now it’s time to

Start roasting my pancake wait dude why is is stuck Victor the laser Pony fixes all all right here we go W what mode is he on uh let me see he’s just on um eviscerate mode that sounds too intense for this don’t worry boom obliterate

Mode no you want that no no we don’t complete world destruction mode no how is he that powerful dude this is Victor the laser Pony can’t you tone him down a little bit that one and then that one all right now he’s on loosen mode ready

3 2 1 W my gosh Victor the laser Pony is fighting back bro he’s trying to turn it up turn it down down down snap man Victor the laser Pony you did a great job loosen some light bulbs as well but uh thank you for your service Deon touch Victor the laser Pony

No it was a test you cannot disrespect Victor the laser Pony by touching a snout okay I feel like if this goes wrong this could go very wrong cuz there’s so much Detail all right it is time for the flip of my pancake 3 2 1 oh oh he lost his head that’s part of the game this is probably my best pancake I’ve ever made all right it’s time to flip mine here we go if you break it you will

Automatically lose cuz you’re probably lose anyway cuz you don’t have four legs dude this is so much pressure two oh I did it I did it I did that look so good though you get to comment down below who made a better fortnite llama time to

Spin for our next pancake hey I got it what do you think it’s going to be con um I think it’s going to be I don’t know purple oh so close I’m going start off with this try to because I’m feeling pretty bold right now you may have

Noticed that I flipped my hot plate vertically and that is because Aquaman is tall what are you doing I’m making this TR tried it and then we’re going to have to give him a little arm all right here we go man I always run out of room

Like really quickly this will be his little head oh my goodness you have no idea how hard it is to do a straight line with this thing he’s got some uh some beautiful yellow hair all right we’ll give him a little yellow belt he’s like oh no I’m losing my eyes you burnt

His eyeballs off that’s not good bro oh man his face is going to be whack now all right I’m going to start filling in my Shark this actually kind of reminds me of sharisha a little bit sharisha where are you sharisha where is sharisha

At I know how to get her here sharesa I have your favorite rice cakes shisha no I need to work on my pancak at least give sharisha some rice all right it’s time to flip my sharisha oh no shisha lost a tooth 3 2

1 lost the fin now time to flip Aqua Man uhoh his arms are very fragile give me a spatula please got to get this trident over here some of his hair one oh I totally broke my Aquaman pieces man oh wow sometimes when Aquaman falls down

You just got to figure out what goes where Aquaman all right all right time to flip mine you ready for this bro this looks so crazy here we go three 2 1 oh oh my gosh you get to comment down below who won this round we’ll be eating these

At the end of the video time to spin the wheel 3 2 1 what is it going to land on green that’s my safe bet I’m going to go red oh oh oh yes all right let’s see what we got yo dude we have to make the

Avengers all of the Avengers okay fine how about we pick one Avenger each and then make that as a pancake sounds good we’re starting off with the outline so you have to guess kind of what superhero I’m making it always ends up looking so much cooler in my head so much delicate

Work goes into this oh this is tough it looks more like a waffle than a pancake yeah you’re making a waffle cake ready 3 2 1 oh oh we got to we got to clean that off check this out Oh I got it dude yes I got my rice cakes are you done you know what I got to save it for later I’m going to stick it to the ceiling here we go got it so now let’s uh let’s keep making this thing wow and now it’s time

To create some buildings in the background he is shot a web at it bam why it looks even more like a waffle what I’m going to do is I’m going to make spider webs he’s built himself a nice web in the background web number two man it looks like he’s like in the

Middle of a heat wave I mean this building really did not turn out oh my gosh no seriously it’s hoini again all right so I guess we got to respin the wheel bro that thing just like randomly goes off at the worst times all right here we go you ready

Wild cards 3 2 one I hope I get a good one I hope I don’t get a bad Wild Card Blue I got oh it was so close to Blue it’s in the middle I don’t know what to do respin it all right what did you get

I have to use my left hand you and I very much not left-handed and there’s a lot of details to be done o I hope it’s a good one what Kaleidoscope glasses what are those wao it’s like seeing quadruple bro like my P cakes here here

Here and here at the same time I’m not looking forward to this you’re not looking forward actually at all oh I’m looking forward to this you’re not looking forward at all I’m not I need some blue I got it wait is this blue it’s also messing with my colors is this

Blue no that’s purple it’s purple look gray I got it all right it is time to add the blue of the eyes here we go oh I actually nailed it okay okay all right let’s do this left-handed this makes it harder I don’t even know what I’m doing

Oh I got it I got it I got it I got it oh no this is bad yep right there right there I think I got it okay even with the collidoscope things how are you still so good at this okay all right hopefully this don’t mess it

Up red ha that’s red that is red yes great job I got it I think it’s done do I have to flip it like this yes with the glasses on time for the flip but I can only use my left hand oh I got his head

You need help no yeah see I can help you just give me a spatula got it right no Devon if you don’t feel it you don’t have it there you go all right teamwork makes a dream work left hands you ready go go go go go

Go go go go go go yes look at he caught his own webs all right here we go 3 2 1 oh that looks so good does it look good I can’t really see it so comment down below who won this round we’ll be eating

These at the end of the video time to spin for our next pancake what do you think it’s going to be I’m going to say green I’m going to go for blue oh we were both very WR all right well let’s see what we got o this one’s popping

How’ you know that cuz I looked that let’s get some umbrellas and float away all right umbrella done that was easy get lines going through cuz umbrellas have lines this is like like what happens when you have kind of no vision for it this cuz this was supposed to be

Her arm you know what she’ll have a giant triangle arm oh man she has a teeny little arm God how am I so bad at this looks more like the Pillsbury Dough Boy than it does Mary Poppins oh man this is I don’t think I’m doing the

Dress the right color right now oh no oh snap if I was in a bad place this about to become even worse right now all right 3 2 1 please be something good oh I got red that can’t be good what batter hands I got tentacle fingers Oh see it’s like

Your hands in batter no that’s like drip all over that’s going to ruin it dude this is going to be impossible bro mine is just going to be a hindrance oh boy oh man all right time to pick up some pancake batter so let’s see we’re just

Going to oh no you know what I’m just going for it add her dress the longer I stay here the worse it gets all right let’s see if I can just kind of start getting the tentacles ju in try got to add some more cityscape how is it that

10 tentacles can’t even pick up one of these things yes come on shoot now for the dark blue all right and done tentacle fingers are the worst thing that’s ever happened you can have a green body see it all goes so great until hoot deie interferes with our game

All right well here we go I have 10 tentacle fingers and they are all dextrous and where exactly is Mary Poppins part of her eye is right there she wearing a green dress like the wicked witch now it’s time for me to flip mine man I don’t like this at all

No calm I’m trying to calm you no you’re dripping so much batter everywhere bro 3 2 1 oh what it looks so good I I needed my hands far away so I don’t drip on it you get to comment down below who won this round time to eat the

Pancakes but there’s a mystery wheel twist to this basically we only get to eat one pancake and the Mystery wheel get to decide which one that is so we’ll spin it pick it off and whichever one it says that’s the one we get to eat I’m super excited I’m super excited too I

Mean all of mine are amazing except for wreck and Ralph I hope I don’t get wreck Ral you put hot sauce in it here we go the final spin in possibly the most important one 3 2 1 please not wreck it please not wreck it please not wet Ral

Please all right I got red what did you get all I got blue it’s a good sign nice I got the fortnite Llama yes what do you think the chances are that this is not wreck Ral I mean here’s the thing bro you got Iron Man you got Aquaman you got

Bowser all just going to do a little drum roll it’s more like a little flipper roll what is that enough goofing around Devon let’s see what you got you ready 3 2 1 no I got wreck it round oh my gosh how bro out of all the

Pancakes well I’m going to take a little bite of my fortnite llama right now with you prepare yourself to take a bite of spicy wet R kind of like a chip almost right now it’s kind of like so crisp oh it smells so bad dude what are you doing

I’m eating my handing it’s great o Dude it looks just like you all right dude you got to bite it quickly it’s falling apart yep 3 2 1 one did it taste good no oh and comment down below who is your favorite character you would love to see us make a pancake out

Of yo I can’t believe we are actually doing this oh my gosh they have this the exact same one he drew no way I don’t know man should we buy it you challenge us to the you draw all buy it challenge Buton with the pancake art twist we’re drawing six expensive

Luxury items and we’re kicking it off with our Dream tech product so let’s go Deon I’ve wanted these things for a years so I really hope you actually buy him for me wait what kind of tech is that bro if that’s a new iPhone I’m going to freak out can you imagine that

Little robot head popping out the top of your phone and delivering messages like hey you got to go for school can you give me a hint Deon can you fit this in your pocket no this could fit you in its pocket what yeah de how would I actually

Buy this for you bro it’s like a giant robot so how about this I’m going to add in an extra element so Deon this is very important this extra element has nothing to do with the actual product itself there we go all right it’s got to be

Some sort of face yo that thing is looking insane bro there is no taking pictures with this guy he can’t fit in the selfie even with even with a selfie stick he couldn’t fit in a selfie definitely not all right so next up here we go we’re going to add some details

Into M these are going to be very got bread eyebrows I want to eat those eyebrows oh hold on guys this just in YouTube Star Devin key admits to eating eyebrows yes this is very bizarre but he has admitted to eating eyebrows back to you Patricia your guy looks pretty

Aggressive I got to say he does not look like a friendly guy you would want to meet in a dark alleyway if this doesn’t give it away I don’t know what will upside down pee you kidding me Deon dude how am I going to be able to buy that

For you that’s why your pancakes are better than mine bro cuz you’re always in my space look at your elbow bro I have no room to move over here man I think you’re over exaggerating a little bit you have enough space now no I just got to get this little teeth right over

Here I can still make a pancake like this though that’s actually really impressive all right here we go going have to fill in these lovely teeth right over here wait dude does that guy have golden teeth no he doesn’t brush his teeth Yo yours looks so amazing man I’m

So happy we’re not choosing the pancake off of which one looks better because that looks like your best one you’ve ever made dude give you one final hint about my guy Devon he’s not a fan of Pancakes cuz in the morning he’s making waffles dunk is not green you know who

This is yeah dude it’s Shrek you’ve known this whole time this was Shrek even though you’re mainly using blue it’s crazy how much depth you’re able to achieve with that where would you buy this what did you touch it I told you not to get close to it good thing it was

On the chest and a part that doesn’t really matter are those ear Ms cuz if they are why aren’t they on his ears yeah I got I got to think about the anatomy of this now it’s time to fill in the background before we flip the

Pancakes it’s time to find out who buys what but if we’re going off which pancake looks better I’ve read the comments and apparently you guys don’t think I would win so we have the coin of Destiny each side has one of our faces on so right now it’s time to flip the

Coin and whoever’s face lands on top that person wins and the other person has to buy whatever they drew so let’s see who wins 3 2 one oh yes I won that’s actually probably for the best Yo that is a huge relief bro cuz could you

Imagine if to buy you like a full-blown mess right now time to flip the pancak all right here we go time for the flips we got to get up underneath it oh boy 3 2 1 oh all right Deon so this right here is what you’re going to be buying me

Dude I have no clue but I can’t wait to see what yours looks like man looks like there’s like a cheese filling around it right now time to flip mine dude you are so close Ready set go oh you’re going to have to try to find

What I drew and we’ll find out if he does at the end of the video you challenge us to make our Dream jewelry so let’s go I got to be very care careful with mine because I really really really want this piece of Jew right now I’m adding the diamonds and

This is what makes mine extremely expensive is that a coffin what no do you want a luxury coffin is that your ideal piece of jewelry yes but that’s not what this is can you imagine a coffin with wheels bro you roll up to the club resurrect yourself out the

Coffin then at the end of the night you’re dead tired you lay back in your coffin and just like zoom off oh my gosh this is coming together man this is going to work dude these designs are crazy those two last Little Gems are the most important so there’s gems on it y

Now it’s time to fill it in why is yours gray now it looks pretty scary now if we choose yours I won’t know what it is I might think that you tried to make a basket or a coffin got to add some blue right here boom and there we go mine is

All done now it’s got to let it cook and Deon are you almost done with yours I’m actually almost done that’s looking really good for a party coffin we’re going to be using the coin of Destiny each side has one of our faces on it so

Right now I’m going to flip it whichever side lands face up that’s who wins so here we go ready three 2 1 yes dude oh my gosh I don’t even know what that is oh dude it is super expensive all right well here we go time to flip mine bro

And hopefully the moment it flips over you’ll know exactly what it is 3 2 1 oh wait a second no what I moved it and it wrecked it a smidge so here we go hold up we got to lift it up oh my go you did a really good job though it looks

Actually really cool pay close attention to what you think it could be I got you dude this is going to look insane when you actually flip it bro I can’t wait to see what it is and I’m very happy I don’t have to buy it cuz it looks super

Expensive Ready set go oh dude my gosh you get to comment down below how much money is Deon going to spend when he buys this and we’ll find out at the end of the video you challenge us to make our favorite fashion item so let’s go

All right here we go got to start up with a shape of mine so we’re going to go here I’ve kind of made it a little far in mind and then we go up and then over and then down like that these aren’t Yeezys Deon they’re kees key bro

Special right here well don’t drag me into this dude I think I’m going to go for some details now and now it’s time to fill it in with color and this is really where mine starts to come to life man it’s really going to look amazing

All ABS flip lutely dude if you try to buy this thing man might max out your Visa I’ve got a vision in my mind and it looks good oh no the liquid man I got to dab it up real quick see I can fix it

You do now that I’m looking at it I think it might be a shoe but it’s a very specific shoe that I’m looking for here we go it’s going to add some blue back in over here like this a blue heel I’ve heard is very important on a shoe from

Who uh I heard from all the designers Deon trust me when you go to the store you’ll know exactly what to buy which store though that’s very general I’ll have to give you a hint for the store somewhere in this does that make any sense it’s like two keys no you know

What store this is no in what world is that a se you are not buying me Croc well you shouldn’t know what mine is by now right yeah it’s a rope no no no it’s a very specific rope oh it’s a snuggy no it’s like five

Times the price of a snuggie dude I snugg is like 29 bucks maybe I didn’t know how much Snuggies worth how much do you think a snuggie is I don’t know like 150 bucks man what kind of Snuggies have you been ripped off by before we flip

It’s time to find out who buys what so we’ve got the coin of Destiny right now here we go going to give it a flip 3 2 1 and whichever side lands face up the other person has to buy whatever was

Drawn so here we go 3 2 1 y I wono yes I wanted my Rob you’re going to have to buy me these shoes verace Rob what yeah it was Versace y that would have been super expensive all right here we go time to flip mine man when I reveal it

Dude I’m hoping this thing is going to be my best pancake yet 3 2 1 oh no well the leg oh man the leg just kind of fell apart dude I think I nailed the shoe bro from every level all right here we go here we go here we go coming

Underneath yes all right pull it pull pull it side side side side team work Makes the Dream Work dud I thought up for sure now it’s time to flip Ready set go oh that looks like a very highend Snuggie it’s not a snuggie dude you get

To comment down below What story do you think Deon will be able to buy this at we’ll be finding out if he’s able to find the exact shoe at the end of the video you challenge us to make our Dream gaming equipment so let’s go to kick

Mine off I’m starting with the shape so here we go it’s going to go up and around like this here we go next up here time to give my guys some detail so this is really where I think is going to start bringing it together you’re guy so

You’re making a guy I I didn’t say that he have a piece of lettuce going across his torso he does he just recently went vegan all right so next up we’re going to use some white here look at that directly to the center of the face oh

Jeez it has to do with what this is lightsaber boy all right I’m going to add a very distinctive symbol here Deon this should really get you going on what this is what does that look like it’s a spider yeah okay white that’s a t tubby there that’s not a spider anymore all

Right now I’m just filling it in next up here we go I’m going to add some contouring to mine here at the bottom really the sh nice artw heway pink on the cape it’s on the Highlight so he’s got a little bit of purplish pink Cape

All right here we go going to add some finishing touches to mine all right now got all the lines down it’s time to fill it in right now so first of all got to fill in my little dudes over here he’s wrapped in a blanket Deon it’s a little

Sleeping bag okay he’s just he’s trying to enjoy a night when this character shot things out of his hands to grab his face oh my gosh is that a clue yes that was a huge that was that was the clue de that was a huge CL I have no clue what

It is oh my gosh finishing touches are done on mine now it’s time to cook it let it roast and wait for this to finish one last spot right here and done before we flip the pancakes it’s time to find out who buys what so we’ve got the coin

Of Destiny and remember remember whichever face lands face up that’s the person who wins and the other brother is going shopping so let’s see who the winner is here we go 3 2 1 I win I win okay de this is very important you have

To know what this is to buy me the right thing I have no clue dude oh okay well maybe when I flip it it’ll become more apparent 3 2 1 okay de focus when I go shopping I’ll try to figure it out but now it’s time

To flip mine this one’s going to look insane bro I think this is one of your best pancakes you’ve ever done oh yes all right all right all oh my gosh you’re doing you’re doing great you know what I I think I might need to stand up

For this we have 5c subscribe challenge we want to see if you can subscribe to this Channel and turn on the channel post notifications in 5 seconds are you ready here we go 5 4 3 2 1 done if you can do that comment down below keeper Squad right now Ready set Go that looks so good bro if you didn’t get it it’s Mysterio from Spider-Man far from home all right Deon it’s time for you to go shopping and you get to comment down below what do you think he’s going to buy hopefully it’s exactly what I drew out of pancake batter and

We’ll be finding out at the end of the video you challenge us to make our favorite movie character so let’s go I’m going to start with a large shape right here this more like Patrick Star you give her a mustache no no it won’t be a

Mustache I promise all right next up I’m doing the hand my pancake really comes all down to details I think I’m crushing it right now this next part should give it away if you haven’t gotten it already who do you think it is just tell me if

I’m right de I think it is you just whispered in my ear if you don’t know who this character is you probably don’t know movies that’s a lot to say I’m going to take that back and just that that whole sentence we going to put that away it’s now gone

All right just going to add a line right over here I’m going to fill in these large pink things on the side of his head which may or may not be ears oh my gosh yours comes along so fast right now I’m reinforcing the lines I made earlier

So that the pancake flips better she going to start filling in the pancake but there’s still a couple extra elements to add right now I’m doing her face diamonds you call them face diamonds I call them grills Devon I think you gave her some grills on her forehead this looks like an assortment

Of food man you got the hurg you got a little bit of ketchup here it looks really cool though man like the colors are all so vibrant on yours I can’t wait to see what it looks like when you flip it over same now it’s time to fill in

Her multi-tool I think it’s a one tool cuz it only does one thing do you know what it is can I take a guess with sound effects no not really not is it not quite your gu’s gotten really crusty well yeah cuz I’m waiting for you

Bro you are taking forever and you know what I will join him in crusty Solitude oh oh wow that so that’s crusty cone I’ve always been crusty I just used lotion wait so why is it white on the inside that kind of throws me off cuz I

Thought I knew what that was but why is it white you shall see maybe making a giant stick of string cheese got to add the green rays of light around it it looks like a tea like a matcha tea or something mine is done now it’s time to

Let it roast and flip I cannot wait to see how these look before we flip the pancakes it’s time to find out who buys what and we have the coin of Destiny time to flip it up in the air whichever side lands face up that is the winner

And the other person has to buy whatever they drew so here’s a reveal you ready 3 2 1 Y what no I have to buy that for you yes all right so Devon 1 3 2 1 oh nice nailed it art is on fleek dude it’s

Pumba from the new Lion King movie all right now it’s time to flip the pancake this thing is going to look crazy man here we go Ready set go oh my gosh that is the greatest pancake you have ever made Deon wow because Deon won the coin

Toss it’s time for me to go out and buy what he drew in we’ll be finding out what I buy at the end of the video do challenge us to make our Dream super car so let’s go all right starting off with my car it’s got a very distinct shape so

I hope you guess what it is I don’t know is it’s a burger it’s two patties you know what you’ve been winning most of the coin flips so I really really hope I win all right here we go de so what is this that I’m making here what do you

Think this is you are making a smaller loaf of bread I’m making myself in a matching shirt to my car this is me on the inside self portrait dog looks like you put like cheese on your head f it up with I’m done with this conversation bro

You’re not even in reality right now going to fill my face in is red because a lot of times when I laugh or just kind of in general my face gets very red very often there’s a new arm right here this is this arm is very w h no no he’s

Waving get out of the way he’s got a brochure for the car instead of focusing on a brochure dude you should focus on the actual car oh the headlights are very distinctive it goes like this and then like this and then like that close enough wait why are your windows blue it

Looks like your car is underwater right now it’s supposed to be like reflecting the Blue Sky what car has wheels that pop out like that it makes a lot of sense you really think about it like hard now for the yellow brick caliper oh snap you may be asking yourself Deon

Where are door handles I’m going to draw a very special someone in here so you a hint so what do they have their hands on the dash they’re holding on for deer life like is your car used financially it’s actually better to buy a used car Devon

Because when you drive it off the lot it loses a lot of its value off the bat de appreciating asset yeah Financial jokes we’re doing all blue interior and Sky I want my interior to match the sky so you don’t know if you’re looking straight at

The sky or into my interior before we flip the pancakes it’s time to find out who is getting their dream car and to do this we have the coin of Destiny right now time to flip every side lands f up that is who getting their dream C so here we go 2

1 wait you’re going to buy me that oh my gosh all right better hope I can figure out what this car is man I’m really you better be able to all right here we go so for mine here it’s going to get the spatula underneath oh oh no no no oh I

Love you know what I’ll replace the door a little bit later here we go 3 2 1 wait why did you go so far turned why did you lost your door mine is ready to flip just got to get underneath it got have to use your pancak like reference image when I’m

Looking for these different cars so whatever you got to do Ready set go my gosh I did it do you know what it is do you know what it is I think I know what it is what what is I can’t tell you I surprised you with what I end up

Getting at the dealership don’t prank me comment down below what is your dream car and right now it’s time to go shopping yo dude okay forget about deon’s car bro this this is the one that I drew this is it guys this is the exact same

One he made out of a pancake oh my God and remember the doors yo what I’m sure I can come up with a unique situation for him to have the car I really appreciate it man thank you man thank you absolutely here you go man here’s the contract all right dude I cannot

Believe we’re about to do this but here we go Deon is never going to believe this bro this is awesome where is the handle for the door back from shopping we’ve got all the gifts dude I can’t wait to see if you actually got me a car

One thing I forgot to buy was sunscreen bro I got absolutely you got really torched I got roasted man it’s the beginning of Summer and I look like a lobster if you get sunburn as well comment down below Lobster Squad so I know it’s not just me bro all right

Deon so let’s start off with this right here I really ened to see if you were able to get what this was it took me a while to kind of interpolate what was going on here but I think I got it interpo isn’t that right so I wasn’t

Able to find you some Deets but I did find you some beat hey yo in the red bro this is so it matches my neck you can’t even tell it’s it looks like color c y I’m super excited about this man thank you so dud you nailed this you know the one I

Really did get right though was this one no way I really got that you got that one all right well we’re going to wait on that one first let’s go to this thing over here okay the suspense is building 3 2 one t no wayo wait wait okay so it’s

It’s from the right store all right here we go going to open up 3 2 1 sorry there packaging flip aside beautiful pack I’m Sor back we go like this no way dude you found the exact shoes bro dude I was trying to go for the most outlandish SHO

I could absolutely think of something you would never be able to find and buy but you came through bro and you found them and you bought them you did a really good job D I am hyped bro I got to give you a big hug thank you you got

It you got it you got sun no no Pat no Pat it’s now time for your first gift you ready I’m ready what do you think is going to be I’m really hoping it’s the car well you’re going to have to wait just a little bit to find out about the

Car but de I’ve got the perfect gift for you ready for 3 2 1 y I got you lightsabers lightsabers I wanted the arm Bangals dude I wanted the armbands one of the arm Bangles yes he has a cool belt too the belt is at the very bottom

I’m just kidding with you dude I like these these are awesome the thing is Deon I want to go above and beyond for you so they’re not just normal lightsabers click that little button on the back dude I got you a littleit finicky congratulations but you now I’ve got

Some legit lightsabers all right de so I think it’s time for the big gift right now not that it’s time for this all right I mean I am excited for that one too so I can’t wait to see three two one t oh wait no way the Spider-Man Wanted

Everything dude yes that is spot on bro thank you so much man you got time for your big gift you ready for this oh my gosh I am so ready if you got it right this will be my birthday present for the next like 5 years man it is a watch

Right yeah close your eyes close your eyes close my eyes and just put out your arm if you got it right bro I’m going to lose my mind three two one what how is it it’s not quite the latching mechanism I thought it would be kind of St a

Little bit can I feel it yeah yeah you’re ready doesn’t feel right go for it there you go that’s not what it is no it’s a rain Rolex de it’s got the crown the rainbow Jewels around it although I appreciate the gesture Deon I can’t be wearing this around I got nothing

Against hello cue it’s just not quite my style going to put that off to the side all right Deon so now it’s time for your big one yeah I’ve been kind of wondering why the whole car is missing in just a tire yeah the reason is because I took

Your pancake around as like a shopping list with me I went to a lot of different places because I had to find the exact same car that you drew no way I don’t want to blow the surprise so here we go Deon I have a blindfold right

Here it’s a big deal here go we got the we got the blindfold here going to pop this on like this if I can figure out how to tie it hold up it’s sliding around n what are you doing I I untied it sorry my mouth what are you doing I’m

Totally not the right direction sorry man all right de so it’s time for you to get up right now and find out where I got my sunburn today so let’s let’s go all right Deon says keep walking forward yep just like that D what is going on I

Swear this is going to be some sort of toy car some sort of prank all right you do is stand right there face just like that and on the count of three you’re going to remove your blindfold Deon you ready three 2 1 what no way holy cow

This is like exactly what I drew come here man oh my god dude look at this I mean oh man oh dude I totally forgot this is actually convertible bro dude can I get in it yeah man it’s yours bro hop in no way all right oh I don’t want

To mess anything up oh my goodness you got to shut the door bro you got to shut the door it fits so perfectly there is one catch it’s not my car it is your car for 24 hours oh what yeah so wase all right I’ll take that I thought you’re

Going to say like it’s not my car at all you know you can sit in it let’s start this thing up you ready y here we go 3 2 1 oh dude it’s like a drag that sounds so good just roared all right bro you ready

To go dude I’m so ready to close that door all right here we go Deon please be very safe all right trust me dude I will be very careful got 24 hours man have some fun bro all right see you later man dud that car [Applause] isow here is the big reveal 3 2 1 we’ve got puppies because you challenge us to the ultimate food art challenge where these puppies are going to pick our food ingredients my guy’s name is Fluffy and mine’s puffy Freddy buddy he’s ready to

Go man all right here we go let’s do it bro let’s go I’m goinging an edible Penny wide so Fluffy’s going to be choosing all the different food ingredients and since I’m making an edible Frankenstein puffy is going to be choosing all my Foods oh avocado green just like Frankenstein pineapple nice

That can be perfect for Penny wise’ brain oh flour nice agar agar okay solid little handshake nice to meet you looks very comfortable right now yeah no he wants to get away my man fluffy picking the berries I’m actually surprised you chose seaweed yes honey oh sweet carrots

Oh he’s got it he’s got a hold he’s trying to grab it there’s no saving that chicken now he’s gone two clouds have ambushed him oh looks like puppy’s a little chemist he chose calcium lactate and sodium alginate yogurt all right he’s so adorable ready ready to go oh

Mozzarella cheese oh man he got the pretzels how am I going to use purple cabbage iceable perfect the puppies have picked our ingredients and now I’m making Frankenstein’s brain three tip it right in 2 1 what is going with that wait now I just

Got to get it out what is this this is calcium lactate and sodium alate you have a ladder can you L okay sure just pick me up here you go okay I’m sorry you’re soy down down okay I’m sorry first let’s see we can pull out

The b I’m helping you this is mine I’m helping this is my I’m trying to help though this is mine are you trying to help me it looks like you’re trying to sabotage my AR dude it looks like a jelly I know oh oh I can feel it forming

That’s like a jellyish feel it forming it’s like be freezing it and then smashing with liquid nitrogen our table looks so cool oh my gosh I am never seen this much sodium alginate and calcium whatever this stuff is as one man yo look at that bro this is definitely on SpongeBob’s home

Anymore no it is not now it’s time to smash the pineapple and turn it into Penny wise’s brains but here’s the thing this Hammer is too small I’m going to have to use the yeat Hammer the Yeet Hammer where did that come from this came out of nowhere Deon no one saw the

Yeet Hammer coming not even and especially not you guys but don’t worry we’ve got a blast Shield set up for you 3 2 1 my gosh wow it was obliterated the G Hammer is amazing oh my gosh next time time for me to harvest some honey so check this out

Some holy cow look at the ball I made can I feel it can i t it I want I want to Cress it out Frankenstein’s brain massaging the brain it looks like a giant blueberry and it’s probably going to taste even better than a blueberry all right now it’s time to find out

What’s inside Frankenstein’s brain 3 2 1 is it breaking not yet yet super solid I’m going to a weak point three two one oh this is so bizarre it hasn’t popped yet no I’m just digging it oh it’s just ju oh my gosh this is so satisfying dude

This is awesome wait so where are the brains though what do you mean this is his brains he’s got no brains what if that’s like the brain juice exactly it just turned to mushro I think I figured out the perfect way to harvest the honey right here so check this out it’s going

To take my hands and gather all the honey this is going to be perfect for pennywise’s brain juice wait wait what is that I’m making his hair wait wait wait is keeper kelp yes it’s my own brand of kelp dude I’m starting my own business but who’s buying it but me you

Buy your own kelp yes all here we go take like this and check this out here we go going to go straight through you ready three two one just going to push it oh look at it man they’re like little meteorites hitting into the honey the

Honey is’s like a planet here we go it’s going to squeeze like this here we go 3 2 1 oh look at that yo this honey is so satisfying and especially when I add it to Penny wise’s brains oh it’s going to be delicious what is going on where is

The end of this what is going where is the end got to relax bro you got to chill I got it ended I’m just going to squeeze out some of the honey here continue to harvest it oh look at this man let called the good thumb here we go

Let’s like this and good thumb and down here we go like that there we go bams it’s now the good thumb as opposed to the bad thumb yeah cool all right here we go time to really squeeze it up here we go 3 2 1 oh it is so Saad flying Deon

I am totally listening to you looks like an alien creature from Star Wars rise of Skywalker man I’m kind of freaked out a little bit hello and welcome to ye news we’ve got Deon over here who many people don’t know is actually a professional Kel sculptor Deon would you like to

Scul fascinating back to you forri y all right next I’m got to transfer all of this over here into my bowl all the honey here we go this is so much fun dude all right now time to boil the honey add some agar agar and create this

Crazy substance for his hair color I need to straighten out these kelp noodles I got my melted honey and agar so here we go going to tip it over ready 3 2 1 the high pour up dude it got whisk prematurely that was great that was an

Engineering feat of Genius Deon see the way it flipped forward flip back didn’t spill one drop uh you know actually for your track record that was actually pretty good that was pretty fantastic what do you guys think uh bro I think they missed it yeah I think you’re right

We got the Whisk right here so again got to demonstrate my my power stance and my whisking I have some options for this uh sifting which one should I use why don’t you tell me all right I’m going to use this thing a whiffle ball is this a

Whiffle ball I don’t know pitch it to me dog nothing like whisk whiffle ball whisking baseball 3 2 what ow time for me to whisk up some honey this is not working at all wait C what are you doing all right well hopefully this thing works out for Frankenstein’s hair all

Right here we go high knes high knes and yeah man all right there we go that is how you whisk I think I used the wrong bowl you know I don’t know what bowl did you just break that seriously what is even the point of what you’re

All the glass all cleaned up and now I got my fluffed up honey right here now this is going to be the perfect insulation for the inside of Penny wise’s head going to kind of shake like did not see you do that take a hand put

A hand on side just just one hand going get a a little back and forth little little jiggle with Y yep totally ins sync dude you ready for this I’m making the hair for Frankenstein bro oh that’s actually pretty cool all right well here we go time to take the color right now

Deon without looking what color do you think this is uh green you’re wrong oh this just in Devon key is not a psychic YouTuber Devon key who claimed to be a psychic for many years is not a psychic uh never did that yeah uh sorry reports saying he never actually claimed to be

Okay sorry uh if we if we can cut back to you Patricia quickly quickly cut cut so here we go it’s going to add some drips on here so here we go it’s going to go for some drip this is not how I intended it and thank you guys for

Choosing the best ingredients for me cuz I really think that I’m going to be winning this I don’t want to say that you that you intentionally chose whack hair for him but I mean you may have intentionally sabotaged I know what are you guys doing man all right here we go

Oh oh to finish up my honey Club just going to scrape off the excess color with a pineapple right now and this is going to add such a sweet flavor to the inside of wise his brain why that man that’s L there the honey clouds are done

And these things look insane and the craziest thing they feel like an absolute Cloud this is like Cloud slime dude but solid and I’m making popping Boba like Boba fet yes like in the Mandalorian all right well right now time to take my jiggly honey clouds and

Drop them right now into the powder to powderize them so here we go 3 2 1 yes I got on you but not on me you know what I’m just going to leave you to this grab something I’ll be back we clean up all the powder and now

It’s time for the final part of Penny wise’s delicious brain so I’m going to smash in a whole bunch of berries all right here we go 3 2 one let’s see this here we go okay oh my gosh the berry SE they are everywhere all over my face holy cow I

Got hit in the head you got hit in the head we got impaled with berries boom holy cow I lost the hammer all right here we go boom I lost another Hammer luckily we got our baseball bat so let’s yeah luck we do look at that oh man you

Got it in my bowl for my Boba it was a very effective method to collect the juice get a nice little H nice little sample of juice right here cins what what all in all that went a lot better than it could have all right finished up

The Boba this is going to be perfect for Frankenstein’s brain cells luckily I was able to collect all the berry juice I’ve heated it up mixed in a whole bunch of agar agar and now it is time to cool it down on some dry ice all right time to

Pour in my mozzarella going to dump this dry eyes out over like this so here we go ready do not try this at home 3 2 1 going to go very slowly on top W holy cow look at that beat that bro Penny wise’s brain is on another level

I’m going to win for sure wow all right well bam there we go berry juice is now cooling down it’s cooling down of course in the inside of an igloo I’m going to use cheese as the edible glue for Frankenstein’s brain and I can see the puppies are getting very excited about

This cheese all right I’m making a nice little dog treat balloon with this mozzarella cheese right here and I’ve collected all the dry eyes juice here in a siphon that’s what this thing is called so here we go shape it like this here you a quick smack you do it there

You go smack it I’m going to make a balloon out of mozzarella cheese all right well you I’m going to see if I can take it a here he I just blew a hole in it see if I can shoot it out like this yo oh no my cheese is past as Prime

Man an Optimus PR of cheese anymore it now become a frisbee so okay well apparently I got to step on my game because your Pennywise is going to be looking awesome oh it’s working dude holy cow pops you do that I’ve got this drill right here put a head massager on and

This I’m going to make Penny wise’s hair ice mold right in here 3 two one just going to dip it in like this all right de and then here we go it’s going to start SP oh dear what oh my gosh I wasn’t expecting

That at all man oh yes here we go I got it I got I got it yes you’re very focused on this thing wa here we go I am actually Spider-Man I’m like spider we myself and they’re edible too look at that man yeah you can try eating

Some spider webs right now see biodegradable spider webs here man who knew all you need is a power drill and a head massage to become a superhero man this is legit this hair is coming out and it’s coming out nicely man looking good man it’s a big chunk of hair right

Here dude holy cow could you imagine fighting this in your drain all of us enjoy lovely Luscious Hair like this it does make me want to eat it that’s the whole thing about Pennywise you don’t want to eat Pennywise cuz he’s going to scare you all right for my next thing

I’m making Frankenstein’s brain tubes now all I need is to just pour this in what at that look at that look at thatly C it’s not going in it’s not going in I think I should squeeze them cuz my hand Yep they’re made for squeezing so here

We go oh yeah there we go just give it a quick little squeeze like that didn’t do anything I don’t think that worked all right filled up some tubes now it’s time to blow the noodles out from the tube here we go 3 2 1

W 3 2 1 no are you kidding me you just blasted me in the there we go and now you’re ready just like got some balloons here and now it’s time to stick them in some liquid nitrogen the that you are a v at first I had no idea how I could use

Balloons for Penny wise but now I think I can actually use it for his forehead well before you do that I have my Frankenstein head right here that’s actually exactly Frankenstein’s head Deon it looks what no it’s going to take a ton of work no I mean that can looks

Exactly like Frankenstein’s head we’re going to move the liquid n very serious about this oh I’m very serious and here’s the thing Deon we’re going to be moving Frankenstein’s head right here and Deon grab my finger grab my finger and pull the lever what lever the lever

Deon pull the lever here we go on the count of three ready three 2 1 wo here we go bring life here we go hey dudes it’s me oh my gosh wait how do you feel right now I don’t know I’m still pretty new to yo Frankie what where’d you go man hey

Wait you pulled the lever yeah dude it was getting weird no what you come on you can’t P you just pulled the lever on your bean frak he doesn’t even really have a brain yet without any further Ado time to drop a balloon into the liquid

Nitr do not try this at home so here we go you ready three two one is just bouncing it’s floating here we go it’s going to push it in oh my gosh look at it it’s deflating now freezing the balloon will make it perfect for Penny wise’ forehead look at

It look at it here we go we place it over here like this look at this so close look at it man holy filling up it has a mind of its own this thing is alive right now man oh my God FP it over flip it over flip it over that’s a lot

Of avocados you’re Mak quick work but what are you doing that for this is for Frankenstein’s head dude is rapid rise yeah you got to have instant yeast well I got to say I was hoping the liquid nitrogen would help me out but unfortunately it popped the balloons it

Ruined the Integrity so now we’re going to take this bottle of water and then going to fill it up so here we go ready three two 1 just going to squeeze like that so here we go it’s going to have to do a couple couple powerful squeezes so

Here we go power up perfect all right there we go tied off the balloon and this thing is looking fantastic you can’t do this with gu why is it so hard because this is Frankenstein’s head all right now I’m going to add this into the

Can look at my balloon man you fling it like this all right fill the thing up now I got to pop it in the oven we’re going to place this right over here and we got to wait a second for that to finish don’t we yeah that man that’s L there right

Just popping this thing out of here just like holy cow wait so that’s what the avocado bread looks like I’ve got some boiling hot ice M here we’re going to pour it on the balloon what all right here we go three 2 one it’s going to go

For a very soft pour over here like this all right that looks awesome so this right here is pennywise’s forehead all right here we go it’s going to pour a little bit more on oh my gosh it’s so satisfying wow I’m telling you Deon you have no idea how awesome my penny wise

Is going to be boom okay isol is done now I just got to core the center of it out like this this is a perfect cavity for his brain when I start putting it all together my Pennywise is going to be on another level these monsters are

Getting very close to being done but there’s still one more big thing we got to add to them I’m making the die for Frankenstein skin and you might be wondering why it’s purple and that is because it’s about to change just hold this open for a second all right here we

Go it’s going to place a pretzel on the inside this pretzel is going to act as the front of pennywise’s face here is going to suck up some of those good dudes like this 3 2 1 oh oh it had the squeeze all right so I

Got some vinegar right here I’m going to pour this in what are you doing my pretel up in here Man 3 2 1 let’s see is it going in all right w i just going to fill up the rest of it yes no way Yes are you kidding me dude look at you look at this at the pineapple look at that I’m sorry for the first time I was unscathed look at giant black shield now we got to coat the pretzel and a whole bunch of yogurt that way it is perfect

For the front of Penny wise’s face all right now it’s time to turn this thing green 3 2 1 it’s supposed to be a dark green oh my gosh we’ve got all the elements and now it’s time to compile them into the ultimate Edible art sculptur all right

Status update it’s been about two full days yeah Deon is still single and so am I so uh yeah it’s been two full days of working on our art pieces and this is all we’ve come up with I’ve had a whole bunch of friends help me out with this

Going to pop my Frankenstein head on there this is still a work in progress all right well do that I’m going to paint the mouth with some edible paint over here all right so we just got to keep putting these things together man no other way than forward if you know

What I mean sure you can’t go backwards got the finished monsters and these are the most incredible art pieces we have ever made on the channel ever and I got to level with you guys this wasn’t all me I had to get some friends together

Took about a week all 10 of us put this thing together I have to say I’m not even mad that thing looks amazing before we reveal it’s time to find out who the puppy think created the better art piece dude look they’re so excited they’re so

Excited to pick the art piece so here’s the thing guys Frankenstein or Pennywise okay so here we go fluffy just focus on here right over here so which one you like go Pennywise Frankenstein Pennywise oh man that’s a that’s a leaf you know leaves are green dinosaur and

Dinosaur is kind of kind of like a scary monster like Penny wise but that is that is green I don’t think this is very conclusive so I don’t think they have a clear opinion so let’s just do the reveal we put a ton of work into this so

Here is the big reveal 3 2 one t on Earth I know holy cow get what you did it is so incredible we got the edible monsters and now it’s time to find out how they taste as well as reveal their secret surprises I got to say mine the

Hair is just freaking me out I know it looks so weird dude your whole one is freaking me out I’m going to have nightmares about this thing and as mine was drying it got a little cracked but I actually think it helped the aesthetic you know I don’t know man he needs some

Moisturizer bro we got to lotion this man up but that’s not the point man he’s Frankenstein he’s made from all these different pieces you all right yeah it kind kind of helps it out so which one do we want to eat first oh man it’s such

A toss up they’re both so amazing I don’t know I think let’s eat mine first all right so we’ll eat your Frankenstein first then we’ll come down to Pennywise and mine has a very special surprise in the top of his head yeah that’s right it

Was Hollow so I was able to put his brain in there and some other fun stuff you ready for wait he’s going to peel back the top of his head I’m he going to peel open his head and you’ll see what I was already kind of creeped out by your

Guy but knowing he has a hollow head I’m like lowy scared that he’s like jump out can’t do that you can’t you can’t do that W I need to walk that one off holy cow okay just going to peel off the top of his head you got to be gentle you got

To be gentle his neck is like I buil this monster I know how it works W don’t look in don’t look in it’s a surprise now I just have to take one of these things and drop it in to see the activation you ready okay when you drop

It in is it just going to like shoot out the top like a volcano or what’s going to happen well might do that he might come to life he might jump at you you know who knows that last part what his eyes might glow you know a lot of things

Can happen you ready for this yeah yeah yeah let’s uh you got to come close no I think I think let’s um I think we’ll just oh man all right 3 2 1 drop it in yo his brains are bubbling bro what on Earth that that it doesn’t smell so

Great though Co man his brains are stinky W sharp yep very Tangy goes to the back of the Thro holy cow so we going to scoop out some of his brains yes we are oh man it’s just dripping it’s all blue there some good stuff inside of going to take an ear right

Here look at that oh that’s kind of cool and I’m going to take one of these bolts you know what you’ve got a bolt I’m going to try to get some of his eye here let’s just Loop in here like thisy boy all right boom here we go we

Got an eye on top of it all should I go for his nose you think don’t wor it’s very rare you get to eat a monster I got to say there was a lot of elements that went into making this like first of all that is the most amount of sodium

Allogen important in the calcium lactate I have ever seen the brain the best I know when you popped it to I can’t wait to see how the popping boa taste as well I wonder if it’s going to be different than the other stuff all right here we go 3 2 1 oh no

W got wow that was terrible so bad but I kind of admit it’s probably what brains would taste like in terms of realism your monster gets an A+ but in terms of taste worst thing we’ve tasted yet so bad now it’s time to taste my Pennywise

And I really hope it tastes better than yours the first thing we’re going to do is break open the forehead de it’s very Dome ass I’m sorry Petty wise oh holy C that’s a hard head he’s Brazilian okay is wearing a hard hat holy cow that is harder than I expected really disturbing

Is it working is it working in my eyes oh my God it’s the entire ambrosia salad he is like 10 times more disturbing than he was before oh my goodness yeah I did not pop the head off enough what have you done I’m sorry this is terrifying now it’s time

To see how the inside of Penny wise’s head tastes and just remember Deon it’s vegan we did a whole bunch of crazy stuff I smashed a pineapple with liquid nitrogen and a yeet Hammer that was the first we’ve never done that before we then made some delicious whipped juice

Foam that is probably going to be the best tasting part of this whole thing and of course we cannot forget the pretzel in the balloon can I take more of them I want to take off like the ears I kind want to take off a little bit of

The hair over here all right here we go 3 2 1 wo wo W yeah W oh my goodness oh yeah oh my man oh freaking good oh yeah W that was absolutely delicious he made terrifying buddy tastes delicious comment down below who is your favorite

Movie character you would love to see us make an art sculpture out of doy I smash holy cow dude look at that holy cow you challenged us to make three insane superhero gadgets out of food we’re making Infinity gaunlet Captain America shield and a Green Goblin Gadget we’re

Literally throwing off of our balcony so let’s go so this is going to be the filling for my Gadget time to make some spun honey I’ve got some green food coloring in Honey right now got to turn on the contraption over here do not try this at home for our first Edible art

Piece we’re making a Green Goblin Gadget from Spider-Man 3 2 1 should I be like stepping back at all dude that is so cool man that is amazing holy cow this look like Spider-Man’s webs right here turned off the machine and now it’s time for me to get in there

With my hands and collect all the different spun honey right now what is that I got some heavy cream here I’m going to put into this bowl here we go we’re going to reach in let’s see how it feels oh my god it feels like spider

Webs oh I don’t like it I mean look at it it looks like spider webs I know oh no man it’s so crazy okay all right now I’m adding some food coloring boom a bushel of Spun honey right here man now it’s time to add the dry ice into this mixture here wait

What 2 one oh look at it bub down holy cow this is amazing this is going to be the inside of my Gadget your inside is going to be bubbling yeah it actually activates and then bubbles like this now I’m making the first element of my Testa

So as you do that I got my ice over here wooo W that was kind of insane all right I meant to grab it in a normal fashion but it didn’t go that way so here we go we got a whole bunch of ice here and

There’s a cool way we can pop off the top de we use a plunger here and check us out here we go watch we go 1 2 3 oh dear oh dear that’s not going it’s a sanitized plunger don’t you worry instead of just dumping it in that’ be

Too easy instead we’re going to go like this a you’re going to break this it’s a slight dance Deon put it in like that all right well we’ll get we’ll get it behind the shoulder I completely missed it all right here we go we’ll dump it all in bam there we go

Ice bucket number one is in look at this holy cow it’s working when did that happen man just now as you were dumping all that in there all right my DIY Frozen treat is done and now it’s time to slice off the top of my pumpkin in a

Very cool way not like that even cooler than that got my power washer here got the pumpkin secured and now it’s time to slice off the top oh jeez I almost tripped on my way in but I am here right now yeah I tarp the floor so the water

Power from this is going to be able to slice off the top of the pumpkin exactly here we go 3 2 1 no it’s mostly flying back at me oh yeah it’s gotten more powerful oh it’s kind of working I think this is going to take a

While oh yes it worked all right now I just got to clean this thing up dude that was absolutely I know right it’s my new favorite tool now I’m using a nice method to gut this thing wait what is that Devon look like a portable windmill

Exactly it might even blow you away you ready 3 2 1 yep totally worked y you do that de here we go I’ve got a couple substances over here got Mi no no no mixing no okay I’ll make sure not to mix do not try

This at home it’s hot ice we’re going to pour it into the ice it’s going to create an insane art piece on the inside 3 2 1 you better watch out de I’m coming for the art Throne so here we go let’s see who’s going to pour around like

This it burns through the ice now it’s time to gut the inside of my pumpkin I’m getting splattered with pieces of pumpkin bro like there’s seeds flying out it smells real bad now three 2 1 going to dip it in like this oh so nice I wonder if they’re going to

Like intermix and like mingle in the middle man it’s like a little meat and greet a little dating app here we go last bit of ice bolt is in got a whole bunch of hot water here and this is the coolest part it is time to get out the

Isold art 3 2 1 going to put it in like this W look at it man it’s melting the ice but not the ice so deliciously blue bam it is in we going to move this over here time to pour out some of the water here

Oh my gosh it got heavy you ready here we go 3 2 one going to lift it out like this all right here we go oh that was close yo look at that all right just got to finish gutting this thing out all right here’s the big reveal 3 2

1 look at that that’s soe that looks absolutely nuts look at these pieces man these are art pieces in of themselves boom nailed it got to turn on the helium here making an edible balloon what what am I waiting for when did this happen what do you mean I just look over you

Got a dangling green thingy exactly all right I’m going to take this right here I’m going to drop it inside my Cube you’re going to be able to blow up a balloon with that yes 3 2 1 let’s see if it works turn off turn off turn off turn

Turn turn off turn turn look at that hold on here’s the real question will it float 2 1 oh my go it’s by a string oh it’s stuck to the ceiling though stuck to the ceiling oh my god dude oh no it popped all right well this

Is going to be the inner lining of my Gadget thing is this going to be a test RoR on some alien abilities coming out of this thing my t r does not fit in this thing so we’re going to get a little bit creative here kind of Bop

Some edges all right we got the claws here and now it’s time to dude you need glasses glasses first of course don’t try this at home safy first be very careful careful C careful close your eyes there you go there all right there we go we got it all right all

Right perfect now I I need mine now I got to go very very safely I’ll keep my claws pointed down okay I’ll Shuffle this way all right where are they oh here they are can we can we trade okay we’ll Shuffle this way again it’s going

To get a little slice off the side a little a little CH what are you doing I’m filling up on the inside for the inner lining of my Gadget it doesn’t look like it’s working Dev 3 2 1 oh oh no yes and then I don’t want to break

Too much of it but here we go let’s do 3 2 1 W lastly I’ve got some agar agar here I’m going to add in it’s going to solidify into a cube and look just like the Testa 3 2 1 let going to pour this

In all right so here we go it’s going to pour it in like this all the way up to the very very tippity top that was close now I got to set this off to the side to set and it’s time for the next part of

My Goblin Gadget all right next I’ve got to carefully slice my watermelon with a shovel you know me I’m very controlled and very precise 3 2 1 whoopsie I missed it go here we go we’re going to get a little side hit on here 3 2 1

Yeah then here we go got the top here we’re going to grab some Wolverine claws right here again do not try this at home check out this awesome pumpkin carving tool look at this it’s motorized I’m watermelon juice on my pumpkin there we go nice hit

Hit like that yep there we go man last but not least time for a plunge of the S brand new fully standardized here we go 3 2 1 let’s see oh what are you doing I got to plunge the inside of man this how you fully clean out man because this is

How you do it man I’m just going to continue back over here I think all in all my watermelon pretty nicely cleared oh no I ripped a hole in the side of it that’s what you’re concerned about not the fact that your entire melon is all

Over our counter you know I think I’m going to have to start over with a brand new melon and go a little bit more carefully like you’ve done Deon we’ve got all the elements time to put together our Green Goblin Gadget I’ve got my test RCT here has been fully set

But I got to say man this is a lot more jiggly than I expected it to be this stuff looks so delicious what is that this is my DIY yogurt oh se you going to put that on the inside take my test rack and I got to be very quick with this I’m

Going to flip it upside down so oh my gosh like Play-Doh almost extrem concentration going on over here all right this thing is so much heavier than I expected so here we go I got to do this very carefully 3 2 1 did it work 3 2 1 going to lift it off

You can hear I can hear coming off oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay bam I don’t like you this almost ruined it all man wow I have my celium husk slime here wait let dude look at it yes

Holy cow all right here we go so we got the watermelon we going to place this right here I got to get the test rack up and inside of it so here we go oh man it is a feels so weird all right let’s see let’s lift it up like this oh it’s

Falling apart falling apart okay here we go drip it in drip it in drip it in oh no no no no no no you broke the Tesseract I didn’t break it Deon it all went according to plan and just happened to uh we’re just going to uh to pick up

The pieces and put them in I got to say I was hoping it would stay in a square shape it didn’t so here we go spun honey is going to go in around the top all right we’ve got all the elements now it’s time to compile them put them

Together at the finishing touches and make these things look incredible we’ got the finished Goblin gadgets and these things turned out absolutely insane man like yours is so cool I got to say Deon was very kind he helped me out with a couple different elements of

Mine so here is the big reveal you ready 3 2 1 T dude dude I cannot wait to throw these off of a balcony so you get to comment down below which one is going to look cooler when we throw it off the top of the balcony and do the drop test we’ll

Be doing that at the end of the video now we’re making Captain America Shields and I’m kicking mine off with a bang 3 2 1 it’s in wait wait how are you catching this I know I’m trying what are you doing there we go there we go we go

Anding is that it all things consider that went a lot better than it could have are you kidding for the first layer of my Captain America shield I’m pouring hot isomol on this exercise ball I’ve got a super cool way of painting my shield you ready for this so you’re

Going to put so I made some edible paint right here and then you just put it down Bo look at that is like mesmerizing I know right I’m going to reinforce my shield with some coconut and I’ve got a giant whisk here because I am whisk man

Check it out bam solid and coconut what did you hit nothing what are you doing I’m making a coconut Blan MCH to reinforce my shield oh yes nothing like a little coconut blun BL I don’t even know how to spell it all right well here

We go you do that time for me to whisk around my Aqua Faba right here what are you doing I bet you’re jealous of what my liquid nitrogen all right time to remove my coconuts I’m adding in a whole bunch of agar agar and this is going to

Make mine really thick oh holy cow time to smash it wait wait with the hammer 3 2 1 oh wow look at the inside look at that I’ve have never seen a coconut filled this much man I am covered in coconut juice there’s you right it’s delicious

Now that I froze everything I have to unfreeze it inside this pan dude look at this the agar agar’s coming together man look at it bro oh I can smell coconut already yo I just had an idea bro what if we can make Aqua Faba bubbles dude

All here we go going to pour in some of the juice right now we’re going to straighten it out let’s see like this so check this out man this is where it’s going to get really crazy we’re going to open up a tank of helium right now it’s

Going to infuse all the aqua FAA juice and who knows what’s going to happen next so here we go you ready 3 2 1 yo dude oh here’s the question though because of the bubbles is there any way of actually making you float in the air

Do you think oh wait yes and be very careful not try this exactly here we go 3 2 [Applause] 1 oh oh no no get off the ceiling get off the ceiling get off the ceiling get off the ceiling BR get it’s dripping all this D it bloed up perfectly man yo wait

Wait wait I have an idea bro what if I actually just dunk on it 3 2 1 there you go there you go I think you totally missed the way that the bubbles are going I think it um I think it worked dude one of the mic

Things fell off how did that get there all right well we got oh boy that’s uh that’s going to be an issue this took quite a while but I’ve made some puffed rice over here and I made it in the ginger arrow that I used earlier see

There was a purpose for it Deon yeah well I’ve been mixing around this agar agar stuff for a while so now it’s time to grab the iceo it’s got to be very carefully that looks so incredible very carefully so now I need to do this one-handed cuz I got the Silver Leaf on

The bottom you want me to help you out with this at all no please don’t I mean it makes sense as you do that I’m going to straighten out my rights over here so here we go going to dump in here like this my shield is going to be extra

Reinforced now all right let’s see if you can waffle rice so here we go we’re going to add the puffed rice in here we go place down like this I’m risking it all for this reinforcement yeah you’re really going to need it man cuz if you

Can get this and your Shield will not break when I punch it with my fist exactly so here we go we’re going to open this up on the count of three here we go 3 2 1 yo I’ve got the aqua FAA now it’s time to add in a whole bunch of my

Puffed rice right now it’s going to dry out and turn into the base of my shield we’ve done a lot with liquid nitrogen but we’ve never filled up a water blaster with it I got spray on my packing to get cold and remember do not don’t this at home oh my gosh 2

One it didn’t work no you can tell it’s in here though that thing I lost my balloon S I got it okay I lost my balloon well that really did not work so I guess I’m going to have to try something can you just hold this in

Place for me for a second here can you just hold this in place for me for a second so here we go I need kiding grab my balloon for me over here I got my puffed rice and aqua FAA so time to actually add this onto the

Balloon use the balloon I’m going to use the balloon as the mold and the base of my shield I think the chunk wa you be able to weigh it down all right so here we go next up we’re just going to grab the uh going no what happened a I lost

It it flipped off and collected a whole bunch of peanuts man you got it all right there we go perfect thank you sorry holy cow next up we got to grab some red right over here so here we go how’s yours coming along it’s coming along pretty good it’s pretty not

Blended up at all I have to blend this more all right the final step is to place down this screen here that’s from the screen window Deon D’s going to be not happy about that my sheld is way more important than our window now I’m going to squeegee it around that’s not

How you use a squeegee man well I guess that’s a creative way of using a squeegee it’s true it’s not how you traditionally use it time to combine all the elements and make this into a true edible Captain America shield that will blow your mind we’ve got the finished

Captain America sh so here is the big reveal you ready here we go 3 2 1 t look at these things bro they turned out so crazy this is amazing so much work it took to get these so you get to comment down below whose Shield do you think

Turned out better and which one is going to taste better we spent a long time on these we’ll be trying them at the end of the video and stick around to see us throw the Green Goblin gadgets off of the balcony you challenged us to make edible Infinity gauntlets we can

Actually wear so right now let’s go I’m kicking off by making some crunchy honey with honey and liquid nitrogen bro what are you making de I’m making Japanese jelly with agar agar stavia and water that looks like some weird underwater Aqua Planet all right now it’s time to

Put the jelly onto the sub wiffer it’s going on the top dude this is how I’m going to mix my color all right so here’s the deal got to kind of move my honey around inside the liquid nitrogen try to get all parts of it Frozen right

Now here we go next up we’re going to pull out this little thingy here so here we go let’s see if I can hook it on the bottom yo what that is crazy holy cow yo W it just fell apart that is some crunchy honey now it’s time to turn on

My speaker 3 2 1 oh there we go oh oh oh that feels like an alien right there like an Ali you now put on some food coloring you might want to step back so you don’t turn purple all right okay y I’m going to uh I don’t know where to go

We go don’t know where to go two one all right just doing a couple drips oh no it’s all over the table all right dude I think it totally worked that’s a life Haack I never thought I would see all you’re doing that I’m just going to keep

Counting this up in a little pieces now it’s time to add some blue right in here like this look at that blown away by this wow all right now I’m going to add some green in here like this wow it looks kind of like slime that stuff

Flies everywhere yeah oh my good a projectile man next up we got some Stones over here we need to use these stones to place in the mold to act as the Infinity Stones 3 2 one dude look at that bro so here we go let place a palm

In my hand there you go yes dude okay fist bump fist bump your aim is terrible but my fist bumps are great 3 2 1 go so to get de back it’s very easy so here’s how this works I’m just going to twist the space Stone and it’ll make a

Portal right here and Deon will appear so here we go three 2 1 you couldn’t have made that a little bit wider dude I’m sorry bro it’s a space Stone okay the things you do to me on this channel at least you get to see mayo man right went to like five

Different dimensions all right it’s out and there you go wait so that’s going to be the your Infinity Stones yes and you know what’s next liquid nitrogen all right time for some liquid nitrogen here we go I’m going to pour it right on top

Ready like a St pour on top wait why you blowing on it cuz it’s so cool that makes a lot of sense do not try this at home just here we go three holy cow have you started yet now it’s like a cloud but yet it’s liquid at the same time

It’s so tough to tell where the liquid is W definitely do not try this at home all right now it’s time to break it up into the infinity St here we go oh I had an idea what if you pick it up and then just smash it all right let’s see this

Trying to pick it up with these massive gloves I wonder if it’s going to break or not do you need help like kind like get I think I got I got it I got it I got it ready here we go 3 2 1 I think this kind of beat yours

Already man I don’t know my Infinity Gauntlet I’ve got the silicone mold right here I’m going to dust it with 24 karat gold oh look at this it’s a gold Peach you’re going to take a dusted peach peach fuzz all over it and then just place it in there maybe you can use

Some of your chin your chin peach fuzz that’s not there I can grow a full beard if I wanted to check this out wow yeah I got to go shave all right this Peach is good and all but I’m actually going to use this feather duster here nothing like 24 karat gold

Just flying everywhere it looks like dirt got some blueberries right here I’m going to be straining these into a beautiful py mush we’re going to take this right now we’re going to dump all my blueberries on the inside you need some you need some feather dusting some

D I’m feeling I’m in the matx you don’t want 24 Karat golden you I do not oh the blueberries are going everywhere the blueberries are going everywhere okay there we go boom and now my favorite part time to secure the bag it CU you ready 3 2 1 just like a nice little

Squeeze like this oh look at it oh oh man here we go look at that oh you see coming through this this is just amazing my bag ruined it another bag hey I got another bag too but it’s actually secured say for muffins disregard what it says in the back bro that actually

Really enjoys some muffins I don’t know how to make muffins I want a muffin if you can’t make me a muffin Deon I will turn you into a muffin all right here we go 3 2 1 boom there we go wait dude what why am I a muffin because I wanted a

Muffin Deon am I gluten-free at least yeah I think you’re gluten you’re definitely a glutenfree muffin def a free range muffin you range around the the store freely look at that juice come out all right got some milk now time to fill it up here we go going to place

Some some strawberries here on the inside of my sock and this is actually this is Devon sock Deon only wears yellow socks fun fact that may or may not be true so next up we’re going to take the sock and uh do something very gentle with the strawberries and

Then okay that terrifying oh man okay all right I’m getting behind you that is how you juice up some strawberries whisking is done now it’s time to fill out my mold I got it I got it look at that all right I only have to fill up

One half because I’m going to use centrifugal force to fill up the other half and I’m using a tricycle so still think a tricycle that is one wheel of Tri got three wheels oh yeah yeah unicycle you don’t know your basic bike wheels our strawberries are stuck in

This middle portion of the sock so here we go we’re go here and it’s going to give like squeezes around I’m going to use centrifugal force to coat the inside of the mold but first Evan you must ride it to show you are worthy of using a

Unicycle here we go do you even know how to ride a unicycle I do not I got it you got it I got it you’re like slipping backwards though I’m riding it look at this amazing this I got to say don’t try this no hands No Hands holy cow he’s

Riding okay that’s enough that’s enough holy cow Deon just rode a unicycle for the first time I learned it now I just have to attach this to the unicycle pedal the carrot not with the carrots you sure put the carrots away I will not you don’t need

Them not only does he do all of his own stunts he does his own sound effects got to put it up like this here your unicy in my face Deon and then oh there we go now it’s going to to every side of the mold time for me to construct the garlet

Around my hand i’m got to need the dough I’m making some edible accents for my Gauntlet pouring the water in then I have to whisk it super super quick I got to get it out got to get it out wait it’s going to fall out the bottom wait

So it’s going to turn into noodles then or what Moment of Truth for and now you just go right in all right I got to mold this thing around my hand there’s a lot of Finishing Touch we got to do to compile our gloves put them together but look at

These noodles that’s going to be incredible so right now let’s let’s finish making the gloves we’ve got the finished gauntlets and these things look so crazy 3 2 1 t look at how incredible these turned out are insane man it took so much work off camera you get to

Comment down below whose edible Gauntlet looks the best we’ll be trying them at the end of the video you got our edible Green Goblin gadgets and I cannot wait to take these things and smash them and break them see what happens but first we need to taste them delicately to find

Out which one we like more we’ll start off with the first it’s dangling I’m honestly not excited for this 3 2 1 that weird wo now it’s time for mine so boom Oh Jee now it’s time to find out how this tastes boom here is my Spoonful

I’m just going to dig around in here 3 2 1 W oh oh oh love oh oh oh ow probably one of the best tasting things we’ve made in a very long time you get to comment down below which one is going to look cooler when we smash It

On The Ground got our edible Infinity gauntlets and now it’s time to see which one tastes better I think we’ll go for yours first I would you recommend going about eating yours I think I should pull off some of the fingers here I’m going for the red stone I’ll take as many of

The stone as I possibly can here here we go Infinity Knuckles oh yeah perfect here we go 3 2 1 wo wo wo these are like solid on the outside and nice and creamy on the inside wow very nice I don’t know if mine’s going

To be able to live up to that I’ll take the ring finger here oh take a nice 3 2 one wow that is crunky very imp pleasant experience yeah I got to say the stone combine with the Cucumber was definitely very bizarre but you get to comment down

Below which one would you like eat if you have the choice and right now we’re on to the next one got the edible Captain America shield which one do you think is going to taste better I think mine will I think it’s more unique let’s taste yours first then we can taste mine

Which part of it do you want to eat first I want to eat the star and the outer Ed that’s your piece of the star thank you appreciate it 2 1 oh this F is so brittle the burn it’s actually quite tasty now it’s time to try mine after that catastrophe

Catastrophe I mean hey it was like decent how are we going to go about eating yours with the Chisel this is for you be very careful this just looks like a chunk of isol got to get some of this cardboard stuff under here and there you

Go oh man I don’t want eat the card 3 2 1 talk about crunchy this paper stuff tastes terrible it tast it just like cardboard so yeah neither of these were really a home run yeah you get to comment down below which one do you think will be able to withstand a punch

And right now we’re on to the next one we’ve got the giant edible Green Goblin Gadget and now it’s time to throw these things down on the bullseye we’re looking for the biggest explosion possible should we test out first I think we should test out yours first how

You hop down there right now I’m going to prepare you kind of the toss that’s that’s a weak toss dude last time you chucked it really hard excuse me I’m preparing go downstairs all right sure preparing to give this thing a big drop power stance right just power stance and

Then drop it exctly you’re good at the power stance on a scale from 1 to 10 how big do you think the impact is going to be oh jeez I think probably a solid seven mine’s going to be way bigger let’s face it yeah but see the thing is

D bigger isn’t always better sometimes good things come in small packages in this case Green Goblin Gadget here we go three two 1 oh my gosh what did I tell you dude holy cow I think that was a 10 bro I don’t know you’re just so gelatinous mine’s going to Splatter everywhere I

Don’t know man so you ready to challenge mine I guess we’ll find out spot yeah my pumpkin Green Goblet Gadget and I’m ready to do the drop dude I don’t think you are Deon I don’t think you understand what it takes to smash the pumpkin mine is going to go everywhere

It’s got the dry ice frozen yogurt what you’re forgetting is you have a balloon inside of your pumpkin balloons are small bit they float D it’s not going to hit the ground with any Force it’s getting dark and mine has glow in- the dark slime so yeah that is kind of cool

Actually but on a scale of 1 to 10 how far do you think it’s going to go I don’t know I feel like it’s either going to be like a two or an 11 I don’t know it’s I don’t know it’s either going to go everywhere or just like hit how does

A two even make it in there I just don’t know if it’s going it’s going to be 11 for sure you ready I don’t know if you have the ability to smash the pumpkin that’s all I’m saying so you’re down to my ability I mean slightly I’m got to

Get back for this two oh man one go for it oh oh my gosh that is a Green Goblin Gadget right there you know what I got to give a round of applause for that I did not expect it to go that big bro you cracked the whole

Thing you challenged us to turn real foods into candy Foods we got the largest Rice Krispy treat in the entire world in my face right now we’re making hold up so the first thing we’re making is sashimi and sushi woohoo I knew it was going to go to my

Face so this is going to be a competition right now we are going to be battling each other so to do this we need to break this in half wait what no we don’t yes we do we need to break this in half because we need to get half just

Cut it nicely well yeah get a little cut right there for me all right hold Up let the competition begin all right wait what are you doing I’m grabbing this bro we’re starting already starting ready bro well I’m starting with the rice krispy I’m going to cut it like this really that’s your thing now isn’t it all right here we go got to unwrap

This I’m going to cut this in half now it worked no dude you just bumped me wooho sorry what are you doing I’m distracting the competition you’re not distracting me at all actually this is I’m very focused kind of I’m grinding it out like I’m I’m

Pushing it down all right this is nice I like rolling this it’s now becoming a sushi roll because he’s literally rolling the Rice Krispies into Sushi it actually turned out pretty well I’m liking on my Sushi you guys see this there’s now a perimeter around my roll

It’s like a tablet yo it’s called the iPad roll oh this kind of a different color it’s kind of ugly it looks cool to me so guys as you know the most important part of sushi is of course the fish what the fish so I got I got some

Swedish Fish jeez oh no you’ve got to be kidding me oh this sticks to it nicely ooh I like this yo my perimeter of greatness is unprecedented in the sushi industry all right it is time for me to begin the roll oh that’s so cool why did

I not think of that mine’s not even sushi roll it’s like sushimi but just just to the max it’s what sushimi sushimi sushimi dude it’s not even close to sushimi wait you’re cutting off a slice of it yeah got to cut off all this

Rice this is so much fun I I love candy and the fact that we’re actually trying to make well I’m not I’m doing my best trying to make like real food into candy this is super cool it’s looking more like a burrito roll than it is like a

Sushi roll trust me it’ll look like a sushi roll bro I actually might win this round cuz this one’s looking pretty Saucy ooh yeah this is turning out good dude your elbow’s literally in my face it is time to cut it but I don’t think

This knife is going to cut it so I’ll be right back did you really just say that I did yep first pun I’ve ever made hopefully the last or else you’ll have a punishment I’m almost done I just have to cut these into little pieces Well

Mine’s almost done as well all I need to do now is the fish dude that looks really cool dude the light shines through it crazy my sushi roll is coming together incredibly right now we got all the Swedish Fish on here and it’s only missing one element Skittles and how

About this you guys get to decide what our sushi rolls are needed no no I have an idea I only want to use a certain color scheme because I make awesome things ooh Skittles woohoo nice oh got gravee got grape I got grape yo my roll is absolutely gorgeous Deon all right

The big reveal three 2 1 tada this is the chef’s special role so you guys know when you order at a restaurant takes a super long time like an hour they’re creating a masterpiece like this just to clarify it’s not really a roll it’s more like a

Cake so here’s how it works you got the wrapping around the outside the marshmallows are kind of like the rice and then this is the filling within it it’s a little abstract you just have to kind of go with it oh that oh that’s awesome wait and

No and now what is going on it’s time for the super special surprise element you ready for it yeah I’m ready no no no no you can’t do that have you seen the fancy restaurants though they all like put it down so then how

Else do I heat it up put it down uh microwave all right here we go got a transported very carefully I’m excited to see this Oh my gosh wait what what the heck happened bro my beauty it’s been destroyed looks like a beast it’s gone from beauty to the Beast Man how do we do this let’s do this Deon you grab down here bro I’m not involved in this this

Is your Masterpiece how do I get it off boom W there is the sushi Masterpiece that’s interesting yeah yeah that did not go according to PL and Deon I heard in the meantime you were making your own other piece of sushi I did and this is

What it looks like looks so close that’s incredible I know yep it’s pretty close I actually mixed Starburst together all the orange ones this is the part of the video where we taste test our candy sushi I am so excited to see what this crazy thing tastes like and actually

We’re going to be doing that at the end of the video because we are locked in a heavy competition right now and you get to vote who won the first round so comment down below did my Sushi win or Devon Sushi Win and when making your decision take into account the

Presentation the way it is presented on the plate or don’t that’s cool too yeah what don’t even need to worry about that we’re making the pasta with the meatballs and the spaghetti sauce I am so excited about this how does one open this dude really I did it perfectly out

Of the the heck is that all right here we go ready three two one that’s awesome yo be careful with that okay all right that’s like super super super dangerous like you might actually get really injured doing that Deon meanwhile dude what are you doing that is not

That’s way more unsafe than what I’m doing it’s a sausage dude what are you doing taada it’s like a cheese stick and done all right so pasta is fully made how did you finish bro it was just taking way too long and look at you you’re only on

The first TR how many of those are you going to need to fill up an entire Bowl yeah you know what I’m just going to do that that’s the way to go I’m done with this although this would have looked really cool if I had more time the next

Step my favorite one time to Sauce it you got to make mix up your Jam first oh yeah you got to do that’s the jam right there that’s the jam time to Sauce my pasta ooh now I got to Miami wao oh they broke open one of them broke open dude

Oh no I just had a genius idea instead of just putting them in normal and basic like conid you can actually pull them out into longer strands wh if you don’t break it all right so we’re going to pop this in here boom there we go meatballs

Complete jeez you almost hit me in the face you got to watch your noodle Deon this final step to me is what really takes this to the next level because you know on every pasta you got to have some cheese this here is some beautiful what

Chocolate here we go time to cheese or in this case chocolate M pasta oo oh that’s so satisfying y that looks so good like the restaurant when they’re like tell me when to stop in this case I’ll be like never I want them to do this on all

Pastas there we go my bowl is done this looks bomb see I went really light on the sauce because you took a a lot of sauce yeah yeah I did ooh o bro I’ve got a Twizzler mustache call me count Twizzler man yo that’s awesome dude you

Have like cheese all over yourself now or chocolate all over yourself no problem it’s for later mine is all cheese why did you put a slab of chocolate in there well I was already going to do that see mine’s going to be more delicious to eat than yours is

Because it comes with this chocolate on the side just like that piece of bread you know that comes with it sometimes all right well again we’re eating this at the end of the video so right now you guys get vote down below who won this round of the candy pasta and right now

On to the next one you love them we love them we’re making candy tacos we got pancakes to act as the tortillas y otherwise known as tortillas tortillas this is so clever we have jelly beans as real beans there we go we got my beans

Let me open this oh my n again this one’s super cool because for the guacamole everyone loves guac everyone knows guac is extra but for this one guac is not extra only my uh enthusiasm for the guac is extra candy Corn’s inside there nice you should have cut it in

Your mouth this is called the Candy Corn trick shot challenge call me D perfect woohoo wait why did you spit it out I was going to catch out my spoon but then I didn’t so this give to me the guacamole and to make the guacamole I

Thought you just Slamm that on the table what I missed the ball next up is adding the food coloring be very careful cuz I feel like you’re going to get this everywhere why don’t we puncture it with the Candy Corn yeah that this is not

Going to work put it on the table oh dude it actually so sharp all right here we go so now we’re going add the green food coloring and make some guacamole oh that was way too much yep oh man dude oh yeah yeah when I whip it through the

Sauce boy it came together man and there’s a glob on the on the table let’s cop that real quick oh oh no just going to spread around make even bigger mess okay yep move the table move 20 minutes later all right so we’re going to use these Red Starburst there’s tomato

Another tomato another another tomato Toby oh na it I think these are the only type of onions that will not make your breath smell bad or make you crust a drizzle of guac ooh ooh okay that’s interesting it’s like the salsa the jelly jelly of salsa is awesome whipped cream as sour

Cream wao that was way too much I it’s starting to turn into a pancake a little bit and then of course got to of course Spritz it with some cheese I mean coconut I got to add a little bit of salsa dude I cannot wait any longer I

Got to eat this right now so for the rest of the candies we’ll eat those at the end of the video but right now we are eating this Taco so let’s pick this thing up all right let’s do it oh yo my taco is jam-packed all right about to

Take a bite of this three 2 1 M so good oh my goodness best thing I’ve ever had that is mixing so well I don’t want to swallow this it’s so delicious I want to chew it forever I guys comment down below who won this round the rest

Of candies at the end of the video but right now I’m going to eat the rest of this bro and around the next round I’m the burger and I’m the bun and today we’re making candy hamburgers but right now the competition Pizza these are actually the buns for our Burger you’re

Going need a super sharp knife get to cut mine in half so be careful ooh next up we got the burger or the Patty this is going to be the lettuce because this is some healthy looking lettuce am I right Next Step Tomatoes which is going to be these Cherry AirHeads cheese yeah

This is cheese that’s a great idea I’m getting my tomatoes boom there we go all right coming together nicely ooh ketchup so I can use this as ketchup like frosting feeling right now so I’m just going to kind of drizzle this onto the to ew there’s a hair there’s a

Hair contamination get away no man these brownies are tough to cut this is the double cheese special so you fold the starburst in half that’s like twice the cheese so you fold it in half and it’s twice the cheese walk me through the math real quick on how that works I

Should have put bacon on my burger bacon cuz this looks more like bacon then lettuce and this where I win cuz see my cheese is melting around my burger and I’m going for a double decker burger so nice the Finishing Touch for the burger a slight sprinkle it actually

Sticks that looks so good that’s so neat dude mine’s going to have a little oil toothpick Crown cuz here’s the thing about a candy Burger man you know like when you leave food in the fridge and then your family members eat it or someone else eats it that’s not fun this

How you protect it t oh that looks terrifying these are coming out I’m grabbing some of this bro look at that garnish on the top bro actually it’s Gourmet you’re a little bit too excited about that bro oh almost forgot one thing what I almost forgot the ketchup

Don’t bump me all right I got to I got to do this right and precise the big reveal three 2 1 boom I cannot wait to eat this but we have one final round left right now comment down below who you think won there no I was about to

Say it looks like it’s about to fall over any second and it did the rice crispy treats are back wao guys this is the final round before we eat all the different candy foods and for this one we are making chicken nuggets mashed potatoes and vegetables wo First Steps first for the

Chicken nuggets got to take off little pieces here and then we’re going to like mold them into the chicken nugget shape all right there’s uh there’s my chicken nugget looking good oh man this is so much fun it’s so satisfying to just crunch The Rice Krispy Treats man I know

It it really is nice if you get a chance you know I I recommend it it might look more like biscuits you got to squish them more it’s not nuggety now the largest chicken nugget of all time here you push them that side I’ll push them this side push together two

One next step we have to add the bread coating to our chicken nuggets and using cornflake oh there he goes there you go almost oh that’s a great idea crack it in the bag no no just smack it just smack just throw it around ready eat back to you ready you

Ready through the [Applause] legy we’re going to put a hole in the CE leg wait how it come out of the bag I don’t know all right there we go I think we definitely pize this thing to the ma here we go going to put it in here now

We dunk these in there and get the powder on them that actually looks like Works W dude it literally is looking like a chicken nugget now that looks like a chicken nugget I wonder if there legit a process for trying to bre I’m sure there is actually trying to bread

Chicken nuggets um you sure there is oh that works hey hey there we go all right breaded what happened to this one it’s so small hey never judge a nugget by the size of it’s It’s nugget there we go boom tiny Nugget’s been nugged all right

Get out of here got some laffy taffies to represent vegetables cuz I mean they’re practically the same thing eat your laffy taffies kids that’s what they say I’m going to make mine look like green beans cuz personally I’m not a big fan of green beans but I like these

Green beans I got the longest green beans in all the green bean land cut it up into slices broccoli got a whole bunch of little like holes on it bam broccoli don’t judge it don’t even look at it it’s not on the plate see I’m not going to be picky about my colors

Because vegetables come in all colors even pink which one’s that a beetroot a what a beetroot that’s a pink vegetable all right fair enough all right here we go now it’s time for my ice cream which is going to act as a mashed potatoes there’s so much sugar on one plate it’s

It’s a it’s a dome all right oh oh oh some my nuggets no dude what if you dip the Nugget in the ice cream you should try it ooh that actually looks pretty darn good all right got to got to get it to look like mashed potatoes I cannot

Say how excited I am to eat this right now and this is the final round so you guys comment down below who won this round and who won all of the rounds and how we’re going to do this we’re going to start this taste test at the

Beginning which is a sushi and then work our way all the way to tasting this one right here so let’s eat some candy sushi got some Chopsticks right here to be able to eat my piece of sushi your piece you’re going to grab this whole thing

With one chopstick I really want to try one of these I want to try one of the rolls this looks really good that looks so good you are very skilled with your chopsticks what oh yes of course of course I can don’t touch my stop touching my mellow mellow out dude

That’s a second pun in this video all right here we go you look so funny when you ate that how is it he’s speechless I got to see what this is like it stuck to my teeth oh really I couldn’t talk that was much cleaner mhm I really want to try this though

M M M that’s good mhm it’s delicious it’s a fruit roll up around it add a whole another like flavor and the textures of like the crunchiness there’s only one way to eat this and that is to abandoned tradition of the Chopsticks and go for the chop hands just two hands

This is nuts it’s all falling apart I can tell this is quite honestly the most legendary piece of sushi I’ve ever seen in my entire life it’s like a plate of assorted Sushi yeah exactly get some Swedish Fish and some uh coconut going to get all the different salmon eggs on

Top of it just kind I wanted some of those there we go like that and a marshmallow to top it off this is a piece of the Masterpiece literally how is it it’s good but like the rice crisy feat completely overpowers everything oh really fish eggs at a sushi restaurant are called

Rome so I call this one here the rainbow rope oh that’s so cool that was delicious all right now we’re time to take the next one which is the pasta just from a visual perspective I think these pastas turned out the best out of all of them

And I’m so excited see if they taste as good as they look I think you kind of like stick it in try to get some some noodles on you UB me in the face but I got noodles I got some of the chocolate on top and then a meatball as well got a

Meatball all right three two I’m going to get this all over my face one that did not taste at all what I thought it was going to taste like because the jelly is like the first taste that hits you and M it’s so good and then like the

Twizzlers add this whole like texture to what’s going on and the chocolate balls actually has some salt so it actually had a little bit of salt in there which was really really good cream on the inside and you can just taste that like that hint of white chocolate on it I

Don’t know if it’s just me being like hyper from the sugar are just so excited about this food but that was delicious and now we’re on to the next one it’s time to eat some tacos oh we already ate the tacos the next one we’ve already eaten the taco so we’re skipping over

That one and now it’s time to eat the burger bro what happened to Burger well while it was sitting over there it fell over apparently wasn’t structurally sound enough just got to pick it up get it back on its buttons again y all right so let’s do this we’re first going to

Eat the french fries and see how these taste so let’s see if they’re crispy and delicious M they’re soft and cloudy it tastes like what it was a but it tastes delicious though most sugary french fry ever and now it’s time to try to eat the

Burger there’s no way I can fit this in my mouth I don’t even how going get I know that’s the that’s the disappointment of your burger I know how it works you compress it cuz they’re all like brown compressed yeah the brownie is Pretty Tough let’s give it a shot you

Ready right I’m ready three 2 one m is it m stuck mhm I’m stuck on My tast Wo this one did not work because the AirHeads they didn’t allow you to bite or chew at all so like super chewy cupcakes and all the other stuff and then you couldn’t bite through The Laffy

Taffy they look so good though but you it didn’t really taste that good yeah it was also the bread mixed with the Taffy too yeah it was it was a little was not so good so hopefully the final one which is chicken nuggets is going to be a lot

Better but this one man I’m a little bit disappointed like it’s still sugar so it still tastes good but like it looks good so definitely the weakest combination of them all Yep this is it the final candy food we got chicken nuggets mashed potatoes and vegetables I am so excited

To eat this I’m going to pick up a chicken nugget I’m actually going to dip it in the mashed potatoes mashed potatoes and we’re going to put a little bit of vegetables on it oh that’s a good idea here we go ooh the ultimate Trifecta right here looking good you

Ready all right yeah I’m ready three 2 1 ow ow ow good ow ow cornflakes man they’re so sharp they were hurting me as I was biting into it they were like not broken up you challenged us to make food out of candy and this looks so good

Dude yo okay we are making three different foods we’re making a pizza and eggs benedict and a Happy Meal all out of candy so let’s go do not take another bite of that I won the cheese of my pizza with these marshmallows grabbing out some Twinkies here cuz I got to use

These as the crust and dough for a pizza crust and dough all right well now I got to grab the flat iron here wait are you actually melting a marshmallow on an iron dude yes come I have to make sure it drips into the bowl I got to say this

Is either the worst idea you’ve ever had or the thing that every summer camp in America is going to be implementing everyone’s got an iron and a marshmallow just like this is great this really fills the team spirit right guys well here we go we’re going to mash up all

These twinkies and it’s going to act as the pizza crust and dop this thing is taking absolutely forever so I’m just going to take a second to melt all this stuff down and I’ll be right back and done finally dude my arm is so tired uh colins colins what what what

What what’s going on are we good so I got all this stuff done finally this thing took like an hour I think for the dough and Baseline of my pizza I’m using a waffle maker so here we go I’m just going to drip this into the waffle iron

Here going to get it off my hand so oh little plop little plops good plops I got to close the top my hands are a little bit dirty so I learn this from MMA wao yeah elbow strike okay then time to see if my twinky dough actually

Worked here we go 3 2 1 oh snap yo look at that bom you kidding there we go pizza sauce is coming along okay you bumped me I’m sorry no bums I know bumps I got excited and then I forgot the words and then I bumped I bumped again I

Know bump I know bump going to move the pizza crust off to the side for right now and it’s time to make the sausages these here are going to be the sausag these little little little things this isn’t turning wow oh sorry man well this isn’t turning out so well

So I think I’m going to put this aside save this for a little bit bit later all right well I got my little balls right here flipping little balls look at this dude so I made this out of caramel and dough it’s basically a caramel dough I

Needed together a bunch of this Carnival no no no no no that be delicious all I just got to roll out this dough now you w supposed to see me yet okay I think you’ve gone insane what are you doing I was trying to become a

Squirrel man as you guys know one of my favorite animals is squirrels wait you’re not a squirrel colins you’re a human that is kind Terri I got to say in my head I was thinking that would look way different than how it actually turned out to be

This just in YouTube wannabe cullin key and being a squirrel I’m just so sorry I just wanted to be a squirrel so now I can’t be a squirrel wow feel like a fairy godmother right now with a a wud you’re a fairy god brother I’m now a

Fairy godmother boom there we go Tiara just dispute that it’s undisputable right now all right just got to grab my pizza pan I want another bite no no no no I spent time kneading this thing out man you can’t do that that was so close man oh dude check out bro it’s laser

Lenny man oh okay yeah this is laser Lenny and he is very helpful just like Victor the laser Pony they’re both kind of related ready laser L here we go oh 3 2 2 1 oh man all right then that’s what I’m talking about thank you very much laser Lenny taser

Lenny no no no no dude look at this pizza crust maning nice incredible man all right so I’m just going to take this here going to try to like swirl it up into sausage shape I’m going to use these Smarties here as the sauce dude

This is going to taste so good as the sauce all right cool made this like a little meatball all right C what is that I was going for sausage but it just it looks so much better as a ball I messed up due to your criticism my legit

Meatball I’m I’m doing this but I don’t know if it’s getting any better it’s definitely not you just got to spread around this sauce now I’ve got my dough I just got a caress the dough lightly got some candied apples here wao we need some red icing for the tomato

Sauce here we go let’s just what do not try this at home so I’m going to take one of these caramel apples here Y and this is going to be for the sauce okay yes oh look at that don’t you already have sauce yeah but this is like to add

To the sauce con dude you burning in the Apple bro there will be casualties it’s other friends got to go live their happy lives his face looks like he’s to late now if you do your sauce I’m going to spread out my sauce boom melt this one

Down now okay this one’s really really burnt you’re dropping literal burn what it just blew up dude you B that Apple bro all right we’re going to pretend that that never happened risp done with candy apple frog legs that’s what my pizza knees man frog l so check

It out here he’s been Behind These Bars his whole life got to free them here we go sorry dude this stuff is not coming out of here man there’s a hair on my frog this is my marshmallow no oh did I get it in there go well this is

That marshmallow cheese that I made and now I’m trying to get it out of the bowl you know what my pizza is called No frog on a log bam there we go frog on a log Pizza K can you just grab the Bowl here just grab the bowl just pull it just

Pull it just pull it pull it just back pull it back towards you there we go away from me I think I’m just going to let this drop on there all right the cheese is all spread out now it’s time to add a nice Golden Glow well you know

That we got this vanilla frosting over here’re going to add in some yellow color to hopefully into cheese looking stuff oh this actually works on the crust too man all right here we go we got a carrot whisk what better way to mix in the color the key is going a

Little bit slower than you think you have to yep couldn’t agree more a little slower than you have to okay here we go oh yeah frosting is done time to put it all together so here we go got to get my little sausage log I just got to add

Some pepperoni and a couple little garnishes then I’m done with mine and now we got to complete the unexpected step that involves a frog and a log so never know how this will go we’ got the completed candy pizzas and I got to say yours if I didn’t know that was candy it

Legit looks like our real pizza man it is very difficult to not eat this right now all right here we go 3 2 1e oh my if I didn’t know that was candy I would straight up think that’s a real Pizza I can’t wait to eat this so you

Can comment down below which one do you think is going to taste better and we’ll be eating them at the end of the video you challenged us to make an eggs benedict out of candy yeah and I absolutely love these things it looks amazing man look so what was that popped

It off all right so right now let’s make it out of candy for my eggs benedict I’m going to make this ham stuff first with these Starburst all right well see the thing is there’s three parts of the eggs Ben you got the little bun crust on the

Bottom you got the ham stuff the egg and then the chives on the top wait what the chives oh the chives so for the ham I just have to unwrap all these Starbursts and for the ham I’m using peeps for mine I think peeps going to make much better

Ham than heyy don’t touch my Fe I will body you Deon really you wouldn’t dare oh that’s how you get bod son oh oh God that’s what happened ha Ser you’re right bro now you don’t have a body I mean look at this all is not lost

Because I am a bodybuilder I can build a body out of literally nothing oh really yeah from scraps to shreds shredded where did your other body go oh yeah um we’ll find a home we’ll find someone that was weird all right so I just got to mold these together because

I’m making a ham log I think you have to make like a piece of ham for your eggs B not an egg log yeah I have to make the log then I Deli slice it I meant to say ham next time I got to crush my peeps to

Act as the ham so here we go there’s only one way to properly crush it Deon going I have to go here take a good oldfashioned knee wow the poor peeps man the peeps aren’t that poor man they’re getting all crushed by a chair okay well well there goes another

Peep I thought I was trying to crush him I think these peep are so dried out look at him he’s like yo I’m a crusty little man that is not a normal PE I’m a crusty it’s just a crusty dried out peep it’s going to give him the spoon tap on the

Top of the head to tell if he’s fresher not this this is a peep tester fresher test test with a peep fresh it’s gone all right the final thing I got to do for my ham is just take this tortilla press all right so here we go we’re

Going to place the peeps inside this tortilla press and again we’re trying to make hamam there we go peep yeah I might do this somewhere else here we go let’s just open up the peep crack a peep let’s crack a peep in there peep those we got

Some uh some uh some some uh some long strawberry laces and just going to plop them out nice catch look at that it’s like a wig It’s A Wig it’s wig okay yeah sure hi I’m Wendy from the Wendy’s fast food restaurant and I’m a Savage on

Twitter man I roast people like no tomorrow bro my Twitter account is lit so it was you behind all the Tre oh yeah man this is the new wending I’m window man I’m like a window bam shatter that window okay I’m going to dig this off now that’s changed me a little bit

Making my ham over here so here we go going to continue winding these ropes around it’s going to take a lot of that technical skill in Chef culinary business all right who I’m done with this thing now I just have to wrap it in some other stuff I don’t know what I’m

Going to wrap it in though o no that was a very excited for really excited FR Loop you know as you do that you can tell I put this red licorice stuff around the outside so I can tell that that was good here we go I’m going to go

Back down wait I’m going to do these okay what I have failed my Starburst ham log has been wrapped in this Airhead stuff here and now I’m going to slice it all right turning it on now it’s time to slice it oh snap how am I supped to compete with

This I’ve got some of these big old marshmallows look at this bro I’m a marshmallow man oh oh oh oh why aren’t you dancing de come on bro this is I I I don’t know about the song PA it doesn’t seem like a club song music for a second

It doesn’t seem like a club song De please I need you to dance with me it’s like you’re trying to hypnotize me look into the camera with these eyes please please as you’re watching at home Dance with Me 3 2 1 since you’re not dancing down boom little marks little arms

Coming out of your head that D for you are you kidding me I’m going to use some white Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups right here to make the egg probably going to seem a little weird now oh man so that was just the first part of my egg did

You just really just throw that all right so here we go going to take these three little buddies right over here we’re going to squish them up this guy’s name is Fred he’s George and wapow why is his name wapow bro his name is wapow because wow oh got get some egg yolk

Next so these lemon thingies here are going to be perfect so here we go it’s going to grab a couple of them here let’s just uh dump them out okay here we go there it’s now stuck to oh boy this is you did a good job I’m sorry in

Advance there we go one left this is a rare occasion it didn’t fall in my stuff oh that’s nice all right so here we go this is you should try one you should try one can you want you’re like Spider-Man what no it was you it was you why you did

That to yourself de what does that mean for yourself in your life uh it’s a defining moment it’s a sad moment for me tell us Deon how are you feeling right now in this deep moment of Despair it’s probably the most disappointing moment of my life get how you’re feeling how

Are you feeling that Devon screwed you over so bad it’s embarrassing back to you it’s embarrassing this has been a tragic day for both Deon and his little thing over there back to you all right so here we go going to take this little lemon little

Dude that laugh I am capping this off right now the final thing we need to make is the avocado yes it’s been a while since we’ve had one of these than this is a great time for Wy 3 2 1y ay Aly we go we got to open up some little

Debbies Little Debbie so this year is going to be the there we go so this year is going to be the bread of my avocado toast I’m going to use some real bread here as my stencil hold up that’s cheating man you can’t use a real slice of bread Deon use

Your Noggin I’ll do it to you yeah yeah the bread unicorn okay it’s pulsating oh no I know what this means I know what this means no W holy cow dude I almost became one with the universe again with no bread fle there we go it’s gone I’ll be right

Back there’s some bread for you bro yeah Little Debbie says Nope kidding fin Deon is going to go retrieve it Deon now has to do the unthinkable he got to retrieve that was close I will call it a truce truce a truce it’s a bread truce what I’m going

To sit on this bread so you don’t steal it you know what man I think this one’s special bro I think it has the soul of Little Debbie in it what dude you’re getting crazy man no no no check it out here we go 3 2 1 yeah no look it it’s

Little Debbie she’s come back and she’s in the form of one of her rolls look at her man she’s cruising all about oh man she’s gone what was that man where did she go you know it all makes sense Deon she is transcended with the rest of her

Ding-dongs look at that it’s a piece of bread man it kind of looks like a little M hey now okay no you can’t all right so here we go we got some Cool Whip we’re going to take the jello cups like this and then here we go we’re going to

Deposit them on top let’s see let’s yeah piece of bread number two I don’t know why I made two two pieces of bread I only wanted one well I guess this will be for a friend or maybe you cons you might want this I’m not your friend I’m

Going to take the Fruit by the Foot put it on the outside here hope it doesn’t taste like a foot okay there we go mix it all up and again this right here is to create the guacamole I’m going to use these mint Oreos for the avocado of mine

Bro dude that compared to that this is like that Meme of like you versus the GU she tells you not to worry about I am concerned you know what man I got to say my avocado is actually coming together rather nicely right now so here we go

I’m just going to grab my piece of bread cuz it’s fin I forgot I gave that to you got a little bit territorial my avocado toast is all done and now it is time to compile our egg McMuffin it’s not a flipping Egg McMuffin what is it Benedict yes Eggs Benedict time to

Compile it right now put it all together reveal it and then see how it tastes we’ve got the finished candy eggs benedic and they look absolutely insane we added a hollay sauce on it and you got cookies as a base of yours here is the big reveal you ready 3 two like we

Want to see if you like this video in 3 seconds you ready here we go 3 2 1 done 3 2 one oh my gosh so good so you get to comment down below which one do you think will taste better and we’ll be eating them at the

End of the video you challenge us to make a McDonald’s Happy Meal out of candy man what is going I freaked out so bad I’ve literally broken my chair it’s now a recliner chair cuz can your chair do this oh that’s uncomfortable and that’s enough so right how let’s make some

Happy Meals well I’m actually making my Coca-Cola bottle Hollow so I can add in other candies into the middle of it dude this thing can take like an entire Skittles bag it’s like the endless Coca-Cola bottle the next thing I have to do is cut the bottle off of the

Chocolate all right I’m making my burger patty right now I’ve got some carrot cake Oreos the never needs to be very concentrated right now now it’s time to remove the bottle here we go look at this holy cow you can pop the bottom off those Skittles is going to flying out

Dude got no I I don’t know thank you ref fresh our athletes here there go I’m back in it I’m back in the game de I think the only thing you can do suck a Jello cup definitely not I think I almost got it sure don’t want to suck it I’m

Positive yes I got it again this is going to make the burger patty for my burger so oh look at this forget that look at this no forget that look at this no forget that look at this no forget that look at this oh my gosh

Yep oh dude it’s a fake weight I know right you scared me so bad time to make my burger and we got to of course start off with my honey buns my sweet buns the Buns of sweetness oh yeah what are you up to oh this is the cheese con cheese

Fleet be okay so we got to get rid of those did not try this at home yeah o look at this here we go look at this Mo that for one second it block the shot here we go here we go for the ketchup I’ve got some jelly

Fil Donuts right here man so here’s what we going to do yeah these look incredible bro glossy going to squeeze it out and try to get a healthy adding of jelly oh there we go there we go there we go oh yeah boy there we go the

More I look at this the more excited I’m getting for how this is going to taste all right well this here is the bottom of my bun I took some of these things combined them put them in the microwave and got this I don’t think your burger

Bun holds up to my sweetie buns they’re Honey Buns Honey Buns oops next thing I got to use over here is some lettuce so here we go this is lettuce I made earlier I made a couple extra ones eh still dripping in the water sorry overreacted remember this is edible

Delicious candy wax from this bag I need to make my French fries next cons uh here we go boom weird lettuce got it yeah that’s a move I don’t think that’s a power move right there bro the thing is this is lettuce the bun ratio

You want man are you certain dude I feel like most people take off the lettuce are you kidding me no one takes off this lettuce man this lettuce will take you off okay so here we go going to place it right there boom Oh beautiful you’re

Going to add a little bit of ketchup on the top here like this boom bam going Place Another bun on top like this bam there we go you think that’s the end of the burger but it’s not I don’t really enjoy doing this but I God I do it for

The art man you see like you’re turning into me right now kind of this is going to be amazing dude this is going to be a potato that I turned into my French fries that potato looks delicious next up here we go we got some Jello this is

Going to act as the tomato slices for my burger get some slices of tomato here on the top of mine let’s see like this where’ it go dude this turned out better than I ever could have hoped look at this thing it’s like a potato oh oh no

Looks like you’re having some troubles over there bro many I’ve got my french fry maker right here I’m going to put a nice little potato in there here we go 3 2 1 make french fries hopefully I mean made little little short fries let me see let me see my

Lettuce that was a really loud yell in my ear you were like right there does it work oh I mean kind of worked I think if you tried it a couple more times you probably be able to get some long ones so right now it is time for us to finish

Up our Burgers make all the final elements put it together and then see how they taste so let’s do it we got the completed candy burgers and I got to say man yours looks spoton realistic bro For Better or Worse what does that mean mine is kind of like the commercial man like

It looks absolutely pristine and beautiful so here is the big reveal 3 2 1 t look at that man so good I think you might have won this one I do too we’ve got all the candy food and we are so excited because it’s finally time to

Find out how they actually taste we’ve got our candy pizzas here Lord knows we added a lot of different stuff to this one man yes we did mine is a frog on a log Pizza it’s literally a log with a frog on top of it and mine’s a pizza no

Creativity man are you kidding me Bland uninspired lack of originality completely inadequate or utter creativity and pure inspiration with a frog on a l it’s finally time to see how these things taste so how about this we go for mine first you know really go for

The bang for the yeah go for the worst one first is what I’m I’m hearing B for the buck you grab a side of the Frog I’ll grab a side of the Frog give a little little pull there we go oh my gosh this dude is stringy I’m going to

Pick up my half of the log we give you your log there we go jeez I don’t know if I want all of this man this is a lot of log you got to bite into that log dog bite into the log dog frog on a log bite

Into it dog frog on a log frog on a log frog on a log bite into it dog bite into the log dog three 2 [Applause] 1 it’s so salty that log I don’t know man are you kidding me I am so disappointed man like I loved every second SP everywhere I’m like I am showering in your spin I think after we taste yours you’re probably going to go back and say that mine was actually way

Better than you thought it was not a chance all right well let’s see how this thing tastes now it is time for the main event uh you mean you mean the backup secondary act yeah it’s not the main event all right I’m going to try to cut

A quick slice here okay dude those whoa that melt through really easily here we go 3 2 1 let’s see oh my gosh no way no way at that be isness okay you know what at this point I think I should just forfeit like that was unbelievable like like a beauty

Slowmo shot of that oh yeah all right you ready for this here we go what about my piece oh I almost forgot I was so excited to eat this oh look at that added benefit double cheese wow 3 2 1 oh my God everything combin together

So well holy cow bro I’m like going through another dimension I don’t think you ever said this before about a food but that was lifechanging this pizza just elevated pizza man it’s that good it is now time to eat our candy burgers and the first thing I want to point out

Is the lettuce bro it’s a presence in the room ultimately it kind of feels like this man this is the expectation like what you see in the commercial and this is reality is reality the hard truth of what a burger really looks like exactly so before we jump into your

Burger and eat the french fries I want to bust open that bottle of Coca-Cola we are going to be eating yours first man we got to save this luscious unscrew the top here you can see save of the Sentry man there you go there we go see you got some Skittles on

The inside here so oh why don’t we just break the whole bottle oh you do the honors 3 2 1 Man wild looking okay all right here we go 3 2 1 and then definitely not as sharp as glass but definitely not soft either okay so next up let’s try some french

Fries right before we go to the Burger so these are looking good yeah are they are they stretchy at all a little bit yeah they’re a little did you just break fry bro did you just break a fry I did not are you kidding here take a new fry

I need a new fry thank you put one back there forget about that Che all right 3 3 2 1 1 pretty good now it’s on to the Burger all right the main event here all right here we go are you are you going

To take a bite of it and I take a bite of it do I forgot that you were going to take a bite sorry I was just very excited to eat this thing how did you forget about me I’m your brother all right so I’m just going to

Cut it in half o that slice it through nicely 3 2 1 kind of oh that’s not so great are we going to be all right by end of this thing I hope so 3 2 1 bro what that bun I put cinnamon on the top holy cow it’s like all bun well

Now it’s time to move on to the unanimous winner we haven’t even eaten it yet and it’s already won man it’s the Curiosity present so here we go we’re going to go for the slice down I don’t think need to try the French flies cuz the Twizzlers yeah I’ll I’ll try one

I’ll I’ll do that delicious all right great so there we go my fries are already better than his well no they’re not unique at all as you can tell I don’t need to compensate for uniqueness by lettuce eff my L my lettuce lack of effort lack of effort going to slice

Down the top this is going to take all sorts of precision oh there go there goes the tomatoes I think I’ve got it all the way through here we go 3 2 one separate that lettuce bam how am I going to eat this but I mean look at the

Inside look at those layers of flavor this might be the only time I eat a burger with a fork and knife no no no no no no no squish it down all right sure I think I can squish it all right so here we go we’re going to go for the bite of

The ultimate lettuce Burger this is not a first dat Burger yeah definitely not a first a burger 3 2 1 that’s actually really good wo on a scale of one to wow how was it wow so you get to comment down below right now if you had to eat one of these

Burgers which one would you want to eat this one and right now we’re on to the next candy food got the Benedict and it is finally time to find out how sweet they taste man cuz everybody loves breakfast let’s do yours first and let’s start with whatever the heck that is on

The top of yours man excuse me I don’t know what that is it’s the avocado toast no what what is this I don’t okay so I don’t fully remember it was kind of a blur as I was making it open it’s like stuck to the plate yeah I

Think it’s all the sauce that we put on top gosh I got the I got wo kind like a cheese pole all right here we go three 3 2 1 oh you put Jello in this I forgot okay hey you can’t just like have me go

And then I stop and you go okay we got to do it together synch 3 3 2 1 wow wo that’s very light very airy that’s good job don’t swirl it around it gets really bad M mhm mhm all we have done a lot worse oh we have done a lot

Worse all right no no next this should be mine your bread next all right we’ll go compare the bread yeah but I want to eat okay fine we’ll go for you let’s do the bread next I’m so ready for this man I’m so ready for this wo I love it here

We go three one oh oh so good so the avocado toast that goes to Deon that was um definitely better but it comes down now to the actual main dish the eggs benedict here so all right well let’s see how these work all right

Here we go it’s going to get a slic down like this and remember man there’s a beautiful peep not really cut you’re basically just moving the plate it’s the peeps the peeps of the culprit man Peeps are resilient yeah I’ll I’ll have a whole one yeah take the whole one take

The three two one that’s very dry wo and kind of just like me you know that’s a good point yeah not a lot of flavors all right just got to set this down sorry and so this is just just from what I hear you saying yes

It’s going to ooze it’s going to ooze bro I’m so excited for this man I’m long for the Ride 3 2 one let’s see just just oh man it’s it’s all about your Precision right now C Devon with his master knife skills actually cut into

Did ooze look at that ooze that ooze you help me in the chin but ooze that is A+ quality ooze right there it really kind of looks like Yol all right here we go 3 2 1 oh oh yeah my that is good man wow wow it felt like

Fireworks going off in my mouth that was incredible so you can comment down below whose eggs benedict would you want to eat mine or Devon’s if you want to see another video click right over here you got 5 Seconds here we go 5 4 3 2 1 done love you bye h

This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: Art Challenge! How To Make Amazing Digital Circus vs Roblox Pancake Art’, was uploaded by Collins Key Top Videos on 2023-11-21 19:37:20. It has garnered 82672 views and 1178 likes. The duration of the video is 04:01:39 or 14499 seconds.

We’re back with an all new Noob vs Pro Art Challenge! This time you’ll learn how to make amazing food art and pancake art from Minecraft, the Amazing Digital Circus, Garten of BanBan, Doors, Rainbow Friends, Roblox, Five Nights at Freddy’s FNAF, Among Us, Number Lore animation and Minecraft security prison tower builds. Plus all your favorite characters from TikTok, Warner Brothers, Hulu, Amazon, Fortnite, Sonic, LankyBox, Vine vs TikTok memes, emoji challenges, Minions, Skibidi Toilet, Disney Marvel Avengers, Willy Wonka, Trolls and more. There are even mystery wheel switch up game twists featuring the cutest pets like hamsters, dogs, and cats! Pancakes are a delicious breakfast food you can eat and enjoy. This easy & safe diy tutorial from Collins Key is a super funny comedy video & it will be hard to try not to laugh as they try to make homemade pancakes. They’ll try to make easy, awesome and fun tasty pancake art in this viral entertainment video.

CHAPTERS: 00:00:00 FOOD ART CHALLENGE 3 & How To Make the Best Epic STAR WARS Custom Art By Customizing Funny Foods https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnmTOlNvdWU 00:20:43 FOOD ART CHALLENGE & How To Make the Best Avengers Pokemon Detective Pikachu Pancake Art https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyB5ofy9RaY 00:35:38 Pancake Art Challenge vs Hamster Pranks! How To Make Spider-Man Minecraft Maze Roblox & Squid Game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnTSpkgVHQQ 00:54:02 PANCAKE ART CHALLENGE Hero Edition & Learn How To Make Avengers vs Star Wars Disney Plus Art https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amsaWkXQd3Q 01:12:36 PANCAKE ART CHALLENGE Mystery Wheel 3 & How To Make Avengers Captain Marvel & Shazam Diy Art https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XI0gWkhztwM 01:32:31 PANCAKE ART CHALLENGE Mystery Wheel 2 & Learn How To Make Diy Avengers & Aquaman Art https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhB0kbIV_uY 01:53:31 PANCAKE ART CHALLENGE Mystery Wheel & Learn How To Make Avengers Wreck It Ralph 2 Diy Fortnite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCg9xHNPR3k 02:14:42 Whatever You Draw, I’ll Buy It PANCAKE ART CHALLENGE & How To Make Lion King Visa Art https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRhYoArzBbs 02:33:45 FOOD ART CHALLENGE #2!! Dogs Pick Our Funny Mystery Ingredients & How To Make Star Wars Art https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPFYVmn1nKg 02:53:29 SUPERHERO FOOD ART CHALLENGE & How To Make The Best Giant DIY Edible Avengers Movie Art https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk-mBsJeezw 03:16:50 Making FOOD out of CANDY!! Learn How To Make DIY Edible Candy vs Real Food Challenge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5O66ssNpg_A 03:35:54 Making FOOD Out Of CANDY!! Learn How To Make DIY Edible Candy vs Real Food McDonalds Challenge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CS634d_ZbVI 04:01:27 Recommended video to watch next

#NoobVsPro #pancakeartchallenge #minecraft #artchallenge #foodart #amazingdigitalcircus #digitalcircus #theamazingdigitalcircus #gartenofbanban #gartenofbanban3 #animation #noob #pro #hacker #animation #real #life #minecraftbuilding #pancakeart #rainbowfriends #poppyplaytime #roblox #alphabetlore #numberlore #disney #amazon #hamster #maizen #aphmau #lankybox #mrbeast #craftee #trending #prestonplayz #gametoons #kindlykeyin #anazalafamily #challenge #howto #pokemon #trolls #willywanka #marvel #blackfriday #house #fivenightsatfreddy’s #fnaf #movie #amongus #vine #emoji #candy

FOLLOW COLLINS KEY Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/collinskey/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/CollinsKey Snapchat: CollinsKey

FOLLOW DEVAN Insta: http://bit.ly/1wMSMyu Twitter: https://twitter.com/DevanKey Snapchat: DevanKey

Watch other awesome diy life hack and pancake art challenge videos in this education compilation series: AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS All SECRETS + EASTER EGGS You MISSED! (TOP 10) – LankyBox World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKbttWPiUEQ THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS: PILOT – Glitch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwAPLk_sQ3w GIANT vs TINY – Roblox Obby – Maizen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ahP8Mt8sFA Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Season 3 – Alan Becker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWHTlq5Fcr8 Minecraft but I have 1 BILLION Diamonds – Craftee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1vt1rzrafY Gladiator Simulator in Roblox – SSundee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-FISMVqiGc Testing Scary Minecraft Seeds That Are Actually Real – PrestonPlayz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrh-DQh4svQ I Spent 7 Days Buried Alive – MrBeast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dYTw-jAYkY Acid vs Lava- Testing Liquids That Melt Everything – Mark Rober https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdFRjsEZrmU I Built a DREAM DOG HOUSE and Hid It From My Dad! – Jordan Matter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22_4K5lg-Us I Built a SECRET ROOM to Hide From My Mom! ft/ Rebecca Zamolo – The Anazala Family https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vD3ce_VQLsk POOR Boy Has TAP WATER For SCHOOL LUNCH, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann Studios https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gISYTJd_nfY

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  • Charmed by Minecraft: Love & Laughs [Part 4] – Music Video

    Charmed by Minecraft: Love & Laughs [Part 4] - Music Video In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Our favorite news reporter, spinning rhymes to survive. Updates and changes, each one a delight, Crafted with care, shining bright in the light. With beats and art, the story takes flight, In every line, the truth ignites. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Yo, Minecraft fans, gather ’round and see, The latest news, delivered in rhymes with glee. Iacing every update with a grin and a spin, Crafting Minecraft news, let the story begin. Read More

  • OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass!

    OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass! Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a journey through the vast and creative world of Minecraft, where players can unleash their imagination and build anything their hearts desire. From crafting tools to surviving the night, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players of all ages. Building and Crafting In Minecraft, players can gather resources such as wood, stone, and minerals to craft tools, weapons, and structures. Whether it’s a cozy cottage or a towering castle, the only limit is your creativity. With a variety of blocks to choose from, players can design intricate buildings and landscapes that reflect their… Read More

  • Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed!

    Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed! In Dreamcraft #4, we finally take flight, But the topic’s gone wild, it’s out of sight! Minecraft news, with a twist of fun, Updates and changes, we’ve only just begun. Join the adventure, with Mustafa in tow, Crafting and building, with each new show. Stay tuned for more, as we soar and we dive, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come alive. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Battle Royale In Minecraft’s intense battle royale, Friends compete, hearts set to prevail. KZA_, averalls, obvlogan too, Spricc, osomad, cactixz in the crew. Figfen joins the epic fight, In this virtual world, under the night. With swords and shields, they clash and spar, Crafting strategies, near and far. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this pixelated paradise. Watch ’til the end, the battle unfolds, As friendships tested, and stories told. Subscribe for more, join the fun, In Minecraft’s world, under the sun. Join the Discord, stay in the loop, For more adventures, more Minecraft scoop. Thanks for watching, thanks for… Read More

  • Eating in Minecraft Gives Me Items?!

    Eating in Minecraft Gives Me Items?! Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and immersive world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a realm where players can build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated universe. Discover Unique Peripherals Equip yourself with top-notch peripherals to enhance your gaming experience: Mouse: Logitech G102 Keyboard: Logitech G213 RGB Headset: HyperX Stinger Core Powerful Laptop Components Ensure smooth gameplay with high-performance laptop components: Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12500H Graphics Card: RTX 3050TI RAM: 16GB DDR5 SSD: 512GB Recording Software Capture your epic Minecraft… Read More

  • Jackbhaiya’s Secret Crush Revealed!

    Jackbhaiya's Secret Crush Revealed! Minecraft Adventures with Jackbhaiya Love’s Olly ๐Ÿ’ Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where players like Jackbhaiya and Olly embark on thrilling adventures in the virtual realm. Join us as we delve into the realm of #minecraft, #fleetsmp, and #gamerfleet to uncover the magic that unfolds in this popular game. Exploring Lilyville and Gamerfleet In the enchanting world of Lilyville, gamers like Jackbhaiya and Olly immerse themselves in a land filled with endless possibilities. From building magnificent structures to embarking on epic quests, the adventures in Lilyville are truly captivating. With the support of the Gamerfleet community, players… Read More

  • SoulPvP

    SoulPvPVote for Us and Win Exciting Rewards! SoulPvP is a Network Consisting 2 gamemodes Lifesteal and FFA! play.soulpvp.fun Read More

  • Nothing SMP Modded Whitelist 1.20.1 13+

    Welcome to Our Modded Minecraft Server! Version 1.20.1, Online 24/7 Modded with Over 70 mods including Origins, Ice and Fire, Create, OTBWG, Stellarity, etc. Simple Voice Chat coming soon. Targeted Age Group: 13-25 Whitelisted Server Currently 15 active players Server has been running for 7 months, reset 3 days ago Located in Germany with players from Asia, Australia, and America No Griefing/Lifesteal, focuses on Building, Grinding, Hanging out Responsive and Friendly Staff No Land Claims Interested in Joining? Add zariaah on Discord to get whitelisted! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sip on that Minecraft tea

    Minecraft Memes - Sip on that Minecraft teaWell, I guess S’beve really knows how to mine for those upvotes! Read More

  • Frosty Facts: Minecraft’s Hidden Show, Unearthed Secrets That Even Pros Don’t Know

    Frosty Facts: Minecraft's Hidden Show, Unearthed Secrets That Even Pros Don't Know In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings laughter, like a joyful dream. With funny animations and songs to sing, Each video a gem, like a shining ring. From classroom antics to songs so sweet, Cube Xuan’s channel is a joyful treat. With updates and facts that fans adore, Minecraft knowledge like never before. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Cube Xuan’s channel, a true gold mine. For gaming fun and laughter galore, Subscribe today, and come back for more! Read More

  • Oh no why | Minecraft troll face meme | #hotmeme

    Oh no why | Minecraft troll face meme | #hotmeme When you accidentally mine straight down and fall into a pit of lava, but your character’s face is just like “Oh no why” in the most nonchalant way possible. Classic Minecraft troll face moment! Read More

  • Diamonds Galore: Minecraft PE Survival Pt. 2

    Diamonds Galore: Minecraft PE Survival Pt. 2 Exploring the Depths: Diamond Mining in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft PE Survival Series as our intrepid gamers delve deep into the earth in search of the coveted diamonds. In this thrilling episode, they finally strike gold – or rather, diamonds – in their quest for rare resources. Unearthing Treasures As the players navigate the challenges of survival mode, they encounter various obstacles and adversaries along the way. From crafting tools to building shelters, every step brings them closer to their ultimate goal: finding diamonds. With perseverance and skill,… Read More

  • Sneak Peek: Minecraft 2024 Update!

    Sneak Peek: Minecraft 2024 Update! Minecraft LIVE 2024 Leaked | New Biome & Mob! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! In this latest update, players are in for a treat with the leaked information about the upcoming Minecraft LIVE 2024 event, featuring a new biome and mob. Let’s dive into the details and explore what’s in store for all the Minecraft enthusiasts out there! New Biome Unveiled: The Enchanted Grove One of the most anticipated additions to Minecraft is the Enchanted Grove biome. This mystical and magical biome is filled with vibrant colors, sparkling flora, and unique creatures…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cobblemon with JoobiestNerd

    Insane Minecraft Cobblemon with JoobiestNerdVideo Information This video, titled ‘mmmmmm funny creechers |Minecraft Cobblemon| August 1, 2024 Stream’, was uploaded by JoobiestNerd on 2024-08-02 14:29:37. It has garnered 26 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:36 or 10896 seconds. Stream rules: – Be nice! – Respect people’s orientations and pronouns – Have fun! Discord link: https://discord.gg/J3bVCeqQcw Read More

  • Building Underground Bunker with Giant Worms in Minecraft

    Building Underground Bunker with Giant Worms in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ BUILD BUNKER from GIANT WORMS ? Underground Kingdom! – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-04-06 17:30:01. It has garnered 24117 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:08 or 3788 seconds. How Mikey and JJ BUILD BUNKER from GIANT WORMS ? Underground Kingdom! – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and… Read More


    DAY 1 HARDCORE MINECRAFT MADNESSVideo Information This video, titled ‘Some highlights of day 1 Hardcore #minecraft’, was uploaded by stan616 on 2024-09-25 15:56:27. It has garnered 63791 views and 7071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. https://www.twitch.tv/stan616 Read More

  • EPIC Tsunami House Build Challenge – Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!

    EPIC Tsunami House Build Challenge - Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: TSUNAMI HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE’, was uploaded by Wetz on 2024-04-11 08:00:32. It has garnered 104556 views and 2165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:59 or 1379 seconds. Check out n’yo mga kaibigan ko: Raizu: @RaizuMinecraft Lyn: @KLlyn. Inspired by Eider, Maizen, Aphmau, Nico, Cash, Omzcool Minecraft Video, Challenges, Pranks and Building! Read More

  • Chill Tushar Fan Club – Haunted School Trip ๐Ÿ˜ฑ || Part 1 || Minecraft Horror Story

    Chill Tushar Fan Club - Haunted School Trip ๐Ÿ˜ฑ || Part 1 || Minecraft Horror StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HAUNTED SCHOOL TRIP ๐Ÿ˜จ || PART-1 || MINECRAFT HORROR STORY IN HINDI || VIDEO BY @tusharrr1’, was uploaded by CHILL TUSHAR Fan Club on 2024-07-13 16:50:59. It has garnered 2 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:58 or 538 seconds. its a horror minecraft roleplay in hindi video uploaded by CHILL TUSHAR Fan Club its a horror minecraft roleplay in hindi video created by Chill Tushar #minecraft #roleplay #gaming . . . minecraft roleplay, minecraft, gaming, minecraft horror, minecraft scary, minecraft haunted, minecraft story, conjuring, minecraft dark, minecraft secret, minecraft smp,… Read More


    WARNING: SUBSCRIBES TO THIS CHANNEL = DEATH!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด SUB = DEATH – Minecraft Hexxit Mod’, was uploaded by Java on 2024-08-27 22:35:42. It has garnered 8597 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:01 or 4021 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #Bedwars #shorts Read More

  • Unleash Dan’s Wild Power – Charity Streamer!

    Unleash Dan's Wild Power - Charity Streamer!Video Information This video, titled ‘I need more powah!! | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-06-22 02:14:51. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:56 or 11336 seconds. ————————————————– About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Letโ€™s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for Boston Children’s… Read More

  • INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on Craftmir

    INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on CraftmirVideo Information This video, titled ‘ich ร–FFNE 50 KISTEN auf BlockBande Minecraft’, was uploaded by Craftmir on 2024-05-10 13:00:43. It has garnered 11136 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:33 or 1413 seconds. we play on BlockBande.de LIKE & SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more! If you want to play along: https://discord.gg/paulberger โ–บMain channel: @Amir1107 โ–บBecome a channel member: https://bit.ly/3ykKJ1u โ–บTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/1107amir โ–บDiscord: https://discord.gg/aryaFURtkZ โ–บInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/1107amore/ โ–บTwitter: https://twitter.com/1107amore?s=20 Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com Read More

  • Becoming Herobrine Prank on Friend | Minecraft #shorts

    Becoming Herobrine Prank on Friend | Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Trolled My Friend And He Become Herobrine #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by I Am Alpha on 2024-06-14 12:41:00. It has garnered 12226 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Hello Guyz I AM Gaming Content Creator Please Hit Subscribe Tags Ignore minecraft shorts,minecraft,minecraft animation,shorts,shorts minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft funny,minecraft tiktok,minecraft short,minecraft sad story,funny minecraft shorts,minecraft meme shorts,minecraft types shorts,minecraft challenges,funny minecraft,help shorts,minecraft parody,youtube shorts,minecraft pe,help herobrine shorts,minecraft meme,alan becker shorts,minecraft life story,old minecraft shorts Read More

  • Phoenix-Network

    Phoenix-NetworkPhoenix Network Prison | Skyblock | MiniGames| BoxPvP Phoenix Network focuses mainly on custom and unique experiences. Join today to see what the hype is all about! IP: Phoenix-Network.Net Phoenix-network.net Read More

  • KrustyKraft SMP Realm – Realms, 18+, Whitelist

    Welcome to KrustyKraft SMP! If you’re 18+ with a functioning microphone and past builds to showcase, we invite you to join our Minecraft Bedrock Community. Our realm is active, friendly, and inclusive with Vanilla gameplay and quality of life addons. We use Discord for communication and hold events and projects to keep things exciting. Apply to be part of our community today! DM me for the Discord Link! ๐Ÿ™‚ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Boss: Movie Character Codebreak”

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had a lot of explosive emotions to work through! Read More

  • Steve’s Sticky Situation: A Web of Escape in Minecraft

    Steve's Sticky Situation: A Web of Escape in Minecraft In the depths of Minecraft, Steve finds himself trapped, In a spider’s web, his fate is now mapped. Can he escape, with skill and might? Or will he be stuck, in the web’s tight plight? The spiders crawl, with eyes so bright, Their hunger for Steve, a chilling sight. But our hero is brave, he won’t give in, With a swift escape, he’ll surely win. Watch as he jumps, and dodges with grace, Navigating the web, in this thrilling race. The tension mounts, as time ticks by, Will Steve break free, or will he sigh? Stay tuned for more,… Read More

  • Minecraft TNT Disaster v267: Explosive Comedy!

    Minecraft TNT Disaster v267: Explosive Comedy! When you accidentally blow up your entire Minecraft world with TNT and suddenly realize maybe you should have stuck to building houses instead of conducting explosive experiments. #minecraftfail #oops Read More

  • 25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds!

    25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds! Exploring the Top 25 Best New Minecraft Mountain Seeds Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the top 25 best new mountain seeds for version 1.21. These seeds offer breathtaking landscapes, challenging terrains, and endless possibilities for survival, exploration, and base building. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, these seeds will surely captivate your imagination and keep you entertained for hours on end. Discovering the Mountain Seeds From the towering cliffs to the lush valleys, each seed on this list promises a unique and exciting experience. Here are some highlights… Read More

  • Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!

    Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!Video Information This video, titled ‘ROBLOX SHREDDER!’, was uploaded by OmzCrew on 2024-08-14 01:27:08. It has garnered 189206 views and 2886 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:33 or 10113 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Luke Alexa Roxy Lily and Heather are playing roblox shredder! #roblox #omz #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying Remake

    Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying RemakeVideo Information This video, titled ‘The John Mod got a HORRIFYING Remake…’, was uploaded by Sweaky on 2024-09-24 01:05:37. It has garnered 2440 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:00 or 720 seconds. Video concept: #minecraft #john #minecrafthorror #cavedweller #manfromthefog #mickeymouse #analoghorror _________________________________________________________________________ JOIN DISORD—- https://discord.gg/3U862CeKnJ SUBSCRIBE OR I TAKE YOUR DOG โ•”โ•โ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•โ•ฆโ•โ•ฆโ•ฆโ•ฆโ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•โ•— โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•šโ•ฃโ•”โ•ฃโ•”โ•ฃโ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•โ•ฃ โ• โ•—โ•‘โ•šโ•โ•‘โ•‘โ• โ•—โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•โ•ฃ โ•šโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•šโ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ• _________________________________________________________________________ who im recording with: @KingArthurYouTube thumbnail made by: ME Mod linked below: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/john-awakened _________________________________________________________________________ Check out Viewstats! – https://www.viewstats.com/ follow all of these or i will kick you โ€ข tik tok – https://www.tiktok.com/@sweakysneaker โ€ข Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/sweakysneaker/ _______________________________________________________________________ #minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ #shorts

    EPIC NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘PLAY NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE || MINECRAFT LIVE || @realcoolx #shorts’, was uploaded by CoolX Gaming on 2024-08-21 04:45:56. It has garnered 3867 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:08 or 10388 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #buildsmp #shorts #shortslive #shortsfeed #subscribe #coolxgaming #realcoolx #Minecraft #minecraftbut #minecraftshorts #shorts Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! ๐Ÿ˜ Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here โ–ถ ๐ŸŽฎ My Minecraft Server Address: – paid1.hostingkarle.com:25573 You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram:https://instagram.com/coolx_gaming_?i… ๐ŸŽฎ Discord… Read More

  • Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!

    Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!Video Information This video, titled ‘Epic Bedfight With My Brother’, was uploaded by BMX Rowdy Gaming on 2024-04-21 11:00:27. It has garnered 13 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. https://fakepixel.fun/ #shorts #minecraft #bmxrowdy #trending #trendingshorts #trendingvideo #video . . . . . Links ๐Ÿ”—๐Ÿ”—๐Ÿ–‡:- . . . . . Discord link:- https://discord.gg/nRfeZtBYZX . . . . . Follow on Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/bmxrowdy_gaming/ . . . . . Subscribe The Channel and like The video plz.๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™ƒ Title ;- Minecraft Trap Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind in Seconds #shorts #minecraft Minecraft Build Hacks That… Read More

  • Insane PvP – Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PvP - Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PvPing With A BACKWARDS KEYBOARD on PvP Legacy! #shorts #minecraft #pvplegacy’, was uploaded by Proficy on 2024-04-25 09:56:39. It has garnered 519 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. i had to change my keybinds for this… I STREAM ALMOST DAILY ON TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/proficy Discord (with mods and texutre pack): https://discord.gg/vDvR89fuFw #shorts #short minecraft pvp,minecraft,minecraft hardcore,pvp,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft pvp tips,#minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft funny,minecraft manhunt,minecraft pvp guide,minecraft 1.9 pvp,minecraft smp,crystal pvp,how to pvp in minecraft,minecraft crystal pvp,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but challenge,minecraft 1.19,minecraft update,minecraft but i cant touch grass… Read More

  • REAL Scary Minecraft Experiments

    REAL Scary Minecraft ExperimentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Experiments That Are Actually Real’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-08-28 02:00:16. It has garnered 1342675 views and 21978 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. Uncovering TERRIFYING Minecraft Mysteries that are actually real including the WHITE ENDERMAN and WHITE ROSE… Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! ๐Ÿ˜ Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here โ–ถ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-g_O9HWb5B0rVDG1hLd5Hw/join ๐Ÿ‘• Buy EYmerch: https://eystreem.store/ ๐ŸŽฎ My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) โค๏ธ Tik… Read More

  • Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS… #minecraft

    Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS... #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escaping an Ocean Full of DEATH… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Plaza on 2024-01-08 14:00:40. It has garnered 996184 views and 30352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Plaza does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2023! Today Plaza plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, Minecraft… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine’, was uploaded by NOVA GAMING on 2024-08-13 01:30:31. It has garnered 14514 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine #herobrine#minecraft #vs #smp mrbeast vs herobrine whow will win #skin #morphe #viral #steve #Minecraft #MrBeast #Herobrine #Gaming #GamerLife #VirtualBattle #creativestrategy #CommunitySupport #EpicClash #PixelatedWorld #OnlineGaming #BuildBattle #LegendVsReality Minecraft showdown MrBeast vs Herobrine Gaming legends clash Creative strategy Community-driven gameplay Minecraft battle Virtual world conflict Epic gaming duel Supernatural powers Gaming mythology Strategy and innovation Minecraft creativit Read More