Ultimate Base Maintenance Hacks – Long-Term Cozy World!

Video Information

Well hello hello hello everybody Welcome welcome welcome to the stream today this place might look a little familiar to some of you it might look unfamiliar to others because we are in our longterm stream world today so we’re going to switch it up a little bit today um I

Kind of figured I didn’t really have that much to do in chill survival until our next video so I kind of figured why don’t we hang out on here today because it’s been a while since we’ve done this on YouTube so we can do a little tour

For those of you who are a little unfamiliar with this place and also uh anybody who hasn’t caught the twitch streams you’ll get you’ll get a little little sneak peek as to what’s been going on in this world there’s been a lot of progress made this is our

Long-term stream world we have been working on there’s a mess right in front of it though look at that but yeah this is this is going to be a super super fun stream today I’m so excited to show you all around I this this world is chat

Chat and mine this is our baby this is our baby we have been working on this place for over a year now and it’s we’ve had so many good memories so it’s going to be super fun super super fun how is everybody doing today by the way how are

You all doing it’s so nice to see you thank you so much for popping in my voice is still a little bit rospy I still uh have a little bit of a cough so sorry if I’m muting myself a lot and stuff it’s it’s it’s it’s been rough I I

Can’t I just can’t shake this cough but we’re here we’re going to we’re just going to hang today it’s going to be super fun welcome on in everybody you got a new phone for your birthday last week and missed my notifications on Friday you have drift uh withdrawals

Happy to be with you all today Alicia welcome on in so happy to have you here uh you just wanted to avoid the nether I know the truths listen you know what that isn’t entirely untrue I was like I don’t want to really work in darkness

Today I don’t want to work in darkness too much today so I was kind of like let’s put that on hold and just like Just Vibe today are you ever on Twitch now or do I not get the notice so we are back on Twitch I um I was on vacation the past

Couple weeks and we have missed a couple streams so if you haven’t caught any notifications honestly it’s just cuz I I have been um so so busy I’m just going to turn the volume down a bit just because I’ve been so busy uh we’ve missed a lot of streams on Twitch but we

Are back we are back love the armor shrimp thank you thank you yeah we found wait this isn’t the one that we found in the deep dark I think this is one that we found in one of like the ocean like those small little monuments where like the drowned are and

Stuff what’s the seed that’s a good question I don’t know if I have the seed posted here I’ll have to let me dig that up in a moment for you all I’m going to just like start by breaking this little like thing we had for the Frog Sanctuary

Because this is just an eyesore just an eyesore I want ancient city chaos again but I’m excited for stream honestly we’ve done a lot we have done a lot more ancient city crawling than I have ever intended to do and I I kind of like really enjoy it I’m

Not going to lie I’m not going to lie I really do enjoy it I think we have gone to at least like two no not two we’ve gone to at least like three three to five ancient cities in this world I believe which is absolute Madness I never thought I would

Do that never thought I’d see the day leaving you in the background while I do my work so I have some company a I hope your work’s going well thank you I appreciate it also if yall uh are enjoying the stream I mean we’ve been

Live for a couple of minutes but if you all are enjoying the stream uh and want to give the stream a like it really really helps out on YouTube I would super super appreciate it how are you I am doing great how are you uh how are

You doing demon wolf let me go to bed real quickly and then we’re gonna we’re going to get a proper little tour started uh on this stream I don’t think I have a bed in here I don’t think I have a bed in here great great news no

Bed no bed do I have a bed anywhere okay we’re just going to we’re just going to go to sleep somewhere KD what’s going on so nice to see you hope you feel better my mom has a terrible cough tea with honey helps yeah I’ve been I’ve been doing um the

Tea I might have to make one during the stream for sure it seems like everybody’s just like it’s constant everybody is constantly sick lately it’s brutal I hope uh I hope your Mom feels better too so glad you stream my grandpa’s in the hospital with Co and me

And my mom are chilling at home with Co been bringing your vid uh been binging your vids so glad you’re streaming a taco I’m so sorry to hear that I hope uh I hope the recovery is okay I hope uh your grandpa’s doing okay as well Wheezy drift today oh absolutely

Absolutely Wheezy drift I I cannot shake this cough it’s brutal Cass what’s going on so nice to see you I want to work in darkness I don’t I don’t simple as that simple as that okay okay so chat how many of you remember this world some of you may have seen the VOD

The very first twitch VOD on my channel you may have noticed it this is the thumbnail how many of you in chat remember this how many of you I I I would just curious I I would like to know if this is like new and fresh too

Because it then then I can get into like the nitty-gritty of this world that we’ve been working on for a year I’m very excited to share it with you all today for anybody who has not um has not seen it you remember yes Jade you remember okay Jada you remember as well

Us stinkers do seev I don’t think you remember it I don’t seev you’re you’re new here I don’t think you remember it I love this little world we all help make so viy this is literally my favorite world we have my favorite world no no disrespect to the chill survival

World that’s a great world but this has a lot of really really crazy memories it’s so good azy I’m not sure I feel like I don’t think you’ve been here uh I don’t think you’ve uh you’ve seen a lot of this actually maybe maybe a couple hours at

Most maybe maybe just a few I remember and I’m new let’s go let’s go okay so this is the world this is the house that we started with started it all as you can see we’ve got an entire map of just like random builds everywhere honestly

When you put into a map it really doesn’t look like that much stuff what have I been doing this whole time I’m just kidding it’s it’s a lot of work done so this is our starter house that we started with built like a little workstation area and then over here we’ve got our

Little enchanting setup so very cute so very very magical this is is like the starter area that started it all I still love this enchanting area I think it’s super cute we don’t really use it much anymore because as you can see you reach a certain point you’ve got most of what

You need you Know I’m not on Twitch uh I was very confused when I saw all the buildings but they look amazing oh thank you so much I appreciate it yeah so this this is um all of this stuff is the stuff that was done on YouTube I would say so

This bridge we built over on YouTube streams um let’s see what else I think we also built this like Um this house for all of like the logging the log house over here this was built on YouTube as well I remember this our Farmland was done on YouTube which we’ll go over to in a second so this is basically just like our little log Mill

This is where we used to trade sticks don’t really do that anymore because we have iron trades now but this was pretty useful this was this was a pretty good build it helped us out our little village I don’t think I have anything up here though no I was going to put more

Villagers in here and then we got the iron trades and I was like there’s literally no point does it have the shovel Destroyer 9,000 it does not but it does have a power box which I will show you it has a power box where um this this dream world is

Basically powered by tootes and we have a power box that does that for us it’s pretty cool it’s pretty cool maybe you prob yeah you probably popped in a couple times couple times you need a tour I’m new yeah shroud um don’t think I’ve seen you before welcome on

In oh my gosh my my Wheezy cough enchanting area is so beautiful thank you thank you I appreciate it so this is our farming area um this area I would say is like nearly complete pretty much farming it’s it’s as Farm likee as you’re going to get you know so we’ve

Got our little Farmland with our windmill up top we’ve got our storage house which is just a nightmare this is this is going to get turned into something else this was our OG storage and once we’re done with a big project that we’re working on this is getting

Torn apart cuz this is not we we have no space for anything we do have part of a storage facility that’s done but honestly we still we still have a lot of work to do with like the smaller things the smaller items that we got to sort so

That’s going to be our next big project after we’re done another big project which you’ll see in a second this is just like a cute little Farmhouse you can see our little to-do list this is from one of the OG like YouTube Days storage room villager trading Barnes and

Stable log Mill we actually completed all of those that’s hilarious oh the log Mill I mean what log Mill there’s a log Mill I’m new here yeah you you have no idea no idea log Mill more like POG Mill let’s go let’s go sorry for being late no worries we

Are just beginning things off with a world Little World Tour of um of this base that we’ve beening working on for a while I think I am also going to do a video uh very soonish for like a proper proper World Tour of this world uh where we like get

Into the nitty-gritty of everything so that will that will come out soon so this is our little fishing Hut that we have Ruth used to live in here but we moved her because she she now is like the mayor of a town or something I don’t remember Ruth is here though Ruth is

Definitely here but this is our little fishing Hut that we’ve got right by the river super cute yeah that farm is such a farm such a farm me and Azie and S have never seen a drift stream yeah never never even heard of Minecraft until now you just randomly

Clicked on this stream conics welcome on in how you doing so nice to see you so over here in our uh Farmland area is our Greenhouse we have a lot of uh a lot of bees they are literally just the cutest things in the world um I think moon has

Been naming majority of these bees okay that one’s unnamed but we do have one named Beyblade in all caps and it is just amazing there’s bealu that’s the newest edition Beyblade I think is sleeping right now I do love this greenh house it’s super super Vibes

Super cozy this is probably one of my favorite builds in this area for sure love it love your builds are so good thank you I appreciate it what is a drift streaming can I eat it it is not not to be eaten recently started watching your videos and now seeing you live this

Looks so cute oh thank you thank you thank you and welcome on in I hope you’re having a good one didn’t know you can name the bees heck yeah you can name the bees so this is our um melon farm that we just built recently we got a

Nice little place to sleep we have a secret area here where oh God can I get down yep sh this is a secret little dj swaggy drift DJ swaggy drift let’s go so this is where I perform my swaggy drift sets um if you know you know from twitch

That’s a channel Point Redemption unfortunately we cannot do this on YouTube but we can do it in in Spirit uh these melons on this side they’re very finicky uh in order for this Farm to function properly you have to be playing Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus I it’s

Just that’s just how it works so this Farm’s pretty cool we um we did this on stream I learned how to make a bubble elevator uh courtesy of azy who else who else would have taught me that but basically these uh watermelons this was my first water or

Not watermelon well it is my first melon farm but my first bubble elevator and it was like super fun to make they obviously like go down this water stream and then shoot up and then into these chests so cool I love it super cute it’s

Like a little hidden area now I have to figure out if I can get out this is always the trouble okay oh God there we go there we go I did it I did it shh there’s nothing down there nothing down there DJ swagy drift I’m your biggest fan I’m your biggest

Fan okay listen SE listen I that was my greatest set to date on your on your uh your party boat on Castaways best set I’ve ever played the hype was there you’ve been playing Minecraft for years but I’m learning a lot of things from your vids oh that makes me so happy I’m

So glad to hear it honestly it’s so funny like I feel like I’m learning I’m still learning so much each day with this game the best part is we’re all kind of like learning together I want to make my world cute as well any tips for uh that I’m in a

Plains and Coastal Village ooh okay PLS is basically what this area is too um my thing is like I feel like you just kind of have to get started on certain areas and it just kind of develops itself you’ll kind of see when we fly through

This but like you can even see on the map just start slowly sometimes I find that the biggest Transformations come with Farmland because it’s such a huge massive transformation like adding all of this wheat and stuff it’s a big focal point you can kind of see here you know

What I mean this used to just be like a PLS area kind of similar to this this still needs some love but then you like zoom over to this bam you know what I mean I I would kind of like maybe try to focus on some Farmland at first and just

Like kind of build out designated areas that’s kind of what I I try to do can you give us a sample of DJ swaggy drift cuz we all know unfortunately unfortunately DJ swaggy drift is uh is in rest today they are resting today drop the beat drift DJ swaggy drift is

Is resting today you’ll see it on Friday on YouTube and all you do on Twitch good evening from Germany unfortunately I only have 30 minutes to watch as I have another appointment later no worries I hope your appointment goes well and thank you so much Thomas for uh

Popping on in I appreciate it hope you’re doing well okay I need to wait to sleep and then we’ll we’ll keep touring some of this area those trap doors give me serious traumatic flashbacks that took me like 40 minutes to understand how to properly crawl through those trap doors it was it was

Wild y’all ever get bacon stuck in your throat I not I don’t think I ever have with bacon but when food gets stuck yes I panic for a moment my World Is A Wasteland of Creeper blast same there’s some that we have like made into like cute little aesthetic like creeper blasts like

There’s like Char around them and stuff but other ones I just patch up eventually I I do like patch days okay okay so this is like a little Farmhouse that we built this is kind of like a more recent addition to our um lampy dampy why did we name that why did

We name that this is a more recent addition to our area so it started off with this house this is a storage house and I’ll show you all the interior soon um there’s still you can see there’s still just like a ton of stuff laying around this this world is like still

Pretty messy but we’re working on stuff you know this is my llama 7 11 I really like 7-Eleven um this is my little town where the only signs that it gives directions to are the toilets because I think that’s just very important information these are all houses that need interiors

And I kind of figured maybe that’s something that we could do on stream today is decorate Interiors of some of these homes because they’re really pretty but there’s nothing in them okay I forgot we named that llama I forgot we named that llama gosh I’m so

Sorry my cough is terrible I’m going to try to mute myself as much as I can oh my gosh Built My House close to Old growth forest and it’s so packed with trees that there’s mobs spawning non-stop I need a better spot honestly you could either move or yeah honestly either

Light It Up Get rid of some of the trees I I get that feeling though dark I find the Dark forests are very scary for that too hope Mojang re thinks some of their updates or the way we Reve them I feel like Minecraft live was really short

This year and kind of disappointing so I’m really excited about the stuff that’s happening with Minecraft with the update but I do agree where I think they went a little bit too cautious and I understand why they’re doing that because I know that there’s been like a

Lot of like flak within the community but I feel like the hype is not there as much as it has been before you know and like that’s a little bit worrisome in some ways like I feel like the stuff that they revealed was actually incredible but I feel like nobody is

Talking about it and I get why cuz I it feels like it was very very short starting to uh love these Monday morning streams they fits so perfectly with my work so I can just uh work and chill a so glad to hear it so glad to

Hear it and thank you so much for hanging out by the way hello from Sweden welcome on in Anna how are you doing using brown beds to make benches is a streak of Genius I we like literally wax fraud inspo wax fraud always does like the beds kind of like the bed benches

Took that inso from our pal waxy so this is our storage area boom boom this still needs work this hallway but this is our area that has a giant portal that goes to the roof um tropical fish because why not tropical fish are awesome this I

Think is one of my favorite rooms that we’ve built we did this when the new update came out clearly because of the bookshelves and all the pots this is pretty much just a glorified sugarcane farm that’s all it is and obviously there’s some like uh we keep our gunpowder in here as

Well so we can make rockets really easily but this area I love it super super cute we do have some Axel down here I hope they’re okay oh yeah they are they are a okay we’ve also got our beacon in here which is super helpful and then on the other side

That’s driving me nuts I have to fix that cuz I forgot to put a trap door there pretend you never saw it so here is our one of like this is the first piece to our storage overhaul basically it’s an automatic sorder um it’s been super helpful we didn’t do

Every single block in this game cuz every single thing in this game would just be a lot I think it would cause severe legs so we did the main blocks for automatic sorting and then basically what I’m going to do is I think I’m going to build another facility close by

That’s like the smaller things like wall I don’t know just random stuff so this is part one to storage solutions but this thing super cool you basically just do I have any blocks I could feed in yeah terra cotta you drop it in it goes through all of these uh

Hoppers and it Finds Its uh Spot and then where’s the Terra Cotta let’s see will we make it in time boom it feeds into each slot it took a long time to build but it was very much worth it this thing has saved my butt so much time and I think once we

Get a proper storage facility for some of like the smaller items we’re going to be a okay I’m going to have to make some more Rockets really quickly though cuz we’re probably going to have to fly around a little bit so let’s do that really quickly boom don’t need too many

A he secretly The Mastermind behind all of drift’s content literally like the the engineer in the background like pulling all the levers and stuff when did we make this so this this world has been made over the course of a year we started off on YouTube you could

Find all of the old vods in my live section uh and then we moved over to Twitch so a lot of it has been made uh over the course of the rest of the year on Twitch but I figured we’d do a little bit of Base maintenance and work on this

Place today just just for fun just to hang out hey stinkers hey uh Hey drift uh next YouTube stream there will be a Sur surprise for you drift that sounded really Sinister but it isn’t it’s me tootes wouldn’t hurt anything but your ears went on loud a tootes so nice to

See you know surprise what the what the heck what the heck what surprise well I’m very interested to see it and tootes it’s so nice to see you so so nice to see you I hope you’re doing well I’m going to get yeah I’m I’m what is what does this involve your tootes

After all I’m assuming tootes basically I never work on Mondays I’m on YouTube constantly so these work great for me don’t really watch streams but I caught drift’s lives here once and now I may need to get back on Twitch I appreciate it kinetics yeah we have we have lots of

Fun on both platforms um this this world has been on Twitch for over like not over a year for quite a long time now and there’s some shenanigans on it for sure it’s it’s a super fun time so this is an area that we built out recently

This is basically just like a little Farmland project that we did it’s still expanding uh I built like a little tree no Berry Farm over here I just figured we have a ton of planes around here we need to start kind of like filling it in with

Farmland I think it’s always nice to have like kind of like patches of that patches of farmland City like little Bridges connecting the two you know what I mean it just it just kind of felt right to put all of this here and then over this way let’s go

Across the bridge that we recently built I’m just kind of walking you all through it I will do a a proper World Tour uh video soon explaining everything but for now we’re just kind of doing like a little stroll through all this stuff and just just vibing and then we’re going to

Pick a project to work on today coming update isn’t so big it doesn’t feel as exciting as the nether update for example which was one of the best yeah I think it’s the way in which it’s being presented where it’s like I I understand why they did it because um in

The past updates they’ve had trouble with like people kind of being like Oh like you overpromise things and then didn’t deliver and blah blah blah blah blah so I do understand why theyve like limited things but at the same time like not having a theme feels very disorienting cuz you don’t really know

Exactly what you’re going to get you know I miss the stream Community I have have to go back to work unfortunately I’ll try to get on the next one have a great time a Haley I hope work goes well and thank you so much for popping in I appreciate

It but remember to join stream on Friday all the shrouds adventures are in store as well looking forward to it looking forward to it sorry if I’m cough or if I’m stopping it’s cuz I’m I’m I’m coughing real quick I’m muting okay so this is like a little

City area that we built out I mean it’s still huge work in progress this is our little blacksmith I love this build I think it’s super cute um and then up here is where we do all of our iron trades which has been so so useful I

Love the iron trades I wish I did this sooner so they all live in here super cozy super fun for them they love it I swear do you use a mod for the leaves yeah I use something called germs better leaves whoops so this is our Tavern in

In here we used to have a barkeep I don’t know what happened to him though but this is like our little Tavern area here’s some oh I think this is the dude who’s the barkeep he’s just like vibing now he’s like you know what it’s like literally no customers why would I why

Would I waste my time and I get it and then up here is a hotel for uh nobody but me because I am the only person amongst all these villagers here but but why not why not this is my little hotel area super cute cute super cozy there’s

A bell which I’m not going to ring because I think it scares the villagers and I don’t want to do that so how was your weekend my weekend was really good it was super super fun um hung up with some friends over the weekend and stuff like that and now just

Vibing just vibing got lots of rest which was good I feel like I needed some rest this weekend it’s good when World’s Last and buildup over time honestly the amount of work we’ve put into this world has been like so rewarding I love it this is our little iron farm so you can

See all of the Moss and all of the spawn proofing this took so long to get it right we kept having Iron Golems just randomly spawning outside of the iron farm and it was the most frustrating thing in the world it was so funny so

You drop down here this is where all of the Iron Golems drop there’s tons of iron in there as you can see this thing is just like almost too efficient so there they go they drop in there are you going to go down Bud there he goes there he

Goes and then in this little corner is where like they spawn because of the zombie and I like how these two are sleeping oh this one’s just panicking that’s me that’s me as a villager the other two are like can you just like go to bed dude and this one’s like I

Literally cannot sleep do you not see this zombie oh he’s finally going to to bed now honestly me me promise nothing give uh give everything that’s Mojang’s new motto yeah I understand I totally get why they’re they are doing it my only thing is like I would love to kind of like get

Like a name for like the general theme cuz I think like picturing themes in your mind kind of helps like bring excitement and stuff but I to I do understand why they’ve gone this route like I don’t I don’t fault them for it at all you know this looks awesome thank

You this update seems bigger than 120 which is wild because if you think about it 120 was pretty big like we got we got new biomes we got like um armor trims was huge there was like a lot of cool little like quality of life things I

Think that they added in the last update and I feel like this one’s even bigger this world is super cute TBH oh thank you I’m I’m very very proud of it it feels like a very like um collaborative effort so this is our little uh creeper house there’s a

Creeper in here which one is this one this one’s brg cuz we did have Greg he blew up and Bruce blew up so now we just have Breg this was probably one of the hardest builds I’ve ever had to do in my life was building a home for a creeper but it

Was the most fun thing in the world um we’ve got the little little gravestone over here bada bing bada boom Greg that’s Greg that is Greg rip Greg and then this over here this needs some massive like terraforming and stuff oh no oh no sir leave me alone thank you

Thank you this is our little villager area there’s an iron golem in here this still needs to be fixed up we could fix this up today too we’ve got a bunch of enchantments and stuff which has been super super helpful pretty much like almost done with that and then in the

Final area over here we do have some stuff outside of this area but like in some of the final areas over here this is like one of the cities that we were working on I was kind of thinking about starting to decorate some of these today

Actually this was kind of on my mind because we built out this like cute little city front and none of them are decorated on the inside yet I would love to get some decorations into them today I love I love this little town see some of these need to be decorated too we

Could work on some of those as well kind of make them match them to this a little bit just give them a little bit more decoration this one’s going to be Ruth’s house she’s already in here she’s just staring at a wall I don’t know what her

Deal is but we’re just going to leave her alone for now and then you can see all of these are really empty so I figured maybe we could decorate this today fix up the Villager house pretty much the world is our oyster today chat the last thing I wanted to show you that

We’re working on right now is this creeper Tower we’re going to leave this for twitch on Friday cuz we started it on Twitch and I don’t want to like bounce around too much and have people Miss content so we’re going to leave this for now but this one has been super

Fun this has been this was a creeper tower that we built a long time ago never did anything with like basically it was just the base right here like it was just this thing and then on Friday we added all of this stuff in and it looks pretty cool so it’s

Basically just turning into one giant like ominous castle and I’m totally here for it totally totally here for it I think it looks super cool so we’re probably going to be working on that on Friday just to keep it consistent how long do you plan to stream today 3 to 4

Hours again I would say about 3 to 4 hours 3 to four hours when are we going to get more Castaways content it’s the cutest series a Quinn I appreciate it so um we all oh my gosh I’m so sad about it we all recorded the last episode uh yesterday

So we’re all giving ourselves a little bit of time to finish up our last episodes and it should be out I would say by like the end of this week I’m pretty sure we’re doing releases um that was that was like really fun but also

Like really hard to record in a way we were all very very emotional about it cuz we had so so much fun recording Castaways content so keep an eye out for that that series is uh coming to a close and yeah it’s it was it’s been

Such a wild ride with that series it’s been so fun I wanted to get one more video out before the finale but unfortunately I was not able to cuz of my all of the all of the chaos after my trip my life has just been so chaotic

That I I missed out on a couple of uploads but hey the the last episode I had have most of it recorded and I I’m super happy with it so happy with it oh my gosh Moon thank you so much for the five can I get some big big big

Swags in chat for Moon thank you so much I really appreciate that unfortunately my coworker has jury duty today and I have to work all day oh no that sounds like it’s going to be a long shift for you thank you so much Moon I appreciate

It and I hope that long shift goes well I hope it I hope it passes by quickly so nice to see you though so nice to see you regardless I hope hope you’re doing well why don’t you multistream both on YouTube and twitch at the same time

Honestly I thought about it and I I personally do not think I can handle it in terms of like managing two chats I think I would be all over the place I think it would be too much for me I did think about it for a bit I was

Like maybe I should try it and then I was like you know what I feel like for me it would be such a nightmare trying to manage two two chats it’s it ain’t even worth it ain’t even worth it cway was incredible oh my gosh I’m so

Glad you all liked it I’m so so glad the last one you saw was the Farmland yeah the last one I did was the Farmland project project uh which was like really fun it was a good one it was a good one but it will be ending soon

And I’m I’m very very sad about it everybody did such a great job with their Islands everybody like we all had such a blast it’s wild to see the progression in that series of everybody’s Islands I think red put together like a map and stuff and it

Looks so cool so cool I was loving the series so sad it will be over yeah I you know what we were talking about it and we were like it’s one of those things where I think what made it so special was that it was a shorter

Series and like basically it kind of like forced us all in a way to like really put like a lot of effort into it and stuff so it is one of those things where like we’re sad it’s like over so soon but at the same time I think it was

Like a good thing because we all like really grinded to get like a bunch of episodes and keep it like keep it going as much as we could within the months that we had and I think we all got like a lot out of it you know and also not to

Say that something like that won’t happen again you know that’s always the best part about like smps and stuff is you people and like it doesn’t mean it’s like the only chance for collaboration it just means it’s like probably just like the beginning you know pretty much just the beginning for

Other things to come okay I’m going to start we are just going to get into this by just starting to build out some of these houses I have like I need to cover that up I need Blackstone really bad I don’t know if I have any

Though 7 to S oh my gosh Moon that’s brutal absolutely brutal I hope it goes fast for you are you not already all over the place exactly shroud exactly so adding adding another thing to the mix I feel like would just be bad for all of us you

Know you have to go cook food spaghetti uh oh wait no spag spag Bowl what’s that what is is that I’ve never heard of that but chicken parm I have I thought you said spaghetti bowl and I was like oh spaghetti sound whatever it is it sounds

Good though tootes and I know I feel like you’re a great cook you’re always cooking up something good so I guaranteed it’s good regardless though I hope you enjoy your dinner and thank you so much for popping in I appreciate it okay we’re going to need some

Iron mom multi streaming can end up spreading the audience thin uh too so views on both platforms suffer yeah exactly my thing is like also when I stream like I want to give my all to like like the chat that I that I’m already like with I feel like kind of

Like bouncing between two and having like different flows of conversation going would just be a little bit much for me you know I kind of agree with that azy I think there is like a time and place for it but I think for like the types of streams that we do it would

Be like very difficult very like jarring to keep up with for sure what’s next for me in terms of content and stuff so um I think in terms of content I’d like to get back into doing some 100 days stuff me and blown were talking about that definitely going

To keep going with like commentary long plays uh single player world all of that stuff but I think yeah mostly we’re going to try to um we’re going to try to kick off some like other 100 days content and stuff like that I think that would be really

Fun so basically like multiplayer like multiplayer content but like more oneoff in Solo and then like really go hard on some of our solo projects as well for sure cuz I haven’t even been able to go into my chill survival world in a while like I haven’t been able to make a video

So it’ be nice to be able to to get back on track with all of that stuff I just need to make a bed really quickly for this area and probably some more chests honestly IIs what’s going on so nice to see you how you doing some people only upload like one

Or two videos of Castaways yeah some people have like different basically like different schedules and stuff that’s kind of like the beauty of smps though is like some people are able to post more some people do like it’s it’s pretty much just like at your own pace

And like pretty much like with creators everybody has something different to offer too you know what I mean I think that’s kind of like the expectation with s smps is like pretty much just like do whatever you can and like that that’s pretty much just it you

Know no worries if people are posting more posting less everybody definitely has their own pacing for sure okay I’m going to add some chests here just for like random stuff so deep slate we’re going to have to make like a bunch of spruce stairs I don’t know if I have any

Spruce I think I do I would love if you made your modded biome long plays with commentary into a series o wait wait wait like the um like the fall one and stuff cuz the fall one is a minseries now I was planning on continuing the co y Long play world with commentary

Instead um but I could do more modded long plays I would be down for that like another longplay series of some sort the fall one is probably going to wrap up soon cuz of course like in terms of seasonality follows at a close so I

Think I’m going to wrap that up uh very soon within like a couple episodes but then after that I don’t even I wouldn’t even mind doing like another type of like series of some sort I’m going to bring this bed over here actually exciting to hear more SMP uh vid

Potential oh absolutely absolutely creating content with the homies is always like the most fun always the most fun love this Harbor Town makes me think of the old uh old H cities in gery for contacts the hands was a guild of multiple cities to control the sea sea

Trade oo that’s interesting I have to look that up it’s funny when I was like making these I was kind of thinking about loose inspiration was like Amsterdam that was the loose inspiration when we uh made this area need some slabesc orate all of these kind of like

Thematically if that makes sense so obviously this one will be like um whatch call it this one will be more so like a little witch witches Brewing Hut type thing potions perhaps oh it’s spaghetti bolognese oh I see thank you azy thank you I’ve never I’ve never heard that shortened form before

Interesting 100 days better Minecraft we already did a 100 days better Minecraft me and block down did with Duos it was super fun so there is one on the channel if you want to if you want to check that out it was a really really fun time this is a very small

House that’s okay though that is a okay there we go going to need some trap doors too do something wild for me to like this stream okay watch this this next trip trick I’m going to perform is highly dangerous I I’m going to jump into the water with my sweater

On it is going to get soaked and it will be uncomfortable and I will do it with no armor ready 1 2 3 oh my gosh freezing I’m going to be freezing now this is a cotton sweater it’s going to take forever ever to Dry Alex welcome on in how you doing preparing dinner right now pizza’s in the oven nice nice there’s nothing better than eating dinner or lunch while watching a stream oh heck yeah so happy I’m keeping you company while you’re eating dinner I hope uh I hope it is

Tasty I think any of your long play worlds with commentary would be awesome as a series it’d be fun to see the world build up oh heck yeah yeah the plan is definitely definitely to keep um the commentary long plays going I’m so happy you all enjoy those I was a little bit

Worried trying them out with commentary I was like I don’t know if like this is like the vibe that people want but turns out y’all are like really really into them and it I I really enjoy making them so I appreciate it really appreciate it

Okay I’m going to go make some I need some paper I’m going to make some bookshelves what a daredevil I know that was that was a little bit bit wild wasn’t it really was it’s called the H htic League okay I’ll definitely have to look that up I’m

Always looking for um inspiration for coastal towns cuz I’m trying to build like more cities like that recently and definitely the IRL reference photos totally help with that what was I doing oh yeah I need paper paper I know I’m going to ruin the sweater it’s all it’s

All like bunched up now it’s stretching I’m going to have to dry it out properly soggy sweater nobody wants it you know nobody wants that but hey what can I say I’m a daredevil you liked the stream twice for that one heck yeah also chat if you are

Enjoying the stream and want to toss it a like it really really helps out the streams I would really appreciate it have you seen the back to Beta community no I have not what is that yep and socks socks and shoes I jumped in water with wild right absolutely

Wild actually wait can I just make I’m being silly can I trade am I able to just trade emeralds for bookshelves with my villagers I don’t even remember I think I might be able to too late now I only need a couple it’s fine it’s fine it is fine in before the algae

Growth totally totally all right let’s make like a little bookshelf wall here why not books are great that’ll like block it off kind of maybe do like one popped out and then we could like hang a little Lantern here just going to keep this area like relatively simple I would say boom

Boom and then we’re going to need some like cauldrons and stuff cuz this is like a little potion brewing area so we’ll do like a bunch of cauldrons on the bottom need the books for some like potion recipes you know all that stuff probably a potion brewing table would be

Nice where could we fit this in probably one here this this space is way smaller than I realized that’s okay though can have two here KD thank you so much for the 10 oh my gosh can I get some big big swags in chat for Katie thank you so so much I

Really appreciate that Chad you know what to do throw down all those big swags loving the stream a thank you thank you I’m I’m very very happy to kind of like be sharing this world with you all today on YouTube it’s been a hot minute since we’ve been here and also at

The end of the day can’t forget that this world actually did start on YouTube so it’s nice to kind of like bring it back every once in a while I feel feels very special love long plays with commentary yeah yeah so glad you all do I I really like

Making them hold on a second I got to close my curtain the light is very bright out today are long place with commentary the new meta I don’t know if they’re a meta but I feel like they are gaining popularity which is really nice um it’s nice to see a lot of people

Doing them honestly cuz I I think they’re I personally think they’re super fun I like watching stuff with commentary I find that like if I’m kind of like doing chores and stuff I I usually stti I usually pop on streams so it is nice to have them love watching your videos it’s so

Relaxing a I’m glad to hear so so glad to hear thank you so much I appreciate it I’m going to grab all this Spruce some of this dark oak why not maybe a little bit more why not what’s Abe pack I have not heard of this there’s so many things that I’ve

Yet to hear about okay so the Librarians do trade the bookshelves all right good to know I don’t need to waste all of my stuff on that okay let’s make some barrels of course you got to have Barrels in a build it’s storage come on come on got some

Barrels can have some like storage up in here something like that we do need like a little light in here as well H the tricky part about this build is it’s literally so tiny I don’t mind having like an open window with a lantern there I think that’s kind of

Cute you added Herobrine to your world that’s scary does he like chase you and stuff like what’s up with that do you ever do face cam I do face cam on Twitch twitch we do FaceCam Iris welcome on in how you doing nice to see you and the way the long plays with

Commentary help me figure out uh new ways to play myself I love that see that’s that’s another thing that I found with like the um what I enjoy about the long plays with commentary is like sometimes there’s like things that I do in a longplay with no commentary and I’m like

I feel as though I should be explaining myself here like sometimes I feel like things require explanation and to not be able to say anything and like just like kind of rely on like using I don’t even know just using your little Minecraft skin to kind of like show things it’s

Very interesting I would say very very interesting but I I definitely find it’s a lot more helpful for me anyway to talk and kind of like go through my thought process and stuff okay what do we need so I do need to burn some of this clay because we need some

Pots for like if we’re doing like a little potion Hut we need pots so we can put flowers and stuff in it for the potions we do need a brewing stand which if I don’t have any blaze rods we might have to go into the nether really

Quickly Castle gives me such Lord of the Rings Vibes oh my God I’m so glad you said that when we first built it we were like this literally looks like Mordor and the funniest part about like the fact that it’s just sitting there first of all we had no

Idea that like this creeper Tower was just going to like get so like as big as it did we kind of built it up and I was like this is too big and everyone was like no it’s fine it’s fine and now I’m just like kind of picturing like Farmers minding their own

Business like farming the fields over in this area and looking over and seeing this monstrosity like it’s terrifying and it’s also hilarious like this like monstrous base next to a cottage core Farmland it’s just too funny it’s so funny is the a pack like up dog that’s what I was wondering

Azy we talked oh F the FTB oh I see I see FTV wait why do you call it abee then the long plays have inspired you so much oh I’m so glad honestly I love long plays because like I find that I’m someone who takes their time with

Minecraft like I definitely build very slow and I I like the just like I love early game I love just like the slow process of just like building something up and I’m I’m glad you all are like here for it they’re pretty much similar to streams I would say just without like

The direct one on one interaction uh what is it brewing stand Cobble perfect Cobble is probably in my other storage definitely Zion so nice to see you how you doing happy Monday miss the start no worries Lisa so nice to see you as well I hope you’re

Doing well hope you had a good weekend uh oh wow we have a what I’m already almost onto my third chest that’s wild I can’t believe I have so much brewing stand maybe let’s Make let’s make a couple more just in case Whoops do they stack oh they do bless I hate I hate when like random items don’t stack in this game like why huh the creeper toe torture Tower yes the poor little creeper toes crisping up I’m glad you remember that it’s come a long way in like the the one day that we

Made changes to it what uh texture pack to use to get the bushy leaves is called germs better leaves resource pack it is the best one absolutely the best one love your fall uh fall long plays oh I’m glad I’m glad red was definitely the big inspiration for that one she kicked off

Like the fall Vibes and like it’s it’s just been like super super fun feel like this area needs like paintings and stuff and maybe some like carpet or something you know okay let’s go get some wool it’s refreshing to watch someone taking their time I’m glad I’m glad it’s

Yeah it’s so funny like I do have my chill Survival series but even that like a normal Survival series is still so different like it’s still edited you know so it is nice to have something that’s like pretty much purely vanilla gameplay I would say like even I really

Enjoy making them as well and I just like talking to you about random things while we build stuff it’s it’s a great time on FTV one of the mod packs is called Abe pack did do you even Minecraft mod honestly honestly barely I’m barely holding it together with mods I’m such a

Noob with that stuff what does that mod pack even do what does it do okay we got that we’re going to need like a ton of flower pots and stuff next so I need a little bit of spruce I’m going to make some paintings and stuff too we do have a ton

Of leather we could make some like item frames as well is it sticks yeah it sticks for paintings definitely try to tune in on Twitch on Friday what time do you go live I go live at uh 12:00 p.m. EST on Fridays uh on Twitch so around the same

Time that we do for these uh live streams love your lives it’s so cozy I’m learning English and I feel happy when I can under uh understand uh everything Annie thank you so much I really appreciate it heck yeah that’s awesome also welcome on in I hope you’re having a great day

Just going to add in some random random paintings as well boom little painting wall theer what’s going on so nice to see you Age of Empires reference I think I started that game like once back in like college and never like didn’t continue it and I kind

Of regret it cuz I I was like I was having fun with it it was was like one of the really old school ones too finally we’re getting these things decorated today they may be small decorations but I think it’s going to look so much better being able to like

Actually walk into these areas my one thing is like building up houses I I have to decorate the insides they they even if it’s minimal we’ve got to get some decorations in on there play on Xbox so no mod packs I I hope some mod packs and stuff like make their way onto

The Xbox for you all hopefully one day you know should make try to make a medieval castle with copper roofs and Blackstone walls ooh that would be pretty cool we’re definitely in the process of learning um learning how to make castles as you can see with the creeper

Tower that I showed you all like that’s kind of like the new new thing that we’re trying to learn for sure must go now no worries Thomas thank you so much for popping in I appreciate it and I hope uh hope you have a good one H we should do like

H oh yeah the one the trick with the gates I always I I’ve seen these before I think I did them in one of our other builds if you make like a I’ll show you all it’s using a spruce gate and some car carpet it’s like a really cool style of

Shelf I think I saw it on Instagram like a long time a a long time ago so you do this the painting of block down love that one oh gosh I never get told I’m sorry my cough it is so persistent okay so you get these Gates

Right swing open like that these aren’t like real shelves but they look so cool I love that yes very much yes then we can do like a couple flower pots there I think we’ve got enough Lighting in this space honestly I would put something here actually maybe we can we might be able

To M like a little flower pot there as well well I think that’s kind of cool I’m just glad we uh we could do fancy leaves to find chunk borders wait what huh how do you do that my work is such chaos all day every

Day so nice to uh chill out here with you all AER I’m glad I’m glad this is a chill spot for you so glad it’s a chill spot for you hope work is going uh well despite the chaos though building right now with Mao’s resource pack and whichever whenever I watch

Drift I go back to venilla terrified it’ll look like a mess mizunos is so different froggy does uh well her series is in mizunos and like I feel like in a way you’re almost relearning the game with Munos it’s wild every block looks so so different but it’s so pretty I

Would love to give it a shot one day I’m a little bit intimidated by it because it’s so different but I feel like it’d be a really fun challenge to try and build a house in mizunos so happy when I got got on and saw you were streaming I needed this

Little bit of happiness today I’m so glad thank you so much for popping in happy to have you here I hope you’re doing well okay we’re just going to grab like a bunch of random flowers for our area because we’re probably going to need quite a few am I running out of

Flowers what is this what the should make a medieval world and start building some of the medieval buildings near me the city I live in has a whole castle multiple even ooh living around great inspiration great inspiration honestly one I was thinking about like doing a

Video one day using like Toronto as um a form of inspiration for my builds I feel like we have very interesting architecture in uh certain spots of the city I think it would be like really cool to do that okay let’s pop this here this here

You know what this needs is it a magical build without glowberries like honestly maybe like a couple chains or something too we need like chains hanging from the ceiling right now it’s a little bit too it needs a just needs like a little bit of roughness you know

Just a little bit so we’re going to have to get some glowberries which I’m sure we have a lot of around here if I remember lately uh I’ll send you the list of what mods are in the a pack yes please I would I would like to

Know I’m very curious why is it called Abe okay glowberries do we see any I see nothing oh amethyst look at that look at all these little Treasures in here I’m not trying to justify my messy storage or anything not me I would never I think seev uses Munos and the

Villagers looks so wild yeah I think seev uses like I don’t know if like she fully uses Munos but she uses like some type of mod that does change the villagers you’re so right they’re like they’re lowkey kind of terrifying I’m not going to lie in some of her videos

I’m like what the heck there we go and then probably Shear where where would this go where would this be good oh didn’t mean to do that maybe instead of like a pot here we do like a little amethyst Crystal cute very cute okay I think like that’s

That’s fair that’s fair enough I’m going to let those glowberries grow a little bit more though and then we’ll be good with that oh my gosh Lisa with the five thank you so so much I really really appreciate it chat you know what to do

You know what to do throw down all of those big big swags thank you so so much I really appreciate it speaking of magic would love to see a series with you ladies with a magic twist think that could be so fun to watch get out of mine

And Brook’s DMS right now get out of mine in Brooks GMS it’s funny we have we have uh started brainstorming some stuff and it’s very interesting that you say that that’s all I’m going to say I love that I feel like we’re all kind of on

The same plane or like we all have the same mind you know magic would be really fun we did we did like decorational modded for Castaways I think was like a really good entryway into modding for a lot of us cuz honestly like even for me I hadn’t

Really used modded that much it just here and there you know just here and there so now that I’m a lot more comfortable with some of the mods that we’ve um we’ve learned I feel like a lot better going into other series if that makes sense so this is the rat Palace

This is Ruth’s house I think I might I don’t know what I’m going to do with the rat Palace we could I think I might leave that one for like last or for another stream cuz this one we got we got to make sure it’s a

Good one you know got to make sure it’s a good one next up is this one I think Mao’s villagers are kind of cute I think their like clothing is cute they all wear like plaid and stuff but their eyes are kind of soulless and terrifying you know the actual Munos

Ones are cute animals uh I wanted those but they didn’t exist as standal Lo mod oh I see I see don’t aren’t the creepers different too on M knows are they like more Mossy or something if you need a wise old granny to help Point ways for certain things

Let me know oh absolutely I appreciate it Lisa I appreciate it you could help with the magic stuff you practice witchcraft ooh I love how I love how we’re all on the same page love how we’re all on the same page okay chat what does this house

Look like to you all so we’ve got rat pal rat Palace which is Ruth’s house there’s that place is going to be it’s going to be stinky as heck stinky as heck we’ve got this little small guy this looks like it could just be like a classic house I don’t even know

If it like would have a storefront or anything this looks like a like a botanist shop you know what I mean I feel like this is going to be a shop for sure this could technically be a shop on the bottom I was going to say bookstore

Maybe but it it might be a little bit too small for that yeah that’s like a that’s that’s only three wide I mean it could just like have a huge stack of bookshelves going up you know but I feel like that would be a little bit awkward I feel like it’s more

Suited for a house this one could be a Bookshop though or like a little mini cafe or something feel yeah I feel like that one maybe for the when we go like house pretty much this looks more like a house to me so let’s get I’m going to need to get some more

Spruce honestly maybe dark oak floors for this one keep it keep it real classy you know real classy Barber Shop ooh a barber shop I like that idea okay how would I make a how would one make a barber shop you know what maybe I’m going to do staircase

Going down actually I feel like that makes more sense for this one you have a question salt man okay yeah we could do like a little shop here uh if we’re going to do barber shop I feel like it needs to have like kind of

Cool flooring I do have an idea for it though like checkered top of the hour have a quick stretch yeah chat stretch and hydrate for sure we’re an hour in the Stream we got a couple more hours to go what happened to xlife so so I do

Plan on um making some X life videos I have just been extremely extremely backed up and very busy um ever since I got back from my trip so I’ve fallen a little bit behind on videos the last video I posted was actually one I recorded before I went on vacation so

Things have been wrapping up with some other series and stuff which is uh kind of been my focus but we we will definitely get back to some X life checkered checkered oh hello back of the wall mirror desk then the chair then uh waiting in the front

Uh picks picks up the wall uh to give ideas okay so if we were to do a mirror how would we do a mirror in Minecraft how would one make a mirror cuz that’s really that would be really cool I need my stone cutter before I do anything

Guess you should get out of bed oh that feeling getting out of bed is sometimes the hardest thing in the world especially if it’s like really cold and you’re just like I do I don’t want to move I’m so warm right now it’s a banner pattern that looks

Like a mirror I’ve got to be honest I’ve never properly learned how to use Banner patterns before I need to learn how to use them I was wondering if like almost doing like glass wall would work you know it would take up some space but I feel like it could

Work okay let’s start tearing this apart and we can just do like a checker oops not like that there we go perfect we just need a little stair right there what color is this one this one’s this one’s going to be Granite so let’s do a granite stair

Can I use these yes I can perfect Banner pattern let’s check this out does it require me do I have to like load it into something let’s see I’ve never used one let me read these instructions real quickly chat oh my gosh this is exactly what we’re looking for how does one do

This so do I make a light gray banner and then just light gray Bend blue base that is so cool I feel like we could do this crafting oh it just like it tells you how to make it I see okay I I can do this I can do this

Absolutely okay hold on a second we got this I I didn’t know that this is how you went about making banners I’ve got to be honest I gu just sounded like Cassie and I felt so panicked looking through the comments to see who told me to get out

Of bed chat’s just like get out of bed Now okay I wanted to watch this world from the start is it on Twitch so unfortunately hold on Let Me Clear My Throat oh my gosh my cough is really getting to me today so unfortunately twitch doesn’t store the VOD so we’ve lost like a lot of like recorded

Progress in this world but the very very beginning of it up until like I would say some of the farmland and stuff is up on YouTube and I think what I’m going to do is um um get a world tour for you all as well yeah it’s it’s such a traged

Tragedy that like a lot of this has not been stored it’s really unfortunate okay so if I wanted to do okay light gray do I have light gray wool I don’t remember if I ever made that or not let’s see oh I did look at

That and then I just need white dye blue dye and then black dye oh easy okay easy peasy this thing looks so cool too now I can actually use like a bunch of the Looms that I’ve built and never used for anything but decoration look at that don’t worries shroud we’ll see you

Later I hope you have a good day okay blue I need white dye first of all boom white dye we do need some squid oh perfect we can make some black dye and then I need blue what do we make the blue with I did have orchids I think that would make blue

Right pretty sure I have an extra Loom here which would be very helpful World download so I definitely want to get a world download for this world definitely that will that will be happening absolutely um I’m going to be kind of trying to work on uh some stuff like

That very very soon once I get back on track with my video schedule I have like a whole list of stuff that needs to be done and that is on the list cornflour or lapis okay perfect got some lapis over here absolutely so this is blue we need light

Blue I’m assuming if I just mix boom perfect amazing learn something new every day there’s so many different types of dyes in Minecraft it is unbelievable it’s almost overwhelming honestly can I go right into the building no I didn’t okay so we’re going to try to

Make this banner I think first what I have to do is craft this one and then what I do is we put this here this is very helpful like this stepbystep guide and then we have to find white Bend Sinister this is it and then we feed

This one through with the blue dye and then we choose light blue base gradient except the lower one yeah and then after that we do a white gradient so just this one and then I think finally last but not least we do a border on it which is

This and we’ve got ourselves a mirror thank you azy that is that looks fantastic oh my God it’s so cute what oh I love that that is adorable oh that is so good good I feel like we should do like at least like two chairs here or where would they yeah two chairs

Here I could do like a little register thing in this corner maybe that is really funny that is so cool thank you azy can everybody just just type in a big old GG’s in chat GG’s for azy that that’s fantastic I was going to say I’ll put

Rug on the floor I don’t think putting a rug on a barber shop floor is a Vibe with all of the hair getting stuck in there that’s nasty what is wrong with me why would I even why would I even think about that okay let me close close that really

Quickly we’ll fill that in I’ll probably put like a bedroom or something up top that one I was kind of thinking like maybe what we can do is do like a little staircase going up towards the back or something like a little fire escape entrance so here we can get like a

Little chair H we need like a barber chair what would be a good Barber chair I feel like H maybe like a slab of this with like a backing of some sort like like dark oak or something you know I feel like we could have

Two and then we need like a dark oak or Mangrove Mangrove would be kind of sick I know we’ve got some over here I always love figuring out little stuff like this we did this with the Cat Cafe I’ll show you all really quickly uh what the old

Cat Ye Old Cat Cafe looked like so this is one that we built I really love this design with like the little espresso machine and stuff it’s always fun trying to figure out how to make like really random objects out of uh blocks super fun cat tree couches all of that stuff super

Super cool your bearded dragon fell asleep on your arm a first time catching uh live I love your videos hope you’re having a nice day on Luna thank you so much I appreciate it hope you’re having a lovely day as well okay we need Mangrove oh no do I

Don’t have any more a chat this is a tragedy this is a tragedy okay fine if I must if I must chop down a mangrove tree I will I will put the banner one block higher a slab under as a counter oh and a stair as a chair okay

Got it got it that is a great idea great idea yes yes will do okay I’m only going to grab a little bit of this because I’m just like listen chopping down mangrove trees is just pure pain at this point I do not like it it sucks because it’s genuinely such

A great block I just hate hate chopping these trees down more than anything we’ll get the rest later okay let’s do that with the um the counter idea I really like that just going to toss that in here same with some of these Mangrove leaves I’m not not going to keep those all

Right so let’s put these dyes away I might make actually no we got did we get the second banner up no we didn’t that’s okay though so get rid of these put this up one more one Higher oops one Higher counter underneath I’m almost wondering if like what this oops

Uhoh I feel like a slab no it’s it’s got to be a counter like that I think that looks better we could also put something on top of it like that looks like some type of hair styling equipment you know and then I think you’re so right where we could just

Do a barber chair that’s like a stair I’m kind of picturing the diorite to be honest something like that and then I think maybe what I could do is mangrove signs on the side actually no they’re not going to fit because of the one block Gap we could do we could see what

It looks like with like a trapo on the back though if you have a gray Banner you can just duplicate it without having to make it again wait what you can how do you do that I do have a gray Banner that I can make hold on a

Second is the recipe like kind of Saved okay I’m going to put this wood away actually in here and then gray Banner let’s make a couple one more boom so gray Banner I’ll go with the fence post under carpet with color matching trap doors with slabs surrounding the chair ooh that’s a

Good one that’s a good let’s try that too let’s try that as well that’s a good one C pickle yes ay SE pickle for sure too shears in an item frame wait what you can do that wait do I put shears oh shears in an item frame for like the

Um yes yes yes I see what you mean for the countertop that’s a great idea that’s a great idea as well so we said c pickle and shears in an item frame oh I have to use the original banner I see I see okay let’s te this down really quickly Do I put it in the Loom or can I like do it in the crafting table oh cool I didn’t know you could do that that’s so easy I’m learning to use a loom today okay so I want to I want to try the stair and carpet

Thing as well to see if it it might sit a bit high but it might also not if not we’ll stick with the um the stair method but that makes it so much easier oh my gosh I must have some fence post laying around hold on a

Second can you call me drifty absolutely absolutely you can nether brick no we’re not going to use that dark o could work oh I had that already haha heha you can also have a cauldron for the hair wash station that is hilarious I love that why are you all so creative

This is the funniest thing in the world all right let’s give these a shot also what I’m thinking is like end rods for the lighting so they’re like fluorescent you know definitely they are going to attach to the wall I think they’re going to rest a little bit too high

Too maybe with the with these though effector you mentioned one block back I think you’re right one block back do we have room for a hair washing station we do right here kind of let’s try that yeah I think en rods are definitely the way to go what was I going to do

Cauldron cauldron check water check love it when we build together me too it’s so fun it like it’s just always like the most random things too it’s so funny I feel like that’s when we’re just like the most creative you know I might do a second cauldron

Here why do you stre on two different platforms so we did move over to Twitch honestly just cuzz um like twitch definitely is like a very like it feels very different in some ways and it feels like there are like certain things that we can do on Twitch that like it’s a

Little bit more limited on YouTube um I love both platforms for like different reasons and stuff so that’s kind of why we moved streams over to there was just like it just kind of felt right for the community and stuff um but yeah it is kind of nice to have like two platforms

To work on to switch things up I kind I kind of like it it feels like the content’s very different on both and yeah oh you know what I should have grabbed the water from there I want to have like a spout thing if we’re going to do that that

Doesn’t make sense being next to a front door though I feel like what I could do though is I could do something maybe have it h it’s the spout that’s getting me you know because I really want to spout there this this window why is this architecture getting me

H I could put it here but it feels kind of awkward like as soon as you walk in like somebody’s getting their head washed like right here you know like that’s just so Random like hey what’s up just so awkward cuz I feel like ideally it’d be

Great right here it’s just we can’t really fit a seat there you know let’s try this I feel like having it behind the chair makes the most sense like that kind of but I still think think this is the best method it’s just you know what a spout

On the side might work I think I’m just being really picky I think I’m just being really really picky here let’s try this hair washing station good to go yeah trip wire hook iron a stick and a plank what am I missing I am missing a

Plank of all things well we can fix that never made a barber shop before but now I kind of want to isn’t it fun to make like really random stuff in Minecraft like I would have never thought to do this either TBH it’s really

Funny got to get going on for a bit to start my day but I’ll try to be back before the end no worries kinetics thank you so much for hanging out I uh hope getting ready goes well for you there we go I think that’s good why is this architecture getting me also

Drift is the architect literally my own architecture coming back to bite me who would have thought yeah I kind of thought the seats could also tip back but I’m like I kind of wanted the hair washing station you know I think that’s a good compromise though having it like this I think

That’s good I just need like end rods and like all of the shears and the Sea pickles and stuff now I don’t know if we have any end rods so how do you make those do you make it from like the popcorn from the the

End fence post with a trip wire hook on it so it kind of like hangs over it cuz that’s a good idea if you make a red and white stripe Banner you can hang it off The Cauldron so it looks like a towel ooh yeah that

Too that too there we go we’re we’re we are learning banners today that is the theme the theme today is banners what was I looking for again oh yeah and rods chat okay so I do have chorus fruit so I can make end rods I believe and blaze rods no I just used

It oh wait no I have a bunch here oh thank God okay oops not e I can’t change e oh there we go okay we got so many we got so many just a little bit of popcorn combine it with some blaze rods and we’re good to go all

Right let’s see how these look oh man okay I don’t know what to do about the middle part here maybe I could like connect them somehow cuz either way if I do that I kind of want them on their sides I feel like actually you know what

Hanging them like that doesn’t look bad either I think that’s kind of cool too then I could have one like above the hair washing station maybe or we could just do like Corners again something like that there’s a vanilla tweaks for en rods really yo vanilla tweaks say come

In clutch I use it I use a lot of their uh a lot of their packs now they’re really good what did we say we’re going to do here again we’re going to try like what if we did oh it’s going to say fence gate but what if we did try the the

Fence yeah I think the corners are good too I think that’s that’s cool it’s a little bit too big I think I think that’s okay having it attached to the wall now all we really need to do is just like add in some details like shelving I mean I would say

That a barber shop has like they always have tons of plants every barber shop or like hair salon I go to Just Plant City you know absolutely full of them so the next thing that I’m going to want is a ton of leather we’re going to make some item

Frames and I need sea pickles too Serena welcome on in how you doing you’re also playing Minecraft right now nice what is your project for today in Minecraft wee okay so we’re going to make I’m just going to make a ton of item frames I think I’m going to try to save this

Spruce we should probably burn through some other type of wood that we have I think we are eventually going to have we might have to make a spruce uh run really quickly though wee let’s see what our storage has for us in the meantime so okay we got some

Birch helpful oh yeah we’re good we’re good for sticks there we go there we go I’m lovely not a huge place to plant a huge sugar cane Farm I don’t even need it I just wanted to do something different I’ve been building a town I

Was Bor oh I feel that you can totally see with all of my uh half-done projects here I do the exact same thing where you’re like you know what I need a change of pace my thing is I usually have like at least three projects going

At once so I can cycle through them otherwise it’s like I find that getting stuck on one thing for too long sometimes is just like a little bit draining for me you know I like to switch it up a lot so that’s kind of what like our Vibe is today we are

Working on a project that we started a couple months ago this was closer to the summertime I would say and just been like chipping away at it it’s been super fun though but I kind of needed a break from it like a while back I was like I

Don’t know if I want to do some Interior right now and now I’m like I am ready to go I’m ready to rock let’s put these shears in here since they’re old that is hilarious the shears is the funniest thing in the world and a sea pickle I think I have sea pickles

Um over in my pond I can bone wheel them I believe didn’t read your servers rules uh and I started adding the creative Builders and telling them if you want to join my S&P someone reported me yeah we don’t allow promotion um in our in our

Discord but I can take a look at uh I can take a look at your username and uh get you unbanned if you want to share it with me for sure uh where was I going oh yeah sea pickles sea pickles think I’m going to expand my

Villagers in my base and build some more houses I’ve been bored but not ready to start a new world yet yes exactly sometimes it’s like it’s not that you need to start a new world it it’s exactly that you just need some like time away from like some of the things

That you’re working on you know how do I grow sea pickles again it’s on Coral right or H I don’t remember how I did this uh-oh no worries snowflake I’ll look into that for sure asked me on Coral okay I think I have some live Coral somewhere I’m pretty sure okay okay let’s

See also chat if you are enjoying the stream drop it a like if uh if you are enjoying it cuz it really really helps out uh streams on YouTube for sure Coral coral Coral oh no I don’t know if I have any no do I have to go to the warm biome

Just for one sea pickle I’m stuck on the sea pickle now chat I’m very much stuck on it so like I just don’t know you know just don’t know you also have multiple projects going on yeah I I feel like I don’t know my attention span is like wild so it I

Find that just like the best way to keep me like invested in a world flower box there was Coral in it was there oh flower box Coral oh here but it’s a little pieces can I grow it on top of these little pieces or does it have to be like the blocks

I thought I had some Coral blocks somewhere too H cuz there’s the fans my project is a cottage Corp um Autumn pack oh wait with some texture packs he took inspo from you guys oh my gosh sorry my my my throat right now even in been taking inso from you

Guys uh series you’ve been uh that you’ve been doing in red oh that makes me so happy I’m so glad heck yeah no that fall the fall Long play series I took Mega inspo from Red she kicked that whole thing off and it’s been so so fun H I thought I

Had there’s got to be like some Coral hanging around in here you know how’ I get all of these sea pickles before this is is this is strange what about like in here none just the fans what what’s wrong with me you know what I’m going to do you

Know what I’m going to do I’m going to take a CA pickle I’m going to take a c pickle you did not see anything chat you saw nothing new to your channel but I’ve been loving watching your videos my new kitten does to a so sweet so so sweet

What kind of kitten did you get also welcome on in Kate so nice to see you I can never just have one project at once I get distracted too easily and sometimes I’m just not in the mood for a particular project exactly that’s how I feel too that’s exactly how I feel

That’s why that’s why we run so many in this world it’s like some days it’s like i’ I I’ve worked on something for a couple days and I’m like you know what I’ve got to just like take a breather from it you know sometimes you do I think I think that’s

Normal though especially with big projects otherwise I find that I get burnt out very easily so I’m always stying to trying to be like thoughtful and careful about that okay so we’ve got oops we’ve got all of that done I’d like to add some shelving in I was kind of

Thinking of doing like Mangrove or yeah I think Mangrove shelving would be kind of kind of cute but I need some Mangrove slabs first how’s your cough feeling better you know what I’m like I still sound very congested but I think I’m on I think I’m on the I’m on the mend cuz

Like as gross as it sounds like you know when like your cough just turns into something that’s more like um like basically like stuff’s coming up now which is I think that’s a good sign you know definitely getting better though definitely getting better thank you for asking by the way I appreciate it

Oops it’s just it’s it seems like everybody’s getting hit with something recently too though like it’s just been nonstop I don’t know if this is too much I feel like that’s too much I feel as though instead of shelving this has just got to be like a Chic wall with like

Paintings and stuff like we got to think more in terms of like oh not that these are massive we we need like a swag Chic wall with art basically you can sometimes Buy Coral blocks don’t tell me is it Mr wandering Trader is it Mr wandering Trader that does

That in that case I’m not interested drift going into desperately uh going desperately into archaeology mode trying to find a block of coral honestly all for one sea pickle I just had to weigh my options there I was like you know what it ain’t worth it it ain’t worth it

Me going all the way to like a warm biome to gather this we’re just going to take take the ones I’ve got we’re all the same uh you know I wanted to collect sand to drain an ocean monument that I got distracted with sugar canane I am crying that’s that’s

Hilarious you know what that’s that’s such a big project though Ocean Monuments I would love to do one one day but like like you said they’re they’re massive projects absolutely massive spent the last few days getting protection IV on all all my armor I don’t know why I said protection IV I I

Always read it like that in my brain on all my armor so that kept me busy for a little bit you know what big task but so so worth it for sure very much worth it I don’t even oh wait yeah these are all done these ones are all

Done except for these that doesn’t have protection on it I don’t know why feel like I only had a feather falling recently on those too there just a little like painting wall productive coughs are usually a good sign I keep telling that uh myself with my one-year-old oh my gosh I would be

Such a worry wart definitely be a worry wart especially with like a kid and stuff totally get that but yeah I think that’s like that’s the thing like as long as it’s like productive that was the word I was looking for productive you’re sick too oh no yeah it

Seems like every body’s kind of gotten it lately eh I hope we all feel better soon though honestly it’s been brutal hey I’m think like something like that and then H you know what maybe some more banners around here would look cool but not actually no they might take away

From the mirrors they might take away from the mirrors so maybe just like some more whoa Donkey Kong that wasn’t int intentional there we go we’ll do some like cute little paintings and stuff we’ll keep it very simple there so in these ones we’ll just like we’ll fill it

With like decorative things so flowers um this chorus fruits kind of pretty what else is very pretty glowberries in a frame always look nice so I got that that glowberries and I don’t like an apple or something protection Ivy what’s protection Ivy huh amethyst maybe we can do like a diamond

I feel like a diamond would be cute where it’s like the Shop’s very first sale that they made you know Dave welcome on in Crazy Dave sorry still working on my nether uh roof portal from last last week I swear Tower roofs are so hard honestly I feel that

We took a break that’s why we’re streaming in this world today cuz I’m taking a break from the um ooh glistening melon from the one that we were working on in our chill survival I was like I just need to like not be in darkness today you

Know okay I know we have diamonds somewhere we have like a whole swath of them I think they’re over here I just had like a bunch of random like blocks of them that I almost accidentally like threw away I need to book an appointment at at this fancy Salon better better get your

Get get your bookings in because they they fill up fast the chief hair stylist is apparently very good yeah we need names for the shops that’s such a good point such a good point we definitely need some names all right perfect got some diamonds Reaper Kitty so nice to see you how you

Doing we will definitely have to just name these two shops that we made um let’s fill up these frames first and then we’ll do that for sure so let’s put this in the middle then we’ll do like Orchid GL anyy melon actually that’s blue we got to get something

That’s like a different color on the other side just to break it up a bit you know boom boom cute okay so here’s our barber shop I think that’s pretty cute I like that very sweet it’s very small but hey it’s it’s humble you know it’s humble so we’re

Going to have to name this thing I would like to do probably a hanging sign just like we did for the rat Palace on this one we could probably fit one right there I think working on a fall Cottage village with every Cottage having some villager

And having a wall around it oo nice that sounds very very nice I always love the themed builds for this one I say we do Mangrove sign possibly Mangrove hanging sign would be nice I think for hanging signs we have to do stripped wood it’s the weirdest recipe

Ever too welcome back uh hope your food uh well you haven’t eaten it yet but I hope it’s going to be good the anticipation for your meal where did Castaways go so I’ve been working on the last episode of Castaways um we all recorded the last uh group

Scene last night and it should be released for next weekend Cassandra curl up and die for the hair salon that is hilarious no or just call it salon and have a saloon next door just to confuse everyone stop it stop it’s it’s going to

I was going to put out a pole but it’s it’s just going to be curl up and die cuz that is hilarious oops kind of want that to be more like this how do you make like little flowers and stuff all I know how to do is this

But people do like little cute flower designs and stuff that is hilarious that that was that was an instant winner I’m sorry chat that was so good so we got curl up and die and then you all can help me with the potion shop you all can help me with the potion

Shop so we need a name for just just a small little just a small little quaint potion potion shop potions and things you know the sweeping Snips all you all came up with such great names head office I love that that’s a good one Mangrove Cuts these are all so good

Too KIRO welcome on in how you doing liquid courage that’s great yeah we have a saloon I think we’re going to be doing a saloon on this strip I was planning for this area to kind of be a saloon for sure or call the salon Roos oh my gosh stop

I’m weak I I I have to mute myself oh my gosh that’s so funny oh God that’s good magic potion trinkets o I like that I like that oh God infinite Snips stop it no I I love the original I love the original the original’s so good though

Oh my gosh I’m losing my voice again chat oh God I am so sorry I keep having to mute myself cuz I’m coughing curl up and die we’re going to keep it’s a good one it is a good one yeah Roo is very much an if you know you

Know roo roo is kind of a a little joke because we have a very good friend of ours very good uh content creator friend actually if you Roo posted a new video on YouTube so if you go to Roo rex on his channel he’s got a new video up

There but um he is a very very lovely man he is bald and we just constantly constantly he’s making jokes about being bald and it’s just it’s just been like a running thing for years now for years okay what should we name this one right here I feel like

This one needs a regular sign doesn’t necessarily need a the hanging one Kelly welcome on in how you doing make sure you’re hydrating I’m taking a sip right now azy thank you so much for linking Roo’s Channel Roo is a great content creator amazing Builder you should go check him out highly

Recommend he is just such a Vibe such a homie okay what shall we name this potion shop chat Miracle remedies ink okay I’m going to put that I’m going to put out a poll for this one okay and while I put out a pole here throw toss me some names chat

For a potion shop what you think we should name this and I will I will add it to the world uh we’ll do a poo oops no not a not a same theme as Roo Turkish delight wait what explain ooh okay we got some azy I’m I’m

Crying I’m crying please I’m I’m so weak I’m so weak okay I’m going to pick some names out I’m going to mute myself so cuz I I’m going to I got to hydrate I’ve got to cough so I’ll toss up a poll for you all in a

Second and you all have to uh you all got to pick okay I’m still here by the way there’s some good ones well they’re all good but all right starting the poll now if you don’t see it refresh chat and get your vote in to help us

Decide what we will name our potion shop and also we’re going to have to put some glow ink on some of these for sure so the next one in line that we’re going to be working on by the way just as a heads up is this one on this strip this is

Going to be a botney shop so this one’s going to be fun too oh we got some oh okay we’ we’ve got some that are kind of fighting with each other there was one that was like taking the lead at first now this one’s this one’s just is absolutely going going

Nuts drifting drifting drinks is the one that’s in the lead so far all right while we’re looking while we’re doing that I’m going to look for some um glow ink I don’t know where I don’t know where I’ve got some we might have some down here cuz

Sometimes uh glow squids kind of like get into our spider farm but I don’t know I just don’t know looks like drifting drinks is coming out on top you’ve got a couple you got let’s say like another minute or so to vote chat so if you have not voted yet make

Sure you get your vote in I don’t think I have any uh glowing ink here okay we might have some back at the old storage facility really like your building uh skills oh thank you so much I appreciate that yeah today we’re in our long-term stream world that we have been streaming from

For uh over a year now and we’re just working on some little projects around here I thought I’d bring this uh this world back to YouTube some of you might be familiar with it some of you uh might not but we did start this on YouTube

Live over a year ago and have made tons and tons of progress make a petting zoo you know what we still do have a lot to do with like animals and stuff in in this world lots and lots of projects ahead okay I don’t think I have any glow

Ink I’m going to have to go find some I’m assuming in the caves right all right chat last last chance to vote for the names I’m going to be ending the poll as soon as I land looks like we have a winner and it is drifting drinks for our potion shop

Drifting drinks that is great I love it so let let’s add that in perfect GG’s GG’s so this shop is just going to have a little sign here so we need to find some Squid Ink now I need to find a cave I guess we’re going to need it for a bunch of

Our builds so I figure we might as well Adventure out and find it for the botney shop okay Bloomer that is so good keep that one in the back of your brain for when we name it that is so good awesome setup thank you so much I appreciate it drift is the mighty

Building queen a you guys are too kind too kind hey this world isn’t wouldn’t be what it is without you guys this has been such a fun like collaborative world it is just it’s home basically what I miss in what world is this so this is our long-term stream

World um the very first YouTube VOD that we have made is from this world and we switched it over to Twitch so we’re just kind of streaming from here today just vibing hanging out just cuz I figured we didn’t really have a ton of work to do

In chill survival so I kind of wanted to switch things up a bit today and uh kind of show you around this one cuz it’s been a while I’m looking for that giant Lush cave I need to mark it on this map I always forget to there’s a really big

Lush cave in here that would probably have everything that we need I think it’s closer to here H I have to mark it on the map when we uh when we do come across it honestly if not you know what I know another great spot we could find some glow ink actually

And you know what this will give us a chance to show you all another part of this world that we have been working on so I forgot to show you probably one of the greatest things about this world you’re about to see it this world holds a special place in

My heart as it is the world that introduced me to this community and the best streamer and most down toe person I’ve have ever had the pleasure to interact with a tootes that makes me so happy that makes me so so happy honestly it really does like kind of feel that

Way where it’s like I feel like this world has like spawned so many like connections to one another and it makes me so so happy it’s wild and like to think that we almost lost it that one time we almost lost this world out of like

Because it got corrupted and we we got it back thankfully I was so heartbroken though okay here is Mike Wazowski this is the greatest thing we’ve ever built it is Mike wasowski wearing corduroy pants and I just love him so much much this is also the passage to our roof our

Uh nether roof so when I was first in here I was searching Infinity drift and some crazy cars pop up and I was saying like what yeah I think because like drifting is also like a really big thing with the car Community which I never really considered with my name I think it’s

Really funny though cuz it’s like couldn’t we couldn’t be more like far away from that you know for the botney shop okay Bloomers root division Garden Gremlins lawn Legends or weed Wranglers oh these are all so good so good when will you finish the world I

Want to have a world download so I don’t know when this world will ever officially be done because it is so longterm but there will be a World download coming to you all I’m trying to get it soon I have a lot of things on my

List that I’ve really got to wrap up but the World download for this will be soon and I’ll just keep up updating the download so this is an area that we built on stream because we found this island it’s called really cool Island it is a really cool Island look

It’s like it’s like a lake surrounded you know it’s surrounded by this like really nice Lake we got like a peak there let me free cam it so you all can see actually it’s really cool oops what the oh my gosh what did I just do

What am I doing I just hit like a really random button but it looks super awesome so we built like a little house here as like a hub like a little Enchanted house it’s very very cute very cool Island swag but there is a cave around

Here the whole reason for us going to this area is because there’s a cave around here which I’m assuming we’ll find some glow glow squid in cuz they’re usually hanging around caves right I think so yep right here perfect oh God help me oh man oh

Man oh oh no what is happening oh it’s a baby zombie oh no oh no oh no okay there’s a lot going on here drift is in trouble just for some glow ink too I really got to light this place a bit let’s see let’s light it up a bit as we

Go all right we’re good we’re good we’re golden I’m making a village and you inspired uh me to give me a theme uh and you inspired me give me a theme if you can thanks I love your content all the way makes me happy uh when you’re on a

Good job oh thank you so much asro I really appreciate it okay theme theme I would say hm okay potential themes so you’re making a village I would either do something like have you done anything like fantasy inspired in the way of like the Shire is always like good good um inspiration I

Think the shire’s beautiful it uses like very like circular designs like Hobbit Hole would be really cool that’s something I’ve actually never done in Minecraft before which I think looks super cute and like very earthy um um another cool theme could be something like whoops I like kind of like taking

Inspiration even from like certain video games and like stuff like that like you could you can kind of take inspiration from like hm what would be a good video game let me just eat some steak and ponder that could do something that’s like overgrown and mossy with like tons of

Glowberries like a almost like a forgotten Village like almost like der D is it derel derite I don’t I don’t know how to say that word but basically something that was like overgrown and forgotten but then somebody stumbled upon it and like made it nice again you could do

Something like that you could do something more modern like a little city build base it off of like a cute little like let’s say like Pixar Style with like lots of vibrant colors and stuff city blocks if that spawned the warden I would actually cry I’m just I’m just

Going wild right now and to find some more squids the island needs to be called The Lonely Tavern oh absolutely like a missed opportunity there I should name it that I really should okay I have seven I want to grab a little bit more cuz we’re always in

Need for them I love this Minecraft world so much uh that missing things makes me a little sad oh Reaper Kitty I honestly like we’ve been away from it for like quite a while while just because we missed a lot of like twitch streams and I was on vacation and stuff

And I felt the same way where I I missed it a lot coming back to it always feels like so so nice the Forgotten Cove that’s a nice that is okay what if you did like the Forgotten Cove and it’s like Mossy and overgrown but also has like hints of

Like prismarine and stuff like that because it’s more Seaside we were talking about Seaside towns earlier and I think that concept is really cool now for the 2hour grind Good Luck Good Luck you got this trust the process is what I always say okay I don’t know if I’m going to

Find another one honestly don’t forget to our break oh yes absolutely okay let’s get out of this cave let’s let’s no longer oh God continue these Shenanigans and we’ll take a quick little break chat I don’t see any more squids what is this this oh jeez oh oh oh scary okay

Ow what one for the potion shots what was it again was like drifty bruise or something it was something with my name oh yeah I’m going to light everything up and they won’t spawn that’s it that that’s why they’re not spawning okay that makes sense all right let’s go sleep

Quickly let’s go sleep quickly and then we’ll take a quick little break sorry I said poop closet then I realized it was a few minutes behind where you’re talking about the best things you’ve built I’m crying yeah um the best thing I’ve ever built was a bathroom in

Minecraft you know what that was one of my greatest achievements though it really was all right let’s take a quick little break chat um we’ll be back very very soon I’m just going to stretch my legs and get some water and stuff and we’ll be back in a couple minutes P bees Hello hello hello how’s everybody doing how is your break hope you got some like good snacks and all that stuff how do you get so inspired my dreams to be a YouTuber and have vids like you uh if you see my builds you will be in shock you’re really good but

OBS is broken you’re sad and you don’t have a mic um for being inspired I would say like chat definitely inspires me a lot like the community always coming up with like really fun ideas um I get inspired by like just seeing like pieces of artwork and stuff

That kind of inspire me in Minecraft my friends I think I just like draw inspiration from like a lot of really random places sometimes it’s definitely not to say that like with YouTube sometimes you do get like tired out and stuff and I think it’s really important to like take the time you

Need um just so you’re not like wearing yourself out but yeah I I just find that I really enjoy like making videos and like trying to see what I can create and also how I can edit things in an interesting way and stuff you want to scholarship yo glitchy

Frog GG’s congrats that’s so exciting oh my God big GG’s okay glow ink acquired now we just need to dye some of these I would say this one blue yeah I love that I love that that’s such a funny name I think this one’s got to be

Red the red barely needed the the glow ink honestly so worth having though okay the next up on this list is the botney shop so botney shop I’m trying to think we are obviously going to have to start by getting flooring in what type of flooring do we want for

This I’m kind of I’m you know what I’m just really feeling the mangrove lately really on the mangrove kick okay let’s tear all of this out sorry I keep having to mute my mic I am definitely still very coughing quite a bit POS a theme for Astro about having an

Astronomic education camp for his village and having a dome to watch stars and stuff in industrial stream steam what do you think about this name blooming Heaven that’s an interesting name I like that I like That okay let’s go with Mangrove for the botney shop And basically I’m I’m thinking just like you know just tons of areas to just put Plants down that’s pretty much it you know what else I would kind of like to do actually hold on a second I think I think it’ be could be kind of

Cool if we did something like this again with like maybe this type of lighting like a little Greenhouse in the shop that has like lights hanging down for the plants to grow ouchie you’re cracked at building a thank you I appreciate it jeez y’all are just showering me with these compliments I

Appreciate it thank you so much I am glad you all like the builds you know glad you all like the builds but hey especially with these ones when we’re doing cool stuff like this this is purely collaborative as well okay also chat sorry if I

Um wait is this 1 two 3 4 huh how did that come to be what 1 2 34 five how do I have an extra wall here you know what I will take it for the floor plan I feel like I did kind of like mess up something along here but

That’s okay that’s okay we have extra space here to work with Okay so I think I’m going to put like the glow things like the little glowy table around here I’ll leave room for like two to three lights I would say something like that let’s make sure we torch up here just in Case Lisa with the 10 what the heck what the heck Lisa thank you so so much I really really appreciate that chat you know what to do you know exactly what to do you better throw down all those big big swags in chat you say such as sweetest

Things making me blush need to cut that out no no you all say the kindest things stop showering me with compliments you’re too kind I’ll C cry thank you so much Lisa I really appreciate it I really really appreciate it sorry if I’m a little bit less chatty

Today it is literally just my my cough is getting to me I keep having to mute it I feel so bad we’re still vibing though we’re we’re still chugging along we’re vibing going to have to make another big old tea after this stream for sure for sure hash is okay

Oh Lisa you’re too kind you’re too too kind too too sweet but honestly though I mean it you all are literally just the best the best this has been such a fun like little collaborative stream that we’re doing today too I’m absolutely vibing absolutely vibing um I need those shroom lights let’s

See shroom lights where are you at I don’t know if I have any right now please I don’t want to go to the nether please you can’t make me except I might have to actually no I think I might have some in my good storage te and H honey gang let’s go

Let’s go that’s I think that’s the vibe I think that is the vibe honestly right now I did choose maybe not the best oh yes okay perfect I chose um a soda whoa what the help me I’m stuck not again not like this oh jeez okay I’m just I’m literally just

Stuck here let’s just do this for really quickly oh my gosh and oh my God tea and biscuits thank you so much for becoming a drift Channel member I really really appreciate that can I get some big big big swags in chat I want to see them all

Show me all the swags thank you so so much I really appreciate that enjoy all of your drifty emotes hope you enjoy them and thank you again I really really appreciate it throw down all the swags I want to see the them for tea and biscuits I am losing my voice oh my

Gosh Swag yeah that’s right that’s right lurking well playing some Minecraft uh for bed hope your cough gets better ASAP a and biscus thank you so much I really appreciate that really really appreciate it and thank you again hope you’re enjoying your evening though sounds like a lovely one right before

Bed lovely lovely nighttime routine Christmas build absolutely we are doing a Christmas build we did one last year we did driftmas Island I’ll show you all what we did last year quickly we found this like weird floating island that was like literally a savannah it was a savannah Island and we

Just covered it in snow so this is the one that we got done last year this is drif Miss Island so this year we’re going to have to come up with some something else this was a super fun project though we built a little gingerbread house it was super nice super

Cute got like a little Christmas tree with a bunch of little presents and stuff very nice very nice so we’re definitely we have we have to come up with something again this year oh no worries at all snowflake no worries at all just just I just appreciate your support with being here

As well no no worries found your long plays and they’re perfect while working you have quickly become my Coy Comfort streamer all that makes me so happy so so happy I’m so happy you’re enjoying the long plays too so glad going to be working on another one this week um

Might take a little bit longer cuz I might have to take a couple more breaks in between but I absolutely am so excited to get back into the vibe of the long plays and get some out for you guys it’s it’s the long plays with commentary

Have have been so fun for me to make they’re just like honestly I I’m glad you guys chill out to them because I’m literally vibing so hard while I’m making them you have no idea okay we’re going to have to go get some sprues really quick I’m going to need a couple

Rockets we’re going to have to get some sprues and I might need a little bit more Mangrove just was the first cozy Builder I came across oh my God that makes me so happy heck yeah let’s go oh man Mangrove so much oh trap doors this is what I

Needed ha maybe I won’t have to go get Spruce just yet look at that oh my gosh gold absolute gold maybe I’ll take some of this scaffolding though we could use that as like tables you know what I keep forgetting exists bamboo I also need some more Rockets there we go

Rockets hello how long have you been playing with this world this world is just over a year old now and we’ve been doing pretty regular streams on it as well uh over on Twitch should have seen the bow I put on my windmill one year oh my God I would

Love to see that we should kind of like Christmas ify some of these areas as well that’d be really cute cozy Minecraft is my favorite honestly same I mean it’s like the most regular content that I watch as well it’s just like it’s just such a Vibe I

Think it’s just like a very easy game to like watch people play just cuz it’s like it’s open world people can do whatever they want with it you know what I mean um but it kind of like allows people to like just like talk about other random stuff while they’re working

It’s just it’s just super fun oops oops let’s do that and then we can have something like this um maybe some barrels excited drift I am very excited at the prospect of building a holiday build I had so much fun with last year’s it was just such a good time

So I’m like definitely looking forward to it again snowy Vibes Long play with commentary you know what if you all would watch it I will I will make something like that if you all want like a snowy themed thing I will definitely do like a little uh Long play with

Commentary probably a one-off probably a one-off for something like that cuz the season is very very short but I would absolutely be down to do it absolutely wood cabin rain and snowy texture pack yes absolutely yes to all of those things that would be awesome oh my God red how you doing

Stream’s going well be lurking while doing stuff no worries I hope I hope you’re doing well especially after our um especially after our very Bittersweet uh collab last night so good to see you so good to see you I’m still soaking all the soaking it all in with

The Castaways honestly so good to see you though do you know Dallas men he made a huge City build sometimes he puts uh his game on peaceful too sometimes I’m so tired of the hardcore gameplays I just want to watch people build um watch people build huge things yes I’ve watched Dallas’s

Vid before he has like a really long-term world like super super longterm and like he just Vibes I love his world I’ve watched a couple of his videos before I’m like heck yeah it’s just one of those things where it’s like especially I can only imagine like if

You’ve been there from the start you know what I mean like it’s just interesting to see progression like that definitely big inspiration for like world my world is like seeing people do stuff like that it’s really I find that to be very inspiring mommy bear welcome on in how

You doing so nice to see you so so nice to see you and editing the footage of us now deaf sad but also laughing at the chaos soaking it all up for sure oh absolutely absolutely I still have yet to edit it I’m I’m a little bit sad I’m like I

Obviously want to edit it but I’m like if I edit it that means it’s really over soon you know it is definitely bit Bittersweet for Sure okay I just need one more uh one more flower let’s see kind of like running out of ooh Cactus or something would be nice Cactus or bamboo Bamboo not sugar canane once I upload Sunday that’s like that’s it wild how fast the 3 months have gone absolutely but I was like

Saying earlier it’s like really wild how fast or not how fast how much we’ve all done in these 3 months like everybody’s Islands look so magnificent it is just like absolutely incredible and I’m so proud of all of us it’s been so cool to see so so

Cool it is one of those things where it does feel so sad though okay I need some rooted dirt that’s like really r random but I think I have I can just grow it off of like actual rooted dirt right like the roots I’m not explaining myself correctly I

Need roots from rooted dirt I think so there is like a tree here yes it’s funny how I know where all these random things is like there was a tree here chat that I once um I once sheared for aelia leaves and I know there’s rooted dirt here that I’m going

To take like how random is this let’s just take a bunch of this feel like this is a good decorational piece especially for especially for like a botney shop our islands are incredible I love what we made so cozy honestly yeah me too it makes me so so happy like logging on was

Always such a treat because like somebody would be working on something when I was gone and then I’d log back on it was completely different it was so cool and so inspiring put bone meal in offand that’s it that’s it thank you I always forget to do that I forget to offhand things

Roots are so underrated I know I don’t use them enough either I really don’t yeah and my my advice exactly what azy says for growing on YouTube is honestly just make content you like and you will find people who are like-minded I know that’s like very simplified but

Like also as he said with like you know like having a good schedule and stuff like that if you can I think those are always like really great pieces of advice and most importantly just making what you like because it always shows if you enjoy it you know what I mean if you

Enjoy the content that you’re making it always shows it really does and I think that’s like super super important and people will notice that and they’ll they’ll want to watch your stuff put some of your Christmas decorations in the Showcase mine are from uh years ago like 2016 oo I’m excited to check

Them out definitely have to check that out oh I had rooted dirt here what the heck okay we’re going to have to get a Spore Blossom for sure I’m going to get some like oh my God I don’t even have any there we go course dirt perfect

I think what I’m going to do is do I have aelia leaves let’s see yes I do we are making a mess of everything today but that’s okay cuz we’re doing interior decoration and it causes your inventory to absolutely explode there’s there’s nothing we can do how many Subs to collaborate with me

There’s no answer to that cuz I mostly just collaborate with like pretty much the the friends that I have and stuff I’ve got like a I’ve got the group of uh of homies I mean obviously never say never with stuff like that but I don’t I don’t base collaborations off of

Subs it’s just people within the community and stuff I don’t numbers do not matter with that type of things you know should hydrate more absolutely I will take a sip of water right now thank you thank you I really should be hydrating as much as I can I already feel instantly

Better okay so I have like a weird little tree in the middle here I’m thinking like a little desk here let’s see chilled stream after a chaotic day I hope your day went well uh tootes I hope the chaos was manageable let’s see let’s do some polish

Granite do I have Discord yes I do so if you want to join the Discord it’s mine in Block Downs it is called the kickback club and uh you’re more than welcome to join it is a wonderful Community where people share like build tips and stuff

It’s such a lovely place and if you you want to join I think we fixed the link I’m pretty sure we did I don’t remember if not hold on let me pull the link oh you got it Azie thank you I need to fix the link with stream elements cuz it’s still being

Funky but I did fix the link to make sure it is red I took your advice with making sure that it is um a never expiring link took me a while to figure that one out working today so pardon me if I’m a we bit quiet and chat no worries I hope

Work’s going well happy that we are here to keep you company while you work that’s what it’s all about isn’t it you managed I’m glad to hear too sometimes sometimes you just got to do the best you can do you know do the best you can do

So this is behind the desk this is that is not behind the desk that is just like purely okay let’s not have that there I mean that kind of works that kind of works then we can have maybe some like Little Flower stands here problem is you start to run out of room

In really small spaces like this I think we’re doing okay though glad you could get the link fixed yes you definitely helped me with that one red I was like struggling before cuz it kept expiring know and like every time I generated a new link I was like

This will fix it and then I was in the same position as before as like the previous week it was so frustrating finally got it fixed though I might like hide away a Spore Blossom up here to be honest oh gosh I’m in the wrong spot here we

Go yo Wayward what’s going on so nice to see you we are working in our um long-term stream world today and we are building clean up some Interiors for shops and it’s going pretty well we’ve got um a couple things already we got a barber shop this one is just so so so

Cool I think this is one of my favorites chat like really really came through with some really cool ideas with this and we got like a cute little potion shop just little potion stuff lots of cauldrons ruin stands all that stuff we named them drifting drinks and this one

Is just curl up and die so good so good so now we’re working on the botney shop at the moment and it’s it’s coming together it’s looking really good ooh candles yes candles you know what this is more of a moody shop I should have put some candles in my other

Shop too the the uh potion shop we should go back and do that I think we have more than enough uh whatchamacallit candle wax for that think we’ve got more than enough finishing the text I was doing Friday when I got distracted by stream 102 texts three phone calls and seven

Letters that is not light work not light work but you made it you made it toots you made it to the other end do you accept other like new people in the server like the Discord server cuz if so yes definitely the Discord server

Is a public server open to all of you as long as you follow the rules smash that like absolutely smash that like button if you’re enjoying the stream chat it really really helps it really really helps with the channel totally feel like a loom would look kind

Of cool here you know just for like a little bit of difference I think I’ll do like glowberries here instead cuz shelving is a little bit it’s too tight of a spot for that and then I could do some storage you’ve played Bedrock since 2011 time flies can you believe that this

Game is like this old now like how how old is Minecraft now like is it 15 years or something it’s wild I don’t even know I don’t even know anymore just wild okay I need a couple more plants for this place and then we’re good plants and glowberries for

Sure I can do I can get some glowberries from here though we’ve got whoa this thing grew too much boom there we go glowberries acquired yeah this is a single player world that uh that we’re in today so it’s all all solo put a chiseled bookshelf instead of

A loom o that’s a good idea I like I like that chisel bookshelves are very easy easy to make aren’t they and then we could toss some of our extra books in there very good idea okay chisel bookshelf boom love it love that idea I kind of forget they exist

Sometimes perfumery potions and botney candles and honey oh my gosh yes you’re so right okay we need yeah we need to get some candles we need to get like a little honey setup so true I wish I had just a little bit more space these uh buildings were kind of supposed to be

More like aesthetically aesthetic for the outside than anything so they don’t really have too much space in them unfortunately however we do oops I keep going into the barber shop I don’t need a haircut my hair is totally fine close that we could do an upper

Floor with like all of like the perfume and candles and stuff on display that would would be kind of cute you know this is looking quite lovely oh thank you Barry I appreciate that glad you like it okay what did I say I was going to do again oh yeah chisel bookshelves

So I need the books right here and then we’re going to need a ton of candle stuff I uh like to use chisel bookshelves uh turn backwards as random storage they’re also really great for flooring actually really nice for flooring as well all right so there’s some books on botany

Perfect and then we need we’re going to need some more light up in the place and we need some flowers flowers that will fit into the pots I know there’s some like lily of the valley kind of hanging around here we’re pretty much fresh out of flowers

Because I honestly use them a lot in all of our builds it’s wild you’re so uh creative just great to be in your stream a Julian thank you so much I appreciate that and thanks for watching I really appreciate it can I play Minecraft with you right

Now I’m just playing a solo server and um on a server with just like a couple Pals so this one this one is just a solo server sorry you can’t stay much today no worries mommy bear I hope everything’s okay hope you’re doing well okay there’s tons of orchids that’s

Like the last thing I need now I actually have so many tigga isn’t going to give us many flowers I’m going to hydrate while we’re flying bone meal the ground you know what you’re so right you’re so right I’m looking for like specific flowers but I

You know what you’re so right oh wait here’s just like a ton here you know why you know why I always forget bone mealing is like a thing I do and then I don’t I’m like you know I could just like make this so much easier for myself

And bone meal things but I never do this is why I have you all play Bedrock so Farms I’ll need to learn again um I do all about Java’s different right so Java’s a little bit different for certain things I think there are some like rules not rules but

Like the way things function can be a little bit different than Bedrock but um I think they’re kind of like minor differences from what I know as always it’s been a pleasure the best community with the greatest streamer around are you on YouTube or twitch on Friday we are going to be on

Twitch on Friday I think if you do exclamation point twitch um chat you will find my handle there if you want to uh tune in on Friday 12:00 p.m. ESG just finished my lunch turkey and chili with a super sweet pear so full now that sounds so good Big Tiny duck

She is downstairs she made a grilled cheese sandwich with a little bit of Dijon mustard and let me tell you I took a bite when I was downstairs and I was like wow that is an A+ sandwich so good she actually knocked it out of the park absolutely knocked out of the park

Okay I need just a little bit more space for some flowers we’re going all out we are going all out and then we can work on the upstairs which will be like a small little candle shop have an amazing stream long time up a first time tuning into a live uh

Already loving you oh ra thank you so much I appreciate it happy to have you here I hope uh hope all is well hope you’re having a good day and stuff okay that’s perfect and then ah let’s get this guy nice okay I think I need you know what let’s extend this one

More I think I need like a lamp or something in here it’s a little bit dark ah ah didn’t mean to open that oh oh jeeez I just hit my mouse off of something sorry okay lanterns where did I put my lanterns did I use them all up yes I

Think I did yeah yeah I think I need to get some lanterns from the villagers not the cheese with mustard I know so good literally last night because my stomach was like so upset um what is that what’s that Waypoint I just set a waypoint huh where did I set a

Waypoint it’s like 9 M away huh I don’t know what that is no idea what that’s about um anyway last night I basically just ended up like eating I don’t even know I think it like just like a stack of white bread with like just toasted with butter cuz my stomach was so

Upset and I was like man as soon as I took a bite of Big Tiny duck gred cheese sandwich I was like why did I not make that last night I’m not I’m not smart enough I don’t have the foresight to make that delicious meal that she did so simple yet so

Delicious that’s what grilled cheese is all about though you know all about oh glow lkan too we could use that heck yeah Mommy Bear thank you so much for the two thank you so so much I really really appreciate that chat you know what to do you know what to do big big

Big swags in chat for mommy bear thank you so so much can’t stay much but you’re amazing a thank you I really appreciate it no worries if you can’t stay the VOD is always up if you want to catch it later I appreciate you being here though

Need to go I hope you can uh consider my bought his shop Spruce Queen the floral Heaven the overgrown Factory snowflake we’ll see you later thank you so much for hanging out I appreciate it take care take care and we’ll see you later okay okay we need some we need some

Lights give me all your lanterns I need to level up all these guys cuz barely any of them have lanterns for me and it’s absolutely tragic there we go 24 that’s pretty good that’s pretty good despite us not being in chill survival and this is a world that is a

Little bit more unfamiliar um to some of you I hope you’re all enjoying this stream even if it is a little bit unfamiliar I do not know how to get rid of this Waypoint oh there it is ha got rid of it hope you’re all enjoying this

Though I’m having such a good time vibing with you all in this world and it’s so fun to like be able to kind of like share it with you I feel like the glow liken is a great idea by the way I do want to do that maybe I’m kind of thinking banners

Back here too just to kind of like give a little bit of a design maybe banner and some paintings or something time is absolutely flying by today it’s already like 3:00 though that’s wild to me absolutely wild okay so we’re going to make we have one painting let’s make

H kind of want to keep it muted maybe some green I think I have green hanging around somewhere green D would be green and brown Banner maybe first uh stream you’re already my favorite cozy streamer oh Astro thank you I appreciate it if um every once in a while I

Wouldn’t say we would we would go back to um doing streams on this world regularly here just cuz the chill chill survival we have a lot of work to do in between episodes but if you all are interested in seeing this world on this channel every once in a while just let

Me know let me know and I will definitely do this again I do yellow dye actually lime is not the vibe oh Cactus perfect I was supposed to get that cactus farm set up quite a while back and we never did we ended up with the

Melon farm instead I don’t know how we did that I was like I’m going to build a cactus farm and then I think somebody was like this house looks more like a watermelon and I was like you know what you’re right so we just made a melon farm

Instead I made a glow Berry and uh Vineyard and a sea pickle farm in the last week ooh that oh sea pickles I want more sea pickles that would actually look so good in here oh no turtle eggs chat what about turtle egg sorry I’m I’m

All over the place because of your it it just sparked a good idea your message sparked a good idea for me ooh I would like some turtle eggs please will you be able to give any building tips to make builds better ooh okay um I get asked that a lot and

Honestly my big building tips is like one trust the process two I always like sometimes I just start out with like a basic shape like a basic rectangle you can even see here like these are all just like little just little shapes and it’s like all about how you decorate it

In the end like you can even see the difference from this take a look at these versus some of these These are undecorated these are just literally just empty boxes right now that one’s a little bit decorated but these three have no detail to them whatsoever they look okay they’ve got

Like a little bit of a pallette started um I think starting with a good base like having like a nice palette is always like it always kind of helps you design things from from there as you can see these ones once you add all of the detail in I I always like to

Detail I think that’s like really what makes builds stand out and always try to kind of like theme them in some ways like this one’s a little bit more like I would say like dumpy it’s like a little old potion shop it’s a little more rundown this one looks like a

Little bit um this one doesn’t look rund down but it’s a little bit more earthy looking that’s why I chose for it to be like a botney shop these ones are a little bit more like elegant traditional looking so so I would say add details and kind of try to like cons consider

What each build would be for it helps a lot also rot thank you so much for the five oh my gosh rot chat you know what to do you know what to do you know what to do I want to see all those swags in chat right now Ro

Thank you so so much I really really appreciate that you’re so loved thank you for making content oh no thank you so much for watching honestly without without you guys I I wouldn’t even be here wouldn’t even be here you know so so never forget that thank you all so

Much for watching the content and supporting I really appreciate it it warms my heart that you’ll hang out with me and watch me and all that stuff I really appreciate that thank you so much ra I really appreciate that but yeah that’s that’s kind of like

My um my thing with like building stuff is like it’s the details that kind of like dictate what the build will be obviously pallets and stuff as well definitely consider a pallet when you’re building everything just kind of like falls into place start with a shape move

On to pallet and then move on to details you know what I mean and it all just kind of comes together you can see with these ones like these ones are very very basic right now but eventually they will look like that you should do a bakery and uh say

Your name you should call call it sign your name you should call it infinite pastries I love that that’s great you know what I think we have talked about doing a bakery before definitely should do a bakery we’ve done a cafe Bakery is obvious choice okay I got to make some banners I

Got to make some banners here I got to get my cactus from the oven because I have turned it into some green dye and then we’ve got to get the yellow dye and we’re going to make some banners for the bot house you love row houses me too that

This has been a super fun project I’ve always wanted to make some and I kind of like Loosely based it off of Amsterdam very Loosely and I think it turned out pretty cool though I’m happy I gave it a shot I going to need some more white dye

Boom have I hydrated I have and I’m going to do it again thank you for checking my hydration today I really need it also chat I know I asked this a lot but if you are enjoying the stream um and you want to throw down a like I

Would really appreciate it really really helps out the streams on YouTube oh Lisa I just saw your message now I appreciate it and I just realized I don’t need this dye because I need I needed the wool instead watching sev’s 1K the other day um and

The Cat Cafe she did was great oh that is such a gorgeous build sev’s uh hardcore world if you all haven’t checked out se’s hardcore world she actually uh just released her movie the other day you should definitely check it out it’s actually so inspiring she is so

So talented at building it is it’s Bonkers it is Bonkers you will not be disappointed if you check out seb’s VI uh vids her worlds have so much life to them it’s wild don’t usually join streams but I’m here to lurk while I do boring things a

Thank you so much for popping in I really appreciate it I hope all those boring tasks are going well and I hope uh you get them done soon so you can just hang out thank you so much health before anything else exactly exactly okay I think that is the vibe for the banners

Boom boom watching while crochet so relaxing let’s go what are you crocheting I’ve always wanted to learn how to crochet I kind of learned how to knit once and it was really fun it’s so fun to like cuz I’m the type of person that needs to

Like have a task while watching TV and I found knitting was awesome for that Love watching your videos while crocheting I love that so happy it’s like yeah it’s like that um what’s it called it’s almost like body doubling you know what I mean when like somebody’s working on a task next to you and you and like I feel like I work

Better when like I know other people are working beside me if that makes sense mandala blanket ooh interesting very nice very nice oh we got lots of people knitting crocheting so many people oops I don’t think I can put that behind the glowberries that’s fine though I like

That I think that still looks really cool okay botney shop pretty much done I think I need like a little register here though what would be a good register probably die right cuz we already have the granite in use I made a mess proper mess really want to do jungle and swamp

Villages from scratch now I started survival peaceful just for that uh working on a Nordic Castle in a semi snowy biome yeah I would I love like the jungle themes and stuff like that cuz it’s not often that I do them either and I don’t see them much on YouTube and I

Think they can be like I don’t know they’re just super cool I would love to try something like that as well if you ever have any progress picks we would all love to see them for sure parallel play I like that as a name too that’s

Awesome okay let’s pop out a hole right there or actually you know what yeah no let’s let’s do that cuz it would be open technically to customers working on crochet on a queen-sized blanket uh spa treatment kit for xas and two star scarves listen whoever gets those is going to be

A happy happy person I love getting like knitted stuff and like handmade stuff for Christmas I remember my sister when she was really inting she made me a couple things and she gave them to me for the holidays so nice Cole welcome on in how you doing

Um let’s see sorry chat my cough is back ated again I’m going to hydrate and stuff let out of school early let’s go let’s go I hope enjoy the rest of your day okay I think with this one oh no I forgot okay I need to like this needs to

Be proper flooring oh no oh no I completely forgot I use slabs oh my gosh King so nice to see you how you doing also I am doing great thank you for asking I hope you’re doing well we are just vibing today in our uh stream World we’re working on some of

The Interiors of the shops these shops that we’ve had for quite some time and we’ve got a lot of uh progress done we did the potion shop we are leaving the rat Palace for now Ruth’s uh home cuz that’s going to be a big one and we worked on a barber shop

Earlier and now we are working on a botney shop that’s going to have like candles for sale upstairs as well and it’s super cute it’s turning out really nice very excited about this build I feel like we could use this light to our advantage in a way you

Know TR to do something like this and maybe have it as like a tabletop that’s kind of weird but I like it you know that can be like where the candles are displayed I guess and then then what is this okay if I get rid of that we’re fine

H what about all of this why is this here okay we’re good we’re good we can get rid of that very cautious I’m like do I want to potentially ruin the build but we’re good boom boom boom okay so candle shop candle shop I think what I’ll do is oops something like

This oh that does not work oh I see what I did cannot do that maybe have some barrels of shelving or books books are always nice I keep forgetting to use the Chisel bookshelves and they look so good oops What was I going to do again oh yeah I need shelving I need shelving probably some of these chisel bookshelves and then boom couple more there we go we’re going to have to make a ton of books I keep forgetting do villagers sell books to me I don’t remember

Just got up and made uh made the bed lovely weather today so Good Vibes heck yeah nice nice do you have any outdoor plans today you know what the weather’s been holding up here in Canada the weather’s absolutely been holding up um so we were out a little bit yesterday

Just to like catch some fresh air cuz I feel like I was just cooped up like all week and it was pretty lovely I don’t think it’s going to last much longer to be honest they do not sell individual books but guess what I don’t need them I don’t

Need you man I don’t need you I mean I could just break bookshelves but I can literally just make like a ton of them cuz I have so much leather and paper it’s not even funny miss your answer uh your YouTube glitch your YouTube app glitch I’m not

Sure I saw the question have to go now but I’m back what’s happening we are working on our botney shop right now oops wrong place we got to get some paper chiseled all the way we got to go chiseled for sure you know what chiseled is the vibe for

Today they sell you books if you have the right axe literally literally Canada weather is risky Jamal so nice to see you homie hope you’re doing well and so so true literally we were out the other day and we were like this this is just like a false sense of security it’s not

Going to last I was thinking I was like I need to order a new winter coat this week cuz I just don’t have a proper one anymore I’m that type of person who goes out and I’m like I’m fine and I’m actually freezing my butt off and I’m

Just miserable the whole time so this year I’m I’m going to get my myself a proper winter coat I think there’s a ton of Black Friday sales going on this week and I need to just like bite the bullet and get one now it’s now or never you

Know I cannot suffer through another winter with a bad jacket oh wait leather we need leather we’ve had really warm weather here in Nebraska it’s finally down to 44 which is 6 Celsius yeah it’s so strange it’s been like weirdly warm for November not to be trusted going to go for a

Longer walk than normal um to a different park with a pretty waterfall oh my gosh yes send pictures send pictures I would love to see love to see that beautiful thing called nature you know we do have some stuff like kind of close by um close to Toronto with like

Waterfalls and stuff but it is like a little bit of a trek out like towards like the West End of Toronto but there is some there is some like nice waterfalls and stuff I should really go outside of the city a little bit more might just send you the uh just

Post the in progress P should I send you a note of invite from my twitch is what I said for wait which progress pictures you can always post them in the Discord when I was in Toronto I was so envious of the obvious Seasons as I California it’s a novelty that’s a thing

As as much as it’s like classic to complain about seasons and stuff I think if I lived in a place that did not have seasons I would be sad cuz I I truly do love like the change of seasons in some ways I think it’s like I don’t know it’s just nice it

Is nice and I think if it was like kind of like very similar or the same every year with like same temper temperature and stuff I’d be like oh man where’s the snow at where is the snow at you know we have climate change of course it’s warm for November no for real

Though for real like actually terrifying and this summer with all of like the forest fires and stuff in Canada it was brutal absolutely terrifying Nick welcome on in how you doing false BS yeah that’s the thing we do to be fair though we do always get

Like those like weird like false days be it I find it’s like one or two really warm days or like a super warm weekend and then like the real winter hits always happens without fail I need more chisel bookshelves I really sold myself short on that

One sucks at the sun setting earlier I am not used to it I don’t know if anybody else is like in the same boat right now but it’s like really really throwing me through a loop you know popping back in uh to say hello

Going to go CU of all the chaos for a few other streamers I’ll be back no worries shroud hope you’re enjoying all the chaos I’m just going to build out there we go have like a little bookcase and then we can put like some candles and stuff we’re going to need a

Ton of books and it’s a good thing we got them literature we love literature oops just fill up the shelves with a lifetime of knowledge there we go it’s all about candles too pull out any of those books it’s it’s how to make candles 101 all different authors though do I have a

Discord server uh yes if you hit not hit exclamation point Discord I have a link I generated a new link hold on a second boom boom this one should definitely work love the builds in this world so far Nova thank you so much homie I appreciate it also it’s so nice to see

You I hope you’re doing well yeah this world very very special place in my heart I’m so happy with especially like this strip that we’ve gotten done recently it looks so cool we’re going to need some stuff behind here like we got a whole open space I

Have no idea what we’re going to do no idea but we’ll figure it out feel like emotionally I’ll be fine throughout the day but when the sun sets I get real sad and anxious yeah it it sucks I think that’s like very common too like I don’t know it just gets so

Dark all of a sudden it just feels so gloomy I always just try my best to like cozy up with like something that’s like comforting whether it’s like a show or something like that that’ll just kind of get me like get me through it let’s try yeah let’s do that instead

I’m going to get some candles and stuff ready canons fires uh choked out the skies in my home City I knew widespread wildfires and climate change went hand inand but this is the first time it’s been pretty close for us too like I’ve heard it happening on the west coast a

Lot and it hit the East Coast like really bad this year I think it was like Quebec and stuff right but it completely like smoked out Toronto for like a couple weeks our air quality is wild it was like the skies were like orange uh what was I going to grab again

Oh yeah honeycomb I need some honeycomb I need some string and that’s all you need to make a candle minus the Dy drift beat me I got you I beat you this time is that server public yes it is it is public and there is a lot of stuff to

Do on This Server Like General chat there is uh food pets there is a build tips and tri tricks channel so it’s lots of build Focus stuff but also just like some general like vibing and stuff it’s the shop is good Omens themed wait what is good Omens I don’t know if

I’ve heard of that can I dye candles after I make them or do I have to like add the die now it it only is like private until you accept the rules then you should be able to join it are fires still going on in Canada no

I don’t believe they are I think I think that’s all passed now oh it’s a Neil gaming book oh I see I see I am so far be like not far behind I have just like fallen off so bad with it makes me so sad I need to get back into

It got to head back to work four more hours no worries hope uh hope it all goes well Wayward thank you so much for hanging out by the way I really appreciate it and we will definitely catch you later this stream lined up perfectly with me having a nap love to hear it

Love to hear it isn’t that the best when you’re just like I literally need something to put on this is is perfect bada bing bada boom okay let’s get some can I make dye out of this let’s see no you can’t kind of assumed that was the answer but I

Just thought I would give it the good old drift shot you know let’s get some candles going though how do you do this I think I have to make candle first candle first die after yes we’re going to need more dye so right now I don’t really have many

Options just going to do like a bunch of random ones is Azie your friend of course of course azy is mod and friend of course 53 are are we all talking about height I think I’m 53 as well I’m pretty sure I am yo space boy what’s going on we are

Using uh Zero’s world map it is honestly one of the best mods I have thanks to azy who else would have recommended that it is it’s fantastic though get the mini map and get the world map so you can do this this is the world map you can Mark

Like way points and stuff and then the mini map is obviously connected to it it is fantastic oh my gosh oh my gosh what the heck you’re all you’re all way ahead of me Lisa thank you so much for the five what the heck I

Was going to say chat you know what to do throw down the big swags but you already did it you have already done it chat what the heck throw down even more swags throw down even more swags I want to see him Lisa thank you so so much for

The five love Mondays day off see the sun while I watch drift otherwise no see the sun in winter so happy woman right now he he oh thank you so much I really appreciate it and honestly yeah I’m like I’m like it’s 3:00 the sun’s going to be

Setting soon isn’t that wild isn’t that wild Lisa thank you so much again I really really appreciate it really appreciate it all the love all the swags let’s go I want to see it okay I just need some more dye and then we’re good orange dye why not we’re going to

Have to bone meal some flowers for sure cuz I don’t I only have yellow right now we need some other flowers it says stop spamming but this is a swag moment too many swags my six-year-old sister loves your videos and I thought I would tune into your

Streams a that makes me so happy I’m so I’m so glad thank you so much for popping into by the way I really appreciate it okay green candles got them green candles we got them that’s the slogan for the candle shop doesn’t matter if we have other candles it’s just green cand

Candles that everyone cares about green candles we got them what other things can I bone meal here to get flowers it’s all yellow dye oh red yes let’s go these are the last things that I need I just need red what else makes red die there’s got to be something else you

Know I’m not luy lucky right now on my lunch break get to tune in a DA thank you so much for hanging out with us while you’re on your lunch I hope you’re having a good one hope the lunch is good and you’re getting some good

Rest I can hear the candle jingle on the radio yes who doesn’t love a good jingle you know it’s so true beetroot ha we’ve got loads of that bone meal the red flower I don’t think you can bone meal small flowers I think it’s only the big ones also you

Just reminded me though you know what we can bone meal which would be nice because then we could get pink couple of these guys I find that so weird that you can’t bone meal smaller flowers very bizarre beetroot carrot let’s replant this always got to replant the

Seeds don’t you have a ton of poppies oh my gosh you’re so right I totally do in the iron farm oh my gosh l l moment for me I completely forgot about that azy I totally do oh no I’m going to laugh I’m going to

Laugh oh no the cough it’s going to come back all we are good but I do have a ton of uh poppies should build hot air balloons in the sky I should I think this area like we do need more height around here that’s a very good

Idea one thing that annoys me about being down under is it’s always opposite season that gets romanticized online like I hate the cold uh get your scene Tik toks that make me want it you know yes that’s the thing that’s what Brooke was talking about too she’s always like

Man it’s like opposite Seasons so whenever I’m like talking about something with like the cold she’s like literally can’t relate right now I thought I could make a dye out of a carrot you didn’t see that you did not see that struggle okay I just need some flint and

Steel so we can light these bad boys enough with the brain farts they will never stop the brain farts are forever do a couple candles here brain farts are the worst they happen like way too often especially when streaming I think cuz we’re always doing like we’re talking

About random stuff and then I have to go find something and I’m like wait what was I even doing candles I don’t use often enough eh like I literally always forget they exist but they’s such a mood you know got to go you’ll be back later no worries no worries

You’re eating some Reese’s trees like the Christmas ones anything Reese’s is a yes in my books a merchant ship yo we need a ship we do need a ship along like the water line for sure that that definitely needs to happen for sure your Airship is up on showcase oh

Yes I have I’ve have so so many things to check out after stream so many things who else loves Reese’s yeah if you love Reese’s in chat say just type type the number one because Reese’s are number one oh no I have another brain fart I’m so sorry I was just so busy

Thinking about Reese’s now I want chocolate Okay Flint steel got it I probably have so many flint and steel hanging around my base but hey it’s fine how much longer do you think uh you’ll stream for probably a little bit longer I probably should end soon to

Give my voice some rest I think we’ll finish up this candle shop and then we’ll we’ll head out classic one in chat oh Reese’s aren’t common in Germany no they’re so good if you ever see them pick them up they’re good Dino girl what’s up welcome on in how you

Doing all right let’s get all of these candles lit heck yeah feel like this should be more like a cupboard thing again I do like the little cupboards that we’ve been doing oh forgot some this is most certainly a fire hazard but this is also Minecraft so we can do this it’s

Fine day ran Reese’s uh that I got from Halloween was a sad day nothing beats like the individual chocolates on Halloween I’ll I’ll say that always and forever I think we talked about this in like one of our last streams where it just taste better I think it’s because like the ratio of

Chocolate to like the filling is like a little bit different so it is genuinely better you know I don’t know what treats we have have I don’t even I think we might have some chocolate downstairs that I could eat later I’m all out of Uncrustables which makes me sad cuz they are very

Good oh no wrong way bruh boom boom he we got another unit perfect then we can put some like paintings and stuff behind maybe we could put some honey honey and honeycomb and some like item frames that are glowing never had Reese’s I’m from South Africa we don’t have a lot of good

Snacks you know what every once in a while you can find I don’t know if they have it in South Africa where it’s like you go to a grocery store and they have like an international section that’s been like weirdly popular in Canadian grocery stores lately where it’s like we

Have so like we’ll have like a UK section and now we have like access to all of the chocolates and stuff okay I need some more honeycomb the problem is with all those International sections it is obviously import so it’s so much more expensive let’s do that let’s grab some of

That let me out you like putting them in the fridge chocolate in the fridge is actually better I agree with that just add a cat there and then it’ll be an extreme fire hazard oh my gosh if we light a candle I keep that the furthest thing away I can from Ruth she

Cannot be trusted you’re about to build a mega build that consists mostly of dirt what is this Mega build that consists mostly of dirt I am very intrigued cool it is very loud up here with all the fire I really want chocolate now this always happens we always talk about food

And it’s just like it’s a mess by the end of it we’re all so hungry I’m like I need to snack right away or I’m going to cry yo classic Hershey bars are really good Hershey Chocolate tastes like really weird it’s not like it’s chocolate but it it isn’t you

Know it tastes more like Wax but I mean that like in a good way I need some more wood to make sticks so I can can make some more paintings and then we’re good Crunch bars oh my God those are like hard to find now those are

Delicious they’re so simple I see I’m I’m a sucker for like anything that’s simple yeah American chocolate definitely tastes very very different from the UK oh that’s cute I like that that’s nice we mentioned glow lkan too I think I would like to add this to the build I

Need to find some though and then bone meal a ton of it Hershey’s milk chocolate tastes like soap from someone who’s not from the US okay but do you like it though like just because it tastes like soap doesn’t mean it tastes bad I’m weird like that though like some

Things like taste like absolutely like they should not taste good and I’m like but I like the fact that it tastes bad I don’t think I’ve ever had a health bar I’m not sure what those are how did American try to tell me herbo is an American branded is not

Right I don’t I thought it was like I don’t I I do not know where herbo originated but I’m like definitely not the states when I think of like candy from like the states I think of Skittles you know what I mean I I do not I’m like Hero’s definitely

Not y’all need to try Whitaker’s chocolate what is that just like um is that like a New Zealand brand King also I have tried it’s a it’s Australian right tim tams those things are so good I could eat a sleeve of those like no problem absolutely no problem okay I

Need glow lien I think I’ve got some around here that I could uh could find oh my gosh kinetics what the heck what the heck kinetics thank you so so much for gifting five memberships thank you so so much and anybody who has gained a me membership from Kinetics

Enjoy all of your emotes and thank you so so much for the kindness Kinetics I really really really appreciate that chat you know what to do you know what to do do I even need to say it yeah I see it I see I see all I see all the

Swages coming in I don’t even have to say it I don’t even have to say it big big swages for Kinetics I said it anyway thank you so so much I really appreciate that and with that we got our glow Len kuo was uh founded in Germany interesting

Wait in 2020 that makes no sense huh it’s older than that you got Tim Tam too most of our products we share with Australia and the other way around look up Whitaker’s chocolate cuz it’s so good yeah that makes sense that you would be like a lot

Of like your Imports come from Australia they’re really good though I’ll have to look at whiters chocolate if I ever see it I will have to try it I love I love trying that’s like my favorite thing to do when on on vacation honestly I I go

To other places just to eat food let’s be real welcome back Astro welcome back oh 1920 I was like 2020 what 1920 okay that makes more sense that makes much more sense are you get to stream early one day and get you azy of all people Azie has been

In chat for like like all the time always here and just hasn’t landed one of the gifted it’s it’s almost comical at this point there all the glow likeing growing around here is pretty cool I recently saw Tim him at my local grocery store I got to try them they’re

So good the caramel ones if you like caramel absolutely get the the caramel ones they are very very tasty okay I have like one more corner here I feel like I should put like honeycomb blocks or something in the corner let’s go get some Honeycomb oh Christine I’m so sorry to hear that also I’m I’m glad I glad I can uh make you feel better with all that stuff though glad it can make you feel better okay got this going to make some honeycomb blocks is it this it is and honey blocks I don’t know

If I think honeycomb should be fine tim tams are so good only mildly uh related because of World Market stop waffles are amazing I had an obsession with STP waffles a couple years back it was it was bad I would eat packages of them like too many packages of

Them they I think I consumed too many I would buy them again but for a while I had to stop because I was like literally eating packs of them like every day it was bad but they’re just so good they’re just so good pretty much only fit one in

Here I love the honey what can I say I love the honey I just need a chest just one measly little chest and then we’re done there are honey stoop waffles oh my gosh I need to try them I need to try them they are so good I saw them at the

Grocery store the other day they were like really really mini ones and I was like do I buy those ended up not buying them probably for the best probably for for the best because I consumed just a package in one sitting but so good you’re making the Forgotten Hobbit

Hole let’s go it’s such a good idea it is such a cool idea I would love to do like a little hobbit Village at one point it’s one it’s one thing that I’ve I have yet to try and I would really like to give it a shot

Okay let’s do this and get some lanterns we already have them we’re good get brella to send you some chocolate honestly I should really do like a swap with Brooke one day I really should she’d probably be down to try some like Canadian treats for sure all right we need like some stuff

Here maybe some paintings and Frames W not Donkey Kong again why is it always Donkey Kong yes I always like this one I don’t know why oh no I broke it I broke it yeah God that sound is so nasty it’s so gross arrows I haven’t had an arrow in a hot

Minute those used to be my favorite when I was a kid it’s just like there’s something about the texture of that chocolate that’s just like perfect so good okay I need some more glowberries got try warther’s original okay there’s like URS where they like they like I I don’t even know what

They are they’re like a they’re coated in chocolate but they also have like a crunchy bit to them they are so good I used to be obsessed with those when I was younger so so good I forget what they’re called they’re marketed as something a little bit different but if

You ever come across them you got to try them honestly you got to okay that’s kind of cool I like that there we go the build I’m working on as we speak has a moss roof with flowers isn’t like adding Mossy roofs to a build just like

The most magical thing it is some of my like my favorite thing to do with a build is always just add Moss to it when in doubt add Moss that’s always my thing oh Bounty bars so good we got some of those uh while we were in the UK they

Are in Canada too but I just hadn’t had had one in years and we got some while we were in the UK and Big Tiny duck was like why are these so good I was like CU they just the coconut it’s delicious you’re playing some Cobble Bond nice nice something about the

Aidant makes it taste better I feel like it’s like the same effect as shredded cheese you know what I mean yo you’re a marsar fan too thank you big tiny duck does not like Mars Bars and I’m like why it is the perfect combination of caramel

And is it nougat is that what it’s called oh so good so so good okay chat I think we are done with this build I think we’re done with this build so um One Last Thing Before we have to depart for today is we need to name the botney

The botney shop so I want to see I want to see some suggestions for names and we’ll pick a name and that’s the last thing thing we’re going to do for stream today because we finished off three Interiors we finished off the potion shop the barber

Shop which is my where is the barber shop here it is which is my favorite the mirrors swag and then the botney shop which I love as well this one’s super cute so let’s get some names and I will throw them into a poll and you are all going to decide for me

Did I have a cup of tea in the UK I actually think I did have some tea I think I did and of course it was great okay I’m going to start throwing down some names in a pole and you’re all going to decide we’ll let the pole run for a

Minute you’re with BTD on the Mars Bars you know what fair enough they’re not for everybody okay I’ve got four names I’m starting the poll now so I’ll let it run for a couple minutes and then we will end the poll and we will choose the well you all get

To choose you all get to choose which one is going to be the winning name and I do not have any more glow ink which kind of stinks but that’s okay I used it all in the frames I will have to fix that so make sure you all vote if you

Don’t see the poll um um refresh the stream and you should be able to see it and I will just fly around while you all choose which one they are all very very great suggestions you cannot go wrong there’s no wrong answer that’s the best part Larry welcome on in how you doing

It’s nice to see you one more minute of the poll chat make sure you vote for our the name of our botney shop so we got a lot done today we managed to fill up three shops with Interiors I’m very H happy about that because yeah this has been like uh

These have been kind of left aside for maybe a month or so is so it’s nice to be able to kind of fill in some of the builds that we’ve done um if you all like enjoyed this stream honestly H ly like I would totally be down to uh do

Some more streams from this long-term world we have so many like interiors and like side projects and stuff to do amongst all the big projects we primarily do stream from this world on Twitch on Fridays uh if you do exclamation point twitch you will see uh my link if you’re interested in watching

Like the primary streams but every once in a while I am so down to bring them back to YouTube we started at YouTube so we like I I kind of love that we’re we’re bringing them back a little bit you know all right I’m going to end the

Poll in 3 2 1 and it looks like the winner is okay Bloomer and that is a hilarious name Cass I believe you made that one so GG’s GG’s I need to learn how to put like little flowers and stuff on my signs I will have to decorate them better

Eventually whoa that’s so bright what the heck I don’t even think it needs the ink why is that so bright okay Bloomer that is such a good name it’s so funny GG’s and thank you everybody for all of the name suggestions you’re all just like 10 out

Of 10 as always your builds look so amazing like they’re crazy good thank you so much Larry I appreciate that absolutely love stream uh definitely happy to see more of this world oh yes so glad so so glad now definitely definitely down to stream more in this

World this this world is very very um very special to all of us so it’s nice to be able to bring it back to uh YouTube honestly if you want to see the beginnings of this world the very first VOD that we ever did the very first

Stream that we ever did is on this channel so you can check out the progression well at least a little bit of it not all of the we don’t have access to all of the vods from twitch unfortunately but hey hey we’ve we’ve got all of uh we’ve

Got the beginnings on YouTube so you can see where it all started which is pretty cool pretty pretty cool oh my gosh what the heck what the heck kinetics thank you so much for gifting another membership thank you so so much I really really really appreciate that chat you know what what

To do let me see it before we go just throw down all of the swags in chat for kinetics thank you so so much I really appreciate you gifting all of those subs today very very kind copy and paste from here for the symbols thank you thank you

Azy I will okay that’s what I’m going to be doing we can edit Signs Now too we can edit signs so the next time we stream from here one we’re going to edit some signs too we’ll probably just uh work on some of these again we’ll work

On uh some more Interiors this was super fun and I’m so happy you all enjoyed this I think now is the time for us to head out for the day I hope you all have a wonderful week just a reminder we will be streaming on Twitch on Friday so if

You want to catch some more content from this world um we are going to be continuing on Friday we’re going to be continuing our creeper Castle so we have lots of work to do over here so if you’re all interested make sure you go on over there on Friday and we’ll see

You then but if not I’ll see you back here uh next Monday thank you so much everybody thank you so so much I had a wonderful wonderful day with all of you and I hope you all have a very very good week and I will see you all later bye everybody bye bye

Bye goodbye

This video, titled ‘Base Maintenance in the Long Term Cozy World! – Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by InfiniteDrift on 2023-11-20 20:56:47. It has garnered 7361 views and 240 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:33 or 13473 seconds.

Today we’re working on our long term survival world that is over a year old! We’re going to tour the world and check out all of the progress that we have made and then work on some projects around the base.

Find me here! https://www.twitch.tv/infinitedrift_ https://twitter.com/InfiniteDrifft

Minecraft version 1.20 Shaders: Complementary Shaders Resource Pack: Jerm’s Better Leaves Add-On

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    Potato Poison Update: Qiu Feng's Chinese Customs Comedy! In the latest snapshot, 24w14potato is the name, A big update with a Poison Potato game. Qiu Feng guides you through, teaching Chinese with flair, April Fools’ Day fun, with a twist in the air. Resource pack download, for a new visual style, Join the channel for rewards, stay for a while. For more games and vlogs, check out the links, Ask any questions, we’re here to sync. Read More

  • Blunderland Dreams: Minecraft Madness

    Blunderland Dreams: Minecraft Madness In Blunderland, corruption reigns supreme, As Alice explores, it’s like a bad dream. But in Minecraft, we build with grace, Using Litematica to keep up the pace. No need for elytra, we fly with our minds, Creating cathedrals of history, one block at a time. Thanks to @shells124, for her tutorials so fine, In this iridescent dream, our creativity shines. Read More

  • Trial Chamber Treasure Hunt: Minecraft 1.21 Tricks!

    Trial Chamber Treasure Hunt: Minecraft 1.21 Tricks! In Minecraft 1.21, Trial Chambers await, A new structure to explore, don’t hesitate. To find them easily, follow my lead, In this video, I’ll show you the deed. Search high and low, in every biome, The Trial Chambers hide, just give it some time. Subscribe to my channel, for more Minecraft fun, Join my Discord server, we’ll chat and we’ll pun. Seeds and updates, all in one place, On my Instagram, you’ll see my Minecraft grace. Music from YouTube, sets the mood right, In every video, I bring the delight. So come along, let’s dive in deep, Into Minecraft… Read More

  • Speakerman Battles Spider Toilet in Minecraft

    Speakerman Battles Spider Toilet in Minecraft The Epic Showdown: Big Speakerman vs Spider Toilet in Minecraft Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping battle in the world of Minecraft as Big Speakerman faces off against Spider Toilet! This epic showdown is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat as these formidable opponents clash in a fierce competition. Who will emerge victorious? Let’s dive into the action-packed world of Minecraft to find out! The Addon: Skibidi Toilet One of the key elements in this thrilling Minecraft battle is the Skibidi Toilet addon. This unique addition to the game introduces a new level of excitement with… Read More

  • Warning: Skibidi Portal = Instant Regret 😂

    Warning: Skibidi Portal = Instant Regret 😂 “Imagine accidentally stumbling upon this secret Skibidi portal in Minecraft and suddenly your character starts busting out the dance moves uncontrollably. Talk about a surprise twist in your gameplay!” Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Challenges and Rewards!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Challenges and Rewards! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about an exhilarating Minecraft server that is taking the gaming community by storm – Minewind. While watching a recent YouTube video about a Minecraft race with a 1000 TL prize, you may have been inspired to join in on the fun and excitement. And what better place to experience thrilling adventures and challenges than on Minewind Minecraft Server? With a vibrant community of players, unique gameplay features, and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind offers… Read More

  • Mastering Trades with Fletching Table

    Mastering Trades with Fletching Table Minecraft: Mastering Archery with Fletching Tables and Villagers! Are you ready to take your archery skills in Minecraft to the next level? Look no further than the Fletching Table and Fletcher villagers! In this guide, we’ll show you how to craft a Fletching Table, recruit a villager as a fletcher, and unlock amazing trades that will make you a true archery master in the game. Crafting a Fletching Table First things first, you’ll need to craft a Fletching Table. This special crafting station is essential for working with fletchers. To craft a Fletching Table, you’ll need four planks of… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure: Building Chitos_off and Mile Serv with Wayrox!

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure: Building Chitos_off and Mile Serv with Wayrox!Video Information This video, titled ‘live minecraft survie et après on construie le serv de chitos_off et mile’, was uploaded by Wayrox on 2024-04-01 00:32:29. It has garnered 98 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:03 or 6123 seconds. hello you well so what are you doing dude subscribe seriously dude! click it quickly to see https://discord.gg/QHFAcHqF Read More

  • Console Edition: Minecraft Players Beware

    Console Edition: Minecraft Players BewareVideo Information for [Music] 12 years ago something legendary happened because Minecraft released on the Xbox 360 for 1600 Microsoft points many myself included purchased it on day one and found a copy of Minecraft which wasn’t just a plain Port but instead had lots of features specifically tailored for the consoles this originally included a map when you spawn so you could see your way around the world and find your way to your friends a tutorial world so you could all work out how to play the game together and finally achievements something sweet to go after and… Read More

  • Unbelievable loot spree with MINIXERO on lifesteal.net!

    Unbelievable loot spree with MINIXERO on lifesteal.net!Video Information This video, titled ‘Looting poi (lifesteal.net)’, was uploaded by MINIXERO on 2024-03-10 14:17:37. It has garnered 186 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:57 or 7857 seconds. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school SMP and… Read More

  • EPIC Astrox3D Minecraft SMP Join Now!! 🚀

    EPIC Astrox3D Minecraft SMP Join Now!! 🚀Video Information wait wait hold on I’ve been muted what’s up guys today it’s about to be a crazy day you know I’ve always wanted to have an SMP I’ve never done this before totally okay hold on me let me put up like everything hold on am I live am I I don’t see it so far oh never mind I do hell yeah logging on all right awesome sauce I mean that would be cool all right let me start the music let me start the music allow me to uh so we you know we gota we… Read More


    FALCO BUILDS EPIC HOUSE IN MINECRAFT SURVIVAL!Video Information This video, titled ‘I MADE MY HOUSE IN MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES (EP 2) | Minecraft Survival Series’, was uploaded by I.M FALCO on 2024-03-04 12:46:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Friends Welcome To My Channel If You Are New Then Subscribe My This Channel And Like My This Video.In This Video I … Read More

  • Insane Subway Surfers gameplay like never before || Watch now! 🚇🔥

    Insane Subway Surfers gameplay like never before || Watch now! 🚇🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘subway surfers game || #shorts #subwaysurfers #games #ytshorts #short #viral #W’, was uploaded by Gaming shorts for you on 2024-05-09 01:45:00. It has garnered 1175 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. subway surfers game || #shorts #subwaysurfers #games #ytshorts #short #viral #w games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game… Read More

  • Insane Prank: Blue king fooled with fake corn? 😱

    Insane Prank: Blue king fooled with fake corn? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Fake Corn Prank😂 #shorts #minecraft #viral #hacks #minecrafthacks #prank’, was uploaded by Blue king on 2023-12-26 08:13:30. It has garnered 2591 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Minecraft | Fake Corn Prank😂 #shorts #minecraft #viral #hacks #minecrafthacks #prank Read More

  • INSANE! Build a Small House in Minecraft in Minutes! Step-by-Step Guide

    INSANE! Build a Small House in Minecraft in Minutes! Step-by-Step GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build a Small House in Minecraft: Step-by-Step Tutorial and Blueprints’, was uploaded by Game Tp on 2024-04-29 15:17:08. It has garnered 119 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:42 or 162 seconds. In this Minecraft tutorial, learn how to build a small house step-by-step with detailed blueprints to guide you along the way. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, this video will help you create your own cozy home in the world of Minecraft. Watch now and start constructing your dream house! Video Script! Welcome to our Minecraft tutorial… Read More

  • “Mind-blowing Minecraft memes in 60 seconds!” #Minecraft #memes #shorts

    "Mind-blowing Minecraft memes in 60 seconds!" #Minecraft #memes #shortsVideo Information h [संगीत] This video, titled ‘Minecraft With Intrusive Thoughts Meme #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraft #mcpe’, was uploaded by Mklord on 2024-04-22 14:36:10. It has garnered 2730 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #cosplay #roblox #shorts #anime #robloxoutfits #robloxedits #outfitidedas #jojosbiazzareadventure #ytshorts #brookhaven #brookhavenrp #mineceaftshorts #minecraft #minecraftpe #mcpe #mcpehindi #minecraftindia #minecraftmeme #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding #minecraftvideos #dream #technoblade #wilbursoot #tommyinnit #georgenotfound #minecraftclutch #technogamerz #carryminati #yessmartypie #loggyhindustanigamer #chapatihindustanigamer #himlands #himlandss5 #himlandsnewseason #blackcluegaming #shorts #funny #gaming #minecraftjava #anshubisht #rlcraft #crazycraft #trending #trendingshorts #bbs #beastboyshubminecraft #beastboyshub #ytshorts #mcpememe #trends #fyp #viralshorts #viralvideo #viral #dantdm… Read More

  • SleeveIt Pixelmon

    SleeveIt PixelmonSleeveIt Pixelmon is finally out! Perfect for beginners and full of competition for veterans, SleeveIt Pixelmon is THE PERFECT Pixelmon Server for ALL players! We’ve worked our hardest to keep things as simple as possible, by cutting out unnecessary GUIs and complicated markets, we’ve made sure that any beginner can have fun on the server and experience Pixelmon without getting overwhelmed! Why we’re different than other servers: – EV Training Room – Boss Room – Dens Room – Real Player Gym Leaders – Real Player E4 + Champion – Server EXCLUSIVE Fully Custom Pixelmon! Join our server and become part… Read More

  • All the Mods 9 – Modded SMP

    Welcome to our Community! We’re actively seeking new players to join our close-knit community. Our server boasts a dedicated group of friendly and helpful players who are always eager to assist newcomers. Our servers are run on a fully dedicated server with high-end hardware. Modpack Version IP Address Fantasy MC 2.8.1 FantasyMC.SilverKeepMC.com Explore more servers on our server list. Join our Discord! Discord: https://discord.gg/5qQzfJyNju Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft: Editions vs. Versions Debate heats up!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft: Editions vs. Versions Debate heats up!"If Minecraft is Minecraft, then does that mean Minecraft is also Minecraft? Mind blown. Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Skin Made Quick & Easy

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Skin Made Quick & Easy In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Crafting your skin, let your imagination take the reins. Open your browser, to Minecraft skins dot com, Click on editor, let the fun begin, no need to be calm. Tools at your disposal, to edit and create, Make your skin unique, don’t hesitate. Download your creation, with a click so fine, New skins to explore, in the latest section, divine. For private servers, download with glee, For public servers, use the link, you’ll see. If this video helped, give it a thumbs up, Subscribe for more tips, don’t interrupt, just sup. Read More

  • “Blow up your ex’s house with a TNT-powered vibrator in Minecraft” #hot #lol

    "Blow up your ex's house with a TNT-powered vibrator in Minecraft" #hot #lol When you accidentally put a Duracell battery in your TNT in Minecraft and suddenly your explosions last for days. Who knew batteries could be so explosive? #shorts #meme #memes Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Capes and Gifts!

    Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Capes and Gifts! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today we have some exciting news for all Minecraft enthusiasts out there. As Minecraft celebrates its 15th anniversary, Mojang and Microsoft have prepared some amazing gifts for all players. If you’re a fan of the game, you definitely don’t want to miss out on what’s in store for you! From special capes to exclusive discounts, there’s a lot to look forward to during this 15-day celebration. One of the highlights of the anniversary event is the release of three new capes, each with its own unique design. These capes will be available for both Java and… Read More

  • Uncover the Secrets of 4ChanChan: Non to lvl69 in Minecraft!

    Uncover the Secrets of 4ChanChan: Non to lvl69 in Minecraft!Video Information sh for what need anything else from Jerry or at least Jerry’s Island need anything else you [Music] [Music] damn why the [ __ ] could I not go home godamn it what the [ __ ] ma damn I just here no [Music] actually wait hold on oh yeah there we go I was going to say let me find a Lobby that’s like nearly [ __ ] done this goddamn whatever [Music] the ch there we go there we go up oh never mind I start a new profile I got bored on my main wasn’t… Read More

  • Yeti VODS: Minecraft Zombies Remakes

    Yeti VODS: Minecraft Zombies RemakesVideo Information they only really have one sign but he’s dead they don’t know that he is dead they he’s he died he he’s dead apparently they crash landed in that Lake over there we don’t know why they’re here but I’m about to ask Mr space are you here for a holiday or just our gold coins we’re not interviewing you or the melon [ __ ] off well we weren’t even [ __ ] supposed to be here mate you know we got we were plan on going [ __ ] somewhere else but it’s not like we… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Hardcore Challenge! Part 35

    INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Hardcore Challenge! Part 35Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore but Bedrock (no commentary, longplay) Part 35’, was uploaded by art1r3x Gaming on 2024-01-25 15:00:41. It has garnered 169 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:03 or 1203 seconds. #minecraft #hardcore #bedrock #nocommentary Welcome to my Minecraft Hardcore series! I play the Bedrock Edition & I know – it doesn’t have an official hardcore mode. So here are my rules: 0) The world is set on hard and I can’t change that. 1) I must not die 2) If I die, this world is over 3) No cheating 4)… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Challenge: World Changes Every 60 Secs!” #minecraft #viral

    "Insane Minecraft Challenge: World Changes Every 60 Secs!" #minecraft #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But The World Changes Every 60 Seconds…#minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #challenge’, was uploaded by ANSHUL GMR on 2024-02-10 02:44:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus … Read More

  • Unbelievable Sweat Fest in Hypixel Minecraft! 🥵 #shorts #minecraft

    Unbelievable Sweat Fest in Hypixel Minecraft! 🥵 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The HARDEST I’ve Ever SWEATED! 🥵 #shorts #hypixel #minecraft’, was uploaded by PandaBe4r on 2024-01-09 16:48:04. It has garnered 3181 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Join my Discord: https://dsc.gg/pandabearyt Sub Count: 650 Tags (Ignore): Minemanner is cool, minemanner song, iusehuzuni, i use huzuni, ricefarmer11, rice farmer 11, rice farmer11, ricefarmer, ricefarmer 11, mine manner, i use huzuni song, hitsync songs, hit sync, 1.18 tutorial, 1.18 pvp, how to get good at 1.18 pvp, Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy, 1.18… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Defeating Captain Cornelia’s Ghost!

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Defeating Captain Cornelia's Ghost!Video Information hello and good day everybody so for warning I will probably sound super congested I am super congested it sucks allergies but the day is probably going to may be short and maybe a little bit longer all depends on how the boss fight goes because we have two horns to fight the captain now I’m assuming the first one we’re going to get horribly destroyed I going to use the first one as a learning experience learn some of the mechanics when to block when to not attack when to attack so on so forth the first… Read More

  • Insane VTuber digs epic hole in Minecraft!! #Tukky

    Insane VTuber digs epic hole in Minecraft!! #TukkyVideo Information これさつのさ泳ぎながらの扉とかでもいい んじゃ ない 長どうしるかフェンスゲートにするか扉に するスゲどっちでもいいんじゃない めっちゃ楽しそういやどうしようかね僕も 正直どっちでもいいただま結この感じ重感 ある感じだから扉よりフェンスゲートの方 がいいかもねそれだったらっ同じした方が いいからさボコボコにしがいかも そう直してて出ちゃった This video, titled ‘【#minecraft 】めちゃくちゃ楽しそうに穴を掘るVtuber【 #vtuber #tukky 】#マイクラ #マインクラフト’, was uploaded by vtuber tukky on 2024-01-14 03:00:22. It has garnered 245 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. 🦊Tukky🦊 🦊Thank you for coming to the stream! Please spread the word on Twitter, give it a high rating, and subscribe to the channel. 🍶 🦊Enjoy the stream with comments, super chat, stickers, etc.🍶 🦊Would you like to become a member and watch the “limited videos”? 🍶 🌸Thank you for coming to… Read More


    OMG! HUGE WARDEN STATUE in MINECRAFT PE #64Video Information तो गाइज आज मैं अपने आप को रिस्क में डालकर ट्रैप करने वाला हूं एक वर्डन को वो भी एक जाइंट वर्डन स्टैचू में और अपने स्टैचू के अंदर मैं एक वर्डन को ट्रैप कर भी पाता हूं या फिर नहीं वो जानने के लिए वीडियो को एंड तक जरूर से देखना एंड अगर आपको आज की ये वीडियो पसंद आए तो इस वीडियो को जाके लाइक कर देना चैनल पे न्यू हो तो चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना एंड या एंजॉय दिस वीडियो सो गाइज अपने वॉर्डन स्टैचू को बनाने के लिए हमें काफी ज्यादा बड़े एरिया… Read More

  • 🏴‍☠️ Build EPIC Spanish Galleon in Minecraft

    🏴‍☠️ Build EPIC Spanish Galleon in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🏴‍☠️ Minecraft – Spanish Galleon Build’, was uploaded by AkaLxndon on 2024-01-13 11:03:53. It has garnered 1761 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. #Minecraft #PiratesOfTheCaribbean #Gaming Welcome friends to the first major Minecraft project I have produced in YEARS. Taking well over 6 hours to make in Minecraft, this piratey themed Spanish Galleon is definitely one of my best Minecraft Pirate Ship Builds yet! The best part? I completely winged this. None of it was planned, not even me getting on Minecraft to begin with. Loosely based… Read More

  • Vinland SMP – SMP RolePlaying

    𝙑𝙞𝙣𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙎𝙈𝙋 Fresh start Support 24/7 uptime Java & Bedrock edition Custom bi-weekly events Server lore Dynmap Whitelisted 16+ In-Game Features Shoping district & player-driven economy Enhanced terrain generation Custom bosses Custom items and much more! How to join Join our Discord server Read More

  • PixelPeak

    We are PixelPeak Network, a new and growing network, we have our main modality, Towny Earth, a towny/cities modality, but with the map of the earth. Read More