Ultimate Lizard Kingdom – Minecraft Legacy Stream 7

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Uh let me let me just make sure those hello everyone I streaming here from I streaming this cuz honestly a lot of people in Discord won’t leave me alone and they W it so if this shuts them up then hopefully I can rest in peace just right now I’m just glad I

Actually I got some physical piece hopefully this sh For and fire is not Online and there fire down someone’s watching who is who’s actually watching firey joins what the hell Jesus now Is that freaking Cross or some stupidness for Bro what the okay there’s there’s not two people here I’m just standing here just what I would do I’m just going to host this world where the heck is fire at are you oh no wonder he’s stuck in the Box they happy now course look you serious with

That all right who I put that there has problems man my God yeah yeah fire happy happy happy you’re happy of course you’re happy congratulations I’m happy for you man you’re free just take a sign dude take a sign what is he doing now Google got

Fire no no no no no no just no just no no no no just no just no just no just no just no I’m already streaming I do not need your BS on top of this up what’s up jie what up J Hitler no no

No no no not Hitler why ad off Hitler why ad off Hitler stop all Hing the Hitler stop it we do not do all Hill Hitler it’s not going to go like all all Hill Hitler all Hill Hitler like no we’re not doing that p no no God what dmy it’s doy’s

D oh god oh we just we just joke around doy I know I don’t call Nazi boy just for the jokes but oh my God oh na boy yo ke can I get mod in case all right J moderat what oh I don’t know all hold on jie we’re J we’re just gonna do gaap jie hold on I want you I want you I want I want I want you guys to do gapple hold

On a A’s not the ne all right J get in the ne JD get in the nether JD get in the nether uh and J left uh I’m just going to go ahead and host Hunger Games cuz why not uh oh wow oh wow I get paying for something

That I didn’t do I was just promoting a server I Let It Go just Let It Go I a I don’t want to start any drumers anyway how stupid it gets like no one ever wins no one ever wins what the heck fire why are you be up JD Fire just Burn c oh God far watch out J’s GNA freaking freaking stick he’s gonna kill with a Stick oh god oh no J oh jie I’m so sorry j no no why would you kill JD why just standing there do something all right I I’ll start the game if you both want to do it JD hold on I’ll start the game I’ll start the game Jesus Christ all

Right in three two one bro he he’s trying to kill you out the backat no J he probably trying to kill out the Bat Man Jie run there’s a [ __ ] behind you oh J doesn’t have a weapon dude my god oh hey Softly dude no they literally cannot fire L they can not be chasing each other after okay thank God wait did J get the special special kit how long are you been stream for

J’s gonna get the special kit J’s gonna get the special kit jie gonna get the special kit is J gonna get the special kit jie is a JD is oh fire now screwed fire is now screwed ladies and gentlemen he is now screwed J’s took any but the armor he’s

Taking any but the armor oh he just wants the weapon he just wants the powerful weapon [Laughter] Though oh spatial Ren the overpowering move of palia beautiful and lethal is J actually wear the armor no he’s not funny I thought the racist boy Gabby would join join the stream but no he hasn’t it’s finally live I split dude this stream was was P SP too many time well split

Due to me having some trouble in my break with my break to visit my dad yeah I had that it had been postponed for a while split no no no lost all the loot he lost special rent no oh God this is g to Suck hold on let me show you guys okay there’s some live action where’s fire at oh he’s just hiding in the tower come get close to the fire I SCAR fire oh that’s he’s out in the corner oh okay where’s JD At okay J J obviously I want to make I I want I want to break the system and just give j a bunch of this there you go jie have fun make this more interesting what fire sleeping the Tower and Oh shoot oh shoot J this might be J’s end this might be J’s end here Jesus what the heck where did more people get in here I Che the count it was just two now it’s four what the heck how many how many people were waiting for legacy how many people waai

For the stream I must know what in the heck how many people I must know how many people were waiting for me to stream legy again I must know just type in the chat y’all oh God oh God okay let’s prar this let’s prepar this M Oh I got him good I got him good I got I’m good oh [ __ ] yo what’s Su whp he Ru oh my God I got five good I got good I like I just came on the double and just had like I’m taking you to the underground where you belong

Fu I have a diamond shank for you I have a diamond sh for you and have your name on it fire okay all right time to watch B now let’s just spectate now let’s just spectate now let’s just spectate now okay I’m just drop a r blue just let’s

Drop let’s drop some R blue Hold on J hold on YTP let me put Let me let me set your spawn I’ll put you in just in a random spot when spawn shot a bunch of loot hold on onp all right I might join a v a VC call just so for some more commentary just

Myself hey YP take some random loot oh shoot wait why me get my give my night vision potion don’t touch my night vision potion all right now I make get the rest stuff all right it’s a free for y top so have fun split is afraid of oh fire contact split fire

Fire there’s a diamond shake with your name on it wait no wait hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on [Laughter] oh wait that arm everybody see with that armor on Ah hell no and the YP live and YP shaking this as JD and fire going to come and kill

YTP YP watch out and he’s got D he’s got damage arrows oh he got instant damage arrows oh sh oh God it’s about to be a blood bath up in here YTP my brother I’m so sorry but I think it’s was the end line for you oh god

Oh that was gruesome no that was gruesome come on fire I’m [Laughter] scared oh I need to drop a around loot again hold on cuz if I if the kids are running out and everybody’s getting bored I’m just going to drop random Lo at this point but it’s

On a rare occas as I do this what’s the H I gonna do nothing that’s what I G to do I’m spawn J and YP in this BL oh it’s this world oh hey Vista [Laughter] no no no let’s let’s make this more impossible let’s make this more impossible for them surprise my be oh see you oh oh pass he’s going to come kill me no what the piss oh you you piss head get out of here this how you start off a stream funny [Laughter]

I win and I’m btle red and blue I’m running for my life my diamond sword Glory reset the kits now oh you want me to reset the kits wait YP you want me to reset the kiss too oh haha wait YP hold on YP want me to reset the kiss want reset the

Kits okay I’ll reset it hold on give me a second no wrong one J I saw the T on Discord I mean as I look at my phone fire go die go die in a fire you’re real bully all righty then okay all right well all right whoever whoever feels

Like hopping on legy wants to be part of my stream you guys can join the world I’m in right now I whatever all right uh don’t worry JD I reset the world good you have no Feelings you have no feelings Dane jie just say that out with his heart all right hold on you two let’s just let’s see fire fire freaking behind will join and potato just did something is sniper Gabby no it’s YTP it’s YTP jie get rid of sniper stick okay wait y

TP can I have the stick please be cap stick please there’s a 10sec dur that you cannot kill people so can I have a stick please well you want to keep the stick all right fine hold on to wait for more people to join oh R join

Okay okay fire okay okay okay okay oh hey R deco hold on R let me show you where I’m at re I’m right over here hello anyway like hell hey fire oh my God fire was a all righty then well that’s this is part of the video

People that’s this is part of the video people all right okay all right is everyone ready is everyone ready okay thank you WP okay is everyone ready is everyone ready okay in five four 3 2 One SCP each other up oh my God no what people you killing JD too come on give give JD a break thank you holy dude and get messes up the all right JD Jesus JD calm down JD hold on J Jesus I’ll give you creative but I only give you this one

Time just get your get your let your anger out but then I G have to take it back from you it’s fine J it’s fine J just just can I take your creative please can I take your creative now please soing it back to the

Game legy are you done did you get your anger out okay J if you’re anger out then I’m putting you back on adventure oops all right J now you can play the game for Wa fire TR now join and YTP left hold on give me a Second oh no oh [ __ ] my life dude what’s the space w oh I wish blue was here to see that I really wish blue was here to see that oh God I really wish blue was here to see that spatial red no offense blue blue if you watch stream no offense I’m

Sorry hey jie I see you oh I see you got the armor too nice bro on wait white hold on bro sniper is obviously me oh you’re talking to JD okay JD why be talking to You and dropping ROM dropping ROM loot time and a ro de and Ro de is going to kill the crap out of fire Yep not my night vision [ __ ] this [ __ ] it Mon hey whoa wait is it what the heck is monkey so help me God oh it’s just YTP never mind YTP you’re good oh hold on YP let me get you back out there OHP let me get you out of there when you you do R items drop a bow

All right J got it uh J be aware fire is coming at you with full with his broup Force straight ahead of you fire is just destroying ridic bro Minecraft Glitch watch me go to the go to the hill with the water I’m going to drop random a lot of random loot

There wait it’s fire fire you you you you you stream leaking [ __ ] fire you stream leaking [ __ ] fire you stream leaking no fire you stream leaking don’t don’t I see you I see you stream looking you [ __ ] streaming bit oh my God ah bro I’m stuck wait you stuck who’s

Stuck Oh I thought I said your spawner hold on bro wait oh there’s foru okay the spawn Works Pro probably don’t fire probably screen Lee out of my stream at all cost watch okay I’m going to drop random here wow both of y’all screen leing okay got some screen leachers on here Jesus

Christ the random as I drop wait JY please please tell me you know what the loot is please tell me you know what the loot look at this look this dude screen leaching man you’re screen leaching oh my potions get back my potion [ __ ] fire get back them

Potion drink if you drink that nice or not give me that n Vision son no give me that n Vision come here nah oh you sucker J oh my God whatever fire you can have that night vision I’ll just pop out another one then God bless let just pop another night vision all

Right fire can have that night vision I’ll just pop another one all think fires coming back to the f I think there’s a bunch of people now waiting for him to come back so they can just fre kill them the usual just just combat log kill nope they didn’t no one

Did I H expect some people to do it just drop most [ __ ] on the Floor then we start leing with tree no well I thought I heard something there for a second hold on let me see what it says what you stay away from fire well JD it’s goingon to be hard it’s going to be hard trying to give you guys

Free loot he’s going to keep screen leeching for it [ __ ] probably knows where I’m at wait where is he I see you I see you screen leeching piss off no no ain’t no way ain’t no way I’m not that blind I can see you fire I see your screening for this damn

Loot and he’s he’s GNA grab it no no no no no you ain’t getting a night vision screen Ley on the hill go on Hill hi Cory hi softly I’m okay I’m gonna be P dick no no no no no no let’s make this more interesting let’s make this more

Interesting just just drop a couple of these overpowered suckers wait wait wait a minute wait a minute wait JY can’t wear cuz it’s a curse of Bing jie you can’t no jie could work the curse of binding no JD no hi sofly I see you yes ohu there’s some people here you can

Kill uh never mind there’s there’s there’s the Hitler man himself trying to kill you himself get back there you go and we de chasing JD and I drop another pack of gapples is proba going to collect them it’s probably going to scream if I even see

Why if I even screen screen Lee for the gapples has binding yeah I know I added the curs of binding YTP has the curs of binding wait YTP YTP do you see where I’m at do you see my YTP go where I’m at go I’m at quick quick no

YTP and deu is stacking up stacking up stacking up stacking up stacking up stacking up stacking up why did we snat some gapples from you fire oh God Cory R is guarding guarding guarding lot guarding loot he’s guarding loot where’s the loot at oh bro R’s guarding the loot right here oh that Isn’t rodu has left the loot unguarded rodu has left the loot unguarded go for Loot all right five more minutes then I’m hosting battle I’m going to host battle after this five more minutes I’m hosting battle now get a ping oh this server oh it’s the grow in the tree six people Jesus Christ people like watching me stream this game for some Gods reason

Wait oh dang why he PE wait why if he’s flexing my boy why if he’s flexing he’s flexing on this small hill his head what the be just black on this hill Oh my God that’s funny that’s funny uh there’s JD fire left whyp still Flex On The

Hill oh why if you L see the stream man you see yourself Flex it’s beautiful all right all right two more minutes now I’m hosting battle prer fire’s going to join that what the okay Roda went to the Giant Steve skin oh you want me to spawn random loot

We’re back behind you oh Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Ric here take take these oh no y TP you’re flexing way too much man no why T okay now he actually drops with the sword all right one more Minute why out f it oh my God a ro just got double team there for a Second Oh I didn’t mean dropped the last B to gapples oh sh 50 minutes and there’s already like a bunch of commentary on this gock all right 10 nine 8 7 6 5 4 3 two one r one that’s enough I hosting battle all right so join me if you can new people

Jo oh God B phone going to do what happens I immedately spawn around him wait the fire wait fire did you make this game did you made the battle Min game as soon as I announced I was going to play Battle did you even make it no

Fire look at me in the eye dude did you know I was gonna say that no fire look at look at me dead in the eye did you know I was gonna do this no son look me dead okay okay get the dragon turn get that dragon head off

You get that dragon head off you get it off get off I see you’re wearing one of my try hard skins onep nice get off get off the drag head get off or you’re gay you’re gay then why are you wearing it oh now you took it YP change that

Skin what the oh hey hey fire oh Jesus all right let’s the BS commence in freaking battle and Roda joined J fire fires watch your stream he just refuses to talk he just refuses to talk and Sh oh he justed the chat in the freaking okay guys I I asked yall the

Question I need you ask this this question should I even V go to a VC so I can get some commentary on people I actually play this game or no yes or no just put in the chat yes or no Domin already let’s go guys should I join a VC VC in

Discord I’m asking this question okay if any if any if anyone can kill me in this freaking battle Lobby I’ll join VC and Discord how about that b one can kill me which is possible means I got to survive whoever kills me I’ll I’ll be forced to join a

VC sh Fire’s probably gonna be doing that fire should be trying to get me trying to kill me now yeah fire no no fire no no I’m going to have my powers to prevent this from happening get away from me a [ __ ] no I’m not no I will not die no

He’s what the [ __ ] no I’m not joining disco VC no no no no no no no I refuse to I refuse to do do no no this is [ __ ] no oh I’m no no this [ __ ] this is [ __ ] no I’m out no no no reer no piss off I’m

Not join a VC no I refuse to why are you guys doing this no yes whoever stopping fire thank You JD hold him off I’m running I’m running no no no I’m I’m not Jo the VC no no no why is everybody try to make me Jo a VC let me live no no no oh I’m screwed oh I’m screwed now oh That’s All She Wrote folks no Ru no no

[ __ ] um did I say if I die I Jo VC yeah I’m kidding I’m kidding on that I was just kidding on that I was just kidding on that I was just kidding on that uh I was just kidding on that oh sh no no wait please come on why yall doing this

No why y’all doing this bro bro if I join VC can I at least live for five seconds I just spawned Raku please dude I just spawned d i just spawn dude [ __ ] that no no I just spawned I just spawned you can go back to stream and look foru I

Just spawned you cannot just kill me like that dude God I guess I have no choice I have no choice but to join God bless oh this GNA freaking suck have join VC so I can get everybody to stop freaking killing me 247 all right Where am I getting pinned from and you no no no no no how you guys already in the call already what how you guys already in a call this is rigged to [ __ ] dude this is Rigg to [ __ ] this is rig [ __ ] man [ __ ] this dude cor you live up to the

Promise so that’s all that matters or else we would have targeted you fire [ __ ] you why AR you targetting me you want me to join VC that badly I deal oh fine whatever okay no way no way go that was great oh no and okay fire is starting to get a

Little pissed off now what happened I K him that’s I don’t know I think it’s ru’s third party [ __ ] no it was it was YTP not not rod rod is perfectly fine yeah what what is the chude uh is the um the uh Grim Reaper skin yeah I know

Wh I know whp had the Grim Reaper skin yeah withe yeah I know yeah he actually got the first kill in the round because he killed me first Jesus Christ how are you able to hit someone two times while they’re oh wait so YTP was the one that killed me well piss

Is that cting okay good it’s not wait why do YP leave OHP There He Is We Chang his name of that all right right where’s where’s Rod where uh try to find him I found him where where is he he try hard I’m surprised And blue to join join the freaking game got now and I’m Happy 14 kills yeah I’ll take that yes K thank you for the assist thank you I was I wasn’t aiming at him but okay I know but still enough H nice I like how Ro becomes last place I bit sad I’m surprised that I’m in second

By four points I thought I was going to get lastly because you’re in this game I don’t know how many points cor was he he Left I don’t think he even got a single kill to be honest um I don’t know we probably know and think something I know yeah I think he was the first one to I think he was the first one to kill me too yeah he had the first kill of the

Game and he still I yeah so I’m assuming that the guy that’s white and PO is probably him and not just tied uh get some sleep buddy want to see the big boy Steve in the Game finally Okay I thought was for a minute wait is that is that YTP yes okay of course first thing you go for is the special chest why am I not surprised I because I have an addiction to a P5 got P5 I got P5 I got P5 I got

P5 I got it I got it he addtion what is with youy why he trying to chase me with this thing no really he literally just said he has addiction your ass why back off this5 is off dude is Unstoppable dude fire now wh be has

It he’s die anym and now he’s going to go for me a [ __ ] no I’m on half already do do you have any last words JY no you don’t oh you’re grave buddy you’re grave you stay my way that’s a lot of loot bro really my guy you thought you could get away

N D Bar like dude I just spawn no that’s a spawn killer dude are you [ __ ] me you [ __ ] wrong target buddy wrong target oh my [ __ ] god dude I just spawn oh my [ __ ] god dude I don’t knows anymore I don’t yes you just SP boy indeed you just SP

Buddy okay I’m dead Okay okay so Far okay okay no no that it no okay of course he goes for me of course of course of course run away run oh my God yeah how did you know I get all power one bow that’s the most common bow in this in this type of setting honestly for reason oh my God I’m taking my boat thank you God Dam why are all these chest so empty come over here I D you back Off why the PE [ __ ] [ __ ] over Here my [ __ ] Way on B of course I’m going to look at your point of view from stream YTP suck your mom s night [ __ ] want good [Applause] night I can’t get my sword just hope I don’t get targeted Again oh that’s what it look like in your view okay an barely going to ha [ __ ] loot well to be fair you did throw potion at me what don’t give a [ __ ] take good night YTP never mind good morning I just spawn [ __ ] this [ __ ] spes work anymore Cory I’ll leave him alone I’ll leave him alone feel like I just shot him and popped his totem what the to now uh YTP okay it’d be a shame if I have to pop it

No I didn’t I didn’t pop it just saying it would be a shame if someone did shame if you did yeah run away he’s scared J right here ain’t that just well no CL whatsoever P at the P5 oh God looks like he also has a P5

Nice I just popped this totem I just to let’s go right we’re making it a wave get in like a drug Heist one got I just comboed the crap out of him nice course [ __ ] course mind to go for you again sh buddy Sh Okay damn cor be say good night good night want the H go no you’re not getting that loot not that Loot of course I’m [ __ ] Course he’s got a P5 again nice what speak stop spam at P5 and actually Stop get your ass over here get your ass over here dude get your wussy more than I oh my [ __ ] god that’s some [ __ ] Jesus Christ [ __ ] hell [ __ ] hell bro bro [ __ ] hell Dude nice I don’t get last I didn’t get last God didn’t get last got last sorry J i see you wear that slime Steve skin what color green wait what color were you even freaking thinking about uh what color is a snowflake No nice there’s two there’s two Steves covered in slime oh no oh great is it is it just battle playing or are we doing like more on Minecraft more I just want to play Battle BGE we’ll do more okay we do CH we can do CH everybody’s up for that yeah I

Want yeah should we do after this game [ __ ] off I put you on bud come here I got a shovel my guy went faster than a jet that’s crazy than got the racist pedal is he still on Minecraft he is of course he is he touch this damn switch

Yesing about the one whoes to do stuff with little ring go yes oh no oh no no no no I’m dead I’m so dead I’m dead Som that’s onep touch me YTP I dare you touch me I dare you get that goey slime on me I dare you and I always [ __ ] you

Up really really Cory no fine where it is and you’re not going to up the stairs you’re not going to up the stairs oh yes I am nope bye [ __ ] good thing didn’t see that teabag cuz that well you clearly did I knew you going to teabag me I just didn’t see

You why aren these special chest filling up yet and of course of course [ __ ] course [ __ ] course [ __ ] course I’m done as [ __ ] I’m getting of course targeted get [ __ ] hit me once I ain’t GNA say [ __ ] to you you spawn kill me you’re [ __ ] gay dude I swear to God I just

Spawned is that no that’s Co over there wait that’s whyp then oops Jesus oh [ __ ] course can have a battle yep that was my cue to leave couldn’t be white could be white be but can’t be fire so [ __ ] that who are you chasing here J no that now

Run how do you get such a big job dude how H does do it yeah I’m probably nextt here [ __ ] of course I won’t of course [ __ ] course [ __ ] thanks for leaving all these beautiful items to me Y sweet you you could have grab this totem Cory just [ __ ] off just [ __ ] off just [ __ ] just [ __ ] off dude this is why when Fire’s parents go to sleep he goes into god mode I’m like a CH person first we seen first we saw serious mode now he turned on

Ridiculous mode and now he’s on God mode I’m just I’m just a chill person dude you know yeah both all three of us all three of us are chill persons and I’m gonna [ __ ] die are you asking for death me no no I was not I was

Not they all these mad man where these mad uh oh they’re climbing up the tower guys I need to get away from these I need to get away from these monsters is the luckiest man Al alive where is um I’m on the ring of fire get down from now

No yes you’re shooting at the ring not me like I’m Doing okay I don’t I got a power I got a punch too oh he said power five oh that almost hit you that was that Lally that literally I think that like gave you a nice haircut that B shot oh shoot I almost fell through one of

The holes of the bridge somehow that go through I’m surprised I can’t I can’t be knocked off this is my safe spot this is my safe spot I cannot be t I’m dead you’re dead you’re dead now uh almost whoa chill chill oh godam it Cory you

Suck yeah I don’t care I don’t care you just you just gave fire practically a free kill because you knocked me off and now he’s going to probably go after me because of you thanks I hope you’re proud of yourself you know what Cory herey here

Take it take it take it I don’t want that you can have the P5 I don’t want it I’m not being put a Target on my back no yummy yummy I’m not getting a taret on My that almost hit me oh my God D that’s crazy I got a first I have tumble hold on why people play tumble just give me just give us one second I’m host T YT make sure it’s fireworks YTP in one layer all right Wait yes oh okay frames D left bro really that far so I haven’t played tumble in a while so what exactly is chaotic tumble because I haven’t played tumble in a while you see I party I’m just going to do one more round and then I’m off to bed all right for of

Course joining is he he said he want to Tumble shovels wait why is it shov no no no no no hold on you doing hold on he this time let’s just press y to get it done quicker you hosted YP fire was hosting tumble you said press y right away when

We got in so yeah it’s a big donut it’s a big donut let’s go well hello my cat hello my cat and what the Heck you almost me you almost C Me D you oh I got you nice okay Jesus that’s See Fire watching s just C the crap out of YTP holy [ __ ] Jesus freaking Christ sofle I hope you’re happy I’m getting all this on my stream so you’re welcome e Is St is Oh my God hold on Oh God honestly don’t know what to do right now J left I’m OMC mom St it I have nothing else to do it might be my softly AFK looks like softly say AFK sh for well know I’m going to lose ain’t no doubt about it I’m going to lose lose y lose

Lose I going lose so bad combo the crap out of me I am honestly garbag Le oh my [ __ ] god dude I bro [ __ ] hold still [ __ ] [ __ ] bro oh my f god dude I can’t do this anymore I can’t do this anymore I Lally just can’t I just

Can’t do this anymore I’m ending my life good day good day I quit I quit I quit I can’t I’m obvious going to lose so [ __ ] this what happens soft L is GNA win that’s what oh [ __ ] this ISP world right yes it his PVP World I’m sorry I’m sorry S I can’t I’m pissed skin I’m so pissed I’m so pissed I’m sorry sorry but I’m so pissed I’m pissed off right now yesp I see you wear my skin I was going easy I was going easy while I’m pissed

I’m sorry s but that’s the ug that’s the Ugly Truth okay soft don’t doess press please don’t please don’t s can you please s if I fight you again will you feel better please oh yeah s in the call I know he’s on stream okay fine I’ll fight goodam actually Of course is we not skin of course all right s can go ahead and fight someone get a kit please someone give me someone the k please no no no no want TP I ra lose my eyeb get hit by that thing Work this work oh I didn’t get my I didn’t get my that Gap or my boots my God start please can you go back to that cat girl skin can you go back to that cat girl for me please I feel I feel more I feel a

Little better if that was that cat girl please please thank you all right let me I I swear to god dude just draw your sword draw your sword what help my [ __ ] oh skeleton head all right oh here here it is here it is here it is

Here it is here it is here it is here it is God my aim is ass my aim is ass oh my [ __ ] god my aim is so [ __ ] ass dude my aim is garbage it’s absolute [ __ ] garbage my aim is [ __ ] ass my aim is

Ass my aim is ass my aim is ass my aim is AB [ __ ] ass my aim is [ __ ] ass Just my language but it is f I’m barely hitting softly but look at this [ __ ] my aim is so [ __ ] garbage dude garbage ass aim that Oh my [ __ ] God can’t work with this [ __ ] aame can’t work with this aim I can’t work with this aim I can’t work P anyway I’m good just my aim is ass my aim is ass I need better pain always oh my God my aim is so [ __ ]

Bad dude my [ __ ] aim my [ __ ] aim my [ __ ] look at this look at this [ __ ] [ __ ] can’t land [ __ ] cuz my aim is my ass my god dude name is dog [ __ ] that’s [ __ ] dog Bro why see why can’t combo like that I have to be closeup super closeup I can’t just be that far to combo people like that I have to be so closeup how do people do that how do people do that how they do that my aiming is a major skill issue

It’s a [ __ ] major skill issue and I feel [ __ ] can’t [ __ ] land can’t [ __ ] be up that be up close I gotta be up close I can be afar don’t know how they go from afar look at that I want that I want my a to be like mine but just [ __ ] [ __ ]

Can’t [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] god dude a is [ __ ] ass oh so busted famous garbage the biggest SK issue I ever had in this [ __ ] game I’m good at P the problem My oh my God aim is so [ __ ] terrible my is so [ __ ] terrible absolute [ __ ] dog [ __ ] bro you good no I’m not [ __ ] all right my aim is absolute [ __ ] garbage no no let me see that armor let me see that AR absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] dude my aim is [ __ ]

Ass the only reason I cannot get better cuz my aim is the problem my aim is the [ __ ] problem my name is the [ __ ] bro [ __ ] stop it all it takes three all it takes is three Discovered a hi I a his [ __ ] ass dude I don’t think it’s your aim I think it’s just that uh he’s cheap no my aim is L [ __ ] ass dude what what are these skins no what are these skins they be using bro where the heck is even soft leing at

Dude my a is [ __ ] assing like that it’s the [ __ ] truth I’m sorry but it is get better then get better then I’ve been trying that and I gotten nowhere hit CLI I literally have tried and I got nowhere Lo the bathroom door accient my sister closed it well my aim get better

Well my aim get better dude how to get your aim better get good at the game it could to do that when Shredder I’m sorry dude no hard feels but right now [ __ ] you listen I’m just saying get better I have been trying I have been trying and I barely have been doing

It sofly say you train me but so far I haven’t gotten nowhere I don’t know [ __ ] you know what I’m about to do I I’m about to spam the guy wait who spam who I was I was To where hell’s Chris PE at at anyway sh um YTP I accidentally destroyed Crystal sorry [Applause] really is that really necessary here you better get your ass actually here mess up are you gay uh to Jo okay now great you got y TP thinking that I killed you and I didn’t That name is dog [ __ ] you would you what we do [Applause] y TP why’ you kick blue because you found out that it was him that blew him up while he was AFK that’s why I didn’t well then who did on my life I did well then who did it was blue no he said he didn’t he didn’t he didn’t

Blue [ __ ] off [ __ ] off no [ __ ] off [ __ ] off no no no no why is Gab here okay good get him out of here he doesn’t not his impatient ass can wait wow that was Savage I’m sorry Wy I didn’t mean to kick gab but right now I’m not moers his [ __ ]

At this point in time right now also why is he wearing the same skin as me okay Cory can you explain this explain what but that’s my main reason you want to imp that’s do watch the Beast BR not Mine oh my bad what does he want oh he wants me to fight him to uniform Whatp gave me want you to rehost it’s probably gab has to getting has to join this he doesn’t have to he wants to okay who sent me a [ __ ] friend request really who who who who who who who L who sent me a friend request Literally who that would send me a friend request I’m pissed at this point in Time who’s idea who’s idea who’s [ __ ] idea oh so H hero decides to friend me again freaking idiot wait did did you accept him know way you actually accepted how no I didn’t all right bro that’s good don’t give me this Time [Laughter] what’s the stream session at it’s at two hours and two two hours 2 minutes 30 and 40 seconds now holy [ __ ] you’re streaming [ __ ] did you not see the freaking Street oh my [ __ ] god no I didn’t see it I L just post to the stream oh my

Okay you should you should fight me for the stream no I want to screen time no screen screen time I’m YTP right now yeah no why me no no join join are you serious okay that kid is all obviously bad what cops uniform yes all right you should like

No no not SK not speed [ __ ] that okay Yeah build speed speed [ __ ] oh wait hold on all right d Bro what are you doing running healing that’s what I’m doing Bro G whatever [ __ ] do we we clean wait do we do we do we clean the builds or we leave it leave it my a my aim is [ __ ] ass God here try try tryed all try that think I try was softly I got my ass rocked as usual I [ __ ] I didn’t

Use okay um wait yeah I’m going to run this flat look at this sh [ __ ] [ __ ] man I can’t I have [ __ ] up close He oh All right I’m g go on your stream I didn’t open it yet [ __ ] [ __ ] all right VC I’ll just um my aim is [ __ ] [ __ ] delay I think there’s a stream Delay yeah there’s definitely a Stream oh whatever who [ __ ] oh my all These May if I turn my sensitivity down maybe that’ll help me no you want you want never mind then [ __ ] [ __ ] to 170 I guess dude be impatient still organize my [ __ ] hold on there right I’m stream I’m streaming Le right now if you you don’t don’t know what I’m Why can’t I hit from that far it’s not some [ __ ] bar in this damn Game sh dude hang all down Question scoll Who even left why top yeah wait how long have you been streaming for two hours jeez um for Real e Jo probably watch oh get one e is e e hey what’s Go For let me [ __ ] kill Myself dude dude my aim get better [ __ ] it it can get better if we play no speed hey try to try to play like try to play like 150 okay try to try to for like 150 cents wait hold up go go to your controls go to your controls and um turn

On toggle Sprint so go to go to go to Sprint and then click in on your on your like left joystick so you’ll be able to Sprint by just pressing it and moving the direction hi hold on go to controls and where go to controls and then scroll down until you go to

Sprint when get Sprint go to Sprint and then tap on um like click in to the joystick all right so now you can Sprint by just tapping a button and holding it he into your joystick your down f hold on hold on hold on okay okay okay

Now we getting some getting some get some get some getting somewhere all right oh here we go there yeah kind of feel yourself getting a little better yes I do yes I do okay this is huge progress now okay that’s a good chunk I feel I feel more relaxed

Now I’m not at the I’m not at the top yet I just feel a little more ease [ __ ] h i gra to fly up he was like in our BAS oh gray wasn’t doing anything it’s fine even though he I he kind of so BL

My okay that was that that was a little better though okay my helmet my helmet was actually kind of close oh beautiful okay I need to rid this normal Sprint this normal Sprint is g to screw me over oh so it’s stuck right there [ __ ] try to try to try to fight someone

Like Ultra or something and see if you can beat oh here’s a problem I cannot look at my camera it’s a problem I can’t you can’t change your camera no no my camera view I can’t change my camera view okay then what go to go to your controls and make

It um okay my my camera is up on the d-pad like you press to up on the d-pad and that’s how I change my view and then my cro my CR is down on the de I’m still keeping yeah you you why why would you

Why would you make CR why would you make crouching be it’s so then I can do this of course your turbo teabag yeah yeah of course you T I ain’t doing that [ __ ] you yeah at least at least make your VI so then you can actually change your view no

Yeahp YP want to fight I I don’t know I could be I know I I know I know me wh be me wh be are even so I don’t need no strength be so I don’t did you your yeah I I don’t need it I don’t need it I be

He he oh y has strength all right play on the these odds oh okay you got you got him oh YTP I’m so sorry I’m so sorry oh my God this is beautiful okay better Improvement Well well I wondered the same thing could be Sol gray wait gray gray what’s your butt gra do you do you have to double tap the sprit too Gra he’s getting better he’s making progress making progress boys’s go come on let’s go be why’s beating the [ __ ] on me as

Well is least a two piece W everyone’s freaking watching pretty sure gre’s watching from the sky gre’s watching from the sky too you got you got no pressure yeah Oh all right hold on let’s make more difficult yes yeah just F I’m probably to end the stream after here I end the stream off here you yeah I’m ending stream cuz like yeah two hours and 30 minutes is good enough yeah yeah just have to turn the stream

Off oh why on his sweat too okay oh our both our helmets broke I told you we’re evenly match I told you yeah yes he want to be an evenly match holy [ __ ] how how much pieces how much pieces did he have like when he beat you before

Uh he used to have we used to be the Sol two after two I’ll give you phone back hold on oh I almost had him I almost had him I almost had him G what piece did he used to do to you um when me whes be always TI I think

Wh be was it when we when one of us dies was it always like freaking two or two or just like freaking two I think it B way okay hold on I got this call hold on I’ll be one time all right hold on let me go ahead and

Just let go ahead Gabby and others if you see me I’m hosting this PP server all right guys that’s gonna be it for the stream thank you guys so much for watching I made a huge progress with my PV skills I feel more confident I feel a little more confident now but anyway

I’ll see you guys in the next stream until then see you guys later bye hold on

This video, titled ‘Minecraft legacy stream 7’, was uploaded by super lizard thomas 64 on 2024-01-10 01:05:25. It has garnered 56 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:33 or 9333 seconds.

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    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: twitch.tv/X33N Read More

  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: https://playerduo.net/62e7d4b353b9095d2c55aeb8 + Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/kronus2/tip — Social Media: + Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaming/kronusgenovius + Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kronus_genovius — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More

  • BakSoo MC

    BakSoo MCServer Minecraft Indonesia dikhususkan untuk player indonesia sadjah. Dapat bermain lewat JAVA dan juga BEDROCK Untuk sekarang kami baru memiliki Hard Survival Server. Rencananya akan kami tambah jadi PIXELMON mc.baksoo.my.id Read More

  • MasterRealm – Semi Vanilla

    Welcome to Master Realm’s New Season! 🎉 Hey everyone! Master Realm’s new season is live, and it’s packed with awesome updates! 🌟 What’s New: Explore a Corrupted World: Dive into a realm sealed by ancient gods. Unlock chunks with blocks or items to face tougher monsters, structures, mobs, and items. Season Theme: The Corrupted Chunks. Venture into a world full of corruption and mystery with increasing dangers and Blood Moons. Economy & Trading: Robust economy with coins, an auction house, exclusive kits, and custom items. Slimefun Enhancements: New machines and gadgets for exciting crafting. 100 New Dungeons & Bosses: Challenge… Read More

  • CommunityCraft SMP! discord.gg/CommunityCraft!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.communitycraft.live (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine: Too Spicy for Easy Additions

    It’s like trying to convince a Minecraft player that diamonds are just as common as dirt – not gonna happen! Read More

  • Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness

    Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Stressmen and Odo Kentang, always ready to thrive. With NightD24 and ElestialHD, they create a scene, Filled with laughter and joy, in every frame that’s seen. Kulpi Semungku channel, bringing animation to life, With funny videos and unique experiences, free from strife. Haikal Hibatulloh, the mastermind behind the scenes, Editing models and maps, creating vibrant dreams. So like, subscribe, and share, to support their art, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity sparks. Watch and enjoy, the moments so grand, In every video, crafted by their hand. Read More

  • ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente!

    ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #meme #trending Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681 Minecraft Adventures in Episode 681 Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! In this episode, Lờ Đờ Vờ takes us on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft. Let’s dive into the highlights of this epic adventure! Exploring New Horizons In this episode, our intrepid explorer embarks on a quest to discover new lands and resources. Armed with nothing but their wits and a trusty pickaxe, they traverse vast forests, scale towering mountains, and delve deep into mysterious caves. Along the way, they encounter a variety of creatures, from friendly villagers to… Read More