Ultimate MAGES in Minecraft Monday

Video Information

Yeah W Oh You Gamers Gamers sorry Gamers hello Gamers let me get myself up in here how’s it going gamers am I where am I hello Gamers hello hello welcome back it’s been a while it’s been almost a week kind of sort of almost we streamed last Wednesday but how are you Gamers let me just get up in here get all close and personal how are we doing

Sorry um I am more healthy now I am not very Sicky anymore freaking bless ah that was that sucked being Sicky is never fun but the your boy Mages is feeling way way better yes neat neat well it’s Monday so you know what that means m is my Minecraft Monday woo wo

Yeah let’s go ma SP maor Minecraft Monday major Minecraft Monday yeah I’m excited it’s been a while haven’t streamed for a hot minute of also being out of town let me get chat up in hither chat oh no one’s in the chat yet can’t believe you guys it is Monday right yeah November

27th Monday 2023 oh yeah um you guys know that um I made some I made some Delona coffee today um Delona coffee is that whipped coffee that everybody in their dog was making back in like 2020 you know uh in quarantine when we all had really

Nothing better to do unless you were a gamer than you had like everything to do anyway so I made some of that um I was I just kind of I I’ve followed a recipe which it’s not that hard it’s it’s just instant coffee sugar water and some pour

It over milk but I sort of just eyeballed um some of the measurements and so I haven’t tried it yet um I’m I’m giving it a little MX here e it’s it smells very strong I don’t mind strong coffee in fact that’s kind of how I like it but

I’m scared let’s have a sippy I’m so scared I’m scared I’m this I messed it up okay okay you know what that’s pretty good if you like very strong coffee make yourself some dalona coffee I that leaves a very strong Aftertaste it’s good though it’s good it doesn’t sound like I like it but I like it okay Minecraft I got to sort through my bgm and get rid of some stuff as much as I like spooky season there is still some spooky season uh stuff on there okay what oh

Yeah um we oh oh yeah last time last time I went to I just I flew to another deep dark to get the smithing template uh that I wanted that you can only find in the excuse me that I want that you can find in the deep dark go away you

Stupid anyway so we got that and I colored it too so this is our armor WoW it’s the silence armor trim and I used quartz to make it like white against the netherite which we almost have full of netherite tools now so this this netherite pickaxe on

Me not in game but on on my me myself is actually for real for real now in fact actually I’m going to I just I’m going to move it just a little little bit there we go um I think I think Dylan Chan was going to play with us today I

Think oh my what what monsters bro is Phantoms is it more Phantoms what what monst oh you okay now he’s walking away I’m not even going to give him the time of day I’m pretty sure Dylan Chan was going to play with us I actually I should ask her on Discord look at our armor oops camera controls are inverted for some stupid reason hello sir I’m trying to take a picture stupid oh you ruined my picture you put a freaking Arrow into me right

There you you going to regret that you perish die anyway I wanted to get some pictures cuz I need some more uh oops I need some more uh thumbnails for my Minecraft videos yeah oh oh do a nice zoom in that looks pretty good nice

Okay I think so yeah okay that’s what we did last time sorry excuse me I still have a bit of a residual cough from the siky let me ask still chance okay so okay yeah all we did last time is the armor Tri wh um trying to think if there was anything else

That wanted to do or oh yeah um Dylan last time Dylan Chan was flying flying around everywhere trying to find a woodland Mansion at least I think that was last time and um and it was a little laggy for a minute but then it was fine

Um yeah she was trying to find a woodland Mansion um kelp me she’s trying to find a woodland Mansion uh so we could go do that uh we also need to find a uh what’s called we need to find a oh my gosh what is it called uh the underwater ocean Monument that’s

What it is ocean Monument so then we can defeat the Elder Guardian so that was also something we wanted to do I think well if we’re going to do that then I should probably we should probably start breeding more Axel cuz those are pretty helpful when it comes

To defeating the Elder Guardian cuz they go and attack the little dudes oh yeah here’s our cauldron um this is extra storage I believe oh yeah this is extra storage for some blocks Dylan kind of Dylan Chan kind of set this all up where does that go um this is our floating

Cauldron that has an infinite lava generator so a lava nipple and then there’s like a thing up there that you can send stuff down into law whole thing uh that’s a zombie spawner that like kind of works sometimes I want to see where this goes I think this leads underneath whoa what the

Heck this leads to Dylan Chan’s house yeah yeah cuz I remember she mentioned that they were that we were going to have it connect so then this it’s just like all part of one big thing speaking of Dylan Chan’s house I showcased it last time but it looks so amazing it looks so

Perfect it’s beautiful more beautiful than anything I could ever do in Minecraft for real for real ah oh I thought I got a contact or an eyelash in my contact lens for a second that would have sucked the worst type pain contact or of eyelash underneath contact

Lens uh what do I want to do um do my bending Unbreaking protection lending F falling everything every one of my tools has mending on it so that’s good sorry what do I want to do diamond things oh yeah um I do need to get my silk

Touch pickaxe back but I mean that’s that’s not a crazy priority of mine right now I’m just going to do that whenever Dyan Chan wants to come on maybe she’s playing Minecraft I can see her playing Minecraft right now was this oh down in there okay every time I come back to Minecraft

I just forget everything like what what guess there there are a couple more enchantments I can get on my armor and stuff like uh I guess I can put Unbreaking on these even though they have mending on them so it’s kind of like whatever at that Point I don’t know I like a about it the auto Farm is still growing the Villager hallway is expanding every time I come in here I want to just pass away always just a commotion in here oh yeah snitchy wit our uh Pillager we named him the snitch as you can see up

There and we just called him snitchy witchy um he’s not doing the funny hand thing anymore unfortunately anyway my gosh all these villagers okay oh my I can’t I cannot just gracious that building oh yeah um Tyler or Stevie’s potion shop uh oh yeah he has collected bunnies

Right rabbits to farm for the the rabbit’s foot so to make potions he he says we enslaved him to make potions except we did no such thing he volunteered he volunteered to make potions so we we had him start making potions and he’s always like you guys

Enslaved me and we’re like no we didn’t you you freaking you uh what do they call volunteered to make potions oh yeah our like full entire Beacon we can make out of just iron um we have a million diamonds uh a bunch of gold oh yeah this very treasure map I

Don’t know why I saved this thing because I picked it up like forever ago um and I was just like exploring and I didn’t even bother to it’s it’s whatever it’s it’s fine that’s fine I guess I don’t know what I want to do help oh yeah Dylan Chan put these

Shulker boxes here I don’t know why we have I guess we have so many Shuler boxes that we can just afford to put them there everything is why is everything Frost walked Dylan Chan this is Dylan Chan’s doing she’s Frost Walker and she walked all over the

Place oh well it’s fine it’s whatever I don’t really care I mean we had a cool of waterfall but right here but not anymore I’m still in Chan what do we want to do Today oh yeah these are just full of enchanted books kind of enchanted book is this that see five all of these have efficiency except hash singing slasher it doesn’t need it oops Power fivey Shot Swift sneak glass protection another men in except I think you have is vending on it already

Respiration I don’t know man we could go mining but there’s no reason to go mining we have so many things we have so many resources I’m I need to consult the book the check list oh I don’t know where it is is is it nope that’s empty the

Heck Dyan Chan must have it there’s usually oops there’s a checklist book and quill that sits in this item frame and I don’t know where it is I think Dylan chain has it sorry hello hello bendy welcome welcome to the mes Minecraft Monday stream my cat is sitting in a bush

Whoa what happened to all the wool what the heck I what I’m going to look at Dyan Chan’s chest to see if she has the checklist cuz it’s full of stuff that can be worked on or it’s like a to-do list nothing in there nothing In in here it’s pretty random any any more chests to look for maybe upstairs oh Pottery thingies oh yeah this is still and Chan’s room in the tower Tower far far away well I don’t see the checklist there so I have no clue where it is I don’t know if someone else has

It it’s not in there none of these chuler boxes dang that’s a lot of saddles and horse armor sheesh where is the checklist I I don’t know I don’t know where the checklist is it’s Jeri’s Ender Chest hm the heck man what the heck cat Cat I need more Rockets Myra oh the can hi majes hello h hi Ren even though your name doesn’t say Ren on YouTube anymore at least in my chat I swear we had more gunpowder than this someone is yet okay yeah that’s plenty of rockets yeah um

I’m just gonna let’s just take that many what do they want to do help guys help what do we want to do in Minecraft we’ve like killed the Ender Dragon we’ve killed the Wither we’ve killed the warden we’re trying to find a wooden mansion um I can try and uh

Try and find a thingy motion yes I’m taking my channel seriously LOL because I’m going do my first planed post oh I see I See I’m bored yeah oh wait let’s go to the end and let’s repair some of our make a village we kind of have a village going already bark bark bark we have a villager trading Hall already and so they are forever stuck there in the villager trading Hall they

Will never live in a real house ever again to the stronghold ouch oh wait we can just do okay to the end zendo not this portal but this portal I almost looked at them and that over there is our Enderman Farm oh shoot if it’s working it should be oh yeah it

Is okay yeah it’s working again freaking crony noises oh my gosh this sounds so funny we just have to sit here and hit left Mouse button this is how we repair our things look at all that XP okay that’s repaired let’s get the shovel all repaired okay that’s repaired uh let’s

Get the axe repaired find the end of the map oh my gosh that will take Forever okay well everything is repaired now I love how that just takes no time at all Enderman Farm the best form it’s so it’s so good it’s so op oh there’s still XP coming out and we don’t really care about ender pearls anymore so we’re just

Going to ye those off of the side and now we can get out of here because holy crap my ears so many things Happening we are back into the Overworld okay always cracks me up going there um we can which way have I not traveled super far I think I’ve kind I I don’t think we traveled this way a ton um I’m going to try and we can try and find an ocean

Monument you know what else we need to find we also need to find um a decent okay no I found a desert that one time it did not have a desert temple in it though which was unfortunate but it did have a desert village which I promptly stole from because um

Yeah that’s what you just do with villages you steal from them I’m pretty sure this direction actually will take us back to World spawn uh if I remember correctly I’m pretty Sure that we’re really looking for a world spawn oh yeah I’m looking for an ocean Monument okay so yeah swim where the ocean is swim I meant fly oh my gosh it’s a Monday guys water over here oh yeah if we fly at night that actually is kind of better because then

We can see the monument underwater Better any monuments any any monuments what the freak is this I also like how the lava is like now flowing because we are we have it rendered in now iller Tower we can stop in here and say hi whoopsie let me just take all your things I don’t like that oh wait this

One this has a a la I think this one has a la oh my God they’re in these things oh wait no okay it’s it’s not one with a la I thought it was the thingy what the heck these guys are like weirdly teleporting sometimes these guys have

Decent Loot and sometimes their loot just sucks this one had sucky loot anyway bye guys oh look a village sure I’ll stop in here and steal from you guys it’s just a Ma’s fashion to come in here and steal steal from you Pillager I mean villagers wow apples Bread potato

I swear these guys always have the crappiest loot get out my face trash loot absolutely trash loot all the time I swear they nerfed the loot that these guys have it’s not as good as you used to be shaking my head oh no that’s a that’s a zombie

Be funny if I just kind of like let him inside don’t need a compass all right you guys said trash loot bye any oce Ms anything anything at all this wide ocean any any monuments any pretty big ocean have a monument this is a freaking massive ocean oh that’s a drown

Bro pretty sure I just passed shipwreck hey Mages hello welcome to the stream trying to find an ocean Monument how you feeling um I am way better I am not very Sicky anymore so I have healed up to I’m think 95 or 99% of myself yeah yeah we’ll go with that yeah ruin

Portal jungle biome screw jungle biomes all my homies hate jungle biomes who literally who likes jungle biomes I don’t think anyone does another ruined Portal holy crap it’s a big hole whoa what the heck there’s some interesting formations anyway another giant hole a village next to a ruined portal oh W I guess we can loot the heck go away go away wow Flint wow obsidian wow wow I’m not taking that sorry we’ve

Got netherite tools up in this we don’t need that I can oh we can take the take the hay bales converting into wheat which we can use to buy more emeralds Emerald is even though we have like almost fully Ked stuff oh yeah I did spend last stream

Not only looking for the armor trim that is located in the deep dark but also getting a bunch of ancient debris to make for netherite which our entire armor is netherite and we just need some more for our shovels and toe the absolutely cursed but sought after netherite hoe hey

Bales almost sounds like hey those Bales hey Co spells from H live oh there’s usually a chest up here oh never mind I’m thinking of a different building where is your guys’s loot have like nothing oh oh yeah I should have known bread apples and potatoes wowe wow wow I swear they

Nerfed the loot you find it Villages cuz it is trash now it’s not good maybe sometimes you’ll find like a a a single Emerald or maybe a sorry or a single Diamond but nah all I’ve been getting is freaking apples bread and and potatoes shaking my

Head what a rip off oh ocean Monument let’s go let me get the cords oops I know how to play this game coordinates to Ocean Monument bam that okay that’s actually kind of far um I don’t dare go in there right now we don’t I don’t have like the potions and stuff for

That can I’m stuck can I not open that while I’m oh ah what the what the freak what the heck was that lag dude oh what was that why did that happen spooked me there I did saw dude okay okay these funny little dudes sex to be you um

I think I messed it up oh well goodbye uh I don’t need that right now but we did find an ocean Monument whoa well now I guess we can fly all the way back cuz I just realized Dylan Chan isn’t here I can’t teleport to her

So I got to fly all the way back I just got to like fly in this direction and then is this a war otion oh that looked like a war ocean for a second dang Dam the it’s psyching me out these look it looks like a warm ocean but it’s

Not want that those coral reefs man and those tropical fishies so we can breed our axelon oh oh this is a village I have looted sorry let’s thread the needle nice that was pretty cool I don’t see that many Gam gamers in the chat today what’s up with

That I’m so excited to stream today but anyway how are we Gamers doing on this lovely Mages Minecraft Monday Triple M M just W up money you know at one point I was like oh what they added flying elra they added flying to Minecraft that’s like doesn’t feel

Like that should be in the game and then now I understand why it’s in the game so you can do stuff like this you can fly a million blocks well okay a million is exaggerated so you can fly instead of having to take a horse or whatever and

That takes forever cuz you get stuck on trees and all that man just think about how Minecraft used to be I remember when we didn’t have elytra I remember when we didn’t have potatoes or carrots or beets I remember oh that’s a pretty cool ship I remember when sheep only dropped

Wool back in the day I remember when they first added the Wither and everyone was like what the heck is that ouch ouch I might need to pull up coordinates I feel like we should have ran into the house by now I’ll fly just just a little bit

More and then I will pull up cords to the house was hoping to have passed over the Big Snowy Mountain at this point but I think I’m flying a little too diagonally Beach okay okay maybe I need to look at the coordinates cuz uh my elytra is almost

Half you can repair it but still uh swamp small swamp that I add in fact actually let me take a picture of the cords on the swamp too because we need slime balls they just set balls okay yeah let me pull up the coordinates to the house I think I

Probably have flown way past it uhuh uhuh uh hold this up here on my monitor oh yeah I am flying in the completely wrong way oh my gosh how did I screw up this badly hello hello welcome to the Mages Minecraft Monday stream I’m flying my

Way back to the house which I overshot by at least 2,000 blocks uh not going to lie I I guess I was just legitimately flying in the completely wrong direction silly me silly Mages we need to go like 2,000 blocks this way I might be a little dummy

Sometimes especially when it comes to Minecraft oh man I’m I’m just thinking back to uh thinking back to when we first started this this Minecraft this Minecraft Journey where I died like five times in one day while streaming and it was so sad and I would

Go back to try and get my stuff but it would take too long oh man those were the days now we were like fully kitted out netherite armor and uh got elytra still need to fly this way at least a thousand more than a thousand Village I’m not even going to stop to

Loot it because I know it’s going to have trash loot oops need to use uh two rockets there okay we’re almost we just kind of go go this way we’re trying to get toga 300 and then negative 893 so we’re just need to fly this little bit how did I get so off

Track what am I what was I doing clearly I wasn’t keeping track of um what direction I was going in what is that oh that’s our thingy oh we’re back now we’re back woohoo back to the base May Mansion Co nice that screenshot where is Dylan Chan I’m texting her hold on

Dylan Chan where art Where Art Thou Dylan Chan I do know where a lush cave is so we wanted to I have go get tropical fish I can think of at least one place but uh yeah it’s like kind of about it apples away I’m going to send

The wheet oh and these melons and the carrots I’m going to send these on oh yeah and the pumpkins on over to the send it all over got that that goes to the villager trading post so um CU somebody buys crops smoking template I can go upstairs put the obsidian with the

Obsidian and these are are all the smithing templates we have so far including a netherite upgrade we have all the diamonds in the world to um oh dang I think this is Dylan’s stuff dang 14 blocks of emeralds the heck supporting that many Emerald blocks man goes in with the wood

Okay can hold on to all that I kind of want to go mining again but I don’t need to but I want to I yearn for the mines what can I say I yearn for the mines I don’t remember who it was last time but somebody made a joke about being in the Mines okay I have finally gotten Dylan Chan’s attention let me jump in Discord okay I’m in Discord I will turn that on so when Dylan Shan shows up um her little cute little Avatar that she Drew will show up on the left hand side

I guess I can go oh but I don’t really need to go repair that we need more gunpowder does a villager isn’t there a villager that sells gunpowder I don’t remember I want to say there is but so I don’t know I don’t remember um going mining which

We I don’t know what else to do right now except mine mine Diamonds mine diamonds this just how many diamonds we have I’m going a little crazy um I don’t need my hoe If I’m going mining unless there is boo ah I’ve been spooked Dyan Chan spooked me I don’t know what to do with Minecraft help I’m just playing modded Minecraft that sounds

Fun you want me to send you the mod pack what’s the sure what are the mods um I kind of just looked up one played it and then added mods I want installed how see if it’ll add essential oh that sounds fun but it’s also M’s Minecraft Monday it is it’s it’s modded

Minecraft but it’s not on the on the Minecraft Monday world this is true maybe maybe maybe another series or another time yeah where’s the checklist it just not in the item frame I think I have it I looked in all of your chests and I didn’t see it okay invite me oh yeah

S there we Go yeah okay yeah I have the checklist oh my gosh hey basement renovation oh yeah I’m working on that it’s a work in progress um finish the barn well it’s like mostly done it’s mostly done it’s basically done let’s go on to thing oh right we were going to do the

Mansion oh yeah um so funny thing about that I went flying around and I found an ocean Monument so I didn’t go in it because I’m absolutely not ready for that I do not have we do not have the potions and stuff for that also we need

To like bring a bunch of ax lles if we’re going to do that mhm so I can either go back to the Lush biome I mean the Lush cave to get fish to breed them or I can go and try and find a uh nether Highway oh yeah conquered the agent City mm

Automated Tree Farm I no clue how to do that put I’m put a horse stable on here twice oh jeez uh iron gold Farm okay conquer the light up the area with lanterns uhhuh you did that should did you end up finding one sure I’m sure we did did didn’t Tyler have the

Cords didn’t Tyler find one on the stupid cartography table no he pointed at it on like the map somewhere I don’t I don’t remember where we could fill up this map yeah map map map I will I wish you could make like a tropical fish farm except you can’t

Unless you’re in a tropical biome where they spawn M sucks see okay well in that case I’m just going to I’ll go and get a bunch of tropical fish and start the process we can make a conduit yeah oh that’s do we have a

Heart of the sea uh no oh we don’t we find find one out when you’re out there don’t you have to like I don’t I don’t don’t you find them in like buried treasure chests yeah okay I do have a buried treasure map that I never bothered to go and I’ll

I I’ll go I will go I need to go repair my elytra though cuz I was flying around for a long time to the end again oh my gosh I went to an arcade and they had Tao Tatsu do you know that came uhhuh and they they had T

Hene and I didn’t even play on it for that long but I have a blister on my hand from like just going so hard at it oh my gosh yeah this just like a tiny little blister on my hand but I was like it was like bleeding a little bit I was

Like oh my gosh I need to calm down I’m going too hard on T so funny and I played and they had they had project DEA there and they had uh and they had um the love live arcade game and they had Groove coaster and I was like oh my

Gosh I am absolutely in my element right now where did what what kind of place has those games I don’t know it was I was looking well I was like trying to find an arcade and then this that one the one we went to specifically was like it had like a

Mix of Japanese arcade games and American ones oh yeah they had like Guitar Hero too and like a bunch of DDR and initial D and I was just stuck playing Rhythm games for like a good two hours because oh my gosh I love Rhythm games like looking around the island

What we need to do okay I how it just takes two seconds to repair elytra and other tools I guess actually you know what we can add to that list deconstruct the reconstruct the mob yeah cuz it just doesn’t work it’s it is so inferior to the Enderman one by like a million

Per. okay let me try and find this or uh go this way what else can we oh no oh Yeah it might get a little laggy since I’m flying um to anyone’s spot I’m going to the thepage treasure map that I never bothered to get when I was even over there in the first place oh man raining imagine if they added like a mechanic in Minecraft where if it was

Raining you couldn’t use your elytra that would be so awful I would I would boycott it that would be so lame I think I’m flying the right way if I’m not then rip I think I am I don’t know it doesn’t look that promising maybe I can’t tell if I’m flying the

Right way or not okay wait actually I might be I’m I’m crossing over an ocean now oh we could put a raid oh yeah imagine if I was flying the right way I mean the wrong Way can you tell I know you can tell when you’re flying like up or down on the map but left or right freaking good luck okay man crossing over more ocean Maybe dang I must have been really far but your hall is not completely made yet yeah we made a bigger Farm yes made The Cauldron hot toob oh yeah lighted up the area we made another highway I don’t think we made NE Highway there’s like a thing partial thing carved out for it

But not completely done I think I might be flying in the wrong way oh unless I really went this far out but I I doubted this point I use these last three rocks Rockets I think I might be flying the wrong Way okay okay wait hold on maybe not there is a I see a ship wck but I don’t think it’s the same one brick yeah it’s yeah same well are you at the house yeah or at my house close enough uh I’m flying the wrong way well that sucks

Here oh I could try and get Pig step um disc we could go find another ancient city oh but why I grabbed the disc from the one already isn’t it called other side yeah yeah I’ve got it one in pieces oh uh no it’s it was just the full

Disc oh actually let me see oh freck oh yeah we there’s only I only have I have seven disc fragments that sucks that’s okay yeah I got to I got to fly the opposite way rain so freaking loud I don’t know you can turn that down in the settings though it’s we

Weather yeah you just turn down the weather yeah all right time to go flying in another Direction I don’t what’s so okay wait what so what does it say when it when it kicks you or whatever oh I disconnected that time I oh click the wrong

Button hey it might and may not get laggy again trying to go find this stupid uh very treasure and watch it not have a heart of the sea that would be the ultimate troll mag’s moment know you can locate like shipwrecks I know but I’m trying not to do

That I’m trying to actually play Minecraft without cheating that much cuz I it makes me feel bad even though it’s like my world and I can do whatever I want oh I think I’m getting close to it actually the map has now kind of zoomed

In on its own I don’t really know how that works like that oh yeah oh yeah I’m getting close I’m passing over a boat right now oh I’m like almost right on top of it I can’t believe I was flying in the wrong direction for that long [ __ ] kill

Me oh man it’s not even like on the shore it’s like in the water oh I found it okay wait that was way easier than I thought yeah of the sea I found one wo we need prismarine to make it work oh yeah okay I will locate a warm

Ocean the bees are spinning again spinning I was expecting to have to dig in through a bunch of like gravel and sand in the water but it was like a single piece of gravel that was just on top of the chest covering it so I like oh

Okay I was like well that was easy what are you looking at turtle turtle turtle house some a some more Turtle house slash loate that’s not how you spell locate that’s also nice but locate B warm ocean oh oh never ah oh no it’s okay it’s

Okay what does it say when when that happens server closed maybe I should Google it or something okay there is a war ocean is a warm ocean nearby by nearby I mean it’s like 3 2,000 blocks away why you have a oops something we should also do is get goat

Horns what do the go horns do besides oh they make other noises yeah I know that but is that it that’s about it that’s about it okay I think I’ll have to look it up what else they do I feel like you need one in a crafting recipe but I don’t

Know you just have one for fun flashbacks to the Minecraft build battle oh my gosh need to do another Minecraft challenge I always have fun editing those videos even though they take like twice as long as a normal video but still a you could just do another build

Battle there’s no harm in repeating a challenge yeah is this a warm ocean oh no that’s a river what I have once again overshock stupid ocean just so bad at navigating coordinates what the freak it’s like literally three values and I just cannot this here we go oh that’s a lukewarm no deep

Lukewarm no I don’t want a lukewarm brick well oh go locate Biome the heck allows tropical fish spawn to any height that’s not a how is that a biome oh my I think I did put lukew ocean oh wait so warm and reacted no I I did put Luke I did put warm says it’s 96 blocks away

Uh I look to my right and what do I see tropical fish I see tropical fish which means I’m in a warm ocean silly Mages I’m back at them again being silly stupid okay you guys will go in my lime green shoulder box oops come here you tropical Fish oh thinks I’m using elytra This is got to be like the smallest warm ocean I’ve ever seen it’s like a tiny little part of it there’s no Coral Reeve gotten scammed so need to make a beacon oh yeah remember what I just said a second ago there’s no coral reef there’s a tiny coral reef

Nearby what the freak was that ocean noise what the heck fishies Okay Sea pickles a turtle egg what will happen okay I think like a shulker box full of tropical fish is enough for right now I’m going to scch out the cords for this place this I at the house

Actually I’m just going to make some more buckets right now I can fill my inventory up I think a stack of this will fit well that’s a puffer fish oops froze a water source that’s my other shoes I forget doing your Frost Walker boots mhm you know I’ll collect these puffer

Fish for Tyler and his potion shop who Okay Tyler’s not in the chat okay we’re safe what going to hatch some turtle eggs oh you know they will for wherever you hatch them they will think that is their home and they will not ever leave that place so

So just warning you wherever you hatch them and if you decide to move them they will not move they will not leave good to know I don’t know if you remember on the on the old old server the glass turtle that jerck built in the sky that had

Turtles in it m he um broke it this is in one of my Minecraft videos he broke the glass to let them all out to like live in the river below except they kept swimming back up the waterfall to try and get back to where they were in the in the floating glass

Turtle and then and so then Jer was like no stop and he plugged the hole so there was no more waterfall except they just all just crowded onto the bridge that was below the glass Turtle so it we called it the turtle Bridge because there were so many turtles on it you

Couldn’t even walk on it cuz they were all like trying to go back to their home but it was up in the air it’s so funny dud I missed that server I know don’t we still have it somewhere backs of jer’s computer yeah we have it still and that was the one

That some Rando somehow got on and just terrorized terrorized did we just did we ever rebuild it after that or did we just be like oh man oh no I would on and rebuilt after that but then like the magic was sort of gone oh

Yeah oh yeah and then that we had the Iron Golem that was like a hero because it killed the guy several times mhm good times are you at the house uh I can be where are you I’m I’m I’m there I’m almost there what I’m going get there

Okay uh just I just teleported we’re fine I’ve got elytra just try to fill up this map oh and check out the I should title this this book which one the to-do book oh yeah or I should just call it the list a list sounds so ominous the list the

List there I have Don needed two puffer fish to Tyler what a gooded I know also like I was saying this earlier in in the Stream how Tyler is like you guys make me slave away and make potions I’m like dude you volunteer to make potions we’re not slaving you to do

Anything you have your iconic potion bottle shop for a reason yeah I’m like I’m like nobody here is like you’re just don’t do anything but make potions he’s like I’ll make potions we’re like yeah sure that would be cool he thinks we like Shackled him there and are forcing him to make us

Potions not true absolutely not true going I go trade this rotten flesh oh yeah I sent a bunch of stuff over in in the cart probably send the cart back it’s mostly crops in there oh hello snitchy yeah snitchy witchy right we have rabbits now I just got to

Take two of them from Tyler I’m sure that’s you won’t notice unless he you know goes back and watches this stream and is like Dyan you took my rabit which he would do something like that oh oh he’ll definitely notice if two black rabbits are missing oh oh yeah I

Would maybe take just the brown ones y stay still I know how to get you I don’t think I’m going to do a thing with this wall down here I just need two of you you need the the bunnies for need them to trade to trade okay I’m going to do something in

Here with this wool I think I’m going to make another big Axel aquarium actually man now I thought about making an actual aquarium building that you can go and visit up on top brick crap maybe I’ll do that Frick okay well I just mined out about that for no reason it’s fine it’s

Fine let me do let’s do that let’s build an a bigger aquarium and you want me to make you a circle and then you just go in on it uh maybe one second I’m going to look at the internet for for uh for inspiration wow okay it does not need to look that

Crazy oh that’s cute AEL house I want this to look like freak was that I want this to look like like a like one of those like a big aquarium but like from the outside it doesn’t look like this gross building but when you go inside it has like the the big

Pool of things you want to build SeaWorld no not seaw world like um Hold on I want me keep looking at these builds specify a building no oh people are just building like aquarium houses and like yeah no I want like a building and I don’t want a dome no domes you don’t want an orb I don’t want an orb no spheres no domes no orbs

What are these come on people what if it looks like a okay no never mind I was going to say what if it looked like a like a a pirate ship on the outside but then I was like nah no I don’t know I will continue to think about the design for

Now I need to take this stuff out of here exactly have a lake to attach an aquarium to there’s a lot of designs that are like by the seaside oh yeah I guess maybe if we like if we tore down the uh Mob Spawner we could build it there in in place of

That maybe perhaps and then there could be like a like a an underwater or like a basement underwater part actually I don’t I don’t know I’m just saying weird stuff cuz I just realized if we did that then we’d have to clear out the water in

Places we don’t want it and that will be annoying without sponges and the only way we can get sponges is the ocean Monument ug this design I don’t really know how to build it yet but I will let me see let me see whoa that looks complicated I don’t know what the inside

Looks like there’s no inside pictures BR there’s no like YouTube video how to make on it I found a I found like a I found a website it’s from well yeah but there’s no video yeah we’ll figure something out I’ll just collect the materials

First okay then I guess I do need to get that silk touch pickaxe back so I can collect coral Coral coral Coral like the main design of it is a circle so like a semicircle or a circle it’s like a the main the whole thing is a circle but like the inside

Area is a crescent M I see okay don’t build anything just yet cuz uh don’t want to think about how exactly uh I’ll go get some quartz um yeah okay we’ walked in here and there’s just random XP sitting on the ground and the gas and a gas tier what the I just

Picked one up what the heck someone must have killed a cast or something and didn’t pick up the tear there’s chickens everywhere what the freak they keep escaping someone keeps coming in here and throwing their eggs that’s what’s happening someone keeps throwing their eggs at portal or something

Quartz man sometimes my pickaxe is too efficient cuz it just insta mines netherite or Netherrack so I’m like no no I didn’t want to M that I like literally barely tap the mouse button and it’s like through the freaking Netherrack here’s a stack of it hope you

Like it seriously I’m like no I didn’t want to BU that I guess it it makes uh getting netherite a bit easy so then I don’t have to use the bed method the bed method we have any use for gold nuggets oh really okay cuz I’m villagers and like to trade with

Piglins even though we have half the stuff they trade on already yeah we already have a bunch of gold anyway I won’t bother even though I just keep mining it because I yearn for the mines you yearn I yearn for the mines I’ll have to go talk to a freaking

Cartographer to see where the Mansion is yeah Tyler doesn’t want to write down the coordinates somewhere else than Minecraft kill the Gat with a piece of bread get stuned on with red ready to die favorite thing is when you’re like mid fighting a gas and then they just

Despawn and you’re like okay bye I guess thank you for causing harm to me yeah thanks for like harassing me and then just leaving there’s stupid hit boxes so bad oh I got him correct man the the mods that I’ve been playing with like every like original Minecraft

Texture is like changed it’s like a fantasy mod pack oh but like every so often the background music would just be Skyrim music you’re like wait what game is this some like the potion effects that witches do or like the potion noises it’s just like Skyrim potion noises oh my

Gosh and the skeletons sound like the Skyrim skeletons and like you can equip a whoopy cushion so that every time you shift you have a chance of farting what the freak why great what the heck that does sound like you can put on like four whoopy cushions and it will fart every

Time but if you only put on one it’s like a rare occurrence it’s like a o am I going to fart or not yeah and then when it does happen it catches me so off guard hilarious these these the farts with Reverb in the caves when I’m just minding my own business and

Then and like the noises like the sounds of like walking on certain materials it like Echoes depending on where you’re at oh go so like if you fart it like it does reverberate in the cave oh my gosh so freaking funny oh my gosh that is

Funny and like I have to like wire my brain to like play with a mod that’s only that mod stuff so like there’s a bakery mod o so I just spend a little time making everything I possibly can with like the assets I’m given but only things from that

Mod on the witch witchy mod witchy mod wiy mod I can’t imagine flying in the rain not flying in the rain yeah I’m flying in it but like I’m there it’s hitting my face it’s cold good thing I had a lra on I mined some quartz and it was over a lava pit and I started falling but I saved myself wao

Worse little spooky little spooky keep keep your on your toes creepers yeah we need more gunpowder I wish our the mob thing worked but it doesn’t really I hate how they fly away after a while uh I hear someone in background who is this oh Dylan Chan uh you you

Know that’s me the little Discord thingy going off a little PNG of Dylan Chan whenever she speaks right there that’s me I’m on the screen yeah look with your eyes I know your future you’re going to make it out of here I’m sure hope I do with how stacked

My armor and stuff is imagine she runs into a Bastion and her brain goes I bet there’s good loot in there and then she goes into the Bastion and then loses all her stuff and die the only reason I died last time was cuz there were three of

Them at once and I was going to I was like oh shoot I got to go and so I flew I was trying to fly off of the I jump off the Bastion to fly to use my elytra to get out of there and they hit me at

The last possible second and I died and then my stuff went everywhere including into the lava it was not my fault classic mes I would light up the rest of the mountain top but then we can’t hunt creepers and other things uh yeah can we is there a

Villager that will that you can buy gunpowder from or is that not a thing can look it up I feel like it’s a thing but I also feel like it’s not a thing yeah it’s not a thing dang it dang it dang It Bobby did I make an iron golem at one point

What happened to him I have sworn I made one at some point quartz oh yeah we can make a I’ll collect some mushrooms so we can grow mushrooms for whatever reason I I don’t know make mushroom soup oh something we should put on the list is find a mushroom biome oh

Yeah get a mushroom in the house Mushroom in the House okay whoa that’s a lot of quartz over here going drink a potion of night vision do it see in the rain raining so much anyway you looking for the Woodland Mansion no I’m just looking for creepers oh well I’m in the nether so hopefully it’ll spawn me better wherever you’re

At I’ll just go stand by the mob spawning yeah that that might work since I’m not in the Overworld I need to kill them with like sword instead not my Bo got looting on it also grabbing glow stone cuz why not oh I should grab um a shroom light I should grab those

Too we love ourselves some shroom lights should put looting on my bow I need to put looting on my Sword where are all the creepers is the mob spawner not working oh I didn’t expect it to feel like when it does work it’s like always creepers dropping Mhm got 16 shroom lights what the freak oh it’s a thunderstorm oh she what have been struck by a lightning um I don’t think it would kill you actually no idea I don’t think I’ve ever actually been struck by lightning unintentionally in Minecraft shroom light fing crony men excuse me

Enderman you think skeletons walk differently now so they don’t accidentally hit each other when you’re trying to make them hit each other no they still hate each other they’re still little dummy like that no baby zombies there’s three of them oh my gosh not three you

Oh yeah someone it was Ren in my chat earlier who said to to said English that suggested to make a village but I was like we already have a villager place they won’t ever get beds ever again and then and then Ren said uh uh fill the whole world with houses I was like I don’t know about that I think it would be fun to like

Make a little city or something like how we’ve done in our previous Minecraft servers mhm but yeah I can make chicky lickies the restaurant I always make in Minecraft chicky lickies uh never forget chicky lickies I’m so scared that Lon is going to tell the whole group what I haven’t told them

Oh he knows of course he does well I don’t know when you told me I was like who all knows and you’re like oh just a couple of my friends I was like what yeah I I told I told my family yes like was it yesterday no it was two days

Ago how what they very funny were they like excited at least yeah they were very excited okay that’s good that’s good his family was like about time and that was the whole reaction oh my gosh continued eating dinner they’re like about time yes a that’s funny they reacted like

Acquaintances they’re what they to their son that’s funny and my family was all screaming and all the women were there all the women were There dad looked at it and he’s like what kind of oh wait I know what that is he going to ask what rock is that he’s a rock dad Rock dead like what stone is that that’s funny time to cram the cows oh yes entity cramming my

Favorite better throw the the eggs back at the chickens my favorite pastime the Sheep are getting ridiculous oh there’s an iron golem just roaming around out here I I built him to help me oh I see okay kitty in the in the in the cow pen these darn cats are getting everywhere

It’s one of the the rag Kitty oh it’s the rag Kitty oh my gosh the rag freaking rag oh my gosh I had ever had a pair of cats maybe I’d name them Rag and towel towel raging towel sounds like the name of like a cartoon

Toast toast I still haven’t named my cat or my cat I have two cats I forg orange and a black one yeah I haven’t named any of them like if we were to get another cat me personally would name the kitty French cuz it’d be French and toast toast oh my

Gosh beautiful casy wants to name it strudel so there’s toast and strudel French toast I can see toast I can see either working but I like French a bit better hu I kind okay I now I kind of want to make a little town somewhere mhm

Oh where could we do that we could do that at the bottom of like part of the mountain you could do it behind the Villager hall there’s plenty of space back there I could I guess that’s where I could make make chicky lickies you just want to make chicky

Lickies I want to make chicky lickies and I want to make kfp and um and the strip and um the aquarium that’s what it was the aquarium yeah let’s plan the restaurants around the aquarium so the aquarium is the main spot you’re going to but then the restaurants are like there

Too yes grab a bite to eat exactly and kfp will be like right by behind or right across the street cuz they’re like going to be competitors do all of these do all the Hoppers Connect into to go to the barrels where what at the automatic farm what barrels there are barrels on

The side oh yeah okay so I’m like if we have to go and check every single individual Hopper I’m going to flip they’re kind of they’re kind of packed full I think yeah they’re they’re full I checked they’re full we could we could make either we

Can make a town on top of our Bon or um like uh the Northeast there’s like plenty of room on the plains biome down below the mountain yeah yeah yeah yeah I don’t know I I don’t want to do it like so it’s super out of the way if that makes

Sense so then I don’t know cuz I mean unless you have elytra it’s sometimes annoying to walk really far between things depending on what it is H hat I will dang that that chest is almost full oh no oops accident just reset my spawn point somewhere I didn’t want it plenty of

Weave uh melon and pumpin an end that keeps putting blocks just random places yeah you can come over and see what are those noises is that me or you what what he noises with noises like oh what does it sound like invite sound but like it’s not

Oh maybe we build a little rail over to the these uh Hoppers that are collecting all these crops because two barrels is not enough for all of this whatsoever yeah I I guess I could I could do that ooh maybe I can connect it to the underground rail

That’ be so great yeah I couldn’t do that we can have like a little o we should make like a little train like a little delivery station yes so like it’s not only just the rail just coming out of the ground you have like a little delivery

Station and like when it arrives it some note blocks go off yeah yeah yeah we can do it like outside of the the red little railway station can be in front of the house cuz there’s this little patch of grass here yeah and then we can we can

Just build a little thing a little little Shack off to the side of the next to the Villager place like maybe we can just build around the the thingy yeah let me go get I’ll start planning out the underground Railway not to be confused with the Underground Railroad

Oh I need to make more rails not like that’s a problem we have all the freaking iron in the world and if we make him power rails and they’ll go super fast faster than we can Sprint is probably optimal speed we can only the speed caps at a certain point

But I will I will get it to the max point oh yeah I forgot you can make like a ton of rails really easily I looked up ideas to do if you’re bored in Minecraft make a a roller coaster oh yeah that can be that can be

Part of the T like the little town like we can make like a little amusement park even though it would like just be a roller coaster if I’m really dead and I really want to torture myself I can move the village slightly to the left just one main road in the middle

Don’t no don’t it’s not worth it oh my gosh yeah no don’t do that that just sounds miserable it already took us so long to get those villagers in there just stick them in mine cart I’m actually going to go replace those barrels with with a chest okay we’re going to make the Underground Railroad I have to destroy my actual railroad here oh no my inventory got 30 gunpowder from my nightly uh Massacre of the creepers ni nice okay so let me see

I guess I can okay okay I can connect another Hopper to one of these barrels or just have the Hoppers no I’ll connect it to a double chest and then that double chest can feed into a where a minecart chest is parked and then yeah yeah I think that will work I

Think maybe we will see get some Stone perks stone bricks for we can do like a cool thing like if we’re going to have several Railways leading to uh the delivery station we could like color them so like the the blue rail is crops for example or something like that

M oh that’s Stone vill you know where Stone goes like we can have the buttons be colored to where they are going yeah and like labeled with signs Yeah then we go downstairs I get some dirt there I’m having a headache in my right elbow Ren what does that even mean what is that supposed to mean sorry you’re getting a elbow cramp did you smack your elbow okay I got him okay I’m going to have to take that

A step down freck okay no that’s possible this is this freaking thing built off the side of the cliff is so janky looking but it’s whatever it’s [Applause] fine it’s a joke slowmo what I not understand o hello hi Emma happy Minecraft Monday yeah happy Minecraft Monday Minecraft Monday Minecraft Monday yeah the

Peeking yeah man maybe you’re a a boomer you did you really just call me a boomer oh it’s a joke slowmo what am I missing something I think I might be missing something okay okay some St in there because freaking blocks of crops are going to explode out of here just like that

Crops exploding maybe we need to build either build another compost thingy near the actual crops or move the one that’s in my house build another one yeah we can do that not enough iron what we got enough iron for it oh sorry no I was reading my chat yes we do

Have enough iron for it though absolutely V what are you saying in my chat what is happening please what is going on ma’am that’s for all the okay they’re all stuck okay good okay that’s exactly what I want to have happen Okay let me see they’re all being I know okay

Let’s me see where the yeah R chill out in my chat please let me see where the H are you redoing the entire railroad but the underground one Dyan Chan move it oh you’re moving it okay where uh right here where out to the house oh yeah the main the main

Terminal be right here oh yeah Emma uh that person in the chat the that their username was Ren before so you just call him Ren I will fix someon who the yellow brick road uh kind of I will fix part of this so it looks a little better

Okay we just have to put up and then the rail can sit right on top of that so let me replace this stone brick and not do that bonga time to go into the mines the mines are you yearning for the mines now I yearn to dig yes look out

Oh how did you miss he was right there look out Miss shot oh my [Laughter] gosh oh that’s I can probably put this Farm on stilt so it doesn’t look like it’s just floating here yeah that’s what I was going to do for this stone brick part two notifications to match my 2%

Battery what half the time I don’t even know what you’re saying okay and I was going to just okay wait hold on hold on just let me let me assess okay can you build the can you dig out the rail thing so then I can plan where to put it put the

Mine that work on let’s see if I have it and I sort of an idea of how I want to Fred it to the rest of the 1% R charge your phone or something polish off my coffee the me the the like oh what is it the freaking do

Want me to stand where it is or where the first number X it’s the X do you see where the x is by the Villager place I guess the Z Yeah by the by the where you want the rail to pop out from for the Villager

Thing I guess oh yeah okay how about we build it how about we build it like uh here okay the Z is 8478 why is there so much freaking obsidian here oh cuz there was a lava pool there and uh I was here tired of uh hearing lava directly underneath me so I

Went and took care of it I say we build we build the receiving station in the little blank patch of grass right across from uh the sheep farm which I placed a block on top of the the Z I gave you okay and the M the the cart rail will be at y

12 y 112 hello Roman Baron this world is very nice thank you we’re we we’re trying our best well I’m trying my best hey what we’re trying our best well I’m trying well no because I’m saying I suck at like building things so that’s what and Dylan doesn’t even have to try to

Make things look good in this game my devic is d well that’s said everybody R freaking died uh moment silence so anyway just kidding so anyway I’m kidding uh did you build this uh yes and no so Dylan Chan snickel the person who’s in this Discord call with the cute

Little PNG next to me Dylan Chan uh my house was super ugly to begin with um but Dylan Chan fixed it it and there’s her beautiful house over there that she built um I’m using complimentary shaders in case you want to know what shaders I’m using here’s our barn what was the

Z let me just stand on top of the block it 847 there’s our villager hall there’s part of a farm uh there’s an automatic farm over over that way uh yeah this is the barn where the entities are are just absolutely being crammed out of their minds um this is our potion

Shop it’s a in the shape of a potion bottle if you couldn’t tell pretty nice um uh bees we have not even been collecting the honey for like forever oopsie that’s okay the other side of the house oh yeah aquarium Axel we’re going to build a a bigger building with more ax lles

And stuff uh that’s just part of my house oh yeah and then the nether there’s nothing really super exciting going on in the nether quite yet we’re starting to build a railway or a highway in the nether this is the automatic farm uh these dispensers dispense water it all flows

To the bottom Hoppers push it all the way to a chest right over there so then we don’t have to go here and yeah we just wait till it’s all full and then but you know what I should do that now take these got do that with my nether too yeah we

Like there isn’t much to it we just like carved out a like a 2X two area but like there’s no ice that’s been put down at all yet I don’t want to hey you want to go stand next to the automated Farm yeah one sec me put these things in the auto

Composter uh you’ve been streaming for I have not been streaming for 18 hours I’ve only been streaming for two and a half is it ice and boat yeah you can do the ice boat highway I think that’s what we’re kind of planning on doing

Mhm okay wait here let me see let me see let me see that has to go there that can come around like this go here okay Dylan Chan I’m tunneling that direction so then cuz there’s a specific way I want this to come underneath the chest over here

So okay I’m just the Y level I’m on y 117 but I can fix it I’m on Y2 so that’s fine cuz it could just go up and down yeah I’ll just mine in that direction until we I hit that side and then you can take it from

There in order for this to since they’re in the same direction there needs to be like a redstone mechanism that switches the rail from going to the farm to the Villager area oh what yeah can we even do that Redstone signal can flip a rail oh yeah hold on I’m gonna dig down

To one 12 because I went straight under the the lake and I flooded my tunnel okay um okay me just this on 112 your Y is 112 okay I’m almost there almost almost there we go okay and then oh yeah I guess I should maybe put some lights a junction here

Here I’m going to make it just a little bit taller oops and then we can mine out however much to make the Redstone thingy work hopefully nothing spawns down here I put some torches but I think it should be this should be fine if there’s just some torches

There shoot I might need to make make this go back to the house more materials W I really hope this works but I’m going to test it out oh man what if this doesn’t work kind of funny I need this to go up my brain is not mine crafting right now oh my gosh how is it not minecrafty um M’s just having a stroke right

Now trying to get this to work okay I don’t I actually don’t think this hold on let me see let’s do it different way in theory this should work in the okay hold on testing something it’s collecting oh is it nice okay okay okay okay okay that works are we making

It a double Railway no I’m going to turn it here I was just doing that for a little bit testing and then when it stops there okay it collects more okay whoa okay it works you could have two Hoppers so there’s double the chances of it collecting or never mind forget what I

Said now that will send it cool how hard is this signal reach okay we just have it Go sickle mode you could have it go up on the thing so you have to press the button for it to go yeah that’s what I’m do that’s what it’s doing like like like

Like like if it were to go down oh go oh man cuz then you could press the button it could perch up here cuz that’s what I had it the mechanism do before it I just don’t know if it can fit underneath the hopper if it does that it

Will are you sure about that I’m sure let me let me oh what am I doing what I just did something I didn’t mean to do oopsies oh that well not this whole dip we’ll have to mine one block down but that’s okay it could be like this it’s fine

Power wait send it from Here uh that’s not going to work like that huh um it can’t incline and turn at the same time no it can’t that’s why I said we’re going to mine one block down why it was fine how it was you want a linear system or one with

Turns it can have turns I don’t care oh yeah yeah it is your world after all it’s just a railroad to get from A to B no one’s even riding in it oops three ni that beats why does it keep doing that ug it’s annoying I can Google it

I think my Beats are back beads beads beads okay now I’m going to send it and follow it a it’s going fast okay yeah and then it should carry itself all the way down there cool you will ah now for the mechanism yeah I don’t even know where

To begin on that I’m just I’m gonna edit edit I’m going to G to make a little this place look a little better over here and not like have it just be dirt okay dig down don’t I don’t I got To we got to have a redstone signal running along across with it what got have a redstone signal traveling with it I’m going to need a cleaner inventory going red stone that works what the skeleton and chain mail the freak get out of here the heck man freak out of my my Railroad

I need repeaters I do have like activator rails and I think if that might do anything maybe it will a random trap need a bunch ofu smelted more Stone okay that will be enough the bees have to use levers yeah no buttons are better levers to swi switch the rails from where they’re

Going oh I see to make the go but like CU yeah oh I do have a couple detector rails too mhm okay so if there’s a redstone signal going directly to this thing okay turns it on I need a lever I don’t have a lever I think I might have one

Somewhere I don’t know where though but I made one at one point here it is for to leave lever okay now we just got to make that Redstone signal go all the way to oh the location all the way all the way she wall ball wall ball I have

Miscalculated what do you mean you calculator just tell when these stairs are going okay I’m fixing it now okay I’m in the mines I will arrive D okay okay okay yeah okay that works okay okay uhoh hello hello is that where it is uh do I need to start going up

Yeah you’re uh you’re a bit low yeah yeah hold on okay I am putting rails back if you need the Rails like a three a wall goes up like three that way it can show beats beats sorry I fell off a cliff Beats Red stone Master at work maybe I’m wondering if we could get away with having two mine carts with chests that Park themselves under the chest so just more stuff can be moved at a time yeah we can get away with that let me bring another Hopper over there guess is

Ouch okay that should now have two and let me change that to a power rail power power yeah okay then we need another jeez kind of contraption is this rip I don’t need this what the okay no why is the button routed up here oh right because it’s better because so you

Can power the rail I see I see we’re going to leave that on gra gra down going to manually move some of right there’s so many beats beats oh this will all be covered up but yeah we can make like a little a mechanism make a little Shack around that

So is there any way for us to tell if it’s which track it’s switched to is the thing not quite yeah oh baby steps baby steps I mean is there a way to get it to do it like like a with like an observer or like a

Detector rail is that even is that possible a detector rail is a rail is it emits a redstone signal when a mine cart passes over it yeah I don’t really know what an observer does so I’m scared to touch him Observer um it looks for Redstone

Ticks so I think you we could have it so when the Observer sees the cart coming from a certain way then it switches the track but I don’t know if that’s possible I think it might be but Gamers I don’t know I don’t know how to do that my brain is not big

Enough for that I wonder I feel like that is a thing you have an observer Observer switch the track for you when it sees it coming from a certain direction I don’t know we might need to consult the YouTube tutorial or something I I don’t I don’t know I don’t Know ohy hold on oh you know what if I’m going to make chicky lickies that means I need a lot of concrete can you oh let me see there’s a like a plugin I think it’s a plugin where if you have a stack of concrete you can just throw it into a cauldron

And it will convert the powder into concrete like instantly so you don’t have to like build it put a water column and then mine it all down I don’t know if I can get that to work Hest you probably could get it to work on regular Minecraft but you have essential installed yeah

Use ooh this is what I’m looking for yeah I think I can get that to work I think I think I think I think think you can get the plugin to work I think I can H let me see me it and I wish I was a redstone Master but I’m not yeah or there’s a way oh I’m I don’t I don’t know oh this is a data pack oh I don’t I don’t know I oh my gosh my brain

Now we got to go check if which way the rail’s going when it’s on which is back I might be able to get a data pack to Work you can you could put fast Leaf Decay on here as well oh yeah hold yeah this one works with fabric hold on maybe this can you go St by the railroad and just flicker the switch yeah which uh my the railroad to the crops yeah okay yeah let me go

There I’m pressing the flicking the switch yep switch has been flicked what did it not work flick it again okay okay I flicked it again okay when it’s on it goes to that house when it’s off it goes to the Villager place oh nice nice now to do that with the other three

Ports we’ve got here three wait other two well two locations see hold on how do I get to I wonder if I can get a piston to just like a piston a piston a piston yeah to just put a block in front of it that was so difficult resource Pack this my Brain I brain I’m going to get this to work get what to work oh the plug put a data pack on here have to ask Jer for that oh wait okay when it’s off I write this down or something okay wait hold on I’m going to quit out of the world really

Quick let me try this let me let me I got to open the world folder uh I got open data packs oh I have a jar File pack into it it should be a but what if it’s not a zip file what if it’s a jar file okay that doesn’t work try do the Z okay okay I think I’m getting somewhere I think I’m getting somewhere okay and then I just have to okay save

That okay now I’m reloading the world okay let me see if I got this to work and then I got to do a slash reload that’s not a what F3 plus T oh that’s reloading the resource packs data pack is format be enabled in the world if you have cheat can verify PR

Tying do I not have my cheats on hold on I’m getting there I’m getting there need a pack enable a p enable uh what’s the name of the data pack ah really quick cauldron concrete powder on oh I’m almost there I’ve almost got it almost I’ve almost got

It i’ almost almost almost what second I I like I’m I’m almost there do the pack list enabled okay okay I think it work I think it works okay here uh I’m reinviting you boy what if I don’t have the data pack that you don’t need

It oh yeah it’s a data pack so you don’t need it only I need to install it okay let me test this out I need to get some gravel and some sand gravel andent and Some white a cauldron uh yeah some con oh I really hope it worked okay I need a CLD okay let me make one your majesty oh okay sorry no I can make one I can make one I can make one Okay Cauldron uh just put it anywhere freak I need a bucket

Water oh thanks the Axel are swimming like crazy okay okay are we ready for this please work yes yeah I did it I did it sorry sorry I still have a bit of a cough it worked it worked okay I did it I did it I freaking did it w

Yippe okay wait no wait you try it see if it works for you go get another bucket of water oh okay let me just make some more uh concrete powder well this opens up the freaking realm of possibilities I can put more data packs in here fast Leaf Decay please okay here

Okay put try throwing that concrete powder in there okay now collect it did it make it into white concrete yes wet concrete yeah it works okay here okay conrete baby Leaf Decay I think that one one oh my gosh I could have done villager leads oh my gosh oh irony I

Was I this whole time I thought that was only a plugin you could do and not a data pack yeah back to the brain scratching infuriating Redstone okay freaking freak freaking freak I’m down loading this stupid villager leash data pack oh my gosh I can probably oh I went up to get

Signs okay I can get a a data pack for the fast sleep Decay I’ll let me download that yay yeah yeah it’s working I can’t believe I got these to work fast Lea de K give me give me give me thanks Planet Minecraft what are some other good ones

You guys don’t have any good I got to go B pop in later for your still on yes uh good luck with your stream Emma I’ll probably have it running in my background um gamers in the chat what are some good data packs I think we got all the good ones one I

What I’m just tired oh deeper ocean I don’t want to go like too crazy just like some quality of life ones like the concrete one JoJo STS there’s one that can add JoJo St oh my gosh that’s Funny Vill gy no craft Attack on Titan stuff what the heck okay we’ll just go with those ones for now the Villager leads and the fast Lea Decay that’s what we we’ll go with for now okay let me transfer those okay and then I’m going to have to do a s a slash reload

Okay cool okay okay okay they’re both work they both should work now the fast sleep the fast sleep DEC should work now yeah oh my where has this been oh my life what the freak I thought we couldn’t do that here where the rest of that concrete powder go

Uh I see it I see it the chest okay is the is the railway thingy coming along decently yep yep trying to math it out Here my gosh all the bees just when they all pop out at once it’s so aggressive okay okay what was I doing oh yeah I wanted to plan out the yeah what I don’t know I wanted to plan out where the aquarium should go if you look up a chart for Minecraft

Circles CU I think it will be a circle a circle large Circle a circle it can have branching off things circles just are my specialty circle circle what would it what would it be made out of the building a different story I have we can make a bunch of concrete I have

Quartz you have so much gravel like so much gravel yeah exactly I can make a bunch of concrete this speak think we could plan it out in creative oh yeah where the heck does this lead to where does what lead to there’s this another crevice nearby

And I just went down it and it just leads into a tiny mine oh oh never mind uh it drops into the underneath the cave system that is underneath in the in the the basement uh okay yeah I’ll just slide it up [Applause] oh why that dropped this

What oh I just chopped down the dark oak trees and it just dropped a lot less saplings than I thought it was going to did the leaf Decay thing work yeah nice nice nice nice and now we can put leads on freaking villagers bless that should just already be in the

Game I don’t care if it seems inhumane or not human in the villagers I mean in Minecraft in Minecraft in Minecraft see weird cave thingy not even going to go all the way down where the heck did I go to get in here oh I’m watching a tutorial video nice the railroad will

Be amazing how are there so many chickens around here I’m killing them it’s about time look freaking everywhere these must be the chickens that somehow got free it’s okay they’ll just be sold to chicky lickies chickens these days chickens around here I guess I can terraform some of

This dirt over here I hear chicken you will die perish Get Wrecked I don’t care about cash backing oh was there an ad I don’t care about cash back man oh can you convert nuggets back into huh then you can con nuggets back into something you can convert nuggets into ingots ingots into blocks okay oh God I was wondering why you kept so many

Nuggets yeah I got to convert it all especially all this crap I got from the nether crunching on some snacks oh yeah okay I think I know where I want to put the aquarium yeah it’s like a it’s behind the Villager thing to the left it’s like a little flat

Platform I think I want to like put it on top of that I’m thinking for the general shape for like the planning we’re going to do we use uh the Warped fungus wood wared stem and then you strip it so it’s just the turquoise color instead of the purpley crackle shape

Ooh oo I like the sound of that let’s have to grow some more since we don’t have much I can go grab a bunch in the nether if you want grab a bunch of the mushrooms cuz we can grow them here oh yeah oh I’m going to have

The farm Harvest I’m going to harvest it really quick cuz it’s okay ready and I’m not wow that’s growing back and all go into the now I there’s a little like plot of land over here that I’m growing the trees on you want to do you want to see if you

Can see the tree that’s grown right now where oh my why is it so tall what the heck what the freak why is it so tall it’s so tall why oh my gosh I can see it all the way over here by the farm my goodness goodness so

Funny man I didn’t know they can grow that tall me neither oh man I don’t have a hoe oh yeah I do you have a hoe one oh yeah cuz you have to manually mine the stupid fungus unless we want the floating fungus to just stay up here uh no

Do you prefer dark blue or cyan more in terms of concrete uh maybe the cyan perfect I don’t know what we were going to do if you said dark blue why did you make a bunch of cyan no just like no other w wood is that dark of blue there’s only cyan wood

Oh the only thing that I could compare the darkness of cyan of concrete to is lapis which we do have plenty of that true you have a ton of lapis the can’s like just brighter mhm looks more like tropical oceany I wonder if we just put like two

Fish in a tank together if they’ll just reproduce naturally if that’s how it works I have no clue probably look up how do tropical fish how do you I think they just like I think they literally just spawn in the warm ocean biome and I I don’t think you can breed

Them well yeah not breed them but sometimes animals breed on their own I don’t know you know I don’t know why Tyler put a million hoppers down there because yeah you could just put water yeah them because then they have to oh my gosh yeah maybe we redo that

Because they’re just they have to travel through from Hopper to Hopper and you know how freaking long that will take that would take I did the water system with the underneath the house for the overfill and the problem I find is that the hopper like fills up and then it’s left

The stuff on top of it so it could respawn I guess that’s True oh man I don’t know well I like there could be like a couple Hoppers so it could collect but it’s traveling through so many Hoppers that it’s going to take forever yeah like by the time it actually fills up the mine carts it’s going to be a

While unless you like manually go put it into the barrel that’s closest continue watching this rail tutorial oh my gosh the carrots they just they they have to travel through every single Hopper I I don’t know how long that’s going to take them but we would we’ basically have to AFK

The AFK part of Har have to do two steps of AFK oh man this video is seven years ago it doesn’t work like that anymore does it oh freck oh man nine years ago Dude I just want a freaking there’s got to be a more recent one Rail Road Minecraft I just

Want I just want a railroad that goes to two separate places is that too much to ask for apparently someone like freaking who knows red stone to help with that I’m going to go to the bathroom okay amount of seeds that beetroots give oh my Lord Crazy M I got to like intercept

Them dude it’s going to take this forever yeah most of this should be replaced with water I will consult steevie on that those get the seeds out of here we don’t want the seeds in here these are barely building okay well okay this one is seeds out of

Here and I need to build another composter that’s actually by seed thing then I don’t have to fly all the way to the house put a crap ton bone meal though lit some of dirt away maybe whatever okay m okay it’s having a little snacky right now I gota blow my nose in the mute real quick yeah okay I just need to blow my nose really quick e okay oh killing champ my head empty that’s was I doing Other than eating snack I guess I could go h we’re going to make more concrete then I need more sand yeah okay yeah oh okay I’m back I was at therapy thanks for letting us know you were at therapy how was therapy good I help therapy is always Nice eating chips the Underground Railroad not not to be confused with the real thing a railroad that is underneath the dirt how about That what was I doing oh do the thing what it did the thing didn’t it oh yeah yeah hold on I’m going to make myself a bowl of ramen noodles o ramen noodles needs to be a oh wait I think this exists in the downstairs storage oh yeah

Okay so soil can go in there too dir clay related items ohel okay let’s check out this tutorial that they sent oh yeah they sent that and I was like uh I was like you just had that seriously Jacob that says that yeah he likes train man train boy he likes

Train he said it first okay I’m put this down it is the exact intersection is it what you looking for hold on he’s getting dude don’t intro when I just it uses a lever okay hold on six years ago does it work the same maybe maybe I don’t I don’t know

How if Redstone is really changed much in that amount of time I mean like observers were added yeah but I mean that shouldn’t have an effect on base uh Redstone I think I’m going to go fly to a I need I need but we have a ton of

Gravel but I need more sand if we’re going to make Mass loads of concrete so I am going to go get sand right under put a torch s don’t need that don’t need h I have so many sticks I’m stupid what am I doing don’t need that me I don’t need

That okay I will be back I’m going to go get sand maybe after I craft some more arrows I mean Rockets I don’t know what I’m saying anymore let’s see let’s just try and find a desert I think I may have screenshoted Hornet to a desert but I don’t

Know I can mine this oh yeah just m this so that we don’t have to fly super super far in mine shovel sh La it did not help it did not help oh no so so it didn’t do what you wanted it to do no it only recapped what I already know

Oh that’s the freaking continue from that theil just like here’s a tip if you the the freaking leop not going on the ground man it’s going on a wall maybe Jacob needs to get in here and just do the freaking cuz like we have it from One Direction already powering mhm

Now how do we turn off that signal power it someplace else oh my gosh hold on my food’s ready uh Jer might no he said yeah in the chat but I should probably put Unbreaking on my shovel for instances like this oops sand Sandy nuts God always looks like that I’m actually picking

Up sand ASMR instam mine sand ASMR Blain it to it in detail what I have to explain the train into the train lier in detail oh I need to put un breing on my chevet okay okay I’m not going to mine any more sand so I don’t accidentally break it picture

Okay I collected a buttload of sand almost a full entire Sher box oh I should probably go check on the freaking Turtle oh the turtles they’re still not hatched guess they haven’t been generated in oh Jer said he can help but he’s at work right now I’m just kidding

Go into a creative Redstone world and figure it out there dang oh my heck oh no got a I’m sure I have an Unbreaking uh book down here somewhere mhm in the Shelf stop to search through every single book the heck kind of book is that chaning

No efficiency five I don’t need that it’s already on my chevet oh I’m breaking through here we go bam all right chevet okay now we need to go to the nether I mean the end to repair you oops I like how you can fly to the stronghold using only like

One uh one firework because it’s that close mhm Bast split oh no o oh my ender pearls I flew I was flying to it and I got like shoved down underneath between where they spawned I was like oh no back Mages I’m going to eat the turkey chunk I found on the ground

Please don’t that’s I’m just I don’t think that’s very good for your health now did you drop it beforehand and it’s like a 5c rule thing or did you just drop it on Thanksgiving and it’s a couple days R thing oh no spawn Enderman oh no is it broken again

Oh the spawner better not be broken I think it’s broken again oh it’s broken again oh man oh yeah there I think it might be broken again I would go check I don’t see our endermite friend ouch oh yeah he’s dead ah no not like this no it’s fine it’s fine

Um I just landed in a massive pile with them so I just need to Actually I’ll go through the nether we do that way well oh man oh what the I’m not doing the skeletons well dang it Gamers how oh crap I’m going to have to oh man uh okay wait no I let me go back and get leaves why did I forget no ghast leave me

Alone I need somewhere to be I there what I need somewhere to be that’s not a real sentence leaves okay leaves so I can pillar and they won’t spawn on the leaves except if I drop back down in there oh wait okay now wait it might be fine

Maybe all the Enderman just ganged up on me this dumb stuff always happens I hate how sketchy this stupid thing is sketch City USA ah I see my XP all hope is not lost yeah I just got to yeah okay hold on oh yeah they’re they’re kind of broken the en are

Okay hold up okay yeah that is all Stu you know I can I might able to just hit them right here this should work the same okay maybe not you guys shouldn’t be able to look on leaves get me if I’m in the air oh they’re about to come get

Me right come that brother see him teleport to me you dummy do it he won’t what about your friends oops Wonder they’re everywhere evolved I don’t want to deal with that oh no he won’t do spawn if no one’s here okay okay let’s just do this you guys I’ll just do it like

This I really really need to repair this shovel you know what hold on I’m just going to fix the spawner you’re going to try you want to drop some stuff off at home before you no I want your life I went into creative mode because I

Can and this has happened way too many times so don’t forget to name him baby zombie baby zombie be number three how are they even getting to him they’re somehow killing it my gosh why is that so loud zombie you know it was named baby zombie last time we name it zombie

Baby right an endermite put you in there name you oh no okay oh yeah that fixed it my gosh they go insane okay they literally just like immediately the second I put this endermite in the chest they immediately just flocked over here okay that’s funny I don’t know why the Ender Mite

Keeps dying but repare my tools sit here and left click for a bit oh my brain how many times are you trying to get it to switch uh rails I I have the me is of here uhuh in the creative world yeah my brain is trying to wrap

Around hey if it’s on at one Junction and we don’t know it’s on at one Junction and we go to switch it it won’t work so how do we make it so it turns off when we want to switch another one on at two different stations um I I really don’t

Know my breakes my breakes I’m trying to think like if it’s off all of them are off that’s it goes to the left oh no did this thing break again one of them’s on it goes I think it broke again hold on let me double check it did how are they getting to

Him what the heck are you guys doing I don’t know how they’re doing doing this they’re somehow getting in and breaking the or killing the ender bite okay what if I put Some trap doors here block him like that I don’t know if this will work they don’t not see him I’m going to name it zomie hello zomie okay what happens if I do this oh now they see him they’re somehow how are they they’re somehow killing it I heard that

One funny what if I did tinted glass that happens if I do that oh my Lord all of these zomie 2.0 happens if I just put tinted glass there we need like something that’ll toggle it so that it can be turned off from all dire are be sure an observer won’t

Work I don’t know how they work that’s the problem go I okay wait I’m going to try and put tinted glass zie can they not see through tinted class okay experiment time if I do this oh my okay that might be AA yeah we could do observers but then

How would they know which dire they we’d want them to go hold on I’m inside of a million Ender right now how do I get out let me out oh my gosh oh is it cuz they can jump in there that’s probably how they’re getting in

Well they just so they walk over open trap doors so they fall down I added some tinted glass around part of the the endermite so I’m hoping okay wait here let me try and let me kill a bunch and then get more to spawn and see if they all if they all

Come flocking in if they just kill them again I might have it I think it’s for King hey endermite is still alive is he named how does this freaking thing work okay okay I think I got it working again okay it’s working for real this time my Ears a okay figure anything out yet no if it’s not going to work then it’s fine I want it to work oh my gosh okay what I put an observer right here right there and then H doesn’t give a long enough signal I supposed to put a repeater into it give give me

That help me help you help you what no I was just reading the sign help help me chicken die okay I just want to build the aquarium here Here so should I build like a c Circle I don’t know okay maybe uh maybe if it’s a button you could press it and then it takes a long time to get there it’s to the destination and then it will flick off B let me me try that if it were a

Button kind of circle am I making like or what size image a new tab a pretty big circle uh like uh 15 blocks apart or more than that uh let me check out Circle oh myall Circle and what is this being who what is this being made out of what they

Make the warp stem the whole Foundation it’s the foundation yeah then I can uh plan that out once we find what’s sure and do you want it to be even or odd um even cuz you want double doors yeah I guess uh maybe 45 blocks or I guess 46

Uh let me let me see how many blocks I could get away with on this platform I might have to do this like 12 H I think I got it I made it more difficult it was supposed to be oh oh does it work now yeah I just need a buttload of repeaters oh butload repas and then like a lantern or something to show that it’s going the direction you want it I

See oh my gosh I want to zoom that is a very wide Circle okay I I think I might have something going no I want to zoom in more zoom in how are you zooming I use Opera GX now so oh it’s like I guess I all right I’m back in the world

Chrome here we go Chrome I okay time to go back into my crawl space put a buttload of repeat in there that maximum tick is that four yeah and then it goes one two and then it goes one two and then one two three four and then one two and then one

Two and then one two three four yeah okay okay okay okay I could do this a little it said this started 20 hours ago what no I’ve only been streaming for 4 hours in 40 minutes to be exact oh it does say that why does it say

That why does it say I’ve been it says started 20 hours ago why does it say that I have not I have not been streaming that long holy crap if I have been that’ll Beane wait do you have more warped stems yeah I put them in a chest in my house of

Course I need them I don’t want to be a mole I don’t want to be a mole anymore I’m planning out the circle and they will be upright stems yes brings to the sky get a button why does it say I started streaming 20 hours to go why does it say

That that’s not true not true if I extend this to 16 celebrating my two month anniversary since I found you what nice nice dope based super lit uhoh stream laggy why is stream laggy stream should be fine two three four five six 24 oh my gosh my eyeballs one

Two three four five six seven is that seven I can’t tell the grid is so distorted uh oh I need more Redstone repeaters one two three four five six 1 2 you want me to share the link with you or I guess the PNG maybe I should

Have shared the wait hold on i’ I’ve got something going on here okay that goes one that goes one and that goes one so there should be four of these to I have an idea of how I want the building to be shaped 1 2 3 four then you

Go three and then we go one two three one two three four five six wait one two three three three okay yeah one two three four five six two three 1 2 3 1 three okay then we go one two three and then and then we go one two I need more dirt

And I need more warped stem for show I’ll just travel to the ne real quick to the nether ouch bonked my head on the portal why is there a gas right there who oh no I just sent a gas charge through the portal oh I better go see if it caught

Anything on fire I don’t think it did but it there there’s a possibility it might have freaking walk through the portal and there’s a gas right there to to greet me and I deflected its stupid fire charge but it went through the portal so I don’t know if it killed anything or

Not gu we’ll find out oh did it hit anything uh no but like the whole light system may have come up through an opportune for what I’m trying to get a light to light up when the rail is on versus when it’s off like a point where you can see it from all

Directions wait do you I need to you want me to collect a warped fungus right yeah okay the actual fungus yeah I’ll do that I’m in here anyways course I don’t have my what the heck noise did I just hear that was cursed I don’t know what kind of nether noise that was

But oh my eyes why do the nether sounds so scary what the freak maybe I should just have like a note block play when it’s off like a little Ting noise that’s kind of what I did when I made a a railroad connect to the or like where it got to its

Destination it went over a note block and just went ding to say that it was there yeah but I want it to play When the rail turns off oh I don’t know then maybe I should have a light that turns on a light is better show you that like you’re

Connected the Bluetooth device is connected has connected successfully the Bluetooth device has connected successfully successfully buunny buunny the Bluetooth device uh okay I think three four stacks of warped warped stem is good enough for now yeah could you also if you have a silk touch anything you get more uh the grass

They have there not the grass you can pick up with your hands like the nether right the nether the block the Warped Roots uh no the the blue grass on the ground that you walk on oh that that you grow them on oh right right yeah I don’t

Have no actually I guess I could just get some nether rack and just bone meal it around yeah I’ll do that instead I just ran into uh the salt stem there’s a be spitting around on the front porch yeah they tend to do that I doing I’m over complicating the

Way I need to go back hey we’re going to do an experiment I need to count how many seconds it takes for the Redstone signal to reach the rail man can not do that by myself okay I’m coming back one sec to the portal okay I’ve made it back through the

Portal where am I going hold on let me sleep first you’re just going to press the button at the okay at the automat atic Farm cuz right now the automatic farm is the longest way away I think yes okay I am let me know when you want me to press

It press it now okay press oh crap what the okay uh small small problem huh small problem um you mind out part of the rail so it can’t go the cart no or the Redstone signal well did it did it work 25 26 27 28

29 30 31 30 still hasn’t reached 34 35 hold on let’s check if my Redstone keep pressing the button press press press press okay it is sending a signal okay it just took a little bit to get here oh I see the reason the track is not

Switching is cuz I did did something that was supposed to anyway anyway okay back to making a CLE hold on I need to count the seconds I didn’t count them before okay ready uh hold on hold on wait a minute it it may need to be reset since

We pressed it multiple times oh my okay I’m I’m ready to press I can still is it let me see if it’s fully clear okay we might need to install more powered rails so the cart goes faster than the signal can emit okay um there are plenty of power rails in the

House let me get back to the junk Shed is not long enough Time four sorry one two three and then we [Applause] go I forgot to take the other ones one two three four five say six or seven Seven two three four five [Applause] okay you want to press the button uh yes one three four five six S I am ready to press the button okay press h then it will work uh I don’t not quite okay it’s like it it like cancels the signal that’s what it’s supposed to do

Oh so it flicks it for like a second and then it flicks it back for a second [Applause] Sante in that case we just need like a leop uh actually hold on going back to the Redstone if I can we almost have it almost almost almost let’s two three four and then we

Go one two three I got a m this Street go away leaves the should be going away one two three oh six on that side 2 three four five six then two three then one two three four then one two three bam okay cool we did it okay now we need to strip all of these LS who okay

You know we could you know what we could use if we had them what gulk sensors we have some I think I’m pretty sure we do I’m pretty sure we have skulk sensors here I me check there a catalyst wa let me see more skull I swear we had the

Sensors I swear I brought some back from the okay maybe I have maybe I didn’t oopsy daisies oh well I don’t really want to hear the skull thingy all the time anyway I’ll just get flashbacks okay let me see for oh man if we’re going to do the ocean

Monument tonight then I got to start breeding Axel I will I’m almost done planning out the building I think skull might be our best bet oh man I know I can silence it with water so you won’t hear it at all so like something I can

Do silence it with like water log it yeah water logging it silences skull oh okay hey I think I figured it out I just need SC uh uh the one the skull place we like just a single skull just the the not the shrier but the sensor yeah

Okay uh give me a sec let me see what I I’ll find one oh do I need silk touch yeah I have a I have a silk touch ho don’t worry okay let me borrow it back In I’m standing outside of my house okay I won’t spawn there there wait where are you goes over in the oh here is my hoe I will take good care of your hoe okay I will be back with a sensor or two maybe just in case

Mhm cuz a skull will sense the mine cart sound and it will turn on for a second and for that second it will be close to when the rail switches and then there’ll be a a switch that toggles a piston so it will cut off the Redstone

Signal so even if the mine cart does go this way it yeah fancy yes you we just have to remember to turn it off turn off the the P in I’ll have a light above it so it will show that it’s on man I am red St the red is

Stoning oh shoot I will I hope we left some we don’t even need any of this Redstone really I hope we left some skull here and yeah I bet we did I will see I’m flying around oh gosh can you find any I’m looking there’s one more place I can think

Of that might have some I almost flew into a waterfall of lava oh my gosh there’s no way we killed all of it I think we might have killed all of it no freaking way hold on I can I know of a PL place where the grass is really

Greener do you not get it what what a magical place I said I know a place where the grass is really greener oh my gosh you get it mhm just like you’re just like mhm yeah sure are okay oh oh oh I found some I found some okay some leftovers in this small

Area above it don’t your mic How what the he H said what the he sticky P okay I come back now I’ll just mine all of it why not whoa who knows when we’ll e skull again exactly ouch I love smacking into things with my elytra and hopefully the skull won’t go off when we’re like above ground oh

Yeah do you think maybe if we put wool on top of it it’ll block the sound above it but it will be fine below I think it can work I think it can work like that I think it’s based off of Direction it does like directional sound mhm okay where are s

Underground I’m coming in hot okay not very but it’s fine what a cat dying where where where I don’t hear it anyway there’s your stuff thanks I cat St go no anyway here’s your stop I don’t know where it could have been but water okay the foundation for the aquarium has been laid

Out um I’m just I want like a little staircase that leads up to it so h B planning out I go oh I could maybe put frogs in here too I don’t know oh yeah yeah so it’s not only Axel hotles as much as I love Axel hotles I want a real functioning

Aquarium jerck stop sending Moon conspiracies in the chat moon landing conspiracies oh well okay part of this building is a circle I’m trying to think of how the crap the roof is going to look crap Frick oh no it can just be flat

Like if I had to compare it to a roof it could be like the roof on your house oh yeah and like maybe just like a border of slabs or blocks around the top yeah come come look at your house I made your house mostly out of circles

But oh like see the flat ends of the circle will be open like that and then the rest and like go up a peak if you want it oh I see okay I see I see I see okay well uh okay now uh I might as well start smelting some more

Glass cuz I’m going to need it h now I’m starting to think uh what is the outside made of got concrete what I should I do just white concrete we’ll fig it out I’ll just do white concrete for now h I’m going to need way more concrete than that oh I need my

Die oh okay now I just need to make a trail for the Piston to all three locations the freak I should you know I’m going to bring this cold with me spider get out of here okay I think I can with this all just add

Like if it’s on if the Piston is on it just makes a ringing noise so until somebody turns it off oh what a ringing noise yeah like if something kept if it kept activating a bell that kept ringing oh until somebody turns it off Okay I’m just planning out the Aaru I should probably tell everyone that we got it working oh yeah maybe I want the ceiling to a little taller now time to cover my work h uh is there a lot of aaia wood yeah okay mate snatch some great oh oh that’s nice SK sensor safe the day

Yeah yeah we can finally build the buildings that go around [Applause] it yeah something just G like oh my that’s so much easier why did I not do that come on no e zombie go away okay oh another one no the aquarium’s not open yet go away go away AKA kills it two

More two more accac mods freaking bees popping out their thing dop based super lit okay this is going how should think it’s ready oh yeah oh my brain my brain my brain bra okay oh oh no oh no where was that where do you think in the freaking in the rail

Thingy in front of it come look first where are you uh where are you I’m on my way oh my gosh my BL I like go and open the chest and just sit and stare at it and be like what was I doing and then be like oh yeah happens way too

Often got to clean up my mess now oh what do I want the ceiling to be Oh don’t make it stone bricks you always make it stone bricks okay as I have stone bricks in my hands okay uh let’s Okay we won’t we won’t do that Um um blue light blue concrete look okay I don’t I don’t know what to do the the ceiling uh hold on let me clean up first and then I’ll come help you where’s the center of this thing should be a 2 by two 1 2 3 4 8 9

11 I think I already found it 1 2 3 4 5 okay so it’s here now we have to build the little buildings build the little buildings yeah for the train oh be get out of the house we’re not allowed I’ll leave eventually eventually I need to bring like a crafting table over

Here know we have like a million crafting Tes MH you don’t want to try building your aquarium and creative first you just want to wing it well I mean there’s no point in switching back and for Le I don’t think so okay do you need okay it’s your aquarium it

Is I hope you enjoy how it looks when it’s all done just like your house why do you say that like scary like I hope you enjoy it like your house why are you saying it like that don’t come crawling back to me if it looks ugly is all I’m

Saying okay I’m I’m trying on this one I really am just like your Ravine Aquarium okay that one was like a stretch we didn’t really get that far on that one other than putting concrete floors Baby okay did you say you were going to come over and look oh yeah I just need a good something good for the ceiling and then maybe if you want to do a roof you can fortnite Jer don’t say that my chat speaking of fortnite did you like

All like my cover of uh chug jug with you that I threw in the Discord a couple days ago or like a week ago sorry I said the f word forite oh my gosh he’s online yeah he’s going to Jo he’s going to be so he’s so

Proud of what we did with the freaking I didn’t do anything that was all you he’s going to be so proud but I so fully am responsible for doing the railroad yes hey guys the fart Hey guys oh boy okay Dylan please be nice to me what happened I’m building a bigger aquarium

And she comes over and she’s just like um okay um please be nice to me please what are you want me to say that it’s very opaque for an aquarium opaque I’m working on it still it’s not done I’m working on it where is it it’s behind the Villager place it it looks

A stop it looks like a what a Tic Tac bottle a Tic Tac you said to make it a circle and guess what I did I made it a circle you did you did make it a circle I’ll props I made a circle I looked up a picture of how to make a

Minecraft circle I’m working on it I just said what what’ you say who Dylan what’ you say it’s awfully opaque that’s I’m freaking working on it okay how do we make a red stone wait wait how should ceiling be it should be made out of this melon melon I don’t want your

Melons it’s too late no oh by the way we got the railroad figured out oh you did we did no I didn’t do anything where is it we used scul it’s under around a skull sensor skull a skull sensor the easiest solution for you was using skull I

Mean if it works though I’m not knocking it wait the return of Corbin cortine presents the dinosaur s like birds do today yes corilla back with the dinosaur are you using skull for like long range the skull sensor because it can send a redstone signal I activate a redstone

Signal yeah so it will hear the mine cart and it will activate the tur and then a piston if you want to go the other way the Piston will activate and block that signal that blocks it wow that’s that’s impressive got to hand it to you my brain Dylan Chan’s bra Farm is

Broken H I fixed it I think I think it’s still fixed I had to fix it yeah I had to fix it several times I just ended up saying screw it and did it in creative mode they didn’t used to be able to get to it I put like two blocks of tinted

Glass next to the they still Chase it uh so I thought they would and but I had to break the center one in front of the mine cart that has the thing and they still see it but I but with the other two blocks I don’t think they can get to

It anymore I don’t think I haven’t gone back and checked I wonder if they changed it specifically so that you couldn’t do that why would they change that to make people angry classic moing mojangles MO Jingles now oh and we got uh some plugins oh yeah I put some plugins and

They actually no not plugins data packs yeah yeah they should work yeah I was under the impression they did it oh cuz you can use them for single player worlds yeah I got I it freaking villager leads oh yeah finally yeah you get fast Lea Decay too yes I did yes I

Do I’m not going to finish the rest of that sentence I know exactly what it is my lawyer has advised me not to finish that my manager has advised me not say anything you ready to CHP some trees yeah yeah yeah does Tyler put all his personal

Stuff hey hey hey how’s the going going pretty well Jen the Minecraft Monday is Minecraft and it is Minecraft why is there a zombie villager in here where what where he’s in a mine cart uhoh he got he got he got it he got the virus

Got to cure him he’s infected oh my gosh get these away from me do not you anyy pearls no they should like make tosing them into the hole go down there for a while fun fact Spock had three ears the left ear the right ear and the final frontier oh my

Gosh in gruesome Detail no you don’t get it I don’t get it can you explain it the final frontier Frontier he definitely didn’t have a fronti frontier FR FR o n t i e r Frontier thank you thank you thank you I get it hey guys can I level with you

Can can you what I got it from the get-go I just oh my gosh of course yeah of course don’t worry Corb Zilla I know you I don’t know you I I just got the joke I don’t know you I don’t know you know you I need some

Clay you see you can make clay Farms now yeah with mud yeah yeah yeah I’m a big clay head big uh a big Schmid head I don’t know why that killed me it’s it’s not really a fact that was a joke well it was a good one nonetheless

Uhill told you he was lying guys what I told you he was lying corilla would never lie sell them to the the who got who it what someone there’s an angry Enderman somewhere yeah I killed him yeah I killed him yeah I did it I did it I did

It yeah that was me I did it yeah did it and I’ll do it again what do you use to cure zombie illers oh wait no weak weakness was it snitchy witchy right oh sorry villager oh huh wit is fine that scared me sorry guys I know you guys have a I would

Never imply anything bad happen to snitchy although have we checked on him lately I did at the beginning of the stream he seemed fine that’s good I don’t I he still should still be there what am I doing I need silk touch I also need am I right got him

Sure why can’t you just be happy for me one time a bad limbo player walked into a bar I don’t get that one can you explain that to me please no I don’t get it your bird get it Richard can you explain it to

Me oh cuz he walks into the bar he’s bad at limbo okay I get it oh my God that’s actually pretty clever do we have Richard’s always got me no questions asked silky touchy okay we do have silk touch that’s my bird some silky touchy I hear BBS yeah

Richard of all names hey you just threw a oh that was you he’s like I heard some throw something BBS I had BBS too oh nice they’re adorable they’re far from adorable I’m just kidding excuse me no no no no I was quoting does it I was quoting I used to

Hate beards but it effect grew on me oh my gosh you guys I don’t get that one J you explain that one to me have Birds oh Emma has Birds nice oh what kind of birds what I what do I need silk touch for oh Glass wait a second I just realized my fart pack isn’t enabled cuz I heard I hear the regular villagers oh you’re like wait a minute but jeez they’re both boys says Emma Richard’s a male Budgy too Richard I thought he was a girl Bud ghost and Orion oh cute yeah and her

Name was Venus yep and then we realized he’s a boy so and Venus is like a goddess name so we named we named him dick cuz uh you know wow and then dick is short for Rich it is truly a story for all ages is he’s cool

Though it was a long joke that I might have to separate the two messages to make it work farmer saw a chicken crossing the road he asked the chicken why he crossed the road the chicken said to get to the bar the farmer asked what happens if you walk into the bar the

Chicken said that’s the whole other joke get it my my brother you got to you got to help me with with this one armad chicken Crossing Ro he asked the chicken while he crossed the road the chicken said to get to the bar the farmer asked

What happens if you walk into the bar and chicken said it’s the hole of oh I get it what I’m not going to tell you oh my gosh po can you believe that she like thinks I’m going to just tell her i’ be cheating she’s got to arrive

To the conclusion on her own LOL my sister has a bird like that named Kenny we found she was a she found out she was a she LOL my sister was like Kenny is short for Kendra now yeah I buy that oh yeah I installed the plugin where you

Can just throw clay into a cauldron oh that’s so nice or I guess you can just throw it into water too it doesn’t have to be a cauldron play yippe you did it Wahoo he’s real now I I rescued him are we going to name that one is he of any uh special

Significance how do we get him up the stairs I have villager leads now oh gosh the one upstairs is a zombie too someone’s leaving the door open that’s probably me then isn’t it how get up here oh they might be spawning on the Roof oh that was never a problem before

Though well find it up just in case and I need a piston you need a what a what piston oh oh I see you need iron wood and Cobblestone for that I hope this helped I hope this helped also Redstone I guess why doing can I make an infinite chicken farm real

Quick sure if you want any Leeds yeah they’re in the they’re in this the nature and animals chest there’s eight of them to carry around with the animals animal animal animal CU you know animal like uh the Sesame Street no like M’s Muppet M’s dog animal oh yeah that’s I forgot that’s

What it name isal are you guys excited for the Bean update the Bean update yeah they’re adding beans to Minecraft beans I don’t believe that but okay like green beans magic beans you sure go I get the Villager up the [Applause] stairs you snitchy witchy snitchy witchy

I have to go back into the Redstone mines I have to go back in time running out of redstone no we have so much are you kidding me okay I was I was confused like Absol have to make a circuit one that goes back and forth for all of

Them oh so that all of the Redstone signals can light up if one of them is on Oh I thought I was free wait I did not I did not do this oh whoops this one oh my gosh sometimes my shovel is too efficient people were shocked when they realized

That I was a bad electrician [Laughter] wow oh my gosh that that one had like a delayed response cuz I was like oh why and then I was like oh oh why I get it oh wait I might have one okay what is what is the difference between a piano a

Tuna and a bottle of glue a bottle of what bottle of glue I got I got this one I got it I just I don’t want to spoil it for the audience but I got it what is what what is it you want me to tell you no I I I I’ll

Tell it she can tell it okay so the difference between a piano a tuna and a bottle of glue is you can you can tune a piano but you can’t tune a tuna yeah what tun of fish it’s it’s uh where does the glue come in that’s what people get stuck On huh corpse is just like huh you get it my gosh funny is red stone so difficult why is yogurt KN so difficult it’s fun or who my suffering wow maybe I’m so sorry you guys I’m sorry I’m sorry it’s so bad F me I can drop some of’s dirt off my

Inventory is is so full of crap your inventory yes my inventory so dumb such a dumb joke I think that that one’s way dumber than the freaking Lobster bus station one nothing’s dumber than that one I read black Taffy jokes on my stream so I

Can’t be mad yeah did we do that the other day I oh yeah I had a laughing Taff oh yeah and then I had one too what is long and skinny and doesn’t move um a stick I don’t know me when I don’t eat for 8 Hours a stick oh I got it I got it what’s the one that’s it’s like what’s long and sticky a stick no I remember it it’s what what’s brown and rhymes with snoop poop doct Trey [Laughter] what what what cuz he cuz he Rhymes cuz he WS

Snoop oh what the what the heck you get it yes so dumb thanks guys what the freak what is red and bad for your teeth oh I know it a brick [Laughter] brick my gosh you guys are so funny thanks Dylan thanks Dylan we know he got it brick

Yeah oh this here I’ll tell a class one why did Sally fall off the swing this is the one I was thinking of oh Jen beat me to it why was Sally crying uh cuz she had no arms why did Sally fall off the swing because she had no arms

Knock knock who’s there not Sally why are we bullying Sally she’s an ampute or oh here’s another one why was Billy sad why because he had a frog stapled to his face oh my gosh yeah oh I know I know another terrible Sally one but it’s a dark

Joke did somebody turn the lever by the house yes hold the lever honey hold lever I pulled the lever where was Sally when the bomb went off everywhere I’m sorry I’m so sorry terrible I’m sorry that’s just terrible I’m sorry I’m sorry you’re so bad you’re

So bad oh my gosh I’m so bad oh my gosh do tra doors burn um I think I think just anything wooden burn do we have are there Stone trap doors no there’s an iron trapo hold on what did you just say said Iron oh you’re more far down than I

Thought what do you mean I’m sorry you uh I can’t sell arrows to the people you can’t sell arrows to the people to the people oh does that make sense uh yes the villagers yes so what do I do with all these arrows I’m going to make a trap and fill them with

Arrows what it’s like a trap yeah oh uh I don’t know what to do you said you flipped it the the the thing yeah what’s keeping the signal going I don’t know maybe it was left over uh something left over from the Creeper explosion that was right on top of

It do not mention that explosion I just did oh shoot says trap doors aren’t flammable they are though oh well the wiki is dumb cuz it says flamable no and then it says catches fire from lava wood yes oh but Crimson ones don’t a that’s genius GL

Do we have a Crimson Forest anywhere yeah yeah oh no the stream is laggy Mages and this is no joke what oh the stream looks fine on my end I’m watching it maybe your internet just sucks I’m just kidding I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry never mind yes that’s

What I said you holy cow that’s not right it seems fine how do we oh never mind how many how many okay instruments instruments do you own yes yes yes oh gosh oh jeez oh I found a Bastion oh it maybe it’s one I’ve looted before I have done know probably the same

One I’ve looted at least three of them don’t worry guys I found a Crimson Forest oh my gosh I feel like piglins shouldn’t hurt you if you have netherite cuz it has gold in it that’s true freak I didn’t think this why I thought this was going to be easy I made a

Mistake who’s there corilla knock knock who’s there I hope that’s the end of the joke that’s just knock knock nothing time to go into the one p soyer who I’m so you’re deut if it’s a de nuts joke the door right there did someone open a portal like an a ruined portal at

Any point yeah I saw that in the nether yeah yes that was me does that lead anywhere special no it just leads to a cave and that’s it oh yeah Tom soy your underpants oh my gosh Corb you got me you got me oh my a blue Forest too

Yeah Tom should keep his eyes to himself yourself Tom what are you doing there I someone at the house I will be in 2 seconds just need the flip the switch flip okay I’m going in the house no no it’s outside got it oh my gosh me we

Need a wait milk no we need more gunpowder yeah we we need a creeper Farm well I tried and it doesn’t really work oh that’s true so I need s yeah some dirt I severely under it do we have a a crimson plank Farm here

No so you’ll have to just get it in the nether does anyone have silk touch on a pickaxe yes I mean we have the Netherrack from the Crimson Forest we just need the mushrooms oh can’t use B meal on us I thought we just need the

Mushroom I have a crimson fungus it’s in the nature and animals chest oh thank you fungi yepy lav nipple lava I keep grabbing course dirt is what was I doing oh s I need some of these too oh my gosh my inventory is so disorganized and yeah I continue to do nothing

About I need a hoe well I got a hoe oh a silk touch one but a hoe nonetheless silk touch ho yeah I just need a regular regular old hoe what can I put away get out you idiot get out you idiot uh what am I doing your

Mom doing your mom doing your mom is it really that funny yeah I’m I’m done a little dumb okay you did not expect it my humor is Broken my Animal Crossing music that sounds like Animal Crossing music but isn’t actually Animal Crossing music legally distinct Animal Crossing music yes legal sounding Animal Crossing music I paid 20 something dollars for it I’m going to be contacting Nintendo’s attorney’s ASAP why I didn’t do anything hearing

From their lawyers it was from a royaltyfree music website I didn’t do anything wrong it’s not in real animal crossing music it’s just supposed to sound like it an exterminator saw a woman in the middle of a field he asked what she was doing in the middle of the field she

Said there were termites in her house the Exterminator asked where her house was she said you were supposed to come last week oh I see because the termites ate her house but really that sucks realistically that’s a terrible situation for real for real awful absolutely terrible my condolences for that lady

Don’t worry there’s more bad jokes where that came from there better be love our bad jokes around here quartz freaking piston oh there’s the piston hey could someone switch off the switch at the house uh yeah Yes actually can one person stand at the automatic farm and switch

The switch once and then at the house and switch the switch once I just want to see if this works okay here wait I’ll hit the switch at the automatic farm and I’m going to hit the switch switch the one at the house first oh right gosh dang it okay let me do

That okay Switching the house one W going to switch the automatic farm one W I heard a piston move yeah is the light on over there yeah little Lantern okay now switch it it off okay is it off uh oh oh now it’s off Yi should I turn the one off the

House turn the one on you did yes turn it on mhm okay it’s on okay it does it work turn it turn it off I have one more to do okay off almost almost oh switch is left oh wait s here’s one chicken wow I am I’m laughing so hard oh my

Gosh that was a good one cor Billa a good one chicken can’t go wrong with the chicken I need I need probably some more concrete what did you say said I need some more concrete you need some more concrete yeah over the hatch also freak the entire thing too

The entire thing please tell me it’s not what I think it is hold on oh wait I need more it’s just chicken and nothing else hey guys I have food now oh you didn’t have that before huh you didn’t have that before no it’s just been invented actually oh

Wow really I’ve been eating steak this whole time what what yeah no I mean like they made food from Minecraft into a real thing oh look who has an egg on their face yeah egg egg egg what am I doing I just going to make oh that is a tall piece of

Crimson do we have a t we have a ton of kelp right we do have kelp kelp yes if I want to you want to do easy water source blocks oh yeah egg a good joke uh Nether wart blocks back into Nether wart it’d be extremely overpowered but are we supposed to be

Uh are we supposed to be playing Gundam Evolution tonight yeah oh yeah oh shoot okay we can still do that oh yeah yeah I am I finished installing it the other day yeah we about to game big oh my gosh I keep forgetting what I’m doing here Oh I’m going to go AFK in the house real quick go eat IRL food I will okay BB that was an excellent joking me [Applause] thanks I’m definitely going to need more glass that’s going to be for Froggies I’m now thinking if I should have made this aquarium bigger and I

Don’t want to think about that because then I’ll keep thinking about it done it I’ve done it who the Redstone is complete for now for now okay I’m going to go down in there I need you to flick this lever uh okay uh look like I’m killing this

Spider then I going to put the this sphere quick okay what am I doing going to flick the lever okay I flicked it okay hold on look it again okay don’t hear a piston hold on let me get to where the Pistons at yeah oh which lever are you flicking

The one outside the house uh conf flick the one outside the Villager place ouch what the zombies go away flick it flick did the light go off yeah okay flick it again lick okay now I just need to like the side which way is which I still need to put a ceiling on

This Place I don’t know what to make the ceiling out of I need to finish this and I can help you with the thingy my now I’ll just put glass [Applause] Stone stuff away pull out all the mine rare stuff [Applause] [Applause] Oh whoops I messed up that Side need more glass rails are hooked up nice nice see if it works Do you want to come test it out uh yeah one sec uh okay where then I got to see if the light is on over here and not over there okay they’ll need to hook up the lights but so far it it works okay over at the start of the

House we’re going to see where this cart ends up without the piston engaged okay get a button let’s push it it’s not on a powered rail it’s not no just push it oh wait it was weird I think it’s cuz it has to be on an incline

Yeah okay where’s that one going well let’s go see I’ll check not at the oh not at the Villager place it’s at the farm nice is it supposed to be there yeah I just need to figure out some signs real quick w welcome back hor Zilla

Quart I need more quartz good thing I have more quartz okay can you send it back from the auto Farm sending it uh oh it’s blue button it’s not on an incline so it’s not push pushing it Forward go go it it did work like that before okay for some reason

It’s freak here I’ll just push it for now it’s not here it’s at the oh there it is it’s just like pooped out sand I keep leaving all my sand at the that’s fine from the farm from the Villager place so do Stevie is approaching briefly and briefly all

Right I need to make HS oh but I also need sand I am not efficient at all with this right now I have a slice of pean pie and apple pie which one should I stei heads of course always always always a schmi head always and forever

Yep I’m figuring out the railway um eat apple pie Jen okay or now we’re going to engage the light Tyler what light engaged light engaged I need quartz oh my gosh I keep forgetting scientifically it should show up as the village scientifically is she lighting a beacon no she’s figuring out

The the railroad we’re making sure it works uh it’s time for all my hypotheses to come to light the Dyan theorem yeah the Dyan theorem and I still need to get a light on you need an elytra no I have an elytra no I give you one if you need one no

Do oh my gosh I the light is on but it’s not connected so it’s on oh blasphemy so I’m go check at the auto Farm see if it showed up okay one sec okay never mind you can’t do throw the concrete powder in a body of water it

Has to be a cauldron it has to be a cauldron that’s what I remember you could place it in a body of water uh is the thing supposed to be there yes I don’t see it uhoh why is it here why are you here why are you

Here this is get a little too close to factorio I guess Minecraft it would it wouldn’t be the same without mine carts yeah hey can someone flip the switch at the house uh so the light is on uh I can go over one second I’ll just

Go I’m trying to work on my aquarium I’m Sorry yes fun fact the Dyan Theory yep that’s a pretty fun fact the is real the Dyan the oh my I’m going to need so many buckets why is this still picking up sound when the Piston is engaged is the oh why to take a look a little oh cuz there’s no Pistons

Stopping it oh yeah that’ll do it that’ll do it too no cor I have a job oh my gosh why you got a volum Tyler oh let me guess let me guess what if he actually guessed it I i’ I would be kind of scared I’d log off I would log

Off is it doing nothing okay we’re good we’re good I’m logging off he got it exactly right no he did not no I’m just a kidding false abolutely false that’s my dream job though doing nothing that’s everybody’s yeah oh the aquarium is slowly along slowly glow stone I just need a roof and

Oh my I need so many buckets got so much water in here okay let’s see can someone disengage the Piston at the house I’m on my way guys in a crisis I’m on my wayon disengaged oh shoot I need to make the Bas okay wait maybe we can do that like

Here yeah okay let’s see let’s hope this doesn’t look stupid maybe it needs to go I want a hat or like a yeah a hat that just says I wish I were crafting right now sure you can find on instead of like I wish I were fishing right now but it

Says I wish I were crafting right now does that make sense yes okay good my job is to be lazy and enjoy the nest show that’s a really good job yeah that’s a great job that’s fantastic I wish I could get paid to do that the low low price of $999.99 you can

Too oh what um just saw something that sparked my intrigue Intrigue and maybe we do okay we might need at some point we should build a beacon nearby because I got a hollow out uh the underneath of something Hollow Knight no is this teasing a hollow night stream

No just absolutely not absolutely not yeah I don’t want to play anti Hollow KN no I just don’t want to play it hat oh that’s a creeper oh that’s a baseball yeah I’m with you on this I’m I’m a little concerned I mean Hollow night sh don’t

Wait what I’m sorry I don’t want to play it she’s anti Knight I didn’t say that don’t let J put words in your mouth I’m disappointed I heck can love Hollow KN it’s a great game and I would love well I wouldn’t love to watch a stream of her playing something she

Didn’t like though that would that would be pain want it I don’t really want to play I’m sorry it doesn’t really look like my cup of tea you never know yeah is Dave the diver that’s true I love Dave the D it’s so good you need

To play it already pretty much a it’s not it’s game OMG my birds are talking to the other birds oh my gosh this weather what the freak what the freak what the freak what the freak Richard there’s friends for you I’m sleeping I’m sleeping they’re calling out for you but they can’t you

Can’t hear them no not the shrier I was playing Budgy sounds for oh my first victim I got a zombie in the moat oh is that what you’re doing I was going to say Ma just doesn’t seem like a hollow nighter you spelled Hollow wrong you’re too far into Hollow live man you’re

Thinking Hollow live you don’t think she seems like a hollow nighter you would play it if it was SP H you’re right just pretend instead of I can’t even deny that there’s no bug stream there uh not in hollow life though not in hollow life H what if I just secretly a

Bug no sorry I didn’t mean to bring up Hollow live we could make some skins no what uh nothing happened here’s a joke I saw a ball getting bigger and bigger and then it hits me and then it hit me oh oh That’s a classic beat you to it have you

Ever have you guys ever seen uh riple believe it or not yeah I read those books when I was a young child those are Classics I’m going to start I’m going to put the beacon right behind the Villager thing no I don’t have just D for hollow and

I’m the one that brought it up how how wide does the bottom have to be for what Beacon uh I think there’s three levels the first one is 3×3 that’s it it goes up by one each time I think it’s going on I don’t understand and to

Cry no it’s more than 3 by three it’s like a 4×4 yeah here wait no this doesn’t seem right no that’s not correct we got to go out one more just making a beacon out of all my iron blocks cuz I have enough to do

That 9 by9 is the biggest so the base is 9 by9 yeah I’m getting there I won’t fill the B with lava is probably don’t want to hear the bubbling lava is this believe that’s I believe is that it or do I need to go out one more

That looks small but I it does 1 two three four five six this is s by seven okay I’ll keep it going wait oh no you just expanded it there ah don’t worry I’ve got more iron blocks okay yeah okay okay yeah okay this is looking correct we just go like

This and then like this and then go like this and yeah the top is ready for a beacon Uhoh wow that barely tapped into my reserves of Iron beacon beacon has been made how do I how do you like charge it again what do you need for that charge it I think any ore I mean like any like I think you can use iron or diamond or okay that’s the problem you may need diamond for the maximum effect beacon

Beacon but I’m I don’t know how to do this wait do the secondary effect wait wait Haste okay it’s haste to there we go Beacon here wait stand on top of the beacon with me and uh face me I’m gonna do a picture hello hi here now I take a picture okay I took pictures got the pick yeah that’s going to make a good thumbnail do you need help

Dyan R I don’t know why it’s not working do do you want me to just do this for you yeah I can help you can just kill Dylan and then do the job where are you the baby’s favorite singer Lady Gag oh my gosh I’m down here too oh you’re not in

The that oh hello am I missing something why is it going that way it was turned that way so it’s going to change regardless every time it com comes down this rail you just need an and or gate for this why do I feel like haste is not

Working please help okay okay it should be I do have I walk into the Beacon’s effect it is not I am not in you want try without the skull I don’t know what that’ll accomplish Dylan is slowly losing it I’ll replace this after I’m done I just

Need to get a broader view of it so where are you flipping the lever from just up there is that the control it should be control it the scull would go haste when you so where are all the levers skul would go off from heing mine cart it has haste and

Regener time it would switch the if the lever were engaged it would push out this piston and cut off the signal of both the skulls okay I mean are you supposed to just making a track that like you can man it only cuts off one of

The skull signals hold on there you go Dylan is making new theories the she did have there yes now it’s insta mining yes inst M Stone I’ll get on my my cat child is screaming I need to go calm her down regular Stone to Silky touchy oh so you only wanted to

Temporarily switch the track over yes oh we got oh okay yeah that’s pretty genius actually that’s really cool so then the Piston would okay let me go switch the piston and it’s engaged the Piston so now it won’t switch over mhm okay yeah so it works right

Maybe justt would a detector ra not just why did it switch it would it would but this is cool though I want this to work because it’s cool it it effectively does the same thing I mean isn’t there other stuff that can make noise there there is

Where is that oh I see cuz it’s it’s when you block it off from here it connects to this under here so you need this signal to just come up over here they are doing redstone things they’re poorly doing redstone it’s not poorly Tyler she’s actually you have a solution you’re just

Ignoring it it’s it’s the same thing she just had a piston in the wrong place then why are you sticking with it because it’s the exact same solution it just was one piece of redstone out of place now it works but now we get trigger other things now like sensitive

Yeah cuz then the piston cut off the skull it’s only Transportation it’s only for deliveries right it’s only for deliveries you could do a a a what is it called a detector rail it would accomplish the same thing but I like the use of skull cuz it’s

Clever I like making it harder it’s not harder it just does the same thing okay now I’ll go disengage the piston and it should work still cuz the Piston’s supposed to cut off the oh goody we have more cor holidays in the chat oh yeah so now cors holiday part

Two Corb Milly day what ium it’s like it’s not family days maybe I should use it’s working Dylan okay if it’s working then we need to test it yeah hold on my sister’s calling me Dylan sounds so dead her fault bro the one that came in here and started insulting her yeah and

Family day oh it is Family Day Corell day cor day does skull put out a different amount of redstone based on how close you are yes I’m pretty sure well then this doesn’t work well actually it would still work it’s just cuz I’m testing it with my feet and I’m

Not exactly the loudest I was working with some Redstone I’m pretty sure like it wasn’t working so I just had to put a repeater oh oh yeah you could do that Dylan she’s on a f call she’s running away from me at Mock speed oh what what could

You do you could put a it seems like yeah it does put out a signal equivalent to how far you are how quiet yeah so just put a repeater next to the source of the Redstone underneath each skull and or just use the button rail that’s less cool Tyler yeah but it will

Solve your problem you know the problem is not EX istent I mean it’s not non-existent it is existent it’s existing but it’s cool to do it this way I you’re like no it’s not making it harder it very much is it but it’s not like the it’s not like we don’t know

What the problem is you didn’t fig soltion oh my God yes it is you put red repeater that doesn’t mean there isn’t a more Simple Solution oh that I thought you were talking about just in general it’s like it’s simple Sol to do the harder and more prone to failure

Solution then you got to get in a mine cart and try it out okay mes what are you up to I am building an aquarium that’s what I’ve been doing be going to the auto Farm no looking for the six I’m going stack of diamond blocks yeah you going

To just want to just uh when the light is engaged it should like go to the farm when it’s not engaged it should go to the Villager place okay aquarium simulator yes the heck oh those are Phantoms burning in the air do you have repeaters on You

Phantom you thought I was a phantom yeah coming in I’m coming in bring bring them down here Dylan okay let me gather all the red ststone stuff again D hope D Taco also there you go you need to put one right here good Corb day Corb Thursday aquarium simulator um yeah that’ll work

Okay now I’m going to come test it out don’t move a muscle Dylan okay don’t move them right I’m not moving Go Auto farm with the Piston engaged yes and that’s where I’m going you’re going to the Village oh it’s it’s the wrong way that oh there

We go this is the wrong you have a setup so when I hit the skull coming this way it changes it to go that direction yes that’s what should happen and then when the Piston that way is the Village Farm is the village yeah if the Piston were activated it should go to

The auto Farm engineering that is happening the light but up here it says light off auto Farm light on don’t pay attention to those I so with the Piston engaged now where do I go is it two man operation yes no very much so it’s not

She’s just uh the the the the I’m zooming in and out on my screen um for like dramatic effect no one can see where am I where should I be going Dylan if the if the the is okay piston is engaged I go to the auto Farm is that correct

No well then you have it set up backwards or just wait yeah it’s yeah that’s where you should go okay well that’s where I went is the light on over there I’m going to check over at the auto Farm oh I didn’t send me back push the payload the

PayLo what am I doing I don’t know what I’m doing anymore the light is on M how many hours have we been streaming today stop me means the P I were to disengage the Piston okay you engaged it on your side I I reversed

It so now the light is not on okay that means you should be going to the Village to the Village I’m on my way don’t go to the Village I’m going to be very mad okay went to the Village Dylan okay’s going to turn I’m coming back

Switch the lever switch the lever oh no I’m coming back to you no oh that’s good just is everything okay do you guys need help no there’s no shame in asking it works it’s just I I’m just stuck going back and forth cuz she won’t reverse the lever

It works it’s just not working it works it’s just this car is not designed for a person to ride in rid in no one gets that should I do no flip the L Dyan okay the Piston is engaged cor Hog Day come home it’s too late Jen we’ve already had cor Hog

Day I’m home it works he’s trying he’s trying I’m not going to let him succeed he actually does now what I’ve been trying to set up is that if the lever is Switched then all the lights turn on Okay the one light I haven’t hooked up yet is the village one

Oh so no matter which place you’re at if it’s engaged it will turn on yes well turned on right now but if I turn it off from here it will yeah oh yeah I see it’s not linked corpse of July no it was Corb of July have oh Corb

Of it was Corb of July what about cor dogs of the both piston and the light oh oh by the way who had a nice corbs giving dinner oh yeah it was corbs giving guys giving I it’s because this this signal only goes One Way Dylan I enjoyed the

Day of the you need I I gave thanks to Corb uh on yeah thankful that cor exists on Corb giving day oop sorry is that what this line is for I think water gotten here at some point oh or no this is the old mine this

Is the old track oh the old rail well we can repurpose it oh there’s a bee in your house yeah I know they tend to do that be go away oh oh oh he’s almost got it you can’t you can’t just bring everything back to go go go outside go

He triggered the plates be go you just have to turn around and he’s a little stupid bed I guess you could say he just needed to believe he’s not really be leaving really well go go go go go go outside outside banished got him you can’t put

Lead on bees can you uh oh there is a return here here let’s try oh I don’t have leads on me right now yeah right here thanks slow falling you’re absolutely be in the house seems like reality thing where people find bees in their houses what I I guess you could say it’s

Unbelievable oh my gosh wow okay hard it’s okay wasn’t that funny um this is not connected to anything this isn’t no this you see this line here this line here this isn’t connected to anything I mean it it connects to here but it’s never going to take signal from

Whatever this block is so you just need to connect it to where the signal is coming from oh my freaking slow falling and I’m using elytra but that doesn’t this isn’t going to ever output Redstone oh my gosh this is painful why keeping you safe this is good though

We want this here you just essentially want to come you just want to connect it somewhere so you could just you could just connect it here and then if you oh that’s what I worried would happen okay yeah no I are your okay jar yeah are you sure actually

Some Redstone got broken in a flood are sort of giving the same energy is like a dad and their child like doing an ASMR Whispering Whispering version of laughing because that’s what it sounded like I don’t freaking know what’s supposed to happen is that when the lever is engaged

At the house it’s supposed to send a signal to turn the light on yeah that’s what this one is that’s just this Redstone Trail hi gy so where where’s the line coming from okay yeah where’s the line coming from that turns the light on Richard I hear you buddy the world

Wants to hear you they’re just not ready for it just not ready for it you’re a beautiful singer you are you really are the least you could do is at a live bird cam I need to get a live yeah have you watched like the the Eagles the Eagles there’s there’s like a

Live camera feed of eagles in like Washington DC or something and they come back every year to nest and have babies and you watch yeah they’re adorable and you watch I don’t watch them have babies LOL Richard sounds like a freaking Richard Dylan you look deep in thought this is a lot of

Redstone well I think I don’t think this much is needed but we’re going to make it work for you what can we minimalize please oh my I forgot cut everything that’s been done so far though please do I don’t know wait a minute Dylan Dylan Dy calm down look at chat look at

Chat look at chat what do you mean what chat you have other chats start over again well Dylan could always blow up the Redstone and start all over again no I think she would go crazy I mean it probably let me do it I could I’m a good red ster then let him

Do it you’re helping her and it’s good red I’m hesitant to break her stuff but she said she with it okay Dylan’s begging now I’m dumping everything I don’t need right now stop arguing like a married couple on stream hey get off it man let me make a chest real quick this whole

Thinga and we’re shipping Tyler and there we go Mo he was like who can I say without like ruining everything moing would you if Notch asked you out on a date you’re not doing the Obama question no no no more no hypothetical please no it’s just a nice he pay for

Your dinner probably yeah he’ll pay for your dinner I don’t need dinner and he’s like hello hello hello Tyler is that do he you guys seen the video where he’s like that’s my game yeah and he doesn’t sound like that he does sound like that they dob him over with an American but

He’s like why that’s my game because they’re trying to Market to American audiences cuz Swedish people aren’t real and we had to cover them up okay while you do that I’m going to make buildings so we can have a place to put the redone wait Dylan what should I use for the

Roof why’ you say it so whally guys what did I use for the roof cuz I’ve been wondering this for the last couple hours just I’ve been in Redstone hell for the last couple hours okay you heard it redone redstone blocks to the roof Dylan has

Spoken what did you jerck the answer to that would be a simple no because I’m lazy and occasionally busy there we what is that what is he responding to so no date you would not date not you can be lazy Notch is okay with you being lazy he’s like oh yes that’s

Fine the only thing about it is I would only do it for the money cuz I’m Shameless are you not attracted to notch no I’m not I don’t know enough about it I do for the roof you could use redstone blocks just to mock

Dylan no I mean I have enough to do that but no here comes the signal what if you just answered the question it’s not very difficult what the how did you get in here um anyway what’s the Dylan opinion go on corilla says dome but we all know how I feel about

Domes I really want to do a dome I am looking at it I’ll do a skylight but I won’t do I don’t want to do a dome you could do a dome what did I just say have you ever thought about doing a dome what

Did I you I Jer on this one I think a dome would look really doish I don’t even know how to do a dome I don’t want to make that much glass not doing a dome I will make a skylight but no Dome you saying the dumb

Would be dumb yeah that’s exactly what I’m saying oh why don’t you just use freaking glass FL glass colored let’s see a statue of corbs at some point that will happen at some point know the roof of the House of that building is Corb shaped it could work

Pretty well I know cor shaped I got to go have an amazing rest stream thank you have a good stream oh good finally she’s gone oh my gosh don’t be mean do not be mean to my viewers like that why is this so hard for you Ty got

It ask you the same thing about your your gaswood slabs excuse me yeah with heard glass detailing juster why wouldn’t I just use blocks then do it do you ever look at something in your because I don’t want to be a certain thing that slabs bring that you

Know M don’t I believe in you you could make one decision in your life you can just pick a material well I’ve been wondering cuz we all know I suck at building just do it yourself the the roof is kind of looking like you what unfinished God oh my I didn’t I didn’t

Mean to God left me unfinished I that just kind of slipped out Frank reference you know you make it worse by saying slipped out like get some secret you’ve been hiding no like I’m saying like I just said it without thinking I didn’t mean to say that I’ve been trying

To keep that from you for a while no really I didn’t mean to say that I just said it out loud I I wasn’t thinking I don’t know cancel Mages guys no don’t do it no no anything don’t send your ravenous fan base after you the only one ravenous is is Ren she’ll

Bark at you you want me to help you destroy all of it is no no no no no I’m I’m I’m reusing some of the lines that you put which just go a length which is good I think they should update Phantoms why they should just get rid of

Them they should just make them really powerful the longer you don’t sleep until they like wither levels of strong more of them will spawn the longer you don’t sleep but that’s not interesting it kind of is you got to be like if you’ve been like a 100 days

Without sleep like the mega Phantom comes and he’s like bigger than the Ender Dragon and he just swallows you whole oh my it’d be great it’s like a real battle teach children that sleeping is important you see that time on the clock we’re supposed to be playing Gundam Evolution soon before it goes

Bye-bye forever that’s true as well it’s not eight yet that is what we agreed on yeah it’s like three minutes I’m also getting kind of hungry I mean that I think that I think I mean like get to a good spot to end stream what what all right what what do

You need to do to end stream so that we don’t have to deal with Corb anymore well I love Corb I love Corb I didn’t let me let me uh in Discord real quick and place these last two slabs she’s done it we’re recording more Mages

Videos for you guys okay be grateful yes no one is being ungrateful all right spe special exclusive for all the people watching the stream right now now what are you going to call the video if it does come out and if you make one on it all right I’m defining uh Gamers

Gamers listen up Gamers here I’m gonna handle them Gamers we’ve been playing Minecraft for let me let me look at OBS uh 7 and 1 half hours basically I know YouTube says it started like over 20 hours ago I don’t know I don’t know why it says that I really don’t anyway Gamers

Um I know we normally play for a long time on uh Minecraft Mondays I mean we’ve already been playing for a long time ah your boy here is getting a little hungry and um we are also scheduled me and the peeps are scheduled to play Gundam Evolution before it’s

Gone forever at the end of November here so we’re going to make a funny video doing that and yeah so I think Dylan is about to explode from the Redstone we’re trying to do which I can explain that another time I’m not even going to try and explain that right now it’s very

Complicated Dylan’s brain is about to explode so I think we all need to take a little break um this we’re building an aquarium so I mean we’ll probably finish that next time uh probably most likely who is approaching me sty anyway so Gamers I think I think

We’re going to call it there for tonight she should use TNT uh no I think that will just absolutely destroy her mentally anyway uh thank you for tuning into the Minecraft M day stream um I’m still planning out streams for later this week my stream tomorrow ah we’ll see

Um if I if I do I will let you guys know in the Discord that’s where I usually announce when I’ll be streaming and I’ll put a thing in there anyway Gamers um thank you for tuning into the Minecraft Monday stream it was nice coming back um and now we’re not Sicky anymore

So that’s making streaming more fun now I miss you guys it’s been so long but it’s only it’s it’s been like what 5 days something like that anyway thank you Gamers for watching there may or may not be a video out on the normal Wednesday I was we were all pretty I was

Pretty busy uh this weekend and stuff so I didn’t really have time to edit and whatnot so there may or may not be I might just compensate for the lack of a video with a stream because at least it’s something anyway gamers thank you for watching thank you for tuning in

To the Minecraft stream um be on a lookout for future streams either on YouTube or when I post in Discord but anyway Gamers that’s going to be it that’s going to be Minecraft Monday for today so I’ll see you Gamers later peace M bye bye see you gamer but I’m slowly sinking

Help bye Gamers Ah A Aahah

This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] MMM = MAGES. Minecraft Monday’, was uploaded by MAGES. on 2023-11-28 03:29:09. It has garnered 70 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 07:31:45 or 27105 seconds.

let’s go gamers

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  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide

    WineSideplay.wineside.eu – bolt.wineside.eu – www.wineside.eu • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. play.wineside.eu Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Race

    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ ഹലോ ഹലോ ഹലോ അയ്യോ ഇതെന്താ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ഇപ്പൊ ക്ലിയർ ആണോ വോയിസ് ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്ന പോലെയുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ കേൾക്കാം ആരൊക്കെ ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്നു മൈക്ക് ഇവരെ കൊണ്ടുവരാം ഇല്ല ഇവിടെ കുറെ പേരുണ്ട് ഇത്ര എടുത്ത് വന്നാലേ ക്ലിയർ ആകത്തുള്ളൂ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കുറവുള്ളത് ഇതാ സൗണ്ട് സ്മോൾ ആണോ ആ اللہ ഓക്കേ അയ്യോ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ [സംഗീതം] പെട്ടെന്ന് [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഓക്കേ ഓക്കേ ഗയ്‌സ് താങ്ക്യൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഞാൻ ക്ലീൻ ആകുന്നില്ല ഇടയ്ക്കേ ഉള്ളൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ആ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ ഇവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് എവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത്… Read More

  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

    Insane SMP You Can't MissVideo Information तो मेरे बालो देखो हाउ टू जॉइन संस्कार एसएमपी तो मेरे बालो देखो आजकल के टाइम में ना एसएमपी कंटेंट बहुत ज्यादा चल रहा है तो मैं और मेरा दोस्त सीपो लेके आ चुके है आपके लिए संस्कार एसएमपी ये एक लाइफ स्टाइल एसएमपी होने वाली है और और लाइफ स्टाइल के अलावा इसमें तीन प्लगिंस है तो फर्स्ट प्लगइन है ग्रेव का तो मेरे भाई लोग तो देखो इस एमपी में कोई भी मर्ता है तो उसकी ग्रेव बन जाएगी और उसके हाथ में कंपस आ जाएगा जिससे वो अपनी मरी हुई लोकेशन पे जा सकता है… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JtIGCz_3kX4 ________________________________________________ Link Server:play.rebelionsoul.my.id Port: 19202 Skin Ku https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ce1ZGZVxLmF9QUOCDQfV5lJILKN2zzyX/view?usp=drivesdk Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) https://saweria.co/MohammadRifan90 Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rifan_craft_4412/ ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Ahrnemc.com Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More