Ultimate Fear Nightfall Modpack LIVE – Chaos Ensues!

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you [Music] is for [Music] [Music] [Music] for uh hello uh I don’t know why it didn’t play the intro which is a bit odd uh hello uh I’m going to have to look into that play the intro my audio sounds good hold on all right so hello here from the background um I’m playing Minecraft basically a spooky Minecraft and uh yeah I so G so I’ve played on this world before in a stream although the stream itself was bad quality the mic audio kind of messed up but um Ching I’m thinking of what should do during the stream well let’s start off with a pretty simple thing of getting more spikes around my the base of my base I think that’ll be a nice thing to get kind protect it from mobs make spikes you get bamboo and you get wood slabs I want to do that what do I drop Willow okay fish and sticks and ather dirt all this bamboo what other things can I actually make with bamboo paper lantern flute stick paper wall scaffolding seed pouch pocket bamboo bamboo Bamboo M Block light bulb all right know those pretty nice what we have here I’ve cleared out quite a lot of land to make this cool little base and um hello really good idea you know of course it’s not recording my no it is recording my game let me just check stream just make sure yep okay okay I’m kind of out in a p in right now well I do want I think I I do like playing on the server and all but I don’t know why it is just always the worst feeling of playing on someone else’s server cuz it’s someone else’s server playing on someone else’s server and just kind of not being able to save the progress you make and not like be able to go back onto whenever you want I don’t know like it doesn’t always that matter it’s not like I’m going to be playing that much longer on the server but like I don’t know so I have the two options of do I want to make my own server or what I think that’s what I’m going to do and whenever my friends play on the server I’m just going to join them on it so I’m and beg them to play on the server sounds like a good idea to me so it looks like I’m just going to be starting [Music] over [ __ ] [Music] man I don’t mean to open that up okay let me just lock my my screen onto Minecraft for a minute here of course I don’t think it’s actually going to stay okay here let’s just have it on the AFK screen and video settings not video sets music and sound all right assist me let me just do a bit of research real quick assist me [Music] okay let’s [Music] see let me get a bit of music well no I already have the background audio playing so change I need help at once Forge I don’t think it’s Forge damnation I guess it’s just [Music] forge okay hold on assist me verion software damnation mod packs curse Forge and the one that I’m playing is assist me do Nightfall so be in the F category [Music] yes let’s go it’s actually a mod in the server list okay just reinstall I don’t think that I had anything on it proba we get a backup for the server though I need help at once curse Forge fear Nightfall start up server all right the uh server is starting up let me turn on audio to see everything sounds good everything sounds good yeah sounds like it I don’t know why it says mcraft Minecraft there we goes there all right assist me allow whatever so yeah the server starting up wasn’t really planning this I was just kind of planning to play on the server I’ve been playing on for quite a while you know dude it’s something with me man I just cannot play on a server where I don’t have control of saving and going back to whenever I want it kind of eats at me [Music] [Music] server is about up though hold on anyone is here please wait it is about to start need at damn [Music] Nation assist me give it a second man come on it’s taking a second I guess something to talk about while it’s loading up is um the thumbnail I made for the live stream it is um it’s pretty good I mean I mean it’s not my you know crap in the picture but I figured out how to use pngs now to because they don’t have background you can kind of put them in they work that’s just me so with a tad bit of um work I can figure out how to make cool thumbnails of how just outlining them [Music] I’m guessing starting up a server for the first time takes a bit a bit of time cuz I am starting this Ser for the first time so you know give it a minute I need help at there it is now it’s back [Music] up now it’s on a timer to okay now I just got to find the IP for server hold on I’m trying to figure out the server trying to find the connect to Ser server page hold on I’m just trying to connect to the server now won’t take but a second why isn’t it showing me the server oh okay there it is I’m just [Music] stupid stop me you know what that’s why hold [Music] on okay yep there we go and let me take it off watch no hold I’ll put it back on the F screen oh well never mind the person got off welcome to the server wildes cobwebs inventory let me turn turn back on the music music on I’ll try it at like 10 yeah but what can I do with the berries seed pouch Castle rep stack oh gosh voice crack looks like I can’t do much of it a bit of an odd house placement like what why did that happen [Music] I got like an explosion demon outside my house or something oh that’s a mob spawner block of gold I don’t think that’ll be able to pick it up like that okay yeah that’s good at all I have to come back for that gold though that’s kind of a valuable looking resource welcome to Minecraft um I’ll just check chat every once in a while oh yeah I need to take it off the AFK screen right full screen was that okay no okay I fixed it screen should be good now so I’m going to find in an ideal place to live wherever that may be and then I’m going to hear meow there so the water effect on the roof is pretty cool I probably should have worked on making a boat what is that like bro what I got to get out of here it’s crazy I’m thinking of probably living next to a jungle cuz jungle is where I can get bamboo I’m going to try to stop the temptation of um cheating and stuff code word on try grave soil tell you what I’ll take those candles cuz feel like I’m going to need them uh there’s no wood here sadly so looks like I’m just going to have to deal with um those I’m have to get a lighter for those dude that actually scared the crap out of me okay I’m just going to die apparently they’re quicker than me deepling Brute you know I really wish I didn’t live on a raven I wish I didn’t live on an island I I’m pretty sure I live on an island right now a soul campfire [Music] pumpkin what can I do with pumpkins sugar don’t like how I have the option to use Mo eggs cultivated pumpkin pumpkin p P pie sounds pretty good all right so game plan um I basically live on a deserted island about you but I don’t want to live on an island so I’m going to make a boat and see if I can travel the Seas and find myself a comfy place now I’m going to have to hit this tree um quite a lot since mod pack makes you hit hit of trees a lot they don’t give the easy way out with these although it does save your progress at least if I don’t like go off of it it just kind of resets the whole thing of course it resets if I let go of it not about you I don’t know about you but gosh these Willow saplings they’re pretty dope I like them these trees they’re just their wood is I like it no not that and let’s make a pick boom oh that’s nice You Can Craft boats like that don’t know what version of Minecraft this is and I’m guessing it’s probably the caves and cliffs update but I don’t know we’ll just have to see in due time I’m hoping it’s gazing close but this is where I died nearby earlier I think if it is if I go this way I should find my body oh hey would you look at that a floating rotting corpse I think I may just drop something back there now I got to recheck the body boom Oh I just now realized dude what’s behind me I don’t like how I can’t see it oh one of those things dude you kidding me I’m just going to keep running for it dude map please load dude okay I’m actually freaking afraid right now what’s going on oh like please it’s a Elder Guardian like I’m cooked I’m actually just cooked the map won’t load quick enough like why is the whole map underwater what okay I’ve came to a conclusion I’ve made my conclusion no I’m just I’m just going to just make another boat and just kind of go out again although I do learn from my mistakes I’m not going anywhere near that Temple again I just literally off this stupid island like there was quite Lally a village underneath the water let me getb my phone real quick all right okay boat as long as I don’t run into one of those bruts I should be good yeah since I’m on a I guess smaller server size it uh doesn’t load as quick might have gotten away from those things chasing me but um and the map wasn’t loading quick enough sorry but did the server I get get just like put me on like an abandoned Island this really looking that way it’s about to be night time and and I don’t really want to deal with being on a trapped Island right now I think I got a bit turned around I got those things chasing me oh a pirate ship that’s probably be like a boss and that I’m not even going to touch that like what did it just load me onto like an island in the middle of nowhere is Minecraft Trolling me right now now oh not this again give me away from that stupid Temple a bunch of string ah Mass more land cow site let me pick my boat up what an fun looking place like how there’s dead coral on the Flor that’s pretty neat oh one of those caves I’m going to travel as far as I can in this direction just to see to make sure it’s not one of those like tiny islands that um it’s not just like a world gen that’s just like a a bunch of tiny Islands what I’m seeing so far doesn’t look like that which is good we even got some dope Bridges here yeah okay it looks like it’s a big land mass it’s not just a little island must have just got very unlucky with World gen Al do although I do want to stup bit of searching before I set up camp anywhere wax cloth herbal jar herb jar mean p morar pleas don’t break no okay good very interesting I have to take this stuff for having for later research this will be a good place to kind of stay at in case Nightfall hits here’s another area here just in case I need backup mortar and pesle although I do not think I want to stay here a beehive cave finds very well let’s keep moving I’m out of here oh no get me out of that bush why did that do so much damage this place doesn’t look inviting whatsoever got skull moss in here but more gold not about you but this looks like a pyramid to me doesn’t look like it leads anything though I need to find a real good place to base at it needs to be very precise I’m thinking is find a place that’s very nice and flat that or if I can’t find a place that’s flat make a place that’s flat creepers in the mod a bigger hassle than in any other mod although I am getting very hungry I do need to find food soon oh there is VC in this mod too I would attack an animal but they will fight back if I try to kill them sadly I’m down to three hunger now are these berries rose bush I guess I have these berries but I do need to save one Berry for myself to plan later I think these berries could provide a rather good food resource ideally if I do manage them well this seems Grave Digger I didn’t gra dig any grave but now I kind of want to now maybe living by the shore would be nice this could be a nice place here Sandy grass oh yeah this looks like a great place here honestly I’m kind of down for this place all right very well I will live here now let’s pull my forbidden toome campaign sleeping okay I have a bed dude crap this isn’t good cookie I just got to elevate the skeleton I should ah let’s go okay so it looked like he dropped me some good good goodies here soap anyways he dropped me grave metal scrap with grave metal scrap and copper ingots I can get myself a grave Metal Ingot which can give me these really good weapons this is kind of the Grave metal is pretty common on mobs especially skeletons you find them a lot on a glow Berry what can I make of glowberries crow on came it well it looks like it’s going to be going into my mouth I am too hungry not to be eating it although it didn’t really help much all right let’s just get to work on tree Gathering and tools this is a very Place nice place I have here although I do need to find something to heal [Music] myself let’s see what type of wood do we have here we have maple let’s plant the berry and check back on it later all right our tone book shall help us out the time Cycles differently the days being 40 minutes long usually save a night being 20 minutes long a challenge to survive you also have sanity be aware of the dark tips don’t waste time explore gather provision Provisions passive mods will attack you back like the cows we saw fear of the Nightfall sanity click to disable Phantoms that’s the campaign started book plast brick so these are all different routes I can go down into crafting and it looks like they’re all ready all right so I’m going to try to do the quest to murder a cow that’ll be a good start although it looks like I have to try to kill three we have to do it all [Music] right okay that’s pretty easy I thought they were not going to go down one hit so since I killed the cow there and the chicken I got the rewards for cow the chicken what about sheep obtain sheep I do need a kill a sheep for the quest plus I might as well do it for the food [Music] too let’s not go too ham here though I do need to save some of these for farming later oh okay I need to take part of these scarecrows that gives me wheed which is you get another piece of food I can have where is it at here boom three pieces of bread this will get me healed up so I need to really get ready for night huh crap okay it’s not going to be long we’re going to get ready for we’re going to make a base I’m going to try to decorate it to the best of my ability wheat seeds know what I just click this little sand bar right here okay I got a nice little area here I think I should build it in the ground yeah it’s getting nearby dark now now the cre music is starting to play once Night hits Everything Will Change for the worse [Music] I’m going to get a lot more um Birch I think Birch will be my main source of wood [Music] what is that okay one two three four 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 four five six seven 8 9 10 I’m going to DOA back here I need to get a shovel I need to really hurry this up I need to get more Birch all of it crap so much to do so little time a come on craft me up boom I think I had a cave around here no it doesn’t look like it one 2 3 4 5 five six 7 8 let’s pick up the crafting table the bed craft me a furnace class let’s see what type of glass can I make here we got some flowers over here p pink D okay looks like we’re having pink Windows unless I can collect enough roses for red Windows red Windows seem to be the way dude that dude that sheep does not look normal Rose 40 that’ll be good enough I’m not really a fan of how the house looks I don’t think I am I’m sure I got to get one more Mossy Cobble Stone over here a tiny moon has appeared so when that text pops up it it doesn’t always mean tiny it’s it can be large uh blood moon and it kind of changes up what it does but I don’t know what a tiny Moon does okay the glass nighttime has fallen upon me looks like it’s not going to let up for a while we got to get the windows soon night time sure did hit pretty fast I really don’t like how fast it came there okay so that’s the Tiny Moon right there as you can see the Moon is really tiny since we got the text poping up saying tiny tonight’s going to be a tiny Moon give me I got to get a [Music] sword dude the fear I felt there I don’t know if I would why is there so many [Music] mobs why is there so many mobs [Music] why my poor house why was there just a whole I got to get my bed in place set or else I lose my spot crap kiding my inventory is full crap got to place my bed okay I set my spawn point well at least they cleared me out a basement are you kidding me don’t place my sword in [Music] [Music] there stay dead crap I dropped my sword okay my the whole premise of my inside Mouse is kind of secure now but now I’m trapped outside and not in my [Music] house I think I got to make a move and secure my house now I think I just kind of got to keep cooking glass so I have a light source a crap I don’t want to break my bed how far is the night is it into the night dude it’s not even halfway inight [Music] [Music] okay I have an idea I’m going to try to cook this and turn it into charcoal [Music] boom I got a piece of charcoal and boom I got four [Music] torches one two three I’ve only placed three where Happ to the other one crap I’m going to try to go down here and deal with Mobs crap I need iron for that if I can find one iron bar off his zombie corpse wood I got some coal here for extra torches this will help out a lot well I guess since the mob so graciously helped make this I might as well get a start on making the any basement they did really did a lot of work I must say crap okay know [Music] okay crap I don’t know what to do now my body’s stuck in the hole dude it is like a whole mob Fest down there you kidding me well I guess I just got to start fresh until I can that’s if I had wood crap lots of glass what to do what to do [Music] oh no he was trying to drag me down I ain’t doing that okay I’m just going to cover that up I have one log here no let’s let’s see my options scks I can make a sword if I were to dig up four pieces of wood off my floor or if I dig five then I’d be able to get a pickaxe and craft some torches I think that’d be the way to go let’s take them off here one two three make sure that’s my bedet on that block it is four crap okay I blocked it up it’s fine crap dude my bed no are you kidding me I lost my bed bro I ain’t doing that I’m sorry but I’m pulling up the I’m put on AFK okay screen real quick options I maybe do doing a bit of cheating here that’s only because I want to get my um assist me on Crea okay can I please go into creative please force game mode there you go assist me okay let’s get the screen back I’m just going to be doing this to get back to my body I almost made it throughout the whole night it was so close the Tiny Moon is making it so I’m falling forgive me for what I’m doing I don’t do this but for some reason my bed got destroyed I’m like a mile away I just th the world this is my first night in Nightfall man this mod pack is not a use see what is this little thing I have night vision oh that’s yeah that’s what I put on I know like if there’s a because this is a tiny moon right now event so like you have like more gravity I’m guessing the other the minor moon will make it see of like enhanced mining the big moon uh you the big moon I know you like kind of um how do I say it you have less gravity so you can like jump higher and maybe your character is bigger blood moon I haven’t figured out what blood moon does though I’m almost back what is that on the distance is like an underground dungeon or something no it’s just these pumpkin things in this little Monument I believe my base is somewhere around here yep okay we’re bad at it no just kidding somewhere around here it is you know intense music it’s not really the time Yep this is it here oh well perfect it last me all the way until I got here I want to see was there a mob spawner down here Oh no just literally a cave under my base that’s actually kind of nice all right looks like it’s stay now okay normal survival intense music is not the time okay well my first night was absolutely perfect there was just nothing that went wrong I totally didn’t die like seven times going to plant these saplings that is one spooky looking Pig one way to get Sandy pretty normal one way to get sanity is um yeah throwing those eggs and then like they like hatch something like how 90% of the mobs were just coming from that cave like nowhere else may perhaps need to get fixed hey spider bye spider let’s see no I don’t want you here okay staircase here jeez okay let’s even out the glass a [Music] bit no that looks odd does it yeah that looks odd go through pick up all the broken glass get all this stupid sand cuz this is what got me killed I’m pretty sure last night stop it please [Music] I’m thinking that’s probably the look I want to go for [Music] [Music] maybe yeah it looks good I don’t know when I got this [Music] but I have a backpack I also have like millions of friends down there my gosh yep lots of friends down there Sly no iron yet I still need to get that actually no I’m just going to make a double bed boom oh yeah let’s get [Music] um bit more coal [Music] can I like make the Torches a stone [Music] lamp mixing cauldron [Music] very well I shall make my basement out of stone [Music] Stone pick Let’s get stone axe so my main priority for quite a while is just getting my place safe I think that’s the go to [Music] dude they’re [Music] mining no they’re not maybe stop bro every time I go away they start mining [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like what I got plenty of okay [Music] how nice does that look of course doesn’t look nice yet because I don’t have a fully built but I think I need about like two furnaces to speed up the process I shall do so then sheesh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I really need the stone to craft up [Music] quick that is total bull crap how they can mine those blocks [Music] okay I got to do something about this these mobs have had control for long enough [Music] [Music] f [Music] [Music] I got to eat The Rock [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] okay I got to block off the hole if I think I can block it off I’ll be good bro no way okay we killed all the skeletons and we somewhat cleared this place we liberated it I think I’m going to put everything of mine away in a chest and then just kind of go around in there and clear off as much as I can not really going on a mission to come back but mission to reduce mob spawns maybe it could be good to start off the mission with full health here we go all right let’s get him let’s get my stone sword I don’t know if this is a good use of my time but it’ll be something off the checklist to do come on just look how many there are can I even kill them as quick as they spawn [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay I was going to go down the clear but I did get some really good stuff from that so I’m going to drop it off real quick I just got to clear it out again [Music] of course my dead body is in the way oh may as well get a start on um doing some things man new SPID is annoying [Music] uhoh okay well that’s a good start crap [Music] yeah okay I’m not doing this I’m just going to put it on Peaceful this is actually ridiculous on how many spiders and Bobs there are it’s a pretty good start I guess such a stupid amount of mobs down here my God gosh all right I’m going to get more torches to clear out that mine look how good this ax is this should be about good enough to clear it out yeah know in this mod the mob spawns are just ridiculous I truly just don’t want you to breathe if you end up like in a case of mine where you just build your base on top of a cave you’re just kind of done for there we go that’ll be good enough for now hopefully that’ll keep all the mob spawns away from my freaking house okay let’s set it back to normal then put it in this chest so now I can go cave exploring I need a bit of iron three pieces should be enough I should save that for night okay or is coming along iron let’s pull up my book to make a metal hook it’s a bit of iron was was stick iron nugget it was like Cleaver now I get the Sheep bodies let me me whisper oh that’s a pleasant sight to see F of a sheep conveyor belt all right well all of this has been deeply disturbing MK wow okay looks like I’m getting eyeballs then I think the server’s lagging a bit no okay keep BL all right we need to get a bunch of wood before nighttime CLE as much wood as we can oh my berry bush is growing a [Applause] bit three berries [Applause] the more wood we get the better [Applause] [Applause] I’m guessing it’s not night time yet [Applause] prably if I can I need to find some sheep for wool luckily looks like I had been answered more the better [Applause] clear this looks bit off got plenty of wood let’s rotate it around not like that there we [Music] go for how do I make a hatch hatch hatch hatch where where where that’s how you make a hatch oh man I hate you I hate you even more night time has come m [Music] [Music] okay oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes like it’s a pretty little l turns nine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well outside doesn’t really seem that friendly right now [Music] [Music] sheep rack [Music] [Music] I’m slowly kind of building down there down here think I need to replace these can you seriously not break a stone lamp with a pickaxe oh I did it with an axe whoops [Music] [Music] you know it is just lovely outside right [Music] [Music] now okay of course out of all things has to be a spider jockey he has a ax and [Music] everything no he does have SW still [Music] oh great and he turned into a ghastly ghoul [Music] gotta love my lucky [Music] I got to get glass in the [Music] center I just grabb the bus come [Music] on stone brick lamp [Music] [Music] h looks like I’m not going outside for [Music] tonight there is a small bit amount of M [Music] out nothing too long crap how do I make a [Music] ladder okay just a plank in the middle [Music] [Music] let’s see then right here one crap [Music] basement’s about finished I mean it’s looking pretty good um sheh absolutely horrendous outside [Music] oh holy holy crap all right let’s get to place some more torches down here got to get this place lit up S with Mobs will ever attack me again over here seems pretty good let’s light up this way a bit okay hold on yeah okay my settings are good copper well that’s not ominous ominous at all just a little torch okay we got a Rapid File fire guy here okay like look at this how are they going to allow this and the funny thing there let off at all like come on get get close yeah now you’re stuck in the hole now you’re done for I see I just deflected an arrow off my head you you’ll just keep me [Music] okay I absolutely despise you freaking skeleton no way I was about to die to a rapid fire skeleton I’m going to go to my butcher room some animal carcasses never mind I’ll just die actually okay I guess I’m not dead well you know it was dude I actually hate creepers like I can’t actually I can’t actually do anything like how are creepers able to detonate through a freaking wall I’m just going to add me to block at them that’s great je I should be good I mean like come on man they would have blew up my bed too where did I even die at all right Minecraft we can go back to the beds in the basement I feel like the basement’s going to be so much more better of a place to have my bed at okay let me fix the corners up I don’t know why my sanity isn’t going down at all I should be going down did I not accept the Quest for sanity I think that may be it as OD as that sounds let’s see cap tutorial sanity being hungry consuming and getting wet yeah let’s go touch some water get let’s go like go underwater and see if that starts making us lose sanity yep okay Sandy is still a play in this world I guess it’s just I’ve been lucky and haven’t been losing sanity let’s fix my house up my berry bushes have been growing soon that’ll be a nice resource let’s get back to butchering mobs red glass red glass there it is there we go still need a roof oh gosh sheep racks are pretty nice the herb jar all right let’s see if I can get a bit of iron maybe I’ll get a bit of copper too iron here see in this pack iron is an insanely important thing it is something you do not want to run out of if you were able to have infinite iron in this mod pack you’d be set more important diamonds cuz iron is kind of used for like all of the crafting recipes for the mods I need to get a trying rag for leather I don’t think iron armor will be the way I think getting um a special uh metal armor from the mobs will be the way to go can’t be doing that no way he dropped a potato that is actually very dope much copper six iron should be a start actually I’ll grab this too magma I know magma is needed for something so I’m collecting it while I need it while I can at least while I remember it’s here I’m sure I’m going to forget about it oh crap this is a water cave I need to like go downwards preferably that’s what do I do with Magma again blast bricks that’s what I need it for although I do need Nether Bricks which [Music] so be able to get that for a bit put in the all let’s see if I can find some clay I need to go check a river pumpkin guy in the water yikes yeah I’m going to need a shovel go back up F on there sugar cane right there I need to grab that let’s go grab the sugar cane maybe I can make a pumpkin farm and make pumpkin pie I would need chickens though for that yeah I’m thinking of making a wall around a large wall around my base and then getting wooden spikes and then my whole base will just kind of be secure although that’s going to take a lot of wood in preparation but if I can do it then I’ll have a secure compound until I do it I’m just going to be really I guess not safe I to put it I guess let’s cook up some clay Coke bricks Coke bricks is what I’m needing that’ll be nice St well probably I should make an iron pickaxe and cover up the top of sandstone I need to get enough more Stone to finish bottom to finish the walls working making this whole thing nice looking all the stone see9 bricks get more was C stand some in the middle that around I don’t put I don’t let’s see book lever I need paper Le slab string go that okay let’s see what was I needing I need paper someone tells me sugar can is not going to grow as quick as I need it to be paper BR should be good good I hide can I make a book out of cowhide does not look like I can that was fine cuz we’ll get my rotten fles and that will dry and that’ll turn into leather and I can make a book out of that all right I need nine more there we go it’s finished the basement is looking good now we stop cooking that now all right I need to get more clay shouldn’t be too much more that I’ll need down get the rest of my clay [Applause] this will do me good to My Sweet Berry bush and see how many sweet berries I have this will be my sweet ber bush area boom got some tender L I don’t know why there hasn’t been any music playing recently okay I need that okay let’s get finished up with the furnace let’s see I need Sandstone three more coke bricks all there that looks nice need a little decoration for my bed I don’t think this is enough yeah I need three more oh my uh other was done nice all right let’s make the book okay we got the book one stick [Music] crap how’s a made lever there we go and one book one lever will’ll make Engineers guide and then next I need the engineer Hammer let see surely I got some string around here engineer Hammer there boom we got our Forge and now we do a lot of charcoal for it okay we need to gather up a lot of wood for night time seems like we’re going need a new axe [Applause] just get as much wood as I can before nightfall I’m going to do chest organization in a bit heck let me just let me get a meat chest clear I’m probably going to change it from meat to animal or food chest yeah I think I’ll do that H food and like seeds and stuff there you go all right let’s get more wood oh crap I need to ro my base never really thought of getting that let’s raise the roof to one level higher Birch all right I’m feeling a lot more secure in my house let’s get some torches outside I got to hurry before night all right let’s see if I can cut down a few more trees before night time heads [Applause] [Applause] I’m surprised night time has lasted this long oh yeah the rain’s starting to get to my [Applause] character oh sheep I shouldn’t kill that [Applause] all right that’ll be a good good amount of wood I’m sorry I legitimately terrified right now I mean I know my monotone voice isn’t put the emphasis in it but I am actually I’m safe in your right I safe now no this is very I I don’t know why but I feel very cozy down here why is this one block off okay you know what look like all my words have went away nothing to be afraid of instead let’s just swap it out for Birch plks so it is officially nighttime now mobs are starting to appear outside yeah okay I’m closing that door okay trying to remember how this works is it wonder over that bar fully goes down at 3es see what happens when all the way down charcoal I mean that’s useful I guess but Coke crap I’m G to have to search it up hold on give me a minute let me search up how this thing works assist me [Applause] I’m sorry but I’m kind of doing something assist me so toil let’s go are some of the properties that these items now have a cold Coke a single cold Coke can Nowell 16 items in a furnace if you didn’t know block of coal or a single coal piece sorry that only smells eight items so once you’ve got wait so do I put just actual coal in [Music] there oh crap I turned all my coal on charcoal [Music] I guess I got to go down into the caves and see if I can I need help at find any coal D Nation assist me been better I kill him I hate how MOG mobs can dig that is actually terrible I hate that damnation okay so it is normal coal you [Music] need what how did you get in assist me I’m sorry but how are they getting in don’t tell me the zombies just crap dug into my base no way the mobs actually dug into the ground that’s not cool I need help at I wish the C I was mining didn’t get Camp by zombies H oh whoops I forgot to put my screen back to the game I don’t know who’s watching my live stream right now nothing’s too interesting on but whoever you are thanks for stopping by okay so apparently we just got Mining Zombies in the [Applause] game holy crap scared me [Music] like what do you expect me to do please you give mobs the ability to dig like please tell me game like game maker what are you thinking assist [Applause] me just give me a sec guys there please just give me a second these mobs are actually just straight up digging I hate that assist me any sense of security I had dude no way what don’t tell dude please dude are you absolutely kidding me right now I’ve been having my dude today is not my day I’ve been having my mobile data apparently been using it on my phone without noticing it like 5 gabes and now I’m down up to like 4.41 just because turn down the music the storm’s been going by so it’s been interrupting my phone connection with my actual internet so I just totally wasted so much oh yeah cuz we got a new internet password I forgot our old internet got cut off so we got new internet make a sky base that would be interesting dude the worst part is apparently I’ve been getting notifications on my phone that people have been talking my chat assist me i’ be EOC expert CL let’s Goos yeah like I just now noticed that people have been commenting on my uh live stream I never have noticed this whole time all right let’s get it back normal guy who suggested a sky base that sounds like a good idea but hold on that would I don’t know I’ve already gotten this far all right um actually I’ll just kind of be back in a second give me a sec [Music] y’all assist me uh I need help at once damnation [Applause] [Music] [Applause] assist me I’m back here I am thinking the stream is like a total dud I haven’t got like a single like message the whole time and then uh go to check my PC um uh stream instead of on my phone and then like I’m seeing all these messages popped up I’m like wow people been messaging this whole time and it’s just never been showing up on me and that’s kind of frustrating all right assist me let’s get back to it I you can actually see commenting coal Coke campfire campfire would be nice I I thinking of making a little a little uh fireplace kind of get that going on I’d have to do that in the morning though um what should I do y’all I do I got to say this this thing right here really is is kind of fiber I like how it makes the place [Music] look I think in the morning I’m going to start on building defenses I’m going to make the whole area around just kind of protected and make it a little village can you please stop saying by and you whoever is saying that okay well we got a kn I say I kind want to try to kill him come on dude holy crap I just got parried [Music] okay bro I actually just have a night outside my house R be like UNG guard like what I’m sorry but you can’t just take my health down like that that is not funny can I not cook monster flesh it’s like so mean rushy PL I’m going to wait to attack the giant Knight until I get healed up [Music] me gosh I was kind of scary I’m guessing it’s the night that keeps saying [Applause] that putting bamboo around base mess of their progam gramming um that does sound like a good idea but I’m going to make with with bamboo in this mod pack you can actually make um bamboo traps kind of like spikes and then it will just kind of kill the enemies and they walk on it so I’m planning to do that make a whole wall around my base I don’t know what you are you fre thing but bro I I’m literally getting parried okay hi here Brian oh gosh if he has ah so if you have Shield out I can [Applause] attack my gosh you okay well that’s extend a re S I need to get armor that would make things so much more [Applause] easier yeah every time he does that I just got to run yeah that’s giant yeah that that is a pretty big scarecrow guess I’m guessing that’s what it is dude he dropped a cool looking sword kind of want that okay grave metal okay so this the grave metal armor if you get the full set you’ll get resistance whenever you get below eight Hearts he also gave me a grave metal sword which does six hearts of damage so it’s a bit better than a stone sword so I want to save up to get the full armor set okay well I’m going to start working on getting my whole base walled off do I not have a okay well I’m going to get the smelting stuff too let’s get my food rock copper let’s get that smelting right I got to get a ax throw all this crap on the floor I’m not going to need do mod packs you get so much crap that’s never going to be used all right so I’m going to be mainly going for birch wood why don’t you use a bow against them uh I could get arrows for the bow well that’s what I meant to say a a arrows or getting arrows is the problem cuz that’d be a bit hard to come across at least early game but I mean I’m sure I can get a bow and use it temporarily but it won’t last me long but that is a good idea yeah I was thinking of getting something up while I was doing this [Music] I kind of went blank in the [Music] mind I’m sure it’ll come back to me though oh I remember let me put stream on real quick here I hear something next to me assist me I’m just going to do this real quick post a link to the Discord if anyone’s interested in joining it we got a small community there it’s it’s pretty ch chill we do a lot of meing and sometimes if people want to join up they can like I’m not too picky about fan interaction if people want to join me in public games and I’m down for it I I’ll let you join I’m here to have fun time suggestion get a get lava from the caves so then that zombies have a chance to spawn with a pickaxe zombies have a spawn spawn with a pickaxe can’t dig about get Hur like a lava trench bro like I’m looking at my phone and this big pointer dude comes crawling at me come on okay you’re actually kind of coming quick oh the lava trench idea does seem good good yeah although the amount of um Lava i’ would have to get for that kind of put it there will be an idea I’ll have though ah dude I picked up my items but it’s not actually showing my inventory I got to click my body [Music] again like you do half my health of damage a stalker that’s what that is I believe these guys can drop something real good for um weapon making but it’s like a 25% chance of getting it yeah he does like half your health but to be fair I am starting off I have no armor like what he has 100 Health two 120 yeah what are you going to do now bud okay dude I just can’t win can you not get inside here though looks like you can’t get in here you know I’ll take up that one of yours advice and just make a bow that’s if um I can do I have wood on me string I believe it’s like something like this right yep hey game well okay if my arrows would stop going through you please [Music] oh was oh he was at 40 I think no he’s at four let’s go power of teamwork playing the string noises I I keep getting these zenar zenor bars with these you can make an interesting armor [Music] set thing is it’s pretty hard to repair these things though you don’t have the bars for them because you I think you can only get him from those enemies oh The Siege sword that is pretty cool [Music] assembler oh yeah I was getting wood let’s get back to task yeah you know I was getting wood before the Grim Reaper showed up I want to go check out this house real quick before I go back to Wood mining it’s like flooding and everything Lantern I’ll take that oh gold that’s epic I’m going to see if I can break the mob spawner start spawning dude like why can’t that go down [Music] please you know like a friend said to me this is supposed to be fear evil not anger evil no no fear Nightfall not anger Nightfall that was actually terrible like come on I don’t care about these stupid barrels I’m getting out the L thing just wait till Nightfall put the lava bucket on the roof good I would be a good idea if my base wasn’t made out of wood now if I made my house a pyramid that would be a very good idea and it wasn’t made out of wood but since my house is made out of you know wood I don’t think my house would live the night rather even three minutes fig you actually need to kill you for a quest yeah that was very unfair no this kind of like Aral craft or except IR craft is just 100% unfair there was no fairness in that you’re just like mining some iron and then you have like an iron demon just come out of it and ruin your day or you know you breathe in a cave and then you have like 20,000 I don’t know demons breathing demons is Sun hi here Bri so it’s about halfway point in daytime I would push some mobs back here when attacking past mob same attack you yeah I don’t which is odd it has hasn’t been doing that but I’m pretty sure if I didn’t one shot the mob I was attacking that would be normally passive it would start attacking me maybe that’s why they weren’t attack they don’t attack me it’s cuz I just like one shot their friends and they’re like don’t register me attacking them or something all right I’m going to see if this is quite a decent amount of um wood I got like the 3:00 a.m. challenge like music playing right now okay now I got to figure how to make a fence okay so it’s two w in the middle and stick stick no oh I just made a gate dude I don’t know maybe I need 16 gates Gates is how many I made I made 16 gates that’s that’s not the end of the world I guess Birch fence all right so let me kind of start showing how I’m going to do it how far should I start out um probably about here crap um it’s like half half of this crap ground foror here on this [Applause] side I actually make it three wide how far I go got to go this not that far my sh’s going to break soon might as well all the durability use on it and clear the top so I don’t have to worry about it crap I’m GNA break my iron pick too where the sacrifice I guess what kind of make with Sandstone oh wait I can actually make um stone tools out of sandstone that’s pretty useful I’m just going to work on clear the first layer first once I’m far enough into this y all will see what I’m trying to do here mostly just Sandstone here let me make room for these resources look at this a random crap I got inventory intense music why nothing even happened in you shouting at me I need to make more tool pickax and I’ll make a shovel while I’m at it for a bit wow I got six viewers this is actually my highest I’ve ever gotten welcome everyone you know playing a Minecraft horror pack if you’re fighting a monster and it has a lot of Health keep a l bucket to slow them okay now that is probably something I will do now of course I got to find the lava but once I find lava I will actually keep that in mind that is a good tip kind of like a cobweb PVP in Minecraft kind of like that but you know it actually does damage okay so I’m going to start off making just like that and then fencing need get on top the fence so now I got a little barrier that they can’t get over and on these little sides here I’ll put little traps if they run into the wall that’ll just kind of hit them and it will not be good for them now I may want to make it one more longer for SP for there to be space for the traps man why am I going insane right now they like artw work me I’m going insane guess like four wide one on this side since that’s less important protect this side because it’s quite where I’m going to beide of getting I should start off with getting the length of it okay right about here that’s how long my barrier will go crap Stone pick come on there ancient dirt I need to make another pickaxe not pickaxe shovel sand you gting from that stick stick and Sandstone boom shovel made out of complete sand I’m probably going to want to save the let me get a block chest on and somewhere too blocks all right that should up with inventory management what ancient dirt is all about you couldn’t escape the house ladder back where the game will forcefully put a Block near you the only way to escape his death interesting [Applause] anyone is interested oh Kyo Herobrine so one interesting thing about the fear pack this mod pack fear Darkness as a Herobrine will always just kind of be following you and watching and the more insane you are and the more you I guess annoy him because I don’t know how it actually works but you can do things to like annoy him to get him to mess with you more so I’m guessing if I were to kill more mobs he would get annoyed at me and start watching me if I start going insane too he’ll probably start watching me more so that’s interesting thing with the mod he also has possessed animals that will attack you too I’ve only seen one so far but of course my tools break again I’m just going to make two shovels I don’t think I’ll be able to finish the wall before night but we’ll see [Applause] come on there actually flowers bro all right time D to work on placing the wall Birch plag plank type beat no I don’t think he attacks I don’t think herrine attacks so according to Reddit the they should last about 40 minutes and night 20 that is correct that is precise yeah it days last 40 minutes while nights last that’s about there go night’s last some 20 you should have enough time let me look at the sun uh I don’t know it’s going to be close even if I finish the wall I’m going to have to place torches inside of the wall so mobs don’t spawn in [Music] bro that is [Music] [Music] annoying boom okay right here is where I’ll cut it off also one of the things can happen the more insane you are lot more if you’ll hear like footsteps around you see now that’s pretty cool [Music] really don’t like this music right now doesn’t look like I have enough wood to really finish this whoa what bro what are you holy crap I don’t want to die um I’m just going to heal up ow dude get the aborption all right time to finish him off is it like an a water Ender oh boy my English underwater Enderman all cursed drowned maybe didn’t make it like an Enderman death sound when it died though got to build a bit more walls oh that’s the gate [Music] have any more um wood birch wood I don’t have any birch wood the Mobs with pickaxes um well I’m thinking the pick I’m thinking the the traps I set up on the walls will kill them before they can start mining but for tonight I probably will just have to defend them off I don’t it’s better than nothing because instead of them being able to approach from everywhere they’re going to be at one opening in the wall stuff down well yeah I’ll just have to deal with them for the [Applause] night if I hurry up I may be able to three four five may be able to get it fully sealed off soon I gotta just almost barely sealed off but get into four stacks I almost made a gate I almost fell for that but I didn’t okay yeah the L breing stuff is just something a map to deal with almost finished see what was I G to do I was going to make an axe no not that tree that tree’s bees in it I’ll put up some gates soon so I can have um some entrances and ex exits unfor they making new base make it in the middle of an ocean stop mobs from coming because they can’t swim this is excluding the underwater Ender well from previously playing this a bit um the waters are actually infested with deadly um demon fish so yeah while I won’t have to deal with typical mobs I will have to deal with uh drowned um the Ender of the sea so I don’t know I feel like anywhere I go I’m still going to have problems but the water base doesn’t sound like a terrible idea that’s if I do Rec it near the wall SP on top let me jump over and we’ll do that in a bit bill on food oh crap it’s going to be night time any minute yeah this it’s starting to get cloudy out crap I’ll go back for that tree later I got to get the fencing made [Music] crap it’s totally night time now no I think I should be able to still um complete the fencing and have a bit of protection yeah like so you hear the walking there something’s watching me I feel that somebody is watching me [Music] yeah I just saw Herobrine there I think at least [Music] a baby skeleton crap bro and I’m going insane too so I’m hearing cre creepers hising even though they’re not [Music] there I need to get food I almost got [Music] it going outside is a bad decision yeah but I really want to get it for I almost got it compal pounded down probo I heard something walking up on me that’s scary yeah I’m starting to go marbles so I’m hearing things now actually there yeah like the creeper hising there come on [Music] game okay that’s a real creeper there that’s kind of actually SC [Music] scary okay like I’m actually kind of getting spooked now get this sign out of [Music] here like what is that is that a giant fish stop looking at me herob Brian you was behind me again oh [Music] gosh man now I’m [Music] they all run away from the creeper I got to care be careful about any axe guys cuz axes do way more damage yeah look at that he just probably down of insane [Music] okay I’ve cleared out a lot of the mobs I need to go inside my character starting to lose it I’m on I’m walking on carpet that makes me my character feel better dude oh oh my gosh I actually dude oh you just got Bamboozled my friend much help does he have not much can I go back to sleep no sleep not an option let me catch up on chat outside keep the gunpowder could be useful since you put Gates around water can’t just go around it I’m sure the water end well the water Enderman can just kind of yeah go through but I’m just trying to keep crowd control as best I can just Lo this new wall things are way more secure too bad I [Music] died yeah here’s the demon fish I was talking about the little thing here here yeah things will still be able to go around the fence for now that is a gigantic fish at least I can I don’t know be easy that I can walk out here without getting surrounded I even got another grave sword combine the two to repair it and get a stronger grave sword any food something you can do with this monster [Music] hide I guess you can make Nightmare Armor All right so let’s get to work on making a workbench cold Coke is anything I can use these flowers for breeding stimul what just a killer yeah you can’t hide from them that’s inde dud right I guess put my weapon on the rack have any more rotten meat let’s see nope no more rotten [Music] meat it’s nothing crazy but I think some leather armor would help out [Music] got a total total of two more armor points so that will help out not dying in like two hit I have grave [Music] metal plus I have cooked copper I got five grave metal ingots if that I can make some useful things like an Axe and a sword smthing table if I get chain Mill I can turn it into grave armor [Music] I think it’s about time to go cave exploration exploring I guess why did I just get dropped [Music] you know before I go out exploring let me go get me all of my let me get a lot of food cooked [Music] up probably to be a hungry [Music] does leather armor have the same effect as wool like help with your sanity wool armor I know there was Wo armor no I don’t think it I don’t think it helps with sanity [Music] not to my knowledge at least [Music] [Applause] [Music] last piece and I should be good let’s go on a cave exploration now now the cave dweller is a thread in the servers [Music] no way I just died to a baby zombie I got to make that blocked off so that doesn’t happen again [Music] like right here so that doesn’t happen again can’t di to a baby onom kidding me let’s get everything in the good position all right down here we got copper coal Coal’s pretty useful in the mod pack you can make a treated wood with it what’s this this is lead I don’t think lead has too many uses but it is a decorative item so I will be taking it I’m probably going to need a lot of these resources so I’m just going to get them while I’m here iron is my big thing I need though yeah I remember what happened earlier I’ll make sure to run this time what I was saying earlier is uh the uh cave dweller if you know what that is it is in this mod pack so running at a moment’s notice may happen all right get ready bro we keep Trading I do have a bow I need I forgot to bring arrows but I do have the bow let’s get the absorption oh that’s a lot of iron more up here no way is that the cave will I don’t think it is okay false alarm no that’s just a really scary zombie OU [Music] dude this is terrible this is actually terrible I just heard like a okay here Brian dude I just heard like a I don’t know what that was dude whatever it was not holy yeah come on skeleton stop shooting at me from a mile away yeah yeah yeah you better run you just go through food like it’s no tomorrow oh I got a grave uh chest plate that’s really nice heard someone running up on me now we’re getting to deep slate now yeah my Minecraft cave Ambience is yeah scary by itself like you said and um this Modge has to go in and add more cave Ambience it’s even more scarier so you know that’s great like you heard that right someone was running up on me there’s no one there when I checked nickel that might be useful and a lot of it too um let’s see what can I do with nickel basically it’s used to make different type of plating or if I had like a weapon that had more reach [Applause] that’s that’s the only thing I like about um RL craft is you get weapons that have way more reach on them th her digging and I thought the warden had spawned yeah I’m logging out of the server that was that of course the creepy music has to poping dude oh my gosh I’m actually getting chills in my body because of like these weird sounds I’m hearing [Applause] great oh the zombie just drank a potion to make itself invisible oh wow infected wandering traitor you just messed me up dude ah do I need to figure out armor situation cuz iron armor would I don’t think iron AR iron armor would be good but to get iron armor I would have to repair it nonstop unless I got I get Unbreaking but oh W pretty close actually if I can get a full set of grave metal and fully repair it and get it Unbreaking then I just literally need to kill mobs and get their grave metal and then I’ll be good if I could find some diamonds please that’d be great is there a spider spawner I got to run him low or like they give the ability of spiders to throw thank you everyone for stra stopping by for the stream I appreciate everyone for being here if anyone is interested we do have a Discord let me um repost that really quick if there anyone is interested all right I post a link to it if any’s interested we got a nice little community basically meme oh mob spawner down here I wonder why there’s so many zombies what is that smithing table oh please don’t hit me with that dude there’s so many mob spawners like I’m getting sniped by spiders that should not be a thing how much iron do I have I think I should be able to equip this armor long enough oh you know what you’re probably right hold on give me a second um it was an old link that I sent so assist me yeah it expires within seven days so here’s a new one this one should work now being snip by reminds me of Minecraft dungeons dude I get you there I actually remember that that used to be so annoying that’s probably where they got that from of course most people on the server right now are not active because it’s like 3 in the morning at least where I live and most other people do so there may not many be many people on right now but well it’s not like crazy active there is people here kind of like chat mus dis 11 rotten flash pocket blank rune Thorns I don’t want to break the spawner because if I break the spawner then they’re going to start swarming the little weird things oo all the music disc [Music] assist me can my torches please stay I really don’t want to break the spawner because then the little weird ghost things are going to attack okay I think I should really get out soon I’m starting to feel like I’m overstaying my visit here you know what what if I try to beat your game at light sources and I place that yeah let’s see you try to break that assist me stall stall I can get rid of one stall GL saddle actually take the saddle instead of the [Music] globber take the gold f all right I’m going to leave before I regret staying any longer I need help at once I’m G to I feel like I’m going to run into something real bad if I stay like dude a bad feeling your cam is off whoops let me fix that let me see we got this sounded like you joined the server I’ll say hi whenever stream is ended depends that’s when that swim we got more lead or got a toll of how much iron did we get 14 iron my gosh that is sad I know at least we found a decent amount of good stuff blink Rune that’s one of the things we [Music] found so what the runes are like [Music] ah enchantments oh yeah I forgot the mobs broke this [Music] yeah you’re not getting me bud hey we’re out it’s about halfway through the day we got two pieces of the Grave armor set it’s pretty nice though replant these berries I’m thinking of probably ending stream around like 5:30 pm well not p.m a. that’s probably when I stream so about like an hour and a half give or take all right um axe let’s get back to harvesting trees I’m so close to finish finishing off this bridge here not bridge but wall how to fix do you have an idea how to fix a butterfly knife like what do you mean like fix like what’s wrong with it I may be able to help out if I know what’s wrong with it but I don’t know what you let me see the safe blade that you use to not get cut fell off um I’ll be honest I’m not I don’t know too much about knives but I know if like you get like a chip in it it’s probably best just to sand it down not sand it down um get a knife sharp sharpener but if something fell off of it um depending I don’t know maybe super glue it back on it’s pretty much of a Jerry Wi rigging way of doing it but something to try I guess super glowing it if you’re able to get it to pop back in if it’s like a plastic thing and it’s like kind of like uh chipped the plastic is chipped I guess kind of tough luck there but now I don’t know too much about knives or butterfly knives come on get out of my face I’m just going to cut down this tree excuse me why is a tree not cheing like it would yeah can mess up your knife if you super glued I don’t really have any extra advice I’m sure there’s probably people out there that know a thing or two about what you need help with let’s see right here right here like what oh it’s a crew that was making noise there okay maybe one more gate right here it’s a drop off so should be able to get you see I got this nice little Cove here I can’t really get attacked at as easy how nice is that and go over here to fix it up a bit a nice little safe area that I can call home I like it I like it it’s not treeing because it’s connected to the wood that you’re placing uh let’s see I got a book of smite and a book of thorns quite nice [Music] what was I going to do I was gonna put coal in here now I’m going to spice up the base a bit [Music] get wood and boom now I got treated wood so this oil stuff that I get from putting in Coal I can make treated wood with it and treated wood I mean just look how nice that looks it’s a very nice upgrade to the base plus I need treated wood to make a work B just so coal I remember so now I bring up the floor look at that I just got to do that to the whole floor I use the grave ax there’s a bit of waste of material on important thing I need but it’s for my sanity just look how nice that looks besides Coal’s not too hard to get and then there’s all the treer wood me replace a GI R there Garden what interesting and then more just about finished got these last two pieces here one two three actually but one more batch of that stuff and I’ll be [Music] good should be enough now [Music] yep and one boom boom now I just need to wait for um put these away get to cook in my ore that I got Coke saw make a whole entire block of coke Co Coke look at it Glory a whole block of coke coal Coke W that’s a weird tongue twister what happened to the I had place two doors and I eat the other one cuz I don’t need it okay [Music] treated wood slabs I already have engineering block oops it’s WR one treated wood fence two [Music] slabs iron bar I got a workbench nice I completed that Quest and I got I don’t want to claim I guess I can yeah then claim this claim that kinetic Dynamo it’s getting dark again what I do with this skull cow I still need to get diamonds but I don’t know what to do tonight maybe I just try to kill mobs but no I could I need iron though give me one last lead see things I can make a fot is I make a lead Lantern I guess it would look cool at least Le trapo block of lead lead nuggets lead door lead plate blood plates I can make lead wire and with blood wire I can oh no lead plate lead concrete accumulator Le sheet metal Le sheet metal I can make colored lead sheet metal might go in a cave exploration and that tad bit [Music] block no more leather think I’m going to try some stuff with um what’s it called electricity Abyssal sacrifice what is this enough gold I can make a gold tier [Music] upgrade Lantern like what oh okay those are turning into a blood moon has appeared this moon is not up yet I almost got full leather armor two off from pants it’s not the best but it’s better than nothing my time is approaching let me torch up the place a bit so we have mobs spawning inside my safe area there’s a giant demon fish you know appearance look how freely I’m able to walk at night used to be like a nightmare and my leather is ready what an unpleasant sound rebolt suit sharp [Music] bones not that boom full set of leather all right let’s go into the caves now crap I need to grab a sword it’ll work I’m not touching that bed like ever again though last time I touched a bed je the killer kind of after you better run Bud oh crap I’m going run after you like you thought you thought you going to get left Al okay no you actually guys are kind of ganging up on me I’m going to [Music] leave I don’t really want to go back down this way but I feel like it’s the only way that really has a lot of stuff I’m G to go try to go nearby the spider spawner maybe crap I didn’t bring that many torches I’m not to be consing of them how come I’ve been finding more gold than iron copper is a given but come on gold would you look at that iron I think iron I think going ignore the monster I heard behind me but okay no there’s something definitely nearby I actually probably should be careful now at the cave door right there dude I like that’s cave door that’s cave door I’m running for my life please get me out of here please please I got to get I got to go I got to go oh my gosh dude that was terrible let me check chat make sure it’s updating for me yep okay it is dude that was okay yeah I absolutely hate that thing do I even go the same way again I think I had to risk it I’m really I really think I’m close to something there I hear it again in there I’ll I won’t come back here for quite a while dude I actually never know this this is geode block of amethyst that’s one of the things I need I guess for whatever this is I to make a abyssal sacrifice I need the [Music] cat emerald block gold block amethyst iron diamond I believe this have some use besides the spy glass right Tain taint tainted glass that’s what I I was saying that I could be used forted glass I mean compound BCU what there’s some crazy stuff here what spy glass block tinted glass that’s I have to try that I’ll see how cool that looks h oh iron oo a lot of iron or run come on I need be sparing with my torches I don’t have that many I’m guessing that’s weird that weird Pig noise I heard is a cave Diller just now dude that skeleton has some sick looking armor too bad he didn’t give it to me that was a weird noise I heard a g here if I could find some diamonds that’d be great I really could use some diamonds to get an enchanting table and a pickaxe dude an enchanting table would be so good right now yeah it’s a spawner up there a my gosh she was tanking holy crap that is so many skeletons oh crap please don’t shoot me into lava [Music] all right that was a close one for I got two cat dis I don’t need a third okay um rotten food um pumpkin seeds beetroot take that [Music] that ring stand spider melon seeds it’s really good I Dr at I Dr my weapon no all right um sucking cobwebs there we go I believe there’s one more thing I was wanting to grab bucket that’s actually really nice I can’t throw those out I need a bit more iron I’ve already been dang it thanks for everyone watching by the way I hope you’re enjoying it my [Music] for okay you just shoot me to run off do that [Music] whatever I really need diamonds but they’re just not making it easy on me and finding them suppose I could check over here but there’s none squat on my luck I probably ran past some also know my luck I’m going to find like a vein of like One Singular one Le to found uranium that sounds cool hey I made two more slots for you let’s see what I do with uranium are you kidding me I make uranium sheet metal that’s what you do with it there’s that is’s no way that’s all you do with it they put uranium in the game to make I don’t know if it’s even worth heading back now things just got really serious there oh wow I’m getting low insanity oh crap I’m so glad I was able to defend that off as good as I did oh it’s a spider spawner crap I lost my torch raw iron that’s actually great okay yeah I’m giving myself another chance there I I do not I am far I think what I’m going to do is I’m just going to dig straight up assist me punch crawl up assist me I just kind of crawl up I probably came across diamonds knowing my luck getting out there [Music] let’s pull back this camera by the way you can turn off Mining Zombies in settings somewhere nah that’s that’s a bit of extra twist I guess they’re not that bad I mean in the beginning they’re real bad but now that they got things kind of in order oh I actually came across [Applause] iron is there any more oh iron how much iron do I have I have 19 [Applause] [Applause] what’s the D gosh I’m going to be digging out for a [Applause] bit what other games do I play um I play a bit of Terraria I play should let me check hold on I’m too tired to guess off the top of my head okay so I play a bit of um Terraria I play a bit of Left 4 Dead [Music] too project zomboid lethal company me Gary’s Mod all that good stuff [Applause] [Applause] Al I can probably make that happen sometime we could see about that [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh no way I’m totally out [Applause] [Applause] I’m just going to walk on carpet and they’ll make me feel all the [Applause] [Music] better oop [Applause] since we’re really insane I’m sure there’s some friends out here no I’m not seeing him [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] prare grave chest plate with grave chest plate I think this night I’m going to try to fight as many mobs as I can at night we’ll see how that goes [Applause] still no diamonds for an enchanting table sadly maybe one day [Applause] I could get an anvil and use those in use those books I have the thorns and the Smite but I about using those on some crap happy weapon [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] okay let’s get let’s make the what time is it Tre wood yeah Erb I’m going to get some food I’m going to do some stuff and then I’ll be back I’m on carpet so the little chanting No it should go away oh it’s only when you’re walking on [Applause] it I guess I’ll try to get the crazy people noises out of my head first before I go AFK [Applause] I guess she walking on a carpet if I can get a bit of wood idea [Applause] no don’t do what I just did [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh it’s logs I need [Applause] a campfire here and walk on carpet then it’s like I gain uh is stream also in the Discord server so you can’t really watch stream from the Discord server I guess you can technically if you click the video but in the streams tab inside of Discord that’s where I will put my streams you also have the general chat but let me check I’ll I’ll pull it up on screen you got the rules the rules of the server you got streams this is where I put all my streams I put you see this is one I’m right now so you can watch it from Discord so you can watch it from here if you want but you can just also click the link announcements I don’t really use announcements here too often video uploads where I post my videos General that’s where you uh you know just kind of General stuff memes clips from my streams if you clip something and put it here I’ll probably put in a video if it’s good um self-promo if you want to promote stuff that you make and get attention for it you can put it here if you want and then we got the audio channels where you can talk to people sometimes I’ll go and chat with some people in there if anyone else is interested in joining let me resend the code to join if anyone else is interested small community all right well I’ve got rid of the voices in my head so I’m going to go get some food and do some things real quick I will be back [Applause] assist me assist me he [Music] I need help at once damnation [Music] assist me damnation assist me [Music] oh I need help at once oh oh assist me assist me [Music] [Music] man okay I’m back my gosh I’ve been live streaming for six hours can you believe it to think if I started a started a bit earlier it would have been a probably about Dam uh seven maybe even eight know that’s bad when it’s ever when it’s 600 in the morning yeah it’s still on this assist me give me a minute dang just from this one stream well I guess it’s not just from the live stream I’ve gotten what five subscribers which is very good thank you all if you all subscribed damnation this definitely was quite nice all right let’s get the stream screen back on Guess uh I just kind of feel like chillaxing okay St I’m just to think I’m going to just kind of talk for a bit and look off into a cool looking area pretty soon I’m G to be going on a bike ride I don’t know about y’all but it is like 4 in the morning for me like it is not early in the day someone to take like a bike ride in like the middle of the night not middle of night but like crack a dawn just kind of get a nice feel of the morning so I’m think shoot dude I don’t have anything to listen to my music on no I think I do hold on I think I have a pair of headphones dude my whole plan was like go on a bike ride have some music playing I guess I could have it play on a speaker but where’s the fun in that can’t jam out like that d uh I’m gonna gra beer real quick my G leave it on this screen May okay I’m back so yeah going on a little early morning bike ride getting the music post going on dude like how how how’s my mobile data doing so I’ve been trying to conserve it cuz I’m need G to be needing it I’ve have I’ve already spent 10 oh this 10 days I have 20 left so 16 that’ be six days of working so it wouldn’t be that bad I just got a really conserved hit six days after my job and all I get it renewed I truly wasted it because I watched movie in like school on my phone during like lunch I don’t know you here got some interesting stories to tell very quiet in the server right now let me get some music playing let me get some music all right I have an idea of what to play assist me option sound off assist me there we go we’re losing people in the Stream but I want to be ending stream soon so I might as well just kind of [Music] relax oh crap better guess get this playlist going music I want to listen [Music] to UNP [Music] I don’t know about you but I find Clarity loon the music I’m playing right now the most relaxing [Music] song which kind of a song that says it’s okay [Music] [Music] know I was wanting to play some real energetic music while I was bike riding but now I kind of want to listen to calming stuff so I think that’s what I’m going to [Music] do exactly what I’m going to do [Music] I mean if don’t like the song like who are you ah looks like we about look lost [Music] everyone oh well I believe we still have one left [Music] [Music] let’s see [Applause] assist [Music] [Music] I just want this one song please can I just watch that Spotify [Music] soon I’m be W waking up every morning at 6 about right time that is right now to think let me get um different song playe Hold Up assist me 122 mods tell what the uh fear Nightfall mod pack it is gigantic it is definitely worth um trying up there with our real craft I would say man for this playlist this one has all the good ones something else huh tell Santa Paul N sure is um something else what is that is that the bees I wonder if the honey will actually if there’s any special crafting recipes with the honey [Music] I need to get set up pretty well it’s going to cold out won’t be like midnight cold but kind of cold out for why am I flying oh it’s a big moon even the moon’s not out think it’s it’s a big moon and that means you get super jump let’s see how many people are watching is the stream ending I don’t know if I just caught that but uh yes stream is about to be ending soon I’m just uh getting a setting up some things for a bike R I’m about to go on and um yeah it’s going to be ending soon but I’m just kind of here to chat for a bit until I do end it just a little chill in before um I end it oh let’s not play any songs that I know that won’t be safe I’ll just go back to um crap stream um assist me all right this is probably one this when this song ends I’m going to be ending stream so enjoy the last of it uh but it’ll probably be like let’s see probably two days maybe three and then I’ll be streaming again I think yeah know it’s going to be Tuesday I think I’m streaming that’s if I do I don’t know life is changing a lot for me right now so um I don’t know things are pretty uncertain right now but God I’m try here right now [Music] now yeah it was nice nice talking to you man dude I just realized something I think these headsets only work on one [Music] ear dang I wish I was still able to use my ex’s headphones they’re actually kind of nice to use be safe on your bike ride I gathered you stayed up all night safe by yeah man I’ve stayed up all night I am haven’t slept at all it’s kind of relaxing sometimes yeah um oh shoot come on kind of have a relaxing here oh dude come [Music] on uh oh okay well that just happened I guess Le I don’t to worry about my health being low where’s the dog [Music] at get the dog get the [Music] dog oh yo it’s got let’s go get another one of those with uh it’s like two of these you can make something oh yeah two for the boots C the effect this of dark items and weapons well I guess if I figure how to get the these little things CL bu bundle of Bones what that should be a good playlist for it sunset to die by a bow yes comic my gosh it really is a big moon tonight I knew the event said it was going to be big but dang there is this one mod pack I’ve seen before where it makes it so you can like build a spaceship to go to the Moon that’d be a fun mod to mess around with like mods like that though like there’s a bunch of cool mods in Minecraft but Minecraft seems like an ending yeah song’s not song’s not over yet so I still got a minute I was saying like mods like the moon like going to the moon like mods like stuff like that where it’s like a whole different dimension I don’t know it kind of feels like there’s a lot of cool mods out there but it’s not really Justified to do a whole playthrough of Minecraft just to get to that stuff I I know is like if you’re a Minecraft Youtuber like doing a mod showcase stuff like that or just doing like a playthrough of just like I can understand stuff like that but like if I were just like an average Jo going playing mod packs singly like why not just put them in a whole one big old pack like this kind of fear Nightfall is it’s just a bunch of like horror packs and stuff like that but yeah I need to stop ranting now uh that is it I know it says stream starting soon but it’s not starting it’s actually ending it was uh nice having everyone stopped by let’s see everyone who stop boy stop by we got the me tree who stopped by um we got Luna Chan normal avgeek Branch Ty and we got got the man Roan tricks you you stayed here for quite a while man and I appreciate you for that yeah all right see y’all thanks forone stopping by

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Fear Nightfall modpack-LIVE’, was uploaded by Total stotal! on 2024-05-27 11:10:57. It has garnered 73 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 06:07:41 or 22061 seconds.

heya, gonna try to pull an all nighter playing minecraft so enjoy! #horrorgaming #memes #minecraft

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    Unleash Dan's Wild Power - Charity Streamer!Video Information This video, titled ‘I need more powah!! | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-06-22 02:14:51. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:56 or 11336 seconds. ————————————————– About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Let’s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for Boston Children’s… Read More

  • INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on Craftmir

    INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on CraftmirVideo Information This video, titled ‘ich ÖFFNE 50 KISTEN auf BlockBande Minecraft’, was uploaded by Craftmir on 2024-05-10 13:00:43. It has garnered 11136 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:33 or 1413 seconds. we play on BlockBande.de LIKE & SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more! If you want to play along: https://discord.gg/paulberger ►Main channel: @Amir1107 ►Become a channel member: https://bit.ly/3ykKJ1u ►Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/1107amir ►Discord: https://discord.gg/aryaFURtkZ ►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/1107amore/ ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/1107amore?s=20 Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com Read More

  • Becoming Herobrine Prank on Friend | Minecraft #shorts

    Becoming Herobrine Prank on Friend | Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Trolled My Friend And He Become Herobrine #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by I Am Alpha on 2024-06-14 12:41:00. It has garnered 12226 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Hello Guyz I AM Gaming Content Creator Please Hit Subscribe Tags Ignore minecraft shorts,minecraft,minecraft animation,shorts,shorts minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft funny,minecraft tiktok,minecraft short,minecraft sad story,funny minecraft shorts,minecraft meme shorts,minecraft types shorts,minecraft challenges,funny minecraft,help shorts,minecraft parody,youtube shorts,minecraft pe,help herobrine shorts,minecraft meme,alan becker shorts,minecraft life story,old minecraft shorts Read More

  • Phoenix-Network

    Phoenix-NetworkPhoenix Network Prison | Skyblock | MiniGames| BoxPvP Phoenix Network focuses mainly on custom and unique experiences. Join today to see what the hype is all about! IP: Phoenix-Network.Net Phoenix-network.net Read More

  • KrustyKraft SMP Realm – Realms, 18+, Whitelist

    Welcome to KrustyKraft SMP! If you’re 18+ with a functioning microphone and past builds to showcase, we invite you to join our Minecraft Bedrock Community. Our realm is active, friendly, and inclusive with Vanilla gameplay and quality of life addons. We use Discord for communication and hold events and projects to keep things exciting. Apply to be part of our community today! DM me for the Discord Link! 🙂 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Boss: Movie Character Codebreak”

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had a lot of explosive emotions to work through! Read More

  • Steve’s Sticky Situation: A Web of Escape in Minecraft

    Steve's Sticky Situation: A Web of Escape in Minecraft In the depths of Minecraft, Steve finds himself trapped, In a spider’s web, his fate is now mapped. Can he escape, with skill and might? Or will he be stuck, in the web’s tight plight? The spiders crawl, with eyes so bright, Their hunger for Steve, a chilling sight. But our hero is brave, he won’t give in, With a swift escape, he’ll surely win. Watch as he jumps, and dodges with grace, Navigating the web, in this thrilling race. The tension mounts, as time ticks by, Will Steve break free, or will he sigh? Stay tuned for more,… Read More

  • Minecraft TNT Disaster v267: Explosive Comedy!

    Minecraft TNT Disaster v267: Explosive Comedy! When you accidentally blow up your entire Minecraft world with TNT and suddenly realize maybe you should have stuck to building houses instead of conducting explosive experiments. #minecraftfail #oops Read More

  • 25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds!

    25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds! Exploring the Top 25 Best New Minecraft Mountain Seeds Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the top 25 best new mountain seeds for version 1.21. These seeds offer breathtaking landscapes, challenging terrains, and endless possibilities for survival, exploration, and base building. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, these seeds will surely captivate your imagination and keep you entertained for hours on end. Discovering the Mountain Seeds From the towering cliffs to the lush valleys, each seed on this list promises a unique and exciting experience. Here are some highlights… Read More

  • Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!

    Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!Video Information This video, titled ‘ROBLOX SHREDDER!’, was uploaded by OmzCrew on 2024-08-14 01:27:08. It has garnered 189206 views and 2886 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:33 or 10113 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Luke Alexa Roxy Lily and Heather are playing roblox shredder! #roblox #omz #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying Remake

    Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying RemakeVideo Information This video, titled ‘The John Mod got a HORRIFYING Remake…’, was uploaded by Sweaky on 2024-09-24 01:05:37. It has garnered 2440 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:00 or 720 seconds. Video concept: #minecraft #john #minecrafthorror #cavedweller #manfromthefog #mickeymouse #analoghorror _________________________________________________________________________ JOIN DISORD—- https://discord.gg/3U862CeKnJ SUBSCRIBE OR I TAKE YOUR DOG ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ _________________________________________________________________________ who im recording with: @KingArthurYouTube thumbnail made by: ME Mod linked below: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/john-awakened _________________________________________________________________________ Check out Viewstats! – https://www.viewstats.com/ follow all of these or i will kick you • tik tok – https://www.tiktok.com/@sweakysneaker • Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/sweakysneaker/ _______________________________________________________________________ #minecraft… Read More


    EPIC NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE!! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘PLAY NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE || MINECRAFT LIVE || @realcoolx #shorts’, was uploaded by CoolX Gaming on 2024-08-21 04:45:56. It has garnered 3867 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:08 or 10388 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #buildsmp #shorts #shortslive #shortsfeed #subscribe #coolxgaming #realcoolx #Minecraft #minecraftbut #minecraftshorts #shorts Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: – paid1.hostingkarle.com:25573 You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) 📷 Instagram:https://instagram.com/coolx_gaming_?i… 🎮 Discord… Read More

  • Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!

    Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!Video Information This video, titled ‘Epic Bedfight With My Brother’, was uploaded by BMX Rowdy Gaming on 2024-04-21 11:00:27. It has garnered 13 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. https://fakepixel.fun/ #shorts #minecraft #bmxrowdy #trending #trendingshorts #trendingvideo #video . . . . . Links 🔗🔗🖇:- . . . . . Discord link:- https://discord.gg/nRfeZtBYZX . . . . . Follow on Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/bmxrowdy_gaming/ . . . . . Subscribe The Channel and like The video plz.😘😘🥰😍🙂🙃 Title ;- Minecraft Trap Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind in Seconds #shorts #minecraft Minecraft Build Hacks That… Read More

  • Insane PvP – Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PvP - Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PvPing With A BACKWARDS KEYBOARD on PvP Legacy! #shorts #minecraft #pvplegacy’, was uploaded by Proficy on 2024-04-25 09:56:39. It has garnered 519 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. i had to change my keybinds for this… I STREAM ALMOST DAILY ON TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/proficy Discord (with mods and texutre pack): https://discord.gg/vDvR89fuFw #shorts #short minecraft pvp,minecraft,minecraft hardcore,pvp,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft pvp tips,#minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft funny,minecraft manhunt,minecraft pvp guide,minecraft 1.9 pvp,minecraft smp,crystal pvp,how to pvp in minecraft,minecraft crystal pvp,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but challenge,minecraft 1.19,minecraft update,minecraft but i cant touch grass… Read More

  • REAL Scary Minecraft Experiments

    REAL Scary Minecraft ExperimentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Experiments That Are Actually Real’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-08-28 02:00:16. It has garnered 1342675 views and 21978 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. Uncovering TERRIFYING Minecraft Mysteries that are actually real including the WHITE ENDERMAN and WHITE ROSE… Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-g_O9HWb5B0rVDG1hLd5Hw/join 👕 Buy EYmerch: https://eystreem.store/ 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) ❤️ Tik… Read More

  • Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS… #minecraft

    Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS... #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escaping an Ocean Full of DEATH… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Plaza on 2024-01-08 14:00:40. It has garnered 996184 views and 30352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Plaza does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2023! Today Plaza plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, Minecraft… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine’, was uploaded by NOVA GAMING on 2024-08-13 01:30:31. It has garnered 14514 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine #herobrine#minecraft #vs #smp mrbeast vs herobrine whow will win #skin #morphe #viral #steve #Minecraft #MrBeast #Herobrine #Gaming #GamerLife #VirtualBattle #creativestrategy #CommunitySupport #EpicClash #PixelatedWorld #OnlineGaming #BuildBattle #LegendVsReality Minecraft showdown MrBeast vs Herobrine Gaming legends clash Creative strategy Community-driven gameplay Minecraft battle Virtual world conflict Epic gaming duel Supernatural powers Gaming mythology Strategy and innovation Minecraft creativit Read More

  • Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing New Update – Watch Now!

    Minecraft's Mind-Blowing New Update - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Update Is Already Full of New Features’, was uploaded by wattles on 2024-06-18 17:57:40. It has garnered 108661 views and 3915 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:08 or 848 seconds. Minecraft 1.21.1 and Minecraft 1.21.10 are already getting loaded up with new changes to Minecraft Tricky Trials and more! Today we take a look at the new minecraft updates that have (mostly) happened after the release of 1.21! 📷 instagram https://www.instagram.com/stonegalerie/ 💗 patreon https://www.patreon.com/wattles 🐤 twitter https://twitter.com/itiswattles 📖 reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/wattles/ 👕 my shop https://shop-wattles.creator-spring.com/ ☺ SOME PLAYLISTS ☺ Minecraft Guide https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrdt6JFbZtTi8H_XwgYXVRfI… Read More