Ultimate Guide: Create Minecraft Server Now!

Video Information

How to make a Minecraft server in 1.2.4 we’re going to go over everything here but the server we’re making in this video is not a 24-hour server meaning it’s only up and running while your computer’s up and running it’s also only meant for your friends your family

People that you trust and that is because this is on your own internet connection meaning anybody who gets the IP address of This Server can do things like deosu which basically means hit your in and offline as well as figure out where you lived under your latitude and longitude coordinates lastly you’re

Going to a pretty good computer and internet connection in order to host This Server that’s because it’s using your own computer’s Hardware in order to run the server as well as have you play Minecraft and all that stuff however what if you don’t have any of that what

If you want the simplest and easiest way to start a server where you don’t have to worry about Hardware dos where there’s live chat support that you can reach out to if you do have any issues with your server well guess what that’s where our company simple game hosting

Comes in go to the first link in the description down below the breakdown. XYZ simple to start your very own dos protected Minecraft server for you and your friends at simple game hosting you can easily add mods plugins and mod packs to your server there’s even a one-click mod pack installer allowing

You to add hundreds of mod packs quickly and easily like I said before if there is any issues with your server for example you’ve added a mod things just aren’t working correctly well then there’s expert live chat support that you can reach out to and get help with

Your server so stop struggling to host a server on your own computer and on your own Hardware you have to worry about lag and things like that and come start your server at simple game hosting at the first link in the description down below the breakdown XYZ /s simple and start

Your server in less than 5 minutes not 15 minutes like this video nevertheless let’s go ahead and get your server started if you don’t want to start one with simple game hosting you want to start one on your own computer let’s go ahead and do it now first things first

You want to go to the second link in the description down below and that takes you here this is our in-depth text guide on making a Minecraft server if you want to go through things in your own pace this will allow you to do that but what

If you want to follow along with the video well just scroll down and click the download Minecraft button here to be taken to Minecraft’s official download page for the Minecraft server jars this is where we going to download the server file that allows you to start the server specifically we want the

Minecraft server 1.2.4 dojar here hover over this click on it and the download will begin you may need to keep or save this file depending on your browser it’s 100% safe to do that though because we’re downloading this from minecraft.net mojing and well Minecraft’s official website with that

Downloaded we can go ahead and minimize our browser and go ahead and make a new folder on our desktop so I’m going to right click create a new folder I’m going to name this simplegaming doccom because that’s the quickest and easiest way to start a Minecraft server and then

We want to move the file we downloaded into this folder now for me that’s going to be found in our downloads folder here and we have this server.jar drag and drop this into the simple gam hosting.com folder we created and then open up that folder now you should be

Able to double click this file and start your server but if for whatever reason you can’t you need to to download Java 17 Java 17 is required for Minecraft servers and this video goes over everything you need to know to get it it’s really simple you just click on

Download here and then download the windows version for the x64 installer and then run it like you would any other program to install Java you may also need to run the jarfix and what this is going to do is take all the jar files on your computer link them back together

And make them work with Java so basically you’re linking Java and the jar files but first get Java then run the jarfix nevertheless at this point we can go ahead and double click on that server file now yours may not have jar at the end of it if you want it to say

Jar just click view up at the top and then click file name extensions right like so then let’s go ahead and double click on that and the files for the server will start to generate now you’re looking for the .txt file might take it a few seconds to get there but there it

Is for me ea. txt go ahead and open this up and assuming you agreed the Minecraft EA here which we do we want to change Ula equals false here to Ula equals true TR exactly like that because we do agree with the Ula then click file save and

With that we can now double click the server.jar file and our Minecraft server will start now at this point you’re the only person that can join your server but I would recommend doing that go ahead and join it just to make sure things are working correctly so I’m

Going to go ahead launch up Minecraft 1.2.4 and I will see you on the Minecraft main menu To Join This Server that as you can see here is now fully started and good to be joined so we’ll see you to do that so here we are

Minecraft is now open and so is the server if we want to Join This Server we can go to multiplayer and proceed then we’re going to add this server so we’re going to click add server here and the server name can be anything you want I’m going to name it local connection

Because only you can join this because it’s your local connection and then for the IP address the server address here we’re see going to enter in Local Host right like so so the server address is Local Host click done and boom there it is local connection this is This Server

When we double click on it we’ll see us join in on the Le hand side over here right like so we are now on this server I’ll suggest running around a little bit making sure there’s no lag no issues if there is lag it might be because your

Hardware just can’t host a server and play Minecraft at the same time so keep that in mind you might just not be able to host a server and if you’re lagging with just you on the server then your friends definitely will cause some lag on the server unfortunately also if

You’re seeing a bunch of you can’t server can’t keep up messages over here just repeatedly if you see one that’s not a big deal but if you see it over and over and over again that’s another indication that the server is lagging and having issues nevertheless let’s go

Ahead we’re good here we can join this but how do we allow our friends to join the server well in order to do that we’re going to need to port forward and I do want to say you don’t have to port forward on a host like simple game

Hosting meaning that at simple game hosting you just purchase your server and you can join it you don’t have to do any of this port forwarding mess to allow your friends to join and this is the hardest part of starting a Minecraft server but once you get through port

Forwarding your friends will be able to join your server no issues whatsoever so let’s go ahead and do it first things first we going to close out of Minecraft we’re also going to want to stop the server over here so come over here and in this you know text box type stop

Right like so and hit enter that’s going to shut down the server. properties right like that and make sure the server closes properly always always always make sure that you type stop and hit enter over there to close the server nonetheless here’s our server file we actually don’t need this right now what

We do need is to open up the command prompt by going to the start menu and typing in CMD we’ll have the command prompt here open it up and in the CMD we want to type IP Co n fig ip config exactly like that and hit enter that’s

Going to give us all sorts of information we will two numbers from here I’m going to make note of these numbers in notepad but you can make note of them anywhere you just want to make sure that you can reference them later because we will need them later the

First number we need is our ipv4 address and that’s right here ipv4 address and for me that’s yours is probably completely different and that’s why we’re getting it like this instead of me giving you the numbers you need the next thing we need is the default gateway which for me is 1

192.168.1 do one right here it is now yours may have numbers and letters in it if that’s the case that’s not what we want we want the one that’s directly under it usually there’ll be one that’s numbers and letters on top and then under that there’ll be one that’s just

Numbers get the one that’s just numbers on the second line next to default gateway nevertheless now that we have these we can go ahead and open our browser and in our browser up here at the top where we would normally type in the breakdown. XYZ simple gam hosting.com youtube.com we want to type

In 1 then hit enter and some sort of login box is going to open up here now this could be any sort of looking login box mine Pops in from the top yours could pop in from the center yours could be in a you know nice web page

Style GUI it doesn’t matter but you’re going to have some sort of login box here what do you enter into the login box well your router’s username and password and this is different from your Wi-Fi password and this covers how to find your router’s username and password

Start with method one work your way down through contacting your ISP at method 5 don’t worry most people find it by Method 3 or four and you don’t have to contact your ISP but work through this list in order to find your router’s username and password then come back to

Your router and log in I’m going to go ahead and do that and I will meet you on my router and I’m going to give you some different terms you can look for when your port forwarding I’m also going to give you some guides that you can look

At for port forwarding as well there we go I’ve now logged into my router your router probably looks completely different and hey that’s perfectly okay because I’m going to be giving you the common terms for port forwarding and of course we got this we just had to port

Forward on any router it goes through port forwarding on all the top routers that are out there today from neck gear and AT&T to Verizon and Asus it covers it all all the different routers that are out there are covered in this so watch this video and even if your

Specific router is not in there you probably are going to watch that video and pick up a lot of terms and specific things that it could be in your router so it may be worth checking out for that reason but nevertheless for me it’s an advanced and then advanced again and

Then port forwarding SL port triggering for you could be in the advaned tab the administration tab the security tab the apps and gaming tab the natat forwarding tab n foring or the natat gaming tab n gaming it could be in a firewall a security a single port foring a port

Boarding SL Port triggering options any of those it could also be in the setup Advanced Administration or I think I’ve said like three times security tab so just look around your router it’s hard to break stuff you can’t really break much of anything on your router all you

Want to do is just click around until you find port foring for me that’s Port foring Port triggering and then once you find Port foring I’m going to go ahead and add a new port forward add a custom service in this case but for you you may

Just have a big list of empty boxes if that’s the case start with the first one for the service name or ID on your port for just name it Minecraft or Minecraft server whatever you want just so you know what this port forward is for what

Is new is Minecraft Java in this case for protocol tcp/udp UDP TCP or the word both you want to make sure that both of these are selected and it could literally be the word both if you can’t for whatever reason select both make sure you do this twice once for TCP then

Do the everything else the same and again for UDP luckily I and most routers out there do allow you to select both right like so now for anything involving the word port external Port internal Port first Port second Port outside Port inside Port doesn’t matter whatever it

Is called it could also be called local Port public Port anything involving the word port P RT enter in 25565 right like so and hey this next one guess what internal Port Nick said anytime I see that word port it’s going to be 25565 so

That’s what it is here as well for your internal or local IP address this is going to be 192.168.1 whatever your ipv4 address is that’s what this is going to be so for me it’s but for you it could be any other number so whatever yours is 10.14 4

8.1.7 it doesn’t matter what it is this going to be your ipv4 address that we found earlier that is if you have the option for an internal or local or inside IP address if you don’t you might just have a drop- down box or a list of all the devices connected to your

Network that’s actually what I have and I can find here my computer 1 right here and select it as well so I have both options but whatever you have selected the device you’re starting the server on or enter in your local ipv4 address now for most of you

You’re done your port forward is finished for some of you you have an outside external or public IP listed in your port forward if you do have that I’m going to show you how to get it but hey don’t don’t don’t click away if you don’t because you need that for your friends

To join your server your public IP address is what your friends are going to use to join the server so let’s go ahead and get that for that reason as well otherwise go ahead and save apply make sure you keep your port forward uh by applying it saving it all that stuff

But in the description below we have this which is what’s my IP address and this is going to show you your public IP now for me all you can see is 43 at the end cuz the rest of it is private you don’t want to give this out to anybody

And everybody if you do want a server that’s more public use a host like simple game hosting but you can see the information you can get from your public IP your region your city your latitude launch to coordinates all from this IP address go ahead though and click on it

To copy it and then you’re good to go if you needed this for your port forward come back over here and enter it in otherwise we can go ahead and minimize our browser and we can join our server using the public IP to do that we need

To go ahead and start the server first by double clicking that server.jar and we need to launch up Minecraft so I will see you on the Minecraft main menu to again Join This Server so here we are in the Minecraft main menu just like joining the server that’s local here or

Any other Minecraft server we going to go ahead and click on multiplayer and proceed then we’re going to want to go ahead and add a server again we’re going to name this one our public I because well this is our public IP address and when I paste this in again you can only

See 43 at the end because you don’t want to give this out to everyone then go ahead and click done and we can see the public IP is here and we can use that to join the server so by doing that we can double click on it and join now I know

This is going to work for me it might not work for you though and the reason for that is because some internet service providers do not like you connecting back to yourself which is what’s happening when you join off of your public IP you’re sending an connection out and then coming back to

You that’s weird and some isps don’t allow it so if you can’t join via your public IP that’s okay the only people that have to do that are your friends so send them your public IP you will join off of that Local Host connection we used earlier in the video but

Nevertheless we are now on this server we are good to go and we can start playing right we can send this to our friends they could join it we could start playing all of that stuff now one thing that I will mention here is that what if your friends can’t join right

What if they’ve went through all this you you’ve Port forwarded everything you know the port forward is correct they still can’t join well that could be due to Windows Defenders specifically the Windows Defender Firewall luckily we’ve got a guide in the description on how to allow your friends Through the Windows

Defender Firewall this covers everything you need to know to fix that for Minecraft Java Edition servers on top of that we do have a link in the description Down Below on how to fix a broken Minecraft server just 21 minutes of me fixing different issues that you could have with your Minecraft server

And as a server admin worth checking out because well you eventually are going to have probably some sort of issue with a server and you will need to fix it this video is helpful for that nevertheless we also have this which just had to add more RAM to your server that’s link down

Below and will help you get more RAM on your server uh if you do want to add more RAM boost the performance a little bit you can do that however it is worth noting you a lot of times don’t have to and things are good out of the gate when

It comes to these vanilla servers you either have enough RAM or you don’t uh because it kind of uses a variable amount it’s a little weird how that works but nevertheless here we are things are set up and what if you want to be able to like you know do SL game

Mode on this server for example well you want to come over here and op yourself so type op and then your username no slashes or anything just op and your username make sure you’re careful though who you give op to because while you can now do things like SL game mode creative

You can also do things like SL stop and hit enter and close the server right like so which you don’t want to give everybody necessarily the access to do or make sure you trust those you give access to because that is possible but nevertheless thank you so much for

Watching if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel for more incredible content every single day of the week my name is Nick this is the breakdown and we will see you in the next one peace

This video, titled ‘How To Make a Minecraft Server (1.20.4)’, was uploaded by The Breakdown on 2023-12-08 06:30:16. It has garnered 2393 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:22 or 922 seconds.

If you want to know how to make a Minecraft server in 1.20.4, this is the video for you! Every step of how to create a Minecraft server is covered in this video from where to download the Minecraft server files to who to setup a Minecraft server in 1.20.4 and start playing Minecraft with your friends, we show you how to do it all in this video!


Server Download: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/ServerDownload

Download Java: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/Java Download JarFix: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/Jarfix

Find Your Router’s Password: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/RouterPasswords Port Forward Tutorial: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/SetupRouter

Find Your IP Address: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/WhatIsMyIP

Add More RAM to Your Server!: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/AddServerRAM Windows Defender Guide: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/MCWindowsDefender How to Fix Minecraft Server Issues: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/FixServerIssues ——————————————— ★ Join The Discord Support Community: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/Discord ► Subscribe!: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/YTSub ——————————————— Get 1.20.4 Shaders!: https://youtu.be/Fn8aKrv6gTk Make a Minecraft Skin!: https://youtu.be/HgLplNGeU0M ——————————————— ★ Social Twitter: https://Twitter.com/TheBreakdownXYZ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thebreakdownxyz

About this video: By learning how to make a Minecraft server in 1.20.4, you will be able to play Minecraft with your friends in 1.20.4. Specifically, in this video, we show you how to create a Minecraft server without any mods or plugins. However, we also have super in-depth guides on getting a server with mods or plugins that you can check out as well.

I do want to mention though that this isn’t a 24 hour server, and it is hosted on your own computer using your internet. This means it is only for your friends, family, and people that you trust. You will also need a good computer in order to run a Minecraft 1.20.4 server. We also recommend getting Java 17 from the link above and running the Jarfix as this is required for running a Minecraft server.

With that in mind, let’s move on to how to create a Minecraft server in 1.20.4! First off, you will need to download the server.jar file. You can find a link in the description above to download the server file. That will take you to our complete text guide on how to make a Minecraft server in 1.20.4.

On that tutorial, click the “Download Minecraft” button to go to the official download page for the 1.20.4 server.jar. On this page, click the “minecraft_server_1.20.4.jar” link. That will start the Minecraft server.jar file downloading.

Once it is downloaded, create a “Minecraft Server 1.20.4” folder on your desktop and move the server.jar file to it. Now, double-click the server.jar, and the server will generate some files including an eula.txt file.

Open the eula.txt file and change “eula=true” to “eula=false” and save the file if you agree to the Minecraft server EULA. Next, double-click the server.jar file again, and the server will start.

At this point, you can join the server using Minecraft 1.20.4 and the IP address “localhost”. If you want your friends to join, we will need to port forward.

We go over port forwarding in order to play Minecraft 1.20.4 with your friends in depth in the video. Specifically, you will need to forward the port 25565 on the TCP and UDP protocols. Once you have port forwarded, you can get your public IP from the port in the description above and give that your friends. Your friends will join your Minecraft 1.20.4 server using the public IP address.

Your server should be setup and joinable by your friends at this point. Something worth noting is you may want to give yourself operator on the server in order to use more commands in-game. This can be done in the server’s console with the “op USERNAME” command.

Nevertheless, you now know how to make a Minecraft server in 1.20.4. If you have any questions about how to setup a Minecraft server in 1.20.4, let us know in the comments. We will try our best to help you out.

Otherwise, if we did help you learn how to create a Minecraft 1.20.4 server, please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already. It really helps us out, and it means a ton to me.

Note: Some of the above links are affiliate links or companies I have an ownership stake in. I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you if you go to these sites and make a purchase.

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    "Dronio's EPIC Love Story in Minecraft - FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!" #MinecraftLoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Любовь в Minecraft – алмаз: красива, неповторима. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-09 12:30:10. It has garnered 1317 views and 144 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More

  • “EPIC FAIL in Minecraft – DARK Gaming Gone Wrong!” #clickbait

    "EPIC FAIL in Minecraft - DARK Gaming Gone Wrong!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wrong Turn #zocken #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #spielen #dunkel #gameplay #game #funny #fun’, was uploaded by R&R Production on 2024-01-10 15:36:22. It has garnered 99 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate WinterMap Server Madness #916star!

    Ultimate WinterMap Server Madness #916star!Video Information This video, titled ‘WinterMap Minecraft Server #916star #minecraft’, was uploaded by Timself on 2024-01-11 14:46:12. It has garnered 112 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. TLX Network: ➞ https://dsc.gg/tlxnetwork ➞ Founder: Lexo und Timself WINTERMAP: ➞ IP: wintermap.g-portal.game ➞ Version: 1.20 – 1.20.4 ➞ Discord: https://discord.gg/5yKzHxj4mN GamingEcke: ➞ https://discord.gg/SJu84x2Spq ➞ I thank everyone for your subscriptions and your support! Read More

  • EPIC Dream Minecraft TikTok Video! #Shorts

    EPIC Dream Minecraft TikTok Video! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft viral tik tok video dream on #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MR More07 on 2024-03-02 11:30:02. It has garnered 461 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Mr More07 ============================== Instagram➡https://www.instagram.com/_mr_more07_/ Facebook➡https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100056299486427 ============================== Please like the video Please subscribe the channel Share the video for your friends ============================== Thanks For Watching ============================= #shorts #minecraft #mrmore07 minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house, minecraft music, minecraft civilization, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft 1.20, minecraft mods, minecraft survival, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Bestie! 🤯

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with Bestie! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with Besto Frendso :)’, was uploaded by Sarang Ram on 2024-03-28 20:57:38. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:29 or 9809 seconds. Thanks for joining in. Valorant grind later tonight. Stick around if you like the content. Leave a like and Subscribe as well. Thank yaaa. Read More

  • “Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯” #shizo #clickbait

    "Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯" #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Golden Apple VS Minecraft Foods #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Not Royalblade on 2024-06-13 10:35:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Golden Apple VS Minecraft Foods #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #viral video minecraft in tangent minecraft … Read More

  • 💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥

    💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Toph033 Talks Racing To 100 Kills In Sky Battle | InsideMC 107’, was uploaded by InsideMC on 2024-05-22 15:00:10. It has garnered 323 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:20 or 3320 seconds. In the 107th edition of the Inside Minecraft Podcast and thirty-sixth edition of MidweekMC, Orbitzz & AJX sit down with Toph033! Someone who is amazing at Minecraft, someone who places very high in tournaments, someone who is good at speedrunning and someone who has a bad KAD ratio in Valorant, wait what!? To kick start the podcast the… Read More

  • Milliumlife

    MilliumlifeServeur PVE revisité dans une ambiance chill. Actuellement toujours en phase de test mais assez avancé pour pouvoir ouvrir ses portes au premiers curieux ! Welcome to Milliumlife 1.20.2 Read More

  • Davidscloud Servers | SMP, Network, PvE | Java, Bedrock | Latest Version | U.S.A. | 13+

    About Davidscloud: Davidscloud is a long-standing gaming community that provides a welcoming space for gamers to join together and play various games without the worry of pay-to-win features. Our Minecraft server has been active since version 1.7.10 and continues to thrive. Player Protection: Our Minecraft server offers player protection through a grief prevention system and a helpful admin team. Players start with 2,000 claimable blocks and earn more over time. Pets are also protected. Our admins are always available to assist with any issues. Quality-of-Life Features: Enjoy features like a secure banking system that rewards playtime with interest. Visit the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – April Fools: Minecraft’s Best Update!

    Minecraft Memes - April Fools: Minecraft's Best Update!They should add a “blocky” filter to make everything look like it’s made out of LEGO bricks. That would really throw players for a loop! Read More

  • Mine Room’s Boom: 100 Days in Bloom

    Mine Room's Boom: 100 Days in Bloom In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re here to bring you the latest news and vibes. From updates to challenges, we’ve got it all, Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the call. Join us on this journey, filled with fun and delight, As we explore the realms, day and night. With MR_detox_Gaming leading the way, We’ll make sure you’re entertained every day. So hit that subscribe button, don’t be shy, Join the NXtreme Gaming family, reach for the sky. With tips, tricks, and gameplay galore, We’ll keep you coming back for more. From Let’s Plays to tech… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods!

    Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods! Minecraft’s Most Insane Boss Mods! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level with some epic boss mods? Look no further! Here are some of the most insane boss mods that will challenge your skills and keep you on the edge of your seat. Mutant Beasts One of the standout boss mods is Mutant Beasts, which introduces giant mutant creatures that will put your combat abilities to the test. From massive spiders to towering zombies, these beasts will keep you on your toes as you fight for survival. Mutant More [Bonus Mod] If you’re looking… Read More


    HEMERALD LIVE: SHOCKING MINECRAFT PROBLEM!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘QUESTO E’ UN PROBLEMA! – Minecraft ITA Penitenze’, was uploaded by Hemerald Live on 2024-06-10 18:23:27. It has garnered 1632 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:28 or 7288 seconds. A GIANT BALL of TNT is created, this is a real PROBLEM! 🟣Live Channel ➜ https://live.hemerald.net 🔴First Channel ➜ @hemerald ⚠️ My Social Networks ➜ https://linktr.ee/hemerald Live del 9/06/2024 MODPACK PROJECT SACRIFICE su MINECRAFT ITA Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Cave Project: Part 2

    Terrifying Minecraft Cave Project: Part 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cave Horror Project pt 2’, was uploaded by Crisis on 2024-04-22 21:36:16. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:45 or 2385 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-blowing Minecraft facts revealed 🔥 #shorts #viral

    Mind-blowing Minecraft facts revealed 🔥 #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft fact 💯 #shorts #minecraft #youtubeshorts #viral’, was uploaded by (RANA) Gamer 64 on 2024-04-19 13:13:54. It has garnered 10728 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • 🌟Mind-Blowing Minecraft Exploration with Starleigh Aurora🌟

    🌟Mind-Blowing Minecraft Exploration with Starleigh Aurora🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 Minecraft Monday #2 exploring the frontier【Starleigh Aurora】✨’, was uploaded by Starleigh Aurora on 2024-03-20 05:48:19. It has garnered 10 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:52 or 472 seconds. Credits: Model – DG Studio art&assets- ahyjay BGM – gannderp Additional thanks – agentf2s ——————————————————————- Follow my other accounts here! https://lnk.bio/SkiesOfStarlight ——————————————————————- bgm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwOSpQTh9pU —————————————————————— Support me here! paypal.me/StarleighAurora ——————————————————————- #vtuber #vtuberen Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Server in Indonesia LIVE!🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Server in Indonesia LIVE!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Live Minecraft Server Indonesia’, was uploaded by LanEzzy on 2024-05-27 22:00:06. It has garnered 118 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:18 or 3858 seconds. 🔳 **Minecraft Java 1.17.x – 1.20.x** *(Recomended 1.20.2)* “`IP: play.clubbymc.com“` 🔳 **Minecraft Bedrock/Mcpe 1.20** “`IP: play.clubbymc.com PORT: 19132 (Default)“` “` Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Realm Stream: Moon Vietnam & Moonvelion Creek 🌙

    EPIC Minecraft Realm Stream: Moon Vietnam & Moonvelion Creek 🌙Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Moonvelion Creek- Moon Vietnam (Minecraft Community Realm Stream)’, was uploaded by KidKinobi on 2024-03-25 11:58:07. It has garnered 83 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:56 or 5276 seconds. Let’s get this Moonrock Flavored Bread Pop in and chat, say hello! Just follow the golden rule: Be Chill! This version is Minecraft Bedrock edition, on PS4/PS5! *If you want to join the Realm, you first have to get into my Discord, then go over to the Realm Add Channel, Put in your Information, and I will add later this week!*… Read More

  • Join Sasuke Monarch on EPIC Minecraft SMP LIVE!

    Join Sasuke Monarch on EPIC Minecraft SMP LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Minecraft Live Hindi public smp live java + pe || free to join || Sasuke Monarch’, was uploaded by Sasuke Monarch on 2024-01-10 02:35:58. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:49 or 589 seconds. THANKS FOR WATCHING……. ignore tags 🙂 24/7 stream 24/7 minecraft smp minecraft 24/7 stream minecraft live thumbnail minecraft live wallpaper minecraft live insaan minecraft live stream minecraft live apk minecraft live insaan skin minecraft live wallpaper 4k minecraft live player count minecraft live action movie minecraft live account minecraft live atlas… Read More

  • Jamesy’s SHOCKING Cheating Revelation in Build Battle!

    Jamesy's SHOCKING Cheating Revelation in Build Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated with //REALISTIC in Build Battle’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-05-11 11:00:45. It has garnered 17973 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 03:42:55 or 13375 seconds. I Cheated with //REALISTIC in Build Battle Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3qPTTV-3FUsiezeJrQUl4Q/join Follow Gracie! – https://www.youtube.com/@GracieWinsMC?sub_confirmation=1 Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Undertale Music in Minecraft!” #undertale

    "Mind-Blowing Undertale Music in Minecraft!" #undertaleVideo Information This video, titled ‘UNDERTALE (OST: 71) – Undertale part 9 (Minecraft Noteblock) #shorts #undertale #frisk #deltarune’, was uploaded by Gnhan Studio on 2024-04-22 09:00:25. It has garnered 362 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoc1Hg-iaOcH1b-0L9zaKrg/join Tags: #Undertale #frisk #undertaleost #undertalesoundtrack #UndertaleOST #tobyfox #noteblock #FamilyJules #Alpharad #deltarune #Minecraft #piano #NoteBlock #minecraft #music #gnhan5555 #cover #coversong Read More

  • Unite-MC

    Unite-MCRolePlay – Survival – Jobs – Economyשרת ישראלי, כולם מוזמנים באהבהשרת ישראלי, כולם מוזמנים באהבהשרת ישראלי, כולם מוזמנים באהבהשרת ישראלי, כולם מוזמנים באהבהשרת ישראלי, כולם מוזמנים באהבהשרת ישראלי, כולם מוזמנים באהבה Read More