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[Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it’s yappen time [Music] [Music] hey uh thanks for for all thank you for the soup and the chips I’ll be ready in just a second one second [Music] okay deep breaths we got this B let’s see thank you for the chips and the soup [Music] uh okay is that working I hope that’s working oh I’m I’m just not here okay that’s fine I I didn’t want to be here anyway that’s okay how it is how about now no how about okay all right well I guess I’m here now so uh hi hi everybody how’s it going um catch these hugs scrub first of all no behold as I as I raise both my hands in the most powerful Parry you’ve never seen ping that’s the sound of me parrying you didn’t see it but trust me it happened uh thank you for all of the gifted members chips and the soups um at that point at this point I might okay well holy [ __ ] um o uh ooh I should be oh I can’t keep up with messages hold on hold on okay uh I’m getting back in the swing of things here I go um nope I can’t do it I lied uh see you guys later no I’m just kidding uh okay I’ll tell you what I’ll tell you what I’ll tell you what I’ll tell you what I have an idea I have an idea don’t worry I have a plan I’m a genius what I will do is I will do my first ever not ever my first in a long time um like message read thing later so I can catch up with these so that’s what I’ll do I’m a genius I’m so smart what I will do is uh I will do one of those things that people sometimes do where they go back and they read all those messages uh and maybe I’ll do it on stream at like the beginning of a stream is like a just chatting type of Deal or like a zaton sort of space and I’ll just do that before a different stream yeah I’m a genius that way it’s not a whole stream dedicated to it cuz I feel weird doing that but I also want to like read what you guys said and I don’t feel like I had time while I was setting up today because you guys were so nervous and I didn’t want to keep you waiting so here I am you’re welcome I know I am kind I am magnanimous truly the greatest of uh wait the worst of Idols anyway thank you thank you I saw I saw delicious soups I saw cre Zupas and and and orange Zupas and teals and greens and so many member chips I can’t really count those or uh keep up with what they said but I I did see a ton you’re you’re too kind you’re too kind I will let uh all of the boys and by that I mean my cats know that you guys are responsible for them getting delicious cat food maybe I’ll buy them a little extra treat we’ll see how courteous I know I know I simply am the worst you’re welcome nice wow what an empath that’s me yeah I just knew how you were feeling beforehand dang thanks for being so nice to us whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa let’s be honest I’m not being nice to you I’m being what’s the word I’m looking for factious I’m being factious you’re welcome you’re welcome for that that this is all this is dripping in like a honey lacquer of [ __ ] uh sarcasm and just barely guised sweet words that hide completely malicious intent yeah yeah message ahead Parry I can’t actually Parry everything that’s a lie I do a lot more dodging than I do parrying sorry I’ve lied to you guys all along I’m not a Parry God I I can Parry but I’m not a Parry God we’ll take those crumbs oh yeah eat eat those crumbs you dog no that’s not nice I take it back he’s lowering our guard that’s right I’m creating an opening so I can do a crit strike all right let me have a little sip here hold on let me have a little sip of my stamina potion and then we’ll get chat and we’ll talk about stuff what’s going to happen today what we’re going to do what I’m going to do um and then we’ll talk about other [ __ ] we’ll see how it goes you can’t Parry magic fool what if I had have a magic Perry Shield huh what what if I have the carrying shield and I turn it into little like swords floating over my head how do you like that how have I been not great thanks for asking ah I’ve had worse I’ve had worse I’ve had better hold on let me get a little sip of this one sec [Music] ah delicious okay so M delicious man you guys are throwing a lot of chips and soup all right that’s enough slices I’m full okay so now that we’re all full we’ve all had our fill today I’m going to be playing a little bit of Minecraft uh long time no see by the way I know I’ve had an extended absence I apologize etc etc I know it’s not very idle behavior of me um but I had to take care of some stuff uh which I may talk about at a later date or today I don’t know really I’m not going to like sit here and prze but I also don’t want you guys sitting there guessing and being like oh what happened did he like [ __ ] I don’t know uh did his car break down I don’t have a car I’m just saying things uh did he did he did he like burn his toast uh that kind of [ __ ] so don’t worry all you need to know really is that uh [ __ ] sucks and life’s hard but it’s okay cuz I’m coping and also so because uh I’m strong as [ __ ] and I don’t give a damn I’m going to make it work so that’s where we’re at with it that’s where you’re at with it uh I’m going to play a little bit of Minecraft today that’s what matters and I’m back to my regular scheduled [ __ ] so that’s what we’re going to do also sorry life doesn’t always suck I take that back uh life life life can be hard but it’s what you make of it there you go whoops sorry that was a that was pretty [ __ ] Dow there that was a dow message to give you again not very idle behavior of me but I’ll get there I’ll get there m so let’s go over to Minecraft and we’ll talk a little bit about other stuff first of all I want to talk about what I want to do in Minecraft today cuz that’s where my brain’s at and you know whatever we’ll just do some yapping some just chatting we’ll figure out what else is going to happen today as we go along sound good great I forgot to turn on my Minecraft music uh ohoh hold on a second I’m going to do that oh that’s loud oh no it really said rain sounds ah M so tasty rain [Applause] sounds is that too loud that might be too loud a tad well wait hold on oh that’ll fix it is that pretty good what do you think how we feeling about [Music] that oh there we go that’s beautiful yeah thank you thank you thank you thank you for being members for four months some of you maybe five months even I think I saw in there somewhere um take care of yourself poser Who you calling a PO Faker I think you’re the fake hedgehog around here ha you’re not even good enough to be my fake [Music] okay great there’s the music and let me just I’ll make you eat those words hey did you know that most rain sounds in video games and movies is the sound of uh food cooking in a frying pan I did know that actually uh often it sounds like static or food to me but I mean it it works for what it is it’s fine it gives the idea hey thanks asers okay now I should I think if things are slowing down enough I can keep up with reading um thank you uh everybody for the incredible generosity I I have to do a reading stream or something at some point or you know as a pre- segment to another stream we’ll figure it out it’s my birthday hey that’s me I’m here to ruin [ __ ] birthdays let’s go also congrats on the cicada find astral and cat happy [ __ ] birthday thanks for the soup thank you Richard all right let’s take a little nap real quick and then I’ll talk about what we’re going to do [Music] today okay game loud there we go there we go there we go there we go game quiet game too quiet I turn up okay I have to turn down the music Sorry audio balance is important to me uh I’ll get ready for RFA what’s RFA but also thank you watchi much better okay cool oh ringfit Adventure duh oh [ __ ] I forgot all about that you’re right I do need to get ready for that let it never be said that ruse forgets his bsers I am no [ __ ] coward even if I did forget that one but I still put it on the schedule so I remembered sort of don’t knock yourself out wait did Gerard get knocked out how does that even work how do you [ __ ] up that [Music] bad hey did my axe lose its name but how so we’re back in the mindes jayen says welcome back RS I’m sorry it’s been rough for you lately but hoping it only gets better for here uh yeah well h thank you first of all for the magenta soup uh second of all I mean sometimes how do I say this in a way that’s not depressing but is also in some way uh H how do I say this in a way that isn’t just [ __ ] self lalaing [ __ ] or like crying for the sake of being a little sappy bastard sometimes things don’t get better but you can make the best of what you have and uh you know things level out and go back to normal how about that how’s that that’s good enough for me for now also how the [ __ ] did Gerard pass out thanks [Music] sunny on the upside things are going to get better for you guys so I mean I’ll look forward to that how’s that sound how about uh things things in in in a vacuum sometimes are are permanent and don’t change but that doesn’t mean you can’t find that the world itself still has a lot of good meaning and purpose and that there’s a lot of good things coming around the corner for you guys there’s a lot of cool stuff coming up and for me I mean I’m still excited about it I’ve got some stuff in the works for you I’ve got some stuff in the works for me I’ve got projects I’ve been working on and uh I’m excited to show you eventually hopefully soon yeah yeah there’s stuff coming that’s going to be really cool but for now uh it’s just back to regular regular streaming content got to I still got to you know do this part of things because a this is my favorite part of streaming is playing dumb video games and talking largely to myself while occasionally looking over and seeing what the hell you have to say about my stupidity it’s kind of like talking into a void and then once in a while recognizing there’s a voice inside my Cranium going hey you’re an idiot I’m like oh yeah yeah yeah you’re right you’re right anyway so today what I’m doing in Minecraft real fast before I keep yapping I want to get this established I would like to go check how many diamonds I have and I want to I want to make weapons diamond weapons for uh I I thought about it the other day when uh Ser uh became a glucose Guardian I was like oh maybe I’ll just like you know name an animal after you and execute it and that’s cute I like that but I think I want to do like a weapon hall or something or maybe like underneath the mausoleum I’ll put the weapon that killed that person and name the weapon after them so I want to kind of get that done I want to see how many diamonds I have I’m going to need at least three how many glucose Guardians if I had I want to do everybody that was ever a glucose Guardian because it seems unfair not to give that to the people who were there earlier I think that’d be nice so I want like a weapons Hall maybe or like a weapon Hall with maybe a like a sort of like a there’s a tomb and there’s their coffins or whatever and then above them is the weapon that killed them I think that’d be fun is that music too loud again hold on let me shut up yep [Music] there we go welcome back R so glad you’re back Hey listen I’m glad to be back I love playing video games and yapping do I love you guys no that’s okay though sometimes I think I think there’s a part of me a a deep dark part of me that just likes being in situations where I’m angry for some reason that’s running from all my other emotion no I’m just I like being around you guys cuz it pisses me [Laughter] off ready to smash some blocks damn straight also thanks for four months L hey I’m glad you like it MoonPie I hope you continue to feel that way the community has been really great better than I could have hoped for better than I probably deserve considering again I’m a rambunctious piece of garbage so the fact that such a good welcoming Community has formed up around me is probably the world’s greatest fluke and where I’ve spent all of my luck hey thanks for being a jack ax sin NEPA your favorite all right Oria that’s fair lead says I don’t know what happened and it’s sappy to say Time Heals but it makes it easier I hope you’re actually uh I think you’re actually a sweet per no I’m not anyway thank you for the orange soup thank you welcome back we totally didn’t wreck the T while your way we promise all right let me look around let me see what you did June did you eat one of my [ __ ] hanging leaves you son of a bit no I’m just kidding it’s not my Tavern I don’t care have fun do what you need to do one month let’s go okay 14 so let’s see if I had I got to count the guard glucose in my head hold on H thank you a also thank you a I saw that earlier a uh back on Broadway again thank you very much for the soup this should be enough for right now I have a list of people right now maybe I’ll work backwards I’ll started the most recent and I’ll work backwards so I need at least nine total I guess I’d have to find the people who are in here right who h Huh H I’m just going to start with the list I have right now I’m going to start with the list I have right now so so I need to I need to oh I need to think is what I need to do sleep Andrea sleep work is in fact important I’m just kidding I’m more important than work quit your job what are you doing don’t you know watch watchingg random strangers on the Internet is more important than your livelihood what the hell do you where are your priorities at [ __ ] it weball damn straight we ball let’s go all right let me think thank you AA all right that’s uh thank you for the Crim Zupas that’s a lot of that’s a lot of Zupas that’s a lot of than for me a jack ax Nixie I uh listen I already released the voice content for last month so I don’t have anything new for you but keep an eye out for next month if uh keep an eye out for me yay um anyway what was I thinking uh so I need to make items okay let me pull up my list of current Guardians so we got three so that’s nine total and I need to see if anybody is here hey raise your hand if you’re here can the can the [ __ ] totally platonic poly gamous conglomerate that has decided to adopt me raise your hands uh I need you to say hi so I know what weapon you want me to make for you you want an axe you want a hoe you want a sword you want a shovel you want a [ __ ] what other items are there in Minecraft I don’t know can I name Buck like a bucket if I kill some with it or like a [ __ ] mine cart never mind hand down oh that’s not me whoa look at all those glucose Guardian no I’m just kidding shears can you do shears what’s the question you are so right I just thanks for being the Jack axe nothing thing just called my work and quit thank God I’m so glad that you ruined your [ __ ] life I don’t know why you decided to oh wait CU I advise you to do this okay if you do quit your job or you get fired just let your boss know it’s cuz Crimson ruse said so and when they’re like who the [ __ ] is that be like ah you uncultured swine you absolute dog you animal quit your job join my emo band exactly thank you lendo I’m glad you had a good time I was promised hatred but all I see is love bugs chips and soup and most importantly cats there is a healthy dose of hatred in every single thing I have ever said to you so so if a word has tumbled listlessly from my mouth mouth it has slid down on an on a liquid Tide of hatred I am a water park a refuge if you would maybe a bit of a a a basin of raw wrath okay every single thing I have ever said has been laced with the most healthy dose of vitriol it could poison a horse it could poison a [ __ ] elephant with rage and disdain I dropped college for this best three months of my life hey you’ll have a rosor degree soon [Music] congrats okay we got to lay down for a second epe time why have a job when you go watch Crimson ruse and rage hey everybody thanks for uh the sponsor of this stream rage Shadow Le no wait I’m just kidding rage did not sponsor this that was a joke um the sound effects are low still all right hold on [Music] are we working for R what’s our pay you’re not working you’re studying under me like some sort of [ __ ] uh davincian pupil essentially like what you’re doing is you are a uh what’s the word I’m looking for right now think of me kind of like it’s less that you’re working for me more than I’m working for you as a muse if you would I’m a bit of a I’m a bit of a pro you’re like my patrons patrons right and I am the loud annoying prick who lives in your garden and occasionally you show off to your friends who have money like oh great dear take a look at my pet streamer he lives in the garden he entertains me once in a blue moon when I’m having a coffee I look out at him and say what is he up to that’s me all right that’s our that is our current Arrangement I’m basically like a like a cat like an angry pissed off cat bold of you to assume I’ve got a garden well magma you do have a digital garden and I live in it right now every time you boot up your screen you’re looking through your garden window at the electronic landscape that I happen to exist in some sort of strange [ __ ] temporal uh you know what’s the word hold on there’s a word for this Purgatory yes there is a temporal Purgatory in which I will always exist and is right here in this digital Garden through the window of your screen you’re welcome M it’s a weird cat outside and then every once in a while you you know flick a chip through the window or pour some soup on the ground and I use that to feed my cats that exist not in my digital Garden but in the real world shitty place that I am at okay so what am I going to do I’m going to go build a I’m going to build a basement I’ll build the cathedral over the basement later but I don’t want to build a cathedral right now cuz I’m wazzy and I don’t want to do it so I’m just going to go build a basement and then we’re going to start our little weapons hall/ Doom thing we’ll figure it [Music] out uh thank you for two months thank you also for one month Cara and thank you Chile for soup okay I’m ready thanks for the soup I don’t think I can get ready for any more soups and Chip this chips this week I’m pretty [ __ ] full I think I’ve eaten enough for like the next two weeks thank you though thank you for your delicious cre cream zupa all right now stop being nice to me that’s enough you guys are very sweet and it’s cringe that’s a lot of soup ew feelings yeah I don’t know how to process those but you know what I do know how to process [Laughter] anger be cringe be free okay thank you for the gifted chips I see you thank you for the chips put this soup in the freezer for next week oh okay [Music] okay is it really nice if we’re drowning you in soup I mean kind of yeah [Music] is this how you feed your cat unironically yeah sleepy how else would I feed my cat the cment ain’t feeding them that’s all you guys that’s all the patrons out here while I I Lounge listlessly in the garden do you guys ever think that sounds like a pretty cool job I feel like that’s a pretty cool job right like that’s got to be at bare minimum at least interesting right like it’s got to be an interesting job to be the guy who lives in some rich dude’s [ __ ] garden and just once in a while like kind of poses dramatically in front of a plant and looks thoughtful they’re like yeah that’s my philosopher I keep here he just stares at the plants thoughtfully once in a while my favorite soup Ramen that should be my job that’s my job except instead of staring at the plants listlessly I just I get mad at them I scream at the plants [Music] ah damn it sorry I [ __ ] up my dirt this is what I get for holding a shovel in my [Music] hand how dare you call us sweet here’s more soup to torment you chump Wake me up inside you can’t torment me you don’t have the go evanesence make a diamond shovel why because I can and because I want to [Music] dig serves you right you shovel holder can’t wake up thanks for four months welcome back all right let’s go dig our little pit I don’t know exactly what it’s going to look like yet or what the cathedral above it will look like but I will figure that out as time goes on for now I just want to make the actual pit I still want a Gra graveyard and I’m going to have a graveyard out front of the cathedral somewhere it’ll probably be like I don’t know if I want it inside the pin or not that seems like kind of weird to have your cows grazing on top of graves but maybe right outside of it and right around here is where I’m going to put the little Cathedral and then under it I’ll put an actual catacomb of some sort which again bad idea to put near a beach cuz then you’re going to get a lot of like water level underneath there’s going to be aquafers but I don’t care [Music] save me H can you say into my sorry sorry I can’t sing any further than that or I’ll get copyrighted [Applause] it’ll be interesting for a catacomb it sure will do you guys ever watch the uh the Goofy movie you know what I’m talking about you know what that is yeah does anybody else think goofy has like inescapable Riz what’s that about how did he land that librarian how’d he do that that d a [ __ ] absolute goober how is that possible listen I’m not saying his Riz works on me but I mean I mean Goofy’s like the epitome of that me being my typical dumbass self the bad [ __ ] I pulled with my with my goofy ribs I’m like I don’t know that librarian was way out of his league and yet yet you want to land a librarian I mean no I don’t want to land anybody I’m trying to land the game here I’m married to Killin corruption beast and right now being an idol but I’m just saying that librarian was out of Goofy’s league for actually taking the goofy dare the what goofy got that R why did Disney get rid of her um I don’t know maybe she left Goofy and Disney was like well we can’t have that hey ohami welcome keep in mind that ruse one one temperas no no no no no no no no no no no no that was clearly a [ __ ] fluke that wasn’t me winning temperas that was you [ __ ] forcing the victory on me to punish me very cute dick that does not count if you call me Crimson RZ I am going to Crimson Riz the melon clean off your [ __ ] toothpick neck don’t start with me ah [ __ ] damn it [ __ ] there we go okay the Crips and Whistler sounds like a super villain sounds like a some sort of Batman or something watch out we got to hurry the Crimson Whistler around here where’s the Whistler that wasn’t ruse’s winning tempz that was the rest of armus L yeah rizle me this Batman the only ruse with RZ is azure azer doesn’t have RZ azure’s got the RZ of a [ __ ] teenager on Tik Tok which is to say negative Riz that only works on very desperate or very lonely [Music] people ah tasty azure’s got the type of Riz that works on three distinct groups the desperate the lonely and people that want to kick his teeth in but like in a way that somehow makes them attracted to him hey I’m in that last room well there you go how am I all of these things you might want to get that checked out all right so oh what the hell is there a crashed ship just laying next to my farm I never noticed that there’s a [ __ ] half sunk ship in the beach over here oopsies interesting oh no I’m getting lag but why blue rub Bane thanks for being a rator it’s going to take forever so what I’m doing here is I’m terraforming a bit cuz I recognize I’m going to need a lot of uh solid dirt first before I can actually make this little uh catacomb area it’s not going to be a massive catacomb to start with but what I’m thinking the vision right now is I would like to have a very long like Stone Halls probably made out of deep slate stone underneath and I want to do um Soul lanterns like the blue blue soulfire lanterns you know what I’m talking about I think that would be a lot of fun to have [Applause] [Applause] there that is what I have in my little in my little brain right now that’s what I’m seeing in my heart in my mind’s eye in my in my skimy mind toilet that’s where Octavio lives the Octavio in my head lives in my skibby mind toilet Soul lanterns cool yeah it’s pretty cool you’re what now what I said did I stutter I set it with my whole chest my skiy mine toilet you heard me you [Music] dog I’m going to need so much [ __ ] dirt I don’t have enough [ __ ] dirt is he happy in there yeah except when I bring out the weapons I need a weapon what’s that thing uh [ __ ] kto says I’ve never actually played a god of war game but he’s like depends on who in what weapon come on yeah I got it okay cool I thought for a second they were going to make me climb up there and I’m glad I didn’t have to is there any random wood yep laying around here that’s holding these leaves up from disintegrating okay I think we’re all good got it nice so I need to go collect yet boy I think I’ve got a lot of dirt laying around inside of the farm so I might go get it from there but I could also just keep digging I’ve got a lot of digging to do just keep digging maybe we can just maybe we can uh Source our stuff like locally let us do things that are good for the economy and good for the environment I’m going to Source my dirt locally instead of importing foreign dirt that might be an invasive species we don’t want it to out compete the local dirt got to be conscientious of your envir you know what I mean I only accept organic free range dirt well [ __ ] me too and look at all this organic dirt grassfed no way oh I’ve got so much work to do okay so let’s establish where we want our actual um rise to be and I think it’s going to be right here so if it’s not within the bounds of this pretty natural looking space I think it’s going to have to be destroyed so this is the space I’ve established this is where the line is let’s go diamond shovel no additives well that’s some good dirt well I’ll be that dirt so clean you could eat right off of it please don’t eat the dirt I am sobbing laughing why what’s wrong are you okay do you need me to call a doctor Bo there we [Music] go Ru we gems what is dirt if not crude gems you bring up a solid point however don’t be such a [ __ ] nerd no I’m just kidding however uh stop being such a [ __ ] dweeb how dare you work on an Azure ruse cosplay you would bring this evil into the world you would activate this cruel reality I can’t believe you’ve done this hey congrats Soundwave we love to hear it what ah I meant [Laughter] oh I ran out of dirt hold on uh just a second Cho a [ __ ] minute can I get a Choco Latte okay so knowing what I know now I know I need to destroy this let’s go Soundwave oh yeah I heard my debut merch showed up for a lot of people I was gone congrats congrats how’ it turn out I actually just recently got one of my own that I had purchased I got uh what I was most excited for was the coin and that’s what came in and I was super super excited to see that so that was really [Applause] cool here I am throwing my money back at the cover whoops I love the coin that’s that’s exactly the type of merch I like people say we’re all made of Stardust says Iceland yet it’s way cooler that dirt is made of everything that is ever died on this planet plus some smashed rocks very true dirt is just a lot of dead things uh but yeah the coin is my type of uh merch and that I really really really really really like merchandise that is subtle and looks like something that could just be from like I don’t know a place right like it doesn’t look like it has to be something specifically from a brand or from a show it just looks like something maybe that is its own uh a [ __ ] its own unrelated piece of merch I love that stuff I love like coins or bags that just have symbols on them instead of characters that kind of stuff yeah subtle merch subtle merch there you go exactly [Music] I have more Landscaping to do also I need to get rid of some of the stuff in my inventory I just don’t have enough room to carry all the dirt I want ow my legs things I do not need include grass seed all of these jungle planks cuz there’s a lot uh stairs stairs stairs probably this uh I don’t need this wheat or that or that or that or that or that eh that’ll do me too little sheep or whatever the hell made that noise llama yeah I don’t mind all the logos on apparel a lot of the time it really just depends on what the logos are right or what they look like or uh like what the aesthetic of it is I think my main issue with a lot of merch is that often it’s just a character’s face and it’s like yeah that’s cool but that’s just not my thing right like I don’t want to look like somebody who’s a fanboy of something I want to look like somebody who’s repping something from bonus points if it’s like from that Universe you know what I mean like I I love Legend of Zelda but I don’t have a lot of merch with like Link’s face plaster on it but I do have a good amount of merch like the high en Crest or like the shica symbol and things like that because that I think looks like something somebody from that Universe might wear bonus points if it just looks like something that references a culture in that Universe like if you could get a hold of an outfit that just looked like it came from uh you know shica Society or like maybe zor and make that would be really [ __ ] cool [Music] [Music] damn this grass go growing quick man it has been quite a week for me I’m not going to lie speaking of grass growing quick I uh I’ve had some issues with my current housing Arrangement man I’m just going to say it I’m going to kick my landlord’s ass is this a field for you and your gnome buddies this is not a field for me and my gnome buddies good question Hattie Josh uh this is a this is going to eventually be the groundwork to build a [Music] [Applause] catacomb I I don’t think it counts as bummers to talk about like housing [ __ ] that’s going on so I’m going to talk about housing [ __ ] that’s going on cuz I can and cuz I do what I want want uh sorry cment and shikim Mane and whoever’s watching this if I say something I’m not supposed to say uh you know it’ll be my first stricken Down video probably I don’t know if I’ve had another one but let’s pretend I haven’t anyway uh so recently as we all know I haven’t made much of a secret of this my housing is pretty [ __ ] a lot of Southern Elum housing is [ __ ] I live in a [ __ ] wagon Park so it’s not great and it is about as shitty as you might expect hold on this get really loud I got to turn this down I feel like I’m screaming pug pun thanks for being an [ __ ] anyway it’s about as shitty as you might expect living in a wagon Park it’s you know it is it is what it is it’s not glamorous in any way most people who live in this type of environment either don’t have a choice or they’re living here cuz they’re they themselves are unsavory or you know it’s just the affordable housing you could live in one not affordable which is wild like genuinely an insane cost at this point I am pretty close to being like I think if I just I think I would save as much money or spend as much money living like renting a home now which is kind of wild to me but that aside that aside The Audacity Of The [ __ ] who run this place I can’t tell you too many details cuz it’ll be easy to narrow down where I’m at y y yada blah blah blah blah blah I know the rules I know like what I’m not allowed to say for the most part I hope and there’s been some events that have happened recently uh that have like you know made a change of management because of various outside forces but the people who are in charge now have some unmitigated [ __ ] G they slapped a note on my door the other day that said like hey by the way we’re excited to announce a new beautification like uh campaign that we’re on so here’s what you need to do uh to your shitty [ __ ] wagon or whatever we need you to like you’re going to have to seed your lawn and go ahead and go buy some anti-weed and put that down you need to do this at least three times uh you know every [ __ ] growing season we’re going to need you to do it three times in Spring and three times in summer after that we need you to go clean the shingles we need you to power wash the driveway we need you to power wash the top and the sides of the building we’re going to have you go in and make sure that you check all of your plumbing and stuff is working and all of that and I’m like are you [ __ ] out of your mind are you high here’s the deal if I ever find a note like this on my door again I’m going to ask where your office is and I’m going to do whatever the opposite of that is to your home office do not start this [ __ ] with me I rent from you so I don’t have to do that [ __ ] are you out of your [ __ ] mind why would I clean up your garbage [ __ ] property I’m not interested in that go [ __ ] yourself I don’t pay the amount I pay which is already exorbitant to rent your shitty single wide piece of garbage wagon so that I can then repair it and make it nice or whoever the [ __ ] you’re going to sell it to nah nah you’re high [Music] I don’t own the [ __ ] grass you’re lucky I take care of [Music] that anyway obviously I have not responded and I have no intention of responding because my answer would be hey um if a note like this ever finds its way to my door again I will find my way to yours and that’s not good that’s that’s not good uh for the sake of the cment this is all a joke I would never ever threaten violence against anybody and I’m not uh imploring anybody to use violence maybe a little vandalism in Minecraft um but I am definitely not threatening violence [Music] yeah in game in game exactly exactly so anyway that’s been going on and on top of all the other [ __ ] that’s been happening recently uh you know with [ __ ] IRL problems and stuff man what a world what a [ __ ] world what a time my negative one luck never stops baby so quirky that legitimately sounds illegal it might be I don’t know it probably is I mean the right now the the fact is I need to like not draw attention to myself so I simply did not respond but you cannot imagine how close I was to hitting send when I was messaging them at first it was an aggressive statement and I was like Noah no no no I better not send that so I backed up I backed up then I was like okay I will await the payment that you were going to send me to be your landscaper let me know when that comes through and I’ll do that for you but then I backed up on that I was like I better not send that either uh so I did not send that but man was I oo was I close that’s a pretty good amount of space we’re getting pretty close now I haven’t decided yet so the vision I had right was that as you came out this gate it would be bordered on either side by a few like outer Graves essentially that line up like as you come out this gate there’s going to be like Graves on the left Graves on the right and then there’s the cathedral but now I’m starting to think I don’t want to chop down this entire Hill cuz it would be like Landscaping up to a point where I probably got around here which would mean then I’d have to make a gradual incline until it reached up there which would be pretty aggressive I think what I might do is I might have it curve so it goes this way and then the graves will be here and here and you’ll enter the cathedral here and then you’ll you know there’s a little Cathedral whatever and then maybe you go down and that’s where the mausoleum is or maybe it’s not even a cathedral maybe it is just a little building that’s meant to house the stairs that leads down to the m the audacity and the nerve I know I know I’m like you already charged me out the ass for an insane amount of things and then they had the [ __ ] nerve to be like by the way for now on if uh you know every week we’re going to check your [ __ ] lawn and if it’s not done we’re going to go ahead and hire somebody to do it that’s going to cost you $80 every week I’m like what cool if I see anybody out of my la on with a mower I’m I’m sorry but the I’m starting to throw I’m going to start throwing raters it is what it is and what it is is violence I’m not kidding when I say $80 yeah that’s what I’m talk in a in a wagon park right am I crazy am I wrong for being mad about this I mean I get mad about a lot of stuff so sometimes I’m like maybe I’m out of line maybe I’m out of line but I think in this case I’m like you’re out of your [ __ ] mind a [Music] week crazy I was crazy once that’s me I’m going to shave off one more Hill I know that means like five more cuz I have to go up a tier but that’s okay Society what the hell [Music] that practice is very common oh I’m about to invoke a an uncommon amount of property damage if that practice gets too common around me that’s a joke cment that’s a joke I’m kidding ha I would never ho oh I’m such a quicky little guy just a funny streamer [Music] [Laughter] guy is this AI voice 100% you caught me dark ninja godamn you sused it out Sherlock [ __ ] how did you know how did you know I’m actually an agent of AI going forward I’m going to destroy uh everything you hold dear I’m here to replace your job as a ninja the AI ninjas are out to get us [ __ ] how did you know rber no but I will turn on my hold on let me turn on my AI voice it is I Robo ruse out I could tell it to your laugh oh I see you caught me ah damn well I guess of the couple people that watched me and the few hundred people that have seen my content you’re the first one to recognize that it’s all been a it’s all been a farce it’s all been an AI voice the entire time [ __ ] [ __ ] I guess the cat’s out of the bag oh yeah life tough it’s all been a ruse yeah true hi ruse here’s a house uh here’s some house funds and a Roser volunteer for the throwing yeah yeah thanks so my rants really are chat I’m actually so the fact of the matter is I’m not streaming to you right now ruse doesn’t exist I am an advanced algorithm hooked directly up to chat GPT I’ve been chat GPT all along that’s my secret cap I always was yeah the future is now old man no it’s not true pre-recorded very true all right that’s enough of this grass though get out of here you’re hurting my vision I need a v i have a vision and I need to see it through um thank you for the chips delicious robor ruse my Koshi don’t let robor ruse be your Koshi are any of us real somebody somewhere probably um thanks for being an axhole am I pre-recorded yes you guys don’t know that none of you are real and you’re all a pre-recorded thing too this is just a this is a farce this is a little factious game we’re all playing where we all pretend to be real but it’s really just content that is created by AI for AI which is the dead internet Theory have you guys heard of the Dead internet Theory this actually a fun transition this started as a rant but I’m changing the topic immediately let’s turn it around have you guys heard the dead internet Theory the horror true you have okay so for those who don’t know so the dead internet theory is the theory that because of the rise of AI and AI generated content the internet is rapidly approaching a space where no content that is actually human-made anymore will be able to thrive or survive in an endless like sea of AI generated [ __ ] so what’s going to happen is that AI is going to keep feeding into itself right like AI learns from Human content but once human content slows down or gets like pushed aside in like an a [ __ ] like tidal wave of AI generated content what’s going to happen is that AI will start to feed off of itself and get more and more absurd until the only thing that exists anymore on the Internet is just weird like parodies of actual human-made content that is so absurdist nobody could find joy out of it but the only people left to witness it will be AI cuz people will stop going to the internet for Content the idea is that humans will eventually just fall back on themselves and like live content so they know it’s real and the internet will largely become abandoned as a creative space and only be used for you know the the technology side of it right the business side of it which in a way has kind of already been happening even before AI the internet went from being this sort of wild west Wonderland which was pretty [ __ ] awful I’ll admit but in its Heyday you know in its original form it was just a bunch of people being creative not every site had a billion ads not every site needed like sponsors and stuff like that in the corner to keep flowing there was a time when the internet just had sites that existed you know on their own Merit right but everybody’s got to make money everybody’s got to keep their domains alive yada yada yada So eventually everything became about like having a sponsor and being able to like have a uh profitable business in some way but there was an era of the internet where like I don’t know you can just go to [ __ ] I don’t [ __ ] know Neopets or whatever and there is like not as many different products slammed directly into your nose or there was like different fan boards for SES and [ __ ] or DND D boards and [ __ ] like that uh and all of those had just the content that you signed up for the the the information you wanted and that was all it was about but as businesses became more prevalent and people began to realize the internet was good for making money that’s what it became about and now it’s going to turn into hey by the way AI is trying to figure out how to profit off of this and failing and it’s only making content for AI itself which is going to be real wild oh yeah Google image is already relatively useless it’s about to get worse sorry Google uh sorry coverit if you’re looking for that Google sponsorship I’m not insulting you Google probably uh but I am saying that you’re stable diffusion how do I say this gener generously um it needs it it could use a little more time in the fire how about that it could it could use a bit more cooking hey o chill steak it needs to not exist well I am neutral on that as any good corporate dog with a leash around his neck would be I have no stated opinion on what I think about that oh Minecraft I wonder if there’s like whoa what the hell does that say wait a minute uh oh [ __ ] e do what I think that’s kind I can’t read the rest of that anyway thank you for the soup Oki I’m an idiot duh Oki oh yeah there’s something you’re supposed to say and return to that um uh [ __ ] [ __ ] I forgot the call in response to that but you know what I meant TOA ah to I definitely knew that my nongo is very josu I lied my nongo is not very joosu help hital here we go oh okay I need to go ethically Source more deer unfortunately for me and for you I have decided that I need much more dirt down here so I’m going to have to build this up to like a man what is that one two layers at least and then probably a third layer really and then that means I have to go a fourth layer that being said at least this is a long flat plane so it’s not going to be too much more than four but four layers is still a lot let’s get started his knong go is so joou yes my knong my knong go is very Jo you thank you for saying so okay let’s dig up a few more of these little bushes I kind of like these little short bushes I think they look cute around the little cathedral but I want to get rid of them for now until I’m ready to set them up myself because I want them to be athetic I heard you could talk like the Japan language oh yeah yeah I speak it I spr it good I do want to get back to that and that’s what this month I think is going to be about uh I’m catching up on I I mean I’ve already said on this schedule that Monday I’m going to do a new karaoke so I can keep up on what I promised as far as the Idol Journey thing goes and hopefully that’s a good sign that I mean hopefully that’s a a show of good faith on my part that I’m not giving up on that and I’m pushing it despite Uh current events and stuff so don’t worry I’m not giving up I’m not backing down I’m still doing that but aside from that I want to get back to learning Japanese so that’s what this next month is going to be about I’ve got a lot of different projects lined up that I need to take care of and that is going to slow it down just a little bit but I’m hoping that every day at least for a little bit if only for half an hour or so I should be able to get back into uh you know doing the little textbooks a come on there’s so many ah ah creep tomorrow you know what’s funny is I didn’t put creep on the playlist this time I got a little bit of a bonk for never sending my playlist to shikim Mane before the karaoke cuz it turns out I should have been doing that this whole time whoopsie uh but I did not put creep on the list this time cuz I feel like I’m using it a little bit as a crutch I know it’s supposed to be a marker and it shows how much I’ve grown or not grown but I’ve also practiced singing negative per for this entire month and basically the entire month in Japan so I really don’t think I’ve grown at all sorry honestly I was going to kind of phone it in for this karaoke and just sing a bunch of songs I’ve already sung and be like ah [ __ ] it if if there was ever a month where I should be allowed to do this it’d be this one but I couldn’t bring myself to do it so I grabbed as many new songs as I can uh wish me luck was the last one ever rebroadcast it was not it was not rebroadcast no I felt like it was just too late to rebroadcast it and honestly who would want to watch that anyway okay is that all the Le or wood up here so the leaves will go away I think so I think we’re good okay uhoh all right let’s get the [ __ ] out of here before Oh well before they start spawning W it’s never too late Albert Einstein probably Albert Einstein Circa 300 when he was in that one movie where they fought the uh they fought the Spartans or whatever that a good movie I loved Albert Ein Einstein in that one good morning fro yo our company has built a second internet Tower however as a result your internet prices will go up 200% I wouldn’t be surprised honestly see you later [ __ ] carolicious sorry Gamers I already have my set list if I switch it up now shikan is going to punch me in the throat was Albert Einstein oiled up oh yeah in the 300 movie you better [ __ ] believe Albert Einstein was oiled up you missed idiot order and entropy a never ending cycle [ __ ] strike [Music] hello creeper oh man creeper oh money son okay let’s get to work shall we so the first thing I’m going to do is I’m going to lay out the uh ground work for how I want this to look and I think we’re going to do like a well let’s not do a diagonal directly I don’t think what I’m going to do is I’m going to do like two two two two stop two two two two so this is creating the illusion of a diagonal without having to um go directly straight cuz it would be too it would be too sharp we need merch for the mon Sons I’d Rock a shika mané shirt I don’t know about that then you start to border the you start to tread the dangerous border of turning the monise into talents themselves and who knows how that goes and then some people are going to be like oh they’re overstepping their bounds and like I’m not here for the monies I’m here for the talents and blah blah blah blah blah anyway maybe maybe I’m going to leave that up to the company though that ain’t my business uh film major excuse me film major here you mixed up 300 in Oppenheimer Oppenheimer is the movie where Einstein was oiled up in oh oh incorrect nice try Oppenheimer is the movie with the Vampire and Bella Swan good try though I know what you are say it you you’re you’re pale cold you talk like you’re from a nether time I know what you are say it you’re a science are you scared I mean yeah yeah yeah little [Music] trying to figure out where I could afford to just steal some [Music] J I guess over here is fine I’ll steal some jet from here [Music] ethically sourced local [Music] dirt I thought that was the one about the Barbie you played basketball with the space aliens no no no no no no no no you’re thinking of High School Musical 3 nice try though it was close you were close and you know what I’ll give you credit for giving it a shot that was really good really well done I’m proud of you say it you’re with the science team [Music] I don’t know if I’ve ever watched a High School Musical now that I think about it are they good should I bother probably not oh no ruse you can’t say High School Musical is not good I will cover ever get the High School Musical uh sponsorship all right Gerard we got to beat our Rivals The Tempest gang from down at Tempest High we’re in this together if we work hard we’ll sing about each [Applause] other Roose Roose I’m the basketball Co or lead I’m the head basketball player I’m in charge of the basketball team no Gerard there’s a new basketballer in town and R is like a transfer student or whatever the [ __ ] right and he’s like threatening Gerard’s position as like head basketballer or whatever the [ __ ] they call like the lead basketball guy I’m just going to assume they called him like the basketball Grand Master the grand baller yeah so ruse is threatening his position as the grand baller but then Gerard’s like maybe maybe deep down I was never the grand baller maybe they’re right maybe R should be uh in charge but then through a series of hij Jinks and Adventures they come to realize that really it’s not about who’s in charge it’s about teamwork and really like bringing the best out of each other in the grand Court of uh triple pointers or whatever and they grow to appreciate each other’s leadership styles and uh just accept that it’s not about leadership more so than teamwork yeah I also love sport I’m great at sports what about the theater part oh uh yeah the theat there’s a theater part what does that mean what do you mean by that yeah Octavio is in the theater do I guess sure the musical oh [ __ ] you’re right it is a musical okay so Octavio um okay so so so while this uh conflict of leadership is going on between Gerard and myself right Octavio’s got a subplot maybe even a main plot ravio is struggling between his loyalty to the theater es especially Puppet Theater uh and his loyalty to the basketball team and he wants to play bball real bad but you know the the big plays coming up and he finally got permission to use his puppets as like some sort of weird standin while he sings so he’s going to be able to do a little bit of vent ventriloquism song um and he might never get a shot like this again and you know the guy the big playright guy is going to be in town and this is his shot to make it to the big leagues you know uh Yago who’s in charge of all Puppet Theater and on the west coast is actually going to be there today at the high school to check this out because he’s actually a friend of uh shikim Mane who by the way is the theater uh teacher at this school uh they were high school friends so he’s coming to hang out and watch to see what her students have been up to and this is Octavio’s big shot to get in a real theater but he can’t disappoint his best friend Gerard uh during the big game yeah yeah Joo play righton exactly did you know they made a High School Musical series how aren’t those actors like 50 or whatever I just wrote your fanfic for you you’re [ __ ] welcome thank you for the High School Musical Au you’re welcome Gibby just balling you know Goldie is like the king of the home at class but he’s also absolutely Balin 100% I don’t [ __ ] know how old those goddamn actors are weren’t they like 30 when they shot that film o I see it’s a different cast I okay okay okay that checks out that makes more sense got it got it got it got it got it got it got it got it got it no they weren’t what’s your basketball position uh I’m the I’m the I’m uh the slam dunker I’m the slam dunker is my POS my role I do the dunks and I uh I uh field goals I do the dunks and I shoot for the three-pointers and I kick for field goals you’re the cheerleader hell no I’m not that’s Gerard job remember oh yeah I play jungle that’s my uh that’s my main my main Lane in basketball I sometimes I play off Lane sometimes I play jungle it really depends can I auto lock in sand King can I play clinks better to run than curse the road the position is called dunkaroo actually oh yeah that’s me and my [ __ ] later hosen playing as the dunar how gble do you think I am just cuz I don’t know [ __ ] Sports doesn’t mean you can convince me to say I’m some sort of [ __ ] German boy who likes berries and cream I’m not out here being the goddamn serial mascot dunkaroo in what [ __ ] world do you think I was going to fall for dunkaroo excuse me that is not a basketball position that is a maneuver you perform on cookies and milk ah [ __ ] I’m out of food I can’t run oh it’s going to be hard to close the gap on this guy got him it’s a little snack [Music] you know who else is a little snack and that’s what azra ruse jumped in stupid so dumb so [ __ ] stupid it’s yogurt I hate yogurt yucky yucky I’m ruining uh cover uh covers yogurt branding sponsorships right now yogurt sucks I hate yogurt yuck [Music] dunkaroo is cannon that’s true actually you’re a loose canon dunkaroo until you learn how to play with the team you’re off I’m benching you for the season now you have to play as the water guy who does the Gatorades why is that a position on the team and how does that work how do you apply for that position how do you become the Gatorade guy and is that something that’s always been around what happened before Gatorade was invented why is that position important anyway the Oreos are dunkalicious oh that’s my catchphrase when I’m dunkaroo dunkaroo is actually my Sonic fanos hey everyone I’m dunkaroo the marsupio these Oreos are so dunkalicious remember dunkaroo says drugs are bad oh you’re born in into it oh okay yeah I get it but like why didn’t they just [ __ ] I don’t know get their own Gatorade why do they need somebody to deliver it to them honestly it sounds kind of pathetic just have like a cooler with Gatorade right there also who needs electrolytes you [ __ ] cowards grow up drugs are bad dunkaroo are great they’re dunkalicious ruse has a Sonic o yeah his name’s dunar ruse the hedgeheg I am heartbroken the rater is not on stream with you truly cruel my man who sorry what is that what are you talking about [ __ ] up and evil W well that’s why they say I’m a bad guy I’m the bad guy ooh this music’s kind of going he hates us yes yes I’ve said this many times yes I do how many more times do I have to say it every day I affirm my hatred for you and it’s just not enough how else can I prove it to you you don’t care about me at all if this relationship is going to devolve into me having to constantly prove my hatred to you I just don’t know if it’s going to work okay I use words of affirmation I I I I I do gift taking I even withhold like any sort of affection how else can I prove uh how committed I am to this relationship I hate you guys remember that one time he said he loves us that was specifically to lure in the sorority that was only to punish Gerard I don’t love anyone take away our games may take away our gems maybe that’ll do it I won’t take away your gems flower but I do have an idea um I’ll tell you what since you guys apparently don’t [ __ ] get how much I hate you I’m going to take away your game PR privileges all right if you don’t quit it I’m going to take away your iPad stop [ __ ] around I’m serious no more video James for you life will not be like a video Jame you cannot try hard to get the girl life is like a video game we all have enemies to Arch uh we all have enemies to Arch enemies relationship damn straight no what I will I’ll take it I will steal your iPad from you right now you don’t think I have the power to do that I know what you’re thinking a couple of you are laughing right now like okay ruse okay you’re going to take my game from me how are you going to do that like this kind of like that yeah now you’re just going to be stuck here forever fro screen for the rest of your life you’ll never see it you’ll never see it enjoy this is the rest of the stream now jar oh no it didn’t just freeze it went away even better I turned off your iPad oh boy minecraft sure is exciting right now I bet the raters would like to see this oh my gosh is that a an an Ender uh [ __ ] unicorn holy [ __ ] an Ender unicorn on This Server no oh they’re missing oh no that’s so sad that’s so sad I guess they should have behaved oh well I TR I really wanted them to see this too they would have loved the raters just would have loved this they would have loved this this is so sad well I guess I’ll just have to enjoy it without him what a beautiful moment we could have shared together as like a family you know but sometimes life just doesn’t work out that way oh well I know R I hate doing this too I no listen I know you want it back I know I know you’re sad I’m sad this hurts me more than it hurts you okay I I I wish it didn’t have to be like this but you guys just wouldn’t listen ow my legs ready to throw hands let’s see you throw hands when I take out my baseball glove and catch your hand you didn’t expect my counterplay did you I know masterful sorry I don’t know what just came over me there for a second I turned into the most insufferable prick that ever lived for just a second there I became truly intolerable ah my legs anyway thanks for the soup at least this is your uh at least this is the best build you’ve ever looked at it’s true actually I’m building something incredible right now jokes on you I was here for you oh yeah were you now what are you going to do what if this is the new streaming meta what if I’ve invented the new way to stream this is it this is how it’s done now this is uh this is what uh everybody wants this is what everybody desires it’s sort of like an ASMR stream where I have to paint you a I’m I’m dming for you right now I’m Dungeons and dragoning uh I’m role playing as as a streamer at this very moment all right guys so what you see in front of you is uh uh uh a a muscled guy with a a big hole cut out of the front of his shirt uh it seems like he’s kind of an angry dude you get the vibe that this guy might be kind of pissed off all the [Laughter] time close enough welcome back to podcast yeah yeah there you go you little babies you little stinky trog DS you’re welcome oh is the game not coming back oh sorry guys it doesn’t it huh I think the game decided it’s not coming back life is like a video game oh there we go get [ __ ] idiot oh it’s going to take forever okay how do I want to do this I think what I’ll do is I’ll go yeah we’re going to go in lines after I get through here that is okay I’m out of dirt again which means tomorrow we do more dirt farming [Applause] yippee yeah yeah enjoy you little content rotted [ __ ] you see this is the problem with today’s youth they’re all about their Tic Tacs and they don’t have the attention span anymore to watch video essays Tru intellectuals the problem with today’s youth is they just can’t be told how they’re supposed to feel about something by some random dude on the internet ah um all right grandpa sure up Grandpa listen if you’re too young to remember video say well first of all you probably haven’t a double digit age yet second of all get the [ __ ] out of here get out of here really oh it’s go time come on that’s right gaspacho your ass is grass and they call me the motor sit down don’t ever shoot an arrow into my [ __ ] leg again I was told this is familyfriendly content um they lied sorry they lied to you oh no I put on video essays to write my own I could never I could never imagine I can’t do anything when I’m watching a video essay I literally cannot do anything I stare at the screen transfix like a [ __ ] toddler being shown skiy toilet like there is nothing that could pull my attention away from a video essay once I start the only way I can watch video essay and do other things if it’s completely mindless [ __ ] and I make sure to set the iPad or the phone or whatever super far away from my vision radius so I don’t stare at it when I’m watching [ __ ] Jacob Geller I have to like I have to avoid looking at him like like he’s a [ __ ] Gorgon like if I make eye contact I’ll turn to Stone because my attention span certainly [ __ ] will I if I look at a video essay for even half a second I am immediately en raptured and there is no world in which I get done what I’m supposed to be getting done and if it takes actual thought and concentration it’s not just busy body hand workk I can only put on music because a video essay will absolutely take away my thought process people do that lie on the internet what why I can’t believe in [Music] that’s that ADHD girly you know me girly pop me and my my delicious adhd’s yeah this movie comes in 4k ADHD R have you lost a little weight on your face I thought so but it was just my imagination I have not lost any weight on my face I have always been so incredibly sculpted like like a great God which is why in this stream of Hades to we are so back damn straight what’s up Roy how you doing today Roy [Applause] ke we are indeed so back indubitably in fact one might even posit that we are so back it’s almost as if we never left oh yes qu glad to be back I guess for a given value of glad I am glad for a distraction I’m less glad to have to be in the presence of you intolerable [Laughter] [ __ ] said with all due care and love that I can muster what word did you just say to me oh that word uh so here hold on let me I’ll show you let me get out my dictionary so that word’s intolerable you can find it under I if you look under like i n n and then tolerable right so usually it means somebody that is impossible to tolerate or deal with or be around die I can’t be killed I’m stronger than every God probably I have enough hate in my heart that there is nothing that can kill me at this point I am not a man I am a concept an egg yeah well here’s what I think about your egg get [ __ ] idiot w w wow wow wow there we go I’ve got to dig for so much dirt and yet here you are listen I got to deal with the contract I was given the government says I got to be here and I got to entertain you I don’t know what kind of weird ass Bounty this is but I do have to abide by the rules of said Bounty all right let’s go get it to work what up my name’s Jared I’m 19 and I never learned how to [ __ ] read guys he’s losing it impossible there’s nothing that can make me Crack I am unbreakable you know that one uh JoJo um series diamond is unbreakable that’s me except it’s not Diamond it’s just ruse ruse is unbreakable baby maybe the cover’s having me babysit you guys you don’t like gnaw through the foundations on every building and south elisium or something can you take us to the rater Park I need enrichment no you have your enrichment that’s what I’m here for I’m the only enrichment you’re going to get diamond is unbreakable men and I would like to make a quick uh statement here and it is that I’ve never watched that sorry sorry fake fan Oh I thought someone was walking up next to me but it was just the music terraforming there’s something calming about terraforming and and in the same hand once you get kind of closer to getting it done when you know you’re getting close to the end of terraforming it always gets super tedious cuz at some point you’re just like man I just want this to be done all right here we go at least he’s seen some JoJo I’ve only seen the good parts of Jojo what is the terraforming goal today well I’m building out this hill a little bit cuz it was a bit too sharp of a drop after I got out of my little farm back there and the reason I’m doing that is because I am going to dig a mausoleum I would like a melum and a sort of like honorary weapons Hall type of deal because I feel like I do want a graveyard still I think that’s going to be really fun but more than that I want something unique that is more my thing and I think what I’m going to do is every time I kill a glucose Guardian on the sacrificial altar that we built last time I’m going to name a weapon after that glucose guardian and kill them with that and then I’m going to bury it above their uh tombs in the mausoleum so I’ll kill them there and then I’ll inter them somewhere in the mum that I build over here have you considered that maybe Yago hired all of us to babysit you this is your enrichment time and we’re observing from outside your enclosure is it though first of all how much are you getting paid for this second of all why would I need to be monitored I’m a completely law-abiding most of the time as far as the government knows citizen who has never done anything wrong in my life nice try Minecraft how you vex me with your teror forming Wilds they pay me in rater coins holy [ __ ] how many of those do you have I hear the stock markets’s going up on those right now yeah I get paid in rater coin it’s a it’s an investment it’s part of my stock portfolio I don’t want to brag but I’m kind of one of the top holders of Roso coin at the moment STS H sple rater coins is going to the Moon bro I remember the going to the Moon Arc during the little uh pandemic or whatever good times or was that right before the I can’t remember anymore whatever maybe I should play around with stock that’d be funny as if I have the money to do anything like that be cool if I did though hey guys uh the chips and the super great can somebody drop me some [Laughter] stock you went to the moon no but that would have been cool um Can somebody invest in my 401k I’m joking I’m joking by the time I’m old enough to get 401K there’s not going to be a 401k do not invest in that I got you bro thank you nakam meran I knew I could count on you YouTube’s like we’re excited to announce our brand new initiative now to support your favorite content creators you too can buy them stock and Bitcoin check this out our YouTube coin is our brand new movement and you’re going to love this next part for every YouTube coin you buy your streamer has to punch themselves directly in the nuts isn’t that great stock but stock of oh that’s pretty clever oh okay Marlo okay Chloe I get it very good I like that you know on that [ __ ] ad that YouTube was playing they’d be having some sort of like they be having some sort of like chipper like background music that’s supposed to make you feel kind of like homey part of a family they’d be smiling people back there like but it’d be silent so they’d be like in front of a keyboard and there’d be like some you know I don’t [ __ ] know offbrand moist critical on the screen in front of them like with a punching themselves in the crotch and like jumping up in the air cartoonishly when they get hit and it’s like with our new YouTube coin you’re never going to believe the heights you could take your favorite content creators to try it out today can’t relate I have ADD block you can’t add block this there we go can’t add block on my phone well it is what it is I’m afraid [Music] that’s all right because for every ad you watch your favorite content creators get a get a uh a 100th of a penny support us today by watching at no I’m just kidding there we get a little bit more than that I don’t know what the ratio is I should probably check that you know for this being my like whole job right now since I’ve stopped bounty hunting while I’m doing this um I really don’t look into it as much as I probably should in retrospect I should know my business more than I do but uh oops uhoh shrug I got rid of a piece of do it but I needed that do it look at all this delicious dirt I bet you never thought you’d see a world in which I got to have all this dirt for free wow things sure are looking up for Crimson roof uh-oh I accidentally placed a log when I meant to eat an apple let’s waste a little stamina so we can take a bite real quick we don’t want this taken up inventory space when we could have dirt there instead AR says you get your check and they like I guess I made that much I guess kind of yeah I mean I understand the ratio of like you know the basic stuff like yeah this is what you make off of like this and that or whatever but ads are a mystery to me I should look into those at some point I’m sure there’s like something to be said for them and any support count so like if you just watch ads that’s super cool thank you um but I don’t really understand the ratio and that’s on me I should definitely look at that at some point but I’m lazy and I don’t know where to go to figure it out so oopsies bye-bye ghosty gone I guess you could say that you’re going to get ghosty gone God damn it funny reminds me ruse of glasses in the book club trees reminds me of the image of Goku doing taxes telling Gohan don’t tell your mom I know how I don’t know what image that is but that sounds funny as [ __ ] I don’t even know I can call it laziness like with a straight face it’s just that like I don’t know I just don’t know where to go to look for that information so I just don’t think about it a lot really I should I really should it is the livelihood I’m talking about but as much as it pains me to be H sappy with you I’m genuinely happy you’re back I miss your jokes and your sense of humor also can I get a birthday wish what’s your birthday wish it depends I can’t say yes to that until I know what it is you wish for the answer is maybe what’s the wish happy birthday either way also you know what I’m glad to be back it’s been a really you I’m not going to mince words here it’s been a [ __ ] dog water week it’s kind of sucked it’s been worse than dog water it’s been [ __ ] like old sloppy gross [ __ ] backwashed chew water you know when someone like does that [ __ ] chewing tobacco and then spits into a bottle it’s been that it’s been that kind of week and if you don’t know that consider yourself lucky you don’t want to be in Midwest El South elisium wait I didn’t see your birthday wish hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what’s your birthday wish restate it my birthday wish is that God bless us everyone sorry Josephina it’s a bad habit hopefully they got out of it it’s kind of nasty I’m not saying your brother’s nasty but I am saying your brother’s habits were pretty [Laughter] nasty uh let’s see hold on wait oh [ __ ] uh I if you see this uh be as mean as you want in saying happy birthday if you want to all right you pile of [ __ ] garbage I hope that your birthday is as truly awful as you deserve which can mean either very nice things or very bad things depending on the type of [ __ ] that you are and judging from the fact that you’re sitting here consuming my content and enjoying watching me I’m going to go out on a limier and say that you’re probably not a great person but in the off chance that you are hopefully you get everything you deserve oh boy I love tornado warnings they’re my favorite amen honestly tornado warnings are a diamond dozen have I ever told you guys about I think I’ve said this before on stream haven’t I hakas Senpai have I told you about tornado fear today I would like to proze to you on the podium about the idea of tornado fear what okay let me tell you a little let me tell you a little a little crimsen r secret this is going to help you with your own problems in life all right this to help you process your own issues Deputy Deputy thank you for those delicious member chips I will use those only for the most terrible and vile of Deeds you can rest easy knowing that are going to a bad cause what that all right so tornado fear I will not get off track here I go you cannot distract me I am an implacable wall of focus unmoving like an OB an obsidian Obelisk of absolute concentration on the conversation Topic at hand rising out of the Raging ocean of distractions that you try to provide for me there is nothing in this world that will make me lose just focus on what I’m about to say which is so tornado fear Haka Senpai nope I can’t see that sorry uh kamachi sorry I’m not cool it’s a lie if you saw me from the normal clip uh and you thought that was cool wait until you see how awful I am all right here we go so anyway thanks for being here thanks for the soup here we go tornado fear is the concept right of if you can’t change it why be afraid of it being raised in Midwest south Elise you learn very quickly to stop panicking at the idea of tornadoes because tornadoes are like every other [ __ ] week right you’re going to have tornadoes all the time in Tornado Alley you got to stop worrying about it and most of the time they’re going to miss you I’ve never had a house taken by a tornado I’ve had a house taken by a fire I’ve had a house taken by a flood I’ve never had a house taken by a tornado but they do come pretty close a lot of the time and you get so used to it that after a while people around Midwest south Lum just go outside and watch the tornadoes right like people just get out their little lawn chairs or whatever they’ll go to their porch and they’ll sit there and they’ll just watch the [ __ ] tornado cuz what else are you going to do there’s nowhere to go in a [ __ ] wagon Park you can’t get away there’s no basement to run to you just accept okay if this comes it’s going to kill me and that’s what it is so you quickly learn to stop worrying about the things you can’t change and I call that tornado fear prime example right when I was a kid I was super afraid of heights and I still don’t like heights all that much I mean I deal with them and I I’ve gotten used to tolerating my fear with a relatively level head no matter what I’m afraid of um but I don’t like getting on planes I still get really really nervous up until I get on the plane but then when I sit down on the plane everything seems to calm down why because it’s too late to change it once the plane takes off I feel overwhelming peace I’m incredibly anxious until the plane’s off the ground but then once it’s off the ground I’m like H [ __ ] it whatever if it goes down to this point I’m dead anyway there’s nothing I could do to change it so why stress I only stress until I can know longer control the situation and then when I can’t control it there’s no longer a reason to stress it’s out of my hands I don’t give a [ __ ] anymore if I die I die I guess so be it that is tornado fear it is in fact what it is is now if I can control a situation you better [ __ ] believe that anxiety and that stress those are still [Music] [Music] there fascinating why is it called Tornado fear when you no longer fear it though because the fear concept I suppose is there if you can control it right like at one point I did have the benefit of living in a place where there was safety from you know tornadoes or at least relative safety in the form of a uh a basement area that like all of the tenants could go to and I was very anxious about the tornado warning then uh until I got to that basement area and got my cats to that basement area but you know being back in the wagon Park it’s kind of back to the okay well if it happens it happens like that sucks but te is what it te so the fear is there it just dies off the moment you realize you can’t control the situation how morbidly comforting yeah morbid Comfort that’s a good word for it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] yeah if anything I feel like people here just treated as mildly annoying when there’s like heavy storms or tornadoes like ah [ __ ] hope the internet doesn’t go go out hope my electricity stays hope I can complete this stupid [ __ ] Final Fantasy 14 raid or [Music] whatever did I get tornado warnings in Fe oh I can neither confirm nor deny because depending on weather patterns and when tornado warnings Have and Have Not happened that would be a little too telling of where I’m M which is a bad move exactly pent pedals you try your best to handle the situation until you no longer have any control of the situation and then you just shrug your shoulders say ah [ __ ] it if it happens it happens Let It Go [Music] it’s kind of like the dichotomy of control and stoicism I don’t know a lot about stoicism Roki I’ve only ever heard bad things unfortunately which I don’t think is necessarily fair I think every like sort of um philosophy about how to you know deal with life and control like your own space in life has some Merit depending on how you choose to like I feel like philosophy a lot of times you know like [ __ ] um stoicism and what is it uh what’s that one that everybody’s always talking about not not Freud um who’s that dude that like every toxic [ __ ] masculine ass hat like quotes whenever they’re being dicks you know what I’m talking about is it Niche I think that’s who it is anyway I feel like there’s wisdom to be taken from almost every type of philosophy it just depends on how you wield it philosophies are weapons and Shields and armor and how you deal with your life it just depends on how you wield those you know what I mean and I feel like stoicism’s got to have some good lesson in there nihilism oh now don’t get me wrong I haven’t really looked into many of those people myself I haven’t read any of their works I’ve never read any work from [ __ ] Niche or whatever his name is it nich or Niche anyway whatever I’ve never read his works I’ve never read about stoicism in its like truest form I’ve only heard bad things but I try to take that with a grain of salt I feel like being stoic has its place and its time it’s not good all the time nii ni oh Zen yeah Zen has a lot of great philosophies I love z n it’s interesting to read about but it’s atrocious how certain things get taken uh out of context for certain agendas isn’t it though but I mean that’s true of everything like every single like don’t get me wrong certain philosophies have a proclivity to be taken out of context and make it relatively easy to take themselves out of context but anything can be taken out of context I mean you could turn like [ __ ] Buddhism to a violent nature if you really wanted to it really depends on the person wielding the philosophy and how it’s used who are my favorite philosophers I don’t really have any I don’t sit around reading philosophy I tend to try and form my own [Music] people will find a way to be [ __ ] it’s true the time when it was written matters too in my opinion oh absolutely I mean of course different like prevailing opinions and what was considered okay and what was considered not okay and that changes over time depending on the culture you’re in and like how that culture interfaces with other cultures and the amount of exposure they get to other cultures yada y y y y y uh depending on the time something was written you’re going to get a lot of different Norms of what’s okay or even what’s moral or just if I am your favorite philosopher for first of all go outside and touch sand second of all don’t listen to a Goddamn word I say I’m an idiot on the [Music] internet hey OES welcome in why sand of all things there’s a lot of sand outside at least in South Lum there’s a lot of areas to go to find sand if you’re wondering why I keep putting logs down underneath those trees it’s because I absolutely cannot stand the trees just free floating on a single piece of dirt it drives me insane especially when I dig out the dirt around [Music] it m m sand yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yummy sand [Music] cofen oh I like listening to different people’s opinions and ideologies I mean same I think the best way to hone your philosophy will always be to take in as many perspectives as you can even perspectives that seem uncomfortable it’s wise to like at least listen to them because if you get nothing else out of it even if it doesn’t influence your own perspective it will guide you on how you interact with that perspective and that like worldview and determine whether or not you like you know have good things to discuss with them or if you want to intake more of that or how to recognize that worldview so you can avoid people who share it in the future etc [Music] etc num all right back to work man this uh terraform is a lot longer than I thought I might not get to making the actual mum today but I guess you know doing a great incredible Landscaping project like this is in its own way pretty [ __ ] impressive woo thought I heard a creeper but it was just the music again hello hello [ __ ] see you later Metropolitan bye [Music] and then a creeper rolled up behind me and ruined all my work that would be my kind of luck right there [Music] [Music] yay to those going to sleep good night to those not going to sleep hello welcome to my late night philosophy talks with Crimson ruse enjoy your lunch [Music] [Applause] b b BM b b [Laughter] I have so much more to do it’s okay though what kind of philosophy are we talking Art of War type stuff absolutely not there is no art in [Music] war only those that live and those that die the lucky and the [Applause] rich looking good so far thanks whoop wow thank you yui what a delicious treat damn I’m running out of dirt so fast that’s what I get for terraforming such a huge land [Music] mass hey ruse I just got work so I missed your intro but I’m glad to see you back thank you and thank you for the delicious soup hi hi finally got a whole uh finally got whole ass got back into reading after 13 years with Seth Seth skorkowsky valdon series on Kindle any books you recommend to grab and add to that list right now I am reading Kings of the wild uh I have already finished the book club book for this month so I picked it up in my spare time I don’t know if I recommend it yet but I like it so that’s good man I didn’t even fill in oh did I fill in half of for that not even quite wow wow wow wow anyway thanks for the soup this nerd reads I do what’s your favorite genre to read ruse says capy my favorite genre to read that is a good question and I honestly do not think I have a good answer for you mostly because I I don’t if I really like differentiate books B I mean obviously I do differentiate books based on genre like you can’t not do that you’re going to do that but I don’t really seek out genres when I’m looking for books I just read what I like I guess I gravitate toward fantasy though so probably [Music] fantasy how do you feel about romance m if it’s done really well maybe but I’ve never sat down and actively read a romance novel and frankly I just I’m not that interested in Romance as a concept I guess like I’ve got nothing against it and I can enjoy a good story about like you know tragic love and [ __ ] like that that could be fun that’s nice and I can respect the like mentality that what the [ __ ] is happening over here the mentality that goes into something like that man come on um I don’t want the forest to catch fire one sec like I I I put a lot of respect on people who like make great sacrifices and great uh moves and uh gestures of love but as far as like romance and stories I’m almost never seeking it and I don’t care that much if it’s there or not there like it doesn’t bother me I don’t give a [ __ ] if there is romance in a story but I’m just there for the action and the adventure and the goofy [ __ ] and the World building the RO is very tertiary to me which is to say I just don’t really care so I guess uh that’s a really long way for me to say not really no I I I don’t seek out romance novels I would read them but you’d be you’d have to convince me with a different part of the novel like romance would have to be the genre but there’d have to be something else to recommend it like exceptionally good World building or uh subplots or fun characters that kind of [ __ ] I don’t have anything against romance in novels though I think it’s good I think it makes sense and I I mean I don’t like bulk at the idea of there being romantic plots in the novels that I do read it’s just if that is the entire novel and it’s just like wistfully like oh and then Jack did sweep me up off of my feet but I still loved Bongo the Wy and and Timmy he also was after my hand in marriage oh and I I swooned when I did foresee the I don’t I don’t I’m not it it does nothing for me [Music] you know that actually makes me think I’m thinking about it now you’re making you’re making my brain turn how dare you and it’s making me cook a little bit and one thing I’ve always really disliked about romance in media is it often feels like a closure of some sort like the story naturally has to end once romance is found as if it is either the goal and the prize you seek and your life ends after that or worse it’s a sort of pseudo death like characters can’t be interesting anymore once they get into a romantic like engagement of some sort mty says I enjoy love that’s realistic but not the traditional romance portrayed in media H agreed in a way I guess romance is uh not anciliary that’s not the word I’m looking for romance is in a way it feels like kind of a death to the characters in a lot of cases and that’s annoying to me [Music] you know I haven’t read enough mystery books uh the book club for this month was actually a mystery novel and while I did enjoy it um it was definitely a product of its time I’ll say that that and uh frankly I kind of expected more from the actual mystery I just thought it was going to be a little bit more of like a ooh what a Twist but really I came out of it like I could have done better which is shitty to say I’m not saying I could have written the story better like great writer great job uh the actual mystery I’m like yeah the the ideas I had in my head for what had happened were better than what actually happened so [Music] oops Anna says welcome backward have you read incarceration if not I think you’d like the World building I have not what’s it about actually you know what I probably won’t be able to catch the message when you inevitably send it and it would have to be too long so I changed my mind I’ll look into it the ending was not just anticlimactic it was factually wrong it was like and what really kind of annoyed me about it and maybe I shouldn’t be mad at somebody who’s like you know rightfully patting thems on the back for writing a relatively compelling narrative and interesting story um rightfully you deserve a pat on the back for finishing a novel and it’s like well if you could do better then do better like go write a book R Fair argument but it did annoy me that the writer was very much patting herself on the back and being yeah I kind of wanted to write an impossible to solve mystery novels that would be the best of the best and um I did I was the best there’s never been a better mystery book and it’s unsolvable I’m like cuz it doesn’t make sense and you’re wrong but anyway sorry any thoughts on Isabelle alind I don’t know who that is fa says You seem to be familiar with Twilight what about it drew you in um all of my friends read it and I thought I’ll read this uh when I was a kid and I read it and I went off there you know recommendation they were like you know you got to push through it you really got to you really got to try I know it starts out kind of cringe but you really got to it gets good we swear and I did read through it and uh sorry for the Twilight sponsorship we might get one day it wasn’t it didn’t get good it didn’t get better in fact I made it to the fourth book I stomached the first three and um it turned into really poorly written smut and I got tired of it so I quited the fourth book that’s it [Music] anyway if you want to hear more about the book club book this uh Tuesday I’ll be talking about it in book club so I’ll tell you all of my thoughts and more feel free to pop in we’ll talk about uh and then there were none we’ll talk about the writing the World building and other things like that and uh I am open obviously to suggestions about other books later on cool KP says Hey r as a book nerd I love that you enjoy reading as much as you do if you haven’t read it yet the poppy War by RF kuang is really good uh it’s a Quang Quang uh it’s a historical fantasy novel I think you really like it I’ve actually had that recommended to me a couple times I probably should check that out at some point I want to check that out and then um The Throne of bone and glass or something like that I think it’s called that seems interesting there’s a couple I want to definitely take a look at uh you know what’s funny is I didn’t actually do a lot of reading before this I like reading I like reading a lot more as a kid it’s actually book club because of you guys that I got really back into reading it was that one dumb joke I made about Warrior Cats that kind of Spawn book club and then now I’ve gotten back into reading in Earnest and I’m really enjoying that so uh thanks I guess [ __ ] should I’ve been looking for more coal I should probably grab this one here and thank you for the soup have you ever read any of the warcraft novels um I want to say I think I read one when I was like younger like a kid kid but I can’t remember it honestly it was a long while ago I feel like I read the Manga but I don’t [Music] remember learning to love reading for the bit I will do anything for the bit listen if I have one standout trait in Hollow Stars it is thus I will commit to the God damn bit nothing will shake me [Music] nothing wow wow wow what the [ __ ] is sjm what does that even [Music] mean eight books nah not [Music] interested oh the author’s I see I [Music] see have we done books from other languages Spanish Literature French literature Portuguese literature and so on I have not uh random Skipper at least not as far as I know other than things that might have been translated from those languages to English at some point no oh sjm’s the author of The Throne of Glass series I see yeah well that sucks that they’re a terrible author that’s all right I’m not going to go out of my way to read their [ __ ] anyway but if I did go out of my way to read their [ __ ] there’s a workaround for terrible authors and it is the thus Dawn your Tri cone in your eye patch if you know what I mean I will not say any more about that not that I would ever recommend that because as an agent of the cment and a completely law-abiding citizen I would never ever ever ever say to do that I would never say the words that it is always morally just to steal from aoral people because that would be bad and the cment would not like that and they wouldn’t want me to send that message so I would not say that definitely not um so anyway y I’ve been summoned I summon thee High cast toic torsion sorry my bad exactly I’m just saying go to the library the library is free probably unless it’s not near you though I guess nothing in this world is truly free huh everything in South elisium is incredibly expensive I have uh been confronted with this very harsh and very uncomfortable reality lately that nothing is free and that is pretty [ __ ] brutal I’m not going to lie I mean I already kind of knew that but man the extent people will go to in this country at times to like make money off you is wild we truly do worship at the altar of Commerce um K says would you consider having a tag for us to recommend books to you that’s a good idea actually typically what I do is I actually just uh drop it in membership after book club I will put up a post and membership on YouTube Community polls and I will throw out um just a post for people to go ahead and say the books they want and then you up vote the one that you want the most so I encourage people to go look at the comments try not to double post try not to say the same book book like as somebody else has said and instead go up vote their post because that makes it much more likely that I see it up at the top and then it’s much more likely that I pick it that does not mean that we always read the most popular upvoted one if it’s something I absolutely have no interest in or I know I won’t be engaged with I don’t do it uh sometimes I just see something I really want that almost happened this month I almost uh ended up going with um I almost ended up going with Kings of the wild even though it wasn’t the top booted one just cuz the premise sounded interesting to me but I did not so that’s how we usually do that everything truly is expensive night soul what is the maximum length for books we recommend there is no maximum length but I will probably not be engaging in any series cuz it just takes too long and if I was going to do that I’d probably Force you all to read The Wheel of Time novels to give myself an excuse to read further than the third book but unfortunately they can be a little dry at times good books so far but definitely can have a dry writing style man so much terraforming this song this terraforming and thinking about money is hitting me in the bummer Zone get out of here song next [Applause] so what you’re saying is Game of Thrones um I’m considering picking up Game of Thrones on my own as like a side read but I don’t think I would subject you guys to that just cuz I know it has a lot of really uncomfortable topics in it that honestly is part of the reason I’ve avoided the series up until now I watched the show and I was like yeah it’s pretty [ __ ] dark but I could tolerate it because it’s you know a show and typically very short-lived but man sitting down and committing to reading about some of the stuff in there I’m like [ __ ] I don’t know if I could do that cuz I often find that when reading I’ll get distracted or I’ll to reread the same paragraph multiple times etc etc and it’s like woo that’s some pretty heavy [ __ ] in it Bru my Tunes don’t worry I’ll get your Tunes back soon fala thanks for being a rator Game of Thrones a shock value and spectacle well the World building is actually really really really good you know what’s funny is I haven’t read Game of Thrones but I have watched a [ __ ] ton of uh YouTube videos on like the different houses and the history of the world and how much of a fantasy novel it truly is people are like oh it’s all like politics and low fantasy there’s basically no magic in Game of Thrones I’m like no you’re really really really really wrong um it’s just that they are in a post Magic World where magic has largely died but it’s still very magical it’s just humanity is most killed it but the actual origins of everything is insanely magical like Lord of the Rings level magic is it worse to the show I don’t know I haven’t read uh any of the books all the way through I’ve read like the first couple chapters of the first book and while it seems fine so far I don’t know how willing I am to really dive deep into that and you know deal with what is going to be in there [Music] would you consider graphic novels for book recommendations or just novel novels so far I’m sticking with novel novels but honestly I’ve been meaning to get back into watching anime and reading manga so maybe maybe soon even would like to get to a level of proficiency in uh reading um hirana and Katakana that I could hopefully read uh manga and and you know hiragana and Katakana and then I would probably read some manga but until then I might wait you had a World building class uh no but I did a World building stream I played a game called mappa Imperium on a membership stream I think it was like 14 hours of building a uh fantasy world and doing like different lore for like the societies that lived in it and the monsters and different like uh I guess political stuff that happened though there wasn’t a lot of that in this particular game of mapa emperium and then there was like different like historical events that happened and different important resources that different cultures were like focusing on yada yada yada I might do that again one day but it was pretty long I’d have to do a shorter version of it for sure there’s like 14 hours of that [ __ ] content though I think it’s split into 27 hour Stream So if you wanted World building go watch that it’s on the membership it’s very long is the hollowar server currently using 1 Point uh 2.0.5 I think so [Music] yes on that note there is a lot more terraforming to do I will probably continue the terraform terraforming off stream I think it has already been 2 and 1/ half hours and that is my current limit like I said I’ve been trying to narrow down streams to two to three hours is and I am getting uh into my uh into uh the bummer brain space both because of you know doing repetitive tasks and also music making me a little sad and I got to go I’m going to go read or something I think I think I’m going to go distract myself I’m probably going to go make myself some dinner so that’s it today for Minecraft for me but I will be back tomorrow don’t worry I’m fine that is not like a oh oh I’m so sad it’s just I’m going to go do something to activate my [ __ ] neurons and enter escapism as is a very healthy choice because being addicted to being anywhere but in your own brain is super normal um I’m kidding I’m fine I am fine I am fine that was a joke sorry maybe maybe that was a little on the nose anyway I’m going to go make myself some food to cheer myself up I’m going to have a little bit more caffeine and I’m probably going to sit down with the latte hang out with my C cats and read for a little bit I implore you to do whatever it is that makes you happy um I’m going to go back to the tavern for now we’ll shoot the [ __ ] for a second while I close out of this I got a couple things I want to talk about this week anyway oh that is really close I didn’t mean to be this close to you no more of that we’ve got our own music thank you okay so this week what do we got going on I have um unarchived karaoke that’s going to be tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. so if you wanted to stick around and catch that I’ve already got my karaoke set list set up I might be doing um one or two repeats for the most part I’m going to be focusing on doing new songs um fair warning there’s going to be some [ __ ] Gen X or whatever music in there I’m going to be singing a couple older songs uh uh I’m going to anyway I’m going to anyway it’s not going to be all modern music and that’s fine I think we all like older music but it’s probably going to be a little older than you expect and a little older than what I usually would do but uh I’m I’m I’m anyway I’m going to be singing a few of my mom’s favorite songs so that should be fun and then Tuesday I’m going to do book club and then I’m going to do return to the king later that night uh and then I’m going to take a day off cuz I got to work on a lot of stuff uh I’ve been been putting a lot off this week because I’ve had stuff to deal with um and then Thursday I’m going to be doing a Rosa art feature I’m going to take all your R designs we’re going to talk about those at 2 pm that’s going to be the EU time slot and we will you know just kind of do a little bit of uh maybe speculative biology some World building talk about how they might function in the world and stuff like that and then Friday I’ll be doing my ring fit botsu stream you’re [ __ ] welcome I guess I’m curse you pink rathon I will hunt a thousand thousand pink rathians to make up for this and then Saturday I think I’m going to try to beat thyia in one shot I hear it’s about 7 hours if you don’t Focus too hard on side quests I’ve never played it but I love me some Souls likes and I like plague doctor Aesthetics quite a bit speaking of I got a plague doctor skin recently in Hunt Showdown and wo I’ve been living through it it’s been great maybe I’ll play some hunt Showdown tonight can I stream that no I didn’t schedule that I shouldn’t do that no never mind maybe I’ll do something we’ll find out I don’t know but I’m going to go read I’m going to go have some food anyway thank you for hanging out I’m going to find somebody to raid into I think I will see you tomorrow for karaoke I promise I’m not backing down uh life is throwing a lot of hurdles to jump but I’ve got hops I’m going to get over them don’t worry uh I’m still focusing on you know music I’m going to keep trying to get better at singing uh I’m focusing on learning Japanese I’ll be picking that up at this like day one of next month as soon as I can um yeah uh I’m I’m definitely still on the grind don’t worry I’m not backing down I got this Souls like you say I did say that yes it’s a SEO like SEO like Souls like they’re all the same anyway thanks Shing out Gamers uh it’s good to be back it’s good to have uh people to chat with and you know shoot the [ __ ] um yeah uh so yeah that’s it for me I think I’m I’m going to ra over to shinry shinry is currently doing a just chatting stream where he’s talking about being back from Indonesia I believe he’s back with Haka Senpai thank you so much for the uh magenta supera and all the little orange soups and uh the the the memberships and stuff it means the world to me um it’s very helpful so yeah things are woo it’s it’s nice it’s how I get all my delicious treats and snacks it’s how I give myself lattes So yeah thank you all right I think that’s it I think that’s all that should be all I have to say that is all I’m going to do I’m going to get the hell out of here and I would go to my ending screen but I’ve been really liking the starting suit screen I think I enjoy that it includes you bunch of [ __ ] goobers so I’m going to do that um I don’t think tomorrow I’m going to do any Super Chat well I guess it would have to be tomorrow maybe before karaoke I’ll let you know if I end up doing Super Chat reading I might do that right before karaoke we’ll see all right bye Gamers stick around and hang out with shinry s bye see you [Music]

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 So we’re back in the mines’, was uploaded by Crimzon Ruze Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-04-29 03:54:24. It has garnered 8925 views and 1130 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:25 or 9805 seconds.

Blocking the week in.

Thumbnail: https://twitter.com/aaci8300

This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms)

▼X (formerly Twitter) https://twitter.com/crimzonruze ▼Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/crimzonruze_holostars_en ————————————————————— Crimzon Rulez:

1: Don’t be a jerk, that’s my job. 2: If you backseat me, I’m going to defenestrate you. 3: When someone’s causin’ trouble in chat, let me handle it. 4: Keep the stream about the stream. I get that you’re excited about other stuff and so am I, but it’s bad practice to show up for entertainment, then talk about how much you wish you were elsewhere. 5: Don’t change the topic to other people. ON THAT NOTE: Don’t bring me up excessively in other peoples streams. I know you mean well, but their streams are for them! So unless they’re talkin’ about me, don’t do that! 6: Sometimes I’m gonna correct people, it’s in good faith- so don’t take it personally. I’m not tryin’ to bully you or get you to leave, I’m just establishing the space so everyone can have an equal chance at feeling comfortable here. If I wanted you gone, I’d remove you. 7: I have a lot of opinions on a lot of things. Occasionally I’ll be wrong, let me know and I’ll do my best to correct it, I’m definitely not infallible.

————————————————————— 🎙️Starting Voice🎙️ #holoARMIS Starting Voice packs have now released 🛒 https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?q=armisdebut

————————————————————— 🎶Original group song “BLOODHOUNDS” 🎶 【MV】https://youtu.be/JHG8CGNgsNs?si=DRQS3emo8FOY1lOy

Check out the FULL version now! 🛒 https://cover.lnk.to/BLOODHOUNDS

————————————————————— ▼HOLOSTARS EN Official Homepage https://holostars.hololivepro.com/en/

————————————————————— ▼ARMIS ▼ Jurard T Rexford ┗[Channel] https://www.youtube.com/@JurardTRexford ┗[Debut] https://youtube.com/live/rr5n5dJMmPU

Goldbullet ┗[Channel] https://www.youtube.com/@Goldbulletch ┗[Debut] https://youtube.com/live/V3g7kg5f8y4

Octavio ┗[Channel] https://www.youtube.com/@Octavio_en/ ┗[Debut] https://youtube.com/live/nNJ_2EWxN7U

Crimzon Ruze ┗[Channel] https://www.youtube.com/@CrimzonRuze ┗[Debut] https://youtube.com/live/Er4ncj3zQ-E ————————————————————— Credits:

Starting Soon Art: jordizzle Ending Art: JUEEAKI Stinger: moka_ani Starting BGM: SUPER COOL BABY https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play16207.html Criminal’s Cut BGM: Go Along With Zephyr https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play17622.html Ending BGM: DEAD HEAT MAX https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play10902.html


Fan letters and Gifts Address Present for: Crimzon Ruze COVER Corporation Net Depot Shin-Itabashi 1-6-1 Kaga Itabashi-ku, Tokyo Japan Postal/Zip Code: 173-0003

———————————– Request from Hololive Productions to underage viewers Please search for [Request To Minors] or click on the link below, to read it and enjoy the video https://hololivepro.com/en/request-to-minors/ ———————————- For Business Inquiries or General Questions please refer to our contact sheet: https://cover-corp.com/en/contact

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    INSANE Anarchy Server Build - Linky Blocks #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Anarchy Server Build #minecraft #anarchy #2b2t #shorts’, was uploaded by Linky Blocks on 2024-05-17 05:57:50. It has garnered 343 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Building a base on the mulriplayer true anarchy minecraft server. How long will it survive? #minecraft #anarchy #shorts Read More

  • INSANE AlainCraft SMP Pre-Launch Event VOD

    INSANE AlainCraft SMP Pre-Launch Event VODVideo Information confirm and go live confirm and go live heck yeah awesome hopefully the feedback of your voice isn’t too loud yeah uh I should probably balance us a little better let me turn let me turn desktop volume down awesome heck yeah is this working is this working are we live are we live is this working is this working heck yeah we are hello everybody Welcome um does your studio show your stream what do you mean your YouTube Studio mine only does it for some reason if I use the stream key let me let me… Read More

  • Escaping School with Crush on Roblox – DaveFromPH

    Escaping School with Crush on Roblox - DaveFromPHVideo Information uy kabisado ko na Yung mga shapes na pagaaralan natin ikaw ba Memories ko na Din Yan alam ko na Yan uy nice one nice one Ang Galing Namin sa mga shapes guys kabisadong kabisado na ba guys alamyo Rin Yon Kung alamyoan ie mo naong video Bilis ie na Yan maraming Salamat sa mag u tog na pala si teacher Oh no ngtahan natin An humihilikya humihil si teacher nak nakigisingin pagalitan tayo Ang sarapsarap ng tulog niya uy anong Oras na ba tingan mo nga naku maglalabasan na nga Talaga Tara umalis na tayo Dito Hindi… Read More

  • RUTHLESS Granny Slaughter in Chapter 30 – Watch Now!

    RUTHLESS Granny Slaughter in Chapter 30 - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Granny Chapter 30 Horror Gameplay Again i will Kill The Granny’, was uploaded by wasad Gaming on 2024-03-04 01:50:50. It has garnered 110 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:18 or 318 seconds. poppy playtime poppy playtime chapter 3 funny poppy playtime 3 horror roblox minecraft scary gameplay horror game granny jeffy catnap poppy playtime catnap huggy wuggy twitch games gaming kissy missy poppy playtime chapter 3 gameplay fnaf stream fgteev minecraft fgteev skit fgteev gaming fgteev poppy playtime chapter 3 fgteev poppy youtube fgteev poppy playtime 3 boss battle poppy playtime… Read More

  • 🍌Parotter’s Lost Memories🍌 – Epic Anime Moments in Minecraft!

    🍌Parotter's Lost Memories🍌 - Epic Anime Moments in Minecraft!Video Information what number comes between two and four 25 think about it don’t blurt out your answer what number comes between two and [Music] [Music] four 36 wait a minute who are you banana banana banana banana banana banana This video, titled ‘Foolish Axolotl best funny minecraft ANIME😂’, was uploaded by 🍌Parotter’s Memorys🍌 on 2024-04-06 11:00:17. It has garnered 55235 views and 3863 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Hi I’m Parotter! welcome to my foolish Axolotl channel😍 ~~~~follow please😘👌~~~~~ 📸Instagram :https://www.instagram.com/parotter_minecraft_anime_memes/ 🐔Twitter: https://twitter.com/minecraft_paro_ 💖sourcev My anime uses the voices of many Hololive talents→… Read More

  • Insane Steve Transformation in Minecraft World! 😱🔥 #Shorts

    Insane Steve Transformation in Minecraft World! 😱🔥 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft world build the steve 😲👍 #shorts #viral #trending #minecraftbuild’, was uploaded by MrChiki 1.0 on 2024-03-14 09:30:13. It has garnered 4305 views and 113 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. minecraft world build the steve 😲👍 #shorts #viral #trending #minecraftbuild ———————————————————————————- Hash tag ↓ —————— #minecraft   #minecraftshorts  #minecraftmemes  #minecraftbuilds  #minecraftmeme   #minecrafttutorial  #gaming  #minecrafthouse  #minecraftbuild  #minecraftideas  #minecraftreels    #minecraftlog    #minecraftfunny   #minecraftshaders  #minecraftjava  #minecraftcake  #minecraftnether  #minecraftfarm  #minecraftserver   #minecraftmultiplayer  #minecraftvideo  #minecraftbedrock  #minecraftchallenge   #minecraftsurvival   #minecraftcreative  #minecraftcreations   #minecraftexplore   #minecraftviral   #minecraftseeds  #minecraftpvp  ———————————————————————————- tags ↓ ——– minecraft minecraft builds minecraft build hacks minecraft build ideas minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Sigma girl goes viral || Monster XD!

    Minecraft Sigma girl goes viral || Monster XD!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sigma girl| #minecraft #animation #anime #viral #monster #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr. Minecraft XD on 2024-05-17 03:36:43. It has garnered 1 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Jabberverse

    JabberverseWelcome to the Jabberverse. A small community at the moment, and we strive to make this server enjoyable and fair for all players. A new way to experience the gamemode survival with breath-taking features, a heartwarming community, a friendly server team, and most importantly, a server that will bring joy to you, your friends, and other players! What We Aim For? We wanted to attempt to build a strong community back again. With high prioritization on feedback, future content development, and fast quality updates. We do not offer pay-2-win ranks, items, or other perks but we use all donations to… Read More

  • OrbitMC semi-vanilla, hermit-like, whitelisted, new, active

    Welcome to OrbitMC! We are an ever-growing semi-vanilla Minecraft SMP server that has released our very 1st Season! Our active staff team is dedicated to ensuring the best possible experience for all players. Join our fun and positive community today! If you’re interested in joining us, check out our Linktree for ways to get involved and join the server. Once you join, make sure to get whitelisted to start playing on our Minecraft Server! OrbitMC Staff Team Visit our Linktree Read More

  • The Hut

    The HutThe Hut community-driven Pixelmon Reforged server for both casual and competitive players. The server has a unique gameplay experience with our custom level cap and rank progression system intertwined with the main progression content of the server. Beyond this progression system, the server offers a diverse array of content tailored to players of all interests. This includes our Weekly Tournaments with multiple formats, unique Player Gym system, Fun Events, and more!• Server IP: mc.thehuts.uk• We are running Pixelmon Reforged on Minecraft 1.16.5• Modpack: The Pixelmon Modpack (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/the-pixelmon-modpack) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Disappointment: Every. Single. Time.

    Every time I go to play Minecraft, I end up spending hours just organizing my inventory. Priorities, right? Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Studios PS4 Launch

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Studios PS4 Launch In the world of gaming, where stories unfold, Gammers Cave Tech, a treasure trove to behold. From PCs to consoles, all brands in sight, Ayaz Khan’s the man to make your gaming world bright. With home delivery and nationwide reach, Gammers Cave Tech is here to teach. For all your gaming needs, big or small, Just give them a call, they’ll handle it all. So support them, like, share, and subscribe, In the world of gaming, they truly thrive. Ayaz Khan, the man with the plan, Making gaming dreams come true, across the land. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone!” #relationshipproblems #minecraftmeme Read More