Ultimate Caffeine-Powered Minecraft Laser Battle! #11

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In the last stream we had a little bit of a spending episode where we went through all of the basic Advanced and Elite research that we didn’t currently have but did want to unlock and we spent a bunch of techbooks and crafted a lot of research papers to get us a ton of

Super useful stuff that is just going to make life a little bit easier going forward we got ourselves speed three so now we can move around substantially faster we got creative flight so now we can fly around the entirety of our base which is going to make it substantially

Easier for us to do cabling and such with the simple storage Network we also managed to get these W Stones which are going to make it even faster for us to quickly teleport to different sections of the base and right at the end of the last episode we unlocked both xnet and

Laser iio which are going to be super useful because right at the end of the last episode we were also talking about a slight problem that we were having with our or processing system because all of the ORS were making their way to this chest but they weren’t being

Extracted fast enough and therefore the whole system was kind of getting overloaded with ores they were starting to spew out on the top and this chest over here was starting to fill up as well now between streams I have made a few changes to the base I have finished

Up the bottom level of the base here with some more of these center cut dark oak logs and I’ve put down some of the miners on the bottom level here and connected those up with Link cable my third process here is that I want to move all of the miners that don’t

Require any or processing down to this bottom level so I’ve moved the clay down I’ve moved the sand down I’ve also for the time being just gotten rid of the gravel and grout miners because I don’t think we need them we’re not really using gravel at the minute and I don’t

Really see a use for grout at the moment either you can use it to make clear gravel Coke brick sand and and Clay again but we have all of those being automated in different ways and so unless there’s another recipe in the future that requires either of these I

Don’t really think we need the miners for them and so yeah I’ve kind of moved a few miners down here the reason for that is that I wanted to free up some space so that we could put down our Diamond miner our Emerald Miner and as

We saw in the last episode I also want to get a little bit ahead of the game and make space for the osmium minor and the uranium Miner and so we’re going to go with maybe Diamond here Emerald here osmium here and then the last one I’ve

Moved is the Cobblestone one which is over here so maybe we’ll put uranium over here speaking of the Cobblestone Miner I am going to move this down to the lower level of the platform but in doing so I think I’m also going to upgrade to quintuple compressed

Cobblestone right now we have got this uh quadruple compressed Cobblestone which again is already probably more than we need but you can never go too far with this stuff and so I feel like if we uh quickly go ahead and just grab a bunch of compressed Cobblestone I did

Put an elevator here by the way as well so we can uh somewhat easily jump up to our higher platform if we don’t feel like flying up and down and then if we do something like this we do need to get 36 in total I was really hoping that

Would pull that from my inventory but it didn’t that is fine we can do this manually like so one more should get us almost there and boom we’ve got 42 quintuple compressed Cobblestone if we want to mine Quint double compressed Cobblestone we need the tier six support frame thankfully the tier six support

Frame is the support frame that we already have down here and so now with this down we should be able to start producing Quint compressed Cobblestone which is equivalent to 531 th000 Cobblestone per block which is a staggering amount of cobblestone again maybe more than we need although uh

There is a quest right at the end there’s a final technium quest that does want us to hand in 8 NX compressed Cobblestone eight knockup compressed Cobblestone which is a stering amount of cobblestone but we should be able to get there slow slowly but surely if we keep

Upgrading this kind of as we go and I’ll leave this here for now we can always come down and grab some Cobblestone should we need it and so yeah real quick let me grab the diamond ore and emerald ore and let’s get those set up here and

Here I did go through and replace all of the drawers with these upgraded drawers that are framed and you know all look the same now and for now I’ve just gone ahead and rotated all of the extracting conveyor belts to prevent any ores from being extracted so that we can work on

This or processing system without having ores flying everywhere the only thing that is still running is the stone minor because we’re still making smooth Stone because that kind of allows us to keep our technium coming in because other than smooth Stone we’ve still got a decent amount of every other resource

You know we’ve still got 50,000 lapis we’ve still got thousands of gold aluminum silver tin Etc and so it’s really the smooth stone that was holding us back in terms of making more basic Advanced Elite technium and so I’ve left that on for the time being but I

Probably will go and turn that off now because we are going to be doing a lot of work down here and I don’t really want the stern spewing everywhere either so a quick stack of diamond and emerald or litter uh we can just throw these down thankfully again tier six support

Frame is the support frame required for both diamond and emerald ore and so we’ll just go one two and three and then the same over here we’ll do one two and three fantastic and cool now we should be getting diamond and emerald or I will go ahead and lock those drawers again

Just to make sure that nothing else makes its way in there you’re not working is Emerald or Emerald or is tier 7 support frames oh I see okay I thought they were both the same then is fine we’ll come back to the emerald or because obviously we’re not processing

The diamonds just yet and so we probably don’t have enough diamonds to actually set up the tier 7 support frame so we’ll come back to that before the end of the episode but over here I would like to make some changes to this setup and we’re going to do that using laser iio

And so if we go to ant laser iio the core of this mod is the laser connectors and the laser nerds and to make these we first need to start with raw logic chips in this pack these are made with redstone dust golden nuggets signalum ingots and Elite technium I am going to

Go ahead and probably make like a stack of those right from the get-go because we’re going to need a lot of these chips going forward and it’s going to be easier if we just make a bunch of them from the get-go instead of coming back and manually making them again and again

And again which is going to be a little timeconsuming so let us go ahead and do something like this I I have a feeling that our chests are probably full because it’s not letting me put anything back into the system which is not ideal and we’ll do something like that and

Like that to hopefully get up to at least a Sak and then for now we can just throw those into our jumbo furnace to quickly smelt them from raw chips into the logic chips which again are required for basically all of the recipes in the

Laser mod over here we are full up on storage space which is not ideal we do have three diamonds and we we do have I guess 28 diamond ore here so we could quickly do something like this and I guess just for the sake of it also like

That to try and get a couple more diamonds just to allow us to upgrade to Diamond chests we should probably look at making a a few more chests in general just so we’re not relying entirely on on these four chests in perpetuity but for now let’s do something like this I also

Did say many episodes ago that this was temporary and it’s uh kind of been here for a while now so I do need to move that sooner rather than later for now though logic CH acquired let’s put those back in the system and let’s see if we

Can’t make ourselves at least one of these laser nodes in fact to make those we do need laser connectors the laser connectors require iron glass Redstone and logic chips easy enough we’ll make a few of these maybe eight for now and then we’ll also go ahead and make some

Glass pins with regular glass ideally not with Green Glass and then we can make the laser node nice and I’ll make two of these for now so essentially the way that this works is that we can use these nerds to transfer either items fluids energy or Redstone which is super powerful because

It allows you to transfer all of those things within one block space which we currently can’t do right now we need one block space for energy with the flux duct we need a different block space for the conveyor belts then we need a third block space for kind of pulling the

Items out of the pulverizer so with laser iio we should be able to do all of this on one side of the machine as opposed to having to do it on three different sides the idea is basically that uh you can throw down a laser nerde

Like so and let me quickly grab some item cards just to show off how this works so the item cards easy enough we do need a ton of gold nuggets by the looks of it one thing we’ve not been doing up until now but that we definitely should be doing is investing

In compacting drawers compacting draws are similar to regular storage drawers but they give you the option of pulling the resource out in one of three forms they’re especially useful for things like ingots because they allow you to pull the Ingot out either in Ingot nugget or block form and so if I quickly

Make a framed compacting draw here and we color that with the standard combination of polished smooth Stone and dark oak logs we can then use this kind of in place of our gold draw here uh I am going to put this down first and lock it because otherwise I have a feeling

That some random junk is going to make its way in there but if we put this in here hold on let me usually that becomes available in different forms let me try putting the gold nugg in that still doesn’t work eh Has This Been Changed okay so apparently this just

Doesn’t work I’ve tried making a uh a non-framed draw to see if that did anything I I’m not sure if that’s a bug it must be because um it does say in the quest book right here that allows easy conversion between blocks nuggets and ingots so I feel like that should work

But it currently doesn’t so for the time being just um forget that I mentioned the the compacting drawers I guess we’ll put all of our gold back away into the regular drawer for the time being and for now we’ll just go ahead and manually craft some gold nuggets nice and then

From there we should be able to make a couple of item cards so let’s take a few of these we are going to need a lot of these and unfortunately they do not stack that would be far too easy we are out of chests but again we can go and

Craft a stack of chests very easily if we do something like this in fact I’ll make two or even three stacks of chests here we got so much wood and of course it is still coming in from our tree absorber and so we’ll make a few of

These the general idea though is that over here the laser nerd has six sides we’ got north south east west up and down and you can press you know F3 to to find out which way you’re facing we’re facing south but it’s also easier if you

Just right click on a side of the nerd it tells you which side you on so this is the north side again we were facing south before so that is south and if you right click here it opens the south side and you can toggle between the different

Faces in here but essentially if we wanted to move items from this chest at the top down to this chest in the bottom it is fairly straightforward let’s say we want to move all of this compressed Cobblestone out of here down into here

To do that we open up our nerd and we go to the up section we put in an item card and then you can right click this item card once it’s inside of the laser nerd to open up its configuration you can also do the same in the world if you

Just shift right click on the card you can pre-configure it before you put it into the node but if we right click on the item card in the upward slot so that’s up here if you can right click on the right face it will open the right

Side but anyway if we right click on the item card in the up slot we can see that right now it is set to insert if we click on this we can change it to extract and then all we need to do then is go to the downside put in another

Card which Again by default is set to insert and now you’ll see that the Cobblestone is being moved slowly but surely from this chest down into this chest it’s that easy pretty cool stuff and so that’s the basics of laser but you can take it much further for example

If we wanted to put it into a chest that was over here that’s where we would need a second laser nerde and it’s also where we would need a laser wrench that being this guy right here three iron and one logic chip are we fully out of iron we

Are I guess I didn’t really factor in how much iron was being used by our system when I uh when I turned everything off I’m going to steal some iron there um I don’t think we’re going to need that much iron for our laser bio stuff here so hopefully this is okay but

If we take this laser wrench and we shift right click on this laser nerd we can then right click on this laser nerd and you’ll see that it says connection exceeds maximum range of eight so if we were to move these closer we should be able to make this

Connection work you’ll see that’s still connected and boom now these two are connected and so now we’ve still got the cobblestone in here if I put that same insert card on the downside here it’s still going to move the Cobblestone over and so now the Cobblestone is being

Moved move from here down and down to here because we have the extract card pulling from the up side of this laser ner which is the top side connected to the chest and then over here we have an insert card set to the downside on this

Nde you can make this much more complex if you want you can change the channel frequency right now we’re set to Channel Zero but we can change this to channels you know all the way up to I think maybe 16 might be the total number of channels

Yeah 15 I guess but then including zero that is 16 channels and so if I change this to channel one it’s going to stop transforming because now they’re not on the the same frequency and so if you want to send things to different places without having to do complex filtering

You can just use the uh the channel system and that allows you to send different things to different places without having to set up multiple laser nerds right for example let’s say that we wanted to send something that wasn’t Cobblestone to another chest that was like right here we could put another

Card in the up slot right now that’s going to start receiving Cobblestone which you know I’ll move the Cobblestone up there let’s say that we want this one which is currently set to the orange channel to receive gold gears we could put the gold gears in a separate chest

Have that extract on the orange Channel and then that will make its way down and into here you can do the same thing with fluids you can do the same thing with power and you can do the same thing with redstone signals as well and so using

Power Cards you can have power inserted and power extracted and so with just one node we should be able to power kind of all of our induction smelters as well as be able to insert and extract from all of them if you want to go more than

Eight blocks by the way before we were going uh over here and it said eight blocks is too far away that’s where these little laser connectors come into play with the laser connectors you can use these to kind of extend the range of the laser setup so you can put one there

And then you can go on over here and then like shift right click and right click that’s too far let me put one here maybe is that close enough that’s close enough and then that is close enough so you can use this then you could put

Another node over here and then use that to uh to send things over really long distances but anyway now that we know how this works let’s go see if we can’t use it in practice for our induction smelters so I am going to clear out a good chunk of my inventory here because

We’ve got a ton of stuff that we don’t necessarily need to be carrying around with us and I’m probably going to pick up basically everything that we have over here we turned off the stone that’s all good over here we do still have some ores that are trying to get processed

I’m just going to move this out of the way for the time being as I mentioned in the last episode my plan here is going to be to centralize power so we’re going to move I think all of our lapidary dynamos to a different location at least

Temporarily until we get a better power ource and I also think that we’re probably going to be done with the conveyor belts at least for this section of the setup I’m probably going to keep the conveyor belts for the top bit here just because I quite like watching all

Of the ores move around but once we get to this chest I think we’re going to stick to laser for moving everything around so let’s go ahead pick all of this up and then I think what is going to be most efficient here is if we take

All of these induction smelters and I do want to be careful not to lose any of these down into the the void if I can avoid it we got so many of these uh slot seals which we are going to need but for now take up a staggering amount of

Inventory space but my thought process here is that we can almost certainly take one laser nerd and use it to set up six induction smelters so if we were to put induction spelter here and throw a laser node on the top like that we should be able to go ahead and throw

Down induction smelters kind of all around this nerd now right now I don’t think we have enough induction smelters to do that we’re missing one but that’s fine we should probably be able to make an extra induction smelter assuming that we have the iron which I think we should

Have because we do have some invar here and we can of course go ahead and throw that into our metal press we could probably also do with getting like an extra multi server press that we can use for general purpose crafting like this because while the metal press does work

The multi Silver press can be made to be substantially faster which would be uh would be nicer but either way let’s come over here and let’s see if we can’t get one more induction smell so for that we are going to need one more bit of sand

Which thankfully we now have and cool we’ll put that on top but we’ll do that in just a second because what I want to do first is I want to make sure these are all configured correctly so thankfully with thermal expansion you can shift left click to disable all of

The inputs and outputs and then we’re going to set the back to this kind of orange blue hybrid which means the back is going to be set to both insert and extract what you can also do with thermal expansion is you can get what is called the red print and this allows you

To copy and paste settings between multiple blocks so right now this is set to insert and extract from the back side and then to do nothing on all the other sides I want to right click on this and then right click that again on this and

Now that is configured the same way we can then do this this and this and these are all now configured the same way obviously the one at the bottom here doesn’t want to be configured like that this one wants to be configured to input

An output at the top like so and the one that we put at the top is going to be configured to in inut and output at the bottom and so if you want to reset this paper by the way shift right click to reset it and then you can right click on

Another machine to copy it settings and then right click again to paste that to however many machines you want to paste it to so now this is done we are going to put insert Cards into every single one of these sides because every one of these needs to receive oros from

Somewhere right and for now we’re just going to make sure that these are all set to their default value which is Channel Zero and insert and we want to make sure that we have at least least six item cards to make that happen right now we do not have six item cards but

That should not be a problem we should be able to make some more of them fairly easily let’s take one two and three more So currently we have one in the upside we want to make sure that we have one in the down the north the South the East

And the West so now this nerd is able to insert into every single one of these induction smels now we’re going to extract from this diamond chest so let me get rid of this rapid Hopper let’s get rid of that conveyor belt I also did make a slight tweak here the belts now

Go diagonally up at the end so that they kind of drop the items on top of the hopper uh just a little thing that was recommended in the YouTube comments because before we had the belts going directly into the hopper which did work but then if the hopper was full the

Items wouldn’t go into the hopper and they just kind of sit there whereas now if the Hopper’s full the items won’t go in but as soon as there’s space because the hopper can pull items in from the top they will eventually go in either way uh we don’t need this anymore we can

Go ahead and get rid of that and it’s going to be faster if we use our X perfect and we also don’t need the conveyor B either which is also going to be faster if we use the pickaxe so all we need to do is throw down a nerd next

To this chest so I’ll put it down let’s say here now we’re going to have another induction smelter here like that and at this point we kind of have to decide how we want this to look because we could connect the nerd here directly to the nerd

Inside there uh the lasers by the way can go through blocks and so we could connect the those up but then there’ just be this kind of laser that goes diagonally out which I don’t think would look particularly great and so what I might do to try and make it look a

Little bit less haphazard is I might throw a laser no down let’s say maybe here like that because I’m thinking we’re going to have four sets of these we’ve got six induction smelters here we’ll maybe put another six here well then maybe do six pulverizers here and six pulverizers

Here I think that could work and so if we then right click here and here that’s going to connect those up and then from there we could potentially shift right click down into this guy so if we shift right click and right click there I think that looks

Okay and once we get the Symmetry on all the other machines up been running I think that will look all right and we can always tweak this if we want to make it look different as well anyway now we want to make sure that the top of this

Has an extract card so here we’re going to go to up and we’re going to put in our item extract card before we do that we do want to make sure that this is set to round robin so right now round robin here is set to false if we change that

To true now it’s going to extract and it should round robin to all of these machines what that means is it’s going to distribute the ores evenly between all of the induction smelters available and we want to make sure that is put in the upside like that and if we were to

Go ahead and grab some of our ORS here let’s say a stack of nickel and we drop that in up here we should see that nickel start to get distributed between all of the induction smelters and it is it’s not very fast because right now this here is only extracting one item

Every 20 ticks which is one item per second but we can make that faster in the future for now let’s just get the setup going and then we can worry about speeding it up later on so next up we need to extract the items from the induction smelters and put them into the

System so the initial setup here is easy enough all we need to do is get six more item cards 1 2 three four five and six I do believe there’s also an item from Las R here that could be usedful forers I’m thinking of the card holder the card

Holder is pretty straightforward it does require four iron which of course we don’t have and I’m also not sure if we have any iron backed up over here anymore we don’t we’ve managed to burn through the entirety of it I also don’t think that any of our current systems

Use iron either which is not ideal one thing we could do is we could just go and temporarily steal some iron ore here and although it’s not particularly efficient if we smel that up inside of our jumbo furnace that will get us a couple of ings to to work with here good

Stuff we need to make sure we don’t put any of those in the system otherwise they will get taken away from us if we go 1 2 3 four this gets as the card holder and the card holder is useful in that it allows you to configure a bunch

Of cards all at once and so if we were holding all six of those item cards separately like we were a second ago we’d have to go through and shift right click on each one to configure them in the same way whereas with the card holder we can right click on the stack

Of insert cards we can change them all to extract and now if we take them out of the card holder we can take them out one at a time and we can just put them into each side of the ner here so again one is going to go oh and this is I

Believe the card holder so if I was to put this Bank in here it frees up inventory space and now in here you can see that the item cards that are being held in the card holder are visible so we can take one out and put it into each

Slot and we can kind of pull directly from the card holder into the nerd and so now each one of these is set to insert and to extract which is perfect we just now need to send a place for those extracted items to go to

And for that we kind of just want to have one centralized chest that’s going to have an import cable to pull all of our items into the system so we kind of got to decide where we want to put the kind of final chest and I’m just

Thinking about for symmetry sake where I want to put that I’ll probably put it in the center here so let me get rid of a couple of these because we’re not going to need anywhere near as many of them as we currently have I did also do a little

Bit of cable tidying between episodes I tried to make it a little bit need to we had quite the halfhazard array of cables at the end of the last episode but anyway if we quickly get rid of the remaining cables here ideally I would like to use Tim but that is going to

Connect there which is not ideal let’s get rid of you and let’s get rid of you perfect so we want to put down Just One Import cable which I’m going to put right here like that and then we’ll connect that up to our pre-existing cable using the standard network cable

So we’ll go and do this and this and in fact just to make it look nice I’m going to do that and we’ll get rid of these cables here once we’ got that down all we need to do is get some kind of chest and this chest is going to be what holds

All of the the output items before they get pulled around into our Network so let us just drop a regular chest right about there and then we’re going to drop a nerd another nerd on top of that that does mean we need to make another nerd which thankfully is easy enough and then

We’ll drop you right about here here what we’re going to do is we’re going to get another insert card this time around we are probably going to need to to either filter what we send in here or select a different Channel because what we don’t want to have here is we don’t

Want all of the ores from here being inserted into this chest right and so ideally what we can do to kind of mitigate that is we can craft another item card we can put that into the down section here for insert and if we change the channel here to Orange we can then

Go back into here and change the channel on these item cards are set to extract so if we change these from white to Orange that’s going to allow us to take items from here because they’re on the white Channel insert them into the induction felter on the white Channel

And then from there we can just go ahead and uh connect this nerd up to this nerd and because we’re going to have all of these set to the orange Channel they are going to extract and send the final output products around into that chest and we kind of avoid having a situation

Where it tries to put any of the ores directly into that chest because they’re on separate channels which is good so let’s do this and then let’s right click here to connect that up and if we look in here we’ll start to see all of the constanten I guess um some stuff ended

Up coming in here we do need to reput in our slot seals to make sure that we don’t end up making rug Alloys like that because constantan is not something that we were trying to make we were just trying to smelt up our nickel ore which

Has somehow managed to uh go back in I think what’s happened here is that we smelted the ore and then when we put the extract cards in as well as the insert cards in it extracted from the induction smelter and then Reiner Ed back into the induction smelter and because when you

Smel Nickel in the induction smelter you have a chance of getting some copper that then created nickel and copper which then got put back into the induction smelter and create a constantan so that is what happened there thankfully that shouldn’t be a problem going forward because again

We’re just going to use our slot seals to prevent that from happening I do need at least one more slot seal here which we do have let’s put you in right about there did I do this one I did not okay never mind I need two more slot

Seals but these should now all be ready to go and then of course here we can just put in all of our ingots and they get pulled down into the system and again we can make that import cable faster going forward because we’re going to get a lot more stuff coming in but

That’s a problem for future Isaac over here this is kind of ready to go the only thing that’s not now ready is power and so we need to set power up once we got power set up all we should have to do is get some energy cards again we

Could do with six of these one two oh that’s more than six that’s fine let’s put all of those uh in here right now they’re all set to insert that is completely fine in here which going to give each side an energy insert card and that’s going to allow us to insert

Energy into the induction smelter via the laser Network and so all we need to do now is I guess take that rich Slag out put that in there all we need to do now is reset up our lapidary dynamos I’m going to steal these ones as well in a

Centralized location and I think what I’m going to do is I’m probably going to steal this flux plug because I don’t think this one’s really required here that is going to turn our bottling machine offline but it’s going to come back online when we get these lapidary

Dynamos back up and running so this is definitely a very temporary system because I do want to get uh even though it’s temporary I do wish that it would be symmetrical with the island because um we’re very close to being able to unlock the power mod and once we have

The power mod unlocked we’ll probably pivot over to using that for our power generation and so for the time being which do something like this get all of these lapidary dynamos down we’re going to have all of them pump into the same power cable and we’ll stick with 10 for

Now if we need more we can always upgrade them let’s make sure they all face the right way like so and let’s make sure that they are all connected to power nice we’ll then throw down a flux plug for now right about here and what

That’s going to allow us to do is get another flux point and we’re going to place that down over here now one thing that I don’t know actually I don’t know if I can just do this let me see if that works I don’t think

That’s going to work but if we set this to extract and we put it in the down section so here that does connect interesting I really did not think that was going to work but if we set this to Lappy power which is our main power Network that’s getting power from over

There that should hopefully begin sending power around let me go and see how we’re doing over here these do have power the power is being extracted I don’t know if that power is going to um to our bottling machine though and there we go look at that it is working it’s

Extracting the power and inserting it over here I don’t know if there’s like a round dring option for power there totally is we set that to true we should start to see hopefully look at that nice even distribution of power and all our induction smelters are full so really

Now the only thing left to do was to slap our other induction smelter back on and we should be pretty much good to go let me start bringing these back online we’ll start with iron I guess because iron is kind of one that we are desperately low on and all of these are

Going to be backlogged now so we’re going to really kind of stress our system at least for a little while until it’s burned through the backlog of ores but let’s throw those in let’s see how it does because I have a feeling that it’s going to work but we uh we might

Run into some issues here so first thing we can do that’s going to make our lives just a little easier and make the system better is we can change the number of items that are extracted so in this nerd if we go to up and we right click on the

Item card it’s currently extracting one item every 20 ticks so by default all you can do is slow it down in terms of number of ticks so if you wanted to pull out one item every 4 seconds you could change it to 8 there are 20 ticks per

Second we can lower the number if we add in overclocker cards for now though I think we can probably just change this number which is the transfer amount from one to8 that is already a substantial upgrade over the conveyor belt extractor that we had before because that was only

Able to extract one or at a time which was kind of what was causing the issue whereas now it’s going to move eight or at a time and dump those or into the induction smelters let’s make sure this top setup which is up has all the corck

Cards it does and so with that we should be able to just throw this guy down make sure the bottom is set to insert and extract like that and this should also come online before I do that I would like to make sure that we have our slot

Seals in there so that we don’t end up with uh with any more Alloys because that would not be ideal and of course for that we are going to do D nugget thankfully we do have what it takes to make at least one iron nugget and so

We’ll do this and this and we’ll make sure that the uh bottom sorry not the back that’s this one here is set to inser an output perfect and so that is going to allow us to use all of these cool so there’s definitely the option as

Well of of speeding these up right now they just have the standard hardened integral component again I don’t know it’s hard to judge if this is going to be fast enough to run all of our ORS simply due to the fact that currently we’ve got such a big backlog of ORS so

The ORS are coming in way faster right now then they’re actually going to come in once we’ve burned through the backlog once we’ve got through the thousand Iron th aluminum thousand Redstone copper tin Etc then it’s going to not need to be as advanced but the system works the only

Slight problem is the extraction here thankfully we did make some speed upgrades and one thing we didn’t make that we probably should make is a stack upgrade this just changes the behavior of the Importer to pull a stack of items at a time and so this on its own without

The uh the need can I not just right click on this cable I thought I could right click on this cable do I need a uh like a filtered import cable I didn’t think we normally needed one of these but I will make a filtered import cable just so we can uh

Right click on it if we put that down and try that again can I now open this I can and if we put the stack up Grid in here that should now start pulling a stack of items at a time as opposed to one item at a time I think it does pull

From the first slot here so if I move the iron over you’ll see it took the full stack of iron there the only trouble is that if there’s not a for sck to take it doesn’t take 64 items it just takes uh the whole stack of whatever’s

Here so that’s where the speed upgrades also come in handy because if we do this now it pulls Stacks faster than it did before and now it’s actually kind of getting through the backlog there and should pull basically all of the items that we put in here and if we really

Wanted to we could also look at adding more of these we could put like a second third fourth fifth sixth import cable onto this chest to uh to really start to extract a lot faster if this turns out to be a problem but I don’t necessarily

Think that it will and so real quick I am just going to go ahead and I think make six more induction smelters kind of duplicate this setup on the other side here and then we can start turning all of our ores back online at least all of

Our Ingot making ores back online and then after that we can look at doing the same thing with pulverizers to get those back online as well and not too long later we’ve duplicated the exact setup over here we’ve got another six induction smelters which I have upgraded with hardened integral components all

Processing or as well and so now we are actually finally starting to backup on iron again which I’m very happy to see and I also did throw down the exporters again over here to allow us to begin exporting lapis to these lapidary dynamos and so now power is being

Generated for the entirety of the setup one thing we could do that has been recommended by the twitch chant is we could potentially put an intermediary buffer down for example these basic flux storage blocks here from the flux networks mod these would allow us to store some energy at the same time

There’s also the uh energy Cube I believe from mechanism and the energy cell I think it might be called from thermal expansion this one requires cured Rubber and holds 1 million whereas the flux networks basic storage can hold 2 million it does require a couple of

These flux blocks but for the most part they shouldn’t be too difficult I don’t think I’m hopeful that we’ve got a decent amount of Ender or now over here we do indeed and so we could take those kind of just throw them down into our pulverizers like this at the end of the

Last episode we did make a bunch of blaze powder so we got a lot of that ready to go we just pulverized a ton of the reception coils so that really isn’t a problem and then we should from there be able to make a couple of Eyes of

Ender uh assuming we have ender pearls which of course we can get we do have to craft these I forget that’s fine boom boom and boom we’ll turn them all into is of Ender for now and then we’ll make really as many of these as we can that

Should allow us hopefully to make a couple of these whether or not we have enough to make six is uh to be seen we do need some more flux dust also shouldn’t be a problem can we make one two three four more we can and with that

We have a flux storage and the idea here is that essentially if we just put this here that should hopefully start filling up with power From The Bottom never mind it looks like the way this works we put this back down and I think it might just

Receive power from the network it does okay so I’ve not actually used these before but it looks like it’s filling up which is good and I guess the idea here is that we can kind of take a look at this to see whether or not we have a

Problem with power because if this is empty that means that we’re not storing power I assume the power goes from here to here we’ll set this to like priority 20 which means I think the power should go here first and then I assume the power can move from here out to our flux

Plugs which would be ideal we do seem to be losing p which is not ideal if that fully runs out we can take a look at uh at what the problem is and potentially look at increasing our power output either with higher tier augments or with just uh

More dynamos for now though over here we have another problem and that problem is glass because we had a problem a second ago I needed some glass and um we didn’t have any and I came down to look if we had any sand and we also didn’t have any

We are backing up on sand at the moment but that’s only because I’ve turned off the this induction smelter I set the Redstone control to high which means it requires a redstone signal to work and because it doesn’t have one the machine has stopped if I turn this back on it

Starts making glass that glass then gets turned into glass bottles those glass bottles then get filled with lava over here and because we’re making the lava quite quickly thanks to these Ruby blocks on top of our fluid absorber we are kind of just deleting glass here and by extension we’re just deleting sand

Because all of our sand is being produced quite quickly we’ve got Ruby blocks down here but you’ll see we’re already losing sand again we 230 minute AG now we’re at 219 217 the sand is being taken it’s being smelted and then it’s being filled with lava and then

Because this drawer is full or used to be full until I turned the whole system off the excess glass bottles are just being deleted and so we were running into a problem where we never had any glass because all of our sand was being deleted via this class bottle system

Thankfully I think that laser might provide a fairly easy way for us to automate the turning off of the bottling machine when the drawer that holds the lava bottles is full so if we can get two more nerds here my thought process is that we could

Put one nerd down let’s say right about here and we could put another n down right here because this port that little red dot is where the Redstone control for the bottling machine is if you put a lever on that and flick it it will turn off the bottling machine so what we

Should be able to do is if we go to an storage drawers I believe that there is a upgrade we can make that emits a redstone sign for total storage or potentially even this one here the emits signal for least full slot I think that could be ideal or even this one hereit

Signal a most full slot I think they basically do the same thing so if we take this and we put it in here this draw should now emit a redstone signal based on how full it is let me give that a quick test if we get some Redstone and

I put it down like this you’ll see we got a power 12 Redstone signal coming out of here and this has got 53 that should go up to 15 I think power once that gets up to to 64 so what we want to then do is get some Redstone cards and

I’ve actually never used lasio to uh to move Redstone around so this is also kind of new to me but I think that it should be basically the same idea here where we can have the top of this so the up section set to input that’s where the

Redstone signal is going to come from and then over here on the opposite side to this this is the west side so we want the east side we’re going to put in this card but we’re going to set it to output and we’ll set it to strong

Maybe and ideally I would have thought that that might work now the trouble that we could run into is I don’t know if the Redstone signal kind of goes from the draw down into the laser nerd like that oh and also of course yes of course

CH I need to link them thank you that’s my bad boom boom does that work it totally does look at that now this setup probably doesn’t work particularly well um let me change this to weak I don’t if that changed anything the reason that um I don’t think this

Works particularly well I have a feeling that it’s only going to work now if there’s basically nothing in this draw because right now this is outputting a signal equal to its fullness level which means I think it’s only going to emit no signal when it’s empty which I think is

Kind of fine though that means that we’re only going to make the lava bottles as and when they’re needed but we do already have 64 banktop over here and so the fact that this won’t turn on again until it is empty I think it’s

Fine let me give that a quick try if I take the full stack out yeah that makes one lava bottle and then stops it doesn’t make the next one until that first one gets used and then once that first one’s used it makes another one that’s perfect okay cool

We’ll put this all back in and we’ll leave that there so that I think is a pretty good solution to the problem that we were having in that now we can leave this online because now the glass should start to back up in all of this the

Bottle should start to back up you can see they are doing already uh from do these have a downgrade in they do uh from there this draw here for glass we’ll start to back up uh we could even look at adding a A Link cable onto this

To allow us to access that glass remotely because it would be quite nice to be able to use that glass without having to go and grab it manually going forward there we go and yeah I think that kind of solves that problem so now really chat all we need to do is

Duplicate this setup that we have for the induction smelters over on this side but with pulverizers because right now we’re at a point where we can probably start turning all of our miners back online or at least all of our miners that produce ingots right so Redstone

We’re going to leave off line nickel we can turn back on the sapphire will leave offline the silver we can turn back on did I uh not rotate that far enough that’s perfect over here gold can come back online you are lead lead doesn’t even have an extractor I’ll grab that in

A second diamond and emerald uh can come online once we get the pulverizers up and running over here the Ender or also requires a pulverizer you are tin you can come online you are our lpis you can wait paradot can wait Ruby can wait Co can wait and copper can come back online

Perfect so if we just grab one more extracting conveyor we should be able to bring lead online over here which is important for our Elite technium production like that and we can also do of course with a conveyor belt to make sure that does in fact work but all of

Those should get sent round and should start getting processed again there could be a slight problem because there’s so many of them that um potentially the system might be a bit overloaded but in time everything should work out just okay and while all that gets smelted I am going to quickly

Duplicate this setup here with two more nerds and 12 pulverizers on this side to get all of our lapis coal uh rubies paradot sapphires diamonds emeralds Ender or all that stuff processed as well all right so we’re almost there on the pulverizer setup but we do now have

A slight issue and that issue of course is the that we got rid of the filter up here the uh the item router and so right now if we were to just set all of these to insert all the cards that we have in here to insert they would start

Receiving some of the ores like silver iron gold lead Etc all of the ones that make ingots which is not what we want thankfully lasio has prepared for that also quick note if you shift right click while holding the card reader ideally not while standing on your elevator uh

If you shift right click while holding the card reader it will start glowing and basically what that does is uh it puts any card into the card reader automatically so if you make a card it just automatically goes into the reader and so it kind of makes it easy to craft

A lot of them which is is nice but anyway we want to get a basic filter the basic filter is easy enough iron bars glass panes and a logic chip and with this we should now be able to filter our cards essentially what I think I’m going

To do right now we have one item card that is set to extract on this chest we’re going to add another item card to that and we’re going to set that to extract as well but we’re going to put it on a different channel so right now

On the white Channel we want to extract all of our Ingot bearing ores and so what we’ll do is we’ll take one of our basic filters the way we use this is we can just right click on the item extract card we can put that in like this and

Now there’s a bunch of filter slots again much like with all of the other cards you can also shift right click it uh out and about and filter for it so what I think we can do here is we can start grabbing some ores and adding them to the filter so I

Do need to clear my inventory a little bit cuz we got way too much stuff in our inventory and not enough space which is it’s never ideal but then if we start grabbing these ORS we should be able to start filtering them correctly so let’s

Take a tin a copper we’ll take a silver we’ll take a gold we will take one lead we’ll take one nickel we’ll take an iron we will take an aluminum and I think that’s it I think that’s all of the o

That we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I’ve got one extra but that is fine I’m I miscounted so in here we’re just going to go ahead and add each one of these to the filter like that and

Then now in here if we go back to that extraction and we add in this filter that now only pulls these ores right the ORS that we just specified those are the only ORS that are going to be pulled into the induction spell and so if we

Were to take everything else out and throw in you know some diamond or that diamond or shouldn’t make its way into the induction smelters because it’s not on the white list that’s currently set to filter it should stay in here and so now what we can do is we can do the

Exact same thing with the ORS that we want to go to the pulverizers right so here we’re going to go ahead and add you know diamond or eventually we add Emerald or but we don’t have Emerald or currently and so for the time being we

Want end or that’s one of them we also want the lapis ore we want the paradot ore we want the Ruby or we want the coal ore we want the redstone ore of course and we also want the sapphire ore and I think that is about it I do need to add

Stone actually I didn’t think about Stone but I do need to add Stone to the other white list so over here uh this one needs Stone as well because we do want our Stone going to the induction smelters and I also just accidentally deleted gold I think from the white list

There let me quickly go and fix that up like so fantastic and so now back here if we go Ender ore diamond or lapis Redstone Ruby curl paradot and Sapphire and we change this let’s say to a different Channel and by change this I mean let’s get our card let’s change it

To extract let’s put in the filter and let’s set it to Pink for example so now in here we’re going to put in another item card that is set to extract and then I have already put all of my item cards in their respective slots here but

I’m going to take all of these insert cards back out and put them back in the card reader because once all in the card reader that’s going to make it easier for me to uh to change them all to the pink frequency so once we have all 12

Back inside here we can just right click change that to Pink and then we can go through and put these all back in and now we should start Distributing the ORS that don’t produce ingots to the pulverizers one thing we do need to do

That I didn’t do just now is we do need to set this card to round robin true that’s going to distribute all of the ORS just like we’re doing on the other side and with that this setup is almost ready to go all we need to do is uh

Finish putting these cards in and we need to connect up our laser connector so shift right click and right click same over here we will shift right click and right click uh this is already connected here we’ll do the same here we will take you and connect it there I

Realized on this side that we did the connection here but we didn’t do the connection here it works though because the connection here kind of goes up around across around and down so these can still output that chest it’s not symmetrical which annoys me um but it’s

Also a bit of a pain in the backside to uh to take down this induction smelter we are having a bit of an extraction speed problem maybe are you set up correctly you are set up correctly I um I do wonder why that’s not extracting

All of those that fast maybe we need to to speed up the ner inside of it to be fair that could be a problem running into for now though over here this should be good to go as soon as I configure the machines cuz that is

Something I have not done yet we do still have our red print and so I will take that and we can just uh shift right click to clear right click to copy and then right click to paste paste paste paste paste paste and paste fantastic and then you input

An output at the top like so shift right click to clear right click to copy and right click to paste nice so that should be good to go of course the reason nothing is coming in is because right now we don’t have any of these ORS

Coming in so real quick let’s go around and set these all to extract again and let’s also get two more extracting conveyor belts for the emerald and the diamond okay so all of these are now set to extract and are ready to go I do think we’re going to run out of space

Inside of this chest which is not ideal we’re just not kind of processing things fast enough here part of the problem is the backlog that we seem to be running into with extraction here I’m not quite sure why some of these are causing issues and some aren’t I wonder if it’s

Just because some ores produce more stuff than others yeah so the induction smelter here the copper all produces five copper ingots whereas the uh does the iron all only produce one iron ingot I see so you just get a lot more copper and so the sides that have copper just

Need to be extracting faster it’s not a massive problem it’s a shame we can’t use carry on here to move this induction smell to it does mean I’m going to have to um just kind of pick the whole thing up which is uh is not ideal but uh

Basically it means that on the sides that we’re getting copper to we kind of want to change the extraction amount to be fair we should probably just change the extraction amount on all of these to be uh eight because there’s no reason not to like without even without any

Overclockers we can change it from extracting one at a time to extracting eight at a time which just seems like a sensible way for us to uh to go forward here just to make it that little bit faster I do seem to have lost a slot

Seal on my way there it is let me put that back in here and there shouldn’t be any of this stuff in here so we have a slight problem somewhere um I wonder if it’s the oh it’s the extraction cards of course these are extraction cards Isaac

You before need to be set to a different color that’s my bad they need to be set to Orange okay hold on let me take all these extraction cards out real quick to hopefully stem some of the the bleeding here we need to set these to Orange so

They go to the uh to to the output chests and not to the input chests uh we could even potentially go with a different color I’ve put down another chest here mostly for symmetry because technically all of the stuff would go to this chest but to be fair if we make another item

Card and we put it in into the down slot here we could set that to insert and make it like blue and then we could change all of the other extract card that we just got make those blue as well and that way all of our stuff that is

Not ingots should go to the other chest this one right here again not strictly necessary we could send everything to this chest but for symmetry I think this looks nice they’re having a chest here and there’s also the fact that um the impul is not that fast and so if we were

To send everything to the one chest I think the uh impul get overloaded pretty quickly and then we’d have to put down more importers kind of all around it which just wouldn’t look as good and so um for the time being we’ll leave that there and let’s make sure there’s

Nothing like rug hanging out in any of these slots you’ll see that we’re not backing up on copper anymore which is good so we well we are over here but that’s because we’ve not configured this nde properly yet but uh all of these are looking fine and so let me quickly dump

Some of this are we um yeah we got a slight we got a slight problem um unfortunately there’s no chest bigger than the um than the diamond chest so that’s currently our our Mex setup also I should have changed all of these when I had them inside of the uh the card we

Want to make sure all these are set to to extract eight items at a time as well because without it they are also know into the same problem that we were having with copper thankfully uh it’s not too difficult to change these and we might want to go and temporarily try and

Stem the bleeding a little bit here by maybe turning some of these back off again uh specifically the ones that are causing kind of big problems for us which are mostly the ones that we kind of just turned back on so let me temporarily turn all these off and then

Back down here let’s make sure all of these are indeed set to eight we’ll also then do the same over here we’ll get rid of you and we’ll once again set all of these to eight to make sure all those uh copper ingots getting extracted and then

Once we’ve got that taken care of we can then put our other pulverizers back down those being here and of course here do want to make sure that is set up correctly to input and output to the bottom and then really all we can do now to try and um work

Through the backlog faster is kind of just speed up the machines because the speed of the machines is is really our limiting factor and then after that potentially the you know power could also be a limiting factor we do want to make sure we get a filtered inut cable

Down on here so we’ll take one of you and we’ll drop that down right out there cuz that’s also going to back things up and then we could do with the speed and stack upgrades if at all possible there’s also a slowness upgrade apparently which I uh did not know about

But fair enough uh we also need aluminum dust of all things so um do we have any aluminum we do could I get two aluminum dust please boom and then over here let’s get all of those in there boom and boom we should hopefully see all of that

Getting extracted fast enough and yeah now now I’m going to quickly see if we can’t make integral components for all of these but I think we’ll probably look at upgrading kind of all of our integral components we’ve got invar integral components in all of these but I kind of

Want to get the next tier of integral components that being the reinforced ones into everything it really shouldn’t be too difficult we’ve got enough Advanced technium we’ve got the Harden interal components electrum super easy to make and we’re actually backing up I believe on signalum over here yeah we

Got 64 there we’ve got another 64 there and I assume another 6 four well another four stins in here so we got loads of signal them and so um that should be pretty easy to do and then fux and conam fires can also be used these are not too

Expensive we got loads of lead we got loads of electrum it’s just a case of smelting it all and running it all through either a metal press or the uh multi Silo press but yeah let me quickly go see if I can’t make like 24 of the reinforced integral components and then

At least 24 flux linkage amplifiers I kind of think we want at least one of these in each and then from there we’ll also take a look and uh and see how we’re doing on power I might as well while we’re at it also make another 10 of the hardened integral components so

We can upgrade these from Harden to reinforced so we’ll go for 34 of the reinforced interal components and see if that that helps us chat is also right here that we could use our time in the bottle we’ve got three and a half hours in here now uh we could do something

Like this to try and you know uh speed through the backlog just a little bit faster the only real problem we were into then is just like uh the speed of of everything else that’s peripheral to it um and again the the the the the speed up effect only is really useful if

We uh if the machines are fast to begin with like these machines over here are not very fast and so speeding them up does make them faster but not not massively so and I don’t really want to spend all of our time clearing this backlog because for the most part it

Doesn’t really matter if some of these ORS despawn we’ve got loads of them coming in and we’ve got a ton of resources uh anywhere we’re not really light on any one particular resource and so yeah let’s just get those integral components and uh then work from there

All right so a lot of gear making later we now have all of these machines upgraded with the reinforced integral components and I’ve also upgraded the dynamos as well we made exactly 34 of the reinforced integral components so now these are all online and all of the

Machines apart from the ones that have flux linkage amplifiers are all using 60 Redstone FX per take and currently you’ll notice that we don’t have the power to kind of keep up with this there are two problems currently the first is transfer because I think we do actually

Have a lot of power being made we got 12 RF per tick being generated by each one of these dynamos we got 10 dynamos down but over here this laser nerd is currently set to extract at 1,000 Redstone flocks per tick so that’s currently our limiting factor if we get

Some of those overclocking cards from before though let’s say one of these card overclockers and we put that in that should allow us to increase that amount so if I do this we can now uh by default if I click here nothing happens but if I put the

Card in now now we can increase that up to 4,000 you can stack these as well by the way so you can put in multiple overclocking cards I think up to it’s either eight or four the answer is four with four we can go I think all the way

Up to 64 now mind 100,000 Redstone flocks per tick so this can now transfer a ton of power to all of these machines and so now the limiting factor will just be the power generated by the lapidary Dynamo that’s currently our limiting factor so we could go with higher tiers

Of components or we could go with the Dynamo augment that being the auxilary reaction chamber which allows it to burn through fuel faster to make more power for this we need silver gears signalum plates and hardened glass we do have I believe quite a bit of Harden glass we

21 ready to go so we could make 21 of these silver gears and Signal plates are going to be easy enough silver we have in abundance and despite the fact that we just used over four stacks of signalum I think we do still have a

Decent amount of it over in here we do indeed we could just go ahead and take two stacks out of there and one cool thing you can do over here with the time in the bottle is you can make this metal press quite fast so if we do this and

Let’s say we drop the signalum here because we need silver gears not silver plates we’ll drop the signalum down and then if you use your time in a bottle on the bottom block here you can make this a lot faster it does start using more power but then we

Can just speed it up by speeding up the lapidary Dynamo here and that’s going to very quickly make a bunch of signalum plates for us and once that is done then we can swap out the plate cast there for the gear cast and we can do the exact

Same thing with silver to get the uh the silver Ingot as well we can probably stop this here actually we don’t need that many signal and plates we’ll swap out the plate mold for the gear mold and then we’ll drop down all of the silver

As well you could put the silver in the hopper but then you into the situation where the hopper is not fast enough to keep up with the metal press and so if you’re going to do any speeding up like this I I would recommend just dropping the items directly onto the metal press

You could also I think if you wanted to look at um speeding up the hopper but that seems like just extra work that’s that’s not necessary so let’s do this and let’s make as many of these as we can which in this scenario is seven there not many

But if we put these in they go from producing 120 red stlx per take to producing 240 so we do double up on the uh the power output here I would love to make at least three more of those I think the only thing we’re missing is uh more silver

Gears got to be careful not to hit those electric wires where possible there we go and of course let’s give that just a nice light tap with my time in bottle that I put Away fantastic that’s going to be enough and boom cool so we’ll do one two three you can put more than one of these in by the way so I could do this and that’s going to take that up to 480 Redstone f for tick which I think it’s probably

Fine I don’t think it matters too much we’ve got a load of lapis I think we’re making the lapis fast enough and so now over here these should all be filling up on power like none of these should be struggling for power and now we’re at the point where we could probably we

Could look at adding flux linkage amplifiers but we have started to work through the backlog here to the point where I don’t necessarily think we have to make this system any faster than it currently is I can’t help but notice that you’re not getting things fast

Enough there if I go to the the extract card oh it’s set to one item let’s set it to eight items that should start pulling things like the the rubies just a little bit faster and uh hopefully leads to yeah there we go more of a a backlog more of these pulverizers being

Used all at once again with overclocker cards you can change that so you can make it pull more than eight at a time if you wanted to for now I don’t think that’s really necessary things are going for the most part quite well I did use this induction smelter to make electrum

Which is why it didn’t have the slot to seal in it but we can put that back in now and we’re slowly but surely starting to work through the backlog which is good to see and so I think for the most part this is fine you know we’re doing

Fine on lapis despite the fact that we’re tearing through it with our lapis production and yeah this is all working much nicer than it was before there is still the chance of overflow if things clog up it shouldn’t clog up because of the fact that we’ve got void upgrades

Over here so everything that is made in excess should just be deleted um I can’t help but notice the copper is not being pulled in it’s quite possible we don’t have aoid upgrade on the copper draw we don’t and we are full up on Copper at

This point I also do wonder if we are um just full up on storage like here’s the system put stuff in here it has yeah which is is not ideal that’s that’s fine let’s put a vo upgrade on there and let’s do this real quick one thing we do

Need to do is get the uh the higher tier of support frame we need you know 36 of this so we can get the emerald ore up and running and once we have the emerald ore we can start to make the highest tier of storage draw upgrades

Which are going to allow us to hold just a stering amount of kind of all of our resources right now we’re just using gold draw upgrades but Emerald upgrades are the highest tier five upgrades and they are going to allow our drawers to just hold a lot more than they currently

Do which I think is going to be ideal and there we go emerald ore is being produced of course we can grab some we could go signalum because we’ve got so much of it but again I don’t think we need um diamonds or emeralds coming in

That fast I think Rubes are going to be just fine let’s do one two and then one two three and four fantastic that’s going to bring the emerald or in nice and quick Emerald or does need to be added to the extraction filter up here

Because right now it is not going to be extracted from this card uh someone did ask if I could drag Emerald off from here you totally can I don’t know let me check actually so we’ve got Emerald or in here the only Emerald or that shows

Up in ji is the Deep slate Emerald or I’m not quite sure why if I drag that to here I wonder if that works I wonder if that actually extracts Emerald or or not to uh to any of these like if I free up some

Space I don’t know if it’s going to do it but generally you can drag from ji to add stuff to the filter but I don’t think that’s going to work here it’s quite possible if we changed some of the settings like if we clicked ignore NBT

Or something then it might change it but for now we’ve got an Emeral do so we can just put the Emeral do in and uh it should work just fine and start pulverizing those down once we pulverize those we are going to get emeralds and

Once we have at least a few emeralds we can then begin making the highest tier of drw grids that being the tier five here and with a couple of these we can begin to really increase the amount of storage in all of these draws because each different tier of upgrade increases

The base storage amount by a different multiplier and uh we’ll hold off on gravel and grout because those are not really in need of a higher storage amount but um basically the gold storage increases the base value by eight times and the emal does it by 32 times so you

Get four times as much storage with a T5 upgrade each one of these draws starts with a B Storage amount of 204 8 and so every gold upgrade that you add gives an extra 16,384 slots whereas every Emerald upgrade that you add gives it an extra

65,536 slots and you can put in multiple emal upgrades to really start to rack up the storage inside of these drawers but yeah now we hopefully have an all processing system that is working fast enough I am going to go ahead and turn all of this back on because hopefully it

Should be okay I didn’t realize turn iron and aluminum back off I thought those were online but let’s turn everything back on here and let’s see if it’s working because we do have a backlog but once the back log has been cleared the ORS are not coming in so

Fast as to overwhelm this I don’t think especially given that we were kind of doing okay before the problem was really just the uh the extraction up here and now that we have even more machines and the fact that they’re all upgraded means that all of this should be working quite

Nicely and yeah next time I think we’ll come back chat is right here actually that we don’t have a storage draw for emeralds that is true I also don’t know if we have one for diamonds actually I don’t think we do let me put down this

Draw for emeralds and let’s also get a draw for diamonds as well as soon as we get our key how many diamonds do we have we got a thousand diamonds yeah we need to uh get those into the own draw ASAP we’ll do the same with emeralds as well

Because those are going to start coming in uh thick and fast and we could also of course do with um emptying out all the copper and stuff from here and kind of clearing out some space in there but we could also do with making two more of

These draw upgrades to allow us to hopefully upgrade our emerald and diamond draws as well make those just a little bit bigger fantastic we can also do with putting void upgrades on all these draws as well just to make sure that in the worst case scenario we don’t

End up with something like this where we end up with just a ton of stuff backing up especially on gravel actually it looks like gravel is one of those things we are getting as a byproduct on a lot of the um induction smelting and pulverizing that we’re doing and so we

Could definitely do with getting rid of any excess gravel because it is starting to clog up our system and again I don’t really think that we’re going to need uh you know thousands and thousands of gravel going forward could be proven wrong on that but again if we are

Getting more gravel fire at gravel Miner is not really going to be a problem so next time we’ll come back and we’ll start with the mechanism quest line here we’ll unlock the osmium we’ll get an osmium Miner down we’ll start working on getting some of these mechanism machines

And we’ll begin finally working towards the ultimate technium we also hopefully start to work on a better source of power and of course we can push on from there after the fact this is I think doing just fine yeah I like it of course there is still space here

For flux Lage amplifiers if we really want to by the way having two of these in doesn’t do anything you’ll see the power usage here is 120 it doesn’t change it only uses the highest tier integral component and so if you ever find yourself with um two in here then

You can take one out and the reason there were two in there is because if you have one in and then you shift right click another one in um it just leaves the other one in there which is not ideal so do want to make sure you take

Those out because they can be used Elsewhere for for other stuff but anyway for now I’m going to go ahead and wrap up this episode of Tech opis 2 there W

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Techopolis 2 | LASER IO IS GREAT! #11 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-10-27 22:20:30. It has garnered 33285 views and 1025 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:16 or 4036 seconds.

Minecraft Techopolis 2 | LASER IO IS GREAT! #11 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Feed The Factory | A FACTORY AUTOMATION MODPACK! #1: https://youtu.be/A-f9ftPwVDE

★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine

★Support the channel on Patreon & get access to all the GOC Patreon servers: https://www.patreon.com/GOC

★Join the GOC Discord: https://discord.gg/goc

Techopolis 2 Mod Pack – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/techopolis-2

Techopolis 2 is a tech based modpack with mods like Mekanism, Themal Expansion, Immersive Engineering, AE2, Flux Networks, Little Logistics & More! Can you craft all the Technium Ingots?

Uses a purpose built mod called Miners to create various muti-block structures to produce different materials including ore miners, tree absorbers and fluid absorbers!

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

#Minecraft #Techopolis #Modded

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  • Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!

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  • Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!

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  • Join Skeleton for Minecraft lifesteal smp 🔥💀 Now live!

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  • Unbelievable find: JJ and Mikey discover hidden treasures in village! – Minecraft

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  • Dungeon Time in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 – Insane Treasure Hunt

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  • Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs’ Success NOW

    Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs' Success NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘HILFE FÜR TRYMACS ist DA! | Minecraft Elements 2 Deutsch Folge 33’, was uploaded by Varietytime on 2024-08-24 16:00:14. It has garnered 416 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:56 or 7196 seconds. Welcome to the Minecraft project Elements 2 in German. Help for Trymacs is here! Have fun with the video! Participant: https://tinyurl.com/Teilnehmer-Elements-2 ✘ The best streaming products: https://elgato.sjv.io/R5QN0R ✘ The best gaming boosters at LevlUp: http://levlup.de/?ref=gtime ✘ Cheap servers: https://goo.gl/RhEDU1 👾: https://www.twitch.tv/gtimetv 📸: https://www.instagram.com/bildertime/ 🕊️: https://twitter.com/GamersTimeTV 🎬(Main): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMa7ctywc_TEKI_lKlpS-YA Discord: https://discord.gg/gtimetv ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ Music ★ Here you can always find… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tap Trick Goes Viral!

    Insane Minecraft Tap Trick Goes Viral!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft decorative tap#shortvideo#subscribe#like#minecraft#trending#song’, was uploaded by THARA GAMING on 2024-04-17 05:31:48. It has garnered 156 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Monarchia

    MonarchiaWelcome to Monarchia, a Towny Minecraft server with a closed gold economy and tons of awesome features! Whether you’re into epic land and sea battles with Siege and Movecraft, intense duels with cool kits, or riding into combat on your trusty horse, we’ve got you covered. You can also explore the world with BlueMap, brew some virtual drinks with our alcohol plugin, and dive into so much more. There’s always something exciting happening on Monarchia—come join the adventure! join.monarchia.fun Read More

  • LeafXP-TerraFirmaGreg modded SMP

    Welcome to our Discord community! We are a small community running several game servers. Recently, we opened a TFG modpack server and are looking for active players! TerraFirmaGreg is a Forge modpack that adds realism and challenge to Minecraft gameplay by including TerraFirmaCraft and GregTech mods. Learn more about the modpack here. The server is online 24/7 and includes a mod for region protection (1 player can private 50 chunks). Join us at https://ds.leafxp.net Read More