Ultimate Creeper Farm: 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft

Video Information

In today’s video I spent over 100 days in my hardcore World building the ultimate creeper statue of liberty with a massive high production creeper Farm inside of it this project was originally meant to be my episode three of the hardcore series but it ended up taking a

Ridiculous amount of time because of the immense amount of resources that I was going to need to finish such a job from Ultra efficient sand and concrete powder dupers to the tens of thousands of other blocks that I needed to get along with some pretty exciting surprises along the

Way this video has it all and if you do go on to enjoy it then it would mean a lot to me if you subscribe because we are so close to 500k also don’t forget to drop a like down below if this video gets to 20,000 likes I will do episode 4

And one last thing you should totally go follow my Twitter because it is a great place to see sneak peeks for videos and see updates about my channel along with the other dumb things that I typically share on there thank you all for everything that you do for me now on to episode

Three all right here we are in our beautiful hardcore world and you may be noticing something different this time I have shaders now just look at how good this world looks with shaders isn’t that just so pretty and we also got this custom Sky which may have been in the

Last episode I don’t know today we are going to make ourselves a creeper Farm because I need gunpowder since we got our apolline wings beautiful elytra I now need gunpowder so we can actually fly set elytra and to get gunpowder I’ve got quite a lot of things that I’m going

To need I’m going to need sand for the gunpowder lots of gravel a ton of concrete powder which is made from sand and gravel and I’m going to need dye or said concrete powder to make a bunch of different red colors green colors Grays and whites but first in the last video I

Did mention that I was going to name all of our doggo friends here and let’s go ahead and do that but not until after I go to sleep so I don’t have to deal with any of the mobs because I’m not a big fan of that let me sleep let me sleep

All right it is now a new day and let’s go ahead and get ourselves three name tags I’m not sure if I actually got any of my Librarians up to the right level to even get the name tags but we’re about to find out maybe if I’m lucky

There’ll just be one inside one of these dump chests uh no but we got some Gunpowder I will be needing gunpowder right off the bat so that way I can use it to make ourselves some fireworks because I need fireworks now so we can go find a nice you know place to get

Some sand and gravel boom boom boom three fresh never Frozen name tags all right we have three different comments here that will be on the screen for all three of the names so first up we have the beautiful name Snivy based on the starter from Pokémon Black and White

Thank you for the amazing comment it was super nice next comment we got is Fen reer which is actually a name that we’ve already used on the channel before so we got Fen reer thank you for the comment and then finally we have ducky for this super nice comment that they left and

Again if you guys want to have your own mobs that are named with their own custom colors and name tags for whichever mob you want then go ahead and leave comments down below and maybe you will be the person to have them in the next video but for now I’ve got some of

The dyes I actually am missing the green Dy so for now Snivy is not going to be named I am so sorry Snivy let’s get back and give them their names the blue one is named fener that’s Snivy and then we got duck which is the yellow one Ben

Rear we’re going to make you ducky and give you a yellow one and then you will have a green one in the future but for now I don’t have one ironically I need green anyways so you will be named don’t worry you will get your green color so

Now that we have all of our dogs named I’m actually going to get our inventory kind of situated because we are going to need ourselves a silk touch pickaxe which for some reason I don’t have on me and we’re going to need ourselves a shovel and then we’re going to place

Ourselves one one of these bad boys right here oh I I completely forgot that all this stuff was in here wow okay um we’re going to do the shulker boxes we’re going to set up our shulker boxes real quick two red shulkers I am so disorganized this is so disorganized I

Hate it all right so inside of our shulker we’ve got our two red we’ve got our two Blues we’re going to get ourselves one more yellow so that way we can have two Yellow shulker Boxes and then for now the last two will just remain the ugly

Purple because I don’t have space for them all right so it’s actually the next day I organized my inventory a little bit and I kind of got together things that I would need um I looked everywhere so we’ve got 18 gunpowder and three sugarcane that’s all we have our

Fireworks which is going to be extremely problematic I don’t know what we’re going to do there but for now we’re going to get ourselves a new pickaxe and a new shovel I have all these pickaxes like everywhere but I don’t have a silk I don’t have a silk Dutch one I have

Your mother the hoe fun fact I also don’t have wood I got the wool to make a bed so I can take it with me I left myself nothing what is wrong with me I spent it all in these nerds all right let’s get some emeralds out of here and

We’re probably going to need a trade so hopefully some of these guys will take my sticks I’m going to need a ficiency 5 and Unbreaking actually where’d mending guy go I will take a second mending book so we can get a shovel we have her Unbreaking guy offering them

For the beautiful price of basically free my favorite price I love that I know I have one oh wait is that a there’s a creep there’s creepers over there there’s mobs spawning what it’s a thunderstorm we can get skeleton Riders all right focus focus first boom efficiency 5 I need two

Of those let’s go it’s 1.19 so my stick Traders actually work not you you’re you’re still broken which is fine all right we got what we needed uh efficiency 5 cool all right so we got efficiency 5 we have our silk touch uh um silk touch for the shovel would be

Nice as well but I don’t know if any of these guys actually sell silk touch do any of you want to sell me silk touch sharpness all right any I don’t think anyone’s telling me silk touch that’s fine we still got exactly what we need let me make sure this creeper actually

Let’s go take orphan obliterator out for a nice swing let’s get this creper come here man yes gunpowder we have any horses out here no but we do have mobs that was a crisp crunchy kill those are my favorite kinds of kills oh man nothing is better than like the having

The best sword in Minecraft like this thing so good we’re going to go down here get this other creeper I guess because we’re desperate for gunpowder all right so we have 25 gunpowder it’s not the best but I mean you know it could do all right so apparently no more strikes of lightning

Want to happen right now and I don’t have a trident to go mob head hunting so so we’re actually just going to go to sleep so no creepers do any damage all right perfect no more creepers let’s make the pickaxe first so we’re going to first give the pickaxe Unbreaking three

Efficiency five my Anvil just broke ah dude come on it’s the first come on all right we have Unbreaking three efficiency five silk touch and mending and now only 21 levels that’s not bad all right so we got our pickaxe with all of its enchantments for 21 levels and I

Thought of the absolute perfect name we’re going to call this bad boy can’t silk touch this let’s go that’s such a dumb name I love it so much now we just need ourselves a good shovel if I had another efficiency 4 I’d just give it that but uh for now efficiency 5

Unbreaking three and oh man if I give it this is just going to not have silk touch that’s going to be it I hope I have enough to enchant one of these cost 13 so we just need a little bit of capitalism hello my fine s you’re broken

Ah man of culture beautiful exactly what I need enjoy the pit that you live in that you call home all right we are enchantments for our shovel and we’re going to give this one the beautiful name dirt dispatcher because alliteration is key to a good name if

You otherwise don’t have one all right so we got our beautiful bow now we have our axe sword we have our silak touch and our Fortune pickaxes and we have our new dirt dispatcher shovel so we are pretty much set to go I just need sugarcane now and you know what while

We’re at it oh I wait I haven’t leveled up my Farmer oh no that awkward moment when you haven’t leveled up your farmer and you need a source of good food that you don’t have I do have cows cookies are not good I am sorry farmer give me what I want golden

Carrots one for golden carrots so we got some golden carrots now and as much as I’d love to keep trading I actually don’t have any wood to make sticks to even trade for more food sources so for now for now we’re we’re just going to grab oursel a red Shuler plop this guy

Down and unfortunately we’re going to take along this these bad sources of food and we’re going to save the golden carrots for last so we got some cooked pork chops we got bread we got all the stuff which I mean it’ll probably be good enough you know all right so now

That we have all of that situated there are a couple of things that we’re going to need to start Gathering one I need sand lots of sand two need gravel three I need more sugar canes so I could make a farm for the sugarcane in the first

Place and and we also need Cactus so we got to find ourselves a desert what is that is that a there’s no way it’s a desert no way uh honestly don’t know all right honestly on the way over I can’t resist this pile of cows because I am so

Desperate for food and when I eventually go to make like some kind of storage system I will need lots of leathers you know what I’m sorry cows it’s just natural selection you should not have been near me natural selection strikes at any time it could affect you too in

The comments all right and luy enough this is not a desert we do have a pretty sizable amount of sand though so we could do this one of two ways I could either one completely demolish whatever desert I find or two use the end portal to duplicate sand and gravel I think I’m

Going to be doing number two anyways because we need concrete powder and concrete powder is expensive to make oh looky here should I start a raid oh okay never mind the raid Captain just died on his own I like how the game decided for me I

Could have started a raid in my own Village game was like nope you can’t have that ooh look at the cave system down there all right the sun went down and honestly since I’m out here there’s a lot of creepers let’s get a couple of quick kills before going over to find

Ourselves some uh sugar cane then once we have that we can just make you know some fireworks for our elytra and we can find a desert the real way and of course the second I say this it’s starts raining there’s more zombies than there are creepers there’s a witch okay this

Simple little creeper hunt has turned into an army following me oh that actually jump scared me you not oh no no no really go on explode explode jerk really what a guy man all right so it seems like every 10 seconds in this world it wants to rain but last

Night did go pretty well I got this beehive full of bees with silk touch for future project and I managed to get out of there with 64 plus an additional 16 Stacks gunpowder we also apparently got a stack of stakes I killed a whole bunch of cows looting three be hitting

Different anyways though today we’re going to grab some sugarcane because we’re going to make fireworks and once we have our fireworks we can go find ourselves a desert and begin collecting lots of sand and and gunpowder so I do know there was a couple bits of sugar

Cane laying around this back area I need a couple of stacks to be honest I need enough to make a solid amount of paper and I also need to make a sugarcane farm as well so that way we can you know really start to push the boundaries what

We’ve got there’s some over there by a crafting table I apparently placed so honestly let’s I guess go start over there all right now that I’m over here there are a couple of other bits of sugar canane here and there and I’m thinking maybe what I’ll do is we’ll

Just grab a couple of these for now and make enough fireworks and then as I’m flying with the fireworks we can find more sugarcane as we go cuz I don’t want to waste a ton of time on sugarcane even though I do need it we’ve also got some

Easy gravel right here so we can grab a little bit of gravel if I can find myself like a gravel desert as well that would be absolutely perfect to get lots of gravel all right hopefully this will be enough sugar canane all right so I scouted out this

Area area and we ended up with a measly 27 sugarcane it’s really not that much but it’ll it’ll have to do for now we’ll just we’ll make ourselves some fireworks and we’ll use the fireworks to actually go and find a much better source of both sugar cane and a desert because

Typically you know when you find a desert you also find shurie also who needs boats when you have dep Strider and you just go fastf also you know what since I’m here I’ve got some bones we’re going to take the bones and we’re going to get these wolves boom one wolf come

On two wolves who wants to be friends be friends three wolves these guys really like me and four look at that so if you guys want to name these wolves in the comments go ahead and leave some interesting nice anything really you can leave a joke you can leave just a nice

Comment and you will have a chance to pick your color and name don’t forget to leave your color and name as well you can name one of these guys look at these guys they’re so cute I love Minecraft wolves all right we are back home and we

Have all of our new wolf friends we got one oh nope oh okay I didn’t mean to right clicking with the food and they made a baby so if you want to also name the baby you could leave a comment for him but for now you guys just you just

Sit down so real quick we’re going to make ourselves some fireworks and we’re going to clean out our inventory since it is quite a mess all right so our inventory is mostly clean and we’re going to go ahead and make as much of this as we can get

How many fireworks can I actually get if I make tier one fireworks we can make ourselves actually quite a few okay a stack and 17 and we still got 53 gunpowder so we can make a whole lot more I know they’re only tier ones but honestly that’s not too bad so

Let’s find ourselves a desert I have a good feeling about this direction since I know I came from that direction so we’re going to go ahead and pop these bad boys on also quick Pro tip if you do use an elytra the second you land in your hardcore World take it off actually

Let’s make a bed real quick before I leave don’t leave your elytra on I’ve seen countless people die because they get killed with an elytra on and it’s just is not worth it there we go real quick we’re going to sleep and we are ready to head out with our elytra all

Right this will be the first official flight with my elytra in this world let’s go it just looks so pretty with shaders as well I’m kind of scared that the performance over time in this world is going to get worse with shaders but maybe I’ll be forced to build another

New pc I guess I don’t know we have the most decadent biome to ever graze our existence this Gorge biome I love this biome also real quick I see both these guys and we got ourselves some more sugar cane so we can get some more fireworks all right let’s

Go we found ourselves another Village boy what this area is not even that far away from my house I mean this Village sucks but like the land is so much more flat I could have done a man we could have done so much with this area maybe

We’ll come back in the future also for now we got some free gold blocks over here love to see that I also have to be a lot more careful with my elytra just in case because I don’t have totems of undying so inside the chest we have huh

16 iron nuggets two blocks of gold and a golden apple I didn’t know you could find gold blocks in the loot chest of these that’s crazy we got three gold blocks oh this actually works out normally when I build a creeper farm right I make them in this typical kind

Of fashion that I normally have in the past where I please don’t land in snow okay where I use use a kind of smelter style where they all go down into uh an area where they just sit on top of like blocks and burn however this time I’m

Going to use snow golems so creepers actually are attracted to snow golems so they’ll throw snowballs at them which will damage them which will make them want to go to the center and then they will fall directly to their demise that is the goal so for snow golems we’re

Going to get ourselves a bunch of snow I don’t really need too much snow but probably like a stack all right so we ended up with a stack and two snow blocks so we’ve got our snow blocks for the snow golems we are good to keep going hopefully we can find

A you know close by desert that will give us exactly what we want ooh we didn’t find exactly what we’re looking for here but we did find this Pillager Outpost we could actually use this to make a raid Farm if we wanted to it’s not super close but it’s also not that

Far away maybe I’ll just jot down the coordinates to this real quick all right so we got that marked down and I’m actually going to head back the opposite direction that I’m going because I am already 4,000 blocks away from home ooh we got ourselves another abandon portal

Let’s go it’s not looking like I’m going to be finding a desert anywhere near this direction which kind of sucks but I mean give me gold block why is this one so high up I’m just going to have to use wood planks so yeah our plan is going to

Be to go in the the opposite direction and hopefully we can find a desert that’s a lot closer than this because 4,000 blocks is quite the distance if you’re noticing oh that was the most dumb thing I have done in a while if you’ve noticed I already have almost

Half of my fireworks gone which means that you know to get out here I’m spending that many fireworks and then to get back I’m also spending about that many fireworks so in reality I don’t want to be that far out and get stranded without fireworks so for now we’re just

Going to go back home you know I haven’t flown with an ltra in so long that I forgot exactly how fast these things really are this took like a couple of minutes to get home a couple thousand blocks within minutes you know how long that would take by foot okay so we got

Some more sugarcane and we’re going to make some more fireworks boom back up to a stack and a half fireworks we’re going to go to sleep for the night and we’re going to head the other direction hopefully find ourselves a village and hopefully find ourselves a desert so we

Can actually get the sand that we need all right we’re all set to go let’s fly I’m going to head in this direction Direction this time I know I came from that direction but I came from more of that way so I’m going to go this way all

Right so actually I I don’t think I’m going to go that way I know I’m super indecisive but I’m pretty sure a lot of the area looked familiar okay when I was going that way it looked really familiar and I think that is actually closer towards my world spawn so last time I

Went more that way this time I’m going to go this way off to the side and maybe hope that I can get out of this biome that we’re in cuz like all the biomes now in Minecraft generate around similar biomes so if I want to find something

Like a desert it’s not going to be next to like a Snowy Mountain you know what I mean oh we have a mangrove tree there’s a cave under there actually that’s not a mangrove tree everyone in the comment is going to yell at me I forg yo wait wait what

Huh this is like right next door there is a spruce Village there’s a spru this is a big wait that looks like two Spruce Villages there are two Spruce Villages right next to my house yo wait a second dude that’s even better they’re right next to one of these and if you’re

Wondering how I have things like this for my world saved I literally have a notepad I write all the stuff in the notepad I’m like yo there’s this thing over here there’s that thing over there and then maybe I come back and use them back when I was doing 600 days of

Hardcore Minecraft in that world I had so many things saved in a notepad I have been traveling for what seems like decades and all I have found is the the ocean the great ocean beneath me now it feels like I’m playing rlcraft is that an island I’ll get back to you when I

Actually find something of Interest no way what what dude I have never no stop I have never found one of these in vanilla Minecraft like without using like a Traer if we do this I could literally get totems of undying right now okay okay wait wait wait so there’s

Like secret chest rooms where where do the evokers stay the evokers are in the top right dude yes let’s go I am so psyched about this I haven’t done one of these in so long either okay okay okay so if okay the evokers are going to be dangerous so ooh that’s dangerous those

Being half broken scares me all we’re going to put our chest P actually no we need to get on top of the roof uh so we need better food we have steak steak is good we have golden apples and I think we’re just we’re just good to take this

On we’re going to put the desert run on a hold for a second and we’re going to get totems of undying dude let’s go what else can I find in here oh I see you I think it’s almost night time so I should probably like set up my bed over here

And probably sleep so it doesn’t it doesn’t become nighttime while I’m inside there just to make things as safe as possible all right boys it is morning time I don’t need this bed here because we are in hardcore and it is time um I’m not going to lie I’m a little nervous

Cuz evokers can do quite a bit of damage we got golden apples we got steak uh let’s get a type of block that I can build with I really don’t have any blocks do I I guess if I really have to I can build gravel type of block that I

Can build with to block out any of the enemies we have our bow which is great and we have our sword let’s do this man should I land there or should I land in the roof I think I’m going to land here all right so we’re going to land right

Here and before the Vex have a chance to start spawning we’re going to switch to this oh I need torches as well all right it’s go time oh God not what I expected immediately used to get jump scared by oh oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy get me out of

Here oh my God we’re not going to lose a hardcore World we’re not going to lose a hardcore world no you let’s go let’s go all right we’re going to do a we’re going to do a retreat cuz we got a whole bunch of V oh

Boy this is not looking so good all right we got rid of one of them all right they’re spawning they’re spawning way too many way too many Tactical tcal Retreat tactical Retreat let’s get out of there I have oh boy my combat skills are not up tonight okay what do we get

What do we get totem of undying let’s go ow they’re following me the problem is we gave the evoker too much time to actually spawn in vindicators I think I’m out of range so they can’t spawn more they just won’t stop they won’t stop though they do so much damage oh my

God I’m actually shaking right now now and I feel like absolute trash this is why I don’t play PVP I don’t do PVP in Minecraft I see that enchanted sword and I wonder why you hurt so much yeah you didn’t expect me to have a

Bow did you jerks come back come on come back all right I have taken out a consider there’s still more he must still be spawning them he must be spawning them where is he oh I see him he is is he’s still spawning you jerk stop stop this could go on forever is

This like Naruto every single I’m like every single Naruto villain right now and these guys are just Naruto constant Shadow clones L plus ratio L plus lus ratio lus ratio L ratio this is why I don’t use keyboard and mouse for competitive games how far back can I go that will

Stop him from spawning more that is the question bro I I am done with this you know what yeah maybe one is enough I think we’re good I think we’re the entire time my AC was on all right I’m just going to say it now my room gets

Very very hot when I play Minecraft with shaders and I have the AC on in the background and if you can hear it in the background I am so sorry it’s not going to be there for every clip but it might be there for some of them because it’s

Really really hot in my room all right so we got away with there with one totem of undying which is pretty cool but I kind of want more I know there’s more there there was an evoker up dude he’s still you’re lying they’re still spawning them at this distance I can’t

Safely even use my elytra you know what yeah we’re done we’re done here we’re done oh is this let’s go okay let’s put her let’s put her bed down and oh my God why are you still here you are the most annoying enemy to fight and the most

Annoying enemy to hit I feel like I suck at Minecraft right now that’s how much these guys are trolling me they they just they were are you kidding all right we’re going to sleep we got a totem of undying more importantly though I found a gravel Beach okay so we’re going to

Grab our Ender Chest pop this boy right here and I guess we’re going to put all our stuff so we got snow in there we got that get rid of this get rid of that get rid of that put some tools in there since I don’t need everything put the

Iron in there all right this is uh silk touch cool boom we now have incredible storage let’s get ourselves a whole bunch of Gravel all right so I ended up with quite a few stacks of gravel so in total we got not quite a full Shuler but we got about this much honestly the plan is when I make concrete powder of each of the colors that I need we’re just going

To duplicate that using an end portal so in reality I don’t think I need a ton more gravel but if I did want to get more there is like so much gravel on this beach in fact I kind of even missed grabbing some so you know I think we’re

Pretty good on top of that since uh we’re using a shovel we also got you know a solid bunch of Flint which can be traded one for one for villagers I think stick Traders I think Fletchers also like Flint you can actually use fortune

3 if you use a fortune 3 on uh gravel it’ll give you guaranteed Flint which is pretty cool but but either way we have gotten our first item which is gravel and I may casually also want to take some of this coal and iron I think I’m

Going to mark this as well we can come back to it in the future if we need it but for now we are going to continue flying this way see if we can find ourselves a desert all right I know I said I was going to find myself a desert

But like seconds after I recorded that little clip I found this area over here that’s got so much exposed coal oh no oh no it’s got so much exposed coal I can’t control myself All right I didn’t mind all of it but I did get a ton I’ve got three stacks plus an additional seven coal ore and then I also grabbed some copper ore because you know honestly why not Copper’s kind of cool I can use it in the future maybe I

Know I need these resources because I kind of burned through a lot of them in the last episode so it’s good that we get these now before we actually you know get big farms like I can get coal in the future from a Wither Farm where I

You know Farm wither skeletons but for now just making sure I have enough and also I a loot Goblin and can’t resist stuffing anything into my grammy Pockets anyways let’s carry back on once again we find oursel in more cold biomes when I’m looking for a desert ooh we got

Ourselves a shipwreck along the way let’s go ahead and check out this bad boy maybe we can find a treasure map going into shipwrecks is so much easier now that I have all of the water enchantments ooh okay so we got some paper which is super useful now when

Normally it wouldn’t be because we need fireworks and we have a treasure map that is hopefully this way cuz I was traveling this way oh it’s it’s got to be one of these pieces of land it can’t be that far away also there is a ooh

Okay oh okay we’re about to find it cool and there’s wait a second there’s another thing in the distance right first let’s grab our sugarcane boom not going to go over there we got a whole bunch of sugarcane right here see this is why we need a desert which is kind of

Ironic cuz at this point I passed up enough of these areas that are full of sand that I probably could have just gotten all the sand I needed from them but you know what maybe if we go to a desert we can find like a desert temple

Or something as well and maybe find a god Apple oh it’s like right around this area this is a big map normally they’re not this big so it’s like somewhere in this vicinity right here I know there’s a trick you can use to find exactly where treasure maps are but honestly I

Just normally dig technically I need the sand anyways so you know see who needs deserts when you just find treasure maps all right at this point it’s got to be like under here how have I actually not found it yet that’s kind of concerning oh it’s like over here more it’s like in

This area there it is boom that’s how you find a treasure map you just destroy everything right we got 11 Gold beautiful we’re up to 11 emeralds we have more iron we got some TNT and some fish I will take the heart of the sea for future uses give her the Sandstone

We’ll take the TNT let’s go and now we got a bunch of sand I just realize I broke my own cardinal sin I never took my elytra off yeah we keep finding these guys everywhere and it is raining again we’re going to keep heading this way and hopefully we can stumble into something

Oh this is a good sign we got savanas savanas normally spawn near deserts oh we have we have an ACAA Village do you have a blacksmith not going to lie I don’t know what the blacksmith looks like in the ACAA Village and I’m too lazy to land yo

Desert let’s go Okay cool so first thing that we need while we’re here is going to be Cactus I need a whole bunch of cactus ooh there’s terra cotta as well all right we’re going to grab a whole bunch of cactus here so that way we can

Make our green dye for the creeper we’re going to use regular green concrete powder we’re going to use lime green and we’re going to use green actual concrete I think lime green regular concrete let’s grab some Cactus all right so so far we’ve got 39 Cactus we don’t need a ton we just need enough to make the concrete powder originally and I think it’s kind of crazy this desert took 6,000 blocks to get to and this place honestly kind of sucks we have any M shafts any any

Visible M shafts we have a nether portal just just something to make this worth my time you know what I mean it took forever it took like a solid hour and a half to get out here un including the distractions if you include the distractions that’s honestly I can’t

Complain cuz I got a whole bunch of free stuff but you know what this desert still took forever to get to oh so it’s it’s just a basic little guy two golden apples okay and garbage and no gold blocks there’s probably a gold block hidden under the lava yeah it it doesn’t

Feel worth it sometimes they spawn underneath inside of like the the nether back not worth it all right before we go ahead and get ourselves what we came here for let’s check out the desert and see if we got any places we can like

Loot oh this is a big desert it is as empty as it is large okay we got a desert village I could take their wheat oh we got a desert temple you guys have led me to the promised land take off that I love how in between these videos

Whenever I have like an overarching goal I accomplish it but at the same time I also do all this extra stuff like I’ll like be like yo we’re going to go find a desert so we can get cactus and sand and then I’ll like stop at like 18 different

Generated structures any creepy Boys in here no no creepers no one just creeping around we’re going to block those and block that too why not I think it’s kind of cool cuz it’s kind of like you know the old-fashioned like YouTube where there’s like let’s play episodes except

This time now we have like a general oh oh General goal okay we got six gunpowder take the bones cuz why not you know we’ll take everything we have storage now we have a saddle Golden Apple pretty cool besides that this some pretty mediocre loot we have dep Strider

3 I don’t even want that and we have two pieces of gold this is one of the most disappointing temples I’ve ever been to I’ll take my TNT and I will leave all right so I looked around the desert a bit more and I did find a second village

Over here but besides this awesome coral reef down here that I could use in the future to get myself corals and also be able to duplicate TNT for like bigger projects there’s not much else here so we’re just going to find oursel a spot and we’re going to get what we came here

For wait I just went to this one right yeah I just came out of that one all right we have a buried nether portal we can go to this real quick we also have a shipwreck I literally am wrong I oh my God okay you know what we’re going to do

This where’s a chest aha some more iron nuggies delicious I love Iron nuggies we’ll take the fire charge cuz who knows what you could use it for and I’m not seeing any gold blocks and I’m not going to dig it up so that’s fine let’s go check out

That shipwreck and then we’re going to get some sand so ironically there is another Village over there while going down to the Shipwreck area find that kind of funny let’s see what kind of treasure we got in here maybe there will be another map where we can find some

Dundes some decadent diamonds we got some paper I think that’s where the treasure map would have been so this is probably a dud and yeah okay I mean we got lapis and iron and stuff that’s cool pretty disappointing overall though all right sand time all right so my shovel is just about

Broken here and we have just about two shulker boxes full of sand honestly this is a lot of sand but it’s also not in comparison to the size of the project but the goal is to craft the actual concrete powder that we need and then use them to duplicate by placing them

Over top of the end portal cuz that would be way more cost effective mainly for the gravel since gravel is just really not easy to come by you know what I mean like finding gravel beaches not very common but all right we are pretty much ready to start heading home now I

Need to get more shulker boxes and organize these These are such a mess where did I put the wood it’s got to be in here okay there we go those crafting bench so we’re going to use all of this actually we’ll use half of this to make

Paper so I can replant and we’re going to craft oh yeah that’s plenty that’s plenty to get home easily and then since our elytra is really not looking good this I didn’t actually plan this but it works really well what I could do is grab cash money here for both the shovel

And the elytra we can put the elytra in the offhand place a whole bunch of this all right we’re going to just place out all of this coal probably just a stack I don’t think we need to do more than a stack to be honest this is one of the

Most satisfying Parts about having ores and I guess because it’s night time we’re going to sleep take our bed and we’re going to use our fortune 3 pickaxe to fully repair our elytra this is the coolest thing about this normally I would bring extra like bottles of

Enchanting but I don’t actually have any on me some kind of emerald por again since my Traders are just now coming back from being broken I think it was a 1.8.2 bug to be honest after switching to 1.19 no problems including in my VR World which if you haven’t seen you

Should totally go check out the VR video it’s really good wow that really did not too much much um all right you know what this will give us a little bit of XP that doesn’t have mending though I never gave this mending all right we’re going

To grab a bunch of those I need red anyways so that’ll give us some XP I guess I just don’t want the elytra to break am I really going to have to sit here and mine all of this coal all right so that’s about all we

Got we got our elytra just barely back into the green that should probably be plenty and look how much we got let’s see how many blocks this is we ended up getting 46 blocks of coal plus additional six plus seven more ore that I didn’t mind you know what

Let’s all right there we go now we have 23 make that into the blocks boom 48 blocks and five and we have both fireworks and our elytra is good to go take cash money out of our hot bar and honestly we are all set to finally go

Back home after this long journey all right let’s go I didn’t accidentally just Spam three more more fireworks and waste them that was you you did that why did you do that well on my way back home flying over thousands of blocks I made a couple of

Pit stops along the way I ended up finding an abandoned portal that had a juicy two goldem blocks inside ended up finding this Village that had a blacksmith that had a whopping nothing couple of bars of gold pretty cringe and to top it all off I found this shipwreck

That inside one of the chests had a map that allowed me to go and find this extremely difficult to find underwater treasure nearby that had a whole bunch more iron some emeralds and a heart of the sea sadly though none of these things that all could have had diamonds

Except for the portal did have diamonds but you know what I was now back home and things were looking good from here all right we are finally back home after my several hour long like 4H hour long Excursion we got ourselves pretty much everything that we needed including the

Cactus that we can use to actually go ahead and change the color of the name tag of our dog we got ourselves gravel beautiful we got ourselves two shulkers full of sand and we also got a whole bunch of random just other stuff and we got the cactus so we can actually cook

One piece of cactus and make green I think Snivy would be better represented as like lime green so maybe we’ll just make some like lime green dye which is what we’re going to be making anyways because we need to make lime green concrete powder speaking of which

Concrete powder is made so we have base concrete powder which is made with sand gravel and then whatever diet you want so we’re going to need red concrete powder we’re going to need dark green concrete powder we’re going to need lime green we’re going to need white concrete

Powder and light gray and there may be a couple of we also need black so we’re going to need Squid Ink but for now you can go ahead and combine one of these and one of these to make lime green and we’re going to go change the color of

Snivy’s collar all right and boom Snivy is now green let’s go we had Snivy ducky and Fen reer and now that we have a bunch of our ingredients we’re going to be taking them all together crafting ourselves every type of concrete powder and concrete that we need and we’re

Going to go to the end portal make a little Hopper setup and just sit there duping and duping and duping unfortunately I actually don’t remember where my end is because my dumbness did not record the coordinates in the last episode so we’re going to have to find

It again luckily I still have a ton of eyes vendor I’ve got 14 which is easily enough to find it and I don’t think it’s even that far from here so honestly things is going to go pretty well all right so I spent the last day gathering

Together some of the resources that I had to figure out exactly which of these I was going to need I already kind of had it planned out we’re going to need lime green concrete powder and then some of the lime green concrete powder will become concrete we’re going to need

Green concrete powder which is just going to be used as concrete powder we’re going to need black concrete powder which will mainly be used as black concrete and we also need a light gray concrete conrete powder which will stay as powder and then we will need white concrete powder and white concrete

These are going to be the Staples of the duplication essentially we’re going to take all of these over to our end portal and we’re just going to sit there duplicating I kind of did some rough math on how much I’m actually going to need and it’s uh to say the least it is

Rough I need a total of 22 Shuler boxes full of stacks of these blocks and I didn’t do the exact math on stacks of which ones because at that point I realized me counting the pixels on creepers in Photoshop would take longer than just to duplicate an absolute ton

Of these and make a bunch of trips so honestly now that I have these ready and made that’s pretty much what we’re going to do I also do have a bunch of these as backups but unfortunately you know like I I need the dieses so if I do have the

Dyes then I can go ahead and make back up like more concrete powder using the gravel and sand that I have but if I don’t have dye then it’ll probably just be more trips to the end to duplicate but for now I have to get rid of all of

This stuff from my shulkers so I can maximize the the amount of stuff that I can bring back with me from the end trips all right so we got our shulkers and our inventory all cleared up we got all of our empty shulkers here the red

One is sitting back over by the house with the other remaining things that we need before we go on our trip I have to repair our elytra with mending because uh yeah we kind of like burned through it and for now I’m not wasting my sword

To get some sticks so I’m going to waste some regular wood instead which kind of sucks since I’m really low on resources right now but you know what it’s a gr ual step we’re gradually becoming rich here couple more big farms and this world is going to be all set to go oh

Look at that it’s already done and we got our totem of undying now guys want to give me a little more yeah perfect let’s see if the farmer is still selling his gold carrots at the good price ah yes beautiful golden carrots I will take all 36 of those thank you good sir

Stupid chump all right looks like we are pretty much to go I’m going to grab some more iron just so that way when we get there we can make like a nice little Hopper and then I’ll ALS also have a bed for myself so that way we can just keep

Going in and out of the end to pick up the resources since I only have one stack of each for now but soon we will have hundreds of stacks after I spend the next 4 hours in the end so yeah here is my new dumping area I just dumped all

This crap into these chests I really need to make a sorting system in one of these episodes but yeah this is mainly what we’ll be bringing we got plenty of iron to make lots of hoppers in the end we’ve got some coal we’ve got you know all of our concrete powders extra food

And stuff or tools and we are pretty much set to go I’m also going to bring infinite water source in there since I’m not quite sure I haven’t duplicated sand in a while and I’m not quite sure if I can even set up like a hopper system to collect it or if

I’ll have to like make Paths of water that will lead all of the drops into a hopper system either or we’re we’re going to find out but for now we are pretty much good to go I’m going to sleep and then we’re going to make our way to our end also found some

Watermelons not sure if I have these but I will also take these I can make a nice melon melon farm for like Farmers Farmers love melons you know I’m starting I don’t remember this biome I’m starting to think that this is leading me towards a entirely different

Stronghold than I’ve been to before and I’m not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing all right it finally turned around we I okay I just lost that that’s nice I do not remember this area I think this is an entirely new stronghold oh

Look at all this coal must resist all right I’m going to resist the coal we’re going to go to the end and begin the duplication process I think I finally found it it just went straight in the ground right here I think finally after all this time I found dad I I mean

Stronghold I found the stronghold sorry U anyways I need a shovel to actually get down there cuz I don’t have my shovel this is actually a new stronghold because I’ve I’ve never dug down to it so oh no I hope I have enough Eyes of Ender I swear no please please don’t do

It to me have the Torches in my inventory man they’re in the Shuler all right I hear skeletons I hear mobs where’s the stronghold oh it is a fresh stronghold that is my favorite I hear tons of mobs in here too all right we got a whole lot of creepy Boys in here

Yo is that wait a second ooh okay nice Golden Apple I will take it let’s light some of this area up so we just don’t have to deal with these mobs as much there is iron and stuff but I’m going to resist mining all that and we’re going

To go straight to the end wow this place is a mess luckily I don’t have any blocks to build up to it he gone thought get rid of you and no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 yes it does

Not work out like that how does it work out like that boom let’s go okay uh we don’t need this door being wide open this is like super dangerous we’re going to light this room up and get rid of the sources of lava a’t nobody need lava

I’ve had enough spicy chocolate milk in my days am I right lactose intolerant gang wow I didn’t screw that up get rid of the lava don’t need you don’t need you just look at how gorgeous this is with shaders look look just look into the end portal gaze in its awe isn’t it

Just decadent all right so while we’re here I better set up home and get real cozy cuz we are going to be here for a long long time so we’re going to need this need our bed we’re going to pop our bed down right here set our spawn we’re

Going to just put something that’s obvious right there so I know my way out and we’re I think we pretty much just have to go to the end now or actually before we go to the end we can make the stairs now so let’s I say stairs I meant

Fence gate we can make the fence gates now whenever I do live commentary my brain just turns to Mush I swear we need some sticks I feel like it’s ironic I’m using Birch Birch is one of the like Woods that I barely ever build with and

This is the one thing I’m using it for all right now we just empty our inventory pretty much somewhere guess we’ll just make like an 80th chest so we can just dump here right pop down a random dump chest we got our carrots we got that that that’s important those are

Important and the rest of this honestly I don’t really care bunch of other random stuff just go in the trash and in the corner on the ground and I did not grab a second source of water so let’s just hope one source of water is all

That I actually need here we go so this is what I’ll pretty much be doing for like the rest of my life to be honest we’re going to do this one quick time with all the first Stacks to see if it’s actually going to work I don’t even know

If they patched this I meant to test it out in a creative world first but I did not do that and I already committed so you know what we’re just going to do this instead all right now is our time to shine if we go through this portal it

Should give us twice as much of all of them no did they patch it where did I get a crimson trap door from huh no way did they patch it am I going to have to make all this oh no okay hear me out maybe I

Did it wrong maybe I did it wrong we’re going to try one more time it should put me right back in the cave okay all right so I have good news and bad news um so yeah the good news is technically techically they’re not all patched I

Could still do it but the bad news is they’re actually mildly complex and would require a bunch of slime blocks and sometimes honey blocks and a whole lot of redstone and honestly I feel like just placing some sand up top is kind of not that big of a deal you know like I

Didn’t think that was a big deal but making a full Redstone Contraption here that generates like thousands of sand blocks an hour kind of is a little cheaty to me I don’t know I was okay with duplicating these the regular way because I didn’t think it was that bad

But yeah I think I came all the way here for nothing I guess we’re just going to take our bed pack our bags and go back home that means it’s unfortunately on to I guess Plan B which is then to do it the hard way where all of the color

Stuff that I need for example lime green and green I’m going to need a lot of cactuses which means I need to make a miniature cactus farm and I’m going to need a lot of bone so that way I can use the white wool or sorry the white dye to

Make lime green and and then squids I mean squids spawn pretty regularly in the ocean they’re not too bad but then I’ll also again need more skeletons so uh yeah that’s going to make this entire project take a lot longer than I originally planned I should have I

Should have just Googled it oh my God I wow kind of disappointed in myself not going to lie all right so I thought about it for a bit here and since now I’m going to have to go and gather a lot more gravel and a lot more sand that

Means if I want to make the trips more efficient I want to need more shulker boxes I’ve got looting three now so I can also fly to the places I think I had looting three last time so it doesn’t matter but I have the elytra and I can

Fly two issues here one if I kill shulkers I’ll have to sometimes put these in my offhand to keep the durability and two is Rockets I do not have a huge amount of rockets so if we don’t get lucky and find some good end cities this trip could be very dangerous

I could end up getting stuck places and have to do it the oldfashioned way where I have to build blocks across so so yeah I’m not looking forward to that also I didn’t want to kill as many end cities nearby because the in the future I want

To make a shulker farm and if you know how to make a shulker farm it’s uh it’s not easy you have to get a shulker all the way to the Overworld but you know what let’s do it I’m pretty much ready we got our totem in the off hand just in

Case and then I have the shield here so I can swap to it whenever I need so we can take on some uh shy boys oh oh wait no oh my God I guess it doesn’t matter because the NC’s have shulkers anyways or in chest anyways but if I would have left

This here I would have given up all access to my Ender Chest speaking of Ender Chest I think I have had more fireworks inside one of these boxes I hope I had more fireworks inside one of these boxes is that all I’ve got that’s all I’ve got all right we have to

Find an n city like ASAP all right let’s go before we go through there too just to make sure I’m extra safe I will grab myself a couple of Ender Pearls this is why flame kind of sucks when you’re fighting Enderman because then they just jump around and stuff did he drop

Nothing okay no two is not enough two is not enough six is pretty good we’ll go with six six is good all right now time for one of the best parts since I don’t have any trap doors up here we going to have to Ender pear our way

In oh no no no no no no no no no why you got to be that way an endermite i spawned an endermite in only two if I was making an Enderman Farm you know that’d be kind of cool but I’m not and he almost just killed me can I go in

You’re go away what what is going on go in I’m out of Ender Pearls now what go in oh okay we’re goodoo okay so I don’t actually know which direction I’ve even been in before here so I’m thinking I’m assuming I went that way last time since it doesn’t it

Has it probably has paths it looks like the easier way to go this looks like the harder way to go so we’re going to go this way I want to crank my render distance up but I might have to turn shaders off to do that so okay never

Mind actually um hello I may have been to this one before I can’t tell and I just I I haven’t turned shaders off my FPS is not the best but I’m at 48 render distance right now and this one has another end ship ooh yes please oh no I did go over here

Oh man that sucks okay if there’s any shulkers alive here I should leave them alive because I could take them to the Overworld so you know what there are a couple of shulkers I’m not going to kill these we’re we’re just going to keep going okay this is I think the end City

I saw in the distance during the last episode that I didn’t go to because it was too far away and honestly we’re just here for Shuler boxes so I mean we don’t have to go too far this one’s kind of small but honestly looking pretty good ooh

Actually oh God oh God okay let’s go down here and do this away from them we have another n city in the distance all right let’s get rid of you we have another n city in the distance we’ve got tons of V cities really close nearby so

We could like oh wait wa so we could literally just you know what hey hit me I don’t care hit me we could get one of these shulkers and take them back to the Overworld for a shulker farm and then I could just have as many shulkers as I

Want oh should I even kill this should I Mark the coordinates of this cuz what if there’s not that many over there should I go kill that one instead this one is so close you know what I think that’s what we’re going to do we’re going to

Mark this one down as a fresh end City and we’re going to go over to that one instead so that way I could use this for a future episode that’s what we’re going to do all right we got the coordinates down and we are headed to the next one

You know speaking of new episodes if you haven’t already you should really consider subscribing to the Channel all right it’s go time time to get us some more shulkers oo okay Unbreaking three and a couple of gold not really that good but I will be taking this free Ender Chest

It’s like stop signs they’re they’re free I spy with my little eye and City number uh technically four I guess this one’s a lot bigger maybe we’ll get a lot more shulkers here I see what three loot rooms maybe technically five possibly five I don’t know n cities are kind of

Hard to tell cuz sometimes they’re the rooms just look different I don’t know man all right let’s see what we get in this bad boy you know what you guys keep shooting me but I might as well check your chest just to see ooh let’s go four diamonds

And a g odd pair of leggings okay yo a whole bunch of stuff I like the gold gold is going to be super useful for the future time to use a Pro Gamer move if you have a looting sword in your off hand while shooting with a bow you still

Have the Looting effect I think I actually did that backwards I think you’re supposed to have the bow in the off hand yeah I did that backwards all right let’s see what loot room number two has to offer dude this is actually really good loot three more

Diamonds more gold mending boots and a sharpness four diamond sword I’ll take the horse armor too because I am a hoarder and for now because I’m lazy also a lazy hoarder I’m going to dump all this random stuff into my Ender Chest speaking of Ender Chest I am up to

30 Shuler shells that’s 15 more boxes which means we officially have enough to get ourselves more than 22 shulkers full of all the resources that we’re going to need but I mean I’m still here and there’s still a bunch more places to loot so might as well just finish this up real quick Um what what I was just following the coordinates what is this place oh no I have to I have to at least get all the elytras I can’t I can’t pass up the elytras dude there’s three nend cities here what is going on I was was just heading back home all right elytra

Number One Secured I’m going to mark down the coordinates too let’s go ahead and also take this you can’t you know do an N City without taking the dragon head the first good oldfashioned sneak toggle so I don’t accidentally fall off and explode I did not expect to find this I

Really didn’t there’s another one there are four nend cities with end ship here he’s got emeralds I’ll take it he’s got Diamond gear a lot of Diamond gear actually I’ll take those two why not give me elytra now I don’t have to fear you know like losing elytras cuz I’ve

Got 18 million of them let’s go dragon head numero dose acquired came from that way so let’s go to this one oh I’ve already been to this one um wait the uh wait a second I just did that one I got what so it must be this way then I

Am heavily confused right now and and I didn’t expect to also be looting this many nend cities I expected to come in here just for the shulkers and of course on the way home I run into everything else that’s like hey yo you said you wanted n city all right here’s four of

Them here’s like 2 hours worth of gameplay for looting all right this one is missing its dragon head which is odd this one is cursed it’s missing the this is the second time this has happened to me is that another one there is another one in the distance I can’t do anything

In Minecraft without the game shoving loot in my face I don’t need all the diamonds and stuff like the diamond armor I don’t need those I also don’t need like you know all of the Shuler shells if I’m going to make a shulker farm however I can’t not

Take the elytras now I can enchant multiple elytras and take them on one trip and not have to worry about repairing them this has three diamonds inside it has more iron more gold and just more crazy tools what what even is this I actually am in a right now there

Is another n city over there that’s the one that got chopped there’s that one that I think I came from meaning I think that one is the next one that also has an nend City but I don’t see the dragon on that one it is really easy to get

Turned around while you’re doing this I’m not going to lie I’m kind of just using the dragon heads on the n city ships tell me if I’ve been there or not see that’s the broken one that’s the one that just jipped me meaning this is the

Right way I need to be extra careful about this though because I am running out of fireworks there’s another n city ship okay I’ve already been this way so it’s got to be this way all right so the problem is I actually just realized that

I am pretty much at that end City that I mentioned that was near my spawn I’m in a cluster of nend cities there is another one with another end ship that are somewhere near that portal that I had gotten out of I have to find the Portal now although oddly enough I don’t

Have nearly enough elytras for the amount of end ships that I have found yeah at this point that is not my concern I am more concerned with the fact that I’m down to 26 Rockets so now I’m just trying to find myself an Ender portal out of here oh wait this is the

Original okay here we go this is the original n city that I found in episode 2 meaning I am really close to the original portal I see a portal we found the portal oh I found freedom I am so so happy I didn’t expect this to be such a

Long trip I hope you guys all enjoy these longer episodes how I kind of just like segue and do other things along with the big projects because they take a lot of work to make and honestly I’ve been really happy doing them they’re a lot of fun I know they’ve been a little

Bit spread out but if you do want to see more then I highly recommend subscribing so you can see any future uploads that I do I also have some other pretty big modded projects coming out soon that I’m pretty sure you guys are going to like

So also if you do want to hear more about what I have planned and just other things about me in real life like what things I like pictures of my animals Etc then I also do have a Twitter that I don’t feel like I plug enough and I’m

Really trying to get you know an audience going on over there since that way when I do start streaming I can easily just say hey I’m streaming on Twitter and people will know so if you are interested in that there is a link in the description for Twitter along

With pretty much all of my other socials I know I also don’t plug this that much but I do also have a Discord server and I occasionally hang out in there although I do admit I get burnt out sometimes and I don’t end up being in

There as often as I could but you could also meet a lot of other cool people that also like my videos and just enjoy Minecraft and general but yeah we are finally back home that took oh we are not back home because my spawn is set no I might not have enough

Rockets to get home you only have 15 Rockets to fly all the way back to my base oh no oh no oh no I broke the bed so this is the actual World spawn also my render distance is still set to 50 chunks which is way more than I I

Definitely need how far away do I live oh did it just spawn it’s a thunderstorm too either way I have made a severe miscalculation it’s no big deal I’ve got this it’s only 4,000 blocks right we’re going to sleep sleep and I actually do have an idea don’t worry I do have an

Idea I can just oh okay I’m glad I want to deal with those guys we’re going to go hunt some creepers before they despawn what the what the no no no no no no I’m not getting hunted by Sky demons and witches what I hate it here I hate it here okay

We’re going to hunt creepers and we’re going to get paper and make ourselves enough to get out of here and just go all the way home 2 hours later oh I see my house there it it is it’s it’s kind of dumpy you know still just a crappy

Village in this tiny little humble Hut but you know what soon we will make a mega base soon but for now that is not our goal all right well now that we’re back home and I learned that I have way way more to do we’re going to need a lot

More gunpowder to make more fireworks to go back and find more gravel and deserts I think the next goal here since if you want to make concrete powder right I think it’s like half and half right let’s search let’s search concrete powder so like let’s say I wanted to

Make brown concrete powder yeah it’s half and half you need four sand four gravel and then whatever die you want so in a way if I go out and collect like 22 shulkers full of sand and then 22 shul actually more than 22 of shulkers of sand and then of gravel then afterwards

I can just use whatever dies I want right I can make some Farms here that’ll produce di for me in the process while I’m also building the creper farm so that way this project is not going to be as crazy long as I guess that would take

I don’t know I may have bit off a lot more than I should be chewing right now for the amount of stuff I have in my world all right so it’s now night time let’s go ahead and make ourselves all 18 shulkers wait 18 wait a second that’s

Not that’s not the number of shulkers that I was trying to make oh no did I actually just leave the end without making enough shulkers I mean this is still good this is still a good amount of shulkers but what we got like what 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 18 19 20 21 22 23 oh no okay no no I was right okay 20 23 total sh shulkers we’re good we’re good I was not going back to the end again no 24 actually 25 26 boom yeah we’re good

We’re good okay at this point I’m just panicking that the rest of my plan is not going to come together all right anyways now that we have that going on we need gunpowder so we can start flying again so let’s go out kill a bunch more

Creepers and then spend five or 6 hours collecting all the resources that we need oh hey guys what’s up you know it just so happens to me that I need both too you guys are perfect for the project that I want to build and its absolutely massive scale I

Am going to need so much more than just a couple of mob drops off the ground so it was right then and there that I stopped killing the mobs and began preparing the next big step of the plan all right so you may be wondering why am

I back in the nether well I need myself a couple buckets of lava so I can make a stone Farm either way I was going to need the stone Farm to make the base stand where the creeper Farm is going to sit in the ocean however I need it now

Because I need a lot of drops right I need a lot of gunpowder I need a lot of Bones and honestly this could just give me XP and other stuff as well you know it would just be profitable in general so the idea is I’m going to make the

Stone Farm gather lots of stone we’re going to build up into the sky using scaffolding and we’re going to make ourselves a mob farm in the sky super basic pretty much exactly like the mob farm that I made inside of my 100 by 100 World which by the way if you’ve not

Seen that video you should totally go check it out after this one it’s a banger hey yo hoglins no thank you no piggy boys no I’m good no more nether for me this is the worst biome to spawn in hey how’s it going what’s up man go

To the portal hey the portal didn’t break this time it’s the right portal maybe it’s because I’m in 1.19 who knows but yeah boys today the plan is simple we’re going to farm a ton of stone and we’re going to make a small mob farm in

The sky and we’re just going to sit there gather plenty of gun powder so I can make myself tons of rockets and then I’m going to spend probably six or so hours out and about collecting all the sand and gravel and Cactus and flowers that I need this is going to be quite

The project all right so to make this Stone Farm it’s actually super simple you start out with this little structure like this we have four chests we have hoppers on the inside stairs on top so they don’t actually stop you from opening the chests and then one at a

Time you just pop water and then one by one you fill these areas with water till you have all these flowing I you take one bucket of lava and you plop it on top and then once all four of these have water inside you take one bucket of lava

And you just plop it on top and there you go you got yourself an easy basic Stone Farm turns all these into this and boom now you can just stand here with either a silk touch pick or a fortune pick and just mine away and you look

Inside the chest boom you got Stone you got Stone you got Stone you got Stone also I have no clue what this sign says say subil scrubble I don’t speak YouTube all right it’s nothing special but I added this nice little glass area so I can step in here got some light close

The door set a nice macro or like some kind of clip or something on your mouse and I could just stand here and just mine stone for as long as I want of course you should watch when you’re doing this because you can always break your pickaxe but if you got a really

Good pickaxe it takes a lot to almost break it so yeah I’m just going to chill right here do this for probably about 40 minutes or So There we go we didn’t even do it for that long and we pretty much have an entire shulker full of stone bricks which is way more than enough for the actual like mob farm that we’re trying to make so now we just need to find a

Spot get us some bamboo and I’m probably going to repair the elytra before we go because I don’t want to risk breaking it even if I now have more of them you know what I mean all right so we got our elytra all repaired and I have 29 more bottles of

Enchanting that I can use whenever I actually need to repair things kind of like this silk touch pick that I just took a chunk out of now we just need to get some real quick bamboo it feels really nice being able to break all this bamboo without doing anything to my

Sword like it feels so right also I now have a ton more sticks that I can trade with the stick board and I can I’m excited to make another stick farm in the future infinite sticks and while I’m at it I can even repair my pickaxe if you guys actually want to

Trade let’s go one more stack of sticks yes fully repaired pickaxe just about see these guys they maybe like a little more fixed now that it’s you know 1.19 but when a villager breaks like that they stay broken for a long time I don’t think they will ever be permanently

Fixed so when I go on to make like a new villager farm honestly I’m just going to worry about it then all right got got myself some string let’s make a whole bunch of scaffolding honestly we’re going to go pretty high up but I’m not really sure how much I need hopefully

Three Stacks is enough because that’s pretty much all the string I have I’ve still got you know all this bamboo just laying on the ground I just turned all these into sticks to be honest all right so I spent the night doing a little more hunting got myself up to eight strings

Since no spiders would spawn but we do have you know 34 gunpowder now so we can actually go ahead and do something with the gunpowder but first I would like to make myself more fireworks so I can actually fly around while trying to build this mob farm and boom now we got

Almost two stacks of fireworks let’s go so now that we have our fireworks situated and my inventory is still absolutely destroyed let’s go ahead and make ourselves a bunch more scaffolding and now we should honestly have enough to begin our project and we got our shulker full of stone bricks all right

So I trimmed up all this grass near my base the way that bothers people the most as in like I didn’t use a water bucket um because we’re going to put it up here I know it’s a it’s a little bit close the base but it’s kind of out of

The way because 100% in the future I will be destroying this honestly I don’t I don’t know how many you know High I even want it to be so for now we’re probably just going to do a solid like maybe we’ll do two and a half stacks go

Up there see how high it ends up being I will equip my elytra before going up there because I am not becoming Brown spaghetti all right we got that all finished let’s pop on our elytra and go up to the top I guess this this is uh

You should always wear an elro going up top in high places like like this I’m just saying you know I’m not sure if they’re out of render distance or if I actually picked them up or not but uh I think the other resources I needed to do

Stuff up here were inside of my other shulker boxes that I don’t think I have access to so I’m going to have to fly back down this looks so pretty with shaders and the way that my render distance is right now it’s not as far as I’d normally use it because I’m using

Shaders but it kind of gives off like a world effect where it’s like a globe take that flat earthers all right we are at the top and it’s this is really really cool the shadow of the actual ual pillar is like moving with the sun it’s

Literally a sun dial that is so cool also while I’m looking down there that’s a lot of red flowers probably you know enough red flowers to actually get me through making my TNT portion of this build pretty excited about that but for now I struggle to uh I’m struggling to put blocks without

Falling it’s scary it is really scary building this high up I know I have an elytra on I’m a baby all right so we’re going to build it over towards this way we’re just going to make ourself a nice little area that we can actually kind of

Chill in maybe build some walls up here too so I don’t have to like worry about that all right so now that we got this little area over here kind of placed we’re going to make ourselves a crafting bench and we’re going to kind of get

Going up here so we got crafting bench we’re going to put some torches down just in case it gets dark and we’re going to start working on a collection area now typically for these collection areas you don’t have to do anything super fancy however this time it’s a bit

Problematic because with looting you get a lot of resources right and with those resources you very very very quickly run out of like actual storage space here all right so I’m thinking maybe we’re going to expand this platform over here okay actually let’s crap it’s going to

Be off all right so I can’t Center it really but I can kind of put it off to the side maybe all right so this took a lot longer than I thought it was going to and then I wanted to and yes I have a lot less fireworks because I kep have to

Go back down there to get stuff I know but I ended up kind of settling on this it’s not the most efficient it’s also not the nicest but I kind of don’t care it’s just supposed to do its thing right so we got these slabs here so we can

Smack the mobs and they can’t get out and creepers won’t blow up unless you stand like this and you sit here and wait if you stand like this and swing at them creepers won’t even aggro on you only thing that agrs on you is witches sometimes and they can’t hit you they’ll

Hit the walls and maybe like you know skeletons or something which again can’t hit you because the walls so this is fine and we have double the storage that we normally have not the most efficient also it’s a te like Teen Titans I don’t

Know now we just had to build it up real quick and we can start farming some Mobs all right so I’m just now finishing up this uh farm and I had probably the perfect amount of stone I actually screwed up a little bit in and I made the platforms inside only one high above the actual water in the center so I had

To just waste more stone for it but you know what honestly stone is super easy to get now so I don’t have to worry about it I ran out of stone am I entirely out of stone dang all right so we’re entirely out of stone for now it’s

A little thicker than normal boys got a little bit thicker of a dumpy you know but I mean it’s functional it should probably still work when actually the torch is on top so maybe not but let’s go down here and see if we can find any lightning strikes to be honest honest I

Really want to get skeleton horses again because in my original hardcore world when I got skeleton horses that was right before I lost the world and I was starting to do some pretty big projects but it’s okay because in this world I will be doing only big projects from now

On obviously I mean just look at this project and how long this is going to take but I want to do a huge iron farm I want to do a huge like unnecessary Farms if you will like sugar cane like cactus farm want to do melon farm pumpkin farm

Make a giant villager breeder sltrading Castle somewhere I have an idea for that in the future it’s going to be a multiple part video if it ever does come out but I’m not going to say it right now because I think it’s going to be a

Cool surprise all right as soon as I got back down here it stopped thundering there stopped being lightting strikes maybe for now at least so in the meantime let’s see if anything is actually spawned I don’t think anything can while I’m down there I’ve got torches up here kind of stopping stuff

From spawning so let’s go ahead and just fill this up real quick and then we are good to see if it actually works all right so we have a couple of spawns here but it oh is it picking up I hope I built up high enough I should definitely

Be high enough in the air because I’m high enough that I can no longer even see any of my mobs minus the horse but they have a higher vender distance than other mobs it’s spawning they’re also all one hits too which I mean doesn’t really matter because my godsword but

You know what it’s working I think I think it might be I think it might be good I don’t know I’ll give it a little bit of time and see if this actually wants to work is that a wait wait wait wait wait is that a witch it just spawned a

Witch hey witches have no meaning to me now cuz I don’t really need them but you know I’ll take it there’s another witch what she dropped a potion of healing I mean this is still technically faster than the other ones but this is still really slow I don’t know why this is so

Slow let’s try let’s try placing a bunch more of these and maybe they’ll spawn more maybe I’m not high enough all right it’s not entirely useless I don’t know if the spawns are up to speed of what they should be what I mean just look at

This I don’t I don’t know why a lot of them are zombies got a potato we got six oh we got some sugar from the witch we got six gunpowder so like it oh we have a chicken we got a chicken the last time I was doing this was literally the last

Video with the 100x 100 and I feel like I’m just so used to that one’s insane speed that this one’s just not great I just feel like so far this whole video had like a nice straight plan in nice nice little direction for me to go in

And then now it’s all over the place because just didn’t work but you know what I’m going to sit here and I’m going to get a bunch of mobs until I have enough gunpowder I’m going to sit here for like maybe two three stacks of gunpowder which shouldn’t be too hard to

Get all right now that it’s daytime things are going a little better I don’t know if it was because there were still mobs spawning down on the ground or if it was because I was too close to the spawner like I moved back a bit either

Way this works it’s not great it’s not perfect for sure but I mean I didn’t really expect it to be also the carpet is stealing my XP which is kind of fun yeah I have not been here that long and we’ve already almost got a stack of gunpowder it’s going pretty

Well look at that 48 gunpowder this is why we need to make a real Farm though I’m just saying all right here we are we are finally at boom more than four Stacks or sorry more than three stacks of gunpowder look at that it took a lot

Longer than I would like to be honest it it took really long that’s the reason why we’re making the gunpowder Farm in the first place you know what I mean so now that we have what we need from up here I can pick up all of this stuff and

Prepare to go out now that we have all of the gunpowder for enough fireworks for a good amount of time I going to have to go out on two separate trips and collect 22 entire shulker boxes is full of both sand and then gravel sand is not

That hard I can just go back to the desert and mindlessly beat away at some sand but gravel gravel’s not quite the easiest thing to actually get a lot more of all right so I’ve had some time in real life to stop and think about the

Project I’ve last left off where I had gotten enough gunpowder to essentially make all of the Rockets I would need to travel far enough away and while I was away and thinking about this I was you know like okay if I want to get this much sand to fill this many shulkers and

This much gravel that’s going to take a really long time I’m going to need like six God shovels and I’m going to need an entire Shuler box full of potions of XP to actually repair those tools and then I really started thinking about the end

Portal again and at first I was kind of like you know a redstone duplicator is not exactly what I wanted to do but honestly after more thought and after talking it over with other YouTubers that also do hardcore a lot I’ve come to the decision that it’s not actually as

Bad as I was making it out to be you know like it’s not like I’m duplicating diamonds like diamonds would definitely be that would not be okay but it’s something as common as sand right essentially I’m saving myself time so I went ahead and I got together all of the

Resources I would need to make the duplicator we have you know all of our blocks I have 33 Hoppers total which costed me a ton of iron along with some mine carts various like Redstone stuff only thing left that I need is slime that’s where we’re we’re kind of at a a

Standstill here I now need enough slime for like what I now need enough slime to get myself 24 blocks of slime along with making those 20 Pistons into slime Pistons or sticky pistons sorry so we got these which is good and I actually took the liberty of figuring out where

The nearest slime chunk in my world was because there is no way to do that in vanilla Minecraft so I do not think that is cheating to find a slime chunk and it just so happens to be this right here is the closest slime chunk my base is

Literally on a slime chunk so I was thinking what we could do is dig down and make ourselves a couple of layers of like floor for slime to spawn and just sit here and farm a bunch of slimes honestly we’ve got looting three on our

Sword so it’s not going to take too long to get the Slime right all right so since we need to dig down I need to heal our friend dirt dispatcher here and because he’s got mending what better way to do it than to trade with my scammer

Villagers I love you guys so much three sticks now this is a complete scam you guys are oh two okay I take it back if you want to go down to one that would be djob you know guys you know what oh okay three not great but it’s mildly

Acceptable listen guys until I have an Enderman Farm you’re safe but once I have the Enderman farm and I want to make a better way to get emeralds you be scared you better live in fear you better get your trades scattered together or I’m going to bury you in the

Ocean goodbye enjoy it while it lasts all right so we’re not quite fully repaired I don’t need the shovel fully repaired but I might as well do it just because and we can always use more food you know what I mean food is always helpful and we can also use more potions

Of enchanting for our elytra so that way while we’re out and about on the go we can heal up whenever we need to and on top of that I’m also going to grab some extra ender pearls since I think I’m possibly out I don’t know because I

Don’t have an item sorder and all of my stuff is literally everywhere it could be in one of these chests but they don’t look to be we have we have nine I’ll take the nine you know why not all right and now that we have have our shovel all

Good to go we can start digging down so now that my shovel was fully repaired I began by digging straight down in a column of two while also placing torches and ladders until I made my way to y38 I started clearing out the entirety of the chunk until everything was open and

Ready for slimes to spawn because slimes inside of slime chunks spawn below y40 after this I took a quick fly up in the night sky to see if I could get anything to spawn but upon arriving back in the cave nothing had done so yet so I

Figured why not go down and dig even more areas in the same chunk similar to how you would with an actual slime farm oh we got our first guy we got our first slime slice dice all right not too bad he dropped me two is there is there one on

This layer so far I I began digging out the layers I dug out two and I began the third one luckily this I also need Stone in the future for the platform for the mob grinder anyways so you know just kind of works out we got a lot of stone

My only big concern here is how long it took for that guy to spawn I flew up to the top of the mob farm and I sat there for a couple seconds and then I came back down I don’t think I have to go to

The top of the mob farm I think I can just wait but I need about four Stacks oh there’s a lot of mobs up here and honestly I didn’t think about it but while looking at that at that map I probably should have just wait like made

A better area to have built that instead of a single slime chunk cuz over there by the village there’s like four slime chunks next to each other there’s a lot of slime on the table over there I could just dig out that area I mean what’s another hour right you know it’s only

Been an hour you know no big deal also scary little note here well on the way down last time right as I got to the ground my mouse disconnected which was terrifying and I was luckily not going at like terminal velocity I was about going like this so I just you know

Landed but I could have you know disconnected way sooner than that and just Splat I have a totem of undying but it is the only totem I have so far all right let’s see if we got any new slime boys all right nothing on the first

Level and I don’t hear anything on the second level so yeah no slime boys this this is going to take a while look at all that slime yes it only took me digging out this entire new area that is fantastic how much does that put

Me up to okay that’s that’s half of a stack that’s 1/8 the way there if I can get seven more large slimes this will be done pretty quick all right so finally after a lot longer amount of time than I would like to admit I have gotten enough slime and

Actually I got some extra because I had a couple of big boys spawn the one that I dug down right here just didn’t work I didn’t get a single slime to spawn in it and the one that I dug over there took so so long I had to like lower my render

Distance and then up the simulation distance which is like how far away mobs update I I don’t want to talk about it I don’t want to talk about it but we got the Slime important thing is we got the Slime so you know what that means where

Are my Pistons I think they should be Bingo pistons and then slime blocks so we need actually let’s do the Pistons first so I don’t screw this up boom 20 sticky pistons and I believe it was 24 slime blocks you’re you’re lying right

No surely not no no no no no no no I’m looking this up right now there’s no way it’s 24 slime blocks you’re actually kidding okay so somehow I was severely wrong with my calculations in how many slime I was going to need and I am

Exactly one slime ball short I am one slime ball short of the exact amount of slime that I need so let’s let’s just say imagine if this this place down here decided to just work what if it just worked also if you’re wondering why my voice sounds weird I have mad allergies

Today my allergies are not doing well okay empty and empty yikes this place is like my home after dad left for legal reasons that a joke all right take two we’re going to check this slime farm area and see if maybe while I was over

At my base it decided to you know spawn in some some slim maroonies some some Slimer roosters some some slimes please and we’re back to doing this again all right please just give me a slime is that is that one single slime did the did the game just spawn me one single

Baby slime if that’s one slime ball bro all right the game is toying with me I at least wanted to get some extras you know you could have spawned me a big slime so I could have some like backup slime to actually you know just in case

I screw up the farm in any way but no no Minecraft’s like no no slime for you but you know what that’s okay we now have the final slime so I can quickly get to building the brand new concrete duplicator inside of the end portal room He All right here we are so much time has passed but here we are we have it we have the official sand duplicator so boom we have each of these four things right here that you place whatever type of block you want on the Slime whether it be sand gravel Concrete in this case

Whatever and then you turn them all on and all four of these will start duplicating over here I built myself a chunk loader this little beautiful thing right here that will allow me to keep this area loaded so that way when I’m in the end I can just keep collecting and

The game doesn’t actually stop this from working while I’m in the end Dimension because otherwise this Dimension will not be loaded in and then I built a collection area in the end itself and we are we are ready I’m really excited for this I have waited so long so first

We’re going to do dark green we’re going to do lime green since these will be the two blocks I need the most of I’m need a ton of lime green a ton of dark green we’re going to do black I really don’t need a ton of black but I will need you

Know should I do black right now or should I focus on the greens because I really don’t need a ton of black you know maybe instead of doing the black I will need a lot of the light gray though so we’ll do light gray maybe what we’ll

Do is just do more of the lime green because I only need the black for the face so I actually really don’t need that much and like a couple of other details for like the feet so we’re going to do more lime green cuz we can do as

Much of this as we want we can just come back here whenever we need and we are good to go I’m scared I I genuinely scared this is not going to work all right let’s turn it on okay that looks to be working that looks to be working oh this

Is so exciting I’m so excited that looks to be working right dude this is so cool where’s the lever put in the wrong side and boom all right all four sides are working we’re going to jump in here let’s go and then we just come in here and it just fills

Up look at it go it’s already a half a stack of lime okay there’s end in there and okay we already got a stack each dude oh my God and now I just sit here and I just AFK and I just do this for as long as I want and I have infinite

Resources infinite so I’m going to sit here do this for a bunch until we kind of fill up a couple of these chests you know the goal is to maybe fill up to like here or so of these and then what we’ll do is we’ll come we’ll go take a

Big trip back to the house dump off all those resources and then we’ll come back here and duplicate the black and some white I I really don’t need much of black or white which is why I didn’t really do those yet I will need them for

The TNT and then I’ll also need to do the red as well when I get to the TNT block on top but for now I can just stand here and just get sand this is so cool this is this is so cool I am really excited to continue this project so now

That my farm was fully functional I spent the next five or so hours straight afking while totally not playing the new Modern Warfare remake as I was destroying people’s KDs this bad boy printed concrete powder like mad in fact this thing worked so fast that I had to

Make like five or so trips all the way to the end portal and back to my base just to collect all of the resources but finally I was now prepared to build the creeper Farm all right so here we are back at my base with all of these chests

Laid out each one of them is full who the brim of all the different concrete powders we got the light greens the Grays we got the blacks we got the the dark greens we got a lot of green I got so much green and then over here we also

Have some red and I think I made a lot more red than I needed then on top of that we also have all of these which have you know more gray more white white for the TNT Etc just some of them are empty apparently and yeah we just have

All the resources so now we just need a place to build the actual creeper farm and my idea was we’re going to put it over here in the ocean I’m thinking we build like a nice little round kind of Island platform and then boom we can erect the great creeper Farm SL statue

So now all I got to do is build it boom we have ourselves a brand new platform you know you know wait wait a second actually let’s I’m going to fly over this and show you this because I I made it seem like it was a really quick thing

But like look at this look at the sheer size of this platform this is just to keep the measurements good for the creeper Farm the creeper Farm is going to be huge look at it compared to that that’s my starter base that’s the creeper farm this is massive also by the

Way this took like H this took like 4 hours to do this took like 4 hours I almost broke my pickaxe three times and if we go to statistics not mobs go to items uh it’s here somewhere stone is like stone bricks I want stone bricks I

Collected 15,600 Stone that’s a lot and then I’ve placed 14,000 or 13,000 whichever stone bricks 13,000 this project this circle was 11 ,000 stone bricks but yeah now that we have it I can build the creeper Farm the first thing we’re going to do is put together

The actual legs and make a collection area inside of the legs I’ve actually got it all built out in a creative world that is kind of just like my Dumping Ground for ideas for this build and I’m thinking I’m going to have the creeper Farm face this way because that’s going

To be the future location of my super base so like imagine this in a world where this entire area from like there all the way to there this this whole platform is just level right and I build a super base right here build some other stuff over there other stuff over here

Something in the water and then I was thinking of building myself a structure here for my villagers only thing is I was hoping for an ocean Monument but I thought there was one over here it turns out there is not there is no ocean Monument over here unless I missed it I

Don’t know that’ll be a future video idea for now we just have small little like areas and stuff but yeah operation creeper Farm is officially a go everything is done plat form in place resources collected we are ready to finally build this Behemoth all right so

I laid out this kind of area that is going to be the overall size of the creeper if that makes sense so this is the longest side this is going to be front-facing it’s going to face over there and then these are the actual sides I use the center point of 2x two

Blocks because uh this whole like platform is centered based in increments of two since it’s going to be even and now I just have to to figure out how I’m going to make the perimeter for the bottom of the legs I’m going to be here a Minute all right we should be good here we have our first set of legs right here this is a 48 long long by 24 wide I made sure to count them triple checked just in case so we have 48 long by 24 wide first pair of legs we have the Gap in

The middle which is 24 blocks so that way we have the body that sits up top and then we have sorry this entire area is going to be the body and then we have the other pair of legs that are identical at 48 blocks long and 24 wide

I have a whole word document full of all these measurements that I’ve been doing because I want to be very precise not to mess things up if I screw up in any way here it is going to become living hell to fix but yeah things are going well

All right so now that I have this area situated there’s a couple of things we’re going to have to do one I need to make an entrance so the entrance can either be at the beginning like in the middle of the creepers legs or I could

Do it in the side area where like there’s like there’s going to be a gap here anyways or I could put it in the side of the legs I kind of want to put it directly in the middle of the legs so I can make a cool path that goes around

That’s why I gave myself all this extra space for like trees and stuff to make nice paths however I’m going to still have this area but the idea is the collection chamber will be up here and go into right about here and then this room is going to be all collection

There’s going to be a wall of chests because my goal is to make this creeper farm so unbelievably busted and cracked that it produces a metric ton of gunpowder and obviously for now I’m going to have to build another Sky AFK area similar to that because I’ve not

Cleared out the caves inside this area yet so until I actually clear out the caves that’s just going to be a thing but for now we need dark green and we need black and the black actually has to be turned into where is all the black so

Let’s take here we go that’s probably enough of the black now we’ll take more just in case I have done this so many times moving these resources back and forth that uh it’s it’s becoming more difficult like you know when you do the triple click thing where you hold shift

Triple click to move all of something it’s really easy until you do it like a 100 times in a row then you start screwing it up and you’re like wow why am I screwing that up okay so we need two buckets of water now for an infinite

Water pool uh I’m going to use these lava buckets we’re just going to go and yeah that’s fine and just in case dumb me decides he wants to walk over top of this we’re going to put those there so it’s me proof look at that it’s

Some water and we’re good to go all right so we have our original infinite water source here and then over here we’re going to build our like water pool reason why I’m making them separate is just in case I screw screw up and Destroy like a water source then I don’t

Have to replace it it is not my problem and then we can kind of just go like this and like this and then I can place them in the middle just like so let’s get the first stack and let’s test it out place them like that

And okay that that didn’t work if I’m in the water I’m going to get pushed there we go Gamers I got I got it down to a system easy peasy I just got to be careful when I run out of blocks to not accidentally break a hole in the wall or

In the floor there we go first stack not that bad unfortunately I’m going to have to do that for a bunch of blocks I need to do it for some of the lime concrete and a decent amount of the black I don’t think I need a ton though luckily so all

Right so now is the fun part I get to build the feet so essentially each pixel on a creeper is represented by 6×6 a 6×6 area so here I have the front set of the creeper feet they’re six across and they will be six up which will be the first

Pixel there’s essentially two rows of these black and green tiles and then on top are the lighter colors that we will also do however I still have this area right here marked as the center because I’m thinking about adding like some kind of entrance here like I don’t I don’t

Want to put it to the side because I don’t think it’s going to work to the side so I’m thinking maybe like if I do an entrance it could be I don’t even know what to build it out of I guess for now I could build to out of these thing

Is I got to be careful because if I place any blocks above it that are sand and I break anything underneath they’re all just going to fall down and ruin all of my work all right so this is kind of the conclusion I came to for the

Entrance I’m thinking what I will do is I’ll do it kind of like this so I made some of those into concrete blocks and then we have the blacks on that side and I’ll just keep it kind of like that and that’s going to be the entrance is this

Big open little entrance area so we can come in here and see the huge Factory we got going on it works there is going to be a big gap in the front of the Creeper’s feet but think of him as like missing a toenail or something you know

It’s like your creepy Uncle Roger I don’t know why Uncle Roger is the first thing that came to mind okay I’m sorry Uncle Roger but it’s it’s like your creepy Uncle it’s like what’s a creepy Uncle name Nathaniel how about Nathaniel manual that’s kind of that’s kind of how

It’s going to go but for now we’re going to fill up I guess the entire front of the foot and we’ll see kind of how it’s how it’s Going N All right so here we are we have finished the legs it uh it took a lot longer than you would actually think and um sizewise it’s safe to say that these legs are considerably larger than my current uh house so yeah look at look at them they’re ridiculous they’re actually

Ridiculous I’m really happy with how this turning out though so I have the top area I put Stone underneath so that way all of the uh powders don’t fall and then I have this kind of outline for the middle so the idea is I can do one of

Two things here I can either make these concrete blocks or I could just use use more Stone and put the stone underneath it uh but this is where the actual base of the creeper Farm is going to go and that’s what we’re going to do now now

I’m going to build the actual Center kind of area I need to find the exact location here put a center kind of collection area and then have The Hoppers run over into here and then at the bottom of this is going to be all of the chests so essentially I can just

Walk in here and then from the roof all the you know actually wait a second that’s really high up hold up I was going to have it so it was like chests all the way down but like is that even a good idea how should I even do this this

Room is so much larger than I had thought it was going to be wow all right so I don’t know exactly how I’m going to build the collection area yet but I was getting some wood because I’m inevitably going to need some and uh I’ve got some

Friends just hanging out over here and this gives me an opportunity that I don’t think I’m going to take I could kill these guys I could get bad Omen and we could make it we could do a raid however I I don’t think I want to do a

Raid right now especially not in my own base area because I could you know scavengers can cause a lot of damage I can lose a lot of villagers which are very important to me right now but at the same time you know if I had a beacon

I I would totally do it I just don’t think doing raids at your base without a beacon make makes much sense only problem is I want his banner I want to get this guy up they’re just looking at me they’re not even coming up to me they’re just they’re just staring at me

Are they are they stuck are you stuck step pillagers ow um I don’t know what to do about you I can’t really I can’t really kill you ooh what we have here I know there’s a cave down there ooh I’m just going to leave you over here I

Guess I don’t have any lava on me so sorry dude just like Dad I’m leaving I’m not getting milk there will be no milk wow he really managed to follow me what if I made a boat and trapped him would he despawn let’s make a boat let’s let’s

Make a boat and we can just keep him for later that that doesn’t sound right don’t take that out of context my guy you do no damage to me get in the boat get in the boat dummy I’m pretty sure he won’t despawn and if I if I remember

Right I think the more times they shoot you eventually their crossbow will break cuz they’ll lose durability and and they’re just like a dumb Banner guy stuck in a boat but for now he can enjoy his new home next to this wolf don’t shoot the wolf all right so I’ve got a

Basic idea for what I want here so this is the exact center of four blocks I built up from the center point of the actual entire circle down there which is what I also centered the rest of the creeper off of and essentially I don’t

Want this to stick out below but I’m not quite sure how I stop it from doing that I do have an idea and that is going to cost me a lot of hoppers but you know what that is the exact reason why I’m going to make an iron farm soon so we’re

Going to make ourselves as many Hoppers as I can right now I can always make more chests too but 11 should be fine for now and essentially this Farm is not going to be centered which is fine so we’re going to have our main downfacing one there and then we’re going to have

One going into it we’re going to have one going into that I really I want to keep this center point though let me let’s build up a few just so we have that just so we have like that as a point of reference we have Center one

Then we have you you you and then you you you so these will all push into these which will push into those and into this one this is the then Center and this is going to be where the actual killing takes place and then after that

We’re going to build down one this is where things are going to get a little complicated we’re going to have to put one like that oh man why did I do this to myself we’re going have to put one like that so that one goes into that

One this one goes into that that one patch these up double check make sure good and then these are going to go over into here and this is unfortunately I’m going to have to make all these in The Hoppers I know this is extremely inefficient but the only reason I am

Actually doing it like this is for the sake of keeping this whole thing a creeper I don’t want this to stand out too much so I guess we’re going to go boom boom boom boom absolutely destroy all of my iron reserves so now we have our collection pad that then leads over

To to here and then under underneath this it gets better we have this area so we’re going to do probably do like one more break this and then this one is going to start going down into a system of chests this is where things get a

Little fun I guess you could say to be honest this is probably one of the dumbest ways I have ever used resources before actually having resources but we’re going to start building straight down here okay so these will start going straight down there and put that down there unfortunately I can’t use the

Water bucket to get down because it will ruin all of the concrete powder and turn them into concrete and I have already had that happen and I’m not interested in doing that again all right I thought this was kind of funny I went to a creative world to test out what this was

Going to look like and I kind of came to this solution I had some other ideas where I could like you know make it go into like a mine cart with a hopper that goes back and forth depositing into all kinds of rows of chests but honestly I

Think that’s over complicated for no reason and then I would have to constantly listen to the sound of the mine cart which not a big fan of so I kind of came up with this it’s nothing too complicated really it just goes down into this chest which then splits off

Into this chest and this chest and then those chests dump into two different Hoppers that go this row goes into these and then this row right here of Hoppers goes into this chest and the same for this one so essentially I think this side gets priority based on what I

Dumped in here so like I put like a whole bunch of like random blocks in here and if you go all the way down here so far this side is getting priority so I’m thinking what’ll happen is this will fill up first and then this will fill up

Actually maybe yeah maybe this will fill up first this will fill up first then this whole side will fill then it will go to this side and essentially it’s going to be a lot bigger since it’ll go all the way down from the roof and then

If I want to have like access areas inside for example I could do something like maybe you know like throw like these here and put like some ladders or something I could do like ladders like that so I could always climb up and go

Oh let’s get my stuff out of up here I can put ladders there I could put ladders on the wall like right here in the back of the creeper wall you know we’ll figure it out the idea is is that this thing will never fill up and I can

Just keep letting it go because in the past my creeper farm would always fill up and it was pretty small this one is going to be Huge All right it’s kind of a mess but just a couple more chests and boom I actually went ahead and expanded the area a bit so I added this extra layer of chests in the center that actually comes from a middle Hopper underneath the hopper that’s at the very top so then we have

This Row three rows in the center another row over there and then obviously the top chest and stuff um fun fact though I have such a little amount of wood that’s she said and no iron that I this is as much as I can do this is as

Much of a collection area as we kind of get honestly I’m just going to leave this Cobble or this stone brick here so that way we can always just come back up here and get our stuff and then we’ll add more underneath as time goes on but

Over time the goal is you know we have this go all the way down there and I could even expand it a bit right so I could have some of these good chests that go down and then have chests that go out further but for now this should

Be plenty but for now this should be pretty much all that we actually need this should be plenty okay just before a disaster happens we’re going to cover up that area and then we have this so the idea is none of these will actually be visible they’re all going to be uh

Inside of the main creeper so this wall right here is going to be the body of the main creeper so we have this collection area and then we’re going to go all all the way up the creeper worth of farm areas for each floor of creepers

I know I said the word creeper a lot there but you know you get the point all right so now that we have our collection area we’re going to build up two blocks and we’re going to create a perimeter around this area that is going to stop

The creepers from getting out now for this Farm I am using a little bit of a reference from a farm from uh shulkercraft however I’m kind of going to switch it up a little bit here since the dimensions don’t really work out for inside of this creeper so it is going to

Be custom but I will leave a link in the description below if you guys do want to go and watch his video on it I do know that he’s also not the one who actually made this farm he got it from one of his viewers so I just wanted to give credit

Where credit was due just to you know have it in the video all right and just like that we should have the first floor of the creeper Farm done so we have the collection area right there that goes through the wall and down into here

Which I did not light up by the way and I know there is a creeper here if I break this block there is something down there there was last time I saw it there we’re going to just casually give it a torch we’re going to give that a torch

But yeah we have our Center area in the middle here that has 16 of these dudes well you you can’t actually see them but there are 16 Snow Golems there and those 16 Snow Golems are going to be aggroing creepers by throwing things at them because uh Snow Golems want to see the

World burn and then if we go up here we have our trap doors so that way the inside is exactly it’s like 1.8 blocks tall something like that because creepers are the only one of the m besides spiders that can spawn under two blocks so they can spawn in there and

Then because we have our slabs everywhere spiders cannot spawn and the idea is this area is going to become a further drop zone for the next layer I’m going to build as many of these layers as I can fit although first just to make sure everything’s working we’re going to

Set up the killing area down there so it actually kills them and we’re going to test this bad boy out as the sun goes down if the sun’s going down oh man I really got to build that fast then okay so I’ve got a bit of a problem I only

Had enough Soul soil to craft eight campfires and I need nine and okay there’s no mobs up here yet or now I’m just scared this thing’s going to okay hey guys how is it going what’s okay yeah it’s um I might just have to wait

Until the next day to do this all the mobs are kind of spawning underne what is why are they hurting each other what oh it’s working I don’t think they’re supposed to be hurting each I don’t I know they don’t actually do any damage but that creeper is not oh there he goes

Okay okay it’s it’s working that’s I think that’s why all the creepers are down there yeah let’s uh let’s just um let’s go for now we’re going to we’re going to go we’ll come back and I guess we have to go make a quick quick trip to

The nether to get another piece of Soul soil all right it is another beautiful day in Minecraft and up there is a living nightmare so we’re not going to go up there all right so first things first we have to go through the Nether and get us a couple pieces of Soul soil

Let’s hope no Hogs come and beat us up I could just fly with the elytra but I’ve only got one totem of okay I’ve only got one totem of undying and I don’t really want to risk it yet this biome is way too dangerous for that all right boom

This is soul soil right wow that was really fast perfect got soul soil we are good to go back all right so now that we are back in the Overworld I can make one more Soul campfire and very carefully I hope nothing is in here very carefully

We can go boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop and Boop and these Soul campfires will burn all the creepers and because the blocks are transparent these Hoppers can still pick up the blocks from beneath them versus if I had used magma blocks like I used to you would

Then need a hopper in a mine cart to pick them up this way I don’t have to waste as much iron and it’s just a cleaner and honestly kind of satisfying to look at thing look at how beautiful those fires look I love Soul fire is so

Pretty but yeah now we pretty much much just wait for nighttime since uh I can’t close off these side parts during the day because this is where the edge of the build for the creeper will go that’s the reason why I haven’t closed off either of these ends but essentially

We’re good to wait till night time test this bad boy out and if it works we can start building the overall creeper body that will go way up in the air and add as many of these as I can fit although it is really really expensive wood and

Stone wise so getting enough resources for these is going to be a trip so now that my plan was all coming together and all I had to do was wait for nighttime instead of just sitting around wasting the day I decided to tend to a couple of

Things around my base I harvested all of the sugar cane that I had planted by the beach side so I could keep up with my firework needs and after that I tended to the other crops and animals around my base all right so the sun is coming down

And I’m kind of concerned about other mobs spawning here since I didn’t really light anything up yet cuz I didn’t want this to look kind of weird I know that ever since like 1.17 you can get away with lighting stuff up less but I still just I don’t want things to spawn over

Here and cause me problems then over here is also dark so yeah it’s going to be really difficult to test to see if this actually works but we’re going to find out I think if I stand over here I should be fine I’m just worried the

Light of the Torches is going to affect the spawns wait bro this spider just spawned on top oh oh oh get him get him get the spider yeah this is a no spider Zone here boy get out of here look at that spider get demolished this KD is getting

Wrecked dude yeah uh the conclusion I’ve come to is that I think this works there was creeper there were creepers that had spawned in here uh the reason why they’re not spawning now is because I’m too low to the ground so like everything else is you know spawning like look down

There there’s like two Creepers zombie zombie skeleton whatever wow they’re they’re just going to keep going because that spider’s not going to be able to get out of there what why did you why did you do this to yourself man my guy yeah this is a good this is good this is

Good what we’re going to do is we’re going to start building up a yeah you see the point I’m trying to trying to make here I didn’t think I didn’t think this testing phase through look oh sir yeah so we got creepers to spawned up there because the edges were not lit up

We got these guys down here and nothing spawning in there because there’s still light from the edges and the Torches so it spawned directly on top of them I really hope they don’t shoot let’s let’s uh let’s get out of here let’s go to sleep let’s go to sleep before this

Becomes a problem if that creeper gets shot by them it’s going to blow up and comicazi them all and I’m going to lose all my progress so let’s go over here and go to sleep and then we’re going to get back to building the body of the

Creeper and the rest of the farm I Guess all right so here we are kind of with a lot of progress going on I have the entire body built in the center and as you can see there’s trees everywhere and there’s a good reason for that but first let’s get a quick fly around just to see

Just to see how nice this turns out like just look at it it’s a giant creeper I mean obviously it’s a giant creeper but like come on that is cool that is really cool once the head and the TNT are on there it is going to look amazing so now

That this part is pretty much complete there’s a couple of things that I wanted to mention this took so so long it is literally day 286 right now this video has taken me almost 200 days the length of two 100 Days videos to complete so if you do enjoy this video please subscribe

Because I’m on the way to 1 million subscriber rinos and every subscriber matters anyways though I thought I’d you know show this off a bit so as you can see here my FPS is now hell it’s dropping under 60 and there’s a good reason for that this thing in the center

Is the creeper Farm I added this here and this is the reason why this whole structure is so big because I want it to be proportional there is I think like 12 layers there I think there’s about 12 layers here that go all the way down in

The center of each of them there is a set of snow golems that lure all the creepers in and let me just say this part right here is why this took so long this middle part is full of both slabs and trap doors like tons of slabs and

Trap doors so I had to mine lots of trees which is I mean why there’s trees all over it but anyways this thing is already producing like crazy so you can kind of see every once in a while you can see the animations of snowballs of course there’s none right now but just

While building this which is the most inefficient time cuz I’m all around it and I’m not up in the air so mobs will spawn you know wherever they feel like this thing is already producing crazy stonks originally I intended on having that set of farms in the center go all

The way up into the creeper head but honestly I think I’ve already built enough and I I think my FPS oh you can hear them you can hear all the creepers dying I think my FPS is already struggling enough while around this build so I think we’re good on that we

Just look at this one double chest two double chests almost three this was like halfway like a couple of minutes well okay like 20 minutes ago this thing is cracked it’s not even at its full efficiency yet so as you can see that’s why I had this chest way up here we’re

Going to go all the way to the ground with then and we’re going to absolutely fill up all of these chests so yeah this Farm is turning out great there’s still a bunch of things we do have to do I decided on the edges there to go with a

Kind of subtle regular concrete my original plan was to use like string or something to hold it up however I I don’t like the idea of string I think string is too risky like what if those things just fall and the string breaks somehow and every single piece that is a

Powder just Falls I would actually be devastated because this took like I said a long time this is legit taken me a whole week of like actual grinding like I I kid you not the amount of times I’ve had to like repair my elytras and my

Pickaxe you get the point and then going through all the fireworks just to keep flying up and down this thing is honestly turning out well now that we have all of this structure going for us we could at any time add extra layers inside of the farm however for now

There’s a couple of things left we have to do so first we have to add the head honestly not as bad as it sounds but I I had to fix that as well ignore that that’s not there we don’t we don’t talk about that not as bad as it sounds but I

Do have to have it stick out around the edges a bit which means I have to make some more concrete that I can do something like that with and I think I’m going to put those underneath so that way it doesn’t look bad and then after

That we have to put the TNT block on top of that and then the actual Farm itself is done after that we then go down into here where we can turn this room into something that is a lot more presentable with a lot more storage like an obnoxious amount of storage honestly the

Goal here is that by time the end of this episode’s done I have enough gunpowder that we can go to the Nether and blow up an obnoxious amount of TNT for the next episode and get full netherite that’s right all of my tools all of my armor netherite and even you

Know we could even make some load stones and we could make some netherite blocks for a beacon maybe as if I’m going to get that much cuz netherite is absolute hell to get but you know what I mean after the farm part is done then I can

Turn this whole island into a nice area with some grass with trees with different paths along the way and I’m thinking I’ll probably do a bridge from here to there but probably not right now because I don’t know what I’m going to do over there when I do get around to

Building a base so we’ll figure that out but honestly this build is turning out so nice like if you’ve been around in the channel for a while then you will know what this creeper build means to me because I had one in my original hardcore world that was nothing like

This this looks so cool this is like a real three-dimensional creeper okay right um right now it may be something a little more phallic than a 3D creeper and now that I mentioned it everyone in the comments is going to talk about it you know what that’s okay but anyways

Now that we have this all ready to go let’s get to building the the creeper head and honestly this is probably going to take another couple of hours so Q montage All right so here we are after all this time this project has taken me so much time you will not believe look at how high up I am look at this finally we have finished the final sorry the next to final part of the creeper build the

Head and now I have this little area built out all we got to do is make the TNT block on top and we’re pretty much good but first I thought I would show you all how magnificent this thing has turned out boom look at it for some reason the

Shaders are like making this weird Shadow thing I got to figure out how to fix uh if you know how to fix that in the comments let me know please I would love to fix that but I did have this other thought that for the green Parts I

Could get frog lights inside of each green square so that way this whole build would light up at night which is going to be super cool so now we have a couple of things that we have to do to finish this bad boy up but first I

Wanted to show you guys the collection area oh you can hear it again I want to show you how much more this thing has so I did some math right if I take this system of storage and go all the way to the ground I should have roughly 180ish

Chests I want to build a lighting system inside of the farm so that way I can flick a switch and turn it on or off so it doesn’t lag my game however however one chest two chest three chest four chest five chest 6 7 8 9 10 is this one fill

Uh-oh wait where’s where’s the other gunpowder going uh we have a problem gunpowder’s full gunpowder’s full gunpowder’s full um oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I think I figured it out hold up let’s get some blocks let’s build up here okay so this

One is filling up now right this chest right here is filling why is it oh yeah I see okay so in order of operations once this chest fills up then it should go to this chest and then it will go to this so once this is full wow that kind

Of sucks actually because that means this entire storage system does not work that well and I have to fill an entire side before you know it’s okay it’s okay once this chest is full it’ll start filling these once these are full then it will start filling these and then

Once they’re full it’ll fill these weird order I know but it works and the point is I have a lot of gunpowder I already have enough for like a ton of TNT I almost just fell so this Farm is working Heavenly I am so happy with this however

Now we need to get something together to build the TNT on top so we can finish off the farm and it just so happens to be I have the perfect thing in mind for the top area so I actually have quite a few resources that I had gathered

Honestly like I said before I gathered way too many of these however we do have Reds so we have red concrete powder we have I believe red concrete that would also make it I need red terra cotta which is something I have to go get and

Then I need red wool which is why I have this the stack of poppies that I conveniently found over at my nearby area I don’t know why but this field over here is just full of red flowers there’s like look at this there’s so many red flowers so I grabbed myself a

Bunch of poppies and we’re actually going to make our sheep population red but first we got to take care of a couple of uh of you know just Strays make you red sorry man very crunchy though very crunchy sheep today oop oop Boop and crunch and crunch and

Crunch I’m sorry you guys just somehow got out and one of you killed one of my pumpkin stems so are there more of you what is this like classic YouTube prison escape come on get out of here get rid of you get rid of you no more sheep

Sheep gone what sheep there’s no sheep and now it is time to quickly turn all of these guys red all right so I did not get all the Sheep red there’s a lot of sheep this is interesting and I did not get them all red but it’s okay this should be plenty

Of wool I’ve been breeding the Sheep along the way as I was working on the creeper so that way we were prepared for this moment and now you just go clip clip clip clip clip get as much red wool as we can I think what I’ll do is I’ll

Probably just sit here and continue to reh harvest the Sheep as I’m building the TNT block because I don’t really want to wait here for like 2 hours to get all these sheep and I also don’t want to make an auto Farm I’m not trying to make a million Farms just for this

TNT thing especially since it’s you know it’s already done like the farm works it’s functional however how it is now it will fill up very quickly so I need to also get more chests but for now let’s just get as many of the resources as we

Can into our inventory and we’ll be good to go all right so I got together these shulkers we have our red concrete powder more red concrete powder we have red wool we need a lot more red wool that’s going to be what’s holding us back here we have black concrete powder and white

Concrete powder so essentially we’ll mostly need white concrete we will need I think all black concrete I don’t think we need any black concrete powder we will need red wool for some of the parts the details red concrete powder and then red concrete and then there’s one last

Thing I actually am going to need and that is going to be red terra cotta and I I don’t even think you can’t make I I don’t even have the recipe we have to go find we have to go find a badlands biome and I think I actually do know of one

Nearby all right so it wasn’t that long of a trip but I did find the exact area I need and look at this red terra cotta I don’t exactly know how much I need so I’m looking to get about a shulker box full so I did bring myself a spare

Shulker and we’re just going to go ham get me some red terra cotta beautiful this is actually one of the first times I’ve ever built with terra cotta by the way I have never actually used terra cotta before anyways let’s get ourselves an entire shulker box Full that was a lot of mining let me tell you without a beacon mining terra cotta takes forever but we do now have an entire Shuler box full of red terracotta along with my pickaxe that has almost been broken probably I would say a solid

20 so times in this video alone but now that we have everything that we need to build a TNT we are good to go back home and get started on the final part of this long long project all right so here we are back home back on top of our

Creeper and I have the image of the reference that I built in a creative world pulled up beside me right now and I realized something a little uh a little just a little silly a little quirky a little like relatable um so it turns out that for each side of the TNT

I need a total of eight red terra cotta meaning that I need a total for all four sides of 32 Red terra cotta half a stack and I just spent my entire day okay it was like it was like an hour it was like like 40 minutes getting an entire Shuler

Box full of red terra cotta I need more red wool than I need red Terra cot why did I do this to myself you know what it’s okay though because we’ve we’ve kind of got we’ve got everything we need minus wool you know we need lots more

Wool but I mean I probably should have been prepping for that way sooner than I have been but you know what why are these even in here we we don’t we don’t talk about that you know we don’t we don’t talk about how organized I have

Been on the side of this project all right so we’ve got everything kind of laid out here and now there’s a couple of things that I need to do in preparation for this so first up we’re going to need a couple of stacks of black concrete not a ton since after all

We’re just spelling out the words tnt we’re going to need a decent amount of white concrete and we’re going to need ourselves a whole bunch of red concrete meaning I will also need to take a Shuler box that is not full of stuff which okay this one and we’re going to

Head on down to our quick little AFK Farm actually I need to repair my pickaxe first so fun fact towards the beginning part of this video I was trading with my villagers consistently to repair tools for XP right well it turns out since that bug that I had

Mentioned for 1.18 was so like bad for my villagers that a lot of them started raising their prices well beyond the normal amount that villagers would normally raise their prices so uh yeah this this is this is how I’ve been doing it now I just come up here I AFK for a

Little bit switch my weapon to my offhand slash a couple of mobs until my pickaxe is repaired so that’s what I’m going to sit here and do for a bit all right now that my pickaxe is pretty much good at least as good as I

Want it to be because I don’t feel like waiting any longer let’s go down to our little farm area and get all the concrete that we needed just look at how beautiful this thing is look at look at how good this turned out I know it’s

Just a giant creeper but it’s my giant creeper and it’s really really freaking cool I am so happy with how it turned out all right so now that we’re here I don’t know if I showed this off before but it’s really simple all you got to do

Is place all of your concrete powders in there then take one of them and hold it in your offand stand right about here and right click and also left click then you just press F3 and T it reloads and you are infinitely left clicking and right clicking and boom I just sit here

And make lots of concrete although the concrete uh breaks easier than like other blocks so it is quicker to destroy your pickaxe this way I do warn you if you’re going to do this at home do not AFK too long here without paying attention to your screen or you might

Come back to not having a pickaxe almost happened to me like twice now all right so I went ahead and I got some red concrete I didn’t do the white or the black yet because I think it is raining that is great let’s not make it rain because it absolutely fries any video

Recording and and it’s not night time yet all right rain is gone and now I’m realizing something I was actually looking at the wrong image that I had cuz I’m basing this off of an old build from my original hardcore world where I’m making it bigger and more improved

That one was only 16 blocks wide this bad boy is 32 wide so basically on each side we’re going to start out with six on the bottom so we have 1 2 3 4 5 six and then I do two red concrete then 1 2

3 4 five 6 and then me just repeat the process all the way to the end so 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 and then finally one and two two got it and basically this is going to be the kind

Of makeup of each side of the block of TNT it’s going to look kind of like this this will be each little portion I actually just took a regular block of TNT and I referenced it and used all the individual pixels to kind of decide on

How this should look okay so now that we got these each of these are going to be too high so this is kind of where my lack of red wool is really going to hurt me because majority of this build is actually red wool for the red Parts well

I wouldn’t say majority but a good portion of it is is actually red wool so that’s a little little bit of a problem all right so fun fact uh apparently my last video was 660 gigabytes of recording data and because of that I got cut off Midway through the last clip and

I lost a bit of recording that’s okay we got this part right here done this is one of the first four segments on each side so essentially this is how it’s going to look at the bottom part of the TNT we’ll have one of these here we’ll

Have two more of them right here and then they will be all the way around this entire block then we will have the White Band in the middle that says TNT and then we’ll have another similar band on top that is red and that’s pretty

Much it I I still don’t need that much terra cotta even though this is bigger I basically need eight piece pieces of Terra Cotta on each section instead of two which still does not warrant an entire shulker box but you know what we have this for the future so let’s just

Go ahead and build this area real quick and we’ll see how it looks all right there we go and just like the theme of everything else in this video this took longer than I anticipated because the Sheep just didn’t want to stop being naked I mean I

Feel them but at the same time I needed their resources also around the edges because the texture Works differently than when I’m placing blocks it kind of does this I could have fixed it by adding like an extra layer here and going there on both sides but I uh it

Was kind of too late for that I didn’t really think that through very well so instead we kind of have like a little bit of a cut up close it looks kind of annoying but when you look at it from a distance you really don’t notice it like

Like look at that little corner right there you really don’t notice it and then if you go to like this side over here I think this one’s actually worse this one looks a bit worse but you still really don’t notice it like it’s just a block of TNT basically I already went

Ahead and got myself a whole bunch of white concrete and black concrete so now we just have to build the white and black section in the middle and then add another red one on top and boom this TNT block is officially done and boom it is now beautified so I took

The Liberties of turning all of okay I I didn’t just fall I took the Liberties of turning all of the path areas into these nice little segmented bits of like nature so we got like some trees we’ve got foliage we’ve got nice lights in there in this one I even add a nice

Little like pond with some sugar cane under here I don’t quite know what to do with yet so I’m probably going to leave it for now I was thinking about adding like a sugar cane inside of this this leg like I could do like a big sugarcane

Farm to make the paper so that way you can make fireworks you know cuz gunpowder and then for the paths I was thinking maybe in the future I could turn them into like maybe deep slate or something add some nice lanterns or lights inside of them just make them

Look nicer but for now this turned out pretty nice it’s actually pretty basic if you think about it it’s kind of just fences little paths in nature I just got a bunch of dirt and grass built up some nice little Plains area put a bunch of

Trees in put all kinds of grass and flowers with uh bone Mill nothing nothing too crazy and this making this path was not easy this was so difficult it was unreasonable so uh fun fact I started this project quite a while ago right I had this area ready to have all

This foilage added in like October of last year and you may be wondering where have I been since you know I I haven’t uploaded on the channel in like 3 months and honestly I’m kind of disappointed that I didn’t get to upload for last year cuz I had a lot of cool videos

Planned but short tldr of it is I ended up getting Co I got long coid I guess I don’t know I was sick for like a month and a half straight right I was sick for so long and I could not talk I lost my

Voice and then I got better for a little bit right after getting better for about a week in like God it was like November I ended up taking a bit of aak break to recover cuz I was constantly tired is there a Traer on top of my beautiful TNT

Block what do you have oh wow look at this guy Acacia Birch dark and Spruce and melon if this was like a like a ocean world or something I would have been so happy however it’s not so goodbye natural selection ah ah oh God natural selection natural selection I’m

Good I’m good yeah anyways back to the story I got sick I got coid I took about a week in between to heal and and I started getting like really bad pain in my teeth afterwards Well turns out my wisdom teeth that I’ve been having problems with for a while they ended up

Needing to come out so I was I was scheduled to get my teeth out I kid you not 2 days before Christmas 2 days before Christmas and guess what happened they told me if I feel like I might be getting sick to call them and we might

Have to reschedule or whatever and I was like you know that’s just a precaution they got to make sure right well the night before the day before sorry I felt like I was getting sick so I called them and guess what I’m pretty sure I got Co

Again I don’t know but I was sick through all of December and New Year’s and after that in early January a couple days ago actually okay it’s about a week ago now I got my wisdom teeth out all four of them so if you’re wondering why there’s not any uploads in the channel

That’s that’s where that is and I decided to kind of just throw it into this video since I didn’t want to make a video on its own for it because it wasn’t really Among Us Among Us sorry I I didn’t I didn’t really want to make it its own video so

Just just letting you guys know I’m sorry and I want to get more uploads out this year I want to do a lot more this year than we did last year and I appreciate you all for still being here but anyways this pretty much sets up our

Creeper Farm it’s looking really good as you can see here it is looking phenomenal this dark spot is bothering me it’s like a Shader issue I had to try to fix that if you have any like guide for that any way to fix it I’d really appreciate anything in the comments cuz

I just don’t know but anyways now that we have our creeper Farm fully Decked Out and functional it’s time to see how much gunpowder we have I have this room which is going to be a huge factory warehouse for the gunpowder these chests going to come all the way down but right

Now I don’t have the resources I need an iron farm for that and we’re not really dealing with that however what I do want to test out is how much gunpowder can this fad boy produce you can actually hear the creepers right now so during this entire time I’ve been working on

This project this has been filling up we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight 9 10 11 12 12 that doesn’t seem right where where is the other stuff going is there is there chest in the middle are there 12 and then all of these and then 13

Uh I do this right that’s not full that’s definitely not full which is good so this side’s full that’s right maybe I just maybe it left off in a weird spot I don’t know but we have 13 double chest full and we go into okay yeah here we go

Cool so we go until here this is the chest that is empty we’re going to put that here and what we’re going to do is we’re going to build ourselves a sky area to AFK and we’re going to AFK for one full hour to see exactly how much

Gunpowder this bad boy can produce in an hour this is going to be insane I’m not quite sure where I should AFK even because I don’t want to be too close to it since there are actually can I make it up here NOP definitely can’t now okay that’s cool thanks I need fireworks

Fireworks you will not believe the amount of resources that I have gone through in this video to make this structure all right crisis adverted we got ourselves our fireworks I think so inside of the farm the actual area is like right there where the farm itself

Stops so I could probably just AFK on top of this TNT what is the Y level up here we are at 256 wow that’s insane also don’t look I know it is day 375 okay I have done a lot in this world I know I know it’s

It’s an insane amount of time but let’s just uh casually just uh sorry guys we’re going to do that and we’re going to build ourselves a nice little place to AFK in the center area up here is there even a center you know what I kind of don’t care if there is a

Center or not we’re just going to we’re just going to add one of these right you know let’s get some glass let’s let’s make this nicer with glass all right it’s kind of a weird little building and it’s not centered but here we go and

Just to make sure I don’t get killed by anything while I AFK I’m going to live in style you know what let’s make it a whole little cozy cabin let’s give myself a table un crafting that’s definitely Spanish for crafting table do not ask someone who speaks Spanish that

Boom got a nice little bed and boom crafting table look at that cozy little Shack and before the AFK commences let’s go down and reclear that chest just to give ourselves a good starting point I want that chest to have no gunpowder in it whatsoever so that way we know

Exactly how much we get cuz we got 21 and I there’s a bunch of creepers up there dying so let’s kind of wait for them to filter out all right we’re at 50 I don’t think this is going to stop cuz I think it just keeps it’s going to keep

Running CU of how far down we are so we’re going to take everything that’s in there and we’re going to fly back up and we’re going to start all right so here I am back up in here and we will start actually let’s put let’s put a chest

Piece on always put your chest piece on don’t just stand around with your elytra in the hardcore world you never know what’s going to happen anyways a 1 hour timer starts now all right it has been one full hour and conveniently enough it is also Sunrise you know actually let’s

Just make it daytime real quick there we go all good so let’s go check to see exactly how much this bad boy produced I’m hoping that Standing On Top of the TNT was a good enough like position to be in that we could actually get ourselves the maximum spawns ooh I hear

Lots of creepy boys not something you typically would like to hear all right this is the chest that we stopped off at everything from here we already had what was I too high up are you telling me it is wasted in an hour I was

Too high up I don’t think any of these chunks were loaded oh no oh no so maybe we’ll make like a spot like right here and we’ll do like that let’s like this is stupid this is so stupid so we’re going to do is we’re going to build over here make another Sky

Platform we’re going to build over here we’re going to make another Sky platform we’re going to center it right there I guess I don’t I don’t know man is this far enough away we’ll do it like right here right here seems far enough away we’re going to make another Sky platform

And then I guess we’re going to AFK for another hour yay all right it’s now night time and raining but I have my cozy little area here nice and safe from the outside no Phantoms no rain and I made this doorway I I don’t know why I made it

Like this but like the chances of me eventually hitting a wall while trying to fly in here are pretty high let’s be honest but even with that we got our little like platform we’re going to come down here and take a look to see if the actual

Farm is working cuz I want to see oh wa oh just by being up there for like 10 minutes to make that I feel half a chest this is going to be so good we’re going to empty out this and make this our new starting point and we’re going

To test the to see just how many gunpowder this bad boy can produce in one full Hour all right now this time for real we have waited an hour And why are my dogs here okay I guess you guys are going to sit up here but like I mean I guess it rained a couple of times maybe like a thunderstorm oh no really hoping lightning did not like strike down here or something okay you’re still here

Where the ones that I named okay there there’s no missing dogs that I know of I don’t you know what it doesn’t matter doesn’t matter let’s go see how many resources this Farm produced in one full hour I am stoked to this I am so excited

I really hope it’s not messed up this time all right one double chest two double chests is that it no way there’s also the hopper so oh almost just died to death all right so we do have the two chests plus nothing that’s odd where else would I

Feel like I may have screwed up the sorting system and maybe I was just overestimating it so we got two chests full and we also have two Hoppers full how do I get to that Hopper okay so two chests a hopper and this that’s how much gunpowder that this produced let’s do

Some quick maths all right so after doing some quick math this Farm in 1 hour produced a total of 7,390 gunpowder 7,400 7,400 in only in an hour and that’s without updating it I could add more layers to it and I mean that’s an hour like on average what are you going to

Need 7,000 gunpowder in more than an hour that is inane that means as I’m playing this world this thing will just be non-stop producing tons and tons of resources this is absolutely correct that’s also assuming that this is even a good spot right here for the AFK platform maybe I

Messed up I don’t think no mob shouldn’t spawn down there I don’t know maybe where I put the AFK platform has something to do with it but either way 7,400 gunpowder an hour is perfect and just like that this thing is done we have built a giant creeper Farm in

Hardcore Minecraft So yeah thank you all for watching this video took so so so much work to do it took literal days of work like this was going on for weeks and then I got sick so it ended up not coming out for a couple of months I am

Sorry again that I didn’t get any uploads out towards the end of last year I really wanted to have a lot going on on the channel and I had a lot planned and those things will still come out this year but but yeah if you did make

It to the end of the video I really appreciate it you all are so amazing and I also just want to say a huge thank you to my patreons who help support the videos by going the extra mile if you do want to also help support the channel

There will be a link to the patreon in the description down below you get your name on the screen as an extra thank you and you get access to all of my world downloads and Future mod packs that I do have coming up very soon that you can

Play on and do whatever you want with on your own anyways this has been pain domination and I will see you all in the next video Peace by the way if you are still here watching this then you definitely want to click on the video that you see on your screen right now

And you definitely want to subscribe if you haven’t yet if you don’t subscribe a group of phantoms will stop you from sleeping for the rest of your life and will make sure you fail every single hardcore world you ever try to make so don’t forget that

This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Building The ULTIMATE Creeper Farm Inside a GIANT Creeper!’, was uploaded by PainDomination on 2023-11-09 19:00:17. It has garnered 16207 views and 556 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:32 or 8792 seconds.

Today I spent well over 100 in game days looting, exploring and making farms all so I could create the ultimate massive creeper farm in Hardcore Minecraft!

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✦*Check out my Twitter!* – https://twitter.com/PainDomination ——————————————————————————————————————- Hardcore Minecraft will flip any casual minecrafter upside-down with an onslaught of hostile mobs that do insane damage to you. In this video I spent 100 days surviving the harsh elements that hardcore minecraft has to offer and I thrived in it.

#Minecraft #HardcoreMinecraft #100 Days

PainDomination – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWNH3vyDfAToVG8UVqewdjQ

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  • Crafting perfection in MineCraft – Build Brilliance!

    Crafting perfection in MineCraft - Build Brilliance!Video Information This video, titled ‘#MineCraft #CraftingAdventures #PixelPerfection #BuildBrilliance 9’, was uploaded by GameHive Hub on 2024-02-10 11:09:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the endless possibilities of the blocky universe with our Minecraft video series! From epic builds to thrilling adventures, … Read More


    SURPRISE: BLOOD GOLEM IN MINECRAFT?!😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘IS BLOOD GOLEM REALLY EXIST IN MINECRAFT😨😨😨 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Argaming0999 on 2024-03-26 02:32:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. IS BLOOD GOLEM REALLY EXIST IN MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft … Read More

  • wizsin

    wizsinthe bed wars and skywars and tntrun and box and parkour and survivel and skyworld and crates and pvpworld Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP McMMO Friendly Economy Pets 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win schemes? Join ExeosCraft where we prioritize your experience. Any money generated goes to charity. Why Choose Us? Stability: Server up since June 2020 with no resets on a massive 35,000×35,000 map Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways Inclusivity: A safe space for all, hate speech not tolerated Custom Plugins: Enhancing vanilla experience Cross-Platform: Tuned for both Java and Bedrock Our Features: Permanent World Level-Up System Pets Land Claim McMMO Strong Economy Leaderboards Hard Difficulty Player-Driven Updates Join us… Read More

  • Prepare for war

    Prepare for warWelcome to Para Bellum. The #1 server for geopolitics and nation simulations!• Start a civilization, rally armies, write lore, and expand your domain!• World Lore and Roleplay!• Crossplay!What are you waiting for? Join now! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Madness #22

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme Madness #22Looks like this meme has mined itself a solid score of 303! Clearly, it’s a diamond in the rough. Read More

  • Minecraft note block jam! #blockparty

    Minecraft note block jam! #blockparty Why did the Minecraft note block go to therapy? Because it had too many issues with its blocks! #blocktherapy #minecraftproblems #noteblockstruggles Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: Cave Adventures

    Mastering Minecraft: Cave Adventures Minecraft Adventures: Mining Coal, Wood, and Exploring Caves Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as we delve into the depths of caves once again. But before we can brave the darkness, we must gather essential resources like coal and wood to light our way and fend off the lurking monsters. Mining Coal for Light and Fuel Coal is a valuable resource in Minecraft, serving as both a source of light and fuel. By mining coal deposits scattered throughout the world, players can craft torches to illuminate their surroundings and smelt ores to create tools and armor. Key Point: Always… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Noobs and Hackers Thrive Together!

    Join Minewind: Where Noobs and Hackers Thrive Together! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today, we have an exciting new video to share with you all. In this video, SAND and KAYDNN compete in a build competition in Minecraft. But, there’s a twist – KAYDNN is secretly cheating with hacks and a remote! Will SAND find out KAYDNN’s secret? Watch the video to find out! Today, we are exploring the world of Minecraft in a whole new way. While we usually focus on Roblox, we wanted to try something different and dive into the creative world of Minecraft. We hope you enjoy this new video style as much as you… Read More

  • Master the Mace: Insane Minecraft Speedrun!

    Master the Mace: Insane Minecraft Speedrun!Video Information this is the m which is located in the trail Chambers which is the new Minecraft 1.21 update and we’re going to be trying to speed run the maze in in a new Minecraft world so to obtain the breeze Rod you need to kill a breeze to get a breeze rod and then you need to open one of these WS the ominous W using an ominous key you can open if it this key you can open the vault and you you have a chance of getting to have heavy Gore is one of the rarest… Read More

  • Exclusive Vault 67 Depot Fallout Merch Drop!

    Exclusive Vault 67 Depot Fallout Merch Drop!Video Information welcome I am your overseer sth Lord Miguel and it is Sunday 1:46 p.m. Pacific Standard Time in Southern California the weather is nice it’s about 74 degrees out it’s clear but it may rain later [Music] on and uh bo there nothing to do on the real world so we came back to our our vault 33 to continue building now most of this had been done from memory and my own crew drawings based on the very limited amounts of both leak pictures teaser trailers and videos of what the VA possibly looks like we know… Read More

  • Riker x Fusurt Shocks with Black Watermelon!

    Riker x Fusurt Shocks with Black Watermelon!Video Information один Чёрный русский мальчик заработал капиталь и пустил арбузы в оборот ой прикупил себе Нальчик разбивается корчик смелым пацанам всегда везёт на а недовольны дди босы курят жадно арбузы думают нас за крышевать а приглашаю на доброс Мусора бля кровососы вам наших бабок не видать А мы всё дальше живём арбузы пьём делок полум бриллиантом а эх заживём эх заживём Ну ки зар перемоги не буде пи Это на моей груди поне этол сни туй Н 5 часов на моих руках костях дворов последний раз туда летал на жете И ты бы смог но ты не смог ведь… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft stream with INSANE Discord interactions!!

    EPIC Minecraft stream with INSANE Discord interactions!!Video Information Ok sì Adesso siamo in live faccio 21:15 Ah che poi io per questo momento star un attimo a FK Semmai leggiamo la chat insieme sì Eh io intanto vi faccio vedere il mondo che adesso È strafigo Oh Ciao agostine ciao Fizi Come state c’è la chatbox però m la chatbox magari Mister Gamer Ciao mister Gamer che mi dice vai a piangere Chissà chi sarà eh puoi un attimo iscriverti per per vedere se va il cosa G Alert Eh no perché io ero già iscritto intendo Mister Gamer No no cioè non va più c’è… Read More

  • What’s INSIDE the Mystery Box?! 😱 #Minecraft

    What's INSIDE the Mystery Box?! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘whats in the box #minecraft @AN_editz_47.’, was uploaded by AN_editz_47 on 2024-02-28 06:23:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft @shorts @attitude @game @gaming @animation Cave #viral #trending #minecraft #edit #gaming #Imillion #shorts … Read More

  • INSANE! Finding GIANT SKELET in Minecraft Challenge!

    INSANE! Finding GIANT SKELET in Minecraft Challenge!Video Information [Applause] [Music] yeah I bought a new car now I’m the coolest in the village all the villagers will only look at me which is super cool what could be cooler than my superar it’s a real race car and no one can take it away I didn’t have a cool garage built yesterday for nothing I wonder what Mikey’s doing hey Mikey what are you doing good she opened a new shop in our Village today and they sell treasure maps let’s go quickly let’s see what’s interesting and what we can buy Follow Me come on… Read More

  • Watame Levels Ground for Lamb Vegas Race! 🐑🎲

    Watame Levels Ground for Lamb Vegas Race! 🐑🎲Video Information 眠れない夜は私を思い出し て楽しい夢にみんなをまとめて連れてくよ マ ささあいつまでもたたこの地で歌を胸を 打ちふわせる感動をならすようにくを探し 食べてみたり魔法を使て空を飛んだり誰か を救う広になったりなれもできそうな気が するね暗暗てやっちゃいそうな前にいれ フらフらてよってちゃわよもうハべた負け じゃなくてこれくらいがちょうどいわなて も君の前じゃ 絶対心ただ踊ったってまま心そういなっ たって捨てステでスれがてっちゃって ちょちょじゃんけんポンで勝っちゃって ケケケけけパ進んじゃって止まって可能性 感じちゃって [音楽] からしてあげ [音楽] ましょういつかは 大きなソルになるかな僕と いうを 強く強く描くの夢を見つけていくつも 抱き抱えて君と話した未来を掴みに言と 言葉にしたときっとそうじゃないテレ ちゃんが今日ちゃらけちゃうじゃないほの ほは隠したいじゃないのもうそうじゃない のに な1回10回回000回挑戦は 続けまだ足りないせを持ってる読まない雨 の中ずっと考えて考えて考えて見つけなせ 僕だけのカを証明したいんだよなそう だろうそうだろう T JAOG [音楽] こんばんどどどはは忙しあ忙しい こんばんはよいしょ はしコラス フルーツ取ってましたこんばんは音は 大丈夫でしょうかあ忙しい忙しいああ マルチタスク [音楽] 忙しい こんばんはマルチタスクをこなしてまし たメダルがたくさん必要だからな ふうこんなもん かこっちはまだ成長するな音大丈夫 ありがとうございますえ今日は昨日の 続きマルチタスクをしながら 正置を行いたいと思い ますやる か設置するか よいしょマルチタスクマルチ勧誘じゃない マルチ勧誘じゃないよあメンバーシップ いらっしゃいませウカムto メンバーシップいらっしゃいませ ん今日はマルチタスクで船長していきたい と思います おいしょ おいしょやコーラスフルーツ自動化した方 がいいかなちょっと早めに作った方がいい のかもしれないと思いつつ今日は成長して いきたいと思い ます ここあの ねドドドレースを作るんだけどその隣に ブラックジャックの機械もるのであれば まとめてここをごそとくり抜いてしまった 方があ こんばんはくり抜いてしまった方が楽なの で はというのを見かけまし てまとめてくり抜いちゃおうか な一気にやっちまおうか なって思っていたり やる か劇的ビフォーアフターする かええかなちょ削り取っていくかまめ ブレイクうまい工業やるかちょっとこれ 焼くか焼い て ゴミ箱ゴミ箱シルカ持ってくる か匠連れてくるや今来てほしい ね今は来てほしい匠でもな絶対余計なとこ まで潰すやんあギフトありがとうござい ます絶対いらんとこまでブレイクするやん そこまで目に見えてるぞ たたみは 危険そうよ気を許したら最後 よよしこれ焼いて これいらないんだよなこんなに取れなくて いいんだよなわがまま いやく か綿めもブレイクされちゃう本当だ よホラゲだから なこれ入れ て… Read More

  • 🔥Epic Disco Light in Minecraft! #viralshorts

    🔥Epic Disco Light in Minecraft! #viralshortsVideo Information [Musik] [Musik] am am [Musik] for This video, titled ‘Disco Light In Minecraft #shorts #trending #viral #vralshorts #viraltoday #minecraft #mcpe #builds’, was uploaded by Burning Gamerz on 2024-03-10 14:31:49. It has garnered 440 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Welcome to our channel where we explore Minecraft TikTok hacks to help you level up your gameplay! In this video, we will be sharing some of the best tips and tricks discovered on TikTok that will enhance your Minecraft experience. From secret shortcuts to resourceful building techniques, we’ve got you covered. Prepare… Read More

  • Don’t dare play this terrifying Minecraft seed!

    Don't dare play this terrifying Minecraft seed!Video Information in this scary video a couple of kids are playing and having fun until this shocking event happens watch [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘Minecraft popular horror seed [don’t try]’, was uploaded by lucktuber on 2024-01-07 19:10:29. It has garnered 2520 views and 135 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Minecraft popular horror seed [don’t try] #Minecraft #minecraftmobile #minecrafthoror #minecraftviralshorts #minecraftanimation #trending #short #shorts #Minecrafthorrorseed Read More

  • FunnyGuy

    FunnyGuyThe FunnyGuy Server is a server for all aged. Things you might find interesting on the server: – ProximityChat, Giants, IllusionerRaids, ZombieHorses, KillerRabbits Envoys, Claim, ClaimFlyAddon, CrateKeys, Economy, PVP, Survival, Voting, XP/MoneyWithdraw, PhantomDecreaseTargetting, StackingMobs, MobKBModifier, AnvancedArmorStands, InvisibleItemFrameToggle. AND MUCH MORE TO EXPLORE! Make sure to read the rules upon joining the server! Disrespecting the rules will result in a permanent ban. funnyguy.mcserver.io Read More

  • Infection ZCraft – PVP & Modded – Custom Guns & Zombie Apocalypse

    Server Information Discord Link: Join Here ModPack: Infection ZCraft – Download Here Java Server IP: Minecraft Version: 1.16.5 Unique Gameplay Features Custom Guns, Armor, and Attachments Custom Infected Zombies NPCs and Bosses Custom Loot Chests and AirDrops SafeZones, KeyCard Rooms, and Black Market Daily Kits and Player Trading VoiceChat Read More

  • BrainrotSMP

    Welcome to the Brainrot SMP!We are a survival multiplayer which focuses on detailed building and fun player interactions! We have a cool growing community and are always welcoming to others! If you wish to gather more information please join the discord (listed below) We have an economy that is centered around fish so players are encouraged to farm and interact.Discord: discord.gg/rF6vKGe5f8 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When the Ender Dragon steals your diamonds

    Wow, that meme scored higher than my last math test! Read More

  • Crafting Time: Minecraft Adventure Unleashed

    Crafting Time: Minecraft Adventure Unleashed In the Land of Ooo, Adventure Time took flight, Finn and Jake, always ready to fight. But now in Minecraft, a new adventure begins, With blocks and mobs, and crafting wins. Lemon Grab’s tree turned into apples, oh my, A twist of fate that made him cry. But Tree Trunks praised his effort, so sweet, Showing that hard work is a tasty treat. Finn’s philosophical musings, so deep, Seeing beauty in the work, not just the keep. But Jake, in his playful way, threw diamonds in the fire, Causing chaos, a Minecraft desire. With a rocket in hand, Finn… Read More