Ultimate Decked Out Adventure in Minecraft

Video Information

Be right for face for YouTube now and we’ll just double check Facebook Facebook and let see move it and start streaming go live so I’ve got some um software now you know you got I can’t what they call it like restream I’ve been using it goes to two things at once but you have like all the you know the ads for for it like

On at the front of stuff like that um yeah do that do that did the stream key yeah um so I’ve got that but then um someone show me some software that works within OBS that lets you uh stream to like five or six different things at

Once for free so I’m that’s what I’m trying to set been trying to set up um so yeah uh that’s the stream key I think you and I think Facebook changes the stream key um okay persistent stream key server URL is this let’s try again persistent server URL is

That yep yep yep yep do that start go on you there you go there we go the video’s there stream setup’s there it’s live now post on the timeline go Li uh complete post details I have why why you why won’t you let me go in stream

Setup’s fine Gaming’s fine settings is fine go live B I can see the video but it’s not uh no I don’t want to publish a poll go away feature one link twitch yes Save okay complete post details that gaming game Minecraft this is so clunky my

God tag co- streamers no cross post to that page yes yes yes done done post a in comment done Next I’ve done the post why won you let me go not supposed to be easy you know yeah say say I’ve made a post yet and I have because I’ve literally just typed it in and let me just edit and come back in uh playing de out 2 on MC pages

Save maybe just updating it there you go hell so because it’s the same post as before I thought it’d just uh post but it doesn’t so you have to just go in and come back out again and and it does it there you go so now I should be

On Facebook twitch and YouTube at the same time are you absolutely sure about that can you not see me I still see you on Twitch I can’t find it on YouTube facebook.com/ mcit try that yeah I’m there at last post 34 uh and it says I’m streaming

On yeah on my YouTube here it says I’m streaming oh wait if I go to videos I do find it yeah so Facebook is facebook.com MC move and it should should be the first post you see in theory uh nope it’s not but it does work

If you go to the video so maybe it will be the first post in a bit Ah Yeah it’s probably just being a knob and then YouTube is says it’s streaming and I’ve been streaming for five minutes according to this uh so I what you tell you man I’m

Not finding it uh hang on let me go um youtube.com for slmc moit for some reason yep I’m on the page I see let’s have a look there’s YouTube page there’s a live tab at the top and yeah you’re right it’s not why isn’t it that’s weird huh did you confirm the YouTube

Stream yeah I did yeah I’m looking at the thing now I’ve got n live video start live video it’s going to MC Mo that’s the Facebook one sorry let me just get to the YouTube one yeah YouTube’s there um okay let me just do let’s

Do see if if I update the title again and see if that boots it through playing save update categ gaming edit up dat Minecraft yeah see if it does update itself yeah Chang just saved yeah stream stream says stream active yeah why aren’t you on the main page then that is weird come

On yeah yeah underwater that’s weird isn’t it you’re right huh pop out the dashboard hang on it says no no viewers at the moment which obviously obviously because people can’t see it you you didn’t stream it as unlisted did you uh good call let’s have a look streaming

Software ah yeah that’s the problem that’s the problem if you’re going to stream unlisted then we can’t find it man oh I am a muppet all right hang on it must it’s defaulted to private I think try that let me just refresh mine as well uh there we are flippy neck I’m

Such a you’re supposed to be the professional of this stuff why am I the one finding a solution yes but yeah but you know you’re the software guy so you know between the two of us we’ve got a one functioning brain cell all right all right so um changes in this version

B uh first of all you will need your sidebar this time okayy dokie SL give me two secs I’m just double checking my uh stream software as well to make sure it’s not spamming out yep okay got it excellent uh should be working now all good

Now there we are uh give me a mic test Please Turk mic test Please Turk there we go right so you need a sidebar right okay so I’m on for the edit and speaking of uh you know strange wizard type people it’s turo hello sir

Hello hello hi so he just told had a little bit of well I mean it’s good it’s good we’ve got a expert developer here because that getting those live streams working on every platform was a bit of a ball L because I’m an

Idiot we got it but we got it in the end didn’t we we got it in the end you can finally die repeatedly Oh yay that’s uh that’s just what I want to want to do so you just to activate my sidebar so I’ve done that what so what’s point of that then

Uh so I don’t want to work with maps so I just made sure all the information need turns out to be in the sidebar instead ah okay makes life way easier for me to manage fair enough uh this guy hasn’t changed but you do have a default deck now oh yeah

I’ve got sneak two moments of clarity and the stability in there uh yep that seems correct all Hil the the Creator there you go yep feel free to uh activate those I’ll pump pump some cards into your deck after you do your first couple of runs here yeah okay there you

Go all right yeah if you look above me here in the magical text lines uh there’s some more statist statistics going on what English we have uh play tokens now which means there’s a limit to how many times you can play during a week I saw there’s

A Dude down there isn’t there there is a Dude down here you can go talk to him as well he is also functioning now oo he does need some balancing but he does sell things for crowns nice he’ll sell so some Crown specific cards which are mainly ethereal

So you you can only use them once mhm uh and then he you can get some more play tokens you can also get victory points which isn’t fully implemented yet but it’s kind of implement I’m still testing out the storage on that so basically

Every week there will be a new set of uh a new leaderboard and they will all be saved so we have total one and a weekly one I’m not I am not going to make the board anytime on my big J You by last time if you’re the only player

You know oh You’ be number one easy there you go win it by default cobre Win It by default so there’s a differ between my ethereal and Tango’s ethereal uh Tango’s ethereal if you have it in your deck and you start the game they’re gone my etherial uh if you have it in

The deck and it gets used it’s gone if it’s not used you keep it for the next run actually I prefer that frankly that sounds all right it’s pretty decent if you die in 10 seconds you don’t lose any ethereal cards yeah I like that change uh but there’s a reason for it

That’s because uh I think my version in the long run will be bigger and probably more tedious cuz I’m using Iden as a builder he likes to build big stuff he does yes and uh I don’t think he’s watch much ducked out so we kind of have to merge

My ID and his ID and then we see what happens but it’s so far it’s been working out level two is ready to go so you are able to test that one today if I can get there right you should not start on medium immediately we need to increase your deck first

Y um if you are lacking some things or if you have stuff in your inventory here have a chair ooh you’ll notice that above me here yeah yeah big big red text will uh tell you that hey something’s wrong and it only shows up if something is wrong

So right right it it also warns you if you have some unplayed card but you don’t have you can ignore that warning I I need my chair back yeah there you go oh what the come here I cannot throw it that makes sense there you go go excellent right uh

Yeah no I don’t think there’s anything else that you need to know for oh I mean the map changed but you know I changed some drop values I’m still balancing I think you should go in and have a look oh God okay right I am going to start by by going

Against my Irish Tendencies and I’m playing sober I am on Diet Coke the more I lose the more despair I feel in my in my strange you know uh uh let me rephrase that for the editor the more I lose the more you know I feel despair in my uh strange

Depressed H but you know in which case I might open a a beer my wife’s coming back to um have we have afternoon beers on it on a on a Saturday uh and then watch strictly but hey testing needs to be done let’s do it so apparently you

Just walk straight in and I mean check this out guys the door is exactly the same so I’m going to sh up and let you see the whole experience so here we go sque Goosebumps turo Goosebumps right so we’re going to go on easy oh did you want me to go on on

Medium Turk I assume you want me to go on easy because we haven’t got any cards yet I was mute start start on easy start on easy thank you okay here here we go okay we have got and we’ve got a friend already yay uh can you get through there no you

Can’t okay okay okay oh I can hear him right okay okay okay okay okay okay I’m so bloody nervous every time I play this damn thing right oh the sound designs awesome um right I’m guessing it’s up there and we need jump boys to get up there so we’re going to go around

Here yeah fair enough oh right okay oh there the why the side just noce the sidebars on as well guys so as you can see the sidebar there come on come on come on then come on through here that’s it yeah you fck off that’s

It break his line of sight uh uh no so we got the Side Bar there for hazard and Clank and everything else like that I think going have to go around this way though um we I’ve got some treasure already can we no we can’t uh we can’t open those so

Now a damn it okay so we’re in a crypt here as you can see the map is very slightly is slightly different there’s some bits that exactly same as Tango’s version but obviously because we’ve got quite a large server here we as as our esteemed developers just said we’ve made

It bigger for people you know so they’ got more to explore and things um does mean though that I can’t spoof uh there’s nothing behind those paintings cuz they are always suspicious um I can’t spoof uh by knowing the map cuz I’ve watched watched all the Hermits

Live streams on this um this all looks new right so it’s the other side of this world no I can hear you behind me you H yourself you H yourself good Jesus you swine right okay keep going um oh oh oh bu it it is multi level now

As you can tell okay we’ve got some treasure and some other bits and Bobs this is it is is this it it’s down it’s down here okay so see if I can get hurting myself like that ow okay um definitely not here there’s something down there we don’t know now it’s a case

Of I could say I I think I I think our levels are a little bit harder just because yes because it’s multi-leveled and things so yeah and I’ve just done a stumble uh I need to get out and I need some treasure okay there’s okay okay this is this is good

Cuz we know he’s there which means there’s going to be a ravager right here hi yeah yeah yeah I see you okay I broken his line of sight so that’s mostly okay but I do need to be heading this way there’s a ravager right there okay see if I can get around him

This way um okay okay okay I don’t know the levels yet is that my head nice that’s where I keep dying there um so yeah fair enough uh that’s it that’s a welcome Edition is that the exit he’s camping the bloody exit hi hi hi your mom’s a come

On come on your mother was a snow blower you coming no fine I’ll see if I’m good this way then oh this is the exit oh there you go easy easy easy jump into the pit there there we go let’s see what what cards we get so we’ve got Loot and

Scoot we’ve got Nimble looting we’ve got bouni nice Beast sense page Focus adrenaline rush so we’ve only got 12 uh things uh so we can’t have anything from there so we’re going to have to go over here oh you can buy a play token though for how much 25

Whatever uh victory points price 10 I can get a victory point I can get a page Seeker which I think are these right yeah secret page I can get Treasure Hunter for nine basically any of these got stability I think we need to be um that’s atherial I

Believe uh stability will be so the doors don’t close and we’ve got sneak I think we need some sneak to be honest if you right click the sign you’ll see all the information about it uh if you shift right click you will buy it okay so stability two Hazard block sneak gives

You two Clank blocks so Clank guys is um the more Clank you have the more um you know stuff comes at you and enemies kind of come at you and stuff that so um AER obviously this is aerial which means you get one use and then it disappears you

Got treasure hunter here which is more treasure drops and we’ve got uh page Seeker which is the secret page drops is what we use to buy stuff in here so it’s a trick it’s either there or there I think I think a stability or Hazard or a Clank block frankly uh let’s go

For a sneak so we’ve done that we’ve got five left so we can’t buy one of those can’t buy one of those so now I just go to the thing of ultimate Victory can I sit in this chair no I can’t um yeah just got to just got to go so we’re

Going to go uh which is out here and we’re done easy easy easy thank you Tango for giving us the opportunity to make a game like this it’s amazing what I’m hearing is increase difficulty on level one no no I mean come on it’s me I’m going to I’m going going to fail

Instantly you seem to do just fine do one or two more easy runs then I’m going to Cod you up a bit nice so we’ve got a stability we’ve got one stability and we’ve got two sneaks now so that’s good okay okay let’s go again this door man this door look at it

Squee There’s my thumbnail okay easy run again cuz I’m actually surprised I I managed to get out there cuz um that first play test I was awful wasn’t I oh I forgot you do have some experience now though so uh easier true very true um it’s just finding where the

Exit so the where is the exit is it is it over there so one is right next to you now like if you go a bit forward to the right there’s an exit oh and the other side is where you exited earlier okay so there’s two exits worth

Knowing the yeah they’re kind of in the same spot so I didn’t I felt like it was easier to just add two doors okie dokie right so we got to get past this ravager again so let’s stability that’s good so stability to those who don’t watch The Hermit crafing um some of

These will be doors that close and you can’t get through so obviously we’ve got multiple routes as it stands I’m not going over the bridge of souls that’s just no hence my head be now I died about 15 times there so I think this is a door

Look and it’s gone up um so the more stability you have the less chance of that happening basically um but as you can imagine once you get the um artifact the dungeon’s not happy with you effectively and so trap start springing and doors start closing which means if

You got a ravager chasing you like that you get um then then yeah it makes it harder to get away from them can you get through that no we can’t can so I’m going to just double check my um hostile creatures sounds so I can hear

Them that’s better might be a bit loud I I’ll I’ll adjust accordingly so as I was saying so you’ve got that and then you’ve got the Clank which is um effectively the o yeah so stumble increases Clank um and Clank again is uh h that the more of that you get the harder

The harder the levels get and there’s a ravager here of course there is hi how you doing did you know that your mother hands out a good time she does why don’t you come over here and smack me one come on come on oh my God I

Have I have setting there I can see why he’s put a thing there and basically once your Clank gets to a certain level yeah come on then come on then yeah yeah screw you ow balls right right where is this okay let’s go and yeah I yeah I saw you I’m just going

To double check cuz make sure there’s no levels bu oh hang on is that it that’s not it um uh your compass have arrows on it like the name of the compass oh so you’ve done like in level three of uh the hermitcraft version so it is in

The basement okay it’s in the basement excellent okay so we got to go down here so yeah the the Clank situation is basically um there’ll be hazards not just you know hazards the doors Clank is like um on the homographic server it releases like evokers that that send Vex after you and

Stuff like that I don’t know what he what our lovely developer here has got in store for me when the Clank goes it’s right in the middle of L isn’t it I’m going to have to oh God this is going to be hard yeah I see you I see you I see you

I don’t see you and he’s still there ow no no no no no no no no no no no no and I’m let him right here damn okay so I’m yeah yeah so the difficulty about my compass is that you’ll get slowness for 3 seconds when you click it

You kind of need to not be running yeah um that’ be why I got smacked in the buom by this guy yep that that would explain it yeah uh so he might be a bit difficult the way he I might have to balance him but that’s for another day so good luck

Thanks for that [Laughter] mate I do recommend taking the other staircase though yeah but I’m trying to figure out where the damn thing is so I’m guessing it’s that block maybe um it’s got to be one of those but like I said you get slowness and if he’s chasing you

That’s why uh I’m going to die I’m totally going to die all right all right with your bloody shriekers do one I know there’s a staircase over here uh so let’s yeah cuz that’s that’s the door to level to I believe so I think there’s a staircase going down

Here yes there is okay so if I’ve got these should be still there okay okay let’s go oh always wandered off where is he sh oh he’s there I see you I see you hiding you can’t you can’t fool me so if you can hear in the background there um my

Heartbeat in the game is well my heart in real life’s up but my heartbe in the game is a lot faster now which means it’s going to be a lot harder to get out of the dungeon if fine no I’m going to bring him here right you stay there and then

Then I’m going to go to the other staircase my heartbeat is already fast so there’s not really much I can do about that to to lower it so I’m just going to go to the staircase and click on that one block and he’s there and I

Run and this is where I click on the right block and I don’t and he’s there I don’t squeak you do have the hardest compass in my mind though like on level one that’s the hardest one yeah for sure for sure my friend uh where’s it gone

A okay let’s um go back up here I’m starting to learn the map a little bit actually cuz I know if I go up here and then along here I want to say yeah okay okay I’ve got a level one key let’s see if that works just for a life better not

Cuz I think it turns off the Redstone doesn’t it so we’ll do that one we have to go down there there’s Turk what’s he doing ah you going to help me get which block am I clicking on that one got it keep going flippy neck right okay we got an artifact that is

Hard that is really hard man okay can I I I got a berry I remember this berry bush from last time so we’re just going to let our hearts start going up and then we are going to hi tail it out of here and I believe it’s this way I think I’m on

This is the edge of the map I believe yep here we go this is this is the Clank situation look so we’ve got water coming down we’ll have ve that’s closed that’s a Vex run away run away run away where’s the exit where’s the bloody exit have I got I’m no

Nowhere near the exit am I no No get Spoofed God this is bloody terrifying I don’t like it but I also love it where’s the bloody exit run okay right this is the guy okay so that means I’m got to go this way I don’t know there’s a bloody Vex behind me keep going there’s my head I mean

That means maybe this way there’s a v there’s a there’s a Vindicator knee knee Dude Where’s the exit knee me where where get out run away run away I wasn’t panicking you were panicking you shut up God I was kind of hoping you would die

There but you know I I I stumbled into the exit that’s what I did there I mean you made it and as I said that’s probably the hardest one yeah that is doubly especially cuz you get the slowness that’s um I didn’t even notice what block it

Was either I’m just going to have to try and remember I mean it does have a bit of a radius that it allows you to click it with so if you’re close to the center you’ll be fine ah okay cool trying to remember that my my logic

Is that you’re digging for the treasure in a location or at least rumbling through some stuff so you can’t just like just it up yeah that makes sense Smash and grab 13 treasure drop KY O So suit up it doesn’t tell you that it’s going to give you um a suit of

Armor or anything it just says all Clank but him click click t t uh hang on oh there you go it just has a lot of information gr you n chest but iron leggings also Grant you resistance one for one hour or until you reach match

Clank oh cool all right cool and then we’ve got page Focus uh oh there let suit up page Focus Rarity uncommon four secret page drops Max IND three cool all right so I’ve got eight which I’m guessing isn’t have we got enough uh yes uh let’s do another

Sneak because I’m I’m a defensive player it seems so we’ll do another sneak and we’ll go out good run scary run but good run hooray y how’s that running is that all right for you um Mr developer yes but we’re going to give you some uh treasure here

You also need to make sure you go to deck manage in a bit here mhm give card move it see Beast S I haven’t tested Beast s in a while we’re going to give you a beast sense fair Enough focus and feeling nice also a page Seeker nice right now we can go into deck manager and uh put on all of those yep bo bo bo bo bo so we’ve got fre sneaks we’ve got Loot and sko oh yeah stability page Focus spe sense and Page

Seeker go on there’s one more card I need you to test oh there we go that one all right okay so does this work um same as herocraft so once it yeah note not you note by the the sign of the car that it’s not tested yet uh technically yes uh if

You trigger Clank or actually even if the Clank is blocked uh you will still trigger it but it’s also from any source so it doesn’t have to be the audio it can also be you grabbing the artifact for example ah right okay uh in theory and you’ll notice on

Your sidebar if the page secret page drop goes up within the 8 seconds but you you you do no matter what get plus two Hazard that’s nice not for me I got ravages on my ass that’s fine but yeah it does need testing we’ll see how that goes all

Right well let’s test it then okay in goes the guinea pig again and you’ll notice in the door I had an issue last time with the the bottom part facing the wrong way yeah you did it fixed yeah it looks good looks very good a what a dude okay uh easy mode again

Yeah for the last time and then we do some normal ones oh he’s multi stream what’s good move hello little norer how you doing this little norer is my um is my editor basically um yeah I’m B stream I could only see the chat from for

Anyone who’s watching I can only see the chat on Twitch at the moment in my editing software so just bear that in mind um if we’re mul stream from the team reflector Studios eventually then we’ll have an admin like putting the posts in front of us you know on an iPad

Or something so but bear with us while we do that okay so looks like we’re going to the castle again and this guy is a camping little mother flipper aren’t you yes you are yes you are all right so oof just make us hurt ourselves before we even get out oh no no

No oh my God no okay okay and I’m and I’m getting Clank like wo hi was talking on YouTube but I thought it might have been the issue yeah sorry about that I don’t know I mean if you can find a way Reckless charge let’s go

Did I do it no I didn’t oh never mind okay that uh yeah that’s just normal so I can do that y zala all right okay so where am I going I’m going that way and I’ve made I’ve made the error of coming into the river of souls because

I’m a and there’s a bloody ravager right there come on in your face right got to keep going got to keep going got to keep going no bloody hell I should have gone this way hi hi yes yes you stay there Beast sense well uh nope didn’t need that to go off because

Uh it was right there okay let’s go back through here I’m following the compass a little bit I hear you in the right okay let’s go into the castle it seems a little bit safer and I kind of know where I’m going with it okay back to sneaking a little bit

So is it uh what floor is it on for a start top floor Loot and Scoot I’m looting I’m scooting um I am scooting to the steps oh yeah oh well I forgot about you hi KN KN come on then you coming no you’re not do you not see them glowing at all

You don’t that’s Weir don’t see them glowing and he can make it over the bridge and you are distracting me you g sorry no I can’t see them glowing mate no cuz I can see them glowing so I’m wondering why you can’t cuz they they have the potion effect H interesting so

There might be a player setting thing player setting thing yeah maybe could be OptiFine could be why are you doing having a conversation mve we’re having a conversation here I’ll give you a conversation in a minute oh God he’s following me [Laughter] no you wanted that ah okay come on then

Come on come on there you go you can stay down here mate off you go uh yeah it could be a play set thing I can have a look at it in a minute but not right now when I’ve got a ravager on my ARS right is it here no okay I’m

Breathe I’m breath have you checked the verticality of your uh thingy uh yeah top floor it says okay okay okay okay everything’s fine everything’s fine you shut up right oh hang on is it is it oh it’s not along here so it must be it’s over there right forgot about

You wait a minute can I ha haha I’m in your Redstone what are you going to do about it woo nice I found a secret yay all right so it’s got to be it’s got to be it’s got to be over there wasn’t it unless it’s it’s not inside the secret I can

Guarantee that okay I would never hide I would not put him inside secret okay I found a secret it’s over there and there’s there’s a ravager hello hi how you doing I’ve come to talk about your your insurance and your extended warranty yes did you know there

Were over 100 um saddle deaths every year yes so um can I can I interest you in some cover no okay I’ll just be on my way very slowly over here I was never here he’s sadly kind of blocking the One path you might have to move him around yes um

I’m going hopefully that’s what I’m doing I’m hoping he wanders off hoping he wers yeah hoping he wanders Off blah ah waited five more seconds he would have had it no Dy got you easy yeah I’ve added some uh new death messages for this game as well same code as I use on Indus a bit more uh designed toward sticked out nice like

It all right you want to try a medium run if you do when need to up your treasure cuz you’re not getting Keys y uh let’s oh hello give move it kind of treasure stuff do we have though we have oh we have pay to win that’s a good

One yeah that looked good that pressure Hunter work H um that’s actually um so little norer that’s actually a damn good idea um I’m just seeing if my I’m getting my iPad out and and seeing if I think I can do a thing where it like

Uses my iPad as another screen but I can’t remember what button you press pre Forest I know what I can do I’m just go I just go to the stream itself um and then just just multi- window it so do that split view and another YouTube do that split

View yeah that’ll do and then do that and then do uh MC move it uh do that and that and bit of that change that do you have fast render on by chance let’s have a look uh what is it graphics settings or I don’t know

I just Google it let’s have a look I’ve got fancy graphics on yeah but it should be the render setting uh render distance is 16 simulation distance is 13 so I put that up a bit um I’ve look on my screen see what you think Uh off oh I don’t know where this would be I just know that some other people have the same thing but and quality um no nothing to do with the quality lessons I don’t think uh performance using internal Traders I guess n so I’m I’m on I’m on

Um uh uh you know just just bug standard where’s the shaders there it is yeah I’m just on normal shaders I think uh OptiFine has if you set it to off okay instead of internal see that makes a difference which is weird you know yeah worth try

If I just now we can test it real quick actually without going into Dungeon Because I I’m fairly certain it’s not a dungeon am I which way do you want them to faceing me would be nice yeah anything yeah yeah you see that you see that so it’s the it’s the Shader thing

So you might want to put something in the book or something you know that floats yeah I I I should add an NPC that you can always see that has a globing effect and if you can’t see it you need to good idea do some stuff with your

Shaders yeah it’s a great idea like that seems like a OptiFine specific issue though sadly but you only need it for that one specific card that glow effect anyway so be fine sounds good all right uh check the deck manager unless you already did okay and that is the Minecraft that is

The chat for um thingy up green beans hello is this released publicly no it’s a test run okay excellent all right sorry about that green beans I couldn’t see uh uh all messages can I make look any bigger uh okay that’s that done all right so I’ve

Got the YouTube chat as well in front of me um I’ll try and I’ll try and keep a look on that first time J hello Ed what are you doing um we are playing decked out um on the mcis server this is testing um this is a game for those who

Don’t watch uh who don’t watch hermitcraft a game by Tango Tech here and uh we’ve got our own version here on the MC server it’s pretty good um sadly I’m not very good at it but we’re you know we’re we’re we’re modling through um so I’ve got a load more cards

Here so just this is our deck so we’ve got pay to win we’re testing a lot of cards at the moment Loot and Scoot I’ve got free sneaks which I bought um page Seeker which is uh what you use to buy Cards Beast sense lights up the ravages in

There uh another page Focus course we’ve got Reckless charge has just been added as you can tell from the lack of artwork um so when that when The Reckless charge goes you basically have to set off a shrier within a certain within eight seconds and then if you do you get a lot

Of um secret Pages dropping stability that’s Hazard block we got treasure drops two types of treasure drops and prepared Feast what is this it grants you two cooked pork chops at the start of the game excellent and that is uh an etherial so you only get to use it once so yeah how

Many levels are there are the cards the same it seems there are new ones the cards hello Ed the cards are exactly the same as hermitcraft but then we’ve added some new ones as well um I I’ll let the developers actually on the mic we been out so let develop it

They they are based on the the default ones at least but they have been modified for balancing reasons and uh I have things I can do the Tango count do like I can always Target the player with any give item or anything uh tongo can’t do that with redstone you

Have to use commands or programming for that so I’m using that for some of the cards uh but it’s very based on like I I use his list when I went through them and the same effects as much as I could but they’re implemented in different ways there you go Ed hope that

Explains cently we have two levels and we’re going to have six I think whoa so uh the the difficulty scaling will be a bit different on that as well like level one and two will be counted as easy levels and then when we get to 3 4 we are on

Medium and 5 six we dead basically should be good and so at the moment we’ve got level one and two built um we’re about to test level two so um enjoy me dying repeatedly because I’m an idiot but yeah hopefully that that answers your question Ed um if you got

Any more put them in the comments um always happy to have myself and Turco here who you can hear on the mic um we’ll be happy to answer them um and this is our illustrious leader owner of the server cobri all hail right but what is the same as Tango is this

Hello I know right I know sque sque okay so oh god I’ve got to do a medium run why do you do this to me guinea pigs roll o okay so I’ve got two pork chops and we’ve got a okay we’ve got a floor level midlevel Compass so want some things in this

Level um Ed and people who are watching are the same as Tango bit as you can see here so we’ve got the river of souls we’ve got other things on oh of course you’re there aren’t you um but then because we’re a massive server we’ve got lots of players the

Levels are a lot bigger we’ve got a little castle here and the castle has three levels a basement a ground floor and a top floor which is why we have got the system which is level three of Tango the thing um that tells you which level

You need to go for so it’s somewhere here oh I’m going to have to do the river of Souls and I don’t want to that’s that’s my head cuz I died here like a lot so okay let’s uh I’m going to be a little bit more cautious just at the start

Because I don’t want to be setting off right where I I can’t hear any ravages okay so we got the tree of life there’s a r hi yeah yeah you want to weep my face don’t you but you can’t right it’s wait a minute is it’s

Never over it’s never over there is it Loot and Scoot it is oh oh oh is it here oh easy mode Let’s let’s go bye using my Lo scoot to get past him okay and okay now if you can move away from that that would be amazing right now hi

Noed woo tasty meatza tasty snack tasty snack snack arito are you stuck there there dude are you stuck is that what the problem is I’m just going to tell you you have five treasure drop you might want to go look for some coin oh yeah good point

Okay you don’t have to exit the dungeon just yet I do cuz I’ve got the thing I’m not dead yet oh no I might be there in a minute Though uh e Smash and grab okay uh no yeah fine fine I’ll treasure hunt then tempting me with shiny things I know what your game is all right I know I can go down here so let’s uh basement’s good yeah there you go that one always drops he still got

That little fcker there though kn NE away all right there’s the exit to level two which I believe is that there’s Beast sense and now it’s working there you go turo so there’s one up there hi can you jump down here no you can’t in your face right

Um what they can set you through the floor you swine okay more coins there’s so much treasure but I don’t I don’t want to die I don’t want to die straight away I don’t even know where anything is okay that’s a stumble for some reason I got Beast sens with a

Stumble so there’s a bug uh stumble is a card and bense does say every card so I approved okay that’s not a book that’s a feature excellent spot the game developers in the room n I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m leaving I just no there’s so much treasure on the

Ground Mo it but I’ve I’ve got to get a win dude come on I know I’m supposed to be testing you have wins we need more loses or losses I mean fine so these are the cards you can get uh re charge there you go so I can it’s working it’s just needs

Some new model but Loot and scoots a good one to do uh that’s 26 can’t have any of those but I can have I can have a mid card so what is Page Focus that is uh here we go four secret page drops or you got Reckless char Char uh which

Is uh two Hazard dropped 10 secret Pages dropped you’re sadly too poor for everything though yeah 28 oh no that’s number 30 I’m looking at that it’s that isn’t it yeah yeah hang on damn oh well hang on hang on hi your head is on backwards there you go

Make it there we go that that work Make It Rain baby yeah I want I want my own uh let’s do a page let’s do a tread what’s tread lightly is that the um Hazard block yeah o no I want Lon scoop there you go got me old Loot and scoot now

Hooray now for the exit of extreme Victory oof or level two one now yep straight back in in oh no wait a minute I’ve got to do my deck haven’t I uh so let’s got that okay straight back in let’s go do it do it do it do it and I’ll do

More testing this time I was just like I’m I’m I’m out of there bye you all right guys hey is that cob no it’s n it’s ning hey ning hey maybe how you doing man um crapping myself inside of deck to that’s what I’m doing mate um we’re live streaming by the way

Um we’re on on Twitch YouTube and Facebook whichever is your poison um sweet sweet so and this is our new version of deck out from the hcraft server so enjoy okay may your death be Swift Swift and Hazards many yeah all right whatever you’re stuck there aren’t you you are work

Kill the heaven you’re definitely stuck right okay well let’s what the flip is going on my screen okay let’s Okay Loot and scoop baby let’s go okay so I don’t know where oh there there’s my there’s my compass oh can I can I get out there oo secret

Ding I’m looting I’m scooting how is this triggered already oh no don’t tell me it’s here as well you can no no bad ravager no no no no no no I see you I see you happiest blushing his feet I see you is it here nope

Um it’s not wait is it like a midlevel no level two oh it’s level two that’s why du okay so we got to find a key then let’s go I’m an idiot I just I just realized something that I have that um Tango doesn’t have and it’s kind of not working in my

Advantage if you have the The Reckless charge mhm and you have a compass you can just right click the compass and give yourself clun oh yeah I I need to uh Rectify that gu why didn’t I think of that guess you didn’t know about the feature

Yeah no I can’t get up there it’s on my to-do list now at least damn why did you have to discover the the an exploit okay oh you little I see your horn yeah you will there’s a really weird visual glitch going on here the what for you yeah I’m trying

To I’m playing around with the uh new Call of Duty right mhm and I’ve just got these really weird blinding lights in the sky oh wow yep we be behind you go look no go back go back on the treasure pile I picked it up you missed the key you didn’t pick up

The key I’ve got two dude oh never mind then yeah you shut up now you can open it twice okay I’ve got a lot of treasure as well so do I just go straight to level two now or do I no I’m going to go straight to level two now

Right oh just let T goes look at this look at this oh yes I do need the sound effect though yeah you need you definitely need the sound sound effect man whoa okay so that’s in case there’s a ravager here I’m guessing which there isn’t and now I’ve got to be using my

Compass so let’s go let’s go this way I guess whoa where is this ravager actually did he die I hope so I hope so it’s no way there’s no way it’s down there CU lower this says it’s mid level right so it’s got to be around this level I’m setting off

Plumbing shers everywhere yeah there he is scared the crap out of me roar a roar you hi hi oh there they are oh we can see all of them now yeah uh well I’ll tell you that Beast Dan has a range on it so you can’t see every

Ravager he’s there how do I you can’t get down there sure you can you can’t like this way I mean okay got sneak that’s good hi hello me hi hi hi hi okay you can climb that’s lovely yeah okay I’ll just go this way then you going to follow me uh Expos

Piston no no spiders as well no no no no no no no no no let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out oh for flip sake um sounds like move having the time

Of his life ow ow ow ow ow ow bling cave spiders ow ow ow ow oh I’m totally dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead hi hi nothing to see here hi you are allowed to the spiders and they do have reduced Health same with creepers if

There should be any creepers at any point in this game oh God okay uh creepers are one friend spiders are two friends I believe God Al M my heartbeat’s going in real life T to the Dozen man don’t careful give youself heart attack me

Bit I’m a fat old G I can’t I can’t take [Laughter] this okay I’ve got to find okay I’m just going to I’m just going to spoof it yeah oh yeah okay you got things that pull me down under the under the water that’s nice thanks great level design guys you’re welcome

Um I had issues with Willie here so I added my own thingy oh you oh no we got will Willie oh you’ve got oh no no no no no I prom move it I promise the witch will not attack you I promise yeah what what’s the point of no

No death promise I I promise hi she she will not attack you what’s the point of having the witch if it doesn’t attack oh it’s for players to find Hello I click on you I click on you no I give you I she’s currently disabled but oh okay right okay so uh by the way that’s misle saying it’s a mid level and then like the trees like really low down I yeah trust me this this is mid level oh

Jesus right okay we need some berries and I can’t get the berries cuz they’re on a too high jump don’t you get oh my God there’s a bloody ravager here as well of course there is because of course there can’t be easy no of course

Not no and we’ve got Vex wouldn’t be a fun game if it wasn’t if it was easy moveit got Vex after me I’ve got witches who aren’t witches I’ve got Will’s here hello Willie yeah yeah I see you yeah swine ah so yeah uh remember how I said I can

Always Target the player like unlike Tango so you’ve got the Vex to Target the player uh no no I can summon a Vex around you instead of having to rely on the evoker so on the lower levels if you get Max Clank you always have aex

After oh that’s how nice I am that is evil I mean as soon as you get to the back to level one you’re fine is let’s make it you want you need do you need a helping hand to make life easier or you’re fine uh I don’t know I was doing all right

But I mean depends what you want to test if you if you want me to test as if it’s just normal playe then let’s just do that you know uh let’s do one more round without the extra stuff then okay you’ll be fine yeah you’re loving this aren’t you

Sadist yep you should know by now Turco loves people’s pain I’m a teacher what do you expect exactly yeah that that um that matches for sure um all right two SE oh wow okay okay hey Iden okay hi there hi guys what is this the old staff team and

Bloody cator what’s going on yeah it got a comment on T on mu dying what well of course I mean you know it you got a heckling squad on you now M yeah I’ve got I got a fullon Heckle Squad um yeah so for those who uh are

Watching who aren’t on MC ages if why not for a start but also uh this lot other part of the staff team um as am I technically but uh okay oh look it’s poed in the exit bye level two medium compass and then bloody ravager can chase you all the way

And that’s not nice why do you do this to me okay so he’s moved now so let’s go this way okay okay okay calm down moit calm down so we’ve got to find a key because it’s on level two so we I think the best thing

To do is head into the castle area which is here and we’ll take it from there now I know there was some down here I can hear a thingy all right um now what we’re got to do guys is um wait for some treasure drops really

Um some treasure cards to be played cuz at the moment we’ve got one last page to find but that’s it okay that’s a last page ding that seem to come from up here no it’s below back on the CLE okay hello there’s a page right in front of

Your nose yeah I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it come on then me just jump down for sakes let’s come all right never I’m very disappointed he didn’t comment on my beautiful uh design for the banners I already have if you were

Watching my stream from the start like you’re supposed to be doing uh you would heard me c comment on on the banners thank you very much Li yeah shots fired come on then lies they are beautiful to be fair they are very good thank you oh okay we have we have treasure

Dropping and ow I’m an idiot right what did that I saw a I saw a treasure here oh man okay I can hear bloody ravager as well oh there you are hi did you know there’s the key there’s the key did you know that you’re mom’s a

did you know that yeah what are you going to do about it come on then come on then nothing bye hit you with his massive ass head his big brick head um you guys might not realiz I’ve got a um a staffy um uh assistant dog because

Obviously with my mental health being bad and everything I wander off and he helps me not get lost and that kind of a thing and he’s got a big brick head he don’t don’t realize and it hurts he gets over excited and jumps out and he’s like oh battering ram ah okay

So we are full health we’ve just tripped to stumble which is not great but at least that lets us see the ravages down here I’m going to quickly while it’s still going shut up all right so it is probably at the tree again I’m gu Guessing so for the hermitcraft fans that our level two is pretty much completely different to the hermitcraft level two a level one is similar oh look at that we’ve got we’ve got to leave a drip Lea parkour so it’s not all dear boy yeah yeah easy mode the drip lifs didn’t even trigger

So it might be a world guard thingy on those no it’s not it’s my pure skill and amazing your speed was fine you would have made it that’s not the issue I just saying they they didn’t drink it at all which is weird no yeah got to check those

Regions it is skill it is nothing more than my skill what how how are you going to skill that guy bye I see you remember what I told you about those guys oh you can punch them yeah uh no cuz oh okay you’ve got a guardian

Oh you get you get yep I have one Guardian yep right okay come on then single one run away from the guardian run away run away run away running away I actually I do like the guardian idea that’s that’s really good because uh people know how to spof of Guardian

So it just adds a bit of you know yeah like as long as you get behind something you’re fine yeah it’s not OP it’s just no it’s it’s good I like it they are free to roam as well which makes a bit more makes makes them a bit more like

Ravages anyway yeah uh I was considering adding the big one but then you get the mining for the yeah oh you little your mother was a snow blower and your father smelled of elderberries is that wait is that what do you think about these uh this Lush

Cave now it’s awesome man I mean it was it was a big hole before wasn’t it when I when I came at it and you were complaining about more dirt not meaning [Laughter] Lush look you you came on here specifically to troll me I need to I

Need to trigger you so you know and triggered you and look you’ve you’ve made a beautiful level just to spite me now who’s the winner who who was uh the person that manip manipulated who all right head off okay see you nin take care see you n talking to

You okay back through level one Let’s uh get the fck out of here um but not via that way hi uh is there an exit over here I can’t remember trying to learn the map I don’t know the map ravages are blocking me I don’t know

The map uh no not this way uh flipping it that just goes Upstairs there’s got to be another way out of here there’s at least three ways out of here four ways out of here I’ll go VI your mom let’s go bye eek eek eek eek okay we’ve got hazards blocking we’ve got stuff here we’ve got stuff here I can’t remember where the exit is

I think it’s this way yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah whatever shut up uh is it this way maybe not that way run away run away hell okay that scared [Laughter] me ow that really bloody hurt dude where where are you okay and we spoof you this way and I can’t run I can’t

Run for you oh no I was so close I was so close oh no I was like right there man all right let me give you the card that I think is the most OP on hermitcraft where my version is slightly nerfed but still kind of strong um okay

Okay so where are you are you invisible I am in the dungeon okay did you enjoy the uh name of ravager I didn’t notice it I was too busy being gutted that I uh knew bre nice nice touch I I told him to name name the one

In the um uh the river of souls area like mu’s favorite ravager or something like that cuz you I kept getting killed by the same ravager about seven or eight times in a row it was hence my head being there so that was fun I don’t feel like we getting better

At it though I mean I got quite close to the exit there on a level two run I mean come on right pure skill pure skill especially jumping over that parkour I mean like just easy mode I mean come on fantastic skill to miss two exits I don’t know where they are

Come on [Laughter] now there is that European dry humor that I love so much all right uh feel free to equip the Su up card I guess sent you okie dokie oh yeah now we’re cooking make sure you read it suit up grants you an iron chest plate iron leggings grants you

Resistance one for one hour or until you reach Max Clank Ah that’s different okay right yeah all Clank gain has 20 5% chance of being doubled yeah that’s evil no it’s fine because uh I I tested it with resistance two on iron armor I could take like three or four averager

Hits easy so with resistance one maybe you can take one extra hit yeah kind of what I’m after makes sense but if you com if if you combine this with some of the other cards that are new here we have one that give you extra Max Hearts

Tango can’t do that with redstone so yeah good call but I’m sure he would if he could yeah yeah but I mean he’s I think he made a point didn’t he saying that he wanted to do it vanilla Redstone only rather than command blocks but I reckon de out three will’ll probably use

Command blocks cuz I mean you you guys have come up some really good ideas here I’m not and I’m not just blowing smoke up your bottoms I think it’s uh a good thing you know um okay all right all right let’s see where this goes shall we

Also once you enter the dungeon if you find me I’ll show you one of the neat features of level one Okay and breathe we’re on a level two run and go okay you are hi oh well that changes things and there’s a ravager right there excellent walk right into him that’s marvelous maybe put on the armor they just instantly die so does that mean there are secret passages with powdered

Snow like more than one I’m guessing uh there are some interesting in some specific areas and stuff um main ones are in the start area just to kind of help you dodge the ravagers if you know about them or get your ass P pulled into the face of a

Ravager if you just go through it for fun just like that okay right we’re looting and scooting we’re looting and scooting there’s nothing here we tend to get a lot of drops down stairs so let’s do that unless that stupid ravage is still in the doorway like a is’s not

There I take it back you are not a thank you uh okay so that’s the thing okay we’ve got some treasure drops here I can hear you Reckless charge let’s go come on come on I mean you could use the compass oh I don’t want to cheat fair

Enough okay nothing okay I’m going to I’m going to sneak for a minute so we need to find a key still I know the ravagers down there uh cuz that’s where I left him oh that’s what I wanted to do is grab some uh grab these hello thank you right okay okay

Okay where are you that’s definitely a treasure drop over there hi hello how you doing I’ll spoof you over here I’ll spoof you over there and I go this Way no no no no wait come on now don’t be don’t be mean yeah you better run okay um all right all right all right right calm down M Let’s uh let’s think this tactically I got to look for some treasure uh there’s none down there

Yet uh okay we’ve got plenty of sneak have we we got a Clank we’ve got plenty of Clank block that’s good oh of course one or two compass level two okay I’m looking for a key uh oh is that a bug or a Feature Feature okay okay I I see what you’re

Laying down there we go okay so still need a key I’ve left a ravager down here I think oh no he’s gone okay uh okay okay okay okay okay come on on you swine I did not see him there ow ow I know the I know I’ve got a

Ravager behind me I don’t no hi hi yeah I see you I see you Hur yourself right consider uh pressing all and G alt and B should I say wait a minute is the one on this side as well no I know this is a secret

Door not going to be helpful right now no well actually it might actually help you because uh he’s kind of stuck in a spot you’re fine he’s there isn’t he if if he had wandered a bit to the right you would have been screwed still looking for

There he is okay I’m still looking for a damn key though let’s go over here H he’s not down there Ow okay still need a key still need a key ah okay bunch of coins but not a Key okay come on now right maybe the top try the top floor again he’s there somewhere in he there he is hi I see you I see you and I raise you come on yeah yeah yeah okay um there’s a toot over there I heard a toot aha oh that’s page

Hi no um any down here uh no not yet I heard another toot toot sweet okay I mean Frank I mean frankly we we’ve got the level designers in the chat here and it’s piss poor level design really not getting me key straight away it’s uh maybe you need better

Cards maybe you need to shut up what’s he called dweller that me the ravager or maybe you just need to go to different parts of the map for once yeah yeah I can see a key right now if you just go outside of the castle I can

See two pages I don’t know the levels to do that do I do you not know how busy and important I am I don’t know that actually you want to teach tell me okay all right fine I forgot lot of page oh there’s so many pages on the

Ground there not that many keys to you right I did see one about exploring and fin fine I’ll go this way then uh Pages yep uh well I’m not I’m not complaining about the treasure PR uh I could also make uh key drop chance increase over Time okay okay one of those balanc things that need to be figured out yeah great but you learn to know that after loads of people do loads of runs don’t you so you know yep um I hate this bit I’m yeah yeah yeah I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming there we go

Okay come on okay we got more Treasure I’m doing very well for Treasure oh wait a minute can I get up here there anything up here oh yeah there’s a ravager up here hello do one right got to spoof him and go around this way then I’m a Max bloody Clank already um and still hav’t gone down to

Level two I’m totally going to Die so I’m just going to use this run to try and learn some more about the map I think because I’m not getting out with this treasure that’s a that’s a that’s a hazard block I think uh got no Clank block left got one Hazard block

Left oh we’re kned o o ow ow a key oh you don’t have B jum oh yeah yeah yeah of course yeah right yeah I’m stuck now AR I can I can I can I can I punch you in the face maybe no I can’t

Damn where was the K that was that was really difficult that one uh I did find two but only two so uh yeah might let’s check your treasure drop card first before I go in and be like oh no we need to boost this uh yeah there we go got snake uh got

Pages yeah we are looking for Treasure drop doesn’t seem to much of it does it no so that’s because we got the wrong cards plus 13 so smash and grabs 13 treasure drops so I was getting lots of treasure drops and four treasure DRS you know but and loot loot and scoop well

Did uh did it play all your cards uh you do have a few actually huh all right well I mean I guess I can up the key drop chance a little bit especially I I can like increase it if you do have a level two card as well so

They just don’t have a lot of wasted Keys yeah I’ll just that to my to-do list increase key chance a little bit thought it was high already but I guess it might just been that wrong you know cuz I found a key quite quickly it

Does happen yeah you know what I mean so don’t know double check I’ll might to do this get good sure sure jum to go straight in again I noticed we have yeah uh you can okay we also have Mayday Reign invo listen and she’s on Park you know if you

Want to throw a stranger in here later that’ be good I think green beans wanted to test it too nice and Chilla says get good is always on the list isn’t it yeah yeah I know but well you know I was good on easy I’m not very good on medium

Though is not doing her uh babysitting uh TK at the moment I guess ah do you know that person then yeah now where is the hi yeah hi hi hi yeah you come over here come on noed come here woo uh and run away you’ll be

Fine there you go right we have got a level two Compass mid so I’ve got to find a key again so how do we get up there oh hang on is that it it’s not even that difficult okay so that’s why that treasure was up here before then because it’s up here I

See not that difficult you have met me have you you’re really good to found finding the ground that’s nice yes that crunching sound was my ankles uh okay nothing there what if we got a couple of sneaks so that should be a couple of Clank block that’s good we’ve got our man there

Hello I forgot had I forgot I had a hole there yeah yeah yeah yeah come on then woo oh what was that ‘s that that’s HD right there oh it gives the ravager more Vision in that room that’s just mean you’re a big you’re a big mean

Meanie it’s a deck out one feature actually that he had a lot of in the first deck out oh okay uh uh a good way down there I guess we could yeah like you want to be a to like so you can like don’t hurt your fall a bit I

Can have a broken ladder or something yeah yeah so then you could even get up there with bouncy F I say you got to do the balance so it’s just not like a sneaky way but that treasure drops quite a lot there I’ve noticed so it makes me want to do it

Bye picked it with one ladder I’m wondering if you have to you press that button and and then you press that button with a certain amount of time it does something what do you think are you going to tell me the secrets Mr ravager you want to click that button uh

Last run last uh it made a it made a noise but not I didn’t see anything happen but I was running away from this guy so well I’ll I’ll let you know that the Easter eggs I’m going to implement are not properly implemented until um until release I don’t want you to

Accidentally find an Easter egg ah I see good call right this one of my favorite bushes now okay we are still waiting on Treasure drops you just literally just waiting for those cards now aren’t you yeah pretty much um just there is a key in in the dungeon

Right now though I’ll let you know that okie dokie I’ll see if I I can find it uh there’s no no drops there it is somewhere already already been though and the keys don’t even make a sound when they drop on their own if they drop

With treasure they make a sound ah right okay it’s not going to be there it might be up ah there you go broken ladder hey uh that’s yeah you can’t get up you can but you can get down without taking damage exactly yeah that’s a good idea I just

See if that um I could see some treasure there where it was a coin um let’s keep going let’s see if there’s a key near the door cuz this tends to drop quite a lot no let’s go upstairs again but we’ve got a little ravager buddy where is he he’s over there okay

Let’s go and get this treasure first and another Berry going to see any over there nope okay so let’s test this there we go hey more treasure okay that’s a page Seeker okay another one here I can hear somebody oh he’s up there okay it’s up there good right treasure hunter let’s

Go ah you should be able to find some keys right in theory and again as as I’ve already demonstrated I had one right next to me and you guys are yelling at me to pick it up and I didn’t even see so uh you know I’m I’m floating around the dungeon

Now and just counting them of course you are of course you are yeah I’m just making sure like that St is why that we are in a good bar ow but uh yeah muid I didn’t even start shouting at you for looking for berries in the witches Hut before while there

Were berries in the witch’s Hut damn there’s even two bushes exactly again I’m an egot no just selectively blind we all are yeah there one very very good point my friend oh there’s another one there’s a okay I found I literally found three keys in a row now so it’s a good thing

If you do have the treasure drop skill issue yeah it’s a skill issue and you are really close to one you just need to get past that guy I guess I want that stuff over here come in now bad not bad come here he he doesn’t like the

Hello the walls there no he doesn’t oh all right so if I go here will you will you will you ow that’ll teach me for uh trying to spoof you come on then I don’t really like that spot so I might actually go in

And change it so he can go up there come on come on come on come on oh flip you then over here woo woo Woo screw it no no no no my mouse is my mouse spammed that was weird go go go go go go go I’m going I’m going I’m going grab the keys there’s so many of them can you get up there okay uh well he can but not through the rud is trying

To do right now I’m so dead I am so dead ah come here yeah I would agree but you know come on you have you can still Sprint so we can get out of here okay I’ve got Loot and Scoot that’s good ow y that was always going to happen that

Was a skill issue oh you I died on the fire at least that is a skill issue yeah that is definitely a skill issue again rip get good uh Mayday do you want to try a run and I’ll put move it inspected remote that sounds good do it do it do it do

It sure I might need to reload though cuz my texture Pack’s being wonky uh hang on I can sent her the texture pack no no we have it on the server if I do this first I don’t know if that fixed anything for you it’s loading my computer is deciding to be

Slow you sound Nerf it work I’m a little sick so all right so do you know anything about the game nope perfect good luck uh if you go forward to the deck manager and activate the cards you have that’s going to help you a bit go if you’ve been watching what mb’s

Been doing you know that’s also going to be helpful yeah you’re wearing a hat as well is that a Halloween thing it’s OptiFine Halloween yes it’s the same for Christmas but s okay but cor Bri is not wearing one is he or is he well he’s got a he’s got a crown hat

Hasn’t he so I guess that doesn’t count I guess that is weird actually oh no she has OptiFine Cape yeah yeah I also have an OptiFine Cape so if you’re an OptiFine donor it adds the Hat on you ah there you go so I I’ve never donated to them so

Wow I see how it is I guess I have dude I run a charity I’ve got no money all right uh Mayday have you talked to the deck manager yeah I put my cards in the thing all right then I would recommend you select easy difficulty and good

Luck and M be try not to show off all my secret y okay I’m going to follow you hi wait it’s fine you’re fine you’ll just die repeatedly it’s fine fine be nice to see someone else failing for a change watching watch you do an amazing run

Now wait where do I go I’m through the portal ahead of this way but uh the easy one yep all right we get booted out now we just fly down mov straight down yeah oh okay yeah oh God stay away from me we need to locate her which is

Okay that that’s a new [Laughter] record congrats oh my God can’t you just do SL spectate and then the name uh maybe move bit wa here we’re going to send her back in oh she DI St away yay it’s not just me all right uh feel free to go through

The door again you just need to step on the the Redstone there and it will open with fancy effects that was horrible sh Shilla says note to self I am never going to let turo make me try this cuz I would love how nervous I

Would be yeah you and me both my friend you and me both uh it’s surprising once you’re in focused um because I’m trying to talk and be entertaining for the stream as well but it once you’re focused it’s like very scary so yeah you got to you got to spoof these ravages

Around a bit I’ll let Turco uh no no Pro tip just don’t get bitten by them okay I’m going to mute for this and just be a cameraman so oh my God holy please stay away from me he’s hungry I haven’t fed him in months he only got yogurt I don’t think

This was the right thing to do you’re doing great you’re not dead yet oh he’s not looking I would drop down and Run maybe maybe not through the exit you’re in a maze you’re not supposed to be able to know where to go he fine you’re doing great you’re still Alive I think that’s going to work yeah he can get you There I don’t think I even informed you what your goal is um yeah that would be helpful yeah first step is get away from the ravage so he doesn’t kill you but I think how is he not getting you there okay there we go uh you you get a

Compass and you need to find the position the compass is pointing to and right click with the compass when you’re on it and then get the heck out of the dungeon okay okay all right one more try tasty morels oh my Lord yeah so just follow the put the compass

In your hand and then just follow it mate and then you click on the floor once you little Pro tip if you don’t know how compasses work is once you’re over the block it will flip that it might be Point straight up and then it’ll flip down and that’s when you know

You know click on the floor and it’ll give you an item and you have to get out with that item but the second you collect that item lots of traps go off and things so just be aware of that and run or die I’m sorry I mean he’s called Noob

Recer for a reason you are technically a noob so it makes sense don’t worry about it we will have to balance this eventually I think moose should go again you know the pro and then you should look at what he does then here what if

We do this move bit uh I’m going to eat you back up okay and I’m going to do some Uh go uh Mayday if you’re on Discord I am streaming so you can see what he does or he’s streaming live on YouTube twitch and Facebook so you can see it there as well yeah I have him pulled up on YouTube nice one thank you m and then

Just do exactly what us okay ex except for the dying part cuz he will die yeah cuz I I’m I’m pretty bad at this too Mayday I just I’ve got to advantages cuz I watch The Hermit graph version for a while so I know the tactics but I can’t do them because I’m

Rubbish so um am I doing the an easy run just to show show off or I really up to you what I want to do yeah let’s go easy and then I feel a little bit more confident so I got some armor because I’ve got a

Card that gives me armor but um what you can do with this is spoof this guy over here by kind of leaning over a bit and then there you are and then just run this way yeah yeah what what exactly Okay so we’ve got a ground floor thing which is what those

Two arrows mean if they both point up that means it’s on the top floor if they both both Point down that’s the bottom floor so and then when the cards get played you collect cards and you they give you various effects is it there no it’s not

There um okay so I’m thinking it’s outside the castle I think it’s over here uh okay he going this way looking for ravages there he is hi and and bye okay so I think it’s over here somewhere here um here here be sense that shows you where

They are no it’s not there okay so it’s over here somewhere oh oh maybe hang on nope uh think it’s must be inside the castle then unless it’s here nope uh here no whoa what the hell is that my God okay so maybe over here then um um luden scoot looting and scooting

So it’s here then there we go got it okay looting and scooter that means I can run fast and I’ve got to get out now I can’t remember where the exit is what the hell is that thing run away that is just mean it’s a tiny dragon

Hi right okay um got to get out you get really scared me man right okay got to get out and I don’t know which way the exit is from here um oh hi yeah yeah I see you I’m going this way and there oh look there’s the key that I never got last

Time can I go this way no okay all right we’ll try this exit then oh of course yeah of course you’re there of course you are uh uh got to find my way out got to find my way out I think it’s over here Okay okay yeah yeah there’s an exit here somewhere in your face there we go that’s how it’s done God Almighty something like that at least something like maybe not was much panic but and if you might have heard there um there’s a heartbeat in the background the faster that heartbeat is the more

Traps and things that you set off so you have to you can keep that lower by not setting off the shriekers which are under the floor so if you hear that means You’ set off a a chance of a trap basically and traps can be things like water coming down from the

Ceiling so you have to you have to like slows you down when you’re running away from a ravager it could be uh an exit do closed and you have to find a different way around that kind of a thing so okay uh can’t afford anything over

There so let’s buy a an aerial that’s all I can do so we’ll buy that and we’ll leave and uh oh what the heck you had like a blue slime inside oh yeah yeah there you are you’re an egg you’re a ducky egg that’s cute imagine that so long ago it was supposed

To be a feature and then we just scrapped it cuz too much work fair enough but look how cute the model is it is beautiful I was going to say you imagine that just like running around we’ll see about what we want to do with custom stuff I want to make it

Make make sure it’s uh Bedrock compatible and it doesn’t really work with those models yeah all right mday do you feel more confident now or less confident uh probably less Le wrong answer how many tokens do you have left um moveit I no idea let’s have a look

Uh four wins five fails L one one okay lame I mean I can I can give you more if you need it yeah do it I’m good I’m good for it man I’m good for it I I can quit any time I can quit any time back in crowns later H oh I’m

Going to pay you back in kind come here no no crowns I I only want crowns oh crowns okay how many how long have you been in the dungeon uh it’s say well there 59 minutes 50 eight come on two more seconds move it come [Laughter] on right all right all

Right get May Day in get my day in we want I want to see someone suffer go for it make make sure your cards are enabled and just go in and uh break the it’s not it’s not that hard if you just run from the ravagers if you if you if you start

Um staying behind or if you if you hesitate that’s when you die yeah I’ve learned that pretty much I think I broke my cards it says I have four unused cards over there and then when I open deck manager none of my cards are there

Not oh oh click on the mine cart or the boat I think the mine cart yeah click on the mine cart multiple times thank you H that’s a bug to f actually so we’re pointing it out how long how long’s the bug list now uh not that long and it’s more it’s

Not even bugs it’s more like uh improvements fa play go to P yep she’s gone in she’s gone in okay moving fine there we go yay teleport you down kill them right got to find a way around Oh wrong way uh I actually got lost myself there

There we go I was looking the wrong way I think there’s the command blocks I’m guessing over here somewhere there you go oh there are thank you oh she’s up the tree she likes that tree yeah but the tree doesn’t really help you that much cuz the ravager still sees

You okay muting for myself now you’re fine you’re safe he can’t chase you through That Oh H I’m going to look into adding a spectator mode for this so that you are forced to stay near the player you can’t just like roam around and look at the next levels but it’s good if you’re like idea you know yeah yeah it’s a good idea

That andan obviously I I should get free room cuz I’m I’m a cameraman and I’m I’m big and important and you need me that’s I mean that’s fine as you don’t share the next level yeah obviously yeah we got to yeah you’re right we got to you

Got to stop the whole cheating any you know opportunity to but if you’re in Spectre mode you can like go into their point of view oh yeah good point yeah which I if I can force that then that’s good yeah that’s a good call doing way better now though Mayday you’re doing

Amazingly you can drop down there there’s a ladder right below you oh there’s a page never mind no p I wonder what spots she’s Got oh she got the one in the middle that’s just mean oh she got the the hardest one I think so yeah that is entirely possible tasty snacks num nom nom she’s doing really well this time really well very focused sorry no it’s fine it’s Good I have to keep like stopping and coughing no please go away there is a second staircase on the opposite side of the [Applause] room there’s always another way so one of the the mots of this game is there’s always another way she gets the keys

Though so I knew you do you were doing it on purpose yeah no I’ve been picking up every key around you as they spawn would surprise Me all right Oh he’s like right where I want to go If he hasn’t seen you yet though you should be fine you don’t want to well okay that’s a scary noise so where is the compass pointing I I can’t see from here actually so okay here that direction really I can see it in her hand it’s

Going to 12 it’s the side of this wall I think yeah know so it’s uh oh so it’s the one with the berry bush move the one that we added the ladder to oh yeah so she needs to go up to the second floor yeah uh but the second floor is safe

Actually so just go up the stairs and then follow the compas from there and that’s all about map knowledge I guess if you have the compass in hand just right click it if this is a SM there you go you got bits of moo nice bits of moo that’s [Laughter]

Amazing there’s plenty to go around look that I mean screw that sorry it’s fine oh my gosh I don’t remember yeah good luck finding the way Back I just want to find my tree the tree of safety how do I get out of here do this well he didn’t drown oh my gosh I I really did not think that was going to work I thought that was my death no that was a good good

Escap uhoh oh Dam no oh no you were so close close oh oh well done GG thank you GG you did to get way forther this time than last time though so it means you learn good sure this way yeah it’s this way there we go I can teleport you move bit

If you want but I mean you just go up you’ll find everything you need there’s nothing up here whoever did whoever did like the pixel art of’s items they’re very good they look very nice they are uh bought and paid for that was a good run that was a good

Run that that the only that the only thing that will come later is that is the sort of map knowledge you know it’s F fine than the exit so but you really you were spoof for those ravages with black a pro it was really good well heck

Yeah I feel like if I wasn’t like stopping to like mute my mic and cough every little bit I would have done a lot better but why would you do that then because I don’t want to just like cough a lung up on like a stream it’s fine it’ be fine doesn’t

Care he doesn’t have quilt I mean what wow no I’m in your video it’s not it’s not my uh it’s not my problem I’ve got an editor now and he’s watching there’s a guy will just mute that stuff it’s fine yeah and don’t mind the lung mby

Lost his head head in the map so you’re fine true there there there’s part there’s body parts of mbit lying around where a ravager just kept getting me okay no not to S find uh uh lung pick slot and hang it on the [Laughter] tree uh let’s see I’m sure Cobel wants

To try it but I’m going to send you back in once more first moveit yeah is corriel even uh listening anymore if he is then he can send me a DM and I’ll teleport him into this area uh everything again now will be reset before launch anyways so it’s not a

Problem Oh is good be here move it oh and GMA move it I guess my Ed says don’t worry myself and the other two viewers have no issue wink wink get bird ouch ouch there you go Cobel yeah come on so move it for your right now I’m going to

Buff you up like crazy okay uh wrong user get you some of everything a little you know a little bit of everything I got in here boots of swiftness I haven’t tested those in a while so they might be broken the bouncy fire that’s a good

Card that’s get you some oh we need you to get you some of these boys ooh uh and one more for good measure so those are some of the crown cards oh and Quick Step let’s get some of that in there sounds good to me and

Then there we go all right uh equip them and we’ll send you through and then cob will have his virgin run after that yeah you Virgin uh equipped right lero Jenkins I make sure is at the right difficulty medium thank you yeah yep okay let’s hope these cards work uh

It is a level two mid perfect get time to watch you die come on then and run away ow ow ow ow yeah what what didn’t think so okay let’s uh see if we can that do is a lot of streer action I an idiot I’m strutting around like I own the place

Okay let’s do our usual thing so what we’re waiting for now guys is some treasure cards to drop because we need the keys to drop to get to level two but we can explore a bit get some berries because we’re going to need them um there’s no treasure down there this

Is the L the ladder that I said about there no treas you there Quick Step that gives me speed excellente okay it should also make the next few CRA be faster I think at least the one next one yeah that treasure to C really quickly uh good it

Works uh is anything there yeah there’s one there I hear a rough fct my favorite spot nope spash and grab I think that Okay so we’ve got a lot of treasure drop now that’s on the right hand side there which means we got to

Well we got to find it oh that was a ding I heard a ding right so there’s some treasure over here somewhere I think yeah the ding is usually a crown being spawned somewhere right you are and if you hear it it’s nearby somewhere over upstairs or downstairs let’s try downstairs but

We’ve got our little raver buddy down here h hi hi yeah nothing to see here don’t worry about it okay let There was a key there though a key God damn it you would say that wouldn’t you Would I think this table should be a safe place Crow there’s the crown there it Is I mean at least it won’t jump after you right let’s go and get the key then I used to have two ravagers though like one for every floor but now I just have the one roaming the two floors up here there’s a toot over there where is it it’s not

There the other side now I could try and try and get some Treasures but I want there’s a toot there as well that very tempting uh there’s one let’s go down here the ravage is there I think and run hello hello Reckless charge o oof oof way too fast oof oof o do

Yeah and that’s how it’s did all right so now the treasure will start going down here I’m just going to have to waste that treasure down there I’ve got plenty of Clank block no Hazard block though but there’s plenty of cards remaining so that should be good let’s

Get our Compass out let’s go out this exit run out away this is great look at this right if you are able to I would like you to find the door to level three and open it as well okie dokie wait a minute it’s pointing back

Yeah it’s not in here it can’t be in here he’s not okay oh so it’s uh level two mid must be below me then hi was just bigger than you think hi running away oh my Lord hello hello hello hello yes oh I see it goes around back on

Itself oh yeah of course you’re there okay okay okay let’s uh let’s uh do some Parkour let’s go up here okay so it’s definitely that way in the flipping ravage there me I’ve got to go around I’m Guessing I mean there’s always several ways to go there agreed find my way around yeah I have to go around yeah I’m going to have to go around hi don’t mind me just passing through go back there’s a moveit oh yeah you literally ran just past it ah uh like I said selected

Blindness yep yep yeah okay that guy is definitely stuck yeah ooh that’s a way down so okay um we need some berries as well and you can see my hand is shaking oh M just a just a little hint um those Vines you can climb them I know

But I thought I thought it was behind here all right I don’t know um cuz there’s another way around this way surely here we go cuz where’s me uh thing there it is so I got to find a door to level three as well no okay maybe not I can hear boun I

Can hear spiders that’s not good run away all right I’ll try I’ll try the vines I’ll try the vines oh oh I can try just falling thanks yeah thanks for that God damn it get off me right okay take a moment take a moment I’m going to find these Berry

Boses cuz I didn’t see them before okay oh does a MDA trigger Clank I don’t think she does okay regroup okay okay okay can’t can I get out here I can get out here uh there’s another berry bush over there which I’m I can’t get that cuz I need I need double

Jump okay and there’s a berry there thank you and we’ll go up here then got to find a way around the other side of that wall okay and one of the alterate r got clanked up or hazarded up but there are other options one is a bit less uh visible

Though and I’m not sure I’m going to tell you about it because um where’s the fun in that and it makes some things a bit easier than it should be you’re just meany mean boys who are just mean y but I mean maybe the the r is

Wed no he’s still there I can see him uh no you can’t see him actually he’s not going but oh you’re seeing you’re seeing the other guy oh I’m seeing the other guy okay I’ll go go back up then uh yeah do little swine off you go uh may

There’s a way here okay there some treasure up there and I can’t get can I get up there no I can’t get up there no it’s one of the jump Treasures I guess yeah yeah it is yeah I see you my heartbeat is going crazy okay I’ve got to oh

Okay oh it’s nice room this is cool here please no damn uh okay let’s go this way right I think I’m just going to get stumbles iag you got plenty of cards going there’s a key there as well ow what was oh it’s Willie there our Willie ah

The sniper he’s yeah I mean they these guys are very accurate man uh bouncy fire that’s a boingy boing right boing boing no can’t get up there uh boing uh oh Bo yep got it mid remember what we told you about Vines you got it get good Ash get good

Now you’re on the other side of to that one door that you needed bounce toight to get over okay boink boink boing Bo now you’re going back to where you came from so yeah okay yeah that’s cool I’m just uh seeing where the compass is pointing it’s not that

So it’s not here is it no it’s not okay so got be around here somewhere okay yeah all right all right all right oh don’t tell me I’ve got pluming Vex on me lots of keys lots of keys I’m getting all the keys where the heck is this compass pointing to

Dudes it’s got to be over here then where’s that ravage there he is all right okay okay okay okay keep sneaking keep sneaking keep sneaking just keep sneaking just keep sneaking never stopping just keep sneaking here no h confused to which spot it is but oh you’re Max Clank oh you should

Watch over of EX yeah it’s not here but you’re close maybe above or below low you’re getting lucky with the X bonds they’re spawning outside of the dungeon meaning you they don’t see you where is is there a spot here does it say mid level really yeah

It says mid level uh it could be that that part of it is bugged uh cuz there is one spot directly below you I know but that’s that should be a low level one but if I’m just going to I’m just going to the guardian there’s a guardian right below right there though

So yep hang on uh let me double check this we not I just happen to have the same CS as you do amazing it does really appear that you’re on the spot and it does appear to be bugged it should be yeah it is below in the water okay

The the height indicator is broken there’s a bloody vex yeah the vexus you just have to survive nice okay uh lero Jenkins you’re right thank you no no Dodge the lasers I guess ow ow ow ow ow ow okay that’s not what I want to listen to the

First thing I Chim in with voice Chat there we go I’m in level four just understand why yeah so this VI um um I don’t okay move it I don’t remember but I think maybe it’s safe to jump down yep but I don’t remember oh he thrusted me oh that’s a I mean you didn’t take the fall damage

You took the the magma damage that is scary but how’d you get back up did you just did you just fly uh no uh you can if you go a little bit up the staircase there okay yeah there is a pressure plate in the room uh

Well you can walk up as well if you want to be slow but there’s a pressure plate in the room oh yeah yeah you should walk up I took so much time building this where is this oh oh that’s dangerous is this another thing you guys are building it’s level three this is

Level three so it’s not ready at all ah no I can’t yeah cuz you well you said test test the door didn’t you so it’s like I can’t get down there can I uh I don’t remember I think there should be a fall damage thingy if you jump down again

Oh y you’re fine oh that was skillful it gave you the good old bouncy ball jump oh yeah it’s just pure skill that’s all it is it’s pure skill cuz I’m amazing at this game that gives you enough information about level three I think yeah yeah like some so it’s like some

Floaty flyy type things that’s a great idea I like it and I got to get out of here somehow which I guess I’ve got to go do there’s a there okay so I’ve got to go this way and I got to avoid this

Guy he’s going to be one hit a oh he got you oh you were so just managed for be able to break his line of sight there oh so there will be a card eventually that increases your uh swim stuff nice there will also be the witch will give

You a little buff that will help with the water sweet not that’s a good idea um Shilla asks how many levels are there going to be on the final product yes good answer Iden says is that cave with the ravager more Lush now LOL all right

Corriel you’re up boy make sure you go to the deck manager and uh insert your card is he hear me he’s just bouncing around he’s not in the voice chat as far as I’m concerned no he’s not but he’s watching the yeah he’s got a bit of delay then yeah fine uh GM I mean I wish I came up with the sign of my door on my own but but I just copied some other dude so it makes it a bit less impressive but you’re very good at copying him I’m very good at copying yes I say that true you kind of looked

Familiar to me but it is well built so I’ll give you credit for that hey I’ll help you the building I’m not only a developer I’m also a builder mhm you did most of the building though on level one I did on level two I think we’re we could say

We’re 50/50 on level three I’m done 0% yeah but it’ll be fine I’ll come up with some stupid ideas for level four and five uh yeah we should uh talk make sure we get it a bit more uh cozy and uh claustrophobic again uh Cobel I hope you’re using your

Compass he’s right clicking everything what’s the compass do tells you where to go points you toward the treasure there are certain Lo you’ll be fine uh okay that’s a tactic I Guess he’s making all the Clank and stuff yeah jumping might not be the best idea [Laughter] I love that That I mean when we watch the new players play we can really tell um the difference between having map knowledge and not I suppose these are not one of those situations where you can hug a wall and follow it uh no that won’t really help you here Luckily we’ll find it eventually yeah just got to pay attention to where your uh Compass is pointing to and then if it’s changing the needle is changing rapidly that basically means you’re on the spot uh it does Cob I guess cob is muted or def but he is watching This is that RAV are you low weapons yeah I am muted but does corriel know that if he looks at the compass yeah we he’s not looking at the compos the level almost heartbeat sounds kind of Creepy still here for quite a Bit I mean you survived longer than mbit does usually yeah he’s he’s running fast and jumping and triggering all the Clank yeah yeah let’s see what his uh Clank is at actually he’s still not at Max you sound surprised I am surpr Clank so Clank is generated when you make

Noise and if you make enough noise the dungeon gets more difficult and want to kill you faster you can see those light blue particles sometimes going off into the ground or into the ceiling no well it’s rare but when you hear the shrier sounds then uh you know we trigger some

Clank so it’s it’s sound based basically but it can also be triggered from uh cards or from um grabbing your artifacts okay I just saw one yep and they are random it’s random if they are enabled or disabled so sometimes the one spot I gave you Clank before will not give you CL

Later it’s the heartbeats increasing now though isn’t it it Is going to start it look good you look like a headless chicken at a moment so it’s not working so is it okay to walk or do you have to actually sneak through this entire thing uh if you walk you make noise if you sneak you don’t make noise

Sometimes you got to run run you you just got to make a make a choice based on what you’re comfortable if you want to go far then I would either have a lot of Clank block or um sneaky he means the cards there are special cards that reduce the amount of

Clank uh and uh allows you to to reduce the hazards that the Clank sets up is that something you collect throughout uh when you play uh complete the game you oh was that Hub stuck in ice Hobs yeah um no you you get some currencies in game and um you can spend

Them on on different things is this a park thing you were trying to do uh what yeah where is this whole thing okay it’s a parkage it’s a mini game Um cobri once you are in a safe place maybe go to the inventory and hover the compass because it tells you the levels he walked past the spot several times already and he just hasn’t checked it when he’s there I I just copied his Compass to check where they Sent and also we should change that spot I think uh I cuz I I don’t like that the ravage is always stuck on that edge you think it’s on the uh because of the wall block behind him uh I could make me I could just change the the

Fences there though and the tra doesn’t look like it’s on the fences but yeah we can check it he’s not completely stuck he just doesn’t like to go over it oh I think I know why that is because um for the mobs it’s still a fence so

It’s one and a half block tall mhm even if you have the trap doors or a carpet on top yep but so yeah he’s getting frustrated yeah I mean he’s been rushing instead of taking it slow and easy so he’s just going to die to haard or that guy death by Noob

Brecker that’s not even this is uh Keep I should have some sort of Statistics to which ravager kills the most players that could be fun Yeah you have a betting system and if you get the the correct bet you get one more play token that’s a great idea like I’m that yeah and that’s Max Clank let’s see how logy lasts okay Corel if you go down into the spot you just looked at oh you’re so

Fast come back to the berry sh if you go into the treasure room again and down the ladder is down there literally you just walk past it well I mean you’re not near any end game Hazard right now that’s where you’re still alive I might make the here you go down

The ladder just as long as you’re down there and follow the compass you’ll find find it oh and you walked past it what what are you doing you’re not listening to me cob check check the compass give him 30 seconds to catch Up it’s quite literally right here right here and then right click I mean he’s one of those players that just doesn’t read There You Go got of moo yay got my GS [Laughter] hooray yeah breathing is hard right click to dig he this I think the rhyming scheme is distracting him I think uh green beans wants to have a Go yeah you can have a go as well I don’t mind having more Chesters Today but then I will equip move it with uh netherite armor somewhere in the dungeon and just let them kill anyone he Finds move with the grease hell yeah but said move it speed to zero or something like that the ravager will just tank on him like I’m Michael Myers you know but that’s a good good ide IDE for an event so we could have some staffers

Every now and again like you know like a stalk mode you know like you said y or just do pranks on them while they run like I don’t know turn into dragons yeah that really scared me to be fair because ghost was we special powers like pull back knockback or

Something I do need to add a uh evoker somewhere in here I think unless I just make the the Vex thingy happen here as well it closes evoker is kind of far off yeah cobri your strategy would work if you would run in different places and not into ravages of course

I mean I did have Cobb also play through this and he didn’t do half bad he was being sneaky Though oh oh he’s being chased wow oh he died by B that’s what you get for Max Clank is that a weird attempt at writing German there because what you said was window pain isn’t that how you swear in German you just say random random things no no that’s Arabic

When you start calling somebody the son of a monkey and the daughter of a donkey or something like that all right uh green beans is he even watching if he not then he doesn’t get a run yeah good call only people that watch the stream and add to my viewer

Numbers you want to want to go again me do it do it go again yes GB was my Hunger is very low it’s fine it’ll reset when you go inside oh it heals you once you go through the portal don’t worry and any Buffs or stuff you try to

Go in with it will it will reset there’s also an easier make sure you set it to easy difficulty unless you want to go for in hell no also you’re welcome Cobre yeah 14 Minutes yep he did get Max Clank took him quite a bit to die though so I might have to make it a bit more difficult if you get Max Clank need to up the max Clank difficulty uh Iden sorry we need to up to Max Clank difficulty add more uh some hazards and

More mobs I think I might just every 30 seconds you’ll get a random potion effect of a few bad on yeah I mean the first level is supposed to be easier right so we got to think about that for the next levels yeah I don’t mind too much but I will probably

Have a timer that runs when you are at Max CLI that gives you some uh slowness or something like that we could add lingering potion effects ooh so that players run into them that’s clever actually thank you sometimes I am try not to I was going to go the me

Round and tell him to have poison I mean that’s a lingering potion effect if you want To Indiana Jones [Applause] Style way more confident now though yeah I guess May has has been watching as well learning yeah she’s in Here I heard a Hoot I love the flowers in her hair very Halloweeny now there’s one of the Hoods sh she’s very focused isn’t she she goes very quiet when she’s playing she learned from cob Real’s mistakes yeah what exactly is this treasure that they’re all aiming for there’s different items you just got to find them they’re always in different spots and then you got to dig them out

And oh she had I think she has the same spot as corob had actually looks like it unless she has the one she had earlier so do you get a new Compass every time you go in that leads to different things the combat has a few randomized locations you can go to uh

And then it’s kind of random which item you get from the same spot but even then um yeah it doesn’t really matter what item you get it’s just about getting out afterwards I mean some the items have different value but you can’t control it anyway other than choosing higher difficulties mid saw

Something I taking that person it was meant that way have I ever told you I love you no but I I I love you too mov you’re welcome I even forgive you that you called me what’s your what’s his face in the last we video on

This don’t take that person I have I have demena I got names are hard I know another one goes for the Piston push oh back out I mean it’s really risky cuz if the ravage is right there you’re dead uh if I’m not mistaken M I think if

You saw where Cobel had his it’s like in the treasure room and then climb down but I’m not sure you have the same Compass I can check That did not sound correct oh no it’s not here oh it’s further out okay never mind that was wrong uh M tasty snack num n num num n where could this one be oh no it’s the same spot you had the first time uh that’s not my

Loot wait is also oh no okay no I got it I’m sorry he’s right here on the pile there you Go so sometimes a bit difficult to find the spot I Guess especially with the way we have them laid out mhm like how muba aligned himself to be inside his own Head trust me my head’s big enough I hope so with your head Oh by Cho you were so close though like you were on the way out I think that’s like the hardest part now is finding the way out if you remember where you came from it

Helps I’m so ready to have my voice back oh my God [Laughter] you’re losing it here again yeah absolutely fine don’t worry about it my friend yeah you’re in the corner so I guess the exit’s over here somewhere you can go inside no the exit

Is that way oh yeah yeah yeah sorry I stream delay stream delay stream delay yeah there we go I’m really surprised I didn’t like find any keys that time as many as I found last time uh that is because the first time you played or the

First couple of times you had this card called The Moment of clarity in your deck but if you check it’s probably no longer there because it’s an ethereal card and if they get played they go poof so you probably didn’t have any any treasure drop in this run so if I do uh

If I do this and you add those to your deck you can um make your life a bit easier move it had to be RB so I need another Runner yes green is he still on I mean beans is up for it I think he wrote to

He did it was is he here is he watching the stream well I think he was yeah I didn’t get a DM from him uh I talked to him on Discord he said he sent you at DM well then he did it at a point where I couldn’t see it yeah that

Happens tell him to watch the Stream um oh now he was joining Parage yeah I guess because of the delay of the Stream So when we talk there seems to be like 5 or 10 seconds delay I’m just hav’t join the voice chat then I’m just asking making sure uh he’s downloading the resource pack it says he’s at

Minus yeah it’s a buggy the numbers are wonky minus 348 million and something perc so yep that’s our numbers work right yeah let go find my munchin she disappeared we go over here breing us starve to death info let me uh fix that real quick can’t you run the feed command

Once players are out of the dungeon what are you doing Banks H there you go it you it should now feed them automatically is your hunger back up yeah they’ve been fed thank you you’re welcome let’s hope that doesn’t uh get stuck in a dungeon uh yeah whed and dined by Turco what an honor with without consent I don’t be there

You are they still downloading I guess so yeah what’s in my Hat okay good he’s good to go let me close the door so they get the full experience Your card and then go for it and we’ll see what happens another soul for my dungeon I guess mbit fell asleep at the wheel he had to do or something right then I’m going to quit the stream do some shopping and back be back later all right see you see you

Around stop chewing on my toes no my toes hey green beans Yello all right um if you’ve added your card feel free to just uh go through the door I’m just studing now because they strange when using controller Right oh he de me on Discord I not why I didn’t see it that’s what he said I don’t take strangers if it’s set to easy you should probably go for it oh that’s not a good start at all do you know how oh no there’s a rag next to

Me not much all right you have a compass follow the compass find pressure don’t die too late how are you not dead don’t know cuz he hasn’t found the treasure yet I’m back hello welcome back I still being followed some berries to feed berries it’s all right Rory it’s all

Right if you can hear my dog it’s um people are set Fireworks off nearby it’s freaking him out so people doing fireworks yeah I keeps happening in that my death kept happening in that exact same spot several several times I mean if when I remove the suitup

Card from your inventory again then Mo but it’s going to be a bit more difficult isn’t it yeah I’m not looking forward to that it’s got to be a priority to get it back what is going on oh no not doing That not doing that either does that slow me down stay out here for a minute I love your skin Oh take it the sh is they not a good sign they past they are not no wait was it down there it’s over here def oh you might have this B yeah can it be under waterer yep oh no no not that you do need to right click to trigger it

Though I need to breathe no that’s not good I think you’re the first person to drown you w oh well at least you learn that you need air yep that feels no oops there can absolutely be under water just make sure you’re right click with the compass when you have

It any sound recommendations that seems quite loud uh I just recommend having all the sounds on what volume you have them on it’s up to you okay uh door is kind of loud should I try again Sure uh hope we got a better start yes there’s no rager there we are running on 3 hours now I think probably reaching the end soon aren’t we moove it oh that’s not what I want to see right now no no um yeah if you want to call it

A day after these guys have had a couple of codes that’s fine by me it’s up to you mate uh is there any way out of this uh if that door is closed then uh you you take a hit and hope you get out I guess okay that’s that’s one option

Oh mean GG for green beans cuz he went to the exit without the artifact okay I didn’t see another way out of that no I mean you kind of got yourself cornered and you had some bad luck with the the hazard been triggered already okay I’ve learned some things

Now let’s see if I can find the artifact got to do it a couple of times to That yeah that’s definitely a better volume uh so will be in this Direction saturation yep no yeah I seem to be surrounded oh that’s going to kill you if you don’t move yes it is uh can’t get me down here can you TP me twim please thanks oh did you get it oh he died he died he poked his head up out of the

Water you Charmed uh move it if you have mode you can teleport yourself with at least I think you can you just use the one and two buttons G how about you actually to see the Run huh I’ll try there seems to be a ravager around the entrance every

Time okay can they get up here no you stay there go through Now o Get that sound not good yeah you keep getting yourself in these spots where a ravager just follows you into a corner wait what um nothing oh what are you not telling me don’t turn around oh don’t stop now you hesitated dude keep moving what happened run run I don’t know it looked

Like your Sprint was glitching or something she was just stopping that’s probably my controller oh you’re playing oh Pro tip don’t play controller unfortunately it’s not an option what can you right click with the controller though I Can it would help if my controller was working like it did when I bought it all right final attempt grian you got to make it count yeah that’s fine is there come over here Please he’s lagging no that was a like Spike this [Applause] okay CL okay There is something here hey move move it yeah come over here behind You ooh that’s new it’s nearby me I know it don’t tell anyone how to get in there that’s interes oh there we go he’s got a coin he’s got a coin come get the CO oh I got something how do that where is it it’s on the other where is it the

Other Corner oh it’s underground is there a ravager over here it sounds like there is uh upstairs probably right don’t know why you’re huging theall don’t see how I thought there was a ravager here oh no then you would be food already do you know I get the feeling

It’s upstairs do you know what level it’s on so if you hover over the compass it it’s got arrows on it oh so it’s forward oh second L yeah you need to go up where the rager is yeah well it’s not going to be easy is

It it is on one of the higher levels yes I’m assuming this is the second Level okay you are going to leave me Alone what are you doing Missy no no come Here you going up there go yes I you do realize the longer you play the higher the Clank is and more likely you are to die I don’t really know what the Clank is oh that’s fine I believe you have uh you need to go to the other side of the castle probably that ber spot

Again oh he just yeed himself over my man you’re having some lag issues green Beans what’s this oh did you just run past the spot I think you just ran past the spot yeah I did I also got another coin guess you have to go back up there somehow there’s a rer in the door this is going to take a few tries it is Yeah got a key where is the RO go away he keeps in that spot anyone El all right do you have it here if you right click your compass and around here you should be able to get it make sure you there you go another bits of moo wow they’re popular

Today which way was the Entrance this way there was some ravager at the entrance oh you’re at Max Clank you better run oh not Good the entrance is another that was not far you were so close as well by actually in that room yeah you were really close you were like if you turned left instead of right at the end there you would have been at exit so close close but no

Cigar I’m just going to pull this leave right now now close everything down all right thank you all for testing nice to have some uh newer Place tested out uh to get out of here if you want to explore the rest of the park you just

Spawn or something like that cuz if you disconnect here you might log back in that’s fine I don’t mind having people running around in the tit side Lobby because you won’t be able to play it without me anyway Oh what’s up any feedback or IDs just DM them to me and your stats will get reset eventually so uh you’ll get a fresh start and then pretty NE watch it I’m hoping M will make a tutorial video or something about this at some

Point so we can uh yeah sounds like a PL yep make people click that instead of watching my tutorials books all right nice one excellent stream everyone thank you very much for everyone involved and uh we’ll see you later trra

This video, titled ‘Playing DECKED OUT 2!!!!’, was uploaded by Minecraft Moobit on 2023-11-04 17:42:00. It has garnered 803 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:59 or 11579 seconds.

**Watch me LIVE at: www.twitch.tv/MCmoobit || TRIGGER WARNING: Content created by a Mature Minecraft player who speaks openly about his MH Diagnosis – Parental discretion is advised xx || WELCOME TO THE MC_AGES SERVER! It’s time to playtest our version of ‎@Tango Tek  DECKED OUT 2! This time I’m not alone in being a willing victim!! 😀 Join us as I have the developers and builders tell me how they made theor version of the MASTERPIECE of Minecraft! **Join Our Community: https://mc-ages.com **Follow me on TWITCH: www.Twitch.tv/MCmoobit **My Minecraft Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/MCmoobit **Check out my Primary Channel for: Movie BTS/Vlogs: http://www.youtube.com/moobit **Part of the Team Reflector Network: http://www.facebook.com/TeamReflector **BG Music by (and used with permission of): http://www.youtube.com/TeknoAxe **AFK Astronaut Music by (and used with permission of): ✘Kevin MacLeod https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isrgZ… ✘ License: CC BY 3.0 (http://goo.gl/BlcHZR)

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    Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge Building an Elevator with Create Mod in Minecraft Embark on a creative journey as you witness the construction of a magnificent elevator using the Create mod in Minecraft. This project is part of a 30-day challenge that showcases the endless possibilities of this innovative mod. Unleashing Creativity with Create Mod The Create mod revolutionizes the way players interact with Minecraft by introducing a plethora of mechanical elements. From conveyor belts to gearboxes, this mod empowers users to engineer complex systems limited only by their imagination. Constructing the Elevator In this video, the skilled builder demonstrates the step-by-step process of… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!

    Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey and JJ open a CHOCOLATE FACTORY in Minecraft ! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mikey World on 2024-05-23 20:00:29. It has garnered 7153 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:52 or 1012 seconds. Mikey and JJ open a CHOCOLATE FACTORY in Minecraft ! – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEI

    Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEIVideo Information This video, titled ‘COMO ver TODOS los CRAFTEOS en Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4 – JUST ENOUGH ITEMS (JEI)’, was uploaded by Canal Héroes on 2024-03-08 18:30:46. It has garnered 747 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. Hello everyone and welcome to a new video on this channel, in today’s video we bring you a quick review of a Minecraft mod, this mod allows you to see all the crafting available in Minecraft, anyway, I hope you like it and bye. INSTAGRAM LINK 😎: https://www.instagram.com/elsaibort90/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D OTROS LINKS: ✅comic Building😎: https://www.webtoons.com/es/challenge/building-/list?title_no=542809 ☑️comic The Forgotten… Read More


    SECRET MINECRAFT COLLAB: YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Майнкрфат Сейчас покажу #viral #майнкрафт #minecraft #gaming #memes #videogames #video #gamer’, was uploaded by ILYA x ISMA on 2024-03-06 13:15:00. It has garnered 6805 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37iV9U Subpishis ➜ https://clck.ru/37zNxn Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO… Read More

  • BaconBoy’s Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay 🔥

    BaconBoy's Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (PlayStation)’, was uploaded by BaconBoyYT on 2024-04-19 15:24:00. It has garnered 79 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:53 or 293 seconds. Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (PlayStation) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch… Read More

  • Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraft

    Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is this everyone’s FIRST RLcraft experience? #minecraft #rlcraft #shorts’, was uploaded by RCgames on 2024-03-19 19:00:12. It has garnered 423 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Hey, how are you? —————————————————————————————————- Check this out : Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/rcgamesss Discord – https://www.discord.gg/3TaHuKN TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@rcgamesss Become a member – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6TG2eCuSPxEbDqNFMEGjDw Business inquiries – [email protected] —————————————————————————————————- #minecraft #rlcraft Read More

  • Lost in Minecraft: Where’s the End Update?

    Lost in Minecraft: Where's the End Update?Video Information This video, titled ‘Mojang, Where is the End Update?’, was uploaded by Minecraft Detective on 2024-04-03 18:27:25. It has garnered 34714 views and 1200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:05 or 545 seconds. This video shows how Minecraft hasn’t released an update for the end in over 9 years, and if the end update could come after the recent 1.21 update #minecraft #minecraftend #minecrafthardcoremode Music Used : Infraction: Storyteller – https://youtu.be/GEXlG_fQrbg?si=or3uVkfRdnIWjP8a Life Goes On -https://youtu.be/L1sVDPjLd1c?si=1c8oVwtHA88HCPIZ Story – https://youtu.be/WGPArLvbARk?si=gyF531Sg8zUdKfV “Cold Cinema” by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/3wROUWM “Wings Of Inspiration” by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/46OJAQZ Read More

  • Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft Strategies

    Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft StrategiesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Worst Ways To Play Minecraft | Bearman3600’, was uploaded by Bearman3600 on 2024-02-23 18:00:06. It has garnered 540288 views and 30787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. Today I take a look at some of the best reasons to fucking end it all featuring a variety of different computers, consoles, and other devices. Thank you for your patience with my uploads if you actually watch them. I often have little time to record or edit videos, so I try to spend as much time as I can working on… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with Maizen

    Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 3574 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:09 or 2469 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

    EPIC Mother's Day Minecraft Surprise!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mothers’ Day Minecraft Showcase!!!’, was uploaded by ChaChaYourVmom on 2024-05-13 09:59:46. It has garnered 681 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:45 or 7065 seconds. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Come home to my Discord! https://discord.gg/ma-mas-house-1150624776566620292 You, too, can be an elite for only $0.99/month! Join my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXwpLFOlJTROLn_26LQQVRA/join If you’re struck by the… Read More

  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a 1.21 SMP Minecraft server offering a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Whitelisted for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. Join our Discord server to apply and start playing today! VANILLA+ SMP – Join with a Vanilla client and enjoy all features except proximity voice chat. To join, apply for our whitelist in the #whitelist-application channel on our Discord server. Application includes an interview and rule review. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice to talk in-game. Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, day and night. No pirated content, only originals here, With humor and fun, there’s nothing to fear. So follow along, subscribe with glee, For Minecraft adventures, come join me! From classroom series to song adaptation too, Fangkuaixuan’s channel has something for you. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With MC Funny, the journey’s just begun. So let’s do some calculations today, In Minecraft world, where we laugh and play. Join Fangkuaixuan, the master of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More