Ultimate Bread Pirate Showdown with SapLow

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Okay I hit live now all right I don’t know if that’s going to look weird on the Vlog I’ll let you know if it started hope that it should now oh my goodness well at least I’ll I guess I hate that because sometimes you need to click live and sometimes you don’t super

Inconsistent all right well here you go fresh start now I see it now I see it we have the second the second start thank you everybody for popping by uh we were just saying a bunch of stuff and then in the in and nobody heard it but maybe

It’s in the VOD maybe it’s in the VOD I hope it’s the VOD hope hopefully it’s in the VOD that’s all it matters hopefully all that beautiful commentary was saved hello Ender boss welcome everybody yeah we had a problem we didn’t click the live button that was it but now we are

Here nice to see everybody especially swack and Kaji a little bit behind but it’s it’s fine it’s not like I’ve ever had a consistent schedule anyways it’s it’s we’re we’re chilling this is on time anyone who anyone who who thought it was supposed to happened uh 15 minutes ago they’re wrong they actually

They just beauty of a chill stream exactly yeah that’s it is whenever it needs to happen yeah this is actually the exact right time that it was supposed to happen um we were I was Guided by the universe into making it happen the way that happened the Stars finally went into

Alignment oh so it looks like z00 city is it’s popping yeah so where where are you I’ll I’ll meet up with you and I’m just going to try and find a way into the City and meet you somewhere in the middle okay yeah I’m collecting wood

Right now cuz I saw one of those floating trees and OCD kicked in oh it’s not done I’m going back in the tree is still alive I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how uh by how how the city is looking uh last uh last stream with

Fast Vincent I I started uh doing a bit of restoration of the dirt around the spawn area and uh I think it actually looks kind of hospitable now instead of like a crater and um you actually might be interested in knowing swack actually did participate in a little bit of the

Building of this place I forgot about that me and him did a video together oh yeah yeah I I that was the unlisted video right I like that video yeah I’m need to try doing that stuff again that’s just good mm I’m consuming though this this Castle area this city is crazy

You did such a good job with that you got you and you and swack making this like the I felt like there was real luras and all that to this whole like building and then like it got destroyed and you rebuilt it anyways and like like that was

Crazy yeah I I love the idea of just the city that organically keeps growing itself like a forest over time yeah dude I uh I yeah I like I like that where it’s like the the the the damage gets in put into the build you know you like

You’ve got the crater and then you’ve got like the city and then the the city just builds over and under and inside of the crater and then just slowly everything gets like more and more I love it I love it the interior is probably mostly unscathed if the surface

Is looking as nice as it does uh yeah yeah the like what wasn’t you know I don’t think there’s been any any further destruction since you uh you’re uh since you stopped playing pretty much well the server has slowed down quite a bit hasn’t it oh yeah it has uh this is

Actually part of my like Grassroots campaign to get people to play on it here I I want to incorporate you know like famous internet guests with like oh they the This Server you know Mr Epic is going to be on here next uh at some point I if he’s

Interested I I I’m going to reach out to him at some point too um but you know like if they it’s mostly just like this is going to be the background location you know when when you’re when when it’s happening you don’t need to look at the visuals you’re just listening to the

Like the podcast esque experience oh I see it see I see let’s go it’s just happens to be here so it like doubles as like kind of like that I don’t know um and also you know the the actual you know I wanted to make some something

Like these streams are a little more like informational than like the average stream of mine oh oh well that okay oh he’s still alive look at that you could have killed him you should be ashamed he’s walking back I killed him I killed him oh dude he he

Literally turned around trying to like smack me I can’t imagine sounds I don’t have anyo is still intact I don’t know who do you remember what the refresh button is for Minecraft uh F oh button the letter a used to be the letter F to change your render distance

But they changed that um so that I don’t think there is a refresh I don’t know um sorry I just left for a second it’s all good it’s all good my parents were engaging in discourse with me oh oh my goodness I’m clicking all the F buttons

You know that’s the closest thing to like a to to actually you were gone for a second that I I’ve ever experienced most I triggered cinematic camera moment oh G oh no oh the f8 yeah let’s oh oh I’m going to be streaming with that from

Now on dude f8 is incredible it’s it is a beautiful thing I did they remove it in newer versions maybe what about changing sometimes if you change settings with the video then you can you can refresh it which is nice oh okay it’s probably one of the F F5 F6

Okay I I can’t PvP with this though what happened I just lagged for a second okay so it’s according to Ander boss it’s still it’s still thing in Minecraft he uses it for his videos all the time so oh nice well thank you actually ke you’re in the chat still right if key’s

In the chat I’m curious have you finally started working on your videos I remember months ago you were saying you were going to start trying to make videos on your channel oh you got you got to get on that man yeah dude you you got to create it’s a it’s a necessity

Don’t be just a consumer don’t just consume media that’s that makes you the product you you need to become a part of lame stream media instead of just passively enjoying it all right how dare you yeah we’re just going to trash you in the chat now wait all the L I don’t

Even this is an interesting little section of the place um yeah so uh let’s say for for people who who don’t know who uh the bread pirate is uh could you give like a simple dri example of what what it is a description of uh what you

Do online who you are that kind of thing so I make I make videos about the Legend of Zelda series and my my specific Focus within that genre of gaming is fact content I like to tell stories about how the Zelda series was formed I like to

Share trivia that people didn’t know and sometimes discover things myself and then share my discoveries in my YouTube videos like in the recent Zelda game tears of the Kingdom there’s a lot of mechanical intricacies that people don’t know about yet and I try and discover stuff that I can then share with people

Like hey how does this Boulder fall differently is it gravity like five meters faster why is that let’s figure it out and then I do it in a bit of a story book format it’s good I like it I I’ve uh I went and I watched like a

Bunch more of your videos uh in the in like the process of just like knowing that I’m up to date on what what you’re up to you know cuz like uh yeah sometimes I lot of touch you know got to got to you got to know what your guess

Does you know and you know I do actually watch your videos like um casually as well but you know naturally I mean hey I I’m very guilty of the same thing I can’t keep up with every YouTuber I love watching in fact more so recently cuz I recently noticed I was getting addicted

To the product yeah same same I I had to cut back on it so I got this Google Chrome extension called unhook which allows for me to disable different aspects of the YouTube UI and I disabled uh the recommended feed the homepage shorts and the Subscribe feed in fact so

Now I’m only getting notifications if I have the notification Bell on for a YouTuber and then occasionally I’ll turn it off and check oh did any major videos get released I probably should check okay this is I actually just Googled that right now I am going to be doing

That because I have such a huge problem with my consumption of YouTube um and I I’m like addicted to to it you know like to like a specific like just kind of like video that it’s just like where somebody talks about something for like

A while and then I just listen to it in the background you know and it’s like a complete like most of it is like there’s certain videos where I’m like this is actually good and I’m like this is a good use of my time other stuff it’s

Like I’m just watching garbage because I just can’t help but like in in just in you know fill my mind with trash YouTube content and I’m like what am I doing I should be watching more bread pirate videos why I’m watching YouTube Drama Oh my

God oh gosh no yeah I I noticed the same thing and often times I don’t regret it what when I’m doing it I’m like this is fun but I still think I I should reduce it a little bit more like I recently watched a 5 hour video over the course

Of several days days not in one setting from this guy named Frederick who does down the rabbit hole oh that guy he was it about the online yes yes I was blown away cuz I love stories of games where the the the it’s driven by the players

And not this artificial thing created by the company yes and that is even EV on line in a nutshell this giant space odyssey where players are moving the economy themselves and generating their own Wars and trying to gain as much as possible it’s just it’s it’s crazy do oh

Do you need I uh yeah I kind of do there’s a there’s actually still a a farm somewhere in here that you can you can get some food from as well but I’ll also give you some like some sustenance once I get out of the the city

Um uh Ender Bross says I noticed your Channel’s icon and banner turned from green to blue recently um so what’s up with that I did notice that too when I was doing this thumbnail I was like oh it’s green and I’m going to make a green thumbnail and then I then you’re like

Blue and I’m like huh time to reink oh yeah did you did you change that for the thumbnail I didn’t even that did not even register in my mind oh yeah you did like I well I just used your thing I was expecting a green logo and I was like so

What what how do I make like this green and I’m like oh I guess I got to emphasize the the blue what’s what caused the change in that logo yeah so recently actually I think it started last year I noticed that hey my logo is pretty simple and I could change it

Really easily on a dime if I ever need to I’m going to make winter uh and fall themed logos for my channel so the the the the Avatar that you’re seeing is just my my winter theme for it cuz it’s blue oh I see okay like

And what’s the fall one is it like orange or something the fall one was orange yeah which confused a lot of people because that’s also the theme that I did after my channel got hacked uhuh that that that was fun that was a good time oh yeah uh yeah how so what’s

That I’ve never had a Channel of or actually I’ve never been hacked so oh that’s not true actually my laptop got hacked when I was like a child but I wasn’t I didn’t even notice yeah it was it was all my fault it was a moment of incre incredible

Laziness on my part I was looking through my emails and I get I get sponsorship offers all the time from companies I I just generally dislike but I saw one from a company I actually do like Bethesda you know maybe their their games are a bit janky but I I am a

Sucker for Fallout and although I’ve never played Skyrim I love hearing stories about it I see so I decided like hey you know this this is a good company I I’d kind of like to check the sponsorship out I skimmed the email really quickly and they had like uh

Media Kit that you could download with information uh about about what the sponsorship would entail it was I think it was Starfield because Starfield was still like something they were trying to push and advertise I checked it out the Media Kit didn’t have any virus when I opened

It at first and I’m like this is cool I like this and then they had a screen saver file there with uh that said it was a PDF but the the the fact it was a screen saver file was hidden uh in in the code there I clicked it then screen saver

Files are notoriously very dangerous to open because they can hack your computer screen saver files so yeah it’s an SBC file I think screen saver no I don’t remember what it’s called exactly but I clicked that and that hacked my computer I didn’t even notice until an hour later

When I was like I can’t log into YouTube that’s not normal Dam and started freaking out but I re I really I think kept my composure pretty well MH part partly because I’ve I’ve been training to be more like technoblade for for a long time and technoblade I’m like what would

Technoblade do I’m like oh he laugh it off okay cool this is fine everything’s good and then and then secondly I realized like hey even if my channel does go under I really enjoy the process of making a new Channel there’s there’s something really thrilling about that

Fighting against the the the Ali big man yeah batt battling against the big man pushing to get recognized so I I was like you know I mean if it does go under not the biggest deal but I have faith that YouTube will fix this problem all righty that’s and that’s a good mindset

It was well-placed Faith YouTube for all of their downs such as like removing dislikes and annotations they’ve done a lot to help their creators when their creators are in fishy situations they they had a team that was ready to help me out I told them what happened and

They were like boom boom boom go on to Twitter here’s a link that can help you we’re going to get you set up so that you get your account back and within 24 hours I got it back dude that is that is a great that is a great uh like situ

Like that that you know they got that they got back to you so quickly like recently A friend of mine Lord pasta got his channel completely deleted by YouTube as well and oh deleted by YouTube yeah and uh for V in like terms of service things which is like it was

Like I think people like said some stuff on a live stream or like he defended veganism and then like they deleted him because he he like uh was using like he he was like comparing like um like would you eat a a chicken um should like if

You think that the reason you shouldn’t like eating animals is right or wrong or whatever is because they’re not as intelligent you know like it’s fine cuz they’re not so intelligent um then it’s like would you consider like would you eat a human being if they uh you know

Had I speci needs or something yeah they actually have like the mental capacities of like a you know an animal or something or like a small like you know that’s a legitimate debate though that’s a good thing to bring up and it’s he was bringing it in defense of like no

Obviously you wouldn’t do that you know but I think YouTube interpreted that like maybe with robots or something as like you are this guy’s eating children and with special needs what yeah that that could be taken as bad if an AI didn’t have the inflection well exactly so it’s like

Um uh he he got his channel removed he got strikes for other stuff and I I do I will say that there are like things on his channel that probably like especially the live streams like that aren’t said by him but by people who will join the live streams you know like

Trolls or whatever and they’ll say stuff that they you know shouldn’t um but it’s like they YouTube doesn’t really specify what got him banned so to all we know was like that a a a a video got removed a live stream was removed but luckily

Like I I was I was I’ve gotten like a less blackpilled over because he um he got his channel reinstated and YouTube was like actually like that’s that’s our bad and it’s like that’s wow that that’s incredible that’s like I’ve never heard of that happening uh someone who gets un

Unfairly banned by YouTube for like you know like I forget what it was it was like discriminating or something and it’s like pasta is not that guy he’s he has he he doesn’t you know he’s like very nice dude so it’s like clearly clearly that’s not not a true thing of

Him that he did cuz he I’m really glad that happened you I’ve never heard of a story of somebody being banned by YouTube and coming back either exactly yeah and it’s like he’s and he has like he’s a tiny Channel like a thousand a thousand subscribers right like like my

Level and it’s like that is like that’s you you you get banned you’re gone you know you’re never seen again but no they they actually helped him out they got his channel unbanned within a day like I I had written and like recorded a video basically in defense of pasta um just

Before um and in just like an hour before it was I posted or even less um he he got his channel back which is great um but you wasted all your time though yeah I was like sick too I was like super sick and I felt terrible like

I I was felt awful like just writing and recording all I didn’t write I mean like recording and editing and like you know I was like mad but I’m like very violently ill that day and then I’m like this is important I got to get the word

Out and then no no turns out I need to say anything but um that was actually that’s good like I’ve never I’ve never seen some YouTube really take take a take a decision like that back so I think a lot of it is is that recently this isn’t necessarily their fault

There’s been a lot of hacking going on of YouTube because YouTube is a very large market and there are a lot of like me people who are idiotic and don’t pay attention to what they’re doing so they they they can pre on that yeah and what they’ll do is they’ll just take these

Emails and spam them out to a ton of different people in hopes that at least one of them Falls for it it’s it’s not a you know keyed in effort on one channel if it were here’s the thing if that were what the hackers were doing to my

Channel they would have Al also altered my secondary channels but they didn’t they they just went for the biggest channel that had the most money and then it what was it doing it like make it turned you into like an Elon Musk like AI it turn yeah so this this is the

Premise of the joke that I hate foxes on my channel I my channel was turned into a Fox News live stream that was supporting Bitcoin which listen listen I like Fox News like it or not it doesn’t normally like the company doesn’t normally go around promoting Bitcoin so

This is already like it’s fishy on top of fishy that’s funny unfortunately though yeah that that’s what happened but I I’m trying to figure out how to make fences I’m like I’m having a brain fart this version is different isn’t it it’s they they changed the crafting recipe it’s uh

You need two blocks of wood and then two sticks in the middle and then two blocks of wood no no no no no no this one is uh just sticks all this version maybe that was offense thank thankfully YouTube came came to my defense and got rid of

It but that that was the freakiest part about it just seeing like oh gosh my my my like livelihood in branding is now turned into a live stream for cryptocurrency Ah that’s really the your career you Peak you peaked when you got hacked in promoted crypto you’re never you can’t hop

It yeah exactly and that’s also the reason my channel became orange afterwards I was like well I guess my Channel’s owned by Foxes now let’s let’s make it orange themed is it is is it just a joke or do you actually have a problem with the with the animal the fox

Animal I I I don’t want to be taken out of context is liking foxes so I I won’t uh I won’t answer that but I will say this the amazing The Amazing or what is it The Fantastic Mr Fox is a movie I’m very fond of okay

Okay yeah so the animosity the animosity might be more ambiguous it’s more ambiguous there’s a it’s there’s a gray Zone there’s a gray area yeah yeah a certain appreciation of certain kinds of things yeah may maybe it’s that the bread pirate is jealous of foxes being a

More successful pirate than he is could be that like a what do you what do you call that a professional jealousy professional jealousy yeah I like it I like it uh as far as um like the hacking goes have you taken any like precautionary measures to make sure that

Doesn’t happen again is there anything that you’re doing now differently that you uh you you that’s only changed because of this incident oh yeah yeah so I I now have uh what what do you call it a malware detecting software so every link I open

Up now is being checked by that before I I click on anything and it’ll flag stuff that looks sketchy and if something does sketchy come up it’ll it’ll delete it immediately that that’s been phenomenal and I I do see the effects of it with like it detecting things that I didn’t

Even know could potentially be scamming are being prevented so I I think that’s a good first step is this a a paid program it is a paid one although you can use it for free it’s a malware bites malware bites you could use it for free

To scan whenever you want but it won’t do the real time protection unless you actually pay for it and I’m I’m paying for realtime protection to be doubly safe yeah that’s that’s fair that’s that’s fair yeah yeah now there are other softwares you can get some people don’t trust malware bites I personally

Do trust malware bites because uh it’s the difference between a lot of these softwares that that prevent malware from getting on your computer are marginally different from one another mhm another one that some people swear by is kerski kerski but when I heard I I

My family used kerski in the past and we had lots of problems with it because number one it’s owned it’s owned by Russia it’s a Russian company which is kind of sketchy and number two kerski slows down computers because it eats up a lot of RAM for some reason yeah malare

Bites is the best middle ground I like it I I think I it’s not owned by a Russian company let’s go yeah cuz I’ve I’ve heard of that I I’ve heard of malware bit before I don’t I think I was using it to scan files to see if they had

Viruses in them and then they would say that some of the like because it scans it with like a bunch of different methods right and then it like yeah and then it they would say uh that it did in certain places get detected as a virus and then I would use the program

Anyways yeah sometimes you just ignore it cuz you’re like oh no wait no I know this project this isn’t a hack this is I wasn’t even that certain I was just like I I’m I’m putting I’m going to use it anyway I was being I was being uh taking

Big risks we take big risks here on this app as YouTubers yeah casual our whole career is just one I mean really all of YouTube if you want to turn it into a career is one big risk like right now my channel is I’m kind of gambling against

The passage of time fighting against it to keep my channel profitable at this point because now that the Zelda Community is very much shrunk after the new Zelda game there is a bit more competition to get views it’s more Cutthroat it’s more cut yeah n not really Cutthroat I the success of one

YouTuber is the success of everybody that’s true because because it generates more engagement with the community more interest yeah exactly but you have to be more creative against the other things on the platform that are eating up interest like balder’s gate or the Spider-Man game you got you got to find

Ways of competing with the other games that are out there to be fair um it’s not uh like a what do I say uh I had a point it’s gone were you gonna say something like like Zelda being like a game you like join once and then it’s like okay I’m

Done no no I was going to say that like uh as far as like that goes being more more like having to be more creative I don’t think that’s particularly like a bad thing you know that’s really like pushing your your your boundaries it’s making you making you into a better

Creator you know like yeah make make you know I don’t I don’t know there’s a saying but limitation be breeds creativity as one kind of thing yeah where it’s like now it’s really do or die you know you got that you got that fire under you to keep you going yeah

Yeah and I I personally I think that’s enthralling I love that feeling of the you got to fight against it the problem is the best way to do it for my channel is by making these longer videos that will take longer and I don’t get as

Excited for that kind of stuff as I do for periods of where I can and videos that are what do I feel interested in at this moment I like it I’m able to do that I see I see but Beggars aren’t choosers I got to take it as I am able

To do whatever I can uh YouTube YouTube is a privilege right it’s it’s not a right to have it as a job that’s true that’s true uh What uh like so you you’ve you’ve centered your channel like entirely around just uh Zelda topics is there like a particularly like interest

Like a particular reason why you you focused on just Zelda and not like other games like cuz like you said there’s like a a lowering demographic for like interest and or at least viewers you know and it’s like wouldn’t it be better almost to to diversify your assets or

You you planning to do that at any point or or do you just think that it’s like it’s not not a big deal like you’re just not interested in other talking about other things like what’s the what’s the reasoning behind that there there’s always and this is a phenomenal question

Wow you did you write these down beforehand no wow okay I love this one okay so I I think that diversification is great if you are a personality YouTuber YouTubers can be fit into two categories ones that Center their content around their personality or ones that Center it around a product and the

Dream of every YouTuber is to be a personality one because then you can make whatever the heck you want like Markiplier doeses and and you’ll have millions of views right that’s the dream yeah but the problem is nobody cares who you are when you’re starting off you

Have to have something that you start with and then get to the diversification so right if if Jimmy over here just started YouTube and he wants to make like a reaction video to FNAF I’m not watching that are you gonna watch this Sao I see uh yeah no I

Probably wouldn’t I probably wouldn’t no no you don’t care about Jimmy Jimmy could be doing the best job he can and it still won’t matter however let’s say Jimmy makes like an analysis on the literature of of I don’t know FNAF and then he like turns that into like his

Whole Channel’s Focus it’s like just FNAF I don’t even know if you like FNAF let’s let’s assume you like let’s assume I know I I’m in I am in there yeah I’m deep in the floor you don’t you don’t even know deep in the FNA floor then

You’re like oh dang this guy is providing something unique mhm I can only get it here and I can consistent consistently rely on him to get it to me I see this is somebody I’m going to keep watching so so another way of putting it

Is would you go to a pizzeria to buy car tires no yeah you got to you got to develop consistency first then over time become the Super Market that you want to become like Walmart I see okay yeah now now now the question for me is am I to

The point where I can start doing that like can can I the bread pirate become a variety YouTuber do I have enough of a personality to pull that off and I have no idea but I’m not really interested in it at this point because number one I

Love the Zelda series mhm number two I love the Zelda Community because it’s one of the most wholesome on the internet there’s very rarely toxicity amongst people there and uh I’m I’m also very invested in the community mhm I know a lot of people in it I I’m good

Friends with many of them the other YouTubers so for me to just abandon it would feel very weird and I I think disingenuous so I’m going to be sticking for it for a long time okay I’m also not done with ideas I have too many ideas to

Go through that’s I’ve I’ve had that issue where I have like a lot of like well not it’s a good issue to have where you have so many ideas you just can’t do them all yep but if I stick around to the community long enough hopefully I will

Eventually get to all of them we’ll see I definitely think you could do personality content I think I think you I think you could make that Gap if you wanted to I think you could do that but still do Zelda videos and still make it more personality focused you know like

You did uh you did that Zelda challenge video I like that the one where you were looking for those I think they were seeds like I’m not super familiar with the Zelda one but yeah I thought that was a good video and I feel like that was more of a a personality based

Approach to to the video sphere you know you know that’s a fair point some PE there is one YouTuber in the community I love he he’s named croon me and him have talked in the past about our our differences the differences in the content we make and he pointed out that

I am the closest thing you can be to a variety content creator in the Zelda platform cuz I seemingly can get away with whatever I want to as long as it’s about Zelda so I may maybe there isn’t even a need for me to Branch out cuz I’m

Already in a really flexible position why not just stick with something that’s working good yeah exactly if it ain’t broke don’t fix it you know yeah yeah exactly um but so the games nostalgic for so you can always Branch out at some point you know you can always because

It’s like this is a skill if you if you’re doing Branch out topics but with this particular like you know just in Zelda you can totally Branch off into other games you know like there’s I’m sure there are lots of games that you probably want to talk to you at least

Are interested in you that aren’t just Z that you could totally talk about it that’s one way if you ever wanted to it’s it’s always a door that’s never closed you know that’s true it’s true you know another thing which is really nice oh sorry sorry oh no no no you

Got the other thing which is really nice about the about the Zelda Zelda games is that I can often times rope them into other games if I want to as just a silly one-off video for instance I was recently playing this game called Death road to Canada it’s like Oregon Trail

But with zombies and I named all of my party members after Zelda ones everybody who’s a Zelda fan will immediately pick up on the fact that they’re named after Zelda characters and that that almost makes it like a substitute for his other gamees so I I can Branch out a little

Bit in funny ways like that um that’s that’s good that’s good exactly exactly yeah or like Civilization do you know that one uh I think so I think so it’s like one of those like like kind of game yeah yeah yeah yeah um or or another one

Would be Minecraft like I did a video on Minecraft what was it it was the Zelda series being built in Minecraft and there’s even another YouTuber named Grazy who has made that as his entire brand so yeah there was a guy who did uh bloodborne you know that game all in

Minecraft and it’s like his entire channel is like about making that entire game in Minecraft like as a modded playable experience and it’s like really really impressive and cool really inspirational even though like I I don’t really do Minecraft Builds or much Minecraft these days but it’s like

That’s just like cool creativity where you’re mixing multiple kind of genres and whatnot no kidding that’s awesome mhm um blood War yeah it’s I I forget what his name is uh but uh it’s he’s a good Channel gets he gets my uh recommendation that dude is actually insane uh don’t do much

Minecraft these days it’s true it’s true I don’t I don’t do much Minecraft these days I don’t do much video games no you kind of grow out of that a little bit as you get older because you need you need to use your time to get

Money to ex actually get the games so you have to balance it out I was it’s just the thing I’ve never realiz like I realized this like like a only like kind of recently where I’m like I’m not a big gamer like I don’t like video games I

Can only like when I play a video game I only play Minecraft or I I play like a like a like a a IO game shooter because it’s just like I want something I can idle away my time but I don’t want to I don’t like I don’t I don’t like the the

Movie experience where you have like some sort of like uh it’s not that I don’t like it it’s just that it’s like something I get like it’s like I have to really pay attention to it I like a game where I can just kind of like zone out

And just do it you know and it’s like Minecraft is perfect for that I I’ve never needed another game I’ve been actually I’ve been having my own soul searching too I’ve been trying to find games that are shorter because I realized that shorter games really Peak my interest more recently I remember I

Remember them better afterwards than the longer games I play H yeah that’s that’s interesting yeah I it’s kind of almost like the the well it’s not quite that but it’s like you know like long versus short or like uh like binge versus uh like elongated like show watching like I

Have yeah yeah exactly do you watch it in chunks do you watch it all at once I have consumption problem like I I think my lack of being able to get into video games mostly has to do with uh like I I I like to watch like a YouTube video and

Do a game like I’ve got that like I’ve got like that ADHD can’t can’t focus on anything kind of brain so it’s like if I have something I can half listen to half something else and do half of another thing it’s like you can’t do that if

There’s a plot in a story to this game that I I should really pay attention to you know and I feel like I’m I’m losing out on experiences because of that I that is a big problem in our society just in general like attention spans being shorter and shorter and shorter so

We can’t we can’t suffer through the boredom to get to the thing that ends up being yeah it’s it’s important it helps us get to the thing that’s more fulfilling and I would say like making YouTube videos is the most fulfilling thing that I do and I I I mean like I I

I do other videos but I I I I I barely post on my channel right so it’s like what I’m I’m so like sacrificing my uh my video production and true fulfillment with a a nice product I can look back on to just you know consume other people’s

Thing and become the product and it’s like I guess I kind of yeah you’re allowed to watch other people’s stuff yeah but it’s just you know in moderation or in you know an amount where you you don’t you’re not like subtracting from your own ability to make things you know like yeah obviously

You it’s really it’s good to be like healthily informed about um about other people what’s going on you know if you’re not in plugged into the the cultural Zeitgeist there’s a bit of a disconnect there you know you need you want to stay on top of things but

There’s like there’s an over consumption of media that you know is not healthy um yeah you got to balance it out server is going to reset in 15 minutes oh dear yeah oh that’s it’s it’s fine nothing bad happens it just it’s an automatic restart for like Ram

Consumtion or something trying to hop on but the launcher seems to contain beta except 1.9 uh This Server is on release 1.4.2 um this 1.4.2 so oh snap yeah okay yeah the description is not updated is the description of the stream wrong am I dumb uh unfortunately yes oh oh I’m sorry I’m

Sorry what bet I’m so sorry about that this 1.4 4.2 I I I thought that was all uh I was all I thought I had it on right no wonder I’m amateur moment amateur moment um it should be fixed now um uh I feel like games aren’t as

Immersive as they used to feel still sometimes feel it but obviously when you’re younger it’s easier that’s true uh I think it is a a youth versus old kind kind of scenario there though because um it’s like when you’re older you have more distraction actions and

It’s hard and you there are more things that are like you’ve seen before right so it’s harder to get invested but I was thinking let’s uh let’s take the discussion back to um like the your channel and stuff but how do you take that like lack of motivation you can you

Can get where you’re attention span gets lower and it you know you start prioritizing other things how do you deal with that and how do you how do you make so many quality videos so frequently and consistently dude I wish I knew uh what’s the secret what’s the

Secret juice is there a secret juice uh got to think about that for a second how do I how do I do that H like uh if it helps what’s what’s your process when you like from from idea or like how you get the idea to to

The final video and like making the thumbnail and the title and the whole process of editing and recording like what’s the step by step the play byplay of each of your videos well the first part is obviously the ideas process and I don’t think people people often enough acknowledge

The ideas process as a a a vital part of it right they’re just like oh yeah I’m going to make YouTube videos it’s going to be great and then don’t think like oh what do I make what would actually get people’s attention so I mean it starts

There and usually once I have an idea that I think is cool that’s enough passion to keep me going usually it’s not it’s not 100% certain but it’s pretty certain like for instance I had a video recently about birds that I was really passionate about I thought hey

It’d be kind of funny to rank every bird and of the Kingdom let’s do that and at that point I would I it didn’t matter too much how how bored I might be during the process I was just kind of tickled by the idea like I could do this let’s

Do it I want to create this thing yeah how do I how do I get through that mod yeah how do I do that do you ever like find yourself getting like uh like distracted while you’re working on something or do you that always happens mhm how does how

Do you get back on track with that H so sometimes oh gee sorry I’m about to be attacked by skeletons it’s all good it’s all good it be chilling oh this might be bad I might because there are furnaces on the ground I’m going to die oh

No I’m about to die yeah okay R where unfortunately I uh ran into a room with a lot of furnaces so I couldn’t set blocks down to protect myself oh oh I’m being tailed by a thousand mobs now they they oh my goodness oh nice nice yeah there’s a labyrinth underneath this city

That I’ve completely forgotten about yeah that that’s like one of the coolest parts of this build so yeah for people who are wondering this build is like majority made by uh bread pirate um so he’s got like tunnels and everything and there’s like cafes and oh and there’s

Stuff I don’t know about like that that that furnace room I’ve seen it before but I have no idea who created it it’s it’s existed there I think before a z00 city existed and it it for a while it had a swastika design on the floor which I got

Rid of but who made that oh probably bars probably guy probably yeah probably him the entire floor is made of furnaces and there was lava everywhere but I I I tried to get rid of that a little bit cuz it seemed dangerous for mining oh there was like this one like thing

That’s like a furnace and every time I go in there it’s so dark like it’s supposed to be atmospheric but all the mobs just spawn and then you die in there and you can’t and there’s lava like on the side cuz it’s lit it’s like lit by

Lava and it’s just like not it’s not bright enough yeah how do yeah I’m trying to think like how do I get through the mo like the boring Parts one thing is I take frequent breaks so you’re not I don’t push myself too hard like uh yeah

So how like one video uh how how many days of like like counting breaks or whatever when you start a project how long does it take to finish it you know it it varies widely depending on the type of project there are some videos I can complete in a day for instance I

Made a a very quick analysis video on the DLC for tear of the Kingdom I had the information at hand I knew how I was going to analyze it and I I didn’t write a script I just used an outline and I beat that video down in I think 36 hours

36 hours over the course of how many days like two days what was two days who it wasn’t 36 hours of work it was it was like within 36 hours of starting that project it was done wow that’s so like I can do that sometimes in moments where I’m extremely

Interested the Hy interested in the topic and I think there’s urgency to it other times I have a video project which I know would be interesting but it ends up being very ambitious with research and I started thinking about how all the pieces are going to get put

Together and I freeze and I don’t even want to touch the project anymore gets me so bad when that happens I just have to move on and go to a different project and come back to it later but that is that makes it even harder the next time you try and go to

It one project like that right now is my uh pronunciation video I I created a video not too long ago about the pronunciation of a certain monster in the Zelda series or I’m making I started research on a video about that not too long ago this

Skeleton is going to I’m going to die to a skeleton again this is bad it do be that night time travel it do be that nighttime travel yeah I wanted to make a video about the pronunciation of the word boblin in the Zelda series or is it B

Okay boblin boin or booin there’s a bunch of pronunciations that people use and I wanted to make a video what is the most accurate pronunciation what’s the pronunciation you should use cuz it’s never been stated in any of the games and for that video I ended up interviewing ex Nintendo employees it

Was like this huge project what yeah yeah they there’s these two employees named kitten and Christa who used to run their own series at Nintendo podcast for fans of Nintendo but they they left after one of the branches of Nintendo shut down on good terms it wasn’t a bad

Thing and now they tell stories of their time with the company and they were willing to sit down with me for about 15 minutes and do an interview about it and I just am overwhelmed by the project partly because I know what I want to get

Across but I don’t know how to say it oh I see I see I see what you’re saying there hm I found like if I’m struggling with like maybe like a presentation style and often times like uh uh do you have someone you like uh have like

Review your videos and like see drafts before you post them uh actually no not at the moment I used to but after a certain while I just got to the point where I’m like I don’t I don’t need a review I just need to get this out fast cuz I’m I’m desperate for

Views no that’s fair I I uh I watched my own video like five times I have 5,000 times I know exactly I was supposed to be this is exactly yeah yeah yeah uh I I um I don’t do that for my own channel most of the time but I find like if

You’re having like an issue um with like uh how to tell a story oftentimes like talking to like your peers or somebody else who you know is you maybe even Consulting someone who you respect as like a Storyteller you know can help like they can just say a word sometimes

I’ll have like uh friends of mine or like people I know and I’ll talk to them about something and then they’ll pop out an idea that’s just so good on how to do something that I’m like I got to do it this way now this is like actually

Perfect and it’s like something I would just you know not really have come up to like in that way cuz they got like slightly different perspective from you but you know like that was actually the perspective that like needed that push of new inspiration you know I don’t yeah

Yeah it’s it it comes back to that funny little thing that YouTube doesn’t want us doing but is important for getting breaks and getting ideas people yeah it all comes back to people eventually that’s true being socialized I was going to mention that earlier I didn’t I

Didn’t quite fit it in but yeah I think that people being in in fellowship with people just being around people can give you a great amount of he spawned in a cheese grater nice it can give you a great amount of what what’s the word um inspiration

Stress relief inspiration I mean just to name anything I mean really just being with people is never a bad thing it’s always a good thing you have I mean you do have to bance it eventually with like getting the work done but yeah if you have to choose between the two I would

Choose people well yeah exactly like it’s like the you don’t want to you don’t want to you don’t want to fall off in that like social you don’t want to become somebody who’s who’s who who talks to no one and and just stays in their room all

The time you know and it’s like sure maybe you get a lot of work done or something but you start to go a little crazy I think I think a lot of like yeah YouTube uh horror stories happen when when people like eccentric personalities isolate themselves for too long from other

People um and they lose their they’re not socialized properly and they’re just alone you know it’s not a good thing yeah cuz it’s like toughing it out on your own is is not as uh good of a like you know like the people might glorify

You know like I did it all by myself I’m all on my own but it’s like it doesn’t actually invalidate you know your struggle if you struggle with people you know that’s that’s a good thought that’s you have a poster that I can buy a

Poster yeah I got that from uh from my my uh current employer he uh he’s big on that uh that self-improvement like mindset that healthy healthy Community Vibes uh what do you do for a job at the moment uh well I mean it’s like a part-time job but I I work for a

YouTuber as an editor so um uh he gokanaru on YouTube and I I make uh I make I make his videos some of them ah right I remember you said saying that you had that so you’ve been doing that job for like a year now it’s been a year

Now right you know what’s funny he still hasn’t uploaded any of them no he does uh he does um that server restarted he does um like uh live streams weekly and then he has a Clips Channel where he like turns it into like drama schop but um I

Would say it’s it’s higher quality drama schlop than average person cuz what he’ll do is he’ll take like a dumb YouTube topic right and then he’ll cover it and he’ll in insert like philosophy or good life advice or some sort of thing into it that’s like oh how toid

This kind of thing in the future yeah you know like good brain juice in the slop it’s he he described it as a like the cheese and the pill and the cheese or whatever you know like he’s putting the healthy stuff in hiding it under some slop uh editor moment I’m looking to

Enter that space soon dude it’s not as swack you’d be perfect at it dude you here’s here’s how you want to know how I got how that uh how I got that job uh he started his live streams after being absent from the internet for 2 years and

Then I uh I just started doing fan edits of his like streams I cut them down into like like digestible 10 to 20 minute videos I did I only made three videos um before uh I ended up getting hired so that pretty epic yeah he I’m he’s like

Sorry I need to ask you something oh yeah yeah so when the server resets are items deleted uh no no you should all be there it’s would you like to help me on a quest I need to get my items back get I will get them for you okay uh no no no

No no together oh okay okay where are you together cuz this is going to I’m at the wooden house right now okay yeah there’s a chance that because I loaded these chunks for five minutes that they they’re not there anymore but it’s possible but it’s the journey not the

Destination you know you’re gonna you’re going to like this journey anyway so we need to find the entrance to this place first that’ll be a bit yeah I’m going to need some food right I’ll give you some carrots yo oh wait hold up you’re the bread priate I’ll give you my

Bread no carrots got to have that bread that D actually it’s the thing we’re saving is carrots which is funny but oh I you can’t let food go to waste what are you crazy exct yeah yeah I died in the furnace room that’s the thing so we

Have to find our way over to there uh the biggest challenge I think right now is going to be figuring out how the heck did I even start getting in there uh oh where did you go I already lost you it’s been one second yeah one moment I’ll oh

I just fell down I see your I see your name uh but I would say if you’re looking to get into the video editing space do fan edits of stuff for people you like if if you uh see an opportunity to edit your own version of a video of a

YouTuber that you like like if they have a stream just do that down uh only three cutdowns into a higher nice I’ve uh mostly just edited video essays and streams for friends so far dude and that’s a great resume too you can also you know send emails to YouTubers and

Whatnot or you know message them or whatever but I think the biggest way to make an impact is to edit some sick [ __ ] for some guy um who uh you enjoy and you maybe were potentially looking to in into you know doing that like worst case scenario like they’re not going to

Copyright strike you for making a cool video in their Community worst thing happens you don’t get recognized but then you have a sick piece of edits you can use to show someone else if you want to get hired you know that’s how I did it um oh I’m sure there’s probably more

Effective ways but that was how I got my start and think about it like if you do your own YouTube channel that’s your resume so um if you have cool videos on your own channel you know that works that doubles as I’ve never even seen this place

Before that doubles as the bad room the bad room or the bedroom it’s a little bit torn down but it’s uh it’s like the horror wing of the oh it’s got to be dark here I see okay yeah it’s the horror wing and it’s not fully functioning right now some

People appear to place blocks everywhere yeah I think um people have minded around here no that’s really smart just doing YouTube for a while has made H has let me make connections uh text limit that’s okay yeah uh I mean like the bread pirate he knows who you are that’s

Pretty that’s pretty he’s pretty high profile yeah I mean I’m pretty I’m pretty chill pretty pretty cool um larger creators who I’d love to edit for someday exactly yeah and it and it’s like if you do good stuff like at a certain point you YouTubers like they

Have a lot of spare cash to throw around you found the happy place aren’t you happy I you know I feel this I like the atmosphere but I I feel like I’ve been here before very limal uh we need to go up here so I’ll just dig up and then you

Could use those blocks again um yeah so speaking of um I I had an actually I had another question that built off of what were we just talking about resumés just keep going up there that’s where the furnace room is okay before the resumes before all that stuff I had is it behind

Behind this wall yeah it should be okay I see oh the furnace room interesting oh oh God oh God okay we that’s one of the problems that that yeah people put lava in the floor dangerous I remember this place the food’s gone now but this is the furnace

Room oh I put a sign here a while ago it seems RP the B Pirate the dungeon I feel like I’ve been here on a stream one time extreme plagiarist uh uh for sure Burton definitely helped me develop my editing style uh just from studying his stuff oh

He’s talking about me oh your B okay okay that’s your that’s your IRL name dox IRL let’s go actually that’s my second Channel Burton Brewster oh okay okay public information well I don’t mind too much there there’s a lot of Articles at like my college that would like talk about it

And stuff so it’s like oh yeah that’s cool I can’t really hide it no that’s all fair I mean at some point I think you kind of can’t stous I I wrote for my college paper for a while which is especially where like my name pops up a lot H that really must

Get you some like Writing Practice too so it did I it it heavily inspired my writing style having work with some sort of reporting but yeah I unfortunately my stuff was not down here so it does appear that it despawned that just means we have to find a new way out of here

Yeah Brewster sounds like a type of bird well you know it’s funny you say that Animal Crossing might have beat you to that swack really Brer is the name of the cafe dude he’s he’s a pigeon oh well there you go yeah an animal crossing oh

Okay I found a oh this is just our way back okay so you’re mining to the the top uh yeah yeah I’m going to just mine to the surface again there was a way out of here at one point I don’t remember where it is yeah

It’s okay I I’m actually going to just mine all the dirt in here ah man I I had a really good question and I completely I completely dropped my mind that is oh oh it was about collaborating with smaller YouTubers I think I think that

Was what it was I noticed that you do that an awful oh no no it was before we do that one uh you uh oh oh it’s god wow wow that I okay you lost it mids sentence yes uh twice no okay and I have it right now but I

Don’t know why I can’t say the words to it oh my God uh you have are you the the most subscribed to Zelda YouTuber that’s what I wanted to say wow oh no no not by a long shot I I keep a spreadsheet of the top Zelda YouTubers

In the community the top 30 I’m like 20th in subscribers and like 27th in views 20th in subscribers there’s a there a larger I I here’s the thing it’s like I’m not familiar too much with the Zelda like I’ve only played like the third game on Nintendo

Switch an hour send the spreadsheet you you could share this in the Stream if you want to uh you don’t need to but I keep a monthly spreadsheet and share it with a bunch of other Zelda YouTubers oh that’s really cool like that that seems

Like a that’s like a lot of like I feel like work to just categorize all that just to uh just like do you do you when do you how much often do you update it uh once a month I try and shoot for the first or sometimes the seventh of the

Month not seventh second second of the month yeah so it’s a lot of work but I did at first to prove to my parents that I was making progress as a YouTuber that I was like in the top 20 um but unfortunately the more I research into

How large the community is my name keeps progressively going lower and lower on the list as I find all these obscure YouTubers that I I barely know I see I see well that’s okay so some of the people on the list are basically like nonf factors for instance like Zelda

Dungeon is there Zelda dungeon is a is is for the website name known as Zelda dungeon they have a lot of ads from from years ago like they would upload Zelda commercials that got them lots of views so they’re they don’t make their own content usually aside from podcasts

Nowadays so it’s like they they really aren’t in the top anymore which is why there’s another category there which is every month who’s making the most views and subscribers which I think is a much more accurate indicator of how successful you are on the platform is there a for like uh

Collaborators you collaborate with a lot of Zelda YouTubers I’ve noticed like the last like my memory all all the ones that I can like OT a lot of the time when I remember them I’m like you could this video had some random person I’ve never heard of in it that do Zelda

Things as well you you seem to incorporate a lot of like other Zelda YouTubers into these into your videos um is what’s the what’s the particular reason because a lot of big YouTubers don’t do that you know or even like you know I mean you don’t have the like

You’re not the like a million sub but even then it’s like you still 100K that’s a lot of you know that’s most people don’t collaborate with other YouTubers like what’s up with that I’m actually I think that more people do than is realized but it’s usually like I

You being invited to another person’s channel to do something quick right and when that happens it doesn’t really help you get publicity but if you actually do two video like do videos together on the big person’s Channel then that will actually help them uh but here it really

Comes down to this my channel got large because I did a collaboration oh I did a collaboration with a guy who’s just barely larger than myself he had 5,000 subscribers and and I had 500 at the time so I mean huge gap there right for a small YouTuber but now

As a large YouTuber I don’t think that’s a huge gap and because of that it it caused a a spiral a Snowball Effect where the viewers from his channel coming to Mind Made YouTube realize my videos are worth sharing on the algorithm oh and then within a month of that collab I

Went from having 500 subscribers to 6 15,000 oh my goodness that’s awesome so My Philosophy is you you really ought to give everybody a chance to be able to have that experience because I I owe it to my good friend Andy Andy also known as zeld who

Gave me the chance to do that so I I try and give other YouTubers a chance that’s additionally I’m also really bad at saying no and often what will happen is another YouTuber will come to me and be like hey let’s do like a short collab

And I’m like okay and then it spirals out of control and becomes larger than I thought it would be but it’s okay ultimately it comes back to people it’s like being with people makes things worthwhile exactly yeah building those relationships I can say that i’ I don’t

Think I’ve ever done a collab that I have regretted not on my Channel at least you’ve done one with other people on their Channel I was on a podcast one time with this guy that had the um I don’t want to like say attention

Span of a rabbit but like he he he was pretty crazy to follow he his his thoughts wandered randomly from place to place he he was talking at a million miles per hour and his his whole gimmick is he tried to pod do podcasts

With how do I how do I explain this he tried to do podcasts about different genres every month so like he’d have a Zelda month and then he’d have like a Marvel month and then like a cowboy month like he would just keep shifting from topic to

Topic to topic and invite large creators from those topics into his channel it just was bad though I I don’t know how to put it yeah it’s the only time I’ve done a collab and I was like I shouldn’t have done that that that was a

Disaster oh well yeah yeah that’s a neat idea though I don’t even know if I could find it I might have to steal that idea that’s a good idea no yeah no his problem his problem was um also also he didn’t do enough research on every Creator beforehand he thought my name

Was um it oh Robert he thought my name was Robert cuz on my email my email is bread pirate Rob which was a reference to The Princess Bride and he was like yeah Rob I love your videos and I’m like that’s great my name’s not Rob yo swack boys here uh

That’s oh man yeah there’s some food for you uh I actually I with swack a lot swack what I like about swag’s videos if he asked me for a collab is he’s like hey could you like give me like a 20 second clip and I’m like boom done oh

Yeah yeah let’s go baby I I love it when people give me short projects like that to do it’s like a homework assignment exactly you can’t see it actually he’s dressed as Gordon Freeman right now with his Avatar but I noticed on your stream you can’t see it yeah I

Don’t have yeah you have like I know the fix but I I I will not use it I know how to get the Skins but I I just it’s too late you’re into the game yeah I’m not I’m I’m into it I’m I’m too there I’m in the moment right now I

Can’t can’t be doing that Gordon Freeman oh cuz he’s a silent protagonist I get it I’ve never played the game but I understand classic the half lifee series is incredible I love it so much that’s I I bought them I haven’t played them yet I had to stop buying games on Steam

Because I wouldn’t play them yeah halflife isn’t a very long game though and halflife 2 espec that one is a I mean it’s it’s one of the greatest Shooters of all time because it’s not just a shooter it’s a puzzle game oh it and it was the first game of its

Time to have a physics engine that was involved in the puzzles as heavily as it did guys this is the new newest bad pirate video right now it’s being it’s being filmed right now we yeah we’re going to start making got halflife video the first ever bread pirate halflife

Video is it’s recorded right now it’ll be used using audio from this stream no way I wish I could make videos by just spewing words out without a script but I need bullet points or I need to write things word for word to be able to process what I’m doing your

Approach is probably the best like every video that I’ve made uh since I did that tb2t comic video um like a while ago I uh have not scripted and I feel like I feel like you can tell um but also like um it’s it’s like so much more annoying

To edit the edit is I think in it’s almost infuriating when you don’t have a when you don’t have a script uh to basically you’re getting rid of all the s and the O and that yeah it’s well it’s it’s not even that like that I I’ve done

So much I I did uh audio editing like professionally for a while and recording and stuff uh and I I got so used to doing that like it doesn’t bother me but the the thing that bothers me is that there’s no like narrative cohesion to it almost like I was rewatching that Toxic

Avenger video I did and I’m like this is so like off the cuff because it was off the cuff and you can tell um and it’s like there’s some there is a certain like if you script it out you know you have like the plot points

The plot beats you can even do story boarding and you can really know what you’re doing when you’re editing like when I go into the edit I’m clueless as to what I should do I just improvise all of the random crap that gets added to it

Like uh I was talking to fast Vincent and he was telling me how he has like uh he for each sentence of his uh his videos he has a like uh he writes out visuals for each sentence like in like a long like like script that he has at the

End um and he you know he it really helps him you know know what to to film for his like b-roll of what he’s talking to and you know like set the mood and all that sort of stuff yeah you know I have I still dabble in unscripted content but Bull

With bullet point M that is not insane oh yeah that’s true that’s probably I should do that I did do it actually so I tried doing that with my latest Bird video that was half scripted half unscripted and that ended up going pretty well and one of my most popular

Videos on my channel is an unscripted bulleted list video or bullet point video it’s about the shika sensor there’s there was a mechanic that they removed from the game about the shika sensor in breath of the wild and I I did that point like the whole thing

With just bullet points on a notepad it was it was great I felt awesome after that but then I tried doing again for my next video and I was like no that that’s is not going to work I’m I’m going back to the script for treat to safety I got

You yeah I I don’t know uh for me uh writing scripts and doing all that like researching is like the the most painful part of videos for me I’m a very like I like visuals I love the visuals of something so putting something like that together is like I love the research

Though dopamine inducing for me I’m like a this looks sick as as hell and then it’s like the actual I have to now like put substance to these visuals that I added oh no yeah I see I like the research I think because I’m a historian so I feel

Like I’m uncovering ancient ruins when I go through old Wiki articles about websites from the early 2000s like I feel cool as I’m doing that and then I have to share it with people and I’m like oh kind of like back checked everything and the reverse issue it’s

The reverse it literally is the reverse I think that’s a better problem to have because when you have substance even if it’s not articulated as well as you would hope and I think your presentation’s great so um you’re working uh whatever you’re doing there uh your your whole process is really

Working out um I’m trying to simplify it too because it’s too much I I do relate to that like uh thinking about the the like researching finding cool stuff like I I discovered like discovering the old like novin right amazing amazing Discovery and when I was doing that I I

Found thousands of old like other random articles and no one is like I found an old server from like 2000 like 11 I had the downloaded the world map and it was just something like two guys on a website Forum played together and and had some like builds I booted it up on

The sub verion that they you know they they posted on the Forum it’s like an an archive on the way back machine nobody else has played that thing since I downloaded it and no one else will cuz they’ll never find it and it’s just like so cool to uncover stuff like that so

It’s like that was like a time where I think I had the substance but at the time my visual chops weren’t as good which is uh unfortunate but um yeah well it’s better to make it and then realize like ah my chops weren’t as good what chops is that what you’re using editing

Chops you know like visual chops I don’t know I’ve heard that as an Express before I might it might be an odd thing oh mine never heard it but I like it chops Welcome to the is that like an edit like it’s like I always thought of it as like pork chops

It’s just like the quality of your chops but I don’t like I don’t know if that’s actually what it is um I might I feel like uh tops is a term term enjoyer now I’m a chops term enjoyer exactly mindes agrees visuals over researching mindes does some really good uh um like he’s

Also like another YouTuber who uh he was like one of the first people to do um Minecraft online videos I think and he uh he used to also do 2b Bas reviews but like my favorite thing about it would be he would tell the history of a base or he still does this

Tell the history of the base walk through the base and then at the end of the video there would be the like best looking um like almost like a music video VFX thing that he would play with like a you know that that that program that you can you could do like cinematic

Camera angles you’d put shaders on and it would be like uh uh you’d find this base and there’d be this just you’d get some information you’d get a walkthrough of the base and then you’d get like just a cool AMV I guess AMV like a nice video

Of with like music and everything it’s like really is the presentation is quality for those videos and thanks just enjoying the discussion in the background well I appreciate you popping by um and it’s like I think that’s like a good mix of it oh you have the Kito profile picture

I see like what is that oh yeah from oh from sword out on online yeah I just that’s where it’s from 14k look at that okay dude mine’s uh is is I think probably like he doesn’t really do 2b videos anymore but at the time he was

Like my favorite 2B YouTuber I I still have a recording of you um reading out uh a written portion for a history video I did about uh the 2b2 T comic so I I could make a whole video of you just talking about it because I still have

That recording um and I remember like when I was like I think I was 12 when I asked you to collaborate with me on that just to read the script and I was like this is the greatest collab of my life I was like this is amazing I’m like I was

So happy about that wow this is cool you have one on the southern Canal uh Che if you’re server in Minecraft Minecraft online okay yeah all of them are are really good I I particularly like this one that was like the flowey base or something which was a

Uh like a map art base with a map art um that he visited and I that stood out in my mind um I don’t I just cuz I like map art a lot and I I thought that uh it was just kind of cool that it was just like

A random 2b2 T server discovery that he had 12 that’s against to I was also a cheeky underage YouTube creator for a while oh I was I started when I was 10 back in 2010 exactly well you yeah I I yeah I started my my channel like 12 or 13 no

2015 uh I was 12 yeah yeah um it was crazy crazy time I should not have been playing 2B at 12 though that was that was oh it was 2B at 12 oh no that’s bad yeah 12 or 13 um it was it’s not it’s not good for your mental development that that

Server ah like you have a love haate relationship with it right I like it but memories but it aids it is actually the it is it is the worst thing for the mental development of a child that you could possibly do I guess the Internet is just bad for children in general but

Like it’s just like I was a very like sheltered even though I had like unrestricted internet access I still didn’t like Google anything crazy but it’s like tub just exposed me to the worst people on the internet you could possibly talk to yeah and now you’re in

A voice chat with them well not voice chat a text chat with them yeah no mine’s is cool though um like I I don’t reget this this is great the I saw W as well complete cancer that’s all TB scares me and at 17 still you’re only 17

Dude let’s go you’ve got you got uh if you’re already this far in at 17 you’re ahead of me when I was 17 swack is mature Beyond his years he is a like like honestly I’m like man why couldn’t I been like swack at 17 I’d have a

Million Subs by now dude I’m the same thing with like uh Ender boss too like I’m like if I yeah there’s certain people where you’re like how are you not like how was I not like you I’m like you you’ve got it he’s got it you know and

I’m like I even now I struggle I compare myself to him and I go God what is what am I doing why am I why am I like like the way I am yeah I got of be like this dude and he’s just like so much younger

And you’re like I something about like people who are younger that he just pisses you off kind of like you know not in like a actual bad way but you’re just like how what in a good way way you’re frustrated with yourself that you weren’t able to figure it out as quickly

It’s like why why are you like this and me at that age I was just I was built incorrectly it feels like I actually I have another friend who’s the exact same he’s even young younger though he’s he goes by the username Solace s o l l u s

And he he he at the age of 12 had like a th000 subscribers and I’m like what the freak I want that now now he’s 14 or 15 I can’t remember exactly what he’s still doing really well and I’m like he’s probably doing I was making crappy let’s

Plays at that age and you’re making like really well edited Da Vinci resolve special effects videos like it took me until I was 17 to stop using Windows Movie Maker so swack boy you’re you’re a thousand times ahead of me like literally moov Windows Movie Maker I did

Not stop using until I I I was uh 17 like actually unhinged I loved Windows Movie Maker and windows paint like M Microsoft Paint I used it for a very long time it wasn’t until 2017 I stopped using it so like I was 15 or I was like 16 or 17 before I

Stopped using it cuz I was like this is good I could use this um yeah I remember the collab I would I was a cool it was a cool idea uh it was a great way toing bring all the YouTubers together I regret not doing more collabs back in the day but

Hopefully we’ll do more in the future yeah I would be down to to do some sort of collab again I just got to think of something to do actually mine’s we why don’t I get you on the show get you on uh sometime why not yeah yeah if you’re

Down I’m I would be down to to to do that I trying to interview all sorts of people on here um everybody this is a great idea for a show I love this yeah I I I even have like a upcoming one where um it’s sort of like a variant of this

Like I I have a sort of like I’m tired of Minecraft videos lowkey um but I don’t mind doing streams I actually like uh I like it it’s a good game to play while you’re streaming because it you kind of just you know it’s it’s I’m do

It I do it all the time I I do something else while I do Minecraft you know it’s just a good background tool kind of yeah it’s like Subway Surfers you know it’s for but for the podcast you know um and uh I I I I think that uh I wanted to do

Deep Dives on a lot of the old servers that I found in my search um and I uh and I I think I’ll just do those deep Dives live on stream is the idea um so next next stream is actually going to be a live Deep dive of another uh s oldish

Um sort of semi Anarchy server so that’s going to be fun with people you know um I co i i i founded a uh um a archive for for that server because it’s like a huge map um and you’re allowed to like grief and stuff they haven’t reset it but it

Was more like factions Minecraft and there’s like lore and all sorts of it had like a hundred players active at the time like so it had like thousands of destroyed builds it’s really interesting server and uh like nobody plays it anymore um and then I started online

Like with the how deep that story is yeah it’s a sort of yeah it’s it’s like very dead now but like a lot of the old players are like you know they’re a lot older now you know they’re older than than me I think um and uh uh and you

Know they were playing it when they were really young and then they have all these stories and I I started an archive and then another guy who was passionate in just like the idea of it he uh he’s been like running it now um and he’s

Going to walk me through a lot of old bases like they found so much stuff like honestly the the history preservation on that server is probably like it’s it’s like it’s pretty good it’s it’s pretty good documentation that they’ve done for a server that has no players you

Know sure man that sounds like like real archaeologists we’ll have to set something up by email I will send you an email about that actually um welcome Kentucky hero as well yeah no it it does feel like archaeology a little bit yeah um but I I’m excited to feature that one

Because that Server doesn’t get enough love and actually I intend to upload next week a video about a Minecraft server archive I have been working on for several years and then procrastin for like most of those several years and never posted the video wait is this the

One about the uh like tons of servers you found or yeah I have a huge I remember I remember talking with you about it I was like hey you you said you have like lots of other servers like where are those and you were like it’s

Coming coming I’m just sitting on it it never happened yeah it’s I recorded it I I off the cuff I I uh I I recorded a whole thing and then I cut it down from the like 20 minutes I talked about to like seven or something like that or

Five and now I just got to add visuals and I just need to think of a interesting presentation yeah I’m part of the upcoming interview yes next Monday molus and uh yeah the other guy I I forget his name he has a cool Lego Star Wars

Profile picture though so um uh and I’ve talked to him the most uh we will be we will be on we’ll be on live doing exactly that um I I will send you an email Min though so we can set up a time to do

This um as well uh but it’s going to be an exciting exper experiment and hopefully that deep dive will be uh like timed well with the upload of the video so then we can get more people watching the stream cuz it’s like I I don’t have the energy to make videos about

Minecraft all the time I think the last one I’m going to make for a while will be the uh the one announcing the archive not NSA I feel like I’ve seen X guy before not NSA you’re familiar to me um I feel like did you play like 2b2

T.ca back in the back in the day or something like that one of my old servers um but yeah uh so back to back to back to to your your channel and then what’s what you’re cooking up but how uh what what is like uh you said you you you know you

Had like some projects in the background that were kind of hard to finish like how many of those how many big things are in the plans or being worked on or or or put off that could be made how many of those you got uh I’d say there’s

About three right now which is is more than usual usually I’d have like one and I’m like yeah I’ll get to that someday right now it’s a bit more than usual I see so there’s the one about pronunciation that I mentioned earlier which is a big deal that one needs to be

Made because I interviewed like these high high level Nintendo employees that used to work for the company and I don’t want to let them down exactly yeah then then I have another one which is more recent I made a video I was making a video about the physics engine of the

New Zelda game and how there’s this one object which everybody thinks is the heaviest but I wanted to prove that it’s not and then as I was going through this video I realized oh gosh this project is like huge this is going to take me forever yeah yeah it shouldn’t be as

Hard as it is goes into this like this video I I had the idea for it for a few weeks and then I I ended up being like I’m going to just do it I’m going to try it and it took me hours of testing and now now I’m like at the part

Where I just have to script the thing so I I think I’ve dumped at least 10 or 12 hours into it h for a for a project on average how long does it how many hours do you think do you do you put into it do you track your

Hours I wish I did better I don’t I don’t do a very good job so I’m I’m I did I try for a while over the summer to track my hours but then there were there was like you know some moment where I was like N I can’t can’t track my hours

I’m busy and then I just fell out of the habit I don’t know if it’s like damaging almost to like my productivity to track my hours I put into like a personal video or something but I do it for like my work vids but I’ve had this problem

Where I track like the hour down to the the second right and uh so it’s like the hour the second and then I just I don’t know how to like put that all into like a graph where I can get the actual hours because it’s like you can’t add them up

It’s not going to make the right number you can’t add them all up and then divide by by six it’s not going to oh hold up no no it’s still not going to work I may have just thought of I just may have solved my issue actually I’m G

To have to try that okay oh talking with people solves issues yeah exactly because here my issue was that you know it’s all increments of 60 right so it’s like you add the seconds up and then divide by six but then you’re left with

Like a 0 five so you can’t just add the seconds up and then add them to the add them to the hour no I can do that I’m dumb okay nice I okay it’s not an actually an issue and I’m just oh man no man well done yes was

What a wonderful thing what a wonderful thing solving solving problems live unfinished projects okay yeah so that one is big and it’s especially important for me that I finished that video because I was cussed out a lot in the comment section on my video before that about how I

Thought I had found the biggest object in the game like the heaviest object and people are like nuh-uh and I have the evidence like I have the the proof now I prove I’m not crazy I have the receipts yes Know It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia like the

Guy Charlie with the with the yeah I know Charlie all the crazy like that right uh um yeah yeah him yeah that guy and he’s like at the wall and he’s like got all the connections and he’s like I know everything or whatever he’s saying that’s basically you you’re like I I

Know what the heaviest object is it’s this yeah yeah and I’m trying to prove it with in-game resources and also real world science so that now you can start seeing like how it gets like bigger yeah uh like this project this project is gets more complex Yeah it’s

Gotten more complex as time has gone on but then what was crazy to me is that while I’m trying to figure out like which is the heaviest I found out something else odd about this object and that is this object’s gravity Works differently than everything else in the

Game now I have to talk about that wow that’s the first expand these rabbit holes don’t you just get I do I I do my videos are weird like that D I I I appreciate it though I think that’s I think that’s the charm to them right like you’ve got

You’ve got like this hyper like fixation to the to the facts of what it is and this like a huge amount of detail into these like little parts of something you know taking a small thing and making it really really big or you know putting it under the microscope that kind of thing

Yeah you know that’s fair that’s fair that video production Rabbit Trail is entering H bomber guy territory true true H bomber guy is good do you know do you know I don’t know H bomber you don’t know H bomber guy oh well do you I honestly don’t watch very many Rabbit

Trail videos on the internet wait if you like Kur Kurt uh no uh the guy who did the online video right I that was his first time I watched a full video of H second time I watched a full video of his I I would say that um H bomber guy

Similar to that dude in that regard let me see if I recognize some of his videos he just made a video about plagiarism do you know internet historian have you heard of that guy I have heard of him yeah he exposed for uh for for plagiarizing his

Videos or one of them which is kind of crazy oh Fallout New Vegas is genius and here’s why I’ve seen one of yeah I’ve seen some of these videos okay yeah he there’s a few I’ve seen if I can recommend anyone it’s it’s got to be his

Uh oh and I don’t know the name of the video that I will look it up right now it’s it’s his like yeah take your time it’s his let me pull it up here ah H bomber guy hbomber guy wow I was trying to get it so that

Like it autofills and then it just didn’t work uh it’s I think the greatest video essay on all of YouTube in my opinion that’s like a long form video pathologic it made me it convinced me to buy the sequel the pathologic and not play it but I did buy it pathologic is genius

And here’s why is like the perfect video essay because it it tells you the entire of the game and Analysis on it right but the game itself doesn’t need to uh you don’t need to you don’t need to play the game because the game is bad like it’s

Not he doesn’t recommend you play the game he recommends you play the sequel so it’s like he can tell you the entire story of it and all of the different playthroughs and what he did because he played the game like a ton but you don’t actually have to play the game because

You know it’s not it’s not an in intelligible experience it’s not a fun game experience so you don’t get that like loss of the actual playthrough because you’re not really even recommended to play that version of the game interesting it’s like perfect because you get that 10 hour Deep dive

Or what it’s like what is it it’s two hours and then you get you get like a full experience pretty much and like honestly in my opinion it’s the only way I’m going to experience that game I think it’s like I think it’s a good it’s

A good wrap down of the whole game and it’s got a lot of interesting like you know the game is good too so it’s not like uh it’s got good lore it’s just not good game game play mechanics is really monotonous you know um so it’s almost like you get the experience without

Having to have the pain of actually playing it yeah it’s good it’s good my hours you got me wondering now about my hours like how much I do into my projects but I don’t know if I should normally I track things by days cuz uh for me like that’s an easier

Thing to visualize and YouTube YouTube is conducive to that cuz I’m trying to do this as a job alongside substitute teaching substitute teaching I make $120 a day if I do the job I’m not paid by the hour I’m paid by the day so that that like plays plays into

That even more that’s and YouTube If I want to find out how much I’m making I’m like oh how much did I make today right that that’s an easier metric I see that’s not helpful to people outside I don’t think who want to see like oh yeah but like how much work

Did you actually do those days yeah cuz like for me I I’ll go like a long stretch of not doing anything in several days and then I’ll you know do it so I just kind of keep track of my hours because that’s like I feel like the

More I guess just thing that is more pressing to me even though like I am paid per job so I just like to look at it and go wow I did not get paid enough I put too much effort into this and then you have to adjust you’re like I the

Money but hey it is what it is for now or now the Empire will grow soon exactly it’s just like you got to get more efficient that’s mostly it I spend a lot of like gains getting paid per edit can be rough I’ve heard oh yeah it’s it’s not

Not the greatest thing I don’t know like I’d say that it all it all kind of depends depends on who you’re you’re working with and whatnot um also depends on depends on yeah it really just depends I I find that I go through these like bursts of like energy and then I I

Just burn out and then I’m like done for like a week it’s like I can’t I I just like can’t even think about anything it’s like not that I don’t want to it’s just like I I’ve got I used it all up or something that’s like weird weird

Burnout can’t can’t get through that that oomph yeah no I get that you’re like I you just finished huge project it’s like I need to stop thinking about YouTube for a minute yeah exactly and it’s just like this is done I’ll be like even like

I should make on my next video and I’ll be wait and then it’s like oh and now it’s been a month somehow it’s like it’ll be a month and I’ll come back and it’s like a video is done in a day and it’s like really good

But I did it in a day and it’s like I didn’t sleep for 24 hours it’s like it’s all it’s all done it’s all done it’s out there now I I love that feeling though when you do it all in one setting and it’s just out of the way I actually I I

Enjoy that you get that like it’s nice it’s just that the Fallout of that is like my my everything is ruined you’re done you’re like it’s done and you’ve got this like Hollow feeling you’re like you’ve won but at what cost will overpay because they can’t edit someone will over someone will

Underpay because they haven’t edited before mhm that’s real I I feel like I can’t Poss POS make someone an editor for my channel cuz number one I like putting my own personality into the edit yeah and number two I actually there’s a few reasons number two I frequently make

Mistakes and have to go back and edit something MH and I don’t want to you know have the editor be like hey you said like three different things wrong in this video and like constantly keep coming back and being like fix this fix this fix this I want to do it myself I

See you know then I’m the only idiot that realizes I’m an idiot uh well I don’t know like uh the way it works with my body currently like um oh this is bad we’ll get like a I’ll send a draft in right and then he’ll like send in like a bunch of

Corrections right and it’s like I feel like that’s like he gets things wrong but it’s not like it it’s not like I’m not judging him for that really or whatever bro no this is two this is two deaths two deaths in now um it was nice knowing you all it’s

Okay it’s okay you you’ll live on in our hearts um but I I think there is like a certain like collaborative like thing there because there there’s like you know like let’s say with film making whatnot um there is a certain like being able to to

Like like it’s a skill to like work on how to articulate your vision to somebody else right like I have the same issue where I think like I give my video to someone else to edit like how do I articulate to them like can I trust them

With like this you know and it’s like I think maybe it comes down to like you have to you have to build kind of like a trust with someone if before that even gets to that point you know what I mean like um I think working with people in

Person helps a lot too because you can like yeah you got that like well you don’t work in person do you I don’t right now I I I work uh online so there are a lot we do occasionally have like some sort of like I just don’t understand what he’s trying to like

Express to me in words you know but you know there’s there’s calls for that and all that uhuh um but I think generally like like I I I we we are on like the same Vibe length so it’s like when he’s like I we we have like similar kind of

Like goals and all that I think maybe also cuz you know I’m a fan of his Channel or whatever so it’s like that kind of helps with like keeping the vision similar cuz it’s like my goal is to just do what he already what he did

Before you know I’m like I I don’t want to ruin what he’s already doing I want to I want to make something as cool as what he did he’s done and it’s like well then that’s going to keep you kind of like in the same line sort of as opposed

To someone who doesn’t even like if you’re just like hiring an editor right like it’s kind of like pick and choose some people just don’t work well together you know yeah mhm those are interesting points especially cuz I mean I’ve done collabs before and they’ve always ended up being

More work than just making a video by myself um and I in high school I never really did well with group projects I always avoided them cuz I was like listen yall are dead weight I got this right narcissistically I was like I I could do this myself and usually I could

I I could do it myself but I didn’t realize that when you get into the workforce it becomes valuable to be able to divide that work yeah college is what started teaching me that but I’ve never tried it with YouTube it’s like obviously you you do what you don’t have

To right but it’s it’s something to think about as like it’s not it’s not actually the end of everything right like to to to pass on your vision to somebody else it’s actually like I think very common it’s not even it’s not like there’s like there shouldn’t be a stigma

Around like that you know where it’s like oh it’s like it’s not actually as as scary of a thing um to do you know I don’t know well what yeah no that’s that’s fair that’s fair it’s just food for thought I don’t know it’s not like

I’m not saying like you need to H hire an editor right now it’s like obviously if you can do the work on your own it’s like golden like I got hired because uh because my gokanaru was basically like I I don’t have time I don’t got the time

To where I’m too busy working on other projects right so it’s like um I handle a lot of like esque videos where it’s like this is like not the serious stuff you know where it’s like the the stakes on this is a lot lower when it gets

Released then like uh more like cuz he does like drama YouTube stuff so it’s like he’ll he’ll make like a sort of like a hitpiece video on somebody and it’s like he obviously the main focus for him is going to be the hit piece video and it’s like but in in between

You you got to have stuff for people to watch in between like the the months and years it takes to put one of those together um at the it’s it’s currently been a year of production on his newest video that will be coming out eventually it’s actually absolutely absolutely chaotic um what’s

Going on but it’s going to be great when it gets dropped because I I’ve seen it [ __ ] fire but it is like yeah that’s something where you you know you want to you want to have videos to post in between that you know that is H bomber

Guy territory yeah he he he does do that level of effort like uh um this is already public so he his video is about sneo if you guys know who sneo is I know a Nico in the Zelda Community as I get close enough sneo is

Like a he’s like a like a red pill YouTuber guy um but he used to be like you know like kind of more of just like a like a just like a this is my life and I’m living my life this way kind of guy

I don’t know he was very unique and he had just like would make meditations on what like being alive is like or whatever what it’s like being young or stuff like that just interesting videos then he completely switched to just being like a hater you know like a

Misogynist kind of like all the women are bad and also mostly that and it’s like okay that’s kind of cringe so he’s we made a video on that but like the amount of research he had to do is basically I think he’s watched more sneo than a sneo

Fan has you know it’s like it’s it’s like it’s so much so much like resource Gathering but like he he he built a solid like foundation for all of his points that it’s almost indisputable I don’t think I honestly think that guy is not going to be able to survive what’s coming to

Him that is brutal yeah but I mean that’s got to be that’s got to be an interesting line of work because on one hand you feel like you’re bringing justice but you also know that you’re being the downfall of somebody’s career like how does how do you grapple with

That well heever interview you yeah he oh [ __ ] I just heard the creeper um yeah he actually you know he talks about that where he’s like he he tries to uh not portray himself as the good guy in a lot of the sit like when he frames it

Because you know what he is doing is very you know not good he’s you know his first video that uh um made him popular was he made a video about h3h3 and like he was the first guy to really call out h3h3 for you know being a little cringe

Little cringe man and um like all of the points in that video are not all that great but it you know at the time he was like 10K Subs getting 100 views a video like what you know it’s kind of like the the amount of reception was

Like uh crazy to that video but it was really good um mostly like I think for because he was expressing an opinion that a lot of people had at the time little cringe man cringe little baby man little baby man ironic parentheses at the end just to be

Like that’s the inflection imagine that Yeah ironic oh is the tone yeah beautiful um exactly but it’s just like it is interesting cuz he does think about that a lot and he’s just like like is what I’m doing good not really like sort of but not really at

The same time like you’re not really adding to society you’re you’re weeding out anything that could be you’re pruning bad for society yeah you’re you’re the pruner right nobody nobody likes the amputate amputates the leg of the soldier but it needs to be done his

First series it’s like he puts a lot of like into the framing like the first video was is pretty much the movie Taxi Driver if you know that if you’re if you’re familiar with that did somebody take all the wheat from here damn uh yeah all the wheat in my old Farm is

Gone so yeah there used this used to be like very luscious like last are you in are you in the basement area I’m I’m just in like all of this used to be like a lot of farm I don’t know what happened to it um but uh he framed it as like uh

You know the the book crime and punishment so like he fra uh basically it’s like uh all that’s important to it is that first half the book there’s a crime that happens and then the second half of the book is the punishment for the crime right and so he’s inspired by

Like those themes to the first episode of his series was the crime which was uh h3h3 in the video he even simulates killing h3h3 like literally and it’s like that’s the crime and then the punishment is uh he basically makes a defense of another guy in the second

Part where this guy monkey Jones gets banned from YouTube um unjustly and then he makes a defense for Why YouTube shouldn’t have banned that guy and why that was like like a you know not that was not a just ban he should be unbanned um and so that was the the punishment

Was uh he gets punished by YouTube for you know doing the crime and then has to defend the guy you know who got punished as well you know kind of and the yeah narrative ambition like he his whole thing is he wants to he wants to put uh

Cinema into the into the the YouTube drama space It’s Kind it’s kind of cool uh like the first movie is like all the skits are based off of the the movie Taxi dri the first uh the video about H3 all the all the skits are based off the

Movie track Taxi Driver which is just kind of like fun you know it’s like oh it’s like there’s always like some sort of narrative convention in a lot of these like you know videos and his was like we’re going to follow all of the the taxi driver one where he he goes to

A guy gets he’s like he finds a dude he doesn’t like like then he goes like I got to goes and he buys the gun and it’s all like in the same like narrative structure that goes to the the end Clash of that movie um but this one it’s like

Up until he assassinates uh A3 H3 it’s like there’s like actual Artistry in the visuals and the presentation of all of this um that I think is like kind of really cool um that’s something that inspires me a lot but what about what about you I’ve been talking too long I

Have this problem this happened last stream as well I no no no no I’m like soing this all in this wasn’t enjoyable I’m just like dang I know but it’s like ideal this not what this is about man like sapl you you have in a way I think

More experience than I do with this this whole process of YouTube oh you really do right I’m I’m trying to learn from you as much as you’re learning from me cuz I’m in a position where I have a lot of Subs but I haven’t delved into the

Intricacies of YouTube right oh maybe I stuck with my own comfort food over and over again well I I appreciate what you’re saying but I think you most definitely have more experience cuz unlike unlike uh you you are uh unlike un like you are successful I am

Not yeah I mean okay so there’s a point to be made there right like I’m successful but I I got there pretty quickly after I started working towards it mhm my like so if if you can imagine it like for the first nine years of my

YouTube life mhm I was just making crap because I thought this is is fun but then I realized that YouTube can be fun in more than one way it can be fun not just for the sake of making videos but it can also be fun to try and win the

RPG the game get the numbers higher good big number go bur right yeah I I took a while to realize that but as soon as I realized it it was like I snapped my fingers and within a year I was at 1,000 subscribers mhm I I I didn’t have enough time to

Like what do you say um soin the experience of being a middle-sized YouTuber mhm which is weirdly what I used to I I idolize I was like man I want to be the middle-sized YouTuber that’s got to be great cuz like you’re fighting the big man but you’re

In a a state where you actually have some fans for what you’re doing yeah I yeah there is certain like I guess you could say like maybe romanticization of that kind of aspect but uh I don’t know I I I’d say I would honestly I would consider like my

Channel to be a small time YouTuber and your size channel to be like a middle middle siiz YouTuber because like you’re at the point where you can make money off of it right but it’s like a precarious situation right that’s a really excellent point maybe the large

To big cut off is can you do this indefinitely Or is it precarious or not I’ve never thought about that cut off point but I like that mhm because it’s like you you think about uh well you you think about um what what you’ve got what

To do in like a in oh my God sorry I fell apart I my brain you it’s okay my brain’s falling apart too like I had perspective I should I should say this yesterday I was recording a 5 hour challenge run with another guy oh my God

That’s a lot of and we were up until 2:00 in the morning well I was up until 2:00 in the morning to finish it he fell asep that was my that was my fault no like afterwards I was like doing cleanup like getting the recording uploaded so

We can get it mhm um and then the two nights prior I only had 5 hours of sleep oh man that the sleep deprivation is a killer I think that’s something that’s very dangerous and you got to got to yeah got to stay on top of that but like

Once in a while it’s totally fine but like yeah once in a while like the whole reason I was sleep deprived was because I was going to my college to hang out with my sister who lives there and I was rooming with these two guys one of the

One of them great right but the other one snores like an elephant so I I I I was just kept up all night from but it’s like that’s like understandable I couldn’t have prevented that yeah that’s that’s beyond your control elephant man oh man oh that’s

Great he he he had a very distinct nose blowing sound effect that protruded from his his that you should have recorded it you should have record that could have been the new sound that could have been the new thing quite possibly quite possibly sleep is hard to manage swack

Is Right me and swack have talked about this before it’s so hard to manage I I struggle with it myself it’s it’s a big it’s a big thing what about uh for you artistically the like Inspirations wise cuz like a lot of my Inspirations are you know gokar YouTube drama scene

And a lot of video essays but what do you draw from for your videos it it’s varied at different points in my Channel’s history recently some of my biggest Inspirations have been uh te technoblade because I love his way of Storytelling I think that he is the greatest one of the greatest

Storytellers YouTube has ever had because he was able to do it without too much work he just naturally was gifted at saying things and they would be interesting and that’s what I Aspire towards um I’ve also taken inspiration from Matt Pat Uh the PE peanut butter gamer

Although he’s not a major inspiration he was just kind of a minor inspiration trying to think who else there are some smaller YouTubers you wouldn’t know them I don’t know oh maybe I oh Thomas does game dos Thomas does game duck Thomas game duck he’s a great great example of some inspiration

I’ve been trying to grab he he’s a larger YouTuber I don’t actually know him not not large large but like around my size I believe who is peanut butter gamer oh interesting okay so peanut butter gamer is a was a let’s player slay YouTuber okay that was very popular

In 2010 to 2015 cuz I feel like I’ve heard of this guy before he was a part of normal boots normal boots I I believe his I believe he was a part of the organization called Noble boots so the oh the one with yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so he was

He was a part of part of that group I’m looking up the members who else was a part of so you have peanut butter Gamer The completionist Angry Video Game Nerd it was it was a bunch of people I see okay like all of the old the OG old like

Yeah I I liked how he would put scripts or skits in the middle of his videos I I wanted to emulate that a little bit dude I love skits skits are my favorite thing of YouTube about YouTube hands down yes um awesome sauce that’s a YouTuber I’ve been taking inspiration from he

Only makes videos on melee Smash Bros oh that’s it but he does it super well and yeah like I’m literally looking really well done things that are just stuff I’m not I wouldn’t like care about but it’s like NOP he’s in yeah yeah uh and that’s all I can think of

Right now there is another small YouTuber though I I’ll mention him for just just for the sake of posterity named learn the lore whom nobody knows nobody knows learn the lore I knew about him when I was younger CU I loved his Acappella video about the uh a link to the past

Which is an old Zelda game Ocarina of Time I Think I’m familiar with that one no no I link to the past did I say AAR of time very sleep depress may have heard AA something yeah it’s a link to the past and I eventually got to meet him and do

An interview with him one time which was very surreal but his whole style of video commentary struck me as not unique but just really well done with his presentation and accentuated what I wanted to be like with with my personality so I’ve taken a lot from him

But his channel is only 1,000 oh I think 2,000 subscribers now yeah at the time I thought it was huge I didn’t realize it until years later that’s weird I um how many people like in the Zelda Community have you met in person in person or yeah like like like

Cuz you said you met that guy in person right oh no no no no no oh sorry sorry V Discord Discord call is what I mean got okay yeah no I’ve never met anybody in the Zelda community in person unfortunately it’ll happen one day yeah again the sleep deprivation is getting

To me my commentary is turning to no no no it’s good it’s good I think you do really good commentary all those unlisted videos you’ve uh I’ve seen they’re all good thank you maybe I’m just too self-conscious I don’t feel like they’re they’re quite up to a lot a

Lot of people are with that I I think uh the the actual um uh like commentary and all that like it it it isn’t a matter almost of like being able to be that interesting when you’re talking um but but it’s it’s more like when you’re in the edit knowing

What to cut right like yeah like cuz it’s like most people aren’t going to be doing the full like Markiplier let’s play and even if they do they still cut like tons out right like yeah same with like PewDiePie when he was doing that like they their videos are like 20

Minutes where they finish a game in like eight parts it’s like that’s not the whole game they definitely cut out stuff right so it’s like you just cut everything down to exactly what is necessary for your video and like like for me I’ll focus on on a on a something

That’s like funny like I I did a I did a drawing stream recently and uh I saw that thumbnail I made that into a video um called like uh trim to Fat exactly yeah and it was called like uh scribble.io is like the worst or whatever and that video is like

2 minutes and that stream was an hour long right and that’s it’s only like 2 minutes because there’s only 2 minutes of stuff worth keeping in there right so when you do like a video where you’re you’re just live talking right um like for example the next video that’s

Going to come out um I recorded 20 minutes of audio for that it’s only seven or six minutes long because there really isn’t all the rest of it wasn’t worth keeping in right it’s like really it’s like Kill Your Darlings almost too it’s like oh my gosh please

Don’t say that you’re giving me flashbacks to my to my professor of video at hotton my University I actually she she I hated I hated it when she used it against me because it was like with a video clip that I thought made sense and she disagreed so I added it anyways and

She docked me points but I I I I stand by it I stand by yeah I agree with you I agree with you 100% there’s definitely moments where you got to edit like stuff out that’s like yeah this is good it’s not going to help you but it’s

It’s more like um it’s like think about it in like a number scaling like this this other guy who does like I think the best editor on YouTube uh Brody TV he’s like a super edgy and also like he’s about the same size Channel as you but

He gets like 10K views cuz he like he’s just insane and his videos are not algorithm friendly at all um but his editing is the the most over edited thing I have ever seen like his videos are a tour to force of like editing it just there’s like almost I would say no

Substance to them but they are the most over edited it’s not no substance they’re just like on the stre no no I I actually know what you’re talking about I’ve had a run in with another YouTuber in the Zelda Community who does something similar very small YouTuber I

Won’t name name who over edits their videos and it’s clear they’re like trying to follow in in the footsteps of something like map pad with game theorists right making like a really cool edited video but they don’t got the skill for it sometimes so it comes out

Like much or it’s like listen there’s way too much happening on the screen can you just like not for a second I just want to hear you it’s like uh slow it down taking away from it would actually help with this guy it’s not quite that case he is like undoubtedly a king

Undisputedly a king but he just has like the the worst sense of humor that exists I think that might be it different different problem he’s hitting exactly what he wants to do it’s just what he wants to do is not super approachable right like like he’s I’m

Talking like you you know U filthy Frank or like those kind of people like edgy edgy people from back in like before they couldn’t make any money he’s like the the most insane version of that swoop transition to vine boom to cross fade it’s not even like that it’s it’s

It’s even it’s even worse than that like not worse than that sorry I mean like this guy is on another plane of existence I am talking you watch his videos You’ll Go I can’t watch this because it’s like not at all going to be to anyone’s taste it’s it’s it’s barely

To my taste I find his videos more uncomfortable than a lot of the time than than funny but the editing is so undeniably good that you cannot you cannot you can’t say that they’re not edited well you just can’t okay so it is edited well it’s just it’s it’s not even

It’s Godly it’s Godly like this guy takes nothing and he will turn it into the greatest visual spectacle of all of all like possible time that you could ever see you could like I couldn’t do this like it’s so good right um okay uh now this quite the same as what I was

Saying they’re very different actually yeah a high quality incredible production value but in the end it’s like goldplated turd yeah I guess you could say that it’s like you take it’s just like what he does is he just like makes a fool of himself in public right

And like that’s the plot of every single video so there’s no like storytelling really there’s just like a moment and then there’s another moment and there’s another moment but like some of the moments can have like buildup and storytelling in them right so like it’s not all of it’s not trash or anything

Like I I just like I think that uh certain amount of it it’s just there is a totally unwatchable element of it where it’s so edit that you you’re just like I would have cut half of this out but instead he’s like I will put in a thousand hours of

Effort into making this watchable I guess but it’s like I don’t know it’s just the Vibes are really really really messed up with his videos I guess that’s like the Vibes aren’t hitting but the editing production values are really there I don’t know I still watch his

Videos it’s not like that bad but it it would be I think to like most people that’s why his channel doesn’t get the views I think you will be simulated while watching I don’t even know it’s like he won’t compromise it’s like he’s like an

Aour right but um it just what he wants to make is just not that appealing I guess it’s it’s really hard to describe it’s like really almost gross his videos I don’t know it’s like really it’s just like he has a way of filming and a way of presenting that’s completely his own

Um but but it comes with the downside of being like not that not something it’s like something where it’ll make you more uncomfortable than it’s making you laugh and like it’s supposed to be funny like that’s the goal but uh he showed me his editing Bible um like because he does

These like things in Discord where he’ll like live stream himself editing his videos on on I like watching him edit it’s like the craziest like what he has working on his projects are unhinge the amount of edits he puts into something like he puts more work into throwaway

Video than um I have in my entire Channel like I’m I’m telling you like it’s it’s actually crazy but but I love this like whole conversation like this is convincing me like I need to be less less worried about is every perfect in the video is this going to be like

The most engaging piece of media ever and just just put some stuff out and occasionally have videos like that like that’s a better balance yeah it’s it’s better well he’s like and the funny thing is he he tells himself like in his editing Bible because I was curious like

I want to know what he does and it’s like he he says don’t overedit things is the first thing on his his his no editing list on his editing like uh chop it’s like don’t overedit and it’s like that’s crazy he also says uh one thing is don’t OverWatch which I actually

Think is really really good advice over that one is true I saw that tip on a YouTube productivity video once and I’ve been doing that ever since stop overwatching it’s like you watch your same Clips over and over again it’s like you watch your videos after you made

Them you can do that like I do that I go and Nostalgia binge of my old stuff and I go yeah this was so good why am I not as good as this anymore stuff like that yes I have that all the time iy peaked I’m worried that I peaked when my

Channel first exploded but I know that I can edit better and tell better stories I just haven’t G to my I haven’t got to my gold content yet think about it like this uh you just had not enough years have gone by for you to be nostalgic yet

I think that’s what it is cuz you’re not getting any you’re you’re seeing your stuff as it came out you just spent 10,000 hours looking at it you’re sick of your videos right even like if you try to not OverWatch you’re probably like done by the end of it right um that

Is so true so it’s like you’ll look back on this with nostalgic views once you’ve like forgotten the pains that went to creating it you know and then it’s like then it’s what gets nostalgically Rose tinted is what um is what you’ll you’ll like know is actually

Good you know that’s poetry right there mhm uh but one of his uh the guy’s tips that I think i’ I’ve taken to Heart the most especially when I was editing the most recent video which was that live stream highlight thing was it’s like if

It’s not a seven out of 10 joke don’t keep it in right if it’s not a a seven out of 10 like moment or something right like like this is like applies more to I guess comedy but you can take it as pretty much anything like if this is not

A seven out of 10 on the scale of watchable you know cut it out it’s it shouldn’t be there you know like I’ve got a lot of things where I look at it on face value I go this is like a five out of 10 moment or you know a six out

Of 10 or even a seven out of feel highly validated by that because I’m working on a video right now that is it’s kind of like uh that’s scrap not scrap pile that’s too extreme to say but it’s it’s a video that was on the back burner for

A long time my 100 subscriber play button video like I got it but I it was like around the release of Tears of the Kingdom so I’m like well I’m not going to make this while there’s Zelda content that’s booming like I got to make the

Actual stuff and now I’m going back and making it right now it’s like a 3 minute long video and I’m looking through and I’m like there are like 12 dozen jokes in here but like only only like four of them are seven out of 10 I got to get

Rid of all this other stuff yeah it’s really isn’t it’s like it a shorter video even if it maybe is like algorithmically harmful is always always better than a a long longer okay video exactly right so I’m taking it from 17 minutes to just 3 minutes but like you

Could do it more extreme than that like take a three- hour video to 3 minutes yeah 3 minutes is like that’s great 17 to three it’s like that’s that is a good that is a good cut margin that’s so much of it that that obviously just didn’t

Need to be there right and it’s like if you although if you want although admit just for for ad Revenue if you can get to the oh yeah um what is it the8 minute Mark then that’s the best but yeah I swear it gets good eventually just

Finish the first two season that’s the same thing showrunners could learn a thing or two from that like a lot of stuff doesn’t need to be in a lot of things and going too too far but that’s the same thing for storytelling it’s like cut out the stuff that doesn’t need

To exist like why is everything needs a purpose your videos are similar it’s like if the purpose of this video is to make people laugh if you’re not making people laugh you failed the video’s purpose right failed go away go look at yourself in the mirror buddy if it’s

Exactly but it’s like it doesn’t need to be in this video if this isn’t that funny and it’s like make the video shorter and funnier that’s way better than longer and less funny it just like that makes sense longer less funny who’s going to watch that honestly like sure

Maybe you won’t get that ad Revenue money as much but you’ll start to build up a fan base that understands that you’ve got a shorter is funnier and you do good and what you make is good so then they’ll want a 10 hour version of whatever eventually eventually you know

You might get to that point you make one it’s going to make even more money cuz you have that that audience right swack is making a really good comment uh that swack that peanut butter gamer was the exact same it was about the humor not just the the topic mhm like he could

Explain things very concisely if he ever wanted to it’s clear he has the talent for that but he chose to make things longer m a little bit because it would help get a comedic point across there’s a whole balance to this there’s yeah there’s there’s like making it short and

Concise but then there’s also like that might not be really the purpose of the video right other people can do that make it longer hard yeah like when I was first getting large I was like man everything needs to be like way more concise just MH this this funny bit gone

Taking a few seconds to process what happened gone you need to go from boom boom boom like point on the list point on the list point on the list and I’m now realizing no especially after watching the Eve online video you can take time to slow down and think about things

Pacing is important you need that breath you know yeah short shorts have also taught me this because I’ve watched shorts and I’m like this is too much guys I can’t keep up with this can we go slower no I think with shorts I don’t know I there is an innovation to be made

Of shorts content where it’s like actually good but for the current moment I think that it it just exists as like a dopamine addiction hole like it exists for you to open up shorts and then you disappear for 2 hours and then you don’t you wake up you’re like what happened

Like I am so happy I managed to cut out that short content out of my life entirely because it’s like I went from being addicted to Instagram reals to being addicted to YouTube and I’m so much happier that I I watch like 10 minute videos now for the rest of the

Entire day instead of watching 10c videos for the entire day because I remember the videos I watch and they do like have pacing and they make me feel like like an emotion you know when I watch them most of the time even if it is like trash like whatever I’m watching like some

I’ll watch a good video I’ll watch a bad video but there’s like with shorts it’s like you don’t remember the videos you could have watched a good short but you don’t remember it cuz it’s buried under crap and it doesn’t leave an impression like very few shorts videos leave

Impressions in my mind and yeah and I get that with Instagram too like often times we’ll say I’m going to quit social media and you just convert to the next one yeah you don’t actually quit I’ve try I’ve actually been doing a lot of work to try and prevent that and I think

One life hack is to well two life hacks are put limits on your screen time for each app on your phone that one helped a lot I don’t watch YouTube I hardly at all on my phone now I watch like five minutes a day if I watch

Anything and then the other one is uh make your phone black and white black like put it into grayscale mode so that when you watch videos it well it it looks like garbage really just everything looks like garbage on your device Nows that’s a good idea I just I

Took like a like a scorch Earth approach and I removed like everything from my phone so I only have like dual lingo on my phone so if I want to do any I have dualingo too what language are you doing uh I’m doing Japanese really okay that’s

Ambitious I’m going with just Spanish no that’s that’s probably an achievable goal yeah I I I think I like I I’m in a fortunate position I guess where my my girlfriends speak Japanese so I I get to like it’s there’s like an incentive to me you know like yeah she’s from from

Japan so it’s like no way okay well congrats I got a I got like a real motivation to do it I’m also taking Japanese classes in college uh and I found that like you combine dualingo with uh college classes and it actually

Helps a lot like I I I did I this is my second time taking this class because I was going to fail this first time I did it because I I just like there’s learning like a language class I think with the European languages it’s like

Totally like doable it’s like if you you feel like oh that’s totally like reasonable for me when I I was doing like Japanese I was like this shit’s difficult it there’s a it’s just like so so much so diff so different so different but like at the same time it’s

Like I I like it I like the language I think it’s cool I think uh I like a lot of Japanese media so it’s like there’s just it’s I think it’s worth it long term but yeah dualingo is like they just got such a long course I don’t know I

Started doing a daylight though I’m on like day like 125 it’s crazy waa okay okay that’s really good how do you when do you schedule that I don’t I I have a I have like a phone addiction right like I I am like addicted to the Internet so

I got rid of every single application on my on my phone um and like I got rid of all my games I got rid of Instagram I have like I have uh like nothing nothing that would distract me like even like YouTube on my phone I don’t really watch

YouTube on my phone so it’s like um like that’s not as big of a pull for me and anyhow I’ve I’ve cut my computer like there’s nothing to there’s nothing I open my phone it’s like what am I going to do duelingo I guess so I just do it

Like I don’t have a schedule for it I just like it’s like when I remember to I do it um yeah I am chronically online like I I used to be chronically on Instagram reels and then I remove that and then it’s like what am I going to do

On my phone I’m just going to do that and what I noticed though I my favorite thing about dualingo though is it’s it’s a game right and my brain is is like completely wired to take in as much dopamine as possible so um when I realized that you got like you got like

Points and coins and [ __ ] for like doing a word right you know you you can like gamify it you have lives and then it’s like you’ve got a scoreboard and a leaderboard that like hooked me in for the first like month or two it’s like not not nearly as strong anymore now I

Just do the minimum but it hooked me in there long enough for me to like build it into like if I don’t do the streak for that day I get upset I’m like why would I do that you know they have like these these streak uh things that like

Save you from dying or whatever uh from losing it like you can get like a pause or whatever right but I uh I was like whoa this this I just need to do it now it’s like a part of my it’s a part of like not even my routine because I don’t

Have I actually I’m one of I’m so unstructured I don’t have a routine but it’s something that like something that just kind of it just happens you just you just have to do it you’re like I know even if it’s like 10 minutes before the end of the day I know

That I have to do it it’s got to get done otherwise I’m going to be like deeply uh deeply upset with myself somehow just like it just feels natural to open it up and do a quick lesson you know yeah I want to try it now like now

I just want to like try and go daily now that I know that you’re doing it maybe I just need somebody to be accountable with me I got a friend that I know who might be able to do that oh yeah having somebody else do it I started it with uh

My friend as well and he fell off after a month but I I continued and I continu just to spite him every day swack swack it appears a new fan with with uh or sa sapl you have a new fan in Swag like he’s discovering what I’ve discovered a

Long time ago that you are one of the most relatable people ever if I don’t failed clone well I that I appreciate I appreciate uh the compliments there I guess I’m glad you find me relatable I I you’re just very down to earth right like you’re you’re just chill everything

You say has a reason for it you’re not you’re not like mindlessly doing things but you also aren’t overthinking them either you just you do them oh I’m glad I’m glad you think that I I find myself I I find that I dominate conversation a

Little too much um I have like a problem we are YouTubers it is our job to dominate conversation that is true that is true I I think I I might have a a mild uh to moderate uh narcissistic personality disorder of some kind I think I do I think I am

Like a bit yeah it’s so so I want the focus on me it’s got to be me that’s that’s a healthy amount of that that’s true yeah it’s good well I’m glad you I’m glad you’re you’re enjoying my takes on things yeah and you know even if I didn’t agree

With your takes I think it’s important to get takes just in general keep yourself open to those alternate possibilities that is true yeah other people’s opinions are important even if they’re wrong okay that’s what I like about opinions uh mine’s always correct and everyone else’s is wrong but I still listen still

Listen uh I relate I always subconsciously relate to the cono towards myself and then think about H oh yeah it’s it’s a it’s a thing it’s a thing we got that I got to get that what do you call it uh the where the they imprint on you and then they become like

A devoted follower of your religion what do you call that uh simps all over like yeah not not simps though like the one where it’s just like people they do it with streaming where they have that parasocial relationship yes yes I got to develop that now I’m going to abuse the

Parasocial relationship yeah that’s actually really scary for me because I have a lot of younger people who watch meh and I want I try and impress on them all the time like guys you’re watching my videos now but you won’t forever don’t don’t grow too attached there will

Come a day yeah always try and mentally prepare myself for that that like I’m not going to be a famous YouTuber forever even if I’m like mly famous and I have to remind myself of my own YouTube mortality uh that’s I mean even YouTube YouTube won’t be forever YouTube will

Die someday it’s just a website there’s I think adaption though I think it’s like you can you can you’ll you’ll change into something else you know like yeah that that you you’ll s everyone will all adapt at some there’s there’s a there’s a method to the madness you know

People it’ll be fine but at the same time it’s like it is kind of important to not have like to to distance yourself from like crazy fan people cuz I even had like a like I make Minecraft videos so I have a bit of a child audience as

Well um and I had like a a 12 was he 12 or he was like nine no he was 11 an 11-year-old boy like imprint on me he joined the Discord server and he like [ __ ] just was like you’re decided to be like make like make

Me his friend or whatever the hell and he would like message me all the time it was like really like kind of like it was too much really it was like almost it was really weird actually um I listen I’ve I’ve we’ve all been there too

Because all of us have like had that one person we really look up to and we don’t realize that it’s too much to ask to be friends with them because they are doing too much for everybody yeah I had that actually that small YouTuber I’m talking about earlier uh learn the lore that

Exact that exact thing happened like I interviewed and I’m like wow we’re like friends and I’m like realized like oh wait no we’re not no wait no mhm he he’s busy with his own life yeah no it’s yeah it’s kind of like that and then there’s

Uh but it’s just like with him I he was like you know he’s like 11 it’s like I that’s like against too you can’t have 11y olds in your Discord server I’m sorry so yeah that’s even that’s even younger so it’s a even bigger problem we

Ended up like like uh Banning him from the server and I got a message two years later so he still hates me for it I’m like I think honestly like here’s the thing like I think I did that guy sort of a favor cuz like like you should not

Be 11 and on Discord you just should it’s it’s first off it’s illegal second off Discord is the worst place for a child to ever be like this is UN this is facts in at least in my experience I cannot I cannot endorse Discord as a safe place for like children like with

With like maybe like in those like registered Community like servers where they have like the big um the big like people or whatever you know like the ones where they have like 100,000 people in it and it’s like a official Discord server what the ones that they have that

Can look up the community that might be okay might be but like the the pits to which like I know that the the Discord degeneracy hole goes like I cannot like I don’t want to I don’t want to have I don’t want to even be remotely connected

To like you know bringing more children into this website like it’s not good for them I think that there’s a balance there like my server I try and I try and advertise my server as familyfriendly my my channel as well I I I definitely try

And gear it towards that and when my My Philosophy is listen these 12year olds are gonna be on Discord I can’t stop that true but I might as well provide a space where it’s not as toxic I escape from that I would say like probably your approaches is healthier for like getting

Those you know developing the children or whatever you know in know in a way that’s not as like teaching them about the internet what not I guess that comes from your like substitute teacher background but like well actually it started before my substitute teacher background but because before I was a

Substitute teacher I was a summer counselor and a uh after school teacher so you’ve got like the experience for that totally right yeah I try I like to think and I I also try and do things that encourage people to get off Discord as well for instance during the holiday

Season I usually will shut down the Discord server so you can only send one message every 24 hours oh that’s so that’s actually great that’s great and and what I do is I make it an FAQ server you can ask me any question you want but you only can send one message every

Actually 12 hours Discord only lets you do 12 hours as the the the timer but like effectively it’s going to be 24hour timer for most people exactly yeah that’s that’s a good way of doing it I like that that I think I think my main thing is that I

Don’t I I I think I wanted to keep my like my space is not my space is not a child friendly thing no you have a mature audience so you want to like make sure that you’re only getting mature people that to that’s Justified right we we’re we’re working with different

That’s true demographics or whatnot yeah demographic yeah yeah like the Zelda Community is already a almost familyfriendly Community like very close to it if not entirely right yeah it’s F more yeah yeah yeah your your content is more like essay content with deep thoughts and it’s like yeah this is for

Like mature people well a little bit I mean I don’t even do that many essays I like I just like I’m more of like a I like the the humor I like the edgy humor I’m a big edgy humor guy and I like I know that’s not yeah you don’t want to

Old getting into that too soon it’s like I’m like look the the the only the best way to have the worst reputation about your channel is to have a bunch of 11-year-old spout spouting things they just they just don’t understand exactly like I just you don’t you don’t

Like even like uh the I would consider the like the YouTube greats like filthy Frank and whatnot like by the by the end of it like the guys were so tired of like like was it 15 uh like 11 to 15 year- Old 11 to 17 year olds like uh one

Of the guys he made a whole song about how he wants to get a vasectomy and then he said like um uh don’t talk to me if you’re under the age of seven of 18 or whatever so I don’t want to talk to you cuz you’re just like the worst people

Ever it’s like I just stop you know and it’s like yeah I I think it’s kind of important you know at the very least like kind of keep a distance when when there should be a distance you know exactly oh you know that’s so real when substitute teaching mhm that is so real

Cuz the kids at the school they know I should say students they’re not all kids some of them are close in age to me but a lot of the students know that I’m a YouTuber and they’ll be in the halls and they’ll be like yo it’s bread pirate and

I’m like that’s Mr Brewster to you we’re at school right now yeah exactly yeah yeah got to have that professional distance yeah yeah that’s that’s a that’s very that’s that’s good yeah like I feel like uh maybe also in like uh even like the Minecraft Youtuber space there’s not enough distance between

Their child fans and the the the the adults that are there you know there’s there’s like it’s like a it’s like there’s a reason there’s like a running sort of like joke about how like once you hit uh a million subscribers you either like what is it like change you

Stop uploading or you change your content or you become like a pedophile right like there’s like there’s the two things and it’s like that’s so real though it’s like yeah it’s not it shouldn’t be but my childhood right now now that I think about it like all these people it’s like um

It’s it’s either or and it’s like there is a certain like I mean I’ve been lucky that all most of the guys that I watched never did anything like that but it’s like there is there is like a certain like when if you cover something like

Minecraft which is like more less of a child’s game than it used to be I guess but it’s still a child’s game because all those children grew up yeah you want to keep you want to if you’re going to make content that’s for someone who is

Not a CH child you you want to make sure that the child is not you don’t don’t Target the child and if you’re going to Target a child audience don’t involve yourself with the children you know like I think yeah this is yeah that’s a big

Struggle for me like I would love to be able to cater to both audiences because I have a child inside of me that’s like man I want to make content that would have been cool to me when I was younger when I first started getting into

YouTube MH but then I also want to make sure that my videos aren’t like just geared towards children like they should be able to be enjoyed by an adult audience as well it’s challenge I yeah there’s sometimes my voice for instance like my voice is like you know it’s very

Sing song it’s like up and down up and down and like is that like appealing to just kids or like would an adult be annoyed by that I don’t know hey I I think I don’t know yeah I don’t know I think it’s I think it’s fine I think the

Presentation style I mean like obviously like when I think adult I think like 40 to 50-year-old man and I go they don’t even watch YouTube oh okay so you’re talking to like you like me and you were like young adults I would say that like

That is a because we grew up with the internet you know like if I think ad all you’re you’re talking about like somebody who still is like yeah either even in their 30s like those people they grew up they didn’t grow up with the internet but they grew up like right

When it was created right they they were able to to use it as a tool more than like the Zoomers or were or whatever right oh my gosh if I do sound like a Fallout radio presenter then I have I have achieved my dream in life because

That was one of my Inspirations I I completely forgot about well then you nailed it on the head right there I guess I did yeah but I I guess I’m well I I took inspiration from two radio announcers and um I’m probably only exhibiting one of

Them I think the one is Don Henry Eden and the other one is three dog and I think it’s clear which one I ended up becoming more like I don’t think people uh get uh find a radio presenter is that annoying so I think you’re fine you know

I’m doing good you’re doing good I think so yeah you don’t have like a super child sounding voice like I would say matat he has a kind of almost a like he he’s like someone where he’s like he makes videos for children right and it’s very excited all the time in the video

There’s no comes off as very like not adult you know it’s very like I you know but it’s like more that is not really because Matt Pat’s voice is like a child’s well you are listening to that it’s like it’s more like his his presentation style is

Meant for children right so it’s like hey there guys welcome to game theorist today we’re going to be analyzing is FNAF made of pizza right it’s like everything’s extreme yeah exactly and that’s just because when you get to that size it’s like that’s the only way to

Sustainably do it which is well yeah it’s bad that’s that’s whatever but it’s like it’s really hard swag is right you uh you can you can avoid like coming off as a child’s like Entertainer just by just by like just making something slightly less highkey you know

That’s yeah making a little bit more lowkey yeah it’s like I think your videos like hit a nice medium in there you know where it’s like I don’t think I first it did but I think I I’ve been getting better at it over time I hope I

Am I don’t feel baby I never know because it’s hard to see from my like from my perspective I can’t really tell it has to be a viewer who knows that’s I think that’s where there’s like a little bit of that like uh getting those test watches from people you know like Target

Demographics even you could even do that with like uh like uh what do you call it uh people who watch your videos you know like you have a base of people who are fans of the channel right they would probably be the best people to tell you

What what like sounds good or how it sounds you know like uh oh I get so many answers though I’ve had people say I sound like yeah I’ve had people say I sound like matat I’ve had people say I sound like BBG I’ve had people say I I sound depressed

Whenever I do a lowkey video it’s all over the board wow okay I can’t even trust my analytics though like my YouTube analytics for what my what ages people are who are watching my content I something just feels off about them what what did the analytics what

Did they say let me just let me just screenshot it I’m I have it pulled up I’m looking at it right now uh this is for the last 28 days my content I wish I had a way of sharing it with people I can I can I can

Screen share it on on here I’ll do that real quick oh you have to leave to do that uh I just don’t want to get killed by a zombie a Windows capture I think this is it right here there we go people so um this is it

You’ve got mail is 26% oh no 72% female 26 I think that kind of makes sense Nintendo’s products are are very all demographics right so I feel like women also like that kind of thing and then you got sense Che out 13 to

17 uh is 12% 18 to 24 is 27% 25 to 34 16 and then 35 to 44 is 27 that’s the one that’s very weird to me well I think that’s not weird that makes sense because um anything above the age of 30 uh 35 you know those people have kids

Right so there there are children who use a family laptop right whoa you’re right um this I never thought of that so that’s the 27% that’s children um and then there’s the 12% that are um that are 13 to 17 so if you add that together you’ve got roughly

Like 30 40 40% of your viewers are how do you guess that like do wait who whoa how did you guess that do you have you ran into this before uh I actually watched Matt Pat actually yeah Matt Pat Uh was like I want to prove that children don’t watch my videos or

Something so he pulled up a statistic and he said that there weren’t that many people who are within the ages of 35 and 40 so that you know that or 60 or whatever that proves that people who are that Agee aren’t actually um proves that there children watching but I’ll defend

Matt pth for a second I do really enjoy his videos like some of them I don’t watch him religiously but he makes some videos which I’m like dang he’s spitting facts and the guy is incredibly smart yeah no that’s undeniable I I I think he

He what is it um he has like a lot of like guy male male not sorry a lot of older fans like I know that my my my cousin he like he’s like 23 and he watches every single map Hat video I don’t he doesn’t even say he enjoys it

Either he just says he’s like I have to watch every single one I don’t even know why I don’t even like them that’s a little bit messed up but it’s like he like hate watches I don’t even know he uh he does watch them though right and

So I think it’s like Matt Pat might be having a sort of syndrome where it’s like the children who watched Matt Pat growing up like me and whatnot have do like watch their um um have that kind of thing they watch that uh they watch the video is kind of

Nostalgia like I’ll watch I know who he is I used to watch him and I might watch him again at some point when I get older you know cuz I’m like I want to see I want to watch it again I want to see what he’s done you know I might you know

I I believe it I believe that there’s an adult audience for that uh Sappo you have a Godly female viewer statistic for a gaming FL media Creator LOL do I is it one who who are the uh who are the female viewers who watch this channel I

I think I made a I made a joke in a video that I had had uh 1% female viewership and that that needed to change you need to go back down to zero not where I thought that was going to go yeah I was like we need to lower

This is too high this is a crime it’s got to go too many too many this is a male only Channel please unsubscribe if you’re a female you’re not allowed you can’t can’t be in here this is a male space very sexist in here yeah this is a male safe space we can’t

We can’t take your your emotions okay actually we can’t we can’t handle female opinions that’s that’s all it is it’s not even that it’s just yeah it’s okay no um it was just a joke but they it was like I I did my lifetime statistics and it was like um actually like

010 1% for female and I was like that’s really funny wait it is really that low yeah it’s it’s it it was I I might I haven’t checked in like years but it was it was really that low cuz I I only made 2 B videos and like I don’t think there

Are that many women I actually do know there there’s at least one who did watch my videos at least one point uh mine is 92% male now okay how I’m going to look up I’m going to look at my statistics now uh how do I find that a male you

Have to go to analytics do I count as female I like men I don’t know yeah you kind of got to ask yourself that question that’s how societ decide uh okay let me just log out so I don’t die um I’m going to look up my

Statistics right now um uh you have one monitor I have two I have two monit you have two oh interesting but you have to log off the game to do that well it’s just like uh I just no I don’t have to log out I just log off so I don’t die oh

Okay I’m like in a cave right now so I’m not I’m not like I’m waiting for grass to grow I’m a grass guy Channel analytics and then where do I find it sorry I missed audience audience Okay so audience yep audience all the way to the

Bottom bottom left should should I do uh lifetime you actually I didn’t do lifetime I did last 28 days but I’ll I’ll Lifetime and see if mine changes yeah okay over the last 28 days for me um here I’ll just share this screen um Windows capture it is the statistics here

Are 100% male 100% male 100% male and 100% mine’s almost a quarter women I got wow well look I think legend of Zelda that’s a game that like all my female friends know so I think there’s I think Zelda is like their interest you know Zelda and animal crossing right mhm and

And then uh Nintendo 18 to 24 100% my demographic but also like in the last 28 days really 18 24 got I’ve gotten 800 almost almost 900 viewers uh in in the last 28 days so it’s like a kind of a small pool of people I think that makes

Sense like only like those but over the lifetime let’s see is it literally 100% or is it more it’s actually 100% literally 100% it is wow that’s crazy that’s still crazy to me over over a lifetime I have 1.2% female 98.8% male uh and 77% 18 to 24 year olds

And then you hit your Market you holy cow I I have people who are me I make videos for people like me I guess I get people who are me like cuz it’s like my age my gender watch my videos oh what about countries scroll up

A little bit okay uh countries one 30% United States that’s way lower than mine mine is 56% USA h i i i guess it’s probably because my Channel’s smaller and I I send a lot of my videos to my Canadian friends like watch it right but United States of course yeah uh Canada

But even then it’s like Canada why is it only 30% because it’s like that doesn’t actually make a lot of are you it says 30% of My Views USA are from the US and then it’s like from the rest it’s all like Point like 2.8 Canadian 2.5 UK and

Then just 5% and less below yo sapl you got to get a load of you’re you’re going to love you’re going to hate this but I think that you’ll enjoy learning this uh for your own edit benefit apparently it’s illegal with you with YouTube’s uh terms and service agreement to share your

RPM what’s uh like AdSense per yeah AdSense to or CPM like how much you make per thousand views really why yeah and I don’t know why but I only learned this because of um spiffing Brit he made a video and he was talking about YouTube analytics and he’s like now I I can’t

Share this information right now because it’s illegal but it it generally would be like this I’m like really you can’t you can’t share that information why not it reeks a fishy capitalism and transparency yeah it sounds to me like they are trying to make it so you don’t

Talk to each other so that channels that are like um Channels with high cpms don’t don’t talk to other channels yeah yeah which that sound that sounds really fishy I I don’t mind if people are getting more CPM than me for because they’re doing different content right like that’s totally justified yeah but

Let me let me talk about it yeah we should be able to talk about we should be able to share but I I think it’s cuz they probably give individual creators preference yeah so it’s like we the YouTube system prefers you so you will get better numbers yeah that’s uh Sniper

Wolf lady she’s like preferred YouTube like she’s still a preferred YouTuber I think so yeah like they said they demonetized her Channel but they didn’t kind of kind of crazy I think I don’t know I’m not too caught up on that but it’s like that was is like an

Example of a preferred Creator so she made like extra money off the ads they’re just trying to make y’all uh don’t find out I make billions off every 2 minute video yeah exactly yeah Sappo not sapl swack Little Broken oh no what happened oh oh oh I I see what you’re

Talking about Ah that’s weird did you see a flip up so Minecraft corrupt stream video yeah that that’s a weird thing that happens sometime I don’t know what’s up with that may says is this 2B or some other Anarchy server can I be person here because I’m

Male can I be only be the person here because oh I see that’s a p uh with the male mail I got you um this is my server it’s in the description of the stream if you want to join you it’s a FBF by the

Way if you want to join that you can um it does kind of look like an anarchy server because uh this guy griefed by hackers but it’s not an anarchy server you you can’t hack the bread pirate is slowly farming bread let’s let’s go oh

Yeah I I forgot about that I need to bread up um does not know how to do that I like that you have that that command that gets you to say it properly I forget how you do that oh oh that was awful I heard dry hands and cried a little

Dried hands bro dude yeah dry hands is the Minecraft song It’s the sister song to wet hands so wet hands is a more creative and upbeat and then dry hands is just depressing but nostalgic like like you’re longing for your childhood with the slow piano fade but yeah the

Command is slash me slash I love using that command and it is so fun to jump onto a server it is so fun to jump onto a server where people don’t know the command and see them just freak out and be like are you an admin oh yeah it happens a surprising

Amount but yeah wow this is really slow The Tick speed is not helping me I I’m not getting a lot of bread man where are you right now I’ve got some bone meal oh well let me come up to the surface I’m currently in the caves but

At the all the trees in here they all got burned I think I think this there was a griefing uh thing that happened I think that’s what happened no yeah another round of gri another round definitely vanilla though cuz this is not destructive at all I I

Join server again yeah if I if I start playing on the server again I feel like I should move out of z00 City for a bit just so I can have another place to to get resources I don’t have a home outside of this on the server I that’s

Fine yeah I I think uh moving out somewhere is cool have you seen the new uh finished uh the finished flat lands no let’s go there let’s go there we got to let’s walk okay good idea yeah uh it’s not far right it’s uh oh yeah you’re right you’re right it’s right

Next it’s not no it’s not no um oh you were in a desert dude there are like no desert biomes around here is there a actually was just reading the Hunger Games the other day for one of my subbing yeah for a subbing class I was subbing

I was I was techically the dean ofed that day so I just would H into classrooms and uh just help the teacher there but the the the actual teacher teaching the class like the English teacher would do all the work I was just there for the ride and they were reading

The Hunger Games and I got to sitting on the class and just cure hunger games again after many years oh that’s cool a lot of fun I only had to teach one class that day that’s good I I only I only read the first Hunger Games I did

It with an OD no actually read it I physically read that one that was good cool yeah they’re using Hunger Games as a way of teaching English literature and analyzing stories which is cool I I when I was going to school Hunger Games was new enough that everybody was talking

About it and teachers were encouraging students to read it but it wasn’t a part of the curriculum yeah yeah I think uh one of the English things I had to do was like of M and man oh yes that’s a classic yeah it’s a classic but it’s

Like I don’t know it was okay I didn’t really like writing about it cuz it’s just it’s just like so me and you have different tastes I guess I like I like old things I actually for my uh one of my biggest projects I had to do we had

To do book projects I chose 100 oh 101 Arabian Knights which is this very old story and is where all the stories of like Aladdin and 50 come from I like that it is a very slow read and it’s the size of a Bible it is insane I I I it

Ended up getting to use it for two different projects so I I split it up and that was awesome but yeah so like I I have a very different taste I’m like okay if it’s a little bit of a slower read from time to time especially as a historian right I

Think I could do it as an audiobook but I couldn’t do it uh I couldn’t do it as like uh just an actual read like I can barely get through a good book although I have had in moments where actual like a book gets its hooks

Into me like if the pacing is slow um I usually won’t like be able to finish it but if it’s like a book that’s just like gets you instantly I’m done I’ll read the whole book in like a day I love this power here it reminds me of SkyWars

Something you see in Skywars and there I don’t know who made this actually but and using bricks and building I always love seeing bricks and building bricks oh yeah brick old Minecraft cuz they feel so old because they don’t really I don’t think they fit that well

With most builds but they they just is like it’s so underused now yeah um but yeah this is the finished product uh do you want to go up the stair let’s go up the staircase over here actually yeah let’s do it it’s right here uh this is just done I I did

Three levels of PL block placing good books are so hard to finish for me but uh watching Subway servers at the time it’s worse at the same time makes it worse I got to find your name tag uh are you going up I’m going up I’m up the

Staircase was it just the oh I see okay I thought you were going up the spiral staircase oh it’s the spiral staircase doesn’t actually really work it’s a bit messed up right now but yeah I put I don’t even know why I put torches on all this [ __ ] no mobs whoa yeah

And then uh I did it on the third level too I don’t even know why I did this how do you do this why what what compelled you I wanted to make a three I wanted to make it way better than this like have like three LEL tiered civilization you

Know let’s let’s get that f8 mode like a like a tiered uh we were going to do um like a like there’s a three tiers of society and at the top is the like the highest of class of society and all the people these are just GDs would you have

Put on them uh houses and stuff like Farms not um and you would fill it with dirt in each of the squares or yeah it would have been like multiple layers but then I was like this is too much work so we’re just going to make one layer which

Is this and then we’re going to make a smaller layer at the top and then it can just look really impressive even though it’s like it’s it is what it is you know this this is just like a at the end of the day I iive Minecraft projects are ones that are

Just they just exist for no purpose and they are they’re huge and completely purposeful less those are the ones that last the longest on servers I notice yeah those are the ones ones that are abstract shapes and you look at them and Griefers are like that’s not worth

Blowing up it’s too big and it’s nobody’s using it right it’s just a no function the first thing to go is always a farm yeah Farms go but these weird structures even if you blow up part of them they’ll still linger in their dilapitated state it’s beautiful really

It kind it is a nice is a nice little thing here uh what is in there’s like a chest okay out of f8 mode I don’t want to fall and die um um let’s see nothing in here no I I remember I think I got a lot of Stone

From this particular one or something oh let’s go to let’s go into let’s go into here uh I love old school buildings made with bricks or Cobblestone Cobblestone like OG Cobblestone texture is one of my favorite textures it’s just so good okay so let’s walk through here careful

I love making small builds because you can build them in a day at the beginning of the game and my attention span well not my attention span but like my motivation can stay high throughout that’s true I like that as well I I don’t know why I’m so like uh I I was

Working this is my other project working on a spy stair case staircase that goes up but no like everybody’s different right for me if I work on a big project I’m gonna feel unmotivated afterwards and kind of similar to buying a bunch of games on Steam and not playing I would

Have that feeling of oh I’ve wasted all my time I’m bad at Minecraft because I can’t finish my projects where if I do something small I’ll think oh hey like I accomplished this little thing and I feel good about it and it’s cute so I

Have an entire yeah and I have an entire Discord channel on well I have a private Discord server where I take notes of things and one of the channels is dedicated to small Minecraft Builds if I ever want to make one yo that’s this spiral staircase is phenomenal oh really

You like it I like this it was yeah I I noticed I put a lot of dirt in here so it’s my dirt now and then I was going to make a tunnel that just goes out this way like look at this this is my favorite thing I

Like the design I did for this but swack made a good point that could apply to YouTube really well it’s a yeah I agree with that uh I gave up on this one here I I I don’t know I I I like it I like it when that the task is small

And repetitive but the the the Project’s goal is really big because it’s like it’s always so you feel accomplished as you’re going yeah it’s like where I can stop at any point and it’s just like the she this goes on forever it does actually goes nowhere so

Forever does not forever just for like a thousand blocks and it goes nowhere this is just like leftover of a grief because there used to be like an actual spawn Hub base here but not anymore whoa mhm this was like the start there used to be a bunch of Spawn signs

I built it all on one stream with some people that is metal this is a this is a crazy backstory for this place yeah and then it just got it got wrecked by Baris actually I think the same day the spawn got completely destroyed notorious I

Almost feel like we should we should ban the name Baris from being spoken he’s like going to make him into Voldemort yeah yeah funny I I think I like the idea in that in the in the Harry Potter books uh where they ban like they they turn the

Word Voldemort into an actual word that has power you know where it’s like if you before it was just no one said it out of like fear and then they said now it’s like if you say it um is you die you say it spawns all like like in the

End like the last later books when they said the word Voldemort it would tell them the location like tell Voldemort your location really I forgot about that yeah yeah uh did you go up the staircase oh no I just went in the portal it brought

Me back to 0 oh it’s fine yeah sorry I I was curious what was on the other side and now I think it’s too late yeah I’ll I’ll meet up with you later I’m go up to the surface actually swack is underneath me I’m going to MLG water bucket you

Don’t do that you’ll die you can’t do it it’s like broken oh yeah it didn’t work but thankfully it was a small fall so it was okay yeah so what encouraged you to put like dirt everywhere in spawn uh cuz it look ugly without dirt

So but like now a lot of things are less functional I it just like it depends on like where you put it like some places I’m like this is good other places I’m like well my furnace is covered oh uh oh no no no no that wasn’t me like the

Actual inside the castle dirt that was somebody else who was just going to turn the whole place to a farm I think oh okay that makes sense okay so there’s another story behind it wow there’s like you said you were putting dirt everywhere iume you meant you were the

One who was like putting it on like walkways and such and I’m like well I thought it was cute okay no I I didn’t put it on the walkways that was literally another guy I I don’t know why he did it but I think the same dude put

The pumpkins there and all the pumpkins are from Halloween it just CU for Halloween nice well I’ll have to get rid of some of this dirt I have to excavate don’t worry about that in building your your your town you can feel free to do

Whatever you want I I am what was it there was actually this one controversy that occurred while I was playing on the server I can’t remember what it was I was it uh Baris getting banned somebody no I think it was about the lava wall surrounding spawn oh okay oh people

Wanted to create the lava wall but I thought it was ugly so I tried making it Stone again I covered it all with water and got rid of it but then as soon as I did that people put more lava down and water also bars that was also Baris yeah that that

Was that was a bit of a controversy cuz people liked the lava but I think that the lava’s a bit aggressive yeah I think I don’t like the lava look I like the stone wall look it reminds me of a yeah because it feels like yeah it oh that’s

Actually a great Point yeah it’s I I was thinking it just reminds me of old Minecraft more I love Cobble yeah that’s true but lava is moving it’s not static mhm lava lava just I don’t it’s too bright it it makes it looks like a wallpaper that’s just bad you know like

Where it’s like moving and like a moving wall I like it behind glass I like it when people make edgy builds like that that’s different that’s that’s not the same thing though that’s true like a lava wall is just it just it’s almost too bright yeah too bright there’s like

A there’s almost like a decayed like it reminds me of like something like from from a from soft game like uh Dark Souls or something where it’s like just like some there’s some history of this because it like the walls they look like castle walls and then they but they

Always don’t like fully become they always have holes in them so they they look like Cade remnants of a bygone era or something like that yeah making lava walls around spawn calling the moror such interesting people yeah we got we got the we got the Quirk quirky

Gang whoa old Minecraft Omega Dan Kong if you want to play the server it’s all in the description all the information you need well except the version uh no I I think I fixed it oh you fixed hey can you fix that live I think for new people

Who join it is fixed right uh yeah it’s he just joined so I think he’ll be fine but maybe if you change if you refresh the page it will also give you the correct information FYI this server has been on every version of Minecraft since Alpha the

Since one of the earliest versions of playable Alpha I don’t have a PC you can play on your Android phone you can without refreshing oh wow look at that oh yeah they they’ve updated things like even views and likes update now live that part is really cool apparently if

You say stuff like subscribe and like then it makes it Glow or whatever like flash I don’t know how that works exactly like if you say wait jopes is here no way welcome jopes Jes is uh jopes is actually speak of the devil we were talking earlier about people we

Wish we could have been when we were younger jopes is one of those people jopes literally just was like yeah I’m going to make videos and I’m going to make them like really popular and really well at a young age age and I’m like well I wasn’t

Jopes really yeah yeah and he helped me out on my Discord server setting up a a command so that when people join if they have a name that has pirate in it then they get a custom roll oh really okay yeah is great the

Gang there is a bit of a gang it’s it’s kind of weird I feel like I’m starting a posy as a YouTuber but every YouTuber does that with each other other like there there’s always like you’re you’re you’re developing friendship yeah you have to G

You’re not cool if you don’t have a gang only the cool all my homies got gangs yeah all myom sometimes sometimes I feel like the what is his name the Nick Fury of the Zelda Community with how many people I end up meeting yeah in some ways that’s that’s very

Literally accurate oh I’m about to die to the Skelly let’s not let that happen no I’m going to retreat back into the cellar and make bread good idea I wish portals were three blocks wide so that you could build them and you could put them into you could just oh yeah that’s why

Jopes is a mod Omega Dan Kong yeah that that is exactly why that happened uh and I’m not sure how much longer it’ll stay that way because jobes doesn’t really need moderator but also like jopes is cool so I’m I’m conflicted mhm there is a creeper on the other side

Of this doorway it’s dead let’s go winning this is what winning looks like this is this is Peak Peak entertainment J jopes how devastated would you be if like one day your modding privileges disappeared like would you would you I don’t know like declare war on the bread

Pirate with your like 70,000 subscribers or something I don’t remember what number you’re at you’re you’re at you’re at a very sizable number does so jobes does uh Zelda videos as well no no jobes does uh Mario Kart videos actually Mario Kart that explains the Mario a little

Bit of Zelda A little bit of Mario Kart it’s it’s a little bit eclectic I think purposefully so I think jobes you basically do like whatever is catching your fancy at a point right not I’m not saying anything I presume jopes is gone or jopes is just typing very diligently away

Oh job said he’s cool if I remove the Privileges let’s go let’s go let’s make him simple again let’s let’s put him back in his place Dethrone jobs I’m working on this like uh spawn spawn like look here yeah but man I I am very jealous of jobes for having done as well

As he has at such a young age like man I can do whatever I don’t have a theme yeah that’s what I want to get to I want to get to that point where I could just I just do whatever I feel like and I do that but doesn’t give

Views yeah jobes you do have somewhat of a theme which is like you’re doing M you you include a lot of math in your videos and it’s it’s like essay gaming videos like what mat Pat’s one friend used to do Austin I think hey it’s Austin right

And he’s like doing like crazy math theories about like uh video game characters would die if they did certain things oh that guy I remember that dude yeah he had to remove all his videos from game theorist after they became a uh became a corporation oh really he has

His own videos yeah he’s reuploading the videos on his own channel now oh I see I see um welcome back swag yeah no jobes you have a good thing going for you oh I never did the farm thing I wanted to do oh well there I forgot to do some

Farming oh I have a Discord notification who is pinging me at this hour oh it’s Dan uh who’s Dan Dan is in the chat Dan Omega Dan Kong oh I see I see okay okay yeah oh my uh there’s so many suspicious holes that I could just accidentally fall into that are near

Spawn I fell down to half a heart earlier in the Stream um that fell down a hole and half a heart was left when I got out I was very lucky yeah you you saw the hot heart moment yeah it was riveting yeah I was like completely quiet too I didn’t like

I didn’t go like oh my God I just di I just said nothing let it happen I’m I’m I’m so like in a what what do you call it like a trance yeah I’m mean in this gamer zone I’m I’m just obsessed with my farm

Right now and trying to get my health up oh yeah I will get to I’ve got 38 bones so let’s let’s put them 38 do you have any idea how much bread we can make with that let’s make the economy will be in shambles we’ll just hit we have enough

Enough to destroy the economy you have any idea how to get into the hole or into the the base I I don’t know where it is so I have two bones all right let’s trying to find how to get to you actually I’m having trouble finding

You the main entrance used to be so easy to find oh brilliant yeah this is it this used to be ah this is not the main entrance but we could just make a new Oh no you’re that’s swack that’s not you behind you you’re behind me oh hello

There let’s make a new entrance right here okay where where is this Farm I will I will add follow me okay uh wait no uh this way okay uh but um back to what you were saying about like uh well at the very start I think you you had

Some very good words about the uh like keeping like your Channel’s like a topic and then you switch from topic to variety like oh this this is cool uh I like I think I need to take I think I need to take take some lessons from that

Because my uh um I feel like I I’m not I don’t have enough topic oh I’ll save you swack what swack dying what’s happening a zombie no it’s all good now oh I like this castle wall um but I think that’s a I think it’s a good tip uh for like

Smaller YouTubers cuz like my most popular like format I think is probably more like essay type videos right and my most essay type yeah my most popular video of that would be probably uh I think my 2B comic video and I really there’s a lot of other graphic novels as

Well as another 2B comic I I want to talk about and I think if I if I started writing more of those and making those swack do you want a pickaxe I me and swag are literally just hobos yeah really I well would you like a shovel uh you you’re

Good we have nothing is this what being homeless feels like it must right I okay so I’m going to start this is exactly all all right um I will now bone meal these I like that bone meal one instantly does one yes that’s so much nicer in this

Version I I dislike that in newer versions you need so much makes it really expensive especially on trees because I don’t know if I have the tree in the wrong spot if I’m trying to make like a 4×4 tree I know that feeling or it’s it’s just not taking enough bone

Meal it’s it’s really annoying the sewer Lounge breed sewer Lounge yeah I yeah swack was on here a while ago and I showed him a bunch of stuff I don’t know which sewer Lounge you’re looking at quite but there’s there’s a lot to look at there’s more than a lot there’s a lot

Of various lounges cuz I’m like I don’t know what to fill this area with let’s put like chairs in a table here several sewage Lounge I like that I used to have one of my bases be a sewage Lounge it was pretty good oh it’s right through

The door okay I think I know which one you’re talking about I really like the spawn base the spawn base is hype oh this one yeah yeah yeah you break through here this is the this is the one that was my base unfortunately there’s no supplies

Here anymore it’s fun this this is like this this this like build this is my favorite build probably on the server although there is a really really good castle that’s also been built I did a whole stream my brother made a really nice Castle on the server too I wonder

If I wonder if I can find out where that is yeah I I’d be curious to yeah I I I I found a I remember I went through the old beta file when I was restoring all the griefed bases um and my brother’s base was not griefed

I don’t think I found yeah but he didn’t make it in beta did he I don’t know uh it was it was around the time I was playing so it must have been in beta uh okay well maybe I saw it then I don’t know

Cuz I I uh I went and I think I found every single servers every base on the server active and un active just like through the overview of this program I was using very useful program by the way wait like it showed you the map yeah I

Downloaded the whole map to it was like an outdated copy so it was there might be stuff now but um yeah is this like a semi Anarchy server it is yeah the the idea is there are there’s no cheating nobody is cheating but uh you can do anything you want besides exploit the

Game or cheat unless you get my permission to use like a glitch of some kind but you got to ask me before you do it um then maybe you can do it like I I allow certain stuff if it’s just cool but I really hate dupe glitches uh stuff

That crashes the server and hacked clients because it’s just so unfair um and it it turns a server into like a complete mess if you let people just cheat uh because there’s just it’s just too broken Minecraft as a game is fundamentally too broken for single player to they it’s too exploitable you

Know there’s no fairness to someone who wants to play vanilla and um it makes a griefing happens too much and with a small server it’s kind of important to have a lot of bases that remain up I feel like so that there’s something of value on the server because if if

Everyone’s just cheating the moment there’s something of value it’s gone the next day right yeah that’s well said mhm like 2b2 T it sucks yeah 2b2 t sucks because they as soon as something cool as soon as you hear about a cool thing it’s gone right uh the nice thing about

Old TB is it didn’t quite have a culture like that quite yet so if you heard about something that just is something that culturally nobody really touched even though they could have destroyed every base you know and it and it just it made it like almost more like there’s

More mythology around things you know and it’s kind of like other servers are like that smaller servers but even then it’s like it takes one guy to spawn in a bunch of uh bunch of uh yeah Withers and Destroy every base on the server and then kill the motivation of the only

Players you play and it’s like what’s the point of having a server and letting that happen if if it just kills a player base you know so exactly yeah balance balance on everything plus I like survival more it’s more fun yeah I like I like that about the older games

Because it’s older game versions because it feels like you’re really battling the elements and it’s dangerous at all times yeah but when you start getting netherite and prop four and you can swim around the sky with a trident well it’s a little bit much old Minecraft is just way more hardcore especially

Especially uh uh beta beta like 1.7.3 I think is probably Peak not Nostalgia wise but Peak game because 1.7.3 is a different game than current day Minecraft I would say in in in almost like every every way every objective every single part of the game that people

Play um is there any like uh like what are like an interest that your channel might have that you uh that like people would be unex expected for you to be like interested in making videos about or think just something you enjoy that like is UN that’s just like you think

That other people wouldn’t think that you would enjoy you know given like what you make the way you focus your channel on you know there there are actually some moments where I will have a thing I’m obsessed with and I’ll think like I don’t care if people hate this I’m going

To make a YouTube channel specifically for this thing so I can get it out of my system and I’ve done it twice this year already okay the first one was Assassin’s Creed I freaking love Assassin’s Creed because it’s open world but it’s also history oh yeah yeah so I

Actually have a secret Assassin’s Creed Channel that I have where I’ve uploaded two videos they’re very short there’s not much to them where I was just like I wonder if I could make like Assassin’s Creed videos decently well and I think I got pretty good at it but it was too

Much time for me to invest because right after that tears of the Kingdom came about oh I see and then recently uh the amazing digital circus was the thing that existed right oh yeah yeah and I fell in love with it but I tried going online to find out if anybody made a

Pixelated version of it where it feels like it’s actually in the graphics of a ’90s video game cuz that’s the whole aesthetic of the show but the resolution is oh yeah it’s it doesn’t look like a PS5 Graphics or whatever right yeah so I made I made a compressed version of the

Video and then I uploaded that on its own YouTube channel as well just for the fun of it because I was like that that was a cool idea but it wouldn’t fit with the Zelda thing so I just make another place for it and get it out system and

Like I said earlier I love small channels I loved the feeling of fighting against the system upwards and how every view matters so I don’t really mind if the channels don’t get any views it’s like it’s just fun yeah you definitely got the like fun uh mindset more I I

Feel like I I need to channel that more because a lot of the times I get like to I really like I I the this is where like the I really like attention part like comes in just like I I want to make a video so that I know people watch

It um but I like also I do like the idea of secret channels as well swacky like well listen like it’s understandable because like I’ve already hit it like I proved I could do the thing whereas you you’re still trying to like prove to everybody like yeah my videos are good

And are worth watching mhm so for me it’s like I’m escaping the spotlight when I do that for you that’s true it wouldn’t really make sense like you still you still got to you got to prove to the world that your videos are as good me and swack both think they

Actually I don’t think swack has seen any of your videos swack like Personality yeah I appreciate it I appreciate it yeah also do you have any of the wheat like you you oh I had I turned it all into bread but I I I’m in

The okay I will give you some yeah yeah whoops um I just came in my farm yeah uh okay um I’m you know very hard to get right now yeah no don’t worry I’m coming to I’m coming to an easier spot to get I I’ll come to the surface it’ll just take

A second uh you don’t need to go that far I’m actually just I’m at Bedrock level right now oh Bedrock I need to rise up what is your definition you went down you went down the spiral staircase uh not quite I I I I okay um I I’m now above

You go back up the spiral go back up the spir I’m going back up the spiral staircase I’m I have seen one sapl of video and it was the last uh seconds of 18 one I remember liking I am back in the farmer yeah nice nice nice okay here

You go I’ll split half of the all right I’ll take that half the proceeds you know my farm but your your bone meal yeah exactly yeah I had to fight bring some carrots here is a good idea yeah I’m going to make this one into carrots

Oh wait I’m out of carrots okay it’s fine you know this this was the wildest thing to me bartering like or or haggling for prices normally is something you don’t see in our economy right that’s true but I recently went to a coin shop I love history I love I love

Buying old coins and uh I I went to a coin shop for the first time this summer and the guy there his name is Rob where we’re talking about like what we’re going to buy and sell and and he has prices in all the coins so I thought like that’s that’s like the

Only price you can get on it but like towards the end of the conversation he’s like okay so what what would you like to propose and I’m like what do you mean and he’s like like what what are you willing to pay for this I’m like what you can haggle in our

Economy it it blew my ever loving mind and funny but I I love going back to that shop and now I now I understand it a little bit better usually I don’t even need to haggle though he’s really good with his prices I I I got really into

Collecting Lego um cuz I really like Lego I’m a big Lego fan unique pieces or sets uh just sets I really like old 2008 2005 like Lego star Indiana Jones sets the Mars mission sets I love those ones I really like Lego Star Wars Prim primarily though but any those good

Those they there some of my favorite Lego sets and it’s like I don’t think I think they peaked Lego Star Wars peaked like the rest of Lego kept evolving but Lego Star Wars peaked like in 2005 like they they’ve only gotten worse in my opinion like I think the city things

That they’re doing now those are really cool I think one problem with Lego though is it has too many specialized pieces now maybe I I don’t know I I like those like the sets for adults it’s where it’s like a there’s like a 10, like a really high detailed ship or a

Really high detailed some sort of artistic thing it’s like I like that but I I I also think that the price is ridiculous but what I would do as far asling goes is I would buy old used Lego on like a local used site and I would

Send an email to every single one undercutting their price by like 50 to 60% being like if no one else will take this I will buy this for $10 instead of like 70 as they put you know and it’s like surprisingly enough like you’ll either get people who like will send an

Email that’s basically just them like going like hahaa like get out you laughing at you basically for like suggesting such a low price they’ll be like I won’t even go below $200 and I’m like asking for like 50 bucks uh and then they uh or I’ll get like somebody

Who is selling something that’s actually like valuable and then they’ll be like yeah a $5 is fine yeah they just want to get rid of the thing they don’t they don’t want to have to hag like out got 70 lbs of Lego for 150 bucks wa that was like the greatest deal he

Thought I came to buy the Minifigures for 100 bucks and then instead I was like no I was talking about that and he double checked it and he went oh and then he’s like okay well here you go so I just like like not only did he plan on

Selling it to somebody else he was just fine with giving me 70 lbs of he was planning on giving it to someone else I don’t know if he was but he’s planning on selling it you know he didn’t think I was there to buy that he thought I was

Buying something different and it’s like no I was was that an iners trade or was in person he was just like oh okay whatever where do you go to for that just the locally like it’s like there’s a website where people sell you stuff specific to my like where I live is that

Uh Craigslist no it’s not even Craigslist it’s called like the name of the city I live in and then oh yeah you don’t want to say that I see that yeah yeah I mean I I I basically could but you know I’m not it’s Boston it’s Boston

I know it is you can just watch my one of my videos and figure it out like I have a whole video where I did one in a in my city you could figure it out in like 10 seconds oh yeah I got to like I

Got to become one of those tracker dud you got to you got to put work in all right if you’re going to find out where I live you better put some goddamn work in all right I don’t want it I don’t want it like accessible and confirmed by

My meth to the normies all right get get on that obsessive fan [ __ ] and figure it out you’re right you’re right um but I feel the same way about some things too I’m like yeah you you ought to like put work in if you want to find this thing out about me exactly

It’s like I look I I sure I could tell you but I’m not going to yeah um but it basically just like uh they they I send them it just just like a place where you can get the email someone who’s selling something right and then you talk to

Them off the site via email but it’s it’s like only used in my city too it’s really weird cuz like they have versions for other cities but they’re not used it’s only only this one and it’s like used by all the people who would sell something old that’s valuable for like

$7 because um they don’t care they’re just they’re just where the old people go to to put things like you go on eBay or craigsl like someone’s trying to make a profit they know the value what they’re selling you go on that site and they’re just like clearing out their

Stuff cuz they’re all old and about to die you know it’s like nobody cares what what’s actually worth yeah so I was able to get a lot of really cool stuff for really really cheap um but it’s like funny cuz I just haggle via email and it’s like it’s always cringe a little

Bit because I would I I always feel bad like you know like I’m just like can I get this for less money you know because I don’t have the budget cuz if I had the it feels weird but it feels different in person oh yeah totally in person it’s

Like I can’t I don’t I could do it but it’s like I for me I would just not buy it you know but if it’s an email can I can write up a really polite email being like if you can’t find anyone else to

Sell it and you really want to let it go I’m going take it for this much and it’s like that’s the I know that that site is the purpose of it is people to clean out their living rooms right and it’s like I just do that christas stat helps getting

Lower prices from vendors all about the build man that’s that’s kind of true yeah I just i h i I’m somebody like I think I have like high Charisma I think but I I have like a problem with the word no I don’t like getting refused so

So it’s like I rather by email than in person oh wait I’m going back into the chat and seeing what job said he said I never got to experience being a small YouTube channel uh and I don’t know whether it’s good thing or a bad thing but I think

Jopes you you just happen to be naturally gifted at what you’re doing I think like I saw some of your earlier videos and you embody this one trait that I I love about something technoblade said technoblade said you could either start making YouTube videos

Now and be good in 3 years mhm when your when your voice drops or you could start now and you’ll you’ll be good when your voice drops and you literally did that yeah like jokes you you embodied what technoblade said you started making videos at a very young age when most

People wouldn’t take you seriously but you made your videos so well it didn’t matter yeah and even if you didn’t do a good job it’s like you’re just going to you’re just going to learn lighter you know like you have get that knowledge in earlier that’s always better to do it

Young start Young when you’re I mean of course I’m like that’s not that’s kind of a side of the point like is it good to go through the small YouTuber phas I think yes to keep you humble but you seem like a really down toe person jokes

I don’t think you have a problem just don’t let YouTube go like don’t let your ego get inflated just don’t start thinking you’re all that you know yeah don’t don’t let it be inflated like mine where I think I’m the best person in the world and I just happen to waste a few

Hours of my day with this nobody YouTuber named sapl don’t start thinking you’re on my level you gotta got calm down a little bit as long as you don’t get that far don’t be like sneo yeah exactly don’t be like sneo yeah or SN I don’t know if I should say

This I don’t know if I should be this person or not I’m going I’m gonna do it it’s it’s it can pertains to a conversation in the in your your chat as well with Omega Dan Kong Omega Dan Kong is giving a suggestion of an idea to

Jobes here and I think that there’s a place for that right like hey I have an idea for your videos you could use this mhm right and but then then it it it it elaborate like he says you can DM me on Discord if you need some help I think

Dan handled that really well mhm but I’ve had some fans who will be like hey I have an idea for a video and I’m like oh it’s a decent idea for a video and they’re like yeah you should really DM me about this yeah because I’m going I

I’m going to help you with it and I’m like whoa slow down buddy get to Dan is clearly more down toe than that and is just like helping out but when when people do that I get a little bit mythed no I agree I agree that’s that’s like

Awkward you know have you ever had that I have I haven’t had that with like uh I’ve had that with their people give me like server um servers to to go over and it’s like I am you know very tired of Minecraft servers honestly like the search and the documentation like I

Burnt myself out hard um but I uh I um I burn myself out hard with that and so I I don’t really like I’m not interested in it as much as I used to but people will DM me about servers or about their server that’s like old and it’s like usually it’s not

Old enough for me to care you know that much but he’s like I don’t want to say no and it’s also it’s like even if it is old enough I have to like do research now yes it’s asking for more work it’s like this is work and I know I’m

Probably not even going to make a video about it because I’m so done I already did did hundreds of hours of research and I’m already like so burnt out on the topic of that that I I I would have made like 10,000 videos by now if I cared

Enough you know and it’s like yes because I mean your videos were incredible like and and everybody loved them but like you just you’re just like moving on to new things yeah it’s just like I I I really natur I really I’m really Minecrafted out especially on the

Server thing and it’s like I have one more that in the chamber and then that should probably solve that issue where I’ll have a new issue where people will like talk to me maybe won’t even be an issue but people will just I want to make it so people submit their own

Servers uh to the Discord to be categorized um but not uh but I don’t have to do much research about it they already put the research in so I’m working on like an idea I already have an idea for how to fix that it’s basically I just have to finish that

Video I don’t know why it’s like so annoying uh what’s going on I just joined welcome cat Robert talking to the bread pirate today we are just doing some m CRA and chilling and doing Q&A type stuff I guess nothing big just having a good time uh the thing about the whole small

YouTuber thing is that I miss the opportunity to experiment H I wouldn’t say that I wouldn’t say that sa you should make a video about the history of Kombucha don’t worry I’ll demm you my sources okay look look man if you want I am I

Got you yeah absolutely do that to to me do add the make me force me to make a video then I’ll upload here’s this I’ll do that if you if you edit it for me that should be my new response to people I’ll be like yeah if you edit it for me

I’ll do it somebody would probably do that too I I have no sources sources I made them the [ __ ] up I love that that’s my one of my favorite memes just like what are your sources I made them up they’re not real there are no sources that’s the most

Chad energy to just lie there’s something about just brazenly lying about something that I I do respect though I shouldn’t trust me bro like yeah like just like just the sheer willpower that’s that you like sheer like Charisma that’s Charisma maxing that’s what lying is it’s just Charisma

Maxing like if you can convince somebody you’re right when you’re very much not I that’s a skill that takes that takes effort that takes points on your charisma stat that’s awful my mic is not working right now oh oh okay I was wondering why he went So

Silent um I’m like I’m like freaking out I’m like he’s talking about the senator Armstrong me my love I need to get this pick cam I I freaking loved that video just the senator Armstrong garbage he’s spewing out like that’s one of my favorite memes of all time I use it in

My Channel all the time I didn’t know it was Sting their Armstrong I I literally like Center to Armstrong from Metal Gear rev oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh I want to play that game that’s one of those games I’m going to try and figure out my mic

Problem while I’m using my webcam just just departed back to 2010 I think there’s an art in in having a shitty microphone and making videos in low quality like yes I would say before tomad fell off he mastered that where he had like he knew exact like when he made

That like meme that made him really famous the like good night girl he knew exactly what microphone he needed okay I think it’s good now oh it’s good now yeah okay cool that was weird I might need to replace my microphone soon if it does that what have what are you Blue

Snowball microphone those are actually seem like really good the snowball ones not the yeti I’m not going to get a different mic I think I’m just going to get another Blue Snowball or a Yeti I might might just because those two are phenomenal yeah I didn’t realize the

Snowball was such a good audio for what it is cuz like the yeti is actually terrible I I I I I think it genuinely sounds really bad but the uh really uh I have like a I have like an a like a professional microphone I guess I don’t

Know I got it cuz uh I was working on doing voice stuff for a while and I was like I’ll get a good thing I had the guy who made the Burger King ads in Denmark allegedly that’s what he told me uh he recommended me this microphone and it

Has served me good ever since I got it wow yeah I’ve been using this one for six or seven years now it’s like on the cusp of those and I dropped my mic into a bowl of cereal the first week I had it and it still works fine yeah this is

This is one thing that like uh gokanaru he he makes videos uh and he absolutely destroys his microphone like multiple occasions like he covers it in crap and all that and it’s to this day he’s I think he’s probably used it since the start of his channel right so like 12

Years or whatever like shit’s just been continuing along and still works even though it’s got like it is just it’s it’s got so much crap like plastered onto it but it still sounds like okay but it’s it’s not great cuz it’s a Yeti one it’s it’s they have a weird peaking

Problem but like um uh so I’m I’m pretty good with my snowball then I might just get another snowball if the is being weird or it’s not even that it’s like I don’t know something about it it’s like I just maybe settings on it are not good I don’t know

But the yeti but the the Blue Snowball um my my cousin uses it for his videos and it’s always sounds really good I’m always surprised cuz uh I’ve always had like a before I got this mic I always had a problem with like crappy audio and it would always sounded like I always

Sounded bad like what’s up I could never figure out like a budget solution but I guess that one is actually the budget solution yeah also I know this is this is weird cuz like I left for a minute but could I go back to that conversation

About what do you do when somebody wants to do a quote unquote like not collab but collab with you mhm one of my one of the solutions I found is that if somebody says like hey you should make a video about this thing you’d be really

Good at it and I can help you I’ll just tell them actually you should make that a video you’d be really good at that have fun that’s a that’s a good that’s true too cuz they could make you’re encouraging you’re yeah you’re encouraging people to be creators instead of

Consumers so like that’s that’s a good thing and also it’s like hey you think it’s so easy all right show me that and also like they will make a better video than I would you know like because you’re passionate about the topic do it yeah you care you care more than I would

I barely care about you just told me about this now I’m not invested you know but you know they they will make it they they’re invested You’ invested right now make that video it is actually kind of surprising how few people actually do make that video though that’s like the sad thing about

It it’s like when no like people they don’t want to they don’t want to put that effort in you know for some reason yeah they well it’s it’s understandable like you have to go through a bit of boredom to get to the fun part which is seeing the finished

Product that’s true yeah like I have that big problem I I could I have the time to edit a video and finish it every week I think I do or at least every month I have the time for at least one video a month and I I can’t even manage that

Like because it is it does take it does drain you it does take a certain amount of like not even draining it just takes a certain amount of focus and I have been very scatter brained as of recent so it is good it’s a thing it is a thing

Scatter yeah yeah it’s like having having routine is like the most important possible thing you could ever have and I only know this because I I lack it in my daily life so it’s like that’s such a real feeling yeah and I know because of lack of

Having it not because I’ve ever had it just because I know I know that I don’t have it I need to use that someday sometimes people are like wow how can you talk about such a subject when you’ve never experienced it firsthand It’s like because I know what it’s like

To not have that thing yeah exactly I know I know the lack of you can because you can define a term by pointing at what it’s not right so you can Define a good experience by pointing at what it isn’t you know that’s such a good point

Yeah mhm so it’s like actually I am qualified to speak on this because I have I have suffered the consequences of bad decision making it’s it is starting to get pretty late though I don’t know how much longer I’ll be don’t worry about it man honestly we could just go we can end

Whenever it’s it’s all good SL Le Discord call without any War yeah dud I feel bad I’d be like did I upset does he hate me now it’s like no he just fell asleep on the mic fell asleep ironically me oh you go you go you go it’s like

It’s just it’s past a certain amount of time for you instantly falls asleep it’s just like you can’t control fall out yeah so with that yeah like that’s what I was going to say like unironically me and my friend have been trying to figure out how to fix our sleep sleep schedules

And one of our Solutions was well let’s just say like anytime we’re on the computer after a certain point we just log off without telling anybody and eventually eventually people will catch on but it’ll like really mess with them for a while it’ll be great yeah what is there any any last

Minute like topics of yours that you know like you don’t normally get a chance to talk about like in a in an interview podcast or whatever setting or just generally that you want to discuss like we could do that now like on live there anything you’re like this I should

I want to say something I just don’t have the format now is a perfect time to do it you know that kind of thing it’s the dream that everybody has an open-ended question where you can talk about whatever you want but you’re never prepared for it when the time comes yeah

I I’ve done interviews for a long time with people mhm where where I’m the interviewer and I give the questions to people when I was at College I did it for all my projects when I was reporting for a newspaper at the college I did

That when I when I make videos about old topics I have to interview people who were there at the time and even just recently that video project that I was talking about a few hours ago that was like massive and I interviewed some ex- Nintendo employees for it like it’s

Always me given the interview mhm but when I ask this question they never have anything else to say and I I I’m now realizing in this moment why cuz like what is there to say right I’m not the one guiding the conversation that’s you and the conversation does not

Naturally guide to another question or another thing that needs clarification then it’s kind of hard to think like what could I say that would add to people’s lives I would say it’s it’s like it’s like Netflix homepage syndrome there’s simply too many answers to that that question for you to pick one almost

Or to even material you don’t even know where to begin thinking like I think I could make that question infinitely better if I just or easier to answer if I just added like a single qualification to it like yeah Z Zelda or I could add like topic

Relating to video editing or you know community building projects or like oh my gosh real life or something it’s like a homework assignment if this is so true like in school when you get a homework assignment and it’s write a right like a 50 page not 50 like 100w essay on

Anything you want you freeze up a little bit you’re like I don’t know what to do for this but then if you’re he you hear it’s like oh about communism and its effects on the economy it’s like okay I could I could do that right we just read

A book about it or something mhm yeah like there’s no there’s no Source material you you like have to begin the process of coming up with the source material like I’ve had that issue with like even just coming up with like having a video and starting it’s like I

Know the video I want to do but it’s like do I know the process in which I need to to to start that you know like to to to like start the making of the video it’s like not really not actually um yeah I guess there’s one thing I could say uh

Talk about how important moms are that’s a good point my mom is incredibly important to my life I love her it’s true it’s true they’re important helped me through a lot of things she’s my therapist and I am equally hers as of late uh Z Zelda Timeline mhm I don’t I don’t

Think I believe in a cannon anymore really I don’t believe there’s a Zelda I don’t think there is a such thing as canon in in the Zelda series and I I’m starting to sh shift what I think the definition of Canon is this might this might be an interesting topic for a

Minute okay so what is Canon mhm what does it mean what do you think sa I’m thinking it’s the story that is canonically true so it’s like the story you used the word I did use I use the definition in the defition you can’t do that uh so when I think of like

Something that’s canonically true as opposed to something that’s true to the story it’s like the main story it’s the it’s the official events that officially happen in matter to future events I guess that either haven’t happened or happen in a in an installment that that

Exists in like the future in in in that story area yeah that’s a way more in-depth AR like definition than I’ve ever heard but I think it works phenomenally for this situation so it’s like it’s a story event that is approved or is official in the eyes of the

Company as they’re making future stories this is going to tie Creator probably Creator yeah yeah like a Creator who’s making a story like this is an important part and this is this is how you’re meant to see the story fitting together yeah right well for the Zelda series I

Don’t think that fits mhm cuz they they’re making games and then they fit them in afterwards and don’t really pay much heed to how the story is is meant to be strung together it’s just oh this is a fun game and it it probably could go there on the

Timeline all right so I don’t think there Zelda games and the developers design for story second is that very much so they they’re the definition of that they basically defined the genre right behind Mario because M and Modo made both of them oh yeah so the Zelda series has never

Had a very easy to understand timeline it actually has uh three branches right now the official w based off of the decisions you make in the games they say oh this changed the Timeline but it’s it’s very messy and there’s a lot of inconsistencies with it so I don’t I don’t think that the Zelda series has an official timeline because the timeline that they use was never intended to be tied together none of the games were and as they make more games

They clearly do not care about fitting them together in a way that is lore well lore sensitive they just want to make fun games so I think that it’s it’s more important to just make your own interpretation and have fun with it like literally turning the theory crafting

Into your own expression of the series interesting yeah I think that makes the most sense like it’s like the the the individual games have a have a have a time line though right like yeah like does a like Zelda that is like a direct sequel like like there’s the

Ocarina of Time no wait no what’s the the breath of a mask yeah like that’s a sequel that’s a direct sequel yeah those two would have a canonical story between the two of those games right but that does does that story canonically have a connection

To um Zelda one or Zelda 2 or these current ones or whatever like yeah it’s like like Zelda for the NES doesn’t have a clear connection to the game before it and A Link to the Past doesn’t have a clear connection to the game before that they basic they basically created lore

To fit this the purpose of each individual game without thinking how it ties together so there’s like there is no main Canon then pretty much there I don’t they fans argue about that like they they say like oh this is a part of the Canon so you can’t believe it

Another way and I think that we need to get over that mentality and just say like no no let let people think how they want to cuz it’s a fictional video game series and if Canon means that it’s an approved story this is the tldr Canon is something that is approved by the

Creators of the story but Nintendo does not use their own story so it’s clearly not approved yeah it’s just like General knowledge or something it’s just yeah it’s like it’s more like a template it’s a template for making your own ideas it’s like a almost like a floating no

Not a floating timeline that’s what the Simpsons have they have they have a floating wait who whoa can you describe this to me I I’m just uh there’s this guy I think it’s like slim gims or something like that um who does uh videos about Simpsons stuff or something

Like that uh and he he described it as The Simpsons has a floating cannon in which um the the a like the age of the characters and the timeline events gets like floated further and further into the future and so they’ll do videos that essentially like reccon their

Backstories um to like the modern day instead of uh being out of date so like I think uh Homer Simpson um back in the day you know he was like the we grew up in like the thir the’ 60s 50s or whatever right like yeah that was his

Childhood was like the 60s or whatever um and then you know because it was it was started in the ’90s right so it’s like he grew up in the 60s but then as time goes on uh now he grew up in like the 9s I think is the new floating cuz

They Flo forward well I mean they’ve done multiple episodes over the time and it slowly moves them forward and more and more so that they can remain the archetypical family people of the day I guess um sort of is the idea I don’t think it works that well but they float

The no no no no no this this makes sense this makes sense because it’s not really meant to be a timeline that like that The Simpsons was never meant to be an intricate timeline it was just meant to be fun individual stories about a typical American family so if we want to

Try and make a timeline for that we’re going to have limitations but this is the best explanation for it it makes sense but the only uh problem is when they they float the timeline Back stories but they don’t change the family so it’s like you know as time has gone

On like the uh the typical family H home situation right is like slowly that’s like dis appearing we have like the um what is it the the back in the day like Homer’s family was like a poor family they were not wealthy nowadays they are

On they are on they they have like a you know a full house they’re like they have like a million Mill you know they got like money you know like that’s that’s the sign of wealth what they have you know they’re even though he like or like

Having a consistent job or whatever at the going off oh my sister my sister’s calling okay that’s cool wait wait wait wait wait one moment I’m just going to like sister I I must depart from this conversation at once I I am in the middle of a live stream can you call me

In like 10 minutes yeah we can wrap it up okay cool yeah all right see you in a second the actually I would say the floating timeline is not affected by inflation even though it should be I think that’s the real not it’s not Oliver King Homer Simpson pilled yo

What’s up Oliver King what’s up I liked uh I like that guy’s videos oh jobes makes a good point about the Zelda series too it’s that the series was meant to be a retelling of the same story that is a very popular Theory from back in the early 2000s in the Zelda

Community that it’s a retelling of the same story over and over again but after they made the Zelda Timeline everybody gave up on that theory because they thought no no Nintendo said that they’re all like a part of like separate stories that are tied together but now now that

There’s this this kind of fight against the time line I think that that will start reappearing more jokes your theory that you just proposed yeah I think it’s there also was a huge debate like this is really fun like the history of timeline theory in the Zelda Community

For a while people believed that there was a single timeline that did not split until Nintendo confirmed otherwise and then some people thought there was a cycle timeline where it goes in a circle and and keeps happening in on itself like it repeats crazy man dude I like fan Theory

I think that’s a fun that’s I think a fun thing for the community to do but I do think that it is like I don’t think that Nintendo should like really take from that idea you know like I don’t think they like I like the idea that Nintendo just has their own timeline

Doesn’t even use it but uh at the same time it’s like I think it’s kind of important for for the creators to not take too much inspiration from the fans otherwise I think you get like a you get like a FNAF lore filling in the details of what uh mat pack

Said like it’s just like combining to just do what the fan is saying and the fans are kind of almost writing it it’s like I I don’t know it feels there’s actually some really interesting conundrums that happened with the FNAF Community where Matt Pat got the theory

Right and then the he the the Creator Scott coffin had to undo all the theory work he had done because the community was not happy with the answer would not be happy with the answer do you do you know about this I’m not no I’m not super familiar with it I

Just know that like sort of allegations of that or something he made this Theory very recently the video more recently where the FNAF Community was being toxic and he basically sat down and said listen you guys are being toxic and not only that but you’ve always been toxic and

You need to stop mhm uh and he said listen yeah so when we originally were doing Theory crafting it was very clear that all these games are the dreams of a child in the 80s who got injured in a claw machine and he’s going to die at

The end of this of the timeline that what he concluded and Scott Koffman kept alluding that like he’s going to reveal what happened eventually then after that video Everybody blew up and said no matat you’re crazy that can’t be it we don’t believe it in fact you’re like you’re

Like a terrible person for coming up with this Theory like it they took it totally out of proportion so SC video because nobody likes all of dream endings exactly so Scott even though that was clearly his intention undid that undid his his conclusion and basically he he announced like you know

What I was going to reveal the SEC but I’m not going to do it anymore and then just kept making more games that tried to explain things in a different way which made it more confusing interesting yeah so that’s what happens when you appease the fans

Yeah that is cuz it’s like his original Vision didn’t get to go to through fruition because map hat too smart okay yeah thankfully this other community it’s not like that actually there is a timeline that has the footnote at the bottom hey you can come

Up with your own theories if you want we we’re okay with that but Zelda fans are still very intent on just following the Canon timeline Canon is what matters yeah yeah I don’t know the the Canon idea I like that there I think I like Canon if it’s something the Creator is

Inv invested in you know but like something even like Star Wars like has a cannon and then no not canon and then they had a whole problem with they had the write off all of the extended lore stuff because oh yeah that was bad with

The Legends yeah they had to get rid of all that and I’m like I didn’t know if I like that too much cuz it they because they they built up too much Cannon and then everyone wouldn’t have been happy with the new movies but at the same time

It’s like that’s also where you know they they got really bad after that because like because GE it wasn’t even George Lucas was fine with that and then it’s like after uh after they he sold it instantly Disney’s like we got to remove all this [ __ ] and then it’s like there’s

No Creator Vision behind it anymore almost it’s like yeah scattered now that’s an extreme example but it’s so accurate yeah that’s why Canon is messy honestly I think we should stop using the word Canon Canon is a is a Bible term from the Catholic Church like

Let’s be real oh right because it’s like what’s like biblically accurate yeah like Canon is a word that like for for for the 66 books of the Bible is used to describe which ones are considered real part books of the Bible and then if something is not then it’s like okay you

Can read that but it’s not accurate oh that makes so much more sense for the like uh like comparisons cuz yeah I guess it’s like the original stuff the Bible right and all the sequels are the have to be in line with what happened are there plow holes in the Bible I

Wonder that would be a fun video Yeah there there there are obv yeah the Bible is an old book that was written over the course of 2,000 years so there and translation errors are constantly an issue um I I do a lot of studying of this as a Christian myself so like there

Are there are moments where it’s like that LE looks like a plot hole but then like you look into the history and it’s like oh never mind that wasn’t a plot hole we just are like modern day readers and didn’t understand what was happening there the plot hole in the like if there

Was a plot hole who cares it’s it God be like [ __ ] you you know that’s a surprisingly accurate statement I feel like God could just be a lie he gets he gets to have if he gets to have plot holes dude he just gets to have plot holes it’s like don’t

Don’t criticize he wrote the criticize his story dude yeah but I think it’s important to be critical of it and also say like hey you know like this this doesn’t line up how do we like interpret this like if if you’re a Christian that’s a big deal

Like you got to figure out like how do you interpret the Bible swack swack is actually way more knowledgeable in this than me he he knows this stuff like the back of his hand and swag that’s funny but there’s it’s a huge conversation I couldn’t get into it

Right now no that’s totally fair that’s just it’s also an incredibly controversial one cuz some some some Christians um believe that it’s all right if there’s a little bit of inaccuracy in the Bible others believe that it must be completely without error and that that’s a huge debate and I’m

Actually on the less popular side of the debate I I think that it’s all right if there’s a little bit of inaccuracy in the Bible it’s still a valuable book but also I don’t think that your viewers care too much I don’t know I I feel like

It’s just interesting CU it is like when you have when you have stories like that it’s like at the end of the day it is like kind of art actually here’s something I have a question so do you uh the the Bible is written by humans right

It’s not written by God so you could you Could okay how about now oh back the stream did not go down it is the stream up how the right yeah you’re good you’re good now okay okay because I had to switch to a different Wi-Fi so there might be some problems right now I don’t know um

Okay uh because I I think it’s fine down for a men but it’s fine now is it back up I think it yeah I think I’m gonna say it’s back up and we’re going to keep talking I think it’s fine it better be hold up yeah hold up I’m just

Going to go to my YouTube channel real quick oh yeah yeah it seems fine it better be hold okay yeah it’s up it’s up it’s still up okay yeah it’s good all right uh so yeah the Bible was written by people that’s like a heavily yeah it’s you go you go you’re the

Interviewer well no I was just asking like written by people and if it’s written by people you have the human error aspect of it um and then it’s like you can take into to like right off like I guess you could say a lot of the plot

Holes of it but then there’s also the interpretation of like how much of it can you even believe because it it’s been warped by the by humans you know what I mean like how how how true can it be you know if uh that’s that’s a huge yeah I don’t

Know that’s a huge debate right especially right now in modern Christianity because you have like the left and the right and they’re both very on different sides of like hey how much should we accept of the viable as being like 100% accurate for me I mostly focus

On like the historic details of like oh oh that’s true yeah they like said the wrong number of years here this is not right like but that’s okay because it doesn’t like deal with the Theology of like how do you life Canon not canon yeah like there’s

This I just was reading this funny section of the Bible about uh Saul one of the Kings oh one moment I got to mute my mic I’ll go good Saul I feel like I’ve heard that Saul King is it Saul as in King Solomon oh okay I’m back I’m back okay

My mom walked into the room and just like gave me banana pepp you’re on the you’re on the stream you got to be quiet oh it’s okay I got mail as well male got you got I’m going to Clow in a bit don’t you worry I don’t know what this is shamun

Oh it’s my it’s my checking account like I just got my check checkbook you got your checkbook nice nice go what was I just talking about Saul Saul King Saul Saul there was a guy named King Saul in the Bible he was the first king of

Israel and when it talks about his Reign there it says he reigned for like two days and was like three three years old or something like and it’s like okay whoa whoa whoa something got messed up there and they’re like in some version of the Bible it’ll just like put dashes

There cuz it’s like we only have part of the number oh that that stuff happened because of poor poor translation or we weren’t able to copy it over or Saul was a pretty bad guy it might have been that they warped the information on him because they didn’t like him and in some

Ways I think that gives the book more Credence because even though it has all these human errors the message that it tries to get across ends up actually carrying really well right mhm about loving loving others doing unto others as you would have them do unto you and well following

God like it’s it’s like it all comes back to that mhm so I I I have a lot of faith in the The Way It Was Written I think it was really well done I see I see yeah yeah but obviously not everybody not everybody agrees on that

Even within the Christian Community on like how it should be interpreted and swack I’m I’m sure swack is cringing a little bit at what I’m saying he’s like no you’re forgetting like this one argument from like aquinus and I’m like who slow down I can’t I can’t remember

Everything MH I’m very much human I think it’s uh it’s interesting cuz it’s like I’ve got a friend of mine and his uh his dad’s like a pastor and stuff and like he’s got all these he tells me about like the stuff that his dad tells him about like the what he’s been

Reading in the Bible recently and apparently some of it gets pretty pretty pretty hardcore uh depending on like it is very hardcore yeah like New or Old Testament and all that stuff it’s like I just like something makes me almost like want to read it but at the same time I’m

Like I think it I think I it’s one of those ones where it’s a little too old for me you know to too uh to out there right now for me to you have it’s definitely one of those moments where you have to tolerate the boredom to get

To the juicy stuff and like I’m a historian so like I I love it I love analyzing that stuff and for some people it’s much harder oh wow swack swack agrees with me on my views and incy cool we could be we could be uh heretical together this will be

Great no I think it’s it’s it’s definitely a younger person view to be like yeah there’s an eres in the Bible like sorry there are errors in the Bible but it’s cool older people are more like no it’s it’s perfect yeah and that’s like the whole debate of like is World

6,000 years old or is it billions of years old yeah yeah like the youth versus uh youth versus the yeah young Earth creation versus older Earth creationism which causes even more debate has it always been snowy at spawn I’m just wondering like this feels new no this is new because there was an

Update um that changed it and then um like it just changed the biome made it into snow I think that’s what happened cuz I remember there not being this much ice here it’s kind of a problem honestly it is I’m I’m just I’m trying

To like get rid of the snow and I’m like wait it’s just coming back this this the normal what’s happening yeah welcome to actual biomes instead of like a stagnant World dud the t is in no Tundra um Tundra like the tundra seed for Alpha worlds is one of the coolest Vibes I

Think that exists it’s so it’s like new but old at the same time cuz it’s like when you get that like negative seed number in Old Alpha versions of Minecraft you get that entire slow snow world if you get a negative seed that’s what this started off who so you get

Like all of the alpha like you know textures and wait so the entire world is snow all of the alpha uh throughout all of alpha until they added biomes uh the entire world was snow yeah oh wa the entire world is s All or nothing I see I see what you’re saying

Yeah yeah and it was like that was the generation so all of the alpha gen generation easy to tell cuz it’s entirely coated in snow where there shouldn’t be snow and everything’s frozen like ice where there shouldn’t be frozen uh wow and that’s why like and it’s it’s super cool cuz it’s like

Nostalgic but it’s not the nostalgic you’re used to because it’s like the it’s such a rare thing there’s not a lot of videos covering the tundra Alpha biome there is so little yeah there’s weirdly little documentation on the time period and what it was like yeah a

Little bit Yeah cuz I think it just happened so fast and it was just on the dawn of the internet right so no YouTubers to really do stuff only well Minecraft existed in 2011 right uh 2009 2009 YouTube had been around for two years no that’s true but it’s like

YouTubers right like they’re not YouTube it’s like I see what you’re saying back then it’s like most people using it they like nobody knew how to record their screen like you know like I was still like recording my own computer with with a with a camera to get videos you know

Cuz it’s like I didn’t know that you could get you could get like OB like they had to use fraps like that was the number one go OBS and it’s like go and they had that stupid Watermark yeah yeah and every single like cam recording software was like terrible too and like nobody’s

Computer could handle anything cuz they’re all trash computers right back then and it’s like I remember that era that was a hard era to be a YouTuber R my video quality I actually I did get a capture card a $30 capture card K called a uh Pinnacle no what was it called I

Think it was Pinnacle Studio is the company that made it but it was it’s it was only able to record in 480p not it was very bad it was very grainy dude you could you could become famous you know do you know have you heard of dark side Phil like that guy

Just got famous for basically being just being one of the first people to record YouTube videos I think properly you know like with good quality holiday like um something like that because back then in like 2000 he’s like a LC now people like make fun of him cuz

All he does is live stream and beg for donations is like entire thing apparently his entire it’s depressing it is depressing yeah um but yeah you’re saying I could be that I could just be like really depressing and no I’m I’m just saying that like uh you could become popular for

Literally just recording an quality than other people could of a certain game oh yeah it’s like it’s so wild to look at the early era of YouTube yeah yeah it’s like wow I love chronicling old Zelda videos this is one of my side Hobbies I

Look at old videos on YouTube and I try and find ones about Zelda and I have a running playlist of some of the oldest from 2006 and 7 mhm and literally the only one like the only one that ever managed to be successful and there was there was there

Were two one of them got 100,000 views cuz it was a time timeline Theory video Go figures everybody’s still been was still talking about that back then the other was matap Pat videos MH because it was the first one to make them mattad also high quality for the time like it’s

Crazy like how if you had any production value at all you were ahead of the game you know by like a ton it is really like uh back then you were you know Windows Movie Maker was the standard nowadays it’s not the standard nowadays Da Vinci resolve is the standard for editing

Which is kind of crazy to think about like well yeah amongst us it is but Premiere is still there right well no but it’s like for for yeah amongst free like children you know like amongst young people D Vinci resolve is the option because it’s as powerful as

Premiere but it’s free right and it’s like when you look up editing videos what free best free editing software number one is like d Vinci resolve like every time so it’s like instantly like when I looked that up I got like a bunch of paid programs

You know and I was like I don’t got no money for that so then I um I just always I stuck with like Windows Movie Maker and it’s like Windows Movie Maker is is not a versatile tool it is very um is very conf like it’s very it’s

Like there is a point where there the tool no longer really like the artist makes the tool and the tool makes the artist or whatever right like in this case we’ve gotten beyond that point yeah now it’s like they’re children have the tools to make what I make and what I

Make better you know they have the tools to make film level quality stuff now right and and so like back then the best I could do in in in Windows Movie Maker will we could never achieve like what the best like one 15-year-old can do in blender you

Know yeah it’s like actually crazy 15 are you talking about are you talking about I love those videos ah man something about so well done I serious Channel makes me salty just cuz it’s like God damn it 15 15 15 and he and he’s he’s like surpass

Me and like I may I may never make something that good like in my entire life blowing $300 on da Vinci Studio was worth it for that one VHS filter dude I really wish I could get the VHS filter I love it but ah it’s so hard to get it’s

Hard to make like by scratch too it’s like annoying I I I remember I did it for a video once I think oh I did yeah I did it for so hard a vlog I did one time on I love that old that old look that old look video look there is something

About I really want to try and do something stylistic like that with my videos someday just where I start making them look old but not necessarily VHS but maybe like with the color I could make it look like it’s from a ’90s tape I don’t know it’s just weird yeah I

I actually was thinking of like recording my videos on like like older older like cameras for that Vibe like if I do a vlog again cuz uh I lost the footage for the Toronto Vlog which sucks but I do have the footage for another

Vlog but it’s like if I start if I go into like thinking about actually recording one with some some like planning ahead of it I think I would record it on some really really really terrible camera you know like something that it gives it like old 2000 SP because there’s something about like

Wait wait my mom is giving me food okay okay who okay you want that one too I’ll take both these look incredible wow hey can we get like a shout out in the chat for my mom like can we just get like CLA chat shout out shout out mom yeah I’m just

Gonna shout out mom for feeding me for my entire life thank you my mom is just cool she’s just cool no no that’s well I think I think we call we got to call this eventually time to yeah my mom coming in for the second time is like yeah it’s it’s time

This is gone for a very long time but man it was great yeah I’m glad to have had you on there thank you everybody who watched and participated same with the swack um and it’s yes thank you swack for joining the server yeah um poor bread sister bread

Sister that’s funny I like that um all right well thank you everybody and uh yeah check out uh the small channel bread pirate uh he needs the exposure I’m it took me nine years to get 100 subscribers I’m a really small Channel no I yeah I just hit 100 he just said 126k

Subs okay um uh he’s a small Channel no don’t say the K don’t tell them I mean Point 126 Point 1.26k how about that there’s like a quarter of a person there yeah something it’s decimal decimal point but yeah thank you everybody for uh checking it out um hope you hopefully it was

Entertaining to somebody uh goodbye uh I think this is a Worth to watch for vaud Vi listeners too so yeah okay so yeah thank you for watching and let me hit the right button that hits the end because I didn’t do that last stream where is it there it is

Goodbye bye and it’s over

This video, titled ‘Chilling with The Bread Pirate’, was uploaded by SapLow on 2023-12-05 02:38:11. It has garnered 113 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 03:50:59 or 13859 seconds.

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  • Jungle Temple Build: Minecraft Hardcore

    Jungle Temple Build: Minecraft Hardcore In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I build a massive temple, reaching for the skies. In a jungle-only world, I face the hardcore test, Surviving 100 days, giving my very best. With an AMD Ryzen 7, my processor is strong, MSI B550-A motherboard, where I belong. Inno3D RTX2060 Super, for graphics that shine, Gigabyte SSD and Seagate HDD, all mine. Corsair RAM for smooth gameplay flow, Gigabyte power supply, keeping me in the know. Redgear keyboard and Logitech mouse in hand, Ready to conquer, in this blocky land. So join me on this journey, filled with delight,… Read More

  • Minecraft Exposes Science as Evil

    Minecraft Exposes Science as Evil Minecraft: A Reflection on Religion and Science Have you ever delved into the world of Minecraft and found yourself pondering the ethical implications of your actions within the game? From turning into a slave master to questioning the role of religion and science, Minecraft offers a unique perspective on societal themes. The Role of Religion in Minecraft In Minecraft, players often find themselves interacting with villagers, a group of non-player characters who inhabit the game world. These villagers can be traded with, protected, or even exploited for resources. This dynamic raises questions about the ethical treatment of virtual beings… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “HOW TO MAKE AIR CONDITIONER IN MINECRAFT ?” by Viper_Playzz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server where you can unleash your creativity and build amazing creations like an air conditioner in Minecraft? That’s where Minewind comes in. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for exploration and building, Minewind offers a unique Minecraft experience like… Read More

  • Tiny vs Giant Hide and Seek – Minecraft

    Tiny vs Giant Hide and Seek - Minecraft Minecraft: A World of Adventure and Mystery Embark on a thrilling journey through the pixelated universe of Minecraft, where every block holds a secret and every corner is filled with excitement. Join Adem and Ahmet in their epic game of hide and seek, where the stakes are high and the fun never ends! Unleash Your Creativity With Minecraft, the only limit is your imagination. Build towering castles, intricate mazes, or bustling cities – the choice is yours. Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds and every creation is a masterpiece in the making. Explore a Vast World… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Are you ready to embark on a new Minecraft adventure? While watching the latest YouTube video on the one block Minecraft pocket edition map, you may have felt a surge of excitement and creativity. Imagine taking that excitement to the next level by joining a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server where the possibilities are endless. If you’re looking to explore new horizons, challenge your survival skills, and connect with a diverse gaming community, then Minewind Minecraft Server is the place for you. With a wide range of gameplay options, from survival mode to house building to crafting challenges, Minewind… Read More

  • Herobrine’s Minecraft Battle Rhyme

    Herobrine's Minecraft Battle Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, a battle unfolds, Between Herobrine and Steve, brave and bold. With sword in hand and armor gleaming bright, They clash in a fierce and epic fight. Herobrine, with glowing white eyes, Unleashes his power, to everyone’s surprise. But Steve stands strong, refusing to yield, Determined to win, to never be sealed. The battle rages on, with no end in sight, Each one fighting with all their might. In the end, only one will prevail, And the outcome of the battle, we eagerly hail. So watch as the story unfolds in rhyme, In the world… Read More

  • 1.20 के लिए शीर्ष 5 बेस्ट अटर्नोस प्लगइन्स | SMP के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्लगइन्स

    1.20 के लिए शीर्ष 5 बेस्ट अटर्नोस प्लगइन्स | SMP के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्लगइन्स In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Aman Thakur brings the top 5 plugins alive. For Aternos servers, the best of the best, In Hindi he shares, with humor and zest. From survival to SMP, the plugins are key, To enhance your gameplay, for all to see. Join Aman’s family, with a like and a sub, For clean comedy gaming, a joyful hub. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, shining bright. With Aman as your guide, the story unfolds, In every pulsing line, the truth is told. Top 5 Aternos plugins, for… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Control in the Circle

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Control in the Circle Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest news from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft BUT, You Control the Circle🔴”. While this video may not be directly related to Minewind server, it showcases the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. Imagine being able to control your own destiny within the Minecraft world, shaping the environment around you and creating your own unique experience. This level of control and freedom is exactly what you can expect when you join the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Clutches and More!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Clutches and More! Are you ready to take your Minecraft skills to the next level? After watching that incredible video of extreme clutches in Minecraft, it’s clear that there’s always room for improvement and new challenges. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With a thriving community of dedicated players and unique gameplay features, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world where creativity and strategy collide. Whether you’re into building elaborate structures, engaging in intense PvP battles, or simply exploring the vast landscapes, Minewind has something for everyone. Don’t miss out on… Read More

  • Mine, Craft, Activate: Bedrock Edition PC + Xbox Live!

    Mine, Craft, Activate: Bedrock Edition PC + Xbox Live! In the world of Minecraft, we take flight, Bedrock Edition on PC, shining bright. Activate Xbox Live, with all your might, Let the gaming adventures ignite. Download the trial, start the quest, Solve errors, be the best. Unlock the game, pass the test, Activate Xbox Live, join the rest. Testing Minecraft, see it unfold, End of the journey, stories told. For more gaming content, be bold, Subscribe, share, let the tales be retold. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Modern art vs Minecraft graphics”

    “Why did the creeper become an artist? Because he had a blast creating his masterpieces!” Read More

  • I rescue my epic dog in Minecraft #minecraftdogrescue

    I rescue my epic dog in Minecraft #minecraftdogrescue When you’re more concerned about saving your virtual dog in Minecraft than your real-life responsibilities. Priorities, am I right? #MinecraftProblems #DogLover #GamerLife Read More

  • Tommy’s Minecraft Horror Mod Mishaps

    Tommy's Minecraft Horror Mod Mishaps The Terrifying World of Minecraft Horror Mods Imagine a world where the familiar landscapes of Minecraft are twisted into a realm of horror and fear. This is the reality that players face when they delve into the dark depths of Minecraft horror mods. These mods introduce new elements that turn the game into a heart-pounding experience, filled with jump scares and spine-chilling encounters. Herobrine’s Haunting Presence One of the most iconic figures in Minecraft lore, Herobrine, takes on a sinister role in these horror mods. Players must navigate through the game while being stalked by this mysterious and malevolent… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic LEGO Minecraft stop motion video titled “Foxes and Zombies” created by Bozbet Productions. The story follows a man building a house for himself and his foxes, only to be interrupted by the sudden appearance of zombies. It’s a thrilling tale brought to life through the magic of LEGO animation. While watching this captivating video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities and adventures that await you on the Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine building your own… Read More

  • 365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 10

    365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 10 The Minecraft Wood Challenge – Day 10 On day 10 of the Minecraft Wood Challenge, the player decided to try crafting an axe to save time. This simple tool can be a game-changer when it comes to gathering resources efficiently. Let’s delve into the details of this day’s adventure! Crafting Efficiency with an Axe By crafting an axe, the player aimed to streamline the process of collecting wood. Axes are essential tools in Minecraft for chopping down trees quickly and effectively. This strategic move showcases the player’s foresight in optimizing their gameplay. Setting Rules Along the Way Throughout the… Read More

  • EPIC Showdown! Secret Roleplays in Fairy Tail Rebirth Ep 3

    EPIC Showdown! Secret Roleplays in Fairy Tail Rebirth Ep 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Dramatic Showdown // Fairy Tail Rebirth Episode 3 (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Secret Roleplays on 2024-04-19 19:00:08. It has garnered 495 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:29 or 3809 seconds. Hey! Thanks for checking out this video! If you enjoyed it, please leave a like and or subscribe to keep up to date with future uploads! ^^ ——————————————————————————————————— = THUMBNAIL ARTIST = Secret: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT3svF-nwd_GZ9uAB45I8Dw = EDITOR = Secret: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT3svF-nwd_GZ9uAB45I8Dw = SKIN ARTIST = Secret: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT3svF-nwd_GZ9uAB45I8Dw = CAST = (Kiruh) Secret: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT3svF-nwd_GZ9uAB45I8Dw (Kai-o) See: https://www.youtube.com/@kieproductions (?) Sander: https://www.youtube.com/@charsander (Amaris) Ace:… Read More

  • Jiri Mokaro’s Epic Axolotl Hunt in Minecraft!

    Jiri Mokaro's Epic Axolotl Hunt in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【 MINECRAFT 】adventure to find axolotl startoo !!!!’, was uploaded by Jiri Mokaro || ENVTUBER on 2024-03-25 03:48:33. It has garnered 278 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:26 or 9506 seconds. I can I can SOCIALS ✿ twt : https://twitter.com/jirimokaro fan discord : https://discord.gg/qyAvfgKuqF RULES be kind and respectful to everyone no harmful words to anyone if anyone says anything bad report them or ignore it do not talk about other vtubers or guests from past streams respect the mods no backseating!! only make decisions when I ask chat about… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bases Over The Years! 😱 (You Won’t Believe #shorts)

    Insane Minecraft Bases Over The Years! 😱 (You Won't Believe #shorts)Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bases At Different Ages😱 Wait For It. (World’s Smallest Violin) #shorts’, was uploaded by Fradinus on 2024-05-03 13:18:30. It has garnered 39757 views and 960 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Like and Subscribe❤️ Fradinus creates ,Shorts and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Challange, Minecraft Parkour, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Build, Minecraft Tutorial, Minecraft Satisfying, Minecraft Bases at different ages, Normal vs Realistic Minecraft, IQ Tests and many other topics. Videos aimed to inform and entertain views about… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack – GO VIRAL NOW! 🔥🤯 #shizo #shortfeed

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  • “EPIC FAIL! Trying to Kill 2 Players at Once in Skywars” #minecraft #skywars

    "EPIC FAIL! Trying to Kill 2 Players at Once in Skywars" #minecraft #skywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘TENTEI MATAR 2 AO MESMO TEMPO, MAIS NÃO DEU CERTO ! #minecraft #mushmc #skywars #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Stompeyyy PvP on 2024-02-19 23:00:30. It has garnered 469 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. ✨Open the description ✨ 👇More information below! 🧭 Righetto Discord: https://discord.gg/yjdNS2bP7Z 🏷️ Yuri Righetto: https://www.youtube.com/@YuriRighettoZ 🏷️ Danyloww: https://www.youtube.com/@danyloww5899 🎮 Game: Minecraft 🎲 Version: 1.8.9 🍃 LIKE GOAL= [QUANTIDADE] ➡️ SERVER IP: loja.mushmc.com.br 📩 Professional Contact: Discord: Stompeyyy_ __________Recorders/Editors__________ Recorder: Action Editors: VEGAS 18 Pro ____PC Settings____ Processor: AMD RYZEN 5 2400G Ram: 16 GB… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks! 😱 #shorts

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft tik tok hacks #shorts’, was uploaded by DARK DEVIL YT 1M on 2024-05-08 06:13:52. It has garnered 12731 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. #minecraft #viral #trending minecraft tik tok hacks,minecraft tik tok,minecraft tik tok hacks photo,minecraft tik tok hacks download,minecraft hacks,minecraft tik toks,tik tok hacks,real minecraft hacks,minecraft tiktok hacks pocket edition,minecraft tiktok hacks 2022,minecraft,minecraft viral hacks,minecraft tiktok hacks,minecraft tiktok hacks pocket edition 1.19,tik tok minecraft hacks,trying viral minecraft hacks,minecraft tiktok hacks pocket edition 1.18minecraft build hacks,minecraft hacks,minecraft,minecraft tik toks,build hacks minecraft,minecraft tiktok hacks,minecraft tiktok build hacks,minecraft… Read More

  • Alien encounter in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😱 #roblox

    Alien encounter in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😱 #robloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pov: Minecraft 👽 / #roblox’, was uploaded by ClaraPlays on 2024-02-09 15:33:17. It has garnered 2438 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • CREEPY POPPY PLAYTIME Building Challenge – I Cheat?!

    CREEPY POPPY PLAYTIME Building Challenge - I Cheat?!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheate mit //GRUSELIG in POPPY PLAYTIME Bau Challenge in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Ente on 2024-03-24 18:00:30. It has garnered 6126 views and 267 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:45 or 1305 seconds. I cheat with //CREEPY in POPPY PLAYTIME construction challenge in Minecraft! with: @Alphastein ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ 🗿 To Alphastein ► @Alphastein 🍎 To Eiti ► @EidiMinecraft 🦆 My social networks 📷 Instagram: 🦆 Duck ► https://www.instagram.com/marcelente 🐤 Twitter ► https://twitter.com/Rippeax Minecraft: 🎮 The Site ► http://www.minecraft.net Minecraft Prank on friends / Minecraft building challenge / Minecraft a block is… Read More


    PIGGY vs CREEPER EXPLOSION SHOWDOWN!!Video Information This video, titled ‘CREEPER PRO WAS EXPLOSIVE MY HOUSE!!! | CREEPER PRO VS PIGGY NOOB’, was uploaded by piggy&creeper on 2024-02-23 17:58:59. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. Funny Minecraft Adventures with Piggy and Creeper!! #minecraft #skibidi #piggycreeper Subscribe! minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft music, minecraft song, minecraft godzilla, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft live, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft armadillo, minecraft ambience, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft arg, minecraft animation movie, minecraft ancient city, a minecraft song,… Read More

  • Ultra Hard Anarchy

    Ultra Hard AnarchyThe goal of this server is to go back to the roots of anarchy. Admins don’t interfere unless it directly impacts the server’s performance. We wanted to keep the experience as clean as possible. We’re still a small server, just getting started. Don’t forget to join the discord to chat with other players as well! ultrahardmc.com Read More

  • MineScape SMP Network Roleplay PVE PVP 1.18.2 Dynmap Skilling

    Welcome to MineScape! Immerse yourself in a world inspired by OSRS, with iconic locations, familiar characters, and exciting quests to undertake. Explore cities like Varrock and Lumbridge, or brave the Wilderness for endless adventure. Features: Interactive Custom NPC’s and Mobs Custom Quests 22 Custom Skills: Attack, Ranged, Magic, and more Beautiful handcrafted map Clue Scrolls and Daily Rewards Pets, Cosmetics, Titles Active Leaderboards Join Us: Website: minescape.me Wiki: minescape.wiki Latest blog: DevBlog #40 Store: store.minescape.me Discord: discord.gg/minescape Connect with Us: Facebook: facebook.com/minescape Instagram: instagram.com/minescape Twitter: twitter.com/playminescape Plugins: MineScape Dynmap Rules: forum.minescape.me/threads/259 Read More


    “Welcome to Warnetwork, the ultimate destination for lifesteal server enthusiasts! With an emphasis on easy grinding, our server offers a plethora of exciting features including a well-stocked shop, thrilling bounties, team challenges, intense CPvP battles, and much more. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone here. Join us now and immerse yourself in a world of adventure and competition like never before!” Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Democracy vs. TNT in Minecraft💥🦅🛢️

    Minecraft Memes - Democracy vs. TNT in Minecraft💥🦅🛢️Looks like even Minecraft mobs are getting tired of dictatorship and corrupt rulers! Time for a revolution led by chickens and explosive barrels 🐔💥🗳️ #DemocracyForAll Read More

  • Elemental Surprise: Minecraft Angela 2

    Elemental Surprise: Minecraft Angela 2 In the world of Minecraft, a secret elemental lies, In My Talking Angela 2, a cosplay surprise. Angel Angela, pure and divine, Devil Angela, with mischief in her design. Watch as they clash in a battle so grand, Light versus dark, in a captivating stand. Join Angela on her journey, full of charm and delight, In this epic showdown, who will win the fight? Subscribe and like to follow along, As Angela’s story unfolds, in a rhyming song. Stay tuned for more updates, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, where stories meet. Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition 🔥 When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only for a creeper to blow it up and the troll face to pop up like “Gotcha!” #minecraftlogic #trollfacewinning Read More

  • Nashi’s Hilarious Minecraft Randomizer Skywars

    Nashi's Hilarious Minecraft Randomizer Skywars Minecraft Randomizer Skywars: A Hilarious Adventure in the World of Minecraft Embark on a hilarious journey through the Minecraft MEGA RANDOMIZER, where random items appear every 10 seconds, creating chaos and laughter at every turn. Join the fun and subscribe to the channel to witness the madness unfold! Meet the Players Get ready to laugh along with the players in this epic adventure. The main characters include @MrDuckTI and rawr (also known as lewpert). With their antics and shenanigans, they will keep you entertained throughout the gameplay. Highlights of the Game From the introductory moments to the final showdown,… Read More

  • Experience Epic Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience Epic Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Are you a fan of Minecraft cinematic movies like the one in this video? Do you enjoy exploring new worlds and building amazing structures? If so, you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination and have fun. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your epic Minecraft journey! Read More

  • EPIC FAIL in Minecraft

    EPIC FAIL in Minecraft Welcome to AresMine: A Minecraft Adventure Awaits! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft? Look no further than AresMine, where the fun never stops! With a server IP of hot.aresmine.me and version 1.20.4 (accessible from 1.19.4, 1.20.0/1, and 1.20.3/4), this server is ready to welcome you with open arms. Join the Adventure At AresMine, you’ll find a bustling community of up to 300 players in one mode, ensuring that there’s always someone to team up with or challenge. And mark your calendars for May 11th at 12:00 (MSK) for an exciting wipe event! Exciting Events… Read More

  • Shocking finale! Notch’s epic trial in Slaaard – DAWNCRAFT EP.23

    Shocking finale! Notch's epic trial in Slaaard - DAWNCRAFT EP.23Video Information This video, titled ‘DAWNCRAFT | EP.23 FINAL: El Juicio de Notch’, was uploaded by Slaaard on 2024-05-18 00:00:02. It has garnered 239 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:50 or 2570 seconds. #dawncraft #minecraft #minecraftrpg In ‘The Last Dawn’, we will embark on a journey through the intriguing world of Dawncraft, a Minecraft modpack full of RPG-style challenges from games like Dark Souls and Elden Ring. Welcome to the final chapter of our epic Dawncraft series! After an incredible journey full of challenges, adventures and unforgettable moments, we have reached the last episode. In… Read More

  • Chiku’s Cursed Minecraft Adventure

    Chiku's Cursed Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘BHAAG CHIKU BHAAG!💀 CURSED PARK (THE END) MINECRAFT STORY IN HINDI’, was uploaded by Lazy Chiku on 2024-04-10 14:11:18. It has garnered 48322 views and 1023 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:11 or 791 seconds. MINECRAFT CURSED PARK😨(PART-7) MINECRAFT STORY IN HINDI #minecraft #roleplay #gaming #avengers . . . minecraft roleplay, minecraft, gaming, minecraft horror, minecraft scary, minecraft haunted, minecraft story, conjuring, minecraft dark, minecraft secret, minecraft smp, ujjwal, techno gamerz, herobrine, herobrine smp, rawnee, chapati gamer, loggy gamer, monster school, gaming, gaming hindi, mine, craft, Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft SMP Survival Livestream with AmanXGamer8 😱🔥” #minecraftlivestream

    "EPIC Minecraft SMP Survival Livestream with AmanXGamer8 😱🔥" #minecraftlivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Smp | Survival 🤔😓 (Smp Minecraft) #livestream #minecraftlive’, was uploaded by AmanXGamer8 on 2024-03-23 23:16:56. It has garnered 38 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:14 or 3734 seconds. WELCOME to the MINECRAFT SMP live stream 🎮Join Discord 🎮Discord ➡️@AmanXGamer link : https://discord.gg/5UbQSnt29Q 📱follow Instagram 📱Instagram ➡️aman_xgamer ➡️link : https://www.instagram.com/its_amanmaity28?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== #tags #livestream #minecraftlive #gaming #hindi #minecraft #gameplay #doordiesmp #doordie tag #minecraftsurvivalgameplay #minecraftsurvivalseriesinhindijavaedition #minecraftsurvivalseriesmultiplayer #minecraftsurvivalvideo #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvivalbase THANKS FOR WATCHING Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cash fan destroys HOLE IN THE WALL!

    Insane Minecraft Cash fan destroys HOLE IN THE WALL!Video Information This video, titled ‘We Played Minecraft HOLE IN THE WALL! / We Played Minecraft HOLE IN THE WALL!’, was uploaded by Minecraft Cash fan on 2024-04-20 02:13:04. It has garnered 16 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:53 or 1253 seconds. Today, Cash and his friends play HOLY IN THE WALL in Minecraft! They must avoid being hit by the walls and falling off the platform. How long can they last? Watch to find out! Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, We Played Minecraft HOLE… Read More

  • Unforgettable Meltdown on Raftaar SMP | MUST WATCH!

    Unforgettable Meltdown on Raftaar SMP | MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘Application For * Raftaar SMP * || Crying Op || @XmartShubhGamer @HUNTERxxGAMING_07’, was uploaded by Crying Op on 2024-04-11 09:10:02. It has garnered 63 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:09 or 69 seconds. Application For * Raftaar SMP * || Crying Op || @XmartShubhGamer @HUNTERxxGAMING_07 #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits#comedy, #reactionvideo, and #viralcontent#minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes… Read More

  • 🏰 EPIC Gamer AZY Builds MASSIVE Castle 🏰

    🏰 EPIC Gamer AZY Builds MASSIVE Castle 🏰Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Build a Castle’, was uploaded by GAMER AZY on 2024-03-23 04:24:47. It has garnered 13 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:19 or 439 seconds. Minecraft Build a Castle DAILY GAMING VIDEOS GAMEPLAY SUBSCRIBE LIKE&SHARE minecraft castle tutorial minecraft castle minecraft castle build minecraft castle ideas minecraft castle tutorial easy minecraft castle gate minecraft castle seed minecraft castle tutorial easy big minecraft castle tutorial survival minecraft castle design minecraft castle easy minecraft castle interior minecraft castle door minecraft castle build easy minecraft castle automatic door minecraft castle attack minecraft castle according… Read More

  • Terrifying Mystery in Minecraft Cave at 3 AM!

    Terrifying Mystery in Minecraft Cave at 3 AM!Video Information This video, titled ‘CÁI HANG NÀY CHẢY ĐẦY MÁU TRONG THẾ GIỚI MINECRAFT VÀO LÚC 3 GIỜ SÁNG VÀ BÍ ẨN ĐẦY KINH DỊ PHÍA SAU!’, was uploaded by KayyXD on 2024-04-15 04:16:24. It has garnered 153102 views and 2541 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. 🡆 KAYYXD’S GROUP FACEBOOK LINK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2528372117426966 🡆KAYYXD’S TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@kayyxd_0902 ⭐️DON’T FORGET I WILL POST VIDEOS EVERY DAY NHAAAA. 🔵 IF EVERYONE LIKES IT, PLEASE LEAVE A LIKE OR SUBSCRIBE, IT WILL BE MY MOTIVATION TO CONTINUE MAKING VIDEOS. 🎉 GOAL TO REACH 500K SUBSCRIBERS!! ✔️ REGISTER… Read More