ULTIMATE LUCK?! ExoBeaver Vault Hunters Ep. 3 LIVE!

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You N Oh Oh Oh Baby all right I think we’re cool we look good man o day um I was getting ready to start the stream a minute ago and I I like to pick the song for the introduction and uh I’m I’m so thrown off dude my my ears are broken my

Freaking computer just shoved like it if smelling salts were delivered auditorally it did that to me it was so whatever it was was like an explosion it was White Noise it was like absurdly loud louder than anything’s ever come through my headphones and it just blasted me and I just started

Blasting them like freaking Danny DeVito like it was so loud I I threw my headset it and like I had to step away for a second and collect myself it was that loud I’ve never experienced anything like that I shut it all down I reset my computer and it seems

Fine I don’t know I don’t know what the problem was um whatever it was it seems to be uh seems to be solved I think we’re okay today um let me just situate a little button over here off well on the other screen sorry I know you guys can’t see

It good Lord it was so loud dude I like it’s been like 10 or 15 minutes and I’m still trying to collect myself from it so where did we leave off man we left off what did we do last time we were in the middle of collecting

A bunch of dirt for a farm um and Mr Zack rudely rudely interrupted us uh yeah how much dirt do we have H not really enough hang on a second let me soak this stuff up real quick H eh let’s um collect a little bit more

Dirt here not like like an absurd amount of dirt but just a bit you know enough to like fuel some crystals if we need it but also uh to finish the farm that we were working on last time so we weren’t doing like a massive super duper crazy

Farm basically what we were working on was just like your general vegetables we were doing like some uh you know General vegetables I don’t know carrots potatoes wheat leans means greens potatoes like that um how much do we have now we got plenty right it’s fine I have my elra on

Too if I can remember how to play this game this way man day let me just double check hold on once we get back to the base I’m going to have to Red Double quadruple triple triple check my or uh YouTube’s chat because it breaks constantly now I don’t

Know what the problem is but it likes to just not work let me just make sure boom boom okay seems to be working okay I don’t know I’ve been having an issue lately for some reason with uh with YouTube chat just like taking a big old

Fat poo poo on me but I think we’re cool anyways uh yeah so in the last time we were playing we uh we essentially got some animals set up now we don’t have like the most of them in there right we we got like what is it oh we got almost

100 cows and sheep but the rest of them are kind of slacking so we need like a whole bunch of stuff I would love a bone meal farm that would be like really cool right um and I think probably the best way to do that is with like a a moss

Farm and you turn the Moss into bone meal blah blah blah blah blah now I don’t know all the ins and outs of all that stuff so if we work on that I’m going to have to probably look some things up uh oop boop boop I’m learning new tricks

With the UI man you guys are teaching me all sorts of stuff boom uh short that too yep yeah yeah green stuff can go in there oh we have a few more seeds to plant too I don’t need that um we’re going to need all of this stuff planted now I

Don’t have any oh you know what let’s do this real quick too an oh yeah yeah yeah we got a jungle sapling from one of the vaults that we ran I don’t know where exactly it came from it it must have fallen off like a leaf or

Something and we’ll bring this bad boy just over here to the rest of our trees slabber down and uh I going to get that grown so we need some jungle wood we need just about every type of tree right man those trees are uh thick thick

They are stuck in there man they ain’t going anywhere either dude we were talking last time about this thing my goodness like I I can’t get over this is probably my favorite thing in all of Minecraft ever I know I’ve said that a lot about a

Lot of other things too right like I’ve said it about the vein Miner I’ve said it about like the dash I’ve said it about all sorts of different stuff bro this enchanter is the greatest it’s actually the greatest thing you’ve ever seen in your life time out the audio is still just a

Smidge bit loud that’s a little bit better we want background music not like forehead music right uh oh nap time real quick uh dude that enchanter is amazing it’s like one level for enchantment and it costs a couple emeralds that’s it it’s incredible I can’t get over how

Much I love that thing um Smithers oh my gosh timeout my man my man Smithy G dude where have you been my friend how you doing like I hope you’re doing well dude we’ve been worried about you cuz like you’re always talking about how like man

The streak I ain’t never missing a day and you missed so many days dude I was worried something happened to you man how you doing it has been a while dude oh dude I love you man I hope you’re doing all right you you have no idea how loved you

Are in this channel man like not just by myself but by like all the other viewers like everybody loves to see you dude and uh everybody’s been asking about you respectfully right we just hope you’re doing well you’re okay good good good good good you freaking better be I had to

Whoop your freaking tokus if you weren’t all right you’ve broken the streak dude don’t worry about the streak life happens dog things happen I know the streaks important to you but like that’s not what matters what matters is that you’re doing well life is good and that you’re taking care of

Yourself I reread that for a second and thought you said you broke your back and I freaked out for a second all right it doesn’t have to be pretty that’s not what this Farm’s about no dude Smithers it’s okay brother um this is not meant to be an attractive

Farm right this is meant to be uh we need materials like right now and we’ll make a cool looking Farm later how’s that sound sounds fine to me um I I definitely would like to build some very like aesthetically pleasing stuff in the near future cuz there’s so

Much to build with in this in Vault Hunters specifically um but like 1 2 3 four um right now we just need some stuff right it’s all we need is is just some some stuff so wait you did a dopamine detox huh what I’m assuming that includes your phone right like your

Phone and and any Electronics right so like that’s dude you’re all about it right now Smithers for those of you that that may be tuning in brand spank and new or maybe in the future Smithers is uh like getting seriously healthy like Health to the max dude no you’re okay

Brother um I knew what you meant a dopamine detox like I’m assuming you you dropped the phone for like a while you dropped like basically everything that uh that gives you topamine right does that include food too how’s that work I feel like that sort of includes food okay I

Think 1 2 3 and Four this is going to be yeah right here this is how we want things right here I don’t know what this middle row is going to be but this is going to be like pumpkins and watermelons right here and then you weren’t eating fast food anyway oh

No that’s fine dude like I guess like fast food is considered like dopamine heavy right it does give you a big old chunky hit towards your like your brain juices right like Fast dude fast food is so bad um how long has it been what you

Lose track of your days I don’t know like three maybe four days something like that is something around there 5 days has it been 5 days it’s been a hot minute dude I was like I said I was starting to get worried about you I was hoping you were doing all

Right but the way you’re putting it sounds like you’re better than ever my friend all right so I do need one full we have a segment for carrots potatoes leans means greens potatoes we got a segment for wheat we got a segment for beetroot seeds um this

Is going to be pumpkins watermelons two rows each is fine I don’t think we really need that much this can be Flex this whole row can be flex and then like this wall here can be like what else are we missing well specifically we need uh no worries Smithers take it easy

My friend I’m glad you dropped in to say hi cuz um I’ve been thinking about you man it was so weird to not see you around for a couple of days I was like oh God I hope he didn’t like freaking die or something that’d be the worst I I

Would have had to like travel all the way out to to um the what what’s it called what have we what have we been calling your country um sorry I can’t remember what we’ve been calling it dude either way it was funny um but yeah man take it easy Smithers I love you

Brother um carrots potatoes wheat beetroots Flags pumpkins watermelons um this row I don’t know what this row is and then sugar cane along the back row what else Netherlands yeah but we’ve been calling it something else I think it’s we call it it joint Dutchland yes Dutchland that’s the name

I would have driven all the way out to Dutchland I would have taken my car boat and like gotten out there just to see you my friend I don’t think I need that all the way down there we just need a little bit of extra light in

Between cuz I don’t think like we can plant seeds over here for some reason I guess it’s cuz it’s too dark so is it just me or does this music keep like going up nah it’s the same volume at was I don’t know maybe I’m getting my hearing back

From that like blasting earlier blasting them uh so this whole row bag here is going to be sugarcane and I think I I don’t know this is like a controversial opinion is sand all right Smithers have a good day brother we’ll be here we’ll be doing our

Thing is is it controversial to say that sand makes sugar cane grow faster is that a thing it or is that not real I I’m not sure if it’s real or not I’ve heard back and forth my entire life and uh as a Minecraft ad dork I need to know

I I I’m going to put sand down anyway just cuz uh I don’t know we can we have sand with us so why not this might be enough sugar cane I don’t think there’s any reason to like set up an automatic farm right now we might need to in the future we’ll see

We’ll see probably not I kind of doubt it okay there’s not more water there there you go I’m going to do that there everybody’s favorite thing and just like not make it infinite water sources the whole way just kidding I need something all right I wish you could like the same way

You could pick items up like that with right click with the shulker box I wish I could like unclick items with the shulker box like it would drop the last item that’s in the box that would be super convenient totally unnecessary though leans greens means potatoes all right let’s go get the rest

Of that stuff our inventory is a bit of a mess we’re going to have to get organized at some point um our storage system disaster absolute disaster uh but it’s fine it’s fine eventually we’re going to upgrade this and it’s not going to be this and it’s going to be

Something better and uh I’ll stop crying about it we’ll put it that way Boop no you do not actually go in there and neither does this stuff what was I doing Zach was rushing me out the game yesterday he was like I want to play AR

I was like I’m playing Minecraft and he was just making fun of me I dude I can’t can’t get over how much fun I’m having with this game and zag is just not have it for those of you if you’re new to the channel dude Zach

Is one of my good buddies we’ve been playing Ark together it’s so much stinking fun and every time I’m playing Minecraft and then he’s like dude let’s play some Ark he’s like ah that game again cuz he’s not he’s not about it he doesn’t get it he just doesn’t

Understand I didn’t a nice achievement dude I didn’t expect to get an achievement doing that I just found out that I could spin it faster and I had to spam it that’s fun all right I like it plants we were making a garden oh glowberries all right those hang from the ceiling

Though and then cocoa beans need a spot watermelons sweet berries need a spot pumpkins sugar cane we already have a spot for um what’s this thing called bamboo we need a a cactus thing we also need a kelp Farm I guess we don’t really need need

One at this moment uh but I think eventually we’re going to need them okay let’s back these torches up just a smidge we’re just going to spam torches dude it like I said doesn’t need to be pretty oh this though that that yeah we need to cover that

Up all right now I believe there is a passive in the game that kind of makes it nice and easy to grow things like this um how where is it not that we can afford it right now but it’s a thing and I think I’ll be yeah it’s probably in here right

Farmer oh it’s bound to a button so you have to physically hold a button down come on escal let’s go let’s get with the automation pal just make it an AOE an auto AOE increases growth speed on crops in a radius using a delay I’m assuming it takes Mana too

Targets seeds greens potatoes carrots beetroots flax seeds three Mana per second I don’t know I don’t know how that works increases growth speed of crops in a radius using a delay specifically for melons and pumpkins Cactus sugar cane and Nether wart we’re going to need that too if I

Find that in a vault I’m taking it home I just I couldn’t be bothered to go to the nether dude the nether sucks and baby farmer baby villagers yeah you can keep that to yourself we don’t need that one all right now this stff stuff what do we do with

This do we just like this is the ugliest room you’ve ever seen in your life dude you’ve never seen anything uglier except for like never mind I was going to make fun of myself and then I thought it’d be funnier to make some fun of somebody

Else I was like no that’s not good don’t that’s not a no you don’t need to make fun of other people it’s not nice okay we’re just going to throw these down what well okayo my bad so I think that’s how that works right that just going to is going to

Hang down from the ceiling and grow so what else do we need we need o oh I was going to I think we might need shears for that but nope oh the perfect almost the perfect amount what do we need 18 no four and 8 16 but that was 20 we need

18 I hope I’m not messing that up oh no there’s one in the middle we do need it’s nine for each row I can’t count dude rough start today that’s what this is and the sweet berries I mean would it be too I mean we really need like millions and millions of berry

Bushes really and then cocoa beans we’ll have to worry about later cuz we don’t have the stuff for it yet now this does this have Fortune silk touch I think we should make ourselves another hoe just cuz we have the diamonds for it right we don’t need to to scr to stinge for

Diamonds um it would be nice if we had both a silk touch ho for more for like mining purposes things like hay and uh and leaves and all that it’s nice to have a silk touch hoe but Fortune oh whoa whoa Fortune I believe applies to

Crops that you grow right um so and I I want to say if my memory serves me correctly we already have two sticks if my memory serves me correctly we actually have uh an AOE when we Harvest things what’s Up DJ alien PR what’s going on how am I doing I’m doing good

Man how you doing how you doing dude we’re uh we’re just picking up right where we left off Fortune boom might as well hit it with the mending too and I don’t think this one needs efficiency but we will go Unbreaking ah emeralds are basically free let’s take efficiency right how do we

Um Speedy oh wait no um wait no no no we need like a we uh the uh Legion Legion is many many is Legion We Are Legion the legion ho there you go many for Fortune that’s what that is and then uh The Singularity ho for silk touch

Singularity S I hope I can spell that’s pretty that might not be right Legion mafio build my brother oh yes dude so you can right click with hoes in this game hoes in this house and you could just Auto Harvest and an auto replant in an AOE like if that’s not the

Greatest freaking invention since sliced wheat I don’t know what it is gosh dang dude that’s awesome and it only harvests the yeah Ghost Rider Legions of great dude that’s exactly where I got that from I’m so glad that you got that reference I was worried I

Was like talking to myself for a minute like is anybody going to get this Legion reference n I’m going to say it anyway well played sir oh is it too dark here look how attractive and beautiful this Farm is we’ll make a nice one later I promise ah uh seeds oh

Okay black SE S I think are all going to be moved over here in fact you know what I think that’s the only oh no two Flacks now I think if we were to like stagger plants like one row of beetroots one row of carrots one row of potatoes

It would probably be a lot more efficient like a lot more efficient um and I say that because if you guys don’t know so like things like bees also speed up pollination like you you know how you can use um bone meal right and you get that little green particle effect going

On around your plants and it speeds up the growth when bees pollinate and they carry flower pollen across plants they also have this same effect now it’s not nearly as efficient as like slamming bone meal into it but it’s a thing right um kind of I think similar to this

Ability that we were just looking at earlier right in here with the farmer ability right um but also another thing that applies like a little bit of a speed up it’s it’s probably like the least efficient of the the speed increases when it comes to plant growth but staggering crops will actually speed

Up the growth so like if you have more than one plant of the same or different kinds next to each other and I think the reason behind that is that like in real life if you don’t know anything about farming right Farmers stagger their crop rotation so like at some point in the

Year you’ll see like you know soybeans right and then the next point in the year you see like corn and and they stagger like different crops back and forth and that’s because different plants require different minerals from the soil right and different plants also put other different minerals back in the

Soil and when one plant consumes a mineral and it puts one mineral back the next Plant consumes that mineral that it put back and then puts another one back that the other one needs right isn’t that so like I think that’s the reasoning and the logic behind all that

I’m actually going to do that if we can it’s like super easy to harvest so why not dude old starred gold yo yo what’s up I’m doing good man how you doing how you doing whoa not the not the pumpkins though get that back in there oh in

This uh-oh did I break I did I broke one too many that’s my bad I busted it you’re in the hospital dude that’s a horrible dude what’s going on man I hope you’re doing all right I hope everything is okay I think uh oh the flax seeds are not really working

Here I think we’re going to do something like this talk to me Star Gold man I hope you’re doing all right wait oh I removed the wrong I don’t know my brain’s a farting right now I need 18 more of these and then we’re going to need 18 more pumpkin seeds but that’s

Okay what was that that was pumpkins and watermelons we’ll do like watermelons here too and then pumpkins on the outside and then this is where I want the pumpkins and watermelons to grow into right and hopefully like eventually grass spreads now I know as the pumpkins

And stuff grow um it’s going to kill the grass but that’s fine that’s fine we may work on like an aesthetic looking Farm later later today we’ll see depends on how much time we have um I know Zach talked about playing the game again Mr Ark asend ascended Asylum ascended survival survival ascended

Eh all right so let’s run likey get that out of here you need to be dirt so we’re talking wheat boom boom beetroots leans greens means potatoes and then blacks as well I think that’s all of them so like beetroots wheat or just swap out potatoes carrots

And then flax seeds I guess we’re not going to be able to grow things like right NE or at least tall plants right next to that but that’s okay that’s not a big deal and then boom and boom boom boom and we’ll keep this pattern going for like the the whole thing

Well Star Gold I I don’t mean to like keep pastoring you about it but I wish you the best dude I hope whatever it is that’s going on for you my friend is uh is going to get better soon we’ll put it that way um it’s not a fun place to be

Dude I’ll wish you well they’re going to take a test on you if you have wait I must have missed a chat I don’t know if something didn’t come through properly or not but I didn’t catch what you were taking the test for but it’s okay if you don’t want

To talk about it here that’s totally okay as well um just know that I’m thinking about you brother I hope you’re doing well and I hope things get better for you the flags I think I I forgot to skip a row oh well we’ll we’ll fix that stuff later

You’re welcome man anything at anytime you and if you ever need well I don’t know if you’re on the Discord or not but like if you ever need to chat with somebody hit me up let me know I’m happy to just have a talk with you if that’s something you

Need I can’t promise I’ll always have like the best things to say or the best advice but uh I’ll do my darnest that’s growing good that’s grow we’re going to have to be in the area for this stuff to like really start cranking so what else can we do well

This can all the cocoa beans we’re going to need a spot for so let’s carve out a little portion of the wall here for that too oh you know what yeah man anytime brother uh we could just throw some wood down right along this wall here it

Doesn’t have to be crazy we need an excuse to like block off the back here anyway so that the crops go in in this direction right and grow in the middle and we could also use I mean it’s it works right that’ll prevent it from growing in that

Direction I mean we could make this look nice we could it wouldn’t take much to like actually make this Farm pretty okay maybe it would take a lot it might take like a lot a lot uh it’s pretty ugly I’m not going to lie potatoes leans greens

Fine and yeah we’re out of everything else we’re out of carriage seeds and all that beetroots so cows you going to have that we could do with get oh you know what we need to do hold on let’s check the boards real quick see what we got

Going on over here you think it’s nice it’s like maybe the saddest most pathetic Farm I think I’ve ever made in my life 32 emeralds for 90 sh shards just uh eh it’s not a bad deal but I think that the soul shards are better spent elsewhere

Um the thing so oh I forgot to claim that yesterday we finished that let’s throw all this stuff away real real quick before I go like um dumping inventories boom boom that can probably just go in there what else what did I just throw in there oh flax all right that’s fine I

Think flax can actually be turned into string no worries starold dude take it easy man um like I said I wish you the best of luck dude you know don’t stress too hard try try your best to just like relax and enjoy what you can out of life

Even though like get stuck in the hospital sucks but I’ll wish you well all right the hose can go up uhhuh sure Boop okay I forgot I I always forget I have the magnet one should we do that thing dad bot wants to see I kind of like rolling for for items

That’s a really good helmet that’s a rare helmet bro that’s not only that not only has the same plus three Health at a Max roll for a prefix but it also has an additional two armor which is also a Max roll currently plus an additional one and a half ability

Power so it’s it’s got one less raw armor but it has one additional armor in total given that bonus down at the prefix and then it has an in an additional 6 2% increased area of effect and Mana regen which is almost another Max roll that’s a really good helmet for

What level we’re at dude like from everything I’ve seen up until then and it’s a cool looking one too oh I like the Druid I like that that looked good all right well we need some uh yeah I like that we we need to enchant that 20% Mana

Regen I like the item Rarity though 9% attack damage look at the max roll on that dog o I think ours are better just because of the health and the armor and the item Rarity but that’s not a bad set of backup boots just in case uh things go poorly somewhere

Let’s go get some sticks we need to get some more emeralds so that we can uh you know do some enchanting cuz I keep spending all my emeralds I’m broke You Spin Me Right Around baby wait we need the transmog table too I think I don’t think I have that yet

Right that’s not that’s the artisian station that’s a vault Forge where is I don’t think we have a transmog station we got an achievement yesterday transmog station watch that’s trick oh never mind where did that go right there so well I guess you guys can’t see

It cuz it’s behind my face but uh you can like I didn’t know that you could just like press a on anything in the ji and it tabs it over here and say saves it then you just press a to get rid of it again smooth moves dude so the transmog

Station is that reasonable for us right now I think it is we could do that we could do that o we need one of those two of those wood where’s the wood one of these and then uh I know for a fact yep I picked up one of those tables from one

Of the vaults cool easy money dude so the transmog station if you guys don’t know is basically uh an aesthetic thing like you can change the visual of any of your armor um but it has to be something that you’ve already found right uh one of those things that we

Already found like for so that’s a cool sword right but we could change it to any of these that we have unlocked I don’t have most of these unlocked the only thing I we have is this this is what we found yesterday right we got a bamboo sword and I want

It I want the bamboo sword just for fun how much is it oh it costs 10 okay that’s not bad at all that’s actually really cheap I like the shine on that sword the honestly the the basic sword colors are actually pretty cool looking but just for funsies

We’re turning it into that and we’re going to leave that there so like there’s an achievement I guess it’s like more of a hidden achievement I’m not sure if it’s listed or not but my buddy debot showed me yesterday that like if you go into a

Vault with like 12 pieces of bamboo and you place 12 individual pieces of bamboo on on the ground inside a vault you can actually unlock that transmog and I don’t think there’s any other way to do it so have at it freaking go wild everybody we need an

Axe this can go we’re going to run a vault really soon I just wanted to get that farm situated here oh I don’t know where I’m going this way villagers sticks actually we’re going this way oh don’t forget about the chest plate that would [Applause] suck this is easy this is just

Delicious there’s something about ripping down trees like this like it would be even more satisfying I guess if we had like a higher level of uh vein Miner but also if it just knocked the whole thing down in one swing right what more could you ask [Applause] for yeah okay

All right we might as well just like break all this stuff for whatever reason dude breaking leaves is so loud I guess cuz it’s like it’s trying to break all these at [Applause] Once I just B bashed my head all right so after we trade some sticks I think uh I don’t think we have a crystal made yet we could really do with some chromatic iron but I think that we’ll be lucky enough to uh to get enough chromatic iron through um what

Are they called through bounties hopefully at least to keep us rolling maybe not enough to like craft a bunch of cool stuff but at least to keep us moving oh that’s what we needed too yeah give me that give me that well yeah I should have used the fortune

Stick man I was hoping for a fourth one so we can make a big juicy tree that’s okay I won’t complain I might complain we’ll see I’ll think about it oh crap I just silk touched all [Applause] those yeah I should have brought the fortune ho over here to to do the

Leaves but that’s a o my bad boom baby imagine we had like a 15 times stronger magnet we wouldn’t even have to walk around just like automatically sucks everything into the inventory I think uh I think I remember seeing a thing from when I watched Mr Captain Sparkles play through Vault Hunters

There’s like a a different type of magnet in the game that like are you know what this might have been from the older version of Vault Hunters I’m not positive um but there’s there’s a different type of magnet like you see this this item see how it like slowly pulls it

Towards you the other type of magnet just instantly teleports the item which what’s the difference I don’t know what the difference is but uh I don’t know I don’t know I I thought that was fun but it it does seem like it would be kind of

Fun for like half a second it would be fun and then I’ll be like all right let’s move on oh dude all right we need to get all the different types of trees now too um that might be on the agenda today we’re definitely going to excuse me we’re

Definitely going to run a a vault here like really really soon um but we need to get like birch trees we need to get spruce trees and we have jungle what else do we need we need all the trees right um not the modded trees necessarily I don’t know what all type

Of modded trees there are I know for a fact we got a walnut sapling before but I don’t think that that’s I mean it’d be cool to build with it but I don’t believe that it’s required for uh what do they call it for recipes for these vaults

Right boop boop whoop nope that can go in there that can go in there cool what else did I need I think I’d like to keep the oak wood for myself I like to build with oak wood what we have 12 logs that’ll hold all 16 of those

Ow oh I should have brought the hoe oh well how did I know how did I know you were going to do this actually no we’re going to go to the side of that torch that’s perfect I’m going to go on the inside here for now just because I think that

Like I can Vin mine all those at the same time um and then eventually like they should all connect cuz they’re all staggered side to side from one another hey look at that we get freaking silk touch how about that why would they do this to me I think those are pumpkins pumpkins

On the outside watermelon on the inside cool we’re moving oh I should probably keep harvesting this okay that is not how you want to do that don’t use vein Miner on uh on the sugar cane lesson learned we’ll take these two we going to be proactive about this harvesting thing

It’s going to get old what the heck eh good enough I don’t think we need more than that for berry bushes at least right now like maybe one day we’ll need like 10 million berry bushes but we’ll see doubt it boom I think boom yeah cool sticks let’s go do the

Sticks I know where I’m going so these are our mans my my favorite mans of all time I think yeah yeah yep that’s the way So eventually we’ll get to the point where we can reduce these trades and make life a little bit easier on ourselves but for

Now this is what we’re dealing with my bad sorry guys I didn’t mean to like offend you with my heels uh that I can’t why why guy what the heck dude Unbreaking one that’s terrible are we get an XP for this I need to repair repair these tools

Man the XP doesn’t seem to want to come out of there I guess I could put like half slabs over like here so that they can’t walk out you know what we should do that let’s get ourselves one of these in here and instead of these like silly

Fence posts or walls let’s do a little something like that it’s not the prettiest but what we can remove these walls in and the XP should just like free flow I think just an easy way to repair our tools right cool let’s keep it moving shtick shtick

Now I need more sticks uh they want something else don’t they well I guess I could take a bow I think I just need to to trade one time to refresh oh maybe cuz it’s night time that might have something to do with it they’re off the shift they’re off the clock man

Users I need more sticks why are you off clock give me clock all right we got to do things the hard way give me uh give me give me oh wait now we’ll leave four of them in here to breed later if we need to I we probably don’t need

To where’ those half slabs go uh uh uh uh uh uh that’s fine where’d the other guy go how’ I do that get the Fletcher table come on get the do it do do it do there need to be beds here this is not in the right

Spot oh he see he became a Fletcher what the heck I’ll take your sticks you don’t trade sticks you do trade sticks how about that ask and you shall [Applause] receive I keep forgetting to repair my tool what are you doing dude get the sticks I said

Sticks 57 sticks have you lost your mind it’s a steep price but I think I’ll take it that dude said I need all the sticks give me all your sticks Now give me all your sticks now I feel like I’m being held up at a freaking liquor store or something get

Give me your sticks all right that’s good enough you guys are freaking ripoffs why are these villagers different oh you know what I think we took them from a Sand Village and that’s why they look like that freaking garas ow all right we’ll do a little bit of

Harvesting quick and then we’ll move on uh after we repair do this Simon welcome my friend hi buddy I like that helmet I just want to see what other transmogs we have for armor for funsies two oh look at that cowboy hat oh oh we’re getting better we’re

Getting Sombrero I need a mushroom hat man tell me there’s a mushroom hat is that a mushroom hat that doesn’t look like a mushroom hat I need a red Mario mushroom hat wait all I heard was stuck in loud noise wait what wait was it me saying

That or was is the audio jacked up because I was having some audio scuffins earlier um uh my when I before I started the stream my my audio like just destroyed my ears dude there’s a whole leprechaun suit that’s cool I like that cute fire boots there’s some cool

Little transmogs but we’re missing a mushroom hat it’s never going to be right without the mushroom hat all right for now until we decide we’re going into a vault which should be very soon I didn’t bring the hose with me oh stick yeah look they’re not giving me the sticks I need

Sticks or I need emeralds and they want all the sticks I don’t know what I’m trying to say dead bu welcome my friend good to see you [Applause] dude oh yeah now we’re cooking with fire okay let’s throw all this down where do the seeds go right here

I’m just trying to keep things like somewhat organized I need to fix this this is going to bug me I got to fix it I’m sorry I it’s a pain in the took [Applause] us this I think it’s called OCD all right this row wait it wasn’t even that row ah my brain

All right hold on I’ll fix it I’ll fix it I’ll fix it I’ll fix it so we’re going to go wheat and then beetroots and then potatoes means greens carrots and then flax after that I need to leave a space open for the flax do I prefer live action or

Animated Minecraft movie same as they did Mario movie last year I did not see the Mario movie last year um but if I’m being totally honest man I’ve never been like overly impressed with uh any of the liveaction movies one of the liveaction movies I was really really looking

Forward to was uh death note and it sucked it was horrible it was like not at all good and I was just disappointed and after that I’ve just been turned off from live action now I heard the the one piece l action is pretty good since you’re getting close to level 20 you

Might want to think about making a soul extractor so if you die you can get your stuff back at a price a soul extractor writing it down Soul extractor what do I not know how to spell exract spirit is it this thing a SP wait the Vault a spirit extractor that can’t be

Right Dragon Ball Z live action was so bad yeah I’ve never seen that one either but I wouldn’t have the highest hopes wait where’s this extractor at sir am I typing it in wrong I would love to make one one maybe I just don’t know what it’s called let me scroll through

Souls that’s really cool looking that lamp I like that oh it is the spirit extractor bro you want me to make a spirit extractor do you realize how much that costs Spirit extractor do you realize what that is do you know what that the black chromatic

Steel do you know what that is dude how am I supposed to make that I it’s going to be a minute I can’t make that yet dude I’m broke as a joke dude all right carrots and then flax goes here eventually I’ll be done working in the farm I

Promise just say you’re going to want it pretty soon you’re five levels away I no I I I think you’re right the spirit extractor like from my understanding if you die you lose all your stuff right then flax goes here and if you can buy

It back right I don’t know what all it cost to buy back but like to craft that thing is going to be quite a hefty price um but I’ll start saving I’ll start saving everything for it we need to do some bounties anyway oh I didn’t expect that to

Harvest the the ones that aren’t done what get that bread out of here okay we’re getting places man uh [Applause] oops do I think Minecraft AKA Minecraft is a better game than Roblox I’ve never played Roblox um and I I don’t anticipate playing Roblox so I guess that’s your answer I love Minecraft

[Laughter] Zach’s just like cringing right now he’s like all right I think what’s this row this row is Flags this row is carrots yeah we’re good we’re set we’re ready to rock and roll the rest of this stuff can go away and then oh you’re done is that done it

Is cool blackx I think is used to make string and uh so that’s like a passive income of string there’s a few things I needed string for that I didn’t have it for cuz uh I’m not a spider Hunter bam bam bam bam bam I think that’s food

Technically you know what all this stuff this harvestable stuff that’s not like green green stuff stuff with things and stuff and things I don’t know dude it’s going to be a mess forget about it just ignore it it’s fine I don’t know man Roblox looks like

It’s got potential like it’s a good idea but it it could be a lot better implemented I think it could be a lot cooler than it is um I’ve seen videos of it so like I get the idea of what it’s like but eh yeah these kids act like

Roblox is their life game acting it’s the best game of the year no no no no no no like look man I’m not saying it’s a bad game but it’s absolutely positively not no arguments it is not the best game of the year don’t freaking play with me dude

Don’t look man I’m sure Roblox is a ton of fun but is it’s not game of the year uh you no arguments don’t don’t even freaking come at me with that that’s unacceptable I need crystals man oh all right let’s do four crystals for the moment we need something that’s

Going to give us chromatic iron or we’re going to go find some chromatic iron ooh common plus let’s do that one kill assassins easy easy money I don’t know if volt Rock should stay in there I don’t know this chest is becoming quite a mess I’m gearing up to run a vault

But oh crap dude we need cactus okay I I have enough Cactus to do this and make a farm leather oh crap dude all right hold on we have looting on this right finally someone wait someone agrees wait what do you mean someone agrees you telling me that this is a

Controversial opinion saying that Roblox is not Game of the Year where’s the number at holy buns dude that’s a lot of sheep I didn’t realize it killed one at a time I guess that makes sense it’s kind of nice uh Stone what is that stone or and

Ander sight I think that’s just Ander sight and we need some of this too to smell oh du dude we have these things oh we have some of this I don’t know wait hold on did I misunderstand what you said did I miss a part of your

Sentence said that’s why I’m saying why I’m trying to say but these kids when I go to the library always play that and I bet you I guess Roblox be shut down they’ll freak out wait are you saying they are going to shut down Roblox or if

Roblox shut down people would freak out cuz I mean I feel like there’s a lot of games out there that if they got shut down people would freak out right what am I missing oh Anders sight like I don’t know I’m trying to think of

A really trash game that if it got shut down people would freak Out feel like the music got quiet all of a sudden it was like perfect volume earlier whoops where’s the random stuff go that that I think this can just go in here for now too if Roblox decides to shut Roblox down uh nah dude I look I don’t think they should shut

Roblox down I think that’s a ridiculous thing like game companies that shut their games down after they make a bunch of money makes me sick regardless of the game dude uh like if you pay a bunch of money for a video game right and then it like particularly an issue with these

Like live service games if you pay a bunch of money you spend a bunch of time doing it and then the the company turns around and they’re like all right well we’re not as profitable as we were a year ago so we’re shutting it down because we don’t want to pay for the

Servers anymore and then everybody that spent all that money and all that time that still want to play the game even if it’s less than it was when the game was popular at first don’t have that anymore it’s like it’s like if you if you bought a

Car from a dealership and the dealership was like Hey we’re not selling any more of these cars we need them all back what is that what is what no I paid for the service dude like at least there needs to be some more like legalities and stipulations stuck

In there to help confirm like hey this is a potential for the future of our game and now you know now you’re aware and you can move forward with your experience of our game knowing this right but most people when they buy a game they don’t expect like one day for

It to just be shut down they’re like what the freaking heck dude like that that freaks people out regard of the game right what’s up side my man all right I think I know what online people game people don’t really think don’t really talk about now and it’s pubg wait

Do people not talk about pubg I feel like it’s still very popular I feel like pubg is like still one of the most widely played games in the world right dang I’m trying to like lock my chair my chair has this feature where it’s like it’s supposed to lock the back so

It’s like stiffer and I it well doesn’t I don’t know doesn’t want to work anymore chest plate all right just because I’m not level 20 yet uh I’m going to bring all the pouches but once I’m level 20 I think I’m going to stop bringing all the pouches

Just so in case I die and lose what I have got I don’t lose all my pouches have I heard the mod called The Essentials mod I’ve heard about it I don’t know anything about it though hit me what is it about Sir all right that’s plenty of

Food I just want to bring the steak in place of that cuz uh the bread sucks no offense s [Laughter] am I cool am I cool to run this I think I am I’d like to hold on I want to eat this cake before I go

In I never do this I never eat the cake before I go in it’s always like after we’re close to being hungry wait it allows you to invite others to a single player world basically forget servers wait really is that what that’s about it I didn’t know that’s what that was that’s pretty

Cool did I oh yeah I did I I selected the uh the Bounty sorry brain fart six model all right yay this is cool I like this oh this is nice I like the little mushrooms dude oh I don’t okay for some reason I was thinking I I don’t know what I was

Thinking about the Vault Compass we can’t do that yet okay so we have to kill assassins here whoa am I strong am I strong I just one shot that guy dude I I like the bamboo it’s fun okay why am I strong dude I’m one shotting these guys on on a jump

Shot oh my gosh I think Turtles are considered assassins so slimes don’t go away from me go get away from me I forgot to pop that hey there’s a monol give me this please I’m fine I’m fine I went this way right all right all right I’m I’m warming up that’s what this

Is I’m strong but man did I just get my cheeks clapped real quick poison oh it tells you how long the poison lasts that’s really [Applause] cool let’s get get all this dude oh oh no I uh [Applause] Okay not that what the heck dude get that out of here there’s my bounty well I’m poison anyway okay all right since there’s like a whole bunch of these monoliths I’d really really like to complete the Vault um so let’s move on to the next room

Unless we find like a really juicy Omega room or something uh I don’t really intend doing spending a a large amount of time in said rooms I would like to like get faster at looting though we really need another point in haste if not like many points in haste

Right is that that’s not a monolith stop it there’s a lot of dudes dude oh I love that that’s just so good we’re getting like a more enemies for poi these guys hurt man okay go on Shield blocking the poison damage like a freaking sweat dude yikes dude okay my goodness

You can’t use more than one of these little potion things in a vault I don’t think that would be really cool if you could there’s my monolith smooth dude I’m such a good player I know exactly what I’m doing oh I don’t think these Grooms can have like monoliths in them

Bro I wasn’t anticipating a crystal room oh crap we really need all these like kind of desperately trying to think of what the best way to do this is there’s really not that many crystals h i see you up here do not get stuck in here woo we’re fine I hear spiders stop

It dude that fireball is actually going to kill me like legitimately I’m going to kill myself with that fireball I know it I tell you what if we have time we’ll come back as much as I need these crystals uh that is a big old time room oh my

Goodness I thought this was another Crystal room dang it dude okay so this is the end of the Vault let’s hook a right take a little Loopsy poop Oops or all craft it’s not pain dude it’s fun oh dude I really enjoyed m craft uh excuse me specifically rlcraft like solo um although it would be a ton of fun to do it multiplayer I thought it was still really good solo cool which way do we come from this

Way all right so if we hook another right we’ll be parallel to our way back I know it’s quite early but uh let’s keep looking for these mons we’re kind of struggle Bessing wonder if it’s possible to not have six monoliths in a vault I don’t see one in here with Hunter so we’ll skip this room we’ll go to the next one and then because Hunter is going to be down we’ll do a little bit of Loot and scooting we’ll take

We’ll check the top and the bottom layers oh that’s a village room I don’t think they can have objectives in here man oh day this is a waste of time oh no you never played Minecraft but I wish I got to my school had so many kids playing in their issue the school

Laptops The Tech Guy had to going and block it yeah nope I don’t have a pickaxe for This how do I get out of here I couldn’t remember I don’t think I’m ready for this I we need to break the spawners in order to loot those rooms well we don’t need to but it would be ideal to break the spawners to get into those

Rooms where’s my I got to go this way after that you get in trouble for playing it if you got caught dude that’s always been a problem not just for Minecraft but just for any game in school right like I mean kids once you uh introduce

Technology kids are going to find a way dude hands down Oh okay well maybe we should keep moving he says and then continues to Loot where’s my uh I got to go up dude I love the dash it’s so stinking fun I’m not having much luck with these stinking monoliths man I guess that’s how it’s going to be sometimes right we’re not going to have the best of luck every single time

That is so nice with the coin Affinity Man I want these guys’ hats dude uh I’m pretty sure the fireball is just getting me killed I don’t really think it’s helping that much I think I’d like to either remove that sucker or uh or unlearn it unlearning it would be ideal right cuz we get the

Point back we can put it somewhere else I see you dang it dude I suck two more oh okay I I [Applause] see oo see it doesn’t even kill those guys and they’re just like he would had no Health left didn’t kill him all Right uh that’s not going to happen uh-huh I needed more building blocks I don’t know what I was thinking I know I have more blocks with me or I could always mine some real quick all right we have about 6 minutes to find this thing get home nothing in this room either dude

What the world we’re going to keep moving I’d love to finish the the whole thing Sig monolith is uh a lot to ask for from myself okay I might actually have to end up cutting my losses on this one we’ll See They all slimes what in the world all right I’m not exactly the sweatiest boy here I might have to just H home cuz I’m going to have to find it let’s hit one more room cuz I think we might have overlapped on the the home portal nothing dude

Uh all right if we take a ride here we should end up back on the same track as the home portal but we may have gotten behind it this is what man I I wasn’t counting unfortunately we are behind it I think that’s the portal room right

There ah we’re going home we’re going home we’re going home like we still get XP if we get out and don’t like fail fail obviously we’re not completing the quest right uh but we still get like a general amount of XP we’re just not going to get a cool Loot

Crate at the end of it unfortunately that’s okay that might be the portal room right there we’re going to have to take a left s oh jeez I’m messing it up dude don’t let me do this left and then another left right yeah yeah that was it that was the portal one

Let’s just go we’re not going to get two more monoliths in 2 minutes I’m not that cool not yet all right next time bring more blocks next time don’t get six monoliths not a great start to the to the Vault hunting day but we survived right that’s what

Matters what is this stripped dark oak sticks sticks are so much more valuable that just went from being stripped dark oak I know two left I I know I wish if I would have moved faster if I wouldn’t have like wasted time in other rooms I probably would have found it no

Problemo but it’s okay it’s not a huge deal where’ my bag go man in here that’s got to stop happening all right organize food let’s do a little something like this it’s not like the most convenient for these things just cuz every time we’re going to want to upgrade a weapon

We’re going to have to break all the Shuler boxes out put them down on the ground blah blah blah blah blah but it’s kind of fine I guess it’s not a big deal a wand or a helmet nah I’m going to save this empty boom chicka chicka boom chicka

Glowberries what are you doing man holy loot dude we got so much junk we’re going to have to really get to a point where we can upgrade stuff like storage stuff right soon all right let’s take all the food out kiwis I should really start bringing

Some kiwis with too I guess it’s not like imperative right now right we don’t have to just cuz uh if we lose we lose it’s not like that big a deal um but for the sake of getting sweaty we should glow leing what the heck dude get this crap out of

Here isn’t this supposed to refill oh it did Nice gems gems that’s not a gem silver gem silver kind of no gems gems whoa dude we got a lot of the look at the five black Opals man yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s good the magnetite’s good well that’s meat dude check that out f nuggies

Oh I think I’m putting all the focuses in here boom boom all right we did complete our Bounty though hey what up dang just missed a vault well I mean it wasn’t if you want to call it a vault you could um I didn’t complete the quest

But I got out so um it goes good yo how you yo oh I keep opening that thinking there’s more stuff in there that can come out actually right there I don’t think there’s anything out of the ordinary in this bad boy man a day are we getting full on loot

The stack upgrade is pretty clutch it could be even clutcher but I’m not going to complain I’m going to end up with more of this stuff that I know what to do with what okay uh we’ll save The Relic boosters and then this stuff you know what we should

Do we should go mining we should get some chromatic iron I know we have a chance of finding it a vault ah let’s do another Vault let’s do it let’s do another Vault after this Boom the silver is really good that’s that’s not bad at

All dead bud you missed it earlier I uh I used this thing what the heck kind of chest plate is that three Health disarm chance that’s not great oh man the the three health is fantastic though in the durability you can’t complain I think I like my current one

Better has two armor 5% damage and Mana regen the Trap disarm would be nice but what the heck is this oh it’s like a shoulder pad that’s cool I like that all right let’s do another bolt in the hopes that we find what we’re looking for as far as like chromatic

Iron right if you don’t know coins can be compressed and uncompressed I did know that I just uh I don’t really have a reason to compress them right now but thank you very much I think they go all the way up to platinum I’m pretty sure all right we’re going to use

This boom sugar can see that’s why we started the farm feathers copper Cobble dang it all right hold on a second I need to be doing this anyway how many chickens do we have 43 it would almost be better if the chickens were like on or all the animals

Were on ground level but they look nicer like This what was the other one sugar cane bo bo easy money dude we should harvest the crops first before we go getting too crazy here man look how gorgeous this Farm is does this work oh it does that’s convenient whatever dude we’re going to let the watermelon and pumpkins go

I don’t want to like burn the durability on this tool at least not yet I it’s not a great tool but it’s all we got right now so I’m kind of trying to not destroy it in the Overworld oh wait a second I could probably replant some things right carrots yeah yeah yeah

That’s one of these things we need to do I think carrots go there that’s flax that’s flax what are these those are carrots then what’s this here beetroots what’s that more carrots I can’t keep them straight dude oh we missed a block all right we’re cooking Piggies cies yeah nice good

Timing I guess none of this counts towards bees huh oh I think potatoes work on or cows too or cows that’s not a freaking cow it’s a pig dude poisonous potatoes I think we’ll need those boom uh this thing this thing you thing and I think we’re good to go right oh

You know what we should do real quick this is kind of boring but I’d like to turn this one pouch into specifically a wooden pouch so like I think if ta’s memory serves me properly we go like at Vault we clear this one’s MO and I’m not sure if it lines all the

Wooden stuff up I would hope so right wooden chunk it I no cuz this is this is ornate or something else gilded Maybe so far so good good good good good like this is living how do I know what all is wooden wooden chest that’s cute you know what it’s moments like

This that we just hit the wiki right we just go like Bol Hunter wooden chest contents it’s not organized like that you have to hold shift to see oh wait it’s not working or maybe I need to be on an item item like I think that’s a wooden chest wooden chest

Okay common items are bread scaffolding sticks books torches gold nuggets iron nuggets Driftwood and raw carbon it’s not great for new player yeah it’s um it it’s uh it’s all right raw carbon Diamond Nuggie Vault dust magic silk Vault dust chromatic dust what does Vault dust look like let’s just search him

Up what the heck well I thought this would be easier maybe it’s referring to like all dust am I blind sulfur dust it’s just Vault nuggies no dust oh oh thank you very much all right I would have been looking for that forever dude silk

How do I clear this one we’ll just do this raw chromatic iron can I just type in raw afterwards yes that’s nice that’s cool looking I like that block I’m assuming it’s like higher levels you’ll get raw chromatic iron dust cuz I’m not seeing nothing right

Now oh dude you know what I probably have most of this here what is that raw magnetite right oh wait it says plain magnetite not raw magnetite I haven’t seen plain magnetite I’ll keep an eye out volt plating The Vault dust was there in that menu

But you can’t get dust in the vault anymore okay good to know thank you very much uh magnetite Vault planting blank Rune silver Scrap shulker shells I think it’s easier to find them like this netherite scrap really and a wood in chest oh you know what the values increase the higher level you go got it that’s why I’m not seeing some of these things got it got it got it Vault Essence boom apples wild Focuses might have to take the wiki with a grain of salt it doesn’t seem up to date that’s fair enough I mean as long as it’s most of the stuff I’m looking for right I can set it up like positively later down the road but I

Just want it to be a little bit tighter for now uh cuz I seem to be slacking we’ll put it that way wild Focus knowledge Essence Bounty Pearl boom Vault Diamond gemstone a wooden chest scroll so we can’t actually get these at this level but we’re getting close to it where’s it at I know I have Scrolls wooden chest scroll gemstones I know I’ve got some of those somewhere too three they’re not that common an inscription piece Okay scaffolding sticks books torches I mean do I really care about all that stuff right now not really let’s do something like this now boom boom boom boom crap what the heck happened to my inventory all right so like the gemstone and the wooden scroll we’re not going to find at this

Level but very soon we should start finding that stuff now other things that I’m finding a lot of are like the bottles of enchanting go the chest strong oh dude I didn’t know it showed it here I should have done that before dude wait what living chests and strong boxes not wooden

Chests what the heck let’s just do a silver one of those and then her funsies we’ll do some ores too the most common ores we’re find in our laramar Benny I guess Alexandri is one of those too WTI wuite painite we’re going to run out of space

Perfect all right that’s a lot better than it was cool the rest of this I mean like we could put other gems in another pouch but I’m not too bothered by it for now we’re not getting like the world’s most gems so are we situated here did I put

The I did I set up the portal we have have a shards and then oh this thing almost forgot so I completed that I did not select this we might as well right it’s not going to hurt us to pick this up find 11 volt plating that should be easy

Money and then is there anything else I need to do real quick let’s check the Quests scrapping gear scaffolding sticks and torches have been removed they rep repaced by wooden chunks rotten Vault meat and gilded sconces respectfully cool thank you I I didn’t know that all right good man you guys are sweaty super sweaty thank you alchemy table that’s going to be

Cool so we need to make a vault recycler and we also need to make the other thing the not that we need to make this no not that either did I I not put that thing Spirit infuser this needs to be marked boom this sucker is expensive what is that

That’s six chromatic steel eight more 16 and six is what 2 22 20 22 chromatic Steel Two Perfect black Opals which is eight black opal which we can actually do right now somehow but the chromatic steel is outrageous like I I just don’t know a better way to get chromatic steel other

Than bounties and stuff and and in here right like we could gamble for a piece of chromatic steel out of this but I just don’t think that that’s going to be happening there’s so many things that you can get out of there Vault recycler we need to do

That oops I keep pressing the wrong button Recycler these suckers are expensive all right well what’s more important the chicken of the egg let’s go do a b oh I shouldn’t have eaten dang it B habit I need to remember to use these cakes to freaking late oh I have a skill point too we can

Spin that inside of here you what who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who said we could gather Elixir not cool dude haste I think haste is what I want strength would be cool but uh haste is like super duper convenient we’re not going to talk about it interesting yep smooth

Oh that doesn’t work here all right we’re looting scooting baby wow I’m fine [Applause] I can already kind of notice the haste we’re fun oh s dude that was so easy I need this oh does it just automatically soak up I want to find a juicy Omega room

Dude I want to find something that I can spend like the next 20 minutes in green why’ I step back in that that was silly look at this one that’s a really good POI dude I’m pressing the wrong buttons holy crap double dang it oh jeez I’m okay we Okay

We okay oh we’re fine God dang boy I’m not having the freaking finest Vault oh was that a piece of gear I can’t tell we just got to be careful let me heal can’t see it the fireball sucks dang it oh I’m dead I’m going to

Die dang dang it dang it dang it dude the poison is my worst nightmare I think honey cleanses poison I think that super sucks I mean it’s fine cuz like we still get our stuff we’re below level 20 but that’s that’s bad that was not a good way to run a vault

That’s not the ideal method of vaulting there’s an accessibility setting that lets you show all your active cooldowns I mean I see it down in the bottom left I just like I have a really hard time paying attention to it you know what I mean um and it’s easier

Just to spam my Q button or whatever button I have it set to you know what I mean oh we didn’t get Jag squat dude that’s really all we got we must not have looted as hard as I thought we did trust you all right trust accessibility settings for active

Cooldowns Vault Hunter options Sprint hold am I missing something distorted effects chat delay text opacity ability scrolling Vault potion effects VH opt options how do I get out of this accessibility settings Vault Hunters options Vault Hunter potion effects Hunter Target base ability scrolling is it this

Oh cool down GUI I’m just blind left center right left we’ll try left uh let’s try Center I see it over there thank you no no I found it thank you thank you oh okay so that’s actually kind of good it puts it just above my armor I like

That thank you very much I’ll definitely be uh keeping an eye on that now that’s a lot easier than it is on the bottom left okay sweet well we got to make another vault 13 apples I don’t think I have that three emeralds some Gunpowder we don’t have that either oh we

Do oh we do have the apples and the Moss as well which I’m sure we have a decent amount of oh dude that was all our gunpowder we’re too short p dude well am I going to go buy chromatic steel from the market oh yeah I don’t remember seeing it dude

Yeah I’m going to buy that chromatic steel from the market freaking right dude thank you for saying that creep ERS I’m coming for you just freaking blasted him well I can play this range game all day oh OBS disconnected I don’t know why it does that sometimes it looks like work

Guy oh missed that’s crazy that the The Shield blocked that fall damage right there dude the skeletons are Fierce you can’t tell me there’s not another creeper out Here I mean I know I have the right amount of gunpowder but like just hoping to find some more ah let’s get out of here that’s all a bunch of junk we could probably do with a gunpowder Farm we could definitely do with a gunpowder Farm I think because that’s like set up for wooden chests I don’t need this pouch on my hot bar I can keep the two empty pouches on my hot bar so that like when my inventory fills up I’m Swiggity sweat all right oh we should get some honey we should

Get some honey get some honey get some honey get some honey and I guess move that off the hot bar too now we’re pretty much at a point where our hot bar is loaded man let’s see the one recent video the one recent video escal put up from his second Channel

He’s getting super greedy in a vault had no HP and flew directly into a wall but his shield blocked it I must have missed that I must have missed it that’s freaking awesome it’s like incredibly lucky man what a guy dude what a dude guy that’s just for the next one we

Don’t need to make that right now uh oh honey that’s what I was doing we might as well start cranking on this now I’m almost positive honey stops uh like poison damage like cleanses it right I think two bottles of honey should be enough I don’t want to Greed

Soaking it up um but I will for sure give oh Gathering pollen honey level one does it need to be at three it probably needs to be at three who dude let me just put this in here we’ll do like two bottles of honey and while we’re waiting on

That oop let’s go get some of this [Applause] [Applause] this is so nice dude I could do this all day we don’t even need to do vaults I’ll just collect [Applause] crops if you guys don’t mind I’ll do this all day man oh Lordy be look at all this I don’t

Think we need all that it’s so F it’s too fast wait a second oh all right well now I know now I know hearing the magnet pick things up is probably the most satisfying sound you couldn’t be more correct yeah yeah it is it absolutely is

I love it I freaking love it so much dude you know what my favorite part about this game is though using vein Miner on this stuff on sugar cane excuse me you couldn’t have read it more wrong hearing the magnet pick things up is probably satisfying enough wait what are you talking

About what do you mean I read it wrong I like I read it fine you listened wrong okay you heard my response incorrectly dang it nice all right let’s get out of here just kidding Let’s Harvest more crops [Applause] you said most satisfying I said good

Enough no it’s the most satisfying I all right don’t argue with me I think it’s the most satisfying like I’ve never played a game man that is like is more dopamine rewarding than like picking a bunch of items up at one time with the in Minecraft right and the magnet just

Makes it all the more enjoyable get this out of here wow this is going to be full that’s full that’s what that is that is loaded with stuff dude give me give me thank you all right I don’t know why I did that I should have gotten the uh the cake but

Whatever I think I’m set you’re a troll woo good good luck Mr Beaver sir welcome back Star Gold welcome back okay this time this is the this is the time we’re going to actually win it this time um I’m not going to die to poison or fall damage m

This is a cool looking Vault dude I like this oh dude I love those leaves man God I hate this I hate those guys what a a no we’re fine I’m fine we’re fine dang it dude it works I handled that well I handled that better than I thought I would I thought

I was going to pan and I freaking didn’t oh we’re fine you’re coming home dude awesome oh gosh starold I will have to catch up with your Chads here very shortly oh gosh oh gosh why is this so difficult for me why am I getting my cheeks clapped man my

Gosh group heal is too much you’re incentivized not to upgrade it I mean I can upgrade it I don’t have an issue with that God dang it the poison get it away from me yeah I don’t have an issue upgrading it man like if that’s the ticket to

Upgrade the the heal then I will cuz I think it reduces the cool down oh those oh they do stack no no no no no where did you come from God we’re fine look we’re going to take our time this Vault we’re not rushing through things there’s no reason to rush

We at all the time in the world look see I don’t even need to jump NOP don’t need to jump OBS disconnected I think we’re fine I don’t trust myself with that uh that clutch bucket OBS reconnected I don’t know what the deal was with that upgrading it

Increases the cool down for your group heel yeah you are correct about that and uh I may absolutely probably definitely going to take you up on that suggestion I think I should upgrade the groupal and not only does it give me better cooldowns it also uh gives me more than eight heel

Right God dang boy I’m scared that’s ridiculous really oh I didn’t know there was still poison there dude I’m a Fool man I’ll struggle busting with that poison you telling me this was an empty POI oh no woo I’ll take this okay well we’re going to take the easy way

Out get away from the poison we’re just going to keep moving I would love to find a fancy cool looking room with good stuff an Omega okay dude I like the uh the Trident like way way better than or it’s not a trident I don’t Javelin I think is what

It’s called it’s way cooler than the fireball it’s way safer too um I don’t know I just enjoy that more we need to remember that’s here what we’re [Applause] fine all right uh I’m kind of trying to maybe kill these guys all right just a few for the the loot The Elixir

Loot I think you get decent XP for it too maybe not like great XP but it’s whatever that sucks that double sucks stop it oh what did I just get something good oops I could have a mined that I’m stuck I’m just going to keep moving keep

Moving I know is like it’s kind of timeconsuming going from one room to the next in these tunnels but uh that’s what I’m looking for dude oh well I’m never going to freaking finish mining this out I think I need to this is why the pick rang’s busted cuz I think you can

Like rip this room apart in like a minute that needs to stay in my inventory Wonder there might be a bobble for that there got to be a better place to put that pouch than like in my inventory so if my memory serves me properly which it never does um these

Little things not only give gold but they give these puzzle pieces which can be used to solve the puzzle in the center of the room and if you do so properly uh you end up with like a massive amount of loot piang is only really good thing in this room okay oh

And in the Diamond Room I got you so like if you solve this puzzle here here which we definitely cannot do and I I don’t know if is it worth my time here messing around with this room there will be more of these in the future I think I don’t really have the

Block I guess I could mine more blocks that’s not a big deal but oh they do give gold though if I have more time from this Quest I’ll come back uh I think that that’s really valuable later down the road I just don’t think it’s worth my time at this moment good job

Ah that’s a good thing I have feather falling on my freaking boots now dude goodness 5x five guilded chest but I doubt you can complete it right now that’s what I’m saying I I mean it would be valuable to collect all the stuff that that thing provides all the puzzle

Pieces the problem is that like it is incredibly time consuming uh with where I’m at in the game right now if I had better stuff if I was able to maneuver that room a little bit better it would be more reasonable to to stay and complete it um and even at the

Very least collect the items but not right now I don’t [Applause] think I might rearrange my hot bar man dead bod made me aware of something and now that I am aware I can’t stop like realizing it it takes more time for me to swap like scroll back over to my weapon all

The time like I’ve never played Minecraft in a way where I need my weapon next to my my mining tool constantly and in this scenario I do I need it next to my mining tool give me those I need those thank you okay real smooth me you know

What I think that’s uh a fancy POI where did my uh a thank you it is not a fancy POI I heard a secret room maybe not I don’t know where it was I heard it like in the wall don’t die don’t die don’t die clutch oh oh it must not have been

Secret oh it must have been this thing forget that dude he son a 5×5 gilded is a lot dude that’s like a lot it’s a good guilded chest dude what’s with the dash choking on me man big flops around here ah little assassins I think I completed my bounty last time

But uh I never actually collected it I was just a little butt hurt about like um Dy to poison I feel like I’m taking forever to complete this I hear another secret room dang poison dude oh it might not be a secret room oh it’s totally a secret room sort [Applause] of

Uh-huh I think coins give a lot of this a lot of the stuff that we’re looking for Essence Elixir what’s hitting me screw off oh dude get that in my pockets man smooth I need a new tool absolutely need a new tool all right there is a completion thing in

This room I know I have 8 minutes left but I’m tempted when’s the next time we’re going to find one took a right we have Hunter we can always like search for it Greedy Boy over here so there not one in here unless I just missed it but I kind of doubt it

I do like that the poison affects the enemies around you you can kind of like be a little bit more strategic about it Mark it and come back to the ne uh come back after the next room I think I’m going to I mean I know where it’s at

Right now it’s in the room that I just came from and no one my clunky took my clunky tus I could probably spend the next 8 and a half minutes in here where you going you tried to bambooz on me huh I didn’t get any more honey from the the last run

My music playlist ran out hold on that’s terrible that’s got to not happen we going to fix this you know what we’re going down wow dude I’m getting good at this the fireball is fun to combo with but it’s so dangerous dude there are so many times I’ve almost killed myself with the

Fireball it’s not even funny like literally I’m not I’m only level 12 and I’ve killed myself or almost killed myself like more times that I can count on my fingers and toes with that stupid Fireball I see those Jewels up there I’m going to go for

That and then I think maybe we’ll just we’ll bail we’ll get up out of here I know there’s like more pois downstairs but I’m nowhere near uh like comfortable enough just freaking sweating it out to the last 10 seconds oh we got to get this though

Mossy dirt no wait no that’s not a a fancy block oh yeah I like that I like those bars they look so good no I need those oh I don’t know how I didn’t die all right I guess we’re down here huh okay we’re getting places man that’s not like the worst run

It’s not over yet hold on I’ll catch up with Chads here in a second let me concentrate let’s get out of here let’s go home let’s uh not die before we do that woo Fireballs excellent control crowd control excuse me but yeah shouldn’t use it in melee range absolutely not

Fireballs used for AP builds yeah which I don’t have right now I I’m much more focused towards like weapon damage at the moment and like I I just I don’t have the gear and the abilities unlocked to to even consider like where am I going to spec

My build right boom boom assist my allies who in here who here 10 seconds to loot fall damage no fall damage Fireball is for AP builds but what ja or what Javelin is for is AD builds I think what do you mean by AP AP is like ability power and then ad is

Like ability something something to do with your weapons like right so like the fireball scales off your your ability power which is like you can use wands and other passives to help stack that right whereas the weapon the the javelin scales off the weapons so dude that was

Fun that was fun that was 27,000 experience that was really good 43 coin piles 11 ores mined 83 chests looted that’s not too bad 116 kills I mean on our lives excuse me sorry Sparkles I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings uh yeah yeah not too bad man not too

Bad I’m getting better I think uh I’m starting to find a Groove here it’s just that poison throws me off man ability power and attack damage sorry ad is attack damage my bad that would make sense cool let’s get it out of here we can loot this might as well loot

This let’s see what our Hall is man boom did I complete that too yeah boom and then we got some more stuff too right we got some gear just going to throw all that stuff in there all this extra junk that I’m picking up along the way

Oh no not those those are not junks that yeah check that stuff out man I think those blue things are mod boxes which uh we don’t want to open those yet I don’t have like anything unlocked as far as mods goes so not yet what DK

DK I think warm Blossom Leaf I love that color man that’s a cool looking color or a warm looking color oh my goodness all right that’s not bad cool dude there’s that freaking elytra man put that bad boy in here or something uh yeah the mod boxes I don’t want to

Mess around with yet let’s put that on hold we’ll open the mystery boxes all the gear and then man day we got a lot of gear from this boom boom look at all that Gear mod boxes give knowledge shards if you don’t have any mods unlocked maybe we open

Those depends on what mod we’re going to go for right like is the mod that I’m aiming for is going to be super expensive dude that’s some good gear look at that rare plus gear man all right I know Dad bot hates this so I’m going to just boom boom boom boom boom

Boom boom boom boom boom look at that egg nah they’re okay that’s good that’s good I like that that’s not too bad that could be better but it’s not bad I like the look of the helmet that’s good that’s like it doesn’t have any health on it but it’s

Got a lot going on there the knockback resist is kind of eh but I like the soul chance and I’ll take the Thorns damage I I think Thorn’s damage actually increases how much durability damage takes though but it’s fine cuz we got another 771 you’re you’re not saying either way

Okay that’s a strat okay I got you I got you I got you so the knowledge shards are important too right like knowledge is going to get us towards mods mod boxes are going to get us towards mods either way we’re working our way towards that kind of stuff that’s an okay Shield

I think I’ll stick with the the max Health on mine though the undead damage is all right that does have 10 damage but I think I like the sword man what the Vault axes man get the crap out of here I like the sword way better healing efficiency that’s a good chest

Plate I mean we don’t get the oh there it does have the freaking attack damage on it oh yeah we’re going to put that on right now right now chilling Cloud chill shielding cloud is not a hateful thing but I think I like the shield better all right man yeah yeah

Yeah oh we got to open that boom oh okay well thanks for the sticks that’s basically what that is where the mod boxes go I could open those uh five knowledge shards that’s not too bad I guess I don’t know if that’s worth opening up three mod boxes cuz three mod

Boxes would have in theory depending on what mod will unlock potentially given us like you know tons of black Opals worth of items cuz like some of those modded stuff will get really expensive and uh yeah it it might have been cool to have that the the mod boxes for mods but

It’s fine not worried about it we’ll get more 7% increase damage I guess I could just shift it right get the item Rarity the only thing we’re losing here is the max health and one armor we get more ability power they’re soulbound they have way more durability I think these are banging

Boots I’m putting them on too so we’re going to enchant that kind of stuff for now I’m just going to stuff all that in there and I think I’m going to rearrange my hot bar too um for a long time I I liked having my weapon over here but I I think

I’m leaning away from that now something like that and then honey if we get some okay okay uh enchantments right Here I’m going to put Unbreaking on these these I’m not going to worry about enchanting I’m breaking with take a little depth Strider action that’s not how you do it feather falling dude the feather falling saved my life like dozens and times already so many times I can’t believe I ran vaults without

Freaking the feather Falling you think it’s worth it it’s nine shards oh excuse me each Shard is nine Essence which is not easy to come by you have a good point it’s not easy to come by um I don’t know I don’t know I I don’t know enough about

The game yet to be like yep absolutely I’m glad I did that but uh T if you say so then I trust you uh all right that’s it that’s the Vault I think I’m going to do another one here but uh is there anything else we can do in

The meantime there’s definitely stuff that is important let’s feed the chickens and all that that’s fun right that that’s super exciting flowers I need like a bone meal farm with flowers bone meal for everything right cool I guess I could dump the rest of this stuff

Too dang it why’s my escape button not working I do have two unspent skill points we could spend them to dude I got to use the bathroom hold on a second before I dump the rest of the stuff I’m little I’m flustered cuz

I’m I’m like I got a pee but I’m like I got to loot too so give me just a minute I’ll be right back All right now that I’m not like getting ready to pee my pants I got to remember now that I put my sword on this portion of my hot bar cuz I’m for sure I’m going to forget about that and then just end up getting my myself killed but

Whatever but gems gems gems gems gold gold I don’t think I want to say it’s a big fat no that uh Bounty pearls will refresh this so this is available which is cool but like eventually we run out of these right and I think it takes time

For it to refresh I don’t think Bounty pearls will actually like give me new bounties it just rolls a crappy one that I’m not interested in right that’s good rare plus dude I mean we’re taking it for sure he’ll mobs in the vault assassin mobs I can handle that I

Think wow dude our freaking storage is filling up so quickly look at that dude look at all the silver we’re gaming that’s what we’re doing that’s what that’s going to look like for now you can come out that’s not what I want right there man we got to find a way to get

Rid of all that junk oh obviously if we set up filters for each of these we’d be in really good shape but I need pickup upgrades like if I’m going to set up filters for each one of them I absolutely want pickup upgrades to do

So gold whoa we got Vault gold from that bad boy now I don’t think there’s any reason to bring these puzzle beastes with me either like into a vault not yet not until we have like a few of each at the very least that needs we need to do something with

That the gems we’re sitting pretty good on gems I mean we could be better right right but uh for where we’re at I don’t think that’s too bad shroomies that’s not what I wanted to Do food food food food food food food food food food food what is this junk it’s probably worth it to take an expertise Point into the Bounty Hunter right now the boun’s refresh after you complete every eight hours after you complete after every eight hours okay that would make sense as to why

They’re not popping up very quickly what do I do with all this stuff dude good enough it that doesn’t need to be it’s going to be a freaking mess until we get actual storage systems online I I’m trying so hard to remain organized but it’s just freaking

Fruitless like I I’m just never never going to be able to be organized St if you click on a completed Bounty it shows the cool down for real I just completed one oh oh wait which one did I just complete think I pretty sure I just completed this one I can’t remember

Now I’m not sure this one was earlier a couple vaults ago or not last Vault but the Vault before I think the one I died with po uh 2 hours that’s not that long actually we could be doing other stuff in between 40 seconds wait what you lied to

Me eight hours for a Banning a quest okay gotcha gotcha gotcha wait a second so when I upgrade this is okay I think this is why I didn’t take the upgrade when you upgrade the group heal it increases the cool down by 5 Seconds when you upgrade the unspecified

Heal it reduces your cool down is man an issue cuz if it’s not I could unspec out of this and stick with the regular heal even though it’s not going to heal by much we’d get it every 10 seconds less than that look at no look at chat cuz that’s

Exact oh is that what you said I’m sorry I must have read it backwards I think group heels maybe too much you are incentivized to not upgraded which keeps you at low HP upgrading it increases cooldown for the group heel sorry I thought it I read

That backwards I’m not gas light you I’m sorry I’m sorry I look I was in a vault man I’m having a hard time reading okay I’m sorry what a sorcery that’s twoo fat points right there H sorry about the sniffles dude my allergies got me Javelin enchantments lucky hits level 25

Undead Mastery increases the damage dealt when fighting the undead the total can be seen in your statistics tab under Undead damage 25% on the first level I mean strength is good though so is haste I feel like if I max out haste now I don’t ever have to think about it

Again and then focus on strength I’m doing it I’m doing it and you know what else we’re going to do before we go into another Vault I’m done messing around okay we’re going to go get some more chromatic iron um we’re going to find a whole bunch we’re going

To smelt that sucker up and then we’re going to make a cool weapon okay we’re going to make a good weapon at least from the ability that we have right now take the oh my nose I’m Sor the sniffles have to be annoying man I’m sorry I’m going to leave these

Behind that is full of junk I don’t need that underground I don’t think I need the elyra underground I I might rather have the chest plate did you think I was gas like actually gaslighting you did you think I was like making that up I’m sorry I didn’t mean to or did

I okay oh this can go here this can go in here this is a hot mess dude I need like two separate crates you know what we’re going to do that right now look at all those chests that’s nice all jokes here I know I know we’re doing all right Vault

Stuff here here here here here here here here that’s a little bit cleaner and then like this is just like random tools and like convenient Necessities uh I don’t think there’s anything else I need to bring with maybe some more torches definitely some more torches let’s do

That let’s make a fat stack of torches man I don’t need to bring them all with but that way we have more for later cuz we will use them ah I’m going die I’m going die let’s do it let’s go underground and uh let’s find some

Chromatic iron and let is the you know what what the a s dude that just removed all my torches on the way down crap Ola I’m just thinking like is it better to it’s better to go a distant place and mine or is it better to mine

Here oh I didn’t let the water continue to flow oh well too late now okay okay we’re good we’re fine where haven’t we gone you know what let’s hit this Crystal thing real quick while we’re here holy Crystals I just need to be super careful not to mine the actual like budding amethyst that would be unfortunate ah I would be pretty upset with myself wow oh my gosh okay do we have enough I didn’t expect to get this many I know I messed up few but do I need all

That I just didn’t expect to get that many uh where are we going and you wanted me to cheat that in man you you were like I vote that Mr beaver gets to go into creative and uh do the thing where he spawns in an em

And I’m like no dude n we don’t need to do that I would have never imagined we’d get that many crystals Where’s My Water will I remember to put the water back next time I come down here no guaranteed I freaking guarantee I’ll forget I need to find myself a nice

Little cave system I think that’s the ticket the strip mining thing sucks I I don’t really have much interest in doing the strip mining not what I’m looking for I thought it was what I was looking for dude fluorite is an absolute like um te

Man I wish you could tie torches to your right click so that like if they’re on your hot bar you can just like right click a wall and it puts it down you were talking about the Sky Block item that gives you the item and lets you run Sky vaults

Gaslighting wait I okay I don’t know anything about the sky vaults I know you guys were talking to me about it I just uh I’m so I’m completely unfamiliar with it um so like when you say so oh yeah but what about my shield man but what about my shield

Man thank you for reminding me about that but like when you say the Sky Block thing like it’s this is not Sky Block right so like in order to get that I would have to go into creative mode I think I think whoops my bad I just started ripping this place [Applause]

Apart wait there’s a little there’s a mob moving around somewhere there’s got to be a cave above me that actually is way better than having a freaking shield in my off hand I don’t know what I was thinking yeah or right now you would have you’d have to use the give command

Okay so I don’t I don’t really want to do that I think we’ have plenty of crystals it’s really not that much of a bother coming down here to uh to get a couple of crystals now and then now obviously in the future say it costs like 8,000 crystals for a thing that

Would suck but like eh I don’t know we we’ll cross that bridge when we get there there another Crystal over here that’s cool but not necessary don’t do it Beach strip mining it does it does I don’t know I don’t really do much strip mining anyway like I kind of

Prefer Caves at least after like the more recent updates that have been given to the game like when caves turned into this I was like yeah caves are cool again almost killed myself already chromatic iron right there nah did I miss it did I walk right past it by the entrance another

Entrance I’ll find it hold on oh that’s chromatic iron I thought that was fluorite dude it’s so hard to tell the difference for some reason thank you thank you for hitting me with that oh oh oh we’re set thank goodness they spawn in batches like that dude my good

Lord all right we’re not like super set we could definitely use more but I think that that is going to do us for quite a while at least give us the ability to like make some tools make a bunch of crystals get going where we’re going

I would like to rip this cave apart real quick Though it won’t take long we do need some like basic materials like um Iron’s important Redstone uh lapis we’re going to probably maybe actually we might not even need much lapis cuz we don’t need it to enchant I didn’t think about that you can turn those into raw blocks

And mine those with a tool with smelting what does that like give you the potential to re fortunate whoops see that’s what I mean I’m going to kill myself with that thing like if you use a tool that has smelting applied to it can and you turn

Them into blocks does it give you an opportunity to hit it with Fortune again does that would be bonkers hi there diamantes n it just saves you time all right cool well I don’t think I have a tool with smelting on it yet all right time out hold on a second give

Me just 30 seconds Man oh day all right sorry about that dude I think I I’ve I’ve had this like running joke in my mind forever that like the people that the companies that make tissues put like allergens in the tissues right so that you have to use more tissues and then you go and buy

More tissues I think that that’s a thing because I swear dude I swear I I get like more [Applause] is it a baby that was the worst throw you’ve ever seen excuse me sorry I got God I might die in the game too oh my gosh holy skeletons dude respect the

Skeletons that dude’s going to kill Me oh my gosh I’ve never had to box up against one skeleton before this is ridiculous sheesh holy moly dude oh what a freaking throw Man I need I actually need to kill the raw squids the raw squids the glowing squids got seven of that I I’m sure that that’s used for recipes later down the road Oh we’re good to go we could probably get out of here real soon ah eh I don’t have much of a reason to keep going through here I’d love to kill some more creepers man the gold actually is like super useful I just don’t have very much of it right now

Hey what in the world what in the world holy infinite mine all right two shulker boxes full of ores and junk let’s go let’s get out of here uh remember this way just follow the Torches o I always think that that is oh wait was it no no I’m not

Sure I think that was fluorite fluorite looks identical to Chromatic iron I feel like it’s funny that it’s a bait like that but also what the heck dude I get baited every time going do a little scpass action mini scpass cool man that says us up so let’s

Go home let’s throw all this junk and crates and then uh we’re going to make a really cool looking tool I don’t know if it’s going to be cool looking it might look stupid but uh at the very least it’s going to mine everything for us or

Most things right I want one tool that’s able to mine all the crates cuz now we have next out haste um so I think we can do that now and oh don’t forget to put the water back and what else we need to make like a pickaxe that can mine wood shovel all

That welcome back tell I was saying you might be able to conspir with me here but I think that companies that make tissues uh or or any type of like allergen hygiene thing like specifically tissues they uh they put allergens in the tissues so so when you blow your

Nose or like whatever you have to blow your nose more of that way you use more tissues and then you go have to buy more tissues is that like safe to say that that’s a a a decent Theory just cuz I’m already occupied doing stuff

Who told you who told you I just I don’t know I made that up who told you the FBI open up I definitely made that up that I don’t I doubt that’s actually true but it’s 100% a possibility right wouldn’t that make sense like that would be like

The easiest get ever get got dude I can’t I’m so sorry about the sniffles dude I just I can’t now I know you said we could like do smelting on this but I’m not too worried uh the chromatic iron pick that is a excuse me a basic pickaxe which has

Not been adjusted yet so we could use that do uh we’re just going to split all this coal up just to kind of maybe save a little bit of space that’s good there how much sure sure sure sure can these condense H you can make actual cool stuff out of

Them though that looks good the white crystals bro that’s basically cave Crystal from rlcraft that’s cool cool now if I turn them into blocks of amethyst I don’t think I can turn them back which sucks so let’s just dedicate a whole Shuler box to these things

Okay how we doing this we need to make a pickaxe that not only has mining speed would be cool but I don’t think it’s necessary well you know what mining speed would be really good for things like the the dungeons where you have to break the

Spawners I think all of these look the same right so we probably try to take like the largest sizes possible so we’ve got shoveling that has wow look at that Jewel dude four different wow ah man man o Day so a pickaxe already has picking on

It right we don’t need that we need shoveling we need axing and then that has more mining speed on it too that’s not bad pulverizing what did I say Pulver what we decide that pulverizing did I don’t remember it breaks something so you get the fancy things

Like trash management setup uh I like the have a paxel for General Mining and at least one chest uh what chest chest breaker excuse me that does not break other blocks that’s exactly what I I was thinking I’m glad you uh capitalized smelting look at That all right I want to pull all these out so we already have picking don’t need to worry about that and let’s go with like the largest size we can do the the mining speed would be phenomenal but I don’t know if I want to use that yet

Right I don’t know if I need to I’d rather save it until I’m like this is going to be a gravy thing because I don’t know if I’m going to get another one that has 4.5 mining speed on it 33 and 20 is only 55 so we do have room for one More might have to go with two chest Breakers we May we may so that’s basically just a paxel right it is a paxel with 47 more uh capacity left picking axing shoveling I don’t there’s really nothing else we need obviously uh reaping would be nice but we could make a new tool make a a sickle and then put picking on it as

Well I’m not too concerned about it we’re just getting started here right that’s kind of a bad gem to be honest you should use it now there will be better ones oh really really really this one it’s kind of too late uh we’ll make another tool I’ll tell you

What let’s do this because we’ve got the materials for it now no that’s not what I want what do I want I want to no this I want to do this let’s make a chromatic sickle so that has reaping on it right and then we could take the mining speed the

Shoveling and then we need another one we need the picking we use like the maximum size picking we still have 27 slots left so we get the 4.5 mining speed which puts that at still at nine oh no I guess it doesn’t specify right there but 13.5 right

It’s kind of cool looking I don’t know if there’s anything else I’d like to add to it I guess I can always like add stuff later did I just like upgrade that pickaxe no I didn’t all right so let’s save this then right we’ll put this in the crate for

Now cuz this is cooler my welcome back efficiency I think silk touch is where it’s at I think no fortune is where it’s at because I want to have I want to mine the ores and get Fortune applied to them I I guess it doesn’t really matter you

Could do silk touch or Fortune we can we can break them later but Fortune I think is just a little bit more convenient now look at that bad boy that’s a bad mama right there right so we can put this up we can put that up we can put this

Up is there enough space in there not quite all right so now what we’re looking for I guess it’s just a sickle so it has reaping rather than anything else and we’re going to put the the affinities on it all right so not that coin Affinity living Affinity that’s a

Really good one for us right now an item Rarity what are we doing today uh same as usual man we’re just on that grind sir um basically trying to improve our tools at this very moment so that we can do a little bit better in the vaults be a little bit more

Efficient guilded Affinity coin Affinity oh that already has coin Affinity living Affinity already has living so in case we decide to go with something other than that we have these two they’re very big though wood in a or Nate don’t put Hydra void On It high mining speed wooden breaker and other

Chest mining speed doesn’t matter okay so what’s open with with hydroid what exactly does that do oh real crap sh all right so we have living coin Affinity guilded Affinity wooden Affinity oh we’re pushing it it mines water what what do you mean it mines water

What does that even mean ornate what are we missing we have guilded ornate oh wait watch this we’ll find out right here at Vault I must have missed it right here okay so if guilded orate Treasures not a concern living we have all no alars not a concern concern

We guilded what’s the difference between these I think that’s all of them so we’re looking at 1922 28 and 25 I think they fits dude eats durability on chest Breakers and and it does it’s decent on General use eats durability on chest Breakers but it’s decent on General use

Okay it mines water so like it you’re saying it just like removes the block of water I’m assuming it doesn’t put a water source in your inventory or anything wood ornate guilded living coin I got coin right yeah there’s coin coin living guilded ornate wooden that’s a banging

Tool right there there dude the problem with that is that that’s all of our stuff we don’t have any more ornates we don’t have any more guilded so like if we lose this tool we’re kind of in trouble back to opening chest naturally but I think that’s all we need

Cuz if you are breaking a chest that is in the water it gets messy okay that makes sense that makes a lot of sense I believe you I will take your word for it look at that fat tool dude I like that dude it it’s just a cool regular old sickle

Man now do I put silk touch on it or Fortune does Fortune apply to this like if I put fortune on a chest mining tool does that give me Fortune to the items that are in the chest I really doubt it sorry text messages are blowing up good first tool

Cool all right what’s after that I don’t know what’s after that I don’t think there’s oh wait wait wait wait there was something I wanted to do but I’m blanking on what it was pickup upgrade right here oh that’s a stack upgrade hold on a second pick

Up oh jeez we still didn’t get any slime and you have some Rarity on it too no fortune does not affect chest loot thank you very much Ty uh boom that’s it right there that’s a good chest breaker boom boom boom excuse me Wow I got the head gups now Old Star Gold your brother’s cat just did poop on your project that’s awful dude I’m so sorry to hear that you play Terraria dude Terraria does look fun I think that’s on uh in the near future for our list I think things to do I need more of those man oh 20

Minutes let’s run a vault let’s run a vault real quick I don’t wait I don’t have an infinite water source out here that’s like easily accessible dang it that’s my water source all right I know we could Harvest all this stuff right now but I just don’t know if we need

To I mean we will soon but it’s fine it’s fine let’s do a vault what’s in here seven we got copper we’ve got pork and dirt we can handle all that copper where’s the pork at I know I’ve got pork in here where’s the pork

At I oh you know what might not have killed any pigs how many do I need seven it’s complicated but sort of perfect you got to take that project to school tomorrow dude that’s horrible it sounds like uh the cat needs to live outside boop boop CH box can go up

Here uh I think I can dye these right it would be so much easier if I just dyed these this one needs to be like you know what this one can remain Brown okay oh we don’t have pickup upgrades which means dang it dude dang it dang it

Dang it now that we can break all the chests I need pickup upgrades on all my my bags all right hold on my my brain’s cranking here if I go in here mod boxes I don’t think will give me pickup upgrades I was just thinking like if I

Grab the double pouch like uh mod or yeah for three research points I don’t think that like the mod boxes will have an opportunity to just straight give pick up upgrades I think what we would have a chance to get is stack upgrades these things and then actual

Pouches let’s make some die real quick you can dye them a lot of ways all right for now we’re just going to do purple for the what the heck what the heck huh all right for now we’re just going to do purple for this one right that way

We can just identify that makes it a little bit easier for us I need the health does that go on a bobble I don’t think it does I don’t like having this like in my actual inventory here this doesn’t need to be on the hot bar

Though so we can use a raw one right there I do wish that this was like not forced in my inventory somewhere I wanted to put it like in a pouch so it’s not like cuz every time I go to like throw a bunch of items in a pouch it’s

Up here and it gets forced into there as well which is kind of annoying I’m trying to think of ways I could be a little bit tighter and more efficient here I just uh I’m not sure at the moment I think I just need more stuff hang on a

Second Ben atite and Vault diamonds click the click oh the things it will say explicitly if mod boxes drop things what I think I’m in the wrong menu I think drawers would be a save Lifesaver right now you’re probably right okay wait hold on Betty a tight

And where was the other thing at all diamonds in your research tab wait I’m so lost wait press o oh wait I almost click the click o the things what are you talking about oh the things H oh H it doesn’t do anything neither does o I’m confused in your research

Tab ho doesn’t do anything I’m confused on wait you’re telling me it’ll say like right in here click drawers okay hold on I got to find them drawers unlock the drawer mods this can be store blah blah blah adds rewards to mod boxes okay thank you I got fat brain dude all

Right yeah so none of these drop mod box stuff unfortunately so it am I wrong in saying that drawers only hold one specific item just a massive amount of said item okay let’s do this boom uh wait what the heck oh extraordinary holy crap that is expensive that is super

Expensive I could do more than one Though I think 16 yeah I could do exactly two of these that’s not too bad we could unlock drawers right now boom boom boom boom boom what the heck get that in there get it in somewhere thank Youw one item at 32 Stacks two items at 16 four items at 8 Stacks also compression so it’s one research points put into drawers it’s one research point for no it’s one research point for the vault Compass I feel like the Vault Compass would be so good all right

Drawers the I know I can’t build the Vault Compass yet but I do want it I think it’s these drawers holds 32 Stacks per drawer all right ACAA is probably going to be what we’re working with here cuz we just have the most amount of that wood that’s not even that expensive dude

That’s so cheap all right and you could do a 1 by two drawer you could do a 2X two drawer you could do a one half drawer for some reason okay let’s mark that do drawers at drawers oh I already found it and I can type like that what the

Heck okay so I think the key is later on when we link things together storage upgrades tier one chipped obsidian wait what or oh it’s any kind of obsidian an upgrade template yay dude why is the chromatic steel so dang common it’s so hard to find frames drawers are are sick

So what’s the difference between a framed drawer and not a framed drawer oh so you just run sticks around it okay there was something else that I wanted to oh Compass netherite angot cannot no I need more of those man we could go to the nether do you not make chromatic steel I

Don’t think you do man I don’t no you don’t dude this whole time I thought there was one way and one way only I’m going to do this one song one song only man all right we have refined carbon my gosh dude I can’t believe that’s a thing Dude look at all that carbon I didn’t know I didn’t know I thought the only way to get it was through bounties and uh and buying it in here man I didn’t know that’s crazy I mean now I know so like we’re cool we’re cool it’s it we’re cool day calm down I mean now we’re freaking gaming oh oh we can make it all we can make all of it we got 35 35 we can make more I don’t know if I want to use all my Cur my raw carbon for it but we’re going too you me a run vaults for you too

Maybe maybe I had no idea I was completely clueless dude I I did not know well black opal where you at me okay well we can’t make the Vault Compass still Driftwood glass pan an extraordinary laramar let’s make like these things that we’ve been missing what okay well I guess they’re

They’re all coming in into the inventory Chill on the Opals I know that the black Opals are really hard to find I do need black Opals for for something and I can’t remember what it is already not that a dude we could make these if we got

Slime okay so I okay if I want to make a spirit extractor I need to make two perfect black opals which I can do but that’s all I can do let me get some wood let me get some glass I can make a netherite Ingot

Yeah well I don’t know I don’t need the spirit extractor right this second but it’s going to it’s going to be soon we’re very quickly going to find ourselves in a situation where o I definitely don’t want to make two of those the jewel cutting station I don’t think is a

Necessity at least at this moment oh dude that Echo gem needs to go right back in that chest before I even look at it funny Dude um that’s not a good spot for that okay so the jewel cutting station’s fine right there we’re just running out of space honestly I could start like using the walls a little bit better and even the floor we could really condense things in here if we wanted to so we get

The that can come off the hot bar The Vault recycler oh I should have made the Vault recycler there’s a quest for that out right now I just don’t now I don’t have another netherite Ingot so we’re going to have to run some vaults hey no worries mik thank you for

Dropping in my friend uh much love to you brother it was good to see you take it easy maybe I’ll catch you tomorrow when you wake up cuz we might still be here maybe Okay I’m going to need well I can use Oak right recycle will give you more netherite scraps how ironic yeah that is kind of ironic huh dang it oh I should have made the the m do you think wait a second sticks hold on hold on hold

On oh I had AAA loged all right well too late so if you just like surround this in sticks it should make yeah now do I need this can I turn this actually into the like this thing what’s the difference so a Fram drawer will take on

A separate appearance of any wait take on the appearance of any items you put in a crafting grid with it you can put a crafting Grid in it oh all right Bol cobblestone but hold on let me read that thing again this mod can store multiple

Thousands of a stacks of one item in one block and drawers can be chained together to create an array of storage adds rewards the mod box too thanks for the freaking explanation dude what the heck can I just not Put you messing with me are you messing with me take the frame drawer put it in the crafting grid put Cobble or Brink also in the crafting grid okay oh mix and match I have a freaking mess here hold on a second hang on okay Vault Cobble Cobble

Vault that’s like polished so I’m not really too worried about that and then like deep slate too oh s dude why’ I do that woo all right on the side represents the face the trim on the outside Can be any blocker item okay so it represents the trim on the side represents the face the trim on the outside what one side on the side it represents the face so wait the way I interpreted that is if I put the item on the side it represents

It on the face if I put it on the outside I’m I don’t know I don’t care it’s whatever how do I can I not just like right click at all do I have to have it here these suck T oh you double click all right that’s they don’t suck they’re not that

Bad uh all right hold on what else are we throwing in there dirt it’s too complicated for my small brain you’re not [Laughter] wrong don’t shift click I got you I I got you got you gotcha Okay so as long as there’s already an item in

There that’s cool man that is I like the drawers I could probably uncompress B Cobblestone could probably uncompress all this other stuff for now oh your small brain I thought it was my small brain wow that is a lot of cobblestone I’m not going to lie yeah okay

Wait so it St holds up to 32 Stacks all right so like I’m pushing my limit already I should have probably left it compressed yeah it’s already full and then you can get stack upgrades we’re learning we’re learn we’re getting places slowly ever so slowly we’re getting

Places that’s a lot of compressed Soul stand man holy crap just for ease of access all right and then the rest of these drawers like what am I going to do here I have four more I guess like I could turn the floor into

It but like what are we going to put in there right right what do we have like a mass amount of at this exact moment Redstone Redstone can be compressed the 4X stack is upgrade is the best value only volt Essence and chromatic iron that actually super cheap

Wait so stack upgrades for that huh let’s do like add drawers again store wait it wouldn’t be a storage upgrade it would be a storage upgrade you need a storage area yeah I do you said storage times 4 wow man yeah that’s where it gets expensive so tier three I mean even the diamonds aren’t horrible now like what does it take to make the template see that I don’t know if I want to do that yet let’s hold off let’s hold off cuz I feel like I

Could make these like without breaking the bank right um but I want to hold on on that we’ll be back to it we’ll be back and these are just going to go on the floor for now temporarily okay uh I was completely derailed from where I was focused on

Going what was I going to get I can’t do the compass we got drawers the pickup upgrade would be so good right now man let’s run out into the the Wilds real quick uh yep and then I’m just going to drop those off we’ll take some Shuler boxes

With us just in case it’s so nice having actual Shuler boxes and then just cuz I don’t want to burn through the the uh durability of those things yet I’m going to bring this stuff I guess I can bring an axe too it wouldn’t hurt yeah that’s

Fine boom all right let’s go easy slimes bring a hammock and a sleeping bag to the swamps okay did I not make a hammock I don’t think I did cuz I didn’t have the string for it no I still don’t have the string for it hold hold on a second now dude

There’s so many things going on like I’m like my brain is in 7 million different locations right now I’m trying so hard to get one thing done but to get that one thing done I need to do 10 other things and to do those 10 other things I need to do 15 other

Things I’m a little [Applause] flustered we could turn drawers into Foods right [Applause] Foods in the drawers I [Applause] guess okay it’s a lot man as soon as I’m like all right let’s do this one thing the game is just like all right and to do

That you need to do these 10 other things and then to do those 10 other things you actually need to do 35 more things and then if you you want to do those 35 more things you got to do that first thing that you said you were going

To do the first time but you needed to do 10 more things to do all right for now I’m just going to bat dump all this stuff and then the flags I think can be turned in the Stream do I have flag in here do I have any flag in

Here I don’t have any flag in here how’d those get in there am I blind do I not I could have sworn I had more than 14 Flags I don’t think I’m that blind uh uh Flags bottles boom string could have sworn I had more flax

Dude I freaking thought I had more flax dude I don’t know how to do this oh oh there you go it’s that easy so if you guys are here for tutorial Vault Hunters um go to Tay’s page like I don’t know what I’m doing dude I’m so stinking clueless that’s all right we’re

Learning hammock hammock string sticks wool and then I think I need nails for it too yeah we need more string for the nails okay iron wool sticks hok cool yeah I believe that’s the reason why I didn’t make that to begin with I think I’m cleared is that noise oh um let’s get

Rid of those freaking things I have no interest in them th those might be the worst possible Edition that have ever been added to Minecraft ever ever ever I think we have to go south for the swampies just kidding got to go north swoop swoop yep no it’s right next door

Man all right so it’s got to be night time and it’s better to be a full moon got it I want to say that’s too much space I think it goes something like this just kidding it does all right cool we’re sleeping so you want me to sleep till I

Hit a full moon or you want me to like oh that was real smooth dude I was trying to get The High Ground I did not it might be a smooth move to sleep until we get a full moon just to make life easy right um I need to make sure I

Get one in a Bucket so if we get a slime in a bucket um I figured this totally out of my own I swear I didn’t get any help from anybody that would be a ridiculous concept um essentially you can use a slime in a bucket to figure out whether

Or not you’re any slime chunk to make a farm from it that’s kind of the plan sleep T Fu moon is that not a full Moon or is that a hollow moon is that Hollow Moon Theory flat Moon Theory to be honest dude I don’t know if I know what a full moon looks like I mean I know it’s round I do need some Rockets I we could really do with a uh a creeper Farm too

Man cuz it’s going to require gunpowder that’s the opposite of a full moon that’s an empty Moon hello Moon where’ my uh where’ my hammock go what I do with it no what I do with my hammock couldn’t be less of a full moon okay I need some strings and or well spider eyes I guess String’s not necessary anymore since we have a passive income of that um but I could

Really use spider eyes you know what I would like to do is just make a straight up mob farm um not specifically for creepers right I I want it to be everything I want to get spiders I want to get skeletons zombies can only sleep during the day you’re telling me it’s not

Daytime it’s freaking daytime you liar so we might be here for a while cuz we just missed the full moon I was busy scooting and pooting in my drawers man I see you I see you Mr sheepy you know what I might label this area hammock on the

Map I think it’s m no it’s B it is hok hcock okay there’s no chance it’s like a full moon after it’s not you know it’s after it’s a hollow Moon we’re going to have to like sleep through the entire moon cycle yeah that ain’t not no full moon

Man I have no idea how many days it takes to get through the moon cycle is that a creeper I thought I saw a creeper we need to kill those bad boys it’s daytime I just woke Up trying to get out of the chat give me give me out I like this tree I should have put the hammock in the tree T what the heck is that dude what is that green stuff right there dude I’ve never seen that green stuff in my

Life before can you please explain what that green stuff is hey what the heck is that dude I’ve never seen that thing in my life dude dude I need help I I need somebody to tell me what that is what is that is that modded T’s like all right I freaking

Quit I’m done I’m I offered to be your mod now uh I’m regretting [Laughter] it what is that modded this is so boring starold gets the choke I thought it was funny I was laughing on the inside time to time out X it just puts the the whole freaking

Stream one pause like all right well I guess I’ll go think about what I’ve done dude that is not a chicken I’ve never seen that before in my life that looks like it’s getting close I don’t think it is though I I think that corner needs to be filled

In I was killed by Magic while try killed by Magic while trying to escape a fighter wow yep if we get these upgrades here we’re looking at well we have four pouches so we need four um at least four slime balls but it would be nice to have like freaking a

Stack of them at least or something like that dep I don’t know it depends on what the population is I I’ll settle with four if that’s what we have to do at the very least we’ll get a slime in a bucket so we can find a slime chunk make a farm later on

Uh ideally we get like around a stack or something if not more if we can get more than a stack like super easily conveniently we’ll take it if this place is just like freaking booked and packed with slimes I will be here for a minute just farming them up

Because I really don’t want to make a slime farm but I have a feeling I’m going to have to is that a full moon that looks like a full moon that’s if you get slime hey we’re going to get slime freaking Nickelodean slime that looks like a full moon to

Me unless this needs to be bright as well that was so cool I think actually the full the whole Moon needs to be bright I think that this right here means it’s not Full and I’m not really seeing any slimes I’m not seeing a single freaking slime on the entire place try tonight and tomorrow it’s not look like Jack Squad out here it’s not a very big swamp either we could for sure use a bigger Swamp I don’t think that’s a Full Moon you would think you’d be seeing slimes right it’s a freaking swamp dude why are slimes so uncommon oh I’m going to die We’re fine that is kind of nice having like the Fireball and the uh and the thing rip slime balls I Willow just a couple okay those some cool Downs wait write the place up a bit slime will spawn ah I I want to say slime don’t spawn if there’s light but

Only specifically like in swamps I’m not positive man it might have something to do with the moon I see you don’t do okay well that’s fine I just didn’t get the the Looting effect goodness I’m good at this oh I’m out of Mana dude that’s terrible oh my gosh I don’t need it

How many slime balls oh I’m supposed to get one in a bucket dude guys let me forget that dang it dude give me another slime please give me a slime Please yep slime in a bucket orl craft better and gets demolished in the Overworld of Vault hunds are you could really call me a veteran too cuz like dude we played that for like over four months like that’s a long time to put into V or

Rlcraft and not only is it just like Overworld but it’s freaking skeletons and creepers like and baby zombies I can’t get up H me up all right we have a stack I I we’ll be here let’s wait the night out and honestly maybe even check tomorrow night as well

Um just for the sake of like getting as many as we can as many as look at him jumping around oh look at him jumping her that’s so dang cute dude ah it’s not like cram packed full of slimes huh what time is it might be close to being done

Spawned I feel like I’m getting far enough away for mobs to spawn ouch that means the part of the swamp is actually a slime chunk oh cuz it’s not a full moon is what you’re saying oh that if it’s jumping up and down that means it’s a slime chunk oh dude that’s

Awesome okay I when you said that it it identified a slime chunk I didn’t realize that that’s exactly how it was going to do it that’s really cool man that’s a fantastic little mechanic it really beats like stupid going on to freaking slime chunk do 69 or something freaking get good kid awesome

Dude we got six ender pearls that’s good all right let’s try one more Knight Quark is great Quark is amazing dude this is my first Like official experience with Quark like you guys have talked about it for since I started playing rlcraft really and uh I didn’t realize it was was like this

Amazing what how did that go through him man I saw you over here where you at where you at little sneaker little creepy sneaker all we got half a stack of gunpowder too it’s not like we’re making out horribly or something sniped all right depending on what this Moon looks

Like we might just bail a poo dude double poo dude parkour baby I I play video games sometimes I I freaking I know how to press button that does not look like a full moon to me we’ll give it a minute just in case we did make out pretty good A full stack

That’s kind of what I was eyeballing it’s looking like a big chunk in no dude I guess we could have been going all the way over here maybe not that hammock could probably ah let’s bring it home do we need to come back here Dying

Light is hard it it can be I think uh once you get the hang of it and especially once you get a gun you’ll be gaming dude like it gets easy after you get a gun that’s not to say that it doesn’t still have its challenges but it it does get much

Simpler although I would almost go to say that uh once you get a gun man if you’re spamming it constantly the game almost gets more difficult in a very weird way cuz the more noise you make the more zombies you bring in and not just like regular zombies but like Fast

Zombies especially at night it gets crazy so like being quiet is quite beneficial okay that goes in that goes that can just go in there we need a trash can or something boom boom boom boom boom boom that does not go there that does not go

There boom boom Oh okay man day we’re actually full on stuff Oh don’t know if I need wait a second no it wasn’t that it was the spirit extractor okay to make or not to make that sucker is expensive let’s make it let’s just get it over with freaking bite the bullet just don’t lose the item

Goodness uh so black steel oh I don’t I can’t I don’t have any uh any Blaze that sucks flesh chest loot well that’s not happening right now sticky pistons so I need iron Redstone and wood and Cobblestone how’s this work okay got it you have like 20 zombies chasing you

The whole time yeah yeah night time is crazy like if you want to challenge you go out at night time like and I mean especially on like nightmare difficulty it gets so freaking difficult dog it’s fun I I have a good time playing that

Game dude in fact I was going to play it today but then I was like but what about what about B Hunters pick up upgrade sticky pistons Vault diamonds base up oh my gosh we need larar we need all of this stuff Vault Essence magic silk blocks Diamonds oh we missing perfect

Lar man no day we run out of gem so fast or those bad boys oh we need redstone blocks that is the pickup upgrade right yeah I think that’s it Let’s just make three for now right cuz we only have three extra pouches dunk DK Dunk Dunk Dunk Dunk man there’s a lot of junk in here the Slime can go away the sticky pistons I guess can go in there too and then just for now that can go there boom boom

Boom now we got to organize these freaking bags dude one of them I think is going to be specifically for like gems and bronze and silver and gold uh the other I guess like living chests and then guilded chests or whatever is the least rare right I think the Gilded is

Less common than the ornate we’re going to need more pouches we’ll put it that way and we can oh no wait can’t make double pouches yet cuz I didn’t spend a point on them that’s okay no big deal pickup upgrade I what about the stack upgrades though what do they

Cost yep another base upgrade oh we need more gems okay at least we have pickup upgrades in these bad boys so let me hit this Wiki so we can organize these crates once more so gilded chests living chests and ornate chest I think ornate are the least common

Chests but gilded aren’t that common either so let’s do like a gem and gold bronze type of chest a living chest and a uh and then we have like a spare one all right gems I think if I type in this yeah oh this will make it

Easy I don’t know what color do we make this bad boy White oops am i max level in Dying Light no I’m not um to be honest I’m not sure what level I am but I got like about 80% of the way through the campaign we could

Play it tomorrow um I’ve been kind of wanting to play it I just like I started the series of Vault hunters and I just can’t stop now like if you know how that goes so Alexandrite BTE laramar opalite escali escali I think is pretty uncommon I don’t think I’ve ever seen that

Ashum boom W tight upine there’s a bunch of these I haven’t seen yet probably wouldn’t hurt to put the gemstone in here but we’re going to end up with like loads of like here hold on one of these one of you maybe two of you I doubt we get a

Full stack of gold there’s no freaking way man that looks fine right I think that’ll Rock us for a while if I run out of stuff in there we’re in trouble or run out of space that is right so there’s our gem bag pouches and then these two bad boys can be

Specifically we’re going to need I guess we could do a living and a guilded even if we don’t find them too often but I think we can mine them all now so that’s cool and then if we find orate chest we’re just like freaking soaking it all

Up there’s nothing we can do about that we’ll figure something Out I could bring some uh some shulkers with us cuz why not all right so the the living chest I’d like to be green I don’t have any black dye do I no it’s all right we’ll we’ll leave one of them Brown for now but then can I make green Dy yeah yeah

What how do I manage to keep doing that wooden chests are still going to be money oh yeah dude yeah absolutely I have well the purple ones for the wooden chests right so like this is all the wooden stuff and I guess we have some extras in here too

Is there any way to unselect specific ones dang It I was hoping to clear that out just l leave that blank for random junk or I could double up on things that I know we’re going to get more than one stack of I like I could double up one the Wood the wood that’s about It where’s the living chest at withered bone algae brick uh n knowledge Essence I think we already have a spot for knowledge Essence so Vault meat what can I do like burgers no so we got cheese patties buns I guess tomatoes are a thing too huh yeah Yeah I don’t see Chili’s in here I don’t see chilies on the list we a doubt we’re going to find them anytime soon no Burger chili isn’t even like listed as a a soul price oops it’s probably going to be a a while till we start unlocking certain things like this but it’s

Fine did I not get buns where are the buns at right there Burgers pretty sure kiwis and stuff too right so kiwis Hunter ey Vault steak knowledge skill s the mystery egg the hearty Apple I guess I’ll take the bitter lemon too the sour orange is that really all I thought there was more than that in these crates empty flask That spider is so freaking annoying man I’m not seeing Jack squat in here oh eventually we’re going to need a whole crate just for these stupid scavenger Parts I don’t like scavenger vaults I don’t like the the whole thing it can all just go away what happened to my thing what thank

You rvel st what drag thank you I got meat the drift Wood’s a thing I think the living chest scroll is a thing I’m sure I’m missing stuff right VA Stone of Jordan plus one to all learned abilities wow dude 27 uses how’s that possible Jordan what the heck dog I thought there were more things like the where’s it at this stuff is this not from a living chest it is why

Is it not on the list and it’s not in here either unless I’m blind and I’m just missing it over I’m blind yeah all right so the rotten Meats from living chests now where’d it go what the heck wooden chest living chest wooden chest living chests living

Chest what happened to that other thing that I was is it behind this is it hiding the wiki is from the release over a year ago yeah it’s missing stuff dude what the heck you I know you said it wasn’t up to date but I thought it would at

Least be like a good starting point I’m sure I’m missing stuff uh but maybe over our Journeys we’ll find more junk to throw in those things if I find stuff that’s not being filled in properly I’ll move it oh the Vault yeah that’s from living chests or eight chest

Okay that can go in here and then I I guess I’ll just leave it blank for now so it it soaks up a bunch of random junk what’s this one that one’s done that’s the should have made that like golden or something like that and then this one can be

For the ornate chest no the the guilded chest I think is probably a little bit more realistic we’re looking at like magic silk unobtanium which I think is still in the game but I’m not sure regret chunk there’s really not much in these chests key pieces Jewels Vault diamonds that’s

Not not much in these chests that’s not already filled in like Vault diamonds dreamstone regret chunk I might just leave that blank what about the other one make sure the pouches are set to match inventory what what does that mean set to match inventory pickup settings no sort filter item display

Settings allow selecting a slot allow selecting a slot will be used to show this item on top of the Storage what I’m confused the pouches are set to match inventory I I don’t understand That sorry pickup settings oh match backpack contents what does that mean oh wait so I haven’t had an issue with it on the other setting allow block match backpack contents what does that even mean I don’t what does that mean it’s not going to pick up anything else is

That what you’re saying like so it strictly like it won’t pick up like random staircases and wood and and dirt and chunk like that is is that what you’re saying cuz that would be Cool but I I said it sorry pick up settings I’m lost I don’t Know all right so gilded gilded wait that’s ornate right ornate or Nate or Nate I don’t know we could probably like two double this up backpacks won’t work from left to to right if you open a wooden chest but the Gilded pouch is further left it will pick up the wrong stuff

Oh okay all right I got you we’re cool now we’re cool thank you gilded gilded also gilded it’s fine we already have it picked up ornate we could do both ornate and guilded I think here hardened chests living strong boxes what scavenger completion crate Elixir completion oh it’s from a

Completion I think I might already have that listed I’m pretty sure I have that in a crate too This is so boring I’m so tired of doing this already scones regret nuggies yeah that’s about it oh all right now so will it still pick up other stuff like other stuff it will be worth it I believe I’m assuming it’s still going to pick up other Stuff and then all like what do you even do with jewels dude goodness so theoretically we don’t need to carry these on our hot bar anymore right we can just leave them in our inventory this as well boom boom this comes out this goes here this goes

Here only if you put something into it directly okay well so we’ve got a little bit of wasted space then but it’s not the end of the world look at that cute little bucket of Slime I need another bucket we got to get a bucket of water cranking you have a backpack backpack slot I’m curious what oh I I think we tried that ah I know this doesn’t go anywhere possible scav pouch location we could yeah that’s a possibility I I’ll put the the jewels

And the gold there for now building blocks I don’t know we just that’s fine now I know there’s a thing for the pouches that it’s like a I don’t really know what it’s called but it’s another upgrade kind of like the pickup upgrade that like allows you to pull blocks

Directly out of a pouch so like I could fill a pouch with like a bunch of Cobble and not have to worry about like having this here and blah blah blah uh is there anything I’m missing here I need a bug of water um what the what went there what did go There yo dude 1,400 that’s a lot that might be out of my reach I’m positive I’m missing something you know what else I wanted to try to do I wanted to swap out the goblin vial I wanted to try The slaughter vile so a red mushroom a glass bottle and chromatic iron sorry I know I’m like heavily distracted but uh we’re getting like real clean we’re getting tied up tied up in here getting things situated and uh no worries Star Gold that’s totally okay dude I’m glad you hung out with us

Today I’m glad you’re getting to go home man and uh take it easy yeah goodbye see you okay nope let’s use this instead of that the goblin vial is like it’s cool but it’s just not cutting it for me I might be able to put this shard pouch

Here or even just a pouch pouch which one has open invent that has a lot of open inventory slots let’s use that there that way in case we kind of run out of space we can cram it in there boom is it actually finally time to run

A vault no got to go get some water oh I know I could probably Harvest this stuff right now but whatever whatever all right we’ve honey we’ve got a healing thing we’ve got new tools armor weapons chest plate Shield pouch from there cool dude I think I’m ready I hope I’m

Ready should I just walk back out freaking seven monoliths dude come on now that’s a little excessive I mean if we’re going to complete this dude I I got to go for to the next room we got to like hit all the rooms as fast as possible oh powdered snow dude don’t do

It to me what was that noise dude that’s not as fast as IID hoped it would be I hear them I have no idea where they’re at though what the heck dude where are all the enemies at that’s not the right direction get me dude I’m hearing creatures all in the

Walls and I’m not sure exactly where they’re at at oh jeez is that escali excuse me es scallum oh I almost looked right past that dude H I need do Wars holy crap dude they hurt my goodness they freaking hurt we’re fine [Applause] what the heck uh-huh get me

Wonder if like certain elements like fire have a a better effect on certain creatures that’s awesome pretty sure that was a uh an echo war and I got something from it dude my tool is breaking so fast that sucks all right keep it moving I know I

Probably missed a spot or two but it’s fine oh like that oh oh you know what I don’t think I made a spot for the little cheesy foods that sucks should have left oh now I know there is a very very interesting little thing it’s like void

Miner or something it’s like vein Miner but it voids the crap that you mine with the exception of uh of ores I may be interested in that you can put them in your pouch too manually Oh you mean like that stuff oh I know okay okay okay I got you

I’m I’m picking up what you’re putting Down wait oh so that they have somewhere to go yeah I got what you’re saying thank you wow that’s nice I’m glad I didn’t put silk touch on this thing I guess I could put like the pickup upgrade though to vo like void that stuff right oops I think that’s a [Applause]

Thing I’m lagging we’re good dude we’re freaking gaming now look dude it’s so fun picking stuff up like that my goodness these dragons are cool too wait you could if that’s what you want okay yeah but that also burns my durability on my magnets I think unfortunately I’m just going to go to

The next room I don’t know if I’m going to complete this monolith challenge looks cool and has value I think so too I think our music ran out as well unacceptable Dude convenient come on down [Applause] hereo that was close dude everything hits so hard I’m getting like clamored void doesn’t save your magnet oh really what you mean void void uh void Miner like void Miner doesn’t save the magnet or I think you might mean the the void from

The uh the pickup upgrade does not save you mean the void from the pickup upgrade got it thank you okay jeez double trapped I can’t remember which way I came from this way let’s go right and then hook another right after this oh is it scary come on let me be lucky

You’re running a vault I’m not worried if you don’t oh oh well thank you yeah dude I’m so glad I came here that is so slow dude that’s bugged what is it not supposed to mine that slow O supposed to be faster huh all right do think maybe like an update to the game or like is there anything I can do to fix that should I reset Vault Hunters I don’t know this is a good room dude oh it’s a known bug is it persistent like will it eventually end

Or go away oops okay you know what like will it go away on its own or is it like a I don’t know that’s a weird one I’ve never seen that happen but I’ve never gotten this far in VA Hunters to where I was like mining chests like

That dude I don’t think I’m finding four more monoliths we should be running parallel back home right now oh we’re for sure not fighting for more monoliths we’re going to loot this wait when you you when you see it stop mining the chest start mining something

Else and then it should fix it okay thank you dude that is so [Applause] fun okay well that’s freaking full of coal dude the game thinks you’re falling so you get a mining debuff oh that’s what’s going on huh that’s interesting God dang they hit like trucks Got it got it got it got it thank you for the the bug fix according to the lead designer of the game okay we need to go we need to go home I do not think I’m finishing this fault four more things four more monoliths available in four more minutes

I just don’t think that’s happening and we’d have to find the exit let’s just get outle out of here let’s get back to the final room see if we can hit like the lower half and uh maybe that’ll suffice that’s our first really good run though with like you know good mining

Tools uh pouch setup all that I wonder how you’d fix that if the game thinks you’re falling yeah he doesn’t know how to fix it I mean obviously I would imagine they would have fixed it by now if they uh they knew how to fix it

I would hope right I mean these guys are on top of it right like this is one of the greatest mod packs I think I’ve ever seen in my life so like I just I can’t see them just being like Oh yeah that’s an issue whatever like I feel like

They’d be on top of their game other than having more mining speed I mean if you give give people more mining speed though I guess in theory if you get to the point where you’re like instam mining these chests and stuff like I don’t know like I wonder if

There’d be a way to remove the the mining debuff while falling right like is it really that big of a deal if you don’t have a mining debuff while you’re falling like how many people are like speed super duper like game mining while they’re falling from the sky right I don’t

Know 74 chest looted 51 ores eight coin piles wow dude four Omega chests got an X an X for tease Point all right uh I would abused the hell out of the full mining speed that’s what I’m saying like I If they gave everybody massive

Mining speed I feel like that has a much higher potential to be abused than like if you were to remove the mining debuff while falling I just I don’t know if there’s a way to abuse that or what kind of benefit you’d get from do abusing it

Right I don’t know it doesn’t sound like it would be a super convenient way to to mine you know put that stuff in there for now okay let’s open stuff up man I got to find a better way of like unboxing my loot man I’m so bad at it

Yeah we didn’t get a single living Chest hey look at that we got nine pieces another ice scrap what is that I think it’s four yeah I think it’s four per netherite Ingot so we’re looking at three we need one more netherite Ingot to make that thing that Compass but I think before we make the

Compass we should make the the Scrapper the the gear Scrapper or recycler the The Vault gear recycler so that we can get more nether right scrap and I think that’s probably our ticket forward for the netherrite scrap dude I about crapped my pants I was like

Where is my ores where are my ores at I was going to be upset uh boom boom boom we can hit the Relic boosters up H uh nice I don’t know where I’m putting them I think right there cuz that’s where the other one went yeah yeah what

Else I just don’t feel like that was much loot that time I don’t know oh baby look at that dude oh yeah uhhuh six es scallum man we did good there the ores are so valuable nice all right those can go back up there I guess this can like stay on the

Hot bar but not not right now one piece of volt gear oh I missed this stuff oh that’s a that goes in here uh am I not putting food in here am I accidentally putting food in here I am all right oh shoot dude we got more of

These bang bang bang look at all the sweets man are sweets better can you make anything other than that wow why nutritional liquefier generator smoking can you cook them I don’t know like what can you do with this though oh you can turn it back into sweets so we can condense them

That’s not a problem stone cutting what the heck small sweets block when you run vaults you let the you turn left out of the first room then run turn right and run parallel to the main line that way when I’m returning the to the portal I’m running through fresh

Rooms I like the way you think that’s a good call running directly back to the portal that’s actually a really good idea dude I’m probably going to start doing that and then I I’ll tell people I came up with that idea no just kidding that sucks we didn’t get anything from

That okay that wasn’t like hateful on the loot side of things come on come on come on come on I need a better pair of legs yeah yeah those are definitely better definitely better the healing efficiency is cool but our current helmet’s like just way cooler okay let’s enchant these legs

Real quick uh just cuz I’m having a hard time getting like specific pieces of gear and I’m not I’m at the point now where I’m like all right well we may end up needing to use this pair of pants for a while right it would be unfortunate

But what if right so I’d rather let them not break if that’s the situation um it’s just five emeralds basically it’s barely anything hey B freaking mess you up get your what no who do you think you are that’s my door man you Too you know what they they get you know what they get this is what losers get around here you get something hold on I’ll tell you one in just a second I’ll tell you what losers get you get the that you get this thing that’s what losers freaking get

Dude look at this look at losers I don’t know um dang it stupid losers Bam Bam Bam Bam rotten flesh yeah yeah okay let’s build this Vault recycler we need a bucket of lava I don’t think that’ll be an issue tell you want to know what I remembered want to know what I

Remembered that you thought I wasn’t going to that this right here you didn’t think I was going to remember none of you did I believe that I remembered all right we do have an unspent expertise point which is cool um I can’t remember if I put two into

Fortune or not but if I think I did if not I think that’s where that’s going to go but if I did we got free reain over an expertise point I don’t really know where I’m going to um like put that but we’re going to have to figure it out hold on uno

Momento okay you’re good you’re good these hands are too powerful I’m too powerful uh Crystal slap that bad boy on there just get ready okay I’m out of crystals oh you know what they don’t don’t play with me Don’t I’m too powerful that’s what it is okay gunpowder dude that’s going to start to be a bit of a a stupid thing um Vault recycler netherite Ingot Vault Essence chromatic steel I need to make the rest of this whoops did I say three I think I meant

Not three oh we could make the other thing right now but I think the recyclers where it’s at cuz we’ll get more scrap from that I can’t remember what else it needed oh volt Essence now the recycler for my understanding there’s our Quest completed the recycler can be kind of

Fed with a hopper in a chest so if I wanted to scrap like everything all at once like say I had like 30 freaking items I could just dump them in a chest hook it up to the Scrapper with a hopper and it would just like automatically suck them all

Up wow volt scrap the alchemy table which I absolutely don’t have this can go off the left hand side you can go you can Go Alchemy archive and an Alchemy Catalyst alchemy table wow wow dude my I don’t have Nether wart I don’t have a gas here all right well the nether is looking like it’s kind of just around the corner which is unfortunate cuz I freaking hate that place Uh where does scrap go I think is scrap used to make these no what is scrap used to make volite Ingot whoa dude really what is this used for Vault alloy and repair cores wow dude holy freaking crap well we’re going to need all that and that does not just go in there

Unfortunately okay I need a hopper actually I could use two Hoppers one two and two chests by the way if I give you some piece of advice for a wait you are free to Pedal it as much as you want I don’t want to I don’t have a platform and I’d rather not

Excuse me that stupid heart gets in the way and I’d rather the knowledge be shared than not sure dude absolutely I mean I look I’m not going to like claim that I came up with this this was my information but I’m more than happy to share things like

Right absolutely like I would love knowledge to be just spread and shared whoop not the right thing what how did I do that twice in a row Nice that’s called freaking making use of your space dude so like essentially what this has got going on here is this is high-tech redstone technology right now what you do is you put your chest on top of your Hopper and then you take your flux capacitor and you stff that

Underneath of the I don’t know what I’m I don’t know what I’m talking about um it’s not that hard figure it out if you can’t figure it out figured Out place that output Hopper beside the chest oh I could do that too that’s fine I don’t like it the way it is it’s wrong as hell wait what what the what do you mean it’s wrong place the output Hopper beside the chest what do you mean it’s

Wrong does this have to be on top of it hold on let’s try it let’s try it let’s see if it works let’s get rid of these get that out of here Hopper has to feed from the top okay got it thank you How’s that is that any better that’s it look okay so what we did was we took the flux capacitor and then we turned it upside down we took the redirect valve and we plugged it into the config Bobble and then we did some other stuff that I don’t know take two

Oh Baby that netherite scrap is going to be nice so let’s get some more of that if we can I’m not really interested in any of these axes I’m just not to be honest not really interested in any of it not in Finish but it works yeah it works it works

Okay the axes can all go this could this can go I think the helmet can stay just in case cuz it’s not that bad the healing efficiency is not that bad that’s actually good is Vault leggings man we are hurting on leggings I think I like these with the increased attack

Damage the Rarity too I’ll take the two health those are still Good I don’t really want to burn everything yeah I don’t really want to burn everything really we only got two netherite scrabs three huh yeah if we end up hitting level 20 and for whatever reason I don’t have enough gear to redo all this I’m freaking screwed

Dude like I I would be so screwed if I got rid of all my gear and didn’t have any backups I will get rid of the rest of this though I’m like I’m assuming I’m sure we’ll get more gear by then we can always craft some gear I thought I got

Rid of my volt swword i’ have been kind of upset really I thought we’d get more Vault or netherite scrap from that man I just expected more oh we got two more coming Oh do only one of those go in at a time guaranteeing cool down guaranteeing Undead damage oh wow actually that is better than I thought it would be I didn’t realize what that was until just now just going to put all these in here for now and then that can also include

All this stuff too for now okay what’s next we completed a quest I think but that’s not where the quests are no we did not complete a quest that’s my bad perfecting Jewels Elixir vaults Vault objectives you played the earliest version where you simply don’t get any gear inv vaults I’m slightly triggered

By by what you just did dude you get loads of gear nowadays wait how could you not get gear while in vaults what would be the point in doing vaults that just sounds like super boring uh let’s spend these Points it was very rare oh okay I see what you’re saying I mean now you get just garbage gear right like good gear is still incredibly rare I have yet to see anything above a rare right um even then the rare items that I’m getting are for from like completing quests and stuff

So forgot about this like you get gear just not like great gear oh oh there’s the man himself this freaking dude always interrupts this guy always has to interrupt me when I’m playing Minecraft is it what’s up Trinity it’s not TR you’re lying to me your face is a trash

Can no worries dude I mean you don’t have to play at all if you don’t want To D you know what’s really good for that kind of stuff though is just relaxing and playing some Minecraft I’m sorry it’s just I can’t help it it’s so funny oh that’s fine I’ll just play more [Laughter] Minecraft I’m just messing with you well yeah dude if you don’t like I said if

You don’t want to play tonight that’s fine but uh I didn’t think you did I just play Minecraft don’t worry about it are you ready to play now or are you you said you’re on your way home oh okay like in your car on your driveway or like on the way home

Okay dude well no worries cool deal man take it easy drive safe see you all right all right Trinity we can talk about that later uh sorry I was reading a text message we yeah we can we can chat about that stuff later in fact I actually just like today in the Discord

Kind of released like a PDA um but yeah yeah where were we we have an expertise point now he that is ridiculous if if leveling up was 10% what it was before that would just be outrageous like it that would it’s already I feel like it’s well paced now

Right if it was any slower than this it would feel like a bit of a crawl if it was any faster it would feel like I’d be going too quickly I think they did a really good job with the pacing at least in the iteration that the game’s in now nice blue name

Dude when applying a normal okay what are we picking up here gear and tools when getting hit or using them you like it better when the early game was slow really the early game could take a little bit longer like I think cuz I for my understanding it it

Starts to crawl real quick like once you hit Level 20 it takes a long time level 50 it takes a long time and then like once you at level 90 it takes forever dude so like I don’t I know 1 to 20 could be just a smidge bit slower I

Think just a just a smidge but if it was too much slower I think it would be a little bit too slow um I don’t know what to pick up here man gain a chance to have the roll the terter roll lucky when crafting a crystal lowering the cost by 90% I don’t

Think I’m interested in that probably few volts wait six volts and I was like level 12 yeah but also if you’re doing really well right like if you’re failing your vaults you’re not going to hardly gain any XP if if any at all you got to be successful in your

Vaults to gain the experience needed to keep leveling become a master at bounty hunting reduce the Bounty weight period to 30 minutes level two reduces the abandoned penalty by 30 minutes level three have two active bounties at any time that would be really good you become accustomed with the the

Black market and gain the ability to reroll the offers during its cycle that would be really good too increase the chance of a gear piece getting a legendary modifier wden being identified Aran gain a chance to not consume crafting potential when reforging gear gain the ability to cut Jewels without affecting their great

Whale get a cost reduction no that’s not great Unbreak I feel like unbreakable is really good gain a resistance to Crystal instability when applying a normal Catalyst to a crystal there’s a chance to not apply a negative modifier I can’t decide man fortunate experience would be good but is it that

Good maybe for the sake of like putting mending on stuff like now you can’t put mending on this kind of gear and you can’t put mending on this kind of gear so like what’s even the point really um maybe bounty hunter or even fortuitous finesse I feel

Like that’s cheeky right you get one and a 2% chance so like one out of every hundred pieces of gear is are going to be affected by that and even then like what is the the modifier going to be it could be a legendary modifier but be freaking hot trash

Man how cheeky am I I feel like I’m I’m cheeky cheeky let’s let’s take this 1% I shouldn’t have rolled those gear pieces I just rolled two pieces could have gotten it so we have one more unspent skill point you forgot Discord exists take your time T it’s

Fine I think strength is really valuable here speed would be good like speed would be really good but I think strength is even more valuable cuz that’s an additional three damage I’m taking that all right and we don’t have any knowledge points I think we’re cranking now we’re ready to go do something

Else uh is there anything else wait so I got a crystal ready um sugar cane copper don’t think I have enough gunpowder and some of whatever this stuff is salt you need three points in gem cutting to make it even kind of a useful skill it’s a good point that is a good

Point I can’t wait to get a storage unit set up like an official actual storage unit now we could go to the nether that would be a thing but I think I’d rather run a vault right now I just don’t like the nether I hate it

There how wait let me just check and see oh man oh day we okay so one more netherite Ingot did I didn’t take this out oh my gosh hold on a second we can actually craft that thing right now that Vault compass bounties what oh water bucket good call

In the water bucket I have a bounty active currently active boom um I think it’s just a regular compass in there right it is and some Vault diamonds one two three 4 info Mo oops Trinity I don’t know if you’re still here or not but like you don’t

Have to stay by the way I just needed like access to your name that was all I’m just shouting things out that’s okay that’s okay no I appreciate it cuz I yeah dude look at that bad boy um I definitely am in the habit of forgetting like just about

Everything I’m surprised that doesn’t point you towards the direction of your current active vault in the Overworld all right let’s go get some water scroll wheel transfer single items no it doesn’t all right dude I’ve learned so much and now granted a lot of the things that I’m learning weren’t really

Features in the older versions of Minecraft am I set I think I’m set I think I’m set let’s go I’m just testing out the Vault Compass uh let’s go wow look at this room what is this what is this what is this give me all of it dude oh this is good stuff hold on Zach’s calling me what’s up what’s up are you dude I definitely just like

Brain farted and ran right into a vault um all right sorry buddy can you give me like 20 minutes I’m so sorry no but I mean you can do whatever you got to do thank you sorry sorry sorry you said mine it with your hands rip your tool dude you’re right you’re

Right you’re right I wasn’t paying attention well this is our whole Vault right here I wasn’t paying any attention dude wow look at this place I’ve never seen this before in my life I’m so glad I’m here it’s there’s no mobs in here dude all right this is the whole Vault I’m

Not going anywhere but this room you’ve never got in this room I didn’t even know what this was at first it became obvious real quick want to make sure nothing’s despawning all right we can take our time here we don’t need to rush this is like the most loot I think I’ve ever

Seen in my life and uh it’s going to be more than sufficient to just like be here in this one room for this one Vault and exit without completing dude we’re getting key pieces that’s freaking incredible this is the first room in our vault dude we didn’t even have to go

Find it it was just there it’s so deep dude where does it how far down does this go there’s four segments to this room dude I don’t even know if I have enough storage for this thing oh dude I might run out of space my inventory dude the Vault

Gear we’re getting so much stuff this is one quarter of the [Applause] room you have room in your pouches too a little bit I I don’t know I just would have never expected to see something quite like this I thought for stingy dude honestly dude forget the Tool [Applause] Man like we’ll be able to replace the tool after this it just keeps going

What the heck is this place dude does it just go forever is it infinite the Triangular dreamstone should stack in the pouch as well okay dude Zach’s going to be furious oh finally my gosh I’m almost upset How deep the freaking sand is that is awesome this is like the

Greatest find I think I’ve ever seen in my life is this the best room in the entire game it feels like the best room in the entire game should have brought more storage man my gosh rarest room in the game that’s outrageous I’m level 15 dude the crazy part is that there’s so

Much loot here I don’t think I can carry all this home man this is a quarter of the room man we’re already full on inventory it’s kind of devastating to be honest okay hold on oh no rip the tool take your time you might as will get everything from that room and just

Leave the Vault after I [Applause] agree it’s all right rip the tool um it’s not that big a deal we’ll replace it T if you don’t mind me asking you a piece of advice like when a tool breaks does it like break break or can I take like a broken tool

Back and repair it you know what I mean [Applause] or do I want to wait until it’s like one durability and then not use it anymore it’s just like an elytra okay so it it’ll like it’ll break but like not disappear like a a like a pickaxe or something [Applause]

I was not prepared for this room man [Applause] [Applause] wow wow wow dude we’ve got 3,000 Soul shards my goodness [Applause] I no the magnets like the magnet’s not even close to Breaking though which is crazy all right all right we’re making good time I I wanted

To use the tool cuz I was afraid I was going to start running out of time we can always repair the tool that’s not a big it’s not a problem at all dude if I found this room and I had like 30 seconds left on a vault I would

Freaking Rage Quit dude I’d be losing my mind Yeah all right I got you should have probably saved my tool just a little bit for the sake of like in case I need to mine a block I have 12 minutes I do have like beginners luck or whatever it’s called so like theoretically I could just I don’t even

Need the exit the Vault I could just wait and like try to run it out to the very last second cuz it’s probably going to take me to the very last second to finish this we have 10 minutes left we’re over halfway through the Vault I don’t have a

Tool anymore and we still have half the room to go I’ll fix this later I’m not worried about it it’s a good problem to have I know it is holy crap dude I’m going to do my best here to just freaking rip this place apart I just took all the filters off my

Packs where should be nothing holding us back from filling up every single slot in our bags our shulker boxes are maxed out already [Applause] I wish I could put a skill point in like what’s it called and uh in vain Miner right now to speed this process up The Vault gear

Man dude you know what’s the craziest part we just speed into like getting Legendary rolls in Vault gear that like how fortunate is that don’t save just unselect oh well it’s too late sorry it’s like way too late I dude I wasn’t even thinking I was

Just like I don’t care I’ll fix it later no we got a time limit right now it’s time to [Applause] move I don’t I don’t know if I think treasure sand I’m pretty sure the sand itself gives you XP for mining it it’s it’s technically an ore I

Believe cuz I think I remember seeing like a a thing that says like you know x amount of like treasure sand Min cuz that’s what this is man this is treasure sand this is Treasure Islands [Applause] [Applause] dog this is so [Applause] exciting the amount of concentration I have breaking sand blocks in front of my face with my hand is unbelievable right [Applause] Now just making sure I’m still picking stuff up six 7 minutes we’re going to be in here I’m not even going to worry about exiting the Vault cuz beginner’s like luck or whatever it’s called doesn’t take your gear away from you everything you’ve collected in the vault retains on your

Inventory except the XP you don’t gain XP which wow are you telling me the bags are Full oh my gosh dude we still have another quarter of the [Applause] room I’m not worried about the durability damage forget that you like the amount of gear that we’ve collected so far we’ll replace like our whole set easily I would hope so I’m not really interested in the XP

Like if we were to exit the Vault literally through the Vault um we would probably gain XP from all this make sure bags aren’t picking up Soul shards that’s my last advice okay who I would have died oh my gosh I don’t even care let’s go we have four minutes to just crank

This out we’re not going to finish this last [Applause] spot [Applause] I wonder how much xp we would get from the sand itself I don’t really want the XP though I don’t really mind staying below level 20 for a hot minute until I get like better stuff and feel more comfortable with the

Game cuz I I am still learning right I still have no freaking idea what I’m [Applause] doing the fact that I found this room is outrageous you get zero XP from the sand okay okay good that’s a good thing we’re not missing anything at all [Applause] then yeah dude the key pieces [Applause]

I don’t even know what I’m doing [Applause] man I wish I could have mined this entire room I’m going to run out of time with like hardly any sand left dude imagine clearing out like every single Speck of sand and just feeling like you freaking own the world I’m going to go till I can’t go dude the bottom

Look at that dude how many did we how many did I mind 177,000 in sand feel like that’s not even that much stuff uh oh wait wow man why is that not going I don’t get it why are they not going in the soul pouch it’s not like the soul pouch gets

Full or something um you have to block it I don’t know what the I don’t know I figured it out I don’t fully understand the pouches yet what in the heck are Catalyst fragments backpack takes priority I figured that out I just wasn’t sure how to fix

It all right I know Zach’s waiting for us but let’s organize real quick let’s clean up from our loot Whit list is good okay hang on dude we have almost 6,000 shards I I don’t think I need to buy that anymore now that I know I can craft it for cheaper Hold on a second hang on hang on hang On dude holy crap in gorgonzola with the loot what what what do I do with it t you want some loot like what the freaking heck I shouldn’t have been putting gear in with the UN or the stack upgrades cuz we can do things like this right like I should have only been

Putting stackable items in here now them puppies I think are expensive you sure that isn’t a lot of stuff no I I was being factious I was joking that’s absolutely a lot ofu stuff oh my gosh Dude uh look at all the chromatic we just went freaking hunting for chromatic iron for basically no reason I don’t know I’m sure we’ll go through it eventually I want to put all the gold or the yeah that stuff look at that dude hold on the freaking 29 key

Fragments that’s like an excessive amount of key fragments wait I need another uh gosh dang it I’m out of boxes what do I do uh that’s fun I just wanted to like get a good organized look at this stuff oh dude what the freaking heck dude I the amount of Vault

Gear ah oh we got epic plus dude okay take all that out look at the that’s so much bronze dude look I I know we’ll blow through it like quickly but that’s a lot of bronze man almost two full shulker boxes of gear it’s unfortunate that only one of

These is epic plus but like rare dude so many rare pluses which have the potential to be epics or omegas all right all right the key pieces 29 key pieces that is wild right all right I don’t know how to make a key key mode oh okay I know how to

Make a key mode oh my gosh that’s exp okay well we’re not going to do much with the key pieces right now but we have them for later wow man I’m blowing away I didn’t know what to expect I had no idea what I was getting myself into look at that man

The Catalyst fragments we could do like unique vaults now like freely not that I don’t want I don’t want to waste them right but like I could test it out and goof around with it and do a few of those freely and not have to worry about

Like I don’t want to waste the materials I don’t want to burn through all my materials you know the the silver scrap dude hashtag more drawers Yeah yeah more drawers I I’ll worry about that kind of thing later um we need to join Zach up here real soon um but Zach I don’t know if you’re watching or not I love you buddy I promise I’m not like intentionally trying to make you wait but like we absolutely have to

Roll these gear pieces we have to all right now these gear Pieces Just For You Zach I’m going to speed up the process are they all oh oh dude there’s an epic one hold on let’s do a quick lookabout that’s a rare one Commons is this which one’s

Gear let’s take all the weapons out oh dang it why’ I do that I didn’t mean to do that it was all of these and the two wands that’s my bad sword has a legendary beer clown 3 dude what did I say what did I freaking say about that

Perk about like having that 1% chance to roll a an Omega modifier and it’s going to be horri it’s going to have that chance it’s going to hit it’s going to give me an Omega modifier and it’s going to be the worst modifier you’ve ever seen in your life what is

That throw it away that’s so cool dude that is awesome hold on I you know what take these out this is all of our new stuff I need an empty chest that chest this little star didn’t see what it was isn’t that horrible that’s like the worst possible okay this is going to

Be our chest right here that’s better so in comparison to our current gear which I need my sword back so I can like ch compare oh uh that’s terrible that’s not bad but nah that’s pretty bad that’s actually not bad Wait no that’s an old sword they all

The new stuff should be level 15 that’s pretty good it’s got bad damage though understandable to delete tomorrow or oh to deot Tomorrow there’s a lot oh man we’ll get through it hold on I don’t know what nether damage is but that fear Cloud’s cool that’s a really good Shield

But the slowness Cloud one hits really good too our current Shield is quite good but that’s got the Thorns damage the plus two health is good oh that’s really good plus three Health that’s good that’s really good those are I know those are just the scrappies I know scripted that is a good

Shield I’m going to take the good stuff out the stuff that’s worth keeping I’m going to take out the helmets aren’t good the 8% increased attack damage is good so is the item Rarity that’s not a bad chest plate I think I like this one those are good these are pretty

Good from from where I’m at now they’re good all right let me put all that stuff up what’s the the blue is the the common oh my gosh oh my gosh G this disgusting nope uh I thought I had more Sher boxes somewhere we can use our inventory that’s not good that’s not

Good is it actually that’s not bad that’s not bad that does a lot of fat damage the that’s pretty good actually oh my gosh 15 damage plus six attack damage chilling cloud and attack speed that’s really good that that’s really good 17 attack damage sweeping Edge and

Attack range dude with the Bane of Arthropods my favorite that’s pretty good too that’s like really good compared to what we’re going now soulbound I’m not going to get rid of everything yet I’m just going to like take a brief look hold shift to see spread values oh I see what you’re saying

Not blown away by the chest plates like dude that is a really really good axe that’s 21 damage from where we’re at right now and then you get the 9% attack speed which is almost a Max next roll with the chilling cloud and that sword is phenomenal

Too where was I putting good stuff at what did I do with it I lost it I don’t know we’ll put it like right here we’re going to have to go through it again tomorrow or something Dude oh my gosh dude that that’s a good wand cool down healing efficiency and soul chance like that it’s not like the best stats to have but like 9% healing efficiency that’s almost Max roll the 19% Soul chance that’s a really good wand it’s a decent sword that’s not very

Good what the heck is this oh whoa dude sick it’s like a wolf oh dude these are good plates look at that helmet dude that’s cool looking 14.5 attack damage with iller chaining poison cloud and extra durability y dude look at that look that’s a huge chest plate oh it’s a black wolf

Man it’s unfortunate it’s like low rolls on everything or the suffixes at least not the prefixes that’s a huge chest plate right there let’s dump it all oop not this and then we’ll go back through it again next time we play but this bad boy I’m

Excited about this come on dude give me an Omega just just because d it I wouldn’t say that’s like overwhelming but it’s definitely like much better than what we have now I just I really like the increased attack damage we get from our our chest plate it’s probably worth rerolling

That at least on the prefixes the suffixes are decent the he like having three different suffixes is kind of crazy wow dude oh I was putting good stuff in here we’ll go back through it again next time we’ll we’ll like seriously take a much closer look at it oh that

Sucks the durability and power are sad I know there’s a bunch of things that are kind of sad about all those pieces of gear but all in all man that was like one of the most ridiculous moments I think I’ve ever had in Minecraft like regardless of the mods that I’ve played

Like that was awesome but unfortunately as I would love to just keep rolling but Mr Zach has been waiting for us for like a half hour buddy what’s up bud I know I’m really late dude I’m so sorry yeah um I uh ran across like one of like

Literally not even an exaggeration the rarest thing in the entire game and uh I I couldn’t just like run away I could I had to complete it I’m sorry I’m buddy I don’t care I don’t know what the percent of of finding the room was that I found but it’s like a

Treasure room where all you do is just mine Loot and like I walked away with more loot in 20 minutes than I had gotten in the entire playthrough of this game more than I’ll probably get in the next like two weeks of playing and like it was so much loot dude

D w boy yeah it was a freaking ridiculous amount of loot I’m sorry I know it took forever dude I feel bad but supposedly that’s like the absolute rarest room in the entire game and it I don’t know it’s got like these big like open Sandy areas and you just

Mine the sand and in the sand is like hidden Loot and it it had all the loot good all right I’m on my way I’m loading into Ark right now okay all right are we fighting a boss today what are we doing I’m trying to trap a theena at the

Moment you find something good yeah decent it’s only 130 but it’s got 30 points of melee and and it’s a female the one you have has Max Health right mhm so I’m trying to get a uh trying to get see what it tames up cuz if it tames 40 melee it doesn’t

Really matter the T and uh what level it’s tamed at you know what I mean yeah cuz you can always breed up into levels it’s not even that far off max level oh and you’re it come here trying a different trap on the fezy trying my Rexx trap cuz the tried to

Trap him with a normal trap and he just did not want to get in dude so I’m trying something different come on no get in here get in here get in here add a add a girl oh dude before I join I’m going to reset all the the monsters in the

World I wonder if I can get him in there now come here thei you walked out you can walk in can you not like stick me what was the Trap that you used for the the T-Rex though dude okay this worked pretty good actually that was an easy way to trap a

Thei what’ you do uh you just have to come check it out oh well I mean I’m going to be spawning at the base now how am I going to shoot it I didn’t think this through can I uh hold on there’s no chance I do this right can I land like right

There inside a trap of the thei okay hold on hold on we got an idea this is all we got to do we just build us a landing pad here yeah easy peasy we just start right here and we do like that that like that like that now we got

A landing pad to shoot off of you’re basically playing Minecraft dude would you stop with Minecraft bro like literally I don’t care God dang son I mean I love you bu but I don’t care about it oh dud it was fun it was a good day oh I got kicked from my own

Thing my own server yeah if this all his points go into melee dude this could be actually a really juicy theena and it’s a female you know what I mean like I couldn’t and it was right next to home I couldn’t pass this opportunity up uh what do you mean right next to

Home like right on across the island uh yeah like that very next Island over cool dude yeah this is actually like my I like this T what were you talking about no crit resistance being weird is there usually crit resistance on like epic pieces of gear Holy crap dude nice oh the green is sick dude oh yeah the beds that looks good man I I painted it for I went to bed that looks good oh that’s gravy dude oh I like it dude the black stone is like really good anyway like even a it yeah even if the

Mortar in between wasn’t like messed around with if it was just black Stones it looks really clean like that I agree with you okay I’m going to try I got to pick my trap up be honest with you bud I can I can throw it down

For you and show you it’s just like a you’ve made one very similar it’s just like a uh like a octagon do you need me to bring anything cuz I’m going to come towards you no I need to repair this freaking gate why won’t it let me repair I’m coming over

Naked oh my God just busted one of them do you need something no I’m just trying to box the thei in so nothing like accidentally hits him and screws my timing up can you give me a ping I’m on Warhawk okay fe’s boxed up put some kibble on him uh he’s almost

Boxed up uh need this this one I couldn’t pick up why do I not repair dude I’ve got everything in my inventory to repair you know what we’re just going to just take it away I’ll make another one later parasaur get out of here beat his cheeks man okay it’s moving away imagine

The parasaur just like starts attacking the theen and actually kills it yeah I literally brought nothing with me dude so you’re kind of on your own hero for whatever we got going on there is a T-Rex near you okay I’ll kill it hold on uh let me just put like 12

Pieces of kibble on me for right now it’s a 135 not really the greatest stats 2420 oh I didn’t bring my narcotic Bud diggity dog I asked you three times well I had my narcotic and then I decided I wasn’t going to go tame anything and

Then I was like last minute I’m like you know what I’m going to go tame something so uh I’ll I’ll go get narcotic I mean I can run back I’m want a a dude a fast dude I just killed the the shot or the the shotgun the t-

Do do you want to stay here yeah I’ll stay here all right I’ll be right back what so do you need any traps or you just good with the narcotics no no he’s already down I just need narcotics okay I’ll be right there all the armor pieces that I saw

Had AP as an implicit oh ability power as an implicant I didn’t see anything as crit resist implicant that is odd right maybe it’s got something to do with the fact that I’m only level 15 though tag um I I was kind of afraid that like

Finding a crazy super room like that so early on was going to be like not as beneficial obviously we gained a lot of really really really good stuff but uh I think a lot of the gear is probably going to be outpaced very quickly um but

You know at the very least we can recycle most of that stuff and get some like material back for it it’s it was really exciting just to open it all up and see what was in it I would have loved to have like rolled them all one by one that would

Have been super cool we need some more Stam baby do you plan on doing um okay Slinky where you going you plan on doing more taming I’m going to grab you some extra stuff no I was just I think we need to run that boss fight I was just kind of taming I

Figured I would just come see what the thees were like cuz I killed so many thees last night there were two 130s right across here one was a bad roll though I killed it actually didn’t kill it it’s up it’s a little bit up north I

Was going to kill it but they separated all right well I’m I’m on my way back to you with the the stiff yeah I just need a stacker narcotics I need to build me a couple more gate traps cuz I had to demolish one cuz it was glitching it

Wouldn’t let me repair it even though I had stone that and everything on me that needed to repair it it was like yeah that’s a thing dude that happens to me constantly like I don’t know what it is it’s not just the stone stuff it’s like any structure it I think it’s got

Something to do with dinos being kind of like wedged in it like you know what I mean yeah yeah I do cuz I I don’t really have that issue when unless we’re trying to tame things and it’s always when they’re trapped inside the T the box and

They’re kind of close or inside of it I wish you would name your otter Bud oh so I can name him I mean otter is okay it’s just not a great name you like my perch yes I just cranked 50 into him that should do it oh yeah here can you

Uh how am I going to do this just you can leave the narcotic on him how am I going to I look I have totic I have to do this or land and don’t fall off I got this I got my perch it’s my perch this is our perch son oh did you

Give it to me I did I’m a freaking professional dog come on now the game wants me to be finally full health wait so okay Tay you went back through the vid and that’s really awes I I mean maybe that is the ticket maybe we we spec heavily into ability power right

And go like kind of magical based that was a really good wand that we got like I wouldn’t be against running a more magic oriented build um I just need to get better at it I need to get a little bit more familiar with the Fireball and just be more

Careful cuz I’ve been blowing myself up dog like there’s a uh what sorry never mind I was going to change the subject no you’re good dude I I was Ill earlier my bike’s just hurting I was halfway trolling but I was tired of hearing you troll me with Minecraft well I was

Totally trolling you there I don’t care if you talk about it man I know you love it have you heard anything about in shrouded no what’s that it’s a survival based uh building game with uh like magic and other things I’ve I’ve got uh I got four and a half hours

Played on it well was out I thought you meant like one coming out no I’ve been playing it whenever me and you get off uh Arc and then I got to stay up the rest of the night I’ve been playing and Shrouded I want to say somebody mentioned it to me and it might even be you that that hit me with that did you yeah I’m running a magic building and shrouded what you can you maybe like since we’re just chilling here for a minute do you want to maybe send me a

Link like a something it’s on Steam just and shrouded what do you want me to send the link to oh I mean I can pull it up I didn’t know if you had like a an example of what the game was or something uh don’t think so I’ll look it

Up yeah I’ve I’ve not watched any videos I just have one of the people that asmin gold I kind of like his uh perspective on MMOs usually if he likes them I usually like them sometimes he likes games that I don’t but most of the time it’s pretty pretty accurate and he said

It’s a it’s a good game he seems like a pretty straightforward guy he looks to tell it like it is he says the only thing that’s really hurting it is that it came out the same time as power world yeah uh but I like it dude it’s uh it’s

Pretty fun so far it was the first thing that came up like I I didn’t even search it I just I it was advert ized on Steam immediately and I don’t know how long the game is and how indepth it is I’ve just started it and got my house built

And started upgrading my tools and making some weapons and you know getting a feel for the game uh it’s fun though I enjoy it it does look like Arc huh yeah and I don’t know that I think there’s some taming in it like I did see some

Like I haven’t watched it but I’ve seen like some uh titles of post and stuff like how to get a creature to like follow you or like be on your side or something like that but I ain’t mess with it I’ve just been like building my home base up

And leveling up and getting used to the game and stuff I’m assuming we’re not talking about dinosaurs here uh I haven’t see that’s the thing I haven’t seen many animals all I’ve really seen cuz I’m really I’m still in the early game man uh all I’ve seen is some wolves and some

Sheepies and some rabbits and then uh that’s really it as far as creatures go uh I’ve been fighting some enemies and stuff but I don’t know what else is in the game I had a cool little like first boss fight man that the it just it wasn’t that hard or anything but

Just like watching the boss like his mechanics and like it was pretty cool felt nice it does look good I’m watching somebody play it right now through Steam um it it does it rings a real strong Bell like called ark might be why I like it yeah but if

There’s magic and stuff too that’s spicy yeah and I haven’t used like I am doing the magic build and so I’ve got a wand I’ve also got a bow and I also have a staff that I have a couple spells called ice bolt which I’m saving them because

You got to like find the ammo I haven’t figured out a way to craft ammo I’m sure at some point you can so I haven’t used any but the next time I play I’m definitely going to fire a couple of them bolts off cuz I only had three

Bolts but I found another like loot Tower and looted up some more bolts and I was like oh okay so now I’ve got a couple more I can I try one out is there first person everybody else always was walking around in third I think there’s first

Person I’m not 100% I’m it’s not like a game breaker I was just curious maybe there’s not I I know when you go into like a bow and era stance it’s first person uh so I’m not 100% I messed around with it not to change the subject entirely but

Have you ever gotten your like your uh drop bug fixed with all the the lighting like the beams of mine’s broken still too yeah mine’s just like broke that’s odd that yours happened a couple of days before you know what it might have been dude I think it was one of the driver

Updates because I neglected my drivers for like a month and I never had any issues and literally the day I updated my driver I started having that issue on Arc we can always revert drivers or we can like try to stop the server and reboot the server and see if that fixes

It well we’ve rebooted the server since you started having that problem not since I have but you talked about it beforehand and we’ve reset many times since you sure positive yeah dude you were talking about it a while ago and uh it’s only been happening like a week

Yeah but whenever we were doing like the whatever the settings called for how fast dudes breed things like that I feel like oh yeah yeah we’ve totally reset a bunch of times I think mine broke after that man I really do I don’t think it broke

During all that I could be wrong I mean no I could be wrong but I I thought for sure we’ve reset the the server but I don’t know either way I mean it’s a silly freaking issue I feel like they should fix that it’s obviously not uh is it outside the house

Mhm oh nice saddle dude 38 35 29 or 39 that’s fat dude who’s Max stats in health or in hunger but you know he’s got 6,000 weight and decent melee damage so he works I farm the island and got uh 12,400 metal something like that maybe more sweet yeah got

More you’re getting really slick with the colors on the Saddles and stuff that’s a really good saddle I like that in fact I would love that color saddle on Slinky I’m not going to lie what do you know what that was uh it was one of

The let me check my Cosmetics it’s one of the ones I really like I think it is stream coloring I do believe like the aqua color called stream coloring oh I might that or the aquamarine I can’t remember I think it was the stream color more the blue

Though cuz the green shows up like light and if you need green color and I’ve got a ton I’ve got over 400 green color in I must not have whatever it is when I was painting your bed I went a little Haywire with a color and I crafted 100 time

Wow do you need that many oh I didn’t well you know Green’s my favorite color and so like I paint a lot of my Saddles green and so I’m like I’ll use it bro we didn’t pick up the megatheriums did we no they’re still there okay need

To go run that beta boss as soon as this guy’s tamed up uh did you ever put the materials back for it or do you still have them on you n I’ll put them up all right so we needed the artifact of the massive uh the artifact

Of where’s it at where’s it at where’s it at where’s it at clever and then the artifact of the hunter what’s up scye artifact of the wait oh I must have okay oops okay Hunter massive clever got those and we’re running the tier one right or sorry tier two excuse me that

Was my bad yeah I just don’t cuz I don’t know if somebody in chat yesterday said that the alpha had 3 point something million that’s like wow eight times more than what the Beta had and I just don’t think we’re ready for that without like like better Saddles I just don’t cuz

Their me ethereums are taking like four or 500 damage swing man yeah some of them were half Health just on the tier two I just don’t think they’d make it all right you make a good point it was Saros skin RG Talons and vertebrae right sorod vertebrae yeah and to be honest

You know now that we boosted the levels we could go find better me ethereums to start a different breed line like cuz they’re 38 38s if we could find like 45 45s or even higher uh start a new New Breed line it might uh help us with the

Alpha all right I mean whatever you prefer whatever you think is right I mean we can always try it because if the megatheriums die like not try it this fight but try it at some point and if they die then we just know we need a better breed line yeah I gotta all

Right I’ve been kind of keeping my eye out when I run into me ethereums for 150s with Juicy stats all right well I have the deons on me you know what I I’m going to suggest we do something I don’t think we have to but it’s up to you

Um I have y’all need more damage says T agreed agreed we need the uh we need the uterus we don’t have that yeah all right so we need the uterus but I’m thinking cuz I’ve got the deons on me we should pick up uh we should get like a feeding trough or

Something slap it up set it up over there at the boss fight leave those guys out there set the deons up so that they heal the the guys just let them go and then go hit some caves we could both hit separate caves or I don’t know if it’s

Easier it’s probably better if we hit the same cave at the same time um hold on what do you want to do sorry man I’m zoned out after we beat the boss fight set the day Dawn up up there set up a feeding trough up there let them heal

Just leave the meum and the deons up there healing go hit some caves because we are out of both the artifact of the Hunter and the artifact of the clever after this boss fight we have two more of the massive right so if we got two

More of each of the Hunter and the clever we could run the boss fight two more times afterwards and then obviously we we need more artifacts of everything else too but if you want to run it more than two more times we’re going to have

To do that I think I don’t remember the hunter cave that’s one that is that’s the one that’s like the first cave we ever went to an arc right yes it is so I think we could solo that one the only thing with like soloing

Them is like if we crash and run into issues we don’t have somebody else there blah blah blah blah blah you know I also I think it’s probably a good idea that we stick together because I think the only reason we’re able to collect more

Than one at a time more than one Relic at a time is because there’s two of us in the cave loading it in and I don’t know if you caught what Taye said um Tay said that HP is good where it’s at but only if we get better saddles

Yeah uh so caves if we hit some caves we should be gaming do some caves that megatherium sadle blueprints coming especially if we do the ice cave the the Big Daddy yeah I I mean we could always you whoa my freaking eggs dude good Lord we have we

Have one purple saddle I know that’s not a lot but I mean it is one purple saddle uh well we need a blueprint is what we need oh yeah but I’m just saying if we keep finding sidles here and there you know yeah oh my gosh oh dude I crashed I

I put eggs in my inventory and crashed uh oh by the way I turned to breeding on the yudis because I need 60 eggs that’s 60 honey I’m going to turn the if I ever actually fully crash here I will turn breeding off on the Penguins cuz that’s excessive yeah you’re getting

To me xgo I cannot close Ark once again did knock on wood I haven’t crashed yet you shouldn’t have said that well I mean I’m taking a little risk here but I’m not superstitious I mean dud I don’t know what happened to my back bu do you work too hard like you

Work out too hard or what you do something like work see I haven’t been going to the chiropractor because uh I missed my appointment because they’re uh they always send me a text message and remind me like two days before my chiropractor appointment so I’ve just always went off

That you know what I mean yeah I haven’t never like wrote it down is itent me lower back or upper back it’s in my my my uh left shoulder blade like my left shoulder blade that uh the Trap muscle that runs across your top of your shoulder and like neck yeah

Uh and so I missed my chiropractor appointment in December didn’t reschedule in January and so like my whole upper back has been getting like Tighter and Tighter and Tighter and I don’t know what happened today man like my back was kind of tight uh and then I

Went to the gym and I done some squats and putting that bar on top of it like I guess there was already a knot there from like not going to the chiropractor and getting my crap worked out uhhuh and so that weight on top of the knot just

Like made the knot just made all them muscles like knot up man and like I had to go home I mean I finished my workout but by the time I got to Mom and Dad’s house I was like oh God I can’t move and so got some lot of lot ofe patches put

Some lot ofe patches on and as long as I’m just like chilling it’s not hurting but like certain movements man it’s still super tight so that’s why I took a muscle relaxer you’ve mentioned those patches before what exactly is that uh it’s like a mild pain relief patch it’s like not

Pain meds it’s uh kind of like an anti-inflammatory but it does have a pain low low low pain medication in it okay and they’re 24 hours so they’re like slow release they’re kind of a muscle relaxer too but then I took a flexor so my reaction time might be a

Little bit slower I feel fine at the moment but we’ll see I might let you control the Army in the boss fight well that’s your first mistake okay I’ll control the Army in the boss fight I’m sure you’re gonna do just fine dude yeah I’m gonna pop some more games here in a

Minute counteract the muscle relaxer all right I just did what I had to do okay you I’m actually quite upset at what I had to do it I I had to put the Penguins away I’m glad you did bro I’m p is getting so annoying uh we have 800 penguin eggs

Yeah we got plenty like literally there’s 10 fridges Out full and they’re all full how many uh how many UD eggs do we have uh will’ll tell you here shortly I need 60 6 8 or 6 12 18 almost 24 23 okay that’s about actually there’s 33 unfertilized ones so you’re looking at

Like one short of what you need actually no you’re good you should be good you can probably turn breeding off then I mean I don’t mind breeding uh Piece At Last what was peace the stupid Penguins I agree T I agree I didn’t get it I was like peace what I’m

I’m I’m sad cuz the penguins are gone everybody else is Happy are they that you think they’re that loud I think my volumes are different man I think I keep my volumes a little bit lower just annoying dude every time you walk in the house I think you’re

Jealous like leave a bunch of beavers out at least they’re cute they are kind of cute I’m gonna have to get one out so I just know the how they sound yeah I can’t I can’t either I can I was doing it today and I could do it cuz like at

The end of last night’s episode I was uh what am I nameing this dude all right for right oh I got to see his health or his melee first what’ you tame up as but oh you like standing up ready to go ain’t you ready to get it big dog you’re ready

To get it let’s go put you on neutral uh 40 melee really good good 194 uh options I’m going to change your name right now I’m just going to keep it simple for 4 40 melee I know you don’t like when I start doing this but I don’t care dude these

Are boss Fighters you know I don’t I can’t keep coming up with cool names for Boss Fighters do you mind if I put qu dude Quake is a good name I like that one that’s a solid name dude I was happy with it that’s what that might be my

Favorite name you’ve ever came up with dog that’s good that’s really that’s a good name dude Quake is clean dude I was trying to think like you know him smacking the Earth and like the first thing was like uh Shockwave a good and then Shockwave got me on to like quake

And then I was like or it got me into earthquake and then I was like oh yeah let’s just cut it off with Quake Quake is sick dude shock wve is is a good one like even like wave for like a a water creature would be really cool

Yeah I can I get behind that what’s running around oh dodo you scared me dodo okay I have to make a couple more gates before I go trapping again I think he’s in the radius break too all right we got our theas man well at least for like maybe the gamma fight

You know what I mean yeah is that an alpha Raptor it is a 140 Alpha Raptor I’ve got to kill it you know what I mean yeah is there anything you want leveled up can I bring it over uh let me think what if I kill it with a Stena oh there

You go I mean you’re not going to benefit from it in any way if it’s going to be a breeder and not like an actual fighter yeah I’m just going to kill it I’m going to blast it with a shotgun I just want to see if it’s got any cool loot

All right I think I’m oh I need shotgun shells and then I’m I think I’m situated for the boss fight I just cleaned up a little bit around the house we’re leaving the the dudes there so I don’t need all right I’m not going to bring a bunch of empty cryopods okay

Okay just I’m saying like we’re going to leave them there that’s the plan that’s fine Bud there’s the plan I on my way home how many levels did I get off that I got one that’s fine oh I almost got two he’s almost uh this guy’s probably about tapped out he’s almost

300 he said he’s almost 300 yeah he’s 291 Holy balls dude that’s pretty good uh let me kill this thi real quick cuz it’s a bad thei and I want to you know you know how I feel about bad thees right now I do no you got to take them

Out dude that’s that’s fine um do you need wait did you get metal by any chance that’s also on my list to do today uh I mean I just made a Island run when I first got on said it was like probably 1 2 3 4 5 it was probably like 4,500

Metal so probably like 2500 or 2,000 ingots okay we can both do metal runs now yeah that’s what I was thinking like um in between like say we we hit the boss fight then we hit a cave then we hit a metal run then we h a boss fight cave metal run

Whatever many argies do we have I know we got Warhawk Death from Above we got Amber we got Sparrow I could honestly take sparrow and Dunkey Dunkey is going to be our juicer bro we need to breed him with somebody to get that weight stat on a different rgy for

You so we have like two dunkies that way like my plan is is to fly around on Warhawk and have Dunkey follow me and load Dunkey up and have Warhawk to kill anything that’s it’s a good call Warhawk doesn’t have much weight at all I mean I’m not putting it but he’s

Got 40,000 Health 2,000 stamina I’d have to screw up pretty bad to get him killed think m is getting close to 900 War R you baby all right all right all right uh is it cool if I throw this thei out nah dude don’t do that well actually I’m not going to

Throw out until I start breeding them I’m just joking buddy throw it out no I don’t want I don’t want to throw them out yet cuz where is that other fezy I’m going to clean out the oh you know what the fezy I got come out 39 health 43 melee anyways huh

Huh the the male fezy that I had I didn’t realize he had 43 melee 39 health I guess I needed a health fezy it’s all right it’s a potential breeder uh I think it would definitely breed up another fees for a uh gamma gamma fight

Okay but I think I would like to try to find a bigger Health one bigger Health uh Mama a big old Mama a baby maker just uh let me just clean my RG up just a touch what all do you have on you You Got theena

Claws you need to be ground you need to be actually I’m going to save you uh okay I can clean the rest up later all right I’m fat I’m almost ready give me like three more minutes take your time I’m doing stuff you got everything for the ball

Spot I don’t yeah that I do you mean the materials to summon it yeah yeah I do okay where is the metal that you said you got I’ll put it in the cooker do you mind if I make some uh some ammo with it

I don’t care buy okay or well not all of it I just I just need a little bit there is 305 metal in the grinder holy crap okay I had a bunch of tools and I’m putting a purple crossbow in the tools chest just for like a

Backup okay all right what does my inventory look like I need to put the kibble up put the kibble up dude our room looks pretty sick now dude it does doesn’t it with all those freaking uh relics in the or I keep calling them relics what are they called artifacts artifacts thank

You mhm sorry I’ll been trying to dip left every time I see you do we need the rotten flesh I’m going to put my good tools up uh where’s my bad tools there they are come here come here uh okay I’m ready BR okay oh sorry I just got caught up in

The in the middle of like making a bunch of stuff um oh quit we got we got things to do son I’m doing things son no we got bigger things to do well I got things to do okay okay no we’re going to kill bosses and do

Caves oh I need to get my berry then uh my Berry’s outside I need to Crow him are we coming back home before we go Cav I mean I I wouldn’t mind to just go right into it it’s up to you okay I’m going to Crow I think I’m cool to just

Dive right into it okay I got loot Monster uh Michelangelo’s out uh wow I got some obsidian I need to put up I must have got it from a oh I got a bunch of cooked meat I need to put up cuz it goes into uh Lazarus Chows

I’m just going to put it in the uh the jerky oh you know what I’m going to put this on my bird real quick okay yep I’m going to hop on Michelangelo I’ve got my berry I’ve got a couple extra crows do you think the basil will eat

Meat oh I didn’t put the obsidian up yeah dude oh they’ve got plenty of meat all right I’ll meet you on the war Tower I’m going to go use the bathroom okay I’ll be done in like a minute at the most going to stop my I’m going to start my stopwatch all

Right if I can remember what I was doing you got me all distracted that’s what it was I’m on the toilet okay oh I thought you meant the toilet toilet no not in real life in the game I was going to say I was like what

Okay well thanks for letting me know I’m glad you took the headset with you yeah I definitely did I’m not going to mute it either I’m kidding uh we don’t need any T and stuff to go into it cave do we no but now that I’m thinking about

It I don’t want no we got to do one or the other what cuz I was thinking about carrying some traps in case we find like a fezy on the way to caves and stuff but I don’t want to carry that stuff with me all right I

Might if we find a juicy one we can always one go get the stuff and one chill that’s fine goodness put some eye drops in depending on our load here today I I might try to make uh a boat like a freaking boat boo like a war booat

Dude like a war booat that can get through that doorway specifically you on the tower yet I’m halfway to the tower the tower Tower the B fight Tower why didn’t you tell me bud I just you wait on me so we fly together you freaking Punk oh well I picked you up

Off your toilet I figured you’d know I was not in the room oh well I’ll meet you on the other W Tower this guy man takes forever to get ready and then I’ll say I’m going to step away a minute you get on your bird

And leave me all right well I’m going to step away and wait for you to meet me on the second war Tower I’m just going to go to bed all right I’m going to go play Minecraft this guy man calls himself my friend who I guess you

Didn’t bro where’s my brao where is my otter at oh I DC Doug I wait can you go get my otter it has all the stuff on it are you for real bro it does I I dced and never picked up the otter I was like trying to access its inventory I was

Like why can’t I access my Otter’s inventory how did you put the stuff on him he he has an inventory slot space you got it right wait can you carry him with your bird cuz you’re wearing an otter right I’m just going to get the

Stuff well you got to put the stuff on your otter then I can carry more than one artifact I don’t know what’s up with you wait Brock can you wait we’re going to go right to the caves you going to bring me the OU man I mean I’ll cry

Him oh well that’s fine as long as you bring the stuff with I don’t know why it shows you like in the middle of the map thank you sorry dude I I forgot to pick him back up I it’s annoying when you DC constantly cuz you’re like you

Get thrown off it throws the whole Funk off dude Aisk here I come I should have brought some food along with me like for the dudes I can’t really carry that much food it’s fine I like the song dude Bo I see the oblisk there’s a 130 Raptor here the wondrous properties of the Flora on this island will never cease to amaze me if I told my colleagues in London that I could create a concoction capable of erasing someone’s memories I’d be laughed out of the room and never

Invited to tea again yet here it SS my mind wiped tonic as usual I’ve had tribal leaders gring at the gates of Rockwell Mana just for the tiniest of samples and for the recipe oh the bounties I’ve been offered I’m not interested in their riches though I have their protection supplies

For my studies no bad bird in the world what more could I ask for all right looks like they are all full health but none of them have any food all right like any food yeah I mean it’s fine for this fight but they’re going to struggle bus to uh to stay

Healed up entirely so like that’s where the deod come in but we’re going to need like an actual freaking boatload of food if we’re trying to uh to let them stay here and heal right cuz the deons blow through food just pill a feed trough up and it is what it

Is well that yeah I’m just saying we got to get the food to fill up the FED trough over berries out it won’t take very long there he 55 oh thank you thei all right I’m going to run out to the kitchen real quick I’ll be back in a minute wait yeah I’m

Here mhm Which one of you I think you do right yeah you’re the one with a purple saddle you get a level what else have any levels uh kind of you’re breaking it out guess actually you would be Hulk wouldn’t you I’m naming a couple these M ethereums just two of them what are you

Going to call what looks good on you you ready been ready I’ve been sitting here waiting for you get in the circle I’m in the circle he pick your otter up well I don’t know what to tell you there where’s my not in the circle either he

Was right in front of you thank you five of you five of you five of you one of you one of you say what are you talking about Sir bring it inside what are you ready yes sir oh you know what you didn’t bring H you didn’t bring Totten bow Venom

A did you get it did you pick it up or no I mean it wasn’t no I didn’t pick it up it wasn’t in the uh the otter all right I’ll go back yeah I can’t I can’t throw a crow out dang it yeah the shoulder pets do go in they

Wait you’re saying they do count as full oh they shouldn’t count as full dinos got it what did I bring that was wrong then uh yeah no we needed oh wait you did uh no you needed all that what I me wait you need RG Talons the Cod

Vertebrae Sarco skin and Titan bow Venom my bad dude I I forgot about the the bow of venom what the heck did you know you could use your your pteranodons Dash while you’re not sprinting no I didn’t oh they count as a doo gotcha wait so what happens if you bring more

Than 20 dinos in I think it’ll only pull 20 oh so they just get left behind nice another Vol Hunters 3 enjoy going to play V so do we need to Crow or OTS before we go in uh-uh hey m- you know have to cry it just throw it outside the

Arena it it should uh it should be there when we get back good or if something comes up here and eats it M then we’ll uh we’ll breed more I I like glder I don’t care we’re freaking leaving them there I’m cry you’re over here complaining about

How you can’t throw cryos down you want to cry another Dino so I can wait 280 seconds I mean I might just throw my berry out to protect it might be the play no my look my Barry would freaking run off of that gy mountain get ate by megalodons I was

Just thinking it would fall in the water take a bunch of fall damage get hit by a Megalodon and die probably I’m almost home T I’m glad you told us that about the dinos cuz we’ve been taking otters in this whole time which means we’ve only been fighting with 18 dudes

Dude I was so hungry I’m parkouring with the uh my ethereums he I suck all right I’m bringing the tals okay it’s not what we need but that’s fine wait what I’m halfway back dog okay what do we need I don’t know you tell me B is an RG Talent

Sure T said it’s all fun in games until your Yi doesn’t come through uh everybody dead true that is true I need to get some water man look who didn’t come prepared I mean I would have done had this boss fought over but I mean I didn’t notice it either to be

Fair excuse me yeah I’m sorry about that dude just uh stick my little toes in this water here let me get my my crossbow ready okay yep get a little can I get some water why can’t I fill my thing up there we Go what is not there he is I was going to say he’s not regenerating his stamina there’s a PT and saurus like stuck in the wall there’s two of them wait there’s what there’s a third one what are you talking about the big gigantic long neck

Mhm there’s a there dude there’s two of them on the island across the way oh he’s out of the water out of the water out of the wall what level are our characters now 105 yo bro where are you going my dinosaur’s a freaking spoon dude I’m almost there I’m like right across

The water nice yeah it we’ve been 105 for a little while now it it didn’t take too long we do have the XP bumped up just a smidge but it was pretty quick What all right I’m here I don’t see you sir I don’t see you sir why are we at the red Obelisk I don’t know Zach why are we at the red Obelisk because the boat could carry them all over I’d like to Crow them all and re UNC them at the uh green

Obis so it be a easier quicker flop but we just haven’t done that yet all right I brought the uh whoa dude was there an update no why do those look different now ready dude these things look really different now they look really cool yeah I’m ready

To be honest dude we could cry them all up and take them to the next one and just like dump them all at once and by the time we’re ready to do another boss fight they’ll be up you know what I mean why did you shoot me with a crossbow cuz

I thought it would be funny where’s she at oh she’s a little bit this way this time holy damage dude oh dude I brought my freaking pet with me I did to I forgot I mean we beat it once we could breed it twice right yeah I think

So I need to get around I’m kind of stuck on this side here we go here we go here we go here we go there we go now we’re in it now we’re in it I think this is the move dude I think we we grapple to the ceiling and shotgun

So we’re pumping DPS too do we count as dinosaurs we have a guys we have a a dude just like standing out there’s a couple of them not doing anything they’re trying they’re like running towards it but they’re not able to reach it yeah kind of hard to get them all

Surrounded it I know nice dude that was easy money how’s everybody doing about like last time some some in the back are 50k the ones in the middle are 20 somek cool or 30k GG’s dude another 56 element kind of was an easy fight dude I really like the Strat of

Like I mean you can do whatever it is that you want to do do but I like grappling to the roof and hanging above it and shooting with the shotgun it makes me feel like I’m actually doing more cuz the shotgun puts out an immense amount of damage and like that frees up

Whatever Dyno I would be riding would be riding to attack on its own right you know what I mean mhm what are you eating to no man oh no did you ever look around in this room not a town is there anything in here not that I’m aware

Of imagine I just get swarmed by spiders just freaking dead I would kind of laugh just a wee bit cool man well done very nice very nice so are we leaving these guys here are we I guess we’d have to cuz I didn’t bring any cryopods yeah I didn’t bring

Enough to Crow them all I don’t think we need to reorganize them all do we uh kind of like to get them unstuck going to have to do it at some point I mean as long as we just uh as long as oh my gosh I’m super stuck I just like

Teleported um going to say as long as they’re in the arena and like we can access the middle thing don’t want to go in the Boss Arena and all of them be stuck is that how it works though I thought that the the teleport like reconfigured them

Anyway this is Art bud I doubt it would untangle them well that’s what I mean I think even if we put them up properly I think it retangle them regardless no man they’re not I mean when they start moving like some of them get tangled but they’re still in a circle all right

I like how I try riding like the one guy on the edge and arc’s like oh you want to grab the one guy that’s all the way in the very middle that you can’t get out like yeah okay huh uh I can’t even Mount these guys there

We go I can’t get any of these guys out what the heck okay moving forward my friend nice all right you got dead on yeah you got a food a food tra no it’s on the boat oh okay oh well he’s unconscious I guess it’s too late now he’ll wake up eventually

God that red light is horrible what we got to kill here can I kill you in a couple shots nice one stack of meat adjust range increase range what that’s cool wow that’s full of spoiled meat right there sir dude you want to try to kill this guy this big

Boy uh do we get anything for it I bet we get a trophy but we I’m thinking meat it doesn’t matter man the Titan mean it’s so that’s 230,000 Health ahuh correct I don’t I mean I think it’s probably going to give us what like 500 meat

Maybe think we just run the island okay there’s not a doo inside bro I don’t know if you realize this but we can build here in the middle of this thing oh really yeah I just put the the sh down like in the circle huh what’ you say about this

Island I just couldn’t find any dinosaurs I’m starting to find them now though just getting some meat excuse me all right well I don’t have a berry out so I’m going to take one of these spare meos and and run the side of this island okay

I mean they would eat fish right I could just like dive into the ocean and get a bunch of fish that might work but I’m not sure and I can get meat I’ve got quite quite a bit right now parasaur is where it’s at man they don’t you get in that water

I hear you dodo I see you doo 58 mate whoa I just sent a Dodo flying into Oblivion dude oh did you smack it yeah I didn’t realize it just send them flying okay that’s funny I mean ideally we fill that trough up entirely yeah I’m trying I got I know

I’ve got quite a few stacks of meat I know I need 60 Stacks so we’ll keep Farming yeah this island is not doing so hot on fishes or dinos oh here’s a big group of dinos here we go here we go here’s some meat come here Raptor no that’s my ponia that’s my pooper his name is tur burglar thank you very much man he’s a pooper

Uh El musico where you go what the heck dude cool whoa dude yeah we’re hitting we’re hitting all kinds of meat I just like I can’t hit things for some reason with this guy I’m struggle busing I can’t Harvest these fish man it like it makes the sound of him

Hitting it but he won’t Harvest it it’s like nothing but Doos out here Zach found all the donos I got tones I mean these guys are going to eat like freaking crazy cuz they’re already low on food I found all the little stuff the little tiny babies

Okay let me come bring this back cuz I don’t want to like have let me kill this ma chops man you must have found everything I can’t find a squat I found a lot eventually I had to took me a minute to figure out where it was but oh found another

Raptor okay so I don’t know what it is but the the mega theum cannot Harvest a lraa surus it’s not physically possible yes it’s not physically possible at all like he just misses I don’t know what the deal is but he can’t hit excuse me okay I’ve got to have close to like

Plenty of stacks of meat I don’t have Jag squat Dude where’s this trough at just running around doing nothing I’m punching these Doos okay roll transfer all okay that’s a little bit better yeah I got 39 stacks of meat you think that should be enough actually I

Got more than that I have a bit that should be enough dude I have 403 Stacks all right I’ll throw what I have in here too I’m just going to put some of this uh actually I should put this prime meat on the dayon where’s he at come here D come here

D let me put all this prime meat on you you got 14 points what we putting food what oh yeah deon’s I think uh all in food at least the two that we have now all I’m going to for Speed him all this prime meat get that food back up

You don’t have to do that why yeah he’ll just do it passively over time I know but before I leave and before it SPS it’s Prime mate fair play I think the Meg or the meum Z ber too right so like we were really hurting we just throw a bunch of berries on

Them I don’t know if they eat berries or not they might I’m not sure I don’t I don’t think they are cuz they’re not carniv or herbivores cuz the the cakes don’t heal them huh all right all right this man is 27,000 food now he’s at 20 he’s I’m just going to fill

Him up ah he’s full wow this guy’s at 26 not bad uh all right they should have plenty of food I think if they’re out by the time we get back here fight again I’d be quite pretty surprised I don’t know yeah it’s a lot of

Meat are you still feeding the day on I am do you want me to not be no I’m feeding them too where are you feeding them from I’m of him oh I see the food all right I was like I don’t see any food moving in the

Inventory I’m not sure if it double feeds or not dog I think it is who knows all right oh we got to turn the healing on I did nice get that heel boys get that heel going all right so we need the clever and the massive or the clever and

The hunter clever and the hunter well we’re closer I guess we could the clever is way up North and the hunter is we got to do them both doesn’t matter probably better to run over to the Hunter and then run straight up through the Redwood to the cabber I don’t know

If we can do that I think if we have the if we have relics in our inventory like that I don’t know if it’ll spawn relics inside the thing I mean cave I’m not sure yeah dude I think it will well if it doesn’t I’m ditching you

And uh I’ll run things back back to the house okay we out I will be as soon as I get this dude on the boat all is that rotten flesh yeah M 5 th I’m just running there oh all right well I’m flying it’s just uh an island over maybe two islands three

That’s not that far the barries are pretty fast they are they are you do have your otter right yeah I never throw him off I forgot to he I totally did too uh it might be quicker if I don’t get lost proba take the coastline it might be fastest

Oh we have swim across this little Channel hello Dolphins hello hello it like shows your character all the way across the map for some reason I don’t have you pinged at the moment I don’t think I have you pinged either had your otter pain but I don’t I don’t understand what’s

With all the ascendant stuff inside these things I’m dropping by all the the uh the crates on the way over to the island or over to the cave and there’s like nothing but ascending gear in these things oh it’s cuz we’re ascended now is that what it

Is I mean I would think so not nothing but ascended but there’s frequently ascended gear inside these things I feel like the game knows what a gear is and it’s like oh they you know you got to think about it the first crate you ever open if there were like an ascended

Shotgun in it or an ascended Flack chest piece it would kind of be like make the early game very easy absolutely well I mean you need the ammo for it too but still it would be ridiculous I think I’m in the right place I’m here I think I’m on my way I

Just rally yeah I’m 700 away been a long time since I’ve been on this side of the island yeah it has been hasn’t it Mhm this is where I first got jumped by fezy for the first time a how romantic holy lighting problems dude I I don’t know what’s up with the lighting in the caves between yesterday and today but like this is absolutely not what the caves looked like when we

First came in through here I think there’s something wrong with the game man they look like absolute trash like it’s everything’s bright yellow it’s like everything’s got a big bright flouresent yellow light you see it that is cool looking I mean I don’t know I like it

Oh can you get around that Crystal bud I kept teleporting back underneath it this is easy money right this is the bats cuz I need to get some healing tentures I don’t have any healing tent on me I don’t think it is and I have 11

Okay no bass wasn’t in the first cave I don’t think so I don’t really remember what was in the first cave got Bo get that Venom oh now I remember Saros and just about yeah you’re pretty much looking at it not damaging my armor today fool no sir we have learned and ascended

I killed him it’s all you nice dude we’re killing it already there’s more to our right there’s a one of the things that sucker’s dead dead yeah he didn’t have a chance oh there’s another one he’s scared he doesn’t know he has no idea he’s in the wall punish

Him yeah that was a tough one oh another one another one it’s it’s dead buddy oh okay I couldn’t see I was shooting right through my Barry’s head oh d T’s getting emotional I can’t move struggle busing something I may have crashed that would suck I definitely crashed

Well that would suck if that was the case why that um cuz I crashed too did you really yeah I think we’re all right might die no I’m just kidding buddy you’re here you’re still on your dude though uh yeah my game just froze all right well I picked up the uh

The thing Lang so hopefully it spawns back soon okay we are gaming though we’re we know what we’re doing at this point but this is the easiest cave I think in the game come on Art let me close you out I can’t close ARS that seems to be fairly new too not

Being able to close arc when it crashes yeah and I need to move my my task manager to my other screen cuz it keeps opening behind hold on can I do like this no it won’t pull it up oh well I crashed now too I’m have toh sign out buddy yeah I’m going

To I’ll be back me too I actually did crash this time well that sucks this is where we die and lose everything something’s never changed though one of you all has to crash in a game we both crashed I got to start putting my task manager on my right screen

Whenever I fire Arc up do it now I mean I did about like when I first fire Arc up cuz I forget to until I made it you know dude not until you got me into PC gaming did I ever ever ever think I would have

A PC with more than one monitor in front of my face dude I didn’t think I ever would until I started I don’t know I just started thinking about needing a PC and PS5 is coming out and I was like I think it’s time well I just I never considered it I

Was like I grew up in a time where that wasn’t a thing you know or you did too man you’re you’re older than I am like oh that’s just fascinating did you just get another artifact yes that is mine and get off my B see if we can get more than

One what do you mean that’s yours it’s it’s going to the same place it’s like mixing your mashed potatoes and your carrots together we might have to back up I think the only reason it spawn us cuz we crashed maybe mhm all right what I you got on you

Bud we’re going to drop this stuff so to get vault Stone you got to find it underground in fact the quest book that you’re given at the beginning will tell you specifically uh what level you need to find Vault stone at oh you can smelt it or silk touch

It I think if you smelt it you get smooth Vault stone or no sorry if you smelt cobbled Vault Stone you get polished Vault Stone and I think you can silk touch the actual volt Stone to just get plain old volt Stone and then you can craft some things with it too

I’m going to keep the meat for our boys I don’t think it’s spawning back I think we’re CA it too buddy that’s fine we running all the way up North you want to get these Saros real quick yeah we need the the skin right yeah what in the world it’s the weirdest

Bunny Hop ever just killing some Venoms I can’t see anything K that man can you get him like not under the water all right whoa dude that fish is out of the water idiots this is my land right we running rest of the cave or we

Just dipping we should dip yeah I agree are we going straight to the next one uh yeah I think that’s fine um I’m stuck dude I’m stuck on everything I can’t see back to the yellow room I don’t know what’s up with that dude like ark’s got some jacked up stuff

Happening to it right now and I think it has something to do with the the most recent um thing game drive drive driver update race car Nascar driver gosh NASCAR yes all right uh guess I’m going to fly that’s a pretty big run yeah not a bad move I got to take

These tools off my guy cuz I want to grind them up and the Sarco skin keep that with a fezy claws I think the rest of it can be looking away got to go this way uh Michelangelo hey y mean now is a good time to go home if

You want to before we go up there cuz it’s it’s quite a hike no I think we’re good dude all right I’m just concerned that it’s not going to let us like get any relics because we have two on us all right uh oh I’m waiting for the day that I go to

Land on my like tree platform here with the sap Taps and there’s a freaking the what’s it called tho there’s a pho in the tree like where I have my freaking platform at I think it’s going to be pretty funny it would be hilarious cuz I won’t be

Expecting it right I’ll be like oh it’s fine I’m safe up here you’re like I’m good yeah I’m good any questions before Tay goes I don’t know I think I’m all right think I’m good at the moment as well thanks sir yeah thank you very much Tay we always appreciate

You there’s a go with a red drop I think I’m going to get it yeah dude hit it oh buddy I don’t think we can ride berries inside this cave up here do you help me wait is it the talking about is which cave is it is the the north north or is

It the one that’s on the south side of the Ice Island uh the clever is the one we could do both isn’t the cleverer is the one like way over there right what where are you going to the ice I thought you said it was in the ice biome no no

No no no no oh well thank you T it’s good hanging out with you it always is I thought it was I thought it was the one right next to the volcano on the the the east side all right let me look it up I can’t remember cuz it was the one

That we I thought we’d only ran like one or two times I can’t get Arc to let me use my mouse on my left screen there we go ASA cave Maps the all the deaths in the snow yes that is those are deaths in snow no THS no thers right is that a thala No I don’t know why I can’t find the map I usually use it is not here for some reason there it is you’re right clever’s uh right next to the volcano my bad dude I thought we were going to the ice good man got an ascendant Raptor blueprint

Saddle that’s good too bad we we’ll never use it we might like decide to breed a bunch of Raptors and nope I might decide to breed a bunch of raptors n you tell me what I’m going to do and not do I will it don’t matter what you

Say well I’m just saying I’m going to delete Raptors from the game files I swear I will kill every penguin you ever try to bre again oh Zach I just got swarmed by like 100 trons oh my gosh that’s not good bro I might pass out oh my

Gosh dude I landed in front of that cave and got swarmed by more trons than I’ve ever seen in my life did you jump off your bird yeah I’m okay I think I’m okay I’m not very far away Raptor pack is absolutely worth making n disagree n you done there’s trons down here

Buddy there’s like a whole heard of them they’re geeking they’re going all sorts of different directions right now mro good there’s still like tons more of them but yes I have no idea what I’m stuck inside of but I I can’t get out of it there we

Go oh this cave is blue I like it it’s kind of cool looking but it’s absolutely not a cave like it’s not how it’s supposed to look makes no sense feel like I’m in the nightclub oh they are bats in this one yeah dude

Oh I got might I did too I might have to Bar a tenture here in a little while B just let me know we’ll make this quick I’m just going to separate and I got some food I can eat I can tank the first one but I might after we get

Cleaned get like four of them tentures off of you I we’re going to make this quick right if we have the cab we can’t get it again so and you got 11 tenses right yeah yeah that’s Prett pointy I’m going to go never mind there is no rout I’m just

Going to stick behind you I’m I still 45 seconds I mean yeah you’re doing fine 20 seconds you gave it to to me you got too close no I meant like you gave it to me to begin with no you gave it to me yours is on a lower cool downs

And you called it and gave it to me no you gave it to me but I’m I have more of an immunity okay guy I’m clean by the way yeah I am now had to get your funk off of me oh always about fall in there scares me every single

Time you okay how you doing on health uh 200 yeah I’m at 240 there’s uh we don’t need to go over here too late there’s a third one somewhere okay you do your thing you good yep I see the bat yeah they’re all stuck down there

Oh I call that speed run in the Cave Dog yeah that was good that was quick that’s so quick I can’t even drop my dang bird yet the sarker wants us I hear him hear nothing he made all kind of Racket he did didn’t he uh think you AGG gra the

B there’s a drop down in the water I’m going to kill this bat see if I can kill it excuse me you bringing bats to me what the heck dude well I was want to go in the tried to kill with a shotgun thing was super tanky thank you

Starold so we could go get that drop without worrying about getting the clap holy piranhas wow I see that you good down there drop what this drop you talking about I kept seeing a crate down there maybe it might have been just a bag there’s Saro skin right

There there’s two three sarer skins buddy there’s titana bow ven them too in the bags me kill the Piranhas we we cool piranhas okay uh take you take you ah yeah we got the bat okay another bat don’t do it don’t okay dang it dude what they just freaking

Allergies all right I got the The Relic by the way a I’m going to try to get out of this pool of water okay I’m out oh Agro or you aggroed bats well I was going to kill him for You cool dude zck look what Whata uh I have my train gun knock it out they they wake up really quickly apparently do you have kibble I do not we might as well just kill it dude it’s 135 though next time we’re in here we got to

Come with the intent of like finding one of these things unfortunately I don’t think they dropped like a trophy or anything it be pretty cool time two of them up it would be see what they’re all about he like spawned right in front of my face though it was

Weird we going right back to oh we got to go home to before we go to the boss fight oh gosh the light switch dude godness great job bark good Lord I was should go farm some metal too to be honest I highly doubt them guys are healed up yeah I agree with

You so we’re got to make a trip home what you got on you Budd you got anything I need uh you got some Sarco skin a metal pickaxe oh my God there’s a trudon like walking right up to me see you sucker oh thanks for the help bu anytime it’s called moral support

Pal whatever it’s called it [Laughter] sucks I’m going fly these beaches on the way home see if I see any juicy Tes oh buddy I went right over the Redwoods I’m heading straight home we’re all about the efficiency today I mean yeah but we got to get some

Other other boss fight armies bred up that is correct and uh it’s also your responsibility that’s why I’m doing it okay we’ll go over the red woods and check the he’s on the way home the Rex is I have to be on a I got to be on a big guy

I feel like a mess tonight dude I’m hurting yeah how’s your back man uh hurting pretty good actually like as long as I’m sitting still it’s good but every time I go to like readjust myself in the chairs and like have to pick my you know use my

Arms to like lift myself up my bik’s like no no no no dang dude I think when I actually take another muscle relaxer and sleep I think it’ll uh it’ll straighten out oh here’s a Rex 135 oxygen the same one I saw I want to kill I think I’m going to kill

Him I’ll be a little dangerous but I think I can kill him from here right oh he’s mad is he mhm that’s odd I mean it’s not like you tried to kill him or anything I killed him he’s not mad anymore cuz he’s dead there’s a fzy what level are you sir

Trash Oh it’s a guon actually you look like a FY the way you’re running I’m looking like we’re like a 38 or 40 in health before the teame I mean I guess that’s a little bit too high I mean that’d be perfect but that would be absolutely perfect 36 or

38 Health before the tame or let me rephrase that a Max max level Max Health before the tame that’s uh that’s what I’m looking for yo you got like all the eggs you could ever ask for by the way good I’m about to make 60 kble you can make a lot

More than that we can turn breeding off I just wanted to keep up with the honey I’ve only got breeding on four of them Okay ah let me turn your breeding off and then how do I copy settings the heck did I get raw metal from that’s odd okay I think I’ve got some metal tools and stuff I need to grind okay well well well boom boom and then I’m going to fill up on shotgun

Ammo you want to do more caves or you want to do metal run I think it pay us to do a metal run we haven’t really done one in a minute all right and then when we get back we can check and see if they’re done if they’re not done healing

We can hit more caves uh yeah that’s fine uh what was I going to put up oh these trophies hey Jack Smithers what’s up Smithy all right I got the Saro skin I got the RG Talons the vertebrae and the Titan B Venom so I I have enough here to do two full

Runs except for that one Relic that he picked up you want to throw that sucker towards me I’ll put it on my mans just put the Relic in the uh trophy thing uh uh what was it the clever think so uh did you pick all these eggs up or no

Yeah where’ they be at in the fridge where the eggs go I know but which fridge there like 100 of them the there’s an egg fridge and then there’s a kibble fridge that’s the one and then this EG this fridge okay um there’s my ankl I need measures you get

Nothing I just filled up what you do with the truck bro I put him away I had him full of meos and Tinto berries now put all the berries inside the bin upstairs you have an issue what do you need purple berries Mesa yeah did you quit crying

Goodness bro you always put stuff up like it’s cuz I’m the only person around here that tries to stay organized Zach there’s measures in your in your thing I just put cooker make was in your cooker quit crying about it I’ll pop you now what do you keep doing with my bird

Oh I was about to give you crap dude I’ll start crying at every chance I get what’s the weight on your your bird your donkey uh he’s got a ton of levels so it could be a lot where’s he at he’s in the crow oh uhhuh is he now bro I put

Berries in your dude your thing dude you don’t need any more berries maybe I wanted to keep meos and entos in this guy maybe they’re going to freaking expire so I got plans for him and not the expired bears can I oh he he definitely only has three

Levels can I rank his weight up yeah dude that’s what he’s for all right he’s only got 9,000 weight oh no he’s got 27 more Levels all right now he’s can I take him out for a for a metal run sure bro all right I’ll be back I did put some points in health and stamina by the way that’s fine just in case like you know how it is man I I put him up to 10K

Health and then 1500 well, 1400 stamina I ain’t dud I got to make Lazarus Chows dude there there’s a like a baby blue like Corvette yellow Pteranodon out here 140 he’s actually gorgeous I do like the the lot Blues he’s got good stats too dude you would like him man what what uh

What level 140 he’s really pretty man might time him up I pinned him I got to make this kibble it’s on my mind oh well I’m I’m going to run away from him so he’s over here by this island or you know just off our Island okay check him out GE

Dude I’m probably sure to cook meat There’s plenty of like raw meat upstairs in the bin in case you need more no I just cook meat oh I guess I need to cook it that’s what I mean yeah you could cook it if you need to instead of going out and hunting a bunch of animals you

Can go pull it out of that bin there a 145 quetzel up here gu that one we’ seen earlier we threw the quel out and like checked them out bro you say that Pteranodon was right off the side of the the bay yeah it’s on that one rock

In between home and the and the island right there that’s a t him up while I’m loting on my Lazarus chatter there’s tapi ARS all over the place but they’re level freaking two man I forgot how fat and slow the RGS are my goodness this is just unpleasant pretty

Right he reminds me he he looks like a starburst can you land sir that’d be awesome if you would got to land eventually right nope infinite stamina I mean I could always shoot him with a gun oh he looks like he’s thinking about Landing yes get over the

Beach yes yes yes yes yes come on down go in no no no yes yes yes Yes we got that other that other PT what did we name that Zoey oh he’s going in for a Landon you got like nine birds named Zoe Zach no cuz they die oh I’ve had nine birds named Zoe you’re not naming them ones and twos and threes and

Fours uh no I just do that with like breeding dinosaurs a hey Scythe good luck sir take your time dude I know there’s a Time limit on that Vault dude but just take your time there’s no rush to it there’s plenty more vaults after the first One come on boom huh that was weird yeah I’m going to knocked him out I’m going to go get some traps and put around him before I actually start taming him cuz this happened to me last time I started taming him and a raptor come in

And hit him and he lost all taming Effectiveness that freaking sucks dude y so I’m just going to leave him knocked out because nothing I don’t think anything will attack him until I start taming you know what I mean uh I think that that’s not

Accurate I think it is all right I I I’m just saying I’m giving you my personal feel thoughts and feelings I don’t think that that’s the case okay I think it is uh that’s fine I mean I’m look man you can take whatever you want I’m just saying be careful it’s fine K

Hello oh look at this dodo ready bow bow just sent that dodo flying is that an alpha over there freaking Dilophosaurus is dude bunch of Home Wreckers dude they’re so annoying get him out of here what the heck get me you go volcano or did you go to the Middle Island Middle Island

Okay why did you hit that already cuz it’s kind of feeling empty M iarm the only metal I farmed was on the island today don’t feel like there’s a ton of stuff here but I could just be looking at the wrong part of the island doing good K how you doing how you

Doing oh there’s the metal dude found it all did you get it I’m about to nice dude are you getting like weird like plant textures too uh not that I’ve noticed every now and then I see a plant that’s just plain black there’s no texture there’s no color it’s just like flat matte

Black doing great good dude you get any of that good sushi again cuz that sushi that you sent looks phen phenomenal I was going to say phenomenal and fantastic didn’t come out right yeah I got this man boxed up tighter than a I don’t know what tighter than a bone Christmas baby

Yeah now then let’s uh let’s shut that let’s uh how many kibble does he need he needs three so we’ll put four on him sadly no I’ve been thinking about getting some uh some sushi5 narc he might not need NC dude he should level up quickly probably shouldn’t but

I just I’m not going to sit here with him so like I don’t want him to wake up I got to go craft kibble K as good as that Sushi looked I would probably be trying to get that stuff every day if I were you I haven’t had sushi in probably like

Six seven months I need to get some do you like sushi I I love it dude really I didn’t know that mhm that was one of those things that my mom would have never ever tried like not that she didn’t like it she just refused to try it my dad won’t try it

Either uh some I mean I don’t know I think something about raw fish throws people off right it does does your dad like actual fish though uh not like crazy see my mom didn’t even like actual fish my dad likes like flounder occasionally but not really he he don’t

Eat it a lot out of all the fish you could eat flounder I love flounder man I’ll tell you one of the beach strips we went one of the specials was like a full flounder cooked and this thing bro was like literally a foot and a half plate

And the whole plate was the flounder and it was probably 2 and 1/2 in thick like the way cuz they didn’t fillet it they just literally took a whole flounder and cut its head off head and tail off and like breaded it and seasoned it and then they like took one of them

Metal uh what are they called like my brains no no no like you know like you know how like a fence looks it’s got like you know the like the the the loops or the triang or the diamond Loops whatever they’re called yeah the braids they took a they took something like

That and like smashed it in on both sides and so it like cut it in these little bitty like filleted squ squares oh that’s cool dude and I’m telling you what it is by far the best flounder I’ve ever ate in my life it’s funny cuz

Flounder is not really a popular fish to be eaten like a lot of people like flounder but it’s not like most people’s first pick on fish all right Lazarus Chowder’s cooking up I’m about to go pull the honey let me make sure I got everything Jack Smithy the uh the vegetable Sushi

Does sound pretty good good I can’t tell you I’ve ever had any myself but I mean I feel like the whole concept of sushi is pretty cool I like it I’ve tried making it myself at home and it’s just not the same it’s good but it’s not what you get

At a restaurant for sure I don’t know what they do differently but it’s freaking Del delicious at the restaurant there’s a place not too far away called sakuras that I like eel’s amazing oh I’ve never had eel I think the place I like does eel you know what dude it’s been like

It’s like you know I keep telling you like oh I’m going to get a sub I’m going to get some pizza uh like I still have not gone and gotten any pizza I’ve not gotten any subs I’ve just been eating at home uh I need to go and get some sushi and

Sub Sushi and Subs and Pizza all in one night man no I couldn’t eat that much food take a look at Zoe I don’t remember her man I don’t either oh man she’s got like aqua blue and so she’s going to make a really pretty baby with the first one I didn’t

See if it’s a male or female oh it’s a male nice I don’t think that they mix colors I think that they it picks one of the other and sometimes they can mutate to a different color my bubble don’t bust my bubble I’m not trying baby we get all

Right you watch yourself son I’m watching I’m looking right in the mirror you watch it’s kind of gross though do I have to keep doing it stepping on uh bad ground stepping all over Holy Ground sir yeah I can only make 12 cuz my cooker has got so many eggs in it okay

All right raptor is a Japanese sushi place that you like to hit before Co their Sushi was so good and you don’t even eat fish wow I mean that’s saying something right it must be good it closed down because of the vid that’s freaking awful dude that was one of the

Worst aspects like don’t give me wrong like there’s a lot of bad aspects of Co but like dude so many small businesses not just restaurants but all kinds of businesses just got crapped all over and not even because of like the actual sicknesses because of all the laws and

Imped thems that these different states and countries were applying it just like it freaking crushed so many places and unfortunately the places that like prospered during those times are things like freaking McDonald’s kind of disgusting we are pumping the kibble buddy pumping it pump it dude there was a a raptor attacking a

Lro and I killed the Raptor with a shotgun and the lro just ran up to the the Raptor and just started beating its dead cheeks in dude he’s like yeah that’s what you get that’s what you get your dude’s got like one more eat left by the way yeah I’m about to about

To go over I got some more K cool I’m pick him up if you could just like pame up now that’d be like always awesome to maintain a strict neutrality when it comes to tribal m but then again oh you could customize your Sushi’s there that’s even cooler

Dude as that sounds awesome I’ve never seen a place where you could customize your sushi test subjects but he has also expressed a mutual the place all like has a good variety they have one that uh I don’t know exactly what’s in it but it’s crab it’s like a spider crab or

Something like that and it’s like the full crab it like shell and everything and they deep fry the crab and then they turn it into a sushi roll it’s freaking incredible cuz they like they let the the crab itself like hang out of the sushi roll so like it’s legs PE it’s

It’s really funky looking but it it’s delicious dude I mean it’s fried crap dog like Much weight does old donkey have a lot a dude I’m still collecting M like I have one wait 6 12 I have almost 18 stacks of metal on me on the ano and he’s not even close to being l or being full not even freaking close

Dog that is kind of nutty yeah the bird is like not even remotely close to being full the ankle is going to fill up before the or the the bird does now I’m you then you can transfer some to the bird man that’s true it’s going to like gain

A weight a lot faster on the bird cuz the CL gets the 80% reduction instead of the 50 but yeah yeah you’re right there’s athia out here oh it’s level 80 What else does that place have dude their California rules are really good I think a I’m pretty sure the definition of a California R is that it’s like inside out it’s like instead of the uh instead of the seaweed wrap on the outside it’s like uh rice on the

Outside Z do you use the Chopsticks uh yeah ma’am do you actually yeah dude all right you impressed me you think I am some hillbilly well yes I’m a little offended beef just joking dude I am a little bit of a hill Bailey chop sticks are tough though oh I

Need one two three four 5 6 7even I need seven more eggs all right we got 66 more kibble I like this steady I like this steady kibble income man we’re going to need so much more dude get it go go get more please hurry up we need like 500 times

That I mean if I we’re gaining more kibble than we’re using so I think we’re fine no when I got on today we had 200 kibble I mean to be fair I’ve only tamed one thing but we’re up to 260 so I think we’re good okay I didn’t realize I

Thought you meant 60 in total and I was like just going to give you a hard time about it but I didn’t realize we had 260 kibble dude what do we need 300 kibble for that way in case I want to go on a mass taming spree you know you mean a

Mass taming spree and then murdering spree cuz like you’re going to have to kill them all we we don’t have room for all those dinos I put them somewhere get rid all these penguins uh what am I going to name this this male he is Beau beautiful dude what the the bird yeah

Starburst okay doesn’t he look like a starburst bright blue and yellow yeah he does I like that name okay you guys can make babies later okay I need to help you farm some metal I guess I mean buddy I have so much metal so you may breed some the in oh

Yeah dude if you can start doing that you might as well get a jump okay so I need my berry out to go ahead and get some food before I start this oh I just crowd sickness him well that is what it is jam it he has so much torpidity who

Is it holy wake up quickly no the freaking Berry oh yeah they don’t wake up quickly let me just slam him with some Stam I didn’t mean to do that dude I’m trying to remember your old path up this mountain I I went from the one mountain to the next I’m about to

Like completely decimate two whole mountains before I even get close to being full on inventory I’m glad we made a big haul and rgy like that I mean I that was all you dude I didn’t intend on doing that like I’m glad you did

Too I I had no intention of doing that I was like nah I got my RG he carries enough weight I didn’t realize like having 15,000 weight was going to be so valuable yeah that’s uh that’s going to be good that’s going to make a metal run feel

Like a freaking metal run you know what I’m saying well buddy I don’t know if you like have any clue how much metal I have but um I have uh cleared two entire mountains that’s insane I cleared the mountain that we usually go to in between us and the

Volcano and then I cleared the original Mountain that we were on the old server on cleared that was crazy bro and I’m literally I have enough space to go to the volcano that is crazy do we have any raw medal anywhere uh yeah in the miscellaneous chest there should be about a

Stack I need just a little bit should be it’s not a guarantee but it should be dude I hate that it took me this long to start using in the tracking thing oh the the recipe tracker yeah dude it’s pretty good dog I just never

Used it it goes hard I I like it specifically for cryos and stuff like that I mean eventually you learn the recipe but you know but I I like seeing the amount you know what I mean making sure that I’ve got enough well that it tells you exactly how many you can craft

Of what you’re trying to craft with the materials you have on your person yeah that’s what I like about it okay we got a food trough cuz I stole the other food trough and put it on the boat back in the old breeding Barn dude the ank is full or almost full

On inventory so I think I’m going to run back and then make another trip to the volcano yeah get that thing smelting you know what I’m saying yeah oh I bet this food and props got so much spoil meat oh yeah it does let’s get all you out of there keep

A stack or two The Beatles like it I mean this is the CRS in the barn oh Smithy you said that the yours was the veggies you really like the salmon ones but they either Grill them or smoked them oh man that sounds good too grilled or smoked veggies the spicy sauce yeah

Dude oh man you guys know I’ve got this most of y’all know that are already here I’ve got this special coming up for when I hit 500 Subs I’m going to do like the uh the last dab sauce um which is ridiculously high it’s like 3 million Scoville units the the box of

SP uh excuse me spicy sauce that I bought came with two other spicy sauces one listed at like half capacity and then the other one listed at like two out of 10 capacity for spicy and uh I figured you know like that’s not what we

Came here for right so uh I I broke those two open the the the simple one and the super spice or the halfway spicy one and I tried them they’re delicious dude not only are they like really hot but they’re freaking really delicious like those guys know what they’re doing

They they make some good sauce I can’t wait to try well I can wait uh it’s going to be miserable the last dab is going to be so bad op you ever accidentally hit your DPI switch your DPI setting the DPI I don’t what are you talking about on your

Mouse your sensitivity oh uh yeah I mean not often but yeah I can’t stand when I do it bro um who makes the hot sauce it’s uh the hot sauce from the hot ones challenge like those dudes on YouTube that they they basically like interview uh I don’t know celebrities and stuff like

That uh that’s who makes the sauce Warhawk you got any me on you oh you do clut okay baby the the first sty out oh I I got to make some fi saddles or see if we have any yeah it’s it’s literally their brand of hot sauce

Um it’s delicious man it’s very good you can get like really expensive pouches like some of them go up to like $100 and it’s got like every single hot sauce that they have on the show but I got like a mini little tiny pouch that has

Like just the last dab um a ver sauce which is phenomenal it’s very very good dude that’s my favorite one and then they have one that’s basically like Sriracha uh which is not very spicy at all it I think it was like $30 for the three bottles of hot

Sauce but I mean if you want like all 10 of their sauces then you know you can buy like the entire thing we have no fezy Saddles dude I don’t know what it is with the Saddles but we’re just having a hard time getting the ones that we’re fighting

With dude there are so many Alpha Raptors running around this world I’m not even going to bother with this group I’ve killed so many of them and they ate that spino I was trying to get the trophy from the spino let’s just mik some Saddles uh Saddles Zach you know that like gigantic

Turtle in the DLC that they showed for the for like the desert Place yeah did you know that thing flies uh no I did not it freaking flies that’s kind of crazy isn’t it dude it like just cuz it can it’s basically uh a I was going to

Say a Wetzel it’s basically a quetzel but like significantly larger into a turtle yeah that thing is uh this thing is nutty man you can build an entire base on it and keep dinosaurs on its back kind of crazy andand it flights that’s the crazy part I know it

Makes no sense dude it’s a turtle it’s like it’s a giant rock is what it is it’s a rock with legs and a face and like it [Laughter] flies theyve really kind of like bit into the Sci-Fi aspect of it for that DLC but it’s cool I got to move my Lazarus chowers

Out the cooker I could use with some more to be honest with you but we got some all right I’m home how was the run good I’m going to do another one I’m going to go back out to the volcano this time though okay just crafting thzy Saddles

And uh whatnot getting ready to start some breeding yeah dude take your time it’s going to be a while for me that dude is still unconscious oh yeah yeah I just started doing other things I cranked 300 stimulated him which I have enough meat up here to get me started but I’d like

To uh let me go and put a saddle on you sir oh this one’s green bro what is this fzy cool like he’s like camish dude I like you guy all I like you too guy actually I’m not going to let you anything right now we’ll just keep you thzy till I see

What we get a I need some gasoline Gasolina there’s 180 in this thing in the cooker I’ll take some of it you didn’t take it all dude okay I mean we have so much there’s like over three stacks inside the the generator in the

House you get to take a peek at how much metal I have too I’m looking I’m not done that is a buttload of metal bro I’m not I wasn’t done oh there you go now I’m done yeah that’s a that’s a huge amount that’s a load of metal right nice

Job yeah that’s a load of metal that’s way more than I thought I was going to end up with that is a load of metal oh this PT is pretty it’s purple yeah remember that song Gasolina I don’t know how it goes but Gasolina that’s all I

Know all right all right all right all right all right uh what was I going to do I’m going to do this I’m I’m going to put up all the B the basil actually they probably have levels right eh not many one thing that we need to do when do you

Plan on doing an underwater cave sir oh never mind we need to throw out all of the fish and get all of them uh leveled up and healed yep we do need to do that uh whatever man all right I mean we can take our time on

That we’re focusing on boss fights today in fact you know what we could make buddy we have 132 of this element do you want to make that that crowd terminal oh it takes 5,000 metal ingots or oh no we can’t make the tech replicator either because we need yet

Another 5,000 metal ingots and 150 black pearls which means we’re going to have to do the underwater stuff yeah we’re going to have find a to so we’re still going to need like bazillions of this uh this element though so it’s not going to hurt us to

Do the boss fights over and over again oh dude I’m a Fool dog you know what we do to check on the freaking megas instead of driving all the way over there is just hit the tracking list it shows you their health and stats oh good

Call uh one of them is still at 26 6,000 health for some reason but the rest of them are doing good one’s at 28,000 yeah I’m telling you I think the deon’s he one at a time I think you’re right cuz some of them are full health

Well I think most of them are actually one of them is full health but most of them are mostly full that sucks I’m surprised it’s not like an AOE this one got the health 40 melee uh what am I going to do with it I wonder what kind of kibble I can make

Out of a theena egg trash it’s all trash just use the other eggs well I mean for timing purposes okay I didn’t ask you Bieber did I ask you like hey can you give me your opinion you specifically said hey I wonder what kind of kibble I can make

Out of those eggs I did and I responded but it was kind of a rhetorical question cuz I didn’t know you was going to be so uh negative we should have expected it but whatever I’m killing all the thees out in the wild by the way oh it’s

Exceptional what else do I need just a focal chili we have that yeah we have that should where’s the focal chili let me take one of them a lot of the where you keep your rare flowers out bud in the far left fridge one of

Those dude I found a fzy that was like bright orange on its belly but it was level 20 so I started blasting it yeah we don’t want to level 20s he was pretty though I’m surprised the fzy is exceptional kibble I think you got to be like level

70 or 80 or something to make a saddle true V true okay they’re going to breed again in a few more I got a couple more minutes well I need to make a PT saddle PT you got any other good metal spots dead bu hey buddy it go good how you do

Good how you go dude how you do go dude not really no metal spots the volcano the Middle Island and their second playthrough island is the only like places I can really think of there’s a 150 tap of Yara here you want that I mean

Nah okay I know you don’t want to deal with it I mean I’m just breeding here bro no I know you’re busy we not have no cotton wait keratin will work right yeah same thing we do have Kiton we have like a 300 stacks of kitan or we don’t have

Keratin well we definitely should have like loads of keratin well we don’t have one of them Bud well if we if we do I just don’t see it you’re blind I mean I’m not looking for it super super hard you’re blind maybe I need to stand up during

This breeding session and eat a little a little bit my legs are hurting should I be killing caros still do we still need that for one of them your internet has zero stability that’s terrible dude you need to get that socker figured out just insta kill to freaking Cara

Dude I when I harvest creatures with the the bird I do not get the trophies I do sometimes well I do most of the time I’ve harvested like seven thees not gotten a single claw I just did a Caro didn’t get an arm inventory ain’t full is it no not even

Close de but I don’t know what to tell you man that sucks you got to get it figured out I’m pretty fortunate to have decent internet dude Zack I got on the game today I was getting ready to start my stream earlier and I had my eard drums

Blown to a bazillion pieces I don’t know what it was but my headphones exploded in my ears like so loud that I was like I I threw my headphones and had to like step away it was that loud what kind of noise was it it was just white noise like an explosion

Oh that is weird dude your PC is so weird about it’s uh it’s audio Yeah it’s just an audio like it just like it’s never happened before and uh oh I’m fighting a dino dude I keep getting 3940 miles it’s not what I want I just killed an Alo and didn’t get

A freaking brain dude um but yeah dude I I was getting ready start streaming and I was getting ready to pick the song for the introduction and uh it just blasted my freaking head off it was like a white noise explosion like you know how like your TV your oldfashioned like not a

Flat screen TV cuts out and it goes it’s like it was like that but like incredibly loud and I couldn’t get it was everything all my audio did that not only did my the music from that website that I use for my I’m using right now

YouTube did it my game did it everything did it it it every piece of audio made that noise and I like I shut everything down I reset my computer and uh I I brought I reset everything I brought it back up I uh opened everything back up

And I had no audio for anything nothing zero audio for anything and I fussed around with my settings for about 15 minutes and by the time I got like annoyed cuz I was like I can’t figure it out I have no idea what’s going on um I

Like went I walked away I used the bathroom and I came back I put my headphones on and I tried it and it worked fine and I haven’t had any issues since dude really dude I think somebody’s in my computer I think somebody’s hacked you I think so I bet you it’s the

Mozzarella SMP you’re not wrong I didn’t think about that what the mozzarella whoever you pissed off of Minecraft dude I didn’t P they tried to freaking send like like Anonymous links through the chat they were trying to get people they were trying to send that the

Somebody was like one of the like so they were it was all fun and games man they were messing around and they were having a good time and it was kind of funny at first but then they were like all right I need your email so I can

Send you all these links and I was like no like no man and ever since then it they went like dark dude they they started like insulting people and they were like they kept making like new accounts and rejoining the servers and I was like I just started Banning them

Instantly every time I saw them and if granted I haven’t heard back from them forever I haven’t seen anything about them but uh I don’t know it’s always in the back of my mind I’m like it’s the mozzarella could be I think it’s kind of

Funny if it is I mean it is kind of funny but like dude I I crapped my pants like it was so loud I didn’t I literally almost crapped my pants like I’ve never heard anything that loud before I didn’t know my headphones could go that loud really it was legitimately

It was like an explosion in my ears dude it was that loud that’s kind of that’s not cool actually I I dude I was like I didn’t know what was going on it freaking scared the piss out of me like I like I said I had no idea my

Headphones could go that loud cuz like it hurt it was actually painful but I don’t know I haven’t had any issues since and my audio seems to be fine now like you know how Windows is always like adjusting my volume settings it’s like it seems to be fine

Today I don’t know I but D you think what does stes eat do they eat meat or berries uh what’ you tame it with oh kble kble uh let me just get some berries I might need berries here let me just take these T toes that’s fine that’s a good

Question dude I I’m not sure I’m going to throw OS and me then see which one he eats yeah uh we’ll test it with this guy so we’re going to give you some berries he just ate it I think the berries yep they eat berries not

Meat okay well let’s put some berries in the feeding tra like he won’t eat meat I mean I don’t know or that’s OD the r yeah y’all are in the range okay good good good good we got a 3943 f female so that will replace this female cool cool cool we’re going to

Hatch this one in not to like keep harping on this mozzarella thing though but when I every time I think about that it always makes me wonder I’m like what kind of Life do people have if that’s if they are if they are like hacking into people’s computers

And stuff like that like what kind of life is that like what a miserable existence that must be to like have to like cuz there are people out there that do that kind of stuff there’s people that do like scams and and all that crap

And I just I think about that I’m like man those people must have the worst lives imaginable I’d rather be an orphan are you laughing at my opinions I’m just laughing at you right though like imagine like spending your life just like doing that specifically like somebody upset me so

I’m going to hack their computer and mess with them like what a miserable freaking sag of turd dude I need some berries I got berries on my inventory to put on this FY I’m GNA try with no he at the berries I’m going to do this with the

Berries he’s just going an Axe and Vault Hunters it was 27 and a half attack damage plus 27 attack damage plus 14% attack speed wow dude that’s freaking outrageous dead B dude you missed it dude before I started um freaking this stupid game Arc crap game um I was

Playing Vault hunters and I got like a treasure room like a treasure treasure room it it was a the first room outside of the vault door was uh it I don’t even know exactly what it’s called but it’s it’s got four segments to it it’s a big

Square um with platforms that walks all the way from like forward and perpendicular right so like you can get across to each room but in each of the four segments is just uh four like massive pits of treasure sand and uh you just mine the treasure

Sand and it all provides like an immense amount of loot just like lots of gear lots of uh Jewels lots of everything dude it was freaking awesome I was like crap in my pants dude and Zach I I tried to tell Zach about it and he was like you’re just

Stupid I was like oh well they’ll understand Zach yeah bu you got nothing to say about that you like no you said Minecraft so I zoned out yeah you started talking about Minecraft and I just ignore it dude that’s what so Taye said that that is literally like not even an

Exaggeration the rarest room in the entire game and I it was the first room in the entire like Vault like as soon as I opened up the Vault jumped in it was the first dog freaking room dude and uh I I literally spent the entire 25

Minutes just mining sand I broke my tool dude mods folder moment yeah dude so I spent the entire Vault I didn’t complete the quest or nothing I didn’t leave that room I just Min sand for 25 minutes and collected loot filled up my boxes I walked away with two two full shulker

Boxes of unidentified Vault gear and uh like almost two full shulker boxes of uh Jewels like you know you know uh fancy jewels and then just a bunch of other stuff tons of key pieces tons I got like 26 key pieces dude which is ridiculous and then a bunch of other stuff like

Tons of silver scrap um and just so much other stuff dude it was ridiculous it made no sense I mined 27,000 sand at the end of The Vault it shows the statistic and uh I just let time run out I literally just mined with my hands

Until uh till it it ran out of time and sent me home dude I almost finished every single block of sand um I finished three segments and then the fourth segment had like I don’t know maybe a quarter of the sand left wait if the room is red on the mini

Map run wait the sand room if the sand room’s red on the mini map run why do you why why do you say that cuz I just I dove right in head first dude I wasted no time I just started looting speaking of looting Zach I’ve

Not been paying a li of attention to where this Giga might be oh well you know he’ll sneak up on you like he did last time um think don’t you lose Dunkey oh jeez yeah you’re right well that’s why I ranked his health up dude

Just in case yeah yeah yeah he can take a couple looks he’s imprinted to no he’s not imprinted oh what are you doing dude I mean he was a wild T you need to get one that’s imprinted oh you get the best room variant oh interesting so it’s literally

The Identical room but it’s red on the mini map and like I’m assuming it’s death in a box the way you described it run in all capital letters dude VA Hunters man is so freaking fun like I I know I say it every single time I play and I’m talking

About it now when I’m not even playing Vault Hunters but dude it is by far like look rlcraft ton of fun there’s a ton of really cool mods in the in the uh World um and I really haven’t had the best like chance to experience them all but

Vault Hunters is like the coolest mod I’ve ever seen in my entire freaking life like cooler than anything I’ve seen other people play on YouTube it is so fun and not it’s not just fun in general it’s like the most satisfying like most enjoyable most well balanced mod like the progression is

Very well balanced the gear is very well balanced the loot system is very well balanced like the everything now not to say that it doesn’t it doesn’t have places it could be worked on on right nothing’s perfect but gosh dang is it close like the magnet man having a

Magnet soak up items like from a chest that you break with a tool that you created from things that you looted and earned is so satisfying and you just run around and just like excuse me shred these chests and all the chest just like drop

All this Loot and the the loot goes like all up in your inventory it’s just so satisfying and then at the end of the dungeon you go back home and you freaking dude oh Zach what’s up bud I just learned something what’s up Zach you can mine metal with the ank

On your hands with the bird you don’t have to get off you just drag it into the metal node and he picks it up no I swear nah I swear dude open the stream right now I believe you dude you need to see it though give me a

Minute got a situation it’s Auto M dude the ank Auto mines the metal nodes I knew it did an ES a es uh whatever the other one was yeah ASC but you had to like you had to like go into a setting and like activate it and I didn’t think

They allowed that on this one cuz that like setting screen I’ve never seen anybody get to so I just assumed they done away with it I just did it by accident and didn’t realize what happened until I tried to like run into it again and I

Was like oh he’s just doing it that’s really cool okay now he’s not doing it well now he’s not doing it oh huh wonder if he’s full maybe what did you poop me out this time and dude all the females in the world what a G man nice got got three

Fezy females it’s not the best because it’s could be no it is well it could be 43 melee but I’ll get the health stat so I can start uh Mass producing these babies here in just a second dead B you said that it wasn’t like that before but it is it’s great

Now that’s what Tay was explaining to me that like yeah there’s been a lot of adjustments to to Vault hunters and like considering this is Vault Hunters the Third Edition right like obviously it’s been in the works for a long time there’s been a lot of adjustments made

Over the years um I think that way they’ve gotten is absolutely phenomenal man like those developers are s tier people dude like they I’m I’ve said this before but I I can’t understand why Mojang is not like begging these people to be like working for them and and

Developing Minecraft for them or with them right yes dude it got the weight that a girl Zoe only took me three tries cool that’s a keeper that’s a keeper all right I got I’m getting this metal thing to work but it’s not consistent huh yeah see like in ASC you could like

Go into a screen and like turn turn on like Auto Metal and like he would just be like swinging the whole time while you’re flying around but I haven’t seen anybody like do that on ASA so I don’t I don’t know well it seemed to happen automatically but now I’m not sure

What’s going on a lot of love one into Vault Hunters dude you’re hands down hands down I really did and like I know that like iscal kind of carries the name of Vault hunters and I know he plays a very large role in the development of it but dude

His team man his team is where it’s at they’ve done such a good job it it really it blows me away how good they are at what they do um I would love to to see them do more than just Vault Hunters cuz I feel like they have so

Much uniqueness and Innovation and creativity and the way they develop um in general like it it doesn’t even have to be a mod it doesn’t have to be Minecraft I feel like they’re very talented at what they do um they dude those people could go places

Like I feel like there’s no reason why they shouldn’t why are you following me baby therizinosaur get back in the barn get over here no get in the barn get in the barn you start with me did you know you got metal from mining the obsidian nodes with the

Ank no oh God I got to get my little guy I don’t have no meat ah I got a lot going on be take your time I got a baby PT and three the’s and about to hatch another theory another female dude that is Juicy cuz I should be able with the next

We’ll just keep you guys cranking out oh let me look at your colors oh you are are you like your dad yeah you’re just like your no you’re just like your mom no you’re just like your mother I really wanted the starbust color but I

Can use this one cuz it’s a female right no it’s a male I really quit breeding pts and breed something useful I mean I’m breeding thees and PTs all right that’s fine pop shove it pop shove it son what that’s a skateboarding trick what are you talking about well

You just po shov it up you jing jong whoa that’s what I think I’m going to start pulling out some Vault Hunter references and you’re going to be all confused I’ll just mute you simple kibble I can smell that Minecraft mumbo jumbo a mile away oh so you’re familiar

With it you know what you know you’ve played it’s just a it’s just a mumbo jumbo it stinks dude Mumbo Jomo is a great YouTuber well he makes Minecraft videos yeah it’s you don’t know this but he actually is a that’s an actual person that makes YouTube videos on Minecraft

He’s like a redstone genius it makes sense his name’s mumbo jumbo lowlevel IQ player dude he’s actually freaking slick that man is made like redstone’s complicated it’s really hard to grasp and he makes crazy stuff it’s like I have even more metal than I did the first first time good

I don’t want kibble when I throw you back out please God you bounc some mile away exceptional kibble I got you he said I got eggs I I got all the eggs that’s why we make that exceptional kibble Times Like These Times Like These okay I need

To think about what I need to do here I need to turn breeding off of that first thei and get these good breeders growed up Z have you seen anything on vault Hunters though no bro I don’t watch anything on Minecraft I feel like it’s not Minecraft though that’s the thing like just

Because it’s played in Minecraft doesn’t mean it’s anything like Minecraft It’s Like a Dungeon Crawler but with like Minecraft as a by uh byproduct you should watch it you uh you told me about it yeah you want to hear more I’ll talk I’ll talk all day no I can talk all day about

It I can zone out pretty easily well dude see there’s this thing that does the stuff and the thing that does the things and the stuff does this thing too and if you do this other thing while you do this stuff then like you can actually get this thing with the stuff and

Like that’s all you hear right that’s a noise just an know do y’all have food on you no you don’t cuz I really want to like slap a bunch of food on oh you need something what do you need oh you need more meat don’t you and

Then you need an aul Berry I got you PT said I came prepared got you nice see dead but news all right everybody’s chill oops my bad I need I need one two three do I only have three four you’re the other one I need four therea

Saddles for these breeders and I’ll wait to saddle the rest of them up in case we find a juicy saddle you know what I mean yeah dude speaking of Juicy I have not seen this uh this Giga anywhere which is kind of odd he’s somewhere I know he’s not like he’s nowhere

I need quite a bit of wood I need a stack of wood and a stack of hide to go in the Smithy this ano is so overweight dude I can’t carry anything else wait till you see how much metal I’m bringing home this time you’re going to crap you’ll be like

Dude you go this time like twice as much as I did the first time and I’m not done I so where did you go oh the volcano oh what the heck why did that happen like that there’s just so much metal here I can’t pass it up do you need like any uh

Obsidian please don’t say yes cuz uh I want metal I mean yeah we need obsidian but we can always do an obsidian run all right we’re going to need to I don’t need it like right this minute tonight but we don’t have a ton of polymer at the

Moment but there’s a bunch of why are there so much obsidian in the smithie why are we making polymer out of that I moved it what do you mean Beaver what that’s your fault I always got to clean your messes up I literally just got done cleaning

Your mess up what what mess all of them which one the all three of them dude yeah that’s what I thought I had nothing you never do come on get that get that automatically freaking ankler all right now I’m coming home I got too much if I keep going I’m going

To end up not not being not being able to get home the bird honestly could carry more weight though not much a little bit I might be able to get like another stack of metal on the bird and still not fat fly home but uh I’d have to go find

More nodes so I’m just going to come home did you ever notice that the RG carries things with one foot for some reason uh I haven’t paid that much attention this is like 899,000 lb like anosa surus is being killed with or carried with one foot all the way well I

Mean that’s a strong rgy bro yeah that’s donkey that boy donk boy this is where I get I run into like a freaking helicopter and he just claps my cheeks dude cuz I can’t get away parasaur okay you’re getting shotgunned body block me again yeah body block him again

In while I’m fat walking up to the barn cuz I got too many Saddles and berries on me first off let’s drop these berries off so I can quit fat walking cool I’ll put the saddles in the chest up here okay I made a little bit too many Saddles but it’ll be

Fine oh what are y’all doing all right I stopped on another Mountain on the way home to get more loot be that way sometimes I don’t know why I just realized this but like you can overload the crap out of the ano and still carry him with the the

Bird oh really yeah yeah it doesn’t matter how fat the ank is well you still like are you still Auto farming with him I’m trying to it’s not working anymore though you can’t cook fish meat should same bin as the the prime meat Prime cooked meat nice dude this song is awesome It’s

Banging I can’t tell if those wolves are from the music or if they’re from the game okay you can can go up ma’am CU I have better thzy breeders on the way all right now I’m on my way home okay I’m looking at about 8,000 weight on the RG full of

Metal it is straight up like twice as much as I had before it’s ridiculous we’re we’re going to end up with like maybe enough metal to make both of those machines the tech replicator and uh the the like baby the baby Grabber what what’s it called uh I don’t remember what it’s actually

Called all right well I’m going to go up to the barn and just sit and go get some food and some orange juice juice cuz I feel I don’t feel sick but like that freaking muscle relaxer is making me feel all like blah so some orange juice

Make me feel better I bet it would you get some minerals in you some vitamins yeah which my back is starting to like pop and crack just like I’m definitely loosening up so maybe that’ll help get this knot out let this Anglo walk all over your back oh a I

Could there is more metal here no I got some some meat loaf I’m about to tear into Bud oo that sounds good feels good dude been on that strict diet for a month and it feels good to just be like I’m eating whatever the piss I

Want yeah how much did you end up losing man I lost 5 lb that’s good dude it’s tough to lose weight when you’re like when you got all that going on when you go to a gym like that every single day well I don’t know if you go

Every day but like you’re a freaking gym head we’ll put it that way yeah I don’t I I walk around with a lot of muscle I did a I’d like to do another one is this aren’t you still good yeah it ain’t that old uh back like three years

Ago so I’d been going to the gym for like two years I did a uh oh god oh I did one of them uh like body analysis things and like figured out how much my bones weighed how much uh lean muscle I had how much fat I had

And it was kind of cool man cuz one of the guys I worked with weighed like like I think he weighed like 140 lb and I almost had as much lean muscle as he weigh as his whole body weigh wow dude that’s actually outrageous man cuz I was

Walking around at that time I think I was walking around at like 2:30 and I had like 120 125 lbs of lean muscle That’s crazy dude but now I’m wondering if I’m uh I would say I would say I’m still around like 130 lb of lean muscle probably I think my bones

Weighed I think my bones weighed like 55 or 60 lbs it’s kind of that’s what kind of blew me off but you got to think there’s a lot of bones in your body you know yeah I mean how like what is it like 300 something most of them are in your feet

I think they’re 286 is what I want to say but I could be wrong I think you’re at least you’re very close and and I think most of them are in your feet man let’s Google it it’s all you buddy I’m flying I’m just sitting in the barn I’m just I’m on Barn

Duty it’s all right I’m on Donkey Duty what was it bones yeah thank you buddy my brain’s starting to not process as fast as it should guess I’m just tired too uh bones how many bones in the human body 26 I overshot it quite a

Bit I guess I overshot it by 80 how many are in your feet oh I guess you have two feet feet so double it uh 52 in each foot no there’s 26 bones it’s composed of 33 joints and 26 bones and more than 100 muscle tendons and

Ligaments the feet are crazy dude yeah right and that’s why people have feet fetishes cuz there’s so many bones yeah oh I don’t know why why do people have beat FES do what I said why do people have feet fages like what’s the I can’t I can’t answer that one I can’t answer

That one you can’t give up your secrets no I’ll take them take them to my grave Bud uh what was I going to say oh like my coordinator man he broke his foot and like like he had to have two plates and 17 screws to put his freaking foot back together and he

Didn’t even like he didn’t even like shatter his foot or anything he just there’s apparently like there’s this big growth plate or like plate on the top of your foot that kind of connects the top of your foot to your ankle bone and stuff and uh he broke that well he

Didn’t break the plate but he broke it Loose from where it all hooks up and uh yeah he’s got like a chain link fence in his foot now gosh dang dude that sounds horrible yeah I feel for him dude cuz he can’t he can’t move

It I think he can bend it like up and down but he has no movement left or right yet and so he’s going to have to have physical therapy long time too yeah and I’m afraid he’s going to have like a he’ll probably cuz he’s a little bit older

Than me he’s like 38 so he’s going to he’s probably going to be limping for possibly the rest of his life some limp that’s terrible man where are we at how close are these guys they’re like 38 they grow up super slow there ain’t nothing I can do about

It oh I can look at your next egg what’s this egg dude quit throwing me these 30 weight cuz I want an imprinted one that looks like Starburst and I’m going to get it I don’t know what I’m going to do with all these PT eggs that

I keep getting I’ll make some type of kibble out of them I’m going to eat real quick though but I’m out I’m at my mic that’s fine buddy I’m uh dumping all this metal in the bin for C open the door K open the door I can’t get in the door

Dude door buddy I don’t just the front door of the house huh don’t I don’t know man what you got what you got going on down there bud just leave me alone now I got to come check on you oh buddy I messed up what’s the matter H I messed up you

Metal underneath the forge can you help me what do you need me to do uh I was trying to get it without moving the forge I only have two minutes we got to do it now what in the God’s name just throw back towards the dyo throw it all on them

Sorry I was I don’t know what I was doing honestly do it like this oh what are you doing you barely throwing it yeah but look that was kind of funny though just from my perspective you throwing it like two Ines I it was pretty funny wasn’t it

Okay he can’t hold anymore my friend put back up go get your scer real quick why you put the back up I did I have it in my hands you got to go get your scer I’m going to put it down can I ask you another favor oh never mind

What uh I’ll take care of it okay I got this i got this don’t worry about me zag I got this but I’m worried about this meatloaf right now so we good you’re fine I want the meatloaf mhm meatloaf more important sorry buddy all more important than this like 40,000 metal huh

Mhm the metal really spawn the metal don’t make me feel full me an orange juice on the other hand what do you need you should see how much metal this is how many stacks is it more than you could ever imagine like 40 that’s a lot of

M I have 402 can you yoink me like a couple feet I have 43,000 weight thank you you ready mhm bam holy freaking crap and I just emptied all the already crafted metal out of there 59 stacks of metal yeah yeah I just pulled 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven

Stacks of metal out of the there anyway that’s crazy you could do that in one Hall well that was technically two halls but true but old donkey man clut yeah dude Dunkey is awesome all right we going to retire I got another 41 weight p

Oh it would help if I turned on the machine huh dude you realize like I I didn’t even make a dent in the metal on the in the world there’s so much metal out there like I passed mountains and mountains of just metal that’s good I was kep trying to stop and pick

It up but I couldn’t carry anymore you my door hey buddy I’m just waiting on these guys to grow up bab Zach mhm wait are you looking straightforward are you looking at your screen mhm need it freaking Spider-Man dude oh yeated man why are you waiting for them to grow

Up again they need to be my breeders ah cuz I wasn’t getting uh the other one uh doesn’t have good health and so these guys all have good health but need to get some melees on some uh females they fully optimize I think they’ll be fine for

The to take in the boss spots but I don’t know I was just thinking about how funny it would be to just unclaim this thei right in front of you and shoot it with a shotgun no it would be so funny dude don’t be messing with my breed

I got TR this man up oh he needs a saddle do I have another PT saddle I do not oh I do let’s put a saddle on you before we uh cry you Z come over here and talk tell me to my tell it to my face all right come

Come tell it to my face what buddy freaking come oh my gosh tell it to my face H what what are you doing oh you’re hopping I’m taller than you I was like you’re almost my hot I’m taller than you you’re not you’re kind of Wee bitty where are

You oh there’s another 41 wait say it to my face dude me pick that up in case uh I think those are the colors I’m want right you got the blue and the green I’m say to my face bro what are you good like what you I’m taller than you God dang it

What are you whistling for bro can you can you not they’re kind of cute dude how they just run after you can you not bro can you go do anything else anything anything I got to I did all the work man let me have a little bit of fun all

Right go do any go farm obsidian nah get out of my barn this is my I look dude I made the floor okay yeah this is my barn I’m going to make a boat go do that so I can come throw some C4 and blow it

Up I knew it I knew you I was going to do it myself before you did and I was like nah no I go to let him do [Laughter] it oh that was so funny dude I like I don’t know I just I know you sometimes I was

Like I’m going to read his mind I was like if I sit here and spam this door he’s just going to rip it up off the ground I was like it would be really funny if I picked it up in front of him put it back down oh dude that was

Funny that was good yeah boy all right let’s do it again yeah this is the same color as the dad but it’s imprinted what am I going to call you man your dad’s Starburst I mean you’re you’re the true Starburst cuz you’re imprinted so I guess I could call your dad like

I don’t know what’s another what’s another name for him I’ll think of it it’ll come to me big papa yeah yeah we’ll name him big we’ll name him Papa I like it when they come big papa big papa and then you’re going to be the new Starburst

Starburst yeah oh what do you need you need a walk but you’re a bird how you going to walk you got the fly son maybe it’ll be easy with the birds oh whoa whoa why y’all mating I don’t need any more babies hold on No More PT babies uh come on little

Guy a little bit of fiber over here stop all right how do I make a PT saddle uh oh I need to go back go back home for that come on loot monster let these thees grow up honestly the thees are as soon as this uh PT hits

Juvenile I could go run that boss while they finish growing up sure if you would lock sir I’m just uh farming I’m doing something here I’m going to make this raft here sir how many um platforms does it take for the the raft six or four six or nine I think

It’s six we’re going to make nine anyway just so we have us some extras holy bionic speed that was the weirdest way to get out of the house dude I freaking sprinted to bedrooms hung a left when up the stairs swirled around and then out the

Top it’s a little fast huh yeah dude he was yeting okay he’s actually juvenile I could probably yeah I could probably go do that boss Bud uh I’m busy okay well I don’t want to just sit here you’ve been just sitting here this whole time well yeah you’ve been sitting here doing

Nothing the whole time I was out there farming metal and now that I’m back nothing making a boss Army ain’t nothing nothing now that I’m back home you’re like I mean I don’t care if we do the boss or not I’ll go far obsidian God the obsidian though is so

Far away like the good obsidian run actually I could go look for a Rex that’s what I’m going to go do why you build your boat you War boat okay let me check the crows cuz it is where’s the T-Rex at I must have not put him in the

Breeders oh I put him in the ball spot no I didn’t where did I put that T-Rex at bud I don’t know dude it’s in the miscell beenin you think so I would assume so maybe what’s up blue hey man the Baby Rex we Crow for some reason

Put yourself in suffering with Elden ring last week dude Elden ring is so good it’s just so fun I love Elden ring man it’s one my list of games to play I actually have it I just haven’t started yet how you liking it so far man are you

Like hating it hating it or are you how do you feel I really do be enjoying it no I good dude it it really it’s a very particular type of game right you not for every buddy but it is a ton of fun if you can

Get in the groove of it right if you can appreciate the like the grind of just like I’m going to try and I’m going to try and I’m going to try and eventually I’ll get it and then I’ll win and that’s going to feel good cuz it feels good

Dude sometimes it’s a little rude when you die a bunch but just try to leave and go get stronger yeah yeah that’s a good one too man like I don’t know if there’s anything you can’t beat in the game at like rank one though like potentially you could beat anything but

Leveling up is obviously a part of the game right it’s crazy dude that game’s so fun 40 hours holy crap dude well congratulations I’m glad you’re liking it you kind of inspired me to want to play it too I’m going Rex timeon bud are you

Actually mhm I got to wait for my f they’re only 50% they’re going to take at least like another 45 minutes or longer to tame up so the breeding process is kind of on a halt for them I could have farmed obsidian but I just I think I’m

Too little zoned out to be farming obsidian that’s okay man Star Gold no worries brother dude take it easy I hope you get some good rest man that’s proba try get late for you some modded versions o Dude you know that’s something me and you never did we never played any modded

Elden ring you’re right I would like to what is it the uh can’t think of what that mods called I think it’s on curse Forge yeah man dude thank you starold I appreciate you being here oops if I was a Rex where would I be be everywhere but where you’re at that’s true

I did a little research on them their spawns are like anywhere they can literally spawn in any part of the map oh is that a Rex dipo mod for called seamless C Co-op and you can play the whole game with a friend no Zach did you hear

That there’s a mod for Elder ring called seamless Co-op you can play the whole thing with a friend we should do it and teleport to waypoints and stuff it’s cool you enjoy it with your buddies dude yeah I didn’t know about that mod that sounds like fun that sounds like

Fun we’re going to do it you want to play it right now no not right now I’m not in the mood to start a new YouTube seamless Co-op oh dude I’ll have to check that out that sounds good that was the one thing that crushed

Me when that game came out is that we couldn’t play it together yeah 10 out of 10 all right I’ll take your word for it I’ll have to check that out you can move your save to it also oh I’d rather start fresh but that’s cool

Though yeah I would want to start fresh as well Zach I don’t think you understand what kind of a boat this is going to be I got an idea no you don’t I think I think I know how you’re going to do it I don’t think you understand I was Theory

Crafting uh how to do what you’re talking about I’m curious what you decided to do versus what I think you should do I don’t listen you you don’t understand okay I’m just telling you you don’t get it you don’t understand you don’t understand Zach whatever you say buddy have you heard of an

Elevator uh yeah I didn’t think you understood didn’t think so come on rexies come on buddies where you ‘s all at don’t be all wed together like you were last time what am I add on the map SC uh take a lap down through here so what we can find

Oh the blue that’s awesome man no I forgot you’re in the Discord that’s all right man sick dude thank you very much Zach you don’t understand what this is like you don’t understand what this is okay pal I just look I know you’re trying to understand you can’t understand you can’t comprehend what’s

About to happen here okay bud why are you so mean to me I don’t know I’m just kind of Zone man alos no it’s a 85 why are they all packed up together a Carno a Rex and a allosaurus oh all going to die y’ all got to

Die and the bronos too we’re we’re taking this all out yep yeah we’re going to we’re going to get it all oh there’s a stego in the mix too I don’t want to fight the stego oh no get him too it’s a beautiful aloe man he’s like

Blue oh where would that why why would that go away ah now let’s uh let’s try to sort the inventory out oh what is that a micro Raptor really you’re dead is it’s hitting me there’s one micro Raptor there a dead sto what else wants it I’m putting you on neutral putting

You on neutral big guy I was trying to get these tools is that another micro Raptor yeah I’m getting off my bird already come here come here micro Raptor no you ain’t getting away holy crap dude did you realize how big El or aliform elevator platforms

Were no I’ve never uh I’ve never messed with them I’m trying to turn this whole thing into like an elevator okay I don’t understand it I don’t understand never mind screw the elevator it doesn’t work I thought you had a big plan there bud well I

Didn’t thought you had a big plan that my small brain couldn’t understand it can’t it’s so big uh that I can’t understand it [Laughter] either I can’t well that’s where I start understanding let’s see what you come up with I’ve got some ideas you ain’t got nothing I’ve got an ideas

Uh what kind of Rex did I need why did I bring the Rex with me I don’t know I mean it is what it is I can look at it you wanted to remember what a T-Rex looked like so you could make sure that whatever it is that you

Caught was still a T-Rex yeah I’m looking for I’m looking for a female with high health or high melee is what I’m after after sir sir and I’m not really finding it over in here I’m going to have to go up to my other honey hole spot you know that old honey

Hole Yeah I was hoping I could run this River and find something juicy hello aloe Uh might as well kill you I don’t get it I don’t get why you can’t put like oops well that’s my VA I don’t get that why the heck can’t you place railing there it makes no sense you place railing on every other side not there that is is frustrating I was

Running into an issue like that and never did understand why I couldn’t oo man says it’s hot yeah they do say that right do I have any more pillars I Don’t Huh dude can me ethereum spit up a one wide ramp uh not 100% I feel like they can’t and they’re pretty pretty wide creatures oh he says this boat must be perfect Z you don’t understand I mean if you’re building it I do understand you’re too OC DKI I

Really am I can’t help it well you can you just slap bro just slap just slap huh that’s all it takes yeah you just slap it down and you’re like yep that looks good can you define what slap means you just put it on your

Hot bar get it kind of close and just slap it down all right well listen there’s one major flaw in this boat it won’t float that would be really funny if we just sang to the ground um I don’t know how you’re supposed to see where you’re going oh I’ll let you drive

Then sure and I can tell you what a horrible job of a captain you are thank you dude I would always have been looking forward to that cuz I am the captain it is what I wanted to do for a living be a captain of a ship mhm actually mhm if I could

Like like change jobs and have whatever job I I could definitely be a captain of some ship preferably like a cruise liner dude that would be awesome actually I would take any boat but any big boat it’s got to be a big boat dude I’m talking like a 900,000

Footer that would be a crazy job I wonder how much they get paid I would say tons you think so yeah you got to think about how many people like if you’re doing the cargo like think about how many millions of dollar with a cargo you’re in charge of people how many

Thousands of lives you’re in control of yeah they’re going to pay you good yeah and all those people are drunk yeah well I mean you just got to keep them from like falling in the ocean Actually I don’t even know if that’s really your responsibility I mean

Probably yeah I think if they fall in that’s their problem dude your job is to drive that boat and not wreck as long as you don’t wreck all right where be the rexers give me a ra Rex call Bud I don’t know what that was or where it came

From work it definitely did not sound like a T-Rex it might worked we’ve got some Broncos what that alow though or that no I see a Rex but God dude he’s fighting like a ton of bronos he’s fighting five bronos bro he’s trying to get that money dude try get to save

Him I don’t even know what level he is I just got to kill some of these bronos man might already be dead I can’t tell are you already dead Rex yeah he’s already dead it was a level 100 okay but we got to kill these five bronos man like these things are

Going to cause problems yeah these things are going to cause too to much problems all right you’re going to be blown away by this boat you’ll be like yes that is the boat that’s a boat what does it take for that oh metal get that in there dude did it

Actually work did my call work it called a Rex in but they were five bronos like surrounded it so it like insta killed it oh it was a level 100 it wasn’t nothing big oh well maybe I’ll just need to yell louder you think that would help maybe me K

You that Roar sounded like a drunk frat boy oh that’s what I was channeling my inner drunk cat boy Stone glass all right we cleared the area a little bit now let’s see what else we got going on can find another wreck somewhere not surrounded by five bronos oh Rex

40 you’re not it Bud you’re not it uh you telling me what what are you telling me game what are you saying talk to me game there there’s not it’s not explaining why I can’t put these things down okay I just learned something Zach what’ you learn buddy you can only

Have a specific amount of stuff on a raft oh is that what’s up I think So which Lear like absolutely not fun there’s so much that I want to do here but but I can’t understand That that sucks dude that’s actually really stupid I want to have fun with it but arc’s like nah maybe you can put more on the power the power boat I don’t think so but maybe I’m just a little disappointed cuz I had some really really good

Ideas and the game was just like not maxed out sorry like why why can’t I put more stuff on the boat if you want to make like an AOE to where you can’t place things out around it but like why make a limited number of stuff you can put on

The boat like I want to put decorative things on the boat I want to make make it look nice but I can take your stupid does and shove them make that thing a war booat it’s going to be a war booat war boats don’t have do look dog these doilies are sharp

Okay well you think about it you can take the does off and make a bigger War booat you need do H oh is that is that just like a group of bronos what it’s a green it’s green let me put it down are you kidding me what is wrong

With this stupid G I’m going to go play Minecraft dude we can get this crap out of here we should spawn SP me a Rex Sam bro you spawn yourself a Rex okay but I’m trying she’s on the horizon though freaking heck this game’s not

Fun I can’t stand this I want to be creative did you see the gig at the volcano no it’s kind kind of interesting there’s a Raman Giga somewhere yes yes there is it’s going to be interesting when we come across them it is especially if we’re trying to time something oh yeah

Hello I found a 150 thei with all of its points and oxygen what do you mean all of his points how many points 36 that’s all of them right pretty much that’s like the highest base stat you can have well that’s fun what else we got around here Alpha

Raptor yeah freaking no creativity that’s what we got around here wait till you see this thing dude you’re going to think this is ridiculous there is a slight issue with like the entrance ramp like being ugly or it working um both that’s not good yeah it’s not good hold on I’ll fix it

Okay all right come here rexie where are you at can that go through the sail Found another wrecked what level what 140 but the heal’s only 23 what you’re looking for specifically for health huh yeah I mean the melee is even worse than that pointer and oxygen and weight so you know what that means we kill it yeah yeah yeah no trons around or anything right

Okay a couple shots off here those a really pretty Rex dude it had a baby I mean the baby does me no good but why couldn’t that have been a well I don’t want to kill the mother I mean I’m killing you too cuz you’re not kill them both you’re not who

Cares you’re you’re not going to grow up and become something I don’t I have to kill later I have to kill Later more head up in the volcano a bit if I can find something chilling all right we’re only going to be really able to fit megatheriums on here and maybe even not that oh it’s a sailboat it’s a War boat it’s a sailboat it’s a freaking War

Booat don’t don’t test me I mean you said we can’t fit our creatures on it’s got to be a sailboat we just going to be sailing around yeah but in style no waren in style Zach where are you at what did you say I said where are you

At I had to plug my headset up you need to see this you need to see this boat I will let me make a little run at the volcano let’s see if I can happen to find a Rex where are you oh [Laughter] good yeahhuh okay I call this the spatula I’m a little bit intrigued do we need a feeding trough on this thing what’s up to you we’re going to sacrifice symmetry if we do symmetry yes know what that word means yeah D I’m just wondering why

You’re worried about it you don’t understand I don’t think we need it I’m just kidding I actually have the perfect plan what’s up Simon Hey Brother s you like my boat Dude you know what I think we need is just uh some little tiny ramps in the back see you later Mr Jack Smithy sir thank you for dropping in my friend you know what what’s up bu nothing I’m making a boat Zach yeah I’m just I I’ve killed like seven rexes man feels

Bad well look buddy I think uh you should come back here and check out this boat I’m working my way that way I’m working my way that way today is Friday for me you stream you can watch the full thing oh my gosh dude today’s Friday for you it’s crazy

Cuz like it’s 10: p.m. for me like what so we will be going to sleep soon but don’t worry tomorrow I’ll give you like a 16-hour freaking Vol Hunter stream or something crazy like that I’m freaking be gaming boy actually I have a lot that I should

Be doing in place of like 16 hours of streaming but I’m I’m going to do it anyway Rebel I dude I don’t ever see streamers go for like 16 hours a day all the every day I would say most go like 8 to 12 yeah somewhere in

There Z I just figured out I just thought something really cool what is it bud I figured out how to solve this one horrible issue that I said that is like the main issue of boat I what’s the issue with the boat uh you can’t you can’t see nothing

Oh I think I just figured out how to fix it okay that’s good you’re going to like this one we need to be able to see a little bit this is going to blow your mind dude I’m on the way home I’m just pathing through where I killed them couple

Rexes see if anything else spawn back just in case man you know just in case yeah man you never know uh it’s just hard to sit and stream for hours without breaks even though you have a gaming chat yeah I mean it is difficult but like I love

It this one can barely see anything but the sides yeah yeah yeah you can see about out the sides look I’m going to fix it kite don’t worry fix that old junker up what are you looking at it no don’t look at it wait till it’s

Done I’m 4,000 M away I look at it huh like I said I got some C4 for it I freaking swear to God I swear what man I’m going to do you fber we’re going to W the canvas dude I I worked hard on this thing I don’t know but think about how

Much better you can build it a second time think about how quickly just like the house man think about how quickly I’ll freaking bail on this sucker just like the house bud I would be really upset if you blew this thing up dude Huh huh okay yeah ah bro this thing I’ll play Zach’s boat all day we’re f z you’re going to look at that boat and be like oh man I’m so jealous of that boat dude look at that boat dude you know what I’ll drive that boat and

I’ll be like N I am the captain of the ship now we’ll see what I can do when I get there Sun good names are releasing for PS5 waiting for that wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what kind of good names are you talking about sir

Z you’re going to be confused at first cuz I’ll be honest I’m kind of confused now all of a sudden why are you confused you build it uh you’ll you’ll know what I mean when you see what I’m talking about okay it’s kind of hard to explain but the boat’s invisible now

Okay stealth boat int intentional or unintentional intentional okay wow this looks absolutely ridiculous why are you making an invisible boat cuz it’s fun okay is it practical though yes I mean the dinos will still see it right uh nah okay we got a ghilly butat Gilly booat it honestly is kind of confusing

I’m not going to lie there’s one game called Stellar blade what’s that about Stellar blade I haven’t heard of that one I got to be honest it doesn’t sound good I usually judge a game by the name like instantaneously I’m like if it’s got a dumb name like power worlds I’m

Like what the freaking heck is that power worlds sometimes they’re good you’re in a few volts you got epic boots dude rock and roll man congratulations Scythe I hate to say this to you but you’ll probably outpace those boots very quickly like you’ll level up and you’ll find better stuff like relatively fast

Um but that’s awesome rock and roll dude stealth boat Shadow technology where you at, 1500 away back from my long empty-handed lap Ste I didn’t know this was a thing honestly holy biggest fish I’ve ever seen in my life holy freaking that’s a 3.67 times cican good God it’s huge that’s a fat Mama all who are you on Warhawk Hulk of War I’m coming to you I forgot the most important part oh yeah told you it was invisible you didn’t believe me I mean it’s it’s glass I thought man I thought you me the whole that in boat was invisible I can’t make glass

Platforms that’s pretty cool though what you got Spock on it for for It’s A War booat oh it’s a war booat okay I had no idea that you could make the glass like pretty much see through ready this is this is why it’s a war boat okay okay well that was a bad

Example what are you trying to do there nothing hold on I’ll show you War booat Ready look at that cican dude well this is a an interesting situation I I guess Caan are immune to the war booat look how big that thing is dude do you see him that thing is massive hold

Ready ready War boat okay well it’s not very effective against Birds he’s so big I can’t even pick him up with the rgy I guess it’s a fish thing maybe I I don’t know he said Stellar blade has a a mechanism like near automata I don’t know what that is

I’ve never heard of that one come on War booat I can’t pick things up for some reason I was doing it earlier I like this thing though man it’s pretty juicy you want to take your first spin take your first spin buddy I’m stuck in my rgy I’m still stuck in

Margie I’m still stuck in Margie I don’t know what to tell you okay I like this glass man I could probably turn the rest of these Stone ceilings into glass too you can go down like right here go scoop something dude feel ni I like it I like it handles very

Nicely yeah it’s handles better than the other boat for some reason I don’t know doesn’t have like crazy amount of width like the other one I think like having the base really shallow like that and then the the top half wide is where it gets like yeah you can

Fit through through a lot of stuff it squeezes dude you could squeeze through that little that over there yeah that’s nice I like it I’m sure we could fit through that gate then too here roll up to that gate well no I meant okay that works too we got to go properly in

Man cuz I can like sit up here and open stuff huh yeah Simon I would have suggested against that one I’m glad you planned against it okay you just freaking rammed me right through the platform I can’t really see the the death wait can you uh wait holy crap Zach holy crap I’m

Like I’m flying I didn’t realize how I was going to fly around the ah wait wait wait you got to let me on the the roof here all right it’s so hard to hit it ah I feel like I’m getting sick on a a ride ah yeah bro you’re killing the

Boat go go go go oh God Mom my bird will kill it I don’t have my shotgun out that’s killing everything get him war hawk oh dude I thought warhog died no bro 41,000 Health he’s still full health what is this stuck in the Spock I thought you was a war boo

Dude I like it all right you got to like you got to take it through that gate so I can see if we clear it up here I think we do yeah we went through the gate BR I meant like the the top floor did we

Clear it on the top floor yeah you didn’t even know you don’t you didn’t look at all you have no idea I’m going have to sleep to be honest with you boy you saying that my War boat’s boring or something is you think it’s it’s not exciting no I’m just tired h

I’m just tired buddy I really like the boat though it’s very nice I really want to try it like with the megatheriums on I’m just putting sadles on all my thees the war Boo’s winning I would like to breed them but I think I’m going to get off man

What are you doing bud get down here wow dude the shotgun is so dumb I feel like I shouldn’t be able to shotgun stuff from all the way over there and just like insta kill it the range is a little what are you doing bird the range needs to be chilled out

It doesn’t make any sense I just killed that Bronto from on the boat all right I’ll figure out the boat myself I’ll uh don’t worry about it I’ll put all your dinosaurs on the boat and run off into the ocean with them I don’t know why you want to do

That cuz it would be fun why you want to do that I’m not going to name these guys yet cuz I want to do another round of breeding but I’m just my eyes are so heavy right now bud that’s okay dude I didn’t expect you to like get off so

Early I’m just tired man no it’s fine uh I don’t mind I’m just I’m surprised normally you’re like 3 4:00 in the morning type of man well I’m going to take a little nap cuz I’ve got to stay up that late I’m going to get off and

Take a nap and try to wake back up at like like 3:00 a.m. and stay up the rest of the night okay dude well take it easy brother yeah I got to cry all these stes up you didn’t want to do the boss fight I guess I don’t really

Do it N I don’t care to do it without you it’s not that fun this game would suck by myself dude oh I mean I was just saying if you wanted like go form oh what a boat hello boat dude that thing looks pretty cool from the side here with like the

Floating platform almost to be honest we we could make it look like a floating floating platform I think that doing this is uh safe what are you doing removing some components H what the heck that metal is going to take forever to smell oh yeah yeah definitely so

Much why is this game so silly sometimes man I don’t know we could put more like spikes on it that would be fun instead of making it look sorry I was just say I’m going to go get a little meat to put in one of them bands before I get off okay

Dude what is Dragon Ball sparking zero that does not sound as cool as some of the other Dragon Ball Z games is it you’re laughing is it supposed to be dumb what is the spark King zero that’s an interesting name yeah I’ve never heard of that one dude you killed everything on the

Island I appreciate it anytime my friend I’m just like going around eating them yes sir I really did just start slaying stuff all right I have another idea think slapping these ramps on the side and then slapping the spikes on the front would put like some nasty spikes up front like right

There and right there oh buddy thought it was a war booat before you juicing it something like that juice it bro raan welcome buddy man old day oh yeah yeah that’s a war booat right there she’s got a freaking Grill on it dude a grill oh it’s budai with the change name

Okay I got you why’ they call it sparking zero buai sounds way cooler I lik bua I don’t really know anything about budai oh yeah dude now that’s a boat this will just rip anything apart what’s uh what’s ours on the other side of the island or is that you I think

That’s you huh I think that’s you on the other side of the island just eating stuff right yeah are you filling bins up yeah were they empty no one had like 24 in it I’m just going to top it off you know what I’m saying I do and then I got to

Go to bed I got to get off I wish you could see if I was if I was streaming right now you would uh you would laugh at my face Bud why are you you look out dude my eyes are like 3/4 away shut and I’ve got this stupid like smirk

On my face cuz you’re killing stuff huh I guess I don’t know man I’m just like sitting here like eyes nearly shut cheesing that’s me most of the day or most of the time regardless if I’m tired oh dude these spikes on the front topped it off not going to lie

All that’s the last thing I’m killing I’m excited to put this boat into action my friend yeah we can use it to haul the uh the fees or the mags back oh that was a launch yeah it was I feel like if I minimized like if I

Didn’t put the railings on the top I could put a lot more stuff on the bottom of it too like the top of it is expanded as wide as it’ll go like you can’t place anything else and then the the base excuse me I’m tired too the base

Could be expanded wider too and then like slapped a bunch of spikes on it just for like fun what’s this about a vault Hunter series man we’re doing it we’re doing the Vault Hunters we wrapped up rlcraft we started Vault Hunters about 2 days ago and it’s addictive it’s so fun so stay

Tuned for some more of that dude a bud I’m out of 5 you are all right well I’m going to spli that too then cuz I’m tired enough and I don’t really care to play this game by myself yeah I’m got to take a nap or I’m

Going to screw up and fall asleep at like 1:00 and then sleep all night and then you know be killed at work and all that crap no worries man well I don’t know you probably work this weekend don’t you yeah I did all right well I will catch

You probably later next week yeah Monday probably Monday night okay dude take it easy man I hope you have a good weekend all good night guys good night Bieber yeah man all right well I guess uh I got an early night for myself too for once so

Tomorrow I know we have a couple of things going on right now um let me check out which ones we have active at this very moment we’re almost done here yeah so we could still do Skyrim uh I I think I might call it on pal worlds unless something really interesting

Happens I think I might just be like ah nah pal worlds like I think of experienced pal worlds to the fullest um not that’s not to say that there aren’t more things to do right like there’s more Pals we can catch there’s more bosses we could fight but it it feels

Like we’ve just experienced power Worlds by now um so stay tuned for that just in case things change they come out with a fat update or if the game fully releases after power worlds comes out of Early Access and straight up fully releases I’ll be excited I think I’ll try it out

Why not it’s a ton of fun um and then we’ve got uh where’s the other one at Dying Light yeah yeah we could do some Dying Light too but dude freaking Vault Hunters is so addictive it’s so fun go with Skyrim we’ll see how I

Feel we’ll see how I feel dude it’s just so stinking fun playing V Hunters dude so I’ll think about it we definitely need to like beat Skyrim and we need to beat Dying Light so it’s not like they’re off the table right um but I definitely don’t want to burn out of of

Vault Hunters either either way we’re going to be playing all three of them in the future so if you guys are new here check out the uh Discord links Below in the description of the channel blah blah blah blah blah subscribe all that fun stuff dude U we’re getting so close to

500 man it’s going to be fun you guys are going to see me suffer it’s going to be ridiculous but yeah man I will catch you guys later um look how it goes yeah dude dude Skyrim is fun it is a ton of fun um I think we’re getting pretty close to

Beating Dying Light too so like we could crank out Dying Light we could crank out Skyrim I’ve got a couple of other games on the list for the future here like for example where are we at for example uh Elden rings on the list Dead Space one two and three on the list

Dark deception Labyrinth The Witcher 3 Titanfall 2 lost Arc Hitman Dead Space did I say dead space I did Green Hells on the list grounded on the list so we got stuff to do we got options here and uh if you guys have any suggestions for yourselves um you know discord’s a good

Place to hit me up there or in a comment on a video something like that anything works you’ve seen me suffer enough in God of War in Doom oh dude Doom was difficult I I never finished Doom but I think I would like to go back and play it one of

These days we’ll see um it is so hard on the like nightmare difficulty dude it just makes me rage but God of War man is a good type of Heart Like Doom is a miserable type of difficult God of War is like an enjoyable type of difficult I

Can’t wait for for uh Ragnarok to come out for PC we’ll be playing that too man but anyway guys I will uh I will catch you guys tomorrow um stay tuned take it easy good night every dude thank guys thank you so much for just being you I

Appreciate every single one of you greatly so I’ll catch you tomorrow

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Vault Hunters Ep. 3 Live Stream’, was uploaded by ExoBeaver on 2024-02-02 04:41:12. It has garnered 71 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 11:37:10 or 41830 seconds.

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!

    Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!Video Information ウインドバーストレベル255つけたら どこまで飛んでちゃうのかなまずウインド バーストなしだと0マス1だと10マス2 は17マスサバイバル最強の3だと大体 25マスぐらい飛び上がるんだよね サバイバルならこれが限界だな上限突破し たウンドバースト4だと30マス5は40 マスで6は46マスと1レベルごとに5 マス10マス増えるみたいで一気にウンド バースト10まで上げると確かに80マス ぐらい上空へ飛ぶようになったみたい吉 団長レベル35でコード限界来ちゃったよ なるほどいいこと思いついたウインド パースのレベルを最大255に設定したら さ高さ上限Y320突破しちゃって宇宙に なっていけるんじゃないかなA高さ上限を 突破するBY320より上にはいけない 正解だと思う方2回押したら答えを コメントでも教えてねそれでは一生タイム ておものすごい勢いでY3800まで到達 したからスキンが焦げてしまったみたい This video, titled ‘爆風エンチャントLv255?(ウインドバースト) #マイクラ #マインクラフト #Minecraft #まいくら #クイズ #ゲーム #Shorts’, was uploaded by ぷんきち【マイクラ】 on 2024-06-22 03:44:17. It has garnered 65611 views and 2972 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Windburst is too dangerous to use🤣 If you know the answer, please comment✨ 🔷https://x.com/PunkichiGames ============================ ▼Please also refer to this channel (titles omitted) ======================== Should Chiropi’s guests come in? Or not? House-sitting Minecraft 😅[Minecraft] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ9ahZ5SFuo Poppins participated in a terrifying dodgeball… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in the fiery pits of hell, but at least you brought your diamond pickaxe to mine some demon ore. #minecraftlogic #oops #shouldhavelistenedtominecrafttutorials Read More

  • Before Minecraft: Notch’s Secret Project

    Before Minecraft: Notch's Secret Project The Evolution of Notch: What Came Before Minecraft? Early Beginnings: A Journey into Game Development Notch, also known as Markus Persson, embarked on his programming journey at a tender age in the 1980s. His first foray into game development occurred at the age of 8 in 1987, crafting a text-based adventure game for the Commodore 128 system. This early start laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the gaming industry. Fast forward to the mid-1990s, Notch established BitSeven Productions, a gaming company where he experimented with various game concepts. Although these games were never released to the public,… Read More

  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

    7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are 7 cool building ideas that will inspire your creativity and help you create stunning structures in the blocky world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Contraptions Galore Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate contraptions and mechanisms. From automated farms to hidden doors, the possibilities are endless. Challenge yourself to build a complex redstone contraption that will impress your friends and showcase your engineering skills. 2. Underwater City Take your building… Read More

  • Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?

    Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?Video Information today we are at the water slides with Jax it’s very cool here and I really like the water maybe we should swim already is that why you decided to bring me here well actually yes just to have a good time together it’s really fun by the way calmo has something new over there that I wanted to show you I don’t even know maybe it’s a good idea but what about the slides we can always ride the slides but kfmo might not have what I want to get later okay then let’s be very careful… Read More

  • SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey Survived

    SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey SurvivedVideo Information [Music] let’s get started today I’m here because Mikey has something he wants to show me you’re going to love it JJ I made a really cool zombie research lab zombie what now check it out wao that’s a zombie villager right that’s right Bud he wasn’t always a zombie so I built a lab to try to cure him I’ve done a lot of research but I still haven’t found a way to cure him and turn him back to normal I’ve tried everything I can think of H here have some more are those cookies yeah… Read More