Ultimate Ender Journey in Minecraft Survival

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don’t make me use my ultra RAC chill chill chill chill chill chill chill yo why is the zombie still slapping me man oh there he is [Music] actually got a friend waiting waiting on the stream to start [Music] actually I’m still getting slapped by Z but it’s [Music] okay uh what type ofer do you have [Music] that it couldn’t be that it’s an Xbox game right couldn’t be [Music] is by an [Music] end you guys hold on I I just want to die from this from this jump just slowly fall down all I already got all I got oh only have two lives left come on oh oh I got one life left safe bro what here I am yay y yo why are you trying yo on man L [Music] yo stream live everything good I am so sorry so sorry for your the stream already started oh I didn’t know I didn’t even know where we’re [Music] live you do it now or later you just look up to see why might not why that might be happening see if there’s something for [Music] [Applause] going to the Village there’s five there’s five I I know on uh I know on uh on Twitch I see there’s like already like five [Music] people yeah I’m looking right now uh on M on mine it says four people I don’t know maybe I don’t know I don’t know oh okay so so we’re good so we’re settled that we can we can just start now we’re good yeah we’re all set all right so so hit shift to run shift uh press the I guess it’s the Escape key it’s either Escape or pause it should give you the button list you some somebody on Twitch said they they can’t hear you okay okay now they hear me wow HUD so that’s dud it’s CU every time I build a scene every time I got to build a new scene I got to add this stupid freaking thing back in there so that’s what so that’s what you be Googling on your free time that’s crazy I swear if it’s something in decent I want to know what are you talking about am I leaked it’s leaked I’m leaked just exposed cancel all right all right can um shift is just Crouch oh my God now I spammed it and it’s like do you want to make it your special key special key you want see you like tying that key is there even a run is there even a run nope there’s not a run we’re just there there’s a run I just don’t remember what the key is for PC yeah cuz I’m running right now all right we got to start we got start this tab is usually Crouch and shift is run that’s why I’m like that’s try tab unless you just have to tap forward twice you try tap dude you’re right dude dude you’re so smart bro don’t give him that much compliment no bro that’s dude that’s dude that’s 200 IQ right there bro all right bro wait let’s see so we got a all right so what’s the first thing we need we should just start doing I don’t know I’ve never played the game asking you oh don’t at me I’m sorry I’m sorry did you see me did you see me bro bro bro okay okay okay hey that look at that guy hey what’s this guy we hit this guy don’t please don’t I got him bro so we you start you just want to start collecting wood uh please if you could if you could find gentleman follow me so we can go to sleep and wake up in the morning and not die go to sleep wake up in the morning oh yo that’s going to be so L for for a minute oh my God you should run this way oh by the way this is also he’s going to this is on Hard by the way this on hard good what I like wow so I’m the only I’m the only yo yo stop me yo look at that Ender yo how you see that you see on the left there not look at the end the right all right yo oh we about to steal somebody’s house okay yo he’s got just find a bed and get do it uh you didn’t say no did you didn’t say no did no did he yo can bro can me dude holy moly I’m stuck in this room now yo let me in that room y I really haven’t played this in like a long time bro oh yo yo yo you found a bed yet Robert I did oh oh my God I didn’t realize those were guys I thought that was somebody yo yo yo yo yo hold this way this way this way this way yep you guys get to bed why are you standing on top of somebody why are you standing on top why is there so many random things everywhere where are you that in here hey how you get y get in the house right there get from the Villager what there’s two beds in there no one get there all right yo get yo get out yo get up get out all right all right you may now you may not rest there or mon bro we got to kill the monsters first you can’t rest I’m working on it I’m working on it y what’s up really somebody really glazing right now also yeah I don’t remember see also yeah I don’t remember Andre playing any games now BL crazy he all right all right I’m landing all right bro so wait uh HUD look at the bed and press and look at look at the bed and then you should be able to get all right there’s a icon that should come up that for you to go to sleep it’s left click left clicking should be able to get in bed yep he’s so smart noral great now waiting for Robert go to bed now in the morning don’t don’t don’t don’t leave don’t leave don’t do in the morning someone say you’re not sleeping close the door n the door closed he’s good he’s good he’s good am I sleeping now yeah you’re sleep this is what we do we just this SLE no when Robert goes to bed then the morning will come we’re literally waiting on him yep I got to find another bed he looking for another bed then then when the next day starts then we can start doing what we got to do bro said this is harder than Dark Souls yeah you’re right what the cap oh wait where the wait is that my sword what oh it’s daytime you guys are good all right what in the world is this all right learn to play Minecraft you got this bro I’m aary students play Minecraft I’m Lally expert this n Geo hi so the the first question Rob them Rob them for food they not wrong right now uh I’m actually I’m actually not hungry right now I’m good I remember asking if you were good I said get their Foods bro I’m getting me I don’t want to like I don’t want to play into that stigma of like stealing and you know just m d so now there’s just a floating tree Bush just the top of the tree just float it’ll eventually disintegrate for a while so I guess the first question is did you guys want to explore or do you want to no bro I want to I want to start doing what I got to do to get to the Ender Dragon bro well the first thing is to build a house I was wondering if you want to then let’s do that then all right sorry I got to be sassy sometimes no no no s sass is welcome I died all welome when you see a no robt you you got you got to pull the stream up bro why pull pull the stream up so you can read the comments oh God why do I have a bad feeling of course hold on what are you you need me to send you the link why you looking at me like that look at you how I want to look at you you look at me like this hey yo I I was not looking at you like that dude yes you were go back dude it was there go back you looking at me like that I was not looking no I wasn’t no I wasn’t send me the stream link all right I got you I wasn’t looking at you like I was P did what’s up troll what’s up how do you really sad that was actually funny now it was funny cuz I’m looking at the stream too and I saw the way you I saw the way you did the pose to you were looking at me bro you got it was matching your your aura bro the hey what’s this silly little cow doing there dude this C wants something from you dude oh you got you got something in your hand all right I sent you the I sent you the link Robert dude this little C where’ you send it to me on yo this cow wants text messages you want me see to in Discord yeah please is that your pet bro acting like I’m getting paid for this it’s kind of making me sad you need to feed this little guy you need feed that little dude he was wanting that he was wanting that snack whatever you just had in your hand dude he he needs that you should have gave him that dude I don’t give any of that i s to you on this cour bro I already tried to kill this guy he he punched me one time and I was I died all right gentlemen if you can come here for a second I have I have presents where did you get that from you crime you just walk you just walk around with that crime yo how get on the ground yeah there bro I got I got I got it all right go off do crme all right so we’re collecting material right now yeah just collect materials trying to get to the Ender Dragon I’ll just start I’ll work on the house while you guys just mine try to get better materials uh do you know how to build a crafting table all right what’s up wa huh wait you asked I know how to build a crafting table is is cor a better Avatar than a uh come here I got to show you something all right left click on this box that is the crafting table you collect the resources in the crafting table to build things gotcha that’s how I build the Thor and you can just see how you thing is buil and what you need for it okay you will need to be three blocks high so he will not hit you bro so what’s the point what are we do what so basically we’re trying to we’re collect we’re Mining and collecting material so we can like build a house basically have you ever played Halo Reach never mind never mind then mind never mind bro wait I don’t get the Halo Reach reference this is literally nothing like Halo Reach act literally at all no he asked what the objective of Minecraft was at the end of Halo Reach when you get go to beat the game spoilers uh the last objective is survive you got to kill a dragon got kill Dragon you got kill a dragon draging these nuts what hey yeah oh breath I just I broke my kneecaps oh not your kneecaps so just I I just going to start collecting some wood View wait no I count there four viewers yeah that’s the most all right where do I bro that’s the most twitch viewers I’ve ever had let’s go next stop a million we’re you got to kill a bro I want he want you to kill a pig all right let me Focus all right let me the ADHD in let me Focus okay bro mine’s don’t tell I don’t even know where you guys are are oh there you guys are way over there Andre go find no you you’re close I thought you I thought way CL all right this is BU he’s buing right next to me what the my owne we got that wood bro on my own tree where the don’t like somebody else out with a log where are my missions sharing wood oh so I’ll give you objective first thing get a bunch of wood okay that’s all okay all right let’s let’s get some wood easy enough once you get wood we get uh tools and then tools we get uh go get better equipment and back and forth so we’re strong better oh go to hell right you know what I’m saying better fter but I’m going to start he’s not he’s not even hungry I don’t even get hungry bro he’s not even like like he L has like what you talking about I don’t even get hungry bro what do you mean by that so happy no was watching it all right look at that pig look at that pig looking at me looking at I kill one of those guys why do I got to kill that pig why you want to kill don’t kill thought you said it was a mission he did not say killing the Pig was a mission did you get that from put it down put it down put it down right now I don’t know thought I heard you guys talking about K on a big no that’s what I heard it was saying slur kill it maybe I was just hearing things in my head like kill the pig I don’t know just the whisp you guys kill the pig out oh something just hit me n this music is too peaceful but this music is actually too good oh D I turned mine down I don’t hear anything I turn it way too far down now all you he are your Nas that telling you to kill the pig kill the pig kill the pig where’s the music oh it’s G oh sometimes it just kind of shuts off on you it’s just like barely it’s just D there’s some base there we go I would return back to the things it’s getting night time again and can I ride this guy can I ride this horse oh my God I did ride the horse what the now now it’s killing me now it’s killing me what is going on getting dark please return home and go to bed yep um this doesn’t have not have a door okay I don’t all right I’m off on an adventure I must find Hood oh this one dude I feel so over here incapable on the keyboard and mouse yeah sorry about that not that one I think it was this one one of [Music] these my sword where’s my sword but uh go in here not that place this one what where there’s [Music] house I don’t have a sword anymore I got them these guys already in my bit knock him out knock him out my bed punch them like punch him hey get out of here hey get out get your own bed get out of here go get out of here yeah it’s my bed go get keep on going get get here don’t you come back my later right all right I’ll go to bed you morning there I wish I had a pickaxe take your axe thank you all right all right back work well can’t talk I don’t have I don’t have that many there’s a burning skeleton okay all right asking you shall receive bro why did I just die just a little guy and I lost all my stuff bro that is a zombie in gold armor hey turn around I know he killed me to take the pickaxe huh where oh thought thing was going to explode bro oh bro let let’s get him all my stuff bro there it is watch out watch out he didn’t even know he even know teabag teabag that guy back up back up back up they got me they got me my back my not at all oh here uh I give everybody pickaxe pick all right do we got a a temporary chest to put this wood in uh check any of these houses he one of them has a pick one of them has chest in it great chest ahead am I right yeah yeah yeah everybody’s crit uh this house what I’m in right now it says golden helmet I put that on oh here’s my sword I do have a sword got a golden helmet okay do I put it on you can how do I put it on uh uh press the E ke uh just right clicked and it disappeared so I don’t know where it went okay you probably have it on now oh okay all right oh I do I see it up in the top left all right Min what hey what’s up oh sorry yeah yeah makes me feel alive right so all those start hitting gray blocks with the pickaxe and you’re collecting Cobblestone which make better weapons and then you go to that crafting table I showed you over later make six out of the wood you built add the wood you have and then make some uh that with your rock pick up now we make weapons it’s it’s it this F why start strip mining hey that used my thing that was mining I bet it was but I don’t got enough stuff to actually mine this time the mic what what what did you say what did you say how you got this oh you can you don’t have a pickax anymore you got to BU new one so I’ve just been punching this rock you can stop punching the rock yeah I’m saying I’ve been punching the rock I’ve collected 18 I’ve collected like 40 rocks no wait 18 rocks but that is actually not just um with just my beheads it’s actually not just regular show they’re actually bringing back all all three of the the the 2010 viig three Amazing World Gumball Adventure Time show Dam it uh go ahead and H just come back to the village that has a skeleton in it but come back to the village and you should be able to like build better stuff as I go get myself like how my knowledge of redstone is so limited I’m beat him with this mushroom oh I died all right now go back first like if we were playing Dark Souls it go right back first a bunch of grass extra motivation any sort of EX got to make your own obes well the main objetive Minecraft is like kill the End Dragon you doing in here dude he’s that’s fine n I’m stuck in hole oh there we go we all get stuck in hole sometimes yeah I don’t like talking about he said bring he said it brings back too many like bad memories no not the hole not the hole not back in the W oh somebody filled this chest with a bunch of stuff yeah [ __ ] dude what I lost all my stuff I don’t know where all my stuff’s at um I’m trying to grab it for you I’m trying I don’t know where I am what why am where are you there so many questions man it’s just a bunch of why to what end to what end feel like you’re on episode one lost it’s just so many squares everything am I block I am oh my God I am which is in the Minecraft version of the office hey he got my helmet he got all my gear I’m just I’m just playing he my gear I don’t know oh my go I broke my legs he’s I have no idea what I’m doing yeah kind how you play Minecraft oh they Heavens it’s already been 4 days been 4,000 years now I got a stick hey this guy’s on fire what’s going on there oh they’re probably I got rotten flesh what do I do with rotten flesh uh you can eat it doesn’t make me sick yeah it gives you the plag great I just at it thanks that was that what does that mean did you actually eat it yeah I ate it dude what’s the plague mean now I’m all green you ate you ate rotten flesh yeah oh nutrious be F good for the heart good for the soul we just give you some Pepto bismo yeah get it right out your system real fast all right with song Hey this a box Buzz Zing there’s a better pickaxe now I can get gold and iron and stuff spooky I’m going to bed where’s the oh no hey hey G oh never mind I see I see okay I’m good yeah scram you it’s getting late so out of bed and stuff go to our next quest which is mother [ __ ] there we go bed oh no oh oh no wow I got a little snack got little Snickers o knock knock oh no not in there wait oh get out of here thank you thank for your contribution welcome I’m on oh oh I really should just let you guys play Minecraft figure it out by pressing buttons iise that I you guys figure it out I’ll figure you out fig myself out everybody out I like way look at me through window yo what this guy do what the up on that chest though what’s happening here I can see the TR now we really just raided these people’s Village and just like it’s crazy actually well then you got to get back to the economy you got to plant pride and grav we’re just using them we’re just using them for the resources I’m not I’m planting crops nah we’re we’re just using them we’re L like we’re we’re lit like the programs now I refuse to be like betterr now bro why am I yo I didn’t bro me die I did not think it was going to like I don’t even know dude I don’t even know oh you know uh open oh cry do whatever your imagination tells you to do more pickes I swear the music stopped again it’s like there’s no music anymore yeah it stops like they like we ran out of Music uh you got any more any more of those call us those uh those pickaxes those Pi what more those uh you any more of those uh those uh those those those pick go out and learn how to make pickups uh you got any more of those those what call talk uh those pick are you asking me if I have any pickaxes what are you talking about I have one on me right now do you have any pickaxes uh I got one pickaxe and it’s almost gone what are you asking me to give you to give you my pickaxe is that what you need what does that mean I don’t want to put you in the bind but I mean don’t give them anything make them learn you will never learn give them stuff he not my first grade teacher whoa what’s going on here whoa whose stuff is this put it back I don’t want to oh now I’m getting some music there we go and just do Stu whatever if you can think it just do it you have an idea fast I’ll tell you do it there’s not much going on here I don’t know what you’re talking about like got use your ination I’m trying well because we’re just like we’re in a starting off point so like just like only so like we have to like do this first before we can do anything else okay so how do you find the Ender D if you kill Ender like a lot of is why I usually put on you lot end you collect their ender eyes you throw them to follow where to the end portal is you put the Eyes the Ender go Portal fight the dragon and can you speak in English please that that was English now problem Dragon I don’t know whether I don’t know whether to be offended what you said or like be enlightened uh offended but the dragon isn’t really has heart so is hard this ass hard you know what else is hard I don’t want to know actually I was going to say life man your mind’s always in the gutter it is acely like every day every day bro Disney Channel all right Jak Paul oh God what stop my house are you building this yes oh my bad I thought I thought we were I thought we were tearing it down I’m so sorry I swear I thought I seen you tear it down and I was just helping you out he was just helping you out I was just helping you out bro I had I swear to God I had no idea I thought it was a house we were like tearing it down bro I open you out bro out bro tell me I don’t I don’t look like an a noad bro with the outfit I got on you don’t like an a noad with the outfit you have on thank [Music] you trying to find those carrots I got carrots oh you got carrots bro yep you want to pass me some of those carrots bro I’m right I’m right behind you I got carrots get some of those carrots bro right there in front of you bro I ain’t got no carrots bro you can look on my stream bro I ain’t got no car bro just looked over got no car you dumb bro you I got some I thought you some carrots bro I thought you had some carrots bro hey it’s so funny cuz I really could look at your screen too that’s that’s actually hilarious Y what I can’t find the other chest that we put all our stuff in though I’m about to die out of from Hunger there’s a garden right here let me just go in this gardening there’s a building a village that has a bunch of brown Flags that’s where Stu is oh yo bro do not do it do a hi what you talking about yo bro do not do a reaction trying to read if you if you plan to do cough do a cough wait what wait what did you just say to me that’s what wait what did you say bro wait what you just call him yo watch your mom bro you’re on you’re on a short leash right now watch your mouth wait what did you just say about my mom y would you just yo hi Chad I don’t know what’s happening anymore I’m just Asus all bro I’m actually getting mad cuz I I literally can’t like it’s so funny how like no one’s really taking me serious bro I’m really about to die from not eating bro like I literally can’t find the chest I’m about to die too now I realized that’s why I can’t run I was wondering why I can’t run I found it I found it oh oh yeah Carr my he hey you got Yo Yo oh bro why bro you said you were hungry I was fixing it y I didn’t even do I’m eat these Carrs my goodness bro I’m eat you’re not hungry anymore I’m eat these carrots hey you want some carrots too here you go want some carrots too boy I don’t want no carrots no more Carr here get some carrots a [ __ ] those carrots I don’t want any carrots we both EA carrot I think both me and this P are eating this carrot use the ha and make bread like I don’t know how you guys starving with like eight Bells yo why you really yo why you on a dick right now use the hay and make bread like I don’t know how you got starving with eight bells of hay right now in front of your face bro you act like we like you act like we really like just be like like you act like we really just be like doing stuff like yo you said I don’t know how to play Minecraft did you just say that come on did you actually just say I don’t know how to play Minecraft bro let’s go to the sunset over there you actually that bro come on Pony all right I’m already sleeping cuz it’s about to get dark anyway bro there no what are you doing Robert why do you keep bothering me I’m not bothering you I’m helping you just well you think I know how to make you think I know how to use I haed make bread you think I know those type of things think I’m a chef or something oh my God yo yo go to sleep bro yo he got like five bro fine five zombies two of you start but the but there are several bells ofe that could feed all of you at least for a bit let me in let me in bro you think I know how to make him bro you it’s so funny I look and I se robber in that bed it’s just a occupied occupi though also it’s kind of just easier instead of wasting food since our like not far away from Spawn die there are monsters nearby may not rest now there are monsters nearby I may not rest now there are monsters nearby I’m coming oh there I go I’m sleeping in we could could start making food actually oh God a lot creepers well I got wheat so how do I make how do I make bread with the wheat hey who that creep hey who’s that creepo what you say let me check hold on I got got check the TOs bro we’re really just R bro like we’re taking advantage of like this Village bro like is actually kind of bad go to the crafting table and make uh bread bread put back yeah I forgot to take crop put put back the seeds bro you think I want to help you think I want to do anything that makes sense boy listen close I’m from a land called Sparta and I make a deal with a god which cost my soul and kill many who deserves and many who didn’t that’s the pl of God of War wait wait wait wait like like wait just say like you think you’re like cradles or something bro bro bro cos playing as cratos right now bro really think he’s a video game character what a dummy bro who are you talking to bro are you reading the comments bro yeah I’m trying trying to keep up it’s like there’s like two talk talking about I’m talking about Robert no not at all I look over AE one bro read the comments bro we drunk watching this right now that Mak nice nice I don’t know where I am bro where’s the crafting table at bro is this the crafting table I’m actually about to get mad I ain’t going Li why am my crafting table it is the crafting table why would I craft wood with more wood is what I’m trying hey yo okay where hey Andre get over here yeah get over here bro bro you think you’re like something bro over here I am in the crafting all right all right scorpion I know you’re directionally challenged this takes two pieces of you to expose me like that okay I can make 20 planks of wood wait a second I got the weat um 99 uh how how much wheat you supposed to have if you open up the crafting table and go over to bread it will tell you how much wheat you need how much whe you need I made it I got some I got some but I only got enough for me that’s fine I don’t need it 99 yeah I have five you think you don’t need it until you actually need it oh let me put let me put these seeds back why didn’t you tell me to put the seeds back man like what do you I already put the seats back what is happening I can’t craft any of these cuz they’re red this yo he really thinks he’s katos bro said bro said HUD is right beside the C I’m in I’m in the crafting table you’re in the crafting table I doesn’t let me it doesn’t let me craft anything I don’t have enough wood but it says I can make wood with more wood so that’s where I’m confused more but it said anybody know does anybody in chat know the key for opening up your inventory and PC well you think they know you think they know how to do anything bro bro yeah the it’s for it’s E I already knew that all right go over to what looks like a brick wall on your left okay says I have 20 20 yeah what does that what does that mean you C that I do it okay so now Robert you’re missing this bro he’s really like bro he’s being Kratos bro bro death can’t avenge me sisters of Faith Can’t hold me you will not see tomorrow morning bro like I’m actually getting scared now Robert he actually might be katos like literally is that yeah okay so all right so just take the the block the one that looks like a bunch of uh squares to the right the planks put in your inventory click and drag yeah all right now back where it says like four on the right not that one the other one not that one to right back yep there you go everything is a square you don’t have to keep clicking and drag just like yeah just keep doing that and stack them and then put them okay now I have 20 now you have 20 planks and now if you go back to the crafting table give don’t I don’t have 20 planks look I don’t have 20 planks it’s in your bar oh okay you know you got 20 planks oh you know you got 20 planks oh man now I build stuff all right brain on now you’re getting it now you’re getting it are you feeling good now Mr Crabs are you feeling it now Mr Krabs I’m feeling are you feeling it you want to know what I’m feeling what are you feeling yeah H what you feeling I’m feeling sad that fine HUD I want you to know I’m loving watching you guys figure this out bro bro we know what we’re doing bro we’re not figuring out anything we already know what we’re doing stop they’re doing their best they’re trying really hardos is still going at it we return my son or will you see the god once out bro you’re not Kratos bro uh three diagonal Sticks no actually I would like to play God of War one again I’m G build a that’ be pretty good bro didn’t that game come out like when like in like the 80s bro be this no God of War one bro bro God of War 3 came out like 2005 bro so God of War One St no what okay you you actively hurt me bro what I don’t know how you did it but you somehow pass mental bage what it’s like a you have like a plus three psych something bro what you talking about bro wait where are these uh melon melon seed what you trying to say why would I need melon seeds like what are they trying to what are you trying to tell me uh your FR why do I wait why why am I the one to why didn’t hug get melon seeds why do I have melon seeds like what is it trying to say that c is stra all right make a St that’s pretty funny that’s pretty funny plant this but um wait you so you can’t make a space to plant stuff you can but you need the one you never have what you need a hoe what’ you call me wow wait wait wait what’ you call him oh no you need a dirty hug uh I gota make one well that’s how losers do it but yeah you got to make loser your son has return I bring the here we go no no stop it bro what if you what if wait what if he what if he starts acting like he’s ghost B okay if you’re going to do like readings of scripts do a good script give me the entire yo when we fighting the warden hey yo this my cat my Mr Jingles Mr Jingles come back oh when you going to fight the warden uh when they can figure out how to make a sword make a diamond sword and not well I know had to make a diamond sword bro don’t even say that bro oh this guy’s got dude I’m actually like bro I’m actually a never mind what you I’m actually when you going tame the cat with fish he says he he’s saying to tame the cat with a with fish you see so it doesn’t get lost did you HUD was slain by Iron Golem You by no I don’t know who that guy is sucks sucks at playing this game God killer oh here we go again now we got another uh oh I see Enderman and it’s coming right towards you guys oh my God just killed hun yep sorry my sorry my call outs are getting a little better I’m approving a little bit but it’s still not the best Squad left Squad left Squad left they’re pushing they’re pushing they’re pushing what I knocked him knock knock knock he’s boxed 50 I hit him for 50 that actually made my back h a little bit oh by the way there’s over there by the way oh oh yeah oh yeah this whole Squad whole Squad Squad is there a way to sh sh oh [ __ ] like you know what’s so funny HUD hit the Golem ran them got what wait hold on let me let me read that one more time hold HUD hit the gem ran then got the backand of God from it oh okay I get it it’s so funny you know you know I spent that whole day right there actually looking for the crafting table is that bad or is that is it is it normal is that a normal thing to look is that normal I don’t know I don’t know is it normal that I I was that whole day looking for the crafting table is that [Music] bad that guy hit by the one hit quitter by the [Music] goem yo is there a way get out bro thank you all right I’m sleeping already all right not this note this s find the crafting table okay uh Hut’s kind of lost in sauce no I’m not what are you talking about I’m mine wait this isn’t a bed this hey this isn’t my hey this isn’t in my bed this isn’t a bed this is the bathtu ow ow he what’s hitting me ow there’s something chasing oh hey there’s all my stuff dude I found all my stuff hey D hey bro let me in let me in bro bro I’m sleeping right now bro let me in bro why are you in the same room as me bro go find your own bed bro keep looking at me like this I like the way you let me chill let me chill and they were roomate I’m going to close the door for you there you go bro yo oh Aiden oh my God 440 said yo the blinking is what gets me wait yo I can’t Robert you get kiic you got kicked Robert no I di oh bro y are y’all going to go to sleep bro so I can’t find a Bed Andy that cat’s still there yo oh yeah you’re dead bro hey at least SP out his bed hey his yo going back for my stuff wait no grab it in the morning grab I’m going myself no it isn’t matter there’s a skeleton out there with Let Me In And W is still saying God of warer um words oh sound scary he gurgling dude yo he said let me h two on that thing he said he said HUD armed the zombie with a sword he’s even more dangerous oh my God you’ll be fine just stay inside don’t just don’t touch grass that’s it it’s SC to come outside yeah come out oh my God there’s a bomb well you know I’ve been laying here for like 20 minutes that’s crazy IM laying be oh you watch your mouth are you my home I don’t know okay did you did bro no way you died again it’s so funny how like you guys all that’s happening you guys I’m just laying down how we find Andre and bring all the drama over to him whoever reading the comments out loud I’m glad you are thank you thank you thank you that’s what I’m here for rip you lost your bro what is happening to you guys right now there we go hey I found a bed hey this bed hey this bedy hey what’s On’s the bed got some funky stuff on top of it I thought when I saw that I thought that was a bunk bed or something can I just go sleep I can’t go to sleep there are monsters nearby finally hey it’s daytime so it don’t even matter no more all right day today’s mission is to find the crafting table are you serious yep monster dude you think I’m giving them weapons on purpose cuz I’m not I think we’re I think you’re actually I think you’re actually I’m notna lie you do sound like you’re on your tiia energy bro that zombie is so annoying bro what is in my hand right now what is le lead I’m supposed to do with that make a crafting table with four wood planks bro you think I know what you think I know what that means bro I need I’m need to learn N I know what that means I’m just joking I know what that means let him in he cold the zombie trying to get warm he just wants the zombie just wants to Snug a little bit he said he said I’m a zombie and I want to have zombie just wants to snuggle bro this zombie actually really annoying me right now like keep following me bro come on man I’m not even bothering you I’m minding my business he just wants to know what you’re up to ask I want him I want him to ask his mom but if he doesn’t want to well oh pickaxe oh why if I do mind if I mind if I do I’m killing the zombie I don’t care anymore come here oh uh I love that for you I I really do that you said a man I’m that zombie uh uh they didn’t go is planing I I don’t know we get a little creepy what is that is that rotten meat again yep rotten flesh well I’m not going to be the idiot that eats rotten flesh oh my uh one of you should explore North and search for items bro listen bro I the problem with that is we just don’t have enough like swords pickaxes problem with that is that we’re cringe I don’t mind doing that it’s just I don’t got enough stuff yet I’m trying to get my stuff together I’m building a house bro have you been building the house like a year now haven’t you been searching for a craft table for like a year now tche yo who’s this green fool he just what oh there was a zombie that found stuff di like like he found my stuff walks around bro are wor ever probably find out on this what do no no one no one had a chat could do better so I I’m not worried about yeah I I let him yeah I dropped my gold helmet and he’s got it on he’s got I found that thing and he’s got it oh my God it’s hilarious that they can find this stuff yeah I didn’t I really didn’t know that skeletons could drop their swords uh drop their bows and arrows and pick up your sword that that was new it’s crazy yeah I think yeah I don’t think that was I don’t think that was a thing back in the day was not back in my day skeletons couldn’t do that back in my day back in my day I remember when the skeletons couldn’t even do that think you’re an old man all right this guy think this guy thinks he’s got me this time this guy thinks he’s got me this time this guy thinks he’s got me this time this guy really thinks he’s got me I’m going give him the hand I’m going giving them hands I’m watch this I’m actually watching this fight hold on hold on hold on keep keep it live keep it live keep it live keep rolling keep it rolling keep it rolling okay keep rolling dude don’t evene don’t even know don’t oh yeah there you go there you go hit him again hit him again oh yeah he don’t want these hands bro he don’t want this single hand he don’t want this single hand oh oh he killed you okay um and now he’s coming for me okay thanks thanks a lot thanks a lot I appreciate it [Music] okay oh yeah I’m killing turn my turn oh yeah and I died too okay um just wait till just wait to one of you die with a full set of diamond with a sword and baby zombies grab it I might actually crab my pants if that happens nity oh nity I know I know Robert knows that song no all right bro okay I need I need a lock in all I need is a pickaxe and a sword literally all I need literally like literally all I need literally like Lally that’s all I need and then I can go on and do what I got to do and this zombie is attacking me again full armor sword helmet your guy with that sick hat T it is destined to happen just as much as quagar getting into bed up and Di again bro we need a kill count for this bro n the pain of dying though when you have a the pain of dying when you have a lot of stuff though is like that’s a different feeling this music actually hidden right now okay I’m locked I’m locked I’m locked I’m locked I’m locked I’m locked I’m locked I’m lock I’m getting just I’m getting just sniped with these arrows dude hey there’s a pretzle what what’ you call me I call you anything no it’s that guy he’s called me something he said when I walk by mey claws oh I think the band sounds or cuz some somebody’s playing with their big meaty claws dude there zombie out here with the gold helmet he’s back here he is he’s back he’s back round two here it is I got to pickaxe I got to dude I got him he’s out it’s so crazy cuz I’m trying to find at one chest so I can get wood out of it so I can get like pickaxe and sword and stuff like literally my challenge has been finding like found it thank you holy moly that’s my biggest challeng is just finding stuff man bro he’s a Trader you can trade with this dude yep whoa oh I’mma trade I’mma trade I’mma trade something I’m I’m I’m a trade I’m a trade I’m I’m I’m I’m a trade something I’m a trade trade I set you up with the starter house there’s equipment in places I’m going leave all my stuff in here uh I’m going to go to bed I’m TI right right on have night Jo rest stre you too bud thank you a [Music] pickax yo this rotten flesh oh that’s my inventory wait a second wait a second whoa I just spread all my here with you don’t worry spread all my wood around Aiden Aiden holding it down uh okay said don’t you worry your little your little eyes that dude’s confused let me look at my my list here oh it’s dark we got to go to sleep all make dude slender guy it’s he’s out oh my God he’s going to woo I’m in bed boom in bed right I think cuz we got a lot of we got a lot of stuff down so it says so better make so I think at this point we need to um so I think we actually we got like a good basis I think we need to need to go and um start mining caves now oh my God I almost di that gives that gives you like um other material like more rare material so I’m going to start I’m going to start mining now but I’m not I’m try to BU I’m not going to mine too far I can go too far from at oh I need some actually I need wait you got you don’t think you don’t got any um I need to get some um what’s those things called I need to get more torches though cuz I remember like when I used to play like when you mine like yeah you torches come in handy okay so I’m going to make let’s see I’m go to the crafting table not in here wait how I forgot how to get coal though cuz I think you need coal to make torch said make bread oh we got bread we got bread in this chest right here oh we got plenty of bread Son we got plenty of bread bro let me get one of piece of bread I just want one piece of bread I need eat some bread wait a second I need to eat some bread dude oh wait a second wait it doesn’t heal me what heals me yo what heals me I have no idea I think like it’s like it’s a lot of stuff that you can like craft it’s you got to have the right stuff and I think there’s like there stuff like like potions and stuff but I don’t know I don’t know how to do all that right now so you might just have to die oh all my stuff just splattered all over the ground at least know at least you know where it’s at no I don’t I don’t remember where that was oh how about that how about that hey someone was building a little Treetop over here what’s going on over here dude somebody building little something somebody building little something not tell anybody huh some little something not tell anybody hey bro does anyone in the chat know how to get coal that’s what I need I need that for torches oh yeah my hearts do go back he said over time bro I had eight had eight viewers on Twitch earlier that was crazy to me that’s crazy I do I’m a check be right back so someone all right Aiden checking to see how how you get cold yeah that’s what I need I need cold cuz um when you mine it’s like it gets real dark and you need to put those uh you need to put those torches up as your mining cuz that’s basically that’s basically the next step cuz we need um cuz we need to make we need to start making like armor and stuff and you have to mine to find like material for armor so so that that’s basically our next step is to start mining CU we got I mean cuz basically we we kind of we kind of lucked out by like by having this Village cuz like if we didn’t have this Village then it would be like way harder but we found this Village so now we just got to what’s up blue day we got a uh okay get wood and Cobblestone for it now know how I got wood I just need I don’t where’s Cobblestone like what do you supposed to where you get cobblestone from like what makes Cobblestone uh bro call me out on the viewers I don’t know I don’t know where they are dude why bro why you come for your get pickaxe bro I got I got a pickaxe bro I’m just like what what what I need to pickaxe to oh yeah cuz I dropped all my stuff and I don’t know where it’s at dude I do need more viewers might call somebody ask yeah get somebody in here get some viewers in might to ask I might to ask somebody about Cobblestone I take view I was that’s just a part of it they’ll come back oh I mean to hit that guy sorry dude sorry little dude what is that it’s armadilla oh w then then when you want to do per burn the wood and there’s co wait then I’m going show you how to make I think we I think we have a furnace already dude my ADHD is so bad in this I think we actually have a furnace let me find it you supposed to burn wood to make the f I think is the is is this a furnace right here is it not this is in the furn break break the Torches in the little hoses too dude said they need to give me more viewers because my channel deserves to be to be better than to just be a small one in the background of all these big ones I appreciate that man maybe maybe one day maybe one day my knees going quiet on me there wa wait yeah I appreciate that blue day serious serious motivation there apprciate that the village one bro I might let’s see is the I think this oh oh okay no this upgrades gear that’s not F do we got a bur [Music] it is my first time playing Minecraft I have no idea what I’m doing it’s why my ADHD is so bad right now I have no idea what I’m doing D so bad there um um that you guys are at for the torch wait what I need you to make a compl sentence please like I see like I’m looking at I’m in the crafting table and I don’t see a furnace as a option bro I seen the furnace as an option it’s right here where go to items oh holy moly I see on your screen oh I don’t have a wait you oh okay make it make a furnace make a furnace I I I don’t I don’t have uh I don’t have any rocks sh dude yeah you do what why is it it’s popping up that you can make you can do it though no I didn’t that was cuz I on it bro I don’t have anything look at my inventory I have nothing on me there’s no way I can craft anything oh okay all right so let’s get wait can you go back to see how how what what you need again it was just like six or seven of those blocks let’s just go get some blocks [Music] using my bare [Music] hands it takes forever with your bare hands holy [Music] crap that music sounds I’m playing Yu-Gi-Oh [Music] now I got so much stuff in my I don’t like [Music] that I don’t want to get trapped down here though [Music] what up day one up man says go to get a tree put the wood not no not for wood but put one in there at first then you should get wood PL and then put four planks in make a crafting table okay it’s a lot somebody says his name right nice some all of uh I got like nine pieces got 10 so maybe that’s enough all right so I’mma go to I’mma go to bed so then I can uh make a crafting table I mean a furnace dude why have I just bro I just where’s all this going pick it up it’s not there to pick up there was nothing what is happening I just now I’m dying cuz someone’s shooting me dude the uh I was breaking up that block and it was not even collecting it not letting me collect it that was the weirdest thing go back and watch the stream zombies right now I didn’t have a okay bread Le C all right laying down this is my first time playing Minecraft I have no idea what I’m doing don’t hate me get wood and craft a pickaxe get some wood and craft the pick pick ax I keep I keep doing that I keep dying and then I lose my pickaxe bro wait where you bro get wooden CRA BR got get in the bed bro hey what was that the Moon said start hitting the tree with my hand see that tree son hit with your bare hands that a boy I go craft yourself a pickaxe where are the freaking thing wait I’m going to sleep now sleeping through this night this furn okay all right let’s [Music] see oh excuse me all right got this furnish Now find somewhere to put that achievement unlocked I’m on fire he’s on fire bro not a creeper bro I hate creepers I really hate them that’s part of sucks about it being on hard is that the creepers are insane dude if you could donate money I don’t even know what I I don’t even know what I would do I I just kind of scary one day bro I don’t even know who I’d be who I’d be if somebody start donating money bro I be like what do you want to see huh huh you want see ey reveal oh you want to I reveal H bro what am I holding right now dude I don’t have the donation button unlocked I don’t know how I have a thousand something Subs but I don’t have the donation button unlocked I don’t know how man cooking with steam cooking with steam how many he said it would have sent money for the I reveal yo hopefully dude hopefully tomorrow I’m introducing a new look it’s going to be different tomorrow [Music] tomorrow I knew you knew that song tomorrow bro okay I need to get all right let me get this wood here bro soon as I these torches bro I’m good bro yeah tomorrow stream I am so lost as to what I’m even doing yo mainly I’m so chill right now I’m just like totally lost walking around I keep I’m trying to find the freaking trying to find a thing bro says he thinks I look better than any other look right now just wait dude just wait hopefully it’s as good as I hope it is you know I think you guys would think it I think you guys would think it’s way cooler like this is pretty cool I’m not going to lie it’s pretty cool give me that what’s that IR flesh huh hey come trade trade how do you all right bro on how do I run I got okay no no not not not a new look like that it’s going to be new new eyewear like these are Goggles like I can just take them off just and just switch them out for something else that’s what I’m going to do tomorrow in tomorrow stream but then the other viewers could just go back and look at the stream anytime it’s it’s not even like a it’s not even like not even like I really care but I just I’m going to keep it under the wp for a while until maybe one day you know I don’t know maybe not guys guys guys guys see it’s it’s funny though oh I I shouldn’t even say it I’m not even going to say it if you tried hard you could see you could see my eyes like not not right not right now through these that’s not what I mean there’s a way to already see my eyes on the 1st of July I have no idea I have no idea dude it’s a long shot for me that’s like it’s like a week and some change they’re not skiing goggles they are like uh handcrafted uh obsidian glass something like that grab Su vest be back e e h all right I’m back and I’m about to phone a friend I can get this so I’m back and I’m about to phone a friend so I can see how to do this this cold man do get me mad uh you have the option to phone a friend or you have the option to I can’t remember he told me the wrong he told me the wrong thing bro I think I got it now no I don’t Cobblestone now it’s turning into stone come on okay turn Stone yeah I got to phone bro why would you guys want to come in this server bro we’re just like we’re not even no but dude there is going to be a time when I when I create a specific Discord channel for viewers to drop stuff in to react to and stuff like that somehow I’ll be fire number one YouTuber huh yeah that that positivity is uh encouraging dude can you imagine one day if like it’s like really happening like it’s really happening to me like in my eyes like to me this this stream just starting off already to me has already like like a success already in my opinion bro yeah I had eight viewers on Twitch that that blew my mind that was a personal best for me obviously no that’s that’s really good honestly yeah I was shocked I mean I now only have two so they definitely dipped but they were there oh they were there we saw no bro it’s it’s not that I Le it’s not that I don’t know how to donate or set it up it’s the fact that it’s it has to be unlocked and I haven’t unlocked it yet it has something to do with my watch hours or something it’s just not available all right it’s not aail okay why can’t I run okay like I thought it was double tap on the my thing and then the dudes we did I did that there’s no way you just can we teach him how to build aesome Minecraft bro we barely know how to uh bro I don’t even know how to make uh cold bro you’re asking the wrong guy yeah I stream every day dude so I was streaming uh holy moly tomorrow’s tomorrow’s going to be I think I’m going to go back on Elder r I think tomorrow we should just do this again you’re tell Andre shut up I was about say on twit y tyres what’s up tyres tomorrow we should do this again and then and then on Monday go back to other yeah I’m tyres what just got me bro can all right let me see um I have no idea what I’m doing it’s so sad bro all I’m trying to do bro said bro said what is a crafting table all right let me go to bed again so the next day can come bro why is this zomb skeleton bro leave me alone bro all right now I’m not running no more I’m not running I don’t care no I don’t care Oh come here come here oh I died I lost all my stuff thank you okay bro and this skeleton bro the skeleton is hiding in a bush shooting at me yeah it’s an egg ttoo holy moly oh Fu finally killed it oh was so nah bro and now something else dude can you give me m oh yo be in tomorrow stream bro I like I’m I’m give out I’ll give out some mods tomorrow stream I give out some mods tomorrow stream bro give out I’ll give out some mod positions tomorrow stream if I get a couple if I get a decent amount of viewers I get get someo might hook you up bro I remember you I remember you cuz I don’t even get that many viewers to really need mods like appreciate the tattoo comment I have no idea what I’m doing yo I’ve been running around in a circle I’ve been just running around in circles dude what am I doing has me drop this stuff I doing bro all I do I’m just going to goog I’m just going to Google it so tomorrow’s stream we’re doing uh jumping back on on Elden ring I’m trying to basically kind of like in a way speed run it like as fast as I possibly can I know it’s not even like a speedrun but it’s you know and then uh no yeah that’s it that’s what we’re doing tomorrow but it it’ll be earlier than today’s stream cuz I got off I got off from from work late [Music] so like what kind of stor is that so what time is it right now for me it’s 11:20 p.m. there’s no way you got we started at like 9:30 just to get cold bro so yeah we started at like 9:30 tonight so tomorrow I’ll start like at like 7:30 or something but we’ll be playing Elder ring I thought I thought you I thought you wanted to run run this again tomorrow and then go back to Elder ring day oh I didn’t know you didn’t mention anything bro I mean not as far as that I mean so I just now mentioned the Elder ring tomorrow this is what you needed to run tomorrow it’s just that uh it just that know like I know this is not going to be a game play every day so I just trying to like take advantage of the weekend to play this and then you know yeah I know I got you that’s I was just saying that but like yeah I didn’t I didn’t even think about it cuz you didn’t mention it till just now but we’ll play this tomorrow for sure I’m about to just forget about the Torches bro and just start biing bro well actually cuz you have to I have to get I have to get cold stone it’s just that bro it’s going to be so dark bro that’s the only problem like and I used I used to do this all the time no okay I think I but I think I used to cheat though when I do it back in bro my daily routine is working game how dare you stand in front of me I’m standing to the left how dare stand where I please O A snakers no I’m not going to eat that I’ll start mining I don’t even have any pickaxes dude I gotta get I keep every time I die dropping my stuff it’s like Dark Souls Elder ring or whatever Dark Souls dark dark Rings under Souls bro I lost the ability to run H you think that’s funny that’s hilarious that’s hilarious the you know how to make yeah bro we know how to make crafting table we got we got we got one already so oh now I can run that’s weird right and I start mining now okay hope I can get out it’s the whole point about mining is that you you can get um you can get like like more more rare material to build like other stuff like to craft like more rare things like you know armor and stuff like you know they they got like diamond arm so that’s where mining comes into play for need you to come find me eventually do I have a per what king R says damn it not the perfect mustache again wa do you know him no I have no idea who that guy is I don’t remember I don’t know I have no idea do I have a perfect it’s like bro we went to music class together s hey your remember in music CL appreciate the comment though man been working on this bad boy my entire life I’m serious man it’s Tak me a while dude it’s all I got but now since I got some Stone I think I’m going to try to get uh make a better uh better pickaxe though I’m using I’m not even using the right thing so I’m not going to waste my me actually locked in now though I’m actually locked I know I know what I need to do so I’m think I’m locked out I’m serious I’m he’s like he’s like no actually actually I’m actually locked out I need you get the keys bro bro can like bro can you help me like not like not lose like not forget what the crafting table is bro dud between these build because I can’t nope because I’m doing the same thing I run to like each Building open it up the chest actually bad like it’s actually getting pretty bad at this point like I’m just like like like you you would think I’m I’m used to this Village by now but I’m not okay I found it found it all right let me get some stuff here what do I need what do I need how the heck do you get bro I got sticks bro what are you talking about I got I’m literally got what you’re asking for right here I’m looking hold on no I don’t wait okay is that pure kind of stone is that build a boat whoa why am I building a boat why am I building a button cobone gravel ah I think we got Cobblestone actually definitely going on I swear we got Cobblestone let’s not waste no time let’s let’s go to bed let’s not even waste any time with it oh you want to go to bed baby hey yo all right sleep in that bed yo he said bro now there’s a skeleton Broly he said there’s an Enderman there’s a skeleton he said he said we he said we met at McDonald’s I held the door open for you and he said no and I said sweet mustache and you just tilted your glasses down and said damn right the moment I and at that moment I knew I witnessed a a badass what is going on I don’t care this I’m I’m not going out fighting those M dude I was a I just got murdered in my sleep oh you were in here I wasle yeah bro I’m just going to stay in here with you bro until he leave bro you go look at me like that again stop looking at me like that no J stop looking at me like can’t help it can’t help it it’s my it’s my face man me like that bro I can’t help it it’s my face ow ow what the go got damn you went outside bro bro I thought I got I can’t sleep in the same bed as you I got to go get my own bed I died holy moly sleeping through the night peacefully even though my friend just died all right who just morning what’s going what’s going on why are the zombies out here it’s daytime are they dying is he dying oh he’s burning he’s on fire that’s the pro that’s the problem with having on hard bro there’s all these monsters oh he just died we don’t have Cobblestone Oh shot my SK wait what’s this what’s this what’s this this please let please let this be Cobblestone it’s pretty good pretty good impression right there and it didn’t Lan let me pick it up oh my [Music] goodness I check my pizza my pizza defeated an old lady with a stick huh I did that too it doesn’t bother me though about um about how many people least at least we actually have people in here though like that at least like you know what I’m saying like the chat’s still going to me that’s kind of like what keeps me into it you know what I’m saying yeah bro I’m so lost in this game bro well it’s like I know I know what I need to do is just it’s just it’s like little things that’s like prevent me from doing it like small thing ofous like well it’s because we need to mine like we need to mine to find like more rare material so we can get like armor and stuff but there’s things that sto me from mining like I need to get a freaking pick like a normal pickaxe that’s the thing that’s it’s like little things that’s annoying me like it’s like simple things we need to do and I just can’t do the simple things like all I need is Cobblestone to make a normal pickaxe so I can mine and I can’t get cobblestone like that’s that’s that’s the kind of things that’s happening to me right now like and then now the skeleton is attacking me again like the skeleton won’t give me a break like the skeleton is worse than IRS yo I just whooped that skeleton dude I got his bones and his arrows yo can you kill this other skeleton then my bare hands yes I can those big meaty claws with this big meaty bone that I got from that oh my God I just got sniped he just shot me he just he just I got Cobblestone okay okay okay and there’s only one piece okay thanks a lot thank you for hitting me I appreciate um hey Bones look at this bone I have a door right here and now this this place doesn’t have a door okay this pro pro pro Minecraft players right here and this skeleton’s just chilling right here bro I don’t care die die [ __ ] die [ __ ] b oh yeah yeah we got teabag teabag him teabag him I just showed that skeleton his boss crap sh shift key of course I don’t have enough uh shovel H I think a shovel going tock could shove them for right now until I get more okay I got my priorities messed up too wait I got how what I don’t know what I do with these aadan new recipes unlocked I’m locked I’m locked I’m locked I’m locked I’m locked I’m locked hi Neal blocks K what’s up neutral blocks kid all right H I need you what I need you to do is I need need I need you to help all I need you to do right now is help me get some that’s all I need he said ban both of us said hey well if you’re getting banned we ban me got banned who got banned oh I’m banned you’re ban yep what’ you do I don’t know I’m just joking dude it’s like a streamer joke every streamer I watch they say randomly like oh I’m B they just like they’ll just like randomly say it joking around or they like oh I’m leaked oh it’s over oh sorry rest peace Chet I’m that’s it I’m leaked please let this be Cobblestone bro please can I just get out of this ho god well I think I okay my strateg is getting a little better or or I could just ban neither of you and that’s also equal God dang it where is the crafting table my God why is it so hard to keep up with a crafting table I’m not going to lie bro I’m headache like if the music we keep playing where’s the music at man you want a cobblestone make a wooden pickaxe and mine in a staircase downwards okay so okay so a wooden okay I’m GNA get a wooden pickaxe Lama it makes sense what you’re saying but at the same time I’m kind of dumb so it’s like you know I get what you’re saying internally I get what you’re saying but at the same time but at the same time you will reach Cobblestone iron diamonds eventually yeah that’s what I’m trying to do so okay wait you mean like when you say build like mine a staircase downwards you mean like when I’m mining like mine like where like I can like mine like a like as a staircase let me get the I’m let me get the W well I I got a wooden pickaxe what am I doing bro I’m chilling on this llama I got I should got I should have got more though make another yeah you’re right I like I don’t know why we didn’t think of that we got to do is make another bro this llama didn’t let me ride it at first but now it does I ain’t going to lie the chat has been has been coming in clutch for me man he just HED the Lugi on me he just his hot two on that thing some I kind of missed the guy that thought he was Kratos yeah you seriously committ it too oh you B it how do I need the CRA I find you I can find the [Applause] [Music] crafting I’m not going to lie my brain’s melting right now it’s brain R yeah that’s what happens okay cool crafting table let me get a couple more uh couple more wooden pickaxes and just a couple more wooden pickaxes more wooden picka bro bro I want you to be really honest with me oh you know I’m be honest I want be really honest with me right now I got a bro okay yeah I’m yep are you having fun right now oh I’m actually having fun yeah of course I’m talking about this game oh yeah for sure cuz I’m not going to lie I’m trying hard and I’m barely barely barely barely barely I’m barely able to hang in there like like like like you got to just start doing what we need to to get to the Ender Dragon like right now we need to mine like that’s the whole point okay because it’s it’s a that’s why like a lot of people like they they do yeah like he said you’re just stuck in the beginning stage yeah that’s like we’re we’re stuck in like the stage where like the starting off point like right now so that’s why we like we need to like we got to like just start that’s why um give it a sh yeah we’re like at the part at the stage where it’s just like harder cuz we’re starting off like we got to get like our we got to get our stuff like our diamonds and all that kind of stuff so we can start you know going going Bard we we just need we need more Mater like like when you start mining that’s when you like start getting like the the more rare material and stuff that’s what we need let me find this bag quickly before marshes come out all right y what’s up Mr banana yo get in that bed get in that bed real quick real quick I’m sleep tight sleep tight remember that l song Co It’s a sleep tight it’s sounds familiar it was in the elen Ring Thing remember you jumped in okay bro why do that skeleton have gold armor bro that’s so weird that skeleton really has [Music] every y what’s up [Music] easy that’s a big part of like game grinding is that’s that’s kind of just hot that grinding it’s different man but it’s not that’s what I’m saying I like grinding games but I’m like I’m just having a hard time with Minecraft that’s why I was hesitant to play for this entire time of playing it’s like I just don’t know how to explain it [Music] like I’m genuinely trying I’m wanting to get into it you’re just standing there bro but that’s because my mind isn’t doing it because there nothing there to grab like nothing is like like okay I’m going to just okay hop in a hole let just what we’re just digging we’re digging a hole [Music] okay see what I’m saying like nothing about I don’t know how to explain it dude I get the game I get the game the same time just having a hard time with it oh like I already found like I already found something right here I I do get what you were saying I I get I get what you’re saying it’s just that like you just got to like kind of fight through that cuz because it’s going to be like that for a lot of like a lot of games bro that be that doesn’t sound I don’t that doesn’t sound logical like what you’re saying does not sound logical cuz other games I’m immediately either attracted to of them or not hey bro if you don’t want to play you don’t how to play it bro like D no no it’s not that I’m just trying to literally I’m trying so hard like I’m actually doing it I’m actually look I’m actually I’m actually just I’m doing it a m bared Rock and up with hands okay let me think about what I’m even doing okay let me try harder all right wait what kind I wish you could look to see like is that I might be Cobblestone oh okay it is cobblestone wa okay is and again I will say I feel like I feel like that’s just kind of how it is when you start off like when you start off survival like I think it’s just kind of like it’s kind of slow like that I would say I would say like get what you’re saying it’s mechanics yeah yeah yeah yeah I just don’t like mechanics of the game they’re very big like I I get it it’s just like a cozy game it’s just like a cozy style game like because it’s like I like I love Animal Crossing but I just right see look I already found some okay I I don’t know what you does anybody break that yellow weak block and then make it we make wait does anybody know what um anybody know what the the diorite does or like what kind of you know what diorite also I’m looking like in in a future save for example right say you run through this like say if you run through this and you like and you be like we we defeat the inner dragon and beat it then you L have to never play it again and then it’ll be it be something that you already did you’re like dang I I really did it yeah like you look back and like that’s what I’m saying like you’ll look back and be like I’m probably never going to play that game again but at least I got I literally got the stream hours and got a stream where I I ran through it di right is most useful block but no one knows what is you what how does that make any [Laughter] sense it’s most useful block but no one knows what is used huh most useful block but no one know the he this sorry what did you just say pal hey pal did you just flying from stupid [Laughter] Town yeah I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t understand that can I just stop running around in circles oh here we go that’s what I was looking for can I eat this bread let me eat that bread let eat that bread yo we hungry what is that what is that Granite all right anybody uh what about granite found some Granite bro we got I got to organize some those oh you put a crafting table right here oh okay I did a right I do I I do smart things sometimes every once in a while so what am I supposed to be crafed now I can now I can make a now I can make like a i Granite is also the same like oh here we go [Laughter] again you saw said what I asked about granite and he said it’s the same as die right oh my God he’s Troll he’s getting you didy Dy though yeah I’m losing my mind I’m losing my mind my mind is rotting right now I’m losing my mind music bro random music just kicked in my music stopped again let me guess it’s dark is no this is really bright music now talking about like uh oh it’s day no it’s day time did I work did I work through the night or something yeah you work through the night man working so hard bro n you no you you should actually come down here where I’m at no if you can find if you can find me you’ll actually like the scenery it might actually blow your mind where you at uh okay um like is see can you is it finding my name okay wait positions so 154 like you can you can actually find me by by the position up you see the position up top yeah you see you’re actually getting closer to me it’s it’s 154 55 162 like Okay so this keep going where you’re going yeah okay you’re getting closer oh and you yo broki I’m back wait who is that illegals is my illegals is M all right yo that’s the way you read his name like that bro bro because I bro like bro like what I don’t know all you’re getting close to me keep going keep going getting closer warmer warmer you going warmer warmer or maybe you’re over [Music] me might be over me BR died am I over you’re on top I think you actually might be on top let me come think [Music] bro I see what is happening it’s getting dark I’m scared there’s a zombie yeah go back to the I’m I’m going to meet you at the at the at the village and then after we go to sleep I’m going to show you where I’m going to show you the thing oh here okay [Music] you calling me a tall glass of water what is [Music] that hey boy yo all right bro you can have that bad [Music] bro get some food and go underground yeah that’s where we going you might be right you might be right you might be on something he just might he actually might be on something day 13 we have no idea what the hell we’re doing oh I I know what I’m doing son I know son look at that ugly thing is that Squidward they just threw a potion at me I’m on fire yeah yo that’s a [Music] wizard bro he’s messing me up I’m dying I’m I’m I’m dead I got no I’m I’m poisoned I’m Oh no I got to get my no I actually got to get my stuff here we [Music] go he said are we cooked yet I was like poison with bubbles I was poisoned with bubbles where’s my di right at bro the stuff that no one knows what’s used for oh here it is all right what alarm stay at half heart so best bet respawn what’s the point of even dying if you can just die as many times as necessary how is that even survival because um cuz you can lose your stuff oh like that that’s like the worst part of dying is like losing your stuff every time I jump five feet especially like if you get like save you like follow me especially like say you get like a bunch of like like rare stuff too my God I keep taking damage [Music] uh nowhere over here but you had nothing you lose your yeah yeah that’s that’s that’s the worst part of dying is like losing your stuff yeah every two blocks where my oh boy it he said go be Ender Dragon in the game we pass iron bro all right you got you got my you got my back back no wow somebody attacking you who a bro what is is that you God y got M yeah it was me ha you jokester you cat we got a bus hey yo CH chat getting a little sus dude it’s just that guy CH ching A little sus I ain’t going to lie why are we here bro I don’t even have an axe why am I down here how are you digging up you got a pickaxe my bad bro I didn’t mean to slap I didn’t mean to slap you bro I’m sorry all right you go hold on uh right here pick up right right there I I dropped the pickaxe behind you you got it yeah so what we doing now we just mining yeah we’re trying to get um we’re trying to get hold let me read actually I actually got like a a a a Minecraft guide actually so um as your next caves explore underground caves cenal of Minecraft since you’ll find precious or veins which will help you UPG upgrade tools of armor caving is not necessary though as you come across those veins by digging and Mining through solid Terrain in addition you should make a shield for yourself it blocks projectiles like arrows and protects you from creepers also bringing up food and torches yeah that’s what I was saying there old torches get gear up to fin off danger what is this is that more dirt C A planks oh I’m on granite going down here oh it’s getting dark down here yeah that’s why we need torches bro but wait it’s light up here so wait if we just opened up a little more and then like and there’s actual like coal blocks but like I haven’t found any cuz like coal cuz we need because coal is what’s going to um Co coal is what’s going to help us uh like make make torches Co hey yo n chat chat is get was getting sus bro just got to ignore it dude got ignore this guys I don’t know what they talking about dude chat get crazy I believe 13 seven blocks above Bedrock is best chance for diamonds just a tip like the steam here we go again bro you saw what he said he said don’t break that Ander sight it’s also same like dite bro here we go oh my God I just ask you oh wait no I R I ran out of Axe oh no I don’t have any Axe Body Spray bro there’s got bro you guys got to know how somebody’s got to know how to find coal bro you have a been to coals no I haven’t oh not going to lie exploring the Cav is is like pretty like really fun it’s just all actually I’m going dig some so I can know where to find my spot at again oh no I just wish I had a permanent pickaxe man why do I got why do I why do I got we need actually we can build a actually we can we can build a better pickaxe now cuz I got plenty of Co Cobblestone I don’t know what Cobblestone h yep I got plenty of yo where is our village at you see it n chat’s really going crazy right now BR we dug to China and we don’t know where we are holy moly oh my God the village is way over there or where you go I’m disappeared no no bro really left me dude the the the I think I think I’m following I’m following I see you right there there you right yeah go around that side yeah right here okay yeah I can I can actually get um yeah I’m about to just get some the actual normal pickaxe yeah I’m so glad no one in chat agreed with that bro s bro’s like bro keep saying that he’s like huh huh huh anybody anybody can’t believe I can’t swim that water can actually like trip you out a what the that bread works wonders why is it playing Avatar music in the background now that’s what I’m saying it’s the exact sound from Avatar that’s what I was talking about when I when we first started that’s what I was talking about it’s only just now playing it for me on my side I don’t know if it’s playing the same music for you at the same time I’ve been heard it like okay all right I’m about to give you some pickaxes got pick your a uh thank you um okay I’m going to make some right now I’ll choose your ax pickaxe pickax get it I don’t know got some swords some swords mhm not not some swords couple of shovels and okay about to give you like two swords just in case somebody try to start something oh did I pick one up there’s other one is a two shovels one pickaxe and another pick right we’re cooking with steam we’re cooking with steam no probably GNA put the the old ones in the chest and go to bed where monsters come out freaks come out at night she only comes out at night oh you I think you L walk right past the bed early there bro no I didn’t yeah you did I’m telling you you’re right in you were right in right to my bed you don’t think I know where my bed’s at I don’t think you do I didn’t know where my bed up got was B ear there freaks come out at night bro we’ve been streaming two and a half hours I know we’re cooking right now bro said let them cook let them cook look uh you know Screw I’m going make some more pickaxes just in case just in case and all right I to you got stuck in head but actually I got that own I got the song stuck in my head myself okay where my demons hide oh where my demons that’s good song I don’t want to go too I don’t want to go too far the shovel gets through the dirt real fast we hope Hopey hopefully we find some coal bro that would be nice oh my God I didn’t know I could drown yeah you can drown oh yeah by the way you can drown as I’m [Laughter] drowning so the shovel gets through the dirt Ro fast and then like when we get to the Rocks we use the pickaxe I’m like I’m kind of like doing it closer to the Village just because we don’t have any torches yet like cuz like when I when I Google it it said like you can like there’s coal Stones like to to make coal so we can make torches but I haven’t found any coal St why don’t we take bikini bottom and push it somewhere else you might be right might be stupid enough to get us all killed new recipe unlock VI and your crafting book oh I found raw copper what does that do it’s raw can I cook it I guess I’ll take that back over soon I don’t know what that I don’t know what that does I don’t know what that does now what it happened was what it happened was I know what that is oh I found some stuff what you want what you want I don’t know oh yeah yeah I think I I think it’s the same thing I just just grab it cuz it’s rare so I I found some more of that cuz when when I found it like the recipe book said like like like the the the recipe book thing popped up like I guess you can we can make something with it so I guess we’ll see at the crafting table at the crafting table here at the crafting table BR bro the fact we haven’t found any coal yet is starting starting to bother me at least we’re better Define this though like I already started mining twice and I literally lost like the other one the other ones um the other ones that I started Mining and I already I lost those places but this should we should be able to find this yeah g we’re playing Minecraft but up how are you doing are you playing minecra you know you is any one like people that’s been in your stream before yeah okay yeah I thought so some people I’m about to go to the crafting table real quickly see I’m knock some of this door off off the top so we can find this again come out at night come out at night where’s I’m out at night night uh bro you know as a as a kid the the the Michael Jackson Thriller music video used to scare me oh like zombies as a kid yeah it did like die zombie scary bro lie he really did me me oh [Music] zombie funny episode so what we calling it at 3 hours um yeah we yeah we can try to see what how long we going going yeah we can go for yeah we can go for 3 hours be 23 more minutes call bro what song you singing like you’re mixing two songs together no that’s a song I think pleas tell I’m serious song I think I’m serious bro I know it sounds like you’re mixing the song Together uh she only comes out at night that’s like the maybe and then that’s that’s from the song where she’s like where he’s like she’s a man oh here she comes then there then there’s also the song that’s like oh yeah I know that song I know that song You’re then you’re singing something else that one dude lied bro you can use uh you can use the that di right you can use to make stairs and walls bro bro he says the useful the most useful Stone no one knows what to use it for though how would that make anything oh here she comes now you got that song stuck in my head thanks buddy what can you do with this raw copper bro you got you you got to cook it or something like we’re like we’re uh in breing bad it says it makes block of raw copper bro bro bro there’s no way bro that’s it say nah bro there’s no way bro uh iron got find some iron IR some iron some iron some iron that’s where am I bro I know that there’s an easier way to get cold bro it has to to be literally has to be there’s no way that is this hard to get cold just like for freaking the torch there’s actually no way let me let me go to one of my my uh my lines from um yeah you’re thinking smart you already got yeah see this get dark go to one let me go to one my light lines you like the pho friend look on my live line it’s saying you’re trying to make this song so easy song is so easy bro like you you got to do is go to the mountain and get cool they think it’s just they don’t understand they don’t understand they think you can just walk around just grab coal whenever you want it they think that I could just hop right down right here in this hole and open this up and here’s coal get coalo they think coal is so easily accessible no it’s not I could just keep opening these rocks and Cole is just going to show up it’s going to pop out any second someone’s going to put coal in my hole uh I don’t know I’m it’s how we find it though right I’m not mistaken am I that’s what you just said yeah the words were in your mouth yeah said Co is in the hole did I just messed that torch up and not actually take it I just bro I thought how I grab the torch you got it it’s in my hand I don’t want oh you got it I didn’t want it it just put it in my hand it said wow dude don’t wow me that’s okay you can keep it you can keep it I’m not mad I’m not mad I’m I’m not mad I’m not I’m not mad I’m not mad you think I’m mad not man I’m not man I’m not M I’m not man oh yo can I dig with a sword well I found my firsto I found my first hole what she I my first cave I bought my first cave let me put something here so I dude that pretty good actually I realize what I said that’s pretty good that’s funny dude what’s mad what’s mad oh here’s [Applause] H that’s weird this water don’t make no sense where’d you go my first cave yeah you still oh yeah well if you if you find me you can bring that torch bro I do not remember where we were it was it’s it’s a different it’s a different cave which we were in maybe try to go back to the village and then I’m at the Village okay I’m trying to I remember oh is this well my my coordinates is one is 146 that’s not that’s not the one here’s the crafting table I remember it was like not far from this right what no it’s a different one it’s not the one you’re going farther from me cuz I’m like way at on position I think I found some coal dude holy moly it’s a miracle oh I finally found coal bro bro it’s a miracle dude I did not think I was ever going to get Cal bro they were right the coal was in the ho said you just had a you had to take a little deeper and find what was inside you first oh my God I just found a hole with skeletons and monsters in there uh I would just I guess if I was you I probably like run probably I can’t run also they took away my run I don’t know why I can’t run anymore but it doesn’t work it took away your ability to run wow they really they really took they took away your ability to flee that’s actually crazy they should be ashamed of themselves that’s not right maybe it’s my maybe it’s the weight I’m carrying he said maybe it’s me maybe I’m the problem all right but that that gave me a little bit more that gave me like I GNA lie I was starting to get drained out and that gave me a little bit just buying the cold all right I’m coming back to you so then we bro we get some torches bro then oh my good I I did not think I was going to find any cold bro you don’t understand you don’t understand bro I found I found a lot of it now I’m getting as much I can we make some forun sh bro and then oh then then you’re actually going to Love mining cuz you can actually see it’s [Music] kind M mine is actually pretty fun wait did I just find like a [Music] [Music] oh my God I just fell from so far I lost all my stuff make this and I’m going meet up with you so we can uh so you can get some torches too I lost the torch bro that’s fine I’m about to make some more I ain’t tripping I ain’t tripping oh yeah now you can find my oh yeah I found you oh yeah we’re good [ __ ] oh hallelujah hallelujah let me drop all this dirt I don’t need the dirt oh yeah oh yeah we’re oh yeah we’re golden hold on here you go oh you grabbed it 13 of those thing dang hey we’re good all right let to mine a little longer and of course I lost it again not I mean that’s actually my best mining hole so keep a track of it right so oh I found it again here you go all right this is what I wanted to show you actually oh yeah you’re going to like this one it’s a hole what do you mean see holy moly I didn’t I didn’t bring an axe so uh I got one clear my inventory and put it and put it up BR so I found some more of that raw stuff that doesn’t even do anything BR but it looks like so looks so valuable like you can really do something with it buy some diamond or some iron oh she come how much more okay oh I’m good I got plenty of pickaxes my do you know that ban Imagine Dragons yeah I like I like that song um demons oh yeah yeah bro going going to go ahead and get the 3our mark bro said wow you’re still [Applause] streaming Bro why why he so surprised BR on bro said wow you’re actually still streaming how dare you how dare you sir wait I found something else I found what I find what I find what I popped up what is that oh I found plant what does that do starts fire wow you’re actually still streaming how dare you sir how dare you acing like the grind doesn’t exist bro you hitting that with a shovel I know I’m trying to get rid of it cuz it’s it’s almost gone anyway I’m trying I’m trying to trying to put him out of his misery I don’t need it buto it’s like almost gone bro like I’m trying to get rid of it that’s why I’m using it this sh actually lasting way longer than it should holy moly bro I’m tapping out at 3- hour mark though split and still oh okay yeah show was not going anywhere bro dude don’t fall for that now we don’t know to go the nether yet oh wait I remember that but it’s been a while so I need bro it’s dark and we need to get to the dude you’re so far underground we’re screwed oh my God there’s zombies coming for you bro there’s zombies coming into the cave what do I do oh my God there’s spiders and everything oh my God [Music] on my way what do you mean they’re on their way I’m running from toward you oh all right we’re good you’re getting stomped what do you mean we’re good D look at that I just killed two of them oh did you oh I’m I’m right here looking at you look at this look at that that’s why we pay you the big bucks all right take me home ow there another zombie with armor bro I don’t think I think I don’t think I can beat the [Music] one oh that’s how it is I’m good all right woo oh that’s how it is dude so that’s where we calling this [Music] oh my God he’s still out here I I’m died I did I did I’m [Music] dead died he died he actually died almost did I’m coming inside your house right now planting torches here we go yo we saving [Music] it is BU bro you we Sav [Music] it you you don’t want to make it to the 3 hour Mark we’re right here at the 3 minut Mark are we yeah oh M says 239 no mine says 2 hours and 57 minutes really yeah Mom me you’re like I mean I do got I do get I have to work tomorrow let me see make sure I can how do I okay all right so I’m I’m about to press save and quit all right oh it says I’m been kicked out oh my God all right that was that was the that was one of two out of probably 20 Minecraft streams yeah I love you I actually actually I I gen actually have to be honest but we’re we’re getting there though it’s a really dry game I’m not going to lie it’s really hard for me here right now I’m still going to play tomorrow yeah it’s just it’s just really hard for me man yeah starting off is just that’s just how kind of it is cuz like yeah cuz you got to cuz you got to get like you have to it’s basically starting off they getting ready for like what you have to endure like when you like start doing like the ender stuff so like you have to like get like all your like your diamond your like weapons your your uh like armor and all that and so that’s basically what we’re doing now we’re getting prepared to do like deal with like what’s going to what we need to go against the dragon so that’s why it’s kind of like that’s why I feels like really slow like that got you I he’s streaming tomorrow I’m pretty sure yeah yeah for sure like two probably two hours earlier than this stream that’ be great cuz then we can try to go longer yeah but cuz you got to be honest like as far as like the overall stream the overall stream sure was that was was a a success no yeah for sure yeah definitely definitely a new a new uh new record over on Twitch that was that was cool seeing eight viewers watching that was cool might have been eight or nine I don’t even know well and and also like closer cuz that that’s the thing like cuz cuz cuz obviously you yeah yeah we’re doing Minecraft tomorrow then on Monday he’s going to um he’s going to hop back on Elder ring but um like it started slowing down towards the end of it but like really like to me that was like the most like I was a really active chat like like the whole time even if it was was whole whole lot of people whole time like the chat was like there was somebody talking the chat so to me that kind of helped me yeah and then and then cuz and then like then also when you stream earlier like that kind of that helps so like well you know so yeah it’s a lot so I think hey man you’re on Pace you’re on Pace man that’s one of the things I want to was was uh was your um was was your Twitch I wanted to get I wanted to get like your Twitch going a lot more dude yeah it started popping off dude I got look at that my saying bro that’s what I’m saying I’ve never had my twitch go off like that that’s what I’m saying that that’s why that’s why I wanton I cuz long term twitch is Twitch is is going is going to be better for streaming long term so but like remember I remember you said cuz also you can um I remember you said like how you were talking about how how you really had nothing on it but you you should just you know like decorate your Twitch a little more and stuff like that yeah yeah work on the banners or whatever like the I didn’t put yeah post my schedule on there too oh yeah yeah but I I think you I think you you got to um schedule a day off though bro like I don’t know what day you think you will be but like maybe it wouldn’t even hurt like one like cuz like for example right U as I was telling you before Saturday and Sunday we can do group streams like how we did tonight and tomorrow night group streams like you know we’ll be doing Minecraft for a little while but we can Saturday and Sunday group streams then during the week is when you get do like those solo those solo game streams like Elder ring and so Saturday and Sunday we streams then like what what day what day do you think is like the hardest day during the week to stream like is there a day where you like where you feel like you it would be a good day for you to to have a night off not really no can sustain the streaming every single night which if you can then that’s great but ever ever far in your blanket and there like a nuke one and all yeah dude every night bro it’s like every it’s like a scheduled alarm every night I’m like hit the death like and also like even when us like yeah like so yeah okay so yeah um wait do you have an idea what like after you do you have an idea of another um like single player game you’re going to do after Elder ring I feel like I’m kind of scared as to like how long Elden ring is going to take me it’s it’s probably it’s actually probably it’s probably going to take you the rest of them long there’s a lot a lot of going yeah I know there’s a lot going on a lot of bosses too cuz actually like like bro so I just beat Ronaldo so I’m trying to go as fast as I can bro says try subnotica I thought of that but it’s like I don’t know I might I might one day I’ll keep it on the it I think it’s on my wish list bro I’m also just realizing that’s another twitch viewer see that’s interesting see I’m getting more twitch this bro look bro yeah look bro look at the chat bro look how many different people in in in here bro I know it’s really cool like it was a lot it was a lot of different people that was in the Stream that’s what I’m saying earlier was eight viewers I was like what BR it’s crazy look on Twitch though like that’s yeah yeah that’s great actually I think I think the twitch did better than uh YouTube today yeah as far as Peak viewers and everything there’s only like five or six think I seen that six viewers on YouTube yeah the algorithm thing I was tried something different that time it it didn’t really work for uh for the YouTube side that time these are bats and then that’s just uh from cyber Punk Edge [Music] Runners you got four people watching on Twitch though too I mean on uh YouTube oh wait so he asked you about your tattoos good hi bro B hit what’s up bu burit [Music] bur he’s watch but he’s watching without our audio it says it in the chat but we I was reading your lips where did you get your headphones uh do you already try stream viewers or viewers firework they’re not what does that mean bro I have no idea bro what you what are you just saying bro most most stuff like that is like just buch like just somebody trying to get you to do what they need you to do but also uh Aaron tavar ask you where you get your headphon I mean these uh I think you just get them from Walmart I didn’t get these from Walmart these came with the PS five that I bought but they’re just like a uh like the freaking Nighthawks or something like that something Nighthawk or I think it’s called Nighthawks am I tripping some kind of Hawk something Hawk Stealth Hawk they’re like $70 I I know like the turtle Turtle headphones yeah that’s what these are I think Turtle Beach stealth Stealth Hawk or something like that that sounds kind of fancy that’s what I’m saying they they were $70 I didn’t pay $70 cuz they came with the PlayStation that I bought but like separately they’re like 70 bucks man hey this like I this is by far like the best chat we had at least well at least with me in here at least and it’s like you have you haven’t had people asking you to let them play fortnite I dude that was cuz that it no it actually got bad at one point like I remember like I would come in your chat and this the chat will be just repeatedly asking you and you’ll be like not today and it still crazy I remember that uh yesterday someone asked me that uh while I was streaming Elden ring they’re like I died one time they’re like can you play fortnite now I was like oh my God a bro like I I I play we we could like I put like like see I like I like trying I like trying to do like unique ideas and I feel like especially cuz me and you like we both are like like we both were like like decent at like the no builds but I think like that would be a great stream I know I know like a couple people are actually really good at fortnite so I think that would be a great stream if like we did a we did a weekend stream or we were actually trying to get good at fortnite like that would be to me a really good stream like like us actually trying like you know what I’m saying like like not just playing it like actually trying to get good at it like actually like I think that would be a good stream dude we play like we don’t like fortnite either bro yeah I don’t really I I’m not love fortnite it’s just that it’s one of those games that I keep playing I was like always updated stuff just like I’ll jump back on every now and then for sure yeah yeah I feel like I feel like we could do we could do a do a weekend um like that could be like one of the like that could be one of the serieses in the in the in the future is um I ask like you could call you could you call like becoming a pro fortnite player all that kind of stuff like I think that’ll be cool that’ be fun I I got multiverses too yeah I play Multiverse I be killing it with the banana guard now actually saw I saw that I saw I saw you you had like a short like yeah it was a weird glitch like with the banana people like I was facing the one guy and then he like he like lagged out or something dude it was so funny how he like ran off the map he’s like Mama Mama see bro it’s still like it’s like still like four people watching right now yo I can’t use Bugs Bunny it was a hard to use Bugs Bunny my favorite person to use is like my my favorite person to use in multi person I like using Finn a lot Finn was cool oh no yeah when when when I when the when the game first came out B fin was fin was like one of the best players to use it’s the backpack backpack’s overpowered n for real bro wait who else is I think isn’t Superman kind of overpowered and and that other guy the uh that Marvel dude Marvel I think it’s Marvel it’s like a vampire Marvel no it’s not Marvel cuz there’s no Marv vampire hero guy vampire Hero trying to think trying to think oh something Adam sounds familiar Black Adam I that’s his name is yeah he has nothing do a vampire bro he’s I swear to God he’s a vampire Black Adam is not a vampire Jack bro what are you talking about he looked just like a vampire he had he had a cape on and he likeo he have you ever seen that Shazam no well he’s um he he’s like a he’s like a like a Olympic like God superhero kinda he’s like a yeah he’s not a he’s not a vampire though I promise you he’s not a vampire I wouldn’t see her in Li to you bro I would I wouldn’t be against trying out rocket League yeah I got rocket League too I got rocket League you haven’t played rocket League uh like maybe once bro it’s far you going to loock this like this Mode called hoops and then it’s basketball instead of soccer it’s like whoa wow what the they also have like a hockey mode I water’s hitting bro ninja ninja streaming poker right now d n it’s like o man all right think everybody di that time oh yeah yep I think it’s a time to end it you said you about to say something I’m sorry oh what was I about to say I about to say it’s just so me like it’s so many like things we can do I’m pretty good I’m actually pretty hyped for tattoo on my hand Pizza wait oh what is the what is the tattoo wait you say it’s Pizza yeah Pizza there uh oh it is what son Aaron yeah man we uh I guess we’ll jump back on this tomorrow yeah we can jump back on it tomorrow for sure what what time uh what time what time you go to work so I get off the store closes at 5:00 so I’ll be off probably about 545 maybe maybe about five or six at the latest and I’ll be I’ll be home at like 6:30 or like 6:45 at the latest and then I’ll be ready to stream at like 7:30 okay so at the latest maybe eight at the latest yeah that’s like that’s that’s uh wait it’s like it’s like 9:00 but like 7:30 that’s like it’s like 8:30 my time so it’s s huh you said what you got to get up super really I don’t I don’t have to get up super early tomorrow hello HUD somebody somebody’s named HUD supporter yeah I see that I appreciate that yeah but say tomorrow we’ll probably get uh I got my twitch to work I know I know exactly what that is um y what’s up James yeah probably that’ll probably give us like an extra hour actually maybe maybe an extra hour or two actually yeah cuz we uh yeah yeah yeah I think I think we can make cuz we did we did 3 hours T night so we probably could make it to like 4 I would say at the least at the least four but five would be amazing but I think at the least four we’ll get the least four tomorrow yeah the five would be awesome o is it 2:00 your time or is it 1:00 is it 2:00 your time my time yeah my time is my time is about is about to be too yeah that’s crazy bro yeah I got I got I got kind of used to staying up like No Sleep Till also what time is the next stream the next stream should be tomorrow and it’ll probably be like cuz I’m pretty sure majority of people have eastern time so it’ll it’ll probably be like uh like what like uh at the latest 9:00 eastern time bro I might be showing up the stream in a new in a in a new look guys you be looking at me some different goggles on you like what the [ __ ] I hope them the goggles look cool man glasses you’re keeping it you’re keeping it as surprise though what color no I showed you I thought I told you which ones but no I mean it’s not I mean I mean you you you told me the ones you were you you were thinking about but you didn’t tell me the exact one you yeah I ended up getting I wanted the yellow ones but I ended up getting some silver ones yeah I think that’s why that’s the one I said I think was silver oh yeah that was yeah that was you like it was a tossup between the two yeah bro yeah this chat was rocking today bro yeah that was cool it was actually really cool bro I was like I was I was like bro like pretty much the whole stream I like like you I mean there was somebody talking the whole stream pretty much yeah man I feel like I’ll be I’ll be more hyped about it tomorrow now that I kind of know what to do more or less yeah cuz cuz all we got see now like now like we’re just we’re trying we’re trying to get like the we’re trying to cuz there cuz there’s like there’s diamonds iron and stuff and we need we need to get uh stuff to help us we need to get stuff so we can make stronger weapons and armor that’s literally what we’re trying to do he we’re that that’s like our main goal right now cuz we basically have everything else at disposal like we have like a we have shelter we have we have a bunch of other stuff so that’s where we’re just trying to get material basically oh it’s five people bro five people where at was on mine it popped up there was five people in oh yeah there’s still five it says five on Twitch MC de MC de is the HUD supporter appreciate that MC Dey you need diamonds yeah that’s for we got get some you have a good night too James yo peace out Aaron you have a good night too man by the way I’m H Sporter in twitch Dam we thought it was James bro we thought we thought James was supporter twitch all right drop back huh yeah they dipped again hello bro you there still there yeah he still there yeah it’ll be a three- hour stream it’ll definitely be a three-hour stream tomorrow this stream was 3 hours and 18 minutes so far it definitely be longer than today’s stream Monday Wednesday and Friday I mean I just try to stream every day I probably might take a break probably one day every other like week or so or something like that I’ll probably take a day off or something but I’m going to try to be streaming every day most likely every night it’s going to be like every night evening time cuz I have to work a lot and then like even the days that I have off I kind of like having my I like having my daytime and then I’ll just stream that night but uh yeah definitely streaming every every day try to I don’t know where I don’t know where red just fell off at but uh in Asia so it’s morning wow far away bro appreciate you watching from that far away man it’s really cool uh I don’t know where red red just fell off at but I guess he dipped I don’t know if that was him dipping or what oh yeah he did he did leave okay all right guess I’m end the stream he didn’t say he was leaving but that was weird all right guys see you guys tomorrow

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Mode: Journey to the Ender #shorts’, was uploaded by HUD ● on 2024-06-23 06:07:58. It has garnered 114 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:43 or 12043 seconds.

Minecraft Survival Mode: Journey to the Ender #shorts

Watch on Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/hudl1ve

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    EPIC NEW SERVER - HyperWorld MC Day 1!Video Information This video, titled ‘HyperWorld MC – Survival Multiplayer Day 1 – NEW SERVER’, was uploaded by HyperLethalNova on 2024-04-08 09:48:44. It has garnered 50 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:16 or 5716 seconds. Hello Crafters! Join us for some Sunday Fun as we play some Minecraft on HyperWorldMC! This is a fresh start so who knows what will happen! Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe. PEACE! Server Name: HyperWorld — Server IP: Discord: https://discord.gg/t5ZNc9wkpn IG: hyperlethalnova twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hyperlethalnova twitter: @HyperLethalNova Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HyperLethalNova Music: Inception by Karl Casey @ White… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Squad LIVE! Join now for FREE!

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Squad LIVE! Join now for FREE!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT LIVE || PUBLIC SMP LIVE | JAVA + PE | 24/7 | FREE TO JOIN’, was uploaded by Kraft Squad on 2024-02-20 17:36:34. It has garnered 283 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 04:08:25 or 14905 seconds. —————————————————— ★ Hi, I am KRAFT SQUAD – INSHORT – KRAFTY★ ★ I am NooOoOoOoOB ★ —————————————————– ★ Social Links ★ Discord: https://discord.gg/XN3CHRG7Y2 Instagram: raghav_13804 E-Mail: [email protected] —————————————————– ★ Edits ★ • 🟢 Highlights 😀 ★ My Potato PC ★ device specifications processor – i7 12 gen graphic card – RTX 3050 RAM… Read More

  • Minecraft Ghost Encounter: INSANE Reactions!

    Minecraft Ghost Encounter: INSANE Reactions!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft insane ghost 👻😲’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-10 13:20:40. It has garnered 473 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:19 or 439 seconds. minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips and tricks, Live insaan new minecraft part, Beastboyshub minecraft, Techno gamerz new minecraft part, yessmartypie speedrun, Himlands new video, himlands season 4, yessmartypie himlands, Techno Gamerz hardcore, loyal smp new video, loyal smp ip, mr… Read More

  • INSANE SEARCH FOR RARE AXOLOTL | Minecraft ft. Primrose

    INSANE SEARCH FOR RARE AXOLOTL | Minecraft ft. PrimroseVideo Information This video, titled ‘LOOKING FOR AXOLOTL | Minecraft w/ Primrose’, was uploaded by ChuChu on 2024-07-16 03:27:35. It has garnered 110 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 04:40:48 or 16848 seconds. I’m gonna have 0 DEATHS 🌸Donations🌸 https://streamlabs.com/chuchustreams Primrose: https://www.twitch.tv/primroseevt 🌸Join my Lovelies🌸 Discord: https://discord.gg/Wvp9z4bfuJ CREDITS: Thumbnail: Chuchu 🌸Viewer Guidelines and Rules🌸 1. Be respectful to Chuchu and the chat members. Offensive language, hate speech, bullying and excessive trolling is unacceptable. 2. No controversial topics, No spamming. 3. No backseating or spoiling unless asked by Chuchu or mods. 4. Do not mention other streamers… Read More

  • CraftMVM

    CraftMVMNajlepszy serwer MINECRAFT ip do: CRAFTMVM.pl The best MINECRAFT server ip for: CRAFTMVM.pl Owners: KapiHappy300 Wyklockowany Niewiem5 Wlasciciele: KapiHappy300 Wyklockowany Niewiem5 CraftMVM.pl:8267 Read More

  • Slapstuck SMP Vanilla+ 1.20.4 Java/Bedrock+ VoiceChat, Terralith, Dynmap, Graves, TreeCutter

    Welcome to our SMP Server! Looking for friends to join and play in our small SMP world! Both bedrock and java compatible. Features: Terralith world gen mod /home and /tpa commands Tree cutting datapack Claims system Bonus Features: Voice chat available Dynmap for online world viewing Join us: Java IP: play.slapstuck.net Website/Dynmap and Bedrock IP: https://slapstuck.net Stay Connected: Join our Discord for server announcements: https://discord.gg/K8sCPb45Sg Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Salty gamers dissing glow squids

    Why does no one give glow squids a chance? They just want to light up your life, but instead they get dragged down by all the iceologer haters. Give glow squids some love, people! #JusticeForGlowSquids Read More

  • Field of Luck: 15 Ways to Magnetize Good Fortune

    Field of Luck: 15 Ways to Magnetize Good Fortune In the realm of Minecraft, we find our delight, Crafting worlds with blocks, under the moonlight. Updates and news, all in a rhyme, Spinning tales of adventure, every time. Join us on this journey, full of fun and cheer, As we explore the depths, without any fear. Meditation and wisdom, intertwined with glee, In this world of Minecraft, we are truly free. So boost your luck, with every rhyme we share, In this world of creativity, beyond compare. Embrace the joy, let your spirit soar, In the realm of Minecraft, forevermore. Read More

  • Super Dog goes BARK BARK BARK in Minecraft

    Super Dog goes BARK BARK BARK in Minecraft “Super dog is here to save the day in Minecraft, but first, he’s gotta get his groove on with a little ‘Oi Oi Oi’ dance party! Watch out creepers, this pup’s got some bombastic moves!” Read More

  • Ceiling Surprise in Minecraft!

    Ceiling Surprise in Minecraft! Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and imaginative world of Minecraft with @ricplayzgamez. This channel offers a diverse range of gaming content, from classic NES games to thrilling fighting games and everything in between. Whether you enjoy the adrenaline rush of Hill Climb Racing or the challenge of hidden object games, there is something for every gamer on this channel. 🎮 Supporting the Channel If you want to show your support for @ricplayzgamez, there are several ways to do so. Consider sending a “Super Thanks,” participating in a Superchat during… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 Update: Insane Challenges!

    Mastering Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 Update: Insane Challenges! Surviving Minecraft Hardcore in the New 1.21 Update: Epic Challenges! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the latest Minecraft update, version 1.21, as players dive into Hardcore mode for the ultimate survival challenge. From new features to unexpected obstacles, this update promises an adrenaline-pumping experience like never before. Join the journey as players explore new biomes, battle fierce mobs, and unravel the mysteries of Minecraft 1.21. Will they emerge victorious or succumb to the dangers lurking in the shadows? Exploring New Biomes The 1.21 update introduces players to a plethora of new biomes, each with its unique landscapes and… Read More

  • Scarlett Flameheart Ch. [VReverie] – Minecraft Castle Build NO interruptions!

    Scarlett Flameheart Ch. [VReverie] - Minecraft Castle Build NO interruptions!Video Information This video, titled ‘VSMP Minecraft: finishing my castle with NO distractions!!’, was uploaded by Scarlett Flameheart Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-07-09 21:31:11. It has garnered 1026 views and 170 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:34 or 11554 seconds. I’m Scarlett Flameheart, VReverie Gen 3 Guardian’s sweet and spicy flame knight 🏰 here to protect you! Support me: https://streamelements.com/scarlettflameheart/tip Clipping is 🆗 and appreciated! MOD CREDIT: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/82495 ◇◆◇༺♥༻Rules༺♥༻◇◆◇ 1. Kindness is so slay of you. Please consider your words before speaking. 2. Ignore those who break rule 1 or those who spam. My sword will take care of… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Building Stream

    Insane Minecraft Building StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Live Streaming: Minecraft Buildings’, was uploaded by Berserk 308 on 2024-04-22 05:30:45. It has garnered 72 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:36 or 4956 seconds. Hi everyone, I’m Edoardo and this is my first channel. Games, Vlogs, and many more topics will await you. I recommend you subscribe to the channel, leave a like, share my channel with all your friends, and activate the notification bell to remain updated for my future videos. If you want to follow me, I’m on: Instagram: edoardo.minuti Facebook: Edoardo Minuti Discord: Berserk 308# 0308… Read More

  • Join us to fix Minecraft’s major issue – Frogsplat

    Join us to fix Minecraft's major issue - FrogsplatVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Can Solve Minecraft’s Biggest Problem, Together.’, was uploaded by Frogsplat on 2024-06-21 19:27:26. It has garnered 22029 views and 1689 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:07 or 1207 seconds. Let’s do this 🙂 My Discord server! https://discord.gg/vdJrS5dz Music: (non-minecraft) Jet Set Radio – Recipe for the Perfect Afro Saddyowner – Cover of Minecraft Cat https://www.youtube.com/@UC5_PdagggsYOzTT2C4ASSkg Read More

  • Insane Gaming Madness with SonicFan13!

    Insane Gaming Madness with SonicFan13!Video Information This video, titled ‘Random Games live!’, was uploaded by SonicFan13 on 2024-02-23 21:47:15. It has garnered 60 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:53 or 8813 seconds. There were no free Minecraft sites, so I found Baldi’s Basics Read More