Ultimate Enderdragon Showdown! Can Kiara Survive?! #KFP

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[Music] n [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a [Applause] [Music] n [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] n [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] n [Applause] a [Music] [Applause] n [Applause] [Music] oh oh oh oops surprised I was muted K Kitty once again yay Kitty hello we are so back to play more Minecraft hey and we are going straight to bed as we we are so motivated yay oh three people joined the game at once they’re all starting the stream probably uh let me make this window size [Music] good today I am once again night but today I put on my weapon in the back doesn’t it look nice just having that in the back already makes me look so cool like OMG [Music] yeah okay so today we’ll fight the end of dragon today is the day the finale is finally here I can’t hear my effects either wait what I I I I changed some things H what what did you hear it [Laughter] oh there it is okay got it got it uh honestly I don’t think we really need to prepare anything uh but uh we W we’re not going for a little bit so we can try to prepare something I just don’t really know what wait a second f Last Words feather fall potions ah I have the feather falling boots um let’s see if there’s still some slow falling potions that would help right end up9 or they keep ah okay okay uh should I should have like two I should have two by the way P had a good laugh out of my uh uh reference that nobody noticed the [Laughter] chickens that was one of the things she laughed the hardest about let me just say it that way [Music] [Music] okay okay donating some ender pearls cuz she’s saying she needs [Laughter] [Music] more y [Music] [Music] she can’t go out there with iron armor she’s got to go get some uh Diamond at least please okay we have strength slow falling there’s a lot of slow falling I’m sure they prepared this with the fight in mind so should I take a couple of these then we’re good although even then like I don’t remember even using slow falling potions really did I in our end of dragon fight I’ll just take five I guess or or or just four okay I won’t be needing the golden helmet anymore either right wait I wait I think my important things are in the Ender Chest right because I I hid them there in case my house was going to be attacked [Music] yeah more golden apples would be also cool but no no no we don’t need it we we don’t we didn’t really even need it yesterday and yeah yeah some water buckets and never scaffold would be great to climb Towers oh yeah neck will probably be good enough scaffolding not that necessary maybe but water buckets yeah to like fall down or to protect myself from the Ender right cuz there’s a lot of Enderman right right right right right right right soda soda let’s get some milk uh water blue milk as they like to call it in the wild west I finished watching The Fallout yesterday man I’m sad it’s already over but it was really really interesting at the end he’s like I see he I won’t say who but he’s walking towards New Vegas I had to Google though I had to Google where did he go uh at the end and because I didn’t recognize it but players would recognize it interesting N I don’t want to play with pumpkin head it like I don’t like how much it obstructs my view really I guess I I probably don’t need so many water buckets but I could give it to others if they need it um yeah what was the other thing we’re not going to get get elytras because the game ends after we kill Ender Dragon they’re closing the server today like right after around 11:00 p.m. probably yeah I want to have never my never right armor on but yeah New Vegas I the show man I I I can already sense um due to where Maximus is now that even though he still wants to help her there will probably be misunderstandings because of certain things he will have to do in order to help her that will seem evil to her from her POV and she’ll be thinking like oh that bastard he’s he’s not loyal to me anymore he’s [ __ ] me over and then she’ll get really angry and there will be like a lot of difficult situations uh that will arise due to that I can literally sense it and smell it she’s a bit morally flexible at the end I think why why but oh my God the the whole reveal with the ghouls you know the ghouls uh uh is wow okay so the brain is the one that was sitting in one of those chairs right and oh my God that that oh the ah the brother ah the brother oh oh no like he was so brave though to like check everything out I also had to Google like cuz I didn’t really understand in the end what happened to Vault 32 so now I understand um I feel like they kind of left it vague in the show as well like what actually happened cuz they weren’t sure either like oh this is weird they strangled each other what happened so I guess there was like Civil War says Google but doesn’t mean there was Civil War within the Vault they just like were like unhappy with how things were going so ooh and the Sandy [Music] Shore there’s so much stuff man oh that was like shocking and exciting and yeah it was a good show I hope they bring out a new uh season soon hope they don’t wait too long the video that all no I found one thing really interesting when they were involved four was it and they were like yo what’s your experiment and and and Lucy is like M what do you mean we don’t have an experiment and for the longest time I thought yeah they don’t have an experiment until the very end until they revealed ah it doesn’t seem like an experiment to them but not at all but the [ __ ] ideas they came up with in that table round where they were like oh we could have this kind of experiment oh we could have this kind of experiment what the what the [ __ ] that doesn’t even make sense like some of those didn’t even make sense like are you serious I want to find out more about more vaults do you learn about more vaults in New Vegas or do you not like learn anything about them so say some totem she’s selling totems for 100 diamonds I don’t have them oh wait how many diamonds did I get uh probably not that many she’s selling totems from 100 diamonds I was wondering why so many people had diamonds h I’d like one but n whatever doesn’t matter no need it’s last day if I die I die I got 20 [Music] more so I can’t afford it but I could ask her if she will give me one for 50 diamonds there’s nothing else I have use for it for right [Music] wait what did you guys say summon Lord summon Quest there are more Vault LS but New Vegas is more about above ground politics there were two vaults where one was 99 women and one man and the other hand had 99 men men and one woman oh my God what kind of experiments are those I feel like they would end up killing the one other gender person there’s a ton of wacky ones it’s so [ __ ] weird so [ __ ] weird man why why like it doesn’t even make sense what are you going to do with that experiment what what do you like the one from the the free connected vaults makes sense because they have the that motive but uh for science that’s but that’s just dumb that’s not the kind of science that we really need right like and did suicide sampai revive the farm I wonder if she’s like still working on it today she was put in charge of the farm after she died I guess and this just a ghost farmer but let’s see if there’s some more food there now the chickens were revived oh no they were not revived they grew from the flowers that I planted for sure a so many too oh that’s nice to see the cows are back to it’s all like it never ever happened what we saw yesterday uh oh my God there’s even more chests than before [Music] I’ll take a couple more maybe a few potatoes yeah the power of the community yay what’s this that was wasn’t that supposed to be a uh grave but oh no it’s here then what is this qu a NY no this is n grave wait what what’s with EA’s grave I thought this was supposed to be it when is the fight uh I think we’re going to look for the the thingy in 40 minutes remnant of old home yeah she revived but still like even for for the revived people they get to keep uh the the graves usually stay who is there what are they [Music] doing e for okay okay was that snow before ah [Music] [Music] for okay she wants to make uh a pun by making a tofu house because there is some pun she can make but I destroyed the floor apparently it was like on the last [Music] day hi hie fore fore okay [Music] [Music] oh I didn’t know that would happen she was like oh you can you can uh tease her all you want now because she’s AFK and I was like M I don’t want to punch her but because I’m too strong but how do I that’s the grave how do I tease her and I thought a the buckets it’s okay they’ll fix it um she said there that she’s going to buy one of the totems and also she said there’s golden ah there oh she said there will be many but there’s not that many left I guess some people took took a bunch M just one then just one is okay then I have sixs hi babies how you doing let me feed you a little bit this is what you eat right I forgot oh yeah you do oh you totally eat this are you eating are you eating I feel like I only am using my shield is this working yeah okay ah there for the babies for the babies oh you know yesterday I cooked the like a curry green curry with a paste oh that I had from Thailand and I used a green curry paste and I used so much more coconut milk than one would usually use because even after like 500 uh Mill of a gram of coconut milk it it was still so spicy so I added like another like 250 or so she it was still spicy even after that and I also added some brown sugar because in the recipe that I had which was just a simple one you know I don’t have like Thai Basil and all that stuff where the [ __ ] do I get that from just used a more like simple recipe the brown sugar I added to uh it helped a little bit I feel like to make it more sweet kind of Curry Greek yogurt I didn’t have any yeah normally I think back in the day when I was leaving with Mommy in order to make it less spicy I think she was adding like cream fresh and stuff like that some kind of cream I don’t know how many calories it was in total but I didn’t have such a big potion and I made it with like some Bean thingies uh and uh bell pepper and turkey turkey meat not chicken because turkey has less fat fat right bell pepper yeah that’s pretty much I added some more spring onions and stuff too it super good though but like the spiciness uh it it gets even worse because of the temperature of the food I feel like so my nose was r running really badly and I was going the whole time but it was yummy though no no potato hi anaa what are what are you doing generally right now how are you preparing yourself just taking out my diamonds are you buying a totem I’m pretty much done I’m pretty much done oh no I only have 24 diamonds only 24 okay I also don’t have enough yeah so no token FR I mean it’s last day if we die we die yeah I don’t think we’ll die though she going to she’s going to revive us anyways today Ana today will be the last day that we talk to each other for a long time yeah I was thinking about that wait when’s your birthday when’s your birthday again ah in July oh I guess I’ll talk to you in two months then yeah I’ll talk to you in if you if do talk you then I’ll probably talk to you I think so okay next time I’ll talk to you it’s probably around then okay okay so but still today we shall treat it as our last day together ever yeah true true goodbye see you see you in my next life yeah probably hate you in my next life I’ll hate you in every life yeah me too good luck you too good luck byebye wonder what what Ena is doing it’s probably trying to enchant things did she get did she get uh any neite in the [Music] end love hate all the same if you want play the game I’m locked up up I can fight the feeling and I will try I’m going to miss Ana yeah I haven’t talked to Ana like so much over the course of several days in a while oh one more thing yesterday for the first time uh I really used my not just tested but used my running machine my treadmill for the first time yesterday after dinner after everything I’m glad I did it after everything because that was so tiring and I have like zero stamina I couldn’t do it for too long um according to the running machine I burned like 70 calories which is probably nothing no I mean it’s something but like in terms of time I was like sometimes I was walking then I was running then I was walking then I was running and then I was like [ __ ] dead and the moment I stepped off of the treadmill I noticed my my legs were absolute jelly and I was like wobbly I was like what the [ __ ] is is happening I got pretty sweaty though so it’s good I think it was it it it felt satisfying and kind of fun not the best idea to exercise after eating e why why because you feel so full make it hard as you get used to well I was mostly walking and then I was just running for as long as I really felt comfortable [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] she offered for me to get into her boat but it’s already there hello what’s up I I was wondering uh where did your hair go and did you do the my hand did you do the Bold thing I did well actually I wanted to ask you what what you have been up to oh I’m trying to get do you have some red stone no nothing okay well I’m trying to get some Redstone and then trade for some ender pearls is a Trader for end Pearl end Pearls do we still not have enough oh no no no it’s just for my use [Music] oh okay a ah yeah I don’t know if many people will be using the potion machine still but yeah she could get it from the potion machine oh she she was speaking English thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Music] gave her my last Emeralds cuz I don’t think I need them got to give it to someone who needs them [Music] the carrot of Happiness yes should give me a carrot well I’ll eat it right away just takes up a spot in my inventory so yeah I think I’ll try my best on the running machine to gather more stamina and go further and further Beyond yum Galu G un return I don’t know I wouldn’t get my hopes up so what do you think am I ready I have a few slow falling potions I have the water buckets I have some I can get some more building blocks and I have some food I have my weapons I am fully Enchanted and never right I don’t think I could be any more prepared really okay okay let’s get this the blocks easy easy easy easy I was watching pea senpai’s uh News stream again and she was mentioning how easy the wiow was and that maybe the Ender Dragon would also be super easy like she was already hinting that that might happen so for [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh yeah I apologized to her she was like ah no problem H I love her voice I love her energy I really like her design too like oh my God I love everything about her I need to collab do we need a boat in the oh we could sit Enderman in to it what if we all what is there a strat where you put boats all over the whole like area of you know where the fight is like everything everything is there cuz then I guess they would all be forced to sit if you if you absolutely plaster and cover everything in boats I I just realized how genius that is wow so um yeah never is is L should be fine right it’s pretty fast to like get rid of it [Music] again a the pickaxe we can no wait I need it I need it I need it [Music] one chicken welcome to the world you are now my pet chicken for a really short amount of time yes yes yes yes do you want to come with me to the to the Ender Dragon can you Jimbo Jimbo oh I have some more I could make you some sisters and brothers but nah nah yeah I’m ready I’m so ready wait I’ll try to bring him along but I’d have to carry the thing in my hand the whole [Music] time take him with you I want to he will totally not be baited it will totally not be emergency food either what are you doing running around get back in there get back in there no do the pumpkin seeds work as well look at this you want that don’t you well let’s test it with you you’re going to follow me from so far no that’s where it stops yeah well that might not work huh that might not work if if I I have to be so careful yeah that might not work sorry chicken bur a leash a leash how do you make a leash probably Lea or strings lead Le oh those are the things you can’t uh make yourself right [Music] [Music] slime ball and a string that’s so much effort now we’re going to leave in 20 minutes minutes I don’t think I have a slime [Music] bowl no Slimes like not even the magma slimes right get them fishing too fishing fishing true maybe there’s some actually like some leftover lead at the fishing house [Music] [Music] no nah maybe Kyla has one Kyla seems like she might have one his insect should be to follow his lead Val Le exactly like you guys but Jimbo is still young he was just born he doesn’t get it he was born with like half the brain cell that you guys have unfortunately not my house I knew that I just wanted to look [Music] [Music] inside for [Music] you begging you don’t need a totem I mean but you know the fomo no you I don’t have one even you’re in freaking neide and you’re Enchanted too you don’t need it you know what you might need yeah what water buckets diamonds water buckets oh oh yeah oh yeah do you know should I explain it to you oh yeah yeah okay it’s not even for falling down it’s for keeping the the Endermen away from you when you accidentally looked at them they will all chase you so you just pour a water bucket around yourself and then they can’t reach you cuz they’re afraid of water yeah okay but also so do I just do I just like click on the water bucket at like random places like this but you can pick it up again if you pick it up then nothing will happen but otherwise you know oh yeah and then you can let it spread out and you stand in it and then they can’t touch [Music] you see you can pick it up again at the source right right right nice okay okay okay I see I see protect yourself thank you thank you m don’t look at them in the eye you want give your diamonds to me uh I mean you don’t need to to [Music] them oh she wants to trade [Music] she needs 34 [Music] [Music] diamonds I think I have that amount I’m not going to give it to Anna because she needs way more I can give her the rest n [Music] that’s so that’s so messed up up that’s so messed up when it’s me you give what bucket but when it’s her you give Diamonds oh thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] okay I’m giving away all my valuables to people who think they need it more power on your power yet power on my bow or on my ah on my sword no that’s okay I don’t need anything else power on my bow no it’s okay don’t need it already strong W already strong strong why do I have this button [Music] um there she goes I want to buy the totem I can’t believe P like Ana was like kind of like appealing uh to P by because she was saying like oh I did so many translations you should give me more diamonds please uh and she was like well you know yeah I’m really grateful for that but I can’t give you that many like cuz she said she needed like over 70 or so she said if you get 90 diamonds together by begging to people uh then I might be able to give you the remaining 10 that means she would not have given me a 50% discount either on the already discounted price I would have not been able to buy it with my 50 diamonds anyway so much bargaining they’ll see it’s going to be easy unless she spawns I’ll be [ __ ] if she spawns free Ender Dragons let’s just say it that way I’ll be [ __ ] [Music] mhm okay let’s put this here see I’m going to I’m going to stack it like this going to stack it just like that maybe I can give some more buckets [Music] away free to Kyla is selling totems too probably for a cheaper price o o then I could have maybe bought it too why creating Revival Market did P S I even get those totems properly or was it for Creative Mode that would be no I don’t think she would do that I don’t think she would do that I don’t need the bed right I no for traveling up until that point probably yeah oh um I’m ready can we go let’s go let’s go [Music] go bring competition but she still doesn’t say how much uh what do you guys think will will we have an easy time what if she spawns free do you think we’ll still have an easy time free would be fun free might be [Music] hard she only has 44 and 20 of those are from me [Music] think she needs Stones she’s selling way cheaper well Kyla won’t really need the totem either let’s be real let’s be honest yes don’t tell she’s reading it she was just reading [Music] it are there any admissions today no but she’s advertising her sale how many pearls do we have now oh ah is that enough hey K hey k i I watched by the way I watched the clip uh and confirmed that when I was standing in front of P Senai when she was AFK it was indeed uh being captured what I was saying to her stream it was indeed being captured and that wasn’t even my best impression what I was doing but they were still like oh yeah her impression I haven’t heard that in a while she’s so good Ana you’re using those 44 diamonds where half of them are from me to get a totem huh no you only gave me 20 I had 24 so it’s not half pretty much half well well thank you for if I die you know I’m dying because I sacrificed my diamonds for you to not die Oh no you’re not going to die it’s almost as if I loved you yeah it’s almost as if love hate all the same if you know play the game I lo up I can fight theing and I won’t try yeah don’t tell anyone but I Loop that song oh thank you you should sing it yeah I was joking or maybe seriously saying that we should one one time perform it together cuz of the lyrics being so perfect you know for us I mean I would be down for that ooh one day one day yeah do you do you say do you feel the same okay yeah we feel the same about our hatred we do you going to Kyla now yeah I am okay I’ll follow you okay hold on let me let me take is still an iron outfit she’s I think she’s the only one in Iron the most yeah actually she does she really does I think they’re selling they’re selling diamonds armor in Ida here selling well if she’s only wearing Iron I feel like she doesn’t have the money to afford diamond armor you’re going to go with the boat yeah I do okay let’s go okay you come in yeah okay this is s if this is as if we like each other yeah but just as if yeah just don’t get your hopes up guys don’t get the wrong impression oh okay [Music] yeah yes she tried to stop me for selling the totems for you power harass power harassment power harass [Music] [Music] I have three totems I have four actually four totems four totems are going to sell it cheaper price nice Che price [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] H okay okay once you not not to sell too cheap cuz it’s illegal but don’t listen to her don’t listen to her it’s like a black market it’s Black Market I told I told her that this is this is because we’re both IDs hand hand to this really but I want bring up one thing even though you’re e you know she’s buying off of you for 44 diamonds right yeah but out of those 44 diamonds 20 are from me Kyla did you hear me there 20 half of Ana’s diamonds are from me so maybe oh really maybe you can give Ana and me a totem cuz I I donated my uh diamonds to Ana because she wanted to get 100 diamonds but now half of them are from me and now she’s giving them to you so actually actually 50% out from me hi hello hello hello hello hello how how how many how much how much [Applause] 100 anyone wants to go higher than that auction okay ID business here come here okay she wants two for 100 diamonds thank you okay thank you okay this one is auction this one is auction 100 100 higher I gave my diamonds to an oh well two totem it’s business two totems wants two totems oh two totems she wants two for 100 in total oh two for 100 [Music] oh how much do you want 100 100 we have [Music] another auction totem totem totem in my totem how much how much mhm 10 Diamond 10 Diamond no no no no no no no no di she starts from 10 maybe 10 diamond oh start from 10 okay okay okay Aqua is not she’s not Bing she’s just here to watch okay so you don’t you so Kiwa you don’t want this totem well I want but I gave all my di to to Ana I gave them all to an you you you don’t have like any No I gave them all to Anya and donated also to okay so no one is actually joining the the the the auction you you should type in chat you should type in chat I I’ll type for you going to come to me again a it’s so over it’s over 75 how about 75 what 75 18 [Music] 18 no oh guys we got to go you have you have 0 no you you want one or two two two for eight cannot cannot cannot what if I just bet these diamond blocks auction use these for the auction and replace them with uh I don’t know Iron no no no I I only sell one how much you want for one one one one only yeah just one come again coming really [Laughter] okay you have to sell it fast because we’re about to leave yeah I know [Music] right how how much how much how much do you for one how much do you want uh how uh 69 for one ah Lo okay [Music] okay what a what a weird number oh yeah I wonder why thank you thank [Music] you let’s go let’s go let’s go we need toet secret secret secret secret secret I didn’t give get any I thought Kyla would understand that those diamonds are mostly from me [Music] [Laughter] anyway what dooming oh come on come on it’s night time it’s it I’m going to be late it’s like a raid not quite yet but you mean the trades before really are people trading in raids like [Music] this she is she works for p so if you don’t want her to tell she’s going to R her out if she doesn’t want to be red out she she has to give her something she just [Music] said oh my God [Music] okay okay okay she’s saying please get your get everything ready we’re going to go soon she’s blackmailing her I wonder if it will work it’s not like P I can do anything about it she should just you know keep her things move on [Music] sometimes I have this feeling everybody’s muting me because I’m asking questions in Japanese and they don’t seem to hear it oh oh is it over she’s talking about buckets and I was offering her but nobody hears me where are we [Music] Gathering Maybe [Music] Anya did Kyla get blackmailed no um no she she threatened her back good she threatened her back with what well she was about to I think I think a violence violence was about to happen and aqu Senpai gave up was like okay okay we friends no hieee [Laughter] [Music] [Music] yeah [ __ ] there’s a lot of people h two ghosts are watching [Music] too everyone keeps giving de Flex yeah said she thinks she will die on the way to the whatever what what do you call it not stronghold what do you call that thing or maybe it is called stronghold she has a totem she’ll be fine oh this [Music] called thank you thank you for [Music] he normally sells it for [Music] [Music] 69 she has a SH [Music] now SC SC SC SC SC she was screaming like oh my God what do I do what do I do I have the I have the arrow out on my bow and I don’t know what to do I don’t want to shoot anybody but I don’t know how to get rid of this and then I was like scroll scroll scroll I don’t even do that I don’t even do that I heard her panicking [Music] today I’m just here to relieve everybody’s [Music] [Music] problems problem [Music] yes okay everybody’s just talking to their chat while waiting to [Music] [Music] sleep yeah I was doing side quest pretty much pretty much I think you’re ready to go thank ready to go hello I think they’re ready to go coming yeah I’m ready let’s go are you hiding because it’s so loud it’s lot of people yeah it’s a lot of yapping from all sides [Music] [Music] [Music] spe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] she’s leading the path [Music] [Music] there does that mean it’s close just because it didn’t uh go that far no right was under us the entire that would be crazy if it goes back there [Music] [Music] [Music] then I wanted to change [Music] [Laughter] [Music] not Boss music quite [Music] yet over the mountain do you hear [Music] it school trip again small army for this fight what small big [Music] army I don’t have a [Music] KY left again oh no her DC’s she de sees a lot huh maybe we’ll find her Trident here what about the Ice [Music] Bears as long as there’s no babies he won’t attack right is baby [Music] because baby no no baby [Music] [Music] [Laughter] there’s so many in never r [Music] why is she not here I don’t see is she preparing something Secret is she preparing something secret maybe she’s going straight in creative mode and spawning or maybe oh she’s the true final boss it’s broken oh no it’s so pretty here it please do not oh baby baby ah this one’s I think dangerous yep [Music] y has the Arro and we’re fine no don’t kill it no no don’t hurt [Music] [Music] it you’re so evil [Laughter] [Music] oh Anya you made it an orphan you have to adopt it sure that came froma better kill it too to end it suffering no it’s not suffering yet maybe it will be adopted by other is that a thing like two Ice polar bears uh adopt others other little babies if they see them alone is that a mess bi [Music] absolutely not probably not not usually a cats do that though [Music] [Music] this would be a weird place for a stronghold but I guess it could be anywhere oh that looks funny nice catch place your bets now how many seconds will it take to die for the Ender Dragon cuz you don’t have to shoot the towers do you or I guess if you don’t shoot the towers he will not come down it’s been a while I don’t remember [Music] [Music] okay sleeping on the edge 35 [Music] [Applause] seconds I 2 minutes or free May [Music] free be will still eat you no baby what are we going to do we have no boats thank you didn’t even bring any wood to build [Music] [Music] them for [Music] [Music] [Music] freaking [Music] chest can I go with you [Music] [Music] look up your neck is so kind of freeing me out oh my [Music] [Music] God yeah I don’t have to do anything’s go [Music] [Laughter] taking screenshots this looks good [Music] cute all that way so far the fleet [Music] yeah go go go go an ocean Monument yeah and we can just defeat it too if we find one that would be fun extra mission bat ship oh p and another boat ship shipwreck and portal what’s that shipwreck m in front of uh behind us now yeah oo is the land a little bit but maybe still better if we go by a [Music] boat is there m here maybe we’ll find a [Music] witch was there a sign from the outside no right you have to dig down if you think you have it [Music] right left her boat got a [Music] dick let’s go oh then it has to be [Music] here Bo maybe it’s where the [Music] cow still further back [Music] I want to take oh I didn’t bring my shovel well I can’t get rid of those [Music] [Music] [Music] jft someone got lost oh Unbreaking wow wow [Music] I put it there it looks so nice bring it back home there is no home after this I put the nice pressure plate here [Music] [Music] why did she get lost what [Music] happened it’s got to be there in the water [Music] can you follow in the wall didn’t bring a door oh one [Music] [Music] no [Music] Trident damn it but nice of him to show up and say hi oh I feel I hear another one she’s thring [Music] okay sleepy [Music] time L was found how did you get lost the trees mixed up n leave it to the other [Music] [Laughter] so much chat chaotic chat [Music] walk okay make sure to pick up your bags [Music] [Music] [Music] now we’re looking for this new generation keeps on getting lost [Music] for why is not here she’s just laughing in a chat making fun of our misery maybe when we’re back we’ll see the whole village destroyed by by Withers [Music] [Music] oh she’s doing spectator mode [Music] ah why did I make so many doors what well under water yeah but why are they showing them off [Applause] [Music] [Music] I think I guess Al was looking for ladin and ladin was found but Alon was still out [Music] [Music] there all the doors in theall water well I’ll use my hand for now no wait should be from a door Ena do you have a shovel with you no I don’t me NE oh the door is not working on me is that stone oh it’s Stone this is kind of scary this is kind of scary this is a little bit scary this is scary this is too scary [Music] [Music] [Music] look everybody’s doing everybody’s sing everywhere scattered hoping to find it oh 5 hours [Music] later make a small box house remove water from it oh feel like it’s not even necessary and then I’ll have troubles getting out not this big oh well I’m too scared anyway [ __ ] [Music] [Music] did we get it no I should just bring the door with me take the [Music] okay if it’s like uh if I find bricks what’s this what’s this an air pocket Kyla got it oh KY found it [Music] it’s [Music] bable what claustrophobic for real oh but this is impressive dig down oh they’re down there somewhere down [Music] there I’ll make stairs no water oh I don’t really know what I’m doing water came from above wow ask for Fort I’d like to know the entrance there’s so many doors you don’t know which one which one is it she’s oh she’s all the way like over there can you see it [Music] here here hello hello please us the [Applause] [Music] way here wow [Music] I don’t know how want to go [Music] [Applause] [Music] I forgot which one it was here [Music] [Music] I’ll go cuz nobody’s going oh is this water what is this oh yeah it’s fine it’s fine that one is fine I got stacked [Music] before is there something interesting maybe it was taken didn’t somebody just go in here it’s a prison is it down here [Music] [Music] [Music] ah there like spiders and stuff here like feel like I remember oh if there’s a torch that means somebody was here before right hey yo this is kind of like a horror movie yeah spider spawners and stuff so nice that they put buttons though don’t get lost n don’t worry we just got to follow where all the names are where did I come from though zombie oh that’s pretty good that’s pretty good but I don’t need it anymore sh this freeing for protection free oh they are they let’s follow [Music] them oh they’re still waiting for the others [Music] you think they found it what’s this place wow wow [Music] [Music] oh it was just right there oh nice wow [Music] beautiful welcome to the underworld now my inventory is so full now from the [Music] [Music] digging that’s yeah normally there might be some in there already [Music] right do we have enough [Music] [Music] she’s making a trash box [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] or the the other thing [Music] girl can be clutch you L them [Music] [Music] again oh we have enough [Music] [Music] she wants some people to make a path first [Music] [Music] is good at that stuff I think didn’t I have something here out of [Music] bed [Music] [Music] fore speech [Music] onion getting onion achievement [Music] [Music] [Music] before she removes it I’m there why it moves so [Music] weirdly the ghosts are going in too [Music] [Music] [Music] no they started uh they they first had a group that decided on but they wanted ky’s Help mik Wanted ky’s help solo it yeah for the briding [Music] I want to go I want to [Music] go good oh good [Music] job okay do we remember how this works let’s go Ana [Music] just four minutes [Music] though okay let’s [Music] go that came right at me hard to reach no way she spot those [ __ ] no no no no no no I didn’t bring milk no no I swear to God take it okay okay okay we got to we got to do something about that but I don’t know hey can you even the ones ah the ones that are in cages you don’t shoot them or you shoot the other ones first oh nice I got one I’m not looking at you dude I guess we can shoot over it calm super calm I am oh it’s so hi which one’s left where are the withers are they do you need help with the withers oh NAD is dead where the withers where is everybody I don’t see anybody uhoh did I did I look at one I looked at one no leave me no leave me alone it’s okay I can kill him okay do they all hate me okay no I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die wait wait wait wait [Music] wait no no no no no no no please no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no y I’m going to die what if I kill him like further away from everybody okay do they do they do they all go for me are they are we good now I think we’re good now wait but where is everybody I don’t see anybody there’s one person there well where ah here here ah they’re taking care of the Widow first [Music] huh all right [Music] okay no the buff the debuff goes away after a while right I think so okay yeah it’s gone see that’s not natural right sorry I got so lost but we we did some preparation with the shooting of the towers he doesn’t have any more Towers right oh this one maybe I think looks like there’s something still there oh it’s so hard to reach whatever can probably just wait let me drink that potion right now did I land on [Music] water that’s what happens sometimes but when he comes down I want to hit him yeah come down I feel like I’m not doing much oh I got the last [Music] y beautiful oh no no no CH go no no no no no no no no no no please leave me alone I was just taking pictures what she doing a picture what’s she preparing [Music] for but only one person died only one wait why does she have a sh [Music] box she she’s want she wants to do something [Music] Lun she [Music] what is she last B where is [Music] she I think she wants to be the last boss [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can’t see there might be some accidental deaths like this hun the bunny hun the bunny [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I will be the one how much how much does it take oh she has a toilet [Music] [Applause] too he’s too strong anywhere so that if anyone get this no [Music] is she trying to protect [Music] her uh oh there she is prach the gold post ah she used the totem she used the totem [Music] are they hitting me you want will you want some you want some okay okay okay okay so much collateral damage why is [Applause] [Music] she tried to [Music] [Music] kill again what’s happening [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] by her [Music] gmate world is at peace yeah in the end all of this there is a big evil brain behind all of this and that big evil brain is called peka Senai does she had to die in the very [Applause] [Music] end peace oh oh no picture wait I guess we got to go back to take the picture no not this super long ass Minecraft ending oh you skipped it too yeah I guess cuz they wanted to take a picture maybe we’ll go back to the end after everybody gathers here is this where everybody will gather where everybody will respawn got pushed in Oh Me Oh wait oh yeah right I guess I was standing right there I no bed anymore yeah [Music] H I don’t have a bed except at my home so far let me go back to my home at least you’re not alone yeah they’re leaving through the portal now and then they watch the ending but don’t they all end up here then wait as I’m riding that she teleports [Music] everybody made [Music] everybody’s revived [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] spe will be on the list of people who didn’t die a single time let’s go where are they taking the [Music] picture jazz is back guys after a war the only music that really fits is this kind of jazz right [Music] [Music] [Applause] why why are so many people naked [Music] oh they want people to get naked but I look so cool like this okay oh KY looks cool wow beautiful [Music] your outfit looks like armor already I know right it’s my well it’s my night outfit ah yeah do you not want to get your hair back you might not be the only one with a bald bald head left what about Ena is she still bald a know you got your hair back I did how did you grow it back so fast good for the picture is there a trick to Growing it back you eat a lot of seaweed seaweed oh really yeah is that actually something people say I don’t know my journal oh do we write journals today as well as well got to record true a lot of people are riding it [Music] oh bring home the bacon oh wait mine’s the I think in the Box [Music] I have too much stuff I picked up so much that I will never need again so sad I wish I could keep this [Music] all okay well I think this was my fourth day cuz I started a little bit late but it’s also the last day the [Music] 19th I wonder if she’s going to do one more news show to read these I feel like I want to take my time after we take the picture but uh let’s keep it short uh fore [Music] [Music] okay I wrote something poetic I wrote Today is a sad day you know why because today we are separating with everybody this Ki who didn’t die a single time was she able to protect anybody was she able to rescue anybody what I can say is that me personally I was rescued by this event done isn’t that poetic and beautiful I think so I think there’s nothing else to say [Laughter] really we need to sign [Music] it like at the end here I I I added the book title in the beginning I think it was a phoenix Journey okay there we go a phoenix taale what’s the story I love the poetic approach I try it’s a bit more difficult to do it in a different language but I think I I nailed it so wait how long did well I guess you can’t really count how long it took because we had other fights to do too the withers and I I got kind of lost cuz everybody was somewhere [Music] else oh and then even after the dragon there was pic Empire to kill I missed the old fight yeah but I wasn’t the only one who was focusing on the dragon first and then the DN animation font hi hello hi hi hello you look so beautiful without your armor oh really yeah let me put it back then no don’t you look beautiful without it don’t hide your beautiful self behind the armor but but I mean I really I really love your this this this you know this one yeah my outfit this one it really looked like that you’re using armor when yeah yeah I use it for like RPG streams because it’s a warrior outfit you should get a warrior outfit too I hope someday right yeah you finished your your diary already yeah I just wrote one page I I wrote something like a poem oh I see that’s so cool what are you going to write you got to write about being uh being power harassed by us p no she did until the very end she was trying to harass you power harassment oh oh they’re putting they’re putting their heads there I guess we don’t have to be part of the picture or is this the other the people who aren’t here today yeah yeah that’s what it is [Music] cute cute cute cute the Heavenly Powers Rive The Souls of all the heroes [Music] [Music] we already took it what we were we are going to okay I follow like I missed it now cuz she wrote in past [Music] tense hello I did you write your diary yeah but um I’m trying to figure out how to translate this to Japanese do you want to do you want to hear my diary yeah okay the day has finally come the vanal the one and only and the dragon fight like shown in anime we combined our nakama power into one and defeated the evil dragon oh I was targeted by the weer that bastard he know that I hold’s ancient power oh he was targeting you exterminate me yeah yeah he did I was I was running like my life dependent on it but I of course [Music] you no we hate each other we hate each other no let me out let me out let me out throw up no no e that was the worst seconds and moments of my life ever I know I [Laughter] know well I don’t think you’ll have a problem Translating that cuz you’re a pro well I I’ll try how long how long do I have not sure soon you should hurry maybe thank you thank you um [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] that sounded like crony for a moment you guys got to listen back to that the way the it was also distorted by noise for a moment it sounded like crony cuz when she laughs she laughs also like and like it gets distorted also I think it’s like so similar I was like crony [Music] but they could have built it with something else than [Music] [Music] dirt I don’t know what I expected I didn’t think I would be teleported oh wait she said in 1 minute we should take a [Music] picture stand here [Music] orange hair [Music] people maybe without the shield takes up some space for [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] ana ana stand next to me ana ana ana next to [Music] Anda in front of me oh it’s looking good looking [Music] good the best I can [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] for I [Music] [Music] [Applause] our chees [Music] is okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] I thought there was an evil brain inside of P’s head there’s nothing in there that’s the point [Music] [Applause] [Music] doesn’t doesn’t count though doesn’t count that was it was over wee yeah everybody’s slaying everybody now oh Aqua died by P senpai’s hands oh I’ve never I don’t how do you go down oh there we go my face what what is she thinking yes yes I don’t think she hears me though so much everyone for watching she regrets nothing in two months if you do to that is yeah I’ll see you in two months [Applause] [Music] Goodbye Oh no I wanted to take a picture with them and never write armor r a trim [Music] I love you no the T I died too [Music] soon they don’t know I’m watching them they no I have my eyee on them wait wait wait did I get [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] revived not again no wait Ana wait no no no no no no no you have a sword never mind sword I have nothing no no no you got what me you got [Music] some for [Music] [Music] [Music] okay was by road please stop killing people yeah they’re leaving that [ __ ] that [ __ ] right when P I wrote normal Revival it’s over that [ __ ] I hate yeah this was truly a anaton Arc was it [Laughter] not H she yeah I will read super chats but damn that was uh my adventure on the Hardcore Minecraft server thank you guys for taking part in it today was also pretty short huh it like each stream became shorter and shorter the first day was 9 hours then seven then like 4 then two yeah it became easier and easier after Gathering all all the things that I needed I had my fun I think first the first day was it the first day the day no the day when we went into the never was the most fun M PE call alive yeah Minecraft is kind of our game or it used to be but it’s nice to get back to something like this it feels very nostalgic chaotic mining happy you joined thank you I’m happy you joined refreshing seeing Hol playe MC together again yeah I’m surprised not so many Ian members joined it was only me and Ena but oh yeah I think a lot of them a lot of people were busy I feel like if Will M weren’t busy they would have probably joined uh but it is what it is and honestly uh me and Ena being the only ones may may maybe made Le things less chaotic [Music] yeah they’re busy I had fun watching you anina thank [Music] you yeah I don’t know fora I ended up not joining but maybe we’ll have something like this again sometime and then maybe we can have it even like mostly for Ian people like an Ian hardcore challenge but you know we always say stuff like this after events after Japanese members have like organized some events and it’s always like M yeah it would be cool if we had that but like who’s going to take care of it I don’t I don’t know maybe with ID together and then all the yapping can be English mainly I I spoke way more Japanese than usual in these streams uh I I’m I’m happy I was like able to speak a bit more again for the first time in a long time and communicate with other Japanese members and with Japanese viewers um but yeah we we don’t worry we’ll get back to the usual English ratio yeah also Ollie why was I thought I would hang out way more with Ollie but she was not around that much I’m kind of sad what happened Ollie what happened I wanted to see you more where was my other OE dates sorry cracking my hip she’s sick I all right but still I thought she was getting better [Music] first first never day was fun I think I want to or um ask mik by for a oneon-one or maybe a small group people a small people group what collaboration I want to talk a bit more of mtin stand by she’s been so nice to me GTA collab I don’t know I think I do want to do that but uh don’t we need a server and also somebody is like do we need a server if we’re just a small group I don’t know uh but also like I think we have it we have the game on different consoles no not Ian server that was the discussion the idea that me am and mikochi I think us three would play GTA together for a little bit GTA online specifically yeah yeah yeah like if it’s just free I think we don’t need a whole server right like I don’t know how it works but the problem was yeah I think mikoi plays on PlayStation and me and Amy play on PC I think at least I do but I don’t know maybe we can still make it happen yeah do a heist together oh am doesn’t even have a PS5 oh well that would be an argument to get mikoi to get the uh PC version Oh wait did I play on PC I think I did I think I have the games on Steam I think I did now I’m not sure either but I think I did yeah yeah yeah yeah but switched because of hackers oh yeah that that was also a concern I guess yeah yeah press F uhhuh uhhuh stop pressing F just press four guys well let’s go to my office my IP office I I’m getting good use out of it once once again it was so fast if I’d have felt more confident I would have joined since the first day and then we would have had even more of all of this but I think it’s fine some other members even if they joined the first day they maybe didn’t join some other days so but can you imagine I I caught up so fast with everything like with armor thanks to Ollie first and foremost in the beginning but I caught up so fast it wasn’t even necessary for me to play in the first couple days yeah I may have not been the first with never armor but I was the first with the right amount of never right [Music] yeah now I kind of want to maybe one time one day maybe I can challenge a Bastion uh on thean server alone I mean I’m like kind of the only person playing there but it’s something I have not done yet and I never really considered it because I just didn’t really know about it also cu the trims are relatively a new thing right oh the the the the template as well I guess it wasn’t the thing back when I was playing yeah this costume wait let me show you H oh I guess it’s hard to where is it where is it this is what it looks like I guess it should be even bigger maybe even but this is this is this not part of my costume it’s just uh you know from my uh dear dear providers of [Music] pngs yeah it’s that easy it it it would have been that easy just I all I needed is a PNG to put behind myself uh but when I can’t get it from the real Source I get it from my fans tascal I think it was made by Sky right or I saved it a while ago I don’t I don’t uh remember wait I think it was made by Sky yeah that was sky thank you ah also I saw Skye also made my me a Pip Boy for Fallout which let me show you now I’m so excited to use it yo I’m going to use this I was so confused the first time they mentioned Pip Boy in the show I was like I was I thought they were talking about a person I don’t think they really maybe I missed it when they first explained that a Pip Boy is the name of that machine machine but the first time they mentioned it I was so clueless like what do you mean and then later on I I figured it out on my own they yeah they did not explain it right pip ball was that even mean was the PIP part mean they didn’t mention it till nor asked okay okay so it wasn’t just me good good good good um I so maybe next week maybe next week we play fall out I was thinking New Vegas didn’t we do a a poll on it did we do a poll everybody was mostly recommending New Vegas yeah it won by a lot okay without Maps it might might crash what does that mean without Maps my mom also wanted New Vegas Oh H did she want New Vegas or did you just want Fallout like in general a mods you mean oh yeah I’ll ask Amed what she did like it worked fine for her right four has better graphics but Envy got more Soul oh m well New Vegas I guess plays in New Vegas uh where where’s like where can I meet um the most related things to the show probably New Vegas right for New Vegas New Vegas New Vegas New Vegas most people say New Vegas and the cool thing is that it seems like the next season will play in New Vegas so then this time is this a bad thing I don’t know I don’t think I ever had this case before where I play a game and then I watch a show based on the game but already know everything about it oh go it might not be it might just be the location right because they’re making their own story yeah then it’s fine I don’t think if I I don’t know if I would like it like knowing everything already like but it’s got to be like either even I watch the show first like let’s say for example for Witcher and then know everything about the game or it’s the other way around I know the show is like very different but still not not that different for has the visual aesthetic of the show really New Vegas is far more of an RPG uh well you guys voted for New Vegas so we’re probably going to do that one you will see Shady Sands in New Vegas Oh when it’s broken or when it’s still there I won’t oh oh Shady sand is in Fallout two one and [Music] two Hardcore Minecraft is over the OG and it sequel n okay let’s read super chats now um uh where did I leave off maybe I can tell by looking at [Music] [Music] hyzer well I really like the show the show is like I already decided to play Fallout before I watched the show but the show is helping me get very really motivated I’m I’m excited to dive into the world hopefully I’ll see some references that feel familiar at least Hol talk ah okay yeah he what about Buckshot roulette what about Buckshot roulette better than the one show ah it depends because one piece is like more fantasy is in a different way in a cute [Music] way oh you like the bird talk idea well it’s still a while until I have to do that probably but you were looking at the game even before the show wait what are we talking about Fallout looking at the game yeah I already decided that I would play Fallout quite a while ago yeah I don’t know why I don’t know several influences [Music] okay uh yeah I’m telling you next week we’re going to have a fun collab to with with some cute birds I think I can put out the schedule today yeah sadly no holot talk though because I didn’t hear back yet I was going to do it the coming week but uh I guess I got to move it again because I didn’t hear uh back the delay is not always my fa fault guys but it’s nobody’s fault but um you know it’s not always on [Music] me I’m looking for better music oh elevator [Music] music that’s quite upbeat okay let me put up the thumbnail what are we reading Buckshot roulette first I think that was fun too and I said I know I said I’ll I’ll play it again but I feel like this is one of these games that you really just play once after I was done with it I realized it might just get like kind of repetitive if I play it again even though it was so much [Music] fun yeah I think I’m fine done with it not that it was bad it was really good I really liked it yeah I think we we got the gist of the game there’s nothing new to like find except I I zapped no actually I watched quite a bit of amen’s Buckshot roulette stream I think on that night when I uh cooked myself dinner I was like still so excited about the game so I watched am’s archive afterwards and I think I saw am ending up in some place that I did not find some crazy weird place and I was like what what is this how did I not find that [Music] cuz she died but didn’t I die too and I never saw that place she was in I don’t even remember it anymore black and white Place probably she was dead dead how do you go dead dead when you die before the meds you can go there before the meds how do you die before the meds you mean the ones you take uh if you die on the round three you’re dead you die at normal mode on stage three see I never saw that but oh well I’m not going to go back for that okay Jacob 47 d py d space waterfall d d thank you for the red super chat hi wa can I buy a healing kiss for yko yko smashed wing while trying to dust under the 50ft golden Wawa statue wait wait what is this a metaphor for also sorry for being away job sucks our sucks lollipop sucks lollipop what’s that another another metor all sucks I’ll will keep my beak up and keep listening to Kima Banger thank you that was so long ago well excuse me princess oh oh because you suck lollipops oh is that why you said that well well well I don’t know if your wing healed already but I hope this helps I don’t think it can heal fully that fast right how did you do it though I’m kind of curious kind of curious but that could you get one too of course M for for working so hard behind the scenes to earn money for every day as normal people do working so hard yeah and for that you may not be able to watch my streams so much recently but I’m sure I’m sure you’re still around thank you for listening to Kima d you still feel a little bit of pain when you press your finger I uh actually when I you know I I hurt my foot twice right once with the bowl and once with the dumbbell the one incident with the dumbbell I noticed uh like the the pain of that was not as strong for as long as the other incident but I noticed even like weeks later like if I put pressure on it it would it still felt kind of injured feel like I I heard something there uh a little bit too much without realizing but it’s not like big big [Music] pain only if I push really hard into it yeah I think it was a fracture or something then I know when I push into it I notice Oh all but now let me try now cuz I tried a few days [Music] ago uh yeah there’s like one spot Maybe very slightly I think it’s pretty much healed pretty much gone no I wouldn’t call it broken sadly Sky Dan r on and Dan H oh Dan be Dan G oh thank you for your red super chat I feel like this is your first one H hey K I wanted to let you know it’s my birthday and I’m happy for the past year of great streams you had as it helps me get for the day much better also I haven’t stopped listening to Kima at such a banger really you’re not stopping let’s go several people still listening to Kima makes me happy even now that I kind of stopped promoting it thank you and happy belated birthday I hope you get to hear this I hope you didn’t give up on me because I’m so late on the super chats thank you though for supporting me over the year and for still being here I wish you Happy Birthday Studio Rob Dan for the pinky Teno is the swellest of the sweller family swellest kind of like uh a way to say someone’s cool right I never us use that word you’re so swell you’re quite swell too Studio Rob thank you swell Cho does swell come from swell it’s an old word a yeah I feel like I hear it yeah like more an oldfashioned kind of shows or so B time [Music] Tracy jul [Music] kingra ASMR for the of chat oh thank you from is this from Singapore I think that that these are Singapore dollars sing a Bo so cool thank you so much I’m happy to be your coming oie hopefully one day I can like be in a convention or so in Singapore and then you guys hopefully will be there that would be nice SE St flight of fancy d py d the steel D spaghetti s m yummy thank you for the red the pinky hello la I lurk most of the time but it’s my birthday today oo I just wanted to say thanks for being who you are and cultivating a great Community you and kfp are the reason why I started to travel more for conventions it’s always a blast to meet kfp oh that’s great to hear I you know I can’t really relate but I can imagine that sounds OD amazing I can imagine you guys like after one experience you feel like you want more especially if maybe you’re like me and your only human interactions come mostly from Anime conventions then of course feels great especially if it’s such like-minded people yeah sounds like a lot of fun I’m glad to hear it and happy belated birthday spaghetti son I hope you had a wonderful day and I hope all the following days will be wonderful [Music] too yeah space wonderful thank you soon Shan from Brazil and oh I do I do um constantly also consider ID Girls uh as well for girl stock don’t worry they’re in my consideration they’re always in my [Music] consideration this account on this account you have an egg emo a members emoji thingy what happened shouldn’t do this your your second account or so unknown D and pety thank always love ID always I feel like uh from judging from who like I’ve met them all so judging from that uh honestly kuo is getting more and more girly each time I meet her she’s like doing all the girlly things I constantly see her like doing stuff like like she got lashes she got this she got that I’m like girl you the first time I met you you looked so boyish to me and every time I meet you you’re looking more and more like you know a [Music] lady it’s so confusing so she probably would have some stuff to talk about um and uh other than that I feel like Zeta she always stood out to me in terms of you know looking really cute and oh my [Music] think cute girl sees a fanny pack right she had a [ __ ] fanny pack what [Music] it yeah I think those two are the girliest really maybe MAA too because like she once did my hair she did my hair once and we were having some girl early time yeah understandable right okay where was I oh I finished this box roulette H talk super chats here there we go let’s [Music] see pyck Jacob 47 thank you for the RP another birthday T today is my birthday and it seems that I have the very nice gift of the return of Hol talk on it yeah been looking forward to this episode for a long time and it’s nice to have an early stream I can watch and then spend the day celebrating thank you thank you happy belated bir birthday sorry I couldn’t say it on the day but you know how it is I hope you celebrated yourself well I want to celebrate you [Music] congratulations thank you for supporting me all the time thank you so much much much Cho Mah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah let’s spend the next one together too hopefully m [Music] [Music] monk thanks for the pink also from [Music] Singapore super excited for this whole talk Myan oi and Japan o she have a one-on-one collab I’m die thank you forever you lucky bastard good for you always glad when this happens thank you for enjoying it thank you for waiting for it it’s been a long time coming to have what by Hol talk sorry for keeping you waiting D fre D dead Bob five D ah the speed round yeah like she was giving me such unclear answers I was trying to get something clearer out of her that’s why it was a kind of slow speed speed round but I’m glad she was so enthusiastic about answering the panty color question yeah that was definitely the slowest one I gave her too much time also I didn’t I don’t think I explained it properly uh I was confusing her like how to answer should have prepared her beforehand that she had to answer in English yeah frankenheim thanks for the red super chat thanks once again while for the best whole talk ever thanks you best H talk as always right spank and I’m you say that each time I’m pretty sure you say that each time well every Hol talk is maybe the same amount of bestness they’re all the [Music] best yeah yeah every talk is best Hol talk every talk B is banking hi [Music] m i AEP D fried screw Jim Tracy thanks for the pinky thanks for the great episode today I’ve always been a huge fan of lam m music and Performing so it was cool to learn so much about her she’s done so much and stayed herself for it all one day vame will perform at Budan for sure yeah maybe she will maybe she will yeah well I’m glad Jim Tracy I’m glad seems like maybe she was also one of your oshis yeah so once again a collaboration of ooshies together the best thing you could ask for let’s support her to make her dream come true but I I also need some support from you guys if I want to eventually perform somewhere you know have a solo concert my first solo concert at some point somewhere maybe thank [Music] you if it will ever happen that is but anyway [Music] AP waterful D thank you alasan D and punk picture thank you [Music] D yeah even if it won’t happen it’s not because of like the lack of power you guys have you guys are very powerful m [Music] [Music] for after she replied to me on on Twitter I reached out to her on DM tried to have some chitchat with her and offered her to just like if she’s super bored and at some point because she seemed really bored from watching so many shows I offered her to just like hit me up whenever she wants to talk and she’s like oh thank you and she was very happy that I reached out to her tried to yeah have some conversation a little bit yeah did she already I wonder if she already finished Fallout because she asked for some more show recommendations oh I guess I think she also has a steam deag and now she’s asking for game recommendations I hope she’ll come back soon but I think she should take her time yeah she should take it easy nothing wrong with taking it easy she’s been working so hard for a long time so nothing wrong with [Music] that yeah yeah I read the post all right Dragon’s Dogma is next one of those games that perhaps I would want to make a series out of but I need I just want to can I just not have bgm I’m so I don’t want to hear anything right now just want to be peace peace and calm bring your own bgm to work day also I feel like I need to go to idle meeting but it’s okay I’m using fro candy Now vaa voice only I put chimo in the background oh nice good one wait do I have like a text layer no it’s so quiet holy [ __ ] I feel like I can breathe again my bladder the tinitus what you hear a tinitus but it’s not from me right Jacob 47 D Nathan coton D for the pinky I hope you enjoy the game tantel I’m going to be B ganging this one but I imagine this must be a perfect Mother’s Day game to play oh was that Mother’s Day I don’t know probably not the perfect Mother’s Day game but I did call my mom on Mother’s Day I did call her and talked a bit to her I think actually so I’m obviously taking tomorrow off because I feel like I didn’t even have a day off in this week I’ve been streaming nonstop almost nonstop but early early in the day to so getting up was against my will but I’m glad I pulled it off but the coming week we’ll have two days off and one of them will be Monday and I think my mom is coming to stay over either at my place or at my brother’s place uh yeah from Monday to Tuesday m so in any case that will not really affect you guys but I do think I will stream on Tuesday yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah pretty sure I will but Monday is day off mama told no no no no no no no but I do I do want to show her the updated upgraded Garden and maybe we’ll do some gardening together so might need some time to give her I’m going to tell her to come over to my place anyway thank you Nathan I hope you called your mommy too on Mother’s Day J R Dan Sky Dan canny stamps D Prince of Denmark D Unity CH D Doug Hood thanks for the pinky t fun thank you I have so much tea right now but I mostly drink it in winter so recently I haven’t been drinking so much but sometimes I like a nice cup of tea before going to sleep because it feels like calming and soothing ah ah that H you had multiple accounts when you pretend to be Lura snooky rowy and Luke dur during the April food’s cooking stream ah what you completely reset to egg you don’t have any any other like higher status accounts no no but I know I know you’ve been around for a long time YouTube will not Gas Light Me youtube cannot fool me shouldn’t you have like uh the highest ranked Emoji I’m pretty sure don’t worry I do not believe YouTube’s Shenanigans badge yeah I mean badge yeah but I love that you were role playing I want to see more of that where am I role playing chickens huh I miss it it’s so fun to read or people’s reviews of the shows I watch I like seeing that too eggs lay down their lives on the front lines I’m proud to be egg again you’re basically just being a Phoenix right now starting from zero again that’s just what a phoenix does Kramer and Seinfield accounts I I haven’t been watching actively anymore just every once in a while to fall asleep but good show friends as well yeah thank you for the member renewal and anyway thank you for the T funds as well ter Dan Dan exre dog who loves bread and Hungry Jacks Dan Sy Dan spicy BC danan Mr V danan REO danan RS danan Cas thanks everybody for wishing me happy Mother’s Day to me Miss for Pinky happy Mother’s Day thank you for mothering and serving so much I hope you keep doing and creating everything you want to thank you uh uh thank you son question mark uh uh thank you my child please stay safe don’t get slayed don’t get slay like those chickens in Minecraft by the weather be careful 3,000 cordium fight Jets of soup than and J 8891 Dan spank Dan space wonderful Dan J Monkey D Ty har Haro of the Box than at lunchbox Dan py Dan spank thank you for the red chat the kitties and I feel blessed to get a full weekend of V thanks for the stream denel thank you too we always have to like think that the number of people that are watching my stream might not be the real number there might be pets like spankenheimer might be ghosts too you okay but are you implying I think you weren’t thinking about it but what we’re saying is I’m pretty sure they can’t just watch for a YouTube account maybe they’re just like behind me around me watching the stream like from this very room that is a bit terrifying I would like that to not be true or maybe from your guys’s rooms I don’t know watching from right behind you but I don’t really believe in ghosts even in made outfits can’t be real right there’s no ghosts I think she’s she must be faking that she’s a ghost I need proof she has to prove it to me otherwise she’s an impostor yeah yeah it’s spanking time after it thank you I’m glad you’re getting excited for Fallout as well and let’s thanks for the red super chat thanks for the stream K I haven’t been able to catch you for live for a while but been loving the v as always thank you well well well New Zealand you should have been able to watch the recent streams quite well no are you here endless I think they are at a better time time for you than my usual streams I I would hope so that uh some of the people who usually can’t watch my streams maybe were able to watch them if you’re from sea or so maybe maybe but endless does not seem to be in the chat oh you’re from NZ oh nice to have you where is endless is is here te next to you behind you I’m here from Australia I also have trouble with streams but have seen all the MC ones nice I’m so happy more of you guys could catch it don’t get used to it though don’t get used to it but it’s it came at a good time because recently every time I was making my schedule I was always thinking like ah haven’t done an early in a while I should do one maybe again to like you know help you guys out a little bit for everybody who’s like in Asia or in that area but then there came Minecraft I actually like early streams they’re refreshing this early though wasn’t it like 300 a.m. or so for you guys that’s a bit too early that’s more like late rather than early Shake yeah free for PSD right at least on the day where I streamed at 11 oh God endless thank you Mah I hope this kiss reaches you maybe in the vaud greetings to the vaud Watchers by the way py d p Dan be Dan space waterful danly Dan and G Dan let’s read maybe one more mhm days with ol dance with o what a game what a game but yeah I hope she um get some money back from this project py D j47 Studio Rob thanks for Pinky t t is r in kind or so I thought but apparently I’m not Studio Rob the game has proven us all wrong everything I do was just wrong j monkey Z happy birthday yay and congratulations to getting a raise at work that’s awesome was that also a birthday present to you congratulations you worked hard for that that einander d d salent Nerf mp15 G uh na Dan Jackson FB Dan Maxi Dan and Maxi again D these people it says Hey ke guys me and my f fiance are huge fans and we’re getting married tomorrow here to share happiness to everybody oh my God congratulations they’re married by now sheesh that’s so cute when like people are watching my stream together it’s kind of hard to imagine feels feels embarrassing a little bit Nathan CAU and danish for the pinky it is honestly pretty Bas to pick K as an a she always got good taste so true so true she gets it I love her too she’s great too yeah makes me feel really happy that she supports me like that yeah chy Channel danan Jackson FB Dan and B and doule Jones thanks for the pinky you can do it K don’t over it just go for it what what was that about was it still about the game probably right because the one right before him talks about not turning on the cell phone flashlight in the darkness or was it about the MC streams was it about MC that makes a little bit more sense maybe yeah I did it I did it Bia I did it as you have seen and we’re done with it now it’s over it’s over I am a tee [Music] stret and again Jackson FB thanks for the pinky if Mama watches members vs from your account doesn’t mean she also get no no no no no no no no no no I mean actually I guess partially maybe in some way or another possibly yes uh okay okay I I’ll read one more one more from the first Minecraft stream beautiful art everywhere right I brought out some Banger artworks for these thumbnails and yet my graphic design skills are not matching doesn’t look good enough to match with the art sadly no I don’t think I’ll catch up until the end I really need to go pee which I could just do now I know but also I feel like I want to take a shower something smells and I don’t know why I think it’s the shirt though cuz I took a shower last night I think it’s the shirt it’s really bothering me I don’t know I think it’s a shirt it smells [Laughter] weird I don’t know what’s happening uh py D Jacob 47 D John D d428 N D zly Dan harlo music thank you for the rainbow it’s your birthday I should give you a rainbow tomorrow is my birthday but since I’m going to be super duper busy tomorrow I’m sending the super chat today I’m omitting 10,000 words describing how much I want to thank you and love you as I have probably already St it before and well let’s say I’ll be working on stuff related to you soon anyways I hope you are also doing well recently love you always finishing up up the rainbow thank you what are you working on are you making some music for me I want to hear I want to hear but happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday in your shoe happy birthday in your pants too happy birthday to you yeah yeah yeah yeah congratulations thank you for the rainbow let’s go M M M I hope I don’t have to wait too long for the reveal of whatever you’re working on I’m going to go now for idle meeting of beb that way maybe we can go longer maybe I’ll even change my shirt me e e e [Music] Yoo um here I changed shirts yeah that smells much better and I gave smoovie a hug and then I trapped her with me in the adle meeting room stinky Joe has been cured woohoo unknown wrong color wrong color you need to study color theory or something like that okay SK d g d well SK got my popup parade figure precisely on your birthday happy birthday oh thank you for getting the figure Sky [Music] Dan P thanks for the the pinky just had a good dinner with fellow kfb ah thanks to you I’m able to make friends all over the world thank you for nurturing safe and fun Community while I care you forever you’re welcome I am quite proud I have raised you guys so well thank you for being such a sweet Community too from from me as well thank you Kam thank you I’m glad you had fun with them won Tonk honk wonk what’s AIM May racing uh how do I read this oh what the [ __ ] Yan wait [Music] and py D sky for the rest of chat it is my birthday now 17th my fourth birthday what you’re turning 17 no right it was because it turned the May 17th oh my God for a moment I thought you were that young you were that young thank God you’re not because I would feel old may I ask for a blessing for my lovely wonderful cute talented Kami of course happy birthday the fourth already holy [ __ ] it’s so crazy to think that we already spent so much time together I can’t believe I’m still here that’s so crazy I didn’t believe it in the beginning sheesh I’m like a veteran now I really am like I have to think about how I was thinking about the highest senis back in the day when they had like when I joined I think you know they had like four three four years on their backs and I was like damn yeah and now I’m like past that too um what it’s going to be four years this year shees that’s crazy and you have been part of it for a long time too I don’t know if it’s from the very first day but certainly for a long time judging by your badge as well Skye thank you for being here still even today thank you and happy birthday day one baby they want baby baby you baby bubble bubble yeah yeah myth has been here longer than soda Senai was when we debuted yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I’ve heard that before that is quite impressive which means now s Sena is like double double has like double the amount of uh time on her back then when I joined probably she shees one thing I really really really really respect about Japanese people although in some cases like they may be doing it even though they don’t want to but they keep jobs for a long time they stay in the same job not just occupation but in the same company and all that for a long time usually and that’s pretty impressive like I don’t think this is like a lot of it not I don’t think this supplies to whole life at all but a lot of it uh in normal companies has to do with just the the society pressure that if you don’t have jobs for a long time then it looks really bad on your [Music] resume but yeah I guess people Japanese members they’re not only you know disciplined and all that but they was really happy in whole life so they’re staying for so long H I’m I’m glad because graduations are obviously sad and it’s nice that you know all these familiar faces are staying and we can do so many things together don’t cry now doesn’t Japan also have more workers protection so people less likely to be part of a big layoff oh yes I think so yeah yeah I think so it’s hard to so to say get rid of people yeah yeah yeah yeah 5 to 10 years I feel like even five years is way too little uh in Japan couldn’t be me Whole Life whole life is the longest job I’ve had but I mean you got to say like before that I didn’t do that much in general I didn’t have much time to even stay that long in a job to give a good example uh you know you know I did my training and then I changed places cuz that’s usually what you do after that training of three years most people 99% of people change uh their workplace after they’re done with their apprenti ship the even the companies don’t expect you to to stay but they’re happy if you stay often but yeah obviously I I wanted to go somewhere else and I feel like depends on the job maybe but uh for hotel jobs in at least in in our culture here in Austria it’s actually kind of a positive thing when you’ve been in several hotels or even restaurants or so because like you can bring ideas and and I don’t know like Knowledge from different places and maybe improve the the new workplace or you know work with the all the all kinds of different experiences yeah it’s more perspective it’s not really looked down upon at all if anything it’s even kind of kind of a little bit of a positive thing if you’ve been in SE a lot of different hotels yeah yeah very normal to job H I’m glad you joined I’m glad that I found you to call my cute girl my oi to call a cute girl my o after my 12 years in the Army I’ve been in my current company for six years wow well as long as you’re happy there and as long as they pay you well I think that is obvious obiously the ideal uh way to go if you feel comfortable there I’ll change position this summer oh let’s go I hope I hope that comes with more pay it has to right anyway thank you Sky I am a te D Jones d py d Jim Tracy D Nathan for the pinky you know T while I appreciate you streaming through my entire shift and then some you don’t need to keep streaming all day no but that day the 9 hours stream N9 and a half hours or so it didn’t feel long at all that was really like it felt so short and it felt really comfy I had a good time there’s other streams where it may be a little bit more tedious but that wasn’t the case in this case so I’m good don’t worry thank you though yeah don’t worry when do we get pay atten when do I get pay H when do I get pay oh smoy hi what what did you hear that hi wait did you go to the toilet oh when I was using the thread yesterday before I started it chunky wonky was like sitting in front of it comfortably cuz I put it in front of my work PC uh and so chunky wonky was like kind of chilling comfortably in my chair and smoothie was chilling in the bed in front of it and then I started and Chunky wony was like what the [ __ ] cuz it was so loud and the faster I would go the louder it would get and then she ran away pretty early smoovie still kind of she was very like what the [ __ ] too but like in in like a half sitting half about to run away manner she was just like staring at me and observing the situation yeah she stayed pretty long but I think eventually she ran away too because she was like this [ __ ] is too noisy like when I started going from R from walking to running she she ran away too too loud too loud it is pretty loud also I’ve noticed yesterday when I was like really running on it or like walking first of all I lost my balance so often is this normal even when I was looking straight forward I feel like I’m like wobbly wobbly do you guys get that too sometimes you’re like oh whoa whoa whoa [Music] and then I realized also like one of my shoes was getting loose and I was thinking oh I should like adjust it but then I realized oh wait wait wait I should really not just stop walking on the treadmill because unlike walking outside the treadmill will not stop with my steps like you do IRL outside like normal ground does normal ground doesn’t just move with you the treadmill does it’s different you have to remember that and not just like out of out of uh what you’re just used to in everyday life stop walking does do you guys ever do that have you guys ever done that forgetting that you’re on a treadmill and just like doing something stupid I hope not I was close to doing it but I didn’t and then I also noticed I feel like I don’t know if they’re all this uh small but I feel like I don’t have that much space on my treadmill but this is what I bought and I think it was plenty expensive I’m not going to buy a different one now but yeah I think in the fitness center they’re way wider generally and more bulky mine’s relatively small small smaller tto please be careful yeah you’ll need less space as your running posture gets better yeah and as I get less wobbly the one you got should be good enough yeah but it’s also uh constantly on an angle I cannot change it which is fine it’s fine but it’s a bit more exhausting than just a flat one but I just got to adjust myself with that there’s no incline no it’s like always always at an angle no it’s it’s supposed to be like that yeah just a little bit upwards still not not too much not too much though you want to hear how loud loud it is guys it’s right here oh oh smoothie came to check what’s happening with the beeps oh she’s she’s looking very like what the [ __ ] again okay I’m I think there’s some noise cancellation but I’m making it go to like comfortable running speed like this can you hear [Music] it oh oh she’s smooy smooy she’s like let’s turn it off off again yeah so I also need louder speakers or something because I realized I can barely hear the show I’m watching on the PC I even I I attached some speakers which I normally never do I always have headphones on here but attached some speakers for once and even at max volume I can barely hear anything that’s why you get earbuds is that what you guys do cuz I was legit also thinking to just use my noise cancelling uh headphones although I don’t know how to connect them to the PC cuz they’re Bluetooth I don’t know if I can do that but I can definitely connect them to my um bedroom TV so I was thinking maybe I’ll move the treadmill into the bedroom even though I don’t really have much space there I might still move it over there I need a Bluetooth adapter I don’t think my PC supports bluetoth I think the the broadcaster in theory uh supports Bluetooth but I tried using it before I tried connecting headphones Bluetooth headphones but it didn’t seem to be working I don’t know what I’m doing wrong I went by a tutorial and it just doesn’t find it but I have to figure it out soon because I think I’ll be wanting to use uh wireless headphones uh for ofai I think actually that was just that just reminded me I wanted to buy Ina had these cool Road Wireless tiny ah leveler I think they’re called leveler I wanted to get them let’s see oh they’re so expensive but they they look really nice and easy to use Road Wireless skull oh lav wait which one I have to look into this I have to buy one I think they’re a good solution it’s what we used for um streaming at ena’s place to together because she only has like this one main microphone but she thought if it’s us two together maybe it’s more comfortable having uh the leveler mics so that we don’t have to like lean towards the microphone is that like studio quality kind of yeah I think so the only problem is that it probably only lasts for like an hour that’s what Ena says even though here it says 15 hours battery live is it really ah well there’s built-in recording for internal speech but when you use it live maybe it’s like it takes up more batteries well I look into it I think there’s another good other option that I saw but this one is same brand as my roadter so I think they actually connect really easily even though I hate my broadcaster I have those those can connect ah see oh yeah yeah yeah I thought so I think I like watch a video on them connecting really easily you have these you have these why do you have these do you stream or what w definitely needs a headphone sponsorship I already got one are you joking Lin did you not watch my YouTube short and a stream where I was using them excuse me hyper X oh you yanked my chain whatever that means I’m guessing that means I’m teasing you at this point I’d prefer a roadter sponsorship at least for the microphones but I have enough headphones at this point I think I mostly still use for just for streaming I still use the fired one though because it’s easier that wasn’t sponsored oh yeah true it wasn’t sponsored it was just free stuff that I I guess no that’s still kind of sponsored because I had to make a video or so on it in order to get it I think that’s still still kind of a sponsorship yeah I do hate the roadter no I’m not hated now that I you know have all these options I like it more but that’s really the only good thing about it oh well uh where was I a here waterall danion Cru danion fried screw Dan that ends day one of Minecraft streams now I shall read day two which has a lot of super chats because that’s the one where I was mining that felt like it was yesterday but apparently it was the day the day before yesterday no I went to the ID don’t me so that I could read more for you guys check 47 Dan motion Dan for the pinky it’s my fourth birthday as a kfp so much of my life has changed in these past four years between CID unig grad and starting work uh but the one thing that stayed the same is the comfortable home that I’ve had in kfb thank you for all the fun every year a that’s beautiful I love to hear that I’m glad you’re still here I’m so happy to like see people that are here since like kind of the beginning see that they’re still here [Music] great happy birthday [Music] motion thank you thank you and I wish you so much luck with all your endeavors now that you’ve started work I don’t know how long that is ago but yeah F damn many lifechanging things like graduating from University that’s big I’m glad you were able to do that JK Monkey D tyon D [Music] oh oh you’re using the kfp fers for your runs outside and you’re going to adopt the doggo let’s go exciting exciting Studio thanks for the pinky [Music] my Nathan cotton thanks for the pinky hien hoping on Mid break to say hope you enjoy hooping on Mid break to say hope you enjoy another day of being hardcore I’m not going to read it the way you wrote it also hope your diet is going well thank you uh so far I’ve lost no weight but it’s okay I was like I when I was like running on my treadmill I was um dressed very lightly because I mean that’s what you can do if you run at home and not in a not in a a fitness center so I had like these booty shorts on and like a short crop top okay and I was looking at myself in my reflection in the dark dark window and I was like hey yo booty is looking good actually fires are looking good too actually I look kind of good but no I want my tummy to be a little bit smaller please no I know I know I know but I you know you know sometimes you you feel bad about yourself sometimes you feel worse about yourself and you know yeah the dresses I need to fit into the dresses yeah my [ __ ] dresses they cost so much money I need to get into them too much selfless no that’s not self lesbian that’s selfcest excuse me boohoo 72 fre [Music] Dan H life ID so many people joke about being like Ana Ana’s joke is being whole live Japan other people from Japan they joke about being whole live English nobody jokes about being whole life Indonesia but I should be saying that Ryden LS than Des than for the red super chat y oh I am oh I am oh oh oh oh thank you oh now don’t say it like that don’t say it like it’s a fact I am honorary yeah yeah yeah since nobody outside ID speaks ID well but are those Japanese members like uh mikoi Senai and others who claim their whole life Ian every once in a while do those members speak again H not really no no no no okay desel says I couldn’t spend my fourth birthday as a kfp on Wednesday with you and kfp but I’m glad I could be here for this fun stream with Ali and MAA oh yeah that was the later stream right I’m looking forward to what the next year looks like for myself and especially you and the rest of kfp love you boss love you too thank [Music] you I don’t know was it because I was streaming so early is that why you couldn’t watch I’m sorry if that’s the case but you know I stream at better times most of the time at least better times depending on where you in where you at but yeah uh thank you though desol happy belated birthday ah thank you for so much fun times together as a kfp crusader this whole Arc must have been kind of exciting for you though cuz we went to war with the Wither and then with another couple of Withers and then with the End Dragon and another couple of Withers yeah good good War Arc for us in Minecraft thank you desol and happy birthday Kiana’s feathered protector that’s so cute that’s so cute I love that the yeah the worst of all pul him but I guess if she does another news show tomorrow and she reads the Diaries I think she’ll also probably report about the KY uh under selling totems thing I was just wondering what else you could report on cuz not much happened unless maybe some stuff happened like from the night of yesterday to today that I’m not aware of did those totems ever get used oh yeah see I didn’t need one I wonder did did yeah did Ana have to use one and did uh Co have to use one some of them got used it’s also just that you feel maybe more confident just by having one and then you’re safer maybe I don’t know although that should maybe if you’re too confident should be the other way around well well she used it differently she was in a different situation [Music] Anya use it because P almost killed her that’s also not really what I was considering I was thinking like during the Ender fight it was like R over again exactly yeah you’re so right true there were no postmortal achievements in the main fight I think so too huh huh huh well I didn’t need it either title oh wait did I give Des a kiss just in [Music] case oh yeah I read this one I hope it won’t really be like so bad delar d space waterfall Dan Bruce D Cardinal [Music] crar same same cppy sappy cppy B cppy sappy B sappy D swaner Dan Cardinal crowbar D [Music] Kim you joh [Music] m y one maybe you and here comes the Red Wave here comes the Red Wave uh watering thank you for the red super chat already thanked you on stream though but thank you uh Bob Dylan thank you for the red chat nice to see you again ien your rough day today but listening to you made me smile again also sorry for being here a lot you mean not being here a lot I think but yeah I’m still here love you my Kami love you too happy to see you always Mery B don’t worry just having a life sign every once in a while reliefs me from my worries ziply thanks for the red super chat sub Tano as of right now it’s my birthday I don’t usually celebrate them but last time you got kind of mad I told you late so I promised to better my ways have this as an apology stay cool oh well okay I’m not even that late either this time happy birthday dipping Mah congratulations F thank you for you know bettering yourself not that you ever really had to yeah so many birthdays today well not really today but yeah so many congratulations today though yeah diply catch the kiss catch [Music] it I saw it flying Sky Hollows me andly or May 17th but I feel like I read you on different streams did you catch it did you catch it simply is 18 yeah random collusion thanks for the red super chat ancient debris times one no no no no time over 20 but I know what you mean you are the ancient debris thank you you know I was randomly colliding with ancient debris quite often too for real though like this is so fitting thank you for starting the wave cuz I think uh you are who started the wave for real for real but and dougle Jones thanks for the red of chat here’s some l f thank you it worked out in the end all was well I looked super [ __ ] cool thanks to you guys thank you viia see bass also thank you for the red super chat indeed it is very red thank you J swag Burg thank you for the red super chat too you guys are so crazy thanks for the jumbo siiz Minecraft streams L they weren’t even that long I thought I would be streaming way longer each day but maybe I would have had more longer streams if I started from the beginning but the in the end like there wasn’t much more to do besides fighting the Wither and fighting the Ender Dragon no you know it was probably for the best so that first of all the VOD Watchers are not being overloaded with vods and also that I could take it easy here and there so this there wait I didn’t put the thumbnail up what the [ __ ] okay and where was I yeah and thank you to SW B R thank you for the red super chat for the luck yay for the win with the luck I win thank you Rana for participating in the the red craziness Tassimo thank you also for the red super chat skirt I’ll have to join in here’s one for good luck you guys why you oh maybe okay I think I understand you guys see red on white assuming you’re in not in dark mode Let’s just say you’re not and you think ah friend because chicken friend red white friend must make more friend so you send red Super Chat to make more friend and then we have many many friends yeah I get it now it’s like a chain reaction that is only possible within kfp no no no just for the situation you have to say that you are not using dark mode because otherwise my explanation makes no sense friend yes cute friend kind of weird looking friend but still friend pretty sure it’s friend yeah yeah yeah Tassimo also friend M Mary Pippin also friend don’t take this as me friend zoning you you know it’s just just just just just mer Pippin thank you for the recipe chat we just like you isn’t that enough yes you like also all the other friends that’s why you sent that didn’t you is that not why Mary Pippin is that not why thank you the chicken Zone yeah welcome to the chicken Zone Mary pins want to watch L of durings Ah that’s right I think we can start next week with monat first season uh I’m planning it on Saturday uh we’re going to start like at 400 p.m. or so w time I don’t know how long it’s going to take but we’re going to watch the full season so you got perms um it’s kind of weird uh it’s okay it should be fine I was told oh it should be fine [Music] it we’ll watch it together um because I think uh my DVD or Blu-ray for the first season should arrive uh in a few days like I think like very soon in the next couple days so yeah we can watch the first season B mon yeah five for six five to six hours for season one wow okay col it five to 6 hours shees no problem no problem also a short stream yeah but I’ll make sure to not uh tangent too much before and also in between we need to get this done okay I cannot underestimate how much time it will take you don’t have to like you can even just watch a few episodes with us jump in somewhere in the beginning or at the end or the middle if you want um yeah intro outro I don’t know that would be hard if we skip it it’ll be a little bit hard to uh time everybody I [Music] think it’s uh members only I was thinking of doing it members only yeah oh yeah we can skip the outro cuz I think usually there’s nothing afterwards yeah so everybody prepare bakim monoar season one until Saturday okie dokie okie dokie okie doie where was IU thank you for the red super chat it’s okay because it’s payday hope this brings luck for another ancient de yay thank you makaku welcome to the chicken Zone Tim Tracy also thank you for the redp chat Phoenix like boost thank you and welcome to the chicken zone so many chickens s d chy thank you for the red super chat as well good luck thank you welcome to the chicken Zone and fried Screw As Wow might as well we just love W thank you you guys are so generous thank you and welcome to the chicken Zone ter not quite there but still thank you n also welcome to the chicken Don you entertain us that’s all you need to deserve it thank you thank you so much you guys went a little bit overboard though let’s be real thank you so much I appreciate it M and welcome to the chicken Zone K to you too thank you for the red super chat and resine also sending one thank you so much welcome to the chicken Zone let’s go t let’s go thank you for the support and being so generous see this is where it calmed down a little bit my throat hurts w why does it hurt so much why why I’m drinking so much water lunchbox space waterfall Kon uh thank you oh hey yo your heart is at risk what what nothing nothing no my stream was not so doy doie inducing right zum bont than and thank you thank you myin um pyro thank you for the pinky no you’re actually smelling oh what I’m the color of pink super chats it Blends so well with my pfps hair color yeah I would say it’s more red than pink though now that I see it next to each other background Blends seamlessly as a green super chat but that’s not as cool Co and Chan has the scent of fox and toasted fruit is that the name of the person in your or should I say the furry in your profile picture is that is that it Coen joh maybe I take that as a yes thank you for the pinky and uh Cruz D soon zap Min D GD thanks for the red super chat to my lovely lucky wonderful amazing Kami yeah you guys were telling me on Twitter too that apparently I was really lucky was I really thank you TD for the red super chat and for chilling with me in these streams I hope just this once you were able to sleep through an actual night or or did you guys did my Australian viewers change their sleep schedule for these streams or did you keep the usual sleep schedule the crazy one that you have to keep in order to watch me it would be nice if you actually got to sleep through a night like a normal human being I don’t have a sleep schedule oh no it’s bad for your health probably imagine sleeping at night I sleep whenever you are not streaming you’re actually okay see maybe the reason why I don’t really do Guerilla streams is because I feel bad for people like you I don’t want to like have you either feel bad because you missed a stream or like mess everything up in your life because I suddenly stream and you have you thought I wouldn’t and you have to throw plans around again in order to watch it so maybe it’s good that I don’t do gorilla streams yeah but generally if I feel like I could possibly be streaming on that day I’m just going to schedule it gorilla is not really my style there was that time you told us to go to bed and then change your mind and try to wake us all up until yeah cuz I felt bad here in Vietnam it’s basically 4:00 a.m. every time you stream a I basically use your streams as a background voice to sleep M that’s nice I also always listen to something on the TV to fall asleep what or utan streams what what what what what you mean what what do you mean the one collab uh we had for that one game a long time ago where I used the art where we were all monkeys or I know it’s a monkey but yeah the gorilla something is that what you’re referencing the fasmo collab that was gorilla yeah but that’s really late oh wait you know you’re just like making a joke about gorilla streams and orur Udan streams and monkey streams or whatever that’s what you’re saying man ah didn’t get it I didn’t understand your joke Council got delayed that day wait was it council’s debut that got delayed I completely forgot that their debut got delayed H H that was a thing that’s why I made that [Music] stream yeah I on cuz it was a weekend and we were keeping like some stream times open for the debuts but then it didn’t [Music] happen yeah that was kind of nice that was fun everybody was like getting together just you know for a normal stream but we were all having fun I mean the viewers [Music] too good times good times good times you know it’s always nice I’m I’m generally always excited for new people to join actually I say that now but I think it may have been different at times um especially in the beginning cuz um you know I just felt like you know we we were doing fine but generally I feel like you know it’s always exciting to have new people and I’m I’m open for it and all that uh it adds excitement and it adds new great friendships like narissa for example but then at the same time I’m also like feeling nostalgic and kind of miss the times where we were less people cuz it was we were all like doing more stuff together just because we were less people and we were you know closer uh bonded and you know it was like yeah when it was only myth it was just about us and yeah like not saying that uh I want everything to be about us but it’s just like um it felt more like a small close-knit family m and then the more people join the more it feels like at the same time that everything has scattered like this closet family of myth like you know like may maybe cie will go and be close with like Iris and Bales and do stuff with them which is great like there’s no problem with that just like me like I also get close and do other stuff with other people but you know what I’m trying to say it’s just like times change and then the interactions change and the collab change and everything kind of changes the focus changes the vibe changes the atmosphere changes and both are great things to have both are great times both are great great eras in h live English but I’m sure that people who also have been watching since the early days when it was just myth I’m sure you guys also kind of can relate a little bit because those times were really precious and special to me and to the others too I think and probably to you guys [Music] too yeah oh now I feel little emotional I don’t know why I don’t know why [ __ ] I got tears in my eyes I got too emotional I don’t know why I’m crying I don’t even know [Music] why how did we get here from a gorilla joke okay I’m good I’m okay I’m okay yeah getting nostalgic and sentimental oh [ __ ] okay okay let’s just finish these super [Music] chats you unknown things for the red super [Music] chat what the [ __ ] man I need a tissue I hate it when all the fle them goes into my throat YouTube crashes my browser every time I try to send a super chat but nothing can stop me from giving you money you did so amazing today I’m super proud of you Wawa thank you thank you yeah you made it in time all good thank you for the big support thank you don’t make me cry again Coral go you little [ __ ] you little [ __ ] man don’t don’t hit me with the feels if you read the Super Chat I sent earlier you will laugh what from today from today uh uh uh from today today today today today uh I don’t see one what how much earlier I don’t see it I’m scrolling okay I calmed down though it’s okay last banging ah it last member stream what I’m not gonna go there now let me finish this thank you unknown thank you soon wait so are you are you still there or did you you you flew right you flew back to Australia I hope I hope you didn’t miss too much of the stream cuz you were so worried about it welcome back to Australia how’s the weather is it hotter in Australia or in Thailand probably in Thailand right you didn’t miss anything y nice weather is cool and nice really pretty cold in Australia really damn it’s cold now town is probably more humid yeah I can imagine it’s Autumn now oh yeah right you’re the other way around right it’s not spring I guess it’s Autumn and then it will be winter you’re not going towards Summer right now right I totally forgot that for a moment we’re going towards Summer but not you so is spider sees that was also like a an an an argument to why the [ __ ] are you guys all Barefoot I know I talked about this yesterday now I’m bringing it up again but to my Australian viewers is this really a pretty common site to see so many people run around barefoot in Australia might I I taste the snot e it happens I don’t even I don’t even want to judge you because as a child I was barefoot more often not even only on the grass even on the pavement and it’s nice if you feel like the neighborhood or so that you’re walking in is like clean enough like no no glass sharts or whatever to do that you know that’s nice but yeah can’t be so sure about it yeah that was a childhood I would never touch anything on the street with my bare skin is it so dirty then maybe [ __ ] it’s not maybe spider poop is all over you just don’t see it how big is spider poop huh how depends on the spider I guess how big is spider poop the real questions not an inches I want to know in wa I’m going to look at pictures e e e what did I expect e it’s like just a [ __ ] ton of dots ha [ __ ] ton but somehow it looks very disgusting oh that’s disgusting oh oh that’s so disgusting but those must have been pretty big spiders I think that’s pretty big spiders oh this is not a picture of poop this is a picture of wait maybe it’s poop and spiders cuz I see a [ __ ] ton of small spiders on top of something that maybe I don’t even know average ay spider okay I need to I need to spit out the snot to let’s finish this I think there were like two or so yeah Cannonball Dan Alvar danash and I am a danash I’m going to spit out all my not now spit and blow it out but I’m not going to swallow this [ __ ] again I’m going to sprit it out so in German we say in schedule a little bit later today by oh disgusting disgusting [Music] waa bye-bye [Music]

This video, titled ‘【HARDCORE MINECRAFT】FINALE, ENDERDRAGON FIGHT! Survive till the end! #kfp #キアライブ’, was uploaded by Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-05-19 14:40:33. It has garnered 63708 views and 6806 likes. The duration of the video is 04:25:51 or 15951 seconds.

👑 stream my new song, CHIMERA! 👑 https://cover.lnk.to/CHIMERA

👀 Takanashi Kiara 1st Album “Point of View” 👀 Streaming: https://cover.lnk.to/PointofView


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Ending screen by @akira0053 and @grape.daze most backgrounds by https://twitter.com/exile_eden

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Shaders: Sildur https://sildurs-shaders.github.io/ =========================

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    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW https://www.twitch.tv/glidingtheow Read More

  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

    Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Redeeming your gift card is how you’ll arrive. To start the process, follow these steps with care, And soon you’ll be building, exploring everywhere. First, scratch off the code, it’s your key to the game, Then head to the website, where you’ll enter your claim. Input the digits, make sure they’re all right, And soon you’ll be playing, day and night. If you encounter issues, don’t fret or despair, There are tips and tricks to help you repair. Check your connection, your account, and more, Soon you’ll be back in the… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭 When you accidentally fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft and all you can do is cry emoji 😭😭 #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems #memesfordays Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k – Watch Now!

    Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 15:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #shorthair, #shorthairdontcare, #pixiecut, #shorthairstyle, #shorthairideas, #shorthaircut, #pixiehaircut, … Read More

  • Mind Control Golem Strikes Mikey

    Mind Control Golem Strikes MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-03-14 16:30:09. It has garnered 2519 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:21 or 2181 seconds. JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos…. Read More

  • Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt’s Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀

    Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt's Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘best discord server2024 in Minecraft mcpe’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Lytt on 2024-06-15 18:13:36. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:26 or 146 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #dicord #feathersmp #mrgamerzLytt #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #lapata SMP #lawless MP #ujala SMP Read More

  • INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViral

    INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft knockback elevator 🤣 #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-01-30 03:35:01. It has garnered 2624 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. **Description:** Join the fun in this video! My friend and I activated the slow-falling command (255) and equipped knockback 2 swords. In a 2×2 hole, we playfully spammed hits on each other, using the knockback to launch ourselves out of the hole. The excitement builds as, finally, we ignite a TNT cube, bringing a spectacular end to our playful antics. 🚀… Read More

  • Unbelievable Montage of China’s Top CPVP Player

    Unbelievable Montage of China's Top CPVP PlayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘China’s Best Restricted | Minecraft CPVP Montage’, was uploaded by ItzLuxifer on 2024-06-22 01:58:59. It has garnered 218 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. Best restricted #cpvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #pvpmontage #minecraftpvp #minecraftshorts ==================================== Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit /… Read More


    INSANE FACECAM REACTIONS IN ICYCRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE BUT FACECAM (CS AND 1v1s)’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-04-15 01:52:09. It has garnered 491 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:18 or 4398 seconds. https://discord.gg/rusSpbPq hello guys this is my eleventh EVER LIVE STREAM so thats pretty cool but im gonna play minecraft on hive and zeqa AND u can play with meee ZEQA And HIVE With YOU (Hive Live) JOIN UPP MY FIRST EVER LIVE STREAM!!! (Hive Live) JOIN UPP Tags for algorithm (Credits to Squad of bozos) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock… Read More

  • “Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥” #games

    "Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥" #gamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Make Giant Pixel Art in Minecraft Fans 🤯💥 #games’, was uploaded by Car Moon on 2024-01-06 03:15:26. It has garnered 338 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWAR

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWARVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EPISODE 1 (LIVE SERIES) | NEW WORLD NEW JOURNEY | POTATOWAR | #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by PixelNinja on 2024-04-14 17:52:39. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:46 or 3586 seconds. SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE A LIKE.. . . . 🎮 Welcome to the ultimate gaming destination! 🎮 Dive into a world where pixels come to life and every quest is an adventure waiting to unfold! 🌟 🔥 Join me on heart-pounding journeys through virtual realms, where we conquer bosses, unlock secrets, and level up our skills! 💪… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SUMMONING: 5 STAR TITAN VS SKIBIDI TOILETVideo Information This video, titled ‘JAYGRAY TRIỆU HỒI THÀNH CÔNG NHỮNG LOẠI TITAN SIÊU CẤP TRONG MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS TITAN 5 SAO’, was uploaded by JayGrayTV on 2024-04-15 12:46:17. It has garnered 124930 views and 2672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. JAYGRAY SUCCESSFULLY SUMMONED SUPER TITAN IN MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS 5 STAR TITAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video interesting, please do to Please give me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE (1 like and 1 subscription) to the channel ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO JAYGRAY CHANNEL ➡️ http://goo.gl/QVHm0m​ 🔥 “GOAL” TO REACH 1 MILLION… Read More


    POLLANDQue tal camarada! Te presento POLLAND Un server donde puedes crear, destruir y transformar tu experiencia a tu gusto nwn, un survival-custom con factions listo para ser jugado! Contamos con: Jobs Misiones (Mas de 1220) Historia/lore Factions Custom Weapons-Enchants-Armors Koths/Zona pvp Razas Y muchas muchas cosas mas!!! es un server raro pero unico, a que esperas para unirte a nuestra comunidad!!! play.polland.us Read More

  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Veiled Haven SMP – A vanilla+ Minecraft experience (Java 1.20.6). Join our community for a balanced and consistent gameplay. We maintain a mature and respectful atmosphere with an age restriction of 16+ and whitelist. Connect with us on Discord for seamless communication and coordination. Apply on our website https://veiled-haven.net/ for quick approval and access to our whitelist. Let’s build, explore, create, and connect together! We can’t wait to see you in-game! 👋🌠 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More